\ FIRST PORTION !£U r-Aj,A = tfw OF THE REMAINDER OF THE VALUABLE STOCK OF OLD ENGLISH SILVER USEFUL AND ORNAMENTAL SILVER AND SILVER-GILT AND PLATED ARTICLES, AND Beautiful 3ewels, OF ME. E. S. WAYLETT, DECEASED, LATE OF 534 OXFORD STREET , W. : which (by Order of the Executors), jffiUll lie irolij In,) auction Ui> Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, at yhsir ammAT 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1896, And Two following Days, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods Offices, 8 Aw.y ' St. James's Square, S. W. lAoi T"* CL .. ^3 . 77 - / 3 /3~f. / OD^/'CS 3./OV-. /j[/_ /£>-&■. /£o . /V-- 2 3 . 27 ^3 , /oo / / (o _ - y rt'k . i?,*r Y /3o. /<*- fc>. /S~o . &. S3 2. 4C 2L . 2 o . %.% . Xb .3 o .3 /- -»o. 4^ _ 4^. £*. 4^^ - «4 4^ - o~o , ^^ - 3. #~, /2-./V--23.ZV--2P.3 2-. J&.SA3. 47 . &/. SS. &£. £&. £ S* 2 .f-y-.frj?. /oo. /OS'. ///. /Zo. /2 5 '. /Zf. /3^ /^AC>. /£To. /$ 2 . . /& 2 . ./£$'. a /O . /2. . f f- /3o Z3¥-. /ST. /3b> /SZ ,/5%. /ST. /*>Z 8 a. . /if3. '68. 1 3 . 63 . ■ f7- /Z 3. /5~3. ?'?y /oo. //o. . At/ 4 u3. So. 6~S. o3 . .. /6*z . /£&. 3 . /2-' /y- ,/9.23. ij-.zf. 3 b. 4^ 3. 4 ^ 7 ; ^ 7 ~o. 4"/. .5 _ 6~ -o3. /k ^7. 72 7-y- . ?" 2 -. 7^ /y>o - 4 j> 5 ~. /// .• Vg. . • . /. 4-3 .4-?. 3~/. 5 2- - ■^ r 7s. ^7- f' 2 - 3 6 ' /oa>. /oj£ . ///. / /7 / 2 o. /z&./zr. /3o. /3 3 ./3^„ /3f a /{+ o , /&o /^f/ /^.Z. . ^ T 3. /¥-■ 32. /// /3Y~. < l / uLci&+.s 3. .2 3. /*•/ V- /o o . ///. //X /3v- fty-o. /6~t>. 'ST. . /<£>. 'Cn^L^'S /V 8 ~. CONDITIONS OF SALE. -0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or detect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. First Day’s Sale. On TUESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1896, AT ONE O’CLOCK, Immediately after the sale of the Lease of the Premises, 534 Oxford Street. SILVER —At per Oz. oz. dwt. 0 1 Twelve plain tea-spoons; an egg-spoon ; and a pair of sugar-tongs ....... 2 Thirty-four fiddle-pattern tea-spoons ; and a pair of sugar- tongs ........ ^ 3 Nine threaded tea-spoons ; six egg-spoons ; and six beaded tea-spoons........ ' * 4 Fourteen tea-spoons, with engraved and feathered-edge handles ........ 6 Twelve threaded and shell-pattern tea-spoons, and pair of sugar-tongs; five king’s-pattern tea-spoons, and two pairs of sugar-tongs . n 2 4 oz. dwt. , d 6 /. /. // /- //*7 Z, <7‘ “9 9 / J , J. // 10 4'4-9 11 // •% 12 /*}, * 13 r ^ 14 15 ^ / 16 X/^17 //7 ,' i g eight ditto J /y, & 20 A • ^ -7 21 /■/f. /o 22 /y. / 23 ^ , y, X? 24 A r, /O 25 y-5 y', t> 26 /&~.J 27 Z - /f/r 28 Twelve coffee-spoons, with chased scroll handles; six ditto, the handles chased with masks; six, chased with birds ; and two small pairs of sugar-tongs.... A pair of plain gravy-spoons ..... A pair of ditto; three dessert-spoons: and a salad- server ........ A gravy-spoon, with feathered edge; one, with beaded edge ; a king’s-pattern sauce-ladle; and two threaded and shell sugar-sifters . A pair of plain asparagus tongs . Eighteen feather-edge dessert-spoons; and forks ..... A plain chocolate-pot—1783 A larger ditto—1775 Another—1765 .... A shaped ditto, repousse with shields—1762 A plain cylindrical tea-pot—1764 A plain coffee-pot—1731 . A shaped ditto, with gadroon border and pineapple knob— 1773 . A plain cylindrical sugar-dredger A plain saucepan—1781 . A Warwick cruet-frame, with three plain vase-shaped casters and two silver-mounted cut-glass bottles— 1747 . A plain goblet ..... A shaped plain tankard, with scroll handle—1771 Another, chased with flowers and scrolls—1777 Another, with panels of ornament in flat chasing A large ditto, chased with flowers A pint tankard, embossed with ornament A plain circular waiter, with beaded border—7 in —1782 . diam. S/JL 12 16 7 6 11 17/ 14 8 * 6 1/fc* 32 11 & 10 18 S* 12 0 - 14 10 10 8 13 0/W 21 25 0«y^< 5 oz. dwt. £ 29 Another, with shaped shell and scroll border— in. diam. — —1763 . 