Jin^rcLvaci.l^cyem^Ar 1624 ^ Cellar^., ^rcr>x an On^tn.zl J)rat»/i^:^ I'V . “Sf ( 707. A CATALOGUE OF THE VERY VALUABLE AND EXTENSIVE COLLECTION OF Hitcient anO ^otiecn COINS AND MEDALS, Collected by, and the Property of John Trotter Brockett^ Esq.^ F*S.A, Comprising a grand Series of Roman Denarii, in the finest Preserva¬ tion, with most of the scarce Heads; several rare and finely pre¬ served Roman Gold, as well as first, second, and third Brass. Some choice Greek Coins, in Gold, Silver, and Brass; also, immerons and highly preserved Specimens of British, Saxon, Eng¬ lish, and Scotch Coins, in Gold, Silver, and Copper. Many rare Patterns and Proofs, in Silver and Copper, with some un¬ common Siege Pieces: and a most choice and extensive Collection of English and Foreign Medals, in Gold, Silver, and Bronze, con¬ taining all the different Works of Dassier, complete; a splendid set of Lewis XIV Medallions ; fine and original Series of the Bo¬ naparte Medals, by Andrieu, Droz, Manfredi, «!fec.; and Speci¬ mens of the> Productions of the most celebrated Artists in Europe, particularly Simon, Briot, Roetiers, Rawlins, Croker, Tanner, Varin, St, Urbain, Hedlinger, the Hamerani, Mauger, Hannibal, Wachter, Dupree, Karlstein, Ferrhman, Schoefer, Loos, &c. &c. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY MR. SOTHEBY, At his House, Wellington Street, Waterloo Bridge, Strand, On Wednesday, June 4, 1823, and Nine following Days (Sunday cxcejited), at Twelve o’Clock. To be viewed, and Catalogues (price Gs.)had at ibe place of Sale ; of E. Cn arn- i.EY, Newcastle; J. and (t. TonD,York; A. Constable and Co., Ediii- burgh; Jos PARKtR, Oxford ; and Thorfe, Cambridge. i Cl / ‘ o ■Hi \ " • ‘ ■ V ' if *^ 1-1 /* .* Vvr ^r>-, r .p >r>^TJl7:T i.' / v: f ' mV'..'. , 4 '-''"''^ •• ' - • «' ' 4»#W iw^ < * » ' i *< •1 .. ■ * * ■ ^ * . -r . . ^’ V> •'»«f»-*^-'. * i ' f r *'» 5 i ’‘.* .' ‘ • ' - It.. '- • .*v; A ' <» »V< . ^) ‘»V >. v , ,?•! } .. «■ ..; . V’.’*''- S-.V-f# ci»-,->'(» I 1 *. it V ! 1 > ■ > • -1. P*'. 0 % '* ■fz- - ■■^'•r . ,**4 «| j- ^ jI.; ♦ } I'.v '■> f' c ■* « .“r4i • •, ■ ■ 1'11 'if . f’ ,.' •W J • • '»• V ..' '>i ‘ ‘ n '•- ■ i- <7- . t ■■ ■'••5 '.'t^ \ >Ui7 I'- • . ^ ^ • ^ \ '* u ji. * - • .. - Vr '■^>1 ry. •i ♦«!? ' 'Ti; r ■ ■' A ..•k « . f 1 • •'■ ,r4. • .' t‘ Bf.-*'J^%^: I» >»i. '■ iAli f'ii). I'VlP^r i . . > :• ' /-^ •<■•, 'Ih^J* .f.itv'f y ■ ‘ ^ - t .• V. r » .11 • 1 j* • .1 ^ »3(1’* t' '<' »'i .»n*« ;> ;’OiT:!>(;i..-ifc» .t 5 »- I •• <« 4 tl :r *S *• ' J . •- •»»■ il ^ r « • i /• .‘ ^ '' Ik * r » ' .r:!' •• ' • ... ' .-i • ■ 'I ,i' • /V'f. /' . K . -i ft :<) K- • t ->?■ INDEX OF CONTENTS Bonaparte Medals, / / / /f 61 James VI Nobles, Profile bare headed, 1594, 1598; Noble, No. 5,rare; Half-noble, No. 19 . 4 ^ 62 Charles I Crown and Halfcrown, by Briot, well preserved /. 63 Charles I Halfcrown, by Briot, F. under the horse, and two thistles with three heads, very fine and rare 1 2 /? 64 Charles I Shillings, 2, both by Briot, one type similar to No. 11 Snelling, but with a thistle of three heads, and the other No. 15, with the F. very fine . 2 / 65 Charles I Forty-penny Piece, Suelling, PI. 6, No. 22; 4 Twenty- penny Pieces, No. 18, 19 , one by Briot, fine; and the tw o Shillings, No. 20 . .6 66 Charles H Four-mark Piece; Marks, 3, different dates; and Half-mark, in as good condition as generally met with 67 Charles H Dollars, 1679 , 168 O, difficult to he met with in this condition'. Quarter Dollar, 1677 . ^ 68 Charles H Mark, Snelling, PI. 6, No. 2, highly preserved — James H Ten-shilling Piece, No. \0, fine —William HI .. Forty-shilling, 1697 ,—Ann Five-shilling, No. 22 4 69 William and Mary’s Ten, Forty, and Sixty-shilling Pieces, No. 13,15,16 . . . 70 William HI Five, Ten, Twenty, and Forty-shilling Pieces, No. 17 , 18, 19 , 20,fine set . .4 /■4 //• Gold Coins of Scotland. // 71 James II Lion, Cardonnel,Plate l,No. 12 /■ y 72 James HI Unicorn, No. \^,fine Z ■ Z 73 Another, with a cross under the animal, a scarce variety, fin / /- 74 James V Ecu, Plate 2 , No. 8 , Z 3 76 Mary’s Half Ecu, No. \\, very fine 1 14 I . . 1 2 '^^ ^ >**# jZ 2' 3. /3 /, 75 Mary’s Ecu, No. 15, in the most heautijul state of preservation I /> /> 77 James VI Noble, PI. 3, No. 5, very rare and most highly pre- served , . . /A/r y/x ^ / 3 78 James VI Sceptre Piece, l 60 l,j^we; Half Sceptre Piece, same ^ dale ... 2 / 79 James VI Rose and Thistle, coined after his accession to the throne of England, similar to Plate 4, No. 4, but without I. R.; Sceptre Piece, Plate 3, No. 1 \ ,fine 2 9 Select Roman Family Coins, in Silver. '.u'/ '■/ /// ri/ f i / J r /if /// /^ / '//ji y/ / 80 Early Denarius, with head of Janus, very fine; another, with letters incuse, fine ; one with head of Rome, reverse incuse ; / one of Spain ... 4 81 Early Quinarius, rare; Sestertius, fine and rare; 3 uncertain, two of them curious . , 5 82 Aburia, 2; Accoleia, I, rare; Acilia, \,fine; Aelia, 1 ; Afra- nia, 1 ; iEmilia, 4, two of them rare reverses, fine ; Annia, / 1 ; Antcstia, I, very fine . . 12 83 Antia, 1 ; Antonia, 2 ; with 14 Legionary Coins of Mark An¬ tony, II, VI, VII, IX, X, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII,/ XIX, XXT, XXII, XXIII . 17 84 Aquillia, 2, owe j/?we; Atilia, \,fine; Aurelia, \, fine and rare; Baebia, 1 ; Ceecilia, 5, all fine; Cassia, \,fine; /■ Calidia, 1 . . 12 85 Calpuruia, 8 , owe a Quinarius; Carisia, 2 ; Cassia, 3, fine; Cipia, 1 . * l 6 ' 86 Chndiu, 6, three very fine; Cloulia, 2 , owe a Quinarius; Coelia, ^ 2 ; Considia, 3, owe, temple on top of a mountain, rare 13 87 Cordia, 3 ; Coponia, l, very fine; Cornelia, 8 , curious Sf fine 12 / 88 Cossutia, \ ,rares Creperaia, 1 , very rare; Crepusia, l,uncom‘ monlyfine; Cupiennia, l,^we cwfi? rare . 4 89 Curtia, 1 ; Didia, 1 ; Domitia, 2 ; Egnatuleia, l,m-e; Eppia, 1 , / fine; Fabia, 2 ; Fannia, 1 ; Farsuleia, I, fine 10 90 Flaminia, 1 ; Fonteia, 4, very fine; Fufia, 1 , fine; Fulvia, 1 ; Fundania, \,fine; Furia, 3, owe very fine 11 ^ 91 Gellia, 1 , rare family; Herennia, 1 , very fine; Hosidia, 1 ; Hos- tilia, 3; Julia, S,g'Ooe? se^ . . 14 92 Junia, 8, good set, some rare; Licinia, 4, one Crassus, rare re¬ verse . . . 12 93 Livineia, 2 ; Lollia, 1 , rare; Lucilia, \,fine; Lucretia, 2 ; Lu-^ tatia, 1 ; Maenia, 1 ; Maiania, \,rare; Mamilia, \,fine 10 94 Manlia, 2 , one rare reverse; Maria, \,fine; Marcia, 3, one of them with head of Angus Marcius, very fine and rare 8 95 Memmia, 3, fine; Mescinia, 1 , rare; Minucia, 2 ; Mussidia, 2 , rare; Naevia, \, uncommonly fine . 9 y 96 Nonia, t,fine; Norbana, \,fine; Opeimia, 2 , one rare; Papia, 2; Papiria, 1 ; Pedania, \, very fine; Petillia, l,^we 9 / /'• // . //- /rf AP- y y'' / / . /> y- ///, y / 10 / ! / - . / ///.. /- 'Z . ^ . / s / /S 97 Pttronia, \,jine and rare; Pinaria, 1 ; Plaetoria, 2; Plancia, 1, fine; V\'A\x\\^,5,fineset , . 10 98 Poblicia, 3, one rare type; Pompeia, 2 ; Pomponia, 3, two fine; Porcia, 5, one Quhiaritis . . 13 99 Postluiniia, 4, two of them fine and rare; Prociiia, 2 ; Quinc- tia, 1 ; Renia, 1 ; Roscia, 1, very fine; Rubria, 1 ; Riis- tia, 1; Rustilia^ 1 . . . 12 100 Satriena, 1 ; Saufeia, 1 ; Scribonia, 1 ; Sentia, 2; Sempronia, \,rare; Sergia, 1; Serviiia, 5, one with head of Casca Longus, well preserved and rare . 12 101 Siciuia, 2 ; Silia, \,fine; Sulpicia, 2, rare; Thoria, 1; Teren- tia, 1 ; Titia, 3, one Quinarius, fine; Tituria, 1 ; Treba- nia, 1 . . . 12 102 Tulia, 1; Valeria, 3 ; Vargunteia, \,fine; Vettia, \,fine and rare; Veturia, 1 ; Vibia, 3 ; Volteia, 3 . 13 103 Cassia, 1; Julia, 1; Junia, 1 ; Livineia, 1 ; Minutia, 1 ; No- nia, 1 ; Plautia, 2 ; Plaetoria, 2 ; Porcia, 1; Postumia, 1; Scribonia, 1; Sergia,!; Titia, 1; Tituria, 1, all finely preserved, and several rare types , 16 ‘■-//y // 7- 7- / , Roman Imperial Coins, in Gold . 104 Julius CaBsar, head of Victory, L. Planc. PRiEF. urb. / //f / z y- zs /■ /S o' y. /7 105 Augustus, portrait without any legend, Caesar divi, F., Em¬ peror on horseback, and rare 106 Tiberius, PoNTiF, "iA AyiiM. highly preserved 107 Drusus, de Germanis, rare 108 Antonia, Sacerdos divi Augusti, two torches, rare 109 Claudius, S.P.Q.R.P.P.OB.C.S., within a wreath of oak 110 Claudius, Paci Av go si: m, finely preserved 7/3/ 1 1 'f/r/t/.- i / 1 1 t 111 Nero and Agrippina, face to face, with civic crown on reverse, ^ /< z3 3 J o 2 '5 /- '»' / ^ beautifully fine and very rare 112 Nero, young Head, Sacerd. coopt, in omn. conl. supra NUM. EX 8.C. fine and rare . 1 113 Nero, old Head, PoNTiF max. Tr. p. vii. Cos. IHI, P.P* fine . . . 1 114 Another, with a ditferent figure, also fine . 1 115 Galba, Diva Augusta, struck in honour of Livia, highlypre^ ^ served, and very rare . . \ / 116 Vitellius, PoNTiF. maxim, rare . 1 117 Vespasian, Ceres August., well preserved andrare 1 118 Vespasian, Judaea, captive on the ground, scarce l r*/ /'/ * II Second Day’s Sale. //f-- I f Ancient Town Pieces, and Tradesmen’s Tokens. LOT 119 y OWN Pieces: Axminster, Bristol, Burlington, Cockermouth, Diss, Dorchester, Egreniont, Gloucester, King’s Lynn, Marlborough, Norwich, and Tetbury . 12 120 -Bristol, Bridlington, Clifton, Coventry, Cork, Gloucester, Ipswich, Norwich, Nottingham, Peterborough, Whitehaven, and Yarmouth , 12 121 Tokens struck at different Places in the County of Durham, 8 ; Nourse’s necessary Change, and M‘Cully’s New Town Two Pence . . . 10 122 Tokens struck in the County of York, all different, and well preserved . . . 32 123 Another Set of Yorkshire Tokens, different from the former 33 j ! I / ' ! / 'Z /3. 32/^ 34 /3 126 Miscellaneous Copper Tokens, &c. of a larger size, including 124 Various Tokens of difterent Places, Another Set, different from the others one of the Duke of Northumberland Modern Provincial Copper Coins, u / * J 27 Set of Halfpennies, 128 Another Set, different Another Set; including several not common 130 London Churches and Gates 131 Kempson’s Birmingham and Coventry Buildings, 25 ; Head of Handel, 3 . • . 28 132 Set of Pennies, vanoMs • • 28- 100 100 45 28 A. /> 9- V//KZ V/9 133 Conder’s Pennies, with head of Wolsey, 3, different; Revolu* tion Penny, and 4 other fine ones . 8 134 Set of Farthings . . . 43 C 2 / 12 /- S Vr ✓ y-:yz / /4 //z I f / r z . //4 i j ■ Z- ^ ^\f Provincial Coins, in Silver. 135 Newcastle Halfcrown, 5 Shillings, and a Sixpence; proof of Bewicke INIain Colliery Penny (only 3 or 4 rfowc^, and of ^ 3 Farthings struck in Newcastle ; Armagh Threepence ; / *' / Wright’s two Dundee Shillings 14 136 Two Bath Four-shilling Tokens, Douglas Bank Five-shilling Dollar, a Three-shilling Piece, and 2 of Two Shillings 6 137 Gloucester Halfcrown, and two others; 9 different Eighteen- penny Pieces . , .12 138 Shillings, struck at different places, A to E . 40 139 Shillings, E to P . . 40 140 Shillings, P to Y . . . - 141 Shillings struck in Lincolnshire and York, 8 ; and 32 miscella— neons Sixpences . . 40 British Coins, in Gold. 142 One, obverse a horse, reverse plain ; another, with ear of corn on 2 reverse, both different from any in Ruding 143 One, a rude attempt at a horse, with letters on both sides, not ^ published,j(?/ie aiid rare . . 1 ^ 144 One, obverse a warrior on horseback, with an ornamented ^ shield on reversey not in Ruding, well executed and finely ^ preserved . . . 1 145 One, Ruding, Plate 1, No. 20, fine gold; another, horse, re¬ verse shield, something similar to Plate 2, No. o6 146 Cunobeline, a horse, with plain reverse, not in Ruding, 1 British and Saxon Coins, in Silver. 