The pictures described in this Catalogue are for
private sale.
For prices and further particulars, please apply to
the owner
6, rue de La Rochefoucauld
Copies of the present Catalogue and of the three Cata-
logues previously published (1894-1896) : price 10 francs each;
Copies of the Illustrated Catalogue of 3oo paintings by
Old Masters which have at various times formed part of the
Sedelmcycr Gallery : price 3o francs:
The complete set (| Catalogues 1894-1897, and Cata-
logue of 3oo paintings above mentioned) : price 5o francs;
may be had at Mr. Charles Sedelmeyer’s. 6, rue de La
Rochefoucauld, Paris.
of the
of the Dutch, Flemish, Italian, French, and English Schools,
being a portion of the
Sedelmeyer Gallery
which contains about
i5oo original Pictures by ancient and modern artists
,p A .
lu 97
C ii \s. Sedelmeyer, Publisher and Art dealer, Paris, has
the richest stock of original pictures in Europe.
Ilis gallery includes over 800 works by Old Masters ,
of which this Catalogue describes only a portion, and a
similar number of pictures by living artists, and painters of the
Barbizon School.
Ciias. Sed elmeyer, who imported and sold to the United
States the two celebrated pictures by Munkacsy « Christ
before Pilate » and « Christ on Calvary », controls the works
of this artist and those of V. de Brozik, Tito Lcssi, Eugene
Jettel, etc.
He publishes every year a selection of fine and important
plates, of wieh only a small number of proofs are printed.
He has just issued the second volume of a most extensive
book in 8 volumes on Rembrandt , containing reproductions of
all the pictures of this master; the text by Doctor W. Bode,
Director of the Berlin Gallery. Subscriptions now received.
The prospectus of this book, and illustrated catalogues
of other publications, to be had at Ciias. Sedelmeyer’s.
6, rue de La Rochefoucauld, Paris.
B A C K H L I S E N ( L udo lf )
( 1 63 i - i 708 )
i. — A Sea-Piece with a Storm coming on
On a patch of land to the right, are two men, one reclining, the
other, supposed to be the artist himself, seated and sketching. In
the centre is a large fishing smack, with a small boat alongside.
Other vessels are seen on the left and in the background.
Cloudy sky.
Canvas. 19 in. by 27 in.
Exhibited at Manchester, in 18.57.
From the Collection of Mr. \Y. Delafield, London, 1870.
M. Francois Nieuwenhuys, Paris, 1881.
M. Maurice Kann, Paris.
! CCi-6 (y\L
C L I J P ( A E I. B E R T )
( 1620-1691 )
Cavaliers in a Landscape
1 f;
Described in Smith’s Catalogue (part v, p. 334, n° 174I as follows :
« A gentleman in a scarlet jacket, mounted on a spotted white
horse, at the head of which stands a gentleman in a brown dress,
with two dogs by his side; a third gentleman is seen on the left, on
a bay steed, galoping from a wood towards the front. »>
Signed : A. C.
Panel, 1114 in. by i 5 1/2 in.
Described in Smith’s « Catalogue Raisonne *, part v, p. 334 n° 174.
From the Collection of Mr. Vales.
- 8 —
Chjp (Aclbcrt)
C U I J P (A elbert)
( 1620-1691 )
3. — Boy holding a gray Horse
A boy, in a brown hat and coat, is holding the bridle of a grey
horse, ready saddled; above the road on which they stand, a steep
wooded hill rises on the left; figures are seen in the distance to the
Signed : A. cuijp.
Panel, 14 in. by 12 1/2 in.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1878.
Described in Dr. Waagen's « Art Treasures in Great Britain », vol. iv, p. 455.
From the Collection of Lord Dunniorc.
Viscount Powerscourt.
Cl/IJP (Aelbert)
4. — Gentlemen watering their Steeds
In a river, occupying the whole of the foreground, arc two
gentlemen; one, to the left, is letting his steed drink; another,
to the right, mounted on a grey horse, is speaking to a third
gentleman, on a bay horse, who is on the bank of the river, pointing
with his whip at some distant object. A dog is drinking from the
river. A hilly landscape in the background; a house on the right.
Signed : A. cuijp.
C - , ' v. Panel, 17 3/4 in- by 21 1/2 in.
— 10
4. — Cuiji* (Aclbcri
Cuiji* (Aelbert)
DYCK (Sir Anthony van)
5. — Portrait of a Gentleman
Standing, his figure to the right, but his head and eyes turned
towards the left. Long fair hair falls in ringlets on his shoulders.
He wears a brown doublet, and over his left shoulder a black mantle,
which he grasps with his right hand. Half-length figure. Life-size.
Canvas, 36 1/2 in. by 26 1 2 in.
From the Collection of Sir W. R. Farquhar, Bart., London, 1894.
DYCK (Sir Anthony van)
6. — Portrait of Sir John Lambert
Turned to the right, looking at the spectator, clad in armour
with a crimson scarf round his waist, on which his right hand rests.
A skirmish of cavalry is seen in the background on the right, llall-
length figure. Life-size.
Canvas, 33 1/2 in. by 28 1 2 in.
Dyck (Sir A. van) 5. — Dyck (Sir A. van)
FYT (Jan)
( i 6 i 1-1661)
7. — Dead Game and Dogs
A hare suspended by his hind-legs from the branch of a tree,
at the foot of which a wild duck, partridges and other birds are
lying. Two dogs and a basket are near this group. View of a
hilly landscape on the right.
Signed : Joannes Fyt 1644.
Canvas, 48 in. by 68 in.
Painted in Italy, where the artist sojourned between 1640 and i65o.
GO YEN (Jan van)
( 1 5 q 6- 1 656 )
8. — Halt at the Village Inn
In the centre of the foreground, two peasants are seated on the
ground by the road-side, conversing with a man who stands in front
of them and is accompanied by a boy and a dog. On the left, two
men with a dog are seated in front of a small building, having the
appearance of a chapel, near which is a large tree. In the middle
distance, a country inn, at which numerous travellers, with waggons
and horses, have stopped to bait.
Canvas, 47 in. by 54 in.
- M
7- — Fyt (Jam
Goyen (J. van)
HALS (Frans)
.. ( i58o or i58i-i666)
(). — The Jolly Toper
He holds a jug in his left arm, and a pipe in his right hand, and
looks laughingly at the spectator. He is dressed in a green coat
and a small linen collar; a fur cap covers his head. Bust. Life-size.
Canvas, 2.3 3/4 in. by jy 1/4 in.
From the Collection of Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, 1884.
E- .^GcLL/y (y 1 ] fluicfcA*. 1 / K/t— ■ y eoc ! q 1 1 ,
HOLBEIN (Hans) the younger
10. — Portrait of a Young Man
Half-length, three-quarters face, in a black cap. with a white
feather, and slate-coloured, gold-striped dress bordered with fur;
black ribbon and pendant round neck, hands together, the left
holding a glove, the right resting on the hilt of a dagger. Green
curtain background.
L \ ***
, Itl
Panel, 17 in. by 1212 in.
Exhibited at Burlington House, London, 187.3 and 1880.^
the Tudor Exhibition, London, 1890.
— the Burlington Fine Arts Club, London.
I’rom the Collection of G. P. Boyce, Esq.. London.
3 M l •
II OO C II (Pieter de)
^ ^ 0 • ( i 63 o-after 1677 1
12. — Interior with Figures
In the centre, near an open window, through which is seen a
river bordered with trees, a gentleman in a red dress and black hat.
and a lady holding a cup in her right hand, are seated at a table
covered with a Turkey carpet, on which is a plate with a glass
of wine, and an orange. A negro-servant is pouring coffee into a
cup. In the foreground on the left, a female servant kneeling near
a chimney, ornamented with columns, arranges the lire with a pair
of tongs. Two dogs are on the right. In another room in the
background, a gentleman is seen to enter.
Canvas, 26 1 2 in. by 33 in.
From the Collection of T. Humphry Ward, Esq.. London.
Ui PlfouGU ritfS UV •
fW*n rr r cA\
— 18 —
1 2
lloocil (P. dc)
JANSSENS van CEULEN' (Cornelius)
1 3 . — Portrait of a Lady, supposed to be
Henrietta Maria, Queen of Charles I
Standing, turned three-quarters to the left, the hands clasped
at the waist; she is dressed in a black silk robe with wide slashed
sleeves, the bodice enriched with pearls. Her ears and wrists are
also adorned with pearls, and strings of the same jewels arc round
her neck and in her hair. Green curtain in the background.
Canvas, 44 1/2 in. by 36 in.
From the Gallery of the Duchesse dc Berry, Venice.
— Collection ol' 1). F. Sellar, Fsq.. Paris, 18R0. ^
M. Jules Poores. Paris.
JANSSENS van CEULEN (Cornelius)
14. — Portrait of a Gentleman.
Turned to the right, looking at the spectator, lie wears a
black doublet and a loose mantle of the same colour; a skull-cap on
his full curly hair. 11 is right hand is placed on his hip. his left
holds his gloves. Three-quarters figure. Life-size.
Signed : Cornelius Jansen van Ceulen fecit 10.CC
Canvas, 42 1 2 in. by 04 in.
exhibited at the Royal Academy. London, itM’o.
From the Collection of I). P. Sellar, Fsq.. Paris, itJHg. /
M. Jules Forges, Paris.
Janssens van Ceulen (('.) < — Janssens van Ceulen (C.
KEYSER (Thomas de)
( 1096 or 1 597-1667
fly u. , >
1 5. — Portrait of a Gentleman
— ^ tr - , ,
Seated at a table, covered with a Turkish carpet, on which he
rests his left hand, holding his hat; an open book with the drawing
of a female, a skull and a scroll are lying near; his right hand
rests against his thigh; his left foot is placed on a small stool in
front, lie is dressed in a crimson satin robe, and hose of the same
colour. Behind the table is a small ivory figure on a stand; a
lute and a sword are hanging against the wall. Small, full-length
Panel, 29 1/2 in. by 21 1/2 in.
From the Gallery of Count Festetits, Vienna.
MABUSE (Jan Gossaert, called Jan van)
(auoi’t 1470- 1 5 _j 1
if). — Portrait of a Lady
Turned to the left, and looking in the same direction; her left
hand, adorned with a jewelled ring, rests on a parapet in front; she
holds a llower in her right hand. She wears a black dress with
green sleeves, a golden underdress and waistband, and a gold-
embroidered head-dress. A gold chain hangs from her neck.
Panel, arched lop, 12 12 in. by 8 12 in.
From the Collection of Arthur Seymour, Esq., London. 1896.
Keyser (Th. de)
MAES (Nicolaes)
( 1 63 2-t 6 q 3 )
17. — Bust of an Old Lady
Turned slightly to the left, looking at the spectator; she wears a
full black hood and mantle, with a red bodice beneath, and a small
white linen collar round her neck.
Panel, i“ 1,2 in. by i3 1/4 in.
From the Collection of an English Nobleman.
MAES (Xicolaes)
( 1 63 2- 1 690
18. — Portrait of a Gentleman
A gentleman in black dress and cap. holding his gloves in his
left hand. Half-length figure. Life-size.
This picture was described and sold as the work of Rembrandt
at the Dudley Sale.
Canvas, 3y 1 2 in. by 3i in.
From the Collection of the Earl of Dudley. London. 1892 (Cat. n" 21). v
Maks (N. i i-. — Maks (X.)
(liEFORE 1430-1495)
i ( ) - 2 o . — Two Wings of a Triptych with
Portraits of the Donors
On the left wing, an old woman kneeling, dressed in black
with a white kerchief over her head, her hands folded in prayer.
Behind, stands her patron saint, holding an open book in her right
hand, her left being placed on the shoulder of the old lady. The
background consists of a minutely finished landscape enriched on
the left by a castle surrounded by water, and a draw-bridge, on
which are two men; in the distance a fortified castle and its build-
On the right wing, a man kneeling, dressed in black, holding
an open prayer-book with both hands. Behind stands his patron
saint, dressed in a black mantle, steel helmet, and gat ntlcts. lie
holds in his right hand a long lance, to the upper end of which is
lived a banner, and lays his left hand on the shoulder of the donor.
Panel, each, .12 1 2 in. by i<> 1 4 in.
Inhibited at Manchester, idap.
Described in Crowe and Cavalcasclle, p. 2(>S.
.Mentioned by Conway, page
NEUFCHATEL (Nicolas), called Lucidel
26. — Portrait of a Man
Small half-length figure, to the right, three-quarters face: black
dress with red doublet, black cap; he is holding up a ring in his
right hand, and carries a pair of gloves in his left: a coat of arms in
the left upper corner; grey background.
Panel, 19 0 4 in. by i 5 3/4 in.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London. 1892. 1 "
Burlington Fine Arts Club, London.
From the Collection of H. Willett, Esq., Brighton.
^ U.\Ub'- o 1 ^ 1 l/C 0 !
2.5. — Ni:i:k (A. van der)
OSTADE (Adriaen van)
( i 6 i o- i 685 )
27. — Interior of a Country Alehouse
Described in Smith's Catalogue (Supplement, p. 104. n* 86) as follows :
« The interior of a country alehouse, in which are live persons,
two of whom are in the centre and front of the apartment; one of
them, wearing a drab hat and a greyish dress, is seated, lighting
his pipe til a pot of embers; his companion, dressed in a purple
jacket, stands before him, leaning his left arm on the back of a chair,
and holding a jug in his right hand. Near a chimney, in the back
of the room, a woman, a man, and a boy. »
Signed : A. v. Ostade.
Panel, 10 1 2 in. by 12 1 2 in.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1895. ' , U
Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », Supplement, p. 104. 11° 86.
From the Collection of J. 15 . van Lancker, Antwerp, 18. " 55 .
M. Tardieu fils. Paris. 1840.
Colonel Dire, Paris, 1)541.
.M. Stayaert van den Dusche, Brussels, 1806.
Yicomte de Buisscret, Brussels, 1891 .
POTTER (Paulus)
(1625- 1 65.})
28. — Three Cows at Pasture
Two are standing, and seen nearly in profile; the nearer to the
spectator is of a dull dun colour, the other of a reddish brown;
the third is white, with brown patches, and is lying down ruminat-
ing. A cluster of trees on the left.
Signed, and dated 1602 .
Panel, 16 in. by i 5 in.
Engraved in the « Leigh Court Gallery ».
Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part v, p. 141, n” 55 .
Dr. W'aagen’s, Art « Treasures in Great Britain *, vol. 111. p. 184.
From the Collection of Hart Davies, Esq., 1814.
Peter James Miles. Esq.. Leigh Court. Bristol.
- 3 4 -
yj . Ostade (A. van)
Potter (Paulus)
( 1622-1 6~A i
2C). — The Ferry-Boat
Described in Smith's Catalogue (part vi, p. 2flf>. n" 71 as follows :
« A view on a river, under the aspect of sunset. The right
is composed of a lofty hill, with a river (lowing at its base, on which
a ferry-boat containing several passengers, some of whom are
entertained by the obstinacy of an ass which, while endeavouring to
escape from his master, has nearly dragged him into the river : this
event has alarmed a gentleman on the right, who seems eager to
escape from the threatened danger. »
Engraved by (lodefroy in the « Lebrun Gallery ».
Exhibited at the Koval Academy, London, 18H2. v
Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part vi. p. 200, n" 7.
Dr. W'aagen's « Art Treasures in Great Britain ». vol. iv. p. 29a.
From the Collection of Chevalier Lambert, 17117.
M. Goll van Frankenstein, i 833 .
A. Walter. Esq., Bearwood.
The goddess, seen in a front view, stands, resting her right arm
on the base of a column, and holding an arrow in her hand. She looks
down on Cupid, who, standing by her side, receives her instruc-
tions. A reddish drapery and a black mantle are round her body,
leaving her bust and legs uncovered. Full-length figures, less than
Signed : A. Fijnacker.
Canvas, 2s in. by 20 in.
( anvas, 5 fl in. by in.
— 36 -
Rt'BEXS (Petrus Paulus)
( i 577-1640)
3 1 . — The Marriage of St, Catherine, in the
presence of numerous Saints
The Virgin is seated on a throne, holding the Infant Saviour,
who bends forward to place a ring on the linger of St. Catherine;
St. Joseph stands behind the Virgin; St. Peter and St. Paul are on her
right; St. John and two infants with a lamb on her left; upon the
steps, in front of the throne, are various saints, among whom
may be distinguished St. Sebastian, St. Lawrence, St. Augustine,
and St. George.
Canvas, 3 i in. by 21 in.
Sketch for the altar-piece of the church of the Augustines, at Antwerp.
RI PENS (Petrus Paulus)
32. — Christ triumphant over Sin, Death,
and the Grave
Described in Smith's Catalogue (part 11, p. ft, n“ 9) as follows :
« The Saviour, attended by angels, is represented sitting on
the tomb, treading Sin and Death under his feet. »
Transferred from wood to canvas, 66 in. by 92 in.
Engraved by Eynhoudts.
Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part 11, p. 8, n" 9.
This picture was painted to adorn the tomb of the family of C'ockx, in the
church of St. Walburge, Antwerp; it disappeared from its depository during the
French Revolution, and the church was sold and demolished.
It reappeared at the sale of Yinck de Wesel, Antwerp. April 27 . i 8 i 3 . In i 832
it was in the collection of Watson Taylor, Esq.; in 188a, in the collection of
Sir William W. Knighton, Dart., Dlendworlh Lodge, Hampshire.
— 38 —
Rubens (P. P.)
- Rubens (P.
1 O06-I 669
33. — The Evangelist
Seated, turned slightly to the left, with a large open book on
a desk in front of him, on which he is resting both hands, the right
holding a quill-pen. lie seems to be meditating on wha the is writ-
ing. lie wears a red dress, and a green cloak, and has a golden
coloured turban on his head.
Signed, and dated 166.. (probably i66yb
Canvas. 40 1 2 in. by 32 3 4 in.
exhibited at Manchester. iKap.
Described in l)r. Bode s « 1 'he Complete W'orl, of Rembrandt r .
From the Collection of Th. Fmmerson.
— Mrs. Hall, London.
T. Humphry Ward. Esq., London.
Ra ^ I'lu-t Ta T*
40 -
RUISDAEL (Jacob van)
( 1623-1682)
34. — A Rocky River Scene
A mountainous country with a river in the centre, tailing in a
cascade between rocks in the foreground. On a hill to the right is
a cottage with a quantity of timber scattered near it. and some sheep
browsing. Farther back stands another rustic building sheltered
by clusters of trees, and beyond it is seen a road on which are four
figures. In the middle distance on the left, a farm-house partly
hidden by trees stands near the base of a richly wooded hill, above
which rises the spire of a church.
Signed : J. v. Ruisdael.
Canvas, 24 1/4 in. by 3 o 1 2 in.
From the Collection of Mrs. Lync Stephens, London. 1890. *
- 41 -
RUISDAEL (Jacob van)
( 1628-1682)
35. — Mountainous Landscape
On the right, a high thickly wooded mountain crowned
with a castle: a road, on which arc several figures, leads down
to a river on the left. The stream falls in a cascade, over frag-
meats of rocks, in the foreground. On the rugged bank stands
a group of pine-trees, another pine-tree is lying on the ground.
SigneJ : J. v. Ruisdael.
Canvas. 29 1 2 in. by 04 1/2 in.
From the Collection of M. E. Secretan, Paris.
A v.cW £1vuj Lcv-wW-,
i) im <. Clta Hu Hi
04. — Ruisdael (J. van)
Ruisdael tj. van
RUISDAEL (Jacob van)
( 1628-1682 )
36. — Forest Scene
A landscape representing’ a richly wooded scene. On the right,
an eminence with a stream flowing at its base; a road, on
which is a woman with a bundle on her head, accompanied by a
child, leads downwards, to a rustic bridge, over which a man is
walking. In the distance, to the left, is seen the open country.
Signed with monogram.
Canvas, 41 in. by 5 o in.
From the Collection of Herr Iloech, Munich.
Ilcrr Robert von Mendelsohn. Berlin.
— 44
RUISDAEL (Jacob van)
( 1628-1682)
3y. — Woody Landscape
On the left, near the enclosure of a farm, a waggon drawn by
two horses, and containing four persons, comes down a steep road,
preceded by a dog. On the left, five cows and some sheep arc
reposing in a shady meadow. Beyond, a glimpse of the distant
The figures are painted by A. v. Velde.
Signed : J. v. Ruisdael.
Canvas, iH in. by 24 in.
— 45 —
Rl IJSDAEL (Salomon van)
( •- -1670;
38. — Halt at the Village Inn
On the right, a village inn surrounded by trees, with three carts
halting in front of it; nearer the foreground are three cows, and on
the left a man, and a woman seated on the roadside, with a dog, and
a basket near them. A village church is seen in the distance.
Signed, and dated 164-).
Canvas, 24 1/2 in. by o~ in.
From the Collection of \Y. K. liiscoe, Esq., London, 1896.
? q . — Riisdaei. (J. van
38. — Rimjsdael (S. van
( i 5 “q- i 657)
3y. — The Bear Fight
Nine dogs are lighting two bears, one of which, standing
upright on the right, lias seized a dog with his fore-paws, pressing
him in a deadly hug to his breast. The other bear, on the left,
hard pressed by his antagonists, is biting the foremost of them in
the jaw.
Canvas, 80 in. by 110 in.
From the Collection of Colonel Unthank, ol Intwood Hall, near Norwich.
F/j f bn
0 1
In the centre of the room, a woman is eating her soup, seated
near a table, at which are two men, one of whom is lighting his pipe
at a brasier, while the other, a glass in his upraised right hand,
seems to drink the health of some one. On the right is a woman
receiving some coins from a man, who has a basket containing
fowls slung on a stick over his shoulder. Part of a landscape is
seen through the half-door of the room.
Signed : J. Steen.
Panel, 22 in. by 26 1/4 in.
From the Collection of M. Jules Porges, Paris.
(about 1626-1 6 _ 9)
— Interior of a Village Inn
. fY vfc.fr .
- 48 -
40. — Steen (Jan)
TENIERS (David) the younger
( 1610-1690 )
41. — Interior of a Kitchen
On the right of the composition, a young female cook is occu-
pied in cleaning the entrails of a calf, the head of which lies on
a bench in the opposite corner and its hide on the ground. In the
background, an old man holding a glass in one hand, and a pipe in
the other, converses with a woman by the fireside. Another man,
seen from behind, is leaving the room.
