library M. KNOFm>° ; vr;..'.; -r V-'-' v ; > i • Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Getty Research Institute f CATALOGUE L OF THE A.T. Stewart Collection OF PAINTINGS, SCULPTURES, AND OTHER OBJECTS OF ART r_ rO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, WITHOUT RESERVE BY ORDER OF HENRY HILTON, ESQ., AND CHARLES CLINCH, ESQ., EXECUTORS OF THE ESTATE OF MRS. CORNELIA M. STEWART, DECEASED CAN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY EVENINGS ^ MARCH TWENTY-THIRD, TWENTY-FOURTH, AND TWENTY-FIFTH, AT 7.30 O’CLOCK, AT CHICKERING HALL, FIFTH AVENUE AND EIGHTEENTH STREET /-CONTINUING MONDAY, MARCH TWENTY-EIGHTH ^ AND FOLLOWING DAYS, AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES, No. 6 EAST TWENTY-THIRD STREET (MADISON SQUARE SOUTH) W HERE THE COLLECTION WILL BE ON PUBLIC EXHIBITION, DAY AND EVENING, FROM MONDAY, FEBRUARY TWENTY-FIRST, UNTIL DATE OF SALE (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, MANAGERS THOMAS E. KIRBY, AUCTIONEER NEW YORK: MDCCCLXXXVII Copyright, 1887, By AMERICAN ART ASSOCIATION, NEW YORK. [All rights reservedl\ Subscriber's No. 6 0 s . EDITION LIMITED TO 500 COPIES. COMPILED BY THOMAS E. KIRBY. PRESS OF J. J. LITTLE & CO., ASTOR PLACE, NEW YORK. ORDER OF SALE. Wednesday Evening, March 23D, at 7.30 o’clock, at Chickering Hall, corner of Fifth Avenue and 18th Street, Modern Paintings. Catalogue Nos. 1 to 74, inclusive. Thursday Evening, March 24TH, at 7.30 o’clock, at Chickering Hall, Modern Paintings. Catalogue Nos. 75 to 143, in¬ clusive. Friday Evening, March 25TH, at 7.30 o’clock, at Chickering Hall, concluding sale of Paintings. Catalogue Nos. 144 to 217, inclusive. Monday Afternoon, March 28th, at 2.30 o’clock, at The Amer¬ ican Art Galleries, 6 East 23d Street, Madison Square, South, Sevres, Royal Worcester, and other European Ceramics, Miscellaneous Objects, etc. Catalogue Nos. 225 to 423, inclusive. Tuesday Afternoon, March 29TH, at 2.30 o’clock, at the above mentioned Galleries, Oriental Porcelains and Enamels, and Miscellaneous Objects. Catalogue Nos. 424 to 614, inclusive. Tuesday Evening, March 29TH, at 8 o’clock, at the above Gal¬ leries, Fine Art, Standard, and Miscellaneous Books. Catalogue Nos. 1014 to 1154, inclusive. Wednesday Afternoon, March 30TH, at 2.30 o’clock, at the above Galleries, Sterling Silver, Rich Baccarat Glass, Sevres, Copeland, French, and Canton China Table Services, etc. Catalogue Nos. 615 to 813^/, inclusive. Wednesday Evening, March 30TH, at 8 o’clock, at the above Gal¬ leries, Fine Art, Standard, and Miscellaneous Books. Catalogue Nos. 1155 to 1321, inclusive. IV CONDITIONS OF SALE Thursday Afternoon, March 31ST, at 2.30 o’clock, at above Gal¬ leries, concluding sale of Art Objects, Bronzes, Sculp¬ ture, Grand Hall Clock, Art Furniture, Clock Sets, etc. Catalogue Nos. 814 to ion, inclusive. Thursday Evening, March 31ST, at 8 o’clock, at the above Gal¬ leries, concluding sale, Fine Art, Standard, and Miscel¬ laneous Books. Catalogue Nos. 1322 to 1483, inclusive. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. The highest Bidder to be the Buyer, and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 2. The Purchasers to give their names and addresses, and to pay down a cash deposit, or the whole of the Purchase-money, if required, in default of which the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. 3. The Lots to be taken away at the Buyer’s Expense and Risk on the morning following each session of the Sale, between 9 and 12 o’clock, and the remainder of the Purchase-money to be absolutely paid, or otherwise settled for to the satisfaction of the Auctioneer, on or before delivery ; in default of which the undersigned will not hold himself responsible if the Lots be lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, but they will be left at the sole risk of the Purchaser. 4. The sale of any Painting or other object is not to be set aside on account of any error in the description. All are exposed for Public Exhibition one or more days, and are sold just as they are, without recourse. 5. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can, on any account, be removed during the Sale. 6. Upon failure to comply with the above conditions, the money deposited in part payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, without further notice, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale, together with all charges attending the same. This Condition is without prejudice to the right of the Auctioneer to enforce the contract made at this Sale, without such re-sale, if he thinks fit. THOMAS E. KIRBY, Auctioneer. SPECIAL NOTICE. Admission to Chickering Hall on nights of Sale will be by Card only. (No Reserved Seats.) These cards will be ready for free distribution Wed¬ nesday, March 16th. Application for them, by mail or otherwise, should be made to Miss Katharine Timpson, Secretary American Art Association, No. 6 East 23d Street (Madison Square South). ORDERS TO PURCHASE. The undersigned have volunteered to receive and attend to orders to purchase at this sale : Messrs. M. Knoedler & Co., Fifth Avenue and 22d Street. Mr. L. Crist Delmonico (Kohn’s Art Rooms), No. 166 Fifth Avenue. Messrs. Blakesree & Co., cor. Fifth Avenue and 26th Street. Mr. William Schaus, No. 204 Fifth Avenue. Messrs. Reichard & Co., No. 226 Fifth Avenue. Messrs. Davis Collamore & Co., Broadway and 21st Street. Mr. L. A. Lanthier, No. 22 East 16th Street. Mr. Peter Brett, Room 449, Produce Exchange. Messrs. Sypher & Co., No. 860 Broadway, Union Square. Mr. J. O. Wright (Book Department), Sypher & Co. American Art Association, No. 6 East 23d Street. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. ETCHINGS. Printed by and under the personal supervision of Mr. H. Pruett Share. No. Painter. Etcher. Subject. Page 24. L. Galliat, Alfred Kappes, Abelard and Heloise. .. . 44 50. C. Troyon, dec'd, W. M. Chase, Cattle. 58 56. Alfred Stevens, J. S. King, After the Ball. 60 89. E.J.Verboeckhoven, F. S. Church, The Fight. 68 95. P. Michetti, Hamilton Hamilton, A Misty Morning, Rome. 70 102. W. A. Bouguereau, Gerome Ferris, The New-born Lamb.... 76 103. J. G. Jacquet, Stephen Ferris, An Eastern Princess .... 78 109. C. F. Daubigny, dec’d, Thomas Moran, The End of the Month of May. 80 128. M. Fortuny, dec’d, Frederick Dielman, The Serpent Charmer... 88 131. J. L. E. Meissonier, F. Raubicheck , At the- Barracks. 90 177. R. de Madrazo, W. St. John Harper, La Marquise. 104 180. C. Troyon, dec’d, R. Swain Gifford, Landscape and Cattle... 108 182 Murillo, C. Y. Turner, Boy with Kettle. 112 191. J. L. Gerome, S. J. Ferris, Une Collaboration. 114 212. Benjamin Constant, Gerome Ferris, Evening on the Terrace. 126 236, 268, 400. Sidney L. Smith , Carved Ivory and Ceram¬ ics ... . 132 244. Sidney L. Smith. Royal Worcester Vase... 134 GELATINE PRINTS. Reproduced by the Boston Photo-Gravure Company from Pen and Ink Sketches by Percy and Leon Moran. No. Sculptor. Subject. Page 913. R. H. Park, First Love. 156 915. W. R. Barbee, dec’d, The Fisher Girl. 158 923. Joseph Durham, dec’d, Paul and Virginia. 174 924. A. S. Tadolini, dec’d, Fisher Girl. 176 925. A. Tantardini, The Bather. 178 926. Thomas Crawford, dec’d, Flora.. 180 927. Harriet Hosmer, Zenobia in Chains. 182 928. Thomas Crawford, dec’d, Demosthenes. 184 122. Felix Ziem, Painter, Quai dei Schiavoni, Sketched by F. Hopkinson Smith. 84 Vlll LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS W. KURTZ, PHOTOTYPES. Reproduced direct from the paintings, sculpture, and other objects. No. Painter. Subject. Page Thos. Le Clear, Portrait, A. T. Stewart, dec’d , Frontispiece. 14. Xavier de Cock, Cows at the Stream. 40 16. Thomas Faed, Papa’s Coming. 42 30. G. R. C. Boulanger, The Appian Way . 46 35. E. Dubufe, dec’d, The Circassian Girl. 48 36. W. von Kaulbach, dec’d, Cupid and Psyche. 50 40. G. Ferrier, Marguerite Going to Church. . 54 46. L. Alvarez, Jealousy. 56 86. E. ZamacoIs, dec’d, The Begging Monk. 66 97. M. DE Munkacsy, A Visit to the Baby. 72 125. J. L. G£r6me, Pollice Verso (fragment). 86 133. Meyer von Bremen, dec’d, The Kind Sister... 92 169. A. Gisbert, Faust and Marguerite. 98 172. Charles E. Jacque, Landscape and Sheep. 100 176. L. E. Lambert, En Famille. 102 178. C. L. Muller, Innocence. 106 181. Titian, Madonna and Child. no 210. J. L. E. Meissonier, Friedland, 1807 (fragment). 122 210. J. L. E. Meissonier, Friedland, 1807 (fragment). 124 217. Mlle. Marie Rosa Bonheur, The Horse Fair. 130 44. A. H. Bakker-Korff, Betsy Prig and Sairey Gamp (fragment), from Pen and Ink, by Leon Moran... 43 48. J. de Nittis, dec’d, Flirtation, Hyde Park (fragment), from Pen and Ink, by Percy Moran. 65 165. G. Boldini, Park of Versailles, 18th Century (frag¬ ment), from Pen and Ink, by Percy Moran. 83 183. Rembrandt, Head, from Pen and Ink, by Percy Moran 249 201. Eugene Poittevin, dec’d, Master’s Out (fragment), from Pen and Ink, by Leon Moran. 64 211. J. L. E. Meissonier. Portrait of Himself, from Pen and Ink, by Percy Moran. 107 SCULPTURE. No. Sculptor. Subject. Page 866. E. Keyser, The Toying Page (in bronze). 154 916. Hiram Powers, The Greek Slave. 160 917. Hiram Powers, Eve Tempted. 162 918. Hiram Powers, Paradise Lost. 164 919. John Randolph Rogers, Nydia. 166 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ix SCULPTURE— Continued. No. Sculptor. Subject. Page 920. C. B. Ives, Flora. 168 921. Prof. R. H. Park, Sappho. 170 922. Marshall Wood, de’cd, Proserpine. 172 261. Sevres Porcelain Vase, decorated by E. Apoil. 136 992. Table, by Pottier and Stymus Co. (fragment). 186 997. Grand Hall Clock, by E. Cornu, Paris. 188 PHOTOGRAVURES. By the Photo-Gravure Company, New York. Reproduced under the personal supervision of Mr. Ernest Edwards, President. No. Painter. Subject. Page 39. A. Toulmouche, The Serious Book. 52 67. H. Merle, Hamlet and Ophelia... 62 79. G. Boldini, The Washerwomen. 64 98. K. Schloesser, The First Smoke. 74 no. J. de Nittis, dec’d, Return from the Races. 82 139. Erskine Nicol, The Disputed Boundary . 94 166. Edouard Detajlle, The Rest, Camp St. Maur, 1869. 96 200. E. ZamacoIs, dec’d, Court Jesters in Antechamber. 116 205. Ludwig Knaus, The Children’s Party. 118 208. M. Fortuny, dec’d, The Beach at Portici. 120 216. Adolphe Yvon, The Genius of-America. 128 ARTISTS REPRESENTED WITH BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES ARTISTS REPRESENTED, TOGETHER WITH BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES, LISTS OF HONORS, AND OTHER INFORMATION. ACHENBACH (Andreas), . Dusseldorf Born at Cassel, September 29, 1815. Pupil of Schirmer, Dusseldorf Academy. Member of the Berlin, Antwerp, and Amsterdam Academies. Knight of the Order of Leopold and of the Legion of Honor. Medals in Prussia and Belgium; in Paris in 1839, 1855, 1864 (when decorated with the Legion of Honor), 1867 {Exposition Universelle)\ in Philadelphia (Centennial Exposition), 1876, and in Munich, 1883. No, 84 —Storm at Sea, .Page 67 No. 162— Fishing Smacks Returning to Sche- VENINGEN,. 88 No. 189—A Coming Storm,. 94 / ADAN (Louis Emile),.Paris Born in Paris, 1839. Pupil of Picot and Cabanel. Medals, Paris, 1875 and 1882. No. 43 —In the Flower Garden, . . . Page 54 ALVAREZ (Don Luis), . ... Rome Born in Spain, pupil of Federico Madrazo. No. 46 —Jealousy, Page 54 4 THE STEWART COLLECTION BAKALOWICZ '(Ladislaus), . • Poland Born in Cracow, Poland. Pupil of Academy of Warsaw. No. i—R ichelieu’s Cats, .... Page 43 No. 81 —The Interesting Book, ... 67 No. 116 —Henry V.,. 75 No. 154 —The Toilet,.86 BAKKER-KORFF (Alexander H.), Hague Born at The Hague, August 31, 1824. Pupil of The Hague Academy, of Kruseman, and J. E. J. van den Berg. Died in Leyden, 1882. No. 44—Gossip, Sairey Gamp and Betsy Prig, Page 54 BAUGNIET (Charles), . . . Brussels Born in Brussels, 1814. Pupil of J. Paelinck and M. F. Willems. Member of Ghent Academy, 1836 ; appointed designer to the King of Belgium, 1841; Order of Leopold, 1843 ; Officer of the same, 1872. Member of the order of Isabella the Catholic of Spain, of Branche- Ernstein of Saxony, and of Christ of Portugal. No. 9—The Visit of the Godmother, . Page 45 No. 68—Blind Man’s Buff, .... 61 No. 85 —The Secret Missive, ... 68 No. 163 —The Letter,.88 BEARD (James H.), N. A., . . . New York Born in Buffalo, New York, 1814. Elected member of National Academy of Design, 1871. ARTISTS REPRESENTED 5 No. 2— Brunette and Blonde, . . . Page 43 No. 153— There’s Many a Slip, ... 85 BECKER (Prof. Carl Ludwig R), Berlin Born at Berlin, 1820. Pupil of the Berlin Academy, of Von Klober, of Heinrich Hess, and Cornelius, and Pensioner of the Berlin Academy at Paris and Rome. Member and Vice-President of the Academy of Berlin. Member of the Academy of Vienna and of the Royal Society of Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium. Officer of the Order of Leopold. Medals at Berlin, Vienna, Munich, and Paris. No. 80—The Rendezvous, .... Page 66 BEYLE (Pierre Marie), .... Paris Born at Lyons, 1838. Medals, Paris, 1881, 1884. No. 10— Odalisque and Parrot, . . . Page 45 BIERSTADT (Albert), N. A., . New York Bom in Diisseldorf, 1830. Brought to America at an early age. In 1853 he returned to Diisseldorf and entered the Academy there; afterward he also studied in Rome, Switzerland, and Germany. Elected a member of the National Academy in i860, and later appointed Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, France. In 1867 he was sent to Europe upon a government commission, to make studies for a painting of the “Discovery of the North River by Hendrik Hudson.” Several of his paintings are owned by the United States Government. No. 31 —Seal Rock, San Francisco, . . Page 51 No. 101— Natural Park and Lake, Southern California, .... 72 No. 138— Emerald Pool, White Mountains, 81 6 THE STEWART COLLECTION BLONDEL (Jacob D.), a. N. A., dec’d, New York Born in New York, 1817. Pupil of William Page. The last years of his life were spent in misery and unhappiness. In deep poverty, he was too sensitive to make his wants known to his friends, and is said to have died of starvation in his studio in New York. Died, 1877 - No. 144 —Little Red Riding Hood, . Page 83 BODMER (Karl), .Paris Born in Zurich, Switzerland, 1805. Pupil of Cornu. Medals, Paris, 1851, 1855, and 1863. Member of the Legion of Honor, 1876. No. 135 —Summer Landscape, . . . Page 80 BOLDINI (G.), .Paris Born at Ferrara, Italy ; intimate friend of Fortuny. No. 12—Waiting, .Page 46 No. 79 —The Washerwomen, ... 66 No. 165 —Park of Versailles, i8th Cent¬ ury, . 88 BON H EUR (Francois Auguste), dec’d, Paris Born in Bordeaux, November 4, 1824. Son and pupil of Raymond B. Bonheur, who died 1853. Medals, Paris, 1852, 1857, 1859, 1861, and 1863. Member of the Legion of Honor, 1867. Died, Febru¬ ary, 1884. No. 142 —Environs of Fontainebleau, . Page 82 ARTISTS REPRESENTED 7 BONHEUR (Mlle. Marie Rosa), . Paris Born at Bordeaux, March 22, 1822. Pupil of her father, Raymond B. Bonheur. Began by copying in the Louvre, afterwards made studies and sketches near Paris. Her first two pictures, exhibited at Bordeaux, 1841, attracted much attention, and were followed by others which established her world-wide fame. During the Franco-Prussian War, her studio and residence were respected by special order of the Crown Prince of Prussia. Since 1849 she has been director of the Paris Free School of Design for Young Girls, which she founded. Elected member of Antwerp Institute in 1868. Medals, 1845, 1848, 1855, 1867 (Exposition Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1865. Leopold Cross, 1880. Commander’s Cross of Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic, 1880. No. 217 —The Horse Fair, .... Page 106 BONNEFOND (Jean Claude), dec’d, Lyons Born in Lyons, 1790. Pupil of Rdvoil. Won first prize in Lyons School of Art, 1813. Director of Lyons School of Art, 1831. Medals, Paris, 1817, 1827. Legion of Honor, 1834. Died, i860. No. 112—The Blacksmith, . . . Page 74 BOSSUET (Francois Antoine), . Brussels Born at Ypres, East Flanders, 1800. Pupil and professor of Brussels Academy. Member of Rotterdam and Pennsylvania Academies. Officer of the Order of Leopold and of the Portuguese Order of Isa¬ bella the Catholic. No. 82—Spanish Landscape, . . . Page 67 BOUGUEREAU (William Adolphe), Paris Born in La Rochelle, 1825. When very young, after passing through the College at Pons, where he showed an aptitude for drawing, Bouguereau was placed in a business house in Bordeaux. 8 THE STEWART COLLECTION While there, he attended, two hours a day, the drawing-school of M. Alaux. Treated contemptuously by his fellow-students on account of his unaristocratic business connections, Bouguereau nevertheless took the first prize at the end of the year, the award causing such excitement in the school that a riot was the conse¬ quence. Bouguereau then resolved to turn his attention to art, and after he had earned sufficient money by painting portraits at Sain- tonge, where his uncle was a priest, he went to Paris and entered the studio of Picot, and later Vfccole des Beaux Arts , where his progress was rapid. He gained the Prix de Rome in 1850, and then studied in Rome. Medals, Paris, 1855 {Exposition Univer- selle), 1857, 1867 {Exposition Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1859. Member of the Institute of France, 1876. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1876. Medal of Honor {Exposition Univer- selle), 1878. Knight of the Order of Leopold, 1881. Grand Medal of Honor, Paris, 1885. Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1885. No. 73 —Homer et Son Guide, . . Page 63 No. 102—The New-Born Lamb, ... 72 No. 213 —Return from the Harvest, . . 104 BOULANGER (Gustave R. C.), . . Paris Born in Paris, April 25, 1824. Pupil of Jollivet and of Paul Dela- roche. Won the Prix de Rome in 1849. Medals, 1857, 1859, 1863, 1878. Member of the Legion of Honor, 1865. Member of the Institute of France, 1882. No. 30 —The Appian Way, .... Page 50 BOUTIBONNE (Charles Edouard), Paris Born at Buda-Pesth, Hungary, of French parents. Pupil of Winter¬ halter. Medal, Paris, 1847. No. 119 —Queen Elizabeth and Sir Walter Raleigh, .Page 76 ARTISTS REPRESENTED 9 BRODIE (J. Lamont), .... London No. 83—The Confession, .Page 67 BROWN (John Lewis), .... Paris Born in Bordeaux. Pupil of Camille Roqueplan and Belloc. Medals, 1865, 1866, and 1867. Legion of Honor, 1870. No. 25—The Start, .:.... Page 49 No. 26—The Death,.49 BUTLER (George B., Jr.), N. A., . New York Born in New York. Studied under Thomas Hicks, New York, and Couture, in Paris. Painted with his left hand after losing his right arm in the Civil War. Made member of National Academy in 1873. Lives in Italy. No. 118—A Capri Rose, .... Page 76 CALAME (Alexandre), dec’d, . . Paris Born at Vevay, 1810. Pupil of Diday. Medals, Paris, 1839, 1840. Legion of Honor, 1842. Member of St. Petersburg and Brussels Academies. Died, 1864. No. 136—A Mountain Torrent, . . Page 80 CAMPHAUSEN (Prof. W.), dec’d, Dusseldorf Born in Dusseldorf, February, 1818. Pupil of the Dusseldorf Acad¬ emy, Rethel, Sohn, and Schadow; Professor of Dusseldorf Academy since 1859 > member of the Berlin and Vienna Academies ; awarded Prussian gold medal for Art. Medals, Berlin and Vienna, 1873. Died, 1885. No. 126—Charles I. and Oliver Cromwell, Page 78 No. 155 —Charles I. as Prisoner, . . 86 IO THE STEWART COLLECTION CASANOVA-Y-ESTORACH (Ant.), Paris Pupil of Madrazo. No. 8—Preparing for a Visit, . . . Page 45 CASTIGLIONE (Guiseppe), . . . Paris Born in Naples. Studio in Paris. No. 120 —The Villa Torlonia, . . Page 76 CHAVET (Victor), .Paris Born at Pourcieux, near Aix, July, 1822. Pupil of P. Rgvoil and C. Roqueplan. Medals, Paris, 1853, 1855, and 1857. Legion of Honor, 1859. No. 7 —The Duet, .Page 45 CHELMINSKI (Jan), .... Munich Born at Brzdstov, Poland, 1851. Pupil of Munich Academy and Franz Adam. No. 75—Off for the Hunt, .... Page 65 No. 76—Return from the Hunt, ... 65 CHURCII (Frederick Edwin),N. A., New York Born at Hartford, Conn., March 14, 1826. Pupil of Thomas Cole. Member of National Academy of Design, New York. No. 74 —Niagara Falls, from American Side, Page 64 ARTISTS REPRESENTED 11 CLAIRIN (Georges Jules Victor), . Paris Born in Paris, 1843. Pupil of Picot and Pils, and of the Ecole des Beaux Arts. Medal, 1882. No. 63 —Carnival—Venice, , Page 60 CLASEN (Karl),.Dusseldorf Born 1812. Pupil of W. Schadow. No. 121 —Queen Katharine and Cardinal Wolsey, .Page 77 COMTE (Pierre Charles), . . . Paris Bom in Lyons, 1823. Pupil of Paul Delaroche, Horace Vernet, and Robert Fleury. Medals, 1852, 1853, 1855, 1857, and 1867. Legion of Honor, 1857. No. 13 —In Confidence .Page 46 No. 47 —Inquisitiveness,.55 CONSTANT (Benjamin Jean Joseph), Paris Born at Paris, 1845. Pupil of Alexandre Cabanel and Ecole des Beaux Arts. Medals, Paris, 1875, 1876. Legion of Honor, 1878; officer of the same, 1884. Medal, 1878 ( Exposition Universelle). No. 212 —Evening on the Terrace, Morocco, Page 103 DAMSCHREUDER (T. T.), . . Munich No. 77—The Cavalier’s Story, . . . Page 66 12 THE STEWART COLLECTION DAUBIGNY (Charles Francois), dec’d, Paris Born at Paris, 1817. Pupil of his father and Paul Delaroche, and for three years studied in Italy. Medals, 1848, 1853, 1855, 1857, 1859, t869. Legion of Honor, 1859 ; officer of the same, 1874. Died, 1878. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists ( Expo¬ sition Universelle), 1878. No. 109 —The End of the Month of May, Page 74 DE BRAEKELEER (Ferdinandus), dec’d, Antwerp Born in Antwerp, February 19, 1792. Pupil of Antwerp Academy and of M. I. Van Brde. Obtained the great prize in 1819, and studied three years in Rome. Member of the Order of Leopold, and director of Antwerp Museum. Died 1883. No. 62— The Singing Lesson, . . . Page 60 No. 156 —Grandfather’s Visit, ... 86 DE COCK (Xavier). . Paris Born in Ghent. Medal, Paris, 1857. No. 14—COWS AT THE STREAM, . . . Page 46 DE CONINCK (Pierre L. G.), . Paris Born at Mdteren (Nord), November 22, 1828. Pupil of Ldon Cog- niet. Won second Prix de Rome, 1855. Medals, Paris, 1866, 1868, and 1873. No. 78— My Pet, .p age 66 DE HUYSVEL (c. H.), . . . Antwerp No. 190 —Dutch Interior, .... Page 95 ARTISTS REPRESENTED i3 DE JONGHE (Gustave), . . Brussels Born at Courtrai, February 4, 1828. Pupil of Navez. Gold medal at Antwerp, 1862, Paris, 1863. No. 157—The Pet Parrot, .... Page 86 DE NITTIS (Joseph), dec’d, . . . Paris Born at Barletta, Italy, 1846, died at St. Germain, August 24, 1884. Studied under Gdrome and Meissonier. In the Salon of 1872 he gained great distinction by his “ Road from Naples to Brindisi,” and his “ La Place des Pyramides,” exhibited later, served to strengthen his reputation. Beside his pictures, he left many ex¬ cellent pastels. Medals, Paris, 1876, 1878. Member of the Legion of Honor. No. 48—Flirtation, Hyde Park, . . Page 55 No. no— Bois de Boulogne, Return from the Races,.74 DE NOTER (David E. J.) , . . . Paris Born in Ghent. Still life painter. Medals, Paris, 1845, 1852. No. 15— Lady, Fruit, and Objects of Art, Page 47 No. 49 —Lady, Flowers, and Objects of Art, 5S DES GOFFE (Blaise Alexandre), . Paris Born in Paris, 1830. Pupil of Flandrin. Medals, Paris, 1861 and 1863. Member of the Legion of Honor. No. 64 —Objets d’ Art, .Page 60 DfiTAILLE (Jean Baptiste Edouard), Paris Born at Paris, 1848. Favorite pupil of Meissonier. Exhibited at Salon, in 1868, his “ Halt of Infantry,” which received much praise, and in 1869 the “Rest During Drill at Camp St. Maur,” which 14 THE STEWART COLLECTION established his reputation as one of the most popular military- painters of the day. Medals, Paris, 1869, 1870, 1872. Legion of Honor, 1873 i officer of the same, 1881. No. 166 —The Rest at Camp St. Maur, . Page 89 DUBUFE (Edouard), dec’d, . . . Paris Bom at Paris, 1818. Pupil of his father and Paul Delaroche. Medals, 1839, 1840, 1844, 1855, 1878. Member of the Legion of Honor, 1853 ; officer of same, 1869. Died, 1883. No. 35— The Circassian Girl, . . . Page 52 No. 104 —Lady and Parrot, .... 72 No. 127 —Love’s Diversion, .... 78 No. 214 —The Prodigal Son, .... 104 EGUSQUIZA (Rogelio De), • . . Spain Bom at Santander, Spain. No. 6— A Bright Lookout, . . . Page 44 ENDER (Edward) , .Vienna Bom in Vienna, in 1824. Pupil of his father, Johann E., and student in Vienna Academy. No. hi—Schiller at Court of Weimar, Page 74 ESCOSURA (Leon Y), .... Paris Born at Orviedo, Spain. Pupil of Jean L6on G^rome, Paris. Com¬ mander of the Order of Isabella the Catholic. Chevalier of the Order of Charles HI. of Spain, and of the Order of Christ of Portugal. No. 34— Haddon Hall, . Page 51 ARTISTS REPRESENTED 15 FAED (Thomas), r. a., . . . London Born at Burley Mill, Scotland, 1826. Studied with his brother, John, and in the School of Design, Edinburgh, under Sir William Allan. Was made an Associate of the Royal Scottish Academy in 1849. Went to London in 1852, and was made an Associate of the Royal Academy in 1861, and an Academician in 1864. No. 16— Papa’s Coming, .Page 47 FERRIER (Joseph Marie Augustin Gabriel), Rome Born at Nimes, 1847. Pupil of Lecoq de Boisbaudran. Won grand Prix de Rome, 1872. Medals, 1876,1878. Legion of Honor, 1884. No. 40— Marguerite Going to Church, . Page 53 FICHEL (Eugene Benjamin), . . . Paris Born at Paris, 1826. Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Medals, Paris, 1857, 1861, 1869. Legion of Honor, 1870. No. 3— The Art Critics, .... Page 44 No. 105—Going to Mass, Church of Saint Sulpice, i8th Century, . . 73 No. 147— An Audience at the Minister’s, . 84 FORTUNY (Mariano), dec’d, . . . Rome Born in Reus, Catalonia, June n, 1838. Pupil of the Barcelona Academy, of Palau, and of Claudio Lorenzalez. Chevalier of the Order of Charles III. Prize of Rome from Spain, 1856. At Rome, which became thenceforth his principal residence, he studied Raphael and made sketches of Roman life. In 1859 he was sent to Morocco by the government, to paint the incidents of General Prim’s campaign. In 1866 he went to Paris, where, through Zamacoi's, he entered into business relations with Goupil; and then 16 THE STEWART COLLECTION to Madrid, where (1867) he married the daughter of Madrazo. The auction sale of the contents of his studio after his death realized $160,000. Died in Rome, November 21, 1874. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (Exposition Universelle), 1878. No. 128— The Serpent Charmer, . . . Page 78 No. 208—The Beach at Portici, . . 100 FRANCAIS (Francois Louis), . . Paris Born at Plombi&res (Vosges), 1814. Pupil of Gignoux and of Corot. Medals, 1841, 1848, 1855, and 1867. Medal of Honor, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1853. Officer of the same, 1867. No. 61— Ruins of Pompeii, .... Page 59 FRERE (Pierre Edouard), dec’d, . . Paris Born at Paris, 1819. Pupil of Paul Delaroche. Medals at Paris, 1850, 1852, 1855. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1855. Died, 1886. No. 117— Dinner Time, .... Page 86 GALLAII (Louis), .... Brussels Born at Tournai, March io, 1810. Pupil of Hennequin. Medals, 1835, 1848. Legion of Honor, 1841 ; Chevalier of the Order of the Cross of Oak, Holland ; a Member of Brussels, Antwerp, Paris, Berlin, and Munich Academies ; Prussian Order of Merit ; Hon¬ orary Member of the Royal Academy, London ; Grand Cordon of the Order of Leopold, 1881. No. 24 —Abelard and Heloise, . . Page 49 / GENISSON (Victor Jules), dec’d, . Paris Born at St. Omer (Pas-de-Calais) in 1805. Died, i860. No. 42 —Church Interior, .... Page 53 ARTISTS REPRESENTED 1 7 GEROME (Jean Leon), . Paris Born at Vesoul, France, 1824. Went to Paris in 1841, and entered the studio of Paul Delaroche, at the same time following the course of V&cole des Beaux Arts. In 1844 he accompanied Dela¬ roche to Italy. He made his debut at the Salon of 1847. In 1853 and 1856 he traveled in Egypt and Turkey, studying closely the history and customs of those countries. Medals, Paris, 1847, 1848,1855 ( Exposition Universelle). Medal of the Institute, 1865. Medal of Honor ( Exposition Universelle'), 1867. Medals of Honor, 1874. Medal for Sculpture and one of the eight Grand Medals of Honor ( Exposition Universelle ), 1878. Legion of Honor, 1855 ; Officer of the same, 1867 ; Commander, 1878; Chev¬ alier of the Order de /’ Aigle Rouge, and Member of the Institute of France, 1878. Professor in I'ltcole des Beaux Arts. No. 60 —The Chariot Race, . . . Page 58 No. 125—The Gladiators, or, Pollice Verso, 78 No. 191—Une Collaboration, ... 95 GIGNOUX (Regis), N. A., dec’d, . New York Born in Lyons, 1816. Pupil of Lyons Academy, and, in Paris, of I'Ecole des Beaux Arts, and of Paul Delaroche ; went to America in 1844 ; elected member of National Academy of Design in 1851; returned to France, 1870. Died, 1882. No. 69 —Niagara in the Winter, . Page 61 No. 137 —The White Mountains, ... 81 GIRARD (Firmin), .Paris Born at Poucin, France, 1838. Pupil of Gleyre. Medals, Paris, 1863, 1874. No. 4 —Helping the Poor, . . . Page 44 No. 167 —Fishing,. 