' ) » ) ) >’ . / ' ■ '■ , l' N ^ 4 ENG LAND’S Newell way in all forts of Cookery, Pastry, AND AH Pickles that are fit to be Ufed. Adorn’d with Copper Plates, fetting forth the Manner of placing Dirties upon Tables 3 And the Neweft Fartiions of Mince-Pies. * By HENRY HOWARD , Free Cook of London, and late Cook to his Grace the Duke of Ormond, and fince to the Earl of Salisbury, and Earl of tVinchelfea. LIKEWISE The beft Receipts for making Cakes, Mack- roons, Biskets,Ginger-bread, French-bread : As alfo for Prelerving,G©nferving, Candying and Drying Fruits, Confeftioning and making of Creams, Syllabubs, and Marmalades of feveral forts. The Second Edition with Additions and Amendments; LONDON, Printed for and Sold by Cbr. Coningsby , at the Ink-bottle againft Glifford’s-lnn Back-Gate, in tetter-lane, Fleetftreet, 1708. ■ 1 ' -**-■ 4 ? \ \ V In •;,vv fb*. v/. /* v e - , Y.n.i.^or* ' . - ; H; * Jfju -T t . . I. .w ; (T1 J y ■ ILa i < : > " '.nk ; - k ’ b klul r. ’ >!.• • iI2<. * ; T (‘-.CJ ■ .a -i ! . 4 ~' ' * * • *-*'1 *> L»ik v* .kMSk fU; '• TSI ft 7 \ k . . ■ .a- .. 3 ’ ' ' n v~-.:'-‘hnr. " - u') ju ’k'i'v! ! " t ■ ! <' ■ n ,'k.v. V... • - % " * r, "if; f v V i V : 1‘iitac 1 ; 1 1 a i • * \ ' '■a ?k,; >-> ,yj !•>■:] sdl'i ; k r. ’ ;„>{;■ noo'i i > * H'H'!# 1 , 1 ,, t • 'cl ’•■>»■*» n «! t 1 < , • ■ . .. , : r:(; / . . *»> > • Mi.. • > !!.?.< it. -rCr i l . ✓: i ^ b >A '>\fl /’ ' .'t ; ;\o c, bn *.•'! t* »'A f»i us* -u v .r-.vs'..',.. / s . iV. V' i THE BOOKSELLER V*.« , V * v . . I ' I ',W To THE READER. • J * ‘ ; l % 4 * ' 5 f ' . *) * * ‘ > • - T U E Author hereof (Mr . Ho¬ ward) being a Perfon Very « well skill'd in the me eft amt neweft parts of Cookery , having about twelve Months Jince offer d me the Copy hereof \ I was prevail’d upon (by the ad¬ vice of fome friends well skill'd in that Art) to Print the fame , which having done , and it meeting with fo uniVerfal a Reception{Thanks to the Encouragers of Cookery ) as that the whole Imprefion A % went To the Reader. went off in kfs than a tears time , 1 was encourag'd to make a Second Edition , with large Additions, hy fome of the Au¬ thor s Friends $ not of 73 Ibid. 121 Ibid. 122 ibid. 124 134 135 Winder The TAB L E. Winter Cheefe-cakes with Pujf-Pajle Ibid* To make Cujlards ? 7 6 Rice Cujlards 77 Cucumbers to Pickle $7,95, 131 Colly-Flowers to Pickle 89 Currant-cream to make . 125 Goojberry-cream to make Ibid. Sage-cream to make 126 A Conferve for Tarts of any Fruit that will keep all the Tear. Cherries to Preferve To Conferve any fort of Flowers , To CoTtferve Strawberries, To Candy Ginger To candy Cherries To Candy Elicampane Roots To Candy Barberries To candy Grapes To candy Eringo-Roots Co?nfits to make \ Confections to Perfume Cyder to Order D. To Drefs a Shoulder of Mutton in Blood Dutch Cheefe Dutch Wafers To Dry Plumbs , Grapes , &c. To Difj up a Dif) of Fruits with Flowers E. Eels to Stew Eels to Roajl Eels to collar Eggs a Frigafee A 4 hi 113 11 6 Ibid. Ibid. 117 Ibid. Ibid, Ibid. Ibid. 11S 124 141 57 67 7 o 118 124 27 3 i 86 6 2 Elder The TABLE. Elder Wine to make 127 F. Force* d-meat Balls 18 Olive Florendine 21 Steak Florendine 22 Rice Florendine Ibid. Almond Florendine 23 A Florendine Ibid. Fiji) when in Seafon 154 Fowls and Rabbets when in Seafon Ibid. Fiji) to Drefs. 2 6 A Frigafee of Eggs 62 Frigafee of Rabbets or Chickens 43 For the Fore d-meat Balls. 44 Frigafee White Ibid. Frigafee of Pigeons Ibid. Frigafee of Mujhrooms 45 To Force a Legg of Mutton 4 <$ To Force a Legg of Lamb 47 French Bread to make Ho Fowls to Malleret 5 i Fowls to Pott 82 To Fry a Neck or Loin of La?nb _ 57 To Fry Beef Ibid. Court Fritters 7 1 Skirret Fritters Ibid. French Beans to Pickle 8 9 Fruits to Fiji) up with Flowers 124 A Bifque of Fijh 12 9 G. Geefe Alatnode 52 Gravy to keep, to make 59, 60 Goofberry Tanfey 69 Coos'- The TABLE. Goojberries to keep 94 Goosberries to Preferve 112 Ginger-bread to make no H. A Hogooe 3 9 To Hajh a Calvefiead 5 3 To Hajl) a Legg of Mutton Ibid. To HaJ!) a Shoulder of Mutton $ $ Hare to Roaji 57 Hare to Pott 83 Hedgehog 66 Honey of Midberries to make 121 I. Jumbals to make 108 Jelly of fjhtinces^ Currans or Goosberries 121 An Excellent Junket to make 125 l: Lobjlers to Roaji 31 Lobjiers to Pickle 32 Legg of Lamb to Force 47 A Neck or Loin of Lamb Fried 57 Legg of Mutton like Weftphalia Ham 53 Cheeje Loaves 73 Limon Cakes to make 121 Limon Cream to make 138 A Leach of Almonds to make 123 M. To Malleret Soals. 3 2 To Malleret Fowl 51 A Monajlick 40 A Legg of Mutton to Force 4 6 A Leg of Mutton to Hajh 54 A Shoulder of Mutton to Hajh 5 % ■4 The TABLE; A Shoulder of Mutton to Drefs in Blood 57 A Breajl of Mutton to Collar 61 A Neck of Mutton to Stew $ $ A Neck or Loin of Mutton in Cutlets 58 Mufhrooms to Pickle 90, 91 Mackaroons to make 109, 123 Medlers to Preferve JH Mulberries to Preferve , 112 Marmalade of Oranges to make 119 Marmalade of Grapes to make . \ 12Q Marmalade the Italian Fafinon 122 Marmalade of Pruins, Raijins y &c* 126 M >uth-water to make 1 28 Mined Pies to make with Neats Tongues 14 6 Mnjlard to make 149 N. A Neck of Veal to Ragou 49 A Neck of Mutton to Stew 55 Neats Tongues to Dry 144 O. Oyjlers to Stew 27 Oyfter Loaves 29 Oyjlers to Pickle 3 2 Oyjlers GrilVd in Shells 130 The Olea 3 8 To make Olives 5 1 Omlet of Eggs 62 Orange Tarts -74 Oranges and Limom Artificial 119 Orange Butter I2J P. Almond Pudding 9 mite The TABLE. White Puddings io, 11 Black Puddings ir Italian Pudding I Pippin Pudding 2 Orange Pudding Ibid* Carot Pudding Ibid. Oatmeal Pudding 3 Rice Pudding Ibid. Marrow Pudding 4 Excellent Pudding Ibid. Good Puddings $, 6 Calves-foot Pudding Ibid. Pudding to boil Chickens or Pigeons with 7 Cabbage Pudding Ibid. Quaking Pudding 8 Shaking Puddhig of Almonds 9 Hajly Pudding Ibid. Almond Pudding in Guts 10 Liver Pudding 1 2 Little Puddings 71 A ghiaking Pudding 130 An Orange Puddhig 131 A Bran Pudding to make 135 Carp Pye 12 Salmon Pye 13 Potatoo Pye 14 Artichoke Pye Ibid. Egg Pye Ibid. Lumber Pye 1 <> Stump Pye Ibid. Powlett Pye 1 6 Calves-foot Pye 17 Pan cakes to make 149 Chicken The TABLE. Chicken Pye !7 Caudle for it Ibid. Hare Pye 18 Jiblet Pye 19 A Lamb Pye to make 119 ,140 Venifon Pajly 19 Sweet-bread Pajlies 72 Kidney Pajlies Ibid. Pajle Royal 25 White Pujf pajle Ibid. Pvfpajle Ibid. Pajle to Fry 75 Pajle of Cherries to make 120 Pike to boil 30 Pike to Roajl 31 Vickies 87,88,89,90,91,92,93,94,9? To Pickle Lobjlers 32 To Pickle Oyjlers Ibid. To Pickle Tongues S 3 To pickle Pigeons 6 5 To pickle AJben-Keys 133 To Pickle Limons , or Great Cucuvibers 87 To pickle Walnuts 88 To pickle French Beans 89 To pickle Colly-flowers Ibid. To pickle Plumb-Buds 90 To pickle Mujhrooms 90, 91, 131 To pickle Afparagus 92 To pickle Samphire Ibid. To pickle Barberries 93 , '33 Peafe Soop 36 Peafe Pottage Ibid. Plumb Pottage r ' 7 ureen The TABLE. Green Peafe to keep Pigeons to Ragon Pigeons to Stew Pigeons to pickle Pigeons to Pot Petty Potatoes Pippins to Stew Pears to Stew Pippin Tanfey Pippin Tarts. Pippins to Preferve To Pot Salmon To Put Tongues To Pot Lobjlers To Pot Beef like Venifon To Pot Pork To Pot Fowles To Pot Pigeons To Pot Hare Pig to Collar Plumb-buds to pickle Plumbs Grapes , &c. to dry To preferve Medlers. To preferve Mulberries To preferve Goosberries To preferve Cherries To preferve Walnuts To preferve Apricocks To preferve Green Pippins To preferve Barberies To preferve Pears To preferve Black Cherries To preferve Erwgo-Roots 94 So S6 *S 85 6$ 6 1 68 Ibid. 73 J 43 78 79 80 Ibid. 81 82 8 ? Ibid. 86 90 118 mi 112 Ibid. Ibid. i. 1 3 Ibid. 114 Ibid. Ibid. US? Ibid. A The TABLE* A Perfume to perfume any fort of Confeftions i 24 Q? Qinddany of Plumbs, Apples , Quinces, or any other Plumbs t ' no Jelly of Quince, See. 121 Red Quince-Cakes to make Ibid. Clear or tranfparent Qiiince-Cakes 122 White Quince-Cakes to make Ibid. R. To Roajl Pike 31 To Roajl an Pel Ibid. To Roajl Lobjlers Ibid. ' To Roajl a Hare. ’ 57. To Ragou a breaSl of Veal 48 Tq^ Ragou a Neck of Veal 49 To Ragou Pigeons , $o: Reef Royal Ibid. To Seafon Turkey, Goofe , or Capons 20' To Seafon Veal or Lamb Ibid. To Seafon Mince Pyes 21 To Seafon Cheefe-Cakes 24 To Seafon Cu(lards Ibid. A good Sack-Poffet to make 127, 13 9 To Stew Pippins 65, 74 To Stew Carps 27 To Stew Eels Ibid. To Stew Oyfers 28 To Stew a Neck of Mutton v To Stew Veal 56 To Stew Chickens Ibid. To Stew Pigeons Ibid. Savfe for Fifh 28 Saufe 152, The TABLE. Saufe for Roaji Venlfon 9$ Saufe for Wild Ducks 133 Saufe jor Turkeys or Capons 136 Saufe for Wild Fowl 137 Saufe for Venlfon or Hare Ibid. Sauce for Green Geefe , or Toung Ducks Ibid. Sauces for Roaji Pigeons, or Doves 146 Saufes for Land-Fowl, &c. 147 To make Saufe or Fickle to keep Venlfon in that is tainted Other Saufe for tainted Venifon Soals to Malleret White Soop Brown Soop Feafe Soop ’ Scotch Collops Syder to Order A Salamongundy Sweet-bread Paflies Spinage Tarts Salmon to Pot Saufages to make Saif ages without Skins to make Samphire to Pickle To Soufe Pike To make Sweet-meats of any Apples A Whipt Syllabub to make Almond Syllabub to make Syrrup §f Barberries to make T. Turkey , Goofe, or Pigeons to Seafoy Tongues to Pickle Tongues to Pot 1 52 » in 32 33 34 36 41 141,142 64 72 75 7 * 81 I44 92 134 lit 125 123 126 18 52 p- : l Pippin The TABLE. Pippin Tanfey 6 S Gousberry Tanfey 69 Good Tanfey Ibid. Almond Tanfey 7° A Beef Tanfey 131 A Tanfey without Frying 116 Neats Tongue to Roajl 145 Neats longue or Udder to Roajl Ibid. A Tanfey to make the bejl Way 150 A Tanfey for Lent i?i Pippin Tarts 11 Orange Tarts 74 Tart de Moy 76 V. Veal or Lamb to Seafort 20 Veal Alamode 47 Veal to Stew 56 A Breajl 0} Veal to Collar 85 , 132 A Breaji of Veal to Ragoit 48 A Neck of Veal to Ragou 49 A Saufe for Roajl Venifon 96 Venifon Pajly 19 Elder Vinegar to make 148 Verjuice to make Ibid. w. ■ white Soop V Walnuts to Pickle 88 Walnuts to Preferve 113 Elder-Wine to make 128 E NG - i t ENGLAND'S Neweft Way of COOK E R Y. Of puddings. I. Italian Puddivg. T A K E a Pint of Cream * a penny white Loaf, ten Eggs , a beaten Nutmeg 5 butter the Bottom of your Difh, and round the Sides : Then cut twelve Pippins in round Slices, and lay in the Bottom ; throw a little O- range-peel over them, and fome fine Sugar 5 pour half a Pint of Claret over tftem, and then the Puddings make Puff-paft over it, and it will be baked in half an Hour; lay the Pafte round the fides of your Diih. B 2, Pippin 2 England’/ Nemft Way 2 . Pippin Pudding. Take twelve Pippins, boil them tender* and fcrape them clean from the Core,and put in a Pint of Cream, feafoned with Orange- flower, or Rofe-water, and Sugar to your Tafte} and put good Puff-pafte in your Difhj bake it in a flack Oven, grate Loaf-fugar over it, and fend it. 3. Orange Pudding. Take two right Sevil Oranges * take off a little of the out-fide Rind, and lqueeze out the Juice and Seeds, lay them in Water three Days, fhifting the Water every day: Then fet on a Pot of Water, make it boil, and put them in a Mortar, and beat them into a a Palte } then put in double their Weight of double Refined-fugar, eight Eggs, leave out half the Whites j then boil a Pint of Cream, fet it to be cold, and put them in tvith three or four fpoonfuls of Sack } grate the Quantity of a Half-penny Roll, and put in, with half a pound of fweet Butter melt¬ ed, fweeten it to your Tafte, and put it into a Difh with Puff-pafte round it, and it will require no more baking than a Cuftard. 4. Carrot Pudding. Take a large Carrot, boil it tender * then fet it by to be cold, and grate it through a hair Sieve very fine} then put in half a pound of of Cookery, See. 3 of melted Rutter; beaten together,with eight Eggs; leave out half the Vv hites, with two or three fpoonfuls of Sack, or Orange-flower- water, half a Pint of good thick Cream, a Nutmeg, grated Bread, and a little Salt ; Make itthe thicknefs of the Orange-Pudding, and the fame baking; fweeten it to your Tafte with fine Sugar, make Puff-pafte, grate Sugar over it, and fend it. 5. Oat-Meal Pudding. Take a Pint of fine Oat-meal, boil it in new Milk and Cream, a littleCinamon and Nutmeg, and beaten Mace; and when it is about the thicknefs of hafty Pudding ; take it off, and ftir in half a pound of fvveet But¬ ter, and eight Eggs (leave out half the VYhites) very well beaten, and put in two or three fpoonfuls of Sack, and make PufF- pafte, and lay round your Dilh, and but¬ ter it very well, and bake it, but not too much; fend it. 6 . Rice Padding* Take half a pound of Rice, boil it in new Milk till it is fbfr and tender; then let it by to be cold, and cover it clo/e ; then grate one Nutmeg, one penny-worth of Mace bea¬ ten, ten Eggs, leave out half the Whites, with two or three fpoonfuls of Sack, or O- range-flower-water, a Pint of Cream; Iwee- ten it to your Tafte with good fine Sugar, R 2 melt 4 England / Nemft Way melt a pound of frefh Butter, and mix all thefe together with the Rice, when cold j then Ihread a quarter of a pound of Mutton or Beef-fuit, ftrow it a top, and it will make it look with an Icen •, then make Puff-pafte and lay in the bottom of your Difh,and three quarters of a pound of Currans will do for this quantity, plump your Currans before you put them in but it is genteeler with¬ out Currans $ ftrow Sugar over.it, and lend it to your Ladifhips Table for a Pudding that I like. 7. Marrow Pudding. Take a Quart of Cream, and boil it with a Blade of Mace, fet it to be cold a little : Then beat ten Eggs, leaving out half the Whites, and put to your Cream } then cut a penny Loaf into dices, and lay a Layer of Bread, and a Layer of Marrow with a few Raifins of the Sun 5 and fo do till you have laid out your penny Loaf, and three quarters of a pound of Marrow : Then fweeten your Cream and Eggs, and put in two Ipoonfuls of Orange-flower-water j pour it over your bread with a thin Puff-paite in the bottom, and round the fides of your Difli j fend it. 8. Excellent Pudding. Take a Quart of Cream, boil it with two Manchets, and grate in one Nutmeg, fix Yolks and four VVhites of Eggs well beaten, with of Cookery, 8 cc. y with your bread and Cream at leaft half an Hour together ^ then put into it a pound of Beef-fuet finely minced, half a pound of Su¬ gar, a little Salt, bake it three quarters of an Hour in a quick Oven, the fame way boil¬ ed without Suet as long is as good. 9. Good Pudding. Take a penny white Loaf, pare off all the Cruft and' flice it thin into a Difh with a Quart of Cream, fet it over aChaftin-difh of Coals, till the bread be almoftdry; then put in a piece of fweet butter, and take it off and let it Hand to be cold ^ then take the Yolks of three Eggs, the White of one, with a little Role-water,Sugar and Nutmeg * ftir them very well together ^ then put it in another Difh, butter it, and when it comes out of the Oven, grate over it line Sugar 5 lend it. 10. Good Pudding. Take grated Bread, as much Flower; then take four Eggs, two Whites, a good quan¬ tity of Sugar, wet it with Cream to the thicknefs of Pancake batter •, then put in lome Railins of the Sun, and butter your Difh very well, and bake it half an Hour, ftrow over it grated Sugar, and fend it to the Table. B 3 11. Good 6 England’/ Nerve ft Way 1 1; Good Pudding. Take a Quart of Cream, put to it a pound of beef-fuet cut fmall, leafon it with Nut¬ meg, Rofe-water and Sugar : Then grate two Marichets, and beat fcven Eggs, put in half a pound of Currans ^ mingle all thefe well together, butter the Difh, and bake it not too much 3 grate Sugar over it. 12. Green Pudding. Take fome boiled Mutton minced, with heef-fuet fhredded, a little Time, Marjoram and Partly,and a handful of Spinage^then mix all thefe together with a little grated bread, and three Yolks of Eggs, fome Cream,' Su¬ gar and Nutmeg, Currans, and a little Flow¬ er ^ then rowl it up in a Sheep’s Caul * bake and fend it. 13. Calves-Foot Pudding. Boil two pair of Calves-feet very tender, and let them by to be cold $ then cut the Meat oft and mince it very fmall •, then dice a penny Loaf and fcald a pint of Cream, fhred fix Ounces of Beef-fuet very fine, with five Yolks and two Whites of Eggs well beaten, a good handful of Currans, Nut¬ meg, Sugar and Salt 5 then fold a Caul of a bread; of Veal like a lheet of Paper, lea¬ ving one End open, fill it with the Pudding, and a good quantity of Marrow, fow it up v in 1 Of Cookery, Sec, 7 in a Cloth and boil it almoft two Hours; then take it up and lay it on Sippets with Verjuice, butter and Sugar, flick it with blanched Almonds, Orange and Citron-peel 5 you may put in Sack inftead of Verjuice if you pleale. 14. Puddings to boil Chickens or Pigeons with. Take the Fleih of a Rabbet, or the Wing of a Capon, for want of thele a piece of Veai or Lamb with the Kidney-fat, or Mar- row-fliet, or both, as much Meat as Suet; Aired them as fmall as you can with Parfley, Time, Savory, and Marjoram, feafon it with Cloves, Mace, a little Salt, and put to it three fpoonful of grated Bread, mingle them with Cream and the Yolk of an Egg 5 then pare the Flefli with your Fingers from the Legs and Necks, and put in ibme of the Pudding, fill them not too full leaft they fhould break in boiling ; then boil them in Milk and Water with a bunch of fweet Herbs, and a blade of Mace, a little Salt ; then beat fome Butter with the Juice of an Orange with the Butter 3 fend it. 15. A Cabbage Pudding. Take half a pound of Veal, Aired it with two pound of Suet very finall, grate two Nutmegs with a pretty quantity of Pepper and Salt 5 then take Cabbage half boiled as much as will lie on a Sawcer 5 then take fe~ P 4 veil 8 England / Nernft Way ven Eggs beat very well, and mingle up al¬ together like a Pudding ^ then put it in a Cloth, boil it well, and fend it up. 1 6. Quaking Pudding. Take a Pint of very thick Cream, eight Yolks of Eggs and two Whites, beat them very well with a little Rofe-water, mingle the Eggs with the Cream ^ then grate in fome Nutmeg, fweeten it to your TaRe, and flower a Bag very well, put it in and tye it fiilb, and fo put it into a Pot of boiling wa¬ tered keep it boiling continually:,and when it is boiled enough turn it out of the Bag, and make your Sauce of Sack, Butter and Sugar, and pour all over it with Orange, Li- mon, and Citron-peel *, cut them thin, with Almonds blanched and' cut in little pieces, andRuckupon it.' J 17* Shaking Pudding of Almonds. Take a, Pint of Cream, boil it with a blade of Mace, Brow it over with Tome beaten Al¬ monds^ little Orange-flower or Rofe-water 5 then take four Eggs leave out two Whites, ftrain the Cream,, Eggs and Almonds toge¬ ther • .then take fome Sugar and fweeten it, and thicken it with grated Bread or Bisket ^ then take a Cloth and rub it with Flour, and tye it up and dip it into Rofe-water,then boil it,and when it is boiled eat it with but¬ ter, Sugar and White-wine , Rick it with bkhched Almonds y fend it, 18, 9 of Cookery, &c. 18. Almond ’Pudding. Take a Quart,of Cream, two Eggs, beat them and ftrain them into the Cream, and grate in a Nutmeg and a penny Loaf, fix fpoonfuls of Flour, half a pound of Al¬ monds beaten fine together, mix them and fweeten it with good fine Sugar ^ then flow¬ er the bag and boil it, and when it is boiled enough melt butter with a little Orange- flower, or Role-water beaten thick with a little Sack, and pour it on the Pudding, and Rick it with blanched Almonds •, fend it. 19. Almond Pudding. Take two Loaves of white bread grated very fine, put to it four Yolks of Eggs, and half a Pint of Cream, and a quarter of a pound of blanched Almonds beat very fine in a Mortar, with two or three fpoonfuls of Sack orOrange-Flower-water, fome Marrow and beef-fuet cut fmall, a little Nutmeg, and fweeten it to your Tafte; thentye it up in a Pudding-cloth and boil it, then fend it. 20. Hajly Pudding. Take a Pint of Milk and put to it a hand¬ ful of Raifins of the Sun, as many Currans; then take a Manchet, grate it, and put in a little Flour and Nutmeg, and let it boil a quarter of an Hour •, then put in a piece of butter in the boiling, and difh it with pieces io England’^ Neweft Way of batter laid up and down upon it, then fend it to the Table. 21 i Almond Pudding in Guts. Take a pound of Almonds, beat them with Orange-flower-water to prevent their Oyling$ then take twelve Eggs with half their Whites, a little Salt, four Nutmegs, beat them together with two pound of beef- fuet finely fhredded *, then take one pound and an half of Sugar,and eight penny Loaves finely grated and fearced with half a Pint of Orange-flower-water, and a Pint of Cream : When you have mixed thefe together fill the Guts,but not too full left they mould break. Dip the Guts in Rofe-water when you fill them, and Marrow is better than Suet if you have it, then boil them not too long. 22. White Pudding. Beat half a pound of Almonds with Rofe- water very fine 5 then take as much Ox-pith out of the Skin, and beat with the Almonds * then boil a Quart of Cream, and beat fome of it with the Pith and Almonds a while ; then put in two grated Nutmegs,- and grate two Naples-biskets,and a Grain of Musk and two of Amber-greale, and grind it with the Sugar before you mix them with the things : Put in ten Eggs, leave out four Whites, with the Marrow of three or four bones cut pretty big, a pound of Sugar, fome candied Citron cut of Cookery , See. 11 cut fmall, and boil them enough ; fet them by for ufe. 2?. White Puddings. Take a pound of Naples-bisket,cut it into pieces, and grate a penny Loaf * then boil a Quart of Cream and put to the bisket and bread to fwell them *, take a pound of blan¬ ched Almonds, beat them fmall 5 then take two or three Ipoonful of Orange-flower or Rofe-water to keep them from Oyling: Put in eight Eggs, leave out four Whites, with fome beaten Nutmeg and Mace, the Marrow of eight bones, half of it cut final], and the other half in pretty pieces to put in as you fill them; then cut in fome Citron and a lit¬ tle Amber-greale, a little Salt, fill them but not too full; give fcope enough, fweeten them with good fine Sugar, and Bullocks is bell: to fill them dipt in Rofe-water. 24. BLick Puddings. Take a Pint of Oat-meal and put to it eight Pints of new Milk, fleep it all Night or boil it to the thicknefs of Pudding then put to it eight Pints of grated bread and four Eggs, a little Salt, and a little Cloves and Mace, fome Sage and Penniroyal, fome fweet Herbs, mix them together well: Then take a Pint and half of blood, and ffrain it into it, and if it be not foft enough put in fome more Milk into it with half a pound of beef- 12 England 'sNemftWay fuet finely Ihredded : Cut one pound and an half of Lard into long Pieces * then fill them and give them one boil* then take them up and with a Pin prick them to give them vent* then put them in and boil them till they are full enough* and you may put in Cream in- ftead of Milk if you pleafe. 25. Liver Puddings. Eoil a Hog’s Liver, dry it in an Oven after bread, dry it enough to grate * then fill it through a coarfe Sieve, and take half a pound of it to a pound of grated bread and a pound of Currans, two pound of beef- fuet kept dry, and cut finall, and lifted thorough the fame coarfe Sieve * feafon it to your Tafte with one Ounce of Spice, which muft be Cinamon, Cloves, Mace,Nut¬ meg, and two Grains of Amber-greafe * then mingle all thele together as you do Minced* pye, and boil three Pints of new Milk, pour it into all thele things; then cover it awhile, and beat fix Eggs with two or three fpoon- fuls of Orange-Hower-water * mix them well together and put in a little Salt, you may put in Rice-pap, inftead of grated bread. 