Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/illustrationsoffOOnort w f%jA rw^ #iwiw»^ $V'»lat* 17 35 PLATE XVII. Pecopteris (Alethopteris) marginata. GrOEPP. This Plate aptly supplements Plate 213 of the “Fossil Flora.” In the latter a specimen is represented under the name Pecopteris marginata , the pinnules of which “seem to have been drawn a little together before the plant was fixed in the matrix” (“ Fossil Flora,” Vol. III., p. 165). In the present case the plant-fragment is pre¬ served in its natural position, and bears therefore but little resemblance in general form to that previously figured. There is no locality attached to this specimen, but the species is recorded from the shale lying immediately above the Bensham seam at Jarrow, whence this example probably came. Both drawing (by Prior) and Plate are of natural size. I’lubelH 37 PLATE XVIII. Pecopteris. Sp. The drawing from which this Plate is taken is marked u Pecopteris abbreviata ” in Hutton’s handwriting. This fern very probably belongs to the very variable group comprising the species Pecopteris polymorpha and Pecop¬ teris Miltoni , of which also the type Pecopteris abbreviata forms part. The latter variety has never, to our know¬ ledge, been found in the Northern coal-field, but Pecop¬ teris (or Cyatlieites ) Miltoni is recorded from the High Main shale whence the present specimen was obtained at the Felling Colliery. The drawing is by Prior, and is, like the Plate, of the. size of nature. Referring to this example is a note by Dr. Lindley:—- “ Too vague for determination.” (Hutton MSS.) - I 39 PLATE XIX. Sphemopteris macilenta. Lindl. and Hutt. Yar. This fragment seems to approach nearest to this species, which is, however, a rare one in the North of England. The locality is Jarrow, and the horizon is the shale above the Bensham seam. From the notes which have been preserved it appears that the authors of the u Fossil Flora” intended to attach a new name to this example. Natural size, original drawing by Prior. I*Lale 20 41 PLATE XX. Pecopteris (Cyatheides) arborescens. Bronx:. To this specific group, variable and elastic as it is, we refer this interesting specimen, which illustrates in a peculiarly obvious manner the great uncertainty which must always attend any serious attempt to follow a truly natural classification with regard to mere detached frag¬ ments of fern-fronds. PXere we have fortunately pre¬ served for us a sudden modification of pinnules which gives rise in the same plant to a diversity which, in less happily conditioned remains, would inevitably lead to the assumption that we had two species to deal with. With all but some very marked and constant species, nothing can be done beyond reference to some group of forms, with which a more or less close alliance can be claimed. The Pecopterids are perhaps more open to remarks of this kind than other Orders. “ The natural classification of these fossils,” says Schimpee, “ often so imperfect, pre¬ sents difficulties against which all endeavours in this direction have hitherto failed.” (“ Paleontologie Vegetale,” Vol. X., p. 498). The drawing is by Prioe, and is of the size of nature. The specimen comes from the shale roof of the Bensham coal-seam, Jarrow Colliery. D J'Late 21 43 PLATE XXI. Pecopteris (Cyatheides) oreopteridia. Brong. This small fragment of a frond of great size differs in some respects from the typical form of this species, with which, however, it agrees in essential particulars. It was found in the Bensham shale, Jarrow Colliery. The Plate and drawing (by Price) are of the natural size. 45 PLATE XXII. Pecopteris (Alethopteris) serra(?). Lindl. and Hutt. This elegant fern seems to hold a position midway between the type above named and Pecopteris Serin (Brong.) The group which embraces these types is a sufficiently distinct one in itself, but the forms compos¬ ing it are very difficult to separate, since they pass almost imperceptibly from one to the other by very minute gra¬ dations. In this specimen the number of lobes is much smaller than on the pinnules of the Pecopteris serra figured in the “Fossil Flora,” and the lobes are marginally entire. The fossil was found in the shale associated with the High Main coal in Felling Colliery. The drawing is by Prior, and is, as well as the Plate, of the natural size. J‘l ate 23 47 PLATE XXIII. Pecopteris serra(?), Lindl. and Hutt. This example belongs to the same group as the last (Plate XXII.) from which it differs in more closely appoximating to the Pecopteris serra type. The lobes are more strongly serrated than in the figured specimen already referred to (“ Fossil Flora,” Plate 107). The original drawing is inscribed in pencil (by Hutton?) “ Pecopteris Silesiaca the narrow rachis, how¬ ever, sufficiently separates it from that form, to which otherwise it bears considerable resemblance. The specimen comes from the shale above the Bensham seam, Jarrow Collierv. Drawing (by Prior) and Plate are of the natural size. 49 PLATE XXIV. Pecopteris (Alethopteris) Ionchitidis. Sterne. (Pecopteris heterophylla.) Lindl. and Htjtt. A remarkably fine specimen of this elegant fern. Here the ordinary characters of the species (which is a very common one) are found at the extremity of the pinna only. The rest presents many points of similarity with Pecopteris dentata although the lobes of the pinnules are quite entire. The species should be compared also with Pecopteris GlocJceri (Goepp.) and with Pecopteris Serlii, through which it is allied to the group referred to in con¬ nexion with Plates XXII. and XXIII. The autotype is about two-thirds of the original draw¬ ing (by Prior) which is of the natural size. This beautiful fossil came from the shale roof of the Bensham seam, Jarrow Colliery. Flair 25 V\UU y fytf y 51 PLATE XXV. Pecopteris pennaeformis. Brong. Another species of the same general character as the three last. Closely allied to Pecopteris dentata this form appears to differ from it, as the authors of the “ Fossil Flora ” remark, solely almost in the absence of crenelling of the lobes. This specimen is also from the Bensliam shale in Jarrow Colliery. The drawing (by Prior) and the Plate are both of the natural size. 53 PLATE XXVI. Pecopteris Silesiaca. Goepp. Yar. This specimen is nearly akin to the type-form of this species, from which it differs principally in the spacing of the lobes, which is greater than in Goeppert’s figure (“ Sytema Filicum Fossilium,” Plate 27). It is also allied, but more distantly, to Pecopteris oxyphilla of the same author. The fern, of which this is a mere fragment, must have been of very large size, since the drawing (by Prior) is one-half the size of nature, whilst the figure in the Plate is one-third smaller than in the drawing. N.B.