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' .-^ti^RTmLE X — Any Member or holder of second class stock, detected iif .n/^i lading the newspapers, pamphlets, or books belonging to the Insti- tuti^j shall be deprived of his right of membership, and the name of the offender shall be made public. PHILADELPHIA Class. 6.6.6,3. Book..£)-.S-S6-. Accession. 3.?\..?t.Q... Digitized by tine Internet Arcliive in 2015 EEPOET ON THE ■,;.^': • ••• ••I * * * \ •••• • in the Office of the Librarian ottTo^^^e^fe at •Washington. CONTENTS. PAGE Preface 7 Fabrication op Teil Hydraulic Lime: General Description ^ 9 Quarries 0 Burning 10 Slaking 10 Screening 10 Packing 11 Composition, Strength, and Methods of Using Teil Hydraulic Lime : Analyses of Teil Limestone 13 Analyses of Teil Hydraulic Lime 13 Theory of Concretion 13 Weight of Teil Hydraulic Lime 16 Tests of Strength 16 Slaking and Mixing 18 Proportions of Teil Mortars and Betons 19 Applications of Teil Hydraulic Lime: Marine Structures 21 Investigations 21 Action of Sea-Water on Mortars 22 Comparison between Teil Lime and Cements . . » 23 Action of Sea- Water on Teil Lime 26 Action of Salts of Magnesia 26 Action of Carbonic Acid 28 ^ Plants and Shells 29 Storms and Currents 29 Tides 29 Economy of Teil Lime compared with Cements 30 Use of Teil Lime in Seaports 32 4 CONTENTS. Application of Teil Hydraulic Lime : page Marseilles 83 Toulon 34 Algiers 34 Port Said 34 Alexandria 35 General Observations 36 Canals, Sewers, Aqueducts 37 Bridges, Railroads, Tunnels 38 Warehouses, Buildings, Foundations, Cellars 38 Artificial Stones 39 Bricks and Slabs for Floors and Partition Walls 40 Conclusion 40 APPENDIX. Fabrication of Artificial Blocks of Teil Beton at Mar- seilles : General Description of the Yard of Fabrication 41 . Fabrication of the Mortar. Proportions 43 Fabrication of the Beton and Blocks. Proportions 45 Lifting, Loading, and Transportation of the Blocks 49 Employment of Artificial Blocks 51 J etties 51 Quay Walls 52 Personnel and Labor required 54 Description of a Smaller Yard of Fabrication 56 Cost of Fabrication of Teil Beton Blocks — Marseilles — New York. 57 Certificates : Port of Marseilles 61 Port Said, Suez Canal 64 Port of Toulon 65 Port of Cette 66 Port Vendres 66 Port of St. Malo 67 Pointe de Grave 67 Port of St. Jean de Luz 68 Port of Barcelona 68 Port of Algiers 69 Port of Oran 70 Port of Philippeville 70 t ■^)^.\ CONTENTS. ^^^r^ '\-;X5 Certificates: pagbI Port of A jaccio ^ . . , : C .\ 71 ^, Port of Bastia Wv .'^ . ^^^7li Port of Isle-Kousse Sh^*-,^^ Port of La Spezzia 73 City of Tunis 74 City of Odessa 75 Province of Constan tine 75 Canal of Porez 70 Mt. Cenis Tunnel 76 Railroads 77 / LIST OF PLATES. Frontispiece. — View of Breakwaters, Suez Canal. Plate I. — Great Jetty and Quay Walls of Artificial Blocks OF Teil Beton, Port Napoleon, Marseilles. II. — General Plan of La Joliette Yard of Fabrication OF Teil Beton Blocks, Marseilles. III. — Cross-Section of Mortar Mill Building. IV. — Plan of Floor of Steam Mortar Mills. V. — Sand Car. Elevation, Plan, and Section. VI.— Pebble Car. " " VII.— Mortar Car. " " " VIII.— Mixing Cylinder FOfi Beton. Elevations, Plan, and Section. PREFACE. At the request of Messrs. H. Champin and Gillet, I have prepared, upon the Hydraulic Lime of Teil, the following observa- tions, which are drawn from numerous reports upon the subject, from private sources, and from a personal knowledge of the value and applications of this lime. LEONARD F. BEOKWITH, 0. E. Ill Broadway, New York, February^ 1873. REPORT ON THE HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. FABRICATION OF TEIL HYDRAULIC LIME. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Quarries. — The limestone quarries of Teil are situated on the banks of the Kiver Rhone (Canton of Viviers, Department of Ardeche, France), and have been worked for several centuries. They produce a silicious hydraulic lime celebrated for its capacity to resist the destructive action of the sea. It is known in commerce under the name of Hydraulic Lime of Teil. The quarries of Teil belong to the Lower Neocomian Marls of the Cretaceous Formation, and constitute the beds known to geolo- gists under the name of criocera limestones^ so-called from the resemblance of their fossil shells to a ram's horn." These beds are worked by two companies, Messrs. Pavin de Lafarge, and Messrs. SouUier & Brunot. As the method of fabrication is the same in both companies a description of the works of the first will sufiice. The Lafarge quarries are opened on a length of 1,470 feet with an average height of 400 feet, and consist of three superposed layers of compact and homogeneous stone. The limestone is chiefly mined by the help of acid, which eats a cavity at the bottom of the drill hole and enables a heavier blast to be obtained. 10 HYDEAULIC LIME OF TEIL. The quantity of broken stone daily burnt averages 818 cubic yards, corresponding to a product of 500 tons of screened lime. Burning. — The works, situated on the river bank at the foot of the quarries, contain 34 continuous lime kilns, which consume daily 100 tons of coal. Each kiln has a daily capacity of 130 cubic yards of lime. The heat at which the limestone is burnt is only sufficient to expel the carbonic acid and not to vitrify any part of the stone. The doors of the kilns open into vast sheds where the burnt lime goes through the process of slaking. Slaking. — The slaking of hydraulic limes is always attended with difficulty, owing to the presence of lumps of burnt stone harder than the rest, and which cannot be slaked without previous crush- ing. These portions make a mortar of irregular consistency, and by slaking subsequently in the masonry might destroy it ; moreover, danger attends the transportation of unslaked lime. The above considerations have caused the general adoption of slaking hydraulic limes at the works. Formerly the slaking was done with a copious use of water ; this practice has been discon- tinued, and slaking by sprinkling substituted. The burnt lime direct from the kilns, in thin layers, is lightly sprinkled with water, by a workman with a hose. The sprinkled lime falls into powder, is shovelled into heaps, and the slaking is completed by the help of the steam evolved, which penetrates the interstices of the mass. The lime remains in heaps about ten days ; at the end of this time it is in sufficiently fine powder to be screened. Screening. — The screens, similar to those used in flour mills, consist of sieves of No. 40 fine wire cloth, of 50 brass wires to a lineal inch. In the burning of lime, portions of the stone are im- perfectly calcined ; this arises either from the fire not reaching them, or from their peculiar chemical composition being unfavorable to burning at the low temperature employed. These unburn t portions are separated by a coarse sieve placed over the hopper of the shute leading to each screen. The burnt lime fully slaked in powder passes through the coarse sieve into each screen, from which it falls into a collecting chamber below. The bottom of this chamber, HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL.| h iS\ ^? 11 or flour-bin, consists of hoppers by which the \\m^ is drawn off for packing. hind it numerous particles of the size of grains of sand. These particles are calcareous concretions, which do not contain sufficient free lime to become reduced to powder by slaking ; they form in reality a natural cement which is a valuable addition to the hydrau- lic energy of the lime. The screenings are therefore collected and ground to powder, this operation being substituted for slaking, which Avas found to be impossible. A small elevator of sheet iron buckets on an endless chain returns the ground screenings to the screens, where their admixture with the slaked lime in powder coming from the kilns takes place uniformly and regularly. The grinding of the screenings keeps 19 pairs of grindstones constantly at work. This method of slaking and screening Teil hydraulic lime at the works before delivery, has been practised since 1845. It is from this date that the use of Teil lime in powder spread rapidly through- out France. Packing, — Teil hydraulic lime, slaked and screened ready for delivery, is a fine impalpable powder, and very homogeneous. It is usually packed in linen sacks of uniform size, which contain 110 J pounds (50 kilogrammes) net weight of lime in powder. Uniformi- ty in weight is obtained by a simple apparatus consisting of a sus- pended Beam Scales ; the short arm holds the sack under the mouth of the hopper until, the weight of 110 J pounds being reached, the beam descends ; the packer closes the slide of the hopper, delivers the sack to be closed and sealed, and places another sack in its place. The sacks are closed and sealed with lead at the works, and the buyer is secured against fraud. Packed in this way, Teil hydraulic lime has been shipped to a great distance by railroad and by sea, without suffering deteriora- tion. For long voyages, however, a new method of packing it in barrels of 468 pounds net weight has been adopted. The barrels contain a lining or bag of thick gummed brown paper hermetically sealed, which preserves the lime during any length of time from The fine lime in powder, passing through the screen> leaves be- 12 HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. alteration through absorption of carbonic acid and water from the air. Thick brown paper is an excellent non-conductor, and is air- tight. Teil hydraulic lime is less liable than cements to alteration, as it depends chiefly for its hydraulic energy on silicate of lime, which after hydration contains 27 per cent, of its own weight of water. One hundred pounds of Teil lime contain about 66 pounds of silicate of lime, which require 25.7 pounds of water for hydration ; Teil lime in powder may thus absorb small quantities of water without much danger of alteration. The establishment of Messrs. Pavin de Lafarge contains besides the 34 lime-kilns, 30 screens, 19 pairs of grindstones, 4 steam-en- gines, 1 water-wheel, and is well supplied with appliances such as tracks, docks, cranes and scales for handling lime. It employs 600 workmen and manufactures its own fire-brick, 2,000 tons annually, for the lime-kilns. The average yearly production is 100,000 tons of screened lime in powder. The size and completeness of these works enable the hydraulic lime to be manufactured on an exten- sive scale, and the product turned out is homogeneous and very uniform in composition. COMPOSITION, STRENGTH, AND METHODS OF USING TEIL HYDRAULIC LIME. Analyses. — Eaw Teil Limestone analyzed by Professor Eivot, School of Mines, Paris, presents the following composition : Lime 46.3 Oxide of Iron 0.7 Silica, Quartz Sand, and Clay 15.0 Carbonic Acid and Water 37.6 Teil limestone when dissolved in acid leaves an insoluble residue, varying from 12 to 17 per cent, of the total weight, and composed of free silica and quartz sand, with a very small quantity of clay. When analyzed this residue gives a constant proportion of 10 of silica to 1 HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. 13 of alumina ; the clay, however, in its natural state is not attacked by chlorhydric acid. The above analysis reveals the fact that a part of the silica is un- combined ; though pulverulent, it is not easily dissolved by alka- lies, as when Teil limestone is boiled with a diluted solution of of potash, only 1.87 per cent, of silica is dissolved ; when the lime- stone is attacked by an acid, the silica remains as a muddy residue. These characteristics indicate that Teil limestone belongs to the class of silicious hydraulic limestones. After burning, Teil lime analysed by Professor Eivot gives the following composition : Lime 78.29 73.60 Oxide of Iron traces traces Silica ; 18,20 ^ 17.20 ^ Alumina. 1.80 [21.71 1.70 (20.50 Quartz Sand 1.71 ) 1.60 ) Water and traces of Carbonic Acid — 5.00 99.60 99.10 Vicat gives the following analyses of Teil lime, containing a very small quantity of magnesia : Lime 68.941 77.760 sia 0.612 0.541 Sili-^ 26 069? 30.447 ^^^^^^ 21.699 Alumina 4.378) 1.126) Peroxide of Iron traces traces The analyses show that Teil lime is very silicious and slow set- ting ; it may be considered as the type of this variety of hydraulic limes, of which the mortars are remarkably durable in marine structures. Theory of Concretion. — Silicious limes, like Teil hydraulic lime contain before burning, carbonate of lime, silica in fine sand, with a very small proportion of clay and oxide of iron. By calcination at a low heat the carbonic acid is driven off, leav- ing an excess of quick-lime, with part of which the silica and 14 HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. alumina combine as silicate and aluminate of lime. The result is very uniformly : 70 to 80 per cent, of quick-lime ; 30 to 20 per cent, of silicate of lime, with a small quantity of aluminate of lime, and uncombined quartz, intimately mixed. If the small quantity of alumina and iron is neglected, the com- position of 100 lbs. of freshly burnt Teil lime is : The 23 lbs. of silica are combined with 43 lbs. of lime, forming silicate of lime SiOo. 3 CaO When slaked by sprinkling, the quick-lime alone is hydrated, the silicates and aluminates remain anhydrous (Chatoney and Rivot). Practice shows that 14 lbs. of water are required to slake 100 lbs. of fresh Teil lime; in consequence of evaporation, only 10 to 11 lbs. of water remain, which is the requisite quantity for hydrating 34 lbs. of free lime. The hydraulic energy of the lime is due to the anhydrous condi- tion of the silicate and aluminate of lime, which, when the mortar is subsequently mixed, form hydrosilicates and hydroaluminates of lime by combining with 6 equivalents of water, and crystallize. CaO.HO.-f-Si 0,.3 Ca O.GHO.+Al^ O3.3 Ca 0.6 HO. A perfect setting of mortar is due to the simultaneous crystalli- zation of the above elements, which grasps and binds the grains of sand and gives strength and hardness to the mortar. The dampness which mortars throw off in setting, is due to the crystallization, which, in taking place, absorbs only the necessary number of equivalents of water, and rejects the surplus ; the CaO + Si O3 . 3Ca O + Alg 0;, . 3 Ca O. SiHca Lime 23 77 Silica Combined lime. . . . Free or quick-lime. 23 43 34 HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. 15 energy of setting is in proportion to the absence of an excess of water. The hardness of the interior of a mortar is due to the hardness of the crystals and to the slowness of their formation. It is increased by the subsequent evaporation of the excess of water, and the absorption by the lime of carbonic acid from the air, producing an enveloping crust of carbonate of lime. This absorption, which slowly progresses from the exterior inwards, requires considerable time in which to act. An imperfect setting is due to the presence in the mortar of sub- stances which do not crystallize simultaneously, but irregularly, some later than others. Sulphates of lime and magnesia crystal- lize more slowly than the elements above mentioned, and are very destructive to mortars, as, by expanding at the moment of crystalli- zation, they produce cracks and fissures. Silicate and aluminate of magnesia crystallize slower than the same combinations of lime, and their presence in moderate pro- portions is injurious, and produces disintegration or inferior hard- ness in parts of the mass after the general setting has occurred. (Rivot.) In considerable proportions, however, as in Eosendale ce- ments, it is probable that the silicate and aluminate of magnesia cause the entire mass to partake of the character of their slower crystalliza- tion, and their presence is not injurious. Both silicate and alumi- nate of magnesia are strongly hydraulic, and when alone they re- sist very successfully the action of sea water ; their value, however, in sea mortars in combination with silicate and aluminate of lime is questionable. Unslaked particles of lime, which crystallize as hydrate of lime, subsequent to the setting of the mortar will swell and crack the mass. Sand and oxide of iron in lime act usually as inert sub- stances. A slow-setting hydraulic lime, such as Teil lime, crystallizes slow- ly, and produces well-defined and strong crystals ; the slowness of setting is an additional guarantee against the disruption of mortar by the later crystallization of some of the elements. Quick-setting 16 HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. cements form a rapid and irregular crystallization of small crystals, and are, therefore, to be used with caution, where works of impor- tance are undertaken. To obtain a good mortar which will harden rapidly, it is essential to have the lime completely slaked, and to use only the quantity of water absolutely necessary to accomplish this in mixing. The latter should be very thorough, each particle of sand being coated with a thin envelope of lime. An excess of either water or lime in proportion to sand is bad ; the first makes a porous and friable mortar, and the second pro- duces shrinkage, with loss of cohesion. Weight of Teil Hydraulic Lime. — Teil hydraulic Hme, slaked and screened, in powder, weighs per cubic foot, loose meas- ure, 43| to 45 pounds. M. Noel, Director of the Arsenal Hydraulic AVorks, Toulon, gives as the weight of Teil lime, in powder, loose measure, 42 1 to 43 1 lbs. per cubic foot. The weight per struck U. S. bushel, loose measure, is 54^ to 56 pounds. Tests of strength. — The proportion of sand to lime has great in- fluence upon the crushing and tensile strength of mortars. Numerous experiments with Teil mortars have been made by M. Pascal, Chief Engineer of the Works of the Port of Marseilles, and also by M. Noel, Director of the Hydraulic Works of the Naval Arsenal, Toulon (during the construction of three large graving docks, in which about 20,000 tons of Teil lime were employed, 1853 to 1865). The following tables are a summary of the tensile strength and crushing weight in pounds, per square inch, obtained in the above experiments with Teil mortars, after immersion in the sea during various lengths of time. HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. O C5 o CO GO lO 1—1 CO o iO i> T-1 CO ^ CO 00 J> 00 CO i> 1-1 i> o o o CO iO (M CO 1— 1 00 lO o 05 00 C5 O 00 C5 CO rH iO rH CO CQ CO 00 iH w o a 00 CO S5 j> J> tH p O o CO* ci CO K CO 00 00 o 1-1 ca H O Pi » H 1 00 00 o ai CO ^ CO P$ o 00 CO 1-1 P4 00 o tH CO P4 tH m » tH CO 1—1 CO CO o o 1—1 00 CO 00 5 18 HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. Table II. — {Experiments of 31. Pascal.) Mortar of 3 parts of Teil lime to 5 of sand, in volume. TiMR OF Immersion. Tessile Strength in pounds per square inch. Time of Immersion. Crushing Weight in pounds PER square inch. After 3 months .... " 6 " "22 " 57.59 86.03 121.30 After 15 days " 30 .... " 45 121.70 184.29 266.77 Table III. Mortar composed of 564^ pounds of Teil lime per cubic yard of sand contain- ing 33 fo of voids. Agk of Mortar. Tensile Strength in pounds PER square INCH. Age op Mortar. Crushing Weight in pounds PER square inch. 90 " 180 " 38.42 83.77 94.86 120.94 90 " 180 " 205.04 259.15 504.24 588.99 In one instance a mortar composed of Teil lime and basaltic sand, after eight months immersion in the sea, acquired a tensile strength of 129.40 lbs. per square inch. According to investigations made during the construction of the great Cherbourg Breakwater, the cohesive strength required in a mortar to withstand the battering action of the waves, should be about 29,500 lbs. per square yard, or 22|lbs. per square inch. The tables show conclusively that the mortars made with Teil lime have a greater strength than is required for masonry the most exposed to the sea. Slaking and Mixing. — Teil lime unslaked, in lumps, weighs 36 J lbs. per cubic foot. When slaked to a paste, the increase in volume is 0.35, and the increase in weight is 0.95. HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. 