Signed : l). Teniers 1'., and dale I i65i.
Canvas, 25 1/2 in. by 3i 1 2 in.
From Prince DcmidnlFs Collection.
TENIERS (David) the younger
42. — The Interior of a Chemist’s Laboratory
Described in Smith’s Catalogue (part in, p. 3iA n* 020) as follows :
« The operator is standing at a furnace, watching the result ol
some experiment: three of his assistants, busily engaged, are at a
furnace in another part of the room; they arc overlooked by a man,
from a little window above. Numerous alembics, retorts, crucibles,
books, etc., are distributed in every part of the room. A spaniel
lies asleep in front. »
Signed : D. Teniers, f.
Canvas, 28 in. by 04 1 2 in.
Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne ». part in. p. 398, 11“ 5:o.
From the Collection of Mr. Stanley. 1824.
Lord Radstock, 182b.
Lord Northwick. Cheltenham 1829
4>. — Teniers (D.) the younger
42- — r
Teniers D.) the younger
TENIERS (David) the younger
( 1610-1690)
43. — Interior of a Village Inn
In the centre, a young woman, holding a glass of liquor in her
right and a pipe in her left hand, is seated by the side of a man who
has his left arm placed round her shoulder, and holds a tin-can in his
right hand. An old woman is observing them from a little window
above, on the right. Three peasants are near a tire-place in the
Signed : D. Tenier 1 63 . 5 .
Panel, 16 in. by 14 1 /j in.
TER BO RC II (Gerard)
44. — Portrait of a Lady
Standing in an interior, near a table covered with a dull
red velvet cloth, on which she rests her right hand, holding a
black handkerchief. She is turned slightly to the left, and looks at
the spectator. Her dress consists of a black gown, and grey under-
dress, a large tlat’muslin collar, and a black cap. Tcsselated lloor.
Reddish curtain on the left. Grey background. Small full-length
Canvas, 2A 1/2 in by 20 12 in.
Ter Borch (Cl.) 4'- — Teniers (D.) the younger
VELDE (Will km van dk)
( 1 63. vi 707
Sea View, during Calm Weather
The principal object is a fishing-smack lying on the left, with
her sail reefed. A sailing-boat lies along her further side, and
near the shore a row-boat, from which a man has alighted to receive
a bundle from another man, who is standing on the extremity of a
jetty, only a small portion of which is visible. Near the centre of
the foreground, a man, carrying a basket on his back, is wading
through the water towards the spectator. On the right, some small
craft and a man-of-war firing a salute. Several other war-vessels
in the distance.
Signed : \Y. v. Yelde f.
Canvas, 24 in. by 3b 1 2 in.
( 1619-1668)
46. — Departure for the Chase
A gentleman in a red coat and plumed hat is about to mount a
white horse the bridle of which a man is arranging. He is caressing
a dog, which leaps up at him, and speaks to another gentleman,
mounted on a bay horse, seen from behind, and holding a falcon
on his left hand. A lady on a grey horse behind them. A ser-
vant carrying a salver with refreshments is descending the steps
of a mansion, only part of which is seen on the right.
Signed with monogram.
Panel, 14 in. by 1 1 12 in.
The following: inscription is written on the back of the panel : « Jc pric mon
lils dc conservcr cc tableau conimc souvenir dc sa mere qui I'aimc de tout son
creur. l.a duchessc de l lnfantado. nee princesse de Salm-Salm. »
fK l, 9 btu lU. ( ^2-aa£,
— 04
Velde (\Y. van de)
Wouwkr.man (Ph.)
WOl'WERMAX (Philips)
47. — « Le Defile de Cavalerie »
Soldiers, with artillery and baggage-waggons, defiling through
an open country, intersected by a river. Upon a bank, in the
foreground on the left, is a group of three cavalry-soldiers; one of
whom (with his face to the spectator) appears to be an officer of
distinction; on his right is an ensign in the act of mounting, and
the third is descending the bank, to water his steed.
Signed with monogram.
Panel, i 3 1 4 in. by 18 1 2 in.
Engraved by Beaumont.
Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne r, part 1. p. 224. n° 79.
From the Collection of M. Bare?:.
— — — De La Live de Jully, 1769.
— — — Morelle. 1776.
— — — Dubois. 1784.
— — .Mrs. Bentley, London. 1879.
— — Arthur Seymour. Esq.. London. 1896.
td . \
48. — « La Buvette des Dames »
Described in Smith’s Catalogue (part t. p. 3 oi, n° 355 ), as follows :
« A view in the outer court of a mansion surrounded by walls,
in an arch of which, on the right side, is a fountain, composed of the
figure of a woman with a child : the middle is occupied by a hunting
party, consisting ofa gentleman on a piebald horse, blowing a horn ;
a lady dismounting from her steed, assisted by a cavalier; and
another with her back to the spectator : a man pouring out a cup of
wine, five dogs, a page, and other objects, complete the composition. »
Signed with monogram.
Canvas, 16 1 2 in. by 21 in.
Engraved by .Moyreau.
Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne ». part 1. p. 3 oi, n° 355 .
From the Collection of M. de la Have, 1749
— — John Knight, Esq., 1819.
— — M. Zachary. Esq., 1828.
3 ©
WOL'WERMAX (Philips)
( 1610-1 608 )
— 56 —
47- WnrWKRMAN I I’ll.
4». — W’orwr.u.MAN (l J h.)
( 1619-1668)
4<). — Landscape with Figures and Animals
In the centre, a white horse, with brown patches, feeding on
the scanty grass; near it, on the left, a peasant, seen from behind;
and beyond, a man mounted on a mule hidden with fagots. On the
right, a woman seated, holding a distaff, with a boy standing
behind her; in the distance, a cavalier on horseback, seen from
behind, preceded by a dog.
Signed with monogram.
Panel, 16 1/2 in. by 14 in.
4 i no )
BE I WEEN 1 475 AND 1 40 O — SOON AFTER l 633
Ten decorative fresco panels, allegorical of the sufferings and
struggles for liberty of Lombardy under the Dominion of Spain.
Four of this series arc here reproduced, viz :
5*2. — Peace
A young man standing on the left, and holding a lance, is
pointing with his right hand at two female figures, lying asleep
amongst a flock of sheep, in a flowery meadow to the right. A for-
tified castle and buildings on the top of a mountain in the
89 1/2 in. by 48 in.
53. — Praying for Liberation
A young woman, her eyes turned heavenward, and her hands
clasped in prayer, is kneeling in the centre of the foreground
with a bow and quiver by her side. Another young woman holding
a bow, and taking an arrow from her quiver, approaches her from
91 in. by 44 1 : in.
— 62 —
Luini (B.) 5 2 . _ Luini (B.
L L I X I (Bernardino)
?4- — Burying the Treasure
A \oung man in the foreground near the centre, burying a
treasure at the foot of a tree. Two other episodes are depicted in
the background.
89 1/2 in. by 5 g in.
55. — Killing the Enemy
A young man standing on an eminence to the right, lighting
with wolves; two Amazons on the left, and four in the middle
distance arc coming to his rescue.
84 1 2 in. by 4.5 1 : in.
Those frescoes are still on the original surface, having been cut from the
walls and removed from the Villa Pellucca. near Monza. They wore afterwards
in the Cavalieri Collection, Milan. 1870. and in the Collection of M. Cernuschi.
— 64 —
55. — Luini (B.) 54. — Luini (B.)
MURILLO (Bartolome Esteban)
1 1618-1682)
56. — Praying Magdalen
The .Magdalen in violet robe, kneeling, in profile to the right,
before a cavern, her hands joined in prayer; books, a vase, and a
skull are on the ground. Full-length, life-size figure.
Canvas, 65 in. by 48 in.
Etched by Lurat.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1879.
— Spanish Art Exhibition. London, 1894-189.5.
Mentioned in Curtis « Velazquez and Murillo », p. 261, n° 3y3 E.
Presented by Ferdinand VII, King of Spain, to the Dowager Queen
Sold by order of II. M. Queen Isabella to Mr. Brooks for 3ooo pounds.
From the Collection of Mrs. B. (Brooks), Paris, 1877.
J. Osmaston, Esq., London
— Sir John G. T. Sinclair, Bart., London.
- 66 -
P O U . A I 1 O L() (A xtoxio)
( 1429-1498’'
5 7 . - - The Virgin, Infant Christ, and two
The Virgin, in a red robe and green mantle, a veil falling
from her head over her shoulders, is seated in a marble arclnvav.
supporting the Infant, who is seated on a pink cushion on her lap; a
saint on either side; background of foliage.
Panel, . 3 o in. by 21 in.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy, Lon.ton. 1877.
Prom the Collection of Alex. Parker, London. 187;
CL P. Boyce, London. 1897
Yl (\
TIEPOLO (Giovanni Battista)
( 1692-1769)
58. — The Martyrdom of St. Agatha
The Saint, on a stone elevation in the centre, is martyred by the
two executioners, right and left of her. A weeping woman is
kneeling on the ground by her side. In the foreground, a young
man accompanied by a dog is looking at a third executioner in the
foreground on the left. Two angels descend towards the Saint
with wreaths and palm branches.
Canvas. 20 1 2 in. by 12 3/g in.
From the Collection of Bowden Brown. Fsq., Venice.
I)r. ,|. P. Richter, London.
Tiepolo (G. B.) 07. — Pollaiuolo (A )
TINTORETTO (Jacopo Rorusti. caller)
( i 5 i ft- 1 5 q 4 >
5q. • — The Annunciation
On the rii^ht, the Virgin, holding a hook with her left hand,
bows before the Angel, who is kneeling on clouds, and pointing
with his right hand to the Holy Ghost above. An archway in the
centre through which is seen a landscape. Life-size figures.
Canvas, 8o in. by 116 in.
From the Troward Collection.
Collection of Lieut. -Colonel Ralph Vivian.
FTt-Xc*. T\. -
TINTORETTO (Jacopo Robcsti, called)
( 1 5 1 ft- 1 59 4 '
60. — Portrait of a Sculptor
lie is standing, turned to the right, in a black dress, receiving
gifts from a cornucopia held by a female figure hovering in the right
hand corner of the picture. Three-quarters length figure. Life-size.
Inscribed :
Octavivus de Stra-
Da. A. Rosber. Jae. Fit.
Civ. Rom. Rodvl. Imp.
Ivobil. Avlicvs. Acta.
Will. An. Do. MDLXVII.
lac. Tentoret.
( anvas. 5 o in. by 40 in.
I rom the < ollcclion of the Duke of Marlborough, Blenheim Palace.
— Rt.II0n.C1. A. I'. Cavendish-Bentinck. London. toot.
^ aXR Ca kl .
1 UW\ f ^ ? I / I" (r--k 1 . J f" ^
(xvi ,h century)
() i . — Portrait of a Young Man
Nearly full face, turned slightly to the left, and looking at the
spectator. A black beard, and fair bushy hair enframe his face:
he wears a black cap, and a coat of the same colour. Head.
Nearly life-size.
Panel. 1 1 i 2 in. by 9 3/4 in.
Exhibition of Venetian Art, London, iBQq-itkp. (ao.tiCC, VP \-n tl
From the Collection ofthe Rt. Hon. CL A. F. Cavendish-Bentinck, London, 1886.
— — Henry Willett, Esq., Brighton.
1 599-1660)
62. — Portrait of Philip IV. of Spain
Three-quarters to the left, in a black dress, and small white
linen collar. Bust. Life-size.
Canvas, 24 1 2 in. by 17 1 2 in.
From the Collection of A. Hope. Ksq.. London, 18^4.
— M. Adolphe Schloss. Paris.
Velazquez (Diego) 61 . — Venetian School
CHAMPAIGXE (Philippe de)
63 0 — Portrait of Jean Pierre Camus, Bishop
of Belley and Arras
(Born 1582; friend of Francois dc Sales; writer of many
works against monasteries; died 1652.)
Turned slightly to the right, looking at the spectator, thin full
beard. In ecclesiastical robes and skull-cap. Bast. Life-size.
Inscribed : ."Els. 58 , 1648.
Canvas, 29 in. by 23 in.
Engraved by Marin.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1877. v/
From the Collection of Sir H. II. Campbell. Bart., London. 1894.
CHAMPAIGXE (Philippe de)
64. — Moses with the Tables of the Law
Turned slightly to the left, supporting with his right hand the
tables of the law on a parapet in front of him.
Canvas, 35 in. by 27 3/4 in.
Engraved by Xanteuil and Edelinck.
From the Collection of M. La Live de Jully, Paris, 1770.
M. Choiscul-Praslin, Paris. 179.3.
( ardinal Fesch, Rome, 184.5.
Dr. Leroy d'Etiolles. Paris, 180S.
— 76 —
Champaigne (Ph. de) 63. — Champaigne (Ph. de)
C () Y P EL ( Xoi: i.-X icolas)
( 1691-1 -X 1 1
WATTEAl' (Antoine)
j 5 . — Portrait of a ^oung Lady
Turned to the right, looking at the spectator, dressed in a
white, fur-trimmed robe, and lace head-dress with pink ribbons.
Bust. Life-size.
Canvas, 21 1/2 in. by 17 1 4 in.
From the Collection of Mrs. Lyne Stephens, London, 1895. t/
— M. Jules Porges, Paris.
— 86 —
Watteau (Antoine) 74. — Vigee-Lebrun (E.-L.)
B EEC HEY (Sir William), R. A.
76. — Portrait of Mrs. Merry
Seated, turned to the left, holding - a little dog in her lap. She
is looking at the spectator; her hair falls in curls over her forehead;
she wears a velvet bodice over a white muslin chemisette. Red
curtain in the background. Half-length figure. Life-size.
Panel, 28 3/4 in. by 23 1/2 in.
Exhibited at Leeds, i86 a .
the Exposition de Portraits de Femmes et d’Enfants, Paris. 1897.
From the Collection of Colonel Leathes.
77. — Dedham Vale
View looking across the vale, with the river Stour and Dedham
church in the distance; a cluster of trees on the right of the rising
Canvas, 24 in. by 20 in.
Study for the large picture in the Collection of Sir John Nceld.
Constable (John), R. A. 76. — Beeciiev (Sir W.), R.
( 1776-1837)
78. — The River Stour. Suffolk
The river occupies the whole of the foreground. On the left, in
the shadow of a rich group of trees, a barge, in which are four
figures, is moored near the bank of the river; another barge,
only seen in part, and a small row-boat, with a man in it. lie near.
On the right, a small wooden bridge, on which are two cows,
leads to a farm, half hidden by trees. Two boys angling, and a
woman with a child in her arms are nearer the foreground.
Canvas, 3 o in by 47 in.
Engraved by David Lucas.
From the Collection of the late W. A. Pocock, who had it from John
9 - "
( 1727-1788)
yc)o — Portrait of Montague, first Lord
Turned to the rigdit, looking' in the same direction ; he wears a
powdered wig - , and is dressed in a reddish-brown coat and waist-
coat with a lace-neckerchief. Bust. Life-size.
Canvas, oval, 28 1 2 in. by 24 in.
HOPPNER (John), R. A.
80. — Portrait of Lady Powlett, second wife
of John, fourth Earl of Powlett
The figure to the front, the head three-quarters to the left,
looking in the same direction. She has fair hair, and is dressed in
white muslin, with a cap of the same material on her head; a blue
sash round her waist, and a black lace mantilla draped loosely
over both arms. A red curtain in the background, and, to the left, a
glimpse of a landscape. Seen to the waist. Life-size.
Canvas, 29 1/2 in. by 24 1/2 in.
From the Collection of Lord Powlett, Hinton Saint-George.
94 —
Hoppner (J.), R. a. 79- " Gainsborough (Th.), R.
LAWRENCE (Sir Thomas), P. R. A.
( 1 769-1830)
^trM- t
81. — Portraits of the Misses Fanny
and Jane Hamond
(Daughters of the Rev. Horace Hamond, of Massingham,
They are seated side by side on a couch, dressed in white
muslin dresses, holding flowers. A red curtain in the background
on the right ; a landscape on the left. Three-quarters figures.
Canvas, 36 in. by 32 1 2 in.
— 96 -
LAWRENCE (Sir Thomas), P. R. A.
( 1769-1830)
82. — Portrait of Lady Wallscourt
Full-face, with black curly hair, falling - over her forehead; coral
earrings; white muslin dress, open in front; red sash. Seen to
the waist. Life-size.
Canvas, 23 3/4 in. by 19 3/4 in.
Engraved by Philipps.
Exposition de Portraits de Femmes et d’Enfants, Paris. 1897.
— 97 —
LA WREN C E (Sir Thomas). P. R. A.
( 1769-1830)
83. — Portrait of Miss Hopman
Seated to the right, in a low brown dress with short sleeves, her
arms covered with dog-skin gloves. A red curtain and a column
behind her. and a landscape on her right. Half-length figure.
Canvas, 29 3 4 in. by 24 1 2 in.
Exposition Je Portraits Je Femmes et d'Hnfants, Paris, 1897.
- 98 —
Lawrence (Sir Th.), 1*. K. A. 82. — Lawrence (Sir Th.),
C- cL*.
Rr\ wC
LAWRENCE (Sir Thomas), P. R. A.
( 1 769-1830)
84. — Portrait of Mrs. Cuthbert
Seated on a sofa, turned to the left, looking at the spectator.
On a table, in front of her, lies a book on which she rests her right
arm, her left hangs beside her. Dress of crimson velvet, open in
front. A yellow mantle trimmed with fur behind her. Nearly
full-length. Life-size.
Canvas, 56 in. by m in.
Engraved in Mezzotinto by J. B. Pralt.
Heliogravure in the « Gazette des Beaux Arts », 3 ' periode, tome win.
Exposition de Portraits de Kennnes et d'Enfants, Paris, 1897.
From the Graves family.
, , 4^
LAWRENCE (Sir Thomas), P. R. A.
( 1 769- 1 83o)
85. — Portrait of Mr. Cuthbert
(This gentleman was the husband of the lady described
under the preceding number.)
Standing, his left arm resting on the base of a column. Black
dress and silk hose of the same colour, white neckerchief. Red
curtain on the left. Background of sky. Full-length figure.
Canvas, q 3 in. by 5 ~ in.
From the Graves family.
LEE ( F r< e i e u i c k R .), R . A .
( 1799-1^79)
86. — Landscape
At the foot of some withered birch-trees, on the left, two men
arc sawing the trunk of a tree. In the middle distance, a river, and
meadows in which sheep and cows are browsing. An extensive,
Hat country, intersected by water and woods, stretches away to the
Canvas, .p 1 2 in. by 60 in.
- - in:
Bo. — Lf.e (F. K.). R. A
Lawrence (Sir Th.),
M OR LAND (George)
( 1 763-1804)
87. — « Squire Thornhill and Olivia »
(Scene from the « Vicar of Wakefield »
In a lonely corner of a wood, squire Thornhill, dressed in a red
coat, and kneeling on one knee, clasps Olivia’s right hand, which
she is endeavouring to withdraw. She is dressed in a white gown
and a broad-brimmed straw hat; her fair hair falls in curls on her
Canvas, 20 1 2 in. by i 5 in.
MO R LAX D (George)
( 176.3-1804)
88. — The Gamekeeper's Return
In front of a cottage, partly hidden by trees, the gamekeeper, the
bridle of his poney round his right arm, holds up with his left hand a
pheasant, to show it to his wife, seated in front of the cottage-door,
a child in her lap. By her side, a little boy and a girl are playing
with a dead hare. An older boy is standing on the farther side,
and four dogs are grouped in a half-circle before their master.
Canvas, 40 in. by 54 in.
104 —
1 1
.Mori.and (G.) 87. — Mori.and (G.)
OF IE (John), K. A.
( 1 761-180“)
89. — Portrait of Mrs. Coxe
Seated to the left, looking at the spectator, dressed in a red-
dish brown robe, her head supported by her right hand. She has
lair hair which falls in ringlets over her forehead. Three-quarters
length figure. Life-size.
Canvas, 40 in. by 3q 1 2 in.
Painted about 1806.
See Mrs. Opie’s preface to her husband's lectures, 4”, 1809, pp. 36-37 ; also
page 86, « Opie and his \ Yoiks », by J. John Rogers.
OPIE (John), R. A.
( 1 761-1807)
c)(). — Mother and Child
A young lady in a white chemisette and brown dress seated on
a red velvet sofa, holding her child's shoe in her right hand, against
the back of the sofa. The child is seated on the left, dressed in
while, the left hand upraised, the right holding the ribbons of a
cushion. Columns in the background.
Canvas, 38 1 4 in. by 84 1 4 in.
Owe (John). U.
RAEBl'RN (Sir Henry), R . A.
f)i. — Portrait of Master Robinson
Standing in a landscape, turned to the right, holding a hoop
and a short stick in his right hand. Half-length figure. Life-size.
Canvas, 3 o in. by 24 1/2 in.
From the Morgan Family (Lord Tredegar's family name).
REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua), P. R. A.
( 1723-1792 )
American Register, Paris, March 27, 1897.
A magnficent work of art, at which no less a connoisseur than Mr. Charles
Sedelmeyer, the well-known dealer and expert in art. in collaboration with Direc-
tor Bode, has been working; for fully fifteen years, has at last been completed. It
is the richly illustrated edition in eight large volumes of •* L’CEuvre Complet de
Rembrandt,” a veritable literary and artistic monument to the great Dutch mas-
ter, all of whose works, scattered throughout the world, have here been reproduced
in heliogravure, with full descriptive text. The first volume has made its appea-
rance, and, as might well have been foreseen, does great credit to the enterprising-
editor as well as to France.
The Collector, New York, April 1 5 , 1897.
Nothing has yet been done, either in honour of any single artist or for the
recording of his works, to even approach « The Complete Work of Rembrandt »
which is published by M. Sedelmeyer, of Paris.... 11 comes in the shape of a fat
folio, of the most sumptuous form of artistic embellishment and typography, and,
entirely apart from its magnificence as an art work, is a book of reference no
true collector can fail to appreciate.
The Art Amateur, New York, December, 1897.
