THE MASTEEPIECES OF Am K -/X \ ill, CONSTABLE LONDON d GLASGOW^ GOWAHS 8 ORA)^, LT? From the Library of Frank Simpson TO COLLECTORS AND OWNERS OF PICTURES If you wish to Buy Pictures (Old or Modern), Sell Pictures (Old or Modern), Or to have Pictures Restored, Pictures Valued, Pictures Identified, Pictures Bought at Sales, Pictures Bought at Exhibitions, Pictures Warehoused, Pictures or Miniatures Copied ; Or ANY ADVICE ON PICTURES, Pay a visit to, or write to the Directors E. Trevelyan Turner, Sir Wm. Bruce^ Bart, J.P. The Carlton Galleries PALL MALL PLACE, LONDOiN Telephone No. 1117 Mayfait. Telegrams "Galerada, London." All Gowans's art Books Supplied 6d. Paper Cover, i/- Cloth Where to get Gowans's . Art Books abroad. . . France.— A. Perchk, 45 Rue Jacob, Paris, publishes a French edition. Belgium. — ^M. Groenveldt, 13 Rue St-Boniface, Brussels. Holland.— KiRBERGBR & Kesper, Amsterdam. Jas. G. Robbers, Amsterdam. Swets & Zeitlinger, Amsterdam. A, Abrahams, The Hague. 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PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE MASTERPIECES OF PAINTINGS & SCULPTURE in the Public and Private Collectionj of the Nation and on the Continent, A Catalogue: "Choice Photographs of Choice Pictures." A careful selection of nearly two thousand subjects, with sizes and styles of publication and prices, with 250 Illustrations, post free, is. If you are wanting Art Photographs of any description write to — W. A Mansell & Co. 405 OXFORD STREET, LONDON. W. Concise List of twenty other catalogues of Photographs post free. GOWANS'S ART BOOKS Oct. 1st, 5910 T/h /clloiv'tng hm THE MASTERPIECES OF 1. RUBENS 2. VAN DYCK 3. REMBRANDT 4. RAPHAEL 5. REYNOLDS 6. TENIERS 7. THE EARLY FLEM- ISH PAINTERS 8. TITIAN 9. FRANS HALS 10. MURILLO 11. WOUWERMAN 12. VELAZQUEZ 13. HOLBEIN 14. VERONESE 15. RAEBURN 16. DEL SARTO 17. CORREGGIO 18. BRONZING 19. WATTE AU 20. BOTTICELLI already appeared : THE MASTERPIECES OF 21. FRA ANGELICO 22. TINTORETTO 23. POUSSIN 24. PERUGINO 25. MICHELANGELO 26. GOYA 27. DURER 28. GAINSBOROUGH 29. LOTTO 30. LUINI 31. GREUZE 32. CARPACCIO AND GIORGIONE 33 HOGARTH 34. GIOTTO 35. MORETTO 36. ROMNEY 37. ORCAGNA, LOREN- ZO MONACO AND MASOLINO 38. GERARD DOU LONDON & GLASGOW: GOWANS & GRAY, LTD GOWANS'S ART BOOKS Oct. 1st, 1 910 Messrs. Gowans & Grat ask with confidence for the continued support of this undertaking by lovers of art. It is their hope to be able to cover the whole field of classic painting by including all important artists who were born before the year i8co, and the preparation of new volumes it being carried on steadily and systematically with this end in view. As new editions of earlier volumes are called for, improvements are made when considered advisable: newly discovered pictures are inserted, and opportunity is taken to discard inferior pictures if others of superior merit are found to be obtainable. The publishers hope to accelerate the issue of the series by publishing future volumes at the rate of at least twelve yearly, and their efforts will be very much assisted if those who appreciate the books will place standing orders, "till further notice," with their booksellers. They beg to announce the following, with approximate dates of issue : 39. THE MASTERPIECES OF BOUCHER [Oct., 1910 40. THE MASTERPIECES OF CONSTABLE [Oct., 19 10 41. THE MASTERPIECES OF UCCELLO, VENE- ZIANO, MASACCIO, AND CASTAGNO [Oct., 1 9 10 42. THE MASTERPIECES OF JAN STEEN [Oct., 1 9 10 43. THE MASTERPIECES OF CLAUDE [Nov., 1 9 10 44. THE MASTERPIECES OF MORLAND [Nov., 1 9 10 45. THE MASTERPIECES OF LIPPI [Nov., 1910 Others in Preparaiion. Price of each volume : in parchment cover, net: in cloth, Is reet ; in leather, Zs net ; postage, id extra LONDON & GLASGOW: GOWANS & GRAY, LTD. MASTERPIECES OF SCULPTURE FROM THE EARLIEST TIMES TO THE PRESENT DAY Selected by Dr. GEORG