—-The words “ half r natural size” in the Plate apply to the original drawing only. The fossil comes from the Bensham shale, Jarrow Colliery. Plate 2j ■ verity. <•«./. 55 PLATE XXVII. Neuropteris, Sp. Unfortunately no notes are to be found by means of which the history of this very beautiful specimen can be traced. It is called Pecopteris on the original drawing, but the manner in which the lobes are attached to the mid¬ rib, and the angles at which the nervures spring from it, give the frond an essentially Neuropterid character. The heterophyllous nature of the plant is remarkably well shown. The locality and horizon are both unknown. Plate 28 'v a (^/j r c at. 57 PLATE XXVIII. Sphenopteris. Sp. A most elegant Sphenopterid fern, allied to, but quite distinct from, Sphenopteris obovata. The specimen is, unfortunately, not to be found. It probably came from the Scarborough Oolites. The drawing is by T. Johnson. The extreme difficulty of specific determination with regard to the beautiful fronds which form the so-called genus Sphenopteris , is too generally admitted to need enlarging on here. The almost endless variety of forms, which there is yet good reason to believe belong to identical groups within the genus, affords a too ample field to the nomenclator, and commands caution in pro¬ posing new specific names. K -P/ate 29 Ji1a(fnc/u y (/ 59 PLATE XXIX. Pecopteris Saciniata. Linde. and ITutt. (Pecopteris [Alethopteris] muricata.) Goepp. In many respects this fern is strikingly Sphenop- teridian in form, a fact winch may account for the name attached to the original drawing —Sphenopteris macilenta. The venation is well seen in this specimen, an important character which was entirely absent in that figured in the u Fossil Flora,” Plate 122. The unusually acute angle at which the veins spring from the mid-ribs of the lobes is particularly well-shown here. This fossil was found in the Bensham shale in Jarrow Colliery. Drawing (by Pkiok) and Plate are both of the natural size. Hate 30 One 77'irtl Sty 61 PLATE XXX. Sphenopteris iatifolia. Brong. Var. A handsome form of this variable species. The specimen comes from the Bensham shale in Jarrow Colliery. The drawing, by Prior, is one-third of the natural size, as marked in our Plate, which is two-nintlis of the natural size. Plate, 31 63 PLATE XXXI. Sphenopteris latifolia. Brong. Yar. Another, but very different variety of this species. In the absence of venation little need be said respecting this specimen, which, like the last, comes from the shale roof of the Bensham seam, Jarrow Colliery. The drawing is by Pkior, and is, like our figure, of the natural size. The Pecopteridian affinities (as to form) of this variety will be readily observed. Tlate 32 65 PLATE XXXII. Sphenopteris linearis. Sterne. Var. This pretty fern appears to hold an intermediate posi¬ tion between the typical form of this species and the Sphenopteris obovata of the “Fossil Flora,” Plate 109 (= Adiantides microphyllus (Groepp.), a Cyclopterid form). The lobes are, in the present case, in nowise wedge- shaped, but the absence of the details of venation pre¬ cludes detailed description. The drawing (by Prior) and the Plate are of the natural size. The specimen comes from the Bensham shale, Jarrow Colliery. PlaU$ 67 PLATE XXXIII. Sphenopteris (Eremopteris) artemisisefolia (?). (Sternb.) Sch. Yar. It is with much doubt that this remarkable specimen is referred to this group—one which includes forms so delicate as Sphenopteris crithmifolia of Lindley and Hutton, and others, more like the present one, such as Sphenopteris stricta of Sternberg. One of the authors of the u Fossil Flora,” in a pencil note, seems tc hint that this may possibly be the im¬ pression of an alga. This and the three following Plates are from drawings by Mr. T. W. Embleton. The specimens represented came from the shale forming the roof of the High Main at Fawdon Colliery. c PlaP34< 69 PLATE XXXIY. Sphenopteris. Sp. This fossil also came from Fawdon Colliery, and from the same horizon as the last. The Plate is reduced one-third from the original drawing by Mr. Embleton. FI ate 35 71 PLATE XXXV. Sphenopteris. Sp. Probably the same as the last. (See remarks in the description of Plate XXXIII.) Both Plate and drawing are of the same size, and the latter is signed with Mr. Embleton’s monogram. Also from Fawdon Colliery. Tlate 36 73 PLATE XXXVI. Sphenopteris. Sp. This plant is as curious and as unsatisfactory as the three last. (See the remarks made with reference to Plate XXXIII.) From Fawdon Colliery. Drawing and Plate are of the same size; the former is by Mr. Embleton. F /'late , 3 / 75 PLATE XXXVII. Sphenopteris alciphylla. Prill. MS. Nothing need he added to the following letter of the late Professor John Phillips, the first part of which relates to this fossil. The rest will he welcome, it is thought, to all connected with Newcastle-on-Tyne, or interested in the British Association:— York, 26 th April, 1837. My Dear Hutton, I think it probable that the little favourite fossil plant, of which I send a drawing and enlargement [our Plate is a fac-simile of this original drawing by Professor Phillips], will win your affection, and cause Lindley no trouble. The specimen was found in sinking a Pit on the North-w r est side of the Diver Lune, near Oughton, in the series of Millstone Grit Docks, near a thin bed of coal, worked to some considerable extent, on the Diver Lune. With this Coal, which corresponds to that of Tan Hill, Pea Hill, Colsterdale, Penyghent, &c., as described in my work on the geology of Yorkshire, Yol. 2, occur Lepidodendron, Stigmaria, traces of ferns, Calamites, etc. At some distance above it are Goniatites, Posidoniae, and many other marine shells, some Crinoids, Corals, etc. The plant lies in a sandy laminated rock, here called Shiver (sandy shale) ; its substance is coal; the state of Conservation admirable. Its structure, etc., will be fully apparent to you from the drawing, which is of the natural size, and the enlargements. I never like to cause em- barassment on the subject of names, else I might propose for the plant the specific name of Alciphylla, from the odd resemblance to an elk’s horn which the leaf exhibits. It is in the possession of Mr. Webster, of Lancaster, who made the experiments for coal, and is kept by him as a specimen of the Docks sunk