The Complete Work of Rembrandt, which Dr. Bode has spent fifteen years in
preparing and of which Mr. Sedelmeyer has already issued the first two volumes
in truly magnificent style, will reproduce every known painting by the master,
one hundred and fifty of them never before published.
The Art Amateur, New York, February, 1898.
The second volume of Dr. Bode s monumental work, which has just been deli-
vered to American subscribers is even richer and more interesting than the first
volume, as it reproduces the work of a more advanced period of the master. As
compared with the most thorough of his predecessors, Dr. Bode is immensely
more full and authoritative. Where he dill'ers from them in regard to individual
pictures, the layman will do well, as in most such cases, to pin his faith to the
most recent authority. Dr. Bode has had many advantages for which Vosmaer or
Michel might sigh in vain. His learning is disputed by no one; and there is
throughout his work abundant evidence of a calm judgment and a disposition to
examine carefully both sides of every open question. When he admits as genuine
works of Rembrandt paintings which other critics have pronounced doubtful, he
speaks with precision, while they express themselves in a hesitating manner, and
seem ready to withdraw every opinion that they advance. The difference of
manner is due. it is safe to say, to real knowledge on the one side and presump-
tuous ignorance on the other. Many things have come to light since Michel
wrote his book — a great book for its day — and the whole mass of evidence,
new and old, has been sifted and weighed with the greatest care by Dr. Bode.
The hundreds of photogravures from the original paintings which illustrate his
great work are of the highest merit, and are as superior in quality to the
illustrations of former works on Rembrandt as they vastly outnumber them.
Principal Publications
The Syndics of the Draper’s Corporation. — Etching by Charles
Kcepping after Rembrandt.
Size : 23 1/4 in. by 3 i 1/4 in. — Plate destroyed.
ia 5 proofs have been issued at Fr. 1 300
Portrait of an Old Man. — Etching by Ch. Kcepping after Rembrandt.
Size : 32 in. by 21 in. — Plate destroyed.
12.5 artist's proofs on Japan paper at Fi. 800
The Archers of St. George. — Etching by Ch. Kcepping after Franz Hals.
Size : 2.3 in. by 34 in. — Plate destroyed.
125 artist's proofs on Japan paper at Fr.
Beatrice of Cusance, Duchess of Lorraine. — Etching by F.
lermie after Anthony Van Dyck.
Size : 27 1/2 in. by 21 in. — Plate destroyed.
125 artist’s proofs on Parchment at Fr.
Christ before Pilate. — Engraved by Ch. Waltner after Munkacsy.
Size : 21 in. by 3 : 1/4 in.
Prints Fr.
Christ on Calvary. — Engraved by Ch. Kcepping after Munkacsy.
Size : 21 in. by 32 1/4 in.
Prints Fr.
Companion to the etching Christ before Pilate.
Milton dictating Paradise Lost to his Daughters. — Etched by
Ch. Courtry after Munkacsy.
Size : i 5 in. by 21 in.
Prints Fr. 25
1 000
Milton visiting Galileo at Arcetri near Florence, 1O40. — Engraved
by A. Matbey after Tito Lessi.
Size : i 3 6/8 in. by 17 3/8 in.
;oo Remark proofs at Fr. 150
Lettered proofs on India paper Fr. 25
Mozart directing the first Execution of iiis Requiem. — Etched by Ar-
mand Mathey after Munkacsy.
Size : 16 1/2 in. by 23 3/8 in.
Prints on India paper Fr. 25
Spring. — Etching by E. M. Cieyger after the picture by Sandro Botticelli.
Size of the etching : 19 1/2 in. by 3 o in.
100 Remark proofs at Fr. 625
Lettered proofs on India paper Fr. 75
Giovanna Tornabuoni. — Engraved by A. Mathev-Doret, after Domenico
Size : 20 1/2 in. by i 3 in. — Plate destroyed.
3oo Remark proofs, signed by the engraver Fr. 130
The pictures described in this Catalogue are for private
For prices and further particulars, please apply to the
6, rue de La Rochefoucauld.
Copies of the present Catalogue and of the three Catalo-
gues previously published (1894-1896) : price 10 francs each:
Copies of the Illustrated Catalogue of 3oo paintings by
Old Masters which have at various times formed part of the
Sedelmeycr Gallery : price 3o francs;
The complete set (5 Catalogues 1894-1897, 1899, and
Catalogue of 3oo paintings above mentioned) : price 60 francs;
may be had at Mr. Charles Sedelmeyer’s, 6, rue de La Roche-
foucauld, Paris.
of the
of the Dutch, Flemish, Italian, French, and English Schools,
being a portion of the
Sedelmeyer Gallery
which contains about
i5oo original Pictures by ancient and modern artists
i8 99
Chas. Sedelmeyer, Publisher and Art-dealer, Paris, has
the richest stock of original pictures in Europe.
His gallery includes over 800 works by Old Masters, of
which this Catalogue describes only a portion, and a similar
number of pictures by living artists, and painters of the Bar-
bizon School.
He publishes every year a selection of line and important
plates, of wich only a small number of proofs are printed.
He has just issued the third volume of a most extensive
book in 8 volumes on Rembrandt , containing reproductions of
all the pictures of this master; the text by Doctor W. Bode,
Director of the Berlin Gallery. Subscriptions now received.
The prospectus of this book, and illustrated catalogues
of other publications, to be had at Chas. Sedelmeyer’s, 6, rue
de La Rochefoucauld, Paris.
BE YE REN (Abraham H. van)
(1620 or 1621 -after 1674)
i . — Still-Life
A rich cluster of fruit grouped on a table covered with a violet
velvet-cloth fringed with gold. In the centre is a basket on which
is placed a large silver plate containing peaches and grapes. A plate
with a partly peeled lemon in front. On the left, some oysters and
a lemon, and behind, a golden bowl and a crystal cup. On the right,
a Delft dish with slices of pine-apple, and a lobster.
Signed with monogram.
Canvas, 47 in. by 38 1/2 in.
CAPPELLE (Jan van de)
2. — A Calm
On the right, the end of a jetty, near which are several vessels
and small boats. In the centre of the foreground a man is dragging
a rudder along the shore towards a boat on the left, in which are
three men. A fine yacht is anchored in the middle distance, and
other vessels are seen in the background.
Signed with the initials : J. V. C.
Canvas, 20 in. by 28 in.
From the Collection of the Earl of De la Warr.
— 8
. — Cappelle (J. van dej
Beyeren (A. II. van)
CRANACH (Lucas), the Younger
( i 5 i 5 - i 586 )
3. — Portrait of a Gentleman
Nearly full-face, with slight moustaches and a beard. lie
wears a small black cap on his head, and is dressed in a black coat
lined with fur. Both hands are seen. Half-length. Life-size.
In the right hand upper corner, his family arms and the inscription : /Etatis
Sum 77, Anno 1 557-
Panel, 3o 3 4 in. by 23 1 '4 in.
Prom the Collection of i\l. R. Kami, Paris.
CL T YP (Aelbert)
( 1620-1691 )
4 . — Landscape with Horseman and Animals
Described in Smith’s Catalogue (part v, p. 347, n° 221) as follows :
« A Farmer on Horseback, conversing with a Herdsman. The
view appears to be taken from the vicinity of Nemwygen, and is com-
posed, on the left (right), of a high road leading to a chain of moun-
tains, at the base of which are several ancient buildings with towers.
A river flows on the right (left), the banks of which are fringed with
bushes. Near this part are a flock of sheep and two cows; the
latter are lying down; and in the road is a man in a red jacket on
a white horse, apparently in conversation with the herdsman. A third
peasant is near the mountains. The effect of a beautiful summer's
evening pervades the scene, and light diaphanous clouds float over
the azure sky. This is a production of the rarest excellence and
beauty. »>
Signed : A. Cuyp.
Panel, 2 in. by 8 in.
Described in Smith’s « Catalogue Raisonne », part v, p. .>47, n° 221.
Prom the Collection of John Newington Hughes, Esq.
Colonel llankey, Beaulieu, Hastings.
Uji-OI 1 r , --
10 —
Cuyp (Aelbcrt)
Cranach (L.) the younger
CUYP (Aelbert)
( 1620- 1 6c> 1 )
5 . — The Watering-Place
In the foreground, on the bank of a river and in front of a high
tree, three grooms are exercising their horses, one of them, in the
centre, leading a second horse by the bridle. Two other grooms
with three horses are in the river beyond. On the left, an open
doorway; open country with hills in the distance on the right.
Turned three-quarters to the right. On her head she wears
a blue kerchief over a white linen drapery which enframes her
wrinkled face. A heavy fur-mantle is drawn round her shoulders.
Bust. Life-size.
Signed with monogram.
Panel 22 3 4 in. by 27 3/4 in.
From the Collection of Mr. Fee Pemberton.
DENNER (Balthasar)
( 1 685 - 17 19)
6. — Portrait of an old Lady
Canvas, itl 1/4 in. by 14 1 4 in.
5. — Cuyp (Aelbert)
Denner (B.)
DOl’ (Gerard)
( i 6 i 3 - i 6 “5 )
7. — Old Woman at a Window
An old woman at an arched window is chopping - onions in a
tub. She is dressed in a white chemisette and a gown with red
sleeves. The scene is lighted by a candle placed on the right
near a red curtain suspended from the ceiling. An earthen pitcher
is placed on the window-sill to the left.
Signed : Ci. Dow.
Panel, arched top, i 5 1,4 in. by 12 in.
From the Collection of the late Mrs. Donovan, of Brighton.
— Mrs. Poulett, London.
T. Humphry Ward, Esq., London.
D O U ( G E R A R D )
8. — Portrait of Rembrandt's Father
Seated to te right in profile, reading in a large book which he
holds on his knees. Bareheaded, short moustaches, eye-glasses.
Half-length figure. Life-size.
Panel, 1 1 14 in. by 1 1 in.
— 14 —
Dou (Gerard) 7- — D° u (Gerard)
DYCK (Anthony van)
( 1 099- 1641)
(). — Portrait of Jerome Weston.
Earl of Portland
Three-quarters face, about fifty years of age, with scanty hair,
a pointed beard, and moustaches, lie wears a full ruff round his
neck, and the Order of St. George hangs on his breast. Bust.
Signed : Antonio Van Dycke.
Canvas, 23 3/4 in. by 20 in.
The portrait engraved by \Y. Hollar.
From the Collection of T. Humphry Ward, Esq., London.
DYCK (Anthony v a n )
10. — Portrait of a Gentleman
Standing, turned to the right, looking at the spectator. Short
hair, moustaches, and chin-tuft. Habited in a black dress and mantle,
and white ruff. 1 1 is right hand is extended downwards; his left,
partly gloved, points to the right. A view of a landscape on the
right. Three-quarters figure. Life-size.
Canvas, q5 in. by 35 1 2 in.
— if) -
I0 - Dyck (A. van) g. — Dyck (A. van)
V ?
FLINCK (Govaert)
( i 6 i 5 - i 660 )
11. — Portrait of a Lady
Turned to the left, leaning on a balustrade, her hands crossed
in front of her. She wears a grey gown, open at the neck. A red
curtain forms the background on the right; a landscape-view on the
left. Half-length figure. Life-size.
Signed : G. Flinck f. 1646.
Canvas, 46 1 4 in. by .14 1/2 in.
From the Collection of Arthur Leigh Guinness, Esq.
FLINCK (Govaert)
( 1 6 1 5 - 1 660 )
12. — Portrait of a Gentleman
Turned to the right, leaning on a balustrade, in a grey dress
and mantle bordered with gold. 1 1 is right hand extended, his left
resting on his hat. Red curtain in the background. View of a
landscape on the right. Half-length figure. Life-size.
Signed : G. Flinck f. 1646.
Canvas, 46 1/4 in. by 34 1 2 in.
From the Collection of Arthur Leigh Guinness, Esq.
Flinck (Govaert) ,, — Flinck (Govaert)
( i 5 qi - i 6 q 3 )
1 3 . — Portrait of a Lady
Standing, turned three-quarters to the left, looking at the spec-
tator; in a large ruff, and cap and cuffs edged with lace. Black satin
dress with a heavy triple gold chain round the waist. Right hand
resting on the back of an armchair, left hanging down. Three-
quarters figure. Life-size.
Signed and dated : V. D. Geest, 1 63 1 .
Canvas, 46 in. by 36 1/4 in.
GEEST (Wvbrand de)
14. — Portrait of a Gentleman
Standing, turned three-quarters to the right, looking at the
spectator. Short hair, moustaches, and pointed beard. Black velvet
doublet with satin sleeves; large lace ruff and cuffs. Right hand
resting on a table in front, left hand against his hip. Three-quarters
length. Life-size.
Signed and dated : V. D. Geest, i63i.
Canvas, 46 in. by 36 1/4 in.
20 —
(ii.est (Wy brand de) i3. — Geest (Wybrand dc)
GOES (Hugo van her)
( ? -1482)
1 5 . — The Annunciation. A Diptych
In the right hand compartment, the Virgin in a white robe, seated
under a dais, reading in a large book.
In the left hand compartment, the angel Gabriel, in a red
mantle, with many-coloured wings, is kneeling, holding a stalT in his
left hand.
A landscape is seen through an open window in each of the
compartments. Small whole-length figures.
Each panel, 25 in. by 14 1 2 in.
From the Collection of the Marquis Da Foz.
GOLTZIUS (Hendrick)
( 1 558- 1616)
1 6 . — Portrait of a Gentleman
T urned slightly to the left, looking towards the spectator. Short
hair and beard, and thick moustaches. Black dress lined with white
fur. and small linen ruff, lie holds with his right hand, placed on
a sill in front of him. a medal representing an allegorical female
figure. Half-length. Life-size.
Panel, 24 1 2 in. by 19 1/2 in.
i.S. — Goes (Hugo van der)
(iOLTZIl’S (II.)
GO YEN (Jan van)
( 1696- 1 656 )
17. — A Sea View
A view near the entrance to a sea-port, a storm approaching.
A large fishing-smack in the foreground on the left. A boat with
her sails partly furled is lying at the end of a jetty on the right.
Two small rowing-boats near her. Numerous vessels, and the houses
and church of a town are seen in the distance.
Signed and dated.
Panel, 27 1/2 in. b\ 40 in.
From the Collection of T. Humphry Ward, Esq., London.
HALS (Dirk)
( r - 1 656 )
18. — A Jovial Company
An interior with a company of live persons grouped round a
table. In the centre, a young gentleman in a scarlet dress, with
a large grey hat and feathers on his head, and a full ruff round his
neck, is seated on a chair with his legs crossed, holding a pipe in
his hands. Near him, on the left, is a young woman, standing, with
a glass of wine in her left hand; an elderly woman seated behind
her. A young couple standing on the right near an open door.
Canvas, 3 o 1 h in. by 3 7 1/2 in.
From the Collection of M. Brandeis, Paris.
- 24 -
ij. — Goyen (J. van)
18. — Hals (Dirk)
HALS (Frans)
( 1 584 - 1 666 )
i(). — Portrait of a Lady
Standing, turned to the left, looking at the spectator; black
flowered satin dress; wide ruff, lace cuffs and cap. Her right hand
holds a glove, her left is on her hip. Three-quarters figure. Life-
Canvas on panel, 46 in. by 36 in.
Crv-L tcAf.
2(3 —
HEDA (Willem Claes)
( 1 594- ? )
20 . — Still-Life
On a table covered partly with a white table-cloth are placed
a large green Venetian glass, with a knobbed stem, half-filled with
wine, a silver goblet, and a smaller Venetian glass. Several silver
plates containing a pasty, a half-peeled lemon, etc., complete the
Signed : Ileda. 1 635.
Panel, 21 in. by 27 in.
H E Y D E ( J A N VAN D E R )
( 1607-1 “1 2)
HOOCH (Pieter de)
( i63o-after 16 — )
23 . — The Music-Party
Five persons are assembled in a spacious room, in the centre
of which is a table covered with a Turkish carpet; on it, a glass on
a plate, and a music-book. On the left, two ladies, one standing,
playing on a harpsichord, the other seated, playing the violoncello.
Behind the table a young man, listening, and, on the right, another
young man, also seated, playing on a violin, and a little boy,
Signed on the right P. de Ilooghe.
Canvas, 25 1 2 in. by 29 in.
From the Collection of Herr M. Neven, Cologne.
— 3 o —
22 . — Hobbema (Meindert)
2 ). — Hooch (P. de)
2 4 *
HOLBEIN (Sigmund)
( 1456- 1640)
Portrait of a young Ladv
Three-quarters to the left. An embroidered hood over her
plaited hair. She is dressed in a black silk gown with puffed sleeves.
Round her waist, a double gold chain with a clasp in front. She
holds a flower in her right hand, her left rests on a parapet in front.
Small half-length figure.
Inscription : Anno 1 538, /Etatis suae 20.
Panel, 14 3/4 in. by 10 1/2 in.
From the Collection of the Chevalier Saint-Remy, Paris.
i\l. Szarvady, Paris.
— — Baron Beurnonville, Paris.
M. Tabourier, Paris.
HOLBEIN (Sigmund)
( 1456-1640)
2b. — Portrait of a young Man
Three-quarters to the right. He has fair short hair, slight
moustaches and beard. Black cap, black doublet and mantle. He
holds a letter in his right hand and a glove in his left. Small half-
length figure.
Inscription : Anno 1 538, /Etatis suae 26.
Panel, 14 3/4 in. by 10 1/2 in.
From the Collection of the Chevalier Saint-Remy, Paris.
— M. Szarvady, Paris.
— — Baron Beurnonvillle, Paris.
— — M. Tabourier, Paris.
- 32 -
25 . — Holbein (Sigmund) 24. — Holbein (Sigmund)
( 1694- ^64)
2d. — Portrait of a Lady
Turned slightly to the right, looking at the spectator; blond
curly hair; a string of pearls round her neck, a pearl in her ear.
Black satin dress, cut low in front, the bodice and cuffs edged
with lace. Half-length. Life-size.
Canvas, 2ft 1 2 in. by 22 1 2 in.
METSU (Gabriel)
( 1 63 o - 1 667 )
27. — Dutch Interior
A young lady, dressed in a white satin jacket, and a yellow satin
skirt, a white fichu on her head, holding up a glass of wine with her
left hand, supports a jug with her right on her lap. She is seated
in the centre of the room, near a table on which is a plate with
oranges. Behind the table, on the right, a cavalier asleep, his head
resting on his arm.
Signed with the monogram (i. M.
Canvas, i3 3/4 in. by 11 1/2 in.
From the Collection of M. Demencix. Bourges.
— 34 —
Metsu (Ci.) 26. — Janssens van Ceulen (C'.)
MIEREVELT (Miciiiel Jansz)
( 1567- 1 6-4 1 )
28. — Portrait of the \\ ife of Burgomaster
Van der Horst
Seated in an arm-chair to the left, looking at the spectator. She
wears a white linen cap on her head, and a large ruff round her
neck. Black velvet dress. She holds a small book in her right
hand, her left hand rests on the arm of the chair. Three-quarters
length. Life-size.
Inscribed : A" i63o, Etatis 59.
Panel, 39 in. by 28 1/2 in.
Exposition « Lc Portrait », Brussels, 1897.
Front the Collection of M. P. de Kuyper.
( *47 1" 1 5 19)
29. — Portrait of a Man
Turned slightly to the left, in a red dress with a black surcoal ;
black hat; his left thumb is thrust into his belt. Ilalf-length.
Panel, 25 in. by 18 3/4 in.
Exhibited at the New Gallery, London, 1897-98. • ' ' ' )
Mostaert (Jan) 28. — Mierevelt (M. J.)
XEER (Aert van deu)
( 1 6 o 3 - 1677-)
3o. — Winter Sports
A frozen river, on which are some boats, arid numerous figures
skating, stretches away into the distance; houses on the bank to
the left; several windmills on the right. Blue sky, with light clouds.
Signed on a boat with monogram.
Panel, 18 in. by 24 in.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 188a.
From the Collection of Colonel Ilankey, Beaulieu, Hastings.
NEER (Aert van der)
( i 6 o 3 - 1677 )
3 1 . — River Scene. Evening
In the centre, a river stretching away to the horizon, skirted on
the left by a row of houses, half hidden by clusters of trees. In the
foreground on the right, three men in a boat, lishing; on the left,
a woman carrying a basket on her head, accompanied by a boy
and a dog.
Signed with monogram.
Panel, 14 1/2 in. by 19 in.
3o. — Neer (A. van der)
Neer (A. van der)
ORLEY (Barent van)
(About 1491-1542)
32. — I he Virgin and the Infant Christ
The Virgin in a red robe, a veil on her hair, is seated in the
foreground of a landscape. She holds on her lap the naked Infant,
who grasps an apple in both hands, and looks smilingly at the
spectator. A mountainous landscape with buildings and figures in
the background. Whole-length figures. Half the size of life.
Panel, 37 in. by 3o in.
OSTADE (Adriaen van)
( 1610- 1 685 )
33. — The interrupted Game
Described in Smith’s « Catalogue » (part 1, p. 169, n" 220) as follows :
« The interior of a rustic cottage, with a window at the side,
an upper casement of which is open : a company of five men, two
women, and a child, occupy the room; two of the men appear to
have been gambling at cards, which has ended in a quarrel, and
their knives are drawn, which they are only prevented using by a
woman and a man, who hold them apart, whilst a third has seized
a pair of tongs, to prevent further mischief. »
Signed and dated t658.
Panel, 17 1 4 in. by 14 1 2 in.
Engraved by Suyderhof, by A. F. David, and by Ad. Juppe.
Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part 1, p. 169, n“ 220, and
Suppl. p. 109, n° io3.
v Described in Dr. Waagen’s « Art Treasures », vol. iv, p. 99.
From the Collection of Sir Matthew White Ridley, Bart, London.
Alex. Baring, Esq.
San Donato, 1880.
— E. Sccretan. Paris, i88y.
- -
Ostade (A. van) 3a. — Orley (13. van)
O S T A D E ( I S A C K V A N )
(1621-16 19)
34 . — The Hooded Road
Described in Smith's « Catalogue » (part 1, p. i 83 , n" 16) as follows :
« A Landscape. The foreground is occupied by a youth, drag-
ging forward a calf; beyond him are a man on horseback, accom-
panied by a woman carrying milk pails, through some water, and
a man driving a horse and cart; some buildings and trees are seen
in the distance. »
Signed : Isack van Ostade.