2 6 . Carp Pye. Take a couple of Carps or Tench, then a great Eel, orpiccording to the Quantity yon make •, skin it and bone it, mix it with a good Quantity of grated bread and a few fweet of Cookery , See. i% fweet Herbs, with the Yolks of hard Eggs • and after, take Anchovies and about a hand¬ ful of Ctyfters, and cut them all very fmall ; then feafon it pretty high with Salt. Pepper, Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg, and a little Ginger, four or five Yolks of hard Eggs and half a pound of butter, work it together as you do your Pafte * then after cut your Carps in three or four Pieces; then fill their bellies with forc’d Meat, and feafon your Carps with thefe things, Herbs and Spice, fo put them in the Pye, and what it won’t hold lay in bales about it with Oyfters, and butter a- bout them, and then clofe it up and put it in the Oven, and let it Hand an- Hour and a half; after it comes out, take three or four Eggs and beat them very well and put them in, give them a fhake or two ; fend it. 27. Salmon Pye. Make PufF-pafte and lay in the bottom of yonr Patty Pan ^ then take the middle-Pieces of Salmon, feafon it high with Salt, Pepper, Cloves and Mace, cut it into three Pieces ^ then lay a Layer of Butter and a Layer of Salmon till it is laid all out ; then make forced Meat of an Eel and chop it fine with the Yolks of hard Eggs, with two or three Anchovies, Marrow and fweet Herbs,a little grated Bread, a few Oyfters, if you have them •, lay them round your Pye, and on the the top *, feafon them with Salt and Pepper I and other Spices as you pleafe. 28^ *4 EnglandV NewefiWay 28. Potatoe Pye. Boil the Potatoes, peel them and lay then! in the Pye with good ftore of Marrow,whole Mace, preferved Lettice-Roots and Stalks, and Citron cut: Cover it with Butter, and when it comes out of the Oven fcald White- wine and put fome Sugar in, and give it a lhake or two, and fend it. 29. Artechoke Pyc. Boil your Artechokes well $ then take the bottoms from the Leaves, and feafon them with a little beaten Mace, and put to them a pretty Quantity of Butter, lay a Layer in the bottom *, then lay in the Artechokes 5 fprinkle them with a little Salt, put feme Sugar over them, put in grated pieces of Marrow rowled up in the Yolks of Eggs * then put in a few Goofeberries or Grapes, and lay upon it large Mace and Dates Ho¬ ned, fome Yolks of hard Eggs, Suckets, Let^ tice-ftalks, and Citron; cover it with But¬ ter, and when it is baked, put in fcalded White-wine, and lhake it together •, fend it* go. Egg Pye. Boil fixteen Eggs, take the Yolks, cut them final), and put to them three or four fpoonful of Orange-flower-water , with the fame quantity of Sack ^ feafon it with Cloves, Mace-Nutmeg and fine Sugar to your Tafte, of Cookery^ &c. 15 and lay a Layer of wet and dry Sweet¬ meats ; then melt a ponnd and a quarter of fweet Butter, beat it with half a Pint of Cream then mix all thele Ingredients to¬ gether, and put it in the Pye and bake it, and when it is drawn, fcald a little White- wine and beat it with the Yolk of an Egg, Sugar and grated Nutmeg, pour it in and give it a lhake or two ? fend it. 31. Lumber Pye. Take the Humbles of a Deer, parboil them, and clear all the Fat from them; then put as much Beef-fuet as Meat, or half as much more, as you like it; mince it toge¬ ther very final 1 , and feafon it with Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg, Cinamon and a little Salt, half a pound of Sugar, three or four pound of Currans, a Pint of Sack, a little Role- water, half a pound of candied Orange, Li- mon and Citron-peel, and Dates Honed and fliced, fill your Pye and clofe it; and when it is baked put in half a Pint of Sack, or more? fend it. 32. Stump Pye. Take a Leg of Lamb from the Bones, and^ mince it final], with a good quantity of fweet Herbs, and a good quantity of Cur¬ rans, grated Nutmeg and Salt *, lealon it to your liking, and mix it with two or three Yolks of Eggs beat with Sack or White-wine? 1 6 England / Nemft Way then lay it clofe in the Pye, and Jay on the Top either Fruit or Sweet-meats; do not bake it too much, and when it is baked cut it up, and put in Verjuice and Sugar, or White- wine ; make it hot before you put it in, then lay on the Lid * fend it. 33. Dowlet Pye. Take Veal perboiled or roafted, and cut it fmall, with fweet Herbs and Beef-fuet } then put foine into it feafoned with Sugar, Nutmeg and Cinnamon if you like it ; then beat as many Eggs as will wet it; then make it like Eggs, and ftick a Date in the middle of each of them, and lay them in a Pye, and put fome dried Plumbs over them, and if in time of year put in ripe Plumbs ^ then take White-wine, Sugar and Butter, and pour it in a little before you draw it,fcald the Wine, and give it a (hake or two together j lend it. 34. Calves-Foot Pye. Take Calves-feet and boil them tender 5 then cut them in halves and take out all the bones, and lay a Layer of Butter in the bot¬ tom of the Pye * then a Layer of Calves- feet ^ then Railins of the Sunftoned and cut Imall} then lay a Layer of Calves-feet •, then Raifins of the Sun ltoned and cut linall,Cur¬ rans, Limon, Orange and Citron-peel cut into thin flices, a little beaten Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg, of Cookery , See. I j Nutmeg, a little fine Sugar, and a little felt 3 mix all thefe together, and lay a Layer till it is all laid out 3 then boil fix Eggs, take out the Yolks and cut them into pieces, and ilrow them a top with a Layer of Butter j don't make it greafie 3 fend it. 3 %. Chicken Pye* I Take young Chickens, feetn them in half Milk and Water,firip their skins from them, butter your Difh and put Puffpafte round it, and in the bottom ; then lay a Layer of Butter, and a Layer of all forts of wet Sweet¬ meats, and dry 3 then trufs up your Chick¬ ens with their Heads on 3 feafon them with Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg, Salt, and a little good Sugar 3 then rowl up their feafoning in a piece of Butter and put in their bellies, and lay them in the Pye with a good Layer of Butter over them, and Sweet-meats, then lay on the Lid being made of Puff-pafte, and an Hour will bake it 3 take care your Oven is not too hot, it being apt to rafh and jlofe colour. 36. For the Candle. Take half a Pint of White-wine or Sider, boil it v^ith a blade of Mace, and a little Nutmeg 3 then take it off the Fire, and put in the Yolks of two Eggs very well beaten, with a fpoonful of Sugar and a little bit of cutter rowled up in the Flour 3 then let C it 18 England’/ Neweft Way it run thorough a Tunnel through the Hole on the Top of the Pye whilft the Pye is hot: give it two or three (hakes $ fend it up. And if for a Savory Pye: Put in Mufhrooms inftead of fweet-meats, with Artechoke-bot- toins, Cocks-combs and Pullets, Veal fweet- breads fet in Water and pulled in pieces * make good PufF-pafte for your patty Pan, and lay a Layer of thefe with Force-meat¬ balls, and a Layer of Chicken feafoned with fait. Pepper and fpice, with a bit of butter in their bellies rowled up in the (eafoning,and butter on the Top ; and if in time of year put in Goofeberries and ripe Currans, bake it and put in the fame Caudle, only leave out the fugar ^ give it two or three (hakes when you (end it. 37. For the Force-meat-balls. Take Chic-ken-marrow, or a little Time and Savory, a few Crumbs of White-bread, with the Yolks of two Eggs well beaten, fea- foil it with Salt, Pepper, Gloves and Mace: then fcald a little Spinage, drain it well and cut it (mail and put it in, and mix ii well together to make them look green; make (om.e long and fome round. 38. Hare Pye. Take a Hare, drels him * take one par and mince it (mall with Bacon, Time,Savor an of Cookery, 8 cc. ip and Marjoram * feafon it with Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Mace and Nutmeg *, and when you have drefs’d the other part feafon it as you did the firft ^ work your minced Meat with the Yolk of an Egg or two, and lay it about your Hare, and fill it up with fweet Butter and clofe it, bake it not too much $ and when it is baked put in half a Pint of ftrong Gra¬ vy, and give it a fhake or two •, fend it. 39 ‘ Jiblet Pye. Take your Jiblets and fcald them, put them on the Fire and flew them very tender * fealon them with Salt and Pepper pretty high, with a bunch of fweet Herbs , an Onion, and juft Water enough to cover them ; then take them out of the Liquor and let them Hand to be cold 5 then put them in your patty Pan with good Puff-pafte round it, and put in what quantity of Butter you think fitting, with the Yolks of hard Eggs, and lay over it Force, meat-balls ^ and when you have lidded your Pye leave a hole a top, and juft as it goes into the Oven, put in half the Liquor that the Jiblet was ftewed in 5 bake it not too much fend it up. ' 40. Veyiifon Pajiy . Take three quarters of a Peck of fineFlour, and put fix pound of Butter in the Flour * then beat in twelve Eggs, and make your Pafty with warm Water; bone the Ve- C 2 nifon. 20 England / Newefi Way iiifbn,beat and break the bones,feafon it' with Salt and Pepper to fill up the Pafty when it comes out of the Oven * then feafon your Venifon with an Ounce and half of black Pepper juft bruifed, and Salt j then take a- bout a pound of Beef-fuet, cut it into long fiices, beat it with your Rowling-Pin, and ftrew over it Salt and Pepper ; then lay the Venifon on the top, feafon it very high with Pudding-cruft round the Pan, and put in a large Porringer of water, and lay a Layer of good frelh butter and cover it •, lhake your Pafty, and when it comes out of the Oven pour in the Liquor that you made of the bones, and fhake it well together $ ferve it to the Table. 41. To feafon Turkey , Goofe , or Pigeons. Bone them,or break their bones very well 9 feafon them with Salt, Pepper and Nutmeg, if you like,within and without •, flick fome whole Cloves in their Brealls, fill them with butter and put them in your Coffin, and lay butter all over the top ^ then clofe it and bake it four Hours ^ when it is baked, fill it up with clarified butter : A cold Dilh. 42. To feafon Veal or Lamb. Take a Loin of Veal or Lamb, cut it into final 1 pieces, feafon it with Nutmeg^alt and Pepper $ then fill the Pye and lay fome but¬ te^ on the top 5 then clofe it and bake it * and of Cookery, See . 21 and if you ferve it hot up, put in a Pint of Gravy; but if you keep it cold put in more, but fill it up with clarified butter. 43. To feafon Mhtce-Pyes. Take the belt part of a Neats-tongue, a little more than half, boil it; then peel it, and cut.it into flices, let it to be cold ; then weigh it, and to a pound of Tongue put a pound and half of Beef-fuet and Marrow $ then put your Meat and Suet upon a Chop¬ ping-block, and chop it very fine and mix it well together ; then weigh a pound of Meat to a pound of Currans ^ pound your Spice, which muft be Cloves, Mace and Nut¬ meg ^ feafon it to your Tafte with a little fine Sugar, Orange, Limon and Citron-peel thin fhred, with two or three-Pippins hack’d finall ^ wring in the Juice of a Limon, and put in a large Glafs of Claret, and as much Sack, a few Dates Honed and Diced thin, a few Raifins Honed and cut fmall 5 mix all thefe things very well together $ then fill and lid your PyeSj bake them, but not too much. I r . p j - ,j 44. Olive Florentine. Take the befl part of a Leg of Veal; cut t into thin flices like Scotch Collops, beat hem on both fines with the back of a Knife 5 eafon them with Cloves, Mace, Pepper and '’alt i then cut a pound of fat Bacon into C 3 thin 2 2 England 5 /^ Neweff Way thin dices, rowl them up one by one, with i (lice of Veal in the middle 5 then put thee in a Dilh, and put to them three or four An chevies, two or three Shalots, half a hanc fill of Oyfters, and half a hundred of Forced meat-balls, a Limon diced with the Rim off-, put in half a Pint of White-wine, hal a Pint of ftrong Broth, a little Gravy, an half a pound of Butter j cover it with Pud pafte and bake it. 4J. Stake Florentine. Take a Leg or a Neck of Mutton, cut i into Stakes; feafon it with Nutmeg, Peppe and Salt: Put it into a Difh with three 0 four Shalots, a bunch of fweet Herbs,two 0 three Anchovies, twenty Balls of Force’d meat, half a Pint of Claret, as much fai Water put in half a pound of Butterj cc ver it with Puff-pafle $ bake it. 4 6. Rice Florentine. Take half a pound of Rice pick'd clear boil it fird: in Water, then in Milk, till it t as thick as Hafty-pudding ; then fet it bj till it is cold; then beat in fix Lggs, lea^ out half the Whites, put in half a Pint < Cream, two or three fpoonfiil of Sack, little Rofe-water; feafon it with two Pen worth of Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg and Cin mon, half a pound of Sugar, a little Salt, ppuijd of Currans, four Ounces of candi Orang Of Cookery, 8cc. 23 Orange, Limon and Citron-peel, a pound of Marrow or Butter ^ then cover it wirh Puff-pafte, and bake it ^ the fame Ingredi¬ ents for Almond-florendine, only blanch the Almonds, and beat them in a Stone-mortar with a Glafs of Sack, and a little Rofe-wa¬ ter, and you may gamiih your Diih with Paihe- Royal. 47 . AimerI FlcrerAins. Take one pound of Jordan Almonds bached and beaten in a Mortar, with a little Orange-flower-water ^ take the Yolks and half the Whites of eight Eggs beat with a quarter of a Pint of Sack, half a Pint of Cream, half a pound of freih Butter melted, a pound of Currans, as much Sugar as will fweeten it to your Talte, a quarter of a pound of Marrow lealoned w r ith beaten Cloves, Mace and Nutmeg ; you may put in candid Limon and Citron-peel : Misfit well together, make Puff-pafte on the top and bottom, and bake it in a flack Oven, not too much. 48 . A Flarendbie. Take what quantity of Curds you pleafe, turn them the fame way as for Cheele-cakcs ; put :n a pound of blanched Almonds beat very fine, with a Ipoontul of Role-water, halt a pound of Currans, as much Sugar as will lweeten it * then take a good cuantity C 4 of 24 England’/ Nemji IVay of Spinage *, let it have two or three boils, then drain it, fhred it fmall, mingle it toge¬ ther, butter your Diih ; ferve it. 59. To feafon Cheefe-cakes. Take a Gallon of new Milk warm from the Cow, fet it with a fpoonful of Runnet 5 as loon as it comes, ftrain the Runnet from the Curds ; rub 'em through a little Range with the back of a Spoon ; leafon ’em with half a quarter of an Ounce of Cloves, Mace and Cinnamon beat line, a little Salt, hal®a pound of Sugar, a little Rofe-water, half a Pint of Sack, half a pound of butter melted thick ^ beat in fix Eggs, leave out half the Whites, put in a pound of Currans, and it is fit for ule. The fame Ingredients for Rice-cakes, only you muft: boil the Rice tender before * the fame way for Almond-cakes, only beat them ima Stone-mortar, with a Glals of Sack, and a little Rofe-water. • Boil a Quart of Cream with a blade of Mace, or a little broken Cinamon, a little Nutmeg diced thin ^ ftrain it and leafon it with half a pound of Sugar, a little Sack and Rofe-water 5 then beat in eight Eggs, iftave out half the Whites, harden the Crufts before you fill them. It muft be good fine Spgar, Madam, 51. Pajie 25 of Cookery , &C. 51. Pajle Royal . Take a pound of very fine Flour, put in a little Cinnamon and Nutmeg very fine bea¬ ten, a quarter of a pound of very fine dou¬ ble refined Sugar, beat in the Whites of ten Eggs 5 then make it into a Paffe with half a Pint of Sack, and the beft Cream pretty fliff -j then rowl in a pound of butter at five or fix times rowling ^ this is fit for Orange- Puddings, Spread tarts and Laid-tarts, or to garnifh Difhes with. 52. If bite Puf-pajle. Take a pound of fine Flour, put in the Whites of three Eggs beaten up ^ make it into balls with cold Water ^ then rowl in a pound of butter at five or fix times rowling ; it is fit for Taffata-tarts or Cheefe-cakes ^ in the Winter beat your butter to make it work, and in the Summer keep it as cool as you can. 55. Puff-pajle. Take three great handfuls of Flour well dried : Put to it two Whites of Eggs, and a quarter of a pound of butter 5 wet it with cold Water •, then take three quarters of a ; pound of butter, divide it into three parts, rowl the Paffe abroad, and flick on a quar¬ ter of a pound of butter in little bits all I over it,lb fold it up again and flour it5 then 7 6 England / Newefl Way rowl it abroad again, and fo do three ftimes till the butter is ended * then butter the brims of a Difli and lay the Pafte thereon j put it prefently into the Oven ^ let it bake almoft an Hour* this quantity is but enough for the brims of a Difli : If you would have enough to cover it all over a Difli, you muft take as much more of every thing, and make a double Quantity. 54. To drefs Fiji): Craw-fft). Take Craw-fifli boiled in Water with a little Salt, and when they are boiled enough take them up, and fet them to be cold * then pick the Meat out of the Legs and the Tails, fet it by then take the Bodies and Claws, beat them in a Mortar with lome of the Liquor they were boiled in, and to a quart of that Liquor add a quart of Cream, and a quart of Milk: Put in a blade of Mace, a Nutmeg cut into quarters, with a Clove or two $ fet them all over the Fire, and boil them well; then take a little Sorrel and Spi¬ llage a little beat, and Leeks a large hand¬ ful altogether * cut them large, and put them in with your Craw- fifh that you pick’d out; let them boil together, but don’t let your Herbs lofe their colour *, then put in a French Loaf and place that in the middle of your Difli, and juft when you fend it in thicken it with the Yolks of Eggs and a piece of frelh Butter, a quarter of" a pound 5 of Cookery , &c. 27 *ake care your Eggs don’t curdle, and let it be the thicknefs of good Cream 5 ferve it. To Jlert> Carps. Stick your Carp as you do a Pig,and fave all the Blood you can * fcale it and take out the Ruffage 5 take care you don’t break the Gall: Then take as much Claret and ftrong Gravy as will cover him in your Stew-pan, a little White-wine and Salt, a good piece or Horfe-radilh, and a bunch of fweet Kerbs, lome whole Pepper,Gloves and a little Mace, with a large Onion, iome Mufhrooms and Capers 5 let them ftew together till they are enough; then brown lome Butter with Flour, and pour lome of the Liquor to the Butter, with two or three Anchovies chopt fmall * then have in re'adinefs Oyflers fried 5 fqueeze in ithe Juice of a Limon : Garnilh with Horfe-radifh, fried Parfly, Oranges and Li- jnons. y 6. To few Eels . When they are half ftewed, put to them a bunch of fweet Herbs, a little grated Bread, an Onion, fome beaten Mace and Cloves, as it boils 5 and when they are al- moft enough, put in a little Butter, and a Glals of Claret with an Anchovy 5 then take it up. 5 7 - To 28 England / Nemfl Way 57. J'o fiery Oyfiers. Set on the Fire a Pint of Oyfters with their Liquor, a Shalot, half a Pint of White- wine, a little white Pepper, three blades of Mace, a little Salt to fealon it, a piece of Lveet Butter j let them flew foftly, till they are enough, about half an Hour * then put in another piece of Butter, and (hake it to¬ gether, and when it’s melted, lay Sippets in the Difh. Serve them for a Side-difh. 58. Sauce for Fiji). Take a little Time, Horfe : radi(h, Limon- peei, fome whole Pepper; boil them a lit¬ tle While in fair Water ; then put in two Anchovies, and four fpoonfuls of White- wine, let them boil a little 5 then Brain them out and put the Liquor into the fame Pan again, with a pound, of freih Butter; and when it's melted take it off the Fire,arid itir in the Yolks of two Eggs, being well beaten before,with three fpoonfuls of White- wine ; fet it on the Fire again, and keep it Birring till it’s the thicknefs of Cream, then pour it on your Fifh very hot, and ferve it. ■>0. To Butter Crabs. Take out the Meat and clean fe it from the Skins 5 put it into a Sauce-pan with a quarter of a Pint of Sack, or White-wine, an Anchovy, a little Nutmeg, and Crumbs of White-bread ; fet them on a gentle Fire, and. of Cookery, See. 29 beat them together for diihing * then ftir in the Yolk of an Egg, and a little Pepper well beaten: then ftir them well together, fo put it into your Shell again : Send it for a Side- difh. 60. To Butter Shrimps. Stew a Quart of Shrimps with half a Pint of White-wine, with a Nutmeg : then beat four Eggs with a little White-wine, and a quarter of a pound of beaten Butter : then fhake them well in a Dilh till they be thick enough : then ferve them with one Sippet for a Side-difh. 61. O'fler Loaves. Take French Rowls, cut a little hole on the Tops as bigas half a Crown ^ then take out all the Crumb, but don’t break the Cruft off the Loaf: then ftew fome Oyfters in their own Liquor, a blade of Mace, a little whole Pepper, Salt, Nutmeg and a little White-wine : skum it very well,and thicken it with a piece of Butter rowled up in Flour : then fill up the Rowls with it, and put on the piece again that you cut off: then put the Rowls in a Mazerene-difh, and melt Butter and pour it into them, let them in your Oven till crifp : let the Oven be as hot as for Orange-pudding. 62. To 30 England / Newefl Way 62. To drefs a Cods-head. Take a large Cods-head with the Neck cut large, feafon the Fickle that you boil it in* then put in a good handful of Salt, whole Pepper, all Spice, a little Limon-peel, a Bay-leaf, an Onion, a Pint of White-wine and Water enough to cover it: When theie are well boiled together put in your Cods- head, and let it be well boiled: then take it up and put it in a Dilh over your Stow to draw the Water from it, and have all things ready : Garnifh with Horfe-radifh and fliced Limon. 6t,. To boll Pike. Cut a living Pike, fcowre the Infide and outilde very well * then wafti him clean, and have in readinefs a Pickle made of Vinegar, Mace, whole Pepper, a bunch of fweet Herbs, and iome Onion ; and when the Liquor boils put in the Pike, and fo order it, that the Pike may boil: as foon as the Pike is re&dy, (and half an Hour will boil a Pike a Yard long) make your Sauce: take half a Pint of Sack, beat into it a Crab, a Lobfter and Shrimps: then draw a pound of butter, two ipoonfuls of Liquor, mingle all thefe toge¬ ther, and fet them on your Stow, and itir them all the while till it be thick : pour the Sauce over the Pike, which muft be frrll diihed upon Sippets dipt in the broth : icrape of Cookery, See. 51 fome Horfe-radifh in the Sauce, and put in fome Craw-fifh : fend it. 64 . To roajl Tike. Take a large Pike, ferape and feald it, take out the Guts: then feafon it with Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Mace and fweet Herbs, rub it all in very well : take a large Eel, bone and cut it in fquare pieces, as if it was Ba¬ con, feafon it with the lame of your Pike, rovid the Pike m the Caul of a breaft of Veal, and tye it to the Spit, and when it’s half roafted take off the Caul and dridge it with grated bread, baft and flour it, then roaft it well, and yellow : Garnilh your Dilh with]rafpt Limon and Flowers. 