P E. GUERIN inc 21-2-R25 JANE ST. NEW YORK N. Y. U.S.A. DIED MARCH 4 rJ 1911 > . ' ■ - Tn memoriam PIERRE E. GUERIN, founder of the firm of P. E. GUERIN, Inc., was born in Brittany, France, August 17, 1833. He came to the United States at an early age and learned the primary rudiments of his trade at what were considered the best metal shops in the country in those days. He started in business for himself in 1857 on a very small scale at No. \y 2 Marion Street, moved thereafter to No. 197 Wooster Street then to Nos. 220-222 Wooster Street, then to No. 24 West Third Street, and finally to the present location, Nos. 21-23-25 Jane Street, where the business has been located since 1892. Born of humble parentage, he early in life imbibed the habits of thrift, honesty and industry, and these principles he followed through life, adding to them an artistic temperament and a mechanical turn of mind. He was one of the pioneers of artistic metal work in New York City and introduced many innovations therein in his time. Also, he thoroughly instilled in all his apprentices the rudiments of the metal busi¬ ness, and these same apprentices are to-day the heads or superintendents of the most prominent metal manufacturers in the United States. Furthermore, the different heads of our shop departments are men who learned their trades under him, and in some cases where the father died the son succeeded the father, and we are to-day still doing business with some of his first clients or their suc¬ cessors. Mr. Guerin’s practical knowledge as a chaser and workman would not allow him to pass work which in his judgment was not finished properly, and on that account many jobs were sometimes finished at a loss, rather than have them delivered in a way not a credit to the firm. He died March 4, 1911, leaving to his fellow associates a name to be proud of, a principle well worthy to be followed, and a business of which there is none better exist¬ ing or more highly developed. Copyright 1914 P. E. GUERIN, I New York P. E. GUERIN, Inc. Manufacturer of Period Hardware AND ALL FORMS OF ART METAL WORK FOR Architects — Contractors Cabinet Makers and Decorators 21-25 Jane Street, New York City New York, U. S. A. P. E. GUERIN, Inc. Introduction N issuing this, our first Period Hardware Catalogue, we have endeavored to show therein as much as possible the various Hardware Devices (both useful and ornamental), necessary to the completion of Period Rooms, and while some of our classifications as regards periods may be open to explanation, yet on the whole we have tried to be correct and think you will so find them, with possibly a few exceptions. We have shown each article as a separate unit, leaving it to the purchaser to make his own combinations as regards combining Knobs or Lever Handles with Roses and Key Holes, or Elongated Escutcheon Plates, and this also applies in regard to matching up of Cremornes, Es- pagnolettes, Rim Locks, Hinges, Window Lifts, etc., of the entire room. If, however, any doubt exists as regards the “toute ensemble” of the different units to be combined, we shall be only too pleased to place our services and past experience at your disposal. We will also state that the hardware herein shown is equally as well finished as any im¬ ported hardware, whether the same is made in France or England. Also desire to call your attention to the fact that there are two grades of surface fin¬ ishes. Viz.: COMMERCIAL, which is the casting from a well-chased pattern, clean finish, and blemishes removed. CHASED, which is the casting from a well-chased pattern with all the details gone over and hand tooled, and necessarily more expensive. Also, wherever an article is chased, it also means a heavier deposit of gold or silver than if ordered commercial. Also, regarding the question of Lever Handies, we found from the start that if we ex¬ pected to introduce Lever Handles, we would first have to make a lock, the spring of which would be sufficiently strong to have the handle recoil when released, as, without exceptions, the regulation stock locks were entirely too inadequate to do this, and the Lever Handle would wreck them in short order; therefore, with this end in view, we have made a special lock with a spring of sufficient strength to support any Lever Handle and throw it back to its original position when released. Also, as the Lever Handle is intended to be used on narrow stiles, we have made these locks from 1 inch to 2 inch backsets, every y 8 inch, and from 2 inch to 3*4 inch backsets, every V 4 inch (see pages 396-397). Also, latches, front and vestibule locks (see page 7). In addition to the Hardware shown herein, which is only one branch of our business, we also manufacture for the furniture dealer or cabinetmaker a large and varied assortment of Metal Applique Ornaments suitable for period furniture and trims of room. Also the Active Hard¬ ware to go with the furniture, such as the Handles, Knobs, Key Holes, Toilet Screws, etc. And for the tapissier or decorator we have the Curtain Loops, Curtain Rosettes, Picture Nails, Cur¬ tain Pole Ends, Hat Pins, Rope Brackets, Newel Post Balls, etc., so that we can furnish the entire metal work for a period room, apartment, home or building, if desired, embracing the hardware for doors, windows and trims, the metal work for the furniture and the metal orna¬ mentation and necessities for the curtains, stairs, etc. P. E. GUERIN, Inc. INDEX AMERICAN HINGES WITH ORNAMENTAL TIPS. RENAISSANCE . . GOTHIC . LOUIS XVI . VARIOUS STYLES . AMERICAN HINGES WITH ORNAMENTAL KNUCKLES AND TIPS . CASEMENT ADJUSTERS COCOON HINGES CREMORNE BOLTS. GOTHIC . RENAISSANCE . LOUIS XIV . LOUIS XV . LOUIS XVI . EMPIRE . ENGLISH . PLAIN . WITH LEVER HANDLES CREMORNE LOCKS. RENAISSANCE . (inclusive) (inclusive) Page 353 349 359 365 359 422 361 15 18- 19 24- 25 29- 30 36- 41 47 51- 53 57- 58 59 391 LOUIS XVI . 393-394 CURTAIN ROSETTES AND LOOPS. (SAMPLE SHEET, VARIOUS STYLES). 432 DESCRIPTIONS FOR ORDERING. ..(inclusive) 3- 6 DOOR HANDLES. VARIOUS STYLES 408 & 411 DOOR KNOBS. GOTHIC . 136-137 RENAISSANCE . 141-142 LOUIS XIV . 07 LOUIS XV . 150-151 LOUIS XVI .(inclusive) 157-162 EMPIRE . 168 ENGLISH .(inclusive) 171-176 DOOR KNOCKERS. (SAMPLE SHEET, VARIOUS STYLES) DOOR STOPS DRAWER KNOBS FOR FURNITURE. (SAMPLE SHEET, VARIOUS STYLES) DUTCH BOLTS 414 418 180 418 Page ESCUTCHEON AND PUSH PLATES. PLAIN . 236-237 GOTHIC . 242-243 RENAISSANCE .(inclusive) 248-253 LOUIS XIV .(inclusive) 258-260 LOUIS XV .'.(inclusive) 266-272 LOUIS XVI .(inclusive) 279-287 EMPIRE . 296-297 ENGLISH .(inclusive) 300-302 ESPAGNOLETTE BOLTS. PLAIN . RENAISSANCE .... LOUIS XIV . LOUIS XV . LOUIS XVI . . 62 . 65 . 81 . 69-70 (inclusive) . 74-76 & 81 FINISHES ON METAL FRENCH HINGES. GOTHIC . 349 RENAISSANCE . 353 & 355 LOUIS XIV AND XV . 355 & 361 LOUIS XVI . 359-360 EMPIRE . 361 FRENCH RIM LOCKS. (VARIOUS STY RENAISSANCE LOUIS XV ... LOUIS XVI ... ENGLISH . . 370 & 387 . 373 (inclusive) 375-377 (inclusive) 381-383 . 388 FRONT DOOR LOCKS GLASS KNOBS, CUT AND PRESSED. (SAMPLE SHEETS) . 435-436 HAND OF DOORS HANDLES FOR FURNITURE. (SAMPLE SHEET, VARIOUS STYLES). HAT PINS. (SAMPLE SHEET, VARIOUS STYLES). ILLUSTRATIONS OF FRENCH DOORS AND CASEMENTS . KEYS. (VARIOUS STYLES) RENAISSANCE . LOUIS XV . LOUIS XVI . ENGLISH . 443 434 436A 401 400 402 404 406 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r INDEX [CONTINUED] Page KEY HOLES. PLAIN .(inclusive) 210-212 LOUIS XIV. AND GOTHIC. 216 RENAISSANCE . 219 LOUIS XV . 222 LOUIS XVI. 225-226 EMPIRE . 230 ENGLISH . 232-233 KEY HOLES FOR FURNITURE. (SAMPLE SHEET, VARIOUS STYLES). 444 LEVER HANDLES. PLAIN . S8 GOTHIC . 91-92 RENAISSANCE . 96-97 LOUIS XIV . 101 LOUIS XV .(inclusive) 104-107 LOUIS XVI .(inclusive) 112-116 EMPIRE AND L’ART NOUVEAU. 122 ENGLISH . 124 WOOD AND CELLULOID . 127 CUT GLASS . 129-130 MORTISE BOLTS. 396 Page PUSH PLATES. (SEE ESCUTCHEON AND PUSH PLATES) ROPE BRACKETS. (SAMPLE SHEET. VARIOUS STYLES). 433 ROSES FOR KNOBS AND LEVER HANDLES. PLAIN . 181-182 GOTHIC AND EMPIRE . 186 RENAISSANCE . 189-190 LOUIS XIV . 193 LOUIS XV . 195 LOUIS XVI.(inclusive) 198-200 ENGLISH .(inclusive) 204-206 SASH LIFTS. (VARIOUS STYLES) . 332 RENAISSANCE AND LOUIS XV. 335 LOUIS XIV AND LOUIS XVI . 338 LOUIS XVI . 342 ENGLISH . 346 SLIDING BOLTS AND SHUTTER BARS. (VARIOUS STYLES) . 86 MORTISE LOCKS AND LATCHES . 396-397 MORTISE EXTENSION BOLTS . 