\ ^ AVv^ , <- Cj i~ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/officialcatalogu02york 67 OFFICIAL CATALOGUE of Tin: YORKSHIRE gmt %x\ & Industrial €#itioiu y@#r. OPENED JULY. 1866. SECOND EDITION. PRINTED BY J. W. LANCASTER. 0, BRIDGE STREET, YORK PRsei sfixpi.ecei. 1 8 6 6 . t) INTRODUCTION. In the Autumn of 1865, the attention of a few of the citizens of York was called to the desirability of hold- ing an Exhibition of Works of Art and Industry within its walls ; the central position of York, and the large number of persons who, during the summer months, visit it, attracted by its many points of interest, or on their way to the health-resorts of the county, pointing it out as admirably adapted for that purpose. The subject was introduced at a meeting held in the Guildhall, on Nov. 27th, 1865, and was received with such favour, that, in a few days, a Guarantee Subscription-list was formed, almost entirely of York citizens, amounting to upwards of £6,000. In this list, all the interests of the city were fully repre- sented, and an Executive Committee having been appointed, a suitable site was obtained, and the building commenced on March 15th, 1866. The building consists of one Great Hall, '195ft. long and 80i't . wide, having a Gallery 18ft. wide running round it ; two Picture Galleries, one to the right and the other to the left of the entrance to the Great Hall (each of these Picture Galleries consists of a room 60ft. long by 30ft. wide, opening into a pavilion 40ft. square, and giving an area available for hanging pictures of upwards of 7,000 square feet) ; and of an annex for Machinery and Carriages, with an area of 9,000 square feet. 4 INTRODUCTION. The Great Hall and its Galleries contain a very valuable collection of manufactured Goods, specimens of Natural History, a collection of Engravings and Photo- graphs, and objects of Historical and Antiquarian interest. The collection of Paintings and Water-colour Drawings comprises the works of some of the most celebrated Artists of ancient and modern times ; the greater portion of these Paintings have been kindly lent by Noblemen and Gentle- men residing in the immediate vicinity of York, though some most valuable contributions have been sent from all parts of the kingdom. To all who have united to make the exhibition what it is. the Committee tender their warmest thanks and grateful acknowledgments ; and trust that the wishes of the projectors will be most fully realized in the Exhibition becoming a source of intellectual gratification to vast numbers of their fellow-countrymen, and a permanent benefit to their ancient city. 71 P A T tf 0 N r 5 : HIS THE THE GRACE THE LORD ARCH- BISHOP OF YORK. RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF SCARBOROUGH. RIGHT HON. THE EARL FITZ WILLI AM. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL DE GREY AND K1PON. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF EFFINGHAM. THE RIGHT. HON. THE EARL OF ZETLAND. THE RIGHT HON. LORD JOHN HAY, M.P. THE RIGHT HON LORD F. C. CAVENDISH, M.P. THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD VISCOUNT HALIFAX. THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD VIS- COUNT MILTON, M.P. THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD VIS- COUNT NEVILLE. THE RT. REV. THE LORD BISHOP OF RIP ON. THERT. HON. LORD STOURTON. HERKIES. HAWKE. GRANTLEY. VI UNCASTER. TEIGNMOUTH. THE RT. HON. LORD FEVERSHAM. WENLOCK. DE L'lSLE AND ” DUDLEY. THE RIGHT HON. LORD LONDEfe- BOROUGH. THE RT. HON. LORD HOUGHTON. HON. W. E. DUNCOMBE, M.P. THERT. HON. ,T. STANSFl ELD, M.P. HON. A. DUNCOMBE, M.P. SIR CHAS. SLINGSBY, BART. SIR G. CHOLMLEY, BART. SIR IV. VI. E. MILNER, BART. SIR G. ARMYTAGE, BART. SIR G. O. WOMBWELL. BART. SIR G. F. DUCKETT, BART. SIR J.v. B. JOHNSTONE, BART, VI. P. SIR H. M. VAVASOUR, BART. SIR G. W. DENYS, BART. SIR J. H. LOWTHER, BART. SIR W. WORSLEV, BART. SIR F. CROSSLEYT BART,, VI P. F. A. MILBANK, ESQ., M.P. F A. BEAUMONT, ESQ , M.P. JAS. LOWTHER, ESQ., M.P. GEO. LEEMAN, ESQ., M.P. G. S. BEECROFT, ESQ., M.P. H. W. WICKHAM, ESQ., M.P. C. SYKES, ESQ., M.P. E. AKRQYD, ESQ., M.P. PRES®® I MIT! THE RIGHT HONORABLE JAMES MEEK, LORD MAYOR OF YORK. THE HON. AND VERY REV. THE DEAN OF YORK. THE RECORDER OF YORK. THE SHERIFF OF YORK. JAMES LOWTHER. ESQ., M.P. MR ALDERMAN LEEMAN, M.P. MR. ALDERMAN RICHARDSON. MR. ALDERMAN EVERS, mb. aldervian close. MR. ALDERMAN HARGROVE. MR. ALDERVIAN HOLLON. MR. ALDERVIAN WADE. MR, ALDERVIAN WOOD- MR. ALDERVIAN WEATHERLEY. MR. ALDERMAN COLBURN. MR. ALDERMAN HILL. ROBERT DAVIES, ESQ., F.S.A. THE REV. J. KEN RICK, VI, A. F.S.A. THE REV. ISAAC SPENV ER, VI A. THE REV. JAMES PARSONS. JOHN FORD, ESQ. WILLIAM GRAY, ESQ., F.R.A.S. W. D. HUSBAND, ESQ. JAMES CHADWICK, ESQ. G. H. SEYMOUR, ESQ. GEORGE DODSWORTH, ESQ. J. ROPER, ESQ. 5! ExeeisTcvE THE RT. HON. THE LORD MAYOR OF YORK. THE HON. AND VERY REV. THE DEAN OF YORK. MR. ALDERMAN LEEMAN, M.P. MR. ALDERMAN CLOSE. MR. ALDER. MAN HARGROVE. J. B. ATKINSON. I F. STEPHENSON. T. P. BULMER. R. A CLARK. .1. DEIGHTON. J. L. FOSTER. V. W. HARGROVE. C©MM(TTSISs J. HARRIS. J. HOLTUY. C. M. Ll'DEN. H. J. Me. CCLLOCH. W. MONKHOUSE. T. S. NOBLE. S. W. NORTH. THE REV. G. ROWE, M.A. H. I. BOWNTREE. E. THOMPSON. M. COOPER. J. WELBURN. .T. WILKINSON. Thkasc»er: E. SMALLWOOD. Bankers: YORK CITY AND C0t T NTY BANKING COMPANY. Architects MESSRS. J. B. & W. ATKINSON, J1R. E. TAYLOR. W. PROCTER, M.D., \ W. PUMPHKEY, Gen. SeC3, E. TAYLOR, ‘ JNO. WILSON, Assist. Sec. S. Ui B - C O’ M iVS l T T £ E, S „ BELL. . .1. BODDY. W. CHAPMAN (Park Place). G. DRUMMOND (Heworth), H. FIPPARD. •1. H. GIBSON, M.D. IV. J. HANDS. G. F. JONES, R. MACKRETH. FINE ART. W. MONKHOUSE. E. MOORE. W. MOORE. T. E. NEWNFM. J. PENROSE. R. E. SMITHSON. REV. ). SPENCER, M.A. (Acomb). J. T. WALTON. W. J. WHITEHEAD. W. W, HARGROVE, Secretary W. ATKINSON. •T. COLBURN. F. B. COOPER. J. DAY, .Tun. J. H GIBSON. M.D. T. G. HARTLEY. G. HOPE. W. HODGSON. J. W. KNOWLES. ART MANUFACTURES. H. PRESTON. H. PERFECT Rev. J. RAINE, M.A. J. SANDERSON. J. SAMPSON. H. SCOTT’. M. SKELTON. R. WARD. T. WORTHINGTON. Rev. G ROWE, M.A. Secretary. 78 MACHINERY. J. BELLERBY, Jun. W. CATTLEY. 8. CLOSE, Jun. K. COOKE. .1 f. CREASER. R. DRESSER. G. EASTWOOD. A. E. HARGROVE. H. ,T. MC. CULLOCH. W. .!. NICHOLSON. H. I. ROWNTREE. E. THOMPSON. W. WALKER, (Walmgate). C. WALKER. f. F. STEPHENSON, Secretary H AITKEN. V H. BELL. <;. BLAND. J. BROWN, (Ousegate). T. COOPER. •i BRIGHTON. «•:. GRAVES. : UKBDEN. D HILL. MANUFACTURES. W. KEARSLEY. W. LEAK. J. MARSH. T. S. NOBLE. W. SLING ER. H. STEWARD. J. TERRA'. .T. WAIN WRIGHT. J. WOOD. M. COOPER, Secretary. A. BALL. H. BAINES. D. GRAHAM. W. MATTERSON, M.D. F. NEEDHAM, M.D. S. W. NORTH. NATURAL PRODUCTS. J. PEIRSON. Rev. G. ROWE, M.A. E. SMALLWOOD. G. WHICH r. H. WOOD. C. M. LUDEN, Secretary. K. BAINES. ,T. BAINBRIDGE. J. BROWNE, (Blake-street). T. COOK. A. E. HARGROVE. ANTIQUARIAN. J. KENDREW. Rev. J. KENRIGK, M.A. C. J. NEWSTEAD. E. SWAIN 15. L. THOMPSON. S. W. NORTH, Secretary. J. CLOSE J. CLEGHORN. FINANCE. j R. A. CLARK, j E. SMALLWOOD. .1. HARRIS, Secretary. W. ATKINSON. W. W. HARGROVE. PRIZE I G. F. JONES, j J, C. SWALLOW. W. MONKHOUSE, Secretary. PRINTING, &C. A. E. HARGROVE J. I. FOSTER, W. PHILLIPS. H. I. ROWNTREE, Secretary. CATALOGUE. J SAMPSON. J. R. FOSTER S. W. NORTH. W. MONKHOUSE, Secretary - V i S' s G. BLAND. C. BARKER. W MC. CABE. J. PENROSE. REFRESHMENT. W. STOTT. J. TERRY. E. THOMPSON. W. WILSON, (Coney-Street). T. P. BULMER, Secretary. J. CLOSE. A. CHRTSTISON. H. J. MC. CULLOCH. CONVEYANCE. I E. THOMPSON, j J. S. RYMER. J. WELBURN, Secretary. ENTERTAINMENT. H. ANDERSON. V,' BARNBY G. BLAND. H. .T. Me. CULLOCH. J. DEIGHTON. E. GRAVES. U.B.— The President and General Secretaries are Members, ex-officio, of *11 Committees. J. GROVES. T. G. HARTLEY. J. HOLTBY. J. MARSH. W. PROCTER, Secretary. Abbreviations used in the Catalogue inv. inventor ; des. designer ; mod. modeller ; sculp, sculptor, carver, or engraver ; manu. manufacturer ; photo, photographer , prod, producer; contr. contributor. 7B CATALOGUE. The Catalogue is arranged under the following heads ; Front of the Building. The Great Hall, Ground Floor, The Great Hall, Galleries. The Annex for Machinery and Carriages. Fine Art Gallery, East. Fine Art Gallery, West. « For the better arrangement of the Exhibition, various articles have been placed in different positions in the building to those which they occupied when the first edition of the catalogue was issued; in this edition, their positions are given at the end of the entry of such articles. FRONT OF THE BUILDING*. The exterior of the Building has been decorated, and the heraldic emblazonments executed, by Mr. T. Worthington, Decorator, York, who has also decorated the interior. The Paintings on each side of the centre windows have been designed and painted by Mr. J. T. Walton, Artist, York. The Ornamental Finial, nine feet high, has been furnished by Messrs. Macfarlane and Co., Saracen Foundry, Glasgow. * The Turret Clock has been contributed by Messrs. T. Cooke and Sons, Buckingham Works, York. ■ The fountain, composed of artificial stone, is from the works of Mr. W. Vickers, Nottingham, price £42. A block of Yorkshire coal, from the collieries of Messrs. Briggs, Son. and Co. (limited), Wliitwood, Normanton, exhibited by Mr. T. Luty, Colliery Agent, York. 10 Front of the Building. An Armour Plate (which has been tested at Portsmouth with b8 pounder cast iron shot, at 200 yards, and received the high order oi merit, A. 1, superior), 15ft. Thin, long, 3ft. Sin. broad amn. thick, weighing (> tons 4-icwts, from Messrs. C. C«mm and Co s. (limited), Cyclops Works, Sheffield. THE GREAT HALL. GROUND FLOOR. 1 Armstrong, Sir W. G. and Co., Newcastle-upon-Tyne inr. manu. — Two Pieces of mounted Field Ordnance. ' 2 Cammell, C. and Co., Sheffield, manu.— Specimens of Steel Shot. S V'-u-keb, w.. Victoria Foundry, York, des. manu.— Pair of wrought -iron Entrance Gates, with Posts and Hand Gates to match, bronzed and gilded, specially manufactured for tins exhibition, 26ft. wide, IfGft. high. 4 Cole, J., Gillygate, York, sculp.— Stone Font, Group of ions in Stone, Lion in Marble, Virgin and Child on Joraclcet, &c. 4a Ditto, Two Stone Fonts for Foxholes and Clifton Churches ^ aud Stone Pulpit, designed by G. F. Jones, York. 5 Skelton and Son, Micklegate, York, sculp, manu.— Marble Chimney-pieces, Vases, and other ornamental work. 6 Eastwood, G., Walmgate, _ York, manu.— An assortment of Planes, _ with modern improvements ; Tools of various descriptions, suitable for Joiners, Cabinet-Makers, &e. 7 Wood J. Spurriergate, York, inv. manu.— A general assort- ment of Surgical Instruments, with the newest appliances m mechanical surgery; specimens of Cutlery, &c. Breech- ioadmg Gun, price £15. 8 Maksden, and Co., Upperthorpe Road, Sheffield, manu — Cheap and improved Respirators ; Ventilated Eye Shades, and liegistered Wool Chest Protectors. 9 Cooke, T . and Sons, Buckingham Works, York, manu.— 1 urret Clock ; Astronomical Clock; assortment of Philo- sophical Instruments. 10 Akeoyd and Son, Halifax, des. manu.-Fleece and combed Wools; Worsted Yams; Worsted fabrics of all descrip- tions, and mixed fabrices of cotton and worsted 77 The Great Hall — Ground Floor. 11 11 Wilkin son, Son, and Co., St. Helen's Mills, Leeds, ties. manu. — Specimens of Printed Felt ' Carpeting, Bugs, Numnahs (or Cavalry Blankets), and other articles of Felt manufacture. 12 Sampson, J., Coney-street, York. — An assortment of Orna- mental Stationery ; specimens of Heraldic Engraving ; collection of Chromo -lithographs. 13 Leak and Thorp, Parliament-street, York. — Mantles and M illinery. 14 Field, J., C., and J., Lambeth, London, manu.— Candle Manufacture, more especially relating to Para fin Can lies, showing the pirocess and products from the coal to the perfected candle. — Waite and Cockfield, 26, Petergate, York, Agents. 15 Owen, W., Wheathill Foundry, Botherham, manu.-— Orna- mental Cast-iron Fountain, price £60. 16 Waxzkr Sewing Machine Co., manu. — Sewing Machines. — J. Sampson, Coney-street, York, Agent. 17 Standard Sewing Machine Co., manu.— -Sewing Machines.— Jus. Baker, Pavement, York, Agent. (Machinery Annex.) 17a The A. B. C. Elliptic Sewing Machine Co., manu. — The A. B. C. Elliptic Lock-stitch Sewing Machine. — James Baker, Pavement, York, Agent. 18 British Sewing Machine Co. (limited), London and Glas- gow, manu. — Alexandra Sewing Machines. (Machinery Annex.) 19 Grover and Baker, London and Liverpool, manu. — Shuttle, Lock-stitch, and Elastic-stitcli Sewing Machines. — T. N. Fowler, Spurriorgate, York, Agent. 20 Wheeler and Wilson, Liverpool, manu.— Lock-stitch Sewing Machines. 22 Singer Manufacturing Co., manu.— Sewing Machines, and Button-hole Sewing Machine. — F. Wood, Railway-street, York, Agent. 23 Dalton Knitting Machine Co., Liverpool, manu. — Portable Circular Knitting Machines. — (Machinery Annex.) 24 Middlthuist, A., Saville-street, Hull, Agent. — “The Weed” and “ Florence” Sewing Machines. (Machinery Annex.) 25 Milward, C. A., Coney-street, York, manu. — Shirts, Collars, Scarfs, &c. 26 Day, J. andE., High-Ousegate, York. — Patent Velvet PiJe Fringe and Upholstery Trimmings ; Silks, Shawls, and Lace Goods. 12 The Great Hall — Ground Floor. 27 Flitch and Sox, Buslingthorpe, Leeds, manu. — Assortmen of Coloured Fancy Leather. 28 Cooper, M., Railway-street, York, manu.— Hunting, Racing, Steeple-Chase, and Side Saddles ; Harness and Horse Clothing. 29 Keen, Robinson, Bellville, and Co., Garlick Hill, London, manu. — Mustard in various processes of manufacture. 30 Robertson and Son, Pavement, York. — Silks, Shawls, &c. 31 Cooper, F. B., Parliament- street, York— Baby Linen, Hoods, Cloaks, Bassinett and Basket ; Ladies’ Under-Clothing ; Arctic Goose Down Quilts, &c. 82 Bland, G. and Co., Coney-street, York.— Embroidery and Muslin Lace ; Ladies’ and Juvenile Outfitting ; Mantles' Silks, &c. 33 Baker, J., Coney-st., York. — Baby Linen, Hoods, Cloaks, &c. 34 Robinson, W., Stonegate, York. — Hosiery, Shirts, Gloves, Ladies’ Under-Clothing, &c. 35 Coljian, J. and J., Cannon-street, London, manu. — Mustard and Mustard Products.; Starch, Coloured Starch, and Indigo Blue. 36 Terry, J.. and Sons, York, manu.— Wedding Cakes and i general Confectionery. 37 Elkington, Mason, and Co., Birmingham, des. manu. — A selection of their Manufactures, Works of Art in gold and silver plate, oxide, &c. 87a Preston, PL, Parliament-street, York, contr. — Testimonial to Col. Smyth, late M.P. for the city of York ; gold and silver plate, &c. ! 37b Colburn, J., Low Ousegate, York, contr. — Testimonial tO' J. P. Brown Westhead, Esq., late M.P. for the city of York ; gold and silver plate, &c. 38 Newington and Scott, Lovv-Ousegate, York. — Choice specie mens of modern English China and Majolica, &c.; English cut and engraved table and Ornamental Glass, &c.; Bohem- ian gilt and painted Glass, &c. ; large cut Cup and Cover, beautifully engraved, representing the fight for the Standard at the Battle of Marston Moor; patent mirrors and mirror flower stands, &c. 39 Waddington, W. H., Stonegate, York, manu. — Grand, hori- zontal Cottage and Semi-Cottage Pianofortes. 79 13 The Great Hall — Ground Floor. 41 BrixsxMead, J., Wigmore- street, Cavendish-, square, London, manu. — Grand and Cottage Pianofortes. — J. Gray, Mickle- gate, York, Agent. 42 Hopkinsox, Bros., London and Leeds, manu. — Boudoir, Grand and three Cottage Pianofortes ; two Harmoniums. 43 Clough, J., Union Terrace, York, sculp. — Two Lions and a Flower Vase, in Huddlestone stone. 44 Wilson, D., and Co., Wakefield, manu.— An Obelisk of various qualities of Soap. 4.6 Hodgson and Simpson, Wakefield, manu. — Soaps and speci- mens of materials used in their manufacture. 4? Rowntbee, H. I. .Tanners’ Moat, York, manu.- — Specimens of raw materials used in the manufacture of Cocoa, &c., shew- ing the finished article in every stage of manufacture. 48 Smith, T., St. Saviourgate, York, manu. — Chicory: seed, root, dried root, cut and manufactured. 49 Leng, J. P., Coppergate, Y T ork, manu. — Fulford Biscuits. 50 Richards, Newborn, and Johnson, Hull, manu. — Starches, in crystals and powder; Ball Powder, Ultramarine, and gen- uine Smalts Blue; Black Lead in powder, blocks, and balls. 51 Barringer and Brown, Rock Valley Mills, Mansfield, manu. Mustard in its various stages of manufacture. 52 Johnson and Taylor, Malton, manu —Biscuits of various kinds. 50 Rhokitt and Sons., Hull and London, manu. — Starches, Blues, and Black Lead ; Biscuits of various kinds. 54 Peek, Frean, and Co.. London manu. — Fancy Biscuits,. manufactured by steam power. 55 Stott, W., Parliament-street, York, manu. — Ornamental Design in Sugar ; Bride Cakes ; assortment of Fancy Con- fectionery. 58 Craven, M. A., Pavement, York, manu. — General and Orna- mental Confectionery. 57 Nutt, M., Goodramgate,York, manu. — Quilted Lady’s Saddle, with doe skin heaves, &c. ; Hunting and Steeple-chase Saddles, &c. 53 Mongstox, Mrs., Harrogate, manu. — Two Wool Hearth Rugs, Wool Shoes and Carriage Slippers, Goats’-hair Cloak, &c. (Gallery.) 14 80 P The Great Hall-— Ground Floor. 59 E-dson," W., Walmgate, York, manu.— Hunting, Side, Race, and Cart Saddle-trees. (Machinery Annex.) 60 Sawden, J , New Wortley, Leeds, manu.— Specimens of Horse Shoes ; set ol Hoofs shod on an improved principle, &c. 61 Wilson, Walker, and Co., Sheepscar Works, Leeds, maim. Coloured finished Skins, roan, calf, and morocco. 62 Allison, R. C., Richmond, manu. — Horse Shoes, Pincers, and Hammers. 63 Ellis, E,, and Sox, Castlegate, York, manu.— Girth Webs, Whips, and Leather Work. 61 Turner, T., Spurriergate, York.— Boots and Shoes; Gutta Percha and India Rubber Goods, for domestic and manu- facturing purposes. 65 Walker, J. H., Higb-Ousegate, York, manu. — Boots of various descriptions. 66 Dale, W. IT., Coney- street, York, manu. — Various descrip- tions of Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Boots and Shoes. 67 Carrall, J., Parliament- st., York, manu.— Boots and Shoes. G8 Bolixobroke, J., Grimsby-lane, Market-place, Hull, manu. Boot and Shoe Lasts, Boot-trees. (Gallery.) 69 Smith, J., Howden, manu.— Furs used in the manufacture of Felt Cloth and Hats. Eland, J W., Walmgate, York, manu. — General assortment of Harness. 71 Pinkney, T., Driffield, manu.— Case of Saddlery. 73 Horsley, T., Coney-street, York, manu. — Sporting Guns and Implements. 75 Ingham and Co., Tliirsk, manu. - -Dressed Leather, Bridle, middlings, shoulders, and backs. 76 Hobson, J., Easingwold, manu. — Saddle, Bridle, Harness, and Shoe Leather of pure oak bark tannage. 77 Walker and Sox, Maryr-ate, York, manu.— Harness and Bridle Hides of pure oak bark tannage. 78 Hall, H. and Sons, Clarence-street, York manu. — Tanned, curried and foreign Leather, enamelled and japanned Coach Harness, and Sho„ Leather. 79 Braim and Sons, Dickering, Northallerton, manu. — Soft and strained Basils. 80 Hitchen and Sons, Gibbet-street, Halifax, manu.— Walnut Pianoforte, extended ends ; Rosewood Pianoforte. SI /r. Si The Great Hall— Ground Floor. 15 82 Bell, J., beasegate, York, maim. — Portable Harmonium, containing 12 stops, 2 knee swells, and wood notes ; Anglo-German Concertina, witli wood notes. 83 Smith, B., Higli-Ousegate, York, inv. manu. — Trusses of an entirely new construction ; an assortment of Surgical Appliances, Elastic Stockings ; Cutlery, &c. 81 Cutts, G., Park Works, Sheffield, manu.— Electro silver- plated Tea and Coffee Services, Cruets, &c, 85 Cbowther, G. H., Thornliill-place, Wakefield, manu — Artificial Teeth. 86 Gillott and Sons, Birmingham, manu. — Pens, in various stages of manufacture. 87 Bollans, B. II., Petergate, York, manu.— Portable Hot and cold Baths ; Hip and Sponging Baths. 88 Garrad, W., Warwick- street, Birmingham, manu.— Orna- mental Brass Work and Coffin Furniture. 86 Bowatt and Sons, Lothian-road, Edinburgh, manu. - Parafin Lamps, including a new patent Lamp to burn without chimney. 90 Hare, G., Lower Calthorpe-road, London, manu.— Photo- graphic Cameras, Apparatus, Stereoscopes, &c. (Gallery.) 91 Cooke, B., and Sons, Saville- street, Hull, manu.— Micro- scopes, &c. 92 Sarony, 0 ., Scarborough, inv.— Patent Photographic Posiim Apparatus, or universal rest. 9'* Barstow, C. H., Blake-street, York, manu. — Specimens of Dental Mechanism, embracing all recent improvements. 94 Garnett, W. II., Scarborough, manu.— Specimens of Teeth. 95 Padley, H. Princess street, Sheffield, manu. — Hi-dily finished miniature Saw Plates. 96 Nelson, IV., Upperthorpe Boad, Sheffield, manu.— Case of Razors. 97 Carter, J. II. and Son, Park Square, Leeds, manu. Case of Dental Specimens. 9b Dick and Sons, Bed Lion-street, Manchester, manu. L’extincteur, a new patent portable self- actum Fire Engine, charged with carbonic acid gas. T. Cooper Walmgate, York, Agent. 99 Po £ NDE o ’ W ’> York-street, Leeds, manu.— Miniature silver Tea Service. 82 1G The Great Hall— Ground Floor. 100 Cattley, J. H. aiul Sons, Skeldergate, York, manu. Mood Mouldings, in deal and mahogany. 101 Hartley and Co., Sunderland, manu. — Specimens illustrat- ing tlie manufacture of Sheet Glass. (Gallery.) 103 Croft, M., Lendal, York, mod. — Plaster Centre Flowers, and other ornaments, statuettes, &c. 104 Worthington, T., Blake-street, York, des.— Painted Surface Decoration on ceiling and walls ; Chimney Glass with carved frame. 105 Bawling, F., Swinegate, York, des. mod. — -An enriched classic ceiling and cornice. 106 Winn, Mrs. Scarborough, contr. — Mosaic and Marquetrie Cabinets. 106a Smith, Miss, Bootham, York, contr. — Carved Oak Cabinet and Settee. 107 Bottomley and Sons, Cross Hills, Leeds, prod.— Decorated Doors, Cabinet and Panel. 107a Musham and Son, Micldegate, York, manu.— Wardrobe. 10R Willis and Sheffield, Norfolk Terrace, Moss . Side, Manchester, prod. — Decorated Door and Architrave, with section of cornice. 109 Massee, H., Petergate, prod.— Imitation Marble Pillars. imitation woods, ornamental letters on glass. 110 Windass, J., Groves, York, prod.— Imitations of Wood in panels. 111 Thomas, J., Stonegate, York, prod. — Imitations ot Mood, Marble, &c. H2 Prest, W., Castlegate, York.