89 3 18 THE STEWART COLLECTION GISBERT (Antonio), .... Paris Born at Alcoy, Valencia. Pupil of Madrid Academy. Director of S. Fernando Museum, Madrid. Medals, Paris, 1865, 1867. Offi¬ cer of the Legion of Honor, 1870. No. 169 —Faust and Marguerite, . . Page 89 GOUPIL (Jules Adolphe), dec’d, . Paris Born in Paris, May 7, 1839. Pupil of Ary Scheffer. Medals, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1881. Died, April, 1883. No. 49 —Lady, Flowers, and Objects of Art, ....... Page 55 GRASHOF (Otto), dec’d, . . DuSSELDORF Born at Prenzlau, Brandenburg, 1812. Pupil of Dusseldorf Acad¬ emy under Schadow ; became blind in 1861. Died in Cologne, 1876. No. 129 —The Cid, .Page 79 GRAY (Henry Peters), P. N. A., dec’d, New York Born in New York, 1819. Pupil of Huntington. Elected member of National Academy of Design, 1842 ; President of that Institution from 1869 to 1871. Died, November 12, 1877. No. 17 —Holy Family, .Page 47 GUDE (Hans Frederick), . . Dusseldorf Born in Christiania, 1825. Pupil of Andreas Achenbach and of Dusseldorf Academy, under Schirmer. Professor of same insti¬ tution in 1854, of Art School at Carlsruhe in 1864, and of Berlin Academy in 1880. Member of Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Stock- ARTISTS REPRESENTED 19 holm, Berlin, and Vienna Academies. Great Gold Medal in Berlin, 1852 and i860, and Weimar, 1861. Medals, Paris, 1855, 1861, 1867. No. 170 —Norwegian Landscape, . . Page 170 HART (James McDougal), N. A., . New York Born in Kilmarnock, Scotland, 1828. Brother of William Hart, N. A. Brought to America, 1831. Studied with Schirmer in Dusseldorf. Elected member of the National Academy, New York, 1859. No. 55 —Landscape and Cattle, . . Page 57 HART (William), N. A., . . . New York Born in Paisley, Scotland, 1822. Brother of James M. Hart, N. A. Brought to America, 1831. Elected a member of the National Academy, New York, 1858. One of the founders, and for several years President, of the American Water Color Society, and Presi¬ dent of the Brooklyn Academy of Design at its foundation. No. 106 —The Golden Hour, . . . Page 73 HASENCLEVER (Johann Peter), dec’d, Dusseldorf Born at Remscheid, near Solingen, May 18, 1810. Pupil of Schadow. Member of Berlin, Dusseldorf, and Amsterdam Academies. Gold medal at Brussels. Died at Dusseldorf, December 16, 1853. No. 130 —The Politicians .Page 79 HERPFER (Karl), .Munich Born at Dinkelsbiihl, Bavaria, November 30, 1836. Pupil of Munich Academy under Ramberg. No. 107 —The Godfather’s Visit, . . Page 73 20 THE STEWART COLLECTION HIDDEMANN (Friedrich Peter), Dusseldorf Born at Dusseldorf, 1829. Studied at Dusseldorf Academy under Theodor Hildebrandt and W. von Schadow. Medals at Vienna, 1873, and Philadelphia, 1876. No. 45 —Columbus’ Triumphant Entry into Genoa, .Page 54 HILDEBRANDT (Theodor) , dec’d, Dusseldorf Born in Stettin, July 2, 1804. Pupil of Berlin Academy and of Schadow. Professor of Dusseldorf Academy. Member of Berlin and Vienna Academies. No. 70 —Lear Awakening from Insanity, Page 62 HINTZ (Julius), .... Dusseldorf No. 148 —Preparing for School, . . Page 84 HOBBEMA (Meyndert), dec’d, . Amsterdam Born, 1638. Died at Amsterdam, 1709. Dutch School; formed himself under the influence of Jacob van Ruisdael. Much neg¬ lected in his lifetime, and little esteemed, Hobbema now takes rank as one of the greatest masters of landscape painting. No. 149 —Moonlight Landscape, . . Page 84 HOFF (Karl), . Dusseldorf Born in Mannheim, 1838. Pupil of Schirmer and Des Coudres, and of Dusseldorf Academy, under Vautier. Medals, Berlin, 1872 ; ARTISTS REPRESENTED 21 Vienna, 1873. Honorary Member of Rotterdam Academy. Pro¬ fessor of Art School, Carlsruhe, in 1878. No. 171—The Kind Guardian, Page 90 HUBNER (Karl Wilhelm) , dec’d, Dusseldorf Born in Konigsberg, 1814. Pupil of I. Wolf, and, at Dusseldorf Academy, of Karl Sohn and Schadow. Honorary Member of Amsterdam and Pennsylvania Academies. Died in Dusseldorf, 1879. No. 18 —The Young Married Couple, Page 47 No. 19 —The Old Married Couple, . 4 § No. 173 —The Silesian Weavers, ... go HUNTINGTON (Daniel), P. N. A., New York Born in New York, October 14, 1816. Pupil of Professor Morse and Henry Inman. Visited Europe in 1839, an d again in 1844. Painted some of his most important works in Florence and Rome. Elected Associate Member of National Academy, New York, 1839, and National Academician in 1840; President, 1862, 1869, and 1877, and still holds the office. No. 71 —Lady Washington’s Reception, Page 62 HUYSMANS (F. K.) , Dusseldorf No. 134 —Oriental Bazaar, .... Page 80 INGOMAR (G.) . Brussels No. 5—Tired Out, Page 44 22 THE STEWART COLLECTION IRVING- (J. BEAUFAIN), N. A., dec’d, New York Born at Charleston, S. C., 1826. Pupil of Leutze, in Dusseldorf. Elected Member of the National Academy, New York, 1872. Died, 1877. No. 150 —On Guard, .Page 85 JACQUE (Charles Emile), • . . Paris Born at Paris, May 23, 1813. Early in life studied with a geo¬ graphical engraver; later, spent seven years in the army, and worked two years in England as an engraver on wood. Is famous for his etchings as well as his paintings. Medals, Paris, 1861, 1863, 1864, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1867. No. 172 —Landscape and Sheep, . . Page 90 JACQUET (J EAN Gustave), . . . Paris Born at Paris, May 25, 1846. Pupil of Bouguereau. Medals, 1868, 1875, 1878 (Exposition Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1879. No. 103 —An Eastern Princess, . . Page 72 JIMENEZ \ ARANDA (Jose), . Seville Born at Seville, Spain, 1832. Pupil of the Academy of Fine Arts, Seville. Medal, Munich, 1883. No. 175—A Spanish Fair, .... Page 91 JOHNSON (Eastman), n. a., . New York Born in Lovell, Maine, July 29, 1824. Began his profession by exe¬ cuting portraits in black and white when little more than a mere boy. He went abroad and studied two years in Dusseldorf, and ARTISTS REPRESENTED 23 subsequently in Italy, Paris, and Holland. He remained four years at The Hague. Returned to America and opened a studio in New York in i860. Elected a member of the National Academy the same year. Member of the Society of American Artists at its foundation. No. 11 —The Confab .Page 46 KAEMMERER (Frederik Hendrik), Paris Born at Ghent. Pupil of Jean Leon Gerome, Paris. Medal, Paris, 1874 - No. 100 —The Croquet Party, . . Page 71 KAULBACH (Wilhelm von), dec’d, Munich Born at Arolsen, October 15, 1805. Pupil of Diisseldorf and Munich Academies, under Cornelius. In 1849, appointed Director of Mu¬ nich Academy. He was an Officer of the Legion of Honor. Grand Commander of the Order of St. Michael. Commander of the Order of Francis Joseph, and Corresponding Member of the Institute of France and of several academies. Died in Munich, April 7, 1874. No. 36—Cupid and Psyche, . . . Page 52 KELLOGG (Miner K.), . . . London Born in Cincinnati. Has lived long in Florence and London, where he has painted a goodly number of heads, representing various picturesque national types—Circassian, Greek, Jewish, and Moor¬ ish. He has also painted portraits ; among others, one of Gen. Winfield Scott, now in the City Hall, New York. No. 108 —After the Bath, . . . Page 73 24 THE STEWART COLLECTION KIESEL (Konrad), . . . Dusseldorf Born in Dusseldorf, 1846. Pupil, in Berlin, of Paulsen, and, in Dus¬ seldorf, of Wilhelm Sohn. No. 174—The Happy Mother, . . Page 91 KNAUS (Prof. Ludwig), . . . Berlin Born at Wiesbaden, October io, 1829. Pupil of Jacobi, and the Acad¬ emy of Dusseldorf, under Sohn and Schadow. Then studied in Paris till i860. Afterward he allied himself with Lessing, Leutze, and Weber. Member of the Academies of Berlin, Vienna, Mu¬ nich, Amsterdam, Antwerp, and Christiania. Medals, Paris, 1853, 1855, 1857 (Exposition Universelle), 1859. Medal of Honor, 186 7 (Exposition Universelle). Legion of Honor, 1859 ; Officer ot the same, 1867. Knight of Prussian Order of Merit. Medals, Berlin, Vienna, 1882 ; Munich, 1883. Weimar Gold Medal for Art. Professor in the Academy at Berlin from 1874 to 1884, when he resigned. Medal of Honor, Antwerp, 1885. No. 205 —The Children’s Party, . . Page 99 LACHENWITZ (F. S.) , . . Dusseldorf No. 209 —Elk Pursued by Wolves, . Page 100 LAMBERT (Louis Eugene), . . Paris Born in Paris, September 25, 1825. Pupil of Delacroix. Medals, 1865, 1866, 1870, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1874. No. 176—Cats on Cushion “ En Famille,” Page 91 LELOIR (Maurice),.Paris Born in Paris, November i, 1853. Pupil of his father, J. B. Auguste Leloir, and his brother, Louis. Medal, 1878. No. 192—Summer Pleasures, . . . Page 95 ARTISTS REPRESENTED 25 L’ENFANT DE METZ, . . . Paris No. 198— The Drawing School, . . Page 97 LESREL (A. A.), . Paris Born at Genets (Manche). Pupil of G6rome. No. 20— The Bandit’s Ruse, . . . Page 48 LEU (Prof. Auguste Wilhelm), Dusseldorf Born at Munster, March 24, 1818. Pupil of Dusseldorf Academy, under Schirmer. Member of Berlin, Vienna, Amsterdam, and Brussels Academies. Royal Professor. Belgian Order of Leopold. Gold Medals in Berlin. No. 141 —Norwegian Landscape, . . Page 82 LEUTZE (Emanuel), dec’d, . . Dusseldorf Born at Wiirtemberg, Bavaria, May 24, 1816. Died in Washington, July 18, 1868. Came to America as a child, and, in Philadelphia, was instructed by John A. Smith. Went to Dusseldorf in 1841, and studied under Lessing. Also studied in Munich, Venice, and Rome. Finally settled in America, in 1859. Elected Member National Academy, New York, in i860. No. 113— Paradise and the Peri, . . Page 75 LINDLAR (A.),. No. 114—A Cascade, .Page 75 LUCKX, . Dusseldorf No. 193 —The Carousal, .... Page 95 4 2 6 THE STEWART COLLECTION MADOU (Jean Baptiste), dec’d, . Brussels Born at Brussels, 1796. Pupil of Frangois and the Brussels Academy of Art. Professor of Drawing in the Military School of Brussels, and Member of the Academies of Brussels and Antwerp. Medal, Paris, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1855. Knight of the Lion of the Netherlands and of the Order of Leopold. Died, 1877. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists {Exposition Universelle), 1878. No. 146 —At the Shoemaker’s, . . Page 84 MADRAZO (Raimond de), . . . Paris Born at Rome. Pupil of his father. Medal of the First Class {Ex¬ position Universelle), Paris, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1878. No. 66—Lady Feeding Pet Monkey, . Page 61 No. 177 —La Marquise,. 9 i MEISSONIER (Jean Charles), . Paris Born in Paris. Son and pupil of J. L. E. Meissonier. Medal, 1866. No. 11 5— Nice, .Page 75 MEISSONIER (Jean Louis Ernest), Paris Born at Lyons, 1813. He went to Paris when quite young, and was, for a time, a pupil of Ldon Cogniet. First exhibited at the Salon in 1836. His picture, “ A Dream ” (1855), was purchased by Na¬ poleon III. and presented to the late Prince Albert, of England. Medals, Paris, 1840, 1841, 1843, 1848. Grand Medal of Honor, 1855 {Exposition Universelle). One of the eight Grand Medals of Honor {Exposition Universelle), 1867 ; Grand Medal of Honor {Exposition Universelle), 1878. Legion of Honor, 1846; ARTISTS REPRESENTED 27 Officer of the same, 1856; Commander, 1867; Grand Officer of the Legion, 1878. Member of the Institute of France, 1861. Honorary Member of the Royal Academy, London. No. 65 —Charity,. Page 60 No. 131 —At the Barracks, .... 79 No. 210 -FRIEDLAND, 1807, .... 101 No. 211 —Portrait of Himself, ... 103 MERLE (Hugues), dec’d. Paris Born at Saint Marcellin, France, 1822. Pupil of L£on Cogniet. Medals, 1861, 1863. Legion of Honor, 1866. Died, 1881. No. 67 —Hamlet and Ophelia, . . Page 61 No. 124 —Benedick and Beatrice, . . 77 MEYER (Johann Georg), dec’d, . . Berlin Called, from his birthplace, Meyer von Bremen. Born October 28, 1813. Pupil of Sohn. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Gold Medal of Prussia, 1850. Medals at Berlin and Philadelphia. Died, 1886. No. 41 —Industry, .Page 53 No. 133 —The Kind Sister, .... 80 No. 164 —The First Sorrow, ... 88 MICHETTI (Francesco Paolo), . Paris Born at Chieti about 1852. Pupil, in Naples, of Eduardo Dalbono ; then studied in Paris. Lives at Francavilla a Mare, near Chieti. No. 95—A Misty Morning, Rome, . . Page 70 28 THE STEWART COLLECTION MINOR (Robert C.), . . . New York Born in New York, 1840. Studied in Paris, under Diaz, and in Antwerp, under Van Tuppen, Boulanger, and others. Member of the Society of American Artists. No. 194 —Autumn, .Page 96 MOREAU (Adrien),.Paris Born at Troyes. Pupil of Pils. Medal, Paris, 1876. No. 23 —Gathering Pond-Lilies, . . Page 49 • • MULLER (Charles Louis), . . . Paris Born at Paris, 1815. Pupil of Gros and Cogniet. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, 1849. Medals, 1838, 1846, 1848, and Paris Exposition, 1855. Officer of the Legion of Honor, 1859. Member of the Institute of France, 1864. No. 178 —Innocence .Page 92 MUNKACSY (Miha'ly DE), . . . Paris Born at Munkacs, Hungary. Early in life he was apprenticed to a joiner. He first manifested a talent for art by painting on the wooden chests he made. Afterward became a pupil of the Dtis- seldorf Academy. Medals, Paris, 1870, 1874. Medal of Honor (.Exposition Universelle), 1878. Legion of Honor, 1877; Officer of the same, 1878. Created an Austrian Baron, 1882. No. 97 —A Visit to the Baby, . . Page 71 MURILLO (Bart. Sebastian), dec’d, Seville Born in Seville, 1618. Died there, 1682. From his first master, Juan del Castillo, Murillo learned the mechanical parts of his call¬ ing, and in 1639, when Castillo removed to Cadiz, earned his living by painting devotional pictures for the merchants, who bought ARTISTS REPRESENTED 29 of him to sell in Spain. In this way he obtained sufficient means to allow him to go to Madrid, where he studied under Velasquez. Returning to Seville, he painted pictures for the Franciscan Con¬ vent, and in 1660 founded a public Academy of Art at Seville. Charles II. named him Court Painter. His death was caused by a fall from a scaffolding, which occurred when he was painting the upper part of his “ Marriage of St. Catherine,” for the Church of the Capuchin Friars, at Cadiz. No. 182— Boy with Kettle, . . . Page 93 No. 184 —Boy and Mouse-Trap, ... 93 NICOL (Erskine), A. R. A., . . London Born at Edinburgh, Scotland, 1825. Was apprenticed to a house painter in his native city, but studied art in his leisure hours in the “Trustees’ Academy.” Afterward taught drawing in the High School at Leith, and later in Dublin. Member of the Royal Scot¬ tish Academy and Associate Member of the Royal Academy of England. Many of his paintings, cleverly depicting Scotch or Irish character, have been engraved. Medal ( Exposition Univer- selle ), Paris, 1867. No. 139 —The Disputed Boundary, . . Page 81 OUTIN (Pierre), .Paris Born at Moulins, Allier. Pupil of Lecomte and Cabanel. Medal, 1883. No. 96—On the Cliff, .... Page 70 No. 195 —Good-by, Grandpa, .... 96 PALMAROLI (Vicente), . . . Paris Born at Madrid, Spain. Pupil of his father, of F. M. K. Madrazo, and the Academy of Fine Arts, Madrid. Medal, Exposition Uni- verselle, 1867. No. 37 —On the Terrace, Page 52 30 THE STEWART COLLECTION PARTON (Arthur), A. N. A., . New York Born at Hudson, N. Y., March, 1842. Pupil of W. T. Richards, of Philadelphia. Visited Paris and London in 1870. Elected a Member National Academy, New York, in 1884. No. 29— A Mountain Brook, . . . p a ge 50 PAULSEN (Prof. Fritz), . . . Berlin Born at Schwerin, May 31, 1838. Pupil of Diisseldorf Academy, and, in Munich, of Piloty. Professor in Berlin. No. 196 — A Present for the Baby, . Page 96 PILOTY (Carl Theodor von), dec’d, Munich Born in Munich, October i, 1826. Died there, July 21, 1886. Son of, and first instructed by, the lithographer, Ferdinand Piloty. Then pupil of Munich Academy, under Schnorr, and later under his brother-in-law, Karl Schorn. In 1856, became Professor of Munich Academy ; from 1874, Director of same. No. 72—Thusnelda at the Triumph of GermANICUS, .... Page 62 PINCH ART (Emil Auguste), . . Paris Born at Cambrai. Pupil of Gerome. Medal, 1884. No. 28 —Spring, .Page 50 POITTEVIN (Eugene le), dec’d, . Paris Born at Paris, 1806. Pupil of I’Ecole des Beaux Arts and Louis Herseut. Chevalier of the Legion of Honor and of the Belgian Order of Leopold. Died, 1870. No. 201—Master’s Out, Page 97 ARTISTS REPRESENTED 3i POSE (Eduard Wilhelm), dec’d, Dusseldorf Born in Dusseldorf, July 9, 1812. Died in Frankfort, 1878. Pupil of Dusseldorf Academy, under Schadow. Went with Andreas Achenbach to Munich; in 1836 to Frankfort; visited Belgium and Paris; spent three years in Italy, and, in 1842, settled at Frankfort. No. 179 — Swiss Landscape, .... Page 92 PREYER (Johann Wilhelm), . Dusseldorf Born at Rheydt, 1803. Studied in the Dusseldorf Academy. Passed several years at Munich, and then settled in Dusseldorf. No. 151 —Fruit, .Page 85 No. 197 —Fruit,.96 REMBRANDT VAN RYN, . Amsterdam Born in Leyden in 1607 ; died in Amsterdam, 1669. He was early apprenticed to Jacob Isaacz van Swanenburg, a second-rate painter, for three years. Then followed six months’ study with Peter Lastman, and about 1630 he went to Amsterdam, where he spent the remainder of his life. As an etcher and painter he holds a unique place in the history of art. No. 183 —Head, .Page 93 RICHTER (Edouard), .... Paris Born in Paris. Pupil of Hdbert and Bonnat. No. 33—The Presents of Lalla Rookh, Page 51 No. 99— An Oriental Peddler Showing his Wares,. 71 32 THE STEWART COLLECTION ROBIE (Jean Baptiste), .... Paris Born at Brussels, 1821. Gold Medal at Brussels, 1848. Medals at Paris, 1851, 1863. Gold Medal, Hague, 1861. Officer of the Order of Leopold, 1869. No. 59 —Flowers and Objets d’Art, . Page 58 ROFFIAEN (F.), .Brussels No. 38 —Loch Lomond .Page 52 SAAE (Prof. Georg), dec’d, . . Dusseldorf Born at Coblentz in 1818 ; died at Baden-Baden in 1870. Pupil pf Dusseldorf Academy, under Schirmer. Several Medals and Or¬ ders. Court Painter to Grand Duke of Baden. No. 204 —Winter Landscape, . . . Page 99 SCHLESINGER (Henri G.), . Dusseldorf Medals, 1840, 1841. Legion of Honor, i860. No. 93 —Peek-a-Boo, .Page 70 SCHLOESSER (Karl), .... Paris Born in Darmstadt, 1836. Pupil, in Frankfort, of Jacob Becker, and, in Paris, of Couture ; settled in London. Knight of Order of Merit. Medal, Vienna. No. 98— The First Smoke .Page 71 No. 203 —The Young Cook, .... 98 ARTISTS REPRESENTED 33 SCHRADER (Julius), .... Berlin Born in Berlin, 1815. Pupil of Berlin Academy, and, under Schadow, of Dusseldorf Academy. Became Professor at Berlin Academy in 1848. Medals: at Berlin, 1844, Paris, 1855, Weimar and Vienna, (1873). Member of Berlin, Vienna, and Dresden Academies. No. 202 —Alexander von Humboldt, . Page 98 SCHRCEDTER (Adolf) , dec’d, . Dusseldorf Born at Schwedt, in the Uckermark, in 1805 ; died in Carlsruhe in 1875. Pupil of his father and of Berlin Academy, and in 1829 of Schadow, in Dusseldorf. Called to Carlsruhe as Professor in 1859. Retired in 1872. No. 27 —Falstaff and his Recruits, . Page 50 SCHULTEN (Arnold), dec’d, . Dusseldorf Born at Dusseldorf in 1809 ; died there in 1874. Pupil of Dusseldorf Academy in 1822-49, an( i formed, with other noted artists, the school of landscape painters which gave renown to the Rhenish Academy. No. 58 — Swiss Landscape, .... Page 58 SCHUSSELE (Christian), dec’d, Philadelphia Bom in Alsace about 1824 ; died in Merchantville, N. Y., in 1879. Pupil of Yvon in Paris. Eleven years Director of the schools con¬ nected with the Pennsylvania Academy. No. 57—Washington Irving and his Friends, .Page 57 SIEGERT (Auguste), dec’d, . . Dusseldorf Born at Neu-Wied, 1820; died in Dusseldorf, 1883. Pupil of Dusseldorf Academy under Hildebrandt and Schadow in 1835-46. 5 34 THE STEWART COLLECTION Professor of that Academy in 1872. Member of Amsterdam Academy. Medal at Vienna. No. 207 —Grandmother’s Visit, . . . Page 99 SIMONETTI (Cavaliere Attilio), Naples Born in Rome. Pupil of Fortuny. Professor in Naples. No. 94 —La Femme Galante, . . . Page 70 SO FIN (Karl Ferdinand), dec’d, Dusseldorf Born in Berlin, 1805 ; died in Cologne, 1867. Pupil of Berlin Academy, under Schadow, with whom he went to Dusseldorf in 1826, and to Italy in 1830. Became Professor at the Dusseldorf Academy in 1838. No. 140 —Diana and her Nymphs, . . Page 82 SOFIN (Richard), .... Dusseldorf Born in Dusseldorf in 1834. Pupil of that Academy, under Schadow and Jordan. Studied in Paris in 1867. No. 199 —Amusing the Baby, . . . Page 97 SONDERLAND (Johann Baptist), deed, Dusseldorf Born at Dusseldorf, 1805 ; died there, 1878. Pupil of Dusseldorf Academy, under Schadow, and studied in Paris, Holland, and Frankfort. No. 206 —Going to Market, . . . p a ge 99 ARTISTS REPRESENTED 35 STEVENS (Alfred), .... Paris Born at Brussels, 1828. Pupil of Navez in Belgium, and Roqueplan at Paris. Medals, Paris, 1853, and at Expositio 7 is Utiiverselle of 1855, 1867, and 1878. Legion of Honor, 1863; Officer of same, 1867 ; Commander, 1878. Officer of the Order of Leopold. Com¬ mander of the Order of St. Michael of Bavaria. Commander of the Order of Ferdinand of Austria. No. 56 —After the Ball, .... Page 57 STEWART (Jules L.) , . . . . Paris Resident of Paris. Born of American parents. Pupil of Zamacoi's, G^rome, and Madrazo. Honorable mention, Salon, 1886. No. 132 —“When Men Prove Untrue,” Page 79 STIEPEVICH (V. G.) , .... Paris No. 152 —Une Dissertation, . . . Page 85 STUART (Gilbert), dec’d, . . . Boston Born in Narragansett, R. I., in 1755 ; died in Boston in 1828. Re¬ ceived instruction from Cosmo Alexander, a Scotch landscape painter, and went with him to Scotland in 1772. Studied a time at the University of Glasgow ; then, after a visit in America, studied under Benjamin West. In 1792 he returned to America, where he was soon after honored by a recall by the Duke of Kent, who offered to send a war ship for him. This offer was declined. No. 188 —Portrait, Washington, Page 94 36 THE STEWART COLLECTION TAIT (Arthur F.), n. A., . . . New York Born at Liverpool, England, 1819. Came to America in 1850, and settled in New York. Elected Member of the National Academy, New York, 1858. No. 54 —Lost in the Snow, . . . Page 56 No. 91 —Grouse,. 69 TITIAN, dec’d,. Venice Born at Pilve di Cadore, in 1477 ; died in Venice in 1576. Real name, Tiziano Vecelli, or Vecellio. Learned rudiments of painting at Cadore ; went to Venice at the age of nine or ten, and was ap¬ prenticed to an unknown artist, perhaps Sebastian Zuccati. He was thrown into daily intercourse with Gentile and Giovanni Bellini, Palma and Giorgione. In 1511 he entered the service of Alfonso I., Duke of Ferrara. There are no striking incidents in his life, which was one of unceasing labor. In 1530 he went to Bologna, where he met Charles V., who created him Count Palatine and Knight of the Golden Spur, by letters patent, be¬ stowed many high privileges on him, and, both then and after¬ ward, sat to him for his portrait. Taken in their totality, Titian’s pictures fairly entitle him to be called the greatest of all painters. No. 81 —Madonna and Child, . . . Page 92 TORTEZ (Victor), .Paris No. 92 —The Promenade, .Page 69 TOULMOUCIIE (Auguste), . . . Paris Born at Nantes in 1829. Pupil of Gleyre. Medals, 1852, 1859, 1861, 1878. Legion of Honor, 1870. No. 39—The Serious Book, . , . Page 53 No. 145 —Resignation,.83 ARTISTS REPRESENTED 37 TROYON (Constantine), dec’d, . . Paris Born at Sevres, 1810. His parents wished him to be a painter of porcelain, but, after a time spent in the manufactory at Sevres, he studied under Riocreux, and became a painter of landscapes and animals. Medals, Paris, 1838,1840, 1846, 1848, 1855. Legion of Honor, 1849. Member of the Amsterdam Academy. Died, 1865. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (.Exposition Univer- selle ), 1878. No. 50 —Cattle, .Page 55 No. 180 —Landscape and Cattle, ... 92 VALLES (Lorenzo),.Rome Bom in Madrid. Medal at Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876. No. 90 —La Tentation, .... Page 69 VAN OS (Georgius Jacobus Johannes), dec’d, Amsterdam Born at The Hague, 1776; died there, 1839. Son and pupil of Jan Van Os. Won prize in Amsterdam in 1809. Gold Medals, Paris ; The Hague, 1841. Member of Amsterdam Academy. No. 160 —Flowers, Fruit, and Marble Vase, Page 87 VAN SCHENDEL (Pierre) , dec’d, Brussels Medals, 1844, 1847, 1855. Chevalier of the Order of Leopold of Bel¬ gium. No. 53 —The Night Market, Page 56 38 THE STEWART COLLECTION VERBOECKHOVEN (Eugene J.), dec’d, Brussels Bom at Warneton (West Flanders), July 8, 1799. Medals at Paris, 1824, 1841,1855. Legion of Honor, 1845. Chevalier of the Orders of Leopold, St. Michael of Bavaria, and Christ of Portugal. Dec¬ oration of the Iron Cross. Member of the Royal Academies of Bel- gium, Antwerp, and St. Petersburg. Died, 1881. No. 38 — Loch Lomond, .... • Page 52 No. 51—Sheep and Goat, 56 No. 89 — The Fight, .... . 69 No. 158—On the Road to Market, 87 VERHAS (Jan), .Brussels Born at Termonde, Belgium. Medals at Philadelphia, 1876 ; Brus¬ sels, 1878 ; Paris, 1881 ; Vienna, 1882. Order of Leopold, 1879. Legion of Honor, 1881. No. 88 —Flowers,. Page 68 VERNET (Emil Jean Horace), dec’d, Paris Bom in the Louvre, 1789. Pupil of Vincent. Director of the French Academy in Rome, 1828. Member of the Institute of France, 1863. Grand Officer of the Legion of Honor. Died, 1863. No. 143 —Triumph of Julius C/esar, . Page 82 WEBB (C. M.) . Dusseldorf No. 161—The Miser, Page 87 ARTISTS REPRESENTED 39 WEBER (Otto), dec’d, .... Paris Born in Berlin. Killed in Franco-Prussian War, 1870. Pupil, in Berlin, of Steffech, and, in Paris, of Couture. Medals, Paris, 1864, 1869; Utrecht, 1866. No. 159—Bavarian Courtship, . . . Page 87 WILLEMS (Florent), . Paris Born at Liittich, January 8, 1823. Medals at Paris, 1844, 1846, 1855; at Brussels, 1843. Chevalier and Officer of the Order of Leopold and Legion of Honor. Medal ( Exposition Universelle), 1867. First-class Medal (. Exposition Universelle), 1878, No. 52—The Bride, .Page 56 No. 87 —The Invalid,. 68 WINTERHALTER (F. Xavier), dec’d,M unich Born at Mengenschwand, in the Black Forest, 1806; died in Frank¬ fort, 1873. Pupil of Munich Academy and of Stieler. Went, in 1828, to Carlsruhe, where he was made Court Painter. Medals, Paris, 1836, 1837, 1856. Legion of Honor, 1839. Member of the Order of Red Eagle, Wiirtemberg. Commander of the Order of Francis Joseph. No. 32-SUSANNAPI AND THE ELDERS, . Page 5 r YVON (Adolphe),. Paris Born at Eschweiler, Lorraine, in 1815. Pupil of Delaroche. Medals, Paris, 1848, 1855, 1857, 1867. Legion of Honor, 1855. Officer of the same, 1867. No. 21 —Battle of Inkerman, . . Page 48 No. 123 —From Solferino, .... 77 No. 215 —The Genius of America, . 104 No. 216 —The Genius of America, replica , 106 40 THE STEWART COLLECTION ZAMACOIS (Edouard), dec’d, . . . Paris Born at Bilboa, Spain, 1843. Pupil of Meissonier. Made his debut at the Salon of 1863. Medal, Paris, 1867. Died, 1871. Diploma to the Memory of Deceased Artists (Expositio?i Univer- selle), 1878. No. 86 —The Begging Monk, . . . Page 68 No. 200—Court Jesters in Antechamber, 97 ZIEM (Felix Francois George Philibert), Paris Born at Beauns (C6te d’Or), February 25, 1821. Medals at Paris, 1851, 1852, 1855. Cross of the Legion of Honor, 1857. No. 22—Doge’s Palace, Venice, . . Page 48 No. 122-QuAI DEI ScHIAVONI, ... 77 la-uh3 oLsz~ - /V£> c l Lf MODERN PAINTINGS t/^ fL t /\ • tfKjo I ( (c \ CATALOGUE. FIRST NIGHT’S SALE. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 23D, 1887, BEGINNING AT 7.30. AT CHICKERING HALL. %* Measurements given are in inches, the first figures indicating the width of the canvas or panel. No. 1 Richelieu’s Cats io| x LADISLAUS BAKALOWICZ, Poland y Paris 6o THE STEWART COLLECTION 7ro- /f' No. 62 The Singing Lesson 54 x 38. Dated 1844 F. DE BRAEKELEER (deceased), Antwerp No. 63 Carnival—V enice 3° x 4 8 GEORGES CLAIRIN, Paris $ ^V- No. 64 Objets d’ Art 26 x 20. Dated 1877 BLAISE ALEXANDRE DES GOFFE, Paris No. 65 /#, Charity JC. , 18 x 24. Dated 1874 J. L. E. MEISSONIER, . . . Paris ^clQX 6$l ^sd[ x svo, c^(p, MODERN PAINTINGS 61 No. 66 Lady Feeding Pet Monkey 22 X 27 RAIMOND DE MADRAZO (deceased), Paris (Presented by the artist to his friend, Edouard Zamacois.) No. 67 Hamlet and Ophelia 46 x 66. Dated 1873 HUGUES MERLE, Paris No. 68 Blind Man’s Buff 50 x 36. Dated 1875 CHARLES BAUGNIET, . Brussels No. 69 Niagara in Winter 96 x 48. Dated 1858 /0$~O- REGIS GIGNOUX (DECEASED), . New York (See note attached to No. 137, “ The White Mountains.”) 62 THE STEWART COLLECTION /c? O 0 — No. 70 /$ ■ Lear Awakening from Insanity 69 x 70. Dated 1851 THEODOR HILDERBRANDT, . Dusseldorf No. 71 Lady Washington’s Reception no x 66. Dated 1861 DANIEL HUNTINGTON, New York tfdau. No ' 72 Thusnelda at the Triumphal Entry of Germanicus into Rome 78 X 54 KARL THEODOR VON PILOTY, . Munich Painted to order for the late A. T. Stewart, Esq. At the request of Em¬ peror William was exhibited in Berlin before being sent to this country. The large painting now in the Munich Gallery was painted subsequent to the above. The following description is by the painter, Piloty : The Emperor Tiberius, surrounded by his Courtiers (Favorites, Coun¬ cilors, Lictors, Senators, and Roman Women), has taken his place upon a tribune under a spread canopy, in order that the triumphal procession of Germanicus may pass before him. AJO - £7 MODERN PAINTINGS 6 3 Germanicus appears in the background upon a triumphal car, accom¬ panied by his five sons, surrounded by Trophies of Victory, and is greeted by the applause and acclamations of the people who are to be seen at the Arch of Triumph. In front of the car, reaching from the middle distance to the foreground of the picture, are the German Captives being led in chains. As princi¬ pal figure of this group and of the picture walks Thusnelda, in the cos¬ tume of the Germans, with her son Tumelicus (a child of three years), ac¬ companied by nurse and an attendant. Before her is the Priest Libes, coupled (chained) together with Warriors, escorted by Roman Soldiers, who insult them. Behind Thusnelda are to be seen her brothers, leaders of the Cherusker, chained together, with bears, etc., etc. The foreground to the left is occupied by populace of Rome, who mock and insult Thusnelda. Thusnelda, having been forcibly carried away from her husband Ar- minius, a German Prince, by her father, Segest, was, from reasons which appeared to him advantageous for his own personal interest and the condi¬ tion of the Germans, betrayed and delivered into the hands of the Romans. In the picture Tiberius has selected Segest to stand before the steps of his throne, from where he is forced to witness the shame of his own daughter; he is mocked by the Senators sitting near him, as they point to the prisoners below. Strabo describes, as an eye-witness, this event ; he, as well as Tacitus, although Romans, express plainly their sympathy for the devotion and love of country exhibited by Thusnelda, whose personality will ever be a sub¬ ject of poetical matter for an artist. The inclosed Photograph is a reproduction of the first hasty sketch made for the picture. (This Photograph will be presented to the purchaser of Painting.) No. 73 Homer et Son Guide 56 x 82. Dated 1874 (Salon, 1874.) WM. ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU, . Paris 64 THE STEWART COLLECTION 7# fo No. 74 Niagara Falls, from American Side 94 x io2. Dated 1867 (Awarde a medal, Exposition Universelle , Paris, 1867.) FREDERICK E. CHURCH, New York ' ■ No. 75 Off for the Hunt 14 x 9^. Dated 1877 JAN CHELMINSKI, No. 76 Return from the Hunt 14 x 9^. Dated 1877 JAN CHELMINSKI, $00 Munich 9 66 THE STEWART COLLECTION No. 77 The Cavaliers Story 28 X 20 T. T. DAMSCHREUDER, No. 78 / M y Pet 20 X 26 PIERRE DE CONINCK, No. 79 The Washerwomen 20 x 13. Dated 1874 G. BOLDINI. fJUT- No. 80 The Rendezvous 3 2 x 40 Munich Paris Paris CARL BECKER, Berlin MODERN PAINTINGS 67 No. 8l The Interesting Book 17 X 22 LADISLAUS BAKALOWICZ, . Poland No. 82 Spanish Landscape 37 x 30. Dated 1850 FRANCOIS A. BOSSUET, . > l4. ■ Brussels No. 83 The Confession (Brigand Confessing Murder to Priest.) 48 x 42. Dated 1851 J. LAMONT BRODIE, . . . London No. 84 Storm at Sea 54 X 36. Dated 1875 ANDREAS ACHENBACH, Dusseldorf 68 THE STEWART COLLECTION J No. 85 The Secret Missive 18 X 22 CHARLES BAUGNIET, No. 86 The Begging Monk 21 x 15^. Dated 1877 EDOUARD ZAMACOIS (deceased), No. 87 The Invalid 29 X 39 FLORENT WILLEMS, Y < No. 88 Flowers U 2 3 x 33 - Dated 1873 JAN VERHAS, Brussels Paris Paris Brussels /Jo t 9 ^ ' J ( MODERN PAINTINGS 69 No. 89 The Fight (Wild Horse attacked by Lion.) 24 x 29. Dated 1855 //7 f- E. J. VERBOECKHOVEN (DECEASED), Brussels No. 90 La Tentation 29 x 22. Dated 1874 LORENZO VALLES, . Rome No. 91 Grouse 36 X 44. Dated 1857 ARTHUR F. TAIT, /2. f. New York No. 92 The Promenade—A Lady the Directory 7ra 'j.a.e^Uc. of Time of 32 x 50. Dated 1876 V. TORTEZ, Paris 70 THE STEWART COLLECTION No. 93 Peek-a-Boo 26 x 32. Dated 1859 HENRI G. SCHLESINGER, Dusseldorf No. 94 La Femme Galante 31 x 21. Dated 1874 CAVALIERE ATTILIO SIMONETTI, Naples y . No. 95 A Misty Morning, Rome 38 x 31. Dated 1873 P. MICHETTI, Paris f* 0 ~, , No. 96 , C /C On the Cliff 40 x 24 P. OUTIN, Paris MODERN PAINTINGS 7 1 No. 97 A Visit to the Baby 59 x 43. Dated 1879 M. DE MUNKACSY, .... Paris No. 98 The First Smoke 30 X 42 KARL SCHLOESSER, . Paris No. 99 An Oriental Peddler Showing his Wares 32 x 41. Dated 1876 EDOUARD RICHTER, . . . Paris No. 100 The Croquet Party 79 x 43 FREDERICK H. KAEMMERER, Paris 72 THE STEWART COLLECTION No. IOI Natural Park and Lake, Southern £$'06- California 43 x 6 5 ALBERT BIERSTADT, New York No. 102 77 oo- , The N ew-Born Lamb \ ^6 x 66. Dated 1873 WM. ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU, Paris , No. 103 //) 0 0 - * rf /? An Eastern Princess // ' 28 x 50. Dated 1878 JEAN GUSTAVE JACQUET, . Paris No. 104 Lady and Parrot 35 x 50. Dated 1871 EDOUARD DUBUFE (DECEASED), 6 & 0 - Paris if> /O- Os&vP Qc*4^ *>*‘71 /ho. J-sl /focwi/^i MODERN PAINTINGS 73 No. 105 , * 0 /0 $ Going to Mass—Church of Saint- /fc Sulpice, 18 th Century EUGENE BENJAMIN FICHEL, Paris No. 106 The Golden Hour 72 x 48. Dated 1875 Po _ WILLIAM HART, . . . New York No. 107 The Godfathers Visit 68 x 58 KARL HERPFER, . Munich No. 108 After the Bath 72 x 58. Dated 1862 M. K. KELLOGG, & 7 ?" / IO 74 THE STEWART COLLECTION No. 109 YS od- The End of the Month of May / C. 58 x 36 ' Dated 1870 C. F. DAUBIGNY (deceased), . . Paris No. no C.J. " Bois de Boulogne—Return from the Races 46 x 23 J. DE NITTIS (DECEASED), Paris A A / l f .£t - i - 4 <. t 2 58 x 40. Dated 1864 EDWARD ENDER, . No. hi Schiller at Court of Weimar Vienna (S A $ — AS. At- No. 112 The Blacksmith 50 x 40. Dated 1822 JEAN C. BONNEFOND (deceased), Lyons yoo ( MODERN PAINTINGS 75 No. 113 Paradise and the Peri 42 x 57. Dated 1858 EMMANUEL LEUTZE (deceased), Dusseldorf No. 114 A Cascade 32 x 41. Dated 1850 A. LINDLAR, No. 115 Nice 32 x 20. Dated 1873-74 JEAN CHARLES MEISSONIER, fjf'- Paris No. 116 Henry V. 45 4 34 LADISLAUS BAKALOWICZ, Poland 76 THE STEWART COLLECTION No. 117 Dinner Time 29 X 23 PIERRE EDOUARD FRERE, Paris No. 118 A Capri Rose j / 24 x 41. Dated 1878 GEORGE B. BUTLER, Jr., New York No. 119 Queen Elizabeth and Sir Walter ^ ^ Raleigh ^ r ^ 22 x 23. Dated 1875 CHARLES EDOUARD BOUTIBONNE, Paris No. 120 p . The Villa Torlonia th&asui-- 46 x 30 GUISEPPE CASTIGLIONE, Paris u»,4, /l>6 ■ (02 MODERN PAINTINGS 77 No. 121 Queen Katharine and Cardinal Wolsey 55 x 41 KARL CLASEN, .... Diisseldorf No. 122 Quai dei Schiavoni 42 X 28 FELIX ZIEM, . . . . /? £D- 4 - Paris No. 123 From Solferino 62 x 34. Dated 1863 ADOLPHE YVON, . - Paris No. 124 Benedick and Beatrice Benedick. What, my dear Lady Disdain ; are you yet living ? Beatrice. Is it possible disdain should die while she has such food to feed it as Signior Benedick ? Courtesy itself must convert to dis¬ dain, if you come in her presence. Much Ado About Nothing, Act I. Scene 1. 46 x 64. Dated 1876 HUGUES MERLE, Paris 78 THE STEWART COLLECTION //,/?&£ - No. 125 \ The Gladiators, or, Pollice Verso 58 X 40 JEAN LEON GERdME, . . . Paris / 2 22 - No. 126 Charles I. and Oliver Cromwell 0* 62 x 44. Dated 1848 W. CAMPHAUSEN (DECEASED), Diisseldorf . No. 127 47 *- Love ’ s Diversion 33 x 51. Dated i860 EDOUARD DUBUFE (DECEASED), Paris . No. 128 /3, /0o- $.2 Lhe Serpent Charmer 50 x 24. Dated 1864 MARIANO FORTUNY (DECEASED), Rome /Vo ' / c 3 5-.G, ^wc^fisA/ MODERN PAINTINGS 79 No. 129 The Cid 41 x 45. Dated 1835 OTTO GRASHOF (deceased), A ^ Diisseldorf No. 130 The Politicians (Scene in a Prussian Cafe.) 32 x 16 Last work of the artist, who died 1853. . * r" ///<■/ ltf J. P. HASENCLEVER (DECEASED), Diisseldorf No. 131 At the Barracks 17 x 23. Dated 1869 JEAN LOUIS ERNEST MEISSONIER, Paris / &, #00 No. 132 When Men Prove Untrue 24 x 19. Dated 1877 JULES L. STEWART, Paris 8o THE STEWART COLLECTION No. 133 The Kind Sister 20 x 25. Dated 1867 J. G. MEYER VON BREMEN (deceased), Berlin No. 134 Oriental Bazaar 22 X 16 F. K. HUYSMANS, . . . Diisseldorf No. 135 Slimmer Landscape 40 x 32 KARL BODMER,.Paris y*<>- No. 136 A Mountain Torrent 39 x 47. Dated 1851 ALEXANDRE CALAME (deceased), . Paris MODERN PAINTINGS Si No. 137 The White Mountains 82 X 48 /i' A7- REGIS GIGNOUX (DECEASED), . New York Paris, 81 Rue de Morny, Champs Tlysees, March 6, 1876. Mr. A. T. Stewart. Dear Sir : I will not send any pictures to the Philadelphia Centennial, and I would be very glad to be represented at this exhibition by the two pictures you have by me, “ The White Mountains,” and the “ Niagara,” as I consider them my two most important works. I should be very much obliged to you if you would make at once the proper application. . . . Very respectfully yours, Regis Gignoux. No. 138 Emerald Pool, White Mountains r^Z 116 x 78. Dated 1870 ALBERT BIERSTADT, . . New York No. 139 The Disputed Boundary 72 X 54. Dated 1869 y. /& ERSKINE NICOL, .... London Mr. Nicol wished the above sent to the Centennial Exhibition, Phila¬ delphia, 1876, stating that he “ regarded ‘The Disputed Boundary’ as the greatest work he had ever painted.” 82 THE STEWART COLLECTION No. 140 /YJ ’■ 'fc-eO Diana and her Nymphs 74 x 90. Dated 1852 KARL FERD. SOHN (DECEASED), . DuSSeldoi'f 7 ~ , No. 141 /CYl ■ Norwegian Landscape 72 x 58. Dated 1850 AUGUSTE WILHELM LEU, . Berlin /ZfM- , n . Na H2 Environs of Fontainebleau (Woodland and Cattle.) 156 x xi8 Masterpiece of the artist, from whom it was purchased direct. F. AUGUSTE BONHEUR (DECEASED), . Paris ^ • No. 143 /Y- 7 - Triumph of Julius Caesar 172 x 50 E. J. HORACE VERNET (deceased), . Paris /on //& « m'Mi's THIRD NIGHT’S SALE. FRIDAY, MARCH 25TH, 1887, BEGINNING AT 7.30. at chickering hall. No. 144 Little Red Riding Hood 7 * : JACOB D. BLONDEL (DECEASED), . New York No. 145 Resignation 9x11. Dated 1863 AUGUSTE TOULMOUCHE, Paris 8 4 THE STEWART COLLECTION StZtZ-. No. 146 /I / • At the Shoemakers 16 x 20. Dated 1872 JEAN BAPTISTE MADOU (DECEASED), Brussels 3o}~D- XT / No. 147 • CK - An Audience at the Ministers 11 x 9. Dated 1870 EUGENE BENJAMIN FICHEL, Paris Jc No. 148 Preparing for School 9 x 12. Dated 1877 JULIUS HINTZ. JSV- No. 149 Moonlight Landscape 13 x 10 MEYNDERT HOBBEMA (deceased), Amsterdam MODERN PAINTINGS 85 No. 150 On Guard 9 X 12 J. BEAUFAIN IRVING (deceased). New York No. 151 Fruit 14 x 11^. Dated 1859 JOHANN WILHELM PREYER, Dusseldorf No. 152 Une Dissertation 6x8 V. G. STIEPEVICH, A.V1 Paris No. 153 There’s Many a Slip 22 x 28. Dated 1876 £ $ ^ — JAMES H. BEARD, New York 86 THE STEWART COLLECTION No. 154 The Toilet 29 X 39 LADISLAUS BAKALOWICZ, No - >55 tJ. cJ Charles I. as Prisoner 38 x 27. Dated 1849 W. CAMPHAUSEN (DECEASED), ft ri No. 156 Grandfathers Visit 21 x 25. Dated 1854 F. DE BRAEKELEER (deceased), f. f. / ftu- f' No. 157 The Pet Parrot 34 X 30 GUSTAVE DE JONGHE, Poland Dusseldorf Antwerp Brussels i^O ( ( %¥ £ f L't Gl£S) 3 ' i/i/ ^~ MODERN PAINTINGS 87 No. 158 On the Road to Market < 2 $00- (Noonday Landscape, Sheep, Horses, and Cattle.) 42 x 33. Dated 1853 E. J. VERBOECKHOVEN (deceased), Brussels No. 159 Bavarian Courtship 5 2 x 3 2 OTTO WEBER (deceased), Paris No. 160 Flowers, Fruit, and Marble Vase 28 x 36. Dated 1836 G. J. J. VAN OS (DECEASED), Amsterdam No. 161 The Miser 36 x 32. Dated 1863 C. M. WEBB, 88 THE STEWART COLLECTION No. 162 Fishing Smacks Returning to Scheveningen 28 x 30. Dated 1852 ANDREAS ACHENBACH, Dusseldorf 0 C7 Jt No. 163 The Letter L ■ 3 v '' 18 x 22 CHARLES BAUGNIET, Brussels /f/f. TV No. 164 The First Sorrow 12 x 16T Dated 1868 J. G. MEYER VON BREMEN (deceased), Berlin a- , No - l6 5 Park of Versailles, 18th Century 32 x 18. Dated 1876 G. BOLDINI,.Paris MODERN PAINTINGS 89 No. 166 The Rest, during Drill, at Camp St. Maur, 1869 36 x 22. Dated 1869 EDOUARD DETAILLE, . Paris Awarded a medal, Paris Salon, 1869, and established the reputation of the artist as one of the most popular military painters of France. No. 167 Fishing 20 x 30. Dated 1876 FIRMIN GIRARD, * aAUa Paris No. 168 Young Lady and Fruit and Flowers CHARLES BAUGNIET, . . . Brussels DAVID E. J. DE NOTER, . . Brussels No. 169 Faust and Marguerite 22 x 30 ANTONIO GISBERT, . /fa — Paris 12 9 o THE STEWART COLLECTION 6 od- , No. 170 c JNorwegian Landscape 36 x 26. Dated 1848 FREDERICK GUDE, . f. °' The Kind Guardian 32 x 42. Dated 1873 KARL HOFF. c? No. 172 fa. Landscape and Sheep 40 x 27 CHARLES EMILE JACQUE, . 67 *- No. 173 /A 4 ^ The S'Lsian Weavers 40 x 30. Dated 1844 Dusseldorf Dusseldorf Paris KARL W. HURNER (deceased), . Diisseldorf AfO t /?/■ . (_ t &' /VlA^^ OlAJJ^s MODERN PAINTINGS 9i No. 174 The Happy Mother 16 X 21 KONRAD KIESEL, . . . Dusseldorf No. 175 A Spanish Fair 34 x 24. Dated 1875 JOSE JIMENEZ-Y-ARANDA, No. 176 ^ Cats on Cushion; “En Famille” 26 x 19 LOUIS EUGENE LAMBERT, . . Paris No. 177 fj7>— 24 x 32 Sfaa~ Paris RAIMOND DE MADRAZO, Paris 9 2 THE STEWART COLLECTION No. 178 Innocence 28 x 40 CHARLES LOUIS MULLER, Paris 42 6 - No. 179 ' ' ^ ‘ ^Uswiss Landscape 45 x 31. Dated 1848 E. W. POSE (DECEASED), Diisseldorf // — No - 180 Landscape and Cattle 44 x 31 CONSTANTINE TROYON (deceased), Paris No ' ’ Sl Madonna and Child 29 x 37 TITIAN (TIZIANO VECELLIO) (decd), Venice ^ , (o - U crn ‘ / 3 > ANTIQUE PAINTINGS 93 No. 182 Boy with Kettle 24 x 24 AA A- 42^^. uUL . BARTOLOME S. MURILLO (deceased), Seville No. 183 Head III x 14 A/-0O _ AT. REMBRANDT VAN RYN (DEC’D), Amsterdam No. 184 Boy and Mouse-Trap 17 x 23 BARTOLOME S. MURILLO (deceased), Seville /y( Portrait, Lady of 18th Century No. 185 41 X 48 94 THE STEWART COLLECTION r. No. 186 Portrait, Female 39 x 53 /s?fi AX o No - 187 Portrait, Lady of 18th Century 41 x 53 3/00 - Portrait, Washington 24 X 30 GILBERT STUART (DECEASED), Boston < 2 £fV- No. 189 A Coming Storm 39 x 2 9 ANDREAS ACHENBACH, Diisseldorf MODERN PAINTINGS 95 No. i go rsD- Du tch Interior 3° x 2 5 C. H. DE HUYSVEL, . . . Diisseldorf No. 191 S'/tiO- Une Collaboration 27 x 19 Awarded Medal of Honor, Paris, 1874. JEAN LEON GER6ME, . . . Paris No. 192 Summer Pleasures 24 x 15. Dated 1877 MAURICE LELOIR, 77fiZ Paris No. 193 The Carousal 30 x 24. Dated 1843 rffc, fa. LUCKX, Diisseldorf 9 6 THE STEWART COLLECTION . No. 194 0. /i / x Autumn 36 X 53 ROBERT C. MINOR, . . . New York /J. %'A**s*97 Fruit 22 x 15. Dated 1865 JOHANN WILHELM PREYER, . Diisseldorf MODERN PAINTINGS 97 No. 198 The Drawing School 24 x 19 L’ENFANT DE METZ, . . . Paris No. 199 Amusing the Baby 9x10 RICHARD SOHN, J SZ>- Berlin No. 200 Court Jesters in Antechamber of the Louvre, Time of Henry III. 40 x 28. Dated 1867 EDOUARD ZAMACOIS (deceased), Paris Portraits of the artist, and artist’s friends, among whom are Jules Worms, Berne-Bellecour, Madrazo, and the artist’s brother, L. de Zamacoi's. From the Collection of Princess Mathilde. No. 201 Master’s Out 15 X 18 EUGENE LE POITTEVIN (DECEASED), Paris 9 8 THE STEWART COLLECTION No. 202 Alexander Von Humboldt 51 x 61. Dated 1859 JULIUS SCHRADER, . . . Berlin A. T. Stewart, Esq. New York, February 27, 1863. Dear Sir : The portrait of Alexander von Humboldt this day delivered to you was purchased by me in fall of 1858, when partly finished, the head and hand and drapery being at the time complete, but the background remained unfinished until 1859. The illustrious subject of the painting died on the 6th of May, 1859, at which time the picture was at the foot of his bed. . . . At the suggestion of Humboldt, Mount Blanc, at the left of the picture, and Chimborazo, on the right, were added. The picture was received in New York in summer of 1859, and has ever since remained in my possession and has never been copied. The certificate of the artist which accompanies this letter speaks for itself. . . . Yours truly, Wm. Aufermann. CERTIFICATE OF ARTIST. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the Oil Painting representing Alexander von Humboldt, which was sold and sent to Mr. W. Aufer¬ mann to New York, was painted by me from life. Berlin, June 11, i860. Julius Schrader, Professor and Member of the Board Signed in the presence of °f the Ro y al Academ d 0/ Fine Art. Heinrich Schmidt. NT rtf. No ' 3 The Young Cook 29 x 41 KARL SCHLOESSER, Paris /L>° • (G9 MODERN PAINTINGS 99 No. 204 Winter Landscape 44 x 31. Dated 1845 GEORG SAAL (DECEASED), . . Diisseldorf No. 205 The Children’s Party; or, Cats’ Chris¬ tening 47 x 32. Dated 1868 LUDWIG KNAUS, Berlin No. 206 Going to Market 33 x 20. Dated 1836 J. B. SONDERLAND (deceased), Diisseldorf No. 207 Grandmother’s Visit 3 2 x 38 £/ft AUGUSTE SIEGERT (DECEASED), Diisseldorf IOO THE STEWART COLLECTION /t>. /00 . y . Jt'cy The No. 208 Beach at Portici 53 X 29 Last work of the artist, who died before its final completion. MARIANO FORTUNY (deceased), . Rome Portici, October 9, 1874. To Mons. the Baron Davillier. My Very Dear Friend: I regret much to learn that you have been suffering, and that I have not been in Paris to keep you company, for if lacking wit to amuse you, I could at least distract you, by prattling about old curiosities. On the subject of my works, I will speak only of my picture, which is 1 meter 37 centimeters long by O m 72 high. There are a good many figures, and I don’t exactly know what to call it, as it is in some degree an epitome of my summer’s life. Could I not call it Villegiature — “ Country Life ” ? In fact, there are women on the grass, bathers who are taking headers into the waves, the ruins of an old castle, the walls of a garden, the entrance into a village, etc., etc., all that in bright sunlight, not a single ray omitted; everything is fair and gay, and how could it be other¬ wise since we have so happily passed our summer ? My picture is not yet finished; it wants a month’s work yet. ********* Your Friend, F ORTUNY. —Life of For tuny , Baron Davillier. M. Fortuny died November 21, 1874. This picture was purchased by the late Mr. A. T. Stewart, at the sale of the deceased artist’s effects. No. 209 Elk Pursued by Wolves 68 x 45. Dated 1850 F. S. LACHENWITZ, . . . Diisseldorf /&■ MODERN PAINTINGS IOI No. 210 Friedland, 1807 96 x 54. Dated 1875 JEAN LOUIS ERNEST MEISSONIER, Paris Correspondence in Relation to Meissonier’s Great Picture, “ Friedland, 1807.” My Dear Mr. Stewart : I have delayed writing you because my letter must be a last adieu to a work of many years—an act of final separation. You will comprehend why I wished to do so only at the last moment; as, however great may be my satisfaction to know you are to be its possessor, I can only part with it with pain—a picture which has been for so long a time the life and joy of my studio. Le voila, that which will soon be in your possession, be good enough to receive as a friend ; not as one that pleases at the first contact, and is then soon forgotten, but as one of those who, by intimate acquaintance, is loved more and more. Permit me to believe that when you are looking at this picture—on which I have bestowed all the science and experience I have been able to acquire in my art—your pleasure will constantly grow greater. - I have the conviction—which I do not express without a certain pride— that the value of this work will increase with time. What may or can be said of it will pass away, but the picture will remain, to be an honor to both of us ; and although it can defend itself, yet, among the thousands of per¬ sons who have hastened to see it, many have done it injustice with a certain malevolent appreciation—still I have the right, having painted it with so much sincerity of purpose, to defend and explain it. Strange as this may appear, it must be done ; because, however singular may be the fact, some, I understand, have not been pleased to go and see it for themselves, but have adopted the unfair judgment of others. I did not intend to paint a Battle—I wanted to paint Napoleon at the zenith of his glory ; I wanted to paint the love, the adoration of the soldiers for the great Captain in whom they had faith, and for whom they were ready to die. I previously had represented, in the picture “ 1814,” the heartrending end of the Imperial Dream—those men, only recently intoxicated with glory, now shown exhausted, and no longer believing in their invincible chief. My palette then did not have colors sad enough for the purpose—but to- 102 THE STEWART COLLECTION day, in “Friedland, 1807,” wishing everything to appear brilliant at this triumphant moment, it seemed to me I was unable to find colors sufficiently dazzling. No shade should be upon the Imperial face, to take from him the epic character I wished to give him. The battle, already commenced, was necessary to add to the enthusiasm of the soldiers, and make the subject stand forth, but not to diminish it by saddening details. All such shadows I avoided, and presented nothing but a dismounted cannon and some grow¬ ing wheat which would never ripen. This was enough. The men and the Emperor are in the presence of each other. The sol¬ diers cry to him that they are his, and the impassive Chief, whose Imperial will directs the masses that move around him, salutes his devoted army. He and they plainly comprehend each other, and absolute confidence is ex¬ pressed in every face. Such was the idea as it leaped from my brain at the first instant when I embodied the picture in thought; and which, in spite of the long time I have taken to put it on canvas, has always remained with me so clear and plain that I have never in any manner modified it. As to the execution, only a painter (and one of great experience) can say what time, labor, and patience have been brought to bear upon this work to produce a single whole out of so many diverse elements. Only he can say how difficult it is, from such varied materials, to put aside all those artifices which so often are used in art to cover defects. The grow¬ ing wheat is even proof of the difficulties I have encountered in covering it with the dust which hides so many things. I said to you, at the beginning, and again let me repeat it, that I have faith in my work. Time will consolidate and strengthen it more and more, and I am also certain your enlightened love for art will protect it, in case there should be need. Now, dear sir, let me close by offering you my portrait. You desired to have one, and I have had the pleasure of painting it for you myself. With it I trust you will speak of me more intimately, and will always be enabled to recall how much I am Your devoted E. Meissonier. POISSY, January 27, 1876. New York, February 18, 1876. My Dear Mr. Meissonier: It gives me pleasure to acknowledge the safe arrival of your superb picture, “Friedland, 1807,” also your valued letter, with the portrait, as a souvenir of regard ; which I shall always cherish and prize as coming “from my friend Meissonier." The grand painting each day develops such additional beauty and MODERN PAINTINGS 103 interest that I am constantly deriving new enjoyments from its pos¬ session. As you remark, the period of the picture, and the battle it recalls, rep¬ resent the height of Napoleon’s Imperial greatness, when confidence in his destiny was entertained not only by the French people, but by himself. The excitement of the troopers, and the calm face of the Emperor, surrounded by his Marshals, equally calm, and never dreaming of defeat, are all faith¬ fully shown by you. The beholder cannot but feel thrilled with the emotion and excitement the picture so faithfully illustrates, and the memory involuntarily reverts to a period when certainly the glory of France was at its zenith, and when the confidence of the Emperor in his future was at its highest elevation. The labor and care, on your part, which the painting exhibits are re¬ marked by all; and I may add that the work is one upon which you may rest your fame with perfect confidence. Accept my sincere thanks for the fidelity with which you have com¬ pleted this great work, and especially accept my thanks for the souvenir of your portrait which accompanied it. Sincerely your friend, Alex. T. Stewart. Portrait of Himself JEAN LOUIS ERNEST MEISSONIER, Paris Presented by the artist to the late Mr. A. T. Stewart; mentioned in correspondence relating to “ Friedland, 1807.” No. 212 Evening on the Terrace, Morocco 80 x 50. Dated 1879 BENJAMIN CONSTANT, . Souvenir of $000 As. Paris 104 THE STEWART COLLECTION eturn from the Harvest 68 x 94. Dated 1878 WILLIAM ADOLPHE BOUGUEREAU, Paris The commission for the above picture was placed with M. Bouguereau, by the late Mr. A. T. Stewart, in 1874, with the understanding that the painting was to be the artist’s greatest work, and not a nude subject; the picture was not finished until after the death of Mr. Stewart. When finished in 1878, M. Bouguereau stated that he considered the work his masterpiece. , No. 214 The Prodigal Son Three panels in one frame, respective sizes : 16 x 48, 90 x 48, and 16 x 48. Dated 1867 / EDOUARD DUBUFE (DECEASED), . . Paris A replica of the great picture that was exhibited at the Exposition Universelle , Paris, 1879, and which won the artist great fame. The orig¬ inal painting was brought to this country and exhibited with much success. It was destroyed by fire some ten or twelve years ago in Cincinnati. This fact should greatly enhance the value of the work to be sold. No. 215 The Genius of America 35 x 22 feet ADOLPHE YVON, .... Paris The size of the above precludes it from being exhibited with the other paintings belonging to the collection. The picture will be sold, deliverable to purchaser or his agent, from the Grand Union Hotel, Saratoga. /■>']. ft-' MQ * * . MODERN PAINTINGS 105 DESCRIPTION OF THE PAINTING. “ The painting tells its own story so completely and simply that it will be sufficient to indicate its principal points. In the center, the States of the Union are personified by beautiful maidens, grouped around two hand-in- hand figures, stately and noble, which represent the American Government. One, in a white and flowing robe, is the Republic ; the other is Minerva, so long associated with wisdom, poetry, art, science, the manufactures of domestic life, and, above all, with the maintenance of peace, the basis of true national prosperity. They stand, graceful in their strength, on a triumphal car, drawn by lions, representing the solidity and sovereignty of the Ameri¬ can Republic. The motto E Pluribus Unum, which tells the national history, is inscribed upon the car. In the distance the statue of the Father of his Country, first in peace as in war, is visible ; grateful and loving citi¬ zens, who surround it, are bringing wreaths of laurel, to place on the pedestal suitable offerings of remembrance and affection. The winged messengers of eternal Fame linger in their heavenly flight, to proclaim to earth, air, and ocean the glory and might of the successful Republic, and to invite the nations to behold it. “In the near center are the beautiful representatives of the States of the Union—the first thirteen which adopted the Declaration of Independence properly having the most prominent places before the car of triumph. Here there is no distinction of North and South. They fought, in the great contest which created the nation, side by side, as they are here repre¬ sented. Between the great States of New York and Pennsylvania stands fair Virginia, and, on the other side, Massachusetts is posed between Louisiana and South Carolina, others being visible in the background. “The accessories are various and expressive. Here, the Indian repre¬ sentatives of the aborigines of the great continent, “ the stoic of the woods, the man without a tear,” regard the wondrous scene with silent amazement and admiration ; there, the colored race rejoice in their liberation ; over on the opposite side, in fair contrast, while the sun is rising on the consumma¬ tion of the great Centennial, vessels of many nations are bearing hosts of emigrants to the land of freedom, where Industry, Enterprise, Education, with equal laws and full religious toleration, unite to present, as in a visible vista, equality, wealth, and assured social position. “ The arts and sciences are represented by the implements of manufacture, mechanics, the arts, and literature, while fruits and flowers are the symbols of the earth’s abundance ; and, to complete the picture, one of our noblest rivers quenches the torch of War, and the spirits of the immortal founders of the Republic ascend to join in the Great Centennial. The canvas on which all of this is drawn is 22 by 35 feet, making, undoubtedly, the largest U io6 THE STEWART COLLECTION and most complete allegorical picture ever exhibited on this side of the Atlantic. “ The picture was painted upon an order of the late Alexander T. Stewart, and was intended for the easterly end of his gallery. Proving too large for the space, it was not used, and when the Grand Union Hotel ball-room was designed, the plan adopted included a panel to receive this work.” No. 216 3 £ 2 - The Genius of America fd/traJe. 60 x 36. Dated 1867 A replica of the above. ADOLPHE YVON.Paris 5 VO OO No. 217 s. Xhe H orse Fair 200 x 96. Dated 1853-55 MLLE. MARIE ROSA BONHEUR, . Paris “ Masterpiece of the artist, Salon, 1853 ; sold to Gambart & Co., London, and exhibited in that city and in Manchester in 1856. Purchased in 1857 by Mr. Wm. P. Wright, of Weehawken, New Jersey, and exhibited in New York city in October of that year ; thence passed to Mr. A. T. Stewart; engraved when in Gambart’s possession by Thomas Landseer, for whose use the artist painted a reduced copy, with some changes in de¬ tails. This copy passed to Jacob Bell, who bequeathed it, in 1859, to the National Gallery, London. Mile. Bonheur, preferring to be represented by y\J % ■* £L- L f /i/imJLJ-^ \ MODERN PAINTINGS 107 a better work, painted a third Horse Fair, which she offered to the National Gallery in place of the hastily executed sketch bequeathed by Mr. Bell, but the trustees deciding that they had no power to make the exchange, she contented herself with retouching the Bell picture .”—Cyclopedia of Paint¬ ers and Paintings , New York, 1886. / EUROPEAN CERAMICS AND MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS tv*? / (¥ 1 • / r '^<- ,cw i SALE MONDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 28. BEGINNING AT 2.30 O’CLOCK. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. EUROPEAN CERAMICS. ROYAL WORCESTER. 225 Small Vase, bottle shape, relief ornamentation of lotus flowers in gold and platina. 226 Small Vase, jar shape, ivory texture, neat ornamentation of vine and blossoms modeled in relief, in dull gold and silver. 227 Bottle Vase, Persian design, ivory finish, decorated with floral designs and butterflies in gold, silver, and platina. 218 Vase, bottle shape, ovoid body, with tall, slender neck, slightly spreading. Very fine texture and decoration ; flowers painted in natural colors, blended with applied gold and platina. Height and diameter, 10x4^- inches. 229 Ewer, antique design, griffin handle, finely modeled and finished in dead gold, decoration of autumn leaves, ivory texture. 230 Vase, representing a section of ivory tusk, fine relief orna¬ mentation of pine-tree, serpent, frogs, etc., decorated in gold and colors. Height and diameter, 8x6| inches. 231 Biberon, lizard handle, finely modeled and finished in dead gold, ornamentation of owl on branch, painted in colors, ivory texture. Height and diameter, 9x6 inches. I 12 THE STEWART COLLECTION 232 Vase, jar shape, ivory texture, imitation of fabric tied around neck, fine decoration of rich-plumaged bird, branch of tree, etc., in applied gold and fine colors. Height and diameter, 8x6 inches. 