l/6/9ii to 5/29/9U Ij 1 : ^.. w ll.>^ ^v \:WLLOYB ^' ■•^" Ik 'A 4mM- \ >-1 .i [#' ,iti^ MODERN PICTURES AND lKato-r0lottr Iratuings, TUE PUOPEUTY OF TUE LATS JAMES BBAND, ESQ. THE COLLECTION OF MODERN PICTURES attr-£0l0iir Braluittgs, OF JAMES BEAND, ESQ., Deceased, late of Sanderstead Court, Surrey: WHICH (6^ Order of the Executors) Messrs CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEm (S^KiLT E^QMS, 8 KING STEEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1894, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Three Days preceding, and Catalogues Jaad, at Messrs. Christie, I\Ianson and Woods' Offices, 8 King Street, St James's Square, S. W. LVJ S'^'iX'^ T \ d \D'^, I - r\ r^ \„'X \ CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispiite arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. II. No person to advance less than l.s. ; above Five Pounds, 5s. ; and so on in proportion. IJI. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5.s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up agam and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale ; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. Vn. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited ; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by jjublic or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, MARCH 10, 1894, AT ONE O OLOOK PEECISKLY. DRAWINGS. 1 A Study of a Gibl /c^ 9- L. APOL. 2 A River Scene: Winter /u.-t.iS' ARTZ. 3 A Dutch Fisherwoman and Boy ARTZ. 4 The Pet Lamb /c xy J. S. BACKHUYSUM. 5 An Extensive Landscape /{^^ zy^- BLOMMERS. 6 A Dutch Peasant Woman, with children /6x^/ B 2 BLOMMERS. 7 A GiEL Knitting, and a baby, by the coast J. BOSBOCM. 8 SOHEVBNINGEN J. BOSBOOM. 9 A Canal Scene, with boats and figures J. BOSBOOM. 10 Interior op a Cathedral, with shrine J. BOSBOOM. 11 An Interior, with figures J. BOSBOOM. 12 Interior of a Church, with figures J. BOSBOOM. 13 VOUDRICHAN J. BOSBOOM. 14 A Staircase F. J. DU CHATTEL. 15 A Landscape, with cottage and woman drying clothes F. J. DU CHATTEL. 16 A KiVER Scene, with a man drawing a net F. J. DU CHATTEL. 17 An Upeight Rivee Scene, with a man iu a punt JIOX/0~ F. J. DU CHATTEL. 18 A KivKR Scene, with windmill F. J. DU CHATTEL. 19 A EivER Scene, with windmills and barges F. J. DU CHATTEL. 20 A Canal Scene, with wood-cutters L. APOL. 21 A Scene in a Wood /"'^/'i- VAN DER DRYT. 22 A View in Amsterdam '^^"^ J. D. EBERSBACH. 23 In Rotterdam "sxb- ^^L4nhij2.^»^ J. D. EBERSBACH. ^ 24 View in a Dutch Town S^^" ^^^^-i/vzam-i^ P. VAN ELVEN. 25 A French Town on a River JAN VAN ESSEN. 26 A Dutch River Scene, with cottages T. HANKATH. JA =^. /U-t MS- 27 A Meadow Sokne, with cows T. U. HERMANS. 28 Head of an Old Man /.P-r/^ ISAAC ISRAELS. ^ -^^ 29 Interior of a Mill, with a man at a grindstone -^^^^^^'^^^ J. ISRAELS. ^'*- 30 A Dutch Fisher Girl /^/ HAtMOi J. ISRAELS. 31 Children Sailing a Toy Boat -^^Kd" /ojZcctv J. ISRAELS. 32 A Girl and a Youth, in a country lane ^^^(hh^Ay J. ISRAELS. 33 Two Children at the Door of a Cottage <^cx^)'^z£tU ''^<3^^^Xc^ ^-Vihi::^ /^ ^A H. W. MESDAG. 