ct N 7> \ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/metalworkershandOObran THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK OF RECEIPTS AND PROCESSES. BEING A COLLECTION OF CHEMICAL FORMULAS AND PRAC¬ TICAL MANIPULATIONS FOR THE WORKING OF ALL THE METALS AND ALLOYS; INCLUDING THE DEC¬ ORATION AND BEAUTIFYING OF ARTICLES MANU¬ FACTURED THEREFROM, AS WELL AS THEIR PRESERVATION. Edited, from Various Sources, bv WILLIAM T. BRANNT, EDITOR OF “THE TECHNO-CHEMICAL RECEIPT BOOK” AND “THE METALLIC ALLOYS.” ILLUSTRATED BY SIXTY-THREE ENGRAVINGS. PHILADELPHIA: HENRY CAREY BAIRD & CO., INDUSTRIAL PUBLISHERS, BOOKSELLERS AND IMPORTERS, 810 Walnut Street. LONDON: SAMPSON LOW, MARSTON, SEARLE & RIVINGTON, Limited, ST. dunstan’s house, fetter lane, fleet street. 1890. Copyright by Henry Carey Baird & Co., 1890. PRINTED AT COLLINS PRINTING HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA, U. 8. A. THE GETTY CENTER I IPDARV PREFACE. S INCE chemistry has become the hand-maid of the industries, it is next to impossible to keep secret for any length of time the composition of a specialty, the analytical chemist taking care that it soon becomes common property. But the results of his labors being of necessity scattered through the various technical journals, not always readily accessible, the advantages derived therefrom by the practical workman are very problematical, unless he can procure the information wanted without the expense of the time and labor required for examining the very numerous original sources of such information. To collect such flotsam and jetsam of the technical journals, domestic and foreign, has been the design in preparing the matter for the present volume; and thus to furnish to the metal-worker, in the form of a handy-book, receipts and processes of practical application, which would otherwise be in great measure overlooked or entirely lost. In the treatment of the different subjects they have, as far as practicable, been divested of all mere technicalities, also omitting that which was not properly relevant. At the present time the public is accustomed to the consideration of useful facts, set forth in the briefest terms, and, bearing this in mind, in many cases a single article has been made to embrace data from a number of different sources. With the aid of a liberal supply of foreign and domestic books and journals bearing on the (iff) iv PREFACE. various subjects, which have been furnished by the enterprising publishers, the editor trusts that not much of interest or importance has been omitted. In consulting innumerable volumes and journals every care has been taken to select the best receipts and processes, and the editor is confident that every metal-worker, no matter in what branch of the industry he may be engaged, will here find something of use and benefit to himself. In regard to the practical application of the receipts, the observ¬ ance of the following rules is recommended : i. Be careful to use the exact proportions prescribed. 2. Always first experiment with small quantities. 3. Should the first attempt prove unsuccessful, do not condemn the receipt, but make another trial, as the fault can generally be traced to a mistake in the manipulation or an error in the quantities. The alphabetical arrangement of related subjects adopted and a very copious table of contents, as well as index, will render refer¬ ence to any subject or special receipt prompt and easy. WM. T. BRANNT. Philadelphia, September 10, 1890. CONTENTS. I.—Chemical Relations of the Metals. Number of metals distinguished by the chemist; Principal metals and alloys used by the practical metal-worker; Advantage of a knowledge of the chemical properties of metals to the metal-worker . . . -33 Behavior of metals towards oxygen; Phenomena in the oxidation of potas¬ sium ............. 34 Definitions of oxidation and oxide; Fusibility of zinc; Combustion of metals; Formation of cupric and cuprous oxides; Definition of super¬ oxides and protoxide .......... 35 Definition of sub-oxide; Base and noble metals; Combinations of the metals with chlorine; Preparation of chlorine; Precautions in using chlorine ; Manner of collecting chlorine in a bottle . . . -36 Combustion of Dutch gold in chlorine ; Solution of gold in chlorine water; Definition of metallic chlorides; Preparation of metallic chlorides; Defi¬ nitions of hydrogen and oxyhydrogen gas ...... 37 Chloride of zinc ; Metals which do not dissolve in hydrochloric acid . . 38 Aqua regia and its action on gold and platinum; Combinations of silver and lead with chlorine; Combinations of the metals with sulphur; Con¬ version of copper into cuprous sulphide; Mosaic gold ; Combinations of iron with sulphur ........... 39 Conversion of iron into ferrous sulphide; Iron pyrites; Laws of combina¬ tion of the elements; Table of the most important elements with their symbols and atomic weights ......... 40 Definition of atomic or indivisible weights; Manner of expressing chemical combinations; Metallic salts ......... 41 Definition of bases and acids; Preparation of litmus tincture and litmus- paper ; Definition of salts; Cupric sulphate or blue vitriol; Acetate of lead or sugar of lead ; Formation of metallic salts . . . . .42 Combinations of metallic oxides with acids; Definition and formation of haloid salts; Chromate of lead or chrome yellow; Precipitates with sul¬ phuretted hydrogen .. . 43 Apparatus for preparing sulphuretted hydrogen, illustrated and described ; Characteristics of precipitates obtained with sulphuretted hydrogen . 44 (v) vi CONTENTS. II.—The Most Important Metallic Preparations, and the Chemicals used in the Metal Industry. Iron preparations; Ferrous sulphate (copperas, green vitriol); Ammonio- ferrous sulphate; Ferrous chloride ; Ferric chloride . . . -45 Sesquioxide of iron, colcothar or rouge; Potassium-ferrocyanide (yellow prussiate of potash); Potassium ferricyanide (red prussiate of potash); Ferric sulphate; Preparations of cobalt and nickel; Cobaltous chloride . 46 Cobaltous nitrate; Cobaltous oxide; Nickel chloride; Nickel sulphate; Nickel nitrate ; Nickel hydrate ; Copper preparations ; Copper powder ; Cupric sulphate (sulphate of copper, blue vitriol) . . . . -47 Cupro-diammonium sulphate; Copper nitrate; Cupric chloride; Copper nitrate; Cupric chloride ; Copper carbonate ; Acetate of copper; Neutral acetate of copper ........... 48 Basic acetate of copper or verdigris; German and French verdigris; Cyanide of copper; Cupric and cuprous oxides; Preparations of lead, tin and bismuth; Acetate of lead (sugar of lead) ; Lead carbonate (white lead); Lead chloride .......... 49 Lead sulphate ; Lead chromate (chrome yellow) ; Stannous chloride (pro¬ tochloride of tin, tin-salt); Stannic sulphide; Mosaic gold; Bismuth nitrate ............. 50 Preparations of zinc, antimony and arsenic; Chloride of zinc ; Zinc sulphate (white vitriol) ; Zinc oxide ; Iron black ; Antimony trichloride (butter of antimony); Tartar emetic ; White arsenic or arsenious acid . . -51 Schweinfurt green ; Preparations of mercury and silver; Mercurous sul¬ phate ; Mercuric nitrate ; Mercurous nitrate ; Mercuric chloride or cor¬ rosive sublimate ; Nitrate of silver (silver nitrate, lunar caustic) . . 52 Chloride of silver (argentic chloride, horn silver) ; Argentic oxide; Silver carbonate; Cyanide of silver (prussiate or hydrocyanate of silver); Silver sulphate ; Silver sulphide ; Silver hyposulphite . . . - S3 Preparations of gold and platinum ; Chloride of gold (auric chloride) ; Aurous chloride ; Cyanide of gold (prussiate or hydrocyanate of gold) ; Gold salt (Gozzy’s gold salt) ......... 54 Purple of Cassius; Platinic chloride (chloride of platinum, tetra-chloride of platinum); Ammonio-chloride of platinum; Spongy platinum . . 55 Acids; Sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol) ; Fuming sulphuric acid or Nord- hausen sulphuric acid .......... 56 Table of percentage of anhydrous sulphuric acid at different degrees B6; Nitric acid (aqua fortis) ......... 57 Table of percentage of anhydrous nitric acid at different degrees Be; Hydrochloric acid ........... 58 Table of percentage of gaseous hydrochloric acid at different degrees Be ; Aqua regia (nitro-muriatic acid) ........ 59 CONTENTS. vii Chromic acid; Acetic acid; Tartaric acid; Boric or boracic acid . . 60 Oxalic acid (salt of sorrel); Prussic acid (hydrocyanic acid); Various chemicals and substances used in the metal industry; Ammonia (spirits of hartshorn) ; Ammonium phosphate.6l Ammonium sulphide (sulphydrate, or hydrosulphate of ammonia) ; Benzine (benzole, light oil from coal tar); Borax (sodium biborate); Calcium, potassium and sodium sulphides; Caoutchouc (India rubber, gum elastic).62 Vulcanized rubber; Carbon bisulphide; Emery; Graphite (plumbago, black lead); Gutta-percha.63 Magnesia (calcined); Potassium bicarbonate; Potassium cyanide (white prussiate of potash); Potassium hydroxide (caustic potash) ; Potassium nitrate (saltpetre); Sodium bicarbonate; Sodium hydroxide (caustic soda); Sodium phosphate (tribasic phosphate of soda) . . . .64 Sodium pyrophosphate (bibasic phosphate of soda); Sulphur; Tartar (potassium bitartrate) .......... 65 III. —Directions for the Determination of the Constituents of Metallic Alloys, Impurities of the Technically Most Important Metals, Etc. Manner of dissolving metals; Characteristics that indicate the presence of various metals in the solution.66 Manner of testing for mercury ; Determination of magnesium ; Determina¬ tion of nickel and cobalt ......... 67 Determination of iron, chromium, manganese, zinc, alumina, chloride of silver, chloride of lead and subchloride of mercury . . . .68 Determination of gold, platinum, antimony, tin, bismuth, copper, cadmium and arsenic ............ 69 Marsh’s apparatus for the detection of arsenic, illustrated and described; To distinguish genuine from spurious gold ....... 70 To test gold ware; To recognize light gilding upon metallic articles . . 71 To recognize light silvering; Test-water for silver . . . . • 7 2 To distinguish tin-foil from lead-foil; To test mercury as to its purity ; To test tin and soft solders; To detect lead in tin; To test brass . . 73 To test white metals, copper and nickel; To test acids; To detect alloys in gilding.74 To test enamel for lead; Ready distinction of cast-iron, steel and wrought- iron; Method for ascertaining the quality of iron and steel . . -75 Examination of burnt iron ......... 76 Resistance of a few metals and alloys to calcium hydrate; How to tell a hand- from a machine-cut file ........ 77 CONTENTS. viii IV.—Alloys and Amalgams. Alloys ; Definition of an amalgam ; Characteristics and properties of alloys; Fusion of alloys; Specific gravity of alloys ...... 79 Dr. Ure’s rule for calculating the specific gravity of alloys; Table of alloys whose density is greater or less than the mean of their constituents; Tenacity of alloys ........... 80 Preparation of alloys ; Rules for fusing the metals . . . . .81 The fusing points of the principal metals and other elements employed in alloys; Alloys of bismuth and cadmium ...... 82 Alloys of copper and tin; Bronze; Definition of bronze and of white metals ............. 83 Ordnance or gun metal; Table showing the composition of ordnance bronze of various times and different countries ....... 84 Steel bronze or Uchatius bronze; Bell-metal; Chinese tam-tams or gongs . 85 Table showing the composition of some bell-metals; Bell-metal for small bells; Japanese bell-metal; Small clock-bells, table-bells, sleigh-bells, etc.86 Silver bell-metal; Machine bronze ; Red brass and white brass . . 87 Table of metals for bearings, etc. ........ 88 Locomotive brass castings; Brasses for side rods . . . . .89 Brasses for driving boxes; Bells; Castings subjected to steam pressure; Pumps and pump chambers; Piston packing rings; Approved composi¬ tions for bearings of rapidly running machines; Bearing metals for loco¬ motives ; Babbitt’s anti-attrition metal ....... 90 Fenton’s alloy for axle-boxes for locomotives and wagons; Dewrance’s patent bearing for locomotives; Alloy for anti-friction brasses; Hoyle’s patent alloy for pivot bearings ; Phosphor bronze ; Phosphide of copper; Phosphide of tin . . . ..91 Various sorts of phosphor bronze; Silicon bronze; Silicon brass ; Statuary bronze ............. 92 Table of alloys of different colors suitable for statuary bronze; Table show¬ ing the compositions of a few celebrated statues . . . . -93 Best bronze for statues according to D’Arcet; Bronze for gilding; Bronze for small castings; Bronze which can be rolled; Chinese bronzes; Delta metal ............. 94 Gold bronze; Japanese bronze ; Malleable bronze.95 Old Peruvian bronze ; Ormolu; Silveroid; Speculum metal . . .96 Alloys of copper and zinc; Brass and similar alloys . . . . *97 Color of copper-zinc alloys; Table of the composition of copper-zinc alloys; Tombac (red brass) and similar alloys ....... 98 Table of the composition of brass and similar alloys.99 Alloys of copper with silver and gold ; Color of gold alloys . . . 100 CONTENTS. ix Proportion of various metals in gold alloys used by jewellers; Argent-Ruolz ioi G ray silver (Japanese silver); Tiers argent (one : third silver) ; Imitat'on silver alloys; Alloy for spoons; Alloy resembling silver; Delalot’s alloy; Mousset’s silver alloy ; Warne’s metal ....... 102 White alloy closely resembling silver; Aluminium alloys; Aluminium brasses ; Cowles Bros.’ series of tests of aluminium brass . . . 103 Aluminium bronze . . . . . . . . . . .104 Directions for preparing aluminium bronzes ...... 105 Ferro-aluminium ........... 106 Various aliminium alloys; Alloy for dental plates.107 Alloy resembling German silver; Alloy resembling silver; Bourbonne’s aluminium alloy; Lechesne; Minargent; Neogen .... 10S Niirnberg gold; Britannia metal and similar alloys; Table of composition of several varieties of Britannia metal; Ashberry metal .... 109 Biddery metal; Minofor metal; Manganese alloys; Cupro-manganese . no Red brass; White metal; Ferro-manganese ; Manganese silver; Man¬ ganese steel; Hadfield’s manganese steel . . . . ... in Nickel alloys; Nickel and copper; Nickel coins of the United States, Belgium and Brazil; Nickel, copper and zinc alloys; Table of the com¬ position of various kinds of German silver . . . . . .112 Alfenide, Argiroide and allied alloys '. . . . . . 113 Albata metal; Alfenide; British plate metal; Metal for spoons, forks, etc.; White alloy resisting the action of vegetable acids; White argentan; Alloys of nickel and steel . . . . . . . . .114 Type metal; Table of alloys suitable for casting type . . . .115 Ehrliardt’s type metal; Music plates ; Various alloys; Acid-proof bronze ; Alloy for casting small articles; Alloy for moulds for pressed glass; Alloy of copper and antimony . . . . . . . .116 Alloys for calico-printing rollers; Alloys for small patterns in foundries; Birmingham platinum ; Calin; Cooper’s alloy for steel pens ; Dysiot . 117 Fahlun or tin brilliants; Gold and palladium alloys; Gold-like alloy; Iron alloy . . . . . . . . . . . . .118 Lemarquand’s non-oxidizable alloy; Lutecine or Paris metal; Malleable brass; Marley’s non-oxidizable alloy ; New alloys ; Alloy for the manu¬ facture of jewelry .119 New imitations of gold and silver . . . . . . . .120 New method of preparing alloys ; Non-magnetic alloys for watches . .121 Non-oxidizable alloy; Platinoid; Platinum bronze; Shakdo ; Sideraphtite ; Soft alloy for coating metals, etc. . . . . . . . .122 Amalgams; Amalgam of Lipowitz’s metal; Copper amalgam . . .123 Gold amalgam . . . . . . . . . . . .124 Iron amalgam ; Silver amalgam; Tin amalgam ..... 125 X CONTENTS. Zinc amalgam . . . . ... .126 V.—Annealing, Hardening, Tempering. Annealing of hard and other iron castings . . . . . .126 To make steel so soft that it can be worked like copper; New way of annealing steel; Two ways of annealing steel; Annealing of bronze . . . . . . . . . . . . .127 To harden copper; To case-harden wrought-iron ..... 128 To case-harden axie arms; To harden cast-iron ; To harden cast-iron in a simple manner ........... 131 To quickly and thoroughly harden soft iron ; To harden wrought-iron parts of machines ............ 132 To harden steel by pressure; To harden steel in petroleum; To harden steel so that the exterior is hard, and the interior soft .... 133 To harden small drills; Hardening water for steel; Fluids for hardening steel articles . . . . . . . . . . . .134 Hardening compound for steel; Hardening mixture, patented by J. Robb of Dundee, Forfarshire; To avoid cracks, curving and warping in harden¬ ing steel; How to harden thin steel plates ...... 135 Hardening of steel according to Newton and Ames; To harden steel in sealing-wax . . . . . . . . . . . .136 To harden springs and saws ......... 137 To harden files and other steel instruments; To harden steel instru¬ ments ............. 139 To harden tools; Hardening gun-barrels according to Neunert . . . 140 To harden the bores of musket-barrels; Adam Schaefer’s fluid for hardening steel; To harden copper ......... 141 To harden zinc; Hardening compound ; New case-hardening compound ; Agents for hardening, improving and welding steel . . . .142 Tempering colors of steel .......... 143 Alloys for baths used in tempering and heating steel articles; Effect of temperature on steel . . . . . . . . . . 144 To temper steel by electricity; To temper mining picks; To temper taps and dies ............ 145 Improvements in tempering and hardening steel and iron .... 146 To temper brass ; To temper magnets ....... 147 VI.—Bronzing and Coloring. Methods of bronzing metals; Preparation of varnish for bronzing; Gold bronze; Silver bronze .....••••• I 4S Copper-bronze; Red bronze; Green bronze; French bronze . . . 149 CONTENTS. xi Blue bronze. I 5 ° Brown bronze; Bronzing by dipping in melted bronze; Bronze liquid; Cheap bronze ; To bronze small brass articles; Bronzing process used in the Paris mint. I S I To bronze copper; To bronze copper bluish-gray; Green bronze for brass. 1 5 2 To bronze articles of copper and brass; Brown fire-proof bronze upon copper and brass; Green bronzing. 153 Bronzing of cast-iron; Gold bronze of great lustre on iron; To bronze cast- iron; Bronze-like surface on iron or steel. 154 To give ground steel objects the appearance of gold or good bronze ; To bronze tin; To bronze zinc. 155 To color silvered cast-zinc articles; To bronze electrotypes green, brown, black; To bronze medals . . . . . . . . -156 Graham’s bronzing liquids; For brass (by simple immersion) . . .157 For copper (by simple immersion) ; For zinc (by simple immersion) . . 158 Rockline’s method of bronzing; Walker’s chemical bronze ; Bronze pow¬ ders . . . . . . . . . . • . . 159 Table of the composition of alloys for some colors of bronze powders; English bronze powders; Brocade bronze powder.160 Copper bronze powder; Genuine gold bronze; Aurum musivum (Mosaic gold) ............. 161 Brownish-gold bronze powders; Genuine silver bronze powder; Imitation silver bronze powder; Argentum musivum ...... 162 Iron black; Metallochromy; To color articles of brass ; Preparation of the lead solution for coloring brass . . . . . . . .163 Preparation of the iron solution for coloring metals; Preparation of the objects to be colored; Weil’s process of producing iridescent copper pre¬ cipitates on iron ........... 164 Approved coatings for metals: Black or colored coat; Golden yellow to brown coat; Black coat . . . . . . . . .165 Beautiful steel-gray; New process of producing a gold-colored coating upon small metallic articles . . . . . . . . . .166 Colored coatings for metals . . . , , , . . .167 Coloring of copper; Brown color upon copper; Red-brown color upon copper..168 To color copper blue-black; Preparation of cuivre fumt ; Steel-gray upon copper ; To color copper dark steel-gray; Various colors upon massive copper.169 Black upon copper ; Dead-black on copper; To brown copper; Browning liquid for copper . . , . . . . . . . *170 Imitation of genuine patina ......... 171 XU CONTENTS. Another method of imitating genuine patina; Coloring of brass and bronzes; Lustrous black on brass; Steel-gray on brass . . . . . 173 Gray color with a bluish tint upon brass; Straw color to brown through golden-yellow and tombac color on brass; Color resembling gold on brass; Brown color called bronze Barbedienne on brass . . .174 Bronze Barbedienne on massive brass; To color brass violet and corn¬ flower blue ; Ebermayer’s method of coloring brass . . . . 175 To brighten and color brass . . . . . . . . .176 Antimony colors on brass; Dead-black on brass instruments . . . 177 Deep black-blue stain on brass; Lustrous gold or green on brass . .178 Gold and orange stains for brass; Beautiful silver color on brass; New bronze color upon brass and copper; To color copper and brass . . 179 To whiten brass and copper; To blacken small iron articles in bulk . . 180 Lustrous black on iron ; Brown-black coating with bronze lustre on iron; To give iron a silver-like appearance with high lustre . • . . 181 To color iron and steel blue ; To color iron and steel gray ; Thierault’s process for coloring wrought-iron and steel . . . . . .182 To blue small articles of sheet-steel; To blue small articles of iron and steel so as to leave portions of them bright; Coloring of gold . . 183 Bronze-like patina upon tin ; Sepia-brown on tin and its alloys . . .184 Coloring zinc; Gray coating on zinc . ....... 185 Green coating on zinc ; Bronze color on zinc ; Copper-red on zinc . . 186 Red-brownish color on zinc; Yellow-brown shades on zinc; To brown gun- barrels . . . . . . . . . . . . .187 Another method of browning gun-barrels; To blacken damasked gun- barrels; To brown medals and coins ....... 188 VII.—Casting and Founding. Properties necessary to render a metal suitable for casting; Shrinking of metals in casting ... 189 Table showing the contraction of metals in casting ..... 191 Easy rule to find approximate weight of castings; Weight of castings; Moulding sand for castings of ingot iron; To prevent the baking of moulding sand ........... 192 Moulding and moulds .......... 193 Foundry flasks illustrated and described ... 196 To mould lace, etc., in cast-iron ........ 200 Cores in heavy castings; Core for difficult castings ..... 261 Casting without core, illustrated and described ...... 202 Casting brass-nuts on screws ......... 203 Casting on to other metals ... 204 Ornamenting wrought-iron by burning on ...... 205 CONTENTS. xiii To repair castings by burning on ; To fill up holes in castings . . . 206 Bell founding ............ 207 Casting aluminium bronze ......... 209 Thomas D. West on casting aluminium bronze and other strong metals . 211 To cast lead-pipe free from flaws ........ 213 Dense and flexible copper castings; Wroughtiron (or Mitis) castings . 214 Analyses of Mitis metal.215 Casting stereo-plates by the paper process ; Another stereotype process . 217 Manufacture of chilled wheels . . . . . . . . .219 Casting of zinc ............ 223 Apparatus for casting metal illustrated and described ..... 224 Preparation of chills for casting metal; Painting and varnishing patterns . 225 Black-leading of patterns .......... 226 Varieties of wood most suitable for patterns; To preserve iron patterns from rusting; To mend patterns ........ 227 Glue for pattern-makers; Improved method of treating steel for casting . 228 VIII.—Cements. Iron cements or rust joints.228 Iron cement which stands red heat; Cement for uniting iron surfaces and filling in joints; Cement for blowing engines, blast pipes, hot-blast stoves, etc.229 Chenot’s iron cement; Cement for gas retorts and for connecting of parts of iron exposed to heat; Cement for smearing over joints of iron water reser¬ voirs; For cementing joints or cracks in iron stoves; For air-tight oven doors; For fastening iron rods, cramps, hooks, etc., especially in stone 230 Cement for iron; To cement iron to iron; Cement for fastening iron articles in stone; Cement for repairing defective places in castings; Cement for iron stoves; Cement for mending iron pots and pans . . 231 Cement for making joints; Grouvelle’s oil cement; Stephenson’s oil cement; Serbat’s mastic.232 Marteaux and Robert’s cement; Diamond cement; Glycerin cement for iron ; Fire-proof and water-proof cements.233 Cement for electrical or chemical apparatus; Acid-proof cement; To cement thin metal-sheets; To unite glass and brass; To fasten metallic mountings upon glass, porcelain, etc.; Cement for fastening the metal parts upon glass lamps; To cement metal plates on to wooden boxes ; To cement iron to wood or stone ; To fasten metals on wood . . . 234 Cement for fastening metal upon glass; Cements for fastening metal letters upon glass, marble, wood, etc.; To cement glass into metal . . . 235 Cement for fastening brass to glass; To fasten leather upon iron . . 236 To fasten paper labels to iron; Cements for fastening labels on polished XIV CONTENTS. nickel; To cement forks and knives in their handles ; To secure forks and knives in silver handles ; To cement with copper amalgam; Cements for parts of machines .......... 237 Cement for steam pipes; For parts of copper and brass; For pipe conduits not exposed to heat; For packing stuffing-boxes and pistons of engines ; To make a permanent and durable joint ...... 238 Schiefer’s packing rings for man-holes and flanges; Colored cement for repairing zinc ornaments ......... 239 Evans’s metallic cement; Cement for luting crucible lids; Cements for water pipes ; Cement for joining cast-iron water pipes (for use on a large scale); Bismuth cement for cementing the glass parts on petroleum lamps; Armenian or jeweller’s cement ....... 240 IX.— Cleansing, Grinding, Pickling, Polishing. Cleansing metals with the sand blast; Sand blast illustrated and described 241 Cleansing of metals by means of acid with the use of a galvanic current . 242 Scouring and polishing of knitting needles; To scour and polish needles . 243 To cleanse guns with petroleum ........ 244 Cleansing of coins, medals and articles of silver; To cleanse golden-bronze ; To cleanse bronze fixtures; To cleanse silvered dial plates . . . 245 To cleanse chandeliers and gas fixtures; To cleanse small screws; To free iron from ingrained rust; To remove rust from polished steel articles; To extract rust from steel .......... 246 To remove rust from nickel-plated articles; To freshen up nickel watch movements; Grinding .......... 247 Rules for the use of emery wheels ........ 248 Emery wire; Emery sticks ......... 249 To cleanse emery which has been used; Pickling or dipping of metallic objects; Pickle for cast-iron or wrought-iron articles .... 250 Purpose of pickling copper, brass, tombac, and bronze . . . *251 English process of pickling brass ........ 252 Method usually pursued in the United States for cleaning brass parts ; Pick¬ ling of German silver; To pickle zinc ....... 253 To give a brilliant appearance to tombac, brass and copper; To polish metals ............. 254 Polishing by means of wheels; Polishing agents or polishing powders; Lime; Vienna lime ; Ferric oxide ....... 255 Caput mortuum, crocus, colcothar, jeweller’s red or rouge ; Tripoli . . 256 Tin-putty; Chalk; Polishing files ; Polishing stock ; Buff wheels; Rough¬ ing wheel; Medium wheel; Fine wheel ...... 257 Tumbling drum or box illustrated and described.258 CONTENTS. xv Polishing with the burnisher or burnishing stone ..... 259 Most common forms of burnishing tools illustrated and described . . 260 Burnishing cutlery.262 To burnish silver; Scratch-brushing; How to make a hand scratch-brush . 263 Hand scratch-brushes illustrated and described.264 Fluids used in scratch-brushing ; Methods of scratch-brushing . . . 265 Scratch-brush lathe and circular scratch-brushes illustrated and described . 266 Repairing and keeping in order hand scratch-brushes .... 267 Polishing of the separate metals: Iron and steel; Copper, brass, German silver and tombac; Gold; Silver and plated ware; Dead lustre on articles of gold and silver ; Tin articles ....... 268 Polishing of antimony and lead alloys; Polishing of zinc ; Polishing agents; Parisian polishing powder; Emery cloth.269 Polishing rags; Belgian polishing powder; Agents for cleansing iron and steel objects; For soft metals (tin and Britannia wares); For cleansing silver¬ ware ; For cleansing silver ornaments; Polishing powders for silver . 270 English silver soap; Rose-color English silver soap; Polishing balls for silver; Polishing paste for silver . . . . . . . .271 Polishing powder for gold-workers; Polishing powder for gold articles; Polishing paste for brass; To cleanse brass articles; To cleanse old brass; Polishing soaps .......... 272 Polishing water ........... 273 Polishing (Putz) pomades; Polishing cartridges (Putzpatronen) ; Polish for pressed articles of brass; Rouge for polishing metals . . . 274 To polish steel; To polish steel objects ....... 275 Lustreless surface on steel; To polish and color copper; To cleanse dirty polishing leather.276 X.—Decorating, Enamelling, Engraving, Etching. Bronces incrust£s (incrustations).277 Marie Tessin du Motay’s process of incrusting; Corvin’s Niello . . 278 Damaskeening; Imitation of Damascus steel ...... 279 Damascus gun-barrels; Turkish damask illustrated and described . . 280 Barnard damask, illustrated and described; To damaskeen iron and steel with platinum; Damaskeening with gold or silver .... 281 Imitation of damask; To produce damask in relief upon gun-barrels; Damaskeened surface upon steel guns.282 Damasked bronze; Iridescent colors upon metals; Moirfe metallique . 283 Colored moir6 on tin-plate; Moirfe on brass ...... 285 To decorate tin-plate.286 New method of decorating metals. 287 XVI CONTENTS. Nielled silver ............ 288 Composition of various niels; Composition of Tula ..... 289 Muffles for nielling and enamelling illustrated and described . . . 290 To imitate nielled work by the galvanic method ; Oxidized silver . . 292 New protecting coat on metals; Photo-chemical process of decorating metal .... ......... 294 To prepare zinc for painting; How to prepare a rough surface in grounding metals for subsequent decoration ........ 295 To coat stoves, tools, etc.; Ward’s inoxidizing process ; Inoxidizing process for cast-iron ............ 296 The Barfif process for preserving iron and steel from rust .... 297 Enamelling metals ; Ground, or ground mass ; Covering mass or glaze . 298 Enamel for iron objects; To enamel cast-iron utensils .... 299 Very white and firmly adhering enamel for cast-iron articles as prepared in England ............ 300 Another method of enamelling cast-iron; Mottled enamel .... 301 Enamel for cast-iron pipes according to Amtmann ; Glaze for iron pipes . 302 Emaille de fer contre-oxydi; Glass enamel for iron; Enamel for copper cooking utensils ........... 303 Colored enamels ; Enamels for goldsmiths ...... 304 White enamel for ornamental articles ....... 305 Emaille Cloisonn6e ; Enamelling watch dials ...... 306 Emaille plaque-vitro-metallique; Emaille champ lev£e ; Phosphorescent enamel; To secure enamel and glass to metal by means of the electric current; Engraving on copper ........ 307 Engraving on silver or gold ......... 308 To engrave aluminium; Soft wax for engravers; Wax-mass for copper engravers; Etching-ground ......... 310 Callot’s etching-ground; Etching on copper; Etching on brass and silver ; Etching on steel . . . . . . . . . . -311 Etching names on steel and glass . . . . . . . .312 Etching on zinc; Etching solution for brass . . . . . . 313 Glyphogene or etching fluid for steel; Etching without etching-ground . 314 To produce figures in relief . . . . . . . . -315 Metallography (method for producing drawings of all kinds in relief upon metal) according to Zach . . . . . . . . .316 XI.—Electro-plating, Brassing, Coppering, Galvanizing, Gilding, Nickelling, Silvering, Tinning, Etc. Preparatory manipulation of articles to be plated . . . . . 317 Freeing from grease; Dipping ......... 318 Composition of preliminary pickle, of pickle for bright lustre and of pickle CONTENTS. xvn for a dead lustre; Mixture for the production of a dull-grained surface upon brass ; Mixtures for dipping German silver, silver, zinc and tin . 319 Water used for the preparation of the galvanic baths; Composition and temperature of the baths ; Batteries used for electro-deposition . . 320 Bunsen’s battery illustrated and described . ..321. Manner of locating batteries.322 Terms used in electrolytic deposition of metals; Table of chemical and electro-chemical equivalents ......... 323 Practical application of the table; Preparation of zinc for batteries . . 324 Aluminium bath; Antimony baths; Arsenic baths ..... 325 Brass baths; Brass bath from cupric sulphate and zinc sulphate; Brass bath for zinc.326 Brass bath for cast-iron, wrought-iron and steel; Solution for transferring any copper-zinc alloys serving as anode.327 Cobalt baths ............ 328 Electro-plating with cobalt by contact; Copper baths; Copper baths for iron and steel articles ; To be used at an ordinary temperature . .329 To be used at from 140° to 158° F.330 Copper bath without potassium cyanide; The Elmore process of electro- depositing copper for tubes and wire bars . . . ... . 331 To get a copper deposit on wax; Brush coppering for iron and steel . 334 To copper iron ............ 335 To copper iron and steel; To copper cast-iron ; To coat iron articles with copper, brass or bronze .......... 336 To coat tin, cast-iron, or zinc with copper ; To copper zinc plates . . 337 Gold baths ............ 338 Gilding with a dead lustre.341 Gilding by contact and dipping, cold gilding and gilding by adhesion; Gold solution for gilding by contact ... ..... 342 Baths for gilding by touching with a zinc rod ...... 343 Baths for gilding by dipping ......... 344 Cold gilding, or gilding by the rag . . . . . . . . 345 To gild by adhesion ; To gild steel; To fire-gild silver objects . . . 346 To fire-gild and fire-silver metals which cannot be amalgamated, for instance, iron and steel; To give gilt articles a beautiful rich appear¬ ance; To improve bad tints of gilding ; To gild articles of metal . . 347 Imitation gilding; Gilding powder for copper, silver, brass, etc.; Gilders’ wax for fire-gilding.. . . . . 348 Quicksilver water ; Iron baths ......... 349 Lead baths; To coat metals with lead . . . . . . - 35 * Improved method of covering articles of iron with lead .... 352 Leyson’s process of leading.353 2 xviii CONTENTS. Alloys for hot leading; Nickel baths; Preparation of the metals to be nickelled.354 Composition of the most simple nickel bath; Weston’s solution; Pott’s solution.356 Powell’s solutions; Nickel bath much used in this country; Baths for rapidly nickelling cheap articles . . . . . . . -357 Nickel baths for special purposes . . . . . . . . 358 New nickel baths.359 Nickelling of knife-blades, sharp surgical instruments, etc. . . . 360 Phenomena which may occur in nickelling and the means of avoiding them 361 To improve defective nickelling ; To nickel polished objects of iron or steel without the use of a battery.363 To imitate nickel-plating . . . . . . . . . . 364 Platinum baths; Platinum bath patented by the Bright Platinum Plating Co., of London . . . . . . . . . . . 365 Platinum bath recommended by Prof. Silvanus P. Thompson; To platinize copper; To platinize by the wet method ...... 366 To coat metals with platinum in a cheap way ...... 367 Silver baths. 368 Silvering by contact.370 Silvering by dipping; Blanching.371 Cold silvering ; Composition of argentiferous pastes.372 Graining.373 Nuremberg graining powder; Operation of graining ..... 374 Gold baths with yellow prussiate of potash.376 Birmingham silvering .......... 377 Mechanical silvering according to Bertrand; Silvering of iron according to Rinmann; To silver Bessemer steel and utensils manufactured from it . 378 Alloy for silvering.379 Tin baths.380 Tinning by contact; Tinning by dipping; Tinning by boiling articles of iron and steel . . . . . . . . . . -381 To tin small brass or copper objects; Another method; Eisner’s bath; Stolba’s method of tinning ......... 382 Cold tinning; Tinning hard steel or case-hardened articles . . . 383 Improved process of tinning metals ........ 384 To tin kettles; To tin lead plates ........ 385 To prepare tinned lead pipes; To make “ Fonte argentine ” or tinned cast- iron ; Zinc baths ........... 3^6 To zinc copper and brass without a battery; Another process; Tc zinc iron in the cold way ........... 3^7 Galvanizing sheet-iron ... 3^8 CONTENTS. xix To galvanize old and new parts. 39 2 Metallic coating upon flowers and insects by the galvanic way; To coat iron articles with other metals according to Newton .... 393 XII.—Fluxes and Lutes. Fluxes; Substances used as fluxes; Best flux for alloys of copper and tin; Good flux for brass; Black flux.394 Gray flux; White flux. 395 Quick flux; Flux for reducing arsenic; Cornish reducing flux; Refining flux; Crude flux; Fluxes for arsenical compounds; Moreau’s reducing flux; Salt cake; Lutes.396 Stourbridge clay; Windsor loam; Fat lutes. 397 XIII.—Lacquers, Paints and Varnishes. Japanning tin.397 Vermilion ground; Black grounds for japanning; Black japan for tin lanterns.400 Asphalt lacquer on iron; To lacquer brass . . . . . .401 Lacquer for brass; Pale lacquer for brass; Pale gold lacquer for brass; Gold-colored lacquer for brass watch cases, etc.; Gold lacquer for metallic articles; Gold lacquer for tin plate.402 Green lacquer; Iron lacquer for blacksmiths, locksmiths and founders; Lacquers for gold; Pale lacquer for gold; Lacquer for philosophical instruments.403 Lacquer for steel; Lacquer for tin-foil; Metallic gold color; To lacquer optical instruments.404 Coating for bars of spring steel not acted upon by acids; Black coating for iron.406 New rust preventive; To protect iron and steel from rust; To protect lightning-rods, metal-roofs, etc., from rust.407 To protect lead pipes; Painting of iron.408 Paint for sheet-iron roofs.409 Paint for preserving zinc roofs; Black varnish for iron and steel; Black varnish for zinc.410 Bright asphalt varnish for sheet metals; Colored varnish for sheet metals . 411 Green varnish for metals; Green transparent varnish; Varnish for iron work; Varnish for common work ; Varnish for iron patterns . . 412 Varnish for metals according to Max Innes.413 XIV.— Soldering and Solders. Object of soldering; Definition of solders; Agreement of metals and solders 413 XX CONTENTS. Preparation of the work for hard soldering; Definition of brazing; Descrip¬ tion of the soldering iron ......... 414 Tinning of the copper bit; Definition of a “ wiped joint; ” The blow-pipe and its uses.415 Blast used by pewterers; Heat required for hard soldering; The brazier’s hearth; Preparation of the meeting edges; Operation of hard soldering or brazing ............ 416 Brazing of iron; Composition and nature of spelter; Use of the blow-pipe in hard soldering and brazing . . . . . . . .417 Fluxes and soldering liquids used in soldering; Preparation of soldering liquid.418 Soldering paste; Soldering fat; Miiller’s soldering liquid . . . . 419 Gauduin’s soldering liquid ; New soldering liquid; Soft solders . . 420 Preparation of soft solder; Bismuth solder; Hard solders; Spelter solder . 421 Tables showing the composition of various kinds of hard solders . .422 Solders for aluminium; To solder aluminium with the blow-pipe; To solder aluminium with the common soldering iron; Soldering of alumin¬ ium bronze ............ 423 Hulot’s solder for aluminium bronze; Solders for aluminium bronze jewelry ; Hard solder for 10 per cent, bronze; Middling hard solder for 10 per cent, bronze; Soft solder for aluminium bronze; Argentan solders ; Readily fusible argentan solder; Less readily fusible argentan solder; Soldering cast-iron .......... 424 To solder cast-iron objects; Soldering with dry lead chloride; Gold solders ............. 425 Solder for enamelled work; Refractory solder; More readily fusible solder; To remove tarnish from gold after hard soldering; Silver solders . . 426 Hard silver solders; Hard silver solder for the first soldering; Softer hard silver solder for after soldering; Alloy for cold soldering . . . 427 Copper the best material for joining iron to iron; To solder copper wire; To solder saws ........... 428 To solder without a soldering iron; To color soft solder; To make platinum adhere to gold ........... 429 Autogenous soldering .......... 430 XV.—Welding and Welding Compounds. Analogy to welding; Chief difficulty in welding iron; Heat required for welding iron and cast-steel ......... 430 Purpose of welding powders; General rule for welding . . . .43* To weld cast-steel; Fluxes used in welding cast-steel .... 432 American welding compound for welding steel to steel; Another formula ; CONTENTS. xxi Welding compound to weld steel to wrought-iron at a red heat; To weld steel to iron or steel; Welding compound for welding wrought-iron to wrought-iron at a red heat.433 To thoroughly and firmly unite by welding steel with steel, cast-steel with cast-steel and cast-steel with iron; Improved method of welding . . 434 To weld copper; To make old steel rails new ...... 435 Welding of platinum; Electric welding; The apparatus .... 436 Generation of electricity by the direct and indirect systems . . . 437 The process of electric welding; Simplicity of the process .... 438 Time required for making an electric weld; Applications of electric weld¬ ing ; Strength of electric welds ........ 439 Electrohephestos; MM. de Bernados’ and Olszewsky’s method of electric welding; Experiments with Bernados’ and Olszewsky’s electric welding apparatus at Tegel, near Berlin; Chemical change produced in steel and iron by the action of the arc in electric welding ..... 440 Storage batteries constructed by M. de Bernados illustrated and described 441 Manner of operating Bernados’ and Olszewsky’s apparatus illustrated and described.44 2 XVI.—Wire—Manufacture, Brassing, Coppering, Electroplating, Galvanizing, Etc. What wire-drawing consists in; Drawing properties of metals, on what they depend.445 Definitions of the qualities of wires; Plough steel; Characteristics of wire rods, on what they depend; Amount of carbon which may be present in steel rods; Deleteriousness of sulphur and phosphorus .... 446 Breaking strengths of various wires; Manner of rolling rods at Garrett’s wire-rod mill, near Chicago, Illinois, and in England .... 447 The entire series of grooves of a wire-rod roll illustrated; Construction of an oval groove illustrated ......... 448 Preparation of wire-rods for drawing; A wire-drawing mill illustrated and described.449 Wire-drawers’ soap or grease.450 F. Vogel’s pickle; Lubricant in drawing Bessemer wire recommended by Chas. H. Morgan; Annealing of wire during the drawing process; Annealing pots . . . . . . . . . . . 451 W. Rath’s method of preventing the formation of scales during annealing; Drawing drums; Ripping blocks; Tempering or “ patenting ” wires.452 Half-round wire; Schniewindt’s apparatus for producing half-round wire illustrated and described ; Barbed wire ; Typical shapes of barbed wire illustrated and described ......... 453 xxii CONTENTS. Barbed fencing wire manufactured by Bernhard Ebeling, of Bremen, and C. Klauke, of Miincheberg, near Berlin ...... 454 Moen’s machine for the manufacture of barbed wire illustrated and described ; Barbed wire from a single wire; Barbed wire manufactured by the “Westphalische Union ” of Hamm . . . . *455 Phosphorized bronze or brass wire ; Hardening of wire; Ramsden’s method of hardening wire illustrated and described ...... 456 Tables relating to wire by John A. Roebling’s Sons Co., of Trenton, N.J. . . • .. 459 Table of wire gauges, in decimal parts of an inch ..... 460 Table indicating size, weight and length of iron and steel wire . . . 461 Table of weight per 1000 feet of copper wire ...... 462 Table of weight per mile of copper wire; To brass wire in the galvanic way ..463 To electro-brass wire; Manufacture of brass wire; To copper iron wire . 464 To galvanize wire; Roberts’ apparatus for galvanizing wire illustrated and described.465 Vogt’s arrangement for closing vessels through which the wire is conducted in a straight line, illustrated and described; Wittle and Kamper’s arrange¬ ment for removing superfluous zinc, illustrated and described; Roberts’ apparatus for the same purpose, illustrated and described . . . 466 To gild metallic wire and wire cloth; J. W. Spaeth’s machine for gilding wire and wire-cloth illustrated and described.468 Manufacture of gold wire; To nickel wire ..470 To tin wire and wire-gauze ......... 471 To harden steel piano wire ; Coating which does not readily oxidize upon steel and iron wire .......... 473 XVII.— Miscellaneous. Manufacture of basic open-hearth steel; J. H. Darby’s experiments, and description of furnaces used.474 Composition of the charge ; Analysis of the soft steel obtained ; The Carls- son Bessemer process.' . . . 475 Malleable cast-iron.476 Lead lapping illustrated and described.479 Sawing iron and steel; Manufacture of nicking saws .... 481 Hardening and tempering of the saws ; Speed at which the saws should be run; Manner of cutting off a piece of hardened steel .... 482 Utilization of red-brass turnings ; Recovery of copper .... 483 Recovery of gold from gold baths, etc.; The wet process .... 484 Recovery of gold and silver from sweepings and other refuse from the manufacture of gold ware, etc.; Ungilding ...... 485 CONTENTS. xxiii Utilization of nickel waste; Adams’ nickel-plating salt; To recover nickel from old solutions ........... 486 Recovery of silver from old cyanide plating solutions, etc.; The wet method; Preparation of granulated silver.487 Desilvering; Recovery of platinum from platinum solutions . . . 488 Recovery of tin from tin-plate waste ; Another method; To separate lead from zinc; How Japanese swords are made ...... 489 To make knives from old files; Manufacture of metal pipes, F. Madeley’s patent.491 Improvement in the treatment of steel, C. Jones’ patent; Ink for writing on tin; Ink for writing on zinc; Insulating coverings for steam-pipes, etc. . 492 Another insulating material for steam-pipes; Insulating mass for steam- boilers, etc.; Insulating material for electrical conduits; Flexible insula¬ ting mass for electrical conduits; Gold beating ..... 493 Composition of the cutch; Composition of the shoder .... 494 Lining for furnaces; Matrix mass for the reproduction of metals, coins, etc.; Oil of mustard as a lubricator; Spinning of metals illustrated and described ............ 495 Spinning tools, illustrated and described ....... 496 To cut sheet-brass by chemical means; To roughen sheet-brass for painting; To cut iron plates with the assistance of sulphuric acid; To make a hole in hard steel; To detach gold from metallic articles .... 499 To give metals, lead, tin, zinc, etc., the capacity of firmly adhering to other metals, and to amalgamate with them; To keep steel from rusting; To prevent metals from rusting; To prevent the rusting in of screws; To loosen rusted screws; To prepare good crucibles ..... 500 To purify gold in the dry way (by cementation) according to Philipp ; To repair cracked church bells; To restore burnt cast-steel . . . 501 To restore burnt steel tools ; To sharpen files.502 Process of sharpening files with the sand blast ...... 503 To sharpen tools; New method of securing flues ..... 504 Solidification of powdered metal; Combustibility of iron .... 505 Colors expressing high temperatures ........ 506 Rails and fastenings per mile of railroad.507 Index.509 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK OF RECEIPTS AND PROCESSES. i. CHEMICAL RELATIONS OF THE METALS. The chemist distinguishes 49 different metals, and understands under the term “metals” simple bodies (elements) which form certain combinations with oxygen, differing essentially from the combinations with oxygen of the non-metals. The practical metal worker makes use only of a small portion of the metals; he works up by themselves : iron, copper, zinc, tin, lead, silver, gold, platinum, aluminium and nickel. In combination with other metals, i. e., as alloys, are used: antimony, bismuth, cadmium, manganese, tungsten, chrojnium, arsenic and iridium. Although in working metals their physical properties chiefly come into consideration, and the practical metal worker has principally to deal with their fusibility, ductility and divisibility, he must not be ignorant of their chemical properties, because, on the one hand, the gaining of metals is based upon chemical processes, and, on the other, cases frequently occur in practice, especially in processes relating to the ornamentation of the finished article, which can be explained only by a knowledge of chemistry. For this reason it is considered necessary to devote some space to the chemistry of metals and their behavior towards some non- metallic bodies. The experiments here given, the execution of 3 ( 33 ) 34 THE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. which by the reader is urgently advised, may at the same time serve as a preparatory course for the qualitative analysis of metals and alloys given in Section III. Behavior of Metals towards Oxygen. —Freshly-fractured surfaces of metals exhibit a characteristic lustre—metallic lustre—which remains constant with a few metals only, whilst with others it can be preserved only by certain agents (polish, lacquer). Without such agents the lustre is soon lost in consequence of the action of the air, heat or moisture. This alteration is most plainly illustrated by potassium. Potas¬ sium is a metal of such softness that it can be cut with a knife with greater ease than lead. The freshly-cut surface has a silver-like lustre which, however, instantly tarnishes on exposure to air, and the metal is converted into a white body which readily dis¬ solves in water. For this reason potassium by itself cannot be used for technical purposes, and, for reasons to be explained later on, it can only be preserved by keeping it in a sealed tube free from oxygen or beneath the surface of naphtha. The white body mentioned above has a larger volume and greater weight than the potassium used; consequently the metal must have combined with other bodies, such as occur in the atmos¬ phere. And such is actually the case, one constituent of the air—oxygen—having combined with the metal. The body formed —potassium oxide—having further absorbed water from the air, potassium hydrate is formed. The union of potassium with oxygen is still more rapidly effected by throwing a piece the size of a pea upon water. Its specific gravity being only 0.865, A swims upon the surface. The water, however, is instantly decomposed, hydrogen being rapidly dis¬ engaged ; and the heat evolved is sufficient to inflame the gas, which burns with a violet flame from the volatilization of a portion of the potassium. In this case oxygen is withdrawn from the water. The potassium hydrate also formed in this experiment has instantly dissolved in the water. To prove that the water actually contains in solution the combination of a metal with oxide—a metallic oxide —it is only necessary to dip a piece of red litmus CHEMICAL RELATIONS OF THE METALS. 35 paper into the water. In pure water the litmus paper is not changed; however, in water containing a metallic oxide in solution, it is colored blue as far as dipped in. The process of the absorption of oxygen just described is called oxidation, the combination of the metal with oxygen, an oxide, and, in case the oxide has further absorbed water, this new combination is termed an hydroxide. The oxidation of metals takes place with special ease under the influence of heat. A piece of magnesium wire held in a spirit flame burns with a bright white light, the product of combustion being magnesium monoxide or magnesia. Zinc is a readily fusible metal, it becoming liquid at 773 0 F. By heating it to 932 0 F. its affinity for oxygen becomes so apparent that on pouring it from the crucible it burns with a splendid greenish light and when cool forms a white flaky body— zinc oxide. Hence the combustion of metals is nothing else but their union with oxygen—an oxidation. However the oxidation effected by heat is not always a visible phenomenon of combustion. By heating a piece of copper-sheet over an alcohol flame the latter becomes green, this being an indication of the combustion of the copper; moreover, the color of the copper also changes, it becoming gradually yellow, violet and blue and finally black. The black body formed is cupric oxide. By immersing the sheet after the formation of the oxide in water, the oxide scales off and the sheet shows a brown-red appearance different from that of metallic copper. This brown-red layer can be readily removed by mechanical means (scraping, polishing), but by repeated heating is also converted into oxide. Hence it is also a combination of copper with oxygen, but it contains only half as much oxygen as cupric oxide, and is called cuprous oxide. Cupric oxide contains 63.5 parts of copper to 16 of oxygen, whilst cuprous oxide contains 127 parts of copper to 16 of oxygen. Most metals unite with oxygen in two proportions; some, how¬ ever, for instance, lead and manganese, will combine with more oxygen than is contained in their oxides. Such higher grades of oxidation are termed super-oxides, whilst the terms protoxide and 36 TIIE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-ROOK. suboxide are applied to combinations of oxygen containing less oxygen than the oxides. Platinum, gold, silver and mercury do not combine with oxygen in the manner above described. They retain their metallic lustre, and their oxides can only be prepared with difficulty. To dis¬ tinguish them from the more readily oxidizable base metals they are called noble metals. Combinations of the Metals with Chlorine .—To prepare chlorine for experiments it may be separated from hydrochloric acid, a combination of chlorine and hydrogen. For this purpose pour over 20 parts by weight of finely pulverized pyrolusite (peroxide cf manganese) in a flask, 60 parts by weight of hydrochloric acid, and apply a gentle heat; a heavy yellow gas is disengaged which is the substance in question. The reaction consists in an inter¬ change between the two atoms of oxygen of the pyrolusite and four atoms of chlorine from the hydrochloric acid, the oxygen uniting with the hydrogen to form water, while of the chlorine one-half unites with the manganese, forming a chloride, and the other half is given off as gas. The disengaged chlorine being very poisonous if inhaled, great care must be exercised in its preparation. As a precautionary measure frequently wave a cloth moistened with a few drops of spirit of wine and spirit of sal-ammoniac through the air. The chlorine contained in the air combines with the spirit of sal- ammoniac to a body which is not injurious to the respiratory organs. To collect the chlorine in a bottle fill the latter with lukewarm water and fasten a bent glass-tube to the boiling flask by means of a perforated tube, allowing the free end of the tube to dip in a dish filled with water. The chlorine escapes in bubbles from the aperture in the tube. To collect it close the bottle filled with luke¬ warm water with the thumb or a moistened glass-plate and immerse it, mouth down, in the dish filled with water. On removing the thumb or the glass-plate the water does not run out, and the filled bottle can be readily brought over the discharge-aperture of the glass-tube. The escaping chlorine gradually displaces the water. CHEMICAL RELATIONS OF THE METALS. 37 When all the water is displaced and the bottle filled with chlorine, it is taken out after having previously been corked under water. Powdered antimony, if allowed to fall into a bottle filled with chlorine, burns with a white smoke and the appearance of a fiery rain. A piece of Dutch gold (metal-leaf) also burns with a lively flame in chlorine, the product of combustion dissolving with a blue-green color in water. Genuine gold dissolves in chlorine water, the solution being of a slightly yellowish color. Hence chlorine furnishes a sure means of distinguishing genuine from spurious gold. The combinations of chlorine with metals are called metallic chlorides. Metallic chlorides in solutions are obtained by intro¬ ducing metals or metallic oxides into hydrochloric acid, iron and zinc being especially soluble in the acid. If, for instance, small pieces of zinc are brought into a bottle provided with two mouths (Fig. i), and hydrochloric acid diluted with water be poured through a funnel placed air-tight upon the bottle, the zinc is dissolved with a vigorous development of gas. To more closely examine the evolved gas, secure to the other mouth of the bottle a bent glass tube, the free end of which is drawn out to a fine point. The gas escaping at a readily ignites. The flame does not emit light, but gives out such an intense heat that iron wire may be fused in it and platinum wire brought to a red heat. The ignition of the gas, however, must not be effected too quickly, because so long as the atmospheric air is not completely removed from the bottle and the tube, a mixture is formed which ignites with violent detona¬ tion by being brought in contact with a lighted match or a red hot wire. The gas evolved is called hydrogen and the mixture of hydrogen and air, oxyhydrogen gas. By inverting a glass bell (Fig. i) over the hydrogen flame the aqueous vapors formed condense and run down, drop by drop, on the’sides of the glass-bell. In order to obtain a clear idea of the above-described process of the development of hydrogen, it must be remembered that hydrochloric acid consists of chlorine and hydrogen. Chlorine, however, has a stronger affinity for zinc than for hydrogen, and, 38 THE METAL WORKER'S IIANDY-BOOK. therefore, by bringing zinc into hydrochloric acid, the chlorine leaves its associate, which escapes, while the chlorine forms with the zinc a combination soluble in water —chloride of zinc. In dis¬ solving metallic oxides in hydrochloric acid no hydrogen is liber¬ ated, because the hydrogen separating from the acid instantly combines with the oxygen of the oxide to water. Thus, for in¬ stance, by bringing cupric oxide into hydrochloric acid a green solution results from which, by evaporation, the chloride of copper is obtained in green crystals. A development of hydrogen does not take place, because : Cupric oxide = Hydrochloric acid = Products: copper -p oxygen, chlorine -y hydrogen, chloride of copper + water. Gold, platinum and mercury do not dissolve in hydrochloric acid. However, it has previously been stated that gold dissolves in pure chlorine. If, now, hydrochloric acid is to be used for the solution of gold, a body has to be added to the acid which with¬ draws from it the hydrogen and liberates the chlorine. Nitric acid, being very rich in oxygen, answers this purpose. By carefully CHEMICAL KELATIONS OF THE METALS. 39 mixing 2 parts by weight of hydrochloric acid and 1 part by weight of nitric acid a mixture known as aqua regia is obtained. By placing gold or platinum in this mixture a portion of the oxygen of the nitric acid combines with the hydrogen of the hydrochloric acid to water, whilst the chlorine of the hydrochloric acid com¬ bines with the metal to chloride of gold or chloride of platinum. The nitric acid, deprived of a portion of its oxygen, becomes nitrous gas and nitrous acid, both of which escape as yellow vapors, very injurious to the respiratory organs. The combinations of silver and lead with chlorine are insoluble in water. Hence hydrochloric acid does not dissolve these metals, a superficial layer of chloride of silver or chloride of lead being formed, which prevents the further action of the acid. Combinations of the Metals with Sulphur .—Sulphur is a non- metallic body of yellow color, which melts at 222 0 F. and boils at 784° F., whereby it is converted into brown-red vapors which, when sufficiently cooled, condense to a yellow powder (flowers of sulphur). Sulphur is frequently associated with metals, a large portion of the latter being gained from metallic sulphides. By holding a piece of sheet copper in the brown-red vapor of sulphur it loses its flexibility and red color ; it becomes brittle and gray; jt has lost 25 per cent, of weight and has been converted into cuprous sulphide, which consists of 16 parts sulphur and 63.4 parts copper. (There is also a combination of copper with sul¬ phur which contains about 33^ per cent, of sulphur.) By wrapping in a piece of tin-foil one-half of its weight of sul¬ phur and heating them in a test cube over a spirit flame, a portion of the sulphur evaporates, while another portion combines with the tin to brown-black sulphide of tin, which consists of 32 parts sulphur and 118 parts tin. The preparation of the combination of sulphur with tin known as mosaic gold (59 parts tin, 32 sulphur) will be given later on. With iron sulphur combines without the assistance of heat. By mixing 30 parts by weight of iron filings, 20 of flowers of sulphur and 20 of water in a small pot and placing the mixture in a warm place in order to allow the water to evaporate, a black powder will 40 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-COOK. be found in the pot ; this powder is ferrous sulphide and contains 32 parts sulphur to 56 parts iron. A combination containing 56 parts iron and 64 parts sulphur oc¬ curs naturally and is known as iron-pyrites. Metallic sulphides are mostly distinguished by a characteristic coloration, those known as “ pyrites ” especially having a beautiful gold lustre. Laws of Combination of the Elements .—In the preceding para¬ graphs the phenomena have been explained by which from two simple bodies a new body with new properties may be formed. In the following the opposite case will be considered, because many of the bodies thus formed can be again decomposed into their con¬ stituents. The bodies which cannot be further decomposed either by chemical or mechanical means are called elements. Table of the Most Important Elements, with their Sym¬ bols and Atomic Weights : Name. Aluminium. Antimony (Stibium). . Arsenic. Barium. Bismuth. Boron. Bromine. Cadmium. Calcium. Carbon. Chlorine. Cohalt. Copper (Cuprum). Fluorine. Gold (Aurum). Hydrogen. Iodine. Iridium. Iron (Ferrum). Lead (Plumbum). Magnesium. Symbol. Atomic 1 weight. Name. Symbol. Atomic weight. A1 27.4 Manganese. Mn 55 Sb I 22 Mercury (Hydrargy- As 75 rum). Hg 200 Ba 137 Nickel. Ni 58.8 Bi 210 Nitrogen. N 14 B I I Oxygen. O l6 Br 80 Palladium. Pd 106.6 Cd I 12 Phosphorus. P 31 Ca 40 Platinum. Pt 197-4 c 12 Potassium (Kalium).. . K 39-i Cl 35-5 Selenium . Se 79-4 Co 58.8 Silicium . Si 28 Cu 634 Silver (Argentum) .... A g 108 F >9 Sodium (Natrium) . Na 23 Au 197 Sulphur. S 32 II I Thallium. T1 204 I 127 Tin (Stannum) . Sn 118 Ir 198 Titanium . Ti 50 Fe 56 Tungsten or Wolfram W 184 Pb 207 Uranium . U 240 Mg 24 Zinc. Zn 65.2 CHEMICAL RELATIONS OF THE METALS. 41 The names of the most important elements are given in the fore¬ going table. Opposite to them in the third column are placed certain numbers which express the proportions in which they com¬ bine together or simple multiples of those proportions; these num¬ bers are called atomic or indivisible weights. In the second column are placed symbols by which these weights are denoted ; these sym¬ bols are formed of the first letters of the Latin names of the ele¬ ments, a second letter being added when the names of two or more elements begin with the same letter. The names of the metallic elements are distinguished by large type. From the table it will be seen that, for instance, 118 parts of tin combine with 32 parts of sulphur, or with 16 parts of oxy¬ gen. The elements combine, however, not only according to the proportion of their atomic weights, but also according to the mul¬ tiples thereof. On p. 39 was mentioned a combination of tin and sulphur, consisting of 118 parts tin and (2 X 32 =) 64 parts of sulphur, and tin-stone contains for 118 parts of tin (2 X 16 =) 32 parts of oxygen. As previously stated, each chemical element is denoted, for brevity’s sake, by a symbol, which also expresses the atomic weight. Hg, for instance, does not only mean mercury, but also 200 parts by weight of mercury. To express chemical combinations, the symbols of the elements are placed along-side each other, thus: Hg S = (mercury and sulphur =) cinnabar. Cl H = (chlorine and hydrogen =) hydrochloric acid. If in the combination one of the elements is contained as a mul¬ tiple, a small figure denoting the multiple is placed at the right of the symbol. Thus the symbol For Ferric chloride is Fe Cl 3 “ Minium “ Pb 3 0 4 “ Cuprous oxide “ Cu 2 O “ Nitric acid “ FI N 0 3 Metallic Salts .—As previously mentioned the combinations of the metals with oxygen differ essentially from those of the non- 42 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. metals with oxygen. While the first, when soluble in water, have an alkaline taste, the latter have an acid taste; the first are called bases and the latter acids. Blue litmus-tincture is an infallible reagent for acids; a drop of it brought into an acid fluid is colored red. The tincture is pre¬ pared by pouring over commercial litmus ten times its weight of water and letting it stand for 12 hours. The fluid is then decanted from the sediment and kept for use in a wide-mouthed, open bottle. In a corked bottle it soon decomposes. To make litmus-tincture available for the detection of alkalies, compound it drop by drop with dilute hydrochloric acid until it becomes red. Red litmus-tincture is colored blue by an alkaline fluid. For many purposes it is of advantage to use litmus-paper in place of the tincture, the fluids to be tested not being colored by it.- It is prepared by soaking filtering paper in litmus-tincture, drying and cutting it into small pieces ; one-half of each piece is finally drawn through dilute hydrochloric acid, the red portion serving as a reagent for alkalies, and the blue for acids. In the same manner as the elements combine together the bases may also enter into combinations with the acids. Such combina¬ tions are called salts and are generally distinguished by the ap¬ pearance of characteristic crystalline forms. By dissolving black oxide of copper in hydrochloric acid a blue solution is obtained from which a blue salt crystallizes out. This salt is cupric sulphate or blue vitriol. Litharge dissolved in acetic acid gives acetate of lead or sugar of lead, which crystallizes out in transparent colorless crystals. By treating metals with acids, salts are also formed, but the metals must first be oxidized before being brought in contact with the acid. By pouring, for instance, dilute sulphuric acid over zinc, the latter withdraws the oxygen from the water while the hy¬ drogen escapes. In dissolving silver in nitric acid the silver with¬ draws from the acid a portion of its oxygen and the acid becomes nitrous oxide, which on coming in contact with the air is com verted into nitrous acid. The same phenomena appear in dissolv¬ ing copper as well as other metals in nitric acid. CHEMICAL RELATIONS OF THE METALS 43 Metallic oxides being thus formed they may combine with the respective acids, the result being sulphate of zinc, or nitrate of silver, or nitrate of copper. It will, however, readily be seen that the gaining of nitrates directly from the metals cannot be profit¬ able, since a portion of the acid is consumed for the oxidation of the metal. By treating metals with hydrochloric acid metallic chlorides are formed (see page 36). In the metallic chlorides the acid, how¬ ever, is not combined with a base, though generally they have the character of a salt. To distinguish them and the combinations of the metals with iodine and bromine from the combinations with oxygen, the term haloid salts is applied to them. All the salts mentioned thus far are soluble in water; insoluble in water or soluble with difficulty are, for instance, the salts of barium, strontium, calcium and lead obtained with sulphuric, chromic and sulphurous acids and the haloid salts of lead, silver, etc. These salts may be obtained by two different methods: either by compounding a soluble salt with the respective acid or by mix¬ ing the solutions of two salts which reciprocally exchange their constituents'. By compounding a solution of sugar of lead with tartaric acid tartrate of lead is precipitated, whilst the supernatant liquid con¬ tains acetic acid. By adding hydrochloric acid to a solution of nitrate of silver, chloride of silver is precipitated, the supernatant fluid containing nitric acid. If the solution of nitrate of silver be compounded with sodium chloride (common salt) chloride of sil¬ ver is also precipitated, but the nitric acid liberated from the nitrate of silver combines with the sodium to a salt. From a solution of sugar of lead compounded with a solution of potassium bichromate, chromate of lead, the chrome-yellow of the painter, is separated, the acetic acid of the sugar of lead being re¬ placed by the chromic acid of the potassium bichromate. In a similar manner metallic sulphides can be precipitated from the solutions of metallic salts, sulphuretted hydrogen being used for the purpose. Precipitates with Sulphuretted Hydrogen. —For the preparation of 44 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. sulphuretted hydrogen the apparatus shown in Fig. 2 may be used. It consists of the developing vessel a , a porcelain sieve b, suspended by means of a platinum wire to a glass rod, a funnel c and a bent tube, to which is secured a second tube by means of a rubber hose. By the clip d the gas developed in the glass vessel may be shut off. The porcelain sieve is filled with small pieces of iron monosulphide and dilute sulphuric acid (1 part acid to 5 water) poured in through the funnel until a copious disengagement of gas takes place. Sulphuretted hydrogen is a colorless gas having the Fig. 2. odor of putrid eggs; it is not an irritant, but, on the contrary, powerfully narcotic. Water absorbs it with avidity. It has the property of decomposing the oxides of heavy metals and precipi¬ tating the metals as metallic sulphides. The precipitate has generally a characteristic color. In the presence of antimony it is orange ; of cadmium, arsenic or stannic oxide, yellow ; of bismuth or stan¬ nous oxide, brown; of gold, brown-black; of silver, lead or gold, black. If zinc, nickel, iron or cobalt be present in the solution, the lat¬ ter must first be made alkaline, the combinations of these metals with sulphur being soluble in dilute acids. To make the solutions MOST IMPORTANT METALLIC PREPARATIONS. 45 alkaline compound them with ammonia until red litmus paper be¬ comes blue. From the alkaline solution sulphuretted hydrogen precipitates zinc with a white color, manganese with a flesh color, and iron, nickel and cobalt with a black color. II. THE MOST IMPORTANT METALLIC PREPARATIONS, AND THE CHEMICALS USED IN THE METAL-INDUSTRY. i. Iron Preparations. Ferrous sulphate (copperas , green vitriol ) is obtained in pale green crystals which rapidly oxidize in the air. It is best prepared by dissolving iron filings in dilute sulphuric acid and filtering the boiling hot solution. By mixing the filtrate with spirit of wine the ferrous sulphate separates as a fine white crystalline meal which is washed with spirit of wine and quickly dried between blotting- paper. Ferrous sulphate thus prepared is distinguished by great durability, whilst the commercial article, which is mostly prepared from iron pyrites, quickly oxidizes in the air and gives turbid solutions. A 7 nmonio-ferrous sulphate is formed by dissolving separately in as little water as possible, 139 parts of ferrous sulphate and 60 of ammonium sulphate, and pouring the solutions heated to 140° F. into a porcelain dish, adding a few drops of sulphuric acid and stirring until cool. A pale blue crystalline meal is deposited which the next day is dried in a funnel, the tube of which is closed by a tuft of cotton. Ferrous chloride is obtained by dissolving iron in hydrochloric acid. By sufficiently evaporating the solution pale green crystals are obtained which readily oxidize in the air and dissolve with ease in spirit of wine. Ferric chloride is obtained as a black-brown hygroscopic mass by adding chlorine water to a solution of ferrous chloride, or by 46 THE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. dissolving ferric oxide in hydrochloric acid. In water it dissolves to a yellow fluid. Sesquioxide of iron , colcothar or rouge occurs in commerce as a brown-red powder. It is obtained as a by-product in the manu¬ facture of sulphuric acid from solution of ferrous sulphate. A product of a red-brown color consisting of sesquioxide of iron and clay has recently been brought into commerce under the name of iron minium ; it is used in the preparation of paint. Potassium ferrocyanide (yellow prussiate of potash) is a commer¬ cial article. It occurs in the shape of fine yellow and semi-trans- lucenf crystals with mother-of-pearl lustre, which break gradually and without noise. The fracture is jagged, and filled with a multi¬ tude of small bright spots. Potassium ferricyanide (red prussiate of potash) is obtained by allowing chlorine to act upon a solution of yellow prussiate of potash. It forms prismatic or sometimes tabular crystals. It serves for distinguishing ferric from ferrous oxides, its solution yielding a deep blue precipitate with ferrous oxides, but not with ferric oxides. Ferric sulphate' is obtained by heating 5 parts of ferrous sulphate with 15 parts of water and 1 part of sulphuric acid, and adding to the boiling solution nitric acid in small quantities until the, at first black, fluid has acquired a brown-yellow color. By evaporation it yields a pale yellow crystalline mass, from which anhydrous ferric sulphate is obtained by compounding the concentrated solution with sulphuric acid. With yellow prussiate of potash ferric sul¬ phate gives a deep blue precipitate which is know as Berlin blue. By mixing solution of ferrous sulphate with solution of yellow prussiate of potash a pale blue precipitate—protocyanide of iron—■ is obtained, which after long standing in the air is also converted into Berlin blue. 2. Preparations of Cobalt and Nickel. Cobaltous chloride is obtained in blue crystalline scales of a greasy touch by heating the metal in chlorine, or by adding strong hydrochloric acid to a solution of the protoxide in hydrochloric MOST IMPORTANT METALLIC PREPARATIONS. 47 » acid. By absorption of water the color of the scales changes to red. Cobaltous nitrate is a red crystalline salt and very deliquescent. By prolonged heating the acid escapes and steel-blue sesquioxide of cobalt remains behind. Cobaltous oxide is a greenish-gray powder readily reduced to the metallic state by ignition in hydrogen, and is converted into the sesquioxide in presence of oxygen. Nickel chloride is best obtained by dissolving metallic nickel in aqua regia. A solution of nickel or its oxide in hydrochloric acid also yields, after evaporation, nickel chloride in small granular crystals of a blue color, which dissolve in water with a green, and in ammonia, with a blue color. In the dry way it is obtained in delicate, lardaceous scales by conducting chlorine gas over slightly heated metallic nickel. Nickel sulphate is obtained by dissolving metallic nickel in sul¬ phuric acid compounded with a few drops of nitric acid to accel¬ erate the action. It crystallizes out in emerald-green crystals which readily dissolve in water, and with spirit of sal-ammoniac, give a dark blue fluid. Nickel nitrate is an emerald-green powder, also soluble in am¬ monia ; it is very deliquescent. It is obtained by dissolving metallic nickel in nitric acid. By adding potash or soda to a solution of a nickel salt, nickel hydrate is precipitated as a green powder. It is soluble in am¬ monia, forming a violet solution. 3. Copper Preparations. Copper-powder used in the preparation of copper amalgam is pre¬ pared as follows: Place a strip of sheet-zinc in a saturated solution of blue vitriol mixed with an equal volume of hydrochloric acid. The copper is precipitated as a fine powder which, after decanting the supernatant fluid, is washed first with weak and next with stronger alcohol; it is then quickly dried to prevent oxidation. Cupric sulphate (sulphate of copper, blue vitriol ) is the best known copper salt. It occurs in blue crystals and dissolves in 4 parts of 48 TI1E METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. cold water. It is obtained by dissolving cupric oxide in sulphuric acid, or on the large scale, by heating scrap or refuse copper with sulphur in a furnace so as to convert it into cuprous sulphide which is then oxidized to cupric sulphate and oxide. The mass is thrown into dilute sulphuric acid and the resulting sulphate crystallizes out from the solution. Cupro-diammonium sulphate. —By adding ammonia to a solution of cupric sulphate a pale blue precipitate is formed which, by a further addition of ammonia, dissolves to a dark blue fluid. By carefully adding to the fluid double its volume of alcohol the cupro- diammonium sulphate crystallizes out after 24 hours. Copper nitrate is formed by dissolving the metal or oxide in nitric acid and concentrating the solution in a copper kettle. It forms dark blue, prismatic crystals. Cupric chloride. —This salt is obtained in long bluish-green needles by dissolving cupric oxide in hydrochloric acid and evap¬ orating the solution. By heating the needles water escapes, then chlorine, while cuprous chloride remains behind. On exposure to the sun it acquires a copper color and a metallic lustre. It is also obtained as a brown fluid by heating solution of cupric chloride compounded with hydrochloric acid together with copper. By the addition of water the cuprous chloride precipitates as a white powder. In a cold solution of sodium hyposulphite cuprous chloride dis¬ solves to a yellow fluid, which does not change at an ordinary temperature, but, when heated, deposits black sulphide of copper. Sulphide of copper with a black color is also precipitated by sulphuretted hydrogen from solutions of copper salts. Copper carbonate. —On adding a solution of soda to one of cupric sulphate a pale blue precipitate of copper carbonate is formed which after some time becomes green; it is known under the name of mmeral green. Acetate of copper occurs in two varieties: 1. The tieu/ral salt obtained by dissolving cupric oxide in acetic acid. It is found in the market either in the form of dark green crystals or of a bright green powder—highly poisonous—soluble in MOST IMPORTANT METALLIC PREPARATIONS. 49 water which becomes green ; very soluble in ammonia, forming a solution of an azure-blue color. . 2. The basic salt or verdigris; it is a powder of a fine turquois bluish-green; it is highly poisonous. It is obtained either from copper and vinegar (German verdigris), or by piling together sheets of copper with the skins of pressed grapes (French verdi¬ gris). It is imperfectly soluble in water, and difficult to combine with the sulphites and cyanides, unless previously treated with ammonia. It is often used for adulterating the neutral salt. Cyanide of copper. —Two salts are called by this name ; one im¬ properly so called is the ferrocyanide, a powder of a maroon or Vandyke-brown color, obtained by the precipitation of a soluble copper salt with ferrocyanide of potassium; the other, the cyanide, a dirty white powder with a greenish-yellow tinge resulting from the precipitation of a soluble copper salt by cyanide of potassium. Whatever be its mode of production, it is freely soluble in all the alkaline cyanides. Cupric and cuprous oxides. —The formation of these oxides has already been discussed on page 35. Cuprous oxide is soluble in ammonia. Th® ammoniacal copper compound formed is a very strong reducing agent, and serves for the precipitation of silver in the manufacture of silver mirrors. 4. Preparations of Lead, Tin and Bismuth. Acetate of lead (sugar of lead) is a poisonous salt obtained by dissolving litharge in acetic acid and evaporating the solution. It is ordinarily found in the shape of crystalline masses; white; light; very soluble; savor, at first sweetish, then metallic. It yields a turbid solution which becomes clear by the addition of a few drops of acetic acid. Lead carbonate (white lead ) is used as a paint; insoluble in water. Lead chloride is readily obtained by adding hydrochloric acid or a soluble chloride to a solution of a lead salt. It crystallizes in white lustrous needles, sparingly soluble in cold water (1 part in 4 50 TOE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. 120), but much more soluble in boiling water and in strong hydrochloric acid. Lead sulphate is formed as a precipitate insoluble in water by mixing solution of a lead salt and sulphuric acid. Lead chromate (chrome yellow). —This salt is obtained as a brilliant yellow precipitate on mixing solutions of potassium chromate or dichromate with lead nitrate or acetate. On boiling it with lime water, one-half of the acid is withdrawn, and a basic lead chromate of an orange-red color left. Stannous chloride (.Protochloride of tin , Tin-salt). —This salt is manufactured in large quantities, and occurs in commerce in the form of small, needle-like crystals. It is greasy to the touch, fuses readily, communicates to the fingers a characteristic odor and has a taste at first saline and then astringent and caustic. It is soluble in water, but is partly precipitated in the state of a white subsalt, which readily dissolves in a slight excess of acid. Stannous chloride is prepared by dissolving granulated tin (in excess) in hot hydrochloric acid, evaporating the solution to a syrupy consistency and letting it crystallize. When the crystals are heated they first fuse in their water of crystallization, which soon evaporates, carrying off a small portion of hydrochloric acid. The operation is completed when thick white fumes begin to be evolved, which is evidence that the salt itself is beginning to volatilize. The fused chloride of tin thus obtained is preferable for tinning with alkaline baths. Stannic sulphide may be obtained in golden yellow spangles by passing stannic chloride and sulphuretted hydrogen through a heated tube, or by heating mixtures of finely-divided tin, sulphur and sal-ammoniac, or of stannous sulphide and corrosive sublimate. The preparations thus obtained are known under the name of mosaic gold. Bismuth Jiitrate forms transparent crystals, and is obtained by dissolving bismuth in nitric acid. The crystals are decomposed by water with the production of a basic salt. MOST IMPORTANT METALLIC PREPARATIONS. 51 5. Preparations of Zinc, Antimony and Arsenic. Chloride of zinc is obtained in solution by introducing zinc into hydrochloric acid until a portion of it remains undissolved. Zinc sulphate (white vitriol) is obtained on a large scale by roasting blende and lixiviating the roasted mass with water. In commerce it is found in three forms : either in white or opaque plates, or in large transparent crystals, or in a mass formed of a quantity of needle-like crystals resembling those of tin-salt. Its taste is sour, styptic and metallic, and it is very soluble in water, which remains colorless. Zinc oxide prepared by burning the metal is employed as a pigment under the name of zinc white; it is chiefly valued for its permanency, as it is not blackened by exposure to sulphuretted hydrogen like white lead. Iron black is finely divided antimony powder precipitated from a solution of antimony by zinc. It imparts to figures of plaster of Paris and papier-machd the appearance of bright steel; hence its name. Antimony trichloride is obtained by the action of chlorine or mercuric chloride upon the metal or by heating the trisulphide with mercuric chloride. It is a translucent, light yellow fatty mass, whence its common name of butter of antimony. On exposure to the air it absorbs water with avidity, forming a very caustic fuming liquid. An addition of water causes turbidity and precipitation; hence it is diluted with alcohol. Tartar ejnetic. —By boiling the tetroxide of antimony with cream of tartar it is dissolved and the solution yields on evapora¬ tion crystals of tartar emetic, which is almost the only antimonious salt which will bear admixture with water without decomposition. In the metal industry it is used for the production of lustrous colors upon brass. White arsenic or arsenious acid, a very poisonous substance, which generally occurs in the shape of a white powder and some¬ times in vitreous-like lumps resembling porcelain. It is slightly 62 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. soluble in water. It is employed in certain silver-whitening baths and also in the electro-baths for brass. Schweinfurt green is obtained from equal parts of arsenious acid and neutral verdigris by heating the solutions by themselves and mixing them boiling hot. It consists of 31.29 parts cupric oxide, 58.65 arsenious acid and 10.6 acetic acid. It is very poisonous. 6 . Preparations of Mercury and Silver. Mercurous sulphate is a white, sparingly soluble, crystalline powder, formed by slightly heating mercury with concentrated sulphuric acid. Mercuric nitrate is obtained by dissolving at a gentle heat mer¬ cury in nitric acid and, when solution is complete, boiling the fluid for a few minutes. Mercurous nitrate is a white crystalline salt, obtained by dissolv¬ ing the metal in cold dilute nitric acid. Potash solution precipi¬ tates from the solution mercurous oxide, which is readily resolved on exposure to light or by simple trituration in a mortar into mer¬ cury and mercuric oxide. Mercuric chloride or corrosive sublimate is obtained by dissolving the metal in aqua regia. It crystallizes out in the form of white columns ; it is highly poisonous. Nitrate of silver (.silver nitrate, lunar caustic) is one of the most important silver salts. It is readily made by dissolving the metal in moderately dilute nitric acid and concentrating the solution when it separates out in anhydrous tables. In the trade the salt is found in three forms: either as crystallized nitrate of silver in thin rhombic and transparent plates; or in amorphous, opaque and white plates of fused nitrate; or in small cylinders of white, or gray, or black color, according to the nature of the mould em¬ ployed, in which form it constitutes the lunar caustic for surgical uses. Nitrate of silver dissolves in its own weight of water, forming a neutral solution, which is partially reduced by the action of hydro¬ gen with the production of silver and silver nitrate. In the metal MOST IMPORTANT METALLIC PREPARATIONS. 53 industry it is employed for preparing silver-baths, metallizing moulds and for many other purposes. Chloride of silver (argentic chloride , hor-n silver ) is readily ob¬ tained by adding hydrochloric acid or a chloride to a solution of nitrate of silver. It forms a white curdy mass almost absolutely insoluble in water. On exposure to the light it soon turns blue and then black. To prevent this decomposition it should be kept in blue or opaque bottles. It fuses at a high temperature and ac¬ quires the appearance of horn, from which it derives its name of horn silver. It is employed in the preparation of the baths for electro-silvering, for the whitening baths and for the pastes for silvering by friction. It readily dissolves in ammonia. Argentic oxide is precipitated as a black powder from a solution of nitrate of silver by ammonia. It is redissolved by an excess of the precipitating agent. Silver carbonate is insoluble in water and is formed as a precipi¬ tate on bringing together solutions of nitrate of silver and of potash. Cyanide of silver (prussiate or hydrocyanate of silver). —This substance is white, becomes slowly black when exposed to light and is insoluble in water and in cold acids, which, however, will dissolve it with the aid of heat. It is prepared by passing cyano¬ gen gas through, or adding hydrocyanic acid to, a cold solution of nitrate of silver. The precipitate formed is thoroughly washed and kept in a moist condition in blue or black bottles. Silver sulphate is formed by the action of hot concentrated sul¬ phuric acid on the metal, or by adding sulphuric acid to a strong solution of silver nitrate. It is sparingly soluble in water • it forms with ammonia a readily soluble compound. Silver sulphide is obtained by fusing silver with sulphur. It is readily fusible, forming, when cold, a leaden-gray mass, which is so soft that it may be readily cut with a knife and pressed into moulds. Silver hyposulphite is prepared by adding, to a solution of nitrate of silver, ammonia until the precipitate is dissolved and then pour- 54 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. ing in a concentrated solution of sodium hyposulphite and alcohol. The salt separated is washed and dried. 7. Preparations of Gold and Platinum. Chloride of gold (auric chloride') is generally prepared by dissolv¬ ing finely laminated or otherwise comminuted gold in aqua regia. The operation is conducted in a glass flask and with the aid of a gentle heat until all the gold has dissolved to form a yellow liquid, which still retains a great excess of acid. The heat is then slightly increased and continued until the liquid is a hyacinth-red. After cooling a crystallized mass of a fine yellow color is obtained, which is well adapted to the preparation of the immersion-gilding bath. On the other hand, for electro-gilding baths, the action of the fire should preferably be continued until the liquid in the flask has acquired a blackish-red .color without losing its fluidity. On cooling the crystals are brown-red. Aurous chloride is a yellowish-white insoluble powder, obtained by heating auric chloride to about 302° F. until the color changes to pure yellow. Cyanide of gold (prussiate or hydrocyanate of gold) is prepared by precipitating a solution of chloride of gold with a solution of cyanide of potassium. An excess of alkaline cyanide must be avoided, as it will dissolve the precipitate and form a double cyanide of gold and potassium. This salt is employed for the preparation of gilding baths and is preferred to the chloride for this purpose, as it avoids the objection of introducing chloride of potassium into the gilding solution. Gold salt ( Gozzy's gold salt, Sal auri Figuicri, Aurum muriati- cutn natronatum crystallisation). —Dissolve 8 parts of gold in aqua regia. Add 2 parts of common salt and evaporate to dryness. Or dissolve 1 part of gold in a mixture of 4 parts of hydrochloric acid and 1 of nitric acid, evaporate the solution to crystallization, dissolve it in 8 parts of water, mix the solution with o. 25 part of common salt and again evaporate to crystallization. In the pres¬ ence of free acid dissolve the mass in water, evaporate to crystal¬ lization and recrystallize several times. Or, dissolve 100 parts of MOST IMPORTANT METALLIC PREPARATIONS. 56 gold in 400 of hydrochloric acid and 100 of nitric acid, heat until all the nitric acid is decomposed, then mix with 73 parts of sodium carbonate and evaporate to dryness. (In place of common salt or sodium carbonate potassium chloride or potassium carbonate may be used.) Purple of Cassius, so named after its discoverer, is the dark- purple precipitate formed on bringing together dilute solution of chloride of gold with a solution of stannous chloride. Purple of Cassius imparts to pastes and enamels a beautiful purple color; it is prepared as follows: Dissolve 30.86 grains of tin in boiling aqua regia, evaporate the solution at a gentle heat until solid, then dissolve it in distilled water and after adding 30.86 grains of a solution of stannous chloride dilute with 10 quarts of water and stir into the fluid a solution of chloride of gold prepared from 0.75 grain of gold and not containing an excess of acid, which is effected by evaporating the solution of chloride of gold to dryness and heating for some time at 322 0 F. On adding 1 oz. 12 drachms of ammonia the fluid becomes turbid and the purple sepa¬ rates out. Plaiinic chloride (chloride of platinum, Tetra-chloride of pla- tinuni). —This salt is prepared like the chloride of gold; but the aqua regia should be made of 5 parts of hydrochloric acid to 3 of nitric acid. The product is evaporated nearly to dryness in a porcelain capsule from which it may readily be detached after cool¬ ing. If it be desired to have it more acid, and therefore more easy to dissolve, it is poured while still fluid, and not sensibly fuming, upon a porcelain plate, from which it is easily separated after cool¬ ing. Platinic chloride is soluble in water and alcohol, caustic soda and sodium carbonate and phosphate; in the latter case it forms double salts like chloride of gold. Ammonio-chloride of platinum is precipitated from a solution of platinic chloride by mixing it with sal-ammoniac or another atn- moniacal salt. It is a lemon-yellow powder soluble with difficulty in water. By heating the powder spongy platinutn is obtained. 56 TIIE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. 8 . Acids. Sulphuric acid (oil of vitriol ).—Ordinary sulphuric acid is a colorless, odorless, dense fluid, which is produced in large quantities by oxidizing in lead chambers moist sulphurous acid by the vapors of nitric acid. Its name of oil of vitriol comes from its oily consistency and from the green vitriol (sulphate of iron), from which it was formerly obtained by distillation in closed vessels. Concentrated sulphuric acid, which may still contain 18.46 per cent, of water, attacks and blackens organic substances, becoming itself more or less dark thereby. The particles of dust flying in the air and falling into it are sufficient to produce this phenomenon. Sulphuric acid is very hygroscopic, i. e., very much inclined to absorb water. On mixing with water it becomes heated to a con¬ siderable extent. Now, as it is frequently used in a dilute state, it is necessary to remark that water should never be poured into the acid ; pour the acid in a thin jet and in small quantities into the water, stirring diligently with a glass rod. To avoid too much heating and the explosion of the mixing vessel place the latter in another vessel filled with water. The acid is preserved in glass bottles closed with glass stoppers. The value of commercial sul¬ phuric acid being dependent on its content of anhydrous acid, it is tested with an aerometer. Beaume’s aerometer sinks in pure concentrated sulphuric acid, specific gravity 1.842 to 66°. The table on p. 57 gives information in regard to the content in other cases; it may be remarked that the sulphuric acid to be tested should be at 59 0 F. Anhydrous sulphuric acid is not found in commerce. Fuming sulphuric acid, also called Nordhausen sulphuric acid, is obtained by burning sulphate of iron, and is a mixture of anhydrous and or¬ dinary sulphuric acid. It is a brownish fluid of a pungent odor (sulphurous acid) which fumes in the air, and on heating yields vapors of anhydrous sulphuric acid. Fuming sulphuric acid is chiefly used for dissolving indigo. MOST IMPORTANT METALLIC PREPARATIONS. 