233 Vase, flat ovoid shape, with tall, flaring neck, gilt handle, and bands with incised ornaments, delicately painted decora¬ tion of floral and vine designs, egg-shell texture and ivory finish. Height, 10 inches. 234 Basket Vase, branches forming feet, and in relief, with wild roses painted in natural colors. Height and diameter, 8| x 9 inches. 235 Bottle Vase, with tall, slender neck, semi-egg-shell texture and ivory finish, decoration of butterflies, etc., in gold, platina, and colors. Height, 10 inches. 236 Small Pitcher, reticulated panels and jeweled ornamenta¬ tion, bamboo design handle, ivory finish, and semi-egg-shell texture. 237 Biberon Vase, ivory finish, lizard in bold relief encircling vase and running up neck, orchids and butterflies painted in nat¬ ural colors. Height and diameter, 12x7 inches. 238 Pair Vases, straight form with pierced corners, panels of dark chocolate color glaze, with jeweled and applied gold orna¬ mentation, have covers. Height and diameter, 18 x 5 inches. 2 pieces 239 Ewer, bottle shape, with bold lizard in relief forming handle, and of dead gold finish, verte antique glaze, with applied orna¬ mentation of paroquets, palm branches, etc. Height and diameter, 11x7 inches. 240 Vase, Persian design, tall bottle shape, with four handles and pierced panels, ornamentation in turquoise, coral pink, and gold. Height and diameter, 15x9 inches. 6 , 5 / /Vt> t ( • ROYAL SfeVRES 113 241 Pitcher Vase, antique design, ivory texture, ornamentation in gold, colors, and platina, and carved in relief, lizard handle. Height and diameter, 15x8 inches. 242 Large Vase, tall Persian bottle shape, with slender neck and cover, semi-egg-shell texture and ivory finish, decoration of morning-glory vine finely painted in natural colors and applied gold. Height and diameter, 21 x 10 inches. 243 Large Vase, beaker shape, carved and applied ornamentation of floral designs, grasses, etc., in gold, platina, and fine colors, bamboo design handles, ivory finish. Height and diameter, including pedestal, 19 x 10 inches. 244 Bottle Vase, with cover, antique Persian design, two han¬ dles at neck, ivory texture, jeweled, applied gold, and carved ornamentation. Height and diameter, 15 x 8 inches. 245 Pair Large Etruscan Vases, very fine shape and exceed¬ ingly fine ornamentation, medallions, Cupids, vines, and other designs carved in high relief, and decorated in finely blended colors, gold, and silver. Height and diameter, 22 x 12 inches. 2 pieces ROYAL SEVRES. 246 Cup and Saucer,/^ tendre, intricate reticulated ornamenta¬ tion, pure white egg-shell texture. 247 - Another, mug shape, rose pink glaze, finely painted pastoral subject in medallion, rich jeweled ornamentation. 248 Bowl, mounted in ormolu, Louis Philippe period, painted with floral designs and Cupids in fine colors, turquoise glaze, royal crest in gold. 249 Pair Vases, tall cylindrical forms, with covers, figure and flowers finely painted in medallions, bleu du roi glaze, with gold and jeweled ornamentation, ormolu mountings and handles. Height and diameter, i2^x 5^ inches. 2 pieces 15 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1 14 250 Covered Vase, urn shape, rich chocolate glaze, with slight gold bands. Height and diameter, 14x7 inches. 251 Center-Piece, fine form and texture, rich lapis lazuli glaze, neat gold bands. Height and diameter, 10 x 12^ inches. 252 Pair Vases, tall ovoid forms, with covers, pate tendre , finely dec¬ orated by Sabourin ; subject, the Seasons; turquoise blue glaze, with vine designs in gold, finely wrought ormolu mountings and ornaments. Height and diameter, 26 x 10 inches. 2 pieces 253 Pair Large Vases, ovoid bodies, with spreading bases and necks, finely decorated with female figures, Cupids, landscape view, etc., “ Spring and Summer,” painted by C. Labarr6 ; bands top and bottom of bleu du roi and gold, mountings and ornaments of ormolu, finely wrought. Height and diameter, 26 x xi inches. 2 pieces 254 Jardiniere, finely painted panels at sides, turquoise blue glaze, with applied gold and jeweled ornamentation, handsomely wrought ormolu mountings. Height and diameter, 13 x 19 inches. Louis Philippe’s time. 255 Pair Mantel Urns, with covers , pate tendre, bleu du roi glaze, with rich jeweled ornamentation, relieved by gold mountings, handles and ornaments of ormolu, finely wrought. Height and diameter, 14 x 6^ inches. 2 pieces 256 Pair Small Vases, tall cylindrical shapes, with covers, bleu du roi glaze, with applied gold decoration, figures and flowers, finely painted in four medallions, which have jeweled borders, finely wrought ormolu mountings, handles, and ornaments. Height and diameter, 13x4 inches. 2 pieces 257 Pair Vases, graceful cylindrical shapes, with splendid bases; in four medallions, painted in delicate colors, are Cupids and other figures, and flowers and butterflies ; bleu du roi glaze, with delicate penciling in gold, chaste ormolu mountings, han¬ dles, and ornaments. Height and diameter, 14 x 4J inches. 2 pieces ROYAL SEVRES 1 15 258 Large Vase, cylindrical shape, with flaring neck, rich lapis glaze, with slight gold bands and edge, base of onyx and finely wrought ormolu. Height and diameter, 29 x 13 inches. 259 Pair Large Vases, tall ovoid forms, revolving on bases of ormolu and porcelain. Vases artistically decorated, with female figures, Cupids, foliage, etc., by C. Labarre ; bleu du roi glaze top and bottom, with ornamentation in gold, handles and mountings of finely wrought ormolu. Height and diam¬ eter, 34 x 13 inches. 2 pieces 260 Pair Pedestals, for the above, low form, upholstered in old red plush. 2 pieces 261 Pair Very Large Vases, pate ten dre, ovoid bodies, with grace¬ ful flaring necks of fluted design ; in four oval-shape medal¬ lions, artistically painted by E. Apoil, are garden scenes, land¬ scapes, etc.; subjects, “ Painting” and “ Music,” and “ Spring ” and “ Summer ; ” other portions of vases of turquoise blue glaze, ornamented with embossed gold, plinths, handles, and mountings of ormolu of artistic design. Height and diam¬ eter, 50 x 22 inches. 2 pieces 262 Pair Pedestals, for the above, carved onyx, with gold gilt mountings and ornaments, square-shape tops and plinths. Height and diameter, 36 x 20 inches. 2 pieces 263 Pair Large Vases, graceful ovoid shapes, with flaring necks and bases, bleu du roi glaze, with applied gold ornamentation ; in four panels are pastoral scenes and flowers ; ormolu mount¬ ings, handles, and bases. Height and diameter, 40 x 18 inches. 2 pieces 264 Pair Pedestals, for the above, onyx, with gold gilt mountings and ornaments, column design, with revolving tops. Height and diameter, 45 x 14 inches. 2 pieces 265 Small Vase, with cover, rich bleu du roi glaze, ornamentation of birds and blossoms in applied gold and silver. Height and diameter, 7^ x 4^ inches. THE STEWART COLLECTION 116 266 Small Vase, graceful bottle shape, egg-shell texture, fine quality glaze in imitation of Chinese splash, gilt bronze mountings. Height and diameter, 7 } x 3^ inches. MISCELLANEOUS EUROPEAN CERAMICS. 267 Cup and Saucer, Dresden porcelain, deeorated with pastoral scenes and flowers in fine colors. Augustus Rex mark. 268 Pair Small Vases, “ Coalport,” jar shape, with covers, maroon glaze, with relief ornamentation of floral design in gold and platina. Height and diameter, 7^x4 inches. 2 pieces 269 Cup and Saucer, royal Berlin porcelain, King’s period, semi¬ egg-shell texture, king’s blue glaze. Portrait of Von Moltke in medallion. 270 Pair Vases, French porcelain, ovoid shape, on tripods, deco¬ rated with birds, flowers, fruit, etc., in bright colors. Height and diameter, 8-J- x 4^-. 2 pieces 271 Pitcher, Berlin porcelain, rich gold gilt glaze, decoration of Cupids, etc., “ Art ” in medallion, figures in relief. 272 Little Vase, “Coalport,” Persian design of decoration. 273 Pitcher Vase, “ Minton’s,” fine design and texture, turquoise blue and gold decoration, carved and relief ornaments. Height and diameter, 11x6 inches. 274 Cut-flower Holder, oviform vase, with kitten and bird in relief, ornamentation of branch of blossoms in colors. 275 Cup and Saucer, Dresden porcelain, oviform cup, on feet, with cover, and serpent handle, gold glaze, with figures, flowers, and other subjects painted in bright colors over glaze, and in medallions. 276 Another, similar to above. e ' MISCELLANEOUS EUROPEAN CERAMICS ny 277 Vase, “Coalport,” bottle shape, with griffin handles carved in bold relief, and gold gilt, decoration of India designs, in rich combination of colors. Height and diameter, 71 x 5 inches. 278 Cup and Saucer, French porcelain, egg-shell texture, sea green glaze, with decoration of vine designs and coat-of-arms in gold. 279 Small Covered Jar, “Crown Derby,” canary yellow glaze, with maroon bands and applied gold ornamentation. Height and diameter, 7 x 4J inches. 280 Covered Cup and Saucer, “ Capo di Monti ” relief ornamenta¬ tion of classical figures and flowers, decorated in colors. 281 Egg-shape Vase, French faience, relief ornamentation, deco¬ rated in colors. 282 Pair Small Vases, French faience, straight ovoid forms, with elephant-head handles, dull gold glaze, with figures and other ornamentation painted in bright colors, bronze mountings. 2 pieces 283 Cup and Saucer, French porcelain, sea green glaze, with kit¬ tens and grasses painted in medallions of delicate rose pink. 284 - Another, same make, canary yellow glaze, and similar design of decoration as above. 285 Tankard, “ Capo di Monti ” ornamentation of classical subject in high relief and decorated in colors, figure surmounting cover. Height and diameter, 14 x 6 inches, gold lined. 286 - Another, smaller, ornamentation of Bacchanalian subject, gold lined. 287 Pair Mantel Urns, with covers, “Dresden” maroon glaze, with relief and other ornamentation in gold ; in four circular- shape medallions are seaport scenes, figures, etc., finely painted. Height and diameter, 14 x 8 inches. 2 pieces 118 THE STEWART COLLECTION 288 Vase, with cover, “Crown Derby,” tall hexagonal shape, alter¬ nate vertical stripes of maroon and canary color glaze, over which is an ornamentation of floral and other designs in ap¬ plied gold. Height and diameter, 11x4! inches. 289 Pair Small Vases, Etruscan pitcher shape, gold glaze, with blossoms in two shades of blue, jewel borders. 2 pieces 290 Cup and Saucer, “ Capo di Monti,” cup has two handles of coral design, and cover, relief ornamentation of classical sub¬ jects and flowers, painted in bright colors. 291 Pair Jewel Stands, “ Longwy ” faience, mounted in gold gilt bronze. 2 pieces 292 Cup and Saucer, antique, “ Derby Chelsea,” neat decoration of festoons and detached roses. 293 Pair Vases, French faience, egg design, relief ornamentation of flowers and butterflies, decorated in colors. 2 pieces 294 Card Basket, French faience, decoration of Japanese design, handles and mountings of bronze of similar design. 295 Covered Vase, “ Crown Derby,” graceful bottle shape, with two handles of reticulated design, canary yellow and turquoise blue glaze, with ornamentation of floral designs in embossed gold. Height and diameter, 14 x 6 j- inches. 296 Mantel Set, small jardiniere and two vases, French porcelain, mounted in finely wrought bronze, Chinese design. 3 pieces 297 Basket, French faience, splash glaze, with finely modeled relief ornamentation of flowers. 298 Pair Vases, low cylindrical shapes, royal Berlin porcelain, dec¬ orated with classical subjects, finely wrought bronze mount¬ ings, gold gilt. Height and diameter, 6 x 4|- inches. 2 pieces ' MISCELLANEOUS EUROPEAN CERAMICS 119 299 Basket, for cut flowers, French faience, design of folded leaf, stem forming handle, finely modeled rose in relief. 300 Pair Vases, French porcelain, tall ovoid form, with flaring necks and bases, artistically painted and jeweled ornamenta¬ tion. Height and diameter, 15-J- x 7 inches. 2 pieces 301 Pair Very Small Vases, amphora shape, set in stands of Egyptian design, royal Berlin porcelain (K. P. M.), king’s blue glaze, decorated with gold. 2 pieces 302 Bottle Vase, globular body, with tall, slender neck, Hun¬ garian faience, richly decorated with gold over pink, and turquoise blue glaze, ring handles and open-work stopper. Height and diameter, 21 x 10 inches. 303 Pair Pitcher Vases, Dresden porcelain, decorated with scenes after Teniers, king’s blue glaze top and bottom, and gold gilt bronze mountings. Height and diameter, 22 x 5} inches. 2 pieces 304 Pair Large Vases, French porcelain, tall ovoid forms, Etrus¬ can design, rich maroon glaze, with gold bands running around bodies, on which are finely painted classical subjects by Comtet. Height and diameter, 21 x n inches. 2 pieces 305 Pitcher Vase, Hungarian faience, antique design, decorated with floral designs in brilliant colors and gold, open-work band. Height and diameter, 22 x 11 inches. 306 Fruit Stand, Dresden porcelain, leaf design, carved and gold gilt ornamentation. 307 Pair Vases, “Crown Derby,” low bottle shapes, Moorish de¬ sign, richly ornamented with applied gold and delicate colors, over dark green glaze, open-work handles. Height and diameter, 12 x 11 inches. 2 pieces 308 Pitcher Vase, “ Doulton ” faience, decorated with chrysanthe¬ mum flowers painted in finely combined colors, gold clouded neck. Height and diameter, 10x5 inches. 120 THE STEWART COLLECTION 309 Jewel Tray, “ Longwy ” faience, crackle texture, decorated with floral designs, gold gilt mountings. 310 Bell and Plaque, Hungarian faience, ornamented with gold. 311 Group, French porcelain, children spinning top. 312 Small Pitcher, French faience, decorated in colors. 313 Basket, French faience, ivory texture, floral designs finely modeled in relief. 314 Mantel Set, Austrian glass, jardiniere and two vases, enam¬ eled ornamentation of birds, flowers, and grasses, in brilliant colors, blended with gold. 3 pieces 315 Pair Mantel Urns, with covers, “Dresden,” rich king’s blue glaze with gold ornamentation ; in four circular shape me¬ dallions are pastoral scenes, finely painted, relief ornaments. Height and diameter, 20 x 11 inches. 2 pieces 316 Large Bust, “Minerva,” French porcelain, finely modeled and richly decorated. Height and diameter, 34 x 21 inches. 317 Pedestal, for the above, ebonized hard wood, carved and in¬ laid with brass, has onyx top, and inclosure and shelves beneath. Height and diameter, 40 x 14 inches. 318 Vase, Hungarian faience, bottle shape, antique design, tur¬ quoise glaze, with relief and open-work ornamentation. Height and diameter, 11x7 inches. 319 Vase, leaf design, ivory texture, delicately modeled flowers in relief. Height, 11 inches. 320 Ornamental Piece, “ Meissen” porcelain, “Cupid’s Chariot.” 321 Jewel Box, French faience, decoration of flowers and butter¬ flies in colors. MISCELLANEOUS EUROPEAN CERAMICS 121 322 Pair Vases, “ Longwy ” faience, straight ovoid forms, birds and floral designs in medallions, turquoise and maroon corners. Height, 9 inches. 2 pieces 323 Pair Ash Trays, French porcelain, shell design. 2 pieces 324 Pair Vases, bottle shape, French porcelain, maroon glaze, with intricate relief ornamentation of hydrangea flowers, which are decorated in natural colors. Height and diameter, 13 x 9 inches. 2 pieces 325 Flower Basket, French porcelain, leaf design, figures and flowers in relief, and decorated in colors. 326 Cups and Saucers, Berlin porcelain, turquoise glaze, por¬ trait in medallion. 2 pieces 327 Pair of Vases, French faience, leaf design, ornamentation of pansy, flowers in bold relief. 2 pieces 328 Pair of Vases, similar to the above. 2 pieces 329 Biberon Vase, Hungarian faience, Moorish design, relief and open-work ornamentation. Height and diameter, 15 x ix inches. 2 pieces 330 Flower Stand, lotus design, buds and leaves in relief, in gold and platina. 331 Large Vase, French faience, turquoise blue glaze ; in various medallions are birds and flowers and other designs, in imita¬ tion of Chinese. Height and diameter, 28 x 12 inches. 332 Pair Vases, French faience, tall ovoid shapes, decoration of chrysanthemum flowers and morning-glory vines, in fine colors. Height and diameter, 22x9 inches. 2 pieces 333 Cup and Saucer, French porcelain, richly ornamented with gold and bright colors, cameo medallions, has morocco case. 334 Dog and Kitten, Parian and French porcelain. 2 pieces 16 122 THE STEWART COLLECTION 335 Covered Bowl and Saucer, Royal Worcester, finely decorated. 336 Pair Vases, antique French porcelain, decorated with land¬ scape views and figures, gilt bands. 2 pieces 337 Matchsafe, Parian china, female figure. 338 Vase, French porcelain, shape of lady’s shoe. 339 Pair Match Stands, figures in relief, “ Ready to Start.” 2 pieces 340 Pair Vases, French faience, flowers in relief. 2 pieces 341 Pug Dog, “ Dresden.” 342 Figure, French porcelain, “ The Masquerader.” 343 Cat, life size, “ Dresden,” pure white glaze. 344 Pair Large Majolica Flower Pots, fine relief ornamenta¬ tion, rich cobalt blue glaze, with handles. Height and diam¬ eter, 12x15 inches. 345 Jewel Trays, “ Longwy ” faience. 2 pieces 346 Pair Candlesticks, French porcelain, tall form, relief orna¬ mentation, blue glaze. 2 pieces 347 - Another pair, similar to the above, maroon glaze. 2 pieces 348 Majolica Epergne, figures and floral designs in bold relief, and decorated in fine colors. Height and diameter, 32 x 17 inches. 349 Pair Flower Pots, French faience, turquoise glaze, medal¬ lions and other ornamentation in relief, figures of mermaids for support. Height and diameter, 16 x 15 inches. 2 pieces 350 Pair Pedestals, for the above, finely carved teak-wood, with India marble tops, inlaid. Height and diameter, 19 x 18 inches. 2 pieces ■y l 7 P pV /Vo ( 2 ~/£> c ^_ , l_ , er, siaaju/^s^<-^CAACj /V * / -$(eo , 9^ / / EUROPEAN BRONZES 169 EUROPEAN BRONZES. 826 Small Group, “ Horse and Cat,” by F. Remiet. 9x8 inches. 827 Column of July, black marble base. Height, 22 inches. 828 Pair Mantel Urns, Etruscan design, relief ornaments, black marble plinths. Height and diameter, 11x6 inches. 829 Pair Small Busts, “ Happy Childhood,” by Detrier. Height, inches. 830 Jardiniere, bold relief ornamentation, gold gilt bands and handles. Height and diameter, 11 x 8£ inches. 831 Pair Small Groups, “ Young Warriors,” by Gagne, rich brown patine. 832 Small Group, “Hound and Turtle,” by A. Jacquemart. 6x7 inches. 833 Figure, “ La Source,” by Germain. Height, 11^ inches. 834 Pair Candlesticks, tall form, figure supports, black marble plinths. Height, 14 inches. 2 pieces 835 Small Bust, brown patine, “ Marcus Aurelius Antoninus.” 836 Small Figure, “ Dog,” by P. J. Mene. 837 Figure, “ Egyptian Lady,” by Bouret. Height and diameter, 13 x 7 inches. 838 Group, “Ganymede.” 13 x 8 inches. 839 Pair Figures, “The Torch-Bearer” and “The Mace-Bearer,” by Guillot. Height and diameter, 18x8 inches. 2 pieces 840 Group, “The Toilet,” by E. Laurent. Height and diameter, 12x9 inches. 841 Group, “ Science,” by E. Laurent. Black marble plinth. Height and diameter, 16 x 10 inches. 22 170 THE STEWART COLLECTION 842 Pair Figures, “ Mozart” and “ Lulli,” by E. Laurent. Height and diameter, 20 x 10 inches. 2 pieces 843 Large Bust, “ The Sailor Boy,” by E. Guillemin. Height and diameter, 21 x 12 inches. 844 Pair Busts, “King Rameses,” and companion, green patine, mounted on sienna and black marble columns. Height, 22 inches. 2 pieces 845 Group, “ Praxiteles,” by Uzel. Height and diameter, 15 x 9 inches. 846 Pair Small Busts, on rose antique marble columns, “ Bac¬ chantes.” Height, 21 inches. 2 pieces 847 Pair Figures, “Mercury” and “Jupiter,” rich dark patine, black marble plinths. Height, 29 inches. 2 pieces 848 Pair Large Groups, “ Diana and Psyche,” by E. Cornu. Carved onyx plinths. Height and diameter, 34 x 14 inches. 2 pieces 849 Life Size Bust, “ Diane de Houdon.” Height and diameter, 30 x 18 inches. 850 Large Group, “ The White Slave,” by L. Pilet. Height and diameter, 26 x 12 inches. 851 Group, “Neapolitan Bird-Tamer,” by C. Brunin. Height and diameter, 24 x 10 inches. 852 Pedestal, for the above, carved rosewood, with gilt ornamenta¬ tion, and black marble top. Height and diameter, 45 x 16 inches. 853 Pair Life Size Busts, “Arab Sheik,” and companion, by Marcello. Height and diameter, 27x18 inches. 2 pieces 854 Pair Pedestals, for the above, carved Egyptian marble, with green bronze and gold gilt ornaments. Height, 43 inches. 2 pieces iAJO ( C l 2 ( , ft/LGtf- . P^' C '^ !a ' 7<4L- Ml EUROPEAN BRONZES 171 855 Pair Large Figures, “Mary Stuart,” and “Queen Elizabeth,” by Morel. Height and diameter, 42 x 17 inches. 2 pieces 856 Pair Pedestals, for the above, bronze, of Japanese design, with black marble plinths and movable tops. Height and diam¬ eter, 40 x 16 inches. 2 pieces 857 Pair Figures, “Cossack,” and “Water Carrier,” by Peiffer, sienna marble plinths. Height and diameter, 25 x 9 inches. 2 pieces 85S Pair Life Size Busts, “ Paul and Virginia,” by Carrier, rose antique marble plinths. Height and diameter, 22 x 12 inches. 2 pieces 859 Pair Pedestals, for the above, rose antique marble, of column design, square shape plinths and tops, finely wrought gold gilt bronze mountings and ornaments. Height, 43 inches. 2 pieces 860 Pair Figures, “Arab Warrior,” and “Water Carrier,” by Salmson. Sienna marble plinths. Height and diameter, 25 x 6 inches. 2 pieces 861 Pair Life Size Busts, “ Gabrielle d’Estrees,” signed Faure, de Brousse, rose antique marble plinths. 2 pieces 862 Pair Pedestals, for the above, carved and gilt ebony, with marquetry panels, and decorated porcelain medallions, gold gilt bronze ornaments. Height and diameter, 41 x 15 inches. 2 pieces 863 Pair Vases, ovoid shapes, relief ornamentation of vine design, goat heads for handles, by B. Boschetti, Rome, verte antique marble plinths. Height and diameter, 15x6 inches. 2 pieces 864 Center Vase, Roman lamp, by B. Boschetti, black marble plinth. Height and diameter, 24 x 15 inches. 865 Pair Elaborate Pitcher Vases, bold relief ornamenta¬ tion of classical subjects, dark patine, elaborately wrought burnished brass handles and mountings. Height and diam¬ eter, 33 x 11 inches. 2 pieces 172 THE STEWART COLLECTION 866 Large Figure, “The Toying Page,” by E. Keyser, 1876. Height, 54 inches. 867 Pedestal, for the above, carved and gold gilt, panels of polished onyx, black marble revolving top. Height and diameter, 35 x 19 inches. 868 Statuette, “The Young Serenader.” Height, 21 inches. 869 Statuette, “Good-Morning.” Height, 22 inches. 870 Group, “Mercury,” by E. Laurent. Height, 18 inches. 871 Statuette, “The Broken Pitcher,” by Lecoiney. Height, 21 inches. 872 Pedestal, for the above, carved onyx, with gold gilt mount¬ ings and ornaments. Height and diameter, 12x7 inches. 873 Large Group, “Paul and Virginia,” by L. Madrassi, 1879, black marble gold mounted plinth. Height and diameter, 35 x 16 inches. 874 Pedestal, for the above, finely wrought bronze antique, design, with movable top. Height, 42 inches. 875 Group, “Love and Maternity,” by A. Carrier, rose antique marble plinth. Height and diameter, 30 x 17 inches. 876 Pedestal, for the above, carved rosewood, with marquetry and gold gilt ornamentation, revolving top. Height and diameter, 39 x 17 inches. 877 Pair Elaborate Vases, with candelabra, bold relief ornamen¬ tation of classical subjects, finely wrought burnished brass handles and mountings, movable candelabra for ten lights each, of lily and chrysanthemum flower design, artistically wrought in ormolu, rose antique marble plinths.. Height and diameter of all, 56 x 24 inches. 2 pieces /U & t f -2 -'Z-" f SCULPTURE U 3 SCULPTURE. IN CARRARA MARBLE. #** The Sculptures marked with an Asterisk will be sold, deliverable from the Stewart Mansion. Intending Purchasers may obtain permits to examine the Sculptures on Personal application to the American Art Association Managers. 878 “ Childhood,” bust. Height, 18 inches. 879 Pedestal, for the above, verde antique marble, column design. Height, 48 inches. 880 “ Maidenhood,” life size bust. 881 Pedestal, for the above, verde antique, massive. Height, 48 inches. 882 “ Sappho,” figure, by Prof. R. H. Park. Height, 44 inches. 883 Pedestal, for the above, verde antique marble, finely carved, has revolving top. Height, 40 inches. 884 “ Purity,” life size bust, by R. H. Park. 885 Egyptian Marble Pedestal, for the above, gold gilt mount¬ ings and ornaments. 886 “ Memory,” life size bust, by R. H. Park. 887 Pedestal, for the above, matches No. 885. 888 “ The Fisher Boy,” life size figure, by C. B. Ives. Outside measurement, 39 x 18 inches. (See Note under No. 920.) 890 Pedestal, for the above, tall oval form. 891 “ Little Nell,” bust, by R. H. Park. Height, 20 inches. THE STEWART COLLECTION 892 Verde Antique Marble Pedestal, for the above, column design. Height, 45 inches. 893 “ Little Paul,” bust, by R. H. Park, companion to No. 891. 894 Pedestal, for the above, same as No. 892. 895 “ The Pet Bird,” life size bust, by R. H. Park. 896 Pedestal, for the above, verde antique marble, column design. Height, 43 inches. 897 Life Size Bust, by R. H. Park, companion to No. 895. 898 Verde Antique Marble Pedestal, for the above. 899 “ A Windy Day,” figure, by C. Delvanta. Height, 42 inches. 900 Carved Marble Pedestal, for the above, tall column design. 901 “ The New Boots,” life size figure, by Prof. R. H. Park, 1879. 902 Pedestal, for the above, carved verde antique marble. 903 “ MARGUERITE IN HAPPINESS” AND “ MARGUERITE IN REGRET.” Pair life size busts. Eugene Aizelin. Paris Bom at Paris, July 10, 1821. Pupil of Ramey and Dumont, he devoted himself, by preference, following the new direction which French art was taking at the time he entered the field, to the creation of graceful female subjects—women and maidens— treated with close adherence to nature in the forms. He has made, beside, a few statues for the churches of Paris. To the former group of subjects belong his “ Nyssia in the Bath,” and a “Psyche with the Lamp” (this latter in the Luxembourg), a “Hebe,” and a “Captured Amazon” (1875), with other statues in the museums of Montpellier and Nantes ; also a statue “ The Dance,” for the Chatelet Theater (1861); the figure of “ Idyllic Poetry,” for the Opera House at Paris. In 1867, Aizelin was made a knight of the Legion of Honor. 904 Pair Onyx Pedestals, for the above, tall column design, with gold gilt ornaments and mountings. 2 pieces fcuiyji <^\A d (J]r SCULPTURE 175 905 “MATERNAL AFFECTION.” Original, by Salvatore Albano .Florence Born in Calabria, pupil of Angelini and G. Dupre. Medal, Paris, 1878. 906 Elaborate Pedestal, for the above, carved Egyptian marble. 907 “ The Rose,” life size bust, original, by Salvatore Albano, 1881. 908 Marble Pedestal, for the above. 909 “ SON OF WILLIAM TELL AFTER THE DISCHARGE OF HIS FATHER’S ARROW.” With Italian marble pedestal. In panels carved in relief are scenes illustrative of the life of William Tell, both by Pasquale Romanelli .Florence A pupil of Bartolini, he sought, like his master, to excel in various fields of the sculptor's art. His “Young Bacchus Treading Out Grapes” is a very pleasing figure, and his “ Son of William Tell after the Discharge of his Father's Arrow” is full of character. Other of his works are “ The Four Seasons,” represented by boy¬ ish figures; the “Genius of Italy;” and the “Nymph of the Amo.” He was also distinguished for some portrait statues, Napoleon I., General Garibaldi, and others. Outside measurement of group and pedestal, 72 x 28 inches. 910 “Washington,” heroic bust, by Hiram Powers, deceased. (See note after No. 916.) 911 Egyptian Marble Pedestal, for the above, tall column de¬ sign. 912 “Heloise,” life size bust, by R. H. Park, 1872. 913 “FIRST LOVE,” group, by R. H. Park, 1880. Outside meas¬ urement, 40 x 23 inches. THE STEWART COLLECTION 176 914 Pedestal, for preceding, Egyptian marble, with revolving top. *915 “THE FISHER GIRL,” by W. R. Barbee, deceased, 1858, with elaborate Italian marble pedestal. Extreme outside measurement of all, 73 x 31 inches. *916 “THE GREEK SLAVE.” The original statue, by Hiram Powers (deceased).Florence Born at Woodstock, Vermont, July 29, 1805. Died in Florence, Italy, June 27, 1873. In 1817 his parents removed to Cincinnati, where he worked with energy and industry at any mechanical employment that came to hand. He developed remarkable ingenuity in the contrivance of figures moving by machinery to the accompaniment of music. A bust of Napoleon, by Canova, having come under his notice, he was excited by the desire to become a sculptor, for which art he had had no further training than was supplied by instruction in the taking of plaster casts from models, in which he had been taught by a Prussian acquaintance. Assisted by Mr. Longworth, he went to Washington, and there found sufficient employment in making busts to enable him to lay up a little money toward get¬ ting to Italy. Assisted by Col. Preston and Mr. Longworth, he went to Italy in 1837, and settled down into what was to prove a life-long residence. His work consisted largely in the making of busts, in which field he gained a wide popularity in Europe as well as in his native country. In 1843 he produced the statue of the Greek Slave, a work which had an immense success, fixed his reputation the world over, and gave a great impetus to the slowly growing culture of art in this country. The question, of slavery was just then taking on new importance in America, and Powers’ Greek Slave played no small part in the fray. Mrs. Browning wrote a sonnet to the statue, and drew from it an argument for the doing away with all slavery. “ Appeal, fair stone, From God’s pure height of beauty, against man’s wrong; Catch up in thy divine face not alone East griefs but West, and strike and shame the strong, By thunders of white silence overthrown.” Other works by Mr. Powers are the “Fisher Boy,” “America,” “California,” “II Penseroso,” “Eve Tempted,” “Paradise Lost,” with statues of Calhoun and Webster. During his long residence in Florence, Mr. Powers’ house was the center of hos- Y^AJL f^^jO { ? 