6$. To roaji an Eel. Take a great Eel, flit the Ikin a little way, then pull off the Ikin, head and all, then parboil the Eel till it comes from the bone, then Ihred it with fome Oyfters, fweet Herbs, Limon-peel, feafon it with Salt, then fcowre the Ikin with Water and Salt, then fluff it full again with the Meat, fovv it up and roaft it with butter, then take for Sauce fome White-wine, diflolve three Anchovies in it, then beat as much butter as will ferve for Sauce : ferve it. 66. To roafi Lobjlers. Take your Lobfters and tye them to the Spit alive, bafte them with hot Water and Salt, 5 2 England 5 / Nemft Way Salt, and when they look very red, and you think they are ready, baft them with butter and fait, then take them up and have your Sauce ready, and put into Plates round your Difh. 67. To malaret SoaU. Take the largeft Soals you can get, walh, skin and dry them, beat them with your Rowling-pin, then take as many Yolks of Eggs and Flour as will dip them on i>oth fides : then have your Frying-pan ready, then put in as much fweet Oil as will co¬ ver your Fifh, and fry them brown, and as yellow as Gold : then take them up and lay them upon a Fifh-plate to drain, when they are cold make your Pickle thus : Take Salt, Pepper, White-wine Vinegar, Cloves, Mace and Nutmeg, boil it all together well : let the liquor be put into a broad Larthen-pan, that your Fifh may lie at full length in it five Days: Garnifh with Limon-peel, Fen¬ nel and Flowers: ferve it. d8. To fickle Lofrjlers. Boil your Lobfters in Salt and Water, till they will flip out of their Shells, take the Tails out whole, make your Pickle half White-wine, and half Water, put in whole Cloves, whole Pepper , two Bay-leaves, Muihrooms, Capers, a Branch of Rofemary, with a little Cucumber, put in your Lob¬ fters : df Cookery , &C. 55 fters : Let them have a boil or two in the Pickle, take them out, fet them by to be :old, let the Pickle boil longer, and put in the bodies, for that will give them a pretty Kelifh: When the Lobfters and Pickle are both cold , put them into a long Pot for Life. 6 $. To pickle Oyfters. Take the largeft Oyfters you can get, et the Liquor on the Fire with a good deal )f Mace, a Race of Ginger, whole long 5 epper, a little Salt, three Bay-leaves, an 3nion, boil thefe well together , then put n your Oyfters, and let them boil a quarter >f an Hour 5 then take out your Oyfters, >ut them into the Pot you intend to keep hem in ; let your Pickle have a boil or two ^ ake it off, fet it by to cool then put your )yfters in a long Pot for ufe. ■70. White Soop. Take four pound of courfe Beef, three ound of Mutton, fet it on the Fire with fe- en Quarts of Water, let it boil very How 5 turn it clean, and let it boil two Hours 5 ten take the Meat up in a Tray, take up a ttle of the Liquor and beat out all the oodnefs of the Meat, and put in the Li- lor again *, cut off a pound of each Piece to it in the middle of your Difh} then take vo fpoonfuls Oat*meal, ten Corns of White D Pepper 34 England / Nemft Way Pepper and. a little Salt, a quarter of a pound of Bacon, a Carrot, a Turnip cut in pieces, then put in half your Soop-herbs,which mull be Sorrel, a little White beat hard Lettice, a Leek, the quantity of two handfuls in all: cut them grofs, and put in half at ten aClocl with the Liquor, and about eleven put ir the reft, fo let it boil till twelve ; then take it oft' and put it into your foop Difh, witl the pieces of Meat in the middle ^ let ii (land over the Stow till one a Clock, ther cut in a half-penny Roll at fo Slices, anc take five Yolks of Eggs and beat them, anc take up a little of the Liquor and put t< the Eggs and beat and ftir them well inti the Soop ^ then garnifh with brown Crul grated round the brims of your Dilh. 71 . Brown Soop. Take a large Neck of Veal, a Neck 0 Mutton, half a pound of midling Bacon, ; blade of Mace, three Cloves, fome whol Pepper and Salt, a bunch of fweet Herbs, ai Onion * let thele boil gently in a little mor Water than will cover them •, and when al the Goodnefs is boiled out, take it up am ftrain the Broth from the Meat ; then cu two pound of Beef in pieces, beat and flou it * and put a piece of Butter in your Pan and let it boil up in the Pan fry it browr put in the Liquor you ftrained from the Meal and you may put in two Ducks, which yo of Cookery, Stc, 35 muft half roaft before you. put them in *, and when they are ready, put them in the mid¬ dle of your Difh, with a handful of Spinage and Sorrel cut pretty big, and let them fteiv till they are enough,and put in Cocks-combs. Pallets and Sweet-breads pulled in pieces, Truftels and Troffes if you can get them ; ftir it in and put in a little fried crifp Bread. 72 . Good Soop . Take a Leg of Beef, a Knuckle of Veal, the fat End of a Neck of Mutton •, let them be chopt to pieces, and make Broth of them, with a Cruft of bread; then cleanfe the Broth from the Meat, and put it into an Earthen-pot, and put in a Pint of White- wine, with a bunch of fweet Herbs, with good ftore of Spinage •, then take a Hen, lard it with Bacon, and boil it in the Broth, and when it’s enough pour it in a Difh, with the Juice of an Orange, and beat as many Yolks of Eggs as will thicken it, and keep it ftirring about for fear it fhould cur¬ dle ; then put your Fowl in the middle of your Dilh with the Broth and Sippets; ferve it. 73 . White Broth . Take a Pullet,boil it, and when you think ft’s enough, take it up and put it into a Difh r, hen boil your Cream with a blade of Mace, D 2 and 36 England / Nemji Way and thicken it with Eggs ; then put in the Marrow of one Bone, and take fome of the Broth and mingle it together ; put to it a fpoonful of White-wine, let it thicken on the Fire; and put the Pullet hot out of the Broth, and fet it on a Chafing-dilh of Coals, and lend it. 74. Peafe Soop . Make ftrong Broth of a Leg of Beef, fet it by to be cold •, then fet it on the Fire with two Quarts of Peafe, let them boil till they be enough,with an Onion ftuck with Cloves; then (train it into another Pot, and fet them on the Fire again; feafon it pretty high with Salt, Pepper, Spice, and all forts of Soop- herbs, Spinage, Sorrel, Lettice, young Beets, a large Leek with bits of Bacon cut in the Difh, and put in a Pint of ftrong Gravy wirh Force’d-meat-balls, crifpt bread, and crifpt Bacon ; ferve it. You may put in the middle of your Dilh eight larded Pige¬ ons,and Roaft is as proper as without: Gar- nifh with grated Cruft of bread and crifpt Bacon; ferve it. 77. Peafe Pottage. Take eight Pints of Peafe, and fix quart! of Water; fet them on the Fire together wit! a large Onion, feafon them high, let their boil; and when they are enough, ftrair them through a Cullander, and let them or of Cookery, See. 5 y the Fire again ; and when they are boiled, 5ut in four handfuls of Spinage, two Leeks, 1 little Mint, two fpoonfuls of Flour tem- )ered with Water; then put in your Force’d- neat-balte, and a little after a pound of weet butter 5 keep it ftirring till the butter s melted; then difh it to the Table; don’t :ut the Herbs finall but grofs; take care they lon’t lofe their Colour; ferve it. 7 6. Plumb Pottage. Take a Leg of Beef, and a Neck of Mut- on ; put ’em into four Gallons of Water, et ’em boil till all the Goodnels is out; then ake it off the Fire and ftrain out the Meat fom the Broth, and when it’s cold take off ill the Fat, and the next Day make your Jroth, and grate the Crumb of a fix penny l.oaf, and let it fteep in a little of the Li- [uor an Hour ; then fet your Liquor on the ure, and put in two Nutmegs cut into quar- ers, with fome whole Mace, four Cloves; >reak in a little Cinnamon; put in a pound •f Currans, two pound of Railins of the Sun, tnd half a pound of Dates ftoned; put in the Iread with the Fruit, and feafon to your rafle, and put in a Bottle of Claret, a Pint •f Sack,and tye up a few Plumbs and Prunes n a Rag, and plump them, and grate a Town Cruft of Bread round the brims ot 'our Difh, with fome of the Plumbs laid in leaps all round, hete and there a Heap. V 3 77‘ Beef $8 England^ Netvett Way Beef Alamode . Take a flefhy piece of Beef; take out the Fat and Skins, and Carfe * then beat it well, and fiat it with your Rowling-pin or Cleaver, lard it with fat Bacon quite through as long as your Meat is deep, and as big as your Finger * then feafop it high with Salt, Pep¬ per, beaten Nutmeg, Cloves and Mace • then put it in a Pot where nothing but Beef has been boiled in good ftrong Broth, and put in a handful of fweet .Herbs, a Bay-leaf, fo let it boil 'till 'tis tender •, then put in a Pint of Claret, three Anchovies, and let. them flew ’till you find the Liquor tafte well, and the Meat tender 5 and if there be more- Li quor than will make an End of ftqwing it then take as much of it up as you think fit, before you put in yopr Wine and other things; then put all the things in, and let it drew hill you fee the Liquor do thicken, and tafte well of the Spice -, then take it up, and take out the Bay-leaves,and Shalot ; you may eat it hot or cold. 78. The Olea. Take twelve Pigeons, fix Chickens 5 pull the Pigeons, dry them, and put them in whole> • fcald the Chickens, cut them in halves i then half Rapid a Rabbit, and cut it into pieces as long as. ones Finger ; boil a Neats-tongue very tender, cut it- in thin Of Cookery , See. 39 pieces as big as half Crowns, with Sweet¬ breads pulled in little pieces: Put to all this Meat one Quart of Claret,and three Pints of ftrong Gravy, let it ftew foftly with the Meat; put to it a little whole Pepper, four whole Onions, Time, Savory, and Majo- ram tied up in a bunch; let all thefe ftew together ’till the Meat is almoft enough 5 then put in a good many Capers fhred fmall, twenty pickled Oyfters with three fpoonfuls of their Liquor, four blades of large Mace, the Peel of a Limon fhred, and a Limon and half cut into pieces as big as Dice; min¬ gle all thefe well together ^ then beat twelve Eggs into the Liquor, let them fcald in it to thicken it * rub the Difh you intend to ferve them in with Garlick * then build the Meat up in an heap and pour the Liquor all over it 5 then lay upon the Meat Marrow, being flrft boiled,Oyfters fried,Limon fliced, Mace, Saulages crifpt, Bacon and Balls made of grated Bread, a little Cloves, Mace, Salt, and a few Marigolds Hired; wet them with the Yolks of Eggs, and rowl them in Balls, and boil them before you lay them on ^ cut them if you pleale, and lay them on the Meat with blanched Beans, and French- beans : ferve it- 79. A Hogooe. Take a Leg of Mutton, take off the fkin whole, with the upper Nuckle then take D 4 the 40 England / Nemfl Way the Flefh, with a pound of Beel-luet, arid Ihrgd them very fine ; take fome Spinage, a little Time and Savory, fmall Shalots, Ihred them finall ; put in feme Salt and Pepper * then take fix Yolks of Eggs, work the Meat and all together very well into a great Ball .; then take a Cabbage and open the Leaves, and cut a hole to put in the Meat, and lhape it long-ways, like the Body of a Duck, and boil a Duck's Head, and Itick it on with a lkewer * then bind the Body dole, and tye it up hard; then boil it well, and have in readinefs fome Saufages fried, and dipt in the Yolks of Eggs, with a little Flour and Nutmeg, a good deal of Butter, with fome Anchovies diflolyed in the Sauce firft, and beat up with the Butter and Pickles : ferve 2t, ; - f 8o. A Monajlick. Take a Quart of Rice, two Quarts of firong Gravy $ let it op the Fire very high, and let it ftew foberly, but not boil * then put in an Onion ftuck with Cloves, and a bunch of fweet Herbs ^ then put in a large Pullet, fill the belly with force’d-meat and Oyfters, with half a pound of Bacon ^ let thele ftew together 'till it's tender 3 and about the thicknels of Hafty-pudding: then put in the force’d-meat-balls that-you have fried, and fome you muft ftew with it: then take it up apd.beat the Yolks of three Eggs, and a- of Cookery , &c. 41 bout a quartern of Butter rowled up in flour, and lhake them well together, with the Juice of a Limon : then difh it with the Fowl in the middle, and the Bacon and Force-meat¬ balls round it : garnilh with Limon, and grated Bread, round the brims of your Difh, and ferve it. 81. Scotch Collops. Take a Leg of Veal, cut off as much of it as you think fitting into thin Slices: beat it with your Rowling-pin : fcratch it with a Knife : lard it with Limon-peel, Bacon and Time: then take fweet Marjoram, Savory, Parfly, young Onions, Salt, Pepper, a little Nutmeg : fhred them fine, and rub the Meat Very well with them : then dip the Meat in the Yolks of Eggs, and a little flour : fry them in a little irefh Butter, and when they are fried enough take them out of the Pan, and have ready a little flrong Gravy, and diffolve in it fbme Anchovies, a Glafs of Claret, and a Shalot or two, and a Limon Wrung into it, with fome fhred upon it: Let it flew between two Difhes, and beat a piece of Butter with the Yolk of art Egg, and thicken it up, and pour it over your Meat, with crifpt Bacon, fried Oyfters, Mufhrooms, Veal Sweet-breads pulled in little pieces, with Force’d-meat-balls ; Gar- rtifli with fforfe-radifh , and Barberries 5 ferve it. * i , ' ' 82. Jo 43 England’/ Nemft Way 82. To drejs a Calve" 1 s-Head. Boil the Head till the Tongue will peel; then cut half the Head into fmall pieces, a- bout the bignefs of Oyfters j lay the Brains by themfelves * then ftew it in ftrong Gravy, with a large Ladle lull of Claret,and a hand¬ ful of fweet Herbs, a little Limon-peel, a piece of Onion and Nutmeg diced 5 let all thefe ftew till they are tender ; then take the other half of the Head,fcratch it a-crofs, ftrow over it grated bread, fweet Herbs, with a little Limon-peel; lard it with Bacon, and walh it over with the Yolks of Eggs,and ftrow over it a little grated Bread ; broil it well over Charcoal, or Wood-coal; and when it’s enough place it in the middle of your Dilh ; then cut the ftewed Meat, and put in a Pint of ftrong Gravy into your Stew-pan, with three Anchovies, a few Capers, a good many Mulhrooms, and a good quantity of fweet Butter, with a quart of large Oyfters j flew them in their own Liquor,with a blade of Mace, a little White-wine ^ keep the lar- geft out to fry, and (fired a few of the fin all- eft; then beat the Yolks of Eggs and flour, and dip them in j fry them in Hog’s Lard * make little Cakes of the Brains, and cut the Tongue out into round pieces, and dip them in, and fry them 5 then pour the ftewed Meat in the Difh round the other half of the! Head, and lay the fried Oyfters, Brains and Tongue, i of Cookery , 8cc. 43 Tongue, with little bits of crifpt Bacon, Force d-meat-balls, or Saufages on the Top, and all about the Meat : Garnifh with Horfe-radifh, and Barberries: ferve it up hot. 83. Frigafee of Rabbets or Chickens. Take Rabbets or Chickens, only you muft: skin the Chickens •, then cut them into final! .pieces, beat them with your Rowling-pin ; then lard them with Bacon, and feafon them with Salt, Pepper, and a little beaten Mace, then put hall a pound of Butter in your Pan ; brown it, and dridge it with Hour, and put in your Rabbets, and fry them brown ; and have ready a quart of good ftrong Gravy, Oyfters and Mulhrooms, three Anchovies, a Shalot or two,a bunch of fweet Herbs, a Glafs of Claret, feafon it high; and when they are boiled enough, take out I the Herbs, Shalot arid Anchovy-bones; fhred a Limon hnall and put in ; and when your Rabbets are almoft enough, put them in, and let them ftew all together, keeping them fho- ving and lhaking all the time it's on the fire; and when it’s as thick as Cream take it up, and have ready to lay over it fome bits of crifpt Bacon, fome Oyfters fried in Hog’s Lard to make them look brown ; dip them in the Yolks of Eggs, and flour, and a little grated Nutmeg,and Force’d-meat-balls: Gar- nilh with Limon and Flowers; ferve it. 84. For 44 England / Nemft Way I 84. For the Forced-meat-balls. Take Rabbet, Veal, or Pork 5 Hired it very fine, with a few Chives, fweet Herbs, and a little Spinage to make them look Green * feafon them with Salt,Pepper, Mace, Anchovies, Marrow or Beef-fuet ; cut all thefe very fine together, and bind them with a little flour, and the Yolk of an Egg, and jowl up fome long, fome round 5 fry them brown and criip, or ftew them as you pleafe. 8?. Frigafee White. Parboil your Chickens * then skin them and cut them into pieces, and fry them in ilrong broth, with a blade of Mace, a little Salt and Pepper,two Anchovies,two Shalots; let them fry till they are enough * then take out the Shalots, and put in half a Pint of good Cream, and a piece of butter rowled up in flour, and the Yolk of an Egg *, ftir it all about till it is as thick as Cream * wring in the Juice of a Limon, take care it don’t curdle it j then fcald a little Spinage, cut it and throw over it fome Mulhrooms, a few Carps ihred with Oylters, if you have them, with a little of their Liquor; then ferve it to the Table on Sippets. 86. Frigafee of Pigeons. Take eight Pigeons new killed 5 cut them into fmall pieces, and put them into a Fry- - ing- of Cookery , 8cc. 45 ing-pan with a Pint of Claret, and a Pint of Water \ feafon your Pigeons with Salt and Pepper 5 then take a little fweet Marjoram, Time, a few Chives, or an Oniony fhred the Herbs very final], and put them into the Frying-pan, to the Pigeons , with a good piece of Butter * fo let them boil gently, till there be no more Liquor left than will ferve for the Sauce j then beat four Yolks of Eggs, with a Spoonful and half of Vinegar, and half a Nutmeg grated; when it's enough, put the Meat on the one fide of the Pan, and the Liquor on the other. Then put the Eggs into the Liquor on the fire, and ftir it till it’s the thicknefs of Cream } then put the Meat into the Dilh,and pour over the Sauce} lay crifpt Bacon and fry’d Oyfters over it, and Garniih with ralpt Limon : ferve it. Take the largeft and biggeft Mufhrooms you can get, and forne fmall ones amongft them : cut the largeft into four pieces , peel them and throw them into Salt and Water, let them lie in the Water and Salt half an Hour, then take them out and put them into a Bell-metai or Silver-skillet, and ftew them in their own Liquor, with a little Cream, to make them look white, and cut hardj left than half an Hour will ftew them j then ftrain them out into a Sieve, and take a quar¬ ter of a Pint of that Liquor they were ftew- 46 England’ j- Newefl Way ed in, with as much White-wine and ftrong Gravy, boil all thefe together with a little whole white Pepper, Mace and Nutmeg, two Anchovies, one Sprig of Time, a Shalot or two ^ feafon it very high to your Tafte, with thefe things : When it has boiled well toge* ther, ftrain out the Spice, Anchovy-bones and Shalot, and put it into your Stew-pan again with the Mufhrooms to it, and have ready the Yolks of three Eggs, with the quantity of as much Butter as an Egg rowled up in flour, and beat it well with a fpoonful of Cream, and fo fhake it up together, the Mufhrooms, and all very thick, fo that it may hang about the Frigafee, and fcaid a little Spinage and lhake over it : ferve it. 88 . To force a Leg of Mutton. Take a large Leg of Mutton, cut a long flit in the back-lide, then take out all the Meat you can get, but don't deface the Meat on the other fide, then take your Meat and chop it fine, with three Anchovies, unwafh- ed, a little beaten Mace and Nutmeg, a few Chives or an Onion, a little Limon-peel and fweet Herbs, Salt, Pepper and Oyfters, a good deal of Marrow or Beef-fiiet ^ then put all thefe in your Mortar, and beat them all together very fine, then ftuff it in your Meat again, and ftitch it up with good ftrong thread to keep your Meat in ; then put it into a Difh,and waihit over with the Yolks of' of Cookery , &c. 47 of Eggs to bind it, and dridge it with flour, and lay pieces of Butter all over it * bake it or roaft it, and it's very good : then have ready Oy fliers ftewed in White-wine, with a blade of Mace, keep out the largeft to lay with Anchovy-fauce, Mufhrooms,and a good Quantity of ftrong Gravy : ferve it. 89. The fame way force a Leg of Lamb, And make a Frigafee, of the Loin to lay- round about it, cut into fmall pieces pretty thin; feafon it with Salt, Pepper, beaten Cloves, Mace, and Nutmeg, a few fweet Herbs and Chives, then fry it in clarified Butter, and when it's fried enough pour the Butter out, and wipe the Pan clean, and put in a Pint of lirong Gravy,a quarter of a Pint of White-wine, or Sider : then let your Lamb flew in the Gravy : then throw in lome Mufhrooms, a few Oyfters, with the Liquor, an Anchovy : then rowl up a piece of Butter in flour, and the Yolk of an Egg, and fqueeze in the Juice of a Limon : Gar- nilh with Limon and Pickles. 90. Veal Alamode. Take a large Phillet of Veal, cut out thfe Bone, and the hard Ikin : then take Salt, Pep¬ per, Cloves and Mace, pound the Spice and mix them together $ then take Time, Mar¬ joram, Shalot, Limon-peel •, fhred them ve¬ ry fmall, and mix them with the feafoning * then 4 8 England’/ Newefl Way then take half a pound of Bacon, cut off the Kind and Rufty, and cut it out into thick pieces as thick as your finger, and as broad as two fingers, and row! it up in the fea- fcning, and fkewer it up dole, and tye it in the fame falhion as it was before you cut it * then beat the Yolks of Eggs and wall! it all over, and put it into a Dilh to bake, with pieces of Butter all over it j and when it comes out of the Oven, take the Yeal out and ferve it. And if you pot it, tye it over with double Cap-paper,and put in two pound of Butter, keep back the Gravy, and if it be not covered, clarifie as much Butter as will cover it * and as you want it cut it out into Slices, eat it with Oil and Vinegar beat up thick together, or the Juice of a' Lirnon, or what you pleafe. 91. To ragow a Breaft of Veal. Take a large Breaft of Veal, more thaii half roaft it * cut it out into four pieces, and have ready as much ftrong Gravy as will co¬ ver it •, put it into your Stew-pan, feafon it high with Pepper, Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg, a little Salt,Shalot, Limon-peel, Mulhrooms, and Oyfters fried, and Hewed, Sweet-breads fet and ikinned, and pulled in little pieces 5 and when it’s enough, fry your largeft Oy¬ fters with crifpt Bacon, and Force’d-meat- balls, and for a white Ragow take the fame Ingredients, only boil the Breaft of Veal in half of Cookery , Sec. 49 half Milk and Waferjwi^ a bunch offweet Herbs, a little Limon-ped, Mace, whole Pepper, and two Bay-leaves v then; when it’s enough, wafh it over with the Yolks of Eggs, and a little Butter, and put it in your Stew-pan, juft long enough to make it look yellow $ and thkken your Sauce with the Yolks of Eggs; and a piece of Butter rowled up in flour, with three fpoonfuls of Cream thickned up together. 