to 1/2^/91 ^w, '^^ ir«« ^ r"^^ mmm Wa^^mf^'* V| P^^Q Bl4 SP' j ^ ^ ^ ^^5^ R^ l«k Ivi^ t / ( n^^'^ -- wSi K^kLj^^^f^B^ PICTURES AND SCULPTURE OF THE MOST HON THE MARQUIS OF ELY. I'HE COLLECTION OF \ ' f \ Q PICTURES km sculpture" " OF THE MOST HOIST. THE MARQUIS OF ELY, Bemoved from Loftus Hall, Co. Wexford ; PICTU RES THE PROPERTY OF GENERAL SIR FRANCIS SEYMOUR, K.C.B., DECEASED, AND OTHEES, PKOM DIFPERENT PEIVATE COLLECTIONS ; ALSO, Fine ITALIAN BRONZES, of the 16th Century, of Bacchus and Venus, from Prince Napoleon's Collection, &c., &c. : WHICH Mill te xolti hi) ^xution, tiB Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, 8 KING STEEET, ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, On SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1891, AT ONE o'clock PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods' Offices, 8 Kin^ /Street, St. James's Square, S. W. CONDITIONS OF SALE. 1. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer ; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. 11. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer's expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale ; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot ; and making no warranty whatever YI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the alx>ve Conditions, the IMoney deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un- cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On SATURDAY, JULY 25, 1891, AT ONE O CLOCK PRKOISBLT. o>9er 2 18 A Pair of Italian Coast Scenes, with figures 2 19 A Landscape, with cattle and figures at a fountain T. VAN DE VELDEN. 20 The Dutch Fleet, off Dort Signed, and dated 1728 WILDENS , 21 A Landscape, with the Temptation NOGARI. 22 Male and Female Heads — a pair u. ,^— >. 2 DE WITTE. 23 The Baisino of Lazarus WOUVEKMANS (Aftee). 24 A Camp Scene POLEMBERG. 25 Nymphs Bathing / sy^ VAN DEE WERFF (After). 26 A Woman with a lighted candle P. WOUVEKMANS. 27 Cavaliers Halting at a Sutler's Booth TENIEKS. 28 The Artist at his Chateau -r" G. DOW. ^ -2. 29 The Dentist J-^^ VAN DE CAPELLA. 30 A Coast Scene, with boats in shallow water, and figures or a RUBENS. 31 The Marquis Spinola, in ruff and armour, wearing the Golden Fleece f^,,'^ 11.2.(1 [^l\^ ^ C dc REMBRANDT. 32 AN OLD WOMAN, in red dress trimmed with fur, and white '9h "2 Q ^ _ napkin head-dress, holding a book ^'■*^ o-ll^^ / REMBRANDT. 33 AN OLD MAN, in black dress and cap, holding a pair of spec- tacles in bis right hand SNYDERS (Afteb). 34 A BoAB Hdnt CORREGGIO (After). 35 The Reading Magdalen GUIDO (After). 36 Beatrice Cenci RAFFAELLE. 37 The Holy Family and St. John : a replica of the picture in Lord Carlisle's Collection RAFFAELLE (After). 38 Apollo and the Muses RAFFAELLE (After). 39 The Madonna Della Sbdia, by 0. Mazzolini PORTRAITS. 40 The Captain of the Yacht 41 A Ladt in a Garden 42 Queen Elizabeth 43 Earl of Strafford, after Vandtck 44 A General in Armour — temp. Queen Anne 45 A Gentleman in Brown Dress — temp. George T. 46 A Lady, seated, with an infant 47 George 111.— oval 48 A Gentleman in Embroidered Coat 49 A Gentleman, after Sir T. Lawrence 50 The Marquis of Wharton, 1715 51 Lucia Loftus, Marchioness of Wharton — 1715 52 Nicholas Loftus Hume, Earl of Ely — 1767 53 Nicholas Loftus Hume, Earl of Ely 54 Nicholas Lord Loftus, First Earl of Ely — 1739 55 Adam Loftus, Archbishop of Armagh, Lord Chancellor and Primate of all Ireland, Founder of Trinity College, Dublin, with the purse of Queen Elizabeth 56 Adam Loftus, Archbishop of Armagh, Lord Chancellor and Primate of all Ireland, Founder of Trinity College, Dublin, with the purse of King James I.^ — 1619 — whole length 57 Nicholas Loftus, Surveyor of His Majesty's Courts, Wards and Liveries — dated 1648 ; and a Lady holding a watch — a pair 58 Henry Loftus — dated 1680 59 William III., in the robes of the Garter — whole length 60 George I., in the robes of the Garter — whole length 9 . 61 Charles Tottenham, Esq., M.P., of Tottenham Green, County // Wexford, so well known as " Tottenham in his Boots " 62 John Ponsonbt, Speaker of the Irish House of CommonR, 1762- ^- 1779 VAN DYCK (Aftek). 