CATALOGUE jd&A LUV[ c 2(,lU CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required) in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Cheistie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must .absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. DRAWINGS. 1 Roses MRS. ANGELL. BOUCHER (After). 2 Diana, by Louis Gratia —in chalk Purchased from the Artist T. M. RICHARDSON. 3 Dunstanborough Castle, Northumberland J. M. CARRICK, 1870. 4 Tiif. Alhambra From the Trist Collection G. CATTERMOLE. 5 The WrrcnF.s in ‘ Macbeth ’ From the Jiurton Collection R 2 4 T. COLLIER. 6 Near Harlech Ft •om the Burton Collection SO J. D. DOMINICI. Ga His Eminence the Cardinal H. EARP, Sen. ^ f j /W 7 Landscape, Castle Grounds, Reigate, with cattle in the fore¬ ground SIR J. GILBERT, R.A., 1878. 8 Cavaliers and Roundheads From the Greig Collection W. GOODALL. 9 Among the Rooks Exhibited at the Society of Painters in Water-Colours, 1887 LOUIS GRATIA. 10 “ C’est Moi ” Purchased from the Artist /' / N. E. GREEN. 11 A Glen Scene, with deer From the Trist Collection H. HUIE. 12 River View : Approaching Storm From the Priory Collection S. P. JACKSON. 13 Evening on the Thames Exhibited at the Royal Water-Colour Society, 1887 S. r. JACKSON. 14 Tite Valley of Rocks, Lynton, North Devon Exhibited at the Royal Water-Colour Society, 1887 A S. P. JACKSON. 15 Looking Westward, on the Cornish shore Exhibited at the Royal Water-Colour Society, 1887 S. P. JACKSON. 1(5 A Gale, Mount’s Bay, Cornwall Exhibited at the Royal Water-Colour Society, 1887 C. MONTALBA. 17 Venice : A funeral barge, or “ The Last Journey ” Exhibited at the Royal Academy , 1878 From the Trist Collection P. J. NAFTEL. 18 Fishing Party, North Wales Exhibited at the Society of Painters in Water-Colours, 1887 The following six drawings by PAUL J. NAFTEL, were bought at the Artists' Sale. 19 The River Wharfe, looking up towards the Valley of Desolation, ^ Bolton, Yorks - 20 A Still Pool, on the Machine 21 Uri Rothstock, Lucerne 21 Isola Pescatore, Maggiore 23 The Gap of Dunloe 24 High up on the Moor, Capcl Curig . 25 Beau Regard, Sark 6 SIE OSWALD BEIEELEY. 26 Sir Wixliam Winter in the Vanguard at the Spanish Armada Purchased from the Artist Engraved f- / a/\ c oL A. EOMAKO. 27 “Hark! Hark! a/a. LA C VV J. STEEPLE, 1866. 28 A Cottage near a Pond, with clucks H. B. WILLIS, 1874. 29 Watering Horses From the Trist Collection A ¥ - Cn / 7L & * P. DE WINT. 30 Norwich Marshes From the Burton Collection C. W. WOOLNOTH. 31 Ben Ledi, from Tcitk at Callander, Perthshire Purchased from the Artist Ao M. E. WEATISLAW. 32 The Fountain, Bocca di Leone, Eome From the Trist Collection LiA? 7 PICTURES. B. BARKER. 33 A Small River Scene, with cows From the Anderton Collection / F. BOSSUET. 34 Reins op the old Moorish Factories in Almkria W. BROMLEY. 35 In the Soles W. BROMLEY. 36 A Frosty Morning G. OATTERMOLE. 37 The Witches in ‘Macbeth’ From the Burton Collection G. COLE, 1870. 38 A Landscape, with cows: Twilight From the Drew Collection J. CONSTABLE, R.A. 39 A River Scene, with cattle From the Fenton Collection E. W. COOKE, R.A., 1858. 40 Bart of the Island of San Pietro, in Castello, Venice From the Grindley Collection 8 41 “ Mitherless ” T. G. COOPER, r ,Qy 3' F. DILLON. 42 The Island of Philas, Nubia From Baron Heath’s Collection VV. ETTY, R.A. 43 Captain of the Guard : A Portrait of Signor Mario From the Burton Collection W. ETTY, R.A. 44 An Egyptian Boatman W. ETTY, R.A. 45 The Graces E. FICHEL. 46 TnE Toilet From the Eoerard Collection A. FRASER. 47 War’s Alarms Painted for Lord Northwiclc Exhibited at the Royal Academy From the Bentley Collection G. T. GARLAND, 1870. 48 Quod lkat Demonstrandum 9 T. HAND. 49 A Landscape, with peasant and horses From the Anderton Collection K. IIEILMAYER. -»50 Venice by Moonlight J A '9 9 G. E. HICKS, 1875. 51 The Gleaneu G. E. HICKS. 62 Golden Links Exhibited at the Royal Academy Engraved by Francis Holl G. E. HICKS, 1877. 53 The Gleaneu Purchased from the Artist G. E. HICKS. 5 « , 54 A Child witu a Kitten J. J. HILL, 1860. 55 A Girl at a Spring From the Trist Collection E. J. HUMPHREY. *_ 56 Francesca INNOCENT!. 57 “ Le Raiser Vole ” 10 T. G. LINNELL. 