O^T^LOG-TTIE OF ENGRAVINGS & DRAWINGS, 1’iij mil) after ijjc <®lb Pastes, BOOKS ON THE FINE ARTS, THE rROTERTV OF deceased (by Order of the Executors); and A COLLECTION OF ENGRAVINGS, After Watteau, Boucher, Lancret and others of the Old French School, and a few IBOOKS &Z OK^W"XISr<3-S, THE PROPERTY OF A LADY: WHICH Mill bn bn Jlurtion bji Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR GREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May bo viewed Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, M vxsox and Woods' Offices, S King Street, St. James's Square, S. IP. CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to he the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults or errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots uncleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On TUESDAY, JULY C, 1897 , AT ONE o’clock PRECISELY, THE PROPERTY OF A LADY. ENGRAVINGS —In the Folio. 1 Engravings, by Lc Bas and others, from Pictures by Teniers 42 2 Views of Venice, after Canaletto; and others 8 3 Views of the Ducal Palace, after Canaletto, by Brustolon 4 4 Various engravings, after Dutch and Italian Masters 24 5 Engravings, after Rubens, Van Dyck, and various Dutch Mastors 8 G Allegory on the Marriage of Henry IV. and Mario de Mcdicis; and others, after Rubens; and The Marriage of Louis XIV., after Le Brun ; &c. 7 7 Floral Calendar, by R. Sayer : twelve plates ; and others 14 8 The Royal Banquet, July 19, 1821 : two plates —in colours; with other Prints of Banquets, &c. 9 9 Various Viows of the Royal Exchange at different times, includ¬ ing ono by Hollar 6 b 2 4 10 Engravings, after Rubens, Teniers and others— some proofs 17 11 Engravings, mostly after French Masters of the 18th century 21 12 A similar lot 23 13 Engravings, after French Masters of the 18th century: hook illustrations, &c. 49 14 Various Engravings, by Le Bas, S. Le Clerc, and others 12 15 La Bevendeuse a la Toilette, after Aubert, by Duflot; and others, after Santerre, Le Nain, &c. 5 16 Various Engravings, after Le Prince, C. Van Loo, Ckarlier and Nattier 6 17 Various Engravings, after Pierre and Le Moyne 41 18 Les soins Maternels ; and Portrait of Lowendal, by Wille; and two others, after Freudeberg and Drouais 4 19 J. B. Huet : Venus as Shepherdess— drawing, signed, and dated 1778 ; and another 2 20 P. A. Baudouin : Le Coucher de la Mariee, by Moreau; and another f 2 21 F. Boucher: Naissance and Triomplie de Venus, by Daulle; Vertumne and Pomona, by A. de St. Aubin ; and two others 4 22 Ditto: Les Bacchantes endormies, by Gaillard ; and others 4 23 Ditto : The Four Seasons, by Aveline; and others 6 24 Ditto : La Chasse, by Beauvarlet; and Tiger Hunt, by Flipart 2 25 Ditto: La Vie Ohampetre, by El. Lepicie ; Les deux Confidentes, by Ouvrier ; and others 5 26 Ditto: La Belle Villageoise, by Soubeyran ; La Belle Cuisiniere, by Aveline 2 27 Ditto : Le panier Mysterieux, by Gaillard; and Les deux Con- fidentes, by Ouvrier 2 28 Ditto : La Bergere prevoyante, by Aliamet ; Les Cliarme6 du Printemps, by Daulle; and La Peeke— proofs 3 5 29 Ditto: Lc Depart and 1’Arrives du Courier, by Beauvarlet; and another 3 30 Ditto: Illustrations for Moline's Plays, by L. Cars 17 31 Ditto: Various Engravings; Reproductions of Drawings; &c. 10 32 Chardin : La Serinette, by L. Cars; Mezzotint, by Faber; and others 5 33 Ditto : L’Instant de la Meditation, by Surugue; Los Tours de Cartes; and two