— A series of interior Decora- tions. 113 Anderson, H., Monkgate, York, contr. — A Lioness, carved out of Whitby stone. 114 Hessey, M. N., Nunnery-lane, York, sculp. — Flower Stand, the stalk representing the four seasons, and Dog carved in stone. (In front of the building.) 115 Winter, E., Beverley, prod. — Card Table, opening out to form a music stand. 116 Hardcastle, W. M., Percy-street, York, sculp.— Small Lion and Boar, in stone. 117 Duckett, J., Dale-street, York, prod.— Rockeries, in stones, shell-s, &c. (Gallery.) The Great Hall — Ground Floor. 17 118 Fawdington, T., Fulford, prod. — Two ornamental glass tablets and glass table. 119 Atkinson, J., Foss-bridge, York, sculp. — Marble Yase and Table. 3 2c Gain, T. T., Leeds, contr. — Medallion of the Roman Emperor Caligula. 121 White, H., Tadcaster, prod.— Rustic Chair and Table; Walking Sticks, (carved with a common clasp knife.) 123 Beery,. J., Lady Beckett’s Yard, York, prod. — Fancy Biscuit and Bottle Stand. (Gallery.) 124 Swaine, E., The Mount, York, contr.— Painted antique pillar table. 125 Knowlson, R., Blake-street, York, prod. — Enriched Plaster Cornice, for drawing-room. 126 Brown, J., Stonegate, York, manu. — Walnut chair in needlework ; gold chair in needlework. 127 Thomas, Mrs. and Miss Harris, Pittville- street, Chelten- ham, and Clifton, York, prod. — Hedge and bank of wild flowers, modelled in wax ; group of wax flowers in leather work frame ; groups of Paper flowers ; table, &c., in fern stencilling. 128 Dale, G., St. John’s Terrace, Lord Mayor’s Walk, Yoi'k, prod. — wax and paper flowers in trays. 129 Newnum, F. E., Micklegate, York, prod. — Basket of wax flowers, vase of lilies. 130 St. Helen’s Glass Co., Leeds, manu. — Ornamental designs on plate glass. 131 Bainbridge, J., Castlegate, York, contr. — Specimens of Stained Glass, by W. Peckitt. 132 Bp.own, J., Lord Mayor’s Walk, York, manu. — Wood Pulpit, on stone base by J. Cole, designed for Foxholes Church, by G. F. Jones, York. 132a De Buyser, Freres, 21, Marche au Beurre, Ghent. — Two Carved Chairs. 133 Gkasby, W., Williams Place, Hull, sculp.- — Carved Bracket. 134 Beli.erby, W., Bootham, York, prod.— Oak Reading Stand, with carved panels in burnt wood, two pictures in burnt wood. 184a Briggs, J., Pavement, York, contr.— Three pieces of Palissv Ware. 18 The Great Hall — Ground Floor. 135 Rookledge, W., Little Stonegate, York, prod. — Gothic Cliair. 135a Cdrtis and Moore, Bond-street, Leeds, prod. — Pair ol Mediaeval inlaid pier table brackets. 186 Simpson, C. H., Micklegate, York. — Elaborately carved Sideboard. 136a Watkinson, J. R., Bootliam- Square, York, prod. — Cliair, (back in the form of the Prince of Wales feathers) ; two medallions ; small bracket in plaster, &c. 137 Hornby, Rev. R.W. B.,D.D., Clifton, York, contr. — Carved sideboard ; carved stag, by Widdas, York. 138 Mason, J., Fishergate, York, contr. — Inlaid Cabinet, deco- rated with three paintings by Frank ; specimens of stained glass, &c. 139 Cooper, W., Bridlington, contr. — Inlaid Japanese circular Table. 140 Gill, J., Price-street, York. — Looking Glass. (Gallery). 141 Husband, C., Ripon, contr.— Japanese Looking Glass ; collection of antique glass ; two wax medallion por- traits. (Gallery). 142 Worsley, Sir W., Bart., Hovingham, contr. — Mirror in carved frame ; decorated with flowers and figures. (Gallery). 143 Waterton, E., Walton Hall, Wakefield, contr. — Two antique metal Flagons ; tryptic. 143a Londesborougii, Lord, Grimston Park, contr. — A Steel Chair, rich in design and ornament, probably of Spanish manufacture, and of the 16th century ; chair once the property of Napoleon 1. 144 Rowe, Rev. G., York, contr. — Photographs of Eagle-Lec- tern in New College, Oxford, with example of carvel figure. 144a Knapton, Miss, York, contr. — Antique brass-bound Deed Box. 145 Horsley, T., Brawley, Pickering, prod. — Antique carved inlaid Cabinet. 146 Clark, R. A., South Parade, York, contr. — Chess table top, of various Jamaica woods. (Gallery). 147 Baynes and Son, Micklegate, York, manu. — Wardrobe. (Gallery). n 8' Sr 65 The Great Hall — Ground Floor. l‘J 148 Taylor Brothers, Coney-street, York. — Pollard oak whig wardrobe. 1 49 Greenwood, W. F., Stonegate, York. — Modern and Antique Sideboards ; Bulb-leg Table, Antique Buffet, &c. 1 49a Gruggen, Rev. F. J., Pocklington, contr. — Antique oak sideboard and book stand, old marquetrie table, and writing desk. —150 Lawson, T., Spurriergate, York. — Carved Wood Frames, (Gallery). 151 Wakefield, C., Heslington. — Bronze Electrotypes. (Gal- lery). IV; Humphreys, Miss, Youlton, Easingwold.— Ladies’ Cliair (needlework). 153a Russell, T., India-street, Glasgow, manu.— Satin-wood Davenport. .1.55 Knowles, J. jun., Goodramgate, York, prod. — Original Designs in embossed and gilded glass. (Gallery.) 15G Thompson, H. S., Kirby Hall, contr.— Two Bronzes, the Archangel binding Satan, and Rape of Proserpine. 157 Bright and Son, Scarbro’. — Jewellery, watches, clocks, bronzes, and silver goods. 158 Bryan, C., Whitby, manu. — Jet Ornaments and specimens of rough Jet. 3 59 Widdowson, Mrs. Holgate, York, contr.— Two Antique Chairs. 4G0 Cook, J., Holgate. York, contr. — Two Antique Chairs. 101 Green and Mosley, St. Saviourgate, York. — Mechanical and other toys. 162 Fowler, T. N., Spurriergate, York, manu. — Clergymen’s surplices and gentlemen's shirts, shirt collars, &c. 103 W alk er, W., Victoria Foundry, York, manu. — Victoria and Ebor Kitcheners ; Morgan’s valvular registered Stove, with ladies’ dress guard. 164 Cowling, D., Goodramgate, York, manu. — Dip Candles. 1 65 York Tanning and Currying Co., (limited) manu. — Harness, saddle, and shoe Leather, of pure oak bark tannage. 166 Wilson and Son, Railway Street, York, manu. — Mahogany Sideboard, with plate glass back. 167 Perfect, H., Micklegate, York, prod. — Ornamental ceiling, panel, and pilaster, in gold and color. 86 r 20 The Great Hall — Galleries. 168 Bellerby, W., Hungate, York, manu. — Wood mouldings, made by machinery. 168a Winspear, W., Micklegate, York, manu.— Hah- work, perfumery, toilet articles, &c. THE GREAT HALL. THE GALLERIES. 169 Hope, G., and Co., Castlegate, York, contr— Paper hang- ings; manu. — Bookbinding and binding for library sboB os . 170 Sanderson, J., Ogleforth, York, manu. — Paper hangings. 171 Rumfitt, W., Colliergate, York, manu. — Carved Bedstead. 171a Musham and Son, Micklegate, York, agents.— The Italian spring mattrass. (Patent.) 17 M Mosley, Mrs., Holgate, York, prod. — Folding Screen. 171 Abbott, C., Great Northern Hotel, York.- Folding Scieen. 175 Hartley, T. G., Davygate, York, prod.— Wall decorations and imitations of marble. 176 Bywateb, T., Tadcaster, contr. — Pictorial Scieen. 177 Loretz. J., Bath and Scarbro’, prod.— Carved table, chairs, clock-case, &c. The Lord’s Supper, carved m wooa ; triptycs, &c. (ground floor.) 178 Alder and Alder, Albion Street, Cheltenham, contr. Japanese Screen, (ground floor.) 178a Gas Carburetting Co., Wakefield, manu. -.Chandeliers, Pendants, &c., adapted to Bowditch’s patent Gas Apparatus. 179 Waite, Z., Monkgate, York.— Gasaliers and gas fittings, glass, shades, moderator and parafin lamps, gilt time- piece, bronzes, gas figures, furnishing ornaments, &c. 180 Prtjdames, S., Ousegate, York.— Chandeliers and gas fit- tings ; brass goods in connection with plumber s woik , copper and lead ores, &c. 181 Peacock and Pijattley, Manchester, manu— F elted or paper window blinds. 182 Luty, T., Coney-street, York, prod.— Pyramidical and orna- mental bottle stand (registered). The Great Hall — Galleries. 21 188 Payne, R., Cliarlotte-street, Wakefield. — Four stand tables. (Ground floor.) 184 Porteus, W., Dean-street, Halifax, manu. — Ornamental chess table, inlaid with fancy woods. (Ground floor.) 185 Heselwood, .7., Prospect Gardens, York, manu. — Ladies inlaid work table. 180 Cordeaux and Ernest, Patrick Pool, York, manu. — Croquet Stands, (registered) with sets of implements. 187 Straubenzee, Lieut. Col. Yan, Spennithorne, contr. — Two Chinese carved bottle stands, mounted in silver, 188 Shaw, B., Coney-street, York, prod. — Veneered Cabinet. 189 Fothergill, A., Selby, contr.— -Collection of Chinese and Japanese curiosities. 190 Foster, J. L , Ogleforth, York, contr. — Specimens of sub- marine cables. 191 Greig, A. N., Coupland- street, Oxford-road, Manchester, prod. — Panels and slabs, in imitation of various woods and marbles. 192 Raby, T., Walmgate, York, prod. — Imitations of various woods and marbles. 193a Baker, W. J., Wakefield. — Bowditch’s patent gas appara- tus ; chandeliers. 194 A Collection of China arranged according to manufac- turies. For Contributors’ names, see list suspended in the compartment. 195 Tindall, E., Bridlington, contr. — Collection of stone and flint implements, found in Yorkshire. 196 Wood, E . , Richmond, contr. — Collection of stone and flint implements ; bell from Hospital of St, Martin ; an altar, 197 Wilson, M., Eshton Hall, Skipton, contr. — Stone and bronze implements. 198 Liras, Rev. C. J., Watli, contr. — A collection of early anti- quities, in stone, bronze, andiron ; Four drawings, charac- teristic groups of antiquities. 199 Robinson, J., Easingwold, contr. — Two bronze celts. 200 Bainbridge, J., Castlegate, Y T ork, contr. — A miscellaneous collection of bronze implements, armour, weapons, &c. ; two miniature portraits of the Prince and Princess of Orange ; portrait of James I ; engravings ; antique ebony box ; tea tray ; chandelier by Peckett of York ; medal of Oliver Cromwell, struck to commemorate the battle of Dunbar. 83 22 The Great Hall — Galleries. -“SOI Sedgwick, J., Skipton Castle, contr. — A Tore, bronze. -202 Douglas, Rev. W. F., Serayingham, contr.— Prow of Roman Galley ; an amphora. - ; 208 Clark, Lady, York, contr. — Roman cinerary urn. „204 Thompson, L., Grove House, York, "contr. — Roman altar; piece of tesselated pavement, 12th cent. ; three old deeds. 205 Skaife, R. H., The Mount, York, contr. — Plan of Roman, Medieval, and Modern York. „206 Jefferson, W. T., Northallerton, contr.— Sword from the Battle of the Standard. 207 Gray, W., York, contr. — Suit of armour. (Ground floor.) ,-209 Wombwell, Sir G. 0., Bart., Newburgh Park, contr. Shield, bronze celt, peg tankard, ancient mosaic, gold medallion of Oliver Cromwell, &c. 210 Londesborough, Lord, Grimston Park, Tadcaster, contr. Collection of armour, weapons, instruments of torture, curious domestic articles, &e. The entire collection in this compartment is the property of Lord Londes- borough. It contains, in the centre, a superb cap a pie suit of armour, date about 1530, probably of German manufacture : it once formed part of the Bernal collection.’ In the" table case to the left are several curious instruments of torture, jaw-breaker, collars with spikes, &c. A thumbscrew is in the table case on the right. On the wall to the left, near the top, is a mask of punishment, chiefly employed for the correction of minor offences by exciting ridicule against the wearer. It is formed of hands of iron, which fold over the head, and are fastened behind by a padlock, a pair of spectacles and ass’s ears are attached; a double plate closes over the mouth, and a whistle passes up the nose, producing a loud sound should the wearer attempt to speak. It was obtained from the old castle of Nuremberg. In the case to the right are gauntlets of Henry VIII. ; curipus horns in ivory and bronze. Under a shade in front of the suit of armour are perfect specimens of the long-toed Solijsugt, worn at the time of Richard II. The small table case in front contains a col- lection of combs in ivory, wood, and horn, chiefly belonging to the fifteenth century. On the table is a singularly perfect specimen of a Roman helmet, _ and two examples of decorated Italian helmets. On the wall behind the suit of armour are arranged some rare examples of early helmets, that at the top^ eing of the time of Richard II. On the walls to the right and left are arranged numerous weapons, A c. , and an interesting series of early fire arms, including several examples of the wheel lock gun. This gun was invented in Italy, in the 16th century, throughout the whole of which it was in use. The second from the entrance on the left is said to he that used by Charles IX. in the terrible massacre on St. Bartholomew’s day, 1572. In the table cases on the right and left are many curious and interesting articles for domestic use ; in that on the left are two knives, having inscribed on the blade on one side a grace before meat, and on the other a grace after meat, with the music to which they should be chanted, arranged for four voices. On the floor are two bronze cannon, richly embellished with the arms of Nassau, 1678. The Great Hall — Galleries. 23 211 Bukton, J., Poppleton, confer. ■ — -Cross-bow, Sword. — Saddle Cloths, Pistol Cases, Gloves and Shoes, as worn by Peers of the realm in the reign of Charles II. 212 Tonge, J. S., York, contiv — Antique keys, dagger, pistol, &c. ; portrait of James II. _^218 Dobson, Mrs., Clifton, York, contr. — Antique sword, sword stick, and snuff mull. -®*21-1 Sykes, C. (M.P.), Sledmere, confer. — Oak carving, arms of Earl of Northumberland. -^215 Swaine, E., The Mount, York, contr. — A miscellaneous collection, including, dishes in use in the 16th century; weapons from Marston Mqor ; a Herald’s tabard ; Knife and fork, once the property of Lord Eure ; an invitation to the funeral of the 8th Lord Eure ; medallion portraits ; two Indian china egg shell basins, &c. 216 Abeaham, J., Harrogate, contr. — Antique carving in mother of pearl (Virgin and Child). 217 Knapton, Miss, York, contr. — Antique watch, by Smeaton, of York. 218 Mildmay, Rev. C. J. St. John, Marston, contr. — Antique silver spoon ; enamelled portrait. 219 Halley, T., Low-Ousegate, York, contr. — Antique watch, 1650. 220 Mooee, E. P., York, contr. — Antique watch. 221 Noecliffe, Mrs., Langton, contr. — Antique watch. 222 Walker, A., York, contr. — Clock, by Graham, of London. 228 Hewson, Rev. J., Grosmont, contr. — -Dials; photographs of Antiquities, &c. —*224 Caee, J. H., Colliergate, York, contr. — Curious puzzling pitcher ; engraved portraits of York celebrities ; collection of armour, including Scotch, Moorish, Spanish and other shields, breastplates, swords, daggers, &c. - — 225 Gkaingek, Miss, York, contr. — Antique purse and snuff-box. —-226 Whitelock, C., Fulford, contr. — Antique silver snuff-box. 227 Hall, T. A., Spurriergat'e, York, contr. — The Crucifixion set in filigree silver (antique). 228 Babnby, W., Minster Yard, York, contr. — Virginal, 1651. 229 Benson, Miss, Belle- Vue-street, York, contr. — Antique tea-pot. 280 Feazee, Miss, Mount Parade, York, contr. — Small looking- glass (antique). 90 24 The Great Hall — Galleries. 231 Hargrove, A. E., St. Marys’, York, contr. — Collection of early newspapers. 232 Milner, Miss, York, contr. — Spinning wheel, once the property of Sir I. Newton. 233 Lambert, Eev. A., Wetherby, contr. — Pipe, once the property of Tippoo Saib. 234 Feknie, Mrs., Sutton-on-the-Forest, contr. — Cup, once the property of President Lincoln ; paper knife and sample of olive wood, from Jerusalem. 285 Hall, T. A., Spurriergate. York, contr.-— -Two early engravings. 236 Noble, T. S., Precentor’s Court, York, contr. — Engravings, view of York. &c. 237 Barber, J. S., Osbaldwick, contr.— York and London coach bill, 1706, engravings, &c. 238 Forbes, H., Harrogate, contr. — Autographs of the Queen and the late Prince Consort. 239 Waterton, E., Walton Hall, Wakefield, contr. — Collection of swords, curiosities, carvings in wood and ivory, illumi- nated MSS, miniature; richly embroidered chasuble, rings, &c. 240 Westhead, J. P. Brown, Lea Castle, Kidderminster, contr. — Collection of eastern curiosities, from the summer palace of the Emperor of China. 241 Duckett, Sir Geo., Bart., Fangfoss Hall, York, contr. — Medallion portraits in wax, of William Earl of Chatham, Sir G. Jackson (Duckett) Sec. to the Admiralty, 1760, Admiral Sir G. Young ; badge of Ulster, worn by Sir T. Franldand of Thirkleby, Bart., 1660, on which the committee of baronets found their claim to wear the Ulster badge as a personal distinction ; silver watch by Quare, inventor of the chronometer ; electioneering badge of Mr. Pitt ; gauntlets time of Charles I ; carved snuff-box exhibiting the entrance of Louis Quatorze, into Paris. 242 Hayden, Mrs., Skelton, contr. — Spinning-wheel, 243 Mason, J., Fishergate, York, contr. — Coorg blade. 244 York, Mrs., Fishergate House, York, contr. — Carved head from Pompeii. 246 Tetley, F. W., Leeds, contr. — Views of the Yorkshire Coast, by T. Sutcliffe, Headingley, Leeds. The Great Hall — Galleries. 25 218 Hiustwood, W., Coney-street, York.— -Specimens of modern china and glass. 249 Bousfikld, G., Micklegate, York, prod.— Engraved coloured glass window. 250 Settle, W., Southampton, manu — Ginger beer and soda water bottles, with patent stopper and key. (Machinery annex). 251 Hodgson, G., Union-street, Nunnery-lane, York, prod.— Imitations of marble columns and wood panels. (Ground floor). 258 Hirst and Barraclough, Brigliouse, prod. — Imitation of door and casing in oak on canvas. 254 Ward, B., Groves-lane, York, prod.— Painted Arabian ornament or decorative art. 257 Edson, W.. Petergate, York.— Indian vase, exhibited to shew skill in repairing 258 Camidge, Rev. C. J., Wakefield, prod. — Model of York Minster. 259 Taylor, Mrs. F., Scarbro’, conk. — Model of village, ruined castle, &c. 260 Kitching, J., M.D., York, contr. — Ivory model of a Chinese pleasure junk, and joss house, in soap stone. 261 Croshaw, Miss, Stonegate, York, contr.— Carved ivory cabinet ; rosary with silver crucifix. 262 Carr, J. H., Colliergate, York, contr. — Working model, “ Girl with Spinning-wheel,” carved in ivory. 268 Leaf, R., Fulford, contr. — Indian ivory carving, vehicle drawn by bullocks. 264 Cooper, M. W , Bridlington, contr. — Model of the “Duke of Wellington ” line of battle ship, 131 guns. 265 Lamb, W., Colliergate, York, contr. — Model of a man of war in miniature, made of billet wood. 266 Bennit, -J., West Cowick, Snaith, prod.— Model of a house. 267 Abraham, J., Harrogate, prod — Stag, carved with a pen- knife in burnt wood, after Landseer’s “ Monarch of the Glen ; ” ebony cabinet, with paintings on doors, &e. 269 Cooper, J. R., Bridlington, prod, — Model of a frigate of 20 guns. 270 Brown, R. E., Wass, Oswaldkirk, contr.— Model of York Minster. a ■ft*' ' 92 26 The Great Hall — Galleries. 270a Doyle, G., Moleseroft, Beverley, prod. — Model of a design for a cathedral. 273 Bougier, J. W., Tanner Row, York, manu.— ■Tortoise-shell, ivory, buffalo, and India-rubber Combs. 27-1 Potter, R., Ogleforth, York, manu.— Case of general Book- binding. 275 Guy, AV. H., Groves-lane, York, manu. — Fancy hair work, bracelets, &c. 27G Saunders, M. AA t ., Coney-street, York, manu. — Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Perukes. 277 Hill yard, T., Lowther-street, York, manu. — Fancy Hair Bracelet, &c. 278 Bean, J. AA 7 ., Briggate, Leeds, manu. — Copy-books, Drawing Copies, Certificates, and School Stationery. 270 AVinspear, AA 7 ., Coney-street, York, manu.— Hair-work, brushes, &c. 280 Dodgson, J., Albion- street, Leeds, manu. — Three Cases of Bookbinding. 281 Creighton, J., Lucas- square, Hull, manu. — Inlaid Shaving- case ; Table and Drawers. 285 Inglis and Jack, Edinbro’, Leeds, Manchester, and New- castle, prod. — Family Bibles, Book of Crests, &e. E. Burley, Fishergate, York, Agent. 285a Glaisby, J., Coney-street, York, contr. — Book of Thirty Designs for Photographs. 280 AViddowson, Miss, Holgate, York, prod. — Silk and Velvet Quilt. 288 Stephenson, C., Saltaire, Shipley, manu. — Bird Cages, with fancy inlaid bottoms; Work Table, with inlaid top; Chest of Drawers. 289 Watson, J., Saltaire, prod. — Inlaid Bird Cages. 290 Hall, T., Colliergate, York, prod. — Bird Cage. 291 Askham, AA 7 ., Pocklington.— Two pieces of Needlework. 291a Kendrew, Miss, Colliergate, York, cont. and prod.— Needle- ' work, in long stitch, “ King Lear in his madness,” “The Flight into Egypt,” “ Rebekah at the well.” 292 Peel, J., Pudsey, Leeds, prod.— Medallions in wood, jet, and marble, produced on a lath of Exhibitor’s own inven- tion. The Great Hall-Galleries. 27 293 Crummack, E., Fulford, prod. — Tortoise-shell, ivory, and horn combs. 504 Duckett, J., York, prod. — Embroidery on muslin, ladies’ collars and cuffs ; sporting piece in wool-work. 29(5 Swift, Mrs., Stonegate, York, prod. — Honiton and Saidiman Point Lace. 297 Paine, Misses, Parliament Street, York. — Two Bonnets, ancient and modern. 298 Hind, R., Gillygate, York. — Braided Lady’s Jacket. 299 Eccles, Mrs., Clarence-street. York, contr. — Satin Table Cover and Cushions, antique embroidered Robe, &c. 300 Park, J., St. Peter’s Square, Leeds, manu. — Silk, worsted, thread, and cotton Coach Lace. 301 Hewett, Mrs., Clarence Street, York, prod. — Lace, berthe, coiffure, bridal veil, &e. 306 Stockdale, Mrs,, Pickering, prod. — Needle-work, “ Ruth and Boaz.” 307 Oates, Misses, Halifax, prod. — Specimens of leather- work. 308 Coward, Mrs., Knottingley, prod. — Bouquet of Riceflowers in leather-work frame. 309 Osborn, Miss, Bootham Terrace, York, prod. — Specimens of leather-work. 309a Thomas, Mrs., and Miss Harris, Pittville-street, Cheltenham, and Clifton, York, prod. — Specimens of leather- work ; carved slirine; frames, and bracket. 310 Cressey, 'Miss, York, prod. — Paper flowers in vase. 310a Minks, Miss, Bootham, York, prod. — Carved oval leather- work frame. r 311 O’Brien, Capt., York, prod. — Model of “The Great Eastern.” 312 Lqsaine, G., Bishophill, York, prod. — Model of a ship. 313 Carlill, G., Penrose Cottages, York, prod. — Oak Carvings : “ The Three Marys,” &c. ; pictures in burnt wood, carved chair, stone vase, carved ivory fly. 314 Hudson, J., Park Terrace, Groves, York, prod. — Group of flowers, carved out of solid lime tree, in carved walnut frame. (Ground Floor.) 315 Wilson, J., Dove Street, York, prod. — Quilt, containing 4698 pieces. 28 The Great Hall — Galleries. 