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Hanfstaengl x Photo., 47 1 Angelica Kauffmann Angelica Kauffmann (Ear/ Spencer, Althorp) (Comte Spencer, Althorp) Angelica Kauffmann (A I thorp, Graf Spencer) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo, Mrs. Carnac Mmk. Carnac {Wallace Collection, London) {Collection Wallace, Londres) Mrs. Carnac {London, Sammlung Wallace) F. Ha*\fstaengl t Photo, 19 Nelly O'Brien Nelly O'Brien {Wallace Collection, London) {Collection Wallace ; Londres) Nelly O'Brien {London, Sammlung Wallace) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo, 20 5° Kitty Fisher Kitty Fisher {The Earl oj Crewe) (Comte de Crewe) Kitty Fisher {Graf von Crewe) F. Hanfstaengl, Photo. 5 Portrait of a Lady Portrait d'une Dame (Mrs. Musters) (Mme Musters) {National Gallery, London) {Galerie nationale, Londres) Bildnis einer Dame (Mrs. Musters) {London, Nationalgalerie) F. Han/staengl, Photo. 5* Mrs. Nesbitt Mme Nesbitt {Wallace Collection, London) {Collection Wallace, Londres) Mrs. Nesbitt {London, Sammlung Wallace) F. 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