58 Up the Lane, Redkill, Surrey From the Price Collection J. T. LUCAS. 59 Palissy the Potter IL J. MEADOWS. 60 Shipping off the Coast From the Kemp Welch Collection 61 Early Cares E. T. MEYER. P. NASMYTH. 62 A Landscape, with a windmill From the Wynn Ellis Collection JOHN NESBITT. 63 Through the Woods, Inverary Purchased from the Artist Exhibited at the Boyal Academy , 1877 E. OPIE. 64 Cavaliers and Roundheads / Jr /L Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1877 J. OPIE, R.A. 65 The Death of James I. of Scotland; the head on the left is the portrait of the Artist Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1786 Exhibited at Burlington House, 1875 From the Anderton Collection /A" * / o 11 ,/1 A. F. PATTEN, A.R.A. 66 Tub Idle Embroideress From Baron Heath's Collection /r 7 ✓ W. S. STOCKS. 70 A Surrey Farm Yard a //j. / TH. WEBER. 71 Sprat Fishing /J /} KJL41 ti ts II. WOODS, R.A., 1877. 72 A Canal Scene, Venice Purchased from the Artist Exhibited at the Boyal Academy , 1877 '2 J" H. WOODS, R.A. 78 A Morning Call, Venice Sold with Copyright Purchased from the Artist / / 12 H. WOODS, R.A. 74 SUNSHINE Purchased from, the Artist Exhibited at the Royal Academy , 1877 1 , 4 ^>0 J. ZOFFANY, R.A. 75 An Incident in the King of Oude’s State Coiinwallis in 1786- -engraved UJ-- JAN ASSELYN. 76 The Ford— signed From Lady Camden’s Collection Visit to Loud //— ' BREUGHEL. 77 A Riveu Scene, with peasants 7 >/d BREUGHEL. 78 Landscares and Figures— a pair From the Cosier Collection / 7 A. CUYP. 79 A River Scene, with cows Signed A. DURER. / 80 One of the Magi From the Beresford Hope Collection ViA A. DURER. -sr The Institution of the Rosary Purchased from Count Grimani at Venice in 1839 From Baron Heath’s Collection This picture is specially noticed by Vallery in the volume oj his artistic travels in Italy 13 FRANCKS. 82 The Battle of the Centaurs and Lapith.e at the Marriage of Pirithous From Viscount Holbertons Collection VAN HUYSUM. 83 A River Scene, with cavaliers and ladies From the Trist Collection / X/6 MOMMERS. 84 Milking Time Signed From Viscount Banelagli s Collection PERRUZZI. 85 Adoration of the Magi Exhibited at Leeds, 1868 From the Barlcer Collection ROTTENHAMMER and BRILL. 86 The Madonna and Child, with St. John in a landscape From the Beresford Hope Collection VERDUYSEN. 87 A Landscape, with figures From the Duke of Lucca's Gallery From Baron Heath’s Collection 7 3 W. VERSCHUUR. 88 Interior of a Farm Stable 89 F6te Champetre WATTEAU. 14 DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. DRAWING. 90 Norham Castle P. DE WINT. /£✓«- ($CcAPt* f A- 4 fr U 15 98 Going Home 99 Grouse IIEYWOOD HARDY, J. GILIBERT. // , U 1 /> : 100 Black Game J. GILIBERT. 0 I r/ tA YERBOECKHOVEN. 101 Three Cows and Sheep in a Landscape : Evening F. PATON. 102 Third Floor Lodgers E. VAN DEN BROECK. 103 Herbage and Insects D. E. ROBINS. 104 Bunny’s Dinner Time B C. COLLINS. 105 Holmwood Hill E BRADLEY, 1845. 106 View from Richmond Hill Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1846 /At Jo % yCt 16 107 Rabbits 108 Foxes 109 Partridges 110 Black Game 111 Hares 112 Grouse 113 Wild Fowl 114 Pheasants G. EARL. Q / S7 kc /Ao [Uyii W. R. BEVERLEY. 115 A View on the Coa-t, with fishermen and boats: Low water 12 Tiote $ JAMES WEBB, 1879. 11G Fishermen and Boats, on shore at Schoveningen : Low tide A W. SHAYER, Sen. 117 A Landscape, with figures ^ g' x m * M. MORGAN. 118 Spanish Figures 3 K £ ^ MlP V J. CLARK. 119 The Order of the Bath ^ W. KENNEDY. 120 Tnu Cooking Trenches, Soudan War i n G. E. HICKS. 121 A Reverie >! ' ■ //? 122 A Fresh Breeze J. FRASER. 7 > l 6 Info 123 A Landscape G. MOTE. 3 * > 2 ^ ARTHUR DODD. 124 On the Benches W. HUGHES. 125 Grapes and Peaches E. A. SCHMIDT. 126 Chemical Studies H ~(fo v: i c ' ru p 0 n * / u a 18 AND TILER PR 0 PER T Y. A. BOOM. 127 Old Damrak, Amsterdam 128 In the Sunshine V. BEKKEK. V /1 C. KOPPENOL. 129 A Dutch Woman 180 On his Way Home 131 On the Seashore JONG KIND. 132 A Winter Scene L U; SCHELEONT. 133 A Castle, with park A. BEEK. 134 An Interior, with figures y y ?^ 135 An Interior, with figure A. MAUVE. 136 A Landscape, with sheep FINIS. London : 1’riuted by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.