316 Taylor, Mrs., Malton, contr, — Quilt, worked in India by a soldier of the 7th Hussars. 317 Radcliffe, Mrs., St, Saviourgate, York, contr. — Picture in silk and hair, date 1783 ; silk patchwork quilt, 1746. 317a Smith, Anderson, and Co., Glasgow and London, manu. — Embroidered toilet cover. 318 Wright, G., Fossgate, York, preserver — Cases of Eagles, Falcons, Herons, Buzzards, Owls, Marts, Grouse, Pheasants, Capercailies, Animals, Fish, &c. ; Deer, Fox, and other heads. 319 Graham, D., Market Street, York, preserver — Cases of Eagles, Owls, Game, Artie and other Foxes, &c. ; Stuffed Leopard ; Stags’ and other Heads. 320 Allis, T. H. Market Street, York, contr.— Cases of Buzzards and Harriers. 321 Chapman, G., Holgate Terrace, York, contr.— Three tusks of the Narwhale. 321a Smith, R., High Ousegate, York, contr.— Tusks of the Elephant and Walrus. 322 Young, J,, Newbiggin Street, York, preserver— Cases of Capercailies and Pheasants. 323 Matthews, T. J., North- street, York, preserver— Collection of Insects. 324 Anderson, H., Monkgate, York, contr. — Flying Lizard of Java. 325 Helstrip, G, Fossgate, York, preserver— Cases of Foxes and Pheasants; Umbrella and Stick Stand, ornamented with Fox’s Head. * 326a Akroyd, Col. M.P. Halifax, contr. — Series of Seeds, Gums, Roots, Starches &c, used for various economic purposes ; collected and prepared by Mr. H. Baines, York. 327 Fox, J. C , Mexborough, Rotherham, preserver — Foreign and British Birds 328 Hayden, Rev. F. W., Skelton, York, contr. Collection of British Marine Algae and British Shells, (see 331.) 829 Allis, T., Osbaldwick, York, contr. — Bird of Paradise ; case of Foreign Shells ; collection of Humming Birds ; case containing Crania of Birds and small mammals ; nest of Weaver Bird. 330 Harland, W., Hanover-street, York, preserver— Cases cf Foumarts and Sparrow-hawks. 25 f The Great Hull— Galleries. 29 831 Rowe, Rev. G., and others, York, contr. — Selection of the rarer British shells. 332 Baines, H., the Museum, York, contr. — Case of Foreign Birds and Insects; Waxen Chatterers; Wardian Case of living plants. 333 Robinson, J., Dove-street, York, contr. — Collection of British butterflies and moths. 334 Roberts, A., Scarborough, preserver.— Scarborough Sea birds ; Great bustard ; Kittens at play, &c. 336 Wormleighton, J., Bridlington, preserver. — Fishes caught at Bridlington. 337 Clapham, A., Scarborough, contr. — Cases containing Bald- headed Eagle, British snowy owl, and singular British birds of prey. 338 White, W. H., Fossgate, York, contr. — Golden Eagle; preserved Chameleon ; fresh-water aquarium, with Wardian case ; case of reptiles ; model of aquarium. 339 Bower. B , Welli am, Malton, contr. — Cases of Otters and Pike. 340 Pumphrey, W., Lawrence House, York, contr. — freshwater aquarium, containing fishes, reptiles, (amphibious,) molluscs, &c. 311 Wheeler, E., Holloway, London, prod — Specimens pre- pared for microscopic examination. 342- Jackson, J., Fairfield, York, contr. — Head of Spanish bull ; case of Hawks fighting. 343 Clark, Lady, Y T ork, contr.— Case of Vermin and Game, 344 Graves, J., Howsham, contr. — A Wasp’s nest. 315 Aked, Lieut., Woodlands, Knaresbrough. contr. — Col- lection of objects of interest from the West coast of Africa, consisting of country cloths, native hats, war drum, snakes, lizards, insects, &c. 345a Edgoose, Mrs., York, contr. — African chiefs feather cape. 346 Carr, F., Heslington, York, contr. — Bullock’s head, (win- ner of three silver cups), photograph of the bullock ; and oil painting. 347 Short, W., Harrogate, contr. — Head and horns of wild Assam buffalo cow. 348 Pearson, Mr., Bishopthorpe, contr. — Horns of an ox, polished. 348a Walker and Son, Marygate, York, contr. — Horns of an ox, polished. 30 The Great Hall — Galleries. ~ 0-i8b I) ac he, Mr., Clifford, Tadcaster, confer. — Horns of an ox, polished. 5—849 Swaine, Miss, The Mount, York, confer. — An Emu egg, (silver-mounted in Australia) as a fruit. — 319a Dodswortli, Mrs. B., York, confer.-— Fabrics of native man- ufacture, from New Zealand. > 350 Bainbridge, J., Castlegate, York, confer. — Bird’s nest, skins, and karosses of native manufacture, from the Cape. 351 Thornton, E., St. Saviourgate, York, confer. — Cases oi silk, in the raw state, and in various stages of manufac- ture. 852 Brightwell, E., ITeslington, York, confer. — Specimens oi silk in its natural state. 853 Thompson, Lady Mary, Sheriff Hutton Park, confer. — Spe- cimens of Ailanthus silk worm and cocoons, with the plants upon which they feed. 351 Fell and Rickards, Bell Busk Mill, Sldpton, Leeds, maun. — Silk in the raw state, spun, dyed, and manufactured ; specimens of the produce of the Ailanthus silk worm, grown in England by Lady I). Nevill. 355 Smallwood, E., York, confer. — Specimens of raw cottons and wools. 356 Smith, W., jun., Morley, Leeds, manu. — Case showing pro 3 cess of the manufacture of union cloth. '**. 357 Glutton, W. -J., York, contr. — Specimens of Haematite iron ore, and pig iron. 358 Cooper, M., Bridlington, contr. — Specimens of copper ores, &c. 359 Melrose, J., Beverley, contr. — Specimens of basaltic rock, from the quarries of Goathland, near Whitby. — Examples of some of the minerals of Cleveland, raw and manu- factured. 360 Procter, W., M.D., York, contr. — Specimens of metallic ores and minerals ; skins of animals from Central Africa ; linen woven by natives on the hanks of the Zambezi. —381 Ditmas, Lieut. -Colonel, York, contr.— Collection of carved ivories, and other oriental manufactures ; cases of Indian insects ; King’s frilled lizard of Australia ; snake skins, &c. 3G2 Pump R hey, E., Plook Norton, Oxfordshire, contr.— Labra- dorite and other minerals from Labrador, with specimens of articles made by the Esquimaux converts of the Labrador coa-st. The Great Hall — Galleries. 31 863 Needham, F., M.D., York, contr. — Specimens illustrating the manufacture of biscuit china ; vegetable ivory, as applied to the manufacture of buttons ; brooches made from the tree- agaric, or fungus; cotton, flax, and shoddy, in the several stages of manufacture. 864 Rowe, Rev. G. York, contr. — Specimens illustrating the manufacture of fabrics from cocoa-nut, Mexican and Rhea (the new material) fibres, Spanish rush, jute, flax, and alpaca. — Nails, pins, needles, lead pencils, sealing wax, &c., in different stages of manufacture. 865 Howards and Sons, Stratford, contr. — Thirty engravings of the plants producing cinchona, &c. 366 Knowles, W., Harrogate, contr. — Fabric woven by natives, from the Cape. 367a Rushwortii, G., and Campbell, G.M , Hipperholme, contr. Cases of Icthyolitic and Saurian remains, from the coal measures, Low-moor, Yorkshire. 368 Nussey, S. L., Park-square, Leeds, contr. — Specimens re- presenting the commercial products of the vegetable kingdom, applicable to the arts of dyeing, tanning, &c. ; specimens of dyewoods. 389 Briggs and Co., Ripley, Yorkshire, contr. — Specimens of China grass as imported, and in various stages of manu- facture. 371 Richardson, H., Cherry-hill, York, mann. — Raw materials used in the manufacture of chemical and artificial man- ures ; hone superphosphate and chemical manures. 372 Harrogate Improvement Commissioners, J. Richardson, Clerk, contr.— Various mineral waters of Harrogate, with a case of residues, shewing the residue from a gallon ot each description of water. 373 Davis, R. H., Harrogate, contr.^Saline residues of the Harrogate waters. 874 Queensgate Whiting Company, Beverley, manu. — Paris white. 378 Scott, R., York, prod. — Model of York Minster in wood. 379 Hobson, T., Bridlington, prod. — Horse carved with a pocket knife. 850 Chapman, Mrs., Askham Bryan, prod. — Knitted quilt. 851 Thompson, W., Chester, prod. — Two ornamental vases for holding large plants. 32 8S The Great Hall — Galleries. 382 Gray, J., Fossgate, York, manu. — Improved registered safety linen labels, printed and manufactured by ma- chinery. 383 Storry, Smithson, and Co., Hull, manu.— Turpentine, &c., with specimens of the raw materials used. 3&4 Hopper, A., Br ownlow- street , York, prod. — Models in cork of Carisbrook Castle; Monk Bar, York; screw steamer, &c. 385 Wilson, C., Coney-street, York, prod.— Table, top composed of fossils, marbles, &c. 886 Hick, J. L., Fulford, prod.— Inlaid work and chess table. 387 Bradley, R., Orchard-street, York, prod.— Round stand table, inlaid top, carved pillar, &c. 388 Hume, T., Bilton- street, York, prod.— Small inlaid chess table. 889 H addle sey, W., Newbiggin-street, York, prod. — Stand table, inlaid with various woods, in upwards of 900 pieces. 390 Winspear, A. J. S., Newgate, York, prod. — Rings, boxes, and other articles, formed of coal. 391 Kitching, J., M.D., York, contr. — Set of chessmen, carved with a penknife, by an inmate of the Retreat, York. 392 Thompson, J., Goodramgate, York, manu. — Tea caddy and desk, in curled elm. 393 Balmford, G., Coney-street, York, prod— Specimens of re-dyed and cleaned goods, after having been used. 394 Worsdall, E., Newbiggin-street, York, manu. — Bird cage, being the model of a church, in several thousand pieces of wire. 395 Morrison and Hawke sley, Hull, manu. — Brushes manu- factured from fibres, from various countries. 3&6 Duly, H., Hurstmonceux, Sussex, manu. — Baskets made of wood. 397 Kidd, T., York, manu. — Specimens of coopering, and kegs or flasks, for sportsmen ; rustic stand. 398 Johnson and Sons, Basinghall-street, London, manu.— Preparations of gold, silver, and platinum, pyrogallic acid, and other photographic chemicals ; platinum and silver crucibles, &c. 399 Matthews, T. J., 33, North-street, York, manu. — Fretwork blind fer window, bracket for clock or statue, &e. 89 33 9y The Great Hall —Gal levies . 400 Wilson, W., Brawby, Pickering, manu. — Harness com- position. 401 Fox, S., 88, Quay-street, Manchester, manu. — Liquid and paste blacking, kid revivers, patent calf varnish, furni- ture polish, &c., &e. 402 Fletcher, W., Lilling, York, prod. — One horsefeeder. 408 Gtbetton, W., Layerthorpe, York, manu. — Pair of clogs. 404 Matthews, T. C., and Son, Driffield, manu, — Corn feeding cakes, from home grown produce, substitute for oil cake. 400) Deighton, J., Coney- street, York, manu. — Corks, English, French, and Spanish ; various growths and qualities of corkwood ; models and other specimens of art manufac- ture formed of cork. 400 Crowthek, H. and Co., Woodhouse Carr, Leeds, manu.- - Chemicals used as dyes. . 407 Macfarlan, J. F., Edinburgh, manu. — Pro ducts from Opium, Alcohol, &c. (Clarke, Bleasdale, & Co., York, Agents). 409 Rumsey, W. S., Clapham Rise, London, manu. — Jewellery tablet, and polishing materials for the use of jewellers, &c. 410 Malthouse, T. Harewood, Leeds, manu.— Diamond jet polish, liquid blacking. 411 Barker, W., Fishergate, York, manu. — Patent prepared mustard ; baking powder. 412 Bolton. J., Union-street, Halifax, manu — Patent water- proof boots, to float in water. 414 Harvey Reynolds, and Co. Briggate, Leeds, manu. — Extract of meat. 415 Cooper, T.. Walmgate, York, manu — -Violet powder. 417 Allen, A., Barnsley, manu— Laundry powder and ball blue. 418 Craven, C,, Micklegate, York, manu. — Mawe’s celebrated butter scotch. 419 Judson and Son, Coleman-street, London, manu. — Simple dyes for domestic use. 420 Saville, J., Howden,. manu. — Pure English distilled , lavender water, with sample bottle for visitors’ use, gratis. 421 Lupton, T., Bootham, York, manu —Yorkshire sauce, &c. 422 Parkins, T., Robert, Town, Normanton, manu. — Yellow prussiate of potash. 428 Rae, C. S., Glasgow, manu. — Microscopes of simple con- struction. c 34 The Great Hall— Galleries. 421 Klkiser, A., Stonegate, York, maim. — Clocks and time- pieces. 425 InowAiiD, C., Doncaster, manu.— Binocular reflecting tele- scope. 425a Sampson, J., Coney-street, York, — Case of artists ma- terials. 428 Bright, EL, Leamington, manu. — Electric Clocks, which need no winding up, and no acid battery. 4B8a Eastwood, Miss, St. Saviour s-place, York, prod. Table stand for ferns. (Ground floor). 427 Hepworth, W., Petergate, York, inv. manu.— Time’s Registrar. 428 Wright, G., Hunslet, Leeds, prod. — Two galvanic ma- cl linos. 429 Graves, E., York, contr.— Telegraphic instruments and apparatus, submarine cables, &c. - 439 Pumphrey, W., Lawrence-house, York. — -Two revolving Stereoscopes, each containing ICO steroscopic views. 482 Green, A., Dewsbury, prod. — Plain and fancy commercial engraving and lithography. 433 Machen, H., Eeasegate, York, prod.— -Representations of pictures, on cardboard, cloth, silk, .velvet, wood, metals, &c. 434 Tiechert, E., Grape-lane, York, prod. — Pair of cigar stands, made of mosses and the fir apple. 436 Payne, R., Charlotte-street, Wakefield, prod.— Transfers from paper to wood, imitations of oil colours m Trench polish. 437 Thorley, W. J., Pelham-street, Hull, sculp.— Carved ■ panel. 438 Worswick, W., Lowther-street, York, prod.— Landscape. 439 Hall, T., Carlton, Selhy, prod. — Pen and ink drawings. 440 Trevvett, J., St. Andrewgate, York, prod.— Two designs in Berlin wool. 441 Bean, T., Swinegate, York, prod.— Inlaid bird cage. 442 Ackroyd, J., Bradford, prod.— Water colour drawings— May blossoms, birds’ eggs, &c. 443 Stocks, T. C., Burnby Wold, contr.— Pictures in burnt wood. 444 Megson, A., Well-street, Bradford, prod.— Water colour drawing.— “The gatherings of a rustic.’’ 101 70 / The Great Hall. — Galleries. 35 145 Hopkinson, Shambles-street, Barnsley, prod. — Copies of oil paintings ; representation of a tree, cut in paper witli scissors. 146 Boyes, W. J., N ortkrop-square, Bradford, prod. — Water colour drawing, from nature. 447 Walker, E., Lowtlier-street, Groves, York, prod. — Needle- work. 448 York School op Art, contr. — Studies by tlie pupils, illus- trating a part of the course of instruction pursued at the school. 449 Hinscliff, M., Wetkerby, prod. — Scene from “ Don- Quixote,” in Indian ink. £12. 450 Croskaw, M. A., Stonegate, York, contr. — Wood engraving, “ The Holy Family,” by Hans Guldenmundt, a.d. 1500. ^451 Carr, J. H., Colliergate, York. — Collection of British and Foreign postage stamps. 452 Knowles, J. W., Coney-street, York. — Engravings, by Galigius. $ 453 Phillips, W., Bootham-terrace, York, contr. — Engraved • portraits of W. Pitt, Drake, &c. 454 Hepper, W., St. Andrewgate, York, des. — Architectural designs. 455 Hustler, J., Adwalton, Leeds, prod.- — Pencil drawings. 457 Mason, J., Fishergate, York. — Two etchings, by Rembrandt. 458 Hart, E. B., Wakefield, prod. — Two crayon drawings; “ Rebecca at the Well-,” “ Madonna and Child.” *"459 Brown, E., Colliergate, York, prod. — Lithographs of British moths. 460 Skaife, R. H. The Mount, York. — Plan of Roman, mediae- val, and modern York. 462 Nicholson, J., Bootham, York, contr. — The “Holy Family,” engraved by Renard du Bos, after Watteau ; four original drawings ; “Hagar and Ishmael,” by Rembrandt “ Isaac blessing Jacob,” by Schiavone ; “Holy Familyreposing,” by Pietro Testa ; part of a frieze drawn by Carrado Metz, after L. Carracci. 464 Gray, W., York, contr. — A collection of engravings, ancient and modern. 465 Wombwell, Sir G. O., Bart., Newburgh-park, contr,- — An engraving, by Vertue of the Norfolk family, composed by Fruytieres, from portraits by Vandyke. 36 The Great Hail — Galleries. 487 Fawcett, B., Driffield. prod. — Specimens of engraving and printing in 'colours, by wood blocks. 468 Holland, Key. T.. York, contr.— An engraving of the ‘ ‘ Miraculou • k I as<." by Raphael Morgan . 470 Bikes, J., Market-street. York, prod.— Illuminated ad- dresses and engrossments. 472 Hubbard, E. J.. Rotherham, prod.— Illuminated design,— “ The Apostles' Creed." 478 Penrose, J., York. 'contr. — ‘‘The Cavalier § Pet, (pen ana ink drawing by J. id. Batman.) 474 Camidge, H. ('. Clia.|'i!' er House-street, York, prod. Origi- nal illuminated design.— The Lord’s Prayer. 475 Crowther, Gh 0.. Scarborough, prod. — Illuminated text. 476 Lydon, F. A., Driffield, prod.— Cartoon. “The Good Samari- tan;” two pi.-, in vi .-. “The Children in the Wood,” “Even- ing Landscape." 478 Thornton, Hi. Fit. Saviourgate, York, contr. Ciayon portrait . 479 Bowkteee, H. I., St. Mary's, York, contr.- Fac similes oi warrant to execute Charles I., and of Magna Charta. 483 Kendrew, Mis: York. Indian ink drawing, “ Paul before Felix.” 487 Bosheh, W. H., Thorp- Arch, artist. — Oil pictures, “A Whi- ter scene,” “A Highland scene,” &c. 483 Hellawell, H , Barnsley, artist. — Oil pictures, Rustic figures,” “ The Gardener s Daughter. 490 Cookes. L., Warwick, artist— Oil picture, “ Peasant Girl.” 491 Hart, E, B., Wakefield, artist.— Crayon drawing, “La j Sultane,” 44)2 Kemplay, C. H., Leeds, artist,— Oil picture, “ Wade House, Leeds,” £8- 8s. Od. 498 Tonge, J, S., York, contr.— Four pictures (pastoral subjects) worked in silk ; coloured engraving of window in Exeter cathedral. 494 Abraham, J., Harrogate, contr.— Two coloured etchings, i Interiors of York minster, by Halfpenny. 495 Wxddowson, Miss, Holgate, York, contr. — Two coloured aquatint engravings, by Gainsborough. 496 Parsons, R., York, contr. —The four bars’ at York, in water colours. 103 37 /V/ The Great Hall — Galleries . 497 Rowney, T., Hull. — Oil picture. “Autumnal Sweets.” 498 Cattley, C., Micklegate. York, prod. — Mechanical drawing of a locomotive engine, (machinery annex.) 499 Allen. W. M., St. Leonard’s Place, York, prod. Eleva- tion of a locomotive engine and tender. (Machinery annex.) 500 Foster, C. L., Oglefortli, York, prod- Elevation of a stationary engine. (Machinery annex.) 501 Smith, J. C., Wakefield, prod. — Sectional drawing of a locomotive engine. (Machinery annex.) 502 Pickering, J. R., Crovvnpoint- street, Leeds, prod. Design for a radial drilling machine. (Machinery annex*) 503 Eagle, Miss, York, prod.— Tapestry, - Joseph interpreting Pharaoh ’ s dream . ’ ’ 504 Hudson, Mrs., York, prod.— Needlework, “The Hawking Party. 505 Oabiidge, Mrs., York, prod.— Berlin wool work, “ Ruth and Boaz.” 506 Copley, Mrs., Acomb, York, contr. — Two pieces _oi wool work, “ Mary and Martha in the presence of Christ,” by M. E. Benson and S. A. Skilbeck. 507 Knowles, W., Harrogate, contr. — Ancient needlework, &e. 508 Gruggen, Rev. F. J., Pocklingtou, contr —Model of a M alay prahu ; frame of miniatures worked in human hair. --509 Bonner, C. F., Spalding, Lincolnshire, contr.— Set of carved Chinese chessmen. 510 Pierson, H., Poppleton, York, contr.— Portrait of Gen. Wolfe, when a boy, and an embroidery, “ Queen of Sheba”, &c. 51 1 Page, W. , York, contr— Silver tankard, covered with leather. 512 Oxley, C., Ripon, contr. — Early impressed Moorish tile or Azulejo, from the Alhambra, shewing the pomegranate for Granada, date circa 1200 ; majolica plate, dated 1524. -—513 Barstow, C., York, contr.— Carved ivory mustard pot. —514 North, S. W., York, contr.— Flint implement, and the tool with which it was made. — - 515 Carr, J. H., York, contr. — Tinder box, flint, steely and matches, in use before the invention of lucifer matches. 516 Wilkinson, Miss, Acomb, York, contr. — Map of London on silk. 104 \ B8 The Great, Hall — Galleries. 517 Ellis, T., Sheffield, contr. — Collection of knives of early manufacture. 518 Wombwell, Sir G. 0., Bart., Newburgh Park, contr. — An Indian case in sandal wood, elaborately carved. 516 Bainbridge, J., York, contr. — Set of carved ivory chessmen. 520 Layard, Lt.-Col., Beverley, contr. — Models of Nineveh marbles, executed by Miss C. M. Layard. 521 Oasella, L. P., Hatton Garden. London, manu. — A cross shaped sun dial. 522 Cbeyke, Yen. Arch., Bolton Percy, contr. — A collection of jade, bronzes, and china from the summer palace of the Emperor of China. 528 Hornby, Rev. R. W. B., D.D., Clifton, York, contr. — Embroidered scarves and feather muff 524 Rowe, Rev. G., Lord Mayor’s walk, York, contr. — Collection of Chinese and Indian articles. 525 Ditmas, Mrs., St. Mary’s, York, contr. — Figured silk scarves ; handkerchiefs and scarves manufactured from the fibres of the pine apple. 526 Ditmas, Miss E., St. Mary’s, York, contr. — A manilla scarf, made from the pine apple fibre. 527 Price, R., Epsom, contr. — Medallion portraits of the Roman Emperors, &c., by J. Wedgwood. 528 Clapham, E., Wilsden, Bingley, prod. — Model of a house, made with a knife. 526 Stephenson, T. & Co., Stonegate, York, contr. — Design in hair and wire, in leather work frame. 580 Pindar, W., Hungate, York, contr. — Bird-cage and basket, made of beads. 581 Benson, W., Fossgate, York. — Model, “ A rural scene.” 582 Bennett, W. J., Briggate, Leeds, prod. — Model of a locomotive and mail train. 533 Simpson, M.A., Bishopthorpe-road, York, prod. — Needle- work, “ Jephtlia’s daughter.” 535 Garnett, Miss M., Lawrence-atreet, York, des. prod. — Silk patchwork quilt, “ The mariner’s compass.” 536 Potter, E. T., Bishopthorpe-road, York. — Oil pictures, “ Study of a head,” “ A winter’s day, &c. 537 Champney, H. N , York, des. prod.— Bible exterior index, or instant place finder. 39 The Great Hall— Galleries. 538 Butler, Thomas, Batley Carr, prod.— Illuminated address. 539 Sedman, R., Driffield, prod.— Three frames, ornamental printing by hand. 540 Hal l, W., Haxby-road, York, contr.— Two oil pictures, “ The Lock, near Beverley, “ Effect after a shower, by A. Hall, Beverley. 541 Gail, T., Stokesley, artist. — Four water colour drawings, “ Guisbrough Abbey,” &c. 542 Jackson, Mrs., Waterloo -place, York, contr.— Model of the ' Koh-i-noor diamond ; amber Bohemian glass goblet. 543 Munro, S„ Strath-cottage, West Hartlepool, contr.— Two carved tables. (Ground floor.) 544 Martin, Gertrude E., Park- villa, Pontefract, prod. -Small caddy, etched in pen and ink, after design by Birhet Foster, and three landscapes in pen and ink. 545 Roach, M. S , Wakefield, prod. -Needlework, portraits ol the Queen, the Prince and Princess of Wales. 546 Pumfhrey, W., Lawrence House, York, contr.— Copy of iha address presented to the Prince and Princess of Wales on the occasion of their visit to the Exhibition, on the 10th August, with copy of the Prince’s reply, illuminated by Peters and Son, York. 547 Dioxins, Major, Cornhill House, contr. Oil painting The Annunciation.” £50. 