422 NEWEL POST BALLS. (SAMPLE SHEET, CUT GLASS) . 439 NEWEL POST URNS. LOUIS XV AND XVI. 440-441 SLIDING DOOR CUP ESCUTCHEONS. RENAISSANCE . 306-307 GOTHIC . 321 LOUIS XIV . 310 LOUIS XV .(inclusive) 314-316 LOTUS XVI .(inclusive) 320-323 ENGLISH . 307 EMPIRE . 314 PORCELAIN KNOBS. HAND PAINTED . 437-438 PUSH BUTTONS. (VARIOUS STYLES) . 426 LOUIS XVI . 429 STRIKE PLATES . 83 SURFACE BOLTS. (VARIOUS STYLES) . 84 VESTIBULE LATCHES. 7 P. E. GUERIN, Inc, 3 To intelligently till your order tor hardware ealled tor in this catalogue we require the following information: AMERICAN HINGES WITH ORNAMENTAL TIPS ALSO AMERICAN HINGES WITH ORNAMENTAL KNUCKLES AND TIPS 1st:—Give tracing showing construction of hanging stile of door, also of jamb, and if possible projections on door, jamb or base board to determine the necessary size of hinge. 2nd:—Give size of door in order to determine the proper weight of hinge. 3rd:—If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is preferable to a description. See page 6 for finishes. CASEMENT ADJUSTERS Give tracing of stool, also of window, also if swinging in or out. If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is prefer¬ able to a description. See page 6 for finishes. COCOON HINGES Give tracing showing the construction of hanging stile of door, also jamb; size and hand of door or casement. If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is prefer¬ able to a description. See page 6 for finishes. CREMORNE LOCKS See Cremorne Bolts, and it is imperative to have the full size drawing of door and jamb. CURTAIN ROSETTES AND LOOPS This is only a sample sheet of curtain rosettes and loops, and if more are wanted write for balance, giving period wanted and approximate sizes. How to be attached, space and material against which they are to be attached, (if plaster or wood). If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is prefer¬ able to a description. See page 6 for finishes. DOOR HANDLES Give width of space where handle is to be used, the thickness and hand of door and the method of fastening. If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is prefer¬ able to a description. See page 6 for finishes. DOOR KNOBS To be used in connection with escutcheon plates or roses. l st; _State if to be used with round or oval rose, or with elongated escutcheon plate; or as a mortise bolt or closet door knob. 2nd:_Give size of spindle, and whether on diamond or square, also hand of door. 3 r d ; _if ordered in pairs, give thickness of doors and width of rail, also state if they are all active, or if passive. 4 th;_if on the other hand, to be paired with some other existing knob, give size and description of knob, also spindle, etc. 5th:_If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is preferable to a description. See page 6 for finishes. Also, we beg to call your attention to the danger of bruising the hand when opening door from you where a knob is used on a door the rail of which is less than 4*4 inches wide and the lock centred thereon. DOOR KNOCKERS Give width of space where knocker is to be fastened, also thickness of door and method of fastening. If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is pref¬ erable to a description. (If exposed to the elements, would not advise lacquering, as it will not last.) See page 6 for finishes. DOOR STOPS State if for floor or base, and material to which it is to be fastened (wood, stone, or iron), and where used in com¬ bination with hooks, state hand of door. . If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is pref¬ erable to a description. See page 6 for finishes. DRAWER KNOBS FOR FURNITURE This is only a sample sheet of some of the knobs made by us, and if more are wanted write for balance, giving period wanted and approximate sizes. , , . . . , . , If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is prefer¬ able to a description. See page 6 for finishes. 4 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. To intelligently till your order for hardware called for in this catalogue we require the following information: DUTCH BOLTS Give description or drawing of door, where to be used and length of bolt. If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is pref¬ erable to a description. See page 6 for finishes. ESPAGNOLETTE BOLTS 1st;—Give exact height of casement window or door. 2nd:—If right or left hand. 3rd:—While they should be used on windows opening in, yet under certain conditions they can be used on windows opening out. 4th:—Height of handle from bottom of door or sill. 5th :—Description of strike desired. 6th:—If to be mounted on astragal or rail, give the width and thickness of astragal or rail. 7th:—If handle rest is desired. Also, Espagnolettes when closed have the handle parallel with bar, unless arranged with bracket handle rests, in which case the handle is at right angle to the bar. 8th:—Finally, it is necessary to have full size drawing showing the construction, also ground plan, upright elevation of window, soffit or head above and stool or saddle below. 9th:—If the finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is preferable to a description. See page 6 for finishes. ESCUTCHEON AND PUSH PLATES To be used in connection with knobs or lever handles shown on other pages, and in making such selection be sure they harmonize in style (viz.:—that the escutcheon plate and lever handle or knob are of the same period), and when ordering as an escutcheon plate, 1st:—Give spacing or distance between centres of hub and key hole of lock, or if possible, the make and number of lock. 2nd:—Where used in pairs on one side of double fold doors, state if the passive plate is to be drilled for key hole or left blank. * 3rd:—Give hand and thickness of door, width of stile and where possible send ground plan of door. 4th:—If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is preferable to a description. See page 6 for finishes. FRENCH HINGES (See Cocoon Hinges page 3) FRENCH RIM LOCKS We must have full size drawing showing ground plan of door and jamb, also upright elevation showing where the same is to be fastened, and where to be used in connection with other hardware on other side, send description of hardware for adjustment. If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is pref¬ erable to a description. See page 6 for finishes. GLASS KNOBS, CUT AND PRESSED Only two sheets of glass knobs are shown. If interested, or others are desired, write for Catalogue No. 3. HANDLES FOR FURNITURE This is only a sample sheet of some of the handles made by us, and if more are wanted write for balance, giving period wanted, and when ordering, if finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is preferable to a description. See page 6 for finishes. HAT PINS This is only a sample sheet of some of the hat pins made by us, and if more are wanted write for balance, giving period wanted and approximate sizes, also if one, two or three prongs, and where and how to be used. If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is prefer¬ able to a description. See page 6 for finishes. KEYS If the keys are to fit existing locks, send on own keys to have ornamental heads or bows attached. Also give length of shank desired, and if to be made of iron or bronze, or when to be sent in blank to do own fitting, give size of bit and state if barrel is to be bored. If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is pref¬ erable to a description. See page 6 for finishes. KEY HOLES When ordering, give width of rail and be sure the style selected harmonizes with that of the handle and rose, also that the lock spacing or distance between the centres of hub and key hole will permit of the combined use of key hole and rose. If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is prefer¬ able to a description. See page 6 for finishes. P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r To intelligently till your order for hardware called for in this catalogue we require the following information: KEY HOLES FOR FURNITURE This is only a sample sheet of some furniture key holes made by us, and if more are wanted write for balance, giving period wanted and approximate sizes. If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is pref¬ erable to a description. See page 6 for finishes. LEVER HANDLES To be used in connection with escutcheon plates or roses. 