. 142. 2 p 586 NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. That their style of colouring is not congenial to beauty in its strict sense, we have Sir Joshua's authority ; we have likewise his authority, that it is not suited to grandeur, when compared with the unbroken colours of the Roman and Florentine schools, or the solemn hue of the Bolognian ;* but that it must be suited to some character in nature, and of no mean or obscure kind, it is impossible to doubt. * Discourse IV., p. 59. THE END. bainburgh: printed by thomas constable, printer to her majesty. New Road, London. AUSTIN and SEELEY gladly avail themselves of the opportunity which the Publishers of this Work have so obligingly afforded them, of announcing to the Nobility and Gentry, that they have now a very large collection of Fountains, and other Ornaments, for Gardens and Pleasure Grounds. The material of which they are made, "Austin's Artificial Stone," closely resembles Portland Stone, and has been proved, by an experience of nearly twenty years, to be more proof against the changes of climate than any stone in common use, except granite. As they have, also, a con- siderable variety of Jets, of their own manufacture, they are enabled to undertake the fixing of Fountains complete, on the most economical Terms. Oval Fountain for a Conservatory or Dairy. 2 AUSTIN AND SEELEY, NEW ROAD. A. & S. have Tazzas of this form from 1 ft. 6 in. to 8 ft. diam., at prices varying from £1:1*. upwards, which may be used either for water or plants. AUSTIN AND SEELEY, NEW ROAD. Also a Companion. £3 : 3s. each. Tripod Pedestal, £5 :5s. Basket, £2 : 2s. Sm Geoffrey Hudson. £10: 10*. 1 AUSTIN AND SEELEY, NEW ROAD. 192 in. The rim 15} in. diam. .... 12} in. Gothic Vase, £2 :2s. The Farnese Vase, £3: 3s. Oval Vase. £2: 10s. Isle of Wight Vase, £l:ll*:6d. The same, smaller, at 15s. The Bishop's Vase, 15s. Or plain, 12s. Tulip Vase, £1 : Is. Tall Oriental Lotus Vase, with Flowing Petals. Price £9 : 9s. A variety of Fountains, from £6, and upwards. Mask Vase, £3: 3s. Enriched Etruscan Urn, £2 : 2s. Shell Tazza, with Short Foot, £3 : 3s. Oriental Lotus Vase, £2 : 5s. The iim 18 in. diam The Adelaide Vase. The Warwick Vase. Antique Festoon Vase, £2: 12s. Gd. AND CO., PRIXIFHS,] Appropriate Pedestals for many of the above Vases. [7fi, run Price (U.) On the Picturesque : with an essay on the origin of taste, and much original matter by Sir T. Dick Lauder . . ., 8vo, xxvi + 586 pp., tinted frontis., vignette on title and 54 vignettes in text, half morocco, t.e.g., Edinburgh, 1842 £18