8 1 £&**'■*£* > $ 30 A salver, with beaded border, chased with shells—12£ in. ' diam .—1769 . 28 & 31 A plain salver, with beaded border—14 in. diam. . . 34 3 , o 32 A circular bread-basket, the border pierced and engraved, . * with reeded handle . . . . . . 19 18 33 An oblong-shaped entree-dish and cover, the border chased o # * with flowers . . . . . . . 53 3 SILVER —All at. ' #34 A shaped pocket-flask, with cup; and a case for two packs of playing * cards— weight 16 oz. , . + 35 A plain cigarette-case; and a small brandy-flask /^36 A circular pocket-flask ; a small cigarette-case; and a fusee-box . o31 A small circular flask ; a small cigarette-case ; and two fusee-boxes * o 38 An engraved case, for three cigars; an engraved cigarette-case; two fusee-boxes; and a cigar-cutter o 39 A cigarette-case, and two fusee-boxes, each enamelled with a dogjj head ; a cigar-cutter ; and a small plain purse .0 40 A spirally fluted cigarette-case ; a fusee-box, enamelled with a dog’s / . , . > , head; one, with motto ; and two small plain ditto ^^ 6 41 A pierced and engraved sugar-basket, with blue glass liner; and a , j . set of six coffee-spoons, with scroll handles— in case b 42 A set of three small bowls, with escalloped and chased borders, on / / four scroll feet— weight 11 oz. 19 diets. '' L / ^ ^ «^43 An oval pierced bowl, on foot, with flat handles, chased with masks * / / . and festoons— weight 9 oz. 18 dwt. 44 A sweetmeat dish, chased with Cupids and scrolls, and gilt inside, ^ L, & and pierced ladle; a pair of small chased fern-pots; and ai embossed cigarette-box 6 * ✓ 0 45 J . / 4 O 46 £ . & 47 0 f 48 /' . O 49 f. 0 50 small heart-shaped ink-stand, of tortoiseshell, silver mounted ; a taper candlestick, en suite; and a small tortoiseshell frame table hell, with ivory handle; a tooth-pick stand; 7 \ /J7 * 51 g/ / ^ . e 52 53 . a 54 y,. *, o 55 p . * 56 57 / /r » o 58 table bell, witn ivory nandle; a tootn-picK stand; a silver- / mounted glass hunting-flask ; and a ditto scent-bottle w A spirally fluted glass hunting-flask ; a silver-mounted glass pepper- mill ; and a pair of ditto casters A heart-shaped toilet-box, repousse with doves and flowers ; and a pair of trumpet flower-vases, repousse with flowers A shaving-pot, partly chased with birds and flowers; an Indian filigree card-case; and a leather post-card stand, with pigjc^ mount A toilet set, embossed with birds and scroll foliage, consisting of oblong tray, cylindrical box, small oval tray, pair of hair-brushes, child’s brush, hat-brush, two silver-mounted cut-glass scents bottles, and a long button-hook Another, consisting of a pair of hair-brushes, cylindrical box, heart- shaped ditto, two oblong-shaped boxes, pair of oval trays, bodkin- case, button-hook, and two cut-glass scent-bottles with »lain y j silver tops I An upright toilet-table mirror, with bevelled edges, in pierced silver frame chased with amorini, arabesque figures, birds and foliage— 14 in. by 14^ in. I Another, nearly similar—16^ in. by 12 in. A heart-shaped ditto—13£ in. by 11 in .; and a pair of pierced ; toilet-table candlesticks, with patent candle holders ^ An oblong ink-stand, with pierced gallery at the back and sides, gadroon borders and ebony tray, with two silver-mounted glasses ■ A pair of dwarf table candlesticks, with fluted stems and gadrooned octagonal collars, feet and nozzles ^JS A lady’s dressing case, of rose-wood, with brass borders and mounts, , and plain silver-gilt mounted fittings /A/MA A snake cane walking stick, and an acacia wood ditto, mounted with silver tops embossed with figures 7 PLATED. J 59 A king’s-pattern service, consisting of sixty-three table-spoons, three dessert-spoons, four dessert-forks, five gravy-spoons, two soup- ladles, thirteen sauce-ladles, twenty tea-spoons, fifteen egg- spoons, six mustard-spoons, two sugar-spoons and a sugar-sifter —134 pieces ' / 60 A threaded and shell-pattern service, consisting of thirty-five table- ' ^ spoons, five dessert-spoons, four gravy-spoons, a soup-ladle, six sauce-ladles, twelve egg-spoons, six salt-spoons and four mustard-^^/ ' spoons—73 pieces 61 Six feathered-edge table-forks, eight table-spoons, four dessert-forks and four dessert spoons; six threaded dessert-forks, two dessert¬ spoons and eight salt-spoons ; two beaded soup-ladles and three sauce-ladles—43 pieces ■, £ 62 An oval engraved tea-pot, sugar-basin and cream jug; a preserve-jar^ stand and cover ; a toast-rack ; and a breakfast-cruet ^ A 63 An oval fluted and engraved tea-pot, coffee-pot, sugar-basin and cream-jug; and a spirally fluted plain hot-water jug / ** * ^ £ g 64 A basket-pattern egg-stand, with six cups; a breakfast-cruet, with ^ seven glasses; a toast-rack; and a glass preserve jar and cover 9 t 0 65 A butter-dish, with revolving cover; a soy-frame, with four glasses ; ^ V a glass biscuit-box and cover ; a sauce-boat; and a toast-rack 66 A pierced oval cruet-frame, chased with vines, with six glasses; a ^ chased butter-dish, with revolving cover; and an oak chased biscuit-box and cover, with cut-glass dish j/— 67 A pair of oval engraved entree-dishes and covers, with reeded borders and handles; and one plain ditto, with reeded borders on open stand with lamp p 68 A pair of ditto, with beaded borders; and one plain ditto, with heater ' ' ^ 69 An oblong entree-dish and cover, with gadroon borders ; three oblong heaters, with chased handles ; and an oval ditto / A 8 £ 70 An oval venison-dish and plain fluted cover, with chased handle^ 7 / # 71 Twelve dessert-knives and forks, with plain ivory pistol handles— in •+/ s7 e? f , oak case /// 72 Eighteen ditto, with spirally fluted pearl handles— in mahogany case & 73 Six ditto, with curved blades and brown agate handles— in mahogany case ; and twelve ditto, with partly fluted plated handles— inj>alc : case I /^J^**^* i?* /& ' ° 74 Eighteen dessert-knives and forks, with king’s-pattern handles— in mahogany case /0 . 0 75 Sixteen engraved fish-knives, with similar handles— in case n ^ / 76 Eighteen engraved ditto, with fluted handles chased with masks and ' vines —in mahogany case GOLD WATCHES AND CHAINS, Etc. /j * / e , //< t/: ? 78 // / 0 . O 79 //.•r.tw 4 , X/T & 81 tf~* /0. * go tit X? • * 83 0T» 84 // 4 0.0 85 J./i. 6 86 A keyless watch, by Waylett, No. 3198, with compensated balance— in plain gold demi-hunter case Another, by the same, No. 4258—in similar case , & 105 106 107 CP 108 J 4 S / ■ CP 109 9* /t * f 0 111 y^y ^ 112 s'. o 113 . 