147 One ancient British, with head, reverse a horse, an unpublished type ; Ecgberht, King of Kent, with the dragon, Ruding, Plate 3, No. 3, scarce; ancient Sceatta, Ruding, Plate 1, No. 18 . . • . 3 148 Cunobeline, with name on reverse, different from any in Ru¬ ding ; ancient Sceatta, Plate 2, No. 28; Penny of Bur- gred, King of Mercia, AJoncj/fr Hugered . 3 Pennies: Btirgred Mercia, TWone^er Osmund, but different from ^ Plate 8, No. 8, very fine . . I ’ 150 Eadmuud East Angles, Rex. An, Moneyer Beornferd, Plate 9» , No. 4 ; another, Aiowcj/er Twicca, No. 9 • 2 ^ 1 ^^. 151 152 153 154 155 Sole Monarchs. Aetlielbearht, A/owe^er Sefred,^ne anti rare . 1 Aethelstan, Hex To. Brit, Moneyer Frard.—Eadred, Moneyer Atheliiiund.^we . . 2' Eadred, Moneyer Grimes, very fine —Eadweard II, struck at Lincoln . . . 2 Eadweard II, struck at Stamford, in beautiful preservation 1 - . Aethelred W, hand of Providence with the Greek letters Lon¬ don Mint; Another, Rex Anglo, the Irish type, different from those engraved in Ruding, well preserved 2 Cnut, #m;o w'ith sceptre,one Moneyer Ethelwine, and the other struck at York, Plate 22, No. 3 ; two without sceptre, fleur de lis crown, Moneyers Hildo! and Leofred 4 Edward the Confessor, two similar to No. 2o and 27 ; two full faced, with and without the bust,^Me; and two others, pro- ^ file and sceptre, reverses similar to 8 and 2 i 6 Edward the Confessor,_/bMr, with profile and sceptre, different types and minted at different places, and one without scep¬ tre—Harold II, with sceptre, Moneyer Spraceliiig, ; see Mr. Ruding’s note on this name, vol, i, p. 297 b Stycas of Northumberland. 156 157 ! \/ 6 ' \ ! r • I / i 1 Af frttf 159 Ecgf’rid Rex, rerersc a cross with the legend Lux, in fine con¬ dition . . . 1 This singularly rare and curious coin was first published by the Rev. Jolin Hodgson, in the Archaeologia /Eliana, and afterwards by Mr. Ruding, Appendix, Plate 28: it was discovered in Heworth Chapel-yard a few years ago, and was not before known. Eanred,rei;crse Fordred—Ethelred,/oMf*, different types, well preserved: one of Vigmund, Archbishop of York 6 Eanred, R. Monne, Ruding IM. 10, No. I; another, different— Ethelred,./oMr*, difl’crent . . 6 ,e / 1 I I 1 1 14 English Medals, in Bronze. // 152 Z 3 163 >' V 164 165 166 167 y 155 <^169 // 170 /3 i y . 171 ^'172 173 Qik«i Mary, by Tmza, ?, one to commemorate her comity to tbe Protestants, Medallic History, Plate 5, Xo. 3, and tbe other with lejeod cade et suppliciter. No. 5, both rare *2 Pbilip, with titles of Prince pf Spain and Kin^ of England, Plate 6, No. 7, rere; another, o^rrrse same as Plate 5, No. 1, rtrc r s e Le Clerc, p. 4, Fi®. Vll.^ae and rare 2 Head of Pope Jalius III, Anglia Resukges, &c. stnick oo Mary’s restorios the Roman Catholic Religion in England, Med. Hist. Plate 6, No. 6, by the celebrated Corfjio of Padua, ray fine and rare . 1 Lord Bacon, by Rasie/, Plate 13, No. 10, extremely rare : Jet¬ tons oo tbe Triple Alliance, PI. 9f No. 9 ; and 1 Van Loon, p. 4791 Charles I, Med. Hbt. PI. 17, No. 7, by Roet- tier ... 4 John Lilborce, PI. 24, No, 7, by .5rjaina ; Olirar Cromwell, oo the rktory at Dunbar, PI. 22, No. 3, alio by Simon ; .\na Cleypole, daughter of Cromwell, ratored by Kirk 3 Charles II, without any reverse; Clementina, wife of tbe Pre¬ tender, ITIP, by Hamerani ; tbe Pretender Charles, rrrerae ^ Britannia and shipping; two small ones of James; and one ' ^ “ cujus est* . . . 6 Mary, on ber Death, 4 Van Loon 179* No. 3, fine and rare ; two others, p. 189, No. 2, and vol. 3, p. 395, No. 2 3 George II: Battle of Minden,d:c.; Rebellion, 1745, and taking of Canada, 1759 I Frederick Prince of Wales, on the Fish¬ ery ; Martin Foikes and William Penn, by Pinero 6 J. Oslethorpe, rererte Archbishop Tillotsoo, Soelling PL 29» No. S; Orator Hamilton, 1726; William Henry Prince of Orange, by Tanner, ray rare 3 3liltoo, by Tanner, PI. 26 , No. 4 ; Sir Isaac Newton, by Croker, > PI. 29. No. 1; Conduit, by Tanner, No. 5 3 Talbot and Morecock; Dr. Friend, by Saint Crbain, PI. 29, No. 6. fine ; George Lord .4nson, by Pingo 3 Wiilam of Wykebam, by Teo (Whukeder school prize) ; So¬ ciety for Promoting Arts and Commerce; Robert Walpole Earl of Orford, 3, two by Salter, Soelling Pi. 3 2, No. 5 and 6, fine, and one by Banert . . 5 15 IT * / i : v// 1T4 WQiiani Dake of Cumberiaod, oo the Defeat of the Rebels, &c. 5; Admiral Vemoo, takiog of Caithageoa; and Admiral Rodney ... 7 173 George III, od fitting out the Resolutioo and AdTentore to sail round the World with Capt. Cooke, nt ojk oak box made from a plamk 0'the Skip Admtiure ; another on his Re¬ covery, and oce Atari tacrmm Pcndux . 3 176 George III, mme a lion in Toils, imscriied “ Indocflis pati,” 1781, iCOTce; another. Arts Protected; and one of Queen Charlotte, Saluti Aagastx . . 3 177 Set of Kirk’s Magazine 3IedaJs, 13 ; Frederick Dske of York as Bishop of Osnabnrgh, I ; Colgate on Shooting his Horses, by MUton, 1 ; ProTincM Coins, all with Portraits, 12 ..... 27 178 Lord Charlemont d Covent Garden O. P. . 10 1S6 Chatham and Camden, by Ptagv ; Bathurst and Mansfield, by Kirk : Beckford, Harrisoa, Lord Cbve, Victory at Plassey, -- and Broogbam . . 9 A /Z /z //. y S I IG / i.-tr A 2 . 187 Selden, Milton, and Shakespeare, struck in France, j/2ne; Strat¬ ford Jubilee, 1769 . and the Halfpenny; Shakespeare, ^ Hancock, Jun. aged stven years . . 6 ^ / Medallions. 188 Dr. William Stukeley, reume Stonehenge, I 189 Newton and Molesvvorth, Snelling, PI. 28, No. I and 3, both rare ... 2 190 Sir W. Hamilton, large size, . . 1 191 Dr. William Hunter, by ^wxck, beautiJuUy executed, and very rarely finished in this state . . . 1 //j\^ 192 Professor Hutcheson, of Glasgow, by Selvi of Florence, engraved in Hollis’s Memoirs, p. 386; Robert Strange, “ Faniie Aternas,” rare ... .2 193 Conyers Middleton, by Pozlo, in Jine preservation 1 / Roman Imperial Denarii. / / 4 I i : /\//^ Z/Z /} /y\ 3 /y 194 Pompey, Head with 3 figures on the reverse, very fine 1. 195 Portrait of Pompey as Neptune, reverse a Galley, Q. Nasidius, well preserved and rare . . . 1 196 Pompey, Head as Neptune, bearded, reverse a Naval Trophy, and another without Head, rare . 2 197 Juba, reverse Temple; Cneius Pompey, Head of Pallas, j'ercrjf Cn. MAGNUS IMP., Spain receiving Pompey, 2 198 Julius Caesar, M. Mettius, C. Cossutius, and P. Sepul- Lii's, all fine Portraits, different, in high preservation 3 199 Portrait of Julius, reverse Globe, &c.; Diet. Perpetuo, L. Buca, ^ and one with Elephant, . . 3 ' 200 Julius Caesar, L. BucA, and L. Aemiltus Buca, ^ne, 2; L. . Mussidius Longus Cloacin, fine and rare, 1 ; and-^^-* another with Head of Mark Antony . . 4 201 Three, Diet. Perpetuo and Imp., with P. Sepullius Macer on reverse, all different portraits, fine . 3 202 Sextus Pompey, with his Head and Name,rer^^Me and rare 1 y, ^w203 204 206 207 ^/^•>-208 209 210 /, ■/ /:i ' 1 1 ^\f.\ •y/ efft. f 211 /' v>/ 212 213 214 215 /* * 216 W 217 218 ^-219 17 Cassius, C. Cassi. Imp., with Head of Liberty, reverse Lentulus Spmtyjine; Lepidus, 7 ei>me Augustus, rare 2 Mark Antony, with Gell. and Barbat, both extremely fine ^ ^ Ditto with Barbat, reverse a remarkably fine and large por¬ trait of Augustus ; another without either Gell. or Barbat, very small Portrait of Augustus; and a Quinarius 3 Ditto, Pietas, and two others, one Vaill. Fani. 50, p. 107, rare 3 Ditto, Cn. Domit. Ahenobarbus imp. ^ne; another, reverse Head of the Sun,^ne a7id I'ai'e Cleopatra, reverse Antony and rai'e Lucius Antony, revei'se his Brother, rare and fine 1 A complete Collection of the Legionary Coins of Mark Antony, from 1 to 23 —9 others. Leg. III,1III, V, VIII, VIllI, XI, j XX, XXII, different hi their Types from the former — Leg. XII, Antiquae —Leg. XVII, Classicae— Co- j HORTIUM Pr.®TORIaRUM—COHORTIS SPECULATO- KUM— Leg. VI, Antoninus et verus Aug. rest, a carefully selected and very fine set 36 j Augustus, reverse two Palm Branches, P. Carisius, very fine, and two others .... 4 Ditto, Mar. ult. Temple, Emerita, Rostrum Column, and Ponti¬ fical Instruments, very fine ... 4 Ditto, Jovi olym. Temple, rare ; Jov. Ton. Jupiter in Temple, very fine; and two others, Cos. iter and S. P. Q. R. with ^ Temple . . .4 Ditto, Cos. \\tr. peculiar po7'trait; Divus Julius, Comit. imp. Caesar, Military Trophies, and L. Caninius, all highly Z preserved . • .4 Ditto, L. Vinitius, with the Arch, very rare ; Emerita, in beauti¬ ful preservation; Covae\, very fine . . 3 Ditto, Signis Receptis, two varieties; Balbus, Cos. des, and two others with a Car, different . . 6 Ditto, Imp. X. Bull, fine ; P. Carisius, very fine, and Turpil- lianus, rare . . . 3 Ditto, Colo conducting two Oxen, rare ; Peace Offerings to the Emperor,; SiciL, Diana with her Dog, rare ; and one with plated . • • 4 j Ditto, Petronius Turpilianus, jw, Ob Civis Servatos,/ne; ' Aegypto Capta; and s. P. Q. R. CL. v, in a Shield,/wcanrf rare ...» 4 /// J / A J- 1 / ✓ /i' I 18 4. J /- ^ /S / // 220 Ditto, Pontif. Maxim, Autonius Imp., two others, ami a Qum> arim . . . 5 ^ 221 Ditto, fine Portrait, with reverse of Antony, and four other Portraits of Augustus, with different reverses 222 Ditto, Act. imp. X, with Apollo in Female Attire; M. Agrippa Cos. Desig, in field of Coin, and L. Aquillius, with flower on reverse, all rare . , 3 223 Ditto, four, with Caesar divi F. and one with Imp. Caesar, different devices, and with different Portraits, without any Legend on obverse, , . 4 224 Ditto, two different Portraits, with Triumphal Arch and Ca pricorn on reverse, and a Quinarius . Roman Imperial Coins, in Gold (continued). 2 4 ] 4 225 226 227 228 1 Vespasian, mars ULTOR.^ne and rare Titus, cos. V, an Ox Domitian, Pallas standing, very fine . . i Nerva, CONCORDIA exercitum . . I / i // f 229 Trajan, Germany sitting with an Olive Branch, fine and 1 A I J- 2 ! rare /.Ce 230 231 / /I Z y 232 233 234 Matidia, PiETAS fine and very rare . Hadrian, Adventus Aug., Rome welcoming the Emperor, fine and rare . . 1 D'xXio, head to left, kVRicx . . \ Ditto, LiberALTTA s Aug. vii . . l Ditto, Cos. Ill, Emperor on Horseback with Spear, rare and r. \ , ^ very Jine . . . • 1 Ditto, Oriens driving four Horses, very rare . Z, 236 Ditto, Disciplina Aug., Emperor heading his Soldiers, for- ^ ; merly Mr.Tyssen’s, ver^/ine owe? rare / 237 Ditto, Jovi Victor, Jupiter sitting . I 2, 238 Ditto, Divi Ner. Nepos. P. M. Tr. p. cos. Head of the Sun 235 ,7 /> A 4 239 240 1 radiated, very rare .... Ditto, JusTiTiA Aug., er/rewe/^^/iwe Ditto, Divi ner. Nkp. P. M. Tu. p. cos. Fort. Red, in the highest -preservation . , 1 /.? / 19 Third Day’s Sale. Foreign Copper Coins. LOT j241 A MERICAN States, i6; Chinese, S; TippooSaib, 1 25 I242 jljL Danish and Swedish . . . 80) 243 Large Swedish square pieces of 4 Daler, 2 Daler, 1 Daler, and Half Daler, rare in this Country . 4 244 French, Louis XIV, XV, XVI, and the Republic 60 " 245 Austrian, 16; Spanish, 12; Portuguese, 20 . 48 246 Russian, 30; Miscellaneous, 30 . 80 ^4. '' 247 Miscellaneous, cwrioMs * 100 •> .• 248 Set of Dutch Doits of the several Provinces, different types and dates . . . . 84 Z / 3 i< 1 3 Foreign Coins, in Silver. 249 Set of Old Pennies of different Counts of Flanders, Namur, Loos, Brabant, Anholt, and other Foreign Princes, m/twc ^ - preservation . . . 18 250 Ancient Krones or Dollars of Austria . . ^ ' O y Two old Spanish Pieces of eight; 1 Ancient, and 4 Modern ^ ^ •Spanish Dollars .... 7 //.v^.*-irr252 Ancient Dollars of Cologne (two), Brunswick and Burgundy ; _ Three Guilder Piece, Holland ; Sicilian Dollar . 