19 Slaked and screened Teil lime in powder weighing 40 1 lbs. i)qy cubic foot, made into paste, contracts in volume 0.41, with an increase in weight of 0.34. The slaking of Teil quick-lime requires 14 lbs. of water per 100 lbs. of lime; subsequent evaporation leaves about 10 lbs., some- times 7 lbs. of water remaining in one hundred of lime. The hydration of 100 lbs. of Teil lime requires 28 lbs. of water ; ly^^ cubic feet of lime paste containing 100 lbs. in powder will weigh, after taking, 128 lbs. The taking of pure Teil hydraulic lime mortar occurs within 24 hours. After 18 hours the mortar sets strongly and will sup- port the small Vicat needle, and in 24 hours the large needle. At the end of 48 hours it will support the Yicat drill with its full weight of 2f lbs. After the mortar has been immersed for 45 days in water 20 revolutions of the Vicat drill will penetrate to a depth of 0.0197 of an inch. Hydraulic limes, in general, set too rapidly for the mortar paste to be prepared much in advance. Teil lime hardens rapidly, and if required to be used in paste, the mortar necessary for the day's work alone should be prepared. A preferable method is to mix the lime and sand dry in the desired proportions, and turn this dry mortar into paste as required. This method gives a more compact mortar with less water. In mixing mortars, the importance of using as little water as possible, and making a perfect mixture by mechanical means, can- not be overestimated. In mixing Teil mortar salt and fresh water serve equally well. "When used for coating masonry, Teil hydraulic lime, like Port- land cement, may be mixed the previous day, and re-mixed with additional water at the time of using it. Proportions. — For one cubic yard of firm lime paste, 1,685 lbs. of Teil lime in powder are required, equivalent to 30 struck U. S. bushels, loose measure, of 56 lbs. per bushel. The propor- tion of lime per cubic yard of sand is regulated by the condition, that in good mortar the lime should fill the voids in the sand. The HYDEAULIC LIME OF TEIL. voids in loose damp sand vary from 0.31 to 0.35, and in compacted sand from 0.18 to 0.23 of the volume of sand. With beton, the voids in the broken stone or pebbles vary from 0.35 to 0.40 of the volume, and the mortar should fill the voids. For strictly impervious sea mortars made of fine and crumbling sands, in which the solidity depends solely upon the strength of the mortar, it is best to increase the proportion of Teil lime per cubic yard of sand to 10^ bushels, instead of 9 bushels, the usual quantity. With silicious or basaltic sands of average size this in- crease is unnecessary. In fresh water the proportion of Teil lime has been successfully reduced to' 253 lbs. per cubic yard of beton by Mr. Desplaces, Chief-Engineer of the Paris-Lyons -Mediterranean E. E. The best proportions for Teil mortars for various uses are the following ones, which fulfil the conditions previously mentioned. (The struck U. S. bushel of Teil lime in powder, loose measure, is taken at 56 lbs.) For Mortars in Salt Water : lOi U. S. bushels of Teil lime (Beton under water.) (590 lbs.) per cubic yard of sand, equivalent to 1 scant measure of lime to 2 full measures of sand. For Mortars in Fresh Water : 9 U. S. bushels of Teil lime (506 lbs.) per cubic yard of sand, equivalent to li meas- ures of lime to 3 measures of sand, making ly^j- cubic yards of stiff mortar paste. For Mortars exposed to Air : 7 J U. S. bushels of Teil lime (421 lbs.) per cubic yard ol sand, equivalent to 1 meas- ure of lime to 3 measures of sand. For Betons the usual proportions of mortar and broken stone are : HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. ■ - > ' ' < r— . In salt water 2 measures of mortar to 3 of broken ston^e. v. In fresh water 1 do. do. 2 /do. -^'y Artificial blocks 1 do. do. 2 of peS^^e^' j^,. ^ The above proportions for Teil mortars and batons are adopled by the French. Engineers of Bridges and Highways and by the Engineers of the Eailroad Companies, in their specifications and contracts. The proportions are sanctioned by successful practice, and although it may be found best to vary them in different locali- ties of the United States, according to the sand and water used, and other circumstances, the variations will probably be slight. These proportions show the advantages attending the use of Teil lime, which produces a strong mortar with a smaller weight of lime, than that of Portland Cement, generally employed for the same purposes. Teil hydraulic lime does not require special work- men, and unpractised laborers cannot fail to make good work with it. APPLICATIONS OF TEIL HYDRAULIC LIME. MARINE STRUCTURES. Inyestigations. — The causes of the destruction of mortars by sea water have been made the subject of investigation in different countries. The length of time required before the results of ex- periments extending over a number of years could be obtained, has rendered progress slow. By the aid of analysis chemistry has as- certained the elements of limes and mortars, and the changes which they undergo in the various stages of manufacture and use. The comparison of these results with those obtained by the analysis of mortars which have withstood for years the destructive action of sea-water, has elicited a few general laws which govern the for- mation of hydraulic mortars, and which have removed to a great extent the obscurity which enveloped the subject. It is to Vicat and later to Berthier, Chatoney and Eivot, that the success of these investigations, and the important results which have followed them, are chiefly due. 22 HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. Action of Sea- water on Mortars. — The action of salt water on mortars immersed in the sea, may briefly be stated as follows. Sea water, constantly washing against mortar and renewing the surfaces in contact, slowly dissolves the hydrate of lime which has not had time to become carbonated. As this action continues, the hydrate of lime disappears, and by leaving the mortar porous, hast- ens the action of the salt water on the other elements. The alumi- nate and silicate of lime, remaining in contact with water holding in solution chloride of sodium (common salt), salts of magnesia, and carbonic acid, become decomposed in turn. The aluminate of lime is first decomposed, forming aluminate of magnesia and lime, both of which disappear. The carbonic acid in the sea water then attacks the lime of the silicate of lime, pro- ducing carbonate of lime, which, as fast as it forms, is dissolved in the excess of water surrounding it. The silica alone remains in a pasty state, and the mortar crumbles away. When, on the contrary, the mortar has had time to become car- bonated by the free hydrate of lime absorbing carbonic acid from the air and water, and forming an impervious protecting shield to the mass, and when hydraulic limes derived from silicious lime- stones are employed instead of limes from argillaceous (aluminous) limestones, then the mortar will not be destroyed. The aluminates, which are the first elements to become decomposed, either do not exist at all in silicious limes, or else in very small quantities. The ]nortar no longer rendered porous will resist the action of the sea. Vicat, Chatoney, and Eivot concluded from their investigations that the chief element of hydraulic energy in a lime is the presence of silicate of lime. The presence of alumina in limes and cements hastens the setting, but is no guarantee of durability, as it forms combinations with lime, which, as mentioned above, do not resist as well as silicates the action of salt water. A careful examination of the mortars which have most success- fully resisted the destructive action of the sea, disclosed the fact that they contained hydrosilicate of lime to the extent of 25 per HYDBAULIC LIME OF TEIL. 23 cent, of the volume of the mortar. The greater the proportion of this element in a mortar, the greater will be its durability. Teil hydraulic lime is a silicious lime, containing 66 per cent, of silicate of lime, a very small proportion of alumina, and a sufficient quantity of uncombined lime to form the protecting enve- lope of carbonate of lime, which is an important element for the preservation of mortars. Teil lime fulfils the requirements men- tioned previously as necessary in sea-mortars. It was first employed in marine structures in 1832, since which time its use has steadily increased. Teil lime formed one of the staTting points in the investigations of Vicat, Chatoney, and Rivot, and the results stated in their reports justify their high opinion of its value for sea-mortars. Comparison between Teil Lime and Cements.— A com- parative examination of the elements of Teil hydraulic lime and of slow and quick-setting cements will be found interesting. Table IV. gives the composition, by weight, of the elements of hydraulic energy in limes and cements : Table IV. Silicate of lime Silicate of alumina Aluminate of lime Double silicate of lime and alumina Silicate of magnesia The method of manufacture strongly influences the composition of limes and cements. At a high temperature, silicate of lime and the double silicate of lime and alumina are formed. At a low heat, the double silicate is not formed, and the alumina, acting towards the lime the part of an acid, produces aluminate of lime. By the first method, slow-setting cements, such as English, and Boulogne SiO^. 3 CaO. 2SiO,.Al,0,. A1^0,.3CaO. Si03.(Al,0, + OaO):3 SiO,.3MgO. Silica 23 Lime 43 Silica 30 Alumina 17 Alumina 17 Lime 28 Silica 15 Alumina 51 Lime 28 Silica 23 Magnesia 30 24 HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. Portland cements are manufactured ; by tlie second method quick- setting cements, such as Vassy, etc., are produced. On these facts as a basis, Table V. has been deduced in round numbers from the analyses of various cements, and is extracted from a Notice on the Hydraulic Lime of Teil, published in 1872. Boulogne Portland cement may serve as an example of the method by which the table has been constructed. The analysis of this cement by Delesse, gives in one thousand parts : Lime 651 Silica 204 Alumina 138 Magnesia 5.8 The fabrication is made at a high temperature ; the double silicate of lime and alumina is first formed ; 138 parts of alumina take up 40.24 parts of silica, the whole combining with 75 of lime, and form- ing 253.24 of double silicate of lime and alumina. There remain 163.76 of silica and 576 of lime. In the simple silicate of lime which is next formed, 163.76 of silica takes up 304 of lime, producing 467.67 of simple silicate of lime. Neglecting the small proportion of magnesia (5.8 parts in 1,000), there remain 273 parts of uncombined lime. The composition of Boulogne Portland cement is then : 253 parts double silicate of lime and alumina. 467 parts simple silicate of lime. 273 parts free uncombined lime. A similar calculation has been made in each instance. HYDKAULIC LIME OF TEIL. 25 Table V. CEMENTS. o d a, S English Portland . Boulogne Portland Boulogne Ordinary Vitry (burnt) . . . St. Malo Moissac Porte de France , Antony Fagneres Vassy Porte de France Grenoble Champ Bond Corbigny , Vitry Gap La Valentine . . . Teil hyd. lime . , 238 253 1G9 201 123 367 360 146 273 506 467 606 540 680 528 493 791 450 295 273 58 198 0 0 129 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 0 18 263 -2 .5 0 0 0 0 0 €^32 0 0 0 ci O REMARKS. 0 0 0 0 0 21 33 40 12 CD consisted of a box carried by a four-wheeled truck. The box was kept in equilibrium on a longitudinal axis, by means of a cross rod attached by rings to the bottom of the box. The rod ended in a hook at the front of the car, and kept closed one of the sides of the box ; this side acted as a movable door hinged on its upper rim. At the back of the car the rod was ended by a hook catching on a peg fixed to the truck. By a sudden movement given to the rod, the equilibrium of the car was destroyed, the side door opened, and the contents emptied. The mixing machines having been filled, a rotary motion was communicated to each cylinder by a belt passing around a small pulley on the axis of the cylinder, and a second pulley on an inter- mediate line of shafting which ran the whole length of the plat- form, and was driven by a cogged connection with the main shaft of the mortar mills. To put the mixing in operation, the beton cylinders were backed from the shutes sufficiently to tighten the belts on the pulleys, and then kept in position by blocking the wheels of the frames or trucks. The volume of a mixing of beton, as previously settled, was to be 0.50 cubic metre (17.66 cub. ft.), and mixing cylinders of 0.75 cubic metre (26.49 cub. ft.) capacity were considered at first to be large enough ; but it was found necessary to increase the volume of the mixing cylinders to 1.00 cubic metre (35.32 cub. ft.), in order to obtain sufficient room for the ingredients to intermix, by de- taching themselves from the sides of the cylinder. The interior space of the cylinder was, moreover, divided by 12 radial arms riv- eted to the shaft and sides, for the purpose of more completely di- viding and mixing the ingredients. (Plate VIII.) Twenty revolu- tions of the cylinders, at a moderate speed, were sufficient to effect a proper mixing of beton. The speed should be moderate, other- APPENDIX — HYDKAULIC LIME OF TEIL. 47 wise the ingredients, by virtue of the centrifugal force, would ad- here to the sides of the cylinder without intermixing. To regulate this part of the fabrication, which would be impos- sible if the number of revolutions had to be counted by the eye, a mechanical counter was provided. It consisted of a sheet-iron disc attached to the fixed frame of the mixing machine, and capa- ble of revolving around a ring screw on its axis. The circumfer- ■ence of the disc was divided into 20 parts by triangular notches, thus forming an equal number of teeth less one which was replaced by a notch. An index fixed to the beton cylinder, at each revolu- tion of the latter, pressed on one of the teeth, and advanced the disc one turn ; after 20 revolutions, if the disc was properly placed at the start, the index turned free in the notch replacing the tooth which had been suppressed ; this indicated that the required num- ber of turns had been accomplished. The blocking wedges were withdrawn from the wheels, the belt was loosened, and the beton cylinder ceased revolving. A mixing of beton lasted 5 minutes. The travelling frame carrying the cylinder was run on to rails placed upon the platform of a truck, which transported it by a rail track to the head of the line of blocks in fabrication. The rails on the platform of the truck were on the same level as the rails on the floor of the mixing cylinders, and as the rails of the movable rail track set upon the blocks. The frame carrying the beton cylinder was run upon the movable track, until it was stopped over the box mould which was to be filled. The cover of the beton cylinder was then opened, the latter turned half round on its axis, and the beton emptied into the mould below. The cylinder was then righted, and with open cov- er returned to the floor for another mixing. The beton emptied into the mould was sufficient to cover the surface to a depth of 5 1 inches. This layer was equalized and firmly packed by three workmen provided with shovels, and ram- mers of 31 lbs. weight. As each beton cylinder contained | cubic metre of beton, it re- 48 APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. quired 21 loads to fill a mould, taking into account the settling and compacting of the beton, which was 5 per cent. The fabrication of a block generally occupied an hour. The pannels of the box-moulds rested on close-jointed wooden flooring which formed the bottom of the moulds. Across the bot- tom, and at about 0.50 metre from the ends, small hollow boxes of slats were placed, to form grooves in the block for the suspen- sion chains used in handling. The lower grooves were continued vertically up the sides of the blocks. These side grooves were ob- tained by timbers of trapezoidal section, slightly fastened to the pannels of the moulds, and separated from the beton when the moulds were taken apart. In the fabrication of the blocks, no voids were allowed in the in- terior, and the surfaces were required to be perfectly smooth, and to present the appearance of a coat of mortar. The first of these conditions was fulfilled by ramming. The second was obtained by throwing the beton violently against the interior sides of the pannels ; the mortar alone adhered to the lat- ter, the pebbles, etc., being thrown back. The surfaces of the fin- ished block presented no sign of broken stone or pebbles. The upper surface of the block was smoothed with the shovel when the mould was completely filled. In consequence of the ramming and of the weight of the beton before the setting took place, it sometimes happened that the pan- nels of the moulds were forced out of shape, and the blocks also. These deformations arose from the swelling of the vertical pannels, and the swelling prevented subsequently the blocks from being placed close together in building the courses of quay walls. This disadvantage was partly obviated by tightening bolts applied to the top and bottom of the moulds, and by bracing the pannels from the outside, when a neighboring line of blocks allowed it to be done. The object of the vertical grooves left in the blocks during their fabrication was, to permit the suspension chains to lodge in them ; APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. 