63 PoBTRAiTs OF Chaeles I. AND Henbietta Mabia, bv W. Smith / . . CV '0 From the pictures at Blenheim 2 SIR J. REYNOLDS (Afteb). 64 The Mabquis of Ely, iu his robes of the Order of St. Patrick — _ ^ whole lenqth LELY. P5 Lady Alicia Hume 2 '^Oui^ 2/ A. KAUFFMANN, R.A., 1768. 66 Heney, Eael of Ely, in fancy dress — whole length r A. KAUFFMANN, Pt.A., 1768. 67 Miss Munbo, in white dress with blue scarf SIE T. LAWRENCE. 68 ANNA MARIA, WIFE OF JOHN, SECOND MARQUIS OF 1 r ELY, Daughter of Sir H. Dashwood, Bart. SIR T. LA WHENCE. >-^ ^— 69 John, Second Mabquis op Ely SIR T. LAWRENCE. 70 POBTRAIT OF THE DuKE OF WELLINGTON j / /y J. HOPPNER, R.A. (Afteb). 71 The Right Hon. W. Pitt, by J. Jackson, R.A. . '' ' ,- . C--^. SIR J. REYNOLDS. 72 THE EARL AND COUNTESS OF ELY— wAoZe lengfh r ^ ^ Henry, First Earl of Ely, bom 1709, created Earl of Ely 1771, ^J^ V K.P. 1783 ; and his second wife, Anne, daughter of Hugh j^ Bonnefoy, Esq. CAPALTI, 1845. 73 Jane, Marchioness of Ely SCULPTURE. 74 Bust op Nicholas Loftcs Hume, Eabl op Ely 75 Bust op John Locke 76 Bust of a Lady — of Italian work of XV. century 77 Bust of a Pkiest — of Italian worh of "KN . century 78 Bust of the Empeeor Lucius Verus — of Boman work — witli drapery of coloured alabaster 79 Bust op the Empress Julia Domna, witb drapery of coloured alabaster 80 Bust op the Emperor Augustus, with similar drapery 81 A Roman Imperial Male Bust — on black marble socle 10 82 Bust of the Empbess Faustina 83 A EoMAN Imperial Male Bust, crowned with bays 84 A Pair of Small Eoman Male Busts 85 An Oval Cistern, with mask handles, and carved with marine deities 86 A Pair of Pedestals, of statuary marble, with panels of red marble, and carvings of drapery 87 A Pair of Ditto, with panels of coloured marble 88 A Pair of Ditto, with panels of Verd-antique 89 A Square Marble Pedestal 90 A Sienna Scagliola Pedestal The foUowrhg ore Sold by Order of the Hhjh Court of Justice, Chancery Division. Trau V. \Va7'eham and another. BRONZES. v/'UV^'^^^' 91 A STATUE OF BACCHUS, life-size, holding in bis hands a bunch of grapes and a cup, an infant satyr at his feet 92 A STATUE OF VENUS, life-size, holding a shell in one hand, a dolphin at her feet These remarkable specimens of Italian Art of the l&th Cen- tury were formerly in Duke Litta's Palace, 3Iilan, and afterwards in the Prince Napoleons Collection, who removed them to this country from the Villa Prangino, on the Lake of Geneva / u A DIFFERENT PRO PEETY. SIE THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. 93 MISS MURRAY (Louisa Georgina Augusta Anne), only daughter y of the Rt. Hon. General Sir George Murray, M.P., G.C.B., (/'^^l^i/h' &^-5 &c., Niece of the Marquis of Anglesey / The celebrated chef-d'oeuvre. Engraved hy G. T. JDoo, B.A., in 1834, and hy G. H. Phillips, in 1839, for the / Q / Lawrence work ^(^ Engraved as " The Child and Floioers," hy W. Humphreys, / in the Bijou, 1828, with verses hy Mrs. Hemans ^ SIR T. LAWRENCE, P.R.A. ^ ^JL 94 PoBTRAiT OF THE Rt. Hon. Geneeal Sie George Murbay, M.P., G.C.B., &c., &c., left unfinished by the artist J. P. KNIGHT, R.A. 95 The late Maequis of Anglesey, in uniform of the 7th Hussars, ^ ^ of which he was Colonel SIR W. BEECHEY, R.A. 96 Portraits of King George III. and Queen Charlotte /'^— Qu^ Small whole length — a pair ^ 97 Hon. Sir B. Hotham, one of the Barons of the Court of Exchequer, SIR J. REYNOLDS. 98 SIR PATRICK BLAKE, BART. : whole length, in a red coat, with blue lapels, white waistcoat, breeches, and gaiters, a hawk on his wrist ^1/. ^rz> Painted 1766 ^^^«-- Described in Leslie and Taylors ' Life of Sir J. Reynolds,' Vol. L page 252 12 T. GAINSBOROUGH, K.A. 99 POBTRAIT OF A LaDT OVOl T. GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. 100 Portrait op William Thomas Lewis, the Aotor GAINSBOROUGH. 101 Portrait of a Lady G. ROMNEY. / / 102 Mirth and Melancholy SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS. 103 Jeremiah Dyson, Clerk to the House of Commons W ^ Painted in 1760 ^-^A^A'^A A. CANALETTO.