6 253 Dollars of Austria, Bremen, Zeeland, Sweden, and Denmark 8 • 254 French Ecus of Louis XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVIII; Half and Quarter Ecu of Louis XVI . . j' ■ ^ 255 Ecu Louis XV, young Head, rare; Louis XVI 6 Livre piece, Regne de la Lot, with its half and quarter, very fine ; Con¬ vention Ecu, f/nion et Force; 5 Francs piece, Bonaparte" 1812; Louis XVIII, 1814; and 4 smaller Money, Louis XIV, XV, XVI . . . ' 11 D 20 /J 256 Convention and Louis XVI 5 Francs pieces, and 6 other Coins 8 /-’257 Ruble, Peter the Great; Patagonof Berne ; Saint John Baptist; Scudo of Genoa; 3 Austrian and Bavarian Dollars, all fine 6 256 Various Russian, from the Half Rouble downwards y'' 259 East Indian Rupees, 7 ; and smaller Pieces, 7 260 Two large, and 14 small Turkish; Zodiacal Rupee, 1 ; Hayti, // /' / y y/ AV /■ / /f 18 261 Ancient Penny of Cologne,/me and rare; Old Pennies of Den¬ mark, 4; Modern Coins of Spain, 12 . 17 262 Various Spanish, from the Dollar downwards, 11; Miscella¬ neous, European, 9 , . 20 263 Various Russian, Prussian, Dutch, See. fine . 28 ^ ts- Foreign Coins, in Gold . 264 Ancient Ducat, Leopold of Hungary; Old Florentine Zecchine; ■ and an ancient Spanish Coin . . 3 265 Half Ruble, Catherine II, very fine; Quarter Venetian Zec¬ chine, 2; Portuguese Crusades; Ducaton of Holland; Turkish Ducat and Quarter . . 7 266 Two Swedish Ducats, Charles XII, one very fine; Ducat, Fre¬ derick 1,/me; Imperial Ducat, Maria Teresa; Dutch Du¬ cat, and Spanish Pistole . > 6 267 Double Louis d’Or, Louis XVI ; and 20 Francs piece Louis XVIII .... 2 , ^ I 268 Dobrao of Brazil, or 5 Moidore piece of John V, weight 1 oz. 14 dwt. 12 gr. . . . . 1 269 India Mohr, with the half and quarter, very fine . 3 270 Old Gold Rupee, and old and New Pagoda . . 3 271 Respublica Bernensis,/me . . . 1 tii /"I'A >■ ii 'A< ' V English Silver Pennies. 272 William I,/it///flce, Type Ruding, Plate I, No. 2; Full Face, Sceptre on each aide, Type No. 5, both fine 2 21 'r i-f-t 4 / -/r. v'/- 273 William I, profile. Sceptre, similar to No. 7; William II', Sceptre and Star, type similar to No. 11, both fine 2 2/4 Henry 1, Snelling', PI. 1, No. 24, scarce . 1 275 Stephen, type similar to Rudin^, No. 17, but a much finer Coin, rare . . \ ^ 276 Three Ancient Pennies, different, with profile Faces, lately found in Northumberland, either of Stephen or some of the old Scottish Kings.—Another'Ancient Piece,/- found at the Mouth of the River Tyne, with edici CON, possibly struck by some Danish Chief in this Island . . 4 277 Henry II, Goldhavre on Canto, vei'tj fine ; another, with the bust remarkably fine ^ and 6 of different Mints and Moneyers, found in Northumberland in 1819 8 278 Henry III, first Coinage, struck at Exeter, London, and Canterbury, different Moneyers . 9 279 Henry III, second Coinage, Sceptre and Rex HI, different Mints and Moneyers, well preserved . 5 ' 280 Plenry HI, without Sceptre, struck at Colchester, scarce ; another, Rex Terci, fine and rare ; and one, Ada on Norh. very fine , . 3 -■z'^281 Edward I, struck at Berwick, Bristol, Chester, Kingston, Lincoln, Newcastle, and St. Edmund’s 7 282 Edward I, struck at Berwick, London, Newcastle, Saint Edmund’s, and York; and 3 of the Durham Mint, two Regal and one Episcopal . 8 283 Edward I, Canterbury, Exeter, York, Durham, Lincoln, Rose on the Breast, and Robert de Hadeleic, scarce 6 284 Edward II, struck at Berwick, Canterbury, London, and Saint Edmund’s . 10 285 Edward II, struck at Berwick, Canterbury, Durham, Lon¬ don, and Saint Edmund’s . 8 286 Edward II, Canterbury, London, and St. Edmund’s—Ed¬ ward III, London, Durham, and Newcastle 7 287 Edward III, Aquitaine Penny, Ruding, Supplement, Part 2, ^ PI. 10, No. 20, rare . 1 288 Richard II, Snelling, PI. 2, No. 18—Henry V, No. 27, very fine —Henry VI, York, Ruding, Supplement, y PI. 2, No. 29—Edward IV . 4 'f ^ /■ / P..A Z / /S d. / 2-2 /iJ /■ ^89 Henry VII, London, very fine ; \otV, fine —Henry Vill, ^ two different, one full face . 5 / ^ //'/.,6 ^90 Set of Episcopal Pennies of Durham, struck by Bishops Beak, Kellow, Fox, Sever, Ruthall, Tunstall, and Cardinal Wolsey . . 10 /. /. ^291 Another Set, containing-Specimens of the Mints of Sever, Fox, Ruthall, Tunstall, and Wolsey 5 3 3 292 Elizabeth, 3 different M.M.—James I, 3 different M.M.— Charles I, 2 different . . 8 2^ Charles I, ^leo. Shield & Rose—Commonwealth—Charles 11^ >z 7 ,r ^ J by Briot; and one of his second Coinage 5' < 294 Charles II to George Ill inclusive, a very fine set 18 English Halfpence and Farthings, in Silver. d’-/ 295 Edward II or III Halfpenny, struck at London, Ruding, PI. 3, No. 24—Edward III, Halfpenny, No. 30 ; Far- thing. No. 31—Henry V, Halfpenny, Snelling, PI. 2, No. 26, extremely fine , 4 / / 296 Halfpence of Henry VI, Edward IV, Canterbury, very^we,- ^ Henry VII, 2; Henry VIH, very fine 5 2 ^9 297 Halfpence of Elizabeth, James I, Charles 1, two. Rose and Aberistwith; and Commonwealth . 5> Medallions of Louis XIV, in Bronze. *j(.* These beautiful Medallions, from the choice Collection of the late Mr. Bindley, believed to be ihe largest Number in any owe Cabinet in this Country, are executed in the best Style of ihe Medatlic Art, and in the highest Preserzation, /. / 298 1 643, Death of Louis XIII—Battle of Rockroy—Taking ofThionville—Naval Bailie of Carthagena—Cafe (si King and Kingdom given to Ann of Austria—1644, ^ Battle of Fribourg . . 6 y. y- 299 1641, Capture of 10 Cities on the Rhine—164.5, Taking of Rhodes—Battle of Norlingcn—1647, Royal Academy 33. of Painting and Sculpture—1648, BatlleofLens—Peace of Munster . . . 6 23 1648, Taking- of Tortose—1650, Taking of Retel—View’ j of St. Peter’s at Rome—1656, General Hospital— ^ 1667, Taking of Montmedy—1658, Recovery of the King • . . ■ 6 301 1658, Battle of Dunes—1660, Queen Ann—1661, The King taking the Government—Accessible to his Subjects— 3 Birth of the Dauphin—1662, Right of Precedency ac¬ knowledged by Spain . . 6 302 1662, The Carousal—Knights of the Order of Saint Esprit —Acquisition of Dunkirk—1663, Academy of Inscrip- /. tions—1664, Pyramid at Rome—Audience of the Le¬ gate . . . 6 303 1663, Alliance with the Swiss—1665, Colony of Madagas¬ car—Deliverance of the oppressed Provinces—The Re- j view—1666, Death of the Queen Mother—Succours to the Dutch . , 6 304 1666, Death of the Queen Mother—Clemency of the King— 1667, The King’s Palace—New Ordonnance—Taking £ of Lisle—Palatinus Apollo , 6 305 1667, Taking of Tournay, very large size, and extremely rare —1773, King^s Palace, “ Majestati ac a3ternit. Gall. imperii sacrum, very fine . 2 306 1667, Junction of the two Seas—Flight of the Prince of Ligne—1668, Taking down of the Pyramid at Rome— / y Navigation re-established—Promissi Constantia—Peace preferable to Triumphs . 6 307 1669, New Pavement of Paris—Its Cleanliness—The Peace of the Church, two sizes —1670, On the Conquests of 7 Flanders and Franche-Comte, old and young heads O 308 1671, Fortification of Dunkirk—1672, The King holding the Seal—Taking of four Towns on the Rhine—Pas¬ sage of the Rhine—Abandonment of Issel by the Dutch ^ Army—^The Magazines . 6 309 1672, The Conquests of the King in Holland—Non clarior alter—1673, Elector of Brandenburgh driven to the ^ Z. Elbe—Takinsr of Maestrick—Another on the same sub- ject, different —in his Car . 6 310 1674, Second Conquest of Franche-Comte—Taking of Be- sanjon—Battle of Senu—Siege of Oudenarde—Tran- 2 . quillity of the Sea Shores—Sun and Globe, large size, | j by Varin . . 6 24 2 5 ! 311 1674, Battle of Ensheim—1675, Relief of Messina—Taking" of Dinant and Huy—Battle of Altenheim—King of^^,^ Poland made a Knight of the Order of Saint Esprit—^ ^ Taking of Limburgh . . 6 A /.'/ / > / / A? /// /■ /S / V / English Medals, inSilver. 312 Henry VIII, reverse a Lion, inscribed " Subjectis et de- bella suplios parcere,” chased in high relief, by art . . 1 313 Philip as King of Spain and England, reverse Charles V, gilt, by Jongeli, very rare . 1 314 Philip, with Titles of King of Spain and England, reverse Saint Quintin, Martyr, with inscription in Latin, a fine and rare medal of his time . 1 315 Elizabeth, reverse Arms and Garter, a finely-chased oval medal . . . \ ' 316 Defeat of the Spanish Armada, obverse a Fleet; reverse a Church on a Rock, gilt, Medallic History, PI. 9, No. 1 , very rare . . 1 A 317 SatiricalJettons, struck in Holland in the Time of Queen Elizabeth, PI. 8, Nos. 4 and 5—Two on the Defeat of the Spanish Armada, one, PI. 9, No. 6 , and the other inscribed in the exergue, Cl.\ 8 SIS. Hisp. all highly preserved . . 4 318 William Earl of Pembroke, 1562, PI. 5, No. 4, by Ste- 9 .' phens of Holland, extremely rare . 1 319 Another of the same, chased . 1 ^ 320 Ann Countess of Dorset, Pembroke and Montgomery, PI. 34, No. 2 , a very beautiful chasing, in high relief 1 321 Thomas Sackville Lord Buckhurst, Serjeant Hele, and Sir > Edward Coke, scarce . . 3/ / 322 Mary Queen of Scots, Anderson’s Numismata Scotiae, Plate i65, No. 23 ; John Stuart, Lord High Treasurer, scarce; Jetton struck in memory of the Gunpowder Plot in l603, Plate 11, No. 7 ; and Ann Queen of James I, PI. 12, No. 2, fine ... 4 323 James I, Plate 12, No. 1 ; Henry Prince of Wales, No. 3, both very highly preserved . . 2 25 324 Charles I and Queen, by Rawlins, PI, 14, No. 5; two others of Charles I, with arms on reverse ^ . 3 v- 325 Charles I on his Baptism, by cnLirfaret Tador, Covntess o4f Rkbscod, riduy duatd antk a hmdtr . . 1 / / . y£r 2 ^ 4r^ 440 ^ 441 44i 443 444 445 446 44T -■ 44S 44? 450 431 455 453 454 4=3 456 45: 455 45? 460 4cl Roman Impxiial Dlnabii (comtiKited). Vespassia, Pootk' yia^m. Jiat fortrat, aad a Dovitilia, FoctEsa Aszmsu, extra rare Ttes, rr za -K a Dojfj^ia, and 4 sore, ;iar Ditto, Eiaperor m Qaadr^a, tz:d 4 cabers, fha 2 1 5- sy y rfcKT g a f itfa , aad a Qaaana, Ditto, Joei* Castes, ca waypae ... .2 Dkto, Ces T, Ej^, aad 5 naoce . . 6 JaJxa Tjti, Teccs Aisa^, acarct . , 1 Dositac, Cess. p. p. p., rare, aod 4 ctbera . 5 Ditto, Lad. saec. iec. Cos XIHL /iar tad rare, izd 4 cdien 5 ~ Ditto, Dolp&aa, and 4 lacre, aO jiiae 5 ' Ditto, Priocepj Jmestotis, asd 4 otberSy^^iar . S'- Ditto, Pe^asas cd 4 More, fiar . . 3 Data, Japeter Cecsoraxor, Ksd 4 laore, aO reS y rt x r :< rf 5 Ditto, aitb dbferest reverses, aad a Qaxaariax, tc a rtr 6 Dcoltit, Dieas Caesar Zapk. IXjmitiBu Tafmt oa a GLobe aad Seres Stxrt^pae aad werj rare . 1 Xerra, Coe IIL Pater Patrir. eifru i fi ^ ctiserr 3 Ditto, Coocorda Eaerdtasa; Foctaaa Aa§ast; Libertu Pab* bca; Stixs PabGca, aS -me ... 4 Ditto, Xqaitas aad Jastsia. vkb 2 otbers . 4 Trajaa. Prorid. aad 4 acaen, naa . 5 ^ Ditto, Victory, aad 4 WKxa^jiaehf prrxraed . 5 Ditto, Mars, aad 4 otbers, rerr Jiae . . 5 Ditto, Head of tbe Sea; Trajaa Cohns; Eaperor ia Q«ad> r%a; tad MatiCai^ Eits%ss . . 4 < £ jkJ .* ja / > a w yj ^ J Z. a xy ^r' A/S' /y 1/^ i/?-! 34 462 Ditto, Divus Pater Patriae; Emperor on Horse ; Dunuvius; and /-I r 2. » Zi / t •^1/ ( S //» ^ 7" 2 ' 2. 3- ViaTrajana 463 Ditto, Pax, and 4 more, all fine 464 Ditto, Pietas, and 4 others,/twe 465 Ditto, various reverses 466 Ditto, ditto 467 Ditto, ditto 4' 5 s' 8 8 8 Roman Gold (continued). 468 M. Aurelius, oW/read, FelicitAS Aug. Cos III,/me 469 Ditto, ConcordijE Augustor, Aurelius and Verus joining Hands, very fine and rare 1 470 Faustina Junior, Head to the left, Concordia, beautiful portrait . . . . 