49 without this precaution, the thickness of the chains would, of ne- cessity, have obliged the blocks to be left considerably apart in building them into the courses of a quay wall. The moulds were taken to pieces three days after completion of the filling ; at this age the beton had acquired sufficient consist- ency to hold together, and to bear the weight of the movable rail track set on top, and used for running the beton cylinders back and forth. The blocks thus exposed to the air, remained in the yard during the time required for their complete drying and hard- ening. The length of time required varied from 40 to 50 days, ac- cording to the season. Sometimes blocks have been lifted and transported to the point of use in 29 days after fabrication. The putting together and taking apart of the box moulds was easily accomplished. The moulds consisted of two side and two end pannels, joined together simply by juxtaposition, and kept in place by iron bolts, on one end of which a scre^ thread was cut^ and a nut with a handle used for tightening. The taking apart consisted in loosening the nuts, and removing the separate pan- nels. Lifting, Loading, and Transpoitation of |he Blocks. — The lines of blocks in the yard ran parallel to each other, and were separated by a clear space of about 2 feet. The thickness of the sides of the moulds rendered this space necessary in any case, and it was also required for the movable rail track used in the trans- portation of the blocks. The lifting and transporting of the blocks was eJBPected by a steam travelling crane. (Frontispiece.) The crane consisted of a strong sheet iron frame, 19| ft. long by 9 ft. 2 in. wide, with 4 cast-iron wheels. The frame was divided by a sheet-iron partition into two compartments, the rear one with sheet-iron sides was empty and received the block ; the fore com- partment was covered with a floor upon which rested the steam engine, boiler and machinery. The engine was of 8 horse-power^ vertical, non-condensing, with 2 cylinders and a tubular boiler. A system of gearing transmitted the power, either to a vertical 50 APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. shaft which, by a cog-wheel on one of the axles, worked the travel- ling crane backward and forward, or else to a horizontal shaft which communicated the motion to two vertical screws used in lift- ing the blocks. The travelling crane with its frame was carried by a truck with rails fixed on its platform. The truck travelled back and forth on the rail track G. (Plate II.) and placed the crane at the head of the different lines of blocks. The rails on the platform of the truck were on a level with the rails of the movable track establish- ed on the ground on each side of the blocks for the use of the trav- elling crane. The movable track consisted of heavy longitudinal oak ties carrying the rails. When a line of blocks was ready for immersion, the travelling crane left the truck, and, passing across the sunken track F on to the movable track, approached the first block. The suspension chains, previously passed around the block and lodged in the grooves of the latter, were fastened to the ends of two horizontal beams, fixed to the lower part of the vertical screws. The beams consisted of two plates of sheet iron, strengthened and connected by iron braces ; at their extremities a hole was cut for the key which held the end of the chain, and the beams, like the arms of a pair of scales, worked on a pivot at the point of fastening to the vertical screws, in order to be more easily attached to the chains. The chains being attached, the horizontal shaft, extending the whole length of the upper part of the frame of the crane, was set in motion ; on this shaft were two sections of an endless screw, which engaged with two horizontal pinions bearing teeth on their outer circumference, and through the centres of which passed the upright ends of the hoisting screws. The pinions formed the nuts of the screws, and as the former were prevented from rising, the latter were forced to ascend, carrying the block up with them. The travelling crane then transported the block over the sunken track F, and deposited it upon a truck below. To free the block, which was still surrounded by the sides of the crane, the latter moved on to the travelling frame or truck, on the outer track G, drawing after APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. Xv-* ' \ - it by a hook and chain, the two girders forming a bridge-^^xross / the sunken track, and which would have interfered with the pas- sage of the truck loaded with the block. When the latter had moved away, the bridge girders were replaced, and the travel- ling crane returned across them to obtain another block. The block was transported along the lower rail track, under a scaffold or derrick established on the shore ; on the upper girders of the derrick a travelling windlass lifted the block and deposited it on a lighter. The loaded truck with the block was either drawn by an endless chain from a stationary steam-engine beneath the derrick, or else by a small locomotive, and later by horses. The lighters were towed to the point of use by a steamer. They were generally made of the hulks of old sailing vessels, of which the deck was lowered. Three blocks were loaded on each lighter. Employment of Artificial Blocks. — The blocks were used in protecting the seaward slope of the jetties, and also in the con- struction of quay walls. (Plate I.) Jetties. — In the revetment of the jetties the blocks were used below and above the level of the sea, and the operation of placing them was different in each case. blocks Used Beneath the Level of the Sea. — The lighters used in transporting blocks to be sunk in the sea were prepared as follows : On the deck was established an incline capable of re- ceiving 3 blocks, and on the timbers forming the ways, strongly greased pine skids were placed ; a horizontal iron rod lay on the deck along the foot of the skids, and was kept in place at each end by two rings, through which it passed. To the rod were fixed 6 iron arms, two by two, so that two arms were in front of each block on the ways. At each end of the iron rod was a handle in the same plane with the iron arms, with which the rod could be turned in the rings. Before loading the lighter the handles were lifted upright, and kept in that position by a catch attached to the deck ; the iron arms also were then vertical. The blocks were lowered upon the ways, and kept in position by the iron arms against which they rested. When the hghter had 52 APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL, reached the point of immersion, the catch holding the handles was let go, and the iron arms, being no longer retained in position, were forced over on to the deck by the weight of the blocks, which then sUd off the lighter into the sea. Blocks used above the Level of the Sea, — The blocks were deposited on a lighter, the deck of which was level, and towed to the point of use, where a floating derrick or sheers on a barge awaited them. The summit of the sheers reached 5.00 metres (16| ft.) beyond the bow of the barge. A windlass, with a 10-horse power engine, worked a heavy iron chain over a pulley at the end of the sheers. The chain ended in four smaller chains, capable of being fastened together two by two. The sheers and lighter being in proximity, the chains were passed around in the grooves of a block, the windlass set in motion, and the blocks suspended in air. By hawsers from the jetty, the barge and sheers were hauled in front of the point to be covered, and the block was lowered upon the slope of the jetty. The main chain was slackened, the small chains unfastened from the block, and the operation completed. The placing of a block by tkis method occupied about 20 min- utes, and in calm weather up to 31 blocks could be placed in a day, and generally 25 blocks. High tide was preferred for immersion^ as the chances of breakage of the blocks were diminished by the greater thickness of water they had to pass through. Quay Walls. — The general foundation of the jetty, etc., con- sisted of a bank of broken stones of various sizes, a pierre perdue, rising from the bed of the sea, at a depth of 17 metres (56 ft.). On the interior slope of the jetty, the bank was carried up at 45^ to within about 6 metres (19| ft.) of the level of the sea. At this depth it formed a wide bench or set-back, upon which the quay wall, composed of four courses of beton blocks, each 1.50 metres (5 ft.) high, was built up to the level of the sea. The surface of the bench was too irregular to serve as a bed for the blocks, and it was levelled by filling up the inequalities and APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL 53 spaces between the large stones, with small gravel and broken stones. For this purpose, a raft of wood was anchored over the site of the quay. In the floor of the raft, a rectangular aperture was made, with its longest sides in the direction of the width of the set-back. On one of the longer sides a plank apron was erected, inclined towards the opening. On the opposite side was a vertical apron of boards. A lighter loaded with small broken stones and gravel was moored to the raft, and the materials were emptied in small quan- tities upon the inclined apron, and through the opening in the floor of the raft, into the sea. A workman standing behind the Tertical apron to protect himself from the splashing of the water, directed with a sounding lead the levelling of the bed of the quay. The rough bed was equalized over a width of 8 metres (26 ft.), cor- responding to the length of a block 3.40 metres (11.16 ft.), with an additional width of 2.50 metres (8 ft.) in front. (Plate I.) The diving-bell was used for removing any pieces of rock, which from their large size interfered with the regularity of the bed. These preparations being completed, the blocks were loaded on lighters, towed to the site, and suspended in air by the floating sheers, in the same way as when used for the seaward revetment. To lower the block to its bed, 6 metres below the surface of the water, and to align it in the quay wall, an iron frame was used, consisting of 3 sides, each 2.00 metres (6| ft.) long, and equal to the width of the block. At each angle of the iron frame sockets were placed, in which were clamped upright wooden posts 6 metres high. When the block was ready to be lowered the frame was placed upon it, the two up- rights being in the same plane with that side of the block des- tined to form part of the face of the wall. When the block was submerged and directed into its proper place by the frame and uprights, its position below was indicated by the visible portion of the latter above water ; it was thus sufii- •cient to place the uprights in the alignment of the proposed quay wall, to be certain that the blocks were also in it. When a block 54 APPENDIX — HYDKAULIC LIME OF TEIL. was placed the suspension chains were withdrawn, as well as the iron frame, which was kept in position only by its weight. The placing of the first course of blocks was the most difiicult to accomplish, on account of the occasional unevenness of the bottom, caused either by the action of the waves, or by imperfect levelling ; divers were then employed to remove the obstacles. The joints of the blocks of each course were laid as close as possible, and the joints of two successive courses were crossed at half the width of the block. To complete a course, blocks were cut to the required dimensions for filling the vacant space. The wall of beton blocks was continued above water by masonry which formed the quay wall proper. To avoid the disruption of the latter by any settling of the blocks from the additional weight, they were previously loaded during several months with two courses of blocks. The settling produced by this weight was frequently very irregular, and the consequent inequalities in the surface of the upper course of blocks were carefully levelled with layers of cement concrete at the level of low tide, from which point the quay wall of masonry was built up. The bench of 2.50 metres in width, at the base of the wall of artificial blocks, was generally destroyed, in part by the united effects of the weight of the wall and the action of the waves ; it was re-established with broken stones and rocks placed by the workmen in the diving-bells. Personnel and Labor required, 1^. Fabrication. Steam Engine, Engineer and fireman 2 men. Pebbles, Loading cars 12 " Washing 7 " Sand. Loading cars 6 Conducting cars to elevator 2 Unloading and heaping sand 3 " Lime, Loading cars and conducting to ele- vator 2 " Floor of Mortar Mills, Lifting cars 1 Receiving lime and sand cars, and mill work 6 " APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. 55 Emptying mortar and pebble cars into beton cylinders 5 men. Lowering empty cars 2 " Floor of Beton Cylinders, Fabrication 2 " . Loaded and Empty Cars under Mortar Mill Floor, Receiving mortar from mills 2 " Conducting mortar and pebble cars to elevator 5 Receiving empty cars lowered from mill floor 2 " Transportation of Beton^ Ramming^ Moulds, Transportation of beton 9 " Ramming beton (3 men per mould) 9 " Putting up and taking moulds apart. 8 " (3 Beton Cylinders in Transportation. 3 Beton Blocks in Fabrication.) 2^. Lifting Blocks and Shipping. Steam Crane, Engineer and fireman 2 " Lifting and Shipping, Placing movable tracks, and service of blocks... 10 ■ Transporting blocks to shipping der- rick (2 H. P. locomotive) 2 Lifting block at derrick, and loading on ligbter 6 " 3^. Transportation to Point of Immersion. Tow-boat, Officers and crew 8 4^. Employment of Blocks under Water. Number of lighters (1 loading, 1 transporting) 2 lighters. Labor in immersing 8 men. 5^ . Employment of Blocks for Crowning Jetties or Quay Wall Foundations. Number of lighters for transporting 2 lighters. Floating sheers 1 sheers. 56 APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. Labor on sheers 7 men. Crews of lighters, and labor in im- mersing 6 Average Daily Production and Work. Fabrication 12 blocks. Employment of blocks under water. .20 Employment of blocks, crown of jetties. 16 Employment of blocks, quay wall foundations , 12 " Description of a Smaller Yard of Fabrication.