- > * M » < - CATALOGUE Specimens of Hispano-Moresque and ; Majolica Pottery. EXHIBITS!) UNI 1887 . .» ■ . - . ' v " . i). ■ *. - > ■— CATALOGUE Specimens of Hispano-Moresque AND Majolica Pottery. EXHIBITST> UNI 1887 . PRINTED FOR THE BURLINGTON FINE ARTS CLUB. - LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS. HER MAJESTY George Aitchison, Esq., A.R.A. A. Andrews, Esq. Sir Hickman B. Bacon, Bart. T. O. Barlow, Esq., R.A. Jacques Blumenthal, Esq. George P. Boyce, Esq. A. Hamilton T. Bruce, Esq. J. Burgess, Esq., A.R.A. Charles Butler, Esq. Edward Henry Cardwell, Esq. Professor A. H. Church. Sir Francis Cook, Bart. The Baron de Cosson. Charles Critchett, Esq. ‘Walter M. De Zoete, Esq. ‘Sir William Drake. Isaac Falcke, Esq. ! C. Drury E. Fortnum, Esq. f F. Du Cane Godman, Esq. Lady Hay of Kinfauns. THE QUEEN. ^Alfred Higgins, Esq. S. G. Hollond, Esq. E. R. J. Gambier Howe, Esq. *T. W. Jackson, Esq. *Lewis Jarvis, Esq. *Hon. W. F. B. Massey Mainwaring. *Charles Brinsley Marlay, Esq. Charles Fairfax Murray, Esq. G. Natorp, Esq. Henry J. Pfungst, Esq. *W. G. Rawlinson, Esq. Mrs. Hamilton Roe. Charles J. Ross, Esq. Leopold Rothschild, Esq. *George Salting, Esq. OSBERT SALVIN, ESQ. The Marquis de Santurce. *Cecil Torr, Esq. The Dean of Worcester. * The Contributors whose names are thus marked are Members of the Club. INTRODUCTION. T is the present fashion to regard the ware now termed Hispano-Moresque as the work of Moorish potters living under Christian rule in Spain. No example of this ware, it would seem, bears any inscription or mark to indicate the place or the date of its making; and the vague notices commonly quoted from some mediaeval writers can¬ not be referred to this ware with any great certainty. The distribution of its several species to the fabrics of Malaga, Valencia, &c., is purely arbitrary ; and, in fact, the species thus assigned do not appear too large to be the handiwork of as many individual potters. The ware is related, though not very closely, to the tiles and to the great jar of the Alhambra, which are, however, of very uncertain origin and date. But the general character of the ware indicates the western half of the Mediterranean in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries as the district and the period of its origin. It is earthenware, covered with tin enamelling and decorated with metallic lustre and sometimes with deep blue paint. The decora¬ tion consists of diapering, generally floral and sometimes assisted by leaves or buds in relief, with shields or birds and animals. The term Maiolica is popularly derived from the old form of the name of Majorca (as in Dante, ‘ Tra I'isola di Cipri e di Maiolica''), and an appropriate story is told of the importation of lustred ware from that island into Italy. Strictly it includes only Vlll the lustred ware to which the lustre is applied above the tin enamelling - ; and, strictly, the ware to which the lustre is applied above a painted slip glazed with lead is termed “ Mezza-maiolica.” Practically the term includes all painted Italian ware glazed with lead or enamelled with tin, whether lustred or not. Many specimens of Maiolica bear the maker’s name, together with the date and the place of their making ; and the information thus obtained is sup¬ plemented by documentary evidence. It thus appears that the most interesting works were produced about 1480-1525 and the most artistic about 1525-1570, and that they were chiefly produced in and around the Duchy of Urbino. A comparison of the unin¬ scribed specimens with the inscribed enables an acute judge to assign them almost all with some certainty to one or other of the various local fabrics. The most important specimens as standards of comparison in the present Collection are these :—M 0- Giorgio of Gubbio, 293 (1520), 291 (1522), 245 (1525), 170 (1526), 222 (1527), 324(1527), 323 (1531). M° - Cencio of Gubbio, 180, 295, 343. Orazio Fontana of Urbino, 198. Guido Durantino of Urbino, 1 75 ( 1 535)- Franceso Xanto of Urbino, 212 (1532), 329 (1532), 290(1533). 364 (1534). 168 (1535), 172 (1537), 401 (1538), 395 (1541), 342. Girolamo Lanfranco of Pesaro, 158 (1544). Baldasara Manara of Faenza, 156, 249. Diomede Durantino of Rome, 146, 150(1600). “ T. B. F.,” 258. “ F. R.,” 367. Also, Castel Durante, 173 (1526). Caffaggiolo, 179 (1547). Monte Bagnolo, near Perugia, 361 (1547). The Casa Pirota of Faenza, 192. Urbino, 151 (1543). Mr. Drury Fortnum’s Catalogue of the Maiolica at the South Kensington Museum is the principal work on Hispano-Moresque ware and Maiolica ; and the chief authorities are there collected. C ATA LOGU E. Htspano-iWomque 2®Sare. 1 . DISH, with deep sunk centre and vertical sides. In the centre, a boat with high stem and stern and one mast carrying a sail, and on board her four persons rowing Floral ornaments in the background. On the sides and rim, conventiona patterns of interlacing ornament; painted in deep blue on a creamy ground, and in gold lustre partly on the creamy ground and partly on the blue. At the back, in gold lustre, a mark like a fleur-de-lis within a circle. Diameter, 16 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 2 . DISH. Incised in outline upon it a large figure of a bull, and foliage in the background. The whole surface covered with minute linear diapering in gold lustre. Concentric zones of floral ornaments in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 18 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 3 . DISH. Incised in outline upon it a large figure of a lion rampant, and foliage in the background. The whole surface covered with minute floral diapering in gold lustre. Concentric zones of floral ornaments in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 17 in. Lent by Sir William Drake. 4 . DISH. Large cruciform ornament with octagonal centre, in which is a lion rampant, the whole surrounded by floral ornaments. Painted in deep blue and in gold lustre. Concentric zones of linear ornament in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 16 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. B ( 2 ) 5 . DISH, with deep sunk centre and vertical sides. A shield semd with fleur-de-lis and surmounted by a coronet, all surrounded by concentric circles of vine or briony leaves and tendrils. Painted in deep blue and in gold lustre ; the whole surface showing a remarkable greenish lustre. At the back, in gold lustre, a large spread eagle and floral ornaments. Diameter, i 8 f in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 6. DISH. A shield charged with four bendlets wavy and mullet of sixteen points, surrounded by con¬ centric circles of vine or briony leaves and tendrils. Painted in gold lustre and (in the shield alone) in deep blue upon the gold lustre. A long spiral in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 18 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 7 . DISH. A shield charged with a lion rampant surrounded by concentric circles of vine or briony leaves and tendrils. Painted in gold lustre. A long spiral in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 17 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 8. DISH. A shield charged with an eagle displayed surrounded by diapering of vine or briony leaves and tendrils. Painted in deep blue and in gold lustre. At the back, in gold lustre, a large spread eagle and floral ornaments. Diameter, 17J in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 9 . DRUG-POT. Albarello. Surrounded by three intermingling zones of vine or briony leaves and tendrils. Painted in deep blue and in gold lustre. Height, 12J in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 10 . EWER on raised foot, the sides reeded vertically. The whole surface covered with minute diapering in gold lustre. Height, 9 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 11 . DISH. A shield parted per fess a lion rampant, counterchanged, surrounded by concentric circles of small vine or briony leaves and tendrils. Painted in deep blue and in gold lustre. A long spiral in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 18 in. Lent by Sir William Drake. 12 . VASE, with four handles and lid, surmounted by a similar small vase. On either side is a shield, charged with two maces in saltire, the rest of the surface being covered with horizontal zones of vine or briony leaves and tendrils, all painted in reddish golden lustre. H- 22 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. ( 3 ) 13 . BOWL, with straight sides and raised foot, reeded vertically on the exterior. Inside there is inscribed round the rim, In Principio erat Verbum et Verbum erat aput Deum. In Principio erat Verbum er, and round the base, In Principio erat Ver at Verbum , and other words which are confused and illegible ; and in the centre, within a shield, is a man in the costume of the fifteenth century, resting his left hand on his staff and contemplating some object which he holds up with his right hand. Painted partly in masses of deep blue and of gold lustre and partly in floral and linear diapering in gold lustre. H. 85 in. ; W. 12^ in. * Lent by Mr. Godman. 14 . PLATEAU, with gadrooned boss in the centre and large raised leaves on the outer border. Painted with deep blue and with gold lustre, partly in masses and partly in floral and linear diapering. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 16 in. Lent by the Baron de Cosson. 15 . Companion VASE to No. 12. Lent by Mr. Godman. 16 . EWER on raised foot, the sides reeded vertically. The whole surface covered with minute diapering in gold lustre. H., 9 in. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 17 . DISH. A shield charged with an eagle displayed, surrounded by conventional floral, ornaments. Painted in gold lustre and some deep blue. At the back, in gold lustre, a large jleur-de-lis and floral ornaments. Diameter, 18 in. Lent by Sir William Drake. 18 . Companion DRUG-POT to No. 9. Lent by Mr. Godman. 19 . DISH. A shield with the arms of Aragon in the centre, and on the rim five coronets ; the rest of the surface filled in with floral ornaments. Painted in deep blue and in faded gold lustre. Concentric zones of linear ornaments in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 13^ in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 20 . PLATEAU, with raised gadrooning round a low central boss, and raised leaves and buds on the outer border. A shield parted per fess, a lion rampant counterchanged, on the boss ; the rest of the surface covered with minute diapering in gold iustre. Concentric zones of floral ornaments in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 19 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 21 . DISH, dotted with studs, and intersected by raised ribs radiating from a central medallion, and connected on the rim by arching. A shield with the arms of Leon in the centre; the rest of the surface covered with minute linear diapering in gold lustre. Concentric zones of floral ornaments in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 18 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. ( 4 ) 22 . DISH. The surface is covered with conventional floral ornaments in pale gold lustre, and over them is painted a large fleur-de-lis in deep blue. Concentric zones of similar ornaments in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 13^ in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 23 . DISH. The monogram IHS in gold lustre in a central medallion, and floral diapering in deep blue and in gold lustre, in eleven compartments radiating from it. A long spiral in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 17 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. Compare this with Nos. 26, 74, 75. 24 . DISH. A shield charged with a monstrous bird in a central medallion, surrounded by seven zones of conventional floral bordering and minute diapering. Painted in gold lustre. Concentric zones of floral ornaments in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 17^ in. Lent by Mr. Critchett. 25 . DISH. Dotted with studs and intersected by raised ribs radiating from a central medallion and connected on the rim by arching. A shield wath the arms of Sicily in the centre ; the rest of the surface covered with minute linear diapering in gold lustre. Concentric zones of linear pattern at the back. Diameter, 18 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 26 . DISH. The monogram IHS in gold lustre in a central medallion, and floral diapering in deep blue and in gold lustre in ten compartments radiating from it. Concentric zones of floral ornaments in deep blue and in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 185 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 27 . FOUR TILES in frame, background. Each about 5 in. square. each bearing an eight-pointed star in gold lustre on a deep blue Lent by Mr. Godman. 28 . FOUR TILES. Each bearing the same conventional ornaments painted in deep blue and in gold lustre on a creamy ground. Each about 5 in. square. Lent by Mr. Godman. 29 . FOUR TILES in frame, together bearing one Complete conventional ornament painted in deep blue and in gold lustre on a creamy ground. Each about 5 in. square. Lent by Mr. Godman. 30 . TILE. In the centre a shield bearing an Arabic inscription, and round it conventional ornaments in eight compartments. Painted in blue and in faded gold lustre on a white ground. About 7 in. square. Lent by the Baron de Cosson. ( 5 ) 31 . PLATEAU. The surface filled with gadroons enclosing conventional floral ornaments. Painted in masses of deep blue and of gold lustre. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, i6in. Lent by Mr. Holland. 32 . PLATEAU, with gadrooned boss in the centre and large raised leaves on the outer border. Painted in masses of gold lustre, with broad blue lines and in floral diapering in gold lustre. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 16 in. Lent by Mr. Ross. 32 a. PLATEAU, with leaves in low relief on the outer border. On the boss an uncertain object surrounded by a mock inscription, and floral diapering on the outer border. A spiral in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 13^ in. Lent by Mr. Burgess. 33 . DISH. In the centre a shield charged with a fleur-de-lis , all surrounded by floral ornaments, and on the rim four coronets connected by foliage and tendrils. Painted in faded gold lustre, and on the rim in deep blue. Concentric zones of linear ornaments in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 17 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 34 . DISH. The whole surface covered by two interlacing Maltese crosses, one in a mass of gold lustre and the other in geometrical diapering of gold lustre. On each arm of the lustred cross, a small Maltese cross reserved in white ; and between the points of the diapered cross a floral ornament reserved in white. At the back, concentric circles of lines and zig-zags, with an arrow-head in the centre ; all in gold lustre. Diameter, 15^ in. Lent by Mr. Ross. 35 . VASE, with four small handles. Zones of ornament in gold lustre, divided by broad blue bands. H. 9 in. 36 . DRUG-POT. Albarello, The whole surface covered with foliage and tendrils spreading centre. Painted in deep blue and in gold lustre. H. 11 in. 37 . PLATEAU. Round the inner rim, a mock inscription in gold lustre. On the outer border, a zig-zag of broad blue lines. The rest of the surface covered with floral diapering in gold lustre. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 15 in. Lent by Sir William Drake. 38 . VASE, with four small handles and lid. The whole surface covered with floral ornaments in masses of gold lustre and some blue. pi 11 i ni Lent by Mr. Godman. Lent by Mr. Blumenthal. from a single stem round the Lent by Mr. Salvin. / ( 6 ) 39 . DISH. Similar to No. 34. Lent by Mr. Ross. 40 . PLATEAU. On a central boss, a shield bearing a fleur-de-lis in a medallion surrounded by a cross, whose arms intersect a zone of ornament and a band bearing a mock inscription ; festoons and floral ornaments on the outer border. Painted partly with gold lustre in masses and broad lines of deep blue, and partly in diapering with gold lustre. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 15^ in. Lent by Mr. Ross. 41 . PLATEAU, with large raised leaves on the outer border. On a central medallion, on a boss, a bird ; the rest of the surface covered with floral diapering, all in gold lustre. A long spiral in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 15 j in. Lent by Mr. Ross. 42 . PLATEAU. The surface covered with conventional leaves and flowers, in deep blue and in gold lustre. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 15 in. Lent by Lady Hay , of Kinfauns. 43 . PLATEAU. On a central medallion, on a boss, a shield charged with a rabbit, surrounded by two zones of a conventional floral pattern. Painted in gold lustre. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 15^ in. Le?it by Professor Church. 44 . DISH with gadrooned outer rim. On a central medallion on a boss a shield charged two fishes, the rest of the surface covered with minute diapering in various patterns in gold lustre. Concentric zones of floral ornaments in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 14 in. Lent by Mr. Hamilton Bruce. 45 . BENITIER. In relief; Christ crucified, between the Virgin and Saint John. Two columns in relief at the sides support an overhanging canopy. Painted in reddish gold lustre and some blue. H. 105 in. ; W. 6 in. Lent by Sir Hickman Bacon. 46 . PLATEAU, with large raised leaves on the outer rim. On a central boss, a cross ; the rest of the surface covered with conventional floral ornaments. Painted in yellowish gold lustre. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 16 in. Lent by Mr Burgess. 47 . PLATEAU, with large raised leaves on the outer rim. Broad lines radiating from the centre; the rim covered with floral ornaments. Painted in reddish gold lustre. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, i6£ in. Lent by I^ady Hay of Kinfauns. ( 7 ) 48 . BENITIER. In relief, beneath a canopy surmounted by an eagle ; a nimbed figure bearing a cross and other objects. Painted in reddish gold lustre. H. in. ; W. 6^ in. Lent by Mr. Ross. 49 . PLATEAU, with large raised leaves and buds on the outer rim. On a central boss, a cross ; the rest of the surface covered with conventional floral ornaments. Painted in yellowish gold lustre and some blue. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, I5§ in. Lent by Mr. Critchett. 