1 471 Ditto, Head to the right, Matri MAGNiE, very fine and rare . . . . \ / / 472 L. Verus (armeniacus), Vic k\SG, highly preserved 1 ' 473 Ditto, Prov. Deor, standing Figure, with Globe aud Cornu- cppise . . . . . 1 474 Elagabalus, P. M. Tr. p. IIII, Cos III, p. p.. Figure with Whip and the Star .... 1 475 Ditto, Victor Antonini kcG, fine and rare . i 476 AlexanderSeverus, Pax aeterna Aug, rci’e . 1 477 Constantine the Great, Victoria Constantini, Victory with Laurel Crown between two Captives,/me and rare I 478 Constans, Securitas Eeipublicae, extremely rare, vide /,< Banduri 479 Constantins, Gloria REiPUBLiCjE,/me 480 Ditto, Helmeted Head,/ronf/ace, very fine 1 1 < 5 ” S ■ A ^3 ! 2 reverse the King and Queen, full length, hand in hand, he as F 36 ^. Mars, she as Minerva: between them is a Child holding a Helmet and treading on a Dolphin ; above, an Eagle with a Crown in its Beak, inscribed “ Propago Imperii” I *** This curious Medallion is seven inches in diameter, and in a Silver Rim. It was originally in the possession of Greffier Fagle, and afterwards in that of Mr. Tyssen, at whose Sale it was bought by Mr. Bindley, and resold No. 142 Bindley’s Catalogue. The Woih is exquisitely fine, and the Medal is in a high state of preservation, and of extreme rarity. / / /X- /v 2 /c /A ^9 /■ (2 2/9 Z 2. /2 //> 2 . Bonaparte Medals, in Bronze. These Medals were most carefully selected, and are all in the finest possible condition. 494 Bataille de Montinotte, fine Head, by Gayrard; Bataille de_^' , Millesimo / ^ . 2 495'Bataille de Castiglione; Reddition de Maiitoiie' “ \ 2 496 Capitulation de Mantoue; Passage du Tagliamento 2/.-'* 497 Conqueie de la Basse Egypt; Conquete de la Haute Egypt; L’Egypte Conqtiise, with full Jac6 portrait, and beautiful i'.: reverse 498 Passage du Grand Saint Bernard Bataille de Marengo 2 ^ 499 Mort du'General Desai\ ; Colonne Departmentale, with Busts ■ I' 4 ,0 , « 1- ’ . .’I ■ . ’ ia} of the 3 Consuls . . . . 2 ^ 2 /// / 500 Colonne Nationale, Bust of the fir^t Consul ; Fondation du ' Quai Desaix . 2 501' Honneirrs rendus a Turenne, et Attentat'du trois Nivose, both by Auguste . . ^ i ^ ^ 2 502 Paix de,Luneville, large, by Droz; another, smaller, drku . . . . . 2 503. Paix d’Amiens, biy Oumarest ; Retablissenient du Culte, by An-- > .drteu . . . . 2 504 Organisation de I’lnstfuction Publique; Rilptiire of the Treaty ^ with England, MiV/t Head, “ Neapolio imp Rex,*l by Droz, rare . . ‘ ' . 2 505 La Venus de Medicis ; La Fortune Conser vat rice . 2 506 ,Les Ecoles de Pharmarie ; La Salle du I aocoon . 2 507 La Legion d’Hoinieur ; L’F^cole des Mines duiMonUblanc ; Le Code Napoleon . . • 3 508 Le Camp de Boulogne,; Construction ties deux Milles Barques, reverse Hercules strangling the Lion, iu allusion to the^-/-/. threatened Invasion of England . . 2 / 509 510 511 512 ^ 513 514 6^/ 515 «^-.516 517 518 519 520 521 r 522 523 524 525 ^ 526 527 Le Couronnement a Paris, two sizes; La Monnaie des Medailles Retablie , . . . 3 Repas donne par la Ville de Paris, a Medallion, by Galle I Soci^te Centrale de Vaccine; Visite du Pape ;.Le Tombeau deDesaix . . . . 3 Le Sacr6; Distribution des Aigles; Couronnement a Milan 3 LaLigurie reunie a la France ; Ecoles de Medeciue ; Levee du Camp de Boulogne . . ■ 3 Allocution sur le Pont du Lech; Capitulation d’Ulm et de Memmingen . . . . 2 Prise de Vienne et de Presbourg; Bataille d’Austerlitz; Entre- vue des deux Empereurs . . . '' 3 Reprise des Drapeaux a Inspruck ; Les Irois Empereurs 2 Deputation des Maires de Paris a Schoenbrunn, a Medallion, 6y Galle . . , .1 Paix de Presbourg; Cathedral de Vienne . . 2 Conquete de Venise, de I’lstrie, de la Dalmatie, et de Naples 4 Souverainetes Donnies; Mariage du Prince de Bade, head by Jbroz . . - •' • 2 Mariage du Prince de Bade, head by Andrku^ Colonne de la Grande Armee; L’Arc deTriomphe . 3 L’ArcdeTriomphe, different Jrom the other; Confederation du Rhin; Entree a Berlin . . . 3 Bataille d’Jena, two different; Capitulation des Quatre For¬ tresses ..... 3 Alliance avec la Saxe, with heads of Bonaparte and Charle. magne combined ; Occupation d’Hambourg ; . Sejour a Osterode ' . . . 3 Les Aigles Francaises sur la Vistule ; Bataille d’E^lau ; Bataille deFriedland . . . . . 3 Victoire du 14 Juin ; Paix de Tilsit, with Heads ofNapoleouj the Emperor of Russia, and the King of Prussia 2 Occupation des trois Capitales ; Conquete de la Silesie <» /■ /A/ /. J 3 . ^ / / 2 ^ /. 2 . X 5 / .f f /'/ // / /5. / .i- ^ X, /7 / 4 4 z y2 S English Groats. . • * * * • 528 Edward III, London and York Mints—Henry IV, London 3 529 Henry V, Calais, Rnding, Plate 4, No. 9. fine-^ London, ‘ No. 10—Henry VI, London and Calais Mints,/me 4 A , >■ 7 / y- / / 7 / / / /y 38 530 Edward IV: 1, Crown, M.M. with fleur de lis on the Breast; 2, same, M.M. without fleur de lis; 3, M.M. a cross pierced and pellet,/tMc; 4, M.M. the sun ; 5, M.M. rose, with one on the breast, ^ne and rare ; 6, E on the breast, struck at York,jf«c/j^ preserved . ^ 531 Richard III, M.M. boar’s head,jfne and scarce I 532 Henry VII: Full face, anchor, M.M. Ruding, PI. 6, No. t ; Leopard’s head, Snelling, PI. 2, No. 47 ; Profile, Ruding* No. 17; Another, No. 21, very ^ 533 Henry VIII: Profile, three, M.M. Portcullis Castle and Fleur de lis; Another, M.M. rose, Ruding, PI. 17, No. 15, 4 Profile, Cardinal Wolsey’s Mint, No. l6; Full face, PI. 8, No. 3,fine; another of the same, but from an entirely different die.^we; full face, Canterbury Mint 4 535 , well preserved; Philip and Mary,/twe; 2 of Elizabeth, me milled . . .4 536 Charles I; Aberistwith, two, diflferent heads and types; Ox¬ ford, 1646 , large type . . 3 537 Charles I, Oxford, l644—Charles II, hammered, by Simon, and one milled by Briot . . 2 538 Charles II to George HI, inclusive, a fine set . 14 fine 534 Henry VIII /- Sixpences. 539 Edward VI, Ton M.M.. . 1 540 Philip and Mary, Snelling, Plate 5, No. 14; Elizabeth, Pheon. M.M. \5 203 The formation of the present series of Coins of this particular reign was, until ill health and increased profes-sional avocations no longer- permitted the Collector to indulge .in these pursuits, an object of ^ his peculiar attention; and as no opportunity was ever neglected /' or expense spared, cither in increasing the varieUes or.,in bettering the impressions—and as the collection, in its present staje, is con¬ sidered’the largest and best existing in any private cabinet—it was thought a pity to separate it, and therefore it fs’submitted in one lot. * To enumerate any particulars in the short spade of a Cata-' • logue, would be impossible; though it-is proper to’state, that, be¬ sides^ several hitherto unnoticed varieties, there is a fine Coin, pro-- ;^.y575 516 ■ycA / / 577 578 579 580 581 ^^*^582 583 584 2^^r/585 i/'^'.rr^-5S6 587 588 589 590 ^ 591 /■' 41 cured a few years ago, in selecting from ■ the ’Gossellin Collection, - with Eponti in the exergue, unpublished^ and believed to be unique. The Purchaser will be entitled to a manuscript description of the whole series, which, in the mean time, may be referred to at Mr. Sotheby’s. Sabina, “ Veneri Genetrici,” Pudicitia, Concordia./Vnc. Ditto, “ Veneri Genetrici,” very fine^ Junoni Regin«, Concordia, well preserved . . . 3 Ditto, Vesta, and two others, one head to left . 3 Ditto, Pudicitia, and tw'o more . . 3 Aeiius, Pietas, uncommonly fine ; Concord, head to left, very fine ... 2 Ditto, figure sacrificing, head to left, fine and rare, and another, ^ ^ fine ; j- j: t . . 2 Ditto, Concord, very fine, and another, figure with cornuco- /. j? pije . . . 2 Antoninus Pius, reverse Aurelius, with 3 others, all very fine 4 ^ Ditto, nverse the column, very rare, and 3 more,/me 4 / Ditto, Temple, primi decennales, ?ind 2 more, fine 4 Ditto, Ciementia, Aequitas, Pax, and Lib, all fine 4 Ditto, Genius Pop. Romani, Genio Senatus, and Tranq. Tr. pot.XIU cos. IIII,/«He and rare . 3 Ditto, Genio Senatus, Genius Pop. Romani, Pietas, and one with Temple,/ine . . r ^ 4 Ditto, Italia, two Types, rare, and two others,^ne 4 Ditto, Virtus Aug, and 3 others, rer^/ne . 4 Ditto, Liberalitas, Pax, Vota, and another, allfine 4 Ditto, various reverses . . . . r . 6 //^ // / .1 . ■ . ■ ■ » 1 • . Roman Gold^ i^ontinued ). » -0 V .1 i;. V’b ' I 592 Magnentius, Victoria Aug.'Lib. RoMANOR,^«e rare 1 ^ /3 . Decentius, Victoria Caes. Lib. Romanor, ej?^^96 Gratian, Concordia Augggg, rare type; Valentinian ju -'/ nior, Victoria Augg, both extremely fine .5 2"^ 42 597 Gratian arid Valeutinian, both Victoria Augo, the latter highly preserved . . . 2 598 Theodosius, two Emperors j Arcardius, Emperor standing with foot on Captive, . . 2 599 Magnus Maximus, Victoria Augg, rare . 600 Arcadius,/ronf/ace, helmeted head , Concordia Augg, rare 1 7 ^ /3 / ^ // // /4 A Sixth Day’s Sale. Select Papal Medals, JBrow^e. LOT 601 OOTER, Calistus, Fabian, Silvestre, Alexander III, rare 5 602 O Clement V, rare, Clement VII, Nicholas V, Sixtus IV, very rare . . . A ^ 603 Paul Ill, Adrian VI, Julius III, two; Pius III, IV, all very fine . . . 6 X 604 Julius III, 2, one very fine; Pius V, 2, fine; Caius and Anacletus ‘ . .6 605 Pius V, Greg-ory XIII, Sextus V, Alexander VII, Clement IX, Alexander VIII, all very fine . 6 606 Sixtus V, Alexander VII, Clement IX, 3, one of them a me- , • • • dallion, reverse iEhan Bridge , ' 607 Alexander VII, very fine; Alexander VIII, 2, one very - ^ fine ; Clement XI, all by the Hamerani 6 608 Clement IX, X, XI, all fine, and a beautiful Medallion of Alexander VIII, by Martin . . 4 609 Clement XI, by the Hamerani family, all extremely fine 5 610 Medallion, Clement XII, and 3 Medals, all by Otto Hame- -- // ^ I i ' 7 ! \ ^'' i i y J / 5 .. / / / y- /- 7 ; 3 - / // j ^ 2; 7 ^ ■> 7 . - 634 Re tour de I’Empereur, 1815, one of the first brought to England,/me and! rare . r. . . 1 635 LaReine de Naples, La Reine Hortense^ . 2 y« ‘ 636 Premiere Decade du dix neuvieme Si^cle, Minerva sitting / with a laurel crown, a Premium Medallion, drieu, fine and rare . . 1 637 Monsieur Denon, reverse two Egyptian Figures, inscribed ^ ^ “ Elies parlant toujours pour lui,'’/me and rare 1 638 Bonaparte, Combaceres, et le Brun, Consuls, hy Jenffroy, a very early impression . . 1 639 Visites de I’Empereur d’Autriche et le Roi de Prusse a la Monnaie . . . 2 640 Sejour d’Alexander a Paris, by Andrieu; Gallia reddita Europae, reverse au Pacificateur de I’Europe, done to commemorate his being in Paris in 1814, by Tiolier,/ rare . . . 2 641 Restoration of the Cisalpine Republic, by Lavy, struck at Milan from the design of the celebrated Painter Ap- piani, scarce . ~ . 1 642 Italy placing the Iron Crown on the Head of Napoleon, and one on the Successes of the Campaign of 1809, both executed at Milan, by Manfredi , 2 643 Capture of Vienna, by Manfredi, very fine; Marriage of Napoleon and Maria Louisa, struck at Milan, by the same artist . . . 2 644 Bertrand’s Elba Medal, one Sagesse, &c. and another on his Death, struck in England . 3 645 Princess Elisa on the Road from Lucca to Pisa, scarce; Napoleon, reverse Hannibal,/iae . 2 646 Grand Sanhedrin,/me and rare . 1 647 Departure of the Emperor, very fine . 1 648 Adverse Fortune, with Andrieu’s Head of Napoleon, rare 1 649 The Abdication,/me 650 Napoleon giving his Son to France, with head of young Napoleon . . .1 651 Set, in a green morocco case, by Andrieu, two of them ^ very large Medallions . . 10 These are selected and fine original impressions, having been procured several years ago. ^ 662 Battle of Marengo, by Andrieu, in a frame . T 1 45 English Shillings. 