A CATALOGUE ittrst i&art B. PERUZZI, S. BOURDON, A. DURER, GIORGIONE, PATELLE, H. GRUNEWALD, BAROCCIO, MILLE, L. CRANACH, BONVINCINO, LE MOINE, H. BROSOMER, P. VERONESE, BOULOGNE, Q MATZYS, A. CARACCI, RUBENS, ALDEGRAFF, CAVIDONE, VANDYCK. HOLBIEN, A. SACCHI, HONTHORST, C. SCHWARTZ. MAGNIFICENT AND TRUDY CAPITAD COLLECTION of PICTURES, AVELL KNOAVN AS FORMING THE Truchsessian Gallery; AVHICH HAVE BEEN IMPORTED AT AN IMMENCE EXPENCE FROM THE CONTINENT. They comprise some of the_^nesf Works of the most celebr-ated Masters of the ITALIAN, FRENCH, FLEMISH, G ERM AN, DUTCH SCHOOLS, VIZ. REMBRANDT, OSTADE, WOUVERMANS, DU JARDIN, RUYSDAEL, MIERIS, BROWER, NEEFS. Among the various D’Eoitrres are The St. Catherine and Angels, Correggio; Laocoon and his Sons, Guido Caokacci; a Woman witli her Child asleep, Rembrandt ; a grand Landscape, View of Tivoli, by Moucheron and Berciiem ; a beautiful Landscape, by Both ; together with several rare Specimens of the early German School, suitable for Altar Pieces. the whole of which will be peremptorily sold :autrton. By Mejf. SKINNER, DYKE, SC Co. WITHOUT RESERVE, On THURSDAY the 27th of MARCH, 1 806, at Twelve o’Clock,.^ AND TWO FOLLOWING DAYS, AT THE TRUCHSESSIAN GALLERY, ^ In the New Road, Mary-le-bone, London. To be viewed Three Days preceding the Sale. Catalogues may be had, at One Shilling each, on the Premises, and of Mess. Skinner, Dyke, Sp Co. Aldersgate Street. also of Mr. C/ardtcc//, Printer, Bath; Mess. Rud/iall Co. Printers, Bristol; Mr. Billings, Prinler, Liverpool; Mr. Donaldson, Biinter, Edinburgh; Mr. Tail, Printer, Glasgow ; and of Mess. Gilbert and Hodges, Booksellers, Dublin. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. THE highest Biddei* to be the Buyer, and if any Dispute shall arise between two- or more Bidders, the Lot to he put up again. 2. No Person to advance less than Two Shillings and Six-pence, — above Five Pounds, Five Shillings -above Ten Pounds, Ten Shillings ; — above Twenty Pounds, Twenty Shillings and so on in proportion. 3. Each Buyev to pay a Deposit of 20 per Cent in Part of Payment for each Lot, and to declare his Name and Place of Abode if required. 4. The Lots to be taken away (with all Faults) at the Buyer’s Expence, within Three Days after the Sale is ended, and the Remainder of the Purchase-Money to be *»■ absolutely paid before the Delivery. Lastly-— If any Lots remain uncleared after the Time limited, the Deposit-money shall be forfeited, the Lots re-sold, and theDeficiency, if any, together with the Charges, to be made good by the Defaulters in the present Sale. ■> CATAlLOOtTE. FIRST DAY’S SALE, THURSDAY the 27th of MARCH, ISOS, at Twelve o’clock. / 2 li Molyn Van Cuylenbvrg German Saenredam i" P. Van Bhemen- ^ De Vries. LOT. 1 2 3 4, 5 - 6 Old Numbers of the Exhibition . Catalogue. Landscape with Caravans, and Travellers 326 The Interior of a Grotto, with Nymphs Bathing • • • • 140 Two Portraits of Children 775 The Interior of a Saloon, highly finished 85 A Herdsman attending his Flock 415 A View on the Banks of a River, with the Ruins of a T ower, the refiection on the water admirably managed 399 Camyitelli. 7 A Fox tearing a Goose 638 S. Rosa. 8 A Pair of Cavern Scenes, with Banditti Figures, elegant compositions and spiritedly painted 605 G. Hamilton. 