2 ^t f A 15 , SCULPTURE 1 77 pitality to his traveling countrymen, who found in him an Ameri¬ can of the old-fashioned type, quite unspoiled by foreign life and manners, maintaining a republican rusticity and homeliness in the midst of influences which few are found to resist. Nathaniel Hawthorne, in his Italian Journal , has much to say about Pow¬ ers : the chapters about Florence are, indeed, largely taken up with notes of the conversations between him and the sculptor. Extreme outside measurement of above statue, including verde and rose antique marble pedestal, with revolving top, 96 x 30 inches. *917 “EVE TEMPTED.” Original life size figure, by Hiram Powers (deceased).Florence Extreme outside measurement of figure and pedestal, 96 x 30 inches. *918 “ PARADISE LOST.” Companion to the above, executed to the order of the late N. D. Morgan, Esq., Brooklyn, by Hiram Powers (deceased).Florence Outside measurement of figure and low pedestal, 90 x 25 inches. Letter from Hiram Powers, Esq ., to N. D. Morgan, dated Dec. 7, 1871. My Dear Sir : You desire that I should give you something of the history of my work, which is now on its way to you, in order that you may see it, as it were, through the medium of the author’s eyes. Well, then, I had already produced a statue of “ Eve Tempted,” which was, indeed, my first ideal figure— and the same now in the possession of Mr. A. T. Stewart, of New York ; but I was not satisfied with my first attempt, as, indeed, the Temptation of Eve did not afford an opportunity for the expression of bewilderment, distress, and remorse which must have appeared on the face and in the attitude of Eve, when she replied, “The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.” It is less difficult, in painting or sculpture, to give a single than a compound expression—simple grief or joy is much easier to render than grief with remorse, or joy with a sigh lingering within the expression of the features. We see these subtilties in nature—but to render them in art re- 178 THE STEWART COLLECTION quires something more than artistic science. The artist must not only see his way (science), but he must also feel his way. In short, he must work from the heart as well as from the brain, and his work then reflects back upon him, as it were, the offspring of his will and understanding. The will has conceived, the under¬ standing has produced ; and hence allow me to say, that without understanding—that is, without learning, knowledge, science, prac¬ tice, experience, study—no one, however great may be his genius, can produce a genuine work of art. As well might we expect a poem from one who can neither read nor write. I could never satisfy myself with an ideal work in a hurry. The human form is infinite. It is the “ Image of God ; ” and I have found that, do my best, there was always a better in nature. Once knowing this, I have hesitated, and sought to find it, and this is the way to fame. One may fail, with all his care and labor, but it is the only way. Not they who have produced the most, but they who have done the best, stand foremost in the end. I never felt that I had the power to charge an hundred statues-—I exhaust myself on a few. This accounts for the fact that I found it necessary to give nearly one year’s time, in all, to the model alone of your statue of Paradise Lost. I continually found some¬ thing to be improved, and am far from presuming it to be perfect. I aimed at nobleness of form and womanly dignity of expression. She is forlorn, but does not quite despair, for she looks up im¬ ploringly. She accuses the serpent with one hand, and herself most with the other. The serpent retires, for Eve repents—she now resists evil. She is not a goddess, but a woman, a primitive woman, the mother of mankind. She has never been in society, nor is she educated. Such has been my design, but imperfectly carried out. I trust you will make due allowance. . . . I am, dear sir, faithfully your ob’t serv’t, Hiram Powers. Florence, December 7, 1871, *919 “ NYDIA.” Original, by John Randolph Rogers. Rome Born in New York State in 1825. In early life he was engaged in trade, but went to Rome and became a sculptor. He is known by his statue of “ Nydia, the blind girl of Pompeii,” and by the bronze doors, with scenes from the life of Columbus in the panels, made for the eastern entrance to the Capitol extension at Washington (1858). He also provided statues of Mason, Nelson, and the two Marshalls, for the Washington Monument at Richmond, Va., made a statue of John Adams for the chapel /jo / t ~T&'IaA~ <*>1 C&J-IAAj SCULPTURE 179 at Mt. Auburn, “ The Angel of the Resurrection,” for the monu¬ ment of Col. Colt at Hartford, Conn., and a colossal bronze statue of Lincoln, for Philadelphia (1871). Mr. Rogers resides in Rome, with occasional visits to his native country. Extreme outside measurement of the above figure, including rose antique marble pedestal, with revolving top, 88 x 32 inches. *920 “FLORA.” Life size figure, by C. B. Ives .Rome A native of Connecticut, but for many years a resident of Rome. He has made busts of General Scott, William H. Seward (owned by Hon. Henry Hilton, New York), and others. To the American Centennial Exhibition of 1876 he sent “ Nursing the Infant Bacchus.” He is author of the statue of Trumbull, in marble, in front of the new State House at Hartford, Conn. The above has fine marble pedestal. *921 “SAPPHO.” Life size figure, by Professor Richard H. Park .New York Extreme outside measurement of figure and Italian marble pedestal, revolving top, 100 x 27 inches. *922 “PROSERPINE.” Original statue, by Marshall Wood (deceased).'.London An English sculptor, recently deceased. Mr. Wood gained a certain popularity by his bust, “The Song of the Shirt,” and among other ideal figures he has designed are a “Siren,” “Hebe,” “Musidora,” and a “Nymph Bathing.” He received many commissions from the English royal family. He also made a statue in marble of the Queen, for Montreal, and a bronze statue of Cobden for the Exchange at Manchester, England. Extreme outside measurement of above statue, including elaborate Italian marble pedestal, 100 x 32 inches. i8o THE STEWART COLLECTION *923 “ PAUL AND VIRGINIA.” Original group, by Joseph Durham, A. R. A. (deceased).London Born in London, 1821. In 1837 was apprenticed to John Francis, and, later, worked some time in the studio of E. H. Baily. In 1848 he sent to the Royal Academy his bust of Jenny Lind, which attracted much attention. To the Royal Academy, in 1856, he sent his bust of the Queen, which was presented to the City of London by a retiring Lord Mayor, and is now in the Mansion House. He gained a prize for a memorial to commem¬ orate the Great English Exhibition of 1871 ; is the author of the statue of Palmerston, in the Guildhall, and of the bust of Ho¬ garth, Leicester Square. Elected Associate of Royal Academy, 1867. Died, 1877. The above group has elaborate Italian marble pedestal. Ex¬ treme outside measurement of all, 98 x 30 inches. *924 “ FISHER GIRL.” Life size figure, by Adam Scipione Tadolini (deceased).Rome Born at Bologna, 1789. Pupil of Canova, Professor of the Academy of Bologna. Among the works of this sculptor are “ Venus and Love;” the “Rape of Ganymede,” for Prince Esterhazy; the Tomb of Cardinal Laute, for the city of Bologna; statue of “ St. Francis de Sales,” for St. Peter’s, at Rome ; and a colossal “St. Michael,” for the late Mr. Gardner Brewer, of Boston. Died, 1870. Extreme outside measurement of above figure, including elaborate Italian marble pedestal, 95 x 36 inches. *925 “THE BATHER.” Life size figure, by Antonio Tantardini .Milan Resides at Milan, is one of the first sculptors of the Lombard School. Medals at London, Berlin, Oporto, and Vienna. The above figure has large Italian marble pedestal. Extreme outside measurement of both, 85 x 42 inches. SCULPTURE 181 *926 “FLORA.” Original statue, by Thomas Crawford (deceased).Rome Born in New York, March 22, 1813 ; died in London, October 16, 1857. He began his profession in the marble-yard of Launitz, then went to Rome, where he was encouraged by Thorwaldsen, and produced his first important work, the “Orpheus,” now in Boston. A statue of Beethoven, the gift of the late C. C. Perkins, belongs to the Music Hall Association in the same city, and his statue of James Otis is in the chapel of the Mt. Auburn Cemetery. Craw¬ ford’s principal work is at Washington, where he executed a num¬ ber of bas-reliefs for the Capitol, and the statue of Liberty which crowns the dome of that building. Extreme outside measurement of statue and elaborate Italian marble pedestal, no x 42 inches. *927 “ ZENOBIA IN CHAINS.” Colossal statue, by Harriet Hosmer .Rome Born at Watertown, Mass., Oct. 3, 1831. Miss Hosmer early showed a talent for modeling, and determined to devote herself to sculp¬ ture as a profession. She entered the studio of one Stevenson, in Boston, as a pupil, and afterward studied anatomy in St. Louis. She returned from St. Louis, bringing with her a bust of Napoleon, copied from that of Canova, together with an ideal creation, “ The Morning Star,” and in 1852 left America for Italy. In Rome she studied with Gibson, and soon made a reputation through her work : a marble statue of “ CEnone ” (1855) ; a sleeping “ Beatrice Cenci ” (1857); the often repeated “Puck,” seated upon a mushroom; the colossal statue of “ Zenobia in Chains ; ” the statue of Thomas Benton, and, in 1865, the statue of a “ Sleeping Faun,” which re¬ ceived a medal at the Dublin Exposition of that year. Extreme outside measurement of above statue and low pedes¬ tal, 105 x 40 inches. *928 “DEMOSTHENES.” Colossal statue, by Thomas Crawford (deceased).Rome (See biographical note to No. 926.) The above statue has sculptured marble pedestal. Extreme outside measurement of all, 100 x 40 inches. THE STEWART COLLECTION 182 ART FURNITURE, GRAND HALL CLOCK, AND MISCELLANEOUS OBJECTS. 929 Bric-A-Brac Table, burnished brass, repoussJ top, two circular shape shelves beneath. 930 - Another, similar design, silver and gold gilt finish. 931 Pedestal Table, walnut and burnished brass, tall slender form. 932 Fancy Table, bronze and gold gilt, oriental design, Mexican onyx top, and two beveled plate glass shelves. 933 Pedestal, carved cherry, ebonized, and inlaid with brass, onyx top, inclosure and two shelves beneath. 934 Bouquet Table, carved and gold gilt ornamentation, California marble top. 935 Ebonized Work Table, buhl inlaid, and ormolu mountings and ornaments. 936 Bric-A-Brac Table, irregular shape, polished rosewood, with brass ornaments and ball feet. 937 Small Table, polished brass, plush top. 938 -Another, similar design, square shape top, covered with blue plush. 939 Carved Rosewood Table, bamboo design, shelf beneath. 940 Fancy Table, upholstered in old gold and blue plush, gilt or¬ naments. 941 Toilet Table, marquetry panels and ormolu mountings. 942 Bric-A-Brac Table, Japanese design, red and black lacquer, with gilt ornamentation, two shelves beneath. 943 Card Table, folding top, rosewood, inlaid with ivory, gold gilt bronze ornaments. /VO, 72-7 . )^t^J ART FURNITURE, GRAND CLOCK, ETC. 183 944 Center Table, French walnut, fine marquetry top and panels, finely wrought ormolu ornamentation. Height and length, 30 x 42 inches. 945 Small Fancy Table, gold gilt bronze, with mahogany top and shelf. 946 Bric-A-Brac Table, polished mahogany, square shape top in¬ laid with brass and mother of pearl, irregular shape shelves beneath, burnished brass feet. 947 Fancy Table, mahogany, with gold bronze mountings, circular shape top and shelf. 948 Escritoire, fine buhl inlaid, ormolu ornamentation, tortoise¬ shell panels. 949 Center Table, richly carved wood, gold gilt, Mexican onyx top, inlaid. Height and diameter, 30 x 44 inches. 950 Fancy Bric-A-Brac Table, carved and polished mahogany, bamboo design, shelf beneath. 951 Pedestal Table, finely carved and polished rosewood, square shape top, with twisted legs, polished brass claw feet. 952 Pair French Pedestals, tall straight forms, ebony finish, tortoise-shell panels inlaid with brass, richly ornamented in relief with ormolu. Height and diameter, 54 x 19 inches. 2 pieces 953 Large Center Table, oblong shape, carved rosewood, gilt ornamentation, very fine marquetry top and panel beneath. Height and length, 33 x 47 inches. 954 Parlor Cabinet, of inlaid woods, ormolu mountings and decorated Sevres porcelain medallion, Italian marble top. Outside measurement, 44 x 35 x 17 inches. 955 Another, to match, same size. THE STEWART COLLECTION 184 956 Mantel Clock, by Barbier, Paris, rich ormolu case, strikes hours and half-hours, carved and gold gilt plinths. 957 Large Mantel Clock, French movement, strikes hours and half-hours, polished onyx case, gold gilt bronze mountings and ornaments, figure surmounting top holding pendulum. 958 Bric-A-Brac Table, carved and polished mahogany, square shape top, with irregular shelves beneath, burnished brass ball feet. 959 Easel, carved wood, gold gilt, bamboo design, decorated porcelain panel inlaid. 960 Small Easel, bamboo design, gold gilt. 961 Ebonized Easel, carved and gold gilt ornamentation. 962 Easel, black walnut, gilt ornamentation. 963 Large Oval Pedestal, rosewood, finely carved, and gold gilt ornamentation, Egyptian marble top. Outside measure¬ ment, 42 x 35 inches. 964 Large Console Table, finely carved rosewood, with gilt orna¬ mentation, bronze medallions, and ormolu mountings, Egyp¬ tian marble top. Outside measurement, 60 x 60 x 24 inches. 965 -Another, companion to the above. 966 Screen, three fold, high form, finely carved ebonized frame of open-work design, panels of Japanese silk embroidery, storks and floral designs in natural colors on black satin. 967 -Another, three fold, low form, carved, ebonized, and gilt frame, Chinese needle-work panels, birds, flowers, and other designs, in brilliant colors on black satin. 968 Ladies’ Secretary, polished mahogany, with brass ornaments and mountings, shelf on top and mirror back. ~J'^£r t rV'lOLS i JL. . /V® > ART FURNITURE, GRAND CLOCK, ETC. 185 969 Pair Teak-wood Pedestal Tables, tall straight forms, finely carved India marble top, inlaid. Height and diameter, 37 x 16 inches. 2 pieces 970 Fancy Table, carved and polished mahogany shelf beneath, polished brass spindle and ball feet. 971 Toilet Table, rosewood inlaid with brass, ormolu mountings and ornaments. 972 Mantel Clock, by Brown & Spaulding, New York, fine French movement, strikes hours and half-hours, carved onyx case, with ormolu mountings, bronze group surmounting top. 973 Pair Candelabra, four lights each, ormolu with bronze sup¬ port. Italian marble plinths. 2 pieces 974 Pedestal Table, finely carved teak-wood, decorated Nankin porcelain top, shelf beneath. Height and diameter, 32 x 16 inches. 975 - Another, same shape and design as the above, India marble top, inlaid. 976 Ebonized Easel, carved and gold gilt ornamentation. 977 Mantel Clock, by Brown & Spaulding, New York, French movement, strikes hours and half-hours, black marble and bronze case, fine bronze group surmounting top. 978 Mantel Clock, by Brown & Spaulding, French movement, strikes hours and half-hours, black marble and bronze case. 979 Large Pedestal, oval top, rosewood, finely carved and gold gilt ornamentation, Egyptian marble top. Outside meas¬ urement, 42 x 35 inches. 980 Console Table, finely carved rosewood, gilt ornamentation, Egyptian marble top, inlaid. Outside measurement, 60 x 60 x 24 inches. 981 -Another, to match. 24 THE STEWART COLLECTION 186 982 Antique Hall Clock, movement by A. Willard, Jr., Boston, fine carved mahogany and inlaid case, with brass ornaments. 983 Pair Ormolu Candelabra, tall forms, for six lights each, finely wrought, Roman design. Height and diameter, 35x11 inches. 984 Pair Elaborate Pedestals, for the above, carved rosewood, with gilt ornamentation. Height and diameter, 48 x 20 inches. 2 pieces 985 Parlor Cabinet, carved rosewood, with gilt and marquetry ornamentation, bronze medallion, and gold gilt ornaments, black marble top, inlaid. Outside measurement, 47 x 40 x 18 inches. 986 - Another, to match. 987 Center Table, made to order from original designs, by Pottier & Stymus, carved rosewood, with Mexican onyx top, finely wrought ormolu bronze mountings, ornaments, and panels. Outside measurement, 31 x 55 x 38 inches. 988 Elaborate Mantel Set, French movement clock, strikes hours and half-hours, with bronze case and figures in relief, ormolu and onyx plinth, pair of tazzas to match as side pieces. 3 pieces 989 - Another, finely wrought ormolu case, representation of Nocre Dame, Paris, fine movement, strikes hours and half- hours ; pair of six light candelabra to match. 3 pieces 990 Parlor Table, tall round form, upholstered in maroon plush, with gold gilt ornaments, top of onyx, with artistic repouss£ chased rim. Height and diameter, 37 x 24 inches. 991 - Another, similar shape but smaller, very fine repouss / chased top, bacchanalian and classical subjects in medallions, has extra cover. Height and diameter, 37 x 22 inches. ART FURNITURE, GRAND CLOCK, ETC. 187 992 Magnificent Center Table, oval shape, by Pottier & Sty- mus, carved rosewood, marquetry and gilt ornamentation, top of onyx with Carrara marble rim, artistically carved classical subjects in low relief, ormolu, gold, and silver gilt mountings and ornaments. Outside measurement, 30 x 54 x 36 inches. 993 - Another, as fine, artistically carved and gold gilt frame with hand-decorated panels, Mexican onyx top, with ormolu rim. Outside measurement, 31 x 55 x 34 inches. 994 Parlor Table, tall form, finely wrought ormolu, with Cupid support and mosaic marble top, and repoussd chased rim, classical subjects in medallions. Height and diameter, 38 x 20 inches. 995 Large Music Cabinet, carved rosewood, with gold gilt and marquetry ornamentation, repousse bronze panel in door, ormolu mountings and ornaments. Outside measurement, 72 x 62 x 22 inches. 996 Large Center T able, carved rosewood and gilt, marquetry top, with repoussk bronze rim, decorated porcelain medallions and ormolu mountings. Outside measurement, 31 x 51 x 34 inches. 997 Grand Hall Clock, made to order by Eugene Cornu, move¬ ment by E. Farcot, has calendar, astronomical, thermometer, barometer, and other attachments, elaborate carved Sienna marble case, with finely wrought bronze figure, by Carrier, surmounting, holding pendulum. Extreme outside measure¬ ment, n}x 3 feet. A* The above will be sold, deliverable from the Stewart Mansion, where the clock can be seen. For permits apply to American Art Association Managers. 998 Pair Elaborate Gas Standards, five lights each, ormolu and rose antique marble pedestals, with sculptured dove, marble vases, artistically wrought ormolu mountings and ornaments, made to order by E. Cornu, Paris. 2 pieces 999 - Another Pair, to match. 188 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 IOI I Large Library Table, carved rosewood, with gilt and mar¬ quetry ornamentation, crimson cloth top. Outside measure¬ ment, 30 x 75 x 39 inches. Library Table, carved French walnut, ebonized trimmings, crimson cloth top. Outside measurement, 32 x 70 x 36 inches. - Another, match to above. Easel, carved walnut, gold gilt and ebonized ornamentation, bronze medallions. - Another, to match. - Another, to match. - Another, to match. - Another, cherry, ebonized, carved and gilt ornamenta¬ tion. - Another, carved and ebonized, gilt ornamentation. I - Another, to match. - Another, to match. - Another, elaborate design, for two large pictures, hard wood, ebonized and finely carved. -/vo.^l-' LIBRARY SALE TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 29. AT 8 O’CLOCK. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. LIBRARY. 1014 Abbadie (J.). Chemical Change in the Eucharist. Small 4to, vellum. London 1015 A’Beckett (Gilbert A.). Comic History of England. 20 colored etchings and 200 woodcuts by John Leech. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, half morocco extra. London, n. d. 1016 A’Beckett. Comic History of Rome. 10 colored etchings and 98 woodcuts by John Leech. 8vo, half morocco extra. London, n. d. 1017 yEsop. Fables, with Stephens’ Cartoons. 56 illustrations Jrom designs by Henry L. Stephens. Beautifully printed on heavy sized and calendered paper. Royal 4to, cloth, gilt edges. New York, 1868 Mr. Stephens has no superior in the peculiar style of illustration which is most effective in bringing out the spirit of ^Esop’s Fables, and in this volume he has given us fifty-six full-page cartoons, brim¬ ming with droll humor, reciting the Fables over again, and en¬ forcing their morals just as effectively as was done by the words of /Esop himself. 1018 Aitken (Cora Kennedy). Sonnets, Songs, and Stories. i2mo, cloth. London, 1875 1019 A Kempis. L’Imitation de Jesus Christ. IV Livres de l’lmitation de Jesus Christ, Qu’aucuns attribuent a Jeffen, d’autres a Gerson, et d’autres a Thomas a Kempis, fidele- 192 THE STEWART COLLECTION ment traduits (. Marillac ), 1626. Most beautifully printed in antique characters, each and every page ornamented with an illuminated border in colors, of the most elaborate descrip¬ tion (each page of a different design), including numerous beautiful miniatures, vignettes, and initial letters. The Ap¬ pendix also illustrated with photographic portraits of the supposed authors, and several hundred woodcuts, including the Dance of Death. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, morocco extra, gilt and red edges. Paris, Curner , 1856 1020 Album de l’Exposition, 1878. Profusely illustrated. Royal folio, half morocco. Paris, 1878 1021 Allibone (S. A.). Critical Dictionary of English Lit¬ erature, and British and American authors, living and de¬ ceased, down to the latter half of the XIXth century, contain¬ ing over 46,000 articles, and 40 indexes. 3 vols. imperial 8vo, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1871 This elaborate work is, without exception, the most complete and reliable of its kind that has yet appeared in the English or any other language. It comprises a Dictionary of English and Amer¬ ican authors, with, in most cases, a succinct biography of each ; a complete list of their works, with the dates of issue of all the different editions ; extracts from the opinions of competent critics ; copious Indexes by which the student may ascertain what authors have written upon the particular subjects in which he is interested. 1022 Alpenflanzen, Die. Nach der natur gemalt von Jos. Seboth. Thick i2mo, morocco. Prag, 1879 1023 Ancient Ballad Poetry of Great Britain. Edited by J. S. Moore. 8vo, red morocco, extra. London, i860 1024 Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland. By the Four Masters [Four Franciscan Friars], from the earliest period to the year 1616. Edited, with a translation and copious notes, by J. O’Donovan. 7 vols. 4to, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Dublin, 1851 The original Irish text, with a complete translation. LIBRARY x 93 1025 Appleton’s Journal. From vol. 1 (April, 1869) to vol. 4 (Dec., 1870). Numerous Illustrations. 4 vols. 4to, cloth. New York, 1869-70 1026 Arabian Nights’ Entertainments. Translated by E. W. Lane. New edition, edited by his nephew. With 600 wood- cuts by William Harvey. 3 vols. 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1865 “ Mr. Lane’s version is, beyond all doubt, a most valuable, praise¬ worthy, painstaking, learned, and delightful work .”—London and Westminster Review. 1027 Arnim (F. v.). Villa von Arnim bei Sans Souci. 9 col¬ ored plates. Folio, boards. Berlin, 1865 1028 Artistic Houses. Being a series of interior views of the most beautiful and celebrated homes in the United States, with a description of the art treasures contained therein. Over 200 fine photographs. 4 vols. imperial folio, in a velvet case. New York, 1883-84 Only 500 copies printed. 1029 Art Journal. Complete from its commencement, 1849 to 1870, inclusive, with the Art Union Illustrated Cata¬ logues of the Great Exhibitions of 1851, ’53, ’55, ’62, and ’67. Several thousand exquisitely beautiful engravings and wood- cuts. 22 vols. royal 4to, new half morocco, gilt leaves. London,1849-70 This exceedingly beautiful and interesting work is very difficult to procure complete as the above. It comprises the most extensive illustrations of the modern British school of painting and sculp¬ ture, and other fine arts, ever published. 1030 Art Journal. A continuation of the above, from 1875 to 1879. With all the steel and wood engravings. 5 vols. royal 4to, brown morocco antique, gilt edges. 1031 Art Treasures of America. Being the choicest works of art in the public and private collections of North America. 25 i 9 4 THE STEWART COLLECTION With 93 plates and many woodcut illustrations. Edited by Edward Strahan [Earl Shinn, dec’d]. 12 large portfolios. Philadelphia, 1879 Edition de Luxe, with proof impressions of the plates. 1032 Art Union Prize Annual for 1848. With a large number of mezzotint engravings. Royal 4to, half morocco. London, 1848 1033 Astor (Wm. W.). Valentino. 121110, cloth. New York, 1885 1034 Audsley and Bowes. Keramic Art of Japan. New edi¬ tion, imperial 8vo, cloth extra, gilt leaves. London, 1881 This edition is in a condensed and more compact form than the original one in two volumes, folio, but the plates are executed with equal beauty and high finish. It contains upwards of thirty chromo-lithographs, autotypes, and photo-lithographs; and a greater number than before of marks and monograms are included in the text. 1035 Audubon. The Birds of America. From Original Draw¬ ings by John James Audubon. 4 vols. elephant folio, and letterpress in 5 vols. imperial 8vo ; together, 9 vols. half morocco. London, Published by the Author , 1827-30 A remarkably large and fine copy of the grand original edition of the grandest work on ornithology ever published. Every figure is of the full natural size, beautifully and accurately drawn, with all the spirit of life. The coloring of the plumage and the exact drawing of the birds can scarcely be surpassed ; the birds are represented in action amid the scenes, or on the plants and trees most common to their habits, presenting a variety of land and marine views, and of floral and other productions of different climates and seasons. Its great dimensions have permitted eagles and other birds of the largest size to be represented in their natural size, and also in groups. The letterpress which accompanies the work was a separate publication, and is unusually scarce. 1036 Audubon and Backman. The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America. By John James Audubon and the Rev. LIBRARY 195 James Backman. The plates in 3 vols. elephant folio, half morocco. The letterpress 3 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth. New York, J. J. Audubon, 1845-48 The plates are each 22 x 28 inches. This is the first and best edition, and with the preceding lot forms a complete set of these magnifi¬ cent works. 1037 Audubon (J. J.). Life of. Edited by his widow. Portrait. i2mo, cloth. (2 copies.) New York, 1869 1038 Bancroft (George). History of the United States, from the discovery of the American Continent. Portraits on India Paper. 8 vols. imperial 8vo, half russia, gilt tops, uncut edges. Boston, 1851-61 Very Scarce. Large Paper. Fifty copies printed, two of which were destroyed by the fire at C. B, Richardson’s store, in New York, September, 1864. 1039 Baird (C. W.). History of Rye, Westchester County, New York, 1660-1870, etc. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1871 1040 [Barham], Ingoldsby Legends ; or, Mirth and Marvels, by Thomas Ingoldsby (Rev. R. H. Barham). Edited, with Notes, introductory and illustrative. Elegantly printed, with frontispiece and the celebrated series of plates by Cruikshank and Leech. 2 vols. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, Bentley, 1870 Library Edition. “ For originality of design and diction, for quaint illustration and musical verse, they are not surpassed in the Eng¬ lish language. . . . From the days of ILudibras to our time, the drollery invested in rhymes has never been so amply or felici¬ tously exemplified.” 1041 Barnard (F. A. P.). The Metric System of Weights and Measures. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1872 1042 Baronial Halls and Ancient Picturesque Edifices of England. 71 finely colored lithotints, reproduced in facsimile from the original drawings by Harding, Cattermole, Prout, Muller, Holland, Fairholt, Allom, and others j with descrip- 196 THE STEWART COLLECTION tions by S. C. Hall. Also numerous fine wood engravings of archways, porches, windows, fireplaces, ceilings, cornices, furniture, etc. 2 vols. royal 4to, red morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1858 1043 Barrett (Walter). The Old Merchants of New York City. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1863 Presentation copy. 1044 Baxter. Matho ; or, the Cosmotheoria Puerilis. 2 vols. post 8vo, calf. Dublin, 1754 1045 Becker (Prof. W. A.). Charicles ; or, Illustrations of the Private Life of the Ancient Greeks. With Notes, etc. Translated by the Rev. F. Metcalf. Crown 8vo, half mo¬ rocco. London, 1854 1046 Becker. Gallus ; or, Roman Scenes of the Time of Augus¬ tus. With Notes, etc. Translated by the Rev. F. Metcalf. Crown 8vo, half morocco. London, 1849 1047 Beechey (Capt. W. F.). Voyage to the Pacific and Behr¬ ing’s Straits, to co-operate with the Polar Expeditions, in 1825-1828. Map and numerous plates by Finden. 