57 Percentage of Anhydrous Sulphuric Acid at Different Degrees Be. Degrees B6. Anhydrous acid. Hydrated sul¬ phuric acid. Degrees Be. Anhydrous acid. Hydrated sul¬ phuric acid. Degrees Be. Anhydrous acid. Hydrated sul¬ phuric acid. o 0.7 0.9 23 22.1 25.8 46 46.4 56.9 I i -5 1-9 24 22.1 27.1 47 47.6 58-3 2 23 2.8 25 23.2 28.4 48 487 59-6 3 3 1 3-8 26 24.2 29.6 49 49.8 61.0 4 3-9 4.8 27 253 31.0 50 51.0 62.5 5 4-7 5-8 28 26.3 32.2 5 i 52.2 64.0 6 5-6 6.8 29 27-3 33-4 52 53-5 65.5 7 6.4 78 30 28.3 347 53 54-9 67.0 8 7.2 8.8 31 29.4 36.0 54 56.0 68.6 9 8.0 98 32 . 30-5 37-4 55 57 -i 70.0 IO 8.8 10 8 33 31-7 38.8 56 58.4 71.6 11 9-7 11 9 34 32.8 40.2 57 597 73-2 12 10.6 13.0 35 33-9 41.6 58 61.0 747 13 11 5 14.1 36 35 -i 43-0 59 62.4 76.4 14 - 12.4 15.2 37 36.2 44-4 60 63.8 78.1 is 13.2 16.2 38 37-2 45-5 6l 65.2 79 9 l6 14 1 17 3 39 38-3 46.9 62 66.7 81.7 17 15-1 18.5 40 39-5 48.3 63 68.7 84.1 18 16.0 19.6 4 i 40.7 49.8 64 70.6 86.5 19 17.0 20.8 42 41.8 51.2 65 73-2 89.7 20 18.0 22.2 43 42.9 52.8 66 81.6 100.0 21 19.0 233 44 44.1 54.0 22 20.0 24-5 45 45-2 55-4 Nitric acid (aqua fords ').—It is found in commerce of various colors and degrees of strength but rarely chemically pure. It is a liquid of a nauseous smell; taste, strongly acid. It destroys the skin and the majority of organic matters, dissolves most of the metals, always with a production of orange vapors. It is obtained by decomposing nitrate of soda with sulphuric acid and condensing the vapors formed. Nitric acid may also be diluted with water, the same precautions as given for sulphuric acid being used. The content of anhydrous and hydrated nitric acid in the mixtures is found from the following table : 58 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. Percentage of Anhydrous Nitric Acid at Different Degrees Be. Degrees Be. Density. 1 00 parts contain at 32 0 F. 100 parts contain at 59 0 F. Anhydrous nitric acid. Hydrated nitric acid. Anhydrous nitric acid. Hydrated nitric acid. 6 1.044 5-7 67 65 7.6 7 1.052 6.9 8.0 7-7 9.0 9 1.067 8.7 10.2 9.8 11 4 IO 1.075 98 11 4 10.9 12-7 15 I.I l6 15.1 17.6 16.6 19.4 20 1.161 20.7 24.2 22.5 26.3 25 1 . 210 26.9 3'-4 28.9 33-8 30 1.261 33 5 39 1 35-6 4 i -5 35 1-321 41.1 48 0 43 5 5°-7 40 1.3S4 50.0 58.4 52.9 61.7 45 1.454 61.9 72.2 71.1 78.4 46 1.470 65.2 76.1 72.2 83.0 47 1.485 68.7 80.2 74-7 87.1 Hydrochloric acid .—This acid is gaseous, and emits abundant and dense fumes in contact with air. Water at the temperature of 68° F. dissolves 460 times its own volume of this acid; that is, 1 quart of water will dissolve 460 quarts of this gas and the original volume of the water will be increased about one-third. It is this solution of the acid that is found in commerce and always employed in the arts ; it is generally contaminated with sulphurous and sulphuric acids, and by perchloride of iron which imparts to it a yellow color. A concentrated solution of hydrochloric acid in contact with moist air emits dense fumes which are the most ap¬ parent in the presence of ammoniacal vapors. Hydrochloric acid is mostly obtained as a by-product in the manufacture of soda. The content of gaseous hydrochloric acid in hydrated hydrochloric acid will be seen from the following table: MOST IMPORTANT METALLIC PREPARATIONS. 59 Percentage of Gaseous Hydrochloric Acid at Different Degrees Be. Degrees BA 100 parts contain gaseous acid. Degrees BA 100 parts contain gaseous acid. Degrees BA IOO parts contain gaseous acid. at 32 0 F. at 59° F. at 3 2° F. at 59 0 F. at 32 0 F. at 59 0 F. O 0.0 0.1 9 12.7 HA 18 27.0 28.4 I 1-4 15 IO 14.2 15.0 19 28.7 30.2 2 2.7 29 I I 1 5-7 16.5 20 3<=4 32.0 3 4.2 4-5 12 17.2 18.1 21 32-3 33 9 4 5-5 5-8 13 18.9 19.9 22 34 -i 35-7 5 6.9 7-3 14 20.4 21-5 23 36.1 37-9 6 8.4 8.9 is 21.9 23.1 24 38.0 39-8 7 9 9 IO.J. l6 23.6 24.8 25 40.2 424 8 11.4 12.0 17 25.2 26.6 Aqua regia (nitro-muriatic acid ) is a mixture of 2 parts hydro¬ chloric acid and x nitric acid (seep. 39). But as both acids occur in commerce in different degrees of strength it will be readily seen that the action of aqua regia will not always be equally vigorous. To always obtain aqua regia of an equal strength take For 100 parts of hydro¬ chloric acid. Nitric acid of 42 ° 38 ° 34 ° 2 9 0 24 0 19 0 25 ° 108 126 IS® 178 218 284 23 0 94 108 130 154 190 246 20° 82 96 114 136 168 218 18° 72 84 IOO 118 146 190 16° 62 72 86 102 126 162 13 ° 52 60 72 86 106 136 On mixing the two acids they are decomposed in such a manner that two combinations, gaseous at an ordinary temperature, and free chlorine, are formed. It is chiefly due to the content of chlorine gas that aqua regia is the strongest solvent for metals. 60 TIIE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. Gold and platinum dissolve only in aqua regia, and various metallic sulphides (cinnabar, iron pyrites) are decomposed by it. Chromic acid is obtained by adding to one measure of a solution of bichromate of potash, saturated at T30 0 F., one measure and a half of concentrated sulphuric acid and allowing the solution to cool, when chromic acid crystallizes out in fine crimson needles. The needles adhere very firmly to the sides of the vessel, so that the fluid can be readily poured off by inclining the vessel. When this is done the crystals of chromic acid are brought with the aid of a glass rod upon a porous brick which is placed under a glass bell. After 24 hours the water adhering to the crystals has been absorbed by the brick, and the crystals, which are now entirely dry, are preserved in a wide-mouthed bottle. Solution of chromic acid crystals is a very good etching agent for metals. In modern times it is also frequently used as an ex¬ citant in galvanic batteries. Acetic acid is found in commerce in various degrees of concen¬ tration. Pure anhydrous acetic acid is a colorless fluid of a very acid taste and a pungent odor. At 32 0 F. it solidifies to a crystal¬ lized mass (glacial acetic acid), which melts at 59 0 F. In modern times wood vinegar or pyroligneous acid is employed in large quantities ; it is colorless or more or less yellow. It often possesses an empyreumatic odor and generally marks 8° of the hydrometer. Wine vinegar is more or less colored, and may be concentrated. Its smell is sufficient to distinguish it. Tartaric acid is found in commerce as powder and in crystals. Solutions of it should be prepared immediately before use, as by prolonged standing they easily decompose with the formation of mould. Boric or boracic acid is much used in nickelling. United with sodium it constitutes borax. In commerce it is found in the shape of scales with nacreous lustre and greasy to the touch. When in vitreous masses, more or less translucent, it is anhydrous and has been subjected to igneous fusion. It is also employed for increas¬ ing the whiteness of silver alloys and for decomposing the subsalts deposited in electro-baths containing cyanide of potash. MOST IMPORTANT METALLIC PREPARATIONS. 61 Oxalic acid (salt of sorrel ) forms crystals which, when heated on a platinum sheet, fuse and burn without residue. It is very poisonous. Prussic acid (hydrocyanic acid ) is one of the most poisonous sub¬ stances known and should be used very seldom, and then with the greatest care. Diluted prussic acid is colorless, with a bitter taste ' and the characteristic smell of bitter almonds. It is employed for maintaining the strength of the pyrophosphate of gold in immer¬ sion baths and for decomposing the alkaline carbonates formed in baths with cyanide of potassium. 9. Various Chemicals and Substances Used in the Metal Industry. The following substances used occasionally by the metal worker are arranged in alphabetical order: Ammonia (spirits of hartshorn). —This compound, which gener¬ ally bears the name of ammoniacal gas when in the gaseous form, and of ammonia when in solution, presents properties similar to those of potash, soda and other alkalies which are metallic oxides. On account of this analogy it is customary to consider it as the oxide of a hypothetical metal, ammonium, a compound radical composed of nitrogen and hydrogen. Gaseous ammonia dissolves in water eagerly, one volume absorbing, when cold, about 500 volumes of the gas. Aqua ammonia is a colorless liquid, possessing a characteristic and overpowering pungent smell. Ammonia restores the blue color of litmus reddened by an acid and saturates the af¬ finities of the most powerful acids, and on this account is often employed for removing acid stains upon clothes. The aqua am¬ monia used in the arts is obtained chiefly from the ammoniacal liquor resulting from the destructive distillation of coal for the manufacture of gas. Ammonium phosphate. —This salt is obtained by the exact satura¬ tion of phosphoric acid with ammonia. The liquid obtained is then evaporated at a gentle heat, and a few drops of ammonia are now and then added in order to compensate for that removed by 62 TITE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. the decomposition of small quantities of the salt. When the liquid becomes syrupy it is set aside to crystallize in a cool place. This salt is used for the composition of baths for thick platinum deposits. Ammonium sulphide ( sulphydrate , or hydrosulphate of ammonia) is a liquid and of a deeper color, according as it contains more sulphur. Its smell is exceedingly pungent and offensive, and its taste is alkaline and nauseous. The sides of the bottles in which it is kept are often covered with a pellicle of sulphur or sulphides. By rapid evaporation a residue of sulphur is left. It rapidly forms sulphides with the metals and produces on silver the black coating misnamed oxidation. It is often employed for bronzing, for pro¬ ducing the so-called “ patina” on the surface of various metals or alloys. It is prepared by saturating ammonia with sulphuretted hydrogen gas. Benzine ( benzole, light oil from coal-tar) is a clear fluid of a characteristic odor; it is very volatile and inflammable. It is an excellent solvent for all the oils, resins, gums, varnishes, fats, etc. Borax (.sodium biborate) occurs generally in colorless prismatic crystals, which swell up on heating, and before the blow-pipe form a colorless glass. This glass dissolves nearly all the metallic oxides, and on account of this borax is much used for tests with the blow-pipe, and in hard-soldering. Borax is employed for restoring the shade of defective gildings and for destroying the sub¬ salts of silver formed in electro-silvering baths and which injuriously affect the color of the electro-silver deposits. Calcium, potassium and sodium sulphides. —These salts are ob¬ tained by boiling the alkali and flowers of sulphur in a certain quantity of water. In commerce they are found in fused brown masses, the potassium sulphide especially being known .as liver of sulphur. They dissolve in water with a yellow or red color and have the characteristic odor of sulphuretted hydrogen; when treated by an acid they give off sulphuretted hydrogen, yielding at the same time a deposit of sulphur. Caoutchouc (India rubber, gum elastic) is extracted from the sap flowing from incisions made in the trunk of Ficus elastica or cahuca, MOST IMPORTANT METALLIC PREPARATIONS. 63 a tree indigenous to Java. When pure it is white, but its color is generally brown or red, caused by the smoke of the fire employed in drying it. The combination of sulphur with caoutchouc furnishes the prod¬ uct called “ vulcanized rubber ,” and by modification of the treat¬ ment it may be converted into the substance known as “ hard rubber,” which is used for a multitude of purposes. Water, alco¬ hol and acid do not dissolve caoutchouc; on the other hand, ethers, bisulphide of carbon, essential oils and benzine dissolve and leave it behind after the volatilization of the solvent. Carbon bisulphide is a colorless clear fluid of very disagreeable odor. It is extremely volatile, inflammable and burns with a blue flame. Most resins, as well as caoutchouc, gutta-percha, sulphur, and phosphorus are soluble in carbon bisulphide. Emery. —As regards its chemical composition emery is crystal¬ lized alumina (aluminium oxide), the same as the ruby, topaz and sapphire. On account of its hardness it is used for grinding metals and glass, and for this purpose can be* had in commerce in various degrees of fineness. Besides, in the shape of powder, it is also used secured to paper or linen by glue (emery-paper, emery- cloth), as well as mixed with shellac, linseed oil and water-glass and pressed into moulds (emery-wheels, emery-files). Graphite ( plumbago , black lead). —This is nearly pure carbon and is found in amorphous masses in several countries. It is black, with a metallic lustre and is difficult to ignite. It is employed for imparting electric conductivity to the surfaces of many substances which are not naturally conductors, and also for preventing adher¬ ence of two superposed metals. Gutta-percha is the hardened milky juice of a tree indigenous to the East Indies. It generally occurs in the shape of large thick blocks. It is of a chocolate-brown color, very solid at an ordinary temperature and insoluble in water, acids and alkalies. Carbon bisulphide and chloroform dissolve it in the cold, and oil of turpen¬ tine when heated. On heating gutta-percha to from 112 0 to 140° F. it becomes so soft and plastic that it can be brought into any 64 THE METAL WORKER'S IT ANDY-BOOK. desired shape. On cooling it again becomes solid, retaining, how¬ ever, the acquired shape. Magnesia {calcined') is a white loose powder, consisting of magnesium oxide, and is obtained by calcining carbonate of mag¬ nesia. It is slightly soluble in water, and feebly alkaline. Potassium bicarbonate. —This salt is white and colorless and crys¬ tallizes either in tabular form, like nitrate of silver, or in cubes, like common salt. It is soluble in tepid water, without decomposition ; but at the boiling point it loses one-fourth of its carbonic acid and becomes a sesquicarbonate. At a red heat it is transformed into simple carbonate, i. e., it loses another fourth of carbonic acid. Potassium cyanide {whiteprussiate of potash) is a very poisonous, colorless salt, with an odor of prussic acid. The use of potassium cyanide in electro-plating and gilding depends upon the power of the solution of the salt to dissolve the cyanides of gold and silver, forming compounds which are easily decomposed by the galvanic current, with deposition of metallic gold or silver upon any object capable of conducting the current which may be attached to the negative pole. Solution of potassium cyanide is also able to dis¬ solve metallic silver and sulphide of silver, which is taken advan¬ tage of in removing photographic stains from the hands and in cleaning silver or gold lace. Potassium hydroxide {caustic potash) is found in commerce in sticks the thickness of a lead-pencil. It is very deliquescent and must be kept in hermetically closed bottles. Potassium nitrate {saltpetre) readily yields a portion of its oxy¬ gen to other bodies, and consequently acts in an oxidizing manner upon metals, carbon, etc. It is also used as a flux. Sodium bicarbonate. —The properties, etc., of this compound correspond with those of potassium bicarbonate. Sodium hydroxide {caustic soda) occurs in commerce in thick white masses. It becomes deliquescent by the absorption of car¬ bonic acid from the air, whereby it is converted into carbonate of soda. Sodium phosphate {tribasic phosphate of soda) is prepared by treating calcined and powdered bones with sulphuric acid and MOST IMPORTANT METALLIC PREPARATIONS. 65 letting the mixture rest for several days. The acid phosphate of calcium is then removed by washing the residue, and the filtered liquid is saturated with sodium carbonate until carbonic acid is no longer disengaged. The clear liquid is then concentrated until it marks 33 0 Be. and is allowed to crystallize once or several times. Sodium phosphate is used for hot electro-gilding baths and other purposes. Sodium pyrophosphate (bibasicphosphate of soda'). —The commer¬ cial salt is generally in the form of a white powder, odorless, and with a hot, saline, alkaline and then bitter taste. It is soluble in water, but not so freely as the preceding salt. Sulphur occurs in commerce either in the shape of sticks or of a fine powder (flowers of sulphur). On heating sulphur to 446° F. and suddenly cooling it becomes soft and plastic and may be used for taking impressions of medals, etc. It is not soluble in water, but dissolves in heated oils and bisulphide of carbon. Metallic sulphides dissolve in melted sulphur, a mass known as Spence's metal being formed which may be used for casting. The color of Spence’s metal is gray, sprinkled with lustrous dots. It has about the hardness of zinc, a specific gravity of 3.37 to 3.7, melts at 320 0 F., expands on cooling and is claimed to be capable of resist¬ ing well the disintegrating action of the atmosphere ; it is attacked by but few acids, and by them but slowly; is insoluble in water and may receive a high polish. It makes clean, full castings, tak¬ ing perfect impressions ; it is cheap and easily worked. It is pre¬ pared by introducing iron disulphide (Fe S 2 ), zinc blende and galena into melted sulphur. According to an analysis by Juptner « it contains: iron disulphide, 57.38 per cent. ; free sulphur, 32.44; zinc sulphide, 3.93; various substances and silicic acid, 5.84; cupric sulphate, a trace. Tartar (potassium bitartrate). —This salt occurs nearly pure in wine, from which it becomes separated in the shape of small white or red crystals, according to the color of the liquor. It is collected from the sides of wine casks and purified by bone-black, in which state it is known as cream of tartar. Tartar is acid, slightly sol- 5 G6 THE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. uble in water, and it decrepitates in the fire, where it blackens, disengaging a smell like burnt sugar. III. DIRECTIONS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF THE CON¬ STITUENTS OF METALLIC ALLOYS, IMPURITIES OF THE TECHNICALLY MOST IMPORTANT METALS, ETC. Since most metals dissolve in nitric acid, pour over the sample in a glass flask chemically pure nitric acid and assist solution by careful heating over a spirit flame. 1. Gold and platinum dissolve only in aqua regia; tin and an¬ timony are only oxidized by nitric acid. Hence if an undissolved residue of the sample remains it indicates gold, platinum or anti¬ mony (or carbon with cast-iron). Filter the residue, which maybe termed A, from the solution and treat it further as given under 15. 2. Dilute a sample of the filtrate (or, if filtration be not neces¬ sary, a sample of the solution) in a test-glass with distilled water. If turbidity or a white precipitate appears it indicates bismuth , which has been precipitated as basic salt from the solution by water. The non-appearance of this reaction, however, is not conclusive proof of the absence of bismuth, since an excess of nitric acid prevents the precipitation of basic bismuth nitrate. To be cer¬ tain, first evaporate the sample to drive off the acid and then dilute with water. 3. Another sample of the solution is mixed with dilute sulphuric acid. If a white, granular precipitate is formed, the sample of metal contains lead, because only sulphates of lead are insoluble in acids. 4. If, on mixing a portion of the original solution, or in case the test for lead was successful, a portion of the filtrate free from lead, with pure hydrochloric acid, a white, caseous precipitate is formed if the metallic sample contains silver or mercury. In case test DETERMINATION OF METALLIC ALLOYS, ETC. 67 No. 3 has not been previously executed, a precipitate of chloride of lead may also take place if lead is present. For the further treatment of this precipitate, which may be termed B, see under 14. 5. Add to a small sample of the solution in nitric acid a few drops of caustic ammonia. If the solution acquires a fine blue color, the sample of metal contains copper. 6. To test for mercury evaporate a few drops of the solution in nitric acid to remove the acid and dilute with water. If a copper wire placed in the aqueous solution turns gray and becomes white with a metallic lustre on rubbing with the fingers, the presence of mercury is shown. 7. Next conduct into a somewhat larger sample sulphuretted hydrogen, and compound it with water containing sulphuretted hydrogen. All metals mentioned in 1 to 6 are precipitated as metallic sulphides. Hence a precipitate, which may be termed C, will generally be obtained. This precipitate is filtered off, thor¬ oughly washed with water containing sulphuretted hydrogen, and further tested for cadmium as given under 16. 8. Neutralize the filtrate from the previous experiment and mix it with ammonium sulphide. The precipitate formed, which may be termed D, is washed out with water containing ammonium sul¬ phide and tested according to xo. Magnesium may also be con¬ tained in the filtrate. 9. To determine magnesium, evaporate a small quantity of the filtrate obtained in 8 and add some sodium phosphate and ammonia. If the solution contains magnesium a crystalline precipitate (of ammonium magnesium phosphate) is formed, which is insoluble in ammoniacal water. 10. Pour dilute hydrochloric acid over the precipitate D (from 8). If a black residue (consisting of sulphides of nickel and cobalf), and which may be termed E, is formed it is filtered off and further tested according to 11. Boil the filtrate until the sulphuretted hydrogen is completely driven off, then compound it with nitric acid, boil again and evaporate. Now compound it with strong alkaline lye in excess, boil and filter. The precipitate, which may 68 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. be termed F, is analyzed according to 12. The filtrate may con¬ tain zinc or alumina. Both are determined according to 13. 11. The residue E (from 10) is dissolved in hydrochloric acid, a few drops of nitric acid are added and the solution is evaporated nearly to dryness. By adding some sodium nitrate and acetic acid, and after standing for some time in the heat, a yellow precipitate is formed if cobalt be present. After 12 hours filter off and compound the filtrate with caustic soda. Nickel is present when a greenish precipitate is formed, which does not completely dissolve in the excess of the precipitating agent. 12. A portion of the precipitate F (from 10) is dissolved in hydrochloric acid and a sample of it tested, a. With potassium ferrocyanide for iron. b. Melt another sample with potassium carbonate and potassium chlorate, and boil the melted mass with water. If chromium was present it has been converted into chromic acid (yellow solution), and can be readily recognized by compounding the solution with sugar of lead. If chromium is not found, a portion of the sample is tested with the blow-pipe for manganese. c. If chromium was found, a portion of the hydrochloric acid solution is neutralized with potassium carbonate, compounded with caustic soda in excess, and the precipitate tested for manganese and the filtrate for zinc, according to 13. 13. Moisten the solution to be tested for manganese upon a platinum-sheet with some soda and a trace of saltpetre, and let the flame of the blow-pipe act upon it. If the solution contains manganese a green paste is obtained, which on cooling turns blue- green. The filtrate from 10 may contain zinc or alumina. Com¬ pound a portion of it with sulphuretted hydrogen ; a white pre¬ cipitate (sulphate of zinc) indicates zinc. Acidulate another portion with hydrochloric acid, add ammonia in slight excess and warm. Alumina, if contained in the solution, is precipitated as aluminium hydrate. 14. The white precipitate B (from 4) may contain chloride of silver, chloride of lead or subchloride of mercury. Treat it with much water whereby chloride of lead is dissolved ; the lead may DETERMINATION OF METALLIC ALLOYS, ETC. 69 then be determined, as in 3, with sulphuric acid. Treat the residue with ammonia. If complete solution takes place the residue con¬ sists of chloride of silver, and from the solution the silver is again precipitated as chloride of silver by nitric acid. A black residue, insoluble in water and ammonia, consists of chlorine and mercury (subchloride of mercury). 15. The residue which remained by dissolving in nitric acid is warmed in aqua regia. If a white, insoluble powder is separated, it generally consists of chloride of silver, more rarely of chloride of lead. Though silver and lead by themselves are soluble in nitric acid, by alloying with the more noble metals they are frequently protected from solution, and may be contained in the residue. They are determined according to 14. A portion of the solution is now mixed with ferrous sulphate solution. A fine brownish separation consists of metallic gold. A yellow precipitate produced by sal-ammoniac confirms the presence of platinum. If the residue A consists of a white powder it is washed off with water and boiled in a flask with tartaric acid. If it is soluble it consists of oxide of antimony ; if insoluble it contains tin. 16. The precipitate C (from 7) obtained with sulphuretted hy¬ drogen contains a number of metallic sulphides, a portion of which (antimony, arsenic, tin, gold, platinum) is dissolved by am¬ monium sulphide. The residue is boiled with dilute nitric acid and dissolves, separating flaky sulphur which floats upon the solution. If a portion remains undissolved it consists of oxide of mercury. From the filtered solution separate the lead by means of sulphuric acid (see 3) and after settling filter and mix with ammonia. A precipitate indicates bismuth ; a blue coloration copper. Evaporate the solution completely, add some acetic acid and water and pre¬ cipitate the copper with sulphuretted hydrogen. Cadmium, if present, is precipitated as sulphide of cadmium, and hence the pre¬ cipitate has to be treated with boiling sulphuric acid. The sul¬ phide of cadmium is dissolved while sulphide of copper remains undissolved. If the alloy contains cadmium yellow sulphide of cadmium is precipitated from the filtrate by sulphuretted hydrogen. 17. Some alloys contain arsenic, it being also found as an im- 70 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. purity in many metals. To complete the analysis a test for arsenic must, therefore, also be made. Marsh’s apparatus is used for this purpose. It consists of a flask a (Fig. 3), in which hydrogen gas is developed from chemically pure zinc and dilute pure sulphuric acid. The tube c ends in a wide glass tube d, which is filled with calcium chloride for drying the gas. The gas escapes through the F'g’ 3- P smaller tube e, running to a point at f If now through the funnel b a few drops of the metallic solution are brought into the appara¬ tus the flame of hydrogen will acquire a blue coloration if the solution contains arsenic, and a white smoke of arsenious acid will rise from it. The arsenietted hydrogen formed is very poisonous, a few bubbles of it being sufficient to cause death. If a piece of glass or porcelain is depressed upon the flame it will acquire a metallic mirror of arsenic. This metallic mirror, however, is not an infal¬ lible test, since antimony produces the same phenomenon. To ascertain whether arsenic or antimony has to be sought for in the metal drop a little solution of calcium chloride upon the metallic mirror ; arsenic is immediately dissolved, while antimony remains unchanged. To Distinguish Genuine from Spurious Gold .—Genuine gold dis¬ solves in chlorine water and the solution has only a slightly yellow¬ ish color. Hence chlorine is a safe agent to distinguish genuine DETERMINATION OF METALLIC ALLOYS, ETC. 71 from spurious gold. To test the genuineness of gilt articles rub a tiny drop of mercury on some corner of the surface to be ex¬ amined ; it will produce a white, silvery spot if the gold is pure or if there is gold in the alloy. If this silvery spot does not ap¬ pear there is no gold in the surface exposed. To prove the cor¬ rectness of this result a drop of a solution of nitrate of mercury can be dropped on the surface, when a white spot will appear if the gold is counterfeit, while the surface will remain unaltered if the gold is genuine. After the operation heating the article slightly will volatilize the mercury and the spots will disappear. Pure gold can be distinguished from its alloys by a drop of chloride of gold or of nitrate of silver. If the gold is pure there will be no stain, but if mixed with other metals the chloride of gold will leave a brownish stain upon it and the nitrate of silver a gray stain. The simplest means of distinguishing genuine gold from a gold¬ like alloy consists in rubbing the article to be tested against an ordinary flint until a lustrous metallic coloring remains upon the latter. Now hold a strongly-sulphured burning match against the coloring ; if it disappears from the flint the article is not gold. To Test Gold Ware .—When a sample of the alloy cannot be had for a chemical test the touchstone forms a means of convenient examination. It consists of a species of black basalt obtained chiefly from Silesia. If a piece of gold be drawn across its sur¬ face a golden streak is left, which is not affected by moistening with nitric acid, whilst the streak left by brass or any similar base alloy would be rapidly dissolved. Experience enables an operator to determine by means of the touchstone nearly the amount of gold present in the alloy, comparison being made with the streaks left by alloys of known composition. To Recognize Light Gilding upon Metallic Articles .—It is fre¬ quently of importance to know whether a metallic article has a thin coating of gold, or whether its gold-like appearance is due to a lacquer. To execute the test clean a piece or portion of the article to be tested with alcohol or ether and dissolve it in nitric acid free from chlorine. In case the article is gilded the layer of gold floats 72 TIIE METAL WORKER’S IIANRY-ROOK. upon or in the solution. In many cases treatment with chloroform is required, the removal of coatings of varnish not always being accomplished with alcohol or ether, and thus the layer of varnish which is not attacked by the acid would lead to error. The cer¬ tainty of the presence of gold is best determined as follows: After complete solution of the article in nitric acid dilute the solution with water, filter through a small filter, wash out, dry and glow. The glowed residue is treated with the assistance of heat with a little aqua regia, poured off or filtered, if necessary, and the filtrate evaporated to dryness at a moderate heat. In the presence of gold a slight, lustrous separation of gold will frequently be observed on the sides of the evaporating vessel. Take up the residue of evapo¬ ration with about 0.12 to 0.18 cubic inches of water and divide the solution into three portions which are used for the following tests: Addition of a drop of concentrated solution of proto¬ chloride of tin : a content of gold gives a dark, brown separation. Addition of a drop of solution of ferrous sulphate gives a brownish or bluish separation, and addition of oxygenated water a blue separation. To Recognize Light Silvering .—On touching silvered articles with a mixture of equal parts of bichromate of potassium and pure nitric acid of 1.35 specific gravity, a red stain is produced. To recognize light silvering apply to the article, previously cleansed with alcohol or ether, a drop of 1.5 per cent, solution of bisulphide of soda. After allowing the drop to act for 10 minutes rinse it off with water. Upon silvered articles a full, round, steel-gray spot is produced. Other white metals and alloys, with the exception of amalgamated copper, do not show this phenomenon, there appear¬ ing at the utmost a ring at the edge of the drop. Amalgamated copper is more quickly colored and acquires a more dead black color than silver. This test is so sensitive that the spot appears even if the silvering is so thin that the original color of the article shows through it. Test-water for Silver .—This consists of 16 parts chromic acid and 32 of distilled water ; keep the fluid in a well-stoppered glass bottle. File into the surface of the article to be tested, rub the filed place DETERMINATION OF METALLIC ALLOYS, ETC. 73 upon the touchstone and apply the test-water. By detaching or rins¬ ing off the latter with water it will be shown whether the article is silver or silvered. With silver the touch becomes blood-red, the coloration being the more intense the finer the silver. The touch of silvered German silver, tin, compositions, etc., is not decom¬ posed by the test-water, the touch appearing in its original color, or, at the utmost, with a dull gray tint. To Distinguish Tinfoil from Lead-foil. —Treat the foil with concentrated sulphuric acid ; tin is dissolved, while lead remains undissolved. To Lest Mercury as to its Purity. —Pour nitric acid over a drop of mercury in a dish. If pure the mercury moves for a moment and then remains quiet and motionless. If it contains foreign metals it commences at once a vigorous circular motion which is kept up until the mercury is completely dissolved. Tin is generally tested as to its purity by breaking it, whereby it gives out a single, crackling sound (the cry of tin). To recognize the nature of impurities dissolve a sample in aqua regia ; arsenic and antimony are detected by Marsh’s apparatus (see p. 70). Mix another portion of the solution with potassium ferrocyanide : a white pre¬ cipitates indicates the purity of the tin ; a blue precipitate gener¬ ally the presence of iron, and a red-brown precipitate that of copper. Lead may be detected by the addition of sulphuric acid or Glauber’s salt. Soft Solders are tested in the same manner. They should con¬ tain only tin and lead. Some soft solders contain bismuth which is detected by diluting the solution (see under 2, p. 66). To Detect Lead in Tin. —Make a solution of potassium bichro¬ mate in water. Next apply some acetic acid to the tin to be tested which will produce a whitish coating. Then apply some of the potassium bichromate solution and, if the whitish coating turns yellow, the tin contains lead, and the more the yellower the coating becomes. To Test Brass. —With a larger content of lead brass becomes brittle. To detect the presence of lead add to the solution of the brass in nitric acid a few drops of sulphuric acid. A conclusion 74 TTTE METAL WORKER'S HANDY-ROOK. of the quantity of lead present can be drawn from the volume of the precipitate. White metals should always be tested with Marsh’s apparatus. If the metallic mirror is only partially dissolved by chloride of lime, the sample contains arsenic and antimony. The other con¬ stituents are found in the manner already stated. Copper has to be tested for arsenic, bismuth, lead, tin, zinc, iron, antimony and sulphur. By compounding the solution in nitric acid with barium nitrate a white precipitate insoluble in nitric acid is formed in case sulphur is present. Nickel has only to be tested for copper, iron and cobalt. The manner of determining copper has been given under 5, p. 67. Iron can be recognized by its reaction with potassium ferrocyanide. To determine the presence of cobalt dissolve the metal in hydro¬ chloric acid, dilute the solution with water and write with a goose quill upon a strip of white paper. After drying heat the writing ; if it appears emerald-green to blue-green the solution contains cobalt. For other methods see under n, p. 68. Acids are readily tested for metallic acids according to the directions previously given. If uncertain as to the kind of acid to be tested it should be borne in mind that, a, hydrochloric acid gives, with nitrate of silver, a precipitate of chloride of silver; b, sulphuric acid gives, with a solution of barium chloride, a precipitate of barium sulphate. c, nitric acid does not react upon both of the above solutions, but acquires a dark brown color by ferrous sulphate ; however, if it con¬ tains hydrochloric acid it becomes turbid by nitrate of silver and is then unfit for dissolving silver, etc., and the preparation of pickle. To Detect Alloys in Gilding. —A solution of chloride of copper will show the difference between gilding for which gold has been used and gilding with alloys of inferior metals. If the gilding be imitation gold, a touch of the solution will give a black mark, copper separating out through the zinc in the yellow metal; with pure metal no discoloration will occur. The test may also be effected with a solution of chloride of gold or nitrate of silver, DETERMINATION OF METALLIC ALLOYS, ETC. 75 the first of which will give a brown spot, the second a gray or black spot; neither has any effect on gold. Common gold goods of 14-karat gold will not change their color with nitrate of silver. Leaf-gold is tested by being shaken up in a closed bottle with sulphuric chloride. Beaten gold will show no alteration, while “ metal ” leaves will grow gradually dark. To Test Eriamel for Lead. —For the simple and rapid detection of the presence of lead in the enamel of culinary vessels, apply a drop of concentrated nitric acid to the enamel of the carefully cleansed vessel and evaporate it to dryness by gentle heating. Then moisten the place which had been subjected to the action of the acid with a drop of sodium iodide, and the presence of lead will be indicated by the formation of yellow iodide of lead. Ready Distinctioii of Cast-iron , Steel and Wrought-iron. —Apply a drop of nitric acid to the surface of the article to be tested, which should be previously made bright by filing. After allowing the acid to act for a few minutes wipe it off and rinse with water. Upon wrought-iron a dead white ash-gray spot will be clearly per¬ ceptible, upon steel a brownish-black one and upon cast-iron a deep black one. By this means it can be readily determined whether an article of wrought-iron is welded with steel and how far such welding extends. The entire test is based upon the differ¬ ence of content of carbon in the above products of iron, cast-iron containing comparatively the greatest percentage of carbon, next wrought-iron and steel least; by the action of the nitric acid upon the metallic surface the iron is dissolved and the carbon exposed. A similar phenomenon appears in etching meteoric iron with nitric acid, peculiar figures being formed. Method for Ascertaining the Quality of Iron and Steel. —Good iron is readily heated, is soft under the hammer and throws out few sparks. Coarse grain with bright crystallized fracture or discolored spots indicates cold-short, brittle iron which works easily when heated and welds well. Cracks on the edge of a bar are indications of hot-short iron. A medium, even grain with fibres denotes good iron. 76 TITE METAL WORKER’S HANDY BOOK. A soft, tough iron, if broken gradually, gives long silky fibres of leaden-gray hue, which twist together and cohere before breaking. Badly refined iron gives a short blackish fibre on fracture. A very fine grain denotes hard, steely iron, likely to be cold-short and hard. Examination of Burnt Iron .—The most recent method of testing iron is to microscopically examine the finely ground surface. The results of such examinations by Wedding were as follows: Burnt iron is characterized by the loosening of the coherence between the separate crystals constituting the solid iron. This loosening may take place at a temperature approaching the melting point in con¬ sequence of the formation of new crystals, or at lower tempera¬ tures, by reason of the crystals separating from each other (passing the limit of elasticity) in such a manner that by subsequent cooling off, the initial volume is not regained; it may, however, also take place by reason of a chemical change, which always consists in an absorption of oxygen. The external appearance is, in all cases, nearly the same; the texture is coarse-grained, the separate grains showing a more or less lustrous surface, while the strength and ductility are diminished. For the regeneration of the iron it becomes necessary to destroy this coarse-grained texture, bringing at the same time the split crystals together either by hammering or rolling alone, or by the simultaneous reduction of the oxides. The oxide (as a rule magnetic oxide of iron, Fe 3 0 4 ) may also be reduced, without heating to the melting point. It is difficult to answer in a scientific way the question which method should be used for the regeneration of burnt iron ; whether heating below the melting point or heating with fusion should be resorted to. In the Royal techno-chemical experimental station, at Berlin, sixteen tests were made, the results of which may be briefly stated as follows : i. Burnt steel does not show the lustrous network of homogeneous iron which characterizes the un¬ burnt product. 2. This network disappears to a greater extent the richer in oxygen the steel becomes. 3. White and, as a rule, lustrous planes appear more frequently and more perceptibly the more the steel DETERMINATION OF METALLIC ALLOYS, ETC. 77 is burnt and the more coarse-grained its structure has become. 4. When burning has progressed to the formation of silicic acid, drop¬ like separations show themselves in place of crystallized iron, even with a fine-grained structure. 5. Highly-burnt steel which has become coarse-grained, shows plainly the dividing lines of the separate grains splitting still further. 6. Regenerated steel con¬ taining no silicic acid cannot be distinguished from sound steel. 7. Regenerated steel containing silicic acid shows a more intimate union of the grains, but can be plainly recognized by the dividing lines. Resistance of a Few Metals and Alloys to Calcium Hydrate.— Filings and turnings of the metals to be examined, in quantities of 77 grains, were left, at a normal temperature, to the action of milk of lime with 4 per cent, hydrate for 14 days; they were then separated from the lime solution by washing until phenolpthaleine showed no longer a red coloration, dried and weighed. The results were as follows: 1. “ Saxonia ” pure soft lead: loss of weight 0.811 per cent. The metal was considerably attacked. 2. Antimony regulus : the metal remained entirely unchanged. 3. Lead pipe (with 25 per cent, slag lead) : loss of weight, 0.299 per cent. ; considerably attacked. 4. Lead plate (12 per cent, slag lead): loss of weight, 0.658 per cent. ; considerably attacked. 5. Pure cast-iron: increase in weight, 0.014 per cent.; very much corroded. 6. Brass: loss of weight, 0.686 per cent.; considerably at¬ tacked. 7. Phosphor-bronze: no alteration. 8. Pure tin : loss of weight, 0.122 per cent. ; the metal was but little attacked. From these results it may safely be concluded that for pumps in¬ tended for the conveyance of milk of lime phosphor-bronze or an alloy of tin and antimony is most suitable. How to Tell a Hand- from a Machine-ait File. —Take the file with the tang pointing towards you and turn it down under the 78 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. eye in such a way that the light will bring out prominently the rows of teeth. If you find the rows straight and regular you can at once make up your mind that it is a machine-cut file. If, on the other hand, you detect irregularities in “ rowing,” even if uni¬ formity is broken in no other way, you can safely decide that the file is hand-cut. A double-cut file tried in this way very readily proclaims its make. In some cases, however, hand-made files are cut with wonderful cleverness and nicety ; so to be always safe—especially if your eye is inexperienced in such matters or is not naturally quick or keen, the better plan is to insist upon palpable regularity or irregularity in rowing, according to the make of file wanted. And right here it is recommended that when you have the leisure and the privi¬ lege, whether you want to buy files or not, that you compare the hand and the machine-cut article a few times under your eye; afterwards you will be quite as able to make distinctions as a file manufacturer himself. Generally speaking, the hand-cut file is preferred for soft metals. Manufacturers of brass goods and kindred specialties frequently complain that the machine-cut file ridges the surface of the object filed, owing to the perfect regularity of the rows of teeth. Some manufacturers have attempted to overcome this prejudice by al¬ ternating the number of rows of teeth to the inch. Thus they will run sixteen rows with the machine to the inch, the next time four¬ teen, the third sixteen, and so on. The best cutting file is the one with a true diamond tooth. If a file of this kind is held in the proper way, so that the point of the diamond is brought straight against the metal, the very heaviest cutting possible can be done. But it should be remembered in this connection that a good deal depends on the way the teeth are “rowed” on the file; the rows may lie in directions making it awkward, if not a matter of impossibility, for the user to present the teeth properly to the metal. ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 79 IV. ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. I. Alloys .—Alloys are compounds of two or more metals. However, when one of the metals entering into combination is mercury, the result is usually not termed an alloy, but an amalgam. Many alloys possess the characteristics of a mixture and the mean properties of the metals of which they are composed, while others approach more closely chemical combinations and, consequently, partially show other properties than their components. As a rule, alloys are more readily destroyed by external influences than the pure metals, though there are exceptions which show the reverse. The color of an alloy frequently varies very much from that of the metals used in its preparation, though, as a rule, it approaches nearest to that of the metal present in greatest quantity. There are, however, some variations in this respect; an alloy consisting, for instance, of determined proportions of gold, silver and copper shows a greenish color, which, as is well known, does not apper¬ tain to any of these metals. The ductility and hardness of the metals also undergo considerable change in alloying. As a rule the ductility decreases, while the hardness compared with that of the metals constituting the alloy increases to a considerable extent. A few metals, for instance antimony, possess in a high degree the property of making metals harder. The alloys, as a rule, fuse at a lower temperature than that at which the constituent most difficult to fuse becomes fluid. Thus platinum, which is scarcely fusible at all, readily combines with any of the inferior metals, zinc, tin and some others. Again, several of the readily fusible alloys melt below the boiling point of water, which is less than half the melting heat of tin, their most fusible ingredient. The specific gravity of an alloy seems to depend upon the amount of cohesion or attraction exerted by the constituent metals for one another, and to bear no reference whatever to the high or low specific gravity of those constituents in their free state. It is 80 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. common among authorities, who publish determinations of specific gravities of the alloys, to give the calculated, as well as the observed, specific gravity. The calculated specific gravity is that which the alloy would have if there were neither expansion nor condensation of the metals during the act of combination. The specific gravi¬ ties should be calculated from the volumes and not from the weights. Dr. Ure gives the rule as follows: Multiply the sum of the weights into the products of the two specific gravity numbers for a numerator, and multiply each specific gravity number into the weight of the other body, and add the products for a denominator. The quotient obtained by dividing the said numerator by the de¬ nominator is the truly computed mean specific gravity of the alloy.” The following table of the alloys, whose density is greater or less than the mean of their constituents, is given by several writers: Alloys the Density of which is Greater [ than the Mean of their Constituents. Gold and zinc. Gold and tin. Gold and bismuth. Gold and antimony Gold and cobalt. Silver and zinc. Silver and tin. Silver and bismuth. Silver and antimony. Copper and zinc. Copper and tin. Copper and palladium. Copper and bismuth. Lead and antimony. Platinum and molybdenum. Palladium and bismuth. [ Alloys the Density of which is Less than the Mean of their Constituents. Gold and silver. Gold and iron. Gold and lead. Gold and copper. Gold and iridium. Gold and nickel. Silver and copper. Iron and bismuth. Iron and antimony. Iron and lead. Tin and lead. Tin and palladium. Tin and antimony. Nickel and arsenic. Zinc and antimony The tenacity of an alloy is, as a rule, less than that of the most tenacious of the component metals, a very small quantity of lead, for instance, sufficing to decrease the tenacity of gold, which is one of the most tenacious of metals. In a few cases, however, the alloy possesses a higher degree of tenacity than the constituent metals, there being, for instance, an alloy of copper and zinc ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 81 which is more ductile than copper, though zinc belongs to those metals which are distinguished by brittleness rather than by ductility. Alloys are generally made by directly melting together the metals which are to take part in the mixture. The operation may be carried on in an earthenware crucible when small quantities are being operated upon ; but for manufacturing on a large scale a reverberatory furnace, preferably heated with gas, should be em¬ ployed to effect the melting. The melting and mixing of the several metals is a point which is far from being reduced to any¬ thing like a system in many establishments, and practical men are often at a loss as to the proper means for securing a definite and uniform alloy. As a general rule it is necessary to melt the less fusible metal first and to add the more fusible afterwards. Founders generally are of the opinion that if the metal of the first melting is run out into a bar and then remelted a more complete incorpora¬ tion is obtained. Where a great difference exists in the specific gravities of the component metals, it is necessary to observe certain fixed rules in order to obtain a perfectly homogeneous mixture; each metal tends to find its own particular level in the liquid compound, according to its density ; therefore, if the casting is of considerable size and requires a long time to cool, a partial separation will often take place, the lightest rising to the surface. Therefore, the metals, while in a state of fusion, must not be allowed to remain quiescent, but an intimate mixture be effected by vigorous stirring, sticks of dry soft wood being in many cases used for this purpose. By stirring the fused mass with one of these sticks, the wood is more or less carbonized according to the temperature of the mass. In consequence of the dry distillation of the wood taking place thereby, there is evolved an abundance of gases which, by ascending in the fused mass, contribute to its intimate mixture. The stirring should be continued for some time and the alloy then cooled as rapidly as possible. When three metals have to be united together, they should first be melted in pairs and afterwards together. The following may serve as general rules for fusing the metals: 6 82 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. i. The melting-pot should be red hot, and those metals first placed in it which require the most heat to fuse them. 2. Put the metals in the melting-pot in strict order, following exactly the different fusing points from the highest degree of temperature required down to the lowest, in regular sequence, and being especially careful to refrain from adding the next metal until those already in the pot are completely melted. 3. When the metals fused together in the crucible require very different temperatures to melt them, a layer of charcoal should be placed upon them, or if there is much tin in the alloy, a layer of sand should be used. 4. The fused mass should be vigorously stirred with a stick, and even while pouring it into another vessel the stirring should not be re¬ laxed. 5. In making new alloy, use a little old alloy of the same kind, if there be any on hand. 6. Make sure that the melting-pots are absolutely clean and free from traces of former operations. The fusing points of the principal metals and other elements em¬ ployed in alloys are as follows: Aluminium. 1292 0 F. Lead. . 626° F Antimony. 797 “ Mercury. . —40 “ Arsenic. 773 “ Nickel. Bismuth. 5°4 “ Phosphorus. Cadmium. 608 “ Platinum. . 4712 “ Copper. 1922 “ Silver. .1832 “ Gold. 2282 “ Sulphur. . 239 “ Iron, cast. to 2192 “ Tellurium. “ wrought.. . . .2732 to 2912 “ Tin. . 455 “ Steel. .. ..2372 to 2552 “ Zinc. . 773 “ Alloys of Bismuth and Cadmium. —These alloys have the pe¬ culiarity that their melting points are far below those of their con¬ stituent metals, some of them even melting in hot water. They can be used for casting in moulds which will not stand great heat, for instance moulds of paper, wood, plaster of paris, etc. The composition of the most important alloys belonging to this group is given in the following table : ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 83 Melts at ° F. Lead. Parts. Tin. Parts. Anti¬ mony. Parts. Cad¬ mium. Parts. Bis¬ muth. Parts. Lipowitz’s alloy. .58 8 4 3 15 Readily fusible alloy. 170 II 3 2 l6 tt it it I67 8 3 IO 8 it if it 203 2 I 3 a a a 150 2 I I 4 Wood’s alloys. 14CU0 161.6 4 2 1 to 2 5 to » Soft solder. 179.6 6 I 7 “ “ . 300.2 2 4 2 Cliche metal. .... 50 36 22.5 it a 32-5 48 10.5 9 Metallic cement. 8 3 I Newton’s metal. 202 5 3 8 Rose’s metal.. 200.75 I I 2 a a 174.2 8 3 8 Readily fluid metal suitable f 13 3 6 for impressions of plaster j 3 2 5 of paris moulds, wood 1 I I 2 engravings, medals, etc. [ 5 3 8 Glass cement. 212 3 2 2.5 Bismuth alloys.. . , . 212 5 3 8 it it 235 9 8 4 8 it it 253-9 8 8 8 a it 266 IO 8 8 a a 270.3 12 8 8 a a 287.9 l6 H 8 tt a 293-7 l6 12 8 a a 308.8 22 24 8 a a 320.3 32 36 8 a a 330-7 32 28 8 a tt 341.6 30 24 8 Alloys of Copper and Tin. — Bronze. The alloys produced by the union of copper and tin are termed “ bronze" in the actual sense of the word if the copper is present in predominating quantity, while those in which the content of tin predominates are called “ white metal." Bronze has been known and employed from very remote ages. It was used exclusively by the ancients for making swords and other sharp instruments, for coinage, statues and many other useful and ornamental purposes. Great variations are made in the proportions of the two chief ingredients, according to the nature of the application for which the alloy is intended. The ad¬ dition of a little zinc to the alloy is an advantage, but too much of it 84 TIIE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. diminishes its tenacity; lead is objectionable, owing to its tendency to sink after casting, thus destroying the homogeneity of the alloy. The metals should be melted rapidly to prevent loss of metal by oxidation, and the melted mass should be covered with a layer of charcoal and kept constantly stirred. The operation is generally carried on in refractory crucibles, heated in a reverberatory furnace of suitable form. The cooling in the moulds must be as rapid as possible, in order to prevent the liquation of the metals. Ordnance or Gun-metal. —Gun-metal contains on an average 90 to 91 per cent, of copper and 9 to 10 per cent, of tin ; sometimes it contains some lead and zinc. The principal requisite of an al¬ loy answering all the demands of a good ordnance bronze is the production oTentirely homogeneous castings, which it is endeavored to attain by solidifying the alloy under conditions allowing of its uni¬ form cooling off. The moulds are always placed in a vertical position, and the evil of the upper portions of the casting showing fre¬ quently a different composition from the lower, is counteracted by using an excess of bronze, so that the finished casting has a long piece on top, the so-called “dead-head or “ sullage-piece,” which is later on sawed off and remelted with a new charge. This dead¬ head contains the greater portion of the liquated metal, and also the so-called “ waste” consisting of oxidized metal. The following table shows the composition of ordnance bronze of various times and different countries: Copper Parts. Tin. Parts. Lead. Parts. Zinc. Parts. Iron. Parts. Brass. Parts. United States.. France (modern). Prussia. England. France (1780). Savoy (Turin, 1771). Russia (1819),. Lucerne (Switzerland) . Cochin-China.| 90 90.09 90.90 89-3° IOO IOO 88 6l 88.929 77 -iS' 93->9 71.16 89.5S 95-20 10 9.9 9-1 10.7 12.0 10.7 10-375 3-42 5 - 4-3 10.15 4.71 0.062 13.22 0.419 5-02 27 16 O.69 0.110 1.16 1.38 1.40 6l .O 6.0 Turkey (1464).j . .. j .. 7 . ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 85 Steel Bronze or Uchatius Bronze .—The ordnance bronze known under this name is prepared in the Austrian arsenals, the method of melting and subsequent treatment in casting being kept secret. It is only known that the bronze contains 8 per cent, of tin and that the casting, is effected in cold moulds. In casting a copper rod about 2 inches in diameter is inserted as a core in the centre of the iron mould. It serves as a conductor of heat and later on is bored out. The alloy is crystalline and of a gold-yellow color. To increase the solidity of the piece steel bolts with a diameter of from 0.39 to 2.36 inches are forced in by means of a hydraulic press. Bell-metal contains on an average 78 per cent, of copper and 22 per cent, of tin. The color of good bell-metal is a peculiarly gray white, differing materially from that of ordnance bronze and statuary bronze. Bell-metal is hard, brittle and sonorous and ex¬ hibits a fine-grained fracture. Cooled suddenly from a red heat it becomes soft, but regains its hardness after being reheated and cooled very slowly. The larger the proportion of copper in the alloy the deeper and graver is the tone of the bells formed from it. The addition of tin, iron or zinc causes them to give out a sharper tone. The opinion was formerly held that an addition of silver adds to the beauty of the tone, though at present it is thoroughly understood that such is not the case. The melting and casting of bell-metal is not so difficult as that of ordnance bronze, though great analogy exists between them. The copper is first melted down, and after heating the fused mass as much as possible the tin is introduced and an intimate mixture promoted by vigorous stirring. Many bell-founders do not add all the tin at once, but at first about two-thirds of it, and when this has formed a union •with the copper the other third. Chinese Tam-tams or Gongs are distinguished by a strong far- reaching sound. The alloy of which they are made is nearly of the same composition as the ordinary bell-metal, the difference in sound being due to mechanical treatment. As soon as the plates intended for the manufacture of tam-tams are well solidified, they are withdrawn from the mould and introduced into a furnace where they are raised to a cherry-red heat. They are then inserted 8(1 TTTE METAL WORK EL’S HANDY-BOOK. between iron disks, plunged into water and allowed to cool, after which they are withdrawn, and are so tenacious that they may be worked under the hammer. The following table shows the composition of some bell-metals: Parts. Copper. £ Zinc. Lead. Silver. Iron. Anti- [ mony. Standard, very sonorous. 39 11 Plunders’ standard, paler and inferior to above. 77 21 .... 2 Very deep toned and sonorous... 40 IO For church and other large bells. 3 ° IO Alarm bell at Rouen. 76.1 22.3 1.6 1.6 “ “ “ Ziegenhain. 7C4S 33-59 .... 4.04 0.12 “ “ “ Darmstadt. 73 94 21.67 1.19 0.17 “ “ “ Reichenhall (13th Century).. 80 20 Tam-tam.- 1 7S.51 10.27 0.52 0.18 IO 4 i -5 0.5 f IO 2-5 o -5 i -33 Bells of Japanese origin. J. 10 3 I 2 05 [ IO Bell-metal for Small Bells, which is said not to tarnish nor crack and to be very light in weight and give an excellent sound, is composed of copper, 3 lbs. ; nickel, y 2 lb., melted and cooled ; then add y 2 lb. zinc and oz. aluminium ; melt and cool. Melt again and add y oz. mercury and 3 lbs. melted copper. Japanese Bell-metal. —This alloy, called “ Karakane ” by the Japanese, is cast in various qualities. I. Copper, 10 parts; tin, 4 ; iron, y 2 ; zinc, 1 y. II. Copper, 10 parts; tin, 2)4 lead, r ; zinc, y 2 . III. Copper, 10 parts; tin, 3 ; lead, 2; iron, y 2 ; zinc, 1. IV. Copper, 10 parts; tin, 2; lead, 2. Small Clock-bells , Table-bells, Sleigh-bells, etc. —For these an alloy giving a clear and pure tone has to be used. The following table will suffice to show the composition of such alloys: ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 87 Parts. Copper. Tin. Zinc. Lead. Silver. Anti¬ mony. | Bis¬ muth. House-bells. “ “ smaller. Clock-bells, German. “ “ Swiss. “ “ Paris. Sleigh-bells. White table-bells. tt (( (( 80 75 73 74-5 72.0 84.5 17 20 25 24-3 25 26.56 15.42 800 7 2.7 0-5 1.44 0.1 1 5 Silver Bell-metal .—This alloy, suitable for small bells, is dis¬ tinguished by a beautiful silver-clear tone and a nearly white color. It is composed of Parts. I. II. III. Copper. 40 41.5 41.6 Tin..... 60 58.5 58.4 Machine Bronze .—In this collective term are included a great number of alloys with very variable properties, and which have actually nothing in common except that they are used for certain parts of machines. Many of these mixtures of metals must be as hard as possible in order to resist wear ; others must possess great strength, so as not to yield under shocks or pressure ; while still others must have the property of showing even under a heavy load but little frictional resistance when in contact with other metals. There are two kinds of bearing-metal, viz. : red brass and white metal , the former being bronze-like alloys with from 82 to 89 per cent, of copper and n to 18 per cent, of tin. By the addition of zinc, lead and antimony, the hardness or ductility of the alloy is changed according to the purpose for which it is to be used. An addition of lead facilitates the working of the alloy but also favors liquation ; antimony increases the hardness of the alloy. 88 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. White bearing metal is distinguished from red brass by being more readily fusible, so that it can frequently be cast around the respective pivot. It consists of tin, 74 to 91 per cent., antimony, 6 to 15, and copper, 2 to xi. The copper increases the hardness and strength of the alloy. In English bearing-metal a portion of the tin is replaced by zinc or lead. Small quantities of other metals besides tin, lead, zinc, antimony and copper, which occur in the alloys, must be considered as impurities of the metals used. Metals for Bearings, Etc. I. Red Brass Bearings, etc. Parts. Copper. Zinc. Tin. Lead. For locomotive axles. 86 14 “ railroad car axles. tt tt tt tt S2 82 84 8 18 16 IO tt tt tt tt 75 2 20 “ various axles. 73 7 2.1 14.2 “ “ “ (medium hard). 6955 5-SS 21.77 “ “ “ (hard). “ “ “ (very hard).. “ cog-wheels. “ punches . 82 S8.8 9 i -3 833 2 11.2 8.7 16.7 16 “ steam-whistles. So 2 17 it it it 81 2 16 “ cocks. 88 2 IO “ boxes for wagon-wheels. 87.7 2.6 9-7 “ stuffing-boxes. S6.2 3-6 10.2 “ mechanical instruments. 81.2 5 -i 12.8 “ files. 64.4 IO 17.6 8.6 tt it 61.5 7-7 3 °.s “ weights. 90 2 8 “ castings to be gilded. 79.1 7.8 • 3-1 a a tt tt 77.2 7 158 “ shovels (malleable). tt tt tt 50 16.4 33-6 3 2 I “ buttons (white) . 57 9 36.8 5-3 “ sheet for pressed articles. “ small castings. 63.88 94.12 90 3°-55 5-55 5.88 tt it it IO “ piston rings. 84 8-3 2.9 4-3 “ pump barrels. 88 2 IO “ eccentric straps. 90 2 8 ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 89 Metals for Bearings, Etc. — Continued. Parts. II. White Metal Bearings. German for light loads.. .. tt it it it it it it it it ti it it tt ft tt it “ “ heavy “ .... (( it it it English for heavy loads.. .. “ “ medium “ .... tt tt tt it For mills.. . it it tt tt For heavy axles . it it tt For rapidly revolving axles Bearings of great hardness.. it it ti “ (cheap). tt it For railroads :— Prussia. Prussian and Hanoverian rail¬ roads approved under the heaviest pressure.... Bavaria, durable cold running. . Austria government railroad. Distributing slide valves. Railroad cars and larger ma¬ chines . Railroad cars, harder and f stronger.( Tin. Anti¬ mony. Zinc. Iron. Lead. Copper 85 10 5 82 11 .... 7 80 12 8 76 17 7 3 1 5 3 I 90 8 2 86.81 7.62 5-57 17-47 76.14 5.62 76.7 15-5 7.8 72 26 2 15 40 42 3 I 5 5 I IO 2 72.7 18.2 . 9.1 38 6 47 4 I 17 77 . 6 5 70 2-5 12 82 2 4 2 2 88 8 i -5 *•5 90 7 91 6 . 3 85 IO 5 80 12 8 86.81 7.62 5-57 90 8 2 90 7 3 83.2 II. 2 5.6 l6 84 20 20 60 12 8 80 Locomotive Brass Castings .—The following compositions are highly recommended : Brasses for Side Rods.-- Copper, 6 lbs. ; tin, i lb. To ioo lbs. of this mixture add y 2 lb. each of zinc and lead. 90 TTTE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. Brasses for Driving-Boxes. —The same as for side rod brasses. Some master mechanics prefer harder brasses and call for 5 lbs. of copper and 1 lb. of tin, y 2 lb. of zinc and y 2 lb. of lead. Bells. —Copper, 4 lbs. ; tin 1 lb. To every 100 lbs. of this mix¬ ture add zinc, y 2 lb., and lead y 2 lb. Castings subjected to Steam Pressure. —Copper, 20 lbs. ; tin, 1 y 2 lbs.; lead and zinc, of each 1 lb. Pumps a?id Bump Chambers. —Copper, 8 lbs. ; tin, 1 lb. To every 100 lbs. of this mixture add 1 y 2 lbs. each of lead and zinc. Piston Packing Rings. —Copper, 16 lbs. ; tin, 2]j lbs. To every 100 lbs. of this mixture add 1 lb. each of zinc and lead. Approved Compositions for Bearings of Rapidly RunningMachines. —I. Tin, 17 parts; antimony, 77; copper, 6. II. Copper, 86 parts; zinc, 14. III. Copper, 82; zinc, 18. IV. Copper, 84; zinc, 16. V. Copper, 100; zinc, 10; tin, 3. VI. Tin, 17.47; zinc, 76.14; copper, 5.69. Bearing Metals for Locomotives. —I. Copper, 86 parts; tin, 14. II. Dutch. Copper, 85.25 parts; tin, 127.5; zinc, 2. III. Ap¬ proved Belgian. Copper, 80 parts ; tin, 16 : lead, 2 ; antimony, 2. IV. French Northern Railroad. Copper, 82 parts ; tin, xo ; zinc, 8. V. Copper, 87.5 parts; tin, 7.88; zinc, 5.07. VI. Copper, 79.5 parts; tin, 7.5 ; zinc, 5; lead, 8. Babbitt's Anti-Attrition Metal is made by melting separately 4 parts of copper, 12 of Banca tin, 8 of regulus of antimony and adding 12 parts of tin after fusion. The antimony is added to the first portion of tin and the copper is introduced after taking the melting-pot away from the fire and before pouring it into the mould. The charge is kept from oxidation by a surface coating of powdered charcoal. The “lining metal” consists of this “ hardening ” fused with twice its weight of tin, thus making 3.7 parts copper, 7.4 parts antimony and 88.9 tin. The bearing to be lined is cast with a shallow recess to receive the Babbitt metal. The portion to be tinned is washed with alcohol and powdered with sal-ammoniac, and those surfaces which are not to receive the lin¬ ing metal are to be covered with a clay wash. It is then warmed sufficiently to volatilize a part of the sal-ammoniac and tinned. ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 91 The lining is next cast in between a former, which takes the place of the journal and the bearing. Fenton's Alloy for Axle-Boxes for Locomotives and Wagons .— Zinc, 80 parts; copper, 5)4 ; tin, 14)4. This alloy may be recom¬ mended as regards cheapness and lightness. Dewrance's Patent Bearing for Locomotives. —Copper, 4 parts ; tin, 6 ; antimony, 8. Alloy for Anti-Friction Brasses. —Zinc, 80 parts; tin, 14; copper, 5 ; nickel, 1. Hoyle's Patent Alloy for Pivot Bearings. —Tin, 24 parts; lead, 22 ; antimony, 6. It is claimed to stand friction without heating longer than any other composition. Phosphor Bronze, which is largely used as a substitute for bronze and gun-metal compositions, for gearing, bearings, wire rope, etc., is an alloy of copper and tin, which has been fluxed by the intro¬ duction of a variable quantity of phosphorus, which is generally added in the form of phosphide of copper or phosphide of tin. Phosphide of copper is prepared by heating a mixture of 4 parts of super-phosphate of lime, 2 parts of granulated copper and 1 part of finely pulverized coal in a crucible at not too high a temperature. The melted phosphide of copper, which contains 14 per cent, of phosphorus, separates on the bottom of the crucible. According to another method phosphide of copper is prepared by adding phosphorus to copper sulphide solution and boiling, adding sul¬ phur as the sulphide is precipitated. The precipitate is carefully dried, melted and cast into ingots. When of good quality and in proper condition it is quite black. Phosphide of Tin is prepared as follows : Place a bar of zinc in an aqueous solution of chloride of tin, collect the sponge-like tin separated, and bring it moist into a crucible, upon the bottom of which sticks of phosphorus have been placed. Press the tin tightly into the crucible and expose it to a gentle heat. Continue the heating until flames of burning phosphorus are no longer observed on the crucible. After the operation is finished a coarsely-crystal- line mass of a tin-white color, consisting of pure phosphide of tin, is found upon the bottom of the crucible. 92 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. The addition of phosphorus to bronze prevents the formation of oxide*- by which the strength, ductility and homogeneity of the resulting alloy would be impaired, and furnishes a metal which in respect to these qualities is notably superior to ordinary bronze. Numerous grades of phosphor bronze are made according to the uses for which it is intended. However, according to Thurston, five sorts are considered to answer all requirements: o. Ordinary phosphor bronze of 2 per cent, phosphorus, x. Good phosphor bronze of 2 y 2 per cent, phosphorus. These two numbers are in all cases superior to ordinary bronze and steel. 2. Superior phosphor bronze of 3 per cent, phosphorus. 3. Extra phosphor bronze of 3 */2 per cent, of phosphorus. 4. Maximum phos¬ phor bronze of 4 per cent, of phosphorus. These three, according to Delalot, are superior to any other bronzes. Above No. 4 phos¬ phor bronze is useless; below No. o it is inferior to common bronze and steel. Nos. 3 and 4 are comparatively unoxidizable. Silicon-bronze is a combination of copper with silicon; its tenacity is as great as that of phosphor-bronze, and its power of conducting electricity considerably larger. It is chiefly used for telephone-wires which with the same conducting power have only T V the weight of ordinary wires. The following shows the com¬ position of some of these alloys: Telephone-wire A. Copper.99-94 per cent. Tin.0.03 “ “ Silicon. 0.02 “ “ Iron.trace “ “ Zinc.. 99.99 per cent. Telegraph-wire A. Copper. 97.12 per cent. Tin. 1.14 “ “ Silicon. 0.05 “ “ Iron. trace “ “ Zinc. 1.62 “ “ 99.93 per cent. Silicon-brass. —Copper, 71.30 per cent.; zinc, 26.65 > lead, 0.74; tin, 0.57 ; iron, 0.38; silicon, 0.14. Statuary Bronze. —The bronze at present used for statues con¬ tains, on an average, copper, 86.6 per cent. ; tin, 6.6; lead, 3.3, and zinc, 3.3. A statuary bronze which thoroughly answers the purpose must become thinly fluid in fusing, fill the moulds out sharply, allow of being readily worked with the file, and must ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 93 acquire a beautiful green color, the patina, on exposure to the air for a short time. Statuary bronze being chiefly used for artistic purposes, its color is of great importance. The following table gives a series of alloys of different colors suit¬ able for the purpose: Copper. Zinc. Tin. Color. 84.42 11.28 4 3 ° red-yellow. 84.00 I I.OO 5.00 orange-red. 8305 I 3-03 3-92 << tf 8300 12.00 5.00 (t it 81.05 15-32 3-6 3 orange-yellow. 81.00 15.00 4-00 a a 7809 18.47 3-44 a tt 73-58 23.27 3 -i 5 tt tt 73.00 23.OO 4.00 pale-orange. 70.36 26.88 2.76 pale-yellow. 70.00 27.00 3.00 it tt 6 5-95 31-56 2.49 In the following table will be found the compositions of a few cel¬ ebrated statues; Parts. zinc, 17.50; and tin, 0.25; takes gilding well. Bronze for Small Castings. —An excellent bronze for this purpose is composed of copper, 94.12 parts; tin, 5.88. It becomes very thinly fluid in the heat and fills out the moulds well. Bronze which can be Rolled. —A bronze containing 4.5 to 7 parts of tin to 100 of copper can be readily rolled out to sheets at a red heat. Chinese Bronzes. —Analyses of different specimens of Chinese bronze gave the following results: Name. Parts. I. II. III. Tin. 4 - 3 6 5-52 7.27 C opper. 82.72 72.09 72.32 Lead. 9-9 20.31 14-59 Iron. °-55 1 -73 0.28 Zinc. 1 86 Arsenic. trace trace Delta-metal is an alloy of zinc, iron and copper, which receives during fusing an addition of phosphorus and, according to the desired properties, a further addition of tin, manganese and lead. It has the color of a gold-silver alloy, and can be worked cold as well as hot; it cannot be welded ; with some care it may, however, be soldered. It does not rust. On account of its great tenacity it is used in place of steel for torpedoes, bicycles, ship-chains, in the construction of steamboats, etc. Delta-metal as manufactured by the “Deutsche Della-Mctall Gesellschaft' ’ is composed as follows : ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 95 Name Cast. Wrought. Rolled. Hot punched. Copper.. Lead. Iron. Manganese. Zinc. Nickel. Phosphorus. Per cent. 55-94 0.72 0 87 0.81 41.61 trace 0.013 Per cent. 55.80 1.82 1.28 0.96 40.07 trace O.OI 1 Per cent. 55.82 0.76 0.86 1.38 41.41 0.06 trace Per cent. 54.22 1.10 0.99 1.09 42.25 0.16 0.02 99963 99.941 100.29 99-83 Gold Bronze.— Copper, 90.5 parts; tin, 6.5; zinc, 3. This alloy retains its beautiful gold color on exposure to the air, but loses it rapidly if exposed to both air and water. Japanese Bronze. —M. E. J. Maumene gives the results of an analysis of Japanese bronzes as follows : Name. Parts. L II. III. IV. Copper. 86.38 80.91 88.70 92.07 Tin. 1.94 7-55 2.58 I.04 Antimony. I.6l 0.44 O.IO I.04 Lead. 5.68 5-33 3-54 I.04 Zinc. 3-36 3.08 3-71 2.65 Iron. 0.67 i -43 1.07 3-64 Manganese. 0.67 trace 1.07 3-64 Silicic acid. O.IO 0.16 0.09 O.O4 Sulphur. O.IO 0.31 O.O9 O.O4 Waste. 0.26 0.79 0.21 0.56 Malleable Bronze .—A patent has been taken out both in England and France by Messrs. A. Sentex, C. Marshall and A. Saunier, es¬ tablishing a process for producing malleable and ductile bronze bars or plates which are free from cracks and blow-holes, are “ un- oxidizable” and which may be “ rolled and drawn with the greatest ease,” and, moreover, have the appearance and “sonorousness of 96 THE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. gold:” 3.3 lbs. of tin are purified by melting under nitre; 22 lbs. of copper are melted and 1.76 ozs. of equal parts of nitrate and cyanide of potassium are added for the double purpose of re¬ ducing the oxides and “ fattening ” the metal. Then 0.88 oz. of bitartrate of potassium with the same quantity of cyanide is added, and, after poling, the tin is introduced; 0.88 oz. each of sal-am¬ moniac and cyanide are thrown on ; 15.43 grains of “ phosphuret of copper” introduced to “impart mildness,” and 0.7 oz. of “Marseilles soap” added, which still further fattens the metal. Finally 15.43 grains of sodium are added at the moment of casting. The metal, if cast in sand, may contain zinc, and, the portion of tin reduced, the quantity of phosphorus and sodium may be increased. OId Peruvian Bronze. —An old chisel, weighing about 7 ozs., found in Quito, showed, according to Boussingault, the following composition: Copper, 95 parts; tin, 4.5; lead, 0.2; iron, 0.3; silver, traces. Ormolu. —This bronze is distinguished by a pure golden-yellow color and requires but very little gold for gilding. It is much used for the finest bronze articles of luxury. It is composed of copper, 58.3 parts; tin, 16.7; zinc, 25.3. Silveroid. —This alloy, which has been recently brought into commerce by H. Wiggin, consists of copper and nickel, to which, according to the purpose for which it is intended, zinc, tin and lead are added. The alloy is very white, lustrous, fine-grained and of great tenacity. It is used as a substitute for gun-metal and brass where a lustrous color and polish are required. Speculum-metal. —The alloys known under this name are em¬ ployed for making metallic reflectors, requiring a true white color, good lustre and a hard, clean surface not easily tarnished or scratched. Speculum-metal contains on an average from 64 to 69 per cent, of copper and 30 to 35 per cent, of tin. To heighten the white color small quantities of arsenic and antimony are some¬ times added. The following table shows the composition of some alloys used for speculum-metal: ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 97 Name. Parts. Copper. Tin. Zinc. Arsenic. Other metals. Standard alloy. 68.21 31-79 Otto’s. 68.5 31-5 Richardson’s. 65-3 3 ° 0.7 2 2 Silver. Mudge’s. 65 35 Little’s. 65 30.8 2-3 i -9 Sallit’s. 64.6 31-3 4.1 nickel. Chinese. 80.83 8.5 antimony. Old Roman. 6 3-9 19.05 17.29 lead. Alloys of Copper and Zinc. Brass and Si?nilar Alloys .—Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc in varying quantities. Ordinary brass contains from 18 to 50 per cent, of zinc (on an average to 2 parts of copper 1 part of zinc). With a larger content of copper the color becomes reddish and the alloy is called tombac. Tombac contains at the utmost 18 per cent, of zinc; it is especially used where great ductility, flexibility and but little hardness are required, as, for instance, for fine works of wire and sheet, or where a reddish shade of color is desired, for instance, for articles which are to be gilded. For most technical purposes, however, brass richer in zinc is employed, mostly because, on account of the greater content of zinc, it is cheaper and besides more readily fusible. Brass for ordinary coarser castings consists generally of alloys with a high content of zinc, which, besides, are frequently produced from the more impure raw materials. But brass for the fabrication of sheet and wire is made from the purest materials and contains less zinc than cast-brass, generally from 25 to 35 per cent., exception¬ ally only up to 37 per cent. Besides copper and zinc, brass fre¬ quently contains very small quantities of other metals (tin, lead, iron), which are seldom intentionally added, but mostly come from impurities of the component metals. The color of copper-zinc alloys varies according to the content of tin and will be seen from the following table: 7 98 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. Color of Copper-Zinc Alloys. Content of zine. Color. Content of zinc. Color. 5 per cent. 35 per cent. . IO “ . 38 “ . . .dark yellow. 16 “ . .red-yellow. 41 .. reddish-yellow. 20 “ . .. .. reddish-yellow. 50 “ 22 “ . 60 “ ... 25 “ . 70 “ 27 “ . 80 “ 30 “ . 90 “ To brass belong also a number of copper-zinc alloys for definite purposes ; for instance, Aich’s metal, oroide, etc., the composition of which is given in the following table: Composition of Copper-Zinc Alloys. I. Tombac {Red Brass ) and Similar Alloys , Name. Copper Zinc. Tin. Lead. Various metals. Tombac, from Ocker. 85 15 “ “ Iserlohn. 92 8 “ “ Hegermuhle. 853 14.7 English tombac for castings. 86.4 13.6 Tombac for fine sharp castings. 87 13 “ “ gun mountings. 80 17 3 Ntirnberg tombac for Dutch gold.. 84.6 • 5-4 Tombac for jewelry (chrysochalk) 90 7-9 Tombac resembling gold. 89.97 9.96 0.05 “ “ “ . 82 ' 7-5 o -5 Tombac for gilding. 86 14 “ (d’Arcet). 82.5 17-5 Sheet for buttons. 99-15 0.85 it it tt 84.21 15-79 Austrian axle journals. 92.5 7-5 Pinchbeck for fancy articles. 93-6 6.4 Oroide. 90 IO “ . S5.5 14-5 Talmi gold. 86.4 12.2 1.1 0.3 iron. Similor or Mannheim gold. . 89.44 9-93 0.62 Tournay’s metal (for buttons). S2.54 17.46 Tissier’s metal (very hard). 97 2 1 to 2 arsenic. ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 99 Composition of Copper-Zinc Alloys — Continued. II. Brass and Similar Alloys. Name. Copper Zinc. Tin. Lead. Various metals. Sheet brass from Stollberg. “ “ Hegermiihle. . u “ Ocker. 64.8 70.16 68.98 70.1 72-73 68.1 32.8 2745 29-54 29.9 27.27 3 i 9 337 38.2 40 29.2 27.63 27 45 28.15 28.5 34 - 6 324 24.42 37-2 36.88 31.46 33 5 324 35 - 5 27.27 33-4 38.2 28 33-3 24.9 33 -i 44-5 46 45.1 24-5 32.8 39-2 347 0.4 0.2 2.0 0.79 0.97 f 0.79 antimony. “ “ Iserlohn. “ " Liidenscheid... 6t t( Vienna.. \ 0.23 iron. “ “ Temappes. (( “ China. 64.4 56.6 60 0.2 3-3 1.4 1.0 1.4 iron. “ for ships’ sheathing, so-called Muntz metal. Brass wire from England. 70.3 71.89 70.16 7136 71-5 654 65-S 71.88 62.2 0.2 o -3 0.85 0.2 “ “ Augsburg. “ “ Neustadt. « it it it it it “ good quality. 0.79 “ brittle. 2.1 Cast brass from Ocker. 1.09 °-5 0.88 o -3 2.9 ( 2.32 iron a a a \ 1.01 antimony. 0.1 iron. Clock wheels (Black Forest) .. ti it if it Turned castings from Iserlohn.. tt it a a Cast brass for stamps used for gilding in book-binderies. . . . Brass from Liidenscheid. 60.66 60 06 637 64.5 61.6 72 73 66.6 1- 35 2 - 5 0.2 0.74 iron. I.43 iron. 3.0 antimony. a > while that of gold ware varies from to t 9 ordinary Pforzheim gold articles containing, for instance, only from ^ to &%%■ Color of Gold Alloys. —The color of gold alloys depends on the greater or smaller contents of gold and silver. Alloys very rich in silver are more whitish, and those very rich in copper more red¬ dish. Cadmium imparts a green color, and steel a gray color to the alloy. The following table gives the composition of colored gold alloys most used : ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 101 Color. Parts. Gold. Silver. Copper. Cadmium. Steel. Yellow. 583 250 167 Dark yellow. 583 125 292 Very red. 583 42 375 Yellow... 666 194 i 39 Red. 666 67 268 Yellow. 750 146 104 Red. 750 104 146 Green. 750 166 84 << 746 114 97 43 “ .. 750 I2 5 .... 125 Gray. 800 .... 200 (C 725 275 (t 857 86 .... .... 57 Blue. 250 to 750 .... .... 25° Pale yellow. 666 333 Pale red. 600 200 200 Proportion of Various Metals in Gold Alloys used by Jewellers. Carats. Parts. Melts at degrees F. Copper. Silver. Gold. 23 X X 23 2012 22 I I 22 2009 20 2 2 20 2002 18 3 3 18 1995 15 6 3 15 1992 >3 8 3 13 1990 12 8^ 3^ 12 1987 IO IO 4 IO 1982 9 4^ 9 1979 8 10 yh. 5 Yz 8 1973 7 9 8 7 i960 Argent-Ruolz .—This alloy, also called argent franeais, has the appearance of pure silver but is much cheaper and harder. 102 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. According to the quality of the articles, different alloys are used as follows: Parts. I. II. III. ' Silver.. 33 40 20 Copper. 37 to 42 30 to 40 45 to 55 Nickel. 25 to 30 20 to 30 25 to 35 Gray Silver {Japanese Silver). —In Japan an alloy of equal parts of silver and copper is prepared which acquires a beautiful gray color by boiling in a solution of alum to which sulphate of copper and verdigris are added. Tiers Argent ( one-third Silver). —Silver 33.33 parts, aluminium 66.66. Used in Paris for the manufacture of various utensils. It is harder than silver, and stamped and engraved with greater ease than alloys of copper and silver. Imitation Silver Alloys. —There is a large number of imitation silver alloys which are used as substitutes for many purposes. The composition of a few of them is here given : Alloy for Spoons. —A beautiful alloy closely resembling silver is obtained by melting together copper, 50 parts; nickel, 25, and zinc, 25. Alloy resembling Silver. —Copper, 70 parts; manganese, 30; zinc, 20 to 25. Delalot's Alloy. —Pure copper, 80 parts; manganese, 2; zinc, 18; phosphate of lime, 1. First melt the copper, then add gradually the manganese and, when this is completely dissolved, the phosphate of lime. Remove the scoria and about ten minutes before casting add the zinc. To promote the fusion of the man¬ ganese, part of calcium fluoride, part of borax and 1 part of charcoal may be added. Mousset's Silver Alloy. —Copper, 59.06 parts; silver, 27.56; zinc, 9.57 ; nickel, 3.42. Color, yellowish with a reddish tinge, but white upon the fractured surface. IVarne's Metal. —Tin, 10 parts; nickel, 7; bismuth, 7; cobalt, 3. White, fine-grained, quite difficult to fuse. ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 103 White Alloy Closely Resembling Silver. —Copper, 69.8 parts; nickel, 19.8; zinc, 5.5 ; cadmium, 4.7. Aluminium Alloys. 1. Aluminium Brasses. —By this name are generally known the alloys of aluminium with zinc and copper ; they are about as much superior to ordinary brass as aluminium bronze is to ordinary bronze. They are made in two general ways; either by introducing metallic aluminium into melted brass or by introducing zinc into melted aluminium bronze. Repeated remeltings of aluminium brass are not advisable, since, like all brasses, it changes its composition on melting, though not to so large a degree. After mixing it needs to be remelted only once in a clean crucible. Aluminium brasses flow well, give sharp sound castings, are more ductile, malleable, and have greatly increased strength and power to resist corrosion. Cowles Bros, report the following series of tests made, in 1886, at their works in Lockport, their alloys all being made by adding zinc to alu?niniu 7 n bronze: Composition. Tensile strength per square inch (cast¬ ings). Elongation per cent. Aluminium. Copper. Zinc. 5-8 67.4 26.8 95.712 1.0 3-3 633 33-3 85.867 7.6 3 -o 67.0 30.0 67 - 34 I 12.5 i -5 77-5 21.0 32-356 41.7 *•5 71.0 27-5 4 I -952 27.0 1.25 70.0 28.0 35-059 25.0 2-5 70.0 27.5 40.982 28.0 1.0 57 -o 42.0 68.218 2.0 1.15 55-8 48.0 69.520 4.0 When it is remembered that ordinary brass has rarely a tensile strength of over 30,000 lbs. with an elongation of about 10 per cent., the benefit of the aluminium can be easily realized. The principal disadvantage of aluminium brass compared with alumin- 104 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. ium bronze is that it cannot be remelted without changing its quality by reason of its containing zinc. 2. Aluminium Bronze .—Aluminium possesses properties which render it one of the most useful metals yet discovered, and the only bar to its greater employment has hitherto been its high price. At the present time strenuous efforts are made to cheapen the manufacture of the metal, and there is an immediate prospect of the price being considerably reduced by various new processes. While being very malleable and ductile, aluminium ranks second only to steel in tenacity; it is highly sonorous, four times lighter than silver, non-volatile at very high temperatures, conducts heat and electricity as well as silver, is inoxidizable in the air even at a red heat, is not acted upon by water, sulphuretted hydrogen or ammonium sulphide, resists concentrated nitric acid and dilute sulphuric acid, and forms alloys of considerable value. The alloys of aluminium with copper show very different proper¬ ties according to the quantities of aluminium they contain. Alloys containing but little copper cannot be used for industrial purposes. With 60 to 70 per cent, of aluminium they are very brittle, glass- hard and beautifully crystalline. With 50 per cent, the alloy is quite soft, but under 30 per cent, of aluminium the hardness returns. The usual alloys are those of 1, 2, 5 and 10 per cent, of alumin¬ ium. The 5 per cent, bronze is golden in color, polishes well, casts beautifully, is very malleable, cold or hot, and has great strength, especially after hammering. The 7.5 per cent, bronze is to be recommended as superior to the 5 per cent, bronze. It has a peculiar greenish-gold color which makes it very suitable for decoration. All these good qualities are possessed by the 10 per cent, bronze. It is bright golden, keeps its polish in the air, may be easily engraved, shows an elasticity much greater than steel, and can be soldered with hard solder. In making aluminium-copper alloys great attention must be paid to the quality of the copper used. Ordinary commercial copper may contain small amounts of antimony, arsenic or iron, which the aluminium can in no way remove and which effect very injuriously ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 105 the quality of the bronze. The aluminium bronzes seem to be extremely sensitive to the above metals, particularly to iron. This necessitates the employment of the purest copper; electrolytic is sometimes used when not too high-priced, but Lake Superior is generally found satisfactory enough. Even the purest copper may contain dissolved cuprous oxide or occluded gases, and it is one of the functions of aluminium to reduce these oxides and gases, forming slag which rises to the surface and leaving the bronze free from their influences. If tin occurs in the copper it lowers very greatly the ductility and strength of the bronzes, but zinc is not so harmful. Care should also be taken as to the purity of the aluminium used, though its impurities are not so harmful as they would be if occur¬ ring in similar percentage in copper, since so much more copper than aluminium is used in these alloys. Yet the bronzes are so sensitive to the presence of iron that an aluminium with as small a percentage of this metal as possible should be used. The silicon in commercial aluminium is not so harmful as the iron, but it does harden the bronze considerably and increases its tensile strength. The purest aluminium alloyed with the purest copper always pro¬ duces the highest quality of bronze. The following directions for preparing the bronzes are given : Melt the copper in a plumbago crucible and heat it somewhat hotter than its melting point. When quite fluid and the surface clean, sticks of aluminium of a suitable size are taken in tongs and pushed down under the surface, thus protecting the aluminium from oxidization. The first effect is necessarily to chill the copper more or less in contact with the aluminium, but if the copper was at a good heat to start with, the chilled part is speedily dissolved and the aluminium attacked. The chemical action of the aluminium is then shown by a rise of temperature, which may even reach a white heat. Considerable commotion may take place at first, but this gradually subsides. When the required amount of aluminium has been introduced, the bronze is let stand for a few minutes arid then well stirred, taking care not to rub or scrape the sides of the crucible. By the stirring the slag, which commences to rise even TITE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. 10G during the alloying, is brought almost entirely to the surface. The crucible is then taken out of the furnace, the slag removed from the surface with a skimmer, the melt again stirred to bring up what little slag may still remain in it, and is then ready for casting. It is very injurious to leave it longer in the fire than is absolutely necessary. No flux is necessary, the bronze needing only to be covered with charcoal powder. The particular point to be at¬ tended to in melting these bronzes is to handle as quickly as pos¬ sible when once melted. As with ordinary brass and bronze two or three remeltings are needed before the combination of the metal appears to be perfect and the bronze takes on its best qualities. After three or four meltings it reaches a maximum at which point it may be melted several times without sensible change. It gives good castings of all sizes and runs in sand moulds very uniformly. Its specific gravity is 7.68, about that of soft iron. Its strength when ham¬ mered is equal to the best steel. It may be forged at about the same heat as cast-steel and then hammered until it is almost cold without breaking or ripping. Tempering makes it soft and malle¬ able. It does not foul a file and may be drawn into wire. Any part of a machine which is usually made of steel can be replaced by aluminium bronze. Ferro-aluminium .—The iron-aluminium alloy known by this name, which is being largely used at present for introducing into iron and steel, is generally made with 5 to 15 per cent, of aluminium. Several different makes of this alloy are on the market, some made directly from alumina, others made by adding aluminium to iron. When made by the latter method a good quality of pig-iron is chosen, and when melted the aluminium, in bars, is seized in tongs and dipped under the surface. A rise of temperature occurs, and a noticeable separation of graphitic carbcn, causing “ kish ” to collect on the surface. It is said that the pig-iron thus alloyed has its combined carbon almost entirely converted into free carbon, losing thereby in weight sometimes as much as 2^4 per cent. When all the aluminium required has been added the melt is stirred, the crucible remaining in the fur- ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 107 nace; then it is let stand for a few minutes, taken out of the fire, skimmed clean and cast into slabs or bars. Various Aluminium Alloys .—The following alloys have been patented by Mr. Jas. Webster: I. Copper is melted and aluminium added to it until a io per cent, bronze is made. There is then added to it i to 6 per cent, of an alloy, ready prepared, containing : Copper, 20 parts ; nickel, 20 ; tin, 30 ; aluminium, 7. II. The two following alloys are prepared in the usual way, under a flux consisting of equal parts of potassium and sodium chlorides, and are cast into bars. Aluminium.15 parts. Tin.85 “ II. Nickel. 17 parts. Copper. 