9 A Spaniel Dog, with Dead Game and Hunting Equipage 12 Everdingen. 10 , A Romantic Landscape with a Torrent of Water • • 86 Razenstein. 11 Portrait of a. Scholar 348 Spielaberger. 12 Solomon’s Idolatry 17 4 FIRST day’s sale. Firft LOT. P. Mirevddt. 13 H. Brosamer. 14 J. Both. 1.3 F. W. Tamm. l6 Segers. 17 TVabbe. 1 8 L, Kralie. ip Mander. 20 H. Berkkeyde. 21 I u \ D. Van Bergen. 22 V' t Ditto 23 Lingleback 24 Keller 25 H. Sell oenf elder. 26 Van Dalen. 27 X Verboom. 28 A. Snellinck. 29 Bylaert. 30 Mommers. 3 1 A. B. D. 32 F. F. Franck. 33 Solemacker. 34 Old Numbers of the Exhibition Catalogue. Portrait of a Prince of Nassau 349 Portrait of a Man, with a Latin Inscription, 1526. A curious specimen of the master 8l6 View on a River, with a Cataract 337 Dead Game 80 The Madona and Child, &c. in a Circle of Flowers, in fne preservation 400 Portrait of Himself 780 Head of an Apostle, and Companion 2 The Israelites beseiging Jericho, and Companion* . 776 The Peasant, and his Lawyer, highly finished 421 An Italian Scene, with Cattle and Figures 230 The Companion • 230 The Piazza di Spagna at Rome, with a 'N'ariety of Figures 146 The Interior of a Church 120 The Flagellation of Christ 79 Portrait of Himself, with his Wife and Child, painted with great truth 4-62 A mountainous Landscape, with Figures, by Lingleback 35 1 The Four Elements, elaborately finished 125 Christ washing the Feet of his Disciples * • 324 A Market for Vegetables. . 310 A mountainous and woody Landscape, with a Mono- gram • 441 Moses smiting the Rock 75 A Landscape with Figures, and Horses watering at a Spring 297 5 b(V Part. LOT. Van Vlifit. 35 D. U. Bt. .36 Megan. 37 Ditto 38 - J. Jordaens. 39 Wouvermans. 40 H, Franck. 41 De Wael. 42 Ditto. 43 L. Bramer,. 44 ^ Bout ^ Bodicyns, 45 D. Calvert. 46 M. De Meyer. 47 Orizonti, 48 Ditto. 49 W. Romeyn. 50 Vanderneer. 51 Jan. Jordaens. 52 Ehrenbcrg. 53 L. Cranach. 54 Van Asch 55 P. Laura 56 FIRST day’s sale. Old Numbers of I the Exhibition Catalogue. The Interior of a Church 311 A Landscape minutely finished, with a Monogram • • 320 A Forest Scene, with Figures 398 The Companion Job visited by his Friends, finely coloured 39-1 A Landscape, with menage Horses exercising 356' The Passage of the Red Sea 313 Fighting for the Standards, spiritly touch’d 457 The Companion, ofi equal merit • • • The Adultress before Christ 298 A mountainous Landscape, with a Pilgrimage 318 The Judgment of Paris 742 A View of Scheveling, with a Variety of Figures, a brilliant and interesting picture 127 A Landscape, with a distant View of the Vatican at Rome 294 The Companion A Landscape with Cattle reposing 174 A Winter Scene, with Figures Skaiting 90 The Passage of the Red Sea, a grand composition, painted -with great spirit 382 A grand Architectural Scene, with the Angel Tobit, and his Father 434. Christ Crucified, a curious specimen 784 A Landscape, with a River and Figures 326' Pigmalion embracing the Statue, and Bacchus and Ariadne, gracefully composed • • • • 575 6 LOT. L. Giordano. 57 F. Baroccio. 58 F. Monti. 59 Bonvincino. 60 M. Ricci. 61 Craesbeck. 62 Carpionc. 63 Van Oost. 64 J. Both. 65 Giorgione. 66 A. Castelli. 67 Ditto. 68 A. Tempest a. 69 Honthorst. 70 J. Lys. 71 f. De Witt. 72 M. Angelo. 7'3 Quellinus SfBrughel. 74 C: Ferri. 75 L. Boulogne. 