92 . To Ragojv a Neck of Veal Cut a large Neck of Veal into Stakes,beat them flat with your Rowling-pin •, then fea- fon with Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Mace, lard them with 'Bacon, Limon-peel and Time ; dip them in the Yolks of Eggs, then take a large Sheet of Cap paper, turn it up at the four Corners like a Drippen-pan, and pin it tight ^ butter it, and rub the Gridiron with Butter $ then put on your Meat over a Char¬ coal-fire ; let it do leifurely, keeping it bait¬ ed and turning, to keep in the Gravy : and when you think it's enough, have ready as much ftrong Gravy as j^ou think will do, feafon it pretty high, and put in fome Mufli- rooms, with all forts of Pickles, fome flew- ed and fried Oyfters, and Force’d-meat-balls dipt in the Yolks of Eggs, and Flour, to lay tound, and a top of your Difti: lend it. And if for a brown Ragow, put in Claret: if for a white, put in White-wine, with the Yolks •; E of 5o, England’/ Nemft Way of Eggs* beat up with three fpoonfuls oi Cream : and you may put in a young Fowl, or a larded Feafant, with Force'd-meat in tire belly, or larded Pigeons : Garnifh with Limon and Barberries : and ferve it. 93. To Ragow Pigeons. Take Pigeons, lard them, and cut them into halves, and do fome whole ^ feafon them with Salt, Pepper, Cloves and Mace 5 wafh them over with the Yolks of Eggs ^ and, take a good deal of Butter and put in¬ to your Frying-pan, and brown it with a little flour * then put in your Pigeons, and juft brown them; then take them out, an* put in your Stew-pan as much ftrong Gravy as will cover them*, let them ftew till they are very tender,with a bunch of fweet Herbs: and when they are almoft enough, take out the Herbs and put in the Anchovies, Oyfters. Mufhrooms, and what Pickles you have with a little Shalot ^ then roaft Larks, o. what fmall Birds you have to lay rouni your Difh 5 and for want of Birds, fr Sweet-breads ^ let them pulled in pieces, dip in the Yolks of Eggs: Garnifh with Orung. and Picklesfend it. 94. Beef Royal. Take a Sur-loyn, or a large Rump of th beft Beef * bone it, and beat it very wellj feafon it with Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Mao 4 Nutmeg 1 of Cod'ery, 8cc. 51 Nutmeg, and a little Limon-peel, Savory, Marjoram, and a little Timely then make ftrong broth of the Bones,and.lard the Meat quite through, with large pieces of Bacon ; then put in a good deal of fweet Butter in your Stew-pan,and brown it ; then put in the Meat, and brown it on both fide 3 ; then put in the Liquor with the Butter,with two Bay- leaves, fix TrufTels and Troffcs,. if you have them, and Pallets ; for want, of thefe,put in Sweet-breads pulled in pieces.5. pover it down clofe ; let it flew till it’s tender; then take it out and fkum off all the Eat, and put in a Pint of Claret, with three Anchovies 5 then put in the Beef to be thoroughly hot,and put in what Pickles you have, with fried Oyfters ; thicken up the Sauce, and pour over your Meat: fend it. It’s very good cold, but it’s a Noble Dilh hot. 95. To malaret Fowls . Take Pullet, Chicken, or Veal Sweet¬ breads, Mulhrooms, Oyfters, Anchovies, Marrow, and a little Limon-peel, a little Pepper, Saif, Nutmeg, and a little Time, Marjoram and Savory, a few Chives : Min¬ gle all thefe with the Yolk of an Egg; then raife up the fkin of the breaft of your Fowls, and fluff it; and then flick it up again, and lard them; fill their Bellies with Oyfters, and 103ft them 5 make good ftrong Gravy- £ 2 lauce; 52 England / Nemfi Way fauce : So you may do Feafants, Turkeys, or what Fowls you pleafe. 96. Geefe Alamode , Take two Geele, and raife their skins as before, and make your fluffing as for the Fowls 5 only inftead of Chives, put in two Cloves of Garlick * fealon high, and putin fome into their Bellies, as well as between their skins * lard them with Limen and Time 5 then put in as much Butter in your Stew-pan, as will brown them on both fides * then put them in the Butter with ftrong Gravjr, feafbnedvery high* and when they are ftewed enough take them out * thicken the Sauce with Butter, rowled up in Flour, and the Yolks of Eggs, with half a Pint of Claret, and let them boil to be thick * then fry Oyflers and Force"d-meat-balls, and crifpt Sippets to lay round your Dilh, and lerve it: Garnifh with grated Bread, and Flowers, round your Difh. 97. To fickle Tovgues. Make your Pickle with Salt-petre, and Sal-pruneilte .*" and to fix Quarts of Water, one Ounce of each, a pound of Bay-falt, the fame of white Salt, and a quarter of a pound of brown Sugar* then boil all thefe together Till the fkum rifes, and is a very ltrong Brine * fkim it clean * and when it’s cold,| put your Tongues in a Tub * let them lie of Cookery , See.. 53 at their full length to be covered ; turn them three times a Week, and in three Weeks they will be fit to boil; then peel them, and eat them with Chicken or Pigeons, and Spar- row-grafs, polliflowers. Cabbage, Spinage, or what is in feafon, and it’s a noble Dilh, and you may keep them in the Pickle as long as you pleafe, and rub them with Bran, and hang them up in your Chimney, to eat cold; get the beft Tongues. 98. Leg of Mutton like WeJiyhaUct-Ham. Take a Leg of Mutton, cut into the lhape af a Weftphalia-Ham, and make the Pickle af two parts Salt-petre, and the other Bay- Gilt : Let it lie in pickle three "Weeks; then take it out and hang it in a finoaky Chim¬ ney as you do Bacon, and lay under it a IVifp of Hay , which you muft let on fire to fmoak your Leg with ; and wherj, it’s dried and you intend to boil it, put it into 1 great Kettle with a good deal of Hay, ha¬ ving fome Hay-feeds in a Bag in the Kettle; ifou may eat it hot, with Fowls, or cold, ike Weftphalia-Ham, as you pleafe. 99. To baJI) a Calfes-bead. Take a Calfe’s-Head, and half boil it; ut it into pieces, and take a Pint of great lyfters with half a pound of Butter, and arge Mace, a bunch of fweet Herbs; and half a Pint of White-wine* fome Ancho= E- $ ' vies j 54 ' England 3 / Nemft Way vies, and put it in between two Diflies, and flew it tender, and boil the Brains with Sage and Parfl}f by themlelves ; then put Scotch- Collops in the bottom of your Difti with bits of fried Baton,and a good piece amongft the Meat, with a quantity of Marrow boil¬ ed, with blanched Almonds, and Chefiiuts, the Yolks of hard Eggs, fome fried haulages, and rowl tip a large piece of Butter in flour, and thicken it up with Butter, and lay the Bacon and Oyflers a top, and round about, ferve it up hot to the Table. , # joq. -Tq HaJI) a j Ifg of Mutton. Cut off the Flefli of a Leg of Mutton, in¬ to broad pieces, neither Fat nor Skin *, bea* it with the 1 back of a Chopping-knife, bu not to pieces $ then put it into a Difti raw it being .firft tubbed with Garlick, and pu Liquor into it with a whole Onion cut i the middle, a little bunch of fweet Herb tyed up, and fome Salt* cover it, and let i flew ’till it. be changed from the Colour c' the Blood ^ then put in a quarter of a Pir: of White-wine, three blades of Mace, an Ai* chevy, and let it flew fo much longer, 3 ti! the Anchovy be diflolyed : Then take 01: the Onion and Herbs, and put the Meat ail Liquef into the Piftj * and ferve it. Of Cookery, 8cc. 55 ioi. To Hajh a Shoulder of Mutton. Take a Shoulder of Mutton, half roafi: it, then cut it as thin as you can, and take a Glals of Claret, a blade of Mace, two An¬ chovies, a few Capers, a Shalot, Salt, a Sprig of Time, Savory and Litnon peel S let it ftand half an Hour covered ; and when it’s enough, fhake over it fome Capers, and ferve it. 102. To few a Neck of Mutton. Cut it out into Stakes, wafh it, feafbn it with Salt, Pepper and Nutmeg * cover it with Water, and put it in a Stew-pan •, when it boils fkum it well, and let it ftaw: Then take you Turneps,Carrots and Cabbage, par¬ boil them j ftrain ’em from the Water * when your Meat is half ftewed, put in the Roots, throw in a handful of Capers, and a hand¬ ful of fiveet Herbs, a handful of Spinage and Parfly ; fhred them together, with two An¬ chovies chopt; take a little Butter, and brown it y fhake in a little Flour, take a Ladle-full of the Broth, and put in the But¬ ter that is browned, let it boil up, and pour it over your Meat, when it’s almoft ready, boil it a little up together, and ferve it with Sippets in the bottom of your Difh; fqueeze in the Juice of a Limon, or an Orange : ferve it. 5 5 England*/ Nemft Way 103. To flew Veal. • Cut the Veal into little pieces, flew it.in Water, put a little Butter in it, feafon it with Salt, whole Pepper, Mace,. a little Li- mon-peel, an Onion 5, let your Liquor quite cover it, fo flew it; and when it’s enough beat the Yolks of Eggs, and ftir them in > then let them have a warm or two } and if your Veal is drefled, you may heat it this way. 104. To flew Chickens. Take Chickens, quarter them, and put'em into White-wine, and Water, but raoft Wine and when they are, .fiewed tender, put in a good quantity of Butter, and a bunch of fwee.t Herbs, with large Mace ^ then take the xafping of a Manchet to thicken it, with a good quantity of Parfjy 5 you may put in a little Sage, if you like it, a little Salt, Pepper and Nutmeg to le^fon your Chickens * then lay Marrow on the top of them, with the Yolks of Eggs well beaten, with the Juice of aLimon in the Sauce : Garnifh with Hiced Limon, and Parfly, and ferve it to the Table. 1 of. To flew Pigeons . Melt a good quantity of Butter, mingle it with Parfiy, Sorrel and Spinage, which you s mull flew in fome Butter, and when it’s *■ - ce 1 ^ of Cookery , &c. 57 cold put it into fome of their Craws, , with , a Bay-leaf, lave fome of it for Sauce * then flew the Pigeons in. as much, ftrong Gravy as will cover, them, with fome Cloves, Mace, Salt, Pepper and Winter-favory, a little Li- mon-peel,a Shalot or two-, then brown fome Butter and put in and when they are Hew¬ ed enough put in a little bit of Butter rowl- ed up in Flour, and the Yolk of an Egg, with fome of the Herbs you left out; fhak$ it up all together, and fend it. 106. To drefs a Shoulder of Mutton in Blood. When you kill your Mutton lave the Blood * take out all the Knots and Strings, and let it fteep five Hours • then Hull'it with all manner of fweet Herbs as you would j then lay the Shoulder in the Caul, and fpriii' Icle it with the Blood; roaft it, and mak§ Yenifon-f^uce, or Anchovies -, ferve it. jo"]. To roof a Hare. Bade it with Cream as foon as it is laid down : But before you lay it down * take a Marrow-bone, Hired the Marrow with Salt, Nutmeg, Time, Savory, Parity, Shalot, Oni¬ on chopt all fmall rowl them up in a good piece of Butter, and put it in the belly of the Hare, and fo roaft it •, and after the firft baiting with Cream, keep it conftantly ball¬ ed with butter, fill it’s enough * then take for Saufe a little Claret, a blade of Mace 5 diftolve 58 • England j NemfiWay diftolve an Anchovy in it, and melt your butter very thick *, then take the Pudding out of the belly, and walh it all over with the butter ^ lerve it to the Table hot. 108. A Neck or a Loin of Mutton in Cutlets, Firft cut all the Stakes out,and hack them * feafon with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, Par/ly, Time and Marjoram -, chop thein^ arid ftrow them over with fome grated bread} wafli them over with drawn butter, and lay them on white Paper buttered, and made up like a Dripping-pan, that it may not boil over } then boil them over Charcoal,or Wood-coal * and for Saufe, take Gravy, White-wine, two Anchovies*, mince a little Limonpeel, with fome Orange very (mail *, cut it into Water, boil them up together, ftir in fome butter, {hake it up for Saufe5 ferve it. 109. A Neck or a Loin of Lamb fried. Cut every Rib afunder, beat them with the back of a Knife } then fry them in about a quarter of a Pint of Ale } ftrow on them a little Salt, and cover them with a Plate clofe ; take them out with the Gravy in them ; let them by the Fire, and have in readinefs half a Pint of White-wine, a few Capers } ihred two Yolks of Fggs beat with a little Nutmeg and Salt * wipe the Pan, and put in the Saufe, and the Liquor they were fried in j then ftir it with a Spoon all one way of Cookery , 8cc* * $9 way until it be thick •, then put in your Meat, ftir it all together 5 then dilh it up with Limon and Parfly } lerve it. 110. To fry Beef. Take a piece of the Rump, cut it out in¬ to Stakes, beat them well with your Row- ling-pin $ then fry them in half a Pint of Ale * fprinkle them with Salt, an Onion cut fmall; and when it’s fried enough, cut a lit¬ tle Thime, Savory, Parfly and Shalot, with a little Onion and Nutmeg, then rowl up 2 piece of butter in flour, and lhake it up ve¬ ry thick: ferve it. hi. Take Beef flakes, of the Rib, half broil them 5 put them into your Stew-pan, cover them with Gravy * leafon them very high 5 rowl up a piece of butter in flour, and the Yolk of an Egg, and fend it. 112. And if in haft, you may draw Gra¬ vy off' an Oxe’s Kidney j cut in two pieces, and feafoned high with Salt and Pepper : Put it into your Stew-pan, with Water e- nough to cover it * an Onion, a bunch of fweet Herbs, a piece of fweet butter, draw the Gravy from it. 113. Gravy to hep. Take a piece of courfe Beef or Mutton, or vsrhat you have j cover it with Water, when 60 England / Nemfi Way it has boiled a while take out the Meat ; heat it very well, and cut it into pieces to let out the Gravy, with a bunch of fweet Herbs, a little whole Pepper, an Onion, lome Salt 5 put it in again, let it flew but not boil} and when you find it of a good brown Colour, and it’s enough * take it up and put it into an Earthen-pot, fo let it ftand to be cold * fkum off all the Fat, and keep it one Week under another ; and if you find it change, boil it up again, fet it by for ufe and if for a brown Frigafee brown the butter in your Frying-pan, and fhrke in a little flour as it boils? put in the Gravy with a Glafs of Claret, fhake up the Friga¬ fee in it, if for a white 5 then melt your butter with a fpoonful or two of Cream,and the Yolks of Eggs, white-wine or Sider. 114. To make Gravy. Take a lean piece of Beef, cut and fcotch it in thin pieces * beat it well, and put in a good piece of butter in the Pan 5 fry it brown ’till the Goodnefs is out, then throw it away, and put into the Gravy a little Li- mon-peel, Cloves, Pepper and Salt, a Sha- lot or two, a little large Mace, four Ancho¬ vies, a quart of flrong Beef broth, and half a Pint of Claret, White-wine, or Sider, as you would have it, white or brown * boil it well together, and when it’s ready put it in¬ to an Earthen-pot, fet it by for ufe. \Th& Side-dijhss^] ijj. To of Cookery, &c. 6 t 11 To collar a BreaJI of Mutton. Take a large breaft of Mutton * take off the red fkin, and all the Bones and Griftles* fhen grate White-bread, a little Cloves and Mace, with the Yolks of three hard Eggs, a little Limon-peel, fweet Herbs and Chives Ihred therein, and mix . them with the Eggs, Salt, Pepper, and all Spice * make your Meat lie flat and even ; then wafh and bone five Anchovies,and lay up and down your Meat, and ftrow your Seafoning over it * then rowl your Meat till like a Collar, and bind it with courle Tape, and bake, boil or roaft it j cut it into four pieces, and lay it in your Difli with ftrong Gravy-lauce, with Ancho¬ vies diflblved in it, fried Oyfters andForce’d- meat-balls: Garnifti with Limon and Bar¬ berries ; a Side- difh. But if for a Standing- difh 5 then ferve it with Cutlets in the bot¬ tom, Sparrow-grafs, Colly-flowers, Cabbage, or what is in feafon, with white and black Puddings, and Force’d-meat-balls all about it. I id. To make Olives. Take a Caul of a breaft of Veal, then lay a Layer of Bacon,and take Chicken, Rabbets, or Veal, with as much Marroxv or Beef-fuet, as Meat,with two Anchovies, Spinage, Time, Marjoram, a few Chives, Limon-peel, a lit¬ tle Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, and beaten Mace, £>2 England / Neweft Way the Yolks of hard Eggs, a few Mufhrooms and Oyfters : beat all thefe in a Mortar very- fine, and lay a Layer of this and a Layer of midling Bacon, and then row! it up hard in the Caul: then roaft or bake it, which you pleafe: cut it into thin Slices, and lay it in your Difh with ftrong Gravy*fauce: a Side- difh. 117. Frigafee of Eggs. Take eight Eggs, boil them hard: cut them into quarters into a Pint of ftrong Gravy , and half a Pint of White-wine : feafon with Gloves and a blade of Mace, a little whole Pepper, a little Salt: fcald a little Spinage to make them look green, with a Pint of large Oyfters to lay round your Difh : then put the Eggs in the Stew-pan, with a few Mufhrooms and Oyfters,and row! up a piece of butter in the Yolk of an Egg and Flour, and fhake it up thick for Sauce, and you may make Gravy-fauce , if you pleafe : Garnifh with crifp Sippets, Limon and Parfly : a Side-difh. 11S. Omulet of Eggs. Take what quantity of Eggs you pleafe, and beat them welkfeafon them with Salt,and whole Pepper,‘if you like it: then have youi Frying-pan ready with a good deal of frefh butter: let it be thoroughly hot : then pul* in your Eggs with four fpoonfuls of ftrong Gravy: v of Cookery y Szc, 6$ Gravy *, then have ready cut Parfly and Chives, and throw over them 5 and when it is enough turn it on the other fide, and fqueeze .the Juice of a Limon, or an Orange -over it: ferve it: a Side-dilh. 119. Petty Potatoes. Take a pound of butter, put it into a Stone-mortar, with half a pound of Naples- bisket, and half a pound of Jordan-Almonds, blenched, and beaten : eight Eggs, with half the Whites: pound it all together till you don’t know what it is, and put in fomeSack and Orange-Flower water $ fweeten it to your Tafte with fine Sugar : then take a lit¬ tle fine flour and make it into a ftiff Palle, and lay it on a Trencher, and have ready the quantity of two pound of Lard, and let it boil very faft in your Frying-pan,and fo cut the foft Pa-fte on the Trencher about the big- nefs of Chefnuts, and throw them into the boiling Lard, and let them boil till they be yellow and’brown,and when they are enough, take them up arid drain the Fat from them in a Sieve,and put them in a Difh, and pour for Sauce Sack and melted Butter : throw Double-refined Sugar: then-ferve them for a Side-difh. 122. To viake Toajled Cbeefe, Take a pound of Chefhire-Cheefe, grate it line into a Mortar *, put in the Yolks of two Eggs, §4 England / Nemft Way Eggs, and grate in a penny Loaf ; put it! a quarter of a pound of fweet butter, fo beat them all together, and then toaft fome white bread very well,and fpread upon your Toaft $ put them between two Difhes, with Fire un¬ derneath your Dilh, and above.: When they are brown ferve them to the Table * a Side- dilh 5 and thefe cannot be done but in a Dutch-flow. '■ 12 r. A Salamongundy. Take Chicken or Veal minced very fine * then lay a Layer of it, and a Layer of the Yolks of hard Eggs, and a Layer of the Whites * a Layer of Anchovies, a Layer of Limon ; then a Layer of all forts of Pickles, or as many as you have j and between every one of thefe, lay a Layer of Sorrel, Spinage and Chives Hired very fine, as the others * and when you have laid your Difh all round, that it’s full, only leave a place a top to fet an Orange or Limon.: Garnifh with Horle- radilh, Limon and Barberries * this is pro¬ per for a fecorid Courfe Side-dilh, or a Mid- dle-difh, for Supper : You muft take two Di- fhes and lay the uppermoft Difh to build the Salamongundy on, it being out of falhion to mix it all together, but every one mixes it on their Plates j fome like it with the Juice of Limon, and fome with Oil and Vinegar beat up thick together. 122. To of Cookery , &CC. 65 122. To pickle Pigeo?is. Take twelve Pigeons, bone half of them^ and take off the Flefh of the other la, and beat them as fine as for Saufage-meat 5 mis it with Salt, Pepper, Spice and Herbs; a lit¬ tle Marrow, a little Limon-peel, three An¬ chovies ^ and the Yolks of hard Eggs, about two or three ; then fluff the Pigeons full that you boned, the Herbs muft be Sorrel, Spf nage, young Beets, Vine-leaves, with a little Time, Marjoram and Savory } make your pickle with Water, White-wine, ,and two Bay-leaves with a little Salt; boil the Bones in the Pickle, and when it’s enough take them out, and let them to be cold; then put them in, to keep * a Side-difh * the fame way pickle Chickens when they are very young; 123. Dutch Cheeje. Take the quantity of three Pint 4 * of new Milk *, beat feven Eggs very well, ftir it in the new Milk, fweeten it with good Sugar very fweet * then put in a quarter of a Pint of Sack, and a fpoonful of Orange-flower- water, the fame of Rofe-water ; let it oyer the Fire, and keep it ftirring all the while till it comes to a tender Curd i put it in a Cloth, let the Whey run frbm it * then put ;it into Bifket-pans in what fhape you pleafe* lay it in your Dilh: Then take fome fweet F Greats 66 England’/ Newefi Way Cream, and boil it with a flick of Cinnamon fweeten it with fine Sugar, and beat the Yolks of two Eggs, and ftir it in to thicken it * keep it ftirring all the time that it may not raife a fkim, and when it’s almoft cold put in a fpoonful of Sack, Orange-flower or Role-water ^ pour it over your Cheefes when it’s cold * flick on the Cheefes blanched Al¬ monds cut in thin dices * ferve it for a Side* difh. 124. Hedge-hog. Take a pound of Jordan-Almonds, blan¬ ched and beaten in a Mortar very fine with a fpoonful of Sack, or Orange-flower-water to keep them from Oiling ; make it into a fliff Pafte ; then beat in fix Yolks and two Whites of Eggs, fweeten it with fine Sugar with the quantity of half a Pint of Cream, and a quarter of a pound of fweet Butter melted j fet it on your Stow, and keep it ftirring ’till it’s as ftiff as you may make it in¬ to the Fafhion of a Hedge-hog * then flick it full of blanched Almonds, flit and flick up like the Briftles of a Hedge-hog * then f ce it in the middle of your Difh,and boil! - .ream, and take the Yolks of two Eggs, and fweeten to your Tafte with Sugar *, thicker it but not too thick, pour it round you: Hedge-hog, fet it to be cold : Serve it for n Side-difh. j jH 1, 125. Bhdl 1. of Cookery, See. Cj 127. Black Caps. Take the largeft and beft Pippins,cat them in halves, don’t pare them 5 take out their Gores, and put a little Limon-peel in their place: Lay them in a Mazarine-dilh with the Core-lide down-wards, and put in half a Pint of Claret, a quarter of a pound of good Sugar*, fet them in the Oven with Tarts, and don’t bake them too much; and when they are cold lay them in your Salver, with little Saucers of Carraway-comfits round them 3 pour the Liquor over them, and ferve them for a Side-dilh. 126. To few Pippins. Take the beft Pippins,cut them into halves, core them, and to three quarters their weight put in Double-refined Sugar 3 put in as much Water as will cover them 3 then boil the Wa¬ ter and Sugar together*, fkimitwell; cut in a little Limon-peel, and lay in your Pip¬ pins with their Core-ftde down-wards 3 boil them up quick, and ftew them ’till they look clear 3 then take them up and lay them jin a Side-difh, and ftew the Liquor with a dittle White-wine, or the Juice of a Limon, l pr a little Cream , and the Yolk of an Egg br two, with a fpoonful of Orange-flower-* Water, and pour it over them, inftead of the or j if you like that better 3 a Side- F 2 127. To 68 England / Nemfi Way 127. To jlexo "Pears . Take the greateft War den-pears,bake them with brown Bread 5 put in a Pint of ftrong Beer or Ale: When they are baked take them out of the Liquor; and take half a Pint of it, and half a Pint of Claret, and a quarter of a pound of Sugar 5 put them in the Stew- pan with two Cloves, a little Cream, cover them clofe, and let them Hew ’till they are rery red, turn them now and then; when they are enough put them into a Difh you intend to ferve them to the Table in, with the Liquor they were Hewed in; ftrow Dou¬ ble-refined Sugar over the Difh 5 ferve it for a Side-difh. 128. Pippin Taiifey. Take as many fliced Pippins as will cover the Pan’s bottom; fry them with a loft fire: then beat eight Eggs, Whites and all, witt a half-penny Loaf grated, and half a Pint oi Cream, a little Nutmeg and Sugar 5 ther beat all thefe together, and poor over you: fried Pippins; bake it over a foaking fire and when it’s thoroughly baked on one fide turn it, and ferve it with Butter melte< thick, and Sugar round the brims of you Difh s a Side-difh. 129* Goosberry Tanfey. Take a Quart of Green Goosberries, cut )fF the Tops and Tails, and boil them in half i pound of new Butter, in a Frying-pan, till they be well quoddled \ then pour into hem the Yolks of fixteen Eggs, well beaten, vith half a Pint of Cream, and as much Su- ;ar as will fweeten it to your Tafte j then >oil it as you would a Tanfey, and when >aked ftrow over it Rofe-water and Sugar 5 erve it. 130. Good Tanfey. Take twenty five Eggs, abating half th e fhites j then beat them well with half a *int of Cream, or Milk, a pound of Naples- ilket grated very fine *, then colour it with little Spinage, and a little Tanfey; fwee- ;n it with Sugar, butter a fkillet and put 1 the Tanley, ftirring it over the fire con- nually *, and when it boils, to thicken pour \ into your Pan j let your Butter be very pt before you put it in; fry it with the belt jelh Butter, .keep a Plate over it, then turn j out take care you don’t break it in turn- jig } then fqueeze in the Juice of an Orange vet it, and ftrow Sugar on the top, and i'und the brims of yourDilh $ ferve it. 7° England 5 / Neweft Way 131. Almond lanfey. Take a pound of Almonds blanched, and Seep them in a Pint of good Cream, ten Eggs, four Whites * and when yon have beat the Almonds in a Mortar, then put in the Sugar with Crumbs of white Bread; then Sir them well together; fry them with freih Butter, and keep them Sirring in the Pan '’till it’s of a good thicknels; thenSrow over it fine Sugar, and ferve it. 132. Dutch Wafers. Take a Quart of new Milk, or Cream ; warm it *, then grate a penny Loaf, or Bif- ket, very fine, ten Eggs well beaten, with a quarter of a pound of fweet Butter melted, fome Coriander-feeds, a little beaten Cloves, a little Salt, and fine Flour enough to make a Batter, like a Pan-cake, four lpoonfuls ol Ale-yeaS 5 mingle and Sir them well toge¬ ther, and put them into an Earthen-pot 5 lei it Sand covered with a Cloth before the fire, that it may warm and rile lightly neai the fire three Hours * then let the Jorns be made hot and clean,, turned and buttered : tye the Butter up in a fine Rag, and turr. them that both hides are hot over the fire, then put in the Batter, and bake the Wafer! well i don't burn them; and lay them warn in a Difh ; lerve them very hot, with Sugai grated over them, fo eat them dry, or with Of Cookery r 8cc, 7 } the Juice of a Limon, or an Orange 5 fome put melted Butter and Sugar in theDifh,but they are beft crifp’d and dry : ferve them r a Side-difh. 135. Court Fritters. ' Take a Pint of Sack : make a Poflet with fweet Milk from the Cow ; then take the Curd from the Poflet and put it into a Ba- fon, with fix Eggs *, feafon it with a little Nutmeg 5 beat it with a burchen Rod ’till you have beat it well together ; then put Flour into it, and make it as Batter for Frit¬ ters : You may put in a little Sugar ; then take clarified Beef-fuet * make it boil before you put any in : lerve it; a Side-difh. 134. Shirret Fritters. Take a Pint of the Pulp of Skirrets, and a fpoonful of fine Flour, the Yolks of Eggs with Sugar and Spice, make them into thick Batter ^ then fry them out into Fritters, and ferve them with the reft of the Side-difhes 3 Madam. 