50 . PLATEAU, with moulded ornament round central boss, and similar ornaments and leaves moulded on the outer border. On a central medallion the monogram IHS. The inner border divided into six radiating sections filled with alternating diapering in floral or linear patterns ; the outer border covered with large floral patterns. Painted in gold lustre with some broad blue lines. Concentric zones of floral ornaments in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 19 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 51 . DISH, with zig-zag border of leaves in relief on the rim. In the centre four leaves rising from one stem ; the rest of the surface covered with floral diaper¬ ing. Painted in gold lustre with some blue. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 16J in. Lent by Mr. Critchett. 52 . DISH. A large bird between floral ornaments, painted in masses of gold lustre and deep blue ; the rest of the surface covered with floral diapering in gold lustre. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 15^ in. Lent by Mr. Ross. 53 . PLATEAU, with gadrooned boss, and leaves in relief on the outer rim. The relieved parts painted in gold lustre and blue, and the rest of the surface covered with floral diapering in gold lustre. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 20 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 54 . DISH. In the centre an eagle displayed charged on his breast with a shield bearing a cross, and on the rim four coronets connected by foliage and tendrils ; painted in gold lustre with some blue on the rim. Zones of lineal ornament in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 13^ in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 65 . BOWL. In the centre a shield ; on a bend three roses. The rest of the surface divided into eight com¬ partments radiating from the centre, and filled with arabesque design corresponding alternately ; painted in gold lustre and some deep blue. Zones of geometrical ornament in gold lustre divided by blue lines on the exterior. Diameter, 12 \ in. Lent by Mr% Godman. ( 8 ) 56 . DISH. A shield surmounted by a coronet and charged with an antelope, surrounded by foliage and tendrils. Painted in gold lustre and deep blue. Zones of linear ornaments in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 14 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 67 . PLATEAU, with gadrooned outer border. On a central boss a shield charged with an eagle displayed, and on the outer border an inscrip¬ tion ‘ Exsurge Domine ,’ &c. ; the rest of the surface covered with floral diapering. Painted in gold lustre with bounding lines of deep blue. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 20 in. I^ent by Mr. Godman. 68. EWER. Under the spout a shield charged with a castle ; the rest of the surface covered with diapering of vine or briony leaves and tendrils. Painted in gold lustre, and on the shield some deep blue. H. 8f in. Lent by Sir William Drake. 59 . DISH. In the centre a shield charged with a cock and surrounded by conventional floral ornaments Painted in gold lustre and some deep blue. On the back a large cock and floral ornaments in gold lustre. Diameter, 17! in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 60 . PLATEAU, with gadrooned boss ; the surface is covered with gadrooning and with floral diapering ; all in gold lustre. Scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 19 in. Lent by Mr. Jarvis. 61 . DISH. In a central medallion a Maltese cross, the rest of the surface covered with floral diapering in gold lustre, with some sprays in deep blue. Back covered with small scrolls in gold lustre. Diameter, i8f in. Lent by Mr. Ross. 62 . DISH, with straight sides. Concentric zone of conventional floral and geometrical ornament in gold lustre, with some lines in blue. Concentric lines and small scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 19J in. Lent by Mr. Hamilton Bruce. 63 . DISH, with vertical sides and central boss ; rosettes and other ornaments in relief round the boss and on the rim. In a central medallion, the monogram ‘ IHS the rest of the surface covered with minute linear diapering in gold lustre. Concentric zones of floral ornament in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 19 in. Lent by Mr. Hamilton Bruce. 64 . DRUG-POT. Albarello. The whole surface covered with large floral ornament in gold lustre and deep blue. H. 11 ^ in. Lent by Mr. Jarvis. ( 9 ) 65 . PLATEAU. The whole surface covered with conventional floral ornaments, radiating from the centre. Painted in ruby lustre and deep blue. Concentric lines and scrolls in lustre at the back. Diameter, 15I in. Lent by Mr. Falcke. 66. BOWL, with inverted funnel-shaped cover. The exterior of the bowl is diapered with conventional ornaments in four compartments in gold lustre, and in the interior is the monogram IHS. The cover is also divided into four compart¬ ments, in two of which are circles each containing a Maltese cross, the rest being filled with representations of birds and foliage. All painted in gold lustre with bounding lines in deep green. Diameter, 14 in. ; H. 15 in. Lent by Mr. Jarvis. 67 . PLATEAU, with leaves in relief on the outer border. The whole surface covered with floral diapering in gold lustre and blue. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 16 in. Lent by Mr. Falcke. 68. DRUG-POT. Albarello. Similar to No. 64. Lent by Mr. Jarvis. 69 . TABERNACLE. Relief in enamelled terra-cotta, with arched top. H. 2 ft. 7 in., W. ift. 4 in. The Virgin is represented kneeling in adoration to the Child, who, nude, lies on a green bank to her left. Above, on clouds and supported by two cherubs, is the Father, crowned and raising both hands in the action of blessing ; the Dove of the Holy Spirit is before Him, and, at a lower stage, are two angels, borne on clouds and in the attitude of prayer. All except the Father are nimbed. The figures and draperies are white upon a blue ground, the clouds being also touched up with white. Probably by Andrea della Robbia , under the influence of his uncle Luca. Circa It is framed in an architectural tabernacle of walnut-wood, with base, columns at the sides, and entablature, with frieze and moulding ; probably of the second half of the 16th century. It is closed by two doors, on the inside of each of which is painted the figure of an angel, one holding the spear, hammer, and pincers, the other the crown of thorns and nails ; other instruments of the Passion are above and below. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 70 . VASE, of enamelled terra-cotta, globular, with dolphin handles, the surface of the body modelled with scale work below, fluting on the shoulders, and central belt of strap work. Of dark blue enamelled ground, picked out with gilding. Della Robbia ware, about 1470. H. 9! in., W. 10 in. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 71 . DISH, circular. The surface entirely covered with a concentric diapering of briony (?) leafage and tendrils in golden lustre on the creamy white ground. Reverse, sprays of leafage in lustre. Diameter, I7fin. Probably Valencia, 15th century. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 72 . DISH, circular. In the centre the arms of Castile. The surface covered with diapering of leafage in coppery lustre. Reverse, three intermingled fishes, heads outwards, and scrolls. Diameter, 17 m. Malaga (?) or Valencia, 16th century. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. C 73 . DISH, circular. In the centre is a shield of arms bearing a fleur-de-lis. The rest of the surface covered by concentric lines of diapering of leafage and sprays in reddish golden lustre, divided into zones by blue lines. Reverse, a large eagle with open wings in lustre. Diameter, 17 in. Valencia, 15th century. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 74 . DISH. In the centre a medallion with the monogram IHS in gold lustre ; the rest of the surface covered with floral diapering in thirteen compartments radiating from the centre, in gold lustre and deep blue. At the back, concentric zones of floral ornament in gold lustre and deep blue. Diameter, 17 \ in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 75 . DISH. Similar to No. 74, but with twelve compartments. Diameter, 17 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 76 . PLATE, with sunk centre. The bottom occupied by a shield of arms, bearing crowned eagle displayed. The rest covered with concentric briony-leaf diaper in golden lustre. Reverse, a mark Diameter, 7 in. Probably Valencia, 15th century. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 77 . PLATE, with sunk centre. Similar shield of arms and ornamentation to No. 76. Reverse, a mark. Diameter, 7! in. Probably Valencia, 15th century. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 78 . DRUG-POT. Albarello. The surface covered by diapering in gold lustre in three bands on a deep blue ground. H. 11 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 79 . DRUG-POT. Albarello. Similar to No. 78. Lent by Mr. Godman. 80 . PLATEAU, with gadrooning on the boss and on the outer rim. On a central medallion a shield charged with a dragon ; round the inner rim a band bearing a mock inscription intersected by the arms of a cross; the rest of the surface covered by a floral diapering, all in gold lustre. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 19 in. Lent by Mr. Holland. 81 . DISH, dotted with raised studs and divided by radiating raised ribs connected on the rim by archings, all coloured blue. On a central medallion a quartered shield bearing first and fourth fleur-de-lis ; second and third paly of eight. The rest of the surface covered with minute linear diapering in gold lustre. Zones of floral ornament in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 17 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. ( 11 ) 82 . DISH, with vertical sides ; with five rosettes in relief at the bottom ; the whole surface covered with floral ornaments in gold lustre and deep blue. Concentric lines in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 15^ in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 83 . DISH, with central medallion in raised border ; a large two-headed bird displayed in the centre, surrounded by other birds and floral ornaments. Painted in reddish and gold lustre. The back covered with small scrolls in gold lustre. Diameter, 19 in. Lent by Mr. Holland. 84 . PLATEAU, with raised leaves on outer rim ; the whole surface covered with conventional, floral, and geometrical ornaments in gold lustre. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 15^ in. Lent by Lady Hay of Kin}aims. 85 . PLATE. On a central medallion, a shield charged with stag’s antlers ; surrounded by floral diapering in eight radiating compartments alternately in gold lustre and deep blue. Zones of linear ornament in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 10 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 86. DISH. In the centre a shield divided per pale on the dexter three battle-axes, and on the sinister two battle-axes joined by a chain ; all surrounded by scale-work filled in with conventional flowers. Painted in gold lustre with some deep blue on the shield. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 15I in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 87 . PLATE on raised foot ; the whole surface on both sides covered with floral and geometrical diapering in gold lustre on a deep blue ground. H. 2 in. ; diameter, 9J in. Lent by Mr. Ross. 88. DISH, with vertical sides, and gadrooning on the central boss and on the outer rim ; on a central medallion a shield charged with an antelope ; round it a zone of conventional floral ornament; the rest of the surface covered with minute geometrical diapering ; all in gold lustre. Zones of floral ornament in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 16 in. Lent by Mr. Blumenthal. 89 . PLATE; the whole surface covered with a large floral ornament in gold lustre in deep blue. Concentric lines in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 9 in. Lent by the Marquis of Santurce. 90 . PLATEAU, with raised buds on the outer rim ; the surface covered with conventional floral ornaments in gold lustre with some blue. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 15^ in. Lent by Mr. Ross. 91 . DISH, with vertical sides and gadrooning on the central boss and on the outer rim. On a central medallion, a shield charged on a fess, three stars ; in chief, thr zz.fleur-de-lis; in base, three bendlets ; round it a zone of conventional floral pattern ; the rest of the surface covered with minute geometrical and floral diapering ; all in gold lustre, with some outlines in blue. Zones of floral ornament in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, i8| in. Lent by Mr. Godman. ( 12 ) 92 . DISH, dotted with raised studs and divided by radiating ribs connected on the rim by archings. On a central medallion the arms of Leon ; the rest of the surface covered with minute linear diapering in gold lustre. Zones of floral ornament in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, i8| in. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinfauns. 93 . DISH. In centre a shield with the arms of Sicily, surrounded by concentric zones of vine or briony leaves and tendrils, all in gold lustre. A long spiral and gold lustre at the back. Diameter, i8in. Lent by Mr. farvis. 94 . DISH, with vertical sides, gadrooning on the outer rim ; round the inner rim an inscription, ‘/« prmcipio erat verbum &c., enclosing eight compartments of diapering radiating from the central boss ; the rest of the surface covered with diapering, all in gold lustre. Scrolls and gold lustre at the back. Diameter, j 6 in. Lent by the Dean of Worcester. 95 . DRUG-POT. Albarello. The whole surface covered with floral ornament in gold lustre with some blue. H. 7 in. Lent by Mr. Blumenthal. 96 . DISH. In the centre a shield charged with an eagle displayed, surrounded by conventional floral ornaments. Painted in gold lustre and some deep blue. At the back an eagle displayed in gold lustre. Diameter, 18 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 97 . Large BOWL, with four handles. Two zones of scalework incised, alternating with two zones of plain surface ; the whole covered with minute linear diapering in gold lustre. H. 9! in. Lent by Mr. Natorp. 98 . DISH. In the centre a shield charged with an eagle, and surrounded by conventional floral ornament Painted in pale gold lustre with some blue. A large fleur-de-lis in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 17 in. Lent by Mr. Ross. 99 . DRUG-POT. Albarello. Similar to No. 95. Lent by Mr. Blumenthal. 100 . BEAKER. Spout moulded in the form of a human face ; the whole surface covered with floral diapering in reddish gold lustre. H. 7 \ Lent by Lady Hay of Kinfauns. * ( 13 ) 101 . PLATEAU, with gadrooned boss in the centre and large raised leaves on the outer border On a central medallion a shield charged with an eagle displayed, and round the inner rim a band bearing a mock inscription. Painted partly in masses of gold lustre and of deep blue, and partly in floral and linear diapering in gold lustre. Concentric zones of floral ornaments in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 19! in. Lent by Mr. Blumenthal. 102 . VASE. Two birds and various floral ornaments painted in reddish gold lustre. H. 65 in. Le7it by the Marquis of Santurce. 103 . PLATEAU, with gadrooned boss in the centre and large raised leaves on the outer border. The whole surface covered with minute floral and linear diapering in gold lustre. Concentric zones of floral ornaments in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 19 in. Lent by Mr. Blumenthal. 104 . VASE. Various floral ornaments painted in reddish gold lustre. H. 7 in. Lent by the Marquis of Santurce. 105 . PLATEAU, with gadrooned boss in the centre and large raised leaves on the outer border. Painted partly in masses of gold lustre and of deep blue, and partly in floral and linear diapering in gold lustre. Concentric zones of floral ornaments in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 19! in. Lent by Mr. Blumenthal . 106 . BEAKER, with spout moulded in the form of a human face. Birds and floral ornaments painted in reddish gold lustre. H. 9 in. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinfauns. 107 . DISH. On a shield, a bird between the letters C. O. L. O. M., all surrounded by conventional floral ornaments. All painted in gold lustre. Concentric zones of geometrical ornaments in gold lustre at the back, and in the centre the letters O. I. O. M. Diameter, 15 J in. Lent by Mr. Rawlinson. 108 . PLATE. Floral diapering divided by a transverse band ; all in gold lustre. Concentric spirals, all in gold lustre, at the back. Diameter, 9 in. Lent by the Marquis of Satiturce. 109 . PLATEAU, with scroll impressed on the outer border. Painted with masses of reddish gold lustre and coarse diapering of the same. Concentric lines and small scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 15J in. Lent by Mr. Ross. ( 14 ) 110 . PLATE. A large floral ornament in the form of a star, with others interspersed ; the whole surrounded by two borders ; all in gold lustre. The back plain. Diameter, 11 in. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinfauns. 111 . DISH. Figure of a lady with a bird on either side, all embedded in a mass of floral ornaments. Painted in reddish gold lustre. The back plain. The repetition of Assyrian design is interesting. Diameter, 15 in. Lent by the Marquis of Santurce. 112 . TAZZA. A bird imbedded in a mass of floral ornaments, round which runs an inscription :— Padre Francisco Mengual San Cristan del Convento de fesus la Serbilla iabai. Painted in reddish gold lustre. The lower surface covered with similar floral ornaments in gold lustre. Diameter, ioj in. Lent by the Marquis of Santurce. 113 . PLATEAU. Round the outer rim a band of deep blue bearing a mock inscription in gold lustre ; the rest of the surface covered with diapering divided into compartments by bands radiating from the central boss ; all in gold lustre. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 15 in. Lent by Mr. farvis. 114 . PLATE. Zones of gadrooning and coarse diapering in reddish gold lustre. Concentric spirals in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 9 in. Lent by Mr. Aitchison. 115 . PLATEAU, with raised gadrooning on the outer border. The whole surface covered with minute floral and linear diapering in gold lustre. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 15! in. Lent by Mr. Burgess. 116 . PLATEAU, with gadrooned boss in the centre, and large raised leaves and stems on the outer and inner rims. Painted with gold lustre, partly in masses and partly in floral diapering. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 14 in. Lent by Mr. Godman. 