571 Wood, PI., York, prod.— Pictures in burnt wood, &e. 572 Thompson, E. M„ York, prod.— Water-colour drawing, “ Scarbro’ Castle.” 578 Parkinson, J., Saltaire, prod.— Water-colour drawing, “ Hawthorn blossoms.” 574 Brown, E. A., Wakefield, prod.— Crayon drawings. 575 Fleet, E„ Walworth, London, contr.— Crayon portrait of Garibaldi. 576 Prince, S. and C., Marlhorough-road, Bradford, prod.— Water-colour drawings ; “ May blossoms, &c. ; pen and ink drawing. 577 Abbey, S., York, contr.— Six pen and ink drawings by J.E. Batman, York. 578 Badger, Mrs. H. , Rotherham, contr. — An engraving onsatin, “ John the Baptist preaching.” 40 The Great Hall — Galleries. 579 Thompson, L., Sheriff Hutton Park, York, contr. — Sketch for a sea-piece, by Vandervelde, sen. ; pen and ink drawing, by Francesco Marchissi. 680 Leyland, J. H., Halifax, contr. — Two engravings, — James II, by Vauderbank ; Yen Mille, Archbishop of Paris, by C. Hreved. 581 Foster, J. L., York, contr. — Engraving, by Wass, after Etty. 582 Nordeley, Mr. Hewortli, York, contr. — Original portrait of Grace Darling, with her cape worn when rescuing the crew of the “ Forfarshire,” in 1838. 583 Kemplay, C. H., Leeds, artist. — Six oil pictures, “ Winder- mere,” “ Crummack Water,” &c., £3. 10s. each. 584 Pew, R., Walmgate, York, prod. — Wood carvings, “ The Bather;” “ Defending the Pass.” 585 Hope, G., Castlegate, York, contr. — Working model of rail- way, ship, &c. 586 Swales, Mrs., York, prod.— Needlework, “ Christ blessing little children.” 587 Thackeay, Mrs., prod. — Needlework, hearth-rug, foot- stools, &c. 588 Pilter, Miss, Sowerby-bridge. Halifax, prod. — Water-colour drawing, in leather-work frame. £17. 17s. -589 Raine, Rev. Canon, York, contr.— Specimen of oriental carving, mariner’s compass (French) ; portrait on panel of Thomas Tunstall. 590 Coates, Miss, Galphay, Ripon, contr. — Two small pictures, in antique frames ; wood carving, by Albert Durer ; &c. 691 Chapman, J., York, contr. — Ancient rosary crucifix found in St. Mary's Abbey grounds, York, 1841 ; two engravings. 592 Teignmouth, Lord, Laugton Hall, contr. — Silver case of Burmese manufacture, brought by Colonel Svmes from Annarapoora, the capital of the Burmese Empire, on his embassy at the close of the last century ; illuminated manuscripts, &c. 593 South Kensington Museum, London, contr. — Series of coloured engravings, illustrating the stained glass in continental cathedrals, in the 18th, 14th, and 15th centuries. (Ground floor.) 394 Ditto, — Series of Photographs of Italian Sculpture, 14th and 1 5th centuries-Donatelle, Della Robia, Michael Angelo, &c. 41 The Great Hall— Galleries. 595 South Kensington Museum, London, contr. — Series of photographs of old furniture, from the royal and other collections. 596 Swan, H., 40, Charing Cross, London, inv. photo. — Trans- parent miniatures, in relief (Swan’s patent binocular.) 597 Glaisby, TV. P., Marygate, York, photo. — Photograohs of York Minster. o:3b Jackson, Bros., Oldham, photo. — Photographs, landscape. 599 Beckett and Willis, Scarbro', photo. — Photographic portraits and views. 600 B airbridge, J. T., Barnard Castle, photo.— Photographs, landscape. 631 Holroyd, T. and J., Harrogate, photo. — Photographic portraits, enlargements, and cartes de visite. 602 Smith, lL, Dewsbury, contr.— Three photographic views ot Rome, Naples, &a. 60S Bedford, F., London, photo.— Photographs, landscape and aicmtecture, at home and abroad (including views talien during the visit of the Prince of Wales to the Holy Land.) ' ( 0_t Spencer, TV. IT., Halifax, contr. — Photographs of sculptures m the Acropolis, Athens. 605 Newell, H. F., Stonegate, York, photo —Untouched photographs, enlargements, and on opal glass. 606 Johnson, C., Leeds, photo. — Photographs, cartes de visite. 607 Gregson, E., Halifax, photo. — Photographs of machinery • enlarged portrait in oil. ’ -Photographs on paper 608 Walker, E. C., Liverpool, photo. and enamelled glass. 609 Dallas, TV. S., York, contr.— Photographic copy of etching by Rembrandt, “ The Good Samaritan.” 610 Gowland, W. T. and R, Lendal, York, photo, and miniature painters, — Photographic portraits, plain and coloured. 611 Worsley, Sir TV., Bart., Hovingham,— Two photographs ot the colossal marble group of Sampson slaving a Philis- Lne by “ John of Bologna,” presented by George III. to I . TV orsley, Esq., M.P., Surveyor General of His Majesty’s T\ orks. J J 612 Harrison J., Leeds, photo.— Enlarged photograph and frame of small photographs. 613 TT inter and Son, Beverley, photo. — Photographs on opal glass and cartes de visite. The Great Hall— Galleries. 42 614 Holder, W. H., Scarbro, photo. Coloured enlarged, pho- tographs, and cartes do visite. 615 Monkhouse and Co., Lendal, York, plioto.— Landscape and portrait photographs. 616 Sarony, 0., Scarbro,’ photo— Coloured, enlarged, and other photographic portraits. 617 Wright, R., Spurriergate, York, photo.— Photographs,— portraits. 618 Taylor, J. H., Wakefield, photo. — Frame oi stereographs. 619 Leak and Thorp, Parliament-street, York, contr. — Carpets, damasks, floor cloths, and general furnishing ch-apery. 620 Bounding, W., Leonard-street, Beverley -road, Hull, manu. — The new rifie shooting or fishing boot. 621 Dale, S. A., Market -street, York, prod.— Specimens of cleaned and re-dyed goods. 622 Smith, C., High Ousegate, York, manu. — Boy’s and youth’s suits of clothes. 623 Pegler and Co., Leeds, des. manu.— Linen damasks. 624 Ward, J., Spnrriergate, York, manu.— Jockey’s cap and jacket. 625 Cooper, Mrs., Parliament-street, York.— Moire antique corset. 626 Richardson, J., Fossgate, York, manu —Hand-knit hosiery, and Berlin wools. 627 Lund, W. D , Petergate, York, manu.— A general assort- ment of ropes and twine, sash and clothes lines, &e. 628 Hebden, F. and Son, York, manu.— Linen goods, hucka- backs, sheetings, diapers, &c. 629 Briggs and Sons, Wakefield, manu.— Worsted goods. 630 Magkan, Mrs., Petergate, York. — Specimens of Irish manu- facture in linen, crochet work, and embioideij. 632 Baker, J., Pavement, York.— Linoleum floor-cloths; speci- mens of Irish and Knaresbro’ linen, with the flax m ns various stages of manufacture. 638 Wilberforce School for the Blind, York.—Goods made by the blind, consisting of basket and wool-work, &c. 634 Fenton, S., Batley Carr, Dewsbury, manu.— Specimens of cloths used for druggeting. 100 The Great Hall — Galleries. 43 685 Pickering, E. H., High Ousegate, York. — Panels for dining and drawing rooms ; specimens of stamped gold paper hangings. 686 Cox ache It and Co., Huddersfield, manu. — Organ, -with three manuals and pedal organ containing 40 stops, showing all the pipes and movements. 687 Saltmar she, T. , Jun. , Stamford- bridge, York, contr. — Chinese work-box. 688 Cbeaser, H., Bishopgate-street, York, contr. — Ancient clock. 689 Hill, J ., Walmgate, Aork, contr. — Two Japanese porcelain vases and a Chinese cabinet. 640 Robinson, J., 10, Walmgate, York, prod.— Wicker-work table, japanned. (Ground floor.) 641 Duckett, J., York, contr. — Collection of curiosities from Italy and Switzerland. 642 Perfect, Mr., Fulford, York, contr.— Model of a 74 gun ship. 618 Mackreth, R. W., York, contr. — Model of a frigate, made by the French prisoners at Dartmouth, from bones ob- tained from their rations. 6 <4 Allis, 1 ., Osbaldwick, York, contr. — Two wood carvings, bv Clarice, Nottingham. 645 Deablove, M. W., North-street, Leeds, prod.— Models of Cremona violin and double-bass. 646 Fowler, Mrs. W., Whittington Hall, Derbyshire, contr.— Antique model, “ Descent from the Cross.” (Ground floor.) v f' 647 Smith, R., High Ousegate, York, contr.— Carved ivory horn,- antique spur, Roman jug, &e. ! 648 Strickland, Mrs., Coney-street, York, contr. — Silver gilt bowl, 1610. 8 649 Davy, Miss, Mount-vale, York, prod.—' Vase of paper — flowers. 650 Harrison, R. \\ ., Scarbro’, prod. — Window in imitation of stained glass. 6*)1 St. Helens Glass Company, Leeds, prod. — Stained glass window, “ The Women at the Sepulchre ” 6o2 Hodgson, W. and T., Stonegate, York, prod. — Window panels of stained glass, “ The Adoration of the Magi,” “The Sermon on the Mount,” “Christ rebuking °tha waves,” &c. * no 44 The Great Hall — Ground Floor. 658 Hodgson, W. and T., Stonegate,' York, prod.— Large stained glass window. 664 Knowles, J. W., Coney-street, York, prod.— Stained glass window, for Strensall church ; stained glass staircase window, by Peekitt, O.S. THE GREAT HALL. GROUND FLOOR. ( Continued from parjd 20.) 655 South Kensington Museum, London, contr. — Selection of works of art, illustrating the progressive development of ornament in metal, pottery, enamel, wood, ivoiy, glass, bookbinding, lac, basket work, &c. - 656 Elkington, Mason, and Co., Birmingham, contr.— Suit of armour, after the antique ; bronze busts and statuettes. 657 Arundel, J., Coney-street, York.— Case of jewellery, modem and antique gold and silver plate, &c. 658 Jones, G. F., York, des.— Library chimney piece, executed by Skelton and Son, York. 659 Cooper and Nicholson, High- Ousegate, York, prod. Large picture screen (gallery). 660 Londesborouhh, Lord, Grimston Park, contr. Marble busts of the twelve Caesars. 662 Lutv, T., York, contr.— Plaster model, “Aurora,” by M. N. Hessey, York. £50. 668 Hessey, M. N., York, sculp.— Two statues, “ St John the Evangelist,” and “ John the Baptist ; model from the “Apoilo.” 664 York School of Art, contr. — Collection of casts o± statuary, friezes, &c., and other works of art. 665 Ruddock, S., Pimlico, London, sculp.— Model of a group of our Lord’s Supper ; figure designed and executed for the entrance to the Westminster Palace Hotel ; statuettes in stone and plaster. 666 Thompson, Mrs., Blake- street, York, contr.— Two antique marble statuettes. 667 Bosher, W. H., Thorp Arch, contr — Cast, “ Mother and Child,” by Bailey. 46 in The Great Hall — Ground Floor, GO 8 Mason, J , Fiskergate, York, contr. — Statue of Hercules and three large rases (alabaster) ; casts of four hands and foot. 068a Skelton, and Son, Micklegate, York, contr.— Marble bust of the late Richard Cobden, modelled by Pap worth, London, executed by an Italian artist. £100. 670 Swallow, J. C., York, contr.— Bust of Venus, by a student in the York School of Art. 071 Fisher, M. A., and Son, York, sculp, and contr.— Marble statue of Jupiter, and busts of Shakspeare, Sir Isaac Newton, and Wellington ; “ Infant Bacchus and Goat ’ (in relief) ; “Boy and Broken Drum, in marble ; inlaid cribbage board; “Time cutting Cupid’s wings.” 672 Bbadley, G., York, sculp. — Stone statue, “Venus Reposing ’ (£10. 10s.); medallion, “ Christ Crowned with Thorns,” after Karl Caner. £5. 5s. 678 Kilvin'gton, G., York, manu. — Variety of designs in wire- work (outside the building.) 671 Pindar, W., Hungate, York, manu.— Wove wire of various meshes and general wire-work (outside the building.) 675 Stephenson and Co., York, manu. — Wire rosary, garden seats, and plant stands (outside the building.) 676 Owen, W., Wheathill Foundry, Rotherham, manu.— Ornamental flower stand. (W. Hill, Pavement, York, agent.) ANNEX FOR MACHINERY and CARRIAGES. 677 Ormekod, Geieeson, and Co., Manchester, manu. Alien engine, 16-horse power, with Porter’s patent governor, for driving the machinery in the Annex. r.TS Routledge and Ommanney, Salford, Manchester, manu. — A horizontal double acting pumping engine, £95 ; vertical feed- engine, single acting, £30. 679 Ramsbottom and Co., Blackburn, manu. — Hydraulic engine, adapted for all lands of work. 660 Robey and Co. (limited,) Lincoln, manu. — Patent self-acting circular saw table. 031 Ditto, manu. — Eight-horse power portable engine. 46 112 Machinery Annex. "-482 Morrall, A.. High-street, Manchester, manu. — Needle making machinery in motion. 688 Rowntree, H. I., York, confer. — Neighbours and Son's im- proved bee-hives, stocked with living bees. 684 Rodgers, J., Railway Foundry, Leeds, manu.— Patent split strap drums for driving machinery of wrought, instead of cast iron, intended for high speeds. 685 Pindar, W., Hungafee, York, manu.— Machine for dressing flour, with silent feeder ; screen for taking smuts, clots, &c., out of wheat ; mill stones and proving staff. 686 Porter, J. T. B. and Co., Lincoln, manu.— Small gas apparatus, for the economical production of gas from coal, which, with a small modification, may be applied for the distillation of oil, or other fatty matters for the production of gas. 687 Marsden, R. PI., Soho Foundry, Leeds, manu. — Blake’s patent stone breaker, or ore crushing machine. 688 Sheard, Mrs. S. C., Halifax, manu. — Patent fire bars. 689 Tangye, Bros, and Price, Birmingham, manu. — Hydraulic lifting jack, punching hear, and boiler proving pump. 690 Carter and Co., Salford, Manchester, manu. — Engineer’s tools, &c. 691 Fleet and Co., Walworth, London, — Patent soda and mineral water machinery, with patent bottling apparatus. 692 Wilson. N. and Co., London, manu. — Sewing machines. — 693 Stevens, T., Coventry, manu. — -Jacquard ribbon loom, articles produced by this loom are on sale at the adjoining stall. 694 Dexter, W., Nottingham, contr. — Lace weaving machine. 695 Cooke, T. and Sons, Buckingham Works, York, manu. — Wheel cutting engine, planing machine, lathe and brass castings. 696 Fawcett and Wilson, Leeds, manu. — Radial slotting and drilling machines, and lathe. 697 Dickinson, W., Skinner Lane, Leeds, manu. — Shaping machine and photographs of tools for engineers. 698 Dickinson, J., Blossom Street, York, manu.— Double motion horizontal pump. 699 Beck and Candlish, Brown Street, Sheffield, _ manu. — Improved patent machine for sharpening and sinking the 113 Machinery Annex. 47 teeth of saws, without files, adapted for circular saws to 6ft. diameter, and long saws to 4ft. at one fixing 700 Lawsox and Sons, Leeds, manu.— Flax breaking machine.— 701 Hebden- F. and Sox, York, eontr. — Steam loom for weaving linen goods. 702 Atmospheric Churn Co., London, manu.-F our patent churns. 703 Bousfield, G , York, eontr.— Glass engraving lathe, manu- factured by M. Bousfield, and tools for the purpose ol working in the building. 704 Wheeler and Wilson, Liverpool, inv. manu.— Sewing machine driven by steam power. 705 Salmon, J., Parsonage, Manchester, manu.— Printing, paper- cutting, paging or numbering, and round hole perforating machines, 706 Gas Engine Company, (limited,) London, eontr. — Half- horse-power gas engine. 707 Phillips, J. H., Beadlam Grange, Helmsley, eontr. — Model of a fish ladder, showing the mode by which fish are enabled to reach upper rivers. 708 Bulmer, L., Stonegate, York, eontr.— Lock-bar that defies the “ Alderman.” 709 Monkhouse, W., Lendal, York, inv. manu. — Water agitator for washing photographic prints. 710 Coulson, W., York, manu.— Improved mortising and tenon- ing machine. 711 Hackworth, J., Darlington, manu.— Working models of the “ Royal George,” locomotive ; vertical, stationary, and horizontal engines ; model of patent dynamic valve gear, illustrative of the action of the steam in the cylinder. 712 Rhodes, J. and Sons, Wakefield, manu. — Combined mortis- ing and boring machines ; improved straight cutting circular shears, lathe and two models of steam hammers. 713 Pigott and Farrar, Barnsley, manu. — Bower and Qualter’s patent improved metallic piston. 714 Sanders, H. J., Brighouse, Normanton, manu. — Machine for drawing corks from bottles. 715 Close, Burlinson, and Co., Sunderland, inv., manu. — Models of coal shipping machinery ; for unshipping coals and weighing at the same time, for shipping coal from barges ; engine turn table, J4. Ackrovd, J., Manor-row, Bradford, 442. Aked. Lieut., Woodlands, Knares- bro'. 345. Akroyd, Col.. M.P., Halifax. 326a. Akroyd and Son, Halifax, 10. Alder and Alder, Albion-street, Cheltenham, 178. Allen, A., Chemist, Barnsley. 417. Allen, W. M., St. Leonard's place, York, 499. Allerston. E., Bootham-bar, Yor 772. Allis, T.. Osbaldwick, York, 329, 644. Allis, T. H., Market-street, York, 320. Allison, E. C., Richmond, 62. Anderson. II.. Monkgate, York, 113, 324. Armstrong, Sir W. G. & Co., New- castle-upon-Tyne, 1. Arnott, C. Beverley, 122. Arundel. J.. Coney -street, York, 657. Askham. W., Pocklington, 291. Atkinson and Philipson, Newcastle- upon-Tyne, 762. Atkinson, J., Fossbridge, York, 119 . Atmospheric Churn Co., London, 702. Badger. Mrs. H., Rotherham, 578. Bainbridge, J., York, 131, 200, 350, 590. Bainbridge. J. T„ Barnard Castle. 600. Baines, H„ The Museum, York. 332. Baker, J., Pavement, and Coney- street, York, S3, 632. Baker. W. J.. Wakefield, 193a. Balmford. G.. Conev-street, York, 39 ::. Barber, J. S„ Osbaldwick, York, 237. Barker, W.. Fisherg.de, York, 411. Barnbv. W.. Minster-vard. York, 22S. ; Barringer and Brown, Rock Valley Mills, Mansfield, 51. Barstow, C., York, 513. Barstow, C. H.. Blake-street, York, 93. Baynes and Son, Micldegate, l T ork, 147. Bean, J. W., Briggate, Leeds, 278. Bean, T., Swinegate, York, 441. Beck and Candlish, Brown-street, Sheffield, 699. Beckett and Willis, Scarborough, 599- Bedford. F., 326, Camden-road. London, 603. Bell, G.. Gillygate, York, 777. Bell. J.. Feasegate, York, 82. Bellerby, W., Bootham, York, 134. Bellerbj^ W., Hungate Saw Mills, York, 168. Bennett, W. J., Briggate, Leeds, 532. Bennitt, J., AYest Cowick Snaith, 260. Benson, AV., Fossgate, York, 531. Benson, Miss, Belle Yue-street, York, 229. Berry, J., Lady Peckitt’s -yard, York, 123. Beverley Iron Co. (limited), 733. 119 List of Exhibitors. 53 Beverley and Sou, I), Marsh-lane, Leeds, 753. Birks, J., Market-street, York, 470. Bland, G.. and Co., Coney-street, York, 32. Bolingbroke, J., Grimsby - lane, Market-place, Hull, 68. Bollaus, B. H., Petergate, York, 87. Bolton, J., Union-street, Halifax, 412. Bonner, C. F., Spalding, 509. Bosher, W. H., Thorp-Arch, Tad- caster, 487, 667. Bottomley Sc Sons, Crossbills, Leeds, 107. Bousfield, G., Micklegate, York, 249, 703. Bousfield, M., Micklegate, York. 749. Bower, 1L, Welham, Mai Lon, 339. Boyes, W. J., Nortlirop-square, Bradford, 446. Bradley, B.. Orchard- street, York, 387. Bradley, G. Mason, 3, Cemetery- road, York, 672. Bradford and Co., 63, Fleet-street, London, and Cathedral-steps, Manchester, 747. Braim and Sons, Sleight's Bridge, Dickering, Northallerton, 79. Briggs, J., Pavement, York, 134a. Briggs and Sons, Wakefield, 629. Briggs, T., Woodhouse-lane, Leeds, 745. Briggs and Co, Ripley, Yorkshire, 369. Bright, and Sons, Scarborough, 157. Bright, H., Leamington, 426. Brightwell, E., Heslington, York, ■ 352. Brinsmead, J., Wigmore-street. Cavendish-square, London. 41. British Sewing Machine Co. (limited), 71, Oxford-street, London, 18. Brown, J., Stonegate, York, 126. Brown J., Lord Mayor’s, Walk, York, 132. Brown, B. E., Wass, Oswaldkirk, 270. Brown, K., Colliergate, York, 459. Brown, E. A., Kirkgate, Wakefield, 574. Bryan, G., 3, Mulgrave Place, Whitby, 158. Bulmer, L., Stonegate, York, 708. Burton, J., Poppleton, York, 211. BushiH. IL, Prospect Gardens, York, 746. Butler, T., Batley Carr, 538. By water, T , Tadcaster, 1 7 6. Cail, T , Stokesley, 541. Camidge, Bev. C. J., Wakefield, 258. Comidge, H. C., Chapter liouse- street, York, 474. Camidge, Mrs., De Grey-street, York, 5! 15, 779. Canmiell, C. & Co., Cyclops Works, Sheffield, 2. Carl ill. G., Penrose Cottages, York, 313. Carr, F., Heslington, York, 340. Carr, J. H., Colliergate, York, 224, 202, 451,515. Carrall, J., Parliament-street, York, 67. Carter, J. H. & Son, 30, Park-square, Leeds, 97. Carter and Co., 35, New Baily- slreet, Salford, Manchester 690. Cassdla, L. P., Hatton Garden, London, 521. Caswell, F., York, 727. Cattley & Sons, Skeldergate, York, 100 . Cattley, C., 5. Micklegate, York, 498. Champney, H. N.. York, 537 Chapman, G., Holgate-terrace, York, 321. Chapman. Mrs., Askham Bryan, York, 380, Chapman, J., Little Stonegate, York, 591. China, Collection of, 194. Clapham, E., Wilsden, Binglev, 528. Clapham, A., Bamsdalc Bank, Scarborough, 337. Clark, Lady, South Parade, York, 203, 343. Clark, B. A., South Parade, York 146. Clough, J., 36, Union Terrace, Y ork 43. List of Exhibitors. 54 Close, Burlinson and Co., Sunder- land, 715. Clutton, W. J., The Mount, York, 357. Coates, Miss, Galphay, Ripon, 590. Colburn, J. Low-Ousegate, York, 376. Colman, J. and J., Cannon-street, London, 35. Cole, J., Gillygate, York, 4, 4a. Conacher and Co., Huddersfield, 636. Cook, J., Holgate, York, 160. Cookes, L„ Coventry-road, War- wick, 490. Cooke, T., and Sons, Buckingham Works, York, 9, 695, 716, 760. Cooke, B. and Sons, Saville-street, Hull. 91. Cooper, M., Railway- street, York, 28. Cooper, F. B., Parliament -street, York, 31. Cooper, Mrs., Parliament-street, York, 625. Cooper, M., Bridlington, 139, 358. Cooper, M. W., Bridlington, 264. Cooper, J. R., Bridlington, 269. Cooper, T., Walmgate, York, 415. Cooper, T., Rufforth, York, 757. Cooper and Nicholson, 2, High- Ousegate, York, 659. Copley, Mrs., Acomb, 506. Cordeaux and Ernest, Patrick-pool, York, 186. Coulson, W., York, 710. Coverdale and Co., Pocklington, 751. Coward, Mrs., Knottingley, 308. Cowling, D., Goodramgate, York, 164. Craven, C., Micklegate, York, 418. Craven, M. A., Pavement, York, 56. Creaser, H., Bishopgate-street,York, 638. Creighton, J., 8, Lucas - square, Hull, 281. Cressey, Miss, The Mount, York, 310. Creyke, Yen. Arch., Bolton Percy, 522. Croft, M. Lendal, York, 103. Croshaw, Miss, Stonegate, York, 261, 450. Crossley, S., Engine Bridge Mills, Huddersfield, 730. Crowther, G. H., Thornhill-place, Wakefield, 85. Crowther, G. O., Scarborough, 475. Cro'wther, PI., and Co., Woodhouse Carr, Leeds, 406. Crummack, E., Fulford, York, 293, Curtis and Moore, Bond -street, Leeds, 135a. Cutts, G., Park works, Broad-street, Sheffield, 84. Daere, Mr. Clifford, Tadcaster, 348b. Dale, W. IT., Coney -street, York, 66. Dale, G , St. John’s-terrace, York, 12S. Dale, S. A., Market-street, Y ork, 621. Dallas, W. S., Museum, York, 609. Dalton Knitting Machine Com- pany, 3, Colquitt-street, Liver- pool, 23. Davis, R. H., High Harrogate, 373. Davy, Miss, Mount Vale, York, 649, Day, J. and E., High Ousegate, York, 26.. Dearlove, M. W., 172, North-street, Leeds, 645. De Buyser, Freres, 21, Marche au Beurre, Ghent, 132a. Deighton, J., Coney-street, York, 405. Dexter, W., Nottingham, 694. Dick and Co., Red Lion-street, Manchester, 98. Dickins. Major, Cornhill House, Coldstream, 547. Dickinson, W., Lincoln -field, Skin- ner-lane, Leeds, 697. Dickinson, J., Blossom-st., York, 698. Ditmas, Lieut.