others 4 34 Ditto: La Blanchisseuse; La Fontaine; and two others, by Cochin and Flipart 4 35 Ditto: La bonne Education; Etude du Dessin; Lo Neglige; and L’Econome, by Le Bas 4 36 Ditto : La Mere Laborieuse; La Gouvornante; and others, by Lepicie 5 37 A. and C. Coypel : Various Engravings 10 38 N. de Latina y : Le petit Jour ; and La complaisanco Maternelle, after Freudeberg 2 39 Ditto : L’heureux Moment, after Lavreince ; and Le Carquois epuise, after Baudouin 2 40 De Troy ; Toilette pour le Bal, by Beauvarlet; aud others 5 41 Fragonard : Annette a l'age de quinze ans ; and Annette a l’ago de vingt ans, by Godcfroy ; and others 6 42 J. B. Greuze: La Paix du Menage; La bonne Education, by Moreau ; and L’Ecureuse, by Beauvarlet 3 43 Ditto : Les oeufs casses; and Le Gosto Napolitain, by Moitto; and others 11 Ditto: Le Malheur imprevu, by Delaunay ; La vortu chaneolante ; and Retour de Nourrico 3 45 Ditto: Lo Fils ingrat; La Fillo confuse©; and others 4 46 Ditto : Lubin; Lo petit Frere; and others 8 6 47 Jeaukat : La Place dcs Halles; and La Place Maubert, by Aliamet; and Lo Carnaval des rues de Paris, by L. Vas- seur 3 48 Ditto: La Relevee; La Jeunesse, by Lepicie; and others 11 49 N. Lancret : The Four Parts of Day, by Larmessin 4 50 Ditto : The Seasons, by Andran, Scotin, Tardieu and Le Bas 4 51 Ditto : L’Eau; Le Feu; La Terre, by various ; and L’Enfancc; La Jeunesse; and La Vieillesse, by Larmessin 6 52 Ditto : Le Printemps, by Larmessin; Recreation Champetre; and others 4 53 Ditto : Le Maitre Galant, by Le Bas ; Le Glorieux; Partie de Plaisirs ; and others 5 54 Ditto : Les Deux Amis; Les Troqueurs; and Lo Petit Chien, by Larmessin 3 55 Ditto: Les oies de frere Philippe; Pate d’Auguilles; and others 5 56 J. B. Pater : Le Desir de plaire; Les aveux indiscrcts; and others 8 57 Ditto: Various Illustrations for Le Roman Comique— some proofs 6 58 Aug. de St. Aubin : “ Comptez sur mes serments ” 59 J. E. Sohenau : Le Maitre de Guitarre; La Naissance des desirs; and Image de la Beaute, by various 3 60 A. Watteau: His Portrait by Boucher; and Portrait of M. de la Roque, by Lepicie 2 61 Ditto : Fetes au Dieu Pan; Promenade sur les Remparts, by Aubert; and others by Aveline, &c. 6 62 Ditto : L’Amour desarme; Retour de Chasse ; Le Passotemps; and others by B. Andran 63 Ditto : Diane au bain; La Reveuse, by Aveline and others 5 64 Ditto: Les Deux Cousines ; L’Accord parfait, by Baron; La Surpiise, by Audran— proof 4 7 G5 Ditto : La Troupe Italicnne; Lo Colin Maillard; and others, by Brion and Boucher 4 66 La Diseuse d’aventure; and Escorto d’equipages, by Card; and others, by Crepy and Chedel 6 67 Ditto : L’Amour mal accompagne, by Dupin; Les Agrements do l’este, by Favanes; and others, by Fessard, Jacob and Joullain 6 68 Ditto : L’Islo de Cythere, by Larmessin; La Game d’amour; and others, by Lo Bas and Mercior 5 69 Ditto : Halto; La Chute d’eau, by Moyreau ; and others, by various 8 70 Ditto: La Cascade; La Serenade Italicnne; La Lorgneuso; and Les Jaloux, by Scotin 4 7 1 Ditto : Les Champs Elysees ; and others by Bardion and Thomassin 4 72 Ditto : Various Engravings from Watteau ; and Drawings, mostly of the Huguier sot and of Chinese costumes 34 BOOKS. OCTAVO ET INFRA. 