5/6/189: to 12/16^89: f-th'S ?^te ^ ^^' K^ i >^^4i> -«^^ >>*•■%.. y^ ^^. s*^^^^ ^<^^^ ^■^^■i^-. ^A '-'A-' #^'' '^ ^m^ . 4 <3 ■ Sv >i*^ f ^: ^-\: THE REMAINING WORKS OF VIC AT COLE, E.A. \Q,0 OF THB REMAINING WORKS OF VICAT COLE, R.A., DECEASED, Comprising nearly Six Hundred Sketches and Finished Studies in Oil and Water Colour, principally Views in Surrey, England, Wales, and Scotland, and on the Thames; ALSO, "The Alps at Rosenlaui" and "The Summons to Surrender/' the well-known pictures exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1878 and 1889; and "The Pool of London": WHICH (by Order of the Executors) Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIE (SEEAT EOQMS, 8 KING STKEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUAEE, On FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1893, And on MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1893, AT ONB o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Two days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, jManson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. 11'. \ ,,■■(/. ; CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall bo immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is. ; above Five Pounds, 5s, ; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have tlie right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5.s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lois .so ])urchased to be immediately put u]) again '>nd resold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account bo removed during the time of Sale; find the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. ai^ii'o— First Day's Sale. »>e>{o Oil FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1893, AT ONE O CLOCK PRECI8BLY. oXK* PENCIL DRAWINGS— /?i Folio. VICAT COLE, R.A. 1 Studies op Sheep ; &c. 2 Kinglet Vale, Goodwood ; &c. 6 3 Coming Stobm ; and the Companion 2 4 Thorn in Arundel Park ; &c. 5 5 The Terrace, Richmond 2 6 Oxford, from Iffley — sepia 7 Sheep-washing ; &c. 10 7a a Breaking Wave ; Ac. g 7b Firs on Lkith Hill ; &c. 4 B 2 4 WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS—/?! Folio. 8 Near Llanrwst ; &c. 7 9 Near Petersfield; &c. 7 10 WiTTENHAM ClUMP ; &e. 7 11 SiNODUN Hill — sketch for '■' Academy Notes ^^ 12 Arundel; &c. 10 13 Heart-o'-Corrie, Skye ; &c. 8 14 Hardwyck House, Mapletlurham ; &c. 8 15 Old Marsh Lock ; &c. 8 16 St. Ives; &g. 11 17 The Wetterhorn and the Wellhorn; &c. 10 18 Land's End ; &c. 4 19 Land's End, Cornwall ; &c. 3 WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS— T^mmec/. 