JNO hi o n THE SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OP THE PUBLIC RECORDS. |)rcfoitc& fa bott) &au*etf at ^arUamrnt fcn Comtnantr of fcrr f&x Mtg, LONDON: PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, <•/ BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, PRINTERS TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYRE and SPOTTISWOODE, East Harding Street, Fleet Street, E.G., and 32, Abingdon Street, Westminster, S.W.; or JOHN MENZIES & Co., 12, Hanover Street, Edinburgh, and V - 90, West Nile Street, Glasgow; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., Limited, 104, Grafton Strket, Dublin. [0.— 8271.] Price la. 1896. SALE OP GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS 1| The under-mentioned Firms have been appointed sole Agents for the sale of Government Publications, including Parliamentary Reports and Papers, Acts of Parlia- ment, Record Office Publications, Ac, &c, and all such works can be purchased from them either directly or through retail booksellers, who, under the provisions of the sale agency contracts, are entitled to a discount of 25 per cent, from the selling prices :— jfe IN ENGLAND : — For all publications excepting Ordnance and Geological Maps, the Hydrographical Works of the Admiralty, and Patent Office Publications :— Missus. Enus and Spottiswoode, East Harding Street, B.C. For Ordnance and Geological Maps: — Mr. E. Stanford, Oockspur Street, S.W. For Hydrographical Works of the Admiralty :— Mr. J. D. Pottbb, 31, Poultry, E.G. Patent Office Publications are sold at the Patent Office. For all Publications excepting the Hydrographical Works 5f the Admiralty and Patent Office Publications : IN SCOTLAND:— Messrs. John Menzibs & Co., 12, Hanover Street, Edinburgh, and 90, "West Nile Street, Glasgow. IN IRELAND :— Messrs. Hodges, Figgis, & Co., Limited, 104, Grafton Street, Dublin. The following is a list of some of the more important Parliamentary and other Publications recently issued :— Parliamentary : Statutes — Public General, Session 1896. With Index, Tables, Ac. Cloth. Price 3f. Second Revised Edition. By authority. Vol. I. A.D. 1235-1713. Vol. II. A.D. 1714-1800. Vol. III. A.D. 1801-1814 Vol. IV. A.D. 1814-1830. Vol. V. A.D. 1830-1836. Vol. VI. A.D. 1837-1842. Vol. VII. A.D. 1843-1846. Vol.7111. A. D, 1847-1852. Vol. IX. A.D. 1852-1857. Vol. X. A.D. 1858-1862. Roy. 8vo. Boards. Price 7s. 6d. each. Revised Editions. Tables showing subsequent Repeals, effected by Acts of Session 68 & 59 Viet. 1895. Roy. 8vo. 34 pp. Stitched. Price 64. Statutes in Force. Index to. Thirteenth Edition. To the end of the Session 58 & 59 Vict. • 2 Vols. Roy. 8vo. Oloth. . " Price 10«. 6d. Statutory Rules and Orders other than those of a Local, Personal, or Temporary Character. With a List of the more important Statutory Orders of a Local Character arranged in classes; and an Index. Roy. 8vo. Boards. Issued in the years 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, and 1895. Price 10t. eaoh. Statutory Rules and Orders in force on 1st January 1893. Index to. Price 10s. Statutory Rules and Orders, 1896. Registered under the Rules Publication Act, 1893. Now in course of issue. • Acts of Parliament, Public and Local and Private, Session 1896, are now in course "of issue. , t - ' - [0. 78C2 and 7862— i. to vin.] Secondary Education Commission. Report, with Evidence, Appendices, &c. Vols. I. to IX. (complete set). :> Price 19*. 0}d. [C. 8125.] Agriculture (Royal Commission). Particulars of Expenditure and Outgoings on certain Estates in Great Britain. Price Is. 9d. [C. 8204.] Reformatory and Industrial ScnooLS. Report of Departmental Committee on, with AppendiceSj Vol. I. . < v /, I Price 3$. [C. 8208.] Railways. General Report in regard to Share and Loan Capital, &c, 1895.. Price 4%d. [C. 8209.] Statistical Abstract or the United Kingdom. 15 years, 1881-1895. 43rd No. - \, r Price 1*. Id. [C. 8214.] Oyster Culture in relation to Disease. Report by the Medical Officer on, *v : ,' ,r V '■' , Price 8s. 6d. [C. 8221.] Land in Wales and Monmoutiishire (Royal Commission). Report of Commissioners. Price 10*. 6d. [C. 8231.] Strikes and Lock-outs, 1895. 8th Report of the Chief Labour Correspondent [C. 8238.] Statistical Abstract. British India, from 1885-86 to 1894-95, No. 30. - - - -* ~ ■ K % » , \ j , > JPrice lfl. 3cL [C. 8258.] Indian Expenditure Commission, Vol. I. First Report of, with Evidence. ^W&S^S^t'i " - "> ' * fr> ' • • Price 4s. 8d. [C. 8259.] Ditto Vol.11. Appendices. Price 3s. 3d. I C. 8262.] Financial Relations between Great Britain and Ireland. Final Report of Royal Commission, with Appendix. Price Is. 10c?. [0. 