CATALO GUE O F T H E Noble Collection O F Pictures, Miniatures, Bronzes, Gems, magnificent Emboffed Plate, Ornaments in Gold and Silver, Coins and Medals, China, Japan, &c. Of the Right Honourable Lady Elizabeth Germain, Latelp Dcccas'D ; Being the C o l l e c t i o n of the old Earls of PETERBOROUGH; AND ALSO, Part of the A R U N D E L I A N CoUedion. Which (by Order of the E x e c u t o r s) Will be fold by A u c t i o N, By Mr. L^NG FORD and Son, At their Houfe in the Great Piazza, Covent Garden, On Wtdnefday the 7th of this Inftant March 1770. and the Three following Days. /_ , /^OG The whole may be viewed on Monday the 5th, and till the Time of Sale, which will begin each Day pundually at Twelve o'Clock. Catalogues of which may then be had at Mr. L a n G f o R d's aforefaid, at Sixpence each, l^ote. In the Second Day's Sale will be fold, her Ladyfhip's rich Set ci Gold anj Silver DrelTw Plate, her Brilliant Ear Rings, Necklace, Girdle Buckle, Stay Buckles, and other jewtts ; her large and fine Oriental Pearl Necklace, and feveral other rich and valuable Efte(9s. CONDITIONS of SALE as ufual. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Research Library, The Getty Research Institute t 3 ] Firft Day's Sale, Wednefday, March 7, 1770. PICTURES. Lot 1 TiArnabai Lord Thomond, jqrs. 2 Robert Earl of Leicejier, ditto 3 A man's head, ditto 4 Talbot Earl of Shreixijbury Cooper S A piece of fruit _ , ^ , , g^53^^o 6 The angel appearing to the fliepherds Sir. G. Kneller 7 QH^en ^'"'^> half length jjj^^o 8 Mrs. Davenant, ditto j5,.r^Q 9 King ?^////«»J the Third, ditto 10 A/ary, wife to King James the Second, ditto 11 Lady T'o/zon, Countefs of 2'/^flK«^ ^^rs. 12 The Countefs oiWejlmoreland, daughter to the Earl of Cardigan 1 3 The Countefs of Kildare, its companion Ditto Vandyck Sir P. Lely Ditto MINIATURES, &cc. 14 Two Gentlemens heads, and a lady's ditto 15 A view of the battle o( Culloden, and 2 cafts of heads 1 6 A Gentleman's head, and a Lady's head, ditto 17 Henry'E&A ot Peterborough, and 2 others 18 Queen ^««^ when 14 years of age, and 3 others ^ , . ., , ,g S\ Drake, and 2 others, a man's head in oil, and 2 drawings of heads HosKiNS z° 7""'" ^"""'' ^"''^ o( Richmond Cooper. 21 Lady Elizabeth Honuard Q^^ivj^ 22 Mary oi Medicis, Queen of fya»« Albert Durer 23 A man's head, curioudy ca.ved in box wood Cooper H The Countefs of ■ TT „„ 2C The Earl of A^om'«?A I of Peteriorougk's 46 Q^Elizaielli's fz\t in iWver, on a ftand, curioufly wrought 47 A fine block of lapis lazuli 48 A beautiful Indian iziade boat, ft ivtth rutin and emeralds 49 Two ( 12 ) 51 Tivo horfes in bionze 52 Two ditio , 5^. /■ivo magnificent i-vcrv V t,!,v^ I,. <•/- ; , i > «'-• Gold Cojns and Medals. 56 Four fine medals oftheDV, of iy..W. t "L l/ '" 57 Six medals and coins of the empefor J'/ ? 7' ?S''- 58 . donble dnca.. and aTve^^Tche ,0 J ' ^'^^ '''■''^' ' ^ '^^ ^ 2^' 59 An ancient medal of the Emprefs U..r., 7 ^r^T' ^"^ .' "^^ ' ''''■ ^ wt. 3 oz. 2 due. ' ^ °^ ^"""'' and an old byzantine, 6oAdittoofCW/..XI. Kin?of>S'.,t„^,. ^„f ,„ 6. A fine medal of C/W./il andTo O ^^^ 7' "^" 62 Two coronation medals of Mary, a,een to K wT. r ''°"'' '''• ^ °'- ' ^ ''*^'- ' ^ g^- 63 A noble of^^^„.,y ,he 7-W. a ryal ofyj' ^f k f ' and .... .„, ,„ ,,, ;„^jr;;-2r ::. :rr; ^ ^"^^" -' ^-- ^^^ ^-^ S si^^ix::^s r: - -^ of^r-t,..^ .. . o. ,d.. .,. I oz. ,9 d.vt. zigr. ' ^""^ P"" °f ^^-''""- «nd 8 foreigncoins, wl V Silver Coins and Medals. 66 Seven dozen of FW. jettons, in a purfe, vvt. ,7 oz 4 dwt 7. A fine medal on the beheading of .W,. and ^.^/, . oz. 8dwt. .zg. Copper Medals. 73 A medal of f.,^/.., and a large parcel of Roman brafs, in a ba. . . A coppe. .edal of the king of ..^.. by ,,.., .^a , , J^her pieces . , FINIS. '^ zv^c :-'