0 0 114 115 /J. /O .0 116 A half-hoop ring, with two rows of brilliants A brilliant flower-pattern ring A ring, with five small brilliants; and one, similar A gold band ring, set with small brilliants A half-hoop ring, with eight brilliants and a pearl Another, with five pearls A half-hoop sapphire and brilliant ring A A sapphire and diamond cluster ring A half-hoop ring, with four sapphires and five brilliants Another, with two brilliants and pink coral A marquise ring, with rubies and brilliants Another, with an opal surrounded by brilliants An Opal and Brilliant Cluster Ring A half-hoop ring, with three opals and brilliants A Halt-Hoop Ring, with three large brilliants A Double Heart-Shaped Cluster Brilliant Ring EARRINGS. £ • 6 , * /j. ^ /c . o 117 A pair of pearl eartops; and a pair of blue enamel and diamond star earrings /y^*' 118 A pair of single-brilliant eartops ; and a pair of pearl ditto 119 A pair of pearl and diamond marguerite earrings; and a pair oifl pearl eartops r 120 A pair of brilliant cluster earrings 121 A pair of sapphire and brilliant cluster earrings 122 A pair of single-brilliant eartops 123 A pair of emerald and brilliant cluster earrings 11 *7124 & 125 a 126 ^ 127 ^ 128 129 ^ 130 .o 131 o 132 .^133 > 134 135 * 136 f & 137 . *138 ,* 139 .*140 *J 41 142 BROOCHES, BRACELETS, NECKLETS, Etc. A bar brooch, with five brilliants Another, with two ruhies and three brilliants Another, with three rubies and two brilliants A brilliant bar and cluster brooch, with three sapphires t/yh Another, with three pearls A bar brooch, with black pearl and brilliant cluster A bar brooch, with a carved moonstone and pearls A Brooch, formed as a crystal satchel surrounded by brilliants A brilliant and ruby brooch, formed as a knot of ribbon A gold bracelet, mounted with a carved moonstone in a crescent of s&jz, brilliants A gold wire bangle, with an opal surrounded by brilliants A Gold Band Bracelet, with brilliant flower-pattern centre yA y? {forming brooch or pendant ) A small brilliant pave heart pendant A Brilliant Pave Heart Pendant f An Oval Brilliant Pendant, or brooch, with opal centre A Cluster Brilliant Pendant, or brooch A BRILLIANT BROOCH, formed as a knot of ribbons ( weight, 28^ carats) A BRILLIANT NECKLACE, composed of twenty-four brilliant clusters, separated by top and drop brilliants {weight, / 46i carats) A BRILLIANT NECKLACE, the centre with pendants, also forming a tiara {weight, 28£ T J g carats ) ’ t End of First Dag's Sale. Second Day’s Sale. i On WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1896, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. SILVER —At per Oz. / 4 U ' 145 J, /& 146 147 y 3 148 o 149 />//' £ 150 151 /' 152 2, a 153 A small plain cream-jug and sugar-basin, fluted at the an §Ls. A sugar-basin, chased with acanthus foliage— foreign . A small plain tea-pot; and a sugar-basin . . A cream-jug, chased with acanthus foliage; and a sugar- bowl, in Burmese taste .... A cream-jug, partly fluted and chased with foliage ; and a chased sugar-bowl, on foot. A small cream-jug, inlaid with a coin; and a spirally fluted sugar-basin w r • • • # An oblong-shaped cream-jug, with gadroon border, on ball feet . A small fluted and engraved cream-jug; and a small Dutch bowl, chased with flowers • • • • An openwork sugar-vase, with twisted handles—glass liner oz. dwt. 4 12 12 7 ^ 9 10 ^ 10 8 11 10 5 5 4 6 ^ I 5 6 0 4 13 J 155 < 156 , * 157 3 158 $ 159 ^ 160 f 161 162 ,/^ 63 ,^164 £ 165 ^ 166 / 167 * 168 . J171 ,.TT72 V/173 174 . ^ A pair of vase-shaped sugar-casters, with four open handles and spiral bat’s-wing fluting .... A small tea service, of octagonal shape, with engraved