76 FIRST day’s sale. Firft Old Numbers of the Exhibition ^ Catalogue. An Allegory on the Origin of Man, capital 831 The Nativity 576 A pair of Battle Pieces 614 The Adoration of the Magi ; the works of this esteemed master are very rare 616 Architecture and Figures, a pair 623 & 587 An Interior, with Dutch Boors, one playing the Bag- Pipe, very fine 229 A Bacchanalian Revel 566 Philemon and Baucis entertaining the Gods 358 A View of a Grotto on the Road to Ponte Lamentana, in his best manner 309 Portrait of a Man in a Pelisse, fine 5^0 The Battle of the Israelites, painted with great spirit, and brilliancy of colouring 610 The Companion, of equal merit . A Landscape with Figures and Cattle, a tasteful com- position 611 Christ on the Mount of Olives, 286 Dalilah cutting off Sampson’s Locks 81 A Flemish Festival, on-e of his best pictures 252 The last Judgment, with folding Pannels, “ School o^” 828 The Adoration of the Magi, in a Circle of Flowers, an interesting and high finished picture 385 Peace concluded with the Sabines, fine 625 Cupid in Triumph, surrounded with Nymphs and Tritons, a graceful composition, exquisitely finished 667 Part. FIRST day’s sale. 7 Old Numbers of the Exliibitioa Catalogue. Tilborgh. 77 A Fete in a Dutch Village, the different characters ex- pressed with accuracy, and painted in a pleasing tone of colour 219 Grunewald. 78 The Life of Christ in Twelve Compartments, an ex- traordinary effort of the early period of the Art s» • • • 824 H. Schoenfelder. 79 Dido Expiring on the Pile, finely drawn and beautifully coloured 8 Mouckeron. 80 A grand Italian Scene, View of Tivoli, with Figures, by Berchem , capital 2l6 THE END OF THE FIRST DAY. ) >“ -V ^•,!.: u: ■'■'■ ’Ml' i' 'r.\ } '• Si Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/firstpartofthatmOOskin SECONB DAY’S SALE. FRIDAY the 28th of MARCH, ISOo', at Twelve o’Clock. LOT. J. Vandermeer, 81 Van de Venue. 82 ^Van Goyen. 83 S. Ricci. 84 — . De Heuss. 85 Van Lyn. 86 De TVael. 87 S. Rombouts. 88 Vandermyn. 89 Baugin. 90 Poorter. } (fi 91 Palcko. ! Of/ C) 92 Old Numbers of the Exhibition Catalogue. A Herdsman and Flock 178 Four Pictures representing Boors Quarrelling 725 A View on the Banks of a Canal • 737 Cincinnatus recalled to the Command of the Army, a spirited sketch 647 A V'iew of Monte Oreste, near Civita Castellana, an elegant specimen 218 A Halt of Travellers at an Inn Door 433 The Tribute Money, highly finished 445 A Forest Scene, and Figures 177 A Flower Piece, highly Jtnished 410 Cupid .* 810 Flistory of Chrisias and Callirhoe, finely preserved and finished^ equal to G. Doiv 342 Christ at the House of the Pharisee, and Companion tastefully composed • • 45 B 10 SECOND day’s SALE; Firft Old Numbefs of the Eihibition Catalogue. Michau. J 9 93 Landscape and Figures 133 Ditto. } J; 9‘i The Companion Graedt. iy: } 95 A Forest and Cattle 170 C. Schutt./^ 96 A Groupe of Geniis flying, spirited 251 Knyp. ^ 97 The Adoration of the Shepherds 280 J. Bntgiiel.^ 98 A small Landscape, with a Holy Family, a high finished o.nd pleasing picture 88 V.W.Tamm.^, i 99 Fruit and Flowers, and Companion 152 L.Garzi. j .<3 100 Christ bearing the Cross, a graceful and expressive picture 893 Pfeyl. {/' ' 101 Portrait of Margaret Dottels, l621 34 Wick. ^ ^ 102 The Four Evangelists, with their Emblems 323 E. De Witte. ^ 103 The Interior of the Cathedral at Haerlem, very fine • • 332 C. De Witte. 