tUGE/Vf r'4 r¥> .;4 r Y, r5 '„ ^ •m vif fSf ';!f ‘,if ISf m W # #f # H £ # # $f # •' \Y^Y.''V ' -; The Prince Imperial LONDON : GILBERT AND HIVINGTON, PRINTERS, sr. John’s square. A CATALOGUE OF NEW & POPULAR WORKS, AND OF BOOKS FOR CHILDREN, SUITABLE FOR PRESENTS AND SCHOOL PRIZES. WEST PUBLISHED BY GRIFFITH AND FARRAN, (successors to newbery and Harris), CORNER OF ST. PAUL’S CHURCHYARD, LONDON. E. P. DUTTON AND CO., NEW YORK. On. 9>8U, Cancelling all previous Editions of this Catalogue. coistteistts. — PAGE New Books and New Editions, 1879—80 3 New Fiction 7 Poetry 8 Stanesby’s Illuminated Gift Books 3 Birthday Books 8 Manuals on Confirmation, &c. 9 New Books and New Editions for Children 9 Six Shilling Books ... 10 Five Shilling Books • ... 11 Four and Sixpenny Books ... 13 . 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