1st:—If to be used on right or left hand door. 2nd:—If with round or oval rose or an elongated escutcheon plate. 3rd:—If to be used in connection with our own or some other manufacturer’s lock; if so, give size of hub and if on diamond or square. 4th:—If auxiliary spring is desired, whether to be inserted in rose or mortised in wood back of rose. (If our make of lock is used, no auxiliary spring will be necessary.) 5th:—If to be spindled with other fittings, give description and size of same. 6th:—Give width and thickness of lock rail of door. 7th:—If ordered in pairs, state if they are all active or if passive. 8th:—If the finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is preferable to a description. See page 6 for finishes. MORTISE LOCKS AND LATCHES 1st:—Give width, thickness and hand of lock stile of door. 2nd:—Tracing of jamb in order to send suitable lock strikes. 3rd:—If door has flat, rabbetted or beveled edge, if rabbetted give size of rabbet, if (4 inch, y$ inch or *4 inch. 4th:—If possible, send tracing or drawing showing ground plan of door. 5th:—Also, in view of the fact that these locks are made to be used principally with lever handles, they have only i/g downward motion, so that when ordering state if to be used with knobs or lever handles, as the springs in the locks vary, the locks for lever handles having stronger springs than for knobs. Also, in addition to making the above described locks and latches, we make special locks to suit peculiar or special conditions, also front and vestibule locks, and will alter clients locks to suit altered conditions if lock will permit. If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is prefer¬ able to a description. See page 6 for finishes. NEWEL POST BALLS, GLASS These glass newel post balls can be had in various cuttings from 3 inches to 6 inches, also a variety of pedestals to suit, and we will furnish blue prints of these on application. When ordering give size of top of newel post and material to which it is to be attached (iron, stone or wood). If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is prefer¬ able to a description. See page 6 for finishes. NEWEL POST URNS, METAL When ordering, give size of top of newel post and material to which it is to be attached (iron, stone or wood). If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is prefer¬ able to a description. See page 6 for finishes. PORCELAIN KNOBS The two sheets of porcelain knobs as shown on pages 437 and 438 show the various colorings and decorations we carry in stock; also these same designs can be executed, if need be, in colors to match material or coverings of room at an advanced price, the cost depending on the colors and quantity desired. If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is prefer¬ able to a description. See page 6 for finishes. CREMORNE BOLTS 1st;—Give height of casement door or window. 2nd:—If right or left hand. 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th :—Whether swinging in or out. •—Height of handle or knob from bottom of door or window. :—If plate or rim or special strikes (see page 83). :—If operated from one side only. , _ : _if operated from both sides (see cut, page 59), state if with or without locking device, and description of knob or lever handle to be used on side opposite cremorne bolt; give width of rail and thickness of door or window. 8th: If to be mounted on astragal or rail, give width and thickness of astragal or rail. 9th: Finally, where possible, send ground plan of window or door, also give upright elevation showing saddle or stool, also the soffit head. When cremorne is locked, the lever handle is parallel with bar. when opened at right angles thereto. However, this position can be changed to suit special conditions. Also, unless otherwise designated on print, all cremorne rods are half round in shape. . . . 10th:_If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is preferable to a description. See page 6 for finishes. PUSH BUTTONS These Push Buttons are complete unless ordered otherwise, and when ordering give size of space where to be used. and if to be attached to iron, stone or wood. . . , . . , If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is preier- able to a description. See page 6 for finishes. 6 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r To intelligently till your order for hardware called for in this catalogue we require the following information: ROPE BRACKETS This is only a sample sheet of some of the Rope Brackets made by us, and if more are wanted write for balance, giv¬ ing period wanted; also give size of rope and surface against which it is to be fastened (marble, wood or plaster). If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is prefer¬ able to a description. See page 6 for finishes. ROSES FOR KNOBS AND LEVER HANDLES When ordering give width of lock rail and be sure the style selected harmonizes with that of handle and key hole, also that the lock spacing or distance between the centres of hub and key hole will permit of the combined use of rose and key hole. If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is prefer¬ able to a description. See page 6 for finishes. SASH LIFTS Give width of rail in the clear and thickness of sash, unless you are certain the width and thickness are more than ample for the sash lift. They can also be arranged with locking attachment. If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is prefer¬ able to a description. See page 6 for finishes. SLIDING DOOR CUP ESCUTCHEONS 1st:—Give width and thickness of lock rail of door, depth of friction bead; also send ground plan. 2nd:—If for single or double fold sliding doors and thickness of lock. 3rd:—If for double doors, are both escutcheons to be drilled for key holes. 4th:—Send key for adjustment. 5th:—If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is preferable to a description. See page 6 for finishes. SURFACE BOLTS 1st:—Give length of bolt. 2nd:—Whether plate, rim or special strikes. (See page 83). 3rd:—If the finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is preferable to a description. See page 6 for finishes. SLIDING BOLTS AND SHUTTER BARS Where used as shutter bars: 1st:—Give hand of shutter, width and thickness of rail. 2nd:—The space between blinds when folded, so as to avoid sending knob with too much projection. Where used as sliding bolts: 1st:—Hand of door, width and thickness of rail. 2nd:—Tracing of jamb. If finish is polished brass or brushed brass, sample not necessary, but if to match any existing color, sample is prefer¬ able to a description. See page 6 for finishes. DESCRIPTION OF 1 Polished brass and lacquered. 2 Polished brass and gold lacquered. 3 Polished brass, black relieved and lacquered. (Can only be made on ornamented surfaces.) 4 Ditto, gold lacquered. 5 Polished brass oxydized brown relieved and lacquered. 6 Brushed brass and lacquered. 7 Brushed brass and gold lacquered. 8 Brushed brass and green lacquered. 9 Brushed brass black relieved and lacquered. (Can only be made on ornamented surfaces.) 10 Ditto, gold lacquered. 11 Brushed brass oxydized brown relieved and lacquered. 12 Polished bronze and lacquered. 13 Polished bronze and gold lacquered. 14 Polished bronze black relieved and lacquered. (Can only be made on ornamented surfaces.) 15 Ditto, gold lacquered. 16 Polished bronze oxydized dark color relieved and lac¬ quered. 17 Ditto, oxydized brown color relieved and lacquered. 18 Brass mottled and lacquered. (Can only be made on casting.) 19 Silver polished and lacquered. 20 Silver burnished and lacquered. 21 Silver burnished light oxydized and lacquered (Butler silver). 22 Silver burnished black relieved and lacquered. (Can only be made on ornamented surfaces.) 23 Silver matted burnished and lacquered. 24 Silver French gray and lacquered. 25 Gold polished and lacquered. The above descriptions of metal finishes and numbers on and after date of issue of catalogue will be numbered and i METAL FINISHES 26 Gold regular burnished and lacquered. 27 Gold regular burnished light oxydized and lacquered. 28 Ditto, burnished dark oxydized and lacquered. 29 Brass natural burnished and gold lacquered (imitation of No. 26 finish). 30 Brass natural burnished oxydized and gold lacquered (imitation of No. 27 finish). 31 Gold matted burnished and lacquered. 32 Gold matted burnished light oxydized and lacquered. 