) *^ JI Collection of eboke Patntings nenry 0^$ler at tbe 36$ fiftb J\mm, new Vork near isth Strtet to march <^tb; \m .-.0 I)enry mo$kr mmt Suititnary of fionors Receivea medal, Rova! Jlaaemy, municl), i$74 Salon, Bonora^le mention, ....... \m **Ee Retonr,'* purchased the Trench go^jemment for the mnsee de EnxentDurg, i$7^ Sold medal. International EKhiDltion, nice. Trance, * . i$$4 Prize fund exhibition. Hew VorR, Prize $2,500, • . i$$5 Salon, Sold medal, i$$$ exposition Universalle, Paris, Sillier medal, ♦ . . l)ors Conconrs, i$90 Che^jalier de la Eeglon D'fionnenr, . . . . . mi Officier D'flcademie, . \tn JlrchduRe £ari Cndu^lg of Unstria, gold medal, . . m% elected Jtssociate of Rational Academy of Design, . . i$95 medal, Atlanta exposition, 8a., Pictures Purchased by ana Tncorporatea in the Tollowins museums: Syaney, Australia J Grenoble, Trance? Eouisv)ille, Hv*, Polytechnic Institute j Pennsylvjania Hcaaemy of Tine Hrts? Cincinnati, Ohio, museum j Springfielcl, mass., museum^ I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/collectionofchoiOOaver fienry mosler ?^