117 . PLATEAU. The surface divided into four equal compartments by broad blue lines, and filled in with coarse diapering in gold lustre. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 16 in. Lent by Mr. Critchett. ( 15 ) 118. DISH, with central medallion in raised border. The whole surface covered with birds and various floral ornaments, all painted in reddish gold lustre. Similar decoration at the back. Diameter, 20 in. Lent by Mr. Ross. 119. PLATEAU, with gadrooned boss in the centre, and large raised leaves on the outer border. Painted with broad lines of deep blue and floral diapering in gold lustre. Concentric lines and scrolls at the back. Diameter, 15I in. Lent by Mr. Burgess. 120. PLATEAU, with raised leaves on the outer border. On a central boss, an uncertain object; surrounded by a band bearing a mock inscription ; floral diapering on the outer border. Painted in gold lustre. A long spiral in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 13^ in. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinfauns. 121. VASE, with four handles, much in the form of an Arab hanging lamp. The surface divided into four compartments connected by a horizontal band by masses of gold lustre, the rest painted, with linear diapering in gold lustre and deep blue. A band of diapering with gold lustre within the mouth. H. 6f in. Lent by Mr. Murray. 122. DISH, with leaves moulded on a central boss, and large raised leaves and buds on the outer border. On a central medallion a shield charged with a bird, and round the inner rim a band bearing the inscription, ‘ In principio erat verbumj &c. The whole surface covered with floral and linear diapering in gold lustre. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, i8| in. Lent by Sir Willia7n Drake. 123. JUG, the whole surface covered with coarse floral diapering disposed in horizontal bands, painted in faded gold lustre. H. 9 in. Lent by Mr. Blumenthal. 124. DISH, with double vertical rim. In the centre a shield charged with a griffin rampant, surrounded by concentric circles of vine or briony leaves and tendrils ; painted in gold lustre ; floral ornaments outside the outer rim, and concentric circles underneath also in gold lustre. Diameter, 13 in. Lent by Sir William Drake. 125. DISH. A large rampant monster and foliage in the background. Concentric circles in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 15! in. 126. VASE, with two handles. The whole surface covered with coarse floral and lineal diapering disposed in horizontal bands. Painted in faded gold lustre. H. 9^ in. Painted in faded gold lustre. Lent by Mr. Cecil Torr. Lent by Mr. Hamilton Bruce. ( 16 ) 127. DISH. Two bands of wavy blue lines on the rim, and a transverse band of similar blue lines, with foliage attached ; the rest of the surface covered with coarse floral and diapering in gold lustre. Concentric spirals and small scrolls at the back. Diameter, 19 in. Letit by Mr. Godman. 128. VASE, with four handles, much in the form of an Arab hanging-lamp. The surface divided into four compartments connected by a horizontal band by masses of reddish gold lustre ; the rest painted with floral and linear diapering in gold lustre. A band of diapering with gold lustre within the mouth. H. 6b in. Lent by Mr. Murray. 129. PLATEAU, with gadrooning on the outer border. On a central medallion a shield charged with a fleur-de-lis, and round the inner rim a band bearing a mock inscription; the rest of the surface covered with minute floral diapering in gold lustre. Concentric lines and scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 14 ^ in. Lent by Mr. Ross. 130. PLATEAU, with raised leaves on the outer border. The whole surface covered with floral and geometrical ornaments in gold lustre, with some deep blue on the outer rim and on the central boss. Concentric spirals and small scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 15 in. Lent by Sir William Drake. JHajoltca. 131. BUST of the Young ST. JOHN. Modelled after the manner of the School of Donatello, the hair, eyes, &c., coloured, as also the sleeveless coat intended to represent fur. H. loin., W. n in. Probably of the Caffaggiolo fabrique, about 1510 - 20 . On a carved and gilt wood stand. Busts of this size of Majolica are somewhat rare. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 132. VASE with two handles moulded in form of grotesque masks with horns. The whole surface painted in the Urbino style with Apollo and the Muses [?] on the one side, and Apollo and the Graces on the other, with a landscape background. A coat-of-arms supported by grotesque figures on the upper portion of each side. H. 143 in. Lent by Mr. De Zoete. 133. Large BASIN, with serpent handles. The entire inner surface painted with the subject of the gathering of the Manna. Externally, beneath the foot, a marine monster ; on either side, medallions supported by cupids and painted with nude female figures en camieu on black ground ; falls of flowers, masks, &c. H. 6 in., W. 18 in. Urbino, by Alfonzo Patanazzi , about 1590 . Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 134. CAUDLE CUP AND COVER. Inside, at the bottom, is a half-nude female with her child ; corded moulding and a belt of grotesques occupying the sides. Externally, on the body and foot, grotesques, bead and button edging, &c., all on the white ground. The cover, externally, has a seated cupid in the central medallion ; grotesques and corded mouldings, &c., surround. Inside, a medallion with cupid standing, a belt of grotesques and corded mouldings. H. 3 § in. ; diameter of cup, 6 in. ; of cover, 73 in. Urbino, about 1540 - 50 . Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 134a. PLATE, or £ Sotto-coppa.’ In the deep centre is the subject of St. John at Patmos ; he is seated in a landscape writing his Gospel, the eagle at his side ; in the sky is an angel. The wide border is covered with grotesques between two ornamental mouldings. Reverse, concentric lines in orange and yellow. Diameter, 103 in. Urbino, about 1540 - 50 . Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. D ( 18 ) 135 . PLATE. Taglieri. The subject of the Creation of Eve, after Rafaelle (Vatican Loggie), covers the entire surface of the piece. It is an excellent example of the work of Ferdinando Maria Campani , a ceramic artist who worked at Siena about 1740-50. Diameter, 11 in. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 136 . TAZZA. In the central medallion is a shield of arms supported by two cupids and surmounted by a mitre. It is surrounded by a belt of ably-executed grotesques on a white ground of great purity, with yellow bordering mouldings. Reverse, a concentric belt of grotesques on white. The foot is restored. The arms may be intended for those of the Piccolomini, but have one crescent in excess. Diameter, 9! in. Urbino or Ferrara? about 1579. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 137 . TAZZA. Companion to No. 136, and similarly decorated. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 133 . SAUCE-BOAT. An acanthus leaf, beneath which an inverted scallop shell acts the part of foot, supports a larger shell rolled into lateral volutes behind and overlapped by the acanthus between them. At the bottom of this shell is a marine monster with dolphin’s head, whose open mouth forms the spout ; the fins and back are acanthus fringed. Externally, the leaf is coloured yellow and bluish green, the shells brown and white. Internally, the fish is yellow and blue-green, black spotted, the sides of waved blue to represent water, the spout and volutes brown. H. 4! in., L. 7^ in., W. 5 J in. Urbino or Pesaro ? about 1540-50. A finely modelled piece of the best time. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 139 . SAUCE-BOAT. Formed as a scallop-shell, moulded at the back with a horned mask, and fixed upon an inverted smaller shell which serves for foot. The interior is painted in the Urbino style with a subject of two youths attacked by three sea monsters. Urbino. H. 4^ in., L. 75 in. I^ent by Mr. Ross. 140 . DISH. Grotesques, monsters, birds, cornucopia, &c., and a label bearing the letters S.P.Q.R. Reserved in white against a background of dark blue and painted in grisaille. Border of radiating lines and floral scrolls at the back of the rim. Diameter, i8| in. Venice. Lent by Her Majesty the Queen. Compare this with No. 174. 140a. TAZZA, with moulded edges. Hercules wrestling with Antaeus. In the background is the sea, and buildings and hills beyond. Floral pattern runs round the edges both inside and out. The whole painted in blue on a grey ground and heightened in white. Diameter, 9^ in. Venice. Lent by Mr. Salting. 141 . SAUCE-BOAT. Formed as a scallopped shell moulded at the back with a mask, and affixed upon an inverted smaller shell, which serves for foot. It is entirely marbled in brown, green, yellow, grey, and white. L. 6 in., W. 4 in., H. 3! in. Probably Castel Durante, circa 1550-60. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. ( 19 ) 142 . BOWL on raised foot. In a central medallion a shield bearing a coat-of-arms, charged with an anvil, with fire, and a hand holding a hammer ; the rest of the surface, inside and out, covered with scrolls and foliage in green, blue, and yellow. Round the rim is a row of raised yellow bosses, the corresponding places outside being hollow. Probably Faenza. li. 8J in.; diameter, nf in. Lent by Mr. Jaruis. 143 . A small two-handled CUP, with scalloped border. Painted with three-quarter bust of a lady holding a lily in her right hand, in an octagonal central medallion, surrounded by two borders of geometrical ornaments, all painted in blue on a grey ground touched with green. Venetian. H. i\ in.; diameter, 4§ in. Lent by Sir William Drake. 144 . VASE with lid, moulded in the form of an owl, bearing on his breast a shield supported by two lions and surmounted by an Imperial crown. Painted in outline in blue on a grey ground in imitation of the feathers of the bird, and with gilding on the coat of arms, and on his claws, eyes, and beak. Dated 1544. Possibly Faenza. H., ioj in. Lent by Sir Francis Cook. 145 . Large JUG. Oviform, with double spout and twisted loop handle. On each side the Fieschi arms surrounded by a wreath of green leaves, yellow fruit, and blue flowers ; the remainder of the surface diapered with blue sprays, &c., on the white ground. H. 154 in. ; diameter, 10J in. Caffaggiolo, about 1520. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 146 . VASE. The companion to No. 150. On a similar oval label is the inscription :— FATTO . IN . BOTEGA . DE . M . DIOMEDE . DVRANTE . IN . ROMA. These vases prove the establishment of a fabrique in Rome by a M. Diomede of Castel Durante in 1600. See Cat. S. K. M., p. 460. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 147 . DRUG-POT. Albarello* Decorated in five belts of ornament divided by orange and yellow concentric lines. That in the centre has scroll foliage and fruit in green, &c., on orange ground ; above it grotesques, masks, &c., on blue ground, and medallion with portrait head ; below, trofei on blue ; on the shoulders a green wreath. H. 12 in. ; diameter, 7 in. Castel Durante, 1555. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. * ' Albarello.' This form of drug vase, both in shape and name, was probably derived from the vessels, made each of one joint of large bamboo cane, in which drugs were formerly sent overland on camel back for Europe from the East, the similarity of outline to the joint of the bamboo, widening at either end, is manifest. ( 20 ) 148 . VASE. With oviform body, low foot, and cylindrical neck. Decorated in zones of ornament ‘ a berettino.’ The neck with blue scroll foliage on orange; a narrow belt succeeds of blue leafage on green; then a wide zone of grotesques on ‘ Smaltino ’ of dark blue ; then wavy foliation on orange ; then a wide belt of foliated ornament on dark blue filled in with orange ; then narrow leafage on orange ; dark and light blue lines divide. On the front is a large circular medallion, on the yellow ground of which is an equestrian figure in classic costume, holding a mace ; beneath, on a ribbon, . ntaana. H. 13I in. Faenza (Casa Pirota), about 1520. Probably by same hand as No. 155. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 149 . DRUG-POT. Albarello. Boldly drawn grotesques in grey and white on a dark blue ground ; at the back is a pane separated longitudinally, on which is an S-formed foliated scroll encircling two rosettes ; on front a medallion with portrait head ; green wreath on shoulders. H. 12 in. ; diameter, 7 in. Castel Durante, 1555. These vases are of a service, one of which, now in the Museum at Sevres, is inscribed,—‘ Fato in terra Durantin apresso a la cita d’ Urbino? On another, now in the Hotel Cluny at Paris ,— 1 In Gastello Durantin apreso a hrbino miglio 7, 1 5 55 - Lent by Mr Drury Fortnum. 150 . VASE. Oviform, with serpent handles and domed cover. Decorated on the front with grotesques on the white ground ; cupids supporting labels, on one of which is inscribed FATTO . IN . ROMA . DA . GIO . PAVLO . S AVI NO . MDC. The back a foglie in blue. H. 14I in. ; diameter, 12 in. Rome. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 161 . PLATE. St. Luke seated on clouds, the bull at his right side ; he holds his Gospel on his lap with the left hand, the right raised. The figure is relieved upon a yellow ground ; blue, yellow, and brown clouds surround. Reverse, ‘ 1543, San Luca in Urbino P tte - F ca -’ Diameter, 9! in. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 152 . TAZZA, on low foot. Tiberius receiving Tribute. Reverse, concentric lines and the titular inscription. Diameter, iof in. Urbino, by Nicola da Urbino. About 1525. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 153 . PLATE. ‘ Tondino.’ Niobe and her Children. Some fleeing ; some fallen beneath the arrows of Apollo, who is shooting at them from a yellow glory above the clouds. Landscape distance, with a town, &c. Reverse, plain pale grey. Diameter, nf in. Venice, about 1545. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. ( 21 ) 154 . TAZZA, on low stem. The Fall of Phaeton. Landscape distance, in which the river god Eridanos is reclining ; below to the right Phaeton kneels before Phcebus for pardon. Diameter, nf in. Urbino, by Francesco Durantino , about 1550. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum . 155 . PLATE, with sunk centre. In the centre is a shield of arms blazoned in colour, above which is a cherub’s head painted on the grey ground ; a bordering surrounds in darker blue ; the sides of the hollow with ‘ bianco sopra azzuroj the wide rim is painted in 1 berettino] with grotesques in a lighter tint heightened with white on the dark blue ground. The arms are probably Altovita impaling Soderini. Reverse, foliated sprays, &c., in dark blue on grey, and the mark Diameter, 9§ in. Faenza, about 1520. of the Casa Pirota. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 156 . TAZZA. Covered with the allegorical subject of the Triumph of Time. Landscape distance, with blue mountains, a castle, &c. Diameter, 11 in. Faenza, signed Baldasara Manara fav. About 153°- Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 157 . PLATE. The subject, the Bull ot Perillus, occupies, with landscape distance, &c., the whole surface of the piece. Diameter, io§ in. Urbino, by Orazio Fontana. About 1540. A coat-of-arms on the back, which has been taken for a fabrique mark by some writers. From comparison with some of his more careful, signed, works, I have no hesitation in attributing this to Orazio’s own brush. Lgnt by Mk Drury Fortnunu 158 . TAZZA, on low foot. Cicero presenting a code of laws to Julius Caesar, a composition of six figures in an interior, through a window of which a distant landscape is seen. Reverse inscribed, ‘ Cicerone et Julie Cesare cuado idele le lege. 1544 in la botega d'mastro girolame de la gabice. hi Pesarol This inscription is important, as it proves the correctness of Passeri’s statement with regard to the Lanfranco fabrique at Pesaro (see ‘ S. K. M. Catal.,’ p. r 57), and by comparison with it we are enabled to recognise other works of that important botega, the rival of the Fontana of Urbino. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 159 . TAZZA. ‘Fruttiera.’ Portrait. Three-quarter bust of a young girl in yellow dress laced over a white chemisette, with worked collar. Her yellow coloured hair is gathered in a green cap. On a ribbon scroll, IEROLIMA. BELLA. The figure is relieved on a dark blue ground. Reverse, plain. Diameter, 8| in. Urbino, about 1545-50. Probably by the same hand as No. 151. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. ( 22 ) 160 . Large TAZZA, on low foot. Hercules slaying the Hydra. Beyond is a landscape, with a river running into an arm of the sea, mountainous coast, a town, &c.; painted in a blue tone heightened with golden and ruby lustre, touched in with excellent artistic effect. An adaptation of a panel by Ant. Pollajuolo in the Uffizzi. Diameter, I 2 f in. Gubbio, by M°- Giorgio , about 1515. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 161 . Small SAUCER, or ‘ Scodella.’ In the centre is a square panel, framed in white, grounded in dark blue, on which is the profile bust of a Saint holding an open volume. On either side dolphins, flowers, &c. ; a basket of fruit above ; a plinth, on which is the date 1520, and cherub’s head below, and a ribbon inscribed l Ama idio cum Tutto el co re -'‘ all on brilliant gold lustre ground heightened with ruby. Diameter, 7! in. Gubbio, M°- Giorgio, 1520. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 162 . PLATE. In the sunk centre is a shield of arms bearing a griffin rampant (Perugia?). On the border cornucopias surmounted by dragons, &c., and a cherub’s head beneath which a fire is burning. Outlined in blue, and touched with ruby and gold lustre on a ground of the same. Reverse, concentric lines in lustre. Diameter, 8g in. Gubbio, botega of M°■ Giorgio , about 1525. Companion to the plate No. 300 exhibited by Sir Wm. Drake. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 163 . PLATE. On a central medallion, surrounded by bordering in dark blue and orange, a naked woman is dancing and making grimace attitudes to a bear seated on his hind-quarters and looking aside and away as though in bashfulness. The border of orange ground with four medallions in ribbon borders, and painted with ideal portrait heads ; between them are grotesque sea-horses back to back, hour-glasses, and another object. Reverse, concentric lines in dark blue and orange. Diameter, io| in. Forli, about J500. Probably one of the service made for Mathias Corvinus, king of Hungary. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 164 . PLATE. ‘Tagliere.’ In the centre is a shield of arms bearing an Agnus Dei in base of a field per fess argent and azure. An edging of bianco-sopra-bianco and loop and bead separates the centre from the wide rim of dark blue, covered with foliated scrolls in yellow, orange, and green, among which four flowers alternate with as many vases. Outer egg and dart edging. Reverse, concentric blue lines, and central mark on ornament. Diameter, in. Caffaggiolo, about 1520. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 165 . TAZZA, or ‘ Fruttiera.’ A dance of Cupids and boys joined hand to hand in a circle, their backs inwards. After Marc Antonio’s engraving varied in the background, which here is an arched recess, doors opening through walls on either side. Diameter, 9I in. Faenza. Possibly by the Master who signs with the letters ‘ F. R.,’ but very superior in execution to Mr. Pfungst’s plate, No. 367, representing S. J[erome after Albert Diner, which is by that hand. See ‘ S. K. M. Cat.,’ p. 535, and another in the British Museum similarly signed. Le}it by Mr. Drury Fortnum. ( 23 ) 166 . PLATE. On the central medallion is a figure of Cupid riding a hobby-horse (a stick with lion’s head nob); he holds a switch in his left hand ; landscape distance. Wide border of grotesques, with flowers, vases of fruit, and three Cherubs’ heads, each having a dolphin on either side. Diameter, 9 in. Faenza, about 1510-20. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 167 . PLATE. With deep centre, at the bottom of which is a bull in a landscape ; the sides are painted in ‘bianco sopra biancof the wide rim is occupied by a scene from the history of Midas. Diameter, 11 in. Faenza, about 1482. This is of that beautiful service several pieces of which are in the Correr Museum at Venice, one being signed with initial letters and the date, 1482 ; on another is a different scene from the Midas story. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 168 . Small PLATE. In the sunk centre is a shield of arms surmounted by a processional cross ; landscape behind. A half-nude female figure, seated on a flat disc or shield, holding a mirror in her left, a flaming torch in her right hand, is drawn by two cupids by a cord fastened to the shield. The whole richly coloured and lustred with ruby and gold. The arms are those of the Pesari di Venezia. Reverse, lines and scroll in lustre, and the legend ‘ 1535 QueV e prudete son chor ha piu forzai F. X. Diameter, 7! in. Urbino, by Francesco Xanto , /J3S- Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 169 . TAZZA, or ‘ Scodella.’ On a small central medallion, grounded in lustre, is the profile bust of a woman, clad in ruby ; the rest of the surface is covered with an arabesque diapering of foliated scrolls outlined in dark blue, with blue rosettes, and filled in with ruby and golden lustre on the creamy white ground. Diameter, 8Js in. Gubbio, botcga of M°- Giorgio , about 1510-15. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 170 . TAZZA, with low foot. The central subject, in a circular panel, is that of the decollation of John the Baptist. To the left Herod is seen seated at table, while Herodias’ daughter, in a ruby dress, stands before him ; to the right the execution has just taken place. On the edging of the panel Io . BATISSTA in golden lustre. The border of dark blue ground is ornamented with four shields of arms, each between two winged monsters with bearded human heads. The whole is heightened with ruby and golden lustre in occasional masses and stippled over the ground, &c. Reverse, concentric foliated lines and scrolls in ruby and gold lustre, and the signature, M. G., da ugubio, 1526. Diameter, iof in. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 171 . Circular DISH, bacile. The sunken centre painted with an allegorical subject. Above, on a ribbon, is inscribed, VENTVRA. DIO. The rim is ornamented with leaves serrated on one edge, and laid at an angle with flowers between. Outlined in dark blue, and filled in with golden and dark ruby lustre on the pinky white enamel. The subject is from a woodcut in an illustrated edition of the Fables of FEsop, by Tuppi, printed at Naples in 1488, folio. Reverse, coarse yellow glaze. Diameter, 15 in. Gubbio, about 1500. Ascribed to the master who seems to have used the ruby lustre anterior to M° Giorgio. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. ( 24 ) 172 . Circular DISH. The Flight of Xerxes, who, crowned, is seated in his barge accompanied by warriors and attendants ; others with a torn flag flee away on shore, while nude figures are seen fishing and poling in the foreground, where, beneath a broken bridge, a dolphin dashes through the water. Landscape background with buildings, &c. Jupiter is seen in the clouds above. Devices or monograms are on the warriors’ shields, and on the black side of the boat XERSES . PERSAR . REX . On the reverse,— ‘ 1537 Fuggie Xerse pauroso \ picciol Leg no Soltando il mar d’A bido tremebodo No gli reusceda 1 armi il suo chi segno . F. x . R. Diameter, 16 in. Urbino, by Francesco Xanto. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 173 . TAZZA. The Flight into Egypt. Mary with the Babe is riding on an ass led by Joseph ; a cow at the side ; a city in the distance ; cherubs above in the clouds. Reverse, inscribed in yellow. 1326 in Castel Durante. Diameter, iof in. Figured by Delange, plate 68. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 174 . Circular DISH. In the centre, painted in blue camieu , is a mermaid floating on the sea holding a horn in her right, a mirror in her left hand ; buildings on shore in the distance. The wide border is covered with interlacing sprays of flowers, fruit, &c., among which are birds. The whole is painted in blue on a grey ground, and heightened with white. Reverse, sprays and flutings in blue, and the inscription ,—‘ 1540 . ADI . 16 . DEL . MEXE . DE . OTV.’ (The rest blurred by the running of the glaze.) Diameter, I4fin. Venice, by M. Ludovico, 11540. The earliest dated piece of Venetian ware. Of the same fabrique, and perhaps by the same hand, as the grand piece exhibited by Her Gracious Majesty the Queen, No. 140. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnufn. 176 . PLATE. Tondino. Hercules slaying the Hydra with a flaming club ; Iolaos applies a torch to the monster. The King of Lerna looks on from a rock above ; a city behind. At the side is a shield of arms, those of Duke Ann de Montmorency. Reverse, inscribed,— Hercole amazza Lydra, Lti Botego di M°- Guido durantino in Urbino. Diameter, 12J in. I 535 - Figured in Delange’s folio work, Plate 72. I.ent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 176 . Circular DISH. An allegorical subject with landscape surrounding. Above is a shield of arms, seemingly of a German family. Diameter, 15 in. Pesaro, Lanfranco, about 1545. A comparison with No. 158 will show that this piece is painted by the same hand. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. ( 25 ) 177 . Circular DISH. Bacile. On a central medallion surrounded by ruby edging is the profile bust of a young woman looking to the left. This is surrounded by a border of reticulation and rays ; in the cavetto a continuous wreath of flower-shaped hollows filled with the golden lustre. The rim with rays serrated on one edge alternating with ruby flowers ; outlined in blue, filled in with the lustres on the pinky-white enamel. Reverse, concentric lines of lustre. Diameter, 14! in. Gubbio, about 1500. A brilliant piece by the same hand as No. 171. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 178 . DISH. Bacile. The sunk centre is occupied by a bear-hunt. A young man in the act of spearing a bear, which is attacked by his dogs. Cypress-trees behind. On the rim a continuous border of set leafage and flowers. Outlined in dark blue, and filled in with golden lustre on the creamy slip. Reverse, yellow glaze. Diameter, i6f in. Pesaro or Gubbio, about 1500. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 179 . Circular DISH. The sunk centre is covered with the subject of Mutius Sc?evola before Porsenna. The rim is painted with a continuous landscape and distant towns, dogs chasing hares, &c., in the foreground. Reverse, concentric lines in yellow, rude leafage and cross-bar ornament, and inscription in blue, ‘ in galiano Nellano 154J and monogram and initials A. F. Diameter, 15! in. Cafifaggiolo, 1547. Galiano is a small mountain village near to Cafifaggiolo, at which, probably, the painter lived, or had a succursale of the fabrique. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 180 . PLATE. In the deep centre a figure of Cupid, erect, holding his bow and quiver, painted in olive grey tone, heightened with white on ruby lustre ground. The wide rim with Greek honeysuckle and foliated scrolls reserved on the blue ground, and filled in with lustre and some green colour. Reverse, Gubbio scrolls and the mark ‘ N ’ in ruby. Diameter, 9^ in. Gubbio Maestro Cencio, about 1535. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 181 . Circular DISH. ‘Bacile,’ ‘Sgraffiato.’ With raised flower of five petals in the centre, surrounded by a circle of spirals strung on a central cord. The cavetto has long leaves ranged side by side. The rim is covered with mulberry- leaves on twisted stem. Reverse, a central medallion, on which is the figure of an angel sitting before a wattled fence, and holding a purse (?) in the left hand. The outside of the cavetto has similar leaves to the interior, with depressions between each. Mulberry border rim as on the face. Diameter, 15 in. Lombardy (?), about 1480-1500. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 182 . BAS-RELIEF in enamelled terra-cotta. The administration of the last Sacrament to Santa Maria Egyptiaca, who kneels, nimbed, at the mouth of her cave dwelling. She is nude, but covered by the long flowing locks of her hair. A nimbed priest administers, an acolyte stands behind with candle in hand. Landscape background with green trees. By Andrea della Robbia, a replica of the time of one of the panels in the predella of Andrea’s large altar-piece in the Duomo at Arezzo. H. 165 in., W. 21 in. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. E ( 26 ) 183 . A CITRON. Enamelled terra cotta. Modelled in the round, with green leaves. It is coloured after nature, and doubtless was detached from a large wreath. Della Robbia ware ; about 1510. L., 9 in ; W., 5 in. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 184 . Circular DISH. ‘ Bacile,’ ‘ Sgraffiato.’ Two men, one facing the other, are both playing the mandolin. They are habited in costume of the 15th century ; a wattled fence is between them, and wooded landscape background. Border rim of twisted mulberry spray with leaves. The whole incised through the white engobe to the red body of the piece, and dashed with yellow and green in the glaze. Reverse covered with the white slip and glazed. Diameter, 16 in. Probably Lombard, about 1480-1500. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 185 . PLATEAU. On the raised centre is the profile bust of a man to the left, wearing a yellow and green helmet. This medallion is surrounded by circular belts of ornament in giallo sopra giallo, dark blue, bianco sopra bianco , egg and dark and cord edging, and on the rim a circle of pomegranates, on a grounding one side orange the other yellow. Reverse, coarse diapering in the form of petals in blue and orange, and central blue ornaments. Diameter, I 2 gin. Caffaggiolo or Forli (?), circa 1500. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 186 . TAZZA, or ‘ Scodella.’ In the central medallion a figure of the young St. John in relief, outlined with blue, and touched with lustre ; a cypress-tree behind ; a cross in his left hand, on which is a golden ribbon inscribed ECCE. AGNVS. DEI. Surrounding are eleven raised pointed oval bosses of brilliant gold lustre, with foliation, &c., in blue, touched with gold and ruby between. Reverse, Gubbio scrolls in lustre. Diameter, 7f in. Gubbio, about 1536. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 187 . Circular DISH. Bacile. The sunk centre is occupied by the figure of a huntsman, carrying a spear and blowing his horn, his dogs at his side. Three cypress-trees are behind, and a castle in the distance. The rim diapered with scale pattern, the whole outlined in dull blue and filled in with golden lustre, a madre perla. Reverse, greenish yellow glaze. Diameter, i6|in. Pesaro, or Gubbio ; about 1500. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 188 . TAZZA. On a long stone bench approached by steps are seated the Virgin and Elizabeth turning towards each other ; on the Virgin’s knee stands the Child clinging to her neck, and slightly supported by Elizabeth. Above them a heavy canopy of orange-coloured curtains lined with black falling from a baldacchino and looped up on either side, over which are seen two trees. Diameter, 8f in. Urbino : probably Orazio Fontana. Lent by Mr. Salting. ( 27 ) 189 . PLATE, with slightly sunk centre. On a central medallion surrounded by a border bianco sofira bianco is the profile bust of a bearded man wreathed with laurel, looking to the right, and a small landscape to his left ; all out¬ lined in blue and partly filled in with blue, yellow, orange, and olive. On the wide rim are four acanthus leaves and four groups of two dolphins each, repeated alternately ; partly reserved in white and partly painted in blue with some yellow or an orange background. The whole treatment bold and large. Diameter, 9 in. Forli. Lent by Mr. Salting. 190 . PLATE, with slightly sunk centre. On a central medallion surrounded by a border bianco sopra bianco is Cupid sitting on the ground and earnestly preparing to blow bubbles, and beyond him a landscape ; all outlined in blue and partly filled in with blue, green, yellow, and flesh tints. On the w ide rim are eight conventional floral ornaments, repeated alternately; painted in red, green, and yellow on a dark blue background. Patterns of lines and circles outlined in yellow and blue at the back. Diameter, 85 in. Faenza. Lent by Mr. Salting. 191 . TAZZA. Neptune with his trident crossing the waters on a great shell drawn by two sea-horses ; around him sw'im four sea-gods and two monsters ; a mural crown (?) floats on the waters. In the back¬ ground are buildings and trees, partly submerged, and mountains beyond. Titular inscription at back. Diameter, 9 in. Urbino : Fontana. Lent by Mr. Salting. 192 . PLATE, with slightly sunk centre. In a central medallion is an altar decked with garlands and a fire burning on it, and on either side of it a tree ; a man approaches from the left carrying a pig. On the right stands a priest, and at the back a boy playing a flute ; all painted in blue, pale yellows, and olive. The letters C. P. below. On the w'ide rim are grotesques, winged masks, monsters, &c., symmetrically disposed in the four quarters of the plate ; painted in blue, heightened with grey, on a dark blue background. Scrolls outlined in blue at the back. Diameter, 9! in. Faenza. Casa Pirota. Lent by Mr. Salting. 193 . PLATE, with sunk centre. Vulcan, with anvil, hammer, and fire, forging an arrow for Cupid, who stands opposite clinging to Venus ; in the centre is Mars. A landscape in the background, and a coat-of-arms (probably Manfredi) low down in front. Painted in the Urbino style. Scale-work in blue and yellow at the back. Diameter, 8^ in. Faenza : probably Baldasara Manara. Lent by Mr. Salting. 194 . TAZZA, or Frut tier a. An open book containing two lines of music marked Duo; at each end of it is seated a sphinx, and between them the Gonzaga arms beneath a winged head; similar grotesques below; all reserved in white against a dark blue background, and heightened with grey, the music being written in blue and the arms painted in red, yellow, and black. The back is plain. Diameter, 9^ in. Castel Durante. Lent by Mr. Salting. ( 28 ) 195 . PLATE, with sunk centre. Within a cave, partly supported by masonry, Vulcan sits by an anvil fixing an arrow-head to a shaft for Cupid, who stands opposite to him and by the side of Venus, who is seated. In the background burns a fire. Titular inscription at back. Diameter, 9§ in. U rbino. Lent by Mr. Salting. 196 . PLATE, with sunk centre. In a central medallion is a coat-of-arms, and above it a cherub ; painted in red, blue, yellow, and green. On the wide rim are grotesques and conventional floral ornaments, symmetrically disposed in the four quarters of the plate ; painted in blue, heightened with grey on a dark blue background. Scrolls outlined in blue at the back. The arms are Strozzi impaling another. Diameter, 9^ in. Faenza : Casa Pirota. Lent by Mr. Salting. 197 . PLATE, with slightly sunk centre. To the left Andromeda bound to a rock, and on the right Perseus approaching on clouds, and between them the Monster. In the background a landscape; suspended from the tree in the centre a coat-of-arms. The back plain. Diameter, io| in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Salting. 193 . TAZZA. A landscape showing a fortified city, on a tower of which is written Urbino. The city gate is open; and above it is a coat-of-arms, three horsemen gallop up, and another has fallen with his horse by the wayside ; by the riders are labels bearing the letters D. M. and D. V. and D. R. M. respectively. A label on the walls bears a monogram of the letters O. F., the signature of Orazio Fontana. Concentric circles in yellow at the back. Diameter, 10^ in. Urbino : Orazio Fontana. Lent by Mr. Salting. 199 . TAZZA. Grotesques, an eagle, ten monsters, &c., moulded in relief, and reserved in grey against a dark blue background. A mark in the form of a cross at the back. Diameter, io| in. Diruta or Venice. Lent by Mr. Salting. 200 . PLATE, with slightly sunk centre. In a central medallion, surrounded by a border supported by monstrous figures, Curtius leaping on horseback into the chasm, in the presence of the assembled Romans, the city gate in the background. Painted in grisaille, with some blue, yellow, and green on the rim. Titular inscription with the date 1544 at the back. Diameter, 1in. Urbino : probably Fontana. Lent by Mr. Salting. ( 29 ) 201 . TAZZA. Beneath a portico, through which is seen a landscape. Tarpeia sinks on the ground while three Sabine warriors standing round her are about to hurl down their shields upon her as the reward of her treachery. Painted in the Urbino style. Concentric circles in yellow and titular inscription at the back. Diameter, io| in. Castel Durante. Lent by Mr. Salting. 