CATALOGUE of an Exhibition of EARLY AMERICAN PAINTINGS BROOKLYN MUSEUM FEBRUARY 3rd, to MARCH 12th, 1917 George Washington (Lansdowne tvpe) by Gilbert Stuart CATALOGUE of an Exhibition of EARLY AMERICAN PAINTINGS held in the BROOKLYN MUSEUM February 3rd, to March 12th, 1917 J** CO I J LEST WE FORGET The present Exhibition of Early American Paintings was planned for the Brooklyn Museum because there had been no similar public exhibition in New York since the Metropolitan Museum exhibit of 1911, a suffi- cient interval to justify a revival of effort and interest in this phase of our national art. Previously there had been special exhibitions at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in December, 1887 ; in the Metropolitan Opera House in April and May, 1889, the year of the Washington Centennial ; at the Boston Art Club in 1908 and again in September 1909 at the Metropolitan Museum in connection with the Hudson-Fulton Celebration. It is well for the student of American life to remember that the art of painting in the United States since we have become an organic people, and in the Colonial period preceding, was no exotic, no foreign fad, no mere imitation of an alien custom. It was a spontaneous expression of culture arising out of the deeds of our forefathers and the special conditions which surrounded life in the early days of our country. It was as distinctive from English paintings of the eighteenth and the first half of the nineteenth centuries, the period covered by the Early American Exhibition, as the art of France and of Germany to-day. Out of it grew the vigorous American school of the present. It is well to remember also that many of the American artists of this period were by training 1 and talent among the most competent of their time and their works are highly es- teemed by the connoisseurs of all countries. The exhibition is rich in historic suggestion. The battle scenes and the portraits of the Presidents and other representative Americans of the different generations, painted from life, recall the story of our national existence with a vividness hardly possible in the written record. To the institutions and individual owners who have contributed of their treasures so generously to the exhibition The Brooklyn Museum Committee makes grateful acknowl- edgment. LIST OF ARTISTS AND PAINTINGS (The names of contributors appear on the right hand side in smaller type) . AMES, Ezra, early 19th century 1 Governor George Clinton The Misses White 2 Mrs. James King Mrs. Franklin Bartlett BADGER, Joseph, 1708-1765 3 Captain John Larrabee Mr. M. L. Goodwin BEARD, James Henry, 1814-1893 3a President William Henry Harrison Mrs. Benjamin Harrison BIRCH, Thomas, 1779-1851 4 The Constitution and the Guerriere Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 5 The United States and the Macedonian Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 6 The Wasp and the Frolic Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt BLACKBURN, Jonathan, ca. 1700-ca. 1765 7 Mrs. Joshua Babcock Mr. William Macbeth COPLEY, John Singleton, 1737-1815 8 Adam Babcock Miss A. G. Chapman 9 Mrs. Adam Babcock Miss A. G. Chapman 10 Mrs. John Bacon Mr. Walter H. Crittenden 1 1 Mrs. Joseph Barrell Mrs. Robert Lee Hale 12 Mrs. Joseph Barrell Mrs. William A. Putnam 13 Mrs. Ben Davis Brooklyn Museum 14 Mrs. Isaac Holmes Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 15 John B. Holmes Mrs. William A. Putnam 16 Jonathan Mountfort Miss Nancy M. Sanborn 17 James Murray Mr. Frank Lyman 18 Epes Sargent Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Clements 19 Daniel Crommelin Verplanck Mr. William E. Verplanck 20 Death of Earl of Chatham (study) Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 21 Death of Major Pierson (first sketch for) Mr. John Hill Morgan DUNLAP, William, 1766-1839 22 Robert Snow Brooklyn Museum DURAND, Asher Brown, 1796-1886 23 Mrs. Winfield Scott Mr. Albert Rosenthal EARL, Ralph, 1751-1801 24 Mrs. Charles Jeffery Smith Prof. Theodore S. Woolsey E1CHHOLTZ, Jacob, 