through, else I should have been allowed to transfer it to York. 76 I think the Newcastle Institutions have an excellent chance of per¬ suading the Association [Professor Phillips was one of the founders and the General Secretary of the British Association for the Advancement of Science] to visit the Tyne, either next year or very soon, because of the excellent spirit in which the deputations from the Lit. and N. H. Society [Literary and Philosophical and Natural History Societies] have urged and withdrawn their invitations—urged respectfully and withdrawn very generously, to save awkward discussions. I think you must be on the alert, to gain the next visit. You must assure the Committee, at Liver¬ pool, of the good extent of your apartments, their contiguity, etc. As many as seven sectional rooms, holding in seats from 150 to 450 members each, seven committee rooms adjacent, general evening conversation parties, the General Committee, Council, reception rooms, etc., must be also provided for (at least twenty in all). As to money, I hope the expenses of the visits may be gradually reduced to the compass of a philosopher’s wishes. At present it is a serious cost to the town which entertains; but on this, if you want any hints, I will send to you further. The apartments are the essential desiderata. Ever yours most truly, (Signed) JOHN PHILLIPS. (Hutton MSS.) One of the magnified portions shows the exterior of the dorsal face of the rachis wrinkled and longitudinally striated, whilst the larger of the magnified lobes shows the striae of neuration on the anterior face. The specimen was found at a depth of twenty yards in the Wegber Pit, in the locality above mentioned. -Plate 39 79 PLATE XXXIX. Sphenopteris. Sp. A variety belonging to the elegant group of linear ferns, of which Sphenopteris affinis and Sphenopteris linearis may be regarded as the type. It is in some respects not unlike Sphenopteris arguta (“Fossil Flora,” Plate CLXVIXI.) We have unfortunately no information of any kind respecting this beautiful specimen. Probably from Yorkshire. The Plate is reduced one-fourth of the original drawing. ■ -t*l'ate bO PLATE XL. Pecopteris. Sp. We have no information respecting this specimen. The original drawing by Prior (presumably of the natural size) is twice the size of our Plate. A pencil note on the back of the drawing gives the generic name Steffensia. This is an obvious mistake, however. The fronds figured are in some respects very like Pecopteris obtusifolia, Murray (“Fossil Flora,” Plate CLVUL) G JPlcLta- M 83 PLATE XLI. Sphenopteris. Sp. We much regret having no information concerning this interesting specimen. It is apparently a most ab¬ normal form of Sphenopterid in many respects resembling the linear ferns which form so important a group of that assemblage, but in others it seems to claim relationship with Stenopteris. In general form, again, it can claim alliance with the Moravian Kulm fern, the Pecopteris divaricata of Gceppeet. The drawing is by T. Johnson. 85 PLATES XLII. and XLIII. Rhacophyllum (?) These are two renderings of one specimen, one by Johnson and the other by Prior, slightly reduced in Plate XLIII. They differ so materially that, in the absence of the specimen itself, it has been thought best to autotype both. Judging by the almost perfect and unfailing accuracy in essentials which characterizes Prior’s drawings in general, we prefer to base our remarks on Plate XLIII. The portion of Calamite stem which is omitted in the other Plate need not be enlarged upon, unless, as is possible, it formed the surface on which the supposed parasitic Rhacophyllum grew. It is with the utmost diffidence that any name is assigned to the plant-remains here represented, chiefly to call atten¬ tion to the likeness which the upper left-hand portion at least bears to Rhacophyllum flabellatum of Sternberg. Tla te l 87 PLATE XLIV. (?) Another very vague specimen which Lindley declined to name, his memorandum respecting it being:—“too imperfect.” The drawing was, nevertheless, intended for publication. It came from the Bensham coal-seam horizon, Jarrow Colliery. Our figure is slightly reduced from that of the original drawing by Prior. Fh(t& H) 91 PLATE XLVI. Spiropteris. SCHIMPER. Another beautiful specimen of circinate vernation, this time probably in a Pecopterid fern. The drawing is by Prior, but no further information beyond the fact that the specimen comes from the Bensham seam horizon, at Jarrow Colliery, is to be found respecting it. i\ T (tfturi/ -S/y Tlaie 93 PLATE XL VII. Spiropteris (?) SCHIMPER. A very puzzling specimen. Probably another form of circinate vernation, but the impression is too imperfect as to details to enable anything but the general aspect of the plant being seen. Hutton himself could assign it no name, and sent one side of the fossil to Dr. Lindley, together with the drawing, “that you may have a better guess what this is.” Lindley, however, returned the drawing marked, with a query. The specimen is an impression “ in shale from Jarrow Colliery.” The drawing, by Prior, is of the natural size, and so is the Plate. J°late }<8 95 PLATE XLVIII. Fern Stem. Probably the basal portion, or root extremity, of a fern. The drawing, by Prior, is taken from a .specimen found in the Bensham shale, Jarrow Colliery. Our figure is of the natural size. 97 PLATE X LIX. Fern Stem. This stem has a very Sigillarian appearance, but it is more probably a fern stem somewhat allied to the smoother forms of the Triassic pseudo-genus Chelepteris of Corda. The spiral arrangement of the scars is well known. Our Plate is reduced one-fourth from Prior’s drawing. The locality is not known. H /’la te JO 99 PLATE L. Sigillaria reniformis. Brong. Yar. The drawing of which our Plate is a slight reduction is named thus, in pencil, by Hutton ; but although the specimen (an unbarked one) bears much resemblance in some respects to that species, yet, in the form of the scars and in their much more marked alternation, it differs obviously from the types figured in the “ Fossil Flora” (Plates LYII. and LXXI.) The following note is all the information we have with regard to this specimen :— u Scars in relief—Bolton.” The drawing is by Pkiok. Plate, 51 101 PLATE LI. Sigillaria. Sp. The figure is about one-eighth of the natural size, and shows a good example of the casts of Sigillarian trees, which are common in the Carboniferous Sandstones of the North, of England. The locality of this particular specimen is not given. The original drawing (one-fifth of the natural size) is by Prior. 