8270.] Vaccination. Final Report of Royal Commission, with Appendix. • - ; './ £ ' "v " • ' ,' '^&&Y Price Is. 10c?. Mines in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Isle of Man. List of, for the year 1895. * " ' Price 3s. 3d. Quarries. ?■ ' Ditto. ditto. ditto. Price 2s. 10<#. Mines abandoned List of the Plans of. Corrected to 31st December 1895. Price 9d, The following appear periodically, and can be subscribed for: — Tra.de oi the "United Kingdom: with British Possessions ahd Foreign Countries, showing the Quantities and the Declared Value of the Articles. , % The Proceedings of Parliament in Public and Private Business are published daily- House of Lords, price Id. per 4 pp. ; House of Commons, Id. per b pp. -TftAsa .^MOKps of the several British Colonies, with information relative to their (/ T II E FIFTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF 'XHE PUBLIC RECORDS, $3rr£ciitctt ta fcotl; feau$ui at \Bnvliammt Command of ®cx -Jftajcs'ti*. LONDON : PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, PRINTERS TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. And to be purchased, either directly or through any Bookseller, from EYRE and SFOTTISWOODE, East Harding Street, Eleet Street, E.O., and 32, Abingdon Street, Westminster, S.W. ; or JOHN MENZIES & Co., 12, Hanover Street, Edinburgh, and 90, West Nile Street, Glasgow ; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., Limited, 104, Grafton Street, Dublin. 1896. [C.- 827L] Price Is. THE FIFTY-SEVENTH REPORT OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS, TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY, May it please Your Majesty, I respectfully beg to submit to Your Majesty a Report of the proceedings in the Public Record Office during the year 1895, pursuant to the Act 1 & 2 Vict. c. 94. § 17. The year has been signalised by the completion of a large and important block of buildings facing Chancery Lane. (See § VIII.) § I. LEGAL AND LITERARY SEARCH ROOMS, The number of registered applications for the production of Records, State Papers, &c. in the year 1895 has been — In the Legal Search Room - - 12,432 In the Literary Search Room - - 39,622 Total - 43,054 The value of stamps purchased by the public and cancelled in the Legal Search Room has been — £ s. d. For 737 copies - 490 13 6 „ 17 attendances - - 8 10 0 „ 2,190 inspections - - 109 10 0 „ 197 general searches - 24 12 6 Total - - - 633 6 0 Stamp duty on the same - 9 2 0 Fees to the value of 39/. 25. 6d. have been remitted to certain Departments or State. / 93120. Wt. 9388. A 2 4 THE FIFTY-SEVENTH REPORT OF TEE § II. DEPARTMENTAL SEAKCH ROOM. The following table shows the number of applications and searches made on behalf of Government Departments whose archives are deposited in the Public Record Office, and the number of volumes or bundles issued or inspected, during the year 1895:— Department. Applications and Searches. Treasury - 110 267 Home Office 6 22 Foreign Office - 21 89 Colonial Office 28 G8 War Office 1,981 3,168 Admiralty - - 127 963 Charity Commission - - 27 279 Total - 2,300 4,561 _ Issues and Inspections. The following table shows the number of volumes or bundles inspected by private searchers provided with permits from Government Departments to consult their archives, deposited in the Public Record Office, but not open to the public: — Department. Treasury - Home Office Foreign Office Colonial Office War Office - Admiralty - Lord Chamberlain's Department Customs - - - Total Inspections. 5 412 863 5,513 109 276 3 240 7,421 DEPUTY KEEPER OB' THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 5 § III. TRANSFERS. The following books and documents were received at the Public Record Office during the year 1895 : — From the Foreign Office :— 126 volumes of Treaties. From the Patent Office : — Specifications of Patents, 1880, Nos. 1 to 5517. From the Treasury : — Treasury Papers, 18 parcels. Registers.. 