borders, consisting of three pieces .... A fluted ditto, engraved, and with beaded borders . A plain oval ditto service, smaller .... Another, of circular shape, with bands of acanthus foliage An oval ditto service, the lower part fluted . A coffee-pot, sugar-basin and cream-jug, similar A tea-pot, similar ....... An engraved tea-kettle, on stand with lamp . A globular ditto, chased with flowers, on tripod stand with lamp . . . . . . . A small vase-shaped tea-urn, with chased border and handles, on square foot ..... A small partly fluted tea-kettle, on stand with lamp A pierced cylindrical mustard-pot, with beaded edges— blue glass liner ...... A smaller ditto, with pierced and engraved borders—blue glass liner ....... A partly fluted mustard-pot; and one, spirally fluted A set of six circular chased salt-cellars, on round feet; and six beaded salt-spoons ..... A cruet-frame, with cut-glass oil and vinegar cruets and two pepper-casters, silver-mounted A plain square-shaped waiter, with escalloped corners 6^ in. square ..-•••• A plain circular waiter, with shaped and shell border 10 in. diam. A circular salver, with shaped shell and gadroon border, the centre engraved—11 in. diam. An oval-shaped two-handled salver, with .partly fluted border and threaded edge—18 in. long . oz. dwt. 27 10 19 15 20 0 12 0 17 ^>x/ 13 16 25 10 8 8 43 12 48 17 21 17 15 0 ^7X^ 33 2 10 2 19 5 4 11 16 17 16/^^/^ io 17 16 4 28 4 33 4 14 *2* £ , tf 175 An ink-stand, with two silver-mounted cut-glass bottles, on oval two-handled tray with fluted and beaded border. ^, /*, / 176 A boat-shaped ink-stand, pierced with scroll work, with silver-mounted glass bottle ..... 2** ^* 7 177 An oblong ink-stand, with pierced gallery at the sides and back, and gadroon borders, on scroll feet, with taper candlestick and two silver-mounted cut-glass bottles . f.z 178 A larger ditto, of nearly similar design, with two mounted cut-glass bottles ...... /J./ 179 A bowl, engraved in Indian taste .... ^ t /7>, ^ ISO A bowl, on foot, spirally fluted and chased with wave ornament ....... 181 A Salver, with chased shell and gadroon border, and engraved centre— 14 in. diam. —1762 . ) 182 A large bowl, with laurel festoons and ribbons, the lower / ' part fluted ....... ^ 4 & * 183 A large jug, with band of acanthus foliage round the lower part ....... •7- * /•£, // 184 A small Monteith, partly fluted and repousse with orna¬ ment, and with escalloped rim .... oz. dwt. 8 Vtf 8 27 0 ^ 37 q/4 13 10 11 16 ^ 37 18* 21 /- ? . * / 185 A punch-bowl, the lower part spirally fluted—10 in. f, /l. o diam. 186 Another, with scroll handles, repousse with spiral fluting ^ and a corded band 187 Another, partly fluted and with lion’s-mask and ring handles . • • • • • *2^* 188 A large goblet, of bulb pattern, chased with flowers in compartments—12^ in. high .... ' *2 * ^ ' 189 A larger goblet, chased with deer in a landscape in relief —14^ in. high .... J ^190 ^ large two-handled vase and cover, chased with Satyrs’ ' masks and ivy wreaths in relief, and surmounted by a figure of Victory—30 in. high .... 35 0 ^ 10 19 28 15^ 37 19 J 33 J$UH 22 10 j 49 11 'S'* 191 JfQ v7 K. \ 15 191 A large two-handled oviform vase, chased with foliage and other ornament, and fitted with a duplex lamp—25 in. oss. dwt. high ........ 156 192 A pair of sconces, the borders chased with classical figures, with mirrors in the centre and branches for three lights each ...... SILVER-GILT. 