2 vols. 4to, half russia. London, 1831 1048 Belmont. Letters and Speeches of the Late Civil War. By August Belmont. Royal 8vo. Privately printed. New York, 1870 Presentation copy, with author’s autograph. 1049 Bentham (Jeremy). Complete Works, with his Memoirs and Correspondence, edited by Sir J. Bowring. 11 vols. 8vo, white vellum extra. Edinburgh, 1843 “ In Jeremy Bentham [says a great critic] the world has lost the great teacher and patriot of his time ; the man who has exercised and is exercising over the fortunes of mankind the widest and most durable influence.” “A knowledge of Bentham’s works [says another] is a key which unlocks all the mysteries of social and political government.” Sir James Mackintosh, Lord Jeffrey, LIBRARY 197 Lord Brougham, Mr. Mill, and other great authorities, are equally emphatic in their appreciation of his labors. “ Dr. Parr considered Bentham as the wisest man of his time, whose powerful mind had anticipated the improvements of coming ages.”—Field’s Life of Parr. 1050 Beranger (P. J. de). CEuvres Completes, avec un Appen- dice et des Notes. Portraits, 80 woodcuts and 75 engravings on steel. 5 vols. royal 8vo, Spanish calf extra, gilt edges. Paris, 1869 Comprises: Les Chansons, 2 vols.; La Musique des Chansons ; Les Demieres Chansons, de 1834 a 1851 ; and Ma Biographie. 1051 Bible. Old and New Testaments. Notes by Scott. Steel plates. 2 vols. 4to, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, n. d. 1052 Bigelow (John). France and Hereditary Monarchy. 8vo, cloth. London, 1871 1053 Billings’ Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland. Upwards of 240 beautifully executed and highly interesting engravings of ancient castles, abbeys, churches, etc., besides numerous woodcuts, with descriptive letterpress. 4 vols. 4to, morocco extra, gilt edges. Edinburgh, 1852 The finest series of architectural plates yet published. “ This is a collection of the remains yet spared to Scotland. Mr. Billings is a masterly draughtsman, well skilled in the history and characteristics of architectural style, and uniting scrupulous fidelity to good taste. His engravers do him justice.”— Quarterly Review. 1054 Blackstone (Sir W.). Commentaries on the Laws of England. Portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1793 1055 Blackwood. Tales from. 12 vols. in 6, post 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Edinburgh, n. d. Contains contributions by Aytoun, Lockhart, Mudford, Maginn, Macnish, Galt, Hogg, etc. 1056 Blair (Hugh). Sermons. 4 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1798 1057 Blake (William). Illustrations of the Book of Job. With Descriptions and Life, by Charles Eliot Norton. Folio, cloth. Boston, 1875 198 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 Block Island Epitaphs. By E. D. Harris. 8vo, cloth. Cambridge, 1883 Presentation copy from the author. Book of British Ballads. Comprising all the most cele¬ brated ancient ballads, songs, etc. Edited by S. C. Hall. Every page richly embellished with very beautiful engravings. Both series. 2 vols. in 1, royal 8vo, red morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1849 It is scarcely possible to imagine a more attractive volume. The dec¬ orations are of the very highest class, from designs by Creswick, Gilbert, Franklin, Corbould, etc. Book of British Ballads. Edited by S. C. Hall. Profusely illustrated. Royal 8vo, boards. London, 1842 Book of the Boudoir ; or Court of Queen Victoria. 12 steel Portraits of Beauties. Folio, morocco. London, 1842 Book of Common Prayer and Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church. 2 vols. red cloth. New York Book of Common Prayer. Plates. 8vo, limp morocco. New York, 1856 Book of Praise, from the best English hymn-writers. Selected and arranged by Roundell Palmer. 8vo, red morocco, gilt London, Macmillan , 1864 Boswell (H.). Antiquities of England and Wales. Nu¬ merous copperplate engravings. Folio, calf. London, 1785 Bradford (W.). The Arctic Regions. Illustrated by 125 fine photographs taken on an Art Expedition to Greenland. Atlas folio, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1873 Brande and Cox. Dictionary of Science, Literature, and Art. 3 vols. 8vo, half russia. London, Longmans , 1867 LIBRARY 199 1068 Brantome (P. de B.). 8vo, calf, gilt. GEuvres Completes. 2 vols. royal Paris, 1838 1069 Brewer (E. Cobham). Thick 8vo, half calf. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. Philadelphia 1070 Bridgewater Treatises. A complete set of these highly valuable works, on the Power, Wisdom, and Goodness of God, as manifested in the Creation. With the Ninth Treatise, by Babbage. Numerous illustrations. 13 vols. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, Pickering, 1833 This valuable series comprises : Chalmers, on the Moral and Intel¬ lectual Condition of Man, 2 vols. Kidd, on the Physical Con¬ dition of Man. Roget’s Animal and Vegetable Physiology, 2 vols. Buckland’s Geology and Mineralogy, 2 vols. Kirby’s History of Animals, 2 vols. Prout’s Chemistry. Bell, on the Hand. Whe- well’s Astronomy, etc. 1071 Brockedon (W.). Passes of the Alps. 109 beautiful en¬ gravings, including maps of each pass, and map of the Alps , with historical and descriptive letterpress. 2 vols. 4to, half red morocco, gilt edges. London, n. d. 1072 Bronte (Misses). Life and Works. 7 vols. post 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1871 Includes : Jane Eyre, Shirley, Professor, Wuthering Heights, Villette, Agnes Grey, Tenant of Wildfell Hall, and Life. 1073 Brougham (Lord). Political Philosophy. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1844 Comprises: Principles of Government, Monarchical Government, Aris¬ tocracy and Aristocratic Governments, Democracy, and Mixed Monarchy. 1074 Browne (J. H.). The Great Metropolis. A Mirror of New York. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1869 1075 Bryant. Poems. Illustrated by E. Leutze. 8vo, calf, gilt. Philadelphia 200 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1076 Bulwer (Sir E. L.). Novels. 41 vols. post 8vo, tree calf, extra gilt. Edinburgh, 1859 Blackwood’s elegant Library Edition, now very scarce. 1077 Bunyan (John). Pilgrim’s Progress. Portrait and Plates. 8vo, calf, gilt. ' New York, 1828 1078 Burke (John B.). • Royal Families of England, Scotland, and Wales, with their Descendants, as well Sovereigns as Subjects. Portrait , etc. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1851 1079 Burke (J. and J. B.). Encyclopaedia of Heraldry ; or, General Armory of England, Scotland, and Ireland. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1851 1080 Burke. Roll of Battle Abbey. Annotated with nwnerous engravings of arms. Square post 8vo, cloth. London, 1848 Gives the rolls of arms according to the first authorities, with anno¬ tations descriptive of the various families descended from the Normans. 1081 Burke. Hibernia Dominicana sive Historia Provincise Hibernise, etc. Per P. Thornam de Burgo. 4to, old calf. Ex Typographia Matternichiana , 1762 1082 Burns. The Complete Works of. Portrait and numerous illustrations by Bartlett , Allom, and others. With Life and notices by Allan Cunningham. Royal 8vo, morocco. London 1083 Butler (Bishop). Analogy of Religion, Natural and Revealed, to the Constitution and Course of Nature, with Analytical Index by E. Steere. 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1857 1084 Butler (S.). Hudibras. With woodcuts and the 60 portraits by Cooper. 2 vols. crown 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1847 Containing portraits of Bishop Bonner, Albertus Magnus, Van Hel- mont, Davenant, Burton, George Wither, Behmen, Prester John, William Lilly, Jerome Cardan, St. Dunstan, Paracelsus, John Dee, Roger Bacon, Charles II., etc. LIBRARY 201 1085 Byron (Lord). Childe Harold, with the Notes. Printed on thick paper, with 62 exquisite illustrations on steel by Fin- den. Royal 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1841 Murray’s Illustrated Edition. 1086 Cabinet of Poetry and Romance, with poetical illustrations by Chas. Swain. 4to, boards (loose). London, 1845 1087 Camlan (Jorouva). Lays from the Cimbric Lyre. i2mo, half red morocco, uncut, gilt top. London, Pickering , 1846 From the Library of W. L. Andrews, Esq., with his book plate. 1088 Capen (N.). History of Democracy. Portraits. Royal 8vo, cloth. 1874 1089 Cappi (Giulio). I Giardini. Illustrated. 8vo, morocco, gilt. Milano, 1869 1090 Cappi (Giulio). L’Orto et il Frutteto. Illustrated. 8vo, morocco, gilt. Milano, 1869 Dedicated to Mr. Alex. Stewart. 1091 Carleton (W.). Traits and Stories of the Irish Peas¬ antry. New edition, with Autobiographical Introduction and Explanatory Notes, embellished with numerous spirited etchings and woodcuts. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1843 “ Admirably, truly, intensely Irish ; never was the outrageous whim¬ sicalities of that strange, wild, imaginative people so characteris¬ tically described. ”— Blackwood. 1092 Carte. Life of James, Duke of Ormonde, from 1610 to 1688, with the valuable collection of Letters written by Charles I. and II. 6 vols. 8vo, paneled calf extra. Oxford, 1851 Best edition. By far the best account of the Irish Rebellion extant. 26 202 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1093 Carter (C. B.). Ancient Painted Glass in Winchester Cathedral. A series of 28 colored illustrations in facsimile , traced from the windows. 4to, half morocco. London, 1845 Speaking of the east window of the choir, Winston says : “In point of execution it is as nearly perfect as painted glass can be. . . . It was at this period that glass painting attained its highest per¬ fection as an art.” 1094 Catlin (George). North American Indian Portfolio. Hunting Scenes and Amusements of the Rocky Mountains and Prairies of America. From drawings and notes of the author, made during eight years’ travel amongst forty-eight of the wildest and most remote tribes of savages in North America. 31 plates (being 6 more than are usually found in a set), all mounted on card-board , and colored in imitation of the original drawings. Imperial folio, half morocco. London, George Catlin , n. d. These beautiful views of scenes in Indian life are probably the most truthful ever presented to the public. Their great size (24 x 20 inches) allows the figures to be distinct and lifelike ; no one was ever better fitted by experience and facility of power to secure upon the canvas all that would interest us in aboriginal life. 1095 Catlin (George). Illustrations of the Manners, Cus¬ toms, and Condition of the North American Indians. Upward of 360 colored engravings , from the original draw¬ ings by the author. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, half red morocco, gilt edges. London, 1866 1096 Catlin. Notes of Travels in Europe, with his Indian Collection. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1848 1097 Cervantes. Don Quixote de la Ma'nche. Traduit et annote par Louis Viardot. Vignettes de Tony Johannot. 2 vols. royal 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. Paris, 1850 1098 Chambers (R.). Domestic Annals of Scotland, from the Reformation to the Rebellion of 1745. 3 vols. 8vo, calf extra. London, n. d. LIBRARY 203 1099 Chambers (W. and R.). Encyclopaedia. A Dictionary of Universal Knowledge. Profusely illustrated with woodcuts and many colored maps. 10 vols. royal 8vo, half red morocco extra, gilt edges. Edinburgh, i860 1100 Chicago Fire. An Expression of Gratitude for a Gift of Fifty Thousand Dollars from A. T. Stewart, Esq. On 4 vellum leaves, in gold and colors. 4to, red crushed levant morocco extra, by Smith. 1101 Cicero (M. T.). Cicero’s Cato Major, or, his Discourse of Old Age : with explanatory Notes. Translated by Judge James Logan. Rubricated title. 4to, levant morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford. Philadelphia, printed and sold by B. Franklin , MDCCXLIV. The finest production of Franklin’s press, and very rare. 1102 Cicero. Forsyth (W.). Life of Cicero. With numerous engravings on wood, , 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. London, 1869 1103 Clarke (Hewson). War of the French Revolution. Portraits and views. 3 vols. 4to, calf. London, 1816 1104 Clarke (Mary Cowden). World-Noted Women. 17 steel portraits. Imperial 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. New York, 1858 1105 Clemens (Samuel)—“Mark Twain.” Huckleberry Finn. Portrait and 174 illustrations. 4to, cloth, gilt. New York, 1885 1106 Cobden (Richard). Political Writings. 2 vols. Speeches on Questions of Public Policy. Edited by John Bright and J. S. Thorold Rogers. Portrait. 2 vols. Together, 4 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1868-70 1107 Cobden Club Essays. By Thorold Rogers and others. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1870-75 1108 Cobden Club Publications. 30 vols. post 8vo, unbound. 204 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1109 Collins (Mortimer). Secret of Long Life. 8vo, cloth. London, 1875 1110 Columbus. Life of. By J. J. Barry, M. D. Portrait. 8vo, half calf. Boston, 1869 1111 Cooper (J. F.). Novels. With the beautiful frontispieces and vignettes by F. O. C. Farley. 32 vols. nmo, calf extra. New York, Townsend, 1859, etc. The scarce best edition. 1112 Cooper (Thomas). Men of the Time. Thick 8vo, cloth. London, 1875 1113 Costume. Modes et Costumes Historiques. Dessines et graves par Pauquet Freres, d’apres les meilleurs maitres de chaque £poque et les documents les plus authentiques. An extensive series of full-length figures, beautifully engraved and tastefully colored, on 96 plates, representing the various French costumes for the last seven centuries to the present time. 4to, morocco, gilt edges. Paris, n. d. 1114 Costume. Another copy, with the text in English. 4to, morocco, gilt. London, n. d. 1115 Costume. Phantasie. Von L. Bechstein. 16 colored cos¬ tume plates. 4to, boards. Mtinchen 1116 Cricket Field, The. Two parts. i6mo, half calf. London, 1851 1117 Crittenden (J. J.). Life, Correspondence, and Speeches. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1871 1118 Cruikshank at Home. A new family album of endless en¬ tertainment, with numerous spirited wood engravings by R. Cruikshank. 4 vols. foolscap 8vo, in 2, gilt cloth. London, 1845 1119 Curwen (Sam’l). Journal and Letters. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1842 LIBRARY 205 xi 20 Cuvier’s Animal Kingdom, arranged after its organization. Translated and enlarged by Carpenter and Westwood, with upward of 300 colored and other engravings. Imperial 8vo, calf extra, marbled edges. London, 1849 1121 Daniell and Ayton. Picturesque Voyage Round Great Britain. With upward of 300 fine plates illustrative of the character and prominent features of the coast. Beautifully colored in the style of drawings. 8 vols. folio, in 4, half morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1814-26 1122 Daniell (T. and W.). Oriental Scenery and Antiquities. Complete, with Descriptions. 150 fine engravings of the ar¬ chitecture , antiquities , and landscape scenery of Hindostan. 6 vols. elephant folio, in 3, half morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1799 The large, colored edition. 1123 Dante (Alighieri). Divine Comedy. Translated by H. W. Longfellow, and the New Life, by Norton. 4 vols. im¬ perial 8vo, calf extra. Boston, 1867-71 xi24 De Coumont. Abec£daire ou Rudiment d’Arch£ologie. 2d edition, 8vo, half morocco, uncut. Paris, 1858 1125 - Another Copy. 4th edition, half morocco. 1859 1126 - Another Copy. Half morocco. 1862 1127 Defoe. Life and Newly Discovered Writings of Daniel Defoe. Comprising several hundred important essays, pamphlets, and other writings, now first brought to light, after many years’ diligent search. By William Lee, Esq. With facsimiles and illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, sprinkled calf extra. London, 1869 “ The new list of Defoe’s writings, included by Mr. Lee in his first volume, may be pronounced by far the most exhaustive and trust¬ worthy that has been ever compiled .”—Saturday Review. 206 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1128 De la Croix (M.). Review of the Constitutions of the Principal States of Europe. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1792 1129 D’Orbigny. Dictionnaire Universel d’Histoire Natu- relle. With atlases of 288 very fine engravings, comprising upward of 1,200 accurately colored figures of all the most re¬ markable animals. 16 large vols. royal 8vo, half morocco, top edges gilt. Paris, 1849 D’Orbigny’s grand dictionary supersedes all preceding encyclopsedias of natural history, being the only one in which the recently adopted systems and classifications have been used. 1130 De Peyster (Frederick). William III. as a Reformer. An address before the New York Historical Society. Por¬ trait. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1874 Presentation copy. 1131 De Stael (Baroness). Principal Events of the French Revolution. Translated from the original manuscript. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1818 1132 Dickens (Charles). Works. Plates by “Phiz,” etc. 12 vols. 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. London, n. d. Includes Pickwick Papers, Bleak House, Little Dorrit, David Copper- field, Old Curiosity Shop and Barnaby Rudge, Dombey and Son, Martin Chuzzlewit, Nicholas Nickleby, Sketches by Boz, Oliver Twist and Tale of Two Cities, and Our Mutual Friend. 1133 Dickens. Bleak House, and Dombey and Son. Portrait and plates. 4 vols. nmo, half calf. New York, 1848-53 1134 Dickinson (Daniel D.). Speeches, Correspondence, etc. Portrait. 2 vols. royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1867 1135 Disraeli (Rt. Hon. Ben.). Novels and Tales. Lothair, Coningsby, Henrietta Temple, Vivian Grey, Tancred, Sybil, etc. 5 vols. thick post 8vo, half calf extra. London, [1866] LIBRARY 207 1136 Dodge (Wm. E.). Old New York. Portrait. Thin royal 8vo, cloth. New York, 1880 1137 Dore Gallery. Containing 250 beautiful engravings from the Bible, Milton, Dante, Don Quixote, La Fontaine, etc. With Memoir, by Edmund Ollier. Folio, red morocco extra. London 1138 Downey (Rev. Wm. Scott). Proverbs. Presentation copy. 8vo, cloth, gilt. New York, 1858 1x39 Draper (J. Wm.). History of the Intellectual Devel¬ opment of Europe. Thick 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1864 1140 Drawing-room Scrap-book for 1843. Plates. 4to, boards (loose). London, 1843 1141 Dublin. Photographs of. 4to, cloth, gilt. Dublin, 1867 1142 Dudley Observatory. Annals of. Portraits and plates. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Albany, 1866 1143 Dulwich Gallery. A series of 50 beautifully colored plates {mounted on card-boards'), from the most remarkable paintings in this superb collection, executed by R. Cockburn. Imperial folio, half morocco, portfolio. London 1144 Dupiney de Vorepierre. Dictionnaire Franqais Illus- tre, et Encyclopedie Universelle. Illustrated by over 20,000 figures. 4 vols. 4to, half morocco. Paris, 1864 1145 Ellis (Geo.). Specimens of the Early English Poets, with Biographies of each, and a Glossary. Illuminated title. 3 vols. post 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1845 1146 Erasmus. Adagiorum. Folio, old calf. Old French arms stamped on binding. Parisiis, 1623 1147 EstvAn (B., Colonel in Confederate Army). War Pictures. i2mo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1863 208 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1148 Etchings. Eighteen fine proof etchings on satin, after choice examples of Alma-Tadema, D6taille, Munkacsy, Henner, Knaus, Durer, Meyer, Rousseau, etc., etc. Atlas folio, morocco portfolio. 1x49 Etchings, etc. Catalogues of the Wilson, Laurent, Richard, Jacobson, Bosch, and other Collections. Numerous fine etchings and photographs. 13 vols. unbound. A valuable group. 1150 Evelyn (John). Life of Mrs. Godolphin. Portrait. Post 8vo, tree calf extra. London, 1864 1151 Farrini (L. C.). Roman States, from 1815 to 1850. Trans¬ lated by the Rt. Hon. W. Gladstone. 4 vols. 8vo, half mo¬ rocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, Murray, 1851 1152 Federalist (The). On the New Constitution. By Pub¬ lius, written in 1788, to which is added, Pacificas, or the Proclamation of Neutrality, written in 1793. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. New York, 1802 1153 Fcederalist : A Collection of Essays, written in favor of the New Constitution, as agreed upon by the Fcederal Con¬ vention, September 17, 1787. Reprinted from the original text, with an historical introduction and notes by H. B. Dawson. Portrait of Hamilton on India paper. Imperial 8vo, Vol. I. Morrisania, N. Y., 1864 Large paper ; only 250 copies printed. Half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Vol. II. is not yet published. 1154 Fergusson (Jas.). Illustrated Handbook of Archi¬ tecture. 850 illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. London, Murray , 1855 SALE WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAR. 30. BEGINNING AT 8 O’CLOCK. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. 1155 Ferguson (James). History of Architecture in all Countries, from the earliest times to the present day; also, History of the Modern Styles of Architecture. Upwards of 1,000 beautifully executed engravings on wood. 3 vols. thick 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1865 1156 Ferguson’s Astronomy. 2 vols. 8vo, calf, 4to vol. of maps, etc., 3 vols. Philadelphia, 1817 1157 Fielding (Henry). Works, with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Murphy, re-edited by James P. Browne, together with his Miscellanies and Poems. 10 vols. 8vo, polished calf extra, gilt edges. London, 1871 1158 Figuier (Louis). Les Races Humaines. With 8 chromo- lithographs and 334 beautiful engravings on wood, representing the principal types of the Human Family. Royal 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt edges. Paris, 1872 1159 Figuier: Le Savant du Foyer, ou notes, Scientifiques sur les objets usuels, de la vie. Illustrated. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1864 1160 Figuier: Vies des Savants. Illustrees du Moyen Age. With portraits and engravings. 8vo, half morocco, gilt edges. Paris, 1867 27 210 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1161 Finden’s Royal Gallery of British Art. 48 superb line engravings after Turner, Collins, Redgrave, Cooper, Linton , Landseer, Newton, Wilkie, ALaclise, Reynolds, Eastlake, etc. Atlas folio, half morocco, gilt edges. London, 1849 Proof copy, plates on India paper. 1162 Finden’s Tableaux. The iris of prose, poetry, etc. 24 steel plates. 2 vols. folio morocco. London, 1840-41 1163 Flammarion. L’Atmosphere. Description des Grandes Phenomenes de la Nature. Over 240 cuts and chromo-litho¬ graphs. Royal 8vo, morocco back. Paris, 1872 1164 Flaxman (John). Classical Compositions, illustrating Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey, SEschylus and Hesiod. 146 outline plates by Piroli, Moses, and Blake. 4 vols. folio, red morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1870 “ Flaxman’s unequaled compositions from Homer, Aischylus, and Hesiod have long been the admiration of Europe .”—Sir T. Lawrence. 1165 Fleetwood (Rev. John). Life of Christ. Lllustrated ,. 4to, old calf, gilt. 1166 Foster (John Y.). New Jersey and the Rebellion. Portrait. 8vo, half calf. New York, 1868 1167 Francatelli (C. E.). The Royal Confectioner. Art of ice-making, arrangements of desserts, etc. Numerous illus¬ trations. 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1866 1168 Franck (Wm.). Vius du Medoc. Numerous views of Cha¬ teaux, etc. 8vo, cloth. Bordeaux, 1868 1169 Franklin, Life of. Written by himself. Edited by John Bigelow. Fine portrait. 3 vols. small 8vo, half calf extra. Philadelphia, 1874 LIBRARY 21 I 1170 Froude (J. A.). History of England, from the Fall of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Armada. 12 vols. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1870 Best edition. 1171 Galerie des Femmes Celebres de l’Ancienne France. Par Lante et Gatine. 70 portraits. 4to, half morocco. Paris, n. d. 1172 Gandy (Joseph). Rural Architecture. Ground plans, designs, etc. 4to, half calf. London, 1806 1173 Gatty (Mrs. Alfred). British Seaweeds. 80 colored plates , containing 384 figures. Royal 8vo, cloth. London, 1863 1174 Gavarni. Masques et Visages. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth. Paris, 1868 1175 Gell and Gandy. Pompeiana. The topography, edifices, and ornaments of Pompeii, original series, containing the re¬ sult of the excavations previous to 1819; with upwards of 80 beautiful line engravings by Goodall, Cooke , Heath , Pye, etc. Royal 8vo, cloth gilt. London, 1852 “ I leave topography to classic Gell.”—Byron’s English Bards. 1176 Gems of British Art. With choice specimens of poetry, his¬ tory, and romance. Illustrated with 30 superb line engravings. 4to, morocco, gilt. New York, D. Appleton 6° Co., 1855 1177 -A New Edition. New York, D. Appleton &= Co., 1856 1178 Genin (Thomas Hedges), Selections from the Writings of. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1869 1179 Genlis (Madame de). Memoires Inedite sur le XVIII. Siecle, et la Revolution Franpaise, depuis 1785. Portrait. 8 vols. crown 8vo, half calf, gilt. Londres, 1825-26 212 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1180 GerSme. CEuvres de J. L. GeeOme. A series of 85 photo¬ graphs of his most famous paintings, both in the United States and Europe. Atlas folio, half morocco. Paris, n. d. 1181 Gibbon (E.). History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Portrait and maps. 12 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1791 1182 Goethe. Faust, a Tragedy. Translated in the original metres, by Bayard Taylor. 2 vols. royal 8vo, calf extra. Boston, 1872 1183 Goldsmith (Oliver). Complete Works. Library Edition. Edited by Peter Cunningham. Frontispiece. 4 vols. 8vo, calf extra. London, Murray , 1854 Best edition. 1184 Goldsmith (O.). History of the Earth and Animated Nature. 8 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. Dublin, 1777 1185 Goodrich (F. B.). The Tribute Book. A Record of the Munificence, Self-sacrifice, and Patriotism of the American People. Numerous illustrations in the first style of wood en¬ graving. 4to, morocco extra, gilt edges. New York, 1865 1186 Goodrich (S. G.). Illustrated Natural History of the Animal Kingdom. 1,500 engravings. 2 vols. royal 8vo, morocco antique, gilt edges. New York, 1859 1187 Gower (J.). Confessio Amantis. Edited and collated with the best MSS. by Dr. Pauli. Finely printed in large antique type by Whittingham. 3 vols. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1857 A beautiful edition of these famous old metrical tales which delighted the readers of the Middle Ages ; the first edition was printed by Caxton. 1188 Grant (U. S.). Personal Memoirs of. Portrait and plates. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf, gilt extra. New York, 1885 Presentation copy from Mrs. Grant. LIBRARY 213 1189 Gray (Thomas). Elegy written in a Country Church¬ yard. Illustrated by the Etching Club. 4to, boards (loose). London, 1847 1190 Gray (Thomas). Elegy written in a Country Church¬ yard. Eortrait on title, and 17 colored illustrations. 4to, morocco, gilt. London, 1869 1191 Greeley. The American Conflict ; a History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-64. Numer¬ ous steel portraits, maps, diagrams, views, etc. 2 vols. thick 8vo, half morocco antique. Hartford, 1865-67 1192 Greville (C. F.). A Journal of the Reigns of George IV. and William IV. Edited by Henry Reeve. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1874 1193 Grimm (Herman). Life of Michael Angelo. Translated by Fanny E. Bunnett. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1865 1194 Griswold (R. W.). Republican Court ; or, American So¬ ciety in the Days of Washington. With 21 fine steel por¬ traits of distinguished women. Imperial 8vo, morocco an¬ tique, gilt edges. New York, 1855 1195 Grose. Vulgar Dictionary. A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. By Francis Grose. Beautifully printed on toned paper. 8vo, half Roxburgh morocco, gilt top. London, 1867 A genuine unmutilated reprint of the much sought after first edi¬ tion of Captain Francis Grose’s “ Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue,” and contains words and explanations which in the later editions have been either omitted or softened. 1196 Gruner (L.). Specimens of Ornamental Art. Selected from the best models (Raphael, etc.). 80 large plates, splen¬ didly executed in gold and colors. Atlas folio, half morocco, gilt edges, and 4to vol. of text. London, 1853 214 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1197 Gueranger. Sainte Cecile, et la Soci6t6 Romaine aux deux Premieres Siecles. Par Dom Gueranger. Illustrated with 2 chromolithographs , 5 etchings , and 250 wood engravings. Imperial 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt edges. Paris, 1874 1198 Guizot (M.). History of the English Revolution, from the Accession of Charles I. Translated by Louise Coutier. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. Oxford, 1838 1199 Guizot. History of Oliver Cromwell and the English Commonwealth. 2 vols. uniform with above. London, 1854 1200 Guizot. History of Richard Cromwell and the Restora¬ tion of Charles II. 2 vols. 8vo, uniform with above. London, 1856 1201 Guizot. Memoires, pour Servir a l’Histoire de Mon Temps. 8 vols. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. Paris, 1858 1202 Guizot. Fine Arts, their Nature and Relations. Translated by Grove. With 17 beautiful engravings by Scharf, from pictures by Raphael , Carracci , etc. Square 8vo, red morocco, gilt edges. London, 1853 1203 Halleck (Fitz-Greene). Poetical Writings. Edited by James Grant Wilson. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1869 Presentation copy. 1204 Halleck (Fitz-Greene). Poetical Works. Illustrated with steel engravmgs. nmo, cloth, gilt. New York, 1847 1205 Halleck (Fitz-Greene). Life and Letters of. By James Grant Wilson. i2mo, cloth, uncut. New York, 1869 1206 Halpine (C. G.)— “ Miles O’Reilly.” Poetical Works. With Biographical Sketch. Portrait. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1869 LIBRARY 215 1207 Hamilton (Count). Memoirs of Count Grammont. With 64 fine portraits by Scriven. 2 vols. 8vo, calf extra. Very scarce. London, 1811 Contains portraits of Nell Gwyn, Duchess of Portsmouth, Jacob Hall, Killegrew, Earl of Feversham, Sir Stephen Fox, La Belle Jen¬ nings, Prince Rupert, Charles II., etc., etc. 1208 Hamilton. Schola Italica Picture. 38 large and beauti¬ ful engravings by Volpato,from famous pictures by the Italian masters. Atlas folio, half morocco. Romse, 1806 Contains some splendid pictures by Michael Angelo, Raphael, Titian, Carracci, Guido, Parmegiano, Domenichino, etc. 1209 Hangard-Mauge et Ciappori. Les Arts Somptuaires. Histoire du Costumes et de l’Ameublement et des Arts et des Industries qui s’y rattachent. Dessins par Clus Ciappori, Introduction Generate et Texte Explicatif, par Ch. Louandre. I?npressions en couleurs par Hangar d-Maugd. 2 vols. of text and 2 of plates. The plates in colors, and heightened with gold, silver , and bronze. 4 vols. in 3, 4to, half crimson morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Paris, 1857-58 The engravings in the above volumes, of which there are a great number, are of the most magnificent character. Copies of rare missals, in the gorgeous colors of the originals ; costumes of the Middle Ages, in which the brilliant tints are copied to perfection, etc., etc. Many of the designs are reproductions of old weapons, swords, daggers, lances, halberds, jewels, knives, candlesticks, cases, copies of old Byzantine works, portraits and paintings, crowns, coronets, furniture, armor, agricultural utensils, various sorts of cloths, and hundreds of other things relating to the civili¬ zation of the “ Dark Ages.” 1210 Harding (J. D.). Picturesque Selections. A collection of 30 beautiful landscapes, buildings, etc., drawn on stone, and printed in facsimile of the originals. Imperial folio, half morocco. London, 1861 1211 Hart (John S.). Female Prose Writers of America. With portraits. Royal 8vo, morocco, gilt. Philadelphia, 1852 2 l6 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1212 Hazlitt (W. C.). Venice. The History of the Rise, Great¬ ness, and Civilization of the Republic of Venice. Maps and portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, polished calf extra. London, i860 1213 Heber (Bishop Reginald). Life of. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1830 1214 Heber (Bishop). Hymns. Profusely illustrated. Small 4to, morocco, gilt. London, 1867 1215 Helps (Sir A.). Spanish Conquest in America, and its Re¬ lation to the history of Slavery, and to the Government of Colonies. With maps. 4 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra. London, 1855-61 1216 Herbert (G.). Works in Prose and Verse. Beautifully printed in large type by Whittingham, with portrait and view of Bemerton Church. 2 vols. 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1859 “ Having mentioned the name of Herbert, that model of a man, let me add that the quaintness of some of his thoughts—-not of his diction, than which nothing can be more pure, manly, and unaf¬ fected—has blinded modern readers to the great general merits of his poems, which are for the most part exquisite in their kind.”— S. T. Coleridge. 1217 Herculaneum et Pompeii. Recueil General des Peintures, Bronzes, Mosaiques, etc., d6couverts jusqu’a ce jour et re- produits d’apres tous les ouvrages publies jusqu’a present, avec un Texte explicatif de M. Barre, with 700 fine engrav¬ ings. 8 vols. imperial 8vo (including the Mus£e Secret), boards. Paris, Didot, 1840 Original edition, scarce. This is the most complete work on the dis¬ coveries at Herculaneum and Pompeii, exhibiting all the paint¬ ings, bronzes, miniatures, etc., hitherto published in rare or expensive works, with the addition of many others which have not previously appeared. 1218 Hilton’s Reports of Cases in the Court of Common Pleas, City and County of New York. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. New York, 1859 LIBRARY 217 1219 History of the War of 1812. 3d edition. Frontispiece. 8vo, old calf. New York, 1816 1220 - Another Copy. 1221 Hogarth. Works. From the original plates restored by James Heath, R. A., with the addition of subjects not before collected ; to which is prefixed a Biographical Essay and an Explanation of the Plates, by John Nichols. ir6 fine plates. Atlas folio, half red morocco extra, gilt leaves. London, Baldwin 6° Craddock , n. d. Includes the plates “Before” and “After,” and the snuff-box print, in a secret pocket. 1222 Hogarth’s Tableaux. Edited by Mrs. Alaric A. Watts. 94 engravings and numerous woodcuts from paintings by Stephan- off, Scanlan, Ward , Newton, Chalon, Stothard , Wilke, Howard, Corbould , Hayter, Collins, etc. 2 vols. in 1, folio, morocco. London, J. Hogarth 1223 Holy Gospels. The. Illustrated in forty original designs by Frederick Overbeck. 4to, morocco, gilt. New York, D. Appleton 6° Co., 1856 1224 Homer. Iliad, 2 vols.; Odyssey, 2 vols.; and Batracho- myomachia, Hymns, and Epigrams. Translated by George Chapman, with Introduction, etc., by R. Hooper. Frontis¬ pieces. 5 vols. square nmo, half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, Russell Smith, 1857-65 1225 Homer. Iliad and Odyssey. Translated into English blank verse by W. C. Bryant. 4 vols. royal 8vo, calf extra. Boston, 1871 1226 Homer’s Iliad. 28 Pope’s. Plates. 2 vols. in 1, 24010, cloth. Chiswick, Whitting ham, 1820 218 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1227 Homer Travestie. Burlesque Translation of Homer, in Hudibrastic verse. By T. Brydges. With 24 highly humorous engravings. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. Scarce. London, 1797 Best edition. A work abounding with the coarse humor of the period. 1228 Hood. Miss Kilmansegg and her Precious Leg. A Golden Legend. With 60 illustrations by Thomas R. Secomb, R. A. Engraved by Joubert. 4to, cloth, gilt edges. London, 1870 Large paper copy, with the plates on India paper. 1229 Hough (F. B.). History of Duryea’s Brigade, during the Campaign in Virginia under Gen. Pope, and in Maryland under Gen. McClellan, in 1862. Portrait. 8vo, half calf, gilt edges. Albany, Munsell, 1864 300 copies printed. Presentation copy from General Duryea. 1230 Horatii. Opera, cura H. H. Milman. Elegantly printed on fine paper, the pages embellished with floriated and Etruscan borders after designs by Owen Jones, and the text illustrated by nearly 500 beautiful woodcuts from the antique, by G. Scharf. 8vo, elegantly bound in red levant morocco extra, gilt edges. London, Murray, 1853 Very scarce. 1231 Hudson River Portfolio. A series of 20 large colored plates after W. G. Wall, engraved by Hill. Oblong folio, half mo¬ rocco. New York, n. d. 1232 Hugo (Victor). GLuvres Completes. Illustrated. 18 vols. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1864 1233 Humboldt. Cosmos. Translated by Otte. Portrait. 5 vols. post 8vo, calf extra. London, 1864 1234 Hume and Smollett. History of England. Fine portraits. 13 vols. 8vo, calf. London, 1790-93 LIBRARY 219 1235 Ireland (J. B.). Wall Street to Cashmere, a Journal of Five Years in Asia, Africa, and Europe. Numerous illustra¬ tions. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1859 1236 Irving (Washington). Works. Frontispieces. 17 vols. 12mo, calf extra. New York, i860 1237 Irving. Life and Letters. By P. M. Irving. Portraits , etc. 4 vols. 8vo, calf extra. New York, 1862 1238 Italian School of Design : a Series of Select Studies from the Original Pictures and Drawings of Guercino, Michael Angelo, Domenichino, the Carracci, etc., now preserved in the Collection of Her Majesty. 91 large and fine plates , en¬ graved by Bartolozzi and others. Atlas 4to, half morocco, gilt edges. London, 1842 1239 Italy ; Classical, Historical, and Picturesque. Illustrated in a Series of Views from Drawings by Stanfield , Roberts , Harding , and other Eminent Artists ; with Descriptions of the Scenery, etc. By Camillo Mapei. Folio, full morocco extra, gilt edges. London, v. d. A sumptuous volume, containing many views and drawings which have not previously been engraved. 1240 Jameson (Mrs.). Beauties of the Court of Charles II. Memoirs of. With 21 beautiful portraits after Sir Peter Lely. Imperial 8vo, green morocco, super-extra, gilt edges. London, 1861 1241 - Another Copy. Green morocco extra. London, 1861 1242 Jameson (Mrs.). Characteristics of Women, Moral, Poet¬ ical, and Historical. Elegant steel plates. Imperial 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. New York, 1850 1243 Janin. La Bretagne. Par Jules Janin. Portrait and illus¬ trations. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1862 220 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1244 Jerrold (Douglas). Complete Works, with an Introduc¬ tory Memoir by his Son, W. Blanchard Jerrold. Etched frontispieces by Leech. 5 vols. post 8vo, half morocco extra. [London, 1870] 1245 Jesse (John Heneage). George Selwyn and His Con¬ temporaries ; with Memoirs and Notes. Portraits. 4 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1843 Original edition. Includes portraits of Selwyn, the Gunning sisters. Lady Sarah Bunbury, Signora Zamparini, Duke of Queensbury, Earl of Carlisle, etc. 1246 Jesse. Life of George Brummell, commonly called Beau Brummell. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1844 1247 Jesse. Memoirs of the Court of England from the Revo¬ lution in 1688 to the Death of George II. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco extra. London, 1843 The above three lots are uniformly bound. 1248 Johnson (Sam’l). Works. Life, etc., By Arthur Murphy. Portrait. 12 vols. i6mo, sheep. New York, 1809 1249 Johnson (T. B.). Sportsman’s Cyclopaedia. Profusely il¬ lustrated after designs by Landseer , Ward , Cooper , etc. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1848 1250 Josephus (Flavius). The Genuine Works and Life of, with explanatory notes and observations by Wm. Whiston, M. A. Portrait and numerous brilliant plates after designs by Stothard, Corbould, Craig , and others. 2 vols. 4to, old tree calf, gilt. Boston 1251 Josephus. Works. Notes, etc., by W. Whiston. 6 vols. i2mo, sheep. Edinburgh, 1793 1252 Kames (Henry Home, Lord). Sketches of the History of Man. 3 vols. 8vo, calf. Edinburgh, 1813 LIBRARY 221 1253 Kaulbach (Wm.). Female Characters of Goethe. With descriptive text by G. H. Lewes. A series of 20 large and beautiful engravings on steel in the line manner , by the best German engravers , from the celebrated designs of IV. von Kaulbach. Fine impressions. Atlas folio, crimson cloth, embossed. London [1867] 1254 King (T. H.). The Study Book of Mediaeval Architect¬ ure and Art. A series of working drawings of the prin¬ cipal churches of the Middle Ages in Germany, Belgium, and France ; whereof the plans, sections, elevations, and details are drawn to uniform scales from actual measurement. To which are added illustrations of remarkable chalices, cups, ironwork, stained glass, tombs, etc., in all between three and four thousand subjects. Engraved on four hundred copper plates , with descriptions, by George J. Hill, M. A. 4 vols. imperial 4to, half morocco, top edges gilt. London, 1868 1255 Kingsborough (Lord). Antiquities of Mexico. Com¬ prising fac-similes of ancient Mexican paintings and hiero¬ glyphics, preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, and Dresden ; in the Imperial Library of Vienna ; in the Vatican Library ; in the Borgian Museum at Rome ; in the Library of the Institute of Bologna; and in the Bodleian Library at Oxford ; together with the Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix ; illustrated by many valuable inedited MSS. Con¬ taining upwards of 1,000 large plates , embracing all the re¬ mains of Mexican Architecture , Art , Religion , etc. 9 vols. imperial folio, half morocco, uncut, gilt tops, with the plates colored. London, 1830-48 1256 Kirkland (F.). Cyclopaedia of Commercial and Business Anecdotes. Numerous fine steel portraits and plates , etc. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half morocco extra. New York, 1864 1257 Knight (C.). Pictorial History of England. Being a History of the People as well as a History of England. By THE STEWART COLLECTION C. Knight, Prof. Craik, C. Macfarlane, etc. Upward of 2,000 engravings , and numerous fine steel portraits. 8 vols. 8vo, calf extra. London [1856] 1258 Knight. Half Hours with the Best Authors. With Biographical and Critical Notices. 4 vols. nmo, half calf extra. New York, 1853 1259 Knowles (J. Sheridan). Dramatic Works. Portrait. 2 vols. post 8vo, half calf, gilt. London, 1864 1260 Kunstlerheim. Festgeschenck fur Freunde der Kunst. 25 Originalzeichnungen in Feder und Blei , Kreide , mid Kohle. Portfolio. Miinchen, 1880 1261 Lacordaire (Rev. Pere). Conferences, delivered at Notre Dame. Portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth. New York 1262 Lacroix (P.). The Arts of the Middle Ages, and at the Period of the Renaissance. Illustrated with 19 beautiful chromo-lithographic pritits by F. Kellerhoven , and upward of 400 engravings on wood. Royal 8vo, half morocco extra. London, 1870 1263 Lacroix (Jacob). Les Arts au Moyen Age, et a l’epoque de la Renaissance. Beautifully printed on heavy paper, and illustrated with 19 beautiful chromo-lithographic plates by Kellerhoven, and upward of 400 engravings on wood by the best engravers. Imperial 8vo, half red morocco extra, gilt edges. Paris, Didot , 1869 1264 Lacroix. Mceurs, Usages, et Costumes au Moyen Age, etc. 15 beautiful chromo-lithographs by Kellerhoven , and 400 engravings on wood. Imperial 8vo, half red morocco, gilt edges. Paris, Didot , 1871 Exhibiting choice specimens of architecture, sculpture, painting, fur¬ niture, stained glass, arms and armor, manuscripts, missals, tapes¬ try, costume, gold and silver work, etc. 1265 Lacroix. Vie Militaire et Religieuse au Moyen Age, et a l’Epoque de la Renaissance. Beautifully printed and il- LIBRARY 223 lustrated with 14 beautiful chromo-lithographs by F. Keller- hoven , and 409 wood engravings by Huyot. Imperial 8vo, half red morocco, gilt. Paris, 1873 1266 La Fontaine. Fables. Profusely illustrated by Grandville , with the Second Series of illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, calf extra. Paris, 1838-40 1267 Lamb (Chas.). Complete Correspondence and Works, with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by T. Purnell. Por¬ traits. 4 vols. post 8vo, half calf extra. London, Moxon, n. d. 1268 Landseer Gallery. 20 autotypes of the celebrated early paintings of Landseer. Folio, cloth (loose). London, 1873 1269 Lawrence (Amos). Extracts from the Diary and Cor¬ respondence of. Portrait and plates. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1855 1270 Les Francais Peints par Eux-M£mes. Both Series, Com¬ prising Paris and the Provinces, and “ Le Prisme.” Embel¬ lished with upward of 1,500 remarkably clever and spirited engravings of the Manners , Habits , and Costumes of every class of French Society. The greater part carefully colored. 9 vols. imperial 8vo, morocco. Paris, Curmer, 1840-42 Among the authors are Jules Janin, Balzac, Mery, Soulie, etc. The engravings are by Gavarni, Tony Johannot, and other clever art¬ ists ; but few copies were colored as the above, his series includes the Parisians, the Provincials, the Army, etc., and is a complete Cyclopedia of French life and costume. The edition is the original issue, and far superior to the later publications in the care and brilliancy of the coloring. 1271 Lever (Charles). Works. New and revised edition. With upward of 150 humorous etchings from designs by Phiz. 17 vols. 8vo, half morocco extra, marbled edges. London, n. d. Complete Edition. Comprising : Dodd Family, Charles O’Malley, Con Cregan, Lord Kilgobbin, Harry Lorrequer, The O’Donoghue, Knight of Gwynne, Daltons, Roland Cashel, Jack Hinton, Mar¬ tins of Cro Martin, One of Them, Davenport Dunn, Barrington, Tom Burke, Bramleighs of Bishop’s Folly, Luttrell of Arran, etc. 224 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1272 Libri (G.). Monuments Inedits ou Peu Connus, faisant partie du Cabinet de Guillaume Libri, et qui se rapportent 4 1 ’Histoire de l’Ornamentation chez de differents Peuples. Seconde edition, augmentee de plusieurs Planches, contain¬ ing 65 large plates, exhibiting numerotis specimens of richly or¬ namented early bookbinding, illuminated manuscripts, drawings by Raphael , Michael Angelo, and others , works of art in gold and ivory. Early engraved maps , etc., all beautifully executed in facsimile of the originals, in gold, silver, and colors. With Descriptions in English and French. Royal folio, half mo¬ rocco, gilt leaves. Londres, 1864 Of this splendid and unique work only 150 copies were executed. It is undoubtedly one of the most interesting and valuable works on Book Ornamentation ever produced. 1273 Liddell and Scott. rocco, red edges. Greek-English Lexicon. 4to, mo- Oxford, 1864 1274 Lincoln (Abraham). Royal 8vo, cloth. Obsequies of. Portrait and plates. New York, 1866 1275 Lisburn Relief Committee. Address to A. T. Stewart, Esq., for a Gift. On four leaves of vellum. Illuminated in gold and colors. Royal 8vo, morocco extra. 1863 1276 Littre (E.). Dictionnaire de la Langue Francaise. 4 vols. royal 4to, half morocco. Paris, 1873 1277 Lossing (Benson J.). Pictorial History of the Civil War in the United States of America. Several hwtdred finely executed engravings on wood, from sketches by the author. 3 vols. imperial 8vo, calf, antique. Philadelphia, 1866 1278 Macaulay (Lord). Works. Complete. Edited by his sister, Lady Trevelyan. Comprising History of England, 4 vols.; Speeches and Poems, 1 vol.; and Essays, etc., 3 vols. Por¬ trait. Together 8 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra, by Riviere. London, 1871 Best library edition. LIBRARY 225 1279 McCabe (James D., Jr.). Great Fortunes, and How They Were Made. Numerous illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Philadelphia, 1871 1280 McCulloch (J. R.). Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical, and Historical, of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. New edition, revised and corrected throughout by Hugh G. Reid. Numerous large folding maps , etc. Thick 8vo, new half russia. London, 1869 Last and best edition. 1281 McCulloch (J. R.). Geographical, Statistical, and His¬ torical Dictionary. Maps. 4 vols. in 2, thick 8vo, half russia. London, Longmans , 1866 1282 McIan (R. R.). Clans of the Scottish Highlands, illus¬ trated by appropriate Figures, displaying their Dress, Tartans, Arms, Armorial Insignia, and Social Occupations, from origi¬ nal sketches by R. R. McIan, Esq., with accompanying description by James Logan, Esq. 72 beautifully colored full-length figures. 2 vols. folio, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1845 “ One of the most valuable and interesting works of modern times. The portraits are painted by a veritable Highlandman—an artist of the true stamp—who is familiar with his subject.”— Art Union. 1283 Mackay (C.). Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular De¬ lusions, and the Madness of Crowds. Numerous illustra¬ tions. 2 vols. post 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 1284 Maintenon (Mad. de). Secret Correspondence of, with the Princess des Ursins. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1827 1285 Malthus (R. T.). Essay on the Principle of Popula¬ tion ; or, a View of its Past and Present Effects on Hu¬ man Happiness. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Georgetown, 1809 1286 Mangin (A.). The Mysteries of the Ocean. Profusely illustrated. Royal 8vo, red morocco extra. London, 1870 29 226 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1287 Maps. Atlas of Long Island. 2 copies, half morocco. New York, 1873 1288 -Morse’s General Atlas. Half morocco. New York, 1856 1289 - Bradford’s United States. Boston, 1840 1290 Marshall (Hon. Thomas F.). Speeches and Writings. Edited by W. L. Baire. Portrait. 8vo, calf. Cincinnati, 1858 1291 Martin (Frederick). Handbook of Contemporary Biog¬ raphy. 8vo, morocco back. London, 1870 1292 Martin (H.). Histoire de France, depuis les Temps les plus reculee jusqu’en 1789. Numerous steel portraits and views. 17 vols. 8vo, half red morocco. Paris 1293 Masury (John W.). Treatise on House-Painting. 8vo, calf, gilt. New York, 1868 1294 Meehan (Thomas). Native Flowers and Ferns of the United States. Illustrated by chromo-lithographs. 2 vols. in 1, royal 8vo, morocco, gilt. Boston, L. Prang 6° Co., 1878 1295 Middleton (C.). Designs for Gates and Rails for Parks, Balconies, etc. Royal 8vo, cloth. 1296 Miller’s (Joe) Jests ; or, the Wit’s Vade-Mecum. 8vo, boards. London, 1739 (1864) 1297 Millingen (J.). Ancient Inedited Monuments: Painted Greek vases, statues, busts, bas-reliefs, etc., from collections in various countries. 60 large colored and other engravings , with Descriptions. 2 vols. in 1, imperial 4to, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1822-26 1298 Milton (John). Works, in Verse and Prose, printed from the original editions [“ the Orthography scrupulously pre- LIBRARY 227 served ”] ; with Life by the Rev. John Mitford. Elegantly printed by Whittingham. Portrait, facsimile of Agreement for Paradise Lost, etc. 8 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra. London, 1867 1299 Mitford (M. R.). Our Village. Both Series. Sketches of Rural Character and Scenery. Engravings on steel, and wood- cuts. 2 vols. i2mo, cloth. Boston, 1853 1300 Moliere (J. B. P. de). GEuvres de, avec la Vie, etc., par Taschereau. Portrait, and plates by Moreau le Jeune j proofs on India paper. 6 vols. 8vo, half calf extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. Paris, 1863 1301 Mont Blanc (Der). Von Dr. Pitschner. 4to, boards. Genf, 1868 1302 Montesquieu. CEuvres Completes. 2 vols. small 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1839 1303 Montgomery (Rev. Robt.). Poetical Works. Satan, Lu¬ ther, etc. Portrait. 6 vols. post 8vo, calf extra. London, 1843 1304 Montgomery Manuscripts. Edited by Rev. George Hill. Vol. I. 4to, cloth. Belfast, 1869 1305 Moore (Thomas). Poetical Works of, with Life, by J. F. Waller. Portrait and numerous illustrations, after Maclise and others. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt. New York, 1879 1306 Moore (Thomas). Irish Melodies. Illustrated by D. Mac¬ lise, P. A. 4to, elegantly bound in morocco extra, gilt edges. London [1851] A most elegant work, with one hundred and fifty-four illustrations. 1307 Moore (Thomas). Irish Melodies. The text engraved throughout, within ornamental borders, and illustrated with engravings from the celebrated designs of Maclise. 4to, turkey morocco antique, gilt edges. n. d. 228 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1308 Morris (George P.). Deserted Bride, and other Poems. Illustrated. Small 4to, boards. New York, 1843 1309 Mortimer-Ternaux. Histoire de la Terreur, 1792-94. 7 vols. 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1862 1310 Moses (H.). Antique Vases, Altars, Patene, Tripods, Can¬ delabra, Sarcophagi, etc., in the collection of Sir Henry Englefield, etc. 150 beautiful engravings. 4to, morocco extra. London, n. d. A most elegantly engraved and choice selection of Vases. 1311 Mueller (C. O.). Ancient Art and its Remains. A Manual of the Archaeology of Art ; enlarged by Welcker, translated by John Leitch. 8vo, cloth. London, 1852 1312 Mure (W.). Critical History of the Language and Literature of Ancient Greece, complete. 5 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. Scarce. London, 1854-67 “ The elaborate work of Colonel Mure has the advantage of occupy¬ ing ground almost untrodden by any English rival, and supplying a deficiency long felt by every classical scholar .”—Edinburgh Review. “ The result of thorough study, of earnest admiration of Greek liter¬ ature, and of acute personal investigation, especially as to the Odyssey, in tracing out, on the spot, the wanderings of Ulysses, and deducing from which the conclusion that Homer’s poems are his, and not a cento of fugitive ballads.”— President King, of Columbia College. 1313 Musfe Franqais, ou Collection complete des Tableaux, Statues, et Bas-reliefs, qui composent la collection Nationale, avec 1 ’explications des sujets et des Discours sur la Peinture, la Sculpture, et la Gravure, par S. C. Croze, Magnan, Robil- lard, Peronville, Laurent, Visconti, et David. 343 brilliant plates. 4 vols. atlas folio, morocco extra, gilt edges. Paris, 1819 This very interesting publication is undoubtedly the most magnificent work that has issued from the Parisian press ; and will perpetuate the matchless collection which formerly graced the Louvre, com¬ bining, as it did, nearly all the excellence of which the various countries on the Continent could boast in painting and sculp- LIBRARY 229 ture. And although a chain of wonderful events has restored many of the brightest gems of art to their rightful owners, so much of excellence still remains that the gallery of the Louvre is yet, to the man of taste, the greatest attraction in Paris, and the very circumstance of the dispersion of so many wonderful pro¬ ductions gives additional value to the work which describes them in a collected state. It is necessary to observe that this work is not a mere collection of prints, as it contains many luminous and masterly dissertations upon the state of the arts in different ages ; observations upon the style, excellence, and defects of the various schools in painting; a minute description of every painting, etc., drawn with extreme care and correctness. 1314 Musee Royal, Recueil de gravures d’apres les plus beau Tableaux, Statues, Bas-Reliefs de la Collection Royal, par Laurent. Original edition, with brilliant impressions of the 161 beautiful plates. 2 vols. atlas folio, morocco extra, gilt edges. Paris, 1816-18 There is probably no more satisfactory collection of engravings than the above. The paintings of Raphael, Paul Veronese, Correggio, Rembrandt, Rubens, Vandyck, Holbein, Salvator Rosa, and others of equal celebrity, have been treated in the best manner by such famous engravers as Raphael Morghen, Richomme, Massard, Muller, Laurent, Bartolozzi, Claessans, etc. 1315 Napoleon Fastes. A series of India-proof engravings by Ap- piani , representing the principal events in the Life of Napoleon. Oblong folio, half morocco. Paris 1316 Napoleon’s Egypt. Description de l’Egypte ou Recueil des Observations et des Recherches qui ont ete faites en Egypte pendant l’Expedition de l’armee Franpaise. Seconde Edition. Publie par les orders de Napoleon le Grand. Containing nearly 900 engravings (many of immense size ) of Antiquities, Views, Natural History, etc. 24 vols. of text; n vols. atlas folio, of plates, comprising the Natural History, etc. To¬ gether, 35 vols. half calf. Paris, 1821 “ There is no work of the same description which will bear comparison with it; the expense of its production was enormous, and was de¬ frayed by the state. Mr. Ed. F. Jomard, one of the savants of the scientific commission, who executed some of the topographi- 230 THE STEWART COLLECTION cal surveys and draughts of the principal monuments, was eigh¬ teen years in editing the work.” “This magnificent work, which is, in truth, an Egyptian Encyclope¬ dia, is intended to comprise every known fact illustrative of the state of Egypt, in all its relations, its civil history, arts, sciences, and geographical situations. In it are described, first, the temples, palaces, tombs, and all the ancient monuments, many of which date from a period anterior to the Siege of Troy, all of which are represented in a series of fine views ; the manuscripts, the relics of astronomy, and paintings exhibiting scenes of private life, his¬ toric sculpture, etc. Secondly, the principal modern buildings, and every important fact relative to the present state of Egypt. Thirdly, the animal, vegetable, and mineral branches. Fourthly, the geographical portion, comprising, among other details, de¬ tached maps of Egypt.” 1317 Napoleon. Histoire de l’Empereur, par de L’Ardeche. Illuslre'epar Horace Ver?iet. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Paris, 1840 1318 Nebel and Kendall. The War Between the United States and Mexico. Beautifully colored plates. Atlas folio, half morocco extra, gilt top. New York, 1851 1319 Newcomb (H. D., Esq.). Modern Paintings in the Collec¬ tion of. Catalogue. 4to, morocco, gilt. Privately printed. Louisville, Ivy., 1867 Presentation copy. 1320 Neuman and Baretti. Spanish Dictionary. 2 vols. 8vo, calf. Boston, 1840 1321 Newman (John H.). Parochial Sermons. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1843 SALE THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 31. BEGINNING AT 8 O’CLOCK. AT THE AMERICAN ART GALLERIES. 1322 New York Historical Society Collections from 1868 to 1881 [minus 1874]. 13 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1868, etc. 1323 New York Mirror. Yols. 7 to n. Plates. 