GRONAU In two volumes, 6" by 4% each containing 60 photographs, in parchment cover, 6£l net each; or, the two volumes complete in one, cloth, IS 6d net ; leather, 2S 6d net. Why so little is known about the great art of Sculpture by the general public in this country it is difficult to say. Now that the present volume has been published, however, there is no longer any excuse for not knowing something, at least, about its most famous masterpieces. The examples are chosen by one of the greatest living art'Critics, and no book of a similar kind has ever been placed upon the market at anything approaching the price. London & Glasgow; GO WANS & GRAY, LTD. THE CONNOISSEUR A Magazine for Collectors. Illustrated. ONE SHILLING Net. Published ist of every Month. THE CONNOISSEUR deals with every subject of interest to Collectors, and its Articles, which are profusely illustrated, are written by acknowledged experts. Armour, Book Plates, Books, Brass and Bronze, Coins and Medals, Engravingrs, Prints, Etchings, Fans, F'urniture, Glass, Gold, Silver, and Plated Ware, Iron and Metal Work, Ivory, Jewellery, Lace, Embroidery, and Needlework, Miniatures, Musical Instruments, Painters and Paintings, Pewtsr Pottery, Porcelain, and China, Sculpture and Wood Carving, Sundries, Tapestry. Each number contains five or six Coloured Plates, which are always worth framing. CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT.-THE CON- NOISSEUR offers special facilities to Collectors and Students to obtain information upon objects of Art and Curios, which may be sent for expert opinion and valuation at moderate fees. GENEALOGICAL AND HERALDIC DEPARTMENT. — Readers who desire to have pedigrees traced, the accuracy of armorial bearings inquired into, paintings of arms made, or book plates designed, can do so at lowest possible cost through this department of THE CONNOISSEUR. A Volume, containing four Numbers, Is a most delightful Gift Boob, and can be obtained in four qualities of Binding. Prices from 7/6 to 13/6. FOXJ^DED, SEPTEMBER, 1901 On Sale at all Newsagents and Bookstalls EDITORIAL AND ADVERTISEMENT OFFICES, 95 TEMPLE CHAMBERS, E.G. — ESTABLISHED 1854, ~« By Special Appointment P. O. Telephone- No. 195 VICTORIA. Works and Studios— RUSKIN HOUSE, ROCHESTER Cable Address — "REWOP," For the Colonies and U.S.A. WESTMINSTER. ROW, To His Majesty The King, H.R.H. The Prince of Wales & H.R.H. The Princess of Wales. Tlu Grand Prize aivarded at Franco-British W. M. POWER, M.R.S.A.. PICTURE AND PRINT CLEANER AND RESTORER, PICTURE FRAME SPECIALIST, CARVER AND GILDER, DEALER AND EXPERT, VICTORIA GALLERY, 123 VICTORIA STREET, WESTMINSTER, S.W. Exhibition 908, for Picture Restoration, Write Jor Pamphlet on the Restoration of Pictures — Post Free, GowANs's Art Books, No. 40 The Masterpieces of Constable R. MACLEHOSIi AND CO. LTD., PRINTEKS, GLASGOW BLOCKS BV HISLOP AND DAY, EDINBURGH, AND F. HANFSTAENGL, MUNICH PAl'ER BY ALEX. COWAN AND SONS, LTD., EDINBURGH 157 Deuham Vai.1' [1802] I, A Vai.i.i'lk Dn Dic])HAM Das Tai, von Deuham {^Victoria and Albert Afiiseui/i, SoiiiJi Kensiiigtvn^ Cowans ^ Gra^>, Ltd, Photo, TFIE MASTERPIECES OF CONSTABLE (1776-1837) Sixty rep7-ochictio)is oj pJiotog-.^aph^ from tJie origifial paintings, (ijfordi)ig examples of tlie different cJiaracteristics oj the Artist's work GOWANS & GRAY, Ltd. 5 RoHERT S'lKEF/i', Adelphi, London, W.C. 58 CaDOGAN SlREKT, GLASGOW 191 1 First Edition^ Octoher, iQio, Reprinted^ ivitJi coi-rections oil />J>. 2J. Jj and do, July, igj I. prepLviug tlic picsciit vohinie the piiHis/icrs have been j^ia'ded enlirely by Mr. C. J. Ilol/ness admirable niottograplL on iJie artist. Tliey have only inserted pu'etures wJiicJi appeal- in his list, and they have ai-ranged them cJu-oiologieally., append- ing the dates as he has given tJiein. lliey have also to express their gratitude to A/r. Holmes for permission to /nake use of a photograph which appeared in Jiis boot::, and to those private ozvners who have permitted the reproduction of certain pietures. •z. < ^ < <^ h s| r. < Z a: -Si H K CO s s ^ <\ wo 5: D c -r I ) < .