20 At Inversnaid, Loch Lomond 21 A Farm House, and stacks 22 Study for " The Armada " 23 Studies of Birds 24 Part of Snowdon, from Llyn Gwinach ; &c. 25 Studies of Sheep 26 Studies of Sheep 27 Abingdon— pcr Tiuinies 122 Cornfield, near Streutley 123 Streatley Hills 124 Cottages and Trees 125 Sketch of Hills 126 Hills near Whitchurch 127 A Sand Pit, Surrey 128 The Fish Market, Norwicli, and Wild Rose on the baek 129 The Eivee Path 130 Study of Standing Corn 131 Below the Lock, Mapledurham 132 Study of Rushes 133 SiNODUN Hill, from Day's Lock 134 A Scotch Mountain 135 St. Bride's Bay 136 Entrance to Loch Cokuibk 137 The Surrey Hills 138 The Angry Sea 139 St. Bride's 140 Study of Anchors For picture of the " Pool of London ' 141 Alps at Kosenlaui 142 Scuih-na-Gilman 143 Among the Hills 14 i Study of Rocks, St. BriJe's Bay 145 The Flowing Tide 146 Breaking Waves off St. Bride's 147 Early Morning on the Arun 148 On the Thames 149 The Mill-wheel 150 Hawthorn, at Medmeuham 151 Angry Clouds 152 Cornfield: Goriug 153 Ferns and Bracken 154 Below Wallinqfobd DRAWINGIS BY OTHKR ARTISTS. A. C. BELL. 155 Dunn da Laiach, Inverness E. W. COOKE, R.A. 156 Portsmouth; and Southsea Castle — two in one frame, in pencil 157 Mount Edgcombe — three in one frame, ditto 168 Beeu, Devon — in pencil 159 Steam Vessels in the Pool — ditto 160 Etretat — ditto 161 St. Helier's, Jersey — ditto J. CONSTABLE, R.A. 162 The Mill at Arundel G. COLE. 163 A Lake Scene j &c. — in folio 10 T. DANBY. 164 Neak Dolwtddelen 165 Hills at Llanwehllen 166 A Scotch Lake Scene 167 A Cottage near Newport 168 Wet Day at Abernchill, Perthshire E. DUNCAN. 169 Old Dredging-boat, Mumbles 170 Old Skiff, Mumbles 171 Loch Scavaig, &c. — in folio 6 D. COX. 172 A Landscape, with cows D. COX. 173 A Coast Scene, with boats and figures D. H. McKEWAN. 174 Broadsladb Bat, Mumbles J. H. MOLE. 175 In Caswell Bay, South Wales J. M. W. TUENER, E.A. 176 A Landscape J. M. W. TUENER, E.A. 177 A Swiss Valley J. VAELET. 178 A Mountainous Landscape, with shcejj ; and A Miver Scene — a pair 2 J. H. D'EGVILLE. 179 A Woody Landscape, with a pool G. DODGSON. 180 An Old Gateway, with cavaliers 11 PICTURES. A. COLE. 181 Aires Downs, New Forest GEORGE AND A. COLE. 182 On the Biient A. COLE. 183 By the River Side G. COLE. 184 Jack Ketch, the famous huuter, after J. Ward, R.A. W. ETTY, R.A. 185 A Study A. TASINI. 186 A Landscape, with a church and figures J. CONSTABLE, R.A. 187 A Landscape, with a cottage and pond J. CONSTABLE, R.A. 188 A Landscape, with sheep and cottage J. CONSTABLE, R.A. 189 A River Scene, with figures in a boat R. WILSON, R.A. 189a a Lake Scene, with old castle and figures End of First Day's Sale. Second Day's Sale. On SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1893, / — • -^ /• /^ • //• - /• /L - /. /^- - /■ //. ^ / /^- - j: ^■. - ^ /J: - J'. J-. / - • ' /o . /o. - AT ONE CLOCK. WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS— i^"/«/;it^(/. VICAT COLE, R.A. 190 A Sketch op Corn Sheaves ; &c. 191 Study of Heather and Bracken 192 Rocks between Dale and St. Anne's Point .« V /o 193 SouTHWiCK, Hants z) /Oy^/2" 194 Study of an Old Gate and Weeds /0^/Z 195 Sketch of a Gateway 196 St. Bride's : Study of lobster pots e/a^f^^ 197 A Hay Field /Oy^/^ ' ^.tc^^^^-^^^ 198 Windsor Castle ^ / ^ 199 Study of a Breaking Wave o v ^T 200 A Stream '0,^/z" ^^^/% 201 Snowdon: near Pen-y-gwowd «^'^<' ^^^T^^aii^ 202 Welsh Mountains ^-^ 'o 203 Fir Trees /^^^ ^ ' AuM^ :\ '. J. - ; J'. - t/ . <■> . /. / . /a. - . 