niiiPlipiiiiiifli Digitized 1 by- line Internet Archive in 2014 SIIP^-^" alliana between f > octrn anb IP^ainting is strict anb close ; it rises from natural affiuifn, anb it manifests itself in all tbc cognate arts of a well-nigh common life. Wjieg are but twin flowers groining from tbc same roof— sisters in tbc imperial familn of ( > cuius. "3^or same, nor gtt bibcrsc of moob, iJBut as tafits sfoect sisftrboob." nc common root unites together all tbc glowing progeny. I t is therefore fit anb natural that this beautiful f^oem of $Mlx$. ^Remans sboulb be tbc fert arounb which high p^xt sboulb emblazon its fancn-lcb glories. W telicbe that all who tbcmsclbcs arc gifteb with tbc power of appreciating bcaittn mill thoroughly appreciate tbc genius which has besigneb, anb tbc skill wbicb bas crceuteb, these Illustrations. T bc proceebs of the sale are bebotcb to % Restoration or Kebuilbing of Klamsben CSTjmrrb, a builbing sorcln necbing such treatment, anb I trust tbat tbis beautiful 13ooli man, bn tbc funbs it mill supply, impart some of its own fairness of feature to tbat wbtcjj ought in ebern parish to be accorbing to its begree magnificat, in honour of Him who is to be worsbippeb in it. ^. Ovon. t - J nbbesbon Palatt, December 17 th. 1866. jf ft toSSr tlft fcuMjcmi pit fin two rt£f, nfi Ijj? & jg^oit)^" *tp£ nni&r #uuut) $up? iSffijrt $egwra iefim^ on jMmug w W fragmul fowSf# peufimw tljc bveejr. • $ it far atoag m $mz ncpon ribw* toan^tf^an^of goto; If m "Hie Hmimg Hip* oftk ntlnj sfrae, oSf? jieMi|kras' foitj from rfjfrovftl .sstranS