A 2 7 CATALOGUE ,-P fril •• . OF ONE OF THE MOST DISTINGUISHED AND CHOICE ASSEMBLAGES - SpetWi 1511 OF CAPITAL Bftaltan, jfrenrf), jflenuslj anU Dtttd) June. \Z> LoCLS Q.'l Ever brought into this Country , PARTLY COLLECTED AT ROME AND GENOA; AND COMPRISING The Flower of the very precious Cabinet of Mr. Schmidt, OF AMSTERDAM; PARTICULARLY THE MASTER SHIPWRIGHT, Celebrated throughout all Europe as Rembrandt's neplus ultra in his second Manner; A Fleet at Anchor, - - - W. V. DE VELDE. Cattle.A. V. DE VELDE. The Hay Harvest, - - - WOUVERMANS. An Interior, ----- A. OSTADE. A Flemish Fete, - - - - TENIERS. A Grand Landscape - - - BOTH CAMBIASO GUERCINO, Ctyc CUomati taftctt in aanltcr?, , An unrivalled Performance for contrasted Force and Sweetness of Colour; A Grand Landscape - - - - S. ROSA. Two Landscapes ----- CARRACCI. AND OTHERS BY PARMEG1ANO, CLAUDE, DOMENICH1NO, N. POUSSIN, ALBANO, G. POUSSIN, L. SPADA, DE LA HIRE, MOLA, RUBEN Sj THE TITIAN, PORDENONE, GA-ROFALO, A. DEL SARTO, SCH1DONE, VAN DYCK, J. STEEN, M1ERIS, V. DER HEYDE, TER BURG. fffiHnct) Will be Sold by Auction BY MR. CHRISTIE, At his Great Room, Pall Mall , On WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12th, 1811, . ■ ILAPft S- AT ONE O CLOCK PRECISELY. May be Viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had (at is. each) in Pall Mall. Conditions of Sale. I. 1 HE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any Dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No Person to advance less than Is—Above Five Pounds, 2s. fid. and so on in Proportion. III. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s in the Pound, in part of payment of the Purchase Money: in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased, to be immediately put up again and re-sold. IF. The Lots to be taken away with all Faults at the Buyer’s Expence, within One Day after the Sale. V. To prevent Inconveniences that frequently attend long and open Accounts, the Remainder of the Purchase Money to be absolutely paid on or before delivery. YI. Upon Failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment, shall be forfeited, all Lots uncleared within the Time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale; and the Deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale, shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. ■r A v _ • r V , ♦ € *4L T JL JL © G- WE, Sfc. Sfc. Sfc. WEDNESDAY, JUNE the 12th, 1811. i Peter Wouvermans.. 1 _A_ Winter Scene, a Bridge over a Canal, a Horse and Sledge, and Figures breaking the Ice—free and well coloured / V. der Neer 7H Albano ...., 10 ^2 s - Kosa . /$ 4 pat ^. /£ S*Ua. ^2 G • Poussin ,. 2 View of a Village, by Moonlight 3 Vulcan and Venus couchant, and Cupids bearing a shield with the device of Love, in a Landscape r . . i , r ‘ «V- 4 A View by a River, a Road through a perforated Rock, with Figures—a clear and beautiful picture 5 A Garden Scene, with Figures in Masquerade 6 Virgin and Child, with a Vase of Flowers—an elegant Cabinet Picture, in the manner of Raphael—very delicately finished 7 A beautiful small Classical Scene—painted in sweet fresh tone Baroccio 8 Marriage of St. Catherine, the Virgin elevated on a Chair of State, and an Angel behind her scattering Flowers, St. Elizabeth with the Infant St. John in the front- ground—delicately finished iznrv) / ( 4 ) & L. Carracci. ... 9 The Tribute-Money—a pleasing cabinet specimen 7$ H - Moucheron. Landscape with Fishermen in front-ground 4 A. Cuyp. ... 11 Landscape with Horses and Figures 14 Rubens. ... 12 Arion saved on a Dolphin—a well-composed group of Figures in the Vessel putting off—designed with spirit and well coloured 40 ■ - V. de Heyde. V ... 13 View iu the Public Place at Breda, with the Figures by A. V. de Velde; very spirited—a clear, brilliant, and highly finished Cabinet Picture /f G. Poussin.. ... 14 A Landscape, with Water and Figures—a clear, spirited) and brilliant Picture—touched with a masterly pencil n 4 '4 Rembrandt. Mola. ... 16 Jacob blessing Isaac—painted with fine effect A Woody Scene, with Figures, the Angel descending to console Hagar—riclrly coloured 76 Salviati., ... 