7 653 654 655 656 657 ,(^^ 5 ( 4^/658 659 660 661 662 663 - 664 ^7^ 665 /*' ‘^/666 667 Edward VI, Ton M.M. Ruding-, Plate 10, No. 5, fine ; one, Y.M.M. No. 6 ; and another, “ Timor' Domini,” &c. 1549, Pheon. M.M./twe . . 3 Philip and Mary, without the date, with PR. HISP. PI. 9, No. 16; another, 1554, No. 9, well preserved 2 Elizabeth, hammered, M.M. Martlet and Cross Croslet, Ruding-, Plate 12, No. 1 and 2; two others, M.M. Bell Sind well preserved . . 4 Elizabeth, M.M. 1 ; Key, Escallop Shell, and A * 4- Elizabeth, miZZcf/, Plate 13, No. 1 . 1 James I, first coinage, Exurgat,” &c. M.M. Thistle, fine and rare; second coinage, very fine . 2 James I, M.M. fleur de lis; and 3 others, one of them of the first coinage ' , . , 4 Charles I, Snelling, Plate 9, No. 5 ; York' Mint, Ruding, Plate 21, No. 5; and one, M.M. (P.) ^ . 3 Charles I, Ebor, reverse something similar to Ruding No. 4, but with a totally different head from any in that work or in Snelling, very fine . . 1 Charles I, hy .Srtoi, Anemone M.M. No. 13, fine and rare ; another,^r^o^,different head, and with anchor, M.M. very fine ... 2 Charles I, with Ruff, M.M. Castle, reverse square Shield with Feathers over it, very fine; another, with Ruff, different Head, M.M. Feathers, with oval Shield and C.R. , . . . . 2 Charles I, Anchor, M.M. ; and one of Oxford Mint, J644, w\ih feathers in front and B underneath 2 Charles I, 4, MM. Harp, Crown, Ton and (R) 4 Commonwealth, 1655, 1656 . . 2 Charles II, hammered, without inner circle or numerals, by Simon, fine and rare; another, also hy Simon, with inner circle and numerals, very fine . 2 /- /■ / ' S' ' J '/S \ 4- S X / I I I I /-i ^1/ i I \ J 46 Milled Shillings, U3 A /6 6 668 Charles II, l66s, plain; l6()6, elephant under the head; 1676 ’, . o O 669 Charles II, l6’S4, with the lar^e Bust, rare . I feathers under the Aearfandin the centre of the reverse 1 /^' /Z. / /S /■ /I ^ yy- y i / 1 ^ 670 James II, 1685, very fine . . , 671 James II, 1687, extra fine and scarce. . 1 672 William and Mary, 1693 —William III, 1695, I 697 , i 6 Q 8 , plain, fine .... 4 673 William III, 1696 , C. and E. under head; 1697 , N. andY. under head . . . 4 674 Ann, J 702 , feathers, scarce i 1702, plain, before the Union ; 1703 , Vigo; 1705, Roses and Fealhers before Union; 170 s, feathers after the Union, very fine . 5 673 Ann, \ 709 , under the Bust; 1707 , 1709, 1711, plain, after the Union ; 1712 , Roses and Feathers, afZ irr?//me 5 675 Ann, 1702 , Vigo ; 1705, Feathers; 1707 ,E.; 1708, plain after Union; 17 14, Roses and Feathers, c///me 5 677 George I, 1716 , 1717, 1718, 1719, 1722 , 1725, all with Roses and Feathers on the reverse, very fine set . 6 678 George I, 1720 , plain,/me ; 1723, S.S.C.; 1725, with W.C.C. under the head, very fine and scarce . 3 679 George I, 1715, Roses and Fealhers; 1724, Welch Copper Company—George \l, young head, Roses, and Roses and Feathers ; oW/^efi^^/, Roses ... 5 680 George \\, young head, 1728 , plain, in quarters on the reverse, scarce; 1784, 1735, 1736, 1737, Roses and Feathers, all fine . .... 5 681 QeorgeW,young head, 1731 , Feathers; 1741, Roses; Oldhead; 1745, Roses; and Lima, 1758, plain,/me . 5 682 George II, 17 ^ 6,0 Pattern ; 1763 , called the Northumberland Shilling; ]7S7,aproof; \8\0,proof . 4 j Knglisii Medals, in Silver (continued). 2. 2). 683 Charles II, “ FavenfeDeo,Med. Hist. ri. 31, No. l,withCA- tioLus SKCUNDUS Pacis et Imperii Restitutor AuciUbTUS inscribed on the Edge, very fine and rare 1 47 /- cc-yy 68 i Sir E, Godfrey, similar to PI. 35 , No. 1 , hy Milton, with an I ^ inscribed edge, very fine ... 1 685 Duke of Lauderdale “ Consilioet Animis,” Plate 36, No. 2 , hy . ^ /2 o J, Roeiiier, very highly preserved . I 68 S James II, Felicitas Publica, on the Birth of the Pretender, No. 5 , fine and rare . . . i Z M ~ 687 James II Coronation, Plate 37, No.'l—Queen Maria, “O Dea Certe,” No. 3 .... 2 - 688 James II and his Queen, on the Spanish Wreck, PI. 38, No. 1 , fine . , . \ ' ' /■ 689 James II on the beheading of the Duke of Monmouth and Earl / of Argyle, No. 3,/ine . . I 690 Archbishop Sancroft, reverse the seven Bishops on their being sent to the Tower, with the inscribed edge, 3 Van Loon, Z 4 ., p. 339, highly preserved . . 1 691 Archbishop Laud, by Roeitier, PI. 18, No. Jjfine . I / /'^i. 692 James II, reverse James Prince of Wales—Charles Prince of Wales, “ Amor et Spes,” very fine, and 3 others of the Pre- tender . . . ‘5 693 William III when a Child, reverse his Mother, by P. Pan Abeele, 2 Van Loon, p. 373, very fine . I 694 William III Prince of Orange (afterwards of England), reverse a Warrior, “ nec sorte nec fato,”/ine . 1 695 William and Mary on their Coronation, l6S9; another, jungit Amor, &c. . . .2 696 William and Mary, face to face.—See Rapin’s Medallic History, P Plate 2 , No. 11 , the most beautiful preservation 1 -2 2 697 William and Mary on the Victory at La Hogue, Plate 13, No. 2 , fine ... I ^^98 Queen Ann's Coronation Medal; another entirely English, and one united in Love and Interest,/iwe . 3 699 Ann, on remitting the Tenths to the Clergy ; and one on the Peace .... 2 700 Ann, reverse a Harp, Concordia Britannoruin; another, two Figures, vivat Anna,/iwe . . .2 . 701 Ditto, on the Peace of Utrecht, done in Holland, very fine ; Pursuit of the French Fleet near the Coast of Scotland, with inscribed edge, Rapin, Plate 5, No. 8 , fine and rare ; 2 3 another, satirical, with Inscription of Edge, No. 7 , fine 3 i / j. /■ ^ 2 '/■ /z y/i' 48 Roman Imperial Denarii (continued). 7' 702 703 Antoninus Pius, Apollini Augusto, Consecratio, and 4 others 6 Ditto, various reverses , . 6 < Ditto, ditto . , . . 6 Ditto, Consecration Medals, all different, and in the highest preservation . . 5 Faustina senior, Concordice, fine and rare, and two others. 704 X/6\ '705 I i/i)1 706 highly preserved Z, 707 Ditto, Aeternitas, 2 Types, Ceres, Consecratio, Pietas, all very j ! 708 /•//' / 709 l 1 ... 49 ■ » -■ M * -c » i J '' * ‘\it ,r : -7'.' •*' 1 * :;n<' ' \; . . Seventh Day’s Sale, >t :t i I ■■ RussiANi Medals, in Bronze. /' «l These interesting Medals are engraved and fully described in “ Medailles sur les principaux evenemens de Vampire de Russie,” published by Col. Tiregale, at Potsdam, in 1773. LOT 721 T>EACE of Carlowifz, Taking of Nottebourg, Nyescliantz, JL^ and two Swedish Vessels, Foundation of Petersburgh, Fleet in the Black Sea, Taking of Narva . 8 722 Battles of Kalisch and Leesno, 2; Admiral Apraxin, Port of Tangarouck, Taking of Loewenhaupt, Wibourg and Revel • , ,, * * ^ 723 Taking of Pernau, Kexholm, Arensbonrg,*Livonia and Finland, Abo, Defeat of the Swedes, Battle of Wasa, a// very fine 8 724 Naval'Victory 1714, Fleets upon the Four Seas, Battle of Narva, Punishment of the Seditious, Taking of 3 Frigates, Coronation of Catherine I, Establishment of the Mint, Foundation of the University of Moscow . 8 725 Taking of Neuschloss, Battle of Crossen, Foundation of the Foundling Hospital, by Timovei, very fine; Institution of the Academy of Fine Arts; Premium to the Soldiers and Sailors, Happy Success of Russia, Medal presented to the Kamtschatka Merchants . . • 8 Russian Medallions. /- /- ^ /- / 726 Accession of Peter the First, Establishment of a Fleet in the \ ! Black Sea, Destruction of the Ancient Troops called Stre- litz, Peace of Neustadt, very fine . 4 ^ j 50 /■ .if A 4 /.5l / / 'A /! J / ^ - /4 /^t 727 Taking of Nottebourg, Battle of Pultava, Expedition to Fin¬ land, Canal at Cronstadt, hy W(echter,jine . 4 728 Peace of Neustadt, with the Arc; Count Gallowin, very fine; Coronation of the Empress Catherine, Wife of Peter the Great; the Carousal, hy Timovei . . 4 729 Coronation of the Empress Elizabeth, Peace with Sweden, Sup¬ pression of the Excise, and one of Catherine II, l7bS; View of a Temple with Figures in the foreground, unpublished, by Tiregale, all very fine ... 4 730 Liberation of the Prisoners, and Institution of the Academy of Fine Arts, both by Wmchter; Building of the Church of Isaac, Accession of Elizabeth, all fine . 4 731 Establishment of New Russia, Regulation of the Boundaries, Birth of Paul Petrovitz, all by Wcechler; Coronation of Catherine II . . . 4 732 Coronation Medals of Ann and Catherine I, and one on the Emperor at the head of the combined Fleets, all very fine .... 3 733 Prince OrlofF, half-bodied in Armour, reverse the Archipelago, 1770 . . . . T r./.: / ...A The Portrait on this fine Medallion is said to he that of the Empress Catherine, \mder the assumed name of the Prince. Swedish Medals, in Silver. 734 Christina, m’em two figures, Brenner, Table l,No. 2 ; another, / y- Phoenix on a Mount,. . . 2 735 Christina, reverse a Lion, &c. Plate 7> No. \,fine; and one of her Coins ... 2 736 Christina, reverse a hand holding a Crown, non aliunde, a very • large and fine Medallion . . 1 737 Charles Gustavus on passing his Army over the Ice, 1658, by • • • 'A KarlsteiUt fine'and rare 128 Adolphus Frederick on his Coronation, jFe’Arwifln,J?we 1 739 Gustavus III, Figure of Liberty, inscribed “ Libertas manens,’’ with “ Proscripta Licentia” m ejre?’g-Me,/t/g/i/r/pj'esmefl? 1 741 Gustavus Adolphus, by Enhorning, reverse “ jam Jove dignus,” exergue “ Paterna Cleraentissima jussa deferenti,” &c, very fine and rare .... 1 i\ 741 Gustavqs IV, reverse the Mines, ly Fehrman and Enhomingt xtry fine . . . 1 742 Adolphus Frederick and Ludo\1ca Ulrica, diffeiTtit reverses, hy ^ Fehrman, highly preserved . . 4 743 Linnaeus on his Death at Upsal, 1778, very fine and rare I '' Z 744 Alstromer, Bohinan, Brenner, and Sophia Eliza Brenner, very / . 4 -' 7 -, 745 Adolphus Frederick, Count Piper, Alstromer, and Polhem, all A 4^ Jt7t€ • • • ^ 746 Nicholas Keder, rare^ and Olthof, Polhem, and Linnaeus, very ^ ^ Jtfxe • • « 4 ■ Swedish, in Bronze. ** ' •. z 747 Baron Stosch, hy Marteau; Hevelius, by Karlsteen, rare ; and " Count Firmian, by Guilkmard, very fine . 3 748 Queen Christina, M. TuscherNoricus, Baron Stosch, and Bod- mQto,fine ... 4 / Bonaparte Medals, in Silver. 749 Reddition de Mantoue, ly Lavy, with inscribed edge, very rare 750 Conquete de la Haute Egypt, by Galle; Retour a Frejus, with beautiful Representation of the Bonus eventus of the Romans . . .2 ■ 751 Traite de Campo Formio, a Medallion, by Duvitier, reverse Na- / poleon on Horseback . . 1 '/i-re 752 Paix d'Amiens, 1 S 02 , by Droz, with a beautiful inscribed edging, ^ reverse Retour d’Astree, very fine and rare . 1 753 Conquete frappee avec VArgent des Mines d'Hano- '' vre, le Couronnenient a Paris, largest size, and one smaller ... 3 754 jSaiie PApollon ; Reunion de I’Etat Roman a I’Empire 2 ^ .■zr^’^ .755 Fetes du Couronnement, w'ith Portraits of Napoleon and Jose¬ phine, by Brenet, rare; Tombeau de Desaix, with In- ^ scription, Rome seconde Capilale, reverse by Depaulis 3 he S\tnip\on, very fine and rare • . 1 H /- i I I //f i ' I !/^i I 1 i""'! 52 ■■ !/ ' ^ ./i/ A 6 '. // i A ^' I i / 757 Balaille de Sommo-Sierra, on the Destruction of the Inquisition, very fine and extremely rare . . 1 758 Rome seconde Capitale, with heads of Rome and Paris; Entree a Moscoii, reverse Kremlin ... 2 759 Bataille de Wagram, . , 1 '' 760 Mariage de rEmpereur,/oMr sizes, wry, 4 761 L’Amour important le Foudre, reverse Cupid carrying Thunder¬ bolt, rare; Mariage, head of Napoleon only ; Le Roi de Rome, two sizes .... 4 762 Mariage, second size; Marie-Louise, on visiting the Mint; Eliza, and Pauline, very fine . . 4 763 Air Italico, reverse I’lnsubria libera, struck to commemorate the Foundation of the Cisalpine Republic, rare . 