- Col , St. Mary’s, York, 361. Ditmas, Mrs., St. Mary’s, York, 525. Ditmas, Miss, St. Mary’s, York, 526. Dobson, Mrs., Clifton, York, 213. Dobson, T., Mount Pleasant, Gates- head, 739. Dodgson, J., Albion-street, Leeds, 280.' Dodsworth, Mrs. B., York, 349a. 55 List of Exhibitors. Douglas, Rev. W. F., Scrayingham, 202 . Doyle, G., Molescroft, Beverley, 270a. Duckett, Sir Geo., Bart., Fangfoss, York, 241. Duckett, T., Dale-street, York, 117. Duckett, J., Mount Villas, York, 294, 641. Duly, H. J., Hurstmonceux, Sussex, 396. Eagle, Miss, 17, Burton-terrace, York, 503. Eastwood, Miss, St. Saviour’s-place, York, 426a. Eastwood, G. Walmgate, York, 6. Eccles, Mrs., Clarence-street, York, 299. Edgoose, Mrs., York, 345a. Edson, W., Petergate, York, 257. Edson, W., Walmgate, York, 59. Eland, J. W., Walmgate, York, 70. Elkington, Mason, and Co., Birm- ingham, 37, 656. Elhs, B„, and Son, Castlegate, York, 63. Ellis, T., Sheffield, 517. Fawcett, B., Driffield, 467. Fawcett and Wilson, Shannon- street, Leeds, 696. Fawdington, T., Fulford, York, 118. Fell and Rickards, Bell Busk Mill, Skipton, 354. Fenton, S.,Batley Carr, Dewsbury, 634. Fernie, Mrs., Sutton-on the-Forest, 234. Field, J. C. and J., Lambeth, London, 14. Fisher, M. A., and Son, St. Saviour- gate, York, 671.. Fleet, E., Walworth, London, 575. Fleet and Co., Walworth. London, 691. Fletcher, W., Lilnng, York, 402. Flitch and Son, Buslingthorne. Leeds, 27. Forbes, H., Harrogate, 238. Forrest. H. P., Market-place, Work- sop, 752. Foster, J. L,, Ogleforth, York, 190, 581. Foster, C. L., Ogleforth, York, 500. Fothergill, A., Selby, 189. Foumess, R., 17, Kirkgate, Leeds, 718. Fowler, Mrs., W., Whittington Hall, 646. Fowler, T. N., Spurriergate, York, 162. Fox, J. C., Mexborough, Rother- ham, 327. Fox, S., 86, Quay-street, Manches- ter, 401. Fraser, Miss, Mount Parade, York, 230. Gain, T. T. Leeds, 120. Garnett, W. H., Carlton House, Scarborough, 94. Garrad, W., Warwick-street, Bir- mingham, 88. Garnett, Miss, Lawrence-street, York, 535. Gas Carburetting Co., Wakefield, 178a. Gas Engine Co. (limited), 20, Cannon-street, London, 706. Gill, J., Price-street, York, 140. Gillott and Sons, Victoria Works, Birmingham, 86. Gowland, W. T., and R., Lendal, York, 610. Glaisby, J., Coney-street, York, 285a. Glaisby, W. P., Marygate, York, 597. Graham, D., Market-street, York, 319. Grainger, Miss, York, 225. Grasby, W., Williams-place, Hull, J 33. Graves, J., Howsham, 344. Graves, E., Monkgate, York, 429. Gray, W., York, 207, 404. Gray, J., 24, Fossgate, York, 382. Green, A., Dewsbury, 432. Green and Mosley, St. Saviourgate, York, 161. Greenwood, W. F., Stonegate, York, 149. Gregson, E., Waterhouse - street, Halifax, 607. Greig, A. N., 03, Coupland-street, Oxford-road, Manchester, 193. Gretton, W,, La 3 7 erthorpe, York, 403. 12a List of Exhibitors. 56 Grover and Baker, Regent-street, London and Liverpool, 19. Gruggen, Rev. F. J., Pocklington, 149a, '508. Guy, W. H., Groves -lane, York, 275. Iiackwortli, J., Darlington, 711. Haddlesey, W., 3, Newbiggin-street, York, 389. Hall. 11., and Sons, Clarence- street, York, 78. Hall. T. A., Spurrier-gate, York, 227, 235. Hall, T., Colliergate, York. 290. Hall, T., Carlton, Selby, 439. Hall, W., Ilaxby-road, York, 540. Halley, T., Low-Ousegate, York, 219. Hardcastle, W. M., Percy-street, York, 11G. Hare, G., 1, Lower Calthorpe-street, London, 90. Hargraves, J., Leeds, 722. Hargrove, A. E., St. Mary’s, York, 231, 717. Havland, W., 3, Hanover-street, York, 330. Hartley, T. G.. Davygate, York, 175. Hartley and Co., Wear Glass Co., Sunderland, 101. Harrison, R. W., 10, West-square, Scarborough, 650. Harrison, J-, Leeds, G12. Harrogate Improvement Commis- sioners, 372. Hart, E.B , Cliff House, Wakefield, 458, 491. Harvey, Reynolds, and Co., Brig- gate, Leeds, 414. Hayden, Rev. F.W., Skelton, York, 328. Hayden. Mrs., Skelton, York, 242. Hailawell, H.,Albion-terrace, Barns- ley, 488. Hebden, F., and Son, York, 628, 70 !. Helstrip, C., Fossgate, York, 325. Hepper, Vv„ S, St. Andrewgate, York, 454. Hep worth, W., Petergate, York, 427. Heselwood, J., Prospect Gardens, York, 185. Hessey, M. N., Nunnery -lane, York, 144, 663. Hewson, Rev. J., Grosmont, 223. Hewett, Mrs., Clarenee-st., York, 304 . Hick, J. L., Fulford, York, 386. Hill, J., Walmgate, l r ork, 639. Hill and Son, North-street, Leeds, 731. Hillyard, T., Lowther- street, York, 277. Hind, R., Gillygate, York, 298. Hinscliff, M., Wetherby, 449. Hirst and Sons, Halifax, 743. Hirst and Barraclough, Brighouse. Leeds, 253. Hirstwood, W., Coney-street, York, 248. Hitchin and Sons, Gibbet-street, Halifax, 80. Hobson, T., Easingwold, 76. Hobson, T., Bridlington, 379. Hodgson, W. and T., Stonegate, York, 652, 653. Hodgson and Pitt, Clecldieaton, 734=. Hodgson and Simpson, Wakefield, 46. Hodgson, G., Union-street, York, 251. Holder, W. H., Huntress-row, Scarborough, 614. Holland, Rev. T., York, 468. Holroyd, T. and J., Harrogate, 801. Hope, G., and Co., Castlegate, York, JG9, 585. Hopkinson, Bi - os., London and Leeds, 42. Hopkinson, C., 16, Shambles street, Barnsley, 445. Hopper, A., Brownlow- street, York, 384. Hornby. Rev. R. W. B., D.D., Clifton, York, 137, 523. Horsley, T., Coney-street, York, 73. Horsley, T.,Brawby, Pickering, 145, Houlgate, F., Scarborough, 758. Howards and Sons, Stratford, 365. Hubbard, E. J , 11, Chapel Walk, Rotherham, 472. Hudson, J., Park Terrace, Groves, York, 314. Hudson. Mrs., 53, Coney-street, York. 504. 57 List of Hume, T , Bilton-street, York, 388. Humphreys, Miss, Youlton, Easing- wold, 153. Hunt, B., Scarborough, 737. Husband, C., Eipon, 141. Hustler, J., Adwalton, Leeds, 455. Ingham and Co., Thirsk, 75. Ingham and Sons, Thornton, Brad- ford, 728. Inglis aud Jack, Edinbro’, Leeds, &c., 285. Jackson, J., Fairfield, York, 342. Jackson, Mrs., Waterloo-place, York, 542. Jackson, Bros., Oldham, 598. Jefferson, W. T., Northallerton, 206. Johnson, C., Leeds, 006. Johnson and Sons, Basinghall- street, London, 398. Johnson, and Taylor, Malton, 52. Jones, G. F., Bootham, York, 658. Judson and Son, Coleman-street, London, 419. Kearsley and Co., Little Stonegate, York, 765. Keen, Robinson, Bellville, and Co., 6, Garlick Hill, London, 29. Kemplay, C. H., Leeds, 492, 583. Kendrew, Miss, Colliergate, York, 291a, 483. Kendrew, J., Colliergate, York, 778. Kidd, T., Goodramgate, York, 397. Kilvington, G., Stonegate, York, 673. Kitching, J., M.D., The Retreat, York, 260, 391. Kleuer, A., Stonegate, York, 424. Knaptou, Miss, York, 144a, 217. Knowles, W., Harrogate, ’366, 507. Knowles, J. W., Coney -street, York, 452, 654. Kuowles, J., Jun., Goodramgate, York, 155. Knowlson, R., Blake-street, York, 125. Lamb, W., Colliergate, 265. Lambert, Rev. A., Wetherby, 233. Lambert, T., Parliament-street, York, 744. Exhibitors. Lawson, T., Spurriergate, York, ,150. Lawson and Sons, Leeds, 700. Layard, Lieut. Col., Beverley, 520. Leaf, R., Fulford, York, 263. Leak and Thorp, Parliament- street, York, 13, 6)9. Leckenby, J., Scarborough, 771. Leng, J. P., Coppei'gate, York, 49. Leyland, J. H., Halifax, 580. Londesborough, Lord, Grimston Park, 143a, 210. 660. Loraine, G., Bishophili, York. 312. Loretz, J., Bath and Scarborough, 177. Lukis, Rev. C. J.. Watli, 198. Lund, W. D., Petergate, York, 627. Lupton, T., Bootham, York, 421. Luty, T., Conev-street, York, 182, 602. Lydon, F. A., Driffield, 476. Lyon, A., London, 755. Macfarlan, J. F., 17, North-bridge, Edinburgh, 407. (Clarke, Bleasdale & Co., York, agents.) Macfarlane and Co., Saracen Foun- dry Glasgow. — page 9. Maclieu, H., 15, Feasegate, York, 433. Mackreth, R. W., York, 643. Magean, Mrs., Petergate, York. 630. Malthouse, T., Harewood, Leeds, 410. Mann, J. W., jun., Lord Mayor’s Walk, York, 726. Mann and Son, Monkgate, York, 764. Marsden and Co., Upperthorpe- road, Sheffield, 8. Marsden, R. H., Soho Foundry, Tweeds, 687. Martin, G. E., Park Villa, Ponte- fract, o44. Mason, J., Fishergate, York, 138, 243, 457, 668. Masser, H., Petergate, York, 109. Matthews, T. J., 33, North-street, York, 323, 399. Matthews, T. C., and Son, Driffield, 404. Megson, A., 59, Well-street, Brad- ford, 444. 58 List of Exhibitors, Melrose, J. Beverley, 359. Middlemist, A., 4, Saville-street, Hull, 24, 7 50a, 750b. Milburn, G., Little-Shambles, York, 773. Mildmay, Rev. J. C., St. John, Marston, 218. Milner, Miss, York, 232. Milward, C. A., Coney -street, York, 25. Minks, Miss, Boo tham, York, 310a. Mongston, Mrs. Harrogate, 58. Monkhouse and Co., Lendal, York, 615, 709. Moore, E. P., York, 220. Morley, Mrs., Newton-on-Ouse, 775. Morrall, A., High-street, Manches- ter, 682. Morrison and Hawkesley, 79, High- street, Hull, 395. Mosley, Mrs., Holgate, York, 173. Musham and Son, Micklegate, York, 107a, 171a. Munro, S., Strath Cottage, West Hartlepool, 543. Needham, F., M.D., York, 363. Nelson, W., Upperthorpe-road, Shef- field, 96. Newell, PI. F., Stonegate, York, 605. Newington and Scott, Low Ouse- gate, York, 38. New-num, F. E., Micklegate, York, 129. Newton and Braddock, Oldham, 732. Nichols, S., Wilsden, Bingley, 774. Nicholson, J., Bootham, York, 462. Noble, T. S., Precentor’s -Court, York, 236. Norcliffe, Mrs,, -Langton, 221. Nordeley, W., Hewortfa, York, 582. North, S. W., Castlegate, York, 514. Nussey, S. L., 39, Park-square, Leeds, 368. Nutt, M., Goodramgate, York, 57. Oates, Misses, 4, Regent street, Halifax, 307. O’Brien, Capt., York, 311. Oglesby, J., Fossgate, York, 748. Ormerod Greirson and Co., Man- chester. 677. Osborn, Miss, Bootham-terraee, York, 309. Osgerhy, E, W., and G., Beverley, 767. Owen, W., Wheat-hill Foundry, Rotherham, 15, 676. Oxley, C., Ripon, 512. Padley, H., 10, Princess-street, Sheffield, 95. Page, W., York, 511. Papini, Ant., Florence, 768. Park, J., 22, St. Peter’s-square, Leeds, 300. Parkins, T., Robert Town, Nor- manton, 422. Parkinson, J., Saltaire, 573. Parsons, R., Coney-street, York, 496. Payne, R., Charlotte- street, Wake- field, 183, 436. Peacock and Prattley, Manchester, 181. Pearson, Mr., Bishopthorpe, York, 348. Peek, Frean, and Co., London, 54. Peel, J., Pudsey, Leeds, 292. Pegler and Co., Leeds, 623. Penrose, J., Coney-street, York, 473. Perfect, A. S., Fulford, York, 642. Perfect, H., Micklegate, York, 167. Pew, R., Walmgate, Y’ork, 584. Phillips. W., Bootham-terraee, York, 458. Phillips, J. H., Beadlam Grange, Helmsley, 707. Pickering. J. R., Crownpoint-street, Leeds. 502. Pickering, E. IT., High Ousegate, York, 085. Pierson, H., Poppleton, York. Piggott and Farrar, Barnsley, 713, Filter, Miss, Sowerby Bridge, Hali- fax, 5SS. Pindar, W., .Hungate, York, 530, 674, 085. Pinkney, G., Driffield, 71. Porteus, W., 17, Dean-street, Hali- fax, 184. Porter, J. T. B., and Co., Lincoln, 686 . Potter, E. T., Bishopthorpe -road, York, 536. 59 List of Potter, R., Ogleforth, York, 274. Poilnder, W. , York- street, Leeds, 99. Prest, W., Castlegate, York, 112. Preston, H., Parliament- street, York, 3 m. Price, R., Epsom, 527. Prince, S., and C., 6, Marlborough- road, Bradford, 570. Procter, W., M.D., York, 380. Prudames, S., Low Ousegate, York, 180. Puckering and Co., Beverley, 759. Pumphrey, E., Hook Norton, Ox- fordshire, 302. Pumphrey, W., Lawrence House, York, 340, 430, 546. Queensgate Whiting Co., Beverley, 374. Raby, T., Walmgate, York, 192. Rae, S. C., Glasgow, 423. Radcliffe, Mrs., St. Saviourgate, York, 317. Raine, Rev. Canon, York, 589. Raine, Misses, -Parliament-street, York, 297. Ramsbottom and Co., Blackburn, 079. Rawling, F., Swinegate, York, ] 05. Reekitt and Sons, Hull & London, 53. Rhodes, J., Sc Sons, Wakefield, 712. Richards, Newborn, and Johnson, Hull, 50. Richardson, H., Cherry Hill, York, 371. Richardson, J., Fossgate, York, 626. Roach, M. S., Wakefield, 545. Robey and Co., (limited) Lincoln, 680, 681. Roberts, A., Scarborough, 334. Robertson and Son, Pavement, York, 30. Robinson, W., Stonegate, York, 34. Robinson, J. Easingwold, 199. Robinson, J., 33, Dove-street, York, 333. Robinson, J., 10, Walmgate, York, 640. Robinson, E., 8, Dove-street, York, 719. Rodgers, J., Railway Foundry, Leeds, 684. Rookledge, W., Little Stonegate, York, 135. Exhibitors. Rougier, J. W., Tanner-row, York, 273. Rout! edge and Ommanney, Salford, Manchester, 678. Rowatt and Sons, Lothian road, Edinburgh, 89. Rounding, W., 16, Leonard-street. Hull, 620. Rowe, Rev. G., York, 144, 331, 364,. 524. Rowntree, H. I., St. Mary’s, and Tanners Moat, York, 47, 479,. 683, 725. Rowney, T., Hull, 497. Ruddock, S., Bloomfield-terrace, ; Pimlico, London, 065. Rumfitt, W., Colliergate, York, 171. Rumsey, W. S., 3, Clapham Rise,. London, 409. Russell, T., India-street, Glasgow,. 153a Rushworth, G. and Campbell, G. M,, Hipperholm, 367a. Salmon, J.,' 13, Parsonage, Man- chester, 705. Saltmarshe, T., Jun., Stamford Bridge, 637. Sampson, J., Coney-street, York, 12, 42oa. Sanders, H. J., Brighouse, Norman- ton, 714. Sanderson, J., Ogleforth, York, 170. Saronj'-, O., Scarborough, 92, 616. Saunders, M. W., Coney-street, York, 276. Saville, J., Howden, 420. Sawdon, J., New Wortley, Leeds, 60. Scott, R.,Elmwood-street,York, 378. Sedgwick, J., Skipton Castle, 201. Sedman, R., Driffield, 539. Settle, W., Southampton, 250. Shaw, B., Coney-street, York, 188. Sheard, Mrs., S. C., Halifax, 688. Short, W., Harrogate, 347. Simpson, M. A., Bishopthorpe road, York, 533. Simpson, C. H., Micldegate, York, 136. Singer Manufacturing Co., 147, Gheapside, London, 22. Skaife, R. H., The Mount, York, 205, 460. 126 List of Exhibitors. 60 Skelton and Son, Micldegate, York, 5, 668a. Smallwood, E., York, 3S5. Smith, T., St. Saviourgate, Y ork, 48, Smith, J., Howden, 09. Smitl), R., High Ousegate, York, 83, 32.1a, 647. Smith, Anderson, and Co., Glasgow and London, 317a. Smith, W., jun., Morley, Leeds, 356, •Smith, J. C., Wakefield, 501. Smith, H., Dewshurj', 602. Smith, C , High Ousegate, York, 022. Smith, G. F.. High Ousegate, York, 724. Smith, Miss, Bootham, York, 100a. Smithson, A., College-street, York, 735. St. Helens Glass Co., Leeds, 130. 651. South Kensington Museum, Lon- don, 593, 591, 595, 655. Spencer, W. H.. Halifax, 604. Standard Sewing Machine Co., 17. Stephenson, E., Saltaire, 288. Stephenson, W. H., Garforth, Leeds, 769. Stephenson, T., and Co., Stonegate, York, 529, 675. Stevens, T., Coventry, 693. Stockdale, Mrs., Pickering, 306. Stocks, T. C., Burnby Wold, 443. Stonehouse, W., Whitby, 770. Storry, Smithson, and Co., High- street, Hull, 383. Stott, A. H., Driffield, 703. Stott, W., Parliament-st., York, 55. Strauhennee, Lt.-Col. Van, Spenni- thorne, 187. Strickland, Mrs., Coney-st., York, 648. Sutcliffe, R. H., New Wortley, Leeds, 723. Swaine, E., The Mount, York, 124, 215. Swaine, Miss, The Mount, York, 349. Swan, H., 40, Charing-cross, Lon- don, 590. Swales, Mrs., York, 580. Swallow, J. C., York, 670. Swift, Mrs., Stonegate, Y r ork, 296. Sykes, C., M.P., Sledinere, 214. Tangye, Bros., and Price, Birming- ham, 689. Tasker, W. H., Blackpool, 741. Taylor, Bros., Coney-st , York, 148. Taylor, Mrs., Scarborough, 259. Taylor, Mrs., Mahon, 316. Taylor, J. PI., Grammar School, Wakefield, 618. Tayloiy W., Driffield, 750. Teignmouth, Lord, Langton Hail, 592. Teggin, E. B. W., Scarborough, 738. Terry, J. and Sons, York, 86. Tetley, P. W., Leeds, 245. Thackray, Mrs., 54, Clarence-street, York, 587. Thomas J., Stonegate, York, 111. Thomas, Mrs., and Miss Harris, Pittville-street, Cheltenham, and Clifton, York, 127, 309a. Thomas, R., 20, Market-street. York, 721. r* Thompson, H. S., Kirby Hall, 156. Thompson, L., Grove House, York, 204. Thompson, L., Sheriff Hutton Park, 579. Thompson, Lady Mary, Sheriff Hutton Park, 353. Thompson, W., Chester. 381. Thompson, J., 40, Goodramgate, York, 392. Thompson, E. M., York, 572. Thompson, Mrs., Blake-street, York, 660 Thompson, S., Union-terrace, York, 720. Thorley, J. W-, 2, Pelham-slreet, Hull, 437. Thornton. E.. St. Saviourgate, York, 351, 478! Tiechert, F., Grape-lane, York, 484 Tindall, E., Bridlington, 195. Tonge, J. S., Petergate, York. 218, 493. Trevett, J., 25, St. Andrewgate, York, 440. Troward, C., Doncaster, 485. Turner, T., Spurriergate, York, !ii. Vickers, W., Nottingham, page 9. Waddington, W. A., Stonegate York, 89. 127 List of Wade, W.. 5, South BrooK-street, I-Iunslet-lane, Leeds, 750. Waite, Z., Monkgate, York, J 79. Wainman, A., New Wortley, Leeds, 740. Wakefield, C., Heslington, York, 151. Wales and Son, Ogleforth, York, 761. "Walker, W., Victoria Foundry, York, 3, 163. Walker, J. H., High Ousegate, York, 65. Walker and Son, Mary gate, York, 7 7. 34Sa. Walker, A., Clarence-street, York, Walker, E„ Lowther-street, York, 447. Walker, E. C., 5, Bold-street, Liver- pool, 6U8. Walker, W., Batley Carr, 729. Wanzer Sewing Machine Co., 16. Ward, B., Groves-lane, York, 254. Ward, J., Spurriergate, York-, 624. Waterton, E., Walton Hall, Wake- field, 143, 239. Watkinson, J. B., Bootham-square, York, 136a. Watson, J., Saltaire, 2S9. West-head, J. P. Brown, Lea Castle, Kidderminster, 240. \\ heeler, E., 48, Tollington road, Holloway, London, 341. Wheeler and "Wilson, 73, Bold street, Liverpool, 20, 704. Whiteloek, C., Fulford, 226. White, H., Tadcaster, 121. White. W. H., Fossbridge, York, 338. Widdas, A., Haver-lane, Y"ork, 754. Widdowson, Mrs., Holgate, York, 159. Widdowson, Miss, Holgate, York, 286, 495. Wilkinson, Son, and Co., St. Helens Mills, Leeds, 11. Wilberforce School for the Blind, York, 633. Willis and Sheffield, Norfolk-ter- race, Moss side, Manchester, 108 . Wilkinson, Miss, Acomb, York, 51 G. Exhibitors. 61 Wilson, D. and Co., Wakefield, 44. Wilson, Walker, & Co., Sheepscar Works, Leeds, 61. Wilson and Son, Baihvay-street, York, 166. Wilson, M., Eshton Hall, Skipton, 197. Wilson, J., 31 .Dove-street, York, 315. Wilson, C., Coney-street, York, 385. Wilson, W., Brawby, Pickering, 400, Wilson, N. and Co, 114, High Holhorn, London, 692. Windass, J., Groves, York, 110. Winn, Mrs., Scarborough, 106. Winter, E., Beverley, 115. Winter, and Son, Beverley, 613. Winspear, W., Micklegate, York, 168a. Winspear, W„ Coney- street, York, 279. Winspear, A. J. S., Newgate, York, 390. Winspear, J., Newgate, York, 736. Witham, S., Wakefield, 742. Wood, J., Spurriergate, York, 7. Wood, II. , Portland-street,York,571. Wood, E., Richmond, 196. Wombweli, Sir G. O., Bart., New- burgh Park, 2U9, 465, 518, Wormleighton, J., Bridlington, 336. Worsdall, E., Newbiggin-st., York, 394. Worslej’, Sir W., Bart., Hovingham Hall, 142, 611. Worswick, W., Lowther-street, York, 438. Worthington, T., Blake-street; York, 104, and page 9. Wright, G., Fossgate, York, 318. Wright, G., Hunslet, Leeds, 428. Wright, R., Spurriergate, York, 617. Wright and Son, Harrogate, 766. York School of Art, 448, 064, 770. York, Mrs., Fiskergate House, York, 244. York Tanning and Currying Co., (limited) 165. Young, J., Newbiggin-street, York, 322. 128 THE PICTURE GALLERIES. MODERN SCHOOL. FINE ART GALLERY, EAST. NORTH SIDE. }J0. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. ARTIST. 1 The Smuggler. R. Denison, Esq. H. P. Parker. 2 Welch Scene. G. Dodsworth, Esq. Shayer. 3 Dutch Fisherman’s Wedding in the Village Church. £150. Miss K . Swift. Kate Swift . 4 French Coast. G. Dodsworth, Esq. W. A. Knell. 5 Portrait of a Black and Tan Spaniel. Mrs. Gilbert. Jackson .• 6 Officer on Horseback. £35. Mr. T. Siddall. M. T. Ward. 7 Elizabeth Castle, Jersey. W. J. Whitehead, Esq. J. Danby. 3 Portrait of the late James Atkinson, Esq., of York. The Yorkshire Philosophical Society. W. Etty, R.A. 9 “ Nothing venture, nothing have.” The Rev. J. G. Gruggen. J. Bateman. 10 Portrait of the late John Nicholson, the Airedale Poet. £10. 10s. Mr. W. 0. Geller. W. 0 . Geller. 11 The Farmstead Well. £9. 9s. Mr. W. J. Richmond. W. J. Richmond. 12 River Scene in Cumberland. £60. Mr. T. E. Newnum. T. E. Newman . 13 Scene from Cymbeline, Act 4, Scene 2. E. Fleet, Esq. Sir B. West, P.R.A. Arv. — “ The bird is dead that we have made so much on, — Qui . — O sweetest fairest lily ! My brother wears thee not the one half so well. As when thou grew’st thyself * * * * Are. — With fairest flowers. Whilst summer lasts, and I live here, Fidele, tv I'll sweeten thy sad grave.” 63 Fine Art Gallery , East. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. 14 On the River Garry, Perthshire. £10. Mr. J. T. Walton. ARTIST. J. T. Walton. 15 In the Cottager’s Cow Pasture, Mulgrave. £35. H. Moose, Esq. 2J. Moore. 16 The Temple of Minerva. The Rev. Canon Gust. To be sold for charitable purposes. 17 Shetland Ponies. Mr. H. Helliwell. II. Helliwell. 18 Scene near Algeria. Arabs departing for the Sahara Desert, and the Sun rising over the Lower Atlas Mountains. £120. Mr. J. T. Walton. J. T. Walton. 19 The Fox. Mr. T. Siddall. M. T. Ward. 20 The Fisherman’s Treasures. £15. 15s. Mr. R. H. Parker. R. H. Parker. 21 Le Dejeuner. J. Mason, Esq. Faure. 22 The Family Pew. E. Fleet, Esq. T. Roberts. 23 Sea Piece. The Rev. J. G. Gkuggen. F. Musin. 24 Landscape. R. Nasmyth, Esq. A. Nasmyth. 25 Rabbits Feeding. £30. Mr. G. Drummond, Jun. G. Drummond.- 26 Red Pike, Crummoch Water. £20. Mr. B. Smith. x>. Smith. 27 Game. Dr. Wilson. C. Lees, R.S.A. 28 Island of Capri. Mr. Aid. Hargrove. J. Bell. 29 “ Would that the little Mowers were born to live Conscious oi half the pleasure which they give.” £20. Miss G. Swift. Q, SwiJ’t. 30 “ Cupboard Love.’’ £75. Mr. J. T. Lucas. J. T. Lucas. 31 Scene in Wales. H. S. Thompson, Esq. H. Moore. 32 Dog and Bone. £20. Mr. T. Siddall. M. T. Ward 33 View in Harewood Dale. Mr. H. W. Holder. T. H. Holder. 34 Portrait of Dr. Wilson. Dr. Wilson. C. Lees, R.S.A. 35 Surprise. (Engraved.) J. Bainbridge, Esq. R. West all, Pi. A. 36 Viola. Shakespeare. Scene from 12tli Night. Mr. G. Acton. r. Crayne. 37 Landscape with Figures. Mrs. Starkey. G. Morland. 38 The Fisherman’s Daughter. £25. Mr. T. Siddall. H. P. Parker , Sen. J 130 64 Fine Art Gallery, East. pry. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. 