7ES'-i' L^ t V ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Research Library, The Getty Research Institute http://www.archive.org/details/genuineentirecolOOwins CATALOGUE GENUINE AND ENTIRE COLLECTION DRAWINGS AND PICTURES, THE PROPERTY OF WILLIAM ROSCOE Esq. WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY Mil. WINSTANLEY, AT HIS ROOMS IN MARBLE STREET, LIVERPOOL, ON MONDAY 23d SEPTEMBER, AND FIVE FOLLOWING DAYS, PRECISELY AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK KACH DAY. / OZj / ^ To be vitvied tm Thursday the I9tli, Friday the SO(A, and Saturday the i\st ; and Catalo^ies may be had of Messrs. Cadell and Tlavis, Strand ; Messrs. Payne and Foss, Pall Mall; Messrs. J. and A. Arch, iornhill; Messrs. Longman and Co. Pulernoiter row ; Mr. Triphook. 23, Old Bond -street ; Mr. Evans, Pall Mall ; a> d Mr. Cochrane, Ko. \, Catharine-street, London; Mr. John BaUantyne, Edinburgh; Messrs. A, and J. M. Duncan, Glasgoic; Mr. Urewry, Derby; Mr. Morgan, Lich field; Messrs. Knott and Lloyd, Birmingham ; Messrs. Nortons, Bristol; Mr. Parker, O^cford; Messrs. Deighton and Sons, Cambridge ; Mr. Broster, Chester ; Mr. Walton, Printer, Shrewsbury ; Messrs. Todd, Ym-k ; Mr. Wilson and Mr. Rudford, Hull ; Mr. Edwards, Halifax ; Mr W. Ford, Manchester ; at the place of Sale, andofMr, Winstanley, Church-street, Liverpool; price is. Cd. To prevent improper intrusion, no person will be admitted to the View or Sale without a Catalogue. LIVERPOOL : PKINTiiD B"Y G. F. HARKIS'S WIDOW AND BROTHERS, -WAFER STREET. 1816. ADVERTISEMENT. The following works, as well as those comprized in the two former Catalogues, have been collected during a series of years, chiefly for the purpose of illustrating, by a reference to original and authentic sources, the rise and progress of the arts in modern times, as well in Germany and Flanders as in Italy. They are therefore not wholly to be judged of by their positive me- rits, but by a reference to the age in which they were produced. Their value chiefly depends on their authenticity, and the light they throw on the history of the arts ; yet as they extend beyond the splendid cera of 1500, there will be found several productions of a higher class, which may be ranked amongst the chef d'oeuvres of modern skill. With regard to the originality of the Drawings which compose the first part of the following Catalogue, it may he proper to observe, that as such productions were for the most part intended only for the use of the artist in his more finished compo- sitions, and not, like etchings or engravings, for publication, he has seldom authenticated them by either his name or mark. This deficiency has therefore been supplied in general, either by the friends and contemporaries of the artist, or by the persons into whose hands they have in subsequent times happened to fall, and who have endeavoured to assign each piece to its proper master ; at the same time frequently adding some note or mark, distinguish- ing the drawing as having formed a part of some particular col- lection. The authenticity of such drawings may therefore he considered as sanctioned by the different persons to tvhom they have successively belonged, and tvhose autographs or marks they bear ; amongst whom may be enumerated the celebrated Painters Giorgio Vasari and Benedetto Luti; together with the Duke of Modena, Padre Resta, and many others in Italy; M. CrozaTj M. Mariette, and others in France; many collectors in Holland and the Low Countries ; and King Charles I. the Earl of Arundel, Sir Peter Lely, Martin FoLKES, Esq. Sir Joshua Reynolds, Mr. Bar- nard, and several others in this kingdom, and particularly that very worthy man and excellent connoisseur, Jonathan Richardson, who formed the finest collection of drawinn;! ever brought together in this country. Thus these works have been received as authentic, and have passed from one cabinet to another, from the rise of the art to the present day ; and in this state a great part of the following collection is now brought before the public. Hopes had been indulged by the present possessor that the works of Literature and Art included in this, and the two preced- ing Catalogues, might have formed the basis of a more extensive collection, and have been rendered subservimt to some object of public utility ; but the circumstances of the times are not favour- able to his vieivs, and they are now therefore offered to the public, in detail, and without reserve. The Catalogues may serve, how- ever, to give an idea of the entire collection, when the works that compose it are again dispersed. INDEX TO THE DAYS OF SALE. FIRST DAY Monday, September 23d. Drawings from Works of early Art • • Lot 1 to 7 Florentine School 8 — 127 Genoese School 128 — 151 SECOND DAY Tuesday, September 24th. Drawings, Roman School 152 — 233 Venetian School 234 — 296 THIRD DAY Wednesday, September 25th. Drawings, Lombard School 297 — 342 Bolognese School 343 — 436 FOURTH DAY Thursday, September 26th. Drawings, German, &c. 437 — 558 French School 559 — 588 English School 589 — 610 Port Folios 611 — 632 Cabinets 633 — 634 FIFTH DAY Friday, September 27th. Pictures, illustrating the rise and pro- gress of Painting in Italy 1 — 62 Capital Pictures by Itaban Masters- • . • 63 — 77 SIXTH DAY Saturday, September 2Bth. Pictures, illustrating the rise and pro- gress of Painting in Germany, Flan- ders, &c. 78 — 146 Capital Pictures by Flemish, Dutch and English Masters. 147 — 155 Mr. WiNSTAffLBT will faithfully execute the Commissions if such Gentlemen as cannot attend the sale: and respectfully requests that they will be particular as to their limits. Such Commissions as may be discretionary, or unlimited, will be attended to in the order in which they are received. The Drawings contained in the first four days' sale, including the Port Folios and Ebony Cabinets, will be offered in ONE lot; when, if no person appears to bid above a sum to be named, they will be sold in lots according to the Catalogue. The series of Pictures illustrating the rise AND PROGRESS OF PAINTING IN Italy, in the fifth day's sale, from lot 1 to lot 62 inclusive, will also be offered IN one LOT, in the same manner. The series of Pictures illustrating the rise AND progress OF PAINTING IN G ERM AN Y, FlANDERS, &C. in the sixth day's sale, from lot 78 to lot 147 inclusive, will also be offered in one lot, as before mentioned. In case the Drawings should be sold in one lot, the Sale of the Pictures will not commence till the days mentioned in the Catalogue: and in case either of the series of Pictures should be sold in one lot, the remaining Pictures will be sold on each day, according to the Catalogue. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. — ^The highest bidder to be the buyer, and if any dispute arise, the lot in dispute to be put up again. II. — No person to advance less than one shilling; above five pounds, two shillings and sixpence ; and so on, in pro- portion. in. — The buyer to give in his name and place of abode, and to pay five shillings in the pound, as earnest for each lot, if required. IV. — ^The lots to be taken away with all faults or errors of description, at the expence and risk of the purchaser, within two days after the sale, and the remainder of the purchase-money to be paid on or before delivery. V. — Upon failure of complying with the above conditions, the deposit-money to be forfeited, and the lots which remain uncleared re-sold by public or private sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by tiie defaulters at the present sale. VI. — The duty to be paid by the purchaser. " In uno di questi disegni si conosce quel ch'erano quei PRIM I ARTEFici Jorieri dell' Aurora dtl secoh siguenle ; 07tde a QUELLE pocHE CARTE RiMASTE siatno obbligatissimi, e dob- bium venerarle come primi albori d'ingegni." PAIiNASO DE PITTORI, del PAD HE REST A, p. 10. A CATALOGUE, ^c. FIRST DAY'S SALE. DRAWINGS, From Remains of early Art in Italy. ?lj,. 1 Six, from Mosaics and Paiutiugs in the Churches at First Day. Venice, &c. by Fr. Bartoli, Mr. Talman, &c. ,, ',^Z^ tfj-uC / — 2 Three ancient Drawings from Pictures of Greek Artists. ^^-t^jC ,^ - 3 Four, from ancient Mosaics in the Church of S. Maria a3^^ Trastevere at Rome. /g ^4 Four, Do, from the same. ^-^^i^cz:^ // i-,b Two, the Facciata of S. Maria Maggiore in Rome, from ^Z^^^ the Mosaic of Filippo Rossuti, described by Baldi- nucci, Notizie de' Professori, Decen. J. sec. 2. The Coronation of the Virgin, from the Mosaic of Fra. Jacopo da Turrita; — executed by the orders of Pope Nicolas IV. V. Baldinucci, ibid. ^ .6 Four, from Mosaic Cielings, dc. from different Churches ^^ in Rome. 2 Jl Three, Christ attended by Saints, from the Mosaic in ^"^^ &2*^. the ancient Church of Santa Luciua at Rome, re-^ paired in 1613; and two others from different Churches. JLunettes. The Drawings in the last five foregoing lots are finely exe- cuted, and highly finished in red chalk, after works of early B •2 Fiisl Day. DRAWINGS. aj-t, many of which have since perished, and of which these Drawings are now the only representations. They are all from the collection of Monsignor Marclietti, Bishop of Arezzo, which was formed by Padre Resta, and after the death of tlie Bishop was soW, by the mediation of Mr. Tal- man, to Lord Somers, and composed the chief part of the vohime of Drawings, No. 6, in that collection, par- ticnlarly mentioned in Mr. Talman's letter, in the cata- logue of the Pictures of Geo Villicrs, Duke of Bucking- ham, published by Hor. Walpole Lord Orford, 1758, puge 76. DRAWINGS OF ITALIAN MASTERS. FLORENTINE SCHOOL. The rtferenees to Lanzi, Storia Pittorica Della Italia, art to tht edition of Bass A no, 1809, in six vol. octavo. GIUNTA PISANO. fi. \2\0—lTo6. Lanzi'j 1. 8. "7 f , 8 One, Figure of a Young Man, fufl robed; his right hand supporting a book. On a green washed ground. heightened. Size l^in. high, 4^ wide. Extremely curious. With this artist, who was piior to Cimabue, Lanzi com- mences his series of the Florentine SchooL At tiie back of this Drawing is the following note (in the hand writing of Jonathan Hichardson the elder) from Padre Resta. : — " GiuNTA PiSANO, nome incognito al Vasari; Pittorc ante- ccdente a Cimabue. Furoiio trovuti queiti Disegni (there were about dx of them) di muHitra Grnanica, de' tempi bassi, delprincipio del sccolo FLORENTINE SCHOOL. duodecimo, in vn reposliglio d'una casa cheft di Pietro Perugino, First Day. jHTvenuta, circa I'anno 1683, nelli Pudri deWorlo di S. Filippo di Perugia, assieme d'altri disegnif tra' quali uno di Pietro della Francesca." This Drawing, which formerly belonged to Padre Resta, has since been in the collections of Jonathan Richardson, Arthur Pond, and Mr. Barnard. I CIMABUE. Lanzi, I. 14. b. 1240, d. 1300. OR HIS SCHOOL. .9 One, an Angel in the Clouds, turned towards the left. ^Z ^ bearing a cup m his right hand; on a grey ground, heiglitened. Very fine. Size 14 h.Sw. This piece has been ascribed by Padre Resta to Giovami Pedrino, who is said to have been a sclioiar of Lionardi da Vinci ; but of whom noUiing further is known, v. Lanzi IF. 202. It bears however decisive evidence of a much earlier state of the art, and corresponds precisely with the facsimile of a drawing of a similar subject enoraved by Metz under the title of School of Cimabue, a copy of which ac! companies this drawii.g. From the collection of Padre Resta, afterwards of Jon. Rich- ardson ; of both of whom there are remarks on the back. GIOTTO DI BONDONE. Lanzz, I. 16. b. 1276, d. 1336. 10 One, the Coronation of the Virgin. A design for the <^ .' celebrated Picture in the Chapel of the Baroncelti, ' ' at Florence, under which Giotto inscribed in letters of gold, OPVS MAGISTRI JOCTI. Bistie. Size, 18 A. J 3 It;. 4 DRAWINGS. First Day. -phia very eaiiy dUcl curious Drawiug belonged to Vasari, who Las detoiateil it with a rich Architectural border. It M 33 afterwards in Ihecolleciioiiof Richardson. A Print in imitation of it has been very accurately engraved byMetz, a copy of which accompanies the drawing. ' — '/^t' 11 One, the Coronation of the Virgin ; a different design for the same subject. In the former the Son, sitting in front, crowns the Virgin kneeling before him; in this the Father is seated on the throne, and the Son crowns the Virgin whilst the Father embraces them>^ -r <- ^ ' This Drawing has probably bein deprived of a part at the bottom. Its present size is 6| h. by 7\ vvide. In other respects it differs considerably from the preceding j partindaily in the Architectural pirt, which is intirely Gothic, aud induces a belief that the other drawing has been nitideruizcd in this rc-pet t by Vasari. Prom t!ie Collection of Padre Resta, who has cited it in his Purnaso de' Pittori, p. 9, No. 3, with the following remark: " II disegno per quel tempi c itmisne, cd e la Coronuzione della Beafu Vergine, che dipime in Santa Croce di Fioretiza, nella Capella Baroncetli, ove comincio la fuma a rendtrle celebre." It was afterwards in the collection of Jon. Richardson, in whose hand writing are many remarks. Ou the Reverse is a Draw inn of a Man on Horseback at full speed, thus noticed by P. Resta: — " Un Uomo a Cavallo, in corso, rovescio dell' antecedenfe." Par- naaso de' Pit. p. 10. -Ju.-'l'i One, a Group of Five Female Figures, proceeding towards a large Urn on the right. Pen Drawing. - Size, 5 { square. ,"^ ccc^^' This graceful design is from the collection of Mr. Ottley, Cutal. 6 '.'3. FLORENTINE SCHOOL. SIMONE MEMMI, Lanzi, I. 32. F"st Day. Called SIMONE DA SIENNA. b. li'86, d. 1344. 13 Six small Circles of Sacred Subjects, beautifully de - signed and highly finished. Siiiione Memiui was the friend of Petrarca, and paintet] tlie Portraits of him and of Laura; in return for wliicli, the poet has immortalized him in two of bis sonnets. These Pieces are from Mr. Ottley's collection, where they were attributed to Frd Giovanni tla Ficsole; but tlie style precisely agrees with the pictures of Simone Menmii in this collection. -.-.^ MASOLINO DA PANICALE. Lanzi, L 57. b. 1378, d. 1415. / t ^14 One, a Young Man sitting, turned towards the left and blowing a pipe. On brown paper heightened. 'e21 One, S.John, do. {/\l^^r^ Size. \6\ h. 7| w. <.,j'^^ fJ2 One, the Virgin and Child, whole length Figures, do. ^^ [ p Size, 16-i A. 9UJ. ^ jg ' ' \ \ From Mr. Hudson's Collection, afterwards Mr. Ottley's. FLORENTINE SCHOOL. -7 , :^^;-\ p3 One, a Group of several Figures sitting on the ground. First Day. a vessel on the fire before them. Capital. Size, 8h. 14 w. Ltiy't^'iL c .^f^ ^> ,. Compositions and Figures, extremely fine and CURIOUS. Size, 1 2f A. 8 w. From Mr. Ottley's Collection ; called in his Catalogue, a pre- eious morceau. No. 541. 8 First Day. / s DRAWINGS. ANDREA DEL CASTAGNO. b. 1403, d. 1477. Lanzi, I. 64. 28 One, a Sibyl and Prophet, in bistre on a brown ground, heightened, and highly finished. Very fine. J^-^ ji Size, 9 h. 9| w. FRA FILIPPO LTPPI. 6. 1400, d. 1469. Lanzi, 1. 62. / SW. aUyt-*- / 29 One, St. John adoring Christ; a pen drawing. Fine Size, 3| «j. '^'' PVom Richardson's Collection. Engraved in a fac-simile by Metz. The print accompanies the Drawii.g. , 30 One, two Heads in Conversation, profile, metal point on grey ground heightened. Very fine. — -o^ Size, 7| h. lOi w. From Mr. Ottlej's Colkction. , 31 One, a Saint exorcising an evil Spirit in the presence of two women, who express their astonishment. On a crimson ground, heightened. c?^ ^6<:i^^ I Sizjt, 13 h. 9 w. ' Very capital. From the Collections of Dr. Mead, Mr. Richardson, and Mr. I Barnard. FILIPPO LIPPI, the younger, Called FILIPPINO. Lanxi, I. 74. h. 1460, died 1505. •^ 32 One, a Woman walking, with her DistafF and Basket ; pen and bistre wash. Size, 8 A. Qw. From Mr. Ottiey's Collection. .t JT'iTJ FLORENTINE SCHOOL. 9 33 One, a Sibyl sitting; grand style, pen and wash. F»«t Day. & '^r? V Ac^ Reverse, several figures, metal point. Size, 8 sq. /^\^ |34 Two, Virgin, Child and St. John, with Infants at play. .^ ^^t^ Size, 6 h. 1 w. Virgin and Child ; pen. Size, 7 h. Sf w. / ., -35 One, a Concert of Angels, on blue paper heightened. ^ Capital. Size, 11| A. 9 m?. ANTONIO POLLAIUOLO. Lanzi,I.n,8^c. ft. 1426, d. 1498. i-.'