17 Virgin and Elizabeth, and the Infant Christ and St. John embracing—The subject is beautifully treated, and very sweetly pencilled, the head designed for St. Joseph is probably the Portrait of the Painter J 0 F. Mola. ... IS A bold Landscape, with a Cascade, and a Shepherd reposing 77 Terburg... # A Cavalier with a Fur Cap and Belt in conversation with a Female holding a Jug and Glass—a pleasing and highly finished picture tl C. Bega. ... 20 An Interior, a Female and a Boor with a jug, and a Smoker in a Chair in conversation with a Countryman —highly finished, and the colouring rich and har¬ monious 7$ Du Jardin. A Peasant Boy with a Cow, Dog, and Sheep—a beautiful Bit of Nature, painted in a clear silvery tone Pynaker&V.dcVelde 22 A beautiful Landscape, a Setting Sun darting its warm Rays through a Pine Wood, thro’ which Peasants are driving Cattle—a charming Picture '/& 4 £ (Mt&UJ -CU muO iA^hr^'T'^/ /^n^Os /to j. • ,N. // v i.% vv ' V> KA 1 -•- V*\ \v ■v^ ( 5 ) /f, . 2 $ J /fL Terburg 2 8 Garofalo.... 2% Poussin. Albano .... $7 • A. Carracci . qi Rubens. 7 Giorgione... C. D’Arpino 35 A lbauo. * . . A 37 \ N. Poussin.. / Ay / V. Dyck ... 2 h 23 A Lady with a Glass of Wine feeding her Parrot, a Cavalier near her, and a Female Domestick behind— highly finished 24 The Salutation—a little precious cabinet gem, the Figures designed in elegant Taste, and very richly coloured 25 A Wood Scene, with an Altar or Monument, Figures, a Lake and distant Country—a clear and beautiful gem 26 The Flight into Egypt, Infant Angels gathering Palm Branches and scattering flowers—a brilliantly coloured and sweetly finished Cabinet Picture r * 27 Mater Dolorosa, in a grand and solemn Landscape, with the Town of Jerusalem in the distance—classically designed and of the most vigorous execution 28 Our Saviour with Mary Magdalen in the Garden—a rare Cabinet Bijou ; the Landscape by V. Uden, enriched with beautiful Flowers by Velvet Breughel 29 The Portrait of a Man with a Helmet 30 A Holy Family with Saints, in the grand style of Raphael —a fine specimen 31 The Angel driving Adam and Eve from Paradise; the Figures designed with great elegance and taste, and the countenances marked with peculiar sweetness—an ele¬ gant Picture 32 The Angel striking the Men of Gomorrah with blindness— a slight but spirited Picture of this Master : from Rome 33 A Nobleman of the House of Lorraine—painted with dig¬ nity and spirit, and finely coloured PORCELAIN and BRONZES. 1 A Dcjeune of French Porcelain, consisting of a Tea-pot, Cream Vase, Sugar Bason and Plate, and a Cup and Saucer i4S*Yi / /4 h IS H # ' 2 L. Carracci.. Moucheron.., A. Cuyp. Rubens. Ao - V. de Heyde, jS - G. Poussin.. n 4 Rembrandt... Mola. ?A ** Salviati...... (to F. Mola. * 177 Terburg. C. Bega Du Jardin ( 4 ) 9 The Tribute-Money—a pleasing cabinet specimen 0 10 Landscape with Fishermen in front-ground 11 Landscape with Horses and Figures 12 Arion saved on a Dolphin—a well-composed group of Figures in the Vessel putting off—designed with spiiit and well coloured 13 View iu the Public Place at Breda, with the Figures by A. V. de Velde; very spirited~-a clear, brilliant, and highly finished Cabinet Picture 14 A Landscape, with Water and Figures—a clear, spirited* and brilliant Picture—touched with a masterly pencil 15 Jacob blessing Isaac-^painted with fine effect 16 A Woody Scene, with Figures, the Angel descending to console Hagar—richly coloured 17 Virgin and Elizabeth, and the Infant Christ and St. John embracing—The subject is beautifully treated, and very sweetly pencilled, the head designed for St. Joseph is probably the Portrait of the Painter IS A bold Landscape, with a Cascade, and a Shepherd reposing 19 A Cavalier with a Fur Cap and Belt in conversation with a Female holding a Jug and Glass—a pleasing and highly finished picture 20 An Interior, a Female and a Boor with a jug, and a Smoker in a Chair in conversation with a Countryman —highly finished, and the colouring rich and har¬ monious 21 A Peasant Boy with a Cow, Dog, and Sheep—a beautiful Bit of Nature, painted in a clear silvery tone Pynaker & V. de Velde 22 A beautiful Landscape, a Setting Sun darting its warm Rays through a Pine Wood, thro’ which Peasants are driving Cattle—a charming Picture ( 5 ) 23 & Terburg. 23 A Lady with a Glass of Wine feeding her Parrot, a Cavalier near her, and a Female Domestick behind— highly finished 28 Garofalo. 