2 . - > ^. ^ I ' S- - ' . //• » : y. - '. /^- / '. /J. <^ '. /. - /. -^. - 7 - . - 204 Hills and Stream /o ^ /:? 205 Stkeatley Mill «7>^ 206 Study of a Cottage S ^ ^o ' 207 Arundel S'\/-' 208 Study of Felled Trees - ^a/-^ 209 Eainbow on the Hills S ^/u ' 210 Arundel Castle 'i x ^ 211 Streatley S^-f 212 Cranleigh, with county scliool ^x J* 213 A Welsh Stream ^^ .7^ 214 Near Inversnaid /x//^" 219 EicHMOND Park, Old Oaks Sk/o' 220 Llyn Dinas J'^^ ' 221 St. Michael's Mount S^x^ 222 Streatley-on-Thames /. /2 '' 225 At Inversnaid, Loch Lomond J''^ ^ 226 Trees and Stack ^ x // 227 Climping Corner, near Arundel -f~:^f 228 A Cottage S>-/o 229 Greenhithe -^ a^ J^^ei:.-<^^t.^r.-<-t- I J^^trr/^f^^c*^\ 14 r. /j: / /■ // ^' 2. ~ - /J-. - /. /. - ^. /^- <^ 4. ^. - >^. /^ . / ^. /^ • ' ///^ j: /-■ - z. z. - J. ^. - ^: y: - J-- J: - ? ^ . /• - 230 At Ballooh, Loch Lomond J^~^ ■P 231 An Intebior '•>/-2. 232 A Welsh Stream /^/.z- 233 Belsize Park s^/o 234 Near Woolmer Forest J' ^ f 235 Near Arundel S > /z. 236 Sketch from H.M.S. ' Skylark ' v^ /o 237 St. Bride's Bat S-^S> 238 Bkoadford, Skye o ■< f 239 Kinglet Vale, Sussex ^ y /Z- 240 View in a Foreign Town <''x/^ 241 SouTHWooD, near Arundel /x'/^ 242 Part of Snowdon, from Pen -y-Gwy rid ^'K/d t 248 Wargrave : Study of Osiers //>r/^ 244 WOODCLIFPE AND ChePSTOW /'v/-^' 245 Wargrave /Z^/^' 246 Evening : Pembrokeshire coast /I x. ^ 247 Eosenlatji Glacier /a \/^ 248 Sketch of Tree, with water /y^^xZo 249 Burt, near Arundel /^ ^ /S' 250 Near Pulborough / <^~>' ^/ 251 Hills, near Pulborough ^^ >- /-/<> 254 Near Arundel /V x /^^ 255 FiTTLEWORTH LoCK ,4 x // 256 The Bridge at Fittleworth /•«- ^A ^-yuvt-/b 259 Leominster /i > // 260 Houghton Bridge, Araberley /i>f/6 261 Arundel /^v/6 262 St. Bride's Bay /l.>2-o 263 River Weeds, Arundel /Z x //' 264 Yellow Flags /z.x/s- 265 Sketch of River Weeds /2.x/^ 266 Meadow Flowers /t. ^/^ 267 Study op Rooks, St. Bride's Bay /<^x/^ 268 Arundel: Evening J'y// 269 Ben Slioch, Loch Maree /Z x /-^ 270 The Old Manor House / 1? < /^ 271 St. Bride's Bay />^x/^ 272 Sketch at Dale /Z>.'o 273 Study op Rocks, St. BriJe's Bay z x /{ 274 Storm Clouds .i-y^/i 275 A Cornfield /j2. x / 6 276 Study of a Hay Barge / 2. ^ ^C> 277 A Barge, sailing //>/J' ALBUMS. 2 278 An Album, containing 20 sketches 4^ 279 A Ditto, containing 16 sketches 2A 280 A Ditto, containing 12 water-colour drawings '. _ . - 281 A Ditto, containing 16 watei-colour drawings . //": - 282 A Ditto, containing 15 water-colour drawings '- Jt — 288 A Sketch-book — for the year 1861 /■ I . ^ 284 A Ditto ^yC^-z^t-t^**r' I ^>E^i^-«>^ ' /i^it-y^ (iX-^^^— i**^ ^,^'{^l>yiy^Uy'i.^<>C 16 SKETCHES AND FINISHED STL'DIES.