Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/exhibitionofpictOOhist M. B, A, HISTORIC GALLERY, PALI. MAIL. EXHIBITION OF PICTURES, PAINTED FOfc BOWYER'S MAGNIFICENT EDITION OF THB HISTORY OF ENGLAND. LONDON. »795« CATALOGUE N° i. William the Firft accepting the Crown of England. Painted by B. West, Efq. Hijlorical Painter to his Majefty^ and Prefdent of the Royal Academy. Before he (William) came within fight of the city, all the chief nobility, and Edgar Atheling himfeif, the new-ele&ed king, came into his camp, and declared their intention of yield- ing to his authority. They requefted him to mount their throne, which they now confidered as vacant ; and declared to him that, as they had always been, ruled by regal power, they defired to follow, in this- particular, the example of their anceftors, and knew of no one more worthy than himfeif to hold the reins of government." — Vide Hume, Vol. I. p. 234, oft. edit. N° 2. The Submiffion of John to his Brother, Richard I. Painted by B. West, Efq. c< During this war Prince John deferted from Philip, threw himfeif at his brother's feet, craved pardon for his offences, and by the interceffion of Queen Eleanor, was received into favour. — 1 forgive bim^ fa id the King, and hope I foall as eafily forget his injuries as he will my pardon" — Vide HuM£ 4 Vol. 11. p. 31, Qft. edit. ( 4 ) N° 3 - Charles the Second in the Forefl: of Bofcobel, The Figures by R. Smirke, R. A. And the Landfcape by T. Farrington, R. A. A. . 37^ oft. edit. 8 ( 7 ) N° to. The Duke pf York, Brother to Edward the Fifth, refigned by the Queen. Painted by J. Opie, R. A. " The Archbifhops of Canterbury and York employed every argument, accompanied with earned entreaties, exhortations, and aflurances, to bring her over to the fame opinion. She long continued obftinate, and infifled that the Duke of York, by living in the fancluary* was not only fecure himfelf, but gave fecurity to the king, whofe life no one would dare to attempt, while his fucceflbr and avenger remained in fafety. But finding that none fupported her in thefe fentiments, and that force, in cafe of refufal, w 7 as threatened by the council, {he at laft com- plied, and produced her fon to the two prelates. She was here on a fudden ftruck with a kind of prefage of his future ftate; lhe tenderly embraced him; (he bedewed him with tears; and, bidding him an eternal adieu, delivered him, with many expref- fions of regret and reluctance, into their cuftody." — Vide Hume, Vol. HI. f. 2 j i, oft. edit. N° ii. Mary Queen of Scots previous to her Execution* Painted by J. Opie, R. A. ) it to the king, faying, in her language, A. . 305. ( H ) PORTRAITS. N° 24. Portrait of William the Conqueror. A more particular hiftory of this Portrait is given in the Se- cond Number of Mr. Bowyer's fplendid Edition of the Hiftory of England; where the Engraving from this Picture is intro- dnced. — At prefent Mr. Bowyer will only remark, that he has unqueft onable proof that, in the year 1741, the Hon. James Weft, Efq. Prefident of the Royal Society, offered Five Hun- dred Guineas for this Portrait. Mr. Bowyer is indebted for the loan of it to his friend Dr. Webfter, of Witham, in EfTex. N° 25. Portrait of David Rizzio, Who was murdered in the Prefence of Mary f^ueen of Scots* There can be no doubt of the originality of this picture- Mr. Bowyer is likewise indebted to his friend Dr. Webfter for the loan of this Portrait. N° 26. Portrait of Mrs. Delborough, Sifter of Oliver Cromwell. By Walker. N° 27. A Portrait. By Janssen* ( is ) SKETCH of Mr. BOWYER's PROSPECTUS. Sixty large Pictures will be painted from the moft interefting events in the Britifh Hiftory. The Prints from thofe Pictures, as well as every other Embel- lifhment of the Work, will be executed in the fame ftyle of engraving as the celebrated Prims of the Death of General Wolfe, and the Battles of the Boyne and La Hogue. All the firft Artifts in the Country have undertaken to exert their abilities in the Embellifhments of this Work. The whole Hiftory will be publifhed, as nearly as can be com-i puted, in Sixty Numbers, making Six magnificent Folio Vo- ,! lumes. Each Number will contain one Capital Hiftoric Print, with one or more Vigneutes, Portraits, Views of Naval E^Jl garments, Monuments, Ruins, Coins, or Medals, as t^ c fubject may require. The Price to Subf ribers is One Guinea each Number; anoL in order to remove every poflibility of doubt refpecting the^ equitable and fair delivery of the Impreflions of the Plates ac- cording to the order of fubfcription, fuch an engagement is given as will effectually anfwer that purpofe. Proposals, containing an account of the various Embellifh- ments which are to appear in this Work (moft of which are in their nature perfectly new), together with the names of the Artifts engaged, and every other particular relating to this Undertaking, may be had at the Historic Gallery; and of J. Edwards, Pall-Mail ; and W. Richardfon, Royal Ex- change ; where the Numbers already publifhed may be in- fpected. — Eleven Numbers are already publifhed, and the twentieth Number will be publifhed on the fourth of June next. ( «6 ) The Miniatures over the Chimney-piece are painted by Mr. Bowyer. N° I Portrait of His Royal Highnefs the Prince of Wales* 2 Portrait of his Royal Highnefs the Duke of Clarence, 3 Portrait of His Royal Highnefs Prince William of Gloucefter. 4 Portrait of Her Grace the Duchefs of Rutland. 5 Portrait of the Jate Earl of Sandwich. 6 Portrait of his Highnefs the Nabob of Arcot. 7 Portrait of Admiral Gell. 8 Portrait of a Lady, 9 Portrait of a Lady. -10 Portrait of a Lady. i i Portrait of a Lady. \ 12 Portrait of the Right Honourable Lord Thurlow. j Portrait of a Lady, j 4 Portrait of a Lady; j Portrait of the late Lord Heathfield. / 16 Portraits of a young Nobleman and his Sifter. ! 17 Portrait of a Lady. 18 Portrait of I. Lee, Efq, 19 Portraits of Two Young Noblemen, 20 Portrait of an Old Lady. 21 Portrait of Dr. Willis. 22 Portrait of a Lady of Quality. 23 Portrait of a Lady. 24 Portrait of Sir Ifaac Heard. 25 Portrait of the late Sir Robert Boyd. 26 Portrait of a Lady. 27 Portrait of Sir Edward Hughes,