^/;^i36 One, Christ and St. John; pen and wash on a brown i£'^<<^ci^Ce^' ground. Very fine. , Size, 6 sq. ' From Richartlson's Collection, afterwards Sir Jos. Reynolds's. j A fae-simile has been engraved from this Drawing by Metz ; I a ropy of which accompanies it. "^/^ "37 Two, St. John, in a niche, pointing upwards. z. C'^C'/Z^^^ Size, 54 A. 3 w. A Battle with many Figures, very spirited free pen. Size, 6 h. lb w. From Mr. Ottley's Collection. One, two Figures fighting; black chalk on brown Xv^f paper. u. I $8 Size,\6h. 12 w. From the same Collection. Pollainolo was the first who closely studied the anatomy of the human figure, and niaiked the extremities with due precision* 10 DRAWINGS. First Day. SANDRO BOTTICELLI. Lanzi, 1. 73, 107. b. 1437, d. 1515. X\ ^ «^ |39 One, a Man's Head ; metal point on a grey tinted ground. Very fine. ir-' , ^ Size, 7 5j'. From Richardson's Collection. -U^"*^ /i i'l/;^ 40 One, Figure of a Man iu Profile, on a blue ground, height- ened. Ditto. »~r^^^' Size, 8 h. b w. From Vasari's Collection. ALESSIO BALDOVINETTI. Lanzi, 1.62. b. 1425, d. 1-199. 41 One, two Figures, whole lengths in Conversation, on a crimson ground, heightened. Very fine. c.^~ZT2\ri~ Size, 7 in. sq. 42 One, three Figures standing, in conversation, ifine and spirited, on a red ground heightened. J^ \x.^l^^*^ Reverse. Two Figures sitting, one in sorrow repos- ing his head on his hand, the other reading. Ditto. Capital. Size, 8 h. 11 w. ^ From Richarflsoii, and Sir J. Reynolds' Collections. Both the drawing and reverse are well engraved by Metz, as fac-siping her hand in a bason. A Design for a Group executed with some slight variations in the Cieling of the Sistine Chapel, an Engraving of which accompanies the Drawing. Size, 8 A. \\w, j^ j j|^64 One, the Holy Family with St. John. The Child asleep on the knee of the Virgin, St. John with his finger. . on his lips. Red chalk, highly finished. *^ 5i2e, II A. 9t w. .^^^' This design of Mirhelagnolo is well known hoth from the pic- tures and prints of it, in which there are several slight variations. The subject is the same as that of the cele- ij [ \ 1 brated Picture belonging to INIr. Dawson, of Manchester. FLORENTINE SCHOOL. 15 ^ „,^- ^j65 Two, a Group intended for the Compartment of the First Day, ! 1 Deluge, in the Cieling of the Capella Sistina. Pen X" / and bistre heightened. I Size, 11 A. 8 z/;. . From the Collection of P. H. Lauckrinck. A Grotesque Figure with a Yoke on, a Helmet and other Studies. Size, Q\ sq. From the Collections of Jon. Richardson and Lord Spencer. 2 /^ ^66 Two Designs on one sheet for Groups in the Capella . v?^ / Sistina. A Charity, &c. Black chalk, capital Size, 11 h. IT w. From the Coliectiou of Laniberto Gorf, afterwards Mr. Ottley's. (J c/ 67 Two, the Holy Family with St. Elizabeth and St, John, ^^ ^, ^ a SUPERB COMPOSITION. Free pen and washed. '^ "-r.-z^ic The head of Joseph strongly resembles the Portrait of Michelagnolo. Size, 14 h. 9| mj. This inestimable Drawing: is accompanied by another repre- senting the Head of the Virgin in nearly a similar character. A fine Pen Drawing. Size, 4| h. 3| w. / ^ .68 One, a Sketch for the upper part of the Picture of the Holy Family, in the Palazzo Buonarotti at Florence, one of his last works. Free pen and wash. XA -, X Size, 4i h. 8 w. The whole composition is engraved in the Etrnria Pittrice, and the Print accompanies the Drawing. From Mr. Ott- L ley's Collection. One, Design of a Draped Figure of a Prophet sitting ,OV and turning over the Leaves of a Book, which was afterwards adapted to a female character in the Sybilla Erythraea in the Capella Sistina ; a sketch with a free pen, remarkable for its simplicity and grandeur. I Size, ll^h. 9w. 16 DRAWINGS. '4^^ First Day. REVERSE, two Sitting Figures finely draped. Pen and washed. From the same Collection. /^/|70 One, Design of a Figure intended for the Statue of David, afterwards executed by Michelagnoio with an alteration in one arm. Red chalk, highly finished./^L2 ^' /''' t // building; designed for a Group in the Picture of the Martyrdom of St. Peter ; in black chalk; one of the latest works of Michelagnolo, most highly and cor- rectly finished. A CAPITAL DRAWING. , 11 h. 7. tc. 4-Jl^ A Dream of Michelagnolo, expressive of his resent- j I ment against the persons employed under him in building the Church of St. Peter's. A figure (marked G'xo. Scultore) representing his own Portrait, is seen issumg, in great wrath, from an Arcade; and five naked Figures, pursued by Serpents, are making their escape by different ways. At the bottom is written, in his own hand, " Sognio fatto adi IG di Aprih C Ccl/^ 18 Drawings. First Day. 3560, la notte della domenica seconda dopo pasqua.^' ) Spirited pen, very curious. 1 h. 9w. I From Mi. Ottley's Collection. 'V" "^ J L^ilO A Design from the Collection of Mr. Ottley, described ^^^-/J in his Catalogue as " yi Shtch by Michelagnolo for his own Monument. At the boft,.m the Rivers Arno I and Tiber with the Riprtsentation uf the Laurentian I I Library and the Church of St. Peter's, his chief works in Architecture. The Compartment in the centre re- presents Michelagnolo when a boy received by the Arts j ! into the Garden of Lorenzo de' Medici, where he began by designing from the remains of Ancient Sculpture; on either side, the guardian genius of Buonarotti tri- umphing over Envy and over Death. Above his sar- cophagus appears the Figure of Fame sounding his praises tvilh three trumpets, as a sculptor, a painter, and an architect. Fine pen, most interesting." V. Mr. Ottley's Catal. No. 1678. 8 A. 6w. Notwithstanding tlie anthority of so distinguished a judge in works of art, it is presumed that this Drawing is not by Michelagnolo, but is the design for the principal front of the Catafalco, erected in the Church of St. Lorenzo at Florence, ou the occasion of his funeral, which was attended by the Grand Dukeof Tnscany, and of which a very particular ac- count is given by Vasari, in his Life of Michelaf>nolo ; from which it appears, that all the principal artists of Florence united in honouring his memory, by erecting I'lis immense, ♦ though temporary, stnicture ; and inparticular,that the lignre of the Tiner was executed in imitation of a Statue of Marble by Giovanni Custello, and that of the Arno by Bnttixln di Btneiletto ; that the representation of Lorenzo dc' Mtdiri, ' introducing Michelagnolo when young into the Gardens of the Medici, was painted in Chiuro Scuro by MirabeUo and Girolamo del Crocifissajo ; and that the figure of fame at the |1 J . j top was executed larger than life, by Zanobi Lastricati, FLORENTINE SCHOOL. 19 thescdptor, who had the direction of the whole, and who, it First Day. is not improbat>le, was the designer of the present sketch. It farther appears from Vasari, that the Catafalco was only suffered lo remain a few weeks after the funeral, for the inspection of the pai)iic ; so that this drawing is now probably the only remaining representation of a work intended to confer the highest honours on Michelagnolo, and which em- ployed the talents of the first artists of the time. / Z- iLL_I BO The Interior of the Great Hall in the Palazzo Farnese at Rome, with three Groups of Figures in the Niches, resembling the style of Michelagnolo ; and thus no- 1 ticed in the Descriltione della Qitta di Roma (1119) |-'J^"''tJo;. ii. p.204:: " Nella gran Sola (del Pallazzo Farnese) vi sono S)'c. ed un gruppo grande di Ahssandro Farnese, cpronato dalla Vittoria, con la JFiandria dinanzi a lui inginno- chiataed il Jiume Escaut (Scheldt) incatenato sotto i suoi piedi." 9 h. lb{ w. The works of Michelagnolo either in Painting or Sculpture are not numerous; the former he disliked, and the latter is necessarily slow iii its productions. It is therefore in his Drawings only that he is correctly known beyond the Alps. They bear the decisive character of his genins, and may be distinguished by their being evidently intended for sculpture rather than for painting. Every thing is formed in large and simple masses ; and jience the features, the limbs, and even tlie draperies of his figures are sublime. Mariette observes that the Drawings of Michelsgnolo are met with both as sketches and finished compositions. In the former he gave way to his bold and original genius, and appears in some degree a creator. In the latter he finished his work as highly as possible, preparatory to his executing it in fresco. Specimens of both of these occur in the pre- sent Collection. -^/'c <^' 20 DRAWINGS. First Day, BACCIO BANDINELLI. b, 1487, d. 1559. Lanzi, I. 135. ^ 181 Two, a Sheet of two Studies for the Statue of Adam to accompany that of Eve in the Group in the Choir of S. Maria del Fiore, at Florence. Pen drawing. Studies for the Head, and one Arm of the same Figure. Red chalk, very fine. \^ h. 101 m;. From Sir Peter Leiy's Collection. , / .. 82 Three, a Man tying on his Sandal; an academy figure. Free pen. '^^t^-c 9 h. 11 w. Two Figures on one Sheet, from the antique. The Judgment of Paris ; a circle. Pen drawing. ^^^'83 Hercules; an academy figure in red chalk, highly ^ f finished. 11 h. 9w. BARTOLOMMEO BELLA PORTA, Called FRA BARTOLOMMEO. Lanzi, 1. 150. b. 1469, d. 1517. ^ /iy. S4 Two, the Virgin Ascending to Heaven ; a sketch in black chalk on a red ground. 2:/ £ /^ ' RiiVERSE ; the same subject varied. 8 A. 6 u». From the Collection of Sir Joshua Reynolds. A Figure sitting, and reading a Tablet. Black chalk on red ground. 81 h. G{ w. From the same CoUertion. Two, St. Paul under an arched way, attended by two "-2.e /i' FLORENTINE SCHOOL. 21 other Saints. A superb design in red chalk, but First Day. much injured. 13 A. 9w. From the Collection of Jon. Richardson, afterwards Mr. Barnard's. A Saint, full robed. Bistre. Fine. 5 h. 2| w. " , a -. 86 Two, Dead Christ, with Virgin and Saints; painted in , ;// >- -^ - I one of the Churches at Florence. Black chalk on brown ground. 9 A. 13 w. The same subject varied. Ditto. 10 A. 13 w. Both these Drawings differ considerably from the Picture, as may be seen on comparing them with the Print from it, which accompanies them. •- /^ c, 87 One, Virgin and Child seated on a Tribune, Saints ^ • adoring. 10 h. 8w. From Lord Spencer's Collection. ^ /7 ^ 88 The Virgin and Child, two Angels playing on Musical Instruments; black chalk heightened, on a brown ground. Most capital. ^-^''c:^cic^ cc 8 A. 6| w. From the Collection of tlie Earl of Arundel, in whose hand the name of the painter Frate Bartolomeo is written. Af- terwards Mr. Richardson's. The original design for the Altar Piece in the Church of St. Mark, at Florence, mentioned in Lassell's Voyage of Italy, vol. i. p. 197. — V. the MS. observations at the back of the Drawing. DANIELE RICCIARELLI, Called DANIELE DI VOLTERRA. Lanzi, L 148. died 1.566. , [^ . 89 One, Adam & Eve expelled from Paradise ; black chalk, v^^?. x highly finished. 11 h. 12 w. 22 DRAWINGS. First Day. ANDREA VANNUCCHI, Called ANDREA DEL SARTO. Lanzi, I. 156. i j b. am, d. 1530. i /) ^ ^, 90 Two, a Sheet with two Drawings of Figures, one of them from Sir P. Lely's Collection. . J! -L The Salutation ; a design for the celebrated Picture in the Scalza, at Florence. Black chalk. 6 A. l\w. From Richardson's Collection, afterwards L. Spencer's. <- executed by Franciabigio. Red chalks veryjine.^ DOMENICO BECCAFUMI, Lanzi, I. 87, Sfc. Called MECARINO. b. 1486, d. 1561. y i^ .,92 One, Figure of an Apostle. Pen and bistre, very ' i ! J FINE. y, 16 h. 6w. ^^rr.f From the Collection of Sir Joshua Reynolds. This is a design for one of a set of the Apostles, intended to be engraved by the painter himself, in Chiaro Souro, two of which set are mentioned by Vasari, and are in this Collec- tion ; but it does not appear that the present figure was ever engraved. BALDASSARE PERUZZI. Lanzi, /. 314. b. 1481, rf. 1536. ^93 Four, three Subjects on one Leaf, viz. a Female Figure in Meditation. Free pen. v "* y ^"f FLORENTINE SCHOOL. 23 Design for a Medallion of Clement VII. Apollo and First Day. the Muses on Mount Paruassus. From Mr. Ottley's Collection. The Virgin and Child, Christ playing with the Lamb. bh. 3w. From Richardson's Collection. / - ^04 Two, the Seven Sorrows of the Virgin. Pen and bistre ' *- y wash, VERY FINE. 12 A. 8lw, From Richardson's Collection. ROSSO ROSSI, Called ROSSO FIORENTINO. Lanzi, 1. 166. died 1541. A Grotesque Architectural Design, with Figures, Fruit, &c. 9h. Iw. GIACOMO SANSOVINO. Lanzi, 1. 184. b. 1479, d. 1570. / ^ ^95 Two, a Superb Design for the temporary Fagade of a Public Building with statues, bas-reliefs, and histo- rical designs, &c. ; on occasion of a public rejoicing at Florence. Pen and bistre, very fine. 19 h. 14 m;. From Mr. Talman's Collection. Interior and Cieling of a Hall, with Statues and Deco- rations. Pen and bistre. 13| A. 8 w. From Richardson jnnr.'s Collection. i. y - 96 Design for a temporary Facade of a Public Building iu . the Pontificate of Clement VII. Very fine. ^■•:l/yj^t^ 22 A. 15 m;. ; Successively in the Collections of P. H. Lanckrinck, Sir Peter I J Lely, Mr. Hudson, and Mr. C. Rogers. ^., 24 DRAWINGS, First Day. MARCELLO VENUSTI. Lanzi, I. 145, 8fc. / / - 97 The Circumcision. A capital drawing, highly ' i I finished in peu and bistre. >T 9 A. l\w. ^^-uc^^-i GULIELMO DELLA PORTA. Design for the Sepulchre of Paul III. executed under the direction of Michelagnolo, in the great Tribune of St. Peter's, at Rome. Pen aud bistre, very fine. 13 A. 8w. GIORGIO VASARI. Lanzi, I. 186. b. 15 li.', d. 1574. .. /5 ^ 98 The Triumph of Cybele Pen and bistre ; an oval. \^ The original, from which Mr. Rogers has published a fac-simile iu his " Imitations «/ Drawings," 2 vols, folio. 7 4'v. 99 The Congress of Cremona, a finished design in pen and bistre heightened, for the Picture painted by Vasari in the Ducal Palace at Florence, and described by him iu his Ragionamenti ; containing the Portraits of Lorenzo de Medici, Ejcole Duke of Ferrara, Lodovico Sforza Duke of Milan, the Cardinal of Mantua Legate of the Pope, and others, who met together in 1483, for settling the peace of Italy. Capital. , Cj/^^ ^ 9 h. 15 w. Formerly in the Ci)llection of M. Crozat, afterwards in that of F. I. Mariette, 1741. PIERINO BONACCORSI, Called PIERINO DEL VAGA. Lanzi, /. 170. h. 1500, rf. 1547. ^ " /Z -100 Two, a Group of Figures. Pen and bistre. -^ & ih^^'''-'" '-^ 6 A. 4 m;. FLORENTINE SCHOOL. 25 A Group of Figures iu Conversation. Ditto, unfinished. First Day. 9h. llw. From Sir Peter Lely's Collectiou, afterMraids Richardson's. /;;,' 4.^101 Two Facades of Interior Ornaments, on one sheet. Pen -^, ,^' ! and indian ink, very fine. 5 h. 16i w. From the Cabinet of Count Geloso. »-i ^^^ ^ *^ Q{ h. 6| w. / 4 *- 105 One, Clelia and her Companions, escaping from the _.-. Camp of Porsenna. Pen and bistre, strongly heightr ened, very fine. 12 A. 17 w. g J ^106 One, David Dancing before the Ark. Pen and bistre, ^^' t'^z cl^^*^- very highly finished, most capital. Inscribed " Pierino Bonaccorsi 1531, Genova." 11 A. 20 w. FRANCESCO DE' ROSSI, Called FR. SALVIATI. Lanzi, 1. 146. b. 1510, d. 1563. «-^ ^ -5^ ^ 107 One, ^sculapius and Hygeia. Pen on yellow ground -'^'^ ^^ heightened. Style of Michelagnolo. 1 1 A. 6| w. From the Collection of Sir Joshua Revnolds. 26 DRAWINGS. First Day. ^108 Apotheosis of a Saint, attended by Angels. An angle, ■\'^V0-.O\ CAPITAL. ^ .- ill' 9A. 14u;. ~^^'^ From the Duke of Modena's Collection. c<^tl09 One, St. Luke writing his Gospel, attended by two V Saints. Pen and indian ink. ^t' 13|A. 11 If;. From the Arundel Collection, afterwards Sir P. Leiy's. ■^ /O i.^110 One, St. Helena avowing herself a Christian before the Emperor; "Christiana Sum.'' '^cWi'rr^ b\ h. 16 w. From Richardson, juni.'s Collection, afterwards Mr, Rogers's. BERNARDINO BARBATELLI, Called POGCETTI. Lanzi, I. 213. b. 134S2, rf. 1612. , , /2 ^ 111 One, the Salutation. Pen and indian ink, capital. From Richardson's Collection. JACOPO DA EMPOLI. Lanzi^ I. 238. b. 1354, d. 1640. ^,^^^112 Three, a Group of several Figures. Pen and bistre, ^"^' ^A AX ;>v^^ 5 h. 4| w. From Lord Spencer's Collection. Two Figures, wrestling. Ditto. A study. 5 A. Aw, A Friar Preaching. From the Collection of Count Caylus. ALESSANDRO CASOLANI. ' Lami, I. .356. b. 1552, d. 1606. - ^ - 113 One, the Holy Family with St. John, St. Elizabeth, &c. Pen and bistre, capital. ' .^ (^ ^tt, 13 A. 9 to. From the Collection of Mr. C. Rogers. 9 1 1. FLORENTINE SCHOOL. 27 LODOVICO CARD[, FusiDay. j Called CIGOLI. Lanzi, T. 229. I ft. 1559, rf. 1613. / 2 -J14 One, Francis, Son of Cosmo 1. being admitted by his ^■'-z'LcC FatJier to a shaie in the Government, receives the homage of the Senate. Pen and bistre, A capital DRAWING. 