47 Dutch Fishing Boats, oflf Scbeveningen T. MEULEN. ^0 48 Peasants in a Cart /^/i? T. OFFEKMANS. -^/^ 49 A Dutch Court yaed ^^7 T. OFFEEMANS. ^^ 50 The Violin Maker /6^/:)~ OyOcca/l W. ROELOFS. 51 A Landscape, with sheep /»Ytt^ ^^ov^iu-^ A. SCHELFHOUT, 52 A Coast Scene, with fishing boats C. SPRINGER. 7 53 A Dutch Street Scene, with figures C. SPRINGER, 1886. •V^ 54 A View in a Dutch Town : shoeing a horse W. THOLEN. ^^ 55 Waiting for the Fishing Boats ^f^£(jO J. W. WEISSENBRUCH. ^ ^ ^•^ 56 A SoiNE Near a Village ; and A Village on a River— a 'j^axr 9 H. W. MESDAG. 57 A View in a Dutch Town, with boats --^^/Tud^j)-^ ZIMMERMAN. 58 Fbans Hals and his Wife, after F. Hals ZIMMERMAN. - ' - 59 The Standard Beaeee, after Van der Heist ZIMMERMAN. /Cyx 60 Madame Jacobs Ba8, after Rembrandt ZIMMERMAN. ^ 61 A Head, from the Night Watch, after Rembrandt ZIMMERMAN. *^*- 62 Governors of the Hospital for Old Men, after F. Hals ZIMMERMAN. ^/^ 63 Governesses of the Hospital for Old Women, after F. Hals ZIMMERMAN. ^ 64 Le Bon Compagnon, after F. Hals '^^t^oJCcx/^i'ipC^yt^ry^ ZIMMERMAN. •^;^ 65 Le Fou, after F. Hals 3 r x -^^ ^^MiKp(^xcL^,^>^ / ]0 PICTURES. ARTZ. y^ 66 Waiting fob the Boats ^^>»cy y^^u^TL^ J. STIRLING DYCE. ^ 11 K Wintry Day v^t^^ W. DYCE, R.A., 1858-9. ^^ 78 A Scene in Arun '^^'f) (A^-T^Jt^^ W. DYCE, R.A. Y'^ 79 The Virgin and Child, in a landscape f^^oouoi^lij W. DYCE, R.A. ^^0 80 PEGWELL BAY : a Recd!?ctiSn ot October 5, 1858^^^^^-^ Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1860 Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 W. DYCE, R.A. ^ 81 SHIRRAPBURNj LOCH^'^^'/ ^y^7ie<^ Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 W. DYCE, R.A. / 82 THE FLIGHT INTO EYGPT z(Myt- Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 /ffX/O W. DYCE, R.A. 83 THE MADONNA AND CHILD ^c^z^-pU^ From the Artists' Sale, 1865 12 W. DYCE, R.A. US.0 84 TITIAN PEEPARING TO MAKE THE FIRST ESSAY /fe^^^ IN COLOURS Kidolfi states that Titian, when a little boy, gave the earliest indication of his future eminence as a colourist by drawing a Madonna, which he coloured with the juices of flowers. 38 in. by 29 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1857 Exhibited in the International Exhibition, 1862 Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 W. DYCE, R.A. ^^^ 85 ST. JOHN LEADING HOME HIS ADOPTED MOTRERO^^-Afu^ 33 in. by 4.4^ in. Painted in 1844 Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1860 Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 W. DYCE, R.A. -2^^ 86 KING LEAR AND THE FOOL IN THE STORM ^^htKi^t^ Fool. O Nuncle ! court -holy- water in a dry house is better than rain-water out o' door. Good Nuncle, in, ask thy daughter's blessing : here's a night pities neither wise men nor fools. Lear. Rumble thy bellyful, spit fire, spout rain ; Nor rain, wind, thunder, fire are my daughters; I tax not you, you elements, with uukindness. I never gave you kingdom, call'd you children. You owe me no subscription. Then let fall Your horrible pleasure But yet I call you servile ministers That will with two pernicious daughters join Your high engender'd battels 'gainst a head So old and white as this. O ho I 'tis foul. 54 in. by 72 in. Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1851 13 T. FAED, R.A. ^o 87 " I Take this Opportunity " . F. GOODALL, R.A., 1870. Jii" 88 Bedouin Girl jie>K/>- KEELEY HALSWELLE. ^ 89 Pilgrims at a Shrine ^^'x/J^ -^Ay^pTju^ KEELEY HALSWELLE. 7^'^ 90 Interior of St. Peter's, with pilgrims uOoox^aaJ^ C. HANCOCK. 91 An Interior, with figures and dogs ; and Dogs / fOi^ZCd S. A. HART, R.A. 92 The Alchemist /^cy.3o ^^ff-Tf-^Lo, / '/^"^-pt^ T. M. HAY. «^/4- 93 Evening ^ ^.ir E. HAYES. /C 94 A Coast Soene, with boat^r^^ G. E. HICKS, 1858. «^A— 95 The Labourer's Eeturn ^-^ < /-T J. C. HOOK, K.A., 1869. ^2'0 96 THE BOAT Be^'^ ^. rLoCHjt^Ay— " It, served them for kitchen and parlour and all." Exhibited at the Boyal Academy, 1869 Exhibited at the Jubilee Exhibition, Manchester, 1887 14 W. H. HOPKINS. 6"/iu 97 Winter Quarters /^x/y J. ISRAELS. ^/^ 98 COMING ASHORE /6^/o ^^^OCtA^n. F. R. LEE, R.A., 1857. 99 THE BANKS OF THE RIVER TAW, North Devon F. R. LEE, R.A. 100 LooH DooHART, in the Deer Forest of the Black Mount F. R. LEE, R.A. 101 A Highland Stream, near Killin, Perthshire C. S LIDDERDALE, 1862. 102 An Irish Peasant Girl — oval-S''^ S^h^cJdL^ C. S. LIDDERDALE. ^/>' 103 The Inventor /^^/6 ^^(iAaM> SIR J. E. MILLAIS, R.A. /^O 104 A SCHOOL TEACHER ^oxvv- ^^^tjuaj- H. MOORE, R.A., 1859. y^ 105 Sleighing Ferns 3i-\Si G. MOELAND. y,^^ '^^ 106 A Coast Scene, with man on horseback and figures on a road 15 F. MOSCHELES, 1862. ?6 107 When Mamma is Oot J^'^^»^' Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1862 A. F. MDTRIE. y*- 108 Spring Flowers /j^j^ P. NASMYTH, 1824. 109 A Waterfall, with bridge /i?^!' ^^' (/q£/^(/7\/ E. J. NIEMANN. ^ 110 A Coast Scene, with fishing boats J. PHILLIP, R.A. 111 THE GLEANER /^^^^ L. J. POTT. 112 The Minuet /^^Slo A. PROVIS, 1858. 113 The Orphans ^^ F. REDGRAVE, 1871. 114 The Wood-cutters jsox't-t^ F. REDGRAVE. 115 Lengthening Shadows '^^ R. REDGRAVE, R.A., 1858. 116 The Emigrant's Last Sight of Home " Have we not seen, round Britain's peopled shore, Her useless sons, exchanged for useless ore, Forced from their homes, a melancholy train, To traverse climes beyond the western main." ^O^ifOz^ /^ 16 G. SANT. '9 117 A Pool in a Wood : Autumn *^<>^^M^tViAT' 3 «>■%$(> .. S. SIMPSON. *v^ lis Little Nell /S>^/ii. G. C. STANFIELD. ^^ 119 At Bebncastbl, on the Moselle G. C. STANFIELD. 120 A Paek Scene, with mansion W. J. WEBB, 1863. 121 A Shephekd of Jerusalem Qp-uznMsh W. F. WITHERINGTON, R.A., 1861. /? , ._ ^0 122 Scene on the Old Main Road, near Bettws-y-Coed Exhibited at the Royal Academy, 1861 ITALIAN SCHOOL. /^ 123 The Virgin and Child *(!v.4J— RUYSDAEL. 124 A Coast Scene, with fishing boats J. RUYSDAEL. p^". 125 A WooDT Landscape, with a peasant and animals on a road Signed FINIS. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross. .-IT .^ k ) v> r #^■^ ^ ■ '^^ll^^ P'-^x >^^ '■%^^:' » ' ;\: ^iTJ 4- • ' ^ ^ ^ N li^ ^ V GETTY CENTER LIBRARY 3 3125 00834 2194 S'^/