mm f Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute CLASSIFIED LIST OE PHOTOGRAPHS OF DRAWINGS, PAINTINGS, AND SCULPTURE. ETCHINGS OF OBJECTS OF ART. Specimens of the Photographs enumerated in this Catalogue may be seen in the Arundel Society’s Sale Rooms at the South Kensington Museum, and at the Office of the Arundel Society, 24, Old Bond Street. A complete collection may be consulted in the National Art Library, South Kensington Museum. PUBLISHED BY THE ARUNDEL SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING THE KNOWLEDGE OF ART, 24, OLD BOND STREET. 15929.— 1. J&EU 195 EP N tents. National Portraits, from the Exhibition of 1866 - National Portraits, Selections of - National Portraits. — Large Size - Bays of the National Portrait Exhibition of 1866 Miniature Portraits, from the Exhibition of I860 Raphael’s Cartoons. — In five different sizes Studies from Raphael’s Cartoons - Raphael Drawings in the Louvre - Raphael Drawings at Oxford Michael Angelo Drawings at Oxford Holbein Drawings at Windsor - Tudor Portraits. — In the New Palace of Westminster Turner’s Liber Studiorum - Mulready’s Drawings and Paintings - Designs for Gold and Silver Plate - Paintings and Drawings (. Miscellaneous ) Italian Sculpture of the Middle Ages Sculpture ( Miscellaneous ) - Page - 9 - 52 - 53 - 53 - 54 - 66 - 66 - 68 - 70 - 82 - 85 - 87 - 89 - 90 - 92 - 93 - 94 - 96 Etchings of Objects of Art by Students in Training - 100 Many of the Photographs included in this Catalogue may be had on application . Those which are not in stock will be delivered {except under special circumstances ) in fourteen days. All must be paid for previous to de- livery . Orders by post should be addressed to Mr. F. W. Maynard , Secretary of the Arundel Society , 24, Old Bond Street; or to Mr. Cundall , Agent for the Arundel Society at the South Kensington Museum. PREFACE. This division of the Classified List of Photographs contains a catalogue of those Portraits in the National Portrait Exhibition of 1866 which the owners kindly permitted to be published, and which it was found possible to render with any degree of faithfulness ; and a selection of two hundred Portraits from the Exhibition of Miniature Portraits of 1865. Then follow lists of Photographs of Raphael’s Cartoons, and of the well-known Raphael Drawings in the Louvre and in the University Galleries at Oxford ; of the Michael Angelo Drawings at Oxford ; the celebrated Holbein Heads in the Royal Collection at Windsor ; the Tudor portraits in the new Palace at Westminster ; the series of Draw- ings by Turner known as his t( Liber Studiorum $” and of thirty of Mulready’s most important pictures. Besides these, there are Photographs of Italian Sculpture of the Middle Ages, in the South Kensington Museum ; and a series of Etchings done by Students in training in the Schools of Art. The NATIONAL PORTRAIT EXHIBITION of 1866, which owed its origin to a suggestion made by the Earl of Derby, contained 1,031 portraits of eminent persons from the time of the Plantagenets to the end of the reign of James II. These were contributed by 306 lenders, among whom were Her Majesty and many of the principal nobility, and a great number of country gentry who have inherited portraits of their ancestors. With but few exceptions, all readily allowed their pictures to be copied ; but some of the paintings were so much discoloured by age that it was found to be beyond the power of the photographer to reproduce them. The result is that only 964 por- traits are included in the published lists. Many of these are by the best known painters : Holbein, Sir Antonio More, Lucas do Heere, Zucchero, Cornelius Jansen, Rubens, Vandyke, Dobson, Lely, Kneller, and others. a 2 4 Preface. With a view of giving examples of the Court costume of the period, nine of the most important portraits of the Tudor period were photo- graphed on a large scale. A series of seventy -seven views of the BAYS OF THE EXHI- BITION were taken in order to show the general appearance of the galleries and corridors, and the position in which the pictures were hung. The Exhibition was very successful, and during the 18 weeks it was open was attended by 73,000 visitors. It will be followed by an Ex- hibition of Portraits which will commence with the reign of William and Mary. The EXHIBITION OF PORTRAIT MINIATURES in the South Kensington Museum in 1865 contained 3,081 examples of the work of the most eminent miniature painters of England and France, five of whom lived in the 16th century, twenty-one in the 17th century, forty- two in the 18th century, and eighteen in the 19tli century. With the consent of the owners of the miniatures, a selection of 200 were copied by photography, and impressions of these may now be obtained. “ The miniature art of England possesses this distinguished peculi- “ arity, that while no native painter had attained excellence in life-sized “ oil portraiture before the time of Vandyke, we have in miniature art a “ succession of eminent 4 painters in little,’ commencing with Nicholas “ Hilliard in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and continued by John Hos- “ kins, the two Olivers, father and son, down to the inimitable Samuel u Cooper, in the reign of Charles I. “ The works of these men became the treasures of their own and of “ succeeding generations. Unlike the larger portraits of their foreign “ competitors, which, in the troubled days that ensued, were exposed to “ all the mutations of our great families, the miniature was mostly a “ cherished decoration worn about the person and easily concealed. “ Many have thus descended to us, inestimable both for their art and as “ the sole recollections of several of England’s most distinguished men, “ while others, despoiled in times of need of their jewelled settings, “ have been lost or destroyed.” Of the RAPHAEL CARTOONS there are five series of photographs of different sizes, all of which were taken from the originals by Mr. Thurston Thompson when they were at Hampton Court. These celebrated cartoons, which are drawn with chalk upon strong paper and coloured in distemper, are the original designs executed by Raphael and his scholars for Pope Leo X., in the year 1513, as copies 5 Preface. for tapestry work. Each cartoon is about 12 feet high. There were originally ten ; but three — viz.. The Stoning of St. Stephen, The Con- version of Saul, and St. Paul in his Dungeon at Philippi* - — are lost. The tapestries, worked in wool, silk, and gold, were hung in the Sistine Chapel at Rome in 1519, the year before Raphael died, and excited the greatest applause. The Pope paid Raphael 434 gold ducats for his designs, and the workmen of Arras 50,000 gold ducats for the tapestries. These tapestries are now in the Vatican. The cartoons remained neglected in the warehouse of the manufac- turer at Arras, and were seen there by Rubens, who advised Charles I. to purchase them for the use of a tapestry manufactory which was then established at Mortlake. On the death of Charles I. Cromwell bought them for 300/. for the nation. They remained for a long time in a lumber-room at Whitehall, till, by command of William III. Sir Chris- topher Wren erected a room for them at Hampton Court, in which (after many removals to Buckingham House, Windsor, and Frogmore) they were hung in the year 1814, where they remained until Her Majesty permitted them to be removed to South Kensington, where they may now be seen to advantage in a well-lighted gallery. Of Photographs of DRAWINGS BY RAPHAEL several large collections may be consulted in the National Art Library in the South Kensington Museum. The most important of these are from — The Academy of Fine Arts, Venice - The Gallery of Duke Albrecht, Vienna The Gallery of the Uffizi, Florence The Gallery of the Louvre, Paris The Hotel de Ville, Lille ( Wicar Col- lection ) - - - The Royal Library, Windsor - The British Museum - The University Galleries, Oxford The Duke of Devonshire’s Gallery, Chatswortli - 90 photographs. 80 JJ 35 33 67 54 ?> 12 » 188 12 » Besides these there are photographs from Raphael Drawings in the Dresden and Sienna Galleries and from several private collections, so * The Arundel Society has published engravings of “ The Stoning of St. Stephen'’ and the “ Conversion of Saul” from careful drawings made from the tapestries in the Vatican. 6 Preface. that authentic copies of at least 600 examples of Raphael Studies in ink, chalk, silver-point, and sepia, may be examined in this Library. At present only the photographs from the Drawings in the Louvre and the Oxford Galleries can be offered to the public. The celebrated collection at Oxford formerly belonged to Sir Thomas Lawrence, and at his death was bought by the Messrs. Woodburn, who subsequently sold it for 7,000/. to the University of Oxford. The money was raised by subscription, to which Lord Eldon contributed no less than 4,100/. Many of these Drawings can be traced back to the possession of Timoteo della Yite, a friend and pupil of Raphael, and his executor ; of George Vasari, the artist, who wrote the well-known series of “ Lives of Italian Painters and of the Marquis Antaldi, a lineal descendant of the Della Yite family. This collection is now in the University Galleries, where students of the Royal Academy are gratuitously ad- mitted. This privilege was purchased by William IV., who gave for this purpose a donation of 50 guineas. Of the well-known DRAWINGS BY HOLBEIN in .the Royal Library at Windsor there are 65 photographs. These are portraits of the chief personages at the Court of Henry VIII., and in many instances were doubtless studies for oil paintings. In the National Portrait Exhibition the portraits of Sir Thomas More, and of his father, and Nicholas Poyntz were evidently painted from the drawings at Windsor. In noticing this collection, Horace Walpole says : — “At present an “ invaluable treasure of the works of this master is preserved in one “ of our palaces. Soon after the accession of the late king (George II.) “ Queen Caroline found in a bureau at Kensington a noble collection “ of Holbein’s original drawings for the portraits of some of the chief “ personages ot the Court of Henry VIII. How they came there is “ quite unknown. After Holbein’s death they had been sold into “ France, from whence they were bought and presented to Charles I. “ by Monsieur de Liencourt. Charles changed them with William, “ Earl of Pembroke, for a St. George, by Raphael, now at Paris. Lord “ Pembroke gave them to the Earl of Arundel, and at the dispersion of “ that collection they may have been bought by or for the king. There “ are 89 of them, a few of which are duplicates. A great part are ex- “ ceedingly fine, and in one respect preferable to his finished pictures, “ as they'are drawn in a bold and free manner ; and, though they have “ little more than the outlines, being drawn with chalk upon paper “ stained of a flesh colour and scarce shaded at all, there is a strength “ and vivacity in them equal to the most perfect portraits. The heads Preface. 7 <{ of Sir Thomas More, Bishop Fisher, Sir Thomas Wyat, and Broke, “ Lord Cobham, are masterpieces.” In the Museum at Basle and in the Albrecht Gallery at Vienna there are many similar portraits by Hans Holbein. Photographs of these drawings may be seen in the National Art Library ; among those from the Basle Museum will be found the original sketch for the celebrated painting of “ Sir Thomas More and his Family.” The series of PORTRAITS OF THE TUDOR FAMILY were painted from authentic contemporary works to decorate the Prince’s Chamber in the new Palace at Westminster, by Richard Burchett, Head Master of the Central Training School of the Science and Art Depart- ment. They are chiefly taken from the works of Holbein, Mabuse, Lucas de Heere, Janet, and miniatures of the period. Fifty-one of the original Drawings made by J. M. W. TURNER, R.A., for the engravings of his “ LIBER STUDIORUM,” are now in the Picture Galleries of the South Kensington Museum. Of these a complete series of photographs may be had. In his ‘‘Life of Turner ” Mr. Walter Thornbury says “There can “ be no doubt that the ‘ Liber Studiorum ’ was begun by Turner in “ rivalry of Claude’s ‘ Liber Veritatis,’ published by the Duke of “ Richmond after his return from Italy. “ Turner’s ‘ Liber ’ undoubtedly utterly weighs down the book of “ Claude ; but then we must not forget that the comparison is an unjust “ one. Claude’s was not a show book and never intended for publica- 4< tion ; it is merely a volume of sketches of sold pictures, kept as “ remembrances. Turner’s was a book the produce of some years, “ elaborated with extreme care, engraved for the most part with his “ own hands, and watched in all its processes with the most jealous and “ sagacious care. It was intended to show his command of the whole 4e compass of landscape art and the boundless and matchless richness “ of his stores, both of fact and invention. “ The drawings for the ‘ Liber ’ mezzotints were of the same size as “ the plates, and were carefully finished in sepia. The proofs were “ sometimes also touched all over with the brush in sepia.” The publication of the engravings of the “ Liber Studiorum ” was commenced in 1807 and discontinued at the fourteenth number in 1816. It comprised 71 plates. The subjects, embracing the whole domain of landscape art, were divided into six heads — Historical, Pastoral, Elegant Pastoral, Mountain, Marine, and Architectural. Of MULREADY’S PAINTINGS there are at present only 30 Photographs. These, however, include all his most celebrated works, 8 Preface. such as “ Choosing the Wedding Gown,” ie The Whistonian Contro- versy,” “ The Hayfield,” “ The Seven Ages,” “ The Wolf and the Lamb,” “ Giving a Bite,” &c., some of which the art of photography has, most unexpectedly, reproduced with great truthfulness. This series will be added to from time to time. The examples of ITALIAN SCULPTURE consist of Photographs of fifty choice works of the middle ages and the period of the revival of art, now in the possession of the South Kensington Museum, by J acopo della Quercia, Lorenzo Ghiberti, Donatello, Luca and Andrea della Robbia, and several other great Italian masters. The series of ETCHINGS OF OBJECTS OF ART in the South Kensington Museum have been executed by students in the Training Class for Etching, under the direction of Mr. Richard J. Lane, A.R.A. Fifty of these Etchings have been carefully printed by M. Delatre of Paris and Mr. Martin of Hampstead Road, and are now ready for publication. They embrace a great variety of objects, such as Coffers, Caskets, Cups, Lamps, Croziers, Diptychs, &c. &c., all of which have been selected for their interest as works of art. DRAWINGS AND PAINTINGS. NATIONAL HISTORICAL PORTRAITS. A Series of NINE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-FOUR POR- TRAITS selected from the First Special Exhibition of National Por- traits at South Kensington, from the Reigns of the Plantagenet Kings to the Abdication of James II. (1152 to 1688). Price, One Shilling and Sixpence Each. 1. ROSAMOND CLIFFORD. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 3. EDWARD III. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 4. JOHN OF GAUNT, Duke of Lancaster. Painted by Luca Cor- nelli. Lent by the Duke of Beaufort . 5. WILLIAM OF WYKEIIAM, Bishop of Winchester. Lent by Mr. Baldwin J. P. Bastard. 6. JOHN WYCLIFFE. Lent by the Earl of Denbigh. 7. RICHARD II. IsCiit by the Dean and Chapter of Westminster. 8. GEOFFREY CHAUCER. L,ent by the Bodleian L,ibrary r Oxford. 9. GEOFFREY CHAUCER. Lent by Mr. J. P. Seddon. 10. HENRY IY. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 11. THOMAS ARUNDEL, or FITZALAN, Archbishop of Canter- bury. Lent by Lord De L'lslc and Dudley. 12. JAMES, EARL OF DOUGLAS. I^ent by the Marquis of Quccnsbury. 13. HENRY IV. Lent by the Earl of Essex . 14. HENRY Y. Lent by Eton College. 15. HENRY VI. Lent by Eton College. 16. MARRTAGF OF HENRY VI. WITH MARGARET OF ANJOU. Lent by the Duke of Sutherland , K.G. 10 Plantagenet Reigns, 1154 - 1485 . 17. EDWARD GRIMSTON. Painted by Petrus Christus. Lent by the Earl of Verulam. 18. SIR JOHN DONNE; and LADY DONNE. Painted by Van Eyck or Hans Memling. Lent by the Duke of Devonshire , K. G. 19. JOHN TALBOT, first Earl of Shrewsbury. Lent by the Marquis of Northampton . 20. MARGARET BEAUCHAMP, Countess of Shrewsbury. Lent by the Marquis of Northampton. 21. SIR JOHN FORTESCUE, Kt. Ascribed to Hans Memling. I^ent by the Earl Fortescue. 23. RICHARD NEYILL, Earl of Warwick, K.G. Lent by the Mar- quis of Hastings . 24. EDWARD IV. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor). 25. GEORGE PLANTAGENET, Duke of Clarence, K.G. Lent by the Marquis of Hastings. 26. ISABEL NEYILL, Duchess of Clarence. Lent by the Marquis of Hastings. 27. HUMPHREY PLANTAGENET, Duke of Gloucester, and JOHN KEMPE, Archbishop of Canterbury. Lent by the Duke of Sutherland , K.G. 28. MARGARET PLANTAGENET, Countess of Salisbury. Lent by the Marquis of Hastings. 29. QUEEN ELIZ ABETH WOODYILLE. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 30. QUEEN ELIZABETH WOODYILLE. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 31. QUEEN ELIZABETH WOODYILLE. Lent by Queen’s Col- lege, Cambridge. 32. MARGARET PLANTAGENET, Duchess of Burgundy. Lent by the Society of Antiquaries. 33. JANE SHORE. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 34. JANE SHORE. Lent by Eton College. 35. JANE SHORE. Lent by King’s College, Cambridge. 36. SIR THOMAS LYTTELTON, K.B. Painted by Arthur Pond. Lent by Lord T^yttelton . .37. SIR HENRY WENTWORTH, K.B. Lent by Lord De L’Isle and Dudley. 38. RICHARD III. Lent by Earl of Derby, K. G. 39. HENRY CHICHELEY, Archbishop of Canterbury. Lent by Viscount Strangford. 40. HUGH OLDHAM, Bishop of Exeter. Lent by Corpus Christi College, Oxford. 41. SIR ROBERT CHESTER, Kt. (1510-1574). Lent by Mr. Harry Chester . Reign of Henry VII., 1485 - 1509 . 11 42. THOMAS STANLEY, first Earl of Derby. Lent by the Earl of Derby, K.G. 43. QUEEN ELIZABETH OF YORK (1466-1502). Lent by Mr . Charles Winn. 44. EDWARD STAFFORD, third Duke of Buckingham, K.G. Lent by the Marquis of Bath. 45. JOHN HOWARD, Duke of Norfolk, K.G. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 46. RICHARD FOX, Bishop of Winchester. Painted by Johannes Corvus. Lent by Corpus Christi College, Oxford. 47. MARGARET BEAUFORT, Countess of Richmond and Derby. Lent by St. John’s College , Cambridge . 48. MARGARET BEAUFORT, Countess of Richmond and Derby. Lent by the Earl of Derby, K.G. 49. ARTHUR, Prince of Wales (1486-1502). Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 50. RICHARD FOX, Bishop of Winchester. Lent by Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley , 51. QUEEN ELIZABETH OF YORK. Lent by Christ Church, Oxford. 52. HENRY VII. Painted by Jan de Mabuse. L,ent by Hon . Mrs. Greville Howard. 53. MARGARET TUDOR, Queen of Scotland. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 54. HENRY VII. and FERDINAND OF ARRAGON. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Mr. Henry Musgrave. 55. HENRY VII. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 56. HENRY VII. Lent by Christ Church, Oxford. 57. QUEEN ELIZABETH OF YORK. Ascribed to Jan de Ma- buse. Lent by Mr. B. J. P. Bastard. 58. THREE CHILDREN OF HENRY VII. Painted by Jan de Mabuse. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 59. PIENRY VII. Lent by Mr. Charles Winn. 61. JAMES IV. OF SCOTLAND. Painted by D. Mytens. Lent by Sir William Stirling Maxwell, Bart., M.P. 62. HENRY VII. Lent by Christ Church, Oxford. 63. JAMES IV. OF SCOTLAND. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Marquis of Lothian. 64. JOHN ALCOCK, Bishop of Ely. Lent by Jesus College, Cam- bridge. 65. SIR CHARLES SOMERSET, first Earl of Worcester, K.G. T^ent by the Duke of Beaufort. 66. MARY HUNGE11FORD, Baroness Ilungerford, and afterwards Hastings. Lent by the Marquis of Hastings. 12 National Portraits. 67. GEORGE HASTINGS, third Baron and first Earl of Huntingdon, Painted by Fran§ois Clouet (Janet). Lent by Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. 68. SIR THOMAS WYAT, Kt., the elder. Lent by the Bodleian Library , Oxford. 69. GEORGE LORD STRANGE. Lent by the Earl of Derby, K.G. 70. THOMAS, second EARL OF DERBY, K.G. Lent by the Earl of Derby, K.G. 71. EDWARD STAFFORD, third Duke of Buckingham, K.G. Painted by Hans Holbein. I^ent by the Marquis of Hastings. 72. NICHOLAS KRATZER. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lc?it by Viscount Galway , M.P. 73. HANS HOLBEIN. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 74. QUEEN KATHARINE OF ARRAGON. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Mr. Walter Moseley. 75. HENRY VIII. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Duke of Manchester. 76. CHARLES BRANDON, Duke of Suffolk, K.G., and his Wife the PRINCESS MARY TUDOR. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Mrs. Bran/ill. 77. HENRY VIII. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 78. QUEEN KATHARINE OF ARRAGON. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Countess Delawarr . 79. QUEEN KATHARINE OF ARRAGON. Lent by the Na- tional Portrait Gallery. 80. CHARLES BRANDON, Duke of Suffolk, and his Wife the PRINCESS MARY TUDOR. Painted by Jan de Mabuse. J^ent by the Earl of Yarborough . 81. SIR WILLIAM CAVENDISH, Kt. Lent by the Duke of De- vonshire, K.G. 82. ARCHIBALD DOUGLAS, Earl of Angus. Painted by Francis Clouet (Janet). I^etit by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 83. QUEEN MARY OF GUISE (1515-1560). Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 84. HENRY VIII. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by I^ady Sophia Des Vceux. 85. HENRY SOMERSET, second Earl of Worcester. Lent by the Duke of Beaufort. 86. WILLIAM WARHAM, Archbishop of Canterbury (1456-1532). Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Archbishop of Canter- bury. 87. MARGARET DOUGLAS, Countess of Lennox. Lent by H. W, Diamond, M.D. Reign of Henry VIII., 1509 - 1547 . 13 88. JOHN FISHER, Bishop of Rochester. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Major J. II. Brooks . 90. MARGARET TUDOR, Queen of Scotland. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Marquis of Lothian . 91. SIR THOMAS WYAT, Kt. (the elder). Lent by the Marquis of Hastings. 92. JOHN FISHER, Bishop of Rochester. Painted by Hans Hol- bein. Lent by St. John's College , Cambridge . 93. THOMAS CRANMER, Archbishop of Canterbury. Painted by Flans Holbein. Lent by Jesus College , Cambridge . 94. PETER MARTYR (1500-1562). Lent by Christ Church , Oxford . 95. HENRY HOWARD, Earl of Surrey. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Bodleian Library , Oxford. 96. THOMAS LINACRE, M.D. Painted by Hans Holbein or Qu. Matsys. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 97. QUEEN ANNE BOLEYN. Lent by Hon. Mrs. Greville Howard. 98. SIR THOMAS WYAT, Kt. (the elder). Lent by Mr. John Bruce. 99. HENRY VIII. Lent by the Earl of Warwick. 100. SIR ANTHONY FITZHERBERT, Kt., afterwards Lord Fitz- herbert. Lent by Sir William Fitzhei'bert , Bart. 101. SIR THOMAS BOLEYN, Earl of Wiltshire and Ormonde, K.G. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Mr. W. B. Stopford. 102. HENRY HOWARD, Earl of Surrey. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 103. QUEEN ANNE BOLEYN. Lent by the Earl of Warwick. 104. CHRISTINA OF DENMARK, Duchess of Milan. Painted by Hans Flolbein. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 105. MARY BOLEYN. Lent by the Earl of Warwick. 106. JAMES V. OF SCOTLAND and his second Queen MARY OF GUISE. Lent by the Duke of Devonshire , K. G. 107. QUEEN ANNE BOLEYN. Painted by Flans Holbein. Lent by Sir Montague J. Cholmeley , Bart., M.P. 108. SIR RICHARD SOUTFIWELL, Kt. Painted by Hans Hol- bein. Lent by Mr. II. E. Chetwynd Stapylton. 109. HENRY VIII. Painted by Flans Flolbein. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 110. SIR WILLIAM BUTTS, Kt. Painted by Ilans Flolbein. Lent by Mr. W. II. Pole Carew. 111. SIR NICFIOLAS (called “ WILLIAM ” ) POYNTZ. Lent by the Marquis of Ormonde. 112. SIR RICHARD SOUTHWELL. Painted by Micheli, after Holbein. Lent by Mr. Ralph N. Wornum. 14 National Portraits. 113. THOMAS CROMWELL, Earl of Essex, K.G. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Duke of Manchester. 114. QUEEN ANNE BOLEYN. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Earl of Denbigh. 115. LADY BUTTS. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Mr. TV. H. Pole Carew. 116. ANNE ASKEW, or ASCOUGH. Lent by Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. 117. CHIEF JUSTICE SIR EDWARD MONTAGU, Kt. Lent by Mr. Andrew Montagu. 418. HENRY VIII. Lent by Viscount Galway , M.P. 119. QUEEN JANE SEYMOUR. Lent by the Duke of Northum- berland. 120. MARY TUDOR, Queen of France, afterwards Duchess of Suffolk. Lent by the Earl Brownlow. 121. HENRY HOWARD, Earl of Surrey (1518-1547). Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Countess Delawarr. 122. JOANNA FITZALAN, Lady Abergavenny. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Mr. John Webb. 123. CHARLES BRANDON, Duke of Suffolk, K.G. Lent by the Earl Brownlow. 124. HENRY VIII. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 125. QUEEN JANE SEYMOUR. T^ent by Countess Delawarr. 126. THOMAS CROMWELL, Earl of Essex, K.G. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Countess of Caledon. 127. SIR RICHARD BROKE, Kt. Painted by Sir Antonio More. Lent by Admiral Sir G. Broke Middleton , Bart. 128. SIR WILLIAM PETRE, Kt. Lent by Rev. C. P. Peters. 129. SIR HENRY GUILDFORD, Kt. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Mr. John Webb. 130. CARDINAL WOLSEY (1471-1530). Lent by the Royal Col- lege of Physicians. 131. QUEEN KATHARINE PAR (1512 ?-1548). Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Mr. Richard Booth. 132. QUEEN ANNE OF CLEVES. Painted by Hans Holbein, Lent by Mr Charles Morrison. 133. SIR HENRY WYAT, Kt. Lent by the Earl of Romney. 134. HENRY VIII. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Duke of Devonshire , K. G. 135. HENRY VIII. AND QUEEN JANE SEYMOUR. Painted by Van Remee, after Holbein, Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Reign of Henry VIII., 1509 - 154 7 . 15 136. THOMAS RADCLYFFE, Earl of Sussex, K.G. Painted by Sir Antonio More. Lent by Mr. Martin H. Colnaghi. 137. FRANCES SIDNEY, Countess of Sussex. Lent by Sidney- Sussex College , Cambridge. 138. WILL SOMERS. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 139. THOMAS RADCLYFFE, Earl of Sussex, ICO. Painted by F. Zucchero. Lent by Sir Brook W. Bridges , Bart., M.P. 140. THOMAS LORD AUDLEY, K.O. Lent by Magdalen College , Cambridge. 141. SIR WILLIAM SIDNEY, Kt. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Lord De Elsie and Dudley. 142. THOMAS CRANMER, Archbishop of Canterbury. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Captain H. Byng. 143. ERASMUS (1467-1536). Painted by O. Penz. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 144. HENRY VIII. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Mr. H. Danby Seymour , M.P. 145. JAMES V. OF SCOTLAND. Lent by the Duke of Devon- shire, K.G. 146. HENRY VIII. Lent by the Royal College of Physicians. 147. NICHOLAS WOOTTON, LL.D., Dean of Canterbury. Lent by the Dean of Canterbury. 148. THOMAS CARDINAL WOLSEY 4 (1471-1530). Lent by Christ Church, Oxford. 149. SIR HENRY GUILDFORD, K.G. (1478- ). Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 150. SIR JOHN MORE and SIR THOMAS MORE. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Sir Henry R. Vane, Bart. 151. SIR THOMAS POPE. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Countess of Caledon. 152. HENRY VIII., PRINCESS MARY, and WILL SOMERS. Lent by the Earl Spencer, K. G. 153. EDWARD STANLEY, third Earl of Derby, K.G. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Earl of Derby, K.G. 154. SIR JOHN CIIEKE, Kt. (1514-1557). Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Duke of Manchester. 155. LADY HELEN LESLIE. Painted by Sir Antonio More. Lent by the Marquis of Lothian. 156. HENRY VIII. L^ent by Christ Church, Oxford. 157. SIR THOMAS MORE (1480-1535). Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Mr. Henry Iluth. 158. LADY DOROTHY DEVEREUX ( -1566). Lent by Mr. Reginald Cholmondcley. 16 Reign of Edward VI., 1547 - 1553 . 160. MARK KER, Abbot of Newbattle. Painted by Sir Antonio More. Lent by the Marquis of Lothian. 161. SIR JOHN THYNNE, Kt. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Marquis of Bath. 165. THOMAS HOWARD, third Duke of Norfolk. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 166. PHILIPPE DE VILLIERS DE LTSLE-ADAM. Lent by the Earl of Clarendon , K. G. 167. HENRY VIII. Lent by Mr. Andrew Fountaine. 168. EDWARD SEYMOUR, Duke of Somerset, K.G., “The Pro- tector.” Lent by Mr. H. Danby Seymour , M.P. 169. THOMAS, first LORD WENTWORTH. Lent by Mr. F. Vernon Wentworth. 170. HENRY VIII. AND HIS FAMILY. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 171. SIR EDWARD MONTAGU, Kt. Lent by the Duke of Manchester. 172. EDWARD VI. Painted by Hans Holbein. T^ent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 173. SIR THOMAS SMITH, Kt., LL.D. Painted by P. Fischer after Hans Holbein. Lent by Eton College. 174. EDWARD SEYMOUR, Duke of Somerset, K.G., “The Pro- tector.” Lent by Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. 175. EDWARD VI. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Earl of Hardwicke. 176. EDWARD VI. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Earl of Yarborough. 177. EDW7ARD VI. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Christ's Hospital. 178. THOMAS, second LORD WENTWORTH. Lent by Mr. F. Vernon Wentworth. 179. EDWARD VI. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Christ's Hospital. 180. EDWARD VI. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Duke of Manchester . 181. THOMAS, LORD SEYMOUR OF SUDELEY, K.G. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Marquis of Bath . 182. SIR THOMAS WYAT, Kt. (the younger). Lent by the Earl of Romney. 183. LADY JANE GREY (1537-1554). Painted by Lucas de Heere. Lent by the Earl Spencer , K.G. 184. LADY JANE GREY. Painted by Mark Garrard. Lent by Colonel Tempest. Reign of Queen Mary , 1553— 1558. 17 185. REGINALD, CARDINAL POLE (1500—1558). Lent by the Archbishop of Canterbury . 186. SIR ANTONIO MORE (1519-1575). Painted by Sir Antonio More. Lent by the Earl Spencer , K. G. 187. EDWARD VI. (1537-1553). Lentby King's College, Cambridge, 1-88. HENRY DE LA POLE, Lord Montacute. T^ent by Mr. Regi- nald Cholmondeley. 189. HENRY GREY, third Marquis of Dorset and Duke of Suffolk. Painted by Mark Garrard. Lent by the Marquis of Salis- bury , K.G. 190. LADY JANE GREY (1537—1554). Lent by the Rodleian Library , Oxford. 191. LORD GUILDFORD DUDLEY. Lentby Colonel and Raroness North. 193. LADY JANE GREY (1537-1554). Lent by Lord Houghton. 194. SIR EDWARD GRIMSTON, Kt. Lent by the Earl of Verulam. 195. REGINALD, CARDINAL POLE (1500-1558). Painted by Titian. I,ent by Lord Arundell of Wardour. 196. QUEEN MARY (1515-1558). Painted by Sir Antonio More. Lent by Mr. Charles Winn . 197. HENRY FITZALAN, Earl of Arundel, K.G. Lent by the Marquis of Bath. 198. LADY ELEANOR BRANDON. Painted by Lucas de Heere. Lent by Mr. F. Vernon Wentworth. 199. QUEEN MARY (1515-1558). L,ent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 500. PHILIP II. OF SPAIN. Painted by Sanchez Coello. Lent by Sir William Stirling Maxwell , Bart ., M.P. 501. STEPHEN GARDINER, Bishop of Winchester. Lent by Trinity Hall , Cambridge. 202. STEPHEN GARDINER, Bishop of Winchester. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Lord Taunton. 203. WILLIAM POWLETT, first Marquis of Winchester. Painted by F. Zuchero. Lent by Mr. John Webb. 204. HUGH LATIMER, Bishop of Worcester. Lent by the Dean of Canterbury. 206. REGINALD, CARDINAL POLE. Painted by Pierino del Yaga. Lent by Earl Spencer , K. G. 207. WILLIAM POWLETT, first Marquis of Winchester, K.G. Lent by the Society of Antiquaries. 209. PHILIP II. OF SPAIN. Painted by Sir Antonio More. I,ent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 15929.— 1. B 18 National Portraits. 210. SIR EDWARD GRIMSTON, Kt. Lent by the Earl of Verulam. 211. EDWARD, first LORD NORTH. Lent by Colonel and Baroness North. 212. QUEEN MARY (1515-1558). Painted by Lucas de Heere. Lent by Mr. W. B. Stopford. 213. ALICE JUDDE, wife of Thomas Smythe. Lent by Viscount Strangford. 214. SIR THOMAS WILSON, Kt. Lent by Sir T. M. Wilson, Bart. 215. WILLIAM WHITAKER, D.D. (1547-1595). Lent by St. John's College , Cambridge. 216. SIR WALTER HUNGERFORD. Lent by Sir Hungerford Pollen , Bart . 217. QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Painted by F. Zuchero. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 218. SIR GAWEN CAREW, Kt. Painted by N. Hilliard. Lent bij Mr. W. H. Pole Carew. 219. QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Painted by Lucas de Heere. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 220. FRANCOIS, DUC D’ALENCON, D’ANJOU, &c. Painted by Francis Clouet (Janet). Lent by Mr. John Bruce. 221. THOMAS SMYTHE (1522-1591). Lent by Viscount Strang- ford. 224. HENRY FITZALAN, Earl of Arundel, K.G. Lent by the Duke of Devonshire , K.G. 225. WILLIAM SOMERSET, third Earl of Worcester, K.G. Lent by the Duke of Beaufort. 226. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Painted by Nicholas Hilliard. Lent by Sir John Salusbury Trelawny, Bart. 227. JOHN WHITGIFT, Archbishop of Canterbury (1530-1604). I^ent by St. Peter's College , Cambridge. 228. JOHN BULL, Mus. Doc. Lent by the University of Oxford. 229. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Painted by F. Zucchero. Lent by the Duke of Devonshire , K.G. 230. SIR HENRY UMPTON or UNTON. Painted by Mark Gar- rard. Lent by Mr. Henry Nugent Bankes. 231. SIR EDWARD SOMERSET, fourth Earl of Worcester, K.G. Lent by the Duke of Beaufort . 232. SIR JONATHAN TRELAWNY, Kt. Painted by F. Zucchero. Lent by Sir John Salusbury Trelawny , Bart. 233. EDMUND GRINDAL, D.D., Archbishop of Canterbury, Lent by the Dean of Canterbury. Reign of Queen Elizabeth , 1558 - 1603 . 19 234. SIR WILLIAM PADDY. Lent by St. John’s College , Oxford. 235. LADY HUNSDON. Painted by F. Zucchero. Lent by Mr. W. B. Stopford. 236. MARGARET DOUGLAS, Countess of Lennox. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 237. SIR ROBERT CAREY, afterwards Earl of Monmouth. Painted by Mark Garrard. Lent by Mr. D. Laing. 238. HENRY CAREY, Lord Hunsdon, K.G. Painted by F. Zucchero. Lent by Mr. W. B. Stopford. 239. SIR CHRISTOPHER HATTON, K.G. (1539-1591). Lent by the Earl of Winchilsea and Nottingham. 240. ELIZABETH, LADY WENTWORTH. Painted by Lucas de Heere. I^ent by the Marquis of Salisbury , K. G. 241. ROBERT DUDLEY, Earl of Leicester, K.G., and PAGE. Painted by F. Zucchero. Lent by the Marquis of Bath. 243. SIR PHILIP SANDYS, Kt. Lent by Mr. Charles Winn. 244. SIR WALTER MILDMAY, Kt. Lent by Sir He?iry B. P. St. John Mildmay , Bart. 245. WILLIAM CECIL, Lord Burghley, K.G. Lent by the Bodleian Library , Oxford. 246. THOMAS CECIL, Earl of Exeter, with his half-brother, ROBERT, EARL OF SALISBURY. Painted by F. Zucchero. Lent by the Marquis of Salisbury , K. G. 247. QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Painted by Hans Hol- bein. Lent by Her Majesty (St. James’s Palace). 248. JANE HECKINGTON, Mrs. Cecil. Lent by the Marquis of Salisbury , K. G. 250. SIR WALTER RALEIGH, Kt. (1552-1618). Lent by the Marquis of Bath . 251. ROBERT DUDLEY, Earl of Leicester, K.G. Painted by Mark Garrard. Lent by the Marquis of Salisbury , K. G. 252. QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Lent by the Earl of Hardwicke. 253. ROBERT DEVEREUX, second Earl of Essex, K.G. Lent by the Earl oj' Derby, K.G. 254. MILDRED COKE, Lady Burleigh. Painted by F. Zucchero. Lent by the Marquis of Salisbury , K. G. 255. THOMAS SACKYILLE, Earl of Dorset. Painted by Mark Garrard. Lent by the Countess of Delawarr. 256. QUEEN ELIZABETH CARRIED IN STATE TO HUNS- DON HOUSE, 18th September 1571. Painted by Mark Garrard. Lent by Mr. G. Vigby Wingfield Digby. b 2 20 National Portraits. 257. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Lent by the Earl of Warwick. 258. SIR FRANCIS WALSINGLIAM, K.G. (1536-1590). Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 259. ROBERT CECIL, Earl of Salisbury, K.G. (1560-1612). Painted by F. Zucehero. Lent by the Marquis of Salisbury , K. G. 260. SIR GEORGE CAREW, Kt. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 261. ROBERT DUDLEY, Earl of Leicester, K.G. Lent by Corpus Christi College , Cambridge. 262. ROBERT DUDLEY, Earl of Leicester, K.G. Lent by the University Library , Cambridge. 263. WALTER DEYEREUX, first Earl of Essex. Painted by Sir Antonio More. Lent by the Earl of Yarborough. 264. JOHN GLANYILLE. Lent by Lincoln’s Inn. 265. GEORGE BUCHANAN (1506-1582). Lent by the University of Edinburgh. 266. GEORGE BUCHANAN. Painted by F. Pourbus. Lent by the Royal Society. 267. QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Painted by F. Zucehero. Lent by the Marquis of Salisbury , K. G. .26 8. THOMAS HOWARD, fourth Duke of Norfolk. Painted by F. Zucehero. Lent by the Earl of Carlisle. 269. MATTHEW PARKER, Archbishop of Canterbury (1504-1575). Lent by Corpus Christi College , Cambridge. 270. JOHN FOXE (1517-1587). Lent by Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. 271. QUEEN ELIZABETH (as Princess). Painted by Sir Antonio More. Lent by Mr. Andrew Fountaine. 272. HUBERT LANGUET (1518-1581). Lent by Lord de L’Isle and Dudley. 273. SIR THOMAS GRESHAM (1519-1579). Lent by the Mercers’ Company. 274. SIR PHILIP SIDNEY (1554-1586). Lent by the Earl of Warwick. 275. SIR PHILIP SIDNEY (1554-1586). Painted by F. Zucehero. Lent by the Marquis of Lothian. 27 6. LADY MARY DUDLEY, wife of Sir Henry Sidney. Lent by I^ord De L’Isle and Dudley. 277. SIR RICHARD CLOUGH, Kt. Lent by the Rev. J. Williams Ellis. 278. COUNTESS OF DERBY. Painted by Lucas de Heere. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 279. SIR THOMAS GRESHAM (1519-1579). Painted by Sir Antonio More. Lent by Mr. G. W. G. Lev e son Gower , M.P. Reign of Queen Elizabeth, 1558-1603. 21 280. SIR NICHOLAS THROCKMORTON, Kt. (1513-1570). Lent by Sir William Throckmorton , Bart. 281. RICHARD COX, Bishop of Ely (1499-1581). Lent by Trinity Hall , Cambridge. 282. FRANCES WALSINGHAM, as Lady Sidney. Lent by Lord De L’Isle and Dudley. 283. SIR JAMES DUNDAS, of Arniston. Lent by Mr. Robert Dundas, of Arniston. 284. MARY SIDNEY, Countess of Pembroke. Lent by Lord De LLsle and Dudley. 285. CHIEF JUSTICE SIR JOHN POPHAM, Kt. (1531-1606). Lent by the Duke of Manchester. 287. HENRY STANLEY, fourth Earl of Derby. Lent by the Earl of Derby, K.G. 288. ALICE SPENCER, Countess of Derby. Lent by the Earl of Derby , K.G. 289. FERDINANDO STANLEY, fifth Earl of Derby, K.G. Lent by the Earl of Derby, K.G. 290. SIR ANTHONY SHIRLEY. Lent by Sir Thomas Western, Bart., M.P. 291. SIR JONATHAN TRELAWNY, Kt. (1569-1604). Painted by Mark Garrard. Lent by Sir John Salusbury Trelawny, Bart. 292. SIR CHRISTOPHER WRAY, Kt. (1524-1592). Lent by Mr. W. T. Snossivell. 293. HENRY HOWARD, Earl of Northampton, K.G. Lent by Mr. J. G. Nichols. 294. ROBERT CECIL, first [Earl of Salisbury, K.G. Lent by the Earl of Derby, K. G. 295. HENRY HASTINGS, third Earl of Huntingdon, K.G. Lent by the Marquis of Hastings. 296. ROBERT DEVEREUX, second Earl of Essex, K.G. Painted by Isaac Oliver. Lent by Earl Spencer , K. G. 297. SIR THOMAS CHALONER, Kt. (1515-1565). Painted by Sir Antonio More. Lent by Mrs. M. G. Edgar. 298. AMY GAINES, Lady Popliam. Lent by Mr. F. L. Popham. 299. FULKE GREYILLE, first Lord Brooke. Painted by Patoun. Lent by the Earl of Warwick. 300. SIR PHILIP SIDNEY, Kt. Painted by Sir Antonio More. Lent by Mr. F. Vernon Wentworth. 301. SIR PHILIP SIDNEY AND HIS BROTHER, afterwards Earl of Leicester. Lent by Lord De LPsle and Dudley. 302. AMBROSE DUDLEY, Earl of Warwick. Painted by Hans Holbein. Lent by the Marquis of Salisbury, K.G. 22 National Portraits. 303. SIR HENRY WALLOP, Kt. Painted by Nicholas Hilliard. Lent by the Earl of Portsmouth. 304. SIR HENRY SIDNEY, Kt. Lent by Lord De Elsie and Dudley. 305. MARY STUART, Queen of Scots (1542-1587). Painted by Nicholas Hilliard. Lent by the Marquis of Salisbury , K. G. 306. GENERAL HARRY VAUGHAN. Lent by Lady Frances Harcourt. 307. QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Lent by the Head Master of Westminster. 308. WILLIAM WICKHAM, Bishop of Winchester. Painted by Mark Garrard. Lent by Mr. William Wickham . 309. MARY STUART, Queen of Scots. Lent by Earl Cathcart . 310. MARY STUART, Queen of Scots. Lent by Mr. F. Vernon Wentworth. 311. MARY STUART, Queen of Scots. Painted by Francis Clouet (Janet). Lent by the Earl of Leven and Melville. 312. MARY STUART, Queen of Scots (1542-1587). Lent by Jesus College , Cambridge. 313. RICHARD CAREW. Lent by Mr. W. H. Pole Carew. 314. MARY STUART, Queen of Scots. I^ent by Mr. Stewart Mac- kenzie of Seaforth. 315. ELIZABETH HARDWICK, Countess of Shrewsbury. Lent by the National Portrait Gallery . 316. MARY STUART, Queen of Scots. Lent by Captain G. H. W. Carew. 317. DAVID RIZZIO. Lent by Mr. Stewart Mackenzie of Seaforth. 318. MARY STUART, Queen of Scots (1542-1587). Lent by the Bodleian Library , Oxford. 319. MARY STUART, Queen of Scots. Painted by F. Zucchero. Lent by the Scottish Corporation. 320. MARY STUART, Queen of Scots. Painted by Luca Cornelli. Lent by Lord Taunton. 321. MARY STUART, Queen of Scots. Painted by Francis Clouet (Janet). Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 322. HENRY STUART, Earl of Darnley, and his Brother, CHARLES STUART. Painted by L. de Heere. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 323. HENRY STUART, Earl of Darnley (1546-1567). Lent by Mr. Stewart Mackenzie of Seaforth. 324. MARY STUART, Queen of Scots. Lent by Mrs. Michie Forbes. 325. QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Painted by Mark Garrard. Lent by Mr. David Laing . Reign of Queen Elizabeth, 1558 - 1603 . 23 326. HENRY STUART, Earl of Darnley (1546-1567). Lent by the Earl of Home, 327. MARY ANNE WALTHAM. Painted by Francis Clouet (Janet). Lent by the Earl Spencer , K.G. 329. JOHN KNOX (1505-1572). Lent by Lord Torphichen, 330. WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE (1564-1616). Lent by Mr. J. Heywood Hawkins. 331. MARY BEATOUN. Painted by Sir Antonio More. Lent by the Earl of Suffolk. 332. BEN JONSON (1573-1637). Painted by Jacob Jordaens. Lent by Sir John Lawson , Bt. 335. WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE (1565-1616). Painted by Taylor or Burbage. Lent by the National Portrait Gallery. 336. EDMUND SPENSER (1553-1599). Lent by the Earl of Kinnoull. 338. MICHAEL DRAYTON (1563-1631). Lent by Dulwich College. 341. WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE. Lent by Mr. H. Danby Sey- mour , M.P. 342. WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 343. MARGARET RUSSELL, Countess of Cumberland. Lent by the Bodleian Library. 344. ELIZABETH VERNON, Countess of Southampton. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by Mr. G. Digby Wingfield Digby. 345. SIR WALTER RALEIGH, Kt. (1552-1618). Lent by the Earl of Hardwicke. 346. SIR FRANCIS DRAKE (1541 P-1595). Lent by Lord Houghton. 347. RICHARD HOWLAND, Bishop of Peterborough. Lent by the Bishop of Peterborough. 348. QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Lent by Lord Methuen. 349. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Lent by Viscount Strangford. 350. QUEEN ELIZABETH. L,ent by Christ Church , Oxford. 351. SIR MARTIN FROBISHER, Kt. ( -1594). Lent by the Governors of Dulwich College. 352. THOMAS SUTTON (1530-1611). Lent by Sir Thomas Bateson , Bart. M.P. 353. SIR RICHARD GRANVILLE, Kt. ( -1561). Lent by the Rev. Lord John Thynne . 354. SIR WILLIAM PELHAM, Kt. ( -1587). Painted by F. Zucchero. Lent by the Earl of Yarborough. 355. ROBERT DEVEREUX, second Earl of Essex. Lent by the Earl of Vcrulam , 24 National Portraits. 356. QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Lent by Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley . 357. CHARLES, second LORD HOWARD of Effingham, Earl of Nottingham, K.G. Lent by the Lords of the Admiralty. 360. CHARLES CHUTE. Lent by Mr. TV. Wiggett Chute. 361. SIR FRANCIS DRAKE, Kt. (1541 P-1595). Lent by the Cor - poration of Plymouth. 362. QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Lent by the Earl of Verulam . 363. QUEEN ELIZABETH. Lent by the University Library , Cambridge. 364. SIR WILLIAM HARRIS, Kt. Painted by Gerard Lucas Horebout. Lent by Rev. J. M. St. Clere Raymond. 365. THOMAS SACKVILLE, Earl of Dorset. Lent by the Bodleian Library ) Oxford. 366. HENRY WRIOTHESLEY, third Earl of Southampton. Lent by Mr. G. D. Wingfield Digby. 367. PORTRAIT OF A K.G. (Name unknown). Lent by Mr. F. Leyborne Popham. 368. SIR HENRY PALMER, Kt. Painted by Mark Garrard. Lent by Mr, David Laing. 369. EDWIN SANDYS, Archbishop of York. Lent by the Bishop of London. 370. WILLIAM CAVENDISH. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by Mr. Charles Winn. 371. SIR JOHN SPENCER. Painted by G. Stretes. Lent by the Earl Spencer , K.G. 37 2. MRS. VERNON (1543-1583). Lent by Mr. Reginald Chol- mondeley. 373. ADMIRAL SIR JOHN WALLOP, K.G. Painted by Hans Plolbein. Lent by the Earl of Portsmouth. 374. LADY HARRIS. Painted by Gerard Lucas Horebout. Lent by the Rev. J. 31. St. Clere Raymond. 375. HUGH O’NEILL, Earl of Tyrone. Lent by Mr. C. De Gernon. 376. SIR EDMUND VERNEY, Kt. I^ent by Sir Harry Verney , Bart., M.P. 377. SIR MARTIN BOWES (1500-1566). Painted by William Faithorne. Lent by the Goldsmiths ’ Company. 378. HUGH O’NEILL, Earl of Tyrone. Lent by Mr. C. De Gernon. 379. LADY OWEN AND CHILD. Lent by 3Ir. Reginald Chol- mondeley. 380. EDWARD SOMERSET, fourth Earl of Worcester, K.G. Lent by the Duke of Beaufort. Reign of Queen Elizabeth, 1558-1603. 25 381. SIR- EDWARD TRAFFORD, Kt. Lent by Sir Humphrey de Traffordy Bart. 382. THOMAS OWEN, Judge Common Pleas. Lent by Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. 383. COUNTESS OF SHREWSBURY. Lent by St. John’s College, Cambridge. 384. JOHN NAPIER of Merchiston (1550-1617). Lent by the University of Edinburgh. 385. SIR OLIVER WALLOP, Kt. Painted by N. Hilliard. Lent by the Earl of Portsmouth. 386. HENRY DE BEAUFORT, third Duke of Somerset, KG. Lent by the Duke of Beaufort. 387. ELIZABETH LADY TRAFFORD. Lent by Sir Humphrey de Traffordy Bart. 388. SIR CHRISTOPHER YELVERTON, Kt. Lent by the Mar- quis of Hastings. 389. SIR THOMAS HOLTE, Bart. (1571-1654). Painted by Van Somer. Lent by Mr. J. Yeomans Robins . 390. LORD CHANCELLOR SIR THOMAS BROMLEY, Kt. Lent by Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. 393. J OHN BANISTER, M.D. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by the Royal College of Surgeons. 394. HENRY, fifth LORD WINDSOR. Lent by the Baroness Windsor. 395. SIR MARTIN FROBISHER (1535-1594). Painted by Cor- nelius Ketel. Lent by the University Galleries , Oxford. 396. CHIEF JUSTICE SIR JOHN POPHAM, Kt. (1531-1606). Lent by Mr. F. Leyborne Popham. 397. GEORGE CLIFFORD, third Earl of Cumberland, K.G. Lent by the Bodleian Library , Oxford. 398. SIR BERNARD GRANVILLE, Kt. (1563-1636). Lent by the Rev. Lord John Thynne. 399. EDWARD LORD HASTINGS (of Loughborough), K.G. Lent by the Marquis of Hastings. 400. SIR JEROME BOWES. Painted by Lucas de Heere. T^ent by the Earl of Suffolk. 401. SIR HENRY NEVILLE, Kt. T.ent by the Earl of Yarborough. 402. LORD CHANCELLOR SIR CHRISTOPHER IIATTON, Kt. Lent by Mrs. Henrietta Coffin. 403. ROBERT SCARLETT. Lent by the Dean and Chapter of Peterborough. 26 National Portraits. 404. SIR ROBERT SHIRLEY. Lent by Sir Thomas B . Western , Bart., M.P . 405. LORD WILLIAM HOWARD. by the Earl of Carlisle . 406. LADY THERESIA SHIRLEY. % Sir Thomas B. Western, Bart., M.P. 407. SICELE TRAFFORD. Lent by Sir Humphrey de Trafford, Bart . 409. JANE FITZGERALD, Countess of Desmond. Painted by Rembrandt. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 410. SIR JOHN HARRINGTON. Painted by Van Jan. Lent by Mr. J. W. Townroe. 411. SIR NATHANIEL BACON, KB. Painted by Sir Nathaniel Bacon. Lent by the Earl of Verulam. 413. HENRY, PRINCE OF WALES (1594-1612). Painted by Isaac Oliver. T^ent by the Bodleian Library, Oxford. 415. LADY BACON. Painted by Sir Nathaniel Bacon. Lent by the Earl of Verulam. 416. LADY ARABELLA STUART (1577-1615). Lent by the Duke of Northumberland. Lent by the Earl of Craven. 418. QUEEN ANNE OF DENMARK (1574-1619). Painted by P. Yan Somer. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 419. QUEEN ANNE OF DENMARK (1574-1619). Lent by St. John’s College, Cambridge. 420. JAMES I. (1566-1625). Ascribed to Zucchero. Lent by the Society of Apothecaries. 421. JAMES I. Lent by Mr. David Laing. 422. LADY ARABELLA STUART (1575-1615). Lent by the Duke of Devonshire, K. G. 423. HENRY, PRINCE OF WALES (1594— 1612). Painted by Lucas de Heere. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 424. SIR THOMAS HAMILTON, first Earl of Haddington. Lent by the Earl of Home. 425. SIR THOMAS FAIRFAX. Lent by Mr. Charles Wykeham Martin, M.P. 426. JOHN SWINBURNE. Lent by Sir John Swinburne, Bart . 427. HENRY, PRINCE OF WALES. Lent by the Earl of Hardwicke. 428. SIR JULIUS OESAR (1557-1636). Lent by Mr. Harry Chester. Reign of James I., 1603 - 1625 . 27 429. LADY ELIZABETH D ACRES, wife of “ Belted Will.” Lent by Mr. Charles G. Fairfax. 430. WILLIAM HERBERT, third Earl of Pembroke (1580-1630). Lent by the Countess Delawarr. 431. WILLIAM PARKER, Lord Monteagle. Painted by Yan Somer. Lent by Mr. John Webb. 432. GEORGE VILLIERS, first Duke of Buckingham and Family. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by Her Majesty (Bucking- ham Palace). 435. GEORGE VILLIERS, first Duke of Buckingham, K.G., and various Members of his Family. Painted by Gerard Honthorst. L,ent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 437. THOMAS HOWARD, Earl of Suffolk, K.G. Lent by the Countess Delawarr. 438. GIDEON DE LAUNE, M.D. Lent by the Society of Apothe- caries. 440. LUCY HARINGTON, Countess of Bedford, and Child. Painted by Mark Garrard. Lent by Mr. Alexander Barker. 441. JOHN KING, Bishop of London. Lent by Christ Church , Oxford. 442. RICHARD, first EARL OF CORK (1566-1643). Lent by the Duke of Devonshire , K.G. 443. QUEEN ANNE OF DENMARK (1574-1619). Painted by P. Yan Somer. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 444. JAMES I. (1566-1625). Painted by P. Yan Somer. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 445. ELIZABETH, QUEEN OF BOHEMIA, “the Queen of Hearts.” Painted by Gerard Honthorst. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 446. HENRY, PRINCE OF WALES (1594-1612). Painted by P. Yan Somer, Lent by the Earl of Craven. 447. RICHARD BANCROFT, Archbishop of Canterbury. I^ent by the University Library , Cambridge . 448. SIR DAYID MURRAY, Kt. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by Mr. David Laing . 449. SIR CECIL TRAFFORD. Lent by Sir Humphrey de Tr afford, Bart. 451. FREDERICK, ELECTOR PALATINE, KING OF BOHEMIA. Painted by Gerard Honthorst. I^ent by the Earl of Craven. 453. HENRY HOWARD, Earl of Northampton, K.G. Painted by P. Yan Somer. Lent by the Earl of Carlisle . 28 National Portraits, 454. PRINCESS LOUISE OF BOHEMIA. Lent by the Earl of Craven . 455. GEGRGE VILLIERS, Duke of Buckingham. Painted by Cor- nelius Jansen. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 456. JOHN LYTTELTON. Painted by F. Zucchero. Lent by Lord Lyttelton . 457. ELIZABETH, QUEEN OF BOHEMIA. Painted by Gerard Honthorst. I^,ent by the Earl of Craven. 458. SIR ROGER WILBRAHAM, Kt. (1554-1616). Lent by Mr. George Wilbraham. 459. ESME STUART, first Duke of Lennox. Lent by the Earl of Home. 460. WILLIAM, first EARL OF CRAVEN. Painted by Vandyck. L,ent by the Earl of Craven. 461. SIR JAMES DUNDAS, Lord Arniston. Painted by George Jamesone. Lent by Mr. Robert Dundas of Arniston. 462. MICHAEL HARCOURT. Lent by the Rev. W. Vernon Harcourt. 463. ROBERT SIDNEY, Earl of Leicester, K.G. Painted by Van Somer. Lent by Lord De IJIsle and Dudley. 464. FRANCIS BEAUMONT. Lent by the Rev. W. Vernon Harcourt. 465. THOMAS, first LORD ARUNDELL of Wardour. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Lord Arundell of Wardour. 466. SIR GEORGE CAREW, Earl of Totness. Painted by F. Zucchero. Lent by Captain G. H. W. Carew. 467. CHIEF JUSTICE SIR HENRY HOBART, Bt. Lent by the Marquis of Lothian. 468. LORD BACON (1561-1626). Painted by Van Somer. Lent by the Earl of Verulam. 469. LADY HOBART. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by Mr. W. W. B. Beach, M.P. 470. JOHN FLETCHER (1576-1625). Lent by the Earl of Cla- rendon, K.G. 471. SIR ROBERT BRUCE COTTON, Bt. (1570-1631). Lent by Trinity College , Cambridge . 472. THOMAS EGERTON, Baron Ellesmere. T^ent by St. John’s College , Cambridge. 473. WILLIAM CAMDEN. Painted by Mark Garrard. Lent by the Bodleian Library. 474. SIR DUDLEY CARLETON, Lord Dorchester. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by the Hon. R. Carleton. 475. SIR HENRY SAVILE, Kt. Lent by Eton College. Reign of James I., 1603 - 1625 . 29 476. THOMAS EGERTON, Baron Ellesmere, Viscount Rraekley. Lent by the Earl Brownlow. 477. JAMES I. ( 1566 - 1625 ). Painted by Van Somer. Lent by the Earl of Craven. 478. SIR HUGH MYDDLETON, Bt. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by the Rev . J. M. St. Clere Raymond . 479. CHIEF JUSTICE SIR EDWARD COKE ( 1550 - 1634 ). Lent by Trinity College , Cambridge. 480. SIR HENRY YELVERTON, Kt. Lent by the Marquis of Hastings. 481. ELIZABETH, QUEEN OF BOHEMIA, and ber Husband. Painted by J olm Breughel. Lent by the Earl Spencer , K. G. 482. JAMES I. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by Sir Henry B. P. St. John Mildmay , Bart. 483. ELIZABETH OLMSTED, Lady Myddleton. Painted by Cor- nelius Jansen. Lent by the Rev J. M. St. Clere Raymond. 484. LUDOVICK STUART, Duke of Richmond and Lennox, K.G. Painted by Van Somer. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 485. EDWARD, first Lord Montague of Boughton. Lent by the Earl of Sandwich. 486. SIR WILLIAM DRUMMOND of Hawthornden. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by the Earl of Home. 487. SIR HORACE VERE, Lord Vere of Tilbury. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by the Marquis Towns hend. 488. FRANCES HOWARD, Duchess of Richmond and Lennox. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Marquis of Bath. 489. SIR W. DRUMMOND of Hawthornden. Lent by All Souls College , Oxford. 490. WILLIAM CAMDEN. Lent by the Marquis Camden , K. G. 491. WILLIAM BISHOP, D.D., Bishop of Chalcedon. T^ent by Archbishop Manning. 492. HENRY HERBERT, second Earl of Pembroke, K.G. Painted by Van Somer. Lent by the Marquis of Salisbury , K.G. 493. SIR RICHARD BROKE, Knight. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by Admiral Sir G. Broke Middleton , Bart. 494. JOHN WILLIAMS, Archbishop of York, Lord Keeper. I^ent by the Dean of Westminster. 495. THOMAS JONES, Archbishop of Dublin. Lent by Sir Charles Compton W. Domvilc, Bart. 496. SIR HENRY WOTTON, Kt. Lent by Eton College. 30 National Portraits. 497. SIR WILLIAM STANLEY, sixth Earl of Derby. Lent by the Earl of Derby , K. G. 498. HENRY PERCY, ninth Earl of Northumberland. Painted by Yandyck. Lent by the Earl of Denbigh. 499. JAMES HAY, Earl of Carlisle, ICG. Painted by Yandyck. Lent by the Earl of Kinnoull. 500. HENRY PERCY, ninth Earl of Northumberland. Lent by the Earl of Carlisle. 501. SIR THOMAS CONINGSBY, and “ CRICKET,” his Dwarf. Lent by the Earl of Essex. 502. CORNELIUS JANSEN. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by Lord Ravensworth. 503. ROBERT CAR, Earl of Somerset, K.G. Lent by the Duke of Devonshire , K.G. 504. ROBERT DEYEREUX, second Earl of Essex, K.G. Lent by the Rev. Lord John Thynne. 505. FRANCES HOWARD, Countess of Essex, afterwards of Somerset. Lent by the Earl of Essex. 506. CHIEF JUSTICE SIR HENRY HOBART, Bart. Lent by Mr. W. W. B. Beach , , M.P. 507. LUCY HARINGTON, Countess of Bedford. Lent by the Duke of Devonshire , K.G. 508. FRANCES HOWARD, Countess of Essex, afterwards of Somerset. Lent by Edward Kenealy , LL.D. 509. REY. RICHARD CRAKANTHORPE, D.D. Lent by Queen's College , Oxford. 510. EDWARD SOMERSET, fourth Earl of Worcester. Lent by the Duke of Beaufort. 511. SIR THOMAS OYERBURY, Kt. Painted by F. Zucchero. Lent by the Marquis of Bath. 512. ANNE CLIFFORD, Countess of Dorset. Painted by Daniel Mytens. Lent by the Countess Delawarr. 513. SIR GODFREY RODES, Knight of Great Houghton. Lent by Lord Houghton. 514. RICHARD SACKYILLE, third Earl of Dorset. Painted by Daniel Mytens. Lent by the Countess Delawarr. 515. SIR HENRY MONTAGU, first Earl of Manchester. Lent by the Duke of Manchester. 516. LADY BASSET. Lent by Lord Houghton. 517. GEORGE YILLIERS, first Duke of Buckingham. Lent by Mr. F. Leyborne Popham. Reign of James L, 1603 - 1625 . 31 518. LIONEL CRANFIELD, Earl of Middlesex. Painted by Daniel Mytens. Lent by the Countess Delawarr. 520. GEORGE ABBOTT, Archbishop of Canterbnry. Lent by the Earl of Verulam. 522. JAMES, second MARQUIS OF HAMILTON, KG. Lent by HerMajesty (Hampton Court). 523. SIR HORACE VERE, Lord Tilbury. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by Sir IT. B. P. St. John Mildmay , Bart. 524. ARTHUR LAKE, Bishop of Bath and Wells. Painted by Greenbury. Lent by New College , Oxford. 525. SIR FRANCIS VERNE Y. Painted by Velasquez. Lent by Sir Harry Verney , Bart., M.P. 526. FRANCIS GODWIN, Bishop of Hereford. Lent by Christ Church , Oxford. 527. SIR WILLIAM ROPER, Kt. Lent by the Duke of Man- chester. 529. ANNE STANLEY, Countess of Ancram. Lent by the Earl of Derby , K.G. 530. REV. ROBERT BURTON. Lent by Brasenose College , Oxford. 531. COUNT GONDOMAR. Lent by Mr. J. H. Gurney. 532. INFANTA OF SPAIN. Lent by St. John's College , Cam- bridge. 533. INFANTA MARIA OF SPAIN, Lent by Earl of Denbigh. 536. ROBERT DE VERE, nineteenth Earl of Oxford. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by Mrs. M. G. Edgar. 537. JOSEPH HALL, Bishop of Norwich. Lent by Emmanuel College , Cambridge. 538. JAMES HAY, Earl of Carlisle, K.G. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Lord Lyttelton. 539. JOHN DIGBY, first Earl of Bristol. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by Mr. G. Digby Wingfield Digby. 540. WILLIAM LORD COMPTON, first Earl of Northampton. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. L.ent by the Marquis of Northampton. 541. SIR JOHN FINETT (1571-1641). Painted by Cornelius Jansen. ’Lent by Mr. Gervase Wright. 542. THOMAS WENTWORTH, first Earl of Cleveland. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Earl of Verulam. 543. MARGARET, LADY CROKE. Lent by the Earl of Verulam. 32 National Portraits. 544. CHRISTOPHER GIBBONS, Mus. Doc. Lent by the Univer- sity of Oxford. 545. SIR JOHN COKE. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by Colonel Holden . 547. RICHARD CORBET, Bishop of Norwich. Painted by Corne- lius Jansen. Lent by Christ Church , Oxford . 548. CHARLOTTE BRABANTINE DE NASSAU. Lent by the Earl of Derby , K. G. 549. HENRY LAWES (1600-1662). Lent by the University of Oxford . 550. ISAAC BAR GRAVE, Dean of Canterbury. Painted by Corne- lius Jansen. Lent by the Dean of Canterbury . 551. WILLIAM FIENNES, first Viscount Saye and Sele. Painted by P. Van Somer. Lent by the Rev. Lord Saye and Sele. 552. CECILIA CROFTS, Mrs. Killigrew. Painted by Vandyck. I^ent by Mr. R. H. Cheney. 553. LADY FRANCES CECIL, Countess of Cumberland. Painted by Henry Stone (Old Stone). Lent by the Marquis of Salis- bury , K.G. 554. CHARLOTTE DE LA TREMOUILLE, Countess of Derby. Painted by Rubens. Lent by the Earl of Essex. 555. THOMAS, first LORD FAIRFAX. Lent by Mr. Thomas Fairfax. 556. CHARLES II., JAMES II., AND PRINCESS MARY. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor). 557. CHARLES I. Painted by ^Vandyck. Lent by Her Majesty (Buckingham Palace). 558. HENRY SEYMOUR, Page of Honour to Charles I. I^ent by Mr. H. Danby Seymour , M.P. 559. ALEXANDER, first LORD FORBES, of Pitsligo. Painted by George Jamesone. Lent by Sir John H. Forbes , Bart. 560. PHILIP, first Earl of Pembroke, and second of Montgomery. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Viscount Galway , M.P. 561. KING CHARLES L Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 562. SIR EDWARD SEYMOUR, third Bart. Lent by Mr. H. Danby Seymour , M.P. 563. SIR BEVIL GRANVILLE, Kt. L,ent by Mr. Bernard Gran- ville. 564. GEORGE VILLIERS, first Duke of Buckingham. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Marquis of Northampton. 565. ADMIRAL SIR JOHN PENNINGTON, Kt, Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Mrs. JY. JVilles. Reign of Charles I., 1625 - 1649 . 33 566. HENRIETTA MARIA, Queen of Charles I. Fainted by Vandyck. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 567. CHARLES I., QUEEN HENRIETTA MARIA, AND IN- FANT. Fainted by Daniel Mytens. Lent by Her Majesty (Buckingham Palace). 568. PRINCE CHARLES (Charles I.) as Duke of York. Lent by St. Jolm’s College, Cambridge. 569. GRACE, LADY GRANVILLE. Lent by Rev. Lord John Thynne. 570. YENETIA, LADY DIGBY (1600-1633). Painted by Vandyck. T^entby the Lari Spencer , K.G . 571. ANNE, COUNTESS OF MORTON. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Earl Spencer, K. G. 572. SIR ANTHONY VANDYCK, Kt. Painted by Rubens. Lent by the Earl Spencer , K.G. 573. JAMES GRAHAM, Marquis of Montrose. Painted by Robert Walker. Lent by Colonel Tempest. 574. HENRY RICH, first Earl of Holland. I^ent by the Earl of Verulam. 575. SIR KENELM DIGBY, Kt., AND FAMILY. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Mr. G. Digby Wingfield Digby. 576. LADY DOROTHY SIDNEY, Countess of Sunderland. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Earl Spencer, K.G. 577. HENRY HASTINGS, Lord Loughborough. Lent by the Mar- quis of Hastings. 578. SIR WILLIAM BRERETON. Lent by Colonel Tempest. 579. THOMAS WENTWORTH, first Earl of Strafford. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Earl of Home. 580. PRINCESS ELIZABETH, daughter of Charles I. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Duke of Northumberland. 581. ELIZABETH RODES, Countess of Strafford. T^ent by Lord Houghton. 582. HENRIETTA, DUCHESS OF ORLEANS ; “ La Belle Hen- riette.” Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Her Majesty (Buckingham Palace). 583. WILLIAM LAUD, Archbishop of Canterbury. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Archbishop of Canterbury . 584. FRANCIS LORD COTTIN GTON. Lent by the Earl of Clarendon , K.G. 585. LADY BYRON. Painted by Jan Van Ravensteyn. Lent by Mr. J. Whatman, M.P. 586. ANNE ARUNDELL, Lady Baltimore. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by I.ord Arundell of War dour. 15929 .— 1 . C 34 National Portraits. 587. HENRIETTA MARIA AND PRINCESS ELIZABETH. Painted by Henry Stone (Old Stone). Lent by Mr. Edivard Wood. 590. CECIL CALYERT, second Lord Baltimore. Lent by Earl of Verulam. 591. FAMILY OF CHARLES I. Painted by Tandy ck. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 592. HENRIETTA MARIA AND HER SISTER. Lent by Mr. Edward Wood. 593. SIR CECIL TRAFFORD. Painted by Yandyck. Lent by Sir Humphrey de Trafford , Bart. 594. LORD JOHN AND LORD BERNARD STUART. Lent by the Duke of Richmond. 595. SPENCER COMPTON, second Earl of Northampton. Painted by Cornelius J ansen. Lent by the Marquis of Northampton. 596. LETTICE, YISCOUNTESS FALKLAND. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by Mr. G. B. Lambert. 597. COLONEL WILLIAM STRODE. Painted by William Dobson. Lent by Mr. E. C. Strode. 598. RICHARD WESTON, Earl of Portland, K.G. Painted by Yandyck. Lent by Mr. Henry J. Percival Banhes. 599. THOMAS LORD COVENTRY, Lord Keeper (1578-1640). Painted by William Dobson. Lent by Mr. W. H. Pole Carew. 600. ROBERT DAYIES of Gwysaney. Painted by T. Leigh. Lent by Mr. Whitehall Bod. 601. SIR HENRY YANE, the elder (1587-1654). Painted by Mire- velt. Lent by Mr. Henry M. Vane. 602. PRINCE RUPERT, K.G. (1619-1682). Painted by Daniel j Mytens. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 603. PRINCE RUPERT, K.G. Painted by Yandyck. Lent by the Earl of Graven. 604. JOHN PYM (1584-1643). Lent by Sir Henry Wilmot , Bart. 605. HENRIETTA, DUCHESS OF ORLEANS. Painted by Lar- gilliere. Lent by the Earl of Home. 606. JOHN HAMPDEN (1594-1643). Painted by R. Walker. Lent by the Earl of St. Germans. 607. ATTORNEY-GENERAL SIR WILLIAM NOY, Kt. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. I^ent by Hon. Mrs. Davies Gilbert. 608. PRINCE MAURICE, K.G. Painted by Yandyck. Lent by the Earl of Craven. 609. JOHN PYM (1584-1643). Lent by the Marquis Townshend. 610. SIR JOHN ELIOT, Kt. Painted by P. Van Somer. Lent by the Earl of St. Germans. 35 Reign of Charles I., 1625 - 1649 . 641. ROBERT BERTIE, first Earl of Lindsey, K.G. Lent by the Earl of Warwick. 612. SIR RALPH VERNE Y, Bart. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by Sir Harry Verney , Bart., M.P. 613. JOHN HAMPDEN (1594-1643). Lent by the Bishop of Hereford. 614. LORD KIM BOLTON, second Earl of Manchester. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Duke of Manchester. 615. PRINCE RUPERT. Painted by Jan Steen. Lent by the Mar- quis of Lansdowne , K.G. 616. JOHN SELDEN. Painted by Daniel Mytens. L^ent by the Bodleian Library, Oxford. 617. ROBERT BERTIE, first Earl of Lindsey, K.G. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by Lady Stuart de Rothesay. 618. SIR HARRY LEE. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by Sir Harry Verney, Bart., M.P. 619. LUCIUS CARY, second Viscount Falkland. Painted by Van- dyck. Lent by Lord Arundell of Wardour. 620. SIR THOMAS MALET, Kt. Lent by Miss Gerard. 621. COLONEL THOMAS HOWARD. Lent by Mr. Philip H. Howard. 622. EDWARD, first LORD HERBERT of Cherbury. Lent by the Earl of Powis. 623. GEORGE VILLIERS, second Duke of Buckingham, AND HIS BROTHER FRANCIS. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Earl of Warwick. 624. EARL OF STRAFFORD AND HIS SECRETARY SIR PHILIP M AINWARIN G, Kt. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Sir H. Mainwaring, Bart. 625. CHIEF JUSTICE SIR JOHN BANKES, Kt. I,ent by Mr. Henry J. Percival Bankes. 626. SIR BULSTRODE WHITELOCKE (1605-1676). Lent by Mr. George Whitelocke Lloyd. 627. SIR WILLIAM NOY, Kt. (1577-1634). Lent by Exeter Col- lege, Oxford. 628. EDWARD, first LORD HERBERT of Cherbury, K.B. Lent by the Earl of Powis. 629. ROBERT DEVEREUX, third Earl of Essex. Lent by the Earl of Denbigh. 