6 vols. 4to, half bound, scarce. New York, 1830-34 1324 New York. Natural History of the State. Compris¬ ing: Zoology, 5 vols. [ Ornithology and Mollusca colored ] ; Botany, 2 vols.; Mineralogy, i vol.; Geology, 4 vols. some coloredj Agriculture, i vol. colored. Together, 13 vols. royal 4to, cloth. Albany, 1842, etc. “ The preparation of this splendid work by the ablest scientific men of the country has cost the State upwards of $200,000.” 1325 New York. Union Defense Committee, 1861, with Intro¬ duction by J. A. Stevens. 4to, blue calf, uncut, gilt top. New York, 1885 1326 New York. Revised Statutes of. 3 vols. 8vo, sheep. Albany, 1829 1327 Norwegisches Bauernleben, von Adolph Tidemand. 10 colored plates. Oblong 4to, cloth. Diisseldorf, n. d. 1328 Notes and Queries. A Medium of Intercommunication for Literary Men, General Readers, etc. A complete set, from its commencement in November, 1849, to June, 1870, in¬ clusive, with 3 Indexes. Together, 43 vols. small 4to, half calf extra. London, 1849-70 A fine, clean, and perfect set of this important periodical. 232 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1329 Nuremberg Chronicle. Schedel (H.). Chronicarum Liber, cu figuris et ymaginibus, ab initio mundi ad hanc usque temporis nostri calamitatem. Royal folio, first edi¬ tion, with upward of 2,000 engravings on woodj fine tall copy, with all the blank leaves. Thick folio, calf, yellow edges. Nuremberge, Koberger , 1493 Editio Princeps. —This is a magnificent specimen both of ancient printing and of ancient engraving. It has always been styled, by way of distinction, the Nuremberg Chronicle , and scarcely any volume has been so celebrated for a long series of years. The engravings, which are upward of 2,200 in number, are in wood, and were executed by Michael Wohlgemuth and Pleydenwurf, the former of whom was the master of Albert Diirer; the subjects are Portraits of Illustrious Characters, Views of Towns, etc., etc. 1330 Orators of Ireland. Speeches of O’Connell, Sheil, Curran, Burke, Grattan, and Plunkett. 7 vols. post, 8vo, half calf, gilt. Dublin, 1868-71 1331 Ornaments of Memory and Beauties. 18 brilliant engrav¬ ings. Small folio, morocco, gilt. New York, 1855 1332 Ossian’s Poems. Translated by James Macpherson, with Dr. Blair’s three celebrated Dissertations. Portrait and plates. 2 vols. royal 8vo, half red morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1806 1333 Oxenden (Rev. Ashton), D. D. Words of Peace. i6mo, cloth, in satin cover. London, 1875 1334 Paine (Thomas). Life of. By James Cheetham. 8vo, boards, uncut. New York, 1809 1 335 Palais de l’ Honneur. Contenant les Genealogies des illus- tres Maisons de Lorraine et de Savoy. 4to, old calf. Paris, 1663 1336 Palliser (Mrs. B.). History of Lace. Profusely illus¬ trated. 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, 1869 LIBRARY 233 1337 Pamphlets. Defense of Columbia College, 1854. Life of J. J. Astor, 1865. The Clinton Monument, 1848. Dis¬ course in Commemoration of 53d Anniversary of New York Historical Society, and others, in 1 vol. 8vo, half morocco. v. d. 1338 Papiers et Correspondance de la Famille Imperiale. Royal 8vo, calf. Paris, 1870 1339 Paris dans sa Splendeur. Monuments, Vues, Scenes His- toriques, Descriptions et Histoire, dessins et lithographs par MM. Philippe Benoist, Arnout, Ciceri, Mathieu, Sabatier, etc. Vignettes de Felix Benoist et Cattenacci, executees sur bois par les premiers Graveurs. Texte par MM. Audiganne, P. Merimee, Vinet, Viollet Le Due, De Watteville, et autres With several hundred large plates of nearly every interesting building, principal street, square, church , etc. Also many plates of memorable events in the history of Paris. 3 vols. royal folio, half morocco. Paris, 1861 1340 Paris Views. 25 steel plates. Oblong 4to, cloth. 1341 Patten (J. A.). Lives of the Clergy of New York and Brooklyn. Numerous steel portraits. Royal 8vo, half mo¬ rocco. New York, 1874 1342 Pearls of the East, or, Beauties from Lalla Rookh. 12 colored plates. Folio, morocco. London, 1837 1343 Petitot. Emaux de Petitot, du Musee Imperial du Louvre. Portraits de Personnages Historiques et de Femmes Celebres du siecle de Louis XIV. Elegantly printed', and illustrated with the series of 52 portraits from the celebrated enamels of Petitot , most exquisitely engraved by Ceroni. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco extra, gilt edges. Paris, 1862 1344 Photographs. 51 large photographs of paintings, the Stewart Mansion, etc. Atlas folio, portfolio, half morocco. 30 234 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1345 Picturesque America ; or, The Land We Live In. Pro¬ fusely illustrated by steel and wood engravings. 2 vols. royal 4to, russia extra. New York, 1873 1346 Piers Ploughman. Vision and Creed, from an ancient MS. in Trinity College, Cambridge. Edited, with Notes and Glossary, by T. Wright. Frontispiece. 2 vols. foolscap 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, Russell Smith , 1856 1347 Plato. Dialogues. Translated into English, with Analyses and Introductions, by B. Jowett. 4 vols. Svo, half calf extra. New York, 1872 1348 Poetry of the Year. Passages from the Poets, descriptive of the Seasons. 22 colored illustrations. 4to, cloth. New York, 1854 1349 Popes. Portraits of the, from St. Peter to Pius VIII. Old engravings , many scarce. Mounted in 1 vol. 4to, old calf. 1350 Pratt. Flowering Plants and Ferns of Great Britain. A series 0/313 beautifully colored full-page engravings , in which are comprised figures of 1,458 species , with explanatory text and indices. 6 vols. 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, n. d. The method of classification adopted in this work is that which is termed the Natural System, in which the whole Vegetable Kingdom is divided into three great classes. English, rather than Latin, terms have in all cases been used by the writer, so as to adapt the book to the use of the unscientific. 1351 Prescott (W. H.). Historical Works. Best Library Edi¬ tion, in large type. Portraits. 8 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1845-50 Comprises: Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, 3 vols.; Conquest of Mexico, 3 vols. ; Conquest of Peru, 2 vols. 1352 Princess Charlotte of Wales. Life and Memoirs of. Portraits and plates. 8vo, calf. London, 1818 LIBRARY 235 1:353 Probasco (Henry), The Tyler-Davidson Fountain given by, to Cincinnati. Photographs. 4to, green morocco, gilt, extra. Cincinnati, 1872 1354 PUFFENDORF (SAMUEL). PRESENT STATE OF GERMANY. i2mo, old calf. London, 1696 1 3 5 5 Pullen (J. H.), M. D. Homoeopathic Domestic Physician. 8vo, half morocco. Cincinnati, 1872 Presentation copy. 1356 Punchinello. Vol. 1. 4to, half morocco. New York, 1870 1357 Rambosson (J.). Histoire des Astres. Jllustrd de 63 gravures , 3 cartes celestes, et 10 planches , en couleur. Royal 8vo, red morocco. Paris, 1874 1358 Raphael’s Madonnas. Book of Raphael’s Madonnas, by James P. Walker. Descriptive text to accompanying photo¬ graphic illustrations. 4to, morocco antique, gilt edges. New York, i860 1359 Raymond (Henry J.), and the New'York Press. Portrait and illustrations. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1870 1360 Reade (Charles). Novels. Frontispiece , etc. 10 vols. post 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. London, 1869 1361 Redhouse (J. W.). Diary of the Shah of Persia. Por¬ trait. 8vo, cloth, gilt. London, Murray , 1874 1362 Reibaud (Louis). Jerome Paturat a la recherche d’une position sociale, illustree par J. J. Grandville. Royal 8vo, morocco, gilt back. Paris, 1848 1363 Revue Anecdotique des Excentricites Contemporaines. 5 vols. i2mo, half calf. Paris, 1860-62 1364 Reynard the Fox. Translated from the German Version of Goethe by Thomas James Arnold, with illustrations from the designs by Kaulbach. Square 8vo, morocco, gilt. New York [London], i860 236 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1365 Rice (John A.). Library Catalogue. New York, 1870 1366 Richardson (C.). New Dictionary of the English Lan¬ guage, combining Explanations with Etymology, and Illus¬ trated by Quotations from the best authorities. 2 vols. 4to, half morocco. London, 1867 The best Dictionary extant—and a complete cyclopedia of quotations. 1367 Riddle (Joseph Esmond). Latin-English Lexicon. 4to, morocco. London, 1851 1368 Roberts. Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, and Arabia, with historical descriptions by Croly. 125 magnificent plates. By David Roberts, R. A. 3 vols. atlas folio, green morocco, full gilt backs and sides, gilt edges, by Grieve. London, 1842 Colored Copy, each plate colored by hand in imitation of the original drawings , and mounted on card-board. Each plate guarded. A genuine colored copy ; the ordinary copies have the vignettes on the text, whilst, in the proofs, and in the original colored copies, the vignettes are on separate plates. The great artist has represented all the famous sites and stupendous architectural remains of the Land of the Bible, such as they appear now. Every one of the engravings is a work of art. 1369 Robertson (Dr. Wm.). Historical Works; with Account of the Life and Writings of the Author. Fine portrait. 8 vols. 8vo, calf extra. Oxford, 1825 Oxford Classic Edition. 1370 Robinson (Henry Crabb). Diary, Reminiscences, and Correspondence. Selected and edited by T. Sadler. Second edition. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra. London, 1869 “Irresistible, to be attended to whether you will or no ; and worth the attention, because brimful of anecdote, incident, learning, quaint talk, profound thought, sublime philosophy, childlike fun, bold speculation, and religious feeling, lovely in its conception and practice.” LIBRARY 237 1371 Robinson (P. F.). Designs for Ornamental Villas. 96 plates by Harding, etc, with Descriptive Text. Royal 4to, half morocco. London, 1836 1372 Rousseau (J. J.). Julie, ou la Nouvelle Heloise. Illus¬ trated edition, numerous engravings by Tony Johannot, Wat- tier, Baron , Girardet, Rogier, etc., proofs on India paper. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt tops. Paris, 1845 1373 Royal Gallery of Art. Engravings from the Private Col¬ lection of Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness Prince Albert, at Windsor Castle and Buckingham Palace. Edited by S. C. Hall. Royal folio, half morocco, gilt edges. London, n. d. 1374 Russell (William). History of Modern Europe, and View of the Progress of Society from the Rise of Modern Kingdoms to the Peace of Paris. 6 vols. 8vo, calf, gilt. London, 1794 1375 Sawtell (Rev. E. N.). Treasured Moments. Portrait. 8vo, morocco, gilt. Boston, i860 Presentation copy from the author. 1376 Schloss zu Schwerin. 6 plates, mostly colored. Atlas folio, boards. Berlin, 1866 1377 Schloss Babelsberg. 12 colored plates by C. Grieb. Atlas folio, boards. Berlin, 1862 1378 Schreber (Moritz). Medical In-Door Gymnastics. 45 woodcuts. 8vo, cloth. London, 1856 1379 Science and the Gospel. 8vo, cloth, unopened. London, 1870 1380 Scott (Sir Walter). Waverley Novels. Best Library Edition. Containing all the latest corrections and additions of the author, beautifully printed in large type, with an exten - 238 THE STEWART COLLECTION sive and beautiful series of steel engravings. 25 vols. 8vo, morocco, super-extra, gilt edges. Edinburgh, 1857 An elegant copy of this entirely new and beautiful edition, illus¬ trated with upward of 150 extra and highly finished engravings from pictures by C. Stanfield, Leslie, Nasmyth, etc., and includ¬ ing numerous portraits. 1381 Scott. Tales of a Grandfather; History of Scotland. Plates by Turner. 5 vols. post 8vo, calf extra. Edinburgh, 1861 1382 Scott. The Waverley Gallery. Portraits of the princi¬ pal Female Characters in the writings of Scott. 36 fine steel plates by Heath. Royal 8vo, morocco, gilt. London, 1841 1383 Scrap Book. Numerous colored specimens of cards. 1384 Shakespeare. Dramatic Works, with Life. Edited, with Notes, etc., by G. C. Verplanck, and a beautiful series of illustrations by Meadows , Harvey , etc. 3 vols. imperial 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. New York, 1847 1385 Shakespeariana, by J. O. Halliwell. 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 1386 Sheridan (R. B.). Works, with Memoir by James P. Browne; containing Extracts from the Life by Thomas Moore. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. London, 1874 1387 Sherman (Gen. W. T.). Memoirs. Large map. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1875 1388 Shuckford (S.). Sacred and Profane History of the World connected. Map. 4 vols. in 2, 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1824 1389 Sigourney (Mrs. L. H.). The Daily Counsellor. 8vo, cloth. Hartford, 1859 Presentation copy. LIBRARY 239 1390 Sinding (Prof. P. C.). History of Scandinavia, from the early Times of the Northmen, the Sea-Kings, and of the Vi¬ kings, to the present day. Portrait. Crown 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1865 1391 Smith (Adam). Wealth of Nations: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of. 2 vols. 8vo, sheep. Hartford, 1818 1392 Smith (Geo.). Library Catalogue. Royal 8vo, uncut. London, 1867 1393 Smith (Philip). Ancient History of the World from the Earliest Records. Maps, plans, and engravings. 3 vols. 8vo, half morocco extra. London, 1864 1394 Smith (Rev. Sydney). Memoir of, by his daughter, Lady Holland ; with a Selection from his Letters, edited by Mrs. Austin. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra, by Riviere. London, 1853 1395 Smith (Wm.). Dictionary of the Bible ; its Antiquities, Biography, Geography, and Natural History, by many dis¬ tinguished scholars. Woodcuts. 4 thick vols. 8vo, calf extra. New York, 1872 1396 Smith. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology. Numerous woodcut illustrations. 3 vols. 8vo, tree calf. London, 1870 1397 Smith. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. Maps and woodcuts. 2 vols. 8vo, tree calf. London, 1870 1398 Smith. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities. Numerous woodcut illustrations. 8vo, tree calf. London, 1870 1399 Smollett (Tobias). Works, with Memoirs of his Life, to which is prefixed a view of the Commencement and Progress of Romance, by John Moore. Edited by James P. Browne. Portrait. 8 vols. 8vo, calf extra. London, 1872 240 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1400 Smyth (Prof.). Lectures on Modern History, from the Irruption of the Northern Nations, 2 vols.; and Lectures on the French Revolution, 3 vols. Together, 5 vols. 8vo, calf extra. London, Pickering , 1840 No historical works have ever given more enlightened and perspicuous views of the course of great events than these celebrated Lectures. 1401 Spenser (Edmund). Poetical Works, complete. Edited, with Life and Glossary, by J. P. Collier. Portrait. 5 vols. 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1862 Whittingham’s handsomely printed edition. 1402 Spiers and Surenne. French and English Dictionary. Royal 8vo, half morocco. New York, 1855 1403 Sports. The Book of, British and Foreign. Plates. 4to, cloth (loose). London, 1843 1404 Sportsman and His Dog, or Hints on Sporting, and Scottish Sports and Pastimes. With numerous illustrations. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, cloth, uncut. London, 1850-51 1405 Stafford (J.). Pacata Hibernia ; or, History of the Wars in Ireland during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth. Portraits and numerous large folding maps , etc. 2 vols. small folio, green morocco. Dublin, 1820 1406 Stephens (Alexander H.), in Public and Private, with Letters and Speeches. By Henry Cleveland. Portraits and plates. 8vo, half calf. Autograph presentation copy to Mr. Alexander T. Stewart. 1407 Stephens (H.). Book of the Farm, detailing the Labors of the Farmer, etc., and every branch of Farming. Illustrated. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo, morocco. New York, 1851 1408 Sterne (Laurence). Works, with a Life of the Author, written by himself, and an Appendix, containing Several Unpublished Letters, etc. Edited by J. P. Browne. Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo, tree calf extra. London, 1873 LIBRARY 241 1409 Stiles (Henry R.), M. D. Bundling ; its Origin, Progress, and Decline in America. i2mo, cloth. Albany, 1871 1410 Stone (Wm. L.). History of New York City. Numerous steel portraits and plates. Royal 8vo, morocco, gilt. New York, 1872 1411 Stonehenge. Manual of British Rural Sports. Numer¬ ous wood engravings. Thick i6mo, morocco back. London, 1856 1412 Stuler (A.). Das Neue Museum in Berlin. 12 plates , mostly colored. Atlas folio, boards. Berlin, 1862 1413 Sturzii. Lexicon Xenophonteum. 4 vols. 8vo, russia. Lipsiie, 1801 1414 Sue (Eugene). Mysteries of Paris. Profusely illustrated. 3 vols. royal 8vo, calf extra. London, 1845 This popular work has become very scarce. 1415 Sue (E.). Le Juif Errant. Profusely illustrated. 4 vols. royal 8vo, half calf extra. Paris, 1845 1416 Sully (Due de). Memoires. Portrait. 6 vols. 8vo, half calf, gilt. Paris, 1827 1417 Tacitus. Works of. Translated, with an Essay on his Life and Genius, by Murphy. Maps. 6 vols. 8vo, half calf. Philadelphia, 1813 1418 Taine (H. A.). History of English Literature. Trans¬ lated by Van Laun. 2 vols. 8vo, half calf extra. Edinburgh, 1871 1419 Taine (H.). Italy, Rome, and Naples. Translated by J. Durand. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1869 1420 - Another Copy. 1421 Taine (H.). Vie et Opinions de Recueilles de M. Grain- dorge. 8vo, half calf. Paris, 1867 31 242 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1422 Tatler, The. [By Sir Richard Steele, etc.] 4 vols. i2mo, calf. Philadelphia, 1803 1423 Taylor (Jeremy). Holy Living and Holy Dying. Printed by Whittingham. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, green morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1857 1424 Tennyson (Alfred). Idyls of the King, complete, con¬ taining Enid, Vivien, Elaine, and Guinevere. Illustrated with 36 full-page engravings from original drawings, by Gus¬ tave Dore. Folio, green morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1868 India proofs of the plates. 1425 Thackeray (W. M.). Works. New Library Edition. Ele¬ gantly printed on heavy paper, and profusely illustrated, includ¬ ing all the author's original designs. 22 vols. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges, scarce. London, 1868-69 Comprises: Vanity Fair, 2 vols.; Newcomes, 2 vols.; Adventures of Philip, 2 vols.; Pendennis, 2 vols.; Esmond, 2 vols.; Virginians, 2 vols.; Miscellaneous Writings, io vols. 1426 Thierry (A.). (Euvres. Histoire de la Conquete de l’An- gleterre, etc. Portrait. 5 vols. 8vo, half red morocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. Paris, 1856 1427 Thiers (M. A.). History of the Consulate and the Empire of France under Napoleon. Forming a sequel to the “ French Revolution.” Authorized translation by Dr. Forbes Campbell. Portraits. 20 vols. in 10, tree calf extra, marbled edges. London, Colburn, 1845, etc. Best Edition. “ The Foremost Historical Production of the Age. The translation is a perfect reflex of the original, and rendered with fidelity and spirit.”— United Service Gazette. 1428 Thiers. Histoire du Consulat et de l’Empire. 20 vols. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut, with folio atlas, cloth. Paris, 1845 Splendid copy. LIBRARY 243 1429 Thiers. Histoire de la Revolution Francaise. Illus¬ trated with portraits. 10 vols. 8vo, half red morocco, gilt top, uncut. Paris, 1857 Uniform with preceding lot. 1430 Thornton (Edward). History of the British Empire in India. 6 vols. 8vo, morocco, gilt edges. London, 1841-45 1431 Tredgold (Thomas), C. E. Strength of Cast Iron and other Metals. Plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1860-61 1432 Trollope (T. A.). History of the Commonwealth of Florence, from the Earliest Independence of the Commune to the Fall of the Republic in 1531. 4 vols. 8vo, half mo¬ rocco extra, gilt tops, uncut edges. London, 1865 1433 Turner Gallery : A Series of 60 highly-finished line Engravings after the most famous Paintings by J. M. W. Turner, with a Memoir and Descriptive Text, by R. N. Wor- num. Atlas folio, red morocco extra, gilt edges. London, n. d. Large paper copy, with India proofs of the plates. 1434 Turner. Liber Fluviorum ; or, River Scenery of France ; with 61 exquisite line engravings on steel from the drawings by Turner. Descriptions by Ritchie, and Memoir by Alaric A. Watts. Imperial 8vo, morocco antique, gilt edges. London, 1853 1435 Tyler (J. E.). Henry of Monmouth ; or, Memoirs of the Life and Character of Henry V., as Prince of Wales and King of England. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1838 1436 Tytler (A. F.). Universal History. 2 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1838 244 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1437 Ure (Dr.). Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. New edition, greatly enlarged, by R. Hunt, with nearly 2,000 woodcuts. 3 thick vols 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 1438 Vandyck (Ant.). A Collection of 83 engraved Portraits, both line and mezzotint, mounted in royal folio scrap book, half morocco. Includes the Charles II. Beauties, the Saints, and the series of Painters. 1439 Vaux (C.). Villas and Cottages. Over 300 woodcuts. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1857 1440 Venice. Forty-five fine Photographs, mostly colored, and prin¬ cipally scenes in Venice. Atlas folio, half morocco, port¬ folio. 1441 Vernon Gallery of British Art. Edited by S. C. Hall, Esq., F. S. A. Portrait and 66 beautiful engravings. Royal 4to, morocco. London and New York 1442 - Another Copy. 1443 Virgil. aEneid. Translated into English Blank Verse by C. P. Cranch. Royal 8vo, calf extra. Boston, 1872 1444 Voltaire. La Henriade. Illustrated by the exquisite designs of Eisen, brilliant impressions. 2 vols. small 8vo, red mo¬ rocco extra, gilt edges, Roger Paine style. Paris, [1770] 1445 Voltaire. La Pucelle d’OrlIjans. Portrait by Folkema, and numerous plates. Post 8vo, sprinkled calf extra. Geneve, 1780 1446 Voyages. Parry (Captain W. E.). Voyages for the Dis¬ covery of a North-West Passage. 5 vols. Franklin (Captain). Journey to the Shores of the Polar Sea. 4 vols. Denham (Major). Travels and Discoveries in Africa. 4 vols. In all, 13 vols. Portraits, plates, and ?naps. i6mo, half calf, gilt. London, Murray, 1828-31 LIBRARY 245 1447 Walpole (Horace). Anecdotes of Painting in Eng¬ land, enlarged by Dallaway. Major’s Beautiful Edition. Upward of 150 very fine portraits and engravings by Worth¬ ington, Finden, etc. 5 vols. royal 8vo, morocco extra, gilt edges. Scarce. London, 1826-28 “ An admirable work, quite a treasure, beautiful alike in paper, printing, and engraving .”—Literary Gazette. 1448 Walton (E.). Flowers From the Upper Alps, with Glimpses of their Homes. 12 fine plates, reproduced from water-color drawings. 4to, cloth. London, 1869 1449 Ward (Samuel). Lyrical Recreations. 8vo, cloth. London,1871 1450 War Between the United States and Great Britain, declared 1812. Yol. 1, boards. New York, 1813 1451 - Another Copy. Old calf. 1452 Waring (J. B.). Masterpieces of Industrial Art and Sculpture at the [London] International Exhibition of 1862, consisting of 300 plates, containing many hundred illustrations of the choicest examples, executed in gold and colors. 3 vols. royal folio, red morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1863 1453 Washington (George). Writings of. Being his Corre¬ spondence, Addresses, Messages, and other Papers, official and private. Selected and Published from the Original Manuscripts. With Life of the Author, by Jared Sparks. Plates. 12 vols. 8vo, sheep. Boston, 1847 1454 Washington. Correspondence of the American Revolu¬ tion; being Letters of Eminent Men to George Washing¬ ton, from the time of his taking Command of the Army to the end of his Presidency. Edited from the Original Manu¬ scripts, by Jared Sparks. 4 vols. royal 8vo, half russia, gilt tops, uncut edges. Boston, 1853 Large paper copy. 246 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1:455 Washington (George). Life, by Washington Irving. Por¬ traits. 5 vols. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1855-59 1456 Washington’s Farewell Address. Unique illustrated copy, having 125 portraits of Washington inserted, and an Orig¬ inal Letter signed by G. Washington, dated “ Head¬ quarters, June 2, 1783.” Collected and arranged by T. H. Morell. 4to, crushed levant morocco extra, gilt edges. New York, 1850 Privately printed by James Lenox, Esq., from the Original Manu- scrip in his possession. The inserted portraits are generally of the greatest rarity, so much so that ten times the presumptive value of this volume would fail to produce its equal. Many of the impressions are practically unique, some are from private plates, a large number are in proof state, while the crudity of the earlier portraits engraved in this continent simply increase the interest, if they do not add to the artistic merit, of the collection. 1457 Weale (J.). Monograms, Ornamental Letters, etc. 20 plates, some colored. Folio, half morocco. London, n. d. 1458 Webb (Maria). The Penns and Penningtons of the 17th Century. Portrait and plates. 8vo, cloth. London, 1867 1459 Webster (Daniel). Works. With a Memoir of his Life, etc. Portrait and plates. 6 vols. 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1853 1460 Wedgwood. Meteyard (Eliza). Life of Josiah Wedg¬ wood, from his Private Correspondence and Family Papers, with an Introductory Sketch of the Art of Pottery in Eng¬ land. Fine portrait, and several hundred beautifully executed engravings. 2 vols. thick 8vo, calf extra, gilt edges. London, 1865 “A very accurate and valuable book. To give their fullest value to the engravings of the works of art which largely enrich the vol¬ umes, the biography has been made by its publishers a choice specimen of their own art as book-makers. Neither care nor cost have been grudged. It is one of the handsomest books ever pub¬ lished.”— Examiner. 1461 Weldon (Geo. Warburton). Unity in Variety. Small 4to, cloth. London LIBRARY 247 1462 Wells (David A.). Robinson Crusoe’s Money. Illus¬ trated. by Th. Hast. 8vo, cloth. New York, 1876 1463 Westall (W.). Mansions of England. 146 colored plates. 2 vols. imperial 8vo, half morocco extra. London, n. d. 1464 Westminster Chess Club Papers. Vols. 1, 2, and 3, 4to, half calf. London, 1868-70 1465 Westwood’s Miniatures and Ornaments of Anglo-Saxon and Irish Manuscripts, illustrated in a series of 54 Superb Plates , most elaborately executed in exact fac-simile of the originals, in Gold and Colors, with a Descriptive Text to each Plate, serving as a History of British Palseography and Pictorial Art. Imperial folio, cloth. London, 1868 1466 Wey (E.). Rome, Description et Souvenirs ; son His- toire Ancienne et Moderne, et son Etat Actuel. With map of the city , and 346 wood engravings , after the most celebrated French artists of the present day. Thick royal 4to, tree calf extra, gilt edges. Paris, 1872 1467 Whitmore (Wm. H.). Heraldry, Elements of. Numerous illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth. Boston, 1866 1468 Wikoff (Henry). Reminiscences of an Idler. Portrait. i2mo, cloth. New York, 1880 1469 Wilkie Gallery. With Biographical and Critical Notices. 67 carefully selected steel engravings. Royal 4to, morocco extra, gilt edges. London, n. d. Includes Wilkie’s Spanish and Oriental Sketches. 1470 Wilkie. Another copy. Morocco antique. 1471 Williams (H. W.). Select Views in Greece, with Classical Illustrations. 64 fine views engraved in the best line manner by eminent artists. 2 vols in 1, royal 4to, half red morocco extra, gilt edges. London, 1829 Plates on India paper, and in two states. A leaf of text is mounted. 248 THE STEWART COLLECTION 1472 Williams (S. W.). Middle Kingdom. A Survey of the Chinese Empire and its Inhabitants. Map and illustrations. 2 vols. i2mo, half morocco. New York, 1848 1473 Wilson. Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America. 3 vols. 8vo, cloth. 1875-77 1474 Willis (N. P.). Poems. Numerous illustrations by E. Leutze 8vo, morocco, gilt. Philadelphia, 1848 1475 Woodward and Cates. Encyclopaedia of Chronology, historical and biographical. Royal 8vo, half calf extra. Boston, 1872 1476 Women of the Bible, delineated in a series of Sketches of Prominent Females mentioned in Holy Scripture. 18 steel engravings. 4to, paneled morocco, gilt. New York, 1849 1477 Women of Beauty and Heroism, from Semiramis to Eugenie. 19 steel engravings from designs by Cha 7 npagne and Wordes- forde. 4to, stamped morocco. New York, 1859 1478 Worcester (J. C.). Dictionary of the English Lan¬ guage. Unabridged edition. Thick 4to, russia. Boston, i860 1479 Wynne (James), M. D. Private Libraries of New York. Plates representing the interior of Mr. Noyes' library. 8vo, cloth, uncut edges. New York, i860 Among the principal libraries mentioned in this work are those of John Allan, George Bancroft, Thomas P. Barton, J. Carson Bre- voort, Rev. Dr. Chapin, Almon W. Griswold, William Menzies, William Curtis Noyes, Dr. Purple, Geo. T. Strong, R. L. Stuart, and Richard Grant White. 1480 Youatt (Wm.). The Horse. With numerous illustrations. 8vo, sheep. Philadelphia, 1843 LIBRARY 249 1481 Young (Edward), Ph. D. Labor in Europe and America. 8vo, half morocco. Washington, 1875 1482 Malby’s Terrestrial Globe, by Thomas Malby & Son, Map and Globe Sellers to the Admiralty, London, 1874. Carved rosewood frame. Height and diameter, 55 x 40 inches. 1483 Malby’s Celestial Globe, same size as the above. ✓ - ..