8 Vols. § IV. CALENDARS. Patent Rolls : I have stated in previous Reports that I had made arrangements for a systematic Calendar of the Patent Rolls, and that identical instructions had been given to the different officers employed upon the work. Reserving the reign of Henry III. for future treatment, the object of my scheme is to provide an English Calendar to these invaluable documents from the reign of Edward I. to that of Henry VII. inclusive. The work has been ■started at five points : — Edicard I. — A volume, embracing the period between the twenty-first and the twenty-ninth years inclusive, was pub- lished in 1895. (See § X.) Four sheets of the succeeding volume, which will extend to the end of the reign, were completed at press in 1895. Edward II. — Eighteen sheets of the second volume for this reign were completed at press in 1895. Edward III. — The third volume for this reign was published in 1895. (See § X.) A considerable amount of material for the fourth volume was also prepared. Richard II. — The first volume for this reign was published in 1895. (See § X.) Nineteen sheets of the second volume were also completed at press. Edicard IV. — Thirteen sheets of the first volume for this reign were completed at press in 1895. Certain initial difficulties having been overcome, I hope that 4his important series of Calendars will proceed steadily. G THE Fl FTV - SEVENTH REPORT OF THE Ancient Deeds: Eighteen sheets of the third volume of the Descriptive Catalogue of Ancient Deeds, mentioned in previous Reports, were completed at press in 1895. Ancient Correspondence : Further progress has* been made with the Calendar of mediaeval Letters. Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII.: - The second part of Vol. XIV. was in the binders' hands at the end of 1895. Twelve sheets of Volume XV. were also completed at press in the course of the year. State Papers relating to Ireland, of the Reign of Elizabeth : A volume dealing with the years 1598 and 1599 was published in 1895. (See § X.) Materials were also collected for another volume. State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles I. : The editorship of the supplementary volume begun by the late Mr. W. D. Hamilton, was entrusted to Mrs. Everett Green, but the work has been again interrupted by her death. State Papers, Colonial Series : This work was interrupted by the death, in March 1895, of the editor, Mr. \V. N. Sainsbury. The task of completing the volume which was then in the press, was entrusted to the Hon. J. W. Fprtescue, and he almost brought it to a close by the end of the year. Close Rolls : The third volume of the Calendar of Close Rolls of the reign of Edward II. was published in 1895. (See § X.) The text and the index of the fourth volume were completed at press. Thirty-one sheets of the first volume for the reign of Edward III. were similarly completed. DEPUTY KEEPER OP THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 7 Inquisitiones Post Mortem: Further progress was made with the Calendar of Inquisitiones post mortem of the Courts of Chancery and Exchequer in the reign of Henry VII. By the end of 1895, thirty-five sheets of the first a volume were completed at press. State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles II. : The late Mrs. Everett Green completed her section of this work last year, bringing it down to the end of 1670. (See § X.) Mr. Blackburne Dauiell, completed a volume dealing with the first eleven months of the year 1671. (See § X.) He has also made considerable progress with another volume. § V. LISTS AND INDEXES. Inquisitiones Post Mortem: Some further progress was made with the alphabetical arrangement of the tabular Index of Inquisitiones post mortem of the Courts of Chancery, Exchequer, and Wards and Liveries, between the reigns of Henry VII. and Charles I. inclusive. Early Chancery Proceedings : The tabulated List of Bills and Answers filed on the Equity side of the High Court of Chancery, before the reign of Elizabeth, has undergone further revision, with a view to the publication of a first instalment of it at an early date. Chancery Proceedings : Further progress was made in 1895, with the printing of a similar List of Bills and Answers addressed to Sir Nicholas Bacon, in the reign of Elizabeth, but not noticed in the three volumes issued by the Record Commission in 1827-1832. Court Rolls : A great part of the comprehensive List of Court Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office was passed for pre?s in the course of 1895, 8 THE FIFTY-SEVENTH REPORT OF THE Subsidy Accounts : Further progress was made with the List of these documents mentioned in previous Reports. Rentals and Surveys : Further progress was made with the List of these documents mentioned in previous Reports. Enrolled Accounts : The manuscript of a List extending down to the end of the reign of Richard III. was