1776-1842 25 Mary Justice Cooper Mr. Samuel W. Cooper 26 William Heathcote De Lancy Mr. Alexander Smith Cochran 27 John Howard Payne Mr. John Frederick Lewis ELLIOTT, Charles Loring, 1812-1868 28 Gen. John C. Fremont Mr. William S. Hughes FEKE, Robert, ca. 1750 29 Pamela Andrews Rhode Island School of Design HALL, George Henry, 1825-1913 30 Portrait of the Artist Brooklyn Museum HARDING, Chester, 1792-1866 31 Daniel Boone Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 32 Edward Hutchinson Robbins Mr. Frank Lymah HEALY, George Peter Alexander, 1808-1894 33 Moses Pond Mrs. Dunlap Hopkins HESSEL1US, Gustavus, 1682-1755 34 The Last Supper Mr. Charles Henry- Hart, Attorney for Mrs. Helen Gassaway HUNTINGTON, Daniel, 1816-1906 35 President Martin Van Buren Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 36 The Sketcher (Mademoiselle Rosina) Brooklyn Museum INMAN, Henry, 1802-1846 37 Fanny Kemble Butler Brooklyn Museum 38 Rev. Henry Croswell Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 39 William Inman Mr. Albert Rosenthal 40 Mrs. Robert Lowden Brooklyn Museum 41 President James Madison Mr. Alexander Smith Cochran 42 H. B. Pierrepont Mr. Robert Low Pierrepont 43 View of Rydal Water Mr. William H. IngersoD JAR VIS, John Wesley, 1780-1834 44 Col. James Burn Brooklyn Museum 45 Governor DeWitt Clinton Mr. William E. Verplanck 46 Col. William Croghan Mr. Christopher B. Wyatt 47 Lucy Clark Croghan Mr. Christopher B. Wyatt 48 Peter Augustus Jay Miss Pierrepont LESLIE, Charles Robert, 1794=1859 49 Portrait of a Lady Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt MARCHANT, Edward D., 1806-1887 50 President William Henry Harrison Mr. John Frederick Lewis MORSE, Samuel Finley Breeze, 1791-1872 51 President John Adams The Misses White 52 Moss Kent Mr. Frank W. Bayley 53 Marquis de La Fayette Brooklyn Museum 54 Stephen Mix Mitchell Connecticut Historical Society 55 Mrs. S. M. Mitchell Connecticut Historical Society 56 Susan Walker Morse (known as the * Muse ') Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt NEAGLE, John, 1799-1865 57 Levi Dickson Mr. John Frederick Lewis 58 Sergt. Andrew Wallace Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt OTIS, Bass, 1784-1861 59 President William Henry Harrison Mr. Alexander Smith Cochran PEALE, Charles Willson, 1741-1827 60 Capt. Robert Allen Mr. John Frederick Lewis 61 Mrs. Q. Bell Mr. Albert Rosenthal 62 Col. Tench Tilghman Mr. Albert Rosenthal 63 George Washington (bust) Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 64 George Washington (f ull=length) Mr. Thomas E. Kirby PEALE, James, 1749-1831 65 James Hamilton Mr. Alexander Smith Cochran PEALE, Rembrandt, 1778-1860 66 President William Henry Harrison Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 67 William Hill Mrs. James L. Morgan 68 Mrs. William Hill Mrs. James L. Morgan 69 Chief Justice John Marshall Long Island Historical Society 70 George Taylor Brooklyn Museum 71 George Washington Mr. Charles Henry Hart, Attorney for Mrs. Lewis S. Jervey 72 George Washington (port-hole type) Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt PINE, Robert Edge, 1730-1788 73 Gen. Horatio Gates Mr. Alexander Smith Cochran 74 Gen. Henry Lee Mr. John Frederick Lewis 75 George Washington Mr. Grenville Kane 76 Mary Ball Washington Mr. W. Lanier Washington PRATT, Matthew, 1734-1 805 77 Mrs. Peter De Lancey Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt SAINT-MEMIN, Charles Balthazar Julien Fevret de, 1770*1852 78 James Campbell Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 79 Theodore Gourdin Mr. John Hill Morgan 80 Seth Hastings Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 81 A Philadelphia Gentleman Mr. R. T. H. Halsey SAVAGE, Edward, 1761-1817 82 Gen. Henry Knox Mr. Alexander Smith Cochran SHARPLES, James, ca. 1751-1811 83 Dr. Elihu Smith Mr. Walter H. Crittenden 84 Dr. Reuben Smith Mr. Walter H. Crittenden 85 Charlotte Tabb Mr. John Hill Morgan 86 Emory Tabb Mr John Hill Morgan 87 George Washington (profile) Mr. John Pierpont Morgan 88 George