202 . TAZZA. In a central medallion are the arms of Pope Julius II., surmounted by the tiara and the cross keys ; and on the wide rim are ten floral ornaments alternately with ten eagles ; all moulded in slight relief, outlined in blue and filled in with gold and ruby lustre. Concentric circles in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 9 in. Gubbio : probably Maestro Cencio. Lent by Mr. Salting. 203 . CAUDLE-CUP. In the interior, in a central medallion, surrounded by a border bianco sopra bianco , a child, attended by its mother and nurse, before a fireplace in a room. On the exterior are two bands of foliage painted in green, the rest of the surface being covered with bands of ornamentation, bianco sopra bianco. H. 4 in.; diameter, in. Lent by Mr. Salting. 204 . The cover of No. 203. On the exterior an accouchement; in the background an astrologer casting an horoscope. Diameter, 7f in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Salting. 205 . TAZZA. Profile bust of a bearded man looking to the left. He wears an orange hat with a white feather, and a white shirt laced with blue. The bust is supported by a winged monster. Behind it is a scroll bearing the words Manorio da Bolonia. The whole is surrounded by a formal wreath of leaves and fruit. Partly reserved in white and partly painted in red, blue, yellow, and green, upon a dark blue background. Diameter, 9 in. Castel Durante. Lent by Mr. Salting. 206 . SAUCER, or Scodella. In a central medallion is a vase ; above it a cherub, and below it a label bearing the date 1520. On the exterior are four dolphins and floral ornaments symmetrically disposed on the four quarters of the surface ; on the base a basket of fruit. Partly reserved in white and partly painted in gold and ruby lustre on a blue background. Diameter, 6| in. Gubbio : probably Maestro Giorgio. Lent by Mr. Saltvig. 207 . PLATE, with sunk centre. On a central medallion surrounded by an edging bianco sopra bianco is the profile bust of a young woman looking to the right reserved in white on a dark blue background, and heightened with grey. On the wide rim are similarly depicted grotesques, a winged head, monsters, cornu- copiae, etc. ; and two labels, one bearing the letters S.P.Q.R., and the other the date 1526. Diameter, in. Castel Durante. Lent by Mr. Salting. ( 30 ) 208 . SAUCER, or Scodella. On a central medallion surrounded by a border bianco sopra bianco are a seated male figure and a standing female figure supporting a tambour, and working a case of marionettes with her feet ; in the background a landscape, outlined in blue and partly filled in with blue flesh tints, brown, green, and yellow. On the rim, in a medallion at the top, is similarly depicted the profile bust of a man looking to the left, beardless, and wearing a laurel wreath ; the rest being filled with grotesques, monsters, torsos, shields, cornucopias, &c. ; painted in brown, yellow, and green on a dark blue background. Concentric circles in blue at the back. Diameter, 8 in. Faenza. Lent by Mr. Salting. 209 . PLATE, with sunk centre. In the centre is the profile bust of a young woman looking to the left ; and on the wide rim are four conventional groups of foliage between four medallions, two containing rosettes and two ideal heads ; all reserved in white on a dark blue background, and partly filled in with golden lustre. Scale work outlined in blue at the back. Diameter, 7§ in. Diruta. Lent by Mr. Salting. 210 . PLATE, with sunk centre. In a central medallion is a coat-of-arms ; on the wide rim are two oval medallions, each contain¬ ing a coat-of-arms ; and between them a vase and two cornucopias on one side, and conventional floral ornaments on the other ; partly reserved in white and partly painted in orange and yellow, with some blue and green. Linear paterns in nine compartments outlined in yellow and blue at the back. Diameter, 8| in. Forli or Caffaggiolo. Lent by Air. Salting. 211 . PLATE, with sunk centre. On a central medallion surrounded by a border bianco sopra bianco is the profile bust of a girl looking to the left, outlined in blue and partly filled in with olive ; on the wide rim are conventional floral patterns in blue, with some yellow and brown on a background in eight sections alternately green and dark blue. Concentric circles in blue at the back. Diameter, 7f in. Probably Caffaggiolo. Lent by Mr. Salting. 212 . TAZZA. In a mass of clouds, below which is seen a landscape, Astolfo, clad in Roman dress, is riding his winged horse and attacking with his spear the Harpies who surround him. The Harpies are depicted as winged mermaids. Painted in the Urbino style, and lightly touched with gold lustre. Scrolls in gold and ruby lustre, and titular inscription, with the date 1532 at the back. Diameter, 10 in. Urbino : Francesco Xanto. Lustred at Gubbio. Lent by Mr. Salting. Titular inscription, with date 1532, Frci : Xanto. A. da Rouigo i Urbino pt. 213 . PLATE, with sunk centre. In a central medallion a coat-of-arms, partly painted in red, blue, yellow, and green, on a white background. On the wide rim, two cupids riding sea-horses, and six tritons, all reserved in white on a dark blue background. Arrows and spikes outlined in blue at the back. Diameter, 9J in. Probably Castel Durante. Lent by Mr. Salting. ( ! >1 ) 214 . PLATE, with slightly sunk centre. On a central medallion is Cupid riding a dolphin with the reins in his left hand and a birch in his right; trees, rocks, buildings, and a ship, in the background ; all outlined in blue, and partly filled in with blue, and some brown and green. On the wide rim are grotesques, three winged torsos, and three bearded masks between six dragons, &c. Partly reserved in white, and partly painted in blue, brown, green, and yellow, on a dark blue background. A wreath of leaves in blue on the back. Diameter, 9 in. Faenza, about 1510. Fine example. Lent by Mr. Salting. 215 . PLATE, with sunk centre. On a central medallion surrounded by a border bianco sopra bianco is a half-length figure of the Magdalen standing in prayer between two cherubs. Painted in blue, flesh-tints, orange, and olive, on a yellow background. On the wide rim are grotesques, winged masks, books, &c. Partly reserved in white, and partly painted in blue, with some yellow and green, on an orange back¬ ground. The medallion and the two sides of the rim are bounded by three borders of conventional pattern. Three bands of pattern outlined in blue and orange at the back, with the letters . I. P. in the centre. Diameter, 9 in. Siena. Lent by Mr. Salting. 216 . TAZZA. Grotesques, a large vase on a pedestal, between two winged monsters with tails terminating in cornucopias, and above it a youthful winged head with a scroll bearing the words Pensa el Fine, and a label bearing the date 1519. Painted in gold and ruby lustre and green, and also some blue and flesh-tints on a dark blue background. At the back, concentric circles and scrolls in gold lustre. Diameter, 10 in. Gu’obio : probably Maestro Giorgio. Lent by Mr. Salting. 217 . PLATE. Saint John with the eagle, holding in one hand a book and in the other a chalice whereon is a serpent. The figure is painted in grisaille, and stands on a green field against a deep blue sky. On the nimbus is inscribed S. IOANNES. Linear pattern in blue and yellow at the back. Diameter, iof in. Caffaggiolo. Lent by Mr. Salting. 218 . PLATE, with slightly sunk centre. Psyche carried by Hermes to the Olympian gods enthroned in the clouds ; a landscape below ; all painted in blue, brown, greens, and yellows. Painted in the Urbino style. Titular inscription at the back, with the date 1543. Diameter, 11 in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Salting. 219 . PLATE, deep, with ribbed sides. In a central medallion is a coat-of-arms, supported by two winged angels, who are seated, and around this are grotesques, winged masks, shields, plants, &c., symmetrically disposed in the four quarters of the plate ; partly reserved in white, and partly painted in red, orange, yellow, blue and green, on a dark blue blackground. Two bands of radiating leaves outlined in blue and yellow at the back. The arms are probably de Tufo. Diameter, iof in. Probably Faenza. Lent by Mr. Salting .. ( 32 ) 220 . PLATE, with slightly sunk centre. Helios enthroned beneath a portico, supported by two columns and approached by steps, on the pavement before which kneels Phaeton in supplication. Behind him the poplar and the river Eridanos, and beyond it a landscape. In the sky the chariot of Helios with two horses, and Phaeton falling from it. The sun above the chariot, and another sun below the horses’ hoofs. All painted in gold and ruby lustre, and yellow, green, and blue. Scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 11 in. Gubbio. Lent by Mr. Salting. 221 . PLATE, with slightly sunk centre. In the centre is a coat-of-arms—Gonzaga impaling d’Este—supported by two cupids, with a bar of music below. To the right is a stone and brick building, and in front the head of a staircase with a balustrade, on which are inscribed the figures XXVII twice repeated and the motto of Isabella d’Este, nec spe nec inetu. From the building issues a young man in mediaeval dress, in the act of drawing his sword, but restrained by a lady who follows him. To the left is a landscape with a young man in Roman dress holding a drawn sword, and in the sky Helios in his chariot with four horses. Concentric circles in yellow at the back. Diameter, io| in. Part of the service made by Nicola da Urbino for Isabella d’Este, who married in 1490 Gian. Francesco Gonzaga, Marquis of Mantua, who died in 1519. She was daughter of Ercole I. and sister of Alfonso II., Dukes of Ferrara, and died in 1539. Lent by Mr. Salting. 222 . PLATE, with slightly sunk centre. On a central medallion is a coat-of-arms, and on the wide rim are arabesques ; partly reserved in white, and partly painted in gold and ruby lustre, and blue and green on a dark blue background. Scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 10J in. Gubbio : signed by Maestro Giorgio, and dated 1527. Lent by Mr. Salting. 223 . TAZZA, or Fruttiera. Three-quarter portrait bust of a girl in a dress of purple and white with dark green ; her flaxen hair bound up with a narrow orange ribbon ; all relieved against a dark blue background, on which is a scroll reserved in white, with the words Dianora Bella , and the date 1546 in blue. Concentric circles in yellow at the back. Diameter, 85 in. Castel Durante. Lent by Mr. Salting. 224 . PLATE, with sunk centre. An aged man reclining at the foot of a large tree, and making measurements with a compass on a celestial sphere bearing the date 1533. At his side is a pile of books and another sphere, and above him hovers an eagle holding a sphere in its talons. A landscape beyond. Concentric circles in yellow at the back. Diameter, 7^ in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Salting. ( 33 ) 225 . CHALICE, the lower side moulded in the form of a pine-cone. Within, in a central medallion, is a half-length figure of a woman holding a drawn sword in her right hand; painted in blue and olive, and relieved against a background of yellow with some green in the lower part. The rest of the smooth surface is covered with grotesques, winged masks, dolphins, &c., painted in blue, heightened with grey, on a dark blue background. The pine-cone moulding is painted in dark blue picked out with grey, and below is a broad band of green. H. 5 in. ; Diameter, 5f in. Faenza : Casa Pirota. Lent by Mr. Salting. 226 . Oviform JUG, with double loop handle and spout moulded in the form of a grotesque mask. The group, beneath a canopy of orange-coloured curtains hanging from trees, Vulcan forging an arrow-head for Cupid in the presence of Ganymede (?) and Venus. At the back, a group of large buildings approached by a bridge. H. 103 in. ; Diameter, 5 in. Urbino : Fontana. Lent by Mr. Salting. 227 . Small VASE, with lid. In a medallion in group, a woman enthroned with crown and sceptre. The rest of the surface and the lid covered with large grotesques, a helmet, shields, &c., and on the neck the words T. D. EVPATOR. H. 55 in. ; Diameter, 5 in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Salting. 228 . PLATE. (The broad frame oipietra dural) A Centaur, sinking to the ground and being tied by two winged cupids to a column in an arcade with a long rope attached to his wrists, while another winged cupid, standing on an altar, allows the melted wax from a burning torch to fall into the Centaur’s mouth. Arms and musical instruments in the foreground. Outlined in blue, and painted in yellows and orange ; the whole relieved against a background of green grass, grey hills, and a deep blue sky. Concentric lines of blue and the letter R at the back. Diameter, 8| in. Caffaggiolo. Lent by Sir Francis Cook. 229 . DISH. A unicorn, saddled and harnessed, ridden by a young man carrying a laurel branch surmounted by a sphere, with a monkey seated behind him. Before him march two men, nude, playing on double flutes, and beneath the raised fore-leg of the unicorn is a dog. Outlined and shaded in blue and painted with some orange, yellow, red, and green ; the whole relieved against grey earth, with green and yellow herbage and a deep blue sky. The letter H in black in front. Concentric lines, the mark +v and the date 1514 in blue at the back. Diameter, 16 in. Caffaggiolo, after a design probably by Mantegna. Lent by Sir Francis Cook. 230 . Large CISTERN, supported on a three-cornered foot by a central column and three legs with beasts’ heads and feet, alternately with which are three other beasts’ heads connected by three festoons of flowers, all moulded in relief. Within, in a large central medallion, is depicted a contest of Romans and Carthaginians, the body of a fallen elephant being on the ground in front. The rest of the surface within and without is covered with grotesques in the style of Raffaelle, painted on a white ground. Height, 13 in.; Diameter, 22 in. Urbino : Fontana. Lent by Sir Francis Cook. F ( 34 ) 231 . TAZZA. In a central medallion, surrounded by a broad border of Rafifaellesque grotesques, a warrior in Roman dress is on his horse with uplifted spear, in front of a castellated city. Diameter, io in. Urbino. Lent by Sir William Drake. 232 . DISH. Bacile. In the sunk centre, surrounded by a broad band of gold and ruby lustres, is painted the Judgment of Paris. Paris is seated, and hands the golden apple to Venus, who stands with Cupid between the other goddesses, and is being crowned by a flying figure ; Mercury stands behind Paris. In the background is a city by the sea and mountains beyond. A coat-of-arms hangs from a tree above. Painted in grisaille, and at places with the gold and ruby lustres, and blue, green, and orange. On the rim is painted bia7ico sopra bianco, a broad, flowing pattern. Diameter, 15J in. Lustred at Gubbio : possibly painted at Castel Durante. Lent by Sir Francis Cook. 233 . DISH. The whole surface is covered with the subject of the Rape of Helen, a composition of about forty figures : groups of men fighting between a palatial building on the right and ships lying by the seashore on the left. Titular inscription at the back. There is a print of the composition by Marc Antonio, varying somewhat in the detail. Diameter, 20 in. Urbino : Nicola da Urbino. Lent by Mr. Andrews. 234 . PLATEAU, with central boss, upon which is a coat-of-arms surmounted by a Cardinal’s hat. On the inner border are four medallions, painted with the Annunciation, the Salutation, the Coronation of the Virgin, and the Father in glory ; the rest of the surface covered with Rafifaellesque grotesques. The arms are probably Facini. Diameter, 17! in. Urbino or Rome. Lent by Mr. Holland. 235 . TAZZA. In a central medallion Venus with two Cupids ; the rest of the surface on both sides covered with Rafifaellesque grotesques. Diameter, 9 in. Urbino. Lent by Sir William Drake. 236 . PLATEAU, with central circular boss surrounded by seven semicircles, all in relief. In the central boss a coat-of-arms (qu. Farnese), and round this are zones of conventional orna¬ ments painted in blue, red, yellow, and orange, on a white background ; on the outer border is a band of grotesques, dolphins, masks, cornucopias, &c., each set of grotesques being repeated eight times symmetrically; all painted in orange, yellow, red, and green. At the back radiating groups of ornaments outlined in blue and orange. Diameter, i6| in. Cafifaggiolo or Siena ; probably by the same hand as No. 377. Lent by Mr. Butler. 237 . Oviform JUG, with a trefoil mouth and a mask moulded in relief at the base of the handle. The whole surface covered with the subject of Moses striking the rock; a composition of eleven figures in a landscape background ; painted in the Urbino style. H. 12 in. Pesaro : Lanfranchi. Lent by Mr. Pfungst. ( 35 ) 238 . Oviform JUG, with trefoil mouth and a handle modelled in the form of a winged female torso, and terminating below in a mask in relief. The whole surface covered with the subject of the breaking of the Brazen Serpent and other idols ; a composition of ten figures in a landscape background ; on the neck and foot are Raffael- lesque grotesques. H. 15J in. Urbino. Lent by Sir Francis Cook. 239 . PILGRIM BOTTLE, with handles in the form of leaves and stems. Modern foot, mouth, and stopper in metal. The whole surface is covered with the subject of the Drunkenness of Noah ; on one side he is discovered by his sons, on the other he is being carried to his home. H. 15 in. Urbino or Castel Durante. Lent by Mr. Andrews. 240 . JUG, with cylindrical body divided by raised horizontal ribs, a tall twisted handle, and a winged torso moulded below the spout, two heads moulded on the neck, and a mask in relief at the base of the handle. The whole surface is covered with zones of Raffaellesque grotesques. H. 15! in. Urbino. Lent by Sir Francis Cook. 241 . PILGRIM BOTTLE, with handles moulded in the form of horned masks. In medallions, surrounded by cupids and mythical figures, are on one side Venus and Cupid, and on the other (?) John the Baptist. The rest of the surface covered with large Raffaellesque grotesques. H. 12 in. Urbino. Lent by Sir William Drake. 