17 “ Tin. 100 “ To make the bronzes equal parts of these two alloys are melted with copper, the more of the alloys used the harder and better the bronze. The best mixture is, of copper, 84 parts; al¬ loy I., 8; alloy II., 8. The copper is first melted, then the al¬ loys put in together and stirred well with a stirrer of wood or clay. This alloy is suitable for art castings, kitchen utensils, etc., or any¬ where where durability, hardness, malleability, polish and very slight oxidizability are required. A cheaper and more common alloy may be made of copper, 91 parts; alloy I., 4; alloy II., 5. III. The following alloy is said to withstand oxidation well, to have great tenacity, durability, capability to bear vibrations and to take a high polish. A preliminary alloy is made of copper, 200 parts; tin, 80; bismuth, 10; aluminium, 10. The alloy proper is formed by melting together : Preliminary alloy, 4 y parts ; copper, 164; nickel, 70; zinc, 6i}4- IV. Copper, 53 parts; nickel, 22^ zinc, 22 ; tin, 5 : bis¬ muth, ; aluminium, y. Alloy for Dental Plates. —Aluminium, 90 to 93 parts ; silver, 5 to 9 ; copper, 1. This alloy, when cast under slight pressure, gives perfect castings, is very white and easy to work. The addition of 108 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. copper is said to decrease to a minimum the shrinkage of the alloy, also giving a closer grain. Alloy Resembling German Silver. —Copper, 70 parts; nickel, 23; aluminium, 7. This alloy has a beautiful white color and takes a high polish. It resembles some of the finer grades of German silver. Alloy Resembling Silver. —Copper, 75 parts; nickel, 16; zinc, 2; tin, 2; cobalt, 2 ; iron, 1 y 2 ; aluminium, Bourbonne's Aluminium Alloy. —For many purposes this alloy may serve as a substitute for aluminium. It is obtained by melting together 10 parts of tin and 10 of aluminium. It is whiter than aluminium, has a specific gravity of 2.05 (is, therefore, somewhat heavier than the pure metal), is more capable than aluminium of resisting most agents and is worked with greater ease. Finally the alloy, without previous preparation, can be soldered as readily as brass. Lechesne. —Under this name two compositions have been pat¬ ented in England : I. II. Copper. 900 parts. 600 parts. Nickel. 100 “ 400 “ Aluminium. “ l A “ The first of these alloys is the one to which the name “Lechesne ” appears to be given. It is made by putting first the nickel into the crucible and after melting gradually stirring in the copper. The heat is then raised and the aluminium added. The alloy is heated almost to boiling and cast very hot. It is claimed that this alloy is equal to the finest German silver. Minargent. —Copper, 100 parts; nickel, 70; antimony, 5; aluminium, 2. It is similar to the alloy resembling German sil¬ ver, but somewhat harder. Melt together the copper, nickel and antimony, and then granulate the resulting alloy in water. The dried granules are mixed with the aluminium and with 1.5 per cent, of a flux consisting of 2 parts borax and 1 part fluorspar, and then remelted. Neogen. —Copper, 58 parts; zinc, 27; nickel, 12; tin, 2; bis- ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 109 muth, y? ; aluminium, y 2 . This alloy is claimed to closely re¬ semble silver. Nurnberg Gold. —Copper, 90 per cent. ; gold, 2 y 2 ; aluminium, •jy. This alloy is used for making cheap imitation gold ware, re¬ sembling gold in color and not tarnishing in the air. Britannia Metal and Similar Alloys. —These alloys are of great importance. They are readily fusible and very useful for cheap ware, which may frequently be silvered. Britannia metal consists principally of tin alloyed with antimony. Many varieties contain only these two metals and may be considered as tin hardened by antimony. Other similar alloys contain, however, in addition, certain quantities of copper, sometimes lead, and occasionally bismuth. The following table shows the composition of several varieties of Britannia metal: Britannia metal. Parts. Tin. Anti¬ mony. Copper Zinc. Lead. Bis¬ muth. English. 81.9 16.25 1.84 “ . 90.62 7.81 1.46 (( 90.1 6.3 3 1 0.5 (< 85-4 9.66 0.81 3.06 Pewter. 81.2 5-7 1.6 iiS (< 89-3 7.6 1.8 1.8 “ . 833 6.6 1.6 3.06 1.6 Tutania. 9 r -4 0.7 0-3 7.6 Queen’s metal. 88.5 7 -i 35 0.9 German. 72 24 4 “ . 84 9 2 5 “ (cast). 20 64 10 6 Malleable (cast). 48 3 48 .... I Birmingham (sheet). 90.6 7.8 i -5 “ (cast). 90.71 9.2 0.09 Karmarsch’s. 8S 5 3 - 6 1-4 .... 1.6 Keller’s. 85.7 10.4 I 1.8 Wagner’s (fine). 85.64 9.66 0.81 3.06 0.83 Ashberry Metal. —Copper, 2 parts; tin, So; antimony, 14; 110 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. zinc, i ; nickel, 2; aluminium, i. Or copper, 3 parts; tin, 79; antimony, 15 ; zinc, 2 ; nickel, 1. Used for coffee-pots, tea-pots and all similar articles generally made of Britannia metal. Biddery Metal .—Genuine East India Biddery metal consists of copper, 3.5 parts; zinc, 93.4; lead, 3.1. Or copper, 11.4 parts; zinc, 84.3; tin, 1.4; lead, 2.9. Minofor Metal. —Copper, 3.26 parts ; tin, 67.53 > antimony, 17; zinc, 8.94. Or copper, 4 parts; tin, 66; antimony, 20; zinc, 9; iron, 1. Used for the same purposes as Britannia metal. Manganese Alloys .—A favorable effect is produced by an addi¬ tion of manganese to bronze, brass, copper, etc. All varieties of commercial copper, as well as bronzes, contain more or less oxide, which injures the properties of these alloys, especially decreasing their tenacity and malleability. The removal of such admixtures of oxide is effected by substances which have a greater affinity for oxygen than copper, for instance, by an addition of phosphorus in the preparation of phosphor-bronze. Metallic manganese acts, however, far more energetically, as it does not volatilize like phos¬ phorus at the fusing temperature. For this purpose an alloy of copper and manganese, the so-called cupro-manganese, consisting of copper, 70.5 parts; manganese, 25, and coal, 0.5, is recom¬ mended. Of this composition an addition of 2^3 per cent, suffices for most cases. The process is very simple. After melting the bronze masses the metal-bath is covered with pulverized wood charcoal, and the pieces of cupro-manganese previously weighed and reduced to small pieces are allowed slowly to slide into the crucible. Fusion takes place instantaneously, but the crucible is for a few moments to be replaced upon the fire in order to some¬ what increase the temperature reduced by the addition of the cold pieces of metal. In pouring out proceed in the ordinary manner. To enclose the oxide of manganese formed by this process add to the charcoal with which the metal-bath is covered about one-half its quantity of pure carbonate of soda or potash. The following alloys are prepared according to this method : I. Tin, 16 parts; zinc, 3^ ; lead, 3^ ; cupro-manganese, 1. II. Tin, 16 ; zinc, 3 ; lead, 3; cupro-manganese, 2. ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. Ill III. Red Brass. —Copper, 85 ; tin, 14 ; cupro-manganese, 1. Or copper, 81 ; tin, 17; cupro-manganese, 2. IV. Udiite Metal. —Tin, 42 ; lead, 40 ; antimony, 20 ; cupro- manganese, 2. Ferro-ma 7 iganese. —This is composed of manganese, 75 parts, and iron, 75, and may be used for the preparation of sterro-metal: copper, 54 parts; zinc, 40; ferro-manganese, 6. A composition of cupro-manganese, consisting of copper, 70 per cent., and manganese, 30 per cent., is used as an addition to many alloys, especially for tombac, brass and bronze. By this ad¬ dition greater density, solidity and extensibility are imparted to the alloys. A copper-tin alloy with 6 per cent, manganese possesses the hardness of steel. For bearings the alloy consists of copper, 80 parts ; tin, 6 ; zinc, 5 ; cupro-manganese, 9. For rolls an alloy composed of tin, 64 parts; copper, 8; antimony, 16; lead, 10; and cupro-manganese, 2, is recommended. For malleable brass, copper, 56^ parts; zinc, 42; and cupro-manganese, i) 4 . Manganese alloys are capable of taking a good polish and have a white to rose-color color. Cupro-manganese is used in refining copper for the reduction of cuprous oxide, the manganese alloy playing in this case a role corresponding to that of ferro-manganese in the preparation of steel. Manganese Silver consists of copper, 80 per cent. ; manganese, 15/ and zinc, 5. It is white, takes a good polish and is readily worked. Manganese Steel. —To the steel melting quietly 80 per cent, ferro-manganese is added in such quantity as desired. The steel is then poured out. To obtain steel with 9 per cent, manganese o. n to 0.12 per cent, of the 80 per cent, ferro-manganese, to¬ gether with 5.5 to 6 per cent, of carbon, have to be added. This steel mixture liquefies with ease. The pieces prepared from it are very resistant to shocks. It is difficult to work with drill or chisel, but can be conveniently hammered and stretched. Hadfield's Ma?iganese Steel. —The electrical resistance of the non-magnetic manganese steel is 8 times greater than that of ordinary Steel and iron and 30 times greater than that of copper. Material 112 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. with 5 or 6 per cent, of manganese is very hard; with io per cent., soft; with 22 per cent., hard. For wrought material the best con¬ tent is 14 per cent., with not over 1 per cent, of carbon. In France manganese steel is used for horse-shoes, whole regiments of cavalry being provided with them. Nickel Alloys. —1. Nickel and Copper. Nickel and copper unite in a wide range of proportions, the color of the alloys varying from copper-red to the blue-white of the nickel. The use of alloys of copper and nickel alone is limited ; they are chiefly employed for coinage, the beautiful white color and considerable hardness im¬ parted to copper by an addition of nickel making them especially suitable for this purpose. Nickel Coins of the United States, Belgium and Brazil. —Copper, 75 parts ; nickel, 25. 2. Nickel, Copper and Zinc Alloys. —These alloys form the mix¬ tures of metals known as German silver, packfong, argent neuf etc. The preparation of German silver must be executed with the greatest care, since nickel has a very high melting point. The more readily fusible metals are first melted and alloyed together, after which the fused nickel is brought into the crucible and the whole vigorously stirred with a stout wooden stick. The following table gives the composition of various kinds of Ger- man silver; Copper Zinc. Parts. Nickel Lead. Iron. r So 31-3 18.7 French for sheet.-( 50 30 20 l 53-3 25 16.7 f 50 25 25 Vienna. -1 55-6 22 22 ( 60 20 20 Berlin./ 54 28 18 t 55-5 29.I i 7-5 f 63-34 17.01 1913 English.-{ 62.40 22.15 15-05 ( 62.43 26.05 10.85 ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 113 Various kinds of German Silver Parts. Copper Zinc. Nickel Lead. Iron. English. 57-40 25 13 3 26.3 36.8 36.8 Chinese.■ 43-8 40.6 15 6 45 7 36 9 17.9 40.4 25-4 31.6 2.60 ' 48-5 243 24.3 2.9 54-5 21.8 21.8 1.9 For casting.■ 58-3 19.4 19.4 2-9 57-8 27.1 14 3 0.8 57 20.0 20 3 Sheffield— Common (yellow). 59-3 25-9 14.8 Silver-white. 55 2 24.1 20.7 Electrum (bluish). 51.6 22.6 25.8 Hard (can be worked cold). 45-7 20 3 I -3 Fricke’s— Bluish-yellow (hard). 55-5 39 5-5 Pale yellow (ductile). 62.5 31 2 6-3 Silvery (hard). 50 18.8 31.2 “ (harder). 59 30 IO Common formula. 55 25 20 Many varieties of German silver contain different quantities of iron, manganese, tin or very frequently lead to change the proper¬ ties of the alloy or to cheapen it. An addition of lead makes German silver more fusible; one of tin acts in a certain sense as in bronze, making the alloy denser and more sonorous and caus¬ ing it to take a better polish. An addition of iron or manganese increases the white color of the alloy, but also renders it more re¬ fractory and inclining it towards brittleness. Alfenide, Argiroide and Allied Alloys .—The alloys brought into commerce under these and many other names consist in most cases of a mixture of metals closely resembling German silver ; they are, however, generally electro-plated with pure silver. 8 114 THE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK Albafa Metal. —Nickel, 3 to 4 parts; copper, 20; zinc, 16. Used for plated goods. Alfenide. —Copper, 59.6 parts; zinc, 30.3; nickel, 10.1 ; and a trace of iron. British Plate Metal. —Copper, 20 parts; nickel, 5 to 6 ; zinc, 8 to 10. Used for plated goods. Metal for Spoons,-Forks, etc. —Copper, 69.8 parts; nickel, 19.8; zinc, 5.5 ; cadmium, 4.7. White Alloy Resisting the Action of Vegetable Acids. —Tin, 875 parts; nickel, 55 ; antimony, 50; bismuth, 20. White Argentan. —Copper, 8 parts ; nickel, 3 ; zinc, 35. This beautiful composition is a deceptive imitation of silver. 3. Alloys of Nickel and Steel. —The composition of the alloy can be as effectually controlled in the open hearth furnace as in the cru¬ cible. It can be made in any good open hearth furnace working at a fairly good heat. If the charge be properly worked, nearly all the nickel will be found in the steel; almost nothing being lost in the slag. The ingots are clean and smooth in appearance on the outside, but those richest in nickel are a little more “ piped ” than ingots of ordinary mild steel. Any scrap produced can be re¬ melted in making another charge without loss of nickel. No ex¬ traordinary care is required when reheating the ingots for hammer¬ ing or rolling. If the steel has been properly made and be of correct composition it will hammer and roll well whether it con¬ tains little or much nickel. Tests of steel with varying contents of nickel showed that the addition of 4 per cent, of nickel raises the elastic limit from 16 up to 28 tons, and the breaking strain from 30 up to 40.6 tons without impairing the elongation or con¬ traction of area to any noticeable extent. In another case some¬ what similar results were found with an addition of only 3 per cent, of nickel, combined with an increase of the carbon to 0.35 per cent. In two cases, one containing 2.0 per cent, of nickel, 0.90 per cent, of carbon and 0.50 per cent, of manganese, the other 4 per cent, of nickel, 0.85 of carbon and 0.50 of manganese, there was an extreme hardness due in part to the large quantity of carbon present, but also to the presence of nickel in addition. ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 115 The quality of hardness obtains as the nickel is increased until about 20 per cent, is reached, when a change takes place, and suc¬ cessive additions of nickel tend to make the steel softer and more ductile, and even to neutralize the influence of carbon. In the 25 per cent, nickel steel there are some peculiar and remarkable properties. In the unannealed specimen the breaking strain is high and the elastic limits moderately so, but in the annealed piece, while the breaking strain remains good, the elastic limit is very greatly reduced, down to one-third of the breaking strain. Again, in both cases, the ductility as shown by the extension before fracture is marvellous, reaching 40 per cent, in 8 inches. Another feature is that this elongation is nearly uniform throughout the piece. The whole of the series of nickel steels up to 50 per cent, nickel take a good polish and finish, with a good surface, the color being lighter with the increased additions of nickel. The steels rich in nickel are practically non-corrodible, and those poor in nickel are much better than other steels in this respect. The 1 per cent, nickel steel welds fairly well, but this quality deteriorates with each addition of nickel. The 25 per cent, nickel steel, with its peculiar properties of high breaking strain, great ductility and comparatively low elastic limit, is extremely well adapted for all operations involving considerable deformation ; for instance, for deep stamping and flanging, whilst its non-corrodibility will render it invaluable for a great number of purposes. In the region between 25 per cent, and about 5 per cent, of nickel are an abundance of possibilities as yet comparatively unknown, in which will no doubt be found materials for tool steel equal, if not superior, to anything at present known. Type Metal. —-An alloy of lead and antimony answers best for this purpose. At present a great many receipts for type metal are known, in the preparation of which other metals besides lead and antimony are used for the purpose of rendering the alloy more fusible. In the following table some alloys suitable for casting type are given : 116 TIIE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. Ehrhardt's Type Metal is composed of zinc, 89 parts; tin, 4; lead, 3 ; copper, 4; or, zinc, 93 ; tin, 3; lead, 3; copper, 2. Music Plates. —I. Tin, 5 to 7.5 parts; antimony, 5 to 2.5. II. Lead, 16; antimony, 1. III. Lead, 8; antimony, 2; tin, 1.5. IV. Lead, 4; antimony, 2; zinc, 1. V. Lead, 7.5; antimony, 2.5 ; copper, 0.5. Various Alloys. — Acid-proof Bronze. This alloy may be advan¬ tageously substituted for hard rubber, porcelain and other sub¬ stances which, though acid-proof, are much exposed to wear and tear, and sometimes too costly. The alloy consists of copper, 15 parts; tin, 2.34; lead, 1.82; antimony, 1. The metals are melted together in the usual manner, and the alloy is worked like ordinary bronze. Alloy for Casting Small Articles. —Fuse a mixture of 79 per cent, of cast-iron, 19.50 of tin and 1.50 of lead. This alloy has a beautiful appearance, and fills the mould completely. It is to a certain extent malleable. Alloy for Moulds for Pressed Glass. —An alloy suitable for this purpose is obtained by melting together 100 parts of iron with 10 to 25 of nickel. Alloy of Copper and Antimony. —A beautiful alloy is produced by fusing together in a crucible at a strong heat equal parts of antimony and copper. The compound is hard and of a beautiful violet hue. This alloy has not yet been applied to any useful ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 117 purpose, but its excellent qualities, independent of its color, en¬ title it to consideration. Alloys for Calico-printing Rollers. —Hauvel considers a semi- hard bronze of the following composition the best material for the rollers: Copper, 86 parts; tin, 14; zinc, 2. Rendel, on the other hand, found an English roller material composed of copper, 5.6 parts; zinc, 78.3 ; tin, 15.8. Though this compound gives a hard, fine-grained alloy, it is likely to be readily attacked by the colors used in printing. According to analyses by J. D6pierreand P. Spiral, the compo¬ sition of the scrapers (sometimes called doctors or ductors) in¬ tended to remove the surplus of colors from the rollers is as follows : Copper. Zinc. Tin. Yellow French scrapers. . 78-75 12.50 8-75 “ English “ . . 80.50 10.50 8.00 “ German “ . 9.80 4.90 Alloys for Small Patterns in Foundries. —I. Tin, 7.5 parts ; lead, 2.5. II. Zinc, 75 parts; tin, 25. III. Tin, 30 parts; lead, 70. The last of these alloys is for patterns which will not be in frequent use, and which may be mended, bent, etc. The first gives harder and stiffer patterns; the second is harder than tin and more tena¬ cious than zinc, while at the same time it preserves a certain ductility. Bimningham Platinum. —This is a white alloy for buttons, and consists of copper, 43 per cent. ; zinc, 57. Other alloys for white buttons are: I. Yellow brass, 32 parts; zinc, 3; tin, 1. II. Yellow brass, 32 parts; zinc, 4; tin, 2. Calin. —By this name is known an alloy used by the Chinese for lining tea-chests. It is composed of lead, 126 parts; tin, 17.5; copper, 1.25, and a trace of zinc. Cooper's Alloy for Steel-pens. —Copper, 1 part; platinum, 4; silver, 8. It is distinguished by its hardness, elasticity and incor¬ rodibility. Dysiot. —By this name is known a bearing-metal manufactured 118 TITE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. by Rompel & Co., of Homburg. It is prepared by melting together copper, 62 parts; lead, 18; tin, 10; and zinc, 10. Fahlun or Tin Brilliants. —An alloy of especially fine lustre is known under the name of “Fahlun brilliants.” It is used for stage jewelry and consists of tin, 3 parts, and lead, 2, or of tin, 3 parts, and lead, 1. For the production of brilliants melt small portions of the alloy in an iron crucible. By dipping into the fluid mass, previously freed from every particle of oxide, pieces of glass or brass, ground like brilliants and highly polished, a thin layer of metal adheres to them which, after cooling, can be readily detached. The separate pieces may be connected by soldering. Sometimes the alloy is poured into moulds faceted in the same manner as diamonds. Gold and Palladium Alloys. —Alloys of gold, copper, silver and palladium have a brownish-red color, and the hardness of iron. They are sometimes used for bearings of the arbors in fine watches, as they cause but little friction (less than the jewels used for the same purpose) and never rust on exposure to the air. The compo¬ sition used in the Swiss and English watch factories consists of gold, 18 parts; copper, 13; silver, 11 ; palladium, 6. Gold-like Alloy. —This alloy closely resembling gold is obtained by melting together copper, 16 parts; zinc, 1 ; and platinum, 7. The copper and platinum are first covered with borax, next with pulverized charcoal, and melted, after which the zinc is added. The alloy produced is easily worked and may be drawn into the finest wire; it does not turn blue. Iron Alloy. —A compact, very malleable iron alloy capable of taking a high polish has been patented in England, by W. M. Arnold. It is obtained by melting together pig-iron, 50 lbs. ; sodium, y 2 lb. ; copper and antimony, each y lb., and zinc 2 y 2 lbs. It is claimed to be especially suitable for ships’ screws, it re¬ sisting quite well the corroding action of sea-water. By omitting the sodium and decreasing the quantity of zinc a softer variety of iron is obtained, while the additions of larger quantities of sodium and zinc and the decrease of the content of copper yield a harder material. ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 119 Lemarquand's Non-oxidizable Alloy. —Copper, 750 parts; nickel, 140; black oxide of cobalt, 20; tin in sticks, 18; zinc, 72. The metals must be pure. Lutecine or Paris Metal. —Copper, 800 parts; nickel, 160; tin, 20; cobalt, 10 ; iron, 5 ; and zinc, 5. Malleable Brass. —Alloy, copper, 33 parts, and zinc, 25 parts, the copper being loosely covered with the zinc in the crucible. As soon as the copper is melted pure zinc is added. The alloy is then cast in molding sand into the shape of bars, which, it is said, are malleable into any form when still hot. To make brass soft, heat it to a low red and plunge in water. It cannot be hardened except by rolling and hammering. Marley’s Non-oxidizable Alloy. —Iron, 10 parts; nickel, 35; brass, 25 ; tin, 20 ; zinc, xo. Articles prepared from this alloy are heated to a white heat and dipped into a mixture of sul¬ phuric acid, 60 parts; nitric acid, 10 ; hydrochloric acid, 5 ; and water, 25. New Alloys. —I. An alloy which is said to practically resist the attack of most acid and alkaline solutions is composed as follows: Copper, 15 parts; tin, 2.34; lead, 1.82; antimony, 1. This alloy is, therefore, a bronze with the addition of lead and anti¬ mony. It is claimed that it can be very advantageously used in the laboratory to replace vessels or fittings of ebonite, vulcanite or porcelain. II. Pure copper or tin is melted and to the melted mass is added a piece of arsenic enclosed in a copper capsule. After thorough stirring the mass is granulated by pouring into water. The granules of the alloy thus obtained are remclted and then used as an addition for the preparation of bronze and other alloys, whereby it is claimed the alloy acquires greater elasticity, strength and homogeneity than phosphor-bronze and similar alloys. III. For the Manufacture of Jewelry, etc. —This alloy has a color resembling that of the various alloys of gold. It is very re¬ sistible and ductile and acquires great lustre by polishing. It consists of 978 parts by weight of pure copper; 2 of gold ; and 20 of aluminium. The copper and gold are first melted in a crucible 120 TITE METAL WORKER’S ITANRY-BOOK. of chamotte * or other refractory material, and when the metals are fluid the aluminium is added. When not more than 2 lbs. of the alloy are made at one time the mass is kept in a fused state for half an hour, about ozs. of borax being added as a flux. The melted mass is then poured into ingots. The alloy thus obtained can be worked into sheet, wire or ribbon, as required for the manu¬ facture of jewelry. To obtain the various colors it is only neces¬ sary to vary the proportions of the three metals; for red, for in¬ stance, somewhat less gold and aluminium is used, for yellow somewhat less gold, and for green somewhat less gold and more aluminium. New Imitations of Gold and Silver .—To prepare an alloy having the appearance and color of gold, melt in a crucible 800 parts by weight of pure copper, 25 of platinum, and 10 of tungstate of lime, and granulate the melt by letting it run into water containing for every 35.31 cubic feet 17 ozs. each of slaked lime and potash. The purpose of these ingredients is to purify the alloy. The metallic granules are then collected and dried, and after remelting them in the crucible, 170 parts by weight of gold are added. This alloy, when cast into ingots, has the appearance of red gold. Differ¬ ent colors may be obtained by varying the proportions of the metals. Boric acid, saltpetre, and sodium chloride, previously fused together in equal proportions, are used as flux; the proportion is 7 drachms to 1 lb. of alloy. The alloy used for the imitation of silver consists of iron, 65 parts; nickel, 23 ; tungstate of lime, 4; aluminium, 5 ; and copper, 5. The iron and tungstate of lime are fused together, and granu¬ lated in the same manner as above described, with the exception that the water into which the alloy is allowed to run contains 2 lbs. each of slaked lime and potash to every 35.31 cubic feet. During fusion in the crucible the metals must be carefully covered with a flux consisting of 1 part of boric acid and 1 of potassium nitrate. In the crucible containing the aluminium and the copper place a piece of soda (15 grains to every 10 lbs. of metal), to prevent the * A mixture of unburnt fire-clay anti dust of fire-bricks, glass pots or seggars. ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 121 oxidation of the aluminium; add also some charcoal, to prevent the oxidation of the copper. Before granulating the metal, thor¬ oughly stir the contents of each crucible with a ladle of fire¬ clay. The granulated metal is dried, then melted together in the above-mentioned proportions, thoroughly stirred, and cast into ingots. This alloy has the appearance of silver or of platinum. The alloys resist the action of sulphuretted hydrogen, and are not attacked by vegetable acids and but slightly by mineral acids; they are ductile and flexible. New Method of preparing Alloys .—The alloys consist of heavy metals and the sulphides of the alkali metals, or metals of the alka¬ line earths. Preferably sulphide of strontium is alloyed with copper, in order to obtain a product of a constant gold-like color. For this purpose zinc is melted together with 8 to 15 per cent, of calcined strontium sulphate, and the resulting alloy allowed to cool. To this alloy a varying quantity of copper is added, accord¬ ing to the color and power of resistance required. As much of the zinc as desired may be expelled by subsequent cupellation. Non-Magnetic Alloys for Watches .—To overcome the injurious effect of magnetic action upon watches, alloys of palladium are proposed as substitutes for steel wherever it is employed in the works. The composition of the new alloys varies from 45 to 75 parts of palladium, 15 to 30 parts of copper, 20 to 25 parts of silver, with sometimes the addition of small proportions of iron, steel, nickel, gold, and platinum. These alloys are claimed to be unoxidizable in moist air, to preserve their elasticity indefinitely, not to vary sensibly with changes of temperature, and remain uninfluenced by proximity to dynamos. Another non-magnetic alloy, recently brought out by Messrs. Ostermann and Lacroix, of Geneva, Switzerland, is made of from 30 to 40 parts of gold, 30 to 40 parts of palladium, o. 1 to 5 parts of rhodium, 10 to 20 parts of copper, o. 1 to 5 parts of manganese, and the same proportion of silver and platinum. The copper and manganese are first mixed, after which the other articles are added; or all the metals may be put into a crucible at the same time, the manganese being used for the bottom layer. THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. 12 ‘J Non-Oxidizable Alloy. —Iron, io parts; nickel, 36; copper, tin, zinc, each, 18. This metal has a white color, with a slightly red¬ dish tinge. Platinoid. —This alloy is a kind of German silver, with an addi¬ tion of 1 to 2 per cent, of tungsten. The latter, in the form of phosphor-tungsten, is first melted together with a certain quantity of copper, the nickel is next added, then the zinc, and finally the remainder of copper. In order to remove the phosphorus and a portion of the tungsten, both of which separate dross, the resulting compound is several times remelted. Finally an alloy of a beautiful white color is obtained, which, when polished, closely resembles silver, and retains its lustre for a long time. Platinoid has the properties of German silver in a pre-eminent degree. It shows great resistance, which remains quite constant at different tempera¬ tures, and is about 1 J 4 times greater than that of German silver. Platinum Bronze. —This name is applied to an alloy prepared from 100 parts of pure nickel, 10 of tin, and 1 of platinum, by adding to the melted nickel the platinum and 4 parts of the tin, and then gradually the remaining 6 parts of tin. This alloy is intended for household utensils. For bells, etc., 100 parts of nickel, 20 of tin, 2 of silver, and 1 of platinum are used. Shakdo. —This is a Japanese alloy, consisting of copper and gold, the proportion of the latter varying from 1 to 10 per cent. Articles made from this composition are, after polishing, boiled in a pickle, consisting of cupric sulphate, alum, and verdigris, whereby they acquire a bluish-black color. Shakdo is worked into scabbards, buckles, etc., and into many decorative articles. Sideraphtiie. —This alloy consists of iron, 65 parts; nickel, 23; tungsten, 4; aluminium, 5 ; and copper, 5. It is claimed to resist the action of vegetable acids, and to be quite indifferent towards mineral acids. Soft Alloy for Coating Metals, etc. —From a solution of cupric sulphate precipitate the copper with zinc; pulverize the precipitate, and in a porcelain dish make the copper-dust thus obtained into a cake with pure sulphuric acid of 1.85 specific gravity. According to the hardness desired, carefully mix 20, 30, or 36 parts of this ALLOYS AND AMALGAMS. 123 cake with 70 parts of mercury, and wash the amalgam thus obtained with an abundance of warm water to remove all traces of acid. In 10 to 12 hours the alloy is so hard that it will scratch tin. For use heat the alloy until it can be worked like wax. In this state it is applied to the surface of the article, to which, after cooling, it adheres with great tenacity. II. Amalgams .—The readiness with which mercury unites with most of the other metals to form definite chemical compounds, called “amalgams,” is one of its most striking properties and is turned to account for the extraction of silver and gold from their ores. Amalgams are crystalline combinations and form at a low temperature. They are at first so soft that they can be kneaded like wax, but after some time harden completely. The following are some of the most important: Amalgam of Lipowitz's Metal .—This amalgam is prepared as follows: Melt in a dish, cadmium, 3 parts; tin, 4; bismuth, 15, and lead, 8, and add to the melted alloy 2 parts of mercury pre¬ viously heated to about 212 0 F. Amalgamation takes place readily and smoothly. After the introduction of the mercury imme¬ diately take the dish from the fire and stir the liquid mass until it solidifies. While Lipowitz’s alloy becomes soft at 140° F. and melts at 158° F., the amalgam melts at about 143.5 0 F. This amalgam may be used for the manufacture of small, hollow stat¬ uettes and busts, which can be readily gilded or bronzed by the galvanic process. Small statuettes are readily made by preparing a hollow mould of plaster of Paris and after uniformly heating it to about 140° F. pouring in the melted amalgam. The mould is then swung to and fro, this being continued until the amalgam is solidified. After cooling the mould is taken apart and the seams trimmed with a sharp knife. The operation may also be modified by placing the mould upon a rapidly revolving disk and pouring in the melted amalgam in a thin stream. By the centrifugal force developed the melted metal is hurled against the sides of the mould, and in this manner statuettes of considerable size can be cast. Copper Amalgam .—Place strips of zinc in a solution of sulphate 124 TIIE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. of copper and shake vigorously. The copper thus obtained in the form of a delicate powder is washed and while still moist treated in a dish with a solution of mercurous nitrate. Hot water is then poured over the copper, the dish kept warm, and the mercury added. The contents of the dish are then kneaded with a pestle until the pulverulent copper combines with the mercury to a plastic mass. The longer the kneading is continued the more homo¬ geneous the mass will be. The best proportions to use are 3 parts of copper and 7 of mercury. An important application of copper amalgam is for cementing metal, it being only necessary to apply it to the metals to be cemented, which must be bright and previously heated to from 176° to 194 0 F., and press them togetner; they will be joined as firmly as if soldered. A composition of 25 parts of copper in fine powder obtained by precipitation from solutions of the oxide by hydrogen, or the sul¬ phate of zinc, washed with sulphuric acid and amalgamated with 7 parts of mercury, after being well washed and dried, is moderately hard, takes a good polish and makes a fine solder for low tempera¬ tures. It will adhere to glass. An imitation of gold, which, on account of its golden-yellow color and capability for taking a fine polish, is suitable for the manufac¬ ture of cheap jewelry, consists of copper, 86.4 parts; mercury, i 3 - 6 - Gold Amalgam .—This is formed when mercury is heated with powdered gold or gold-foil. It consists usually of 2 parts of gold to 1 of mercury. An amalgam suitable for fire-gilding is best pre¬ pared as follows: Heat in a graphite crucible, rubbed inside with chalk to prevent adhesion, the gold to be alloyed to a red heat. It is not absolutely necessary to use chemically pure gold, but it should be at least 22 carat fine and preferably alloyed with silver instead of copper. Gold amalgam containing copper becomes stone-hard in a short time, and a small content of it impairs its uniform application to the metals to be gilded. It is best to use the gold in the form of thin sheets, which are cut into small pieces by means of scissors, and brought into the crucible. When the alloys and amalgams. 125 gold is heated to a red heat introduce about the eighth or ninth part of the weight of the gold of mercury previously heated to boiling. Stir constantly with an iron rod, and after a few minutes remove the crucible from the fire. If the finished amalgam were allowed to cool in the crucible it would become strongly crystalline and be unsuitable for fine gilding. To prevent this it is at once poured into a larger vessel cooled by water. By keeping this amalgam for some time crystallization nevertheless takes place, the amalgam separating from the mercury in excess, and it is, therefore, advis¬ able to prepare it fresh a short time before use. Crystalline amal¬ gam can be restored by heating in a crucible with an excess of mercury. Iron Amalgam is only used in the industries in rare cases where iron is to be fire-gilt, and then it is produced upon the article to be gilded itself. For this purpose the article previously made bright by pickling is boiled in a mixture of mercury, 12 parts; zinc, 1; copperas, 2; water, 12; hydrochloric acid, 1. The mercury dissolved in the>solution separates upon the iron article, a thin, lustrous layer of iron amalgam being formed upon the sur¬ face to which the amalgam of gold can be readily and uniformly applied without further preparation. Silver Amalgam .—This is best prepared by the use of pulveru¬ lent silver obtained by the reduction of silver solution. It may be prepared by bringing a solution of nitrate of silver in 10 to 15 parts of water into a bottle, adding a few small pieces of sheet zinc and vigorously shaking for a few minutes. The silver separating in the form of a very fine black-gray powder need only be washed and dried to be suitable for the preparation of amalgam. This finely divided powder may be directly dissolved in the mercury, though it requires some time. The object is more quickly attained by heating the mercury nearly to boiling in a crucible, then throw¬ ing in the pulverulent silver and quickly combining the mass by vigorous stirring with an iron rod. Tin Amalgam .—Tin and mercury combine readily at ordinary temperatures. If 3 parts of mercury are brought into contact with 1 of tin, 6-sided crystals of tin amalgam are formed. Tin amalgam 126 TIIE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. is used for silvering looking-glasses. When pulverized and rubbed on the polishing-stone it forms a kind of mosaic silver. Electric amalgam may be made by melting tin and zinc together in various proportions in a porcelain crucible. The mixture is well stirred up and when on the point of solidifying the mercury is added and worked into the mass. The whole is next transferred to a mortar warm enough to keep the amalgam soft, while it is well worked to¬ gether, after which a piece of tallow or lard, not quite the equal in bulk to the mass, is kneaded in until the amalgam attains the proper consistency. Zinc Amalgam is formed by mixing and triturating zinc filings with mercury at a heat somewhat below the boiling point of the latter. It is usually prepared by pouring mercury into zinc at the temperature at which the latter is just kept in a fused state. Care must be taken to keep the liquid stirred and to add the mercury slowly and in as fine a stream as possible. V. ANNEALING, HARDENING, TEMPERING. Annealing of Hard and Other Iron Castings .—The process con¬ sists in the sudden immersion of the casting at a certain tempera¬ ture into a fluid in order to make it capable of being punched, drilled, etc., like wrought-iron. The principal point in the opera¬ tion is the temperature at which the iron is immersed in the fluid, the proper degree being the moment when the iron is reduced to a slight red heat, i. e., as soon as the red heat is at the point of disappearing. The fluid in which the iron is immersed may be composed of various constituents, provided, however, that it con¬ tains no acids or other substances injurious to the iron. The best results are obtained with a solution of treacle and water of specific gravity 1.005. If the iron shows the proper degree of heat when taken from the chill it is directly brought into the fluid, otherwise ANNEALING, HARDENING, TEMPERING. 127 it is again heated somewhat above the required degree and, after cooling to a slight red heat, immersed in the fluid. To make Steel so Soft that it can be Worked like Copper. .Pul¬ verize beef bones, mix them with equal parts of loam and calves’ hair and stir the mixture into a thick paste with water. Apply a coat of this to the steel and place it in a crucible, cover this with another, fasten the two together with wire and close the joint hermetically with clay. Then place the crucible in the fire and heat it slowly. When taken from the fire let it cool by placing it in ashes. On opening the crucible the steel will be found so soft that it can be engraved like copper. New Way of Annealing Steel. —Heat the piece as slowly as possible, and when at a low red heat put it between two pieces of dry board and screw them up tight in a vise. The steel burns its way into the boards and, on coming together around it, they form a practically air-tight charcoal-bed. When it cools off the steel is apt to be found thoroughly annealed. Two Ways of Annealing Steel. —It may be heated to a dull, red heat, covered with dry, warm sand and left to cool slowly; or heat and cover it up in the forge fire, and leave it there until the fire is out and all is cold. The other method is to heat the steel red hot; heat gradually, let it “soak,” as the smiths say, until it is evenly heated, then remove it from the fire and take it to some dark place. Let the steel cool until you lose sight of the dull red in the dark ; then cool off in cold water. A good “ dark place” may be made by throwing your coat over a barrel, leaving just room enough to look in at the iron. This method is called “ water anneal,” and is based upon the theory that steel softens when cooled at a certain temperature. Annealing of Bronze. —This process is especially employed in the preparation of alloys for cymbals, tam-tams, bells, etc. These alloys themselves are brittle, and the instruments cast from them become soft and sonorous only by immersing them while still hot, in cold water, then hammering and finally again heating and slowly cooling. While steel acquires hardness by quenching, a copper-tin alloy has the remarkable property of becoming sensibly softer and 128 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. more ductile when quickly cooled, and this property is made use of by heating the alloy to a dark red, or, in case of thin objects, to the melting point of lead, and then immersing in water. The alloy thus treated can be worked under the hammer and stretched without cracking or breaking. To Harden Copper .—Among the latest methods resorted to for hardening copper is that of melting together and stirring until thoroughly incorporated, copper and from i to 6 per cent, of manganese oxide. The other ingredients for bronze and other alloys may then be added. The copper thus becomes homogen¬ eous, harder and tougher. To Case-harden Wrought-iron. —Wrought-iron is nearly pure decarbonized iron, and is not possessed of the property of harden¬ ing. But articles made of wrought-iron may be exteriorly con¬ verted into steel and afterwards hardened. The process is called case-hardening, and only differs from cementation in being carried on for a shorter time; it is seldom necessary to convert the iron into steel more than -^g-inch deep, unless where great stiffness as well as hardness is required. Case-hardened iron for various purposes is better than steel; it has the hardness and polish of steel externally, with a core of soft fibrous iron in the centre. Prus- siate of potash renders iron nearly as hard as steel, by heating the iron to redness, sprinkling the potash finely powdered upon it, and then plunging the iron into pure cold water; but the hardness is confined to the surface, and only for articles not exposed to much wear can a sufficient coating of steel be obtained by this process. Greater and more uniform effect is produced by a perfectly tight box, and animal charcoal just sufficiently burnt to admit of being reduced to powder, in order that more of it may be got into the box with the articles ; bones reduced to dust answer the purpose equally well. The box should be of plate-iron not less than yfa to i^-inch thick. The size and shape differ according to the articles operated upon. The box is furnished with an iron lid with two holes pierced in it for drawing testing pieces out, if required. The box may be strengthened against buckling by riveting a piece of iron about ^-inch square inside the box about i inch from the ANNEALING, HARDENING, TEMPERING. 129 top; this will also answer for the lid to rest upon, and prevent it from pressing upon the articles when expanded by the heat. Clay or loam put between this iron square and the lid makes a secure joint. Two holes are pierced in the box at opposite sides just above the lid, for inserting 2 iron pins, and making the joint more secure. Upon a small scale a good box may be made by welding a plug into one end of a piece of wrought-iron pipe, and using a loose plug for the opposite end ; the loose plug being fastened into place with an iron pin passing through it and the pipe, and luted with clay. For a small article a box may be formed of loam, which is gradually dried before it is exposed to a red heat. The articles be¬ ing previously finished, except polishing, are put into the iron box in alternate layers with the animal charcoal, commencing on the bottom of the box with charcoal to the thickness of about ^-inch; upon this a layer of the articles is placed, then another of charcoal about yi of the first, and so on till the box is nearly full, finishing with charcoal about the thickness of the first layer, leaving room every way for the expansion of the articles by the heat, otherwise they will bend each other in the box. The packing completed the lid is put on and the box luted. The whole is now placed in a suitable furnace; the fire must not be urged, as the contents of the box require to be very gradually and uniformly heated to redness and retained at this heat for the period required for the depth of steel desired. In half an hour after the contents have arrived at the proper uniform temperature, the depth of steel will scarcely be the thickness of a dime; in an hour about double the depth, and so on. To tell when the central articles arrive at the proper heat, a testing piece is withdrawn; if it be not sufficiently heated, the heating must be continued a little longer; after a reasonable time another piece is withdrawn and if sufficiently hot, hardened in pure cold water; it can then be broken with the hammer, and the extent of the carbonization ascertained. Different kinds of iron absorb carbon unequally; consequently the testing pieces must be made of the same kind of iron as the articles. The more homoge¬ neous the iron the more equally it absorbs carbon; consequently the less likely it will be to alter its shape in hardening. For test- 9 130 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. ing pieces, plain pieces of the same kind of iron as the articles may be used. They require to be brightened and are placed, at the time of the packing of the box, in the central part, in such a manner that they may be readily pulled out through the holes in the lid, either by a piece of iron wire attached, or by being made long enough to project through the holes, so that they may be gripped with pliers; the holes are luted the same as other parts. When the articles are sufficiently converted, the box is drawn from the fire, the lid taken off, and the contents are immersed in pure cold water; taken out when cold they are ready for polishing. To prevent rusting the articles may be dried by riddling in a sieve with dry sawdust, after which they are wiped with a greasy cloth. If the articles be immersed in oil instead of water, they will be much tougher but less hard, though sufficiently so for some pur¬ poses. It is not necessary to immerse them direct from the box, as it answers equally well to allow them to remain in the box until cool, and then reheat them in'an open fire and immerse them sepa¬ rately. When the case-hardening is required to terminate at any particular part of an article, the part needed to be soft may be bound with thin iron wire and cased with loam. This prevents the iron from absorbing carbon at that part. The loam requires to be gradually dried upon the article previous to putting it into the box, otherwise it will crack. Another method is to shrink an iron ring or collar upon the part not required to be case-hardened; but this is not economical, especially when many articles require to be treated. To save the trouble of shrinking a collar on and getting it off again, a collar somewhat larger in diameter than the article may be used, the space between being filled up with loam. When a collar is shrunk upon an article it has generally to be cut asunder to be taken off, and is in future useless; it may be got off by ham¬ mering, but this will damage the article if it has been previously finished except polishing. If the article after being cemented with the carbon be immersed in water previous to taking off the collar, the latter will become hard because it has absorbed carbon ; con¬ sequently it will require to be ground on the grind-stone before it can be cut off by the chisel, file or turning tool. In some in- ANNEALING, HARDENING, TEMPERING. 131 stances when case-hardening is to terminate at a particular part, it is more convenient and economical to postpone the finishing until after it has been cemented with carbon. Iron cemented with animal charcoal, however skillfully performed, is never so tenacious as iron cemented with wood charcoal; consequently it is unfit for cutting tools as it will not take a fine firm edge, and it is ques¬ tionable whether it could be made suitable for the purpose by pass¬ ing through the process of forging and melting. To Case-harden Axle-arms. —Instead of using one large pan and plunging half a dozen arms into it, have for each arm a round, con¬ ical box, made of old boiler plate inch thick, and about 2 or 3 inches longer and about 2 inches larger in diameter inside than the arm. Into the box place sufficient animal charcoal to raise the collar of the axle-arm nearly flush with the top of the box, then surround the arm with the charcoal as far up as the collar, ramming it firmly down as you proceed, and finally cover the top of the charcoal with fire-clay, taking care to plaster the clay well round the axle and the edge of the box. The furnace is a small rever¬ berating one, capable of holding 8 to 12 of these boxes at a time. The boxes are allowed to remain in the furnace 1 to 2 hours, accord¬ ing to the size of the axles, etc. To Harden Cast-iro?i. —Mix 2 pounds of concentrated sulphuric acid and 2 ozs. of nitric acid with 2*4 gallons of water. Plunge the article at a cherry-red heat into this mixture. The surface becomes very hard. To Harden Cast-iron in a Simple Manner. —A cast-iron furnace, the size of which depends on that of the casting, is employed. It is provided front and back with doors, so that a small carriage can be run into it. The arrangement of the carriage depends on the form and size of the furnace, as well as on the objects to be hardened. A pipe perforated with small holes enters the furnace, and conveys into it heated steam. The objects to be hardened, espe¬ cially cylinders, are allowed to rest as much as possible with their ends upon the carriage. For small objects, such as cutlery, a small furnace with a single door suffices. It must, however, always be provided with a carriage, in order to effect cooling off as quickly 132 THE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. as possible. The steam, with a tension of two atmospheres, is taken from an ordinary boiler. As near as possible to the furnace in which the hardening is effected is another furnace, through which the steam is conducted in a coil of pipe with a diameter of 15^ inches, and the same height. Near the bottom of this coil is a cock for the discharge of condensed water. In the centre the coil is lined with brick-work ; the fire in the furnace circulates around it and makes it red-hot, so that the steam passing through it to the hardening furnace, becomes superheated and suitable for hardening. For objects up to 0.59 inch thick, one hour suffices to complete the hardening. To Quickly and Thoroughly Harden Soft Iron. —Moisten the object with water, and scatter powdered yellow prussiate of potash upon the surface. Then heat to a red heat, whereby the melting prussiate of potash coats the surface of the object; finally, quench quickly in cold water, and repeat the operation. A white heat must not be used, the iron not being hardened thereby but, on the contrary, oxidized. Red prussiate of potash must not be used, the hardening process not being successful with it. To Harden Wrougilt-iron Parts of Machines. —The most suitable - agents for this purpose are old leather, hoofs, horns, and bones; they are generally charred, coarsely powdered, and thoroughly mixed. A box of cast-iron or strong sheet-iron serves for the reception of the parts to be hardened. Upon the bottom of this box is first placed a layer of the cementing agent, about 1% inch deep. Upon this layer are placed the larger parts, in such a man¬ ner as not to touch each other. These parts are then covered inch deep with the cementing powder, special care being had that all the separate parts are well covered. Upon this layer of cement¬ ing agent comes again a layer of iron parts, then again a layer of cementing agent, and so on until the box is full. The box is now covered with an iron lid, and the latter thoroughly luted with clay. The box is then placed upon the hearth, and surrounded and entirely covered with glowing coals, care being had to keep up a vigorous fire, so that the entire box may become red-hot at one time. Heating is continued for about two or three hours. In ANNEALING, HARDENING, TEMPERING. 133 the meanwhile a large tub full of fresh water is placed as near as possible to the hearth. In order to keep the water in the tub as cold as possible, it is advisable to arrange so that fresh water may run constantly into it. The fire is now removed from the lid, the box opened, and the separate articles taken out with tongs, and suddenly immersed in the water, where they remain until they are quite cooled off. The waving to and fro of the iron parts and a constant supply of fresh water cannot be too highly recommended, because all the labor, time, and expense would be lost if the articles be not sufficiently and energetically cooled off. In immersing the articles in the water care must be had not only to manipulate them rapidly, but they must also be introduced lengthwise, to prevent them as much as possible from becoming crooked. Immersing the articles flat would at once make them crooked. When taken from the water the articles are dried as quickly as possible upon hot stones, and then greased with oil. To Harden Steel by Pressure. —This method of hardening steel, invented by Clemandat, of Paris, consists in heating the steel to a cherry red, and then subjecting it in a hydraulic press to a pressure of up to 2,000, 4,000, and 6,ooo lbs. per 0.155 square inch. The steel is allowed to cool between the press-plates of the hydraulic press; it possesses the structure and qualities of steel obtained by tempering, and especially a very fine grain, great hardness and density. This phenomenon is explained by the simultaneous action of compression and cooling, the first replacing the hammering or rolling, and the latter the immersion in a cooling fluid. To Harden Steel in Petroleum. —According to B. Morgossy, the articles to be hardened are first heated in a charcoal fire, and, after thoroughly rubbing with ordinary washing soap, heated to a cherry red. In this condition they are quickly plunged into petroleum; ignition of the petroleum need not be feared, but, of course, an open flame must not be near at hand. Articles hardened according to this method show no cracks, do not warp in the least, and after hardening remain nearly white, so that they can be blued without previous rubbing with emery. To Harden Steel so that the Exterior is Hard and the Interior 134 THE METAL WORKER’S IIANOY-BOOK. Soft. —Pulverize and mix yellow prussiate of potash 3 parts ; borax, 1 ; saltpetre, 1; and sugar of lead, fi. Heat the steel to be hardened to a red heat, and scatter the powder over it. Then replace the steel in the fire, and when it has attained the proper degree of heat, cool it off in cold rain-water. Steel cooled off according to this method is very tenacious. To Harden Small Drills. —The drill being filed the right size (the edge must not be hammered flat), it is moderately heated with¬ out becoming red, and then plunged into borax, whereby it becomes incrusted with borax and the air is excluded. The drill may now be hardened by heating to cherry-red, and finally plunged into a piece of borax, or, what is still better, into mercury, care being had not to inhale the vapor. The borax yielding to the heat of the drill, melts and cools off the drill. The results of various experi¬ ments of cooling off the drill incrusted with borax in water, oil, etc., were not so favorable as plunging it into borax or mercury. The drill becomes extraordinarily hard, without being brittle, so that articles which cannot be worked with drills hardened in the ordinary manner can be drilled with it. Watchmakers generally use broken broaches for such small drills, they being under the impression that they are of the best steel; such, however, is not always the case, the broaches having frequently been burnt in hardening; consequently the steel is spoilt for such purposes, and hence it is advisable to take new round steel wire. Hardening-water for Steel. —Generally water at a temperature of from 50° to 77 0 F. is used for quenching the steel in hardening; the water should, however, not be too cold, as otherwise cracks or fissures are formed in the steeU Watchmakers and jewelers use hardening-water of 32 0 F., and frequently ice for very small articles. Water containing soap in solution is unsuitable for hard¬ ening. Fluids for Hardening Steel Articles. —I. Rosin, 10 lbs. ; train oil, 5 lbs. ; lard, 2 lbs. ; and assafoetida, 4^ ozs. By using, this bath steel, even if frequently heated, retains its former character¬ istics. II. Especially Used for Hardening Cutlery. —Refined borax, ANNEALING, HARDENING, TEMPERING. 135 2 lbs.; sal-ammoniac, 4 lbs.; water, 3 quarts; and French red wine, 4 ozs. . III. Sal-ammoniac, 3 lbs. ; potash, 1 lb. ; water, 4 gallons; red wine or vinegar, 1^ pints; and tartaric acid, 1 lb. Hardening Compound for Steel. —Pulverize 3 parts by weight of prussiate of potash, 1 of borax, 1 of saltpetre, and of sugar of lead, and intimately mix the whole. After heating the steel to be hardened to a red heat, take it from the fire and scatter the powder over it. The steel is then replaced in the fire, and after having been brought to the required degree of heat, cooled in cold rain¬ water. Hardening Mixture, Patented by J. Robb, of Dundee, Forfar¬ shire. —The red-hot iron is plunged into a mixture of yellow prus¬ siate of potash, 1 lb. ; rock salt, 2 lbs. ; bone-dust, lbs. ; char¬ coal, 2 ozs. ; and hydrochloric acid, pint. The metal is then again heated, once more plunged into the mixture for a few minutes, and then, while still hot, immersed in cold water. The propor¬ tions of the above substances may vary, and, in some cases, lime may be added. To Avoid Cracks, Curving, and Warping in Hardening Steel .— The following directions should be observed: 1. Thin flat pieces should be immersed, edge foremost, with uniform velocity. If al¬ lowed to touch the water with the broad surface they would warp. 2. Articles considerably thicker on one side than on the other, for instance, razors, must be immersed with the thick side foremost, as otherwise the thin side would show cracks. 3. The article is to be immersed in the hardening-water as far as it has been made red hot; otherwise, a crack is formed on the place of immersion. 4. In hardening cast-iron articles tipped with steel, it must be taken into consideration that cast-iron contracts more strongly than steel, and that consequently the article would every time curve. To avoid this, curve the article before hardening to the opposite side. How to Harden Thin Steel Plates. —Provide two pieces of iron about 6" x 6" x 1", with one surface on each block planed, spread a liberal supply of good sperm oil on each planed surface, place the blocks near by in level position to insure an even thickness of oil, 13(3 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. and keep the blocks cool. Immerse the steel plates in molten lead, as far as they are required to be hardened; when a red heat is obtained, drop the piece quickly upon the oiled surface of one of the iron blocks, and simultaneously lay the other iron block upon the work; when cool, they will be found true. This system has been succcess- fully used for years for hardening thin steel tools. Another method is as follows: Sheet steel inch thick can be successfully hardened between two cast-iron blocks placed in a screw-press or any kind of hand-press. Holes should be drilled in the corners of the lower block for spiral springs of sufficient power to keep the blocks apart. The steel should be heated (a small gas furnace is preferable), and quickly inserted between the blocks, and pressed hard until cool enough to insure against drawing temper. A good plan is to have two pieces in the furnace at once, and allow one to cool while the other is heating. To draw the temper, brighten part of the piece on an emery- wheel, and then run them together with sand in a sheet-iron tumbler, under which is a fire (a few gas-jets are the best), until the desired color is obtained. Hardening of Steel According to Newton and Ames. —According to the patent considerable hardness can be imparted to the surface of steel objects by mechanical means. The process consists in gently pressing a slowly revolving steel object against a quickly revolving emery wheel. Besides its revolution the object to be hardened has a horizontal motion in a lateral direction, so that with each revolution it is pushed sideways nearly 0.78 inch. The hardening process is finished when the object is out of reach of the emery wheel. The hardened layer is about 0.03 millimetre thick, and is capable of resisting the best tools hardened in the ordinary manner. To Harden Steel in Sealing-wax. —Watch and clock-makers and engravers harden their steel in sealing-wax. The article is heated to a white-heat and thrust into sealing-wax, allowed to remain for a second, then withdrawn, and again inserted in another part of the wax. This treatment is continued till the steel is cold and will no ANNEALING, HARDENING, TEMPERING. 137 longer enter the sealing-wax. The extreme hardness of steel thus prepared enables one to engrave or drill steel hardened by other processes, the drilling or engraving tool being first dipped in oil of turpentine. To Harden Springs and Saws .—Springs and saws are generally hardened in various compositions of oil, suet, wax and other ingredients, which, however, lose their hardening property after a few weeks’ constant use. The saws are heated in long furnaces and then immersed horizontally and edgeways in a trough containing the composition ; two troughs are commonly used, the one until it gets too warm, then the other for a period, and so on alternately. Part of the composition is wiped off the saws with a piece of leather, when they are removed from the trough, and they are then heated one by one over a clear, coke-fire until the grease ignites; this operation is called “blazing off." The composition used by an experienced saw-maker is 2 lbs. of suet and % lb. of beeswax to every gallon of whale oil; these are boiled together, and will serve for thin works and most kinds of steel. The addition of black resin to the extent of about 1 lb. to the gallon makes it serve for thicker pieces and for those which did not become hard by the first application ; but the resin should be added with judgment or the objects will become too hard and brittle. The composition is useless when it has been constantly employed for about a month ; the period depends, however, on the extent to which it is used. The trough should be thoroughly cleaned out before a new mixture is placed in it. The following composition is recommended : Spermaceti oil, 20 gallons; bee^suet, rendered, 20 lbs. ; neat’s-foot oil, 1 gallon; pitch, 1 lb.; black resin, 3 lbs. The last two articles must be previously melted together, and then added to the other in¬ gredients. The whole is then heated in a suitable iron vessel with a close cover until the moisture is entirely evaporated, and the composition will take fire on a flaming body being presented to its surface. The flame must be instantly extinguished by putting on the cover of the vessel. When the saws are needed to be rather hard, but little of the 133 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. grease is burnt off; when milder, a larger portion; and for a spring temper, the whole is allowed to burn away. When the work is thick or irregularly thick and thin, as in some springs, a second and third dose are burnt off to insure at all parts equality of temper. Gun-lock springs are sometimes literally fried in oil for a con¬ siderable time over a fire in an iron tray; the thick parts are then sure to be sufficiently reduced, and the thin parts do not become the more softened from the continuance of the blazing heat. Springs and saws appear to lose their elasticity after hardening and tempering from the reduction and friction they undergo in grinding and polishing. Towards the conclusion of the manu¬ facture the elasticity of the saw is restored principally by hammer¬ ing and partially by heating over a clear, coke-fire to a straw-color. The tint is removed by very dilute hydrochloric acid, after which the saws are well washed in clear water and dried. Watch springs are hammered out of round steel wire of suitable diameter until they fill the gauge for width, which at the same time insures equality of thickness; the holes are punched in their extremities, and they are trimmed on the edge with a smooth file. The springs are then tied up with binding wire, in a loose open coil, and heated over a charcoal fire upon a perforated revolving plate; they are hardened in oil and blazed off. The spring is now distended in a long metal frame similar to that used for a saw blade, and ground and polished with emery and oil between lead blocks. By this time its elasticity appears quite lost, and it may be bent in any direction ; its elasticity is, however, entirely restored by a subsequent hammering on a very bright anvil. The coloring is done over a flat plate of iron or hood, under which a small spirit-lamp is kept burning. The spring is con¬ tinually drawn backwards and forwards about 2 or 3 inches at a time, until it assumes the orange or deep blue tint throughout, ac¬ cording to the taste of the purchaser. By many the coloring is considered to be a matter of ornament and not essential. The last process is to coil the spring into the spiral form that it may ANNEALING, HARDENING, TEMPERING. 139 enter the barrel in which it is to be contained. This is done by a tool with a small axis and winch-handle and does not require heat. The balance springs of marine chronometers are wound into the square thread of a screw of the appropriate diameter and coarse¬ ness. The two ends of the spring are retained by side screws, and the whole is carefully enveloped in platinum foil and tightly bound with wire. The mass is next heated in a piece of gun-barrel closed at the one end and plunged into oil, which hardens the spring al¬ most without discoloring it, owing to the exclusion of the air by the close platinum covering which is now removed, and the spring is let down to the blue before removal from the screwed block. The balance or hair springs of the best watches are hardened in the coil upon a plain cylinder and are then curled into the spiral form between the edge of a blunt knife and the thumb, the same as in curling up a narrow ribbon of paper or the filaments of an ostrich feather. In hardening bow-springs for all kinds of vehicles they are heated by being drawn backwards and forwards through an ordi¬ nary forge fire, built hollow, and then they are immersed in a trough of plain water. In tempering them they are heated until the black red is just visible at night ; by daylight the heat is de¬ noted by its making a piece of wood sparkle when rubbed on the spring, which is then allowed to cool in the air. To Harden Files and Other Steel Instruments .—The files, etc., are first coated with a paste prepared by boiling glue and salt in yeast and thickened by an addition of wood charcoal and graphite (black lead). Upon this coat is scattered a coarse powder consist¬ ing of a mixture of horn, wood charcoal and common salt. A solid crust is formed upon the files, which protects them from a dis¬ placement of the cuts by the metal and conveys to them oxygen while being heated. For tempering the files are brought into a lead-bath. To prevent the oxidation of the lead on the surface a mixture of potash, soda and tartar is scattered upon it. The files remain in the bath 5 to 8 minutes, according to their thickness, and are then immersed in water. To Harden Steel Instruments .—The instrument is first brought to 140 TIIE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. a cherry heat, if possible in a charcoal fire. The edge is then quickly dipped in a mixture of black soap and finely pulverized yellow prussiate of potash, taken out and quenched, but only half of it, in clear water, in which it remains until cold. Only in this man¬ ner can the warping of the object be prevented and the edge thor¬ oughly hardened, while the remaining portion which may have to serve for securing the instrument in a handle remains sufficiently soft to allow of holes being drilled in it. To Harden Tools .—The following process has the advantage of enabling one to give to castings any desired degree of hardness without their warping or becoming too hard and brittle in the in¬ side. For the hardening agent take Peruvian bark, 500 parts by weight ; hartshorn shavings, 50 ; common salt, 25 ; yellow prussiate of potash, 15 ; saltpetre, 15; and black soap, 100. Spread out the soap in a layer about o. 39 inch deep, and after scattering upon it the pul¬ verized mixture of the other five ingredients thoroughly knead the paste thus formed. This kneading should, however, not be con¬ tinued longer than is absolutely necessary to form the mass into a stick of about 2 inches diameter. After about 24 hours’ drying the mass is ready for use. In superficial hardening of punches, twisted augers, etc., care must be had to heat the cast-steel article only dark red, i. ‘- OZ. dr. dr. OZ. pt. dr. dr. dr. OZ. Brown and 2 1 5 every shade to black. tt a 3 1 l6 l6 . . Brown and 4 I l6 I every shade to red. it it s I I I Brownish-red. 6 3 it it 7 I 4 Dark brown. 8 I 30 6 Yellow to red. 9 I I Orange. 10 2 1 Olive-green. I I I 5 2 Slate. 12 I 20 Blue. 13 I I Steel-gray. 14 I 2 10 Black. * Brassfounder’s Manual, London, 1887. 158 Till] METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. Liquid No. 5 must be boiled and cooled. No. 13 must be used at 180 0 F. or over. No. 6 is slow in action, sometimes taking an hour to give good results. The action of the others is usually immediate. II. For Copper {by Simple Immersion). Number. Water. Nitrate of iron. Sulphate of copper. Sulphide of anti¬ mony. Sulphur. Muriate of arsenic. Pearl ash. I Sulphocyanide of po- I tassium. Hyposulphite of soda Hydrochloric acid. P t. dr. oz. dr. dr. dr. OZ. dr. OZ. dr. 15 I 5 Brown and every shade to black. l6 I 5 2 Dark brown-drab. 17 I I I 2 << it it is I 2 I Bright red. !9 I I t Red and every shade to black. 20 I I Steel-gray at 180 0 F. * Made to the consistency of cream. BRONZING AND COLORING. 159 Rockline's Method of Bronzing .—A layer of jeweler’s rouge moistened with water is applied by means of a brush to the article to be bronzed, which is then heated to a red heat. By this process the peroxide of iron is reduced to ferrous oxide, and the necessary quantity of oxygen for the formation of a suboxide yielded to the copper. The coating of jeweler’s rouge is then removed from the article to be bronzed by pouring a boiling saturated solution of acetate of copper over it, and drying with tufts of cotton. Walker's Che?tiical Bronze .—Boil i oz. of ammonium carbonate and a like quantity of blue vitriol in i% pints of vinegar until the latter is nearly evaporated. Then add pints of vinegar in which has been dissolved drachm of oxalic acid and a like quantity of sal-ammoniac. Place the mixture over the fire until it commences to boil, then allow it to cool, filter and put by in well-closed bottles. If a medal, etc., is to be bronzed, it is first thoroughly cleansed, then heated and the liquid applied with a badger’s hair brush. In a short time boiling water is poured over the medal and, when dry, it is rubbed with a cotton rag dipped in oil and then with dry cotton. Bronze Powders .—In metal-leaf (Dutch gold) factories the waste resulting in rolling and hammering is used in the preparation of bronze powder. According to the old method the waste was rubbed with a honey or gum solution upon a stone until a mass consisting of fine powder combined to a dough by the honey or gum solution was formed. This dough was thrown into water, and after the solution of the cementing substance the metallic powder was dried, and subjected to oxidation by mixing it with a little fat and heating it in a pan over an open fire until the desired shade of color was obtained. At the present time this laborious and time- consuming method has been much shortened by the use of suitable machines, and of alloys prepared by melting together the metals in suitable proportions for powders which do not require to be colored by oxidation. These alloys are beaten out into thin leaves by hammers driven by steam. The leaves are then converted into powder by forcing them through the meshes of a fine iron-wire 160 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. sieve with the assistance of a scratch-brush. This rubbing through the sieve is effected with a simultaneous admission of oil, and the mass running off from the sieve is brought into a grinding machine of peculiar construction—a steel plate covered with fine blunt-pointed needles revolving over another steel plate. In this machine the mass is reduced to a very fine powder mixed, however, with oil. The powder is first brought into water where the greater portion of the oil separates on the surface. The metallic mass lying on the bottom of the vessel is then subjected to a strong pressure, which removes nearly all the oil, the small quantity re¬ maining exerting no injurious influence, but being rather beneficial, as it causes the powder to adhere with greater tenacity to the articles to which it is applied. In the following table the composition of the alloys for some colors is given : Color. Parts. Copper. Zinc. Iron. Yellow. 82.33 16.69 0.16 Pale green. . 8432 15.02 0.63 Lemon. 84 50 15 30 0.07 Copper-red. 99.90 Orange. 98.93 0-7 3 Pale yellow. 90.00 9.60 Crimson ... 98.22 0.50 0.56 English Brotize Powders. —The better qualities of English bronze powders consist of copper, 83 parts ; silver, 4.5 ; tin, 8; oil, 4.5 ; and the poorer qualities of copper, 64.8 parts; silver, 4.3; tin, 8.7 ; zinc, 12.9 ; and oil, 3. Brocade Bronze Powder. —The variety of bronze powder known under this name consists of coarser pieces prepared from the waste of metal-leaf factories, by comminuting it by means of a stamping mill and separating the pieces of unequal size formed first by BRONZING AND COLORING. 161 passing through a sieve and finally by a current of air. A certain kind of brocade consists, however, not of metallic alloy, but simply of mica rubbed to a fine powder. Copper Bronze Powder may be obtained by dissolving copper in nitric acid, diluting the solution with water, and then putting into it some small pieces of brightly scoured iron when the copper will be precipitated in a metallic state. The fluid is then poured off, the powder carefully washed, dried and rubbed to heighten its lustre. Genuine Gold Bronze .—Leaf gold is ground with honey upon a stone until the leaves are broken up and minutely divided. The mixture is then removed from the stone by a spatula and stirred up in a basin of water, whereby the honey is melted and the gold set free; the basin is then left undisturbed until the gold subsides; the water is poured off and fresh quantities added until the honey is entirely washed away. The gold is finally collected on filtering paper and dried for use. Gold bronze occurs in various shades or colors, red, reddish, pale or dark yellow, as well as greenish, the color depending on the varying content of gold or the different mixture of gold with silver and copper. By boiling with various salt solutions or acidulated masses various tones may also be im¬ parted to gold bronze. It acquires a vivid yellow color by boiling in water containing nitric, sulphuric or hydrochloric acid, a red¬ dish color by boiling in a solution of crystallized verdigris or blue vitriol in water, while other shades are obtained by boiling in solu¬ tions of common salt, tartar, green vitriol or saltpetre in water. Metallic gold powder is also obtained by dissolving pure gold in aqua regia and precipitating it again by an electro-positive metal, such as iron or zinc, which in the form of rods is placed in the fluid. The gold is thereby entirely separated. The rods used for precipitation must be scoured perfectly clean and bright. The lustre of the gold bronze may be heightened by rubbing after drying. Aurum Musivum (.Mosaic Gold ).—This is chiefly used for bronz¬ ing copper and brass, plaster of paris figures, etc. It is mixed with 6 parts of bone-ash and rubbed moist on the object. It is best pre¬ pared as follows : Melt 2 parts of tin in a crucible, and add with 11 162 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. constant stirring, i part of mercury previously heated so far that it just commences to volatilize. When cool grind the amalgam to a fine powder and intimately mix it with i part of sal-ammoniac and i of flowers of sulphur, and place the mixture in a closed glass flask or retort in a sand-bath. Now heat sufficiently for the vapors to escape, which deposit on the upper part of the vessel. Sublima¬ tion being finished take the vessel from the sand-bath and allow it to cool. The upper portion of the contents forms the bronze, which is of a vivid gold-color, while the lower portion consists of sal-ammoniac and cinnabar. On account of the injurious vapors a good draught should be provided for or the operation carried on in the open air. Brownish Gold Bronze Powders are obtained by exposing to the air and repeatedly moistening with a little water fine, clean iron- filings, then boiling several times, and finally placing the mass in the sun or near a stove. A deep rust-brown powder is thus formed, which becomes still more intensely red by repeatedly adding a little nitric acid during the last boiling. The powder is freed from metallic iron-filings by washing, and dried. By mixing this powder with imitation gold bronze or mosaic gold, bronze powders of the most varying shades may be made. Genuine Silver Bronze Powder is obtained by grinding waste of silver-leaf in the same manner as given for gold bronze, or by dis¬ solving silver in nitric acid, diluting the solution with water and precipitating the silver as metallic powder by placing a piece of brightly scoured copper-sheet in the solution. Imitation Silver Bronze Powder is obtained from the waste of imitation silver-leaf, which is rubbed fine, washed and dried. To heighten the lustre of the powder it is again rubbed when dry. Argentum Musivum. —This is an amalgam of equal parts of mercury, bismuth and tin. It may also be prepared as follows: Melt 50 parts of good tin in a crucible, and when liquid add 50 parts of bismuth, stirring constantly with an iron wire until the bismuth is liquid. Then remove the crucible from the fire and stir in, while the contents are still liquid, 25 parts of mercury and mix the mass until it can be ground upon a stone. BRONZING AND COLORING. 163 Iron Black. —A bronze-color occurring in commerce under the name of “iron black,” and which imparts to the articles treated with it the appearance of bright steel, is finely divided antimony, and may be obtained by precipitating a solution of antimony salt with metallic zinc. Metallochromy. —Of importance for the metal industry are the beautiful rainbow-colors which may be produced by decomposing upon polished metallic surfaces certain solutions of metallic salts by means of the galvanic current. The metallic surface to be colored is connected to the poles of a powerful galvanic battery, and at a distance of about y 2 line is placed the point of a wire connected to the second pole. The colors produced resist more or less friction, are surprisingly brightened by heat, and can stand a considerable degree of it. To color articles of brass the following method is frequently used: Prepare a solution of 7 ozs. of caustic potash or of 6 ozs. of caustic soda in 2 quarts of distilled water and boil it together with A,y 2 ozs. of elutriated litharge in a porcelain dish for y 2 hour, constantly replacing the water lost by evaporation. Allow the fluid to settle, then pour off the supernatant clear liquid and preserve it for use. For coloring the fluid is placed in a porous clay cell surrounded in a glass vessel by a fluid consisting of i part of nitric acid and 20 parts of water. In this dilute acid is placed a platinum plate and in the fluid in the clay cell the object to be colored, the latter being connected with the negative pole of a battery. The colors appear and change very rapidly. For coloring metals by the galvanic current Matthey uses chiefly lead suboxide and ferric oxide. Preparation of the lead solution : Boil 4 y 2 ozs. of litharge, or better, massicot prepared by glowing for 10 minutes, red lead with a solution of 16 ozs. of caustic potash in 1 quart of distilled water. When cool pour off the clear fluid from the undissolved lead oxide and dilute it with distilled water until it shows 24 or 25 0 Be'. Preserve the fluid in a well-stoppered bottle; when used in the course of time it deposits potassium carbonate. It is then boiled with caustic lime, allowed to settle, and the clear fluid is again used. From time to time it must be again boiled with lead 164 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. oxide. Preparation of the iron solution: This fluid may be frequently used and in many cases is indispensable, it giving shades which cannot be obtained with lead solution. It consists of an aqueous solution of ferrous sulphate and ammonia, and is prepared by mixing a freshly prepared solution of green vitriol in distilled water free from air with some dilute sulphuric acid and with liquid ammonia until the precipitate at first formed redissolves. The solution thus prepared must be immediately used, it decomposing on exposure to the air, ferric hydrate being separated. The colors produced with this fluid are less durable than those obtained with lead solution, but they are brighter and adhere as firmly as the blue produced on steel by heating. Preparation of the objects to be colored: Galvanic coloration should be preferably produced upon a non-oxidizable layer of metal. Gold or a gilt surface, or platinum is especially suitable as a base for the lead oxide separating from the lead solution. Upon platinum it produces a beautiful blue and upon gold, green. The coloration of silver is not so good as that of other metals because its surface becomes immediately dead by oxidation. The better the article to be colored is polished, the brighter the colors obtained ; a surface polished with the burnisher becomes more beautiful than one simply polished with ferric oxide. Before coloring each article should be carefully cleansed with an aqueous, or, still better, alcoholic solution of potash. After cleansing the articles must not be touched with the fingers or a cloth. As a galvanic ap¬ paratus the inventor employs a small constant battery with two elements. Weil's Process of Producing Iridescent Copper Precipitates on Iron. —The bath to be used is obtained by precipitating 35 parts of sulphate of copper, or an equivalent quantity of another copper salt by an alkali. The precipitated hydrated oxide of copper is then added to a solution of 150 parts of potassium tartrate, and this mixture to 1000 parts of water. By now adding 60 parts of 70 per cent, caustic soda a clear copper solution is obtained. The object to be coppered is thoroughly treated with a scratch-brush in a bath of a solution of potassium tartrate, then secured as cathode BRONZING AND COLORING. 165 to the wire of the negative pole and immersed in the bath. The bath gives a well-adhering coating of copper, and can be continually used by replacing the consumed copper by the addition of hydrated oxide of copper ; the quantity of copper thus added must, however, not be so large as to exceed the original proportion of hydrated oxide of copper to potassium tartrate. If the latter be the case, an iridescent film of a brass to bronze-color appearance, or of a red, blue, and green color, according to the strength of the current, the duration of the action, and the proportional quantity of hydrated oxide of copper, is formed. These colors are very suitable for industrial purposes, and their effect may be increased by covering certain portions of the article so as to retain the original copper or iron base. Approved Coatings for Metals. —i. Black or Colored Coat. Dis¬ solve flowers of sulphur, about 5 to 10 per cent., in hot oil of tur¬ pentine, and gradually add to the solution, with constant stirring, a corresponding quantity of linseed-oil varnish. A black paint is obtained by the addition of solution of asphalt, and any other color desired, by mixing with non-metallic coloring substances. This paint protects the metal coated with it by superficially converting it into sulphur combinations. 2. Golden Yellow to Brown Coat. —Place a sufficient quantity of vulcanized rubber in small pieces in an earthen pot, provided with a well-fitting lid, upon glowing coals for 5 minutes ; do not remove the lid, as the vapors developed are very inflammable. Pour the melted mass into a tin dish to cool; for the easier removal of the cooled mass, it is advisable to slightly grease the tin dish. Next break up the mass into small pieces, put them in a capacious bottle, pour benzine and rectified oil of turpentine upon them, and shake frequently until all is dissolved except a slight sediment. The fluid poured off from the sediment is an excellent quickly drying varnish, which adheres firmly to metals, and can also be recom¬ mended for electrical apparatus. 3. Black Coat. —To obtain this, it is first necessary to procure very good and pure platinum chloride. It is best prepared by dis¬ solving platinum in aqua regia (3 parts hydrochloric acid and 1 part 1G6 TnE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. nitric acid). By evaporating the solution, the desired platinum chloride is obtained in the form of crystals, which are dissolved in water. A very beautiful and durable black color is produced upon the articles by dipping them into the solution, or coating them with a sponge moistened with the solution. The same effect is also pro¬ duced by allowing the crystals to deliquesce in the air, and vigor¬ ously rubbing the metal with the moist powder by means of a piece of leather, or smaller articles with the thumb or palm of the hand. To obtain good results, the articles to be blackened must be given a pure metallic surface by turning or in some other manner, be carefully polished, and especially freed from adhering grease by rubbing with Vienna lime, jeweler’s rouge, etc. Various shades of color can be produced. The articles treated as above described are dead black ; a lustrous black color is obtained by polishing with a soft piece of leather moistened with oil, and a lustrous gray-black color by¬ polishing with the burnisher or burnishing stone. The color, especially when polished, is very durable, since platinum is not changed by the action of the air. A black color may also be obtained by the following process : First brush the article over with nitric acid, and, after drying by heating, brush vigorously to obtain uniformity. Then lay the article over a vessel containing solution of liver of sulphur, and expose it to the action of the developing sulphuretted hydrogen. 4. Beautiful Steel Gray. —This coating is obtained by the use of a mixture prepared as follows: Triturate 3.85 grains of lamp¬ black with 3 to 4 drops of gold-size oil in a dish to a homogeneous coherent mass, and carefully dilute the latter with 24 drops of oil of turpentine. This mixture is especially suitable for optical instru¬ ments. Apply a very thin and uniform coating to the articles by means of a fine brush, and allow to dry thoroughly. New Process of Producing a Gold-colored Coating upon Small Metallic Articles. —The articles of tombac or brass or similar sheet ornamented with sunk ornamentations, inscriptions, names, etc., are first pickled in the ordinary manner, then silvered in an or¬ dinary silver-bath and finally brought into a bath consisting of 6 lbs. of distilled water, 1 oz. sodium hyposulphite and 0.35 oz. of BRONZING AND COLORING. 167 sugar of lead. Dissolve the sugar of lead by itself in water and add the saturated solution to the solution of the sodium sulphite in the water. Dip the silvered articles in this bath previously heated to from 140° to 167° F. until they have acquired the correct gold- color, which will require 2 or 3 minutes, according to the tempera¬ ture of the bath. Articles with holes or eyes may be strung upon wires and suspended in the bath; otherwise immersion suffices. When taken from the bath the articles are rinsed in clean cold water, rubbed with dry saw-dust and dried. Colored Coatings for Metals .—These maybe obtained by forming on the surfaces of the metals a coating of a thin film of a sulphide, but the process requires in its application considerable experience. The thorough cleaning of the articles from grease by immersion in boiling potash lye and rinsing in water is absolutely necessary to suc¬ cess. The process is as follows: In a quart of pure water dissolve 1 oz. of hyposulphite of sodium. Stir into this another solution made by dissolving 1 oz. of acetate of lead in a pint of water. For use heat the solution in a glass or earthenware pan to about 195 0 F. and immerse in it the metal to be colored. The coat¬ ing is one of lead sulphide, and its depth of color will depend upon the time the metal is immersed. In a few minutes brass ar¬ ticles of small size may be coated with any color varying from golden-yellow to the tint of clean copper or red gold to carmine, down to dark red; from light analine-blue to bluish-white, then to reddish-white or brown. Steel and iron articles may also be treated and given a fine blue color without the aid of such great heat as is necessary in “bluing” or oxidizing. Copper articles do not, of course, show the lighter tints. If the cleaning is well done the adhesion will be perfect, so perfect, indeed, that the burnisher may be used with impunity ; but it is not prudent to use the scratch¬ brush. Instead of burnishing, however, the surface may be fin¬ ished by a soft and smooth buff, which will impart a lasting polish. The solution will not keep long in the heated state, as it deposits its sulphide upon the bottom of the vessel if no metals are present. A beautiful red and green coloring can be given to brass articles by omitting the lead and using in its stead an equal weight of sul- 168 TIIE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. phuric acid. If the immersion continues the red changes to a fine, brilliant green, and then to green and brown, with,a splendid iris glitter. This coating is very durable and may be especially recommended. Coloring of Copper .—All shades from pale copper color to dark chestnut-brown may be produced by a superficial oxidation of the copper. Uniform heating over a spirit flame suffices for small ar¬ ticles, while with larger objects a more uniform result is attained by heating them in oxidizing fluids or coating with an oxidizing paste. Excellent results are obtained with a paste prepared, ac¬ cording to the darker or lighter shade desired, from 2 parts ferric oxide and 1 part graphite, or 1 part ferric oxide and 1 part graphite, and water or alcohol. This paste is uniformly applied with a brush and the article thus treated put in a warm place. The darker the color desired the higher the temperature must be and the longer it must act upon the object. When the heat has sufficiently acted upon the article the dried powder is removed by brushing with a soft brush, and the manipulation repeated in case the shade is not sufficiently dark. The article is finally rubbed with a soft linen rag moistened with alcohol, or brushed with a soft brush and a few drops of alcohol until it is completely dry, and then brushed over with a brush previously rubbed upon pure wax. The more or less dark shade produced in this manner is very warm and resists the action of the air. Brown Color upon Copper is obtained by the application to the thoroughly cleansed surface of the object of a paste of 3 parts of verdigris, 3 of ferric oxide, 1 of sal-ammoniac and vinegar, and heating until the applied mixture turns black; the object is then washed and dried. By the addition of some cupric sulphate (blue vitriol) the color may be darkened to chestnut-brown. A brown color is further obtained by brushing to dryness with a hot solution of 1 part of potassium nitrate, 1 of common salt, 2 of ammonium chloride and 1 of liquid ammonia in 95 parts of vinegar. Red-brown Color on Copper .—Make a paste of 2 parts of verdi¬ gris, 2 of cinnabar, 5 of sal-ammoniac and 5 of alum with sufficient BRONZING AND COLORING. 169 vinegar. Apply this paste to the article and after heating over a coal fire wash and repeat the process. To Color Copper Blue-black. —Dip the article in a hot solution of ix% drachms of liver of sulphur in i quart of water, moving it constantly. Blue-gray shades are obtained with more dilute solu¬ tions. It is difficult to give definite directions as to the length of time the solution should be allowed to act, since this depends con¬ siderably on its temperature and concentration. With some ex¬ perience the correct treatment will, however, soon be learned. Cuivre fume is prepared by coloring the copper or coppered ob¬ jects blue-black with a solution of liver of sulphur, then rinsing them and finally scratch-brushing, whereby the shade becomes lighter. From raised portions, which are not to be dark, but show the color of copper, the coloration is removed by polishing upon a felt disk. Steel-gray upon Copper. —To produce a steel-gray color upon copper, dip the clean and pickled articles in a heated solution of chloride of antimony in hydrochloric acid. By using a strong galvanic current the articles may also be coated with a steel-gray precipitate of arsenic in a heated arsenic-bath. To Color Copper Dark Steel-gray .