-/;m>77. /Z /-A f J'A //- z f/. z. - J^ / ^A J /' /^- - • ' /^ // /^'- ' 9 J / /^. VIC AT COLE, R.A. 289 The Sea — sletch from the ' Sea Lark ' y^ ^ // 2['0 The Eeed Punt W'^/Z 291 Near Holmbury /^l-/^ 292 Docks on the Thames /^^^^ 293 Faibfield, Goring z^--/// 294 The Fekey-boat, Wargrave /->>//' 295 Isle of Skye 'a^- /^ 296 In the Isle of Skye /O ' /Z 297 Study of Cows: Early nioniiiig ^>/^ 298 Evening Sky /I ^ /-^ 299 Magpie Island /t y/4' 300 Study of Cornsheaves , i. ^-^^ 301 Study of Willow Trees, Wargrave /Z ^"/-^ ' 302 Study of Storm Clouds /2. > -'^ 303 Morning Mist on the Surrey Hills /^ ^ 304 Study of a Tree ^ ^ ^ '^ ^ 305 Water Lilies o -^/i. 306 In Arundel Park /Zy^/P 307 A Sand-pit, Surrey / ^ x /-^ 308 Towing Path, Bisham /^^/^ 309 A Cornfield, near Streatley /Z x// 310 Harvest-time: Upper Thames /^ v// 311 Study of Weeds J^Zo 312 Kingcups /4^><- /P 313 River Weeds '8 y^t 314 Mapledurham Lock /^ ^// 315 Bisham /Z. x/'^ /^ 17 /a /A y '/ 316 The Mirbor of thb Mbadows /^x /^ 1^17 Study of Sky /^ y / P 1^318 Study of Sky /^ ^ // 319 Shillingford-on-Thambi /2 - Za 320 A Mountain Stream 74- ;■< /V 321 Eain on the Hills /^ x/f 322 Study of Eooks /^ x^S . 323 Rolling Downs //^^ / p 324 View from Eiohmond Hill /4^^/^ 325 View on the Eiver Aruw /4^x/«r 326 Off Greenwich Hospital /^ > //' 327 The Alps at Eosenlaui /P>i/z. 328 On the Skyb Coast /z ^ /J" 329 EocKS at St. Bridb's /z^^/p 330 Glen SLMitiHAN, Skye /l x /P 331 LOOH SOAVAIG /^x/^ 332 A Peaceful Ebaoh /^ >c/^ 333 A Golden Sunset /^ >< / 334 The Heart of Subbbt /zx// 335 Off St. Bride's Bat ^x : /S 339 Streatley Hills, from below the bridga ///>:/cP 340 Autumn : on the Thamei /-^ x /<^ 341 A Storm /z x/J 342 Churchyard, Dorche»t*r /^x/6 '^^"t^^'X.g.-t^ A^-^^^^^-e-*-*- 18 // /. f. - fj p /at 343 Lyoh Gate, Dorchestor Churchyar J /4 y~ /h 344 Cattle on the River. Bank /4 x //• 345 On the Thames /b x 2 2. 346 Pangboubne /S ?^ Z^ 347 The Mountain Torbent, SligacLau /^'>^^J. 348 Studies of Water 2J S ^/^' "^ f ^ /J' 349 A Hedge and Gate /o,^ z ^ 350 On the River Abun /^ ^Z2- 351 A Rush Harvest /S \Z ^ 352 At Iffley /S>Z'^ 353 Breaking Waves /e>yz^ 354 Study of Iris .// x /«b 355 Running Water // x ^ < 356 Old Willows /^^2Z 357 Stobm-olad Breakers /&^^Z 358 Autumn : View in Surrey /^ > ^^ 359 Autumn Foliage /b x t^ 360 Study of a Breaking Wave ? > z z. 361 Dock Leaves /^ x /^ 362 A Hedge /Z.:< /6 363 Study of Rushes, iu Bolney Backwater ^ (> y-^-2 364 Medmenham : Autumn /(> y Z2^ 365 A Breaking Wave x^ y~S t> 367 Ben Damph, JLoch Torridon /Z ^/^ 368 Study of Dock Leaves /^ xr /2. 369 Backwater at Bolney : Autumn A y -^-^ 370 Capston Rock, Ilfracombe /^ y: 2 ^ 371 SiNODUN Hill, ou Thames /h ^ z ^ 372 Iffley Mill -Zzp^j^ 373 Willow Tree at Iffley J^/^^Ar J 1 I 1 I I I ^ j 19 ^ j^ 874 Oxford, from Iffloy Z ^ ?<- J o Z J ' 375 Stddy of Sea and Eocks, at St. Bride's J(^ >^ J C J'.i. 376 Study of Autumn Foliage 2Zycl^ y^a^wy^^L/ yZ-K. 377 The Harvest of the Hills ^ 34 in. by Jr(r iii. VICAT COLE, R.A. / J~^ 378 Early Morning, Gravesend—Mw/im's7«ecZ This wa9 the last ivot-Jc the Artist vms engaged upon VICAT COLE, E.A. Z fJ ■ 379 THE ALPS AT ROSENLAUI Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1878 52 in. by 78 in. VICAT COLE, E.A. ^ ^z> 380 THE SUMMONS TO SUERENDEE /^^^^di^ " I fell in (God be thanked) with Valdez's great galleon, and in it great booty, which the Dons, his fellows, had left behind, like faithful and valiant comrades, and the Lord Howard let slip past hira, thinking her deserted by her crew. I have sent to Dartmoutli a sight of noble- men and gentlemt n, may be half a hundred, and Valdez himself, who when I sent my pinnace aboard, must needs stand on his punctillios and propound conditions. I answered him, I had no time to tell with bim ; if he would needs die, then I was the very man for him ; if he would live, then Buena Guerra, He sends again, boasting he was Don Pedro Valdez, and tiiat it stood not with his honoiu', and that of the Dons in his company. I replied, for my part, I was Francis Diake, and my matches burning." — Kingsley's ' Westward Ho.' Exhiliited at the Boyal Academy, 1889 72 in. by 120 in. VICAT COLE, E.A. / ^^ 381 THE POOL OF LONDON ,^^^%-t^ 50 in. by 84 in. End of Second Day's Sale. Third Day's Sale. i>e?o On MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1893, AT ONE o'clock PRECISBLY. WATER-COLOUR BUAWmQS— Framed. VICAT 0OLE,R.A. 390 Beaohet Head 391 Bhaohey Head 392 Study of Foam 393 Coomb Point 394 Dartmouth 395 A Beaper 396 A Keaper 397 A ElVEB SOBNB 398 Old Oaks in Richmond Park 399 Study op a Pony 400 Study op Cobnsheaves 401 Sketch op Cobnsheaves 402 Study of Standing Corn 403 Harvest Time 2i 404 Pbimrosbs 405 Richmond Park 406 Study of Poultry 407 Study of Ducks 408 Poppies and Cornflowers 409 Foxgloves 410 Bracken 411 Study of Teasels, Arundel 412 Willow Trees 413 The Coast of Pembuokeshirk 414 Snowdon 415 Near Bettws-t-Coed 416 Arundel 417 Arundel 418 Hills and Sky 419 A Sketch in Surrey 420 Study of Sky and Watbb 421 Study of Sky 422 Greenhithe 423 A Boat 424 MiLFORD Haven 425 A Three-masted Schooner at Arundbl 426 Portland 427 Lulworjh Cove 428 Portland, from H.M.S. Audacious 429 Portland, from H.M.S. Audacious 430 Land's End, Cornwall 431 AnUNDEL 432 A Windblown Poplar, Mapledurbam 433 Study of Hollyhocks 434 Wild Hyacinth, Albury 22 435 Yellow Flags 436 Young Braokkn 437 The Old Anchor, Abingdou 438 Near Chobham 439 HiLLT Landscape 410 Portland, from H.M.S. Audacious 441 Hills, near the Eiver Arun 442 A River Scene, with buildings 443 Stddy of a Fklled Tree 414 Study of an Old Beach Tree 445 Study op Trees, Eynsford 446 Sketch of Trees : Autumn 447 Arundel' 448 Near Holmbury: Winter 449 Arundel: Autumn 450 On the Arun 451 Snowdon, from Llyn 452 Stoke, near Arnndel 453 Oxford 454 Sketch on the Thames 455 Snowdon 456 Top of Snowdon 457 Dale, near Milford 458 Abinger: Winter 459 Near Bury, on the Arun 4G0 Sketch of Rocks, Pembrokeshire 461 Thorn Trek, in blossom by the rivtr 402 Mn.L ON THE Arun 23 ALBUMS. 