104 A View of the Ruins of Adrian’s Villa at Tivoli • • • • 403 A,Blowaert.f ]^^ 105 The Baptism of Christ 9~ Thulden. j 106 Flerodias with the Head of St. John 341 Lange Peter. 107 A Fish Market, drawn and painted icith great truth and force of (feet 7^3 Ditto, if ■ fj The Companion, of equal merit Solimeni. J^ 109 An emblematical Picture of the Seasons and Ele- ments, gracefully composed * 584 Balestra. A 110 Abraham prostrating before the Angels 571 Patelle. ^ ''*/ 111 An elegant Italian Scene, with Figures, very fine • • . • 818* Momper. 112 A mountainous Landscape S3 Ditto. - 113 The Companion Marienhoef. /^^//ll4 The Adoration of the Magi 514 Part. HKCO'SV DAY S .SAi-D. ] 1 G. De Crayer. LOT. 01(1 Ximibcrs of (lie Exliil)ilioii Calaloguo. A Family kneeliug before the Tribunal of Christ, capital Vunier Ulft. f 'll 6 " A View in Ancielit Rome f . . f. ' « .512 7-. n-pd:. ./^:y 117 Van lycssel. 118 Rottenhamcr. 119 Rubens. 120 Rembrandt. 121 Craesbcck. 122 -Ruysdacl. 123 \ J. F. Reich. 124 Ditto. 125 S. Conca. 126 — J. Fyt. 127 P. Sneyders. 128 V tr surer. 129 Hans Hulsmann. 4130 L. Giordano. Berkheyde. f' f Molenaer. 133 Trevisani. 134 S. Bourdon. "^35 Romanelli. 136 Slingeland. ' 137 A Landscape, with a Sea Port and Figures 4-07 A Landscape, with a Bleaching Ground, venjjine •• 5l6" The Judgment of Paris, highly finished 121 Head of an antient Philosopher, finely coloured 414 Landscape and Figures, painted icitli great effect • • • • 411 Two Boors regaling 249 A Landscape and Figures, a charming little picture • • • • 475 A Landscape, with Tobit and the Angel 57 Ditto with the Angel and Elias, the Companion - • • • St. Nicholas healing the Wounded, tastefully composed and chastely coloured 483 Two Dogs fighting, spirited 135 View of a Villa, \Vith Figures on Horseback, a pleasing picture 214 Sea Piece, ( Moon-light ) fine effect 467 King David penitent 69 Diogenes taught to dispense with his Cup 486 A Place in the City of Cologne 183 Peasants at Dinner, a pleasing picture, spiritedly painted 273 Four hlartyrs at the Pillar 490 The Purification of the Virgin 66S Cupid asleep, a charming picture, the drauing, colour- ing, and general efi'ect, not inferior to Guido 894 A Dutch Gentleman enjoying his Pipe, highly finished 29 1 12 SECOND day’s sale. Firft LOT. Aldergmff. f A ^ 139 Van Voort. /‘ i>if ■ ^ 140 Subki/ras. li li^Ul Mai/ering. ,• f ;'*l42 4^Ay,: ^yji« iU. E/fcL S S ,? >-^145 ? ^ IW '0' Avelino. /',>'^« ; < 14S Bassan. . 149 G. Lairesse. ' 150 D/«o. L. Giordano. ^ . 151 ‘■f f-'-- 4 H. Holbien. / j ^'l52 4' y 153 Durer. -45^ Rubens. / JJ '/ / ^55 'S Bpagnokt. //.>(} ^56 Holbien. | 157 Old Numbers of the Exhibition Catalogue. The grand Cascade at Tivoli 519 The Portrait of a Bourgomaster, and his Wife 811 Burgers diverting themselves in the Country, and Companion • . 