—For this purpose a pickle consisting of i quart of hydrochloric acid, 0.125 quart of nitric acid, 1 y 2 oz. of arsenious acid and a like quantity of iron filings is recommended. Various Colors upon Massive Copper. —First draw the article through a pickle composed of sulphuric acid, 60 parts; hydro¬ chloric acid, 24.5, and lampblack, 15.5; or, of nitric acid, 100 parts; hydrochloric, 1^ ; and lampblack, Then dissolve in a quart of water 4.58 ozs. of sodium hyposulphite, and in another quart of water 14.11 drachms of cupric sulphate (blue vitriol), 5.64 drachms of crystallized verdigris and 7.75 grains of sodium ar¬ senate. Mix equal volumes of the two solutions, but no more than is actually necessary for the work in hand, and heat to 167° to 176° F. By dipping articles of copper, brass or nickel in the hot solution they become immediately colored with the colors mentioned below, one color passing within a few seconds into the 170 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. other, and for this reason the effect must be constantly controlled by frequently taking the objects from the bath. The colors succes¬ sively formed are as follows: Upon copper. Orange, Terra-cotta, Red (pale), Blood red, Iridescent. Upon brass. Golden-yellow, Lemon-color, Orange, Terra-cotta, Olive-green. Upon nickel. Yellow, Blue, Iridescent. Some of these colors being not very durable have to be pro¬ tected by a coat of lacquer or paraffine. It is further necessary to diligently move the articles so that all portions acquire the same color. The bath decomposes rapidly, and hence only sufficient for 2 or 3 hours’ use should be mixed at one time. Black upon Copper is produced by a heated pickle consisting of 2 parts of arsenic acid, 4 of concentrated hydrochloric acid, 1 of sulphuric acid of 66° Be. and 24 of water. Dead-black on Copper. —Brush the object over with a solution of 1 part of platinum chloride in 5 of water, or dip it into the solu¬ tion. When dry rub it with a flannel rag moistened with a drop of oil. A similar result is obtained by dipping the copper object in a solution of nitrate of copper or of manganese and drying over a coal fire. The manipulations are to be repeated until the forma¬ tion of a uniform dead-black. To Brown Copper .—The copper to be browned is scoured bright with glass-paper, strongly heated over a coal fire, and brushed over with the following solution : Crystallized acetate of copper, 5 parts; sal-ammoniac, 7; dilute acetic acid, 3; distilled water, 85. Finally, rub the article with a solution of 1 part of wax in 4 parts of oil of turpentine. Browtiing Liquid for Copper.—Add acetic acid to 11 drachms of spirit of sal-ammoniac until blue litmus paper dipped into the liquid turns red. Then add 5^ drachms of sal-ammoniac and sufficient water to make 2.11 pints. With the fluid thus obtained repeatedly moisten the copper surfaces, rubbing after each applica¬ tion until the desired brown tint is obtained. BRONZING AND COLORING. 171 Imitation of Genuine Patina .—Articles of copper and bronze exposed for a long time to the action of the air acquire a beautiful brown or green color, which considerably contributes to their handsome appearance. This color is known as Aerugo nobilis (noble rust), or patina. Though there are many agents by means of which a layer of patina can be produced upon the bronze, the coating thus obtained cannot compare as regards beauty and durability with the genuine patina. In order to obtain a coating similar to genuine patina, it is recom¬ mended to pursue as nearly as possible the same course by which the latter is naturally formed. By the action of rain, which always contains salts, though in very minute quantity, in solution, the copper is attacked and basic salts of copper are formed upon the surface, which are in the course of time converted by the action of the carbonic acid of the air into basic copper carbonate. The latter has a beautiful green color, and is found in nature as mala¬ chite. But besides this process others also take place upon the surface of the article, especially upon that of monuments erected in large cities. The air of the latter is constantly charged with cer¬ tain quantities of sulphur combinations, originating partially from the putrefaction of excrements, etc., in the sewers, and partially from the combustion of coal containing sulphur. Now, copper being very sensitive to the action of sulphuretted hydrogen, a coat¬ ing of black cupric sulphide is consequently formed upon the sur¬ face of the object, which explains why bronze statues erected in large cities frequently turn black. Dust and fine particles of soot, which deposit themselves especially in the depressions of the object, further contribute to their becoming black. Cupric sulphate has, however, the property of becoming rapidly converted in the air into copper sulphate, from which is again formed copper carbonate, or, so to say, a coating of malachite. Genuine patina, especially that observed on very antique statues, consists, therefore, of a very firmly adhering coating of malachite. To produce upon a statue a patina-like deposit, brush it over with a very dilute solution of cupric nitrate, to which a small quantity 172 THE METAL WORKER’S nANDY-BOOK. of common salt solution may be added. When entirely dry, brush the statue with a fluid consisting of ioo parts of weak vinegar, 5 of sal-ammoniac, and 1 of oxalic acid, and repeat the application after drying. In the course of about one week the statue will have acquired a green-brown color, resembling that of genuine patina. A finer coating, which more closely resembles genuine patina, is, however, obtained by dipping the article into the solution of cupric nitrate, and placing it in a room where a large quantity of carbonic acid is developed, the fermenting-room of a distillery being espe¬ cially adapted for this purpose, since the high temperature prevail¬ ing therein promotes the formation of the green coating. The progress can in this case be watched from day to day, and if in about a week the statue has not acquired the desired coloration, the application of the above-mentioned solution is repeated, this being continued until the desired tint is obtained. The formation of the patina under these conditions taking place in a similar manner as in the open air, a very beautiful and durable coating is obtained. For coating articles of brass with a green patina , apply a solution prepared by dissolving 10 parts of copper in 20 of nitric acid, diluting the solution with 150 parts of vinegar, and adding 5 parts of sal-ammoniac. Allow the articles to stand a few days in the air, and when a green coloration has made its appearance, brush them with old linseed oil, and after a few days rub them with a soft woollen rag. If after the application of the linseed oil the article readily bronzes, a very beautiful patina will soon appear. There are several methods of giving an agreeable brown patina to medals. It is, however, most readily accomplished by heating the medal in a spirit-flame, and then brushing with graphite. To color a number of medals at the same time, dissolve 30 parts of verdigris and 30 of sal-ammoniac in 100 of water, and add water to the solution until a precipitate is no longer formed. Place the medals without touching each other upon the bottom ©f a shallow dish, pour the boiling hot solution over them, and allow them to remain until they have acquired the desired tint, which should be a fine brown. BRONZING AND COLORING. 173 Another Method of Imitating Genuine Patina is as follows : Pre¬ pare a paint by triturating copper carbonate with a pale spirit var¬ nish (sandarac varnish, white shellac varnish), and apply it to the article with a brush. The greenish paint remains in the depres¬ sions, and presents a patina-like appearance. Ordinary verdigris gives a bluish color, and crystallized verdigris a pale-green color. Various intermediate shades may be obtained by mixing these two copper combinations. Coloring of Brass and Bronzes. —Most of the directions given for coloring copper are also available for brass and bronzes. Many colorations on brass are effected, however, only with difficulty, and are not entirely successful, as, for instance, coloring black with liver of sulphur. As a pickle for the production of a Lustrous Black on Brass The following solution serves : Dissolve freshly precipitated carbonate of copper while still moist in strong liquid ammonia, using sufficient of the copper salt that a small excess remains undissolved, or in other words, that the ammonia is saturated with copper. The carbonate of copper is prepared by mixing the hot solutions of equal parts of cupric sulphate (blue vitriol) and of soda, and filtering off and washing the precipitate. Dilute the solution of the copper salt in ammonia with one- fourth its volume of water, add 31 to 46 grains of graphite, and heat to 95 0 or 104° F. Place the clean and pickled objects in this pickle for a few minutes, until they show a full black shade, then rinse in water, dip in hot water, and dry in sawdust. The solution soon spoils, and hence no more than required for immediate use should be prepared. Steel-gray on Brass is obtained by the use of a mixture of 1 lb. of strong hydrochloric acid with x pint of water, to which is added 5)^ ozs. of iron-filings and a like quantity of pulverized antimonic sulphide. Hydrochloric acid compounded with arsenious acid is also recom¬ mended for this purpose. The mixture is brought into a lead vessel, and the objects dipped into it should come in contact with the lead of the vessel, or be wrapped around with a strip of lead. 174 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. Gray color with a bluish tint tipon brass is produced with solu¬ tion of antimonious chloride (butter of antimony), while a pure steel-gray color is obtained with a hot solution of arsenious chloride with a little water. Straw-color to Brown through Golden Yellow and Tombac Color on Brass may be obtained with a solution of carbonate of copper in caustic soda lye. Dissolve 5.29 ozs. of caustic soda in 1 quart of water and add 1^ ozs. of carbonate of copper. By using the solution cold a dark golden-yellow is first formed, which finally passes through pale brown into dark brown with a green lustre ; with the hot solution the coloration is more rapidly effected. Color Resembling Gold on Brass. —According to Dr. Kayser a color resembling gold is obtained as follows: Dissolve 8*4 drachms of sodium hyposulphite in 17 drachms of water and add 5.64 drachms of solution of antimonious chloride ( liquor stibii chlorati). Heat the mixture to boiling for some time, then filter off the red precipitate formed, and after washing it several times upon the filter with vinegar, suspend it in 2 or 3 quarts of hot water; then heat and add concentrated soda lye until solution is complete. In this hot solution dip the clean and pickled brass objects, removing them frequently to see whether they have acquired the desired coloration. The articles become gray by allowing them to remain too long in the bath. Brown Color, called Bronze Barbedienne, on Brass. —This beauti¬ ful color may be produced as follows: Dissolve by vigorous shak¬ ing in a bottle freshly precipitated arsenious sulphide in spirit of sal-ammoniac, and compound the solution with antimonious sul¬ phide until a slight permanent turbidity shows itself and the fluid has acquired a deep yellow color. Heat the solution to 95 0 F. and suspend the brass objects in it. They become at first golden-yellow and then brown, but as they come from the bath with a dark, dirty shade they must be several times scratch-brushed to bring out the color. If after using it several times the solution does not work satisfactorily add some antimonious sulphide. The solution decom¬ poses rapidly and should be prepared fresh every time it is to be used. BRONZING AND COLORING. 175 Bronze Barbedienne on Massive Brass or brassed articles of zinc or iron may be produced as follows : Mix 3 parts of pentasulphide of cntimony with 1 part of finely pulverized blood-stone, and triturate the mixture with ammonium sulphide to a not too thickly- fluid pigment. Apply this pigment to the objects with a brush, and, after allowing it to dry in a drying chamber, remove the powder by brushing with a soft brush. To Color Brass Violet and Corn-flower Blue. —Dissolve in 1 quart of water 4^ ozs. of sodium hyposulphite, and in another quart of water 1 oz. 3^ drachms of crystallized sugar of lead, and mix the solutions. Heat the mixture to 176° F. and then immerse the articles, moving them constantly. First a gold-yellow color¬ ation appears which, however, soon passes into violet and blue, and, if the bath be allowed to act further, into green. The action is based upon the fact that in an excess of sodium hyposulphite a solution of hyposulphite of lead is formed which decomposes slowly and separates sulphide of lead, which precipitates upon the brass objects and produces the various lustrous colors. Similar lustrous colors are obtained by dissolving 2.11 ozs. of pulverized tartar in 1 quart of water and 1 oz. of chloride of tin in y 2 pint of water, mixing the solutions, heating and pouring the clear mixture into a solution of 6.34 ozs. of sodium hyposulphite in 1 pint of water. Heat this mixture to 176° F. and immerse the pickled brass objects. Ebermayer's Method of Coloring Brass. —In testing Ebermayer’s directions Dr. George Langbein did not always obtain the same results as those claimed by Ebermayer, and his observations are added in parenthesis to every direction. 1. Sulphate of copper (green vitriol), 8 parts by weight; crystal¬ lized sal-ammoniac, 2 ; water, 100, give by boiling a greenish color. (The color is olive-green, and useful for many purposes. The coloration succeeds, however, only upon massive brass, but not upon brassed zinc.) 2. Potassium chlorate, xo parts by weight; sulphate of copper, 10 ; water, 1000, give by boiling a brown-orange to cinnamon-brown color. (Only a yellow-orange color could be obtained.) 176 TIIE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. 3. By dissolving 8 parts by weight of sulphate of copper in 1000 of water, and adding 100 of caustic soda until a precipitate is formed, and boiling the articles in the solution, a gray-brown color is obtained, which can be made darker by the addition of col- cothar. (Stains are readily formed ; upon brassed zinc a pleasant pale brown is formed.) 4. With 50 parts by weight of caustic soda, 50 of sulphide of antimony, and 500 of water a pale fig-brown color is produced. (Fig-brown could not be obtained, the shade being rather dark olive-green.') 5. By boiling 400 parts by weight of water, 25 of sulphide of antimony, and 60 of calcined soda, and filtering the hot solution, mineral kermes is precipitated. By taking of this 5 parts by weight and heating with 5 of tartar, 400 of water, and 10 of sodium hypo¬ sulphite, a beautiful steel-gray is obtained. (The result is tolerably sure and good.) 6. Water, 400 parts by weight; potassium chlorate, 20 ; nickel sulphide, 10, give, after boiling for some time, a brown color, which is, however, not formed if the sheet has been pickled. (The brown color obtained is not very pronounced.) 7. Water, 250 parts by weight; potassium chlorate, 5 ; carbonate of nickel, 2 ; and nickel salt, 5, give, after boiling for some time, a brown-yellow color playing into a magnificent red. (The results obtained were only indifferent.) 8. Water, 250 parts by weight; potassium chlorate, 5 ; nickel salt, 10, give a beautiful dark brown. (Upon massive brass a good dark brown was obtained. The formula is, however, not available for brassed zinc.) To Brighten and Color Brass. —The work to be brightened and colored is first annealed in a red-hot muffle, or over an open fire, allowing the cooling to extend over one hour. The object of the heating is to remove the grease or dirt that may have accumulated during the process of fitting. Soft-soldered work, however, must be annealed before being fitted together, and afterwards boiled in potash lye ; this is also done with work having ornamental surfaces. Next, it is immersed in a bath of dilute nitric acid, which may be made BRONZING AND COLORING. 177 with 2 or 3 parts of water and i of acid; but the old acid that contains a small quantity of copper in solution is frequently pre¬ ferred. The work is allowed to remain in this liquid for i or 2 hours, according to the strength of the acid; it is then well rinsed in water, and scoured with sand applied with an ordinary scrubbing- brush, and washed. The pickling bath is made by dissolving i part of zinc in 3 of nitric acid of 36° Be., in a porcelain vessel, and adding a mixture of 8 parts of nitric acid and 8 of sulphuric acid. Heat is then applied, and when the liquid is boiling the work is plunged into it for half a minute, or until the violent development of nitrous vapor ceases, and the surface is becoming uniform. Then it is plunged into clean water, and well rinsed to remove the acid. The ordinary dark grayish-yellow tint, which is thus very often produced, is removed on immersing the work again in nitric acid for a very short time. Then it is plunged into clean or slightly alkaline water, well rinsed to remove the acid, and plunged into warm, dry beech or boxwood sawdust, and rubbed until quite dry. To prevent the action of the atmosphere, it is lacquered ; if a green tint is to be produced, the lacquer is colored with turmeric. A dark grayish, but agreeable tint, is obtained by previously immersing the work in a solution of white arsenic in hydrochloric acid, or in a solution of bichloride of platinum, with the addition of some vinegar, or rubbing with plumbago. Antimo 7 iy Colors on Brass .—Dissolve *4 oz. of cream of tartar in 1 lb. of hot water, and add 1 y 2 or 2 ozs. of hydrochloric acid and a like quantity of pulverized metallic antimony. By heating the fluid to boiling and immersing the brass objects, the latter acquire a beautiful lustrous color, a gold-yellow tint appearing first, which is succeeded by a beautiful copper-red. By allowing the articles to remain longer in the fluid, the copper-red passes into a beautiful blue-violet, which is finally succeeded by a blue-gray. The colors are constant, and do not change by exposure to the air. Dead-black on Brass Instruments .—Place about a thimbleful of lampblack on a smooth surface of glass or porcelain, drop 4 or 5 drops of gold size on it, and thoroughly incorporate the same with a spatula. It should form a stiff paste. Use as little of the size as 12 178 THE METAL WORKER'S HANDY-BOOK. possible, as an excess will give the coating a glossy, instead of the desired dead finish. Add about double the volume of turpentine; mix with a camel’s-hair brush, and apply to the surface to be coated. Deep Black-blue Stain on Brass .—A stain which produces a deep black-blue layer on brass, and does not require coating with lacquer, is prepared as follows: Dissolve by shaking in a tightly closed vessel about ozs. of copper carbonate in 1 y 2 pint of strong spirits of sal-ammoniac. The quantity of copper carbonate used must be sufficiently large that a precipitate (hydrated oxide of copper) is formed. The solution thus obtained is diluted with about y 2 pint of water, and is immediately ready for use, but as a rifle produces, after a few days, a darker and finer color than at the start. The articles cleaned by filing or turning remain in the fluid until they show the desired color. Lustrous Gold or Green on Brass .—French articles of cast or sheet brass are made of a cheap, pale-colored quality of brass, but they have a beautiful gold color which gives them a fine appearance and makes them more salable. To produce this color the follow¬ ing process is used : Dissolve 4 parts each of caustic soda and milk sugar in 100 parts of water. Heat the solution to boiling for a quarter of an hour; remove the vessel containing the dark yellow solution from the fire and add, with stirring, 4 parts of a cold sat¬ urated solution of sulphate of copper. When the fluid has cooled off to about 165° F., and after the separated suboxide of copper has settled, the clean polished articles of brass are introduced into it in a vessel of wood with perforated bottom. In about 2 minutes the golden coloration will probably be dark enough, and the ar¬ ticles are removed, washed and dried in saw dust. If the articles are permitted to remain for a longer time in the liquid the yellow¬ ish color at first developed will change to a lustrous bluish-green and finally to iridescent colors. In order to obtain uniform colora¬ tions the temperature must be maintained between 140° and 165° F. The copper bath may be used repeatedly, and for this purpose should be kept in a well-stoppered flask. When it has become BRONZING AND COLORING. 179 spent it may be revivified by the addition of i part of caustic soda, sufficient water to replace that lost by evaporation, heating to boil¬ ing and the addition of 2^ parts of sulphate of copper. If, in¬ stead of milk-sugar, glycerine or a bitartrate is used, the colors obtained are not so uniform. Gold and Orange Stains for Brass. —Dip the articles in a mix¬ ture of 3 drachms of caustic soda, 2 ozs. of water and 5 ]/ 2 drachms of moist carbonate of copper. The shades of color appear in a few minutes, and the progress can be readily judged and observed. After obtaining the desired shade of color rinse the articles in water and dry in fine saw-dust. Beautiful Silver Color on Brass. —Dissolve in a well-glazed ves¬ sel Of, ozs. of pulverized cream of tartar and drachms of tar¬ tar emetic in 1 quart of hot water, and add to the solution 1^ ozs. of hydrochloric acid, 4^ ozs. of granulated or, still better, pul¬ verized tin and 1 oz. of pulverized antimony. Dip the articles to be coated in the solution heated to the boiling point. After boil¬ ing one-quarter to one-half hour they will be provided with a beautiful lustrous coating, which is hard and durable. New Bronze-color upon Brass and Copper. —A fluid for the pro¬ duction of a brown bronze-color upon brass and copper consists of acetate of copper, 5^ parts; sal-ammoniac, 7 ; acetic acid, 1 ; and water, 100. The articles to which this fluid is to be applied must before each application be vigorously heated over a coal fire, the beautiful brown color frequently appearing only after thus treating the article 20 or 25 times. With skilful manipulation the fluid gives very good results. For coating cast-bronze wares a so-called Paris bronze lacquer is sold, which consists simply of a solution of shellac in alcohol with the addition of camphor. A solution of 1 part of shellac in 8 or xo of alcohol and adding part of cam¬ phor rubbed up with a few drops of oil of lavender gives a lacquer equal to the commercial article. To Color Copper and Brass. —By dipping a piece of sheet brass, brightly polished and perfectly clean, in a dilute solution of neu¬ tral acetate of copper, which should contain not a trace of acid, at a medium temperature for a few moments it acquires an extraor- 180 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. dinarily beautiful golden-yellow color. By coating brightly-pol¬ ished sheet brass a few times with a very dilute solution of chloride of copper it appears deadened and greenish-gray bronzed. By uniformly heating brightly-polished brass so that it can be handled without burning the hands and brushing it over in this state as rapidly and uniformly as possible with a tuft of cotton dipped in a solution of chloride of antimony it acquires a beautiful violet color. To Whiten Brass and Copper .—Small articles of brass and cop¬ per may be whitened by boiling them in a solution of ^ lb. of cream of tartar, 2 quarts of water and 1 lb. of grain tin or any pure tin finely divided. The tin dissolves in the cream of tartar and is again precipitated on the brass or copper. To Blacken Small Iron Articles in bulk .—A deep black upon small iron articles is produced by heating them in bulk in con¬ nection with oiled saw-dust. For this purpose a strong sheet-iron drum resembling a coffee-roaster is used. It consists of a cylin¬ drical body provided on one end with a handle for turning, and on the other with a funnel in the centre of which is the aperture for charging. For the distribution of the contents strong iron pins are rivetted into the body of the drum. When in use the drum is slowly revolved over a coal or gas fire. The coloring agent consists of an intimate mixture of 10 parts of dry saw-dust and 1 part of linseed oil. The saw-dust thus oiled is shaken in the drum together with the articles to be blackened and exposed to the heat while revolving the drum. The saw-dust undergoing combustion evolves a thick smoke which cannot immediately escape from the drum, it passing out slowly through the aperture in the funnel. This smoke coats the articles with a firmly adhering black color. Care must, however, be had not to expose the articles too long to the heat as otherwise the beautiful black is replaced by a gray color. Hence it is necessary to occasionally examine the articles as to their color. When they show the proper black color the drum is quickly emptied and the contents are spread out upon sheet-iron to cool. In mixing the saw-dust with oil care must be had not to exceed the prescribed proportions, as with a larger quantity of oil the BRONZING AND COLORING. 181 saw-dust remains adhering to the articles and is very difficult to remove. Lustrous Black on Iron is obtained by the application of a solu¬ tion of sulphur in spirits of turpentine prepared by boiling upon the water bath. After the evaporation of the spirits of turpentine a thin layer of sulphur remains upon the iron, which, on heating the article, intimately combines with the metal. By another method the cleansed and pickled iron articles are coated when dry with linseed oil and heated to a dark red. If pickling is omitted the coating with linseed oil and heating have to be repeated twice or three times. According to Meriten a lustrous black on iron is obtained by placing the articles as anode in distilled water heated to 158° F. and using an iron plate as cathode. A layer of ferroso-ferric oxide is formed which, however, can only be obtained in a firmly adhering state upon wrought-iron. The lustre appears by brushing with a soft waxed brush. The current conducted into the bath must only be strong enough to decompose the water without perceptible development of gas. Brown-black Coating with Bronze Lustre on Iron. —Heat the bright iron objects and brush them over with a concentrated solu¬ tion of potassium bichromate. When dry heat them over a char¬ coal fire and wash until the water running off shows no longer a yellow color. Repeat the operations twice or three times. A similar coating is obtained by heating the iron objects with a solu¬ tion of 10 parts of sulphate of iron (green vitriol) and 1 part of sal-ammoniac in wat&r. To give Iron a Silver-like Appearance with High Lustre .—Scour the polished and pickled iron surfaces with a solution prepared as follows : Heat moderately 1 ozs. of chloride of antimony, 0.35 oz. of pulverized arsenious acid and 2.82 ozs. of elutriated blood-stone with 1 quart of 90 per cent, alcohol upon a water bath for half an hour. A partial solution takes place. Dip into this fluid a tuft of cotton and go over the iron portions, using slight pressure. A thin film of arsenic and antimony is thereby precipitated, which is the 182 TIIE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. more lustrous the more carefully the iron had been previously polished. To Color Iron and Steel Blue. —Polish and cleanse the article thoroughly with lime and then brush it over with the following mixture : Butter of antimony, 8 parts ; fuming nitric acid, 8; and hydrochloric acid, 16. Add the hydrochloric acid very slowly and drop by drop to avoid heating. Apply the mixture to the steel with a rag and rub with green, young oak wood until the desired blue color is produced. According to BSttger a durable blue on iron and steel may be obtained by dipping the article in a y 2 per cent, solution of potas¬ sium ferricyanide (red prussiate of potash) mixed with an equal volume of a y 2 per cent, solution of ferric chloride. To Color Iron and Steel Gray. —Polish the article, and coat it with a mixture of butter of antimony, 8 parts, and sulphuric acid, 2 parts. If the color does not turn out handsome enough add a few drops of acetic acid. Thieraulf s Process for Coloring Wrought-iroa and Steel. —Thier- ault has invented a process for coloring iron and steel which is in¬ tended at the same time to protect the materials from rust and in¬ crease the beauty of their appearance. The process has been intro¬ duced in practice and has proved useful. In the patent specification the following mixtures are mentioned as suitable for the execution of the process. Fluid No. I contains chloride of mercury and sal-am¬ moniac; No. 2 contains chloride of iron, sulphate of copper, nitric acid, alcohol and water; No. j, ferrous chloride besides nitric acid, alcohol and water; and No. 4, a weak solution of potassium sulphide. The articles are thoroughly cleansed from grease by immersion in boiling potash lye and rinsing in water, and when dry are twice brushed over with a sponge slightly satu¬ rated with fluid No. 1, the second layer being applied when the crust of oxide formed upon the metal is entirely dry and has been rubbed off with a scratch-brush and iron filings and dried with linen. The remaining operations are executed in the same manner. Several layers of fluid No. 2 are next applied and then fluid No. 3, the sponge being thoroughly soaked with the latter, BRONZING AND COLORING. 183 After drying io minutes the articles are thrown into a bath of water at 194 0 to 212 0 F., in which they remain for 5 to 10 minutes according to their bulk. When taken out and dried, a few more layers of fluid No. 3 are applied, next a layer of fluid No. 4, and then the articles are again immersed in hot water. When taken from the bath they are wiped off and receive several more layers of fluid No. 3 diluted for this purpose with water. They are then coated with a thin film of olive oil, washed off, immersed in water at 140° F. and, when taken out, rubbed thoroughly first with a woolen rag and finally with a little olive oil. Articles of iron and steel thus treated have a beautiful black, lustrous appearance, especially when polished. To Blue Small Articles of Sheet-steel. —Dip the articles in a fluid alloy composed of lead, 25 parts; and tin, 1 part, which is melted at the degree of heat required for bluing. The immersion may also be effected in a sand bath heated to and maintained at the required temperature, 572 0 F. for dark blue, 478° F. for pale blue. To Blue Small Articles of Iron and Steel so as to leave Portions of them Bright.- —The ground and finely polished work is blued, which is best effected over a thick iron plate heated red-hot. In order to insure uniformity the work should not be laid directly upon the plate, but held at some distance over it. The bluing being effected, which will be the finer and more durable the better and more compact the material used in the work, the places which are to remain blue are covered with an oil paint and allowed to dry somewhat. Heated wine vinegar is then poured over the whole, whereby the places not covered by the oil paint immediately become bright. By using the wine vinegar cold it must act about 5 minutes, and the surface obtained is not lustrous but a dead white. After the treatment with vinegar the work is dipped into cold water. The oil paint is then removed, which is readily effected. By this method the bright places retain their polish and show great lustre. Coloring of Gold. —To impart to articles of gold alloys a color approaching that of chemically pure gold they are treated with a pickle which dissolves the copper and silver on the surface of the 184 THE METAL WORKER’S nANRY-BOOK. alloy and exposes a layer of pure gold. The composition of this pickle is such that some gold is also dissolved, but it precipitates at once upon the surface of the object, and thus effects the actual coloring. The composition for coloring gold articles consists of decrepitated common salt, 4^ ozs. ; saltpetre, 8.11 ozs. ; and hydrochloric acid, 6 ozs. The two salts are finely powdered and intimately mixed, and the hydrochloric acid poured over them. The mixture is boiled until chlorine develops. Suspend the gold articles to be colored to a glass-hook or platinum wire and im¬ merse them in the boiling mixture; take them out after 3 to 5 minutes and rinse in boiling water. If the desired color is attained throw the objects into a vessel filled with water, where they remain until all the objects are colored. Then dip them successively in boiling water and dry quickly. If the proper degree of coloration has not been attained repeat the immersion in the bath. By the chlorine developed in the coloring bath chlorides of copper, silver and gold are formed. The latter are, however, in consequence of the content of copper in the alloy, decomposed and the pure gold is precipitated in a more or less thick layer. As in coloring gold it is absolutely necessary to employ a fluid which develops chlorine in abundance, dilute aqua regia compounded with a cor¬ responding quantity of common salt may be directly used in case the alloy contains silver. A suitable mixture is as follows: Con¬ centrated hydrochloric acid, 31 parts by weight; concentrated nitric acid, 10; common salt, 20; and water, 40. In this bath the articles must remain only a very short time, as otherwise the surface becomes dead and lustreless. Bronze-like Patina upon Tin .—Brush the object over with a solution of 1^ ozs. of sulphate of copper (blue vitriol) and a like quantity of ferrous sulphate (green vitriol) in 1 quart of water, and moisten the dried object with a solution of 3)^ ozs. of verdigris in 10^2 ozs. of vinegar. When dry, polish the object with a soft brush rubbed upon wax and some ferric oxide. The coating thus obtained being not especially durable must be protected by a coating of lacquer. Sepia-brown on Tin and its Alloys .—Brush the object over with a BRONZING AND COLORING. 185 solution of i part of platinum chloride in io of water, allow the coating to dry, then rinse in water, and, after again allowing to dry, brush with a soft brush until the desired brown lustre appears. A dark coloration is also obtained with a solution of ferric chloride. Coloring Zinc. —The results obtained by coloring zinc directly according to existing directions cannot be relied on, and it is, therefore, recommended to first copper the zinc and then color the coppering. Experiments in coloring zinc black with alcoholic solution of chloride of antimony according to Dullos’s process gave no useful results. Puscher’s method is better; according to it the articles are dipped in a boiling solution of 5.64 ozs. of pure green vitriol and 3.17 ozs. of sal-ammoniac in 2^ quarts of water. The loose, black precipitate deposited upon the articles is removed by brushing, the article again dipped in the hot solution and then held over a coal-fire until the ammonia salt evaporates. By repeat¬ ing the operation three or four times a firmly-adhering black coat¬ ing is formed. To color zinc black with nitrate of manganese, as proposed by Neumanns, is a tedious operation, it requiring to be repeated seven or eight times. It is done by dipping the article in a solution of nitrate of manganese and heating over a coal-fire, the manipulations being repeated until a uniform dead-black is formed. By suspending zinc in a nickel-bath slightly acidulated with sul¬ phuric acid, a firmly adhering blue-black coating is after some time formed without the use of a current. This coating is useful for many purposes. A similar result is attained by immersing the zinc articles in a solution of 2.11 ozs. of the double sulphate of nickel and ammonium and a like quantity of sal-ammoniac in x quart of water. The articles become first dark yellow, then suc¬ cessively, brown, purple-violet and indigo-blue , and stand slight scratch-brushing and polishing. Gray Coating on Zinc is obtained by a precipitation of arsenic in a heated bath of 2.82 ozs. of arsenious acid, 8.46 drachms of sodium pyrophosphate and 1^ drachms of 98 per cent, potassium 18C TPIE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. cyanide to i quart of water. A strong current should be used so that a vigorous development of hydrogen is perceptible. Platinum sheets or carbon plates are used as anodes. Green Coating on Zinc. —Zinc articles maybe provided with a permanent dark or light green coating resembling enamel as fol¬ lows: Dissolve 50 parts of hyposulphite of sodium in 500 of boil¬ ing water, and at once pour the solution in a fine stream into 25 parts of sulphuric acid. The milk of sulphur that separates will soon ball together in lumps and settle. The hot liquid containing sulphate of sodium and sulphurous acid is decanted and the cleansed zinc placed in it. In a short time it will acquire a very brilliant light-green coating, which only needs to be washed and dried. By exposing it for a longer time to this hot bath the coat¬ ing grows thicker and the color darker and more brilliant. To insure a fine, brilliant deposit the temperature should not be allowed to fall below 145° F. By dipping the articles thus treated in diluted hydrochloric acid (1 acid to 3 water) sulphuretted hydrogen is evolved, and this enamel-like coating loses its lustre and becomes lighter in color. Aqueous solutions of aniline colors have little effect upon this dull surface, and none whatever on the brilliant coating. The effect of marbling may be obtained by moistening the gray zinc and applying hydrochloric acid in spots with a sponge, then rinsing off and, while still wet, flowing over it an acidified solution of sulphate of copper which produces the appearance of black marble. As this has a dull surface it should be varnished. By adding 15 parts of chrome alum and 15 more of the hyposul¬ phite to the above solution, the article treated will take on a brownish color. Bronze-color on Zinc. —A sort of bronzing on zinc is obtained by rubbing it with a paste of pipe-clay to which has been added a solution of 1 part by weight of crystallized verdigris, 1 of tartar and 2 of crystallized soda. Copper-red on Zinc. —Immerse the article in a bath of chloride of copper dissolved in spirits of sal-ammoniac. If the color is to have a yellowish tone add some crystallized verdigris. BRONZING AND COLORING. 187 Red-brownish Color on Zinc. —Rub with a solution of chloride of copper in liquid ammonia. Yellow-brown Shades on Zinc. —Rub with a solution of chloride of copper in vinegar. To Brown Gun-barrels. —Mix chloride of antimony to a creamy consistency with olive oil. Apply the mixture evenly to the heated 4 barrel, allow it to act for 12 to 24 hours, then remove the excess with a woolen rag and repeat the operation. After the second ap¬ plication has acted for 12 to 24 hours, the iron or steel is covered with a bronze-like layer of ferric oxide and antimony, which resists the action of the air and may be made lustrous by brushing with a waxed brush. The sharpening of the chloride of antimony can be effected by adding a little nitric acid to the paste of olive oil and chloride of antimony so as to hasten the operation. Another formula is, nitric acid, 1.5 parts; sweet spirit of nitre, 1.5; rectified alcohol, 3 ; blue vitriol, 6; tincture of chloride of iron, 3; distilled water, 100. Dissolve the blue vitriol in the water, then add the other materials. The burnishing and marking can be effected with the burnisher and scratch-brush. The polishing is best effected by rubbing with a piece of smooth, hard wood, called polishing wood. The barrel is finely varnished with shellac var¬ nish and again polished with the hard-wood polisher. Some prefer the tone of brown produced by blue vitriol, 5 parts; sweet spirit of nitre, 5 ; water, 100. In any case the surface of the iron must be well cleansed and rendered quite bright; it is then freed from grease by rubbing with whiting and water, or better, with powdered quick lime and water. The browning composition is then put on and allowed to remain 24 hours. It is then rubbed off with a stiff brush. If not sufficiently browned repeat the last process after browning. Clean the surface well with hot water containing a little soda or potash, and, lastly, with boiling water, and dry it. The surface can be burnished and polished. Varnish with tin¬ smith’s lacquer, or with gum shellac, 2 ozs. ; dragon’s blood, 3 drachms; methylated spirit of wine, 4 pints. The metal should be made hot before-applying this varnish, and it will present an excellent appearance. If the varnish is not required to color, but 188 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. only to preserve the actual tint produced on the metal surface by the browning fluid, leave out the dragon’s blood. Another Method of Browning Gun-barrels is as follows : Mix 16 parts of sweet spirit of nitre, 12 parts of a solution of sulphate of iron, a like quantity of butter of antimony and 16 parts of sul¬ phate of copper. Let the mixture stand in a well-corked bottle in a moderately warm place for 24 hours, then add 500 parts of rain water and put it away for use. After the barrel has been rubbed with emery paper and polished, wash it with fresh lime water, dry thoroughly, and then coat it over uniformly with the above mixture ; it is best to use a tuft of cotton. Let it dry for 24 hours and then brush it with a scratch-brush. Re¬ peat the coating and drying twice, but in rubbing off for the last time use leather moistened with olive oil in place of the scratch¬ brush, and rub until a beautiful lustre is produced, then let it dry for 12 hours and repeat the polishing with sweet oil. To Blacken Damasked Gun-barrels. —The finely polished barrel is coated by means of a woolen rag with a very thin layer of olive oil and then dusted over with hard-wood ash. It is next blackened by heating over glowing coals, and after removal from the fire allowed to cool. When cool it is brushed over with water con¬ taining a few drops of hydrochloric acid to the pint and then quickly washed with tow or coarse linen and water. Of the dam¬ ask thus treated the steel portions become white, while the iron portions appear black. When the operation is finished the barrel is carefully dried and finally rubbed with oil. To Brown Medals and Coins. —Boil a solution of 2 parts of verdigris and 1 of sal-ammoniac in vinegar, and after removing the scum, dilute with water until it shows only a slight metallic taste and no more white precipitate is formed. Pour off the fluid from the precipitate, bring it to the boiling point as rapidly as possible, and immediately pour it over the polished and clean medals, which should rest with the edges upon a wooden or copper grate on the bottom of the vessel in such a manner that only two points of the periphery touch the bars of the grate. Examine at least every five minutes whether the desired color has been obtained, because by CASTING AND FOUNDING. 189 remaining too long in the fluid the coating becomes scaly and dead. When the medals have acquired an agreeable, red-brown, lustrous color pour off the solution and immediately wash carefully and repeatedly with much water. The solution used, which has become concentrated by boiling, can be again employed by diluting with water and some vinegar. The more dilute the solution, the slower the process of browning takes place; the success of the operation is, however, also more certain. A too strong solution gives a coat¬ ing which peels off on rubbing. VII. CASTING AND FOUNDING. A metal to be suitable for casting should possess the following properties: i. It must be fusible without great difficulty. 2. The casting made of it must show a homogeneous structure. 3. It must fill out the mould sharply and accurately. Gray pig-iron especially excels in these three points, its ap¬ plicability for so many purposes depending on these properties; next come the metallic alloys, brass, bronze, gun-metal, type-metal and the various mixtures of lead and tin. It will be readily under¬ stood that a thickly-fluid metal cannot penetrate into the fine depressions, and hence, will not fill the mould accurately, this being especially noticeable with tin by itself. On the other hand a mixture of tin, lead and bismuth is very thinly liquid. At a higher temperature white pig-iron becomes pasty, and consequently is not suitable for casting. Shrinking of Metals in Casting .—With the exception of cast-iron all metals in congealing have the property of contracting, i. e., of occupying a smaller space; a further contraction takes place during the cooling of the congealed metal. The volume of cast-iron in¬ creases at the moment of congelation, and consequently the sides of the mould, if yielding as in ordinary sand moulds, will be forced 190 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. apart. After congealing the ordinary contraction also takes place in iron. Hence, all castings when completely cooled off will be smaller than the pattern or the mould. This contraction of the metals in casting is called “shrinking.” If, therefore, a casting is to fit other pieces already finished or designed of determined size the pattern must be made larger, in proportion to the shrinkage. The pattern is the model of which the casting is to be the copy, but an intermediate stage is necessary, namely, the mould, which represents in hollows the projections which must appear on the finished casting. Each of these articles, namely, the pattern, the mould and the casting, is generally made in different materials, each of which is subject to certain alterations in size and shape, dependent upon the degree of heat to which it may be exposed, or upon changes in dryness or moisture. Thus, from the original design or drawing a pattern is made, most frequently in wood, which is then transferred to the mould; this varies in materials according to the nature of the work into which finally the molten metal is poured. In view of these circumstances, and certain known properties of materials at different temperatures, allowances have to be made for shrinkage, etc. The casting itself contracts in cooling to an extent which is pretty well, but by no means ac¬ curately ascertained, and for which a regular allowance is made. Thus, in large, heavy castings, inch is added to every foot of length in the pattern, which is found in practice sufficient to allow for the contraction of the metal on cooling, combined as it is with the slight increase in the size of the mould over the pattern. In small castings inch to the foot, or about i per cent., is suf¬ ficient. The following table gives the results of practical observations on the shrinkage of metals in casting, and is very simple in applica¬ tion. Thus, a cast-iron girder 20 feet long must have a pattern 0.1246 X 20 = 2.492 inches longer than itself, but a pattern 20 feet long would give a casting 0.1236 X 20 = 2.472 inches shorter than itself. CASTING AND FOUNDING. 191 Contraction of Metals in Casting. Cast-iron girder. tt tt Gun-metal bar. it it (( tt it tt tt tt tt tt ft it (( tt «« << Copper and tin; copper, 1.3; tin, ro. it a ti tt it it ft ft ft ft ft ft Yellow brass . Copper. :.... ft if ft Lead (mould)... Zinc cast in iron, if ft tt ft Length Contraction. of pattern. Total in inches. Per foot of pattern. Per foot of casting. ft. 21 in. 8X 3-1 0.1236 0.1246 16 9 2.05 0.1225 0.1236 5 4 % 1.0 0.18568 0.1886 Maximum S 7 U 0.936 0.1653 0.1676 “ 0.97 0.1713 0.1737 6 °x 1.0 0.1616 0.1684 5 6tV it 0.92 0.1671 0.1695 ft 0.90 0.1635 0.1657 it 0.88 0.1598 0.1620 it if 0.84 0.1526 0.1545 Minimum 5 ft 3 °T5 0.895 0.1607 0.1623 0.1632 0.1645 Mean of 8 Maximum “ tt 0.880 0.1595 0.1617 it tt 0.880 0-1595 0.1617 it it 0.855 0.1550 0.1570 Minimum it a 0.1591 0.1612 Mean of 4 2 9 '/s 5 0.1811 0.1839 7 iof 8 i -54 0.1948 0.1980 Minimum 7 5 /s 1.465 0.1972 0.2005 it tt 0.1972 0.2005 Maximum 2 O 0.21 0.1964 0.1050 0.1996 0.1059 Mean of 4 2 A 3 °T5 0.455 0.2257 0.2301 Minimum it it 0.465 0.2307 0.2352 Maximum it ft 0.2282 0.2326 Mean of 2 For practical purposes the following may be taken as sufficient approximations: In locomotive cylinders In pipes = Girders, beams, etc. = in 15 inches. Engine beams, connecting rods = % in 16 inches. In large cylinders, say 70-inch diameter, 10 feet stroke, the contraction of diameter = at top. Ditto = y 2 at bottom. Ditto in length = y& in 16 inches. 192 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. In thin brass In thick brass In zinc In lead In copper In bismuth Ill tin = yfa in 9 inches. = *4 in io inches. = t 5 j in a foot, from '/% to in a foot. = t 3 j in a foot. = in a foot, from x * 2 to in a foot. Easy Rule to Find Approximate Weight of Castings. —Thickness in Yq of inches X width in of inches X length in feet = lbs. weight cast-iron; for lead add to the result one-half; for brass add one-seventh, and for copper one-fifth. Weight of Castings. —The following table gives the weight of a pattern weighing i lb. when cast in different metals: A pattern weighing 1 lb. Will w eigh when cast in Cast-iron. Zinc. Copper. Yellow brass. Gun-metal Mahogany. 8 8 IO 9.8 IO White pine. 14 14-5 18 17-5 17.8 Yellow pine. 13 12.6 16 15-5 16 Cedar. 11.5 11 4 14.5 14 14-5 Maple. IO 9.8 12.5 12 12.4 Moulding Sand for Castings of Ingot-iron. —This mass serves for the manufacture of dense and smooth castings of ingot-iron, and consists of a mixture of from 1464 to 1831 cubic inches of sharply- burnt, pulverized and entirely pure refractory clay with 61 cubic inches of sugar, 2 quarts of water and \ quart of paraffine oil. Before use the mixture is several times sifted to insure a uniform distribution of the moisture; an admixture of silicic acid, lime, magnesia or charcoal must be carefully avoided. To Prevent the Baking of Moulding Sand. —Moulding sand con¬ sists chiefly of quartz sand and clay, the latter serving as a cement for the former. The availability of the sand for moulding is dependent on its fineness and the proportion of the above- mentioned constituents. The content of clay, on the one hand, CASTING AND FOUNDING. 193 must not be so large that the sand becomes hard by the slight glowing caused by contact with the fluid metal, and, on the other, must be sufficiently large to impart to the sand the required coherence after moistening and pressing together. The baking of moulding sand is decreased by an addition of soot and coal powder, and promoted by an addition of beer yeast, beer, molasses, rye- flour, etc. A content of lime is injurious to moulding sand. In many places available moulding sand is found which need only to be comminuted and sifted to be ready for use. Where such natural moulding sand cannot be had, it may be prepared by mixing 93 parts of pure quartz sand with 7 parts of clay free from lime. Moulding sand which has been used and has partially lost its cementing power can be restored by mixing with fresh sand. Moulding sand should not be stored in the open air, since the finer particles of clay are washed out by the rain. Moulding a?id Moulds .—Almost all general machine moulding is done in green sand, which is moulding sand, moistened suf¬ ficiently to cause it to adhere; and work in which particular care is to be taken is done in dry sand. This is sand which has been dampened, the same as green sand, and then put in an oven and thoroughly dried, which sets the mould in shape. It is claimed that by thus drying the sand the casting will be saved from sand- holes. Another advantage of dry sand moulding is that the mould can be tipped on end and make the casting endwise to insure soundness, as the pressure of the metal from above causes a solid settlement towards the bottom of the casting. Thus it is claimed by this method that a more solid and sounder casting can be made than by the use of green sand, in which the casting must be done flat, as the sand would not otherwise adhere and the mould would be spoiled. The first step in moulding, after the moulder receives his pattern of the article to be cast from the pattern-maker, is the making of the flask or box in which moulding sand and the pattern are to be placed. This flask is built upon the idea of allowing room for the pattern and moulding sand. The flask is generally a box of pine wood or iron. The white pine flask must be made strong enough to stand the pressure of metal and the weight of 13 194 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. sand in the box. The pine boards are put together with dowel pins, so that when the flask is taken apart it can be easily made up again. Wooden flasks are made for green sand moulding, but all flasks made for dry sand moulding are made of iron, because these moulds have to be put in an oven and kept there until the sand is thoroughly dry, and the pine boards would not stand the heat. In flasks for both green and dry sand moulding there are bars sticking from the upper and side interior surface of the flask to hold the sand in place. Some of these bars have little pieces set on at right angles to the end, or little hooks, which aid in holding the sand in place in addition to the adhesiveness caused by the dampening in the green sand and afterwards by the drying or baking of the dry sand mould. These bars extend from the interior surface of the flask to within a few inches of the pattern, and without them the sand would probably not hold its form after the pattern is withdrawn. The flask is generally made of three or more pieces so that it can be taken apart and the pattern taken out after the mould is formed. The flask having been prepared, a certain quantity of the wet or dampened moulding sand is taken and rammed down hard into place, and then the pattern is put in and covered up with damp moulding sand, which is also rammed down firm. After the pattern is covered up and the whole interior flask filled up, it is secured and the whole allowed to rest a while until it is thoroughly set and the pattern is taken out, the upper part of the flask and mould replaced, and the mould is ready for the metal. The dry sand flask, after being thoroughly and solidly filled with wet sand, is carried to the oven and baked until the sand is thor¬ oughly dry and set, the time depending on the size of the flask and the amount of sand. Then it is removed, the pattern taken out, and the mould is ready for the casting. The dry sand mould being baked holds together very well, as may be easily understood, but it appears singular that the green sand will hold together, but such is the adhesive powder of the wet sand and the arrangement of the holding bars, that it almost invariably does. The cases of the breaking of moulds because the sand does not hold are not frequent, CASTING AND FOUNDING. 195 and the main loss of moulds comes from the breaking of the flasks, which sometimes give way when the metal is being poured in, owing to the great weight of metal and sand combined, which the flask is not strong enough to sustain. This occurs mainly in large castings, and naturally the losses are very serious, it being often¬ times very difficult to recover the molten metal, which becomes mixed with the sand, and get it in condition for casting again. The casting being generally large, the losses of this character are mostly heavy ones. Moulds have to be broken sometimes because of the impossibility of removing the pattern without doing so, owing to the bad pattern¬ making, and in this case both the mould and the pattern are a loss and sometimes a very expensive one. The green sand moulds are broken up after they have been used once, and most of the dry sand moulds are broken up also, and if further castings are wanted new moulds are prepared. When a number of castings of the same character or description are wanted, and the casting is a small one, it is done by the gate system. In other words a number of patterns are prepared and joined together by a little bar extending one from the other, and the moulds are made from this gate pattern.. The rest of the operation is the same as any casting, and the articles are secured in gate or joined together at a certain point by a bar or bars which can be easily broken, and the rough ends finished off, leaving the articles just as they are wanted. The advantage of this method is that a larger number of small articles can be secured by one gate casting which otherwise would have to be cast separately at the expenditure of much additional labor and time. The patterns for this gate-casting system are made separately, but with the little bars projecting out in such a manner as to form a continuous bar or connection in the casting. This method of work is very useful in the casting of small articles, and is practised to a great extent by the gray iron foundries. The moulds and flasks for this gate casting are made in exactly the same manner as for other castings. 196 TUE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. The flasks for the different moulds are, according to circum¬ stances, made in three or four parts to conform to the joints of the mould, which in turn is based upon the character of the pattern. The joints in the mould, and consequently in the flask, are for the purpose of removing the various parts so as to get the pattern out, and the pattern itself has to be jointed, in order that it may be taken out properly. There are frequently more joints in the flask and mould than in the pattern. The top of the flask, which is always a removable part, is called the cope. This cope is invari¬ ably gaggered ; that is, it has the bars and hooks above mentioned extending from its inner surface to hold the sand in place. The bottom of the mould is called the nowel, and the pieces, parts, or sides between the cope and nowel are termed the cheeks. Accord¬ ing to the style of the pattern the cheeks are few or many; that is, they have few joints or a good many. The cope is of course always removable, and the cheeks are also, to get the patterns out. In very large castings the foundry floor, which is always made of moulding sand, is used for the nowel, and the cope and cheeks are constructed in the flask as usual. Foundry Flasks. —Fig. 4 (i) is a plan of the section view ; Fig. 4 (2) showing a very serviceable and useful style of cast-iron flasks used in some foundries. They are made from band-pulley patterns, and have a flange cast on each edge. No bars are cast in them. Two holes, A A, are drilled and countersunk in each flange for the wrought guide-pins B (one shown bolted in position at C). By this arrangement a drag or cope of any depth can be made by simply placing the pieces on top of each other, and fastening together with bolts and clamps made for the purpose. Crossbars can be fitted in the cope to suit the work. In a certain foundry they have also a large number of square and oblong flasks made in the same order as shown in broken plan, Fig. 4 (3). These flasks are in constant use. The drags of the smaller sizes are turned over on a level sand bed without any danger of their dropping out. Bottom boards are used on the larger ones, unless the work is of such a character as to bed in. The drags, of green and dry sand CASTING AND FOUNDING. 197 mould, four and five deep, are made in a comparatively short time by having these sections to clamp together. Fig. 4 (4) is a broken plan of another style of square and oblong cast-iron flasks, which are handy in a foundry for general or special work. The lugs D are cast plain and drilled by a template, and wrought-iron guide-pins bolted in for the cope. Section Fig. 4 (5) is on a line through Fig. 4 (4) from E to E (without showing the lug D~). The joint edge E has a strengthening strip cast on it, and the handles G are made by placing cores rammed up in core¬ box, Fig. 4 (6), against the end of the pattern when moulding the flask. Fig. 4 (7) is the plan of the drag of a flask used more especially on moulding machines, but which are successfully and profitably used on the floor in some foundries. These flasks are made with the sides and ends straight or tapered, as may be required. As the lugs HH fit over pins on the moulding machine, which are the counterpart of the pins cast on the cope, it is necessary to have the inside of the lugs smooth, and as near the same size as possible. For this purpose the cast-iron clamp, Fig. 4 (8), is made and planed upon the sides and inside of the ends at /. The ends of these clamps or formers at I ought to be wide, and long enough to extend into the sand beyond the lugs, so as to prevent a rough place or fins on the points at J, which would prevent the flask fitting nicely on the guides of the moulding machine, or the cope- pins working in the drag. The plan is very simple. The flask pattern is of cast-iron, and when moulding it the clamp is set in the lugs, and rammed up with the pattern, and left in the mould when the pattern is drawn out on the plan of any chill. Fig. 4 (9) is a plan view of the cope of this type of flask. Fig. 4 (10) is an end elevation of Fig. 4 (9), and Fig. 4 (11) is a cross- section of the same broken off at K. These views show the style of cast-iron formers or chills that are used to cast the guide-pins in; these pins fit into recesses in the moulding machine, and must be very exact to prevent shifting on the machine, or when the cope- sand drags are closed together. It will be noticed that the chill extends beyond the pin at L L , and is also a little deeper at MM, 198 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. Figs. 4 (io) and 4 (11). This prevents the fins and ragged edges spoken of in connection with the lugs, Fig. 4 (9). These pins and lugs are made heavy and strong, and as the F'g 4 - flasks are cast of soft foundry iron, the bearing or working parts of the pins and lugs have a smooth surface; they fit together very nicely, and do not wear, and are not easily broken off. Wooden CASTING AND FOUNDING. 199 handles JV JV are bolted to the flasks, and if desired for the class of work to be made in them, strengthening strips or bars can be cast across the bottom of the drags, and crossbars of any style cast in the copes (this can also be done in Figs. 4 (3) and 4 (4). Flasks of this pattern made for a moulding machine have been used con¬ stantly on the floor for other work, and as they are interchangeable there is no danger of getting the flasks mixed. Fig. 4 (12) is one style of end for a heavier class of cast-iron flasks. The braces O O extend from the height of the trunnion-hole P, and taper off to the ends; Q Q are strengthening brackets for the flanges P R, Fig. 4 (13) being a cross-section from P. It is not always that both these flanges are cast oh, sometimes only on the joint edge of the flask, and often, when the centre-rib brace is used, no flanges are made except at the ends for bolting to wooden sides. The holes £ 5 are for bolting to the ends of heavy iron sides, Fig. 4 (14), which have a flange all around the edge, and holes, at T T, for bolting iron crossbars shown in side and edge views, Fig. 4 (15 and 16). The various shapes at V V will be understood by moulders as being made to suit, and intended to fit, corresponding shapes in the pattern; the holes IV W are cast in to make the bars lighter, and as many can be made as desirable, so that it does not affect the strength of the bar. Fig. 4 (17) shows a style of trunnion made of wrought-iron for lifting and swinging heavy flasks. The trunnion is put through the hole P, and fastened by driving the key, Fig. 4 (18), into the slot near the end of the trunnion. This leaves a projection on the inside of the flask, and is not near so convenient in any way (whether the flask is round or square) as to cast a good strong trunnion on the flask seen at Fig. 4 (19); or the end of the trunnion X can be of wrought-iron and cast fast in the flask. Y Y, Fig. 4 (14), is another style of handles or loops for heavy flasks. These are better made of wrought-iron, and cast fast or bolted in the sides of the flasks; they can be put in straight or at any angle to suit. For flasks of medium weight a good strong handle of this style can be made in a core, as at Fig. 4 (20), and cast on the sides of the flask. Fig. 4 (6 and 20) are section views 200 TIIE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. of the straight and loop style of handle rammed up in the core-box, showing them before the core-box is turned over to remove the handle patterns. In the drawings the core-boxes are shown deeper than is really necessary (Robert E. Masters, in “The Western Machinist. ”) To Mould Lace, etc., in Cast-iron. —Mr. Outerbridge has suc¬ ceeded in moulding fine lace in cast-iron, the impression showing the most delicate lines of the pattern. The lace to be moulded must first be carbonized. In place of lace other fine tissues, embroid¬ ered ornamentations upon stuffs, leaves, grasses, etc., may also be moulded, previous carbonization being, however, always required. The process is as follows : The respective articles are laid flat upon a layer of pulverized coal upon the bottom of a cast-iron box; another layer of pulverized coal is then sifted upon them. Another layer of patterns may be laid upon this, succeeded by another layer of pulverized coal, and so on until the box is full. The box being closed with a well-fitting lid it is placed in a furnace and heated, at first slowly to expel moisture and gases, until the blue flames disappear. The heat is then increased to a white heat and continued for at least two hours. The box is then taken from the furnace and allowed to cool off gradually, when the tissue is taken out and tested in a gas flame. If carbonization is complete the tissue suffers no change and is ready for casting. It shows great pliancy, the same as is observed in the carbon threads of in¬ candescent lamps. In the first experiments a piece of lace carbon¬ ized in the manner above described was laid upon moulding sand, the ends being allowed to project over the edges of the flask to insure against displacement. The fluid iron being poured in, the carbonized lace fixed itself firmly to the sand, and after casting could without difficulty be detached from the iron. Thus several castings can be obtained from one pattern. The impressions are extraordinarily fine and delicate, and could formerly only be obtained by galvanic deposition. It does not matter whether soft gray foundry-pig or white pig is used. The success of the castings must be chiefly attributed to the peculiarity of iron of possessing under certain circumstances a CASTING AND FOUNDING. 201 tendency of absorbing carbon. In flowing over the carbonized lace the liquid iron evidently combines with the carbon of the pattern, and very likely would completely absorb the tissue if it did not congeal so rapidly. Something similar may be observed with mercury. The latter when poured upon a table runs about in globules without moistening the table, unlike water. But when poured upon a zinc plate it does not run off in globules, but in¬ stantly combines with the zinc, moistening it like water. It is, therefore, evident that if another metal, such as brass or zinc, were poured upon carbonized articles, such sharp impressions could not be obtained. Cores in Heavy Castings .—When cores run through heavy bodies of iron, the hot liquid raises the fusible element of the sand to such a high temperature that the grains fuse together, so that when the casting cleaner tries to get the core out lie finds it almost as hard as the iron. A good thing to prevent this fusing of the sand is to mix some sea-coal or blacking in it, and to give the surface of the core a good body of black lead or plumbago blacking. This outside coat of blacking will prevent the liquid iron from eating into the surface of the core sand, and the sea-coal or black¬ ing mixed in the sand burns away and passes off in the form of gas, leaving a porous body between the grains of sand, which assists in preventing its fusion. In putting rods in such cores as are subjected to a high tempera¬ ture, it is a good plan to coat them with two or three coats of flour- paste and dry them in an oven as it is put on ; for by doing this the dried paste burns off from the rod and leaves it free to come out of the casting. Core for Difficult Castings .—The following are instructions for a composition for cores that may be required for difficult jobs, where it would be extremely expensive to make a core-box for them: Make a pattern (of any material that will stand moulding from) like the core required. Take a mould from the same in the sand, in the ordinary way, place strengthening wires from point to point, centrally, gate and close your flask. Then make a compo¬ sition of 2 parts brickdust and x of plaster of Paris; mix with 202 TITE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. water and cast. Take it out when set, dry it and place it in the mould warm, so that there may be no cold air in it. Casting Without Core .—This mode of casting would, no doubt, be used more if it were not connected with a peculiar disadvantage. Casting without core is executed by pouring the fluid metal (zinc, tin, lead or alloys of these metals) into a mould generally of brass with a comparatively large gate, whereby the gate must of course be kept uppermost, just the reverse of the position shown in the illustration, Fig. 5. The mould b entirely filled with liquid metal is then more or less quickly inverted, so that it comes into the position shown in the illustration. By not allowing time for com¬ plete congelation the larger portion of the metal poured in will CASTING AND FOUNDING. 203 run out, whilst a crust c of more or less thickness remains in the mould and forms a casting useful for many industrial purposes. To obtain solid castings free from blowholes the metal must stand under a certain pressure which is also required for other castings. For this purpose a “dead-head ” (riser or sullage piece) is used, and as the dead-head is also hollow after inverting the mould, this portion of the casting is called the “ funnel.” In the illustration a small bust A is given as an example of casting with¬ out a core ; the lower portion of the finished bust is indicated by the curved line d; B is the dead-head or funnel which simply serves for making the metal in A compact. After removing the casting from the mould the dead-head or funnel B is separated from the casting by sawing, filing or other suitable mechanical treatment along the edge of d. The metals chiefly used for casting without a core possess, however, the peculiarity of being worked with difficulty, especially zinc and many zinc alloys, fouling the saws and files so that the separation of the dead-head from the casting becomes a difficult matter. This is the chief reason why casting without core is comparatively little in use. The necessity of removing the dead-head or funnel by sawing, filing, etc., however, is entirely done away with by working in the mould b along the edge of d a groove e. This groove is filled with a material which is a bad conductor of heat but will stand a high temperature, asbestos being especially recommended for the purpose. Now, while the fluid metal when poured in congeals on the metallic walls of the mould, they being good conductors of heat, congelation does not take place along the line of the asbestos, the metal poured in remaining fluid, or at least much more fluid on this point than on other places of the mould. By now inverting the mould the strip i lying opposite to the groove e filled with asbestos runs out together with the metal filling the mould, and when taking the mould apart the dead-head or funnel B will be found separated from the actual casting, or connected with it only by a very thin film which can readily be severed. Casting Brass-nuts o?i Screws .—Polish the screw, make a mould on it, with a gate or runner at the end when the mould is hori- 204 TIIE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. zontal, x inch in diameter, 5 inches high, scoop out the top 3 inches diameter levelled down to 1 inch; second, make the gate or runner on the top of screw y 2 inch diameter, same height as the other. Take a pricker and prick from the top of the mould to the pattern nut about a dozen holes, after which draw diamonds with the wire from these holes to the sides of t'he mould on the top. Now part the mould, draw the nut and screw, cut the gates, making the one at the end of nut same as the down one, one inch in diameter; take the screw, smoke it over a gas flame, turning it round, pouring a little oil on it; continue heating till the oil begins to boil. At this stage take a little dry of the parting-sand, which is used to part the mould, sprinkle this all round on the top of the oil, heat now as before to dull red and proceed as before. Remelt the metal, take 3 lbs. of old waste handles free from iron, add to this 9 lbs. of copper, melt both, and when ready for casting add y 2 lb. of zinc or spelter, allow it to remain in the fire ten minutes, take it out, add y 2 lb. of block tin and y lb. of lead; stir the whole well up. The screw is now red and in the mould; rush the metal in quickly at the gate 1 inch diameter; be sure the metal is hot and it will rise at the other gate to the top of the mould. Be careful at this stage. To take the nut off do not heat it; dress it as before; hammer it cold, heat it—now hold the screw upright, pour on oil at the top of the nut, allow it to cool, catch the nut in vice, apply a lever to the square at end of screw and turn it around. Casting 071 to other Metals .—It is occasionally desired to unite other metals by means of cast-iron, or to fix ornamental castings on to light work made of wrought-iron or steel. One well-known application of this process is Moline’s invention for the combina¬ tion of wrought and cast-iron in the manufacture of window-frames. The sash-bars are formed of wrought-iron, rolled of any light and convenient section, suited to receive glass: these bars are united by ornamental cast-iron bosses. An iron pattern is first made, from which a sand mould is ob¬ tained ; the wrought-iron bars are cut to the required lengths and placed in the mould with their ends nearly touching; over these CASTING AND FOUNDING. 205 ends the mould of the boss is placed, which must be sufficiently large to cover them so that, when cast on, the bosses shall firmly unite the wrought-iron bars. These windows can be readily made of any usual size or shape, and are easily fixed They are light in appearance, and combine the strength of wrought-iron with the ornamental character, which can be readily obtained by the addi¬ tion of cast-iron flowers, scrolls, armorial bearings and other Ornaments. For ornamenting wrought-iron railings, two ways of applying cast-iron may be mentioned. Either the wrought-iron bars may be placed in the moulds and the ornaments cast round their ends, or the ornaments may be cast in green sand moulds, cored out to fit wrought-iron bars, on to which they are afterwards fixed by an alloy of zinc and lead. Lead alone is to be avoided, as it sets up a galvanic action and assists the formation of rust. In designing cast-iron railings it will be well to adopt outlines in which the metal will not be unfairly strained, by the union of very light and heavy pieces in the same casting. Discard all very fine ornamental work for streets where there is much traffic, as accident or mischief will very shortly spoil the beauty of the work which cannot be repaired. Ornamental cast-iron work of a fine intricate character is only in place where it can be seen to advantage, and is not exposed to violence. If cast-iron chill-moulds are used for the ornamental castings, the ornaments will naturally be rather brittle, in most cases this will be found of little consequence, but where it is desired to avoid brittleness, the work can be placed in an annealing oven, when the cast-iron will be made into malleable cast-iron without prejudicially affecting the wrought-iron if any is used in conjunction with the cast-iron, as is frequently done. Ornamenting Wrought-iron by Burning on .—Burning on is occa¬ sionally practised for the purpose of ornamenting wrought-iron with scrolls, volutes, or twisted forms. Loam moulds are made, and, when thoroughly dried, are applied to that portion of the wrought-iron which it is wished to burn on to; cast-iron is then poured through the moulds until the wrought-iron is brought to a 206 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. welding heat ; pouring is then ceased, and the cast-iron, when cooled down, is found firmly affixed to the wrought-iron. For ornamental cast-iron railings which are designed with com¬ paratively heavy pilasters and bars, having the intervals between them filled in with light ornamental work, the two should not be cast at one and the same time, otherwise the light work will be almost certain to break away from the heavy, owing to the unequal contraction in cooling. The ornamental work should be cast first, of fine, soft, fluid iron, and be provided with small-fitting pieces or lugs at convenient points for fixing to the heavy bars or up¬ rights. Coat these lugs on the fine work with clay and black-wash, place in a sand mould and cast the heavy work round it. By so doing the iron will not be liable to fracture from unequal contrac¬ tion and expansion. To Repair Castings by Burning on .—A piece of machine framing, the necks of rolls or a standard which has been broken or found defective may be repaired as follows: First cut away the defective parts down to the sound metal ; build a coke-fire round the part of the casting which is to be repaired until it is brought to a bright red-heat, then dust over the surface of the cut metal with powdered glass or borax. Then apply a hollow loam mould of the desired part to the casting, properly secured in position and provided with a hole for the exit of the metal. Pour very hot liquid cast-iron into the mould and allow it to flow away until the cut surface of the original metal of the casting can be felt with an iron bar to have become soft and pasty by contact with the hot liquid iron. Then stop the exit hole and allow the metal in the mould to set. If the operation has been properly performed the casting should, when struck, ring with the same sound as a single good casting, thus showing that the old and new metal are perfectly united. To Fill up Holes in Castings .—Holes occasionally occur on the surface of a casting, which, although not of sufficient importance to make it advisable to reject or break up the casting, are unsightly. Liquid cast-iron may be poured into such holes, the superfluous metal being removed by an iron straight-edge. It is usually pre¬ ferred, however, to fill up these cavities with an alloy having a CASTING AND FOUNDING. 207 similar appearance to the cast-iron, but being much more fusible. One such alloy consists of antimony, 69 parts by weight; copper, 16; tin, 2, melted together; to which add afterwards, lead, 13 parts ; another is, antimony, 65 parts by weight; copper, 16; lead, 13; prepared in the same way. Bell Founding .—The most important point in the art of bell founding is the proper form to give a bell to obtain the desired tone, which is also dependent on the metal used. In a bell of the usual proportions the thickness of the upper or thin part is one- third of the sound-bow, or thickest part. As to the thickness of the sound-bow itself, which is often spoken of simply as the thick¬ ness of the bell, large bells of a peal are sometimes made as thin as of the diameter, and the small ones as thick as T \j of the diameter; the most effective proportion is from T D 2 to T D 5 . In casting peals of bells it is necessary to take rather a wider range, in order to prevent the treble being so small and weak as to be overpowered by the tenor, though care must be taken not to run into the opposite extreme and make the large bells too thin. In calculating the sizes of bells to produce particular notes, and as¬ suming that eight bells are made of similar material, and their sections exactly similar figures, in the mathematical sense, they will sound the eight notes of the diatonic scale, if all their dimen¬ sions are in these proportions: 60, 53^, 48, 45, 40, 36, 32, 30, which are merely convenient figures for representing the inverse proportions of the times of vibration belonging to the eight notes of the scale. So that if it is required to make a bell a fifth above a given one, it must be 2 /s of the size in every dimension, unless it is intended to vary the proportion of thickness to diameter, for the same rule then no longer holds, as a thinner bell will give the same note with a less diameter. The reason is that according to the law of vibrating plates or thickness springs, the time of vibration of similar bells varies as 2. When the bells are also completely similar solids, the thickness itself varies as the diameter, and then the time of vibration may be said simply to vary inversely as the diameter. 208 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. The weights of bells of similar figures vary as the cubes of their diameters, and may be nearly enough represented by the figures 216, 152, no, 91, 64, 46, 33, 27. The exact tune of a set of bells as they come out of the moulds is a secondary consideration to their tone or quality of sound, because the notes can be altered a little either way by cutting, but the quality of the tone will remain the same forever, except that it grows louder for the first two or three years that the bell is used, probably from the particles arranging themselves more completely in a crystalline order under the hammering, as is well known to take place. The designing of bells is regulated by certain fixed rules, derived from experience, and which are handed down from one generation of bell founders to another; some makers have their own peculiar mixtures of metal and design of bell, to which they attach par¬ ticular importance and secrecy, but it is doubtful whether any real advantage has been attained, either in tone or durability, by any of the secret processes as compared with bells carefully designed and cast with proper precautions, and a thoroughly good metal, on the ordinary plan. Small bells are generally moulded in sand from a metal or wooden pattern, and the sand-mould is dried in a stove. Large bells are moulded in loam. The core is built in brick on an iron platform, which must have nugs in case the mould is made above ground. This brick core is covered with ^ inch or 1 inch thick of hair-loam, and the last surface washing is given by finely ground composition of clay and brickdust. This latter is mixed with an extract of horse-dung, to which is added a little sal-ammoniac. Upon the core the “thickness” is laid in loam- sand, but the thickness is again washed with fine clay to give it a smooth surface. Ornaments which have been previously moulded, either in wax, wood or metal, are now attached by means of wax, glue or any other kind of cement. If the ornaments are of such a nature as to prevent the lifting of the cope without them, for the cope cannot be divided, the ornaments are fastened to the thick¬ ness by tallow, or a mixture of tallow and wax. A little heat given to the mould will melt the tallow, after which the ornaments ad- CASTING AND FOUNDING. 209 here to the cope, from which they may be removed when the cope is lifted off the core. The thickness must be well polished ; and, as coal cannot be used for parting, the whole is slightly dusted over with wood ashes. The parting between the core and the thickness is also made with ashes. The cope is laid on at first by means of a paint brush, the paint consisting of clay and ground bricks, made thin by horse-water. This coating is to be thin and fine ; upon it hair-loam and finally straw loam is laid. The crown of the bell is moulded over a wood pattern, after the spindle is removed. The iron or steel staple for the hammer is set in the core, into the hollow left by the spindle. It projects into the thickness, so as to be cast into the metal. The facing of the mould ought to be finished when the cope is lifted off. Small de¬ fects may occur, and are, if not too large, left as they are; the ex¬ cess of metal in those places being chiselled off after the bell is cast. All that can be done in polishing the facing of the mould is to give it a uniform dusting of ashes. When the mould is perfectly dry, it is put together for casting. The core may be filled with sand, if preferred, but there is no harm done if it is left open, for bell-metal does not generate much gas, and there is no danger of an explosion. The cope is in some measure secured by iron, but its chief security is in the strong well-rammed sand of the pit. The cast-gate is on the top of the bell, either on the crown, or if the latter is ornamented, on one side of it. Flow-gates are of no use here ; the metal must be clean before it enters the mould; there is no danger of sullage. Casting Aluminium Bronze .—Aluminium bronze is not an easy metal to cast perfectly until the moulder is familiar with its peculi¬ arities, The great enemies of steel castings, dissolved oxides and gases, forming blow-holes, are here absent. The aluminium re¬ moves these impurities from the original copper and by its presence afterwards keeps the bronze free from them. The obstacles which afford most trouble in casting aluminium bronze are the shrinkage in setting and contraction in cooling. These two factors are extraordinarily large, and must be met by provisions made in moulding. H 210 THE METAL WORKER'S HAN l)T HOOK. A plumbago crucible is best for melting the bronze, the melt being kept covered with powdered charcoal. It is recommended to coat the stirrers and skimmers used with a wash made of plum¬ bago and a little fire-clay, as the contact of the bronze with bare iron tools cannot but injure its quality. The crucible should not be kept in the fire any longer than is absolutely required to bring the bronze to proper heat for casting. As the metal solidifies rapidly, it is necessary to pour it quickly and to make the gates amply large so that there shall be no “ freezing ” in the “ gates ” before the cast¬ ing is perfectly fed. To obviate the shrinkage as much as possible, the metal is allowed to enter the mould at a temperature not higher than will admit of it running freely. When there is a heavy mass of metal in the shape of an envelope surrounding a core, the con¬ traction upon solidification will cause the metal to split unless the core is made to yield equally with the contraction. Baked sand- moulds are preferable to green sand, except for small castings. One of the chief difficulties met with in the casting of alumin¬ ium bronze is to avoid oxidation in transferring the metal from the crucible or ladle to the mould. If any of the film of oxide which floats on the surface should get into the casting during the pouring, it will appear there like so much dirt, and is apt to cause trouble. The ordinary “skim-gate” will prevent this in the case of small castings, but with large masses the metal is first poured into a receiver, which is connected with and is part of the pouring “gate,” but is prevented from entering the mould by means of a plug, which closes up the mouth of the “gate.” To illustrate this more clearly, imagine the pouring “gate” shaped like a funnel, into which the metal is first poured. It is prevented from running into the mould by the plug already mentioned. As soon as the dirt has risen to the top the plug is withdrawn, and consequently nothing but the clear metal at the bottom enters the mould. For castings over 50 pounds the metal is poured from a large ladle through a hole in the bottom. Ample facilities should be made for the escape of gases. The following remarks on this subject are extracted from a paper CASTING AND FOUNDING. 211 on “Casting Aluminium-bronze and Other Strong Metals,” by Thomas D. West: The difficulties which beset the casting of aluminium-bronze are in some respects similar to those which were encountered in perfecting methods for casting steel. There is much small work which can be successfully cast by methods used in the ordinary moulding of cast-iron, but in peculiarly proportioned and in large bronze castings other means, and extra display of skill and judg¬ ment, will be generally required. In strong metals there appears to be a “ red shortness ” or degree of temperature after it becomes solidified, at which it may be torn apart if it meets a very little resistance to its contraction, and the separation may be such as cannot be detected by the eye, but will be made known only when pressure is put upon the casting. To overcome this evil and to make allowances for sufficient freedom in contraction much judg¬ ment will often be required, and different modes must be adopted to suit varying conditions. One factor often met with is that of the incompressibility of cores or parts forming the interior portions of castings, while another is the resistance which flanges, etc., upon an exterior surface oppose to freedom of contraction of the mass. The core must generally be “ rotten,” and of a yielding character. This is obtained by using rosin in coarse sand, and filling the core as full of cinders and large vent-holes as possible, and by not using any core rods of iron. The rosin would cause the core when heated to become soft, and would make it very nearly as compressible as a “green-sand” core when the pressure of the contraction of the metal would come upon it. By means of dried rosin or green-sand cores we were able to meet almost any difficulties which might arise in ordinary work from the evils of contraction, so far as cores were concerned. For large cylinders or castings which might require large round cores which could be “ swept,” a hay rope wound around a core barrel would often prove an excellent yielding backing, and allow freedom for contraction sufficient to insure no rents or invisible strains in the body of the casting. To provide means for freedom in the con¬ traction of exterior portions of castings which may be supposed to 212 TIIE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. offer resistance sufficient to cause an injury, different methods will have to be employed in almost every new form of such patterns. It may be that conditions will permit the mould to be of a sufficiently yielding character, and again it may be necessary to dig away portions of the mould or loosen bolts, etc., as soon as the liquid metal is thought to have solidified. In any metal there may be invisible rents or strains left in a casting through tension, when cooling, sufficient to make it fragile or crack of its own accord, and it is an element which from its very deceptive nature should com¬ mand the closest attention of all interested in the manufacture of castings. Like contraction, the element of shrinkage is often found seriously to impede the attaining of perfect castings from strong metals. In steel castings much labor has to be expended in providing risers sufficient to “feed solid” or prevent “draw-holes” from being formed, and in casting aluminium-bronze a similar necessity is found. The only way to insure against the evils of shrinkage in this metal was to have the “risers” larger than the body or part of the castings which they were intended to “feed.” The feeder or riser being the largest body, it will, of course, remain fluid longer than the casting, and, as in cast-iron, that part which solidifies first will draw from the nearest uppermost fluid body, and thus leave holes in the part which remains longest fluid. The above principle will be seen to be effective in obtaining the end sought. It is to be remembered that it is not practicable to “churn” this bronze, as is done with cast-iron. A long cast-iron roll, i foot in diameter, can by means of a feeder 5 inches in diameter, and a ^-inch wrought- iron rod, be made perfectly sound for its full length. To cast such a solid in bronze, the feeding-head should be at least as large as the diameter of the roll, and the casting moulded about one-quarter longer than the length of roll desired. The extra length would contain the shrinkage-hole, and, when cut off, a solid casting would be left. This is a plan often practised in the making of guns, etc., in cast-iron, and is done partly to insure against the inability of many moulders to feed solid, and to save that labor. A method which has been found to work well in assisting to avoid shrinkage CASTING AND FOUNDING. 213 in ordinary castings in aluminium-bronze was to “gate” a mould so that it could be filled or poured as quickly as possible, and to have the metal as dull as it would flow to warrant a full-run casting. By this plan very disproportionate castings have been made without feeders on the heavier parts, and upon which draw- or shrinkage- holes would surely have appeared had the metal been poured hot. The metal works well in our ordinary moulding sands, and “peels” extremely well. As a general thing, disproportionate castings weighing over ioo lbs. are best made in “dry” instead of “green-sand ” moulds, as such will permit of cleaner work and a duller pouring of the metal, for in this method there is not that dampness which is given off from a green-sand mould, and which is so liable to cause “ cold shots.” When the position of the casting work will permit, many forms which are proportionate in thickness can be well made in green sand by coating the surfaces of the moulds and gates with silver, lead, or plumbago. From “blow-holes,” which are another characteristic element likely to exist in strong metals, it can be said that aluminium-bronze is free. Should any exist it is the fault of the moulder or his mould, as the metal itself runs in iron moulds as sound and close as gold. Sand moulds to procure good work must be well vented, and, if of “dry sand,” thoroughly open sand mixture should be used and well dried. The sand for “ green-sand ” work is best fine, similar to what will work well for brass castings. For “ dry-sand work ” the mixture should be as open as possible, and, for blacking the mould, use the same mixtures as are found to work well with cast-iron. To Cast Lead-pipe Free frotn Flaws. —G. Dolleschal, of Aix-la- Chapelle, uses the following contrivance: A round vessel for the reception of the melted lead terminates in the centre below in a short open tube with an interior diameter equal to the exterior of the lead-pipe to be cast. Through this tube and through the entire vessel, exactly in the centre, runs a long core-tube the exterior width of which is equal to the interior of the lead pipe. By a driving gear the vessel can be moved in an exactly straight line from below to above. It is first brought upon the bottom plate of the entire arrangement so that the short tube is closed below. The melted 214 THE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. lead is then poured in and the vessel moved slowly upwards so that the lead has time to congeal in the annular space between the short tube and the core-tube, whilst it remains fluid in the vessel. The lead-pipe thus gradually grows from below to above until the lead in the vessel is exhausted or the upper end of the core-tube is on a level with the upper portion of the vessel. Dense and Flexible Copper Castings are obtained by adding cryolite and sugar of lead to the copper after it is melted. The proportions are as follows: Pulverized cryolite, 2 lbs. ; and sugar of lead, 8*4 ozs. to 200 lbs. of copper; a further addition of 2 lbs. of borax being also advisable. The quantities of the additions may be varied according to circumstances. The mixture of cryo¬ lite and sugar of lead, with or without borax, is added after the copper is melted. When the compound is entirely melted, which will be the case in 10 to 15 minutes, the melted copper is poured into the mould. Wronghl-iron (or Mitis) Castings .