Canvas, i 5 1/4 in. by 19 14 in.
Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part 1. p. i 83 , n” 16.
From the Collection of Van Slingelandt, Dort. 1785.
Colonel Hankey, Beaulieu, Hastings.
OSTADE (Isack van)
(1621- 16 19)
35. — A View on a Canal in Winter
In the centre of the foreground, a man pushing a sledge.
Beyond, a group of figures in front of a tent; numerous other figures
skating or otherwise occupied, are distributed over the ice. On the
right, a high single tree near a one-arched bridge, behind which
appear the buildings of a town.
Signed : Isack van Ostade.
Panel, 11 3 4 in. by 16 1/2 in.
3-| . — Ostade (I. van)
r tuuustawigl Munttfli
0 . 1 .
Ostade (I. van)
POTTER (Paulus)
( 1625-1654)
36. — Landscape with Cattle, Horses
and Figures
A bull, a cow, two horses, and some sheep on rising ground
near a pollard tree on the right, from which a boy is cutting a twig.
Signed and dated : Paulus Potter fecit i 653 .
Panel, 39 in. by 49 1 2 in.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London. 1R90. I&&)
f> 1i?u£vvi .
l\ji^<>^t-/ C»Jt t cjtyO lit)
- 44
( 1606- 1669)
3y. — Portrait of Rembrandt’s Mother
Three-quarters to the left, looking down; dark dress and cap,
small white linen collar. Grey background. Small bust in a painted
Panel, 1 1 1/4 in. by 9 in.
From the Collection of A. L. Nicholson, Esq., London.
( 1606- 1669)
38. — Portrait of Rembrandt s Father
Turned to the left, looking at the spectator, with a scanty beard
and moustaches. A turban of a greenish colour, embroidered with
gold, covers his head, and he wears an embroidered coat and a dark
cloak. Half-length figure. Life-size.
Canvas, 3a 3 4 in. by :5 1 4 in.
From the Donovan Collection.
From the Collection of T. Humphry Ward, Esq., London.
- 46
Rembrandt van Ryn 37. — Rembrandt van Ryn
( 1606- 1669)
3q. — Portrait of Rembrandt s \\ ife Saskia
Turned slightly to the right, but almost full-face. Over her
brown curly hair lies a transparent gold embroidered veil, fastened
at the top by a clasp with a black feather; a pear-shaped pearl in
each ear. Her golden-green flowered gown, bound with gold bro-
cade, is cut out in a round at the throat, showing a dainty chemisette,
over which is a gold necklace of rich workmanship, with a large
pearl pendant.
Signed : Rembrandt f. i636.
Canvas, 3i in. by 26 in.
Exhibited at Amsterdam, 1898.
Described in Dr. Bode’s « The Complete Work of Rembrandt », m, n° 106.
From the Collection of J. Carpenter Gamier, Esq.. Tookesbury Hall.
Sir Ch. Robinson. London.
- 48 -
( i (x /)- 1 ()()(,) )
40. — Study of an old Man
Seen nearly full-face, with a long beard and moustaches, looking-
down, his head resting- on his left hand. Black cap, brown mantle,
and gold chain with across hanging from it in front. Small bust.
Signed, and dated ifq.!.
Panel, ft in. by (t 3 4 in.
Described in Dr. Hodc’s « The Complete Work of Rembrandt ». iv.
From the Collection of A. L. Nicholson. Ksq . , London.
— 49 —
( 1606- 1669)
41. — Portrait of a young Man
Turned to the right, the face towards the spectator; dark bushy
hair. Brown coat and steel gorget. Rounded corners.
Dated i636.
Panel, 8 in. by 7 1/4 in.
From the Collection of General Thornton, London.
T. Humphry Ward, Esq., London.
Rembrandt van Ryn 40. — Rembrandt van Ryn
RUBENS (Petrus Paulus)
42. — Portrait of a Gentleman
Turned slightly to the right, looking at the spectator. Short
grey hair, moustaches, and pointed beard. Large lace ru(T, black
doublet. Bust. Life-size.
Panel, 22 in. by 17 1/2 in.
From the Collection of Herr Englaender, Vienna.
M. Maurice Kann, Paris.
M. Tabourier, 1898, Paris.
RUBENS (Petrus Paulus)
43. — Portrait of a Gentleman
Standing, turned to the right, looking at the spectator, lie has
short, dark hair, a pointed beard, and moustaches, and is dressed
in a black velvet doublet with a large while rulT. 1 1 is left hand
rests on his hip, his right, hanging by his side, holds his gloves.
Three quarters length figure. Life-size.
Panel, 40 1 2 in. by 28 1, 2 in.
From the Collection of Colonel Ilankey, Beaulieu, Hastings.
Rum ns (P. P.) j2 . — Rubens (P.
RUBENS (Petrus Pall us)
44. — Sketch for the Ceiling of the Chapel
of Whitehall
King - James, habited in royal robes, seated on a throne; on his
right is Bellona, holding a shield; and before him is an armed
figure, with the torch of Discord in his hand; from these the king
is turning with disdain towards two females who are embracing, and
who personify Peace and Abundance; in front of them is Mercury,
pacifying the demon ol war by the touch of his caduceus. An
angel and two cherubs, bearing a chaplet, are floating buoyant in
the air over the king’s head.
Panel, 24 in by 18 1/2 in.
Mentioned in Smith’s t Catalogue Raisonne », part 11, n* 717.
From the Collection of M. Ilorion. Brussels, 1788.
Sir Joshua Reynolds, 1790.
Colonel II. Baillie.
Rl'BENS (Petrus Paulis)
4?. — St. Peter and St. Paul
Each standing in an archway; St. Peter on the left, holding a
key in each hand : St. Paul on the right, leaning on a sword. Back-
ground of skv. Small full-length figures. Sketch.
C 5 ml CJ C>
Panel, 20 in. by 25 in.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, i 885 .' 1 ^
From the Collection of Colonel Hankey, Beaulieu, Hastings.
U’M yta^>viXj
- 34 -
^5. — Rubens (P. P.)
Rubens (P. P.)
RUISDAEL (Jacob van)
( 1 628- 1682 )
4b. — Woody Landscape
Described in Smith’s « Catalogue » (part vt. p. 77, n" 247), as follows :
« A woody landscape, with a stream extending’ along the fore-
ground, in which are reflected a cluster of trees occupying part of
the farther bank, under the shade of which is a boat with three men
and a woman in it: a man and a woman are walking together on
the bank: a Hock of sheep is browsing in an adjoining meadow,
w hich is bounded by a line of trees. Evening. »
Signed : J. V. Ruisdael.
Canvas, 26 in. by 21 in.
Described in Smith’s « Catalogue Raisonne ». part vi. p. 77. n 247.
From the Collection of Mr. Nieuwenhuys, 1 ?>.!'!.
Henry Ik van, Ksq.
Sir Edward J. Dean Paul. Hart.. London.
RUISDAEL (Jacob van)
( 1628- 1682 )
4-. — Landscape
The skirts of a wood: a pool of water and some trunks of felled
trees in the foreground: distant hills on the right: blue sky. with
Signed : J. V. R. (connected
Canvas, 27 1 2 in. by 22 3 '4 in.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, i!i85.v-
From the Collection of Colonel Ilankey, Beaulieu, Hastings.
- 56 —
Ruisdael (J. van) 46. — Ruisdael (J. van
RUISDAEL (Jacob van)
( 1628- 1682 )
48. — Forest- Scene
In the centre, a richly wooded hillock with a sunlit opening on
the top. In the foreground, on a road winding away into the dis-
tance on the right, are four cows, one of which is drinking at a
brook that crosses the road. A small dog is barking at the cows
from the opposite side of the brook.
Canvas, 34 1/2 in. by 47 1 4 in.
From the Collection of Colonel Hankey, Beaulieu, Hastings.
i4vU r^3
RUYSDAEL (Salomon van)
( ? -1670)
49. — Landscape and Animals
In the foreground, two herdsmen, one of whom, mounted on a
white horse, is driving a herd of cattle. On the left, two cavaliers
pass on a road leading to some rustic buildings, of which only the
roofs arc seen, with high trees rising above them. A meadow tra-
versed by a river on the right.
Signed, and dated 1O48.
Canvas, 38 1/2 in. by 52 1 2.
From the Collection of M. Goldschmidt. Paris.
58 —
48. — Ruisdael (J. van)
49. — Ruysdael (S. van)
(About 1626-1679)
^ • ' Cl ^ — 1
Blowing hot and cold
Interior of a cottage; on the right is a satyr leaning on his
staff, and apparently addressing the peasant seated at the table
blowing his soup, on the inconsistency of blow ing hot and cold
with the same breath; near the peasant is seated an elderly woman,
behind whom stands a girl in a large straw hat; a woman is in the
act of putting a dish of eggs on the table; in front of her is a child
holding a spoon; near the lire, a man is seated with a porringer in
his hand.
Signed : J. Steen.
Canvas, 20 1 4 in. by 18 1/4 in.
Kxhibited at the Koval Academy. London, i 885 . w-
From the Collection of Colonel llankcy. Beaulieu. Hastings.
. C
i * 1
STEF.X (Jan)
Tb" (Aboui 1626-1679)
5 1 . — Boors quarrelling at an Inn
One of them, seated on a bench in the left foreground, with
his dog by his side, stretches out his list towards his antagonist,
standing farther back towards the right, w ith a drawn sword. An old
woman endeavours to keep the latter away from his adversary.
Three other peasants are looking merrily on at the scene, while a
fourth is seen in the background running away in alarm. In the
foreground on the right, a little girl has fallen to the ground, crying.
From a basket, containing divers objects, cards and a broken
bottle are scattered on the ground. Through an open doorway
in the back-ground on the right, a village fair is seen going on.
Signed : J. Steen,
band, iq 1 2 in. by 26 8 4 in.
•T I .
Steen (Jan)
Stf.en (Jan)
!4dU^ , Ff A' J
(About 1626-1679)
62. — A merry musical Party
+J u
The chief of the company is a jovial fellow, seated in an arm-
chair, with a fiddle in his hand, which he has ceased playing - to
join in a general song, to the chorus of which lie gives effect by
raising his goblet of wine; on his left is an old lady wearing a
black hood, and in the centre of the table is seated a female, with
a chubby child in her arms; these also lend their voices to the
song, and are accompanied by a youth playing the bag-pipes, and
another, playing the flute; a boy and a girl also have pipes. In
the foreground is a girl giving a child a drink out of the spout of
a tankard, and near these a dog.
Signed : J. Steen.
Canvas, 29 3/4 in. by 07 in.
From the Collection of Benjamin Ansley, Esq., Round Hay, Leeds.
. £ "jo
(About 1626-1679)
53. — The Family of the Artist
In the centre of a vestibule with a tessclated iloor, near a
table, on which a parrot is perched on a wooden stand, the wife of
the artist is seated, looking at the spectator. On the farther side
of the table the artist himself is seated, holding a letter in his left
hand. In the foreground on the right, a little girl, seated on the
ground, is playing with a kitten; behind her, a baby, guarded by
the eldest sister, is seated in a chair. On the top of a flight of
stairs to the right, a female-servant is seen bringing in refreshments.
Signed : J. Steen.
Panel, 24 1/4 in. by 18 1/2 in.
— 62 —
Steen (Jan)
iUl (A holt 1626-16“^)
54. — Ahasuerus and Esther
In a wide marble hall with a tesselated floor, the king, magni-
ficently dressed in a yellow silk robe, purple mantle and a turban
with a feather, has risen vehemently from the table, at which he
was taking his meal in company of Esther and Haitian, causing a
superb peacock-pasty to slip from the table by the violence of his
movement, lie is menacing with his outstretched list Haman.
who is placed • 1 2 in. by 60 3 4 in.
From the Collection of Colonel Ilankcy. Beaulieu. Hastings.
— 64 -
Steen (Jan)
TENIERS (David), the Younger
( 1610-1690)
55. — The Breakfast
Rustic interior with a peasant and a woman seated at a table.
The man, whose hat hangs on the back of his chair, holds a
glass in his left hand and a jug in his right. His companion holds
a knife to cut a ham which is on the table in front of her. On the
right, a cat near a fire-place. On the left, two pots on a bench.
Signed : D. Teniers.
Canvas, 9 1 2 in. by 1 1 3/4 in.
From the Collection of M. Goldschmidt, Paris.
TENIERS (David), the Younger
( 1610- 1690)
56. — Landscape with Cattle and Figures
Two cows and eleven sheep in the foreground of a landscape.
On the left, a shepherd, seated, is playing on a pipe, with a dog
lying asleep by his side. A man in a red jacket is occupied near
a tub on the right. A farm with a woman standing in the door,
and cows and sheep grazing, is seen in the background.
Signed : 1). Teniers.
Copper, 26 1/4 in. by 3y 3, 4 in.
- 66 —
55. — Teniers (D.) the younger
56. — Teniers (D.) the younger
TER BORCH (Gerard)
( 1617-1 6H 1 )
A Lady washing her Hands
.. o
A young lady dressed in a yellow satin jacket, bordered with
ermine, and a white petticoat trimmed with black velvet, is in the
act of washing her hands in a basin, into which a maid-servant is
pouring water from a ewer. On the right are a low stool, and a
table covered with a red cloth, on which arc a candlestick, a
looking-glass, and other objects. In the background, a bed and
a chair.
Canvas, 2.5 in. by 21 in.
l'rom the Collection of Colonel Hankey, Beaulieu, Hastings.
UTRECHT (Adriaen van)
( 1609- 1602 )
58. — Interior of a Larder
In the centre, two live hens, and various dead birds placed on
a large table; suspended from an iron circle are two other dead
birds and two hares. To the right, in front of a large basket
containing pears, apples and other fruit, are different sorts of vege-
tables. To the left, a cockatoo is seated on the back of a chair,
on which is a dish with fruit. A green curtain is hanging from
the ceiling, partly hiding an open window in the background.
Signed : Adriaen van Utrecht, t65o.
Canvas, 63 in. bv (>7 in.
— 68 -
58. — Utrecht (A. van)
Ter Bokch (G.)
VELDE (Adriaen van de)
( i 6.35 or 1636-1672)
69. — « Lc Manege »
£ . J t
I —
K r*j\ u' C f i Iw «.
M^.4^ V
I ( f 1 1 M i.
K/. C .
Described in Smith’s « Catalogue » (part v, p. 187, n° 4:) as follows :
« In front of a stable, which occupies the right (left) of the
picture, are a gentleman, richly habited, mounted on a gray pran-
cing horse, and two gentlemen on foot, one of whom, with his
back to the spectator, stands at the side ol a post, the other is
near the stable door, with two boys by him. On the opposite side
is a man standing on the farther side of a bay horse, doing
something to the saddle, and beyond him are two dogs. »
Signed, and dated 16S8.
Panel, 14 1/4 in. by 14 3/4 in.
Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part v, p. 187; 11" 42.
From the Collection of the Comte dc Merle, Paris, 1783.
— Lord Townshend.
— Colonel Hankey, Beaulieu, Hastings.
VELDE (Willem van de)
( 1 633 - 1 707)
60. — Vessels in a Calm
Interior of a harbour, crowded with vessels, their sails set and
flags flying; from a large vessel on the left, a six-oared boat,
with two trumpeters in the bow and officers in the stern, is rowing
away; on the right, men arc bathing from a boat.
Signed with monogram.
Canvas, 20 in. by 27 in.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy. London, 1878.*/
From the Collection of Viscount Powerscourt.
— 70 -
5g. — Velde (A. van de)
6o. — Velde (W. van de)
VELDE (Willem van he)
( i 633 - 1707)
61. — A Calm
On the left is a large ship of war, with her sails hanging loose
on the yards, firing a salute. Right and left of her are small boats.
In the centre of the foreground is a boat loaded with fish-baskets,
with two men in it. O11 the right, three fishing smacks.
Canvas, 12 3/4 in. by 14 1/2 in.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, i 885 . '■ « '• ' '
From the Collection of the Earl of De la Warr.
VELDE ( W I LLE M van)
( i 633 - 1707)
62. — A Storm at Sea
A sea view, shewing a strong gale of wind, a tempestuous
ocean, and a stormy sky. On the right is a ship of war, bending
to the breeze, and approaching the front, with only a single
sail set. On the left, a small vessel, full of people.
Signed : AY. v. Velde f.
Canvas, 2c> 3 4 in. by 24 12 in.
6i. — Velde (YV. van de)
Velde (\V. van dc)
( 1 597 - 1 662 )
63. — Portrait of a Gentleman
Turned to the right, his face towards the spectator. Long
bushy hair, fiat white linen collar. II is right hand placed on his
hip. Ilalf-length figure. Life-size.
Signed : J. Yerspronck.
Canvas, 32 in. by 26 1/2 in.
( R> 10-1719)
64 . — Goose attacked by a Dog
A large dog has seized a goose by the neck. A boy is com-
ing from the left to the rescue. Two pigeons are seen above on
the right.
Signed : J. AYcenix f. 1717.
Canvas, 48 1/2 in. by 42 in.
Weenix (Jan) 63. — Verspf.onck (Jan)
( 1619- 1668)
'■ *' * 65. — Camp Scene
A party of soldiers halting in front of a sutler's tent; imme-
diately in front of the tent, on which a flag is flying, is a soldier
on a dun horse, with a jug in his left hand and a trumpet in his
right. Near him on the left are two others, one embracing a girl.
On the other side is a man with a basket; further to the right are
two horses, a grey and a bay; a fourth soldier is mounting the
bay horse; other figures and horses on the right. Blue sky, with
Signed with monogram.
Panel, 14 in. by 16 in.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, i 83 . 5 . ^
Described in Smith’s « Catalogue Raisonne », Supplement, p. i 55 , n 48.
From the Collection of Thomas Walker, Esq.,
— — Wm. Lloyd, Esq.
— — Colonel Ilankey, Beaulieu, Hastings.
VtrA. WtWr
(Abolt 1620-1682)
66. — Landscape
A river on the right; a building amongst trees on the left; a
woman, carrying a basket on her head, accompanied by a little
boy, and a peasant riding on an ass are advancing on a road in
the foreground to the left.
Signed, and dated 1670.
Canvas, 19 in. by 2.3 in.
- "6 -
65. — WOUYVERMAN (Ph.)
66. — Wynants (Jan)
ANGELICO (Fra Giovanni da Fiesole, called l’)
( 1387- 1455)
67. — The Coronation of the Virgin
The Saviour, seated in the centre, on a lofty throne, places a
crown on the head of the Virgin, who kneels before Him in an
attitude of devotion. Around are angels kneeling in adoration.
Gold background. Gothic frame.
Panel, 16 1/4 in. by 2.5 in.
LOR DONE (Paris)
(About i 5 oo'-i 5 "o)
68. — Portrait of a Lady
Three-quarters face, standing, seen from in front; violet dress,
bust and arms uncovered: crimson mantle; in her right hand she
holds an apple; architectural background.
Canvas. 40 in. by 34 in.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1R79. 1^5
From the Collection of Major Corbett, Yeynor Park, Berriew.
— 80 -
Bordone (Paris)
GUARDI (Francesco)
69. — St. Mark’s Place, Venice
View looking across the Piazza towards the Campanile and
St. Mark’s church, in front of which a fair is going on; a multitude
of people are thronging round the tents and booths and a theatre
erected for the occasion. In the foreground on the left arc a group
of four figures — three gentlemen and a lady — in conversation ; on
the right, two ladies and a gentleman also conversing, and numerous
other figures distributed about the square. Full sunlight falls
from the left on the square and the row of buildings on the left of
the composition.
Canvas, 32 in. by 44 1/2 in.
- 82 —
vfi <1
LIPPI (Fra Filippo)
(About 1406-1469)
jo. — Virgin and Child
The Virgin turned to the left, kneeling, presses the Infant
Christ to her breast. lie places his arms around her neck; on the
left, St. John in adoration; on the right, an angel holding a flower.
Small, whole-length figures.
Panel, 29 in. by 20 in.
From the Collection of W. Richmond. Esq., R. A., London.
\ 3 G) 'L•
LOO ( Jeax-Baptiste van)
( 1684-1745)
7(4. — Portrait of Madame Favart.
of the « Comedie francaise »
Standing, facing the spectator, in a pink and white silk dress,
cut low in front, with an ermine mantle over it. She is holding a
mask in her right hand, her left arm rests on a table. Three-quarters
length. Life-size.
Canvas, 3 i 12 in. by 25 in.
From the Collection of Madame de Yallombreuse.
- 94 -
Loo (J.-B. van) 78. — Largilliere (N.).
PATER (J ean-Baptiste)
( 1696- 1786)
80. — « Plaisirs champetres »
A company of eleven gentlemen, ladies, and children assembled
in the foreground of a luxuriant landscape. On the right of the
composition, near an old fountain, adorned with the statue of a reclin-
ing female' figure, a young man places a wreath of flowers on the
head of a young lady, who converses with a lady and a gentleman
on her left, while on her right, a gentleman accompanies on the flute
a young lady, singing from a music book which she holds on her
lap. another young lady sitting near by. In the centre of the fore-
ground, a young man, reclining, and seen from behind, is conversing
with a young lady seated by his side. On the extreme right, two
little girls playing. A great number of figures in the distance.
Canvas, 34 3 4 in. by 44 1 2 in.
From the Collection of M. Fabb6 de Mannville.
— — M. Bernstein, Paris.
96 —
X ATT I E R ( J e a x - M a rc )
( i 685 - i 766)
81. — Young Lady with a Cat and a Bird
Seated in a landscape, turned to the left, looking at the spectator.
She holds a black cat on her left arm and a canary bird on her
upraised right hand. She wears a low white muslin dress with a
pink ribbon round her neck; her powdered hair is adorned with
llowers. Half-length figure. Life-size.
Signed and dated : Nattier fils p. x. 1753.
Canvas, 2.5 1/4 in. by 20 in.
From the Collection of the Baronne de Lagrange, Chateau d’Amboise.
— 97 —
NATTIER (Jean-Marc)
( i 685 - 1766)
82. — Portrait of Madame Victoire,
daughter of Louis XV, as Diana
She is seen nearly full-face, attired in a blue satin dress with
muslin sleeves, a leopard's skin round her waist and over her left
shoulder. Se holds a bow in her left hand and an arrow in her right.