— The establishment of the plant described above entails a great expen- diture, which can only be entered upon when a large quantity of beton is required. A smaller plant was established for the fabrication of 25,000 cubic metres (33,000 cubic yards) of beton to be immersed green for the graving docks of the port of Marseilles, The plant consisted of a mortar mill for the fabrication of mortar, and a platform of planks on which the mixing of the mortar with the broken stones for beton was carried on. The wheels of the mortar mill were set in motion by a locomobile, which -also worked a water-wheel for washing the pebbles. The pebbles were deposited upon the platform in a long narrow heap of triangular section, and upon them was laid the proper quantity of mortar. The mixing was done by hand ; three men with hoes on one side of the heap spread out the ingredients towards them 'on the board flooring, and were assisted by three men with shovels upon the opposite side. Two of the latter assisted in spreading out the mixture, whilst the third shovelled it over into a heap. The process of turning over was continued three times, and the beton was then sufficiently mixed. The beton in its passage across the platform, from its first to its third position, traversed during the mixing a distance of 6 metres, or about 6| feet for each turning over. The mortar on account of the peculiar character of the works in APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. 57 which it was to be used, was made with 400 kilog. of lime of Teil to 1.07 cubic metre of uncompacted sand (630 lbs. lime per cubic yard of sand). The beton consisted of three parts of pebbles to two parts of mortar. The pebbles weie transported to the platform in wheel-barrows, of which the volume was 2.37 cubic feet. The bottom of the barrows consisted of open work, to let the water run completely off, after washing the pebbles in the barrows. The mortar was transported on barrows with a raised edge upon three sides, so as to give a volume of 1.59 cubic feet. The cubic con- tents of the pebble and mortar barrows were thus in the proportion of 3 to 2, and to avoid confusion, a barrow full of pebbles deposited on the mixing area was always followed by a barrow full of mortar, before the arrival of the next barrow of pebbles. The beton made as above, was shovelled into sheet iron semi-cyl- indrical boxes for immersion. The boxes were placed on boats and transported to the point of use, where they were lifted by a crane set upon the caissons, and lowered into the water to form the hearting of the sea wall. The daily fabrication was 60 cubic metres of beton. The labor required for this production was : Steam Engine 1 man. Transportation of sand 4 men. do. of lime and work at mill 4 " Pebbles \ I^oading barrows and washing 10 *^ ( Returning barrows to platform 1 man. Loading mortar barrows, and emptying mor- tar on pebbles 8 men. Mixing beton (two gangs of men) 12 Loading beton into boxes 5 " Transporting boxes by boat (3 boats and 3 boxes per boat) 9 " \ . ( Windlass 4 Immersion. J Emptying boxes 2 " Cost of Fabrication of Teil Beton Blocks— In the im- portant works of the construction of the Napoleon Basin and Jetty 58 APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. at Marseilles in 1857, of which M. Pascal was Chief Engineer, and MM. Dussaud Bros. Contractors, 10,000 artificial blocks ofTeilbe- ton were employed ; the volume of each block was 10 cubic me- tres, 353 cubic feet. The cost of fabrication, although lower than what it would be to- day, is interesting as giving the relative cost of the different items, and the proportions of beton. Teil Beton for Artificial Blocks, {Marseilles.) 2861 lbs. of Teil lime at 28 fr. per ton $0 73 Weighing, transporting and storage of lime 0 08 0.45 cubic yard of sand at 3.82 fr. per cub. yd.... 0 35 1 cub. yd. of pebbles at 2.68 fr. per cub., yd 0 53 Fabrication, inclusive of taking moulds apart, cost of moulds, &c., and groove boxes 0 46 Lifting, transporting, immersing, inclusive of cost of plant 0 46 General expenses 0 09 Profit of contractor , 0 19 Cost* per cubic yard of artificial block in final ) posi ion ^ * Teil Beton for immediate immersion, (Marseilles.) 337 lbs. of Teil lime at 30 fr. per ton $0 92 0.54 cub. yd. of sand at 3.44 fr. per cub. yd 0 37 0.90 cub. yd. of broken stone at 2.68 fr. per cub. yard 0 48 Fabrication and immersion 0 61 General expenses -jjV 0 12 Profit of contractor -^q 0 25 Cost per cubic yard of beton immersed green $2 75 Since the execution of these important works, the cost of Teil hydraulic lime has considerably increased, owing to its demand for works such as those of the Suez Canal, Alexandria Harbor, etc. * All prices and costs given in gold. APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. 59 , In the construction of the Port Said Breakwaters, in 1865 to 1868, the cost of Teil beton per cubic yard of artificial block was $6.40 ; the cost of the block in final position was $15.30 per cubic yard. The cost of fabrication by machinery of Teil beton for artificial blocks, at any point near New York, may be estimated as follows, adopting the proportions actually employed by French engineers of 590 Ibs.-Teil hydraulic lime per cubic yard of sand, producing 1.10 cubic yards of mortar, and one volume of Teil mortar to two vol- umeS of broken stone. Teil hydraulic lime costs $21.75 per ton, delivered in dock, New York ; the cost of sand, broken stone, and labor is based upon the results obtained by General Gillmore in 1870 to 1871, in making concrete for the Staten Island Forts : Teil Beton for Artificial Blocks, {New York,) 266 lbs. Teil lime, at $21.75 per ton of 2,240 lbs.... $2 58 1.45 cub. yds. of sand, at 36c. per cubic yard 0 16 0.50 cubic yard Teil mortar. 1 " " of broken stones and pebbles, at $2.00 per cubic yard 2 00 Fabrication of beton (mixing, transporting to moulds, ramming), inclusive of taking moulds apart, cost of moulds, etc., and groove boxes 1 60 Cost of Teil beton per cubic yard of block $6 34 Lifting, transporting, immersing, inclusive of cost of plant 2 00 General expenses -^-^j 0 42 Profit of contractor 0 88 Total cost per cubic yard of artificial block in final position $9 64 In betons made with Portland cement, it is a common practice to cheapen the product by employing equal volumes of cement and slaked ground non-hydraulic lime in powder, instead of cement alone. With Portland cement alone, weighing 106 lbs. to the bushel, it is expensive to fulfil the conditions of a good mortar by filling 60 APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. the voids in the sand, and the use of the common lime is to rem- edy the lack of volume of the cement at the expense of homogene- ity, and of a better resistance to the action of sea-water. The opinion is gaining ground among many engineers, that it is preferable to employ a single lime or cement at a time in a mortar or beton instead of various mixtures, and that a good hydraulic lime used by itself is better than a mixture of a good cement and an ordinary lime, or of an ordinary lime and pozzuolana. Teil lime weighing 56 lbs. to the bushel, gives not far from double the volume of the same weight of Portland cement. It is strongly hydraulic, very uniform in composition, and as its quality is invariable, Teil lime produces very homogeneous mortars and betons, which resist the action of sea- water. For artificial blocks for marine structures, a beton of first rate quality can be made as above mentioned, for $6.34 per cubic yard of finished block. The same beton, in which the Teil lime, weighing 266 lbs., has been replaced by an equal volume of Portland cement, w^eighing 504 lbs. (at $20.60 per gross ton), would cost, the other items remaining the same, $8.39 per cubic yard of finished block, showing an increased cost of about 30 per cent. If one-half of the volume of Portland cement is replaced by a common lime (252 lbs. of cement, at $20.60, and 178 lbs. of lime at $5 per gross ton), the other items remaining the same, the economy obtained by the use of Teil beton is about $0. 14 per cubic yard, the prices of both betons being respectively $6.48 and $6.34 per cubic yard of block. In this case the chief advantage attending the use of Teil hydraulic lime, is that a more reliable and homogeneous beton is obtained, which can be depended upon to resist the action of the sea. APPENDIX— HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. 61 CERTIFICATES. Port of Marseilles. (Mediteeeanean- Sea.) !• Teil lime, from the quarries of Messrs. L. and E. Pavin de Lafarge, has been employed for upwards of 16 years in the depart- ment of Bouches-du-Ehone. It has been used almost exclusively in the construction of La Jolliette and of the Frioul, notably in the fabrication of artificial blocks for the exterior slope of the jetties where they would receive the shock of the waves, and in the masses of concrete for the foundations of quay walls. The con- crete in the artificial blocks was immersed after a preliminary dry- ing in air for several months ; the masses of concrete for foundations were immersed green. All the works made with this lime have resisted perfectly the chemical action of salt water, and the shock of the waves. Of the great number of mortars made of various hydraulic limes on which we have experimented to determine the tensile strength, those made of Teil lime occupy the first place. Teil mortars have been used both in fresh and salt water, in masonry and as a coating. In these uses we have also found them far superior to other hydraulic mortars. The Engineer-in- Ordinary, (Signed) Pascal. Maeseilles, VJth Feb,^ 1855. 2. To-day, on the termination of the works of the Napoleon Basin and of those of the Marseilles Docks and Warehouses Basins, exclusively constructed with the hydraulic limes of Teil (Ardeche) derived chiefly from the quarrries of MM. Pavin de Lafarge, we can testify to the superiority of these limes. The Engineer-in Chief, (Signed) Pascal, Maeseilles, 13 Feh.^ 1867. 3. The undersigned, Engineer-in-Chief of Bridges and High- ways, charged with the direction of the works of the I'ort of Mar- 62 APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. sellles, certifies that since 1840 the hydraulic limes of Teil have been exclusively employed in these vrorks, of which the value is about fifty millions, and that they have given the best results. It was on account of these ascertained facts that in nearly all the great works of the Mediterranean Ports recourse was had to these limes. We would mention Algiers, Port Said on the Suez Canal, and the Port of Trieste. (Signed) Pascal. Maeseilles, Nov., 1872. 4. I, the undersigned, Engineer in Ordinary of Bridges and Highways, in charge of the Works of the Second Maritime Divis- ion of the Bouches-du-Ehone, certify that the firm of Mathieu Cou- turier (now SouUier & Brunot), lessee of the Hydraulic Lime Quarry of " Detroit,'' situated in the Commune of Teil (Ardeche) and belonging to that Commune, has been allowed since the year 1858, simultaneously with MM. Pavin de Lafarge, to furnish the Teil hydraulic limes required for the Maritime Works of the Bou- ches du Phone and that it has since that date received the adjudi- cation of seven contracts for the Second Division as follows : Dec. 22, 1859. Construction of Draw-Bridge at Martigues 1,400 Tons. Sep. 29, 1864. Construction Graving Docks, Port of Marseilles 6,500 Aug. 14, 1866. Completion of Sewers of Plombieres and Aygalades, Pt. of Marseilles... 180 Oct. 24, 1868. Construction Graving Docks, Port of Marseilles 2,200 Jan. 18, 1869. Construction Graving Docks, Port of Marseilles 882^ " Aug. 9, 1870. Construction Graving Docks, Port of Marseilles 1,550 Aug 9, 1870. Construction Second Draw Bridge on the Joliette Traverse 200 " 12,912| Tons. APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. 63 I certify, moreover, that the firm Mathieu Couturier always ful- filled to the satisfaction of the Administration the obligations in- curred by its contracts. (Signed) Denaniel. Marseilles, July 23, 1872. Countersigned by the Chief Engineer of the Maritime Works, (Signed) Pascal. Marseilles, July 21 th, 1872. 5. I, the undersigned, Ingenieur Ordinaire des Fonts et Chaus- sees, in charge of the Works of the First Maritime Division of the Bouches-du-Ehone, certify that the Association formerly known under the firm name of Couturier, SouUier & Co., and at present as SouUier & Brunot, which Association is lessee of the Hydraulic Lime Quarry of " Detroit," situated on the Commune of Teil (Ar- deche), and belonging to that Commune (the said Association being represented successively before the Administration by M. Couturier and M. SouUier), has been allowed since the year 1858, simulta- neously with Messrs. Favin de Lafarge, to furnish the Teil Hy- draulic Limes required for the Maritime Works of the Bouches-du- Fhone, and that the said Association has, since the said date, fur- nished a series of the said limes, destined for the works of the above-named First Division, of which the dates, objects, and quan- tities are enumerated as follows : Adjudication, 15th July, 1858. Completion of the Belt Sewer of the Fort of Marseilles 1200 Tons. Adjudication, 13th Sept., 1859. Improvement of the Quays of the Joliette Basin, Marseilles 350 " Adjudication, 9th July, 1861. Construction of the Quay Walls, Napoleon Basin, Marseilles 2450 " Adjudication, 17th June, 1862. Fabrication of Arti- ficial Blocks. Completion of Napoleon Basin Jetty 4500 Adjudication, 12th May, 1864. Fabrication of Arti- ficial Blocks for Jetties of Imperial Basin 9700 " 64 APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC IIME OF TEIL. From 1868 to 1871 various works at Port Ciotat (re- charging the seaward slope of the prolongation of the New Mole with artificial blocks. Underpin- ning repairs of quay wall of Old Mole, and of quay wall of the prolongation of New Mole. Ee- construction of part of quay wall of Old Mole ; construction of a shelter for fishing boats in the Meadow Cove) 210 Tons. Adjudication of October 25, 1871 (approved by Minis- terial decision the following 27th December), re- charging the seaward slope of the prolongation of the New Mole with artificial blocks 175 " 18,585 Tons. I certify, moreover, that MM. Couturier & Soullier have al- ways fulfilled, to the satisfaction of the Administration, the obliga- tions they had incurred towards it by undertaking to supply the above materials. (Signed) Andre. Mabseilles, 24 July J 1872. Countersigned by the Chief Engineer of the Maritime Works, (Signed) Pascal. Marseilles, July^ 1872. Port Said. Suez Canal. Compagnie Universelle ) du \ Canal Maritime de Sufz. ) I, the undersigned, certify that the artificial blocks with which the great Jetties of Port Said were constructed, from 1865 to 1868^ by MM. Dussaud Bros., Contractors, under the superintendence and inspection of the engineers of the Company, were made with the hydraulic lime of Teil of MM. L. & E. Pavin de Lafarge, and that with regard to quality, homogeneity, hardness, etc., etc., this lime has always given excellent results. I certify, moreover, that during the three years of the construe- APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. 65 tion of these works, the establishment of Lafarge fnrnished for them alone upwards of eighty thousand tons of lime. For the President, (Signed) Ch. A. De Lesseps. Paeis, 11th January^ 1873. Port of Toulon. (Mediteehaneak Sea.) 1. I certify that since more than 20 years that Teil hydraulic lime has been used in the works of the port of Tonlon, this lime has always given excellent results in sea- water as well as in fresh water or exposed to the air, and for coating masonry ; that no alterations have ever been ob- served in the mortars made with this lime and used in sea- water ; that in the works executed by the Navy at Port Vendres, blocks of masonry with Teil lime have been constructed, and that these blocks employed in the revetment of the mole have resisted perfectly both the shock of the waves and the chemical action of salt water. The Engineer-in Chief of the Ponts et Chaussees, Director of the Hydraulic Works of the Navy, (Signed) Noel. Toulon, lO^A Feb., 1855. 2. The Engineer-in-Chief of the Ponts et Chaussees, Director of the Hydraulic Works of the Navy, certifies that, during the last 12 years, the hydraulic lime of Teil of MM. Pavin de Lafarge has been almost exclusively employed at the Port of Toulon for all marine structures, and particularly in the fabrication of 153,000 cubic metres of concrete for the three graving docks of Castigneau, and that it has always given good results and a notable economy over the use of pozzuolana. The lime of Teil is also usually employed for the coating and the cornices of masonry, and behaves very well exposed to air. The result of a visit, which he has made recently, show? that the blocks of the Port Vendres Jetty, made of Teil mortar, have resisted the action of the sea perfectly, and that no perceptible 66 APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. alteration has been noticed in the works executed with Teil limo during the last 25 years at Toulon. (Signed) Raoul. Toulon, Sd Jan,^ 1867. Port of Cette. (Mediteeeanean Sea.) 1. The undersigned, Engineer-in-Ordinary of the Fonts et Chaussees, certifies that the lime of Teil (Ardeche) is the only lime employed for the maritime works of the Port of Cette since 1852 ; the works constructed since that date show great hardness, and not the slightest trace of decomposition. (Signed) Salva. Cette, \Wi Jayi,, 1867. 2. The undersigned. Engineer of the Fonts et Chaussees, certifies that the lime of Teil derived from the estabHshment of MM. Couturier, Soulher & Co., has been employed in 1864 and 1865 for the fabrication of artificial blocks of beton, and for the submerged concrete of the foundations of the quays which were reconstructed ia the Canal of Cette, and that it has given good results. (Signed) Salva. Cette, ^tJi April^ 1867. Port Vendres. (Mediteeeanean Sea.) I, the undersigned, Alfred Fasqueau, Engineer of the Fonts et Chaussees, attached to the ordinary service of the Department of Fyre'nees Orientales, and to the special service of the Fort and Eailroad of Fort Vendres, certify that the artificial blocks of ma- sonry made since 1844 with Teil-Lafarge hydraulic lime, for the construction and preservation of the mole of Fort Vendres, are in a state of perfect preservation, and do not show any trace of disinte- gration. I certify, moreover, that the same lime has been almost exclusively employed in our service for the construction of masonry works of the Fort Vendres Eailroad, and of the Imperial Roads, and that it has always given excellent results, with regard to quickness in setting as well as to strength of the mortars made. APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. 