R)S£i%?S » a>\ v*^s mm wMzasm* »7'.Sp>MN' .ft S£«jf5 Htt-jBKSu mm r2®M^Sj if TO jfl| **>V~ T0t s&tiMjz&k •a*,. sat?wyrWTJ V T -’ *'i* *< Ip ? 3skSbS®i ilfe; vO^*rS>2 4 //zl2. , > /#/) - 9 /y//rSs,r, -1 2 z’/./i/in , /tstssy/r-r /4,-/# 1 /#/>? c- ' l ISt’i// ^ ’ 'i ^ i /zty/zey, «. X < t tt si t y Sz't' sX. XXS3 r ^ ^ S > . / y • s // > y /. y // 7 / /.-j .-7 * / f * 4. f*7i & L i 9 ? P* s' '1 <~ J - y S t f J •; i 4 t* * t g i rX £ if y % t> A'* . / /* C'% t ' '''if ^ ^ ' » / / / ^i ’>• .2 / / Xz z r yXt c y , «- '"V Sz * z .z t *r A A . y X e z/c s-s X; si / i si/cs Sets' * S'i tt s/, /z ■ XXA3 X A y ‘ / /V ■* { l c l ,Xx D t/'sy A si SeSi S/Ss/''s /' Ssy'S // s'-/ * ’ ^A z s> sl 3 : si/ / Ses y Xi y • S'si z i /; XX . '/A/' ' ' / - ,v _ So V «_ ^ O e j t 2 ^ rt* * , L t '/e M «• A Zt . .1 S l A £ t y' Xct yS «_ //*-4- *-0 ? 2 . XX A 3 7 S? * * /t / ^ 2/n O C /t - S* s CscS fc C*S ^ A 3 «/// / / •Vy * i , V /sieS-iXest ex'? ‘j - ^ / tie s/z <^_s t ^stszes S , /XS?2> / 7l z X 0’S s ct/c X/* A r z*e _ / Aic^s/te-' c'i , , T <_i X, XXO 3 y / y *v 7 V- 7 gr^A r - /l 7^ &PTL&’9£m £?'' _ s* '7- / 7 ' y. ‘ y y * y C fS.le £ s tXs'scts s / S' / /xa3 c)7 s s ^ S r , 'ft s ''At /t'A Z / S2 2 S y Ac ts \ r S Z . - * . . ! s’ l XA /y AS z? A /A A S t r XXc. S As - , S //r t L^y <- • < z 2 t /XX y. A 1 1 ’ 2 >zZ y a *s-s A? s* SAc-t-yr - Xc'y • SXc S C> •~-'ASI y 7 . XXOA/ — ^ // ' ,'X 1 see Sit /,■ 4Vi ^ sl S . S / r k' At c S’ - y- 'y/st-zs :Ac' , ; AZ2S JS XlSK^/st s sy S ' ' ' s Cti yS S’ y **.’ s e . t rus si - e cs<-i i c s //stst ^S' s. " /XAX SXy /SX ATr y y_ Ac Slst 't S< y. sc A C Xl Al-r XcTJSsS CS l cs t tS A sXAA s7d /s/> O /s’ 'A ^-■/is c, cc-ts s/-c st ?, y tic-- 2 ^ s X yy SI ' A- «. X/y>. . s.ytr: . ^,>v.' r >w — 2*y */?" L? ‘- ' St'r*^ S a e/^_c ^.-9^4*- - / 3' ■ /##S~ ~ -■ — ZZf A ‘ * ' ' ' ~V. J S-s# / 0 < ^/Z V . ^ -_ X2/ Ast,f / f ^y/^A^ayA^A X '-> X9/Znxyj *X o/*^, s ^./ urge's t~2 ZZ XXZy^ -- tyC^rt^y ^y/f^ //*s*y X*X/r- /o-jtaJ i ^ XX ^ X - y^XjZ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofextenOOchri i / CATALOGUE „i a j au OF The Extensive Collection of l V > J PICTURES, i * * ~ OF THE • j Y r i \ I a ' ! " ' 1 Italian, Flemish, Dhtclr and English Masters, Collected , during a Series of ujKvards of Thirty Years, by, %' J * • v) ( J AND THE PROPERTY OF, THE LATE Mr. ROBERT GRAVE, Deceased, Of CATHARINE STREET, STRAND; . . ^ Among which are'the Works of LAIRESSE, SCHCEVAERTS, BERCHEM, LE DUCK, CUYP, BROOKING, WOUVERMANS, &c. &c. &c. VAN GOYEN, • , . v *3 7 T M - - PARTICULARLY A capital Portrait 'of Col. Robert Lilburne, by S. Cooper; • OLIVER CROMWELL, S. P.. Lely; A LANDSCAPE, by N. POUSSIN, &c. See . BREUGHELL, RUBENS, VAN DYCK, D. TENIERS, N. POUSSIN, May be Viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, when Catalogues may be had at the Rainbow, Cornhiil, and in Pall Mall. jul - |LAP«5- ,603 Jftn.J LCH ^»-l‘ The 11 hole of the PICTURES, will be offered to the Public in the Stale 11 in which they were Treasured up by the late Proprietor-, and it is presumed many Specimens will be found well deserving the particular Attention of the Amateurs and Dealers. SBbicb TEill be Sold by Auction , By Mr. CHRISTIE,,.