39 Tiie Gamekeeper's Return. J. Mason, Esq. 10 King Stephen before the Empress Maud The Hon. P. Dawnay. 41 Sketch. Miss E. Holder. 12 On the Dart. The Rev. G. H. Philips, M.A 43 A Fete Chanrpetre. W. Gray, Esq. -14 Dgnity and Impudence. ° The Bev. J. G. Gruggen. 45 “Prayer.” W. H. Gaunt, Esq. 46 Landscape. Mr. E. Bobinson. 17 The late W. Hornby, Esq. The Rev. B. W. B. Hornby, D.D. 48 Glenorcliy, Scotland. W. W. Hargrove, Esq. 19 Cattle. Mrs. Starkey. 50 Corn Flowers. H. J. Ware, Esq. ARTIST. M. Kate. B. Westall, R.A. T. F. Diclcsee. Nasmyth. Andrews. J. Bateman. G. Smith, i Baker., Whittaker. W. W. Hargrove. J. S. Coojier, E.A. J. J. Hill. Albert Lee adopting the Royal manners with the Maids. Bev. J . G. Geuggen Keeling. 52 Draught Horses. (Prince and Smiler.) Messrs. Keen, Bobinson, and Co. 53 Christmas Dinner. C. H. Barstow, Esq. 54 Cardinal Wolsey and Queen Catherine. Shakespeare. Henry 8th. Act 3, Scene . Capt. Me. Culloci-i. 55 Nymphs Bathing. £50. Mr. T. Siddall. 56 A Fruit Stall. E. Fleet, Esq. £7. Barr audit T. Clayter. Macfarlane . Frost. E. C. Barnes. G. Jackson. 57 Group of Horses Watering. Mr. G. Jackson. 58 Woodland Scene, and Figures Crossing a Brook. ^ J. Singleton, Esq. 59 Dog after Cat. £10. Mr. T. Siddall. M. T. T Yard. 60 The Biver Rye, Yorkshire. £10. 10s. Newnu m, Mr. T. E. Newnum. /• iVea,nl 61 On the Frith of Clyde, a dismantled Ship being taken in Tow. H. J. Ware, Esq. °W. A. Knell. 62 Grace Darling. £300. J. Wardrop, Esq. J. M. W. Turner, E.A ■ 65 131 Fine Art Gallery, East. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. ABTIST. 63* The lien Harrier, first year’s plumage, painted from life. T. Allis, Esq. " G. W. Fotheryill. 64 Pandv Mill, North Wales. £10. 10. Mr. T. E. Newnum. T. E. Neivnum. 65 Portsmouth Harbour. The Victory Guard Ship. Mr. B. Shaw. W. A. Knell. 66 Jeremiah Barstow, Esq., and his favourite Pony. J. Barstow, Esq. Eastwood. 67 Scene near Coleali, Algeria. £150. Mr. J. Walton J. W alien. 68 Cottages at Dorking. Mr. W. Monkhouse. BoddincjUm. 69 Sheep in the Evening. J. Singleton, Esq. Franklin. 70 Loch Eck, Argyleshire. £63. E. Hargitt, Esq. E. Haraiit. 71 Devonshire Mill. E. E. Smithson, Esq. C. Branwhite. 72 Part of Loch Katrine, Sunset. £10. Mr. J. T. Walton. J. T. Walton. 73 Still Life. £10. Mr J. Gelder. J. Gelder. 74 Lambs. Mr. H. Wood. H. Wood. 75 Winter Scene. J. Barstow, Esq. J. T. Twite. 76 Interview at Loch Leven between Lord Euthven, Lord Lindsay, Sir Eobert Mellville, and Mary Queen of Scots. .(“From the Abbot.”) The Eev. G. H. Philips, M.A. Sir W. Allan, B.A. 77 The Coliseum and Arch of Trajan, at Home. The Eev. J. G. Gruggen. J. M. W. Tamer, Fi.A. 78 Study of Hornbeam, Devonshire. The Eev. E. W. B. Hornby, D.D. H. T. Witherley. 79 Group of Cattle Watering. £7. Mr. G. Jackson g. Jackson. 80 The Koadside Inn. Mr. IJ. W. Holder. E. H. Holder. 81 Waterfall and Figures. J. Singleton, Esq. Fairfield. 82 Le Pifferatore. The Eev. W. E. Harrison, M.A. 83 May. Mr. W. Cordeaux 84 Knitting. J. Mason, Esq. 85 The Errand. C- Hargitt, Esq. 86 Spanish Girl. £4. 4s. Mr. Grierson. Hatpin and Hill. D. Pasmore. A. Beaumont. A. H. Burr. Grierson. 06 Fine Art Gallery, East. UO. SUBJECT AMD CONTRIBUTOR. 87 Scarborough, North Shore. E. Swain e, Esq. 88 Portrait of Her Royal Highness The Princess of Wales, (Companion Picture, No. 301). £315. the pair. Mr. J. Sampson. C. Baxter, M.S.B.A. 89 Isle of Arran. W. J. Whitehead, Esq. H. Bright. 90 Lake of Albano, Evening. The lion. P. Dawnay. Dean. 91 At Nunnery, Cumberland. £10. 10s. Mr. T. E. Newnum. T. E. Newman. 92 Catherine. Taming of the Shrew. The Rev. W. E. IIaerison, M.A. J.R. Pickersgill, R.A. ARTIST. St nibs. — 98 White Shooting Pony and Dogs. £12. Mr. T. Siddall. M. T. Ward. FINE ART GALLERY, EAST, PAVILION. 94 Langdale Pikes from Blea Tarn, Westmoreland. £8 8s. Mr. B. Smith. 95 Lord Byron and Countess Guicciola J. Bainbridge, Esq. , 96 Lady Macbeth. W. Gray, Esq. 97 Hindoo Temple with Figures. J. Singleton, Esq. 98 Sad Memories. B. Silyvv, Esq. 99 Snowdon. J. Ferguson, Esq. 100 Moonlight Scene. H. S. Thompson, Esq. 101 Will Dauby and the York and Ainsty Fox Hounds. The Members of the Yorkshire Club, York. 102 York, (Companion Picture to No. 288.) W. W. Hargrove, Esq. “ There Ouse is flowing deep and wide. And skiff and barge upon it ride, There stalwart trees, which long have stood The winter's blast, and swelling flood, Stand sentinel ; and yonder rise, Old Clifford's ivi’d towers ; B. Smith. Holsti. W. Ettg, R.A. Witherwrjton, R.A. RossiUr. ' J. Ferguson. Pettier. J. W. Snow John Bell. f A ■ /n 133 Fine Art Gallery, East. 67 NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR, ARTIST. 103 Study, A Head. J. Mason, Esq. W. EiUj, It. A. 104 Cottage in Staffordshire. Mr. W. Monkhouse. Boddi nylon. 105 Skating. The Rev. J. G. Gruggbn. G. Morland. 106 Terriers Ratting. J. Mason, Esq. Annjicld. 107 The Swiss Village, Servoz, near Chamouni. H. J. Ware, Esq. H. Moore. 108 Dutch Fishenvoman mending Nets. £20. Miss G. Swift. G. Swift. 109 Contemplation. W. Thompson, Esq. J. Sant. It. A. 110 Study, A Head. J. Mason, Esq. W. Etty, It. A. 111 Sketch. J. Mason, Esq. 112 Study from Nature. Mr. J. Nicholson. J. Nicholson. 113 Setter and Pheasant. Mr. Penrose. M. T. Word. . 114 Landscape. R. E. Smithson, Esq. J. B. Pyne. 115 Gowbarrow Park, Ulleswater. R. E. Smithson, Esq. Ihhotson. 116 Robert Burns in his Cottage. R. Nasmyth, Esq, Sir. W. Allan, It. A. 117 Fruit. The Rev. W. E. Harrison, M.A. G. Lance. 118 The Gamekeeper. J. Mason, Esq. 119 Portrait of a Lady. E. Smallwood, Esq. W. P. Frith, It. A. 120 Cow and Calf. C. Hargitt, Esq. 121 Off Dover. W. J. Whitehead, Esq. 122 John Syme, as the Ancient Minstrel. R. Nasmyth, Esq. 123 Dutch Coast Scenery. £5. Mr. C. Richardson. 124 Cavalier about to Mount his Horse. The Misses Crompton. 125 Judas. C. ILargitt, Esq. 126 In Haddon Park. The Rev. G. H. Philips, M.A. 127 The Gamekeeper. £30. Mr. T. Siddall. M. T. Ward, and Walton. 128 Tang Hall Beck, York. £20. Miss Holder. E. Holder. 129 Soliciting Alms. £20. Mr. A. Mackay. J. Detmers. Rosa Bo'nheur. Carmichael. J. Syme, R.S.A. C. Richardson. A. Cooper, R.A. W. Etty, R.A. T, Creswick, R.A. 184 68 NO. 130 A Study, Fine Art Gallery, East. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. £45. Mr. J. C. Swallow. “ There the fox securely feeds, And there the poisonous adder breeds, Concealed in ruins, moss, and weeds.” ‘ Euclid,” with and Conolly. artist, J. C. Swcdldw. Herring, Sen. J. T. Tuite. V. Cole. H. Moore. 131 “ Charles the 12tli,” and Portraits of W. Scott G. J. Yarrurgh, Esq. 132 Snow Storm, Bruges. C. Danson, Esq. 133 “ Under the Beeches.” J. RuTsoNy Esq. 134 Italian Shepherdess on the Cornice Road, near Nice. H. J- Ware, Esq. 135 The Mountain Spring. Pichersgill, R A. J. Burton, Esq. ^ 136 The Convent near Venice. ^ The Misses Crompton. 137 The Deer Stalker, Hawthornden. Craw f ord , R.S.A. The Rev. I. Spencer M.A. vr . J 138 Girl and Dog. W. J. Whitehoao, Esq. W. Unde, Mi. 139 The Gulf of Salerno 0oote . R.A. R. E. Smithson, Esq. * Tr „ „ , 140 Sketch,— A Scribe. C. Hargitt, Esq. • ttl J> 141 A ?S W Rev. tU W y E. Harrison, M.A. Huggins and H. Bright. 142 Morning. R- Mackreth, Esq. E - 143 Loweswater. W. Gray. Esq. ‘piker 144 Moonlight Scene. W. J. Whitehead, Esq. • ‘ 145 The Village Pastor. Mrs. Gibbons. W. P. i R.A. “ The service past, around the pious man. With ready zeal each honest rustic ran , E’en children follow’d with endearing wile, „ And pluck'd M. gem, to v „, Ml riUe,.: 146 Blind Man's BuS, 483.1 LOs-lhe Pair (Companion Picture to No. loU.; ^ J. Glover, Esq. ' 147 Small Landscape. Mr. J. Penrose. 148 The Original Sketch for “ The Cut wm KA , J. Glover, Esq. 149 Small Landscape. Mr. J. Penrose. Fine Art Gallery, East. 69 F. Pi. Say. R. Ansclell, R.A. Ward, Sen., R.A. W. P. Frith, R.A. G. R. Tamer. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. ARTIST. 150 Punch and Judy. £52. 10s. the Pair. (Companion Picture to No. 146.) J. Glover, Esq. W. Gill. 151 Portrait Of the late S. Knapton. Mr. C. Harker. Lindley. 152 Portrait of H. M. Thompson and Dog. H. S. Thompson, Esq. 153 South Downs. Col. Aicroyd, M.P. 154 Cows. J. Bainbridge, Esq. 155 Portrait of a Lady. T. S. Noble, Esq. 156 The Speeton Bocks. £5. 5s. Mr. G. B. Vawser, jun. 157 September at Home — Hunter and Hounds. £17. 10s. Mr. B. Spence. R. Spence. 158 Heidelberg. Mr. Aid. Bichardson. G. Stanfield. 159 On the Conway. W. J. Whitehead, Esq. W. West, Bristol. 160 Mending the Net. J. Mason, Esq. J. Henzell. 161 Bobin Lyth’s Cave. £5. Mr. J. Walton. J. Walton. 162 Game, Fruit, &c. Bev. J. G. Gruggen. Waatermaertens. 163 Mother and Child. Mrs. Key. W. Cope, R.A. 164 The Swing. J. Lawson, Esq. Walter Goodall, R.A.'r- - 165 An Interior, in Charles the Second’s time. E. Fleet, Esq. 166 Pigs Feeding. C. H. Barstow, Esq. 167 Copy of Portrait. J. Mason, Esq. 168 An Alpine Shepherdess. Bev. W. E. Harrison, M.A. 169 Bocky Glen. B. E. Smithson, Esq. 170 Flamborough Head. £5. Mr. J. Walton. 171 The Evening Star. J. Mason, Esq. Landscape by J. B. Pyve. Figure by J. Henzell. D. Pasmore. G. Morland. W. Etty, R.A. H. Moore. S. Percy. J. Walton. 172 Landscape — Bridge at Ambleside. 'J. Singleton, Esq. G. Arnold, R.A. 173 View of Borne. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. A. Nasmyth. 174 The Three Graces, Cupid, and Psyche. £1,050. John Singleton, Esq. W. Etty, R.A . - — 175 The Wreck. Bev. W. E. Harrison, M.A. J. Syer. 70 136 Fine Art Galleri/, Fast. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. ARTIST. 176 On the Wye, Tintern. £20. Mr. T. E. Newnum. 177 The Royal Children before Cromwell. Rev. W. E. Harrison, M.A. 178 Milking Time, North Devon. £90. H. Moore, Esq. 179 Sir Walter Scott dictating to his Daughter. R. Nasmyth, Esq. 180 Figure of a Boy. A Study. W. W. Hargrove, Esq. 181 “ Startled by the rustling breeze.” J. Leckenby, Esq. R ■ 182 Bantry Bay. Mr. Aid. Hargrove. 188 Shipping Scene. R. E. Smithson, Esq. 184 Ben Venue, from Loch Acliray. £105. E. Hargitt, Esq. 185 The Jew’s Harp. £350. J. Wardrop, Esq. . Sir D. Wilkie, R.A . 186 The Footstep. Mr. J. Penrose. F. Wyburd. 187 Venice. A Sketch. H. J. Ware, Esq. E. Pritchard. 188 Cromwell refusing the Crown of England. Sir F. Crossley, Bart., M.P. Maguire. This Picture contains portraits of Oliver Cromwell, Sir John Glynn, Liet.-Geu. Desborow, John Milton, Sir Richard Onslow, Sir Thomas Widdrington, The Earl of Tweeddale, Lord Brochill, Lieut.-Gen. Lambert, Gen. Ludlow, Hon. W. Lenthall, Chief Justice St. John, Col. Pride, Col. Philip Jones, Coi. Wm. Sydenham, Sir Bulstrode Whitlock, Lord Commissioner Lisle, Gen. Montague, Lord Commissioner Finnes, Sir Charles Wolseley, Gen. Whatley, Sir Christopher Pack, Col. Toyse, Sic. 189 Lady sketching in Italy. R. E. Smithson, Esq. W. C. T. Poison, R.A. 190 Ram’s Head of the Breadalbane Breed. T. E. Newnum. If. Ten Kate. II. Moore. Sir. W. .Man, R.A. W. If'. Hargrove. . Ettij, R.A. White. Nieman . E. Hargitt. J. Wardrop, Esq. 191 Reading the News. £550. J. Wardrop, Esq. 192 Study of a Fawn's Head. £250. J. Wardrop, Esq. 193 Cottage. Interior. £350. J. Wardrop, Esq. 194 Fruit and Still Life. £40 195 Child. J. Mason, Esq. Rosa Bonheur. Sir D. Wiikie, R.A. Sir E. Landseer, R.A. Sir D. Wilkie, R.A. Mr. E. Ladell. E. La-dell, W. Etty, R.A. 71 m Fine Art Fallen /, Fust. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. ARTIST. 196 A Marauder’s Eepast. C. H. Barstow, Esq. R. H. Roe. 197 Holy Island Coast Guard Station, — Enins of Lindisfarne Abbey in the distance. H. J. Ware, Esq. Carmichael. 198 Group of Cattle. H. J. Ware, Esq. T. S. Cooper, R.S.A. 199 Venice. A Sketch. H. J. Ware, Esq. E. Pritchard. 200 The Cruel Sister. C. Hargitt, Esq. J. Faed, R.S.A. 201 Spring Time. H. Anderson, Esq. J. Walton. 202 Lord Byron reposing in the house of a Turkish Fisherman, after having swam across the Hellespont. E. Nasmyth, Esq. Sir W. Allan, R.A ." “ Lord Byron on the 3rd of May, 1810, swam across the Hellespont, from the European shore to the Adriatic, about two miles wide ; after landing he was so much exhausted that he gladly accepted the offer of a Turkish Fisherman, and reposed in his house for some time. He was very ill, and the Turk had no idea of the rank or consequence of his inmate, but paid him most marked attention. His wife was his nurse, and at the end of five days, he left this asylum completely recovered. When about to embark, the Turk gave him a large loaf, a cheese, a skin filled with wine, and a few paras, praying Allah to bless him, and wished him safe home. When his Lordship arrived at Sestos, he sent the Turk an assortment of fishing nets, a fowling piece, a brace of pistols, and twelve yards of silk to make gowns for his wife. The poor Turk was astonished — “ what a noble return,” said he, “ for an act of common humanity.” The man then formed the resolution of crossing the Helles- pont in order to thank his unknown guest in person. His wife approved of the plan, and he had sailed about half way, when a sudden squall upset his boat, and the poor Turkish fisherman found a watery grave.”— Life of Byron, by J. W. Lake. 203 The Ardgour Hills from B&llacliulish. £105. E. Hargitt, Esq. E. Hargitt. 204 The Three Orphans. J. Burton, Esq. F. T>. Hardy ^ 205 Head of a Terrier. £5. 5s. Miss A. Dundas. A. Ditndas. 206 The Drawing Lesson. £42. J. Glover, Esq. TF. Gill. 207 Blea Tarn, Westmoreland, from the Conistone Eoad. £9. Miss A. Robinson. A. Robinson. 208 Derbyshire Moors. E. E. Smithson, Esq. J. Poole. 209 The Franciscan Sculptor and his Model. Col. Akroyd, M.P. B. S. Marh.- 210 Richmond Hill. W. Gray, Esq. Jutsum. 211 One of Lord Byron’s Beauties. Mrs. Lacy. 212 In the Downs. Capt. Maude, E. K. Carmichael. 213 Loch Ard. £25. Mr. J. T. Walton. J. T. Walton. 138 72 Fine Art Gallery, East. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. ARTIST. 214 The Favourites. J. Bainbridge, Esq. J. F. Herring, jun. 215 Fishing. G. Dodsworth, Esq. W. Bromley. 216 Portrait of the Rev. Isaac Spencer, M.A. W. H. Spencer, Esq. T Faed, R.A. 217 Venice. A Sketch. J. Mason, Esq. J. M. W. Turner, R.A. 218 A Study. F. Needham, Esq., M.D. Gainsborough. 219 Bull’s Head. A Sketch. J. Singleton, Esq. W.L. Muller. 220 Summerwater. £15. A. R. G. de Vaux, Esq. A. R. G. de Vaux. 221 Landscape. J. Jackson, Esq. 222 Moonlight Scene in the Fens. Mr. Aid. Hargrove. Barnes. 223 “ Collecting Thoughts.” (Companion Picture to " E.Nicol, A.R.A. No. 260.) W. Cottrill, Esq. 224 Ducks. £12. 12s. Mr. J. Sampson. 225 Three Dogs. W. W. Hargrove, Esq. 226 Hunters. W. H. Rudston Read, Esq. 227 Marine Piece. £5. Mr. C. Richardson. 228 Mabel “ In maiden meditation fancy free.” C. H. Barstow, Esq. 229 Portrait of the late W. Gray, Esq. W. Gray, Esq. 230 In Clover, near Barnard Castle, Yorkshire. £105. H. Moore, Esq. 231 Head of a Child. R. E. Smithson, Esq. 232 The Net Mender. C. H. Barstow, Esq. 233 Sky Larks. £7. 7s. Miss A. Dundas. 234 A Prisoner. £7- 7s, Miss A. Dundas. G. Hicken. Arm field. Ferncby, jun. C. Richardson. R. Crozier. Partridge. H. Moore. W. Eity, R.A. T. Chambers. A. Dundas. A. Dundas. 235 Two Dogs fighting over a bone. Mrs. II. Badger. M. T. Ward. 236 Landscape. The late R. Dickson, Esq. Thompson of Duddingston. 237 On the Thames. P. Cobb, Esq. Pether. 238 The Midnight Hour. C. H. Barstow, Esq. R. H. Roe. 239 Coming of Age in the Olden Time. Messrs. Agnew and Sons. W . P. Frith, R.A. 240 Dogs. Mr. Aid. Hargrove. Armfield. 189 Fine Art Gallery, Fast. 73 N0 SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. ARTIST. 241 Rome from Monte Mario. The Rev. G. H. Philips, M.A. Sir C. Eastlake, P.R.A. 242 Portrait of a Dog. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. Chalon. 243 Cattle Piece. Mr. J. Sampson. £36. 15s. T. S. Cooper, R. A. 244 Portrait of a Dog. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. Chalon. 245 Landscape. J. Singleton, Esq. Holt. 246 “ Isle of Sky ” Dog’s Head. Mr. T. Siddall. M. T. Ward. 247 Horses and Donkey. J. Scott, Esq. J. F. Herring, sen. 248 Portrait of a Lady. The Rev. G. H. Philips, M.A. Wright of Derby. 249 Greenwich Hospital and Nelson’s Funeral Car. £250. J. Wardrop, Esq. J. M. W. Turner, R.A. 250 Fortune by Cards. J. Mason, Esq. P. C. Comte. 251 The Harvest Cradle. J. Burton, Esq. J. Linnell. 252 Sketch of a Lady. J. Singleton, Esq. W. Etty, R.A. 253 Fruit. E. Fleet, Esq. E. Ladell. 254 Child’s Head. R. E. Smithson, Esq. W. Etty, R.A. 255 Entrance Tower, Ripley Castle. £6. 6s. Mr. J. Gelder. J- G elder. 256 St. Valentine’s Day. Mr. Grierson. C. Grierson. 257 Horses. J. Scott, Esq. J. F. Herring, sen. 258 Dead Fawn in Whidden Park, South Devon. £40. H. Moore, Esq. H. Moore. 259 Girls weaving May Crowns. £25. Mr. W. Parrott. W. Parrott. 260 “ Yours to Command.” (Companion Picture to No. 223.) W. Cottrill, Esq. E. Nicol, A. R.A. 261 Eagle and Prey. J. Wardrop, Esq. J. M. W. Turner, R.A. 262 Turk Smoking. The Rev. W. Greenwell. W. J. Muller. 263 Landscape and Cottage. J. Singleton, Esq. Pritchard. 264 Favourite Dog. Mr. Aid. Hargrove. Ward. 265 The Gentle Shepherd. £350. J. Wardrop, Esq. Sir D. Wilkie, R.A. 266 Bamborough Castle. Sir W. Worsley, Bart. A. Nasmyth. 267 The Poacher. Lady Clark. Arm field. 268 A Wreck. £250. J. Wardrop, Esq. J.M. W. Turner, R.A. $t* H 140 Fine Art Gallery, East. NO. 269 ARTIST. 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. Portrait of the late John Brook, Esq. Mr. C. Harker. Scene on the Haff. £20. Mr. A. Mackay. Sea Piece. Mr. Nodeley. Italian and Dogs. Mr. H. Perfect. Bird Nesting. G. Dodsworth, Esq. Winter Scene. J. Singleton, Esq. Ulleswater, Evening. R. E. Smithson, Esq. Prayer Time. £105. Mr. J. Garland. The Poor helping the Poor. 0. Hargitt, Esq. May-Day, in the Olden Time. The Rev. W. E. Harrison, M.A. Confession. Mr. C. Grierson. The Parting Ballad. H. J. Ware, Esq. Wood Scene. Rev. J. G. Gruggen. James the First and Nigel, from the “ Fortunes of Nigel.” J. Singleton, Esq. A. Cooper, L. A ]V. Etty, II A. L. Herman. Yerne.t. B. Jones. W. Bromley. Krusoman. Ibbotson. T. Brookes. J. Burr. Pasmore. C. Grierson. J. J. Hill. Ibbotson. 283 284 285 286 287 288 J. F. Nag’s Head. Mr. H. Perfect. Nursing Baby. R. Johnson, Esq. Dogs. Mr. H. Perfect. Moonlight Scene. H. S. Thompson, Esq. Portrait of “Blair Athol. J. Jackson, Esq. York. (Companion picture to No. 102.) Herring, sen. E. S. Creig. Jones. Pettier. H. Hall. John Bell. 289 290 291 292 293 294 W. W. Hargrove, Esq. “ And there in lofty majesty The Minster’s towers arise on high, Fit temple for the Deity ! And gardens dress'd in verdure gay Sweet Nature’s loveliness display.’’ Shutting the Gates of Hougoumont. J. Mason, Esq. Landscape Architecture. J. Singleton, Esq. A Student. T T A x) a The Rev. W. E. Harrison, M.A. Be Jeune, AM. A. Landscape. J. Singleton, Esq. IBilder. Honister Crag, Crummoch Water. £8. 8s. Mr. B. Smith. ^ B - “* The Idler. £35. Mrs. Swift. Miss E. H. Swift. Jones, A.R.A. Pritchard. .;i> NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. ARTIST. 295 The Star of Bethlehem. R. E. Smithson, Esq. IV. Elty, R.A. 296 Fruit. Mr Aid. Hargrove. B. Roberts. 297 Ruins. Mr. J. Penrose. Cave, of York. 298 The Village Beauty. Rev. W. E. Harrison, M.A. C. Baxter . 299 A Song of Praise. £6. Gs. Miss A. Dun das. A. Bandas. FINE ART GALLERY, EAST. SOUTH SIDE. 300 Sea-Piece. Capt. McCulloch. Carmichael. 801 Portrait of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. (Companion picture to No. 88.) £315. the Pair. Mr. J. Sampson. C. Baxter, M.S.B.A. 302 Orford Castle and Ness. The Rev. W. E. Harrison, M.A. H. Bright. 303 Katharine. Shakespeare’s “ Katharine and Petruchio.” The Rev. W. E. Harrison, M.A. BidxrsgiU. 304 Gamekeeper, Pony and Dogs. E. Thompson, Esq. Ward. 305 Peggy Adamson’s Cottage at Stockbridge. R. Nasmyth, Esq. A. Nasmyth. 306 Lake of Albano — Morning. The Hon. P. Dawnay. Bean. 307 Disturbed at Meal-Times. The Rev. W. E. Harrison, M.A. Bell, Scarbro' . 308 Landscape. W. J. Whitehead, Esq. 11. Dawson. 309 The Fisherman’s Daughter. The Rev. W. E. Harrison, M.A. J. Henzell. 310 “Modesty.” W. II. Gaunt, Esq. A. F. Caminade. 311 Boy and Dog Reposing. H. J. Ware, Esq. J. Hill. 312 Stepping-Stones. H. J. Ware, Esq. J. Peel. 813 Tivoli, W. Gray, Esq. Marlow . u 142 76 Fine Art Gallery, East. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR, ARTIST. 314 The Horse-slioe Trial. Mr. G. Acton. E. V. Rippingill. On the right hand is seen the gentleman who purchased the horse, pulling up his shirt-collar. Near him is the groom instructing the second counsel as to the warranty. In the front is the leading counsel with the horse shoe in his hand, and a nail in one of the holes of the shoe. More in front and to the right of the leading counsel is Lord Brougham, who at that time was a young man. There is also the horse-dealer, and in the witness box the blacksmith with his leathern apron, who appears to be in a difficulty. In the distance is the blacksmiths’ apprentice enjoying a laugh at the expense of his master. At the table is seated the lawyer, in the centre, who is win- ning his cause, and on his right his opponent looking anything but pleased. Further to the left are the crier of the court, the judge, the high sherriff, and twelve jurors in the box. 315 Scene below the mouth of the Thames. Mr. B. Shaw. W. A. Knell. 316 Portrait of the late Sir Tatton Sykes, Bart. T. Griffiths, Esq. 317 Head of a Child. J. Singleton, Esq. 318 View in Scotland — Sunset. £5. Mr. C. Richardson. Miss Metcalfe. W. Etty , R.A. C. Richardson. J. Barrett. J. Walton. Le Jeune A. R.A. J. Nicholson. J. Bally. 319 Lady and Page. J. Mason, Esq. 320 Scarborough. £10. Mr. J. Walton. 321 Sappho. W. J. Whitehead, Esq. 322 Duck Shooting. Mr. J. Nicholson. 323 Hunting. (Companion picture to No. 834.) £110. 5s. the Pair. Mr. R. Mills. 324 Moro Castle, Havannah, Cuba. F. L. Mawdesley, Esq. Carmichael. 325 Sketching from Nature. J. Lawson, Esq. C. W. Nichols, A.R.H.A. 326 Fountain in Kensington Gardens. £20. Mr. W. Parrott. W. Parrott. 327 Dead Game. J. Bainbridge, Esq. J. G. Bell. 328 River Scene in Wales. £20. Mr. J. Shaw. J. Slum. 329 Favourite Grey Mare “ Lucy.” W. H. Gaunt, Esq. J. F. Herring, sen. 330 Landscape and Ruins. Mrs. Smith. Schneider o/Mayence. 