67 In belief of which I have written this certificate, to give value where it is due. The Engineer in Ordinary, ( Signed) Pasque atj. Peepignan, l^th January^ 1867. Port of Saint Malo. (British Channel.) The undersigned, Engineer-in-Chief, certifies that the mortars made of Teil lime and sea sand, used in the blocks of masonry, and immersed in the sea during 8 years at Saint Malo, are to-day very hard and in perfect preservation. In belief of which this certificate has been delivered to M. de Lustrac. The Engineer-in-Chief, (Signed) Bellinger. Saint Malo, 30^^/^ August, 1862. Pointe-de-Graye. (Bay or Biscay, Atlantic Ocean.) The undersigned. Engineer in Ordinary, in charge of the defen- sive works of the Pointe-de-Grave, Department of the Girande, cer- tifies as follows : He had constructed during the month of March, 1860, five blocks, each 9 cubic metres in volume ; three were made of ordinary masonry and two of beton, composed of three volumes of mortar to five of pebbles. The mortar used contained 4 kilogrammes of Teil lime furnished by M. Pavin de Lafarge, to 10 litres of sand. These blocks were immersed on the Eastern slope of the Pointe- de-Grave jetty, at the end of the month of May, 1860 ; a scouring of the bed of the sea, which occurred on the 13th November, 1864, having caused them to disappear in the sea, where they were cov- ered by other blocks, it is no longer possible to verify the state of preservation in which they aro at present. Previous to the 13th November, 1864, these five blocks, w^hich had been on several occasions minutely examined, did not show any trace of decomposition. 68 APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL. In belief of which the undersigned delivers this certificate to M, Pavin de Lafarge, for him to use as he shall see fit. (Signed) Eobaglia. BoBDEATJX, 22(? January^ 1867. Port of Saint- Jean-de-Luz. (Bay of Biscay, Atlantic Ocean.) I, the undersigned, Engineer-in- Chief of the Fonts et Chaus- sees, in charge of the service of the maritime virorks of the Basses- Pyrenees and the Landes, certify that the mortar brick de- livered to M. de Lustrac, agent of MM. Pavin de Lafarge, manu- facturers of Teil lime, to be sent to the exhibition, was made on the 15th April, 1865, of a mixture of three parts in volume of sand to one part of Teil lime, derived from the establishment of MM. Pavin de Lafarge, and mixed with fresh water ; that it was depos- ited on the 12th May, 1865, in the experimental bath of the Tour des Signaux, at the mouth of the Adour river, filled with sea-water renewed every eight days, and that it remained constantly immersed until this day. I certify, moreover, that since 1865, Teil lime has been employed in the fabrication of small artificial blocks for the Sacoa break- water, at the entrance of the bay of Saint-Jean-de-Luz, the actual state of which blocks cannot be ascertained, as they were used in the foundations and mixed with natural blocks and large artificial blocks of Portland cement mortar. The Engineer-in-Chief of Maritime Works, (Signed) Daguenet. Bayonne, 2c? January^ 1867. Port of Barcelona (Mediterranean Sea.) 1. D. Jose Kafo, Inspector generale de segunda clase del Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Caballero de la Eeal y distinguida orden de Carlos Tercero, etc. Certifico : Que como director que he sido de la obras del Puerto de Barcelona, he empleado para la confeccion de los sillares artifi- ciales de hormigon hidraulico de muelle de la muralla de mar, la \^ APPENDIX — HYDRAULIC LIME OF TEIL:;^ fiSi •cal liidraulica de Teil del establecimiento de MM. L. et E.:^Pav^n d^^ Lafarge cuyo material ha correspondido perfectamente al oHjefo a •que se destiuo, dando resultados sumamente satisfactorios. Y para que conste asi donde eonvenga, espido este documento a petieion del interesado, en Barcelona a quince de noviembre de mil •ochocientos sesenta y seis. (Signed) Jose Rafo. Baecelone Ibth JVov.j 1866. 2. Don Mauricio Garrau, Comendador de la Eeal distinguida orden de Isabel la Catolica, Ingeniero jefe del cuerpo de caminos, canales y puertos. Jefe de la provincia de Barcelona, etc. Certifico : que se ha marcado con el sello de la oficina de obras publicas de esta provincia, una muestra de hormigon, cortada de uno de los bloques construidos por los SS. Delsol y Martin para las obras del puerto de Barcelona, que se hallan baso me direccion, y cuyo bloque fue construido el dia 6 de octubre de 1863 y sumer- gido en el mar en abril de 1864, en donde ha permanecido hasta el presente. El hormigon, que le constituye, esta compuesto en volumenes iguales : de una parte de cal hidraulica de Teil y dos de arena de mar para formar la mezcla o mortero hidraulico ; y tres partes de este con cinco de piedra machacada, para construir el hormigon. Y para que conste, y a petieion de los SS. Delsol y Martin expido la presente en Barcelona a trece de marzo de mil ochocientos sesenta y siete. (Signed) Maueicio Gaerau. Port of Algiers. (Mediteeeanean Sea). The undersigned, Engineer-in-Chief of the Fonts et Chaussees, O IFl. T ON BfiTON-COIGNET, ITS FABHICATION AITD USES: CONSTRUCTION OF Sewers, Water-Pipes, Tanks, Foundations, Walls, Arches, Buildings, Floors, Terraces, Marine Experiments, etc. BY LEONARD F. BECKWITH, CIVIL ENGINEER. 1 Vol., 8vo, Cloth, . . « - - $2.00 D. VAN NOSTRAND, Publisher, 23 Murray and 27 Warren Street. "^'-jf^.CJopies sent free by mail on receipt of price. SCIENTIFIC BOOKS f PUBLISHED BY D. Yan Nosteand, 23 Murray Street & 27 Warren Street, NEW YORK. 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Third edition, revised and enlarged, including many New Ex- periments on Gauging Water in Open Canals, and on the Flow through Submerged Orifices and Diverging Tubes. With 23 copperplates, beautifully engraved, and about 100 new pages of text. The work is divided into parts. Part I., on hydraulic motors, includes ninety-two experiments on an improved Fourneyron Turbine Water- Wheel, of about two hundred horse-power, with rules and tables for the construction of similar motors ; thirteen experiments on a model of a centre- vent Avater- wheel of the most simple design, and thirty-nine experiments on a centre-vent water-wheel of about two hundred and thirty horse-power. 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" This is an elaborate treatise by one of our ablest civil engineers, on the con- struction and use of locomotives, with a few chapters on the building of Rail- rot.ds. 5«- * AH these subjects are treated by the author, who is a first-class railroad engineer, in both an intelligent and intelligible manner. The facts and ideas are well arranged, and presented in a clear and simple style, accompanied by beautiful engravings, and we presume the work will be regard- ed as indispensable by all who are interested in a knowledge of the construc- tion of railroads and rolling stock, or the working of locomotives." — Scientific American. 8 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Henricfs Skeleton Structures. 8vo. Cloth. $3.00. SKELETON STEUCTUEES, especially in their Application to the building of Steel and Iron Bridges. By Olaus Henrtci. With folding plates and diagrams. By presenting these general examinations on Skeleton Structures, with particular application for Suspended Bridges, to Engineers, I venture to ex- press the hope that they will receive these theoretical results with some confi- dence, even although an opportunity is Avanting to compare them with practi- cal results. O. H. Useful Information for Railway Men. Pocket form. Morocco, gilt, $2.00. Compiled by W. G. Hamiltox, Engineer. Third edition, revised and enlarged. 570 pages. It embodies many valuable formulae and recipes useful for railway men, and, indeed, for almost every class of persons in the world. The * informa- tion ' comprises some valuable formulae and rules for the construction of boilers and engines, masonry, properties of steel and iron, and the strength of materials generally." — Railroad Gazette^ GlUcago. Brooklyn Water Works. 1 vol. folio. Cloth. $20.00. A DESCEIPTIVE ACCOUNT OF THE CONSTEUCTION OF THE WOEKS, and also Eeports on the Brooklyn, Hartford, Belleville, and Cambridge Pumping Engines. Prepared and printed by order of the Board of Water Commissioners. AVith 59 illustrations. Contents. — Supply Ponds — The Conduit— Ridge wood Engine House and Pump Well — Ridge wood Engines — Force Mains — Ridge wood Reservoir — Pipe Distribution — Mount Prospect Reservoir — Mount Prospect Engine House and Engine — Drainage Grounds — Sewerage Works — Appendix. D, VAJSr NOSTBAN'D, 9 Kirkwood on Filtration. 4to. Cloth. $15.00. EEPOET ON THE FILTEATION OF EIVEE WATEES, for the Supply of Cities, as practised in Europe, made to the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Louis. By James V. Kirkwood. Illustrated by 30 double-plate engravings. Contents. — Report on Filtration — London "Works, General — Chelsea Water Works and Filters — Lambeth Water Works and — Southwark and Vauxhall Water Works and Filters — Grand Junction Water Works and Filters — West Middlesex Water Works and Filters — New Kiver Water Works and Filters — East London Water Works and Filters — Leicester Water Works and Filters — York Water Works and Filters — Liverpool Water Works and Filters — Edinburgh Water Works and Filters — Dublin Water Works and Filters — Perth Water Works and Filtering Gallery — Berlin Water Works and Filters — Hamburg Water Works and Reservoirs — Altona Water Works and Filters — Tours Water Works and Filtering Canal — Angers Water Works and Filtering Galleries — Nantes Water Works and Filters — Lyons Water Works and Filtering Galleries — Toulouse Water Works and Filtering Galleries — Marseilles Water Works and Filters — Genoa Water Works and Filtering Galleries — Leghorn Water Works and Cisterns — Wakefield Water Works and Filters — Appendix. Tunner on Roll-Turning. 1 vol. 8vo. and 1 vol. plates. $10.00. A TEEATISE ON EOLL-TUENING FOE THE MANUFAC- TUEE OF lEON. By Peter TunxXer. Translated and adapted. By John B. Pearse, of the Pennsylvania Steel Works. With numerous wood-cuts, 8vo., together with a folio atlas of 10 litho- graphed plates of Eolls, Measurements, &c. " We commend this book as a clear, elaborate, and practical treatise upon the department of iron manufacturing operations to which it is devoted. The writer states in his preface, that for twenty-five years he has felt the necessity of such a work, and has evidently brought to its preparation the fruits of experience, a painstaking regard for accuracy of statement, and a desire to furnish information in a style readily understood. The book should be in the hands of every one interested, either in the general practice of mechanical engineering, or the special branch of manufacturing operations to which the work relates.' — American Artisan. 10 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Grlynn on the Power of Water. 12mo. Cloth. 11.00. A TEEATISE ON THE POWEE OF WATEE, as applied to drive Elour Mills, and to give motion to Turbines and other Hydrostatic Engines. By Joseph Glynn, F.E. S. Third edition, revised and enlarged, with numerous illustrations. Hewson on Embankments. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. PEINCIPLES AND PEACTICE OF EMBANKING LANDS from Eiver Floods, as applied to the Levees of the Mississippi. By AViLLiAM Hewson, Civil Engineer. " This is a valuable treatise on the principles and practice of embanking" lands from river floods, as applied to the Levees of the Mississippi, by a highly intelligent and experienced engineer. The author says it is a first attempt to reduce to order and to rule the design, execution, and measurement of the Levees of the Mississippi. It is a most useful and needed contribution to scientific literature. — Philadelphia Emning Journal, Griiiier on Steel. 8vo. Cloth. $3.50. THE MANUFACTUEE OF STEEL. By M. L. Grunek, trans- lated from the French. By Lenox Smith, A. M., E. M., vnth an appendix on the Bessemer Process in the United States, by the translator. Illustrated by lithographed drawings and wood-cuts. " The purpose of the work is to present a careful, elaborate, and at the same time practical examination into the physical properties of steel, as well as a description of the new processes and mechanical appliances for its manufac- ture. The information which it contains, gathered from many trustworthy sources, will be found of much value to the American steel manufacturer, who may thus acquaint himself with the results of careful and elaborate ex- periments in other countries, and better prepare himself for successful com- petition in this important industry with foreign makers. The fact that this volume is from the pen of one of the ablest metallurgists of the present day, cannot fail, we think, to secure for it a favorable consideration. — Iron Age, D. VAN NOHTRAND, 11 Banerman on Iron. 12mo. Cloth. $2.00. TEEATISE ON THE METALLUEGY OF lEON. Contain- ing outlines of the History of Iron Manufacture, methods of Essay, and analysis of Iron Ores, processes of manufacture of Iron and Steel, etc., etc. By II. Bauerman. First American edition. Ee vised and enlarged, with an appendix on the Martin Process for making Steel, from the report of Abram S. Hewitt. Illustrated with numerous wood engravings. ^' This is an important addition to the stock of technical works published in this country. It embodies the latest facts, discoveries, and processes con- nected with the manufacture of iron and steel, and should be in the hands of every person interested in the subject, as well as in all technical and scientific libraries." — Scientific American. Auchincloss on the Slide Yalve. 8vo. Cloth. $3.00. APPLICATION OF THE SLIDE VALVE and Link Motion to Stationary, Portable, Locomotive and Marine Engines, with new and simple methods for proportioning the parts. By William S. ArcHiNCLoss, Civil and Mechanical Engineer. Designed as a hand-book for Mechanical Engineers, Master Mechanics, Draughtsmen and Students of Steam Engineering. All dimen- sions of the valve are found with the greatest ease by means of a Printed Scale, and proportions of the link determined withoitt the assistance of a model. Illustrated by 37 wood-cuts and 21 lithographic plates, together with a copperplate engraving of the Travel Scale. All the matters we have mentioned are treated with a clearness and absence of unnecessary verbiage which renders the work a peculiarly valuable one. The Travel Scale only requires to be known to be appreciated. Mr. A. writes so ably on his subject, we wish he had written more. Ijondon En- gineering. We have never opened a work relating to steam which seemed to us better calculated to give an intelligent mind a clear understanding of the depart- ment it discusses. — Scientific American. 12 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Slide "Valve by Eccentrics, by Prof. C. W. MacCord. 4to. Illustrated. Cloth, $ A PEACTICAL TEEATISE ON THE SLIDE YALVE BY ECCENTKICS, examining by methods, the action of the Eccen- tric upon the Slide Valve, and explaining the practical proces- ses of laying out the movements, adapting the valve for its various duties in the steam-engine. For the use of Engineers, Draughtsmen, Machinists, and Students of valve motions in general. By C. W. MacCord, A. M., Professor of Mechanical Drawing, Stevens' Institute of Technology, Hoboken, N J. Stillman's Steam-Engine Indicator. 12mo. Cloth. $1.00. THE STEAM-ENGINE INDICATOE, and the Improved Mano- meter Steam and Vacuum Gauges ; their utility and application By Paul Stillmaj^. New edition. Bacon's Steam-Engine Indicator. 12mo. Cloth, $1.00. Mor. $1.50. A TEEATISE ON THE EICHAEDS STEAM-ENGINE IN- DICATOE, with directions for its use. By Chaeles T. Porter. Eevised, with notes and large additions as developed by Amer- ican Practice, with an Appendix containing useful formulae and rules for Engineers. By F. AV. Bacon-, M. E., Member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. Elustrated. In this work» Mr. Porter's book has been taken as the basis, but Mr. Bacon has adapted it to American Practice, and has conferred a great boon on American Engineers. — Artisan. Bartol on Marine Boilers. 8vo. Cloth. $1.50. TEEATISE ON THE MARINE BOILERS OF THE UNITED STATES. By H. H. Baetol. Illustrated. D, VAN N08TRAND. 13 Gillmore's Limes and Cements, Fourth Edition. Jlevise I and Enlargd, 8vo. Cloth. $4.00. PEACTICAL TEEATISE ON LIMES, HYDEAULIC CE- MENTS, AND MOETAES. Papers on Practical Engineering, TJ. S. Engineer Department, No. 9, containing Eeports of numerous experiments conducted in New York City, during tlie years 1858 to 1861, inclusive. By Q. A. Gillmoee, Brig-General U. S. Volunteers, and Major U. S. Corps of Engineers. With numerous illustrations. ** This work contains a record of certain exj)erinients and researches made under the authority of the Engineer Bureau of the War Department from 1858 to 1861, upon the various hydraulic cements of the United States, and the materials for their manufacture. The experiments were carefully made, and are well reported and compiled. ' — Journal Franklin Institute. Gillmore's Coignet Beton. ■ 8vo. Cloth. $2.50. COIGNET BETON AND OTHEE AETIFICIAL STONE. By Q. A. GiLLMORE. 