33 Gold matted burnished dark oxydized and lacquered. 34 Natural brass mat dipped burnished and lacquered (imitation of mat gold). 35 Natural brass, ditto, burnished oxydized and lacquered (imitation of oxydized mat gold). 36 Bronze statuary color. 37 Bronze oxydized brown and lacquered. 38 Bronze Barbedienne. 39 Bronze Art Nouveau. 40 Bronze Florentine. 41 Bronze Pompeiian. 42 Bronze verde antique. 43 Bronze “natural,” for hardware to be colored by the elements. 44 Polished nickel plate. 45 Mat nickel plate and oxydized in imitation of old steel. 46 Nickel plate and oxydized imitation of polished steel. 47 Dead black finish, imitation Bower Barff (not guar¬ anteed). 48 Copper plated polished and lacquered. 49 Copper plated dark relieved and lacquered. 50 Copper plated light relieved and lacquered. upersedes or replaces any prior descriptions or numbers, and necessary described as above. P. E. GUERIN, Inc. i r >v U CUTS FULL SIZE MORTISE FRONT DOOR LOCKS (SHOWING MOVEMENTS) when ordering consult page 5 A. Cylinder. B. Dead Bolt. C. Latch Bolt, (reversible). D. Split hub, ^8 n spindle on diamond or square oper¬ ating one way only. E. Stop Buttons. F. Recoil Spring. H. Easy Latch Spring. I. Buffer. Lock with l", 1}4”, 1%”, \ l A, 1-Mi", 1 1 J4”, and 2 n backset for Lever Handles and fitted with any make of cylinder desired. The latch is reversible, with stops in face, a strong French spring to support lever handle and especially intended for narrow stile case¬ ments. Lock can be operated from front by key and lever handle, or by key 'only, and on inside by thumb latch and knob. We can also furnish the same sizes in vestibule latches, and with rabbetted face, either as front or vestibule door lock. A. Cylinder. B. Dead Bolt. C. Latch Bolt, (reversible). D. Split hub, spindle on diamond or square ating both directions. oper- E. Stop Buttons. F. Recoil Spring. G. Changing from knob to lever handle. H. Easy Latch Spring. I. Buffer. Stops hub from wrecking lock. J. Communicating Block. Lock with 2/i", "2%*, 23 n , S/4 n and 3H” backset for knobs and lever handles on either side or both. Fitted with any make of cylinder desired. The latch is reversible. Also with strong French spring cap¬ able of supporting any size lever handle. Has stops in face and can be operated from front by knob or lever handle, or a key. Inside by thumb latch and a knob or lever handle. We can also furnish the same sizes in Vesti¬ bule Latches, and with rabbetted face, either as front or vestibule door lock. E —Sf I \ y \ V s P. E. GUERIN, Inc. HAND OF DOOR FROM HALL SIDE Casements with Espagnolette Holt Casements with Cremorne Bolts The above cut represents the hands of doors as taken from Hall side, and in the casements from room side, and while we have shown a lever handle, yet at the same time, providing the stile of door is wide enough, (at least 4J4"), can use knobs in place of lever handles. Also, when describing the hand of communicating doors, it would be well to give the hand of lock door when pushing it from you, and on closet doors, the hinge side. P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 1.) r CUTS /2 NATURAL SIZE CREMORNE BOLTS GOTHIC I (FR. CREMONES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 18 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r \ CREMORNE BOLTS RENAISSANCE (FR. CR EM ONES) CUTS ^ NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 51 23 47 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 19 r CREMORNE BOLTS RENAISSANCE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT l’AGE 5 (PR. CREMONES) NATURAL SIZE I.OUIS XVI J *1 ‘24 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r CREMORNE BOLTS louis xiv (FR. CREMONES) CUTS yi NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 9 o 9*2 16 A P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 25 r CREMORNE BOLTS LOUIS XIV CUTS 34 NATURAL SIZE (FR. CREMONES) when ordering consult page V 8 •20 29 P. E. GUERIN, Inc r CREMORNE BOLTS CUTS % NATURAL SIZE (FR. CREMONES) LOUIS XV WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 30 CREMORNE BOLTS LOUIS XV I V CUTS NATURAL SIZI (Fl\. CREMONES; W> l 70 19 WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 117 36 P. E. GUERIN, Inc -- --\ CREMORNE BOLTS LOUIS XVI (FR. CREMONES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. s: CREMORNE BOLTS LOUIS XVI (FR. CllEMONES) CUTS NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE KvSf lev HB; mu 54jiW "N 5 CREMORNE BOLTS louis xvi NATURAL SIZE (FR. CREMONES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 CUTS 1 - Jii.: 38 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 39 CREMORNE BOLTS LOUIS XVI CUTS % NATURAL SIZE (FR. CREMONES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 5 15 6 40 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. CREMORNE BOLTS louis xvi WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 5 CUTS % NATURAL SIZE (FR. CREMONES) US P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 41 ( CREMORNE BOLTS LOUIS XVI 47 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. CREMORNE BOLTS EMPIRE CUTS J* NATURAL SIZE (FR. CREMONES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 10 *21 *22 12 11 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc. .51 CREMORNE BOLTS ENGLISH CUTS # NATURAL SIZE (FR. CREMONES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 52 r CREMORNE BOLTS ENGLISH 89 73 30 33 35 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc. ;>a CREMORNE BOLTS English CUTS H NATURAL SIZE (FR. C REM ONES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. CREMORNE BOLTS (FR. CREMONES) PLAIN WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 i> P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 58 r CUTS ^ NATURAL SIZE CREMORNE BOLTS plain (FR. CREW ONES) WROUGHT WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE P. E. GUERIN, Inc. .)9 CREMORNE BOLTS VARIOUS STYLES (FR. CREMONES) CUTS 48 & 49 — % NATURAL SIZE. CUT 74 NATURAL. WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 2 Cremorne Bolts operated with Espagnolette Handles 1 Cremorne Bolt operated from Both Sides. Showing Cremorne Bolt operated from both sides and locked on one side bv Knob A. OVAL KNOB 49' ROUND ROD 48 ROUND ROD P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 62 ESPAGNOLETTE BOLTS plain CUTS % NATURAL SIZE (Fll. ESPAGXOIvETTES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 4 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. ESPAGNOLETTE BOLTS RENAISSANCE (ER. ESPAGNOLETTES) ( ITS >2 NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. ESPAGNOLETTE BOLTS LOUIS XV (FR. ESPAGNOI,ETTES) CUTS K NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 END-GUIDE 121 39 TO P. E. GUERIN, Inc. ESPAGNOLETTE BOLTS LOUIS XV CUTS 54 NATURAL SIZE (FR. ESPAGXOLETTES) WHEN ORDERING COSULT PAGE 4 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 74 r ESPAGNOLETTE BOLTS LOUIS XVI I A P. E. GUERIN, Inc. ESPAGNOLETTE BOLTS louis xvi CITS 'A NATURAL SIZE (Ell. ESPAGNOLETTES) WHEN ORDERING CONSUI/I' PAGE 4 4*2 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. '6 ESPAGNOLETTE BOLTS louis xvi (FR. ESPAGNOLETTES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAG) NATURAL SIXI 1)8 37 I 01) ! SI P. E. GUERIN, Inc. louis xiv ESPAGNOLETTE BOLTS louis xvi er rs natural size (Fit. ESP A GN O LETTES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 88 101 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc. STRIKE PLATES NATURAL SIZE P. E. GUERIN, Inc. S4 r SURFACE BOLTS VARIOUS STYLES CITS C NATURAL SIZE (FR. VERROI S) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 P. E. GUERIN. Inc. so — SLIDING BOLTS & SHUTTER BARS VARIOUS STYLES CUTS >4 NATURAL SIZE (Fll. TOURNIQUETS ET TAltGETTES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 nvn E i 1 1 §§ •a; c r. ■m : .,j f &:? . #« * . >«.—A.