11 h. \Q\ w. MATTEO ROSSELLI. Lanzi, I. 240. b. 1578, rf. 1650. // ^115 Two Historical Pieces. Pen and bistre. Lunettes. ^ /'Vi /l^^ >>«- From Mr. Hone's, and the Duke of Argyle's Collections, (v. • his Cat. No. 24.) i VENTURA SALIMBENI. Lanzi, 1. 359. b. 1557, d. 1613. c .;>., 116 Three, the Beheading St. John in Prison. Pen and .~^7ct^ bistre. 6 h. 4} w. A Female Saint at Prayers. Ditto. 5 A. 1 w. The Virgin siirrounded by many Saints. Ditto, arched, I VERY FINE. ' 8 h. 10| w. Formerly in Mr. Ottley's Collection, marked W. Y. O. CRISTOFORO RONCALLI, Galled POMERANCIO. Lanzi, L 122, 123 One, Nymphs and Cupids in a Landscape. Pen and bistre. J^,' , x I 91 A. 13f w. / FLORENTINE SCHOOL. 29 I BENEDETTO LUTI, Lanzi, 1. 279. First Day. b. 1666, d. 1724. 124 Two, the Magdalen Fainting. Black chalk ; fine. c^Y-U/z-J^^ 10 A. 8 w. j From Sir Joshua Reynolds's Collection. GIOVANNI DA SAN GIOVANNI. The Assumption of the Virgin. Red chalk, fine. 15 A. 11 M'. From Mr. C. Rogers's Collection. ANT. DOM. GABBIANI. Lanzi, /.277. b. 1652, d. 1722. i J 7 ^125 Two, Christ saving Peter. On a blue ground, height- C: .^'-".v^ f ened. IIA. 7|ir. G. B. CIPRIANI. Lanzi, L 288. d. 1790. A Group of Bacchantes. Bistre. 5fA. Q\w. /J 126 Two, a Study of two Female Figures. ^ , ^' 1 h. b w. Vulcan, Venus, and Cupid. Heightened ; fine. 9 A. Qw. J27 Two, Moses Striking the Rock. Red chalk, capital. ,^V? ^/('^ ,^ 13 A. 11 IT. F. BARTOLOZZI. A Warrior on Horseback, guided by Fame. Several Figures kneeling. 9 A. 11 IV. 30 DRAWINGS. First Day. GENOESE SCHOOL. LUCA CANGIAGIO, or CAMBIASO. Lanzi, V. 299. j j j b. 1527, d. 1585. ll t^\j7]jl28 One, a Group of three Boys, two of them support- V^ /> ing a Compartment ; the third seated below. In the Compartment is inscribed " Da Luc a Cambiagio Genovese; Ambidestro. Luca Giordano Copio IN Roma." Pen and bistre. 8 A. 11 w. -' i7 c?^29 Two, a Group of four Boys or Angels ; the principal Group in the fine Print etched by Guido Reni after this master. (Cat. of Prints, 749. J Pen and bistre. Qh.lOw. i' '-''.' J' J.:Mc. A Group of Angels ; the intire subject of the Print. A fine drawing, but greatly defaced. Bistre wash. 16 A. 11 M). ^ ,/^ c^l30 One, the Holy Family ; the \irgin seated between two tiees, with the Child on her knee, foreshortened. St. Joseph behind looking towards the infant. Pen and bistre, an exquisite production. v.'"*' 10 h. 1\ w. 131 Two, the Marriage of St. CatheriBe ; St. Jose[)h behind, looking over the branch of a tree. C, . ,/ From Lord Spencer's Collection. Madonna and Child. Pen and bistre, strongly washed with great effect. b h.l w. il/|'7|„132 One, Venus and Cupid caressing. A pen drawing, EXTREMELY FINK. ^^'c/.Z^: c'«^> 12A. 1\w, Vv GENOESE SCHOOL. 31 / -133 Two, the Death of Adonis; Cupid weeping. Pen. First Day. 13 h.9w. , '/^a r^c n Venus attiring. Pen, VERY fine. From Richardson's Collection, afterwards Sir J. Reynolds's. 14 h. 10 w. // •- 134 One, a Charity ; a Woman seated, with three Children. ,-J:' f Strong pen. 14A. lltt'. From the Arundel Collection. /^ ^ 135 One, the Four Evangelists with their Symbols ; a / , / / grand composition, designed with the greatest spirit ' and eflfect. n h.\\\w. /^' ^136 One, Apollo and Marsyas contending before Midas; .«^^/* sketched in the same style as the last. 18 h. ISw. ^ ^137 Two, the Scourging of Christ. Pen and indigo wash. ^^ ..L 16| h. 1 1 «'. Holy Family with St. John; the Virgin seated under a tree. Pen and bistre wash. 14 A. 10 w. ^ '^ 138 Two, St. Francis receiving the Stigmata. Pen and ^^^ bistre. 16 h. 11 w. A Sacritice ; a Woman Bathing, and a female attend- ant. Pen and bistre wash ; octagon. 7 h. 13 w. /I ^139 Two, Holy Family with St. John; the infant in the , X^ /> , arms of Joseph ; an Angel crowning the Virgin. Pen and bistre, highly finished. 13 h. 9 w. Figures of two Saints standing in niches; grandly sketched with the pen. 1.5 h.Ww. 32 DRAWINGS. First Day. ,. 140 Three, Cupid stringing his Bow. /^^t/^^xj^-) 10 A. 11 w. I The Conversion of Saul ; a most spirited composition. 7 /(. 1 4 w. A Group of Angels ; very fine, but probably part of a larger composition. 8 A. \h\w. \\ ■\ _ ^j^7l41 One, Moses reclining his Head on the Tables of the Law. A most spirited pen sketch. ^x^ y^ 14 A. 11 w ^ /^^142 One, St. Jerome and the Lion. On blue paper, ! sketched with the pen, and slightly washed, but with surprising spirit and effect. ^(^^ci-^lfycn-^ 18 A. 12 jr. i^ //'cl43 One, a Funeral Procession; a large composition of many figures, with great expression and character. Pen and bistre, A Lunette. tC^^'c^it'^^c^ 11 A. 23 w. V, /^ -.144 Two, the Presentation in the Temple ; in the cubic manner. '/.^/-"^/^ 5 A. 12 w. Fiom Lord Spencci's Collection. The Marriage of Joseph and Mary. Do. h A. 12 w. ^,. - ^145 One, the Resurrection; finely sketched in the same , / manner, with great effect. -^^ - 9 A. 12 «•. / / ..146 One, Christ led from before Pilate ; in the same man- ner; a striking example of the talents of the artist, who could express all the varieties of character, without marking the features of the face, further than by cubes and angles. X/ , y 10 A. 14 m?. Notwitlistanding the a<:sertion of Mariette, in his Catalostue of the collection of Crozat, that a sufficient number of the drawings of Canibiaso still remain to c-ompcnsate for tlie GENOESE SCHOOL. 33 loss of the great quantity lie is known to have destroyed, First Day. it may be justly said, that in grandeur of conception, triitU of drawing, and freedom of liaud, he has never been ex- celled. GIOVANNI BATTISTA PAGGI. Lanzi, V. 308, 314. b. 1554, d. \6'i7. L, y^ ^147 Three, a Battle of Centaurs and Sea Monsters, in an^ ^/^,^^_^ ornamental circle. Pen. 7 inches square. VALERIO CASTELLI. Lanzi, V. 317. b. 1625, d. 1659. Christ on the Cross. A very spirited pen sketch. 10 A. 11 w. Dead Christ attended by an Angel. Ditto. 7 A. \0w, L, //^148 Two, Adam and Eve lamenting over the dead body of ^ y Abel. Finely diawn, pen and wash on blue paper. ' ^ 10 h. 7f w, I BENEDETTO CASTIGLIONE. Lami, V. 335. i. 16 IJ, d. i^7o. The Adoration of the Shep'ieids. Bistre. 9 A. 12 tf . BARTOLOMMEO BISCAINO. J /^ ^149 One, the Holy Family attended by Angels ; a choir of c. iir^ucJia-^ angels above. Pen and slight wash on a russet ground; A beautiful drawing. 7j A. 5 w. From Lord Spencer's Collection. 150 One, the Holy Family with St. John. Red chalk, oval ; <^ /^ rc^rt> ^'Zjz^ ajint composition. ^ ^--^ 41 h. 7 w. From the same Collection. I> 34 DRAWINGS. First Day. i 51 Oue, the Marriage of St, Catherine. Most elegant It/ " designed, on a russet ground, heightened. /^^ . 8 yi. 5 w. From the fame Collection. The Drawings of Biscaino are not only extremely rare, but are justly reckoned amongst the most exquisite specimens of the art. END OF FIRST DAY's SALE. BOMAN SCHOOL. 3f5 DRAWINGS. SECOND DAY'S SALE. ROMAN SCHOOL. GENTILE DA FABRIANO. Lanzi II. 14. Second Day. b. 1340, d. 1423. t i -^ . /' 152 One, Figure of a Man naked. Bistre, heightened. (JvW^^^^c ! j From the Arundel Collection, afterwards Richardson's. PIERO DELLA FRANCES C A. Lanzi, I, 56, <^c. ; h. 1374, d. 1460. ... Ao 7 ^ ^, 153 One, an Apostle sitting. Bistre, on a tinted ground, '<-^'' heightened, very fine. 12^. etr. ^,, // ^ 154 One, an Apostle reading. Bistre, heightened. ^^2 cC ^ 104 h. 7 IT. From the Collection of King Charles I. ! An imitation of this Drawing has been engraved by Metz : the Print accompanies the Drawing. PIETRO VANNUCCI, Called PERUGINO. Lann, II.24,Sfc. b. 1446, d. 1524. /| 9< ^155 One, the Holy Family, with St. John and Angels. On ^-A" a purple ground, heightened, and highly finished. j 1 h.6w. From Lord Spencer's Collection. 3G DRAWINGS. Second Day, 156 One, St. Jerome standing, adoring a small Crucifix at- ,iv" f ■^ ^"^ tached to the branch cf a tree ; behind liim the Lion. I ' i Bistre, on a brown srouud, very highly Jinnhed. ty . \ 12 h. 6 u\ ,1 y ^» ^157 Two, St. John Preaching in the Wilderness. Bistre, on a brown s;round. ^ / 10//. 6 w. The Virgin and Child. Bistre, arched at the top. I'M A. 9fK'. From Ricbardson'i) Collectioi!. FRANCESCO FR.\NCIA. Lanzi, r.8Q,^c. / *- -158 One, the Virgin in Glory, surrounded by Angels. Bistre, heightened. ^^^..^y ^h.h\w. ' From Sir Jos. Reynoids- CoUec tion, afterwards Mr. Ottley's. BERNARDINO PINTURICCHIO. Lanzi, I. 330, S^c, b. 1454. d. 1513. '(^ \^ ^lb9 One, the Adoration of the Magi, A very highly finished Drawing, tinted as a study for a picture ; EXTREMELY CURIOUS. ^ »/ - ^ ^ ^ ^ 17 h. 12 w. From the Cabinet of Count Geloso. RAFFAELLO SANZIO d' URDINO. Lanzi, 1. 331, tSr. 0. 1483, d. 1320. / / ^160 One, the Infant St. John. Pen and bistre, heightened. 6 A. Sw. ^a^/izr From Richardson's Collection, afterwards Lord Spencer's. , 7 y^ _161 One, Portrait of Alexander VI. In black chalk, on a I brown ground. '^ / 10I/I.7U.. . From the Collection of the King of Naples at Capo di Monte, a design for a picture in the same Cabinet; afterwards Mr. Ottley's. V. his Catalogue, No. 159H. j/l//\^ 169 One, a Study for part of the great picture called The Dispute on the Sacrament, composing a group of ma- ny figures, some of which are omitted, and others al- tered in the picture. lu indigo, highly heightened and finished, but on one side considerably decayed. 101 h. 18 «.. 4:i^oL/A^^- A/y^j\l^ Ojie, a Study for part of the picture of the Coronation / of Constantine. A surprisingly free and spirited sketch, in black and red chalk. Most Capital. 14 h. 10 w. c:Sk^^*>^^ From the Collection of Jon. Richardson. This Drawing has been imitated in aqua tinta. The Print accompanies the Drawing. / ///Vi\ One, the Coronation of Constantine — the chief part of the composition; in black and red chalk: there are some slight alteratious from the picture. The bot- tom corner to the left is unfinished. ^ 10 h. 15. w. ^ X ^ -172 Two, a Female Figure, from the antique, finely draped, her left hand supporting an anchor. Fine ptn, on a brown ground. (y^'~\ sh.ew. -^^"^ I From Richardson's and Sir Joshua Reynolds's Collections. ROMAN SCHOOL. 39 Two Female Figures and a Child. Red wash; for- Second Day. merly ascribed to RafFaelle, but attributed by Rich- ardson to Valerio Vicentino. T h. 4:W. From the Collections of Sir P. Lely, Richardson, and Lord Spencer. 7 y J 173 One, the destruction of the Host of Pharoah in ^^ ^/^ ^^^::^£^^ Red Sea ; the design for one of the Scripture histories, painted by Raffaelle in the Vatican. Pen and bistre. EXTREMELY FINE. 8 A. 12f w. From the celebrated Collection of M. Jabacli, and described in bis Catalogne as " Vne Etude pour un sujtt du Tableau de la Bible, qui est au Vatican." /:/^t,174 Two, a figure of a Man, from the antique, support- ''ci-'^t^^a2,^^^ ing bis drapery in his right hand, a shield in his left ; pen drawing. 9 A. G w. From Sir P. Lely's Collection, afterwards Richardson's Sketches of three Figures from the antique. Fine pen. 9 h. 6 w. j 175 Two, a Woman on her knees spinning ; fiee pen sketch. -^///c'/-> 6h.bw. From the Collection of Padre Resta, who has described it in his Parnuso de' Pittori, p. 6 1 , as " una Donna ginocchione, chejila, di Raffaelle d' Urbino; " afterwards in Richardson's Collection The finding of Moses; pen sketch ; octagon. 1 h. 1 w. From Sir Joshua Reynolds's Collection. 176 Oi>e, Cupid and Psyche pleading their cause before ^^ . the assembly of the Gods ; red chalk. '^'^'^ o^^i^''^/t. 9 h. 18 w. From Richardson's Collection. 40 DRAWINGS. Second Day. Jjter Raffaelle, hy other Masters. ^ ^ 177 One, tlie Queen of Sheba visitins; Solomon, by Cesare I da Nebbia. In bistre, highly finished, and capital. I From (he Cabinet of Count Gtloso. 2 J' ^ il'78 Three Semicircles or Lunettes, by U^o da Carpi, from the figures in chiaro scuro under the great pictures in the hall of Constantine, representing the sainted Popes Damasus, Leo L and Silvester, reading or writing ; each of thera attended by two angels, v. Bellori, Descrittione, Sfc.p. 150. s//Tet^ Ih.Ww. 2 — -^ 179 Eight pieces of the History of the Old Testament, drawn with great spirit and effect, by P. sun BartoU. Indian ink, on a brown ground, heightened, and highly fiuisbed. ^f 3A 9ur. -» /3 180 Three, Portrait of Dante— a figure writing, and a group of heads; from pictures in the Vatican. Black chalk. .^^^^^ GIULIO PIPPI, Called GIULIO ROMANO. Lanzi, 11. 8C, S)-c. I b. 1492, d. 1546. ., /t M 181 Two, an Eagle. Bistre. ^^^^^^m 3|A. Iw. From Sir P. Ldy's Collection. Two Nymphs carrying an Infant on a wreath of flowers. Bistre, heightened. h\ h. 7 w. ' 9 _ 182 One, horse and foot Roman Soldiers from the Trajan Column. In bistre; A CAPITAL DRAWING. ^^;vr^ 17 h. 11 w. ROMAN SCHOOL. 41 •il , ^J 183 One, Venus withholding Mars from pursuing a fugi- Second Day. : / , , tive; a design for oue of the pictures in the Palace of I I the T. at Mantua — a considerable j^eraftmerafo appears in the figure of Venus. Fine free pen. .: Vco-cr^ 9 h. 15 w. From the Collection of Jon. Richardson, who has quoted on the back the verses of Lucretius, "■ 'Nam iu sola potes tranquilla pacejutare " Mortaleis, S^c." afterwards Lord Spencer's. t, y^" ^ 184 One, the Resurrection of Clirist. Pert and bistre; for ^^ the picture in the Orgagno at Milan. *^ ^ <2 O -'^ 15 h. 11 w. ^ " '185 One, the Battle of Constantine and Maxentius. A CAPITAL DRAWING, in three sheets, in bistre; .-^^'t^^^j highly finished, and very spirited. 16| h. 44 w. u /3 <- 186 One, the Discovery of Achilles. Pen and bistre. ^^'^'^ 9 h. 15 w, c, /iV 187 Two, a Captive King, from a mutilated antique statue. „->v'^rz^o— Pen and bistre. 15 h. 8 w. A River God with his urn. 4 A. 9 w. From Lord Spencer's Collection. /"^-ISS Four, from Antique Statues. Fine pen. J^ ^' / " ^189 Two, from the Story of Dido and .Eneas, in the o^^^ x^ Palace of the T. at Mantua. Beautiful compositions, but greatly defaced and injured by lime. One, an - -^ octagon, in bistre. 42 DRAWINGS. Second Day. POLIDORO CALDARA, Called POLIDORO da CARAVAGGIO. Lanzi, II. 92, 304. d. 1543. /Z;*^ ^jl90 Three, Processions, &c. in imitation of the antique ; ^ in one sheet. > ^. <: From tlie Cabinet of Count Geloso. One, a Frieze of various Figures ; on a blue paper, bistre, heightened ; probably Agrippina receiving the ashes of Gernianicus. 9 h. 20 w. / yJ .v^c»One, a Bacchanalian Procession, in the same manner. /C f' 9h. 16 w. / /yt^ 191 Two, a Christian compelled to Worship Idols. ^ ." r I 9 A. 12 w. Niobe and her Children. 9 h. 11 w. FEDERIGO BAROCCI. Lanzi, I. 226. II. 147. b. i5'28, d. 1612. - ^ • highly linished drawing, in bistre. 12 h. 10 VD. From the Collection of Richardson the younger. L : J J ROMAN SCHOOL. 43 / , of life. Great expression, in crayons. j A Study of two Heads, for the same. I i " Les Etudes du Haroclie au Pastel sont tres difficiles d trourer I j bien cimsenies, d cause du peu de matiere qui d et4 employe. Ses tetes sont particulierement rechercheh." Cat. du Due de Tallard. GIO. BATT. DELLA MARCA, Galled LOMBARDELLI. Lanzi, II. 122. b. 13.Si, (/. t587. •^/Z. ciyi^ One, the Martyrdom of St. Peter and St. Paul ; a com- .\ position of many figures. In bistre. '-- ^-^^'^^^'' ^^> 16 h. 14 w. ANTONIO VIVIANI, Called IL SORDO D'URBINO. Lanzi, II. 152. \c /C' ii'199 Two, the Martyrdom of St. Laurence. Pen and bistre, v^' ' Reverse, a sketch of the Virgin, Child and Saints. 10 h. 8 vs. The Virgin and Child, with St. Jerome. 7 A. 6 IS. 1 I From Hone's Collection. RAFFAELLO MOTTA, Called RAFFAELLINO DA REGGIO. Lanzi, IL 119. b. 1550, d. 1578. '' /l. ^ 200 Three, an Ecce Homo. Pen and bistre. ^ ■■'/ .-^ ^^ ^ 4| h. 4 vo. Christ, with the Cross, appearing to the Virgin ; do. ^ h.Aw. Design for the Facade of a building, with allegorical figures, inscribed, v i I EVEXIT AD AETHERA VIRTUS. 10 h. 10 W. 44 DRAWINGS. Second Day, goi Two, the Virgin and St. John ; a study for part of a V^'r ! Crucitixion. 15 h.W w. Figures of two Holy Women with lamps. Wh.l w. TADDEO ZUCCARO. Lanzi, II. 103, 8)'c. b. \bi9, d. 1566. ^r ill 202 Two, an Historical Piece, on blue paper; a Lunette. b\ h. W w. ^ /c'ti.'/.,^^/ I. From Sir J. ReynoUls's Collection- A Pope exorcising an evil Spirit. 12 h. 9 w. /J .. 203 One, a Priest at the Altar, giving his benediction to a person kneeling. Very fine. (^/c^iin..:/ i^^j ^1.^ 204 One, Christ Preaching in the Temple; in bistre, highly finished. A Capital Drawling. ^ 9 h. 14 w. From Mr. Hudson's Collection. d-^/./^^'^L FEDERICO ZUCCARO. Lanzi, II. 110, ^-c. d. 1609. «.