9 Plates, Views, etc. This work describes with considerable minuteness of detail the several kinds of artificial stone in most general use in Europe and now beginning to be introduced in the United States, discusses their properties, relative merits, and cost, and describes the materials of which they are comx>osed The subject is one of special and growing interest, and we commend the work, embodying as it does the matured opinions of an experienced engineer and expert. Williamson's Practical Tables. 4to. Flexible Cloth. |2.50. PEACTICAL TABLES IN METEOEOLOGY AND HYPSO- METEY, in connection with the use of the Barometer. By Col. E. S. WiLLIAMSOM, U. S. A. 14 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY WilliamsorL on the Barometer. 4to. Cloth. $15.00. ON THE USE OF THE BAEOMETEE ON SURVEYS AND EECONNAISSANCES. Part I. Meteorology in its Connec- tion with Hypsometry. Part 11. Barometric Hypsometry. By E. S. Williamson, Bvt. Lieut.-Col. U. S. A., Major Corps of Engineers. With Illustrative Tables and Engravings. Paper No. 15, Professional Papers, Corps of Engineers. " San Prancisco, Cal., Feb. 27, 1867. Gen. A. A. Humphreys, Chief of Engineers, XJ. S. Army : General, — I have the honor to submit to you, in the following pages, the results of my investigations in meteorology and hypsometry, made with the view of ascertaining how far the barometer can be used as a reliable instru- ment for determining altitudes on extended lines of survey and reconnais- sances. These investigations have occupied the leisure permitted me from my professional duties during the last ten years, and I hope the results will be deemed of sufficient value to have a place assigned them among the printed professional papers of the United States Corps of Engineers. " Yery respectfully, your obedient servant, E,. S. WILLIAMSON, Bvt. Lt.-Col. U. S. A., Major Corps of IT. S. Engineers." Yon Cotta's Ore Deposits. 8vo. Cloth. $4.00. TEEATISE ON OEE DEPOSITS. By Behnhakd Vox Cotta, Professor of Geology in the Eoyal School of Mines, Ereidberg, Saxony. Translated from the second German edition, by Frederick Peime, Jr., Mining Engineer, and revised by the author, with numerous illustrations. " Prof. Yon Cotta of the Freiberg School of Mines, is the author of the best modem treatise on ore deposits, and we are heartily glad that this ad- mirable work has been translated and published in this country. The trans- lator, Mr. Frederick Prime, Jr., a graduate of Freiberg, has had in his work the great advantage of a revision by the author himself, who declares in a prefatory note that this may be considered as a new edition (the third) of his own book. It is a timely and welcome contribution to the literature of mining in this country, and we are grateful to the translator for his enterprise and good judgment in undertaking its preparation ; while we recognize with equal cor- diality the liberality of the author in granting both permission and assist- ance."' — Extract from Review in Engineering and Mining JourruiL D. VAN XOSTEAJSriJ. 15 Plattner's Blow-Pipe Analysis. Second edition. Revised. 8vo. Cloth. $7.50. PLATTNEE'S MANUAL OF QUALITATIVE AND QUAN- TITATIVE ANALYSIS WITH THE BLOW-PIPE. Prom the last German editioH Eevised and enlarged. By Prof. Th. RicHTEK, of the Eoyal Saxon Mining Academy. Translated by Prof. H. B. Cornwall, Assistant in the Columbia School of Mines, New York ; assisted by John H. Caswell. Illustrated with eighty-seven wood-cuts and one Lithographic Plate. 560 pages. " Plattner's celebrated work has long been recognized as the only complete book on Blow-Pipe Analysis. The fourth German edition, edited by Prof. Richter, fully sustains the reputation which the earlier editions acquired dur- ing the lifetime of the author, and it is a source of great satisfaction to us to know that Prof. Richter has co-operated with the translator in issuing the American edition of the work, which is in fact a fifth edition of the original work, being far more complete than the last German edition.'* — SUUman's Journal. There is nothi-ng so complete to be found in the English language. Platt- ner's book is not a mere pocket edition ; it is intended as a comprehensive guide to all that is at present known on the blow-pipe, and as such is really indis- pensable to teachers and advanced pupils. " Mr. Corn wall's edition is something more than a translation, as it contains many corrections, emendations and additions not to be found in the original. It is a decided improvement on the work in its German dress," — Journal of Applied Chemistry, Egleston's Mineralogy. 8vo. Illustrated with 34 Lithographic Plates. Cloth. $4.50. LECTUEES ON DESCEIPTIVE MINEEALOGY, Delivered at the School of Mines, Columbia College. Br Professor T. Eglestox. These lectures are what their title indicates, the lectures on Mineralogy delivered at the School of Mines of Columbia College. They have been printed for the students, in order that more time might be given to the vari- ous methods of examining and determining minerals. The second part has only been printed. The first part, comprising crystallography and physical mineralogy, will be printed at some future time. 16 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Pynclioii's Chemical Physics. Keiv Edition. Hevised and Enlarged, Crown 8vo. Cloth. $3.00. INTEODUCTION TO CHEMICAL PHYSICS, Designed for the Use of Academies, Colleges, and High Schools. Illustrated with numerous engravings, and containing copious experiments with directions for preparing them. By Thomas Euggles Pynchon, M.A., Professor of Chemistry and the Natural Sciences, Trinity College, Hartford. Hitherto, no work suitable for general use, treating of all these subjects within the limits of a single volume, could be found ; consequently the atten- tion they have received has not been at all proportionate to their importance. It is believed that a book containing so much valuable information within so small a compass, cannot fail to meet with a ready sale among all intelligent persons, while Professional men. Physicians, Medical Students, Photograph- ers, Telegraphers, Engineers, and Artisans generally, will find it specially valuable, if not nearly indispensable, as a book of reference. " We strongly recommend this able treatise to our readers as the first work ever published on the subject free from perplexing technicalities. In style it is pure, in description graphic, and its typographical appearance is artistic. It is altogether a most excellent work." — Eclectic Medical Journal. It treats fully of Photography, Telegraphy, Steam Engines, and the various applications of Electricity. In short, it is a carefully prepared volume, abreast with the latest scientific discoveries and inventions.*' — Hart- ford Courant. Plympton's Blow-Pipe Analysis. 12mo. Cloth. $2.00. THE BLOW-PIPE : A System of Instruction in its practical use being a graduated course of Analysis for the use of students, and all those engaged in the Examination of Metallic Combina- tions. Second edition, with an appendix and a copious index. By Geoege AV. Plympton, of the Polytechnic Institute, Brooklyn. This manual probably has no superior in the English language as a text- book for beginners, or as a guide to the student working without a teacher. To the latter many illustrations of the utensils and apparatus required in using the blow-pipe, as well as the fully illustrated description of the blow- pipe flame, will be especially serviceable.'' — New York Teacher. D. VAJSr NOSTBAJSrj}, 17 lire's Dictionary, 7> Siocth Edi t ion . London, 1872. 3 vols. 8vo. Cloth, $25.00. Half Russia, |^7.50. DICTIONAEY OF AETS, MANUFACTUEES, AND MINES. By Andeeav Ure, M.D. Sixth edition. Edited by Egbert Hunt, F.E.S., greatly enlarged and rewritten. Brande and Cox's Dictionary, ^^ew Edition. London, 1872. 3 vols. 8vo, Cloth, $20.00. Half Morocco, $27.50. A Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art. Edited by W. T. Brande and Eev. Geo. W. Cox. New and enlarged edition. Watt's Dictionary of Chemistry. Sup2ylementat*y Volume, 8vo. Cloth. $9.00. This volume brings the Kecord of Chemical Discovery down to the end of the year 1869, including* also several additions to, and corrections of, former results which have appeared in 1870 and 1871. ^'j^.* Complete Sets of the Work, New and Revised edition, including above supplement. 0 vols. 8vo. Cloth. $62.00. Rammelsberg's Chemical Analysis. 8vo. Cloth. $2.25. GUIDE TO A COUESE OF QUANTITATIVE CHEMICAL ANALYSIS, ESPECIALLY OF MINEEALS AND FUE- NACE PEODUCTS. Illustrated by Examples. By C. F. Eammelsberg. Translated by J. Towler, M.D. This work has been translated, and is now published expressly for those students in chemistry whose time and other studies in colleges do not permit them to enter upon the more elaborate and expensive treatises of Fresenius and others. It is the condensed labor of a master in chemistry and of a prac- tical analyst. 18 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Eliot and Storer's Qualitative Chemical Analysis. I New Edition, Ilevised. 12mo. Illustrated. Cloth. $1.50. A COMPENDIOUS MANUAL OF QUALITATIVE CHEML CAL ANALYSIS. By Ch.vkles AV. Eliot and Ehank H. Stoker. Revised with the Cooperation of the Authors, by William Eir- LEY Nichols, Professor of Chemistry in the Massachusetts Insti- tute of Technology. " This Manual has great merits as a practical introduction to the science and the art of which it treats. It contains enough of the theory and practice of qualitative analysis, ^' in the wet way," to bring out all the reasoning in- volved in the science, and to present clearly to the student the most approved methods of the art. It is specially adapted for exercises and experiments in the laboratory; and yet its classifications and manner of treatment are so systematic and logical throughout, as to adapt it in a high degree to that higher class of students generally who desire an accurate knowledge of the practical methods of arriving at scientific facts." — Lutlieran Observer, " We wish every academical class in the land could have the benefit of the fifty exercises of two hours each necessary to master this book. Chemistry would cease to be a mere matter of memory, and become a pleasant experi- mental and intellectual recreation. "We heartily commend this little volume to the notice of those teachers who believe in using the sciences as means of mental discipline." — College Courant, WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. An Account of the Decimal System, with Tables of Conversion for Commercial and Scientific Uses. By B. P. Craig, M. D. " The most lucid, accurate, and useful of all the hand-books on this subject that we have yet seen. It gives forty-seven tables of comparison between the English and Prench denominations of length, area, capacity, weight, and the Centigrade and Pahrenheit thermometers, with clear instructions how to use them ; and to this practical portion, which helps to make the transition as easy as possible, is prefixed a scientific explanation of the errors in the metric system, and how they may be corrected in the laboratory." — Nation. Craig's Decimal System. Square o2mo. Limp. 50c. D. VAN NOSTRANB, 19 Nugent on Optics. 12mo. Cloth, $2.00 TEEATISE ON OPTICS ; or, Light and Sight, theoretically and practically treated ; with the application to Fine Art and Indus- trial Pursuits. By E. Nugent. With one hundred and three illustrations. « " This book is of a practical rather than a theoretical kind, and is de- signed to afford accurate and complete information to all interested in appli- cations of the science." — Round Table, Barnard's Metric System. 8vo. Brown cloth. $3.00. THE METEIC SYSTEM OF WEIGHTS AND MEASUEES. An Address delivered before the Convocation of the University of the State of New York, at Albany, August, 1871. By Erederick A. P. Barnard, President of Columbia College, New York City. Second edition from the Eevised edition printed for the Trustees of Columbia College. Tinted paper. " It is the best summary of the arguments in favor of the metric weights and measures with which we are acquainted, not only because it contains in small space the leading facts of the case, but because it puts the advocacy of that system on the only tenable grounds, namely, the great convenience of a decimal notation of weight and measure as well as money, the value. of inter- national uniformity in the matter, and the fact that this metric system is adopted and in general use by the majority of civilized nations." — The Nation, The Young Mechanic. Illustrated. 12mo. Cloth. $1.75. THE YOUNG MECHANIC. Containing directions for the use of all kinds of tools, and for the construction of steam engines and mechanical models, including the Art of Turning in Wood and Me tab By the author of "The Lathe and its Uses," etc Erom the English edition, with corrections. 20 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Harrison's Mechanic's Tool-Book. 12mo. Cloth. $1.50. MECHANIC'S TOOL BOOK, with practical rules and suggestions, for the use of Machinists, Iron Workers, and others. By W. B. Harrison-, Associate Editor of the American Artisan." Illustra- ted with 44 engravings. This work is specially adapted to meet the wants of Machinists and work- ers in iron generally. It is made up of the work-day experience of an intelli- gent and ingenious mechanic, who had the faculty of adapting tools to various purposes. The practicability of his plans and suggestions are made apparent even to the unpractised eye by a series of well-executed wood engravings." — PMladelpMa Inquirer. Pope's Modern Practice of the Elec- tric Telegraph. Seventh edition. 8vo. Cloth $2.00. A Hand-book for Electricians and Operators. By Frank L. Pope. Seventh edition. E-evised and enlarged, and fully illustrated. Extract from Letter of Prof Morse, I have had time only cursorily to examine its contents, but this examina- tion has resulted in great gratification, especially at the fairness and unpre- judiced tone of your whole work. " Your illustrated diagrams are admirable and beautifully executed. " I think all your instructions in the use of the telegraph apparatus judi- cious and correct, and I most cordially wish you success." Extract from Letter of Prof G, W. Hough, of the Dudley Observatory. " There is no other work of this kind in the English language that con- tains in so small a compass so much practical information in the application of galvanic electricity to telegraphy. It should be in the hands of every one interested in telegraphy, or the use of Batteries for other purposes." Morse's Telegraphic Apparatus. Illustrated. 8vo. Cloth. $3.00. EXAMINATION OF THE TELEGRAPHIC APPARATUS AND THE PROCESSES IN TELEGAPHY. By Samuel E. B. Morse, LL.D., United States Commissioner Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. i). VAJSr JS^OSTEAND, 21 Sabine's History of tlie Telegraph.. 12mo. Cloth. $1.25. HISTOEY AND PEOGEESS OF THE ELECTEIC TELE- GEAPH, with Descriptions of some of the Apparatus. By Egbert Sabine, C. E. Second edition, with additions. Contents. — 1. Early Observations of Electrical Phenomena. II. Tele- graphs by Frictional Electricity. III. Telegraphs by Voltaic Electricity. lY. Telegraphs by Electro-Magnetism and Magneto-Electricity. Y. Tele- graphs now in use. YI. Overhead Lines. YII. Submarine Telegraph Lines. YIII. Underground Telegraphs. IX. Atmospheric Electricity. ShafFner's Telegraph Manual. 8vo. Cloth. $6.50. A COMPLETE HISTOEY AND DESCEIPTION OF THE SEMAPHOEIC, ELECTEIC, AND MAGNETIC TELE- GEAPHS OF EUEOPE, ASIA, AFEICA, AND AMEEICA, with 625 illustrations. By Tal. P. Shaffner, of Kentucky. New edition. Culley's Hand-Book of Telegraphy. 8vo. Cloth. $5.00. A HAND-BOOK OF PEACTICAL TELEGEAPHY. By E. S. CuLLEY, Engineer to the Electric and International Telegraph Company. Fourth edition, revised and enlarged. Foster's Snbmarine Blasting. 4to. Cloth. $3.50. SUBMAEINE BLASTING in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts— Eemoval of Tower and Corwin Eocks. By JonN G. Foster, Lieutenant-Colonel of Engineers, and Brevet Major- General, U. S. Army. Illustrated with seven plates. List of Plates. — 1. Sketch of the Narrows, Boston Harbor. 2. Townsend's Submarine Drilling Machine, and "Working Yessel attending. 8. Submarine Drilling Machine employed. 4. Details of Drilling Machine employed. 5. Cartridges and Tamping used. 0. Fuses and Insulated Wires used. 7. Portable Friction Battery used. 22 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Barnes' Submarine Warfare. 8vo. Cloth. $5.00. SUBMAEINE WARFAEE, DEFENSIVE AND OFFENSIVE. Comprising a full and complete History of the Invention of the Torpedo, its employment in War and results of its use. De- scriptions of the yarious forms of Torpedoes, Submarine Batteries and Torpedo Boats actually used in War. Methods of Ignition by Machinery, Contact Fuzes, and Electricity, and a full accotmt of experiments made to determine the Explosive Force of Gun- powder under Water. Also a discussion of the Offensive Torpedo system, its effect upon Iron-Clad Ship systems, and influence upon Future Naval Wars. By Lieut.