630. COLONEL RICHARD LOVELACE (1618-1658). Lent by Dulwich College. 631. HENRY, DUKE OF GLOUCESTER. Painted by Vandyck. T^ent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 632. SIR EDMUND VERNEY, Kt. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Sir Harry Verney, Bart., M.P. c 2 36 National Portraits. 633. HENKY DANVERS, Earl of'Danby, K.G. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Mr. F. Vernon Wentworth . 634. JAMES STUART, Duke of Richmond and Lennox. Lent by the Duke of Richmond . 63 5. SIR JACOB ASTLEY — LORD ASTLEY. Lent by Mrs. Bran fill. 636. COLONEL THOMAS DAVIES. Lent by Mr. Whitehall Dod. 637. SIR ROBERT HEATH. Lent by the Earl of Home. 638. MRS. USHER. Lent by Mrs. Stowe. 639. JAMES USHER, Archbishop of Armagh. Lent by the Bodleian Library , Oxford. 640. HENRY SOMERSET, first Marquis of Worcester. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by the Duke of Beaufort. 641. GEORGE HAY, first Earl of Kinnoull. Painted by Daniel Mytens. Lent by the Earl of Kinnoull , 642. THOMAS LORD COVENTRY, Lord Keeper. Painted by Cor- nelius Jansen. Lent by the Earl of Clarendon , K. G. 643. SIR JOHN BOYS. Lent by the Rev. Thomas Boys. 644. SIR GEORGE LISLE, Kt. Painted by Sir P. Lely. Lent by the Earl of Carlisle. 645. HENRY SPENCER, first Earl of Sunderland. ’ Painted by Robert Walker. Lent by Earl Spencer , K.G. 646. SIR KENELM DIGBY (1603-1665). Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 647. EDWARD SOMERSET, second Marquis of Worcester. Painted by Vandyck. I^ent by the Duke of Beaufort. 649. SIR CHARLES LUCAS. Painted by Robert Walker. Lent by Lord Lyttelton, 650. SIR CHARLES LYTTELTON, Bart. Painted by Lefevre. Lent by Lord Lyttelton. 651. SIR HENRY VANE, the elder. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Sir Henry R. Vane, Bart. 652. CHIEF JUSTICE SIR JOHN BRAMSTON. Lent by the Earl of Home. 653. VENETIA, LADY DIGBY. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). . 654. FAMILY OF ROBERT DORMER, first Earl of Caernarvon. Lent by the Rev. George Musgrave. 655. SIR HENRY VANE, the younger. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Sir Henry R. Vane, Bart. 656. LORD KEEPER, EDWARD LYTTELTON. Lent by the Earl of Home. 657. ELIZABETH LADY HERBERT. Lent by the Duke of Beaufort. Reign of Charles I., 1625 - 1649 . 37 658. LUCIUS CARY, Lord Falkland. Lent by the Earl of Claren- don , K.G. 659. JAMES GRAHAM, Marquis of Montrose. Lent by Mr. C . E. Dalrymple. 660. EDMUND WALLER, tlie poet (1605-1687). Lent by Mr. Andrew Fountaine . 661. PRINCE RUPERT. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 662. LADY DOROTHY SIDNEY, Countess of Sunderland. Painted by Vandvck. Lent by the Earl of Bradford. 663. SIR JOHN MINNES, Kt. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Earl of Clarendon , K.G. 664. SIR J OHN GLANYILE, Kt. Lent by Lincoln's Inn . 666. SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE, Bart. Lent by Mr. J. G. Fan- shawe. 668. SIR JOHN HOBART. Lent by Rev. Sir Cavendish Foster , Bart. 669. SIR GEOFFREY HUDSON, Kt. (the King’s dwarf). Painted by D. Mytens, landscape by Jansen. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 670. SIR EDWARD SEYMOUR, Bart. Lent by Mr. H. Danby Seymour , M.P . 671. COLONEL JOHN KYNASTON. Lent by Mr. John Kynaston Edwards. 672. DOROTHY KILLIGREW, Lady Seymour. Lent by Mr. II. Danby Seymour , M.P. 673. FRANCES, LADY YANE. Painted by Yandyck. Lent by Sir Henry Ralph Vane , Bart. 674. WILLIAM HERBERT, third Earl of Pembroke. Lent by Earl of Verulam. 676. LUCY DAYIS, Countess of Huntingdon. Lent by Marquis of Hastings . 677. DAYID ROTII, R.C. Bishop of Ossory. Lent by Mr. G. L. Bryan. 678. ANNE, LADY FANSHAWE. Lent by Mr. J. G. Fanshawe. 679. CHARLES I. Painted by Yandyke. Lent by Sir Charles E. Isham , Bart. 680. SIR BEYIL GRANYILLE, Kt. Lent by Rev. Lord John Thynne. 681. SIR HENRY MARTEN, or MARTIN, LL.D. Lent by Trinity Hall , Cambridge . 682. SIR JOHN SUCKLING, Kt. Painted by W. Dobson. Lent Ashmolean Museum , Oxford . 683. SIR THOMAS POPE, afterwards third Earl of Downe (1598- 1667). Painted by W. Dobson. Lent by Mr. C. M. Caldecott . 38 National Portraits. 684. LADY DOROTHY SIDNEY, Countess of Sunderland. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Earl Spencer , K. G. 685. GENERAL THOMAS PRESTON, Viscount Taragh. Lent by Viscount Gormanston. 686. SIR WILLIAM FAIRFAX, Kt. Lent by Mr. Thomas Fair- fax. 687. CHARLES STANLEY, eighth Earl of Derby. Painted by Henry Stone (Old Stone). J^ent by Miss Ffarington. 688. SIR JOHN BYRON, first Lord Byron, K.B. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by Mr. James Whatman , M.P. 689. JAMES STANLEY (Lord Strange, seventh Earl of Derby, K.G.) Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Earl of Derby , K.G. 690. LETTICE, BARONESS OF OFFALY. Lent by Mr. G. Digby ! Wingfield Digby. 691. JAMES STANLEY, seventh Earl of Derby, K.G. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Earl of Derby, K.G. 893. JULIAN, LADY MUSGRAVE (1606-1659). Lent by the Rev. George Musgrave. 694. CHARLOTTE DE LA TREMOUILLE, Countess of Derby. Lent by the Earl of Derby , K.G. 69 5. BLANCHE SOMERSET, Lady Arundell of Wardour. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Duke of Beaufort. 696. CHARLOTTE DE LA TREMOUILLE, Countess of Derby. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Earl of Derby , K.G. 698. SIR SIMON HARCOURT, Kt. Lent by the Rev. W. Vernon Har court. 699. JAMES, first DUKE OF HAMILTON, K.G. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Earl of Carlisle. 700. ROBERT BERTIE, first Earl of Lindsey, K.G. Lent by the Earl of Home. 701. ANNE VERE, Lady Fairfax. Painted by Mary Beale. Lent by Mr. E. Wood. 702. ROBERT WALLOP. Lent by the Earl of Portsmouth. 703. COLONEL JOHN PENRUDDOCK. Lent by Miss Gerard, 704. THOMAS PARR. Lent by Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. 705. COLONEL THOMAS SANDERS. Painted by Robert Walker. Lent by Mr. John Sanders. 706. THOMAS, third LORD FAIRFAX. Lent by Mr. Thomas Fairfax. 707. FERDINANDO, second LORD FAIRFAX. Painted by F. Bower. Lent by Mr. Thomas Fairfax. 708. SIR THOMAS, afterwards third LORD FAIRFAX, and LADY FAIRFAX. Painted by William Dobson. T.ent by Mr. Charles Gregory Fairfax. Reign, of Charles I., 1625 - 1649 . 39 709. RICHARD GIBSON, ( 1615 - 1690 ). Painted by Cuyp. Lent by the Rev. J. E. Waldy. 711. WILLIAM CAVENDISH, Duke of Newcastle, K.G. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Earl Spencer , K.G. 712. THOMAS HOWARD, Earl of Arundel and Surrey, K.G., ALETHEIA, his Countess, and their CHILDREN. Painted by Vandyck and Fruytiers. Lent by Lord Stafford. 713. NICHOLAS LANIERE (1568-1646). Painted by N. Laniere. Lent by the University of Oxford. 714. SIR THOMAS LEIGH, first Baron Leigh of Stoneleigh. Lent by Sir Charles E. Isham, Bart. 716. WILLIAM, second DUKE OF HAMILTON. Painted by G. Honthorst. L,ent by Her Majesty (Windsor Castle). 716. JAMES COMPTON, third Earl of Northampton. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Countess Delawarr. 717. HENRY LAWES ( 1600 - 1662 ). Lent by the Rev. Richard Okes , D.D. 718. MARGARET LEMON. Painted by W. Dobson. Lent by the Earl Spencer , K.G. 719. ALGERNON, tenth EARL OF NORTHUMBERLAND, K.G., COUNTESS and CHILD. Painted by Vandyck. L^ent by the Marquis of Salisbury , K.G. 720. JAMES STUART, Duke of Richmond and Lennox. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Mr. W. H. Pole Carew. 721. PETER OLIVER. Painted by Adrian Hanneman. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 722. ROBERT GREVILLE, second Lord Brooke. Lent by the Earl of Warwick. 723. THOMAS HOWARD, Earl of Arundel and Surrey, K.G. Painted by Rubens. Lent by the Earl of Warwick. 724. SIR RICHARD LANE, Kt., Lord Keeper. Painted by Daniel My tens. Lent by Mr. G. N. W. Heneage. 725. DRS. DOLBEN, ALLESTRY, and FELL. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Dean of Christ Church , Oxford . 726. SIR THOMAS BROWNE, Kt., M.D. (1605-1671). Lent by the Royal College of Physicians. 727. JOHN MILTON. Painted by Mary Beale. T^ent by the Countess Delawarr. 728. GEORGE DIGBY, Earl of Bristol (as Lord Digby), and WILLIAM, EARL OF BEDFORD (as Lord Russell). Painted by Vandyck. L^ent by the Earl Spencer , K.G. 729. COLONEL JOHN HUTCHINSON. Lent by Earl Manvers . 730. SIR HENRY SPELMAN. Lent by the Earl ofHardwicke . 40 National Portraits. 731. SIR HENRY SPELMAN. Lent by Mr. Andrew Fount ciine. 732. FAMILY OF THE FIRST EARL OF BOLINGBROKE. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Earl of Morley. 733. WILLIAM HARVEY, M.D. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. Lent by the Royal College of Physicians. 734. SIR WILLIAM ST. LEGER, Kt, Painted by W. Dobson. Lent by Mr. W. H. Blaauw. 735. COLONEL FRANCIS HACKER. Lent by the Earl Cathcart. 736. JOHN PETTIWARD. Painted by F. Cleyn. Lent by Mr. R. J. Pettiward. 737. JOHN BRADSHAW. Painted by Robert Walker. Lent by Mr. George J. A. Walker. 738. COLONEL MATTHEW TOMLINSON. Painted by Daniel Mytens. Lent by Mr. T. E. Twisden. 739. WILLIAM JUXON, Archbishop of Canterbury. Lent by St. John's College , Oxford. 740. CHARLES I. Lent by All Souls College , Oxford. 741. ARTHUR, first LORD CAPELL. Lent by the Duke of Beaufort. 742. CORNET JOYCE. Painted by fm. Dobson. Lent by Mr. G. J. A. Walker. 743. WILLIAM PRYNNE. Lent by the Marquis of Hastings. 744. DR. WILLIAM DENTON. Lent by Sir Harry Verney, Bart., M.P. 745. SIR THEODORE TURQUET DE MAYERNE. Lent by the Royal College of Physicians. 746. WILLIAM SEYMOUR, Marquis of Hertford, K.G., afterwards Duke of Somerset. Lent by the Duke of Beaufort. 747. LORD KIMBOLTON, second Earl of Manchester. Lent by Colonel Holden. 748. JAMES HARRINGTON. Lent by Mr. Gervase Wright . 749. WILLIAM VILLIERS, Viscount Grandison. Painted by Van- dyck. Lent by the Earl of Clarendon , K. G. 750. WILLIAM HARVEY, M.D. Lent by Jesus College, Cambridge. 751. INIGO JONES. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Lieut.-Col. Inigo W. Jones. 752. INIGO JONES (1572-1 652), Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Lieut.-Col. Inigo W. Jones. 753. LADY ALICE EGERTON. Lent by the Earl Brownlow. 754. THOMAS CAREW AND SIR WILLIAM KXLLIGREW, Kt. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Her 3Iajesty (Windsor Castle). 755. SIR HENRY LYTTELTON, Bart. Painted by John Greenhill. Lent by Lord Lyttelton. 756. WILLIAM HARVEY, M.D. Painted by Mirevelt. Lent by University College , London . Reign of Charles I., 1625 - 1649 . 41 757. ABRAHAM COWLEY. Lent by St. John's College, Cambridge. 758. JOHN TAYLOR, tho Water Poet. Painted by Jolm Taylor Lent by the Bodleian Library , Oxford. 759. JOHN TAYLOR, the Water Poet. Painted by John Taylor. Lent by the University Galleries , Oxford. 760. ALGERNON PERCY, Earl of Northumberland. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Lari of Essex. 761. LADY CHUTE. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. I^ent by the Lev. N. Toke. 762. SIR GEORGE CHUTE. Painted by Cornelius Jansen. I^ent by the Rev. N. Toke. 763. MAJOR-GENERAL EDWARD MASSEY. Painted by Van- dyck. I^ent by Mr. J. F. Basset. 764. JAMES SHIRLEY. I^ent by the Bodleian library, Oxford. 7 65. WILLIAM DOBSON AND HIS WIFE. Painted by William Dobson. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 766. SIR WILLIAM WALLER, Kt. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Duke of Richmond. 767. HENRY CALVERLY. Lent by Sir Walter C. Trevelyan, Bart. 768. REV. JOHN OWEN, D.D. Lent by the Baptist College , Bristol. 770. SIR PHILIP MONCKTON, Kt. Lent by the Viscount Galway, M.P. 771. REV. WILLIAM BATES, D.D. .Lent by the Baptist College , Bristol. 773. DOROTHY SIDNEY, Countess of Sunderland. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Lord Be Lisle and Dudley. 774. RALPH, LORD HOPTON. Lent by Mr. W. B. Stopford. 775. DR. EDWARD POCOCK. Lent by the Bodleian Library , Oxford. 776. REV. JOSEPH CARYL. Lent by the Baptist College , Bristol. 777. SIR ROGER TWYSDEN, Kt. and Bart. Lent by the Rev. Lambert B. Larking. 778. ADMIRAL SIR FRANCIS BASSET. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Mr. J. F. Basset. 779. SIR HENRY MILDMAY, Kt. Lent by Sir Henry B. P. St. John Mildmay , Bart. 780. PHILIP SIDNEY LORD LISLE, ALGERNON, AND ROBERT SIDNEY. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Lord De IJIsle and Dudley. 781. MRS. JANE LANE. Painted by Mary Beale. Lent by Mr. Andrew Fountainc. 782. HENRY IRETON, L.D., Deputy of Ireland. Painted by Win. Dobson. Lent by the Farl of Sandwich. 42 National Portraits. 783. COLONEL PHILIP JONES (1618-1674). Lent by Mr. Robert Oliver Jones. 784. SIR OLIVER CROMWELL, K.B. Lent by Mr. Reginald Choi- mondeley. 785. BRIDGET CROMWELL, Mrs. Ireton. Lent by Mr. Charles Polhill. 786. ELIZABETH STEWARD, Mrs. Cromwell. Painted by Rt. Walker. Lent by the Earl of Sandwich. 787. HENRY CROMWELL (1628-1675). Painted by Theodore Russel. Lent by Mr. G. B. Lambert. 788. LADY ELIZABETH CROMWELL. Lent by Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley . 789. HENRY IRETON, Lord Deputy of Ireland. Painted by Rt. Walker. T^ent by Mr. Charles Polhill. 790. OLIVER CROMWELL, the Protector. Painted by Rt. Walker. Lent by the Earl of Sandwich. 791. MR. ROBERT CROMWELL. Painted by Rt. Walker. Lent by the Earl of Sandwich. 792. COLONEL NATHANIEL FIENNES. Painted by Mirevelt. Lent by the Rev. Lord Saye and Sele. 793. SIR FRANCIS ROUSE (1579-1659). Lent by Eton College. 794. ARTHUR, first LORD CAPELL, AND HIS FAMILY. Painted by C. Jansen. Lent by the Earl of Essex. 795. ANDREW MARVELL. Painted by Adrian Hanneman. Lent by Mr. John Rhodes . 796. JOHN BUNYAN. Painted by T. Sadler. Lent by the Rev. John Olive. 797. ROBERT WALKER. Painted by Robert Walker. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 798. OLIVER CROMWELL, the Protector. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Mr. G. J. A. Walker. 799. OLIVER CROMWELL, the Protector. Painted by Robert Walker. I^ent by Mr. Charles Polhill. 800. GENERAL LAMBERT. Painted by Robert Walker. Lent by the Earl of Hardwiche. 801. THOMAS BELLASYSE, Earl of Falconberg. Painted by Van der Heist. Lent by Mr. George Handford. 802. WILLIAM LENTHALL. Lent by the National Portrait Gallery. 803. OLIVER CROMWELL. Painted by Samuel Cooper. Lent by Sidney- Sussex College , Cambridge. 804. ANDREW MARVELL. Painted by Gaspar Smitz. Lent by Mr. E. If. Reynard. 805. WILLIAM PRYNNE. Lent by the Marquis Townshend. Commonwealth, 1649 - 1660 . 43 806. COLONEL WILLIAM CEOMWELL. Pained by P. Van Somer. Lent by Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. 807. GENERAL CHARLES FLEETWOOD. Lent by the Society of Antiquaries. 808. JOHN MILTON. Lent by the Rev. R. C. Jenkins. 809. ROBERT WALKER. Painted by Robert Walker. Lent by the University Galleries , Oxford. 810. CFIALONER CHUTE. Lent by Mr. W. Wiggett Chute. 811. SIR JOHN MAYNARD. Lent by Colonel Tempest. 812. JOHN THURLOE. Painted by Henry Stone (Old Stone). Lent by Mr. Charles Polhill. 813. GENERAL JOHN DISBROWE, or DESBOROUGH. Lent by Miss Disbroive. 814. JERRY WHITE, Chaplain to Oliver Cromwell. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Mr. G. J. A. Walker. 815. GEORGE MONK, Duke of Albemarle, K.G. Lent by Mr.J. B. Monck. 816. ADMIRAL ROBERT BLAKE (1599-1657). Painted by Adrian Hanneman. Lent by Mr. Andrew Fountaine. 817. HENRY CROMWELL (1628-1675). Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Mr. E. W. Field. 819. JOHN MILTON. Painted by Jonathan Richardson. Lent by the Countess Delawarr. 820. JOHN MILTON. Painted by William Faithorne. Lent by Mr. Edmund F. Moore. 821. ELIZABETH CROMWELL, Mrs. Clay pole. Painted by Robert Walker. Lent by Mr. G. B. Lambert. 822. SAMUEL DISBROWE, or DESBOROUGH. Lent by Miss Disbrowe. 823. GEORGE FOX (1624-1690). Lent by Mrs. Watkins. 824. MRS. CLAYPOLE. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Mr. G. J. A. Walker. 825. ADMIRAL ROBERT BLAKE. Lent by Mr. Raymond Felly. 826. SIR THOMAS YYNER, Bart. Lent by the Goldsmiths ’ Com- pany. 827. SIR THOMAS ISILAM, Bart. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. T^ent by Sir Charles E. Isham, Bart. 828. MOLL DAVIS. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Earl of Essex. 829. EDWARD MONTAGU, first Earl of Sandwich. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. L^ent by the Earl of Sandwich. 830. CHARLES BEAUCLERK, first Duke of St. Albans. Lent by Lord De Elsie and Ducllcy. 44 National Portraits . 831. CATHERINE OF BRAGANZA. Lent by Sir G. Hamilton Seymour, Bart., G.C.B. 832. SIR FRANCIS THROCKMORTON, second Baronet. Painted by Gerard Zoest. Lent by Sir William Throckmorton, Bart . 833. NELL GWYN (1650-1587). Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 834. CATHERINE OF BRAGANZA. Lent by the Earl of Cla- rendon, K.G. 83 5. WILLIAM CHIFFINCH or CHEFFING. Lent by the Town Council, Salisbury. 836. JAMES, DUKE OF MONMOUTH, K.G. Lent by the Earl of Essex. 837 . CATHERINE OF BRAGANZA. Painted by Jacob Iluysman. Lent by Her Majesty (Buckingham Palace). 838. WILLIAM CHIFFINCH or CHEFFING. Lent by the Earl of Verulam. 839. LUCY WALTERS or BARLOW. Lent by the Earl of Essex. 840. HORTENSIA MANCINI, Duchess of Mazarin. Painted by Pierre Mignard. Lent by Mr. H. Mitsgrave. 841. NELL GWYN (1650-1687). Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Marquis of Hastings. 842. BARBARA VILLIERS, Duchess of Cleveland. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 843. CHARLES II. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Corpo- ration of Winchester. 844. ELIZABETH HAMILTON, Comtesse de Grammont. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 845. LOUISE RENEE DE KERIIOUEL, Duchess of Portsmouth. Painted by Gascar. I^ent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 846. ANNE, LADY FANSHAWE. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Sir William. Stirling Maxwell, Bart. , M.P. 847. VICE ADMIRAL SIR JOHN LAWSON, Kt. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Lords of the Admiralty . 848. WILLIAM RICHARD GEORGE STANLEY, Lord Strange, afterwards ninth Earl of Derby. Lent by the Earl of Derby , K.G. 849. ROBERT THOMAS STANLEY (1656-1686). Lent by the Earl of Derby, K. G. 851. BARBARA VILLIERS, Countess of Castlemaine, Duchess of Cleveland. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Mr, Andrew Fountaine. 852. SIR RICHARD FANSHAWE, Bart. (1608-1666). Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Sir William Stirling Maxwell, Bart., M.P. 855. GEORGE VILLIERS, second Duke of Buckingham. Lent by Mr. C. Wykeham Martin, M.P. Reign of Charles II., 1660 - 1685 . 45 857. MRS. MARY BEALE. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Mr. George Ilondford . 858. GEORGE MONK, Duke of Albemarle, K.G. Painted by Robert Walker. Lent by the Earl of Sandwich. 859. SIR WILLIAM MORRICE, Kt. Lent by Mr. W. H. Pole Carew . 860. MARGARET LUCAS, Duchess of Newcastle. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Mr. F. Vernon Wentworth. 861. ANDREW MARYELL (1620-1678). Ascribed to Daniel Mytens. Lent by Mr. Reginald Cholmondeley. 862. SIR GEORGE CARTERET, Bart. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Rev. Lord John Thynne. 863. SIR WILLIAM DUGDALE, Kt., Garter King of Arms. Lent by Mr. John Gough Nichols. 864. MRS. APIIRA BERN. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Mr. Philip H. Hoivard. 865. SIR WILLIAM DOMYILE, Kt. Lent by Sir Charles Compton W. Domvile, Bart. 866. ELEANOR, LADY BYRON, Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Pier Majesty (Hampton Court). 867. RICHARD WISEMAN. Painted by Sir Balthazar Gerbier. Lent by the Royal College of Surgeons. 868. SIR HARBOTTLE GRIM STONE. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Earl of Verulam. 869. DOROTHEA HELENA YON RUPA, wife of Charles, eighth Earl of Derby. Lent by the Earl of Derby , K.G. <870. CHARLES STANLEY, eighth Earl of Derby. Lent by the Earl of Derby, K.G. 871. CHIEF JUSTICE SIR RICHARD RAIN SFORD, Kt, Painted by Gerard Zoest. Lent by Lincoln’s Inn. 872. SIR HENRY LYTTELTON, Bart. Painted by John Greenhill. Lent by Lord Lyttelton. 873. ANNE HYDE, Duchess of York. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Jler Majesty (Hampton Court). 874. CHARLES II. Painted by John Greenhill. Lent by Dulwich College. 875. FRANCES THERESA, Duchess of Richmond and Lennox. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Duke of Richmond. 876. JAMES CROFTS, Duke of Monmouth, K.G. Painted by William Wissing. Lent by the National Portrait Gallery. 878. SIR WILLIAM DUGDALE, Kt., Garter King of Arms. Lent by the Earl of Warwick. 879. SIR THOMAS CHICHELEY, Kt. Tainted by William Dobson. Lent by Mr. Andrew Fountaine. 46 National Portraits. 880. NELL GWYN. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Earl Spencer , K.G. 881/ COUNTESS OF PORTLAND. Painted by Yandyck. Lent by Lord Lyttelton. 882. SIR PETER LELY, Kt. (1617-1680). Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Earl of Derby , K. G. 883. PHILIP, CARDINAL HOWARD. Painted by Millar. Lent by Lord Arundell of War dour. 884. LOUISE RENEE DE KERHOUEL, Duchess of Portsmouth. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Duke of Richmond. 885. CHARLES II. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Mr. J. Heywood Hawkins. 886. WILLIAM, sixth LORD PAGET (1637-1713). Lent by Lieut.- Col. Leopold Paget. 887. SIR ROBERT HOWARD, Kt. Lent by the Earl of Home. 888. JOHN WILMOT, second Earl of Rochester. Lent by the Earl of Warwick. 889. HON. CHARLES STANLEY. Painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Lent by the Earl of Derby , K.G. 890. HENRY MORE, D.D. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Royal Society. 891. SIR GEORGE MACKENZIE, Bart. Lent by Mr. Steiv art Mackenzie , of Seaforth. 892. HENRY SIDNEY, first Earl of Romney. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Lord De IS Isle and Dudley. 893. EDWARD PIYDE, Lord Chancellor Clarendon. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Earl of Clarendon, K. G. 894. SIR CHARLES STANLEY of Chelsea, K.B. Lent by the Earl of Derby , K.G. 895. CHARLES II. Painted by Gaspard Netscher. Lent by Mr. J. Heywood Haivkins. 896. ANTHONY ASHLEY, first Earl of Shaftesbury. Painted by John Riley. Lent by the Countess Delawarr. 