« /^ 205 Two, a Saint performing a miracle, by restoring a pea- sant t(» his shape ; before him an ass. Pen and bistre ; a Lunette. /^^ G A. 1 1 m;. Public Rejoicings in a ci(y; a spirited sketch. 6 h. 11 w. ' '7, ^ 206 Two, a Female figure in a triumphal car driving over another woman, who appears to cry for mercy. Pen and indigo, heightened. This driiwing much resem- bles the manner of Fr. Salviati. '^^^ 8 A. 12 w. ROMAN SCHOOL. 45 2 .^'4'^ Tlie Pope seated at the great door of St. Peter's, re- Second Day. ceiving the submission of a person who is prostrate bffore him, in the midst of an immense multitude, with buildings. Finely designed. Bistre. 10 h. 8 w. jB07 One, two Saints kneeling, and many other persons ia /^J^ ^^^/"^ I prayer. The %ures finely designed, and full of cha- j racter. A capital drawing of the master. 9 A. 14 IV. MICHELAGNOLO AMERIGI, Called DA CARAVAGGIO, Lanzi, 11. 144. h. 1569, rf. 1609. r« /Z -208 Two, a Sketch of Figures. , ' /^j-tS^dM- .//^ From Richardson's and Sir Joshua Reynolds's Collections. MICHELAGNOLO CERQUOZZI, Called DELLE BATTAGLIE. Lami, IL 204. b. 1602, d. 1660. A Cavalier and two attendants on horseback. I A\ h. 5| w. I ANDREA SACCHL Lanzi, TI. 176. . b. 1600, d. 1661. 209 One, whole length figure of a Man, largely drapcd.x^'^.^^^ ^/ ' Red chalk. ^ 16 A. 10 w. GIRO FERRL b. 1634, rf. 16B9. Lanzi, IL 219. ^ ;,jr_ ;210 Two, St. Luke painting the Virgin. A free pen sketch, '^ <^^^^ \ washed with bistre. 10 A. 6 M'. 46 Second Day. i DRAWINGS. GIOVAN FRANCESCO ROMANELLI. Lanzi, II. 213. b. 1617, d. 1662. An emblematical subject representing Commerce. Highly finished in bistre. 8 h. 13 w. '■i\/i>\^ 211 One, the Virgin and Child distributing rosaries. A j capital drawing. dyyll^^r^ 12 h. 8 w. From Mr. Holditch's Collection. GIUSEPPE PASSERI. Lanzi, 11. '^9, b. 1654, d. 1714. ^ /6 ^ 212 Two, the Dead raised; a Saint on his knees in ado- ration. Pen and bistre, heightened. 6 A. 4 w. An Altar-piece, with St. Peter and St. Paul. 12 h. 8 w. -7 ^4^^213 One, the exhibition of the Eucharist by Angels—- Saints adoring. Red chalk and wash. ^, klt^cr/^ 13 A. 10 w. GIOVANNI ANGELO CANINI. Lann, II. 168. b. 1617, d. 1666. / S - 214 Two, the Virgin and Child with St. Ann. On a rus- set ground, heightened. Fine. -- ^ c^• 9 A. 6 u;. From Lord Spencer's Collection. PIER FRANCESCO MOLA. Lanzi, II. 174. b. 1621, d. 1666. Nymphs and Satyrs Dancing. A very slight but spi- rited pen sketch. bh.6w. From Ricbardson'b and Sir Joshua Reynolds's Collections. ROMAN SCHOOL. 47 . v ., 215 One, Aurora, a design for a cieling in the Al tieri pa- Second Day. lace at Rome; presented by the eminent painter Se- bastiano Conca to the Cav. Luti. Capital. ^"^ ^i^W"* Afterwards in Mr. Charles Rogers's Collection. GIACINTO BRANDI. Lanzi, 11. 172. b. 1623, d. 1691. t»^., 216 One, Studies for a picture of St. Jerome at prayer, ^\' attended by an Angel. Finely sketched. 10| h. 8. w. NIC COLO BERETTONI. Lanzi, 11. 227. b. 1637, d. 1682. Z -- ^217 One, Venus lamenting the death of Adonis. Pen and ^^ y bistre; an oval. Capital. c,<,c.c/^e. 10 h. 13 w. / /. / A^'-21S One, Diana visiting Endymion by night. Finely '^ , ..,, / drawn, and strongly washed with bistre; oval. 8 h. 12 w. CARLO MARATTA. hanzt, 11. 215, <^c. b. 1625, d. 1713, /Z J 219 Two, a Sybil. Red chalk. ^'^^ .t^2/^^^ 9 h. 10 w. An Infant embracing a flower pot. Ditto. 9i h. 8| w. From Mr. Holditch's Collection. I- /£^c^220 Two, a Study for a Figure, in black chalk. 15 h. 10 w. From Mr. Holditch's Collection. Study for an Apostle. Red chalk, on blue paper. -> ISA. lOtr. •t'c^^- rn 48 DRAWINGS. Second Day. 221 One, the Death of a Saint, with the administering of ■^-' y^''^ the viaticum ; bistre heightened, and very highly finished. A Capital Specimen. Oval. J^^ From the Duke of Modena's Collection, afterwards Mr. Jennings's. MARCO BENEFIAL. Lanzi, IJ. 236. b. 1684, d. 1764. Z- Z ^ 222 One, St. Francis holding the infant Jesus ; St. Antony and three other Saints beside him. The Madonna sitting on a cloud in a glory of angels, her feet on a crescent. Pen and indian ink. Capital. ^'^ 10 h. 7| w. From Mr. Ottley's Collection, Catalogue No. 141. The drawings of this master are highly esteemed. In the Leltere Pittvriche, M. Mariette earnestly requests his correspondent ta obtain one of them from the artist, for his Collection. GIUSEPPE RIBERA, Called SPAGNOLETTO. Lanzi, TV. 107. b. 1589, d. 16 J6. ^, ^^7^223 One, a Study of two Heads; red chalk. c-X^ ^'^v 6-1 h, 11 re. /" GIUSEPPE CESARI, Called GIUSEPPE D' ARPINO. Lanzi, II. \2^,^c. 6. 1568, rf. 1640. ^ A'^224 Two, the Agony of Christ on the Mount. Pen and / bistre. Fine. 10 h. 71 w. Bacchanalian Boys, with a Lion and Grapes ; black and red chalks. 6 A. 8 w. -/; RONAN SCHOOL. 49 SALVATORE ROSA. Lanzi, L 251, <^C. Second Day. b. 1613, d. Uu3. ^ /^ 225 Two, a Study of Heads. Fine pen. iC . ^ ^^ d^ zJ'^^ 3 h. 5 a?. From Richardson's Collection. ■ 1 . The raising of Samuel before Saul. Pen and bistre. From Count Caylns's Collection. / // J,^'^ One, an Assassination : in a wild landscape, sketched ^^^^f^-^i T ' with astonishing force and effect, in indian ink, on brown paper. 11 h. 8i w. \J^/i7c 227 Two, Diogenes seeing a youth drinkini; from his hand, >' ^ , >, throws away his cup. In bistre heightened, and highly finished. 18 A. 11 w. This subject is also etched by the artist. A group of Figures finely sketched in black chalk, in the style of Salvator Rosa, but inscribed on the mounting with the name Placido. 5i h. 7i w. From Mr. Holditch and Mr. Hudson's Collections. GIO. LORENZO BERNINI. Lanzi II. 213. b. 1398, d. 1680. (^/y~- 228 One, design for the Monument of a Cardinal; in bistre, /w v' ^^Xv ^ Capital. 9 A. 7 aJ. From Mr. Hudson's Collection, afterwards Mr. Charlts Rogers's, who has had it engraved in his imitations. The print accompanies the drawing. GIO. BATTISTA GAULLI, Called BACICCIO. Lanzi, IL 242. b. 1639, d. 1709. / <^ - 229 One, the Money Changers driven from the Temple ; a^^ li^iT^s r-' most spirited design, in bistre. IG A. 11 ii>. —I i :. From Lord Spencer's foUcction. E 50 DRAWINGS. :^- 'i^ SecoiKlDay, 230 One, the Nativity with the Shepherds' offering, sketched with the utmost freedom and effect, in bistre, and marked by the artist with his cypher. ^^ 17A. r2ra. < ^iX? 231 One, Christ washing his disciples' feet. A Capital Drawing in bistre, highly finished, and of the greatest expression and effect. 15 h. 19| w. The above Drawings confirm the high character given by Lanzi of this master. V^ LUCA GIORDANO. Lanzi, II. 348. b. 1632, d. 1704 232 Two, Tarquin and Lucretia. Pen and bistre.^. 8 h. 11 w. Hercules and Nessus. Ditto 12| h. 14| to. From Lord Spencer's Collection. c < *. .'it. / ^ ^ 233 Two, the Salutation. Ditto. ^- 7|A. 8w. From the same. Neptune appeasing the Storm, called the Quos Ego. 13 h. 19 w. From the same. VENETIAN SCHOOL. s) ^^cL^<^ .^ VENETIAN SCHOOL. Second Day. JACOBELLO DEL FIORE. Lanzi, II. 285. Flor. circa 1 430. ^'l^/i',, 234 Two, Head of Christ. In bistre heighteued. Rare ^" AND CURIOUS. ^^^' I 11 h. 9 w. From Mr. Oltley's CoUtction. Catalogue, No. 685. ' ' Two Peasants, who appear to be saluting a superior. Pen drawing ; fine and rare. I ; • l^h.bw. I • l^rbm Mr. Ottley's Collection; Catalogue, No. 686. i i GIOVANNI BELLI NO. Lanzi, III. 3S, Sfc, { b. 1426, rf. 1516. / ^ ^ ^235 Two, Portrait of Giovanni Bellino, taken after his dea"^' . inscribed, " Johan Btllino Veneto Pictor quando era mortu in Cathalecto." 3|A.4Mr. From the Collection ot the Gi effier Fagel ; Cat. No. 32. St. Matthew in adoration; black and red chalk, oval. 12 h. 9 w. / yr4 „ 236 One, the Wise Men's Offering ; a fine composition, free pen drawing, arched at top. ,^< 8 h. 7 w. From Richardson's Collection, afterwards Mr. Ottley's ; see his Cata- logue, No. 1.J2. GENTfLE BELLINO. ifl»si, ///. 38. b. 14iil,d. 1501. J\^/j)i.. I 237 One, Studies for a picture of the Madonna and Child. Free pen. Extremely rare and curious. 8h.Gw. From Richardson's and Sir J. Reynolds's Collections, afterwards Mr. J Ottley's; Catalogue, No. 131. 'I .i .r <- -' .J~J <^ ii DRAWINGS. '■ f !■ Sm ond n^y, GIORGIO BARBARELLI, O^bu^rjH Called GIORGIONE da CASTELFRANGO. Lanzi, III. 74. b. 1477, d. 1511. 238 Two, a Pen Sketch of four Figures. , ~zf2j^. 7 sq. From Lord Spencer's Coiltction. A study of Five Heads ; red clialk ; fine character. \ I 8 sq. I I I DOMENICO GAMPAGNOLA. Lann, III. 125. II I ! b. circa 1 j3(). / .J ^ 239 One, a group of Boys dancing. Pen and bistre, I heightened, f'tr^j^ne fl/ia rare; inscribed, DOM IN I- CUS CAPAGNOLA. \.-k!. c\^. c. 4 h. 51 w. / ' Z - (J v> - TITIANO VEGELLI. La%xzi, III. 101. .6. 1477, d. 1376. 240 Two, Portrait of Titian when young, by himself, red chalk. ^ ^ y 51 A. 4 m;. • ^^^^^^^ Portrait of Titian in a Gold Chain, with a Port Folio and Crayon ; an outline, ^/ic. 7 A. 5 «'. 241 One, St. Jerome performing penance in the desart ; a grand design, in black chalk and indian ink. Ca- pital. P^^ 13 h. 11 w. 242 One, the Coronation of the Virgin. She is seated in the heavens, her hands crossed over her breast; the father is on her right, the son on her left, pla- cing the crown on her head ; the dove descending over her, angels hovering round in various attitudes; beiovv, on each side, is a group of three persons, one of flietii kneeling, his attention being directed by C . .. t. i.7. i-<. VENETIAN SCHOOL. ^ another of them, who seems to be his protecting Second U^y. saint, towards the awful ceremony ; from the hat and tiara, the person kneeling on the left of the drawing appears to be a pope. This drawing, executed on blue paper with the pen and bistre, and heightened, cannot be exceeded either in dignity of character or grandeur of effect. Arched at the top. Finely preserved. 16 h. 21 w. 1^ ^243 One, Abishag led to David ; fine pen, .r--z'2 i seeking him. Broad pen and bistre. 9 $q. / vj^ |245 Two, Virgin and Child, adored by two Saints. Pen ^ I I sketch. ^ "^^^^' 5| A. 4 w. From Lord Spencer's Collection. ! I The Resurrection of Christ. Pen and bistre. IIA. 8w. / ^ ^ 246 One, a Shepherd piping before his sheep, another fol- lowing them through a mountain pass; red chalk and wash, iine and spirited. 8 h. 12 IV. o ''j;-,247 One, a grand Landscape ; a study for the celebrated ^ y > ^ picture of St. Peter Martyr. Capital. 16 A. 10 w. / // _ 248 One, the Repose in Egypt, in a rich and extensive land- /C' /^^, j scape. Pen and bistre. ^ i llA. le^u;. This design has been engraved, with some variations, by Count Caylus, and attributed by him to Annibale Caracci. The print accompanies the drawing. Z\d ^ |249 Two, a Landscape, rocks and caverns. Pen, on a blue -- ' -* ground, heightened. 8i h.Wiv. Second Day. DRAWINGS. A Landscape with an attack of banditti ; a city, in the 91 h. 13 w. ibuB ! distance. |250 Two, a mountainous Landscape. Broad pen. .~cr^^'t:. The Messengers returning from Canaan. Pen and indiau ink, on a tinted ground, heightened. 10 h. 15 w. EMANUELLO TEDESCO. Lanzi, III. 122. Disciph of Titian. (/^^ 251 Two, the Virgin and Child, adored by a saint. Bistre, 1 i i heightened. .^ f \ 91 A 5X «;. ^i 2/ 2^ . -^^ i^v< / 13 h. 8 to. From the Collection of Richardson jiinr. who has inscribed on the back, " II Pordonone, fatfo in Ferrara, written on the 1 former pasting." This inscription is still visible. .,;// w ii'O One, Virgin aud Child with St. Elizabeth, attended by ^ '. Vr/^/^L j a holy Bishop with his Crozier. In bistre, very fine, i I 10 A. 8 iv. — A ~ [260 One, the Assumption of the Virgin amidst an immense ^ 26-2 One, Christ's Charge to Peter in the midst of his Disciples ; a superb Drawing with a pen in bistre, and indigo wash, heightened and highly finished — a grand architectural back ground, most skilfully- adapted to an elevated situation. ^ y > 13 h. 23 w. It is impossihie to conceive a Drawing, which from cither the style of its composition, or the manner of its execution, can confer greater honour on a master. From the Collection of M. Ploos van Amstel. / /^ -, 263 One, Christ with his Disciples at Emaus. Pen and indian ink, fine expression, arched at the top. x^^ ^-tlj 2 ^w 16 A. 11 w. VENETIAN SCHOOL. 3f Y\ >^,264 Two, the administration of the Sacrament, the dove Second Day. descending. On a btowji ground, heightened, arched. ,..^\r"' '^<^' From the Collection of M. Ploos van Auistfl. ^- The presentation in the Temple. Bistre, heightened in oil. 8 h. 12 w. ////? 265 One, the Judgment of Solomon. In bistre, heightened and highly finished. ' ^*^^^'' 10 A. 15 w. This design has been engraved l)y Bartolozzi. '\/,^ .-, 266 One, the death of a Martyr in the flames, in the midst '--^'r-^^-C of numerous spectators, a priest throws his books after him — fine architectural back ground with two Cherubim descending. In bistre, highly finished. 15 A. lOf IV. /^ 267 One, the parting of Abraham and Lot. Finely y, sketched, black chalk on blue paper. ' '' / ^ Yoh.\\\w. /■ I // ^ 268 One, Christ preaching in the Temple ; a grand compo- /:<^^^-^ ,, sition of many figures. Pen and bistre, on blue paper, heightened, afterwards touched upon in oil by Rubens, to whom it has belonged. Capital. CARLO CALIARI VERONESE. Lanzi, 111. 175. 6. 1570, d. 1396. 269 One, Portraits of two Venetian Noblemen, in the cha- .-, ^ -(^ racters of the Wise Men bearing presents to Christ. On brown paper, tinted, and highly finished. 12 A. 17 w. ALESSANDRO VERONESE. , ^. 270 One, Hercules and Omphale. Bistre. ^ ' '^ "^^ "^ ^^ 8 h. lOi w. / / 58 DRAWINGS. Second Day. SEBASTIANO DEL PIOMBO. Lanzi, III. 78. b. 1485, d. 1347. •> -' k^ n ^''^ '^^**' ^^^^ ®^ ^ Saint, for the picture in S. Pietro, iu ^''' Montorio. Black chalk. ' "yy ^ / From the Arundel Collection. An angel descending. Red chalk, very fine. lOi h. \\\ w. From Mr. Hone's Collection, afterwards Mr. C. Rogers's. GIUSEPPE SALVIATI. Lanziy III. 183. b. 1520, d. 1570. / ^ 272 One, the Conversion of Saul. Pen and bistre height- ened, and highly finished. Capital. y^ ' y ji -,. I /i .^ The Supper at Cana, in Galileo. ""-^ 12 h. 9 w. VENETIAN SCHOOL. 59i .'■•ii.VW. BATTISTA ZELOTTI Lanzi, 111.128. Second Day. I b. to.ia, d. 1592. ^ \ 876 Two, the Preseutation of the Infant. Black chalk. ^^^i^^^-» / ^ 14 A. 10 w. A Female Figure sitting. Pen. 12 h.lOw. PAOLO FARINATO. Lanzi, III. 128. 6. 1522, d. 1606. ^^^277 Two, the Creator, blessing with his right hand the ^-^r^^X, globe, which he holds in his left. Pen sketch, height- ened, on blue paper. 7| h. 6 w. A Charity. Pen and bistre on ditto. 5-1- h. lOf w. From Mr. Ott'.ey's Collection. 278 Two, Pan with his pipe — at his feet a Goat. —tc.^^t-Cyc'^L- 11 A. 7 m;. "'- From Sir P. Lely's Collection. Satyr and Boy ; a frieze. Bistre on blue paper. 6 A. 9 w. ^V 279 One, Ceres with implements of Agriculture. Ditto, ^^-j^x. Capital. 11 h. 14 w. GIROLAMO MUTIANO. Lcnzt, IIL 133. h. 1528, d. 1390. /C c'280 One, the Descent of the Holy Ghost. Red chalk, t '2Wcv'» Very fine. \1h.Qw. From Lord Spencer's Collection. ^1 /'?'- 281 One, St. Jerome penitent. Red chalk. Capital. 9l£ ^ v -<^, 13| h. \\w. " / " From the Collection of C. Rogers, E^sq. y 60 DRAWINGS. / Second Day. BATTISTA FRANCO. LaJizi, III. 182. d. 1661. ^ /^^282 Three, Studies for an Angel and Child; marked B.F.Fenetus,lb31, ^.\Vu^ 5 h. 8 w. Two Figures of Warriors sitting. Free pen and bistre. 10 A. 8i Tc. A Study of two Figures. Ditto. 7| h. 6\ w. From Sir P. Lely's Collertion; afterwards Count Caylns's. ^ 283 Two, Apollo and the Muses. A circle, in pen and bistre; beautifully designed. ^ t^^- f> 3i diam. From Lord Spencer's Collection. A Study of several Figures. Free pen. 8 h. 104 v>. From Sir Joshua Reynolds's Collection. j^ 284 One, Holy Family with St. Ann and St. Catherine. Pen and bistre heightened, and highly finished. A circle. , . <'.^ i ^/n. 10 diam. From Lord Spencer's Collection. ANDREA SCHIAVONE, Called MELDOLL A. Land, III. IW. b. 1522, d. 1582. .- //^ 285 Two, the Holy Family with St. Elizabeth and St. John. Bistre, fiue. ^~z'2 ^'C 6{ h.bzp. From Mr. C. Rogers's Collection. Dead Christ. Black chalk ; beautiful sketch. 7i A. 9| w. ^ ^<^.^28G Two, a Composition of many Figures, in the style of ^ Parmigiano. Free pen and bistre ; very fine. /^ - 11 A. 7f w. Fioni Lord Spcncei's Collvction. / V..C. VENETIAN SCHOOL. 