Washington (full=face) Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt SMIBERT, John, 1 688» 1 75 1 89 Alexander Garden Mr. Thomas B. Clarke STUART, Gilbert, 1755=1828 90 Col. Isaac Barre Brooklyn Museum 91 Capt. John Chestnut Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 92 Lady Frances Erskine Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 93 Gen. Peter Gansevoort Mrs. Abraham Lansing 94 Hon. Thomas B. Law Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 95 Mrs. Thomas B. Law Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 96 President James Madison Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 97 Thomas McKean Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 98 Samuel Myers Mrs. John Hill Morgan 99 Capt. Richard Pearson Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 100 Col. William Stephens Smith Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 101 George Washington (Athenaeum type) Ehrich Galleries 102 George Washington (Vaughn type) Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 103 George Washington (Lansdowne type) Mr. Robert Low Pierrepont 104 John Watts, Sr. Brooklyn Museum SULLY, Thomas, 1783=1872 105 Capt. William Chamberlain Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 106 Mrs. William Chamberlain Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 107 Elizabeth Cook (Mrs. B. F. Bache) Mr. John Hill Morgan 108 Joseph A. Dougan Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 109 Theodore Qourdin Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 110 John Hogg Mr. Jonathan Bulkley 111 Lieut. William Henry Korn Mr. William Henry Fox 112 Hannah Seagraves Reeves Mrs. Allen McLane Hamilton 113 The Spanish Mantilla Miss Sarah Throckmorton Meigs SULLY, Thomas Wilcocks, Jr., 1811-1847 114 President John Tyler Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt TRUMBULL, John, 1756-1843 115 William Brown Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 116 Governor George Clinton City of New York 117 Alexander Hamilton Mr. Frederick W. Hinrichs 118 Ralph Kirkley Mr. David H. Lanman 119 Peter Lanman Mrs. William Lanman Bull 120 Mrs. Peter Lanman Mrs. William Lanman Bull 121 Sortie from Gibraltar Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt VANDERLYN, John, 1775-1852 122 Col. Moses Thomas Mr. John Frederick Lewis 123 Sampson V. S. Wilder Mrs. Wilder H. Haines WALDO, Samuel L-, 1783-1861 124 Mrs. Sampson V. S. Wilder Miss R. V. Halsey 125 William Steele Mr. W. D. Steele 126 Mrs. William Steele Mr. W. D. Steele 127 Joseph Moss White Mr. Alfred T. White 128 Portrait of a Gentleman Brooklyn Museum WERTMULLER, Adolf Ulrich, 1749=1812 129 Andrew Hamilton, IVth. Mr. John Frederick Lewis 130 Mrs. Andrew Hamilton Mr. John Frederick Lewis 131 Portrait of the Artist Mr. John Frederick Lewis WEST, Benjamin, 1738-1820 132 Dr. Enoch Edwards Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 133 American Peace Commissioners, Treaty of 1782 Mr. John Pierpont Morgan W1NSTANLEY, William, Late 18th century 134 President John Adams Mr. Alexander Smith Cochran WOOLASTON, John, ca. 1 750 135 Portrait of a gentleman, thought to be Lawrence Washington Mr. John Frederick Lewis UNKNOWN ARTISTS, 18th century 136 Major John Dies Mr. De Witt A. Clarke 137 Mrs. John Dies Mr. De Witt A. Clarke 138 Johannes Panet The Misses Marshall 139 Mrs. Johannes Panet The Misses Marshall 140 Frances Peyton Tabb Mrs. John Hill Morgan LIST OF MINIATURES ALLSTON, Washington, (1779-1843) 141 Portrait of a Lady Mr. R. T. H. Halsey BIRCH, William, (1755-1834) 142 Marquis de La Fayette Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt COPLEY, J. S., (1737-1815) 143 John Sparhawk Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt CUMMINGS, Thomas Seir, (1804-1894) 143 Erasmus Darwin Foote Brooklyn Museum 145 Elizabeth Stirling (Mrs. Foote) Brooklyn Museum DUNLAP, William, (1766-1839) 146 Charles Brockden Brown Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 147 Portrait of the Artist Prof. Theodore S. Woolsey 148 Portrait of the Artist Prof. Theodore S. Woolsey FIELD, Robert, (1798-1819) 149 Dr. James Sergeant Ewing Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 150 George Washington (after Gilbert Stuart) Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt FRASER, Charles, (1782-1860) 151 Alice Belin Flagg Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 152 James Gourdin of Charleston, S. C. Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 153 William Manigault Heyward Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 154 James Lad son of Charleston, S. C. Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 155 Captain William Petigru Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt GOODRICH, Sarah, 1788-1853 156 Grenville Mellen Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 157 Daniel Webster Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 158 Gen. Henry Lee Mr. Luke Vincent Lockwood MALBONE, Edward G„ (1777-1807) 159 Caleb Abell Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 160 Joseph Barrell Mrs. Walter H. Crittenden 161 Mrs. William Blacklock Mr. R. T. H. Halsey 162 M. Livingston De Lancey Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 163 Sarah Ladson Gil mo r Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 164 Charles Harris of Boston Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 165 Richard D. Harris of Boston Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 166 Captain George Izard Mr. R. T. H. Halsey 167 Elizabeth Alston Jervey Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 168 Miss Poinsett of South Carolina Mr. R. T. H. Halsey 169 Joel R. Poinsett Mr. R. T. H. Halsey 170 " The Little Scotch Girl M Mr. R. T. H. Halsey 171 Col. Richard Singleton of South Carolina Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 172 Archibald Taylor of Newport Mrs. A. M. Parker 173 Major Samuel Wragg Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 174 Portrait of the Artist (1797) Mr. R. T. H. Halsey PEALE, James, (1749-1831) 175 James Claypoole Copper Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 176 Mrs. James Claypoole Copper Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 177 Chancellor John Johnson Mr. J. Hemsley Johnson PEALE, Rembrandt, (1778-1860) 178 Henrietta Maria Hemsley Earle Mr. J. Hemsley Johnson 179 Doyle E. Sweeney Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt RAMAGE, John, (died 1802) 180 John Hampton Chase of Maryland Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt ROGERS, Nathaniel, (1788-1844) 181 Mrs. Gabriel Manigault Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt SULLY, Lawrence, 182 Patrick Henry (dated 1795) Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt TROTT, Benjamin, (179 1-1839) 183 Lewis Adams Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt TRUMBULL, John, (1756-1843) 184 William Laughton Smith Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt VAN DYKE, (American, ca. 1815) 185 James Lyon Mr. Luke Vincent Lockwood UNKNOWN ARTISTS 186 James Bogert, Jr. at 21 (1788) Mrs. E. P. Guerard 187 James Bogert, Jr. circa 1835 Miss J. Bogert 188 Patience Turner (Mrs. Macintosh) Miss J. Bogert 189 William McMechen Mr. J. Hemsley Johnson 190 Portrait of a Gentleman Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 191 Portrait of a Gentleman Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt 192 Portrait of a Gentleman Mr. Herbert Lee Pratt The furniture shown in this exhibition is merely an attempt to arrange the small collection recently acquired by the Museum with some regard to period and style. The Museum intends, when space in the new building is available, to show period rooms, including original woodwork, as well as furnishings. A special catalogue of the one hundred and forty paintings, with descriptions of the subjects and half- tone reproductions of every picture, printed on fine paper with wide margins and handsomely bound in cloth is offered for sale at ten dollars a copy. The edition Is limited to five / hundred copies. Inquire of the attendants.