1 y- /- ^ XT. . ’ f.. A It is curious to contrast the singular Portrait, hy Vassalo, on this Medal, with the fine Bust on the later coinage of Andrieu. 764 Head of Napoleon, with the Iron Crown, hy Manfredi, reverse the Arms of the five Slates composing the Kingdom of Italy . . . . 1 765 La Police de Paris, Head of Napoleon as Consul, Academic de Musique, and one on the hospitality shewn to the Irish, English, and Scotch in matters of Religion and Education, all by Gatteaux . . 3 766 Banque de France, et Chambre de Commerce de Paris, by An¬ drieu and Dywcrresf, both octagons; Facultede Medecine^'*' with Head of Hippocrates; the Emperor in Berlin, 1806 , struck there, and two others . . 6 767 Saxonia Liberata, by Manfredi, struck at Milan in Commemo¬ ration of the Battle of Jena, very fine; Munidcence du Commerce de Bordeaux, octagon, by Gatteaux 2 768 Sejour a I’lle d’Elbe,rewi’se Figure of Fortune, surrounded by the signs of the Zodiac, very fine; 7 petite Medals of Na¬ poleon, him and Maria Louisa, their Son, Henry IV, the Pope, Emperor Alexander, and Louis XVHI . 8 Silver Coins of Bonaparte and his Family. 769 Consular Five Francs, and 2 with Republique and Empire; 5 Lire of Italy, and 12 smaller Pieces, French and Italian t 6 53 f iP 770 Five Francs, Consular and Imperial, 2; two Francs, and three 1 Franc, different, with 5 smaller pieces, fine; Maria Louisa as Duchess of Parma, 3 , very fine . 14 771 Dollars of Joseph, as King of Sicily and Spain; Louis King of Holland ; Flliza, Princess of Lucca; and two of Murat, A\&ertnX, all well 2 )reserved . . 5 772 Eliza, 3 Franchiand 1 Franco—Jerome, two third Pieces, Aearf different ways — Joseph, quarter Dollar of Spain—and Murat 2 and 1 Lira . . 7 773 Pattern Dollar, hy Auguste, with inscribed Edge, very fine and ^ rare . . ... 1 774 Six Livres, Regne de la Loi, 1793, and Subalpine Republic Dol- .lar, rare . . . 7 - Gold Coins and Medals of Bonaparte and his Family. 775 Twenty Francs, Premier Consul, Republique Fran^aise, Empire Franfaise 1814, and the 40 Lire Piece of Italy . 4 776 Italian 40 and 20 Lire Pieces, Jerome’s 10 Thaler, and a Ducat of Louis, as King of Holland . . 4 777 Louis Ducat, 1809 , with Arms,^we, and 20 Francs Piece, with Head of Minerva, of the Piedmontese Government esta¬ blished after the Battle of Marengo, scarce 2 778 Coronation Medal of Napoleon, hy Andrieu, very fine and rare .... I 779 Treaty with England, fine and rare, and a small one on the Co¬ ronation . • . . 2 t I Remainder of English Medals, in Silver. . 780 Princess Sophia, with her Bust, reverse a Garden, exergue “Obiit 8 June, 1714 ,” by E. Hannibal, very fine and rare ... 1 781 Ditto, reverse Mon devoir fait mou plaisir, hy Karhten, and one smaller, with Inscription . . 2 fix 1 ■/'/. // 4 x-j / \ '/ // // /" / X- X. //^ /- /■ , I 782 George I on his,coming to England, 1714, tnscrtied Rector . ‘ Marium, hy Croker, in beautiful condition • > . 783 Ditto, on his Accession, by Hannibal, very fine and rare 784 Ditto, on -the Coronation,'and Mediation between the Emperor . ..« i and the Turks, by Crofter, and one, “ Magni solatia luctus,” , by Dassier, , , . 785 Coronation Medals of George II and Queen Caroline ; Taking ■- .of Louisbourgh; Jernagan’s Ticket for the Sale of his famous Cistern, very fine , . 4 -786 George II and Queen, reverse their Seven Children, a fine Me- dallion, by Croker . • • . 1 787 John Ray, the Botanist, on his Death, iTOi, richly chased with Border . - . 1 ‘ 788 M. Tindall, the Historian, on his Death, 1733, highly preserved, and very rare . . I 789 George Prince of Wales (the late King) on his coming of Age, by T. PingOtfine and rare . . 1 790 George III and Queen Charlotte on their Coronation, I76l ; Queen Charlotte on the Birth of the Prince of Wales, both by Natter, fine .... 2 791 George III and Queen on their Nuptials; one on the King’s Recovery, by Droz ; T. Howard, Earl of Effingham, by Milton, very fine ^ . . 3 792 Capt. James Cook ; Marquis of Ciranby on his Death, both by y/ L. Pinsro . . . 2 793 Bethnal Green Volunteer Infantry’s Medal, by Wyon, very fine ; one on the Peace, 1802, •presented by the Town of Birm- ingham to the Loyal Association . • 2 794 Saint Saviour’s School Prize Medal,' with Head of Elizabeth, very fine; Dr. Mead, and Snelling, fcy P/wgo * . 3 795 An Original Presentation Premium Medal of the London Humane Society, 1774 , L. Prngo, in a Silver Frame 1 796 The Medal in Commemoration of the Victory of the Nile, 1798, by Kuckler, presented by Alexander Davison, Esq. in a Silver Frame 797 Original Premium Medal from the Dublin Society for Painting, by Mossop . . . I ^ 798 The Medal presented by Alderman Boydell to the Subscribers to his Edition of Shakespcar, by Kuckler; Westwood’s^.<’>-<’ Shakespear.^’ne ... 2 799 General Elliott on his defending Gibraltar, by Terrry, very fine I 65 800 Samuel Tyssen, Esq. the celebrated Coin Collector, John ^ // / Milton, fine and rare . . l I 801 Original Presentation Medal from the Royal Academy, 1768, ^ ' by T. Pingo . . ' *• 1 802 Duke of Northumberland, 1766 ; Lord Clive’s Victory at Plassy; Earl St. Vincent’s Testimony of Approbation 3 bOS Original Presentation Medal for Services in India, 1799> y very fine . . . 1 804 Wilkes’Middlesex Election Medal, and 5 others 6 /d ' 805 Their late Majesties, with their heads and titles, inscribed “With God and/the People the Throne is immortal,”^ , reverse three figures united, “ Concord is the Security of Nations,” a large Medallion, by T. Wyon sen. -. I 806 Princess Charlotte on her Death ' . I 807 George IV: Coronation Medal, and His Majesty’s Visit to Scot¬ land, Jy Ram o/" JErfmftMrg’A . 2J* o. L a Roman Imperial Denarii ( continued ). Y 808 809 810 ^11 /■ < 812 813 ..... 815 816 '^^-'817 818 819 v r i 1 M. Aurelius, reverse Antoninus Pius, and 5 more with young /y head, different reverses, all well preserved . 6 1 Ditto, oW Aearf, various reverses, aW lery^ne ' . 8 ^ Ditto, ditto, all fine . • 8 ^ Ditto, Armenia, Vic Par, Vic Ger, Primi decennales, and 6 more . • • * Ditto, various reverses, including Armen, fine, and De Germ and Desarm, rare . 11 Faustina jun., Junoni Reginae, two types, Fccunditas, two types, Venus and Ceres, all fine , . 6 ' Ditto, Venus, two beautiful Portraits, Juno, Fecunditas, Salus, and jEternitas, all fine ■ . • 6 Ditto, Concordia, very fine; another, different head, and 4 more . . • ® Ditto, Pudicitia, Seculi felicit, and Consecratio ; Verus, ProV. Deor, Vic Par, and another, all fine ‘ . 6 Verus, Pax, Armen, Consecratio, and 3 moxe, fine ' 6 ^- . ^ | Ditto, Funeral Pile, rare, and 3 others j Lucilla, Pictas, Veniis 6 \(/^\ Lucilla, Venus Victrix, Junoni Lucinae, rare; Concordia, Vesta, \ very fine . • ‘ ^ y- i // i / 5 820 Lucilla, Concordia, rerj/ fine; Pietas, Vota Publica; Coninio» dus, 3 different reverses, very fine . 6 821 Coniniodus, Horcul Roman Augu, with lion’s skin, Oplim Maxim, Apol Monet, and 5 others,^/ie 822 Ditto, Saec fel, Nobilit Aug, Mars, Victory with star, and 4 more, all well preserved . . 8^^ '^ 823 Ditto, Lib. Aug, Victory, young bead; Hilaritas, Virtus Aug, and 4 others . . . 8 824 Ditto, CoNC. com. p.m. Tr. p. xvi cos vi, extremely rare^ and 3 more /3 825 Ditto, Roma, and 2 others, and 3 of Crispiua, different re- • • • • v verses //? a I 2 ^ Z 'JL- 5 * £ {) t / • 826 Crispina, Venus Felix, rare; another, Juno, and one of Commo- ^\xs, all fine . . . 827 Pertinax, Vot. Decern, formerly Mr. Edgar’s,^ne rare 828 Another, yEquit \\xg,fine and rare . . 1 829 Didius Julianus, Corcordia Milit, well preserved, and very rare . . . i 830 Pescennius Niger, Victoria Aug, a very fine Coin, extremely rare , . . 1 ^ 831 Albinus, head laureated, Victoria, very fine ; and 3 of Severus, highly preserved . . 4^^ . 832 Albinus, heads plain. Fort red and Minerva, rare, and 3 of Se verus, very fine / O 833 Severus, Adventui Aug felicissirao. Emperor on Horseback, rare, and 5 others, very fine . . 6 834 Ditto, Africa, Adventus Aug, Libero Patri, and 5 more, scarce reverses 835 Ditto, different reverses, some rare 836 Ditto, ditto 8 8 8 Remainder of Roman Gold. /•/y- a 837 Justinus, QwinanMs; Justinian ; Justinus junior, rare Z 2. 7. Z. A Ar - 838 Justinian, Qainarius; Focas, rare; Leo Isaurus,^ne 3 /i?/^/v 5 839 Justinus, Quinarius ; Michael and Theophilus, rude work, rare ; Constantine Porphyrogenitus, rai'e . 3 840 Mauricius,^we; Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine, very fine 2 /A/ j'ty 841 Tiberius Constantine, scarce, and Quinarii of Mauricius and ^ Heraclius, the former rare , . 3 ^^'y*** 57 ^,^,^842 Heraclius, Heraclius Constantine and Heracleonas, Heraclius 1 between his two Sons; Constans, Son of Heraclius Con- / s stantiiie, a xtry thick and singular coin, and Constantine Pogonatus . . . 3 843 Constantine Pogonatus, Tiberius Absimarus, and Theophilus, , all Quinarii; Basilius and Constantine, rare 4 844 Constantine Pogonatus, Quinarius; Joannes Comnenus, concave, Jlne and rare; Constantine Mononiachus, concave, large '' size, with the two figures quite perfect, very rare 3 jC'ydrf. 6 ^ Eighth Day’s , Sale. Roman Coins, in small Brass. LOT 845 ALLIENUS 2 , Valerian, Postumus, Victorinus 2 , Te- V_T tricus 4, Claudius Gothicus 7, Diocletian, Carausius, Maximian, Licinius, Constantine 9, Magnentius 3, Constans 2 , Constantius 2 , Valentinian, Theodosius, and Honorius . . 41 846 Trebonianus Gallus, Valerian 2 , Gallienus 3, Salonina, Pos¬ tumus, Victorinus, Tetricus senior and junior 3, Clau¬ dius 4, Aurelian 2 , Severina, Florianus, Probus 2 , Ca- rus,Carinus, Diocletian, Carausius 5, Allectus 2 , Max- iminian, Constantius Chlorus, Maximinus, Licinius sen. and jun. 3, Constantine 5, Crispus 2 , Magnentius, De- centius, Constans 2 , Constantius 3, Valentinian, Valens, Gratian, Mag. Maximus, Theodosius, Arcadius and Honorius, fiererai Jine . . 60 847 Set of Constantine, all different . 48 848 Gallienus 14, Victorinus 9, Claudius 17, and Magnentius 4 44 849 Various of Tetricus, Postumus, Probus, Licinius, Aurelian, &c., and 14 Egyptian * . 50 -V- /- z' _ \ 58 Middle Brass. ! Z 1 / 350 Caesar,.Julia Family* Col. Nem. 2, one incuse, very fine; I Augustus, Tiberius , , s’” A 861 Augustus 2, M. Agrippa, Germanicus, Nero and Drusus'- 6 A/ / 852 Claudius, Nero, Galba, Vespasian, Domitian, all fine 5 j 0 853 Nero 2, Vespasian 2 ., one Roma; Domitian, Nerva, Tra¬ jan 2 . . . 8 y 854 Domitian, Nerva, Trajan 3 , Sabina, Antoninus Pius 2 8 /f' 855 Antoninus Pius, Faustina sen. M. Aurelius, Faustina jun. 8 Verus, Commodus, Caracalla, Alexander ° /6 856 Macrinus, Maximus, Philip, Decius, Diocletian, Maximianus 2, Constantius . . . S'" 857 Col. Nem,. and various of Augustus, Claudius, Nero, &c. &c. ^ . . » . 30 Large Brass. /.2 4' ’--A fy 858 Nero, Galba, Domitian, Trajan 2 . 5 ^^ 859 Domitian, Germania Capta, Nerva, Trajan, Antoninus Pius, Faustina, Maesa, Mamsea . . 7 > / 860 Antoninus Pius, Faustina sen. and jun., Aurelius, Lucilla, Mamsea ' . . . 6 ^ 861 Barbia Orbiana, fine and rare, Maximinus^ fine, Maximi¬ anus, very '862 Alexander, Maximinus, Maximus, Balbinus, Gordian, Otacil, Severa . . . 6 ■ - 863 Gordian 2 , Philip sen. and jun., Herennia Etruscilla, Tre- ^< 1 , * bonianus Gallus ‘ . .6 y ^ J864 Various ' . . 18 ^865 Roman Asse, large Ptolemy, and 12 Egyptian 14 AZ 866 Fabrications of curious Roman and Greek Coins 10 C--‘ Select Middle Brass of Hadrian. / .. 