6\ Another Composition of figures. Bistre wash ; in the Second Day. ! same style. ,,,! |,o, 7 h. 5 zv. From the same Collection. ^ /J ^ 287 Two, the Nativity, with the Shepherds' offering ; a '^^ y^ / choir of angels above. Pen and bistre, vigorously heightened. From the same Collection. The Death of St. Jerome; his body borne away by an- gels. Pen and bistre ; tine. 9 A. 13 20. ,/ //' 288 One, the Nativity, with the Shepherds' offering ; a com- position in a grand, but singular style of design ; executed in bistre and indigo, with the greatest spirit and effect. 15 h. \\\ zo. This piece has been attribnted by its different possessors to Coreggio, Paolo Farinato, and Sahiati ; but frnni the union of different styles which it exhibits, aud particularly its resemblance to that of Parmigiano, it is most probably by the hand of Schiavoue. DOMENICO RICCIO, Called BRUSASORGI. Lanzi, III. 128. .«IU y;r 6. 1494, d. 1567. .289 One, a Garden Scene; Nymphs with Music, tinted and heightened; rare and curious. il^-^z^<.t^c. li h.9w. i From Mr. Hone's Collection. BATTISTA FONTANA. Lanzi, HI. 1G3. :■ ^^ 290 One, the discovery of the Holy Cross, in the presence ,. c u ^^ -'' of S. Helena the Empress ; the design for his cele- / 62 DRAWINGS. Second Day, brated Picture in the church of St. Luke, at Venice, jj I I I particularly mentioned by Lanzi. The drawing is ' ' j marked, " Batt. Fontana /e, 1665, Pen and indian I ink. Capital. From Lord Spencer's Collection. CLAUDIO RIDOLFI. Lanzi, 111. 237, 6. 1560, d. 1644. '- /■'Z ^ 291 One, the Empress S. Helena embarking with her atten- dants on a voyage for the promoting of Christianity. Pen and bistre. ^ /"^i /^r> 9 h. 12 zo. GIULIO CARPIONI. Lanzi, 111. 22Q. b. 1611, d. 1674. ^ .y - 292 Two, Figures and Sketches. Red chalk. ^ c/.l^. /Z ^ 293 One, the Virgin distributing the Scapularie?. Bistre, on blue ground, strongly heightened, very fine. 9 h. 15 w. CARLO LOTTL Lanzi, HI. 219. b. 1632, d. 1698. , Ai^ 294 One, the Death of St. Matthew; the Virgin and Child ' appearing to him. Slight pen sketch, but heightened : with great etFect, on grey paper, very fine. i^^^ ^^ ^ /, 9 A. 1 1 a>. - ^ /^ r\ VENETIAN SCHOOL. 63 ANTONIO ZANCHI. JUnzi, ///. 262. Second Day. DA ESTE. b. 1639, d. 1722. ^ ^-. /^ /295 Two, the Virgin and Child adored by many Saints. Red ^ Ya/^ r^ chalk and wash. 10 h. 7 w. Distributing Alms to the Poor. A free sketch. 10$;. GIG. BAT. CROMER. d. about 1750. < H 296 One, an Historical Sketch. Pen and indian ink. 12 A. 8^ w. -x: fi- END OF SECOND DAY'S SALE. 64 DRAWIJ^GS, iv .£-OL'.\i\ ;J>IAS oixo'ir/. DRAWINGS. THIRD DAY'S SALE. Italian Masters continued. LOMBARD SCHOOL. K - ■ ' . FRANCESCO SQUARCIONE. Lanzi, III. 25, \^ j'^ V^OO One, an allegorical piece. Jn the foreground a Water Third Day. Nymph asleep on the margin of a pool; a Satyr j raises her garment ; at her feet to the right of the '^ drawing, sits a naked figure of a young man with a trident ; at the back another figure full robed, ' reposing on the ground, offers a syrinx to a Satyr, who appears to refuse it. To the left a human head, in a large basin, from which a stream of water runs I into the pool. In the front is a label with an in- scription, in singular Greek characters, reversely written, and difficult to decipher. This drawing is finely designed, and highly finished, in bistre and indigo. Piece luhrique. \\{ h. 17 w. Strutt has described an ancient print of this subject, biu is at a loss to what master to attribute it ; ». Diet, qf Engr. Introd. p. 5^4. LAZZARI BRAMANTE. Lanzi, IV. 177. b. 1444, d. 1314. //A> 301 One, a Female Figure standing, largely draped, on a ^^ . grey ground, pencil heightened. Fine and rare. "''^^ From Mr. Ottley's Collection; Catalogue, No. -212. GAUDENZIO FERRARI. Lanzi, IF. 209. b. 1484, d. 1550. ^02 One, Christ, and four of his Disciples; he is directing their attention towards some object beyond the draw- ing. Bistre, on grey paper, finely heightened. Ca- pital. 19/*. 14 w. F ZA ,±c:e/- 66 DRAWINGS. Third J)ay. ANTONIO ALLEGRI, Called COREGGIO. Lanzi, IV, 31, 64. b. 1194, rf. 1534. h. 4| w. From Richardson's Collection. J ^ ^ 305 One, Studies for a group of Figures, variously repeated. Pen and bistre, on grey paper; extremely fine, , inscribed, Antonio da Coregio ft. Mantoa Qh.l w. In the Collections of P. H. Lanckrinck, Mr. Richardson and Lord Spencer. /^ ._^ 306 Two, Holy Family with the Shepherds' OfFerinj. Pen and bistre. \Oh.lw. // Abraham sacrificing Isaac. Pen and indigo. Re- verse, a Figure in red chalk. l\h. 11 w. ^307 Two, Figure of an old Man sitting ; red chalk. Qh.hw. • / y <\t I ^i- ti From Richardson's and Lord Spencer's Collections. LOMBARD SCHOOL. 67 Figure of an old Man and an Infant ; red chalk. Third Day. 4 h. 3| w. From Sir P. Lely's and Sir Jos. Reynolds's Collections. /f ^308 Two, two Figures greatly foreshortened, for a cieling; ^'^^;/%»^- red chalk. 7| h. 5 w. From Richardson's and Lord Spencer's Collections, A Sheet of various Sketches, on both sides. Bistre, pen, and red chalk. 10 h. 6 w. ^ ^ - 309 One, St. Peter, penitent; red chalk, outline marked -^^^^ ' with the pen. Reverse, Studies of Heads, with a hair pencil and bistre. 11 h. 1{ w. From Sir P. Lely's and Richardson's Collections, afterwards Lord Spencer's, in whose Catalogue it is called St. Jerome. / / ., 310 One, Various studies of heads, &c, on both sides the ^'\-^t\i^<'-^ sheet; red chalk. Extremely fine. 7i h. 8 10. From the Arnndel ColU ction, with the name of the master in the hand writing of Laniere; afterwards Mr. Richardson's and Lord Spencer's. Of /J -311 One, a group of Angels, with music; black and red ^ - chalk ; a btautiful design. Reverse, asimilar sub- ject executed in the same manner; very fine. 7 h. 10 w. From the Earl of Arundel's Collection, afterwards Mr. Rich- ardson's, who has written at the back, *' N. B. The name Coregio is Luniere'sown hand tcriting; he always wrote with that fine pen. The little star is Lord ArundeVs mark." /./ , ; 812 Two, Busts of Angels strewing flowers ; in red chalk, extremely fine. Two sheets joined. Together, 7 h. 14 w. ()H DRAWINGS. lliiifi J>a>> 313 A group of Figures for the Cupola of the Duoiiio at ,/ y. Parma, grandly designed, in red chalk 15 A. 16 m;. From Sir Josliua Reynolds's Collection. 91/4.^14 One, the principal group in the Cupola of the Duoino at Parma, representing the Assumption of the Virgin ; j j into heaven : an exquisite and graceful design in ! black and red chalk, most delicately finished, and giving a fine idea of that extraordinary work : an ob- long octagon. ^^^^-^^ j/^<^. 8A. lOw. The whole of this Cupola lias been engraved by Vanni. — v. Catai. of prints, No. 193. /\/i^ .. 15 One, St, Catharine ascending into heaven, surrounded by a choir of angels. Red chalk ; very fine, ''z / 14 A. 10 w. FroBi the Collertions of Mr. Richardson, Mr, Hudson, and I Mr. Barnard. At the back there appears, in Richardson's band-writ ina;, " In the Dome ciples regarding the heavens ; but the figure of Christ is not seen. A drawing of the finest expression and bighes.t st\le ; in pen, red chalk, and bistre. An en- tire pentimento occurs in the head of one of the dis- ciples. Capital. Hi A. 11 w. From the Collection of Mr. Nath. Hone. FRANCESCO MARIA RONDANI, Laiizi, IV. 93. d. before 1548. J _ ^318 One, the Baptism of Christ by St. John, with many fi- gures ; the Father above with a group of Angels ; fine pen and bistre ; arched. ' Capital. \\\h. 11 w. A present from Padre Resta to the Cav. Benedetto Liiti, who has recorded it in the following expressive inscription : " Del Rondani Scolnro del Coregio. Dono del Padre Resta, che nongode mai che quando dona." Since in Mr. Barnard's Collectiou. FRANCESCO MAZZUOLI, Called PARMIGIANO. Lanzi, IV.01,<^c. b. 1503, d. 1540. -. '// ^319 One, a Female Figure walking and carrying a vase on her head. Fiue, in bistre, 6| h. 4 w. / 'it- --320 One, a Female Figure sitting ; a sketch for the Nati- vity in the back ground ; pen and bistre heightened : vtry fine. Qh.'Jw. 4 70 DRAWINGS. Third Day. 321 One, Bust of a Female with a sword, supposed in Mr.i/^/'^ L^^l- ^.^ ' '^ f Pj Ottley's catalogue to be intended for Lucretia, bHt more probably for St. Catharine ; bistre and Indian ink heightened. 6 A. 4w. From the Cabinet of Zanetti, at Venire, afterwards Mr, Ottley's, iu whose catalogue it is called " un elegant dtsign." No. 1672. "=' /X - 322 One, the Virgin and Child in glory adored by St. John and another Saint ; fine free pen, on grey paper. /cycZ^V'f>'*f 10 j A. l\w. -^ /o" 323 Two, the Virgin and Child; a pen sketch. .^'^ <^' 4 h. 3i w. From Richardson jun. and Sir Joshua Reynolds's Collections. A Female Saint at prayer. Pen and bistre. 2^ y^^ 324 One, a Female Saint standing, in meditation ; a book on a table supported by a figure at her left hand ; pen drawing, heightened, very fine, ^ / 7^-» '^ Q h. bw. This appears to have heen intended for one of the set, of which six are mentioned iu the Catalogue of prints in this Collection, No. 655. Doubtful if Pannigiano etched this subject. From Sir Peter Lely and Lord Spencei-'s Collections, with the marks of other Collectors upon it. ^.^^''.325 Three, a Female Figure meditating on a globe. Pen / ana wash. 4 A. 3 w. This drawing nearly resembles the etching called Circe, with the inscription Nedimeon : seeCatalogneof prints, No. 659. Geometry ; figure of a Man sitting with a pair of com- passes, measuring on a globe. Indian ink, on blue paper, heightened. 5 A. 3| w. Abraham kneeling before the Angels ; fine free pen. 3|A. 3?y. LOMBARD SCHOOL. 71 / -7 326 One, the Madonna and Child ; red chalk. Third Day. 8 h. b w. . „:? /J^t^'^-Cj A fac-siniile of this beautiful drawing has been engraved by Rosaspina. It was last in Mr. Ottley's Collection ; see his Catalogue, No. 1676. i, /r^ 327 One, an Accouchement. Pen and indian ink, on blue // ^ ' paper, heightened. ' ^ . ^- ^ 1 sq. / o ^ 328 Two, the Marriage of St. Catharine. Pen and bistre; .-"Q"^^ ..^ ^^ry on blue paper. Qh.hw. Virgin, Child, and St. John. Bistre, heightened. 5 h. 4i w. ^ /y*- 329 Two, a Female Figure standing, in profile; her right ^' ■ : ,t^^ GIULIO CAMPI. Lanzi, in. I2b. ^ ^. / Z ^342 One, St. Roch, curing an old Man of Blindness. Bis- v- '^ ." y^dt t.£g^ tre, on blue paper heightened. 12 h, 141 w. .1 74 DRAWINGS. BOLOGNESE SCHOOL. Third Day. BIAGIO PUPINI, Called BIAGIO BOLOGNESE, And MESSER BIAGIO. Lanzi, V. 42. fl. 1530. i/lj^LlS^S One, a dead body carried by three men, two others ; standing; naked fij^ures, in the manner of Raffaelle, with whom this master studied. Spirited free pen; very fine. ^^ X^.tU.^^^ I 8 h. 12. w. / ^ ^344 One, a Study of several Figures. Pen and yellow wash, highly heightened. '^ Oi rt. 13 w. From tlif Collection of Sir Joslnia Reynolds, who has written at the hack, " TAe history of Ulysses, painted at FuiUuine- ' bkuu." BOLOGNESE SCHOOL. 75 \y.r^S4^ One, Ulysses taking leave of Alcinous. Red chalk, Third Day. heightened; capital. t^',X From the same Collection. PELLEGRINO TIBALDI. Lanzi, V. 45. b. 1527, d. 1591. y / ^ -> 348 One, St. John the Evangelist ; a design for a picture *^ ' over an arch. Indian ink, on blue paper, heightened ; very fine. 13 A. ^0w. From Mr. Hudson's Collection. //iJ'-349 One, St. John the Evangelist ; a different design. In ^" / I 1 • . — ^ ^^ black and red chalk ; highly finished. ' ' *" ' \Q\h. \\\ w. DOMENICO TIBALDI. Lanzi, V. 47. b. 1540, rf. 1582. //v T 350 The death of St. Joseph : a fine pen drawing, beauti- - ful outline, finished in part with bistre. — ^<- ^ ^^ ^*-' j 9^. 7 2*;. I The drawings of Dominico, who was the master of Agostino ' Caracci, are extremely rare. I I j j BARTOLOMMEO CESI. Lanzi, V. 57. i ! b. 1556, d. 1629. ^*^-'35] Two, Historical Subjects ; pen and bistre. . .i^ir^^-^ ORAZIO SAMACCHINI. Lanzi, T. 52. b. 1532, d. 1577. /y^- 352 Two, the entrance of an Ecclesiastic on horseback ^^ / I into a city, in the midst of an immense assemblage ' ' ' ^ of people. 76 Third Day. DRAWINGS. The reception of an Ecclesiastic, iu the midst of the Cardinals and Prelates of the Church. This pair of capital Drawings are finely designed with the pen, and touched with liistre. 10 h. 12 w. From the Collection of Richardson jun. ERCOLE PROCACCINI. Lanzi, V. 48. , b.iyzO, d.qfter Vo9i. j^ /A 353 Two, the Holy Family, angels gathering dates; indian I i ink, highly finished. ^?^^a^tJ^^ 9| h. 1{ w. CAMILLO PROCACCINI, Lanzi, F. 311. /. 1600. ^, i^' - 354 Christ supported by two angels ; bistre, fine. ; , 1 Y \ 51 A. Aw. • ^-^ "^"^ From Lord Spencer's Collection. GIULIO CESARE PROCACCINI. Lanzi, T. 311. - /.r. 355 One, the Holy Family, St. Elizabeth, St. John, and St. Agnes, attended by angels ; bistre, fine. 81 h. Qw. 9- ^K - 3. LODOVICO CARACCI. Lanzi, V.12. 6.1555, rf. 1619. .356 One, the design of a summons or ticket for admittance at the pronouncing a discourse by the scholars of the University of Bologna (from which a print was^ en- graved by Oliviero Gatti); beautiful pen. c*^\'<[i From Richardson's Collection, who has given a very full ac- coviiit of this Uravfing at the back, which he terminates by observing, that " Lndovico made a little alteration, putting two of the figures in a nitling posture, as appears by the print, BOLOGNESE SCHOOL. 77 , , which is olhertcise beyond imagination inferior to the drawing Third Day. I in the grace of the actions and countenances, aitd above all the inexpressible delicacy, which is the predominant virtue of this I Utile star, ' E a cni cosi non pare, dovrebbe del suo giii- j 1 dizio dolersi,' as Count Maltasia says on another occasion." I This Drawing has since been in the Collection of Mr. Ci Jen- nings. /i^-357 One, the four Evangelists with their symbols; fine ^^ pen. ' ^ ^^^'.'/^? 8 sq. / 7 „ 358 One, the Virgin and Child in a landscape ; fine broad '^' ^ pen. 8h.9w. From Mr. Hudson's Collection. /Af- - 359 One, Tarquin and Collatinus observing Lucretia and her maids employed by night in spinning. Pen. y^cit^^^" 10 A. 8 m;. ^-^^ From the same Collection. /i ^' 360 One, an allegorical piece on the fall and restoration of a,- man. Pen and bistre. ^-^/^^ 5| h. 7 w. This very singular design is attributed, in the hand writing of Richardson, to Lodovico, but is probably by Agostino. ^ /y K> 361 One, the Sacking of Troy, a grand composition of numerous figures ; ftne pen and indiau ink. _ *^'i^<.'/-» lOiA. 16 w. '- /<5 o 362 Two, the Holy Family. Fine pen. - , eh.bw. ' r.:^^>- Dead Christ with several figures. Pen sketch. 5 h, 7| w. / -- 363 Three, an Evangelist writing. A grand idea, in bistre, ^^^ ' heightened with gold. 3i h. b\ IV. 78 DRAWINGS. Tliird Day. A Sketch of several figures ; Men bathing, &c. 3h. 11 1 w. From Mr. Oltley's Collection. An Allegorical Piece. 5i h. 9 w. AGOSTINO CARACCI. Lanzi, V. 14, Sfc. b. 1558, d. liJOl. /■/q ^ 364 One, the Communion of St. Jerome, a design for his capital Picture on that subject, lately in the Louvre. Fine broad pen : capital. ,'', ^/<, 6 h. 4| w. / / /J <-• 365 One, another design for the same subject. Free pen. , 1 h. b w. The Painting was executed l)y Agostiiio with considerable alterations ; but these first ideas of the artist are ex- tremely interesting, as the picture t'oims an epoca in the art, and was closely imitated by Domenichino in his grand picture on the same subject. c, ^ j 366 The Holy Family with Angels; broad pen. RiiVERSE, the Virgin and Child in the heavens. In grisaille, very 6 h. 8i w. ^ /Z ^ 367 One, the Virgin and Child. Broad wash, fine eflcct. ^^"^- ^^^^^ 11 A. 8JM'. 368 One, Cupid slaughtering Nymphs, and giving them to be devoured by a Dragon, after having compelled them to draw him in his Chariot. On the left a Woman looking on from a place of concealment — to the right, an Eagle perched on a palm tree. In bistre, ^^^r/ c''c. 1\h. \\\w. BOLOGNESE SCHOOL. 79 2 ^369 One, the Virgin and Child in the heavens, adored by Third Day. I i five Saints below. A pen drawing; capital. '■^'^-^A^r' 15 A. \\w. From the Collection of Count Geloso. <■- /Z -370 One, the Holy Family with St. Elizabeth and St. John. - . Fine pen. y Prom the Collection of Jon. Richardson jnnr. / . *-371 One, Tobit anointing the Eyes of his Father. Broad ^~,r^.t' pen and wash ; fine effect. 8isq. «-/?-. 872 Two, a naked figure embracing an urn ; fine broad pen. -^ O /^ . 6 A. 4i w. " ' ' '^/ From Lord Spencer's Collection. A Bishop baptizing an adult, in grisaille, fine. 6 A. 8w. )^-873 Nessus carrying off Dejanira ; a very spirited sketch ^a|^y.,^ i in bistre. 