- At His Great Roorrij Pall Mall, near Car let on House, n * On Saturday, January 15, and Monday following, AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. 1 s wmmimm ■ I li CONDITIONS OF SALE AS USUAL. HP T (f'i; CATALOGUE, $C. §*(?. Firft Day’s Sale, . SATURDAY, JANUARY the 15th, 1803. ,q/ 2,

" Two of Fifh, and 2 Landfcapes Two Landfcapes, One, and 6 others, various James I. and 9 others, various «- S/'* 2 ii c x *,»* A Toper, and a Venus and Cupid, Watteau Dead Chrift, a Landfcapc and Portrait A Landfcape and Figures Ten Portraits, various One of Dogs and 3 others r A Study of Cattle and 5 others jlJ Sir O. Bridgman and 9 others, Portraits — 19 Village Fete, and a Cupid, emblematical 1 - 2 ■ 3 -4 - 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 3 *4 15 16 U 18 / 32 •/ A Z — Bourgonone — 20 x 7 //.•*/Griffier —• — 21 AZ - P. Lely — — 22 A5 - E. Heemlkirk — 2 3 2* •• y *— Holbien — — 24 2 " — O Grifficr _ 25 y ■ At? __ Dobfpn — — 26 A •• 3 — Goltzius — 27 . - Dahl • > — 28 % . V Z.sz.fc olllns — 1 29 Z ■ . A

— 3° 2.3 - P. Brill •' =^* 1 • — 3* 2 • — S. Ruyfdael — 32 / • Z r S. P. Lely * * •' -• A3 •* /iMolenaer •» 33 34 A . AZ O. Wyek — — 35 ~ Ay" — Kneller — — 3 6 / 2*" — Holbein — — 37 ^ '* *— Heemlkirk — 38 - T «— Swaine — — 39 / • Aa ^ Guerchino — 40 ^ -' Wynants •— — 4 1 -v /£> - S. Bourdon — 42 Z .. A5 — O. Oram — — 43 ' -—» E. Heemlkirk — 44 / '' -• Scrani — A . & ]Richardfon — 45 46 A/ .4 Fyt — _ 47 <^3riffier — __ 48 /■ // • ^Vernet — — 49 / . r - Lei, - — 5° >0 - yO' - Mompart — — 5i A . Lambert «—• -a- '52 «"> . /z» w- V. Goyen — • 53 " r • ~ Schoevarts — — 54 Z Z — LeBrupr — — 55 ^ - A3~- Titian — —■ 39 A —/ — A. Johnfon —» — 57 A •~ * Brughell — — 58 2 . AtP - Teniers — — 59 9 [ 3 ] Pair, Battles Fire of London Portrait of N. Gwin, and 4 others — £ Ac r A^/ 1 //'y* ✓ 7 . V« ^ > _ Pair, Dutch Converfations Queen Mary Pair, Fifli and Fruit ^^ r /9 e /r^ His own Portrait and 5 others One, Hirtorical and 4 others «. Portrait of John Harrifon of Leeds, and KirktUli Abbey w A/^jfy- Dead Game and 1 other &A^,, 0 ^ 2 . A, Ditto, and 1 other sAc*— Elijah and 2 others ^./s > Ar^AA, * Two Landfcapes Ai> ? Lady Mary Fielding and 1 other * 0 ^ Pair, Gamefters fighting r~ Stag Hunt *- At/y" 9^ 7 Y Four Portraits, Clergyman, Ez. Burton, &c. Pair, Filh, &c. -■> A^iAAA Pair, Boors regaling An* Two of Shipping, and 2 Drawings, Gardie David with the Head of Goliah, and a Nun at Devotion C^r Ae f t s Butterflies and Thirties, and 3 of Shipping 77 /*)^., e - The Flight, and a Battle, Old Franks •_i / y A Grand Landfcape ^ ^r 'AA*’A& Pair, Boors regaling _ &//, As++* Hippomenes and Atalanta, and 1 of Shipping / AZ. f Portrait of Himfelf, and 1 of Lord Landfdown > AA^-trYc^ Pair, Dead Game - ' A Landfcape with Figures and 2 others As/*' ASA A%, > j A Sea Storm *, -A**' Az> c x 71 7"* Landfcape and Figures, Teniers, and 1 Roos, dead Game c A**' /?