331 The Greta, Yorkshire. £21. Mr. J. T. Walton. J. T. Walton. 332 The Stepping- Stones. W. Procter, Esq., M.D. PI. Moore. 338 “ ’Tis an old tale, and often told.” £25. Miss L. Swift. Miss L. Swift. 77 Fine Art Gallery, East. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. ARTIST. 334: Hunting. (Companion picture to No. 323.) £110. 5s. the Pair. Mr. E. Mills. J. Dolby. 335 View of Naples. Capt. McCulloch. Roberts, F.R.S.A. 33G Landscape at Thr umpton- on - the - Trent . C. H. Barstow, Esq. B. Shiphan. 337 Bridge of Augustus. J. P. Brown-Westhead, Esq. A. Nasmyth. 338 Sea-Piece. W. Matterson, Esq., M.D. Carmichael. 339 The Intellect and Valour of Britain. £1050. T.J. Barker, Esq. Mr. P. Lusty. This Picture contains portraits of Sir John Lawrence, Sir Henry Law- rence, Gen. Sir Henry Havelock. Admiral Lord Dundonald proposing hia plan for the destruction of Cronstadt and Sebastopol to Sir William Peel, Lord Brougham, Lord Lyndhurst, Earl Derby, Right Hon. B. D’Israeli, Lord Stanley, Sir Bulwer Lytton, and Lord Macaulay. Mr. Cobden discuss- ing the terms of the treaty with France with Earl Russell, the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, and Lord Palmerston. Sir David Brewster explaining his invention of the lenticular stereoscope to Sir R. Murchison, Mr. Charles Dickens, Professor Owen, Professor Faraday, Daniel Maclise, R.A., and the poet laureate Tennyson. Sir William Armstrong explaining the peculiar construction of his famous cannon to Gen. Sir Jas. Outram, Gen. Sir Hope Grant, the Earl of Elgin, Gen. Sir Archdale Wilson, Sir Charles Barry, Dr. Livingstone, Sir Benjamin Brodie, Gen. Sir John Xnglis, Field Marshal Lord Clyde, Field Marshal Lord Gough, Robert Stephenson, C.E., and Mr. Thackray. 340 Portraits of J. T. Wharton, Esq., Mrs. Wharton, and Master Wharton. J. T. Wharton, Esq. J. T. Lucas. 341 The Mill on Fire. C. Danson, Esq. J. T. Tuite. 342 A Study. W. Matterson, Esq., M.D. W. Etty, R.A. 348 Forest of Fountainbleau. C. Danson, Esq. J. T. Tuite. 344 Charity. W. J. Whitehead, Esq. D. Pasmore. 345 On the Eden, Cumberland. £10. 10s. Mr. T. E. Newnum. T. E. Newman. 346 The Pleasures of the Chase. £21. Mr. J. Garland. 347 On the Yorkshire Coast. E. Swaine, Esq. 348 London from Hungerford. E. Fleet, Esq. 349 View in Bichmond Park. Mrs. H. Badger. 350 The Fortune Teller. £42. Mr. J. Garland. 351 Landscape. £6. Mr. T. Siddall. 352 Portrait of the Rev. James Parsons. G. Leeman, Esq., M.P. S. Williams. G. Stubbs. J. Anderson. J. Tennant. W. Bromley. De Ccene. Philip Westcott. 78 Fine Art Gallery, East. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. ARTIST. 353 Tlie Providential Deliverance of John Wesley (when a child) from the fire which con- sumed his father’s house at Epworth, Lincolnshire, of which he was Rector. This Secretary of the Wesleyan Mission Society. Parker. 354 The Village Schoolmaster, or Ocular Demonstra- tion, — “ Two and two make four.” J. Pulleine, Esq. T. M. Goode. 355 Flamborougli Head. £21. Mr. J. Walton. J. Walton. 356 Matterdale. E. Smallwood, Esq. H. Moore. 357 The Evening Hour. C. H. Barstow, Esq. R. H. Roe. 358 The Stronghold of the Ancient Barons. £1*2. 12s. Mr. J. (teller. J. Odder. 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 Landscape. G. Dodswoeth, Esq. Williams. The Sisters. Mr. R. Wright. It. Wright. Harvest Time. J. Leckenby, Esq. J. IAnnell. Nymphs Bathing. Mr. G. Acton. Andrews. Italy — Morning. Miss F. S. Mackreth. R. Mackreth. Scene in Dolgelly — North Wales. Captain Me Cullocii. Stanfield, R.A. Westminster Bridge and the Houses of Parlia- ment, by Moonlight. Col. Akroyd, M.P. H. Pettier. Tlie Young Irishman. J. Pulleine, Esq. T. S. Goode. Woodland Scene. W. J. Wpiltehead, Esq. W. Shaycr. Cattle in a Pastime. W. Reed, Esq. G. Jackson. Game. Mr. Jackson. Jackson. Group of Dogs. C. Husband, Esq. Daily. Mount Orgueil, Jersey. W. J. Whitehead, Esq. J. Dauby. Rembrandt and liis Daughter. J. Mason, Esq. Woolmer. The Magdalen. Mrs. Burton. Dubufe. The Shepherdess. E. B. Graggs, Esq. Kampheysciu Smugglers on the Look Out. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. PI. P. Parker. Children and Pets Mr. G. Drummond, Jun. G. Drummond. The Hay Field. Mr. W. Cordeaux. J. J. Hill. Fine Art Gallery, West. 79 ANCIENT SCHOOL. FINE ART GALLERY, WEST SOUTH SIDE. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. ARTIST. 378 Old London from Whitehall Stairs to St. Steven's Chapel. Sir J. V. B. Johnstone, Bart. Scott ( the English Canaletti). 379 Bucks. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. L. Cradoch 380 Charles the Second in liis Robes. Mr. J. L. Fox. ’ Sir P. Lely. 381 Ducks. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. L. Cradodc 382 Garden Scene — A Grotesque. J. Jackson, Esq. Lancret. 883 Babbits Feeding. J. Wainwrigiit, Esq. 381 Young Gentleman and Dog. (G. J. Yarburgh, Esq). Portrait painted in 1649. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. A. Ctiyp. 385 Portrait of Lady Derwentwater. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. 386 Landscape with Cattle. E. Swaine, Esq. A. Cuyp. 387 Portrait of a Lady. C. H. Dunhill, Esq., M.D. S. Davis. 888 Mater Dolorosa. C. H. Ditnhill, Esq., M.D. C. Maratti. 889 The Annunciation. The Hon. P. Daivnay. Mannari. 390 A Zebra. Sir W. Worsley, Bart. Stubbs. 331 The Cook in his Larder. G. A. Hill, Esq. Annibale Caracci. 892 Portrait of Mrs. Bell. E. Bell, Esq. Gainsborough. 893 The Old Soldier’s Return. H. Anderson, Esq. A. Betts. 394 Music Scene. J. Mason, Esq. Palamedes. 895 Poultry and Peacock. Lady Clark. J. Van Oolen. 396 Portrait of Queen Elizabeth. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. Zucchero. 897 Landscape. H. S. Thompson, Esq. Gainsborough. 398 Portrait of the Earl of Leicester. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. C. Janssens. 143 80 Fine Art Gallery, West. ARTIST. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTBIBUTOE. 399 The Last Supper, after Leonardo da Vinci. Mrs. Smith. Bellario. Bellario gained the gold medal at the Academy in Milan, 1835 and 1837. 400 Landscape. G. A. Hill, Esq. Gainsborough. 401 Landscape. The Ferry. The late R. Hickson, Esq. Swaneveld. 402 Portrait of Ralph Bell, Esq. F. Bell, Esq. Gainsborough. 403 Interior. The Night before Feparture. Mr. G. Acton. Van Heern. 404 Interior of Cathedral. Mr. G. Acton. Unknown. 405 The Judgment of Midas. H. S. Thompson, Esq. Jordaens . 406 Diana returned from the Chase. Mr. G. Jackson. Rubens. 407 The Earl Fitzwilliam. L. Thompson, Esq. Cowen. 408 Landscape. H. S. Thompson, Esq. Vostermau. 409 Group of Boys painted in Bas Relief. L. Thompson, Esq. J. Dewit. FINE ART GALLERY, WEST. PAVILION. 410 Orpheus enthroned as the author of Civilization, and of the Arts of social life among a wild and savage race of men. G. J. Yarbuegh, Esq. Rottenhaemer and Breughel. 411 Going out to Fish. Sir W. Worsley, Bart. Vemet. 412 The Head of Mary, Queen of Scots, on a charger. The Lord Londesborough. This painting represents the decapitated head of Queen Mary, placed in a charger or large dish. The hair is brown, the features full, showing no emaciation after death. It was obtained from the collection of Mr. Plura of Bath ; and the statement received with it is, ‘ ‘ that a page named Oliphant, attached to the Queen of Scot’s household, took a sketch of the head, and earned it with him to Paris, where he entered the French service, and had this painting executed by Zuccaro from the sketch.” There exist other paintings of the like painful character ; of these, one presented by a Prussian nobleman to Sir Walter Scott, is preserved at Abbotsford. The head is placed in a dish, on a table covered by a scarlet cloth, and a narrow scroll appears from beneath the dish, inscribed "‘Maria Scotiae Regina. Amias Cawood, Fotheringay, the 9th of Feb. 1587.” The artist may have been related to Margaret Cawood, the faithful attendant of tha unhappy Queen. Another very painful delineation of the severed head, possibly a contemporary painting, may be seen in the United Service Museum. On the back is the following note : — “The head of Mary Queen of Scots, the day after her execution.” Lieut-Col. Birch. SI Fine Art Gallery , West. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. ARTIST. 413 Portrait of Ben Jonson. L. Thompson, Esq. JV. Dobson. 414 An Interior. P. Cobb, Esq. Dusart. 415 Joseph relieving the famished Egyptians. (Forty-two Figures). Sir W. Wobsley, Bart. Diepenbak , pupil of Huberts and Rembrandt. 416 Portrait of the Duchess of Portsmouth. The Lord Toephichen. Sir Peter Lely. 417 A Dutch Interior. Miss Grainger. A. Bisekop. 418 Portrait of Shakespeare. The Lord Londesbobough. 419 The Morning Lesson. P. Cobb, Esq. T. Morlet. 420 Portrait of Drayton, the Poet. L. Thompson, Esq. Signed A.B. 421 Portrait of Cranmer. The Hon. P. Dawnay. Holbein. 422 Dutch Woman with Fish and Vegetables. G. J. Yaeburgh, Esq. V. Kessel. 423 Magdalen and Fury. Sir W. Wobsley, Bart. Rubens. 424 Portrait. A. Allan, Esq. Rembrandt. 425 Madonna and Child. The Lord Wenlock. Andrea del Sarto. 426 Game and Dog. IT. S. Thompson, Esq. Owen. 427 Meeting of Jacob and Esau. J. Mason, Esq. A. Jansens. 428 Mr. Quin as Sir John Falstaff. The Lord Londesbobough. R\ Hayman. 429 Portrait of Vanderwerf. R. Nasmyth, Esq. A. Vandevuerf. 430 The Family of Darius. Miss F. S. Mackbeth. Sketch by Rubens. 431 Waiting the Attack. W. H. E. Read, Esq. Palamedes. 432 Virgin and Child. The Lord Londesbobough. . Sir J. Reynolds. 433 Portrait of Nicholas Poussin. Sir W. Wobsley, Bart. N. Poussin. 434 Prayer. The Lord Londesbobough. Greuze. 435 Portrait of Sir Richard Weston, Envoy to the Court of Spain, — afterwards created Earl of Portland. L. Thompson, Esq. Velasquez. 436 Portrait of Lucy Percy, Countess of Carlisle. ■L. Thompson, Esq. Tandych. 437 The Raising of Lazarus. The Lord Top.phichen. Sebastian Del Piombo . 143 82 Fine Art Gallery, West. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. AETIST. 438 Portrait of King Charles the 2nd. Sir W. Worsley, Bart. Sir P. Lely. 439 Landscape and Ruins. Sir G. 0. Wombwell, Bart. Wootton. 440 Interior, with Figures. R. Nasmyth, Esq. Peter Van Bloat. 441 Landscape. W. Gray, Esq. Breughel. 442 Portraits of Augusta Sophia, and Elizabeth, daughters of George the 2nd. J. Jackson, Esq. Zoffany. 443 Portrait of Eleanora, Duchess of Mantua, the celebrated Patroness of the Fine Arts. Sir W. Worsley, Bart. Tintoretto. 444 Aurora and Tithonus. Sir W. Worsley, Bart. N. Poussin. 445 Portrait of Anna Boleyn. Miss Grainger. L. Comeilz. 446 Cattle— on Marble. Miss. Benson. Eosa da Tivoli. 447 Figures with Wreath. E. Swaine, Esq. Rubens <£ Van Breughel. 448 Portrait of the Daughter of Sir J. Brook, Bart. Jos. Munby, Esq. Sir Godfrey Kneller. 449 Landscape. H. S. Thompson, Esq. Gainsborough. \ 450 The Dutch Pedlar. H. S. Thompson, Esq. Victors. 451 The Landing Place. Mrs. Smith. Breughel. 452 Portrait of Liberti, friend of Rubens, organist of Antwerp. (Engraved). Sir W. Worsley, Bart. VandycJc. 453 Portrait of Lord Belassye of Worlaby. Sir G. Wombwell, Bart. Vandyck. 454 Sir J ames Thornhill exhibiting his Picture to his Uncle and Patron, Dr. Sydenham. H. S. Thompson, Esq. Hogarth. 455 Winter. J. Mason, Esq. Molinaer. 456 The Nativity. The Prior of Ampleforth College. Van Eyck. 457 Head. Mr. J. Penrose. Spagnoletto. 458 Portrait of Charles the 1st. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. Vandyck. 459 The Jester — Candle-light. Mr. H. Perfect. Schalken. Fine Art Gallery, West. 83 NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. ARTIST. 460 Portrait of Queen Henrietta Maria. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. Vandyck. 461 The Prodigal Son. The Lord Wenlock. Salvator Rosa . 462 Madonna. The Lord Londesborough. Sassoferrdto 463 The Holy Family. Mr. E. Morton. Zurbaran. 464 Charles the 1st and Family. Sir G. 0. Wombwell, Bart. Stone. 465 Portrait of George the 1st. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. Sir Godfrey Kneller. 466 Head of a Female. The Hon. Payan Dawnay. School of Boloyna. 467 Portrait of the Countess of Fauconberg, daughter of Oliver Cromwell. Sir G. 0 . Wombwell, Bart. Sir P. Lely. Sir J. Medina. Owen. 46S Portrait of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots. The Lord Torphichen. 469 Game and Cat. H. 8 . Thompson, Esq. 470 Sampson slaying a Philistine. C. H. Dunhill, Esq., M.D. 471 Flower Piece. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. 472 Portrait of the Marquis of Argyle, (Me. Cali urn More). W. H. Spencer, Esq. Walker, 478 Wandering Minstrels. Sir W. Worsley, Bart. Ostade, 474 Venus at the Bath. Sir W. Worsley, Bart. N. Poussin, 475 Architectural Views. W. H. Spencer, Esq. 476 Architectural Views. W. H. Spencer, Esq. 477 Cattle Piece. W. H. R. Read, Esq. 478 The Crucifixion. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. 479 Hunting Party. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. 480 Joseph telling his dream to his brethren. J. Mason, Esq. This Picture is engraved, and appears to he by G. J. Pemii, called 11 Fattore, the favourite pupil of Raffaelle, who employed him in painting his designs ior tapestry, A;c. 481 Hawking. The Lord Feversham. Wouvermans 482 The Agony in the Garden. The Hon. Payan Dawnay. ■ Marinari 483 Starting for the Chase. The Lord Londesborough. Coy pel. Van Huy sum. Corcoranti. Corcoranti Beryhem. A. Vanderwerf. Wouvermans. Rafaelle. Wouvermans. 84 IDO Fine Art Gallery, ff est. ARTIST, W. Miens. N0 SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. 484 Musical Party. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. 485 View in Ancient Rome, Statue of M. Aurelius, &e. E. Swaine, Esq. Panini 480 The Conversion of the Emperor Constantine G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. 487 Portrait of the Emperor Charles Y. Sir W. Wobsley, Bart. 488 Portrait of Lord Bacon. L. Thompson, Esq. 489 Magdalen. H. S. Thompson, Esq. 490 Interior of a Church. Giulio Romano. Tintoretto. Cornelius Jansen. Tandy ck. j H. Tan Vliet. A. Allan, Esq. I Figures by A. Van de Velde. 491 The Spanish Beggar. £250. J. Wardrop, Esq. I elasquez. 492 Two Greyhounds. £400. J. Wardop, Esq. Velasquez. Belonged to the King of Spain. Ball. Guido. Van Wyclc. Holbein. 493 Landscape, with Fishermen. J. P. Brown-Westhead, Esq. 494 David and Abigail. The Lord Feversham. 495 Battle Piece. L. Thompson, Esq. 496 Portrait of Henry the 8th. G. J. YarbuPvGH, Esq. 497 Triumph of Constantine the Great. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. Giuilio Romano. 498 Archbishop Ussher. H. S. Thompson, Esq. Vandych 499 Candle-light Piece. The Lord Feversham. Rubeius. 500 The Spanish Musician. £250. J. Wardrop, Esq. I elasquez. 501 Blood Hound. £400. J. Wardrop, Esq. Velasquez. Belonging to the King of Spain. 502 Interior of a Church. Pieter Saenredam. A. Allan. Figures by A. Cuyp. 503 The Two Marys and dead Christ. . H. J. Ware, Esq. Agostmo Caracci. 504 Landscape and Figures. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. Martorelli. 505 Sea Piece— Naval Engagement. Sir G. O. Wombwell, Bart. A. btor/c. 506 Landscape and Warriors. The 'Lord Londesbqrough. Salvator Rosa. 85 44 /> lbl Fine Art Gallery, West. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. ARTIST. 507 Nymphs and Satyrs. £60. Mr. W. Mqnkhouse. N. Poussin. 508 Cardinal Pole. J. Tennant, Esq. S. del Piombo. 509 Belisarius. Mr. Aid. Hargrove. Supposed to be an original by Gerard. 510 “ Is it for Me, or for my Money ? ” This inscription is on the scroll on the table. Sir G. O. Wojibwell, Bart. Supposed to be by Bernardo. 511 Fete Champetre. R. Nasmyth, Esq. A. Watteau. 512 Landscape. W. Gray, Esq. Breughel. 513 Sketch. Mr. W. Monkhouse. 514 Copy of “ The Rogers Titian,” in the National Gallery. R. E. Smithson, Esq. W. Etty, R.A. 515 The Blacksmith’s Forge. Miss Grainger. A. Braueer. 516 The Death of Portia. Miss Barstow. Guido Caynacci. 517 Portrait of Thomas, Earl of Fauconberg. Sir G. O. Wombwell, Bart. Sir P. Lely, 518 Saint Paul. The Lord Feversham Leonardo da Vinci. 519 Interior of a Church. R. E. Smithson, Esq. De Witt. 520 The Death of Procis. C. H. Barstow, Esq. Albano. 521 Shooting at the Target. The Misses Crompton. D. Teniers, 522 A Study. W. Matterson, Esq., M.D. Canaletti. 228 Cat and Poultry. H. S. Thompson, Esq. J. Fyt. 524 Sleeping Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and John the Baptist, in an enamelled case, -with the motto, — “Dormio et cor meum vigilat.” “ I sleep, but my Heart waketh.” Cant. v. 2. The Lord Londesbokough. 525 The Wine Store. J. Mason, Esq. Sehalchen. 526 Venice. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. Canaletti. 527 River Scene in Holland. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. V.Goygen. 528 Christ in the House of the Pharisee. Mrs. Smith. P. Veronese. The central subject represents Christ forgiving the sinner. On the left wing, Elizabeth saluting Mary, and pofriting to the penitent. On the right, the acolyth bearing the chalice with the consecrated wine. 86 Fine Art Gallery, West. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. 529 View in Venice. G. H. D unhill, Esq., M.D. 530 Landscape. The Lord Londesborough. 531 Becovering the Ark. Mr. Arundel. 532 Night Scene, on Copper. The Bev. F. 0. Morris. 533 Flowers and Fruit. H. S. Thompson, Esq. 534 Landscape. L. Thompson, Esq. 535 A Lady, who has turned up the ace of hearts. The Lord Londesborough. M. 536 Saint Cecilia- Lady Clark. 537 An Encampment. The late B. Dickson, Esq. artist. Canaletti. Claude. 538 Landscape. G. A. Hill, Esq. 539 Portrait of Mrs. Turner. Lieut. -Col. V. Straubenzie. 540 Matron and Child. A. Allan, Esq. 541 Flower Piece. Mr. J. Penrose. 542 A Sportsman going out to Shoot. The Bev. G. H. Philips. 543 The Wise Men’s Offering. The Hon. P. Dawnay. V. der Neer. BajJtiste. Rubens. V. MasscJier. Muryiano. A. Cuyp. Path. Nasmyth. Sir J. Reynolds. Guercino. R. Ruysch. A. Cuyp. J. Van Cost. 544 Cabinet Picture of Queen Elizabeth. Sir J. V. B. Johnstone, Bart., M.P. Young. 545 Assumption of the Virgin. J. Mason, Esq. F. Vanni. 546 Ann Hyde, Duchess of York. L. Thompson, Esq. Sir P. Lely. 547 Portrait of Master John Forth, son of the Bev. John Forth, M.A., Bector of West Heslerton. J. Munby, Esq. J. Jackson, R.A. 548 Portrait of Lord Berners, the last English Governor of Calais. The Hon. P. Dawnay. 549 Susannah and the Eiders. L. Thompson, Esq. Guercino. 550 The Marriage of St. Catharine. Mrs. Smith. Parmegiano. 551 Adoration of the Shepherds. C. H. Dunhill, Esq., M.D. Bassano. 552 Italian Landscape. W. Gray, Esq. Zuccaretti. 553 Portrait of a Lady, with a Bose. Sir W. Worslby, Bart. Tandy ck. 554 Saint Simeon. A. Allan, Esq. Rubens. Fine Art Gallery, West. 87 ARTIST. Sir P. Lely. A. Vandervelde. Spagnoletto. I). Be Ileem. D. Teniers. N0 - SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. 555 Portrait of the Duchess of Portsmouth. Sir W. Worsley, Bart. 556 Landscape, Figure and Cattle. P. Cobb, Esq. 557 The Entombment of Christ. Mrs. Smith. 558 Fruit. Lady Clark. 559 The Angelis. £150. R. Parsons, Esq. 560 Landscape with Figures. R. Nasmyth, Esq. L Wynants. 561 Virgin and Child. The Ven. Archdeacon Creyke. Corregio. 562 View in Venice. C. H. Dunhill, Esq., M.D. Canaletti. 563 A Cistercian Monk. The Rev. GK H. Philips. Murillo. 564 The Fishmarket. H. S. Thompson, Esq. C. Busart. 565 St. Jerome in the Desert. The Prior of Ampleforth College. 566 A Sea Port. Sun set, with numerous Figures. Sir W. Worsley, Bart. 567 The Astrologers. Mr. J. Abraham. 568 Sea Piece. L. Thompson, Esq. 569 Christ healing Peter’s Wife’s Mother. A. Allan, Esq. 570 Fruit and Flowers. GK A. Hill , Esq 571 Fruit Piece. Sir W. Worsley, Bart. M . Angelo Caravaggio 572 Charles the Second and Lucy Walters. The Lord Londesborough. 51 o Portrait of Nicholas Breakspere, (Pope Clement Ninth), the only Englishman who has been Pope of Rome. (Engraved by Boydel). J. R. Tennant, Esq. 574 Portrait of the Countess of Lucan. Sir Or. 0. Wombwell, Bart. 575 Cupid. The Lord Londesborough. 5 / 6 Portrait of a Lady. Miss Mackreth. 577 Dead Christ. The Prior of Ampleforth College. 578 The Woman taken in Adultery. Mrs 579 Esther before Ahasuerus. Q-. J. Yarburgh, Esq. Spagnoletto. Fernet. Schooten. Vandervelde. G. Metzu. { Signed) Van Os. Vandyck C. Maratti. Romney. Bomenichino. Sir P. Lely. Supposed Caracci. Smith. Morealese. J ■ Van Riel. 88 Fine Art Gallery , West. N0- SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. 580 Interior of a Church. A. Allan, Esq. 581 A Child with White Eose. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. 582 Encampment. L. Thompson, Esq. 583 The Adoration of Shepherds. The Misses Crompton. 584 Cottage Scene. The Lord Londesborough. 585 Summer. J. Mason, Esq. 586 Landscape with Thunderstorm. C. H. Bar stow, Esq. 587 Banditti and Cave. J. Singleton, Esq. 588 Landscape, Italian Scenery. Mrs. Starkey. 589 Sleeping Child. The Lord Londesborough. AR TIST. Rembrandt. Zoffany. Tillemam. Bassano. Ostade. Molinaer. Salvator Rosa. Peter de Laer. R. Wilson. Albano. FINE ART GALLERY, WEST. NORTH side. Adrem Vernier Werf. Unknown. Jaques .Dewit. Vostermm 590 Portrait of the Duke of Marlborough. Sir W. Worsley, Bart. 591 Portrait of Lord Godolphin. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. 592 Group of Boys, painted in Bas Relief. L. Thompson, Esq. 593 Landscape. H. S. Thompson, Esq. 594 Subject unknown. . „ , ... The Lord Teignmouth. Domenieho Fate, Pupil of Murillo. 595 Skating. J. Mason, Esq. Molenaer. 596 Portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. Cornelius Janssens. 597 Portrait of Giles Earl, Esq. The Hon. P. Dawnay. Sir TV. Beechey, R.A. 598 Portrait of Mrs. Hutchinson. F. Bell, Esq. 599 Landscape. W. Rudston Read, Esq. Anthony Waterloo. 600 Full-length Portrait of Lady Milner. Sir W. M. Milner, Bart. Romney. 89 Fine Art Gallery , West. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. ARTIST. 601 Portrait of Prince Charles Edward, tlie Young Pretender. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. 