almost completed in December 1895. Early Accounts: Some additions were made to the List of original Accounts of expenditure mentioned in previous Reports. It has not yet been printed, but a fair copy of it was begun for the use of the public in the Search Rooms. Sheriffs : The List of Sheriffs, based upon entries in the Pipe Rolls and the Fine Rolls, which was mentioned in my last two Reports, was completed in manuscript. § YI. CLASSIFICATION AND ARRANGEMENT. A great deal of time and attention has been devoted during the past year, as during the previous eight years, to the classification of documents hitherto unoorted, and the identification of documents insufficiently described in existing Calendars and Lists. A List of Early Accounts of the Exchequer having been completed as mentioned in my last Report, the documents, numbering about 15,000, have been re-arranged and labelled so as to correspond with the List. The remainder of the documents formerly known as the Ancient Miscellanea of the Exchequer (Q.R.) have also been classified and re-numbered. In the course of arrangement considerable additions have been made to the Ancient Deeds, the Inquisiiiones post mortem, and the County Placita. DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 9 § VII. OPERATIONS BY REPAIRERS AND ATTENDANTS. XvOllS, Files, or Suits. Bundles. • Membranes. Leaves. Volumes or Numbered 55,798 811 9,138 25,034 38 Flattened — 10,672 273 — Repaired, — 23,877 29,817 — Sized — — 34,829 — -Guarded ._ 12,169 35,789 — Sewed - 1,765 13 115 Bound - — 120 Ticketed 334 8,40G 4,079 Filed - 31,273 Arranged and dusted. 553 Stamped 175,798 The classes to which most attention lias been given have been Ancient Correspondence, Decree Rolls, Ancient Deeds, (Series A., A.A, B., B.B., C, CC, D... D.D., E., F., F.F., L., L.L., L.S.), Depositions, Warrants for Privy Seals, Chancery and Exchequer Proceedings, Surveys and Rentals, Exchequer Accounts, Feet of Fines, Admiralty Letters and Petitions, Colonial Letters and Papers, Court Roils, Audit Office Declared Accounts, State Papers Domestic, &c, Minister's Accounts, Home Office Papers, &c. § VIII. BUILDINGS. A further sum of 8,500/. was voted by the House of Commons for the financial year 1895-96 towards the erection of a new block of the Public Record Office, the total cost of which was estimated at 79,650/. A sum of 7,000/. was also voted at the same time for iron presses and furniture for the new block, and the expenses of removing Records into it. This, the third instalment of the General Repository of Records, was completed in the autumn of 1895, from designs bv Mr. John Taylor, OB. of Your Majesty's Office of Works and 10 THE FIFTY-SEVENTH REPORT OF THE Public Buildings, on a site occupied before by twelve houses in Chancery Lane and the southern part of Rolls Yard. In general character it is very similar to the portion previously erected by the late Sir James Pennethorne. Inasmuch, however, as the stone used by him has shown signs of decny, Portland oolite has been substituted for Church Anstone sandstone, and Babbacombe limestone for Kentish rag. The facade to Chancery Lane is 225 feet long, with a depth of 44 feet at the northern end, and 65 feet at the southern end. The height from the basement floor to the top of the parapet is 84 feet, and there are four ranges of windows. There is a central tower over the gateway, and there are octagonal turrets at the north-western, south-western, and south-eastern angles. The whole building is of fireproof construction, and the floors have been made on the Fawcett system. Hydrants have been placed on each floor. All the corridors and rooms have been provided with electric light. The rooms in the northern part of the new block have been fitted with steel presses and slate shelves for the reception of documents of different departments of State. The rooms in the southern part are for the use cf the Deputy Keeper, the Secretary, and other members of the staff, who were formerly located in Holls House. On the ground floor is a Library of printed books for the use of officers of the Department. A room on the first floor, immediately over the gateway, will serve as a museum of documents of special beauty and interest, until the completion of another block of the Public .Record Office. Two statues have been placed in niches over the gateway on the eastern side ; — that of Henry III. who founded the House of Converts on this site, and that of Edward HI., who united the office of