242 . Oviform JUG, with trefoil mouth and mask moulded in relief at the base of the handle. In front, a triton and a nymph riding on his back ; to the right, a triton blowing a sea-shell trumpet ; to the left, a nereid, armed with a trident and a sword for a shield, fighting a cupid riding a seahorse and armed with a trident; all set in a background of a lake, with a town and hills in the distance. H. 14 in. U rbino : Fontana. Letit by Sir Francis Cook. 243 . JUG, with mouth in the form of the yawning jaws of a monstrous head, which is moulded in relief. The whole surface is painted with an allegorical composition of five figures, including a river god and a winged figure, and another carrying water jars ; in the background, rocks, trees, and landscape, and in the air an eagle. H. io|in. Urbino or Castel Durante. Lent by Sir Francis Cook. 244 . SAUCE-BOAT, in the form of a sea-shell set upon an inverted shell, which forms the foot. In the interior within a border of clouds is Hercules slaying the Nemean lion ; painted in flesh- tints and reddish brown against a yellow background. The exterior is painted in different shades of yellow. H. in.; B. 7 in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Sailing. ( 36 ) 245 . DISH. Within a border of conventional ornaments in gold and ruby lustres and deep blue are repre¬ sented the four ages of life. On the left is a child seated on the sward ; behind him, a youth and a maid embracing ; in the centre, an aged woman ; and on the right, a mature man and woman. In the background an extensive landscape with a town in the distance. From the engraving by Robetta, with some modifications. Painted in greens, with some red, yellow, and blue, and heightened with gold and ruby lustre. At the back, in gold lustre, scrolls, and in the centre a jug with the signature M° G°, and the date 1525. Diameter, 16 in. Gubbio : Maestro Giorgio. Lent by Mr. Salting. 240 . DISH. Within bands of minute geometrical ornaments outlined in blue on bands of orange, blue, and yellow, there is represented in a wide landscape Andromeda bound to a tree and confronted by a goose-like dragon, while Perseus, armed in Roman fashion, is descending on a cloud towards her. From a design by Rafifaelle. Outlined in blue, and partly filled in with blue and yellow. The back plain. Diameter, 14! in. Faenza. Lent by Mr. Salting. 247 . DISH. In a central medallion, a scene of child-birth ; a composition of twelve figures in a room ; round it, in eight medallions, eight signs of the zodiac. On the upper half of the outer border is a dance of fifteen cupids hand in hand, and crowning a cock in the centre. On the lower half are various allegorical figures. On labels dividing these two halves are the verses ;— Serna Virtu Valor insigne e Arte Non nasce el Seme de Minerva e Marte , Quel' chi pitura chiaro vi dimostra Nasi divoi per Jior deletta nostra. At the back, elaborate bands of geometrical and floral ornaments in yellow, and a band of foliage in green, all on a background of dark blue. Diameter, i6jin. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Salting. 248 . SALT-CELLAR. The whole surface is covered with a classical subject. On the left, a river-god ; and in the centre, a youth in Roman dress pursuing a female figure in the clouds on the right. In the background a landscape, and on a tree a coat-of-arms. H. if in.; Diameter, 6|- in. Urbino : Fontana. Lent by Mr. Salting. 249 . DISH. The whole surface is covered with a battle-scene of Romans and Orientals, a composition of about twenty figures in a landscape with a city in the distance. Elaborate arabesques are painted giallo sopra giallo at the back, and in the centre is inscribed, Le supra crepitam abii ’ and i B. M. F.faciebaT: Diameter, 17^ in. Faenza : Baldasara Manara. Lent by Mr. Salting. ( 37 ) 250 . TAZZA. In a central medallion, surrounded by a border of Rafifaellesque grotesques, is painted Caesar enthroned, with two of his soldiers beside him, dictating terms to five aged prisoners kneeling before him. Bands of similar grotesques on the exterior. ‘ Sottome Honsi d Cesare i Merapi,’ inscribed at the back. H. 3| in.; Diameter, 9^ in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Salting. 251 . DISH. The whole surface is covered with a group of figures, some playing on musical instruments, within an apartment supported by columns, one of which is being broken by a man (qu. Samson). Diameter, ujin. Castel Durante. Lent by Mr. Salting. 252 . PLATE, with slightly sunk centre. In a central medallion surrounded by a band bianco sopra bianco are Mercury and another personage seated on the sward beneath a tree in an open landscape. On the wide rim are grotesques, winged torsos, monsters, books, &c., reserved in white against a background of dark blue, and heightened with grey. Circles and spirals in red, blue at the back. Diameter, 11| in. Faenza : probably Baldasara Manara. Lent by Mr. Salting. 253 . DISH. The whole surface is covered with the subject of the Judgment of Paris. Paris sits on a rock and before him stand the three goddesses ; grass and a brook and three cypress-trees in the fore¬ ground, and a city in flames in the distance with hills beyond. Diameter, 12 in. Castel Durante. Lent by Mr. Salting. 254 . PLATE, with slightly sunk centre. In a central medallion is a woman half reclining on the ground at the foot of a tree ; painted in grisaille, and relieved against green grass, blue mountains, and yellow sky. The outer rim is covered with floral patterns in bianco sopra bianco disposed in gadroons. Diameter, iof in. Faenza or Cafiaggiolo. Lent by Mr. Salting. 255 . DISH. The whole surface is covered with the subject of the Rape of Helen ; a composition of a dozen figures in a landscape background. A coat-of-arms above. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, 18 in. Urbino : Nicolo da Urbino. Lent by Mr. Salting. 266 . DISH. In a small central medallion a man in mediaeval dress playing on the violin, and an open landscape beyond. On the rest of the surface are grotesques, winged masks, vases, cornucopias, &c., painted in grisaille against a deep blue background. Diameter, 13^ in. Faenza. Lent by Mr. Salting. ( 38 ) 257 . DISH. The whole surface is covered with the subject of the Healing of the Lame Man in the Beautiful Gate of the Temple ; adapted from Raffaelle’s cartoon. Diameter, 14^ in. Pesaro : Lanfranchi. Lent by Mr. Salting. 268 . DISH. Grotesques, armour, arms, cherubs, &c., outlined and shaded in blue and partly reserved in white and partly filled in with yellow, green, brown, and purple, on a dark blue background. At the back bands of floral and other ornaments outlined in deep blue, and in the centre a mono¬ gram of the letters T. B. F. Diameter, 13J in. Faenza : by the same hand as No. 167. Lent by Mr. Salting. 259 . PLATE. The whole surface is covered with an allegorical subject. A composition of four figures in an architectural background, with a landscape in the distance to the right. In the upper part a coat- of-arms, surmounted by a mitre. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, ii£ in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Salting. 260 . TAZZA. The whole surface is covered with the subject of the Rape of Helen. A composition of nine figures on the shore and in a boat, with a palatial building in the background and beyond it a landscape. Above is a coat-of-arms, and on the boat the inscription, ‘ PAGANUCCI.' Diameter, io£ in. Urbino : probably by Nicolo da Urbino. Lent by Mr. Salting. 261 . TAZZA. The whole surface is covered with the subject of Hercules supporting one of the Pillars of the West. In the background a landscape, including a city approached by a bridge. After print of Marc Antonio. Diameter, 1 ii in. Urbino : probably by Nicolo da Urbino. Lent by Air. Salting. 262 . PILGRIM BOTTLE, the handles moulded in the form of horned masks. The surface painted on each side with a mythical subject in a landscape background. On one side, on the neck, a coat-of-arms, surmounted by a Cardinal’s hat. H., 14 in. Urbino. Le7it by Mr. Salting. 263 . PILGRIM BOTTLE, the handles moulded in the form of horned masks. The surface painted on one side with Mars, Venus, and Cupids in a landscape, and on the other side Diana as a huntress. H. 14m. Urbino : Fontana. Lent by Mr. Salting. ( 39 ) 264 . PILGRIM BOTTLE, the handles moulded in the form of horned masks. The surface painted on each side with a Bacchanalian subject in a landscape background. H. 14 in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Salting. 265 . Two spherical BEADS, pierced through the centre and inscribed round the circumference Chamilla Bella and Isabella Bella respectively. Diameter, f in. Possibly Faenza. Lent by Mr. Higgins. 266 . Large oval PLAQUE, bearing in relief a coat-of-arms, surmounted by a helmet and coronet. H. 21 in., W. 17 in. Probably Urbino. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinfauns. 267 . Globular VASE with cylindrical neck. The front and neck covered with large floral diapering in deep blue on a white ground ; and in a panel at the back is inscribed a hoyagitnt. H. 9 in. Lent by Mr. Cecil Torr. 268 . ALBARELLO of late form. A female figure, enthroned with crown and sceptre,, between two cupids in an open landscape ; and in a panel below is inscribed S . D . PEOME. H. 6 in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Andrews. 269 . Oviform VASE in brass mount of later date. On one side Europa and the Bull, and on the other a female figure and two cows ; all in a land¬ scape background. H. 12J? in. Urbino. Lent by Mr Andrews. 270 . ALBARELLO of late form. Companion Vase to No. 268, but inscribed S . D . MALVA. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Andrews. 271 . Globular VASE with cylindrical neck. The body surrounded by a wreath of foliage, and other zones of ornament ; all painted in blue and relieved against a background of brown. H. 5 in. Lent by Mr. Higgins. 272 . CISTERN. Three-cornered, resting on a foot of three lions’ claws, and with three looped handles, ending at the top in horned masks. Painted on the exterior in three compartments with scenes of cities and encampments ; and in the interior with a large scene of a river and men fishing with nets, in front a river god reclining beside a lion and holding a water-jar and a cornucopia, and in the clouds above three angels. H. 9^ in. ; W. 19! in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Massey Mainwaring. ( 40 ) 273. CISTERN, supported on an oviform base by a monstrous marine deity involved in herbiage at each end, and by a looped handle with a horned mask rising above a beast’s leg on each side. In the interior, in an oval central medallion, is a Roman entering a conquered city in triumph ; and in four similar medallions around it are four scenes of Roman conquest, and round the rim is a frieze of allegorical figures. The rest of the surface within and without is covered with grotesques in the style of Raffaelle, painted on a white ground. H. i6^in.; W. 27 in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Leopold Rothschild. 274. MODEL of a man seated in a chair and inhaling vapour in a covered receptacle placed upon a stove. H. 10 in. ; L. 9 in. Probably Urbino. Lent by Mr. Ross. 275. COVER OF CAUDLE-CUP. In a medallion, surrounded by a border of Raffaellesque grotesques, are painted a mother and child and nurse. At the back is Cupid in a landscape. Diameter, 85 in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Butler. 270. TAZZA. The whole surface is covered with the subject of Hineas and the Sibyl : a group of half-a-dozen figures in a landscape by the sea. Diameter, 10 in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Butler. 277. DISH. In the sunk centre, three men fowling with dogs and guns in an open landscape. The wide rim covered with Raffaellesque grotesques. Diameter, 185 in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Holland. 278. DISH. The whole surface is covered with a battle-scene ; a large composition of some twenty figures in Roman dress, with trees in the background. Inscribed, Armorum Strepitus, and dated 1543 at the back. Diameter, 17! in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Jarvis. 279. ALBARELLO. The figure of a saint in an oval medallion at the back : the rest of the surface covered with large geometrical diapering in blue and yellow. H. n^in. Perhaps Urbino. Lent by Mr. Ross. 279a. ALBARELLO. The figure of an angel in an oval medallion at the back ; the rest of the surface covered with large diapering in blue and yellow. H. 11^ in. Perhaps Urbino. . Lent by Mr. Cardwell. ( 41 ) 280. Large JUG with handle and spout. In front, within a large wreath, two men on horseback galloping, and another on foot leaning on a battle-axe, all in mediaeval dress ; buildings in the distance ; the words aqa scabiosa below. All sketched in blue on a grey crackled ground, and touched with yellow and green. H. I 3 £ in. Cafifaggiolo. Lent by Mr. Salting. 281. DISH. In the centre, the triumph of a Roman emperor ; a large composition of soldiers on horse and on foot ; on the rim, twelve trophies of arms. Diameter, 20 in. Castelli. Lent by Sir William Drake. 282. ALBARELLO. The figure of a saint in an oval medallion at the back; the rest of the surface covered with large diapering in blue, yellow, and green. H. 11 ^ in. Perhaps Urbino. Lent by Mr. Ross. 282a. Oviform VASE with cylindrical neck. The figure of a saint in a medallion at the back ; the rest of the surface covered with trophies and diapering in blue and yellow. H. 115 in. Perhaps Urbino. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinfauns. 283. DISH. In the sunk centre, surrounded by a band of foliage, is represented Priam enthroned before his palace at Troy with his warriors around him, and the ships in the distance; on the rim a band of figures. Diameter, 17 in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Massey Mainwaring. 284. TAZZA. Portrait of Giulia Farnese, mistress of Pope Alexander VI. and sister of Pope Paul III. Her face is seen in profile looking to the left ; she wears a large cap and a low dress with high embroidered collar. Outlined in blue and partly filled in with gold and ruby lustres on a green background, surrounded by a border of gold lustre, with honeysuckle ornaments in black, and among them, the name IVLIA. Concentric circles in ruby lustre at the back. Diameter, in. Gubbio : Maestro Giorgio. Lent by Mr. Pfungst. 285. PLATE, or Fruttiera. In a central medallion, surrounded by a band of gold lustre, is Cupid, winged and with his arms tied behind him; painted in grisaille and touched with ruby lustre on a deep blue background. On the rim are arabesques symmetrically disposed in the four corners of the plate ; painted with gold and ruby lustres on a deep blue background. Scrolls in ruby lustre at the back. Diameter, 105 in. Gubbio : Maestro Giorgio. Lent by Mr. Pfungst. G ( 42 ) 280. TAZZA. Saint Sebastian bound to a tree and pierced with arrows. Painted in grisaille and touched with gold and ruby lustres. In the background, green grass, two blue hills, and a sky of gold lustre. Scrolls in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 6 in. Gubbio : Maestro Giorgio. Lent by Mr. Andrews. 287. TAZZA. On a central medallion surrounded by a nimbus of rays alternating with rosettes, all in relief. Francis of Assisi, in adoration before a cross, receiving the Stigmata. Outlined in blue, and partly filled in with blue and with ruby lustre. Scrolls and the letter D in ruby lustre at the back. Diameter, in. Gubbio. Lent by Mr. Jarvis. 238. PLATE, with sunk centre. On a central medallion surrounded by a band of gold lustre, a helmet, shield. &c. ; and on the wide rim, scale-work; outlined and shaded in two tints of blue, and partly filled in with gold and ruby lustres. Concentric circles in ruby lustre at the back. Diameter, 9 ^ in. Gubbio. Lent by Mr. Butler. 289. TAZZA. On a central medallion surrounded by a nimbus of rays within another nimbus of rays alternating with rosettes, the monogram IHS ; all in relief, and outlined in blue, and partly filled in with blue, and with gold and ruby lustres. Scrolls in gold and ruby lustres at the back. Diameter, 6 in. Gubbio. Lent by Mr. Andrews. 290. TAZZA. Cephalos, in the presence of Eos, hurling the divine spear wherewith he slew Procris, while a flying Cupid holds out a doth as a shield ; the whole in a large landscape with the Temple of Apollo in the foreground to the left. Painted in the Urbino style, and afterwards touched with gold and ruby lustres. At the back, a wide band of conventional ornament in gold lustre ; and in black, the titular inscription with the date 1533 and the signature fra: Xanto. A. Rouigiefe. i Urbino. Diameter, 11 j in. Urbino : Francesco Xanto Avelli da Rovigo. Lustred at Gubbio. Lent by Mr. Andrews. 291. PLATE. Abraham and Isaac with the ass on their way to the sacrifice ; the group is set in a large land¬ scape with wooded hills, and a lake in which stands a walled town ; outlined in blue, and partly filled in with blue and green, and with gold and ruby lustres. At the back, in gold lustre, concentric circles and scrolls, with the signature M° G°, and the date 1522 . Diameter, 12 J in. Gubbio : Maestro Giorgio. Lent by Mr. Pfungst. ( 43 ) 292. TAZZA. Clio (?) riding on the back of a swan, which is swimming in a stream leading to the sea. Rocks on the right and a tree on the left, and a city and hills in the distance. On a rock is written the name CLIO. Painted with the gold and ruby lustre, and some yellow, green, and blue. Scrolls in lustre at the back. Diameter, 105 in. Gubbio. Lent by Mr. Natorp. 293. TAZZA. Aurora rising from the sea. Her hair floats in the breeze, and behind her is a bright light, seen beneath her uplifted veil. Her car is drawn by two horses, held by the Hours, who are depicted as winged female figures. All around is the sea, and clouds above. Painted in grisaille against a blue background, and touched with the gold and ruby lustres. After the engraving by Marc Antonio. Scrolls in lustre at the back, and the letters B + A. M°■ G°■ da itgubio ij20, which signature is engraved in the S. K. M. Cat., p. 200 . Diameter, 10 in. Gubbio : Maestro Giorgio. Lent by Sir Francis Cook. 294. TAZZA. Battle before the walls of a castle ; a composition of about thirty figures. The whole is outlined in blue, and the sky and the water in the moat are painted blue ; the rest is painted in the gold and ruby lustres on a white background. Scrolls in lustre at the back and the word Guoraciano. Diameter, io| in. Gubbio. Lent by Mr. Hamilton Bruce. 295. TAZZA. A heavily-draped female figure supporting in her right hand a white banner ; water and moun¬ tains in the distance. Painted in flesh-tints, ruby lustre, and orange, and relieved against green grass and yellow sand, blue water and mountains, and a golden sky in the background. Scrolls in lustre at the back, and the letter N. Diameter, 10 ^ in. Gubbio : Maestro Cencio. Lent by Mr. Andrews. 296. SAUCER or scodella. In a medallion surrounded by a border of scale-work a nimbed saint in prayer, and two trees in the background. All outlined in blue and filled in with gold lustre. Diameter, 5 in. Gubbio or Pesaro. Lent by Mr. Jarvis. 