Three-quarters length figure. Life-size.
Canvas, 3 g in. by 3o 3/4 in.
From the Collection of Madame de Lagrange.
Nattier (J.-M.) ' 81. — Nattier (J.-M.)
R I GAUD (Hvacixthe)
( 1659-1743)
83. — Portrait of Mme Elisabeth de Gouix,
Wife of the Artist
Turned to the left, looking at the spectator, her black hair
adorned with red ribbons. Dressed in a red velvet gown with a
blue silk scarf draped loosely over her right arm and round her
, body. Her left hand is placed against her breast, her right is
extended. A column and two pilasters in the background, part of
a large vase on the right. Three-quarters length figure. Life-size.
Canvas, 5o 1 2 in. by 3- 12 in.
100 —
83. — Rigaud (H.)
WATTEAU (Antoine)
84. — « L'lle de Cy there »
On the right of the composition a group of eleven young people,
each holding a pilgrim's staff, are waiting to embark in a richly
decorated boat on the left, guided by Cupids. A young man
accompanied by his mistress, seen from behind in the centre of the
foreground, is apparently giving orders for the embarkation. Two
Cupids with blazing torches are hovering in the air above, and a
number of others are seen in the distance gambolling on a terrace
with a balustrade, to which leads a flight of stairs.
Canvas, 17 3/4 in. by 21 3/4 in.
Engraved by Larmessin when in the Collection of M. de Julienne, Paris.
BONINGTON (Richard P.)
( 1801-1828)
85. — Devotion
A young lady in bridal dress is kneeling on a red cushion at
a faldstool, her head resting on her hands, folded in prayer.
Behind her are two other young ladies, one reading in a book, the
other smelling a bunch of roses. Small whole-length figures.
Signed : R. P. Bonington.
Canvas, 18 in. by 14 3/4 in.
From the Collection of John Heugh, Esq., London, 1874.
Pembleton. Esq., London.
— — M. A. Kums, Antwerp, 1897.
COTES (Francis), R. A.
( 1725-1770)
86. — Portrait of Miss de Strafford
of Blathervyche Park, Wansford, Northamptonshire, mother of
.Mrs. Bacon Bcdingfield of Dishingham Hall, Norfolk, where the
picture has been since Mrs. Bcdingfield died in 1770.
Seated in a landscape, fronting the spectator, her head and
eyes turned to the left. She has dark hair, a curl of which falls over
her right shoulder. Her dress consists ot a pale yellow flowered
gown, cut low in front, and a blue shawl. She holds a book with
both hands. Three-quarters length. Life-size.
Canvas. 49 1 4 in. by 3 g 1 4 in.
J04 -
Cotes (F.), R. A. 85. — Bonington (R. P.)
87. — Landscape
A horse with a loaded cart is on the point of passing through
a shaded pool on the high road ; two girls are seated on the cart,
and a. boy and a dog arc walking by the side of it.
Canvas, 29 1/2 in. by 24 1/2 in.
From the Collection of the late Rev. Dr. Ewell, Master of Trinity College,
HOPPNER (John), R. A.
( 1759- 1810)
88. — Maternity
A young lady suckling her child. She is seated, seen from in
front, looking down on her babe. They are both dressed in white.
Three-quarters figure. Life-size.
Canvas, 35 1/2 in. by 27 1/2 in.
From the Collection of T. Humphry Ward, Esq., London.
- 106 —
Hoppner (John), R. A. 87. — Gainsborough (Th.), R.
LAWRENCE (Sir Thomas), F. R. A.
( 1769- i 83 o )
89. — Portrait of Miss Brummel
Turned three-quarters to the left, looking in the same direction.
Low dress, a string of pearls round her neck. Transparent scarf
draped loosely round her shoulders. Background of sky. Half-
length figure. Life-size.
Seated, turned to the right, looking at the spectator. Her face
enframed in dark curly hair. Her crimson velvet dress leaves her
neck and arms bare. Background of sky. A column on the left.
Half-length figure. Life-size.
Canvas, 35 1/2 in. 27 1/2 in.
LAWRENCE (Sir Thomas), P. R. A.
( 1 769- i 83 o )
()0. — Portrait of a young
Canvas, 28 3,4 in. by 23 3/4 in.
— 108 —
Lawrence (Sir Th.), P- R. A. 89. — Lawrence (Sir Th.), P. R.
RAEBURN (Sir Henry), R. A.
( i75C-i823)
f) i . — Portrait of Mrs. Graham Young
and Child
Seated in a landscape, the mother with her left hand supports
her child, which stands on her knee. With her right she holds
above her head a flower at which the child looks up, stretching out
his hand to seize it. Mother and child are dressed in white muslin.
Life-size figures.
Canvas, 3g 3 4 in. by 36 3 4 in.
1 10 —
RAEBURN (Sir Henry), R. A.
( I/ 56 - 1823)
()2 . — Portrait of Mrs. Cunningham
Seated to the right on a chair, her face turned with a smiling
expression towards the spectator; plain black velvet dress, hands
resting in her lap; a lur mantle over the back of the chair. Three-
quarters figure. Life-size.
Canvas, 33 in. by 27 in.
From the Collection of T. Humphry Ward, Esq., London.
REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua), P. R. A.
q3. — Portrait of Mrs. Brudenell
grandmother of the late Earl of Cardigan
The figure to the front, the head and eyes turned slightly to
the left. She wears a white satin bodice, cut low at the neck, and
adorned with clasps of precious stones, and a string of pearls; over
it is a jacket of light blue satin, edged with ermine. Half-length.
Canvas, 3o in. by 25 in.
From the Collection of the Earl of Chichester.
£ . TJ.fi ■JtU*.') va- ‘ j
o vv- 1* w- ^ u ^ ^ W w y „\A‘ v 0 lc^ 9 0 ! ot )
Reynolds (Sir J.), P. R. A. 9- — Raeburn (Sir H.), R.
REYNOLDS (Sir Joshua), P. R. A.
fVw H . v
Pa- Po^JL
W y jit>Ak~ .
Portrait of Mrs. Darner
Turned to the right, full-face, looking at the spectator. White
satin bodice, cut low in front; crimson satin mantle edged with
ermine with wide sleeves caught up at the elbows by strings of pearls.
Half-length figure. Life-size.
L stU.
Canvas, 3 o in. by 24 in.
z(-i \ •
ROMNEY (George)
( 170 j- 1802 )
()j. — Portrait of Mrs. Sarah Trimmer
Daughter of Joshua Kirby (a painter and writer) was born at
Ipswich in 1741. She married Mr. Jas, Trimmer, was a popular
authoress, and died in 1810. She was a friend of Dr. Johnson.
She is represented seated to the right, nearly full-face, looking
at the spectator. She wears a large white linen cape, a grey flowered
silk dress, and a black gauze scarf over her shoulders. Her hands
are crossed in her lap. Half-length figure. Life-size.
Canvas, 2 (> 1 2 in. by 24 1,2 in.
1 16 —
96. — Reynolds (Sir J.), P. R. A.
ROMNEY (George)
( 1734-1802)
98. — Portrait of Sir F. Cooper
The figure to the front, the thee slightly to the left; in a military
dress, standing in a landscape; his left hand rests on the hilt of his
sword, his right hangs by his side. Three-quarters length figure.
()(). — Portrait of Lieut. -Col. John Parker
of Barford, county of Warwick, eldest son of Col. John Parker,
of Didsbury Park, Lancashire.
Represented when a boy, in a yellow dress with a blue sash,
and white hat and feathers, standing in a landscape, and holding a
bat, a dog by his side.
Canvas, 5 o in. by 40 in.
From the Collection of Colonel Honey wood.
CdVVju, ^
(jvA^bA kN '
It O M N E Y ( ( i 1: o RG E )
f ' (1734-1802)
Canvas, 55 in. by 4.3 1, 2 in.
- 118 —
Romney (George) 9^- — Romney (George)
ROMNEY (George)
( I “3 | - I o()2 )
ioo. — - Portrait of Mrs. Grove
of Feme, Wilts. Charlotte, daughter of W. Pilfold, Esq., R. N.,
of Effingham, Sussex, who commanded one of Nelson’s ships
at Trafalgar, and sister of Lady Shelley; married Thomas
Grove, Esq.
Three-quarters length, seated to the right, in a landscape, large
hat and feathers; white dress; hands crossed in lap.
Canvas, 49 in. by 39 in.
Painted at the house « Feme », Wilts., 1784.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1881.
Engraved in mezzotint by II. Scott Bridgewater.
From the Collection of the late Sir G. Grove. Bart.
1 20
. II 1 1II9
Angelico (Fra). — The Coronation of the Virgin 80
Beyf.ren (A. H. van). — Still-Life 8
Bonington (R. P.). — Devotion 104
Bordone (P.). — Portrait of a Lady 80
Cappelle (J. van de). — A Calm 8
Chardin (J.-B.-S.). — « Les Tours de Cartes » 90
Clouet (F.). — Portrait of the Duchesse d’Angouleme 90
Cotes (F.). — Portrait of Miss de Strafford 104
Cranach (L.) the younger. — Portrait of a Gentleman :o
Cuyp (A.). — Landscape with Horseman and Animals 10
— The Watering-Place 12
Denner (B.). — Portrait of an Old Lady 12
Dou (G.). — Old Woman at a Window 14
— Portrait of Rembrandt's Father 14
1 )yck (A. van). — Portrait of Jerome Weston, Earl of Portland. ... 16
Dyck (A. van). — Portrait of a Gentleman 16
Flinck (G.). — Portrait of a Lady ... 18
— Portrait of a Gentleman 18
Gainsborough (Th.). — Landscape 106
Geest (W. de). — Portrait of a Lady 20
— Portrait of a Gentleman 20
Gelee (Claude). — A Sea-Port 92
Goes (H. van der). — The Annunciation, a Diptych 22
Goltzius (H.). — Portrait of a Gentleman 22
Goyen (J. van). — A Sea View 24
Greuze (J.-B.). — Bust-Portrait of a little Girl 92
Guardi (F.). — St. Mark’s Place, Venice 82
Hals (D.). *— A Jovial Company 24
— 121 —
Hals (F.). — Portrait of a Lady 26
Heda (W. C.). — Still-Life 27
Heyde (J. van der). — View of the University at Leyden. ...... 28
Hobbema (M.). — A River Scene 3o
Holbein (S.). — Portrait of a young Lady 32
— Portrait of a young Man 32
Hooch (P. de). — The Music-Party 3o
Hoppner (J.). — Maternity 106
Janssens van Ceulen (C.). — Portrait of a Lady 34
Largilliere (N.). — Portrait of Mme la Presidente Henin 94
Lawrence (Sir Th.). — Portrait of Miss Brummel 108
Portrait of a young Lady 108
Lippi (Fra F.). — Virgin and Child 83
Loo (J.-B. van). — Portrait of Mme Favart 94
Metsu (G.). — Dutch Interior 34
Mierevelt (M. J.). — Portrait of the Wife of Burgomaster Van der
Horst 36
Mostaert (J.). — Portrait of a Man 36
Murillo (B. E.). — Flight into Egypt 84
Nattier (J.-M.). — Young Lady with a Cat and a Bird 97
— Portrait of Mme Victoire as Diana 98
Neer (A. van der). — Winter Sports 28
— River Scene. Evening 38
Orley (B. van). — The Virgin and Infant Christ 40
Ostade (A. van). — The interrupted Game 40
Ostade (I. van). — The flooded Road 42
— A View on a Canal in Winter 42
Pater (J.-B.). — « Plaisirs champetres » 96
Pollaiuolo (P.). — The Virgin and Child 86
Potter (P.). — Landscape with Cattle, Horses and Figures 44
Raeburn (Sir H.). — Portrait of Mrs. Graham Young and Child. . . 110
Portrait of Mrs. Cunningham Graham in
Rembrandt van Ryn. — Portrait of Rembrandt’s Mother 45
Portrait of Rembrandt’s Father 46
Portrait of Rembrandt’s Wife Saskia. ... 48
Study of an old Man 49
Portrait of a young Man 5o
Reynolds (Sir J.). — Portrait of Mrs. Brudenell 1 12
— Portrait of Mrs. Damer 114
Portrait of Lady Londes 114
— Venus and Cupid 116
Rigaud (H.). — Portrait of Mme Elisabeth de Gouix 100
Romney (G.). — Portrait of Mrs. Sarah Trimmer 1 16
Romney (G.). — Portrait of Sir F. Cooper 118
Portrait of Lieut. -Col. John Parker 118
Portrait of Mrs. Grove 120
Roselli (C.). — The Virgin, the Infant Christ, St. Joseph, and
St. John 86
Rubens (P. P.). — Portrait of a Gentleman 52
Portrait of a Gentleman 52
— Sketch for the Ceiling of the Chapel at Whitehall. 54
— St. Peter and St. Paul 54
Ruisdael (J. van). — Woody Landscape 56
— Landscape 56
Forest-Scene 58
Ruysdael (S. van). — Landscape and Animals 58
Steen (J.). — Blowing hot and cold 60
Boors quarelling at an Inn 60
A merry musical Party 62
The Family of the Artist 62
Ahasuerus and E ther 64
Teniers (D.) the younger. — The Breakfast 66
— Landscape with Cattle and Figures. . . 66
Ter Borch (G.). — A Lady washing her Hands 68
Utrecht (A. van). — Interior of a Larder 68
Velde (A. van de). — « Lc Manege » 70
Velde (W. van de). — Vessels in a Calm 70
A Calm 72
A Storm at Sea 72
Verspronck (J.) — Portrait of a Gentleman 74
Watteau (A.). — « L’He de Cythere '> 102
Weenix (J.). — Goose attacked by a Dog 74
Wouwerman (Ph.). — Camp Scene 76
Wynants (J.). — Landscape 76
— 12.S —
The richest and most exhaustive book ever published on any painter.
r Over 5oo Heliogravures specially executed
in public and private Galleries;
2 ° His Biography , with Transcriptions of many original
Documents , and the Description and History of his Works.
The number of Copies will be : Edition de Luxe on Japan
Paper, in English y5 copies, in French i5, and in German io.
Copies on Holland Paper, in English 5oo, in French 200 ,
and in German i5o.
For the Edition de Luxe on Japan Paper (limited to 70 English
Copies) : 80 Guineas; for the United States 620 Dollars including
For the Edition on Holland Paper: 5o Guineas; for the United
States 320 Dollars including Duty.
Terms of payment: on delivery of each volume, one eighth
of the Subscription Price.
The first, second and third volumes have been issued ; the others to follow at
intervals of from four to six months.
The Times, London, May 21, 1896.
No such monument has ever been erected to any painter. To attempt such a
work at all, three things were necessary — photography with its modern deve-
lopment, enterprise, and a critical authority as complete as Dr. Bode’s is.
The Times, London, April 14, 1897.
We commend this book as a wonderful result of modern reconstructive scho-
larship, zeal, and enterprise. When the eight volumes are completed, they will
be quite indispensable to every library which concerns itself with the history of art.
The Times, London, January 7, 1898.
The second of the eight volumes of this important and splendid work has
just been issued by M. Sedelmeyer and is not less carefully executed than the first.
The volume as a whole, like its predecessor, represents all that scholarship,
care and money can do towards the erection of a worthy monument to Rem-
brandt’s memory.
The Daily Chronicle, London, April 29, 1896.
These photogravures arc invaluable to students of Rembrandt and are excel-
lently produced. The expense, research and energy of Mr. Sedelmeyer in making
this collection must have been enormous.
All we can say is that the subject is worthy of it, and happy will they be who
can become owners of the costly work, which is to be issued in eight volumes.
Illustrated London News, April 25 , 1896.
I he value and beauty of this collection, which exceeds anything before at-
tempted, are beyond controversy.
The Daily Telegraph, London, October 22, 1896.
The work will be a veritable monument to the genius of the very greatest of
all painters.
— 125 —
American Register, Paris, March 27, 18^7.
A magnificent work of art, at which no less a connoisseur than Mr. Charles
Scdelmeyer, the well-known dealer and expert in art, in collaboration with Direc-
tor Bode, has been working for fully fifteen years, has at last been completed. It
is the richly illustrated edition in eight large volumes of “ L’CEuvre Complet de
Rembrandt, ” a veritable literary and artistic monument to the great Dutch mas-
ter, all of whose works, scattered throughout the world, have here been reproduced
in heliogravure, with full descriptive text. The first volume has made its appear-
ance, and, as might well have been foreseen, does great credit to the enterprising
editor as well as to France.
The Collector, New York, April i 5 , 1897.
Nothing has yet been done, either in honour of any single artist or for the
recording of his works, to even approach « The Complete Work of Rembrandt »
which is published by M. Sedelmeyer, of Paris.... It comes in the shape of a fat
folio, of the most sumptuous form of artistic embellishment and typography, and,
entirely apart from its magnificence as an art work, is a book of reference no true
collector can fail to appreciate.
The Art Amateur, New York, December, 1897.
The Complete Work of Rembrandt, which Dr. Bode has spent fifteen years in
preparing, and of which Mr. Sedelmeyer has already issued the first two volumes
in truly magnificent style, will reproduce every known painting by the master, one
hundred and fifty of them never before published.
The Art Amateur, New York, September, 1899.
We have already spoken in terms of the highest praise of the first two volumes
of this magnificent work. The third is, if possible, still more remarkable. In it,
Dr. Bode, as biographer, has reached one of the most interesting periods of Rem-
brandt’s artistic career, that immediately succeeding his marriage, and leads with a
series of biblical and mythological compositions — and the portraits and studies
connected with them — including some of the painter's acknowledged master-
We need rot expatiate on the importance of Dr. Bode’s « Rembrandt » to col-
lectors. It promises to be the first really adequate representation of a great painter’s
work. Mr. Sedelmeyer's courage, taste, and judgment cannot be too liberally
acknowledged. lie is producing a monograph, which will be of inestimable advant-
age to all serious students of art, and one which we are entitled to hope will be
accepted as a standard for other publications of the kind. It would certainly be
difficult to imagine anything more perfect than the way in which the work, literary,
artistic, and mechanical, has, thus far, been done. The text is, in its completeness
and reliability, worthy of the great artist to which it is devoted, and the illustrations,
reproduced by the heliogravure process, are worthy of the text.
Principal Publications
The Syndics of the Draper’s Corporation. — Etching- by Charles
Koepping after Rembrandt.
Size: 2.3 1/4 in. by 3 i 1/4 in. — Plate destroyed.
125 proofs have been issued at Fr. 1.300
Portrait of an Old Man. — Etching by Ch. Koepping after Rembrandt.
Size : 32 in. by 21 in. — Plate destroyed
125 artist’s proofs on Japan paper at Fr. 800
The Archers of St. George. — Etching by Ch. Koepping after Frans Hals.
Size : 23 in. by 34 in. — Plate destroyed.
125 artist’s proofs on Japan paper at Fr. 1 000
Beatrice of Cusance, Duchess of Lorraine. — Etching by F. Laguil-
lermie after Anthony Van Dyck.
Size : 27 1/2 in. by 21 in. — Plate destroyed.
125 artist’s proofs on parchment at Fr. 800
Christ before Pilate. — Engraved by Ch. Waltner after Munkacsy.
Size : 21 in by 3 i 1/4 in.
Prints Fr. 75
Christ on Calvary. — Engraved by Ch. Koepping after Munkacsy.
Size : 21 in. by 32 1/4 in.
Prints Fr. 75
Companion to the etching Christ before Pilate
Milton dictating Paradise Lost to iiis Daughters. — Etched by
Ch. Courtry after Munkacsy.
Size : i 5 in. by 21 in.
Prints ^ r - 213
Milton visiting Galileo at Arcf.tri near Florence, 1640 . — Engraved
by A. Mathey after Tito Lessi.
Size : i 3 6/8 in by 17 3/8 in.
200 Remark proofs at I*r. 150
Lettered proofs on India paper Fr. 25
Mozart directing the first Execution of iiis Requiem. — Etched by Ar-
mand Mathey after Munkacsy.
Size : 16 1/2 in by 23 3/8 in.
Prints on India paper Fr. 25
Spring. — Etching by E. M. Geyger after the picture by Sandro Botticelli.
Size of the etching : 19 1/2 in. by 3 o in.
100 Remark proofs at hr. 625
Lettered proofs on India paper Fr. 75
Giovanna Tornabuoni. — Engraved by A. Mathey- Doret, after Domenico
Size: 20 1/2 in. by i 3 in. — Plate destroyed.
3 oo Remark proofs, signed by the engraver. . .
The pictures described in this Catalogue are for private
For prices and further particulars, please apply to the
6, rue de La Rochefoucauld,
Copies of the present Catalogue and ot the five Catalo-
gues previously published (189^-1897, 1899): price 10 francs
each ;
Copies of the Illustrated Catalogue of 3oo paintings by
Old Masters which have at various times formed part of the
Sedelmeyer Gallery : price 3o francs;
The complete set (6 Catalogues 1894-1897, 1899, 1900 and
Catalogue of 3oo paintings above mentioned) : price 70 francs;
may be had at Mr. Charles Sedelmeyer’s, 6, rue de La Roche-
foucauld, Paris.
of the
of the Dutch, Flemish, Italian, French, and English Schools,
being a portion of the
Sedelmeyer Gallery
which contains over
oo original Pictures by ancient and modern artists
C has. Sedelmeyer, Publisher and Art-dealer, Paris, has
the richest stock of original pictures in Europe.
His gallery includes about 1000 works by Old Masters, of
which this Catalogue describes only a portion, and a similar
number of pictures by living artists, and painters of the Bar-
bizon School.
He publishes every year a selection of line and important
plates, of which only a small number of proofs are printed.
He has just issued the fourth volume of a most extensive
book in 8 volumes on Rembrandt , containing reproductions of
all the pictures of this master; the text by Doctor W. Bode,
Director of the Berlin Gallery. Subscriptions now received.
The prospectus of this book, and illustrated catalogues
of other publications, to be had at Ciias. Sedelmeyeu’s, 6 , rue
de La Rochefoucauld, Paris.
BAEN (Jan de)
( 1633-1702)
i. — Portrait of a Lady with her Child
Standing in the foreground of a park, turned to the left, looking
at the spectator. Low white dress of flowered satin. Her left hand
hanging by her side, her right arm resting on a rock. Her little
daughter stands by her, holding a basket of flowers. Three-quarters
length. Life-size.