463 An Album, containing 33 sketches 464 A Ditto, containing 26 sketches 46 "i A Ditto, containing 23 sketches 466 A Ditto, containing 36 sketches 467 A Ditto, containing 49 sketches 468 A Ditto, containing 28 sketches 469 A Ditto, containing 27 sketches 470 A Ditto, containing 50 sketches 471 Great Marlow, after Vicat Cole, E.A., by B. Debaines — artisCs proof , on vellum 472 Ditto— ditto 473 The Bathers, after F. Walker, A.R.A., by R. W. Macbeth, A.R.A. — proof SKETCHES AND FINISHED STUDIES— //i Oil. VICAT COLE, R.A. 478 A View iv Surrey 479 Near Holmbury, Surrey 480 A Mountain Valley 481 The Nore Lightship — study for one of the Thames series 482 A Study of Sky 483 On the Coast of Pembrokeshire 484 Lane and Trees 485 Hollyhocks 486 A Surrey Common 487 Old Beach Trees 488 A View in Surrey 489 Peaceful Evening 24 490 A Scotch Lake Scene ; and A Mountain Sceno 491 A Canal Boat 492 A Canal Boat, Upper Thameg 493 Medmenham: Evening's close 494 Wabgbavb Chueoh 495 Gatehampton, Oxon 496 Bend of the Riveb, Basildon 497 A Sand Lane, Surrey 498 BoLNEY Backwater 499 The Highlander's Last Besting Plaob 500 BOSHAM 501 Hill Scene, with peasants and sheep 502 On the Arun 503 From the Eton Plating Fields 504 Meadow and Hills 505 On the Arun 506 Streatlbt Hills 507 On the Arun 508 ScuiR Na Eidhbam, Skye 509 Old Bridge and Weir, Pangbourne 610 Near Arundel 511 Golden Barley 512 A Man in a Punt 513 A Lock 514 The Towing-path Bridge at Bdrt 515 Study of a Punt 20 516 Study of Eushes 517 Willows 518 Stbeatlet 619 Bee-hives 520 The Weir, Pangbourne 521 Study of Trees 522 On the River Arum : Autumn 523 Slumbering Thames 524 Pangbourne-on-Thames 525 Water Lilies 526 Standing Corn 527 Study op Blossom 528 A Mill 529 Dock Leaves 530 Old Willows 531 The Road to the River 532 Autumn Gold 533 Woods and River : Autumn 634 The Mouth of the Loddon 635 River and Grey Sky 536 On the River Abun : Autumn 537 Trees in Richmond Park 638 On the Thames 539 On the Thames 540 Below Goring 511 Near Bolney: Autumn evening D 26 542 Tbebs and Riveb 543 A Mower 544 Bridge on the Arun 545 Thames at Bray 546 A Reach on the Thames 547 The Cuchullins, Skye 548 Study of Trees, Abinger 549 Bend of the Eiver Arun 550 Abingdon Church 551 The Bridge 552 Evening at Stoke 553 Trees at Walton, Surrey 554 Mountain Peaks, Scotland 555 Trees ; Autumn 556 A Mill 557 The Thames at Streatley 558 Study of Trees : Early morniug — for the picture ' Panr/hourne ' 559 The Eiver-side 560 A Mill Stream 561 The Weir 562 Autumn Solitude 563 Bridge at Abingdon — study for the picture ' Ahincidon,' Royal Academy, 1882 564 The Flowery Meads 565 Eel Bucks, Magpie Island on Thames 566 Meeting of the Thames and Isis at Dorchester — studtf 567 Study" of Rushes— /or the picture of ' Panghourne ' 27 568 A RiVEE Town 569 At Medmenhan: Cloudy skiea 570 A Grey Day 671 The Meadow Clump 572 A Churchyard : Early inoruing 573 Windsor 574. At Rosenlaui 575 Dorchester 576 Dorchester Church 577 Chestnut Blossoms 578 Study of Cows 579 On the Thames above Shiplakk 580 Study of Bracken 581 In the Evelyn Woods 582 Old Tree, Bolney Backwater 583 In Skye > 584 A Sheep's Head 585 Study of Old Willows, Goring 586 Oxford, from Iffley London : Trintcd \>j "Wsi. Clowes & Sons, Limited, SUmford Street and Clisring Cross. ^31 #^\^ ^^^-«v ^' •■<