—When wrought-iron is heated to a high temperature it does not pass quickly into the fluid state, but for a large increase of temperature above the point at which it first softens it will remain thick or mushy. At a very high temper¬ ature it can be made sufficiently fluid to pour into moulds, but the castings thus made are notably unsound and weak. It was dis¬ covered by Mr. Wittenstroem, of Stockholm, working with the co¬ operation of Mr. L. Nobel, of St. Petersburg, that if a small amount of aluminium is added to a charge of wrought-iron which has been heated until pasty, the iron immediately liquefies and can be poured into castings having all the properties of wrought-iron except fibre, and as sound as if of cast-iron. These castings were called “Mitis” castings because of their softness in contrast with cast-iron castings. The details of the production of Mitis castings are as follows: As the raw material to operate on, wrought-iron, scrap or mild steel are equally suitable. It was found that some of the best re¬ sults are to be obtained by using Swedish scrap iron or English hematite iron, that is, materials containing less than o. 1 per cent, of phosphorus, which is a very injurious ingredient if present in CASTING AND FOUNDING. 215 much larger quantity. Using a mixture with poorer quality of iron, with phosphorus running up to 0.15 per cent., good results may still be obtained—that is, the castings still compare favorably with ordinary malleable castings. In using scrap steel, which is necessarily low in phosphorus, it was found that manganese inter¬ fered with the production of good castings, a result rather unex¬ pected. Since almost every melter devises various mixtures of his own, as circumstances permit, it is but natural that the best features of the Mitis process are found united with some other old-estab¬ lished practices. Thus in one Mitis plant in the United States the mixture for melting was composed of: Mitis scrap, 35 per cent.; hematite muck bar, 35; wrought-iron punchings, 12^; soft steel scrap (o. 1 per cent, carbon), 12^; white pig-iron, 3; ferro-silicon (10 per cent, silicon), 1; ferro-aluminium (6 per cent, alumi¬ nium), Yz. It seems that in this charge the melter used a little white iron as a flux, which would probably introduce 0.1 per cent, of carbon; then the virtues of ferro-silicon for making sounder castings are utilized by adding 0.1 per cent, of silicon to the charge; lastly, 0.04 per cent, of aluminium was introduced. In general it may be said that if iron free from impurities is used, very good castings are obtained; if iron is used with a large percentage of phosphorus, proportionally brittle and unsatisfactory castings result. The ferro-aluminium used should be, for similar reasons, free from any considerable amount of such impurities as generally injure wrought-iron. Since the castings are almost identical in composition with the charge of iron melted, the following analyses of Mitis metal, made by Mr. Edward Riley, will show the range of material or mixture to which the process has been successfully applied : Raw material. Carbon. Silicon. Phosphorus. Manganese. Hematite bar. 0.067 0.161 0.068 0.022 Swedish scrap. 0.053 0.044 0.077 0.027 Refined iron. 0,130 0.124 0.137 O.OI4 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. 21 fi Table Continued. Raw material. Carbon. Silicon. Phosphorus. Manganese. ]/ 2 Staffordshire iron' ]/ 2 Swedish scrap 0.130 0-035 0.150 0.026 Staftordshire iron y Hematite bar 0.070 0.093 0.194 0.014 Slaflordshire iron.... 0.106 0.080 0.250 O.014 The above figures are percentages; sulphur was present in all as a trace. The first in the table, those low in phosphorus, gave the best castings, the last the poorest; with over % per cent, of phos¬ phorus the castings were brittle. The charge of wrought-iron is placed in covered crucibles and brought to a temperature of about 2200° C., at which heat it just loses the solid and assumes the pasty condition. If it were desired to cast the iron without adding aluminium it would be necessary to superheat it several hundred degrees above this point, not only to give it the desired fluidity but also to permit it being carried about the casting shop. It is during this superheating that a large part of the gases contained in the molten iron are absorbed. If, therefore, the charge is treated with aluminium immediately on reaching the melting point, the effect is such that this super¬ heating with its accompanying deterioration of the iron is rendered unnecessary. This is possible for the reason that on adding ferro- aluminium sufficient to introduce 0.05 to 0.1 per cent, of alu¬ minium the charge immediately liquefies, and is so far from its setting point that it can be removed from the furnace and poured into numerous moulds, retaining all the time its exceptional fluidity. The metal acts just as if it had been superheated several hundred degrees, but this has been accomplished without leaving it in the furnace for half an hour or so, thus attaining an economy in fuel which is not to be ignored. When the crucible is taken from the furnace the charge is perfectly dead melted, lies quiet in the crucible, evolves no gas, and teems like molten silver. It is cast in either CASTING AND FOUNDING. 217 sand or iron moulds, and on account of its fluidity does not require large heads to bring the castings up sharp and show the finest impres¬ sions of the mould. The material being primarily wrought-iron, the castings do not have to be annealed before using. The thinnest or most complicated castings, which it would be almost impossible to forge in wrought-iron, can be produced, thus furnishing dif¬ ficult forged pieces at not much greater expense than ordinary cast¬ ings. Mitis castings are, in short, objects cast of molten iron yet having all the desirable properties of wrought-iron. Casting Stereoplates by the Paper Process .—Lay a sheet of tissue paper upon a perfectly flat surface, and paste a piece of soft printing paper on to the tissue paper, pressing them very flat and even. Oil the form of type, lay the paper on it, and cover with a damp rag; beat the paper evenly into the type with a stiff brush, then paste on it a piece of blotting paper and repeat the beating-in process, after which several other layers of soft, tenacious paper must be pasted on and beaten in in the same manner; back up the paper with a piece of cartridge paper. The whole must then be dried at a moderate heat under a slight pressure. When quite dry, brush over the face of the paper mould with plumbago or French chalk. When this is done it is ready for the matrix. This is a box of the size required for the work, the interior of which is type-high. This is called the gauge, and lifts out to insert the paper mould, and is regulated by hand to the size of the plate required. This being placed inside, the lid is shut down and screwed tight, with the end or mouthpiece left open. The metal is poured in at the orifice, and as it is mounted to swing, the box is moved about so as to throw the metal well down and make a solid cast. Then water is dashed on the box, the screw-bar unshackled, the lid lifted, the plate taken off, and the paper mould is ready for use for another casting. Another Stereotype Process .—The stereotyper first dries the form of types upon an iron steam-table. The form is then partially unlocked, and a hand-brush is rubbed over the surface of the types, cleansing them preparatory to placing over the entire form a sheet or sheets of thin bank-note paper of the finest quality, previously wetted to insure the required pliability. This paper being laid 218 TIIE METAL WORKER’S IT ANDY-BOOK. evenly over the types, the workman takes a long-handled brush, made of short, stiff bristles, with which he beats the wet paper evenly, forcing it into all depressions of the types, taking care not to break the paper. The work being finished, a dampened sheet of thicker, more ordinary paper is placed over the first. This is also brush-hammered down upon the types, and followed by another sheet of paper thinly coated with a preparation of whiting and starch. Again the brush is used to beat this home, after which a brown-paper backing is put on, and then the form of types, covered by the before-mentioned sheets of paper, is trundled to another steam-table, where it is slid under a powerful screw-press, several blankets folded over it, and all firmly held down until the paper matrix is dry-hardened, or “cooked,” as the workmen express it. The papering process occupies three or four minutes, the cooking about twice as long. The matrix is now peeled off from the form, and prepared for casting by sifting it over with finely powdered bo¬ rax, which, with a soft brush, is thoroughly rubbed into the sunken surface left by the types. The surplus borax having been removed, the matrix, which now resembles hard but pliable pasteboard, is ready for the casting box, which is made of iron, either straight or curved, to suit the press-bed. Handle-irons hold the matrix in its proper place, at the exact distance, about half an inch, necessary for the thickness of the stereotype plate, which is made by pouring a quantity of hot type-metal into an open end of the casting box. This metal, dropping between one surface of the casting box and the sunken surface of the matrix, fills up the latter without burning it. A few moments are allowed for cooling, and then the matrix is stripped from the warm plate, which is subsequently prepared for the press by trimming down all thick lines, or chiselling away any superfluous metal, paring off the edges, filing, and otherwise treating the stereotype after the usual manner. Circular saws driven by steam and hand-cutting machinery of various kinds are used in finishing, the whole operation of stereotyping occupying from 15 to 20 minutes. A second plate may be obtained from the original matrix in about 2 minutes, and almost any number of castings can be taken by careful workmen. CASTING AND FOUNDING. 219 Manufacture of Chilled Wheels .—The following is a brief descrip¬ tion of the largest establishment for the manufacture of chilled wheels in the United States, and the manner in which the work is advanced from stage to stage: The foundry, which is of course the most important portion of the whole works, is a fine building, with two lines of rails running down its whole length, except opposite ' the furnaces. The rails are laid to a gauge of about io feet, and upon them are placed 12 light travelling cranes, with a platform attached to the centre-post, and upon which the man working the crane stands and controls its movements, both in hauling the moulds and ladles, and in moving the crane from place to place upon the line, the crane being geared for travelling. The floor of the foundry is so laid out that there is room on either side of both pairs of rails for a row of moulds, and in the centre of the building is a path about 4 feet wide. Against one side of the building, and in the centre of its length, are five cupolas, three of 4 feet 6 inches internal diameter, and two smaller ones of 18 inches in diameter. The former are employed in melting the iron for the wheels, the latter chiefly for experimental purposes. The three cupolas are tapped into converging channels, all running into one large tipping reser¬ voir, from which the small ladles are supplied. The blast to the cupolas is furnished by a vertical blowing engine, with two blowing cylinders, one at the top of the machine and one at the bottom, with the steam-cylinder between the two. The mixing of the irons for the cupola is the most important and difficult operation in the whole course of manufacture. Besides the steel-scrap nothing but charcoal pig-iron is employed, and of this from twelve to twenty different kinds, all of the highest class, are used in varying proportions. But these mixtures have to be altered frequently, owing to irregularities in the nature of the metal, and daily tests are made, with a view of ascertaining what changes, if any, have to be introduced into the next day’s work. The propor¬ tions of the mixture being decided upon, the cupolas are charged, a ton of coal being first put into the bed of each furnace. The charge is then carefully loaded upon trucks upon a weighing platform. Piles of the various pigs are placed in their proper order around the 220 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. truck, and there is a drum upon the weighing machine, on which a sheet of paper is placed, and the weight of each different pig, in proper order, is written upon it. For instance, the workman commences with 250 lbs. of coal in his truck; he then places 125 lbs. of old steel rails, 125 lbs. of cinder pig, 350 lbs. of old wheels, and so on through the long list of charcoal pig-iron employed, the old material being placed at the bottom of the furnace. The weighing platform is so arranged as to record the accumulating weights as the drum revolves, bringing before the workman the name and quantity of each successive ingredient, which he takes from its respective heap before him. As soon as it is loaded, the truck is raised to the top of the cupola by an hydraulic lift. The moulds, when ready, are placed down the building in four rows, one on each side of the two lines of rail upon which the cranes run. The patterns used are almost all in iron, and the chills in the moulds are of cast-iron. One workman can, on an average, mould ten wheels a day, but all failures in the casting, arising from any carelessness in moulding, are charged to him on a rapidly increasing scale. Before the metal in the cupola is ready to run, a charcoal fire is lighted in the receiver before spoken off, in order to warm it, and also that when filled the metal may be covered with charcoal and oxidation checked. In a similar manner the ladles, of which there are a very large number employed, have burning charcoal placed in them, and they are internally coated in the usual way. These ladles are cylindrical pots made of sheet-iron and mounted each on a pair of wheels for facility of transport. On the sides of each ladle are two sockets, into one of which is placed the end of a handle with forked ends. The ladle being run up to the receiver, the latter is tipped over by the gearing attached to it, and the ladle is charged ; it is then brought along the floor to the crane, which takes hold of it ; the two square-ended handles before mentioned are inserted in the holes in the axles, the ladle is raised, and the iron poured into the mould. The chilled portion of the wheel sets almost as soon as it comes into contact with the chills, and in a very short time after the casting has been made, the flasks are CASTING AND FOUNDING. 221 removed, the sand knocked away, and the red-hot wheel is placed on a truck to be taken to the annealing pits. This process is one of the most important of the series. If the wheel be allowed to cool in the open air severe internal strains are created which will sometimes be sufficient to destroy the casting, and open air cooling was the chief cause of failure in the early periods of this class of wheel-making. The annealing ovens are placed at one end of the foundry, and below the floors, the top of the ovens being at that level. Besides these ovens of very large diameters for extra-sized wheels, chilled tyres, etc., there are 48 pits ranged in 6 rows of 8 each. These rows are divided into pairs, each pair of 16 pits being devoted to the reception of one day’s production, the period required for annealing being 3 days. By this arrangement, when the last two rows of ovens are charged, the first two rows can be emptied and refilled, so that the work proceeds without interruption and in regular rotation. Two hydraulic cranes, with the booms revolving upon a fixed post, are placed upon the floor and command the whole area occupied by the ovens. The boom of each crane is made double, and upon it runs to and fro a small carriage, from which hangs the chain, carrying at the lower end the hooks by which the wheels are handled. This attachment consists of three arms with flattened ends turned over so as to grip the wheel. The upper ends of these arms are hinged together, and as they tend always to fall inward, they hold the wheel tightly, but by moving a single attachment the arms are thrown outward when it is desired to release the wheel. The motion of the cranes is controlled by one man, fixed stops being provided on the guiding apparatus, so that when the crane is adjusted for filling one oven it remains in that position till it is thrown over to the next. The ovens or annealing pits are cylinders of sheet-iron inch thick, about 66 inches in diameter, and of sufficient depth to con¬ tain easily 18 wheels w r ith cast-iron distance-pieces between them. They are lined with brickwork, and being of considerable depth, they descend into a lower floor. The lower parts are enclosed in a large rectangular chamber, one for each set of ovens. Within 222 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. this chamber, and for a short distance above it, fire-brick is used instead of ordinary brickwork as in the upper portions, and within the cylinder a circular foundation of brickwork is set, upon which are placed the wheels on being lowered by the crane. The whole of this weight then is transferred direct to the foundation of the building. At the end of each of the three rectangular chambers already mentioned is a furnace, and each chamber is divided down the whole of its length by a perforated flue; through these perfora¬ tions the heat from the furnace passes and enters the lower ends of the ovens. These furnaces are required to prevent the too sudden cooling of the castings, but only % ton of coal is burned for each full day’s production. Flues leading to the chimney carry off the heated gases from the upper parts of the ovens, and so the process of cooling is thus very gradually carried on, until at the end of three days the wheels are ready for removal. The three large an¬ nealing pits mentioned above are somewhat differently arranged. To save room they are not carried down so low as the other ovens, but terminate at a height of about 7 feet above the floor, each being supported upon a central column. When they are used a fire is lighted in the bottom of each pit, the wheels are put in and covered over, and the oven is allowed gradually to cool. On being removed from the pit the wheels are taken into the cleaning and testing room. Here the sand is removed, and the wheels tested by hammering under a sledge as well as by a small hammer, while the thread is cut at intervals by a chisel. The heavy blows to which the wheel is subjected never fail in detecting faults when such exist, and when they are discovered the wheel is removed to be broken up. About 10 per cent, of the whole pro¬ duction is rejected, but occasionally this proportion is very much higher. In order to keep the quality of the wheels up to the desired stand¬ ard, a large number of test pieces are cast every day and submitted to examination. By this means an accurate knowledge of the nature of the wheels, the character of the chill and other points is obtained; the data are carefully recorded, and if the tests are satisfactory the wheels corresponding to the test piece are delivered CASTING AND FOUNDING. 223 into stock. If not they are returned to be broken up. The sound wheels are finally taken to the machine-shop where they are bored, and, if desired, fitted with their axles. The tools, therefore, in this shop are few in number, consisting of three boring machines, a press for forcing the wheels on or for drawing them off the axles, and a number of lathes. The average life of a chilled cast-iron wheel of first quality is asserted to be 50,000 miles for passenger and 100,000 miles for freight traffic. Casting of Zinc .—Great difficulties were at first met with in the application of zinc to casting. Since these have been conquered quite a branch of industry has been developed, which furnishes many articles for household and other uses. The extreme brittle¬ ness of zinc is no longer a hindrance, since it has been ascertained that it can be overcome by heating the metal to a certain degree (302° to 317 0 F.). Zinc fills the moulds very sharply, and is, therefore, especially adapted to ornamental and art castings. For larger castings in one piece it is not suitable, as it readily tears on account of strong shrinkage, but the patterns may be divided and the castings united by soldering. From such castings colossal stat¬ ues can be made, which when coppered by the galvanic process resemble the best bronze castings. For household use zinc is worked into ink-stands, lamps, candlesticks, signs, etc. The zinc is generally melted in cast-iron kettles and poured out with ladles. Green sand serves as moulding material, though loam may also be used. The sand must be genuine moulding sand, fine and not too loamy; the moulds are not heated. The temperature of melting should not be too high, as otherwise the metal readily oxidizes. Oxidizing may be prevented by covering the metal, while in crucible or ladle, with a layer of common salt or a little hydrochloric acid, which amounts to the same, a coat of zinc oxide being instantly formed on the surface of the melted metal, which effectually prevents further oxidation from the action of the oxygen in the atmosphere. It is an improvement to keep a layer of charcoal on top of the zinc, or a soft metal which can be melted in a ladle ] the casting of oxide forms a protection against 224 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. oxidation to a certain degree only, while the layer of charcoal tends to reduce the oxide again to its metallic form. Indeed, it is possible to recover lead, tin, zinc and antimony from the “dross” or oxide which gathers in the ladle, it being only necessary to melt the oxide with charcoal, salt and soda, to get it again into useful shape. The dross should be powdered, likewise the salt, charcoal and soda. Mix them together and melt. The soda and salt melt into a pasty mass, and the carbon unites with the oxygen of the dross, leaving the metal free, all but burning off the charcoal. The salt and soda act simply as a flux in reducing the oxides. For hollow castings the cores are made of sand, but to prevent the danger of tearing on account of the considerable shrinkage of the metal, the scaffolding around which the core mass is moulded must be so arranged that it can be readily withdrawn. Metallic moulds, if used, must be previously heated. For moulding the ordinary flasks used in brass and iron foundries are employed. To obtain from patterns of larger pieces, castings of slight thickness, the entire pattern is first moulded in the lower part of the box ; the top part of the box is then placed in position, the depressed mould is scattered over with coal-dust and the sand in the upper part of the box carefully pressed into the depression of the mould. The upper part of the box is then again removed and sufficient of the moulded sand mass for the intended thickness of the metal scraped off. Apparatus for Casting Metal, patented by H. A. Brustlein, of Firming, France. The casting ladle g (Fig. 6) sits upon a crane and can be moved in a circle as well as up and down ; moreover, it can be horizontally shifted to and fro. On the discharge aperture in the bottom is a pipe a, which terminates below in an enlarged mouth-piece b of burnt clay. This serves the purpose of changing the course of the metal flowing out, and is so arranged that the metal cannot fall vertically upon the bottom of the mould, but must flow over the slightly rising bottom in the mouth-piece b. The bottom of the casting mould h consists of a comparatively thin metal plate c, which rests upon the frame d, supported by the plate f. The latter in the centre passes into a water-pipe which CASTING AND FOUNDING. 225 feeds the rose e, whereby the bottom c is cooled. To the plate /is secured a bevel wheel i, by means of which the entire mould is revolved, whilst the rose e remains stationary. Preparation of Chills for Casting Metal. —To obtain a dense casting in chills, the mould previously made hand-warm is smeared over with old lard and then dusted with soap-stone powder. By this means an expanding layer is formed during casting between the chill and the casting, whereby the gases still present in the interior of the metallic mass are forced to escape through the fluid ingot. Fig. 6. Painting and Varnishing Patterns. —As a precaution against defects in the wood, and also as a preservative for the patterns, they are usually coated with varnish or oil paint. Thus their capillary attraction is lessened and their surfaces made smooth and glossy. There is nothing better for these purposes than a moderately hard-drying oil paint, black-leaded over when dry. One mode of coating patterns is to paint them with a thin coat of oil paint, con¬ sisting of red-lead and acetate or sugar of lead. Allow this to dry in a warm room, then carefully rub over with sand-paper and finish 15 226 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. with powdered chalk, or a thin coat of less rapidly setting oil paint may be applied, and the surface finished with pumice-stone and very fine glass-paper. Rub well with a soft cloth, then put on a coat of black-lead mixed with beer, applied with a hard brush. When only one or two castings are required from a pattern, especially if it should be of an ornamental and delicate character, tliis coating of black-lead and beer may be applied directly to the naked wood of the pattern. This plan answers very well where the wooden pattern is to be employed simply for the production of a metallic pattern. But it is certainly desirable that patterns which have to be used several times should be painted in oil, more especially when they contain joints made in glue. For large, coarse work, a thin coat of common lead-color oil paint, with slight finish of black-lead put on dry, is a cheap and simple protection. For wheel patterns the following paint has been recommended as giving excellent results in the moulds and a smooth surface on the castings: A first coat is applied of a paint made of thin drying oil, spirits of turpentine, and pure white-lead mixed with a little crystallized acetate of copper. When dry this is smoothed off with pumice stone, then a second very thin coat of the same paint is applied, with the addition of a little copal varnish. The patterns are then slowly dried, special attention being given that no warping occurs. The paint dries very hard, but after a while, when exposed to wear and handling, it becomes scratched, when it ceases to give such good results as those first obtained. This defect is partially reme¬ died by rubbing the surfaces over with powdered French chalk. Some patterns, made of rather hard wood, such as dry mahogany, will deliver very well if coated with copal varnish. Weak shellac varnish is also a capital protection to patterns; it is easily made by dissolving to 2 parts by weight of shellac in 20 of methylated spirits. The ingredients take some 20 or 30 hours to mix in cold weather, but the mixing may be accelerated by the vessel being placed on a stove or other warm place. Black-leading of Patterns .—All metallic patterns are much im¬ proved in their “delivery” by being finely “black-leaded.” CASTING AND FOUNDING. 227 Prior to the application of the plumbago, the surface of brass or gun-metal patterns should be roughened by leaving them wetted with a solution of sal-ammoniac. Zinc, solder, or type metal, or other such soft alloys will take the black-lead at once, if the surface be free from grease and dirt. Varieties of Wood Most Suitable for Patterns. —The following is a list of the different varieties of wood most suitable for pattern¬ making, with their specific gravities : Cork Specific gravity. American pine . • 0.37 American fir . 0.42 Larch • 0.54 Cowrie . 0.58 Red Honduras cedar • 0.55 Elm .... • 0.55 White poplar . 0.34 to 0.53 Willow . 0.42 to 0.5 Sycamore . . 0.60 Lime tree . . 0.60 Pear tree . . 0.66 Cherry tree . 0.71 Maple • 0.75 Apple tree . 0.80 Alder . 0.80 Beech . 0.85 Honduras mahogany . 0.81 to i.06 Boxwood . . 1.03101.33 To Preserve Iron Patterns from Rusting, and to make them deliver more easily, they should be allowed to become slightly rusty ; next, they should be warmed sufficiently to melt beeswax, which is then rubbed all over them, and nearly removed ; when cold they are to be polished with a hard brush. To Mend Patterns .—For mending patterns needing temporary repairs, or for making additions where but one or two moulds are to be made, the following material will be found very useful: Melt together i lb. beeswax, i lb. resin, and i lb. paraffine wax. It is well to note that the beeswax intended is the wax made by the 228 TIIE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. bees, and not the wax made by the wholesale dealers. When the genuine article is used, this mixture will be found very useful for making additions to patterns, small temporary patterns, and for a variety of purposes in the pattern shop. Glue for Pattern-makers. —Pattern-makers mix with their glue some good thin-drying linseed oil, in the proportion of about i part of oil to 4 of water. The oil is added to the glue, and well stirred in whilst hot. This glue is scarcely affected by moisture, and makes a strong, sound joint, although it does not set hard and glossy like ordinary glue. Improved Method of Treating Steelfor Casting. —This method con¬ sists in passing melted steel or iron through a bath or filtering medium of a purifying and deoxidizing alloy of less specific gravity than either steel or iron, such bath or filtering medium rising and form¬ ing a stratum or film on the surface of the melted steel or iron while in the cupola from which it is subsequently tapped. The filtering medium is obtained from aluminous iron ore containing from io to 12 per cent, of titanium. It is claimed that the effect of passing the steel as it melts through this deoxidizing layer is to clear it of impurities, especially those of a gaseous character, and the resulting castings are free from honeycombs and blowholes. The steel can be reduced to the mildest temper by annealing. VIII. CEMENTS. Iron Cements or Rust Joints. —These cements contain as an essential constituent iron filings and turnings which, as well as the iron surfaces to be united with such cement,’are quickly oxidized by the addition of sal-ammoniac, salts, etc., whereby the cement increases in bulk, and, consequently, a complete filling up of the joints is effected. They serve for closing joints on iron pipes, vessels, plates, etc., for cementing iron to iron, or iron to stone. CEMENTS. 229 I. Iron Cement which Stands Red Heat. —Iron filings, 4 parts; pulverized fat clay, 2; and finely powdered pieces of Hessian crucibles, 1. The ingredients are mixed and moistened with salt water. Care must be had not to add too much salt, as otherwise the latter would fuse and run from the joints. In using this cement for joining pipes which are to lay in the fire, it is put between the flanges of the pipes, and pressed together by screws. It can be heated only when dry and hard. II. Cement for Uniting Iron Surfaces and Filling in Joi?its. —Mix 100 parts of iron filings, free from rust and not larger than rape seed, part of coarsely powdered sal-ammoniac, and y 2 part of flowers of sulphur; moisten the mixture with urine and beat it, with repeated moistening, until it becomes heated, dry, and brittle. In this state it is placed in the joints, and forced in as tightly as possible with chisel and hammer, whereby it again becomes moist and soft. Finally, the joints are filled up evenly, and allowed to dry two days, when, as an indication of good cementing, separate black drops must appear upon the hardened crust. The cement does not adhere to tarred kettles or dirty and greasy joints. To keep it, it is rammed into an iron pot and water poured over it. For use, pour off" the water, add to the mass taken out sufficient iron filings to give it the necessary consistency, and pour the water back into the pot. The stronger and quicker the cement rusts in the joints the better it acts. The proportions used vary, however, very much. For instance, a. Iron filings, 30 parts; sal-ammoniac, x; sulphur, x. With this composition the danger of progressive rusting is, however, greater on account of the larger quantity of sal- ammoniac in proportion to iron filings ; or, b . Pulverized cast-iron turnings, 50 parts; sal-ammoniac, 2; flowers of sulphur, 1; or, c. Pulverized iron filings, 100 parts, and pulverized sal-ammoniac, 2 parts. The mixtures are kept in well-closed boxes in a dry place, for use moistened with urine, and applied as mentioned under II. The cemented places must be heated only when entirely dry. III. For Blowing Engines, Blast Pipes, Hot-blast Stoves, etc .— Mix iron filings, 15 parts ; clay, 1 ; and common salt, 1, with equal parts of vinegar and water, or with urine, to a cement. 230 TTTE METAL WORKER’S ITANDY-BOOK. IV. Chenot's Iron Cement. —Iron reduced from iron ores by hydrogen-gas is kneaded with clay or gypsum. An addition of urine, ammonia, or vinegar very much accelerates the hardening of this cement. V. For Gas Retorts and for Connecting of Parts of Iron Exposed to Heat. —Mix thoroughly 26 lbs. of iron filings, iP / 2 lbs. of cement, 2 lbs. of gypsum, 7 ozs. of sal-ammoniac, and 5^ ozs. of sulphur with x pint of vinegar, and stir into the mixture some warm water. If the cement is good, small brown bubbles are formed on the sur¬ face in drying. Articles joined with this cement must be protected from continued moisture, as otherwise the cement swells and bursts the articles. VI. For Smearing Over Joints of Iron Water Reservoirs. —Mix iron filings with wine vinegar or dilute sulphuric acid (1 part acid to 30 water), and press the mass into the joints ; or, mix 2 parts of iron filings and 1 of green vitriol to a paste with wine vinegar. VII. For Cementing Joints or Cracks in Iron Stoves. —Mix coarse iron filings, clay, sand, salt, and cow-hair with fresh blood; or, clay, beech wood-ash, and some salt with water. VIII. For Air-tight Oven Doors. —Intimately mix 120 parts of iron filings, 2 of pulverized sal-ammoniac, 8 of powdered feldspar, and 1 of flowers of sulphur, and make the mixture into a paste with water. This cement must be used at once. IX. For Fastening Iron Rods, Cramps, Hooks, etc., Especially in Stone. —Make into a paste 3 parts of plaster of Paris and 1 part of iron filings with water or glue water. According to another direc¬ tion, 7 parts of plaster of Paris to 1 of iron filings are used. If, however, the articles to be cemented are to remain white, the iron filings are omitted, and only 7 parts of plaster of Paris and 3 of white of egg with a sufficient quantity of water are used. It is frequently very difficult to cement articles of iron together so that the cemented places remain tight, even in the fire, to prevent fluids from permeating. If one of the above-described cements of iron filings, sulphur, and sal-ammoniac is used for the purpose, it becomes almost always necessary to tighten the screws in a short time on account of the cement slagging together, which is some- CEMENTS. 231 times very unhandy. Under certain circumstances the cement may also be attacked by the fluid in the apparatus, which of course would cause leakage. Furthermore, the articles joined together easily warp in the great heat or expand in the fire, which causes the cement to give way or to crumble. In such cases packing with iron has proved very effectual. The process is as follows: The articles to be made tight are first made bright by pickling or filing ; a disk of bright wrought-iron of the exact shape of the parts to be joined and moistened with vinegar is placed between them and the screw or rivet tightened. Cement for Iron. —The following mixture has been successfully used for the cementing of iron railing tops, iron gratings to stoves, etc., in fact, with such effect as to resist the blows of a sledge-hammer. This mixture is composed of equal parts of sulphur and white-lead with about | part of borax, the three in¬ gredients being thoroughly incorporated together, so as to form a homogeneous mass. When this composition is to be applied, it is wet with strong sulphuric acid and a thin layer of it placed between the two pieces of iron, these being at once pressed together. In five days it will be perfectly dry, all traces of the cement having vanished, and the work having every appearance of welding. To Cement Iron to Iron. —Mix powdered cast-iron bore chips, 60 parts; sal-ammoniac, 2; flowers of sulphur, 1; and stir the mix¬ ture into a stiff paste by adding water. The cement must be used while fresh. Cement for Fastening Iron Articles in Stone. —Mix good plaster of Paris, 7 parts; iron filings, 1 ; and stir the mixture into a paste with water. This cement dries very quickly. Cement for Repairing Defective Places in Castings. —One part of black pitch and 1 of rosin are melted in a crucible, and a sufficient quantity of fine iron filings added to form a stiff mass, which is allowed to become cool. The defective place is heated, a piece of the cement laid upon it and pressed down with a hot iron. Cement for Iron Stoves. —Mix with sufficient water to form a stiff paste, wood ashes, 10 parts ; clay, 10 ; burnt lime, 4. Cement for Mending Iron Pots and Pans. —Take 2 parts by 232 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. weight of sulphur and i of fine black-lead. Put the sulphur in an old iron pan, holding it over the fire until it begins to melt, then add the black-lead ; stir well until all is mixed and melted; then pour out on an iron plate or smooth stone. When cool break into small pieces. A sufficient quantity of this compound being placed upon the crack of the iron pot to be mended, can be soldered by a hot iron in the same way a tinsmith solders his sheets. If there is a small hole in the pot drive a copper rivet in it and then solder over it with this cement. Cement for Making Joints. —I. Mix ground lead with as much finely powdered red-lead as will make it the consistency of soft putty. II. Mix equal parts of white-lead and red-lead, and add as much boiled linseed oil as is required to give it the proper consistency; or, make boiled linseed oil and red-lead mixed into a putty. These cements are used for making metallic joints sound. The following cements are cheaper: Grouvelle's Oil Cement. —Mix thoroughly red-lead, i part; white-lead, 2 l / 2 ; perfectly dry clay, 2 (all finely pulverized), with boiled linseed oil. Stephenson's Oil Cement. —Litharge, 2 parts; lime fallen to a powder, 1 ; and fine sand, 1, are mixed to a stiff paste with hot linseed oil. The cement is used while fresh and warm. Serb at's Mastic. —Finely pulverized sulphate of lead is pounded together with 1 part of old linseed oil in a suitable apparatus. Repeat the operation twice, adding each time 1 part of finely pulverized pyrolusite. It is then preserved in a stone vessel closed with wet bladder. Another direction for preparing this mastic is as follows : Triturate 5 parts of zinc oxide and 5 of sulphate of lead with about 4 of linseed oil, then add gradually 10 parts of finely ground pyrolusite and a like quantity of colcothar, and pound the whole in a cast-iron mortar with an iron pestle, adding gradu¬ ally 100 parts more of pyrolusite and a like quantity of colcothar. The cement is good when sufficiently thick, and at the same time so flexible that it can be rolled out between the fingers without CEMENTS. 233 breaking. If the cement has become hard add some more oil and work it thoroughly with the iron pestle. Marteaux and Robert's Cement. —This cement may be used for pipes, steam-engine cylinders, etc. It is prepared from pyrolusite, ioo parts; graphite, 12; white-lead, 5; red-lead, 3; and clay, 3. The ingredients are pulverized, sifted and mixed. To 7 parts of the mixture add 1 part of boiled linseed oil and make the whole into a paste, which is heated in a sheet-iron pan and then vigor¬ ously pounded so that it becomes soft, after which the alternate heating and pounding is twice repeated. Diamond Cement. —This cement is recommended for steam- apparatus, steam-boilers, etc., since, when hard, it adheres firmly to the metallic surface and does not shrink. According to Hager it consists of linseed oil varnish, 16 parts; litharge, 16; whiting, 15 ; and prepared graphite, 50. As the graphite very much im¬ pedes the drying in of the linseed oil at an ordinary temperature, the mass can be preserved for a long time in a plastic state. Glycerin Cement for Iron. —According to Bant’noff a very durable fire-proof and water-proof cement for cementing together and tightening even very large iron articles, for instance, cracked boilers, is obtained by working equal parts of red-lead and litharge to the consistency of glazier’s putty with concentrated glycerin. Fire-proof and Water-proof Cement. —To 4 or 5 parts .of clay thoroughly dried and pulverized add 2 parts of iron filings free from oxide, 1 of peroxide of manganese, y 2 of sea salt and y 2 of borax. Mix these ingredients thoroughly and render them as fine as possible, then reduce them to a thick paste with the necessary quantity of water, mixing intimately. It must be used imme¬ diately. After application it should be exposed to heat, gradually increasing almost to a white heat. This cement is very hard, and presents complete resistance alike to a red heat and boiling water. Another method is as follows : To equal parts of sifted peroxide of manganese and pulverized zinc-white add a sufficient quantity of commercial soluble glass to form a thin paste. This mixture, when used immediately, forms a cement quite equal in hardness and re¬ sistance to that obtained by the first method. 234 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-ROOK. Cement for Electrical or Chemical Apparatus. —A good cement for this purpose may be prepared by mixing 5 lbs. of resin, 1 lb. of wax, 1 lb. of red ochre and 2 ozs. of plaster of Paris, and melting the whole at a moderate heat. Acid-proof Cement. —Make a concentrated solution of silicate of soda, and form a paste with powdered glass. This simple mixture will sometimes be found invaluable in operations of the laboratory where a luting is required to resist the action of acid fumes. To Cement Thin Metal-sheets. —Dissolve isinglass cut into small pieces in little water at a moderate heat and add a small quantity of nitric acid, the proper proportion being determined by experi¬ ment. With too much nitric acid the cement requires weeks for drying and with too little it does not adhere well. To Unite Glass and Brass. —Melt 5 parts of resin and 1 of wax . and stir into the melted mass 1 part of burned ochre and y part of plaster of Paris ; or, melt together 4 parts of pine resin and 1 of wax and stir into the melted mass 1 part of elutriated brickdust or chalk. Apply warm to the heated surfaces. To Fasten Metallic Mountings upon Glass, Porcelain, etc. —Dis¬ solve 2 parts of glue of a good quality in water, heat the solution over a coal-fire and add 1 part of good linseed oil varnish and y 2 of Venetian turpentine. The cemented articles must remain tied together for 40 to 60 hours. Cement for Fastening the Metal Parts upon Glass Lamps. —Resin, 12 parts; strong lye, 16; water, 20; plaster of Paris, 20. The resin is boiled with the lye until it is entirely dissolved and, when cold, forms a tenacious solid mass. This is sufficiently diluted by adding the water and the plaster of Paris is then carefully worked in. This cement is insoluble in petroleum. To Cement Metal Plates on to Wooden Boxes. —Melt together 6 parts of resin and y of linseed oil and stir into the melted mass 1 part of burnt ochre and y 2 part of plaster of Paris. To Cement Iron to Wood or Stone. —Melt together 4 parts of black pitch and 1 of wax and stir 1 part of brickdust into the melted mass. To Fasten Metals on Wood. —Prepare a thick solution of glue CEMENTS. 235 and stir into it finely ground chalk until the mass has acquired the required consistency. For fastening metals, especially copper, to sandstone the following composition may be used : Work together 7 parts of white-lead, 6 of litharge, 6 of bole, 4 of powdered glass and 4 of linseed oil varnish so as to form a plastic mass. Cement for Fastening Metal upon Glass. —To secure metal to 1 glass in a safe and quick manner the use of the following cement is recommended: Intimately mix 100 parts by weight of pulverized white litharge and 50 of dry white-lead and work it with a mixture of 3 parts of boiled linseed oil and 1 of copal lacquer to a plastic mass. The cementing itself is very simple. The lower surface of the metal is coated with the cement, pressed upon the glass and the excess of cement removed with a suitable instrument. The cement dries rapidly and becomes very hard. Cements for Fastening Metal Letters upon Glass, Marble, Wood, etc. —I. Mix copal varnish, 15 parts; boiled linseed oil, 5 ; oil of turpentine, 5 ; and glue, 5. The glue is dissolved by placing the mixture in a water bath. When solution is complete 10 parts of slaked lime are added. II. Mix 15 parts of a varnish prepared from sandarac and white resin with 5 parts of linseed oil, boiled with litharge, and 5 parts of oil of turpentine. To this add 5 parts of marine glue, and after dissolving this mixture on a water bath add 10 parts of flake white and white-lead. III. Mix 15 parts of copal varnish prepared with an addition of resin and 5 parts of oil of turpentine with 2 parts of powdered isinglass, 5 of sifted iron filings and 10 of washed clay or ochre. IV. Mix 15 parts of copal varnish prepared with gum lac, 5 of linseed oil boiled with litharge, 8 of solution of caoutchouc in tar oil, 7 of tar oil with 10 of Roman cement and plaster of Paris. To Cement Glass into Metal .—To cement the glass portions into metallic cases, as is frequently required, for instance in the manu¬ facture of physical and optical instruments, etc., the following practically tested directions are recommended : I. Melt carefully 160 parts by weight of finely pulverized colo¬ phony, 40 of white wax and 80 of colcothar; add to the melting TriE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. 2"G mass 20 parts by weight of Venetian turpentine, remove the mass from the fire and stir the finished cement until cold with a wooden spatula. Apply the cement warm. II. Use a good quality of sealing wax, which should, however, not be too brittle. Any brittleness can be immediately removed by the addition of some Venetian turpentine. In cementing glass into metallic cases the glass as well as the metallic casing must be carefully heated to the melting point of the sealing wax. III. Carefully mix shellac with a like quantity of finely powdered pumice and apply warm. IV. To fasten metallic or glass articles for optical glasses so that in polishing they remain in a fixed position use a cement consisting of a mixture of io parts of pitch and i of white wax. Cement for Fastening Brass to Glass. —For cementing brass on glass the following receipt will be found to answer very well : Take resin soap—made by boiling i part of caustic soda and 3 parts of resin in 5 of water—and knead it into half the quantity of plaster of Paris. This cement is used largely for fastening the brass tops on glass lamps. It is very strong, is not acted upon by petroleum, bears heat very well and hardens in one-half to three-quarters of an hour. By substituting zinc white, white-lead or slaked lime for plaster of Paris it hardens more slowly. Water attacks only the surface of this cement. Of course, as it sets shortly after mixing, only as much as may be needed for immediate use should be made at one time. To Fasten Leather upon Iron. —Apply a coat of lead paint, either white or red lead, to the iron. When dry cover the coat of paint with a cement prepared as follows : Soak glue of the best quality in cold water until soft; then dissolve it in vinegar at a moderate heat, add one-third of its volume of white oil of turpentine, and after thoroughly mixing apply the cement while warm with a brush and press the leather upon it. Another method is as follows : Digest 1 part of crushed nut-galls for 6 hours with 8 of distilled water and strain the mass. Soak glue in its own weight of water for 24 hours and then dissolve it. The warm infusion of galls is spread upon the leather and the glue solution on the roughened CEMENTS. 237 surface of the warm metal; the moist leather is pressed upon it and, when dry, it adheres so firmly that it cannot be removed without tearing. To Fasten Paper-lab els to Iron. —Rub the place where the label is to be fastened with an onion cut in half and then stick on the label with paste, gum or glue. The vegetable mucilage of the onion adheres firmly to the iron and combines with the paste on the paper to a mass which does not crack off and stands heating. Cement for Fastening Labels on Polished Nickel. —Dissolve 400 parts by weight of coarsely powdered dextrin in 600 of water, add 20 of glycerin and 10 of glucose and heat the mixture to 194 0 F. Another Mode of Preparation is as follows: Stir 400 parts by weight of dextrin with water, dilute the mass by a further addition of 200 parts by weight of water, add 20 of glucose and 10 of aluminium sulphate and heat the mass in a steam-bath to 194 0 F., whereby the mass, which is at first thick, becomes clear and thinly fluid. Both kinds of cement are well suited for the purpose, though the first deserves the preference. To Cement Forks and Knives in their Handles. —I. Mix 1 part of brickdust and 2 of pulverized colophony. Fill the cavity in the handle with the mixture and push in the previously heated tang of the blade. II. Melt together 4 parts of colophony and 1 part of sulphur and stir into the melted mass iron filings, fine sand or brick-dust. Use in the same manner as in I. III. To Secure Forks and Knives in Silver Handles. —Melt 2 parts of pitch and stir 1 part of brickdust into the melted mass. Fill the cavity in the handle with the mixture and push in the tang of the blade. To Cement with Copper Amalgam. —The metals to be cemented are first made bright by acid, then heated to from 176° to 194 0 F. and, after applying the amalgam, firmly pressed together. The parts adhere as firmly as if soldered. Ce 7 nents for Parts of Machines. —These consist of a mixture of caoutchouc or gutta-percha with filings of iron, steel, copper or brass, or, in the place of the latter, with powdered iron or copper 238 TIIE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. ores. The caoutchouc and gutta-percha form either essential parts of the mixture or simply serve for cementing the metallic sub¬ stances together. An addition of sal-ammoniac or another sub¬ stance, which attacks the metals in the presence of water, serves for the oxidation of the metals in the mixture, thus effecting a firmer union. The ingredients may, if desired, be compounded with sulphur combinations; they are then rolled out and brought into the required shape. The proportions vary according to the purpose for which the cement is to be used. I. For Steam-Pipes. —Caoutchouc, 2 parts; gutta-percha, 1 ; sulphur, 1; iron filings, 10. Should there be a difference in price, a portion of the caoutchouc may be replaced by gutta-percha and vice versa ; powdered ores, with omission of a corresponding por¬ tion of sulphur, may be substituted for the portion of the iron filings. II. Cement for Parts of Copper and Brass. —The same composi¬ tion as given under I. is used, the iron being replaced by copper or brass shavings. III. For Pipe-conduits not Exposed to Heat. —Caoutchouc, 4 parts ; gutta-percha, 1 ; sal-ammoniac, 1 ; sulphur, 1 ; iron fil¬ ings, 10. IV. For Packing Stuffing-boxes and Pistons of Steam-engines .— Caoutchouc, 5 parts; gutta-percha, 2 ; sulphur, 1 ; powdered graphite, 1 ; silicate of magnesia, 1 ; filings of copper, zinc, lead, tin or alloys of these metals, 10. If the ingredients have been intimately mixed and form a homo¬ geneous mass the cements are well adapted for the purposes men¬ tioned. If one of the cements is to be exposed to the direct action of the fire or a high degree of heat asbestos is to be added to the mixture. For the oxidation of the metals contained in the cements they are exposed to the action of cold or hot water for 1 to 12 hours, according to the thickness of the plates into which they have been rolled. The penetration of moisture into the mass is promoted by mixing with it some fibrous material such as cotton or asbestos. A Permanent and Durable foint can be made between rough CEMENTS. 239 cast-iron surfaces by the use of mineral asbestos mixed with suf¬ ficient white-lead to make a very stiff putty. This will resist any amount of heat, and is unaffected by steam or water. It has been employed for mending or closing cracks in cast-iron retorts used in the distillation of oil and gas from cannel coal. The heat being applied to the bottom of the retorts, and the temperature of the iron maintained at a bright red heat, after a time the bottom of the retort would give way, the larger portion of the crack being downward toward the fire. The method employed was to prepare the mixture and place it on the top of a brick, then put the brick on a bar of iron or a shovel, and press the cement upward to fill the crack in the iron, holding it for some time until it had penetrated the cavity and somewhat set. Of course, during this operation, the lid was removed from the retort, so that no pressure of gas or oil forced the cement outward until set. Schiefer's Packing Rings for Manholes and Flanges. —The joining of manholes and flanges is not difficult when there is sufficient time to allow the cement to harden. The case is, however, dif¬ ferent when such joints are to be made in a short time and the work is to be at once proceeded with. Hence the use of Schiefer’s rings may be recommended, which avoid this evil and allow of an immediate continuation of the work. The rings are made of stout pasteboard, and receive first a ground paint of ioo parts of graphite, ioo of fibrous gypsum, 2 of alum, and 20 of rye flour in 75 of water. The mass is intimately and finely ground, and applied thrice as uniformly as possible to the rings. The rings when completely dry and hard and solid are again three times coated with a paint of 50 parts of graphite, 5 of chemically pure white-lead, of borate of manganese and 20 of good linseed oil varnish, and are then ready for use. They are then again coated with the above composition, which should, however, be of greater consistency and are used in the same manner as rubber or similar rings. Colored Cement for Repairing Zinc Ornaments.- —Soda water glass solution of 33 0 Be is intimately mixed with fine whiting and an addition of zinc dust (tutty) to a thick plastic mass, which hardens 240 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. in 6 to 8 hours, becomes extraordinarily solid and acquires a gray color. By polishing, after hardening, with an agate it acquires the lustrous white color of metallic zinc, so that defective zinc orna¬ ments and zinc vessels can be durably repaired with it. The cement adheres well also to glass and wood. Evans's Metallic Cement. —This alloy is obtained by dissolving cadmium amalgam prepared from 25.99 parts of cadmium and 74.01 parts of mercury in an excess of mercury, slightly pressing the solution in a leather bag and thoroughly kneading. By knead¬ ing, especially if previously heated to about 97 0 F., the cement is rendered very plastic and, like softened wax, can be brought into any form. On cooling it acquires considerable hardness. Cement for Luting Crucible Lids. —Apply a thick paste made from lime freshly slaked to a powder and concentrated solution of borax. Let it dry slowly and then heat in the usual manner. Cements for Water-pipes. —I. Cement for Joinitig Cast-iron Water- pipes (for use on a large scale). Pulverize and mix 24 parts of Roman cement, 8 of white lead, 2 of litharge and 1 of colophony. Work the mixture into a plastic mass with old linseed oil kept boiling together with one-half its weight of colophony until the latter is dissolved. II. Mix equal parts of burned lime, Roman cement, potter’s clay and clay, all separately dried and ground fine, and knead the mixture with linseed oil. III. Melt together colophony and tallow, and stir into the melted mass enough finely sifted gypsum to give it the required consistency. Bismuth Cement for Cementing the Glass Parts on Petroleum Lamps. —This cement is composed of lead, 3 parts ; tin, 2 ; and bismuth, 2.5. Armenian or Jeweller's Cement. —Dissolve 5 or 6 pieces of gum mastic the size of a large pea in as much spirits of wine as will suffice to render it liquid; in a separate vessel dissolve as much isinglass (previously softened in water, though none of the water must be used) in rum or other spirit, as will make a 2 oz. phial of very strong glue, adding two small pieces of gum-ammoniac, which CLEANSING, GRINDING, PICKLING, POLISHING. 241 must be rubbed or ground until dissolved, then mix the whole at a sufficient heat. Keep it in a.phial closely stoppered, and when it is to be used set the phial in boiling water. This cement is effectual in uniting almost all substances, even glass to polished steel. IX. CLEANSING, GRINDING, PICKLING, POLISHING. Cleansing Metals with the Sand Blast .—In large establishments engaged in galvanizing cast-iron without previous grinding, the use of the sand blast in place of the circular wire brush has recently been introduced with great advantage. Articles with deep depres¬ sions, which cannot be reached with the scratch-brush, as well as small articles, which cannot be conveniently held in the hand and pressed against the revolving scratch-brush, can only be brought by the sand blast into a state of sufficient metallic purity for the galvanizing process. However, while the revolving scratch-brushes impart to the objects a certain lustre, they acquire by the sand blast a dead lustre and, hence, the blast is also frequently used for the purpose of deadening lustrous surfaces to their entire extent, or of producing contrasts; for instance, dead designs upon a lustrous ground, or vice versa. Fig. 7 shows such a sand blast. The compressed air, whose pressure must be at least equal to an 18^-inch column of water, passes through the blast-pipe A into a nozzle running horizontally through the machine, and carries away from there a jet of sand which falls into the outflowing blast, and is hurled upon the objects placed under the nozzle. The objects rest upon sheet-iron plates or in boxes of sheet-iron, which, moving at a slow rate, pass under the nozzle ; the motion is effected by the shafts B B with the use of rubber belts. To prevent dust the machine is provided with a wooden or sheet-iron casing, a few windows allowing a view of the interior. The sand used in blasting collects in a box and is returned to the sand-reservoir by an elevator. 16 242 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. The jet of sand acts not only upon the upper side of the objects, which it strikes first, but also almost as energetically upon the lower, so that, as a rule, the cleansing process is completed by one operation. Articles of a specially unfavorable shape must be passed twice or three times under the nozzle. F'g- 7- Cleansing of Metals by Means of Acids with the Use of a Galvanic Current .—When metallic, especially iron, objects are cleansed and made bright by pickling in an acid, the latter, as a rule, dissolves besides the oxide more or less metal, whereby the surface of the article loses much of its smoothness. To avoid this, the articles to be cleansed are made, while being immersed in the acid mixture, the negative pole of a galvanic apparatus, whereby the metal is almost completely protected. For this purpose a square vessel is used, in the centre of which stand two narrow, porous cells. Each CLEANSING, GRINDING, PICKLING, POLISHING. 243 of these cells contains a number of zinc plates fastened to an iron rod above the cell. In the vessel, on the side of each cell, is a movable bottom provided with holes, upon the upper surface of which is secured an iron bar bent to and fro. This bar is connected by a wire to the rod, to which are suspended the zinc plates of the corresponding cell. For use, the vessel and the cells are filled as full as possible with a fluid consisting of i lb. of common salt, 5 lbs. of water, and 26 ozs. of sulphuric or hydrochloric acid. The articles to be cleansed are placed upon the above-mentioned bot¬ toms, whereby they come in contact with the iron bars, and become the negative pole of a simple galvanic apparatus. The cleansing action of the fluid is, if necessary, assisted by heating by means of a steam-pipe placed at the bottom of the vessel. Scouring and Polishing of Knitting Needles .—For this purpose Kraiten & Schneeloch, of Altena, Westphalia, use a four-cornered box, the length of the knitting needles. The long sides of this box, from about yi their height, run obliquely, with an*inclination of 40° towards the interior. On the oblique sides inside of the box move up and down two flat wedges, which above are connected by joints to vertical rods. On top these rods run in guides, and are moved up and down by a crank with connecting rod. Between the two flat wedges the box is filled with about 55 lbs. of knitting needles, a few handfuls of comminuted pebbles, and about 1 quart of oil. The oblique sides force the wedges in passing down to move towards the interior, whereby the knitting needles and pebbles are rubbed together, scouring the former bright. To pre¬ vent some of the knitting needles slipping between the wedges and the walls of the box, springs are placed on the stationary guides, which press the wedges against the oblique sides. To Scoter and Polish Needles .—Needles of equal length, but of varying thickness, are placed parallel and in 7 or 8 rows lengthwise upon close, coarse linen, and covered alternately with thin layers of fine quartz sand or emery powder. Rape-seed oil is then poured over the mass, and the whole rolled together in the form of a sausage. These rolls are about 17^ to 23^ inches long, 3 to 5 inches thick, and contain from 150,000 to 500,000 needles. They 244 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. are tied together on the ends, and sometimes wrapped around with a stout cord ; 12 to 40 of them are then placed one after the other in the scouring mill. The latter consists essentially of a lower and upper wooden plate, one of which is fluted and can be moved to and fro. When the lower plate is stationary, the whole resembles an ordinary mangle, and it acts also in a similar manner, the rolls containing the needles being set in a rolling motion by the moving to and fro of the fluted plate. By these means the needles rub against each other, and are scoured and polished in the sharp sand. To Cleanse Guns with Petroleum .—Cleansing a weapon with fats and oils does not entirely protect it from rust; the so-called drying oils get gummy and resinous, while the non-drying oils become rancid, and by exposure to the air acids are formed, and these attack the iron. For these reasons petroleum is to be preferred for this purpose. Petroleum is as great an enemy to water as are the fatty oils,*and hence it keeps away the water from a gun-barrel covered with it. It is very essential, however, that the petroleum employed be perfectly pure, for impure oil, such as is often met with in commerce, attacks the metal. Care must also be had not to allow it to come in contact with the polished stock. When about to clean a gun, some tow is wrapped around the ramrod and enough petroleum poured upon it to thoroughly moisten it; it is then pushed in a rotary manner through the barrel and back a dozen times, and the tow taken out and unrolled, and the upper and lower ends of the barrel rubbed with the clean part, after which it is thrown away. This removes the coarser portion of the dirt. A round brush of stiff bristles, and fitting the barrel, is now screwed to the ramrod, then moistened thoroughly with petroleum and twisted into the barrel, running it back and forth at least a dozen times, thus loosening the dirt that is more firmly attached. The first operation is now repeated, except that the tow on the ramrod is left dry, and the rubbing with this must be continued in all direc¬ tions as long as it comes out soiled. The use of wire-brushes is objectionable for cleaning guns, as the numerous steel points cut CLEANSING, GRINDING, PICKLING, POLISHING. 245 into the tube. Only soft tow, hemp, woollen rags, or the like, should be used, as the petroleum dissolves the dirt sufficiently. Cleansing of Coins, Medals, and Articles of Silver. —Rossler recommends for this purpose a moderately concentrated solution of potassium cyanide, kept ready for use in a bottle. In cleansing medals and smaller objects place three tumblers alongside each other, two of them filled with water and one with solution of potas¬ sium cyanide. Now grasp the objects separately with brass tweezers, and dip them in the potassium cyanide solution; the brownish or dirty yellow coating disappearing at once. Then rinse the objects quickly in the second and third tumblers, and finally dry them with a linen cloth. Larger articles—for instance, spoons, tankards, candlesticks, etc.—are treated by moistening the yellow places with a small brush or tuft of cotton saturated with solution of potassium cyanide, washing and drying. The process is used in the same manner for gilded articles. To Cleanse Golden-bronze. —Bronze which has become dirty by oil, fat, tallow, or other greasy body, is boiled in an infusion of ashes, and cleansed with a soft brush dipped in a fluid of equal parts of water, nitric acid, and alum. Each piece is then dried with a rag, and slightly heated. To cleanse clock pendulums, and free them from the substance called by the gilders “mercury-dust,” heat them moderately, touch the stain with a brush dipped in nitric acid, rub with a linen rag, and again heat moderately. To Cleanse Bronze Fixtures. —Boil the articles in ordinary soap¬ boilers’ lye, rinse in water, and roll in bran or sawdust. If the bronze is pressed, the lye must be mixed with common salt and the article thoroughly brushed, but no water must touch the back. To Cleanse Silvered Dial-plates. —Silvered dial-plates of clocks frequently lose their lustre by the effect of air and smoke or sul¬ phurous emanations. To cleanse them make pulverized purified tartar into a paste with water. Take some of the paste on a brush of bristles and rub the dial-plate, turning it constantly until the silvering has acquired its original whiteness and lustre. Then wash 246 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. the dial-plate with clean water and dry by gently patting with cloth, and finally expose it for a few minutes to a moderate heat. To Cleanse Chandeliers and Gas-fixtures. —The chandeliers or fixtures, whether gilded or not, are taken apart and the separate parts boiled for a few minutes in a sharp lye and then cleansed with a soft brush. Next draw them through a strong solution of potas¬ sium cyanide, then wash them in a large boiler with hot water, dry them in clean saw-dust and finally polish them with chamois leather. If necessary, lacquer the parts after putting them to¬ gether. To Clean Small Screws. —Screws that are too small for separate treatment may be cleaned from rust as follows: Take a pound of strews and place them in a small box—a cigar-box will do; put a small quantity of oil on them and shake for a minute. Then put a piece of cotton-waste in the box and repeat shaking for a minute ; finally put a handful of saw-dust in the box and shake for another minute or so and remove the saw-dust by sifting it from the screws in a fine sieve. To Free Iron from Ingrained Rust. —A thorough cleansing of the iron may be easily effected by immersing the article in a nearly saturated solution of chloride of tin. The duration of the immer¬ sion will depend upon the thicker or thinner film of rust; in most cases, however, 12 to 24 hours will suffice. The solution of chloride of tin must not contain too great an excess of acid, other¬ wise it will attack the iron itself. After the articles have been re¬ moved from the bath they should first be washed in water and then with ammonia and be dried as quickly as possible. Articles which have been treated in this manner assume the appearance of dead silver, but their normal appearance may be restored by simple polishing. To Remove Rust from Polished Steel A rticles. —Soak the rusty places for a few days with oil and then scour with emery or tripoli and oil, using a stick of hard wood. Wipe off the oil and all other im¬ purities, rub the stains once more with emery and wine vinegar and finally polish with fine bloodstone and leather. To Extract Rust from Steel. —Immerse the article to be cleaned CLEANSING, GRINDING, PICKLING, POLISHING. 247 for a few minutes, until all dirt and rust is taken off, in a strong solution of cyanide of potassium, say about oz., in a wineglass¬ ful of water; then take it out and clean it with a tooth-brush dipped into a composition of cyanide of potassium, castile soap, whiting and water made into a paste of about the consistency of cream. To Remove Rust from Nickel-plated Articles. —Grease the rust stains and after a few days rub thoroughly with a cloth moistened with ammonia. The ammonia dissolves the rust without injury to the plating. Should this process be not entirely successful, touch the stains with dilute hydrochloric acid and rub vigorously. Then wash the articles and when dry polish with tripoli or a similar polishing material. To Freshen up Nickel Watch-movements. —Nickel watch-move¬ ments which have become yellow or stained by reason of change of temperature or other influences may be freshened up as follows: To 50 parts of rectified alcohol add 1 part of sulphuric acid. Place the parts to be freshened in this fluid for 10 to 15 seconds, immersing, however, only a few at a time, so as to be able to take them out at the proper time, since a longer immersion would be injurious. When taken from the fluid rinse the parts in clean water and then place them for a short time in rectified alcohol; finally dry them in saw-dust or with soft linen. Nickel movements thus cleaned have almost the appearance of being new, their smoothness being not in the slightest degree injured, as would be the case if the leather-file or brush were used. Grinding .—-The object of grinding metallic surfaces is the same as that of filing and consists in the removal from the surface of very fine particles by the rough grains of the grinding agents. Metals which are to be ground show, as a rule, a very rough surface, it not being possible to obtain another one in casting, forging, ham¬ mering, etc. The object of grinding is to give shape to the article or beautify its surface, and the principal condition for executing the grinding process is that the grinding material should under all circumstances be harder than the article to be ground, it being of no consequence whether it is used in a solid form (stones or wheels) 248 TITE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. or as a powder. The choice of the grinding material depends en¬ tirely on the nature and condition of the article to be ground. Grindstones, for instance, attack hardened steel articles much bet¬ ter than even the best files. The health of the workman being much affected by dry-grinding, it is now chiefly used only for such articles which, for instance, like needles, cannot be con¬ veniently dried separately, but nevertheless suffer much from rust. The fine particles of iron and stone which become detached are best removed by a small, rapidly-running ventilator. In wet-grind¬ ing the lower half of the stone runs either in water or is kept wet from above by a gutter; it has the advantage of not wearing out the stone so quickly, of producing finer and more uniform grinding scratches upon the articles and heating them less, which is of special importance in grinding hardened steel. Small grind¬ stones are generally driven by hand, but larger ones by power ; special contrivances for securing the article to be ground are also frequently used. In grinding with pulverulent substances the article to be ground remains either stationary or is made to re¬ volve, the grinding agent being pressed against it by the hand or a special contrivance. Generally speaking, it is the same whether the grinding material is moved over the article or the latter over the former, but mostly the article to be ground is held firmly or moved very slowly, while the grinding agent, for instance the grindstone, wheels coated with grinding powder and similar con¬ trivances, revolve very rapidly. Grinding may also be effected by the sand-blast; this process is now much used for cleansing cast¬ ings, etc. Rules for the Use of Emery Wheels .—In using emery wheels the following rules are to be observed: x. To make the most of the use of emery wheels, a strongly built grinding machine upon a solid foundation is the principal condition. 2. The wheel must not be forced or wedged upon the grinding shaft, but must easily fit upon it. For this purpose it is recommended to have the diameter of the wheel-base at least 0.039 ’ nc ^ larger than the diameter of the axis. 3. Place between the iron flanges, which should be about one-third the diameter of the wheel, and the sides of the wheel a disk of CLEANSING, GRINDING, PICKLING, POLISHING. 249 pasteboard or rubber about 0.079 i nc h thick. 4. The loose flange should not be screwed up tighter than can be done with a wrench with one hand. With thin wheels, especially those for sharpening saws, the nut must be very moderately tightened, and it is best to fix it with a jam-nut. 5. It is advisable in grinding to press whenever possible with the entire hand, since in free-hand grinding even the hardest wheel breaks from the unequal pressure. Unskilled grinders should whenever possible use an adjustable table. 6. The emery wheel is to be protected from every shock, and the maximum number of revolutions must not be exceeded. 7. When a wheel has lost its round shape it should be at once turned by means of a diamond or other suitable tool, as otherwise the efficacy of the wheel is not completely utilized, and the irregular running may cause it to burst. In turning the wheel by means of a diamond, it must be revolved by hand or placed in a lathe. Emery Wire is a thick or thin wire which is made sharp by oiling and then scattering emery over it; it is used either in a form similar to a drill-bow or in the same manner as an emery belt run¬ ning over pulleys. The wire may also be made sharp by allowing it to run first through a vessel filled with oil and then through one filled with emery powder, by which means there is always fresh emery for grinding. Emery Sticks are file-like instruments used for working the various metals, as well as other substances, and which in certain cases may replace steel files. They are either round, pointed on one end, or uniformly flat or angular, and consist either through and through of a composition similar to that used for emery wheels, or they are of wood, coated with a thin layer of the above- mentioned composition, or they consist, finally, of emery paper pasted on wood. The manufacture of the first kind is similar to that of emery wheels. For making the second kind, the wood may be coated with a solution of shellac in alcohol, and the emery applied before the shellac is entirely dry; the whole is then dried thoroughly. This coating with shellac and emery has to be several times repeated, until the layer is of sufficient thickness. Care must be had to allow each application of shellac solution and emery to 250 TITE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. become thoroughly dry before applying the next, as otherwise the mass remains soft, and readily rubs off. To make the third kind of emery stick, the wood to be used must be very dry and smoothly planed. Coat it first a few times with thin glue solution, and then rub it smooth with glass paper; cut the emery paper into suitable pieces, and, after coating the back with boiling glue, stick it on the prepared wood, being careful to have it perfectly smooth. To Cleanse Emery which has been Used. —Formerly emery which had been used was considered useless waste, though sometimes attempts were made to make it again available by glowing it, in order to destroy the admixed oil. But other impurities were not removed by this treatment, while, on the other hand, the emery lost its hardness. The oil and other impurities can, however, be removed from the emery without injuring its hardness, as follows: Boil the emery with a sufficient quantity of caustic soda solution of specific gravity 1.015, in order to extract and saponify the oil and fat; this is effected in a cast-iron boiler, and by keeping the emery as much as possible suspended in the fluid by means of a stirring apparatus. After the saponification of the oil, the fluid is drawn off into another vessel; it may then be mixed with acid to separate the fatty acids formed, which, after washing, can be used for various purposes. To the emery remaining in the boiler, water is added, and the stirring apparatus again set in motion to wash out the admixed impurities. The emery is finally dried and, if it does not contain too much iron, is again available. If, however, it contains a large quantity of iron, it is, after drying, allowed to slide down an inclined plane along which electro-magnets are placed, which retain the iron particles. The emery may, however, also be treated with hydrochloric, sulphuric, nitric acids, etc., to dissolve the iron. The emery freed from iron is washed and dried, and, if it should contain much sand, freed from it by winnowing. Pickling or Dipping of Metallic Objects. —Metallic objects are ren¬ dered bright by removing the oxides with an acid. For cast-iron or wrought-iron articles mix 1 part of sulphuric or hydrochloric acid with 10 parts of water, add some tar, and immerse the objects in the mixture until the scales are removed from the surface, after CLEANSING, GRINDING, PICKLING, POLISHING. 251 which they are rinsed off in clean water and dried. The purpose of pickling copper , brass, tombac, and bronze is to produce a lustrous surface. Finished brass sheets, after passing through the rolls, have a black color, which is partially due to the formation of cupric oxide on the surface, and,, partially, to sulphur combinations formed by heating with coal in annealing. In order to impart to the brass its characteristic beautiful yellow color it is subjected to pickling. The operation commences by placing the sheets in a fluid consisting of io parts of water and i of sulphuric acid. The layer of oxide quickly dissolves, and the sheets show the pure, yel¬ low brass color; they are then washed and dried. In most cases the sheets are subjected to a second treatment with acids, in order to impart to them a beautiful color; hence the treatment with sulphuric acid is generally termed preparatory pickling. As the actual pickle, either nitric acid by itself is used or a mixture of 2 parts of nitric acid and 1 of sulphuric acid. Pickles containing nitric acid possess the property of dissolving zinc from the brass more quickly than copper, the surface of the sheet acquiring in conse¬ quence of it a warmer tone, shading more or less into reddish. By exercising great care, dilute nitric acid by itself may be used as a pickle, but the sheets must be immediately washed, since, if only the slightest trace of the acid remains, they acquire after some time a greenish color, due to the formation of a basic cupric nitrate. It has been observed that nitric acid containing a certain quan¬ tity of nitrous acid yields especially beautiful tones of color. To obtain them a small quantity of organic substance is added to the nitric acid or to the mixture of nitric and sulphuric acids. The most curious substances are used for the purpose, snuff, for instance, being highly recommended as especially efficacious in producing beautiful colors. The use of such substances is, however, entirely superfluous, there being a number of cheaper organic substances which, when brought together with concentrated nitric acid, evolve nitrous acid. The cheapest of these materials is dry saw-dust, the nitric acid acquiring a short time after its introduction an orange- yellow color, which is due to the products of decomposition of the 252 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. nitric acid, prominent among which is nitrous acid. After taking the sheets from the pickle they are washed, best in running water, in order to remove the last traces of acid. By quick pickling the articles are obtained bright by the removal of the layer of oxide from the smooth surface of the metal. But sometimes a dull lustre¬ less surface is to be imparted to the brass, which is effected by treat¬ ing the articles with a boiling pickling fluid composed also of nitric and sulphuric acids. In many factories this pickle is prepared by dissolving i part of zinc in 3 of nitric acid and mixing the solu¬ tion with 8 parts each of nitric and sulphuric acids. The solution is heated in a porcelain dish, and the articles to be pickled dipped in it 30 to 40 seconds. In dipping brass articles large masses of red-brown vapors, originating from the products of decomposition of the nitric acid, are evolved, which strongly attack the lungs. The operation should, therefore, be executed under a well-drawing chimney or, still better, in an open space. The pickled articles have a gray color, and in order to bring out the pure yellow color are immersed for a few seconds in pure nitric acid. They are then drawn through a weak solution of soda or potash and finally washed. The bright metal losing its beauti¬ ful color on exposure to the air in consequence of oxidation, the articles after drying must be coated with a good varnish. The English Process of Pickling Brass is as follows: The articles to be pickled are heated in muffles at a dark red heat and then dipped in dilute sulphuric acid for the production of a clean metal¬ lic surface. After heating and dipping, the articles are thrown into a trough filled with weak and impure nitric acid. The trough is of wood, lined with lead plates and, for filling it, nitric acid pre¬ viously employed for stronger baths is used. When the articles are pure and of a uniform color they are removed from the bath, rinsed in water and dried in saw-dust. They are then deadened. This is effected by bringing them into a bath of nitric acid diluted with about ^ water. The immersed articles become coated with a milky scum, which after 1 or 2 minutes disappears. When thor¬ oughly uniform, which is absolutely necessary, the articles are dipped in strong nitric acid and then instantly immersed in various CLEANSING, GRINDING, PICKLING, POLISHING. 253 baths of water to remove all traces of acid. If the article has de¬ pressions which might retain acid it is necessary to dip it quickly into warm potash solution. The washed articles are then allowed to lie in clean water to which some crude pulverized tartar has been added. By this treatment they acquire the beautiful dead color so highly valued in commerce. If the articles are to be pickled so as to show lustre they are immediately placed, after cleaning, in strong nitric acid, and if the highest degree of lustre is desired, the entire surface is thoroughly scratch-brushed. Polishing is effected with finely polished steel tools; the articles to be polished are brushed over with ox-gall, and during polishing are from time to time dipped in water containing tartar. Finally they are dried in San¬ ders wood shavings in an iron pan over a heated hearth. They are lacquered with cold shellac solution, which may be colored by an addition of dragon’s blood, alkanet, etc. The Method Usually Pursued in the United States for Cleaning Brass Parts is as follows: Prepare a mixture of i part of ordinary nitric acid and i part of sulphuric acid in an earthen vessel and have at the same time in readiness a bucket of fresh water and a box of saw-dust. The brass parts are first dipped quickly into the acid, then into the water and finally dried in the saw-dust, by which the brass acquires an excellent lustrous color. Dirty parts are first washed in a warm, strong solution of potash and soda. Articles of German silver are pickled by first immersing them in a mixture of i part of nitric acid and 12 of water, then quickly in a mixture of equal parts of nitric acid and sulphuric acid, next rinsing in water and finally drying in pine saw-dust. The great¬ est care must, of course, be used in pickling, it being especially necessary to see that the acid used is not too strong and that the articles are not allowed to remain too long in the bath, as in both cases great loss is incurred by some of the metal being dissolved. To prevent rusting of the articles repeated washing with clean water and careful drying are also absolutely necessary. To Pickle Zinc. —Zinc is generally mechanically pickled by scouring with sand and powdered pumice. The bath used for brass is also very effectual. To larger articles which cannot well be 254 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. dipped apply a solution of potassium-ammonium tartrate thickened with sufficient clay to form a fluid paste. After a few hours rub the article with a brush dipped occasionally into fine sand moistened with the pickle. To Give a Brilliant Appearance to Tombac, Brass and Copper , Kaselowsky, of Stuttgart, uses the following process: The articles are first immersed in nitric acid and then quickly washed with much water. They are then dipped, with constant moving to and fro, for one or two seconds in a mixture, prepared at least the evening before, of nitric acid, 70^ ozs. ; sulphuric acid, 53 ozs. ; hydro¬ chloric acid, 2.82 ozs. ; alum, 5.29 ozs. ; sal-ammoniac, 3.17 ozs.; and lampblack, 314 ozs. When taken from this bath the articles must be quickly washed in an abundance of water. The bath is to be prepared as follows: First pour the nitric acid into the vessel, then add the finely pulverized salts, next the hydrochloric acid and, in the course of 1 to 2 hours, gradually, the sulphuric acid. In mix¬ ing the acids considerable heat is developed and injurious fumes attacking the respiratory organs are evolved. It is, therefore, ad¬ visable to effect the mixture in the open air or under a well-drawing chimney and to use a large vessel, as otherwise, when adding the sulphuric acid, the fluid might run over. This acid mixture has the advantage that it can be used for a long time, it only being necessary to add some sulphuric acid and later on some nitric acid and sal-ammoniac. The objects are but little attacked by the acid mixture, and it is, therefore, especially adapted for printed metal wares and lamp fixtures, to which it imparts a gold-like appearance. Copper, especially galvano-plastic articles, acquire a much brighter and more lustrous appearance by it. To Polish Metals .—All polishing of metals is begun, in the first instance, by rubbing down the surface by some hard substance that will produce a number of scratches in all directions, the level of which is nearly the same and which obliterate the marks of the file, scraper or turning tool that has been first employed. For this purpose coarse emery is used, or pumice and water, or sand and water applied upon a piece of soft wood, or of felt, skin or similar material. When the first coarse marks have thus been removed, CLEANSING, GRINDING, PICKLING, POLISHING. 255 next proceed to remove the marks left by the first polishing material by finely-powdered pumice stone ground up with olive oil, or by finer emery and oil. In some cases certain polishing stones are employed, for instance, a kind of hard slate used with water. To proceed with the polishing still finer powders are used, such as tripoli and rotten stone. Putty of tin and crocus martis are also used for higher degrees of polish. But the whole process consists merely in removing coarse scratches by substituting those which are finer and finer until they are no longer visible to the naked eye; and even long after that, if the surface is examined by a microscope, it will be seen that what appeared without any scratches is covered all over with an infinity of them, but so minute that they require a high magnifier to be discovered. It is evident that great care must be taken to have the last polishing material uniformly fine, for a single grain or two of any coarse substance mixed with it will produce visible scratches instead of a perfectly polished surface. Polishing by Means of Wheels .—To give metallic articles the highest degree of lustre, bodies are used which, though they attack the articles very delicately, possess sufficient hardness to remove the scratches and roughness produced by grinding with emery, pumice, etc. These agents are called “polishing agents” or, as they are always used in a pulverulent form, “ polishing powders,” the most important of them being lime, ferric oxide, tripoli, tin- putty, chalk and graphite. Lime is used in a burned, unslaked state. It should be free from all admixtures, and especially from carbonic acid and water. An excellent variety is the so-called “Vienna lime.” It is pre¬ pared from a variety of dolomite which is first burned, then slaked and finally glowed for a few hours. This polishing agent consists of lime and magnesia, and should be kept in well-closed cans, as otherwise it absorbs carbonic acid and moisture from the air and becomes useless. In using Vienna lime the articles to be polished are brushed over either with spirits of wine or oil. Ferric Oxide is used in its natural state, and is also prepared arti¬ ficially. The natural ferric oxide, such as hematite, specular and 256 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. red iron ores, should be ground fine and elutriated. The polish¬ ing agent known as caput mortuum, crocus, colcothar, jewellers' red or rouge, obtained by heating ferrous or ferric sulphate in the preparation of fuming sulphuric acid, is also ferric oxide. Both these oxides are very useful polishing agents. For polishing fine articles of steel, gold, gilt, bronze, etc., the jewellers’ red is pre¬ pared artificially. For this purpose mix pulverized green vitriol with pulverized saltpetre and common salt, stir the mixture with water to a thin paste and boil down the mass in an iron crucible to dryness. The mixture thus obtained is heated in a Hessian cru¬ cible at a red heat until it becomes quiet and homogeneous; it is then poured out, and when cool, powdered, boiled with water and washed. It is advisable to somewhat elutriate the powder thus obtained to eliminate grains of sand which may have reached it from the crucible. The powder is finally collected upon a cloth and dried. For 50 parts of crystallized green vitriol 25 parts of pure nitrate of soda, 13 of common salt and 18 of sodium sulphate may be used. A larger addition of saltpetre gives a preparation of a redder color, and an increase of potassium sulphate and a higher temperature one of a more violet color. An increase of common salt produces a browner color, and the jeweller’s red is obtained in lustrous lamina; the violet powder is harder than the red. The former (steel rouge) is, therefore, chiefly used for steel, and the latter (gold rouge) for gold and silver. According to another method, 1 part of soda is dissolved in 4 of water and the solution heated to boiling. Add gradually to the boiling fluid somewhat more than part of green vitriol and con ¬ tinue boiling for some time. When cold a greenish-white mass of ferrous carbonate is found on the bottom of the vessel. Pour off the supernatant fluid, wash the precipitate with much water, then dry it and finally convert it by slight glowing in a clay crucible into red ferric oxide. In using this jewellers’ rouge the articles are generally moistened with spirits, though sometimes simply with water. Tripoli is generally a gray-white or yellow powder of slight hard¬ ness, and consists almost wholly of the cast shells of microscopic CLEANSING, GRINDING, PICKLING, POLISHING. 