155. Little Fundings. Take a handful of grated Bread, a fpoon- ful of Flour, the Yolks of two Eggs, a fpoonful of Orange-flower-water, a handful of Beef-fuet fhred all Email, a little Nutmeg and Salt, a fpoonful of Cheefe-curds $ work it well together and wet it as little as you 7^ EnglandV Newefl Way can, and make it up with Cream, or new Milk : Lay it in round Balls in the bottom of your Dilh, which muft be well buttered \ bake them not too muchwhen they are ba¬ ked put them in another Difh, with a fpoion- ful of Sack or White-wine, melted Butter and Sugar together poured on them \ ferve them. 136. Sweet-bread Pajlies. Take Sweet-breads, parboil them, fhred them very fine ; then put to them Marrow, or the Fat of a Loin of Veal fhred, with a little grated Bread, and the Yolks of two Eggs, a little Cream, Role-water, Sugar, and grated Nutmeg -, temper all thefe toge¬ ther * then make PufLpaft with Batter row- led in the Flour, with a little Sugar and Role-water, the Yolks of two Eggs, and cold Water -, then rowl it out like little Pafties the breadth of your hand, and put your Meat in them, and fry them brown, or bake them : Jlrve them. f * ’ * - *;' * 137. Kidney Pajiies. Take the Kidney of a Loin of Veal, with the Fat about it, with a little of the cold Veal you have drefs’d, then take Marrow, or Beef- foet, with the Yolks of Eggs, and chop them all very fine together, pound a little Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg, and a little all Spice, Salt, f) Limon-peel,and what quantity of Sugar and ; •; ‘ f ; - Currans] of Coohery , &c. Currans you think fit: Mix them well toge¬ ther, and make little Pafties of Puff-pafte, and fry them in Hog’s-lard to make them foak brown and yellow. 138. Pajlc to Fry. Take fgrated Bread and Curds, and two Whites of Eggs, and make it almoll: as thick as Pafte •, wet it with a little Cream, and make it into what Falhion you pleafe 5 fry them in Butter as you did your Puddings : Make for Sauce, Butter, Sugar, Role-water and Sack well beaten together j pour it up¬ on them : lend it. 139. Cbeefe Loaves. Take Cheefe-curd, grated Bread, Yolks of Eggs, Mace, Nutmeg *, mix them well toge¬ ther, and fweeten it to your Tafte with Su¬ gar i then take tome Stone-porringers,Butter them, and put in the Curd : bake them, but not too much : When they are baked turn them out, and cut a little hole in the Tops, and put Butter in them * fet them in the Oven again to rife, and colour them : lervq them. \ . 140. Pippin Tarts, Take two fmall Oranges, pair them thin, and boil them in Water ’till they be tender 5 then Hired them fmall, and pair twenty Pip¬ pins 5 quarter and core them, and put to them 74 England 1 / Nemfl Way them fo much Water as will boil them ’till they are enough * then put in half a pound of white Sugar, and take the Orange-peel that is fhred, and the Juice of the Oranges, and let them boil ’till they are pretty thick 5 then let them by to cool * make open Tarts, and put it in : let them in the Oven mode¬ rate hot: Set them by for life. 141. To Jlew Pippins. Take a Gallon of the bell Pippinsf pare and quarter them; cut out the Cores and ftew them in a little Sack, and Rofe-water : fea- Ion them with a little beaten Cinnamon,Nut- meg and Sugar, and Squeeze in a Limon 5 let them flew ’till they are very tender ; and when they are colaufe them for Taffata- tarts, Madam. 142. Orange Tarts. Take Senile-Oranges, grate a little of the out-fide Rinds : flit them in halves, and fqueeze out the Juice into a China-difh, and throw the Peel into Water, change it three times a Day, for two Days, then have ready a fkillet of Water, which muft boil before you put your Oranges in : You muft boil them in two Waters to take the bitternefs away : When they are tender take them out - and dry them in a Cloth 5 then beat it in a Stone-mortar ’till it’s very fine : then take 1 their Weight in Refined Sugar, aod boil it to ! aSyrupJ of Cookery, See. " 75 a Syrup, and (kirn it dean before you put in your Pulp : then boil it all together ’till it looks dear, and when it’s ready let it ftand ’till it’s cold,and then have ready lome Puff pafte in patty Pans, and put your Oranges in: and juft before you put them in the Oven, make a hole on the Top of your Tarts, and put in the Juice and bake them in a quick Oven. 145. Bean Tarts. Take Green Beans, boil them, and blanch them, then make Puffpafte, and put into patty Pans: then put a Layer of Beans, and a Layer of all forts of wet Sweet-meats, ex¬ cept Quinces : ftrow in a little Sugar be¬ tween every Layer : then cover your Tarts, and make a hole on the Top, and put in a quarter of a Pint of the Juice of Limon : Put in Marrow feafoned with Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg and Salt, candied Limon and Orange-peel: and when they come out of the Oven, put into every Tart fome White- wine, thickned up with the Yolk of an Egg, and a bit of Butter: and thefe Tarts are to be eat hot. 144. Spbiage Tarts. Take Marrow, Spinage, hat# Eggs, of each a handful, Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg, Li- mon-peel Hired very fine : then put in as many Currans as you think fit, with Raifins ftoiied, ?6 England / Newefi Way ftoned, and lhred, candied Orange and Ci¬ tron-peel : fweeten it to your Tafte : make Puff-pafle, and make them into little fquare Pafties: bake or fry them. 145:. Tart de 3 Ioy. Make PufF-palte and lay round your Dilh: then a Layer of Bifket, and a Layer of But¬ ter and Marrow, and then a Layer of all forts of wet Sweet-meats, or as many as you have, and fo do ’till the Dilh is full: then boil a quart of Cream, and thicken it with four Eggs, and a fpoonful of Orange-flow er- water,fweeten it with Sugar,and half an Hour will bake it. 146. Set Cujtards. Take a quart of Cream, let it on the Are • boil it with fome broad Mace^when it’s boiled let it to be ; cold then take fix Eggs,with half the Whites^ beat them very well, and put in a fpoonful of Orange-flower-water, or Rofe- water, and put in a pound of Sugar ; har¬ den the Cruft in the Oven, and fluff the Corners with brown Paper, and prick the bottoms with a fmall Pin,when you fet them, and fill them: and when they are enough let them by for ufe. ‘ 147. To make Cujtards. Take a quart of Cream,boil it with a blade pf Mace ; beat ten Eggs, leave out half the Whites j of Cookery, See. ;y Whites *, take the Mace^ out, and Tweeten it with Sugar ; then beat in the Eggs with one fpoonful of Sack, one fpoonful of Orange- flower-water ; fweeten it to your Tafte, and put it into your Cuftard-cups, and let them but juft boil up in the Oven; and if you boil the Eggs in the Cream all together, then you may put it in your Cuftard-cups, over Night, and they will be fit for ufe. 148. Rice Cujlards . Take a quart of Cream, boil it with a blade of Mace ; then put to it boiled Rice, well beaten with your Cream: put them to¬ gether, and ftir them well all the while it boils on the fire : and when it’s enough take it off, and fweeten it to your Tafte, and put in a little Rofe-water : let them be cold, then ferve them. 149. Cheefe Cakes . Take a quart of Cream, boil it j then beat the Yolks of two Eggs, and when the Cream is cold put in the Eggs, and put it on again, and boil it ’till it conies to a Curd, but not to Whey: then blanch Almonds, beat them with Orange-flower-water, and put them in¬ to the Cream with a little Naples-Bifket,and I a little Green Citron,fhred fmall,with Musk- i plumbs ground in the Sugar : fweeten it to your Tafte with good Sugar •, rowl it out thin, and bake them, but let not your Oven Ibe too hot. 150* Cheefe England x Nemji Way 150. Cbeefe Cakes. Take two Gallons of new Milk, turn it with Runnet, that it may be a tender Curd: and when it’s come and gathered, run it thorough a thin Strainer, and prels out the Whey very dry : then beat the Curd with a pound of lweet Butter very well: then put to it twelve Eggs, with the Whites of fix : leafon it with Cloves, Mace, Cinnamon, Nut¬ meg and Ginger, a little Salt and Rote-wa- te^and what quantity of Currans you pleafe, feafon it to your Tafte with Sugar, with a Mufk-plumb or two ground in it: then bake them for ule. 151. For the Patfe, Take fine Flour, break in two Eggs, with three lpoonfuls of Orange-flower, or Rofe- To pot and water > an ^ Water mixed to- Cti/Jr. gether, as much as will make it into a ftiff Pafte : then rowl it out thin, and put in the reft of the Butter: then make "your Cruft, and half an Hour will bake them: and you may venture to eat them. 15:2. To Pot Salmon. Take what piece you have: feafon it with Cloves, Mace, a little Salt and Pepper, two Bay-leaves : Put it into a Pot with as much! melted Butter as will cover it: then fetit in ; the ; ■ i of Cookery , See. 79 the Oven with Manchet-bread: and when it’s baked take it out of the Pot, and put it into the Pot you intend to keep it in, and pour the Butter, and clarifie it, and cover it very well: and if you find it’s not feafoned high enough, feafon it higher: then put it into the other Pot: and the fame way Pot Trouts, or Eels, only you muft bone them. 155. To Pol Tongues. Take Neat’s Tongues out of the Pickle : when they have lain long enough to look red: cut off the Roots and boil them ’till they will peel: then take your Tongues and fea- fon them with Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Mace and Nutmeg : rub it into them well with your Hands when they be hot: then put them into a Pot, and melt as much Butter as will cover them, and pilt them into the Oven and bake them:and when they are baked take them out of the Pot, and put them into the Pot you intend to keep them in : pour off all the Butter,and keep back the Gravy,and melt as much more as will cover it an Inch above your Tongues^ and you may fill up the Sides of the Pot, with Chickens or Pigeons. I I i>4- T® Bo England’/ Reweft Way 154, To Pot Lobflers . Boil the Lobfters till they will come out of their fhells: then take thefe, Tails and Claws, and feafon them with Mace, Salt and Pepper * then put them into a Pot and bake them with fweet Butter ^ and when they come out of the Oven, take them out of the Pot, and put them into a long Pot, and clarifie the Butter they were baked in, with as much more as will cover them very well ; fet them by for ufe.' 1 j 5. To Pot Beef like Venifon. Cut a large veiny Piece of Beef into four Pieces ; fkin it and beat it with your Row- ling-pin ^ then take two penny-worth of Salt-petre, the fame of Sal-prunellte *, beat it very fine, and rub it well in with your Hands ^ lay it in a Tray for two Days} turn it once a Day, then 'take it out ^ feafon it with Salt and Pepper pretty high: then cut, a little Beef-fuet into long flices ^ feafon it with Salt and Pepper, and lay it in your Pot., then the Beef ^ and a top break into final! pieces two pound of frefh Butter,tye it dowr and bake it with brown Bread; when it 5 : bak’d take it out of the Pot with a Skimmer to drain the Gravy from it, and put it intc a Mortar, and take out all the Skins anc Veins, and beat it with a little of the But ter that you muft Ikim off, then put it intc anothe of Cookery, 8zc.' ' St another Pot, and pour the Butter over it, keep back the Gravy * and if there is not Butter enough to cover it, clarifie as much is will cover it an Ineh above the Meat ; let t Hand four Days in your Cellar before you :ut it to eat : the fame way pot Venifon, )nly you muft not beat it in a Mortar, and lie black Pepper inflead of white. 156. To Pot Pork, Take a Leg, or any flefhy Piece of Pork, kin it and cut it out in pieces : beat it in a Vlortar very fine : feafon it high with Salt tnd Pepper : Hired a good handful of Sage, , handful of Rofemary : mix it together, and >ut it into a Pot to bake, with a pound of lutter, bake it with brown Bread, and when t comes out of the Oven, take it out with are, and drain it from the Gravy * then put t into a dry Pot, and prels it down dole nd hard *, Ikim off all the Butter, and put 5 it, and clarifie as much more as will co- er an Inch above the Meat 5 then wet Pa- !er } cover it and let it in your Cellar: in pur Days cut it. | 157* To make Saufages. * Take a Loin of Pork, fkin and hot; it $ (hen break the Bones all to pieces, put them (ito Water enough to cover them,when they 'oil fkim them clean, then lealon the Liquor Mth Salt, Pepper, a blade of Mace, Shalot, G Onion s 8 2 England’ s Nemft Way Onion: and when all the Goodnefs is ou of the Bones, take it put and ftrain .it, an< let it be cold, then Hired your Meat ver fine, feafon it with Salt, Pepper, beate: Cloves and Mace, a handful- of Sage,-a lil tie Rofemary, a handful of Spinage to mah them look Green : then mil them togethc with the Yolks of three Eggs, with as muc of the Liquor as will make it pretty moif then rowl up one of them in Flour, and fi it, to fee if it’s feafoned to your Mind : not, feafon as you like them: and if; the are not to keep, fhred in a few Oyfters wit their Liquor, and fill them. 158. To Pot Fowls. Pick therii clean, and finge them wit white Paper: Dry them with a Cloth: don ivalh them * if you do, they won’t keep •, ttw feafon them with Salt, Pepper, Cloves, and Nutmeg, beaten, and mix all togethe let them ftand twenty four Hours ^ th place them in the Pot, with their Brea downwards: Strow over them fome whc Cloves and Mace -, then pour as much me ed Butter as will coyer them; t}re th< down clofe, and bake them *, and when th are baked'enough, let them ftand a' litt and then drain the Gravy from them : tl place them in another Pot, with their Brea upwards * fill their Craws with Butter, pc pff all the Top of the Butter, keep back • Gw of Cookery, 8cc. 8% Gravy, and the things in the bottom ^ and let your Butter be an Inch above your Fowls, fa Ducks will endure two Hours baking, and )ther Fowls, more or lefs, according to :heir bignefs j then fet them in your Cellar forufe. 15 9. To Pot Pigeo?is . Pick them very dean, wipe them with 3 :lean Cloth, don't walh them : feafon them vith Salt and Pepper -, rowl up a piece of Jutter in the fealoning, and put in their bellies ; fix Pigeons will take up a pound >f Butter $ place them in the Pot, with their Ireafts downwards ^ dridge them with Flour lefore yon put them in, and tye them down lofe 5 and when they are baked take them »ut, and put theip in another Pot, with their >realis upwards, keep back the Gravy - and f you have not Butter enough, clarifie as luch as will cover them * fet them in your iellar. 160 . To Pot Hare. Take a Ha re, walh him clean,dry him well torn the Blood, with a Cloth , cut him into uarters * leafon him with Salt, Pepper, Cloves, Mace and Nutmeg : Put it in a Pot vith a pound of Butter, and two Bay-leaves, md when it comes out of the Qyen take out he Bones, and put it in a Mortar, and beat t fine, and pour the Butter from the Gravy, G 2 and #4 England*/ Nemft Way and mix it all together with your Hands, and put it into a glazed Yenifon-pot, that yoi intend to ferve it to the Table in ^ prels il down clofe, and clarifie as much Butter a! will cover it an Inch above your Meat * fei it by for ufe. 1 6 1. To Collar Beef. Take a large Flank 6f Beef, beat it witl your Rowling-pin to make it lie flat, anc even; cut it fmooth, and take out all th< Griftles, and Veins * then take one Ounc< of Salt-petre, the lame of Sal-Prunella? j beai it (mail, and take a quarter of a pound o: brown Sugar : Mix them together, and rul it in well with your Hands j then lay it ii a Tray, and Iprinkle it once a Day wit] Pump-water ; let it lie three Days 5 the fealon it with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, and a”i lorts of fweet Herbs, a good deal of Sag* one Sprig of Rofemary * cut them, an throw it over the Collar ^ then rowl it u hard and dole like a Collar of Brawn, an bind it about with courle Tape very tigh and put it into Water enough to cover it feafon it with Salt, Pepper,and a little who Mace, a bundle of Iweet Herbs, two Ba leaves, an Onion 5 and when it’s bake rowl it up hard in a courfe Cloth, and let lie ’till next Day, and then you may eat if yoti pleafe : Or, you may keep it in the I quor it was baked in 1 when it's cold take c 1 of Cookery , &c. 85 he Fat, and boil it with more Water 5 and f it’s not feafoned high enough, feafon it ligher j fet it to be cold-, then put your >eef into a long Pot, and cover it with the ’ickle * and if you keep it a pretty while ; oi[ up the Pickle as you find occafion. 162. To Collar a Breaji oj Veal . Take a large Breaft of Veal * bone it, and tke out all the Griftles * then take Sage, 'hime, Marjoram, Savory, Chives, a little iinon-peei fhred them fmall, and npx lem with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, three ird Eggs, hack'd fmall *, cut your Meat to ake it lie flat, and even * bone five Ancho¬ rs with four Ounces of Bacon j flice it in,.and lay with the Anchovies up and 3wn your Meat, and ftrow your Seasoning id Herbs upon it, and fhred fome Marrow id Beef-fuet together, and mix with the o- er Ingredients, and rowl it up hard, and e it with courfe Tape, and cut it into three )llars ; tye them feverally in clean Cloths ry tight and hard at both Ends * then ike your Pickle thus. Tour Piclle thus. Set on a Pot with half Milk and Water, d put in the Veal-bones, with a bunch of eet Herbs, Mace, Nutmeg, Salt, and lole Pepper, and a Bay-leaf-, when all ife are boiled well, 'till all the Goodneis P 3 , is 86 England’/ tfernft Way is out; take out the Bones, and put in the Collars, and let them boll tender 5 then take them oitt and tye them up hard in clear dothes, and hang them up till they ar< cold j then fkiin offall the Fat of the Pickle and when they are boiled enough, apd th( broth cold, put them in and boil up th Pickle, as you find occafion •, eat it wit] Oil and Vinegar beat up thick together, o " a Limon, and Pickles as yoi 163. ToXoSar Pig. Take a fat Pig, cut off his Head, an chine him down the Back, and take out a the Bones, and Griftles} take care you don cut the Skin *, then lay it in Spring-wat* one Night, the next Morning dry it in Cloth, and cut each fide afunder •, feafon with Salt, whole Pepper, Nutmeg, and little beaten Mace, a little Sage, Koieinai and Limon-peel 5 Yowl them up hard in Cloth, and the ioufen Drink is Bran, Mi and Water; ftrain out ! the Bran, and Ik: off all the Fat, and let your Collars be cc before you put them in. « , 164. To Collar Eels. Skin them and rip up their Bellies, a rake out their Guts and Bones * then feai them with Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg, Lim! yeel and fweet Herbs, arid rowl them j V ' 0 hi of Cookery, See. 87 hard in courfe Tape v then put on a Pot of Water, fo make your Pickle, and put in the: Bones of your Eels, with Salt* Pepper, and a bunch of Herbs, three Bay-leaves, a Sprig of Rofemary, and boil them, but not too much ; boil fome Syder in the Pickle * and when you take them up tye them clofe, and hang them up to be cold ; and when the Li¬ quor is cold, Ikim off all the Fat, and put in the Collars 5 boil up the Pickle now and then, as you find occafion, and eat it with Oil and Vinegar beat up thick together, or the Juice of Limon, Pickles, or what you pleafe. THE PICKLES. 