*-a m #. *• • B iif | ► - g Wl, fr* G ***** fell ©J 3503 3511 3505 3512 3500 3507 1500 3504 3502 3510 3501 V_ 3514 3513 350S 88 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. LEVER HANDLES plain (FR. BEQUILLES) CITS NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 91 CUTS ^ NATURAL SIZE A LEVER HANDLES GOTHIC I (ER. BEQUILLES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 540 7*20 606 .556 00‘2 608 92 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r CUTS >4 NATURAL SIZE \ LEVER HANDLES GOTHIC (FR. BEQUILLES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 96 r LEVER HANDLES renaissance CUTS fl NATURAL SIZE (FR. BEQUILLES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 670 500 744 6 22 97 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. A LEVER HANDLES RENAISSANCE (FR. BEQUILLES) CUTS % NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 101 LEVER HANDLES louis xiy (FR. BEQUILLES; CUTS 55 NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 613 751 736 650 738 \ 703 540 651 632 592 728 742 558 688 "\ 104 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r CUTS Yi NATURAL SIZE ---\ LEVER HANDLES LOUIS XV (Eli. BEQUILLES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 488 .572 491) 498 .5(51 ,5(50 .571 570 701 710 604 711 .583 68.5 (586 (584 (587 J r CUTS % NATURAL SIZE LEVER A HANDLES LOUIS XV I (FR. BEQUILLES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 .528 .529 106 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r CUTS NATURAL SIZE LEVER HANDLES (FR. BEQUILLES) LOUIS XV WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 107 - \ LEVER HANDLES louis xv (F1L BEQU1LLES) CUTS % NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 478 4 7 i 11‘2 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. CUTS % LEVER HANDLES LOUIS XVI NATURAL SIZE (Fll. BEQUILLES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT oil 512 (>!(*» 612 504 589 587 658 704 (>78 PAGE 5 584 679 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 113 LEVER HANDLES LOUIS XVI | (FR. BEQUILLES) ^ NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 556 114 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. LEVER HANDLES LOUIS XVI (FR. BEQUILLES) CUTS % NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 .588 TED J P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 11.5 r CUTS NATURAL SIZE , LEVER HANDLES louis xvi (ER. BEQU1LLES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 5 116 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. CUTS NATURAL SIZE LEVER HANDLES LOUIS XVI (FR. BEQUILLES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 778 638 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 122 r n LEVER HANDLES EMPIRE & ART NOUVEAU ! (Ell. BEQUILLES) CUTS ^ NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 124 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r "\ CUTS % NATURAL SIZE LEVER HANDLES ENGLISH (FR. BEQU1LLES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 r CUTS } P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 127 LEVER HANDLES WOOD & CELLULOID I (Fit. BEQUILLES) i NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 V. 129 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r CUTS FULL SIZE LEVER HANDLES CUT GLASS (FR. BEQUILLES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 5 626 628 625 627 P. E. GUERIN, Inc 130 LEVER HANDLES CUT GLASS (Fll. BEQUIELES) CUTS FULL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 5 0'29 630 891 CUT GLASS DOOR KNOB (FR. BOUTON FIXE) P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 136 DOOR KNOBS gothic CUTS >2 NATURAL SIZE (FR. BOUTONS) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 842 929 931 930 847 1042 787 924 922 <>74 709 105(5 103.5 1008 10 . 5.5 984 10.50 1007 488 489 1084 800 1041 1009 1093 990 1094 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 849 550 070 075 TEE HANDLES 1048 549 CUTS % NATURAL SIZE 1077 1061 - . DOOR KNOBS GOTHIC j (FU. BOUTONS) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 1062 408 1080 1038 1076 1121 673 1040 857 1 039 814 851 141 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r CUTS NATURAL SIZE "A DOOR KNOBS RENAISSANCE (FR. BOUTONS) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 748 950 951 955 954 708 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 142 r CUTS NATURAL SIZE N DOOR KNOBS RENAISSANCE I (FR. BOUTONS) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 V 147 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r DOOR KNOBS lows xiv ('I TS ^2 NATURAL SIZE (FR. BOUTONS) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 (585 150 744 130 161 146 830 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 150 r CUTS K NATURAL SIZE "N DOOR KNOBS louis xv (FR. BOUTONS) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 708 67*2 678 711 669 666 691 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 151 r CUTS >2 NATURAL SIZE DOOR KNOBS louis xv (FR. BOUTONS) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. CUTS NATURAL SIZE 157 \ DOOR KNOBS LOUIS XVI (FU. BOUTONS) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 1)38 982 731 934 734 797 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 158 r DOOR KNOBS louis xvi (FR. BOUTONS) CUTS >2 NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 3 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r 159 CUTS NATURAL SIZE DOOR KNOBS lows xvi (Fll. BOUTONS) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 I < I 837 770 229 732 733 1083 872 1124 1082 1004 397 1081 245 1085 149 831 774 77 094 835 7 V 160 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r CUTS NATURAL SIZE DOOR KNOBS LOUIS XVI (FR. BOUTONS) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 1087 715 1088 1074 807 738 1109 708 785 803 723 724 908 714 0(50 600 1003 1000 1045 726 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. itn 162 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 1)67 820 968 820 753 881 1070 1073 921 900 907 763 794 1071 1072 1036 772 760 DOOR KNOBS louis xvi CUTS 54 NATURAL SIZE (Fit. BOUTONS) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 3 1089 1090 944 1075 765 1114 532 759 758 r 757 720 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 168 CUTS NATURAL SIZE DOOR KNOBS EMPIRE (FR. BOUTONS) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 ART NOUVEAU 171 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r DOOR KNOBS ENGLISH CUTS >4 NATURAL SIZE (FR. BOUTONS) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 970 971 1007 989 988 806 987 1141 1142 1123 1143 1106 1107 1027 1026 1028 1027 1137 1138 1022 1029 1030 1134 1137 1136 1012 1013 1002 1171 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 172 CUTS NATURAL SIZE \ DOOR KNOBS ENGLISH (FR. BOUTONS) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 ITS P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r curs H natural size DOOR KNOBS ENGLISH (FR. BOUTONS) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 174 r CUTS % NATURAL SIZE A DOOR KNOBS English (FR. BOUTONS) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 3 1009 1010 1000 1007 100S 890 889 1011 1017 1018 FULL SIZE 1019 1020 CAST AND WROUGHT 888 887 FOR SMALLER SIZES OF THESE SEE CATALOGUE No. 3 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 175 A DOOR KNOBS ENGLISH (FR. BOUTONS) CUTS A NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 3 839 875 1105 824 799 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 170 r CUTS NATURAL SIZE DOOR KNOBS PLAIN ENGLISH (FR. BOUTONS) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 901 1108 888 828 10.57 89.5 180 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. FURNITURE DRAWER KNOBS VARIOUS STYLES •217 ‘218 170 109 (FR. BOUTON POUR TIROIR) CUTS 15(3, 45, 4ti, 25, ‘263, 262, 30, 285, 287, 289, 178, 284 NATURAL SIZE BALANCE NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 SAMPLE SHEET OF ASSORTED FURNITURE DRAWER KNOBS — OTHER SHEETS ON APPLICATION 193 191 190 •285 *287 284- *289 178 225 156 263 262 J I* K Gt'KKIK. Inc. |si ROSES FOR KNOBS \ LEVER HANDLES n «> an IIMAm h»I K IMil TOXS K.T Hl. lir. sr.HHI MI.M Clf» H n»n Ml *UM «m\ Utiuivi (Inn It r«U 6 TIIMK ROMS » AN HI Al.TIHIIt TO si II toNOITIONs RbKiOIV Ol 182 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. — ROSES FOR KNOBS & LEVER HANDLES PLAIN (FR. ROSACES FOUR BOUTONS ET BEQUILLES DE SERRURES) CUTS ^ NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 WROUGHT 048 0155 0104 037 0157 0191 WROUGHT 0190 0150 0280 044 0172 0280 0279 0284 0244 0209 0308 0181 0218 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 180 r ROSES FOR KNOBS & LEVER HANDLES GOTHIC AND EMPIRE (FR. ROSACES POUR BOUTONS ET BEQUILLES DE SERRURES) CUTS A NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 6 040 0322 0230 0232 0298 0104 0198 0330 045 0140 0277 071 0114 0125 0120 0115 0129 0107 027 041 034 058 0110 0127 189 