297. SAUCER or scodella. In a medallion surrounded by a radiating floral pattern is the profile bust of a young lady turning to the right and the word Tomasina written before her face. Outlined in blue, and partly filled in with and partly relieved against gold lustre. Concentric circles and a mark in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, 64 - in. Gubbio or Caffaggiolo. Lent by Mr. Marlay. ( 44 ) 298. DISH with sloping sides, on which are rosettes in low relief. In the sunk centre is the profile bust of a young lady turning to the left, and on each side a spray of flowers. On the inner rim are flowers alternately with rosettes, and on the outer rim is a band of flowers. Outlined in blue and partly filled in with gold lustre. At the back, in gold lustre, two concentric circles joined by a straight line. Diameter, n in. Diruta. Lent by Sir William Drake. 299. PLATE, with sunk centre. In a central medallion, surrounded by a broad band of gold lustre, is a coat-of-arms ; and on the wide border are arabesques and grotesques, masks, shields, cornucopias, &c., symmetrically disposed in the four quarters of the plate. Outlined in blue, and partly reserved in white, and partly filled in with the gold and ruby lustres and with blues and green. Concentric circles in gold lustre at the back. Diameter, iof in. Gubbio ; probably Maestro Giorgio. Lent by Mr. Andrews. 300. PLATE, with sunk centre. In a central medallion, surrounded by a broad band of gold lustre, is a coat-of-arms ; and on the wide border are grotesques, a winged mask above and below, and a monster on either side. Outlined in blue, and partly reserved in white, and partly filled in with the gold and ruby lustres and with blues and green. The back plain. The arms are probably Morone. Diameter, 75 in. Gubbio ; probably Maestro Giorgio. Lent by Sir William Drake. 301. PLATE, with sunk centre. In a central medallion, surrounded by a broad band of gold lustre, is a winged cupid running to the left ; and on the wide border is a band of arabesques enclosed between two bands of laurel leaves. Outlined in blue, and partly reserved in white, and partly filled in with the gold and ruby lustres and with blue and green. Concentric circles in lustre at the back. Diameter, 11 in. Gubbio ; probably Maestro Giorgio. Lent by Sir William Drake. 302. Globular VASE. A head within a medallion in front and at back, and floral ornaments over the rest of the surface. H. 95 in. Sicily. Lent by Mr. Ross. 303. ALBARELLO. A saint within a medallion in front and a head within a medallion at back, and floral ornaments over the rest of the surface. H. i 2 | in. Sicily. Lent by Sir William Drake. 304. Globular VASE. A head within a medallion in front and at back, and floral ornaments over the rest of the surface. H. 9 ! in. Sicily. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinfauns. 30". Globular VASE. A saint within a medallion in front and a head within a medallion at back, and floral ornaments over the rest of the surface. H. 12 in. Sicily. Lent by Sir William Drake. ( 45 ) 305a. TWO TILES, part of a frieze. Two cupids riding monsters on either side of a vase, in a background of grotesques. Outlined in blue, and tinted in blue, yellow, and green against an orange background. A conventional border above and below. Each 6 in. high and 7 ^ in. wide. Siena. Lent by Mr. Barlow. 306. MAJOLICA PLAQUE. Battle-scene : a composition of some five-and-twenty figures in Roman armour, with trumpets, standards, and horses ; the sun and clouds in the sky above. H. 143 in. ; W. 19 in. Probably Castel Durante. Lent by Mr Jarvis. 307. MAJOLICA PLAQUE. The Entombment, after Mantegna. The dead Christ is being laid in a tomb before a cave in the presence of eight nimbed figures ; and in the distance are the three crosses. On a tablet in the corner is the date 1523 . H. in.; W. 11 in. Faenza. Lent by Mr. Salting. 308. DISH. The winged lion of St. Mark, outlined in blue and filled in with goldgn yellow, standing on green grass, and relieved against a sky of deep blue. Linear patterns in blue at the back. Diameter, io£ in. Caffaggiolo. Lent by Mr. Salting. 309. DRUG-POT. Albarello. The surface covered with diapering in blue, yellow, and green. H. 7 J in. Caffaggiolo. Lent by Mr. Aitchison. 310. JUG. In front a shield bearing two maces and the words Senper F.j the rest of the surface covered with sprays of foliage. Painted in blue with some red and yellow on the shield. H. 9 in. Caffaggiolo. Lent by Mr. Salvin. 311. DISH. In the sunk centre a warrior in heroic dress, with sword and shield, and on the rim a band of fruit and leaves. Outlined and shaded in blue, and partly filled in with and partly relieved against orange and yellow and some green. Spirals in black at the back. Diameter, 145 in. Siena. Lent by Mr. Boyce. 312. Oviform VASE, with handles terminating in masks below. In front, in a circular medallion, is the monogram IHS, surrounded by rays, and below this is a scroll bearing the words MEL. ROSA. S ; the rest of the surface is covered with foliage. Painted in deep blue on a grey-blue ground, with some yellow in the medallion. H. 12 ^ in. Faenza. Lent by Mr. Ross. ( 46 ) 313. DISH. In the sunk centre a knight in armour, with lance and shield, riding at a gallop ; a tree on either side and buildings in the distance. On the rim four compartments of scale-work alternately with four compartments of floral ornament. The back plain. Diameter, 15 in. Caffaggiolo or Siena. Lent by Mr. Ross. 314. ALBARELLO. Six large flowers alternately with leaves and buds, all on vertical stems, between zones of geome¬ trical ornament above and below. Painted in orange, blue, and green, on a white background. H. in. Caffaggiolo or Siena. Lent by Professor Church. 315. TAZZA. Three-quarter portrait bust of a girl in a white dress, a green cap upon her golden hair ; all relieved against a dark-blue background, on which is a scroll reserved in white, with the words Minerva B. in blue. Diameter, 8 | in. Castel Durante. Lent by Mr. Ross. 316. EWER. In front, a coat-of-arms surmounted by a winged helmet, from which depend long feathers, all supported on a tree. Patches of floral diapering in the vacant spaces. Painted in red, blue, orange, green, and black on a white ground. Height, 14 ^ in. Caffaggiolo. Lent by Mr. Falcke. 317. DISH. In the sunk centre, a knight in mediaeval dress on horseback and carrying a lance, open country beyond. Large scroll-work on the outer rim. Outlined and shaded in blue, and partly filled in with gold lustre. The back plain. , Diameter, 16 in. Bacile : Pesaro. Lent by Mr. Andrews. 318. DISH. In the sunk centre, the profile bust of a girl looking to the left. She wears a plain dress, and her long hair is confined in a net ; in her left hand is a spray of flowers, and before her is a scroll on which is written, Um bel morire , tuta la vita onora. A large floral border on the outer rim. Outlined in blue and partly filled in with lustre, and relieved against a blue background. The back plain. The lustre on this piece is very remarkable. Diameter, i 6 j in. Bacile : Pesaro or Gubbio. Lent by Mr. Falcke. 319. DISH. In the sunk centre, a female figure in classic robes, blowing a trumpet, and in the distance a building. On the rim, four compartments of scale-work alternately with four compartments of floral ornament. Outlined and shaded in blue, and partly filled in with gold lustre. The back plain. Diameter, 15 in. Bacile : Pesaro. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinfauns. ( 47 ) 320. DISH. In the sunk centre, the profile bust of a bearded priest looking to the right. He wears a cope, his uplifted hands hold a rosary, and his eyes are directed towards a crucifix before him. On the rim, four compartments of scale-work alternately with four compartments of floral ornament. Outlined and shaded in blue, and partly filled in with gold lustre. The back plain. Diameter, 16 ^ in. Bacile : Pesaro. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinfauns, 321. DISH. In the sunk centre, a female figure, heavily draped, walking to the left, bearing in her right hand a toad surmounted by a crown, and in her left a cornucopia. Towered buildings in the back¬ ground. On the rim, four compartments of scale-work alternately with four compartments of floral ornament. Outlined and shaded in blue, and partly filled in with a ruby-gold lustre. The back plain. Diameter, 16 in. Bacile : Pesaro or Gubbio. Lent by Mr. Andrews. ■ 322. PLATE. A lady bathing in a pool and another bringing her a robe ; trees and rocks in the background and a landscape beyond with the setting sun. Painted in the Urbino style and touched with gold and ruby lustres. Scrolls in lustre at the back. Diameter, ioin. Gubbio: Dated 1540 . Lent by Mr. Jarvis. 323. PLATE. In the centre Romulus and Remus and the wolf: in front they are floating in their cradle on the Tiber ; on the left Amulius is about to drown them in the presence of Silvia ; and on the right is the Shepherd Faustulus ; the City of Rome in a landscape in the background. Painted in the Urbino style and touched with gold and ruby lustres. Scrolls in lustre at the back. Diameter, iojin. Gubbio : Maestro Giorgio. Signed M °• G°■ da Ugubio and dated 1531 . Lent by Mr. Jarvis. 324. PLATE. Andromeda bound to a tree, in the centre, with the Dragon on her left and Perseus in the clouds above. Perseus again on the right standing over the body of Medusa and holding her head, averted, in his hand, with the newly-born Pegasus behind him. Background of landscape with the sea. Painted in the Urbino style and touched with gold and ruby lustres. Scrolls in lustre at back. Diameter, 10 in. Gubbio : Maestro Giorgio. Signed M °■ G°- da Ugubio and dated 1527 . Lent by Mr. Falcke. 325. TAZZA. An aged man with wings preparing a grave for another winged man who lies dead upon the ground. Behind them is a large building with cupolas, and other buildings in the distance beyond; and the setting sun. Painted in the Urbino style, and touched with gold and ruby lustres. Scrolls in lustre at the back. Diameter, 10 in. Gubbio. Lent by Mr. Andrews. ( 48 ) 326. PLATE. On the right Perseus advancing and holding Medusa’s head before him; and on the left an aged man veiling his face with his robe ; the body of Medusa on the ground in front ; and at the back, a youth approaching to attack Perseus and beholding the head. A city and the sea in the background. Titular inscription, followed by fabula , at the back. Diameter, io| in. Urbino : probably Francesco Xanto. Lent by Mr. Andrews. 327. TAZZA. Scipio liberating a captive lady, who is brought before him by Roman soldiers. A composition of eight figures, surrounded by buildings, with trees beyond; a statue beneath an arch in the centre. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, iofin. Urbino : probably Francesco Durantino. Lent by Mr. Falcke. 328. PLATE. Paris shooting Achilles in the heel with an arrow, as he kneels in prayer before a statue of Apollo. A priest in the background. Buildings on either side, and a landscape with a city in the distance. A coat-of-arms above. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, loin. Urbino : probably Nicolo da Urbino. Lent by Mr. Andrews. 329. PLATE. Cacus seizing one of the cattle of Hercules by its tail, on the Aventine Mount, and detected by Hercules, who attacks him with his club. Landscape background, and the Pucci arms above. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, iojin. Urbino : Francesco Xanto. Signed, Fra. Xanto. A. da Rouigo , i Urbino , and dated 1532 . Lent by Mr. Andrews. 330. SNUFF-BOX. Painted with flowers and cupids. L. 2 | in., W. 2 in. Lent by Mr. Ross. 331. PLATE. The Judgment of Paris. Paris is seated with his dog; behind him stands Mercury, and before him Juno with her peacock, Venus with Cupid, and Minerva. Landscape background with buildings. Diameter, iof in. Urbino. Dated 1544 . Lent by Mr. Butler. 332. CAUDLE-CUP. In the sunk centre, within a band of leaves and flowers, a scene of childbirth, with a tent-bed and architectural background, and friends standing round. Underneath, Cupid among clouds ; and a band of leaves and flowers at the side. Diameter, in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Butler. ( 49 ) 333. TAZZA. Adam and Eve reclining, with Cain and Abel at play between them ; the Serpent, with human torso, in a tree behind. Rural background. Diameter, n|in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Andrews. 334. PLATE, with sunk centre. A city by a river in an open landscape ; a coat-of-arms (qu. Salviati) above. Diameter, in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Butler. 335. TAZZA. Diana in the clouds shooting down the children of Niobe, four of whom lie upon the ground pierced with arrows, while two others seek to escape on either side. Landscape background with a city in the distance. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, n in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Butler. 336. PLATE. On the right an aged man with a cornucopia, and on the left a youth with a trident ; in the centre, in the distance, a warrior on horse and two others on foot crossing a bridge ; all in a landscape with a building to the left. Diameter, 7 f in. Urbino, probably Francesco Xanto. Lent by Mr. Jarvis. 337. TAZZA, with moulded sides. Bacchus with a lyre reclining against a tree, beside a satyr, who is falling from a goat led by a cupid. Before him dances a mcenad with cymbals, and two cupids approach with a basket of grapes. Open landscape background. Diameter, 12 in. Urbino ; attributed to Orazio Fontana. Lent by Sir William Drake. 338. PLATE. A girl, robed and carrying a sceptre, seated in a car which is drawn by two cupids treading on clouds. An aged man in the clouds above. Diameter, in. Urbino ; probably Francesco Xanto. Engraved in Delange. Lent by Mr. Jarvis. 339. TAZZA. Samson overpowered and being bound by Philistines, Delilah at the side with his hair in one hand and her shears in the other. A group of nine figures between trees and rocks, with landscape distance. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, io| in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Andrews. 340. COVER OF CAUDLE-CUP. Within a band of leaves and fruit, the Adoration of the Child by the Holy Family. At the back a coat-of-arms, supported at the sides by two cupids and below by a cherub, very delicately painted in grisaille. Diameter, 8 in. Urbino ; possibly Francesco Xanto. Lent by Mr. Marlay. H ( 50 ) 341. TAZZA. Diana in the clouds shooting down the children of Niobe, some of whom lie on the ground pierced with arrows, while others are seeking to escape. Landscape background. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, 11 in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Andrews. 342. CAUDLE-CUP. Within, a lady reclining and her child and two attendants, all in a room. Outside, grotesques and monsters, and two labels bearing the signatures M. X. A. R. and M. A. X X. H. 3 | in.; diameter, 6 | in. Urbino, Francesco Xanto. Lent by Mr. Andrews. 343. PLATE. Poseidon and the horse, in a landscape background, with gold and ruby lustre. Scrolls and lustre at the back. Diameter, in. Gubbio, probably Maestro Cencio. Signed W. 344. PLATE. On the left, Vulcan forging an arrow for Cupid who stands by him ; and on the right, Venus reclining with Mars. All in the courtyard of a building, in the centre of which viands are spread. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, 10 in. Urbino, probably Francesco Xanto. Lent by Mr. Butler. 345. DRUG-POT. Albarello. Two saints in medallions in front and at back, the rest of the surface covered with foliage. H. 145 in. Sicily. Lent by Mr. Ross. 346. VASE. Two heads in medallions in front and at back, the rest of the surface covered with foliage. H. 92 in. Sicily. Lent by Mr. Ross. 347. VASE. Similar to No. 346 . H. ioin. Sicily. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinfauns. 348. DRUG-POT. Albarello. Similar to No. 345 . H. 145 in. Sicily. Lent by Mr. Ross. 349. PLATE. Instruments of music in a central medallion ; fruit and flowers dispersed over the rest of the surface within a band of leaves. Painted in deep blue, with some yellow, green, and white, on a greyish-blue background. Scrolls in deep blue at the back. Diameter, 9 ^ in. Faenza. Painted in the Urbino style, and touched Lent by Mr. Andrews. Lent by Mr. Holland. ( 51 ) 350. TAZZA. The whole surface covered with scale-work, radiating from the centre ; outlined in deep blue on a white ground and partly filled in with gold lustre. The back plain. Diameter, io in. Gubbio. Lent by Mr. Godman. 351. TAZZA. Profile bust of a warrior, looking to the left; he wears a breastplate and a helmet adorned with grotesque masks. Behind him is a scroll inscribed Palamed. Outlined and shaded in blue and touched with some red, green, and yellow ; all relieved against a dark-blue background. The back plain. Diameter, 8 ^ in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Pfungst. 352. DISH. Samson slaying the Philistines with the jawbone of an ass ; a composition of seven figures in a landscape with a city in the distance. A coat-of-arms, with helmet, crest, and motto above. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, 11 | in. Urbino. Companion to 357 . Lent by Mr. Massey Mainwaring. 353. PLATE. In the sunk centre a bird standing on a bundle of straw, painted in colour, and above it the word Vincenzo in blue on a scroll reserved in white ; all relieved against an orange background. On the wide border a group of two dolphins and a cherub four times repeated, reserved in white against a dark-blue background, and heightened with grey. The back plain. Diameter, 9 ! in. . Caffaggiolo. Lent by Mr. Falcke. 354. PLATE. In a central medallion, surrounded by zones of ornament, is a coat-of-arms painted in colours, and on the wide border are grotesques and arabesques, symmetrically disposed in the four quarters of the plate; all reserved in greyish blue against a dark-blue background, and heightened with white. Two zones of scroll-work outlined in dark blue and orange at the back, with the mark F. in the centre. Diameter, io£ in. Faenza. Signed F. Lent by Sir William Drake. 356. TAZZA, with moulded sides. Apollo pursuing Daphne, who is surrounded by clouds and light, and is being transformed into a tree. Open landscape in the background. Diameter, 9 in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Butter. 356. TAZZA. The whole surface covered with grotesques and arabesques, a cherub above and a monster on either side, &c.; reserved in white against a dark-blue background, and heightened with grey. The back plain. Diameter, 8 § in. Castel Durante. Lent by Mr. Ross. ( 52 ) 357. PLATE. Actseon transformed into a stag and attacked by his hounds, Diana and eight nymphs fleeing through a river ; all in a landscape, with a city in the distance. A coat-of-arms, with helmet, shield, and motto above. Titular inscription on the back. Diameter, i in. Urbino. Dated 1557 . Companion to 352 . Lent by Mr. Butler. 