4 103 PLATE L11. Lepidophyllum binerve. Hutton MS. An undescribed leaf of Lepidodendron, well defined and easily distinguished from Lepidophyllum majus , intermedium , and acuminatum (= Lepidophyllum trinerve Lindley and Hutton, “ Fossil Flora,” Plate CLII.) by the two broad longitudinal nervures and the indistinct¬ ness or apparent absence of midrib. This fossil is especially interesting, since it approaches very near to certain Sigillarian leaves. Compare, for instance, with the leaves of Sigillaria, figured in Plate XLIII. of the u Fossil Flora” (Figs. 1 and 2), under the name Cyperites licarinata. The specimen represented came from Bolton. The drawing, by Prior, and our figure, are of the natural size. JPlaU S3 105 PLATE LIII. Lepidophyilum lanceoiatum. Lindl. and Hutt. A large specimen of this so-called species, nearly allied to Lepidophyilum majus of Brongniart. The specimen (of the size represented) came from the Bensham coal shale, Jarrow Colliery. Plate 56 107 PLATES LIV., LV., and LYI. Lepidodendroid strobili. The three cones or Lepidostrobi figured in these Plates form part of a series illustrated by the late Mr. H. Denny, a well-known Yorkshire naturalist. Beyond these drawings we have no information respecting the specimens, but as we have hope of finding the notes which evidently accom¬ panied the drawings (they are numbered for reference) among some more of the late Mr. Hutton’s papers, we will withhold any remarks on these fossils for the present. Plate 57 109 PLATE LVII. Cryptomerites divaricatus, Phill. This specimen is thus referred to by Professor W. C. Williamson, F.R.S.:— April 21 th , 1887. No. 1 [the upper figure] is a very peculiar little plant of which I have only had two specimens: it appears to have been of a semi-succulent nature, but being preserved in a gray granular ironstone its more minute characters are ill-defined. At first sight it resembles Lycopodites, but its more regular pinnated form and the thick and distinct stem and rachis distinguish it. The central stem has evidently not been smooth, but a scaly character, though from the change the plant has undergone these scales present no distinct form. The small pinnules branch irregularly from the rachis, sometimes opposite or sometimes alternating, but the little leaflets are generally alternate, and these are arranged in a similar manner though less distinctly on either side of the rachis. They are from a seam of ironstone in the Upper Sandstone of Phillips, a few miles north of Scarborough. No. 2 [the lower figure] is a magnified pinnule. (Hutton MSS.) Plate JS Ill PLATE L V111. A Cycad. This Plate is a reproduction of another drawing by Mr. Denny, and forms part of the series mentioned with reference to Plates LIY., LV., and LVII. The observations there made apply equally to this figure. J^lccte 59 113 PLATE L I X. Rootlets. In this Plate and the three following ones we have excellent examples of some of those numerous ambiguous plant-remains which have afforded such a wide field for the ingenuity of describers. Whether they be roots or rootlets, and if so of what plants, or whether they be algoid growths, are questions which, in the fragmentary state of most of the specimens of the kind, and in the absence of any details of structure, cannot be decided. In the present case there is little reason to doubt that we have rootlets to deal with. The drawing, by Prior, and our figure, are of the natural size. The specimen comes from the Bensham coal shale, in Jarrow Colliery. I Pla te 60 115 PLATE LX. Rootlets. A much more delicately ramified specimen than the last. Something very like it is to be seen at the lower left hand corner of the slab figured in Plate XLIII., and indeed examples of this kind are frequently met with in coal shales, although seldom so perfect as this one. The drawing and the Plate are both of the natural size ; the former is by Prior. This fossil was found in the shale above the High Main coal, in Felling Colliery. flate 61 117 PLATE L XI. Root (?) A very obscure specimen, from the Bensham coal shale, at Jarrow Colliery. Probably of the same nature as the two last. The original drawing, by Prior, is of the natural size, and slightly larger than our figure. JPlccte 62 119 PLATE L X11. Root. This closely resembles the Myriophyllites gracilis of Artis, which is figured in Plate CX. of the “ Fossil Flora” as “ a fossil aquatic root.” Nothing need he added to the description there given of these prob¬ lematical remains. (“ Fossil Flora,” Vol. II., p. 77, etc.) Like the specimen above referred to, this one comes from the Low Main horizon of Felling Colliery. Plate and drawing are of the natural size, the latter is by Prior. Plate, 63 121 PLATE L X111. Root (?) If this be indeed a root, as Hutton supposed, it is certainly of a very different character from either of the three last figured specimens. There is a certain symmetry about the embranchments, and a certain leaf-like form about the filaments, that might make one doubt the reference. On the other hand, it is difficult to say to what other department of vegetable organization it may belong, especially as no signs of structure are visible. The figure is about one-tliird smaller than the original drawing by Prior, which was of the natural size. k ‘ The Newcastle coal-field” is all the locality given. TLa,t& 6$ 123 PLATE LXIY. Calamites. A remarkable confused mass of broken calamarian stems, being a small portion of a continuous bed or band of the same nature. It affords an excellent insight into the profuse occurrence of these plants, and the manner in which they assisted in the formation of coal—probably more than any other plants. An instructive specimen, twice the size of our figure, from the Newcastle coal-field. The drawing is by Prior. APPENDIX. The following is a selection from a number of letters forming part of the “ Hutton MSS.” Some of them referring to drawings or specimens which are not to be found may be to some extent unintelligible, but they are printed here in the hope that their publication may cause the discovery of such missing drawings or fossils. Letters from the late Prof. John Phillips, F.R.S., etc. I. (No date.) My dear Hutton, —As to these Stone Plants (fossilized Hazle), I have intended to send you another bit, and will do so if yon write to say again and want it. Pray let this little vegetable beauty, from Wray, in Lancashire, out of shale full of Posidonia, G-oniates, etc., be figured; and if Lindley can prove it to be distinct from a young broom, or some¬ thing of that sort, let it be so. I think it to be the greatest curiosity I ever saw from, the Millstone Grit series. Pray return it very safely. Why do you talk of ending your Possil Plants ? Johnston is going else I would add more. Ever yours, etc., (Signed) John Phillips. II. Remarks on Five Drawings of Fossil Plants, by John Phillips, F.R.S., etc. (No date.) 1.