*<: Landfcape and Figures and a of Ruins *%/?,A*. «^r, j Fifhermen, a Pair crT*? - 7 Two Views of the Pont Neuf, with figures -> Tent of Darius — 'AA> Venus, after w /Jx> lAYtii’Yy " Duke of Buckingham arfld Judge Crew . v? r />2 . Study of Armour and Boy’s Head, Reubens *.,/'< ■> AA$ Y, * < tAb ~~r* r f Temptation of St. Anthony At* A, * „ 4 ^ /o /33 IL / . z ~ / z A . y . A - 1 ^ . / . c2 Z. 2 . / . y . y J . 2. 2 . j 2 2 / y /L Z - S2f ~ - G. Laireffe ~ '-T. Bernardus 22* - Tordaens / 2 . ' *> Rubens ‘f* — D 8 Koning 2& ~ Titian - Le Seur — 2* - Qblfzius - V. Dyke •- L. V. Leyden Diepenbeck • Rubens M. Beale Rubens Cuyp — Lancret Velafques 2 ^ Fruttiers /& — R. Tivoli ■ f ^ Sachtleven /& ~ Pynaker * — ^feackhuyfen 27" A. Oltade . /6~~ Vanderneer . 23 - Teniers * ' - Ryfbrack 22>,~ Bas Relief ° —Ditto - • --2Z) Watteaux /o - Italian . /o ^ Bourgonon [ 4 J S~ /_ 2* - sS /- 27 I 23#'Jb 6 o 6 x, 62 6 3 64 6 5 66 67 68 ^9 '70 7 1 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Si 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 9° Infant Hercules and 1 other A Marriage Ceremony x^^t^ t> . > Shepherd Piping y72rz2z> Flight into Egypt 272#-?,a Live Fowls ^ Venus and Cupid, after Sufannah and the Elders **£/«_ Ceres Emblematical Portrait of Lady Derby Wifemens Offering 1 *r>xJ Meleager and Atalanta 2^/2!?* Holy Family Portrait of Dryden x^frr , Ruben’s Wife Sheep in a Fold A Converfation, and one of Ruins Portrait of a Spanilh Nobleman «.. /s.*' Two, Fifh and Fruit Pair, Landfcapes and Cattle A Landfcape Landfcape and Figures «_ yyyr A Sea Piece *?/<+—- ^ The Senfes, a Pair, Seeing and Tailing Sun fet x^ yey y exttr-^ Live Filh Boys in Terra Cotta r* i J Judgement of Paris, Ditto Boy and Dolphin, Ditto Mufical Converfation, Champetre Two high finiflied Drawings on Vellum «_ .A-ey A Bottle and 3 others aCtr- -> 22> c Z , 2. / - y x /$ - - //? ~ 9 1 /Z xr /9 2 £ . 93 yz FRAMES. Four Gilt Frames «— y*'* A French Frame and 5 others c-^5r ^ Eight various Parcel of fmall Frames /$>, 9 $ % Six Frames t T" ~ 94 2 yz ~ END of the FIRST DAY’S SALE. C 5 J * ^tfTTt'f ttTfffTtftTtTff t+ft + Tt+ fTTft?i% AW jt±.±±A±±.J^.. ./a* 4£**% •a^ wf* •>!'• «>N « *£$41 Second Day’s Sale, MONDAY, JANUARY the 17 th, 1803 . jf < " - - /a. 2 . -^r.i * y^ w, £ . /i. / - Ay . 2 A ^ / J». / * ^ y/y. / * /i) v? .O - /. /tf V y* >" /£p v ,2~ 3 v -4 —- y ^ ^ ^ •3 . /t r S Six of Fruit and Flowers,- &c. * « 3 r Five of Flowers, &c. y Six Portraits, various, Richardfon, See. Six Ditto, Bifhops Burnet, Stillingfleet, See. +/<>-— Six of Flowers, ditto Ten Landfcapes, various <-&/>* 'y'j'c** F'ive Hiftorical ditto A /& ^ r //^ Six Portraits, George and Chriftopher Dukes of’ Al¬ bemarle, Sec. A Winter Scene and io others various , A A converfation and 5 others various * 'x y ,/S , J'.A A Bafs Relievo and 3 others One Hiftorical and 2 others ► y * opl , 1 e r-c/ caA A es u 5 / • /P . 