897. JOHN GRAHAM of Claverhouse, Viscount Dundee. Lent by Mr. Charles Winn. 898. ANNA MARIA, COUNTESS OF SHREWSBURY. Painted by Mary Beale. Lent by the Earl Spencer , K. G. 899. SIR ORLANDO BRIDGEMAN, Lord Keeper. Paiuted by John Riley. Lent by the Earl of Bradford. 900. HENRY, LORD CORNBURY, AND THEODOSIA, his wife. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Earl of Clarendon , K. G. 901. EDWARD MONTAGU, first Earl of Sandwich. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). Reign of Charles II., 1660 - 1685 . 47 902. MARY FAIRFAX, Duchess of Buckingham. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Lord Lyttelton. 903. HENRY BENNET, first Earl of Arlington. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Earl of Tanker ville. 904. GEORGE VILLIERS second Duke of Buckingham. Painted by Michael Wright. Lent by the Earl of Malmesbury. 905. JOHN MAITLAND, first Duke of Lauderdale, K.G. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Scottish Corporation. 906. THE “ CABAL ” MINISTRY. Painted by Sir John B. Medina. Lent by Mr. Charles Winn. 907. JAMES SHARP, Archbishop of St. Andrews. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. I^ent by the Rev. F. G. Sandy s-Lumsdaine. 908. ANTHONY ASHLEY, first Earl of Shaftesbury. Painted by John Greenhill. I^ent by the Earl of Malmesbury. 909. JAMES BUTLER, first Duke of Ormonde. Lent by the Marquis of Ormonde. 910. THOMAS GALE, F.R.S., Dean of York. Lent by the Royal Society. 911. DANIEL WHISTLER, M.D. Lent by the Royal College of Physicians. 912. JACOB HALL. Lent by the Rev. IV. Vernon Harcourt . 913. CHARLES LENNOX, first Duke of Richmond, K.G. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Earl of Belmore. 914. ANTHONY ASHLEY, first Earl of Shaftesbury. Painted by John Greenhill. Lent by the National Portrait Gallery. 915. THOMAS, EARL OF OSSORY, K.G. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Marquis of Ormonde. 916. THOMAS HOBBES of Malmesbury (1588-1679). Lent by the Royal Society. 917. THOMAS SYDENHAM, M.D., (1624-1689). Painted by Mary Beale. Lent by the Royal College of Physicians. 918. SIR MATTHEW HALE (1609-1675). Painted by Michael Wright. Lent by Lincoln's Inn. 919. IIENEAGE FINCH, first Earl of Nottingham. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Earl of Verulam. 920. WENTWORTH DILLON, fourth Earl of Roscommon. Painted by Carlo Maratti. Lent by the Earl Spencer , K.G. 921. THOMAS FLATMAN (1633-1688). Painted by T. Flatman. Lent by the Countess Delawarr. 922. THOMAS OTWAY. Painted by John Riley. Lent by the Rev. W. Vernon Harcourt. 923. THOMAS KrLLlGREW, the Jester. Lent by Sir James Puller East , Bart. 924. ARTHUR ANNESLEY, Earl of Anglesey. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Mr. G. Pearse. 48 National Portraits. 925. SIR GEOFFREY PALMER, Bt. Lent by Mr. G. L. Watson. 926. LADY FRANCES FINCH, Viscountess Weymouth. Painted by Sir Peter Lei}'. Lent hy the Marquis of Bath. 927. HENRIETTA BOYLE, Countess of Rochester. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent hy the Earl of Home. 928. GEORGE SAVILLE, first Marquis of Halifax. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Duke of Devonshire , K.G. 929. LAWRENCE HYDE, Earl of Rochester, K.G. Lent hy the Earl of Home. 930. ROBERT DOD. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. I^ent hy Mr. Whitehall Docl. 931. SIR THOMAS THYNNE, first Viscount Weymouth. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent hy the Marquis of Bath. 934. ROBERT SPENCER, second Earl of Sunderland. Painted by Carlo Maratti. .Lent hy the Earl Spencer , K. G. 935. ISAAC BARROW, D.D. T^ent hy the Earl of Hardwiche. 936. ABRAHAM SIMON. Painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Lent hy Mr. Henry Mus grave. 937. THOMAS OTWAY. Painted by Mary Beale. Lent hy the Earl Spencer , K.G. 938. SIR HENRY BLOUNT, Et. Lent hy the Countess of Caledon. 939. HORATIO, VISCOUNT TOWNSHEND. Lent hy Viscount Sidney , G. C.B. 940. SIR ROGER PRATT, Kt. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent hy the Bev. Jermyn PrcUt. 941. SIR CHRISTOPHER WREN, Kt, Lent hy the Royal Society. 942. MATTHEW LOCK. Lent hy the University of Oxford. 943. RICHARD BUSBY, D.D., AND MATTHEW HENRY. Lent hy Christ Church , Oxford. 944. JOHN COSIN, Bishop of Durham. Lent hy the Bishop of Durham. 945. BRIAN DUPPA, Bishop of Winchester. Lent by Christ Church , Oxford. 946. SIR ROBERT LONG, Bart. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent hy the Earl Brownlow. 947. ROBERT SANDERSON, Bishop of Lincoln. T^ent hy the Bishop of Lincoln. 948. GRINLING, or GRILLING, GIBBONS. Painted by Sir God- frey Kneller. Lent hy Viscount Galway , M.P. 949. CHARLES COTTON (1630-1687). Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Colonel Robert Holden. 950. SAMUEL PEPYS, F.R.S. (1631-2-1703). Painted by Sir God- frey Kneller. Lent by Mr. S. Pepys Cockerell. Reign of Charles II., 1660 - 1685 . 49 951. SIR JOHN MARSHAM, Bart. (1603-1685). Lent by the Earl of Romney. 952. JOHN GANDER, Bishop of Worcester. Lent by Mr. T.H. Bates. 953. LADY LUCY THERESA HERBERT. Lent by Earl of Poivis. 954. THOMAS HOBBES, of Malmesbury ( 1588 - 1679 ). Lent by the Dnhe of Devonshire , K. G. 955. ROBERT PLOTT, LL.D. (1641-1696). Lent by the Ashmolean Museum , Oxford. 956. BALDWIN HAMEY, Jun., M.D. (1600-1676). Painted by M. Snelling. Lent by the Royal College of Physicians. 957. SIR PAUL RYCAUT, Kt. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Lord Methuen. 958. IZAAK WALTON (1593-1683). Painted by Jacob Huysman. Lent by the National Gallery. 959. GILBERT SHELDON, Archbishop of Canterbury. Painted by David Loggan. Lent by the Earl of Home. 960. SAMUEL BUTLER, author of “ Hudibras ” Lent by the Bod- leian Library , Oxford. 961. THOMAS WHARTON, M.D. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by the Royal College of Physicians. 962. JEREMY TAYLOR, Bishop of Down and Connor. Lent by All Souls College , Oxford. 963. SIR WILLIAM MORTON, Kt., Justice, K.B. Painted by Vandyck. Lent by Mr. T. B. Bulheley Owen. 964. SIR JUSTINIAN I SHAM, second Baronet of Lamport. Painted by Gio. Battista. Lent by Sir Charles E. Is ham, Bart. 9 65. — — SIMON. T.ent by Sidney- Sussex College, Cambridge. 966. LADY ELIZABETH BUTLER, Countess of Chesterfield. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Earl Stanhope. 967. JOHN WILKINS, F.R.S., Bishop of Chester. Painted by Mary Beale. Lent by the Royal Society. 968. SIR SAMUEL BARNARDISTON, Bart. Painted by Sir God- frey Kneller. Lent by Mr. Nathaniel C. Barnardiston. 969. WILLIAM, VISCOUNT BROUNCKER. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. T^cnt by the Royal Society. 970. JOHN WALLIS, D.D. Painted by Gerard Zoest. Lent by the Royal Society. 971. SETII WARD, Bishop of Salisbury. Lent by Oriel College, Oxford. 973. IION. ROBERT BOYLE, F.R.S. Painted by Kcrseboom. Lent by the Royal Society. 15929. — 1. D 50 National Portraits. 975. THOMAS HOBBES, of Malmesbury (1588-1679). Lent by Sir TV. C. Trevelyan , Bart. 976. LORD CHIEF JUSTICE SIR FRANCIS PEMBERTON. Lent by Emmanuel College , Cambridge. 977. SIR EDMUND BERRY GODFREY, Kt. Lent by the Vestry of St. Martin’ s-in-the- Fields. 979. WILLIAM, LORD RUSSELL. Lent by the Earl of Essex. 980. NATHANIEL TILSON AND FAMILY. Painted by Henry Tilson. Lent by Mr. Thomas Shaen Carter. 981. SIR RICHARD NEWMAN. Painted by W. Dobson. Lent by the Rev. E. II. Rogers. 982. WILLIAM CROONE, M.D. Painted by Mary Beale. Lent by the Royal College of Physicians. 983. LADY MARGARET WENTWORTH. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Lord Houghton. 984. JOHN WALLOP. Painted by John Riley. Lent by the Earl of Portsmouth. 985. HENRY TILSON. Painted by Henry Tilson. Lent by Mr. Thomas Shaen Carter. 986. SIR JOHN GRANVILLE, afterwards first Earl of Bath. Lent by the Rev. Lord John Thynne. 987. FATFIER JOHN HUDDLESTON. Lent by Mr. TV. B. Stopford. 988. TRADESCANT FAMILY. Painted by W. Dobson. Lent by the Ashmolean Museum , Oxford. 989. WALTER CHARLETON or CHARLTON, M.D. Lent by the Royal College of Physicians. 990. FRANCIS GLISSON, M.D. Lent by the Royal College of Physicians. 991. ELIAS ASHMOLE (1617-1692). Lent by the Ashmolean Museum , Oxford. 992. REV. JOHN FLAMSTEED, F.R.S. Painted by R. Gibson. Lent by the Royal Society. 993. HENRY COMPTON, Bisliop of London. Painted by John Riley. Lent by the Marquis of Northampton. 995. THOMAS LAMPLUGH, Archbishop of York. Lent by Queen’s College , Oxford. 996. RICHARD BUSBY, D.D. Lent by the Head Master of West- minster. 997. THOMAS KEN, Bishop of Bath and Wells. Lent by the Marquis of Bath. Reign of James II., 1685 - 1688 . 51 998. WILLIAM BANCROFT, Archbishop of Canterbury. Painted by P. Lens. Lent by Emmanuel College , Cambridge. 999. ROBERT CREIGHTON, Bishop of Bath and Wells. Lent by the Corporation of Wells. 1000. JOHN DRYDEN. Painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Lent by Mr. W. R. Baker. 1001. MARY FAIRFAX, Duchess of Buckingham. Lent by Mr. C. Wyheham Martin , M.P. 1002. THOMAS BARLOW, Bishop of Lincoln. Lent by Queen's College , Oxford. 1003. LORD KEEPER FRANCIS NORTH, Lord Guildford. Painted by John Riley. Lent by Coloiiel and Baroness North. 1005. JOHN GREEN HILL. Painted by John Greenhill. Lent by Dulwich College. 1006. WILLIAM LLOYD, Bishop of Worcester. Lent by the Arch- bishop of Canterbury. 1007. REBECCA HELE, Lady Treiawny. Painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Lent by Sir John Salusbury Treiawny , Bart. 1008. RICHARD BAXTER. Lent by the Congregation of Inde- pendants , Kidderminster. 1009. JUDGE JEFFREYS. Painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Lent by the Earl of Tanherville. 1010. THOMAS CARTWRIGHT, Bishop of Chester. Lent by Queen's College , Oxford. 1011. SIR JONATHAN TRELAWNY, Bart., Bishop of Bristol. Painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Lent by Sir John Salus- bury Treiawny , Bart. 1012. SIR EDMUND KING, Kt., M.D. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Royal College of Physicians. 1013. HUMPHRY HENCHMAN, Bishop of London. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Earl of Clarendon , K.G. 1014. JOHN, LORD CUTTS. Painted by William Wissing. Lent by Mr. Thomas Ball. 1015. ROGER PALMER, Earl of Castlemaine. Lent by the Earl of Powis. 1015a. JOHN EVELYN (1620-1706). Painted by Robert Walker. Lent by Mr. W. J. Evelyn. 1016. RICHARD TALBOT. Earl and Duke of Tyrconnell. Lent by Lord Talbot de Malahule. 1017. JOHN HOUGH, Bishop of Worcester (1657-1743). Lent by Magdalen College , Oxford. 1018. ARABELLA CHURCHILL, Mrs. Godfrey. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Earl Spencer, K.G. i) 2 52 National Portraits. 1019. JAMES II. Painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Lent by Mr, S. Pepys Cockerell. 1020. JAMES, Duke of Monmouth. Painted by Tyssens. Lent by Lord Lyttelton. 1021. QUEEN MARY OF MODENA. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Earl of Denbigh. 1022. CATHERINE SEDLEY, Countess of Dorchester. Painted by Mary Beale. L,ent by the Earl Spencer , K. G. 1023. JAMES II. Painted by William Wissing. Lent by the Earl of Clarendon , K.G. 1024. HENRY SOMERSET, first Duke of Beaufort, K.G. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by the Duke of Beaufort. 1025. PRINCESS MARY OF ORANGE, afterwards Queen of Eng- land. Painted by Sir Peter Lely. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 1026. SIR GODFREY KNELLER. Bart. Painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Lent by the Earl of Derby , K. G. 1027. QUEEN MARY OF MODENA. Painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 1028. PETER MEW, D.C.L., Bishop of Winchester. Lent by the Bishop of Winchester. 1029. JAMES II. as Duke of York. Painted by Honthorst. Lent by Her Majesty (Hampton Court). 1030. CHARLES MONTAGU", first Earl of Halifax, K.G." Painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller. Lent by the Earl of Hardwicke . A SELECTION of Sixteen of the Photographs of the NATIONAL PORTRAITS may be had for One Guinea. A SELECTION of One Hundred of the Photographs of the NA- TIONAL PORTRAITS maybe had, half bound in Morocco, price Six Guineas. The COMPLETE SERIES of 964 PORTRAITS, may be had in ten volumes, half bound in Morocco, price 621. 53 Bays, dec. NATIONAL PORTRAITS, LARGE SIZE. Nine of tlie above portraits were photographed on a larger size (19 inches high) in order to illustrate the Court Costume of the first half of the 16th century. HENRY YIIL— Catalogue of National Portraits, No. 99. Lent by the Earl of Warwick. 10s. 6cl. QUEEN KATHARINE PAR.— Painted by Hans Holbein. Cata- logue of National Portraits, No. 131. Lent by Mr. Richard Booth. 10s. 6d. EDWARD VI. — Painted by Hans Holbein. Catalogue of National Portraits, No. 172. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor). 10s. Gd. QUEEN MARY. — Catalogue of National Portraits, No. 199. Lent by Her Majesty (Windsor). 10s. Gd. QUEEN MARY. — Painted by Lucas de Heere. Catalogue of National Portraits, No. 205. T^ent by the Society of Antiquaries. 10s. Gd. QUEEN ELIZABETH at the age of 16. Painted by Hans Holbein. Catalogue of National Portraits, No. 247. Lent by Her Majesty (St. James’s Palace). 10s. Gd. LADY ELEANOR BRANDON.— Painted by Lucas de Heere. Ca- talogue of National Portraits, No. 198. I.ent by Mr. F. Vernon Wentworth. 10s. Gd. MARY OF GUISE, Queen of James V., of Scotland. Catalogue of National Portraits, No. 106. Lent by the Duke of Devonshire , K.G. ' 10s. Gd. FRANCES SIDNEY, Countess of Sussex. Catalogue of National Portraits, No. 137. Lent by Sidney Sussex College , Cambridge. 10s. Gd. THE BAYS OF THE NATIONAL PORTRAIT EXHIBITION. SEVENTY-SEVEN VIEWS OF THE BAYS.— Showing nearly all the Pictures in Miniature and the position in which they were hung in the galleries. Bound in one volume, price 51. 5s. 54 Minia lure Portraits. MINIATURE PORTRAITS. A series of two hundred portraits chosen from the “ Special Ex- hibition of Portrait Miniatures ” on loan at the South Kensington Museum in 1865. For further descriptions of the Miniatures see the 44 Catalogue of the Special Exhibition of Portrait Miniatures on loan at the South Ken- sington Museum, June 1865,” published by the Science and Art Department, price 5s. The Number at the end of each paragraph refers to the Official Catalogue. Price One Shilling each. 1. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Early 18th century. Ivory. Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. No. 70. 2. HORACE WALPOLE AS A BOY. From the Strawberry Hill Collection. Ivory. Lent by Lady Dorothy Nevill. No. 73. 3. MRS. THOMAS SOMERS COCKS ; signed 44 A. P., 1787.” Ivory. By Andrew Plimer. Lent by the Misses Somers Cocks. No. 122. 4. MRS. THOMAS SOMERS COCKS, ivory. By R. Cosway-, R.A. Lent by the Misses Somers Cocks. No. 124. 5. PORTRAIT OF A LADY in black dress. Present cent. Lent by the Misses Somers Cocks. No. 128. 6. MRS. THOMAS SOMERS COCKS. Signed 44 A.P. 1787.” Ivory. By Andrew Plimer. Lent by the Misses Somers Cocks. No. 132. 7. PORTRAIT OF A LADY in black lace scarf. Signed and dated 44 S. C.‘ 1773.” Lent by Mr. C. B. Carruthers. No. 209. 8. KING- CHARLES II., with mantle and collar of the Order of the Garter. Signed 44 S. C. 1665.” Vellum. By S. Cooper. Lent by the Duke of Richmond . No. 274. 9. THOMAS MAY, the poet and historian in the time of the Commonwealth. Signed and dated 44 S. C. 1653.” By Samuel Cooper. Lent by Mr. Samuel Addington. No. 304. 10. DR. JOHN DONNE, Dean of St. Paul’s (1573-1631). Signed and dated 44 1. O. 1610.” Vellum. By Isaac Oliver. Lent by Mr. Samuel Addington. No. 305. 11. QUEEN ELIZABETH, born 1533, died 1603. Enamelled frame of the period. By Nicholas Hilliard. Lent by Mr. Samuel Addington. No. 308. Miniature Portraits. 55 12. MRS. HOLLAND, Maid of Honour to Queen Elizabeth. Signed and dated “ Ano Dni 1593. zEtatis suas 26.” By Nicholas Hilliard. Lent by Mr. Samuel Addington. No. 309. 13. EARL OF PEMBROKE, By Samuel Cooper. Lent by Mr. Samuel Addington . No. 310. 14. MARY IS ABELLA, Duchess of Rutland. 1782. Ivory. Ascribed to R. Cosway, R.A, Lent by the Duke of Rutland. No. 338. 15. LORD ROBERT MANNERS, Captain of the 44 Resolution died of wounds received in Lord Rodney’s action, 1782. Ivory. R, Cosway, R.A. Lent by the Duke of Rutland. No. 340. 16. SIR JOHN CAREW, BT., of East Antony, co. Cornwall. Card. By S. Cooper. Lent by Mr. Wm. If. Pole Carew, of Antony. No. 361. 17. LADY CAREW. Signed 44 S. C.” Card. By S. Cooper. l,ent by Mr. Wm. H. Pole Carew , of Antony. No. 364. 18. DUC D’ANJOU, suitor of Queen Elizabeth. Vellum, half length. Lent by Dr. Edivard F. Gray. No. 379. 19. GABRIELLE D’ESTREES and two children, b. 1571, d. 1599, mistress of Henry IV., of France. Painted in oil. By Benjamin Foulon. Lent by H.R.H. the Due d’Aumale. No. 382. 20. PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN in costume of the time of Queen Elizabeth, Ano Dni 1595. Card. By Nicholas Hilliard. Lent by H.R.H. the Due d' Aumale. No. 388. 21. HENRI DE LORRAINE, Due de Guise, called ‘ 4 Le Balafre.” Card. Lent by H.R.H. the Due d* Aumale. No. 389. 22. HENRY, Twelfth Earl of Suffolk, ICG. (1739-1779.) Ivory. Lent by the Hon. Mrs. Greville Howard. No. 450. 23. MRS. HARGREAVES, painted 1794 by her husband. Ivory. By T. Hargreaves. I^ent by Mr. Hargreaves. No. 450. 24. GEORGE FREDERICK HANDEL, the Composer, b. 1684, d. 1759. Enamel. L,ent by Messrs. Hunt and Roskell. No. 502. 25. WIFE OF JACOB RUYSDAEL, the Painter. Painted in oil on copper. By Jacob Ruysdael. T^ent by the Hon. William Ashley. No. 522. 26. ADMIRAL LORD NELSON. Ivory. T^ent by Mr. John Myers. No. 530. 27. A DAUGHTER of. the late Charles Ross, Esq. and’ the Lady Mary Ross. Ivory. About 1837. Anthony Stewart. I^entby Lady Mary Ross. No. 545. 28. PORTRAIT OF MRS. TINLING. Lent by Major Newbery. No. 555. 29. MAJOR PIERSON, who fell in the defence of Jersey against the French, 1780. Ivory. T^ent by Major Newbery. No. 561. 30. PORTRAIT OF MRS. FRANCILLON. Lent by Major New- bery. No. 563. 56 Miniature Portraits. 31. PORTRAIT OF MISS PIERSON. Lent by Major Newbery . No. 564. 32. PORTRAIT OF MRS. ANSTEY CALVERT. Lent by Major Newbery . No. 565. 33. GEORGE, Prince of Wales, afterwards King George IV. Ivory. By R. Cosway, R.A. Lent by Sir T. William Holburne, Bt. No. 624. 34. FRANQOISE D’AUBIGNE, Madame ds Maintenon, 1635-1719. Vellum. Lent by Mr. F. Myers. No. 628. 35. MARY, Queen of England, daughter of Henry VIII., by Catherine of Arragon, 1517-1558. Dated “ 1555.” In oil. By Luis de Vargas. Lent by the Rev. Walter Sueyd. No. 629. 36. PHILIP II., of Spain, husband of Queen Mary, 1526-1598. Dated “ 1555.” In oil. By Luis de Vargas. Lent by the Rev. Walter Sneyd. No. 630. 37. ELIZABETH, daughter of King J ames I., wife of Frederick V., King of Bohemia, born 1596. Signed “I. O.” Card. By Isaac Oliver. Lent by Mr. Hollingworth Magniac. No. 631. 38. GASPAR DE COLIGNI, Admiral of France ; born 1516, mur- dered in the Massacre of St. Bartholomew, 1572. Card. By Isaac Oliver. Le?it by Mr. Hollingworth Magniac. No. 633. 39. MARIE THERESE DE SAVOIE CARIGNAN, Princesse de Lamballe. Ivory. Lent by Mr. Hollingworth Maaniac. No. 635. 40. MARY STUART, Queen of Scots, born 1542, executed 1586. On panel inscribed “ La Rovne Daulphine.” Lent by Mr. Hol- lingworth Magniac. No. 643. 41. CATHERINE DE’ MEDICI, only child of Lorenzino de’ Medici, born 1519, died 1589. Signed “B.” In oil. Lent by Mr. Hollingworth Magniac. No. 644. 42. MARY STUART, Queen of Scots, a half-length portrait, in a black hat over a lace cap. Vellum. Lent by Mr. Hollingworth Magniac. No. 645. 43. KATHARINE OF ARRAGON, Queen of Henry VIII., born 1485, died 1535. Vellum. By Hans Holbein. Lent by Mr. Hollingworth Magniac. No. 648. 44. THE EMPEROR CHARLES V., of Spain, 1500-1558. Vellum. Lent by Mr. Hollingworth Magniac. No. 649. 45. PHILIP, Duke of Orleans, 1674-1723, known as the “ Regent Orleans.” Vellum. Lent by Mr. Hollingworth Magniac. No. 650. 46. LADY ARABELLA STUART, only child of Charles, fifth Earl of Lennox. Vellum. By Nicholas Hilliard. Lent by Mr. Hol- lingworth Magniac. No. 651. Miniature, Portraits. 57 47. HENRY VIII. A three-quarter bust portrait, painted in 1526. Formerly in the Strawberry Hill Collection. Ry Hans Holbein. Lent by Mr. II. Magniac. No. 652. 48. JAMES, twelfth Earl and first Duke of Ormonde ; Lord Lieu- tenant of Ireland, 1661-1668, died 1688. Card. . By T. Flatman. Lent by Mr. C. W. Reynolds. No. 669. 49. MADAME LA COMTESSE D’OLONNE as Diana. From Strawberry Hill Collection. Enamel. By Petitot. Lent by Mr. R. S. Mol ford, M.P. No. 747. 50. WILLIAM LENTHALL, 1591-1682, Speaker of the Rump Par- liament. Signed and dated “ S. C. 1652.” Card. By S. Cooper. Lent by Mr. R. S. Ilolford, M.P. No. 760. 51. SIR NICHOLAS POYNTZ, of Iron Acton. Vellum. By Elans Holbein. Lent by Mr. R. S. Ilolford, K.P. No. 763. 52. PHILIP DORMER, fourth Earl of Chesterfield, the writer of the well-known “Letters” to his Son, 1694-1773. Ivory. Lent by the Earl of Chesterfield. No. 769. 53. CHARLES XII., of Sweden. Lent by the Earl of Chesterfield. No. 770. 54. BARBARA VILLIERS, Duchess of Cleveland, daughter of Wil- liam Villiers, Viscount G-randison in Ireland. Died at Chiswick 1709. Lent by the Earl of Chesterfield. No. 772. 55. JULES CARDINAL MAZARIN, born 1602, d. 1661 ; succeeded Cardinal Richelieu as Prime Minister of Louis XIV. Enamel. By Petitot. Lent by Mr. John Jones. ' No. 774. 56. QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603) in a very richly jewelled dress and lace ruff. From the Strawberry Hill Collection. By Nicholas Hilliard. Lent by Mr. John Jones. No. 805. 57. LA DUCHESSE DE BERRI. Euamel. By Jean Petitot. Lent by Mr. John Jones. No. 824. 58. CHARLES I. when Prince of Wales, wearing the collar of the Garter. Signed “ Gerbier fee*,” and dated “ 1616.” By Sir Balthazar Gerbier. Lent by Mr. John Jones . No. 835. 59. COMTE DE VERMANDOIS, natural son of Louis XIV. and Madame de la Valliere. Enamel. By Jean Petitot. Lent by Mr. John Jones. No. 854. 60. RICHARD CROMWELL, eldest son of the Protector. Signed “ S. C.” and dated “ 1664.” Vellum. By Samuel Cooper. Lent by Miss Talbot. No. 880. 61. LAVINIA COUNTESS SPENCER, and her Son J. C. LORD ALTIIORP ; after the picture by Sir J. Reynolds. Enamel. By W. II. Craft. Lent by Earl Spencer ', K. G. No. 920. 