73 Walton and Cotton, Complete Angler, with Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas , plates after Stothard and Inshipp, 2 vol. green morocco extra, gilt edges 1860 74 Dickens (C.) Oliver Twist, etchings by G. Gruikshank, 3 vol. first edition, half-bound morocco, unctit 1838 75 Dickens, Tale of Two Cities, fikst edition, plates by 11. K. Browne, half-bound morocco, uncut 1860 76 Dickens, Bleak House, 1853—Little Dorrit, 1857—Dombey and Son, 1848—3 vol. illustrations by II. K. Browne, first editions 77 Dickens, Pickwick Papers, Sketches by Boz, 1859—Nicholas Nickleby — David Copperfiold — Martin Chuzzlewit — Old Curiosity Shop—Burnaby Budge—7 vol. illustrations by Cruik- shank and H. K. Browne, half-bound morocto , uncut 8 QUARTO. 78 Taylor (M.) England’s Bloody Tribunal, plates, 1769—and others 79 Cervantes, Don Quixote, translated by T. Smollett, plates after Hayman, 2 vol. 1755 80 Punch, from the commencement in 1841 to December 1864, illus¬ trations by Leech, Doyle, &c. 47 vol. oriyinal edition, cloth 1841-64 FOLIO. 81 Maitland (W.) History of London, plates, 2 vol. 1756 82 Drake (E.) Collection of Voyages and Travels, plates 1768 83 Fetes donnees par la Ville de Paris a l’Occasion de la Mariage du Dauphin, plates Paris, 1747 84 Carrici, Galerie du Due de Parme, peinte par Carraci, plates 85 Feste Celebrate in Parma, 1749, per le Nozze di Don Ferdinando colla Archiduchessa Maria Amalia, plates Parma, 1749 86 Hogarth (W.) Works, engraved by himself Boydell, n.d. 87 Ruskin (J.) Harbours of England, plates by Lupton 88 Enault (L.) Boucher, illustrations —and 1 other 89 Thirty Drawings in sepia, by Bartlett and Allom, comprising Views in France, Austria, Switzerland, China, &c. 90 Cochin (C. N.) Portraits of French Painters and Engravers, engraved by Cochin, with portraits of the Artist and his Wife, 17 plates 91 Scrap Book, containing Engravings and Etchings 92 Fifty-four Drawings of Figures, &c. 93 Sixty-two Drawings in pencil, by William Huut 9 The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of the late GEORGE RICHMOND, R.A. OCTAVO ET INFEA. 94 Bacon (Lord) Works, editod by Basil Montagu, 17 vol. calf gill 1825 95 Bell (Sir C.) Anatomy of Expression in Painting, plates, 1844— and others 96 Blake (W.) Marriage of Heaven and Hell, facsimile reprint 97 Blosius (Lewis) Mirrour for Monkes, plates, vellum, Paris, 1676 —Eeprint, edited by Lord Coleridge, 1872—2 vol. 98 Eastlako (Sir C.) Materials for a History of Oil Painting, 1847— Northcote (J.) Life of Titian, 2 vol. 1830—3 vol. 99 Flaxman (J.) Letters on Sculpture, plates, half-bound morocco 1829 100 Holland (L. G.) Catalogue of the Marquis of Salisbury’s Collection of Pictures at Hatfield House and Arlington Street, pri¬ vately printed 1891 101 Lippmann (F.) Italian Wood-Engraving in the XVth Century, illustrations 1888 102 Litchfield (F.) Illustrated History of Furniture 1893 103 Ruskin (John) Poems, privately printed, very scarce 1850 104 Ruskin, Modern Painters, illustrations by the author, 5 vol. first editions of vols. 3, 4 and 5 1846-50 105 Ruskin, The Stones of Venice, illustrations by the author, 3 vol. first edition, presentation copy, with autograph inscription of the author 1851 106 Robinson, Catalogue of the Malcolm Collection of Drawings by the Old Masters, privately printed, 1869—Catalogue of the Exhibition of Portrait Miniatures at South Kensington Museum, large taper, 1865—and others 107 Spratt (T.) Travels in Crete, plates, 2 vol. 1865 10 QUAETO. 