| o >o r ^ > I 9 0 lb [1811] Chukcm Porch, Bergholt, Portique d'Eglisk, P)ERGHOI.t, Sussex Sussfx KiRCUENVORHALLE IN BeRGHOI.T, SusSEX {Tate Gallery^ London) Cowans v2r» Gray^ Ltd.^ Photo. 13 [i8i4] Study of Flowers Blumenstudif. Etude de Fi.eurs {Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington) Gowans Gray, Ltd., Photo. m S ° 2 s 2 D O <5 h o > ^ z ID O ^ 1 Pi Q ^ < r 153 21 [i8i8] Thk Cottage in the T.a CHAUMii;RF: dans le Champ Cornfield i,e 1!i.e Die Huttk im Kornkki.d {Victoria and Albert Musettiit, South Kensington) Cowans (St' Gray, Ltd., Photo. o J ^ 29 33 159 8 a. 35 36 38 39 42 [1824] The Lock Die Schleuse L'^cluse {^The late Mr. Jos. Morrison, Basildon Park) IK A. Mansell Co., Photo. 43 44 45 « c 47 The Cornfield [1826] Li£ Champ de BiA {National Gallery, London) {Galerie nationals, Londres) Das Kornfeld {London, Nationalgalerie) F. H an/staengl. Photo. 49 1^9 52 [I827J Wati'-rmii.i, at Gili.ingham JMoulin a Eau a Gillingiiam Wassekmuiii.k zu Gillingiiam {\'icto}'ia and Albert IMtisenin, South Kensington) Qowans Gray, Ltd,^ Photo^ o 2 c'^ W 5, 53 59 A Romantic House, [1832] Une Maison romantkjuk, Hami'stead Hampstead {Aational Gaiiety, London) {Galerie nationale, Lotidrcs) EiN KOMANTISCHES HaUS, HaMPSTEAD {London, Nationalgalej'ie) Cowans (s' Gray, Ltd., Photo. 6a 63 [i835l The Valley Farm La Fekme dans la ValliIe (^National Gallery, London) {Galerie nationale, Lotidres) Das Talgehoft (^London, Nationalgaleric) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo, 64 The Cenotai'h I1836] I,e Cenotai'he {Natio7ial Gallery, London) {Galerie rationale, Londres) Das Ehrengraumai. {London, N atio^ialgalerie) ^, H anfstaengl, Photp^ A Complete List of Published Photographs oi CONSTABLE'S PICTURES to be had of Mr. Fran% Hanfstaengl^ 1 6 Pall Mall East, London, S.JV. SIZES AND PRICES OF PHOTOGRAPHS— F= Folio (lo" X S") Silver Print, i/6 ; Carbon Print, 2/6 R = Royal (15' X 12") ... 6/- 1 = Imperial (21" X 16") ... 12/- Facs=: Facsimile (28* X 20^') . - 30/- E = Extra (34^" x 26*) ... „ 50/- Average Dimensions are quoted. In ordering it is essential that both Gallery and Order Number are stated as well as the Size. Title. Gallery. No Size. Himpstead Heath, Glasgow 35 F R A Summer Storm, Liverpool N 12 in. by 10 in. Silver, 2/6 A Rainy Day, . . . - N F R I The Hay Wain, ... - Loudon, N.G. 1 p Flatford Mill with river Stour. • 2 H R I F TheCurnfleld, .... 56 F R 1 Facs F Tlie Valley Farm, .... 57 F R I Fac» P The Cenotaph, .... 58 F R F The Glebe Farm, .... 170 F fi F The Glebe Farm, .... F R A Romantic House at Hauipstead N 12 in. by 10 in. Silver, 2/6 Dedhara Vale, .... N 8 in. by 6 in. Silver, 2/ A Cornfield with Figures, - N The Gleaners, .... N 8 In. by 6 in. Barnes Couuaon, .... N A Country Lane, .... N A Summer Afternoon after a N Btoke-by-Nayland, N 12 in. by 10 in. Silver, 2/6 Dedhain Lock, .... London, Royal Academjr N Title, j ! G AM.KRV. No. Siztt. »..^ ^ g a 3 Bay of Weymouth at the approach of a Storm, .... Louvre 2 1 U F I F The Cottage, u w F at S/ I The Rainbow, .... The Glebe Farm, .... u F at 5/ 1 u F at 5/ I Landscape with Windmill, - u Fat 5/ The Salt-Box, Hampstead Heath, Tate w The Bridge at Gillingham, - w I East Bergholt Church, - N 8 in. by 6 in. Silver, 2/ Harwich — Sea and Ligiithouse, - II N Salisbury Cathedral. • South Keusini-tou Q N 12 in. Plat. 3/; 8 in by 6 in.. Silver, 2/6 Dedham Mill, .... Q 12 in. Plat, 3/ Boat Building near Flatford. N 12 in. by 10 in. Silver, 2/6 Hampstead Heath, ... N Opening of Waterloo Bridge, N i; Water Meadows near Salisbury, - N II View at Hampstead, - K 8 in. by 6 in. Silver, 2/ Brighton Beach with Colliers, - 1 N The Grove, Hampstead, N 1, A Mill near Brighton, - N 1 On the Stour near Dedham, N i" Dedham Vale. .... N Trees and Cottages, N 8 in. by 3 in. Silver, 2/ The West End of Bergholt Church, 8 in. by 6 in. Silver, 2/ The Porch of East Bergholt N I.and8cape with double Rainbow, N A Cottage and Sandbank, - 1, N „ Head of a Girl, .... N Dedham Vale, .... ^1 N View on the Stour —>rd Mill. .