11 A. 8 w. ANNIBALE CARACCI. hami, F. 74,<^c. b. 1560, d. 1609. • 'z' 314: Three, Studies of different subjects. c/'d.tt.'im-. From Richardson's and Lord Spencer's Collections. ' /3 c?'875 Two, of Figures. , ^^^ /,^^ From Lord Spencer's Collection. '■ /i" - 876 Two, a Landscape. In bistre. ^ ■ -. Al<.-c(iy Ditto. In red chalk. j"-r ^377 One, the Magdalen, penitent, standing in the midst of ^^>*^ ^ '^ a superb Landscape: A most capital design, executed in the finest style, with a reed pen. 15 A. 2Lw. /S .^378 One, a Landscape with figures. Pen, -». ^^ '^IL \ /-^jiL^ i-^Z:<.y 11 A. Miv, ^o DRAWINGS. Third Day. 379 One, the Trinity, a grand design. In black chalk and "' " bistre, heightened. Capital. ^~Z'7.'C. 16 A. U^w. j|^i>^i'-380 One, the Death of Amulius, killed by Romulus and Remus. Livi/ lib. /. cap. 5. Spirited pen. <-^7 y llh.n w. - ' "^^ From the Collection of M. Mignard, afterwards of M. Mariette, who has had it mounted with the following in- scription : Solium Tyranno perniciosum. AnNIBAL CaRRACI DELIN. Pro (Eco Palatii Magnani Bononia. Ex COLLECT. OLIM P. MlGNARD NUNC P. I. MaRIETTE, 1741. Notwithstanding the above inscription, tlie drawing is proba- bly by Lodovico, to whom the picture in the Magnani palace is expressly attributed by Malvasia. Felsina Pittrice, I. 394. ^ ^(_381 One, I Beoni, or the processiou of Bacchanalians. Pen and bistre. ^ ^/^^^^n, tM^^^f^ 14| h. 20 w. , y 1^382 One, a Sheet of Caricatures of his contetnporary Painters. Indian ink, on a brown ground, heightened. 15 A. 22 w. , -7lf/>crt PIETRO FACINI. Lanzi, V. 146. d. 1602. ,^ ^ /^ ^383 Four, Sketches of Historical Subjects. ^i^a. cZ^'i ^ Pacini was the pupil, afterwards the formidable rival of the Caracci, but died young. In vivacity and motion, his style resembles Tintoret ; and with respect to his colouring, Agostino said that he mixed up his tints with human flesh. DOMENICO ZAMPIERI, Called DOMENICHINO. Lanzi, V. 9.5. b. 1)81, black chalk on brown paper. From the same Collection. ^/J w'887 Two, Figure of a Man kneeling ; black chalk, fine, .r v i' .i -t' ^ 10 h. 6 w. Study of a Figure stooping ; black chalk, on blue paper. 94 A. 8 u>. The two last tVom Lord Spencer's Collection. ^i,/'~- 388 Two, sketch of a Female figure sitting; grand style./^'** '^''^''^ V2\ h. Q\ w. Do. of a Man leaning on his Staff. lliA. 8m'. The two last from Lord Spencei'.- (lolicction- :" - 389 Two, Studies of Figures ; black chalk, on blue paper, • ^^ •-'^ fine. GIOVANNI FRANCESCO BARBIERI, Called IL GUERCINO DA CENTO. Lanzi, V. 125. b. 1590, d. 1666. , 7 ,- 390 One, His own Portrait in a cap and feather, drawing ^ y^^a.^-^'^ a landscape ; very fine. Pen. 9 A. 7 w. G 82 DRAWINGS. 'iiiii Da^. 39J One, a Man in Armour pressing forwaids with a sword l'\j/ j"! in his right hand, his left arm raised. Pen, in his ! finest manner. ,, ,. . , 10 h.l^w. I From Lord Spencer's Collection. jj ^ I , /, I *^^J!i'392 Two, a Piping Boy- Pen and bistre, very fine. ^ _^' 6sq. A Man with a Cap on, listening. 1 h.9w. From Lord Spencer's Collection. / /., _393 One, St. Roch on his knees in prayer ; fine pen. Ca- // -'394 One, a Holy Bishop, with his crook, reading, his mitre placed on a shelf behind him ; red chalk. 7S^ -^"^ lOJ h. ^w. '^ ^ 395 One, the Holy Family, St. Joseph with his staff bud- ding, Christ presenting a rose to the Virgin ; fine pen. 8 h. 12 w. ^ t^ // A 396 One, a Saint botmd to a tree, and comforted by a pil- grim, who shews him an angel descending ; fine pen. 9 h. 7 xs. ' <- c^ i <: > ' Frtini Mr, Hudson's Collection. ' / 1 397 One, Bathsheba with her two attendants, observed by David from his palace, very fine. ^f " 9 h. 13 w. ■f. j-sgs One, the Madonna and Child, attended by St. Peter and St. Paul. In bistre, capital. o'\ 'u c^'tr^-^ 12 h. 8. w. J^j ? L 399 One, Susannah and the Elders; in red chalk, very I highly finished, most capital. ^,/c^u^c\^ \ ^ 17 A. 11 w. BCLOGNESE SCHOOL. 83 ,/^ V400 One, a Chiraaera, or Dream, a Mau terrified. 6 A. 9 u*. I From Lord Spencer's Collection. . ,/^ ^ 401 Three, Lady and Child. Pen and bistre. Gh.lw. From Lord Spencer's Collection, Third Day. y^ // ci^t.1^'^ r ^, Two, Studies of Heads. [/ 3 -. 402 One, a Landscape. Pen and bistre, in the finest style l .y^c:/a<^<^-^ of the master. 8| h. 12 w. BENEDETTO GENNARO. Lanzi, V. 125. ^T - 403 One, Head of a Lady. Fine pen. I I 5| A. 4i w. ; From Lord Spencer's Collection. %'f^ GUIDO RENL b. 1575, d. 1642. Lanzi, V. 106. 7 Z .404 One, the Holy Family, with various sketches for the //'' / >v ^ infant, St. John and other figures, an exquisite design with a fine pen. Capital. 12 h. 9 w. From the Collection of Mr. N. Hone. ? ^ 405 One, St. Roch distributing Alms, from the celebrated picture of Anibale, now in the Dresden gallery, which Guido so greatly admired that whilst he was a pupil with the Caracci, he made a copy of it on copper, a drawing and an etching, («. Catalogue of prints, No. 752) in all of which he added two figures in admiration of the generosity of the saint. The draw- ing is inscribed G. Renvs. Indian ink. Capital. 84 DRAWINGS. Thiid Day. 406 Two, Heads of Satyrs. Pen, on grey paper, extreiuety f^ fine. :^^,^ From Mr. Hone's Collection. /^ ^'^407 Two, Head of the Virgin ; fine pen. .^1:^^ 3 A. 2 u;. ' Heads of an old, and a young Man ; do. 6 h. 9| w. y^^ 408 Two, the Assumption of the Virgin. Pen. , ^ I The Holy Family, do. inscribed Guido Bolognese. i I 6 A. 8 m;. From Sir Peter Lely's Collection. SIMONE CANTARINI, Called SIMONE DA PESARO. Lanzi, V. 119. c. /t^({ 4QQ One, the Repose in Egypt ; red chalk, very fine. 1 h. \0w. From Mr. Ottlcy's Collection, No. 944. c ./.^ /■^:<.-/' — /j -1 410 One, the Holy Family, an angel in the distance ; black lead, fine. ^ ^^^-.t. 94 h. \\\w. ^ y'f l( ^\\ Three, the Holy Family, and two of Boys; black chalk, ^ki/cn ^ /Z ^412 Three, Madonna and Child; red chalk. 6A. 4|m7. ^a^^c*^ From Mr. Ottley's Collection. A Zingara or Bohemian. Pen, do. Abraham and the Angels; a slight sketch, in black lead. ELIZABETTA SIRANI. Lanzi, V. 115. h. I608, d. 1664. \/\^ (u, kl3 One, Her own portrait, by herself; in red chalk, i ornamental border, inscribed, " Ritratto d' ! in an y-, Eli- '\1- BOLOGNESE SCHOOL. 85 ZABETTA SiRANI BOLOGNESE, ORIGINALE DI Tbiirl Day. SUA MANO." .? .; - 9 A. 7 w. 414 One, the Holy Family, the infant presents a rose to the 1 Virgin, of which subject she painted a picture, des- ; cribed in the Catalogue of her works drawn up by herself, and published by Count Malvasia. 0| h. Iw A chef d'oeurrc of art. In gracefulness of composition, ex- pression of character, and beauty of" execution with tiie pen, this drawing camiot be excelled 415 One, Madonna and Cliild, the infant crowning the Vir- r^ /.^c/. ^' gin with a wreath of flowers ; red chalk and wash. ■' /^.i 8 A. 6 w. ■y. £ r> .i/.- FRANCESCO ALBANI. Lavzi, V. 101. h. 1578, rf. 1660. ^416 One, Angels ministering to a saint in the wilderness, _^,-7 / the Saviour appearing in the heavens ; black chalk, with indian ink. Capital. 14 h. 10 w. From Mr. Ot (ley's Collection, No. S:3. ^ 417 One, grotesque heads ; red chalk, after the design of Annibale in the INIagnaui Palace at Bologna, before he had been at Rome. lOi h. 8 IV. GIOVANNI LANFRANCO. Lami, V. 133. ; h.\S%\. d. 1647. L ^^ 418 Two, a study of boys ; black chalk on a russet ground, ,,i^ y ^ bold style of design. ^ 18 h. 15 w. A njan's head ; black chalk on blue paper. L From Lord Spencer's CoHertion. 86 DRAWINGS. Third Day. ,. '419 Two, Christ saving Peter ; bold pen sketch. ^^ / 7 h. 1 04 w. A design for the Papal Arms, supported by an angel and attended by St. Peter and St. Paul. 9 A. 7 M'. From Count Cayliis's and iMi. Hone's Collections. y.r^ . JACOPO CAVEDONE. Lanzi, V. 142. ■ b. 1377, d. 1660. i^i/'^ \ From the Collection of I. P. Zoomers. LORENZO GARBIERl. b. 1580, d. 1654. il-. i/^i'-4*22 Two, Christ bound. Pen and bistre. 8 A. 4 iw. From Lord Spencer's Collection. A sketch of horsemen ; fine pen. 9 h. 12 It'. Lanzi, V. 141. LIONELLO SPADA. b. 1376, d. 16!2'2. • /X— 423 Two, a pair, a Commander giving audience to Ambas- sadors in his camp. Pen and bistre. A Sovereign stripped and conveyed to prison, in a pro- cession of ecclesiastics. Very curious & fine. 7 h. 10| w. li BOLOGNESE SCHOOL. 87 DOMENICO MARIA CANUTI. Lanzi, T. 116. Third Day. b. 1620, d. 1684. ... ^ 2 ^ 424 One, the discovery of Achilles amongst the women. >'^ Pen and bistre. Extremely fine. 11 h. 16 w. From the Modena Collection, afterwards Mr. C. Rogers's, and engraved and published by him iu his imitations of drawings. <.,^i^\, 425 One, the Apotheosis of Hercules— a cieling ; oval;,/ ^ fine pen and indian ink. Capital. ^. t^H ■t^^r/i^ 13 A. II w. From the Collection of the Greffier Fagel. 1.. // ^ 426 One, St. John the apocalypse. Pen and bistre, FINE. " And when I saw him I fell at his feet as one dead." v^-^ Jl-^^^^^ 8 A. \1w. From Rirhaidson jiuir.'s Collection. c^ /iV " 427 One, the Assumption of the Virgin, seated on the ^ " crescent, and surrounded by angels; a Lunttte, VERY FINE. 11 h. 16f w. From Lord Spencer's Collection. ALESSANDRO TIARINI. Lanzi, V. 137. b. 1.577, rf. 1668. , v*-^, 428 Six historical, FLAMINIO TORRE. Lanzi, V. 124. rf. 1661. ' /^/'429 Four, three Studies for Holy Families, on one sheet; \'-, / and one by Cio. Maria Tamburini. GUIDO CAGNACCI. Lanzi, V.Mi^. b. 1601, d. 1681. 430 One, a Man in bed attempting to retnin a female atlcn- ,< ' / dant; black chnlk, on brown paper, fine. <-^dY.cl/L t n h. T4| w. 8B DRAWINGS. Third Day, GIO. ANT. BURRINI. Lanzi, V. 164. h. 1656, -^ 441 St. John standing with his hands folded ; a design for a figure in a crucifixion, fine and curious. ^>y >^/t_ 12 A. 5 w. Wolgemuth was the master of Albert Durer. I ALBERT DURER. b. 1471, (I. 15J8. ,442 One, Portrait of Albert Durer, naked to the waist, ^'^ drawn by himself in his last illness, to explain to a physician at a distance the precise seat of an abscess in his side; with an inscription above, in his own hand-writing, in German, purporting that where the GERMAN, DUTCH AND FLEMISH SCHOOLS. 91 I'^i^ a>^-< t<^:< . JOST AMMAN. /^' — 456 Two, of Feasts. Pen drawings; circles. ■ "> cT-o^r^ y^ HANS BURGMAIR. / /J ^ 457 Two, Portrait of a Lady, at prayer; black and red ^ ,/ ^^i/cc-- chalk, marked H. G. B. Extremely fine. 15i A. 12 « . From the Greffier Fagel's Colltciioii, No. J69. The taking of Christ; bistre, heightened. 9 A. 6f w. PETER BRUEGHEL THE ELDER. 6. 1510, d. 1370. w,^^/^'.,458 One, the Departure of the Israelites from Egypt; in -^ ". /- ^.U^u::^^^ bistre and indigo, highly finished. Capital. ^ 12J A.20?o. 94 DRAWINGS. Fourth Day. MARTIN HEMSKERCK. I). 1498, ^_460 Two, Portrait of an Ecclesiastic reading. -';i^.-^.^-t-Y.i!^ Ditto of an old Man with a staff; ovals, with the name of the master subscribed. 7 h. 5 w. FR. FLORIS, Called the RAPHAEL OF FLANDERS. ^,o- 461 Two, the burial of Christ. Pen. / . . >^-/iicy^ 7 h. lOi w. ^ CRISPIANUS. The Angel driving Adam and Eve from Paradise. In- dian ink ; marked Crispianus, 1575. 7J h.\0\w. CHRISTOFFEL SCHWARTS, Called the GERMAN RAPHAEL. / 'J ^,462 One, the Flagellation of Christ. Pen and bistre, on a brown ground. Capital. ■ y^^ Jf^ r-> 17 A. 11 «'. FREDERICK SUSTRIS. -l^v-.4(>3 Oue, Christ bearing his Cross. Pen and bistre, on a yellow ground, heightened ; oval. ^ ' '-s^V^^^c 9 h. 12 w. This artist was painter and architect to the Elector of Bava- ria, anno 1600. Tliere is a print from this drawing. From Mr. Hudson's Collection. GERMAN, DUTCH AND FLEMISH SCHOOLS. 95 WENCESLAUS COBERGER. Fourtb Day. c 7 - 464 Two, the Virgin and Child adored by a Saint, St. Jo- .^, / ' seph in the distance. Bistre, heightened, fine. The death of St. Stephen. Pen and indian ink. 7 A. ^U3. HENRY GOLTZIUS. b. ]5o3, d. 1617. , // -, 465 Two, the Deluge. Pen and bistre ; very fine. ^ '7. iX^-^-^g^ ^ 8 A. 11m;. From Mr. Jennings's Collection. The Wise Men's offering. Bistre, on a yellow ground. 9/*. 12 m;. From Mr. Ottley's Collection. ADAM VAN OORT. i. 1557, d. 1641. , ,c)^, 466 Two, the Nativity. Bistre. ^"'""^oL-^i^i,^^ b h.T w. OTHO VENIUS. b. 1556, d. 1634. The death of the Virgin; red chalk. 10 A. 9u. HEN. VAN BALEN. / /t,' -, 467 One, St. John preaching in the wilderness. Pen and ^ .y' yellow tint. Capital. ^^- ^^^^^^U^ From Richardson's Collection, afterwards Mr. Rogejs's. «- /C -, 46a One, the Brazen Serpent. Bi:»tre, highly finished. . ''-■ />lc,ycr/-^ -^- 12 A. 16 if. 96 DRAWINGS. Fourth Day. VARIOUS. j ^ y'C " "^^^ Four, the Scourging of Christ. Indian ink : a Lunette. Christ and his disciples going to Emails. 9 A. C| w. Two historical. ABR. BLOEMART. 0. io67, d. 1647. iJjV'470 One, the Holy Family; a design for an engraving in chiaro-scuro, heightened. 9h. 1 w. V \ 'x \.L^&^}^ : L J c<\-^L p. p. RUBENS. b. 157 7, d. 1640. Dratcings by Rubens during his travels in Italy. <^ 17^^471 Two, a study for two figures; black and red chalk, washed. I Ih.Aw. From Mr. Barnard's Collection. Ditto of a Lady painting, do. 8{ A. 6 w. From the same Collection. »_ /J iiAll One, Mary Masdnlen anointing our Saviour's feet, af- ter a picture of Schiavone ; black and red chalk, iy j^^ 8^ h. 12i w. ^ /J i'473 One, a study from the Last Judgment of Tintoretto; ditto. 8i A. 12i w. <:z^^y '474 One, a study of two Horses, harnessed; black and red ;halk. 'lY^^, / 11 h. 15 rp. 475 One, a study of Angels, after Coreggiu ; red chalk. <^<<>t very fine ; in a niche. 8iA. 7|ze. From Rii hardson's Coltectiou. c'y^ciM:^ GERMAN, DUTCH AND FLEMISH SCHOOLS. 97 / Z ^ 476 One, the Father with the Host of Angels, from the Fourth Day. • painting of Michelagnolo in tlie cieling of the Capella , i\t &e ^ Sistina, with variations bv Rubens; very fine. IQh.Ww. From Richardson's Collection. •- .«:? ^477 One, the Fall of the Damn'd; a sketch in black chalk; ^ ^'u ^f»'c^/»^ fine. 12 h. 9 w. From Richardson's Collection, Drawings by Rubens; his own Designs. / y ' 478 Two, Heads in black chalk ; large and fine. .^1' 480 Two, Christ and his Disciples at Table ; pen and ^ bistre. 10 h. 8 w. From Richardson's Collection. Christ giving the keys to Peter ; ditto. 10 h. 8 w. _, /V ^- 481 Two, St. Hubert, kneeling ; black chalk, heightened, ^'/'^i c\^. grisaille, very fine. '^ '^^ ^ •^^ b\ h. 4 w. From Mr. Richardson's Collection. .- /y^ 493 One, an old Man in a square cap, sitting; red chalk and bistre ; fijie, marked Rt. 1628. V , '. ^ r Qk.Qw. y c. /ci 494 One, Isaac blessing Jacob ; indian ink. , -'/ ' ,^ / g^,r-' From Mr. Danlby's Collection. ^, /O -^ *®^ On^, Peter and John healing the lame Man at the gate n / of the temple. ^^ -V7r>ciL Qh.l w. On the reverse is another study for the same subject, from which it appears what extraordinary pains this great artist took to render his perspective correct. 100 DRAWINGS. foiirih Day, 496 One, Inside vi< w of a Church ; a mournei weeping "^ ^ ^'^ over a louibstone. yA, y 8 A. 6 w. M /J ^1 497 Two, the departure of Lot and his Family. Pen. ^^ 12 A. 12 zc. ^ ''" Abraham sending away Ifagar and Ishmael. 6 A. 7 1 w. - .v7 ^498 Two, the Flight into Ejiypt. Pen. cs"', / 6 h. 7 er. The Prodigal Son feeding swine. Gi h. 9i K). t. /J -• 499 Two historical. Pen. < ^ .i-/ ^ r^ 500 Two do. do. / / /O -^ 501 Two, a Landscape with a large Cottage ; indian ink. 4i h. 8 zc. -^cT^ c^ From Zoomer's Collection. Do. a slight sketch. In bistre. hh. 12 It', From Count Caylus's Collection. ^ /J <.! 502 One, a Landscape ; indian ink, very fine. .i''^£./'€r) 4 A. 6 M', ^ -^ ^- 503 One, View of Rembrandt's father's mill ; indian ink ; fine effect. .■^'^ 3 A. 6 w. From tlie Collection of the late Edw. King Esq. ^ // -> 504 One, the death of the Virgin ; highly finished, in black chalk, from the print of Rembrandt on the same sub- ject. No. 97 of his works, inscribed G. Van Vlietfec. ARNOLD DE GELDER. / b. 1645, 9 h. 12 w. "^ ^'508 Two, a Shepherd and Shepherdess, with goats ; black , chalk and wash ; marked E. v. velde, 1628. c^i^^ol^s.'^^/'^' 8 A. 13 IT. - Travellers reposing ; black chalk ; marked e. v. VELDE, 1628. 8 h. 13 w. THEODORE VAN KESSEL. «^ . LP^ib{i9 Two, His own Portrait ; black chalk, fine. _ yZcy^.i^y Portrait of a Gentleman, marked, di un Fiamingo. ADRIAN vXk DER WERFF. -V J -510 One, Nymphs dancing ; black chalk. -c"' ■d'^L t^ e .' ' ' 11 h. 13 w. S. I. VAN HELMONT. ^^ ^. ^511 Two, the Scourging of Christ ; red chalk, marked I S. I. Van Helmont. ^^a^-y^j^ 12 A. 10. M'. The Nativity ; red chalk. 9sq. ]02 DRAWINGS. Fourth Day. GERARD LAIRESSE. ^ * c»512 One, Agamemnon and Iphigenia. Indian ink. 10 A. 15 tv, ^ ' U/^ r- J. H. ROOS. ^ /^^-r513 One, Haman and Mordecai. Indian ink, marked I. H. Roos, fecit. 