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. ROSES FOR KNOBS & LEVER HANDLES RENAISSANCE (FR. ROSACES POUR BOUTONS ET BEQUILLES DE SERllURES) CUTS >4 NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 06G 0147 0132 0300 093 A 0142 0247 0248 0292 0294 0288 0148 0287 0170 003 090 0302 061 0249 042 J r P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 190 N ROSES FOR KNOBS h LEVER HANDLES RENAISSANCE (FR. ROSACES POUR BOUTONS ET BEQUILLES DE SERRURES) CUTS # NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 0143 0111 0100 OSD 0113 193 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. ROSES FOR KNOBS & LEVER HANDLES LOUIS XIV (FU. ROSACES POUR BOUTONS ET BEQUILLES 1)E SERRURES) CUTS V NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 6 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 19.5 --- ROSES FOR KNOBS & LEVER HANDLES LOUIS XV (FR. ROSACES FOUR BOUTONS ET BEQUILLES DE SERRURES) CUTS % NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 0105 070 0188 008 019 0152 0282 065 028 088 198 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r ROSES FOR KNOBS & LEVER HANDLES LOUIS XVI (FR. ROSACES POUR BOUTONS ET BEQUILLES DE SERRURES) CUTS ‘2 NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 0280 0290 0266 064 017 0146 0151 0144 083 0335 038 0272 010 031 0131 0273 0139 0193 014 0254 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 199 ROSES FOR KNOBS & LEVER HANDLES LOUIS XVI (Fit. ROSACES POUR BOUTONS ET BEQUILLES DE SERRURES) CUTS A NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 0110 0268 ( i s' A ■W’V&K 0165 0263 0138 0145 0332 0331 0333 0334 081 06 0262 V. ‘200 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r 'A ROSES FOR KNOBS h LEVER HANDLES LOUIS XVI (FR. ROSACES POUR BOUTONS ET BEQUILLES DE SERRURES) CUTS }£ NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 0-257 0823 0-214 035 0 - 24*2 0206 0-211 0-207 0140 0-213 015 095 0310 006 007 0-243 0305 0158 0175 0106 076 0-26 0101 03*20 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 204 r ROSES FOR KNOBS & LEVER HANDLES ENGLISH (Fit. ROSACES POUR BOUTONS ET BEQUILLES DE SERRURES) CUTS Yn NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 092 0271 023.5 0236 0234 0321 0311 0281 0124 v '^tnr > 0274 0301 0123 0299 0122 0316 0296 20.5 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r ROSES FOR KNOBS & LEVER HANDLES ENGLISH (FR. ROSACES POUR BOUTONS ET BEQUILLES DE SERRURES) CUTS K NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 0168 WROUGHT 0199 WROUGHT 0200 WROUGHT 0201 WROUGHT 0202 WROUGHT 0233 0211 02-10 0330 0267 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 206 ROSES FOR KNOBS & LEVER HANDLES ENGLISH (FR. ROSACES POUR BOUTONS ET BEQUILLES 1)E SERRURES) CUTS NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 0300 0*225 03 IS 0270 0320 0324 010S 0201 0204 0252 0237 004 0177 0178 055 0100 WROUGHT 0105 0101 0150 WROUGHT 0100 210 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r CUTS FULL SIZE KEY HOLES PLAIN (FR. ENTREES DE SERRURES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 i J P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 211 KEY HOLES PLAIN (FR. ENTREES DE SERRURES) CUTS FULL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 V. 212 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. CUTS K NATURAL SIZE - \ KEY HOLES PLAIN (FR. ENTREES I)E SERRURES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 216 r "\ KEY HOLES LOUIS XIV & GOTHIC (FR. ENTREES I)E SERRFRES) CUTS ^ NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 1104 487 1024 1003 1013 1064 189 219 i P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r CUTS >4 NATURAL SIZE A KEY HOLES RENAISSANCE (Fll. ENTREES UE SERRURES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 4 708 008 686 919 648 1112 915 632 601 508 689 655 1001 978 648 1020 920 932 1056 1199 1022 1028 1081 P. E. GUERIN. Inc. 222 KEY HOLES LOUIS XV (FR. ENTREES DE SERRURES) CUTS /4 NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 23(1 484 48.5 (180 681 492 1102 623 187 628 1025 677 701 653 674 532 951 6.34 531 572 198 286 957 1048 489 237 232 980 225 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. KEY HOLES LOUIS XVI (FR. ENTREES UE SERRURES) CUTS ^ NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 4 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 226 r CUTS >4 NATURAL SIZE . ^ KEY HOLES LOUIS XVI (FR. ENTREES DE SERRURES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 18 256 675 598 658 608 230 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. \ KEY HOLES EMPIRE (FR. ENTREES DE SERRURES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 151 295 296 299 684 887 311 712 937 1087 836 319 182 320 162 CUTS NATURAL SIZE 305 308 309 310 833 316 126 1080 909 226 627 314 317 669 132 303 304 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 232 r CUTS NATURAL SIZE N KEY HOLES ENGLISH j (EH. ENTREES DE SERRURES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 1008 1193 MM0 jr'. y J V\N jr ft 1062 V P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 233 KEY HOLES ENGLISH CUTS ft NATURAL SIZE 7*20 984 (FR. ENTREES DE SERRURES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 1004 1032 1033 1068 969 1067 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc 236 ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES PLAIN CUTS % NATURAL SIZE (ENTREES ET PLAQUES HE PROPRETE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 P. E. GUERIN, Inc -N ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES plain (ENTREES ET PLAQUES I)E PROPRETE) CUTS l A NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 242 ESCUTCHEON k PUSH PLATES GOTHIC I CUTS ^2 NATURAL SIZE (ENTREES ET PLAQUES DE PROPRETE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 P. E. GUERIN, Inc 243 r ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES gothic (ENTREES ET PLAQUES DE PROPItETE) r'TT'rc i.i WATT’Pil «T 7 E CONSULT PAGE 4 I m ■ ■ ! * d 1496 1804 P. E. GUERIN, Inc 248 -- ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES RENAISSANCE CUTS ^ NATURAL SIZE (ENTREES ET PLAQUES DE PROPRETE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 4 1*293 1301 V. 24!) P. E. GUERIN, Inc ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES RENAISSANCE (ENTREES ET CUTS c NATURAL SIZE PLAQUES DE PROPRETE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 1518 1748 1888 1407 1784 1328 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 250 r ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES RENAISSANCE (ENTREES ET PLAQUES 1)E PROPRETE) 251 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r CUTS % NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 1818 1816 ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES RENAISSANCE (ENTREES ET PLAQUES RE PROPRETE 1759 i J -f P. E. GUERIN, Inc 252 ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES RENAISSANCE (ENTREES ET PLAQUES 1)E PROP11ETE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 CUTS % NATURAE SIZE 1481 1453 145*2 1417 1454 1479 1745 13V>7 143*2 P. E. GUERIN, Inc 253 ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES (ENTREES ET PLAQUES I)E PROPRETE) CUTS % NATURAL SIZE WHEN 1 . 