« N 1, Constable's House, N 6 in. by 3 in. Beach at Brighton, N Silver, 2/ A Villaue Fair, .... N Gillingham Mill, .... N 12 in. by iniu. A Cottage in a Cornfield, - N Silver, 2/6 | PRIVATE colli^:gtions. Keswick liane, SunBet, Farm Buildings and Trees, - Sophie Lloyd and Child, Coustable's House, The Gamekeeper's Cottage, - Flatford Mill and River Stour, Yarmouth Jetty, - A Bridge over the Mole, Llovd Oirock Swaythling Teuuaut Young 12 in. by 10 In. Silver, 2/6 8 in. by 6 in. Silver, 2/ 12 in. by 10 in. Silver, 2/6 10 in. by 3 In. Silver, 2/ 12 in. by lOiru Silver, 2/6 Noiv Ready. Pape Cover, I/. 7iet (^postage id. extra); Cloih, is. 6d, net: Leather, Zs, n.t (^postage ^d. extra'). TURNER'S "LIBER STUDIORUM" MINIATURE EDITION Containing, not only the 71 published plates, but also reproductions of all the unpublished plates as the artist left them. This little volume is indispensable to all readers of Raskin. It does what has never been done before, it provides reproduction of the unpublished plates which Ruskin often refers to, and it does this at a price un- precedented for cheapness. The illustrations are printed in our best style on the finest of papers GOWANS & GRAY, LTD., LONDON & GLASGOW DRAWINGS FROM THE OLD MASTERS These artistically got up little books are uniform in size with Gowans's Art Books, and will be found of absorbing interest by every student of Art. FIRST SERIES.— Containing Sixty reproductions of Drawings by famous Artists in the Albertina Gallery, Vienna. SECOND SERIES. — Containing Sixty reproductions of Drawings by great Japanese Artists in the British Museum, London. Selected by Laurence Binyon. THIRD SERIES.— Containing Sixty reproductions of iTawings by Dutch and Flemish Masters in the State Museum, Ajnsterdam. FOURTH SERIES.— Containing Sixty reproductions of Drawings by famous Artists in the British Museum, London. Selected by Sidney Colvin. FIFTH SERIES. —Containing Sixty reproductions of Drawings by Claude Lorrain in the British Museum, London. Selected by Laurence Binyon. Paper Cover ^ 6d. nsi each. Cloth f H. net tack, Pojtagtt id, each. LONDON & GLASGOW: GO WANS & GRAY, LTD. MODERN GERMAN ARTISTS THE PLATES IN OUR NEW WORK NOW COMPLETED One Hundred Masters IN COLOURED REPRODUCTION XBACH THS HIGH-WATESL MARK O? SXCELLENCB IS COLOUE-FSLINTINQ Thsy are published in Twenty Parts at Two Shiilings net each, and the Publishers will be pleased to send a Specimen Copy of Pa/t I., containing 6ve magnificent Plates, Post Free on receipt of P.O. to? 2s. 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It was therefore with considerable grati- fication that the Publishers received his consent to select the Hundred Best Spanish Lyrics, and they have no doubt that this little anthology will be welcomed by all readers and students of Spanish. PR/CBS Paper, 6d. 7ieL Cloth^ \s. net. Leather, 2s. nel Postage, id. GOWANS k GRAY, Ltd., London and Glasgow Uniform wiih our "Pocket Anthologies As Cem melhores Poesias (liricas) CAROLINA MICHAELIS DE VASCONCELLOS Madame Michaelis de Vasconcellos, one of the best critics in the Peninsula, has made this selection of the Hundred Best Portuguese Lyrics, and as the book supplies a clamant want, the publishers do not doubt that it will achieve the success which the previous volumes of their "Hundred Best" Series have all obtained. PRICES Pape?'^ 6d. net. Cloih^ is. net. Leather ^ 2s. net. Postage^ id. GO WANS & GRAY, Ltd., London and Glasgow ESCOLHIDAS POR