62. ARMAND JEAN DU PLESSIS, Cardinal Richelieu, 1585-1642, a celebrated French Minister in the time of Louis XIII. Enamel. By Jean Petitot. Lent by Earl Spencer, K.G. No. 927. 58 Miniature Portrait e. 63. HENRIETTA BOYLE, Countess of Rochester, daughter of Richard Boyle, Earl of Cork, and wife of Lawrence Hyde, Earl of Rochester. By S. Cooper. Lent by Earl Spencer, K.G. No. 938. 64. LADY G-EORG-IANA SPENCER, wife of William, fifth Duke of Devonshire. A profile sketch from nature on ivory, 1783. By Ozias Humphrey. Lent by Earl Spencer , K.G. No. 949. 65. SIR JOHN BOLING- HATTON and his mother. Signed and dated “ L. 1525.” By Lucas de Heere. L^ent by Earl Spencer , K.G. No. 950. 66. JOHN HAMPDEN (1594-1643). In oil on copper. By Samuel Cooper. T^ent by Earl Spencer , K.G. No. 951. 67. BARBARA VILLIERS, DUCHESS OF CLEVELAND. Vellum, Samuel Cooper. T^ent by Earl Spencer , K G. No. 961. 68. PORTRAIT OF A LADY AND CHILD, temp. Charles IT. Signed “ N.D.” L^ent by Earl Spencer , K.G. No. 962. 69. SIR GODFREY KNELLER (1648-1723). Signed and dated “B.L. 1724.” By Bernard Lens. Lent by Earl Spencer, K.G. No. 964, 70. SARAH JENNINGS, DUCHESS OF MARLBOROUGH. Enamel. Bv C. F. Zincke. Lent by Mr. TV. B. Stopfer d. No. 979. 71. LADY ELIZABETH GERMAINE. Enamel. By C. F. Zincke. I„ent by Mr. W. B. Stopford. No. 985. 72. ELIZABETH, daughter of Lieut.-General W. P. Colyear, and wife of Lionel Cranfield, first Duke of Dorset. Enamel. By C. F. Zincke. Lent by Mr. W. B. Stopford. No. 986. 73. THE LADY ARABELLA STUART, daughter of Charles Stuart, Earl of Lennox, and wife of William Seymour, Earl of Hertford. By N. Hilliard. Lentby Mr. W. Maskell. No. 1,009, 74. MADAME DU BARRY (1746-1793). Lent by Mr. W Meyrick. No. 1,018. 75. THE RIGHT HON. W. E. GLADSTONE AND HIS SISTER, as children. Ivory. By T. Hargreaves. I^ent by the Right Hon. IV. E. Gladstone , M.P. No. 1,028. 76. ELIZABETH CLAYPOLE, the favourite daughter of the Protector. Signed and dated “ S.C. 1653.” Card. By S. Cooper. 'Lent by the Duke of Devonshire , K.G. No. 1,033. 77. EDWARD VI. (1537-1553), when a child. Signed “ P.O.” Card. By Peter Oliver. Lent by the Duke of Devonshire , K.G. No. 1,034. 78. OLIVER CROMWELL ; profile drawing, from which Houbraken engraved his portrait. Paper. By Samuel Cooper. T^ent by the Duke of Devonshire , K.G. No. 1,037. Miniature Portraits. 59 79. SIR JOHN SHELLEY, fourth Bart., of Michelgrove, co. Sussex, painted in 1726, died 1771. Enamel. By C. F. Zincke. Lent by the Dowager Lady Shelley. No. 1,061. 80. FRANCES DOWAGER LADY SHELLEY, daughter of Thomas Winckley, Esq., of Brockholes. Ivory. By Sir G. Hayter. Lent by the Hon. Mrs. Edgcumbe. No. 1,062. 81. PORTRAIT OF KING CHARLES I. This interesting relic is formed of the king’s hair dipped in his blood on the scaffold. Lent by the Dowager Lady Shelley. No. 1,064. 82. PROFILE PORTRAIT OF ELIZA LINLEY, wife of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Enamel. T^ent by the Doivager Lady Shelley. No. 1,065. 83. DAVID TENIERS the elder, born at Antwerp 1582, died there 1649. Signed and dated “B. G. 1627.” By Sir Bal. Gerbier. Lent by Mr. J. H. Hawkins. No. 1,158. 84. WILLIAM CECIL LORD BURLEIGH (1520-1598), Lord High Treasurer and Secretary of State to Queen Elizabeth. Card. Lent by Mr. J. H. Hawhins. No. 1,162. 85. FRANCES HOWARD, wife of Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex, the Parliamentary general. Card. Ascribed to Peter Oliver. T^ent by Mr. J. H. Hawhins. No. 1,163. 86. MRS. IVES, of Catton, Norfolk. Signed and dated “ J. D. 1780.” Crayons. By J. Downman. J^entby Lord Boston. No. 1,168. 87. THOMAS SACKVILLE, FIRST EARL OF DORSET. By Caldicate. Lent by the Countess of Caledon. No. 1,184. 88. BARBARA VILLIERS, DUCHESS OF CLEVELAND, d. 1709. Signed and dated “ S. C. 1664.” Card. By S. Cooper. T^ent by the Countess of Caledon. No. 1,187. 89. PORTRAIT OF A YOUNG MAN, perhaps that of Richard Cromwell. Signed and dated “ S. C. 1653.” Card. By Samuel Cooper. J^ent by the Countess of Caledon. No. 1,190. 90. SIR HENRY BLOUNT. Inscribed “Sir IT. bt. JEtat. 58.” Vellum. Lent by the Countess of Caledon. No. 1,192. 91. KATHARINE BUTLER, LADY BLOUNT. Signed and dated 1700. Pencil on vellum. By T. Forster. J^ent by the Countess of Caledon. No. 1,193. 92. JOYCE LADY LAKE., daughter of John Crowther, Esq., married Sir James Lake, Bt., about 1782. Ivory. By R. Cosway, R.A. L.ent by Mr. I^ea. No. 1,248. 93. MRS. GEORGE HARDINGE, about 1780. After Sir Joshua Reynolds. Ivory. By Ozias Humphrey. Lent by Mr. Lea. No. 1,250. 94. SIR ROBERT STRANGE, the Engraver. Medallion portrait. By J. B. Greuze. Lent by Mr. Alexander Trotter. No. 1,263. 60 Miniature Portraits . 95. H.R.H. GEORGE AUGUSTUS FREDERICK, PRINCE OF WALES. Full length portrait in pencil. By R. Cosway, R A. Lent by the Hon. William Ashley. No. 1,279. 96. H.R.H. FREDERICK DUKE OF YORK AND ALBANY. Full length portrait in pencil. By R. Cosway, R.A. Lent by the Hon, William Ashley. No. 1,287. 97. MR. B ARBOR, who had the accompanying jewel made, in com- memoration of his deliverance from the stake by the death of Queen Mary. Card. Lent by the Rev. E. E. Blencowe. No. 3,319. 98. SIR FRANCIS DRAKE, the celebrated naval commander and navigator (1545-1596). Vellum. By John Hoskins. Lent by the Earl of Gosford. No. 1,341, 99. ISAAC OLIVER, the Miniature Painter (1556-1617), pupil of Nicholas Hilliard, and father of Peter Oliver. Vellum. L^ent by the Earl of Gosford. No. 1,347. 100. GENERAL CHARLES FLEETWOOD, son of Sir W. Fleet- wood. Signed and dated “ S. C. 1656.” By Samuel Cooper. Lent by the Earl of Gosford. No. 1,349. 101. ANNE MARIE LOUISE DUCHESSE D’ORLEANS, known as cc Mademoiselle.” Enamel. By Jean Petitot. L,ent by the Earl of Gosford. No. 1,352. 102. FIENRIETTE DUCHESSE D’ORLEANS, known as “ La Belle Henriette.” Enamel. By Jean Petitot. Lent by the Earl of Gosford. No. 1,353. 103. LOUIS XIV. OF FRANCE. Enamel. By Jean Petitot. Lent by the Earl of Gosford. No. 1,354. 104. JOHN FL AXMAN, R.A., the Sculptor ( 1 755-3 826). By himself. J^entby Mr. George Smith. No. 1,389. 105. DR. SAMUEL JOHNSON. Ivory. By Miss Frances Rey- nolds. Lent by the Rev. James Beck. No. 1,431. 106. MRS. SAMUEL JOHNSON. By Miss Frances Reynolds. Lent by the Rev. Jamies Reck. No. 1,432. 107. MARGARITA MACDONALD, 1801. Ivory. By Mrs. Mee. Lent by the Misses Robertson Macdonald. No. 1,442. 108. LIEUT.-COL. ROBERTSON MACDONALD, of Kinlochmoi- dart, 1801. Ivory. By Mrs. Mee. Lent by the Misses Robert- son Macdonald. No. 1,443. 109. MARY, daughter of Charles I. Married in 1648, to William II., Prince of Orange, by whom she had an only son, who became William HI. Oil. Lent by the Rev. J. Beck. No. 1,447. 110. CHARLES I., drawn in fine brush lines on. paper prepared with a thin coating of plaster. Signed “ M. S. sc. 1647.” By Matthew Snelling. Lent by the Rev. James Beck. No. 1,450. 111. THE INFANTA MARY OF SPAIN. Lent by the Rev. James Beck. No. 1,452. Miniature Portraits. 61 112. JULES CARDINAL MAZARIN (1602-1661). By J. Petitot. Lent by Lord Fitzhardinge . No. 1,477. 113. EDMUND SPENSER, the Poet, author of the “Faerie Queen” (1553-1599). By Nicholas Hilliard. Lent by Lord Fitzhardinge. No. 1,485. 114. I-IENRY WRIOTHE SEE Y, EARL OF SOUTHAMPTON. Signed and dated “I. O. 1616.” By Isaac Oliver. Lent by Mr. C. Sackvillc Bale. No. 1,640. 115. EDMUND WALLER, the Poet, born 1605, died 1687. By Samuel Cooper. Lent by Mr. C. Sackville Bale. No. 1641. 116. HENRY DUKE OF RICHMOND, ICG. (1519-1536). This miniature is inscribed “ Henry Dvck off Riche mod states sviE xv°.” Card. Lent by Mr. C. Sackville Bale. No. 1,643. 117. LADY JANE SEYMOUR, third wife of King Henry VIXI. Inscribed A°NXXY. By Holbein. Lent by Mr. C. Sackville Bale. No. 1,645. 118. LADY LEIGH. Signed “ S. C. 1648.” Card. By Samuel Cooper. Lent by Mr. C. Sackville Bale. No. 1,647. 119. QUEEN ELIZABETH (1533-1603). Card. By Nicholas Hilliard. Lent by Mr. C. Sackville Bale. No. 1,650. 120. LADY SARAH NAPIER, daughter of Charles, second Duke of Richmond, and wife of the Hon. George Napier. Ivory. Lent by Mr. John Moore Napier. No. 1,658. 121. MISS CLAYTON. Signed and dated “A. P. 1786.” Ivory. By Andrew Plimer. Lcntby Mr. John Moore Napier. No. 1,661. 122. GEORGIANA CAROLINE, daughter of' Charles, second Duke of Richmond. Ivory. Ascribed to A. Plimer. Lent by Mr John Moore Napier. No. 1,679. 123. PRINCE CHARLES EDWARD STUART. Indian ink on card. By Giles Hussey. Lent by Lord Arundell of JVardour. No. 1,685. 1 24. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Card. Lent by the Rev. William Vernon Harcourt. No. 1,710. 125. THE LADY DOROTHY PERCY, wife of Robert Sidney, second Earl of Leicester, and mother of Algernon Sidney. Lent by the Rev. William Vernon Ilarcourt. No. 1,712. 126. QUEEN ELIZABETH, portrait in profile. Lent by the Rev. William Vernon Ilarcourt. No. 1,713. 127. ROBERT DUDLEY, EARL OF LEICESTER (1532-1588), the favourite of Queen Elizabeth. Lent by the Rev. William Vernon Ilarcourt. No. 1,714. 128. THE LADY MARY SYDNEY, COUNTESS OF PEM- BROKE. Card. By N. Hilliard. Lent by the Rev. William Vernon Ilarcourt. No. 1,715. 62 Miniature Portraits. 129. PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN, time of Queen Elizabeth, in a black quilted dress. Card. Lent by the Rev. William Vernon Har court. No. 1,716. 130. ROBERT DEVEREUX, EARL OF ESSEX (1567-1601), the the unfortunate favourite of Queen Elizabeth. Lent by the Rev. William Vernon Har court. No. 1,717. 131. MRS. FITZHERBERT (1756-1837). Signed “A. P.” Ivory. By Andrew Plimer. Lent by Mr. Percy Hoyle , C.B. No. 1,754. 132. JEAN PAUL MARAT. Lent by Mr. Percy Doyle , C.B. No. 1,771. 133. ANNE, daughter of Charles!.; died an infant. Oil, on panel. By Yandyck. Lent by Earl Spencer , K.G. No. 1,790. 134. FRANCES HOWARD COUNTESS OF ESSEX AND SOMER SET. By Isaac Oliver. Lent by the Earl of Derby , K.G. No. 1,811. 135. LADY ELIZABETH HAMILTON, daughter of James sixth Duke of Hamilton and Elizabeth his Duchess. Card. By W. Derby. Lent by the Earl of Derby , K.G. No. 1,845. 136. ELIZABETH GUNNING, Duchess of Hamilton and afterwards of Argyll. Card. By W. Derby. Lent by the Earl of Derby , K.G. No. 1,846. 137. PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST’S SON. End of the 17th century. Crayons tinted. By Mrs Maria Beale. I Ant by the Rev. Dr. Wellesley. No. 1,897. 138. PORTRAIT OF THE ARTIST’S SON. End of the 17th century. Crayons tinted. By Mrs. Maria Beale. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Wellesley. No. 1,898. 139. KING CHARLES I. Ascribed to J. Hoskins. Lent by Mr. W. C. Morland. No. 1,932. 140. HENRIETTA MARIA, Queen of Charles I. Card. Ascribed to J. Hoskins. Lent by Mr. W. C. Morland. No. 1,933. 141. EDWARD COURTENAY EARL OF DEVON. Card. Lent by Mr. W. C. Morland. No. 1,934. 142. OLIVER CROMWELL. By Samuel Cooper. Lent by the Earl of Warwick. No. 1,942. 143. ROBERT LORD BROOKE, a leader of the Parliamentary forces. Signed “ S. C.” Card. By Samuel Cooper. Lent by the Earl of Warwick. No. 1,947. 144. MRS. CROMWELL, daughter of Sir Richard Stewart or Stuart, mother of the Protector. Died 1653. Signed. Card. By A. Hertocks. Lent by Mr. R. G. Clarke. No. 1,962. 145. THE DUCHESS OF ST. ALBANS. By Richard Gibson. Lent by Mr. J. II. Haivkins, No. 1,989. Miniature Portraits. 63 146. AUGUST F. F. YON KOTZEBUE, the German Writer ancl Dramatist, b. 1761, assassinated 1819. By Sene. Lent by Mr. J. H. Hawkins. No. 1,995. 147. CHARLES II. (1630-1685). Vellum. By David Logan. Lent by the Rev. James Beck. No. 2,017. 148. FREDERICK THE GREAT OF PRUSSIA, born 1712, came to the throne in 1740, died 1786. Ivory. Lent by the Bodleian Library , Oxford. No. 2,023. 149. A. H. SUTHERLAND, ESQ., a liberal benefactor to the Bod- leian Library. Ivory. I^ent by the Bodleian Library. No. 2,024. 150. FRANCES BECKWITH, first wife of A. H. Sutherland, Esq. Ivory. Lent by the Bodleian Library , Oxford. No. 2,025. 151. PROFILE PORTRAIT OF THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON I. Signed “Longhi f . a Milan.” Crayon. Lent by the Bodleian Library , Oxford. No. 2,026. 152. KING CHARLES II. when young. Card. Lent by the Duke of Richmond. No. 2,032. 153. KING CHARLES II. in armour. Enamel. ByJ. Petitot. Lent by the Duke of Richmond. No. 2,034. 154. FRANCOIS I. of France. Oil. By Francois Clouet, called Janet. T^ent by Mr. Joseph Bond. No. 2,059. 155. KING HENRY VIII. Oil. By Hans Holbein. Lent by Earl Spencer , K.G. No. 2,082, 156. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Signed “ P. O.” Card. By Peter Oliver. Lent by the Earl of Shaftesbury, K. G. No. 2,088. 157. SIR ANTHONY ASHLEY COOPER FIRST EARL OF SHAFTESBURY in his robes as Lord Chancellor. By S. Cooper. Lent by the Earl of Shaftesbury , K. G. No. 2,092. 158. PORTRAIT OF A GENTLEMAN in a furred dress. Begin- ning of 16th century. By Hans Holbein. lucnt by the Earl of Shaftesbury , K.G. No. 2,093. 159. LADY MARY WORTLEY MONTAGUE. Painted in a Turkish costume. Probably the work of J. S. Liotard. L,ent by Capt. L. Seymour Dawson Darner, M.P. No. 2,127. 160. LADY HORATIO SEYMOUR, daughter of James second Earl of Waldegrave. By R. Cosway, R. A. T.cnt by Capt. A. S. Dawson Darner, M.P. No. 2,128. 161. MRS. FITZHERBERT (1756-1837). Ivory. By. R. Cosway, R.A. Lent by Capt. A. S. Dawson Darner, M.P. No. 2,131. 162. H.R.H. GEORGE FREDERICK AUGUSTUS PRINCE OF WALES, b. 1762, crowned 1820, d. 1830. Ivory. By R. Cos- way, R.A. Lent by Capt. A. S. D. Darner, M.P. No. 2,132. 163. LORD GEORGE AUGUSTUS CAVENDISH, died 1794. A sketch by Sir Joshua Reynolds. Paper. I^cnt by Mr, Clifford W. Chaplin. No. 2,137. 64 Miniature Portraits. 164. MARIA COUNTESS OF W ALOE GRAVE, wife of James, Earl of Waldegrave, and afterwards of H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester. Ivory. By R. Cosway, R.A. Lent ' by Capt. L. S. D. Lamer , M.P. No. 2,142. 165. SIR ANTHONY ASHLEY COOPER (1621-1683). An ori- ginal sketch. Paper. By Samuel Cooper. Lent by the Hon. William Ashley. No. 2,144. 166. MARIE ANTOINETTE, Queen of Louis XVI. of France. Vellum. By Dumont. Lent by Mr. Durlacher. No. 2,153. 167. LADY ARABELLA STUART. Signed “1.0/’ By Isaac Oliver. Lent by Mr. G. Ligby Wingfield Ligby. No. 2,169. 168. SIR KENELM DIGBY. After Vandyck, by Peter Oliver. Lent by Mr. George Ligby Wingfield Ligby. No. 2,172. 169. LADY VENETIA DIGBY. After Vandyck, by Peter Oliver. Lent by Mr. George Ligby Wingfield Ligby. No. 2,173. 170. SARAH, daughter of R. Bodicoate, Esq., and wife of Samuel Tyssen, of Narhorough Hall. Signed and dated “ J. S. 1781.” Ivory. By J. Smart. Lent by the Rev. J. Yelloly. No. 2,183. 171. SARAH, daughter of W. Hougham, Esq., wife of Samuel Little. Esq., and afterwards of Samuel Tyssen, Esq. Enamel. By C. Zincke. Lent by the Rev. J. Yelloly. No. 2,185. 172. PORTRAIT OF A CHILD. Ivory. By Andrew Plimer. Lent by Miss Carpenter. No. 2,199. 173. LADY THERESA STRANGE WAYS. Ivory. By A. Plimer. Lent by Miss Carpenter. No. 2,200. 174. GENERAL SIR ROWLAND HILL, created Viscount Hill. Lent by Miss Carpenter. No. 2,201. 175. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Signed “ C. H.” Ivory. Lent by Sir C. Wentworth Lilke, Rt. 2,225. 176. RT. HON. EDMUND BURKE, statesman and orator. Enamel. By H. Spicer, after Ozias Humphrey. Lent by Mr. T. Moreton Wood. No. 2,228. 177. RT. HON. EDMUND BURKE when young. Ivory. By Sir Joshua Reynolds. Lent by Mr. T. Moreton Wood. No. 2,229. 178. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Ivory. Lent by Mr. Ludley Coutts Marjoribanhs , M.P. No. 2,236. 179. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Ivory. Lent by Mr. Ludley Coutts Marjoribanhs , M.P. No. 2,246. 180. LADY HAMILTON, wife of Sir William Hamilton, and the friend of Lord Nelson. Ivory. By R. Cosvray, R.A. Lent by Mr. J. Hughes Anderdon. No. 2,298. 181. MRS. JANE MIDDLETON, one of the beauties at the court of Charles II. Enamel. By Jean Petitot. Lent by Lord Taunton. No. 2,350. Miniature Portraits . 65 182. LUCIUS CARY SECOND VISCOUNT FALKLAND (1610- 1643). Card. By J. Hoskins, the younger. Lent by Lord Taunton . No. 2,352. 183. EMILY OGrILVIE. Signed by the artist and dated 1800. Enamel. By H. Bone, R.A. Lent by Mrs. Aldridge. No. 2,362. 184. MADAME LA DUCHESSE DE BRISSAC. Ivory. By Campana. Lent by Lady Sophia Des Vceux. No. 2,544. 185. MARIA LESZCZINSKA (1703-1760), daughter of Stanislaus King of Poland, and married in 1725 to Louis XV. of France. Lent by Lady Sophia Des Vceux. No. 2,545. 186. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. L^ent by Lady Sophia Des Vceux . No. 2,547. 187. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. “Anno JEtatis suse 23.” Card. By Hans Holbein. Lent by Mr. J. 11. Hawkins. No. 2,627. 188. GEORGrIANA DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE AND CHILD, after Sir Joshua Reynolds. Ivory. Lent by the Hon. Ashley G. Ponsonby, M.P. No. 2,726. 189. THOMAS HOWARD FOURTH DUKE OF NORFOLK (1536-1572). Inscribed “ ^Etatis 25, 1562.” Oil. By Sir Antonio Moore. Lent by Mr. P. H. Howard. No. 2,746. 190. ELIZABETH, daughter of James I., and wife of Frederick King of Bohemia. Signed “ P. O.” By Peter Oliver. Lent by Sir C. Wentworth Dilke , Bt. No. 2,754. 191. LUCY PERCY COUNTESS OF CARLISLE, sister of Algernon Percy Earl of Northumberland. Card. By Samuel Cooper. Lent by Mr. Joseph Bond. No. 2,835. 192. THOMAS OTWAY, the English dramatic writer. Signed and dated “ 1680.” In pencil on vellum. By R. White. Lent by the Rev. Dr. Wellesley. No. 2,853. 193. ARABELLA FERMOR, the heroine of Pope’s “Rape of the Lock.” In oil. Lent by the T^ord Herries. No. 2,854. 194. MIRANDA, from a head by Romney. 1790. By J. W. Slater. Lent by Mr. J. H. Anderdon. No. 2,877. 195. ALEXANDER POPE, the Poet (1688-1744). A profile por- trait in crayons. Lent by the Bodleian Library. No. 2,883. 196. RICHARD CROMWELL, son of the Protector, died 1712. By Samuel Cooper. Lent by Mr. J. T. Gibson Craig. No. 2,884. 197. THE DUCHESS OF RUTLAND. Ivory, Lent by Mr. J. T. Gibson Craig . No. 2,885. 198. THOMAS ALCOCK. A crayon sketch. By Samuel Cooper. Lent by the Bodleian Library , Oxford. No. 2,894. 199. LADY CHARLOTTE DUNCOMBE. Paper. By R, Cosway, R.A. Lent by Mr. W. B. Stopford. No. 2,913. 200. PORTRAIT OF A LADY. Signed. Ivory. By Sene. Lent by Mr. A. Barker. No. 2,930. 15929 .— 1 . 66 Raphael's Cartoons . RAPHAEL’S CARTOONS, Photographed from the Originals, in five different sizes. 1. CHRIST’S CHARGE TO ST. PETER. No. 5 Size, 8 in. by 5 in. (Matthew xvii. v. 16.) Is. 2. THE MIRACULOUS DRAUGHT OF FISHES. No. 5 Size, 8 in, by 5 in. (Luke v. y. 8.) Is. 3. PAUL PREACHING AT ATHENS. No. 5 Size, 8 in. by 5 in. (Acts xvii. v. 22.) Is. 4. THE DEATH OF ANANIAS. No. 5 Size, 8 in. by 5 in. Is. (Acts v. v. 5.) 5. ELYMAS THE SORCERER STRUCK WITH BLINDNESS. No. 5 Size, 8 in. by 5 in. (Acts xiii. v. 11.) Is. 6. ST. PETER AND ST. JOHN AT THE BEAUTIFUL GATE OF THE TEMPLE. No. 5 Size. (Acts iii. v. 1.) Is. 7. SACRIFICE AT LYSTRA. No. 5 Size, 8 in. by 5 in. (Acts xvi. v. 13.) Is. The Set of Seven Cartoons. No. 5. 7s. 8 THE SEVEN CARTOONS, to 14. Separately No. 4 Size, 15 in. by 11 in. 18s. Hd. each 2s. 8 d. 15 THE SEVEN CARTOONS. No. 3 Size, 23 in. by 15 in. to 21. 2s. 21. Separately each 6s. 22 THE SEVEN CARTOONS. No. 2 Size, 31 in. by 21 in. to 31. 10s. 28. Separately each 10s. 29 THE SEVEN CARTOONS. No. 1 Size, 48 in. by 30 in. to 29/. 8s. 35. Separately each 4 L 4s. STUDIES FROM RAPHAEL’S CARTOONS. Chrises Charge to St. Peter. 36. THE HEAD OF CHRIST. 6s. 37. HAND OF CHRIST AND HEAD OF ST. PETER. 6s. 38. HEADS OF ST. JOHN AND THREE APOSTLES. 6s. 39. HEADS OF THE THREE APOSTLES IN CENTRE. 6s. 40. HEADS OF THE THREE OLDER APOSTLES. 6s Studies from Raphael's Cartoons . 67 The Miraculous Draught of Fishes. 40a. HEAD OF CHRIST. 6s. 41. HEAD OF SIMON. 6s. 42. HEAD OF ANDREW. 10s. Paul Preaching at Athens. 43. HEAD OF ST. PAUL. 6s. 44. HEADS OF SEVEN OF THE AUDIENCE. 6s. 45. HEADS OF SIX OF AUDIENCE TO THE LEFT. 6s. 46. HEADS OF MAN AND WOMAN KNEELING. 6s. 47. FIGURE SITTING BEHIND ST. PAUL. 6s. The Death of Ananias. 48. HEADS OF THREE APOSTLES. 6s. 48a. HEADS OF TWO APOSTLES AND HAND OF ST. PAUL. 6s. 49. SAPPHIRA COUNTING THE MONEY. 6s. 50. HEAD OF ST. PAUL AND TWO APOSTLES. 6s. 50a. TWO HEADS OF THE PEOPLE. 10s. Elymas the Sorcerer Struck with Blindness. 51. HEAD OF ST. PAUL. 6s. 52. HEAD OF ST. PAUL AND TWO OTHERS. 6s. 53. HEAD OF SERGIUS PAULUS. 6s. 54. HEAD OF ELYMAS. 6s. 55. HEADS OF SIX OF THE SPECTATORS. 6s. Peter and John at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple. 55a. HEAD OF ST. JOHN. 10s. 56. BOY WITH DOVES. 6s. 57. HEAD OF LAME MAN. 6s. 58. MOTHER AND CHILD. 6s. 58a. HEAD OF WOMAN WITH BASKET OF FRUIT. The Sacrifice at Lystra. 59. BOYS AT THE ALTAR. 6s. 60. HEADS OF BOYS AT THE ALTAR. 6s. £ 2 68 Raphael Drawings . ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY RAPHAEL IN THE MUSEUM OF THE LOUVRE, PARIS. 61. SAINT CATHARINE OF ALEXANDRIA, a study for the picture now in the National Gallery. 2s. 8 d. 62. « CHRIST’S CHARGE TO ST. PETER,” a study differing in a few details from the cartoon at the South Kensington Museum. 2s. 8 d. 63. “ FINDING THE CUP IN BENJAMIN’S SACK ; ” a pen and ink drawing. 2s. 3d. 64. THE PASSAGE OF THE RED SEA, a study for the painting in the Loggie of the Vatican. 2s. 3d. 65. MOSES RECEIVING THE TABLES ON MOUNT SINAI, a study for the painting in the Loggie of the Vatican. 2s. 3d. 66. THE VIRGIN AND THE THREE MARYS LAMENTING OVER THE BODY OF CHRIST, with figures of St. John and St. Joseph of Arimathea ; a pen drawing with tints. Is. 10 d. 67. THE SALUTATION OF THE VIRGIN, a study with outline pierced either for painting or engraving from. 2s. 8 d. 68. MALE STUDY, apparently for the figure of Christ in the “ Charge to St. Peter.” 2s. 3d. 69. SITTING FIGURE OF A SAINT, with his left hand resting on a hook ; a pen sketch. Is. 6d. 70. THE “ TRANSFIGURATION,” a study of two nude figures. In the painting these figures are draped. 2s. 3d. 71. HEAD OF THE FIRST AVENGING ANGEL in the “ Heliodorus driven from the Temple.” 2s. 3d. 72. HEAD OF THE SECOND AVENGING ANGEL in the u Heliodorus driven from the Temple.” 2s. 3d. 73. POPE JULIUS II. borne in his chair on the shoulders of four men with numerous attendants, pen study for a portion of the “ Heliodorus driven from the Temple.” 