—These are all drawn by myself from specimens which I have ex¬ amined carefully, in the collections of my friends or in my own cabinet. The drawings are all of the natural size. J 126 A. —This is the plaster cast of a fossil stem from Camerton Colliery, in Somersetshire, where the specimen was, I believe, found in the year 1800. It was, I think, in the possession of the late C. J. Harford, Esq., a friend of the late Rev. J. Townsend, of Pewsey (author of a well-known geological work embodying many of Mr. ¥m. Smith’s early views), and of the late Rev. — Benjamin, of Farley, in whose collection. It was given to me by . . . . [A large portion of the letter is here cut out, and no drawing corresponding to this description can be found.] B. —Also from the Somersetshire coal-field. I have never seen another specimen. This is in the collection of Thomas Meade, Esq., of Chatley Lodge, near Bath. The plant lies in the centre of a large flattened round module of ironstone, and is represented as to substance by a thin scaly bituminous coal. The structure was copied faithfully, but it is sup¬ posed that more of the fine venation of the leaves might have been dis¬ covered by longer examination. Each leaf has a midrib of great regularity and parallel fine veins. The leaves appear to have been verticillate in two rows, like a double flower, and to have supported in the centre a tumid portion, giving the notion of a convex receptacle, of which the surface is granulated, or rather marked with many curved lines. [The drawing thus described is fortunately preserved. Here the portion of the letter already mentioned as being cut out again interferes with the sequence.] C. —Is the internal portion, rather flattened, with articulations at un¬ equal distances, furrows of slight depth, the intervening spaces slightly convex, and no ramuscular impressions. The verticillar belt of cicatrices of branches presents oblong approximate concave impressions, with some dubious traces of central structure. D. —Is the external impression, with the cicatrices of branches convex, and the longitudinal sulci, less distinct, near them. [C and D refer to Calamites verticillatus, the drawing marked C being figured as Plate CXXXIX. of the “ Fossil Flora,” at p. 159 (Yol. II.), of which will be found quoted the missing passage in this letter. The drawing D is pre¬ served, but has not been published. It is dated April 13, 1828.] I may take this opportunity of noticing that the occurrence of Cala¬ mites, Sigillaria, and Lepidodendra in sandstone rocks is common in the Yorkshire coal-field, through most parts of the series; that is to say, through a thickness of 1,000 yards. It does not appear at present that the different species can be assigned to different parts of the series, but on this subject we have much to learn. Some of the species occur in the sedimentary rocks associated with the Mountain Limestone, as do also Stigmaria, Sternbergia, and several Lepidodendra. 127 E.—The structure in this specimen appears to me better exhibited than in any which I have ever seen. It is from Somersetshire, and is in my cabinet. [This drawing is missing.] (Signed) J. Phillips. As a P.S. comes the following :— Dear Hutton, — I have written as you wished my remarks on my drawings, and hope they may be of use. But I have scrawled (currente calamo as befits one who writes concerning Calamites), and you must round sentences or rub them out as you may find most convenient. I have some other odd tilings in your line at home. J. P. III. The following letter is endorsed “unintelligible,” by Hutton :— Buxton, 27 th June, 1836. My dear Hutton, — I have found, or rather my sister, to-day in the midst of the great mass of Derbyshire Limestone—-which corresponds to the lower portion of the Mountain Limestone series of Yorkshire—some interesting specimens of marine plants which, perhaps, may be worthy of notice in one of the forthcoming parts of the “Fossil Flora.” You know I have been always on the look out for marine plants, because this is pre¬ cisely the part of fossil botany which appears to me the least explored. And it is probable that we shall find yet a considerable number of them in the marine calcareous strata, which yield so few land plants. I there¬ fore make no apology for sending you very careful drawings of the best portions, with some remarks. [Here come full detailed references which it would be useless to print without the drawing. The latter is carefully preserved. He goes on :]—The plants I suppose to be marine, notwithstanding the aspect of [Nos.] five and six. They lie in smoky, laminated limestone, holding Producta Martini, and in the midst of much more massive beds of light grey, compact limestone, only partially crinoidal and shelly. Yours, etc., (Signed) J. Phillips. Here follows a P.S. on personal matters which we omit. 128 IV. This letter will be found printed in full at p. 75, in the reference to Plate XXXVII. The next is a note from the late Sir Roderick I. Murchison, Bart., etc.:— Nursted House, Petersfield, March 30 th, 1837. Dear Lindley, —My chapter on the Clee Hills coal-field is going to the press, and among the plants cited on your authority are three species of Sphenopteris, S. crenata, S. zamioides, S. furcata, which I state are to le figured by you (1834 your MSS.), and yet I cannot find them in the “ Fossil Flora.” You certainly so named the plants, for I have your letter to that effect. Is it that they have been mislaid or forgotten ? Yours ever, (Signed) Rod. I. Murchison. The rest follows as a P.S. I intended to have gone to Worcester this week, and I therefore requested that the plants of the New Red might not be sent until I saw them and selected from them. Having, however, given up my journey for the present, intending to go at Whitsuntide, I shall order them up to town. If there is any one of the species alluded [to] not figured I would re¬ quest you to name it Sphenopteris Lewisii, after Mr. Lewis, in whose coal-field of Knowlbury they were all found. Whenever you publish a list of errata, permit me to send you some essential corrections of spelling (Knowlbury among others). Whose name is Lepidodendron tetragonum ? Is it Sternberg’s ? I further observe that in this Knowlbury basin, in the Clee Hills, there are two unpublished Sigillariae, besides the Sphenopteris Murchisoni —either of these might be named after Mr. Lewis. If there has been any mistake the original specimens are at the Geo¬ logical Society. I shall be in town on Wednesday next. 129 Sphenopteris furcata is figured at Plate CLXXXL, and Sphenopteris crenata at Plate XXXIX. of the “Fossil Flora.” The suggestion of the new specific name Lewisii came too late to be acted on, as the issue of the “ Fossil Flora” was brought to a close in 1837. Letters from Professor W. C. Williamson, F.R.S.:— I. Scarborough, November 28th, 1832. Sir, — I liaye at length been able to complete the promised drawings, which I hope will be of use to the “British Flora,” as they are on a sub¬ ject rather different to any you have yet described—the following part of the vegetable kingdom No. 1 is copied from a fragment of a large stem which, when perfect, measured about three feet in length, but owing to its being compressed so flat and thin, and to the hard nature of the rock where it was embedded, it could not be got out entire. At its top it w T as about three and a quarter inches in diameter : it is grooved or sulcated longitudinally, the grooves becoming more indistinct as they approach the lower end, which increased to about three and a half inches in width. It is divided into joints from four to five inches long at the upper part, but they become shorter as they are nearer the root. The leaves, of one of which there is a small frag¬ ment shown in the drawing No. 1, are found crushed and broken in immense quantities by the side of the stem, but never attached. My father [the late Mr. Williamson, of Scarborough, who died on the 15th July, 1877, at the age of ninety-three] has seen them upwards of two feet long and neither of the ends perfect. How much longer they may have been we cannot say. The Petiole is deeply sulcated longitudinally, and is nearly half an inch in width ; it is frequently decomposed, and the residuum is a white powder which falls out when exposed to the air. The Folioles are long and pointed, strongly sulcated in the same manner as the Petiole to which they are attached by the whole of their base. The Flower, Fig. 2, is round and bulky. The petals are long, smooth, and lanceolate, curling outwards towards the stalk. From the base of the petals to the edge of where the receptacle has been, is deeply and irregularly striated. There is a perforation through the stem where 130 the stalk has been, which fell out in the form of the white powder before mentioned. In the centre is a large cavity formed by the decay of the receptacle or calyx. Fig. 3 is an outline of the specimen, Fig. 1, about the natural size as it lay in the rock when found. The stem, as I mentioned before, was nearly an equal thickness its whole length, convex at the top whence ran out three small stalks from the centre, with a perfect flower at the end of each, all which are now in our Museum. They only differ from the one I have figured in being much smaller, and have the cavity of the re¬ ceptacle filled up with nothing in which any character can be observed. In all the specimens I have examined I can find no traces of scars or cicatrices. That it has been hollow there is no doubt about, for the impression is so thin, and the stone in the interior is exactly the same as the rock in which it is embedded. These plants differ from the Palmae (Lindley’s Introduction to Natural History of Botany) in having the flower composed of many petals, and having no scars. From Filiees in their bearing flowers, and though I have taken all the pains in my power, I cannot find any other genus to refer them to, but must leave it to your superior judgment. This singular Plant was found in an Ironstone bed, forming the base of the Lower Sandstone and Shale near Runswick, which frequently falls down in immense masses, containing the vegetables. I remain, deal 1 Sir, Your obedient Servant, (Signed) Wji. "Williamson. The above letter is probably one of the earliest contri¬ butions of Professor Williamson, to a branch of science which he has since made so thoroughly his own. The drawing is wanting, but the fossils referred to are no doubt still to be found in the Scarborough Museum. II. Scarborough, Feb. 21th, 1835. My Dear Sir, —I have again sent you a small assortment of descrip¬ tions of our interesting fossil vegetables, of which the most important are what I suppose are parts of Cycadean fructification. These singular 131 remains were some time ago partially brought under your notice, when I sent you a drawing of a collar, or annular assemblage of petal-like scales, with a stem and leaves. The stem, I think you decided, was that of a calamite, and of the other parts you wished for further illustrations. Since then my father and I went to Whitby, expressly to examine the locality, and our examination was in some measure crowned with success. The first new object we met with was the beautiful impression of a stem, with large, smooth, oval cicatrices, regularly disposed, and the intervening spaces filled up with rough ridges, evidently impressions of the fissures in the cortical integuments.* Fearful of not being able to obtain it entire, as it was only a hollow impression, and in a dreadfully hard, irony rock, I took the drawing, a copy of which I have sent you (No. 1.) The upper part was strongly marked with the cortical fissures, as well as the bottom; but from my endeavours to take a faithful representation of the one, I had not time to complete the other, as we had a considerable distance to travel to our destination for the night. It appears to have been a part from the centre of a large stem, as there was little or no difference in the diameter at the respective ends. As I foresaw, the most careful efforts of my father’s practised chisel were only able to preserve some fragments of the cicatrices, which are now in the Museum. No. 2 is a small collar, which we more frequently find than the large ones. They differ in having, as far as I can discover in the specimens found, no perforation passing through them, and have not the striated interior sent some time ago. No. 3 is an impression of part of a collar, the scales and stalk of which have been destroyed by exposure to the atmosphere and sea. It shows that the form under which we find the collars has not been the perfect one, but that the cavity, where the stamens and pistil ought to have been had it been a flower, has been filled up with a continuous stalk. The impres¬ sion of the scales are rather narrow, and closely attached to one another at the base. No. 4 is a similar impression of scales, but here they have been older, become broader and more widely separated from one another. No. 5 is a fragment of a frond of immense size, which I think you will find to be a more accurate drawing than the one before sent. The leaflets are long and lanceolate, broadest at the middle, or rather towards the * Round each of the scars there is an irregular strong line, forming a kind of circle. Some smaller ones range transversely and the others longitudinally. 