Keeper of the House of Converts with that of Keeper of the Rolls of Chancery. The removal from Bolls House into the new building was effected in October 1895. Without going into further particulars, it may be well to state that the lightness of the rooms in the latter is of great advantage to those who are occupied in deciphering ancient manuscripts. In an Appendix to this Report I give some account of the Rolls Chapel, which has been recently demolished, § IX. THE ACT 40 & 41 VICT. o. 55. The Inspecting Officers appointed for the purposes of the first section of the above-mentioned Act have continued their duties in accordance with the Rules of which Your Majesty's approba- tion was declared by Order in Council on the 30th of June 1890. DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECOKDS. 11 Further progress lias been made with the Schedule of Documents from the Office of the Registrar of the Chancery of the County Palatine of Lancaster, which has been mentioned in previous Reports. The completion of it has, however, been again deferred, for reasons already stated, and because the various removals of documents, consequent upon the erection of a new block of buildings, involved other work of a more pressing nature. For similar reasons, the Second Schedule of Home Office documents which have been removed to the Public Record Office, has not yet been quite completed, though it is in an advanced, state of preparation. The Inspecting Officers have again had the- assistance of Mr. Moran of the Home Office. The Schedule of Documents of the High Court of Chancery- relating to the practice before the Masters in Ordinary, which was mentioned in my last Report as being in course of prepara- tion, required the most careful consideration. It was, however, completed in the year 1895. After having been submitted to Lord Justice Lindley, who agreed with all the thirty-six recom- mendations contained in it (except one touching the disposal of copies of wills), it was duly approved by the Master of the Rolls. The Pay Books of the Roynl Navy, of which there appear to have been at one time no less than five concurrent series, occupied a great amount of valuable space. After they had been subjected to a very close inspection, it appeared that there was not any reason for preserving more than two of these series. Mr. Follett Pennell, the Deputy Accountant-General of the Navy, was associated with the Inspecting Officers in the con- sideration of this subject, and employed several clerks of his department to make an independent examination of the documents under his supervision. In the end it was agreed that if one- series, known as the Treasurer's, and another known as that of the Ticket Office, were preserved, the rest might safely be destroyed. A Third Schedule of Documents removed from the Office of the Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral to the Public Record Office was accordingly prepared. It was submitted to the Master of the Rolls, who gave his approval, and it was also approved by the First Lord of the Admiralty. Owing to the near approach of the prorogation of Parliament, neither of the two last-mentioned Schedules was laid before the- two Houses in the year 1895, but the subsequent proceedings in relation to them will be noticed in my next Report. Various documents included in Schedules which have already- been submitted to the two Houses of Parliament have been found, from time to time, during the process of sorting, and have been duly sent to the Controller of Tour Majesty's Stationery Office for destruction. Suggestions have been received from Your Majesty's Office of Works touching the destruction of documents of the Insolvent Debtors' Court at Somerset House, in order to give more space 12 THE FIFTY- SEVENTH REPORT OF THE to the Inland Revenue Department. As, however, the particular documents have not yet been included in any Schedule, and as the Senior Registrar in Bankruptcy had not expressed any desire to have them included, the Inspecting Officers did not take any action in the matter. In sorting the Journals and Logs of the Royal Navy for the purposes of the Schedule in which those of no value are included for destruction, discoveries continue to be made of valuable Logs, &c. not previously known to exist. -Application having been received from Your Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, from the President of the Board of Agriculture, and from the Registrar of Friendly Societies, for an