602 Portrait of Master George Woodhouse, son of James Woodhouse, Lord Mayor of York, in 1785. J. Munby, Esq. Tate. 603 Portrait of Dame Mary Noreliffe. Mrs. Norclipfe. Sir J. Reynolds. 604 The Martyrdom of St. Sebastian. Mrs. Smith. Nicolas Poussin. There is a receipt behind this picture,— “ Nicola Poussino, doc. 300 in Roma.” 605 The Plight into Egypt. Mrs. Smith. Claude cle Lorraine. 606 Portrait of Sir Henry Spelman. Sir J. Y. B. Johnstone, Bart., M.P. 607 The Last Communion of St. Jerome. Mrs. Smith. JDomenichino. A replica of the great picture in the Vatican, into which last are intro- duced the crucifix, the altar lights, and the two figures in the back ground ’ not in this. 1 608 The Prince of Wales, afterwards Charles the Second. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. 609 Holy Family. C. H. Dunhill, Esq., M.D. Baroccio. 610 Portrait of Lady Ann Wombwell. Sir G. O. Wombwell, Bart. Gainsborough. 611 Portrait of the son of Dean Wanley. Mrs. Whyiehead. 612 Portrait of Col. Allan, in the uniform of the 18th Hussars. A. Allan, Esq. Sir JI. Raeburn, R.A. 613 Portrait of Lieut. -Col. Eoger Morris, formerly of York. The Rev. F. O. Morris. Sir B. West, P.R.A. 614 Shipping. H. S. Thompson, Esq. Monamy. 615 Cleopatra dissolving the Pearl. The Lord Teignmouth. Carlo Maratti. 616 Landscape and Cattle. H. S. Thompson, Esq. Rosa di Tivoli. 617 Portrait of Mrs. R. Morris. Rev. F. O. Morris. Copley. 618 Portrait painted in 1640. G. J. Yarburgh Esq. 619 Landscape. J. Mason, Esq. Vandych. Rosa di Tivoli 9.0 156 P A Fine Art Gallery, West. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. 620 Magdalen. Mr. W. Monkhouse. 621 A Grotesque. J. Jackson, Esq. 622 Conversion of St. Paul. Mr. J. Vassalli, 623 Domestic Fowls. G. J. Yarburgh, Esq. FINE ART GALLERY, WEST. SOUTH side. ARTIST. Lancret. Ca/rloni. L. Cradock. WATER COLOURS, SKETCHES, &c. 624 Sibyl Head, Kerry. £45. J. C. Robinson, Esq. J. C. Robinson. 625 Morning in the Alps. Mr. W. Moore, 626 Inch Colme from the Coast of Fife. Mr. J. Ferguson. 627 View near Meron (Tyrol). Mr. C. Holder. 628 Scarbro’ from the North Beach. Col. Akroyd, M.P. W. Moore. J. Ferguson, T L. Bridell. J. P. Jackson. 629 Panorama from the Theatre Tormania, Sicily. * Mrs. Taylor. (Companion to No. 820). C. Vacher. “ But the glory of Tormania is beyond ! — the celebrated view of .ffitna from the ruins of the Greek Theatre ! — certainly one of the finest views in the world, and one of which words, and even the pencil, can impart but a faintidea.” * * * * * * “ The ruins of a Greek Theatre, with a sea of ameihist seen through the broken arches, might suffice of itself ; but then comes yEtna beyond, displaying the whole of its magnificent flank, and sweeping down to the Ocean. Bits of the town, an old fortress above, a sugar-loaf village behind, with various heights and peaks more or less distant, fill up a scene which is rendered doubly enchanting by the atmosphere, and the sun that reveals it so distinctly and so brilliantly. Turn round, as you stand upon the upper row of seats, and you have the Mountains and the Coast all the way to Messina, ancient tombs, headlands, and promontories — a combination sufficient of itself to make the reputation of any other place .” — Vide Knight’s “Normans in Sicily." 630 Coxwold, as seen from Newburgh. Sir G. 0. Womb well, Bart. Coleman. 631 Storm off Walmer Castle. Capt. Me Culloch. 632 Bridge of Callender. The Lady Mary Thompson. 633 Cattle. Mrs. Hotham. M. Duncan, F.R.8.A. Copley Fielding. S. Cooper, R.A. 91 Fine Art Gallery, West. N0 - SUBJECT AND CONTHIBUTOR. 634 Robin Hood’s Bay. E. Smallwood, Esq. 635 Brigand and Ms Family. The Lord Wenlock. I’ Evegue. 636 Kharesbro’, The Misses Crompton. Miss H. Crompton. 637 Louvaine Cathedral. C. Dodsworth, Esq. S. Front. 638 Bothwell Castle. E. Smallwood, Esq. Rayner 639 At Inderwell, Yorkshire. £7. Mr. J. Cruise. J. Cruise. 640 Strawberries. Miss Holder. jp. Holder 641 The Shambles, York. Mr. J. Nicholson. J. Nicholson 642 Sketch of Young Ducks. Miss Holder. FJ. Holder 643 York from the Walls, near Fishergate Postern. The Misses Crompton. jy. R. Beverley 644 Philip Woolrich. J. Bainbriege, Esq. J. Greenhill. 645 South East View of York Minster. (With 648 and 649, £30). Mr. W. Monkhouse. W. Bevan. 646 Fruit Piece. (£2. 10s). Miss A. Geller. A. Getter 647 Highland Tillage— East Tarbet, Lock Fyne. £14. Mr. E. Moore. h. Moore artist. H. B. Carter. 648 South West View of York Minster (With 645 and 649, £30). Mr. W. Monkhouse. jy. Bevan 649 North West View of York Minster. (With 645 and 648, £30). Mr. W. Monkhouse. W. Bevan. 650 Kirkstall Abbey. F. L. Mawdesley, Esq. G. Fripp 651 Langdale Pikes, from Windermere. ) Derwentwater. Mr. Ferguson. K- Ferguson. 652 Rustic Cottage at Hawksworth. £10. 10s Mr. W. Arundale. ' W . Arundale 653 Cattle. Mr. W. Monkhouse. Preston 654 Douglas Harbour, Isle of Man. E. Smallwood, Esq. E B CarUr. 6oo Canal, Venice. The Lady Mary Thompson. Front 656 Home— Lock Fyne. Mr. W. Moore. jy. Moore. 657 Figures. Mrs. Hotham. j. m WrigU 658 The First Box of Colours. Mr. B. Shaw. R. M. Bryson 659 A Scene in Tuscany— The Bridge of Badia Mrs. Hotham. t Richardson 660 Landscape. The Lady Mary Thompson. Be Wint 661 Sketch. The Rev. W. E. Harrison, M.A. W. Callow. 168 ‘92 Fine Art Gallery, West. -The River Langdale. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. 662 Old Shed, near Sleights, Whitby. G. F. Jones, Esq. 663 Mont Blanc. E. Swaine, Esq. 664 Girl and Child. The York School of Art. 665 “Lifeless, but Beautiful.” — Longfellow. Mr. T. Rowney. 666 Portico of Octavia, Rome. Mrs. Hotham. ■667 Lake of Thun. W. Whytehead, Esq. 668 On the Coast of Whitby, with Figures. £6 Mr. J. Cruise. 669 The Reaper.. The York School of Art. 670 The Lighthouse, Isle of Man. Capt. McCulloch. 671 An Elizabethian Interior. £10. Mr. J. Gelder 672 Westmoreland- Mr. W. Moore. 673 Fruit, with Holly. £10 10s. Miss M. Rilter. 674 Dover Pier. Col. Ditmas. 675 Belted Wills’ Tower. Mrs Hotham. 676 Dogs. Mrs. Hotham. 677 Fruit. £15. 15s. Miss J. F. Swallow. 678 Midday on the Thames. W. H. Spencer, Esq. 679 Filey Bay. Col. Akroyd, M.P. 680 A Landscape. Mrs. Hotham. 681 Ben Cruachan. W. Gray, Esq. 682 Morning. W. H. Spencer, Esq. 683 Study from Nature — Grapes. The Rev. W. E. Harrison, M.A. Miss Char nock 684 Byland Abbey, from the Gateway. £10. 10s. G. F. Jones, Esq. G. F. Jones 685 Landscape and Figures. Mr. J. Garland. £31. 10s. J- S. Mole 686 Squall off Whitby. E. Smallwood, Esq. S. B. Carter 687 View in Bolton Woods, Yorkshire. W. H. Gaunt, Esq. T. Sutcliff 688 Black Hambro’ Grapes, and Unripe Peach. Miss E. Rowney. F. Roicney G. F. Jones. W. Moore. Hicks. T. Rowney. Front. Crouch. J. Cruise. Micks. JI. B. Carter. J. G elder. TV. Moore. M. Filter. Front Ray net’ F. Taylor J. F. Swallow T. L. Richardson, jun J. F. Jackson Robson Copley Fielding T. L. Richardson, jun 93 Fine Art Gallery, West. N0 - SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOB. ARTIST. 689 Looking Out. Miss Hewisqn. Miss Eewison. 690 Water Mill at Iffley, near Oxford. £12. Mr. W. J. Boddy. Jm BoUy 691 Filey from the Brigg. Col. Akeoyd, M.P. J.P.Jachon . 692 to 718 Sketches in York, viz : — W. J. Boddy . Micklegate Bar. Old House in Parliament-street. St. Crux Church. Chapel of Merchant’s Hall, Fossgate. Muckey Peg Lane. The Esplanade. Stonegate. St. Martin’s, from the River. York, from the Esplanade. The Shambles. Bootham. College-street, looking East. St. Mary’s Postern, Bootham. Porch of St. Mary’s, Castlegate. York, from the New Walk. York, from Skeldergate Ferry. Bootham Bar. Newgate. Fishergate Postern. St. Michael-le- Belfrey, Petergate. The King’s Staith. Petergate. St. Mary’s Abbey. College-street, looking West. St. William’s College. The Pavement. ''All Saint’s, North-street. Mr. W. J. Boddy. 719 The Poacher. £8. 8s. Mr. J. Walton. J. Walton. 720 Fruit. A Bunch of Grapes. Mr, S. H. Hudson. S. H. Hudson. 160 94 Fine Art Gallery, West. NO< SUBJECT AND CONTBIBUTOR. 721 Sunset, Bedcar. ARTIST. W. H. Spencer, Esq. T. L. Richardson, Jun. Goupy. 722 Architecture. Sir W. Worsley, Bart. 723 The Salmon’s Favourite Haunt. £21. 10s. Mr . W. Moore. 724 The Upper Lake, Killarney. £15. Mr. W. J. Boddy. 725 Fruit. The late Lady ITerries. 726 Spring Flowers. £10. 10s. Miss J. F. Swallow. 727 On the Wharfe, Ilkley. £10. 10s. Mr. W. Arundale. 728 From “ The Task.” The Eev. G. H. Philips, M.A. 729 Basket of Flowers from Nature. £10. 10s. Miss E. G. Pitts. 730 Dala Gorge. Mr. J. Mitchell. 731 York, from the Esplanade. Mr. W. J. Boddy 732 Loch Leven. Entrance to Glencoe. The Eev. W. Greenwell. 733 Highland Cattle and Landscape nea,r Loch Fyne. Mr. H. Moore. 734 Filey Brigg. Col. Akroyd, M.P. 735 Fruit. £8. 8s. Miss M. Filter. TV. Moore. W. J. Boddy. Roscnlerg. J. F. Swallow. W. Arundale. Westall. E. G. Pitts. J. Joy. W. J. Boddy. E. Richardson. JI. Moore. J. P. Jachon. M. Filter. 736 Glenockie Tower. (Johnny Armstrong’s). W. Gray, Esq. W. C. Gray. 737 Blowing Hot and Cold. J. Bainbridge, Esq. 738 “Horeb.” Mrs. Yorke. E. JI. Wehnert. The Rev. St. John Tyrwhitt. “ And after the earthquake a fire ; But the Lord was not in the fire ; And after the fire a still small voice, And it was so when Elijah heard it, that he wrapped Ms face in his mantle and went out, and stood in the entering in of the cave, and there came a voice unto him, and said, What doest thouhe^EU^ahr ^ ^ yerseg _ 739 Allegorical Subject — Hope. J. S. Tonge, Esq. 740 Allegorical Subject — Faith. J. S. Tonge, Esq. L. B. L. B. 95 Fine Art Gallery, West. NO. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. ARTIST. 741 “Malicious” — A Sketch.. E. Fleet, Esq. Leech. Flora. “ Can you still see the Steamer. Lucy, dear?” Lucy. “ Oh yes quite plainly.” Flora. “ And dear William too ?” Lucy. “Oh ! Yes !” Flora. “ Does he seem unhappy, now he is away from me ?” Lucy. “Evidently, I should say dear, for he is smoking a cigar, and drink- ing something out of a tumbler to cheer him, poor fellow !” 742 Herring and Crab. Miss S. Prince. S. Prince. FINE ART GALLERY, WEST. NORTH SIDE. 743 Interior of a Highland Shepherd’s Shieling. £25. Mr. E. Moore. E. Moore. 744 The Charge at Balaklava, showing the attack on Lord Cardigan and Sir Geo. 0. Wombwell, ~ Bart. Sir G. 0. Wombwell, Bart. J)e Prades. 745 The Truant’s Plunder. £21. Mr. E. Penty. R. P, Richards. 746 Fruit. £21. 10s. Mr. J. Garland. H. Dolan. 747 Portrait of a friend of the Artist, and her Dog. W. H. Spencer, Esq. Sir TV. Ross, R.A. 748 Portrait of Lady Julia Wombwell. Sir. G. 0. Wombwell, Bart. E. Taylor. 749 A Wreck. C. H. Dunhill, Esq. M.D. Miss Lucctta Barker. 750 Bird’s Nest. Mr. S. H. Hudson. S. H. Hudson. 751 Cornelian Bay. E. Smallwood, Esq. H. B. Carter. 752 The Tees at Barnard Castle. Mr. E. Moore. E. Moore. 753 Flowers, &c. A Study from Nature. The Rev. R. W. B. Hornby, D.D. Miss Henrietta Hornby. 754. The old Portsmouth Road, through the Devil’s Punch Bowl. £30. H. Maplestone, Esq. H. Maplestone. 755 The Rustic Artist. C. H. Dunhill, Esq. M.D. W. Hunt. 756 Sunset and Shipping. The York School of Art. B. P. Leitch. 757 Ben Yenu. The Rev. W. Greenwell. E. Richardson. 758 Conway Castle. W. B. Richardson, Esq. Gastcneau. 96 NO. 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 162 Fine Art Gallery , West. SUBJECT AND CONTRIBUTOR. The Lake of Geneva. Col. Akrgyd, M.P. The Forest Glade. The Rev. W. E. Harrison, M.A. Milking Time, North Wales. £8. 8s. Mr. J. Gelder. Scarbro’ Castle. E. Smallwood, Esq. Street Yiew in Dartmouth. F. L. Mawdesley, Esq. The Annunciation. The Assumption. The Entombment. C. H. Duniiill, Esq., M.D. Bird’s Nest. Mr. E. Wood. Junction of the Tyrol and North Italy. Mr. J. C. Swallow. Crossing the Desert to the Holy' Land. ^ The late Lady Herries. Herbert C. Merries-. Brissago, on the West Shore of Lago Maggiore. £50. W. W. Hargrove, Esq. Yenice. The Lord Wenlock. Brissago. Mr. S. Maltby. Mountains and Sheep. Mrs. Hotham. The Dungeon of Chillon. J. Mason, Esq. Venice. The Lord Wenlock. Bellagio. (Como). Mr. W. Osborn. Interior of Chartres Cathedral. £105. „ T) , AY. Bayliss, Esq., S.B.A. W. Bcnjhss, S.b.A. The Yonng Anglers. Col. Akroyd, M.P. Birket Foster.. The Little Nurse. Col. Akroyd, M.P. Birket Foster. Kirkham Abbey. Mr. AY. Moore. W. Moore. The Burn amongst the Heather. £31. 10s. Mr. AA T . Moore. T * • Moore.. Study from Nature. Tulips. The Rev. AV. E. Harrison, M.A. Miss E. Char-nock. The Pier, AATiitby. Col. Aiceoyd, M.P. S. P. Jackson. A Fragment of St. Mary’s, York. £10. 10s. O. F. Jones, Esq. Old Woman at Fireside. Mr. J. C. Swallow. Cattermole . ARTIST, G. Fripp. W. Moore. J. Gelder. Jl. B. Carter. J. S. Front. W. Etty, JR. A. E. Wood. F. L. Bridell. John Bell. Knebil. John Bell. W. Turner.. J. M. C. Stanfield, A.B.A. Knebil. John Bell. G. F: Jones. 168 97 / 136, 521, 583, 030, 643, 816. Crosslejq Sir F., Bart., M.P., Hali- fax, 188. Cruise, Mr. J., Leeds, 639, 668, 881^ Cust, the Piev. Canon, Danby Hill, Northallerton, 16. Danson,C., Esq., Pocklington, 132, 341, 343. 172 i Contributors. —Fine Art Galleries. Dawnay, the Hon. P.,Beningbrough Hall, York, 40, 90, 300, 389, 421, 406, 482, 543 548, 597, 862, 865. Denison, R., Esq., York, 1. Dickson, R., Esq. (the late), Acomb, York, 236, 401, 537. Ditmas, Lieut. Col., York, 674. Dodsworth, G., Esq., Clifton. York, 2, 4, 215, 273, 359, 037. ^.Drummond, Mr. G., Jim., Heworth, York, 25, 370. Dundas, Miss A., London, 205, 233, 234, 299. Dtmhill, C. H., Esq., M.D., York, 387, 388, 470, 529, 551, 562, 609, 749, 755, 764, 793. Ferguson, J., Esq., Middleton, Teesdale, 99, 626, 051. Feversham, the Lord, Duncombe Park, 481, 494, 499, 518. Fleet, E., Esq,, London, 13, 22, 56, 165, 253, 348, 741, 828, 829, 830, 831, 857. Foster, J. L., Esq., York, 849. Fox, Mr. J. L., 380. Forth, Mr. A., 787. Garland, Mr. J., Newcastle-upon- Tyne, 276, 346, 350, 685, 746, 805. Gaunt, W. IT., Esq., Old Thorn ville, Kirkhammerton, 45, 310, 329, 687. Gelder, Mr. J., Bradford, 73, 255, 358, 671, 761. Gellcr, Mr. W. O., London, 10. Geller, Miss A., London, 646, 826. Gibbons, Mrs. London, 145. Gilbert, Mrs., York, 5. Glover, J., Esq., Leamington, 146, 148, 150, 206. Grainger, Miss, York, 417, 445, SIR Gray, W., Esq., York, 43, 96, 14a 210, 229, 313, 441, 512, 552, 681, 736. Greenwell, the Rev. W., Clifton, York, 202, 732, 757, 790. Grierson, Mr., London, 86, 256, 279. Griffiths, T., Esq., Grimston Park, York, 316. Gruggen, the Rev. J. G., Pock- Jington, 9, 23, 44, 51, 77, 105, 162, 281, 896. Harcourt, Rev. W. V., Nuneham Park, Oxford, 837, 838. Hargitt, O., Esq., Liverpool, 85, 120, 125, 140, 200, 277.' Hargitt, E., Esq., London, 70, 184 203. Hargrove, Mr. Aid., York, 28, 182, 222, 240, 264, 296, 509. — .Hargrove. W. W., Esq., York, 48, 102, 180, 225, 288, 768. Ilarker, C„ Esq., York. 151, 269. Harrison, Rev. W. E., M.A., York, 82, 92, 117, 141, 108,175,177, 278, 291, 298, 302, 303, 307, 309, 601, 083, 760, 780, 852. Helliwell, Mr. H., Barnsley, 17. Herries, Lady (the late), York, 725, 767. Hewison, Miss, 689, 786. Hewison, Mr. F. A., 824. Hey, Mrs. York, 103, 879. Hill, G. A.. Esq., Bolton Hal], Wilberfoss, 391, 400, 538, 570. Holder, Mr. H. W., Scarboro’, 33, 80. Holder, Miss E., York, 41, 128, 640, 642. ^Hornby, Rev. R. W.B.,D.D., Clifton, York, 47, 78, 753. ITS Contributors. — Fine Art Galleries. Hotham, Mrs., York, 633, 657, 659, s 666, 075, 676, 680, 771. j Holder, Mr. C., 637, 789. Hudson, Mr.S. H.. Epworth,Bawtry, 72i», 750. Husband, C., Esq., Ripon., 370. Jackson, J., Esq., Fairfield, York, 221. 287, 382, 442, 021. Ja*kson, Mr. G., York, 57, 79, 309, 400. Jolmson, R., Esq., York, 284, 784, 819. Johnstone, Sir J. V. B-, Bart., Hackness Hall, 378, 544, 606. Jones, G. F , Esq., York, 662, 684, 7>S2, 785, 796, 801, 810. J unck, Mr. A. A. F., London, 864. Keen, Robinson, & Co., Messrs., Lon- don, 52. Iveyworth, Mrs., York, 827, 832. Lacy, Mrs. York, 211, 799, 825. Ladell, Mr. E., Colchester, 194. Lawson, J., Esq., Leeds, 164, 325^— Leckenby, J., Esq., Scarborough, 181, 3ffl. Leeman, G., Esq., M. P., York, 352. Londesborough, The Lord, Grim- ston Park, 412, 418, 428, 432, 434, 462, 483, 506, 524, 530, 535, 572, 575, 584, 589, 845, 846, 850, 851, 854, 861. Lucas, Mr. J. T., London, 30. Lusty, Mr. F., 28, Regent Street, London, 339. Mackay, A., Esq., Berlin, 129, 270. Mnrkreth, B., Esq., York, 142, 808. Mack rath, Miss F. S., 303, 430, 576, 833, 835, 836, 847. 856. Maltby, Mr. S., York, 770. Mason. J., Esq., York, 21, 39, 84, 103, 106, 110, 111, 118, 160, 167, 171, 195, 217, 250, 289, 319, 372, 394 , 427, 455, 480, 525, 545, 585, 595, 619, 772, 884, 867, 880, 890. Matt'erson, W., Esq., M. D,, York, 338, 342, 522. Maude, Capt, R. N., York, 212. Mawdesley, F. L., Esq., York, 324, 650, 763. Maplestone, H., Esq., London, 754. Me Culloch, Capt, York, 54, 360, 335, 364, 631, 670. Mills, Mr. R., York, 228, 334. Milner, Sir W. M., Bart., Nun Apple- ton, York, 600, 841. Mitchel, Mr. J., 730. Monkhouse. Mr. W., York, 68, 104, 507, 513, 620, 645, 648, 649, 653, 806. Moore, Mr. E., York, 647, 743, 752, 797. Moore, Mr. H., London, 15, 178, 230, 258, 733. Moore, Mr. J. C., London, 812. Moore, Mr. W., York, 625, 656,672, 723, 778, 779, 889. Morris, Rev. F. O., Nunburnholme, 532, 613, 617. Morton, Mr. E., Malton, 463, 853. Mouney, Mr., 886. Munby, J., Esq., York, 448, 547, 602, 855. Nasmyth, R., Esq., Edinburgh, 24, 116, 122, 179, 202, 305, 429, 440, 511, 560. Needham, F., Esq., M.D., York, 218. Newnum, Mr. T. E., York, 12, 60, 64, 91, 176. 345. Nicholson. Mr. J., York, 112, 322, 641. Contributors.— Fine Art Galleries Noble, T. S., Esq., York, 155. Nodeley, Mr., He worth, 273. Norcliffe, Mrs., Langton, Malton, 603. Osborn, Mr. W., York, 774. Parker, Mr. E. H„ Sheffield, 20. • Parker, Miss, 878. Parrott, Mr. W., London, 259, 326. Parsons. I!., Esq., York, 559. Penrose, Mr., York, 113, 147, 149, 186, 297, 457, 541, 788. Penty, Mr. F„ Liverpool, 745. Perfeet, Mr. H., York, 272, 283, 285, 459. Philips, Rev. G. H., M.A., York, 42, 76, 126, 241, 248, 542, 563, 728. Potter, T.B. ,Esq., M.P., Manchester, 884. Pilter, Miss M., Sowerby Bridge, Halifax, 673, 735. Pitts, Miss E. G., Sowerby Bridge, 729, 798. Prince, Miss S., Bradford, 742, 876. Procter, W., Esq., M. D., York, 332. Pulleine, J., Esq., Bedale, 354, 866. Reed, W., Esq., York, 368. Read, W. H. Rudston, Esq., York, 226, 431, 477, 599, SCO. Richardson, Mr. Aid., York, 158. Richardson, W. B., Esq., York, 758, Richardson, Mr. C., Hull, 123, 227, 318. Richmond, Mr. W. J., Gateshead, 11. Robinson, Miss A., Beverley, 207. Robinson, Mr. E., York, 46. Robinson, J. C., Esq., Clifton, York, 624, 792, 823. Rowney, Mr. T., Hull, 605, 807. Eowne.y, Miss F., Hull, 688. Rowntree, Mr. H. I., York, 883,885. Rutson, J., Esq., Newby Wiske, Tliirsk, 133. Sampson, Mr. J., York, 88, 224, 243, 301 . Scott, J., Esq., Whitewall, Malton, 247, 257. Shaw, B., Esq , York, 65, 98, 3! 5. Shaw, Mr. J., 328. Siddall. Mr. T., York, 6, 19, 32, 38, 55, 59, 93, 127, 246, 351. Singleton, J., Esq., Pocldington, 58, 69, 81, 97, 172, 174, 219, 245, 252, 203, 274, 282, 290, 292, 317, 587, 858. Smallwood, E., Esq., York, 119, 356, 634, 638, 654, 686, 751, 762, 815, 887, 895, 898. Smith, Mrs., Acomb, York, 330, 399, 451, 528, 550, 557, 578, 604, 605, 607. Smith, Mr. B., Thirst, 26, 94, 293. Smithson, R. E., Esq., York, 71, 114, 115, 139, 169, 183, 189, 208, 231, 254,275^295,514,519. Spence, Mrs. A. n., York, 888. Spence, Mr. R., Leeds, 157. Spencer, Rev. I., M.A., Acomb, %Tork, 137, 877. Spencer. W. H., Esq., Halifax, 216, 472, 475, 476, 678, 682, 721, 747. Starkey, Mrs., Tang-hall, York, 37, 49, 58S. Straubenzee, Col. Van., Spenni- thorne, Bedale, 539. Swaine, E., Esq., York, 87, 347, 386, 447, 485, 663. Swallow, Mr. J. C., York, 130, 766, 783, 802, 809, 822. Swift, Miss G., London, 29, 108, 294. Swift, Miss K., ditto. 3. Swift, Miss L., ditto. 333. 175 Contributors . — Fine Art Galleries. Swallow, Miss, 677, 726. Taylor, Mrs., York, 029, 820. Teignmouth, The Lord, Langton Hall, 594, 615. Tennant, J. 11., Esq., Kildwick, Leeds, 508, 573. Thompson, E., Esq., York, 304. Thompson, W., Esq., York, 109. Thompson, L., Esq., Sheriff Hutton Park, York, 407, 409, 413, 420, 435, 436, 488, 495, 534, 546, 549, 56S, 582, 592. Thompson, The Lady Mary, Sheriff Hutton Park, York, 632, 655, 660, 842, 843. Thompson, H. S., Esq., Kirby Hall, 3 1, 100, 152, 286, 397, 405, 408, 426, 449, 450, 454, 469, 489, 498, 523, 533, 504, 593, 614, 616, 863. Tonge, J. S„ Esq., York. 739, 740. T. >rphie!ien,The Lord, Calder House, Mid Calder, N.B., 416, 437, 408. Yussalli, Mr. J., Scarhro’, 622, 872, 81 3, 874, 892, 893. Yaux, A. E. G.de, Esq., Chelsea, 220. Vawser, Mr. G. R. J un ., Derby, 156. Wain wright, J., Esq., York, 383, 869, 870. Walker. Mr., 871. Walton, Mr. J. T., York, 14, 18, 72, 213, 331. Walton, Mr. J., York, 67. 161, 170, 320, 355, 719. Wardrop, J., Esq., London, 62, 185, 190, 191, 192, 193, 249, 261, 265, 268, 491, 492, 500, 501. Ware, H. J., Esq., York, 50, 61, 107, 134, 187, 197, 198, 199, 280, 311, 312, 503. Wenlock, The Lord, Eseriek Park, York, 425, 461, 635, 769, 773, 795, 866 . West head, J. P. Brown, Esq., Lea Castle, Kidderminster, 337, 493. Wesleyan Missionary Society, The Secretary of tlxe, London, 353. Wharton, J. T., Esq., Skelton Castle, 340. Whitehead, W. J., Esq., York, 7, 89, 121, 138, 144, 159, 308, 321, 344, 367, 371 . Whytehead, W.. Esq., York, 667. Whytehead, Mrs., York, Oil. Wilson, Dr., Pocldington, 27, 34. Womb well, Sir G. O., Bart., New- burgh Park, 439, 453, 464, 467, 505, 510, 517, 574, 610, 630, 744, 748, 821. Wood, Mr. E., Huddersfield, 765, 808. Wood, Mr. H., York, 74. Worsley, Sir W., Bart., Hovingham Hall, 26i), 390, 411, 415, 423, 433, 438, 443, 444, 452, 473, 474, 487, 553, 555, 566, 571, 590, 722, 800. Wright, Mr. R., York, 360. Yarburgh, G. J., Esq., Heslington Hall, York, 131, 173, 242, 244, 375, 379, 381, 384, 385, 396, 398, 410, 422, 458, 460, 465, 471. 478, 479, 484, 430, 496, 497, 504, 526, 527, 579, 581, 591, 590, 601, 608, 618, 623. Yorkshire Club, The, 101. Yorkshire Philosophical Society, The, 8. York School of Art, The, 664, 669, 756, 814, 818. Yorke, Mrs., York, 738. • • • - - -- l V , . ' . ft, ' ■* ■ ft. -v" - > ' 5 iM5 tfc-0 ^ 3131 - 9 - I'ti-V V -c i* H%