2s 3d. 74. THE “ REPULSE OF ATTILA,” a drawing. The group of the Pope and his attendants was brought to the foreground in the painting. 2s. 3d. 75. THE BATTLE OF CONSTANTINE AGAINST MAXEN- TIUS. The fresco from this composition was painted by Giulio Romano after the death of Raphael. 2s. 8 d. 76. “ THE DISPUTE OF THE SACRAMENT.” Detail studies for the figure of Bramante. 2s. 3d. 77. PORTRAIT OF A FEMALE, in pen and ink ; apparently the model for Raphael’s Madonnas. Is. 10 d. Raphael Drawings. 69 78. A YOUNG FEMALE with left arm elevated, a study. 2s. 3d. 79. MALE HEAD, a study. 1.9. 10<#. 80. « CUPID AND PSYCHE,” a study. 2s. 3d. 81. MERCURY, with, two other figures and a boy blowing a horn, with a goat standing behind him ; pen and ink studies. 2s. 3d. 82. VENUS VXCTRIX AND CUPID, and HYGIEXA, two pen and ink studies. 2s. 3d. 83. SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST, several pen sketches for the figure. 2s. 3d. 84. GROUP OF NUDE FIGURES attacking a fortification, a pen drawing. 2s. 8 d. 85. THE VIRGIN AND CHILD seated in an open landscape, with buildings in the distance ; a tinted drawing. 1.9. lOd. 86. THE VIRGIN AND CHILD, a pen drawing, highly finished. 1 . 9 . 6d. 87. MOTHER AND CHILD, a sketch from nature. Is. 6d. 88. MOTHER AND CHILD, and a head of an old man, two sketches. Is. lOd. 89. MOTHER AND CHILD, the face of the mother in profile ; a pen sketch. Is. 10 d. 90. MOTHER AND CHILD, the upper part of the figures only ; a slight pen sketch. 1.9. 6d. 91. TWO CHILDREN, and part of the head of a third one ; a highly finished pen sketch. Is. 6d. 92. CHRIST SEATED IN GLORY between the Virgin Mary and St. John, with St. Paul and St. Catharine beneath. 2s. 3d. 93. DENUNCIATION. Apelles having been falsely accused as a conspirator against Ptolemaeus, composed a picture to demon- strate the dangers of denunciation under a suspicious prince. This drawing was made by Raphael from Lucian’s description of the picture. 2s. 8 d. The complete Set of Photographs of the DRAWINGS by RA- PHAEL in the LOUVRE may be had, half bound in morocco, price 31. 135. 6d. 70 Raphael Drawings . ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY RAPHAEL IN THE COL- LECTION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. 94. GROUP OF FOUR SOLDIERS, being slight sketches for figures in one of the frescoes in the Libreria of Siena, painted from Raphael’s designs, by Pinturicchio. Early or “ Perugino ” period. Silver point drawing on grey prepared ground. 2s. 3d. 95. TWO FIGURES, studies from the life for two soldiers, intended for a composition of the Resurrection. Early or “ Perugino ” manner. Metal point drawing on prepared ground heightened with white. 2s. 8 d. 96. A YOUNG MAN SEATED HOLDING A BOOK, study from nature. Early or “ Perugino ” manner. Metal point drawing on prepared ground. Is. 6d. 97. A MONK PREACHING ; sketch in metal point on prepared ground. Early period. Is. 10c?. 98. A KNEELING SAINT, probably St. Francis ; sketch in metal point on prepared ground. “ Perugino ” period. 2s. 3d. 99. TWO YOUNG MEN WITH MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, intended for angels in the picture of the Coronation of the Virgin, now in the Vatican Museum. Studies from nature. Metal point on prepared ground. “ Perugino ” period. 2s. 3c?. 100. A YOUNG MAN HOLDING UP A CUP, probably for one of the Magi in a composition of the Adoration of the Kings ; drawing in Italian chalk, also partly outlined with the pen in bistre. Study from the life. “ Perugino ” period. 2s. 3d. 101. TOBIT AND THE ANGEL; metal point on prepared ground, heightened with white. Study, probably from the life. Early or “ Perugino ” period. Is. 10c?. 102. A YOUNG MAN STANDING ; Italian chalk. Study from the life. Early or “ Perugino ” period. 2s. 8c?. 103. A YOUNG MAN PLAYING A GUITAR; pen outline. Early or “ Perugino” period. Is. 2d. 104. A SHEPHERD WITH A BAGPIPE ; bistre pen drawing. Early or “Perugino ” period. Is. 6d. 105. ST. JOSEPH LEANING ON HIS STAFF, for a composition of the Nativity ; bistre pen drawing. Early period. Is. 6d. 106. A SHEET OF STUDIES, various slight sketches on a small scale of a Holy Family, amorini, standing figures of saints, a church and other buildings for a background ; bistre pen drawing. Early period. 2s, 3d. Raphael Drawings. 71 107. A YOUNG MAN, probably a study for an angel, in a composi- tion of the Coronation of the Virgin ? A slight drawing in black chalk. Early period. 2s. 3 d. 108. A SHEET OF STUDIES, slightly indicated figures of a young man standing and a kneeling draped figure ; Italian chalk and bistre pen. Early period. Is. 10 d. 109. ST. JEROME ON HIS KNEES DOING PENANCE ; in the background an elaborate view of a city, having some resem- blance to Perugia ; pen drawing in bistre. Early or “ Perugino” period. 2s. 3 d. 110. THE VIRGIN AND THE INFANT SAVIOUR, and a landscape ; bistre pen. Sheet of studies. Early period. 2s. 3 d. 111. SEATED CHILDREN ; two studies in bistre wash. Early period. Is. 6d. 112. THE INFANT SAVIOUR SEATED, holding a book; bistre pen. Early period. (On the reverse of No. 113.) Is. 2d. 113. THE VIRGIN WITH THE INFANT SAVIOUR ON HER LAP (on the same sheet as No. 112). Early or “ Perugino ” period. Is. 6d. 114. SHEET OF SLIGHT STUDIES of landscape and buildings, bistre pen. Early period. Is. 6d. ] 15. ST. GEORGE ON HORSEBACK ; bistre wash heightened with white. Early period. 2s. 3d. 116. MILO OF CROTONA CARRYING OFF AN OX; pen sketch in bistre. Early period. Is. lOd. 117. SHEET OF STUDIES of two young men, the lower one for a recumbent soldier, in a composition of the Resurrection ; the upper one for a kneeling angel. Metal point heightened with white on prepared ground. “ Perugino ” period. 2s. Sd. 118. RAPHAEL’S OWN PORTRAIT when young; black chalk heightened with white. Early or “ Perugino ” period. 2s. 8 d. 119. OUR SAVIOUR AND THE SAMARITAN WOMAN AT THE WELL, cartoon for a predella picture painted by his master Perugino, and now in the collection of Alexander Barker, Esq. ; outline in black chalk. Early period. 2s. 8 d. 120. FEMALE HEAD ; probably a study for the Virgin ; a slight drawing in black chalk. Early period. Is. 2d. 121. A WOMAN SUCKLING A CHILD ; pen drawing in bistre. “ Florentine ” period. Is. 2d. 122. THE VIRGIN AND CHILD AND ST. JOHN; drawn and shaded in bistre with the point of the brush. A first thought for the picture at Vienna, called the “ Madonna of the Belvi- dere.” “ Florentine ” period, circa 1506. Is. 10c?. 72 Raphael Drawings. 123. SHEET OF STUDIES of Amorini; also a study of the head of St. Catherine for the picture now in the National Gallery ; pen drawing in bistre. “ Florentine ” period, circa 1507. 2s. 3d. 124. SHEET OF STUDIES for the picture of St. Catherine, now in the National Gallery (drawn on the reverse of No. 123) ; pen drawing in bistre. “ Florentine ” period, circa 1507. 2s. 3d. 125. THE VIRGIN AND THE APOSTLES mourning over the body of our Saviour, the three Marys and other figures attend- ing. A first thought for the celebrated picture of the Entomb- ment in the Borghese Gallery, Rome ; a vigorous pen drawing in bistre. “ Florentine ” period, 1507. Is. 10c?. 126. SHEET OF STUDIES for the picture of the Entombment of Christ, now in the Borghese Palace, Rome ; pen drawing in bistre. “ Florentine ” period, 1507. 2s. 3d. 127. SHEET OF STUDIES for the Madonna with the infant Christ and St. John ; metal point on prepared ground. Early or “ Perugino ” period. Is. 10 d. 128. THE ENTOMBMENT IN THE BORGHESE PALACE, study for part of the composition ; drawn with the pen in bistre. 44 Florentine” period, 1507. Is. 10c?. 129. THE MADONNA AND CHILD, sketch for a picture ; pen drawing in bistre. “ Florentine ” period. Is. 6d. 130. SHEET OF STUDIES, probably from the life ; two standing figures, one reading in a book, a head of a monk, and two lions’ heads; silver point on prepared ground. “ Florentine” period. 2s. 3d. 131. SHEET OF STUDIES, a head of a monk, probably an idealised portrait of Fra Bartolommeo ; a profile head of an aged man, after Leonardo da Vinci ; two studies of hands from nature, and a slight sketch or reminiscence of Leonardo da Vinci’s cartoon of the “Fight for the Standard;” metal point on prepared ground. Evidently executed during his residence in Florence, circa 1506. 2s. 3c?. 132. SHEET OF STUDIES of heads and a hand for the fresco of the “ Dispute of the Sacrament,” painted in the Vatican ; metal point on prepared ground. On the reverse of this sheet is a sonnet in Raphael’s handwriting. “ Roman ” period, circa 1508-1513. 2s. 3d. 133. SONNET, in the handwriting of Raphael (written on the reverse of No. 132). 2s. 3d. 134. SAMPSON breaking the jaws of the Lion ; a vigorous pen drawing in bistre. “ Roman ” period. 2s. 3c?. 135. SHEET OF STUDIES of children at play, a woman carrying a child, details of acanthus leaves, &c. ; pen drawing in bistre. “ Roman ” period. * 2s. 3c?. Raphael Drawings. 73 136. DRAPED FEMALE in a walking attitude; pen drawing in bistre. “ Roman” period. 2s. 3d. 137. THE HOLY FAMILY, a sheet containing two separate studies ; reed pen drawing in bistre. “ Roman ” period. 2s. 3d. 138. THE VIRGIN, THE INFANT SAVIOUR, AND ST. JOHN; reed pen in bistre. “ Roman ” period. Is. 10c?. 139. STUDY OF A MAN STANDING, holding a book; pen draw- ing in bistre. “ Roman ” period. Is. 6c?. 140. THE HOLY FAMILY, with an architectural back -ground. Study for a picture ; pen drawing in bistre. “ Roman” period. Is. 6d. Ul. A MOTHER EMBRACING HER CHILD, probably intended as the Virgin and infant Christ ; sketch for the composition engraved by Marc Antonio ; metal point heightened with white on prepared ground. “ Roman ” period. Is. 6d. 142. STANDING NUDE FIGURE OF A WARRIOR, with a lance and shield, probably for a statue of Mars ; pen drawing in bistre (on the reverse of No. 1797). “Roman” period. 2s. 3d. 143. A SHEET OF STUDIES of nude figures, one of them holding a book and a sword, probably a preliminary undraped study for a St. Paul ; pen drawing in bistre. “ Roman ” period. 2s. 3d. 144. A STANDING DRAPED FEMALE FIGURE, probably a study for a St. Margaret; pen drawing in bistre. “Roman” period. 2s. 3c?. 145. STUDY OF A DRAPED FEMALE in an animated attitude ; vigorous pen sketch in bistre. “ Roman ” period. Is. 6d. 146. STUDY OF A MAN, also a slight sketch of a female head; pen drawing in bistre. “ Roman ” period. 2s. 3c?. 147. HERCULES AND CERBERUS; a vigorous pen sketch in bistre. “ Roman ” period. Is. 6c? . 148. FOUR STANDING FIGURES OF WARRIORS, with shield, &c. ; the centre one is a study from the statue of St. George, by Donatello, in Florence ; pen drawing in bistre. “ Roman ” period. 2s. 3c?. 149. STUDIES OF TWO STANDING NUDE FEMALE FIGURES and a faun with his back to the spectator ; pen drawing in bistre. “ Roman ” period. 2s. 3c?. 150. A GROUP OF FOUR NUDE STANDING FIGURES, apparently the sorrowing disciples, in a composition of the Entombment, (on the reverse of No. 151) ; pen drawing in bistre. “ Roman ” period. 2s. 8c?. 151. A RECUMBENT FIGURE OF THE DEAD CHRIST, appa- rently for a picture of the Entombment ; pen drawing in bistre, (on the reverse of No. 150). “ Roman ” period. 2s. 8c?. 74 Raphael Drawings. 152. STUDY OF THREE FIGURES in the act of carrying the body of our Saviour. For the Borghese Entombment ; pen drawing in bistre. 44 Florentine ” period, 1507. 2s. 3d. 153. ADAM IN THE ACT OF RECEIVING THE FORBIDDEN FRUIT FROM EVE, the first sketch for a portion of the com- position engraved by Marc Antonio ; pen drawing in sepia. 44 Roman ” period. 2s. 8 d. 154. THE ENTOMBMENT ; pen drawing in bistre (on the reverse of No. 153). 44 Roman ” period. 2s. 8 d. 155. BUST OF A FEMALE SAINT, probably from the life; finished drawing in black chalk. Early period. 2s. 8 d. 156. SEVEN FIGURES SEATED AT A TABLE, probably for a portion of a composition of the 44 Last Supper ;” metal point heightened with white. 44 Roman” period. 2s. 8 d. 157. OUR SAVIOUR CROWNING THE VIRGIN, with attendant saints and apostles; pen drawing in bistre. 44 Roman ” period. 3 s. 158. THE ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS ; pen drawing in bistre. 44 Roman ” period. 2s. 8 d. 159. FIVE SKETCHES ON ONE MOUNT, in the centre the head and outstretched arm of one of the slayers in the Massacre of the Innocents, beneath it a slight sketch of one of the angels of the ceiling of the Farnesina. 44 Roman ’’ period. 4s. 6d. 160. DISPUTE OF THE SACRAMENT, sketch for the upper part of the fresco; bistre wash drawing heightened with white. 44 Roman ” period, circa 1508-1513. 3s. 161. DISPUTE OF THE SACRAMENT, a sheet of flying angels for the composition ; pen sketch in bistre. 44 Roman ” period, 1508-1513. 2s. 3d. 162. DISPUTE OF THE SACRAMENT, a sketch of one of the Apostles in the fresco painting ; black chalk heightened with white. 44 Roman ” period, 1518-1513. 2s. 8 d. 163. A STUDY OF DRAPERY ; bistre wash heightened with white. 44 Florentine ” period. 2s. 8 d. 164. TWO STUDIES OF DRAPERY; black chalk heightened with white. 44 Roman ” period. 2s. 8 d. 165. FIGHT FOR THE STANDARD, a design for a portion of the fresco of the victory over the Saracens at Ostia; pen drawing in bistre. 44 Roman ” period, 1514-1517. 3s. 166. A GROUP OF NUDE MALE FIGURES, a study for the Saracens at Ostia, painted in fresco in the Vatican ; pen draw- ing in bistre. 44 Roman” period, 1514-1517. 2s. Sd. 167. A GROUP OF NUDE MALE FIGURES, a study for the Saracens at Ostia, painted in fresco in the Vatican ; pen draw- ing in bistre (on the reverse of No. 166). 44 Roman ” period, 1514-1517. 3s. Raphael Drawings < 75 168. A GROUP OF THREE FIGURES, a draped female playing the harp, with two undraped men, one playing the violin, the other blowing a trumpet. On the reverse of this drawing is a sketch of the “ Rorghese ” Entombment ; pen drawing in bistre. “ Florentine ” period, 1507. Is. 10 d. 169. THE ANGEL APPEARING TO THE SHEPHERDS ; pen and bistre wash. “ Roman ” period. 3s. 170. STUDIES OF THE UPPER PART OF A NUDE FIGURE and outline of a head in profile (drawn on the reverse of No. 148) ; pen drawing in bistre. “Roman ” period. Is. 10 d. 171. A WARRIOR STANDING OYER A FALLEN FOE, a study for part of the composition known as the Victory over the Saracens at Ostia, painted in fresco in the Vatican ; black chalk. “ Roman” period, 1514-1517. 2s. 8c?. 172. A DESIGN FOR A BED ; a vigorous pen drawing in bistre. (. Ascribed to Raphael , hut more probably by Baccio Bandinelli .) 2s. 3d. 173. STUDY OF THE BACK OF A MAN in violent action ; red chalk. “ Roman ” period. 2s. 3d. 174. SKETCH FOR A COMPOSITION OF THE RESUR- RECTION ; slight pen drawing in bistre. “ Roman ” period. 2s. 3d. 175. ONE OF THE SYBILS, painted in fresco in the church of Santa Maria della Pace in Rome ; drawing in red chalk. “ Roman ” period, 1514. 2s. 8c?. 176. SHEET OF STUDIES, two female heads, flying amorini in fore- shortened attitudes, and two studies of an opened book ; metal point on prepared ground. “ Roman ” period. 2s. 3c?. 177. MELPOMENE, in the fresco of “ Parnassus ; ” pen drawing in bistre. “ Roman ” period 1508-1513. 2s. 8c?. 178. SCHOOL OF ATHENS, a group of figures for the fresco, painted in the Vatican ; metal point drawing heightened with white on a prepared ground. “Roman” period, 1508-1513. 2s. 8 d. 179. SCHOOL OF ATHENS, study for two of the figures on the steps in the fresco in the Vatican ; also the head of Medusa introduced on the shield of Minerva in the same work ; metal point drawing heightened with white on prepared ground. “ Roman ” period, 1508-1513. 2s. 3c?. 180. THE STATUE OF MINERVA standing in a niche, &c. introduced into the architectural background of the fresco of the “ School of Athens ; ” metal point drawing on prepared ground. “ Roman ” period, 1508-1513. 2s. 3d. 181. A GROUP OF FIGHTING MEN, study for one of the bas-reliefs in the fresco of the “ School of Athens ; ” drawing in red chalk. “Roman” period, 1508-1513. 2s. 8c?. 76 Raphael Drawings. 182. STUDY OF DRAPERY for a standing male figure ; pen drawing in bistre (on the reverse of No. 177). “ Roman ” period. 2s. Sd. 183. STUDIES FOR A KNEELING FEMALE FIGURE in the fresco of the “ Heliodorus,” painted in the Vatican ; drawing in black chalk. “ Roman ” period. 2s. Sd. 184. STUDY OF A FEMALE FIGURE in the fresco of the “Heliodorus,” in the Vatican ; drawn in black chalk (on the reverse of No. 183). “ Roman ” period, 1512-1514. 2s. Sd. 185. TWO SWIMMING FIGURES, a sketch for the fresco of the “ Battle of Constantine,” painted in the Vatican; black chalk heightened with white on brown paper. “ Roman ” period, circa 1520. 2s. 8 d. 186. ONE OF THE SOLDIERS in the fresco painting of the History of Constantine in the Vatican ; black chalk sketch. “ Roman ” period, circa 1520. 2s. Sd. 187. RECUMBENT NUDE FIGURE OF A SOLDIER for one of the subjects of the History of Constantine in the Vatican ; black chalk sketch. “ Roman ” period, circa 1520. 2s. Sd. 188. JUDGMENT OF SOLOMON, a sketch for the painting in grisaille, in the Vatican ; metal point on prepared ground. “Roman ” period, 1508-1513. Is. 2d. 189. “CHARITY,” a group of a draped female with three naked children, painted in the Vatican ; drawing in black chalk. “ Roman ” period. Ascribed by M. Passavant to Gio. Francesco Penni. 2s. Sd. 190. THE HEAD OF ST. ELIZABETH IN THE HOLY FAMILY, called “ La Perla,” now at Madrid ; drawing in red chalk, probably from the life. “ Roman ” period. 2s. 3 d. 191. SKETCH OF AN ANGEL for the Mosaic of the cupola of the Chigi chapel in the church of Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome ; red chalk. “Roman ” period. Is. 10 d. 192. THE FIGURE OF THE “ ALMIGHTY ” for the cupola of the Chigi chapel in Santa Maria del Popolo, Rome. On the reverse is a more finished study for the same figure, see No. 193 ; red chalk. “ Roman ” period. Is. 10 d. 193. THE FIGURE OF THE “ ALMIGHTY,” with two cherubim, for the cupola of the Chigi chapel in Sta. Maria del Popolo, Rome (drawn on the reverse of No. 192) ; sketch in red chalk. “ Roman ” period. 2s. 3 d. 194. DRAWING OF A FOOT for one of the figures in the “Trans- figuration ; ” black chalk. “ Roman ” period. 2s. 3 d. 195. STUDY OF HANDS for the “ Transfiguration ; ” black chalk. “ Roman ” period. 2s. 3c?. 196. STUDY OF A FOOT for the “ Transfiguration ; ” black chalk. “ Roman ” period. 2s. 3 d. Raphael Draivings. 77 197. HEAD OF ONE OF THE APOSTLES from the “Trans- figuration ; ” black chalk. “ Roman ” period. Date about 1520. 2s. 3d. 198. A SHEET OF STUDIES of two heads and several hands for the “ Transfiguration ; ” black chalk heightened with white chalk. “Roman” period. Date about 1520. 4s. 6d. 199. SHEET OF STUDIES, various slight pen sketches of figures, apparently for recumbent soldiers in a composition of the “ Resurrection.” “ Roman ” period. 2s. 8 d. 200. STUDIES OF AMORINI PLAYING; a pen drawing much damaged, and apparently coarsely retouched by a later hand. 2s. 8 d. 201. NUDE FIGURES IN VIOLENT ACTION, probably for a composition of the Rape of Helen; pen drawing. “Roman” period. 2s. 8 d. 202. A SHEET OF STUDIES OF ARCHITECTURE, with two small sketches of a female figure reading ; pen drawing in bistre (on the reverse of No. 225). 2s. 3d. 203. THE VIRGIN SEATED, -WITH A BOOK IN HER HAND, the infant Saviour standing at her knees ; reed pen drawing in bistre. Is. 6d. 204. ST. JEROME ON HIS KNEES DOING PENANCE ; draw- ing in black chalk, strengthened in parts with the pen in bistre. “ Roman” period. Is. lOd. 205. THE HAND AND PART OF THE FORE-ARM .OF A FIGURE OF OUR SAVIOUR, of colossal size ; painted in distemper in colours ; a fragment of a large cartoon. 6s. 206. STUDY OF A SEATED FEMALE, apparently a peasant, in costume of the 16th century ; pen drawing in bistre. Is. 10c/. 207. THE ALMIGHTY, WITH ANGELS, surrounded by flames ; a study for part of the subject of the Almighty appearing to Moses in the burning bush, painted in fresco in the Loggie of the Vatican ; pen drawing in bistre. 3s. 208. A SHEET OF STUDIES of tritons and sea-nymphs, amorini, See., forming a portion of a circular frieze ; probably a design for the border of a large salver ; pen drawing in bistre. 3s. 209. THE PRESENTATION IN THE TEMPLE ; a highly- finished drawing in pen and bistre wash heightened with white. 2s. 3d. 210. STUDY OF DRAPERY for the portrait of Leo X., now in the Palazzo Pitti, Florence ; black chalk heightened with white, on grey paper. 3s. 211. THE HOLY FAMILY, WITH JOSEPH AND ST. ELIZA- BETH, angels above ; bistre wash heightened with white, on blue paper. 2s. 3d. Raphael Drawings. 78 212. PORTION OF A CIRCULAR FRIEZE of tritons, sea- nymphs, sea-monsters, &c. ; a design for the border of a salver ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 8 d. 213. THE RESURRECTION OF OUR SAVIOUR ; finished drawing in pen and bistre wash heightened with white. 6s. 214. THE BACK OF A MALE FIGURE ; pen drawing in bistre. Is. 6d. 215. PROFILE HEAD AND BUST OF A YOUNG MAN clad in an antique mantle ; a beautiful drawing in red chalk. 2s. 8 d, 216. ABRAHAM OFFERING UP ISAAC ; pen and bistre wash heightened with white. 2s. 8 d. 217. THE ADORATION OF THE KINGS ; finished drawing in pen and bistre wash heightened with white. 3s. 218. THE ENTOMBMENT OF OUR SAVIOUR ; drawing in red chalk. 2s. 8 d. 219. SKETCH OF NUDE FIGURES for the fresco of the “Par- nassus” painted in the Vatican; pen drawing in bistre. 4s. 6d . 220. THE “ TORSO OF THE BELVEDERE;” two studies in red chalk. Third period. 3s. 221. A STORM, figures in a boat praying ; drawing in pen and bistre wash. Is. 6d . 222. SKETCHES OF ELEPHANTS, for the composition known as the “ Battle of the Elephants ; ” red chalk. 2s. 8 d. 223. SKETCHES FOR A STANDING FIGURE OF ST. MICHAEL ; drawing in silver point and bistre wash height- ened with white on prepared ground. 2s. 3d. 224. STUDY OF A HEAD AND OF A HAND ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 3c?. 225. THE VIRGIN reading at a desk within an interior of grandiose architectural character ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 3c?. 226. STUDY FOR FEMALE FIGURES in the “ Finding of Moses ” painted in fresco in the Vatican ; red chalk. 2s. 8c?. 227. A STANDING FIGURE OF HERCULES AND THE TORSO OF AN APOLLO ; two studies from the antique ; red chalk. 