257 organisms. It serves chiefly for polishing soft metals, and is used first with oil and lastly dry. Tin-putty is artificially prepared by glowing oxalate of tin, which is obtained by decomposing tin-salt with oxalic acid. Chalk is only used in the form of whiting. To prevent scattering, the polishing agents are generally mixed with a fluid, water, spirit of wine or oil being used for the purpose. With these fluids the polishing agents are made into a paste and a thin layer of it applied to the polishing tool. For the latter a piece of leather or cloth frequently suffices. It is provided with the polishing agent, pressed by the hand upon the article to be polished and moved to and fro upon it. Smooth articles which can be secured in the lathe are polished by pressing the tool pro¬ vided with the polishing agent against the revolving article. In this case the flexible pieces of leather or cloth can be replaced by sticks of wood covered with leather or cloth. These tools are called “polishing files.” By joining two of them together by a hinge- joint the “ polishing stock ” is formed, which is used for polishing smooth bodies in the lathe. Since in polishing, as well as in grinding, it is absolutely neces¬ sary that either the work or the tool move with great velocity, disk-like tools are generally used, which are secured either in a lathe or a lathe-like machine, which allows of a still more rapid revolution of the disks than the lathe. These disks are known as buff-wheels, one variety of them consisting of a wooden disk covered with walrus leather. The last or dead grinding is also executed with such polishing disks. For this purpose very finely elutriated emery is uniformly applied to the leather of the polishing wheel. When dry a second and third application of emery may, if necessary, be made. This disk is called “roughing wheel;” when somewhat worn it is termed “medium wheel,” and when almost completely denuded of grinding agent “fine wheel.” In grinding with these wheels, oil is used. When the grinding agent is used up the remainder is soaked with warm water and scraped off with a knife to prepare the disk for a fresh application. In consequence of the rapid 17 258 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. rotation of the disk the leather and the layer of emery become brittle and full of fissures. To remove this defect a piece of tallow is held against the revolving disk, and it is then smoothed by press¬ ing a smooth stone against it. For polishing, the polishing agent mixed with oil is applied to the clean leather of the disk. Another kind of buffing wheel is made by solidly pressing old or new woollen rags between two iron disks provided with holes and pins. The wheels are secured to the spindle of the polishing machine and first made round, which is readily effected by holding the sharp edge of a scythe against the revolving cloth disk. In using the cloth-wheel Vienna lime mixed with oil is first employed and finally dry Vienna lime. If a large number of small articles, such as buckles, steel beads, metal buttons, steel watch chains, ferules, etc., are to be polished at one time, a tumbling drum or box is used. In its simplest form the apparatus consists of a barrel of suitable size, through the head and bottom of which passes a square axle of hard wood. This axle rests with a pivot of round iron in a suitable frame, and is pro¬ vided either with a crank or a pulley. The manipulation of the apparatus varies according to the con¬ dition of the articles to be polished. Generally scales and other traces of previous working have to be removed. For this purpose the drum is filled one-quarter full with river sand, and after moist¬ ening it with an equal volume of dilute sulphuric acid, as many of the articles to be polished are thrown upon the moist layer of sand that somewhat more than a quarter of the barrel-space re¬ mains empty. The aperture for filling is then closed and the drum revolved, the contents being from time to time examined to see whether they are sufficiently scoured. To accelerate the scour¬ ing action of the sand it is advisable to provide the drum inside with a few rounded-off wooden pieces, so that the articles placed in it strike each other and are thoroughly shaken up, or the drum itself may be of a hexagonal shape. After tumbling with sand for i to 2 hours, the articles are brought into a drum partially filled with leather-waste, charcoal, emery and oil. When actually ground in this drum they are polished or made CLEANSING, GKINDING, PICKLING, POLISHING. 259 lustrous in a third drum partially filled with Vienna lime to which, for cheapness sake, pulverized charcoal and coarse beech saw-dust may be added. A very practical form of tumbling drum, in which a change of position of the contents must constantly take place, is shown in Fig. 8. The drum A, of wood or iron, is obliquely placed upon the shaft B. The objects are introduced into the drum through the door C. The drum is revolved by a crank, or by a belt by means of the pulley D. All portions of the drum describe thereby ellipses, the walls of the drum being now raised (indicated by the dotted lines) and then lowered, so that the articles in the drum are in constant motion and rub against each other. According to another method, small articles of iron are first pickled with acid, then washed with boiling water, next scoured bright in a drum with steel powder or powdered cast-iron, and finally polished in a mixture of hard wood saw-dust, elutriated tripoli, and, according to circumstances, jewellers’ rouge. Polishing with the Burnisher or Burnishing-stone .—To burnish an article is to polish it by removing the small roughness upon its sur¬ face, and this is performed by a burnisher. This mode of polishing is the most expeditious and gives the greatest lustre to a polished body. It removes the marks left by the emery, tin-putty or other polishing agents, and gives to the burnished articles a black lustre resembling that of looking-glass. The form and construction of the burnisher is extremely variable, according to the respective trades, and it must be adapted to the various kinds of work in the 260 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. same art. In general, as this tool is only intended to efface in¬ equalities, whatever substance the burnisher is made of is of little consequence to the article burnished, provided only that it is of a harder substance than that article. The burnishers used are of two kinds, of steel and of hard stone They are either curved or straight, rounded or pointed, and made so as to suit the projecting parts or the hollows of the piece. Steel burnishers are made of the finest quality of steel, filed into a suit¬ able shape, hardened and ground, and finally polished with Vienna lime or jewellers’ rouge. Stone burnishers are made of jasper as well as of agate, but red hematite, known under the name of blood¬ stone, is most frequently used for the purpose. This raw material is found only in few places, and among several hundred weight of it are frequently found only a few pounds of suitable stones, which generally occur as kernels enclosed in larger pieces. To these pieces an approximate shape is given by skillful splitting. They are then rounded either with the grindstone, or rubbed, so that they present, at the bottom, a very blunt edge, or sometimes a rounded surface. These are polished with emery, like steel bur¬ nishers, and are finished by being rubbed upon a leather covered with jewellers’ rouge or Vienna lime. Blood-stone is harder than case-hardened steel, the cross-grain of the fibrous pieces especially excelling in great hardness. Fig. 9 shows the most common forms of burnishing tools. Both must be perfectly free from small fissures and possess the highest polish. The burnisher is mounted in a wooden handle, and firmly fixed by a copper ferule. The operation of burnishing is very simple. Take hold of the tool very near to the stone, and lean very hard with it on those parts which' are to be burnished, causing it to glide by a backward and forward movement without taking it off tire piece. When it is requisite that the hand should pass over a large surface at once, without losing its point of sup¬ port on the work-bench, in taking hold of the burnisher be careful to place it just underneath the little finger. By these means the work is done more quickly, and the tool is more solidly fixed in the hand. During the whole process the tool must be continually moistened CLEANSING, GRINDING, PICKLING, POLISHING. 261 with black soap-suds. The water with which it is frequently wetted causes it to glide more easily over the work, prevents it from heat¬ ing and facilitates its action. The black soap containing more alkali than the common soap, acts with greater strength in cleansing off any greasiness which might still remain on the surface; it also more readily removes the spots which would spoil the beauty of the burnishing. In consequence of the friction the burnisher soon loses its bite and slips over the surface as if it were oily. In order to restore its action it must from time to time be rubbed on the leather. The leather is fixed on a piece of hard wood with shallow 8^5 4 6 Fig. 9. furrows along it. There are generally two leathers—one made of sole leather, and the other of buff leather. The first is impregnated with a little oil and jewellers’ rouge, and is particularly used for the blood-stone burnishers, the other has only a little tin-putty scattered in the furrows, and is intended exclusively for rubbing steel burnishers, as they are not so hard as the blood-stones. Blood¬ stone being very hard, the workman uses it whenever he can in preference to the steel burnisher. It is only on small articles and in difficult places that steel burnishers are used, as they by their variety of form are adapted to all kinds of work. In general, the 262 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. blood-stone greatly reduces the labor. When the articles, on ac¬ count of their minuteness, cannot be conveniently held in the hand, they are fixed in a satisfactory frame on the bench, but under all circumstances be very careful to manage the burnisher so as to leave untouched those parts of the work which are intended to re¬ main dull. When in burnishing an article, which is plated or lined with silver, there is any place where the layer of precious metal is removed, restore it by silvering these places. The burnishing being finished remove the soap-suds which still adhere to the sur¬ face of the work by rubbing with a piece of old linen cloth. But when there are a great number of small pieces to be finished, to throw them into soap-suds and dry them afterwards in saw-dust is more expeditious. The burnishing of gold-leaf or silver on wood is performed with burnishers made of wolves’ or dogs’ teeth, or agates mounted in iron or wooden handles. When about to burnish gold applied on other metals, dip the blood-stone burnisher into vinegar; this kind being exclusively used for that purpose. But when burnishing leaf-gold on prepared surfaces of wood, keep the stone, or tooth, perfectly dry. The ordinary engraver’s bur¬ nisher is a blade of steel, made thin at one end, to fit into a small handle to hold it by. The part in the middle of the blade is rounded on the convex side, and is also a little curved. The rounded part must be well polished and the tool be very hard. This burnisher is used to give the last polish to such parts of cop¬ per and steel plates as may have been accidentally scratched, or speckled, where false lines are to be removed, and also to lighten in a small degree such parts as have been too deeply etched or graved. In clock-making, those pieces or parts are burnished which, on account of their size or form, cannot be conveniently polished. The burnishers are of various forms and sizes: they are all made of cast-steel, very hard and well polished; some are formed like sage-leaf files, others like common files—the first are used to burnish screws and pieces of brass, the others are used for flat pieces. The clock-makers have also very small ones of this kind to burnish their pivots, which are called pivot burnishers. Burnishing Cutlery .—The burnishing of cutlery is executed by CLEANSING, GRINDING, PICKLING, POLISHING. 263 hand or vice burnishers; they are all made of fine steel, hardened and well polished. The first kind have nothing particular in their construction; but vice burnishers are formed and mounted in a very different manner. On a long piece of wood, placed horizon¬ tally in the vice, is fixed another piece, as long, but bent in the form of a bow, the concavity of which is turned downwards. These two pieces are united at one of their extremities by a pin and hook, which allows the upper piece to move freely around this point as a centre. The burnisher is fixed in the middle of this bent piece, and it is made more or less projecting by the greater or lesser length which is given to its base. The movable piece of wood, at the extremity opposite to the hook, is furnished with a handle, which serves the workman as a lever. This position allows the burnisher to rest with greater force against the article to be burnished, which is placed on the fixed piece of wood. The burnisher has either the form of the face of a round-headed ham¬ mer, well polished to burnish those pieces which are plain or con¬ vex, or the form of two cones opposed at their summits, with their bases rounded, to burnish those pieces which are concave or ring- shaped. To Burnish Silver .—Commence by cleaning off any kind of dirt which the surfaces of the silver articles had contracted whilst being made, as that would entirely spoil the burnishing. For this pur¬ pose take pumice-stone powder, and with a brush made very wet in strong soap-suds rub the various parts of the work, even those which are to remain dull, which, nevertheless, receive thus a beauti¬ ful white appearance ; wipe with an old linen cloth and proceed to the burnishing. Scratch-brushing ,—For brightening articles in relief, steel or stone burnishers can be but seldom employed, scratch-brushes being used in this case. The shape of the scratch-brush varies with the articles to be operated upon. A hand scratch-brush is made of numerous wires of hardened brass selected from a bundle of or coil of large diameter, so that the wires have little tendency when in place to curve. To make a good hand scratch-brush, proceed as follows: Select a coil of brass wire of the proper degree of fineness 264 TIIE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. (Fig. io), and bind it tightly with strong twine for about two-thirds of the intended length of the brush—6 or 8 inches—(Fig. ii). Then, with a chisel, cut the bundle of wire close to the cord at one end, and about 2 inches from it at the other end. Then dip the close-cut end into a neutral solution of chloride of zinc, and plunge it into molten tin, which solders all the wires and prevents their separation, and injury to the hand of the operator. The tool thus made may be used as it is, but it is preferable to fix it by means of another string to a thin wooden handle, which projects above the soldered end (Fig. 12). Scratch-brushes are also made by cutting a coil of wire for a length of from 12 to 16 inches, binding it in the middle, and doubling it so as to unite the two ends (Fig. 13). This process is less economical, and the wires have a tendency to become entangled. Very small scratch-brushes are necessary for reaching sinuosities and depressions in the work, and other parts difficult of access. An old scratch-brush, the wires of which have CLEANSING, GKINDING, PICKLING, POLISHING. 265 been bent in every direction, when fixed to a long handle, is useful for scouring the interior of certain pieces, such as Etrus¬ can vases, coffee-urns, etc. (Fig. 14). The varnishers on metal use for rapid work a kind of brush (Figs. 15 and 16), with long and stiff brass wires. Such brushes are only used for the preparation of articles of considerable size, such as clock dials, hearth furniture, and the Fig. 14. Fig. 16. Fig. i5' Scratch-brushing is seldom done dry; the tool as well as the pieces must be constantly wet with fluids, especially such as produce a foam in brushing, for instance, water and vinegar, or sour wine, or solutions of cream of tartar or alum, when it is desired to brighten a gold deposit which is too dark; but that most generally used is a decoction of licorice-root, of horse-chestnut, of marsh¬ mallow, of soap-wort, or of the bark of Panama-wood, all of which being slightly mucilaginous, allow of a gentle scouring with the scratch-brush, with the production of an abundant froth. A good adjunct for scratch-brushing is a shallow wooden tub containing the solution employed, with a board laid across it, nearly level with the edges, which, however, project a little above. This board serves as a rest for the pieces. With small objects and articles of jewelry, the operator holds the scratch-brush as he would a writing-pen, and moves it over the article with a back-and-forward motion imparted by the wrist only, the forearm resting on the edge of the tub. For larger articles, on the contrary, the operator holds his extended fingers close to the lower part of the scratch-brush, so as to give the wires a certain support, and, with raised elbow, strikes the piece repeatedly, at the same time giving the tool a sliding motion. When a hollow is 266 TITE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK, met with which cannot be scoured longitudinally, a twisting motion is imparted to the tool. Circular scratch-brushes in which the wires are arranged radially are used for scouring articles that admit of their use, such as table ware and plated wares in general. These circular scratch-brushes are attached to the spindle of a lathe, and the wires consequently all receive a uniform motion in the same direction. The scratch¬ brush lathe shown in Fig. 17 consists of a circular brush of brass wires, with a metal or wooden case, mounted upon a spindle run¬ ning in two bearings, and driven either by foot or by steam-power. The wires are from 2 to 3 inches long, and the form of the bmsh CLEANSING, GRINDING, PICKLING, POLTSHfNG. 267 is shown in Fig. 18. The top of the brush revolves towards the operator, who presents the object to be scratched to the bottom. The brush is surrounded by a wooden cage or screen to prevent splashing. It is open in front, and above it is placed a reservoir of one of the liquids above named, from which a slender jet of the liquid is allowed to dribble upon the top of the brush. In order to protect the operator against the water projected by the rapid motion, there is fixed to the top of the frame a small inclined board, which reaches a little lower than the axis of the brush, with¬ out touching it. This board receives the projected liquid and lets it fall into a zinc trough which forms the bottom of the box. Fig. ,8. Through an outlet provided in one of the angles of the trough a gum tube conveys the waste liquid to a reservoir below. The above-described hand and lathe scratch-brushes are made of wire of various gauges, from coarse to very fine, according to their intended uses. Scratch-brushes of spun glass, with fibres of extreme fineness and elasticity, are also used for scouring very delicate objects. When a hand scratch-brush becomes too short the twisted ends are cut off with a cold-chisel, and a new portion of wire is uncov¬ ered by removing part of the string wrapping. The best way to remove the twisted-wire ends is by resting the scratch-brush upon a lead block, and cutting them off with a sharp cold-chisel, if pos¬ sible with, one stroke of the hammer. Scratch-brushes must be carefully looked after and their wires kept in good order. When they begin to curl, they are now and then beaten with a mallet of 268 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. boxwood upon a small block held between the knees, so as not to produce a dead stroke. Scratch-brushes kept too long in water become hard. If they become greasy, they are cleansed in caustic potash ; oxide is removed by acid. Dipping in nitric acid is some¬ times resorted to for diminishing the size of the wires and making them smoother. The circular brush is occasionally reversed, in order to change the direction of the wires. Polishing of the Separate Metals.—Iron and Steel are generally polished after treatment with emery. For this purpose tin putty, Vienna lime or oxide of iron (steel rouge) are generally employed, the polishing material or the article being moistened with water or spirit. Polishing wheels (buff or cloth wheels) are best for the purpose, though buff sticks and wooden sticks as well as woollen rags are also employed. Copper, Brass, German Silver and Tombac are polished with Vienna lime and oil. If previously pickled the burnisher is mostly used. Polishing with the burnisher is always executed wet. Gas-fix¬ tures are polished, after pickling, in the spinning lathe with the burnisher, a peculiar fluid (polish) being used, which, according to O. Ronicke, is composed of: orange shellac, dissolved in spirits, 1000 parts by weight; powdered turmeric root, 1000 ; tartar, 2000; ox-gall, 50; alcohol, 100; and water, 3000. Dip the burnisher in the fluid and polish the article, or wrap a linen rag moistened with the fluid round a piece of wood and hold the rag with the left hand upon the place where the pressure with the burnisher is ap¬ plied. By drying the article with a linen rag a polish equal to that with Vienna chalk is obtained. Gold is polished with jewellers’ rouge, which is mixed with alco¬ hol and applied to the buff-stick. Silver is polished with the burnisher or bloodstone, soap water, small beer, etc., being used in connection with it. Silvered and Plated Ware are also polished with Vienna lime. Dead Lustre on Articles of Gold and Silver is produced by means of scratch-brushes of finely spun glass threads. Tin Articles are ground and polished with Vienna lime or whiting, CLEANSING, GRINDING, PICKLING, POLISHING. 269 the first being used with linen rags and the latter with chamois leather. If only places in relief are to be polished a broad, rounded-off burnisher is used and as polishing agent soap water, white of egg, ox-gall diluted with water, decoction of soap root, etc. The ar¬ ticles are finally washed with water containing tartar and dried. Antimony and Lead Alloys are polished with burnt magnesia upon soft leather or with fine jewellers’ rouge. Zinc is first scraped and finally polished with pulverized wood charcoal or Vienna lime. The polished articles are generally dried in heated saw-dust and, after drying, freed from adhering saw-dust with a cotton rag or soft leather. Gilded or silvered articles are dipped in hot water, dried with cotton or linen cloths and finally rubbed with soft leather. Vienna lime produces a light polish upon brass, steel, etc., but iron oxide a dark lustre, the difference in the coloration being very likely due to some of the polishing agent remaining in the pores of the metal. Polishing Agents .—Old and’ used metallic objects lose in the course of time their lustre produced by polishing; they become dull and covered with a crust of dust, oxides, sulphur combinations, etc. To cleanse such objects polishing agents acting either me¬ chanically or chemically are used. To the mechanically acting polishing agents belongs the so-called Paris rouge. It is used for restoring lustre to gold articles by care¬ fully rubbing them with leather dipped in it. Under the name Parisian polishing powder a rose-colored powder is brought into commerce. It is especially adapted for polishing silver, but may also be used for articles of steel, copper or gold. It consists of a mixture of 6 parts of carbonate of magnesia and x of jewellers’ red. For use dip a rag moistened with spirits or water in the powder and after thoroughly rubbing the article dry it with soft leather. 1 Emery-cloth may be used for scouring, but it gives no lustre, be¬ cause the polishing agent is sharp-grained and applied to the cloth. More suitable is a polishing agent consisting of fustian saturated with a dilute solution of waterglass. By washing the impregnated 270 THE METAL WORKER'S HANDY-BOOK. stuff the silicic acid and a portion of the potash remain behind. This polishing cloth is well adapted for cleansing and scouring bright brass. Another kind of polishing rags is obtained by dissolving 4 parts by weight of Castile soap in 20 of water and adding 2 of tripoli to the solution. Strips of linen are then saturated with the solu¬ tion and allowed to dry. According to another method polishing rags are prepared as follows: Dip flannel rags in a solution of 20 parts of dextrin and 30 of oxalic acid in 20 of logwood decoction, wring them gently and sift over them a mixture of finely pulverized tripoli and pumice stone. The moist rags are piled upon each other, placing a layer of the powder between each two. They are then pressed, taken apart and dried. Belgian Polishing Powder, which is recommended for polishing articles of silver, consists of a mixture of whiting, 250 parts; elutriated pipe-clay, 117; white lead, 62; white magnesia, 23; and jewellers’ red, 23. For Cleansing Iron and Steel Objects finer grades of emery-cloth are very suitable. For polished iron and steel articles it is best to use tin-putty and prepared hartshorn triturated with spirits of wine and applied with soft leather. For Soft Metals {Tin and Britannia Wares) the dried pistil of shave-grass, which is rich in silica, is very suitable. For Cleansing Silverware the most simple (chemically acting) polishing agent is sodium hyposulphite. Moisten a rag or brush with a saturated solution of the salt. Still better in its action is a fluid of water, 40 parts ; sodium hyposulphite, 4 ; sal-ammoniac, 2; and caustic ammonia, 1. This fluid maybe used cold and it is not necessary to previously free the articles from grease with soda or potash lye. For Cleansing Silver Ornaments use a boiling hot solution of tartar or wrap them around with zinc wire and boil them in a solu¬ tion of 1 part of borax in 10 of water. In both cases the articles must be previously cleansed with soda lye. Polishing Powders for Silver. —I. Mix intimately finely pul¬ verized cream of tartar, 4 parts ; flake white, 8 ; pulverized alum, 2. CLEANSING, GRINDING, PICKLING, POLISHING. 271 Knead the mixture into a stiff paste with strong wine vinegar and dry it in the air. Then pulverize the dry mass, knead it again to a paste with wine vinegar, repeat the process once more after drying and lastly pulverize the mass obtained. II. Mix intimately pulverized hartshorn, i part; chalk, 5 ; and jewellers’ red, 1. III. Mix intimately by sifting xo parts of fine whiting, 1 of pul¬ verized soda and % of pulverized citric acid. For use moisten the powder with water so that the soda and citric acid dissolve and act chemically upon the silver. English Silver Soap. —This polishing agent, by means of which and the use of a brush a nice lustre is imparted to silver articles, is prepared as follows: Dissolve 2 parts of Castile (pure olive oil) soap in 2 parts of soft water. Take the soap-paste formed from the fire, stir into it 6 parts of fine whiting, pour the soap into moulds, and allow it to cool. Rose-color English Silver Soap. —This is prepared in a similar manner as the foregoing, but instead of mixing the soap-paste with whiting, add 2 parts of finest quality of white tripoli, 3 of pulverized chalk, and 1 of jewellers’ red. Before pouring the soap into moulds perfume it with a few drops of oil of lavender, which imparts to it a very fine odor, and renders it more salable than soap without perfume. Polishing Balls for Silver. —This polishing agent is a powder brought into the form of a ball by means of an agglutinant. It is prepared by intimately mixing 2 parts of yellow tripoli and 3 parts of whiting, kneading the mixture with a solution of 1 part of gum- arabic in 12 of water to a stiff paste, and finally forming the latter with the hands into balls the size of a pigeon egg. These balls are dried upon boards in a moderately warm room, and, when perfectly solid, are packed in tin-foil. Polishing-paste for Silver. —Perfume 3 parts of vaseline with a few drops of nitrobenzol (essence of mirbane), and stir into it 5 parts of whiting, 1 of burnt hartshorn, and 1 of pulverized cuttle- bone, so that an intimate mixture of the consistency of butter is formed. Put into small tin boxes. 272 TIIE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. Polishing Powder for Gold-workers. —Mix together 4.3 parts of carbonate of lead (basic white lead), 17.4 of chalk, 1.7 of carbon¬ ate of magnesia, 4.3 of alumina, 2.6 of silica, and 1.7 of jewellers’ red. Polishing Powder for Gold Articles. —Dissolve iron filings in hydrochloric acid until the development of gas ceases, and then compound the resulting chloride of iron with liquid ammo¬ nia as long as a precipitate is formed. Collect the precipitate upon a filter and dry it, without further washing, at a tempera¬ ture at which the adhering ammonia does not volatilize. By these means the ferrous oxide originally precipitated is converted into ferric oxide, and the mixture contains about 70 per cent, of ferric oxide and 30 per cent, of ammonia. It forms a very good polishing powder. Polishing Paste for Brass. —Dissolve 15 parts of oxalic acid in 120 of boiling water, and add 500 parts of pumice powder, 7 of oil of turpentine, 60 of soft soap, and 65 of any kind of fat oil. To Cleanse Brass Articles which have become so dirty by smoke and heat that they cannot be cleansed with oxalic acid, proceed as follows: Rub them first with potash lye, then immerse them in a mixture of equal parts of nitric and sulphuric acids and water, and after washing and rinsing in water, dry and polish. To Cleanse Old Brass. —To cleanse old brass, especially small figures, sword-hilts, mountings, etc., immerse them in a mixture of 1 part of nitric acid and y 2 part of sulphuric acid. Take them out after a short time, rinse thoroughly in cold water, dry in sawdust, and finally polish with finely pulverized Vienna lime. The articles will appear like new. Polishing Soaps. —I. Stir into 25 lbs. of liquid cocoanut-oil soap 2 lbs. of tripoli, and 1 lb. each of pulverized alum, tartaric acid, and white-lead. II. Stir into 25 lbs. of liquid cocoanut-oil soap 5 lbs. of col- cothar and 1 lb. of ammonium carbonate. III. Mix 25 lbs. of liquid cocoanut-oil soap with 4 to 5 lbs. of calcined oxalate of iron. IV. Stir together in the customary manner 24 lbs. of cocoanut oil CLEANSING, GKINDING, PICKLING, POLISHING. 273 with 12 lbs. of lye of 38 to 40° B6., and, when the mass is bright, stir into it 3 lbs. of colcothar, mixed with 3 lbs. of water and 1.12 ozs. of spirit of sal-ammoniac. The polishing soaps are cut into suitable pieces, stamped, and brought into commerce provided with directions for use. These directions are generally to the effect to apply a small quantity of the soap by means of a flannel rag moistened with water to the article to be polished, and rub until the desired lustre is produced. Kratzer, of Leipzig, gives the following directions for polishing soaps as substitutes for polishing pomades : I. Pulverize as finely as possible 332 parts of white bole or chalk, 332 of tartaric acid, and 265 of infusorial earth. Free the bole or chalk and the infusorial earth from adhering pebbles by sifting. Pour water over the sifted mass in a vessel, stir thoroughly, and after 3 or 4 minutes pour off the bole, etc., which is finely divided in the water, and repeat the operation. The bole, etc., is then allowed to settle, and after carefully decanting off the supernatant water, the sediment is placed upon a filter and completely dried upon a stove. To the ingredi¬ ents thus prepared add 200 parts of glycerin, 200 of water, and 25 of alcohol. The polishing soap thus prepared is poured into tin boxes or moulds. II. Mix 5 lbs. of cocoanut oil with 8 lbs. of soda lye of 23 0 Be., and boil the mixture until a clear glue-like mass is formed. When the soap is sufficiently solid add 1 lb. of chalk and ^ lb. each of white-lead, tartar, and alum, all previously converted into a fine powder, and pour the mass into small moulds about 10 inches long, and open on top and bottom so that the cold soap can be more readily removed. For convenience sake, commercial cocoanut-oil soap may be used instead of preparing the soap. The process is as follows-: Convert 5^ lbs. of cocoanut-oil soap into fine shavings, and melt it with the addition of some water. To the melted soap add then, with constant stirring, 6.34 ozs. of chalk, 3 ozs. of alum, 3 ozs. of tartar, and 3 ozs. of white-lead, all previously finely pul¬ verized. This soap is also poured into tin moulds open on top and bottom, and taken out when cold. Polishing-waier .—An excellent and entirely harmless polishing- 18 274 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. water is obtained by shaking together 8.81 ozs. of whiting, i lb. of alcohol, and 1.12 drachms of spirit of sal-ammoniac. Polishing (. Putz ) Pomades. —-I. Melt 5 lbs. of lard or yellow vaseline, and stir into the melted mass 1 lb. of fine colcothar. II. Melt 2 lbs. of palm oil and 2 lbs. of vaseline, and stir into the melted mass 1 lb. of ferric oxide, 14.n ozs. of tripoli and oz. of oxalic acid. III. Heat 4 lbs. of American mineral oil and 1 lb. of lard, and stir into it 5 lbs. of fine colcothar. The polishing pomades are generally perfumed with nitrobenzole (essence of mirbane), and brought into commerce in small tin boxes provided with directions for use. Polishing Cartridges ( Putzpatronen). —Moisten 50 parts of elutri. ated quartz or infusorial earth and 10 of emery-dust with 100 parti of a 30 per cent, gum tragacanth solution, and bring the whole to a suitable consistency with soap solution (100 parts of soap dissolved in 150 of spirits of wine). The best polishing material is undoubt¬ edly infusorial earth, either by itself or impregnated with oleic acid. Infusorial earth by itself is especially suitable (or polishing windows, mirrors, gold and silver ware, copper and brass utensils, particularly when greasy. Polish for Pressed Articles of Brass. —Substances which are slimy without being actual fats are better adapted for this purpose than soap, and can be more readily removed from the articles. The best polishing agent is equal volumes of water and ox-gall boiled together. When cold the fluid is kept in well-corked bottles, and for use a sufficient quantity is poured into a glass or porcelain ves¬ sel. It is applied with a small brush, and the burnisher is also from time to time dipped into it. Rouge for Polishing Metals. —As the rouge found in the market does not meet the requirements of the workman, at least for every metal, the following simple method is given which allows the work¬ man to prepare for himself just the quality and quantity necessary for his particular work. Heat sulphate of iron (as pure a quality as can be obtained) in an iron vessel over a slow fire, stirring it continually with an iron spatula till it is dry and takes the form of CLEANSING, GRINDING, PICKLING, POLISHING. 275 a pale greenish-yellow powder. This powder, after being crushed in a mortar and sifted, is to be calcined in a new crucible and ex¬ posed to the fire of a smelting-stove as long as vapors arise from it. As soon as no more of these can be observed the contents of the crucible may be left to cool, and when cool will appear like the rouge used for polishing. Its color may vary from pale red to brown red, or even to blue and violet, but these variations arise only from the different degrees of heat employed; and it may be observed that the higher the temperature has been during the pro¬ cess the darker the color and the harder the powder—a fact which also explains why the pale-red powder is used only for gold and silver, while the violet is employed for steel. No matter what the color is, it is very important that the rouge be well bruised and washed in water before it is used. For this purpose three clean glasses are taken and one of them is filled with clean water, in which a part of the rouge is mixed by stirring it for some time with a small piece of wood. After allowing about half a minute for the rouge to settle to the bottom of the glass, the remainder of the (red) liquid is decanted into the second glass, but every particle of the deposit must be left in the first one. The same process has to be observed also for the second and third glasses, but with this dif¬ ference: the powder in the second glass is allowed to settle about 2 minutes, while in the third one it is left for several hours, that is, until the water assumes its natural clearness. The sediment of the first glass is almost valueless, that of the second of medium quality, but that of the third glass is of very good quality and fit to be used with great advantage after it has been slowly dried. In some cases the rouge thus obtained may be mixed with grease, and gener¬ ally it will be found of great advantage to moisten it with spirits of wine and burn it in a clean iron vessel. To Polish Steel .—Rub the steel with a piece of emery paper from which you have removed some of the roughness by rubbing it on an old knife. To Polish Steel Objects .—This process consists in polishing the steel objects by means of a wheel or disk made of 16 parts of tin and i of zinc, to the flat side of which jewellers’ red moistened 276 THE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. with alcohol is applied. After moderately drying the objects are burnished with an agate. Lustreless Surface on Steel. —A finely-polished lustreless surface on tempered steel may be procured by either of the following operations : After the steel article has been tempered it should be rubbed on a smooth iron surface with some pulverized oil stone until it is perfectly smooth and even, then laid upon a sheet of white paper and rubbed back and forth until it acquires a fine dead polish. Any screw-holes or depressions in the steel must be cleaned and polished beforehand with a piece of wood and oil stone. This delicate lustreless surface is quite sensitive and should be rinsed with pure soft water only. A more durable polish is obtained by first smoothing the steel surface with an iron polisher and some powdered oil stone, carefully washing and rinsing. Then mix in a small vessel some fresh oil and powdered oil stone, dip into this mixture the end of a piece of elder pith, and polish the steel sur¬ face with a gentle pressure, cutting off the end of the pith as it be¬ comes soiled. In conclusion, it should be thoroughly cleaned in soft water, when the article will be found to have a fine white, lustreless polish. To Polish and Color Copper. —To polish copper parts rub them with rotten stone and oil, next with a flannel rag and finally with leather. A solution of oxalic acid applied to dull brass soon re¬ moves the layer of oxide and uncovers the metal. The acid is then washed off with water, and the brass rubbed with soft leather. A mixture of hydrochloric acid with alum triturated with water gives to articles, immersed in this solution for a few seconds, a golden color. An orange-color playing into gold is imparted to polished copper by immersing it for a few seconds in a solution of crystal¬ lized acetate of copper. A beautiful violet color is obtained by immersing the metal for a few seconds in a solution of chloride of antimony and then rubbing with a stick wrapped around with cot¬ ton. During this operation the copper must be heated to the tem¬ perature of the hand. A crystalline appearance is produced by boiling the article in solution of blue vitriol. To Cleanse Dirty Polishing Leather. —Prepare a weak solution DECORATING, ENAMELLING, ENGRAVING, ETCHING. 277 of soda in warm water, rub some soap into the leather and let it soak two hours; then wash it until clean and finally rinse it in a solution of soda and yellow soap in water to keep it soft. By wash¬ ing in water alone the leather becomes hard and useless, but the small quantity of soap which remains in the leather and penetrates the finest portions renders it soft as silk. After rinsing wring the leather in a coarse towel and dry it quickly; when dry pull it in all directions and brush well. By these means a softer and better leather will be obtained than most of the leathers found in com¬ merce. In using a rough leather to go over highly polished surfaces it will be frequently observed that the polish is injured. This is caused by particles of dust and even grains of polishing-red which remain in the leath Such leather should be thoroughly brushed. X. DECORATING, ENAMELLING, ENGRAVING, ETCHING. Bronces Incrustes ( Incrustations ).—By this term are designated ornamentations in silver or gold upon a body of massive copper or bronze. The body is, as a rule, first bronzed, since its natural tone of color is generally subject to change by atmospheric influences and does not present a good contrast. Copper, for instance, is generally bronzed brown-red, the white of the silver contrasting well with it. The ornamentations consist partially of lines and partially of planes, calling to mind niello work. While in the latter the noble metal is mechanically pressed into the places de¬ pressed by engraving or roughened with a file, in incrusting, as executed by Christofle, of Paris, the deposition of the metal is effected by galvanic precipitation. The process is as follows : The design which is to be incrusted in silver or gold upon a metal is executed with a pigment of white-lead and glue-water or gum-water. The portion not covered by the design is then coated with a varnish. The article is next placed in dilute nitric acid, whereby the pig- 278 TTTE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. ment is first dissolved, and, next, the surface etched, which is allowed to progress to a certain depth. Etching being finished the article is washed in abundance of water and immediately brought into a silver or gold bath, in which, by the action of the current, the exposed places are filled up with metal. The varnish is now com¬ pletely removed with benzine and the entire surface ground smooth. The contours are quite sharp. The surface of the body is then bronzed, which, however, does not change the tone of the silver or gold. An especially beautiful effect is produced by bronzing separate portions of the surface, between the silver ornamentation, black with sulphide of copper. A vessel thus decorated then shows three tones of color, viz. : the design in white and black upon the agreeable brown-red .ground of cuprous oxide. The principal requisite for the production of these incrustations is manual skill and much patience; expensive apparatus is not required, every skilled electro-plater being able to execute the work. According to the patented process of Marie Tessin du Motay, the portions to be provided with incrustations are not only pro¬ duced by etching but also by stamping and pressing. In the latter case the metals which are to represent the design may.be precipitated either before or after pressing. If the precipitation takes place before pressing the relief of the stamps used must correspond to the greater or smaller layer of metal precipitated. Corvin's Niello .—On account of the laborious work, and slight durability of the ornamentation, the decoration of metallic surfaces by inlaying with colored lamina of mother-of-pearl, amber, ivory and tortoise-shell has been seldom executed, though by a combina¬ tion of the iridescent mother-of-pearl with the various metallic lustres the most splendid articles of art can be produced. After many years of labor Corvin-Wierbitzky has succeeded in producing such works by galvanoplasty, and has patented the following pro¬ cess : He first makes a matrice of metal, whose surface is finely polished. This matrice may be used for the production of numerous duplicates of the same kind of basin or other objects. The incrustations (mother-of-pearl, glass, ivory, amber, etc.) are then shaped by means of a saw, files and other tools to the form cor- DECORATING, ENAMELLING, ENGRAVING, ETCHING. 279 responding to that which they are to occupy in the design. The side of the incrustations which is laid upon the matrice is as a rule smooth. The shaped incrustations, smooth side down, are pasted on to the parts of the model they are to occupy in the design. The latter being in this manner produced, the back of the non-metallic lamina is prepared so as to conduct the galvanic current. By now placing the matrice thus prepared in the galvano-plastic apparatus, the copper precipitates not only upon the metallic matrice, but also upon the back of the inlaid pieces, the latter being firmly enclosed by the precipitated metal. When the deposit of metal has the desired thickness it is detached from the slightly-heated matrice, and incrustations with the right side polished are thus obtained. The lamina are more accurately and evenly laid in than would be possible by the most skilful hand-work. The articles may then be further decorated by engraving, gilding, silvering, etc. Damaskeening .—Damascus steel is a special kind of carbon steel which is manufactured according to Anossow’s process in Slatust in the Ural. The sword blades celebrated for centuries for their good qualities derive their name from Damascus in Asia Minor, but nothing is known about their manufacture. It has been tried, as will be explained later on, to imitate the damask by welding together strips of iron and steel, but, though the designs were quite beautiful, genuine damask was not obtained. The designs of damask consist of a peculiar net-work of light lines standing out from a dark ground, and showing either a moire striped lengthwise or wavy or net-like or ribbon-like. A good Damascus blade will cut an- iron nail without suffering injury. For the production of Damascus steel, according to Anossow’s process, iron together with graphite and a flux is melted in a crucible. The cake of steel found after cooling upon the bottom of the crucible shows already a damaskeened surface, and is then carefully worked further in the ordinary manner. Imitation of Damascus Steel .—Cut 8 sheets of steel 12 inches long, 1 inch wide and T * 2 inch thick. Now prepare 5 sheets of soft iron and 4 of brittle iron of equal dimensions with the steel sheets. These are then joined together in the following manner: 280 TITE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. A sheet of steel is laid upon one of soft iron, upon this one of brittle iron, then one of steel, and so on to the seventh sheet, which should be one of soft iron. The bundle is placed in the fire, and, after moderately heating, welded together. It is then squared and worked smooth under the hammer and brought to a white- heat. One end is then placed in a vise, the other is grasped with a pair of tongs and the mass vigorously twisted into the shape of a screw. It is then smoothed and wrought into a bar y 2 to y inch wide and £ to y, inch thick. This is cut into 2 equal parts. A sheet of steel inch thick, and as long and as wide as one of the two parts of the prepared bar, is cut and placed between the two parts. The bundle is placed in the fire and then beaten under the hammer to the thickness required for the articles to be manufac¬ tured. A pickle consisting of 1 y 2 pints of water, 1 oz. of nitric acid, 1 oz. of sal-ammoniac and 4 y 2 drachms of blue vitriol is now prepared in a copper vessel. Paint the places which are not to be damaskeened with some kind of varnish, and place the articles manufactured from the prepared bar in the bath. When the pickle has taken effect they are removed, rinsed off with cold water and dried. Damascus Gun-barrels .—The best known varieties of damask are the “ rose and Bernard damask.” The process of manufactur¬ ing the first variety, which is also called “ Turkish ” damask, is shown in Fig. 19 A. Square rods of the thickness of a lead-pencil are first formed by arranging 26 ribands of iron and mild steel as thick as paper, in alternate layers, welding the whole together and twisting it like a rope by securing one end in a vise and grasping the other with a pair of tongs. Six such twisted rods are then welded together as shown at A, Fig. 19, and twisted around an iron tube h. These crude barrels are worked, while hot, under the hammer until all parts are uniformly united. When the barrel is finished the tube around which the riband of damask is twisted is bored out. The finished barrel is filed smooth and polished, and then treated with dilute nitric acid, when it exhibits a diversified laminated structure, resembling when properly managed an ostrich feather. DECORATING, ENAMELLING, ENGRAVING, ETCHING. 2S1 Barnard damask is made by alternately arranging 81 square rods of iron and steel in the manner of a chess-board, B, Fig. 19, weld¬ ing the whole together, twisting it like a rope, and again welding three such ropes for the formation of the riband, which is then twisted around the iron tube. Fig. 19, C, shows the design of the damask of a double-barrel gun. In this case the iron and steel bands are placed one upon the other before heating and held together by wire. To Damaskeen Iron and Steel with Platinum. —Take several thin steel sheets or alternately steel and iron sheets, wrap around each a platinum wire, and after placing one upon the other, firmly tie the whole together with steel wire in such a manner that J? u Fig. 19 . the last wrappings touch each other. The whole is then welded together, best with the use of borax. The mass thus obtained can then be worked further as desired. By browning or bluing the finished article the lustrous white platinum damask appears upon a blue or brown ground. Instead of platinum other refractory metals, for instance, nickel, may be used. Damaskeening with Gold or Silver. —There are two methods of practising this process. By one method the surface of the metal to be damaskeened is roughened with a file ; the artist, by skilful manipulation, causes to adhere to the roughened surface threads of gold or silver, which are pressed down and burnished. Broad sur- 282 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. faces are produced by working the threads or wires side by side. Heat is applied, but the necessary degree requires great judgment. In the other method the surface to be damaskeened is incised or cut into, the incision being expanded at the bottom. Into this channel gold or silver is introduced and beaten down. Imitation of Damask. —Prepare a mixture of equal parts of good linseed oil varnish, white resin and wax. Coat with this the iron, which should have been previously cleansed and polished, and draw with a pen the pattern usually used in damaskeening. Make a rim of wax around the pattern, and pour nitric acid mixed with an equal quantity of lemon juice upon the pattern. As soon as the nitric acid assumes a brownish color pour it off, wash the iron thoroughly with water and remove the varnish by melting. If the article is small, round, or has an uneven surface, place it for a few minutes in a mixture of 8 parts of water, i of nitric acid, and i of lemon juice, and allow it to remain until the fluid assumes a brownish color, when it is taken out and cleansed. To Produce Damask in Relief upon Gun Barrels .—Carefully close all openings of the barrel with corks and cleanse it from adhering grease. Then place it in a box, pitched inside, and pour over it one quart of water previously mixed with i oz. of hydrochloric acid. The barrel remains in this mixture for 3 to 4 hours, when it is taken from the box, washed with water, next rubbed with tow dipped in tripoli and finally thoroughly dried. It is then oiled and heated over a coal-fire. In consequence of this treatment the steel portions appear in relief, the iron portions having been attacked by the corroding solution. Damaskeened Surface upon Steel-guns. —The beautiful damas¬ keened surface exhibited by the Woolwich and Elswick steel-guns is produced by means of a special solution composed of the follow¬ ing ingredients: Tincture of steel, 2 ozs. ; nitric acid, 1 oz. ; sul¬ phate of copper, 1 oz. ; spirit of nitre, 1^ ozs. ; spirits of wine, ozs.; and water, 1 gallon. This solution is smeared over the parts, and when dry another coat is put on, the result being a fine brown color which, if not dark enough, is made so by a repetition of the operation, six coats being sufficient to make the surface DECORATING, ENAMELLING. ENGRAVING, ETCHING. 283 black. The acid is then killed by washing with soda solution, and the whole rubbed with a hard brush until smooth, after which it is rubbed with oily waste. Other solutions for this purpose are in use at some establishments of high repute, one of the most im¬ portant of these consisting of a mixture of i oz. each of sulphur, tincture of steel, nitric acid and spirit of nitre with y oz. of ‘ sulphuric acid, y 2 oz. each of mercuric chloride and sulphate of copper, and x quart of water. Damasked Bronze .—By this term are understood bronze articles engraved with quite deep lines which are inlaid with silver or gold wire, pressed in by means of a burnishing stone or small hammer. The articles are finally polished and have a beautiful appearance, the gold and silver designs upon the bronze ground presenting frequently a striking resemblance to embroidery. Iridescent Colors upon Metals .—To produce rainbow colors upon gilt articles of iron, brass, and other metals, as well as upon clean metallic surfaces in general, they are treated as follows: Prepare a bath by boiling for half an hour 3*4 ozs. of caustic soda, 14^ drachms of litharge and 1 quart of water. Connect the object to be colored, which must be previously thoroughly cleansed and pickled, with the wire of the positive pole of a battery, and use a platinum wire as anode. By dipping the platinum wire in the bath without touching the article, the latter becomes immediately colored with various colors originating from a more or less thick layer of the precipitated oxide of lead. Colors of all possible contrast can be obtained by placing vertically a piece of stout parchment paper between the articles to be colored and the platinum wire, and also by providing the parchment with numerous holes or radical segments. Moire Metallique .—To give tin-plate and articles manufactured from it a crystalline surface, it is polished by hammering and then heated over a coal-fire so that the tin melts, however, without oxidizing. It is then removed, and the side which had been exposed to the fire is poured over with water from a vessel so arranged that a broad stream can be brought upon the surface. In cooling the tin crystallizes, but the surface presents a poor appear- 284 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. ance, and must, therefore, be further treated with acid. The sheet is placed in a mixture of i part of nitric acid, 2 of hydrochloric acid, and 3 of water, whereby the tin upon the surface is in a short time dissolved. The sheet is then taken out, washed first in caustic potash-lye, which considerably enhances the metallic lustre, and, after rinsing in clean water, dried at a moderate heat, and finally coated with transparent copal lacquer. By certain manipulations the direction the crystallization is to take may be determined. By drawing, for instance, with a hot soldering-iron designs upon the back of the heated and cooled plate, the tin melts through the plate, and by the action of the acids the design is recognized upon the other side by the changed direction of the crystallization. By heating tinned sheet-iron over the flame of a spirit-lamp the tin fuses all around, and forms a round spot whose circumference becomes the larger the longer the sheet remains over the flame. On removing the flame the place where it was applied will be recognized as the centre of a stellated crystallization. Pure tin is best adapted for this purpose. The moire is as a rule obtained by exposing tin or tin-plate, previously carefully cleansed, to the action of hydrochloric, sulphuric, or nitric acid, or other chemical reagents of not too strong action, and finally freeing the surface covered with moire as much as possible from the oxides produced during the operation. I. Pour into a clean and dry glass or porcelain vessel 80 parts by weight of ordinary sulphuric acid, and add 10 of ammonium chloride, sodium chloride, etc., and immediately cover the vessel with the sheet to be treated, allowing it to remain as long as effervescence continues. It is then removed, washed by immersing in ordinary water, and dried with fine linen, or allowed to dry by itself. This operation is repeated five or six times in succession until a moire of desired purity and beauty is obtained. II. By immersing tin-plate in sulphuric or hydrochloric acid for two or three minutes and thoroughly rinsing in ordinary water, it will be found covered with moire. III. A very white and lustrous moire is obtained by boiling tin¬ plate in sulphuric acid diluted with ten times its volume of water DECORATING, ENAMELLING, ENGRAVING, ETCHING. 285 for half an hour, then rubbing with a soft woollen rag dipped in a solution of equal volumes of cold water and sulphuric acid, washing and finally rinsing in cold water. IV. First wash the plate with a soft rag saturated with a mixture of equal volumes of alcohol and oil of turpentine. After thoroughly rubbing the entire surface, wash with pure alcohol and dry with clean linen. Now take the yelks of 12 fresh eggs, and rub them up carefully in a mixture of 12 teaspoonfuls of hydrochloric acid and a like quantity of water. When the composition has acquired the consistency of a stiff paste, add 12 teaspoonfuls of nitric acid, which renders the mixture more fluid. Now dip a pad of cotton or other soft stuff in the fluid, and rub the surface of the metal, being careful to carry the pad quickly and lightly over all parts, so that the composition is everywhere uniformly applied, but not allowed at any point, to dry. When the designs show well and the moire has acquired a good lustre, so that neither a stain or an inequality of color is observed, wash with a woollen rag strongly saturated with a mixture of equal parts of hydrochloric and nitric acids and 5 parts of water, and, after washing in an abundance of water, allow the article to dry. By adding to the acid mixture diluted with water a small quantity of trichloride of gold, the gold precipitates in the form of oxide, and imparts to the moire more beauty and lustre. Colored Moire on Tin-plate .—Heat the tin-plate to a temperature at which the tin begins to melt, and then immerse it quickly in a fluid composed of hydrochloric acid, 2 parts ; nitric acid, 1 ; water, 3; and potassium bichromate, 1 ; deep black spots are produced, which become still darker by adding some tin salt. By now thor¬ oughly rinsing the sheets, pouring hydrochloric acid over them, which is allowed to run slowly from the sheets, so that only a slightly acid fluid remains, and finally pouring over a solution of 10 parts of sodium hyposulphite in 120 of water, crystals playing into various colors, according to the longer or shorter time of the action of the solution, are obtained. The articles are finally rinsed in water, then in alcohol, and coated with a suitable varnish. Moire on Brass ,—To produce moire on brass, boil the objects in 286 THE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. a concentrated aqueous solution of blue vitriol (i part blue vitriol to 2 parts water) for some time. The shades obtained vary accord¬ ing to the proportion of zinc and copper in the brass. If an article when taken from the solution appears dark red or dark violet with¬ out perceptible reflections, it is only necessary to rub it with a little wax-varnish or rosin-varnish. The formation of moire is much promoted by putting a few small pieces of iron in the solution. To Decorate Tin-plate .—Lithographs upon tin-plate or other metal sheets are frequently produced by directly printing the sheets in the lithographic press. More elegant results are, however, obtained as follows: The design is printed in black color, to which some copal lacquer has been added, upon sheets of paper, the size of the sheets to be decorated, which have been prepared with paste, gum, and glycerin. The paper, printed side down, is immediately laid upon the sheet, and passed together with it through the press; it is then dampened with a wet sponge, and again passed through the press. To save time, the production of the lithograph and its transfer to the metallic sheet is frequently combined as follows: Lay the paper upon the stone, upon the paper a leather-plate, and upon the latter the sheet with the last-printed paper, and pass the whole through the press. When the sheet comes from the press the paper is again dampened, and then carefully drawn off, whereby the design in its finest details remains upon the sheet. The sheets are now placed in an oven, heated to 284° F. for 12 hours, then coated with a mixture of copal lacquer, oil of turpentine, and lin¬ seed-oil varnish, and again placed in the oven for 12 hours. When directly printing the sheets from the stone some asphalt or iron lacquer is added to the printing-ink, and for other colors some dammar lacquer, in order to obtain better lustre and to promote drying. The printed sheets are dried in the oven until the color cannot be wiped off, care being had, however, not to raise the temperature to the melting-point of the tin. When dry, the prints receive by means of a flat, broad, soft brush a uniform and not too thick coating of a mixture of 1 part of linseed oil and 2 parts of dark copal lacquer, and are then again dried in the oven for one hour. This coating imparts to the sheets the lustre and color of DECORATING, ENAMELLING, ENGRAVING, ETCHING. 287 polished brass; its principal advantage being, however, that it does not crack off when bent, so that the decorated sheets can be worked in every way, and even hammered. New Method of Decorating Metals .—This invention of Nellie C. Duncombe, of New York city, presents a beautiful field for taste, skill and industry, and it has been carefully fenced in by the patent issued July 16, 1889. The decorative design is formed upon the metallic surface by means of etching and oxidation of the metal. Suppose the plate to be decorated to consist of polished sheet brass, all those portions which are finally to appear as polished sur¬ faces—the high lights or, perhaps, the outlines of the design—are covered with a brush dipped in a suitable varnish. When the var¬ nish is dry the plate is immersed in a bath of nitric acid some¬ what diluted, in which is a small piece of copper in process of dis¬ solution. By this immersion the surface of the plate is both etched by the acid and discolored by the action of the copper which is dissolved by the acid. After a few moments’ immersion the plate is removed and rinsed. As it dries in the air the exposed surface becomes a dull brown, like old bronze. All the portions that are to retain this color are then painted with the same varnish and the plate is then dipped in a weak solution of copper salt. This brightens the surface and gives it a yellowish, mottled appearance. Then the plate is dried in fine saw-dust, box-wood preferred. After protecting with the varnish so much of the color as it is desired to retain, the plate is again immersed in the same nitric acid bath until it has been sufficiently etched to remove the previous oxida¬ tion, again rinsing and holding it, either side up, over a tray con¬ taining diluted nitric acid and pieces of copper and sheet brass. After being left to be oxidized in these fumes a few moments, the plate is again dried in saw-dust, and the result is an orange-color somewhat mottled. Again painted and exposed for a longer time to the fumes of the acid, copper and brass, a green color is pro¬ duced. Again dried in the saw-dust and painted as before, a frosted effect is produced on the unpainted portion that is left by a quick dip in a bath of nitric and sulphuric acids and water, after which it is rinsed and dried quickly in hot saw-dust. 288 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. The varnish is now removed with turpentine or another solvent and the entire design is exposed, and the plate is completed. It is immaterial, after painting over the high lights, in what order the successive oxidations are produced, but it is preferable to oxidize the finer and more delicate portions of the design first and finish with the ground etching. The depth of the etchings is of no consequence, the color, like beauty, being only skin- deep. The varnish preferred for the operation is made as follows : As¬ phalt, 2 ozs. ; white wax, i y 2 ozs. ; Burgundy pitch, i oz., and a sufficient quantity of turpentine. Melt the asphalt in a glazed saucepan and add the wax gradually, stirring with a glass rod, add the pitch and continue stirring, permitting it to boil up twice or three times, but never let it boil over. Take the saucepan from the fire and stir in enough turpentine to make the mass the con¬ sistency of tube oil paints. Other colors, such as dark purple or orange, red and green, green bronze and light green, bright green and red, bright pink, iridescent purple, may be made by the same method with various kinds of baths. Nielled Silver .—This term is applied to silver articles provided with a black etching. The articles are produced by first engrav¬ ing them quite deeply and inlaying the lines with a black enamel consisting of metallic sulphide. The niel consists of a mixture of sulphide of silver, sulphide of copper and sulphide of lead. The older niel was generally rich in silver, but in the modern the sul¬ phur combinations of copper and lead preponderate. To prepare the niel fuse first the sulphur in a graphite crucible and heat until the sulphur boils. Heat a certain quantity of silver and copper, which are best used in the form of wire or thin sheet; throw first the silver into the crucible, then the copper and finally the lead, the latter in pieces the size of a pea. Stir the mass with a clay rod to intimately mix the metallic sulphides and examine whether there are still unmelted parts in the crucible. When all is melted pour the mass quickly into water, which imparts to it a certain de¬ gree of brittleness. Then powder the niel as finely as possible in a cast-iron mortar, separating the fine from the coarse powder and DECORATING, ENAMELLING, ENGRAVING, ETCHING. 289 again pulverizing the latter. The proportions generally used are as follows: Parts. Silver. 8 2 i x 2 Copper. ...,i8 5 6 2 i Lead. 13 7 10 4 Sulphur...96 24 36 5 3 According to Hart the niel consists of 4 parts of fine silver, 9 of pure copper, 1 of platinum (which is, however, not absolutely necessary), 2 of borax and 48 of flowers of sulphur. First melt the silver, then add the copper and, when both are liquid, the lead. The melted metals are stirred with a stick of charcoal to insure homogeneity. The mixture is then poured into a large crucible containing the pulverized sulphur. The crucible is then replaced upon the fire for a few minutes to keep the mass fluid. It is then poured over brushwood into water so that granules are formed. These granules are collected, dried in the air and then pulverized in a mortar. The firm of Zachers, of Berlin, claim to have discovered the process of making the niel called Tula, after the Russian town of the same name. According to them the niel is prepared from 9 parts of silver, 1 of copper, 1 of lead and 1 of bismuth. The metals are melted and saturated with sulphur. This mixture gives the splendid blue which was formerly erroneously considered as steel-blue. The article to be nielled having been prepared with the graver, by etching or stamping, is then dipped in a solution of borax. The pulverized niel is next made into a stiff paste with a concen¬ trated solution of sal-ammoniac and pressed into the hollows by means of a spatula or brush. After wiping off the excess of niel with a moist cloth the article is allowed to dry, after which it is to be heated. This is effected with single small objects over glowing coals, but if a larger number of objects are to be treated they are placed upon sheet-iron and brought into the glowing muffle of an enamelling furnace. When the niel is fused the iron plate with the articles is 19 290 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. taken out and after cooling the pattern is uncovered by a level grinding with pumice stone, when the silver will appear as over a black ground. Polishing is effected with the same agents and in the same manner as that of other silver objects. A cheaper method than by engraving each article by itself is to engrave in relief a steel plate and press it against the silver plate between two hard bodies. The copy is hollow and ready to receive the niel. A great many copies may be obtained from the same matrix. The muffles which serve for the reception of the objects to be c c Fig. 20. nielled and enamelled consist of semi-cylindrical bodies generally made of refractory clay. On one of the wider sides they are pro¬ vided with a large opening and on one of the narrower sides with a small round aperture. The large aperture is closed with a clay plate after the objects have been placed in the muffle. In the small aperture is secured a tube which can be closed by a clay stopper. By removing the stopper the interior of the muffle can be watched through the tube, and the burning in of the niel or en- DECORATING, ENAMELLING, ENGRAVING, ETCHING. 291 amel controlled. An enamelling furnace with brass muffle, which is very suitable for working on a small scale, is shown in cross sec¬ tions at Fig. ?o; M is the muffle of stout sheet-brass. It is pro¬ vided on one side with a lid which, with its projecting edges, can be pushed into the muffle. The furnace is constructed of double sheet-iron, and the space between the outer casing A B C D and the inner casing c is filled with a bad conductor (ashes, etc.). The casing rests upon four iron legs and is provided at d e with a small chimney. The muffle rests with both ends upon projecting edges of the inner casing. The furnace is heated either by gas or, as in- Fig 21. dicated in the illustration, by spirit flames. The size of the muf¬ fle as well as of the entire apparatus depends on the dimensions of the largest article to be decorated. Another muffle-furnace is shown in Fig. 21. O is the actual furnace of refractory material, M the clay muffle resting either upon wrought-iron rails or upon projections of the furnace wall. R is the grate, A the ash-pit and B the aperture for introducing the fuel. In front of the muffle is a day plate P which serves as a table in introducing and withdrawing the articles to be enamelled. THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. 202 To Imitate Nielled Work by the Galvanic Method .—The design is executed upon the silver surface with a pigment consisting of white-lead and glue or gum water. The portions which are to remain free are coated with a protecting varnish and the design is then uncovered by etching with very dilute nitric acid. The ar¬ ticle is then brought as the anode into a dilute solution of ammonium sulphide, and a small platinum sheet connected with the negative pole is dipped into the solution. Sulphide of silver being formed, the design becomes quickly black-gray and, after removing the protecting varnish with benzine, stands out in sharp contrast with the white silver. Oxidized Silver .—This name is incorrect, as by it is understood, riot an oxidation, but a combination with sulphur or chlorine. Solution of pentasulphide of potassium (liver of sulphur of the shops) is generally used for oxidizing silver. Liver of sulphur is prepared by intimately mixing and heating together 2 parts of thoroughly dried potash and 1 part of sulphur powder. Dissolve 2 or 3 drachms of the compound in 0/2 pints of water, and bring the liquid to a temperature of from 155 0 to 175 0 F., when it is ready for use. Silver objects previously freed from dust and grease with soda lye and thorough rinsing in water, plunged in this bath, are instantly covered with an iridescent film of silver sulphide, which in a few seconds more becomes blue-black. The objects are then removed, rinsed off in plenty of fresh water, scratch-brushed, and, if necessary, polished. It is advisable to use the oxidizing liquid as soon as prepared. After it has been used for some time the deposit becomes dull and gray and lacking in adherence. There is danger in using the alkaline liquid too strong; the coating will form more quickly, but does not adhere so well. The process is very readily executed upon pure silver, but with articles of cupriferous silver the result is not quite so beautiful, and it is, therefore, advisable to subject them to blanching before oxidizing. A velvety black color is obtained by dipping the article previous to oxidizing in solution of mercurous nitrate, by which it becomes coated with a thin film of mercury, which forms an amalgam with DECORATING, ENAMELLING, ENGRAVING, ETCHING. 293 the silver. When brought into the liver of sulphur solution a mix¬ ture of mercury sulphide and silver sulphide is formed, which is much darker than silver sulphide by itself. By dipping the oxidized article into a liquid composed of io parts of blue vitriol, 5 of sal- ammoniac, and 100 of vinegar, the places of the silver left bright acquire a warm brown shade. Another method of oxidation is effected by dipping the article into diluted chlorine water, chloride of lime solution, or into eau de Javelle. The action of these baths is based upon the formation of a thin layer of silver chloride, which, on exposure to light, becomes dark. Beautiful effects and tasty designs may be produced by combin¬ ing various shades of oxidation with the bright or gilded silver surface. By executing the design, for example, with asphalt lacquer and placing the articles in the liver of sulphur solution, only the places left free become oxidized, and the result, after removing the asphalt lacquer with oil of turpentine, will be a white design upon a dark ground. Dark designs upon a white ground are executed with ink prepared by thickening concentrated liver of sulphur solution by the addition of gum-arabic solution. When the design is dry the article is heated so that the gum cracks off or can be removed by a gentle tap. Black and light designs upon a dark gray ground are carried out by executing the first with asphalt solution and the latter with ink composed of mercurous nitrate and gum-arabic solution, and dipping the article into the liver of sulphur bath. A yellow color is imparted to silver articles by dipping in a hot, concentrated solution of cupric chloride. A deep black oxidized surface may be obtained directly on cop¬ per , properly cleansed, by immersion in a concentrated solution of hydrous carbonate of copper, either cold or tepid. The copper surface at once becomes coated with a fine black deposit, which will stand subsequent treatment very well. A fine oxidized surface may also be produced by depositing on the surface of the articles or on certain portions thereof a film of metallic platinum. For this purpose prepare a solution of platinic chloride in sulphuric THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. 2D4 ether or alcohol, and apply the solution with a brush to the parts of the surface to be oxidized. The ether or alcohol speedily evap¬ orates, leaving behind a film of metallic platinum adhering to the surface of the object, which film, according to its thickness, imparts to the surface either a steel-gray or nearly black lustre. A hot aqueous solution of platinic chloride will give the same results. New Protecting Coat on "Metals .—Two pounds of borate of lead are ground very fine with water. It is then allowed to settle, and, after pouring off the water, the deposit is mixed with a precipitate’ of platinum obtained by the addition of i)4 cubic inches of am¬ monia to a solution of 63^ drachms of platinic chloride in i quart of water, allowed to settle for 3 hours, decanting the ammonia- water, replacing it by clean water, again allowing it to settle for 3 hours, and finally decanting the water. The platinum is ground together with the borate of lead for at least x / 2 hour; 5 quarts of water are then added, and the mass is ready for use. The articles of iron, steel, or copper to be coated, previously brushed or washed, are dipped in the preparation, or coated with it by brushing, and heated in a strongly heated muffle, or by a gas flame, until the originally white coating has acquired the color of dull iron. Photo-chemical Process of Decorating Metal. —Breit, of Barmen, has patented in Germany a process according to which the metallic surface to be decorated—tabbied tin-plate is especially suitable for the process—is first coated with a colorless or colored alcoholic lacquer, and then, in a dark room, with a solution of chrome- gelatine. The latter is obtained by dissolving 5 to 10 parts by weight of gelatine and 1 to 2 of bichromate of potash in 100 of water. The gelatine possesses the peculiarity of losing its solubility in water by the action of light. Hence, by covering, after drying, the plate with the desired pattern and exposing it in a copying frame to the light, the layer of gelatine on the places exposed to the light becomes insoluble, while the parts covered by the pattern can be removed by placing the plate in warm water. After drying, the layer of lacquer first applied is removed from the places freed from gelatine with cold spirit of wine. The gelatine design remaining upon the plate may be colored as desired by placing the DECORATING, ENAMELLING, ENGRAVING, ETCHING. 295 plate in a dye-bath, the colored designs upon a bright ground thus obtained being fixed by lacquering. Before lacquering the metallic surfaces may be suitably provided with a patina, whereby the effect of colored designs upon a differently colored ground is obtained. To Prepare Zinc for Painting. —Brush over the zinc with a solu¬ tion of i part each of chloride of copper, nitrate of copper and sal-ammoniac in 64 parts of water and add to the mixture 1 part of commercial hydrochloric acid. After 12 to 24 hours the solu¬ tion dries to a dull gray color. Painting upon this surface the colors will adhere in a perfect manner. Another process is as follows: Into some hydrochloric acid of full strength drop pieces of zinc until effervescence ceases. Add an equal quantity of water and with a sponge tied to a stick wash over every part of the surface to be painted. This roughens the surface and takes off that sort of greasiness which prevents paint from adhering. After the acid has remained a short time on the zinc wash with water or dilute vinegar, dry, and paint. How to Prepare a Rough Surface in Grounding Metals for Sub¬ sequent Decoration. —The object of this process is to ground metals which are to be enamelled, or decorated with vitrifiable colors, or protected from tarnishing or rusting. The preparation of the sur¬ face to be enamelled is very simple and inexpensive; the enamel can be directly and uniformly applied without the necessity of using a special ground mass and adheres very firmly without cracking or peeling off. The process is executed as follows : Mix finely pulverized iron-scale (magnetic oxide), or, still better, pure ferroso-ferric oxide prepared by precipitation, with more or less finely pulverized emery and triturate the mixture with a solution of lead or tin soap, adding a few per cent, of a readily fusible frit. Apply this mass to the metal to be grounded and burn it in. In burning in, the article may be heated to a red heat, whereby a fine violet-blue coating, rough to the touch, is obtained, which, with¬ out further preparation, can be dipped into the covering mass, en¬ amelled or painted with vitrifiable colors, and burnt in. By this treatment the rough violet-blue coating formed from the lead solu¬ tion and the magnetic iron mixed with emery constitutes the 296 THE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. ground mass for the enamel and colors. By the foregoing described method of grounding, articles of all kinds, of cast-iron as well as of wrought-iron, can be provided with a very durable enamel. By increasing the quantity of magnetic iron a ground mass for a very refractory covering mass may be made. To Coat Stoves, Tools, etc. —Metallic tools and other articles, particularly those of iron and steel which are used in laboratories and other workshops where acid vapors are of frequent occurrence, can be protected with a lustrous black coat which resists acids, and is but little affected even by a low red heat, as follows: Have a sheet-iron box constructed large enough to hold all the articles to be coated, and provided with a false bottom of wire netting about 1 1/2 inches above the actual bottom. Underneath this wire netting is placed a layer of crushed blacksmith’s coal about ^ inch deep; then place the articles, which must be entirely free from rust, clean and polished, upon the wire net. The box is then covered with a well-fitting lid and set on a strong fire, which causes the coal to give off tarry constituents, the heat being continued until the bot¬ tom of the box is at a red heat. When all evolution of gas has ceased the box is allowed to become cold, and the articles are taken out, and will be found covered with a beautiful glossy coat. Ward's Inoxidizing Process. —This process is based upon the simultaneous employment of silicates and heating. The cast- or wrought-iron articles are coated by means of a brush or by immer¬ sion with a silicate. This coating dries quickly, and when the articles are exposed to a suitable heat liquefies, penetrates the pores of the metal, and after cooling forms a dense uniform coating of a dead-black color, which does not change by the action of the atmosphere nor crack off from the article. By adding to the sili¬ cate pigments used for coloring glass, decorated surfaces of great beauty may be obtained, which are far superior to those produced in the ordinary manner by the application of paint. Inoxidizing Process for Cast-iron. —The cast-iron articles, entire gas-chandeliers, water pipes, ornamental pieces, railings, kitchen- pots, etc., are placed upon an iron carriage and first exposed in a reverberatory furnace of special construction at a temperature of from tl-5 ^ ■ & >w^ilr-J*nr 0 -»|u^ jfr-r o~C£s&S 4-c>-» CA-o-t-v £\*«'» i 4t « v\^y £s. tj yu,-CA^isls% Waw ir-v—J l^lC-t-y o~ \Jr i/cA- A^-J r^u-f ^ 'Tol-M ^ -^tT"t\ r-C 1 ^' jj5 X>^|d "WAT u-€» CLAt^C g^ > *-£, -C . 1 tt<-C-<»A-'^'0 ijT'L-A-e-4t C <-* jvr o—€i-v«_ -e-c-t'U , wr't^J^tw jynnrti^*'^ l^-a- * • CJkXV/f'V ■e^-i , frtr-vu^ P^ >>-*^i C©~t r~rra- 4 ^v-ft-'- ^ * ^V- >^o Fkjt^* O- ^‘^ucJL^ c+£. -SKfiUtX-' Vy cuc*^} t -v^a_€^C- c uv- tAj-o_i_t-^ ^(rv—t^-c^u-VCuj 00 ■ -r -i—~^f- -» \jt~tb i*-'^ ^ - ^ K> rf^c^p -CL |rfvw C (Vrm-<-- vi''ttAtt'^' \-»—o -C- copper-scales, 3; and borax, IV. Yellow wax, 18 parts; red chalk, 8; cupreous water, 3; verdigris, 2; borax, 1 y 2 ; and burnt copper, 3. V. Yellow wax, 18 parts; verdigris, 6; sulphate of zinc, 6; red chalk, 8 }^ ; copper scales, 4; ferrous sulphate (copperas), 3 ; col- cothar, j and borax, Quicksilver Water is a solution of mercurous nitrate, and is prepared by dissolving 10 parts of metallic mercury in xi of cold nitric acid of 36° B., and diluting the solution with 275 parts of rain or distilled water. It serves for moistening bronze as well as copper, brass and German silver, and even silver of less fine¬ ness than -pj 5 O O <=> <> o O <=> o 00 Fig. 40. of an oval groove will be seen from Fig. 41. The width of the groove b is the diagonal of a square, from the corners of which the two arcs are described which terminate the oval groove. It is then b — 1.414 r, and h = 0.5858 r. During the process of rolling the particles or molecules of the metal are more or less squeezed or forced into abnormal positions, WIRE— MANUFACTURE, BRASSING, ETC. 449 thus impairing the uniform temper of the rods ; but this, however, is commonly counteracted by subsequent annealing or reheating, so as to allow the molecules to resume their normal relations. The length of finished rods may vary from 60 to 150, and up to 500 yards in one piece, naturally dependent upon the gauges, materials and weights they are produced from. For example, a No. 5 gauge rod, 0.212 in. in diameter, rolled from a billet weighing 1 cwt., would be about 320 yards in length, and this, if subsequently drawn down to No. 20 gauge wire, 0.036 inch in diameter, would equal some 11,200 yards in length, without any appreciable diminution in weight. The gauge referred to is in all cases the “ English legal standard.” After the rods leave the “blooming mill ” they are taken to the “wire mill,” where they are hung around wooden blocks, perhaps half a dozen coils on each block, which are lowered into huge tubs of sulphuric acid, and allowed to remain there until the acid has removed the impurities from the surface. The blocks are then raised by a pulley, and the rods are thrown upon the floor and washed with the hose. Having been loaded on trucks and dried, one end of each rod is pointed by a revolving machine so as to obtain tapering rods capable of being introduced into the conical apertures in the draw-plate. In some cases the rods after having been freed from impurities are dipped in lime-water, which assists the process of drawing, and finally are placed in a drying room or chamber. A wire-drawing mill consists of a series of horizontal drums or pulleys—termed “blocks”—mounted on vertical axes upon long benches with draw-plates and pincer devices attached to each. The draw-plates, which are pierced with a regular gradation of tapering holes, are held in vices or clamping frames firmly fixed to the bench, whilst the mechanical pincers are provided for catching hold of the tapering extremities of the rods inserted in the holes of the plates for pulling them through, the pairs of pincers being forced back by revolving cones fixed on the drum spindles. When a sufficient length of any rod has thus been drawn to enable a turn being taken round a revolving pulley or drum, the drawing process 29 450 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. is continued by this means, the turning of each of the series of pulleys drawing one of the various rods through the steel plates or draw-blocks, and thereby increasing their lengths by reducing their thickness. Fig. 42 represents a wire-drawing mill. A is the reel upon which the wire is wound ; b the draw-iron held in the frame B, the finely hatched portion consisting of steel. C is the drum. The shaft f with the pulley i revolves constantly, whilst when running empty the drum stands still. When the drum is to revolve, it is lifted up by means of a treadle at f; the hook o catches the drum and takes it along. When the wire c, which winds up spirally, has A c entirely passed through the draw-iron the tension ceases, the drum falls down, and, being liberated from the hook 0, comes to a stand¬ still without the co-operation of the workman. The wire drawn upon any drum may have to be re-drawn in a similar manner a number of times dependent upon the gauge re¬ quired, the process being facilitated by the application of lubri¬ cants, termed “wire-drawers’ soap and grease,” as the wire is pulled through the decreasing holes in the draw-plate. Lubrica¬ tion, as commonly practised, consists in applying a paste made of wheat flour or lime to the surface of the wire to be drawn, and when the paste is dry to smear the wire with tallow or grease; the wire WIRE—MANUFACTURE, BRASSING, ETC. 451 is then ready to be drawn, the dried paste serving to prevent the lubricant from being pressed out in the process. Some manufac¬ turers use in drawing fine wire a lubricant consisting of sour beer yeast and a layer of olive oil. F. Vogel recommends the following fat pickle: Melt a determined quantity of lard or similar sub¬ stance, and after cooling it to about 125 0 F. add, with constant stirring, 20 to 40 per cent, of 66 per cent, sulphuric acid until the mass is of the consistence of soft soap ; then, with continued stirring, add water until the mixture is completely dissolved in the water. By adding sulphuric acid as well as water the mass becomes again heated, and hence sufficient provision for cooling must be made. The application of this very fat fluid lubricant is claimed to facilitate the drawing of wire to such an extent that annealing during drawing is not so often required as in the ordinary process. It is further claimed that the draw-irons do not wear out so quickly, that the wire acquires a higher lustre and does not rust so readily. Chas. H. Morgan recommends the use of a hot solution of lime and salt as a lubricant in drawing Bessemer wire. By using the solution at a boiling temperature the water is quickly thrown off, when the wire is taken from the bath and kept in a warm dry place until it is drawn. Salt coating, whether combined with lime or otherwise, is claimed to resist any pressure that steel wire of the highest tensile strength makes, when being drawn, upon the inner surface of the die. As the drawing operations proceed the wire becomes proportion¬ ally hardened and its original properties altered so that it has to be annealed at certain stages of the process. In practice wire to be drawn to a fine gauge is sometimes returned to the annealing pot about half a dozen times. During the process of drawing some wire may be placed on reels mounted in tubs of acid and other solutions for cleaning off any coat of oxide formed by annealing. The annealing pots are simply metal chambers into which the wire is placed and hermetically sealed during the process of heating for several hours at a red heat, and which afterwards is allowed gradu¬ ally to cool down. An average-sized pot receives about 50 per 452 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. cent, of wire at one charge. Finally annealed or tempered wires are always softer and more pliable than those bright-finished or drawn ; steel wire, however, requires different treatment from that employed for iron. To avoid the formation of scales during an¬ nealing, which cannot be entirely prevented, even with the use of hermetically sealed pots, W. Rath immerses the wire before an¬ nealing in a solution of calcium chloride of the consistence of syrup. The protecting coat which is thereby formed upon the wire is removed after annealing and cooling by rinsing in clean water. The drawing-drums before referred to are of various sizes—say from 32 inches to 10 inches diameter, and maybe driven at a speed of about 300 to 400 feet per minute for ordinary wire; steel wire should be drawn at a slower speed in order to prevent breakages. The drums used for taking the first draws on the rough rods are termed “ripping blocks” and are of large diameter and strong construction, whilst the speed of driving is usually rather lower than that above mentioned; but this, however, is dependent throughout upon the sizes of the blocks and the classes of wire to be drawn. The drums of small-sized blocks may be driven at a velocity of 500 feet or more per minute for drawing soft wire. When the holes in the drawing-irons have become enlarged by wear the plates are heated and hammered up and partially re¬ punched, the requisite diameters of the holes being ascertained and adjusted by the insertion of gauge punches. Some kinds of wires are tempered or “ patented ” before drawing; others during or after this process, in order to promote or develop a uniform temper or flexibility, and few processes are conducted less according to fixed rules or with more secrecy, as nothing but experience can initiate one into this important branch of the industry. In every case, however, it is necessary that the rods or wire be raised to a definite temperature in a furnace chamber or “muffle” before the cooling and fixing process is commenced, and which is somewhat determined by the colors the metal assumes by oxidation during the progress of treatment. The finally prepared wires of the required gauges are then WIRE—MANUFACTURE, BRASSING, ETC. 453 formed into bundles or coils of convenient dimensions and re¬ moved to the store-room ready for transport or use. As regards wires from other metals than iron and steel it re¬ mains to be said that they are generally drawn from small square blocks cut from sheet. The strips are rounded off in the draw- iron and gradually drawn out to the desired diameter. Annealing is more or less required with all metals; copper requires but little, it being very ductile. Half-round Wire .—Schniewindt produces half-round wire by splitting round wire by means of rotatory shears. The wire is wound upon a reel a, Fig. 43, and passes through the rolls b, which are provided with corresponding grooves to a guide f. The latter feeds the wire to the circular knives in such a manner that it is cut through longitudinally in the direction of its axis and wound upon the two receiving reels d and d’. Barbed Wire .—This variety of wire consists of wire cords, or even single wires, provided with projecting sharp barbs placed at short distances from each other. It is at present much used for fencing of all kinds. As regards shapes and dimensions barbed wire varies very much ; a number of typical shapes are shown in Fig. 44. Varieties A to C consist of two galvanized steel wires 454 THE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. 