165. To Pickle Melons , or great Cucumbers. Take the largeft and Greeneft Cucumbers s cut a piece in their Sides the length of your Cucumbers, take out their Seeds and drain them well $ then put into them fome Gloves, Mace, whole Pepper and Muftard-feed brui- led a little ^ then peel three Cloves of Gar- lick, the fame of Shalot, with fome Ginger Lliced thin, according to the quantity, and put in a little Salt; then lay the piece on again that you cut out, and tye it faft and clofe with Pack-thread ; then put them into as much White-wine-vinegar as will cover them very well 5 and put in a good deal of made Muftard, and a Bay-leaf, with Salt, according to the quantity you make ; let G 4 them 88 England’/ Newejl Way them lie in the cold Pickle nine Days: Then put them into a Brafs-kettle, and fet them over the Fire to Green ; ilove them down clofe, and let them have a boil or two ; then take them off and itove them down very dole, and let them ftand to Green } then fet them on again, and fo do "till they are very Green * then take them out, and boil up the Pickle, and pour it over them fcalding-hot * then cover your Pot, arid tye it down clofe with Leather: You may eat them next Day, or you may keep them a Year. 166. To Pickle Wall-nuts. Take Wall-nuts when you can juft thruft a Pin through them ^ then make a Pot of Water boil ^ take it off, let it cool a little ^ then put in your Wall-nuts, let them lie le- ven days * then make a Pot of Water boil, and put them in} let them boil a quarter of an Hour ^ then wipe them dry,and put them into as much White*wine-vinegar as will co¬ ver them two Inches above the Nuts * then put in Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg and Ginger, whole white Pepper, Muftard-feed bruifed, feven Cloves of Garlick, the fame of Shalot, according to the quantity you make, all peel¬ ed 5 a Nutmeg cut into quarters * put all rbefe together, and let them ftand in the cold Pickle nine Days; then pour the Pickle from them * boil it up and fet it by to be cold § then put in your Nuts, and tye them ■■■■■•. down of Cookery , &c. 89 down dole with Leather; fet them by for life. i* 7 - To Pickle French-beans . Take French-beans when they are very- young, top and tail them ^ put them into the. belt White-wine-vinegar, with Salt, and a little whole Pepper, a Race of Ginger, cut grols, let them lie in the cold Pickle nine Days j then boil your Pickle in a Brafs Ket¬ tle, and put your Beans in, let them but juft have a boil; then take them off the Fire, ftove them down dole, let them by; then put them on again j fo do fix times,hill they are as green as Graft * then put them into an Earthen-pot 5 tye it down dole with Leather, and they will keep all the Year. The fame way you may do Cucumbers, Parlly-ftalks: and if they do change Colour, boil up the Pickle and pour over them fcald- ing'-hot. 168. To Pickle Cawly-flowers. Take the whiteft and clofeft Cawly-flow- ers j cut them the length of your Finger from the Stalks; then boil them in a Cloth, with half Milk and Water, don’t boil them tender j then take them out carefully, and fet them by to be cold j then take the belt White-wine Vinegar, Cloves, Mace and Nut¬ meg, cut into quarters * a little whole white Pepper, and a Bay-leaf j fo let thefe boil well 9© England / NemfiWay well in the Vinegar, and let them to be cold *, then put in your Cawly-flowers, and in three Days they will be fit to eat. The fame way pickle white Cabbage-ftaJks,young Turneps : pare them pretty thick, and cut them the bignefs of Mufhrooms., 169, To Pickle Plumb-buds. Take Salt* and Water, boil it together * then put in your Plumb-buds, and boil them Hot tender*' then ftrain them from the Wa¬ ter, and let them be cold -, then take what quantity you think fit of White-wine Vine¬ gar, and boil it with two blades of Mace, and a little whole Pepper, then put them in¬ to the Pickle, and let them ftand nine Days, then fcald them in a Brafs Kettle, fix times, ? till they are as green as Grafs $. take care they are not foft j tye them down with Lea¬ ther : The fame way pickle Elder-buds, and they are very pretty. l~o. To Pickle MuJJwooms. Take the Button-Mulhrooms, wipe them clean with a piece of Flannel, and throw them into half Milk and half Water, ther fet on your Preferving-pan, with half Mill and Water, and when it boils put in you Mufhrooms, and let them boil up quick fo. half a quarter of an Hour, then pour then into a Sieve, let them drain 'till they b cold, then make your Pickle of the be! White of Cookery] 8cc. 91 White-wine Vinegar 1. put in Mace, Long- Pepper, a Race of Ginger boiled in it, and when it’s enough, cut a Nutmeg into quar¬ ters, and put in it, and when it’s enough, let it Hand ’till it’s cold, then put it into a Glafs, and pour a little of the beft fweet Oil you can get to preferve them, rye it down with Leather : fet it by for ufe- Another excellent way $0 Pickle Mu fir 001ns. 1 Put your Mufhrooms into Water,and wafh them with a Spunge, (put them in Water as you do them) then put Water and a little Salt, when it boils put in your Mufhrooms, when they boil up ikim them clean, and piif them into cold Water, and a little Salt, let them ftand twenty four Hours, and put the Water from them, and put them into White- wine Vinegar, and let them ftand a Week 5 then take your Pickle from them, and boil it very well, put fome whole Pepper, Cloves, Mace,and a little all Spice; when your Pic¬ kle is cold, put it to the Mufhrooms, and keep them clofe ftopt, or tyed with a Blad¬ der to keep the Air from them, or elfe they will be apt to mother; if they do mother you muft boil your Pickle again : If you pleafe you may make your Pipkle half White- wine, 171. To England / Nemft Way 171. To Pickle Jfparagus. Take a Hundred of the largeft Afpara- gus , cut off the White at the Ends, and lcrape them lightly to the Head, ’till they look green, wipe them with a Cloth, lay them in a broad Gally-pot, very even, throw over them two penny-worth 01 whole Cloves and Mace, a little Salt, put in as much White-wine Vinegar as will cover them well, for all Pickles do waft in ftanding : Let them lie in the cold Pickle nine Days, then pour the Pickle out into a Brafs Kettle, and let it boil, then put them in, and ftove them down very clofe, fet them by a little, then fet them over again ’till they are very green, take care they don’t boil to be loft, then put them in a large Gally-pot, place them even : tye them down with Leather. 172. To Pickle Samphire. Take Samphire, and pick it, and lay it into Salt and Water for two Days, then take it out and put it into a Brals-pot, and cover it with the beft White-wine Vinegar very- well, for it will wafte mightily, having it "Over a flow Fire 5 cover it very clofe, let it hang ’till it’s very green, and crifp, but not tender nor foft, then put it up, ancf tye it down clofe with Leather : The beft time to do this in, is in the Month of May : then it’s in high Seafon. 173. To 93 of Cookery , See. 175. To Fickle Barberries, Take. Barberries, pick out fome of the worft to make the Pickle look red * put in Bay-felt, and White-fait, to make it ftrong enough to bear an Egg* then ftrain the Li¬ quor into the Pot you intend to keep them in * and when the Liquor is cold, put in the Barberries, with as much White-wine Vine¬ gar as y ou think fir, with half a pound of brown Sugar, tye them down dole with Leather : let them by for ufe. 174. To keep Artichoke-bottoms. Take Artichokes and throw them into Salt and Water, for half a Day ; then make a Pot of Water boil, and put in your Arti¬ chokes, and let them boil hill you can juft draw the Leaves from the Bottoms 3 then cut out the Bottoms very handfome, and fmooth * then put them into a Pot with Salt, Pepper and Vinegar, a few Cloves, two Bay-leaves; then pour feme melted But¬ ter over them, enough to cover them, then tye it down dole for ufe : Then put them into boiling Water, with a piece of Butter in the Water, to plump them : then ufe them as you pleafe. 177. To dry Artichoke-bottoms. Order them as the others * only inftead of putting them into Pickles,lay them on Sieves, and 94. England’* Nemfi Way and fet them in an Oven after Houfhold- bread is drawn * fo dry them well: When you ule them put them into boiling Water with a piece of Butter to plump them. 17 6 . To keep green Peafe. Take young Peafe, (hell them, and put them in the Pot when it boils * let them have two or three boils; then Ipread a Cloth on your Table, and dry them very well in it* then have yoUr Bottles ready dried, and fill them to the Necks, and pour over them melted Mutton-fat, and cork, them down very clofe, that no Air can come to them * fet them in your Cellar; and when you ufe them put them into boiling Water, with a fpoonful of good Sugar, a good piece of But¬ ter* and when they are enough drain them, and (hake them up thick •, at Chnjbmas you may venture to eat them. 177. To keep (joojbcrries. Take the largeft Dutch Goofberries at full growth, before they change Colour * top and tail them,don’t cut them too dole * then put them into wide-mouthed Glafs-bottles, which muft be very dry ^ flop them down, and put them into a Kettle of cold Water * let it heat leifurely * and when )mu think the Goolberries are fralded thoroughly 9 take them out •, and when they are cold, knock in the Corks, and leal them down clofe, that they of Cookery , 8cc. £5 they take no Air: then make ule of them for Tart, or what you pleale. 178. Dmfons are done the fame way, on¬ ly you muft put them into Stone-bottles 5 and if you put them into a great Pot, cover them over with clarified Mutton-fat 5 fet them by for ule. 179. To Tickle Cucumbers . Firft walh your Cucumbers then put them into a Rundlet with one End, and head it up dole : Take Water and Salt and ftir it together, ’till it will bear an Egg 5 then boil it and fkim it very well, and put it into your Veflel boiling-hot, and fo let it ftand three Weeks : Then open the Head of your Veflel, and take out the Cucumbers clean from the Water, and put them into another Veflel. At the Bottom whereof lay fome Dill, Fennel, and Jamaica- Pepper, and a little Allom, which will make them crilp ; and ftrow fome of thefe Ingredients among them ; then head up your Veflel a- gain •, put in boiling Vinegar, and let them ftand a Week : And if you find they are not Green enough, you muft boil the Vine¬ gar again 5 put it to ’em and flop your VeP fel dole. 18c. A 9 6 England / Nemft Way l So. A very good Sauce for Roajt Venifon. Take one Glafs of Claret, one Glafs of fair Water, one Glafs of Vinegar, one large 'NOnion ftuck full of Cloves, one Spoonful of whole Pepper, one of beaten Pepper, and one of Salt ^ boil all together with fome An¬ chovies } ftrain the Liquor through a Sieve, and ferve it up with the Venifon. Bills of FARE Proper for moft Months in the Yean JANUARY T. ^"yRaw-flJh Soop. Mutton forced, lolled Geefe. ianch of Venifon roajl. nrigacy of Rabbets. 2 . 'apons roajl . [idney-beans. Ianch of Venifon roajl. 7 rigafee of Rabbets, hitter d Crabbs . Geefe Ahmode. Boiled Mutton with Colly-flowers. Pigeon-pye. Roajl Lamb. Pork Roajb. , , 2 . Rabbets Roajl , Peafe. Stewed Pippins, Potted Venifon. Skirret Fritters, FEBRUARY. i. 'cotcb Collops. r Mmb roajl. Mutton boiled. Bacon Froife . 2. Green Geefe, Rasberry Cream. Rabbets roajl, H Collar'd* 98 Bills of Collar'd-Beef or Veal. Cold Ham. 1. Jibblets Jlewcd . Veal CoUops . Mutton roajl. Rice-Pudding. Beef boiled. 2. Chicken and Rabbets roajl. Goosberry Tarts. Peafe. Strawberries and Cream Cold Salmon. 1. Pigeons and Bacon. JVhite Frigafee of Chic¬ ken. Lamb roajl. DiJJ) of boiled Puddings. Boiled Pork. 2. Ducks roatt. Apple-pye and Cream. AJparagus. Chicken pye. Sturgeon, M A 1. Afparagus-Soop. FARE . 1. Geefe Alamode. Mutton boiVd. Lamb-pye. Veal roajl. Jibblets Jlewcd. 2. Three Chickens , thre Rabbets roajl . Peafe. Codling-tart and Crean, Cold Tongues. Salmon foiled, and pit kled. J. Brown Soop. Large DiJJ) of Fiji). Ragow of Veal. Bread-Pudding. Leg of Mutton roajl. 2. Eels fpitcbcockt wil Smelts. Shourdens. Herrings and 7 oajls. j Sturgeon. Butter'd Apple-pye. I C H. Boiled Veal and Baco: Apple-pudding. Lafi, I Bills of F A 3 B. lamb roafl , 2 . y igeom roafl. Met of Eggs. )yflers in Shells, pinage-pafly. 1 . jrUkbts of Beef. -fogs-puddings. -amb in Joints. 2 . labbets and Chicken, hlamoligwidy. •bred Venf. n Lamb-jionei \ Sweet- br ids , Arti hoke- bottoms ragoned. i * Turkeys and Jlarrow- bones'. f Chicken Frigafeed. Stake-pye. Veal roafl. V 2V . Roafl Lamb. Peafe. Wafers. Tarts. \ o MAJ JUNE and JULT. I. Veal Cutlets. Wiled Veal and Bacon. Beef roaU. lamb frigafeed. \ Mutton roafl. bkken-pye. 3 eef boiled. 2 . labbets roafl. Ihine of Salmon, roosberry-fool. tarts. Hold Tongues. I. Peafe-foop. YS Carrot-pudding. 2j> Ducks roafl. Artichokes. Chickens roafl'." Cheefe-cakes. Cellar'd-beef or Rig. i. Beef Royal. Pigeons and Bacon. Lamb-pye. Roafl Veal. Leg of Mutton and Col- Italian-pudding, ly-flowers, H 2 2, Par- ICO Bills of FAR E. 2 . Partridges roaft. Kidney-beans. Craw-fjf) in Jelly* Pigs petty-toes. Collar d-beef. 1. A Pottage.' Mutton boiled. Fruit-pudding. Pbillet of Veal roaft. 2 . Green Geeje roajl• Peafe. Goosberry-Tart. Cold Tongue . 1. Pike dreft with Oyfiers. Bread-pudding. Mutton Cutlets. Shoulder of Vealpft. 2 . Wild Pigeons. Petty Portoons. Pullets forced. Apple-pye. I • Pullets Pellone. Limon-pudding with Pan-cakes. Collops half larded. Mutton in Cutlets. 2 .' Lamb in Joints. Peafe. Salmon or Gudins. Tanfey with Fritters. 1. Pullets Jlamode. Carrot-pudding. Lamb-pye fweet. Mutton roajl. 2 . Turkeys with Eggs. Morrels andArtichokt Collar’d Pig. Almond-Tarts. f. Boiled Beef. Veal Cutlets. Mutton roaft. Fruit-pudding . 2 . Ducks roajl. Peafe. Tongues. Cold Sallets. 1. Pike roajl. Mutton boiled. Potata-pye. A Pbillet of Veal Jin 2 . Chicken roajl. * r Bills of FARE. ioi r an fey. Neck of Veal in Cut- lyfters in Shells. lets. 'otted Eels. Mutton roaft. 1. 'ottage with Rice. 'Imond-pudding. reen-fij!) with Eggs, button roafl. 2. wheys Jlufft and lar¬ ded. oasl Sweet-breads, dlar'd Pig. irt De-nioy. i. ?ef Alamode, amb Frigafeed. 2 : Rabbets roaft. Cellar'd Beef Eggs in Gravey. 1. Peafe-Soop. Salt-fifi with Eggs. Breajl of Veal collar'd. Pigeon-pye. 2 . Green Geefe. Pan-cakes. Parfnips Buttered. Sturgeon. AUGUST. )ttage A-la-Rein . wtridge-pye. rttage Sante. % ib. geons marrownate. irkey dob'd. ■al Cutlets ragoud. arrow-pudding. To remove. 'nifon roaft. Chine of Mutton and Collops. Second Courfe. f Fowl. 2 | Peach fritters. ] Mujhrooms. ^ and when the Oven is ready put in a few Seeds, and one pound of Flour, and beat them well toge¬ ther -, then Butter Paper and drop it on; then put them in a gentle Oven, and as you let. Ice them with fine Sugar. 8. How to make Biskets. Take one pound of fine Sugar, eight Eggs, foine Sack, a little Role-water * beat them one Hour ’till the Oven is ready j put in one pound no England / Nernfl Way pound of Flour, and half an Ounce of Cori¬ ander-feeds ; beat it well together; Butter your Pans, and put it into the Oven half an Hour * then turn it, and brufh it over the Top with a little of the Eggs, and Sugar, that you muft leave out at firft, and fet it in again a quarter of an Hour. / 9. How to make very good Ginger-bread. Take three quarts of Flour, two pound of Threacle, half a pound of Sugar, two Oun¬ ces of candied Orange-peel, and Limon,one Ounce of Ginger and new Spice together : Mix thef? all together as ftiff as it can well be made 5 bake it in an Oven with white Bread. 1 o. How to make French-bread. Take one quart of Flour, three Eggs, a lit¬ tle Barm, and a little Butter; mix them with the Flour very light, with a little new Milk warm'd j then lay it by the Fire to rife ; then make it into little Loaves 5 flour it very- well, and bake it in a quick Oven. 11. To make ghiiddany of Plumbs , Apples, ghiinces, or any other Fruits. Take a Quart of the Liquor of preferved Fruit, and add a Pound of the Fruit raw, feparated from the Stone, Rind or Core • boil it up with a Pound of Sugar, ’till it will Hand upon a Knife-point like a Geliy. 12. To of Cookery, &c. Hi 12. To make a Conferve for Tarts of any Fruit that will keep all the Tear. Take the Fruit you intend to keep, peel off the Rind, and remove the Stone or Core * then put ’em into a Pot, and bake them with a finall quantity of Water and Sugar * being baked, ftrain them through a ftrong Cloth * and adding Cinnamon, Sugar and Mace ve* ry finely fearced * boil them on a gentle Fire’till they become as thick as a Geliy * and then put them up in Pots or Glafles flop¬ ped dole, and they will have their proper Tafte at any time. 13. How to preferve Medlars. Take the Fruit and fcald in fair Water, ’till the Skin may be eafily taken off * then Hone them at the head, and add to each Pound a Pound of Sugar, and let them boil Till the Liquor become ropy, at that time take them off,and fet them by for your Ufe. 14. To make Sweet-meats of any Apples. Make your Jelly of thofe that are mofl foft and pleafant ; then cutting other Apples round-ways, put them into a Glafs or Pot, and let them fland fix Days * then boil them with the Addition of a quarter of a Pound of Sugar to a Pound of Liquor, not break¬ ing , but feafoning them farther with the Juice of Limons, Oranges, Cloves,IvIace, and perfuming them with a Grain of Musk. 15 . How 11 2 England / Newefl Way I y. How to preferve Mulberries . Strain two quarts of the Juice of Mulber¬ ries, and add to it a Pound and half of Su¬ gar * boil them together over a gentle Fire, 'till they become in a manner a Syrup 5 then put it into three Quarts of Mulberries, not over ripe * and after they have had one boil take them out, and put them together with the Liquor into an Earthen-veflel * flop them clofe, and keep them for your Ufe. 16. How to preferve Goosberries, Take them before they be over ripe : cut off their Stalks, and Tops : and if you have leifure,ftone them: then laying in a Farthen- veflel a Layer of Sugar, lay upon it a Layer of Goosberries, and fo do between every Lay, Till your Veffel is almofl full * then add a- bout a pint of Water to fix pound of Goos^ berries * and the Goosberries having before been fcalded, let them in this manner over a gentle Fire, and let the Sugar melt 5 when being boiled up, you muft flop them up for your Ufe. 17. To preferve Cherries. Take your Cherries when they are in the prime, and fcattering fome Sugar and Rofe- waterin the bottom of your Preferving-pan, put them in by Degrees, Hill calling in your Sugar, remeinbring you put an equal weight of either *, and being fet on a quick "Fire, you may add a Pint of White-wine if you would have them plump, and when you find the Syrup boiled up fufficiently ^ take them off, and put them into your Gally-pots for Ufe. 18. To preferve green Walnuts . Oblerve to gather them on a dry Day be¬ fore they have any hard Shell ^ boil them in fair Water, ’till they have loft their bitter- nefs } then put them in cold Water, and peel off their Rind, and lay them in your pre- lerying-pan, with a Layer of Sugar to the weight of the Nuts, and as much Water as will wet it 5 fo boil them up over a gentle Fire, and again being cooled do it a fecond time,and put them by for your ufe ^ this way Nutmegs, when in their Green Hulks, are prelerved. 19. How to preferve Apricocks. Obferve when they are moderately ripe, to pare and (tone them, laying them a Night in your Prelerving-pan amongft Sugar, it be¬ ing laid in Lays : and in the Morning put a [mall quantity of fair Water or White-wine, md fet them on Embers, and by increafing 1 gentle Fire melt the Sugar : when being a little fcalded take them off, and letting them ;ool fet them on again, and boil them up ioftly ’till they are tender and well coloured, it that time take them off: and when they 11 are 114 England’/ Nemft Way are cool put them up in Glaffes or Pots for your Ufc. 20. To preferve Green Pippins. Obferve to gather them on a dry Day, be¬ fore they are too ripe,chufing the Greeneft 5 pare them, and boil 'em in Water ’till they are exceeding foft * then take out the Cores, and mingle the Pulp with the Water, ten Pippins, and two pound of Sugar, being fuf- ficient to boil up a Bottle of Water * and when it is boiled to a thicknefs, put in the Pippins you intend to preferve, and let them boil ’till they contrail a Greener Colour than natural ^ and in this manner you may preferve Plumbs, Peaches, Quinces, or anj 1 thing of that kind, that you have a defire 1 to have green and pleafant. 21. How to preferve Barberries. Obferve you gather the faireft Bunches, ir a dry Day, and boil feveral Bunches in a Pot tie of Claret ’till they are foft: Strain them than add fix pound of Sugar, and a quart o I Water; boil them up to a Syrup and pu® your Barberries fcalded into the Liquor, anc \ they will keep all the Year round. i 22 . How to preferve Pears . jj ^ Obferve that you gather them that an il found, not over ripe, and lay at the Botton ir of an Earthen* paa a Laying of‘Vine-leaves k la 1 d of Cookery, 8 cc. 115 ay another Laying of Pears upon them, nd fo do ’till he Pot is full 5 then to a bund of Pears, add ha*, i Pound of Sugar, nd as much fair Water a: ; will diflblve it ver a gentle Fite, where Lfering them to oil ’till they are fomewhat loft j then fet Eiem by for Ufe. 23. To preserve black Cherries, Pluck off the Stalks of about a Pound, oil them in Sugar and fair Water, ’till they scome thick like a Pulp 4 then put in your ther Cherries with Stalks, remembring you ut half a Pound of Sugar to every Pound f Cherries; when finding the Sugar to be oiled up to that thicknefs, that it will rope, ike them off and let them by, ufing them 1 you fee convenient. 24. To preferve Erbigo Roots. Take of the Roots that are fair,two Pound, alhand cleanfe them * then boil them over gentle Fire very tender; after that, peel f the outmoft Rind, but beware of break- g them •, after they have lain a while in »ld Water, put them into your Sugar boil’d i) to a Syrup ^ allowing to each Pound of ligar three quarters of a Pound of Roots 5 hich boiling a fhort time over a gentle ire, you may fet by to cool, and then put ii 6 England / Neweft Way 2$. To conferve or keep any fort of Flowers , as Rofes, Violets, Cowflips , GiUy-flow:rs, and fncb . Take your Flowers well blown, and clean pick'd; bruife them very fmall in a Mortar, with three times the weight'of Sugar ^ after which take them out and put them into a Pip- kin ^ and having thoroughly heated them over the Fire, put the Conferves upinGally- pots for Ufe. 26. To conferve Straw-berries. Strain them being firfl: boiled in fair Wa¬ ter, and boil the Pulp in White-wine and Sugar,as much as is convenient to make them ItifF} and thus you may conferve any fort of Fruit ^ the difference not being great be* tween this, and making Fruit-pafte•, of which I fhall fpeak hereafter. 27. How to candy Ginger. Take the faireft Pieces, pare off the Rind, and lay them in Water twenty four Hours 5 and having boiled Double-refined Sugar tc the height of Sugar again * when it begins tc he cold put in your Ginger, and ftir it ’til] it is hard to the Pan * Then taking it out piece by piece, lying it by the Fire * and afterwards put it into a warm Pan, and ty< it up clofe, and the Candy will be firm. 28. V of Cookery , Sec. 117 28. To candy Cherries. Take them before they are full ripe, Hone them; and having boiled your fine Sugar to a height, pour it on them gently, moving them j and lo let them Hand ’till almoft cold, and then take ’em out and dry ’em by the Fire. 29. To candy Elicampane-roots. Take them from the Syrup in which they have been preferved and dry them with a Cloth ; and for every Pound of Roots, take a Pound and three quarters of Sugar *, boil it to a height, and dip your Roots into it, when hot, and they will take it well. 30. To candy Barberries. You muft take them out of the prefervd, and walh off the Syrup in warm Water ; then lift fine Sugar on them, and put them in an Oven, or over a Stove to dry them, dirring or moving them the mean while, md calling more Sugar upon ’em, till they ire dry. 31 .To candy Grapes. 