108 Bell (Sir C.) Anatomy of Expression in Painting, plates, 1806 —and others 109 Burnet (J.) Turner and his Works, plates 1852 110 Catalogue of Lord Northbrook’s Collection of Dutch, Flemish and French Pictures, by W. Weale and Dr. Eichter, illustrations, pbivately feinted, presentation copy 1889 111 Lavater, Essays on Physiognomy, plates by Bartolozzi, Holloway, &c. 5 vol. old russia, gilt edges 1789-98 112 Eobinson (Sir J. C.) Account of the Drawings by Michel Angelo and Eaffaello in the University Galleries, Oxford, labge papee Oxford, 1870 113 Eutter (J.) Delineations of Fonthill Abbey, plates 1823 114 Vasari (G.) Vite de Pittori, 3 vol. Bologna, 1647—and others FOLIO. 115 Angolo (Michael) Frescoes of the Vatican, plates 116 Barry (J.) Cartoons executed for the Society of Arts, &c., 27 very large etchings, proofs, and 9 Original Drawings by the same Artist, in 2 vol. folio, half-bound calf 117 Bartoli, Colonna Trajana et Colonna Antonina, plates, 2 vol. in 1, vellum Bomse 118 Blake (W.) Illustrations of Dante, 7 plates, India proofs 1839 119 Engravings after Titian, Giorgone, &c., 1800—and others 120 Gruner (L.) I Mosaici della Cupola di S. Maria del Popolo in Eoma, plates, India proofs, Roma, 1839—and others 121 Hamilton (Sir W.) Engravings from Ancient Greek Vases, out¬ line plates by Tischbein, 3 vol. half-bound morocco Naples, 1791 122 Linnell (J.) Facsimiles of the Designs of Michael Angelo for the Sistine Chapel, Lidia proofs (no title ) 1834 123 Nocchi (G. B.) La Vita di Gesu Cristo dipinta da Fra Angelico, plates Firenze, 1843 11 121 Raphaelis Imagines Veteris et Novi Testamenti, 58 plates — Berrotfcini Heroic® Yirtutis Imagines, plates —Falda, Li Giardini di Roma, plates —3 vol. in 1, half-bound morocco Jtomse 125 Yolpato e Raphael Morghen, Principi del Disegno, Roma, 1786 —and others 126 Woodd Family, Genealogical and Heraldic Records of the Woodd Family, illustrations, privately printed 1886 ENGRAVINGS— In the Folio. 127 The Children of Charles I., after Vandyck, by Cooper ; &c. 5 128 Miscellaneous Engravings, after tho Old Masters 101 129 Sir Charles Eastlake, after Knight, by G. T. Doo— proof ; Lord Macaulay, after Sir F. Grant; &c. 9 130 Sir Charles Napier, by J. Skelton— proof-, William Wordsworth, after Haydon ; &c. 10 131 George Washington, after G. Stuart, by Ritchie; tho same, by Sartain; and other portraits 10 132 Miscellaneous small portraits 34 133 Portrait of Napoleon I., whole length, after Isabey— proof before any letters ; and the same, after P. Delaroche— proofs 3 134 Lady Isabella Somerset, after Sir J. Reynolds; Lady Smyth and children, after ditto— proofs ; &c. 4 135 Tho Rev. C. Forster, after Sir T. Lawrence; Dr. Arnold, after Phillips, by II. Cousins ; &c. 5 136 Lord Coleridge, after M. Carpenter, by S. Cousins, R.A.; &c. 5 137 Illustrations to the Book of Job, after W. Blako— proofs , the complete set of tiventy-one, with a pencil drawing of tho title pago. Purchased from the Artist in 1826 138 The Arundel Society Plates, mostly colourod 21 12 139 Portrait of the artist, by H. Herkomer, R.A.; Viola, after Lord LeightoD, by Miller— artist's proof; and Princess Sophia, after Sir J. Reynolds, by ditto 3 140 The Princess Sophia, after Sir J. Reynolds, by J. D. Miller— proofs 2 141 A similar lot 2 142 Severn’s Italian Studies; Ancient Monuments, Vol. VI.; and other books 5 143 English Art: “ Thomas Gainsborough ”; and Studies of T. .T. Richardson 2 144 The Countess of Blessington, after Sir T. Lawrence, by S. Cousins, R.A .