24 The Salutation—a little precious cabinet gem, the Figures designed in elegant Taste, and very richly coloured 28 Poussin. 25 A Wood Scene, with an Altar or Monument, Figures, a Lake and distant Country—a clear and beautiful gem 2 $ Albano . • 26 The Flight into Egypt, Infant Angels gathering Palm Branches and scattering flowers—a brilliantly coloured and sweetly finished Cabinet Picture $7 A. Carracci. 27 Mater Dolorosa, in a grand and solemn Landscape, with the Town of Jerusalem in the distance—classically designed and of the most vigorous execution qi #■ ttnb-ns... 28 Our Saviour with Mary Magdalen in the Garden—a rare Cabinet Bijou ; the Landscape by V. Uden, enriched with beautiful Flowers by Velvet Breughel 7 Giorgione. 29 The Portrait of a Man with a Helmet ^ C. D’Arpino. 30 A Holy Family with Saints, in the grand style of Raphael —a fine specimen Albano . 31 The Angel driving Adam and Eve from Paradise; the 32 itj Figures designed with great elegance and taste, and the countenances marked with peculiar sweetness—an ele¬ gant Picture N. Poussin. 32 The Angel striking the Men of Gomorrah with blindness- , a slight hut spirited Picture of this Master : from llome V. Dyck .. 33 A Nobleman of the House of Lorraine—painted with dig¬ nity and spirit, and finely coloured PORCELAIN and BRONZES. H I A Dejeune of French Porcelain, consisting of a Tea-pot, Cream Vase, Sugar Bason and Plate, and a Cup and Saucer V ( 6 ) Ik* ) 4 ? J ! n qti y3 3 3* V* 2 A Broth Bason and Coyer 3 Three Cabinet Cups and Saucers 4 A pair of Metal Vases, Mazarine Blue, with Ornaments of Or-moulu, Gilt I 5 A tine Group, the Laocoon, and a Plinth of Breccia 6 An Equestrian Figure of M. Aurelius, the Plinth of Lava 7 Apollo, the Plinth and Frieze of Or-moulu 8 A Ditto of Diana, ditto 9 A pair of Prefericula, with Masks 10 A pair of Groups of Boys, on Plinth of Tortoise-shell, inlaid with Brass 11 A pair of Vases, with Boys, in Bas Relief Domenichino. 34 A Romantic Landscape with Shepherds at a Cascade, and Cattle watering in the distance—a clear and pleas¬ ing Picture, designed in Classic Taste Rubens. 35 Portrait of his Wife and Child; the second Wife of Rubens was Sister to Breughel, who has contributed to the Picture, by adding a luxuriant back ground, truly correspondent with the rich colouring of the figures J. Steen. 36 The Marriage at Cana—a composition of many figures; parts of this Picture are exquisitely beautiful, not¬ withstanding the grossness with which the Painter has presumed to treat the subject—very highly finished Rembrandt. 37 Portrait of a Burgomaster—painted with animation, and coloured with warmth, and in great harmony Rembrandt. 38 Portrait of an old Woman in a white Ruff; the counte¬ nance touched with wonderful spirit. It displays great breadth and very rich colour Pordenone 39 // Claude 7° /OS / f6> Schidone Ca.racci L. Spada 210 .Schidone 2.3 4 , Parmegiano A. Del Sarto ( ? ) Virgin with a Goldfinch, her Hand resting on a Bas-relief representing David with the Head of Goliah, the Child in her lap, and near her St. Joseph, in the rich manner of Titian 40 A Landscape, warm Evening—an Arm of the Sea appears to intercept a romantic b:oken Scene, the nearer part of which is crowned with Buildings and Wood, in the front are Peasants and Cattle crossing a ford : the whole painted with glowing effect 41 St. Jolm seatedfin Landscape; a woody distance—fine effect 42 Apollo flaying Marsyas—painted in a bold manner, and finely designed 43 The Virgin and St. Joseph teaching the Young Christ to read : painted with a firm Pencil and much resemb¬ ling Domenichino, to whom this Picture has been frequently attributed 44 The Holy Family with St. Joseph—a fine composition and illumined with charming effect: in the grand manner of Corregio 45 An Entombment—a grand composition of several figures in the bold manner of M. Angelo. The expression very fine, in'the distance is the Vision of the Cross over the City. Etched by Parmegiano 46 The Virgin holding the Infant Christ, who is stretching- out his Arms to the Infant St. John. The Attitude of the Virgin is dignified, the eagerness and tenderness of the Christ beautifully expressed. The colouring is rich, and every part finished with the greatest delicacy—from the Cabinet of the Doge Cambiaso 47 The Separation of Abraham and Lot—a highly elegant chef d’oeuvre. A composition of many figures, among which are a Female with a Child reposing, a Boy with Dogs, a Youth oppressed with thirst drinking, and others dismounting and assisting to Water the Cattle at a Spring issuing at the base of a magnificent 4 ( 8 ) 2W 2M' n$ 3300 J?r/M 0 Temple : an Angel, Abraham aitd another stand apart; the first of these is pointing out to Abraham the Land promised to his future descendants: The design of the Figures is exquisitely beautiful, and the Finishing partakes of the neatness of miniature painting Garofalo. 