Family arms in the upper left hand corner.
Signed : De Baen.
Canvas, 47 in. by 37 in.
From Baron Bentinck’s Collection.
BAEN (Jan de)
( 1 633 - 1702)
2. — Portrait of a Gentleman in Armour
Standing in a landscape, turned to the right, looking at the
spectator, lie has long curly blond hair, and wears black armour
and a lace necktie. 1 1 is left hand rest on his hip, his right is placed
on his plumed helmet. Three-quarters length. Life-size.
Family arms in the upper left hand corner.
Signed : J. de Baen.
Canvas, 47 in. by 37 in.
From Baron Bentinck’s Collection.
— 8 -
Baen (J. de) i. — Baen (J. de)
B E Y K REN ( A bra h a m van )
(1620 or 1C21 - after 1674)
3. — Still-Life
On a table covered with a violet velvet cloth edged with gold
fringe, a rich array of comestibles, glasses and silver vessels. On
the left, a lobster placed in front of a Delft dish containing fruit.
Behind are two Venetian glasses. In the centre, a Nautilus cup
near an overturned silver ewer, a roast chicken on a dish, and a glass
filled with wine.
Canvas, 45 3/4 in. by 38 j/2 in.
BOUTS (Dirck)
( ? -MP)
4. — The Adoration of the Magi
On the left, the Virgin, with the naked Infant Christ on her lap,
seated under the archway of a ruined Roman building. St. Joseph is
standing behind. In front, one of the Wise .Men kneeling in ador-
ation while the second approaches from the right. Farther on the
right the third of the Wise Men is seen near a group of four men.
Beyond this group, in the middle-distance, the numerous suite of the
Wise Men. In the background of the building on the left, a cow
and an ass in a stable.
Panel, 36 1/4 in. by Si 1 : in.
From the Collection of Signore Achilles Cantoni, Milan.
- 4 -
Boi ls (Uirckj
Beyeren (A. van)
CAPPELLE (Jan van de)
( > -1680)
5. — Winter Scene
A frozen canal with some houses on the left and a wooden
bridge in the centre leading to a distant town. In the foreground
to the left, a gentleman in a red coat conversing with a lady, a child
and a dog standing near. Farther to the right, a man pushing a
sledge in which are a woman and a child. On the extreme right, a
man putting on his skates. Several figures skating in the background.
Signed : V. C. F.
Canvas, 17 1/4 in. by 21 3/4 in.
From the Goldschmidt Collection, Paris.
From the Salting Collection, London.
CAPPELLE (Jan van de)
( -1680)
6. — A Sea-Port
C *11 . •‘t
ft- cA* «.
Numerous sailing boats and small craft are anchored or moving
in a Dutch harbour. On the left, a rowing boat flying the Dutch flag
and carrying thirteen passengers. In the distance, the coast.
Signed : J. V. C.
Canvas, 19 in. by 24 1/2 in.
From the Collection of Lord Wharncliffe, Wortlecf.
— Colonel Ilankey, Beaulieu, Hastings.
6. — Cappelle (J. van de)
CRANACH (Lucas), the ELDER
( 1472-1553)
7. — Portrait of the Wife of the Elector
Palatine John Frederick of Saxony
Standing three-quarters to the left in a crimson dress trimmed
with ermine and puffed sleeves. A large red hat adorned with
feathers covers her head. A heavy double gold-chain hangs over
her shoulders, and a medallion set with pearls is suspended from
her neckband. Three-quarters length. Nearly life-size.
Panel, c 3 1/2 in. by 16 1 4 in.
From the Collection of Herr Buchner.
Ilerr Alexis Schoenlank, Cologne.
CUYP (Aelhert)
( 1620-1691 )
^ r ’ 8. — A Sportsman with a Dog
oiaA ih lAlov
A sportsman in a lilac velvet dress and a red cloak and hat,
holding a staff in his left hand and a dead partridge in his right.
Near him is seen the head of a spaniel. Three-quarters length.
Signed : A. Cuyp fecit.
Canvas, 39.3/4 in by 3 i 12 in.
From the Collection of Colonel Cnthank, of Intwood Hall. Norwich.
Cranach (Lucas), the Elder
CUYP (Aelbert)
( 1620-1691 )
f). — Golden Hours
A mountainous landscape in the glowing light of summer even-
ing. In the centre, a one-arched brick-bridge spanning a river
flowing towards the foreground on the right. On the left, four cows
Ni. C 1 K on the bank, and a herdsman seated. On the right, two men in
conversation on a road leading towards the bridge, and near them,
a cluster of high trees. Hilly background.
Signed : A. Cuyp.
Panel, 19 in. by 28 1/2 in.
From the Collection of Colonel Hankey, Beaulieu, Hastings.
DUYSTER (Willem C.)
( 1 099- 1 635)
10. — Cavalier and Lady
Interior of a room ; a lady, in a black dress and a broad lace collar
and cuffs, is seated at a table, with a letter in her hand, talking to a
gentleman in a red cloak and wide hat, who is bending over her; on
the table is an open casket, and beside it a violoncello.
. S '« s 4c 1
hi ,
Panel, 22 1/2 in. by 19 1 2 in.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1895. ( yl )
From the Collection of Henry J. Pfungst, Esq., London.
— iC —
I) Ol’ (Gerard)
( 1 6 1 3 - 1 6~5 )
ii. — 44 La Mena^cre
A pretty young woman seated near an open window peeling
apples. In the background, an open door with a flight of steps.
Signed on the right : (i. Dov. - ^
Panel, 17 1/2 in. by 14 1/4 in.
Engraved in 1778 by S. Ktitncr under the title : « La Menagere ». and dedi-
cated to Duke Peter of Curland, in whose possession the picture then was.
Exhibited at Leipzig, in 1889.
— Munich, in 189a.
From the Collection of the Duke of Curland and Sagan.
Prince Ilohenzollern-Ilechingen.
— — Dr. Martin Schubart, Munich.
Ml Ob)
Ity- I
DYCK (Anthony van)
( 1.599-1641 )
12. — The Entombment
The body of the Saviour is extended upon some drapery on
the ground, the fore-part resting on the knees of the Virgin, who
holds one of his hands. Her face is turned upwards. On the left,
Mary Magdalen, on her knees, weeping. On the right, two youthful
angels, also kneeling, and farther back in the centre is seen an
infant angel weeping.
Canvas, 5 o 1 2 in. by 97 in.
Lithographed by S. A. Planson, in 1827, with dedication to the Duchesse de
Berry and title : Le Christ pleure par la 1 ierge, la Madeleine el les 1 nges.
From the Collection of M. Janniny, ex-secretary general of the Kingdom of Italy.
From Lord Royston’s Collection.
From the Collection of Sir Charles Turner.
DYCK (Anthony van)
( 1599-1641 )
1 3. — Andromeda
Full-length, nearly nude figure with blue drapery, chained to a
rock. Perseus and the Dragon in the background.
Cl Cl
Canvas, 84 in. by 5 i in.
Exhibited at the Van Dyck exhibition, Royal Academy, Condon, 1900(^91).
Described in Dr.Waagcn’s « Art Treasures in Great Britain », vol. 1 Y, p. 4.S7.
From the Collection of the Carl of Dunmore, Dunmore Park.
— — T. Humphry Ward, Csq., London.
Ap-r-'V J , 1
to. 0 ~ 6 )
X\ “■ C enturv 1
14. — The \ irgin and Child enthroned.
1b tike central ooBipartment, the Virgin sealed on a throne
: !;::c :r.. Infant Christ ob her lap to whom an angel on the right
is rresenhna- 1 aamahi'n Vvhilr nine rr
in a large book. In the left compartment, a donor is
■ -i ioralion, with St. Stephen, his patron saint, behind him.
In ihc ri-rn:-nnnn .. . nrinn^n:. 5:. Hyr^nicmus with the lion.
.:n. lzz . -
E.^zh krinjr. 3 i 3 4 in. by 11 14 in.
20 —
14. — Flemish School
Dyck (A. van)
GO VEX (Jan van)
( i5>]656)
1 5 . — A Dutch Canal in a Thunderstorm
On the right, the bank of the canal with a few houses and storm-
bent trees, and a church in the distance. Four men in a small
rowing boat in the foreground. On the left, some wooden piles and
eel-baskets, and a large sailing boat beyond. A thunderbolt fur-
rows the heavy clouds.
Two peacocks and other poultry arc assembled in a farm yard.
A cock on a stone parapet and two doves.
Canvas, 5 i i 4 in. by 61 3 -4 in.
v>t.- ,
Signed : J. v. Goyen 1641.
Canvas, 53 in. by 71 in.
Exhibited at the New Gallery, London, 1897-9'!.
HONDECORTER (Melchior d’)
( 1 636- 1 690 )
16. — A Poultry Yard
l6. — IlONDECOlTER (M. d')
i i 5 q- 1664 \
i~. — Portrait of Sir John Ga^e. of Foile.
created Baronet in 1662
Turned slightly to the right, looking at the spectator. Short
scanty dark hair, moustaches and pointed beard. F ull pendant ruff,
dark d uMei. Bust. Life-size.
Canvas. : . i 4 in. by 21 1 2 in.
1S14-1 • 4
iS. — Portrait of Ladv Dorothv Godolphin
Turned to the right, looking at die spectator. Her blond hair
falling in ringlets cm both sides of her face. Low white satin dm s
edged with rich lace and relieved by blue ribbons. A string of
pearls round her neck. Half-length. Life-size.
CaiTis. 3 o in. by 24 1 2 in.
— -» :cL i ' u r? * * / w > ^“ -
C *C4 J. I * ■ M
= ^ a r*. ' ‘iWJta-U.l •“ /•“* c ' *~ L *** [**)
— -4 —
Janssens van Ceulen (C.) 17. — Janssens van Ceulen (C.)
( i593-i6~8)
K). — Historical Subject
A woman, holding a child in her arms, kneeling, a man and
an old Avoman, followed by two children standing in the open door
on the right. are imploring help from an old man clad in a long red
velvet mantle, who is pointing with his right hand heavenwards.
In the background on the left, three men round a table, placed in
a recess to which lead some steps, are looking on at the scene,
apparently discussing the incident.
Signed : J. Jor. fee. 164.3.
Canvas. 3 c; 3 4 in. by 3 o 1 4 in.
KONIXCK (Salomon)
( 1609-1656)
20. — A Dutch Merchant
An old man with a black cap on his head, dressed in a black
cloak relieved bv a <, r old chain round his neck, sits at his writing-
table with an open folio in front of him, mending his quill pen.
Some books and an hour-glass are placed in a recess of the wall
Signed : S. Koninck 16.19.
Panel. 2.3 i 2 in. by 19 14 in.
From the Collection of John Pemberton Haywood. Ksq.. of Norris Green,
From the Collection of the Hon. Mrs. Denham.
— 26 —
20. — Koninck (S.)
2 I .
METSU (Gabriel)
( i63o-i66/)
Lady and Gentleman at a Spinet
In a richly furnished room, a lady dressed in a white satin
gown is seated on the right at a spinet and turning round towards
a gentleman who is approaching from the left, his hat in his right
hand and offering her a glass of wine which lie holds in his left. A
little spaniel is behind the gentleman. A bed with green curtains
in the background.
Signed : G. Metsu
Panel, 22 1/4 in. by 16 3/4 in.
Exhibited at Leipzig in 1889.
— — Munich in 189.5.
From the Collection of the Duke of Curland and Sagan.
Prince I Iohenzollern-I lechingen.
— — Dr. M. Schubart, Munich.
fyv Owl*
M ORO (Antonio)
( i5i2-i5/8)
22. — Portrait of a Princess
Standing, turned to the right, looking at the spectator ; black
dress slashed with white on the bodice and on the puffed sleeves.
White sleeves on the fore-arms striped with gold cords. Close
jewelled head-dress. Small white upright collar. String of pearls
round her neck. Round her waist, a heavy gold chain the end of
which she holds with her left hand, while the right is placed against
her waist. Three-quarters length. Life-size.
Panel, .>4 1/4 in. by 23 1/4 in.
From the Collection of Senor Luis de Navas, Madrid.
— 29 -
NEER (Aart van der )
( 1603-1677)
23 . — Winter Scene
Extensive view over a frozen canal. On the right, four gentle-
men are playing golf on the ice. On the opposite side, two ladies
in a sledge drawn by a white horse. Numerous other figures
variously occupied arc distributed all over the scene. In the dis-
tance, the outlines of a large town.
Signed with monogram.
Canvas, 20 in. by 35 in.
From the Gibbon Collection, London.
- 00
Moro (A.)
24. — Winter-Scene
View along a frozen river, with trees and buildings on the left
bank: numerous figures skating, etc., on the ice: several groups of
figures are on the bank in the foreground, among them a man about
to hit a ball with a club: near some eel-baskets, etc., are a man and
woman seated at the edge of the ice: cloudy sky.
Signed : A.V. (connected) D.N. connected).
Canvas. c3 in. by 33 in.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy. London. 1804 . U
— at the Corporation Art Gallery. London. i8c*5.
1 1603*1677 1
2r. — Landscape. Evening
On a road to the right, two gentlemen in conversation : farther
back on the same road, two men, one holding a long staff, and a dog
near a fence. In the centre of the middle distance, five cows on a
tongue of land extending into the river. Houses under trees right
and left of the river. Hiith trees on the extreme left.
Signed with monogram.
Canvas, 29 1 4 in. by 41 1 4 in.
From the Collection of Prince Demidoff. San Donato.
— — M. L. Goldschmidt. Paris.
24. — Neer (A. van der)
25. — Nef.r (A. van der)
OSTADE (Adriaen van)
( i 6 i o- i 685 )
2 6. — Villagers merry-making
Described in Smith’s Catalogue (Supplement, p. 95, n° Sal as follows :
« A company of about nineteen persons assembled in a large
room, many of whom have their attention riveted on a couple who
are dancing to the music of a fiddle, played by an old fellow mounted
on a stool. Behind the dancing female is a merry boor, endeavourin
to embrace a woman. More towards the front sits a man, wearin
a red jacket and a black cap; on the opposite side are a woman in
a blue dress with a child by her side, and a man standing near,
leaning on a settle. Beyond these is a group, composed of two
men and a woman; and in this part may be noticed a boor con-
ducting a female down some steps from an adjoining room. »
Signed : A. Ostade, i 652 .
Panel, 16 1/2 in. by 21 3/4 in.
Etched by the artist himself.
Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », Supplement, p. 95, n” 52 .
From the Collection of M. Tardieu, Paris, 1841.
— — Th. Patureau, Paris, 1867.
— — Marquis de Saint-Cloud.
Alphonse Oudry, Paris, 1869.
— — Octave Gallice, Epernay.
- 3 4 -
fcfj ifj
OSTADE (Adriaen van)
( 1 6 1 o- 1 685 )
27. — The itinerant Musician
In the centre, the musician is standing playing a hurdy-gurdy,
surrounded by six children. From the half-door of a cottage on
the right, a peasant and his wife are looking on. A man, seen from
behind, is seated in front.
From M. Tabourier’s Collection.
Dated iG38.
Panel, 12 by 10 in.
( 1606-1669)
28. — Portrait of an Old Man
Turned to the right, and looking in the same direction. Gray
hair and beard. He wears a deep purple mantle, and over it a mas-
sive gold chain, set at intervals with precious stones, which supports
a large pendant. Bust. Life-size.
Panel, 25 in. by 17 3/4 in.
Exhibited at Leipzig, 1889.
— Munich, 1895.
— Amsterdam, 1898.
Mentioned in Dutuit’s « L'CEuvre de Rembrandt », p. 41, n" 368.
— Wurzbach's « Rembrandt Galeric », n° 85.
Dr. Bode’s « The Complete Work of Rembrandt », vol. 11, n" 109.
From the Collection of Ilerr Lohr, Leipzig.
— Ilerr von Boxberg, Dresden.
— Dr. Martin Schubart, Munich.
- 36 —
Rembrandt van Ryn 27. — Ostade (A. van)
2q. — Portrait of an Old Lady
Seated, turned three-quarters to the right, her hands crossed in
front of her. Dark mantle, which is drawn over her head. Half-
length. Life-size.
Signed and dated : Rembrandt, f. 1660.
Canvas, 29 in. by 24 1/2 in.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy. London, 1899.
From the Collection of Sir Abraham Hume.
Earl Brown low, Ashridge Park.
— 38 —
RUBENS (Petrus Paulus)
3o. — Portrait of Elizabeth Brant, Rubens 1
first Wife
Turned slightly to the left. Her blond hair adorned with
pearls. Black velvet dress cut very low in front with large slashed
sleeves. Hands crossed in front. A gold chain set with precious
stones hangs over her shoulders and is attached by a brooch to the
front of her bodice. Half-length. Life-size.
Panel, 28 1/4 in. by 22 1/4 in.
From the Collection of M. de Potemkin, Brussels.
- 39 —
RUBENS (Petrus Paulus)
( 1 5pp- 1 6 jo)
3 1 . — Portrait of the Chevalier Corneille
de Lantschot
Standing, turned to the right, looking at the spectator. Short
brown hair, blonde moustache and pointed beard, lie is dressed in
a black flowered satin dress and a black velvet mantle with full
white rufif and small cuffs. His right hand is placed on the arm of
a chair, his left holds his gloves. Red curtain in the background
showing a glimpse of landscape on the left. Three-quarters length.
Panel, 44 i 2 in. by 35 in.
From the Collection of M. E. Huvbrechts, Antwerp.
1 "
Rubens (P. P.) 3o. — Rubens (P. P.)
RUBENS (Petrus Paulus)
3*2. — The Holy Family
The Virgin is seated on the left, the Infant Saviour standing
naked in her lap, with his right arm round her neck; the infant St. John
stands close to the Virgin, holding out his hands to the Saviour,
before whom St. Francis bends in adoration. St. Elizabeth is behind
the Saviour, and St. Joseph on the left. Full-length figures. Life-
Canvas, 68 in. by 79 in.
Engraved by John Young in the « Miles Gallery », in 1822.
Exhibited at Burlington House, 1870.
Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », vol. II, p. 221, n” 784.
Waagen’s « Art Treasures », vol. Ill, p. 182.
— Max Kooses’ « L’CEuvre de Rubens », vol. I, p. 809, n“ 82a.
From the Collection of Sir Phillip Miles, Leigh Court.
— — Sir Cecil Miles, Leigh Court.
— 42 —
RUBENS (Petrus Paulus)
33. — Time disclosing religious Truth
Time is represented bearing in his arms a woman clad in white
robes ; her right hand points upwards, her left is extended towards
St. Matthew and St. Mark, who follow her with their gospels in their
hands, treading under foot wordly Wisdom, personified by Socrates.
Figures typifying, Idolatry, Superstition, Revenge, Obstinacy,
and Controversy, fall prostrate, or fly before the power of Truth,
under whose feet lies a vanquished dragon ; a lion, with a fox in his
paws, is in the centre at the bottom of the picture, which is enframed
by spiral columns supporting a cornice.
Panel, 25 1/2 in. by 36 1/2 in.
Engraved by A. Lommelin.
Mentioned in Max Rooses’ « L’CEuvre do Rubens », vol. 1 , p. 59.
RUBENS (Petrus Paulus)
( 1577-1640)
34. — The Triumph of the Christian
Religion over Paganism and Idolatry
Represented by an angel descending in glory, bearing, with
extended arms, in one hand a chalice with the sacred host, and in the
other the flaming sword of the law. The heavenly apparition has
created terror and confusion among the sacrificers below, who were
preparing to immolate an ox, and who in their alarm have over-
turned the altar of sacrifice.
The preceding - and this picture, which is similarly enframed, have been
painted as designs to be worked in tapestry.
Panel, 2.5 1/2 in. by 36 1/2 in.
Engraved by Bolsvvert.
Mentioned in Max Rooses’ « L’CEuvre de Rubens >, vol. I, p. 54.
- 44 -
33. — Rubens (P. P.)
34. — _Rubens (P. P.)
RUBENS (Petrus Paulus)
( 1577-1640)
35. — The Assomption of the Virgin
Seated on clouds, her face turned upwards. Her right hand is
extended, her left placed on her bosom. A host of angels accompany
her ascent. In the lower part of the picture, the twelve apostles
surround the deserted tomb, placed in front of a sepulchre on the left.
On the farther side of the tomb are the three Marys.
Panel. 41 in. by 29 in.
Sketch for the large picture in the Dusseldorf Gallery, engraved by P. Pontius.
Mentioned in Max Rooses’ « L’CEuvre de Rubens », vol. II, n” 358 .
RUISDAEL (Jacob van)
( 1628-1682 )
fUj 423.
«£w & -
PA i f-h ,
t T vs. fib-**’ '
36. — A Waterfall
Described in Smith's Catalogue (part, vi, p. 87, n° 1 14) as follows :
« A grand mountainous scene, traversed from the left, in an
oblique direction, to the opposite side, by a rapid stream, which rolls in
white foam among fragments of rocks to the foreground. The view
is also identified by a wooden bridge over a narrow chasm on the
right, which a woman with a bundle on her head is passing; and at
the same time a man stands by the railing at the side. On the
opposite side of the water is a low house; a second house is seen
beyond it. and still farther are clusters of pine trees, which conceal
the base of the mountain. Part of a high cliff, surmounted by a few
bushes, is on the left, near the bridge, from whence the eye looks to
a woody dell. »
Signed : J. v. Ruisdael.
Canvas, ^8 3 4 in. by 84 in.
Exhibited at Manchester, 1867. ( lid
Described in Smith's « Catalogue Raisonne », part, vi, p. 87. n" 114.
From the Collection of Mr. Townen^ Manchester.
— — M. Leopold Goldschmidt, Paris.
46 —
Ruisdael (J. van) 35. _ Rubens (P. P.)
RUISDAEL (Jacob van)
( 1628-1682 )
3y. — Edge of a Wood
Described in Dr. Waagen’s « Art Treasures », as follows :
« A dark landscape, with an old oak, a striking object, in the
centre. On a dark piece of water arc two swans and four cygnets.
On the right, in the middle distance, is a wood, on the left a
hilly distance. On canvas. Ot great feeling for nature, and very
careful rendering. »
Signed : J. v. Ruisdael.