—proof 145 Lady Agar Ellis; and others, after ditto, by J. C. Lewis 8 146 The Duke of Wellington, after ditto, by J. R. Jackson— proof; and others, after the same; &c. 6 147 Girl at her Toilette, after G. S. Newton, R.A.— proof; &c. 3 148 Head of a Lady : Etching, after J. Opie, R.A .; &c. 6 Framed. 149 The Flight into Egypt— woodcut, by A. Durer 150 The Young Anglers, after Constable, by D. Lucas 151 Rubens’ Wife, after Rubens, by R. Earlom 152 The Triumph of the Church, after Rubens, by Lawers —three «’» one frame 153 The Massacre of the Innocents, by Marc Antonio 154 The Entombment, after ditto ; and Adam and Eve, after Michael Angelo; &c. 4 155 Archbishop Laud, after Vandyck, by J. Watson; and Isaac Newton, by T. 0. Barlow —signed proof; &c. 3 156 The Meyer Madonna, after Holbein, by Steinla ; &c. 2 157 Lord Byron, after Phillips, by T. Lupton ; &c. 4 13 158 Princess Sophia, after Reynolds, by J. D. Miller— proof; &c. 159 Reproduction of Ancient Statues, by Bouillon ; Arundel Society’s Plates; &c. 160 After Rubens, by Masse, Audran, Vermeulen and others —set of seventeen 161 Portrait of Rubens, after Vandyck, by Audran ; and others, after Rubens In the Folio . 162 Oliver Cromwell, after Cooper, by Waltner ; and Milton, after the same, by Caroline Watson —proofs 2 1G3 Miss Hudson, after Hudson, by Faber; The Duchess of Bolton, after Kneller; and other Mezzotints 5 164 Sir Joshua Reynolds, after himself, by Posselwhite ; Canova, after Sir T. Lawrence; Nell Gwynne, after Lely —proofs ; and Mrs, Baldwin, after Reynolds 4 165 Lucy, Countess of Carlisle; and other Portraits, after Yan Dyck, by Van Gunst; &c. 5 166 La Belle Jardiniere, after Raphael, by R. Morghen; and other Prints, after Old Italian Masters 5 167 Various Engravings and Woodcuts, after Rubens and Van Dyck u 168 Figures of Apostles and Evangelists, by Parmigiano —some duplicates 19 169 The Virgin on the Steps of the Temple, by Marc Antonio; and other Engravings, by the same 6 170 Various Engravings, by and after Old Italian Masters 12 171 Christ Descending to Limbo, by A. Mantegna 172 The Lion and the Horse: two plates, by Stubbs; and others 8 173 Various Prints of the Sets of the Senses and the Sciences, by George Penez ; and others by little German Masters 12 174 The Storming of Carthage, by Penez, afterGiulio Romano; and others ^ 14 175 Portraits, after George Richmond, R.A.; T. C. Cooke, by T. C. Lewis ; Sir Gilbert Scott, by Mrs. Merritt; and F. J. Toulmin, by T. O. Barlow, &c. 4 176 Drawings, by Polidoro da Caravaggio, Daniele da Volterra and others 6 177 Drawings, by Tintoretto, Perino del Yoga, Baroecio and others 6 178 Drawings, by Cangiagi and others 4 179 Drawings, by Gandolfi, Panini and others 6 180 Drawings, by Tintoretto, Caracci and another 3 181 A Landscape, by Gainsborough— pencil; and one other 2 182 A Folio Scrap Book, containing sketches by Old Masters, by or ascribed to Andrea del Sarto, Tintoretto, Palma, Giulio Romano, Goltzius, Baroecio, Veronese and others, in all 89 drawings. From the Collections of Sir Robert Inglis, and others 183 A folio scrap book, bound in red morocco; and a solander case 2 184 A Green Morocco Album, containing 24 Etchings by Angelica Kauffman; and The Fair Alsatian, after A. Kauffman, by Bartolozzi 185 A Morocco Leather Album, containing 31 Drawings by Old Masters, including Caracci, Rubens, Van Dyck, Perugino, &c.; and St. Jerome, by A. Durcr BTNI8. London: Printed by William Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.