extension of the rides made by the Master of the Rolls under the above-mentioned Act, tj their Departments, a new rule was made and approved as appears below : — "I, the Eight Honourable William Baliol, Baron Ester of Esher, in the •county of Surrey, Master of the Rolls, in exercise of the power conferred upon me by the first section of the Public Record Office Act, 1877, do Jhereby make the Rule following : — " The Bnles made by me of which Her Majesty declared Her approbation by Order in Council on the 30th day of June 1890 shall extend to docu- ments of the Department of Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, the Board of Agriculture, and of the Registry of Friendly Societies. " 11th June 1895. " ESHER, M.B. " The Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury approve of this Rule. " RICIID. K. CAUSTON. " W. A. McABTHUR. " Further approved by the heads of the following departments : " Foreign Office, KIMBERLEY. " Board of Agriculture, HERBERT GARDNER. " Registry of Friendly Societies, EDWARD W. BRABROOK." § X. CALENDARS PUBLISHED. Calendar of the Patent Bolls, preserved in the Public Eecord Office, prepared under the superintendence of the Deputy Keeper of the Records. Three volumes of this new series were published in 1895:— Edward I. 1292-1301. — This volume was prepared by Mr. J. G. Black, B.A. of the Public Record Office. Edward III. 1334-1338. — This volume was prepared by Mr, H. F. Isaacson of the Public Record Office. Richard II. 1377—1381. — This volume was prepared by Mr. G. J. Mom*, M.A. of the Public Record Office. DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS. Calendar of the Close Rolls, preserved in the Public Record Office, prepared under the superintendence of the Deputy Keeper of the Records. One volume of this new series was published in 1895 : — Edward II. 1318-1323. — This volume was prepared by Mr. \V. H. Stevenson. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles II. preserved in the Public Record Office. Edited bv Mary Anne Everett Green. 1670. With Addenda, 1660-1670. With this volume the late Mrs. Green brought her work on the State Papers of the reign of Charles II. to a close, in accordance with the arrangement made in 1892, that Mr. F. H. Blackburne Daniell should continue the Calendar from the year 1671 downwards. The Addenda papers till nearly one hundred pages, and consist of documents which had been misplaced in the collection ; or were for other reasons not forthcoming when the earlier volumes in the series were being prepared for press. Among other interesting matter in them, there is a detailed description of the great fire, and an account of the sale of the pictures and furniture of Charles I. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of Charles IT., January to November, 1671, preserved in the Pub'ic Record Office. Edited by F. H. Blackburne Daniell, M.A. The contents of this volume differ slightly from those of the preceding volumes issued under the editorship of Mrs. Everett Green. The Levant Papers are no longer included, but the other documents calendared are largely increased by the addition of the Irish State Papers and of the Signet Books, which consist chiefly of copies of letters to different officials in Ireland. Calendar of State Papers, Domestic Series, of the Reign of William and Mary, 13th February, 1689 — April, 1690, preserved in the Public Record Office. Edited by William John Hardy, F.S.A. In this first volume of Calendar dealing with papers relating to events immediately after the Revolution there are few allusions to the all-important changes which had taken place within a few months. The documents relating to the condition of finance, the army, and the navy, are specially deserving of attention. Of greatest 14 THE FIFTY-SEVENTH REPORT OF THE historical importance are perhaps the papers relating to General Kirke's expedition for the relief of Londonderry and to the operations of King William's army in Ireland generally, under Schomberg's command ; the correspond- ence about the Jacobite rising in the Highlands, and the death of Dundee. A large number of documents relating to continental affairs have been found in the series of Domestic State Papers, chiefly among those formerly preserved in the King's private cabinet, known as " King "William's Chest.'' Noticeable among those of which abstracts appear in this volume are the Earl of Portland's letters on the affairs of Holland, and the details given by the Prince of