1666. '4o DAVID TENIERS. h. 1610, d. 1694. ^^ /?^ 514 Two, the Archers ; black lead and indian ink. ^ A Study of various figures. Pen and indian ink, fine. 8 h. 13 w. JAN STEEN. •-' /C ^515 One, Boors quarrelling ; yellow ochre, very spirited. 11 A. 17 k?. , /.,'. From Lord Spencer's Collection. PETER QUAST. ^ / // ^^516 One, the Village Surgeon ; black lead, on vellum, very fine. ^''.//atu^i^ 8i h. % w. CORNELIUS bE WAEL. ~ t^' ^ 517 Two, Travellers reposing. Bistre. /^^2^~j24:y 5 A. (i\w. ^ From Mr. Hudson's Collectiuu. Boors regaling at table. Indian ink, on brown paper. 5 A. Qw, ADRIAN BROUWER. <^ /C 6 518 One, Inside of a Tabaret, four boors regaling, ♦^^^i. Zc^ 6 A. 8 «>. GERMAN, DUTCH AND FLEMISH SCHOOLS. 103 ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. Fourth Day. b. 1610, d. 1685. " ^ /i^ col9 One, Interior of a Cottage ; an old Woman spinnin? ; ^-^t^Xf t^^y an old Man in a high cap standing beside her. In- X dian ink. esq. f / • . '^c ct6 '^ <^ Vt? o NICOLAS BERGHEM. h. 1628, d. 168j. / // /hZ2 One, a Woman with a distaff, another milking a goat, cattle, &c. Pen. -/V'/zrirA^-^ 6h.8w. An inestimable drawing of this eminent master. / / ^ 533 One, Cattle in a rocky landscape, a woman milking a . cow ; black chalk and wash. ^ ' . -ss^^^^^ />c^ Q\ h. 9i w. / ^ -- &34 Two, a Man on Horseback talking to a Woman; cows, Ac^ / sheep, &c.; red chalk ; a Ricalco. 13 A. 24 m;. Cattle passing over a bridge; red chalk; ditto. 8 h. 12 w. HERMAN SACHTLEVEN. 6. 1609, d. 1685. - /^ " 535 Two, Landscapes with buildings ; fine, a pair. /tiZ^'^^^ir) ^ b\ h. 1 w. / / ^ 536 Two, Landscapes, mountainous views ; very fine, a pair. ^"^ ^ 6 h. 10 w. ^ // ^ - &37 Two, View on a River, with a square tower and ^ buildings. '^ ^ JJ - ^Y 7 h, 10 w. View on a Caual, with buildings. 5i A. 8 w. 106 DRAWINGS. Fourth Day. ANTONY WATERLOO. / . , 538 Two, a landscape with buildings ; two peasants under an archway ; black chalk. ^ii • A cottage and peasants ; pen and wash. 5 A. 10 w. LOUIS DE VADDER. t. /o —.544 Two, a Romantic landscape. Pen and indigo, ^ne. BARTH. BREEMBERG. A Landscape, with ruins; black chalk, on a red ground, heightened ; fine. Qh. I. VAN GOYEN. ^ /{^^-546 Two, Landscapes ; black chalk ; a pair. ^^''^,<^^l 5 A. 7 w. / /<: c 647 One, a Village Feast. Indian ink and bistre, many <^< ^/^r /xx figures. Capital. 7 A. 11 m. Ji- 1 548 Three Landscapes, by do. fine. ^O* 9" A. VANDER NEER. f-i /t 1 ^549 Two, a Landscape; a sketch in black chalk. 8 h. 12 w. Do. with a mill — a night piece. j II A. 9 KJ. JACOB VANDER DOES. \J ^^ 650 One, a Shepherd with his flock, with buildings, &c. cC^,yliY/^/(o: vant & dogs ; black chalk, marked V, M. D. Jongh, 1674. 8 A. 13 u;. View on a canal, with a bridge and water mill ; indian ink. 4| A. 9 w. ALLART VAN EVERDINGEN. o^ '• //' ^ 552 Two, Views, with figures, a pair; marked A. Y. E. 4 A. 3i w. }08 DRAWINGS. Fourth Day. JOSUA DE GRAVES. ^ {/'v 5^3 Two, Landscapes, with castles, &c. a pair, marked Josua (it Graves, 1686 — 1687- ""^^ , ^-^ ..^^ bh. 6 w. F KOBELL. ■-. /f'* •-• 554 Two, Spirited Landscapes. Pen and bistre ; a pair ; marked F. K. /!io I h.Qw. ^ ' ABERLL - ^^ <3 555 Two, View in Switzeriaud, environs of Berne ; a tinted drawing. c/^^<;<^'- 6i h. 8i IV. View at Arberg, do. 4i h. 1\ w. JACOB CATS. / / *- .556 Two, View on a navigable river. Indian ink. ';; ^ v 8i h. 13 w. View of a moated Mansion ; very highly finished, in indian ink ; marked Petri de Litndr. del. ad viv. 1750—1751. 9 A. 13 m;. WILLIAM VAN DE VELDE. >.. ^ 572 Three, Rachel giving drink to the messenger of Jacob. / Pen. Ih. 9 m;. The Nativity ; red chalk. 11 h. 16 w. From Sir Jos. Reynolds's Collection. JACQUES STELLA. The Holy Family ; St. John bringing a lamb to Christ; a circle; pen and bistre. 6 diameter. SEBASTIAN BOURDON. c^ /c' <- 573 Two, a study for one of the works of Mercy, receiv- ing the stranger. ^ ^ ^^,^^^,, u. loiA. ^w. A study for one of the works of Mercy, burying the dead. 10| h. 8| «'. CLAUDE LORRAINE. / /cT ^74 One, a Landscape; three figures sitting in the fore- ^ ground, one of them drawing. Bistre, fine. '' -^-i*^ «^ Qh. 7?/'. From Richardson's Collection. _ / ^"^ 575 One, a Landscape with a temple in the distance. -^ '^ ^f-D-/,Le.. 5 A. 8 a). From Richardson's Coi'iection, afterwards Mr. Barnard's. J 12 DRAWINGS. Fourth Day. 576 Qne, a study of Trees. Pen and bistre, fine. /? ^ Fiuni Richardson's and Barnard's Collections. PAROCEL. t-. /^-^ i~,bT7 Two, a Battle of Horsemen. A charcoal sketch. Hawking. A charcoal sketch. ' ^ '^<^«^<;- / Z -• 578 One, a charge of Cavalry. Bistre ; great spirit, and highly finished. / •" 15 A. 23 M'. WATTEAU. c, ^/ <-- 579 vOue, a Feast with music ; a garden scene. Pen and / Indian ink. yJlc-t^U r- RAYMOND LA FACE. ^ /J ^ 580 One, Pluto carrying off Proserpine. Pen and indian ink; fine. VIEYRA, Called XL PORTOGHESE. ' — 588 One, the death of St. Laurence. Pen and bistre, very fine. .'^^-V a'-tc^h^ 12 h. 8w. This picture was painted by Vieyra with some variations, and an etching from it accompanies the drawing. ENGLISH SCHOOL. SIR JAMES THORNHILL. ^89 Two, a sketch of three figures ; Painting, Poetry and ,,<, Music. 'C^^a^^f'^ 6 sq^. A grand and highly finished design for a cieliug, re- presenting the deifying of Hersilia ; with four other subjects from ancient history in the angles, and explanations of euch in the hand writing of the artist. Indian ink, capital. 14| square. I lU DRAWINGS. Fourth Day. WILLIAM HOGARTH, »•-. // ^590 One, Columbus shewing his friends liow to make an • /' egg stand on its narrow end ; black chalk, heightened. 13 A. 20 w. , '^. < FRANCIS HAYMAN. u > - 591 Two, Gentlemen and Ladies in travelling dresses, ■^ with horses, &c. preparing for a journey. Indian ink; spirited. //-u/^.^^^z i SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. c ^^'^ ^■b92 Two, Head of a young Man in agony, a design for one of the sons of Count Ugolino ; black chalk, fine. An old Man's head, after Guercino, probably copied by Sir Joshua whilst he was a pupil with Hudson, having been bought at his sale, 25th Feb. 3785. / ^ \ J. N. MORTIMER. c, /Z '^ 593 Four, Groups of fancy heads, finely drawn with the pen; circles. ^T^.tty^rc 3i diameter, THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH. c^ ^^ ^ 594 One, a Landscape and figures, with a waggon and hor- ses, slightly sketched, in black chalk. x^^ ^ /. 'ii square. GEORGE BARRET. // /, 595 Three, Portrait of a Dog ; black lead, very fine. /; , View of a Barn, &c. black lead. A romantic view, a river falling amongst rocks. ENGLtSH SeHOOL. 115 JOHN BROWN. Fourth Day. ^ /^V596 Two, Sketches of Heads and figures; with black lead /, / pencil, very fine. Of this artist, \f ho was a Dative of EdiDburgh and studied at Rome towards the end of the last century, some account is given in the Catalogue of Mr. Ottley's drawings, p. 21, which concludes with observing that his very slightest sketches are interesting. The above are from Mr. Ottley's Collection. ED. DA YES. •^ /^ - 597 Two, View of Crangley Castle, South Wales. ^ . 116 DRAWINGS. Fourth Day, 602 Four, Head of a Lady ; fine pen. /.- /t/^-i «-. / And three others by and after Italian masters. From Mr. Holditch's and Pond's Collections. /<-' ^ 603 Six, in four sheets by various Italian masters. , ^ \:z.(^j r 604 Two, Head of St. Peter penitent; black chalk on blue paper, fine expression. ^^/'^f <^'V'/i A Paroquet and Rabbits ; on blue paper, heightened. / ^ ^ 605 Four, Portrait of Albert Durer; fine pen. ^ / .z ..• • Design of a female figure, with the proportions by Albert Durer; and two others by early German masters. x / '-^ /^ 'n 606 Six, by early Flemish masters. /C V /^rf«.i«-ly;i -. // ^ 607 Six, by or in the manner of Rembrandt. /^ f '' c ^//^ 608 Two, Portraits of Gentlemen, finely drawn and / highly finished in Indian ink, and tinted, by J. Van Somer, Amst. /. ^^'Ara-n -^ /C c 609 Two, an Angel with a lily, a chiaro-scuro sketch in ., oil, by Matteo Zamboni ; fine expression. ^ The Head of Christ in a spiral line, inscribed FoR- MATUR UNicus UNA. Plume d'Overlaet d'Anvers. y >^ ^ 610 A portfolio, bound in yellow leather, and containing upwards of 80 specimens of original drawings, by Italian masters. J^ iH^' ^ r'-' END OF THE FOURTH DAY'S SALE. PICTURES. I FIFTH DAY'S SALE. SERIES OF PICTURES ILLUSTRATING THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF PAINTING IN ITALY. GREEK SCHOOL. J (^^1 THE HEAD OF THE VIRGIN, seen hi front; from Fifth Day. the picture in the church of S. Maria Maggiore, ^t^'^^^,,^^^^^/^ Rome, said to have been painted by St. Luke the evan- gelist. Round the interior of the frame is inscribed, VERA. EFFIGIES B. MARINE VIRGINIS AD IMITATIONEM S. LVC^ QUAE ROMJE HABETVR IN S. M. MAJORE. 2/. A. 2/. llin.w. The opiDioa that St. Luke was a painter may be traced to a very early period of the Christian church. The ques- tion has been fully discussed by Tiraboschi, Lanzi, and other Italian critics, and by Mr. Ottley in the introduction to his Italian School of Design ; but seems to be of little importance except as it tends to shew that the professors of Christianity began very early to regard picturesque representations with a favourable eye. The picture at Rome, of which the present is a very ancient copy, is undoubtedly one of the earliest specimens of a picture by a Christian artist; or of what may be called, with reference to the woiks of the ancieuta, modern art. 120 PICTURES. Fifth Day. 2 THE CORONATION OF THE VIRGIN. The figures /O /O'^ are seen at half lengtli ; the Virgin, with her hands folded on her breast, devoutly inclines her head before Christ, who places on the crown with both hands. This picture conesponds with the description given by Baldinucci of the works of the Greek painters immediately prior to the revival of the art in Italy. V. Decen. I. del Secol. L p. 3. ^S^-^?-7i/r^ -^^^ 1/. 5 in. h. If. 9 in. ze. / ^ -3 THE ANNUNCIATION. The angel Gabriel appearing 1o the Virgin in her chamber, with Greek inscriptions. Above is another inscription in ancient Russian cha- racters, from which it has been conjectured by a very competent judge, and native of that country, to have been executed in the fifteenth century. The whole is very highly finished. 7 in. h. 6 in. w. J /'^-^/■i^-^ ^e/^vt-- n ^ z-? 122 PICTURES. '''^^'' ^^^' SIMONE MEMMI, Called SIMONE DA SIENNA. .^d<^^ The Holy Family. Joseph and the Virgin remonstrating with Christ on his return from the temple. " His mother said unto him, Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? Behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. " And he said unto them, how is it that ye sought mei Know ye not that I must be about my Father's business J Luke ii. 48. On the bottom of the picture and on the same pannel is inscribed, SIMON DE SENIS ME PINXIT SVB A. D. MCCCXLII. On an ornamented gold ground. If. 74 in. h. If. 2 in. w. / 1, ^ 9 Two, a pair. Angels playing on musical Instruments. 1 1 in. h. 12 in. to. y^-^z >rc Althoiigli not so hjgbly finished as tlie preceding picture, these pieces are evidently by the same hand. The atti- tudes are well contrasted, and the character of devotion finely expressed. DON SILVESTRO CAMALDOLESE. t K-ijy^lO The Nativity of St. John, an illuminated painting, in water colours; on vellum, framed and glazed. I f, h. 11 in. IV. A leaf from the celebrated mass-book formerly in the monas- tery of Camaldoli, near Florence, representing the letter D. finished as highly as a miniature, and in the most per- fect preservation. Of this work Vasari gives the following very particular and interesting account : " Don Jacopo Fiorentino ( a monk of Camaldoli) was the best writer of large letters who was then or has since been known, not only in Tnscany but throughout Einope, as appears as well by the twenty very large pieces in the books ITALIAN SCHOOL. 123 of the choir, which he left in his own monastery, and Fifth Day. which are the finest and largest perhaps in Italy, as from many others at Rome, Venice, and other places, but chiefly at San Michele, and San Mattio di Murano, a monastery of the Camaldolese; on accoutit of which works this good father was not only celebrated after his death by D. Panlo Orlandiui, a learned monk of the same monastery, in Latin verse, but his right hand was preserved with great venera- tion in a casket, together with that of another monk called D. Silvestro, who was not less excellent, considering the time in which he lived, in painting, than D. Jacopo was in writing; and I, who have frequently seen their works, have been astonished to find them so well designed and dili- gently finished at a time when the art was little less than lost J these works being executed in the year 1350, or thereabouts, as is noted in each of the books. It is said, and there are some persons who yet remember it, that when Leo X. came to Florence, he wished to see the before- mentioned books, recollecting to have heard them highly praised by his father the magnificent Lorenzo de' Medici ; and that when he had attentively admired them, he said, that if the service had been arranged according to the order of the church at Rome, instead of that of Camal- doli, he would have had some pieces of them (giving a suffi- cient recompence to the monks) for the church of St. Peter's ; where there were already, and perhaps yet are, two others by the aforesaid monks, which are very beautiful." Vas. vol, i. p. 162. The above pieces were brought into this kingdom by Mr. Ottley, who purchased them in Italy daring the revolu- tionary troubles there. FRA. GIOVANNI DA FIESOLE, Called IL BEATO ANGELICO. ^^^,^11 The Nativity of the Virgin, painted on pannel. 6 in. h. 14 in. w. Era. Giovanni was originally a miniature painter, or illumina- tor of Missals ; but he afterwards enlarged his style, and is considered as the best disciple of the school of Giotto. 124 PICTURES. Fifth Day. TOMASO GUIDI DA S. GIOVANNI, Called MASACCIO. S S ' 12 His own Portrait; on pannel. 11 in. h, 8 in. w, n ^-'^^^ / ^ c-'/c^/G Although with a more chearful expression, this portrait agrees in feature with that engraved by Patch from the works of Masarcio, at Florence, i'. Catalogue of Prints, No. 1331. FRANCESCO PESELLI. ///^^13 The Exhibition of a Relic in the Cathedral at Flo- ' rence, containing portraits of Cosmo de' Medici, P. P. his son Piero il Gottoso, his grandsons Lorenzo and Giuliano, and upwards of seventy figures in the costume of the time. 2f.6in. h. If. to. Lanzi says, " the two Peseili enjoyed the perpetual patron- age of the Medici ; which they repaid to the best of their power, by continually presenting before the public in their pictures (which according to the custom of the times were filled with portraits) the likenesses of their patrons." ANDREA DAL CASTAGNO. >■ '.e^^ /^ 14 The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian. ^" 15 The temptation of St. Antonio, a pair, painted on pannel. 10 in, h. 1/. 8 in. w. FILIPPO LIPPI. 16 Head of a Lady, richly ornamented. If. h. 10 in, w. A pannel cut from the wainscot of the Palazzo Riccardi, for- merly the palace of the Medici at Florence, where this piece was probably painted by the artist. ITALIAN SCHOOL. 125 .^a^-y^VI The Virgin and Child, with St. John and Angels, on Fifth Day. a gold ground ; paunel. If. h. If. 7 in. w. A fine and perfect specimen of the style of this eminent mas- ter, as described by Lanzi. ANTONIO POLLAJUOLO. /^ ^8 Dead Christ on the knees of the Virgin, who is seated on the Tomb ; in the back ground the Crucifixion, with many figures. On pannel. '^.^ liX^^if-/^ 1 /. 2 in. h. I f.w. ^ From the Riccardi Collection. ALESSIO BALDOVINETTI. ^ 3^19 The Nativity; the Virgin kneeling, and adoring the Child ; St. Joseph standing over him with a lan- thorn. On pannel. 11 in. h. 9 in. w. '/^ LORENZO DI CREDr. 20 The Holy Family ; the Virgin sitting under a rich ca- ^ nopy; St. Joseph gathering dates. On pannel. ^ <^'^ ^s./^^^h./^c^ha. 2/. 8 m. A. 1/. 11 in.w. The pictures of Lorenzo di Credi exhibit a middle style be- tween those of Pietro Periigino and Lionardu da Vinci, who were all three scholars of Andrea Verocchio. The works of Lorenzo are so highly finished that Vasari says, *' all other pictures seem, in comparison with them, to be only sketches." PIETRO PERUGINO. ^iU-T^ 21 The Madonna and Child : she is seated before a green curtain which forms the back ground of the picture; on pannel. 1/. 5 in. h. 1 /. 