3s. 228. THE JUDGMENT OF MOSES ON THE SONS OF LEVI; pen drawing washed with bistre and heightened with white. 3s. 229. THE “ PASSAGE OF THE RED SEA,” study for a portion of the fresco painted in the Loggia of the Vatican ; pen drawing in bistre. 3s. 230. IIYGIEIA AND VENUS VICTRIX, WITH CUPID STAND- ING NEAR ; two studies from the antique ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 8c?. Raphael Drawings. 79 231. THE “MASS OF BOLSENA,” a finished drawing of the fresco painted in the Vatican; pen and bistre wash. 3s. 232. THE “ MASS OF BOLSENA,” drawing of the fresco painted in the Vatican; pen and bistre wash. 3s. 233. A FLYING FIGURE OF VICTORY, from an antique bas- relief ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 8 d. 234. A SHEET OF STUDIES of grotesque monsters ; pen drawing in bistre. 3s. 235. JACOB WRESTLING WITH THE ANGEL ; pen and bistre washed drawing heightened with white. 3s. 236. DRAPED FEMALE STATUE, wanting the head (from the antique). 2s. 8 d. 237. THE “INCENDIO DEL BORGO ;” the man letting himself down from a wall. Painted in fresco in the Vatican; bistre washed drawing, much injured. 3s. 238. DAVID GIVING HIS CHARGE TO SOLOMON (1 Kings, ii. 3) ; washed drawing heightened with white. 2s. 8 d. 239. HEAD OF A FEMALE ; drawing in coloured chalk. 2s. 3d. 240. THE MASS OF BOLSENA, painted in fresco in the Vatican ; bistre washed drawing heightened with white. 3s. 241. FIGURE OF VICTORY, from the antique ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 8 d. 242. DESIGN FOR AN ARCH OF TRIUMPH ; pen drawing in bistre. 6s. 243. FINISHED DRAWING FOR THE “ATTILA,” painted in fresco in the Vatican ; bistre wash heightened with white. 6s. 244. ARCHITECTURAL STUDY, the fayade of an edifice ; pen drawing slightly shaded with bistre. 2s. 8^. 245. FIGURES FROM THE ANTIQUE, Mercury, Vesta, &c. ; pen drawing in bistre. 3s. 246. A STANDING STATUE AND A TORSO OF VENUS, from the antique ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 8 d. 247. LANDSCAPE with a castle or city ; slight pen drawing in bistre. Is. 10 d. 248. A NUDE MALE FIGURE, seated with one foot on an urn or vase from which water is flowing. Probably a sketch for a statue of a river god for a fountain ; pen drawing in bistre. Is. 6d. 249. LANDSCAPE, a view of a villa or convent ; pen drawing in bistre. Is. 2d. 250. A SHEET OF SKETCHES of figures, architecture, &c. with an inscription ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 3d. 251. THE MADONNA AND CHILD, a sheet containing two sepa- rate sketches ; pen drawing in bistre. Is. 10J. 80 Raphael Drawings. 252. A DRAPED STATUE OF VENUS, from the antique ; bistre wash drawing. 2s. 3 d. 253. LANDSCAPE, a farm or villa surrounded with trees ; slight pen drawing. Is. 6d. 25 4. LANDSCAPE with buildings ; slight pen drawing. Is. 6d. 255. THE ARRIVAL OF THE CARDINAL DE’ MEDICI (LEO X.) AT ROME, painted in fresco in the Vatican ; pen and bistre wash drawing. 2s. 3c?. 256. A MALE AND FEMALE FIGURE SALUTING EACH OTHER, probably the meeting of Joachim and Anna ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 3 d. 257. A PORTION OF A COMPOSITION OF THE ENTOMB- MENT ; metal point drawing on prepared ground. 2s. 3d. 258. THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI ; pen and bistre wash drawing heightened with white. 2s. 8 d. 259. THE SALUTATION OF THE VIRGIN; bistre washed draw- ing heightened with white, engraved by Caraglio. 2s. 8 d. 260. THE MIRACULOUS DRAUGHT OF FISHES ; pen and bistre washed drawing. 2s. 8 d. 261. MOSES STRIKING THE ROCK, drawing for one of the frescoes in the Loggie of the Vatican ; finished drawing in bistre heightened with white. 2s. 3d. 262. THE FINDING OF MOSES, drawing for one of the frescoes in the Loggie of the Vatican ; pen and bistre wash. 2s. 3d. 263. A KNEELING MALE FIGURE with patron saints, St. Paul(?) and St. John; bistre wash heightened with white. Is. 10 d. 264. JACOB AND REBECCA preparing the savoury meats; pen and bistre wash drawing. 2s. 3d. 265. DAVID GIVING HIS LAST CHARGE TO SOLOMON (1 Kings, ii. 3) ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 3d. 266. THE LAST SUPPER, for one of the frescoes in the Loggie of the Vatican ; finished drawing in bistre heightened with white. 2^. 3d. 267. HERCULES GAULOIS, or ELOQUENCE ; pen and bistre wash drawing heightened with white. 2s. 3d. 268. A SHEET OF STUDIES of eagles and other birds for the arabesques of the Loggie of the Vatican ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 3d. 269. OUR SAVIOUR AND THE TWO DISCIPLES AT EM- MAUS ; pen and bistre wash drawing heightened with white. 25. 3d. 270. CLEOPATRA, a study from the antique, engraved by Marc Antonio ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 8 d. Raphael Rraivings. 81 271. ONE OF THE “ CARYATIDES,” painted in fresco in the Vatican ; pen and bistre wash heightened with white. 2s. 8 A 272. ARABESQUE ORNAMENTATION, a sheet of studies ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 8 A 273. ARABESQUE ORNAMENTS ; pen drawing in bistre (on the reverse of No. 272). 2s. 8 A 274. FOUR STANDING NUDE FEMALE FIGURES; pen draw- ing in bistre. Is. 10 A 27 5. A ROMAN EMPEROR ON HIS THRONE ; pen drawing in bistre. Is. 6 A 276. A HORSE’S HEAD ; in black chalk. Is. 10 d. 277. THE VIRGIN standing at a desk or prie-dieu, probably for a composition of the Salutation ; pen drawing in bistre. Is. 1QA 278. A FORE-SHORTENED FIGURE OF AN ANGEL FLYING, for a composition of Abraham offering up Isaac ; pen drawing in bistre. Is. 10 d. 279. A FEMALE CARRYING TWO VASES OF WATER, from the fresco of the “ Incendio del borgo bistre wash heightened with white. 2s. 3 A 280. SOLOMON’S IDOLATRY ; a slight pen sketch. Is. 10 A 281. ARCHITECTURAL STUDY for the background of the fresco of the “ School of Athens pen drawing washed with bistre. Is. 10 A The complete set of 188 Photographs from the DRAWINGS by RAPHAEL, in the UNIVERSITY of OXFORD, may be had, bound in two volumes, price 20/. 15929.— -1 . 1 ?' 82 Drawings by Michael Angelo. ORIGINAL DRAWINGS BY MICHAEL ANGELO, IN THE COLLECTION OF THE UNVERSITY OF OXFORD. 282. MICHAEL ANGELO AND HIS FRIEND ANTONIO DELLA TORRE dissecting a, human body ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 3d. 283. HEAD OF A WOMAN IN PROFILE, with a fantastic head- dress or turban; study in red chalk. Is. 10c?. 284. HEAD OF AN AGED FEMALE wearing a turban or cap ; pen drawing in bistre. Is. 10c?. 285. FEMALE HEAD, probably from the life ; highly finished draw- ing in red chalk. 2s. 8 d. 286. SEATED FIGURE OF AN AGED PEASANT WOMAN, probably a study from nature for one of the sibyls, painted in fresco in the Sistine Chapel ; red chalk. 2s. 3d. 287. ONE OF THE SYBILS painted in the Sistine Chapel ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 3d. 288. A WOMAN PLAYING WITH A CHILD ON HER KNEES, painted in fresco in the Sistine Chapel; black chalk slightly washed with bistre. Is. 6d. 289. THE VIRGIN SEATED, with the infant Saviour standing at her knee in an animated attitude, in the background are three singing angels ; black chalk heightened with white chalk . 2s. 8c?. 290. A SHEET OF STUDIES of male and female heads; red chalk. 2s. 8c?. 291. TWO SEPARATE STUDIES OF A HORSE, and a small sketch of a combat. On the reverse of this sheet are several verses in the autograph of Michael Angelo ; pen drawing in bistre. 3s. 292. A GROUP OF THREE FIGURES, apparently in animated conversation or disputation, one of them in military costume ; pen drawing in bistre. 25 . 8c?. 293. STUDIES OF HANDS, also the back of a male figure; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 3d. 294. STUDIES OF HANDS, also several sketches of seated figures ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 8c?. 295. STUDY OF A MAN’S HEAD IN PROFILE with a malig- nant expression of countenance ; finished drawing in red chalk. 2s. 8c?. 296. AN AGED WOMAN clad in a voluminous cloak walking with a stick, near her is a child ; reed pen drawing in bistre. Is. 10 d. Drawings by Michael Angelo. 83 297. A DRAGON OR CHIMERA ; pen drawing in bistre ; on the reverse of this sheet are studies of eyes, and a head drawn by M. Angelo as a lesson for his scholar Andrea Mini. 2s. 3d. 298. STUDIES OF HEADS and the back of a figure ; pen drawing bistre. Is. 10c?. 299. A SHEET OF SKETCHES, an anatomical study of a leg and various caricature heads ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 3d. 300. ANATOMICAL STUDIES of a back and two arms of a figure ; pen drawing in bistre on the reverse of No. 298. Is. 10c?. 301. SKETCHES OF HEADS, and a seated nude torso ; pen draw- ing in bistre. Is. 10c?. 302. A SHEET OF STUDIES OF EYES, and a head, drawn as a lesson for his pupil Andrea Mini, who has copied them on the same sheet ; black chalk. 2s. 8c?. 303. A SHEET OF STUDIES of horses, a trophy of arms, a head in profile, &c. ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 3d. 304. THE VIRGIN AND CHILD AND ST. ELIZABETH ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 3d. 305. FOUR NUDE FIGURES in animated attitudes; black chalk. Is. 6c?, 306. A SHEET OF STUDIES of details of architecture, apparently a design for a chimney-piece, also the upper part of a female figure ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 3d. 307. SLIGHT SKETCH OF HORSES, &c. ; pen and black chalk. Is. 10c?. 308. THE CRUCIFIXION, one of the crucified thieves on the cross, and a group of the Virgin fainting, surrounded by sorrowing disciples ; highly finished drawing in red chalk. 2s. 3d. 309. CHRIST ON THE CROSS, with figures of the Virgin and St. John; black chalk heightened with white. 2s. 3c?. 310. THE TAKING DOWN FROM THE CROSS ; sketch for a composition not otherwise known ; red chalk. 2s. 3d. 311. GROUP OF THREE FIGURES in violent action; reed pen drawing in bistre. Is. 2c?. 312. NUDE MALE FIGURE; slight sketch in red chalk. Is. 6c?. 313. ANATOMICAL STUDIES of two legs, one of which shows the bones and superficial muscles, also a sketch of an eye ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 3d. 314. A SHEET OF STUDIES, a slight sketch of a standing nude figure, various slight sketches of architectural mouldings, &c. black chalk and pen. 2s. 3d. 84 Drawings by Michael Angelo. 315. STUDY OF THE TORSO of a recumbent figure in profile; black chalk. 2s. 3d. 316. SKETCH OF A FIGURE holding up a hog ; drawn in red chalk. 2s. 3d. 317. A SHEET FORMED OF FOUR SQUARE LEAVES of a sketch-book pasted together and containing various slight studies of figures, being first thoughts for figures in the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel ; red chalk. 2s. 3d. 318. A COLOSSAL RECUMBENT MALE FIGURE, also a nude figure of a woman, probably for a composition of Samson and Delilah ; red chalk. 3s. 319. SKETCH FOR THE TORSO OF A CUPID or amorino; black chalk. Is. 10 d. 320. A SHEET OF STUDIES, the head and upper part of a nude figure, in red chalk; also a study of a hand, various small sketches of caryatides in pen, and a sketch for a cornice. Is. 10 d. 321. A SHEET OF STUDIES, the back of a standing male figure, various slight sketches of caricature heads, &c.; pen drawing in bistre. Is. 10c?. 322. A DEMON GNAWING THE LEG OF ONE OF THE DAMNED, study for a group in the fresco of the Last Judg- ment ; red chalk. 2s. 3d. 323. ANATOMICAL STUDY of a leg, and a female head ; drawing in chalk. Is. 10c?. 324. OL r R SAVIOUR ON THE CROSS, a highly finished drawing for the picture afterwards painted by Marcello Venusti; black chalk. 2s. 3d. 325. A NUDE MALE FIGURE; finished drawing in black chalk. 2s. 3d. 326. THE FIGURE OF JONAH painted in the ceiling of the Sis- tine Chapel; highly finished drawing in black chalk. 2s. 8c?. 327. THE FIGURE OF ADAM in the fresco of the Creation of Eve in the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel ; black chalk. Is. 10c?. 328. STUDY FOR A CUPID ; black chalk. Is. 6d. 329. JUPITER AND GANYMEDE, a study for a composition ; pen drawing in bistre. 2s. 3c?. The complete set of 48 Photographs of the DRAWINGS by MICHAEL ANGELO, in the UNIVERSITY of OXFORD, may be had, bound in one volume, price 51. 5s. Holbein Drawings . 85 HOLBEIN DRAWINGS. Portraits of Persons at the Court of Henry VIII., by Hans Hol- bein, photographed from the original drawings in the Royal Collection at Windsor Castle.* 330. WENTWORTH. 331. THE LADY AUDLEY. 332. CHARLES ELIOTT, Knight, 333. THE EARL OF DARBEY. 334. THE LADY VAUX. 335. WILLIAM, Marquis of Northampton. 336. JOHN POINES. 337. M. SOUCH. 338. THE LADY MONTEGLE. 339. THE LORD VAUX. 340. WILLIAM SHARINTON. 341. PHILIP MELANCTHON. 342. THE LADY MARCHIONESS OF DORSET. 343. THOMAS, Earl of Surry. 344. N. POINES, Knight. 345. THE LADY SURRY. 346. THE DUCHESS OF SUFFOLK. 347. THE LADY MEUTAS. 348. THE LORD VAUX. 349. THE LADY PARKER. 350. PHILLIP IIOBBIE, Knight. 351. THE LADY HENEGHAM. 352. RESKEMEER, a Cornish gentleman. 353. PRINCE EDWARD. 354. EDWARD, Prince of Wales. 355. A LADY, close-fitting head-dress and flat hat. 356. A LADY, with diamond-shaped head-dress and kerchief. 357. A LADY, with jewelled head-dress, bodice open. 358. A GENTLEMAN with slight beard and moustache, 359. A GENTLEMAN with full beard, wearing flat cap. 360. A GENTLEMAN looking to the left, thick dark beard ; square flat cap. s. d. 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 8 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 1 10 '* The names are spelt as they are written on the Drawings. 86 Holbein Drawings. s. d. 361. A GENTLEMAN wearing jewelled hat and feather. 1 10 362. A GENTLEMAN with thin light hair, no moustache. 1 10 363. A LADY in dress of a recluse. 1 10 364. A LADY, full face ; diamond-shaped jewelled head-dress. 2 3 365. A LADY, three-quarter face ; close-fitting head-dress. 2 3 3 65a. A LADY, three-quarter face ; with cap. 2 3 366. THE LADY BOROW. 1 10 367. THOMAS, Earl of Surry. 1 10 368. JOHN COLET, Dean of St. Paul’s, 2 3 369. EDWARD VI. 2 3 370. GAWIN CAROW, Knight. 2 3 371. THE LADY HOBBEI. 2 3 372. THE LADY OF RICHMOND. 2 3 373. THE LADY ELIOT. 2 3 374. THOMAS HOWARD, Earl of Surry. 1 10 375. THOS. STRANGE, Knight. 1 10 376. S. GEORGE of Cornwall. 2 3 377. N. POINES, Knight. 2 3 378. CLINTON. 1 10 379. ANNA BOLLEIN, Queen. 2 3 380. FRANCIS RUSSEL, Earl of Bedford. 1 10 381. THE LADY RATCLIF. 2 3 382. THOMAS PARRIE. 1 io 383. CHARLES WINFIELD, Knight. 2 3 384. A LADY, full face, cap with wide crown. 1 10 385. BROOKE, Lord Cobham. 2 3 386. JUDGE MORE, Sir Thomas More’s father. 2 8 387. SIR THOMAS MORE. 2 8 388. JOHN MORE, Sir Thomas More’s son. 2 8 389. HARRY GULDEFORD, Knight. 2 8 390. ARAMUS, Archbishop of Canterbury. 4 6 391. THOMAS MOOR, Lord Chancellor. 4 6 j 392. SIR JOHN GODS AL YE. 2 8 393. A LADY, three-quarter face, diamond-shaped cap. 2 8 394. THE LADY LISTER. 2 3 The complete set of 65 Photographs of the DRAWINGS by HOL- BEIN in the ROYAL COLLECTION at WINDSOR, may be had, bound in one volume, price 8/. 8s. Tudor Portraits. 87 TUDOR POETEAITS. Portraits of the Tudor Family, executed from authentic contem- porary works, for the Prince’s Chamber in the New Palace at Westminster, by Richard Burchett, Plead Master of the Central Training School of the Science and Art Department. 3 94 a. HENRY VII., from Remee’s copy of Holbein’s picture, which was destroyed in the fire at Whitehall, and the bronze figure by Torrigiano on the tomb in Plenry VII.’s chapel. Is. 10 d. 395. ELIZABETH OF YORK, Queen of Henry VII., from the same authorities as the above. Is. \0d. 396. PRINCE ARTHUR, eldest son of Henry VII., from a picture by Mabuse, in the collection at Hampton Court. Is. 10 d. 397. KATI-IARINE OF ARAGON, after a contemporary miniature, in the collection of the Duke of Buccleuch. Is. 10 d. 398. HENRY VIII., from a Holbein, in the Royal collection at Windsor, and one at Hampton Court. Is. \0d. 399. ANNE BOLEYN, from a small contemporary picture, the pro- perty of Sir John Boileau, Bt. Artist unknown. Is. 10 d. 400. JANE SEYMOUR, from Remee’s copy of Holbein’s picture, a small Holbein belonging to the Society of Antiquaries, and a picture in the Marquis of Ailesbury’s collection. Is. 10 d. 401. ANNE OF CLEVES, from an etching by Hollar, a miniature, probably by Holbein, belonging to Colonel Meyrick, and a miniature in the Duke of Buccleuch’s collection. Is. 10 d. 402. KATHARINE PIOWARD, from a miniature of the time, in the collection of the Duke of Buccleuch. Is. 10J. 403. KATHARINE PARR, from a full-length life-size picture of the time, in the collection of the Earl of Denbigh. Is. 10 d. 404. EDWARD VI., from a three-quarter length portrait by Holbein, in the Royal Collection at Windsor. Is. 10J. 405. QUEEN MARY, from two portraits by Lucas de Heere, one in the possession of Mr. Charles Wynne Finch, the other in the collection of the Society of Antiquaries. Is. 10 d. 406. PHILIP II. of Spain, from a picture ascribed to Titian, in the collection of Earl Stanhope. Is. 10 d. 407. QUEEN ELIZABETH, from a small full-length portrait by Lucas de Heere, at Hampton Court. Is. 10 d. 408. LOUIS XII. of France, from a miniature in a missal belonging to the Right Hon. II. Labouchere, and a figure in the collection of Count Veil-Castel. Is. 10 d. 88 Tudor Portraits. 409. PRINCESS MARY (youngest daughter of Henry VII., first married to Louis XII. of France, and afterwards to Charles- Brandon, Duke of Suffolk), from a contemporary painting, in the collection of the Duke of Bedford. Is. 10c?. 410. CHARLES BRANDON, Duke of Suffolk, from a contemporary picture, in the collection of the Duke of Bedford. Is. 10c?. 411. THE MARCHIONESS OF DORSET (daughter of the Princess Mary and the Duke of Suffolk, and mother of Lady Jane Grey), from a picture by Lucas de Heere, in the possession of Mr. Charles Wynne Finch. Is. 10 d. 412. LADY JANE GREY, from a picture in the possession of Earl Spencer, and Lodge’s portraits. Is. 10c?. 413. LORD GUILDFORD DUDLEY", from a picture in the posses- sion of Colonel North. Is. 10c?. 414. JAMES IY. of Scotland, from several scarce and authentic old line engravings. Is. 10c?. 41 5. PRINCESS MARGARET (the eldest daughter of Henry VII., and wife of James IV. of Scotland), from a picture in the collection of the Marquis of Lothian. Is. 10c?. 416. DOUGLAS, Earl of Angus, from a picture in the Royal collection, Windsor. Is. 10c?. 417. JAMES V. of Scotland, from a picture in the collection of the Duke of Devonshire. Is. 10c?. 418. MARY OF GUISE, from a picture in the collection of the Duke of Devonshire. Is. 10c?. 419. QUEEN MARY OF SCOTS, from a miniature by Janet at Windsor, a fac-simile of a drawing by the same artist in the Louvre, and a portrait of the period of James I. or Charles I. at Hampton Court. Is. 10c?. 420. FRANCIS II. of France (the first husband of Mary Queen of Scots), from a picture by Janet in the collection at Hampton Court. Is. 10c?. 421. LORD DARNLEY (the second husband of Mary Queen of Scots), from portraits by Lucas de Heere and an old engraving by Elstracke. Is. 10c?. The complete series of 28 Photographs may be had in a volume, half bound in morocco, price, 3?. 3s. Turner- 's Liber Studiorum. 89 TURNER’S LIBER STUDIORUM. Turner’s Liber Studiorum, a set of fifty-one photographs from the original drawings, by J. M. W. Turner, now in the South Kensington Museum. Price, Is. \0d. each. 422. ST. CATHARINE’S HILL. 423. MORPETH. 424. THE RIVER WYE. 425. GREENWICH HOSPITAL. 426. MARTELLO TOWERS. 427. RIVAULX ABBEY. 428. WINCHELSEA. 429. HINDHEAD HILL. 430. NORHAM CASTLE. 431. HOLY ISLAND CATHEDRAL. 432. DUNSTANBURGH CASTLE. 433. NEAR BLAIR ATHOL. 434. PEAT BOG, Scotland. 435. INVERARY CASTLE. 436. BRIDGE IN MIDDLE DISTANCE. 437. THE CLYDE. 438. FLINT CASTLE, smugglers. 439. LITTLE DEVIL’S BRIDGE, Altdorf. 440. THUN, Switzerland. 441. LAKE OF THUN. 442. THE ALPS FROM GRENOBLE. 443. MOUNT ST. GOTHARD. 444. BONNEVILLE, Savoy. 445. SOLITUDE. 446. HINDOO DEVOTIONS. 447. PASTORAL SCENE. 448. WOMAN PLAYING TAMBOURINE. 449. THE WOMAN OF SAMARIA. 450. THE TENTH PLAGUE. 90 Turner's Liber Studiorum. 451. JASON. 452. COAST OF YORKSHIRE. 453. CEPHALIS AND PROCRIS. 454. PASTOBAL WITH CATTLE. 455. THE WYE AND THE SEVEKN. 456. LAUFENBEEG, Rhine. 457. DLALBLANE ABBEY. 458. EAST GATE, Winclielsea. 459. SKETCH FOR SEA PIECE. 460. YOUNG ANGLERS. 461. JUVENILE TRICKS. 462. BRIDGE AND COWS. 463. PE MB UR Y MILL, Kent. 464. WATERMILL. 465. HEDGING AND DITCHING. 466. STACKYARD. 467. FARMYAJRD, with pigs. 468. MARINE DABBLERS. 469. HINDOO ABLUTIONS. 470. CRYPT, Kirkstall. 471. BRIDGE WITH GOATS. 472. SKETCH FOR SHIPPING. The complete series, comprising 51 drawings, in a volume half-bound in morocco, 51. Paintings by W. Mulready,R.A . 91 PAINTINGS AND DRAWINGS BY W. MULREADY, R.A. 473. CHOOSING THE WEDDING GOWN, from the painting. In the South Kensington Museum . 3s. 474. THE SEVEN AGES, from the painting. In the South Ken- sington Museum. 3s. 475. THE FIGHT INTERRUPTED, from the painting. In the South Kensington Museum. 2s. 3d. 476. THE BUTT. SHOOTING A CHERRY, from the painting. In the South Kensington Museum. 2s. 3d. 477. THE WHISTONIAN CONTROVERSY, from the painting. Lent by Mr. Thomas Baring , M.P. 2s. 8 d. 478. HA YMAKTN G, from the painting. Lent by Mr. Thomas Baring , M.P. ' 2s. 3d. 479. “ TRAIN UP A CHILD IN THE WAY HE SHOULD GO,” from the painting. Lent by Mr. Thomas Baring , M.P. 2s. 3d. 480. THE LAST IN, from the painting. Vernon Collection , in the South Kensington Museum. Is. 10 d. 481. GIVING A BITE, from the painting. In the South Kensington Museum. Is. 10 d. 482. PUNCH, from the painting. Lent by Mr. Thomas Ashton. Is. 10 d. 483. THE WOLF AND THE LAMB, from the painting. Lent by Her Majesty. Is. 10 d. 484. INTERIOR OF AN ENGLISH COTTAGE, from the painting. Lent by Her Majesty. 2s. 3d. 485. THE CARELESS MESSENGER DETECTED, from the painting. Lent by the Earl of Durham. 2s. 3d. 486. HORSES BAITING, from the painting. Lent by Mr. Joseph Gillott. Is. 6d. 487. THE DOG OF TWO MINDS, from the painting. Lent by Mr. William Wells. Is. 6d. 488. THE TRAVELLING DRUGGIST, from the painting. Lent by Mr. John Chapman. 2s. 3d. 489. THE CANNON, from the painting. Lent by the Right Hon. Sir Robert Peel , Bart ., M.P. 2s. 3d. 490. THE CONVALESCENT FROM WATERLOO, from the painting. Lent by Mr. John Jones. Is. 10