Waldeck of the progress of the allied forces on the Continent. "Calendar of State Papers, relating to Ireland, of the Reign of Elizabeth, 1598, January — 1599, March, pre- served in the Public Record Office. Edited by Ernest George Atkinson. This volume covers a period of fifteen months only, the most important event occurring within the time upon which new light is thrown by the documents being the defeat of Sir Henry Bagenall by the rebels, near Armagh. This and other reported " overthrows " of the Queen's forces seem to have produced the most marked effect in the province of Munster, the President of which, Sir Thomas Norreys, was continually reporting the excesses committed by the rebels, and asking for reinforcements and supplies. The disgraceful treatment by their officers of the English soldiers sent over to quell the rebellion, in the matter of dier, lodging, and care of such of them as were ill or wounded, is illustrated in many curious papers. • Calendar of State Papers and Manuscripts relating to English Affairs, existing in the Archives and Collections of Venice and in other Libraries of Northern Italy. Vol. VIII. 1581-1591, Edited by Horatio F. Brown. The papers calendared exiat in the the State Archives at the Frari, and in the Mareian Library, at Venice. During the period covered by this volume the Republic maintained no ambassador in London ; and the chief sources of information concerning England are the despatches from Spain, France, and Constantinople, the minutes of the Senate, and the series of news books. The three main lines of English history illustrated by these means are the relations between England and France on the subjects of Elizabeth's proposed marriage with the Duke of Alencon, and the death of Mary, Queen of Scots ; DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 15 Drake's operations in the West Indies, at the Azores, and on the Spanish seaboard, and the destruction of the Armada; and the missions of William Harborne and Edward Barton to the Porte. Calendar of Letters, Despatches, and State Papers, relating to the negotiations between england and Spain, preserved at Simancas and elsewhere. Edited by- Don Pascual de Gayangos. Vol. VI. Part II. Henry VIII. 1542-1543. The long negotiations for a treaty of closer alliance with England, conducted by the Imperial resident Ambassador and his colleagues, form the almost exclusive subject of the present volume. The letters of the Queen of Hungary and of the Emperor to Eustace Chapuys, and those of Chapuys himself, fill the most important part. Calendar of Entries in the Papal Eegisters, relating to Great Britain and Ireland. Papal Letters. Vol. II. 1305-1342. Edited by W. H. Bliss, B.C.L. The text of the present volume has been prepared upon the system described in the preface to the first volume of this series of Calendars. Greater liberty has, however, been taken in the rendering of proper names. The entries in the registers being, for the most part, based upon petitions and other documents from different countries, the scribes constantly misread doubtful letters, having no local or personal knowledge to guide them. § XI LISTS AND INDEXES PUBLISHED. Although considerable progress has been made with several works belonging to this series, as mentioned above (§ Y.), no List was completed at press during the year 189;">. § XII. CHRONICLES AND MEMORIALS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND DURING THE MIDDLE AGES. The following volume was issued in 1895 : — Chronicle of Henry Knighton, Canon of Leicester. Edited by the Rev. Joseph Rawson Lumby, D.D. Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity in the University of Cam- bridge. Vol. II. (Publication sanctioned in 1885.) This volume, which completes the work, deals with the period between the years 1337 and 1395 inclusive, but there is an 16 THE FIFTY-SEVENTH REPORT OF THE unfortunate gap for the ten years between 1366 and 1377, and the events of some other years are noticed very briefly. The editor has added a general Introduction and an Index to the two volumes. The number of volumes of the Chronicles and Memorials sold for Your Majesty's Stationery Office during the year 1895 was 657, making a total of 54,708. At the end of the year there were four works belonging to this series in the press, all of which were sanctioned before my appointment to he Deputy Keeper of the Records : — Year Books of the Reign of Edward III. Vol. VII. Edited and translated by Luke Owen Pike, M.A. Barrister- at-Law. (Publication sanctioned in 1879.) Ranulf de Glanvill ; Tractatus de Legibus et Consuetudintbtjs Anglle. Edited and translated by Sir Travers Twiss, Q.C., D.C.L. (Publication sanctioned in 1884.) The Red Book of the Exchequer. Edited by Hubert Hall, F.S.A. of the Public Record Office. Parts I. IT. and III. (Publication sanctioned in 1885.) Memorials of St. Edmund's Abbey. Edited by Thomas Arnold, M.A. Vol. III. (Publication sanctioned in 1885.) § XIII. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS. Acts of the Privy Council of England. New series Vol. X. A.D. 1577-1578. Vol. XI. A.D. 1578-1580. Edited by John Roche Dasent, C.B. Barrister-at Law, M.A. The publication of these two volumes in 1895 shows that this series is making very satisfactory progress. § XIV. RESEARCHES IN FOREIGN ARCHIVES. Rome : Mr. W. H. Bliss has continued his researches in the archives of the Vatican, being engaged upon the following works : — Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers, relating to Great Britain and Ireland. Papal Letters, Vol. II. A.D. 1305-1342. This was published in 1895. (See § X.) DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 17 Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers, relating to great britain and ireland. Petitions to the Pope. Vol. I. A.D. 1342-1419. The printing of the text was completed in 1895, and the Index was in type at the end of the year. Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers, relating to great britain and ireland. papal Letters, Vol. III. A.D. 1342-1362. Two sheets of this were printed in 1895, and three more sheets were in type at the end of the year. Venice : Mr. Horatio F. Brown has continued his researches in the Venetian archives. A volume of his Calendar of documents and entries relating to English affairs was published in 1895. (See § X.). Some material for the next volume was received from him in the latter part of the year. Spain, Brussels, and Vienna: Don Pascual de Gayangos has continued his researches. Another volume of his Calendar of documents relating to English affairs was published in 1895. (See § X.) Major Martin A. S. Hume has made considerable progress with his Calendar of documents in Spain relating to English affairs between the years 1580 and 1586. France : Transcripts of certain despatches from French ambassadors in England have been made at Paris, in order to fill up gaps in the series formed for this Office by the late M. Armand Baschet between the years 1870 and 1885. Mr. J. H. Round has been authorised to prepare a Calendar of early documents in France relating to England. His work will be founded upon the series of transcripts made for the old Record Commission and now preserved in this Office, but an examination of original manuscripts at Paris, in Normandy, and elsewhere will also be necessary. § XV. HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. The work of this Commission has, as in former years, been conducted at Rolls House and in the Public Record Office, the Deputy Keeper of the Records being the Acting Commissioner, and the Secretary of the Public Record Office being the Secretary. / 93120. B 18 THE FIFTY-SEVENTH REPORT OF THE Some of the Clerks of the Public Kecord Office have been employed in calendaring the Cecil Manuscripts of the reign o£ Elizabeth from Hatfield House, out of office hours, and others have, also out of office hours, compiled indexes to the Calendars and Reports issued by the Commissioners. All which is humbly submitted to Your Majesty. Dated this 15th day of August, 1896. (Signed) H. C. MAXWELL LYTE. I humbly certify to Your Majesty that this Report is made by the Deputy Keeper of the Records, pursuant to the 17th section of the Statute 1 & 2 Vict. c. 94. (Signed) ESHER, M.R. N Q Jp llQ'GJP - — *^ JKX^i/u.~~, DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 19 APPENDIX. The building recently known as L tbe Rolls Chapel was originally /yjLj, IF 9^ the Chapel of the House of Converts, which was founded by t ,' Henry III. for the reception of Jews who had embraced the JCf 'L u Christian faith. ' The annals of that establishment offer various tIS^o^/o points of interest ; but, in the present Report, I propose to deal y^CXL with those facts only which concern the Chapel. 1 The earliest specific reference to the House of Converts occurs in a royal charter dated 16th January 1232, by which the founder assigned a yearly sum of 700 marks for the maintenance of the inmates,