54.5 1.537 1399 IS] 2 1811 1396 1401 N RENAISSANCE ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 1.577 P. E. GUERIN, Inc 258 ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES louis xiv CUTS % NATURAL SIZE (ENTREES ET PLAQUES DE PROPRETE). WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 1850 1540 1708 1557 1793 1485 P. E. GUERIN, Inc 259 r ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES LOUIS XIV (ENTREES ET PLAQUES 1)E PROPRETE) SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 ~A us; i 17U 1519 1525 1529 1525 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 2(50 ESCUTCHEON k PUSH PLATES LOUIS XIV CUTS >4 NATURAL SIZE ENTREES ET PLAQUES 1)E PROPRETE) n w w ft fl I WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 1810 1788 1870 >V fMIf 26(5 P. E. GUERIN, Inc ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES LOUIS XV CUTS >2 NATURAL SIZE (ENTREES ET PLAQUES 1)E PHOPRETE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 1701 1700 1410 1752 1706 1576 1573 1564 1294 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 267 ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES LOUIS XV CUTS H NATURAL SIZE (ENTREES ET PLAQUES UE PROP11ETE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 15-20 1528 1524 1815 1504 1508 1512 268 P. E. GUERIN, Inc r ESCUTCHEON k PUSH PLATES LOUIS XV 1 (ENTREES ET PLAQUES DE PROPRETE) 1441 CUTS NATURAL SIZE 1794 1442 1443 WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 1782 1444 P. E. GUERIN, Inc 2(39 ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES LOUIS XV (ENTREES ET PLAQUES I)E PROPRETE) WHEN ORDER¬ ING CONSULT RAGE 4 CUTS U NATURAL SIZE > 1 ■M u-' • :i 1440 1308 V. 1321 • 3(0 270 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. (ENTREES ET PLAQUES DE PROPRETE) at e v/V ^ WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 1368 ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES LOUIS XV 1710 1556 1555 1511 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc. -71 A ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES (ENTREES ET PLAQUES DE PROPRETE) CUTS ^ NATURAL SIZE LOUIS XV WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 1516 1840 1852 27 2 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES LOUIS XV CUTS % NATURAL SIZE ENTREES ET PLAQUES I)E PROPRETE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 17'27 P. E. GUERIN, Inc 279 ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES louis xvi (ENTREES ET PLAQUES UE PROPRETE) CUTS Yi NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 280 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES LOUIS XVI PROPRETE) (ENTREES ET PLAQUES 1)E WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 mgatma 1489 1506 1509 1888 1510 1582 P. E. GUERIN, Inc 281 ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES LOUIS XVI CUTS ^ NATURAL SIZE (ENTREES ET PLAQUES L)E PROPRETE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 1807 1721 1586 1332 1471 1470 282 P. E. GUERIN, Inc r CUTS ^2 ESCUTCHEON (ENTREES NATURAL SIZE h PUSH PLATES LOUIS XVI ET PLAQUES DE PROPRETE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 4 1304 1505 1384 1324 1405 1336 1414 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 283 f --A ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES LOUIS XVI (ENTREES ET PLAQUES DE PROPRETE) CUTS C NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 1406 1781 1871 1813 V_ 1776 284 P. E. GUERIN, Inc A ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES LOUIS XVI CUTS >4 NATURAL SIZE (ENTREES ET PLAQUES BE PROPRETE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 1 5.‘IS 1551 1339 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc 285 ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES LOUIS XVI (ENTREES ET PLAQUES 1)E PROPRETE) CUTS >4 NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 286 P. E. GUERIN, Inc ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES LOUIS XVI (ENTREES ET PLAQUES 1)E PROPRETE) CUTS >4 NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 P. E. GUERIN, Inc 28' ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES louis xvi (ENTREES ET PLAQUES DE PROPRETE) CUTS H NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT F 1720 1312 1526 1526 1530 1311 1732 1738 AGE 4 1389 296 P. E. GUERIN, Inc r n ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES EMPIRE (ENTREES ET PLAQUES DE PROPRETE) CUTS K NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 P. E. GUERIN, Inc 29? --- ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES EMPIRE (ENTREES ET PLAQUES 1)E PROPRETE) CUTS NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 V 300 P. E. GUERIN, Inc ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES ENGLISH CUTS ^ NATURAL SIZE (ENTREES ET PLAQUES DE PROPRETE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 1795 1780 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. aoi ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES ENGLISH 1 (ENTREES ET PLAQUES DE PROPRETE) CUTS A NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 1766 1 V. 1482 P. E. GUERIN, Inc 302 ESCUTCHEON & PUSH PLATES ENGLISH CUTS K NATURAL SIZE (ENTREES ET PLAQUES DE PROPRETE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 1769 1751 1547 1797 1791 1503 1764 1712 1354 P. E. GUERIN, Inc 306 r SLIDING DOOR CUP ESCUTCHEONS RENAISSANCE 1 CUTS J A NATURAL SIZE (FR. CUVETTE 1)E FORTES A COULISSE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 307 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. ENGLISH and RENAISSANCE SLIDING DOOR CUP ESCUTCHEONS (FR. CUVETTE DE FORTES A COULISSE) CUTS Vi NATURAL SIZE | WHEN ORDI 1628 WITH HANDLE 1681 1448 1 629 1632 1625 1626 1627 1642 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 810 c ^ SLIDING DOOR CUP ESCUTCHEONS LOUIS XIV i CUTS # NATURAL SIZE (FR. CUVETTE 1)E FORTES A COULISSE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 6 1400 1010 1580 V P. E. GUERIN, Inc 314 r 1387 1614 (FR. CUVETTE I)E FORTES A COULISSE) CUTS U NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CON¬ SULT RAGE 6 I486 ESCUTCHEONS 1607 SLIDING DOOR CUP LOUIS XV AND EMPIRE 1488 1603 1300 1624 1429 1499 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc 315 r SLIDING DOOR CUP ESCUTCHEONS LOUIS XV (FR. CUVETTE DE FORTES A COULISSE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 CUTS % NATURAL SIZE P. E. GUERIN, Inc 31 ti r SLIDING DOOR CUP ESCUTCHEONS louis xv CUTS Yt. natural size (FR. CUVETTE DE FORTES A COULISSE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 1590 1587 1455 1348 13*29 1344 P. E. GUERIN, Inc 320 SLIDING DOOR CUP ESCUTCHEONS LOUIS xvi CUTS NATURAL SIZE (FR. CUVETTE DE FORTES A COULISSE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 1 400 146*2 1446 1436 1494 1418 1317 1600 16)34 1639 1622 1416 1637 6 321 P. E. GUERIN, Inc SLIDING DOOR CUP CUTS X A NATURAL SIZE (FR. CUV1 ESCUTCHEONS louis xvi and gothic :ttf de fortes a coulisse) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 322 SLIDING DOOR CUP ESCUTCHEONS LOUIS XVI 1 (FR. CUVETTE DE ROUTES A COULISSE) NATURAL SIZE CONSULT PAGE 6 CUTS WHEN ORDERING 1319 1500 1430 1 3*23 1385 1619 1458 P. E. GUERIN, Inc 323 SLIDING DOOR CUP ESCUTCHEONS louis xvi CUTS >4 NATURAL SIZE (FU. CUVETTE I)E FORTES A COULISSE) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 1688 1313 1456 1391 1413 1492 1393 1476 1477 1630 1420 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 332 r SASH LIFTS various styles (Fit. CUVETTES DE FENETRES) CUTS % NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 1280 2029 2028 2027 335 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. SASH LIFTS LOUIS XV & RENAISSANCE (FR. CUVETTES DE FEN ET RES) CUTS % NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 6 1590 1287 1285 2018 2012 1597 2010 1381 1451 417 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 338 5 SASH LIFTS LOUIS XIV k LOUIS XVI I (FR. CUVETTES DE FEN ET RES) CUTS Vt, natural size when ordering consult page 6 1885 416 1607 342 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. CUTS % NATURAL SIZE -- SASH LIFTS LOUIS XVI FR. CUVETTES 1)E FENET11ES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 6 1288 1419 1493 1473 2043 2008 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 346 SASH LIFTS ENGLISH (FR. CUVETTES 1)E FENETRES) CUTS K NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 6 1594 1595 2033 1004 1598 2006 1422 2045 2044 1153 2040 2024 2039 1155 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 34!) FRENCH HINGES also AMERICAN HINGES with ORNAMENTAL TIPS GOTHIC (FR. PAUMELLES; CUTS % NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGES 3 & 4 952 943 958 904 1 991 915 968 992 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 353 -- N FRENCH HINGES also AMERICAN HINGES with ORNAMENTAL TIPS RENAISSANCE CUTS % NATURAL SIZE (FR. PAUMEEEES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGES 3 N 4 V. 355 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r FRENCH HINGES LOUIS XIV, XV & RENAISSANCE (KK, PArM KI.I.KSi r I 972 CUTS ^ NATURAL SIZE 918 916 WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 930 919 990 965 941 9*21 985 917 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 359 FRENCH HINGES ALSO AMERICAN HINGES WITH ORNAMENTAL KNUCKLES LOUIS XVI (FR. PAUMELLES) CUTS Vt. natural size when ordering consult pages 3 & 4 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 360 r FRENCH HINGES LOUIS XVI CUTS NATURAL SIZE (FR. PAUMELLES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 947 9*20 0 924 979 982 984 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc 361 FRENCH HINGES ALSO COCOON HINGES VARIOUS STYLES (FH. PAUMEEEES) CUTS >4 NATURAL SIZE 942 925 WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGES 3 & 4 I3&T7-3 o 0 O 945 944 V * \ ’ ' r Nil • $ - • I ft J — } . a J 937 967 936 903 365 P. E. GUERIN, Inc ( -o AMERICAN HINGES with ORNAMENTAL TIPS VARIOUS STYLES CUTS ^4 NATURAL SIZE 1001 (FR. l’AUMKLEES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 1013 1014 1015 976 960 1012 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 370 r ^ FRENCH RIM LOCKS VARIOUS STYLES I (FR. SERRURES) CUTS ^ NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 115 373 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. — --- . FRENCH RIM LOCKS RENAISSANCE (FR. SERRURES) CUTS # NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 P. E. GUERIN, Inc 375 - - N FRENCH RIM LOCKS LOUIS XV (FR. SERRURES) CUTS NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 104 876 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r -- FRENCH RIM LOCKS LOUIS XV (FR. SERRURES) CUTS % NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 14.2 P. E. GUERIN, Inc 377 FRENCH CUTS NATURAL SIZE RIM LOCKS LOUIS XV j (FR. SERRURES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 107 101 381 P. E. GUERIN, Inc / - FRENCH RIM LOCKS LOUIS XVI CUTS # NATURAL SIZE (FR. SERRURES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 140 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 382 - ^ FRENCH RIM LOCKS LOUIS XVI (FR. SERRURES) CUTS # NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 125 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 383 r FRENCH RIM LOCKS (FR. SERRURES) CUTS % NATURAL SIZE LOUIS XVI WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 4 I ■■■■■■ ■ fryTjg ' rer g r^ g Trfc T ^ ’ rf no in J P. E. GUERIN, Inc FRENCH RIM LOCKS VARIOUS STYLES A CUTS # NATURAL SIZE (FR. SERRURES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 133 120 137 388 P. E. GUERIN, Inc r CUTS % FRENCH RIM LOCKS ENGLISH FR. SERRURES) NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 164 — 1 —'—' —- IWBIIIIBIIliWH MB eff « ■>< ■ » ■ . . r,.* ' _-_-_ ^g^gg gB g g iTBfW; — ..I. .7‘ 139 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 391 r a CREMORNE LOCK RENAISSANCE (FR. CREMONE SERRUllES) CUTS NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 129 V. P. E. GUERIN, Inc 393 -— N CREMORNE LOCK LOUIS XVI (FR. CREMONE SERRURES) GUI'S Yt. NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 131 J P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 394 "A CREMORNE LOCK LOUIS XVI ! (FR. CREMONE SERRURES) CUTS NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 J 130 396 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 397 3 TUMBLER MORTISE LOCKS and LATCHES UPRIGHT ELEVATION WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 5, ALSO PAGE 396 CUTS FULL SIZE desired, furnish any key shown on Pages 307, 400, 402, 404 and 406 at additional expense, price depending on selection, finish and color. lV X %■ B. S. No. 222 1 " x 3g« B. S. No. 320 400 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. KEYS RENAISSANCE CUTS ^ NATURAL SIZE (FR. CEES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 r P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 401 CUTS M NATURAL SIZE KEYS VARIOUS STYLES (FR. CLES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 402 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. CUTS NATURAL SIZE KEYS LOUIS XV (FR. CLES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 r P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 404 CUTS A NATURAL SIZE KEYS LOUIS XVI N WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 406 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. r CUTS NATURAL SIZE KEYS ENGLISH (FR. CLES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 J r V. P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 408 DOOR HANDLES VARIOUS STYLES CL’TS ^ NATURAL SIZE (FR. POIGNEES DE FORTES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 813 411 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. DOOR HANDLES VARIOUS STYLES 823 805 824 834 CUTS % NATURAL SIZE 817 810 810 821 682 818 WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 718 822 833 (FR. POIGNEES DE PORTES) 683 719 800 r P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 414 DOOR KNOCKERS VARIOUS STYLES CUTS % NATURAL SIZE SAMPLE SHEET OF (FR. MARTEAUX DE FORTES) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE ASSORTED DOOR KNOCKERS — OTHER SHEETS ON APPLICATION 3 10010 10017 10028 418 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. -- DOOR STOPS & DUTCH BOLTS PLAIN (FR. ARRETS POUR FORTES ET VERROUS) CUTS ^ NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGES 3 & 4 r P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 422 CASEMENT ADJUSTERS and MORTISE EXTENSION BOLT VARIOUS STYLES (FR. VERROUS MORTA1SE ET AJUSTEURE DE FENETRES) CUTS # NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 V. 4 426 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. PUSH BUTTONS various styles 4575 CUTS % NATURAL SIZE 4571 4565 WHEN ORDERING CON¬ SULT PAGE 5 4563 (FR. BUTTONS POUR SONNER1E ELECTRIC) 4564 4561 4559 4558 4562 4556 4553 4.) 4 4 4549 4539 4546 4548 4543 4533 4536 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. +29 ---A PUSH BUTTONS LOUIS XVI (FR. BUTTONS POUR SONNERIE ELECTRIC) CUTS NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 4579 4585 4578 4581 45(10 4554 4547 4555 4534 4538 432 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. CURTAIN ROSETTES & LOOPS VARIOUS STYLES (FR. PATERS ET RINCEAUX) 635 3054 WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 3 3001 3043 3020 3015 3006 3004 SAMPLE SHEET OF ASSORTED CURTAIN ROSETTES AND LOOPS — OTHER SHEETS ON APPLICATION CUTS NATURAL SIZE 3041 3020 3008 3019 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 433 ROPE BRACKETS VARIOUS STYLES ' (FR. ANEAUX DE RAM PE) 6003 6008 6017 .6007 6016 6004 6002 434 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 1138 1129 1120 1110 1142 1133 HAT PINS VARIOUS STYLES CUTS M NATURAL SIZE (FR. PORTE-CHAPEAUX) WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 SAMPLE SHEET OF ASSORTED HAT PINS — OTHER SHEETS ON APPLICATION P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 435 "5 GLASS KNOBS CUT & PRESSED (FR. BUTONS CRISTAL) CUTS Vt, natural size when ordering consult page 4 SAMPLE SHEET OF ASSORTED GLASS KNOBS — GLASS KNOB CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION 2910 - A 2678 8020-B ' 2719 2708 4i5i> P. E. GUERIN, Inc. GLASS KNOBS CUT & PRESSED (FR. BUTONS CRISTAL) CUTS K NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 4 SAMPLE SHEET OF ASSORTED GLASS KNOBS — GLASS KNOB CATALOGUE ON APPLICATION 2638 2646 2608 2617 2688 2696 2658 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 486 A 1 pr. Louis XIV double fold casement doors showing an espagnolette bolt. 1 pr. Louis XV double fold doors showing a rim lock and surface bolts. P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 4 .) i HAND PAINTED PORCELAIN KNOBS C'LTS FULL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 3538 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 438 HAND PAINTED PORCELAIN KNOBS CUTS FULL SIZE / w, WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 ONE EACH OF 9 DIFFERENT SERIES OF HAND PAINTED PORCELAIN KNOBS One each of 9 different series of Hand Painted Porcelain Knobs, each series containing 11 Knobs, (8 round and 8 oval), two roses and one key hole all of same sizes as the series shown on opposite page and as of profile shown at the bottom of both pages. (lO series of Knobs, one shown complete and the other 9 series only one each. SIDE PROFILES OF OVAL KNOBS, ROSES AND KEY HOLES 441 P. E. GUERIN, Inc. NEWEL POST URN LOUIS XVI (ER. VASE DE RAMPES) CUT FULL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT PAGE 5 410] P. E. GUERIN, Inc. 443 HANDLES FOR FURNITURE VARIOUS STYLES (ER. FOIGNEES DE MEUBLE) CUTS NATURAL SIZE WHEN ORDERING CONSULT RAGE 4 SAMPLE SHEET OF ASSORTED FURNITURE HANDLES — OTHER SHEETS ON APPLICATION P. E. GUERIN. Inc. FURNITURE KEY HOLES various styi.es FR ENTREES DE SERRURES RO MEUB1.E ' sample sheet X L .V v N' 5 ►f v^otiED nnsm. j.i ley hsiys — thee sheets on -: .t n . » t GETTY CENTER LIBRARY PRINTED AND BOUND BY Gibbs & Van Veeck, Inc. 241 -245 WEST 37th STREET NEW YORK CITY