3 .. c n y. Wilfon — — 27 / ../ (Pv. R. Tivoli — 45 3> . 23. ^O. Venius - — 46 Jr. /ft ^. .V. Goyen — - — 47 22 , 27~ Barochio — — 48 2 . 2 /~ G. Oechialli — 49 / /c9 ^ Bocdani — — 5° ^ 2S~ — C. Schut — — 5i /J> - §nyders — — 5 2 **.. /~r. a Artois 53 "2 .. 2o - Loten — — 54 £ £ Rottenhamer — 55 *3 _ __ Weenix — — 5 6 2 . . S’ - Le Suer —? — 57 ,

.6 S* Concha — 59 3 ... 3> Pouflin — — 60 JutPv.C. Cignani — 6 t , ZS- /v. Goyen — 62 - /P w Lambert — — 6 3 3 .. 2o — Brooking — — 64 j! . yO. ^Heemlkirk /—-£-- — 65 C 6 ) A Sketch and 9 others ._ '/£■?' 1?3 Eight large Portraits, Sir Kenelm Digby, Set, x^yfyy' tScj'fr Jcfus and St. John and 7 others Siege of Maeftritch, and 2 others ^_^eyy < C r l< —> Ten of Shipping, various eC$o~r*j —> Six Portraits on Panhells, See. Two, Portraits of Oliver, and Robert Walker by Himfelf David and Abigail, and 11 others * A Frofl; Piece and 4 others 0 Adoration of Saints at d 7 others /S' The Antient City of 1\ elfina, before the Earthquake An Interior and 14 others Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk ^ 4 e>——) Fruit A Battle, very fpirited , Beggar Boys f£> Pair, Live Fifil <- 2 .■> So '— 4 v 2 . F ~ S$r~ S~M - * ^ ~ ^ . - 6 ~ ~ 4 -t~ :r~-;T~ 4 — 9-9 - 9 -9 ' So So >. 4 - o~ - Jr„ /-/- Z • /;T S^s 0 \ 2 , . & ~ J . ~ 2 ~S2 5 ~ / . Sr - Snayr /O - Artois — 2 ~S 2 .fa‘ PouOin X. sr- ,/feverdingen ^5 • / 5 ~ - Swaine — y 3 /S~ — Weenix — S • - StS- a * More — f C O ) 66 Landfcape with Boats and Figures 67 Land Storm 68 A Landfcape ’Co 69 Landfcape and Figures 70 'One fmall, Perfeus and Anrdomeda, and Circumcifion 71 Brifk Gale 72 Pair, Nell Gwyn, and her Children 73 Venus couchant, after Sp^rcS> * 74 A Group of Cattle ^>So -) 75 Venus and Cupid «— 7 e *' 1 76 Dead Game, and 1 other, mells, 5cc % 77 Hare and dead Game SSSs 78 A Garland of Flowers aSo -7 79 Crucifixion 80 Ferdinand Lord Fairfax 81 P.ir, Romantic Views $lr 82 The Rialto 8 } Oliver Crom well 84 Flowers atiH Infe&s 8<; A Garland of Flowers SS 86 Prince Rupert, and r other, Half Length 87 Portrait of Robert Colonel Lilburne, CAPITAL 88 A warm Evening Scene S^/^^y^cS' 89 The Arfcna 1 at Venice, and the Rialto K ^' 2 c y >'& 90 Margaret Smith / 91 Landfcape and Figures Si , 2 ^ Xr ^ 92 Landfcape, &c. 93 Cattle and Figures t.. j* » - ■ * * •. . . : 1 , *■:: ’ s> - >iti. . m» I 01 —• n 3 ^ /n r-4 lit — I # . 991*1 ll Li. oil D JOI — -r ’ 1 - ;-*-- - -> I J.'Smecton, Printer, 148, St. Martin’s Lane. | ‘----/ X ii •«v igSB A'tjs/ &11^w ff?*r oiiEffia 2rO$®?* * if? T-iV'^n^wS; Vtly^Ssy \g* Sg|| jWfcC^x V^/j r FT mm «sa w&jfki * WMmm r ^ 4& .VT y?^ jwrv >«c • j V/a p** -C^C *? "%£y