867 Adventus Aug, Adventui Aug Galliae, Hispaniae, Italise, . ' ' ' _, . ^ At Maretanim . . . 5 59 869 870 871 # r /^l-~ 8/2 i-Z-Ji-a, 874 ^ 875 ; 876 878 879 Africa, ^Eg^yptos, Alexandria, Hispania, Dacia 5-^ Restitutori Achaiaj, Bithyniso, Hispaniae, Galliae, Africae, Italiae ... 0 Cappadocia, very fine ; Maretania, two different, rare ; Dacia, and two others . . 6 Restitutori Bithynise; Felicitati Aug", 3 different, one with sail and the letters quite perfect; Adventus Aug; and another . . .6 Liberalitas, three different Portraits: Annona Aug, and two others, all fine . . 6 Salus Publica, Spes, Felicitas, Securitas, Fort red, and de¬ mentia, . . . 6 Cos III, different types,. . 6 Hilaritas, Fortuna reduci, Felicitas, Libertas, Tranquillitas, and Pietas . . .6 Nilus, and 7 others, well preserved . 8 Various reverses . , . 8 Ditto . . . . 8 Ditto, including one small Brass, and another, with head of Sabina on reverse, extra rare . . 8 /- Af if /- ^ ' A- // ■ /-/- Medals of Illustrious and Remarkable Persons, &c. in Silver, A C*- 'Z. A 7- ^ • 5. 880 Alexander Farnese, reverse a Tent; another, reverse a Pillar; and Ernest Duke of Saxony, reverse Elizabeth"^" Sophia, all very fine . . 3 881 Philip V of Spain, a singular Medallion, and two other Spanish . . .3 882 Cardinal Richlieu, 1631, by Varin, very fine 1 /- 883 Francis I Duke of Parma ; Francis Bona, by G. Dupre, fine 2 884 Catherine de Medicis, reverse a broken spear, fine and rare ... 1 885 Mary de Medicis, reverse a Ship, “ Servando Dea facta ^ ^ Deos,” by G. Dupre, 1615, very fine and rare 1 886 Chancellor Bellieur, 1602, extremely fine . i /- / - 887 Chancellor Brulart,/me and rare ^ . 1 888 Chancellor Liverlo, 1670, reverse Scales, &c. “ Nec metu nec invidia,” very fine and rare I / 60 A 0 A •=>J A- /Z. / /4 r /~/f . A 0 ' i A/- z, { I // /Z, /z /- /' /-/.A /> ' I 889 liieronimus Scottus, 1580, oval, rare . 1 A /- -'- 890 Jean Baert and Claus Stortzeubecher, the famous Pirates, very /me;. Laurence Coster, ^ 3 ^ 891 MQ%\'ei%i 2 iS\o, hy Wirt, very fine ; Rabelais,/ronf/flce; Christian Wolf,/me . . .3 892 Calvin, reverse Figure of Fame proclaiming the New Doctrine, rare . . . I ' 893 Medallion of Admiral Van Tromp, 2 Van Loon 364, No. 3, fine ^ and rare . . . I 894 Medallion of William Prince of Nassau, reverse full length Portraits of Tromp, Heyn, Heemskerk, and Galen, 2 Van^'^'^*^ Loon, 360 ,'very fine and rare . . 1 895 Medallion of John and Cornelius de Witt on their Assassination, '^crrt- t It 3 Van Loon 81, No. I,fine . . 1 > 896 The famous Heidelburg Ton, 1667 , 3 Van Loon 338,/me; Bluc'her, hy Mills . . . 2 ^ 897 Frederick IV of Denmark, reverse Luther and Bugenhagius, 1717> struck on the Jubilee in Celebration of the Reforma- tion, a very large and beautiful Medallion, in the finest preservation , . 1 898 Marquis Pombal, [772, fine and rare , 1 n 899 Bertholdus V, Founder of Berne, rare, and 6 others, all by Dos¬ sier .... 7 900 Ferdinand VII, reverse in the exergue “ Rege a Gall, perfid. Capto Mex. Trident Semin. fine and rare ; Louis XVIII, Academic de Musique, hy Gatteaux . 2 Medals Engraved by Hedlinger, in Silvet \ 901 Himself, reverse an Owl, Mechel CEuvres de Hedlinger, Plate l,No. \, highly preserved and very rare 1 902 Frederick and Ulrica.of Sweden, reverse the twelve Sovereigns, Plate 4, No. 2 , rare , . I ' > 903 Nicholas Keder, the famous Antiquary, Plate 16 , No. 2 , very y / .fine and rare .... 1 904 Charles Renald Birch, on Plate 17, highly preserved and ^ ■<' •“ very rare . . . ' * z' / 61 905 Christian VI of Denmark, reverse ihc Docks, 1736, Plate 31, ' ^ / No. 1 , a most nolle and rare Medallion^ in the highest o' /. (? state of preservation, from Mr. Bindley’s Collection, No. 740 . . . I i ' 906 Frederick King of Sweden, Plate XIV, No. 3, rare ; Charles i XIII,/we . . 2 ^ ; 907 Complete Series of the Swedish Kings, 47 in Silver, and 1 in ^ Bronze, all in the finest preservation • 48 ‘ ^ O' Medals by Hedlinger^ in Bronze* 908 Baron Stosch, Plate 39—Count Tessin, Plate 29* No. 2 —Count Horn, No. 6 —Barssen, No. 8,Jineand rare 4 909 Medallion of Ann of Russia, Plate 30, No. l, highly preserved, and one of the finest productions of Hedlinger: see Mechel,'^' p. 4i5 . . . 1 910 Empress Ann, Plate 35, rare . . 1 - 911 Clement XIII, Plate 34, No. 1 , late Mr. Bindley’s, very fine and extremely rare . . 1 912 Another, with Inscription on reverse, Mr. Bindley’s, No. *2, very fine and rare ... 1 913 Gustavus Adolphus, Plate 27, No. 1 —Christina, No. 2 —Charles XI, No. 3—Ulrica Eleanora, Plate 28, No. 4, very fine and rare ... 4 V / /r ///4 Roman Imperial Denarii ( continued ). 914 Severus, Victorice Brit, three different figures; Victor Sever Aug, Viet Part Max, Viet Parthicae, Viet iEtern, Viet Aug, and one Pm tr p &c. with figure of Victory, a fine and rare set . . .9 915 Ditto, Consecratio, and 4 others,/we; Julia Domna, 3 differ¬ ent reverses . . 8 916 Julia Domna, Cereri Fruciae, Felicitas, Juno Regina, SeculiFe-^ ^ licitas, Venus Genetrix and Victrix, all extremely fine 6 917 Ditto, Luna Lucifera, very rare, and 5 others . 6 918 Ditto, Mat. Augg. Mat. Sen. M. Patr, Mater Dcuni, Matri Dcum, two Types, all rare, and Pietas, fine . 5 ///\ /o 62 H ^ jj j /- jf-- / /5- / ^ ^ /- 1 / -' /y' /3 yf / /5. /- 2 yf /j 919 Ditto, Diana Lucifera, Pudicitia, Venus Genelrix, all fine^ and 5 others, different reverses . . . 8 / 920 Caracalla, Virtus Aug, and two more,/a»*g-c s/ze, old and young heads, and 7 others with different reverses,/^ne 10'^' 921 Ditto, Salus Antonini Aug and another large, witii 8 others, different re\erses, highly preserved . 10 922 Ditto, Fides Exercitus, Felicitas Temp, Victor Antonini, Secu-^, ritas Perpetua, and 6 others, very fine . 10 ‘ 923 Ditto, Juventa Imperii, Vota Susc. die. pon, tr p V Cos, Jovi Sospitatori, Sal. Gen. Hum, Viet Parthica, and 5 other rare reverses . . 10 924 Ditto, Adventus Aug, Indulgentia, and 8 more, all wellpre- ^ - served . . . 10 . 925 Y)\iXo, different reverses, om. large . . \q 926 Ditto, ditto . . . 10 927 Ditto, ditto . . . . ‘ 10 928 Ditto, ditto . . . 10 929 Ditto, Fides Publica, Provid Deorum, Marti Pacator, &c. some fine . . . 8 930 Ditto, Viet. Par. Max, very fine and rare, and two. Medallion size; Plautilla, Hilaritas, and Venus WcXxxx, extremely fine ... 5 931 Plautilla, Concordia Felix, two figures, very rare; and one, Concordia, figure sitting, highly preserved ; Geta, Libertas Publica, , . 3 932 Plautilla, Propago Imperi, fine and very rare ; Concordia, and Pietas, very fine . . 3 ^ 933 Plautilla, Concordia Aug; Geta, Princ. Juventis, Viet. Aetern, and two others, all fine . , 5 934 Geta, Liberalitas Aug, Securit. Imperi, 5o//t owe? r«re, and four Q\\\exs, finely preserved 935 Ditto, various reverses :•> cy-y- 6 9 Greek Brass. 936 Hiero Sicilias—Pyrrhus,—Alexander Magnus, tiro 937 Erettium, 2 —Rhegium— Maxoixeix, all very fine 938 Syracusa, 4-—Carthago, !•—and 5 others, one Cleopatra 4 1 0 ‘y-Crc-t- -t 63 Greek Silver. v-/?* 939 Aegina, 2, small—Ancient Didrachm of Aegina—and an Ancient Daric . . • 940 Agrigentuni, 1, —Athasnae, 3, . 4 941 Athaenae, 3—Argos, I . . 4 942 Corinthus, 2—Gelas, 1—Istia2a,/jwe . 4 943 Corinthus, 3—Cretona, 1—Dyrracbium, 1 . 5 944 Gelas—Istrus—Istiaea, 2—Larissa, 1 . 5 945 Malea, vide I Pellerin 127—Metapontuni—Massilia—Macedo¬ nia 946 Metapontum—Messana—Massilia,/i«e ^ 947 Macedonia, Head of Diana in Shield 948 Another, Aesillas .... 949 Neapolis—Rhodus—Tarentum, 2 Neapolis, 2—Pariuni—Pergamus !’vvi>>»'<'951 Phocis—Posidonia, very fine —Rhodus, 3 932 Syracusa—Seriphus—Tarentum 953 Tarentum—Terina, 2—-Thebae t^/^54 Thasus, very jine 933 Thurium, exfrewe/^/jwe 955 Y^Wdi, very fine 957 Ditto ■ . . . . *“ ^ 958 Ditto . . (r^>*^959 Antiochus VI1, rer^z/iwe Philippus Syriae, Gough 23, No. 1, rare 961 Ariobarzanes I,/«we aw ^ /f X/// 2 ^ 2 jr'' / 70 1079 Edward VI, Sovereign, the King sitting in a Chair of Slate, reverse Royal Anns crowned, supported by a Lion and Dragon, Type of Ruding, plate 7 , No. 1 , but with Pheon M. M. rare . . .1 1080 Edward VI, Half Sovereign, portrait of the King in profile y crowned, M. M. Y, . . . 1 ^ 7 ' 1081 Mary’s Fine Sovereign or Double Ryal, Queen seated on her Throne, Snelling, plate 4, No. 4 . . | 1082 Elizabeth’s Angel .... 1083 Elizabeth Fine Sovereign, Queen seated on her Throne, M. M. , Escallop shell, No. II . . . 1084 Elizabeth’s Pound Sovereign, bust crowned, reverse Royal Arms between E. R, M. M. Woolpack, fine I 1085 Elizabeth’s Half Sovereign, M. M cross croslet, No. 12 \ 1086 James I, Angel, Escallop shell, * 1087 James I, Sovereign or Unite, Double Crown, British Crown, and Half Crown, Ruding, plate 11 , No. 5, 6 , 7 , 8 4 1088 James I, Broad or Laurel, with its Half and Quarter XX, X» V, 9, II, 12 . . . 3 1089 James I, Thistle Crown, No. 13—a Touch Piece—Charles I, Crown, bust with ruff . . 3 1090 Charles I, Broad, long hair and broad lace band, reverse ^ letters C. R, crowned, M. M. Bell, fine . 1 ' 1091 Charles I, Broad, Feathers, M. M, ruff round the bust, reverse square shield crowned, without the letters C. a fine and scarce variety . . .1 1092 Charles I, Broad, with olive branch in the left hand, 1644, Oxford Mint, Ruding, plate 13, No. \0, fine 1 ^ 1093 Charles I, Broad, 1 6'43, “ Exurgat, &c.” large and veiyrare Type, finely preserved . . . I ^ 1094 Charles I, hy Briot, fine and rare . 1095 Commonwealth Twenty Shilling Piece, 1 653, very fine l 1096 Commonwealth Ten Shilling Piece, l652 . 1 1097 Charles 11 Broad, with Numerals, plate 14, No. 9 1 Gold Medals. X 1098 Duke of Wellington, 5^ and one inscribed ^ “ Sed sanguine constant” . . 1 71 1099 Original Medal presented by the Society of Arts to Mr. Henry Greathead, 1802, for his Invention of the Life ^ ^ Boat . . . . 1 1100 Beautiful Medal, by Loos, presented to Mr. Greathead, by the ^ King of Prussia, on the same occasion, struck on purpose l Tenth Day’s Sale. Miscellaneous. *-r LOT 1101 /^LD and Modern Weig-hts of different Descriptions 60 1102 Ancient Counters and Jettons 30, Tickets 10, vari¬ ous Copper 10 . . 50 1103 Proofs of the obverse and reverse of the Halfcrown, Eight¬ een-pence, Shilling, and Sixpenny Tokens, issued in Newcastle by Robertson, beautifully struck //r i Medals engraved by Dassier and Son, ' } * in Bronze. i I I 1 These Medals have been collected with great care, and are . all in the finest preservation. Large Size. ^ WOA Q\\y Medallions, different . 2 ^ - 1105 Louis XV of France, Clement XII, Charles Emanuel King ‘ of Sardinia,/ront face and profile, and with different /4- reverses . . .4 1106 Frederick III of Prussia, Lewis le Fort, Count Lautrec, Abraham de Moivre . . 4 j / yr //! //"■' ' i I I 7. /2\y w / s ; J /■] / •' /// /f /(> 6 72 1107 Cardinal Fleury, two different reverses, Martin Folkes, Duke of Arg-yle . . .4 1108 Sir John Bernard, Robert Barker, Edmund Halley, Wil- liam Pulteney . . . 4 ^ 1109 Philip Stanhope, Lord Carteret, Sir Robert Walpole, ^ y Alexander Pope ... 4 1110 William Prince of Orang-e, King of Sardinia, different from the former, Marshal Saxe, two different portraits yo* 't. and looking opposite ways . . 4 1111 Montesquieu,Mazzuchelli, Matfeio, Elizabeth 1, on/owwcf- ing the Academy at Moscow 4 1112 Mediation of Geneva, Concord, and one on the Jubilee, extra fine . . .3 1113 Charles Spencer Duke of Marlborough, Sir Andrew Foun- taine, Lewis le Fort, different from the former, Arch¬ deacon Brideoke . . 4 1114 George II, Maria Theresa, Sir Hans Sloane, John Duke of Montagu, uncommonly fine , 4 1115 Frederick Prince ofWales, Burlamaqui, rare. Count Schu- ^ wallow, extremely rare . . 