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 Four fluted ash-trays, inlaid with old English silver coins; and a pomander, formed as an orange . A parcel-gilt cylindrical muffineer; and an egg-shaped ditto; and four small chased salt-cellars and two spoons ...••••• An engine-turned lady’s card case —in case . A pair of chased parcel-gilt pepper-casters ; and a pair of muffineers, of Indian design .... A goblet, engraved with ornament .... A chalice, on fluted and chased stem and foot Four circular salt-cellars, chased with rams heads and feet 200 201 202 203 204 ^ 205 A pair of dessert tazze, the borders and feet repousse with grotesque masks and other ornament 6^ in. high ; and a pair of smaller ditto, en suite A set of three ditto, chased with festoons of flowers and ribbons—6| in. high. . A chased claret-jug ; and a pair of beakers, en suite An oval rose-water dish, repousse with arabesque foliage, flowers and fruit—19 in. long . A pair of goblets, chased with The Otter Hunt, after Landseer—9 in. high • A pair of library candlesticks, on tripods of classical design . . . • • * * A folding sandwich box, inlaid with ,f May in gold letters; and a small hand candlestick, with spring for suspension . 0 52 0 17 2 2 7 6 ^ I® 12 2 yV^ 17 17 7a 4 63 5 31 5 50 7 24 16 0 •> y/ 18 13 16 /,/*✓ ef / & 207 A barrel-shaped cut-glass biscuit-box, with chased silver-gilt rim . and cover ; and a pocket-flask, with silver-gilt top and cup £*t ^ set of four table candlesticks, en suite A set of four table candlesticks, on square-shaped fluted stems and ^ feet; and a pair of ditto, on fluted vase-shaped stems and round feet A pair of table candlesticks, on chased stems and shapea feet ; and a pair of tall fluted column ditto, on square gadrooned feet C 18 JEWELLERY. sty , X/ , 236 A bracelet, with lapis and pearl rosettes ; an oval blue enamel and pearl brooch, with brilliant centre; and a small diamond tar - brooch A pair of gold earrings, with single brilliants; a horse-shoe brooch, with sapphires and pearls ; and a small pearl heart safety-pi%^L^!L*i Two brooches, with pearls; a bracelet, with diamond star; and a cameo brooch, with pearl border A brooch, with three pink coral and pearl rosettes ; a pearl horse¬ shoe brooch ; one, with topaz and amethyst; and a bracket, with pearl and coral star A set of three small pearl studs ; a pearl horse-shoe brooch ; a pink^ coral ditto ; an arrow brooch; and a gold bangle, with pearl A pair of pearl eartops ; and a bar brooch, with moonstone e7* ^ 237 X , X/', a 238 , 0 239 «/ - 0 240 cA , & 241 centre PINS. ^ 242 A gold comet pin, mounted with a large rose diamond S~' /0 , o 243 A single pearl stud ; and a pearl scarf-pin X ' X*X <0 244 A small pearl and diamond cluster scarf-pin ; and a turqi diamond heart ditto dJL x? . 0 245 A black pearl pin //, A/ , 0 246 A pearl and diamond cluster pin, forming stud /0 „ 0" s'* 247 A brilliant cluster scarf-pin, forming stud r '2 r yu&->*i »7 and y RINGS. ^ J 248 A half-hoop ring, with five sapphires X & • 0 249 Another ring, similar 250 Another, with three sapphires and two brilliants y ^ /X y 251 Another, with five rubies /st, ^252 A larger ditto, similar 0 , o 253 A half-hoop ring, with five opals 19 ^ 254 7 255 » 256 * 257 <7 258 7 259 y 260 £>261 *262 <<263 <<264 *265 o 266 ,*267 _^8 A ring, with a pearl and six brilliants Another, similar Another, similar Another, with a pearl and brilliants A gold ring, with single brilliant and pearl; and one, with single d~zr— ruby and brilliant A half-hoop ring, with five turquoises A ring, with two brilliants and a