2 in. w. i26 PICTURES. Fifth Day. 22 Saint Jerome. He is adoring a crucifix in a cavern, through the entrance of which appears a landscape highly finished, on pannel. /D If. I in. h. If. 4 in. tv. This is one of tLe most perfect prodactions remaiDing of the master of Raffaelle, who appears from this specimen to have given his last touches with golti. ANDREA MANTEGNA. T y^ -~ 23 The Burial of Christ, with the inscription on the tomb, HVMAM GENERIS REDEMPTORI. Ou pannel. 1/. 2 in. h. 1 /. 5 in. w. ." .-. v / : . .-^ c Mantegna has engraved this subject with some variations, and with tht same inscription, r. CatHlegtte of Prints, No. 240. JACOPO BELUNI. ^ C2A Portrait of Dante Alighieri. ' ' ^^25 Portrait of Madonna Beatrice. A pair ; on pannel. ^ If. h. lOin. u3. :9^-J'cf- From the Collection of John Strange, Esq, late British Con- sul at Venice. ^ '3 C 26 St. Jerome in contemplation in the Desert ; on pannel. 2/. 3 in. h. 2/. 6 in. w. , . i/. V / GENTILE BELLINI. S v--^ - 27 The Holy Family. .n , 2f.8in.h. 1 /. 9 in. w. A'^A'^t r^ An undoubted picture of this rare master, and highly finished. GIOVANNI BELLINI. X!/ — — 28 Madonna and Child, with St. Zaccharias and St. Francis. t *. f .' L^ti On pannel. 1/. 5 in. h. 2/. 1 in. tv. Finished in the highest style of the master, and in perfect preservation. y ITALIAN SCHOOL. 127 RIDOLFO GHIRLANDAJO. Fifth Day. ,~ ^ 29 Madonna and Child ; on pannel. A^ 1/. 2 an. h. If. w. This (picture, paiuted in the manner of Raffaelle, has been considered and sold as one of his productions. LIONARDI DA VINCI. V 630 Head of an Angel. Fine effect ; on a thick pannel. J\i ^ /r /^ If. 6 in. h. If 2 in. w. ' ^-31 Portrait of Mona Lisa, called the Gioconda ; on can- ^^^^ , . vas. 2/. 2 in. h. If. 7 in. w. An early copy of the celel)rated picture of Lionardo, which he is said to have been four years in finishing. MICHELAGNOLO BUONAROTTI, ^^ , C - 32 Christ and the Woman of Samaria ; on pannel. ,^7^. JctzZ-c. 2 /. 6 in. h. 1/. 11 in. w. This piece, executed on pannel in chiaro scuro, and undoubt- edly by the hand of Michelagnolo, was designed for Alfonso Davalos Marchese del Guasto, for the purpose of being copied on a larger scale in oil colours by Jacopo Poutormo. Vasari denominates it, Christ appearing to the Magdalen in the Garden ; but Fuseli in his ed. of the Painters' Dic- tionary has corrected the error, and calls it Christ and the Samaritan Woman. Of this design there are two early engravings, one by Beatrizet, and the other by au artist whose initials are A.L. V. From the Collection of the King of Naples, at Capo di Monte, and brought into this kingdom by Mr. Ottley. GIORGIONE. /'/'c^3 CHILDREN PLAYING WITH A LAMB. /^z'^t<.cr/^^v.'.r^t. 2 /. 2 in. h. 3 /. 1 in. w. An early picture of this great colourist, in which may be traced the rudiments of his future excellence. 128 PICTURES. Fifth Day. 34 PORTRAIT OF A MAN in a large hat, with a 2Z / - guittar. ^ /, 2 /. 11 in. h. I f. b in. w. "' '^"^'-^^ A fine and undoubted specimen in his best style, and in the highest preservation. GAUDENZTO FERRARI. /^ /O ^ 35 THE TRANSFIGURATION, arched at top. ,^ . 3 /. 3 in. h. 2/. 4 in. u\ C / ^"^rT^a^ > A finislied and coloured sketch for a large picture. This master, althoui;h little known beyond the limits cf Italy, is ranked by Lomazzo with Ralfaellc, Correggio, &c. as one of the seven great painters of the age. Mythology vnm the sphere of Julio, Religion that of Gaudenzio; Fuseli in MS. Lanzi calls him Pittor grandissimo, and adds, Raffa- ellesco e sempre, e viciiiissimo a primarl della Scuola Romana. ANTONIO CORREGIO. /^ Z / 36 The Madonna and Child. .-'J^Ut^/c^ If. 5 in. h. If. 4: in. w. Presumed to be one of his earliest Cabinet Pictures, which Lanzi informs us are yet occasionally met with, and which from their dissimilarity to his subsequent style, are either doubted, or ascribed to some of his scholars. 1^ p" >_ 37 Cupid expressing his contempt of the sciences and arts. ,^.^ 3 /. 2 in. h.lJ.A in. w. FRANCESCO PARMIGIANO. ■n 1 /. 3 in. h. 8 in. w. A fresco painting on plaster, cut from a cieliug. /^/'iP^di'd A female figure, whole length, walking. ^'f[ ^ TITIANO VECELLI. // // - 39 The court of Heaven, with the Coronation of the 2/. 7 in. h. 1 j.w. / A superb and tinted sketch for one of his large pictures ; the figures designed with the greatest spirit, and the com- position and effect of the whole being such as to reflect the highest honour on the genius of the master. ITALIAN SCHOOL. K - 40 The Rape of Proserpine. 1 f. 11 in. h. 2 /". 3 in. w. /y ^ ti.'^r> 129 Fifth Day. JACOPO TINTORETTO. S <^''A\ His own portrait, a bust; size of life. \//7y/}^ 42 The slaughter of the Innocents. 1 /. 8 in. h. 2/. 3 in. w. Distinguished by that rapidity of style which characterizes all the works of this artist. BONIFAZIO VENEZIANO. .^, '"'/'^^43 The history of Moses. «^c^c^v" 10 in. h. If. 5 in. w. The action is double. The infant is committed to the river in one part of the picture, and found by the daughter of Pharoah in the other : — a mode of representation which Ridolfi infonns us was usual with this painter, who was the scholar of Titiano, and who emulated his master so closely, that it was usual at Venice to asli, e ella di Tiziano di Bonifaziol S /j -_^44 An historical subject; a person of quality, under the^ /V^'lt.-V-/^ / guard of three soldiers, addressing himself to two women of rank, who appear much interested — a pri- son to the left of the picture — Venetian dresses ; finely coloured. 10 in. h. 20 in. w. 1 JACOPO BASSANO. 4^ /^.tA'^ Guido Aretino, the inventor of musical notation, in- ;^, i"-)-^ structing the Pope in the principles of the art ; a fine specimen of Venetian colouring, 2/. 8 in.h. 1/. 11 in. w. POLIDORO DA CARAVAGGIO. o 'p id A richly ornamented Tripod, with armour, &c. in imi- X^ , y i I * .• f 1 • • MI .9^^^^^ tattoo of bronze; on paper, in grisaille. '^^ ly^^.-r^ V / 1/. 2 in. h. 1/. 6. in. w. GUERCINO. I^y/^i _ 56 St. John adoring the Saviour. ^"^Z^Li.^^ l. 1 /. 7 in. h. 2/. 2 in. w. Guido has also painted the same subject, but in a style of colouring wholly different — affection and devotion cannot be more finely expressed than in this picture* "From Prince Rupert's Collection. GIOVANNI LANFRANCO. j',x''/'hl The Ascension of a Bishop to heaven. .' -.//^^^ i^cr>x 1/. 11 in. h. 1/. 6 in. w. From the Collection of the late John Barnard Esq. SALVATORE ROSA. /^ ^6b8 A Landscape and figures; view on a river. 2^'J-i^^^/^ / the patroness ol Arjosto. y \J.h. 9 in. w. In the finest stjle of this great master. In colouriag and cxpres>ion this beautiful portrait cannot be excelled. Pro- bably tlie finished study of the artist for his larger picture of this subject in the Louvre. TINTORETTO. " j\^6 The Last Judgment, a highly finished sketch for his <^\/z a ■^/^tj l ■ j j great picture on that subject, fifty feet high, iii the 134 PICTURES, ^^" church of the Madonna deir Orto, at Venice; paint- ed in competition with Michelagnolo. Sf.Sin.h. 2/. 2 in. iv. In fertility of invention, and force of picturesque effect, the Venetian painter is allowed to have excelled the Florentine. From the Truchsess Collection. BERNARDINO LOVINI. y//'? ,~ . 67 The Holy Family with two Saints. J/ \ ^Li^/6 2/. 10 in. h. 2/3 in. w. This highly finished and perfectly preserved picture, which bears the date of 1519, rivals the contemporary produc- tions of Raffaelle, whose manner Lovini united with that of Leonardo da Vinci ; thereby forming a style which Lanzi highly commends, as characterized by beauty, piety, and sensibility. GIUSEPPE D' ARPINO. y/j 3/ 9 m. h. 5/. tv. Tliis precisely agrees with the description ot Ridolfi in his enumeration of the works of Paolo. (1. S'iQ.) " Una S. Caterina Martire, sposuto da Crista ; nel cui bel voltu si scwoprono le candide sue affettioni." GIORGIONE. ■/^J~^ ^ 72 Portrait of a Venetian Lady and her Son. ^ ^\ ' / ^i^./^- 4/. I in. h. 3/. w. A superb picture of this master in bis finest style. Portrait of Federigo da Montefeltro Duke of Urbino, '^'^ with a silver helmet. 2/. 10 in. h. 2/. 2 in. w. A fine and perfect picture. DOMENICO GHIRLANDAJO And MICHELAGNOLO BUONAROTTI. ^^pfore I he examined whether any traces of snch an inscription ' could be discovered. Having, however, been assured se- veral times, as well by artists as others who had seen it at Capo di Monte, that this was the identical picture, and several peculiarities being pointed out which appeared too striking to be mistaken, he had, about two years since, the picture taken out of the frame, in the presence of some of bis friends, when on the left edge of the pannel, which is about three quarters of an inch thick, the remains of the inscription were still visible. This inscription was much obliterated, but according to the best judgment that could be formed of it, had been composed ot the letters ANDREA. F. P. . Probably followed by the date of the year, uhuh washowerer quite illegible. The coincidence of this fact, with the relation of Vasari, and the tradition of Gabbiani, was considered by the parties prcseut as a sufiicient evidence of this being the identical picture of Andrea del Sarto. It may be proper to add, that from the enquiries that have been made, it does not appear that the picture of Andrea is now either at Naples or Palermo, to which latter place a great part of the collection at Capo di Monte had been removed, before the French obtained possession of Naples. MOSAIC. /t' a" --.77 Christ bound, executed in Mosaic. The name of the artist appears in capital letters: ,' _ "^/l ARMINIVS ZVCATVS F. 1/. 5 in, h. 2/. 5 in, w. Specimens of this laborious and durable manner of execution jj are very rarely met with in pictures of a cabinet size. SIXTH DAY'S SALE. SERIES OF PICTURES ILLUSTRATING THE RISE AND PROGRESS OF PAINTING IN GERMANY, FLANDERS, " ^ -, 03 St. Hubert on his knees before a stag, with a crucifix between its horns. .. * 1 /. 7 in. h. If. 3 in. w, ADRIAN VAN OSTADE. ., J ^ ^109 An old Woman sitting. - 2 ^x<4^- ^c^j^^c^^^ 1/. 7 in. h. 1 /. 3 in. w. ^ P. P. RUBENS. ,, ,.110 Two Boys with armour, a study for a group in one of his pictures in the Luxembourg. ^- '- ^ / / 6 in. h. 7 in. w. Ill The Centaur carrying off Dejanira, and drawing an arrow from his back : a coloured sketch. f7 / 1/. 3 in. h. 11 in.w. ^ /^ .. 112 Thetis dipping Achilles in the Styx ; a coloured sketch, on paper. ^ . ^ , , c y^'t^tC If.Sm.h. 1 f.w. / A' -113 Study for the drapery of the figure of a Lady, in chiaro-scuro. .//i . . ,, 1 /. 11 in. h. 1 /. 5 in. w. ANT. VANDYCK. 4 z*^ *- 114 His own Portrait ; in chiaro-scuro. c "^^-ZA ct /c-rx. 9 in. h. 7 in. w. /\ J? / W,z>? ^^tt /^t, 1 /. 5. in. h. 1 /. 1 in. w. I N. POUSSIN. \p^ y^" - 126 Landscape and figures. /^'V'^;* ^ /c r^ l^ ' ■ 1 /. 7 in. diameter. 152 PICTURES. Sixth Day. 127 Landscape and figures ; a storm. ^ /4- h 1 /. 5 in. h. 1 /. 9 in. w. ^^/re-^ ^i j y. '.^>« VISPRE. ^V 3 .,128 A Fruit piece, painted on the reverse of a plate of glass. .''c 1/.2 in.h. If. w. / The works of this artist are inimitably executed and very rare. ANONYMOUS. ■/ r>" ^. 129 Portrait of a Painter, with a high feather. ;V/ /..'^n 2/. 1 in. h. 1 /. 7 in. w. ^ A) - 130 An emblematical piece with many figures, painted in imitation of a basso-relievo in bronze ; fine effect. 2 /. 4 in. h. 4 /. 9 in. w. i' .^Z^^^' J^a^-/^^ 131 An ancient sacrifice, painted in imitation of a basso- relievo in marble. 3/. 3 in. h. 4/. 3 in. w. ENGLISH MASTERS. P.H. LANCKRINGK. J* /S o J32 A Landscape, finely painted, in the manner of Titian, with the portrait of Sir Peter Lely. ^ »^ / 2/. 11 in. h. 2f.3in.w. For an account of this artist see Walpole's anecdotes. His works are extremely rare. MORTIMER. ,'* j' ^, 133 Daedalus fixing on the wings of Icarus ; a sketch. 1 /. 1 in. h. 10 in. w. ^ -^^^/^/l' GEORGE MORLAND. /O ^. .,134 Calf and Sheep. ^ 1 /. A. 1 /. 3 in. w. ENGIISH SCHOOL. 153 T. GAINSBOROUCH. Sixth Day. // Z'- 135 A Landscape, in his best manner. ^ i ^^ ^^j/^ , ^^^-^i 1 /. 4 in. h. 1/. 8 in. w. \ RICHARD WILSON. ^•/^i'„l36 Viewof Cadorldris. cl'^//,il{L'ij / 1 /• 8 in. h. 2/. 4 in. w. , This picture was in the painter's possession at his death j since in the late Mr. Daulby's Collection. /^ /4 137 Cicero at his Villa. ^^ ■ If. h. If. lin. w. ' c'^^ c^^^i. A subject frequently sketched by the artist with variations, and well known by the fine print of the subject. /c/ /y ^VSQ A Landscape with a tower; an evening scene. , /^^ ^ U-' ^ i l^ If. 11 in. h. If. 5 in. w. JOSEPH WRIGHT. ^'If /J^^^'i^Q A Sea view, amongst rocks, by moonlight; most i --^ .^l J<.> ^^ ^ highly finished, and beautiful effect. 8 in. h. 1 /. 1 in. w. v/''/C"-l40 A Sea piece with rocks, sun-set; a capital picture of i^ /^ / the master. 1/. 11 in. h. If. 6 in. w. /^/^- 141 A view of Vesuvius during an eruption, the favourite subject of the master; in his best style, and highly ^ finished : a perfect specimen. ' ^^^ ^^* IfSin.h. If. 8 in. w. ANGELICA KAUFFMAN. !^ ^ - 142 Her own Portrait. Size of life. ^^' / HEN. FUSELI. » '.IV / 143 The Shepherd Boy, from Milton's Lycidas. " What time tlie Gray-fly winds his sultry horn«" 2 /, 1 in. h, 2 /. 5 in. w« 154 PICTURES. Sixth Day. 144 The Nurse and Child. ,*^-*-*'^^ 3/. h. 2/. 3 m. a>. K> ^t' A 145 The Ghost of Lorenzo de' Medici appears to the Im- provisatore Cardiere, and orders him to warn his son Piero of his approaching disasters. 3 /. h. 2 /. Zin.w. ^ - 146 Cobweb, from the Midsummer Nights' Dream ; a circle. 1 /. 7 in. diam. X^" 147 Pease Blossom, from the same ; a companion to the former. CAPITAL PICTURES BY FLEMISH, DUTCH AND ENGLISH MASTERS, &c. FRANCIS POURBUS. /'3 /S ^ 148 Portrait of a Scholar ; fine character, and highly finished: half lensjth, size of life. ^^-^ LUCAS VAN LEYDEN. ^c* c« - 149 His own Portrait, in the character of St. Hubert pray- ing in the Desart, with the miracle of the Saint ador- ing the Crucifix between the horns of the Stag, in the back ground. f^'^.r^ jtA/trn 3 /. 1 in. h. If. Qin.w. Tliis very beautiful and extraordinary picture is mentioned l»y Karl van Mander and Desoamps, in the life of Lucas van Leyden, as having been painted by him when very young, to the astonishment of all the artists of the lime. It came from the Collection of the Greffier Fagel, and is ia the finest possible state of preservation. FLEMISH, DUTCH AND ENGLISH SCHOOLS. '55 REMBRANDT. / /^-- 1.50 The Magdalen ; called the lady and death. sixth Day. 4 /, 2 in. h. 3/. 4 in. w. • ^t p-^-^ A fine specimen of tiie master. „* P. P. RUBENS. ,^ / -151 St. Cecilia. s'^.'Z,\ic^ 4/. 2 in.h. 3/. Win. w. A genuine and brilliaut picture of great effect. GERARD TERBURGH. jj'7 J.^ 152 A Lady practising music with her master. / r If. A in. h. 1 /. 10 in. w. In triilb of drawing and sedate Larmony of colouring, this may be considered as one of the finest specimens of the Flemish School. NICHOLAS POUSSIN. ■J4 /C -, 153 The elevation of the brazen serpent. /"^^t /L\'iiiA/->^ 4.f.h. 4/. 11 in.w. "' A truly grand and genuine picture of this master. The his- tory of Moses has afforded to Poussin subjects for many of his finest compositions. In this he has displayed a dignity of conception and spirit of execution not surpassed by any of his most admired productions. HENRY FUSELL 154 Oedipus devotes to the infernal Gods his son Poly- .\,z .v^,^: nices, who, by the directions of the Oracle, endea- voured to obtain his favour against his brother Ete- ocles, after they had expelled their father from his dominions. Prom the Oedipus Colonens of Sophocles. 5 /. A. 5 /. 6 in. w. 156 PICTURES. / Sixth Day. 155 Oedipus in the grove of the furies near Colonos, at- '^ ^ tended by his daughters Antigone and Ismene, where he is called away by the summons of the infernal Gods. / ^^'c'/l.^^A From the same. 5/. h. 5/. 6 in. w. A fine mezzotiuto priut has been engraved and published from tliis picture. , ^^2^j/)if>156 Britomart freeing Amoret from the enchantment of Busirane. " Soon as tliat Viigin-knight he saw in place, His wicked books in haste he overtlirew, Not caring his long labours to deface ; And fiercely running to that Lady true, A murderous knife out of bis pocket drew, The which he thought in villainous despite In her tormented body to imbrue ; But the stout damsel to him leaping light, His cursed hand with-held, and maistered his might." Fairy Queen, b. in. cant, 12. v. S2. Qf.h.b /. tv. FINIS. HARRIS AMD CO. PRINTERS^ ^ ? ^/ m wm ■<>'■ '2^ LIBRARY