495 Cupid and Psyche, the effect of light finely managed •• 7 07 A view of Italy, with Figures 520 Emblems of \'anity, painted icith great force of effect 527 An Interior of a Sick Chamber 220 A pair of Landscapes and Figures 558 Figures and Cattle arround the Ruins of Palazzo Imperiale, a pleasing and interesting picture 10 The Companion, of equal merit The Virgin appearing to St. Clara 528 Our Saviour at the House of Martha 6OI The Union of the Saints in Heaven, a grand composi- tion, clear and brilliantly coloured 1 Sampson betrayed to the Philistines, fnely composed, and vigorously coloured 833 The Descent from the Cross, highly finished 782 A singularly high-finished picture, representing the Banks of a River, with Flowers, Insects, &c. in fine preservation * 157 The Adoration of the Magi, a curious and high finished picture 825 The Conversion of St. Paul, a spirited sketch 205 St, Andrew, full of expression • • 488 Portrait of Martin Luther, painted in his best manner 20 Part. Q. Matzys. P. Veronese. Piembrandt. SECOND DAY'S SALE. 13 Old Numbers of the Exhibition Catalogue. 15S A set of Sacred Subjects with folding pannels 826 159 The Marriage in Canaan, capital 609 16'0 A Woman sitting with her Child asleep, painted with all that magic force of effect and truth of colouring, for which this great master was so justly esteemed 359 THE END OF THE SECOND DAY. cl . it j A a a ■ ’/ A 'T Cf. ■*; o ' » i.i a . 1„ riO'VM'A Lit) .-Jujolsi :r> ■ , ■ I • Vii;' Iwi.iijq V5.!it»-‘A h^'o.sX i-- ia^- *■ ^ ,V; 111 , 431.1*0 iii Ffg! rn M ad'i .TOa ,MWWSoio-5 > U.^i i ; ' • ' ’ "" 'V Y/.a- fJfwot^a? siHT'^o aK.:i ?[!n ■:i JlC'^ 1-., .. .*i .V'-ni’ *.^’ ' .‘V .^^l.i. V.I.- THIRD DAY^S SALE, SATURDAY the 29th of MARCH, 1806, at Twelve o’Clock. Old Numbers of the Exhibition Catalogue. Old Teniers. I61 Revels of Witches 181 Vleiighel. 162 The Continence of Scipio 204' Van Helmont. J63 An Interior, with Dutch Peasants 429 Ditto. 164 The Companion C. De Harlem. l65 Benjamin atid his Brethren detained 142 P, Quasf. 166 A- Pair, the Sportsman and Companion 235 Klomp. 167 * e grazing near a Farm House 477' Begpn. lij- I’fi ntsm<4» .;iid Dogs feposing 37^' P . Bredael. Ifr}; A V' iew of a Village, and Companion j 30 J.Jordaens. IY‘ 1 arification of the Virgin* 1S6 Van der Bent. 1/ • itroury and Argus, capital' • • . • i 431 G. Flinh. 17V I iis Golden Age, a pleasing composition • • 44 Backhuysen. y: .x Sea Storm, with Shipping, yfne 237 16 THIRD day’s sale. Firft Old Numbers of jl^OT. the Exhibition L < . Catalogue. JV. Van Nieuland 174 A Sacrifice to Fortune, from the diflerent Classes in Life, a curious specimen, elaborately Jinished, and finely preserved 207 Natoirc. 175 A Bacchanalian 648 Puttgiesser. IjG Portrait of a Man in his Morning Gown, 46 Oever. 177 Brutus’s Villa at Tivoli 455 Ditto. 178 Cassius’s Villa at Ditto 518 G. Lairesse. 179 Judith with the Head of Holofernes, 195 Pinas, 180 The Judgment of Midas 274 %f- Clara Verbeck. 181 A pair of small Landscapes and Figures 448 ^ J.Miel. 182 A Landscape, Figures and Cattle, ••• • 224 . Van Huyssum. 183 A beautiful Italian Scene, very fine • 240 ■fiM. Ditto. ^ 1 84 The Companion, of equal merit / ' , i di^Bro-wer. . ' 185 Boors Drinking 426 VanVliet. 186 ’ A Subject from Tasso, captYaZ 285 J. JVeenix. 187' 'Birds of Prey attacking Poultry 443 Moucheron.' * * ’ 188 A View' of Amenno, near the Park of Chigi, not far from Rome* 91 Verelst. 189 Flowers 450 Njjf Mille. . . 190 A View in Italy 649 Genaro 191 ■ • Plora 540 Brughel. 192 .. Victory of the English over the French, highly finished 193 Piazzetti. 193 , Abraham going to Sacrifice his Son Isaac 541 F. Bol. ... 194 Venus and Adonis •••• 305 Js^VF. L. Neefs. . . 195 St. Peter delivered, out ofTrison 422 B, JViftig.. 