48 Christ and the Woman of Samaria at the Well; a few figures also seen in a picturesque and beautiful distance* The Composition simple, and the expression fine : a Building introduced in the center in shadows gives a brilliant Belief to the Figure of the Female : the Cos¬ tume and Draperies as usual in the works of Garofalo, are rich and finely coloured A. Carracci . 49 A Landscape with a Road at the foot of a mountainous Range, and Figures in pastoral Employment—a mas¬ terly production worthy of the great mind of Carracci, and apparently executed a I'improviso. For variety and distinctness of Objects and freshness of tone this Landscape has no equal Carracci . ,50 The Debouchement of a River with Figures in a Boat ;• the Front ground occupied by a Skreen of Trees, through which appears a Picturesque Scene—painted with a Masterly Hand and in a sweet Tone V. Dyck.. 51 Christ healing the Lame Man; a composition chiefly of three Figures, the Lame Man is represented with the Hand turned to his Breast in an attitude the most expressive of Gratitude and Devotion. The com¬ manding Figure of the Saviour, and the noble Charac¬ ter of the Disciple are fine and imposing; two other Heads appear expressive of Wonder and Adoration. The Colouring and Touch are suitable to the Subject, splendid and vigorous.—This noble chef d’ceuvre is en¬ graved by De Jode, under the title: “ Tolle crabbatum ” G. Poussin. 52 A Grand Landscape with Wood, Water, Buildings and Figures, composed in fine Classic Taste—a capital Picture C 9 ) S. Rosa A Grand Landscape with Broken Hilly Grounds, and detached Rocks, on which Banditti are upon the look out, and a Fowler shooting Game in the near part of the Picture.—It is a magnificent display of the Powers of Salvator, the Lights finely thrown, and the Colour¬ ing uncommonly brilliant. It is from the Gallery of the Dtica di San Vital!, near Mantua Guercino 54 The Woman taken in Adultery; a copi position of ten Figures, among which that of the Ferftale is pre-eminently bcae'iful: her Hair dishevelled, her Cheek bedewed with Tears, and her Eye fixed on the Saviour, she is awaiting her Sentence r an armed Soldier behind gives a beautiful lustre and delicacy to her half naked figure, an Elder with a Stone in his hand, is stooping, as if to conceal his confusion; others appear in admiration behind, the contrasted force and sweetness o> this Picture is truly charming. It is from the Palace o^ M. A. Cambiaso of Genoa Claude * 55 A Sea Port with the Garden Facade of the Colonna Palace, and a selection of grand Italian Buildings, Ye. s As at Anchor, and Figures on Shore in the Front Ground. The whole illumined by a wafip Evening Sun : the choice of Objects in the distance appears less designed for Embellishment than to throw a variety of tender Shadows across the Water, wine 1 give a beautiful lustre to the intermediate passages—This Picture is a fine display of the great excellence of this Painter’s Talent -56 A Flemish Village Fete ; a composition of near two hundred Figures^ c or .prising a Religious Procession, a Brawl, a Group oi Dancers, Tables spread with Viands, and Peasants regaling, and lastly in the Front Ground a Seigneur, his Lady and Family, Spectators of the Festive Scene; the attitudes^fHhese many Figures are infinitely varied, and the whole is touched with the B ( 10 ) greatest spirit. A Dancing Pair in the centre in front appear to have raised the emulation of a little Girl, the Seigneur’s Daughter, who extending her Gown, endeavours to imitate the Da cing Couple, the pun- cipal Figures are touched with Care and Delicacy ; and in this quarter of the Picture the Artist has dis¬ played his highest finishing.