Canvas, 20 in. by 2a 1 4 in.
Described in Dr. Waagen’s « Art Treasures in (treat Britain ». vol. IV.
p. 3 1 8.
From the Collection of the Rev. Mr. Heath, Vicar of Enfield.
M. Maurice Kann, Paris.
RUISDAEL (Jacob van)
( 1628-1682 )
38. — “ Le Ravin
A woody landscape devided in the centre by a large ravine in
which Hows a river. Two men are occupied with timber near a boat
at the farther side of which are two sheep. On a road at the border
of the ravine to the right, a shepherd with a flock of sheep, and
beyond, a cottage half hidden by trees.
Signed, and dated : J. v. Ruisdael, 1647.
Panel, 26 1/2 in. by 38 1 2 in.
Exhibited at Berlin, 1890.
From the Collection of M. Maurice Kann. Paris.
('. Hollitscher, Berlin.
- 48 -
38 . — Ruisdael iJ. van;
RUISDAEL (J acob van)
( 1628-1682)
3f). — View on the Coast of Scheveningen
View looking along the shore, with the sea on the left; high
ground on the right with houses and a large tower. Numerous
ligures and boats on the beach. Cloudy sky.
Signed with monogram.
Canvas, 39 3/4 in. by 61 1 2 in.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London. 1892. ( 5 "0 R
From the Collection of 11 . Fowler Broadwood, Esq., London.
Ruisdakl (J. van)
RUYSDAEL (Salomon van)
( ? -1670)
40. — River- Scene
A wide river extending- over the whole of the foreground. On
the left, a sailing-boat with a small boat in tow. On the opposite side,
a rowing-boat containing seven people. In the middle distance, six
cows on a neck of land. Beyond, the steeple of a church, windmills,
and other buildings.
Panel, 14 1 4 in. by 2.3 1/2 in.
From the Collection of T. Humphry Ward, Esq., London.
RUYSDAEL (Salomon van)
( ? - l6 7 °)
41. — River-Scene
A wide river with the outskirts of a town on the bank to the right ;
a man and a boy are approaching the wooden gate of the town, in
which a man is standing. Near the bank, three rowing-boats and a
number of ducks around them. Numerous sailing vessels are seen
in the distance.
Silt ned : S. v. Kuysdacl, i 663 .
Panel, it> 1 2 in. by 25 3,4 in.
4 i. —
Ruysdael (S. van)
( 1626-1679)
42. — Grace before Meat
A man, a woman, and a child seated in an arbour round a
barrel, on which is a basin of broth; another child, who is standing
up, appears to be saying grace; behind the woman, on a bench, is
a loaf of bread; a dog in the foreground licking the inside of a pot.
Pg ' J 1 ■ UvA. .
Signed : J. Steen.
Canvas, 24 1/4 in. by 3 o in.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, i 885 .
From the Collection of Colonel Ilankey, Beaulieu, Hastings.
( 1610-1690)
43. — Landscape with Shepherds and
A mountainous landscape with a river bifurcating in the middle-
distance right and left of the foreground. On the right of the fore-
ground, a shepherd leaning on his staff conversing with another
seated on the ground with his dog beside him. Towards the left a
number of sheep, two goals and two swine in several groups. In
the second distance on the right at the foot of a tower-shaped rock,
a shepherd guarding a flock of sheep. Heavy clouds are masking
the sun.
Signed : L). Teniers.
Canvas, 4.^ 3/4 in. by 5 o in.
From the Collection of M. Max Kann, Paris.
— D 4 —
Teniers (D.) the Younger
PER BORCH (Gerard)
(1617-1 68 1 )
44. — Portrait of a Ladv
Nearly full-face, looking - at the spectator, with fair hair falling
in ringlets left and right of her face. Steel-gray dress with gold
stripes on the bodice and sleeves, and plain white linen collar
leaving her throat bare. Green curtain in background. Bust, life-
4?. — The hard Bargain
Courtyard of a house; a man sealed on a wheelbarrow full ol
duck in her right hand; beyond them another woman in a red jacket
appears to be entering a doorway, at which the face of a man is
seen; on the other side of the wheelbarrow is a boy trundling a
hoop; a dog beyond; through the open archway is seen a common,
with figures. Blue sky. with clouds.
Canvas, 27 3, 4 in. by 24 1/2 in.
WEENIX (Jan Baptist)
( 1621 -1660)
Canvas, 3o 3/ 4 in. by 26 1/4 in.
exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, i885. ' °\t)
Front the Collection of Colonel Hankey, Beaulieu, Bastings.
56 -
Weenix (J. B.) 44- — Ter Borch (G.)
VELDE (Adriaen van de)
( 1 635 or 1 636 - 1 67 2)
46. — Sheep in a Landscape
Three sheep in the foreground of a landscape. The foremost is
standing and eating the leaves of a plant. In the distance, three
men arc loading a cart with corn.
Signed : A. van Velde f. i 6 Sg.
Canvas, i 3 3/4 in. by 11 3/4 in.
From the Collection of M. Max Kann, Paris.
— — Herr K. von der Heydt, Berlin.
VELDE (Willem van de)
( 1 633 - 1 707 )
47. — Sea-shore
The sandy shore occupies the whole of the foreground. It is
divided in the centre by a wide road on which a gentleman accom-
panied by two dogs is advancing. Farther back, two sailors, one
of whom is pointing toward a gentleman on horseback followed by
his dog. On the right, near an eminence, a boat with one sail
hoisted is lying on the sands near two rowing-boats. On the oppo-
site side, another boat, also on the sands, and near it a man with a
basket on his back on a sand hill. A sailing-boat is nearing the
shore. Other vessels seen in the distance.
Signed with monogram \Y. Y. Y.
Panel, i 3 3 4 in. by 18 in.
From the Collection of Comte de Charette.
— 53 —
VERSPRONCK (Johannes Cornelisz)
( 1597-1662)
lie. LM/lev
If |fXJ l\l H| 1 f- tv- 1 .
4(8. — Portrait of a young Lady
Turned to the left, looking at the spectator. White linen cap
with ear-pieces and flat white linen collar ; black dress. Half-length
figure. Life-size.
Signed and dated : J. Ypronck, an" 164.3. Aetatis 29.
Canvas, 28 in. by 22 in.
From the Collection of T. Humphry Ward, Esq., London.
VERSPRONCK (Johannes Cornelisz)
( 1597-1662)
49. — Portrait of a Gentleman
About forty years old, turned to the right, his face towards the
spectator. Dark hair, fair moustaches and imperial. Flat while
linen-collar, edged with lace. II is right hand placed on his hip, his
left thrust into his cloak. Half-length figure. Life-size.
Signed and dated : Jan Yerspronck, 163c;.
Canvas, 28 1/2 in. by 24 1/2 in.
— 60 —
Yerspronck (J. C.)
( 1619-1668)
5o. — View of the Dunes in Holland
On the left, a steep hill of yellow sandy soil, surmounted by a
round tower; near it on a platform are several persons, one of whom
is pointing to the distance. A little lower, a gentleman and a lady
near a sign-post and still lower a straw hut, in front of which a
woman is seated, conversing with a man, while another lies on the
ground. In the foreground, a cavalier and a lady on horseback, and
three dogs, one of which is barking at a man. A view on the open
sea in the distance on the right.
Signed with monogram.
Canvas, 19 1/4 in. by 25 1/4 in.
From the Collection of Colonel Hankey, Beaulieu, Hastings.
( 1619-1668)
5 1 . — « L Ecurie flamande »
Described in Smith’s Catalogue (part. 1, p. 281, n“ 296) as follows :
« The interior of a stable, or remise, with figures and three
horses : the principal object is a fine white horse without a saddle,
held by a boy, near whom is a brown horse drinking out of a pail,
at the side of which is a dog; beyond this group is a third horse,
feeding at a rack: and at the entrance arc a woman seated, with a
child in her arms, and a man bringing in a saddle; through the
entrance is seen the distant country, with a cottage; and a man, a
boy, and a dog passing along a road. »
Signed with monogram.
Panel i 3 1/4 in. by 17 in.
Engraved by Moyreau, under the above title.
Described in Smith’s * Catalogue Raisonne », part. I, p. 281, n" 296.
Exhibited at Berlin, 1890.
From the Collection of M. Denis, Paris, 1755.
— — M. Rynders, Brussels, 1821.
Mr. Smith. London, 1828.
Mr. John Smith. London, 1829.
M. Van den Schrieck, Louvain.
— M. Rodolphe Kann, Paris.
— 62 —
5 1. — WOUWERMAN (Ph.)
BAGNACAVALLO (Bartolommeo Ramenghi, called)
5*2. — The Virgin and Infant Christ
surrounded by Saints
The Virgin holding the Infant in her lap is seated on a throne in
the centre in front ofa column. The little St. John, his reed-cross on
his arm, is kneeling on the right of the throne. Behind him St. Joseph,
and on the extreme right, attached to a column and pierced by
arrows, St. Sebastian. On the opposite side, St. Peter holding the
cross and another Saint. Three angels are hovering in the air
above. A landscape with buildings in the background.
Inscription at the base of the throne.
Panel, 101 1/2 in. by 77 1/4 in.
Prom the Guggenheim Collection, Venice.
i-eJji 1 S 0 7 ' 1 ' J 1
Gc\ CfUy
V W «-> \ v' tie | ( ' A ) c - fp G
— 66 —
BRONZINO (Agnolo di Cosimo, called)
(About i 502-1072)
53. — Portrait of Bianca Cappello
Nearly full-face, looking at the spectator. Jewelled coronet and
ribbons in her brown hair. Grey dress, white collar open at the
neck. Pearl neck-lace. Bust. Life-size.
Panel, 17 3/4 in. by 14 1/4 in.
From the Beckford Collection, Fonthill.
BRONZINO (Agnolo di Cosimo, called)
(About 1002-1072)
54 . — Portrait of Giovanni de’ Medici
1 r -) Chief of the Bande Neri, killed before Mantua at the age of
Standing, turned to the right, looking round to the left. Clad
in armour. 1 1 is right hand resting on his helmet, placed in front
of him. In the background on the right, the buildings of a
town. Ilalf-length. Life-size.
Panel. 3 o in. by 24 in.
60 -
Bronzino (Agnolo di C'osimo, called) 53. — Bronzino (Agnolo di Cosimo, called)
( 1491-1533)
55. — The Adoration of the Shepherds
The Virgin is seated on the left, holding the naked Infant on her
lap. To her left and right two shepherds salute the new-born
Saviour while farther back on the right another shepherd presents a
lamb to St. Joseph. A fourth shepherd is seated on the extreme right
in the doorway of a ruined building. Landscape in the back-
ground on the left.
56. — The Punishment of Actaeon
In the foreground, Artemis and her nymphs are bathing in a
pool, while on a bank above them, surmounted by tall trees, is seen
the figure of Actaxm with a stag's head; two dogs on the left.
Canvas, 4.5 1 2 in. by 66 1 4 in.
From the Palazzo Manfrini, Venice.
CALIARI (Paolo), called VERONESE
(1528-1 588 )
Canvas, 47 1 4 in. by (>4 in.
Exhibited at Manchester, i 85 r.
the Royal Academy, London, 188.5. C\)
From the Collection of W. Angerstein, Esq., London.
— — Colonel Ilankey, Beaulieu, Hastings.
56. — Caliari (P.), called Veronese
Between i 36 o and io^o-About 1127)
5j. — The Coronation of the Virgin
Cmo Ca J y Lji-CC* i
(j sriiu- '
f ,1/r‘TU-W LN V)
Christ and the Virgin seated; above hovers the Dove; on either
side are three angels holding scrolls of music; the crown and brooch
ftvJ ’ W of the Virgin and the girdle of the Saviour are studded with precious
Panel, 34 in. by 24 3/4 in.
Mentioned in Dr. Waapren’s « Art Treasures)), vol. IV, p. 397, n° 28.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, 1877.
From the Collection of Rev. J. Sanford.
— Lord Methuen, Corsham. Wilts.
Ht^Ji . ‘U
( 1 449- 1 194 )
58. — The Virgin and Child, and Angels
The Virgin, seated on a balustrade, bends over the Child, who
is resting asleep on her arm ; on either side, an angel in adoration :
landscape background ; on the balustrade, which runs across the fore-
ground, are the words « Avc gra... plena ». Half-length figures.
Panel, circular, .87 in.
Exhibited at the Royal Academy. London, 1882. 0 • ')')
From the Collection of Colonel Alcock.
— — Miss J. E. Alcock.
1 (5>vm fd
Gentile da Fabriano
GUARDI (Francesco)
( 1 71 2 -i793)
5(). — View of the Piazza of San Marco,
View looking across the Piazza towards the campanile and San
Marco. A number of figures give animation to the scene. In the
foreground on the right, a group of three ladies and three gentlemen
in conversation. Near the centre, two magistrates in robes.
Canvas, 3 o 1/2 in. by 36 1/2 in.
From the Collection of Miss Russell, West Hill, Putney.
GUARDI (Francesco)
( 1712-1793)
Go. — View of the Piazzetta. Venice
On the left the Doge's Palace, on the right the Zecca or Mint
and Library, and the Campanile. A crowd of people throng round a
high platform erected in the centre of the square, on which a com-
pany of acrobats are performing.
Signed : Francesco Guardi f. 1708.
Canvas, 19 1 2 in. by 33 in.
74 -
59. — Guardi (F.)
to . — Guardi (F.)
LOTTO (Lorenzo)
(About i 476- 1 555 or i 556 )
61. — Virgin and Child, surrounded by
Under an arched trellis supporting a rose-tree, the branches of
which cross behind the green drapery of the throne, sits the Virgin ,
with the Child standing on her left knee offering a rose to St. Cathe-
rine; to the left kneels St. Magdalen, holding a rose in one hand and
in the other her box of ointment; behind are St. Jerome and St. John
the Baptist.
Panel, 60 in. by 46 1/2 in.
See Bercnson, Lorenzo Lotto, i 8 y 5 , pp. 161, 162.
From the Markham Hall Collection.
— Doetsch Collection.
MAX ZOLA (Filippo)
( > - 1 5o5 )
62 — The Virgin and Child
The Virgin, seated, dressed in a red robe and a blue mantle,
supports the Infant Christ, standing naked on a parapet in front.
Landscape background.
Panel, arched top. 21 1 2 in. by 14 1/2 in.
From the Collection of Dr. J. P. Richter, London.
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— -6 -
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MURILLO (Bartolome Esteban)
63. — Saint Anthony and the Infant Christ
The Saint, a smooth-faced monk, holding a lily branch in his
right hand, supports on his arms an open book, on which the Infant
Saviour is seated, embracing the Saint with his left arm.
The Saint, seated in a reclining position on a rock, holding a
pen in his outstretched right hand, and a book in his left, looks up as
if he heard a voice from Heaven: on his right, the eagle. Full-length.
O' u o
Canvas, 68 in. by 48 in.
FromtheCollectionof.M. Robit, Paris. 1801.
Etched by John Young, in the Leigh Court Gallery.
Described in Dr. Waagen's « Art Treasures », vol. III. p. 184, as follows :
« St. John the Evangelist in ecstazy, which is admirably expressed in the
realistic head. The execution masterly, in a silvery tone. »
Described in Curtis « Velasquez and Murillo ». page 231, n 040.
Described in Buchanan's « Memoirs of Painting », vol. II. p. 5i.
Panel, 24 in. by 20 in.
Described in Curtis « Velazquez and Murillo ». p. 23 ~, n* 299.
Exhibited at the British Institution. i83o.
From the Collection of Lord Cowley.
Albert Levy, London. 1876.
Colonel Hankey, Beaulieu. Hastings.
MURILLO (Bartolome Esteban)
( 1618-1682)
64 . — St. John the Evangelist
M. Bryan, London. 1801.
H. Hope, Esq., 1816.
Si r Philip Miles. Bart. M.,P., of Leigh Court, London. 1 04.
HtJU . Mu, .
Murillo (B. E.) 63. — Murillo (B.
MURILLO (Bartoi.ome Esteban)
( 1618-1682 )
65. — Virgin and Child in Glory
The Virgin, wearing a crimson robe, a blue mantle, and a yellow
scarf round her shoulders, is enthroned on clouds. The Child,
seated on her left knee, holds a rosary in his right hand. They are
surrounded by a multitude of Cherubs and Angels singing and
playing different instruments. Small whole-length figures.
Canvas. 33 1 2 in. by 28 3/4 in.
From an English Collection.
66. — The Holy Family and the little
St. John
The Virgin, in a red robe and a blue mantle, supports the naked
Infant Christ, standing in front of her on a stone balustrade in the
act of blessing the little St. John who is looking up at him admiringly.
Behind the Virgin is St. Joseph in a red cap and yellow mantle, his
hands placed on a stick. A green curtain hangs behind them. On
the left, a distant landscape. Nearly life-size figures.
Hebrew inscription.
Panel. 34 1 2 in. by 26 1 4 in.
— .JO
Pal.mezzano (M.) 65. — Murillo (B.
PIOMBO (Sebastiano del)
(About i 486- 1 047 )
67. — Portrait of Pope Clement VI I
Seated in a red velvet arm-chair, in profile to the right. Red cap
and cape, white alb. His right hand is raised in benediction, his left
holds a handkerchief. Tasselated lloor. Greenish-brown curtain
in background. Whole-length. Nearly life-size.
D C’ J
Mentioned in Dr. Waa^en's « Art Treasures*, vol. Ill , p. 3 o 3 .
From the Collection of the Duke of Hamilton, Hamilton Palace, 1882. ( 7-^V
68. — The Virgin with the Infant Christ
The Virgin, dressed in a red robe and a green mantle, with her
hands folded, kneels in adoration before the Infant Christ lving
naked on the ground in front of her. On the left of the Virgin, an
angel dressed in a violet mantle playing the violon ; on the right.
Panel, 56 in. by 3: 3/4 in.
A-k TO rflO
SO LA RIO (Axjlr-ea)
(i465-after 1 5 1 5)
and two Angels.
another angel dressed in red, playing the lute. Landscape back-
Panel, 42 1 2 in. by 27 1 2 in.
From the Collection of George Perkins. Fsq., London.
Dr. J. P. Richter. London.
— 82 —
Solario (A.) 67. — I’io.mbo (S. del)
BOUCHER (Francois)
(1704- '77°)
6<). — Shepherd and Shepherdess in a
In front of some ruins overgrown with trees are seated a young
shepherd in profile to the left, playing the flute, and a pretty young
girl seen from in front, in a white dress. She wears a blue ribbon in
her fair hair and holds a wreath of flowers in her left hand. A little
dog on the left.
Signed : F. Boucher 1766.
Canvas, Oval, 21 in. by 16 3/4 in.
From the Collection of II. F. Broadwood, Esq., London, 1899.
— 86 -
■ • I
BOUCHER (Francois)
70. — Rustic Landscape
In the foreground on the left, two washer-women on the edge of
the river; on the right, a dog. In the middle distance, a young wo-
man, carrying a basket of flowers, is preceded by a laden ass, a cow,
and a flock of sheep, across a stone bridge leading to a water mill.
Signed : F. Boucher 1760.
Canvas, oval, 29 in. by 22 1/2 in.
— 8 " —
1) R O UAI S ( Francois- 1 1 ubert)
( 1727-1775)
71. — Portrait of a young Lady
✓ V O V
Turned to the left, looking- at the spectator. Blue low-cut dress
adorned with red ribbons. Flowers in her dark hair and ribbon
round her neck. Sleeves edged with rich lace. Her right arm rests
on a pedestal. Half-length. Life-size.
Canvas, 32 3/4 in. by 26 in.
Drouais (F.-H.) 70. — Boucher (F.
GELLEE (Claude) called LE LORRAIN
( 1600-1682 )
72. — A Sea-Port
On the right, a portion ofa building ofthe Corinthian Order, with
a paved terrace in front. On the opposite side, the stern ofa large
sailing vessel is visible, and in front of it a rowing boat containing
three men; an empty boat lies nearer the shore. In the centre of
the foreground, a man lifting a plank and another reclining.
Farther to the right, a group of three gentlemen to whom a pedlar is
offering his wares. In the distance, a round tower and numerous
Canvas, 3 i 1/4 in. by 39 1/2 in.
Etched by John Young-.
From the Angerstein Collection, London.
GELLEE (Claude), called LE LORRAIN
( 1600-1682)
j3. — Christ appearing to Mary Magdalen
Described in Smith’s Catalogue (Part VIII, p. 3 oa, n° 194), as follows :
« This imaginary scene exhibits on the left (right) the hill ot
Golgotha, surmounted by three crosses, and having under it the
appearance of a tomb; the centre gives a view over the city of Jeru-
salem, situate in a valley adjacent to the distant hills. The opposite
side is composed of a high bank, on which grow clusters of young
trees ; in front of this and nearer the spectator stands the Saviour, in
the character of a gardener, with a spade in his hand, addressing
himself to Mary, who is on her knees before him; two of the disciples
of our Lord are on the farther side of some palings, near a tree on
the left (right). The effect is that of a fine morning. »
Canvas, .>2 1 2 in. by 54 3 4 in.
Described in Smith's « Catalogue raisonne », part. VIII, p. 302 , 11“ 104.
Painted for Cardinal Spada.
From an Anonymous Collection, 1E04.
— the Collection of William Iieckford, Esq., Fonthill.
- 90 -
. o. —
Gellee (Claude), called Le Lorkain
74. — Portrait of the Marquis de Vandenesse
Turned to the left, looking at the spectator. Brown coat
with gold embroideries. Red velvet mantle. White lace necktie.
Powdered wig. 1 1 is left hand rests on his hip, his right on the back
of a green chair. A brown curtain and a column behind. A land-
scape in the background. Three-quarters length. Life-size.
Canvas, So in. by 37 12 in.
From the Collection of the Comte de Cognard, Paris.
LARG1LLI ERE (Nicolas)
( 1656-17 |6)
yr. — Portrait of the Marquise de Vandenesse
Standing in front of a balustrade on which is a basket with
flowers, turned slightly to the right, her head to the left, looking at
the spectator. She is dressed in a white satin dress, cut low in
front, and a pink mantle, and holds up a flower in her right hand.