196 Christ among the^Dpetors, the effect of light admirably managed Part. V erchuring. Ryckaert. J. Hackert. S. Rourdon. Hvgtenburg. Ditto. F. Mieris. Lembke. Moojaert. Van Uden, A. Sacchi. Furini. Beerenstraaten. Megan, Cavedone. Arigone, C, De Grayer. A, Ostade. B. Boulogne. Hugtenburg, Beaufort. B. Boulogne, THIRD day’s SALK. 17 Old NumLers of _ the Kxliibilioii C.italogiie. 197 A Battle piece 307 198 A Cobler in his Work-Shop, very fine 39) 199 A View in the Pyrenees 301 200 Christ on the Mount of Olives 711 201 Setting out for the Chace 9-5 202 The Companion — 203 An Interior, with an Old Woman in Conversation with a Girl, a beautiful cabinet picture 271 204 A Battle, near a Forest, spirited 76’2 203 The Parable of the Labourers in the Vineyard 264 206 A Forest Scene 171 207 The Head of an Apostle, and Companion 529 208 Magdalen 550 209 A View of Scheldt near Antwerp, a clear and pleasing picture 236 210 A woody Landscape 360 211 Christ appearing to the Virgin 634 212 Medea’s Revenge on Jason 637 213 Portrait of a General, very fine 281 214 A Philosopher in his study, highly finished li-t 215 Thetis, Nymphs, and Tritons, very fine 650 216 A Battle Piece, spmfed 1S5 217 St. Lewis on his Death Bed 67) 218 The Judgment of Paris 692 C H. Muller. Snellinck. Vandyck. B. Peruzzi. IjC Maine. Ditto. J. Jordaens. 'Pillemont. Ditto. Bigaud. A. Caracci. C. Du Jardin Orizonte. D. Van Deelen. Antique. Hontknr.it. S. Ruysdael. \C. Schwartz. Vandyck. Old Numbers of LOT. the Exhibition Catalogue. 219 Belshassa-r’s Feast, the effect ofl light Jinely managed •• 52 220 The last Judgment, in Three Compartments, a singular picture of the master 759 221 Christ on the Cross, correctly drawn and beautfnlly coloured 2 10 222 The Adoration of the Magi, a curious specimen of that early period 537 223 Christ appearing to the Magdalen 651 224 The Companion - 225 The Holy Family, with St. Joachim and St. Ann • • . 3Jl 226 A Grotto Scene • • 680 227 The Companion, a Storm at Sea, 228 Portrait offLouis the Fourteenth,* 710 229 St, Catherine of Siena 546 230 Mendicants, receiving Alms at the Gate of a Convent 735. 231 A View in a Forest, on the Road to Albani 743 232 The Interior of a Dutch Church, the effect of light finely managed 748' 233 The Tower of Babel, an elaborate perfonnance 750 234 Baucis and Philemon, Entertaining the Gods 766 235 A Skirmish of Cavalry, on the Borders of a Forest, xcryfine 211 236 The Descent from the Cross, truly capital 76O 237 The Discovery of Achilles, a spirited and brilliant picture 344 Part. THIRD day’s sale. 19 Old Numbers of the Exhibition Catalogue. Vanderheht. 238 Portrait of a Merchant of Cologne, Jine 386 Guide Cagnacci. 239 Lascoon and his Sons, Jinely composed and correctly drawn ^91 Correggio. 240 St. Catherine and Angels, gracefully composed, the character of St. Catherine admirably pourtrayed ; the whole harmoniously coloured : a desirable and ele- gant picture 577 THE END OF THE FIRST PART. Ij f.to ’nmi'A. MO ■' .iJ .‘.z e' ;/v t ;irr ^ ' ' - .I'OJ 9?t-. V lo I:-;, c lo fiC2 .-.IT. )•) i .. ■',) ' ' .''fii-.R alii U 1 .r'lj', ^Vn'oiC) j OC u '1^'! ,\r«.;>c^'wv) '\(iVAYraHa ben .1? ci? •'■'•1^5,''''^^ V \'yV)rv r,\)-.viWviA\o^) ;^V!i '\o V> - Av 'jVWOii'jS H ■. ''.Y '- '.D-i v.'.?,v r/,ra,V,-A O-r; '5.\\ > , "v'A * • • \S::i aiir