— a chef d’ceuviie Both... xJby A Grand Landscape, with Figures, the Baptism of the S Eunuch ; a Mountainous Scene on the Banks of a River; the Front Ground over-arched by Trees, he Branches of which are disposed in the most^igreeable Forms, the strictest portraiture of Nature. Warmth of colour and crispness of Truth which form the charm of this delightful Painter of Landscape, are predominant features in this noble chef d’oeuvre F. Mieris... k Lady Stringing Pearls, seated at a Table covered with a rich Turkey Carpet, on which is a Silver Vase and Salver ; a Female Domestick behind ; the Features and Hair are exquisitely touched; and the Sattin and Draperies finished to illusion Flemish Family’s Repast, Interior; the Figures in this beautiful Picture are a Dutch Peasant, his Wife amusing an Infant in her lap with a Doll, and a Boy with a mess of Pottage, a Spaniel near him with his Feet upon a Stool, appears petitioning for his Portion ; a warm Light admitted from a Window diffuses a delightful Glow throughout the Chamber, and gives a rich harmony to the Colouring which is in A. Ostade’s very finest manner; the finishing of the several Uten¬ sils in the lighter parts of the Picture is equal to G. Dow. From the Cabinet of Mr. Schmidt of Amster¬ dam 4(10 Peasants and Cattle reposing beneath a Woody Bank : a beautiful chef d’ceuvre. An Heifer is slaking it’s Thirst at the brink of a clear Pool, a Female, her arm A. Ostade. A. V- de Velde,., ( II ) Wouvermans .. resting on it, turns herself to a Cowherd seated and in conversation with her. Other Cattle in various atti¬ tudes display the correctness of design for which A. V. de Velde was particularly distinguished; the Animals are painted to the Life, and colored in the true tone of Nature., It is triply the perfection of the Art in this line. From the Cabinet of Mr. Schmidt of Amsterdam & Hay Harvest. A perfect chef d’oeuvre, in which all the excellencies of this Master are beautifully combined. In the nearer part of this interesting Picture arc seen to the left, a Lighter and a Youth bathing ; beyond these a Waggon Team baiting, or at rest, while the Harvest Men are busily employed in loading : another, witli a Group as busily engaged, on more elevated ground; and between them a Romping Party in the New Hay, and Falconers returning home with their Dogs; the Sky overcast, appropriate to the time of year, gives warning of an approaching Shower; it accounts for the bustle of the Scene, and serves to heighten the effect of Chiaro Scuro. In no, fine work of this Maste^, it is presumed, can more agreea¬ ble variety be j^und, or sweeter effect and colour, and delicate enamel in the finishing. From the Cabinet of Mr. Schmidt of Amsterdam 0j$0 w.v. de Velde .., A Calm with a Fleet at Anchor, and a Vessel and Yachts in motion; no Painter ever represented Marine Views with such truth as W. V. de Velde, for which he was qualified by more than merely Theoretical Know¬ ledge ; hence the natural Position of his Objects, and the accuracy of the detail, even to the satisfaction of the Nautical Observer. The clearness of the Sky, the reflection on the Water, and the delicacy and neatness of the touch, mark this to be one of his very finest chef d’oeuvres ( 12 ) 6s ‘ REMBRANDT ^grTHE SURPRISING CHEF D’CEUVRE OF REMBRANDT. THE PORTRAIT OF THE MASTER SHIP BUILDER, known throughout Europe as the finest Performance in his second manner, when quitting the elaborate style of his Master he discovered that breadth was necessary to render the true -effect of Nature. The Shipwright is represented in his Closet, a Table before him covered with Sections and Naval Architectural Designs, he is interrupted by his Wife who\je^ivers a letter in haste ; her hand upon the Latch of the Door, which gives a spirit and movement to the figures ; the handling and colouring of the heads, remind the Spectator of the glowing style of Rubens. It is a truly wonderful per¬ formance, far above all Praise! A Mezzotinto of this Picture is dedicated to its late Proprietor Mr. Schmidt of Amsterdam. /• : // 2ft -fC * FINIS. if cJ irutJAV/fi -astfi rnffa jtAtyif / ■' ' • ft O', Smcetori, Printer, 11, St. Martin’s Lane. CAT>^ Ip) ^IXAJL |T Kc>ChS /% m ^ 5ELrtP £rP 51