0.098 inch in diameter, which are twisted into a cord and provided with sharp-pointed barbs. The latter are formed of a piece of wire cut obliquely on both ends and wrapped twice around the cord. On A the barbs are 4^ inches apart, on B 2^ inches, and on C, which is provided with four barbs, 5^ inches. Variety D consists of three steel wires, between which are placed sharp sheet- steel-points projecting in all directions, there being about 24 such points for every 3^ feet. E shows barbed fencing wire manufac¬ tured by-Bernhard Ebeling, of Bremen. It consists of two steel wires 0.098 inch in diameter twisted together and provided through¬ out their entire length with an insertion of a strip of notched hoop- iron. Another variety manufactured by C. Klauke, of Miincheberg, near Berlin, consists of a single wire only. It is made by a machine especially constructed for the purpose. A short piece of wire is WIRE—MANUFACTURE, BRASSING, ETC. 455 first shaped as shown in J, Fig. 44, which is then connected with the principal wire in the manner illustrated by F and H. This arrangement is inferior to the shapes A to D, the wire being less solid and the barbs pointing only in two directions. Moen has patented a machine for the manufacture of barbed wire, which is shown in Fig. 45. Around a wire is wrapped a strip of sheet-iron, one edge, or both edges, of which is provided with oblique incisions which, in wrapping and bending the strip of sheet- iron, form the barbs. The strip of sheet-iron rolled up is placed upon the wrapping contrivance R and reaches by means of the guide v w the progressing, but not revolving wire. N and O are conducting rolls, B is the drum for impulsion and is connected with the arms P and Q, while J is the drum for carrying away the finished barbed wire. Barbed wire has also been manufactured from a single wire with¬ out any addition. Fig. 44 G shows such a barbed wire consisting of spirally twisted hoop-iron the edges of which are provided with sharp incisions, which in twisting form projecting barbs. Finally the “ Westphalische Union,” of Hamm, manufactures an oval wire 0.31 inch wide and o.ri inch in diameter, which, as shown in the illustrations K and Z, Fig. 44, is provided on the sides with sharp incisions. By turning up the points thus made barbs are formed which are, however, rather short, stand quite obliquely and only alternately on two sides. Barbed wire is brought into commerce wound upon a wooden reel. 456 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. Phosporized Bronze or Brass Wire. —Whiting, of Manchester, England, manufactures phosphorized bronze or brass wire by im¬ mersing stout wire of the above-mentioned or other alloys in a solution of 0.125 to 5 P er c ent - of phosphorus in ether, bisulphide of carbon or olive oil, 5 to 10 per cent, of sulphuric acid and 85 to 95 per cent, of water, whereby, it is claimed, the metal absorbs phosphorus. The wire is then drawn one number finer and brought into a closed retort, the bottom of which is covered with a thin layer of phosphorus, so that the vapors of phosphorus evolved can pass over the wire. The latter is then packed in charcoal, and the charcoal being ignited the wire is kept in the heat until sufficiently softened to allow of being drawn one number finer. Wire thus repeatedly treated is claimed to possess great resisting power and acquire a high polish. Hardening of Wire. —Frequently it is desirable to harden wire, especially steel-wire, in coils. For this purpose the coil is placed upon a reel from which the wire is conducted in a horizontal direc¬ tion to and wound upon a second reel placed at some distance from the first. In its passage to the second reel the wire passes through between a pair of plates 4 to 6 feet long, lying in a furnace and kept at a red heat, and is next conducted through between a similar pair of plates cooled by water. The plates of each pair are provided with suitable grooves for the reception of the wire ; a third pair of plates is moderately heated and serves for tempering to the desired degree of hardness. Instead of the centre pair of plates a reservoir filled with water or oil is sometimes used for cooling. Ramsden’s Method of Hardening Wire differs somewhat from the above. The wire is conducted through pipes, in which it is heated by the flame of an inflammable mixture of carburetted hydrogen gas and steam, and then passes into a cooling bath. For heavier wires two small pipes are arranged at a right-angle to each other, the one being placed in a horizontal and the other in a vertical position, and their mouth-pieces provided with narrow apertures. The free end of the horizontal pipe connected by means of a cock or valve with a steam-pipe, and the lower end of the WIRE—MANUFACTURE, BRASSING, ETC. 457 vertical pipe with a vessel filled with a hydrocarbon, for instance, paraffine or petroleum. A current of steam being conducted through the horizontal pipe absorbs, in passing by the mouth-piece of the vertical pipe, carburetted hydrogen and carries it along in a finely divided state and intimately mixed with the steam. Of such pairs of mouth-pieces a sufficient number for the production of the necessary degree of heat, which can be regulated by a cock, are arranged in front of a cylinder lined with fire clay, so that the flame entirely freed from smoke and other injurious substances passes through the chamber into the chimney. Now if the chamber is about 13 feet long the heat, where the flame enters, will be con¬ siderably greater than where it passes out, and thus the apparatus can be used in the front part for hardening and in the back part for tempering. The chamber rests upon a vessel divided into two parts, one division of which may be filled with cold water or a frigorific mixture. The wire being unwound from a reel passes through the front part of the chamber, and after being conducted through the fluid is again wound upon a reel. For tempering the wire may then be conducted through the back part of the chamber, and from there into the other division of the vessel, which con¬ tains water, oil or a suitable fatty mixture. For finer wires and such as are not to come in contact with the flame a pipe of fire-clay about 13 feet long is used ; it may be with¬ out a partition, or divided into an upper and lower chamber. In the latter case, the lower chamber is heated while the wire passes through the upper. When coming from the latter it is struck by a jet of oil or other suitable fluid, and tempering is effected by im¬ mersing it in a bath of a suitable boiling fluid, for instance lin¬ seed oil at 536° F., or mercury at the same temperature, or in melted lead, the adhering lead being, in the latter case, removed. Fig. 46 I shows the arrangement for coarser and // and III for finer wires. On the chamber of the first the mouth-pieces B and C, provided with the cock D, connect with the reservoir of car¬ buretted hydrogen E and the steam conduit; G is the reel upon which the wire to be hardened is wound. The wire W passes through an aperture into the front part of the chamber, which is 458 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. strongly heated, then underneath the first roll Trover a second roll, through an aperture in the bottom of the chamber into the divi¬ sion beneath and finally upon the reel G u the latter dipping into the reservoir H, which is filled with water or a refrigorific mixture. The wire while passing the two rolls i^in the chamber A x is heated and hardened by dipping in the fluid in H. To facilitate the con¬ ducting of the cold wire over the rolls F, before the chamber is heated, apertures A u for passing the rolls through, are provided on the upper portion of the chamber, which, after the wire is placed in position, are closed by the lid A x . The superfluous heat is con¬ ducted away from the chamber A through the chimney P, and the reel G l with the hardened wire is taken from the reservoir H and placed in K over the chamber A. From here the hardened wire W passes into the rear or chimney end of the chamber A u in which the heat, having been moderated by the bridge J, is much less, but sufficient to heat the wire running over the rolls F, for tempering. The wire is then wound upon the reel K which dips into the oil in the reservoir H, whereby the wire is tempered. For finer kinds of wire the retort or heating chamber M, Fig. 46 II to IV, is divided lengthwise into two parts by the partition N. On the front side of the chamber are apertures O lt opposite to each a pair of mouth-pieces is arranged. The flame entering at O sweeps along the lower side of IV through the holes C into the upper part of the chamber. The wire is introduced into the upper part of chamber at the end .Si and heated while passing through it. The heat is retained in the upper portion of the chamber by the lids L. These lids are arranged on each end of the upper cham¬ ber so as to leave room to allow of the passage of the wire. On leaving the retort the wire is hardened by dipping in a current of oil running over the sloping plate 6". The oil flows uninterruptedly from the pipe T, which is connected to a reservoir, runs over the sloping plate 5 into the holder T u and from there is pumped back into T. The hardened wire, in order to acquire the necessary temperature, then passes through a bath U of linseed oil, mercury or lead, which is heated by a fire. After passing through the bath WIRE—MANUFACTURE, BRASSING, ETC. 459 U it is wound upon ordinary reels arranged in a suitable position near the bath U. To facilitate the introduction of the cold un¬ tempered wire into the retort before heating, a channel or gutter is provided on the upper side of the retort. The wire is conducted through this channel or gutter, which, later on, is closed by the lid M v The superfluous heat is conducted away through the chim¬ ney X. The following tables relating to wire are furnished by John A. Roebling’s Sons Co., of Trenton, N. J. 4G0 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. Wire Gauges, . In Deci 7 tial Parts of an Inch. Number of wire gauge. Roebling. Brown & Sharpe. Birming¬ ham, or Stubs. English Legal Standard. Old English, or London. oooooo ooooo oooo .46 •43 •393 .46 •454 .464 • 43 2 ■4 •454 ooo .362 .40964 •425 •372 •425 oo • 33 i .3648 .380 •348 •38 o • 3 ° 7 •32495 •340 ■324 •34 i •2S3 •2893 •3 •3 •3 2 .263 .25763 .284 .276 .284 3 • 244 .22942 .259 .252 • 259 4 .225 .20431 .238 .232 .238 5 .207 .18194 .22 .212 .22 6 .192 . 16202 •203 .192 .203 7 .177 .14428 .18 .176 .18 8 .162 .12849 .165 .16 .165 9 .148 • H 443 .148 .144 .148 IO •135 .10189 •134 .128 •134 11 .12 .09074 .12 .Il6 .12 12 .105 .08081 .109 .104 .IO9 13 .092 .07196 .095 .O92 •095 14 .08 .06408 .083 .08 •083 '5 .072 .05706 .072 .072 .072 l6 .063 .05082 .065 .064 .065 17 .054 .04525 .058 .056 .058 18 •C 47 .0403 .049 .048 .049 19 .041 .03589 .O42 .04 •04 20 •035 .03196 •035 •036 •035 21 .032 .02846 •032 •032 •0315 22 .028 02534 .028 .028 .0295 2 3 .025 .02257 .025 .024 .027 24 .023 .0201 .022 .022 •025 25 .02 .0179 .02 .02 •023 26 .018 .01594 .018 .018 •0205 27 .017 .OI4I9 .016 .0164 .01S75 28 .016 .01264 .014 .0148 .0165 29 .015 01125 .013 .0136 •0155 30 .014 .01002 .012 .0124 •01375 3 i •0135 •00893 .OIO .0116 .01225 32 .013 .00795 .OO9 .0108 .01125 33 .OI I .00708 .008 .OI .01025 34 .OI •0063 .007 .OO92 .0095 35 .0095 .00561 .005 .0084 .OO9 36 .OO9 .005 .OO4 .0076 .0075 WIRE—MANUFACTURE, BRASSING, ETC. 461 Table Indicating Size, Weight, and Length of Iron and Steel Wire. Gauge number. Diameter. Inches. Weight of 100 feet. Pounds. Weight of one mile. Pounds. Feet in 2000 pounds. Area. Square inches 3-° .362 34-73 1834 5*759 .102921 2-0 ■331 29.04 15 33 6,886 .086049 1-0 •307 25.00 I3 l8 8,000 .074023 I .283 21.23 II2I 9.425 .062901 2 .263 18.34 968 10,905 •054325 3 .244 15.78 12,674 .046759 4 .225 13-39 707 I4.93 6 .039760 S .207 h-35 599 17,621 •033653 6 .192 9-73 5H 20,555 .028952 7 .177 8.30 439 24,906 .024605 8 .162 6.96 367 28,734 .020612 9 .148 5.80 306 34,483 .017203 IO •135 4-83 255 41,408 •014313 II .120 3.82 202 52,356 .011309 12 .105 2.92 154 68,493 .008659 13 .092 2.24 1x8 89,286 .006647 14 .080 1.69 89 ”8,343 .005026 15 .072 i-37 72 145-985 .004071 l6 .063 1.05 55 190,476 .003117 17 •054 •77 4i 259,740 .002290 iS .047 .58 3 1 344,827 •001734 19 .041 •45 24 444,444 .001320 20 -°35 ■32 17 625,000 .000962 21 .032 .27 14 740,741 .000804 22 .028 .21 I I 952,381 .000615 23 .025 • *75 9.24 .000491 24 .023 .140 7-39 .000415 25 .020 .Il6 6.124 .000314 26 .018 •093 4-9 1 .000254 27 .017 .083 4.382 .000227 28 .016 .074 3-907 .000201 29 .015 .061 3.22 .000176 30 .014 .054 2-851 .OOOI54 31 •0135 .050 2.64 .000143 32 .013 .046 2 428 .000132 33 .OII •037 1 953 .000095 34 .OIO .030 1.584 .000078 35 .0095 .025 1.32 .OOOC7I 3 6 .OO9 .021 1.161 .000064 462 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. Weight per iooo Feet of Copper Wire. Number. Roebling. Brown & Sharpe. Birmingham. English legal standard. oooooo ooooo 641.20 560.29 652.39 565-51 oooo 468.02 641.20 624.58 484.83 ooo 397-09 508.49 547-33 4 * 9-33 oo 332.00 403.26 437-56 366.97 o 2S5.60 322.79 350.29 3*8 10 I 242.69 253.61 272.72 272.72 2 209.60 201.13 244.07 230 83 3 180.41 * 59-49 203.27 * 92-43 4 153-39 126.49 I7 1 64 163.09 5 129.84 IOO.3I 146.66 136.19 6 hi.71 79-54 124.87 hi.71 7 94-93 63 08 98.18 93.86 8 79 52 50-03 82.50 77-57 9 66.37 39.68 66.37 62.83 IO 55.22 3*46 54 - 4 * 49.65 11 43-63 24-95 43-63 40.77 12 334 i 19.79 36.00 32-77 *3 25 65 15-69 27-35 25-65 14 19-39 12.44 20.87 * 9-39 15 15-71 9.S7 15.71 15.71 16 12.03 7-83 12.80 12.41 17 8.84 6.20 10.19 9 50 is 6.69 4-92 7.27 6.98 19 5.09 3-90 5-34 4.85 20 3 7 i 3 - 10 3 - 7 * 3-93 21 3.10 2.45 3 -'° 3 *0 22 2.38 i -94 2.38 2.38 23 1.S9 *45 1.89 1.74 24 1.60 1.22 147 *47 25 1.21 .970 1.21 1.21 26 .981 .770 .981 .981 27 .876 .610 •776 .815 28 .776 .484 •594 .664 29 .682 -384 .512 •560 3 ° •594 • 3°4 436 .466 3 i •552 .241 •303 .408 32 .512 .191 .245 •353 33 .366 •*52 .194 - 3°3 34 •303 .120 .148 .256 35 .273 -095 .076 .214 36 •245 .076 .048 •*75 WIRE—MANUFACTURE, BRASSING, ETC. 463 Weight per Mile of Copper Wire. Number. Roebling. Birmingham. Brown & Sharpe. English legal standard. OOOO 2466 3286 3375 2555 OCX) 2092 2884 2677 2210 00 1750 2305 2123 1933 0 1504 1846 1684 1682 I 1278 1437 1335 1437 2 1104 1287 1058 1216 3 950 1071 839 1012 4 808 9°4 665 860 5 684 773 528 718 6 588 657 418 588 7 500 517 332 495 8 419 435 263 409 9 350 350 209 332 10 291 287 166 263 11 230 230 131 215 12 176 190 104 173 13 135 144 83 135 14 102 no 65 102 15 83 83 S 2 83 l6 64 68 41 65 17 * 47 53 ^ 33 5° 18 35 38 26 37 19 27 28 20^ 26 20 19 Vz 19K i6* 20^ 21 16* 13 16X 22 I2>! ioy 12K 23 i°X i°X 9 ^ 24 8X rA 6^ lA 25 6^ ey 2 5 ^ 6 y 2 26 5 5 4 5 27 4^ 4 3 k( 4 28 4 3% 2 % 3 ^ 29 3 H 2 % 2 3 30 3 % 2 X 1# 2'/z To Brass Wire in the Galvanic Way .—To carry out this process place the iron rods intended for wire in a bath containing 3 parts of ordinary tin salt to 4 of blue vitriol. The rods must only pass once through the draw-iron and be previously zincked by immersing them for 2 hours in water acidulated with hydrochloric acid in which zinc plates—1 to 1.5 lb. of zinc to 100 lbs. of iron—are 464 TITE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. placed. The' rods are left in the brass bath for 5 to 6 minutes until they have acquired a dirty reddish color; by passing through the draw-iron they assume a fine straw-color or orange-yellow surface. To Electro-brass Wire .—A warm bath in an iron boiler lined with sheet brass is used. The sheets of brass are connected to the copper pole of the battery and dipped into the fluid. The bundles of iron wire are first opened, dipped into sulphuric acid, then sus¬ pended to a strong wooden peg and scoured with a brush and sharp sand. They are next placed over a strong copper or brass rod resting upon the edge of the boiler and insulated therefrom by means of rubber tubes and connected to the zinc pole by the bat¬ tery. The wires now receive a coating of copper and then a de¬ posit of brass. As they are only partly submerged in the bath they must from time to time be turned. They are finished by washing and drying in saw-dust. The bath is prepared as follows: Dissolve blue vitriol, 4^ ozs., and sulphate of zinc, 4)4 to 5)4 ozs., in 1 gallon of water. Precipitate the solution with 2 lbs. of crystallized soda, decant and wash. Then pour a solution of 1 lb. of soda and 8)4 ozs. of sodium bisulphate in 1 gallon of water over the precipitate. Stir the mixture and add commercial potas¬ sium cyanide until the fluid becomes clear, when it is filtered off from the suspended ferric oxide. The best temperature for using this bath is between 120° and 140° F. Brass Wire which may be drawn out to the finest threads is made by placing round rods of copper about 1 inch in diameter and 2)4 inches long free in an iron box, upon the bottom of which are laid granulated zinc and sal-ammoniac. By heating the box vapors arise which combine with the copper and superficially con¬ vert it into brass. The coating is made as uniform as possible by frequently turning the rods. In this manner copper rods are ob¬ tained which, so to say, are plated with brass and may be drawn out to fine wires. The wires have the appearance of brass, but on the cross section the red color of the copper can be recognized. To Copper Iron Wire .—This process is claimed to prevent the rusting of iron wire; it is partially effected by dipping and WIRE—MANUFACTURE, BRASSING, ETC. 465 partially by galvanic action. Dissolve at 86° F., 3.3^ drachms of blue vitriol in 55 lbs. of water containing 1.12 drachms of sul¬ phuric acid. Pass the iron wire through the cold solution until it is covered with a coating of copper. It is then drawn through an ordinary draw-iron to make the coating of copper adhere more firmly. Repeat the dipping and subsequent passing through the draw-iron several times. Galvanic coppering is effected as follows : Connect the wire to the negative pole of a battery and a copper¬ plate with the positive pole. As coppering fluid a solution of 39 ozs. of potassium cyanide and 88 ozs. of potassium bichromate in 55 lbs. of water is used ; the bath should have a temperature of between 48 and 55 0 F. By the action of the galvanic current the copper is dissolved from the positive pole and forms the copper solution, from which the copper is deposited upon the wire con¬ nected with the negative pole. The coppered wire is passed through the draw-iron. Iron wire may in the same manner be tinned, zincked and coated with lead. To Galvanize Wire .—The wire, previously made bright by pick¬ ling, is passed through a cast-iron crucible containing, according to the quantity and size of the wire, from 40 to 1,000 lbs. of melted zinc, and then passed through the draw-iron to remove the super¬ fluous zinc. The drawing through the bath is effected by unwind¬ ing the wire from a reel set in motion by a steam-engine, the velocity depending on the diameter of the wire, it being more rapid with thin wire and slower with thick wire. An apparatus for this purpose, patented by Roberts, is shown in Fig. 47. C is a guide pulley, the block of which is provided with the protecting plate J, having a guide slit; it can be shifted on two rods F, reaching up to the ceiling of the work-room. On these rods F slides a block A 1 , with pulley D, provided below and above with rope loops. To the lower of these loops is fastened a hand- rope, and to the upper another rope AT, running over the pulley G, which is secured in the ceiling ; to the rope H, is suspended the counterweight I, which, when the running block is on top, stands upon the floor. A* is a guide pulley resting in a frame. The wire /« runs from the reel B around C over D and underneath 30 THE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. 466 P into the acid bath, from there into a furnace and the metallic bath, and from here through the polishing machine to the reel upon which it is to be wound. With this apparatus many wires can at the same time be treated. Vogt has patented an arrangement (Fig. 48) for closing vessels through which the wire is to be conducted in a straight direction. It consists of two elastic strips f which, on tightening the screws g, are pressed together by the metallic bodies e. For the purpose of removing superfluous zinc Wittle and Kamper have patented the arrangement shown in Fig. 49. It consists of Fig. 48. two comb-like plates a a, one of which remains stationary during the operation while the other is secured to a rotary lever c. Another apparatus for the same purpose, patented by Roberts, is constructed as follows: Upon the edge of the crucible, where the wire, m (Fig. 50) leaves the zinc bath, sits an iron box K, which is WIRE—MANUFACTURE, BRASSING, ETC. 467 provided with a slit for the passage of the wire. In the box two rolls Z, with longitudinal ribs /, revolving in opposite directions by means of a driving gear placed outside the box. These rolls L are so mounted that two ribs l always come opposite to each other, with sufficient space between them, however, to allow of the pas¬ sage of the wire m. Outside of the box K are two revolving rolls P, which, by means of the eccentric P', and the sliding rods R, sets the springy stoppers T moving to and fro. To attain the springi¬ ness of the stoppers T, they are composed of a rod R', hollow on the end, into which catches the sliding rod B, and the actual stopper T, which slides in a cavity provided with a spring. To prevent the stopper T from falling out it is provided with a pin T ', running in a groove. The box K is filled with mineral wool, which by the rolls L is pressed with a certain force against the wire m coming from the metallic bath Z, and thus cleans it. 468 THE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. To Gild Metallic Wire and Wire-cloth .—Fine wire of gilded copper and brass is much used in the manufacture of metallic fringes, and lace for epaulets and other purposes. The fine copper and brass wires being drawn through the drawing, machines and wound upon spools by special machines, and hence not touched by the hands, freeing from grease may generally be omitted. The first .requisite for gilding is a good winding machine, which draws the F 'g- 5 '- wires through the gold bath and wash-boxes, and further effects the winding of the wire upon spools. The principal demand made in the construction of such a machine is, that by means of a simple manipulation a great variation in the speed with which the wire or gauge passes through the gold bath can be obtained. This is nec¬ essary in order to be able to regulate the thickness of the gilding by the quicker or slower passage of the wire. A machine well adapted for this purpose is the one constructed by J. W. Spaeth. The variation in the velocity of the passage of the wire is attained by the two friction-pulleys A (Fig. 51) which sit upon a common WIRE—MANUFACTURE, BRASSING, ETC 469 shaft with the driving-pulley R, and transmit their velocity by means of the friction-pistons K K to the friction-pulley F\ which is firmly connected to the belt-pulley R driving the spool-spindle. Since by a simple device the pistons K and K may be shifted, it is clear that the transmission of the number of revolutions from F to F is dependent on the position of the friction-pistons K and K, and that the velocity will be the greater the shorter the distance they are from the centre of the friction-pulleys F and F. In order that the friction between F K and F may always be sufficient for the transmission of the motion, even when the pistons are worn, four weights G are provided, which press the above-mentioned parts firmly against each other. In front of each spool of this machine is inserted a small en¬ amelled iron vat which contains the gold-bath, and is heated by a gas-flame to about 167° F. Between this bath and the winding machine is another small vat with hot water in which the gilded wire is rinsed. The wires unwind from a reel placed in front of the gold bath, run over a brass drum which is connected to the negative pole of the source of current, and transmits the current to the wires; the dipping of the wires into the gold bath is effected by porcelain drums which are secured to heavy beams of lead placed across the vats, as shown in Fig. 52. The gilded wire being wound upon the spools of the winding machine, these spools are removed and thoroughly dried in the drying chamber. The wire is then again reeled off on to a simple reel, in doing which it is best to pass it through between two soft pieces of leather to increase its lustre. The most suitable formula for the gold bath is as follows: Fine gold in the form of fulminating gold, 15.43 grains; 98 per cent, potassium 470 TIIE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. cyanide, 77.16 grains; water, 1 quart. The bath is prepared by converting 15.43 grains of fine gold into neutral chloride of gold by dissolving in aqua regia and evaporating, or 29.3 to 30.8 grains of chemically pure neutral chloride of gold are directly dissolved in water; the gold is precipitated as fulminating gold with aqua ammonia, washed out, dissolved in water containing the potassium cyanide and heated, with constant replacement of the water lost by evaporation, until the odor of ammonia disappears. The tempera¬ ture of the bath should be between 158° and 167° F. Strength ofcur- rent 6 to 8 volts, which will produce a deposit of sufficient thickness even with the wire passing at the most rapid rate through the bath. Gold Wire is made by wrapping a very thin sheet of gold around a cylinder of silver, securing it with wire, heating, and, while still hot, rubbing vigorously with the burnisher, and immediately pass¬ ing through the draw-iron. The ductility of gold is so great that wire as thin as a spider’s web appears completely coated with gold when examined under the microscope. To Nickel Wire .—Nickelling of wire of iron, brass or copper is scarcely done on a large scale; it is, however, believed that the nickelling of iron and steel wires—for instance, piano strings— might be of advantage to prevent rust or at least to retard the com¬ mencement of oxidation as long as possible. To nickel single wires cut into determined lengths according to the general rules is simple enough; but this method cannot be pursued with wire several hundred yards long rolled in coils as it occurs in commerce. Nickelling the wire in coils, however, can¬ not be done, as only the upper windings exposed to the anodes would acquire a coat of nickel. Hence it becomes necessary to unwind the coil, and for continuous working pass the wire at a slow rate through the cleansing and dipping baths as well as the nickel bath and hot-water reservoir, as shown in Fig. 54 in cross-section and in Fig. 55 in ground-plan. The unwinding of the wire is effected by a slowly revolving shaft upon which the nickelled wire again coils itself; in the illustration this shaft is omitted. In Fig. 54 four wires run over the four rolls a, mounted upon a common shaft to the rolls b upon the bottom WIRE—MANUFACTURE, BRASSING, ETC. 471 of the vat A, whereby they come in contact with a thickly-fluid lime-paste in the vat and are freed from grease. From the rolls b the wires run through the wooden cheeks lined with felt, which retain the excess of adhering lime-paste and allow it to fall back into the vat. The wires then pass over the roll c to the roll d. Between these two rolls is the rose g, which throws a strong jet of water upon the wires, thereby freeing them from the adhering lime- paste. The roll d, as well as its axis, is of brass, and to the latter is connected the negative pole of the battery or dynamo, so that by carrying the wires over the roll d negative electricity is conducted to them. From the roll d the wires run over the roll-bench s (Fig. 54) to the vat C, which contains the nickel solution, so that they are subjected to the action of the anodes arranged in this vat on both sides of the wires. The wires then pass over the roll e, are rinsed under the rose s, and run finally through a hot-water reservoir and saw-dust (these two apparatuses are not shown in the illustration), to be again wound into coils. In case a high polish is required the nickelled wires may be run under pressure through leather cheeks dusted with pulverized Vienna chalk. To Tin Wire and Wire-gauze .—Allow the wire to run slowly into a wooden trough which contains a mixture of 3 parts of water and 1 or 1.75 of hydrochloric acid; then rinse it in water, dry by passing it between two rolls covered with felt or coarse woollen stuff, and finally pass it under a roll placed in a vessel containing strongly-heated tin. To polish the wire coming from the zinc, pass it through between rolls covered with woollen stuff dusted with chalk powder. Wire-gauze is pickled in a similar manner, and after rinsing in water the adhering water is removed by wiping with cloths. The wire is then dusted with finely powdered resin inclosed in a bag, the gauze placed upon a frame and immersed in the tin bath, where it remains 1 to 2 minutes, when it is lifted out and the excess of tin removed by shaking the frame. Especially fine tinning of iron wire is produced as follows : Place the wire in a wooden vessel of suitable size, which contains water mixed with to per cent, of hydrochloric acid, and upon the bottom of which zinc plates are placed. After a short time a gray coating of 472 TIIE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. metallic zinc is formed upon the wire, when it is brought into the tin bath. The latter is prepared by suspending 2 parts of tin-salt in a WIRE—MANUFACTURE, BRASSING, ETC. 473 bag in a vessel containing a solution of 2 parts of tartaric acid in 100 of water. The tin-salt being dissolved, stir the fluid until the white precipitate formed is dissolved, and then add in small portions a solution of 3 parts of soda. In consequence of the development of carbonic acid vigorous effervescence takes place and a white precipitate separates. The fluid is now allowed to rest until clear, when it is drawn off, and the wire, which has been previously con¬ nected to zinc plates, is immersed in the tin-bath for 2 or 3 hours. The tin deposits as a dead-white coating capable of a high polish; the wire need only be passed once through the draw-iron in order to acquire a beautiful lustre and to make the coating of tin to adhere firmly. Small articles of iron may be readily tinned by previously providing them with a thin coat of copper. This is effected by first immersing the bright articles in a boiling solution of chloride of zinc, and, when they have acquired a coating of zinc, in a copper bath melted under a cover of borax. The articles being thinly coppered may, with the assistance of sal- ammoniac, be readily provided with a firmly-adhering deposit of melted tin. To Harden Steel Piano Wire. —Heat the steel wire to a red heat, and then cool in the ordinary manner. Then immerse it in a metal bath composed of lead 40 parts, zinc 12, antimony 26, tin 21, and bismuth 1. The bath should be heated somewhat above its melting point, and the wire allowed to remain in it until it has acquired the temperature of the bath, which takes, of course, a longer time the thicker the wire is. When taken from the bath cold water is sprinkled or poured over the wire. The hardening and tempering above described are, as a rule, effected immediately before the last drawing, and only after the last drawing, when the wire is not required to be bright. Coating which does not Oxidize Readily upon Steel and Iron Wire. —Villiers produces such a coating by immersing the wire in a weak acid solution, and after thoroughly washing, drying it at 176° F. The wire is then immersed in a fluid alloy of tin 90 parts, lead 9, and silver 1, rinsed in cold water and dried. 474 TIIE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. XVII. MISCELLANEOUS. Manufacture of Basic Open-hearth Steel .—In experiments made by J. H. Darby, four 12-ton and afterwards two 20-ton furnaces were used. Each furnace is provided with a separate chimney, ordinary butterfly reversing valves of ample size, and regenerator chambers of large capacity. The furnace proper is composed of two wrought-iron sides, supported by H iron buck-staves, well braced together at the top and bottom. The ends are left open ; holes are cut in the plates for the three doors on the front side of the furnace, and another hole is made at the back for the tap-holes. The plates are also cut away, to allow air to circulate for cooling purposes under the furnace bottom and bridge plates. The silica blocks at each end of the furnace are built in the usual manner. The roof is level from block to block; the ends, however, are well inclined, to bring the flame down on the metal. On the iron plates for holding the dolomite hearth fire-bricks are placed, so that no part of the basic hearth when finished is more than 15 inches thick. As soon as all the brick-work is dry, hard-burnt dolo¬ mite, well ground and mixed with as little anhydrous tar as is needed to make it stick together when compressed, is rammed with hot irons until the desired shape of the hearth is built up; the tap-hole is made by a round piece of wood, which is left in and burnt out as the furnace heats up. The shrunk dolomite or basic material is brought up to the bottom of the doors and to an equal height all round. On it a layer of about 2 inches chrome ore, also ground fine and mixed with tar, is rammed to act as a neutral separator between the acid and the basic portions; chrome ore is also rammed in between the silica blocks and the basic hearth. The side walls and jambs are built on the chrome ore. The roof is then put on and the furnace heated up, at first with a coal fire. When the furnace is properly dried and heated the hearth will be¬ come very hard ; the tap-hole should be cleaned out, and then filled with dry, ground, basic material for several inches. This should be well pushed up against a scraper held from the middle MISCELLANEOUS. 475 door. Anthracite coal is then rammed in, and the outside of the tap-hole is covered with damp sand. The charge may now be introduced. Mr. Darby uses 80 per cent, of pig and 20 per cent, of scrap. Limestone is usually charged in sufficient quantity to make a basic slag from the first, scrap and pig follow. When sufficiently hot, additions of iron ore and limestone are made at ‘ intervals during about five hours. The first sample is taken, and from its appearance and fracture it is judged if sufficient ore has been added. If so, as much as possible of the unspent oxide is reduced in the slag by reacting on the remaining impurities, lime additions being from time to time made. The hammered sample rapidly improves. The edges, which were at first rough, become smooth and free from cracks; the surface of the sample is clean, and when the charge is ready it will bend over into four thicknesses without any indication of cracking. Ferro-manganese is then added, and the charge is teamed. Any kind of iron ore may be used in the steel furnaces, providing it contains a low percentage of silica. The 20-ton furnaces make from 180 to 200 tons of ingots per week, or 23.3 cwt. per hour, exclusive of Sundays. After experience in the manufacture of over 60,000 tons of basic, open-hearth steel, Mr. Darby has never seen red-short material in the usual soft quality. An average analysis of the soft steel is as follows: C = .12 p. c., P= .03, S = .018, Si = nil, Mn = .400. This steel gives about 24.5 tons tensile strain per square inch and 15 tons elastic limit, with an elongation of 31 to 33 per cent, in 8 inches. The Carlsson-Bessemer Process .—The Carlsson modification of the Bessemer process is employed in Sweden in the treatment of a charcoal pig-iron containing about 1.5 per cent, of silicon, 0.1 to 0.15 of manganese, 3.9 of graphite and o. 1 of combined carbon. The slag produced in the production of this pig-iron approximates more closely to a trisilicate than a bisilicate, alumina being con¬ sidered as a base- After the pig-iron has been charged into the 476 THE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. converter, it is blown for about 5 or 6 minutes, until the blue flame appears that marks the commencement of the combustion of the carbon. The blow is then stopped, and a definite proportion of the charge, varying with the quality of the metal it is desired to produce, is poured into a ladle of peculiar construction, so arranged as to show the weight of the metal charged into it, the slag being carefully removed. This portion of the charge usually contains 4.15 per cent, of carbon, 0.05 of silicon and 0.07 of manganese. The remaining portion of the metal in the converter is then blown until most of the carbon has been eliminated and the bath con¬ verted into malleable iron. The portion of the metal previously removed, together with any necessary additions required for special purposes, is then added to the bath. When the reaction that ensues is ended the metal is ready for pouring. Before this addi¬ tion is made, the bath usually consists of metal containing a trace of silicon, 0.03 per cent, of manganese, 0.05 per cent, of carbon and, as a maximum, 0.02 of sulphur. As this metal is usually red- short, some rich manganese iron is added before the addition of the second portion of the metal from the ladle. The percentage of silicon in the final product is usually about one-tenth of that of the carbon, so that steel containing 0.2 of carbon would also contain 0.02 of silicon. Malleable Cast-iron. —The custom among most malleable iron makers is to use such irons only as are quite free from phosphorus and sulphur, for the reason that the process in use is designed es¬ pecially to eliminate carbon, and after they have driven that out they have no desire to leave anything remaining which will make the metal brittle. By the use and mixture of certain brands of iron they have the means of converting their product into almost pure wrought-iron. The melting is now done, on the large scale, in reverberating fur¬ naces, and the iron is purified, to a certain extent, while in a molten condition by directing into the heating chamber a current of at¬ mospheric air which mixes with the products of combustion. In its essential principles the method has a resemblance to Berard’s process of steel-making—the gaseous currents of air or of the fur- MISCELLANEOUS. 477 nace may be used, as occasion requires, alternately, but the tuyeres are not, like his, provided with apparatus for adjustment. The process of removing impurities from the metal must not be carried so far as to detract from its fluidity at the temperature at which it is to be poured. These facts control the operation; the purer the metal is the higher is its melting point, and whatever impurities are allowed to remain must be such as may either be removed by subsequent operations or such as may be allowed to exist in the finished product. The useful function of the impurities is to lower the melting point in the scale of temperature. Small test pieces, of a finger’s length, are cast from time to time until the right point is reached, as determined by the appearance of their fracture. The metal is then ready to be poured into the moulds, and as these will hold no large amount the pouring is generally done from hand ladles. After the cast pieces are removed from the sand and have the risers, runners and sprues knocked from them, they are rattled in tumbling barrels to remove the adhering sand and scale and to expose the naked surface of the material to the ready access of the chemical agents of decarbonization. The cast-iron pieces, hard and brittle, are now ready for the process which will alter them in their whole nature without sub¬ jecting them to any physical force. The process is one of disso¬ ciation of the compound cast-iron, which is carburet of iron ; the carbon has purposely been made to appear in its combined form and is not visible as graphite; the iron, when broken, exhibits a fine white appearance of the fractured surface, with a suggested in¬ dication of lines radiating from the centre. The pieces are packed in cast-iron boxes with the rust or oxide of iron. These boxes are round or square, according to the shape of the work. If round, they are perhaps 2 feet in diameter, and, if rectangular, they may be 2 feet long, 1 y 2 feet wide and 1 foot high. When these are filled rims of the same size are placed on them, increasing the height another foot, and when these are filled another rim, and still another is added, until the box is 4 feet in depth, packed full of castings and oxidizing metal. This material may be wrought-iron turning-chips which have been rusted by be- 478 TIIE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. ing spread upon a hot floor, where they were sprinkled with a solu¬ tion of sal-ammoniac. After the boxes are packed they are placed in a double row in brick chambers or ovens, which are large enough to contain twenty. The aperture through which they were carried in is now walled up, and fire is admitted to the chamber from a furnace at one side. The flames fill the chamber and pass out to the flue on the opposite side. The firing is continued for 3 days or longer, if required, and the work having been brought to a red heat perhaps the first day, stands for the remaining time immersed in this red-hot bath of flame. When the time for firing the furnaces has expired they are suffered to cool off slowly, and in a day and a half the boxes are removed from the ovens and dumped on the large cast-iron floor. This floor is a necessary part of the plant. When it is used for oxidizing the turning-chips it is heated by the hotair from the furnaces, which may be caused to pass underneath it on their way to the chimney. It is not heated when the contents of the boxes are emptied upon it, and when these are cool enough to handle the iron turnings which have become caked upon them quite strongly are knocked off and the pieces are carried to the tumbling barrels, where they are rattled until bright. The cast-iron articles subjected to the above process have a mal¬ leable skin only; the depth of this is determined by the thorough¬ ness of the process, and the core or body of the material beneath this is still brittle. For this reason screws made from it having threads cut through the skin are deficient in strength. The skin is as refractory to melt as wrought-iron, but if this skin is broken and the piece heated to a white heat the inside will either run out of the rupture in a fluid state or, if it does not flux, it will shake out like sand. In this way articles of intricate shapes may be made light of weight by pouring out the fluid interior and leaving the harder outer shell. Th« chemical change in the iron which the annealing produces is so great that the boxes used to anneal in, and which are so long exposed to heat, will last four or five times as long if cast from malleable scrap than they will if cast from pig-iron. For melting MISCELLANEOUS. 479 pots for the more fusible metals and alloys, such as lead, tin or babbitt, this metal is far preferable to common iron. It is also of great value for making cast-iron gas retorts, which are still in use to some extent, though generally superseded by fire-brick in gas¬ works. It is excellent for use in making any articles that are to be exposed to continuous heat, as pipe, in connection with furnaces. Lead Lapping .—This process consists of grinding work in a lathe by means of emery powder, oil being mixed with the emery to hold it in place and render its application possible. A lap is a mandril used to grind holes which are not quite true, or are too small, or have been hardened and cannot be cut by a tool. A lap may be a piece of copper rod, or of iron, with a tin or lead coat around it. The diameter of a lap should be turned to an easy fit, at both ends in the hole, and a trifle larger in the middle, so that the hole which it is intended to grind will fit tightly on the man¬ dril, the lathe being three times the length of the former. Put the lap in the lathe and through the hole to be ground, run the lathe at high speed, and apply oil and emery, moving the work back and forth until it will pass easily over the large part of the lap; then stop the lathe and hack the lathe with a cold-chisel, put on more oil and emery, and grind as before. Care should be taken that the work is rotated, in order that all sides of the hole grind evenly. For holes to be made true, smooth and parallel, the work is bored as well as possible, then set upon a true surface like a planer table, and the lap applied. The mandril should be very long and tapered, and for hard lapping the extreme end of the man¬ dril should be fitted to a bearing, bolted to the planer table, and the office of this bearing is to prevent all erratic movements of the mandril while grinding. The process is the same as for hard lap¬ ping, except the work is moved by power. Care must be taken that the lap does not become dry during the process. If it does there is apt to be heating and destruction of the lap-surface, even if no harm comes to the object being finished. Lead lapping is resorted to when great accuracy of surface is de¬ sired, as well as high polish, and where a finish by filing and an 480 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. application of emery paper would not do, although the method is sufficient for rough work and small journal bearings. Figs. 56 and 57 show a form of lap. It is a cast-iron cylinder, or sleeve, split nearly in two, as shown, and fitted with lugs and a thumb-screw to admit of changing the size of the sleeve. It will be noticed that the cast-iron sleeve comes entirely together at a, and the size of the object to be ground is determined by this stop. If the lap becomes too much worn, a little metal may be filed from the surface which comes in contact. The interior of the cylinder is brushed with lead and charged with a flux of emery and oil, the thumb-screw is loosened, and the lap applied to the object to be ground, when it is running in the lathe at a speed of 300 lineal feet per minute. For some work the cast-iron cylinder may be made with a hinge opposite the thumb-screw, giving ready access to the interior of the lap. Fig. 59 is an internal lap. It is simply a piece of lead, cast in the taper arbor, which is fluted to prevent the lead from revolving upon it. The lead is turned to size and charged with emery and oil. The size is maintained by driving the taper arbor further through the lead, which, being forced out by the round arbor, ex- MISCELLANEOUS. 481 pands in every direction, and thus keeps its shape. Fig. 58 shows an end view of the arbor and the lead tap upon it. A cheap lap for coarse work is shown at Fig. 60. It consists of two pieces of pine wood, cut out as shown, to receive the shafts, and a leather hinge to connect the parts. To polish a shaft, open the clamp, daub oil and emery in the notches and close the lap upon the work. Fig. 61 shows a more accurate form of the variety of lap. The pieces are made of cast-iron and brushed with lead, then reamed, as already described. The set-screws shown on top of this lap determine the size of the hole to fit the work, and the bottom screws clamp the lap firmly against the set-screws. (James. F. Hobart.) Sawing Iron and Steel '.*—In a machine shop there is a constant demand for means to cut off or to nick pieces of iron and steel that cannot readily be put into the lathe on centres. The nicking saw is the usual method employed, the saw being driven on centre by a dog, as a shaft would be termed, and the work to be sawed fed to it by the cross feed or other means. To make these nicking saws and to properly temper them tries the patience of the mechanic that does not understand the “know-how.” It is simple. First, do not turn or face up a nicking saw. Cut it out of sheet cast- steel without a particle of forging, selecting the steel of the proper thickness. During all the process of making do not disturb the “skin ” of the steel formed by the rolls under which it was made, either by filing, smithing or polishing. Cut the disk out with a cold-chisel and file it to circle; file the teeth like those of the straight iron saw—those of the common “buck-saw” for wood sawyers are a pattern—and make no set on them. Iron saws re¬ quire to make no kerf. The teeth need not project on either side. Of course, the saws must be drilled for a mandril, which should be of steel, before they are toothed, being turned true on the mandril, to which they should be secured by check-pin and nut. It is economy to make a dozen or even more at a time. Drill the man¬ dril hole and the notch in the hole for the check-pin, or “ steady- pin ” as some call it, turn them as a whole, and cut the teeth all * Jesse H. Lord, in Manufactured s Gazette. 31 482 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. together in a slabber or milling machine. All this without smith¬ ing or facing up in the lathe, preserving the steel-face intact. The sizes of these saws for ordinary shop use are confined, for efficient practice, to a diameter of 3 inches, or at most 3^ inches, ranging downward, until for some work, diameters of 1 inch, cutting not more than ^ inch under the mandril are necessary. To temper these saws is the great trouble with many workmen. The saws vary in thickness from y &-inch to y^-inch and in diameter from 3 inches to inches, sometimes exceeding the higher size and sometimes being less than the lower size mentioned. Each saw must be separately hardened and tempered. To do this properly the saw should be put upon a rod, with nut to hold it in place, and heated over or in a charcoal fire, or over one of well- coked sea coal, to a good red heat and plunged, slantwise, in cold water, and moved about until cool. To temper the saw, smear it when dry with animal oil—not kerosene, but sperm or lard oil—and hold it over the fire until the oil takes fire and flashes in flame over the surface of the saw. Let the oil burn a moment and then quench it again. If the saw is sprung it may be straightened by the hammer on the anvil, by fair blows, without danger of breaking. Some prefer to draw the temper by heating a bar of iron of about the size of the centre hole in the saw, and putting the saw on it so that the heat will work gradually out to the circumference, when the temper will be determined by color, usually a straw. If, how¬ ever, color drawing is preferred, a better way is to draw in a pan of heated sand, clean and without salt, as beach sand gives off fumes that discolor the steel and mislead the eye. The oil test will be found the best. The speed at which these saws should be run depends somewhat on the material to be cut, brass and other soft metals allowing a quicker speed than iron and soft steel. About 100 revolutions per minute will do for three-inch saws, giving about 75 feet of circum¬ ferential motion ; but as the nicking saw is only a thin mill, the speed of the mill in a milling machine is a good guide. It may be necessary, sometimes, to cut off a piece of hardened steel. This may be done by an untoothed disk of muntz metal, or MISCELLANEOUS. 483 of hard-rolled sheet brass, fed with quartz sand and water, or by kerosene oil and emery. In this case it is the sand or emery that does the cutting, the disk’s edge merely presenting the abrading material to the work. The sand and water, or the emery and oil are handily fed through a common funnel suspended over the work, the amount being regulated by a stick placed in the funnel spout. Utilization of Red-brass Turnings .—Turnings from red-brass works are frequently sold for a low price, even by establishments having facilities for casting in crucibles, because they are apparently not fit for casting. These turnings can, however, be profitably utilized for new castings as well as an addition to other charges. The process is as follows : The turnings are melted by themselves and during the melting process mixed with manganic oxide in the proportion of 5 parts by weight of manganese to 100 of turnings. In charging for melting, it is advisable to cover the bottom of the graphite crucible 0.39-inch deep with manganic oxide; upon this is placed a layer of turnings about 1.18 inches deep, and so on until the crucible is full. During melting the im¬ purities contained in the turnings settle on the surface and can be readily removed with a graphite ladle. The melt is best cast in buttons (square pieces). When cool each button is cut, in order to determine the qualities of the metal by the fractured surfaces. The metal melted in this manner shows a reddish, nearly coppery fracture, and is very tenacious and dense. An addition of manganic oxide, not exceeding, however, 2per cent., to new material for melting is also recommended. With this method the crucible should not be covered with tallow, fat, pitch, etc. Boxes for rapidly-running parts of machines showed great durability, being but little worn after years of use. Recovery of Copper .—In works where great quantities of copper are operated upon, it is advantageous to recover the metal dis¬ solved in the cleansing baths, which are allowed by the major¬ ity of gilders, silver electro-platers and galvanoplastic operators to go to waste with the rinsing water. The recovery of such copper is an easy and inexpensive process. All the liquids holding copper 484 THE METAL WORK EL’S 11 ANDY-BOOK. are collected in a large cask filled with wrought- or cast-iron scraps. By the contact of the copper solution with the iron a chemical re¬ action immediately takes place, by which the iron is substituted for the copper to make a soluble salt, while the copper falls to the bottom of the cask as a brown powder. The cask should be sufficiently large to hold all the liquids employed in a day’s work. The liquids are decanted every morning. The old iron scrap is generally suspended in a willow basket near the top of the liquid, and, by occasionally moving it about in the liquid, the metallic powder of copper alone falls to the bottom of the cask. The same method is employed for recovering the copper from old cleansing acids or from spent galvanoplastic baths. The cop¬ per thus obtained is quite pure, and, by calcining it in contact with the air, a black oxide of copper is obtained, which is serviceable for enriching and neutralizing galvanoplastic baths too strongly acidified. Recovery of Gold frotn Gold Baths, etc .—To recover the gold from old cyanide gilding baths, evaporate the baths to dryness, mix the residue with litharge and fuse the mixture. The gold is contained in the lead button thus obtained. The latter is then dissolved in nitric acid, whereby the gold remains behind in the form of insoluble spangles. These spangles are filtered off and dissolved in aqua regia. The following method is used for the recovery of the gold by the wet process: The bath containing gold, silver and copper is acidulated with hydrochloric acid, which causes a disengagement of hydrocyanic acid. This gas is extremely poisonous, for which reason the operation should be carried on in the open air, or where there is a good draft or ventilation to carry off the fumes. A pre¬ cipitate consisting of the cyanides of gold and copper, and chloride of silver, is formed. This is well washed and boiled in aqua regia, which dissolves the gold and copper as chlorides, leaving the chloride of silver behind. The solution containing the gold and copper is evaporated nearly to dryness, in order to remove the ex¬ cess of acid, the residue is dissolved in a small quantity of water, and the gold precipitated therefrom as a brown metallic powder, MISCELLANEOUS. 4S5 by the addition of sulphate of iron (copperas). The copper re¬ mains in solution. Recovery of Gold and Silver from Sweepings and other Refuse from the Manufacture of Gold-ware , etc. —Collect the sweepings, dry them, if necessary, and heat them in a Hessian crucible, in order to destroy all the organic substances. Triturate the glowed mass in a porcelain dish or enamelled kettle with water, and treat it with an excess of hydrochloric acid to dissolve any alkalies or calcium carbonate present. The portion remaining undissolved contains gold, silver, copper, sand, clay, ferric oxide, etc. To recover the silver from it wash it thoroughly with distilled water and boil it in pure nitric acid, which absorbs the silver. The residue is again thoroughly washed, and from the combined fluids the silver is precipitated as chloride of silver by common salt, or, still better, by hydrochloric acid. The residue remaining midis- solved after the treatment with hydrochloric acid is heated with aqua regia and the gold precipitated by the addition of sulphate of iron (copperas). Sometimes it may pay to treat the residue re¬ maining undissolved in aqua regia with ammonia in order to ex¬ tract the .chloride of silver, the formation of which under the given conditions can scarcely be prevented. An experiment with a small portion will show whether such treatment is advisable or not. Ungilding. —Gilded articles of iron and steel are best ungilded by treating them as the anode in a solution of from 2 to 2^ ozs. of 98 per cent, potassium cyanide in 1 quart of water, and suspend¬ ing a copper plate greased with oil or tallow as the cathode. Gilded silver-ware is readily ungilded by heating it to glowing and then immersing it in dilute sulphuric acid, whereby the layer of gold cracks off, the glowing and immersing in dilute sul¬ phuric acid being repeated until all the gold is removed. Before glowing and immersing in dilute sulphuric acid the articles may first be provided with a coating of a paste of sal-ammoniac, flowers of sulphur, borax and potassium nitrate, which is allowed to dry. On the bottom of the vessel containing the dilute sulphuric acid the gold will be found in the form of laminae and scales. These THE METAL WORKER'S HANT)Y-BOOK. 4 SO are boiled with pure sulphuric acid, washed, and finally dis¬ solved in aqua regia and made into chloride of gold or fulminating gold. To ungild articles of silver, copper or German silver, which will not bear glowing, the solution of the gold may be effected in a mixture of i lb. of fuming sulphuric acid, 2.64 ozs. of concentrated hydrochloric acid and 1.3 ozs. of nitric acid of 40° B6. Dip the articles in this warm acid mixture, and observe the progressive action of the mixture by frequently removing the articles from it. The articles to be treated must be perfectly dry before dipping them in the mixture, and care must be had to preserve the latter from dilution with water in order to prevent the acids from acting upon the base-metals. Utilization of Nickel Waste .-—For the utilization of waste from rolled and cast-nickel anodes and of the nickel sand gradually col¬ lecting upon the bottom of the vats, the following method is recommended : Wash the waste repeatedly in clean hot water, and then boil in dilute sulphuric acid (1 part acid to 4 water) until water poured upon the waste is no longer clouded by it. Then pour off the liquid and treat the waste or sand with concentrated nitric acid. This must be done very carefully, and a large porcelain vessel should be used to prevent the solution from running over. When the solution is sufficiently concentrated, so that it contains little free acid, it should be filtered and slowly evaporated to dry¬ ness over the water bath. The product is nickel nitrate. The nickel nitrate thus obtained is dissolved in hot distilled water, and the solution precipitated with caustic soda carefully and gradually added. The precipitate of hydrated nickel oxide is then carefully filtered and washed, then treated with dilute sulphuric acid with the aid of heat until solution has taken place. The solution is concentrated by evaporation and an excess of concentrated solu¬ tion of ammonium sulphate is added. The precipitate is the double sulphate of nickel and ammonium, or Adams’ nickel-plating salt, which is commonly used for nickel-plating. To Recover Nickel from Old Solutions .— Urquhart proposes the following plan : Make a saturated solution of ammonium sulphate MISCELLANEOUS. 4S7 in warm water and add to it the old nickel-plating solution, with constant stirring, and, after the lapse of a few minutes, a granular precipitate of the double sulphate of nickel will begin to separate. The addition of ammonium sulphate should be from time to time continued, until the liquid is colorless. The precipitated salt is very pure, and may be used directly in making a new bath. Recovery of Silver from Old Cyanide Plating Solutions , etc .—The baths may be evaporated to dryness, the residue mixed with a small quantity of calcined soda and potassium cyanide and fused in a crucible, whereby metallic silver is formed, which, when the heat is sufficiently increased, will be found as a button upon the bottom of the crucible; or if it is not desirable to heat to the melting point of silver, the fritted mass is dissolved in hot water, and the solution containing the soda and cyanide quickly filtered off from the metallic silver. The evaporation of large quantities of fluid is, to be sure, inconvenient, and requires considerable time, but the reducing process above described is without doubt the most simple and least injurious. According to the wet method the bath is strongly acidulated with hydrochloric acid, observing the precaution to provide for the effectual carrying off of the hydrocyanic acid liberated as given under gold. Remove the precipitated chloride of silver and cyanide of copper by filtration, and after thorough washing, transfer it to a porcelain dish and treat it, with the aid of heat, with hot hydrochloric acid, which will dissolve the cyanide of cop¬ per. The resulting chloride of silver is then reduced to the metallic state by mixing it with four times its weight of crystallized carbonate of sodium and half its weight of pulverized charcoal. The whole is made into a homogeneous paste, which is thoroughly dried, and then introduced into a strongly heated crucible. When all the material has been introduced the heat is raised to promote complete fusion and to facilitate the collection of the separate globules of silver into a single button at the bottom of the crucible, where it will be found after cooling. If granulated silver is wanted, pour the metal in a thin stream, and from a certain height, into a large volume of water. 4SS TITE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. Desilvering. —According to the nature of the base-metal different methods have to be employed for desilvering. Silvered iron articles are treated as anode in a potassium cyanide solution in water (1:20), the iron not being brought into solution by potassium cyanide; as cathode suspend in the solution a few silver anodes or a copper-sheet rubbed with an oily rag. The silver precipitates upon the copper-sheet, but does not adhere to it. Articles, the basis of which is copper, are best desilvered by immersion in a mixture of equal parts of anhydrous (fuming) sulphuric acid and nitric acid of 40° Be. This mixture makes the copper passive, it not being attacked, while the silver is dissolved. Care must, however, be had not to introduce any water into the acids, nor to let them stand without being hermetically closed, since by absorbing water from the air they become dilute, and may then exert a dissolving effect upon the copper. The fuming hydrochloric acid may also be heated and 150 parts of crystallized nitrate of soda be added instead of the nitric acid. In this hot acid desilvering proceeds more quickly than in the cold acid mixture, but the latter acts more uniformly. Desilvering is complete when the articles, on being pickled, show no stains. Recovery of Platinum from Platinum Solutions. —From not too large baths precipitation of the platinum with sulphuretted hydrogen is the most suitable method, and preferable to evaporating and re¬ ducing the metal from the residue. The process is as follows: Acidulate the platinum solution with hydrochloric acid, and, after warming it, conduct sulphuretted hydrogen into it. The metal (together with any copper present) precipitates as sulphide of platinum. The precipitate is filtered off, dried and glowed in the air, whereby metallic platinum remains behind. From larger baths the platinum may be precipitated by suspending bright sheets of iron in the acidulated bath. In both cases the precipitated plati¬ num is treated with dilute nitric acid in order to dissolve any cop¬ per present. After filtering off and washing the pure platinum it is dissolved in aqua regia; the solution is then evaporated to dry¬ ness in the water bath, and the chloride of platinum thus obtained may be used in making a new bath. MISCELLANEOUS. 489 Recovery of Tin from Tin-plate Waste. —The waste is treated with dilute chlorine at a temperature above the boiling point of chloride of tin, so that the latter immediately after its formation is carried away in the form of vapor, as, if it remains in the form of a fluid in contact with the residues, it gives rise to the formation of chloride of iron, chloride of tin being reduced. The vapors of chloride of tin are precipitated by steam or by contact with moist surfaces in roomy condensing chambers, or are absorbed by chloride of tin solution of medium concentration. Another method is as follows : Bring the waste into contact with sulphur in a boiling-hot solution of sodium sulphide, whereby the iron is completely freed from tin. The waste thus freed from tin is thoroughly washed and dried, heated to a welding heat in tubes of rolled-iron, taken out and hammered into rod-iron. The solu¬ tion of sodium sulphide holding the tin is evaporated, the residue calcined in a reverberatory furnace and the calcined mass reduced to tin, at a raised heat, by means of a mixture of small coal, char¬ coal and calcined soda or burnt lime. To Separate Lead from Zinc. —Melt the alloy. The specifically heavier lead collects in the lower portion of the crucible, while the lighter zinc stands above it and can be poured off. How fapanese Swords are Made. —In forging the metal is never heated without being carefully coated with loam spread all over it as a thin wash and sprinkled with straw ashes. The metal, too, is kept perfectly clean, and never touched by the hand, as the least sweat will hinder the perfectly uniform welding of the parts together and leave a flaw visible in the sword. A steel plate with an iron rod welded to it as a handle, and with several pieces of steel placed upon it, is heated in the fire, and is hammered out on the anvil to a shape about 6 or 8 inches long by inches wide and % or inch thick. The steel bar so forged is doubled over, heated again and hammered out into about the same dimensions as before; doubled over again, reheated and hammered until it has been refolded fifteen times. Then its handle is cut off, and in like man¬ ner three such bars are made and the four bars welded into a some¬ what longer bar, and thus again folded and hammered out to about 490 THE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. the same dimensions. The resulting bar is made up of a vast number of layers intimately welded together. The first doubling gives 2, the second 4, and so on up to the fifteenth, which gives 32,768, and the four small bars together consist of 131,072 layers, and after 15 additional foldings there must be 4,194,304 layers. In consequence, the polished sword lias fine lines like the grain of wood. They are called the sword’s hada (skin), and are distinguished by names according to their form. The steel bar is now hammered out to the length of the required blade, and after various manipula¬ tions is given its shape, apparently without measurements or pat¬ terns. When iron is used along with the steel there are several ways of combining the small bars to make the large one, the smiths of different provinces using different methods. In harden¬ ing, the blade is covered with a coating of loam, which is carefully removed along the edge, and is then heated in a vigorous fire of pine charcoal. Afterwards it is cooled by dipping in lukewarm water. The blade is then carefully cleaned and examined for blemishes. A smith careful of his reputation rejects all imperfect blade6 and uses the material for other purposes. Next the smith cuts the groove, if any, with a steel graving tool. These grooves lighten the sword, and are called vulgarly chi-nagashi (blood chains). The smith then drills the hole in the tong for the bamboo or metallic peg that holds the handle on. Many smiths adorn their blades with engravings, especially with representations of dragons, gods, and flower sprigs. The final grinding and polishing is a trade quite distinct from the smith’s. The grinder holds the sword horizontally, and rubs it back and forth on a small whetstone well wet with water, moving by degrees along the whole length of the blade. Finally the blade is polished with a polishing stone and a stone powder as fine as flour, or with the finest powdered steel forge cinders until the polish is perfect. The blade may now be mounted with a hilt, and, if moderately long, with a guard, with a ferrule and a scabbard. The hilt is made of wood often covered with shark’s skin, the rougher the better. Over the shark’s skin silk cord is often found crosswise in several MISCELLANEOUS. 491 styles. Between the shark’s skin and the cord there is often a metallic ornament. The guard is only put on the larger swords, and is preferably made of steel or the hardest wrought-iron. It is sometimes a work of fine art, and .then often has the maker’s name engraved upon the concealed part of it. To Make Knives from Old Files .—First draw the temper by heating the file to a cherry-red, then place it in ashes, and 5 inches under the forge, and leave it there until cool. Now grind out the file marks and next comes the drawing. Make the heat no higher than a bright cherry heat, and use a good smooth-faced hammer. The file is then drawn a little thicker than the back of the blade is to be, and the blade is then bent, the edge being on the inside. The blade is then drawn to an edge, the drawing on the inner curve having the effect of straightening it. When it has been drawn to an even and nice color and straightened, three holes are drilled in it so that the handle can be fastened on it, and it is shaped with a file. It is necessary to avoid getting the edge too thin, or else there will be trouble in tempering. In tempering use soft and some¬ what warm water. Seize the handle ends with a pair of tongs, hold the blade, with the back down, over a clear, well-charred fire, and heat evenly to the first hole until the blade is red, and then plunge it endwise into the water. This should leave the blade so that when tried with a file the file will take hold, just a little. If this test shows that the blade is too hard, dip it in linseed oil, hold it over a slow, clear fire until the oil ignites, and then dip into the water again. This will toughen it, and cause it to hold its edge better. The grinding should be done on a good even-faced stone. Ma 7 iufaclure of Metal Pipes .—The following process, the inven¬ tion of F. Madeley, is patented in England : A piece of soft steel is in a suitable manner bent to a pipe so that both edges lie close together It is then polished and coated with copper in a suitable cyanide solution. For a layer of copper of special thickness it is further treated in a solution of cupric sulphate. The pipe is then further coated with brass in a suitable cyanide solution and finally polished. In this manner pipes with a metallic coating are obtained without the necessity of soldering or welding. 402 TITE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. Improvement in the Treatment of Steel. —C. Jones, of Derby, England, lias patented the following process: Steel scraps (railway carriage and other carriage springs), after being cleaned by immer¬ sion in dilute sulphuric acid and subsequent washing in boiling water, are first dipped into oil or grease and then into soot. The scraps are then packed with powdered gas coke into a metal box and heated in a furnace for 30 hours or more, at about 1400° F., then withdrawn and allowed to cool slowly. The scrap may then be melted into blocks or ingots, which can be rolled, welded, ham¬ mered or otherwise treated in the usual way. Ink for Writing on Tin. —Dissolve 1 part of copper in 10 of nitric acid, and add to the solution 10 of water. Cleanse the tin with dry whiting and write with a quill. Ink for Writing on Zinc. —Cleanse the surface of the zinc by rubbing with a sponge dipped in dilute hydrochloric acid and fine sand. Next dissolve 1 oz. 4 drachms each of crystallized verdigris and sal-ammoniac in 1 pint of warm water, filter the solution after cooling, and preserve it in well-closed bottles. Pieces of zinc written on with this preparation are allowed to lie in water a few hours. They are then dried and used without being varnished. The writing may be executed with a steel pen or a quill, the first being, however, strongly attacked by the fluid. In case the zinc appears greasy and the writing runs together, cleanse the surface with a rag dipped in chalk. This ink is very suitable for writing labels. Insulating Coverings for Steam-pipes , etc. —Felt, cork, waste, mineral wool or asbestos pulp, either made into suitable forms and atttached to the pipe, or filled into a casting surrounding the pipe, and with or without an air space about the pipe, are much used for the above purpose. A mass highly recommended is prepared as follows: 100 parts by weight of finely ground limestone, 350 of finely ground coal, 250 of pulverized clay, 300 of fine ashes from boiler-flues are thoroughly mixed with 600 of water and 10 of sul phuric acid of 50° Be, and after adding 15 of hair (hogs’ bristles, cow hair or calf hair) the whole is made as homogeneous as possible. The article to be covered should, if possible, be previously heated. MISCELLANEOUS. 493 The mass is then gradually applied in separate layers, each about y 2 -inch thick, until a thickness of i y 2 to inches is attained. The whole may finally be painted any color desired. Another Insulating Material for Steam-pipes is prepared as follows: Boil i lb. each of rice flour, rye flour, cows’ hair and treacle with 150 quarts of water, and gradually and with constant stirring add 80 lbs. of infusorial earth. Apply the mass in several layers to the lukewarm pipes, so that finally a layer somewhat more than y 2 -inch thick is formed. Insulating Mass for Steam-boilers, etc. —Waste of cork, asbestos, gypsum and cement, all finely ground, are shortly before use made with water into a paste of the consistency of mortar. The result¬ ing mass is applied with a trowel to the objects to be insulated. It answers the purpose far better than masses containing hair, glue, treacle, etc., as it is not subject to putrefaction or fermentation, nor destroyed by heat. It being a very poor conductor of heat the highest useful effect can be attained ; it adheres well and is very durable. Insulating Material for Electrical Conduits. —Mix 66 parts of fine glass or quartz powder and 34 of finely pulverized vegetable or mineral resin. Add to the mixture 26 parts of paraffine, beeswax or spermaceti, and 3 parts of boiled or crude linseed oil. The proportions of mixture vary according to circumstances. If the mass is to be exposed to the sun the admixture of wax must be small, while the reverse is the case if the mass is to be used for telegraph lines under ground. Flexible Insulating Mass for Electrical Conduits. —Mineral wax (paraffine, ozokerite), 1 part ; wood tar, 29; shellac, 32; and asbestos, flax or cotton, 32, are mixed in a boiler at between 92 0 and 212 0 F., and constantly stirred. For a harder mass take less wood tar. For the production of a specially hard mass, the wax may be omitted and about 24 parts of ground slate, infusorial earth or clay free from iron added, and the quantity of asbestos, etc., decreased. Gold-beating. —The rough gold is put into a stone crucible, melted, and poured into a mould, which gives it the right width 494 T1IE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. for rolling. One hundred dollars’ worth of gold is generally moulded at a time, the weight being about 5 ounces. It is then run through the rollers, the pressure of which is so great that the little bar of gold that is 1 inch thick in width and about 3 inches in length, after being run through several times, becomes a strip about 14 yards in length and about the thickness of a hair. The strip is then cut into 1 inch squares. These squares are put into what is called a cutch. This cutch is composed of 180 skins 314 inches square. The material that these skins are made of is an in¬ vention of French origin, and is kept secret. Formerly vellum was used. A gold square is placed between each skin, one directly over the other, until the cutch is filled. Two parchment bands are put over them in opposite directions to keep them from shift¬ ing. The cutch is then beaten for 15 or 20 minutes with a 16- pound hammer. The gold is then taken out of the skins, quartered by a skewer, and put into what is called the shorter. The number of skins in a shoder is 680. These skins come from what is called the bung-gut of an ox, one animal furnishing but two skins. The shoder skins are four inches square. The gold squares are put between the skins in the same manner as in the cutch. They are then beaten for 1 y?, hours with a 10 lb. hammer, taken out, and again quartered with a piece of reed. They are then put into the mould, one over the other as before, until the 900 skins which the mould contains are filled. This is beaten with a hammer weighing 7 lbs. for 3 or 4 hours. The leaf is then ready to be trimmed and booked. Before the beating process the skins are heated and primed to prevent the leaf from sticking. Heated presses are used to take the moisture from the skins. Each skin is rubbed with a hare’s foot, with plaster of Paris on both sides, before beat¬ ing. Each one of the first squares of gold beaten out makes 25 leaves, or one book. The trimming of the leaves before they are put into books is done by a sled-shaped machine called a wagon. The trimming and booking are mostly done by girls. The trim¬ mings that are left from the leaves are scraped together and melted over. A little salt added makes it thoroughly clean. The granite block that the beating is done on is about 3 feet in height, the top MISCELLANEOUS. 495 surface being ground down perfectly smooth, so as to prevent the blows of the hammer from cutting the under side of the mould. Lining for Furnaces. —The composition used for lining furnaces consists of ganister, or a similar highly silicious mass, and lime in the proportion of about 90 parts of ganister to 10 of lime. The limestone is burned and slaked, and after 12 hours added to the ganister. Sufficient water for the requisite consistence is then added and the whole thoroughly mixed. The furnace is then lined with the mass and the latter dried by moderate firing. Matrix Mass for the Reproduction of Ale da Is, Coins, etc. —Under the name “ isolit ” a mass is brought into commerce which is recommended as being especially suitable for matrices to be used in galvano-plasty. It consists of yellow ceresin (purified ozo¬ kerite), with 6 or 7 per cent, of petroleum and 4 or 5 per cent, of sulphur. Oil of'Mustard as a Lubricator. —For preventing the welding together of iron surfaces upon which much and rapid friction is exercised, such as turbine wheels, etc., ordinary oil of mustard, mixed with small quantities of petroleum, fish oil, or other similar fatty substances has been found to answer the purpose in every respect, and to overcome all the difficulties heretofore experienced with machinery where excessive friction disturbs the physical quality of the metal used. Spinning of Metals. —Spinning in the lathe is preferably employed for shaping articles which are difficult to press or draw. The principle of spinning consists in forcing by the continuous pressure of a tool of a simple shape a sheet of metal into a revolving pat¬ tern (chuck) or raising it over the chuck. In the first case the inner surface of the chuck must correspond to the outer contours of the article to be produced, whilst in the latter the chuck actually forms the pattern of the work. Fig. 62 shows both styles in cross-section and also the manner of securing the chucks in the lathe. FF are the chucks ; they are made of hard wood, generally white beach. Upon metallic chucks the sheet-metal would very quickly spin hard ; the wooden chucks, however, are frequently covered with sheet brass. The chucks 496 TIIE METAL WORKER’S ITANDY-BOOK. must be turned very smooth, and are provided on one side with a female screw, by means of which they are secured to the front end of the mandril S, which is provided with a worm. This end is also furnished with a female screw, in which fits the so-called bind¬ ing screw D. The latter consists of a steel rod, provided on one end with a worm about i*4 inches long and on the other with a disk and handle. The length of the binding screw generally cor¬ responds to the longest article to be turned; for shorter articles various orbicular pieces V are inserted between the chuck and the disk of the binding screw. With the use of the binding screw the chuck as well as the sheet-metal to be spun must be provided with an aperture for the binding screw to pass through. The chuck and disk of sheet-metal before the commencement of spinning are shown in I, Fig. 62. The spinning is done with tools of various shapes resembling burnishers; they have either flat, flat-round, club-shaped or hook" like faces. Some of the shapes are shown in Fig. 63. The tools should always be kept dull and smooth; sharp-edged or rough tools must never be used. A strong steel pin is inserted in the MISCELLANEOUS. 497 projection of the lathe, against which the tool is pressed during spinning. The tool is held in the right hand and pressed in slow strokes from the centre towards the periphery, progressing in a horizontal direction from right to left, whilst the plate of sheet- metal is made to revolve by the mandril; the plate is thereby forced to gradually fit itself to the chuck. What shape of tool is most suitable for each kind of work has to be learned by experience, it being impossible to give special instructions in regard to this. It need only be remarked that at first flat-round tools are always used even in spinning sharp edges; flat tools are only employed finally. Fig- 63. As indicated in Fig. 62, 7 , the sheet fits itself only gradually to the chuck, and care must be had that the metal does not wrinkle. For this purpose an entirely flat tool is held with the left hand against the under side of the plate so as to be always opposite to the spinning tool. Without the use of this tool the sheet-metal would soon become wrinkled ; but when partially spun the use of the second tool may be dispensed with. All metals cannot be spun with equal facility, copper spinning best, next zinc, tombac and brass. German silver and tin-plate are difficult to spin. To avoid friction between the tool and metal-plate both are kept lubricated with tallow or soap-water. In spinning the metals become gradually 498 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. hard, zinc, for instance, becoming so hard in a short time that for articles of any size it can only be spun warm. Warming is effected by holding a spirit-lamp under the article. When the articles have become hard and brittle by spinning they have to be annealed before they can be further spun. By spinning the molecules have assumed an abnormal position and are in a state of tension. If now the half-finished articles were directly heated they would frequently become full of cracks. To avoid this the tension is relieved by pounding the article with a wooden hammer upon a wooden support. The small dents made thereby can readily be removed in finishing the spinning. The articles are first warmed by placing them upon glowing coals and only covered with coals when thoroughly heated through. In large establishments muffle furnaces are also used for annealing. German silver sheet cracking readily, great care is required in annealing it. For flat articles with bright inner surfaces the chuck shown in II, Fig. 62, is used; in this case the plate of sheet-metal A A must be somewhat larger than the chuck. After being placed upon the chuck it is covered with a round wooden plate V This wooden plate has in the centre a brass plate with a conical depression, in which sits the back-centre R. When the sliding-puppet of the lathe has been brought as close as possible to the chuck, in conse¬ quence of the friction the wooden plate and the disk of sheet- metal are also revolved by the revolution of the chuck. The pro¬ jecting edge of the disk of sheet-metal is then turned so far around the edge of the chuck that it will hold the disk when the wooden plate V is removed. It is still better to press the edge of the disk of sheet-metal into a groove in the chuck. By now removing the sliding-puppet and the wooden plate V, the disk of sheet-metal is drawn over the hollow chuck like a drum-head. With the assistance of the tools the sheet-metal is now pressed against the side of the chuck by working from the edge towards the centre. The opera¬ tion being finished, the edge is cut off with a tool. Articles which are to be smooth inside and outside are also spun without binding screw upon chucks of the above description. MISCELLANEOUS. 499 They are first spun over a chuck and then brought into a hollow chuck. For the manufacture of hollow articles of jewelry from gold- sheet which is too thin for direct working, a gold tube is frequently enveloped inside and outside with silver, then filled with brass and subjected to the required manipulations. The article being finished, the brass core is dissolved in a mixture of acids which does not attack the silver, and finally the outer layer of silver is removed with nitric acid. To Cut Sheet-brass by Chemical Means. —By drawing a line with solution of mercury salt upon a sheet of brass, the latter on the place where the line is drawn immediately becomes as fragile as glass. The mercury salt is decomposed by the acid dissolving with great rapidity the copper and the mercury combining with the zinc to an amalgam. To Toughen Sheet-brass for painting with oil paint the following process, which imparts to the sheet a moire-like appearance, may be recommended. Place the brass for 12 hours in a pickle of con¬ centrated sulphuric acid, 8 parts ; concentrated hydrochloric acid, 1 ; and water, 8; then rinse off with water. This graining may be hastened by using a mixture of potassium bichromate and hydrochloric acid, as well as by the use of a galvanic battery. To Cut Out Iron Plates with the Assistance of Sulphuric Acid .— A mixture of 1 part by weight of sulphuric acid and 6 of water dissolves steel and iron. Now, by coating an iron or steel plate with a thin layer of wax, drawing any design desired in the wax and placing the plate in the above-mentioned fluid for several hours, the portions constituting the design will drop out. Letters, names and ornaments upon sword blades, etc., are etched in this manner. To Make a Hole in Hard Steel. —Prepare a mixture of sulphate of copper, 1 oz. ; alum, oz. ; powdered common salt, half a teaspoonful ; vinegar, 1 gill; and nitric acid, 20 drops. This will make the hole, or, if washed off quickly, will give a beautiful frosted appearance to the metal. To Detach Gold from Gilt Metallic Articles. —Apply to the 500 THE METAL WORKER’S HANDY-BOOK. articles a concentrated solution of sal-ammonic in vinegar and heat to a dark-red heat; then throw them into cold, very dilute sulphuric acid, whereby the gold becomes detached in thin scales. The latter are fused with saltpetre and borax, whereby the gold is obtained in a coherent form. To Give Metals — Lead, Tin, Zinc, etc.—the Capacity of Firmly Adhering to Other Metals, and to Amalgamate with them. —For this purpose sal-ammoniac, phosphorus and borax are added to the metals when in a melted state. To prevent as much as possible the oxidation of the fused metal and the volatilization of the above- mentioned agents, the surface is covered with pulverized wood or animal charcoal. To Keep Steel from Rusting. —Brush the steel with a solution of paraffine in benzine. This is transparent, and does not disfigure the work as does tallow or white-lead. To Prevent Metals from Rusting. —The following is said to be a good application to prevent the rusting of metals: Melt i oz. of resin in a gill of linseed oil, and while hot mix with it 2 quarts of kerosene oil. This can be kept ready to apply at any time with a brush or rag to any tools or implements required to lay by for a time, preventing any rust, and saving much vexation when the tool is to be used again. To Prevent Rusting In of Screws. —In machines exposed to heat or moist air the screws soon rust in, even with the use of oil, which later on renders it difficult to take the machines apart. By dipping the screws before use in a thin paste of graphite and oil, they can be readily taken out even after years. To Loosen Rusted Screws. —One of the simplest and readiest ways of loosening a rusted screw is to apply heat to the head of the screw. A small bar or rod of iron, flat at the end, if reddened in the fire and applied for 2 or 3 minutes to the head of the rusty screw will, as soon as it heats the screw, render its withdrawal as easy by the screw-driver as if the screw had been only recently inserted. To Prepare Good Crucibles. —Excellent and refractory crucibles and retorts can be prepared from a mixture of 2 parts of pipe-clay MISCELLANEOUS. 501 and i of quartz sand ; the latter must, however, be of sufficient fineness to pass through the eye of a large needle. Crucibles pre¬ pared according to this direction withstand the strongest fire of a wind-furnace. To Purify Gold in the Dry Way {by CementatioTi), According to Philipp.— -Make an intimate mixture of brick-dust, 3 parts; sea salt, 1 ; alum, 1; and green vitriol, 1, the salts being thoroughly dried before being mixed with the brick-dust. The mixture is then formed with a little wine vinegar to a paste, in the midst of which the gold to be purified is placed; if the gold is in several pieces, the latter are distributed throughout the mass. Gold of from 8 to 12 carats is best adapted for this mode of dry parting. Finer gold must first be alloyed with copper until it shows the above-mentioned carat. With gold alloys of less than 8 carats, the particles of gold are difficult to separate from the cement after cementation. Cemen¬ tation is effected in a crucible at a moderate red heat. After cooling the porous, chemically pure gold is freed from the cement by means of boiling water and finally melted with borax to a dense mass. To Repair Cracked Church Bells. —The process of repairing a cracked church bell so that its tone will be completely restored consists in placing a furnace in the interior of the bell so as to heat and fuse the edges of the crack, and pouring new bell-metal in the crack. To prevent the escape of liquid metal the wall of the bell must be provided with suitable contrivances. To Restore Burnt Cast-steel. —For this purpose a powder is used which consists of saltpetre, 8 parts ; colophony, 4; and dragon’s blood, r. Heat the article to a dark-red heat and dust it with the above-mentioned finely pulverized mixture. When the powder is absorbed the article is thoroughly worked upon the anvil. A brown, uniform mixture obtained by fusing together colophony, 3 parts, and boiled linseed oil, 2, is also highly recommended for the purpose. By dipping the red-hot burnt steel into this mass, and repeating the operation it is completely restored. According to another method the burnt steel is heated to a red heat and dusted with a mixture of 8 parts of red chromate of potassium, 4 of salt- 302 TITE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. petre, x / 2 each of aloes and gum arabic, and % of resin. Then heat the article several times and cool it. If the article is to be especially hard take 8 parts of saltpetre and 3 of resin. To Restore Burnt Steel Tools .—Melt together 1 lb. of tallow and 4 ozs. of black pitch, and then add, with constant stirring, 13 ozs. of sal-ammoniac, 4 ozs. of yellow prussiate of potash, 12 drachms of soap and a handful of common salt. The red-hot articles are plunged into the mass, allowed to cool therein, and then again hardened in the usual manner. For large tools the heating and plunging into the mass must be repeated. Another mixture which may be recommended for the purpose consists of resin, 10 parts; fish oil, 5 ; tallow, 2 ; assafoetida, To Sharpen Files .—Dull files may be sharpened without recut¬ ting by treating them with acid or with the sand blast. In treating files with acid they are first freed from adhering grease by scratch-brushing with the use of potash or soda lye. They are then brought into an oblong box of a material not attacked by acids, a few thin glass rods or varnished sticks of wood being first placed upon the bottom. The files being laid alongside each other, sufficient cold water to cover them is poured into the box, the eighth part of concentrated nitric acid is then added, and after mixing water and acid by moving the box, the whole is allowed to stand quietly for 25 minutes. The files are then taken from the bath, thoroughly scratch-brushed with the use of water and replaced in the box for 25 minutes, the bath having previously been strengthened by an additional eighth part of nitric acid. During this operation care must be had to several times turn the files and to see that they are entirely covered with the fluid. The files are then again taken from the bath, thoroughly cleansed with a scratch-brush and replaced in the bath, to which previously the sixteenth part of concentrated sulphuric acid has been added. The bath now becomes heated, and red-brown vapors of hyponi- tric acid escape. Care must be had to keep the box in a rocking motion so that the acids act as uniformly as possible. After 5 minutes the files are again taken out, cleansed, and then replaced for 5 minutes more in the same bath, previously strengthened by MISCELLANEOUS. 503 the addition of one-sixteenth part more of concentrated sulphuric acid; care must be had to constantly keep the bath in an un- dulatory motion. The operation is now finished, the files being finally scratched-brushed, and, for the removal of every trace of acid, placed in a vessel with water compounded with a few hand¬ fuls of caustic lime, which gives them a good color. They are then rinsed in clean water, dried over a spirit-flame and rubbed with a little oil. The treatment with acid may also be effected by means of a galvanic battery, the bath, which is composed of water, ioo parts; nitric acid, 80; and sulphuric, 40, being connected with the positive pole. The negative pole is formed of a copper spiral passing around the files without touching them, and with the end pointing towards the surface of the fluid. By using a galvanic battery of 12 Bunsen elements 10 minutes suffice for the treatment. The Process of Sharpening Files with the Sand Blast consists in forcing with great rapidity a jet of fine sand against the file to be sharpened by means of a jet of steam. The file is presented to the jet of sand at an angle of from 40° to 50°, and so moved that the jet of sand gradually strikes the entire surface. The sand used for the purpose must be very fine and sharp, and prepared by washing and elutriating. It is used in the shape of a fine mud kept in a suitable holder. Regarding newly cut and hardened files the following process may be mentioned, whereby the breaking out of the teeth is as. much as possible prevented: Fill an iron boiler 30 to 40 inches long, 6 to 8 inches wide and of a corresponding depth with well water. Heat the contents of the boiler to boiling over a large wood-fire which, however, should strike only the bottom of the boiler. Now add to the water 8 ozs. of white soap, previously dis¬ solved in warm water, and 4 ozs. of potash. Then pour in colza oil until the entire surface of the contents of the boiler is covered. The hardened and cleansed files, secured to suitable double iron wires, are then immersed in the boiling fluid for 2 or 3 minutes, when they are taken out and laid upon a table or a board. By the heat communicated to the files the water soon evaporates, whilst the oil 504 TIIE METAL WORKER'S nANDY-BOOK. in a short time penetrates through the cuts. By this means the teeth become more elastic and do not break so readily. To Sharpen Tools .