1 You mull take them after they are prefer¬ red, and ufe them as the former- 3 2. To candy Eringo-Roots. Take the Roots pared and boiled to a con- 'enient foftnefs, and to each Pound add two ’ound of fine Sugar * clarifie it with Whites f Eggs, that it may be tranfparent 5 and I 3 being 118 England’/ Nervefi Way being boiled to a height dip in your Roots? two or three at once ^ and afterwards dry in an Oven, or Stove, for your ufe: And in this fafhion you may candy any thing, as Fruit or Roots, to which candying is pro¬ per j and as for Flowers which that way are pleafant, and ornamental, you candy them after the following manner with their Stalks and Leaves. Take your various forts of Flow¬ ers, cut the Stalks if they are very long, fomewhat lhorter ^ and having added about eight fpoonfuls of Rofe-water to a Pound of white Sugar, boil it to a Clearnefs-, and as it begins to grow ftiff and cool, dip your Flowers into it ^ and take them out prefent- 3 y, lay them one by one in a Sieve, and hold it over a Stove, and they will dry and harden, 33. To dry Plumbs , Pears^ Apples. Grapes , or the like. You mnft firft preferve them j then wafh or wipe them ; after which let them upon Tin-plates in a Stove, or for want of it an Oven, not too hot, and turn them as you fee occafion obferving ever tp let them have their Stalks on. 34. To make each Jort of Comfts , vulgarly called covering Seeds with Sugar. You muft provide a Pan of Brals or Tin to a good Depth, made with Lars »to hang , over a Ghaftng-difh of Coals with a Ladle, : and 1 of Cookery, See. 119 and (Uce of the lame Metal; then cleanfe your Seeds from Drofs, and take the fineft Sugar well beaten 5 put to each quarter of a Pound of Seeds two Pound of Sugar, the Seeds being firft dried, and your Sugar melt¬ ed in this order 5 put into the Pan three Pound of Sugar, adding a Pint of Spring- water, ftirring it 'till it be moiftened, fuffer- ing it to boil, and fo from your Ladle let it drop upon the Seeds, and keep the Bafon wherein they are continually moving, and between every Coat rub ana dry them as well as may be 5 and when they have taken up the Sugar, and by Motion are rolled in¬ to order 5 dry them in an Oven, or before the Fire, and they will be hard and white. 3 j. To make artificial Ora?iges and Limom. Take Moulds of Alabafter made in three Pieces $ bind two of them together, and let them lie in the Water an Hour or two, boil¬ ing to an height, in the mean time as much Sugar as will fill them; the which being pour¬ ed into the Mould, and the Lid put quickly on it, by fuddenly turning, it will be hollow 5 and fo in this Cafe to the Colour of the Fruit you caff, you muft Colour your Sugar in boiling it. 36. To make Marmalade of Oranges. Pare your Oranges as thin as may be, and let them boil 'till they are foft in two or three Waters $ then take double the number I 4 of 120 England / Nemft Way of good Pippins ^ divide, them and take out the Core * boil them to a Pap without lofing their Colour ; ftrain the Pulp, and put a Pound of Sugar to every Pint ^ then take out the Pulp of the Oranges, and cut the Peel, and boil it ’till it is very foft; bruife it ill the Juice of three Limons, and boil it up to a thicknefs with your Apple-pap, and half a Pint of Ilofe-water. 37. To make Marmalade of Grapes. Take the ripeft Grapes gathered in a dry Day fpread them upon a Table where the Air and the Sun may come at them ^ after which take from ’em the Stalks and Seeds, boiling the Hulk, and Pulp, or Juice in a Pan, with often Ikiming, whilft it is reduced to a third Part; and then let the heat be gen¬ tle, and when you find it thickned, ftrain it through a Sieve, and boiling it once more, add a finall quantity of fine Sugar, or the Powder of white Sugar-candy, and fo put up into Pots, covered with Paper for Ufe. 38. To make Pajle of Cherries. Boil the Cherries ’till they come to be very loft, and ftrain the Pulp through a fine Sieve, and add a Pound of Sugar to a Pint; fiiffen it with Apple-pap, and boil it up to a height $ then fpread it upon Plates and dry it. 39. Tq 121 of Cookery, &c. 39. To make Homy of Mulberries. Take the Juice of Black Mulberries, and add to a Pound and half of their Juice two Pound of clarified Honey, and boil them up, with often fkiming, ’till one Part be confumed. 40. To make Jelly of Quinces, Currans , or Goojbenies. Take the Fruit and prefs out the Juice, clarifie it, and add to each Quart a Pound of Sugar clarified, and boiled up to Candy- height } then boil them,add a Pint of White- wine, wherein an Ounce of Cherry-tree or Plumb-tree-Gum has been diflolved, and it will make it perfect Jelly. 41. To make Lhnon-cakes. Take fine Sugar half a Pound to two Ounces of the Juice of Limon, and the like quantity of Rofie-water ^ boil them up ’till they become like a Sugar ^ then grate into ’em the Rind of hard Limons 5 and having well incorporated them, put them up for ufe in Glafles or Pots being cold, and cover them with Paper. 42. To make red fjjhnnce-cak.es. Take the Syrup of Quinces and Barber¬ ries of each a Quart* cut into it about twelve Ounces free from Rind and Cores boil them ’till they are very loft; then {train the Pulp pr Liquor part, and boil it up with fix Pound 122 England / Nernft Way of Sugar, ’till it be candy-proof; then take it out ani lay it upon Plates, as thin as you think convenient, to cool. 43. Clear or transparent Quince-cakes are made thus . Take a Pint of the Syrup of Quinces, and a Quart of that of Barberries 5 boil and cla- rifie them over a gentle Fire, keeping them free from fkum^ then add a Pound and half of Sugar to the Juice, candying as much more ; and putting it in hot, and fo keep¬ ing it ftirring ’till it be near cold, at that time fpread, and cut it into Cakes as the former, 44. To make Marmalade the Italian Fajhion, Take about thirty Quinces, pare them, take out their Cores,and put to them a Quart of Water, and two Pound of Sugar ; boil them ’till they are foft; then ftrain the Juice and the Pulp, and boil them up with four Pound of Sugar ’till they are become fuffi- cient thick. 4!>. To make TFhite Quince-cakes . Clarifie your Sugar with Whites of Eggs, putting to two Pound, a quarter of a Pint of Water j which being boiled up add dry Su¬ gar, and heighten it to a Candy * then the Quinces being pared, cored and fcalded, beat to Pulp, and put them into the boiling Su¬ gar, not fuffering them to boil long before you cf Cookery^ See. 125 you take them off, and lay them on Plates to dry. 4 6. How to make a Leach of Almonds. Take half a pound of Almonds blanched, beat them in a Mortar, and add a Fint of new Milk, and ftrain them } add two Ipoon- ful of Rofe-water, and a Grain of Mulk, with half an Ounce of the whiteft Ifing- glafs, and ftrain them a fecond time for your Ufe. 47. To make one fort of Macavooms. Blanch a convenient Quantity of Almonds, by putting them into hot Water 5 beat them fine in a Mortar, ftrewing on them fine Su¬ gar as you beat them * and when they are well mixed,add the Whites of Eggs and Role- water * and when they are of a convenient Thicknefs, drop them olf Wafers laid 011 Tin-plates , and bake them in a gentle Oven. 48. To make an Almond Syllabub ; Take new Milk a Gallon, the Flour o^ Sweet Almonds half a Pound, a little Rofe - water, two Ounces of Lime-juice5 halts Pint of the Juice of Strawberries, and a Quart of Canary-wine, with tv/o Pound of Sugar ; beat them, and ftir them together 'till they froth, and become of a pleating Co¬ lour . 124 England 5 / Nemft Way 49. How to diJJj up a Dijb of Fruits with ' preferved Flowers. Take a large Dilh, cover it with another of the fame bignefs, and place the uppermoft over with Pafte of Almonds,inlaid with red, white,’ blew, green Marmalade in the Figure of Flowers and Banks •, then take the Bran¬ ches of candied Flowers, and fix them up¬ right in order, and upon little Bullies erect¬ ed, and covered with Pafte : Fix your pre¬ ferved and candied Cherries, Plumbs, Peafe, Apples, Goolberries, Currans and the like, each in their proper Place } and for Leaves you may ufe coloured Pafte or Wax, Parch¬ ment or Horn * and this elpecially in Win¬ ter will be very proper. 50. A Pafume to perfume any Sorts of Coitfe&ioits . Take Mufk, the like quantity of Oil of Nutmeg j infufe in them Rofe-water, and with it fprinkle your Banqueting-prepara- tives, and the Scent will be as pleafing as the Tafte. 51. To make Curd-cakes. Take a Pint of Curds, four Eggs, leaving two of the Whites out; add Sugar, and gra¬ ted Nutmeg, with a little Flour : Mix them together, and drop them like Fritters in a Frying-pan, in which Butter is hot. 52. Tq of Cookery, See, .125 52. To make Orange-Butter. Take new Cream, two Gallons; beat it up to a Thicknefs $ then add half a Pint of O- range-flower-water, and as much Red-wine 5 and fo being become the Thicknefs of Rutter, it retains both the Colour and Scent of Orange. 53. How to make an Excellent Junket. Take new Milk warm ♦, then add Runneb and let it cool ; then ftrow on it Cinnamon and Sugar, over that caft Cream, and ftrow Sugar upon the Cream with Rofe-water. 54. To make a whipp'd Syllabub. Take a Pint of Cream, fix fpoonful of Sack, the Whites of two Eggs, three Ounces of fine Sugar, and with a Birch-twig beat it 'till it troth well ; Ikim it and put it into your Syllabub-glafies. 55. To make Cnrran-Crearn. Bruife old Currans in boiled Cream jftrain them thorough a Sieve * add Sugar and Cin¬ namon, and fo ferve it up ; and fo you may go by Rafberries or Strawberries. 5 6 . To make Goosberry-Cream. Let your Goofberries be boiled ; or for want of Green ones, your preferv'd ones will do : And when your Cream is boiled up, put them in, adding Cinnamon, Mace and Nut¬ meg*, then boil them in the Cream, and ftrain all thorough a Cloth, and ferve it up wijh Sugar and Rofe-water. 57. To 126 EnglandV Nervefi Way 57 . To make Sage-Cream. Take a Quart of Cream,boil it well $ then add a Quarter of a Pint of Red-fage-juice 3 half as much Rofe-water, and as much Sack 5 half a pound of SugaX, and it will be an Ex¬ cellent Difh ; and thus you may ufe it with any fweet Herbs , which are pleafant and healthful. 58. To make Syrup of Barberries. Take your Barberries picked from the Stalks; boil them to a Pulp* then ftrainand rarifie the Juice * then boil it up, being fix Pound, with fix Pound of fine Sugar into a Syrup * and if you find that it will not thic¬ ken it fiifficiently,you may add more Sugar. 59 . Marmalade of Prunes, Raifns , Currans : how to make it of an Amber-colour. Take your Fruit and keep them in a pro¬ portionable Quantity of Water * "till by be¬ ing over a gentle Fire, they become foft and pulpy ^ then Hone the Prunes or Raiiins,and put them into as much Canary as will wet them: After that prefs out the Pulp, and boil it up with fome Slices of Quinces; then ftrain it again, and put to each Pound half a Pound of Sugar,and half a Pound of brown Sugar-candy in Powder, and fo put in the Pulp well mixed and fprinkle Rofe-water in¬ to a Gally-pot glazed 5 dry it a little in an Oven or Stove* and keep it for your Ufe. 60. HgiP of Cookery, &c. 127 60. How to make an extraordinary good Sack-pojfet. Take fifteen Eggs,Whites and Yolks * beat them very well, and Brain them 5 then take three quarters of a pound of Six-penny Su¬ gar, and a Pint of Sack ; put all together in a Bafon, and let it over a Charcoal-fire, and keep it Birring ’till it be fcalding-hot, fet a quart of Milk over the Fire with fome pieces of Nutmeg, and let it boil: When your Eggs are fcalding-hot pour in your Milk, hold your Skillet very high, and pour it in. Birring it all the while * then take it off the Charcoal, and cover the Bafon with a Dilh very clofe, and fet it by the Fire-fide for half an Hour. 61. An Excellent Receipt for making El¬ der Wine . Take five Gallons of Water, and twenty Pounds of Malago-Raifms ; pick them from the Stalks, rub them clean, and Aired them fmall: Boil the Water an Hour, and then pour it upon the Raifins, and let it Band ten Days in a Tub, Birring it now and then •, then Brain it through a coarfe Sieve. To five Gallons of that Liquor, put four Pints of Elder-juice, the Berries being firfl put into a Pot, and let in a Kettle of boil¬ ing Water. The Liquor being Brained, and the Juice being cold put it together, and turn it into a Yeffel, and let it work * then bung it 120 England’/ biemjt ry ay it up clofe, and let it Hand ’till ’tis fine, and then bottle it off. 6 2. How to make very good Vinegar. Take Spring-water what quantity you pleafe, put it into a Veffel or Stone-bottle, and to every Gallon put two Pounds of Malago-Raifins, lay a Tile over the Bung, and let the Veffel in the Sun ’till it be fit for ufe. If you put your Water and Raifins into a Stone-bottle j you may fet it in the Chimney-corner, near the Fire, for a con¬ venient time, and it will do as well as if let in the Sun. 63. How to make an Excellent Jfouth-water. Take Honey-fuckle-leaves , Columbine- leaves , Strawberry-leaves , Violet-leaves, Bramble-leaves,Plantain-leaves unfet, Hyfop and Cinquefoil leaves, one handful of each 5 boil the lame in three Pints of Spring-water ’till it comes to a quart: Then put in a piece of Roach-alum and Honey as much as you think fit ^ you muff take lome of the boiled Water, and diffolve the Alum and Honey in it, and then mix all together: This will cure a Canker, or any fuch Sore-mouth. Additions, of Cookery, &C, T29 ADDITIONS Bifque of Fiji), T Ake what Frelh-fifh you pleafe and clean it very well 5 then fteep it in White* wine and Vinegar, whole Spice, fome whole Onions, Iweet Herbs ty’d up, one Limori [hred, a handful of Salt % cover the Fifh al- moft with Ingredients •, let it fteep an hour, then have ready’boiling a thing of fair Wa¬ ter, then put in your Filh with the Ingre¬ dients on the fire, and when it is about half mough, put in the boiling Water to it, and this way will make the Filh much firmer than the old way 5 then fry fome of the Dther in hot Liquor -, then a rich Saule made with Oyfters, Shrimps, Mulhrooms, two Anchovies, Capers, a bundle of fweet Herbs, two whole Onions, one ftuck with Cloves, Horfe-radilh fcrap’d, Nutmeg, the Juice of a Limon, the Yolks of two Eggs ; mix all thefe together with two Pound of Butter, and draw it up very thick, then Difh your K Filh 130 England’/ Nernft Way Filh on Sippets, and run over your Saufes * Garnifh your firy’d Filh with Parfly, Horfe- radifh, and cut Limon, and lerve it up hot: Thus you may do all frefh Filh. Oyjlers Grill'd in Shells. Sit and Beard them, feafon them lightly with Pepper, Salt, and minc’d Parfly ; Butter the Scollop-fhells very well ; then when your Filh or Oyfters are neatly laid in, put in your Oyfters Liquor and Grated Bread to co¬ ver them, boil them half an hour, and brown them with abroad redhotIron,or Fire-lhovel* you may Garnilh any Difli of Filh with thefe, or ferve them lingly. Shrimps are Grill’d the fame way 5 and they are very good upon my word. To make a Quakbig Pudding , Take a Quart of Cream, and twelve Eggs, but force the Whites of them, beat them with a fpoonful of Flour and Grated Bread as thick as for Rice-Cuftards 5 fealbn it with Rofewater, Nutmeg and Sugar; you muft Butter the Cloth very thick, or elie it will run out * the Pot muft boil before you put it in, a Pudding of a Quart muft boil two hours, but if it be but a Pint it muft boil one hour. of Cookery, See. 131 To pickle Mujfwooms white. Gather your Mufhrooms when little But- tons in the Morning j wafh them., and rub them clean with a piece of Flannel in clean Water, and as you rub them put them in more clean Water $ then boil them in fair Water, with a little Salt for half an hour * and then (train them through a Colander clean from the Water, and let them (land till they are cold 5 and for your Pickle, take Vinegar, Salt, whole white Pepper, feme Blades of Mace, and about two Nutmegs diced,and boil’em for half an hour,and when it is cold , then put your . Mufhrooms into the Pickle, and keep them clofe To Pickle Cucumbers for prefent Eating. Wa(h your Cucumbers clean, and dry them in a Cloth, then take fome Water and Vine¬ gar, Salt, Feiinel-tops, and Dill-tops, with a little Mace, make it Salt enough, and fharp enough to the Tafte ; boil it a while, then take it off, and let it (land ’till it ’tis cold ^ then put in your Cucumbers, clap a Board upon them to keep them down, and tye them up clofe j they will be fit to eat in a Weeks time. To make a Beef-Tanfey. Take feven Eggs, putting out two Whites^ put to them a full Pint ot Cream, a .little K 2 Nut- 132 England’/ Nemji Way Nutmeg, and a few fweet Herbs, as Time, fweet Marjoram, Parfly, Strawberry-leaves, Hired them very fmall, then take boil’d Beef minc'd very fmall, a full Plate of White- Bread Grated, mix them all together, and fry them as you do other Tanfies , not too Brown. To make an Orange-Pudding. Take the Peel of a large China-Orange, mince it exceeding fmall, and Pound it in a Mortar^ then take the Yolks,of fixteenEggs well beat with a little Role-water, and put to it a little more than half a Pound of Su¬ gar, and as much Butter being melted', and feafon it with a little Nutmeg, and put it in a Difh being covered with Puff-pafte, and lay Puff-pafte over it, andgarnifh it in what form you pleafe. iV / To Collar a Breaft of Veal. ,.. Take a large fat Breaft of Veal, and bone it, feafon it with a little of all forts of Spice, a little Salt,a little Limon-peel minc’d fmall; take two or three Sprigs of Time, with as much of fweet Marjoram ftript and fliced very finall, and flrow it thin all over the Veal * be fure to put both the Sweet¬ breads in, and rowl it hard, and tye it with coarfe Tape ^ fo Bake it. of Cookery , &c. 133 To Pickle Barberries. Take your Barberries after they are pick- d, and take your Blatter'd Barberries and oil them in Water and Salt almoft ftrong nough to bear an Egg; let it boil half an our, and when it's cold put in your other ►arberries, and flop them clofe. To Pickle dfben-Keys. Take them when they are very tender, nd Parboil them in a little fair Water, then ike half a Pint of White-wine, and a quar- sr of a Pint of Vinegar, the Juice of a Li- lon, and a little Bay-fait, and when it is oil’d and cold put your Alhen-Keys into our Pickle ; keep them from the Air. Saufe for Wild Ducks. Take a little handful of Sage, one large )nion Hired very fmall, feafon it with a ttle Salt, and rowl them up with Butter ito Balls, then put them in the Ducks, and .oaft them ; then take half a Pint of Claret, j it diflolve two Anchovies; then take half » much Butter as Wine, then thicken them ith the Yolks of two Eggs, then put your »ucks in your Dilli, and pour your Saule irough them, and pull out your Balls j fo :rve them up. ?34 England’/ Nemft Way To Sonfe a Pike. Boil your Pike with as much Water a; will cover it, together with a handful of Bay leaves, and as much Cloves and Mace as yoi think fit ■, boil it ’till it is lb tender that yoi may run a Straw through it, take it up anc put into the Broth White-wine and Vinegar and an Anchovyjwhen your Pike is cold pui in the'Soule j it will Jelly to keep it long. • • 1 . I s' To make a good Cake. Take half a Peck of Flour, two Pound o: Butter, break your Butter very Email int< your Flour,take four Nutmegs,half an Ounce of Cinnamon, fix Eggs, leave out four o' the Whites, half a Pound of Sugar, half 2 Pint of Sack, and a Pint of Ale-yeaft, mb all thele together with a little Salt, put all this through a Strainer, with as much boil ing hot Milk as will make youv Pafte verj light • let it lie after you have made it i quarter of an hour before the fire, then taki five Pound of Currans well dried, work then into your Pafte, then' rowl out a piece o: Pafte for the bottom, then pour on you! Cake, for the Pafte muft be lo fall that yoi cannot mould it, fo that you muft put ft intc the Oven as foon as it is made; then fo: Candy, take your Whites of Eggs that yoi had out of your Cake, and two or three fpoonfuls of Rofe-water, and a pretty dea b ' ' c !l - m -‘ ' -i d of Cookery , 8cc. 135 of /lifted Sugar^beat it in a Stone-mortar half an hour, fo that you may take a Feather and Ice it over as thick as you canjfet it in¬ to the Oven again to harden a little, and fb take it out. To make a Carraway-Cake fine. Take three Pound of Flour well dried, put in it a Nutmeg Grated, ten Blades of large Mace, finely beaten, alio ten Cloves beaten, and a little Salt, then rib in a Pound of Butter, and put in a Pint of Ale-yeaft, a Pint of Cream warmed, four Eggs, but two Whites, beat them with two fpoonfuls of Sack, and as much Rofe-water, mingle it to¬ gether, and handle it as little as may be, and let it before the fire to rife for half an hour, then break it and mingle in it a Pound of finooth Carraway-Comfits j put it in a Hoop, and let it Hand three quarters of an hour in the Oven. To make IFinter-Cheefe-cakes with Pujf-pafie. For the Cruft, to a Pound of Flour take three quarters of a Pound of Butter 5 wet the Flour ftiff with Milk and two Eggs, then rowl in the Butter •, and to make the Curd, put five Eggs to a Pint of Cream, and Grate a little Bisket into it. To make a Bran-Pudding. Take a quarter of a Pound of frefh Bran, half a Pound of Meal as it comes from the K 4 Mill, 12,6 England’/ Nemfl Way Mill, three quarters of a Pound of Currans, fix Eggs, a Pound of Beef-fuet Ihred very fine, Nutmeg it to your Tafte $ and if you pleafe put in a quarter of a Pound of Sugar, and as much Milk as will make it pretty ftiff 5 Boil it in a Bag, or Cloth. To make a Tan fey without Frying . Take the Juice of young Spinage half a Pint, or a little more, put thereto a Pint of thick fweet Cream,and a little Grated Bread, fifteen Eggs, whereof put in but fix of the Whites, Iweeten it to your Tafte, and ftir it in a Skillet *, Butter your Skillet a little, put it over a gentle fire, until it be fbme- what thicker than Butter’d Eggs 5 then lay it upon a warm Plate, and fet it upon a few Coals, and with a Spoon make it of what fhicknefs you pleafe5 then let it ftand and harden a while, then turn it upon another Plate, and let it ftand a while on that fide 5 if you have no Limon, then put a little Verjuice, and Butter and Sugar upon it, and lerve it up. To make Saufe for Turkeys or Capons* Take half a Pint of White-wine,and a lit¬ tle Gravy, ^nd. Oyfter-liquor, and a little Grated Nutmeg, and put to it three or four ! large Onions boil’d tender and mafhed fmall with a little fmall Pepper, and two or three Anchovies, minced fmall, boil i$ a quarter 1 of Cookery, to. 137 of an Hour, with a little Grated White- bread, and put to it a piece of Butter, and put it to the Fowls being Roafted. To make Saufe for Wild-Fowl. Take half a Pint of Claret, a little Oyfter- liquor, a little Gravy, and three or four Shalots 5 let it boil a quarter of an Hour, with a little Grated Bread, and put to it two Anchovies minced, and a little Butter, and lhake it well together, and put it to your Fowl, being Roafted, and lerve them up. To make Saufe for Venifon , or a Hare. Take half a Pint of Claret, and a little Oyfter-liquor, and put to it fome good Gra¬ vy, and a large Onion ftuck with Cloves, jmd fome whole Cinnamon and Nutmeg cut in flices; then let it boil 'till the Onion is boil’d tender ; then take out the Onion and whole Spice, and put to it three Anchovies, and a piece of Butter, lhake it \yell together, and lend it to the Table. To make Saufe for Green-Geefe-cr Touug Ducks. Take almoft half a Pint of the Juice of Sorrel, and a little White-wine, a little Gra¬ ted Nutmeg, and a little Grated Bread, let it boil a quarter of an Hour, and put to it as much Sugar as will fweeten it; if you pleafe you may put in a few fcalded Goof- berries 138 England’/ Nemtt Way terries or Grapes,and a piece of Butter,fhake ' it up thick, and put it to the Geefe, being Roaftcd 5 this Saufe is proper for Chickens. To