RECIPES FOR COLORING A. McCLITCE & CO., Wholesale Dealers in Oils 9 Varnis7ies 9 Glciss 9 Dye Stuffs, &c, •■ No's. 74 & 76 STATE STREET And 15 and 17 Xortoii Street, ALBANY, N. Y. MADDER RED. Use 1 lb. Madder, together with 2 oz. Compound to every 2 lbs. cloth or yarn. Soak the Madder over night iu a brass or copper kettle, then add Ihe Compound, stir the cloth and then bring dye slowly to a scalding heat. If you wish a dark color let it remain some hours. Proportion the time to the shade you wish ; rinse in soft water without soap. SCARLET RED. To 1 lb cloth, 2 oz. powdered Lac, 3 oz. Mad- der Compound : mix the last two in an earthen bowl, take soft water enough to cover the yarn or cloth, bring it to a boiling heat, in a brass or cop- per kettle. Just before boiling, add l£oz. cream tar- tar, boil for two minutes, then add Lac and Com- pound ; then boil five minutes — now wet the yarn or cloth in warm water, wring out and pour in dye j then boil % of an hour, then rinse in clean cold water and dry in the shade. SCARLET RED WITH COCHINEAL. For 1 lb. cloth or yarn, usel oz. Cochineal, 1 oz. cream tartar, 2 oz. solution tin. Process same as for Pink PINK. To 1 lb. cloth or yarn, ^ oz. Cochineal, 1 oz. Compound ; soak Cochineal in brass or copper kettle, then add the Compound and stir the cloth, then bring the dye slowly to a scalding heat, pro- portion the time to the shade desired ; rinse in cold soft water. BLACK WITH EXTRACT. To 1 lb. of cloth, 2 oz. Extract Logwood, 1 oz. blue vitriol. Put the Extract in water sufficient to cover the cloth or yarn over night, and bring it to a boiling heat, let it stand until morning, then add vitriol again, heat to boiling, stir well, then put in the cloth and let it stand 24 hours. GREEN. For 1 lb. yarn, use 2^ oz. alum, 1 lb. fustic, steep to get the strength, but not boil, soak the cloth until you get a good yellow, then add Indigo Compound, a little at a time until you get a good color. BLUE. 3 lbs. rags, use 1 oz. copperas, 1 oz. prussiate potash, 1£ oz. oil vitriol. ORANGE. Bring to boiling heat in 2 kettles, sufficient soft water in each to cover your cloth — then add to one kettle 4 oz. sugar lead, and the other 2 oz. Bichromate Potash — then soak your cloth in lime water (1 lb. lime to 1 id. of cloth), then place your cloth in kettle of lead, boil 5 minutes, then place in the kettle of potash and boil same time, rinse as usual. YELLOW. Proceed sarrte as in Orange, only use 3 oz. sug. lead and 2 oz. Bichromate Potash. ROTAL PURPLE. For 3 lbs. cloth, boil 1 oz. cudbear in soft water enough to cover cloth for y 2 hour, then strain and bring to boiling beat, then soak the cloth in strong isftleratus water, and put it in the dye, remaining until you have the desired shade. GREEN. To 5 lbs. cloth, use 1 lb. fustic, }£ lb. Logwood Chips, 1 oz. blue vitriol. Color in brass kettle then wash in soap suds. BROWN WITH CUTCH. For 10 lbs. cloth, use 3 lbs. cutch, 4 oz. blue vitriol, 4 oz. Bic. Potash, use sufficient sdft water to cover the cloth, boil until it is dissolved, then put in the blue vitriol, stir well, then put in the cloth and let it lemain.over night, then rinse out— put the Bic. Potash in sufficient boiling water to cover the cloth, stir well, then put in the cloth and let it remain 15 minutes, then rinse in cold water.