—Instead of oil, which thickens and smears the stone, a mixture of glycerin is recommended. The propor¬ tions of the composition vary according to the class of tools to be sharpened. One with a relatively large surface is best sharpened with a clear fluid, 3 parts of glycerin being mixed with 1 of spirits. A graver having a small cutting surface only requires a small pressure on the stone, and in such cases the glycerin should be mixed with only 2 or 3 drops of spirits. New Method of Securing Flues .-—It is the usual method in order to secure a flue in a boiler to expand the end of the flue into a flange, through which rivets are passed to secure it to the plate of the boiler. It is obvious, however, that in thus forming a flange on the end of the flue the metal will be reduced in thickness,, and this flanging can be practically done only for purposes where a small or narrow flange will suffice. It is, however, desirable in many cases where flues or tubes or pipes are used, to employ forms thereof having flanges much wider in lateral extent than would be possible to forge or expand from the body of the tube without reducing the stock to such an extent that the flange would not have the requisite strength compared with the body of the tube. Thus with boiler or furnace pipes it is desirable to form integral with the body of the flue the bead or plate that is to form a part of it or is to connect it with the fire chamber or boiler shell. In an invention recently patented, the plate forming the head is formed with a circular flange, which is welded to the flue with which it forms an integral part. In carrying out this method the central portion of the head-plate is first cut out so as to form an opening somewhat smaller than the flue. The edge of the opening is thus bent up by passing a forging at right angles to the body of the plate. If necessary, two flanged openings can be formed in the plate. The head thus prepared is then welded to the flue. It is claimed that the flanged or headed flue thus produced is a much stronger structure than the flue heretofore produced, and has the same lateral extent of flange or head, and it obviates all the objec- MISCELLANEOUS. 505 tions incident to structures of similar shape, but having their parts riveted together. Solidification of Powdered Metals .—According to W. Spring, the degree of pressure required to unite the powders of the respective metals to a solid mass is as follows: Lead, unites at a pressure of 13 Tin, “ “ “ “ 19 Zinc, “ “ “ “ 38 Antimony, “ « •< « Aluminium, “ “ “ “ 38 Bismuth, “ “ « “ 38 Copper, “ “ “ “ 33 is to the square inch. Lead becomes liquid with a pressure of 33 tons to the square inch, and tin with one of 47 tons. Combustibility of Iron .—Combustibility is not generally con¬ sidered one of the properties of iron, yet that metal will, under proper conditions, burn readily. The late Prof. Magnus, of Berlin, Germany, devised the following method of showing the combusti¬ bility of iron : A mass of iron filings is approached by a magnet of considerable power, and a quantity thereof is permitted to adhere to it. This loose, spongy tuft of iron powder contains a large quantity of air imprisoned between the particles, and is, therefore, and because of its extremely comminuted condition, well adapted to manifest its combustibility. The flame of an ordinary spirit- lamp or Bunsen burner readily sets fire to the finely divided iron, which continues to burn brilliantly and freely. By waving the magnet to and fro the showers of sparks sent off produce a striking and brilliant effect. The assertion that iron is more combustible than gunpowder has its origin in the following experiment, which is also a very striking one : A little alcohol is poured into a saucer and ignited. A mix¬ ture of gunpowder and iron filings is allowed to fall in small quantities at a time into the flame of the burning alcohol, when it will be observed that the iron will take fire in its passage through the flame, while the gunpowder will fall through it and collect 506 TTTE METAL WORKER’S IIANDY-BOOK. beneath the liquid alcohol unconsumed. This, however, is a scientific trick, and the experiment hardly justifies the sweeping assertion that iron is more combustible than gunpowder. The ignition of the iron under the foregoing circumstances is due to the fact that the metal particles, being admirable conductors of heat, are able to absorb sufficient heat during their passage through the flame—brief as it is—and they are consequently raised to the ignition point. The particles of the gunpowder, however, are very poor conductors of heat, comparatively speaking, and during the exceedingly brief time consumed in their passage through the flame they do not become heated appreciably, or certainly not to their point of ignition. Under ordinary circumstances, gunpowder is vastly more inflammable than iron. Another method of exhibiting the combustibility of iron, which would appear to justify the assertion that it is really more combus¬ tible than gunpowder, is as follows : Place in a refractory tube of Bohemian glass a quantity of dry, freshly precipitated hydrated ferric oxide. Heat this oxide to bright redness and pass a current of hydrogen through the tube. The hydrogen will deprive the oxide of its oxygen and reduce the mass to the metallic state. If, when the reduction appears to be finished, the tube is removed from the flame and its contents permitted to fall out into the air, it will take fire spontaneously and burn to oxide again. This experi¬ ment indicates that pure iron in a state of the extremest subdivision is one of the most combustible substances known, more so even than gunpowder and other explosive substances, which require the application of considerable heat or of a spark to ignite them. Colors Expressing High Temperatures. Faint red. Orange. ....... Dull red. Bright orange. Brilliant red. .H 70 White heat. Cherry red. .... 1650 Bright white heat .... .2550 Bright cherry red. MISCELLANEOUS. 507 Rails anil Fastenings per Mile of Railroad. RAILS PER MILE. Weight Gross Tons per yd. per mile. 65-lb. 60 “. . 94 - 3 ° 56 “. 50 “. . 78-57 45 “. . 7 o. 7 i 40 “.. .62.86 35 “. . 55 -oo 30 “. . 47-14 Weight Gross Tons per yd. per mile. 25-lb. 39.29 20 “. 31.43 18 “. 28.27 16 “. 25.14 14 “. 22.00 12 “. 18.85 10 “. 15.71 8 “. 12.59 FASTENINGS PER MILE. Length of Rail. 30 feet. 28 “ . 26 “ . 24 “ . 22 “ . 21 “ . 20 “ . 18 “ . No. of Joints. No. Splices No. Bolts. 352 704 1,408 377 754 1,508 406 812 1,624 440 880 1,760 480 960 1,920 503 1,006 2,012 528 1,056 2,112 587 i,i 74 2,348 No. 11,264 IL3I4 n,372 11,440 11,520 11,568 11,616 11,740 INDEX Acetate of copper, 48, 49. of lead, 42, 49. Acetic acid, 60. Acid, acetic, 60. arsenious, 51, 52. boracic, 60. boric, 60. chromic, 60. hydrochloric, 58, 59. hydrochloric, use of as a flux, 418. hydrocyanic, 61. nitric, 57, 58. nitro-muriatic, 59, 60. oxalic, 61. phosphoric, use of as a flux, 418. -proof bronze, 116. -proof cement, 234. prussic, 61. sulphuric, 56, 57. sulphuric, to cut out iron plates with the assistance of, 499. tartaric, 60. to sharpen files with, 502, 503. Acids, 56-61. alkalies, etc., coating for bars of spring steel not acted upon by, 406. cleansing metals by means of, with the use of a galvanic current, 242, 243. definition of, 42. dipping with, 319. testing of, 74. Adams’ nickel-plating salt, 486. Aich or sterro-metal, 99. Albata metal, 114. Alder, specific gravity of, 227. Alfenide, argiroide and allied alloys, 113, 114. Alkalies, acids, etc., coating for bars of spring steel not acted upon by, 406. Alloy, Bourbonne’s aluminium, 108. Delalot’s, 102. for antifriction brasses, 91. for casting small articles, 116. for cold soldering, 4.7, 428. Alloy for dental plates, 107, 108. for moulds for pressed glass, 116. for silvering, 379, 380. for spoons, 102. Gedge’s, for ship sheathing, 100. Hoyle’s, for pivot bearings, 91. Lemarquand’s non-oxidizable, 119. Lipowitz’s, 83. Marley’s non-oxidizable, 119. non-oxidizable, 122. of copper and antimony, 116, 117. readily fusible, 83. resembling German silver, 108. resembling silver, 102, 108. soft, for coating metals, etc., 122, 123. tenacity of an, 80, 81. variation in color of, 79. white, closely resembling silver, 103. white, resisting the action of vege¬ table acids, 114. Alloys, 79-123. and amalgams, 79-126. and metals, resistance of, to calcium hydrate, 77. definition of, 79. exhibiting greater density than their constituents, 80. exhibiting less density than their constituents, 80. for bronze powders, composition of, 160. for calico-printing rollers, 117. for hot leading, 354. for small patterns in foundries, 117. fusibility of, 79. fusing points of the principal metals and other elements em¬ ployed in, 82. in gilding, detection of, 74, 75. manganese, 110-112. metallic, directions for the deter¬ mination of the constituents of, etc., 66-78. new, 119, 120. new method of preparing, 121. (509) 510 INDEX. Alloys, non-magnetic, for watches, 121. of antimony and lead, polishing of, 209. of bismuth and cadmium, 82, 83. of copper and tin, 83-97. of copper and zinc, 97-100. of copper with silver and gold, 100- 102 . of nickel, 112-115. of nickel and steel, 114, 115. preparation of, 81, 82. specific gravity of, 79, 80. table of colors of, for statuary bronze, 93. used by the metal-worker, 33. various, 116-123. Wood’s, 83. Alumina, testing for, 68. Aluminium alloys, 103-109. alloys, various, 107-109. bath, 325. brasses, 103, 104. bronze, 104-106. bronze, casting of, 209-213. bronze, Hulot’s solder for, 424. bronze jewelry, solders for, 424. bronze, soft solder for, 424. bronze, soldering of, 423, 424. bronzes, directions for preparing, 105, 106. fusing point of, 82. powdered, solidification of, 505. solders for, 423. specific gravity and chemical and electro-chemical equivalent of, - 323. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. to engrave, 310. Amalgam, definition of, 79. Amalgams, 123-126. and alloys, 79-126. American welding compound for steel, 433. Ammonia, 61. hydrosulphate of, 62. sulphydrate of, 62. Ammoniacal liquor, 61. Ammouio-chloride of platinum, 55. -ferrous sulphate, 45. Ammonium, 61. phosphate, 61, 62. sulphide, 62. Ampgres, definition of, 323. Amtmann, enamel for cast-iron pipes, according to, 302. Annealing, hardening and tempering, 126-147. of wire, 451, 452. Anode, definition of, 323. Anti-friction brasses, alloy for, 91. Antimony and lead alloys, polishing of, 269. arsenic and zinc, preparations of, 51, 52. baths, 325. butter of, 51. colors on brass, 177. determination of, 69. fusing point of, 82. powdered, solidification of, 505. regulus, resistance of to calcium hydrate, 77. specific gravity and chemical and electro-chemical equivalent of, 323. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. trichloride, 51. Apple-tree wood, specific gravity of, 227. Aqua fortis, 57, 58. regia, 59, 60. regia, preparation of, 39. Argent fran§ais, 101, 102. -Ruolz, 101, 102. Argentan solders, 424. white, 114. Argentic chloride, 53. oxide, 53. Argentiferous pastes for cold silvering, composition of, 372, 373. Argentum musivum, 162. Argiroide, alfenide and allied alloys, 113, 114. Armenian or jeweller’s cement, 240, 241. Arsenic, antimony and zinc, prepara¬ tions of, 51, 52. baths, 325, 326. determination of, 69, 70. flux for reducing, 396. fusing point of, 82. specific gravity, and chemical and electro-chemical equivalent of, 323. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. white, 51, 52. Arsenical compounds, fluxes for, 396. Arsenious acid, 51, 52. Ashberrv metal, 109, 110. Asphalt lacquer on iron, 401. varnish, bright, for sheet-metals, 411. Atomic weights and symbols of the most important elements, 40. weights, definition of, 41. Augsburg brass wire, 99. brouze, 93. INDEX. 611 Auric chloride, 54. Aurous chloride, 54. Aurum muriaticuru natronatum crvs- tallisatum, 54, 65. musivum, 161, 162. Austrian government railroad, white metal bearings used by, 89. Axle-arms, to case-harden, 131. boxes, Fenton’s alloy for, 91. journals, Austrian, 98. Axles and tires, electric welding of, 439. heavy, white metal bearings for, 89. railroad, bearings for, 88. rapidly revolving, white metal bearings for, 89. various, bearings for, 88. Babbitt’s anti-attrition metal, 90, 91. Bacchus, statue of, 93. Barbed wire, manufacture of, illus¬ trated and described, 453-455. Barff process for preserving iron and steel from rust, 297, 298. Barium, symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Barnard damask, illustrated, 281. Barrel hoops, electric welding of, 439. Bases, definition of, 42. Basic open-hearth steel, manufacture of, 474, 475. Batteries, management of, 322, 323. preparation of zinc for, 324, 325. storage, constructed by M. de Bernados, illustrated and de¬ scribed, 441, 442. used for electro-deposition, 320-322. Beams, contraction of, in casting, 191. Bearing metals for locomotives, 89. Bearings, metals for, 88, 89. of great hardness, 89. of rapidly running machines, ap¬ proved compositions for, 89. red brass, 88. white metal, 89. Beech, specific gravity of, 227. Belgian bearing metal for locomotives, 89. polishing powder, 270. Belgium, nickel coins of, 112. Beil founding, 207-209. -metal, 85-87. -metal, for church and other large bells, 86. -metal, founder’s standard, 86. -metal, standard, 86. -metal, very deep toned and sonorous, 86. Bell-metals, table of composition of, 86 . Bells, metal for, 90. moulding of, 208, 209. peals of, 207. small, metal for, 86. weights of, 208. Benzine, 62. Benzole, 62. Berlin blue, 46. German silver, 112. Bernados’, de, and Olszewsky’s method of electric welding, illustrated and described, 440-444. M. de, storage batteries, constructed by, illustrated and described, 441, 442. Bertrand, mechanical silvering accord¬ ing to, 378. Biddery metal, 109, 110. Birmingham Britannia metal, 109. or Stubs wire gauge, 460. platinum, 117. silvering, 377, 378. Bismuth alloys, 83. and cadmium, alloys of, 82, 83. cement for cementing the glass parts on petroleum lamps, 240. contraction of, in casting, 192. determination of, 69. fusing point of, 82. lead and tin, preparations of, 49, 50. nitrate, 50. powdered, solidification of, 505. solder, 421. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Black flux, 394, 395. lead, 63. Blacksmiths, locksmiths and founders, iron lacquer for, 403. Blanching, 371, 372. Blast pipes, hot blast stoves, blowing engines, etc., cement for, 229. Blocks, 445. Blowing engines, blast pipes, hot blast- stoves, etc., cement for, 229. Blow-pipe, use and description of, 417. Blue bronze, 150, 151. vitriol, 42, 47, 48. Bolts, number of, per mile of railroad, 507. Boracic acid, 60. Borax, 62. use of, as a flux, 418. Bores of musket-barrels, to harden, 141. Boric acid, 60. 512 INDEX. Boron, symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Bourbonne’s aluminium alloy, 108. Boxes for wagon-wheels, metal for, 88. Boxwood, specific gravity of, 227. Brass and bronzes, coloring of, 173. and copper, brown fire-proof bronze upon, 153. and copper, new bronze color upon, 179. and copper parts, cement for, 238. and copper, to bronze articles of, 153. and copper, to color, 179, 180. and copper, to whiten, 180. and copper, to zinc without a battery, 387. and glass, to unite, 234. and similar alloys, 97-100. and similar alloys, table of compo¬ sition of, 99, 100. antimony colors on, 177. articles, small, to bronze, 151. articles, to cleanse, 272. bath for cast-iron, wrought-iron and steel, 327. bath for zinc, 326, 327. bath from cupric sulphate and zinc sulphate, 326. baths, 326-328. beautiful silver color on, 179. bronze, Britannia metal, etc., prep¬ aration of, for nickelling, 354, 355. bronzing liquids for, 157, 158. brown color called bronze Barb6- dienue, on, 174, 175. castings, locomotive, 89, 90. cement for fastening, to glass, 236. color resembling gold on, 174. contraction of, in casting, 192. copper and tombac, to give a bril¬ liant appearance to, 254. copper, iron, nickel bath for, 358. copper or bronze, to coat iron articles with, 336, 337. copper, silver, etc., gilding powder for, 348. deep black-blue stain on, 178. deposits, color of, 327. dipping of, 318. Ebermayer’s method of coloring, 175, 176. English process of pickling, 252, 253. etching on, 311. etching solution for, 313, 314. for sheet and wire, 97. Brass, German silver, tombac and copper, polishing of, 268. gold and orange stains for, 179. gray color with a bluish tint upon, 174. green bronze for, 152, 153. instruments, dead black on, 177, 178. lacquers for, 402. lustrous black on, 173. lustrous gold or green on, 178, 179. malleable, 119. mixture for a dull-grained surface on, 319. moir6 on, 285, 286. nuts, casting screws on, 203, 204. old, to cleanse, 272. or bronze wire, phosphorized, 456. or copper objects, to tin, 382. parts, method for cleaning, in the United States, 253. pickle for a dead lustre for, 319. pickling of, 251, 252. polish for pressed articles of, 274. polishing paste for, 272. red, 87, 111. red, aud similar alloys, table of composition of, 98. resistance of to calcium hydrate, 77. sheet, to cut by chemical means, 499. sheet, to roughen for painting, 499. steel-gray on, 173. straw-color to brown through golden yellow and tombac color on, 174. to brighten and color, 176, 177. to color, violet and cornflower-blue, 175. to lacquer, 401, 402. to temper, 147. to test, 73, 74. various colors upon, 170. very tenacious, 99. watch cases, gold-colored lacquer for, 402. wire, 99. wire, method of making, 464. yellow, contraction of, in casting, 191. Brasses for driving boxes, 90. for side rods, 89. Brassing, coppering, galvanizing, gild¬ ing, nickelling, silvering, 'in¬ ning, electro-plating, etc., 317- 394. INDEX. 513 Brassing, coppering, electroplating, galvanizing, manufacture, etc., of wire, 445-473. of wire in the galvanic way, 463, 404. Brazier’s hearth, 416. Brazil, nickel coins of, 112. Brazing, definition of, 414. Bright Platinum Plating Co., of Lon¬ don, platinum bath patented by the, 365. Brilliants, Fahlun or tin, 118. Bristol brass, 99. Britannia metal and similar alloys, 109, 110 . ware, brass and bronze, preparation of, for nickelling, 354, 355. wares, polishing agent for, 270. British plate metal, 114. Brocade bronze power, 160, 161. Bromine, symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Bronze, acid-proof, 116. aluminium, 104-106. aluminium, casting of, 209-213. annealing of, 127, 128. Barbedienne on brass, 174, 175. best for statues, 94. blue, 150, 151. bluish-gray for copper, 152. brass and Britannia ware, prepara¬ tion of, for nickelling, 354, 355. brass or copper, to coat iron arti¬ cles with, 336, 337. brown, 151. brown fire-proof, upon copper and brass, 153. cheap, 151. copper, upon iron and zinc, 149. damasked, 283. definition of, 83. dipping of, 318. fixtures to cleanse, 245. for electrotypes, 156. for gilding, 94. for small castings, 94. French, 149, 150. genuine gold, 161. gold, 95, 148. green, for brass, 152, 153. green, on tin, zinc and lead, 149. Japanese, 95. liquid, 151. machine, 87-92. malleable, 95, 96. manganese, sheet from, 100. melted, bronzing by dipping in, 151. 33 Bronze, old Peruvian, 96. or brass wire, phosphorized, 456. ordnance, composition of, of various times and countries, 84. pickling of, 251. platinum, 122. powder, brocade, 160, 161 powder, genuine silver, 162. powder, imitation silver, 162. powders, 159, 160. powders, brownish gold, 162. powders, composition of alloys for, 160. powders, English, 160. red, 149. silver, 148, 149. statuarv, table of colors of alloys for, 93. steel or Uchatius, 85. Walker’s chemical, 159. which can be rolled, 94. Bronzes, aluminium, directions for pre¬ paring, 105, 106. and brass, coloring of, 173, 174. Chinese, 94. incrustes (incrustations), 277, 278. Bronzing and coloring, 148—189. by dipping in melted bronze, 151. cast-iron, 154. green, 153, 154. in Paris mint, 151, 152. liquids, Graham’s, 157, 158. Rockline’s method of, 159. Brown & Sharpe’s wire gauge, 460. Brown bronze, 151. Brownish gold bronze powders, 162. Buff wheels, 257 . Bunsen’s battery, illustrated and de¬ scribed, 321, 322. Burnisher or burnishing stone, polish¬ ing with the, 259-262. Burnishing cutlery, 262, 263. silver, 263. stone or burnisher, polishing with the, 259-262. tools, illustrated and described, 260, 261. Butter of antimony, 51. Buttons, metal for, 88. sheet for, 98. Tournay’s metal for, 98. Cadmium and bismuth, alloys of, 82, 83. determination of, 69. fusing point of, 82. Calcium hydrate, resistance of metals and alloys to, 77. 514 INDEX. Calcium, potassium and sodium sul¬ phides, 62. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Calico printing rollers, alloys for, 117. Calin, 117. Callot’s etching-ground, 311. Caoutchouc, 62, 63. Caput luortuum, 256. Carbon, amount of, permissible in steel for wire, 446. bisulphide, 63. holder, illustrated and described, 442-444. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Carbonate, copper, 48. lead, 49. silver, 53. Carlsson-Bessemer process, 475, 476. Carriage work, electric welding of, 439. Case-hardened or hard steel articles, tinning of, 383, 384. Case-hardening axle-arms, 131. compound, new, 142. wrought-iron, 128-131. Cassius, purple of, 55. Cast-brass, French, 100. Casting aluminium bronze, 209-213. and founding, 189-228. brass-nuts on screws, 203, 204. Germau silver for, 113. improved method of treating steel for, 228. metals, apparatus for, illustrated and described, 224, 225. on to other metals, 204, 205. shrinking of metals in, 189-192. small articles, alloy for, 116. Castings, brass, 99. cement for repairing defective places in, 23.. copper, dense and flexible, 214. core for difficult, 201, 202. easy rule to find weight of, 192. heavy, cores in, 201. iron, annealing of, 126, 127. mitis, 214-217. of ingot-iron, moulding sand for, 192. small, bronze for, 94. small, metal for, 88. subjected to steam pressure, metal for, 90. to be gilded, metal for, 88. to fill up holes in, 206, 207. to repair, by burning on, 206. tombac for, 98. Castings, weight of, 192. without core, illustrated and de¬ scribed, 202, 203. wrought-iron, 214-217. Cast-iron articles, enamel as prepared in England for, 300. bronzing of, 154. inoxidizing process for, 296, 297. malleable, 476-479. objects, to solder, 425. or wrought-iron articles, pickle for, 250. pure, resistance of, to calcium hydrate, 77. soldering of, 424, 425. steel and wrought-iron, ready dis¬ tinction of, 75. tin or zinc, to coat with copper, 337. tinned, or fonte argentine, to make, 386. to bronze, 154. to copper, 336. to harden, 131, 132. to mould lace in, 200, 201. uteusils, to enamel, 299-301. wrought-iron and steel, brass bath for, 327. Cast-steel, burnt, to restore, 501, 502. to weld, 432, 433. with cast-steel, to unite by weld¬ ing, 434. with iron, to unite by welding, 434. Cathode, definition of, 323. Caustic potash, 64. soda, 64. Cedar, red Honduras, specific gravity of, 227. Cement, acid-proof, 234. fire-proof and water-proof, 233. for uniting iron surfaces and filling in joints, 229. glass, 83. metallic, 83. Cementation, to purify gold by, 501. Cements, 228-241. Chalk, 257. Chandeliers and gas-fixtures, to cleanse, 246. Chemical and electro chemical equiva¬ lents, table of, 323. combinations, expression of, 41. or electrical apparatus, cement for, 234. relations of metals, 33-45. Chemicals and substances used in the metal industry, various, 61-66. INDEX. 515 Chemicals and the most important metallic preparations used in the metal industry, 45-66. Chenot’s iron cement, 230. Cherry-tree wood, specific gravity of, 227. Chilled-wheels, manufacture of, 219— 223. Chills, preparation of, for casting metal, 225. China, ordnance bronze of, 84. sheet-brass from, 99. Chinese bronzes, 94. German silver, 113. speculum metal, 97. tam-tams or gongs, 85, 86. Chisels, bath used in tempering and heating, 144. Chloride, argentic, 53. auric, 54. aurous, 54. cobaltous, 46, 47. cupric, 48. cuprous, 48. ferric, 45, 46. ferrous, 45. lead, 49, 50. mercuric, 52. nickel, 47. of copper, how obtained, 38. of gold, 39, 54. of lead, 39. of platinum, 39, 55. of silver, 39, 53. of zinc, 51. of zinc, formation of, 38. of zinc, use of, as a flux, 418. platinic, 55. stannous, 50. Chlorides, metallic, definition of, 37. metallic, preparation of, illustrated and described, 37, 38. Chlorine, combinations of metals with, 36-39. combustion of Dutch gold in, 37. preparation of, 36, 37. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. water, solution of genuine gold in, 37. Chromate, lead, 43, 50. Chrome yellow, 43, 50. Chromic acid, 60. Chromium, testing for, 68. Chrysochalk, 98. Chrysorin, 99. Church-bells, cracked, to repair, 501. Clay, Stourbridge, 397. use of, as a flux, 418. Cleansing, grinding, pickling, polish¬ ing, 241-277. Cliche metal, 83. Clock bells, table bells, sleigh bells, etc., 86, 87. wheels, 99. Coal-tar, light oil from, 62. Cobalt and nickel, preparations of, 46, 47. baths, 328, 329. determination of, 67, 68, 74. electroplating with, by contact, 329. specific gravity and chemical and electro-chemical equivalent of, 323. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Cobaltous chloride, 46, 47. nitrate, 47. oxide, 47. Cochin-China, ordnance bronze of, 84. Cocks, metal for, 88. Cog-wheels, metal for, 88. Coins and medals, to brown, 188, 189. medals and articles of silver, cleans¬ ing of, 245. medals, etc., matrix mass for the reproduction of, 495. fineness of, 100. nickel, 112. Colcothar, 46, 256. Colophony, use of, as a soldering agent, 418. Color, beautiful silver, on brass, 179. brown, on copper, 168. red-brown, on copper, 168, 169. resembling gold on brass, 174. Colored enamels, 304. Coloring and bronzing, 148-189. Colors expressing high temperatures, 506. iridescent upon metals, 283. Column of July, 93. Vendome, 93. Combination of the elements, laws of, 40, 41. Combinations, chemical, expression of, 41. Connecting-rods, contraction of, in cast¬ ing, 191. Cooper’s alloy for steel-pens, 117. Copper, acetate of, 48, 49. alloys of, with silver and gold, 100 - 102 . alloys, pickle for bright lustre for, 319. alloys, preliminary pickle for, 319. I 516 INDEX. Copper amalgam, 123, 124. amalgam, to cement with, 237. and antimony, alloy of, 116, 117. and brass, brown fire-proof bronze upon, 153. and brass, new bronze color upon, 179. and brass parts, cement for, 238. and brass, to bronze articles of, 153. and brass, to color, 179, 180. and brass, to zinc without a battery, 387. and brass, to whiten, 180. and nickel alloys, 112. and tin, alloys of, 83-97. and tin, contraction of, in casting, 191. and zinc, alloys of, 97-100. articles, desilvering of, 488. bath without potassium cyanide, 331. baths, 329-331. black upon, 170. brass, German silver and tombac, polishing of, 268. brass, iron, nickel bath for, 358. brass or bronze, to coat iron articles with, 336, 337. bronze, 149. bronze powder, 161. bronzing liquids for, 158. brown color upon, 168. browning liquid for, 170. carbonate, 48. castings, dense and flexible, 214. chloride of, how obtained, 38. coloring of, 168. contraction of, in casting, 192. cooking tensils, enamel for, 303. cyanide of, 49. dead-black on, 170. deposit on wax, 334. determination of, 69. dipping of, 318. Elmore process of electro-deposit¬ ing, for tubes and wire bars, 331- 334. engravers, wax mass for, 310. engraving on, 307, 308. etching on, 311. for joining iron to iron, 428. fusing point of, 82. German silver or silver, ungilding articles of, 486. massive, various colors upon, 169, 170. Copper nitrate, 48. or brass objects, to tin, 382. phosphide of, preparation of, 91. pickling of, 251. powder, 47. powdered, solidification of, 505. precipitates, iridescent on iron, 164, 165. preparations, 47-49. recovery of, 483, 4S4. red-brown color on, 16S, 169. silver, brass, etc., gilding powder for, 348. specific gravity and chemical and electro-chemical equivalent of, 323. steel-gray upon, 169. sulphate of, 47, 48. sulphide of, 48. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. testing of, 74. to bronze, 152. to bronze bluish-gray, 152. to brown, 170. to coat tin, cast-iron or zinc with, 337. to color blue-black, 169. to color dark steel-gray, 169. to harden, 128, 141, 142. to make steel soft, so it can be worked like, 127. to platinize, 366. to polish and color, 276. tombac and brass, to give a brilliant appearance to, 254. to weld, 435. wire, to solder, 428. wire, weight per mile of, 463. wire, weight per 1000 feet of, 462. zinc and nickel alloys, 112-114. Copper-zinc alloy serving as anode, solu¬ tion for transferring any, 327. alloys, table of color of, 98. alloys, table of composition of, 98-100. Copperas, 45. Coppering, brassing, electroplating, galvanizing, manufacture, etc., of wire, 445-473. brassing, galvanizing, gilding, nickelling, silvering, tinning, electroplating, etc., 317-394. zinc plates, 337, 338. cast-iron, 336. iron, 335, 336. iron and steel, 336. of iron wire, 464, 465. INDEX. 517 Core, casting without, illustrated and described, 202, 203. for difficult castings, 201, 202. Cores in heavy castings, 201. Cork, specific gravity of, 227. Cornish reducing flux, 396. Corrosive sublimate, 52. Corvin’s niello, 278, 279. Cowles Bros.’ tests of aluminium brass, 103. Cowrie, specific gravity of, 227. Cramps, etc., cement for fastening, 230. Cream of tartar, 65. Crocus, 256. Crucibles, good, to prepare, 500, 501. Crucible lids, cement for luting, 240. Crude flux, 396. Cryolite, use of, as a flux, 418. Cuivre fume, 169. Cupric and cuprous oxides, 49. chloride, 48. oxide, formation of, 35. sulphate, 42, 47, 48. sulphate and zinc sulphate, brass bath from, 326. Cupro-diammonium sulphate, 48. Cupro-manganese, 110. Cuprous and cupric oxides, 49. chloride, 48. oxide, formation of, 35. sulphide, formation of, 39. Cutch, 494. Cutlers’ baths used in tempering and heating steel articles, 144. Cutlery, burnishing of, 262, 263. fluid for hardening, 134, 135. Cyanide of copper, 49. of gold, 54. of silver, 53. Cylinders, contraction of, in casting, 191. Daniell’s battery, 322. Darby’s, J. H., experiments in the manufacture of basic open-hearth steel, 474, 475. Darmstadt, alarm-bell at, 86. Damascus gun-barrels, illustrated and described, 280, 281. steel, imitation of, 279, 280. Damask, Barnard, illustrated, 281. imitation of, 282. production of, in relief upon gun- barrels, 282. Turkish, illustrated, 280. Damasked bronze, 283. Damaskeened surface upon steel-guns, 282, 283. Damaskeening, 279. iron and steel with platinum, 281. with gold or silver, 281, 282. Dead-head or sullage piece, 84. Decorating, enamelling, engraving, etching, 277-316. Delalot’s alloy, 102. Delta-metal, 94, 95. Dental plates, alloy for, 107, 108. Desilvering, 488. Dewrance’s patent bearing for loco¬ motives, 91, Dial-plates, silvered, to cleanse, 245, 246. Diamond cement, 233. Dies and taps, to temper, 145, 146. Dipping of metals, 318-320. or pickling of metallic objects, 250-254. Directions for the determination of the constituents of metallic alloys, impurities of the technically most important metals, etc., 66- 78. Drills, small, to harden, 134. Driving-boxes, brasses for, 90. Drum, tumbling, illustrated and de¬ scribed, 258, 259. Drums for wire drawing, sizes of, 452. Duncombe, Nellie C., invention of decorating metals by, 287, 288. Dutch bearing-metal for locomotives, 89. gold, combustion of, in chlorine, 37. Dysiot, 117, 118. Ebeling, Bernhard, of Bremen, barbed wire manufactured by, 454. Ebermayer’s method of coloring brass, 175, 176. Eccentric straps, metal for, 88. Ehrhardt’s type metal, 116, Electric welding, 436-444. welding, apparatus used in, 436- 438. welding, applications of, 439. welding, process of, 438, 439. welding under water, 441. welds, strength of, 439, 440. Electrical conduits, flexible insulating mass for, 493. conduits, insulating material for, 493. horse power, definition of, 323. 518 INDEX. Electrical, or chemical apparatus, cement for, 1434. Electricity, direct system of generating, 437. indirect system of generating, 437, 438. for welding, generation of, 436, 437. to temper steel by, 145. Electro-brassing of wire, 464. -chemical and chemical equiva¬ lents, table of, 323. -deposition, batteries used for, 320- 322. -deposition of metals, preliminary conditions necessary for the, 317, 318. Electrohephestos, a new method of electric welding, illustrated and described, 440-444. Electrolytic deposition of metals, terms used in, 323. Electro-plating baths, aluminium, 325. antimony, 325. arsenic, 325, 326. brass, 326-328. cobalt, 328, 329. copper, 329-331. gold, 238-342. iron, 349-351. lead, 351. nickel, 354-360. platinum, 365, 366. silver. 368-370. steel, 349-351. tin, 380, 381. zinc, 386, 387. Electro-plating, brassing, coppering, galvanizing, gilding, nickelling, silvering, finning, etc., 317-394. galvanizing, coppering, brassing, manufacture, etc., of wire, 445- 473. with cobalt by contact, 329. Electrotypes, to bronze, 156. Electrtim, 113. Elements, definition of, 40. fusing point of principal, employed in alloys, 82. laws of combination of the, 40, 41. table of the most important with their symbols and atomic weights, 40. Elm, specific gravity of, 227. Elmore process of electro-depositing copper for tubes and wire bars, 331-334. Eisner’s bath for tinning, 382. Emaille champ levee, 307. cloisonnee, 306. de fer contre-oxyde, 303. placque-vitro-metallique, 307. Emery, 63. cloth, 269. sticks, 249, 250. wheels, rules for the use of, 248, 249. which has been used, to cleanse, 250. wire, 249. Enamel and glass, to secure to metal, by the electric current, 307. for cast-iron articles as prepared in England, 300. for cast-iron pipes, according to Amtmann, 302. for copper cooking utensils, 303. for iron objects, 299. mottled, 301, 302. phosphorescent, 307. to test, for lead, 75. white for ornamental articles, 305. Enamels, colored, 304. for goldsmiths, 304, 305. Enamelled work, solder for, 426. Enamelling, engraving, etching, decora¬ ting, 277-316. metals, 298, 299. Engine beams, contraction of, in cast¬ ing, 191. England, brass wire from, 99. ordnance bronze of, 84. wire-rod mill in, 447. English Britannia metal, 109. bronze powders, 160. German silver, 112, 113. legal standard wire gauge, 446. old, or London wire gauge, 446. process of pickling brass, 252, 253. silver soap, 271. sterling metal, 99. sterro-metal, 100. tombac, 98. white metal bearings, 89. Engravers, soft wax for, 310. Engraving, etching, enamelling, deco¬ rating, 277-316. on aluminium, 310. on copper, 307, 308. on silver and gold, 308-310. Engravings, wood, metal suitable for impressions of, 83. Etching, enamelling, engraving, deco¬ rating, 277-316. Etching fluid or glyphogene for steel, 314. INDEX. 519 Etching ground, 310, 311. names on steel and glass, 312, 313. on brass, 311. on copper, 311. on silver, 311. on steel, 311, 312. on zinc, 313. solution for brass, 313, 314. without etching-ground, 314-316. Evans’s metallic cement, 240. Fahlun or tin brilliants, 118. Fastenings and rails per mile of rail¬ road, 507. Fat lutes, 397. Fenton’s alloy for axle boxes, 91. Ferric chloride, 45, 46. oxide, 255, 256. sulphate, 46. Ferro-aluminium, 106, 107. -manganese, 111. Ferrous chloride, 45. sulphate, 45. sulphide, 40. File, how to tell a hand- from a machine-cut, 77, 78. Files and other steel instruments, to harden, 139. metal for, 88. old, to make knives from, 491. polishing, 257. to sharpen, 502-504. Fine wheel, 257. Fir, American, specific gravity of, 227. Fire-gilding and fire-silvering iron and steel, 347. and fire-silvering metals, which cannot be amalgamated, 347. gilder’s wax for, 348, 349. silver objects, 346, 347. Fire-proof and water-proof cement, 233. Flanges and manholes, Schiefer’s pack¬ ing rings for, 239. Flasks, construction of, 193, 194. foundry, illustrated and described, 196-200. Flowers and insects, metallic coating upon, by the galvanic way, 393. Flues, new method of securing, 504, 505. Fluorine, symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Flux, black, 394, 395. Cornish reducing, 396. crude, 396. gray, 395. Moreau’s reducing, 396. quick, 396. Flux for reducing arsenic, 396. refining, 396. white, 395, 396. Fluxes, 394-396. and lutes, 394-397. for arsenical compounds, 396. used in soldering, 418. Fonte argentine or tinned cast-iron, to make, 386. Forks and knives, bath for silvering, 368. and knives, cement to fasten, in their handles, 237. spoons, etc., metal for, 114. Founders, blacksmiths and locksmiths, iron lacquer for, 403. Founding and casting, 189-228. of bells, 207-209. Foundry flasks, illustrated and de¬ scribed, 196-200. France, ordnance bronze of, 84. French bearing metal for locomotives, 89. bronze, 149,150. cast-brass, 100. German silver, 112. Fricke’s German silver, 113. Furnace for basic open hearth steel, construction of, 474, 475. Furnaces, lining for, 495. Fusing points of the principal metals and other elements employed in alloys, 82. Galvanic baths, temperature of, 320. baths, water for, 320. Galvanizing, brassing, coppering, gild¬ ing, nickelling, silvering, tin¬ ning, electroplating, etc., 317- 394. brassing, coppering,electroplating, manufacture, etc., of wire, 445- 473. of wire, 465-467. old and new parts, 392, 393. sheet-iron, 388-392. wire, Roberts’ apparatus for, illus¬ trated and described, 465, 466. wire, Roberts’ apparatus for remov¬ ing superfluous zinc in, 463, 467. wire, Vogt’s arrangement for clos¬ ing vessels in, 466. wire, Wittle’s and Kamper’s ar¬ rangements for removing super¬ fluous zinc in, 466. Garden-knives, bath used in tempering and heating, 144. 520 INDEX. Garrett’s wire-rod mill near Chicago, 447. Gas-fixtures and chandeliers, to cleanse, 246. Gas retorts, etc., cement for, 230. Gauduin’s soldering liquid, 420. Gauges, wire, 460. Gedge’s alloy for ship-sheathing, 100. German Britannia metal, 109. clock bells, 87. silver, alloy resembling, 108. silver, copper or silver, ungilding articles of, 486. silver for easting, 113. silver, pickle for, 319. silver, pickling of, 253. silver, table of composition of various kinds of, 112, 113. silver, tombac, brass and copper, polishing of, 268. white metal bearings, 89. Germanicus, statue of, 93. Gilders’ wax for fire-gilding, 348, 349. Gilding articles of metal, 347, 348. brassing, coppering, galvanizing, nickelling, silvering, tinning, electroplating etc., 317-394. bronze for, 94. by adhesion, 346. by contact and dipping, cold gild¬ ing and gilding by adhesion, 342-346. by dipping, baths for, 344, 345. cold, or gilding by the rag, 345, 346. imitation, 348. improving bad tints of, 347. light, upon metallic articles, to re¬ cognize, 71, 72. of metallic wire and wire cloth, 468-470. powder for copper, silver, brass, etc., 348. steel, 346. to detect alloys in, 74, 75. with a dead lustre, 341, 342. Gilt articles, to give a beautiful, rich appearance to, 347. metallic articles, to detach gold from, 499, 500. Girder, cast-iron, contraction of, in casting, 191. Girders, contraction of, in casting, 191. Glass and brass, to unite, 234. and enamel, to secure to metal, by the electric current, 307. and steel, etching names on, 312, 313. Glass cement, 83. cement for fastening brass to, 236. cement for fastening metal letters upon, 235. cement for fastening metal upon, 235. enamel for iron, 303. lamps, cement for fastening the metal parts upon, 234. porcelain, etc., metallic mountings, to fasten upon, 234. powdered, use of, as a flux, 418. pressed, alloy for moulds for, 116. to cement metal into, 235, 236. Glaze for iron pipes, 302, 303. or covering mass for enamelling, 298, 299. Glue for pattern-makers, 228. Glycerin cement for iron, 233. for sharpening tools, 504. Glyphogene or etching fluid for steel, 314. Gold alloys, color of, 100, 101. alloys, table of proportion of various metals in, used by jewellers, 101 . amalgam, 124, 125. and palladium alloys, 118. and platinum, preparations of, 54, 55. and silver, alloys of, with copper, 100 - 102 . and silver, engraving on, 308-310. and silver, new imitation of. 120, 121 . and silver, recovery of, from sweep¬ ings, etc., 485. articles, polishing powder for, 272, baths, 338-342. baths for parts of watches, 376. baths, recovery of gold from, 484, 485. beating, 493-495. bronze, 95, 148. bronze, genuine, 161. bronze of great lustre on iron, 154. chloride of, 39, 54. color, metallic, 404. coloring of, 183, 184. cyanide of, 54. determination of, 69. fusing point of, 82. genuine, solution of, in chlorine water. 37. hydrocyanate of, 54. lacquers for, 403. -like alloy, 118. mosaic, 99, 161, 162. INDEX. 521 Gold or silver, damaskeening with, 281, 282. polishing of, 268. prussiate of, 54. recovery of, from gold baths, 484, 485. salt, 54, 55. solders, 425, 426. specific gravity and chemical and electro-chemical equivalent of, 323. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. to detach from gilt metallic articles, 499, 500. to distinguish genuine from spurious, 70, 71. to make platinum adhere to, 429, 430. to purify in the dry way, according to Philipp, 501. to remove tarnish from, after hard soldering, 426. tombac resembling, 98. wire, production of, 470. -workers, polishing powder for, 272. Golden bronze, to cleanse, 245. Goldsmiths, enamels for, 304, 305. Goldware, fineness of, 100. to test, 71. Gongs, or Chinese tam-tams, 85, 86. Gozzy’s gold salt, 54, 55. Graham’s bronzing liquids, 157, 158. Graining of watch-parts, 373-377. powder, Niiruberg, 374. Graphite, 63. Gray flux, 395. silver, 102. Green bronze, 149. bronze for brass, 152, 153. bronzing, 153,154. mineral, 48. vitriol, 45. Grenet’s battery, 322. Grinding, 247-249. pickling, polishing, cleansing, 241- 277. Groove, oval, construction of a, illus¬ trated, 448. Grooves of a wire-rod mill, construction of the, illustrated, 448. Ground or ground mass for enamelling, 298. Grouvelle’s oil cement, 232. Grove’s battery, 322. Gum elastic, 62, 63. Gun-barrels. Damascus, illustrated and described, 280, 281. Gun-barrels, damasked, to blacken, 188. hardening of, according to Neunert, 140, 141. to brown, 187, 188. to produce damask in relief upon, 282. Gun-metal, contraction of, in casting, 191. mountings, tombac for, 98. Gun or ordnance metal, 84. Guns, to cleanse with petroleum, 244, 245. Gutta-percha, 63, 64. Hadfield’s manganese steel, 111, 112. Half-round wire, illustrated, 453. Haloid salts, definition of, 43. Hand-saws, bath used in tempering and heating, 144. Hanover, white metal bearings for rail¬ roads in, 89. Hardening and tempering saws, 482. compound, 142. of steel piano wire, 473. of wire ; 456-459. tempering and annealing, 126-147. water for steel, 134. Hartshorn, spirits of, 61. Hatchets, bath used in tempering and heating, 144. Hegermiihle sheet-brass, 99. Henry IV., statue of, 93. Hooks, etc., cement for fastening, 230. Horn silver, 53. Horse-power, electrical, definition of, 323. Hot blast-stoves, blast-pipes, blowing- engines, etc., cement for, 229. House bells, 87. Hoyle’s alloy for pivot bearings, 91. Hulot’s solder for aluminium bronze, 424. Hydrate, nickel, 47. Hydrochloric acid, 58, 59. acid, gaseous, percentage of, at different degrees Be., 59. acid, use of as a flux, 418. Hydrocyanate of gold, 54. of silver, 53. Hydrocyanic acid, 61. Hydrogen, definition of, 37. specific gravity and chemical and electro-chemical equivalent of, 323. sulphuretted, apparatus for the preparation of, 44. sulphuretted, precipitates with, 43- 45. 522 INDEX. Hydrogen, symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Hydrosulphate of ammonia, 62. Hyposulphite, silver, 53, 54. Hydroxide, definition of a, 35. Imitation gilding, 348. silver alloys, 102, 103. Incrustations, 277, 278. India-rubber, 62, 63. Indivisible weights, definition of, 41. Ink for writing on tin, 492. for writing on zinc, 492. Innes, Max, varnish for metals, accord¬ ing to, 413. Inoxidizing process for cast-iron, 296, 297. process, Ward’s, 296. Insects and flowers, metallic coating upon, by the galvanic way, 393. Instruments, mechauical, metal for, SS. optical, to lacquer, 404-406. philosophical, lacquer for, 403—404. Insulating coverings for steam-pipes, etc., 492, 493. mass, flexible for electrical con¬ duits, 493. mass for steam-boilers, etc., 493. material for electrical conduits, 493. material for steam-pipes, 493. Iodine, symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Iridium, symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Iron alloy, 118. amalgam, 125. and steel articles, copper baths for, 329-331. and steel, Barff’s process for pre¬ serving from rust, 297, 298. and steel, black varnish for, 410. and steel, brush-coppering for, 334, 335. and steel, chemical change pro¬ duced in, by electric welding, 440, 441. and steel, improvements in temper¬ ing and hardening, 146, 147. and steel, method of ascertaining the quality of, 75, 76. and steel objects, cleansing of, 270. and steel, polishing of, 268. and steel, preparation of, for nickel- ling, 354. and steel, sawing of, 481-483. Iron and steel, small articles of, to blue, so as to leave portions of them bright, 183. and steel, tinning articles of, by boiling, 381, 382. and steel, to color blue, 182. aud steel, to color gray, 182. and steel, to copper, 336. and steel, to damaskeen with plati¬ num, 281. and steel to fire-gild and fire- silver, 347. and steel, to nickel polished objects of, without a battery, 363, 364. and steel, to protect from rust, 407. and steel, ungilding of, 485, 486. and steel wire, coating which does not readily oxidize upon, 473. and steel wire, table indicating size, weight and length of, 461. articles, cement for fastening in stone, 231. articles, desilvering of, 488. articles, small, to blacken in bulk, 180, 181. articles, to coat with copper, brass or bronze, 336, 337. articles, to coat with other metals, according to Newton, 393, 394. asphalt lacquer on, 401. baths, 349-351. black, 51, 163. black coating for, 406, 407. brass, copper, nickel bath for, 358. brazing of, 417. brown-black coating with bronze lustre on, 181. burnt, examination of, 76, 77. cast and wrought, and steel, ready distinction of, 75. cast, fusing point of, 82. cast, inoxidizing process for, 296, 297. cast, malleable, 476—179. cast, to bronze, 154. cast, to harden, 131, 132. castings, annealing of, 126, 127. cement for, 231. cement which stands red heat, 229. cements or rust joints, 228-231. chief difficulty in welding, 430. combination of sulphur with, 39, 40. combustibility of, 505, 506. connecting parts of, exposed to heat, cement for, 230. INDEX. 523 Iron, copper bronze on, 149. glass enamel for, 303. glycerin cement for, 233. gold bronze of great lustre on, 154. how to copper, 335, 336. improved method of covering arti¬ cles of, with lead, 352, 353. in nickel, determination of, 74. lacquer for blacksmiths, lock¬ smiths, and founders, 403. lustrous black on, 181. minium, 46. objects, enamel for, 299. or steel, bronze-like surface on, 154, 155. painting of, 408, 409. patterns, to prevent rusting of, 227. patterns, varnish for, 412, 413. plates, to cut out with the assist¬ ance of sulphuric acid, 499. pots and pans, cement for mending, 231, 232. preparations, 45, 46. pyrites, composition of, 40. to free from ingrained rust, 246. rods, etc., cement tor fastening, 230. sesquioxide of, 46. sheet, galvanizing of, 388-392. silvering of, according to Rinmann, 378. soft, to harden, 132. specific gravity and chemical and electro-chemical equivalent of, 323. stoves, cement for, 230, 231. surfaces, cement for uniting, 229. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. testing for, 68. to cement, to iron, 231. to cement, to wood or stone, 234. to fasten leather upon, 236, 237. to fasten paper labels to, 237. to give a silver-like appearance with high lustre to, 181, 182. to steel, or steel to steel, to weld, 433. to zinc in the cold way, 387, 388. Weil’s process of producing iri¬ descent copper precipitates on, 164, 165. wire, to copper, 464, 465. work, varnish for, 412. wrought, fusing point of, 82. wrought, ornamenting of, by burn¬ ing on, 205, 206. wrought, to case-harden, 128-131. Iserlohn sheet brass, 99. tombac, 98. Iserlohn, turned brass castings from, 99. Japan, black, for tin lanterns, 400, 401. Japanese bell metal, 86. bells, 86. bronze, 95. silver, 102. swords, how made, 489-491. Japanning, black grounds for, 400. tin, 397-400. vermilion ground for, 400. Jemappes sheet brass, 99. Jeweler’s or Armenian cement, 240, 241. red, 256. table of proportion of various metals in gold alloys used by, 101. Jewelry, new alloy for the manufac¬ ture of, 119, 120. tombac for, 98. Joint, how to make a permanent and durable, 238, 239. wiped, definition of a, 415. Joints, cement for filling in, 229. cement for making, 232. number of, per mile, of railroad, 507. Kamper’s & Wittle’s arrangement for re¬ moving superfluous zinc in gal¬ vanizing wire, 466. Karmarsch’s Britannia metal, 109. Keller’s Britannia metal, 109. Kettles, to tin, 385. Klauke C., of Miincheberg, near Ber¬ lin, barbed wire manufactured by, 454, 455. Knife blades, sharp surgical instru¬ ments, etc., nickellingof, 360, 361. Knitting needles, scouring and polish¬ ing of, 243. Knives, to make, from old files, 491. and forks, bath for silvering, 368. and forks, cement to fasten in their handles, 237. bath used in tempering and heat¬ ing, 144. Labels, cement for fastening on polished nickel, 237. Lace, to mould, in cast-iron, 200, 201. Lacquer, asphalt, on iron, 401. for steel, 404. for tinfoil, 404. gold colored, for brass watch cases, 402. gold, for metallic articles, 402. gold, for tin-plate, 402. green, 403. Lacquering brass, 401, 402. 524 INDEX. Lacquering optical instruments, 404- 406. Lacquers for brass, 402. for gold, 403. for philosophical instruments, 403, 404. paints and varnishes, 397-413. Lamps, petroleum, bismuth cement for cementing the glass parts on, 240. Lancets, bath used in tempering and heating, 144. Laps,illustrated and described, 480, 481. Larch, specific gravity of, 227. Laws of combination of the elements, 40, 41. Lead, acetate of, 42, 49, and antimony alloys, polishing of, 269. baths, 351. black, 63. carbonate, 49. chloride, 39, 49, 50. chloride, dry, soldering with, 425. chromate, 50. contraction of, in casting, 191, 192. determination of, 68, 69. -foil, to distinguish tin-foil from, 73. fusing point of, 82. green bronze on, 149. improved method of covering arti¬ cles of iron with, 352, 353. in tin, to detect, 73. lapping, 479-481. pipe, resistance of, to calcium hy¬ drate, 77. pipe, to cast, free from flaws, 213, 214. pipes, tinned, to prepare, 386. pipes, to protect, 408. plate, resistance of, to calcium hy¬ drate, 77. plates, to tin, 385, 386. powdered, solidification of, 505. (Saxonia), resistance of, to calcium hydrate, 77. specific gravity and chemical and electro-chemical equivalent of, 323. sugar of, 42, 49. sulphate, 50. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. tin and bismuth, preparations of, 49, 50. to coat metals with, 351, 352. to give to, the capacity of firmly adhering to other metals and to amalgamate with them, 500. to separate from zinc, 4S9. Lead, to test enamel for, 75. white, 49. Leading, hot, alloys for, 354. Leyson’s process of, 353, 354. Leather, dirty polishing, to cleanse, 276, 277. to fasten upon iron, 236, 237. Lechesne, 108. Lemarquand’s non-oxidizable alloy, 119. Leyson’s process of leading, 353, 354. Lightning rods, metal roofs, etc., to pro¬ tect from rust, 407, 408. Lime for polishing, 255. tree wood, specific gravity of, 227. Lining for furnaces, 495. Lipowitz’s alloy, 83. metal, amalgam of, 123. Litmus paper, preparation of, 42. tincture, preparation of, 42. Little’s speculum metal, 97. Liver of sulphur, preparation of, 292. Loam, Windsor, 397. Locksmiths, blacksmiths, and founders, iron lacquer for, 403. Locomotive axles, bearings for, 88. brass castings, 89, 90. cylinders, contraction of, in casting, 191. Locomotives, bearing metals for, 89. Dewrance’s patent bearing for, 91. Fenton’s alloy for axle-boxes of, 91. London or old English wire gauge, 460. Louis XIV., Keller’s statue of, 93. Lubricant for wire-drawing, recom¬ mended by Chas. H. Morgan, 451. Lubricants used in wire-drawing, 450, __ 451. Lubricator, oil of mustard as a, 495. Lucerne, ordnance bronze of, 84. Liidenscheid, brass from, 99. sheet brass, 99. Lunar caustic, 52, 53. Lustre, metallic, alteration in, 34. Lutecine or Paris metal, 119. Lutes, 396, 397. and flaxes, 394-397. fat, 397. Machine bronze, 87-92. Machines, cements for parts of, 237, 238. rapidly running, approved compo¬ sitions for bearings of, 89. wrought-iron parts of, to harden, 132, 133. Magnesia (calcinedl, 64. formation of, 35. Magnesium, determination of, 67. INDEX. 525 Magnesium monoxide, formation of, 35. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Magnets, to temper, 148. Mahogany, Honduras, specific gravity of, 227. Malleable brass, 119. Britannia metal, 109. bronze, 95, 96. cast-iron, 476-479. Manganese alloys, 110-112. bronze, sheet from, 100. silver, 111. steel, 111, 112. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. testing for, 6S. Manholes and flanges, Schiefer’s pack¬ ing rings for, 239. Mannheim gold, 98. Maple, specific gravity of, 227. Marble, cement for fastening metal let¬ ters upon, 235. Marley’s non-oxidizable alloy, 119. Marsh’s apparatus illustrated and de¬ scribed, 70. Marteaux and Robert’s cement, 233. Mastic, Serbat’s, 232, 233. Matrix mass for the reproduction of medals, coins, etc., 495. Medals and coins, to brown, 188, 189. cleansing of, 245. metal suitable for impressions of, 83. to bronze, 156,157. Medium wheel, 257. Meidinger’s battery, 322. Mercuric chloride, 52. nitrate, 52. Mercurous nitrate, 52. sulphate, 52. Mercury and silver, preparations of, 52-54. determination of, 67, 68, 69. fusing point of, 82. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Metal, Aich’s, 99. albata, 114. apparatus for casting, illustrated and described, 224, 225. Ashberry, 109, 110. Babbitt’s anti-attrition, 90, 91. Biddery, 109, 110. British plate, 114. cliche, 83. for spoons, forks, etc., 114. gun or ordnance, 84. industry, the most important me¬ tallic preparations and the chemi¬ cals used in the, 45-66. Metal industry, various chemicals and substances used in the, 61-66. -leaf, combustion of in chlorine, 37. letters upon glass, marble, wood, etc., cements for fastening, 235. method for producing drawings in relief upon, 316. minofor, 110. Newton’s, 83. parts upon glass lamps, cement for fastening, 234. photo-cheuiical process of decorat¬ ing, 294, 295. pipes, manufacture of, 491. plates, to cement onto wooden boxes, 234. preparation of chills for casting, 225. Prince’s, 99. readily fluid, suitable for impres¬ sions of plaster of Paris moulds, etc., 83. Robierre’s, 100. roofs, lightning rods, etc., to pro¬ tect from rust, 407, 408. Rose’s, 83. -sheets, thin, to cement, 234. to cement glass into, 235, 236. to gild articles of, 347, 348. to secure enamel and glass to, by the electric current, 307. upon glass, cement for fastening, 235. Warne’s, 102. white, 87, 111. white, definition of, 83. Metallic articles, gilt, to detach gold from, 499, 500. articles, gold-colored coating upon, 166, 167. articles, gold lacquer for, 402. articles, to recognize light gilding upon, 71, 72. coating upon flowers and insects by the galvanic way, 393. cement, 83. cement, Evans’s, 240. chlorides, definition of, 37. chlorides, preparation of, illus¬ trated and described, 37, 38. gold color, 404. mountings, to fasten upon glass, porcelain, etc., 234. objects, dipping or pickling of, 250-254. preparations, the most important, and the chemicals used in the metal industry, 45-66. salts, 41-43. 526 INDEX. Metallic wire and wire cloth, to gild, 468-470. Metallochromy, 163, 164. Metallography, 316. Metals and alloys, resistance of, to calcium hydrate, 77. approved coatings for, 165, 166. base, 36. beautiful steel gray for, 166. behavior of, towards oxygen, 34- 36. black coat for, 165, 166. black or colored coat for, 165. changes iu, in alloying, 79. chemical relations of, 33-45. cleansing of, by means of acids with the use of a galvanic current, 242,243. cleansing of, with the sand blast, 241, 242. casting on to other, 204, 205. coins, etc., matrix mass for the reproduction of, 495. colored coatings for, 167, 168. combinations of, with chlorine, 36- 39. combinations of, with sulphur, 39, 40. combustion of, 35. contraction of in casting, 191, 192. definition of, 33. directions for the determination of impurities of the most important, 66-78. drawing properties of, 445. enamelling of, 298, 299. for bearings, 88, 89. freeing of, from grease, 318. fusing point of principal, employed in alloys, 82. general method of determining, 66, 67. general rule for fusing, in making alloys, 81, 82. goldeu-yellow to brown coat for, 165. green varnish for, 412. how to prepare a rough surface in grounding, for subsequent decora¬ tion, 295, 296. improved process of tinning, 384, 385. iridescent colors upon, 283. methods of bronzing, 148. new method of decorating, 287, 288. new protecting coat on, 294. noble, 36. Metals, phenomena in the treatment of with acids, 42. polishing of the separate, 268, 269. powdered, solidification of, 505. preliminary conditions, necessary for the electro-deposition of, 317, 318. rouge for polishing, 274, 275. shrinking of, in casting, 189-192. soft alloy for coating, 122, 123. soft, polishing agent for, 270. solution of, 66. speed of saws for cutting, 482. spinning of, illustrated and de¬ scribed, 495-499. terms used iu the electrolytic depo¬ sition of, 323. to be nickelled, preparation of, 354-356. to coat iron articles with other, according to Newton, 393, 394. to coat with lead, 351, 352. to coat with platinum in a cheap way, 367, 368. to fasten on wood, 234, 235. to give to, the capacity of firmly adhering to other metals, and to amalgamate with them, 500. to polish, 254, 255. to prevent from rusting, 500. used by the metal worker, 33. varnish for, according to Max Iunes, 413. which cannot be amalgamated, to fire-gild and fire-silver, 347. white, testing of, 74. Middleton W. B., invention of weld¬ ing steel by, 435, 436. Mills, white metal bearings for, 89. Minargent, 108. Mineral green, 48. Mining picks, to temper, 145. Minofor metal, 110. Miscellaneous, 474-507. Mitis castings, 214-217. metal, analyses of, 215, 216. Moen, machine for barhed wire,patented by, illustrated and described, 455. Moire, colored on tin-plate, 285. metallique, 283-285. on brass, 285, 286. Moreau’s reducing flux, 396. Morgan, Chas. H., lubricant for wire¬ drawing recommended by, 451. Mosaic gold, 99, 161,162. gold, composition of, 39. INDEX. 527 Most important metallic preparations, and the chemicals used in the metal industry, 45-G6. Mottled enamel, 301, 302. Moulding and moulds, 193-196. sand for castings of ingot iron, 192. sand, to prevent the baking of, 192, 193. Moulds for pressed glass, alloy for, 116. plaster of Paris, metal suitable for impressions of, 83. Mopsset’s silver alloy, 102. Mudge’s speculum metal, 97. Muffles for articles to be nielled or enamelled, illustrated and de¬ scribed, 290, 291. Muller’s soldering liquid, 419, 420. Munich bronze, 93. Muntz metal, 99. Music plates, 116. Musket-barrels, to harden the bores of, 141.. Mustard, oil of, as a lubricator, 495. Napoleon I., statue of, 93. Needles, to scour and polish, 243, 244. Neogen, 108, 109. Neunert, hardening of gun-barrels, ac¬ cording to, 140, 141. Neustadt brass wire, 99. New alloys, 119, 120. imitations of gold and silver, 120, 121. Newton and Ames, hardening of steel, according to, 136. Newton’s metal, 83. process of coating iron articles with other metals, 393, 394. Nickel alloys, 112-115. and cobalt, preparations of, 46, 47. and copper alloys, 112. and steel, alloys of, 114, 115. bath, the most simple, 356. baths, 354-360. baths for special purposes, 358, 359. baths, new, 359. chloride, 47. coins, 112. copper and zinc alloys, 112-114. determination of, 67, 68. fusing point of, 82. hydrate, 47. nitrate, 47. plated articles, to remove rust from, 247. Nickel-plating, regulation of current in, 359, 360, salt, Adams’, 486. Nickel-plating, to imitate, 364,365. Nickel, polished, cement for fastening labels on, 237. specific gravity and chemical and electro-chemical equivalent of, 323. sulphate, 47. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. testing of, 74. to recover from old solutions, 486, 487. various colors upon, 170. waste, utilization of, 486. watch movements, to freshen up, 247. Nickelling, brassing, coppering, gal¬ vanizing, gilding, silvering, tin¬ ning, electro-plating, etc., 317- 394. cheap articles, baths for, 357, 358. composition of the baths for, 356. of knife blades, sharp surgical in¬ struments, etc., 360, 361. of wire, 470, 471. phenomena, which may occur in, and means of avoiding them, 361-363. polished objects of steel and iron without a battery, 363, 364. solution, Pott’s, 356, 357. solution, Weston’s, 356. solutions, Powell’s, 357. to improve defective, 363. Nicking saws, manufacture of, 481, 482. Niel, composition and preparation of, 288 289 Nielled silver, 288-291. work, to imitate by the galvanic method, 292. Niello, Corvin’s, 278, 279. Nitrate, bismuth, 50. cobaltous, 47. copper, 48. mercuric, 52. mercurous, 52. nickel, 47. of silver, 52, 53. Nitric acid, 57, 58. acid, anhydrous, percentage of, at different degress Be., 58. Nitrogen, svmbol and atomic weight of, 40. Nitro-muriatic acid, 59, 60. Non-magnetic alloys for watches, 121. Non-oxidizable alloy, 122. Niirnberg gold, 109. graining powder, 374. tombac, 98. 528 INDEX. Ocker cast brass, 99. sheet brass, 99. tombac, 98. Ohms, definition of, 323. Oil cement, Grouvelle’s, 232. cement, Stephenson’s, 232. of mustard as a lubricator, 495. of vitriol, 56, 57. Olszewskv’s and de Bernados’ method of electric welding, illustrated and described, 440-444. Optical instruments, to lacquer, 404- 406. Ordnance bronze, composition of, of various times aud countries, 84. or gun-metal, 84. Ormolu, 96. Oroide, 98. Otto’s speculum metal, 97. Oven-doors, cement for, 239. Oxalic acid, 61. Oxidation, definition of, 35. Oxide, argentic, 53. cobaltous, 47. cupric and cuprous formation of, 35. ferric, 255, 256. zinc, 51. Oxides, cupric and cuprous, 49. Oxidized silver, 292-294. Oxygen, behavior of metals towards, 34-36. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Oxyhydrogen, definition of, 37. Paint for preserving ^inc roofs, 410. for sheet-iron roofs, 409, 410. for wheel patterns, 226. Paints, Lacquers, and Varnishes, 397- 413. Painting of iron, 408, 409. Palladium and gold alloys,-118. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Pans and pots, iron, cement for mend¬ ing, 231, 232. Paper labels, to fasten to iron, 237. Paris clock bells, 87. metal, or lutecine, 119. mint, bronzing in, 151, 152. Parisian polishing powder, 269. Patina, bronze-like, upon tin, 184. imitation of genuine, 171-173. Pattern-makers, glue for, 228. Patterns, black-leading of, 226, 227. iron, to prevent from rusting, 227. iron, varnish for, 412, 413. painting and varnishing of, 225,226. small alloys for, 117. to mend, 227, 228. Patterns, varieties of wood most suitable for, 227. Pear-tree wood, specific gravity of, 227. Pen knives, bath used in tempering and heating, 144. Peruvian bronze, 96. Petroleum, steel, to harden in, 133. to cleanse guns with, 244, 245. Pewter, 109. Philipp’s method of purifying gold, 501. Philosophical instruments, lacquers for, ' 403, 404. * Phosphate, ammonium, 61, 62. Phosphates, use of, as fluxes; 418. Phosphide of copper, preparation of, 91. of tin, preparation of, 91. Phosphor bronze, 91, 92. resistance of, to calcium hydrate, 77. various kinds of, 92. Phosphorescent enamel, 307. Phosphoric acid, use of, as a flux, 418. Phosphorized bronze or brass wire, 456. Phosphorus, fusing point of, 82. symbol aud atomic weight of, 40. Photo-chemical process of decorating metal, 294, 295. Pickle, fat, for wire-drawing, 451. for a dead lustre, on brass, 319. for a dull-grained surface on brass, 319. for bright lustre on copper alloys, composition of, 319. for German silver, 319. for wrought-iron or cast-iron arti¬ cles, 250. preliminary for copper alloys, com¬ position of, 319. Piano wire, steel, to harden, 473. Pickling or dipping of metallic objects, 250-254. polishing, cleansing, grinding, 241- 277. Pinchbeck for fancy articles, 98. Pine, American, specific gravity of, 227. Pipe-conduits, not exposed to heat, cement for, 238. Pipes, cast-iron, enamel for, 302. contraction of, in casting, 191. iron, glaze for, 302, 303. metal, manufacture of, 491. Piston packing rings, metal for, 89. rings, metal for, 88. Pistons and stuffing boxes of steam- engines, cement for packing, 238. Pivot bearings, Hoyle’s alloy for, 91. Plaster of Paris moulds, metal suitable for impressions of, 83. INDEX. 529 Plated and silvered ware, polishing of, 268. Plates, manner of electrically welding, 444. Platinic chloride, 55. Platinizing by the wet method, 366, 367. copper, 366. Platinoid, 122. Platinum, ammonio-chloride of, 55. and gold, preparations of, 54, 55. Birmingham, 117. baths, 365, 366. bronze, 122. chloride of, 39, 55. determination of, 69. fusing point of, 82. recovery of, from platinum solu¬ tions, 488. solutions, recovery of platinum from, 488. specific gravity and chemical and electro-chemical equivalent of, 323. spongy, 55. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. tetrachloride of, 55. to coat metals in a cheap way with, 367, 368. to damaskeen iron and steel with, 281. to make adhere to gold, 429, 430. welding of, 436. Platoso-ammonium chloride, prepara¬ tion of, 365. Plough steel, 446. Plumbago, 63. Plumbers’ sealed solder, 420. Polishing agents, 269-274. application of, 257. balls for silver, 271. cartridges (Putzpatronen), 274. cleansing, grinding, pickling, 241- 277. files, 257. leather, dirty, to cleanse, 276, 277. of the separate metals, 268, 269. paste for brass, 272. paste for silver, 271. pomades (Putz), 274. powder, Belgian, 270. powder for gold articles, 272. powder for gold-workers, 272. powder, Parisian, 269. powders for silver, 270, 271. rags, 270. soaps, 272, 273. stock, 257. 34 Polishing water, 273, 274. with" the burnisher or burnishing stone, 259 -262. Poplar, white, specific gravity of, 227. Porcelain, glass, etc., metallic mount¬ ings, to fasten upon, 234. Potash, caustic, 64. red prussiate of, 46. white prussiate of, 64. yellow prussiate of, 46. Potassium bitartrate, 65, 66. carbonate, 64. cyanide, 64. ferroeyanide, 46. hydrate, formation of, 34. hydroxide, 64. nitrate, 64. oxidation of, 34. sodium and calcium sulphides, 62. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Potin, 99. Pots and pans, iron, cement for mend¬ ing, 231, 232. Potts’ nickelling solution, 356, 357. Powells’ nickelling solutions, 357. Precipitates with sulphuretted hydro¬ gen, 43-45. Preparations, copper, 47-49. iron, 45, 46. of cobalt and nickel, 46, 47. of gold and platinum, 54, 55. of lead, tin and bismuth, 49, 50. of mercury and silver, 52-54. of zinc, antimony and arsenic, 51, 52. the most important metallic, and the chemicals used in the metal industry, 45-66. Prince’s metal, 99. Protocliloride of tiu, 50. Protoxide, definition of, 35. Prussia, ordnance bronze of, 84. white metal bearings for railroads in, 89. Prussiate of gold, 54. of silver, 53. Prussic acid, 61. Pump barrels, metal for, 88. Pumps and pump chambers, metal for, 89. for the conveyance of milk of lime, best metals for, 77. Punches, metal for, 88. Purple of Cassius, 55. Putzpatronen, 274. Putz pomades, 274. Pyrites, 40. 530 INDEX. Queen’s metal, 109. Quick flux, 396. Quicksilver water, 349. Railroad car axles, bearings for, 88 . rails and fastenings per mile of, 507. Railroads, white metal bearings for, 89. Rails and fastenings per mile of rail¬ road, 507. old steel, to make new, 435, 436. Ramsden’s method of hardening wire, illustrated and described, 456- 459. Razors, bath used in tempering and heating, 144. Recovery of copper, 483, 484. of gold and silver from sweepings, etc., 485. of gold from gold baths, 484, 485. of platinum from platinum solu¬ tions, 488, of silver from old cyanide plating solutions, 487. Red-brass, 87, 111. and similar alloys, table of com¬ position of, 98. bearings, 88. turnings, utilization of, 483. Red bronze, 149. prussiate of potash, 46. Refining flux, 396. Reichenhall, alarm-bell at, 86. Resist, composition of, 375. Richardson’s speculum metal, 97. Riley, Edward, analyses of mitis metal by, 215, 216. Rinmann, silvering of iron, according to, 378. Ripping blocks, 452. Robb, J., hardeniug mixture, patented by, 135. Robert’s and Marteaux’s cement, 233. Roberts’ apparatus for removing super¬ fluous zinc in galvanizing wire, 466, 467. apparatus for galvanizing wire, illustrated and described, 465, 466. Robierre’s metal, 100. Rockline’s method of bronzing, 159. Roebling’s, John A., Sons Co., of Tren¬ ton, N. J., tables relating to wire, by, 459-463. wire gauge, 460. Roll of a wire-rod mill, construction of the grooves of a, 448. Roman speculum metal, 97. Roofs, sheet-iron, paint for, 409, 410. zinc, paint for preserving, 410. Rose’s metal, 83. Rosthorn’s sterro-metal, 100. Rouen, alarm-bell at, 86. Rouge, 46, 256. for polishing metals, 274, 275. Roughing wheel, 257. Rubber, vulcanized, 63. India, 62, 63. Russia, ordnance bronze of, 84. Rust, Barff’s process for preserving iron and steel from, 297, 298. ingrained, to free iron from, 246. new preventive, 407. to extract from steel, 246, 247. to protect iron and steel from, 407. to protect lightning-rods and metal roofs from, 407, 408. to remove from nickel-plated articles, 247. to remove from polished steel arti¬ cles, 246. joints or iron cements, 228-231. Rusting in of screws, to prevent, 500. to keep steel from, 500. to prevent iron patterns from, 227. to prevent metals from, 500. Sal ammoniac, use of, as a flux, 418. auri Figuieri, 54, 55. Sallit’s speculum metal, 97. Salt cake, 396. of sorrel, 61. Saltpetre, 64. Salts, definition and characteristics of, 42. haloid, definition of, 43. insoluble in water, 43. metallic, 41—43. Sand blast, cleansing metals with the, 241, 242. blast, illustrated and described, 241, 242. blast, process of sharpening files with the, 503. moulding, for castings of ingot iron, 192. moulding, to prevent the baking of, 192, 193. Savoy, ordnance bronze of, 84- Sawing iron and steel, 4S1—483. Saws and springs, to harden, 137-139. hardening and tempering of, 482. INDEX. 531 Saws, nicking, manufacture of, 481,482. small, bath used in tempering and heating, 144. speed of, for cutting metals, 482. to solder, 428, 429. Scalpels, bath used in tempering and heating, 144. Schaefer’s, Adam, fluid for hardening steel, 141. packing rings for manholes and flanges, 239. Schniewindt’s apparatus for half-round wire, illustrated, 453. Schweinfurt green, 52. Scratch-brush lathe, illustrated and de¬ scribed, 266, 267. Scratch-brushes, circular, illustrated aud described, 266, 267. -brushes, hand, illustrated and de¬ scribed, 263-265. -brushing, 263-268. Screws, casting brass nuts ou, 203, 204. rusted, to loosen, 500. small, to clean, 246. to prevent rusting in of, 500. Selenium, symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Serbat’s mastic, 232, 233. Sesquioxide of iron, 46. Shakdo, 122. Sheet and wire, brass for, 97. -brass, to cut by chemical means, 499. -brass, to roughen for painting, 499. for pressed articles, metal for, 88. -iron, galvanizing of, 388-392. -iron roofs, paint for, 409, 410. metal, colored varnish for, 411, 412. metals, bright asphalt varnish for, 411. Sheffield German silver, 113. Shepherd, statue of, 93. Ship sheathing, metals for, 99, 100. Shoder, 494. Shovels, metal for, 88. Shrinking of metals in casting, ISO- 192. Sideraphtite, 122. Side rods, brasses for, 89. Silicon brass, 92. bronze, 92. Silicium, symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Silver alloy, Mousset’s, 102. alloy resembling, 102, 108. amalgam, 125. Silver aud gold, alloys of, with copper, 100 - 102 . and gold, engraving on, 308-310. and gold, new imitations of, 120, 121 . and gold, recovery of, from sweep¬ ings, etc., 4S5. and mercury, preparations of, 52- 54. aud plated ware, polishing of, 268. baths, 368-370. bell metal, 87. bronze, 148, 149. bronze powder, genuine, 162. bronze powder, imitation, 162. carbonate, 53, chloride of, 39, 53. cleansing articles of. 245. copper, brass, etc., gildiDg powder for, 348. copper or German silver, ungilding articles of, 486. cyanide of, 53. determination of, 69. dipping of, 319. etching on, 311. fusing point of, 82. German, table of composition of various kinds of, 112, 113. granulated, mode of making, 487. gray, 102. hydrocyanate of, 53. hyposulphite, 53, 54. imitation alloys of, 102, 103. Japanese, 102. manganese, 111. milled, 288-291. nitrate, 52, 53. objects, to fire-gild, 346, 347. or gold, damaskeening with, 281, 282. oxidized, 292-294. polishing balls for, 271. polishing of, 268. polishing paste for, 271. polishing powders for, 270, 271. prussiate of, 53. recovery of, from old cyanide plat¬ ing solutions, 487. soap, English, 271. soap, rose-color, 271. solders, 426, 427. specific gravity and chemical and electro-chemical equivalent of, 323. sulphate, 53. sulphide, 53. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. 532 INDEX. Silver, test-water for, 72, 73. to burnish, 263. -ware, cleansing of, 270. -ware, fineness of, 100. -ware, gilded, ungilding of, 485, 486. white alloy closely resembling, 103. Silvering, alloy for, 379, 380. Bessemer steel and utensils of it, 378, 379. Birmingham, 377, 378. brassing, coppering, galvanizing, gilding, nickelling, tinning, electro-plating, etc., 317-394. by contact, 370, 371. by dipping, 371. cold, 372, 373. light, to recognize, 72. mechanical, according to Bertrand, 378. of iron, according to Kinmann, 378. Silveroid, 96. Similor, 98. Sleigh bells, table bells, clock bells, etc., 86, 87. Smee’s battery, 322. Soap, English silver, 271. Soaps, polishing, 272, 273. Soda, bibasic phosphate of, 65. caustic, 64. tribasic phosphate of, 64, 65. Sodium biborate, 62. bicarbonate, 64. hydroxide, 64. phosphate, 64, 65. potassium and calcium sulphides, 62. pyrophosphate, 65. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Soft solder, 83. Solder, bismuth, 421. for enamelled work, 426. for girdlers, 422. half-white, readily fusible, 422. hard, according to Volk, 422. malleable, 422. readily fusible, 422. refractory, 422. silver, 426, 427. soft, 83. soft, for aluminium bronze, 424. soft, to color. 429. very ductile, 422. very refractory, 422. white, 422. Soldering and solders, 413-430. Soldering cast-iron, 424, 425. cast-iron objects, 425. cold, alloy for, 427, 428. copper wire, 428. fat, 419. iron, preparation of, 414, 415. liquid, Gauduin’s, 420. liquid, Miller’s, 419, 420. liquid, new, 420. liquid, preparation of, 418, 419. of aluminium bronze, 423, 424. paste, 419. saws, 428, 429. with dry lead chloride, 425. without a soldering iron, 429. Solders and soldering, 413-430. argentan, 424. for aluminium, 423. for aluminium bronze jewelry, 424. gold, 425, 426. hard, 421, 422. hard, definition of, 413. hard, tables showing the composi¬ tion of, 422. soft, definition of, 413. soft, preparation of, 421. soft, table showing the composition of, 420. soft, testing of, 73. Sorrel, salt of, 61. Speculum metal, 96, 97. metal, standard alloy, 97. Spelter, 417. solder, 421, 422. Spence’s metal, 65. Spikes, number of, per mile of railroad, 507. Spinning of metals, illustrated and de¬ scribed, 495-499. tools, illustrated, 496, 497. Spirits of hartshorn, 61. Splices, number of, per mile of rail¬ road, 507. Spoons, alloy for, 102. forks, etc., metal for, 114. Spring steel, coating for bars of, not acted upon by acids, alkalies, etc., 406. Springs and saws, to harden, 137-139. large, bath used in tempering and heating, 144. Stain, deep black blue, on brass, 178. Stains, gold and orange, for brass, 179. Stamps, book binders’, cast brass for, 99. Stannic sulphide, 50. Stannous chloride, 50. INDEX. 533 Statuary bronze, 92-94. bronze, table of colors of alloys for, 93. Statues, best bronze for, 94. table of the composition of a few celebrated, 93. Steam boilers, etc., insulating mass for, 493. -engines, cement for packing, stuff¬ ing boxes and pistons of, 238. -pipes, cement for, 238. -pipes, insulating material for, 493. -pipes, etc., insulating coverings for, 492, 493. -whistles, metal for, 88. Steel, Adam Schaefer’s fluid for hard¬ ening, 141. agents for hardening, improving and welding, 142, 143. American welding compound for, 433. and glass, etching names on, 312, 313. and iron articles, copper baths for, 329-331. and iron, BariFs process for pre¬ serving from rust, 297, 298. and iron, hlack varnish for, 410. and iron, brush-coppering for, 334, 335. and iron, chemical change pro¬ duced in, by electric welding, 440, 441. and iron, improvements in temper¬ ing and hardening, 146, 147. and iron, polishing of, 268. and iron, preparation of, for nick- elling, 354. and iron, method of ascertaining the quality of, 75, 76. and iron, sawing of, 481-483. and iron, small articles of, to blue, so as to leave portions of them bright, 183. and iron, tinning articles of, by boiling, 381, 382. and iron, to color blue, 182, and iron, to color gray, 182. and iron, to copper, 336. and iron, to damaskeen with pla¬ tinum, 281. and iron, to fire-gild and fire-silver, 347. and iron, to nickel polished objects of, without a battery, 363, 364. and iron, to protect from rust, 407. and iron, ungilding of, 485, 486. Steel and iron wire, coating which does not readily oxidize upon, 473. and iron wire, table indicating size, weight and length of, 461. and nickel, alloys of, 114, 115. and wrought-iron, Thierault’s proc¬ ess for coloring, 182, 183. articles, baths used in tempering and heating, 144. articles, fluids for hardening, 134, 135. articles, polished, to remove rust from, 246. basic open-hearth, manufacture of, 474, 475. baths, 349-351. Bessemer, silvering of, 378, 379. bronze or Uchatius bronze, 85. cast-iron and wrought-iron, brass bath for, 327. Damascus, imitation of, 279, 280. effect of temperature on, 144, 145. etching on, 311, 312. for casting, improved method of treating, 228. for wire, amount of carbon permis¬ sible in, 446. fusing point of, 82. general rule in welding, 431. glyphogene or etching fluid for, 314. guns, damaskeened surface upon, 282, 283. hard, to make a hole in, 499. hardened, manner of cutting, 482, 483. _ hardening compound for, 135. hardening of, according to Newton and Ames, 136. hardening water for, 134. improvement in treatment of, 492. instruments and files, to harden, 139. instruments, to harden, 139, 140. lacquer for, 404. lustreless surface on, 276. manganese, 111, 112. new way of annealing, 127. objects, to give the appearance of gold or good bronze to, 155. objects, to polish, 275, 276. or case-hardened articles, tinning of, 383, 384. or iron, bronze-like surface on, 154, 155. pens, Cooper’s alloy for, 117. piano wire, to harden, 473. plates, thin, how to harden, 135,136, 534 INDEX. Steel rails, old, to make new, 435, 436. sheet, to blue small articles of, 183. soft, analysis of, 475. soft, tensile strain of, 475. sources of danger in welding, 431, 432. tempering colors of, 143, 144. to avoid cracks, curving and warp¬ ing in hardening, 135. to extract rust from, 246, 247. to gild, 346. to harden, by pressure, 133. to harden in petroleum, 133. to harden in sealing-wax, 136, 137. to harden so that the exterior is hard and interior soft, 133, 134. to keep from rusting, 500. to make soft, so it can be worked like copper, 127. to polish, 275. to temper by electricity, 145. tools, burnt, to restore, 502. to weld iron or steel to, 433. two ways of annealing, 127. with steel, to unite by welding, 434. wrought-iron and cast-iron, ready distinction of, 75. Stephenson’s oil cement, 232. Stereo-plates, casting of, by the paper process, 217, 218. Sterling metal, English, 99. Sterro-metal or Aich metal, 99. metal, Rosthorn’s, 100. Stolba’s method of tinning, 382, 383. Stollberg sheet brass, 99. Stone, cement for fastening iron articles in, 231. or wood, iron, to cement to, 234. Stourbridge clay, 397. Stoves, iron, cement for, 230, 231. tools, etc., to coat, 296. Stubs or Birmingham wire gauge, 460. Stuffing boxes and pistons of steam- engines, cement for packing, 238. boxes, metal for, 88. Suboxide, definition of, 36. Substances and chemicals, various, used in the metal industry, 61- 66 . Sugar of lead, 42, 49. Sullage-piece or dead-head, 84. Sulphate, ammonio-ferrous, 45. cupric, 47, 48. cupro-diammonium, 48. ferric, 46. ferrous, 45. lead, 50. Sulphate, mercurous, 52. nickel, 47. of copper, 47, 48. silver, 53. zinc, 51. Sulphide, ammonium, 62. cuprous, formation of, 39. ferrous, 40. of copper, 48. of tin, formation of, 39. silver, 53. stannic, 50. Sulphides of calcium, potassium and sodium, 62. Sulphur, 65. combination of, with iron, 39, 40. combinations of metals with, 39, 40. constitution and properties of, 39. fusing point of, 82. liver of, preparation of, 292. svmbol and atomic weight of, '40. Sulphuretted hydrogen, apparatus for the preparation of, illustrated and described, 44. precipitates with, 43-45. Sulphuric acid, 56, 57. acid, fuming, 56. acid, Nordbausen, 56. acid, percentage of anhydrous, at different degrees Be., 57. acid, to cut out iron plates with the assistance of, 499. Sulphydrate of ammonia, (>2. Super-oxides, definition of, 35. Surgical instruments, bath used tempering and heating, 144. instruments, knife blades, etc., nickelling of, 360, 361. Swiss clock bells, 87. Swords, bath used in tempering and heating, 144. Japanese, how made, 489-491. Sycamore, specific gravity of, 227. Symbols and atomic weights of the most important.? elements, 40. how formed, 41. Table bells, sleigh bells, clock bells, etc., 86, 87. knives, bath used in tempering and heating, 144. for preparing aqua regia, 59. of alloys exhibiting greater density than their constituents, 80. of alloys exhibiting less density than their constituents, 80. INDEX. 535 Table of percentage of anhydrous nitric acid at different degrees Be., 58. of percentage of anhydrous sul¬ phuric acid at different degrees Be., 57. of percentage of gaseous hydro¬ chloric acid at different degrees Be., 59. of the most important elements with their symbols and atomic weights, 40. Tables relating to wire, by John A. Roebling’s Sons Co., of Trenton, N. J., 459-463. Talmi gold, 98. Tam tam, 86. Taps and dies, to temper, 145, 146. Tartar, 65, 66. emetic, 51. Tartaric acid, 60. Telegraph wire, 92. Telephone wire, 92. Tellurium, fusing point of, 82. Temperature, effect of, on steel, 144, 145. of galvanic baths, 320. Temperatures, high, colors expressing, 506. Tempering and hardening saws, 482. colors of steel, 143, 144. Tempering, hardening and annealing, 126-147. or “patenting” of wires, 452. Terra merita, 403. Test-water for silver, 72, 73. Tetrachloride of platinum, 55. Thallium, symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Thierault’s process for coloring wrouglit-iron and steel, 182, 183. Thompson, Prof. Silvanus P.,platinum bath recommended by, 366. Prof. Elihu, electric welding in¬ vented by, 436. Thurston’s tough, strong brass, 99. Tiers argent, 102. Ties for cotton bales, electric welding of, 439. Tin amalgam, 125, 126. and copper, alloys of, 83-97. and copper, contraction of, in cast¬ ing, 191. and its alloys, sepia-brown on, 184, 185. articles, polishing of, 268, 269. baths, 380, 381. bismuth and lead, preparations of, 49, 50. Tin, bronze-like patina upon, 184. cast-iron or zinc, to coat with cop¬ per, 337. contraction of, in casting, 192. determination of, 69. dipping of, 319. -foil, lacquer for, 404. -foil, to distinguish from lead-foil, 73. fusing point of, 82. green-bronze upon, 149. ink for writing on, 492. japanning of, 397-400. lanterns, black japan for, 400, 401. or Fahlun brilliants, 118. phosphide of, preparation of, 91. -plate, colored moire on, 285. -plate, gold lacquer for, 402. -plate, to decorate, 286, 287. polishing agent for, 270. powdered, solidification of, 505. protocbloride of, 50. pure, resistance of, to calcium hy¬ drate, 77. -putty, 257. recovery of, from tin-plate waste, 489. -salt, 50. specific gravity and chemical and electro-chemical equivalent of, 323. sulphide of, formation of, 39. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. testing of, 73. to bronze, 155. to detect lead in, 73. to give to, the capacity of "firmly adhering to other metals, and to amalgamate with them, 500. Tinned lead pipes, to prepare, 386. Tinning, brassing, coppering, galvaniz¬ ing, gilding, nickelling, electro¬ plating, etc., 317-394. by boiling articles of iron and steel, 381, 382. by contact, 381. by dipping, 381. cold, 383. Eisner’s bath for, 382. hard steel or case-hardened arti¬ cles, 383, 384. kettles, 385. lead plates, 385, 386. metals, improved method of, 384, 385. of wire and wire-gauze, 471-473. small brass or copper objects, 382. Stalba’s method of, 382, 383. 536 INDEX. Tires and axles, electric welding of, 439. Tissier’s metal, 98. Titanium, symbol and atomic weight of, 40.' Tombac and similar alloys, table of composition of, 9S. brass and copper, to give a bril¬ liant appearance to, 254. composition, characteristics, and properties of, 97. copper, brass, and German silver, polishing of, 26S. dipping of, 31S. pickling of, 251. Tools, burnishing, illustrated and de¬ scribed, 260, 261. spinning, illustrated, 496, 497. stoves, etc., to coat, 296. to harden, 140. to sharpen, 504. Tournay’s metal, 98. Trichloride, antimony, 51. Tripoli, 256, 257. Tubes and wire bars, Elmore process of electro-depositing copper for, 331-334. Tucker bronze, 154. Tula niel, composition of, 289. Tumbling drum, illustrated and de¬ scribed, 258, 259. Tungsten, symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Turkey, ordnance bronze of, 84. Turkish damask, illustrated, 2S0. Turpentine, use of, as a soldering agent, 41S. Tutania, 109. Type metal, table of composition of, 115, 116. Uchatius bronze or steel bronze, So. Ungilding, 485, 4S6. United States, composition of ordnance bronze in the, 84. method for cleaning brass parts in the, 253. nickel coins of the, 112. Uranium, symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Ure, Dr., rule for calculating the specific gravity of alloys, by, SO. Utensils, cast-iron, to enamel, 299-301. Various alloys, 116-123. Varnish, black, for iron and steel, 410. black, for zinc, 410, 411. bright asphalt, for sheet metals, 411. colored, for sheet metal, 411, 412. Varnish for bronzing, 148. for common work, 412. for iron patterns, 412, 413. for iron work, 412. for metals, according to Max Innes, 413. green, for metals, 412. green transparent, 412. Varnishes, paints and lacquers, 397— 413. Verdigris, French, 49. German, 49. Vienna German silver, 112. lime, 255. sheet brass, 99. Vitriol, blue, 42, 47, 48. green, 45. oil of, 56, 57. white, 51. Vogel, F., fat pickle for wire-drawing recommended by, 451. Vogt’s arrangement for closing vessels in galvanizing wire, 466. Volt, definition of, 323. Wagner’s Britannia metal, 109. Wagons, Fenton’s alloy for axle-boxes of, 91. Wagon-wheels, metal for boxes of, 88. Walker’s chemical bronze, 159. Ward’s inoxidizing process, 296. Ware, silvered and plated, polishing of, 26S. Warne’s metal, 102. Waste, nickel, utilization of, 486. tin-plate, recovery of tin from, 4S9. Watch cases, brass, gold-colored lac¬ quer for, 402. -dials, enamelling of, 306, 307. -movements, nickel to freshen up, 247. -parts, graining of, 373-377. -springs, bath used in tempering and heating, 144. Watches, gold baths for parts of, 376. non-magnetic alloys for, 121. Water for galvanic baths, 320. -pipes, cements for, 240. -proof and fire-proof cement, 233. reservoirs, iron cement for joints of, 230. Watts, definition of, 323. Wax-mass for copper engravers, 310. soft, for engravers, 310. to get a copper deposit on, 334. Webster’s aluminium alloys, 107. Wedding on the results of examina¬ tions of burnt iron, 76, 77. INDEX. 537 Weights, metal for, 88. Weil’s process of producing iridescent copper precipitates on iron, 164, 165. Welding and welding compounds, 430- 444. cast-steel, 432, 433. compound, American, for welding steel to steel, 433. compound to weld steel to wrought- iron, 433. compounds and welding, 430- 444. electric, 436-444. electric, apparatus used in, 436- 438. electric, applications of, 439. electric, process of, 438, 439. electric, under water, 441. improved method of, 434, 435. steel to wrought iron, compound for, 433. wrought-iron to wrought-iron, com¬ pound for, 433. Weston’s nickelling solution, 356. Westphalische Union, of Hamm, barbed wire manufactured by, 455. West, Thomas D., on casting alumini¬ um bronze and other strong metals, 211-213. eel, fine, 257. medium, 257. patterns, paint for, 226. roughing, 257. Wheels, buff, 257. chilled, manufacture of, 219-223. polishing by means of, 255. White arsenic, 51, 52. flux, 395, 396. lead, 49. metal, 87, 111. metal bearings, 89. metal, definition of, 83. metals, testing of, 74. prussiate of potash, 64. table bells, 87. vitriol, 51. Willow, specific gravity of, 227. Windsor loam, 397. Wiped joint, definition of, 415. Wire and sheet, brass for, 97. and wire-cloth, metallic, to gild. 468-470. and wire gauze, to tin, 471-473. annealing of, 451, 452. barbed, manufacture of, illustrated and described, 453-455. Wire, barbed, Moen’s machine for the manufacture of, illustrated and described, 455. bars and tubes, Elmore process of electro-depositing copper for, 331- 334. binding, for soldering, 414. brass, 99. brass, method of making, 464. cables,.electric welding of, 439. copper, weight per mile of, 463. copper, weight per 1000 feet of, 462. -drawers’ soap and grease, 450, 451. -drawing drums, sizes of, 452. -drawing, lubricant for, recom¬ mended by Chas. H. Morgan, 451. -drawing, lubricants used in, 450, 451. -drawing mill, essential features of a, 449, 450. -drawing mill, illustrated and de¬ scribed, 450. -drawing, Vogel’s fat pickle for, 451. -drawing, what it consists in, 445. galvanizing, Vogt’s arrangement for closing vessels in, 466. gauges, 460. gauze and wire, to tin, 471-473. half-round, illustrated, 453. hardening of, 456-459. iron and steel, table indicating size, weight, and length of, 461. iron, to copper, 464, 465. manufacture, brassing, coppering, electro-plating, galvanizing, etc., of, 445-473. mill, treatment of wire-rods in the, 449. phosphorized, bronze or brass, 456. Ramsden’s method of hardening, 456^59. Roberts’ apparatus for galvanizing, illustrated and described, 465,466. Roberts’ apparatus for removing superfluous zinc in galvanizing, 466, 467. -rod mill, Garrett’s, near Chicago, 447. -rod mill in England, 447. -rod roll, construction of grooves of a, illustrated, 448. -rods, length of, finished, 449. -rods, treatment of, in the wire-mill, 449. steel and iron, coating which does not readily oxidize upon, 473. I steel piano, to harden, 473. INDEX. 538 Wire, tables relating to, by John A. I Roebling’s Sons Co., of Trenton, N. J., 459^163. telegraph, 92. telephone, 92. to brass, in the galvanic way, 463, 464. to electro-brass, 464. to galvanize, 465—167. to nickel, 470, 471. Wittle’s and Kiimper’s arrangement for removing superfluous zinc in galvanizing, 466. -work, continuous electric welding of, 439. Wires, breaking strength of, 447. definition of qualities of, 446. tempering or patenting of, 452. uses of, 445, 446. Wolfram,symbol and atomic weight of, 40. Wood, cement for fastening metal let¬ ters upon, 235. engravings, metal suitable for im¬ pressions of, 83. or stone, to cement iron to, 234. to fasten metals to, 234, 235. varieties of, most suitable for pat¬ terns, 227. Woods, specific gravity of, 227. Wood’s alloys, 83. Wrought-iron and steel, Thierault’s process for coloring, 182, 183. -iron, cast-iron and steel, brass bath for, 327. -iron castings, 214-217. -iron or cast-iron articles, pickle for, 250. -iron, ornamenting of, by burning on, 205, 206. -iron parts of machines, to harden, 132, 133. -iron, steel, and cast-iron, ready distinction of, 75. -iron, to case-harden, 128-131. -iron to wrought-iron, compound for welding, 433. Yellow prussiate of potash, 46. Zach’s method for producing drawings in relief upon metals, 316. Ziegenhain, alarm bell at, 86. Zinc amalgam, 126. and copper, alloys of, 97-100. antimony and arsenic, preparations of, 51, 52. articles, copper bath for, 330. 1 Zinc baths, 386, 387. black varnish for, 410, 411. brass bath for, 326, 327. bronze-color on, 186. bronzing liquids for, 158. casting of, 223, 224. castings, nickel bath for, 358. chloride of, 51. chloride of, formation of, 38. chloride of, use of, as a flux, 418. coloring of, 185-187. contraction of, in casting, 191, 192. copper and nickel alloys, 112-114. copper-bronze on. 149. copper-red on, 186. dipping of, 319. etching on, 313. fusibility of, 35. fusing point of, 82. gray-coating on, 1S5, 186. green bronze on, 149. green coating on, 186. ink for writing on, 492. marbling of, 186. ornaments, colored cement for re¬ pairing, 239, 240. oxide, 51. oxide, formation of, 35. plates, to copper, 337, 338. polishing of, 269. powdered, solidification of, 505. preparation of, for batteries, 324, 325. red-brownish color on, 187. roofs, paint for preserving, 410. specific gravity and chemical and electro-chemical equivalent of, 323. sulphate, 51. sulphate and cupric sulphate, brass bath from, 326. symbol and atomic weight of, 40. tin or cast-iron, to coat with copper, 337. to bronze, 155, 156. to give to, the capacity of firmly adhering to other metals, and to amalgamate with them, 500. to harden, 142. to pickle, 253, 254. to prepare for painting, 296. to separate lead from, 489. wares, nickel bath for, 358. white, 51. yellow-brown shades on, 187. Zincking copper and brass without a battery, 387. iron in the cold way, 387, 388. Wmlpf ' ■ ;'/•/: . ■ .<.. • •• . • • ; ft •«'>!0K«taVi vi !•: 1 *:••*« ):*'•*.'?• ^• I;- : I•.’ . ‘ •■ .:■■•■ •■'..:■• • if ■ ■.'■■ •■ Vi:' : 1 iiir •■:'•; ■ \ BtfiM, ' ■ .1 •'.•' ^.•.•:,••_•■" -1• .■ :. .■ i : ■■ ‘ ... .'■!! .’y 1 ■■■:': I - ■■■-.■:.•■■■■• : • .. .. . : ■ ■' . . . " ■■.•■•■ '-A a YVYYYV- ' • •: 1 v.;- ; . yvrt-.<::A \ v/ v:;; ■■. Wm ifi'M&jjfflft % [ : ’ • ; 1Vr .• r ; • r ’ |.y ( . :• • i; '■ .' ■ .// . ■! . ■ ' 7 ;• ' . • . Hit® mmM^ *y • ■ ■ v • ■ ' V".»:•• t."-...V.* =: •:.... SrlM'iy-VfiV; T;;N ;::!:.''.■ :>■■■■■■':■’. '■' WMmMm WMwMhM IBllIi Cr/jt l-VSl5'Si>Ji>;U!f« r ^i 1* : V'c^ 5awj:iiil Vl &teriiI )••«•■> * :fV»: ! . • . i.'- !- i •' •* t "* ■' " : -- A ('WM&'Wfc' i hY’> 1 V !!' r-.\: V ii r : v^ : ' Mmni'