Background of sky. Three-quarters length. Life-size.
Canvas, 5 o in. by 37 1 2 in.
From the Collection of the Comte de Cognard, Paris.
— 92 —
Largilliere (N.) 74. — Largilliere (N.)
FRAGONAR 1) (J ean-Honore)
( 1732-1806)
76. — « Le Baiser gagne »
In the interior of a rustic room, a young man in a pale blue
jacket and a straw hat is endeavouring to snatch the stake of a game
of cards — a kiss — from a young girl in a pink and yellow dress, who
resists his efforts, in spite of a girl friend who apparently is on the
young man's side. She holds both the hands of the loser, thus
partly paralysing her attempts to free herself.
Canvas, 21 1/2 in. by 2.5 1/2 in.
.Mentioned in (ioncourt's « L’Art du XVIII* Siecle », Fragonard, p. 333 .
From the Collection of M. de Breteuil, Paris, 1 7fJ5.
M. de Chamgrand, Paris, 1787. t ,
— — Dr. Aussant, Paris, 1864.
„ rlj VflJjL 24 h 7 A -y .1^0* (_>]). W
NATTIER (Jean-Marc)
( 1 685- 1766)
77. — Portrait of the Marquise de
Turned to the left, looking at the spectator. A white muslin-
veil, fastened at the top of her head, falls behind her shoulders.
A grey satin mantle is drawn in picturesque folds round her bodice,
which is cut low in front and adorned with a double string of pearls.
Half-length. Life-size.
Signed and dated : Nattier pinxit 1640.
Canvas, 3i in. by 24 3/4 in.
From the Collection of M. A. de Marcy, Paris.
G* IkyvA-vA , NcwMaV.
Nattier (J.-M.)
TOl'RMERES (Robkrt)
( 1668-1752)
~8. — Portrait of Mademoiselle Desmatins
T urned to the left, looking at the spectator. Standing in front of
a table, and resting her left hand on a music book. She is dressed
in a pearl-grey gown embroidered with gold, and a blue silk
mantle. Three-quarters length. Life-size.
Canvas, 40 1 2 in. by .'<> 1 4 in.
From the Collection of M. Salverte.
V E S T I E R (Antoine)
( x y 1 1 r siecle)
-(}. — Portrait of the Princesse Louise
de Poliiinac
Turned to the right, full-face, looking at the spectator. Her
powdered hair decked with flowers and white ostrich feathers. She
wears a low pink dress trimmed with lace: a bunch of flowers is
fastened into the front of her bodice.
Painted in 1781.
Canvas, oval. 28 in. by 22 S 4 in.
From the Collection of Madame de Fairramre. Chateau dWmboisc.
— 90 —
Tournieres (R.)
\ Y A TT E A l (Jean- A \ to i n e )
( 1634-1721 )
80. — Portrait of Mademoiselle Haranger.
Sister of the Abbe Haranger
Seated in a red chair, turned three-quarters to the left, and
looking in the same direction. She wears a pale lilac bodice, cut
low in front, and holds a palette in her left hand and a brush in her
right. Bust. Life-size.
Canvas, 14 0 4 in. by 20 3 4 in.
From the Collection of Madame Cottini. Paris.
Lnl/L , h i 0,1^.
f N '
\Y A T T E A U ( J e a x - A x to 1 x e )
( 1684-172 1 )
81. — Portrait of the Abbe Haranger, friend
and executor of the Artist
Full-face, looking at the spectator. Large powdered wig. Brown-
ish coat, relieved by white clerical bands. Bust. Life-size.
Canvas, 24 3/4 in. by 20 3 4 in.
From the Collection of Madame Cottini, Paris.
Watteau (J.-A.) 8o. — Watteau (J.-A.)
BEECH EY (Sir William). R. A.
82 . — A Portrait of the Artist's Daughter
as « Hebe » afterwards married
to Lord Grantley)
V /
In a white dress with a scarf suspended over the left shoulder
by a blue ribbon ; a wreath of roses and other flowers on her head;
gold and ruby armlets and bracelets; with her right hand, she is
about to remove the cover from a gold drinking cup.
Signed with monogram and dated i8a3.
Canvas, 29 in. by 24 1/2 in.
From the Collection of the Mon. W. F. L>. Massey-Mainwaring, M. P., London.
83. — The Page
A page, seen from behind, dressed in a lilac doublet and white
silk hose, his black velvet hat hanging on his back, leading a lady,
seen in profile, and dressed in a white satin dress, towards the back
of the room, where an old man seated at a table is reading in a
large book.
Signed : R. P. Bonington. 1R25.
Panel, 19 3 4 in. by 14 1 4 in.
Beechey (Sir \Y.(, R.
84 . — View of Edinburgh, Scotland
The buildings of the city are silhouetted against a gloomy
evening sky.
Canvas, 26 3/4 in. by 3 q in.
85. — Beach near Cromer
On the left, high clitTs, stretching away to the distance. On the
right, the open sea, enlivened by sailing-vessels.
Panel, 1 1 1/2 in. by 18 in.
From the Collection of Eustache Constable, grandson ot the artist.
— 104 -
84. — Constable (J.), R. A.
Ur, (1727-1788)
>AA-A : j HR , l V U ~ ‘
86. — Portrait of a Gentleman
Turned to the left, and looking at the spectator. Powdered
wig, white necktie, blue coat with red facings. Bust. Life-size.
J W , N/.'ce Canvas, Oval, 29 1/4 in. by 23 1/4 in.
Tvic, 10/ I3 |t~j
^ ,X3
h_ 6^ ^
i’H}*): v^lOJuU.UUr| l^j•
HOPPNER (John), It. A.
( 1759-1810)
01. — Portrait of Lady Cunningham
Seated in a landscape, turned to the right, looking at the spec-
tator. White cap tied with a blue ribbon and white muslin dress.
She holds a book with botlV hands on her lap. Half-length. Life-
Canvas, 29 1 4 in. by 24 1 : in.
1 10
Hoppner (J.), R- A. 90- — Hoppner (J.)i R-
HOPPNER (John), R. A.
( 1 759- 1810)
9*2. — Portrait of Mrs. Swete
Nearly full-face, looking at the spectator. White turban-shaped
muslin head-dress. Fair powdered hair which falls in ringlets over
her left shoulder. White muslin dress. Half-length. Life-size.
Canvas. 29 1 2 in. by 24 1 2 in.
HOPPNER (John), R. A.
( 1769-1810)
q 3 . — Portrait of Miss Dorothy Bland,
afterwards Mrs. Jordan
Nearly full-face, looking to the right. Brown hair. Low
crimson dress. Half-length. Life-size.
Canvas, 29 1 2 in. by 24 1 2 in.
From the Beef-Steak Club Collection of Paddy Green.
From the Collection of Sir Henry Irving, Green Room. Lyceum Theatre.
— 112 —
Hoppner (J.), R. A. 92. — Hoppner (J.), R-
( > ‘ 1 797 )
()4. — Portrait of Mrs. Arbuthnot
Nearly full-face, looking to the left, her fair hair covered with
a white mob-cap adorned with blue ribbons. A white shawl with
(lowered borders is placed round her shoulders; green dress. A
narrow black ribbon round her neck. Half-length. Life-size.
Canvas, 29 12 in. by 24 1 2 in.
OPIE (John), R. A.
9?. — Portrait of Lady Hamilton (?)
Seated to the right, looking at the spectator. Black hair, a white
kerchief over the back of her head, the ends tied under her chin. A
yellow scarf over her bare shoulders. Red mantle and greenish
dress. Her right hand is placed under her chin ; with her left, she
holds a straw hat on her knee by a blue ribbon. Three-quarters
length. Life-size.
Canvas, 2R 1 2 in. by 2.3 0 4 in.
Mori and (Henryi
RAEBURN (Sir Henry) R. A.
( 1756-182.3)
96. — Portrait of Miss Nancy Graham
Afterwards the wife of her cousin Captain Alexander Gordon
Graham, Ilanovrian Grenadier Guards, of Cromarty, Scotland.
In a white muslin dress with short sleeves and red shoes. She
is seated three-quarters to the left in a landscape, holding a bunch
of pansies and wall-flowers in her hand. Full-length. Life-size.
Canvas. 35 in. by 27 in.
fVrxryi. f ^ ! nv.ru '
I 10
R. A.
RAEBURN (Sir Henry),
( 1756-182.3)
gy. — Portrait of John Gibson Lockhart
Novellist and miscellaneous writer ; born at Glasgow, 1793,
died at Abbotsford, i85zj.
Seated to the right, looking at the spectator; black hair;
white necktie, yellow waistcoat and blue coat with gold buttons.
His right arm resting on the back of his chair; he holds a book in
his left hand. Half-length. Life-size.
Canvas, 29 1/2 in. by 24 1/2 in.
1 1
RAEBURN (Sir Henry), R. A.
( 1756-1820)
()8. — Portrait of Mrs. Kennedy Lawrie
Seated to the right, looking at the spectator. Short black
hair. Low black velvet dress, with short sleeves. Half-length.
Canvas, 29 in. by 24 1 2 in.
U* J y
1 1 0 t q CO ^ Vs)
■ 118
Raeburn (Sir II.), R. A. 97 . — Raeburn (Sir H.),
RAEBURN (Sir Henry), R, A.
( 1 7 56 - 1 82 . 3 )
99. — Portrait of Mrs. Scott
Seated in a landscape, to the right, looking at the spectator;
white lawn cap tied under her chin. Over the white lawn revers of
her bodice she wears a frilled black gauze scarf. A black satin
mantle drawn round her figure. Half-length. Life-size.
Canvas, 28 1 2 in. by 2.3 1 4 in.
From the Scott Collection.
. f
ROMNEY (George)
( 17.34-1802 )
100. — Portrait of Captain Burton
Nearly full-face, head turned to the left, and looking in the same
direction. Powdered hair. Red coat with blue facings edged with
gold; a golden epaulette on his right shoulder. White necktie.
Bust. Life-size.
Canvas, 29 1 2 in. by 24 3 4 in.
ioo. — Romney (George) 99. — Raeburn (Sir II.), R.
Baen (J. de). — Portrait of a Lady with her Child 8
— Portrait of a Gentleman in Armour 8
Bagnacavallo (B. Ramenghi, called). — The Virgin and Infant Christ
surrounded by Saints. . 66
Beeciiey (Sir W.). — A Portrait of the Artist’s Daughter 102
Beyeren (A. van). — Still-Life IO
Bonifacio Veronese the Younger II. — The Adoration of the Shep-
herds 70
Bonington (R. P.). — The Page 10 2
Boucher (F.). — Shepherd and Shepherdess in a Landscape 86
Rustic Landscape 8~
Bouts (D.). — The Adoration of the Magi 10
Bronzino (A. di Cosimo, called). — Portrait of Bianca Cappello ... 63
Portrait of Giovanni de’ Medici. . 63
Caliari (P.), called \ eronese. — The Punishment of Actaeon 70
Cappelle (J. van de). — Winter Scene 12
A Sea-Port I2
Constable (J.). — View of Edinburgh, Scotland 104
Beach near Cromer io_i
Cranach (L.) the Elder. — Portrait of the Wife of the Elector Palatine
John Frederick of Saxony
Cuyp (A.). — A Sportsman with a Dog j <
Golden Hours jf,
Dou (G.). — « La Menagere » ,g
Drouais (F. H.) — Portrait of a young Lady 88
Duyster (W. C ) — Cavalier and Lady 16
Dyck (A. van). — The Entombment ^
— Andromeda In
Flemish School. — The Virgin and Child enthroned. A Triptych. . .
Fragonard (J. H.). — <■ Le Baiser gagne »
Gainsborough (Th.). — Portrait of a Gentleman
Portrait of a Gentleman
Gellee (Claude), called Lc Lorrain. — A Sea-Port
Christ appearing to Mary
Gentile da Fabriano. — The Coronation of the Virgin
Ghirlandajo (D.). — The Virgin and Child, and Angels
Goyen (J. van). — A Dutch Canal in a Thunderstorm
Guardi (F.). — View of the Piazza of San Marco, Venice
View of the Piazzetta, Venice
Hogarth (W.). — Portrait of the Artist
Hondecoeter (M. d’). — A Poultry Yard
Hoppner (J.). — Master Mercier riding on a Stick
Portrait of Margaret Bryan
Portrait of Lady Cunningham
— Portrait of Mrs. Swete
Portrait of Miss Dorothy Bland, afterwards Mrs.
Janssens van Ceulen (C.). — Portrait of Sir John Gage
Portrait of Lady Dorothy Godolphin. .
Jordaens (J.). — Historical Subject
Koninck (S.). — A Dutch Merchant
Largilliere (N.). — Portrait of the Marquis de Vandenesse
— Portrait of the Marquise de Vandenesse . . . .
Lotto (L.). — Virgin and Child, surrounded by Saints
Mazzola (F.). — The Virgin and Child
Metsu (G.). — Lady and Gentleman at a Spinet
Morland (H.). — Portrait of Mrs. Arbuthnot
Moro (A.). — Portrait of a Princess. . .
Murillo (B. E). — Saint Anthony and the Infant Christ
— Saint John the Evangelist
Virgin and Child in Glory
Nattier (J. AL). Portrait of the Marquise de Lcnancourt
Neer (A. van dcr). — Winter Scene
Winter Scene
Landscape, Evening
Opie (J.). — Portrait of Lady Hamilton (?)
Ostade (A. van). — Villagers merry-making
The itinerant Musician
Palmezzano (M.). — The Holy Family and the little Saint John . . . .
I of)
1 10
1 10
1 12
1 1 2
9 =
3 0
\ 2
1 14
124 -
Piomro (S. del). — Portrait of Pope Clement VII 82
Raeburn (Sir II.). — Portrait of Miss Nancy Graham 116
Portrait of John Gibson Lockhart 117
Portrait of Mrs. Kennedy Lawrie 118
Portrait of Mrs. Scott 120
Rembrandt van Ryn. — Portrait of an old Man 36
Portrait of an old Lady 38
Romney (G.). — Portrait of Captain Burton 120
Rubens (P. P.). — Portrait of Elizabeth Brant, Rubens' first Wife. . . 3 q
P ortrait of the Chevalier Corneille dc Lantschot. . 40
The Holy Family 42
Time disclosing religious Truth 48
The Triumph of I he Christian Religion over Pagan-
ism and Idolatry 44
The Assomption of the Virgin 46
Ruisdael (J. van). — A Waterfall 46
Edge of a Woo j • . 48
« Le Ravin » 48
View of the Coast of Scheveningen 5o
Ruysdael (S. van). — River-Scene 02
River-Scene 82
Solario (A.). — The Virgin with the Infant Christ and two Angels . . 82
Steen (J.). — Grace before Meat 54
Teniers (D.) the Younger. — Landscape with Shepherds and Ani-
mals 04
Ter Borcii (G.). — Portrait of a Lady 56
Tournieres (R.J. — Portrait of Mademoiselle Desmatins 96
Velde (A. van de). — Sheep in a Landscape 58
Velde (W. van de). — Sea-Shore 58
Verspronck (J. C.). — Portrait of a young Lady 60
Portrait of a Gentleman 60
Vestier(A.). — Portrait of the Princesse Louise de Polignac .... 96
Watteau (J. A.). — Portrait of Mademoiselle Haranger, sister of the
Abbe Haranger 98
Portrait of the Abbe Haranger, friend and executor
of the Artist 98
Weenix (J. B.). — The hard Bargain 86
Wouwerman (Ph.). — View of the Dunes in Holland 62
« L’Ecurie flamandc » 62
20 —
Gold Medal, Universal Exibit ion, Paris, 1900
The richest and most exhaustive book ever published on any painter.
i° Over 5oo Heliogravures specially executed
in public and private Galleries;
2° His Biography, 1 villi ' Transcriptions of many original
Documents, and Ike Description and Ilislory of his Works.
The number of Copies will be : Edition de Luxe on Japan
Paper, in English 7 5 copies, in French i5, and in German 10.
Copies on Holland Paper, in English 5oo, in French 200,
and in German i5o.
Lor the Edition de Luxe on Japan Paper (limited to 70 English
Copies) : 80 Guineas; for the United States 020 Dollars including
For the Edition on Holland Paper: 5o Guineas; for the United
States 320 Dollars including Duty.
Terms of payment: on delivery of each volume, one eighth
of the Subscription Price.
Volumes I to IV have been issued; the others to follow at intervals of from four
to six months.
The Times, London, .May 21, 1896.
No such monument has ever been erected to any painter. To attempt such a
work at all, three things were necessary — photography with its modern deve-
lopment, enterprise, and a critical authority as complete as Dr. Mode's is.
The Times, London, April 14, 1897.
We commend this book as a wonderful result of modern reconstructive scho-
larship, zeal, and enterprise. When the eight volumes arc completed, they will
be quite indispensable to every library which concerns itself with the history of art.
The Times, London, January 7, 1898.
The second of the eight volumes of this important and splendid work has
just been issued by M. Sedelmeyer and is not less carefully executed than the first.
The volume as a whole, like its predecessor, represents all that scholarship,
care and money can do towards the erection of a worthy monument to Rem-
brandt’s memory.
Illustrated London News, April 25 , 1896.
1 he value and beauty of this collection, which exceeds anything before at-
tempted, are beyond controversy.
The Daily Telegraph, London, October 22, 1896.
1 he work will be a veritable monument to the genius of the very greatest of
all painters.
American Register, Paris, March 27, 1897.
A magnificent work of art, at which no less a connoisseur than Mr. Charles
Sedelmeyer, the well-known dealer and expert in art, in collaboration with Direc-
tor Bode, has been working for fully fifteen years, has at last been completed. It
is the richly illustrated edition in eight large volumes of « l’CEuvre Coniplet de
Rembrandt, » a veritable literary and artistic monument to the great Dutch mas-
ter, all of whose works, scattered throughout the world, have here been reproduced
in heliogravure, with full descriptive text. The first volume has made its appear-
ance, and, as might well have been foreseen, does great credit to the enterprising
editor as well as to France.
The Collector , Xew-York, April i 5 , 1897.
Nothing has yet been done, either in honour of any single artist or for the
recording of his works, to even approach « The Complete Work of Rembrandt »
which is published by M. Sedelmeyer, of Paris.... It comes in the shape of a fat
folio, of the most sumptuous form of artistic embellishment and typography, and,
entirely apart from its magnificence as an art work, is a book of reference no true
collector can fail to appreciate.
The Art Amateur, New- York, September, 1899.
We have already spoken in terms of the highest praise of the first two volumes
of this magnificent work. The third is, if possible, still more remarkable. In it,
Dr. Bode, as biographer, has reached one of the most interesting periods of Rem-
brandt's artistic career, that immediately succeeding his marriage, and leads with a
series of biblical aud mythological compositions — and the portraits and studies
connected with them — including some of the painter's acknowledged master-
We need not expatiate on the importance of Dr. Bode’s « Rembrandt » to col-
lectors. It promises to be the first really adequate representation of a great painter's
work. Mr. Sedelmeyer's courage, taste, and judgment cannot be too liberally
acknowledged. He is producing a monograph, which will be of inestimable advant-
age to all serious students of art, and one which we are entitled to hope will be
accepted as a standard for other publications of the kind. It would certainly be
difficult to imagine anything more perfect than the way in which the work, literary,
artistic, and mechanical, has, thus far, been done. The text is, in its completeness
and reliability, worthy of the great artist to which it is devoted, and the illustrations,
reproduced by the heliogravure process, arc worthy of the text.
The Art Amateur, June, 1900,
Of this great work, issued in magnilicient style by Mr. Sedelmeyer, the fourth
volume, dealing with one of the most important periods of the artist's life, that
included between the dates 1637-40, has just been issued.
As in the other volumes, previously reviewed, the reproductions iuclude every
picture belonging te the period under consideration.
It will take four more volumes and a supplement to finish the work, making
it the most extended and the most complete literary and artistic monument ever
built up to the fame of any painter.
Principal Publications
Gold Medal, Universal Exhibition , Paris, i goo
The Syndics of the Draper's Corporation. — Etching by Charles
Koepping after Rembrandt.
Size : 23 1/4 in. by 3i 1/4 in. — Plate destroyed.
120 proofs have been issued at Fr 1.300
Portrait of an Old Man. — Etching by Ch. Koepping after Rembrandt.
Size : 32 in. by 21 in. — Plate destroyed.
120 artist’s proofs on Japan paper at Fr. 800
The Archers of St. George. — Etching by Ch. Koepping after Frans Hals.
Size : 23 in. by 3y in. — Plate destroyed.
1 2 .5 artist's proofs on Japan paper at Fr. 1.000
Beatrice of Cusance, Duchess of Lorraine. — Etching by F. Laguillermie
after Anthony Van Dyck.
Size : 27 1/2 in. by 21 in. — Plate destroyed.
12.5 artist's proofs on parchment at Fr. 800
Christ before Pilate. — Engraved by Ch. Waltner after Munkacsy.
Size : 21 in. by 3i 1/4 in.
Prints Fr. 75
Christ on Calvary. — Engraved by Ch. Koepping after Munkacsy.
Size : 21 in. by 32 1/4 in.
Prints Fr. 75
Companion to the etching Christ before Pilate.
Milton dictating Paradise Lost to iiis Daughters. — Etched by
Ch. Courtry after Munkacsy.
Size : i5 in. by 21 in.
Prints Fr. 25
Milton visiting Galileo at Arcetri near Florence, 16 . 40 . — Engraved
by A. Mathey after Tito Lessi.
Size : i3 6/8 in. by 17 3/8 in.
200 Remark proofs at Fr. 150
Lettered proofs on India paper .... Fr. 25
Mozart directing the first Execution of his Requiem. — Etched by
Armand Mathey after Munkacsy.
Size : 16 1/2 in. by 23 3/8 in.
Prints on India paper Fr. 25
Spring. — Etching by E. M. Geyger after the picture by Sandro Botticelli.
Size of the etching : 19 1/2 in. by 3o in.
100 Remark proofs at Fr. 625
Lettered proofs on India paper Fr. 75
Giovanna Tornabuoni. — Engraved by A. Mathey-Doret, after Domenico
Size : 20 1/2 in. by i3 in. — Plate destroyed.
3oo Remark proofs, signed by the engraver Fr. 160
129 —
‘h yirvi