-Commander John S. Barnes, U. S. N. With twenty lithographic plates and many wood-cuts. A book important to military men, and especially so to engineers and ar- tillerists. It consists of an examination of the various offensive and defensive engines that have been contrived for submarine hostilities, including a discus- sion of the torpedo system, its effects upon iron-clad ship-systems, and its probable influence upon future naval wars. Plates of a valuable character accompany the treatise, which affords a useful history of the momentous sub- ject it discusses. A great deal of useful information is collected in its pages, especially concerning the inventions of ScHOLL and Verdu, and of Jones' and Hunt's batteries, as well as of other similar machines, and the use in submarine operations of gun-cotton and nitro-glycerine." — N, Y. Times, Randall's Quartz Operator's Hand- Book. 12mo. Cloth. $2.00. QUAETZ OPEEATOE'S HAND-BOOK. By P. M. Eandall. New edition, revised and enlarged. Pully illustrated. The object of this work has been to present a clear and comprehensive ex- position of mineral veins, and the means and modes chiefly employed for the mining and working of their ores — more especially those containing gold and silver. D. VAN^ XOSTBAND. Mitclieirs Manual of Assaying. 8vo. Cloth. $10.00. A MANUAL OF PEACTICAL ASSAYING. By John Mitchell. Third edition. Edited by William Ckookes, E.E.S. Ill this edition are incorporated all the late important discoveries in Assay- ing made in this country and abroad, and special care is devoted to the very important Volumetric and Colorimetric Assays, as well as to the Blow-Pipe Assays. Benet's Chronoscope. Second Edition. Illustrated. 4to. Cloth. $3.00. ELECTEO-BALLISTIC MACHINES, and the Schultz Chrono- scope. By Lieutenant-Colonel S. V. Benet, Captain of Ordnance, U. S. Army. Contents. — 1. Ballistic Pendulum. 2. Gun Pendulum. 3. Use of Elec- tricity. 4. Navez' Machine. 5. Vignotti's Machine, with Plates. 6. Benton's Electro-Ballistic Pendulum, with Platae. 7. Leur's Tro-Pendulum Machine 8. Schultz's Chronoscope, with two Plates. Michaelis' Chronograph. 4to. Illustrated. Cloth. $3.00. THE LE BOULENGE CHEONOGEAPH. With three litho- graphed folding plates of illustrations. By Brevet Captain 0 E. MicnAELis, Eirst Lieutenant Ordnance Corps, U. S. Army. The excellent monograph of Captain Michaelis enters minutely into the details of construction and management, and gives tables of the times of flight calculated upon a given fall of the chronometer for all distances. Captain Michaelis has done good service in presenting this work to his brother officers, describing, as it does, an instrument which bids fair to be in constant use in our future ballistic experiments.' — Army and Namj Jourual. 24 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Silversmitli's Hand-Book. Fourth Edition. Illustrated. 12mo, Cloth. $3.00. A PEACTICAL HAND-BOOK FOE MINERS, Metallurgists, and Assayers, comprising the most recent improvements in the disintegration, amalgamation, smelting, and parting of the Precious Ores, with a Comprehensive Digest of the Mining Laws. Greatly augmented, revised, and corrected. By Julius Silversmith. Fourth edition. Profusely illustrated. 1 vol. 12mo. Cloth. $3.00. One of the most important features of this work is that in which tlie metallurgy of the precious metals is treated of. In it the author has endeav- ored to embody all the processes for the reduction and manipulation of the precious ores heretofore successfully employed in Germany, England, Mexico, and the United States, together with such as have been more recently invented, and not yet fully tested — all of which are profusely illustrated and easy of comprehension. Simms' Levelling, 8vo. Cloth. $2.50. A TREATISE ON THE PEINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF LEVELLING, showing its application to purposes of Railway Engineering and the Construction of Roads, &c. By Frederick W. SiMMS, C. E. Erom the fifth London edition, revised and corrected, with the addition of Mr. Law's Practical Examples for Setting Out Railway Curves. Illustrated with three lithographic plates and numerous wood-cuts. " One of the most important text-books for the general surveyor, and there is scarcely a question connected with levelling for which a solution would be sought, but that would be satisfactorily answered by consulting this volume.'* — Mining Journal. The text-book on levelling in most of our engineering schools and col- leges." — Engineers. "The publishers haA^e rendered a substantial service to the profession, especially to the younger members, by bringing out the present edition of Mr. Simms' useful work." — Engineering. D. VAJSr NOSTEANB. 25 Eads' Naval Defences. 4to. Cloth. $5.00. SYSTEM OF NAVAL DEFENCES. By James B. Eads, 0. E. Report to the Honorable Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, February 22, 1868, with ten illustrations. Stuart's Naval Dry Docks. Twenty-four engravings on steel. Fourth Edition. 4to. Cloth. $6.00. THE NAVAL DRY DOCKS OF THE UNITED STATES. By Charles B. Stuaet. Engineer in Chief of the United States Navy. List of Illustrations. Pumping Engine and Pumps — Plan of Dry Dock and Pump- Well— Sec- tions of Dry Dock — Engine House — Iron Floating Gate — Details of Floating Grate — Iron Turning Gate — Plan of Turning Gate — Culvert Gate — Filling Culvert Gates — Engine Bed — Plate, Pumps, and Culvert — Engine House Roof — Floating Sectional Dock — Details of Section, and Plan of Turn-Tables — Plan of Basin and Marine Railways — Plan of Sliding Frame, and Elevation of Pumps — Hydraulic Cylinder — Plan of Gearing for Pumps and End Floats — Perspective View of Dock, Basin, and Railway — Plan of Basin of Ports- mouth Dry Dock — Floating Balance Dock — Elevation of Trusses and the Ma- chinery — Perspective View of Balance Dry Dock Free Hand Drawing. Profusely Illustrated. 18mo. Cloth. 75 cents. A GUIDE TO ORNAMENTAL, Figure, and Landscape Draw- ing. By an Art Student. Contents. — Materials employed in Drawing, and how to use them — On Lines and how to Draw them — On Shading — Concerning lines and shading, with applications of them to simple elementary subjects — Sketches from Na- ture. 26 8CIENTIFIG BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Minifie s Meclianical Drawing. Eighth Edition. Royal 8vo. Cloth. $4.00. A TEXT-BOOK OF GEOMETEICAL DEAWING for the use of Mechanics and Schools, in which the Definitions and Rules of Geometry are familiarly explained ; the Practical Problems are arranged, from the most simple to the more complex, and in their description technicalities are avoided as much as possible. With illustrations for Drawing Plans, Sections, and Elevations of Buildings and Machinery ; an Introduction to Isometrical Draw- ing, and an Essay on Linear Perspective and Shadows. Illus- trated with over 200 diagrams engraved on steel. By Wm. Minifie, Architect. Eighth Edition. With an Appendix on the Theory and Application of Colors. It is the best work on Drawing that we have ever seen, and is especially a text-book of Geometrical Drawing for the use of Mechanics and Schools. No young Mechanic, such as a Machinist, Engineer, Cabinet-Maker, Millwright, or Carpenter, should be without it." — Scientific American. " One of the most comprehensive works of the kind ever published, and can- not but possess great value to builders. The style is at once elegant and sub- stantial. — Pennsylvania Inquirer. " Whatever is said is rendered perfectly intelligible by remarkably well- executed diagrams on steel, leaving nothing for mere vague supposition ; and the addition of an introduction to isometrical drawing, linear perspective, and the projection of shadows, winding up with a useful index to technical terms." — Glasgow Mechanics' Journal. The British Government has authorized the use of this book in their schools of art at Somerset House, London, and throughout the kingdom. Minifie's Geometrical Drawing, ]^ew Edition. Enlarged, 12mo. Cloth. $2.00. GEOMETEICAL DEAWING. Abridged from the octavo edition, for the use of Schools. Illustrated with 48 steel plates. New edition, enlarged. It is well adapted as a text-book of drawing to be used in our High Schools and Academies where this useful branch of tlie fine arts has been hitherto too much neglected." — Boston Journal. D. VAN^ NOSTBAJSTD, 27 Bell on Iron Smelting. 8vo. Cloth. $6.00. CHEMICAL PHENOMENA OF lEON SMELTING. An ex- 2jerimental and practical examination of the circumstances wliicli determine the capacity of the Blast Furnace, the Temperature of the Air, and the Proper Condition of the Materials to be operated upon. By I. Lowthian Bell. " The reactions which take place in every foot of the blast-furnace have been investigated, and the nature of every step in the process, from the intro- duction of the raw material into the furnace to the production of the pig iron, has been carefully ascertained, and recorded so fully that any one in the trade can readily avail themseh^es of the knowledge acquired ; and we have no hes- itation in saying' that the judicious application of such knowledge will do much to facilitate the introduction of arrangements which will still further economize fuel, and at the same time permit of the quality of the resulting metal being maintained, if not improved. The volume is one which no prac- tical pig iron manufacturer can afford to be without if he be desirous of en- tering upon that competition which nowadays is essential to progress, and in issuing such a work Mr. Bell has entitled himself to the best thanks of every member of the trade." — London Mining Journal. King's Notes on Steam. Thirteenth Edition. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. LESSONS AND PEACTICAL NOTES ON STEAM, the Steam- Engine, Propellers, &c., &c., for Young Engineers, Students, and others. By the late W. E. King, U. S. N. Eevised by Chief- Engineer J. W. King, U. S. Navy. " This is one of the best, because eminently plain and practical treatises on the Steam Engine ever published. ' — Philadelphia Press, This is the thirteenth edition of a valuable work of the late W. H. King, ^ U. S. IST. It contains lessons and practical notes on Steam and the Steam En- gine, Propellers, etc. It is calculated to be of great use to young marine en- gineers, students, and others. The text is illustrated and explained by nu- merous diagrams and representations of machinery. Daily Adver- tiser. Text-book at the U. S. Naval Academy, Annapolis. 28 SCIEWriFia BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Burgh's Modern Marine Engineering. One thick 4to vol. Cloth. $25.00. Half morocco. $30.00. MODEEN MARINE ENGINEEEING, applied to Paddle and Screw Propulsion. Consisting of 3G Colored Plates, 259 Practical Wood-cut Illustrations, and 408 pages of Descriptive Matter, the whole being an exposition of the present practice of the follow- ing firms : Messrs. J. Penn & Sons ; Messrs. Maudslay, Sons & Field ; Messrs. James Watt & Co. ; Messrs. J. & G. Eennie ; Messrs. P. Napier & Sons ; Messrs. J. & W. Dudgeon ; Messrs. Pavenhill & Hodgson ; Messrs. Humphreys & Tenant ; Mr. J. T. Spencer, and Messrs. Forrester & Co. By N. P. Burgh, Engineer. Principal Contents. — General Arrangements of Engines, 11 examples — General Arrangement of Boilers, 14 examples — General Arrangement of Superkeaters, 11 examples — Details of 'Oscillating Paddle Engines, 34 ex- amples — Condensers for Screw Engines, both Injection and Surface, 20 ex- amples — Details of Screw Engines, 20 examples — Cylinders and Details of Screw Engines, 21 examples — Slide Valves and Details, 7 examples — Slide Valve, Link Motion, 7 examples — Expansion Valves and Gear, 10 exam- ples — Details in General, 30 examples —Screw Propeller and Fittings, 13 ex- amples Engine and Boiler Fittings, 28 examples - In relation to the Princi- ples of the Marine Engine and Boiler, 33 examples. Notices of the Press. Every conceivable detail of the Marine Engine, under all its various forms, is profusely, and we must add, admirably illustrated by a multitude of engravings, selected from the best and most modern practice of the first Marine Engineers of the day. The chapter on Condensers is peculiarly valu- able. In one word, there is no other work in existt ncc which will bear a moment's comparison with it as an exponent of the skill, talent and practical experience to which is due the splendid reputation enjoyed by many British Marine "Rn^ixiQer^y — Engineer, This very comprehensive work, which was issued in Monthly parts, has just been completed. It contains large and full drawings and copious de- scriptions of most of the best examples of Modern Marine Engines, and it is a complete theoretical and practical treatise on the subject of Marine Engi- neering."— ^Im^r^'caTi Artisan . This is the only edition of th(^ above work with the beautifully colored plates, and it is out of print in England. Bourne's Treatise on the Stea% ^p- gine. Ninth BditioH. Illustrated. 4to. Cloth. $15.00. TEEATISE ON THE STEAM ENGINE in its various applica- tions to Mines, Mills, Steam Navigation, Eailways, and Agricul- ture, with, the theoretical investigations respecting the Motive Power of Heat and the proper Proportions of Steam Engines. Elaborate Tables of the right dimensions of every part, and Practical Instructions for the Manufacture and Management of every species of Engine in actual use. By John Bofexe, being the ninth edition of ^' A Treatise on the Steam Engine," by the "Artisan Club." Illustrated by thirty-eight plates and five hundred and forty-six wood-cuts. As Mr. Bourne's work has the great merit of avoiding unsound and imma- ture views, it may safely be consulted by all who are really desirous of ac- quiring trustworthy information on the subject of which it treats. During the twenty-two years which have elapsed from the issue of the first edition, the improvements introduced in the construction of the steam engine have been both numerous and important, and of these Mr. Bourne has taken care to point out the more prominent, and to furnish the reader with such infor- mation as shall enable him readily to judge of their relative value. This edi- tion has been thoroughly modernized, and made to accord with the opinions and practice of the more successful engineers of the present day. All that the book professes to give is given with ability and evident care. The scien- tific principles which are permanent are admirably explained, and reference is made to many of the more valuable of the recently introduced engines. To express an opinion of the value and utility of such a work as lite Artisan Club's Treatise on the Steam Engine, which has passed through eight editions already, would be superfluous ; but it may be safely stated that the work is worthy the attentive study of all either engaged in the manufacture of steam engines or interested in economizing the use of steam. — Mining Journal. Isherwood's Engineering Precedents. Two Vols, in One. 8vo. Cloth. $2.50. ENGINEEEING PEEOEDENTS EOE STEAM MACHINEEY. Arranged in the most practical and useful manner for Engineers. By B. E. IsHERwooD, Civil Engineer, U. S. Navy. With illus- trations. 80 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Ward's Steam for the Million. New and Ilevised Edition. 8vo. Cloth. $1.00. STEAM FOE THE MILLION. A Popular Treatise on Steam and its Application to the Useful Arts, especially to Naviga- tion. By J. H. Waed, Commander U. 8. Navy. New and re- vised edition. A most excellent work for the young engineer and general reader. Many facts relating to the management of the boiler and engine are set forth with a simplicity of language and perfection of detail that bring the subject home to the reader. — American Engineer. Walker's Screw Propulsion. 8vo. Cloth. 75 cents. NOTES ON SCEEW PEOPULSION, its Eise and History. By Capt. W. H. Walkee, U. S. Navy. Commander Walker's book contains an immense amount of concise practi- cal data, and every item of information recorded fully proves that the various points bearing upon it have been well considered previously to expressing an opinion. — London Mining Journal. Page's Earth's Crust. 18mo. Cloth. 75 cents. THE EAETH'S CRUST : a Handy Outline of Geology. By David Page. Such a work as this was much wanted — a work giving in clear and intel- ligible outline the leading facts of the science, without amplification or irk- some details. It is admirable in arrangement, and clear and easy, and, at the same time, forcible in style. It will lead, we hope, to the introduction of Geology into many schools that have neither time nor room for the study of large treatises." — The Museum. D. VAN JSrOSTEAND. 31 Rogers' G-eology of Peimsylvania. 3 Vols. 4to, with Portfolio of Maps. Cloth. $30.00. THE GEOLOGY OF PENNSYLVANIA. A Government Sur- vey. With a general view of tlie Geology of the United States, Essays on the Coal Formation and its Fossils, and a description of the Coal Fields of North America and Great Britain. By Henry Darwi^^ Eogers, Late State Geologist of Pennsylvania. Splendidly illustrated with Plates and Engravings in the Text. It certainly should be in every public library i^nroughout the country, and likewise in the possession of all students of Geology. After the final sale of these copies, the work will, of course, become more valuable. The work for the last five years has been entirely out of the market, but a few copies that remained in the hands of Prof. Rogers, in Scotland, at the time of his death, are now offered to the public, at a price wVich is even below what it was originally sold for when first published. Morfit on Pure Fertilizers. With 28 Illustrative Plates. 