132 base, which is convex. Apex, sharp-pointed. The nerves are numerous, regular, simple, and like most of the Monocotyledons, the greater part of them terminate at the narrow apex, though some few of them have formed their little orifices at the margin of the leaflets. The leaflets are attached to the upper surface of the stalk, which being partly broken, and the interior exposed to view, appears to have been furnished with little protuberances, to which the leaflets has been fixed. These fronds we have seen of considerable length, sometimes exceeding three feet. Such, then, are the fragments from which we have to draw our con¬ clusions concerning this interesting species. The perforation, which passes through the centre of the large “ Collar,” is of the following form [pen and ink sketch given] when cut transversely. Its widening at both extremities evidently shows that there have been other appendages above as well as below 7 the collar, and that both have been thicker than the centre of the perforation, whilst No. 3 shows that the collar has been sometimes erect, and not alw r ays with the points of the scales turned inwards; and No. 4 leads us to the same conclusion. That the scaly collar, fronds, and stem have all belonged to the same plant, I think little doubt remains, but the most difficult question is how they have been situate^ with regard to one another, as we have not been able to detect anything resembling the portion that has been above the collar. I think that the opinion advanced by M. Brongniart, that they have been collars round the base of a spike of fructification in some of the Cycads, appears the most probable, resembling those figured in Vol. I., Plates XXI., XX., and XXIII., but I have not been able to see that work, and consequently cannot give an opinion, but hope that you will be able to come to some conclusion on the subject. The rest of this interesting letter is, unfortunately, mutilated. The drawings referred to are not all to be found, but No. 5 is the one re-produced in Plate CLXV. of the “ Fossil Flora,” under the name Zamia gigas. III. Natural Histort Society's Hall, Manchester, April 27 th , 1837. Dear Sir, —I herewith send you drawings of what I suppose to be new species of Plants. I know not whether they will reach you in time for the next number of the “ Flora.” In your last letter you express a 133 strong desire to retain the drawings I have supplied you with, since the commencement of the work. This I shall have no objection to allow, if you have any loose sheets of such of them as have been engraved, which you can send me, in which case you can retain the originals in your col¬ lection. [This arrangement was, we understand, never carried out on Mr. Hutton’s side.] No. 1 is a very peculiar little Plant .... etc. . . [This paragraph is given in fall in the reference to our Plate LVII., page 109. This Plate is a reproduction of the drawing described. The next paragraph, describing Drawing No. 3, is in a similar manner given in the reference to our Plate representing it, Plate XXXVIII., page 77.] No. 5 is a specimen found whilst pursuing my researches amongst the limestones of the Upper Coal Measures. The long leaf is Neu- ropteris cordata, which you have figured from Buckland’s specimen [“ Fosil Flora,” Plate XLI.] The other I suppose to be a Cyclopteris, different from anything I have seen before. The Neuropteris cordata, from Leebotwood, is found in connection with some fresh water lime¬ stones, of which Bowman, of Wrexham, has given me specimens, containing minute fresh water shells, and also in the same neighbourhood they have, I believe, Megalichthys and other remains of fish. My specimen I found under similar circumstances. At the top of our Coal Measures we have a group of fresh water shales and limestones, containing Planorbes, Unios, Entomostraca, apparently a Cypris, Megalichthys Hibberti, Palseoniscus, Coprolites, and other remains of a larger fish; and between two of the main seams of limestone was a thin shale containing the above specimen, together with Lepido- dendron Sternbergii, Stigmaria ficoides. Catamites, and several other coal plants. The shale is very soft, and about the colour I have given it in the drawing. See Phil. Magazine, August and September, 1836. The geological position of the Leebotwood limestone is nearly the same as ours, showing something like a connection between our Lancashire and the Shrewsbury coal-field. I suppose you have not met with any of the fish at Ferry Hill [in the Permian Marl Slate there] I wrote to you about. My friend Professor Johnstone, of Durham, told me the other day that the workmen are destroying numbers of them. Yours sincerely, W. C. Williamson. K (Signed) 134 From Mr. John Dunn (Vice-President of the Scar¬ borough Philosophical Society). Scarborough, September Zrd, 1832. Dear Sir, —The Plant most resembling No. 1 is called by Phillips, Plate VIII., Fig. 8, Pecopteris longifolia, and at page 148 it is denominated Pecopteris paucifolia, where it says, “ the leaves are never attached.” These leaves are attached by a pedicle in the form of an umbelle to the stem. The midrib very obvious and lateral nerves branching from it ending in dichotomous subdivisions. The leaf is by no means so narrow in the centre as Phillips’, nor so long in proportion to its width. The two extremities of the leaf are nearly equal. No. 2 is also attached to the stem, which is thicker than the last. The nerves also proceed from a central rib in a similar manner. The shape of the leaf is very different, being twice the length and, except at the extremities, of a more uniform size all the way through. No. 3 explains pretty nearly itself. The nerves are fine, parallel, longitudinal, about ten or twelve in number. The leaf forms a sort of leafy stalk at the insertion of the stem. They are not opposite. Two here and there are comprised together. The specimen belongs to