make Limqn Cream . Take four fair Limons, pare them very thin, and Ihred them very fmall, put it in¬ to a Silver Cup, fqueeze in all the Juice of the Limons to the Peel, cover if and let it ftand two Hours, ftirring it fometimes 5 then put to it three quarters of a Pint of fair water, 7 fpoonfuls ofRofe-water, or Orange- flower-water, add a little more than half a Pound of fine Loaf-Sugar, feven Whites of Eggs, and three Yolks very well beaten; ftrain it all in a Canvafs-ftrainer, and boil it till it be thick, ftirring of it while it is boil¬ ing. Orange-Cream is made after this way, only leaving out half the Peel, and putting in a Yolk or two more. To make a frejh Cbeefe. Take new Milk, put fome Runnet to it, let it ftand ’till it comes like a Cheefe, then break it, and Whey it, and force the Curd through a Canvafs-ftrainer ; then feafon it xvith Role-water and Sugar * you may put in the Yolks of an Egg ifyou pleafe : and if you let it alone it will be as well; temper it together, and fo put it into a little Co¬ lander to drain, then put it out and pour fome Cream upon it; fo fend it to Table. To of Cookery, &e. 139 To make a Dijh of Wild-curds like Almond-Butter. Take of the beft Wild-curds, and force them through a Canvafs-ftrainer, and feafon it with Role-water and Sugar, and lay it out in a Dilh in what form you pleafe, and fo ferve it in ; but few can difcern it from Almond-Butter. To make a very good Sack-Pojfet. Take a Pint of the beft Sack, fourteen Eggs, leave out fix of the Whites, and be lure you take out all the Treads 5 put in one Nutmeg and fome Cinnamon; mix your Sack and Spice very well, and be fure you put in Sugar enough at the firft * let it on a Chaffing-dilh of Coals, and beat your Eggs very well, put them into your Sack,and keep them ftirring pretty fall that it Curdles not ’till it be boiling hot 5 then take three Pints of Milk boiling off the fire, pour it into your Bafon as hot and foftly as you can, and keep it very well ftirring "till the Milk be all in, then take out your Spoon, take it off the Coals quickly, and cover it one quar¬ ter of an Hour ; and fo ferve it Covered. To make a Lamb-Tye ft for your Ladi - J})if s Table. Cut your Lamb in thin flices, and lealon it with Cloves, Mace, Nutmeg, Sugar and Salt, J40 England / Nemfi Way Salt, with a little fmall Pepper, and lay it in your Coffin* and lay on it and between it, a few Raifins of the Sun ftoned, and a few Currans, and a few Scirrets boil’d and Blanched, and the Marrow of two or three Bones * Candied Limon, Dates, and dried Cittern, Preferved Barberries, and Candied Lettice, and fliced Limon, large Mace and Butter * and clofe your Pye* and when it is baked, let your Caudle be White-wine, Ver¬ juice and Sugar, beaten up with the Yolks of three or four Eggs, and fet it on the fire, and keep it ftirring till it begins to be thick* put it in and (hake it together * fcrape on Sugar, and fend it up. To make a Lamb-Pye another Way % Cut your Lamb in thin Slices, and feafon it with Pepper and Salt, and Nutmeg, and lay it in your Coffin, and lay on it large Mace and Butter, and clofe your Pye * the fame way you may make a Veal-Pye. Carps Stewed Royal. After the Carps are kill’d,and the Garbidg drawn out of their Bellies and waffit, then fteep them in Claret-wine with whole Spice, and whole Onions, Horle-radiffi, and Li¬ mon ffired, a little Salt and Vinegar* then ftew them gently half an Hour, or three quarters * then thicken the Butter with Flour in a Saule-Pan * add fome of the Fiffi or of Cookery, See. .141 or Carps-liquor, two Anchovies, Oyfters and Shrimps * then pour it over your Fifh 5 let it thicken with the Claret, put in fome Sip¬ pets * Garnifli with the Milt, Horfe-radifh, and cut Limon, or what elfe you find proper. How to order Syder the bejl way. Firfi feald your VefTels with Water-fyder, made of the parings of the fame Fruit * then to a Hoglhead, after it is thus Raided and very dry * take a Quart of the bell old Ma¬ laga* Sack, and put into it * flop it clofe, and rowl your Hogfhead up and down eve¬ ry way to feafon it * then Tun your Syder, having a Tap in it before you Tun it * fill not your Veflel by a pretty deal, leaving room enough for it to work in the Hogfhead, and flop it very clofe to keep in the Spirits, which elfe will work out at the Hoglhead * and as you hear it work, for you mult every day watch it, tyhen it begins to make much noife in working, draw out every day a Glafs to give it vent, other wife it will burft your Hogfhead. And when if is fine draw it off into another Hogfhead * and then again into Bottles as foon as you can. To make Syder as fine as any Wine in Twenty- four Hours , or there about. ■' . ■ i' ' ■ c Firfi, let your Syder fettle in the Rine for twenty four Hours or more, to take it off 142 England / Newefi Way off from the grofs Lees; and then Barrel it up ^ and as loon as it is Tunn’d, take in proportion to a Hogfhead of Syder the Whites of fifteen Eggs, beat them to a Froth and Oyl i and when the Froth is fettled, put fo much fine Scowring-land into it as will make it neither too thick,nor too thin, about the thicknels of Cream, mix it well toge¬ ther upon the Bting-hole, and pour it into your Cyder-, then with a Stick rouze it a- bout loundly to mix it well together, ftop it up, and as foon as ’tis fine. Bottle it. To recover Cyder that is decayed. Take to a Hogfhead of Cyder Twenty- four Pound of the bell: frail Malaga-Raifins, and put them into your Cyder, and in a few days it will be fine, and very palatable $ which you muft watch by drawing every day a little, at a Peg-hole in your Vefiel $ but let your Peg be not higher than the mid¬ dle of the Head of the Veflel, then draw it off prefently into Bottles, or elfe in two or three Days it will not be worth a Farthing, Another Way much approved to make any Cyder , though quite fewre, if not quite flat and dead , to be of the perfefi Colour and Tafl with the Redjh-eah Thus , Take in proportion tu a Hogfhead of very pale fowre Cyder fix Pound of Brown Sugar- Candy * then draw ofif as much of that Cy¬ der of Coohry , &c. 145 tier as in boiling with the Sugar-Candy will make a perfect Syrup ; then let this Syrup to Cooling *, and when it is perfe&ly cold, pour it into the Cyder, and Hop it very dole; it will prefently caufe a fermentation, but not lb great as to hurt your Cyder; your Veffel mull not be quite full, that it may have room to ferment, and in few Days it will be fit to Drink. How to Preferve Pippins. Take Pippins, and pare, core, and quar¬ ter them, and put them into fair Water, take in alfo fome of their Parings, and the Parings of fbme other Apples, which you will pare and quarter alfo in iinall Quarters; and make them boil ’till they are tender; then put them into a clean Cloth, and let the Water run from them *, and then take as much of that Water or deco£fion as will ferve to boil up the Quarters that you have referv’d for your Preferve, and put it into a Copper-Pan very clean, and put in as much fine Sugar as you pleafe, but in proportion to the quantity of Quarters of Apples that you intend to rreferve, put them all together and make your Pan boil upon a good Char¬ coal-fire till they are very tender ; hiring them fometimes with a Spoon, but not to break them; then take them out, and lay them upon the brims of a Dilh, or on a clean Cloth a running •, after this you may Dilh 144 England / Neweft Way Difh them up upon a Plate, and then make an end of boiling your Syrup upon a quick fire, putting in lome more Sugar, and the Juice of Limons, and let it boil ’till it be a Jelly; then take it off from the Fire and let it Hand ’till it is cold * and then pour it ovef your Apples, and on the brims of your Plates as you think fit. But remember to take out the Parings of your Apples before you drain the decoction from your Apples. This Decofti- on is very good for the doing of almoft all other Fruits • but fome will boil the Parings before the Fruits, and drain out the Water. To make mojl rare Sanfages without Skins. Take a Leg of young Pork, cut off all the Lean, and mince it very fmall, but leave none of the drings or i'kins amongft it * then take two Pounds of Beef-fuet fhred fmall, two handfuls of Red-fage, a little Pepped, Salt and Nutmeg with a fmall Piece of an Onion, Mince them together with theFlefh and Suet, and being fine Minced, put the Yolks of two or three Eggs,and mixing all to¬ gether, make it into a Fade *, and when you ufe it rowl out as many pieces as you pleafe, in the form of ail ordinary Saufage, and Fry them. This Pade will keep a Fortnight up* on Occafion. To Dry Neats Tongues . Take Salt beaten very fine,and Salt-petre, of each a like quantity 5 rub your Tongues very of Cookery y See, *45 i : ery well with the Salts, and cover them all over with it, and as it walls put on more 5 when they are hard and ftiff they are enough 5 then row! them in Bran, and dry them before a loft Fire. Before you boil them let them lie in Pump-water one Night, and boil them in Pump-water. Otherways powder them with Bay-falt * and being well fmoak’d, hang them up in a Garret or Cellar, and let them come no more to the Fire ’till they are boil’d. To Roajl a Neat’s Tongue. Take a Neat’s Tongue being tender boil’d, blanched and cold, cut a hole in the Butt- end, and mince the Meat that you take out * then put fome Sweet-herbs finely minced to It, with a Minced Pippin or two, the Yolks of Eggs flic’d, lome Minc’d Beef-Suet or Minc’d Bacon, beaten Ginger and Salt, fill the Tongue, and flop the end with a Caul of Veal, Lard it, and Roaft it *, then make Saufe with Butter, Nutmeg and Juice of Oranges * Garnifh the Di(h with flic’d Li- mon-peel and Barberries. To Roajl a Neat’s Tongue or Udder otherways. Boil it a little, Blanch it. Lard it with pretty big Lard all the length of the Tongue, as alfo the Udderbeing firft feafon’d with Nutmeg, Pepper, Cinnamon and Ginger a then fpit and roaft them, and baft them with L fweet i4 6 England’/ Neweft Way fweet Batter •, being Roafted drefs them with Grated Bread and Flour, and fome of the Spices abovefaid, fome Sugar, and ferve it with Juice of Oranges, Sugar, Gravy, and dic’d Limon on it. 7 o make Minc'd Pies with Neat’s Tongues. Take a frefh Neat’s Tongues, boil, blanch, and mince it, hot or cold, then mince four Pounds of Beef-fuet by it felf; mingle them together, and leafon them with an Ounce of Cloves and Mace beaten, fome Salt, half a preferved Orange, and a little Limon-peel minc’d, with a quarter of a Pound of Sugar, four Pounds of Currans;, a little Verjuice and Rofe-water, and a quarter of a Pint of Sack, itir all together.and fill your Pies 5 in the Figures as on the Copper-Plate, Num¬ ber 3. or others as you pleale. Saufes for Roaji Pigeons, or Doves. 1. Gravy and Juice of Orange. 2. Boil d Parfly minced and put amongfi fome Butter and Vinegar, beaten up thick. 3. Gravy, Claret, and an Onion ftewed together with a little Salt. 41 Vine-leaves Roafted with the Pigeons, minc’d and put in Claret-wine, and Salt, boil’d together, fome Butter and Gravy. 5. Sweet Butter and Juice of Orange beat together and made thick. 6 . Minced Onions boil’d in Claret-wine almoft te eve/zh Zl/ tycL'/l lions wee of Cookery , &C. 147 almoft dry, then put to it Nutmeg, Sugar, Gravy of the Fowl, and a little Pepper. 7. Or Gravy of the Pigeons only* Saufes for all manner of Roafl Land-Fowl^ as Turkey , Bujlanf Peacocf Pbeafant , Par¬ tridge. 1. Slic’d Onions being boil’d, ftew them in fome Water, Salt, Pepper, fome Grated Bread, and the Gravy of the Fowl. 2. Take Slices of White-bread, and boil them in fair Water, with two whole Onions, lbme Gravy], half a Grated Nutmeg,and a lit¬ tle Sal t^ftrain them together through a Strai¬ ner,and boil it up as thick as Water-Grewel; then add to it the Yolks of two Eggs, diflol- ved with the Juice of two Oranges. 3. Take thin Slices of Manehet; Gravy of the Fowl* fome fiveet Butter, Grated Nut¬ meg, Pepper and Sait, flew all together, and being ffewed put in a Limon Minced with the Peel. 4< Onions fliced and boil’d in fair Water, and a little Salt, a few Bread-crumbs, beaten Pepper, Nutmeg, three Spoonfuls of White- wine, and fome Limon-peel finely minced and boil’d all together •, being almoft boil’d put in the Juice of an Orange, beaten But¬ ter, and the Gravy of the Fowl. 5. Stamp Small-nuts to a Pafte,with Bread, Nutmeg, Pepper, Saffron, Cloves, Juice of L 2 Orange, 148 England / Nemfi Way Orange, and ftrong Broth, ftrain and boil them together very thick. 6 . Quince, Prunes, Currans, and Raifuas boil’d, Muskified Bisket, damped and drain¬ ed with White-wine, Rofe-vinegar, Nutmeg, Cinnamon, Cloves, Juice of Oranges and Sugar * boil it not too thick. 7. Take a Manchet,pare off the Cruft and ilice it, then boil it in fair Water, and be¬ ing boil’d fomewhat thick put in Tome White-wine, Wine-vinegar, Role or Elder- vinegar, Sugar and Butter. 8. Almond-Pafte, and Crumbs of Man- chet, ftamp them together with lome Sugar, Ginger and Salt, ftrain them with Grape- verjuice, and Juice of Oranges * boil it pret-* ty thick. To make Rofe or Elder-Vinegar. Keep Rofes dried, or dried Elder-Flowers, put them into feveral double Glafles, or Stone-Bottles, write upon them and let them in the Sun, by the Fire, or in a warm Oven, when the Vinegar is out, fill them up again. To make Verjuice. Take Crabs as loon as the Kernels turn black, and lay them in a heap to fweat, then pick them from Stalks and Rottennels * and then in a long Trough with damping Bee¬ tles, ftamp them to Mafh, and make a Bag of coarfe Hair-cloth, as fquare as the Prefs * of Cookery, &c, 1451 fill it with the ftamped Crabs,and being well prefled, put it up in a clean Veflel. To make Muftard. Have good Seed, pick it and wafh it in cold water, drain it and rub it dry in a Cloth very clean * then beat it in a Mortar, with ftrong Wine-Vinegar * and being fine beaten, ftrain it and keep it clofe coverd, or Grind it in a Muftard-Quern, or a Bowl with a Cannon-Bullet. To make Pancakes. Take three Pints of Cream, a Quart of Flower, Eight Eggs,three Nutmegs, a Spoon¬ ful of Salt, and two Pounds of Clarified Butter i the Nutmegs being beaten, ftrain them with the Cream, Flour and Salt, fry them into Pan-cakes, and ferve them with fine Sugar. Otherways. Take three Pints of Spring-water, a quart of Flour, Mace and Nutmeg beaten, fix Cloves, a fpoonful of Salt, and fix Eggs, ftrain them, and fry them into Pan-cakes. Or thus . Make ftiff Pafte of fine Flour,Rofe-water, Cream, Saffron, Yolks of Eggs, Salt and Nutmeg, and fry them in Clarified Butter. l 3 °r I 5 <= England’/ Nervefl Way Or thus. • - V • ’* . •"* r t Hf' Take three Pints of Cream, a Quart ,of Flour, five Eggs, Salt, three fpoonful of Ale, a Race of Ginger, Cinnaihon as much*, ftrain thefe Materials, then fry them, and. letve them with fine Sugar. To make a Tavfey the beft way, " ' * ^ \ : ' ' ' . >' • i- 1 •- r i Take twenty Eggs, and take avyay five Whites,ftrairi thenuyith a Quart of good thick fweet Cream, and put to it a Grated Nut¬ megs Race nf Ginger Grated, as much Cin¬ namon beaten;fine, and a Penny White-loaf Grated alfo, mix them all tpgether with a little Salt, then ftamp 1 fome Green Wheat, with fome Tanfey Herbs, ftrain it into thd Cream, and Eggs and all together: Then take a clean Frying-pan* and a quarter of a Pound of Butter, melt it, and put in the Tanfey, and ftir it continually over the fire with a Slice or Ladle, chop it, and break it as it thickens, and being well incorporated, put it out of the Pan into a Difh, and chop it very fine, then make the Frying-pan very clean, and put in fome more Butter, melt it x apd fry it whole, or in lpoonfuls 5 being finely fryed on both fides, Difh it up and fprinkle it with Rofe-Vinegar, Grape-Ver¬ juice of Cookery, See. 151 juice , Elder-Vinegar, Cowflip-Vinegar, or the Juice of three or four Oranges, and drow On good (tore of fine Sugar. Otherways. H Take a little Tanfey, Featherfeiv, Par- fly and Violets, damp and (train them with eight or ten Eggs and Salt, fry them in fweet Butter, and ferve them on a Plate or Difh with fome Sugar, . A Tanfey for Lent. Take Tanfey and all manner of Herbs as before, and beaten Almonds, damp them with the (pawn of a Pike or Carp,and dram them with the Crumb of a fine Mancher^ Sugar and Role-water, and fry it in fweet Butter. To Collar a Surloin , Flank, Brisket , Rand, or Fore-Rib of Beef Take the Flank of Beef, take out the Si¬ news and mod of the Fat, put it into Pic¬ kle, with as much water as will cover it, and put a handful of Peter-falt to it * let it deep three Days and not fliift 5 it then take it out and hang it a draining in the Air,wipe it dry, then have a good handful of red Sage, fome Tops of Rofemary, Savory, Marjoram and L 4 Time 15 2 England 1 / Nemft }Vay Time, but twice as much Sage, mince then? very final], then take a quarter of ah Ounce of Mace, and half as many Cloves, with a little Ginger, and half an Ounce of Pepper, and likewife half an Ounce of Peter-falt $ mingle them together, then take your Beef, Iplat it, and lay it even that it may roll up handfomely in a Collar 5 then take your Sea- foning of Herbs and Spices, and ftrew it all over, roll it up clofe, and bind it faft with Packthread * put it into an Earthen Pipkin or Pot, and put a Pint of Claret to it, an Onion and two or three Gloves of Garlick, dole it up with a piece of coarfe Pafte, and bake it in a Baker’s Oven*, it will ask fix Hours foaking. To make Saufe or Pickle to ket ?p Venifon in that is Tainted . Take ftrong Ale, and as much Vinegar as will make it fharp, boil it with fome Bay- falt, and make a ftrong Brine, fkum it, and let it ftand ’till it be cold, then put in your Venifon twelve Hours, prefs it, boil it, and feafon it, then bake it. • . . . . Other Sauje for Tainted Venifon. Take your Venifon, and boil Water, Beer, and Wine-Vinegar together, and fome Bay- ^ - leaves^ of Cookery, &c. 155 leaves, Tyme, Savory, Rofemary and Fe- nil, of each a handful 5 when it boils put in your Yenifon, parboil jt well and prefs it, and fealbn it as aforefaid * bake it to be ea¬ ten cold or hot, and put fome raw minced Mutton under it. Other ways to Preferve Tainted Venifon. Bury it in the Ground in a clean Cloth all Night, and it will take away the Cor¬ ruption, favour or ftink. Other Saufe to Counterfeit Beef or Mutton to give it a Venifon Colour. Take fmall Beer and Vinegar, and par¬ boil your Beef in it, let it fteep all Night, then put fome Turnfole to it, and being Ba¬ ked, a good Judgment (hall not difcern it from Red or Fallow Deer. Other ways to Counterfeit Ram , Weather, or other Mutton , for Venifon. Bloody it in Sheep’s, Lamb’s, or Pig’s Blood, or any good and new Blood ; feafon it as before, and bake it either for hot or cold. In this Falhion you may bake Mut? ton, Lamb, or Kid. jt j4 England / Nemft Way Fifb when in Seafon. Severn Salmon in feafen from AlhoUand* Tide till June. Thames Salmon in feafon from April, and allow'd/to be caught to Holy-Rood the 13 th of September. Sturgeon catcht in the Eaftern parts in April, May , and June,( Excellent Fim Roaft- cd frefh) but chiefly eaten pickled, moft caught at Hamborough , and at a place belong¬ ing to the King of Pruflia, call’d Pillow ; feme- times catch’d in the River Severn, and now and then in the Thames. Turbett in feafen all the Year, but fearce in the Months of December , January and Fe¬ bruary. Carp Spawn in May , in feafon all the Year, at feme Place or other $ Ihames-Czrp reckon¬ ed the beft. ' Whitings and Cod in feafen here chiefly in November, but in the Northern Countries longer. Lampreys in feafon from Chrijhnafs to June to be Potted, catch’d in the River Severn. f ackarels in feafon the latter end of April, continue May and June. Lnbjfers and Crabs come in, in Angujt, and hold till Chrijhnafs , which is call’d the firfl: feafen j and from Chrijlmafs to June , is call’d the fecond feafeiio Oyfters of Cookery, 8zc. 155 Oyfters in feafon from the beginning of September to April. Herrings in feafon in June, but the biggeft feafon when in full Row is in September , Ottober and November. " :A 1 Trouts in feafon in Aprils Mag, and the beginning of June ; H.nnpJJnre the Chief Country for them,. : Soles, Thornba&k, Cray-fjb, and Eels, always in feafon. * . < *,/ M * Fowls and Rabbits , &c. when in Seafon. In January, February and March , Turkey Poults, Green Geefe, Ducklings, finall fat Chickens, fbihe Pideons, Tame Sucking Rabbits, Pheafants and Partridge with Egg, are in feafon. And in March , Leverets, Wild Pigeons, Wild Rabbets. In April, May and June the Chickens come to be Large Fowls, lo that Turkey, Geefe, Ducks and Fowls are in feafon all the Year. In July and Augujl, Wild Ducks that fhed their Feathers, which are called Flappers or Moulters, come very Fat j and at the latter end of the Year moft forts of Fowls both Wild and Tame are good and in feafon,-as Swans,Buftards, Wild Geefe, Brand Geefe, Wild Ducks, Teal, Widgins, Shufflers, Pen- teal, Eafterlings, Heathcocks, Woodcocks, Snipes, Plover, Larks, Quails, Blackbirds, Thrulhes, 15 6 England / Neweft Way y &c. Thruflies, Felfair, Phealants, Partridge, Bit¬ tern, Geefe, Tame Ducks, Cock-Turkeys, and Hen-Turkeys, Capons, Virgin-Pullets, and Hens with Egg, and Chickens 5 likewife Hares and Rabbits. Note. That the Cock-Turkey is out of feafon after Chriflmafs,but the Hen con¬ tinues in feafon till Eafter , and is with Egg all the Spring. v ; . FINIS. r BOOKS printed for Chriftopher Coningsby. T HE Lady’s Writing-Mailer, being a Curious Sett of Round-hand Copies, which is the only Hand now in ufe: By William Elder. Printed on the tops of Thir¬ ty fix Folio Pages to Write under, whereby any Ferfon may attain to write handfome- ly with little Practice. Price is. 6 d. The Modifli Penman, containing variety of all the Ufual Hands now PraCtifed in England and an ExaCt Copy to write Greek by-, with Directions whereby any Perfon may attain to write any of thofe Hands with little Practice 5 likewife excellent Re¬ ceipts for making feveral forts of Ink, and other Curiofities. By William Elder. Price 1 Shill. The Young Man’s Companion, contain¬ ing Examples of the ufual Hands now Pra- Ctifed in England . By William Elder. Price 1 s. A New A Catalogue of Books. A New Copy-Book, containing the Breaks and Alphabets of the true Secretary, and Text-Hands j whereby any Perlon may at¬ tain to the Clerk-like Engrofling of any Deeds,Writings, &c. with Expedition. Print¬ ed on the Tops of 36 Pages to write under. Price 1 s ; The Country School-Mailer, of ah Affi- ftant to thofe that want' an Able Mailer, being a Copy-Book containing variety of the moil Common Hands now ufed iii England, alio an Exatt Copy of the Print-Hands. By Jofeph Nutting. Price d d. A New Book of Cyphers, containing in General all Names, interwoven and revers’d by Alphabet* being very pleafent for Gen¬ tlemen; and liadies, and ufeful for all forts of Art ills, as Painters, CarveiS, Engravers, Chafers, Watch-makers, Embroiderers, with feveral other ufeful and necelfary Ex¬ amples, with. Additions. Compofed and En¬ graven after the neweft and true Mode, By Benj. Rhodes . Price Bound 3 s, 6 d. , » f xf p- f r~\ The Merchant’s Magazine, or Tradefman’s Treafury : Containing,. 1. Arithmetick in whole Numbers, and Fractions Vulgar and Decimal 5 with the Realon and Demonflfa- tion of each Rule: Adorn'd with Curious Copper-cuts of the chief Tables and Titles. 2. Me r-