8vo. Cloth. $20.00, A PEACTICAL TEEATISE ON PUEE FEETILIZEES, and the Chemical Conversion of Eock Guanos, Marlstones, Coprolites, and the Crude Phosphates of Lime and Alumina Generally, into various Valuable Products. By Campbell Morfit, M.D., E.C.S. Sweet's Report on Coal. Svo. Cloth. $;ioo. SPECIAL EEPOET ON COAL ; showing its Distribution, Classi- fication, and Cost delivered over different routes to various points in the State of New York, and the principal cities on the Atlantic Coast. By S. H. Sweet. With maps. Oolburn's Gas Works of London. 12mo. Boards. 60 cents. GAS WORKS OP LONDON. By Zeeah Colburn. 32 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY The Useful Metals and their Alloys ; Scoffren, Truran, and others. Fifth Edition. 8vo. Half calf. $3.73. THE USEFUL METALS AND THEIR ALLOYS, including MINING VENTILATION, MINING JUEISPEUDENCE AND METALLURGIC CHEMISTRY employed in the conver- sion of IRON, COPPER, TIN, ZINC, ANTIMONY, AND LEAD ORES, with their applications to THE INDUSTRIAL ARTS. By John Scoffren, William Teuean, William Clay, RoBEUT OxLAND, AViLLiAM Faiiibaien, W. C. Aitkin, and Wil- liam VosE Pickett. Collins' Useful Alloys. 18mo. Flexible. 75 cents. THE PEIVATE BOOK OF USEFUL ALLOYS and Memo- randa for Goldsmiths, Jewellers, etc. By James E. Collins This little book is compiled from notes made by the Author from the papers of one of the largest and most eminent Manufacturing Groldsmiths and Jewellers in this country, and as the firm is now no longer in existence, and the Author is at present engaged in some other undertaking, he now offers to the public the benefit of his experience, and in so doing he begs to state that all the alloys, etc., given in these pages may be confidently relied on as being thoroughly practicable. The Memoranda and Receipts throughout this book are also compiled from practice, and will no doubt be found useful to the practical jeweller. —Shirley, July, 1871. Joynson s Metals Used in Construction. 12mo. Cloth. 75 cents. THE METALS USED IN CONSTEUCTION : Iron, Steel, Bessemer Metal, etc., etc. By Francis IIehbert Joynson. Il- lustrated. " In the interests of practical science, we are bound to notice this work ; and to those who wish further information, we should say, buy it ; and the outlay, we honestly believe, will be considered well spent." — Scientific Review. D. VAN jSrOSTEANB, I 33 HoUey's Ordnance and Armor, 493 Engravings. Half Roan, $10.00. Half Russia, $12.00. A TEEATISE ON ORDNANCE AND AEMOE— Embracing Descriptions, Discussions, and Professional Opinions concerning the Material, Eabrication, Requirements, Capabilities, and En- durance of European and American Guns, for Naval, Sea Coast, and Iron-clad Warfare, and their Rifling, Projectiles, and Breech-Loading ; also. Results of Experiments against Armor, from Official Records, with an Appendix referring to Gun-Cotton , Hooped Guns, etc., etc. By Alexander L. Holley, B. P. 948 pages, 493 Engravings, and 147 Tables of Results, etc. Contents. Chapter I. — Standard Guns and their Fabrication Described : Section 1 . Hooped Guns ; Section 2. Solid Wrought Iron Guns ; Section 3. Solid Steel Guns ; Section 4. Cast-Iron Guns. Chapter II. — The Requirements of Guns, Armor: Section 1. The Work to be done; Section 2. Heavy Shot at Low Ve- locities ; Section 3. Small Shot at High Velocities ; Section 4. The two Sys- tems Combined ; Section 5. Breaching Masonry. Chapter III. — The Strains and Structure of Guns: Section 1. Resistance to Elastic Pressure; Section 2. The Effects of Vibration; Section 3. The Effects of Heat. Chapter IV.— Cannon Metals and Processes of Fabrication: Section 1. Elasticity and Ductil- ity; Section 2. Cast-Iron; Section 3. Wrought Iron; Section 4. Steel; Sec- tion 5. Bronze ; Section 6. Other Alloys. Chapter V. — Rifling and Projec- tiles; Standard Forms and Practice Described; Early Experiments; The Centring System ; The Compressing System ; The Expansion System ; Armor Punching Projectiles ; Shells for Molten Metal ; Competitive Trial of Rifled Guns, 18G2; Duty of Rifled Guns: General Uses, Accuracy, Range, Velocity, Strain, Liability of Projectile to Injury ; Firing Spherical Shot from Rifled Guns ; Material for Armor-Punching Projectiles ; Shape of Armor-Punching Projectiles; Capacity and Destructiveness of Shells; Elongated Shot from Smooth Bores; Conclusions; Velocity of Projectiles (Table). Chapter VI. — Breech-Loading Advantages and Defects of the System; Rapid Firing and Cooling Guns by Machinery ; Standard Breech-Loaders Described. Part Sec- ond : Experiments against Armor ; Account of Experiments from Official Records in Chronological Order. Appendix. — Report on the Application of Gun-Cotton to Warlike Purposes — British Association, 1863 ; Manufacture and Experiments in England ; Guns Hooped with Initial Tension — History; How Guns Burst, by Wiard, Lyman's Accelerating Gun; Endurance of Parrott and Whitworth Guns at Charleston ; Hooping old United States Cast-iron Guns ; Endurance and Accuracy of the Armstrong 600-pounder ; Competitive Trials with 7-inch Guns. 34 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Peirce's Analytic Mechanics. 4to. Cloth. $10.00. SYSTEM OF ANALYTIC MECHANICS. Physical and Celestial Mechanics. By Benjamin Peirce, Perkins Professor of Astronomy and Mathematics in Harvard University, and Consulting As- tronomer of the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. Developed in four systems of Analytic Mechanics, Celestial Mechanics, Potential Physics, and Analytic Morphology. " I have re-examined the memoirs of the great geometers, and have striven to consoUdate their latest researches and their most exalted forms of thought into a consistent and uniform treatise. If I have hereby succeeded in open- ing to the students of my country a readier access to these choice jewels of intellect ; if their brilliancy is not impaired in this attempt to reset them ; if, in their own constellation, they illustrate each other, and coticentrate a stronger light upon the names of their discoverers , and, still more, if any gem which I may have presumed to add is not wholly lustreless in the collec- tion, I shall feel that my work has not been in vain." — Extract from the PrC' face. Burt's Key to Solar Compass. Second Edition. Pocket Book Form. Tuck. $2.50. KEY TO THE SOLAE COMPASS, and Surveyor's Companion ; comprising all the Eules necessary for use in the field; also, Description of the Linear Surveys and Public Land System of the United States, Notes on the Barometer, Suggestions for an outfit for a Survey of four months, etc., etc., etc. By W. A. Burt, U. S. Deputy Surveyor. Second edition. Chauvenet's Lunar Distances. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. NEW METHOD OF COEEECTING LUNAE DISTANCES, and Improved Method of Finding the Error and Eate of a Chro- nometer, by equal altitudes. By Wm. Cuauyenet, LL.D., Chan- cellor of AVashington University of St. Louis. D. TAN NOSTRAND. 35 JefFers' Nautical Surveying. Illustrated with 9 Copperplates and 31 Wood-cut Illustrations. 8vo. Cloth. $5.00. NAUTICAL SURVEYING. By William N. Jeffees, Caiotain U. S. Navy. Many books have been written on each of the subjects treated of in the sixteen chapters of this work; and, to obtain a complete knowledge of geodetic surveying requires a profound study of the whole range of mathe- matical and physical sciences ; but a year of preparation should render any intelligent officer competent to conduct a nautical survey. Contents. — Chapter I. Formuhe and Constants Useful in Surveying II. Distinctive Character of Surveys. III. Hydrographic Surveying under Sail ; or, Running Survey. IV. Hydrographic Surveying of Boats ; or, Har- bor Survey. V. Tides — Definition of Tidal Phenomena — Tidal Observations. VI. Measurement of Bases — Appropriate and Direct. VII. Measurement of the Angles of Triangles — Azimuths — Astronomical Bearings. VIII. Correc- f tions to be Applied to the Observed Angles. IX. Levelling — Difference of Level. X. Computation of the Sides of the Triangulation — The Three-point Problem. XI. Determination of the Geodetic Latitudes, Longitudes, and Azimuths, of Points of a Triangulation. XII. Summary of Subjects treated of in preceding Chapters — Examples of Computation by various Formulae. XIII. Projection of Charts and Plans. XIV. Astronomical Determination of Latitude and Longitude. XV. Magnetic Observations. XVI. Deep Sea Soundings. XVII. Tables for Ascertaining Distances at Sea, and a full Index, List of Plates. Plate I. Diagram Illustrative of the Triangulation. II. Specimen Page of Field Book. III. Running Survey of a Coast. IV. Example of a Running Survey from Belcher. V. Flying Survey of an Island. VI. Survey of a Shoal. VII. Boat Survey of a River. VIII. Three-Point Problem. IX. Triangulation. Coffin's Navigation. Fifth Edition, 12mo. Cloth. $3.50. NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTEONOMY. Prepared for the use of the U. S. Naval Academy. By J. H. C. CoFri]S', Prof, of Astronomy, Navigation and Surveying, with 52 Avood- cut illustrations. 3G i^CIENTIFIG BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Clark's Theoretical Navigation. 8vo. Cloth. $3.00. THEORETICAL NAVIGATION AND NAUTICAL ASTEON- OMY. By Lewis Clark, Lieut. -Commander, U. S. Navy. Il- lustrated with 41 Wood-cuts, including the Vernier. Prepared for Use at the U. S. Naval Academy. The Plane Table. Illustrated. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. ITS USES IN TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYING. From the Papers of the U. S. Coast Survey. This work gives a description of the Plane Table employed at the U. S. Coast Survey Office, and the manner of using it. Pook on Shipbuilding. 8vo. Cloth. $5.00. METHOD OF COMPARING THE LINES AND DRAUGHT- ING VESSELS PROPELLED BY SAIL OR STEAM, in- cluding a Chapter on Laying off on the Mould-Loft Floor. By Samuel M. Pook, Naval Constructor. 1 vol., 8vo. With illus- trations. Cloth. $5.00. Brunnow's Spherical Astronomy. 8yo. Cloth. $6.50. SPHERICAL ASTRONOMY. By F. Biiunnow, Ph. Dr. Trans- lated by the Author from the Second German edition. Van Buren's Formnlas. , 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. INVESTIGATIONS OF FOEMULAS, for the Strength of the Iron Parts of Steam Machinery. By J. D. Van Buken, Jr., 0. E. Illustrated. This is an analytical discussion of the formulse employed by mechanical engineers in determining the rupturing or crippling pressure in the different parts of a machine. The forynulse are founded upon the principle, that the different parts of a machine should be equally strong, and are developed in reference to the ultimate strength of the material in order to leave the choice of a factor of safety to the judgment of the designer,— SiUiman^s JouimaL Joynson on Machine Gearing, 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. THE MECHANIC'S AND STUDENT'S GUIDE in the Design- ing and Construction of General Machine Gearing, as Eccentrics, Screws, Toothed Wheels, etc., and the Drawing of Eectilineal and Curved Surfaces ; with Practical Bules and Details. Edited by Fkancis Herbert Joynson. Illustrated with 18 folded plates. " The aim of this work is to be a guide to mechanics in the designing and construction of general machine-gearing. This design it well fulfils, being plainly and sensibly written, and profusely illustrated." — Sunday Times. Barnard's Report, Paris Exposition, 1867. Illustrated. 8vo. Cloth. $5.00. REPOET ON MACIIINEEY AND PEOCESSES ON THE INDUSTEIAL AETS AND APPAEATUS OF THE EXACT SCIENCES. By F. A. P. Barnard, LL.D.— Paris Universal Exposition, 1867. " We have in this volume the results of Dr. Barnard's gtudy of the Paris Exposition of 1867, in the form of an official Report of the Government. It is the most exhaustive treatise upon modern inventions that has appeared since the Universal Exhibition of 1851, and we doubt if anything equal to it has appeared this eexdviVj.''^ — Journal Applied Chemistry. 38 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Engineering Facts and Figures. 18mo. Cloth. $2.50 per Volume. AN ANNUAL EEGISTER OF PEOGEESS IN MECHANI- CAL ENGINEERING AND CONSTEUCTION, for the Years 1863-64-65-66-67-68. Fully illustrated. 6 volumes. Each volume sold separately. Beckwith's Pottery. '8vo. Cloth. $1.50. OBSEEVATIONS ON THE MATERIALS and Manufacture of Terra-Cotta, Stone-Ware, Eire-Brick, Porcelain and Encaustic Tiles, with Remarks on the Products exhibited at the London International Exhibition, 187 L By Arthur Beck with, Civil Engineer. " Everything is noticed in this book which comes under the head of Pot- tery, from fine porcelain to ordinary brick, and aside from the interest which all take in such manufactures, the work will be of considerable value to followers of the ceramic art." — Evening Mail. Dodd's Dictionary of Manufactures, etc, 12mo. Cloth. $2.00. DICTIONARY OF MANUFACTURES, MINING, MACHIN- ERY, AND THE INDUSTRIAL ARTS. By George Dodd, This work, a small book on a great subject, treats, in ali)habetical ar- rangement, of those numerous matters which come generally within the range of manufactures and the productive arts. The raw materials — animal, vege- table, and mineral — whence the manufactured products are derived, are suc- cinctly noticed in connection with the processes which they undergo, but not as subjects of natural history. The operations of the Mine and the Mill, the Foundry and the Forge, the Factory and the "Workshop, are passed under re- view. The principal machines and engines, tools and apparatus, concerned in manufacturing processes, are briefly described. The scale on which our chief branches of national industry are conducted, in regard to values and quantities, is indicated in various ways. IX VAN jSrOSTRAND. 39 i Stuart's Civil and Military Engineer- ing of America. I 8vo. Illustrated. Cloth. $5.00. THE CIVIL AND MILITARY ENGINEERS OF AMERICA. By General Charles B. 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UNIVEESAL DICTIONAEY OE WEIGHTS AND MEAS- URES, Ancient and Modern, reduced to the standards of the United States of America. By J. H. Alexander. New edition. 1 vol. " As a standard work of reference, this book should be in every library ; it is one which we have long wanted, and it will save much trouble and re- search." — Scientific A merimn. Gouge on Ventilation- Third Edit ton Enlarged. 8vo. Cloth. $2.00. NEW SYSTEM OF VENTILATION, which has been thoroughly tested under the patronage of many distinguished persons. By Henry A. Gouge, with many illustrations. 40 SCIENTIFIC BOOKS PUBLISHED BY Saeltzer's Acoustics. 12mo. Cloth. $2.00. TEEATISE ON ACOUSTICS in Connection with Ventilation. With a new theory based on an important discovery, of facilitat- ing clear and intelligible sound in any building. By Alexandeh Saeltzer. " A practical and very sound treatise on a subject of great importance to architects, and one to which there has hitherto been entirly too little attention paid. 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Consists of Articles, original and selected, and matter condensed from all the Engineering Scientific Serial Publications of Europe and America. The seventh volume of this Magazine was completed by the issue for December, 1872. The growing success during the past four years demonstrates the correctness of the theory upon which the enterprise was founded. Communications from many sources prove that the Magazine has met a wide-spread want among the members of the engineering profession. A summary of scientific intelligence, selected and sifted from the great list of American and European scientific journals, is at pres- ent afforded by no other means than through the pages of this Magazine. In the sixth volume, beginning with January (1872) number, we commenced some important improvements. Each number of the Magazine will hereafter contain something of value relating to each of the great departments of engineering labor. More space than heretofore will be devoted to short discussions or elucidations of important formulae, especially such as have proved valuable in the practice of working engineers ; our facilities for affording such items are extensive and rapidly increasing. The progress of great engineering works in this country will be duly chronicled. Selected and condensed articles, with their illustrations, from English, French, German, Austrian, and American scientific peri- odicals, will contribute to make this Magazine more than ever valuable to the engineering profession, and will afford a compila- tion without which the library of the working engineer will be incomplete. Issued in Monthly numbers, illustrated. Price $5 a year in ad- vance ; single copies, 50c. Notice to New Subscribers. — Persons commencing their subscrip- tions with the Eighth Vol. (January, 1878), and who are desirous of possessing the work from its commencement, will be supplied with Volumes I., II., III., IV., v., VI., and VII., neatly bound in cloth, for $20.00; half morocco, $30.00. Single Volumes to complete Sets furnished. Volume I., $5.00, cloth; $7.50, half morocco. Volumes II. to VII., $3.00 each, cloth ; $5.00, half morocco ; sent free by mail or express on receipt of price. Notice to Clubs. — An extra copy will be supplied gratis to every Club of five subscribers at $5.00 each, sent in one remittance. H. OHAMPm 8c GILLET, IMPORTERS OF French Bessemer Steel Rails, OLD AND NEW IRON RAILS, SOLE AGENTS AND REPRESENTATIVES IN NORTH AMERICA OF MM. L. & E. PAYIN DE LAFARGE AND MM. SOULLIER & BRUNOT, THE ONLY PEOPRIETOKS OF THE F, Q. Box S012. NEW YORK. Date Due