Mr. Beau, and the drawings were taken by my friend and patient, Miss Helen Thornhill, a lady of high family from Derbyshire, now staying here, etc. Yours sincerely, (Signed) John Dunn. The drawings referred to in the above letter are those reproduced in Plate LXIII. of the “ Fossil Flora” under the name Glossopteris Phillipsii. This small selection will be concluded with a letter from the Rev. W. T. Bree, describing the Allesley Fossil Tree : Allesley Rectory, near Coventry, April 25 th, 1840. Dear Sir, —Herewith I have the pleasure of sending you a lithograph of the Allesley Fossil Tree, the entire production of a self-taught genius, our Village Carpenter. You will understand that the tree extended some yards further towards the spectator; these portions were removed when 135 the ground was lowered, on which occasion the tree was discovered. The , specimen you received from Mrs. Corrie was not from this tree, but from similar ones, which were found a few hundred yards distant in making a new turnpike road, and which extended more than the breadth of the road. Dr. Buckland made notes on the spot, when he was here a few years ago, with a view to publish some account of the fossil in the Geo. Trans. [See Buckland “ On the occurrence of silicified trunks of trees in the New Bed Sandstone at Allesley” (1836), Geol. Soc. Proceedings, Vol. II., 1838, p. 439.] I have not seen his description, but no doubt it is accurate. Besides these fossil trees imbedded in the sandstone, numbers of fragments are occasionally found in getting gravel, etc., and these latter are for the most part of a much firmer and closer texture than the fossil trees; and accordingly better adapted to the purpose of polishing, I apprehend too, that they exhibit the structure of the wood more perfectly. At the same time, much as our fossil wood varies in colour and external appearance, I believe that it is all of the, same kind. If specimens of the lithographed tree, or any others, are worth your having, I shall be very happy to send them, if you will point out the best mode of conveyance. I have also many thin sections on glass (and amongst them some from the lithographed tree) which show the structure very satisfactorily; these I should be happy to lend you, should they be of use. [What has become of these ?] I am collecting fossil woods with some considerable energy; and besides a large collection from this parish, I have numerous fine specimens from the West Indies. Should you at any time have any duplicates to spare, from other quarters, I should be greatly obliged to you for them. Believe me, dear Sir, Very truly yours, (Signed) W. T. Bree. To W. Hutton, Esq. INDEX OF SPECIES. The names of species figured in this work are printed in ordinary type, all others (including synonyms) are in italics. PAGE. Adiantides microphyllus ... . 65 Alethopteris ... . 33, 35, 45, 49, 59 Annularia latifolia . 11 Asterophyllites Huttonii (Plate VIII.) . 17 A. longifolia ... ... . . ... 13, 15 A. pygmcea ... . . 9 A. sp. (Plates IV., VI., VII., IX.) . 9, 13, 15, 19 A. tuberculata (Plate V.) . . 11 Calamites cannaeformis (Plate I.) . 1 C. nodosus (Plates II., III.). . 3, 7 C. sp. (Plate LXIV.) . . 123 G. verticillatus . 126 Calamocladus longifolius ... . 7 Chelepteris . 97 Cryptomerites divaricatus (Plate LVII.) . 109 Cyatheites . 37 Cyatheides . . . 41, 43 Cyclopteris obliqua (Plate XI.) . 23 Cyperites licarinata . . 103 Eremopteris ... . 67 Fern stems (Plates XLVIII., XLIX.) ... . 95, 97 GlossopAeris PTiillipsii . 134 Lepidodendron Sternlergii . 133 L. tetragonum ... . . 128 Lepidophyllum acuminatum . 103 L. binerve (Plate LII.) . . 103 L. intermedium ... . 103 L. lanceolatum (Plate LIII.) . 105 138 PAGE. Lepidophyllum majus ... ... ... ... ... ... 103 105 L. trinervc ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 103 Lepidostrobus sp. (Plates LIV.-LVI.). 107 Myriophyllites gracilis ... ... ... ... ... 119 Nephropteris ... ... ... ... . 23 Neuropteris auriculata ... ... ... ... ... 23 N. heteropkylla (Plates XIII. and XIV.) ... ... ... 27, 29 N. Soretii ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 27 N. sp. (Plates XY., XXYII.) . 31, 55 N. tenuifolia (Plate XII.) ... ... ... ... ... 25,27 Pecopteris allreviata ... ... ... ... ... ... 37 P. aquilina (Plate XYI.) ... ... ... ... ... 33 P. arborescens (Plate XX.) ... ... ... ... ... 41 P. dentata ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 49 , 51 P. clivaricata ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 83 P. Glockeri ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 49 P. heterophylla ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 49 P. laciniata (Plate XXIX.) ... ... ... ... ... 59 P. lonchitidis (Plate XXIY.) ... ... ... ... ... 49 P. longifolia ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 134 P. marginata (Plate XYII.) ... ... ... ... ... 35 P. Milloni ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 37 P. muricata ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 59 P. oMusifolia . 81 P. oreopteridia (Plate XXI.) ... ... ... ... ... 43 P. oxyphylla ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 53 P.paucifolia ... ... ... ... . ... 134 P. peunteformis (Plate XXV.) ... ... ... ... 51 P.polymorplm ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 37 P. Serlii . 45, 49 P. serra (Plates XXII., XXIII., X.) . 45, 47 P. Silesiaca (Plate XXYI.). 47, 53 P. sp. (Plates XVIII., XL.) ... ... ... ... ... 37, 81 Rhacophyllum (?) flabellatum (Plates XLII., XLIII.) ... 85 Roots and rootlets (Plates X., LIX.-LXIII.), 21 , 111 , 113, 115, 117, 119, 121 Sigillarict Murchisoni ... ... ... ... . 128 S. reniformis (Plate L.) ... ... ... ... ... 99 S. sp. (Plate LI.). 101 Sphenopteris affinis ... ... ... ... ... ... 79 139 PAGE. Sphenopteris alciphylla (Plate XXXV.) . 75 Sph. arguta ... . . 79 Sph. artemisiEefolia (Plate XXXIII.). . 67 Sph. crenata ... . . 128 Sph. crithmifolia ... . 67 Sph.furcata ... . 128 Sph. latifolia (Plates XXX., XXXI.) ... . 61, 63 Sph. linearis (Plate XXXII.) . 65, 79 Sph. Leivisii . 128 Sph. macilenta (Plate XIX.) . . 39, 59 Sph. obovata ... . . 57, 65 Sph. quinqueloba (Plate XXXVIII.) . 77 Sph. sp. (Plates XXVIII., XXXIV., XXXVI., XXXIX., XLI.), 57, 61, 71, 73, 79, 83 Sph. stricta . 67 Sph. zamioides . 128 Spiropteris (Plates XLV., XLVII.) . 89, 91, 93 Sfeffensia . 81 Stenopteris ... . . 83 Stigmaria ficoides . 133 Zamia gig as ... .. . 132 NEWCASTLE-UPON-TYNE: A. REID, PRINTING COURT BUILDINGS, AKENSIDE HILL. \ GETTY CENTER LIBRARY Bound by {drew R^id. wmstkonlym. 3 3125 00984 0246