pearl A half hoop ring, with five garnets A ditto A ring, with a single ruby and brilliants A single-stone brilliant ring A ring, with five brilliants in the form of a cross A cluster ring, with a single sapphire and brilliants A Half-Hoop King, with five brilliants y * ~ _. Another, with five larger brilliants 4 BROOCHES, BRACELETS, NECKLETS, Etc. ^ 269 A brilliant brooch, formed as a fox’s head mounted on two crops 270 A crescent brooch, with alternate turquoises and brilliants, an(i . brilliant shamrock < ’ 271 *272 *273 -*274 *275 .-V276 ,V* trr° 284 brilliaid— /4/*' 285 ^ 286 // ^ carats ; and ditto, double cut— carats y**' 293 Rose Diamonds— 64 , -fa, facarats ; and Sapphires— 55f, fa, * g 1 ^ carats -54, -[V, fa carats ; four Siam rubies—2£, 4> fa carats y. *crr* /// t / 0,0 294 Rubies emeralds—254, 4, b? car <*ts; and opals—121, fa carats 295 Pearls: a parcel—543^, 4 grains’ f and seed pearls, a parcel /y 296 Turquoises : a parcel ^ 297 A Large Turquoise 298 Eight Rubies— 9| carats //far End of Second Bay's Sale. Third Day’s Sale. ♦o- On THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1896, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. — » O 349 A /d , ^ 350 > ^351 £■',/&, c?352 Jy * 0 353 iJ ✓ 354 J. /357 A pen-holder (with gold pen) and pencil case, spirally fluted; a paper-knife, with pencil— in cases ; a plain pencil case ; &, peo.y > j knife ; and a circular chased ink-stand A small glass butter-dish, with silver cover and stand, and butter- knife ; a pair of small double salt-cellars and spoons — in two*J~p~ cases ; and a glass pocket-flask, with silver cup A pair of chased cylindrical toilet-boxes; a small tray ; a pair of shell trays; a cut-glass scent-sprinkler ; a ditto bottle, with silver owl top; and an ivory paper-knife, with silver handle A hand mirror, in ebony frame with pierced silver mount; a . tortoiseshell tray, with pierced silver border; a ditto papery^Tt- knife ; a cut-glass and silver melon-shaped bottle ; and one other A small oval-shaped pierced basket; a pair of cut-glass toilet-bpxes, with chased silver lids; and a pair of smaller ditto A pair of small open trellis baskets, on feet chased with festoons and y borders of flowers— weight 7 oz. 17 dwt. A pair of piano candlesticks, with vase-shaped nozzles, on oval fluted j feet; and a pair of plain ditto, on round feet A pair of plain column ditto, on square beaded feet; and a pair of ditto, fluted A pair of Corinthian column ditto, on square step feet, with gadro&j borders ; and a pair of spiral column ditto, with foliage capitals A pair of library candlesticks, with vase-shaped nozzles,-on square- , "" d/, & 358 J, ./S', O 359 X/,& 360 ^ 361 t & 362 shaped stems and feet; and a square-shaped tray ink-stand, with escalloped border and mounted glass bottle A pair of library candlesticks, on oval fluted feet; and a small ink- stand, with pierced dome cover containing a gong A pair of table candlesticks, on baluster stems and octagonal-shaped , feet A pair of table candlesticks, on vase-shaped stems and round feet, y with chased borders A pair of tall candlesticks, on square-shaped fluted stems and feet < A pair of Corinthian column candlesticks, on square step fee ^wit h^^^^ sradroon borders / fly'P 363 A pair of spiral column ditto, with chased capitals, on square flutpd feet 25 PLATED. 