358. COVER OF CAUDLE-CUP, with small cup and cover above. The upper surface covered with Rafifaellesque grotesques with the words Pie. Agregati V. in labels in front and at back. On the lower surface is a mother with a winged child in an architec¬ tural background. H. 5 in.; diameter, 7 ! in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Ross. 359. TAZZA. Adam and Eve and the serpent; angels with flames in the background. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, io£ in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Natorp. 360. CAUDLE-CUP. In a central medallion, within zones of Rafifaellesque grotesques, is a scene of childbirth ; below, within similar zones, is a Cupid among clouds. H. 2 in.; diameter, 8 ^ in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Falcke. 361. TAZZA. The flaying of Marsyas : a composition of eight figures in a landscape background. Diameter, 10 in. Monte Bagnolo : probably Francesco Durantino. Signed amote bagnolo , and dated 1547 . * Lent by Mr. Ross. 362. TAZZA, on tall foot. In a central medallion, surrounded by a border of Rafifaellesque grotesques, is painted Caesar enthroned, with two of his soldiers beside him, dictating terms to three aged prisoners kneeling before him. Bands of similar grotesques on the exterior. Compare this with No. 250 . ‘ Da capo vinta arrendesi Inghilterra ,’ inscribed at the back. H. 3 ! in.; diameter, 9 ^ in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Jarvis. 36?. COVER OF CAUDLE-CUP. Above, a scene of childbirth drawn in blue ; and below, a Cupid drawn in green ; both enclosed within bands of Rafifaellesque grotesques. Diameter, 7 ! in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Falcke. ( 53 ) 304. TAZZA. On the left, yEsacus casts himself into the sea, and is changed into a bird ; Hesperia lies dead in front, with Cupid weeping over her ; and on the right is Cebren : all in a landscape background. At the back, titular inscription with the signature F. X. A. R. i Urbino , and the date 1534 . Diameter, ioj in. Urbino : Francesco Xanto. Lent by Mr. Marlay. 365. TAZZA. The Last Supper ; a composition of thirteen figures on a plain background. Diameter, 11 in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Andrews. 366. PLATE. The Poets on Mount Parnassus ; five figures adapted from Marc Antonio’s engraving ot Raffaelle’s fresco in the Vatican. The doorway is shown below, and a coat-of-arms is added in a tree above. Diameter, 12 in. Urbino : probably Nicolo da Urbino. Lent by Mr. Marlay. 367. TAZZA. Saint Jerome in prayer, with the lion by his side ; a wooded landscape behind him with a church in the distance. After the engraving by Albert Diirer. Signed in front, F. R. See ‘ S. K. M. Cat.,’ p. 505 . Diameter, io| in. Faenza. Lent by Mr. Pfungst. 368. PLATE, with sunk centre. On the right is an aged man, reclining at the foot of a large tree, and making measurements with a compass on a celestial sphere ; on the left are three persons accosting him ; in front is a monster; and at the back is a city. Diameter, 11 in. Urbino : probably Nicolo da Urbino. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinfauns. 369. PLATE. On the left is Vulcan forging an arrow-head for Cupid, who stands with Venus on the right. A building on the left, and a landscape with a city on a hill in the distance. Titular inscription, followed by the word fabula , at the back. Diameter, io| in. Urbino ; probably Francesco Xanto. Lent by Mr. Andrews. 370. PLATE, with sunk centre. In a central medallion, surrounded by a border of floral diapering in deep blue, is the half-length figure of a girl with golden hair, wearing an orange-coloured dress, very delicately painted. On the outer border is a broad band of geometrical diapering, bianco sopra bianco , bounded by a band of floral diapering in deep blue. Scrolls and other devices outlined in deep blue at the back. Diameter, 10 in. Caffaggiolo or Faenza. Lent by Mr. Falcke. ( 54 ) 371. PLATE. Damocles in a room, enthroned with the sword above him, before a table, to which attendants are bringing food and wine. Two men look on through an open door. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, 11 in. Urbino ; possibly Francesco Xanto. Dated 1540 . Lent by Mr. Ross. 372. 1'AZZA. Profile portrait bust of a lady, looking to the left. She wears a loose dress, and her hair is plaited and adorned. All relieved against a dark blue background, on which is a scroll reserved in white, with the words Madalena Bella and the date 1547 in blue. The back plain. Diameter, 8 f in. Castel Durante. Lent by Mr. Falcke. 373. TAZZA, with fluted sides. On a central medallion is the profile bust of a young lady looking to the left. She wears a low dress of blue and red, and a green cap on her brown hair ; and behind her is a scroll bearing the words Laura B.j all relieved against a yellow backgiound. The hollows of the fluted sides are painted alternately blue and yellow, and in one case red, and the even surface is painted green; and the whole is bounded by a band of red; all covered with minute diapering. Rough designs outlined in blue and orange at the back. Diameter, 11 in. Caffaggiolo. Lent by Air. Andrews. 374. TAZZA. Three-quarter bust of a girl in a low green dress, with three necklaces. Her brown hair is braided and adorned with an embroidered cap. All relieved against a dark blue background, on which is a scroll reserved in white, with the words Laura Bella in blue. Diameter, 9 ^ in. Castel Durante. Lent by Mr. Marlay. 375. PLATE. Europa on the Bull, swimming between islands in the background. In front, four female figures dancing amid cattle, and a herdsman on the left. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, io| in. Urbino ; possibly Francesco Xanto. Lent by Mr. Jarvis. 376. PLATE. In a central medallion, surrounded by a band of ornament bianco sopra bianco , is depicted the Martyrdom of St. Sebastian, after Francia, very delicately painted. On the wide border are arabesques and grotesques, with a label bearing the date 1520 , all symmetrically disposed in the four quarters of the plate ; reserved in white against a background of dark blue, and touched with yellow, red, and green. A radiating pattern, outlined in blue and yellow, at the back, and in the centre a mask. Diameter, 11 | in. Caffaggiolo. L en t by Mr. Pfungst. ( 55 ) 877. PLATE. On a central medallion, surrounded by zones of conventional ornaments painted in blue, red, and orange, on a white background, is a warrior in Roman armour, leaning on a drawn sword and contemplating the heads of two enemies, with a landscape in the background. On the outer border are four disks of deep blue and an interlacing pattern in orange, all upon a yellow background, with minute diapering in black. A radiating pattern, outlined in blue, red, and green, at the back. Diameter, I 2 | in. Caffaggiolo or Siena ; probably by the same hand as No. 236 . Lent by Mr. Pfungst. 378. TAZZA. Grotesques, a cherub in the centre, surrounded by arms, instruments of music, &c.; reserved in white against a background of dark blue, and heightened with grey and with thin lines of orange. Diameter, io| in. Castel Durante. Lent by Mr. de Zoete. 379. TAZZA. Three-quarter portrait bust of a girl in a white dress with blue strings, her flaxen hair braided and adorned with a pink scarf. All relieved against a dark blue background, on which is a scroll reserved in white, with the words Silvia Bella in blue. Diameter, 8 | in. Castel Durante. Lent by Mr. Falcke. 380. ALBARELLO. The surface covered with floral diapering in blue, yellow, and green. H. ioin. Caffaggiolo. Lent by Mr. Howe. 381. DISH. Actaeon, with the head and antlers of a stag, stands by a stream, with his hounds by him, watching Diana as she bathes in a pool with two nymphs. An aged man reclining in the fore¬ ground. The whole in an open landscape with a city in the distance. Diameter, 15 ^ in. Caffaggiolo. Signed with the name gafagiolo. Lent by Mr. Jarvis. 382. VASE. Similar to 312 , but inscribed OX MELIS . S. Lent by Mr. Ross. 383. ALBARELLO. The surface covered with floral diapering in blue, yellow, and green. H. in. Caffaggiolo. Lent by Mr. Aitchison. 384. DISH. In a central medallion is a coat-of-arms ; and this is surrounded by a broad band of floral orna¬ ment between two narrow bands of linear ornament. The design is incised, and coloured with orange and grey on a greenish white ground. Diameter, 13 ^ in. Lent by Sir William Drake. ( 56 ) 388. JUG. The surface covered with floral diapering in blue and yellow, and at the back is a label inscribed Vto. Aragon. H. 6 in. Caffaggiolo. Lent by Mr. Cardwell. 386. TAZZA, moulded scannellato in flutings with cut border. In a central medallion Cupid ; round it arabesques in compartments ; painted in blue, green, and orange. Concentric circles in blue and yellow at the back. Diameter, 9 in. Faenza. Lent by Mr. Holland. 387. TAZZA. Similar to No. 386 . Lent by Mr. Holland. 388. PLATEAU, with radiating ribs on the surface. In a central medallion is a coat-of-arms supported by two cupids all painted in colour; round this are three zones of figures and festoons painted in blue on a white ground ; a similar zone round the rim at the back. Diameter, 17 ! in. Venice or Savona, Lent by Sir William Drake. 389. DISH. Fourteen ladies in mediaeval dress, above whom are inscribed their fourteen names, each followed by B for Bella , and also a verse beginning Acuno sela penza. Painted in red, blues, green, and yellows ; with a tinted background above and below. Diameter, i 8 | in. Probably Venice. Lent by Sir William Drake. 390. MAJOLICA PLAQUE. Cupids dancing and romping under trees. H. 7 J in., W. 10 in. Late Urbino or Castelli. I^ent by Mr. Jarvis. 391. Globular VASE. A saint within a medallion in front, and a head within a medallion at back, and floral ornaments over the rest of the surface. H. 12 in. Sicily. Lent by Sir William Drake. 392. ALBARELLO. Rough floral pattern. H. 11 in. Late Urbino or Sicily. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinfauns. 393. ALBARELLO. The whole surface covered with floral diapering in deep blue. H. 13 in. Probably Venice. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinfauns. ( 57 ) 394. ALBARELLO. Rough floral pattern. H. 9 | in. Late Urbino or Sicily. Lent by Mr. Cardwell. 395. TAZZA. The Descent from the Cross ; a composition of ten figures in an open landscape. Titular inscription at the back with the signature X and the date 1541 . Diameter, iof in. Urbino : Francesco Xanto. Lent by Mr. Mar lay. 396. TAZZA, with moulded sides. Nine female figures preparing for a festival, in open country with tents. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, 11 ^ in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Jarvis. 397. PLATE. In the centre Andromeda bound to a rock, Perseus in the clouds above, the monster to the right, and people watching from buildings to the left; an island with buildings and hills in the distance. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, uf in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Butler. 398. TAZZA, with moulded sides. Two groups of combatants in Roman dress advancing to the attack ; an open landscape with water, buildings and mountains in the background. At the back the moulding is accentuated by blue lines. Diameter, 11 in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Marlay. 399. TAZZA. Hercules attacking Geryon and Eurytion, who are defending their cattle at the mouth of a cave. A landscape with an extensive city in the background. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, iof in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Butler. 400. TAZZA, with moulded sides. Triumph of a Roman Emperor : he rides in a car drawn by two horses, a winged Victory standing behind him ; there are soldiers round him and captives in front. Buildings in the back¬ ground. Diameter, niin. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Butler. 401. TAZZA. The Invention of the Cross : Constantine sits asleep by his bed, and before him stand his pages with his arms, the angel with the cross appearing in the air above. Titular inscription at the back with the signature X and the date 1538 . Diameter, io| in. Urbino : Francesco Xanto. Lent by Mr. Holland. I ( 58 ) 402. TAZZA, with moulded sides. The feast of the weaning of Isaac, within a building to the right ; and to the left, the expulsion of Hagar and Ishmael. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, io^ in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Ross. 403. PLATE. In the centre Lot and his Daughter ; and amorini on the border. Diameter, 7 in. Castelli. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinfauns. 404. PLATE. In the centre a rustic scene: two seated ladies with boys by their sides, and a man standing before them with fruit, &c.; all in costume of the seventeenth century; landscape background ; scroll foliage on the border, heightened with gilding. Diameter, 1 if in. Castelli : probably by one of the Grue family. Lent by Mr. Jackson. 405. CIRCULAR PLAQUE. Large landscape scene, with buildings and figures. Diameter, 10 in. Castelli. Lent by Mr. Ross. 406. PLATE. Landscape centre, with border of scroll foliage and flowers, among which amorini disport themselves. Diameter, 7 § in. Castelli. Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 407. COVER OF VASE, with Egg-cup above. The upper surface is covered with grotesques, a fruit-basket, and a mask between two peacocks standing on dragons’ heads, &c., and inside the egg-cup is a bird. All outlined and shaded in blue, and reserved in white, against a background of dark blue. A radiating pattern outlined in blue below. H. 95 in.; Diameter, 3 ! in. Caffaggiolo. Lent by Mr. Pfungst. 408. PLATE. Similar to No. 406 . Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 409. TAZZA. The Adoration of the Child by the Virgin and Joseph and the Shepherds, in an open landscape, with the stable to the right. Scroll-work, giallo sopra giallo , at the back. Diameter, 10 in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Mar lay. ( 59 ) 410. PLATE. In the centre Bacchus, his back against a cask and drinking from a vase ; two cupids assisting ; scroll foliage on the border, heightened with gilding. Diameter, in. Castelli : probably by one of the Grue family about 1750 . Lent by Mr. Drury Fortnum. 411. TAZZA. The Poets on Mount Parnassus, after Rafifaelle’s fresco in the Vatican, or Marc Antonio’s engraving ; the doorway is shown below; and a coat-of-arms (qu. Salviati) is added in a tree above ; painted in tints of green, yellow-brown, and white on a greyish blue background. Scrolls in deep blue at the back, and in a label in the centre the date 1531 . Diameter, io| in. Forli or Faenza. Lent by Mr. P/ungst. 41 2. PLATE. In the centre Orpheus and Eurydice ; with border of scroll foliage in which amorini disport themselves. Diameter, 7 ! in. Castelli. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinfauns. 413. Oviform VASE, with cylindrical neck. The figure of a saint in a medallion on one side, the rest of the surface covered with a design of shields, helmets, cuirasses, &c., between two horizontal bands of ornament above and two below. H. 13 in. Probably late Urbino. Lent by Mr. Ross. 414. DISH. Ruins of a Roman building with landscape beyond and small figures in the foreground. Sprays of leaf in black at the back. Diameter, 15 in. Venetian : last century. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinfauns. 415. LARGE ALBARELLO. At the back a panel, with a Cupid on either side and two others at the top, and a grotesque mask below, bearing the words Mostarda. f. In front a terminal figure bearing festoons attached to the panel at the back and to two masks between. There are cupids riding on the festoons and others below. A band of floral ornament at top and bottom. Reversed in white on a background of blue and heightened with grey. H. 16 J in. Castel Durante or Cafiaggiolo. Lent by Mr. Salting. 416. DISH. Landscape, with trees in the foreground to the left and a building in the middle distance. At the back, a monogram of A. F. combined with a triple grapnel, and also sprays of leaf: A in black. Diameter, 18 in. Venetian ; last century. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinfauns. ( 60 ) 417. Oviform VASE, with cylindrical neck. Similar to No. 413 . Lent by Mr. Ross. 418. DISH. Similar landscape to that on No. 416 . Sprays of leaf in black at the back. Diameter, 15 in. Venetian ; last century. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinf aims. 419. DISH. Amid ruins of a Roman building Apollo on horseback riding at speed, and Daphne fleeing away and being changed to a tree. A monogram of the letters R. C. G. at the back. Diameter, 18 ^ in. Venetian ; last century. Lent by Sir William Drake. 420. DISH, with moulded rim. Painted with a landscape, including a group of trees, a river, and bridge, &c. Border of foliage amongst which amorini disport themselves. Diameter, 20 in. Castelli. Lent by Mr. Massey Mainwaring. 421. TAZZA. ^Esacus pursuing Hesperia, who falls bitten by the viper ; and in the background, .Esacus casting himself into the sea, where Neptune awaits him. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, ufin. Urbino. Lent by Mrs. Hamilton Roe. c s 422. TAZZA, with moulded sides. Moses with three others clothing Aaron in the High Priest’s robes. Tents on either side, and a landscape beyond. Titular inscription at the back. Diameter, 11 in. Urbino. Lent by Mr. Marlay. 423. PLATEAU, with central boss and radiating mouldings. A coat-of-arms with supporters and crest in colours in the centre ; the rest of the surface white. Diameter, 185 in. Savona, or Venice. Lent by Mr. Ross. 424. DISH, with moulded edges. In a central medallion, a mermaid carrying a basket of flowers; which design is repeated in four radiating compartments, alternately with four compartments of floral diapering. All painted in blue on a white ground. The lighthouse mark at the back. Diameter, 18 in. Genoa. Lent by Lady Hay of Kinf aims. London : Printed by Strangeways & Sons, Tower Street, Cambridge Circus, W.C. • , 4 > ■ ; y-. , . ■ sy. ^ .. - V - ; > ' ■ . v'.vw-' / . • - V • - . ‘ • r* . - . .« • * ■ • - j ' * " 5 * - r - V • - - ■ . ' - • ■ •: • • j. --V >:i: •• .r ■ ■ , "• • a - •. f \: r **• 1 - -vj ' '; ■ y'.. . ■ • UHL K?ii 1 * ,vv; ■ '« ' I'- *. ? >-.*■ ■ ■< y - > -.•■ * ’ J ■, . * / ■• v ; T.- V'. v\ /. ... . : '; , " . . ' :• ' - ■*■■:• • V ■ * ' ‘ » " V ' - • t \ / ' r&