3 Second Size. 1116 Guttenberg and Faust, Shakespeare, Selden, Locke, New- / ton . . . . 5 1117 Ferdinand VI of Spain, Victor. Amed. King of Sardinia, Peter the Great, General Saconay, Great Duke of Marlborough . . . 5 1118 Lord Bacon, Milton, Newton, on his death, Clarke, Oster- vald .... 5 1119 Elizabeth of Russia, Death of Prince of Wales, Archbishop Wake, Wolfe, Windham . . 5 Smaller Size. 1120 Tronchin, Leger, Turretin, Varin the Medal Engraver, Fenelon, Turene, Richlieu, Harcourt, St. Marthe, Maria ^ Theresa, Des Houlieres, and Pope . 12 1121 Dubois, Turretin, Louis le Grand, Louis de Bourbon, Lully, Fabert, Nanteuil, Cardinal Richlieu, Malebranche, and one of Locke, sccono? 6i»c . . 10 Complete Sets. 11'22 English Monarchs, from William the Conqueror to George II, inclusive, fine and original set, struck by Dossier himself . . .37 Besides the Medals usually appertaining to this Series, the present Col¬ lection contains side face Medals of Edward VI and Mary I, seldom to he met with, as well as Cromwell, 2ueen Caroline, and one with two heads. 1123 1124 •Tr. ^ 1125 Series of Medals representing the principal Events and the most illustrious Men of the Roman Republic, all original impressions, a most beautiful set 60 Series of the Reformers,yV«e original impressions 24 Series of the Great Men of France, of an uniform size, conformable to Dassier’s printed List, very fine 80 Silver. 1126 1127 Respublica Bernensis, reverse Felicitas Reipublic 0 e, exer¬ gue Senates et Sedecim viri Respublicse Bernensis, large size, very fine and rare . . 1 On the Jubilee at Berne, 1728, and Berne Premium Medal, both fine and rare , . 2 Sets of Medals, in Bronze, hy various Artists. 1128 Series of the Dukes and Duchesses of Lorraine, by Saint Urbain, very fine . . 40 The Medals in this series are in regular continuation from Hugh, a descendant, in the fourth degree, from Eticho, Duhe of Suahia and Alsatia in 700, down to Francis III, who married Maria Theresa. ► 1129 Series of the reigning Princes of Bavaria, from Lewis I to Charles Theodore,/meZy executed by A. Schafer, and very rare . . .30 -r , 1130 A very fine Set of Austrian Medals and Medallions of the / Empress Maria Theresa and the Emperor Joseph II and their Family, by Donner, Guillimard, Krafft, Toda, Vestner, Wideman, Wurth, &c. . Ill These interesting Medals, little known in this country, are fully de¬ scribed in a work published at Vienna, folio, intituled “ Medailles Frappees sous le Ilegne gloricux de VImperatrice Rcine Marie Thei'ese.” 74 1131 Series of Medals published by Mudie, illustrative of British Victories during- the late AVar, in a handsome red rocco case, a subscription set, picked impressions 40 /4 7 Remainder of Roman Imperial DenariJ. • /■ 1132 Philip senior, reverse a Lion, and 2 others; Otacilia, Pietas Aug-j/tne and rare, and another . 5 1133 Philip senior, Pudicitia, very fine, and two others, one the Hippopotamus; Philip junior, Principi juvent; Traja- janus Decius, Pannonise, rare, and another,/me 7 1134 Philip junior, Principi juvent, rare, and two others,/tne; Etruscilla, Fecunditas Aug-g',/me ,* Trajanus Decius, 3, one with Pannonia, two figures, very rare 7 1135 Trajanus Decius, Adventus Aug; Etruscilla, Pudicitia, two V. 6 ^ / / - t /- 3 /z /- A / 3. different; Herennius, 2 ; Hostilianus, 1 1136 Herennius 2 , Hostilianus 1, Trebonianus Gallus 4 7 1137 Trebonianus, different reverses . . 7 1138 Volusian 5, some/me ,* iEmilian 2, scarce . 7 1139 Volusian3; iEmilian 1 ; Valerian, Restitutor Orbis; and 2 r others . . . . 7 , 1140 Valerian, different reverses . . 8 1141 Mariniana, rare, Gallienus 5,/me . % 1142 Mariniana 1 , Gallienus 7, different reverses 8 4-^^ 1143 Divo Augusto 2 , Vespasiano, Tito 3, Nervae, Trajano 2 , Pio, Marco, Commodo 2 , Severo, Alexandro 3, restored by Gallienus, all different, very fine set \^ 1144 Gallienus, Jovi crescenti, rare, and 3 others, fine; Salo- nina, Vesta and Juno Victrix, very fine . 6 1145 Salonina 2 , Valerianjun. 3,/me . . 1146 Salonina, Concordia Aug, rare, and 2 others; Valerian jun. 5, different reverses . . 8 1147 Postumus, Laetitia, Here. Deusoniensi, both rare, and 5 others, different reverses; Probus 2 . 9 1148 Postumus 6 , Probus, Carinus, Numerianus . 9 1149 Diocletian, Virtoria Sarmat, rery fine, Maximianus,/me and rare . . .2 1150 Maximinus Daza, rare, Constantins Chlorus, fine and rare, Constantine the Great, without legend, rare 3 A' '> 75 ■uy- H51 Conslanlius 4, fine, Constantine the Great, large, fine ^ and rare . . .5 H52 Constantins 4, Julian 2, Valentinian 2, Valens 2 10 ^ itt/y 1153 Julian3, Valentinian 2, Valens 2, Gratian, Mag-. Maximus, Victorinus 1154 Valentinian, Virtus exercitus, a Medallion 10 /- j /' y3. 1155 Gratian 2, Mag-. Maximus, Theodosius 2, Eugenius, Area- /o dius, Honorius . . 8 1156 Theodosius, Eug-eniiis, Arcadius, Honorius, Constantine, Tyran, Justinian 2, Athalaricus, Jovinus, Anastasius, ^ ''Z Heraclius, Wittiges 12 v/V 1157 Fine modern Fabrications of Claudius, Severus with two /.r heads, Pertinax, Macrinus’ triumphal Car, Diadume- nian and Didia Clara . 6 1158 Various Denarii, bad impressions . 20 Crowns, &c. 1159 1160 1162 1163 vll64 1165 1166 1167 168 7^-, 1169 1170 ^^^^^^^.1171 1172 173 1174 1175 / 1176 Edward VI, 1553, Ton Mint mark Another, 1551, Y.M.M. . . . 1 Elizabeth, very fine, from Mr. Henderson's Collection, No. 385 . . . .1 Ditto, Year 2, exiremeZy rare . . 1 Ditto, Portcullis, Henderson 386,/ine and scarce 1 James I, Eng-lish, Snelling-, Plate 8, No. 16 . 1 Ditto, Scotch, Folkes, Plate 41, No. 1 . 1 Charles I, Fleur de Lis, Ruding-, PI. 18, No. 1, feathers be¬ tween CR. No. 2 Ditto, Eye and Harp, M.M., very fine Ditto, Sun and Triangle Ditto, by Briot Ditto, Tower, l645,yVne ; Anchor, very fine Ditto, Rose, MM., and one with date 1644 Ditto, Exeter, 1645; Rose, MM, with feathers & C.R, Ditto, Bell, MM; another. Portcullis, rare Ditto, struck at Oxford, 1643 Ditto, Ten-shilling Piece, same date,/*nc Ditto, Twenty-shilling Piece, same date, well preserved, and rare ... i 1 / 7 - 5 . z z ' yr/ /-y/' 2. yJ /- / / '7 I 3 ^3]. 2 3 L 76 2 ., 3 -'-I 4 1177 1 1173 1179 1 !<^ 1180 ''J'' 1181 1182 /iy 1183 ? ' /ir 1184 1185 y I 4 :/d 1186 /- y, 1187 /'T' 1188 /3. 1189 yj' 1190 /- 1191 2 .//' 1192 y/y /^1193 y^. 1194 1195 /cT 1196 y // 2 z 1197 1198 . 5 ' 1199 y/< 1200 Crowns, Commonwealth, 1656,/ine Another, dated 1652 Charles II: 1662, rose under the head; 1664, young head; \&9>\, old head, fine . . 3 Ditto, 1662, arms; 1666, Elephant under the head, J 7 o both rare . . . ^ ^ Ditto, 1671; James II, 1688, well preserved ‘-2 Charles II, 1668 ; James II, 1686 . 2 Charles II, 1663, large and small portraits; James II, 1687, well preserved . . 3 William and Mary, 1691; William III, 1700,/ine 2 William and Mary, 1692; William III, 1695,/ine 2 Ann, 1703, Vigo; 1707, Roses and Feathers, highly pre¬ served . . .2 Ditto, 17 O 6 , Roses and Feathers; 1707, E under the head, both fine . . . . 2 Ditto, I 7 O 8 , one plain and another with feathers 2 Ditto, with double arms, 1707, plain; 1713, roses and feathers ... 2 George I, 1716 , roses and feathers,/me . 1 Another, 1718 . . . . 1 George I, South Sea, highly preserved . 1 Ditto, 1726, roses and feathers, well preserved 1 George II, young head, roses and feathers; old head, ^ roses and Lima,/me . . 3 Ditto, young head, 1739, roses ; 1734,roses and feathers; old head, 1751, p\a.m, fine . 3 Ditto, young head, 1736, roses and feathers; 1741, roses; old head, 1750, plain, well preserved . 3 Ditto, 1746, a Pattern, very fine . , 1 George III, Pattern, by W. Wyon, reverse “ Foedus in- violabile,” very fine and rare, only 50 struck 1 •*' Ditto, Wyon’s Pattern, with Shield, “ Incorrupta fides ve- ritasque,” extremely rare, no more than 25 having ever been struck in silver . 1 Ditto, Mudie’s Pattern; Spanish Dollar, stamped with Head of George III, to make it current in this country 2 U ^<4^ t •* / English Milled Coins, in Gold . 1201 1202 1203 r;:/' 1204 1205 1206 207 1208 1209 1210 1211 Charles II, Two Guinea Piece, 1681, very fine 1 Charles II Guinea, 1667—James II Guinea, 1685, ele¬ phant and castle under the bust . 2 William and Mary’s Five Guinea Piece, 1692, elephant and castle under their heads,/7we . 1 William III Five Guinea Piece, 1701, i'h the highest pos^ sible state of preservation . 1 Ann Five Guinea Piece, with a rose in the centre of rc- ^ verseyl^Ob, fine and rare . . 1 ^ Ann Guinea, 1713 . . . 1 Georg-e I Guinea, 1714, with title of Prince Elector, ^ scarce ... 1 George I Guinea, 1715 ; Half Guinea, and Quarter Gui- ^ xiea.,\l\S, very fine . . 3 George 1 Two Guinea Piece, 1720, scarce . I ^ George II Five Guinea Piece, 1753, old head 1 d George III Quarter Guinea, 1762; Half Guinea, 1786; Seven Shilling Piece, 1810, all fine ; Guinea, 1813, iy 9 Thomas }Vyon,jun. . . 4 '2 4 S V / 2 . d y/'/- Gold Patterns and Proofs of English * Coins. 1212 Olivar’s Broad, T/tomas "'•^•^4213 Charles II Broad, by Thomas Simon, reverse Florent Con- y cordia Regna, also Mr. Bindley’s, fine and rare 1 1214 George III, Pattern for a Seven Shilling Piece, by Yeo,/- Z 1776, very fine . . . 1 f^/^v^n215 George 111, Proo/of his Five Dollar Piece, 1813, by T. ]VyQn,p\vi. fine and rare . . 1 ^ On Saturdayy May 31, The Choice LIBRARY of the late THOMAS CHANDLESS, Esq. Removedfrom his Residence in Dorset Square. CHARLES WARREN, Esq. Historical Engraver. The Entire and Valuable Collection of PRINTS & DRAWINGS of the late Charles Warren, Esq. consisting chiefly of Proofs of Etchings of his own Admired Works, in the finest state of preser¬ vation, mostly on India Paper; together with an Assemblage of the Works of his Contemporaries, presented to him; among which will be found some very fine Proofs by Sharp, Scbiavonetti, Bartolozzi, Heath, Sen. and Jun., Raimbach, Finden, Scott, Neagle, &c. &c.— Likewise a few Pictures, particularly a very fine Gallery Picture by Northcote ; Copper Plates, Books, Plaisters, Casts, &c. &c. A Valuable and Extensive LIBRARY OF ORIENTAL LITERATURE, Of a Right Reverend and Learned Professor; Together with many Specimens of Early Typography, containing— In Folio. —Biblia Germanica, First Edition; Gregorii XVIII Nova Compilatio Decretalium, Mogunt. per Pet. Schoyffer, 1473; Bergamo super Opera Omnia, printed on Vellum, Bononice, 1473; Turrecremata Expositio Psalterio, Mogunt. Pet. Schoyffer, 1474 ; Lactantius, Romeo, 146 'S; Augustinus de Civitate Dei, Editio Princeps; Janua Catholicon, 2 tom. Mogunt. 1460 ; Lucianus, Editio Princeps, Florent. 14^6 Quarto. —Cicero de Otficiis, Joan. Fust, 1466; Anthologia Graeca, Litteris Capitalibus; Apolonius Rhod’ms, Litteris Capi- talibus; and others of equal Value. Also .several Interesting Manuscripts on J'ellnnt and Paper. EMPEROR NAPOLEON'S LIBRARY. The remaining portion of the Library of the late Emperor Napo¬ leon, brought from St. Helena, by order of His Majesty's Government. Several of the Books have marginal Manuscript Remarks by the Emperor; more particularly Volney’s Voyage en Egypte, 2 vol.; Bruce’s Travels, in French, 5 vol., the map of which has Napoleon's line of march, traced hy himself; Corres¬ pondence Inedit6 et Officielle, 7 vol.; Vpyage de Denon, &c. &c. An Extensive Portion of the LIBRARY of a GENTLEMAN, Resident in Ireland: Comprising a Valuable Selection of Works on the Fine Art*. J. Compton, Printer, Middle Street, Cloth Fair, London.