364 Twelve three-pronged table-forks; and eleven ditto desert-forks; eight plain table-forks; a soup-ladle; two sauce-ladles; a cheese-scoop; six tea-spoons; fourteen egg-spoons; two sa1W spoons; and five mustard-spoons—62 pieces 365 A fiddle-pattern service, consisting of thirteen table-forks, fourteen table-spoons, twenty-one dessert-forks, twenty dessert-spoons, twenty-four pea-eating forks, two oyster-forks, eight gravy- spoons, foui soup-ladles, five sauce-ladles, five tea-spoons; five egg-spoons, ten salt-spoons, thirteen mustard-spoons, a sugar-spoon, sugar-sifter, pair of sugar-tongs, and three caddy-spoons—150 pieces 366 A fish-knife and fork, engraved; two pairs of asparagus-tongs; r. o two joint-holders; two champagne-bottle holders; and ten skewers , 367 A 4 * o pierced fish-slice; an engraved crumb-scoop; an asparagus- server ; a joint-holder ; a melon-knife; two cheese-scoops; and a silver-mounted ditto—all with ivory handles a_ 368 Twelve dessert-knives and forks, with plain ivory handles— in mahogany case , 369 Six ditto, with plain round ivory handles— in leather case; and six ditto, with small round handles 370 Eleven ditto, with small round ivory handles with embossed mounts —in mahogany case; and six fish-knives and forks, with ivory handles— in mahogany case 371 Seventeen dessert-knives and forks, with mother-o’-pearl handles- - in mahogany case — 372 Twelve fish-knives and forks, with threaded and shell-pattern , handles— in two cases . / -'Ac'- 373 Twelve ditto forks and six knives, with fluted and chased handles • ^ / 0 in mahogany case ; and six fish-knives and forks, with Albany- ' — pattern handles— in oak case , 26 ✓ 4 ^ c ? 374 O 375 ^ /# / ^ 376 / 408 Six gold studs ; three enamelled ditto, with emeralds ; a pair of sleeve-links ; four scarf-pins ; a signet ring; and two others^^^ RINGS. ^7 t cr-~ 7 ~* 418 Another, with five pearls and diamond sparks 4. 29 A half-hoop ring, with five sapphires Another, similar s -^ Another, with five rubies Another, with four rubies and three brilliants A half-hoop ring, with five rubies '7 A half-hoop ring, with five opals A gold ring, with a pearl and two brilliants ^ A half-hoop ring, with three rubies and two brilliants ' Another, with three sapphires and two brilliants Another, with a single sapphire and two brilliants A five-stone emerald ring A ditto r.K BROOCHES, BRACELETS, NECKLETS, Etc (? S': 77# 446 A diamond and pearl brooch, formed as a spider Another, with opal body and brilliant head Another, formed as a bulrush A gold enamelled brooch, formed as a pansy A brilliant flower-pattern brooch Another, of similar design, with ruby centre A brilliant brooch, formed as a spray of lilies Another, as a spray of rosebuds A Brilliant Brooch, formed as a knot of ribbons A Small Brilliant Crescent Brooch SSxSS A Brilliant Brooch, formed as a shamrock, with three tprquoises^^^t? A Ruby and Brilliant Cluster Bar Brooch A Half-Moon Brilliant Brooch A Brilliant Brooch, formed as a double heart with ribbons yj^€> Sf A Gold Band Bracelet, with a double row of alternate rubies and pearls Another, with nine brilliants separated by sapphires 30 ^447 A gold bracelet, of open design, mounted with pearls a^^rdlia^/ //y, /&, & 448 A brilliant hair ornament, formed as a dagger ^^ y<3 ^ v 449 A BRILLIANT DROP NECKLACE, the Centre Farming / a Tiara 7 ' ^7^ 450 A BRILLIANT COLLET NECKLACE, composed of sejenty graduated stones and brilliant snap End of Third Days Sale. N.B.—The concluding portion will be sold on Tuesday, December 15, and following day. I London: Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. 15*45 C.L GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE