WEST SUSSEX COUNTY LIBRARIES WITH FORS R IFERENCE DEPARTMENT J Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2014 https://archive.org/details/calendarofpatentOOgrea CALENDAR OF THE PATENT ROLLS I'RESKnVED IN TJIE rUBLIC RECORT) OFFICE. TREPARED UNDEll THE SUPERINTENDENCE OF THE DEPUTY KEEPER OF THE RECORDS. EDWARD IV. HENRY VI. A.D. 1467-1477. PUBLISHED HY AUTlIOIilTY OK IIER MAJESTY'S I'UINCirAL SECRETARY OF STATE FOR TIIK HOME DEl'ARTMENT. LONDON: PRINTED FOR HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE, BY EYKE AND SPOTTISWOODE, PRINTERS TO THE QUEEN'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY. And to be purchased, cither directly or through any BookHellcr, from EYRE AND SPOTTISWOODE, East Harding Street, Fleet Street, E.G.; or JOHN MENZIES & Co., 12, Hanover Street, Edinburgh, and 90, West Nile Street, Glasgow ; or HODGES, FIGGIS, & Co., Limited, 1U4. Grafton Street, Dublin-. 1900, I CON TENTS. Preface - Corrigenda Calendar Appendix Index - Page V vii 1 - 607 - 641 X 96186. Wt. 24327. P R E F A C E . The present volume forms part of a series of Calendars of the Patent Rolls from the reign of Edward I. to that of Henry VII., the object and character of which are explained in the Preface to the first volume for the reign of Edward III. (a.d. 1327—1330). The text has been prepared, under my immediate supervision, by Mr. R. C. Fowler, with the assistance of Mr. R. F. Isaacson, both of the Public Record Office. Mr. Fowler has also compiled the Index. H. C. MAXWELL-LYTE. November 1899. CORRIGENDA. ge 14, line 19, For moitiraln read mortmain. )J 18, )» 16, „ 8ces , , fees. »J 214, )> 44, „ Milse , , Miles )> 239, » 36, ., custody , , custom. »> 333, Rbert Robert. >» 363, » 27, „ Loudon , , Lincoln. » 474, 23, Bazanisiila , , Bazainsula. 504, » 23, „ 1876 1476. , 587, „ 26, After Sec p. insert 583. , COS, „ 3, The nstcrisk belonys lo , 619, „ 25, jFor Spoldyi.g rca(ir. Ajiril W'l.Mmiiiftcr. Membraxe 24. Piirdoii.s of outlawry to tlic following : — John Ilawcok of IlirMtcourtnay, co. York, ' tuyllour,' for not appearing l)cforc the king at Westminster to answer Alice Turpyn of Tydirtiiay and William Turpyn of T3dirthay touching a trespass, he having surrend(!red to the MarshaLsea prison, as John Markham, chief justice of the King's Bench, lias certiliecl. York. John Boseworth late of Merston Mortoyn, co. Bedford, * husbondman,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of thtf Bench of the late king, to answer Robert Harre touching a debt of 10/. Oxford. Thomas Gylot of Lymmcsfcld, co. Surrey, ' cliapman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer John Frecok touching a debt of 9/, Surrey. John Stndfalde, vicar of the i)arish church of Braton, co. York, for not iil)pcaring to answer John Fouler of lleuore, co. Derby, touching a debt of 5 marks. Derby. Elias Fercus of Shirbourne, co. Dort;et, ' marchaunt,' for not appearing before John Pryi^ot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to an.'^wer William llaukyns touching a debt of 40*'. Dorset. 1'iionias Kichardson of Lasyngby, co. York, 'yoinan,' for not appearing before the justices" of the Bench to answer Tliouias Melburn, clerk, touching a debt of 10 marks. Y^ork. John Walssli of Dan by on Wysk, co. York, 'yoman,' for the same. Y'ork. Jolin Kicliard.son of Redmcr, co. York, * yoman,' for the same. \''ork. Tiiomas Geiion late of Foislon, <'o. Kent, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before Robert Danby, knight, and his fellows, justices of the Bench, to answer John Gilford, escjuire, late sheriff of Kent, touching a debt of 10/. Kent. Marf in Pascowe late of JNlcdei-sholl, eo. Cornwall, ' yoman,' for Dot appearing before the ju.>-li(es of the Bench to answer Nieliohis Trosithuy touching a trespass comniKled l>y him, and John Pascowe, late of Aledessholl, ' smyth,' and iNIartin Engof, late of St. Carnutok, CO. Cornwall, cliaplaiu. y 'JOlbC Wt, 243^7. A 2 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1467. April 18. "Westminster, May 5. Westminster. May 6. Westminster. Jiuie 5. Westminster. June 5. Westminster. June 6. Westminster. .liiiic !). Westu\iu.ster. .Tiiii'; 10. Westiuiii .t('\ . Membrane 24 — cont. Simon Rowlond of Norhainptou, co. Northampton, ' wexchaundeler,' for not appearing to answer Richard Rawlyn, citizen and grocer of London, touching a debt of 5 marks. Surrey. William Ilarpoll of Norhamptou, ' roper,' for not appearing to answer the said Richard touching a debt of 40*. Sm'rey. Edward Hastynges of Daylesford, co. Worcester, esquire, for not appearing to answer Humphrey Stafford, esquire, touching a debt of 20/. Warwick. John Maryet late of Crowemer, co. Norfolk, alias John Maryot of Estbekham, co. Norfolk, 'yoman,' alias of Bekham, co. Norfolk, ' gentilman,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Bartholomew ^Multon, Thomas Thorndon and John Gargrave, esquire, late marshal of the Marshalsea, touching debts of 7 marks, 12/. and 1005. respectively. London. William Shawedou late of Redyug, eo. Berks, *osteler,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer John Bay- worth of Rcdyng, ' baker,' touching a debt of 10/. Berks, Adam Gough of Wynchecombe, co, Gloucester, 'milleward,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer John Worewell touching a debt of 60*. Gloucester. John Parot of New Malton, co. York, * smyth,' for not appearing before the same justices to answer Ralph Eyre, esquire, for having with John Hilton, lute of Kirkeby Mysperton, co. York, ' tyler,' Thomas Clerk, late of Kirkeby Mysperton, * paryssheclerk,' John Clerk, late of Kirkeby My.sperton, ' servant,' William Barker, late of New Malton, ' yoman,' .John Hunt of New Malton, ' panyerman,' Edmund Mason of Old Malton, co. York, ' taillour,' John Warde, late of Wellum, co. York, ' yoman,' John Hall of Pykeryng, co. Y''ork, * souter,' William West of Pykeryng, ' forsler,' John Colt, late of Pykeryng, ' sawyer,' Henry Dodmor, late of Pykeryng, ' laborer,' Thomas Semer, late of Pykeryng,' taillour,' Henry Wode, late of Pykeryng, ' mylner,' John Wode, late of Pykeryng, ' mylner,' Richard Fyssher, late of Pykeryng, ' panyerman,' John Taillour, late of Pykeryng, ' taillour,' William Taillour, late of Pykeryng, ' taillour,' Laurence Dauson, late of Pykeryng, ' laborer,' Tliomas Day, late of Pykeryng, ' mylner,' John Kirkeby, late of Thornton in Pykerynglyth, ' yoman,' Alexander Botelcr of the same, ' webster,' and Thomas Dalton, late of Kirkeby Mysperton, esquire, assaulted him at Kirkeby Mysperton, and taken him to Kirkeby Morcsyilc and imprisoned him there. York, John Herman of Ardyngton, co, licrks, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer John, abbot of Oseney by Oxford, touching a debt of 100*. Berks, Thomas Swyft late of Lychefeld, co. Stafford, ' mercer,' for not appearing before the king to answer John Smalwode touching a trespass, Salop, Richard Manchester late of Walton, in the county of the city of York, ' yoman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer A\^illiani Ilulkyn. clerk, touching n tre.«p;i38. York. Alan Sadclcr of Chichcstrc, co. Sussex, ' sadder,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the 7 ilDWARD IV.— Part I. 3 Membrane 24 — conf. late king, to answer a plea that he render 60*. to Robert Anker aud Edward Birger, executors of the will of John Preston. Wilts. Thomas Westwode of Bury St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk, ' draper,' for not appearing before Riciiard Neuton and liis fellows, justices of the Bcncli of the late king, to answer William Cley of Owtwell, clerk, and John Gloucet' touching a debt of 10 marks. Norfolk. John Ive of Westhurrok, co. Essex, * husbondman,' and Agnes his wife, late the wife of Joliu Stone and co-executrix of his will, for not appearing before the justices of the Bench when sued with Geoffrey Treweblete, late of Westhurrok, ' yomau,' executor of the (•aid will, to answer a plea that they render 6 marks to Thomas Quyne, citizen and ' fysshemonger ' of London. London. Robert Lodus of Lichefcld, co. Stafford, ' heuster,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer John Shirwode touching a debt of 6/. Coventry, Membrane 23. •lohn Rotell ot Mendelysham, co. Suffolk, ' husbondman,' for not a|)[)earing before llichard Neuton and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Agnes Sergeant touching a debt of 405. Norfolk. Jdlin Paterych of Hardcbrvggc, co. Southaniptcn, 'husbondman,' for not ap))Caring before John Prysot and his fellows, jii.stices of the Bench of the late king, to answer John Sterlyng touching a trespass. Dorset. John Cawase late of Knyglitoii, co. Somerset, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before the late king at \\'estminster to answer Thomas Burdct, esquire, touching a trespass. Loudon. Richard Bate late of (heat Byllyng, co. Northampton, clerk, for not appearing before the justices of tlie Bench to answer John Ilyrst, chaplain, touching a debt of 10/. Nottingham. William Baylly or Baylye, rector of the parish church of Motham, CO. \Vorce8tcr, for not ap|it aring to answer Edmund, abbot of the monastery of St. Edburga, Pershore, co. Worcester, touching a debt of 40/. Worcester. Thomas Clayton late of Denby (iraun;^o, in the parisli of Ileton, co. York, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before the king to answer William Nettylton touching a trespas.". Middlesex. William Clayton, late of Denby Granngo, for the same. York. Bichard Iladilon of liristol, ' marchaunt,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer .John Uairstang, alias Uastangre, citizen and grocer of London, touching a debt of 40s. London. Richard Langford of Edelmcton, co. Middlesex, ' maltman,' for not appearing before Robert Dauby and his lellows, justices of the iSench, to answer Nicliohis Mi»re1i;ill, citizen and ' iremonger ' of London, touciiing a debt of lOa. Middlesex. James Baskervile late of Staundon, co. ITercford, esquire, for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer a plea that he render 40*. to William Norton, esipiire, John Markwyke, clerk, 4 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. Membrane 23 — cont. Richard Boneautre, clerk, and Walter Norys, executors of the will of Richard Nordon, late citizen and tailor of London. London. July 3. Nicholas Gaunt late of Abyndon, co. Berks, ' chaundeler,' for not Westiiiiuster. a))pearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer John Pelde, citizen and ' stokfyssh- monger ' of London, and John Curteys, citizen and ' stokfysshmonger ' of London, touching a debt of 4/. London. Jidy 8. Joan, late the wife of Walter Ralegh, late Ferdell, in the county of Wcstiiiiustcr. Devon, ' wedowe,' executrix of the will of Walter Ralegh, for not appearing before the justices of the Bench, to answer John Wydeslade the elder, touching a debt of 40a'. July 8. William Rose or Roose of Brocbury or Brokebury, co. Hereford; Wesiiniiister. ' geutilman,' for not appearing to answer William Catesby, kuight» late sheriff of Hereford, and John Wye of Teukesbury, ' bell yeter,' touching debts of 4 marks and 10/. respectively. Hereford & Gloucester. July 7. Richard Jannys of Whittyngeslowe, co. Salop, * yoman,' for not Westminster. appearing to answer Thomas Acton, Richard Alcok, Richard Stevyns and Ralph Barbour, executors of the wfll of John Gosenyll, touching a debt of 40.y. Salop. .Juno 22, Thomas Conipton late of Stratford on Avene, co. Warwick, mercer, Wcstiuiiistui. for not appearing to answer Richard Wyse alias Wyssc and Philip Amersham alias Amondesham, mercers of London, touching a debt of 35/. London. John Spencer, citizen and tailor of London, for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Philippa Russell of London, ' senglewoman,' and Richard Grene of Hereford, merchant, touching debts of 120/. and 10/. respectively. London. Oct. 10. Thomas Cullyng late of Mildenhale, co. Suffolk, 'barker,' for not Wcstiniuster. appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Thomas Barbour touching a debt of 40s. Suffolk. Oct. 14. John Rote of Nuuswapham, co. Cambridge, * yoman,' for not appearing Westminster. to answer a plea that he render 40*. to Thomas Rombalde, executor of the will of Marjory, late the wife of William Rombalde and executrix of his will. Cambridge. Stephen Brasyer of Norwich, ' notarye,' for not appearing to answer a plea that he render 20/. to John Benet and David Robkyn, executors of the will of Richard Petteworthe, late clerk alias notary. Surrey. Oct. 18. William Robert late of Sybertoft, co. Northampton, ' husbondman,' Wcstmicster. lor not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Walter Kebell of Reresby, esquire, alias ' gentilman,' touching a debt of 15/. London. Thomas Sawenders of Helmynden, co. Northampton, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer William Colyus, clerk, Henry Tewe and Thomas Pyll, all of Maydeford, touching a debt of G marks, Northampton. ]{ichard Sawenders of Helmynden, ' luisbondman,* for the same. Northampton. 0*jl. IS. Tliuinas Middflton of Ellerton, co. York, esipiirc, and Margaret his \Vcsimiu!-ter. wiiV, for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer a 7 EDWARD IV.— Paut I. 5 1467. Oct. 8. VVestuiiiiBtcr. Oct. 23. Westminster. Oct. 24. Westiuinster. Nov. 12. Westminster. Nov. 11. Westminster. Nov. 15.' Westminsttr. Membrane 23 — cont. plea that they render 8/. to William Sherman, administrator of the goods late of John Pekeryng, who died intestate, executor of the will of William Mildrede. Lonilon. William Hoxhill of the parish of Honshawe, co. Devon, ' husbondmun,' for not appearing before John Pry.sot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Nicholas Radeford and tlohn Germyn touching a debt of 100s. Devon, Anna Shipton, late of Shipton in the forest of Galtres, co. York, ' wedowe,' administrator of the goods late of William Shipton, late of York, ' gentilman,' who died intestate, for not appearing Ijcfore the justices of the Bench to answer a plea that she render 22/. to Robert Wylkynsou, citizen and ' iremonger ' of Loudon. Loudon. Edward Ayschele late of Bedhampton, co. Southampton, clerk, for not appearing to answer a plea that he render 104.s. to Thomas Tor tier and John atte Welles, executors of the will of Master Richard Banham, clerk. Middlesex. Gilbert Godfelawe of the town of Sulhampton, 'yoman,' for not appearing to answer William Ludlowe touching a debt of 20 marks. Wilts. Alexander Fayreford late of Suthwerk, co. Surrey, es(iuirc, for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, justices of the Bench, to answer Alice late the wife of John Ilewele touching a debt of 6/. London. Thomas Audrewe late of Blakeney, co. Norfolk, merchant, for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Henry Toller, citizen and grocer of London, touching a debt of 10/. London. John Noreys of Gretton, co. Gloucester, 'husbondman,' for not appearing before John Prisot and his fellows, justices of the Bencli of tlie late king, to answer John Faslolf, knight, touching a debt of 40*. Middlesex. Membrase 22. Nov. 25. William C'hampneys of Alberton, co. Gloucester, ' frankeleyn,' aUus Westminster. ' gentilman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Maurice Berkeley of Wetley, knight, touching a debt of 20 marks. Wilts. Thomas Clerk of Norliainpton, * marchaund,' for not appearing to answer Thomas Tresham, knight, and Richard Sapcote of Staunford touching a debt of 20/. Middlesex. John Clerk of Norharapton, ' mercer,* for the same. Middlesex. Nov. 17. Thomas Markham late of Hastynges, co. Sussex, ' gentilman,' alias Westminster. ' marchaunt,' for not appearing to answer Thomas Lemyngton, merchant of the staple of Calais, touching a debt of 15/. Surrey. Nov. 20. John Stones late of Wodelonde, co. Kent, cleik, alias hxie parson of Westminster. Rokeby, co. Warwick, for not appearing to answer Thomas Boleyn, clerk, touching a debt of 40*. Kent. Nov. 17. John Probys late of Ebbesham, co. Surrey, ' husbondman,' for not Westminster. appearing to answer Thomas Cobh.am, knight, touching a debt of 40/. Essex. Oct. 27. Ihomas Bankhous of Thorkilby, co. York, 'yoman,' for not appearing WestPQiufter. before Jobu Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of flic c 1467. Oct. 16. ■Westminster. 1468. Jan. 23. Wt'stiiiiiister, Jan. 28. Westminster. Jan. 29. VVestmiBster. Jan. 23. Westminster. Feb. 1. Westminster. Jan. 29. Westminster. Feb. 3. Westminster. CALE>'DAR OF PATENT ROLLS. Membrane 22 — coiit. Jate king, to answer Thomas Preston of Seterjngton touching a debt of 100s. York. Thomas Case late of Folkstone, co. Kent, 'yoman,' for not appearing to answer William Swerendon alias Swyrynden alias Swrynden of London, ' gcntilmau,' John Hokregge alias Hocryng of Meltou by Gravesend, co. Kent, ' gentilman,' and John Laurens of Meltou by Gravesend, ' zeman,'^touching a debt of 10 marks. London. John Basse late of Knapwell, co. Cambridge, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Richard Tille touching a debt of 40*. Suffolk. Thomas Hardyng late of Ellesworth, co. Cambridge, ' smyth,' for not appearing to answer William Kyng touching a debt of 40s, Hertford. William Tankerd of Burghbrigge, co. York, 'gentilman,' for not appearing when sued with Richard Preston of Aldeburgh by Burghbrigge, co. York, clerk, as executors of the will of John Pape, clerk, to answer a plea that they render 40s. to William Godehall. City of York. John Martyn late of Plympton, co. Sussex, clerk, alias parson of the parish church of Little Waltham, co. Essex, for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, justices of the Bench, to answer Thomas Eyer, citizen and draper of London, lately dwelling in the parish of St. Bartholomew the Less, London, touching a debt of 10 marks. London. Hugh Philip of Rypton Regis, co. Huntingdon, clerk, for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer John Walter, chaplain, touching a debt of 40s. Huntingdon. John Roger late of Oundell, co. Northampton, ' yoman,' for not appearing to answer Robert Tanfeld the younger touching a trespass, Bedford. Robert Bray late of Abyngdon, co. Berks, ' hosteler,' alias ' yoman ' alias ' chapman,' for uot appearing to answer John Blakbourne, citizen and * talghchauudeler ' of London, touching a debt of 77s. Thomas Cook, knight, touching debts of 40/., 19/. 18s. 9d. and 40/. and Robert Tooke, citizen and ' ireraonger ' of London, touching a debt of 12/. London. Agues Saxmondham late of Leystoft, co. Suffolk, ' senglewoman,' for not appearing when sued with William Saxmondham, late of Leystoft, * niarchaunt,' to answer Henry Wyche, citizen and ' ire- monger ' of London, John Nunney, John Ferrers and Henry Heed touching a trespass. Hertford Richard Baten, late of Bristol, 'goldsrayth,' for not appearing to answer a plea that he render a gold chain, worth 20 marks, to Richard Mede. Middlesex. Thomas Benett late of Abyndon, co. Berks, ' chapman,' alias merchant, for not appearing before John Prysot and his felloAvs, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Thomas, abbot of the place of St. Edward, Lettley, co. Southampton, and Peter Howton of Hamuli in le Ryce, co. Southampton, touching a debt of 8/. lis. and Robert Baker, citizen aud ' beddnr ' of Winchester, touching a debt of 4/. 17s., and before the justices of the Bench to answer 1468. Feb. 8. WestuiiuBtcr. Feb. 4. Westiuinster. Membrane 22 — cont. William Purpyt of Croydon and Heury Wenemau alias Wyneman of Abyiidon touching debts of 15/. and 16/. respefflively. Southampton, Surrey & Berks. Geoffrey Vale of Plynmouth, co, Devon, ' niarchaunt,' for not ajjpearing before the .justices of tlie Bench to answer John llcnkyn touching a debt of 10/. 13*. bd. Londou. John Ayleworth of Aldenham, co, Hertford, * mailman,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, justices of the Bench, to answer a plea that he render 40s. to John Wyke and Margaret his wife, executrix of the will of Thomas Croxton, late of Londou, ' gentilman.' ' Hertford. 1467. Nov. 17. Westiuinster. Nov. 16. W estiiiiuBtcr. Nov. 17. Westminster. Nov. 12. Westminster. Nov. 19. Westminster. Nov. 23. Wtstminster. Nov. 27. Westminster. Membrane 21. Philip. Bergeveney of Hill dome, co. Worcester, clerk, alius late of As.shelworth, co. (rloucester, clerk, for not apjiearing before llie justices of the Bench to answer a plea that he render 20 marks to Thomas Payne and William Hunt, e.xecutors of the will of Hugh Plunt, late of Forthampton, co. Gloucester, clerk. Gloucester. John Court of Wheteley, co. Somerset, ' yoman,' for not appearing before the king to answer John Carpenter, clerk, toucliin.^ a trespass. Wilts. John Gefferon of Overston alias Oveston, co. Northampton, * yoman,' for not appearing before .John Prisot ami his fellows, justices of tlio Bench of the late king, to answer Thomas Clarell, esquire, alias late of Lyllyngston Lovel, co. Oxford, * gentilman,' touching a (lebt of 10/. Oxford. William Byrmynghum of Hyrmyngham, co. Warwick, knight, for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Humphrey Stafford of Grafton, esquire, Isabel lat(! the wife of William Leveson, esquire, and John Leuche, esquire, touching a debt of 40 marks, Thomas Walssh, late sheriff of Warwick, touching a debt of 20/. Ralph Sudeley, lord of Sudeley, and John Stourton, lord of Stouiton, knights, touching a debt of 14/. John Sutton, lord of lJuddeley, knight, touching a debt of 10/. Hugh Fenne, touching a debt of ()/. and William Haket, ' gentilman,' touching a debt of 10/. Coventry, Worcester, Middlesex & London. William Saxmondham late of Leystoft, co. Suflblk, ' marchaunt,' for not appearing when sued with Agnes Saxmondham, late of Leystoft, * senglewoman,' to answer Henry Wyche, citizen and ' iremonger ' of London, John Nunny, John Ferrers and Henry Heed, touching a trespass. Hertford. Richard Lee late of Barneslapolia, co. Devon, ' touker,' for not appearing to answer William Joce touching a debt of 10/. Somerset. Rose Hurley, late of London, ' wedowe,' for not appealing to answer William Hille, citizen and mercer of London, touching a debt of 7/. IjOndon. Thomas Scutford, late of London, ' corveser,' alias ' hakencyniau,' for net appearing to answer Willium Crouche touching a debt of 8/. Wilts, CALENDAK OF PATENT ROLLS. 1468. Jan. 28. Westuiiuster. .ran. 27. Westiiiiiislcr. Fel). 23. Westminster. Jan. 23. Westmiuster, Jan. 30. Westminster. Jan. 23, Westminster. 1467. Nov. 20. Westminster, 1468. Feb. 4. Westminster. Jan. 23. Westmiuster. Feb. 8. Westmiuster. Jan. 23. Westminster. Feb. 9. Westraiu'ter. Feb. 11. Westminster. Memhranc 21 — cont. John Biyne, late of Derby, ' rojier,' for not appearing to answer William Overton, alias William t^ou of Cicely Teniar, touching u debt of 4 marks. Derby. Hugh Dalby late of Pylarton, co. Warwick, ' gentilman,' for not appearing to answer Hugh Lynals of Sclaustou, co. Leicester, ' gentilman,' touching a debt of 100/. Leicester. William Kendale late of Cambridge, 'roper,' for not appearing to answer Hugh Brooke touching a trespass. Middlesex, Benedict Newman of Everton, co. Huntingdon, 'chaplain,' for not appearing when sued with Henry Cram well of Everton, ' potter,' John Koger late of Oundell, co. Northampton, ' yoman,' John Preston of Everton, ' husbondman,' John Naseby of London, 'gentilman,' and John Cramwell of Everton, 'potter,' to answer Robert Tanfeld the younger touching a trespass. Bedford. Richard Mason of Wesenham, co. Norfolk, ' husbondman,' for not ap[)ea.ring before the king to answer Roger Tounesendo, Henry Russell and Thomas Skyi)pon touching a trespass. Norfolk. John Sayer late of Neweton Abbot, co. Devon, ' cliapman,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, justices of the Bench, to answer Matthew ClyflT, citizen and draper of London, touching a debt of 40s. Middlesex, John Stukley late of Newenham, co. Southampton, ' gentilman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer John Felder touching a trespass^ Middlesex. John Stucley of Newenham, co. Southampton, ' gentilman,' for not appearing before the king to answer William Spencer touching a trespass. Hertford. Richard Canne of Okhampton, co. Devon, 'wever,' for not appearing before Richard Neuton and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Robert atte Lake touching a trespass. Devon. William Betriche late of Bolyngiope, co. Hereford, '^husbondman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Thomas Peny touching a debt of 20/. Middlesex. Isabel Castell late of Peterburgh, co. Northampton, ' wedowe,' and .John Castell late of Peto'burghj 'gentilman,' executors of the will of William Castell late of Peterburgh, ' gentilman,' for not appearing to answer a plea that they render 10/. to John Renkyn, citizen and mercer of London. London. Richard Arsses of Bristol, esquire, for not appearing to answer John Porter, citizen and draper of London, touching a debt of 8/. London. Richard Grenewey late of New Wyndesore, co. Berks, ' chapman,' for not appearing to answer a plea that he render a writing obligatory to Thomas Bernard, ' skynuer,' and Joan his wife, late the Avife of Richard Warwyke, citizen and skinner of London, of the parish of St. Stephen's, Walbroke, London, who died intestate, and adminis- tratrix of his goods. London. Robert Este, bachelor in law, late of Oxford, clerk, son of Henry Est, for not appearing to answer John Gregory of Winchester, co. Southampton, touching a debt of 9 marks, Southampton, 7 EDWARD IV,— Part I, Membrane 21 — cont. John Plecclier of Tamwoi th, co. Warwick, ' barker,' for not appearing to answer Nicholas Rylaajes and John Wolshawe touching a cli;bt of 40/. Stafford. Membrase 20. Jolin Trope of Dukkesworth, co. Cambridge, Minsboudinan,' alias John Trope the elder sou of John Trope the elder, late of Dukkesworth, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer a plea that he render 40f. to Agnes, lale the wife of John Howard, eiti/.eu and fishmonger of London, late of Oldfyschestret, Loudon, and executrix of his will. London William Crowe of Litelstoughton, co. Bedford, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, justices of the Bench, to answer a plea that he render 10/. to Richard Ryppley, citizen and ' tournour ' of London, executor of the will of Richard Payn, late of Elinestowe, ' mason.' Bedford. John More late of More, co. Oxford, esquire, for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to an.svver John Goldwell, citizen and mercer of London, touching a debt of 40s. London. John Lock, late of London, clerk, for not appearing to answer John DroAvell, clerk, touching a debt of 6 marks. London. Thomas Broune late of Gosberkirk, co, Lincoln, clerk, for not appearing to render hi.s account to Richard White for the time when ho was his receiver. Lincoln. Richard Pykeryng of Assheley, co. Northampton, ' gentilman,' for not appearing to answer Robert Tanfeld the younger, esquire, touching a debt of 9/. 4*. Bedford. Richard Wynton of Bolton on Derne, co. York, chaplain, for not appearing to answer Thomas Neylson or Neleson, citizen and merchant of York, touching a debt of 40s, City of York. William Janyver late of Clanei'eld, co. Oxford, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer William Garnon touching a debt of 4 marks. Oxford. Richard Darset late of Banncbury, co, Oxford, * fysshemonger,' alias of liloxham, co. Oxford, for not appearing to answer John Forster of Loudon, ' skynner,' touching a debt of 20/. London, William Cottesbroko lato of Appultre, co, Northampton, 'husbond- man,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Roger Gour, clerk, touching a debt of 10/, Worcester. Edward Elnoth late of Toiitorden, co. Kent, * fuller,' for not appearing to answer Richard Leo, citizen and alderman of London, touching a debt of 40s. London. .lohn Horde late of Wokysbrcgge, co. Middlesex, 'gentilman,' steward of the household of the lord of Straunge, for not appearing before the justices of the JJonch lo answer Robert Donyngton alias Dodyngtou, citizen vintner of London, touching a debt of AOs. London. John Shipherd of Aysshehull, co. Somerset, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before Robert Danby, knight, and his fellows, justices of tho Bench, to answer Henry Hull, estjuire, touching a debt of 10/. Somerset, 10 CALENDAR OP PATENT ROLLS. 1467. Nov. 7. WeBtminster. Nov. 14. Westminster. Not. 12. Westminster. Nov. 11. Westminster. Nov. 12. Westminster. Nov. 11. Westminster. Nov. 15. Westminster. Oct. 11. Westminster. Oct. 9. Westminster. Membrane 20 — cont. John Perkyns late of Ruge, co. Hertford, ' laborer,' for not appearing when sued with Siinou Buruell late of Ruge, 'laborer,' to answer John Wentworth, ' gentilman,' touching a debt of 40*. John Gowyn of Cratfeld, co. Suffolk, ' taillour,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Robert Clyfton, esquire, touching a debt of 8 marks. Norfolk. John Lyte late of Trompyngton, co. Cambridge, 'miller,' for not appearing to answer Walter Trompyngton, knight, touching a debt of 10 marks. Bedford. John Corbrond of Asshyn, co. Northampton, ' chapman,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer John Chacombe, citizen and mercer of London, touching a debt of 6/. 2s. 2|i/. Loudon, James Robynson of Estwykeham, co. Kent, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Thomas Gay the elder, citizen and tailor of London, touching a debt of 40^. London. William Browne of Repton, co. Derby, ' gentilman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer William Plompton, knight, touching a debt of 20/. Derby. William Wattys of Newetony, co. Wilts, 'husbondman,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Thomas Holbroke of Bysshopesthewe. CO. Somerset, ' hu.sbondman,' touching a debt of 10/. Somerset. Richard Bromraeley of Byrmyngham, co. Warwick, ' yoman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench when sued with John Hare late of Egebaston, co. Warwick, ' wright,' and John Middelmore late of Kyngesnorton, co. Warwick, ' gentilman,' to answer Thomas Littelton touching a trespass. Worcester. John George late of Frome in Selwode, co. Somerset, ' touker,' for not appearing to answer John Maunche of London, ' draper,' touching a debt of 111.9. London. John Grubbe of Birlyng, co. Kent, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellow#, justices ef the Bench of the late king, to answer John, abbot of St. Saviour's, Bermundesey, touching a debt of 20/. Surrey. William Lyndall late of Cheryburton, co. York, ' gentilman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Richard Wakefeld touching a trespass committed by him and Thomas Blankynson of Helbek, co. Westmoreland, esquire, Thomas Donyngton of Blaktofte, co. York, ' yoman,' Ralph Byrnand of Blaktofte, ' gentilman,' and Edmund Cotyngham, late of Raventhorp, CO. York, 'yoman.' York. Richard Pleystowe late of Rencomb, co. Gloucester, clerk, for not appearing to answer a plea that he render a book worth 5 marks to Thomas, prior of Bathe. Somerset. John Yonge late of Syde, co. Gloucester, ' laborer,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, justices of the Bench, to answer Robert Brokwode touching a trespass committed by him and Walter Large of Brymmesfeld, co. Gloucester, ' laborer,' and William Fayranter late of Slokwell, co, Gloucester, tho younger, ' laborer.' Gloucester. 7 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 11 1467. Membrane 20 — cont. Oct. 17. John Fizth Kichard late of Wellys, co. Somerset, 'gentilman,' for not Westminster. appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer John Worsop, citizen and draper of London, touching a debt of 9/. London. Nov. 20. William Btibbecombe late of Babbecombe co. Devon, * gentilman,' for Westminster. not appearing to answer John Wynell touching a debt of 40s. Middlesex. Membrane 19. Dec. 20. Grant to Gerard Canizani of Florence, merchant, in repayment of the Do((meisfiel.l. sum of 8,468/. 1 8s. 8(1. due to him from the king, that he or liis executor.s after his death or their factors or attorneys may have all sums of money, rents, profits and emoluments arising frtim a moiety of all wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, forfeitures, custodies of heirs dtiring minority and tem- poralities of ecclesiastical benefices and all customs and subsidies in the ports of London, Southampton, Sandwich, Bristol, Exeter, Dartmouth, Plymniouth, Fowey and Pole, the customs and subsidies appointed for the mayor and society of the staple of Calais excepted, and may l)eard, clack or clean wools and ship sacks aud bales of wool, woollen cloths and pieces of tin and lead in any of the said ports and take them to foreign parts by the straits of Marrok or from thence to England to the said ports quit of customs and subsidies at the rate of 4 marks, until he shall thus be satisfied of the said gum, with power to nominate a suitable person to the treasurer of England for appointment as customer or collector in any of the said ports. By p.s. Mehurane 18. May 6. Exemplification, at the request of William, abljot of Stonlee, co. Warwick, Westminster, of the tenor of the enrolment of letters patent dated 10 Octoljer, 10 Edward 111., inspecting the tenor of a record and process before the king at Nottingham, Michaelmas, 10 Edward III., whereby the abbot and convent are exempted from granting sustenances at the king's request. June 16. Grant for life to John West, for his good service in the King's Bench and Westminster, elsewhere, of the offices of coroner and attorney of the king in the said Bench, receiving the accustomed fees and wages at the Exchequer as in the last year of JOdward III. aud the first of Richard II. Thomas Croxton, who hekl the said offices during good behaviour by letters patent, died on 30 Jun«, 5 Edward IV., and on the following day Thomas Vynter appeared before the king at Westminster and produced letters patent to the said Thomas and himself of the said offices and sought to be admitted to the offices, but on mature deliberation by the justices of the King's Bench and the Common Bench ho was declared unfit and insufficient and the oflices were declared to be in the king's grant and the said John declared to be a fit person to hold them. By p.s. .Jtme 18. General pardon to Master John Bedon alius Bedown alias Bedun, clerk. Westminster. Qy p.g. June 22. Ratification of the estate which John Faukcs, king's clerk, has as warden Westminster, or dean of the king's free chapel of St. Mary and S.S. George the Martyr and Edward the Confessor ^vithin the castle of Windesore. By p.s. June 27. General pardon to John Gray of Kingeston on Hull, co. York, alias late We.stminster. of York, ' scryvcner ' a/e'as ' bruer.' By p.s. April 18. Pardon to William atte Welle the younger of his outlawry in the county Westminster, of Bedford for not appearing before the king to satisfy him of his ransom 12 CALENDAR OF PATENT BOLLS. Membrane 17. for a tresp.iss committed against William atte Welle the elder against the peace of Heury VI. he having surrendered to the Marshalsea prison as John Markham, chief justice of the King's Bench, has certified. April 21. General pardon to Richard Waryn, late of Boston, co. Lincoln, ' yoman,' WrNiininstcr. alias late of Bedford, co. Lincoln, alias Richard RatclyfF, late of Boston, CO. Lincoln, of all offences committed by him before 2 April, By p.s. April 7. Licence, for 100/. paid to the king, for Ralph Wolseley or his executors WcstiuinRter. after his death, or their factors or attorneys, to cut down and sell the king's wood and underwood called ' Ilopwaswode,' alias ' HopAvashay,' sometime parcel of the king's forest of Cannok, co. Stafford, whensoever he pleases within the next six years, without rendering any account. By K, Ajnil 9. Grant to Adrian de Bardes, born in Brabant, son of Bernard de Bardes, Westniiuster. citizen of Florence, of letters of denization. By K. March 1.5. Licence, for 40 marks paid in the hanaper, for John Dynham, esquire, Westminster, and Elizabeth, late the wife of John Rattcclyff of Fitz Wauter, esquire, to grant to Richard lUyngworth, knight, John Say, knight, and Thomas Ursewyk the manors of Hemnale and Dysse, co. Norfolk, Shymplyng and Thurstonton, co. Suffolk, and Henham, Wymbussh, Lexden, Sheryng, Burneham, Asshedon, Little Dunmowe, W^odeham Wauter and Roydon, CO. Essex, held in chief, and for these to re-grant the same to the said John and Elizabeth and her heirs. April 21. Exemption for life of John Elmes of Henley on Thames, co. Oxford, Weslniinster. merchant, from being put on assizes, juries, inquisitions, attaints or recognisances and from being made justice of the peace, of sewers, of oyer and terminer, of gaol delivery or of the forest or other commissioner or inquisitor of the king, admiral, mayor, guardian, sheriff, escheator, coroner, steward, bailiff, leeve, receiver, customer, controller, taxer, ulnager, searcher, gauger, approver, collector of subsidies, tenths, fifteenths or aids, constable, warden, marshal, usher, leader, arrayer or trier of men-at-arms, hobelers or archers or other ofiicer or minister of the king, and from being compelled to take up knighthood, and from having his horses, carts and goods taken by the king's purveyors. By p.s. Pardon to Henry Taillour late of Wychenore, co. Stafford, * yoman,' of his outlawry in the county of Stafford for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to satisfy John Gresley, knight, of 20/. which he recovered against him and GO.v. damages, he having surrendered to the Flete prison, as Robert Danby, knight, chief justice of the Bench, has certified. Pardon to William Harecourt of Maysloke, co. Warwick, knight, late insler. sheriff of Warwick and Leicester, late esquire, of all offences committed by him before 17 February last and all fines, amercements, issiies, reliefs, scutages, debts, accounts and arrears due to the king. By p.s. April 26. Westiniiisicr April 27 W'efliii Membuane 16. Aprd 15. Pardon to Robert Coruewall of Chirchestaunton, co. Devon, clerk, alias AYtstiiiiiitter. Robert Cornewale late of Cherystaunton, co. Devon, clerk, of his outlawry in the counties of Somerset and Devon for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to satisfy John Clyff and Nicholas Wynde of 20 marks which they recovered against him and 10/. damages, and before Robert Danby, knight, and his fellows, justices of the Bench, to answer Richard Duke touching a debt of 40*. 4(/., he having surrendered to the Flete prison and satisfied the said John and Nicholas, as the said Robert has certified. 7 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 13 1467. Membrane 16 — cont. April 29. Inspcxhnus and confirmation to the prior and canons of St. John Baptist, Westminster. Bedford, of a charter of Henry II. as follows : — Henricus Dei gratia rex Any lie et dux Normannie et Aqiiitannie ct comes Ander/avie, aichiepiscopis, episcopis, abbatibus, comitihus, baronibus, justiciariis, vicecomitibus et omnibus ministris et jidelibus suis saJutem. Sciatis me concessisse et presenti carta confirmasse priori et meis pauperibus canonicis Sancti Johannis Baptiste de Bedeford omnes donationes terrarum et Jiomimim et elimosinarum que eis facte sunt, tam in ecclesiis quam in rebus etpossessionibus mundanis. Quare volo et firmiter jjrecipio quod predicti canonici et eorum homines omnes possessiones et elimosinas suas habeant et teneant cum sacha et socha et tol et theam et infangentthf et cum omnibus aliis libertalibus et libcris consuetudinibus et quietanciis suis in bosco et piano, in pratis et pasturis, in aquis ct molendinis, in stagnis et vivariis, in mariscis et piscariis, iti grangis, in virgultis, infra burgum rl extra, infra villam et extra, in viis et semitis et in omnibus aliis locis et aliis rebus, solittas ct liberas et quietas de siris et hundredis ct placitis ct querelis et de murdris ct wapentachis et scutagio, geldis et denegcldis et hidagiis et assisis et operation ibus castellorum et pontium et de hengwita et flesmclenscnwita et de ivardcpeni et de auerpeni et de blodwita. et de futwita et de hundrcpeni et de tethinpeni, et quietas de omni tholneo et passagiis et pontagiis et lestagio ct staltagio et de omni scculari scrvicio el opere scrvili el exactione et de omnibus aliis occasionibus et consuetudinibus scculartbus, e.rcepta sola justicia mortis et membrorum. Ilec omnia concessi eis in pcrpetuam elimosinam pro Dei amore et pro anima regis H. avi mei, et pro anima patris mci ct viatris mee, Imperatricis, et liberorum el hercdum meorum. T. Ricardo Winloniensi episcopo, JValtcro de Consl\^anciis^, Rnnulpho de Glan[villa'\, lieginaldo dc Knrten[ai/^, Hngone de Belloc, apud Wintoniam. For 1 mark paid in the hanaper. Mandate to all bailiffs and others to permit Patrick Cloughston, chaplain, born in Wigtoti in Galewey in Scotland, dwelling at Sliopeland, co. Essex, to inhabit the realm peaceably and enjoy his gooils. By p.s. General pardon to John Badniynton late of Ai)pul(lore, co. Kent, ' gentilman,' of all offences committed by him before 10 April. By p.s. The like lo James Davy bite of Little Plunistcd, co. Norfolk, ' laborer,' of all offences conmiitteil by him before All Saints last. By p.s. Licence, lor 2()s, i*d. |)aid in the hanaper, for Joan, late the wife of Robert Warcop, cscpiirc, William Spencer, clerk, and John Wathe to grant the manor of Langhohnn, twelve messuages, 200 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pastnre, 20 acres of wood and 20.y. of rent, in Langholme, Garanielsby, Kanghton, Gatescales, Blenkoogo, Ncwelandes, Broniefeld, Blaketwhayte, Crokeilake, Hul)er(lby, Bocherdby, Borough by Sandes, Carlile, Thornby, Caldlutk, Soureby and Skirwitli, and a moiety of the manor of Uannnelsby, CO. Cumberland, held in chief, to Robert Warcop, esquire, Thomas Warcop, clerk, and Matlliew (ircne, clerk, and the heirs and assigns of the said Robert. July 6. General pardon to Joan, late the wife; of Thomas Swete of Bradford by WestininstcT. Yevell, co. Dorset, ' glusier,' of all offences committed by her before 2 July iind all tines, amercements and arrears due to the king. By p.s. May 1. Westminster April 29. Westminster. May 2. Westminster. May .5. Westminster. May .3. In.spc.vimUs and conlirmation to William, the prior, and the convent of Westminster, St. James, Bristol, of letters patent dated 11 February, 20 Richard J I., 14 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1467. May 4. Westminster April 20. Westminster. May 4. Westminster. June 27. Westminster. June 29. Westminster. March 5. Westminster. March 17. AVestmiuster. March 14. Westminster. April 14. Westminster. iMarch 2G. Westminster. April 7. Westminster. JMembrunc 15 — conf. inspecting and confiiTning a charter dated at Carlisle, 1 July, 2S Edward I. [Charier Roll, 28 Edward J. No. 17], inspecting and confirming a charter of Henry II. For 40*. paid in the hanapcr. Inspexhnus and confirmation to John Curson, knight, kinsman and heir of Thomas de Felton, of a charter dated at Westminster, 7 July, .30 Edward I. (rectins III.), granting to the said Thomas and his heirs free warren in the demesne lands of their manors of Wilby, co. Norfolk, and Barwe and Ikne, co. Suffolk. [Charter Roll, 36 Edward III. No. 18.] For ^ mark paid in the hanaper. Licence for John Goryng, Humphrey Henster and Thomas Best and their heirs and executors to found a perpetual chantry to the Holy Trinity and St. Richard, of one chaplain to celebrate divine service daily at the altar of St. George within the cathedral church of Chichester, co. Sussex, for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, and the said John, Humphrey and Thomas and for their souls after death and the souls of William Okehurst, John Okehurst, Cicely his wife and their )-e]ations and benefactors and all for whom the said William is bound to pray, to be called the chantry of William Okehurst, and for the alienation in mortmain by them to the said chaplain of lands and possessions, not held in chief, to the yearly value of 10/. for his sustenance and the performance of certain works of charity. By p.s. and for 20/. paid in the hanaper. Grant for life to John Pesemersh, king's knight, and Dame Joan his wife of two tuns of red wine of Gascony yearly at Christmas from the king's prises in the port of London, in recompence of a grant to them in the first year of the reign of an annuity of 20 marks out of the issues of the king's manor and lordship of Pembrigge, co. Hereford, annulled by authority of Parliament at Westminster. By p a. General pardon to John Markaunt late of Saunford, co. Oxford, ' husbondman ' alias ' yoman,' alias late of Yefteley, co. Oxford, ' fermour,' of all offences committed by him and of his escape from Oxford gaol. By p.s. General pardon to Henry Carnebole late of London, * gontilman.' By p.s. Membrane 14. General pardon to Thomas Cornewayll of Calaig, ^ goldsmyth,' of all offences committed by him before 28 February. By p.s. General pardon (o Roland Kyrkeby late of Bolton in Furness, co. Lancaster, esquire, of all offences committed by him before 13 March. ByK. General pardon to John Beston late of Fratnelyngham Castle, co. Suffolk, ' yonian,' alias John Beeston late of Ipswich, co. Suffolk, ' geiitilmau,' alias late of Hawnes, co. Bedford, ' parker,' of all offences committed by him before 4 jNIarch. By K. Mandate to all to permit Richard Govan, chaplain, born in the town of Abunlyne in Scotland, dwelling at Mayloiid, co. Essex, who has taken the oath of allegiance, to inhabit the realm poaccablv and enjoy his goods. By K. Licence for the president and convent of the C'luniac monastery of Montncutc, in tlie diocese of Bath and Wells, to elect a prior in the place of Robert Criche, deceased. Licence, loi lOt)/. paid to llic king, lor i\al[]h Wolscley or his executors after his decease or their factors or attorneys to cut down and sell the king's 7 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 15 14G7. Membram 14 — cont. wood and iinderwood called ' Hopwaawode ' aliui ' Hopwashay ' sometime parcel of the king's forest of Cannok, co. StatFord, whensoever he pleases within the next six years, without rendering any account. By K. April 11. Mandate to the escheator in the counties of Somerset and Dorset for Westminster, the restitution of the temporalities of the Cluniac priory of S.S. Peter and Paul, Moutacute, in the diocese of Bath and Wells, to John Dore, monk of the house, whom John Water, the sub-prior, and the convent have elected prior in the place of Dan Robert Criche, deceased, and whose fealty the king has ordered to be taken by the abbot of Mochelney. The like to the cscheators in the counties named :— Southampton and Wilts. Devon. Cornwall. Gloucester and the march of Wales adjacent. Writ de ititendendo in pursuance to the tenants. Nov. 10. Appointment, during pleasure, of Christopher Fourneys as controller of Westminster, the great and petty custom, the subsidy of wools, hides and wool-fells and the subsidy of the 3*. in the tun and the 12c?. in the pound, in the port of Chichester and ports and places adjacent, provided that he execute the office in person, with the custody of one part of the coket seal. By bill of the treasurer. Oct. 21. The like of the following :— Westminster. John Dyve in the port of Boston and ports and places adjacent. By bill of the treasurer. 1468. Jan. 7. Robert Radclyff in the port of Ipswich and port.s and places adjacent. Westminster. By bill of the treasurer. 1467_ Membrane 13. May 19. Licence for the sub-prior and canons of the monastery of Ivychurch, in WtstiiiinHcr. the dioccsc of Salisbury, to elect a prior in the place of Rol>ert Stokys, last prior, resigned. Licence for the prior and convent of the monastery of Evesham to elect an abbot in the place of Richard Penbroke, last abbot, deceased. By p.s. May 19. Grant to Master John Shirwode, clerk, of the. custody of the hosi)ital of Westminster. St. Nicholas in the suburbs of York and appointment of him for life as master or warden of the liospital, in lieu of a like grant to and appointment of Thomas Usburn, brother of the hospital of St. Leonard, York, by letters patent dated 12 Februar}', 1 lulward IV. surrendered. ByK. May 5. Pardon to Philip Devolyn of the town of Galewey in Ireland, king's Wes(miiistcr. tenant, for the death of William Omorywyd, Irishman, an enemy of the king, whom he killed in .self-defence, and all other trespasses committed I)y him, and release to him of all his lands and goods. By K. Juno 21. Signification to R. bishop of Salisbury of the royal assent; to the election Westminster, of Ildwanl Tliach:im, canon of the priory of Ivycluirch, as prior of that jilacf. INIay 4. Grant to the king's kiiisni;in George, archbialnp of York, that he and Wcstminstoi. ilis successors may have prisons or gaols in the towns and lord.sliips of Beverley and Rypon, co. York, and power of appointing justices of tlie pcaco and of oyer and terminer and gaol delivery withiu those towns. And 16 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1467. July 1. Westminster. July II. Westminster. July 6. Westminster. July 8, Westminster. Membrane 13 — cont. pardon to bim of all fines, amercements, issues, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king. By p.s. Mandate to the escheator in the counties of Southampton and Wilts for the restitution of the temporalities of the priory of Ivychurch to Dan Edward Thacham, canon of that place, whose election as prior Adam Copyndale, clerk, vicar-general of R. bishop of Salisbury, has confirmed, and whose fealty the king has ordered to be taken by John Cranbouru, clerk. Writ de intendendo in pursuance to the tenants. Protection with clause volumus, for one year, for John Busshell late of Little Wormyngton, co. Gloucester, ' wolman ' alias * wolmarchaunt ' alias ' geutilman,' going to Ireland on the king's service in the company of the king's kinsman John, earl of Worcester, deputy of the king's brother George, duke of (!)larence, lieutenant of Ireland. By bill of p.s. Pardon to John Hamrae late of Trenaffa, co. Cornwall, ' yoman,' of all debts, fines and amercements due to the king. By p.s. Pardon to Simon Hareby of Thurleby by Burn, co. Lincoln, esquire, of his outlawry in the city of Lincoln and the hustings of London for not ajipearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to satisfy Thomas Warner, chaplain, of 20 marks which he recovered against him and 5 marks damages, and for not appearing before the justices of the Bench of the present king to answer Humphrey Bourchier, knight, lord of Cromwell, touching a debt of 20/. he having surrendered to the Flete prison and satisfied the said Thomas, as Bobert Danby, chief justice of the Bench, has certified. Membrane 12. May 1. Grant for life to John Coldale of the office of one of the king's kecj)ers Westminster, of le Ovcrwarde Avithin the forest of Inglcwode, receiving fees as in the time of Edward III., in lieu of a like grant of the same to Robert Blakeman by letters patent dated 16 October, 1 Edward IV. surrendered. By p.s. May 8. Signification to Th. archbishop of Canterbury of the royal assent to the Wcstroinster. election of John Barboure, brother of the Augustinian hospital of St. Mary, Dover, as master of that place. April 27. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Beno Hampton, esquire, of twelve Westminster, messuages, 20 acres of meadow, 200 acres of pasture and 12«, of rent, in Lychefeld, Curburgh, Elmehurst, Stretehjiy and Fulfen, co. Stafford, not held in chief, to John, the abbot, and the convent of St. Mary, Halesoweyn, to celebrate divine service in the monastery for the good estate of the king and Elizabeth, queen of England, his consort, and the said Beno and for their souls after death. By p.s. June 10. Pardon to William Hemmyng, late of Worsted, co. Norfolk, chaplain, of Westmiuster. his outlawry in the county of Norfolk for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to .satisfy Miles Stapilton, knight, of 25 matks which he recovered against him and 20*. Sd. damages, he having surrendered to the Flete prison, as Robert Danby, chief jiistico of the Bench, has certified. June^8. Jiispea irnns and confirmation to Thomas Assheton, esquire, and William M cstmiiistcr. Floniyng, rsf|uiro, kinsmen and heirs of the under-mentioned Thomas and Alice, and tlioir lioirs ol letters patent, dated ] February, 1.':! Ricliard II., inspot ling and oonfirniing (o Thomas Flemyng, knight, and Alice, daughter of William del Le, knight, whom Fidk de Staudyssh has married, kiu.smen 1 EDWARD IV.—Part I. 17 14G7. Membrane 12 — cont. and heirs of the under-mentioned William, and their heirs, a charter dated at Aberconeweye, 15 Marcli, 11 Edward I. granting to William de la Mare and his heirs a market weekly and a fair yearly at his manor of Croftoiic, CO. Lancaster, and free warren in his demesne lands in Croftone, Moudcslcyc and Langeton, co. Lancaster. For 105. paid in the hanaper. July 1. Grant for life to John Tremayle of the office of parker of the king's Westminster, park of Corymalet, co. Somerset, receiving the accustomed fees from the issues of the king's manor or lordship of Corymalet, wilh all other accustomed profits. By i).s. May 10. Grant for life to the king's servant Henry Chapman, groom of the Westminster, saucery, of the custody of the passage of Sainpford with the barge of the same in the counties of Oxford and Berks, with all accustomed profits. By p.s. July 8. General pardon to William Bowhanke, late of Derham, co. Durham, Westminster. ' yoraan,' of all offences committed by him before 2 .July. By p.s. July .30. Grant to the king's kinsman John, earl of Worcester, and Philippa lloos Westmiuster. his sister late the wife of Thomas, lord of lioos, of the manors of Uffyngton, Wragby and Esteryngton, co. Lincoln, and Orston, Warsop and Ekeryng, co, Nottingham, with the advowsons of the churches of Warsop and Eykeryng, the manor of Seton, co. York, an annuity of 20/. of rent from the priory of Wartre and lands in Wartre, co. York, the manor of Adderley extending into Sponeley with the advow.«;on of the church of Adderley, co. Salop, and the manor of Estbourue, co. Sus.-sex, late of the said Thomas and in the king's hands by reason of an act of forfeiture in Parliament at Westminster, 4 Noverai)er, 1 Edward IV. to hold for the life of the .said Philippa by the services of as many knights' fees and as many other rents and services as they were held by l)cfore 1 ^larch, 1 Edward IV. Mem n HAN E 1 1. July 3. Wcstiiiiiister. July 7. Westminster, July 3. AVestminstcr, So[)t. 10. Dogmcrsfielil Inspexiinus and confirmation to R. ))islicp of Carlisle and the prior and canons of Carlisle of a charter (called letters patent), dated at Westmiuster, 15 June, 18 Edward 1. j (latrtcr Roll, IS h'dwurd 1. No. 27], insi)eeting and confirming to Ralph, then bi.'^hup, and the prior and canons a charter dated at Oxford, IG July, 15 Ilgiiry 111. to Walter, then bishop, and the prior and canons. For 1 mark paid in the hanaper. Grant for life to the king's servitor Thomas Croft, esquire, of the ofliec of the stewardship or of lieutenant of the king's manor of Wodcstokc, CO. Oxford, and its members, viz. Ilambergh, Come, Stonesfeld, Wotton, and Bladon, and the hundred of Wotton. eo. Oxford, receiving the accustomed fees from the issues of the said manor. By p.s. Appointment, during pleasm-o, of Edward Flynte as ganger in the port of Exeter and ports and [daces adjacent, receiving the accu.stomed fees. By bill of the treasurer. The like of Nicholas Cervynglon in the port of Bristol and ports and places adjacent. By bill of the treasurer. MembhaKR 10. July 17. Grant for life to lltimidirey StalVord, lord Slalford of SouthcWyk, knight, \Vt■.«lmill^ter. of the king's lordship of Kxiiond, all his messuages, lands, rents, reversions and services in Exilond and Westyente, and the (i.shory of the river E.\e, CO. Devon, with view of frank-pledge, liberties and all profits, rendering to y "J6186 ^ 18 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1467. July 25. Westminster. Aug. 4. ■NVestiniiistcr. Aug. 9, Westiiiinster. July 14. Westminster. July 15. Westiiiiiistcr. Aug. 5. Wcslminstcr. Membrane 10 — cont, the king 28/. 16*. 8(/. yearly, aud supporting the houses, enclosures, and buildings. By p.s. Grant from Easter last to the king's servant Richard Fowler and the heirs male of his body of the manor of Stonton Barry, a moiety of the manor of Stuteley alias Stucley and all lands, rents, reversions and services in Stonton Barry and Stucley, co. Buckingham, and Markham alias Marcham, co. Berks, late of William Vaux alias Vawes, knight, and in the king's hands by reason of his forfeiture and by virtue of an act in Parliament at Westminster, November, 1 Edward IV. the manor of Sutton on Trent, co. Nottingham, and all lands, rents, reversions and services in Sutton aforesaid of Thomas, late lord Eoos, aud in the king's hands by reason of his forfeiture and by virtue of the act aforesaid, and the reversion of the manor of Preston and all lands, rents, reversions, and services in Preston and Coveley, co. Buckingham, which William Fowlei", son of Thomas Fowler, holds for life, late of the said Thomas, lord Roos, and in the king's hands as above, with knights' sees, advowsons, wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, courts leet, views of frank-pledge and all profits, to hold by such I'ents and services as they were held by befoi'C 4 March, 1 Edward IV. for 20*. 4(Z. to be paid for fine or fee of the great seal. By p.s. Grant to John Scotte, knight, and the heirs male of his body of the manor of Clopton and all lands, rents, reversions and services in Clopton, CO. Sullblk, late of William, late lord Beamoud, and in the king's hands by reason of his forfeiture and by virtue of an act in Parliament at West- minster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. the manor of Gannowe, co. Worcester, and all lands, rents, reversions, and services in Gannowe, late of James, late earl of Wiltshire, and in the king's hands by reason of his forfeiture and by virtue of the act aforesaid, and the manors of Berkham alias Bercompe and Byrlyug and all lands, rents, reversions and services in Barkham alias Bercompe and Berlyng, co. Sussex, with knights' fees, advowsons, courts leet, views of frank-pledge, liberties, franchises, Avarrens and profits, with all issues from Easter last, to hold by the services of as many knights' fees and as many other rents and services as they were held by before 4 March, 1 Edward IV. for 20*. id. to be paid for fine or fee of the great seal. By p.s. Grant to Thomas Stratton, clerk of the works, at the hands of the abbot and convent of St, Peter's, Westminster, of 100/. forfeited to the king by reason of the escape of Maurice Newton late of London, ' soudioure,' convicted of felony and delivered to the custody of George, abbot of the monastery, to be applied to the roofing and completing of the new work within the private palace of Westminster. By p.s, V^acated by surrender and cancelled at the mandate of the king by signet letter on 28 September, 7 Edward IV. General pardon to Robert Harden alins Hardyng of Newcastle on-Tyne, ' merchant,' of all ofleuces committed by him before 10 July last. By p.s. General pardon to Thomas Cornewayll, esquire, of all offences whereof he was convicted liy authority of Parliament at W^estminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. By p.s. Grant to the king's servitor Henry Ferrers, esquire, and his assigns for Ills life of the manor of Hamyldon, co. Rutland, which the king had of the grant of George, archbishop of York, his kinsman, Richard Quatermays, esquire, .lohn Leynton, William Hampton, John Benet and Richard Fowler, with knight's fees, courts leet, views of frank-pledgo, liberties, franchises and profits, to hold by the services of .'is many knights' fees and as many *l EDWARD IV.— Part I. 19 1407. Membrane 10 — cont. other rents and services as they were held by before 4 March, 1 Edward IV. with all issues from Easter last. By p.s. Vacated by surrender and cancelled, became the king granted the manor to the said Ilcnry and Margaret his wife and the heirs of their bodies by other letters patent on 14 November, 8 Edward IV. Aug. 9. Presentation of John Carethorp to the parish church of Bisseley in Westminster, the diocese of Winchester, void by the death of William Horn, last parson. Membrane 9. Aug. 24. Grant for life to Richard Wideville, earl of Ryvcrs, lord of Grafton and WcBtiuinstcr. ];i Mote, father of the queen, of the office of constable of England, receiving 200/. yearly at the receipt of the E.\chequer with all other accustomed profits, in lieu of a like grant of tlie office to the king's kinsman .John, earl of Worcester, by letters patent dated 7 February, 1 Edward IV. surrendered ; and grant of the reversion of the office on the death of the said earl of Ryvers to his son Anthony Wideville, lord of Scales and Nuselles, for life, receiving 200/. yearly as above. \^F(cdera.'\ By p.s. Aug. 23. Gi'ant to the king's knight .fohn Widevilc and the heirs male of his body Westminster, of the reversion of the lordship.s and manors of Grynisthorix', Edenani, Westhorpe, Soutliorpe, Lenwode Beaumond and Thursway Beauraond, co. Lincoln, and all lands, rents, services and possessions in the county ol the city of Lincoln called ' Beaumondcsrent ' and in Grymslhori)e, Edenain, Westhorpe, Southorpe, Lenwode Beaumond and Thursway Beaumond, on the death of Katharine, duchess of Norfolk, who holds the same in ilower, belonging to the king, by reason of the forfeiture of William, late viscount Beaumond, and by virtue of an act in Parliament at VV^o.stniin.stei', 4 No- vember, 1 Edward IV. with knights' fees, advow.sons, courts loot, views of frank-pledge, liberties, franchises, fairs, markets, warrens and profits, to hohl by the services of as many kiiiglits' fees and as many other rents and services as they were held l)y before 4 starch, 1 Edward IV. By p.s. M^SlBRAttE 8. July 24. Grant for life to Judoc de Bull and Katharine his wife of 20/. yearly from Westminster. Michaelmas, 5 Edward IV. from the customs and sul)sidies in the port of Southampton, in lieu of a like grant to them from the issues of the king's lordship of C3ye within the pale of the town of Calais by letters patent dated 1(5 June, 3 Edward IV. surrendered because invalid. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the customers or collectors in the port of Southampton. July 29. Exemption for life of William More, citizen and butcher of London, from Westniiubter. being ])ut or im))iUK'lled on grcut assizes or other assizes, juries, attaints, recognisances or ir.cjiiisitions, and trom being made trier of the same, baihlf, constable, collector, assessor, taxer, surveyor or receiver of tenths, fifteenths or other subsidy or imposition, arrayer, trier or leader of men-at-arms, liobelcrs or archers, or other officer or minister of the king, and grant that no purveyor shall lake any of his goods against his will. By p.s. July 28. Grant, during oflTice, to Master Thomas Rotherham, king's clerk, keeper M'csdniiiRter. of the pi ivy scid, of a yeinly rent of 3(iO m.irks, viz. 200 niaiks from the issues of the city of London luul the eoiint} of MidiUesex, 100 marks from the issues of the counties of Norfolk and ^ulTolk and CO marks from the 20 CALENDAR OP PATENT ROLLS. 1467. Membrane 8 — com. issues of the counties of Somerset and Dorset, at the hands of the sheriffs, in part payment of his fee of 205. daily. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriffs of London and Middlesex. The like to the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk. The like to the sheriff of Somerset and Dorset. July 24. Graut to Johu Pilkyngton, one of the esquires of the body, and the heirs Westininstcr. male of his body of the manor of Turnehamhall with its members, two parts of the manor of Thorneton in Craven, and six messuages, 200 acres of land, 10 aci'es of meadow and 50 acres of pasiture in Yolton, co. York, late of Thomas, lord Roos, and in the king's hands by reason of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. by pretext whereof he was attained of high treason, the reversion of the third part of the said manor of Thorneton and the manor of Lynton on Owse, co. Y'^ork, on the death of Marjory late the wife of John Roos, knight, lord Roos, who holds the same in dower, belonging to the king as above, the manors of Malteby and Hoton, CO. Y'"ork, late of John, late lord Clifford, attainted of high treason by virtue of the said act, and in the king's hands as above, the manor of Great Hale alias Westhalle alias Hole, co. Lincoln, late of Thomas Claymond and in the king's hands by reason of the said act by reason of which he was attainted of high treason, an inn or tenement and four shops adjacent in the suburbs of Loudon in the parish of St. Botolph in the ward of Aldrichgate, which Gilbert Parre, esquire, lately had of the grant of Henry VI. by letters l)atent, and the manors of Turby, 13alscadan and Russhe with the advowsons of the churches and all lands, rents, services, coui'ts and profits in Turby, Balscadan and Russhe, co. Dublin, late parcel of the hereditament of James Botiller, late earl of Wiltsliire, convicted of high treason by virtue of the said act, and in the king's hands as above, to hold with knights' fees, advowsons, wards, marriages, warrens, fairs, markets and other profits by the services of as many knight's fises and as many other rents and services as they were held by before 4 March, 1 Edward IV. with all issues from that date. By p.s. Membuane 7, April 20. Ceueral pardon to Tliomas Loehard late of Clehungre, co. Hereford, Westminster. ' gintilman,' of all offences committed by him and all forfeitures of his goods and lands. By p.s. June 22. Pardon to Thomas Ruyton, late of Coventre, ' mercer,' of his outlawry Westmijistcr. in the county of Middlesex tor not appearing before the justices of the Bench to satisl'y John Ileynes of London, ' draper,' of a debt of 6/. 8*. whieli he recovered against liiiu and 20s. danuiges, lie having surrendered to the Flele prison and satisfied the said John, as Robert Dauby, knight, chief justice of the Bench, has certified. June 26. Pardon to Nicholas Husee of Hertyng, co. Sussex, esquire, late buyer, Wfstuiiiistei-. receiver and keeper of all victuals and equipments of the late king provided for the defence of the town of Calais and all other towns, castles and f'ortalices in those jiarts, late purveyor, buyer, i-eceivcr and keeper of all victuals and equipments within the town and marches of Calais and the tower of Ruysbank, late lieutenant of the king's town and castle of Guynes in the parts of Picardy, late victualicr of Calais, late sheriff of Surrey and Sussex, of all offences committed by him and all debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king. By p.s. June 26. General pardon to Thomas Throkmarton of Coughton, co. Warwick, Westminster, escpiire, alias ' gentilman.' alias of Throkmarton, co. W orcestcr, esquire, of all 7 EDWAllD IV.— Part I. ^ 21 1467. Membrane 7 — cont. offences committed by him before 23 June, and declaration that he is innocent of certain treasons and other misprisions of wliich he was accused. By p.s, June 26. Presentation of William Benet, chaplain, to the parish church of Etton, ■\Vestmiiistcr. iu the diocese of York, void by the resignation of Robert Yarcburght, last rector, who is oppressed by old age and weakness, and to whom the king requests George, archbishop of York, to assign a sustenance from the fruits of the said church, lest he be reduced to beggary. By p.s. July 2. General pardon to Hugh Muile of London, * gentilman,' alias Hugh Wcstmin^tol . Mille, o//as late of Bristol, late of Harcscombe, co. Gloucester, of all offences committed by him before 1 July. By p.s, Jidy .3. Protection, with clause volumus, for one year, for Richard Symans alias Wfstiuiuster. Seman of ScgcVjarowe, co. Worcester, ' yoman,' alias Richard llyote, going on the king's service in the company of John, earl of Worcester, deputy of the king's brother George, duke of Clarence, lieutenant of Ireland, to Ireland on the s^afe custody, defence and victualling of that land. By bill of p.s. July 4, Pardon to the master, brethren and sisters of the fraternity or gild of Wesiminstcr. the Holy Angels by Syon of all otfences, trespasses and contempts committed by tiicm and all acquisitions of lands in mortmain without licence. By p.s. July 0. Appointment, until f> January next, of Thomas Markham to purvey salt Wt'siminster. and freshwater fish for the expenses of the household. By bill of the treasurer of the household. July 9, Presentation of John Foster, chaplain, to tlie parish church of Artrutli, Wcstniinhttr. in the diocese of (Jarlislc, void by the resignation of William Huntyng, Membrane 6. July 9. Whereas Tliomas Ursewyk, recorder of London, Richard Levormore and Wustniinstcr. William 'ry.stcde lately ac(iMircd in fee from John Dyiiliam, lord Dynhani, the manor of Herlilcnd, co. Devon, the hundred of Ilertilond pertaining to the manor, the advowson of the abbey of Hcrfilond and all advowsous of Hertilond pertaining to the manor, iield in chief, and altci ward.s the said John and Elizabeth his wife, late the wife of .John Ualcliir of Filzwater, acquired the name from them to themselves and the heirs of the said John and entered thereon without licence, the king hereby without fine or fee paidons these trespasses. By p.s. July 8. Pardon to John Ricard of Piaystowe in the parish of Bremlcy, co. Kent, Westmiusur. ' hu.sbon(!man,' of his outlawry in London for not appearing before tiio justices of the Bench to satisfy the king of his ransom for having denied a writing obligatory of 11/. which John Doo, citizen and ' stokfysshmonger ' of London, produced in court, whereof he was convicted, and the said John Doo of the said II/. and the damages awarded to him, he having surrendered to the Flete pri.son and satisfied the latter, !is Robert Danby, chief justice of the Bench, has certified, July 14. Presentation of Richard Woodward to the church of St. John, Matyr- Westiuiiister. market, Norwich, void by the death of William Bafyn, May 4. Licence for James Metkalf, his heirs or e.xeeutors to found a perpetual Wcslniinster. chantry of one ohiiplain to celebrate divine service daily in the church or chapel of St. OsAvald, Askryg, co. York, for the good estate of the king, his consort Elizabeth, (|ueen of England, the said James and Thonias Metkalf and Miles Metkalf his sons and for their souls after death and the souls of Richaul, late earl of Salisbury, and John Metkalf and Alic his wife father and mother of the said James, to be called the chantry of James CALENDAR OP PATENT ROLLS, 1467. July 2. Westiiiiuster. July 24. Westiuinster. June 3. Westminster. Aug. 4. Westminster. Aug. 29. Westminster. Aug. 28. Westminster. Membrane 6 — cont. Metkalf, and for the alienation in mortmain by him> his heirs or executors to the said chaplain of lands and tenements, not held in chief, to the yearly value of 10 marks. By p.s. and for 6 marks paid in the hanaper. Grant to John Audeley, knight, lord of Audeley, and the heirs male of his body of the manors of Shire and Vachery, co. Surrey, with knights' fees appertaining, of the yearly value of 37/. 5?. in the king's hands by the forfeiture of James, late earl of Wiltshire, to hold by the services of as many knights' fees and as many other rents and services as they were held by before 4 March, 1 Edward IV. By p.s. (Irant to the king's servitor Roger Ree, esquire, one of the ushers of the king's chamber, and the heirs male of his body, for his good service to the king's father and the king, of the manors of Erpynghara and Jerbrygge, co. Norfolk, and Whatton attc Stone, co. Hertford, and all lands, rents and services in Erpyngbam, Jerbrygge and Whatton atte Stone, late of William, late viscount Beaumont, on 4 March, 1 Edward IV. and in the king's hands by reason of his forfeiture and by virtue of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. and all lands, rents, reversions, services, and possessions in the counties of Middlesex and Cornwall and elsewhere in England, late of John Nayler, esquire, on 30 December, 39 Henry VI. or the said 4 March, and in the king's hands by reason of liis forfeiture, and by virtue of the act aforesaid, with knights' fees and advowsons, to hold with all issues from Easter last by the services of as many knights' fees and as many other rents and services as they were held by before the said 4 March. . By p.s. Vacated by surrender and cancelled, because the kinrj granted the said manors and lands, rents and services in Erpyngham and Jerbrygge and Whatton atte Stone to him by other letters palent on 31 May, 15 EdiL urd IV. Presentation of William Buutyng, chaplain, to the parish church of St. Andrew Hubberd, London. Revocation of the protection with clause volumns, for one year, lately granted by letters patent to Ralph Askam, skinner and citizen of London, staying on the king's service in the company of John Thryske, mayor of the staple of Calais and treasurer of the town and castle and marshes of Calais, on the safe-custody, defence and victualling of the same, because he delays at London, as appears by certificate of the sheriffs. Grant for life to John Carre of the custody of the gaol of the king's castle of Cambridge with the accustomed fees and all other profits, receiving the said fees yearly at the hands of the sheriff. By p.s. Grant for life to the king's knight Wilham Herbert, lord Herbert, of the oflices of constable of the king's castle of Dynbigh in North Wales, and steward of the king's castles, lordships, and manors of Dynbygh and Mongomery and the lordships and manors of Kery and Kedewen with their meml)ers and ajjpurtenances in North Wales, receiving the .iccustomed fees from the issues of the promises, with power of appointing officers and ministers. By p.s. Membrane 5. April 23. Grant to the king's knight, Humphrey Stafford of Southwyke, and the Westminster, heirs male of his body of the manor and borough of Tyverton, the hundred of Tyverton with its appurtenances and the advowsons of three portions with cures in the church of Tyverton, the castles, lordships, mano-s, boroughs and hundreds of Plyrapton and Okehampton, the manor 7 EDWARD IV.— Part 1. 23 1467. Membrane o — coat. and borough of Chalvelegh, the manors of Colcombc, Colyton, Musbury, ColyTorcl, Whitford and Sarnpford Coiirtcnay, co. Devon, the honors of Plymton and Okchampton and all other land:,, knights' foes, rents and services of the king in those places, with knights' fees, advowsons, franchises, liberties, hundreds, courts Icet, views of frank-pledge, fairs, markets, free chaccs, parks, warrens, fisheries, wreck of sea, chattels of felons and fugitives chattels called mannopera and other profits, in the king's hands ' by reason of an Act of Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. and all issues of the same from Michaelmas, 1 Edward IV. in lieu of a like grant to him by letters patent dated 23 March, 4 Edward IV. surrendered ; and grant to him of the custody during minority of James, son and heii' of James Derneford, esquire, tenant in chief, William, son and heir of Richard Strode, es(iuire, tenant in chief, and Richard Whitlegh, sou and heir of John Whitlegh, esquire, tenant in chief, and of all their lands from. the times of the deaths of their fathers, with (he marriages of the heirs without disparagement. By K. Vacated by surrender and cancelleil, because the hincj granted the said castles and other 2>remises to the said Humphrey and the heirs of his body by other letters patent on 7 December, 8 Edward IV. June 23. Grant to Thomas Herbert, esquire, for 200 marks paid to the king, of Westminster, the custody of all lordships, manors, lands, rents, services and posses.-^ioiis late of John Poyntz, esquire, tenant in chief, during the minority of Robert his son and heir, and the custody and marriage of the latter without disparagement, and so from iicir to heir, finding a competent sustenance for tho heir and supporting all charges. By bill of the treasurer. June 2.). Licence, for 33.v. 4.d. paid in the hanaper, for Brian Rouclylf, thinl Westmin.stei-. baron of the Exchequer, John Leventliorpe, esquire, Thomas Ardern, parson of the parish church of Hadham, and William Gunnns to grant the manor of Merkhalle alias Latton Merk, eo. Essex, held in eliief, to Katiiarine late the wife of Peter Ardern, knight, one of the justices of the Beiich, and the heirs male of the said Peter and Katharine, with successive remainders to Anne, wife of John Bohun, esquire, and Elizabeth, wife of John Skrene, cs({uire, diinghters of the said Peter, and the heirs of their bodies, and in default of such heirs to persons to be nominated by tho grantors. Membrane 4. July 30. General p.ardon to the king's kinsman John Typtoft, knight, carl of AVcsimiiistef. Worcester, lord of Typtoft and Powe.s — tenant of the lands of Joyce late the wife of John, lord of Typtoft, one of the daughters {sic) an.l heirs of Edmund, earl of Kent— constable of England, constable of the Tower of London, constable of the castle of Porchestre, late treasurer of England, steward of the king's household and one ef the king's assigns, and tlie administrator of the goods of the said John, heir and tenant of the lands which were his, of all offences committed by him before 1 February last. By p.s. [2152.] Aug. G. Licence for the prior and convent of the monastery of Oselveston, of the AVestiuinster. order of St, Augustine, to elect an abbot in the place of William Kylpesham, deceased. Aug. 6. General pardon to John Athirton of Athirton, co. Lancaster, esquire, late Westminster, sheriff of the cotinty of Durham and Sadberg, of all offences committed by him before 5 August. -^b' P-*^- Aug. 20. Signification to J. bishop of Lincoln of the royal assent (o the election Westminster, of Robert Kirkeby, canon of the priory of Kirkeby, of the order of St. Augustine, as abbot of the monastery of Oselveston. 24 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1467. Au-. 8. Westiuiuster. Au-^-. 28. AVestniinster. Aug. 28. Westminster. Aiiverattcbere, Xetlierattebere and Homer, as appears by divers inquisitions, and so tliey still remain in the king's hands, he should grant them as above. l>y K. Sept. 30. Presentation of Richard Lake to the parish church of Highonger, in the I)oginer.sfiel(l. diocese of London, void by the death of Richard Laugstrother. By j).8. Membrane 22. Aug. 22. Grant to Ralph Verney, citizen and alderman of London, and the heirs Westminster, of his body of two messuages, 64.^ acres of land aiul meadow and 2s. of rent in Alesbury, co. Buckingham, three messuages, and l.)0 ncvcn of land and meadow in ISertou, co. Buckingham, and two crofts, 20 acres of land and meadow and 2*. of rent in Burcote, co. Buckingham, laic of William Wandes- ford alias Waynesford, esquire, and in the king's hands by reason of his forfeiture and by virtue of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV., with knights' fees, courts leet, views of frank-pledge, liberties, franchises and profits, to hold from 4 March, 1 Edward IV., by the services of as many knights' fees and as many other rents and services as they Avere held by before tliat date. By p.s. Aug. 24. Grant to Richard Wydevile, earl of Ryvers, lord of Grafton and la Mote, We.^itminster. treasurer of England, and Thomas Pounde and John Roger, esquires, and William Kerver, citizen and mercer of London, in repayment of the 8um of 6,.'500/. due to them, as appears in the receipt of the Exchequer, of all moneys arising from the subsidy called tonnage and poundage in the port of London and from the said subsidy and all customs and subsidies in the y 9618C. C 34 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. I4g'7. Membrane 22 — cont. ports of Southampton, Sandwich, Bristol, Exeter, Dartmouth, Plymmouth, Fowey and Pole and from all wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, Ibrfeitures, custodies of heirs and lands and temporalities of archbishoprics and other ecclesiastical benefices, until they shall be fully satisfied of the said sum. By p.s. Sept. 4. Grant for life to the king's servant William Claybroke, yeoman of the Dogmersfield. king's larder, of the custody of the gaol of the king's castle of York with the portership of the same, with the accustomed fees. By p.s. Sept. 4. General pardon to Geoffrey Johnson alias Griffith Johnson late of Dogmersfield. Brakstede, co. Essex, ' yoraan.' By K. Sept. 8. Grant to the king's kinsmen Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, George, Dogmersfield. archbishop of York, Henry, earl of Essex, and Henry Stafford, knight, and John Stafford, knight, sons of Humphrey, late duke of Buckingham, and Walter Blount, knight, lord Mounijoy, of the manor of Stowebardolf, the manor of Houghton and Fareswell, the manor of Wiiynburgh and Mateshall, the manor of Canteley, the manor of Strumpeshall and the manor of Castrebardolf, co. Norfolk, the manor of Ilketeshall, the manor of Denyugtou and Brundisshe, and the manor of Gretyngham, co. Suffolk, and the manor of Reskyngton and Dygby and the manor of Westburgli and Cathorp, co. Lincoln, late of William Beaumont, knight, late lord Beaumont, and in the king's hands by reason of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. to hold with knights' fees, advowsons, wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, courts, views of frank-pledge, parks, warrens, fairs, markets, liberties, franchises and other profits, as the said William held them, for the lives of the said William and Joan his wife, daughter of Humphrey, late duke of Buckingham, for her use, in consideration of her nearness of blood to the king, with remainder, as regards the said manors of Stowbardolf, Roughtou and Fareswell, Whynburgh and Mateshall with knights' fees etc. as above, to the heirs of her body, for 20^. 4rf. to be paid in the hanaper. By p.s. Vacated by surrender and cancelled, because the king granted the same to them by other letters patent on 4 December , 8 Edward JV. Sept. 7. Grant for life to William Norys, knight, of the office of keeper of the Dogmersfield. rolls of Chancery in Ireland, with the accustomed fees, in the same manner as Thomas Colt or any other occupant of the office. By p.s. Grant for life to the king's servant Thomas Rokeleyes alias Parkar of the office of yeoman veauti'cr of the king's dogs called ' bukhouudes,' with the accustomed fees at the hands of William Brokas, esquire, master of the ' bukhoundes.' By p.s. Membranes 21 — 19. Jime 24. Tnspeximns and confirmation to William, the abbot, and the convent of AVestminster. jDeulacresse of a charter dated at Eltham, 30 January, 4 Edward IIL \^Charter Roll, 4 Edward III. No. 105], inspecting and confirming the following : — 1. A charter dated at Woodstock, 28 July, 31 Henry III. 2. A charter dated at Rhuddlan, )G December, 11 Edward I. [Cha7-ter Roll, 11 Edward 1. A^o. 46.] 3. A charter of Ranulph, earl of Chester and Lincoln. [Monasticon, No. VI.I 4. A charter dated at Malmesbury, 23 November, 9 John. 5. A charter dated at Reading, 25 October, 16 Henry IIL, inspecting and confirming No. 3. 6-8. Three cliarters of the said earl Ranulph. 7 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 35 1467. Membranes 21 — 19 — cnnt. 9. Another charter of the same. [Monasticon, No. V1I.'\ 10-14. Five other charters of the same. 15, A charter of Edward I. before he assumed the governance of the realm, dated at Chester, 5 January, 54 Henry III. IG. Letters patent of the same dated 15 February, 54 Henry III. 17. A charter of Hugh, earl of Chester. \^Monasticon, No. 18. Another charter of the same. 19. A charter of the said earl Ranulph. 20. A writing of John, earl of Chester. 21 . Divers grants not dated or set out at length. For 5 marks paid in the hanaper. Membrane 19 — cont. June 15. Westminster, July IG. Westminster. Juno 22. Westminster. July 11. Westminster. June 9. Westminster Nov. 18. Westminster. Grant (o the vicars in the church of Holy Trinity, Chichester, that they and tlieir successors may elect a principal whensoever they please, and that the principal and vicars shall be called the principal and commonalty of the vicars of the church of Holy Trinity, Chichester, and shall have a common .seal and shall be capable of acquiring lands and possessions and of (•leading and being impleaded ; provided that the dean and chapter of the said church shall always present to the vicivrages in the church when void according to the ancient statutes, ordinances and customs, and that this grant shall not be to their prejudice. By p.s. General pardon to John Water alias Bomlet Lite of Longwyke, co. Buckingham, ' hushondman.' By p.s. Mandate to the cschealor in the county of Worcester for the restitution of the temporalities of tiu? monastery ot" Evesham, in the diocesroffers or other debts. By p.s. Mandate to the escht-ator in the county of Leicester for the restitution of the temporalities of the abbey of Oselveston, of the order of St. Augustine, to Robert Kirkby, canon of the priory of Kirkby, of the same order and in the same diocese, whose election as abbot J. bishop of Lincoln has confirmed and whose fealty the king has ordered to be taken by the abbot of St . Mary de Pre by Leicester. The like to the escheators in the following counties : — Lincoln. Rutland. Writ de intendendo in pursuance to the tenants. Grant to the king's secretary Master William Ilatteclifi'e and the heirs male of his body of the manor or lordship of Edyngworfh in le Merssh called ' Brentmerssho,' with all lands in Frembourgh and Welles and Dalcofc, CO. Somerset, and advowsons, knights' fees, franchi.ses, liberties ancl privileges pertaining to the said manor with its menibcis and parcels, late of John 'Boteler of Franburgh, in the king's hands by reason of his forfeiture and by virtue of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. with all issues from Easter last, to hold by the services of as many knights' fees and as many other rents and services as they were held by before 4 March, 1 l^d\vard IV. for 20*. 4d. to be paid for fine or fee of the great seal. By p.s. Membrane 15. July 17. Grant to Lionel Wideville, clerk, brother of the queen, of all issues of Windsor. the archdeaconry of Norwich belon^inj^ to the king by reason of the attaint of John Moreton, archdeacon of Norwich, bv authority of Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. and the consequent forfeiture of his possessions. l^y P-s- July 20. Pardon to the king's servant John Waliord, yeoman of the king's Westminster, chamber, who has the custody of the king's gaol of ilchestrc, co. Somerset, and who was lately on the king's service in the north with the lord of Hastynges, the king's chamberlain, of the escape of sixteen prisoners commit led to the gaol on suspicion of felony, viz. John Lloyd alias Yevan, Willi.nn Mylwarde alias Bradley, Tiiomas Preste, ' tynker,' John Bole, 'laborer,' Robert Coriser, John Dobbe, ' taillour,' John Baker, Richard Wcrkeman, GrifFuthe ap Rees, Richard GcU'rey, William Cascombe, John 40 24(37 Membrane 15 — cont. Davy, John iip Thomas, Peter Furneys alias Towker, Howell up Jevan A'azhan and liicliard Parke. By p.s. July 15. Grant to Thomas Gray, clerk, of the custody of the king's free chapel oi' Westminster. St. Mary, Wemsteile, co. Hertford, void ])y the demi.se of John Crecy. By p.s. July 23. Appointment, until 23 January next, of David Fisshcr to purvey Westminster, pheasants, partridges and other fowls for the expenses of the household, and thread for nets for their capture, and carriage for them. By bill of the treasurer of the household. July 25. Grant for life io the king's servant John Feriby of all lands, rents and Westminster, services of Thomas, late lord Roos, in the parish of Coxhill, co. Lincoln, not exceeding the value of 10/. yearly, forfeited to the crown because of his being against the king in the battles at Shirburne, co. York, and elsewhere. Byp s. July 23. Grant for life from Easter last to Edmund Hastyng, knight, of the Westminster, manor and town of Gilling in Ridall, co. York, of which Humphrey Nevill, late of Brauncepath in the bishopric of Durham, esquire, was seised on 4 May, 1 Edward IV. in his demesne as of fee and continued his possession until 4 November, 1 Edward IV. when he was attainted of high treason by authority of Parliament at Westminster and the above came into the king's hands, and all issues from the said 4 May. Hy p.s. July 23. Grant to John Hodelston, knight, and the heirs male of his body of Westmiiisttr. all lands, rents, services and reversions in Skelton and Lamunby, co. Cumberland, of John, late lord Clifford, son and heir of Thomas, late lord Clifford, and in Kirkby, Douerdale and Wrightyngton, co. Lancaster, late of Richard Kirkeby, esquire, in the king's hands by reason of an act in Pailiiiment at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. to hold with knights' fees and advowsons by the services of as many knights' fees and as many other rents and services as they were held by before 4 March, 1 Edward IV., and all issues from Easter last. By p.s. July 25. Grant for life to Thomas Chambre of the office of one of the king's Westminster. Serjeants at arms, with wages of \2d. daily from Easter last from the issues of the counties of Bedford and Buckingham, and a livery of the suit of esquires of the household yearly at Christmas at the great wardrobe. By p.s. Membrane 14. July 13. Grant to Richard Quatremayns, esquire, John Leynton, William Hampton, Westminster. John Benet, and Richard Fowlere and their heirs and assigns of the manors of Wilbram, co. Cambridge, and Halton, co. Oxford, and all lands, rents, reversions, and services in Wilbram and Halton, of William late viscount Beaumont, in the king's hands by reason of his forfeiture and by virtue of an act of forfeiture in Parliament at Westminster, 4 No- vember, 1 Edward IV. with knights' fees, advowsons, courts leet, views of frank-pledge, waifs, strays, wards, marriages, escheats, and all other profits and all issues from Easter last, to hold for the use of the said Richard Quatremayns by such rents and services as they were held by before 4 March, 1 Edward IV. in exchange for the manor of Hamyldon, co. Rutland, which the latter and George, archbishop of York, and the said John, William, John and Richard, his co-feoffees, granted to the king ; with provision that if the said manors or any parcel of them be taken back into the king's hands or restored to the said viscount they shall be recompensed with other lauds to the said yearly value. Grant also to them of the manor of Wykemere, co. Norfolk, late of the said viscount. 7 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 41 1407. Membrane 14 — cont. in the king's hands as above, to hold from Easter last for the life of the said Richard Quatrcmayns. By p.s. July 7. General pardon to John Hale late of Fuoggesasshe, co. Hei eford, Westminster. ' husbondeman,' rtZi'as of Kalverhili, CO. Hereford. By p.s. Aug. 28. Grant for life to the king's knight William Herbert, lord Herbert, whom Westminster, the king has raised to (he estate of baron, of the offices of chief justice of North Wales and constable of the kiug'.s castle of Hardlegh, co. Merioneth, with fdll pow(^r of appointing and removing all stewards, sheriffs, cscheators, coroners, bailiffs, forestci's, reeves, riugilds and other officers and ministers of the king in North Wales at their accustomed wages, receiving for the office of justice such fees as John, earl of Worcester, lately had and for the office of constable 20/. 13s. 4^d. yearly for himself and 4e?. daily for each of 24 soldiers under him for the safe custody of the castle, from the issues of North Wales, and all other profits pertaining to the said office of constable. By p.s. Membrane 13. Nov. 18. Inspeximns and confirmation to Thomas Fletham, clerk, alderman of Westminster, the guild or fraternity of St. Mary in the town of Baston, of letters patent dated 22 November, 21 Henry VI. granting to the aldermen certain privileges. For 13s. 4d. paid in the hanaper. Nov. 11. General pardon to Thomas Chellescombe of Sele, co. Kent, 'gentilman,' Westminster, alias late of Sundrys.-^h, co. Kent, of all offences committed by liim before 24 October. By p.s. Nov. 18. General pardon to John Barefoote of Boxgrave, co. Sussex, ' bochier,' of Westminster, all felonies and trespasses committed by him before 5 November and of his outlawry for certain felonies and trespas.ses of which he was indicted by subtle collusion and great malice, for which he was committed to the custody of the marshal of the Marshalsea, in whose custody he still remains. By p.s. Nov. 19. Grant for life to Antony Wydevyll, lord of Scales and Nucellis, brother Westminster, of the kiiig'u consort Elizabeth, queen of England, in lieu of a like grant to the king's kinsman John, earl of Worcester, by letters patent dated 28 August, 2 Edwaid IV. surrendered, of the custody of the king's castle and town of Porche.stre and forest and warren tliere and the supervision and governance of the king's town of Portesinouthe and iiis place there, with power to appoint under him a porter, an artillcr and a watcliman within the castle, receiving 12//. daily for his own fee, 3//. daily for the wages of the porter and \^d. daily for the wages of a groom under him to keep the warren, 6d. daily tor the wages of the artiller and 3^/. daily for the wages of the watchman and the accustomed fees for the supervision and governance, from the issues of the said castle, forest and warren and the fee farm of Portesmouthe, so far as their extent suffices, and the residue from the issues of the county of Southampton, with all other accustomed profits, in the same manner as John, late earl of Shrewsbury, or any one else had the same. By p.s. Nov. 25, Grant for life to the king's servant William Besteuey of the office of Westminster, one of the king's Serjeants at arms, receiving 18/. 5s. yearly, viz. 10/. from the farm of the king's lands of Fitelton, co. Wilts, 5/. from the farm of the manor or lands of Lithewode, co. Salop, and 3/. os. from the issues of the king's manor of Patrikesborue, co. Kent, and a robe of the suit of the king's esquires yearly at Christmas at the great wardrobe. By p.s. Vacated so far as concerns the 18/. 5s., bevaitse the king granted the same to him jrom this '2b Nocembcr b)/ other letters patent dated \() January 9 Edward IV, 42 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. li^QJ Membranes 13 — cont. Nov. 25. General pardon to Richard Hannes of Stretford on Avon, co. Warwick, Westminster. ' yoman,' alias late of Oxonforde, co. Oxford, ' scoler,' alias ' fysshemouger,' alias ' wolbyer,' of all offences committed by him before 4 October last. By p.s. Nov. 27. General pardon to Elias Lauhargy late of London, ' gentilman,' a/m* Westminster. Eliseus Lanhargy late of Estbedfount, co. Middlesex. By p.s. Membrane 12. Oct. 29. Westminster. Oct. 8. Westminster. Nov. 10. Westminster. Nov. 11. Westminster. Sept. 2. Dogmersfield. Nov. 16. Westminster, Nov. 16 Westminster. Nov, 18. Westminster. Grant in frank almoin to Master Thomas Rotheram, king's clerk, keeper of the privy seal, provost of the king's college of Whyngham, in the diocese of Canterbury, and the canons of the same of a messuage, a dovecote with a garden annexed, 66 acres and one rood of land and 3 acres and 3 roods of meadow in Preston, Asshe, Staple and Whyngham, co. Kent, with a salt-pit ajid 3 acres of pasture in Stourmouth, co. Kent, late of William Cokkowp, and two messuages with gardens annexed in Ikham with a toft in Lillebourno which Michael Potter late of Ikham, a man of Flanders, lately acquired without licence, to hold from Easter last to pray for the good estate of the king and Elizabeth his consort and for their souls after death and the souls of the king's father Richard, late duke of York, and his brother Edmund, late earl of Rutland, and the said William Cokkowe. By p.s. Ratification of the estate which Master Henry Sutton has as parson or rector of the parish church of Corfecastell. By p.s. Grant for life to the king's servant Richard Paten, marshal of the king's trumpeters, of an annuity of 10 marks from the barony of Brambarowe, co. Sussex, from Michaelmas, 6 Edward IV. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff of Sussex or the receiver, farmers, bailiffs or other occupiers of the barony. General pardon to .lohn Broke, parson of the church of St. Leonard, Fastoure Lane, London. By p.s. Presentation of Robert Cokke, chaplain, to the parish church within the lordship of Oye in the parts of Picardy. The letters are directed to Th. archbishop of Canterbury. General pardon to Henry Johnson Vanmelom, alias Henry Vanmehun alias Henry Marcellis, ' Decheman,' of all offences committed by him before 1 October last. By p.s. Pardon to Laurence Reynforth, king's knight, late sheriff of Essex and Hertford, of all offences, trespasses, concealments, misprisions, contempts and escapes of felons and all penalties, forfeitures, amercements, debts and accounts due from him to the king. Bj p.?. Grant in frank almoin to Thomas Wilmote, vicar of the church of Asshettesford, co. Kent, of the manor and town of Dounton Weylate, co. Essex, with the advowson of the church of Dounton, the manor of Preston and Hoo, co. Sussex, lately pertaining to the priory of Okeburn, and a yearly peusion of 100*. which the prior of Lewes is bound to render to the king from an impost lately due to the abbey of Cluny, to hold with all appurtenances quit of all farms, rents, arrears, tenths, fifteenths and actions and demands from 4 March, 1 Edward IV. to find two chaplains aud t^^■o secular clerks to celebrate divine service in the said church for the good estate of the king and his kinsman George, archbishop of York, and John Fogge, knight, and Alice his wife and for their souls after death and the souls of Richard, late duke of York, the king's father, Edmund, late earl of Rutland, the king's brother, and Richard, earl of Salisbury, the king's uncle, and Thomas Kyi'yell, knigb<- Robert Hoorne and Thomas Colt, 7 EDWARD IV.— Part U. 43 1467. Nov. 23. Westminster. Nov. 23. Westminster. Membrane 12 — cont, esquires, and all others of the county of Kent killed in the conflicts at Northampton, St. Albans and Shirbourne for the king's right and the good of the realm, according to the ordinances of the said John Fogge. By p.s. Grant for life to the king's servant Edward Hardgill and Elizabeth IMorysby of the manor of Frytheby, co. Leicester, which Thomas Palmer holds for a term of years, the reversion belonging to the king, and all lands, rents, reversions and services in Fretheby late of Thomas, late Lord Roos, in the king's hands by reason of his forfeiture and by virtue of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. to hold with knights' fees, advow.sons, courts leet, views of frank-pledge and all profits from Easter last hy the services of as many knights' I'ees and as many other rents and services as they were held by before 4 March, I Edward IV. By p.s. Grant for life to the king's servant William Aleyn, one of the yeomen of the king's chamber, of the custody of the king's manor of Esthamstede and the new park there within the forest of 'tVyndesore, co. Berks, receiving 3d. daily from the fee farm of the town of New Windsor, with a grove called Couworo and 4*. of yearly rent pertaining to it and all other accustomed fees. By p.s. Vacated by surrender and cancelled, because the king granted the custody to him by other letters patent on 9 December, 8 Edv ard IV. Membrane 11. Oct. 31. Whereas the sum of 1,600/. is due from the king to liis kinsman John, Westminster, earl of Worcester, as appears in the receipt of the Exchc(juer, of which sum the latter has remitted 800/., and the king appointed the said earl constable of England and has granted to him 400/. for regard, the king hereby grants that he or his executors after his decease may receive all sums of money from all customs and subsidies in tiie port of Bristol until he be satisfied of the .said 800/. residue and the said 400/. amounting together to 1,200/. and may in the meantime nominate a suitable person to the office of one of the customers or collectors. By p.s, Oct. 31. Pardon to Joyce late the wife of Thomas Erdyngtou, knight, of all Westminster, grants, alienations and perquisitions of land without licence. By p.s. and for 20s. paid in the hanaper. Nov. 8. General pardon to William Philip late of London, esquire, of all ofifences Westminster, committed by him before 16 October last. By p.s. Oct. 8. Whereas Thomasia late the wife of John Gra, knight, holds for life o7 Westminster, acres of land and 18/. 13*. 4rf. of rent in Saltfletby and Somercotes, co. Lincoln, of the grant of William Waynflete, bishop of Winchester, William Darset, clerk, Hugh Pakcnham, esquire, Richard Chaundre, esquire, deceased, and Simon Godmanston, clerk, the reversion belonging to them and the heirs of the bishop, of which lands and rents John de Multon was seised in his demesne as of fee and used to render 10/. yearly to the alien abbot and convent of Langenneiii, the king hereby pardons to the said Thomasia and the said bishop, William, Hugh and Simon and the heirs of the bishop the said 10/. yearly and !ill arrears. By p.s. Nov. 8. Grant for life to Tliomas Bone of the office of forester within the king's Westminster, forest of Inglewode with the accustomed fees, in the same manner as Juhn Alcok or Thomas Garthc had it, in lieu of a like grant to the said .John Alcok by letters patent dated 21 November, 1 Edward IV. surrendered. By p.s. 44 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 14G7. Nov. 25. Westminster. Nov. 10. ■Westminster. Nov. 12. W^estminster. Membrane 11 — cont. Appointment, during pleasure, of William Monca to take horses for tlio king's consort Elizabeth, queen of England, at her cost. By p.s. Pardon to Joan Oswald of Alkertou, co, Gloucester, 'wjdowe,' of her waiver in the county of Gloucester for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, justices of the Bench, to satisfy the king of her ransom for a trespass committed against William Pylmc, she having surrendered to the Flete prison and satisfied the king and the s;iid William, as appears by certificate of Robert Danby, chief justice of the Bench. Pardon to James Cheyun of Rompney, co. Kent, ' gentilman,' of his outlawry in Loudon for not appearing before the king to satisfy liim of his ransom for not having John Chaumber, suspected of felony, before the late king on a certain day, he having surrendered to the Marshalsea prison, as John Markhara, knight, chief justice of the King's Bench, has certified. Membrane 10. Oct. 9. Grant for life to the king's daughter the princess Elizabeth of the manor Westminster, of Great Lynforde, co. Buckingham, lately belonging to James, late earl of Wiltshire, and in the king's hands by reason of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. By p.s. Oct. 14. Grant for life to the king's servant John Crowland, one of the king's Westminster, trumpeters, of 10 marks yearly from Michaelmas, (> Edward IV. from the issues of the county of Lincoln. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff of liincoln. Oct. 14. Like grant to the king's servant William atte How, one of the king's Westminster, trumpeters. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff of Lincoln. Oct. 14. Like grant to the king's servant John Panell, one of the king's Westminster, trumpeters, from the issues of the county of York. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff of York. Like grant to John Hache, one of the king's trumpeters, from the issues of the county of Devon. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff of Dev'on. Like grant to the king's servant Richard Hilles, one of the king's trumpeters, from the issues of the county of Y'ork. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff of York. Like grant to the king's servant .John Priour, one of the king's trumpeters, from the issues of the county of Lincoln. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff of Lincoln. Like grant to John Hilles, one of the king's trumpeters, from the fee- farm of the town of Bridport, co. Dorset, and the increment of the same. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the men of the town. Sept. 20. Grant for life to tlie king's servant William Eynsam, one of the king's Dogmerslield. minstrels, of 10 marks yearly from Michaelmas last from the fee-farm of the hundreds of Keftesgatc, Holford and Greston with the fairs and markets in the town of Wynchecombe, at the hands of the abbot and convent of Wynchecombe. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the abbot and convent. Oct. 29. General pardon to Richard Wynfeld late of Anipuldore, co. Kent, Westminster, 'laborer,' of all offences committed by him before 28 October, By p.s. Oct. 29. Grant for life to John Geneus, chaplain, that he be one of the chaplains Westminster, of the king's chantry of St. Mary within the manor of Wodestoke, in the 7 EDWARD JV.— rAKi IJ. 45 1467. Oct. 8. Westminster. Oct. 5. DoEinersficld. Membrane 10 — cont. place of John Austen, deceased, receiving 10 marks yearly lor salary from tlie issues of the manor with a dwelling in the south part of the manor and ill! other accustomed prohts. By p.s. General pardon to Thomas Fyssber of Glastonbury, co. Somerset, ' yoman,' alias ' courtholder ' alias ' clothemaker,' and John Wise of Briggewater, CO. Somerset, ' marchaunt.' By p.s. 'J1ic like to Robert Tukhill the elder of Hungurford, co. Berks, ' mercer,' ^///r« Robert Tu"huli, 'clothier,' of all offences committed by him before 1 October. By P S- 1468. Feb. 20. ("oveiitrv. Feb. 15. Coventry. Fob. 18. Coventry. 1467. Dec. 10. Windsor. 1468. Feb. 13. Coventry. March 3. Westminster. Jan. 27. Westminster. Membrane 9. Grant for life to the king's servants John Shucborough and Nicholas Cleveiey of the manor called ' Cornewales Maner ' in Ivor, co. Buckingham, late of Thomas Cornewaile, estjuire, and in the king's hands by reason of his forfeiture and by virtue of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 1 November, 1 Edward IV. to hold from 4 .March, 1 Edward IV. by the services of as many knights' fees and as many other rents and services as they were held by before that date. By p s. General pardon to Thomas Birche late of London, 'yoman,' of all offences committed by him before 14 February and all consequent penalties and forfeitures. By p.s. Grant for life to the king's kinsman John, carl of Worcester, and John, lord of Dudley, of the office of constable of the Tower of London with the accustomed fees and profits, in lieu of a like grant to the said earl by letters patent surrendered. By p.s. Grant to William Par, knight, and John Par, esquire, his brother, and the heirs of their bodies of tlie manor of Burnaldcshcde and the castle of the same and forty messuages, .'iOO acres of land, 200 acres of meadow, 100 acres of wood and 500 acres of pasture in Stirkelonr to deliver the gaol of Dorchestre of David Deuc alias Thcwc alias Tewe late of Shyrborne, co. Dorset, ' brasyetour,' prisoner there. Membrane lOd. Oct. 10. Commission to the justices of the peace in the West Riding of the county Westminster, of York and James Strangways, knight, William Pionipton, knight, Geoffrey I'ygot, knight, Richard Ilamerton, kniglit, Halpli Ayssheton. knight, Richard Aldcburgh, William Palmes, Henry Eltoft and the sheriff of York to arrest .John Slyngcsby late of Scryven, co. York, ' gentilnian,' and bring him before the king in Chancery to find .security that he will not harm Brian Rouclyff or any of the king's people. Oct. 22. Commission to John Cheyne, knight, l']dmund Bnrdenell, Thomas Westminster. Hampdene of Kymbell and Robert Bnlstrodc lo deliver the gaol of Aylesbury of John Wylde late of Horsyngdon, co. Buckingham, clerk, prisoner there. 1468. Membrane 8d. Jan. 3. Commission of oyer and terminer to the king's brother George, dnki- of Dograersfield. Clarence, the king's kinsman Richard, earl of Warwick and Salisbniy, and Ricliard, carl of Ryvers, Antony Wydevile of Scales, knight, .lolm Audeley of Andeley, knight, John Sutton of Dudley, knight, William Ilastynges of Hastynges, knight, Walter Blount of Mouiitjoy, knight, John Markham, knight, Thomas Billyng, Thomas Littelton, John Pogge, knight, John Scot, knight, 'J'homas Hurgh, knight, Richard Neell and John Catesby in the counties of Nottingham, Derby, Stafford, Salop and Hereford. By K. Jan. 13. The like to the king's brother George, duke of Clarence, the king's Dogmersfield. kinsmen Richard, earl of Warwick and Salisbury, and Richard, earl of Ryvers, Antony AVydeville of Scales, knight, John Audeley of Audeley, knight, John Sutton of Dudley, kniglit, William Hastynges of Hastynges, knight, Walter Devereux of Ferrers, knight, Humphrey Bourgehier of Cromwell, knight, Walter Blount of Mountjoy, knight, John Markham, knight, Thomas Billyng, Thomas Littelton, John Fogge, knight, John Soot, knight, Thomas Burgh, knight, and John Catesby in the counties of Warwick, Worcester, Nottingham, Derby, Stafford, Salo]) and Hereford. ^ ByK. Jan. 13. Commission to the sheriff of Sussex to set wards, watches and signs Dogmersfield. called 'bekyns' at all convenient and accustomed places within the county, 56 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1468. Membrane 8d — cont. in view of the expiration of the truce between the king and Louis of France at sunrise on 1 March next. [Fcedera.] By K. The like to the sheriffs in the following counties : — Wilts. Devon. Kent. Lincoln. Somerset and Dorset. Essex. York. Norfolk and Suffolk. Cornwall. Southampton. 1467. Membrane Id. Nov. 22. Commission to John Dyve, Edmund Brudenell, Richard Fouler, Thomas Westminster. Rokes and Thomas Hampden of Kymbell to inquire into the petition of Thomas Oxbrigge, esquire, that whereas by a fine levied at Westminster in three weeks of Easter, 20 Edward IIL before John Stonore and his fellows, justices, and afterwards in the octave of Trinity following between Thomas Frembaud and Alice his wife and Matilda late the wife of Thomas Wengrave, complainants, and Henry de Cobbelyngton, parson of the church of Raddeleston, deforciant, the latter granted a messuage, 120 acres of land, 25 acres of meadow and 8 acres of pasture in Wyngrave and Rollesham, co. Buckingham, to the said Thomas and Alice and the heirs of their bodies with remainder to the right heirs of Thomas and also 605. of rent in the same to the said Matilda for life with remainder to the said Thomas and Alice as above, and they were seised of the above and had issue Thomas Frembaud, esquire, and Joan, and after their death the premises descended to the said Thomas the son and then to Thomas, son of the latter, and then to Isabel, daughter of the said Thomas the third, who died without issue, and then to William Oxbrigge, father of the said Thomas Oxbrigge, as her kinsman and heir, viz. son of Elizabeth daughter of the said Joan, and then on his death to the said Thomas Oxbrigge, who entered into and was seised of the same in his demesne as of fee tail and continued his estate therein until 24 February, 4 Edward IV. when it was found by an inquisition taken at Aylesbury, co. Buckingham, before John Holcot, then escheator in the county, that Edmund Hampden late of Barkley, co. Oxford, knight, who was attainted by virtue of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. was seised in his demesne as of fee on 4 March, 1 Edward IV. of the manor of Wyngrave called ' Bury Maner ' with members in Rulsam, CO. Buckingham, then of the value of 7 marks yearly, which the said Thomas declares to be the same as the said premises, the said Thomas by virtue of the said inquisition was expelled therefrom and the premises were taken into the king's hands until 22 April, 5 Edward IV. when by letters patent the king granted them to Richard Crofte the younger and Thomas Crofte, esquires, but the said Edmund never had any right therein, wherefore the said Thomas Oxbrigge prays that justice may be done. By p.s. Membrane 6d. Commission of array to Antony Wydevile of Scales of Neucels, knight, John Lysle, knight, Thomas Uvedale, knight, Maurice Berkeley, Roger Sainbroke and Thomas Boureman within the Isle of Wight. The like to the king's kinsmen Richard {sic), earl of Arundel, and Antony Wydevile of Scales, knight, and John Audeley of Audeley, knight, John Lysle, knight, Thomas Uvedale, knight, Richard Darell, knight, Maurice Berkeley, John Pawelet, William Brocas, John Walop, William Uvedale, AVilliam Sandes, Thomas Pounde, Thomas Well, John Kirkeby, John 1468. Feb. 13. Coventry. 7 EDWARD IV.— Part 11. 57 X468. Membrane Gd — cont. Whitehed, Walter Barowe, John Hamond, Henry More and Robert Ryngebourn within the county of Southampton. Feb. 15. Commission of oyer and terminer to Walter Devereux of Ferrers, knight, CovcDtry. William Herbert of Herbert, knight, Richard Herbert, knight, Roger Vaghan, knight, John Milewater, Thomas Morgan, John Herbert and Hugh Huntley touching certain counterfeitings, clippings, sweatings and other falsifications of money in the counties of Hereford and Gloucester and in Wales and South Wales and the marches. By K. Feb. 17. Commission to John Waynflete and Richard Harleston to take ships and Coventry, vessels for the king's fleet and masters and mariners for them. Feb. 18. Commission to Antony Wydevile of Scales, knight, Thomas Langford, Coventry. William Obray, Richard Harleston, John Demoyne and the sheriffs of Southampton, Wilts and the town of Southampton to enquire into the story of Baldwin de Bruges in Flanders tiiat about 13 November last a ship of Portugal called Fortado laden witli sugar {sucturo), staves for bows and ' sugrennel ' and other merchandise of his was cast ashore by the intem- perateness of the sea at Stokebay, co. Southampton, and the said goods and merchandise were carried away by certain subjects of the king to the port of Southampton, the cities of Winchester and Salisbury, the Isle of Wight and other places, contrary to the truce between the king and his kinsman the duke of Burgundy, and to cause restitution to be made and to arrest and imprison the offender.s. Feb. 20. Commission to William Carant, John Neuburgh, William Brounyng the Westminster, elder, Joiin Carant, William Cayleway and William Brounyng the younger to deliver the gaol of Dorchestre of David Deue alias Thewe alias Tewo late of Shirbourue, co. Dorset, ' brasietour,' prisoner there. 1467. Dec. 22. Dogmersfield. 1468. Jan. 1. Dogmersfield. Membrane 4d. Commission to Humphrey St ifford of Suthwyk, knight, John Dowcrissh, John Wynard, John Crokker and Ricliard Wynsloo to arrest John Rawlegh of Dcrtniouth, Walter Cok and Ralph Mercer within the county of Devon and bring them before the king and council. 'J'he king lately appointed John Wenlok of Wcnlok, knight, and others fo exaniine the complaint of John le Veer, bailiff of Ermewe in Seland, and Adrian Smoct, burgess of Monkered in Flanders, on behalf of themselves and other part- owners, victuallers and masters of six ships of Flanders that the .said ships were taken by certain subjects of the king in certain shijjs of the realm of which the said John, Walter and Ralph with others were part-owners, victuallers and masters, contrary to the truce between the king and I'hilip, late duke of Burgundy, and despoiled of wine and other goods and merchandise and certain habiliments and gear to the value of 4,330 crowns, and after consideration of their examination the king gave judgment by the advice of the council that restitution should be made, but the said John le Veer and Adrian have failed to get restitution. The like to Ilumplirey Stalibrd of Suthwyk, knight, John Arundoll, knight, Alvred Corneburgh, Thomas Clemens, John Sturgeon and Thomas Lymbery in the county of Cornwall. Commis.sion to Henry Bodrugan and the sheriff of Cornwall to arrest William White, Jocosus Amelyn alias Joceus Ammell and Thomas Kylegrewe and bring them before the king in Chancery. The king lately by letters patent appointed the said Henry and Thomas Clemens and John Colshull, kni. 4urell, Alexander Darell and Thomas Darell touching the manor of Capell, co. Kent. {See above.) By K. 72 8 EDWARD IV.— Part I. Membrane 30. Pardons of outlawry to the following : — John Parker of Plymptou Earle, co. Devon, * mercer,' for not appearing before the jnstices of the Bench to answer William George touching a debt of 30Z. he having surrendered to the Flete prison, as Robert Danby, knight, chief justice of the Bench, has certified. Devon. John Page of Little Brikhull, co. Buckingham, ' yoman,' for not appearing to answer Walter Blount of Mountjoye, knight, and Anne, duchess of Buckingham, his wife and John Heton, esquire, late receiver general of the duchess, touching a debt of 19/. 14s. London. Martin Valens late of Weymouth, co. Dorset, merchant, for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer John Sarger and Isabel his wife touching a debt of 60s. Somerset. John Bynde of the parish of Lansalwys, co. Cornwall, * yoman,' for not appearing in the court of the late king to answer Robert de Veer, knight, touching a debt of 53s. 4rf. Devon. William liangtwayte or Langthwayte of Doiicastre, co. York, ' baxster,' or ' baker,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Nicholas Morley, esquire, John Prysot and Thomas Hauohet touching a debt of 10/. and Thomas Dereman of Anston touching a debt of 40s. York & Middlesex. Thomas Langtwayte of Doncastre, co. York, ' bakestere,' for not appearing to answer Nicholas Morley, esquire, Thomas Hauchet and John Prysot touching a debt of 10/. Hertford. Juliana Sayer late of Cicestre, co. Sussex, 'wydowe,' executrix of the will of James Saver late of Cicestre, ' chapman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer a plea that she render 8/. 2s. 9c?. to James Wellys alias Welles, citizen and draper of Loudon. Middlesex. Richard Bussh alias Busche of Brykhill, co, Buckingham, ' husbond- man,' for not appearing before Richard Neuton and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer John Cotford, citizen and mercer of London, touching a debt of 46*. 8d. and before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer the said John touching a debt of 46s. 8d. London. William Brok of RoUeston in the parish of Banewell, co. Somerset, ' liusbondman,' for not appearing before Richard Neuton and his fellows, justices of tlie Bench of the late king, to answer Thomas Saylok touching a debt of 40s. Somerset. John Gunny late of Yerburgh, co. Lincoln, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench when sued with Thomas Gunny late of Yerburgh, ' husbondman,' to answer a plea that they render a horse worth 6 marks to John Jakson. Middlesex. 8 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 73 1468. May 6. Westminster. May 4. Westminster. May 17. Westminster. May 11. Westminster. May 10. Westminster. May 16. Westminster. May 19. Westminster. May 17. Westminster. May 9. Westminster. May 19. Westminster. May 18. Westminster. May 18. Westminster, May 21. Westuiiuster. Membrane 30 — cont. Simon Bellyngham late of Buntyngford, co. Hertford, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, justices of the Bench, to answer William Lorkyn of Basyngbum touching a debt of 40/. Cambridge. Robert Skelton late of Carlyle, co. Cumberland, ' gentilman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Gilbert Preston, citizen and * goldsmyth ' of London, touching a debt of 4 marks. London. Joan Olney late of London, ' wedowe,' for not appearing to answer Thomas Adams touching a debt of 40s. Middlesex. Richard Tatersale late of Bulfan, co. Essex, chaplain, alias of Wodeham Mortymer, co Essex, clerk, for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Thomas Brygge, clerk, touching a debt of 100s. Middlesex. Richai'd Bonyndon late of Penne, co. Buckingham, 'carpenter,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Philip Agmondesham touching a trespass. Hertford. Robert Thakster late of Lesyngham, co. Northampton, {sic) alias late of Lesyngham, co. Norfolk, ' yoman,' for not appearing to answer William Westbury, clerk, lately called Master William We.stbury, late provost of the college of St. Mary, Eton, touching a debt of 10/. Middlesex. John Panery late of Bishop's Lynn, co. Norfolk, clerk, for not appearing before Richard Neuton and liis fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer William Sylk of Bishop's Lynn touching a debt of 5 marks. Richard Chapman of Dadyngton, co. Oxford, ' wever,' for not appearing to answer Richard Wody and Thomas Ilarryes touching a debt of 13/. 10s. Oxford. John Whyte alias White of Farnham, co. Surrey, merchant, alias ' gentilman,' for not appearing l)efore the justices of the Bench to answer William Cardemaker, citizen and grocer of London, John Aleyn, citizen and goldsmith of London, and Thomas CiartU, citizen and grocer of London, touching j)leas of debt of 100/. 120/. and 52/. respectively and John Crofton and William Crofton touching a debt of 20/. London. Thomas Letherpoll of Wyveton, co. Norfolk, 'yoman,' for not appearing before Richard Neuton and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer William Norwich touching a debt of 4 marks. Norfolk. Robert Lyng of Acle, co. Norfolk, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Alice Purke touching a trespass. Norfolk. Ralph Wolfe late of Lenton, co. Suffolk, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer John Boon, abbot of the monastery of St. Edmund of Bury, touching a debt of 26/. 13s. 4t/. London. Robert Wyles of Heryngthorpe, co. York, husbondman, for not appearing to answer Richard Wilcok of Roderham touching a debt of 40s. York. John Houe late of Winchester, co. Soutluiui[)ton, * clothemaker,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer John Plommer, citizen and grocer of London, touching a debt of 100s. 12(/. Southampton. 74 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1468. Membrane 29. July 8. John Wayte of Branketre, co. Essex, 'yonoan,' alias John Wait, Westminster.^ ' gentilraau,' for not appearing before Richard Neuton and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Thomas Reniond, citizen and tailor of London, touching a debt of 40s. before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer .John Doreward, esquire, and John William, citizen and draper of London, touching a debt of IKV. and Henry Paehet touching a debt of 10 marks, and before the justices of the Bench to answer Thomas Colley of the parish of St. Clement Danes without the bar of the New Temple, London, ' goldsmyth,' alias of the town of Westminster, co. Middlesex, touching a debt of 40s. London & Middlesex. July 11. Robert Warde late of Norhampton, 'yoman,' for not appearing before Westminster. the justices of the Bench to answer William Hille, citizen and barber of London, touching a debt of 60s. Middlesex. Oct. 13. John Mosse late of Gyldenmorden, co. Cambridge, ' pulter,' for not Westminster. appearing to answer John En^lyssh touching a trespass. Oct. 14. John Shilston late of Great Tottenes, co. Devon, ' gentilman,' a/tas Westminster. John Silton the younger, for not appearing to answer John Fortescu, esquire, touching a debt of 20 marks. Middlesex. Oct. 16. William Toker late of Buketon, co. Devon, ' carpenter,' for not AVestminster. appearing to answer John Sachevyle touching a trespass. Devon. Oct. 1 7. John Sprigonell late of Crigilston, co. York, ' yoman,' for not Westminster. appearing to answer John Fereby touching a debt of 20 marks. London. Oct. 14. John Smyth of Walgrave, co. Northampton, 'chapman,' for not Westminster. appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Philip Holewell, citizen and mercer of London, touching a debt of 40s. London. Oct. 18. Robert Fordeman of Maydeston, co. Kent, ' corvyser,' for not Westminster. appearing to answer Louis Strossis alias Lucius Strosse, Lombard, John Ambrose of Marine, Lombard, and Peter Fleysco touching a debt of 100^. London. Oct. 16. John Marchall late of Fawekeswell, co. Bedford, the younger, Westminster. ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer John Lounde and John Grene touching a debt of 20/. Hertford. Oct. 18. William Blaket late of Merton, co. Oxford, 'husbondman,' for not Westminster. appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Robert Faryngdon, abbot of the monastery of Eynesham, touching a debt of 20/. Oxford. Oct. 18. Thomas Bangolf of Botekysham, co. Cambridge, 'husbondman,' for Westminster. not appearing to answer John, prior of the church of St. Mary, Anglesey, touching a debt of 40s. Cambridge. Thomas Gascoigne late of Hovyngham in Ridale, co. York, * yoman,' John Gascoigne late of Hovyngham, ' barker,' Agnes Gascoigne of Hovyngham, 'wedowe,' and William Gaacoigne of Hovyngham, ' husbondman,' for not appeai-ing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Peter Ardern, Nicholas Girlyngton and Robert Davyson touching a trespass, York. Oct. 28. Richard Emme of Tamworth, co. Warwick, * yoman,' for not Westminster. appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Nicholas Rylandes and John Wolshawe the elder touching a debt of 40/. .Stafford. 8 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 75 Oct. 18. Westminster. Oct. 19. Westminster. 1468. Membrane 29 — cont. Oct. 19. William Botyrfeld late of Southwerk, co. Surrey, chaplain, for uot Westminster. appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Gilbert Polvertoft touching a debt of 60s. Ad. Loudon. John Grawnt late of Bykylyswade, co. Bedford, * fyssher,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer John Skowe touching a debt of 57*. London. John LyndauU of Northburton, co. York, * husbondnian,' for not appearing to answer the abbot of Meaux touching a debt of 60s. York. William Daungevyle of Wengo, co. Buckingham, ' carpenter,' for not appearing to answer Geoffrey Kedwelly and John Morlond touching a debt of 40/. Berks, John Cowepar of Eynesford, co. Kent, 'husbondnian,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Richard Byngham touching a debt of 5 marks. INIiddlesex. Thomas Davy of Crydyton, co. Devon, 'baker,' for not appearing before tlie justices of the Bench to answer John SnyfFemore, clerk, touching a debt of 40s. Devon. Oct. 16. Henry Laurence of Wenge, co. Buckingham, ' husbondman,' for not Westminster. appearing to answer Geoffrey Kedwelly and John Morlond touching a debt of 40/. Berks, Oct 20. John Petegrcwe late of Exeter, co. Devon, ' pardoner,' for not appearing Westminster. before John Pry.sot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the lute king, to answer Richard Levcrmore touching a trespass coniuii(tcd by him and William Foster late of Seynt.'iydewellesfe witliout the east gate of the city of Kxetcr, co. Devon, ' pardoner,' William Blake late of Seyntsydewellcsfe, ' pardoner,' Richard Denys late of Seyntsydewellesf'e, ' [)ardoner,' .John II ilk; late of Seyntsydewellcsfe, 'pardoner,' Richard Fclde late of Seyntsydcwellesfo, 'pardoner,' Thomas More late of Seyntsydewellcsfe, ' pardoner,' John Amere late of Seyntsydewellcsfe, ' pardoner,' and Geoffrey Pardoner late of Seyntsydewcllesfe,*' pardoner.' Devon. Oct. 25. Westminster. Oct. 27. Westminster. Oct. 28. Westminster, Oct, .^0. Westmiustep. Membraxe 28. William Promter of Strete, co. Somcr.set, 'husbondman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer a p\ea that he render his account to John Marshall for the time when he was his receiver. Devon. William Mathewe late of Suthwerk, co. Surrey, 'bochcr,' for uot appearing to answer John Pennyng, ' bruer,' touching a debt of 40s, London. John Slugge of Bokelond St. Mary, co. Somerset, clerk, for not appearing to answer Henry Faux and John Blancombe touching a debt of 100s. Somerset. Thomas Alcyn of Asshyn, co. Essex, * wever,' for not appearing to answer a plea that he render 71s. to William Hcyncs, Thomas Pylchc and .John Soman, executors of the will of Thomas Hej'nes late of Royston, alias Thomas Heynes, ' drover.' Essex. John Bele of Shildon, co. Devon, ' bochcr,' for not appearing to answer John Almyscombe, esquire, administiator of tlie goods and chattels • 76 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1468. • Oct. 10. Westminster. Oct. 30. Westminster. Nov. 4. Westminster. Nov. 3. Westminster. Oct. 27. Westminster. Nov. 3. Westminster. Oct. 9. Westminster. Oct. 24. Westminster, Nov. 4. Westminster, Nov. 3. Westminster. Oct. 27. Westminster. Membrane 28 — cont. of John Ferlard, chaplain, who died intestate, touching a debt of 62s. %d. Devon, Thomas Gooday late of Coggeshale, co. Essex, 'fuller,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Bartholomew Coupere, citizen and 'draper' of London, and John Clerk, citizen and 'grocer' of London, touching debts of S/. and 46*. \0d. respectively. London. William Poleyn of Kentesbeare, co. Devon, ' wever,' for not appearing when sued with John Meffelyn of Ufcolme, co. Devon, ' husbond- man,' William Meffeln of Ufcolme, ' husbondman,' Ralph Broke of Kentesbeare, ' yoman,' and John Busshell of Kentesbeare, ' husbond- man,' to answer Richard Frankcheyne touching a trespass. Devon. Walter Berell late of Holston, co. Norfolk, ' yoman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer John Newport touching a debt of 40/. Suffolk. John Bourne late of Malmesbury, co. Wilts, 'gentilman,' for not appearing before the late king to answer William Hern touching a trespass. London. William Leyman late of Yworlhy within the parish of Germaneswyk, CO. Devon, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer John Bery touching a debt of 5 marks 2Q)d. Somerset. Robert Bate of Lincoln, 'mercer,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer John Carberton touching a trespass committed by him and William Rygot of Lincoln, ' cartwright,' and Ellen his wife and Ralph Driffeld of Lincoln, 'corveser.' Lincoln. John Marche of Burne St. Mary, co. Southampton, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer John Halle of Salisbury, ' marchaunt,' touching a debt of 40Z. Wilts. Thomas Skrymshire late of Whitwell, co. Derby, 'gentilman,' for not appearing to answer a plea of Henry Buntyng of Asshover that out of his own head he forged divers deeds and muniments for the destruction of the title of the latter to certain lands of his in Asshover ; and the said Thomas and Agnes his wife for not appearing to answer another plea that they render to the said Henry a coffer containing charters and other muniments. Derby. Hugh Cliderhowe late of Kyngeston on Hull the younger, merchant, for not appealing to answer William Somerby of Bridlyngton, butcher, touching a debt of 16/. York. John or William Lytelton late of Bokonnok, co. Cornwall, ' gentilman,' for not appearing to answer Thomas Gay of London the elder . touching a debt of 40*. London. John Stonford late of the parish of St. Andrew in Holborne without the bar of the Old Temple, London, co. Middlesex, 'gentilman,' alias of Bukelond Bruer, co. Devon, for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Thomas Gay the younger, citizen and tailor of London, touching a debt of 4/. London. Roger Forthe alias Vorth alias Ford alias Fourde of Abyngdon, CO. Berks, ' mercer,' alias ' chapman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer John Martyn, citizen and ' taillour ' of London, Robert Tooke, citizen and 'iremonger' of London, Alan Colet and John Neele, citizen and grocer of London, touching « 8 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 77 1468. Oct. 28. Westminster. Nov. 8. Westminster. Nov. 10. Westminster. Nov. 9. Westminster. Membrane 28 — cont, debts of 41. 9s. 8d., 81., 40s. and HI. respectively, and Giles Palmer of Suthampton, 'grocer,' and John Ryver, citizen and skinner of London, touching a debt of 6/. 3s. 4d. Middlesex, London, & Wilts. John Harrys late of Oxford, ' bedell,' for not appearing lo answer Alice Denton, widow, touching a debt of 40s. Oxford. Robert Dobbesson of Aynesford, co. Kent, ' yoman,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Humphrey Smyth, citizen and skinr\er of London, touching a debt of 40s. Surrey. Thomas Laund of Warmestre, co. Wilts, ' wever,' for not appearing to answer John Uffenham touching a debt of 100s. Wilts. Thomas Smeth or Smyth of Stretele, co. Berks, * smyth,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer John Pury, esquire, touching a debt of 100s. Berks. Membrane 27. May 18. Westminster. May 8. Westminster. May 27. Westminster. May 23. Westminster. May 27. Westminster. May 2G. Westminster. May 27. Westminster. May 30. Westminster. May 30. Westminster. May 16. Westminster. Walter Sonne of Sevenok, co. Kent, executor of the will of John Sonne, for not appearing to au.swcr a plea that he render 41. to William Lyghtwode. London. Robert Nevyle late of Gotehirst, co. Buckingham, * gentilman,' for not appearing to answer a plea that he render 20/. to Millicent late the wife of Richard Horton, 'gentilman,' and executrix of his will. Middlesex. William Wright of Little Cressyngham, co. Norfolk, clerk, for not appearing to answer Thomas Huggeford, escpiire, and William Berkeswell, clerk, touching a debt of 18/. 15s. Warwick. Richard Dey late of Foxton, co. Leicester, ' husbonchnan,' for not appearing to answer Thomas Dere touching a debt of 10 marks. Leicester. John Coteler of Barnestaple, co. Devon, the elder, ' coteler,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, justices of the Bench, to answer Richard Ryke touching a trespass. Cornwall. Dame Elizabeth Sandeford late of Thorpe Salven, co. York, ' wydowe,' executrix of the will of Charles Morton late of Bautre, co. York, 'gentilman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer a plea that she render 60 sheep worth 8 marks and chattels to the value of 6 marks to Thomas Pykburn and Joan his wife. York. John Albon of Hicchen, co. Hertford, ' bocher,' for not appearing to answer John AV'ynche of Baldok, co. Hertford, ' labarer,' touching a debt of 15/. London. Thomas Preston late of Gloucestre, ' taillour,' alias of Tettesworth, CO. Oxford, ' ostiller,' for not appearing to answer John Ades, citizen and goldsmitli of London, and John Mayleghwyn touching debts of 40s. and 4 marks respectively. Middlesex & Bristol. John Eynons late of Watlesburgh, co. Middlesex, ' husbondman,' and Rose his wife for not appearing before the king to answer Maurice ap Y^cvan and Juliana his wife touching a trespass. Middlesex. Thomas Mate of Mou.sole, co. Cornwall, clerk, for not appearing before Richard Neuton and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer John Vaiupage touching a debt of 20/. Gloucester, 78 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 14G8. May 30. Westminster. May 27. Westminstei, June 26, Westminster. June 30. Westminster. July 1. Westminster. July 2. Westminster. May 20. Westminster. May 14. Westminster. June 25. Westminster. July 4. Westminster. July 11. Westminster, July 9, Westminster. Membrane 27 — eont. Thomas Thornton late of London, clerk, for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer John Ades, citizen and goldsmith of London, touching a debt of 46*, Middlesex, John Brokemau of Frome in Selvvode, co. Somerset, 'clothiere,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer John Petyt, citizen and grocer of London, touching a debt of 435. Loudon. Thomas Walssh, late vicar of the parish church of Moredon, co. Surrey, alias rector of Spryngwell, co. Essex, for not appearing before Robert Dauby and his fellows, justices of the Bench, to answer John Bowe, clerk, touching a debt of 10 marks. Middlesex. John Bryce late of Holecombe Rogus, co. Devon, ' gentilman,' alias of Wyngeaulton, co. Somerset, alias late of London, for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer John Lemyngton touching a debt of 40*. and Henry Shyngwell, citizen and goldsmith of London, touching a debt of 40s. Devon & London. Richard Rysyng late of Felmyngham, co. Norfolk, ' shomaker,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer a plea that he render chattels to the value of 405. to William Herman and Agnes his wife. Suffolk. Edmund Andreus late of Fylmyngham, co. Norfolk, ' worstedewever,' for not appearing to answer a plea that he render four cows worth 405. to William Herman and Agnes his wife. Suffolk. Robert Glave, rector of the church of Cramford, co. Middlesex, for not appearing to answer Robert Nevland, ' gentilman,' touching a debt of 40s. Middlesex. John Hudson of Redclyff, co. Middlesex, ' smyth,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows to answer Joan Dobyn, ' wydowe,' touching a debt of 40s. London. John Code of Thetford, co. Norfolk, ' skryvynner,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer a plea that be render 5 marks to John Dey of Hepworth, co. Suffolk, executor of the will of Robert Clerk late of Hepworth. Norfolk. Warin Sparke of King's Teyngton, co. Devon, * husbondman,' for not appearing to answer Fulk Byrmyngeham, clerk, touching a debt of 40s. Wilts. John Babbe of King's Teyngton, co. Devon, 'husbondman,' for not appearing to answer Fulk Byrmyngeam, clerk, touching a debt of 53s. Ad. Wilts. John ap Herry alias Apperry late of Olveston, co. Gloucester, * gentilman,' for not appearing to answer Richard Reynold touching a debt of 40s. London. William Sawe of Egestou, cc. Rutland, 'husbondman,' for not appearing to answer John Caidon touching a debt of 10/. Oxford. Robert Lasyugby of Harestre in the parish of Rumford, co. Essex, ' tanner,' for not appearing to answer Benedict Wheler touching a trespass. London. Thomas Palmer of Snetirfeld, co. Warwick, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer Richard Wildebore, citizen and grocer of London, touching a debt of 50s. London. 8 EDWARD rV.— Part I. 79 1468. Membrane 27 — cont. Richard Mayhov/c of Snetirfeld, co. Warwick, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer Richard Wildebore, citizen and grocer of London, touchinar a debt of oOs. Loudon. Membrane 26. Nov. 8. Richard ITalinere of Herpford, £o. Devon, ' husbondman,* for not Westminster. appearing before John Prysot and liis fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Richard Levermore touching a debt of 40*. Devon. Oct. 10. William Aras of Cosgrave, co. Northampton, ' husbondiunn,' for not Wostiiiinster. appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer John Shuk- burgh, citizen and ' draper' of London, touching a debt of 6/. 20d. City of Coventry. Nov. IL William Belsy of the parish of Elham, co. Kent, ' laborer,' for not Westminster. appearing to answer John Isak, esquire, touching a debt of lOO*. Kent, Nov. 9. John Graunger late of Tresell, co. Stafford, ' husbondman,' for not We-stniinster. appearing to answer Thomas Wode touching a trespass. Oxford. Nov. 4. William Broun late of Banbury, co. Oxford, * chapcuiin,' for not Westminster. a[)pearing to answer John Gairstange, citizen and grocer of London, touching a debt of 40.J. London. Nov. 14. Benedict Bradmer of Okeham, co. Rutland, ' couper,' for not Westminster. appearing to answer a plea that he remhir 2 7. to William Broune, merchant, and John Broun, merchant, executors of the will of William Lewes, late burgess of Bishop's Lynn, merchant. Lincoln. Nov, 16. John Tryppe of Bledlowe, co. Buckingham, * husbondman,' for not Westminster. appearing to answer the dean and canons of the king's free chapel of St. Stephen within the palace of Westminster touching a debt of 40/, Middlesex. Nov. 15. John Blake of Netherwallop, co. Southampton, ' geutilman,' a/ias Westminster. esquire, for not appearing to answer Thomas (lay the younger, citizen of London, William Brounyng, csciuire, and John Smyth touching debts of 20/. 100 marks and 20/. respectively. London, Dorset rithin the palace of Westminster touching a debt of 14/. and William Frenshe of Denham, CO. Buckingham, 'husbondman,' touching a debt of 41. Middlesex. John Martyu late of the parish of Seynt Madron, co. Cornwall, ' mil ward,' for not apjDearing to answer a plea that he render 40*. to Philip Weke and Ralph atte Weke, executors of the will of John Weke. Devon. Peter Gosselyn late of Redyng, 'pewetrer,' for not appearing to answer Robert Bagworth, burgess and merchant of Southampton, touching a debt of 100*. Laurence Heler late of Herne, co. Kent, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer .Lames Hersyng, William Frye, Thomas Petyte and Thomas Abrygge touching a trespass. Kent. John Lyle of Pulbarowe, co. Sussex, esquire, for not appearing to answer Isabel Assheby, widow, and Richard Everley, citizen and mercer of London, touching a debt of 11/. 5s. 8d. London. John Philippz late of Shrewsbury, co. Salop, clerk, alias John Pheli[ipes, ' courtholder,' for not appearing to answer Robert Gayton, citizen and grocer of London, and John Horde, esquire, touching debts of 11/. and 6/. 6s. 8d. respectively. London & Salop. Membrane 25. Andrew Ramerygge of Whethampstede, co. Hertford, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer Richard Newedyk of the town of Westminster touching a debt of 29/. Hertford. Richard West late of London, ' tayllour,' for not appearing to answer Thomas Bodyn of London, ' haberdassher,' touching a trespass. Middlesex. 8 EDWAKD IV.— Part I. 81 Membrane 25 — cont. John William late of Sydeburv, co. Devon, ' giome,' for not appearing when sued with John Tremayll late of Sidebnry the elder, ' gentil- man,' John Tremiiyll late of Sydebury the younger, ' gentilman,' and William Cotteford of Sydebury, ' husbondmau,' before Richard Neuton and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer John Ippecras touching a trespass. Devon. Thomas Wylt(!shire late of Wherwell, co. Southampton, ' yoman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench with John Snell of Fullerton, co. Southampton, the younger, ' huobondman,' to answer John Boket of Hille, co. Southampton, ' loder,' touching a conspiracy against him at Yatelby between them and John Jue. Southampton. John Yoi k of Oddyston, co. Leicester, * husbondman,' for not appearing when sued with Henry atte Halle of Overton, co. Leicester, ' gentilman,' Richard Lewys of (Jddyston, co. Leicester, ' hu.sbondman,' and Richard Gaddesby of Shakeston, co. Leicester, ' husbondman,' before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Thomas Burdet, eocjuire, touching a trespass. Wai wick. John Fareman, late of Bytteswell, co. Leicester, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer Walter Kebell of Reresby, esquire, alias 'gentylman,' touching a debt of 74s. Id. London. John Mallom or Malghum of Mallom, co. York, ' gentilman,' for not appearing before Richard Neuton and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Robert Thornoure touching a debt of 20/. London. Henry Plummer of Bristol, ' plummer,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellow s, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Richard Walwayn touching a debt of 40*. London. John Streche of the soke of Winchester, ' wever,' for not appearing to answer brother Richard fJaryngton and Henry Robard of Olde Bayly by London, ' browederer,' touching a debt of GO5. Jliddlesex. John Hudson of Leke, co. Lincoln, ' yonian,' administrator of the goods of Richard Hudson, who died intestate, for not appearing before the justices of (he Bench to answer a plea that he render 10/. to Thomas Kyme. Lincoln, John Warner, laic of High Ongre, co. Essex, 'yoman,' for not appearing to .answer Isabel Bradfeld touching a debt of 10 marks. Middlesex. Henry Cramwell of Evertou, co. Huntingdon, ' potter,' for not appearing to answer Robert Tanfeld the younger touching a trespass (lomtuitled by him and Benedict Newman of Everton, chaplain, John Roger, lale of Oundell, co. Northani|)ton, ' yoman,' John Preston of Everton, ' husbondiiian,' John Naseby of Loudon, ' gentilman,' and John Cramewell of Kverlon, ' potter.' Bedford. Hugh Camell of Bro(lelicud)ury, co. Devon, ' husbondman,' for not api)earing to answer John Otery, abbot of Dunkyswyll, touching a debt of 28/. Devon. Hugh Welly s, late of Conyngesby by Cateshale, co. Lincoln, notary public, for not appearing to answer a ])lea that he render 100 marks to Master John Peniberton of Ihe Chancery, William Notyngham and Ralph Beare, executors of the will of Msister Richard Ewen, clerk, alias archdeacon of Lincoln. London. F 82 CALENDAIl OF PATENT ROLLS. 1469. Feb. 10. Westminster. Feb. 10. Westminster. Feb. G. Westminster. 1468. Oct. 18. Westminster. 1469. Jan. 25. Westminster. Jan. 29. Westminster. 1468. Oct. 17. Westminster. 1469. Feb. 10, Westminster. 1468. Nov. 5. Westminster. Membrane 25 — cont. Wistan Brown, laic of Oxford, clerk, for not appearing to answer John Walton, abbot of the monastery of St. Marj, Osenev, touching a debt of 63.9. \d. ' Oxford. Nicholas Hert, citizen and grocer of London, for not appearing to answer a plea that he render 4/. 13s. '\d. to William Filz Water of London, ' gentilman,' and John Martyn, mercer, citizen of London, executors of the will of Elias Davy, citizen and mercer of London. London. John Mores of Glapthorne, co. Northampton, esquire, for not appearing to answer John Roberdys touching a debt of 40s. Middlesex. Andrew Groton of Fyncheley, co. Middlesex, ' gentilman,' for not appeai-ing before Richard Nenton and his fellows, justices of the Lench of the late king, to answer Simon Merable, citizen and ' tolossour ' of London, touching a debt of 5 marks, 3«. 4(7. London. John Dryng, late of Neuton by Wyntryngham, co. York, 'yoraan,' for not appearing when sued with Richard Dryng, late of Neuton by Wyntryngham, ' husboudman,' before the king to answer William Mannyng touching a trespass. Middlesex. Edmund Cook, late of Asshby, co. Norfolk, ' yoman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer John Newport touching a debt of 40/. Suffolk. Robert Whitwell, of Manton, co. Rutland, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer John Caldon touching a debt of 40s. Oxford. Robert Geryng, late of Suthwerk, co. Surrey, ' carpynter,' for not appearing to answer Thomas Youg touching a debt of 40s. Middlesex. Thomas Hogekyns of Armeston in the parish of Stowe, co. Stafford, ' hu.sbondman,' for not appearing to answer Walter Wrottesley, knight, touching a debt of lOZ. Stafford. Membrane 24. April 28. Grant to John Rogger of London, in repayment of the sum of 200/. due Dogmersfield. to him from the king, as appears by 18 tallies levied at the receipt of the Exchequer, of 50/. yearly from Michaelmas next from the issues of the bailiwick of the hundreds, of Estflegge, Westflegge, Happyng, Taverham, Biofeld, Walsham and Humlyerd, in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, and 20/. yearly from Michaelmas next from the issues of the county of Gloucester, until he be fully satisfied. By p.s. May 28. General pardon to Nicholas Frensshe of Dawlisshe, co. Devon, Westminster. ' frankeleyn,' alias * husbondman,' alias ' yoman.' By p.s. June 1. Grant for life to John Stanley, knight, and Humphrey Stanley his sou Westminster, of the office of ranger of the king's forest of Oank, receiving fees as in the times of Edward HI. and Richard II. fiom the issues of the county of Stafford, in lieu of a like grant to Roger Pye, late yeoman of the chamber of the king's father, by letters patent, surrendered. By p.s. 8 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 83 1 468. Membrane 24 — cont. May 27. General parflon to Roger Corke of Feversliaui, co. Kent, 'osteler,' of all W'lsdiiinsier. offences committed hy him before 20 May. By p.s. June 10. Pardon to Malcolm Walwyn, esquire, late escheator in the county of Westminster. Hereford and the marches of Wales adjacent, of all offences committed by him and all fines, amercements, issues, reliefs, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king before 6 June. By p.s. June 12. Grant for life to John Swancote of Bristol of a moiety of the manor of Westminster. Belton, co. Somerset, late of James, late earl of Wiltshire, and in tlie king's hands by his forfeiture, to hold with rents, courts, views of frank-pledge and other appurtenances by the services of as many knights' fees, and as many other rents and services as they were held by before 4 March, 1 Edward IV. By p.s. June 14. Grant for life to Thomas Trefry of Fowey, esquire, of 10 marks yearly Westminster, from Michaelmas, 6 Edward IV. from the issues of the duchy of Cornwall. By p.s. Like grant to William Hourde, esquire. By p.s. Grant for life to the king's servant William Wor.seley, esquire, from Miciiaelmas, 6 Edward IV. from which date lie has held the olficc, of the office of bailiff of the scevage (^skui agii) of the town of Calais and the island of Colne, receiving at his own hands such fees as Richard Stanlak, then bailiff, had in the year 9 Richard 11. with all other accustomed protils. By p.s. Vacated by surrender awl cancelled. June 15. Licence for Ferricus de Clugniaco, doctor of either law, archdeacon of Westminster. Faverney, born in the parts of Burgundy, to receive and hold benefices, offices, prebends and dignities in churches within the realm. By K. April 3. General pardon to John Clerk alias Mascin late of Wiitoii, co. Norfolk, Westminster. < yoman,' o( all offences committed by him before 2') September last. By p.s. Membrane 23. March 20. Pardon to John, duke of Norfolk, and Elizabeth his wife of all donations, Westminster, alienations and perquisitions by them of land held in chief. By p.s. March 28. Appointment, during pleasure, of .lohn Longe as ganger in the port of Westminster. Sandwich and ports and places adjacent, receiving the accustomed fees. By bill of the treasurer. April 1. General pardon to Avered alias Alvered Massy late of London, clia|)lain, Westminster, alias clerk, alias late of Cambridge, of all offences committed by him before 26 March last. " By p.s. May 12. Licence for Robert Ogle, knigiit, lord of Ogle and Thuresby, and Isabel Westminster, his wife to grant in fraidc almoin to the prior and canons regular of the cathedral church of St. Mary, Carlisle, a messuage and 4 acres of land in Thuresby, co. Cumberland, wliieh Gilbert de la Rympie holds of the said Robert at will, and the advowson and ])atronag(' of the parish church of St. Andrew, Thuresby, held in chief ; and i'or the said prior and canons to api>ropriate the said church, and serve it by a canon of their cathedral or any other suitable chaplain, without endowment of a vicarage in the church or compulsion to distribute a yearly sum of money to the poor of the parish ; and also for the said Robert and Isabel lo grant in frank almoin to the said prior and canons, common of pasture for 40 animals, and estover of timber, trees, wood and underwood for the repair of the said messuage and the F 2 84 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1468. Membrane 'IZ — cont. enclosure of the said luad, and underwood and turf for burning within the said messuage within the lordship or manor of Thureaby. By p.s. May 20. Licence, for 26*. 8c?. paid by him in the hanaper, for William Knyght, Westniiiister. clei k, to grant a messuage, u carucate and a half of land and 385. I If/ rent in Chaldebourne and the advowson of the chapel of St. Margaret in the same town, held in chief, to Walter Changton for life with remainders to William, son and heir of the latter, and Matilda his wife and the heirs of their bodies and in default of such heirs to the right heirs of the said Walter. May 22. Commission by mainprise of Thomas Baxster of London, ' gentilman,' Westminster, and John Myndrym of the same, 'g3ntilman,' to John Burell, 'gentilman,' of the custody of the temporalities of the bishopric of Carlisle from the time of the death of Richard Scrope, last bishop, so long as they remain in the king's hands, rendering to the king an extent to be agreed upon Avith the treasurer of England before the octave of Michaelmas next and supporting all charges, [jpter/e^-a.] By K. May 21. Exemption for life of John Denissh, esquire, from being put on assizes, Westmiuster. juries, recognisances, attaints or inquisitions and from being made sheritf, escheator, coroner, mayor, bailiff', constable, collector of tenths, fifteenths, tallages or other subsidies or other officer or minister of the king against his will. By p.s. May 24. Grant for life to William Boket of Salisbury of the custody of the smaller Westminster, piece of the seal for the recognisances of debts according to the form of the statute at Acton liurnell for merchants in the city of Salisbury, receiving the accustomed fees in the same manner as Henry Upton, deceased. By p.s. June 17. Licence for William Melros, chaplain, born in Scotland, to dwell within Westminster, the realm as a subject of the king and to receive and be admitted to ecclesiastical benefices under the dignity of a deanery and to enjoy his goods. By K. 3IEMBRANE 22. March 16. Grant for life to the king's servant Richard Laurence, clerk of the Westmiuster. scullery, of the office of bailiff of the water of Severn from Bratlien to Worcester bridge with all accustomed profits, waifs and strays, in the same manner as Walter Chamberlaine or any other person had the office. By p.s. [2371.] March 17. Grant for life to the king's servant Nicholas Clyvele, one of the yeoman Westminster, of the crown, of 6d, daily lor his fee from 24 December, 3 Edward IV. from which day he has exercised the office, from the fee-farm of the town of Northampton. By p.s. March 19. Whereas on Friday after St. Margaret, Virgin, 7 Edward IV. at Westminster. Yevelchestre, Thomas Lyte of Lytescary, co. Somerset, ' gentilman,' Richard Claveleshay of Southpederton, co. Somerset, ' gentilman,' .John Case of the same, 'gentilman' and William Clayton of Trent, co. Somerset, ' gentilman,' made mainprise before Walter Moyle, knight, Tlioiuas Youge and John Wydeslade, justices appointed to deliver the gaol of Yevelchestre, for John Walford of Yevelchestre, ' yoman,' viz. the latter under penalty of 2(i0/. and each of his mainpernors under penalty of 100/. to have the body of the said John before them on Friday after St. Matthias last, which they did not do; the Iting liereby pardons to the said William the said 100/. thus forfeited by him. By p.s. March 25. Grant lor life to Richard Birde, priest, on the surrender by William Westminster. Preston of like letteris patent, that he be one of the chaplains of the king's 8 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 85 1468. March 28. Westminster. May 12. Westminster. May 9. Westminster. May 23. Westminster. May 22. Westmiiister. Membrane 22 — cont. m cliaiitry of St. Mary witliin the manor of Wodestoko, co. Oxford, to celebrate divine service for the kinj^ and his progenitors, receiving 10 marks yearly for his salary from the issues of the manor and the king's hundred of Wotton, CO. Oxford, with the accustomed mansions, fuel and profits. By p.s. Whereas Simon Hareby of Thurlby, co. Lincoln, escjuire, was outlawed in London on Moufiay after St. Chad, 5 Edward IV. at the suit of Humphrey Bourchier, knight, lord Cromewell, on a plei of debt, and afterwards, on 2 July, 7 Edward IV. John Forster and \\ iiliam Kerver were indebted to him in the sum of 16G/. 13s. 4d. to be paid at the Purification then following, for which they are accordingly chargeable to the king ; the king hereby grants to William Hastinge.s, knight, lord of Hastinges, the said sum and all other sums of Baoney, debts, goods and other things late of the said Simon. By p.s. Pardon, for 5 marks to be paid in the hanaper, to Kichard, earl of Warwick, John, earl of Noithumbcrland, Robert IJanby, knight, Robert Ascough, doctor in decrees, John Ascough, esquire, Richard Ascough, 'gentilman,' and Richard Jenkynson, chaplain, for all grants, alienations and acquisitions of the manor of Stalyngbourgh called ' Arsy Mancr in Stalyngbourgh,' co. Lincoln, held in chief, and all fines and forfeitures due to the king on account of their acquisition of the manor and grant to them of all issues of the manor from the time of its being taken into the king's hands. By p.s. General pardon to William Brandon late of Sathwerk, co. Surrey, esquire, nliax marshal of the Marshalsea, of all offences committed by him before 4 April last and all escapes of felons before that date. By p.s. Exenqjlification, at the retjuest of William Broun, clerk, of letters patent dated 21 March, G Edward IV. granting to him the custody of the house or chapel called ' le priory hermitage ' by Dorcestre, co. Dorset. These letters have been casually lost, as he has taken oath in Chancery, and will be surrendered if found. Grant for life to Richard Harecourt, knight, in consideration of his labour and diligence in rosi-iting the malice of certain traitors in the comity of Oxford, of 20/. from the issues of the counties of Oxford and Berks. By p.s. Mbmbranb 21. May 29. Grant to Henry Waver, knight, in repayment of the sum of 500/. due to Westminster, him from the king by a tally levied at the receipt of the Exchecjuer at Westminster, 20 July, Edward IV. by the treasurer of England for moneys lent, delivered by Walter nlount, knight, lord Mountjoye, then treasurer, for certain sums of money in which he was indebted to the said Henry, that he and Thomas Pounde, William Kerver and John Rogger or their executors, factors, attorneys, deputies or assigns may ship sacks of wool, at the rate of 4 marks and no more on each sack for custom and subsidy, and other merchandise, not being wools or wool-fell:^, in any ports • of the realm and take them to foreign parts by the straits of Marrok and bring back inerchandise from foreign parts quit of customs and subsidies until he shall be fully satisfied. By p.s. May 30. Grant for life to Humphrey Stafford, lord Stafford of Suthwyke, knight, Westminster, of the reversion of the oflices of master forester of the king's forests of Exmore, co. Devon, and Racche, co. Somerset, on the death of William Bourghchier of Fitz Wareyn, knight, to whom they were granted for life b. letters patent dated 10 ]\Iay, 1 Edward IV. By p.s, 86 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROL S. 1468. . Membrane 21 — cont. March 24. Appointmeut for life of Robert Bradbury as one of the king's serjeants- Westminster. at-arms, with wages of \2d. daily from the issues of the county of Lincoln and a coat of the king's livery yearly at Christmas at tlie great wardrobe of the same suit and cloth as other Serjeants at arms ; in lieu of a grant to him of the same with wages by the hands of the treasurer by letters piiteiit dated 12 February, 4 Edward IV. surrendered. By p.s. April 20. Pardon to Ralph Leegh and Henry Rediche, chaplains of the chantry of inersfield. St. Katharine in the parish church of St. Mary the Virgin, Eccles, Peter Halsted and John Worthiugton, chaplains of the chantry of Jesus and St. Mary in the parish church of Eccles, Robert Clyfton, knight, Richard Bothe, esquire, Seth Worsley, esquire, Roger Radcliff, clerk, William Worsley, clerk, John Wardale, clerk, and Thomas Orstou for all offences committed by them ill seeking, accepting, receiving or publishing any apostolic letters, bulls, sentences of excommunication or other instruments contrary to the form ot the statute of provisors ; and grant that they may receive and publish any such already granted to them. By p.s. Membrane 20. March 19. Grant to Henry Bremercombe, chaplain, of the perpetual chantry in the Westminster, parish church of Nsuton Popelford, co. Devon, with all its rigiits and appurtenances. March 19. Appointment, until 29 September next, of Richard More, esquire, Westminster. Serjeant of the eatery (catarie) of the household, to purvey salt and fresh water fish for the expenses of the household. By bill of the treasurer of the household. March 23. Letters of denization for John Donne of the town of Calais, born in the AVestmiuster. parts of Picardy, and the heirs of his body. By p.s. and for 1 mark paid in the hanaper. April 1. Pardon to Thomas Lyte of Lytescary, co. Somerset, 'gentilmau,' Richard Westminster. Clavcleshay of Southepederton, co. Somerset, ' gentilman,' and John Case of the same, 'gentilman,' of all the forfeitures due from them to the king because they did not hold John Walford before the justices appointed to deliver the gaol of Yevelchestre, as they made mainprise to do [see p. 84). By p.s. April 1. Grant for life to the king's servant John Walforde, yeoman of the king's Westminster, chamber, of the ofEce of the custody of the king's gaol of Ylcestre, CO. Somerset, with the accustomed profits. By p.s. March 30. Grant to the abbot, prior and convent of tlie abbey of St. Mary, Westminster. St. Benedict and all Holy Virgins, Rainesey, which is of the foundation of the king's progenitors and of the king's patronage, that the prior and convent shall have the custody of the abbey and its possessions during voidance, rendering at the Exchequer 40/. for every such voidance, and that no sheriff, escheator, bailiff' or minister of the king shall interfere except to take simple seisin at the gate of the abbey. By p.s. March 21. General pardon to David ap Howel ap Griff ap Tudor. By p.s. Westminster. Membrane 19. April H. Grant for life to the king's servant Jaqucs Haulte. esquire, one of the Dogmcrsfield. ' kervers ' (daptcidnriorum) of the king's consort, the queen of England, of the manor of Bukland, co. Hertford, not exceeding tlie yearly value of 10/. which of long time past was given in jointure by the lord of Roos to the duchess of Somerset, then his wife, by whose death and by virtue of 8 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 87 Membrane 19 — cont. an act of attainder in Parliament at Westminster, 3 December, 1 Edward IV. it came into ihd king's hands. By p.s. [2398.] Vacated by surrender and cancelled by mandate of the king to Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor, and Robert Kirkeham, clerk, keejier of the rolls, by tvrif of privy seal dated 10 December, 8 Edward J V. March 28. Letters of denization for Laurence Swarfelde, merchant, born in Antwerp, Westmin.ster. and his offspring. By p.s. and for ^ mark paid in the hanaper. April 10. Pardon to William Eeynolde and Joan his wife, late the wife of George Dogmcr.-jfiold. House, tenant in chief, for intermarrying without licence. By p.s. April 14. General pardon to Thomas Vanghau alias Vaghan, esquire, late of London, Dogniersfield. es((uire of the body and treasurer of the king's chamber, keeper of the great wardrobe of the late king, one of the mainpernors of Jaspar, late earl of Pembroke, tenant of tiic lands late of Thom.as Broune, knight, late sheriff of Kent, and administrator of his goods, late sheriff of Surrey and Sussex, and one of the justices of the peace in the counties of Surrey, Sussex and Kent, of all offences committed by him and all fines, amerce- ments, issues, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king. By K. April 18. General pardon to Nicholas Saundre alias Bylton of Sandwich, co. Kent, Dogmersfiuld. 'yoman,' late one of the constables of the town of Sandwich, for all offences committed by him before 31 March. ]}y p.p. April 20. General pardon to William Swyfle late of London, 'couper,' alias Doguiersfiekl. ' sargeant,' alias late of Westminster, co. Middlesex, ' yoman,' for all offences committed by him before 7 April. By p.s. April 22. Grant to Bobert Tooke of London, ' iremongci ,' in consideration of his Uogiuersfitld. expenses in the victualling, fitting, strengthening and salvation of the king's ship called le Maryarete of Ipeswiche, that he or liis executors, factors or attorneys may ship wools in any vessels in any ports of the realm by the straits of Marrok and woollen cloths and other mcrchjiudise not pertaining to the staple of Calais (piit of customs and subsidies to the sum of 967/. lis. 3rf. By p.s. April 4. Grant for life to the king's .servitor William Tunstallc, escjuire, of a Westminster, yearly rent of 20/. from Michaelmas last, viz. 10/. from the issues of the county of Butland and 10/. from the issues of the county of Wilts. By p.s. April. 2.5. General pardon to William Vowell of Oxford, scholar, alias \^'illiam DogiiRTsfkld. Vowelle the younger late of Welles, co. Somerset, ' gentilinan,' for all offences committed by him before 1 January last. By p.s. April 29. General pardon to ilumphrey Ilayford and Robert Harding of London, Doguit-r.-^field. goldsmiths, of all offences committed by them before 20 April until Michaelmas last («'<•) and all debts, accounts and arrears due to the king. By p.s. 1468. MRMnRAyi'. 18. May 21. Grant for life to the king's servant Roland Forster of the custody of the Westminster, honours of Boulogne, Peverel and Ilagnot in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertford, Surrey and Cambridge with all issues from 29 October, 5 Edward IV. without rendering anything to the king; in lieu of the commission to him and ,lohn Wliile, now deceased, by I. tler.'« patent 88 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1468. 1467. Nov. 15. Westminster. 1468. May 24. Westminster. May 27. Westminster. June 5. Westminster. Membrane 18 — cont. of that date, surrendered, of the custody of the said honours in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex, Hertford and Surrey by mainprise of John Lane, ' yoman,' and William Coterell, ' yoman,' both of the parish of St. Clement Danes without the bar of the New Temple, London, to hold with all issues for ten years, rendering to the king 6 marks yearly and supporting all charges. By p.s. Grant for life to Edward Berkeley, esquire, in lien of a like grant by letters patent dated 26 April last, surrendered because invalid, of the office of bailifT of Burley in the New Forest, co. Southampton, receiving 4rf. daily from the said 26 April from tiie issues of the county of Southampton, with all other profits of the office. By ps. Vacated because in the seventh year. Licence for John Markham, knight, chief justice of the King's Bench, or his heirs, executors or assigns to found a perpetual chantry of one chaplain to celebrate divine service daily at the altar of SS. Mary, Michael the Archangel, John the Baptist and John the Evangelist in the parish church of Segbroke, co. Lincoln, for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, and the said John and for their souls after death, to be called ' Markham Chaunterye,' and to grant lands, rents, services and other possessions, not held in chief, to the yearly value of JO marks, in mortmain to the saih Ayssheton, knight, Thomas (-ierard, kiught, John Trallbrd, knight, Thomas Witham, Richard Pygot, 'I'homas Gower, es.v. damages; behaving surrendered to the MarshaLsea prison and satisfied the said John, as John Markhani, knight, chief justice of the King's Bench, has certified. June 27. Pardon to Stephen Chapman, mayor of Plynimoutli, co. Devon, Westminster. ' marchaunt,' of four outlawries in the county of Devon for not ajjpearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to satisfy the late king of his ransom for a trespass figainst John Carwynnek, to answer Richard Ryke when .sued with Richard Cokkc of Plynimouth, ' marchant,' and John Marchant of Stokedaniercll, co. Devon, ' maryner,' touching a trespass, and to answer Henry Fortcscu, laic sheriil' of Devon, touching a debt of 20/. and John Facy touching a debt of 4 marks: he having surrendered to the Flete prison and satisfied the king of the said ransom, as Robert Daiiby, chief justice of the Bench, has certified. July 2. Exemption for life of Richard Forstcr of Bristol, 'gentilman,' from being Westminster, put on a,-;sizes, juries, attaints, summons of bedels, recognisances or in(iuisitions, and from being made trier of the .«aine, mayor, sheriff, csclieator, coroner., constable, customer, justice, collector, assessor, taxer, surveyor or controller of tenths, fifteenths or other subsidy, arrayer or trier of men at arms, hobelers or archers or other oflicer, bailiff or minister of the king, or knight of any shire or citizen or burgess for any city or town in Parliament against his will ; and grant that nothing shall be taken of his goods by the purveyors of the houseliold. By p.s. July 4. Pardon to Simon Raule alias Rale alias Raley alias Raulyn of Westminster. Blaneford Forum, co. Dorset, ' courtliolder,' of his outlawry in the county of Dorset for not appearing before the kuig to answer for certain trespasses 110 CALENDAR OP PATENT EOLLS. 14(53, Membrane 22 — cont. against tlie form of the statute of liveries of cloths, he having surrendered to the Marshalsea prison, us Johu Markeham, knight, chief justice of the King's Bench, has certified. July 12. Grant for life to John Cattys of Mereworth, co. Kent, ' gentilinan,' for Westminster, his good services and because he was wounded at Towton Felde, co. York, by the rebels and left for dead, of 10/. yearly from Michaelmas last from the customs and subsidies in the port of Sandwich and ports and places adjacent. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the customers. Oct. 13. Graut for life to the king's servitor William Byrde, esquire, of a yearly Westminster, rent of 10/. from the subsidy called ' aliens silver' in the Cinque Ports, By p.s. Oct. 17. Bevocation of the protection, with clause volumus, for one year, lately Westminster, granted by letters patent to John Hopkyn of Bossu by Tregean, co. Cornwall, ' yeoman,' staying in Ireland on the king's service in the company of the king's kinsman John, earl of Worcester, deputy of the king's brother George, duke of Clarence, lieutenant of Ireland, on the safe custody, defence and victualling of that laud, because he delays at Bossue, as John Sturgeon, esquire, sheriff of the county, has certified. Sept. 12. Licence, for 6 marks paid in the hanaper, for Thomas Charles, esquire, Westminster, and Elizabeth his wife to grant the manor of Ketelbergh and 60 messuages, 600 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, ^00 acres of pasture, 40 acres of wood, 40/. of rent and a rent of 50 capons in Ketelbergh, Eston, Eyssh, Rendelesham, Eykes, Bromeswell, Wandesdon, Chisilford, Butleigh, Boiton, Toweton, Suthburn, Tostale, Blakeshale, Marleford, Glemeham, Swyftlyng, Cranesford, Perham and Frammyngham, co. Sufiblk, and the advowsons of the churches of Ketelbergh and Eston, held in chief, to John, duke of Norfolk, and his heirs. Membrane 21. Oct. 9. Westminster. Oct. 8. Westminster. Oct. 12. Westminster. Oct. 9. Westminster. Grant to Elizabeth the king's consort of the sum of 400/. yearly at the receipt of the Exchequer for the expenses of the king's daughters Elizabeth and Mai-y, until the king shall make other provision. [Foedera,'] By p.s. Appointment, during good behaviour, of Master Thomas Appulton as clerk of the king's constableship of England and promoter of business concei'ning the king's majesty, receiving 20 marks yearly at the receipt of the Exchequer with all other accustomed fees, in the same manner as Master Thomas Brouns received the same. By p.s. Grant for life to Walter Scull, knight, of an annuity of 20/. from Michaelmas, 7 Edward IV. from the issues of the king's castles, manors and lordships in South Wales. By p.s. Grant to Walter Scull, knight, and Frances his wife and the heirs of the body of Walter of the manors of Aleynesmore and Avynsbury, co. Hereford, late of William Mulle, knight, with bondmen and their issue, knights' fees, commons, pastures, easements, courts leet, views of frank' pledge, parks, warrens and all other profits, in the king's hands by reason of an act of forfeiture in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. to hold by tlie services of as many knights' fees and as many other rents and services as they were held by before 4 March, 1 Edward IV. and all lands, meadows, feedings, pastures, rents, reversions and services in Wyche, Doverdale and their suburbs, Wichebold, Croule, Mitton and Hertilbury, co. Worcester, in the king's hands by reason of the forfeiture of John Lenche, esquire, attainted by authority of the said Parliament, to hold as above ; and all issues from Easter, 7 Edward IV. By p.s. 8 EDWARD IV.— Part II. Ill 1468. Membra7ie 21 — cont. Oct. 13. Grant to Tliomas Bonyfaunt, prebendary of the prebend of Bronnesbury Westminster, in the cathedral cliurch of 8t. Paul, London, of a prebend within the free chapel of Si. Stephen within the king's palace of Westminster, on an exchange of prebends with William Westbury, By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the dean and chapter of the chapel. Oct. 9. Grant to W^alter Blount, knipjht, lord Mountjoye, in lieu of a like grant Westminster, by letters patent dated 13 February last, surrendered because invalid, of the custody of all manors, lands and possessions with advowsons and offices late of Thomas Blount, esquire, tenant in chief, during the minority of Robert his son and heir and the custody and marriage of tho latter without disparagement, and so from heir to heir. By p.s. May 28. Licence for the acquisition in mortmain, after inquisition, by the principal Westminster, and commonalty of the vicars of Holy Trinity, Chichester, of lands, rents or other possessions, not held in chief, to the value of 40 marks yearly in augmentation of their sustenance and that they may pray for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, and for their souls after death. By p.s. and for 40/. paid in the hanaper. Oct. 12. Grant to the king's kinsman William, earl of Pembroke, of power and Westminster, authority to make a weir across the river Thames called ' Overithwartwere ' from the Middlesex shore to the Surrey shore in the place where a weir called ' Holgyllys Were ' used to be, viz. from the lane called * Paternoster Lane ' in the county of Middlesex on the west to the east part of the same place called ' le gardyn ' or ' Hokehawes ' in the same county, and to take fish in it, saving a reasonable way on tht^ Surnjy side for the passage of barges, skiffs and other vessels; and grant to him and his heirs and assigns of the said weir when made with all profits pertaining to any weir in the said river, as the prior and convent of IMcrton, co. Surrey, have in their weir, rendering to the king 20a-. yearly. And this for 20.v. id. to be paid in the hanaper for the fee of the great seal. By p.s. Vacated by nurrender by Kenelm Dygas, atlorncy of the earl, and cancelled in accordance with a mandate of the king by trrit of privy seal to Robert, bishop of Bath and JVells and chancellor, and liolicrt Kirkcliani, hincf's clerk, keeper of the rolls and boohs of Chancery, on 24 April, 9 Edward IV. Oct. 24. Pardon, on account of the special devotion of the king to the glorious Westuiiusfcr. confessor St. John, sometime prior of the monastery of St. Mary, Brid- lington, to Peter Hellard, now prior, and the convent of that place of all accounts pertaining to the king. By p.s. Membrane 20. Sept. 20. Jnspeximus and confirmation to the abbot and convent of St. Mary Graces Westminster, by the Tower of London of the following :— 1. Letters patent* of Edward III. inspecting the following : — (1.) Letters patent dated 20 March, 24 Edwartl III. [Monasticon.] (2.) Letters patent dated 8 June, 27 Edward III. granting to them 20 marks yearly rent at the hands of the weavers of London. (3.) Letters patent dated 3 August, 27 Edward III. granting to them certain messuages and lands at Estsmythefeld and la Tourhull, London. (4.) Letters patent dated 5 November, 30 Edward III. granting to them two pipes of red wine yearly. * The ending to these letters is omitted on the roll. 112 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 14gg_ Membrane 20 — cont. 2. Letters patent dated 3 May, 41 Edward III. granting to them certain rents and the advowsons oi tlie churches of All Hallows, Stanenchirche, London, and St. Bartholomew the Less, London. For 33s. 4c?. paid in the hanaper. Oct. 20. Inspeximus and confirmation to tlie abbot and monks of Clive of letters Westminster, patent dated 8 November, 10 Richard II. inspecting and confirming a charter .dated at Westminster, 27 October, 14 Edward II. inspecting and confirming a charter dated at Hereford, 20 August, 12 Henry III. For 5 marks paid in the hanaper. Membrane 19. July 8. Whereas Thomas Littilton, one of the justices of the Common Bench, Westmiuster. Thomas Conyers, esquire, John Watkyns and William Foweler were lately enfeoffed together with Robert Conyers, knight, and Thomas More, deceased, of certain lands in the county of Buckingham to the use of Dame Isabel Shottesbrook late the wife of John Burton the younger, late lord of Thornton, co. Buckingham, that they might found a chantry in the parish church of Thornton ; the king at their request hereby grants licence to Robert Ingilton, their assign, now lord of the manor of Thornton, or his heirs or assigns to found a perpetual chantry of one chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the said church for the good estate of the king, his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, George, archbishop of York, and the said Thomas, Thomas, John, William and Robert Ingilton, and for their souls after death and the souls of the said John Barton and Isabel and their relatives, friends and benefactors and Dame Isabel Blaket, Robert Shotesbrook, knight, and John Barton the elder, to be called the chantry of St. Mary the Virgin in the said church, and to present a suitable chaplain, at each voidance, and for the chaplain to acquire from the said Robert or others, lands and other possessions, not held in chief, to the value of 20/. yearly, in mortmain, for the sustenance of himself and six poor feeble persons of either sex and the relief {refrigerium) of six poor boys by the grant to them of a gown apiece yearly, according to the ordinance of Robert Ingilton in fulfilment of the intention of the said Dame Isabel. By p.s. and for 50/. paid in the hanaper. Sept. 12. Licence, for 10/. paid in the hanaper, for the king's kinsman John, duke AVestminster. of Norfolk, and Elizabeth his Avife to grant the castle, manor, lordship and borough of Chep>towe, the manor of Berton and the manor and lordsliip of Tudenham with members and appurtenances in the marches of Wales adjoining the county of Gloucester, held in chief, to the king's kinsman William, earl of Pembroke, and his heirs. Oct. 25. Grant to Humphrey Stafford, lord Stafford of Suthewyke, king's knight, Westminster, of the office of steward of all manors, lands and possessions of William, late lord de la Zouche and Seymore, in the counties of Wilts, Somerset and Devon during the minority of John his sou and heir, receiving 20/. yearly from the issues of the same. By p.s. Oct. 26. Grant for life to John Wode, esquire, master of the king's ordnance, of Westminster, the office of the custody of the exchange and mint within the Tower of London and the custody of the coinages of gold and silver within the realm, receiving the accustomed wages as in the last year of Edward III. and the first of Richard 11. from the issues of the same with all other profits ; in lieu of a like grant to Thomas Mongomery, king's knight, by letters patent dated 15 December {sic), 2 Edward IV. surrendered. By p.s. 8 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 113 1468. ' Membrane 18. J uly 9. Whereas the king on 22 January, in the 5th year of his reign, by letters Westminster, patent granted licence to John Boy vile, esquire, to found a perpetual alms- house at Stokefaston, co. Leicester, but the latter died before founding it and the letters are accordingly invalid ; the king hereby at the supplication of Henry Sothill, his attorney, and William Hopkyns, parson of the church of Sothluffenham, and John Boyvile, executors of the vi'ill of the said John, grants licence to the said executors and their assigns to lound a perpetual almshouse of three poor persons at Stokefaston by the church and a perpetual chantry of one chaplain to celebrate divine service and prayers daily in the church for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, and for their souls after death and the soul of the said John Boyvile, deceased, and his relatives, ancestors and bene- factors according to the ordinance of the said Henry Sothill and Anne his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of the said John, to be called the chantry of the Virgin Mary in Stokefaston church, commonly called ' Boyvilcs Chaunterie,' and for the said chaplain to acquire in mortmain lands and rents, not held in chief, to the value of 12/. yearly for the sustenance of himself and the said poor persons. By p.s. an, late keeper of the privy stal of the late kine, and Richard Weston touching a debt of 40/. "VVihs. Roger Guune late of Itryngham, co. Norfolk, clerk, alias chaplain, for not appearing to answer a plea that he render 40.v. to Geoffrey Spirlyng, executor to the will of Stej)hen Pyke, late parson of the church of Coldanger, co. Essex. Norfolk. William Bray late of Abyndon, co. Berks, * yoman,' alias ' chapman,' for not appearing to answer Richard Bulstrete, ' gentilman,' touching a debt of 'All. 19s. lOr/., and to answer a plea that he render 1G0«. to John Hauke, executor of the will of Richard Hattar late of Bristol, merchant. London and Biistol. Henry Copley late of Wydeford, co. Hertford, chaplain, for not appearing to answer John Foston, 'gentilman,' touching a debt of 4/. Middlesex. Thomas Holmes of Leke in Holaiid, co. Lincoln, chaplain, for not appearing to answer Robert Robertson touching a trespass. Leicester. William Snayth late of London, * gentilman,' for not ai)pearing before •John I'rys )t and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer John Manyngham alias Mannyngham, escpiire, touciiing a aring to Westminster. answer John Colman, citizen and grocer of London, touching a debt of 6/. London. Edmund Sharpe late of Steventon, co. Berks, ' bocher,' for not appearing to answer Robert Tooke, citizen and ' iremonger' of London, alias ' nnirchaunt,' touching a debt of 50«. London. Nov. 27. Nicholas Welton bite of Westdrayton, co. Berks, 'bocher,' for not Westminster. appearing to answer Robert Tuoke, citizen and ' iremonger ' of London, touching a debt of 70*. London. Nov. 28. Nicholas Chainpeneys late of Strode, co. Kent, ' gentilman,' for not Westminster. appearing to answer John Porter of London, * harbour,' touching a debt of 16/. 17*. London. 1470. Jan. 3. Riciiard Gynner late of Southmorlon, co. Berks, ' hnsboridmau,' fur not Westminster. ap|)earing to answer .John Fortey and William Cliedworth touching a debt of 40/. Glom^pster. •Jan. 25. John Cornemonger of Cicestre, co. Sussex, ' husl)ondman,' for not Westminster. appearing to answer Richard More, esquiie, touching a debt of 8/. Berks. Jan. 24. Robert Haynes of Bersted, co. Kent, ' yoinan,' for not appearing to Weitniinster. answer William Overton, esquire, touching a debt of 53s. 4ter, ' l.usSon Imxn,' for Westminster. not appealing to answer William Garno i t( u filing a debt of lUO.f. Gloucester. Feb. 5. Edmund Olyve late of Thimyltliorp, co. Norfolk, tlie younger, ' lius- Westminster. bondmmi,' and Margiiret liis wife, executrix of the will of .John Parke late of TluMiiyltliorp, ' husbondniaii,' for not appe;uing to answer a plea that they rent 12/. Nt^rfolk. Feb. 6. Roger Causy of Bishop's Tautoii, co. Devon, ' yom;in,' ami Ag'ies his Wrstmiiister. wife, late the wife of Adam Kenier, for not appearing to answer Thomas Gay the cliler touching a debt of \()s. I.,ondon. Feb. 12, Peter (lerveys late of Banathekk by Merthyn, co. Cornwall, 'geniil- Westrainster. man,' for not appearing to auawer Henry Gyllvot touehing a debt of 20/. ' .Middlesex. Feb. 13. William Ely ver late of Shropham rt/ms late of llekynghale by Botesdale, Westminstor. CO. Suffolk, 'yoman,' olios William 01yv(!r late of Attilbur-h, co. Norfolk, r///'a* William Oliver late of Bury St. Ldmunds, to. Suffolk, ' .'•poner,' for not appearing before the ju.-t ices of the Bench of the late king to answer Nicholas Neweman, citizen ol Norwich, ' drapere,' touching a debt of 405. and William Pryce toi ching a trespass, and before the justices of the Bench of the present kir.g to answer Robert Burgeys of Bury St. Edmunds, 'harbour,' und Thon;a9 Olyver touching debts of -)/. and 14/. l().v. 8c/. respectively. Norwich, Norfolk, and SufTolk, 1469. MBMBRjys 20. March G. On IG Septend)er, 5 Edward IV. the king willed and des-iied hi-! .'■erTant Westminster. Hugh Brice, deputy to William, lord Hastynges, in his office of master and worker of the king's moneys of cold and silver and keeper of the mints and exchanges in the Tower of Loudon, the realm of England anil the town of Calais, to take upon him the occupation and keei)ing of the mints and exchanges aforesaid and, whereas before that day theie was paid at the mints of Loudi)n, York, Coventry, Norwich anu Bristol to every person 150 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1 4(jO, Membrane 20— cont. thiit Liougbt gold or silver 2il. ds. 2 I. and 33s. for every pound wein;lit of tiie Tower oi gold and silver respectively by tale, after that day he was to receive by weight and deliver by the same weight to every person bringing gold or silvtr to the Tower aforesaid or the mints of York and Bristol until Slichaelmas, 6 Kdward IV. and to take no more for coinage than 20s. 10c?. and 4s. ijd. of every pound of Tower weiglit of gold and silver respectively, and to make money:* of gold and silvei- accoiding to the indenture betwceu the king and the said lord Ilastynges, and, whereas before the said IG September old nobles and all gold of beyond the sea called ' masse goold,' as well ' salutz ' as other, were bought at no cer tainty by cause of their lack of weight and uncleaDness but soiuetinie the said old nobles were bought at 8s. Ad., 8s. bd., 8s. Gt/. and 8s. %\d. and the noble weight of coins b3\ ond the sea at 8s. and under and old groals and silver as fine as old groats at 2s. lO^c/. the ounce Troy, he was to pay to every person bringing old nobles of just weight and clean or any goUi in mass as fine to the mints of London, York and Bristol, 8s. Grf for every such noble or noble's weight and for other gold at the same rate, relniting the lack of fineness and weight, and 2s. \ \d. for every ounce of Troy of old groals or silver as good and for other silver uncoined at the same rate, rebating the lack of finenes.s, and to receive coin-; though they may lack in fineness if they do not thus lack over the remedies ordained, and because divers gold of beyond the fea and pence of silver made of long time | ast in the mints of York and Duresme and other places of the realm brought to tiie king's mints and exchanges were not so good in fineness as the king's new coins or those of Edward III. and Richard II. he was to make the new coins of gold and silver as good in fine- ness as the coins of Edward III. and liichard II. and the three Henrys, and to take to farm of the king the casual profits by way of emptions, remedies or otherwise of all the mints and exchanges aforesaiti, paying to the king from the said IG September until the said Michaelmas 600 marks and for every year after 300 marks, saving ta the king the right to discharge hiui of the farm, and to retain 140/. yearly for the occupying of the exchanges of London and the wages of himself and iiis servants and his other costs and charges. And on 29 September, 6 Edward IV. the king abated of the coinage in the mints of every pound of Tower weight of silver and desired the said Hugh to continue his occupation as above, taking for coinage 20s. lOf/. and 3s. 2d. for every pound of I'ower weight of gold and silver respectively, and paying 8s. Gc?. for the noble's weight of gold and 3s. for the ounce Troy of silver. And on 29 September, 7 Edward IV. tne king abated of llie coinage in the mints 6s. \d and 6(/. of every pound of Tower weight of gold and silver respectively, and desired the said Hugh to continue his occupation as above, taking fur coinage 14s. 6c?. and 2s. 8c?. for every pound of Tower weight of gold and silver respectively and paying 8s. 8rf. for the noble's weight of gold, and r>s. \d. for the ounce Ti'oy of silver. And on 29 September last past the king desired the said Hugh to continue his occupation as above until one year after Christmas, taking for coinage I4s. 6aron, chaplain of the chantry of St. Leonard, Westminster. Ilungerford Farlegh, in the diocese of Bath and Wells, to the church of Ciiilton, in the same diocese, on an exchange of benefices with .Simon 15iilyngey. ]March 6. CJenend p.rd'in to Edmund Baker late of St. Edn)und Bury, co. Suffolk, Westminster. ' yomau,' of all offences committed by him before 10 February last. By p.s. March 7. General pardon to Oliver Seynijohn of Makcscy, co. Northampton, the Westminster, elder, esquire, of all offences committed by him before 6 March last and all fines, debts and accounts due froua him to the king. By p.s. March 4. Grant to the king's mother Cecily, duchess of York, in lieu of a grant to Westminster, her by letters patent dated 1 June, 1 Edward iV. of the manor of Fodryng- hay, CO. Northampton, all her estate in which she has surrendered to the king by her letters patent dated 8 February laf't, of the castle, manor, lordship and honor of Bcrkhamstede, the borough of Herkhamstedc and the manor and lor(lslii|) of Chilternehuigeley alias Kyngeslanglev, co. Hertford, to hold for life from Michaelmas last with knights' fees, ailvowsons, wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, views of frank-pledge, courts leet, woods, jiarks, warrens, chaces, stews, fisheries, fairs, market.s, hberties, franchises, customs and other appurtenances. If she be removed in any M ay from the .'^anie she shall be fully recompensed ; and the king acquits her of all annuities and other charges on the same, with a reservation in favour oT Joiin Pylkyngton, esf]uire, constable of tlie castle of Berknamstede and P'u ker of the park there. By p.s. March 21. Aj'pointmcnt for life of Master John Russell, doctor of decrees, a.- secondary Westmiustei'. in tiie office of the privy seal, receiving -JO/, yearly from the issues of tiic counties of I,ondon and jMiddlesex. By p.s. Aprils. Appointment for life of the king's servant Richard Fowler as chancillor Dogmersfield. of the Exchequer, receiving the accustomed fees F,t the Exchequer or the receipt of tlie Exchequer with all rights, profits and emoluments. By K. Vacated and cancelled because the hituj granted the said ojfice tit Thomas Thwaytcs for life by other letters patent on 11 August, 1 1 Edtiard 1 V. April 15. Grant for life to the king's servant John Mylsam, one cf the yeomen Westminster, of the crown, of all lands within the hamlet of Berkhamsted, co. Hertford, of the yearly value of 5 marks whicli Robert Martyn lately occujiied, in the king's hands by reasou of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 4 >.'o\ ember, 1 Edward IV. By K. Mem BR A. \E 18. March 21. General pardon to John Wymondham aiia.i Wyndham the younger of Westminster, the County of Norfolk, escjuire. By K. March 20. Licence for John Marney, knight, aiul Joan his wife to grant two parts Westminiiter. of the manor of Kyngesey, co. Buckingham, e.xcepting an acre of land in Kyngesey, and two parts of a third part of the nuuior of Chepyng Norton, CO. Oxford, excepting an acre of land in Cliepyng Norton, held in chief, to Then. as Mountgomery, knight, Thomas Tyreil, knight, Louis Fitzlowe.--, 152 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 14G9. March 2-i. Westminster. March 13. Westminster. IMarch 27. Dogmeisfield March 24. lJogmer^field March 28. Dogmersfield March 24. Dogmersfield. March 28. Dogmersfield. March 29. ^Dogmersfield. April 16. Westminster. Membrane 18 — cont. esquire, Thomas Cornwales, William Ligon, e.squire, Walter Brokliampton, eiiquire, John Rous, esquire, and John Throktnei ton, esquire, and tlieir heirs. For 6/. paid in the hanaper. General pardon to William Grymesby of Gryiuesby, co. Lincoln, esquire, of all offences committe 1 by him before 23 March. By p.s. Grant for life to the king'.s servitor Thomas Nesse of the office of porter of the king's castle of Wallyngford, co. Berks, with fees as in the times of Kdward 111. and Richard II. from tlie issues of the castle, lordship and manor of Wallyngford ; in lieu of a like grant to Hugh Adams by letters patent dated 16 June, 1 Edward IV. surrendered. J^y p.s. Vacated by surrender and cancelled because /he hi ig granted the office to fVilliaui Logge by other letters patent on 27 June, 10 Edimrd IV. Grant, for 10/. paid to the king, to Richard Fowler of the custody of six messuages, 200 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 30 acres of pasture and 20.«. of rent in Cherdesle, Warmeston and Queynlon, co. Buckingham, in the king's hands during the minority of Nicholas Bryghtwell son and heir of Walter Bryghtwell late of Cher lesle because the said Walter was seised in his demesne as of fee of the said messuages and other premises, held in chief as of the honor of Wallingford by knight service, and enfeoffed John Baldewyn, Thomas Verdour, William Andrewe, John Fryday and Thomas Gourney of Halton of the same by collusion to defraucl the king of the custody, as appears by an inquisition taken b 'fore Thomas Biilyug ihe younger, escheator in the county of Buckingham, to hold during the minority of the heir witli his marriage without disparagement and so from heii- to Tieir. By bill of the trea.iurer. Grant to Antony Widewile, lord of Scales and Nn-ellez, and Elizabeth his wife of llie custody during minority of Robert Geddiug, sou and heir of .7ohn Geddiug, tenant in chief by knight service, with his marriage without disparagement; and grant to them also during his minority of 20 marks yearly for his sustenance and s-tudy from the issues of the manor of Great Thcrlowe, co. Sussex (rectiu^ Suffolk), in the king's hands by reason of his minority. By p.s. Grant for life to John Grevile, knight, of the offices of rider of the king's forest of Brandon and master of the king's game within his parks of Fastern, co. Wilts, with the accustomed fees from the issues of the county of Wilts, whensoever they shall come into the king's hands by the death of John Russell, esquire, who has them for life by letters patent, or by his surrender or otherwise. By p.s. [2766-3 Pardon to Gilbert Debenham, knight, and Katharine late the wife of William Zouche, knight, tenant in chief, of their trespass in inter- marrying without licence. By p.s. General pardon to Roger Puleston of Gorthonbree, co. Flint, ' gentilinan,' alias Roger ap John, esciuire, of all offences committed by him before 24 March. By p.s. General parilon to Oliver Manyngham late of London, 'gentilman,' alias Oliver Maunynggam late of York, alius late of Stoke Pogeys, co. Bucking- ham, of all offences committed by him before 24 March and all fines, debts and accounts due from him to the king. By p.s. The like to Eleanor, lady Hunger'ord and Molyus, late the wife of Robert Huugerford, knight, alias Eleanor the wife of Oliver Mannyngham. By p.s. Exemplification, at tlu request of Geoffrey Lewys, chaplain, of the tenor of the enrolment of letters patent dated 29 Marcli, 4 {sic) Edward IV. 9 EDWARD IV.-Part I. 153 14(39. Membrane 18 — cont. {^ranting to liiin for life a yearly pension of 12 (s/c) marks from the issues of the i\ing's mills of Di-ssertlie aud Peutre, co. Flint. Tiiese ieitsrs have been cjisually lost, as he has taken oath in Chancery, and will be surrendered if found. Membrane 17. April 24. Licence for Walter Ilaliday, marshal, John Cliff, Robert Marshalle, Westminster. Thomas Grene, Thomas Calthorn, William Cliff, William Cristean and William Kyiiesliam, the kinj^'s minstrels, to establish, continue and augment a fraternity or perpetual gild, which the brethren and sisters of tlie fraternity of n.instrels of the realm erected in time.* ])ast, that tliey may pray for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, (lueen of l^ngland, and for their souls after death and the soul of the king's father Richard, late duke of York, in the chapel of St. Mary within the cathedral church of St. Paul, London, and the king's free chapel of St. Antony in the same city. 'J'hey shall a-hall make ordinances for the governance of the fraternity, and shall have the supervision of the ai t of minstrels, except ill the coimty of Chester, and shall nominate the king's min?tre]."», subject to the royal assent. [^FcederaJ] \\y p.s. April 24. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by the king's kinsmen Richard Westminster. Neville, earl of Warwick and Salisbury, and Anne, countess of Warwick, l)is consort, to the dean and chapter of the collegiate church of St. Mary, Warwick, of their manors of Bathekyngton and Wolverdyngton and all oiher lands, rents, reversions and servic(!s in IJathekyngton and Wolver- dyngton, CO. Warwick, held in chief, three tenements in W'arrcwyk late of William Ilopkyns lying by the cemetery of the church of St. Mary the Virgin there and a garden in Warrewik late of William Aleyn lying on the soutii ."ide of a lane leading from the said cemetery to ' Seynt .Mary Bnttes ' and rebend of Westminiter, Holyngtou in the free ehapel of St. Mary wiinin the castle of liastynges^ in the diocese of Chichester, of a canonr} and p'rebend in the king's free chapel of St. Mary, St. George the Mart)r, and St. Edward the Confessor within the castle of Wyndesore, on an exchange with Kobert Wodmauston. By K. Mandate in j ursuance to the wartlen or dciin of the last-named chapel. 15G CALENDAU OF PATENT EOLLS. 1469. Membrane 14 — cont. April 26. Appointmpiit, until 26 October nexf, of Piiilip Chylde to purvey wheat, Westminster, wood ami otluT necessaries for the oHice of the bakery of tiie household. By bill of the treasurer of thi household. April 29. The like, until 29 October next, of Wil'.iam Wiiytby to purvey beeves, "Westminster, muttons, salt and sea-fish and other necessaries for the office of the caterer of the household. By bill of the treasurer of the household. Sept. 24. The like, until 24 March next, of Thomas Markliam to purvey sea-fish Westminster, for the expenses of the hou.sehold. By biil of the treasurer of the liouseliold. April 28. Whereas by indentures dated 10 8e|)te;nber last the king retained Westminster. Walter, lord Mount joy, to serve him and iiis kinsman tlie duke of Brittany in their wars against their adversary Louis calling iiimself king of Francio for a j)eriod of six months, receiving certain wages for him -elf and his retintie, and this voyajre to the duchy of Brittany was restrained by the king and the indentures were void and of no effect, and because the said lord .Mounljoye received nt the king's command from the treasurer and chamberlains oi' the Exchequer certain suius of money for the wages of him.-ielf and his retinui; he offered his service to go to other places at the king's command, and the king de.--ired him to serve him at sea with 1,000 soldiers for a quarter of a year and with 500 mariners in the company of Anthony, lord Scales, receiving certain wages, as appears in a writ of privy fifal, and he served accordingly until othei wise ordered; the king hereby pardons to him all offences committed by him and all debts and accounts due from him to the king in this matter, although he did not serve for the full quarter of a year. By p.s. May 4. Whereas by certain indentures on 10 September last the king retained Wc-tminster. Anthony, lor({ Skalcs to serve him by sea, and land for the defence of the realm with .3,000 men and 1,100 mariners for the space of a quarter of a year, receiving certain wages for himself and the men and mariners, and with five lancers assigned to him beyond the said number, and he served accordingly until oiherwise oidered; the kin^ hereby pardons to him all offences committed by liim ami all debts and aceouurs duo from him to the king in this matter, althoirgh he did not .serve for the full quarter of a year. By p.s. Membrane 13. May 17. Creation of Humphrey, lord Stafford of Suthwyke, knight, as earl of" Westminster. Devon with remainder to the heirs of his body : an(l grant to him and hid said heirs of the manor of Columpne John a'ins ('idnie John and tlie manor of Fayreway alias Farewey with the advowson of the chui'ch ef Farewey, CO. Devon, the manor of Trelugan a .d a moiety of the manors of Treverbyn and Tregamur, co. Cornwall, and ail messuages, mills, land-*, rents, revei'sions, services, possesjions, meadows, |.asturen, woods, heaths and mcors in Columpne John, Fayreway, Selake ali'is Seylike by Ilalberiot!, Pontisford by Columpton, Paddebroke alias Pattebroke and Holbroke, co. Devon, and Trelugan, Treverbyn and Tregamur, co. Cornwall, ■which Henry Courteuay, deceaseil, son of Thomas Courten.ay, late earl of Devtm, held to himself and the heirs of his body with remainder to Thomas Courttnay, last earl of Devon and his heirs, the said Henry having died without issue and he and the said last eud having been attainted of high treason, to hold the above with knights' fees, advowsons, c urts leet, views of frank-pledge, parks, warrens, fisheries, liberties, franchises ancl other profits. By K. 9 KUWAUD IV.— Part I. 157 14r9. Membrane \ 2 — cont. May 10. Grant (o the merchants (if Alniain who have tlic house in the city cf Westminster. London commonly calle'l Guildclialla Tei/toiii cotton that from Midsummer next until the last day of August following through the wliole realm of England and other places subject to the king they shall enjoy all privileges granted to them hy former kiiiirs, arid l)e quit of subsidies due to the king for taking their pcrions or their goods into or out of the realm. By p.s. May 12. General pardon to John Bernard late of Upton, co. Southampton, Westminster. ' gentilman,' «/y K. Membrane 17. Grant to the king's servant Geofi"rey Springe, because certain wines of Westminster, his to the value of 100/. were taken by William Beaufitz, late clerk of John Wenlok, knight, chief butler of England, for the king's use for the expenses of the household, and the king by letters under the great seal of the duchy of Lancaster commanded Nicholas Sharp, then receiver-general of the duchy, to pay ] 00/, to the said Geoffrey from the issues of liis office, but the latter has as yet received no payment and has surrendered the letters, and because of his long service to the king's father and the king, that he or his executors after his decease or their factors or attorneys may ship 1714 woollen cloths without grain in any ports of the realm and take them to foreign parts quit of customs and subsidies, in full recompence of the said wines. By p.s. July 3. Grant to William Noreys, kinji's knight, of the sum of 16/. 18s, which Westminster, John Marcaunte of London, ' fysshmonger,' recovered against Thomas Delamare late of Aldermeston, co, Berks, esquire, late sheriff of Wilts, before the justices of the Bench at Westminster, which sum belongs to the king because by writ dated 10 October, 8 Edward IV. he directed the sheriff" of Middlesex to exact Maurice Neweton late of London, 'soudeour,' and the said John by the name of John M;irkam from county court to county court until they sliould be outlawed if they did not appear, and they were exacted at courts held at Braynford on Thursday befoie Christmas, at the stone cross on Thur.sday before St. Agnes and at Braynford on Thursday before St. Peter in Cathedra, 8 Edward IV. and at the stone cross on Thursday before St. Cuthbert and at Osilston on Thursday before SS. Tiburcius and Valerian, 9 Edward IV. and did not appear and were consequently outlawed. By p.s, July 6. Pardon to William Miller late of Suthwerk, co. Surrey, 'dier,' of his Westminster, outlawry in the county of Suirey for not appearing before the king to satisfy William Gyles of 91. which the latter recovered against him before the justices of the Bench at Westminster and 33s. 46?, damages, he having surrendered to the Marshalsea prison and offered the said debt and damages, as Thomas Billyng, chief justice of the King's Bench, has certified. Nov. 13. Grant for life to Henry Lokwode, yeoman of the king's chamber, from Westminster. Michaelmas last of a piece of land and meadow in Thryske, co. York, 9 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 179 14G9. Membrane 17 — cont. called * Balfowe,' sometime of Peter Tempest, deceased, a messuairc and 12 acres of land in Langrake, a messuage and 16 acres of land in liarley and a tenement in the same town called ' Watermannys Croft ' in the said county which John Ufflete, prior of Drax, acquired without licence, a bovate of land in IJratlicwell, a bovate of land in Shelby called ' de Rodeas,' two messuages, 12 acres of land and a waste place in Alverton, three acres of land in Carleton by Snaylh and a messuage and a bovate of land in Balnebek, co. York, the fourth part of a toft, a plot of pasture, two cottages, four bovates of land and 3^ acres of meadow in Coryugham, co. Lincoln, and a ruinous messuage and 30 acres of land and meadow in Willyngham, co. I;incoln, sometime of Thomas Burton, rendering to the king 60«. 4 J. yearly and Hd. more of increment. By p.s. Nov. 11. Grant for life to Richard Milton of the office of parker of the king's W'estmiustcr. parks of Assheloy and Guddcsbere, parcel of ihe manor and borough of Tyverton, co. Devon, in the king's hands by the forfeiture of Thomas Courteney, last earl of Devon, attainted of high treason by an act in Parliament at Westminster, 1 Edward IV. and because Walter Moyle, justice of the Bench, Baldwin Fulford, knight, and others weie seised of the same in their demesne as of fee to the use of the said earl for his life; and grant to bini for life of wages of (itl. daily from the issues of the said manor or horougli, with all other profits. Nov. 24. Grant to Richard, bishop of Salisbury, and the king's servant Tiionns Westminster. Vaglian, one of the escjuires of the body, of the presentation to the next vacant prebend within the college of St. George within the castle of Wyndesore. By p.s. Membrane 16. Nov. 7. Appointment for life of the king's brother Richard, duke of Gloucester, Wistininster. as chief justice of Nd th Wales, receiving the accustomed fees at the hands of the chamberlain of North Wales. By p s. Nov. 14. Grant to John Catesby, one of ihc king's Serjeants at law, John Svviliard Westminster, and Robert Bardesey of 200/. from the issues of the temporalities of the abbey of St. Peter, Westminster, void by tiic death of George, last abbot, for the use of Thomas Millyng, now elected abbot, and the convent, in consideration of their losses by fire, their expenses in the building of the nave of the abbey church and their indebtedness in great sums of money through the said George. By p.s. Nov. 6. Signification to Pope Paul of the royal assent to the election of Master Westminster. Thomas iMillyng, professor of theology, as abbot of the monastery of Westminster by Loudon, pertaining immediately to the Rom in church. By p.s. Nov. 20. Grant to the king's brother Richard, duke of Gloucester, and the heirs Westminster, male of his body of the manors and lordships of Alwerton and Tywarnaylle Tees, CO. Cornwall, with all lands, rents, farms, services, advowsons and other commodities, in the king's hands by reason of the foi feiture of Edmund Beauford, attainted of high treason in Parliament at Westminster, 21 January, 4 Edward IV. and the tnanor or lordship of Wylmyngton, CO. Kent, and the lands and tenements near it called lluckyng and Dolly with all lands, rcmts, services, advowsons and other profits, in the king's hands by reason of the forfeiture of Henry, late duke of Somerset, attainted of iiigh treason in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. wilh issues from those dates. By p.s. Nov. 30. Appointment, during pleasure, of the said duke of Gloucester as chief Westminster, steward, approver and surveyor of the principality of Wales and the M 2 180 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1469. Dec. 4. AVestminster. 1470. Jan. 10. Westminster. Jan. 31. Westminster. 1469. Nov. 21. Westminster. Mcmhranc 16 — cont. earldom of .March iu England, Wales and the inarches, receiving such fees as may be agreed upon before Easter next. By p.«. Grant to Ed:nund Bonyfaunt, chaplain, rector of the parish church of Little Bricii, in the diocese of London, of a prebend within tho fiec chapel of St. Stephen witliin tho palace of We-tminstcr, on an excliange of benefices with Thomas Bonyfaunt. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the dean of the college of St. Stephen. CJeneral pardon to Gervase Clifton late of Braborne, co. Kent, knight, alias late of Clifton, co. Nottingham, alias late of London, alias late of Eresby, co. Lincoln, of all offences committed by him before .5 December last; and grant to him of all manors, lands and goods thus forfeited by him. By p s. Appointment, during good behaviour, of Richard Page as solicitor of tho king, receiving 10/. yearly from the issues of the duchy of Cornwall ; in lieu of a like appointment of Richard Fowler by letters patent dated 12 March, 1 Edward IV. surrendered. By p.s. Pardon to Thomas Gray of Little Tilbery, co. Essex, esquire, late c.-cluator of the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, one of the esquires of the body, tenant of the lands late of John Hunt, late one of the collectors of the customs ancl subsidies in tha port of Ipswich and ports and places adjacent, of all offences committed by him and all issues, fines, debts and accounts due to the king. And -whereas Walter Wyrtell, escjuire, late slicrilF of Essex and Hertford, is cbarg(!d in his account from jNIichaelmas, 8 Edward IV. to Michaeliiias following at the Exchequer with certain sums from the said Tliomas and John, ai.d the said Thomas is consequently disturbed in certain lands of his in Essex late of the said John, the king hereby pardons to them and the executors and heirs of the said John the said sums and all consequent actions and demands. By p.s. Membrane 1^. Nov. 29. On behalf of Richard Gray, executor of the will of Thomas Manny ng, Westminster, clerk, the king is informed that Thomas in his lifetime was in great indigence and indebtedness and because he lately made forfeiture to the king the executor cannot proceed in the execution of the will without his licence, and he has therefore granted licence for him to undertake the administration of the small debts and goods of the said Th^nnas for the fulfilment of his will and has rel-'ased his interest in the estate in favour of the other creditors. By p.s. Dec. 2. Grant for life to Thomas Yonge, one of the justices of the Common AYcstminsier. Bench, of a tun of wine yearly from the king's prises in the port of Bristol. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the chief butler of England or his deputy ia the said port. Dec. 1. General pardon to John Purcas late of London, 'yoraan,' of all offences Wcsfmins'er. committed by him before 25 November last. By p.s. Nov. 23. The like to Alice Swancot of Bristol, ' gentilwoman,' the wife of John Westminster. Swancot of Bristol, of all offences committed by her before 19 November and all consequent forfeitures of her goods. By p.s. Dec. 16. Grant to the king's brother Richard, dtd) A charter dated at Westminster, 3 July, 32 Edward III. IChartcy Roll, 32 Edward III. No. 5.] 2, Letters patent dated 27 November, 5 Richard II, inspecting and confirming letters patent dated 13 January, 25 Edward III. For 2 mat ks paid in the hanaper. 1469. April 27. Westminster. 1470. Feb. 12. VVeBtminster. Membrane 7. Exemplification, at the request of the mayor and aldermen of the city of London, of the tenour of the following : — 1. Letters patent dated 12 October, 8 Edward IV. {see p. 1 1 I), granting to the king's kinsman William, earl of Pembroke, power to make a weir across the Thames. 2. A writ of privy seal (English) dated 17 A])ril, 9 Edward IV. directed to Robert, bishop of l>ath and Wells, the chancellor, and Robert Kirkeham, keeper of the rolls and books of Chancery, commanding them to receive and cancel the said letters and the enrolment thereof and to address a writ to the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer for the discbarge of the said carl of the said 2Uv. there mentioned. The king granted the said letters because he was informed that he was entitled to a weir in the river Thames called ' Holgilles Were,* now broken and utterly destroyed, but William Taillour, the mayor, and the aldermen of the said city have shown that they have the ' conservance ' of cca'tain statutes and ordinances within the said river from the bridge of Staines to the said city and further in the said water and the water of Midway, and the rebuihling of the weir would be contrary to the same and the liberty of the city, and accordingly the said earl has agreed to surrender the said letters. 3. The cancellation of the said letters patent and of their enrolment in accordance with tlie said writ on surrender by Kenelm Dygas, attorney of the said earl, on 24 April. Pardon to William Rolff late of Chctham, co. Kent, ' husbondman,' of his outlawry in the county of Middlesex for not appearing before the king to answer for certain trespasses, he having surrendered to the Marsha!sea prison, as Thomas Biliyng, chief justice of the King's IJench, has certified. EDWARD IV.— Paut II. 18') ]470. Membrane 6. Feb. 21. - Whereas from time immemorial llie bretliren of the Hospital of St. John Westminster, of Jerusalem in England aceording to customs and ordinances at each voidance of the hospital proceeded freely and witliout royal licence to tiie election of another prior from tlicmselves, nnd the issues and revenues of all the posses>ions of the hospital during voidance pertained to the treasurer of the hospital afler all charges and hospitality for the defence of the church, the Hdly Land and the Christians against the Saracens, Pagans and other enemies without any seisin into the king's hands, and the elect became prior and was admitted to all the possessions of the hospital without any oath of fealty or suit before the king; and although in the lime of Edward III. one Leonard do Tibertis, late an alien brother of the hospital and born witliout the king's obedience, was elected prior and did fealty because he w.is an alien but under protest that this should be without prejudice to the hos|)ital, nevertheless the said king on a scrutiny of tin rolls and meraoran la of tlie Exchequer acquitted cue Philip de Thame, tho immediate successor of the said Leonard as piior, of the f-aid fealty and the issues of the lands of the said liospil.al and the laiids sometime of tha mai-ter and brethren of tiie order of the Temple in England, in the handi of the said prior and brethren, taken into the hands of the said king b/ pretext of the annulling of the said order; and on the late voidance of the hospital by the death of Robert IJotill, late prior, the brethren proceeded to election as above without licence and elected John Langstrothcr, and the king caused the reeordj, rolls and memoranda to be searched and found nothing for his right, and the said John was instituted prior and b(!camc possessed of the possessions of the hospital and afterwards did fealty under protest as above, and the issues of the possessions of the hospiia! during the voiilanec were answered for; the king, to remove all aml)iguit.y, duclaies that all tho above proceedings on the jjart of the pi'ior and brethren aro lawful am! i.i no way to his [jrejudice or detriment. By p.s. Feb. 27. Grant to the king's kinsman John, earl of Northumberland and lord of Westminster. Mountagu, and the heirs of his body, for liis good service against the rebels and the Scots, of tho manor and borough of Tyverton, the liundred of Tyverton with the advowsons of three portions with cures in the church of Tyverton, tho castles, tnanors, lordships, boroughs and hundreds of Plymptoii and Okeh impton, the manor and borough of Chalvelegh, the manors of Colcombe. Cloyton, Musbury, Colyford, Whytford, Sampford Courtenay, Culme John and Fareway, co. Devon, a moiety of the manors of Trcvervyn and Tregamoure, co. '^Jornwall, the honours of Plympton and Okehampton and all lands, tenement-i, knights' fees, rents and serviees in Tyverton, Plymton, Okehampton, Chalvelegh, Colcombe, Colyton, Musbury, Coliford, '\^ hit ford, Sampford Courtenay, Colmc Joiin and Fareway aforesaid and a moiety of the manors of Trevervin and Tregamur w h knights' fees, ad\owsons, franchises, liberties, hundreds, leets, views of frank-pledge, fairs, markets, free chaces, parks, warrens, fisheries, wreck of sea, chattels of felons and fugitives, chattels called mainour and other ju-ofits, in the king's hands by reason of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. to hold by the accustomed services, with all issues fn)m Michaelmas last. And "rant to him of the custodies durinsr minority of John Carue, son and heir of Nicliohis Carue, esquire, deceased, tenant in chief by kniglit-servico, iind John Code, son and heir of Walter Code, esquire, deceased, tenant in chief by knight-service, and of their lands, with the marriages of the heirs without disparagement. By p.s. Feb. 3. Pardon to Thomas Sone of Rotherwyk, co. Southampton, ' husbondman,' Westmiuster. of his outlawry in the county of Middlesex for not appearing before tho 190 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 2470. Membrane 6 — cont, king at Westmiusler to answer for divers trespasses, he having surrendered to the Marshalsea prison, as Thomas BiUyng, chief justice of the King's Bench, has certified. The like to Hugh Cokke of Eversley, co. Southampton, ' husbondman.' Membrane 5. Feb. 21. Exemplification, at tlie supplication of Jaquetta, duchess of Bedford, late Westminster, the w ife of Richard, earl of Ryver.'*, of the tenour of an act in the great council, remaining in the office of the privy seal in the chamber of the great council called ' le Farlment chambre' within the palace of Westminster, made on 10 February, 9 Edward IV. In the presence of the king and the cardinal archbishop of Canterbury, the archbishop of York, the bishops of Bath, chancellor, Ely, treasui'er, Rochester, keeper of the privy seal, London, Durham and Carlisle, the earls of Warwick, Essex, Northumberland, SJirevvsbury and Kent, and the lords Hastingcs, Mountjoyo, Lyle, Cromwell, Scrope of Bolton, Snye and others a supplication addressed to the king on belialf of the said duchess and two scliedules in paper annexed wero openly read, and afterwards his highness by the advice of the said lords of the council accepting the declaration of the said lady commanded the same to be enacted of record and letters of exemplification to be made. The tenours of the supplication and schedules above mentioned ensue in this wise. The duchess complains that Thomas Wake, esquire, in the time of tlie late trouble caused her to be brought in a common noise and slander of witchcraft throughout a great part of the realm, insomuch as he caused to be brouglit to Warwick to divers of the lords present wlien the king was last there an image of lead made like a man of arms of the length of a man's finger broken in the middle and made fast with a wire, saying that it was made by her to use with witchcraft and sorcery, and for the performing of his malicious intent entreated one John Daunger, parish clerk of Stoke Brewerne, co. North- ampton, to say that there were two other images made by her, one for the king and one for the queen, whereunto the said John Daunger neither could nor would be entreated, and the king commandeil the siMd Wake and John Daunger to attend upon the bishop of Carlisle, the earl of Northumberland, the lords Hastyuges and Mountjoye and Master Roger Radcliff" to be examined, and their examination is here annexed, and in the great council on 19 January last she was cleared of the .said slander, wherefore she prays that the same may be enacted of record. Thomas Wako says that this image was shown and left in Stoke with an honest person who delivered it to the clerk of the church and so showed it to divers neighbours after to the parson in the church openly to men both of Schytlanger and Stoke and after it was; shown iu Scwri>ley, n nunnery, and to many other persons, and of all this he heard or wi>t nothing till after it was sent him by Thomas Kymbell from the said clerk. John Daunger of Shetyllanger said that Thomas Wake sent to him one Thomas Kymbell, then his bailiff, and bad the said John send him the image of lead that he had and so he .sent it, at which time he heard no witchcraft of the lady of Bedford, and that the image was delivered to him by one Harry Kyngest.on of Stoke, who found it in his house after the departing of soldiers, antl that the said Tiiomas Wake after he came from London from the king sent for him and said that he had excused himself and laid all the blame on John and bad him say that he durst not keep the image and 'or that cause sent it to Thomas and also bad him say that there were two other images, one for the king and one for the queen, but he refused to say so. English. [lio/ls of Parliament, VI. 5^32.] By p.s. [3033.] 9 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 191 1470. Membranes 4 and 3. Fob. 14. Exemplification, at the request of Eleanor, duchess of Norfolk, lat(. the Westminster, wife of John, duke of Norfolk, tenant in chief, of the tenour of the following : — 1. A writ directing the escheator in the counties of Bedford and Buckingham to make assignment of dower to the said duchess in the presence of John, duke of Norfolk, son and heir of the said late duke, a minor, or his attorneys. 10 February, 4 Edward IV. 2. Assignment of dower in the county of Bedford made in pursuance by .Tolin Halcote or Holcoto, esquire, escheator, in the presence of John Dalljy, attorney of the duke ; viz. a yearly rent of 6/. G5. from the manor of Stotfold, and divers specifiwl knights' fees and parts of knights' fees in Arlicliesey, Pavenham, Hatley, Wrastlyngwurth, Goldyngton, Raveusden, Cardyngton, Milton Bryan, Stotfold, Canesho, Copehill, Cliiksond, Gamelton, Southyevill, Stondon, Houghton, Hammes and Cayso. It March, 5 Edward IV. 3. Assignment in the count}- of Buckingham by the said escheator in the presence of tiie said attorney; viz. divers specified knights' fees and parts of knights' fees in Dunshall, le Vache, Gransacre, Lynchelade and Soutlicote. 12 March, 5 Edward IV. 4. Writ as above for the county of Hereford and the marches of Wales adjacent. 5. Assignment made in pursuance by John Harper the younger, esqnire, escheator, in the presence of John ap Griffith, attorney of the duke ; viz. the castle, town and lordship of Swaynesey in tlie lordship of Gower in the said marches, to tlic value of 11/. yearly, the castle, manor and lordship of Pennarth in the same, to the vahie of 18/. yearly, the manor and lordsiiip of Lunoii in the same, to the value of 18/. yearly, the manor and lordshi|) of Kythill in the same, to tiic value of 41. yearly, the Engiishry of Govver a/uis the manor or lordshij) of Westgower, to the value of 9/. yearly, and three water-mills and a fulling mill in the parish of Swaynesey in the same, to the valuo of y/. yearly. 10 March, 5 Edward IV. 6. Writ as above for the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. 7. Assignment made in pursuance by Ednnuul Clere, e.squire, escheator, in the presence of John Fen, attorney of the duke ; viz. the third part of the manor of Dekilbouigh, co. Norfolk, to the value of 6 marks yearly, the third part of the hundred of Laundyssh and Southgren(;ho, co. Norfolk, to the value of 40*. yearly, the third part of the profit of the knights' court of Fornetete, co.- Norfolk, to the value of 20*. 8^/. yearly, divers specified knights' fees and parts of knights' foes in Kirkcby, Hcylesdcn, Kryngelesford, Surlyiigham, Narburgli, S\\ ayncsthorp alias Keynesthorp, Floteman Newton, Floidon, For.'ihfold, Shelton, Funnalc, Creke, Multon, Pally ng, Waklon, Thorp, Ilaly.-^, Dekilburgh, Loddon, Estrudhain, West- rudham, Howton, Fyncheham, Dallyng, Kcpheham, Borowgli, Hellewefon, Ilokwold, Wilton, Koughton, Weston, Scthyng, Metton, Branyngham, Wightlyngton, Smalberowo, Basyngham, Ermcswet, Rynglond, Kctoryngham, Burgh in Flcgg and Baconcsthorp, CO. Norfolk, and Wrautham in the manor tlicre called Ponyngos, CO. SuH'olk, the advowson of the j)riory of Thetford, worth 40/. yearly, and the advowsoiis of the churches of Westwykc, Fornscto, Colby, Elyngh.'un, Brokodich, Southwalsliam and Dichynghani, co. Norfolk, each worth 12 mark.s yearly. 28 Fel)ruary, 4 Edward IV. 8. Writ as above for the county of Salop and the marches of Wales adjacent. !\ Assignment made in pursuance by Hugh Harnage, escheator, in the presence of John ap Gryffytli, attorney of the duke; viz. th« manor 192 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1 470. Memhrnnes 4 and 3 — conl. of Abynbury, to the value of 14/. 15s. (Sd. yearly, the manor of Esclusham, to tlic value of 22/. as. ycr.rly, the manor and lordship of Dymille, to the value of 8/. 9s. yearl}', the manors of Merford and Hosley, to the value of 11/. \2s. yearly, the manor of Mortorne, to the value of 7/. 14s. yearly, the manor of Hem, to the value of 10/. 13s. yearly, and a moiety of the manors and lordships of Sondeford and Osleston, co. Salop, viz. all the pourparty of the said late duke in those manors, to the value of 2 3s. yearly. 20 March, .5 Edward IV. 10. Writ as above for the counties of Surrey and Sussex. 11. Assignment made in pursuance by John Fust, escheator, in the presence of John Heyn, attorney of the duke; viz. the manor of Clayton, co. Sussex, to the value of 16/. 18.5. yearly, the manor of Seford, CO. Sussex, to the value of 79s. yeaily, a yearly rent of 36s. \2d. in Iford, co. Sussex, the third part of the third part of the forest of Wurthe, co. Sussex, to the value of 40c?. yearly, the third part of the third part of the fore.=t or chace of Cleeres, co. Sussex, to the value of 40f/. yearlyj 7 knights' fees in Hammes, Bercompe, Strete and Nytymbre and one knight's fee in Bevyngden and Bercompe, co. Sussex. 12 March, 5 Edward IV. 12. Writ as above for the counties of Essex and llertfjnl. 13. Assignment made in pursuan.cc by Thomas Braughyng, esclieator, in the presence of John More, attorney of the duke; viz. a moiety of the third part of two parts of tlic manors of Higli Rothyng and Ovisham Hall, co. Essex, the third part of the third part of the same manors and a moiety of another third part of the third part of the same manors, to the value of 10/. yearly, a moiety of the third part of tlie manor of Langtons in Little Cancfeld, co. Essex, to the value of 40s. yciirly, a moiety of the manor of Wolfhampston in Chigwell, CO. Essex, to the value of 66s. 8rf. yearly, and a moiety of the manor of Guyngo Margarete, co. Essex, to the value of 40*. yearly. 10 March, 5 Edward IV. 31 EM B RAW?. 2. Feb. 28. Foundation of a perpetual chantry of two chaplains to celebrate divine WestminstiT. service in the chapel of St. Mary in the cemetery of the church of BerkyuTchirchc, London, for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, and his mother and his brothers the dukes of Clarence and Gloucester, and for their souls after death, and the souls of the king's father Richard, late duke of York, and the king's brother Edmund, late earl of Rutland; and appointment of William Bonyfant and Richard Waryner as chaplains of the chantry, which shall be called the royal chantry in the chapel of St. Alary, Berkyng, London. And whereas on 14 March, ? Edward IV. by letters i)atenL the king granted to his kinsman John, earl of Worcester, master of a fraternity or gild in honour of St. Mary the Vi."gin in the said ch;tpcl, and John Scotte, knight, John Tate and John Crooke, and Thomas Colte, now deceased, the wardens of the said fraternity or gilil, the manor or priory of Totyngbeke, co. Surrey, for the sustenance of two chaplains to celebrate divine service as a!)ove, be now grants licence for the said master and the said Joha Scotte, John Tate and John Crooke and William Chattok, now wardens, to grant in mortmain a yearly rent of 18/. from the said manor or priory to the chaplains of the said chantry for their stipend, viz. 10/. to the said Wdliam and his successors as principal chaplain and 8/. to the s.iid Richard and his successors as second chaplain, with power of distraint, and grants that they shall rot othorwise be cliarged with the sustenance of the two chaplains 9 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 193 1470. 1469. Oct.. 24. Westminster. Membrane 2 — cont. specified in ilic said letters. The said master and wardens at cacli voidauce of the cliantry shall present a snitable chaplain to the dean of St. Paul's, London, for institution, without jurisdiction of the archdeacon of London. And the said chaplains shall be quit of all tenths, fifteenths, tallages, quota or other subsidies granted by the clergy or the conimous or imposed by the king or the pope. By bill of p.s. Grant for life to Robert Chamberleyn, knight, of the office of sheriff of the county of Meryonnetli, receiving 20/. yearly from the issues of the county, and the office of constable of the king's castle of Hardelagli in that county ■with 24 soldiers for its safe-custody, receiving from the said issues 40 marks yejirly for himself and 4tZ, daily for the wages of each soldier, with all other profits. By p.s. 1409. April 18. Westiniu.stcr. Membrane 1. Inspexhniix and confirmation, at the recpiest of James Dokray, esquire, mayor of the town of Droglieda in Ireland, of letters patent under the great seal of Ireland as follows : — Grant, in considc^ration of the expenses of the mayor, sheriffs and commonalty of the said town in the main- tenance, repair and fortification of the walls, towers and pavements and the bridge and quay and the defence of the town and parts of the marches of the counties of Meath and Louth against the hostile Irish, and especially in resisting John Orailby, captain of his nation, in his raid into the said county of Louth and killing him and 300 of his accomplices, and for their good services in wars in Ireland in the company of the king's kinsman .fohn, earl of Worcester, deputy of the king's brothei- George, dnke of Claience, lieutenant of Ireland, and at the request of the commons of Ireland in Parliament held at Dublin on Friday after St. Nicholas last and thence adjourned to Droghcda, that William Davy, then mayor, and his successor.^, shall have a sword borne before tlu-m, as does tSic mayor of the city of London, and gi'ant to the mayor, slierifis and commonalty of 20/. ycai-ly from the issues of the fee farm of the town. Witnesses: — fJohn, archbishop of Armagh, primate of Ireland, William, bishop of Meath, Richard, bishop of Kildare, Robert Preston, knight, lord of Gormaneston, Richard Nugent, knight, baron of Delvyn, Robert de Sancto Laurencio, knight, lord of llouth, Thomas Bathe, knight, lord and l)aron of Louth, John Chevir, chief justice of the King's Bench in Ireland, .John Cornwalshe, knight, chief baron of the Exchequer of Ireland, Edmund Dudley and Hugli Calveley; knights, and others. Given by the hand of the deputy at Droghcda, 12 July, 8 Edward IV. By p.s. and for 40«. paid in the hanuper. Ai)pointment, during pleasure, of .lohn Catesby as one of the kiug'a Serjeants at law, receiving the accustomed fees. Membra NE 22(L Nov. 7. Commission to ,fohn Chcyne, James Fitz Jamc.«, Nicholas Sayntloo, Westminster. Robert Stowell, John Fitz James the younger, Richard Cayton, William Manncell and William .Jacob to enquire info the petition of Robert C'atur that whereas one John Roche was lately seised in his demesne as of ice of 8 messuages, 5 carucates of land, 20 acres of meadow and 100 acres of pasture in Kxton, Wexford, Rixyn and Stokegoniere, co. Somerset, and enfeoffed ^^'iiliam Bonvile, knight, John llody, Alexander Ilody, William Copleston and Kichard llaretre of the same, to hold to themselves and the heirs and as.sigus of the .-aid Richard llaretre, and one John Raynold, clerk, . 3 'J6186. N 194 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 2469, Membrane 22d — cont. wus lately seised of the mauor of Iveton with appurtenances in Yveton and Radelot, co. Somerset, in his demesne as of fee, until one Richard Lutrell unjustly disseised them of tlie same, and after the death of the latter one .James Lutrell intruded into and was seised of the same in his demesne as of fee, and by a Kne levied at Westminster a fortnight after Easter, 31 Henry VI. before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench, between Nicholas Radeford, William Dodesham and John Loty, plaintiffs, and the said James and Elizabeth his wife, deforciants, concerning 5 messuages, 3 carucates of land and 6 acres of meadow of the above and 13c?. rent the said deforciants acknowledged these to be the right of the said Nicholas and the plaintiffs granted them to the said James and EHzabeth and the heirs of the body of James, and the said William Bonvile, John Hody, Alexander and William Copleston died and also the said John Reynold and James Loterell, and the said Richard Haretre entered into the messuages, land, meadow and pasture aforesaid, in the possession of the said Elizabeth, who survived her husband, and was seised of the same in his demesne as of fee and enfeoffed John Catur, clerk, kinsman and heir of the said John Roche, viz. son of Joan his sister, and brother of the said Robert, who is his heir, of the same, and one Henry Reynold, kinsman and heir of the said John Reynold, viz. son of William his brother, entered into the said manor, in the possession of the said Elizabeth, and was seised of the same in his demesne as of fee and enfeoffed the said John Catur of the same, and the latter was seised of the premises in the present reign and received the esplees thereof and on his death without heir of his body the right of the premises descended to the said Robert as his brother and heir, and by an act in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. it waa ordained that the said James by the name of James Lotrell, knight, should be attainted of high treason and should foi'feit all his possessions, and by an inquisition taken at Ilchestre, co. Somerset, on 26 Octobei-, 1 Edward IV, before Thomas Gylle the younger, then cschoator, it was found that a fine was levied as above and that at the time of the inquisition the said Elizabeth lield the said messuages, lands, meadow and rent of the heir of Geoffrey Lutrell and they were worth 5 marks yearly and that the said James held the said manor jointly with his wife and the heirs of his body of the grant of John Loty and she then held it, and by another inquisition taken virtute officii at Dun.ster, co. Somerset, on 2(3 September, 4 Edward IV. before Tliomas MauuceU, esquire, then esclieator, and returned into the Exchequer, it was found that the said James was seised in his demesne as of fee of 9 messuages, 3 carucates of land, a tolt, 300 acres of land, oO acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture and 20d. rent in Exton, Vexford, Rixyn, Stokegommere, Huyssh by Heybrygge, Cothelestou, Littyll Carhamptou and lladlott, co. Somerset, worth 12 marks yearly, and the manors of Est Cautok and Yveton, co. Somerset, worth 20 marks yearly, and died on 2 February, 39 Henry VI, and the premises were accordingly taken into the king's hands, until he by letters patent dated 3 March, 4 Edward IV. granted them among other things to William Herbert, knight, lord Herbert, but that the said James never had any right in them, wherefore the said Robert prays that justice may be done. By K. Membrane 20d. Nov. 16. Commission to the mayor of Norhampton, John Dyve, Roger Salesbiiry, "vVestuiiuster. esquire, Thomas Osbern, Richard O^bern and John Geffron to arrest John Hamerton and Thomas Grove, monks of the monastery of St. Andrew, Northampton, who have put off their religious habit, and with other evil- Uoers have so threatened William Hamond, prior of the monastery, and his 9 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 195 1469. Membrane 20d — cont. fellow monks, that they for a loug time have not dared to attend to their duties in the monastery, wherever they may be within the county of Northampton and to bring them before the king in Chancery. 3IEMBRANE Idd. Oct. 29. Commission of array to the kings kinsman Edmund, earl of Kent, and Westminster. Anthony Grey of Kuthyn, knight, and John Stafford of Bukyngham, knight, in the county of Buckingham. The like to the following : — Edmund, earl of Kent, and Anthony Grey of Ruthyn, knight, in the county of Bedford. Heurj'-, earl of Essex, Edmund, carl of Kent, John Stafford of Bukyngham, knight, and William Hastyuges of Hastynges, knight, in the county of Huntingdon. John, duke of Suffolk, William Harecourte, knight, and William Norys, knight, in the county of Oxford. Richard, duke of Gloucester, John Sutton of Dudley, knight, and Walter Devcreux of Ferrers, knight, in the county of Salop. John, earl of Oxford, Henry, earl of Essex, Burghchier, knight, Thomas Burghchier, knight, and John Say, kuight, in the county of Hertford. Henry Grey of Codnorc, knight, Humphrey Bourgchicr of Cromwell, knight, William Hastynges of Hastynges, knight, Walter lilouiit of Mountjoy, knight, and Thomas Burgh, kniglit, iu the county of Nottingham. John, earl of Oxford, Henry, earl of Essex, Burghchier, knight, Thomas Burghchier, knight, and Thomas Mungomt-ry, km'glit, in (he county of Essex. William Burghchier of Fitz Wareyn, knight, John Audeley oT Aiuiclcy, knight, John Dynham of Dcuhani, knight, and Fulk Burghchier, knight, in the county of Somerset. John Dynham of Dynham, knight, in the county of Cornwall. Henry Grey of Codnore, knight, John Sutton of Dudley, knight, William Hastynges of Hastynges, knight, and Walter Blonnl of Mountjoy, kniglit, in the county of Derby. John Staflbrd of Bukyngham, kuight, and William Hastynges of Hastynges, knight, in the county of iiutlund. Thomas Burghchier, John Scot, knight, William Haute, knight, John Colepepyr, knight, Ralph Sayntleger, John Brymston, Richard Colepepyr and James Pekkeham, in the county of Kent. William Burghchier of Fitz Wareyn, knight, John Audeley of Audeley, knight, and John Dynham of Dynhum, knigiil, iu the county of Dorset. John, duke of Norfolk, and Anthony, earl of Ryvers, in tlic county of Norfolk. John Audeley of Audeiej', knight, William Burghchier of Fitz Wareyn, knight, John J)ynhani of J^yniiam, knight, and Fulk Burghchier, in tlic county of Devon. Richard, duke of Gloucester, Walter Devereux of Ferrers, knight, and William Berkeley of Berkeley, kuight, in the county of (Gloucester. Richard, duke of Gloucester, and Walter Devereux of Ferrers, knight, in the county of Worcester. The same iu the same, CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. Memh'ane \%d — cont. John, duke of Suffolk, Walter Harecourt, knight, and William Norys, knight, in the county of Berks. John, duke of Norfolk, and Anthony, earl of Ryvers, in the county of Suffolk. Henry, earl of Essex, Edmund, earl of Kent, Anthony Grey of Ruthyn, knight, and Thomas Gray, in the county of Cambridge. Edmund, earl of Kent, Anthony Grey of Ruthyn, knight, John Stafford of Bukyngham, knight, and William Hastynges of Hastynges, knight, in the county of Northampton, William Hastynges of Hastynges, knight, Thomas Trussell, knight, Thomas Berkeley, knight, and Richard Hastynges, in the county of Warwick. William, earl of Arundel, Thomas de Matravers, knight, and Richard Fenya of Dacre, knight, in the county of Sussex. William, earl of Arundel, Thomas de Matravers, knight, and John Audeley of Audeley, knight, in the county of Wilts. Henry Stafford of Bukyngham, knight, John Stafford of Bukyngham, knight, John Sutton of Dudley, knight, and William Hastynges of Hastynges, knight, in the county of Stafford. William Hastynges of Hastynges, knight, Thomas Trussell, knight, Thomas Berkeley, knight, and Richard Hastynges, in the county of Leicester. William, earl of Arundel, Thomas de Matravers, knight, Henry Stafford of Bukyngham, knight, John Audeley of Audeley, knight, John Bourgchier of Barners, kniglit, and Humphrey Bourgchier, knight, in the county of Surrey. William, earl of Arundel, Thomas de Matravers, knight, John Audeley of Audeley, knight, and Eiehard Fenys of Dacre, knight, in the county of Southampton. John Audeley of Audeley, knight, William Stourton of Stourton, knight, William Brounyng, .John Neuburgh, John Mone, John Carant the younger, Henry Rogers the younger and John Carant the elder, in the county of Dorset. William, earl of Arundel, Thomas de Matravers, kniglit, Richard Darell, knight, Thomas Uvedale, knight, Maurice Berkeley, John Powlet, Edward Berkeley, William Brokas, John Wallop, John Whitehede, John Rogers, Thomas Brewene, Thomas Welles, Thomas Pounde and John Pounde, in the county of Southamjiton. William, earl of Arundel, Thomas Matravers, knight, John Audeley of Audeley, knight, William Stourton of Stourton, knight, John Wiiloughhy, knight, George Darell, knight, John Broughton, Henry Louge and Walter Barough, in the county of Wilts. John Audeley of Audeley, knight, William Bourghchier of Fitz Wareyn, knight, William Stourton of Stourton, knight, John Dynham of l3ynham, knight, Christopher Worseley, Henry Hull, Robert Stowell, John Cheyne and Richard Arthur, in the county of Somerset. John, duke of Norfolk, William, earl of Arundel, Thomas dc Matravers, knight, Richard Fenys of Dacre, knight, John Fenys, knight, Thomas Echyngham, knight, Roger Leukenorc, knight, John Leukenore, William Cheyny, Robert Oxenbrigge, John Wode, Bartholomew Bolney and John (ioryng, in the county of Sussex. Edmund, earl of Kent, Anthony Grey of Ruthyn, knight, Edmund Rede, knight, Richard Fowler, Thomas Hampden of Hami^den, Richard Lovell, Thomas Hampden of Kymbell, .John Langston, Thomas Rokes and John Scot, in the county of Buckingham. EDWARD IV.— Part U. 1469. Sept. 4. Westminster. Sept. 8. Westminster. Sept. 26. ^Vestminste^. Nov. 16. Westminster. 1470. Jan. 26. Westminster. Jan. 30. Westminster. Membrane IHd. Appointment of the king's kinsman John, earl of Oxford, William Hasty iiges of Hasty nges, knight, .John Arundel), knight, Alvred Corneburgh, e.S(]uire, .John Broke and Thomas Aleyn, auditors of the duchy of Cornwall, and Geoffrey Kydvvelly as assessors to demise all lands within the counties of Devon and Cornwall belonging to the duchy to suitable persons for terms of twenty-one years or less, with power to arrest and imprison all who hinder them, receiving the accustomed fees from the issues of the duchy at the hands of the receiver general of the duchy. By bill of the treasurer. Commission to the king's kinsman John, duke of Norfolk, William Calthorpe, knight, llobert Wyngfeld, knight, I?ichard Harecourt, kniglil, John lievenyngham, knight, John Knyvet, Roger Tounesende, Richard Southwell, Henry Haydon, Richard Maunteyn and the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk to arrest John Berney of Wychyngham, esquire, Nicholas Abbea, .John Spynke and John Felbrigge, esquire, iiud commit them to prison until ordered to bring them before the king in council. The like to John Aubry, mayor of Norwich, Henry Spilman, Thomas Elys, Godfrey Joye, William Swayne, Edmund Redknap, Thomns Bokenham and the sheriffs of the said city. Commission to Thomas Roger and Thomas Frank, one of the king's Serjeants at arms, to arrest William Wykys of Kyngeston, Philip Cresliy alias Roche, William Broun of Shrevenam, Roln'rt Stone of Blonlisdoii, William Robyns of Burton, one Elias, chaplain, Richard Corveser of Hyworth and Roljert Synglcton and bring tliem before the king in council to answer for certain riots. Commission of array to the king's kinsmen John, duke of Norfolk, and .John, duke of Suffolk, and Anthony, eail of Ryvers, in the county of Norfolk. [F(e(/crn.] By K. The like to the same in the county of Suffolk. Conynlssion to James Crowmer, Robert Alartyn, Richard Martyn, Robert Cheyny and Edward Skelton, one of the king's Serjeants at arms, to arrest Richard T^ovelas and bring him before the king in Chancery. Commission to Ralph Greystok of Greystok, knight, Robert Maners, knight, Richard Ogle, knight, Robert P^olbury, Roger Thorneton, Thomas Norrey king of arms, and the sheriffs of Northnndjcrland and Newcastle on Tyne to enquire into the complaint of John Davy, merchant of Brittany, that, when under confidence of the treaty between tlie king and his kinsman the duke of Brittany he was sailing on 18 April last in a ship of Brittany laden with wines and other goods and merchandise to the value of 3,000 crowns {scutorum) to the town of Newcastle on Tyne, he was taken by jiirates in certain vessels of the realm victu.illed by John Middlelon, knight, and Henry Hagcrston, esquire, and desj)oiled of the ship, goods and merchandise, and to cause restitution to be made and to arrest and imprison the offenders. 1469. Mehbrane lid. .July 27. Commission to the king's kinsman Humphrey, earl of Devon, Hugh Westminster. Courteney, knight, Henry Bodrugan and Thomns Trevry to enquire into the complaint of certain merchants of Brittany that John Wilcok, master of a ship called Ic Burhnru of Fowy, Brigencius Rouf, Maurice Cruce, John Blak, William Hourd, Tliomas Raven, one Broun, 'goldsmyth,' .John Vaek, .Joiin Robyu, Thomas de Jarse, Lucas Wilbery, Peter Bonaniy, John Gay and other subjects of (he king at various times captured and disposed of divers ships, goods and merchandise of tlie said merchants 198 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1469. Membrane 17 d — cont. confrary to the form of the treaty between the kinjsc and his kinsman the fluke of Brittany, viz. on 17 May last near Belle Isle a ship of Roland Pinczon called Nosti-e Dame Duvynyer Hirell laden with 37 tuns of wine of Anjoii and other goods to the value of 1,000 crowns, on 15 May last eight packs of cloth of Paul Fortin from a ship called la Kateryne of Crauzon of which Hervey Meur is master in the port of Crauzon to the value of 1,000 crowns, on Tuesday after Whitsuntide near Belle Isle a carvel of William Morice called Nostre Dame de Seynt Michell laden with 23 tuns of wine to the value of 100/. on the same day near Belle Isle another carvel of John Bizien and Guy Laydenz called Saint Julian de Benaudei laden with 27 tuns of wine to the value of lOOZ. on Whitsunday last near Belle Isle four packs of cloth of divers colours and one pack of linen cloth from a ship of Nicholas Coetelem of Mourleix to the value of 120 marks, 140 quintals of iron and other goods and merchandise to the value of 75 marks near Belle Isle from a carvel of Ivo Guiole coming from the parts of Spain of which John Gauffrid and Ivo Quitac were masters, about the month of February last 23 tuns of wine, fruit, iron and other merchan-: dise of Hamo Castelfur to the value of 125 marks from a ship of Spain, on the feast of Corpus Christi 10 tons of iron and other goods and merchandise to the value of 62 marks from a ship of Guy Lebaill in the port of Laseilles, a ship of Ivo Guillo laden with 52 tuns of wine of Ivo Guiole, a carvel laden with 63 tuns of wine of Ivo Guiole, a ship called Loquircc, of which Rio Lebroier was master, laden with cloths and other merchandise of one of the archers of the king's kinsman the duke of Brittany to the value of 50/. four tuns and one pipe of wine from a carvel of John Lebihan, two tuns and one pipe of Gascon wine and 150 linen cloths and two pieces of frieze cloth to the value of 20 marks from a carvel of Ivo Lucas of Mourleix, four tuns of Gascon wine from a carvel of Edward le Mygnol, a tun of wine and gear and other goods to the value of 10/. from a carvel of Nicholas Quoeteulem called le Marye of Mourleix, and a ship of John Guillebot and James Locabellok laden with 44 tuns of wine ; and to seize the said ships, goods and gear, and to arrest the offenders and bring them before the king in council. 1470. Jan. 6. Commission of oyer and terminer to the king's brother Richard, duke of Westminster. Gloucester, the king's kinsman William, earl of Pembroke, John Straunge of Straunge, knight, John Sutton of Dudley, knight, Walter Devereux of Ferrers, knight, James Haryngton, knight, James Baskervile, knight, Humphrey Stafford, esquire, John Pilkyngton, esquire, John Don, esquire, William Notyngham, John Milewater, Johi Harbert, Thomas Brugge of Rcsse and Hugh Hunteley in South Wales. By K. The like to the same in North Wales. By K. Membrane \M. Feb. 18. Commission to William Courteney, knight, John Langmede, mayor of Westminster. Dertmouth, Henry Pomerey, Oto Gilbert, John Gilbys, Thomas Coterell, Thomas Gale and the sheriff of Devon to arrest Thomas Symond of Dertemouth and Thomas Bowey of Dertemouth and bring them before the king in council. Membrane I Ad. Feb. 1. Commission to the sheriff of Kent to arrest Richard Lovelas, who with Westminster, divers evildoers holds and fortifies the manor of Banford alias Babford, co. 9 EDWARD IV.— Paut II, 190 1470. Feb. 8. Westminster. Feb. 14. Feb. 12. Feb. 20. Westminster. Feb. 28. March 2. March 2. Mevibrane \4.d — cont. Kent, as a refuge against the king's officers, and to bring him before the king in Chancery. Commission of array to the king's kinsman William, earl of Arundel, Thomas Matravers of Matravers, knight, John Audeley of Audeley, knight Richaid Fenys of Dacre, knight, .John Fenys, knight, Thomas Echyngham, knight, Roger Leukenore, knight, Thomas Leukenore the younger, John Leukenore, Thomas Hoo, Bartholomew Bolney, John Wode, Henry Hallo, Robert Oxbrigge, John Goryng, Richard Forster, John Fust, John Fynche and the sheriff, in the county of Sussex. By K. The like to the following : — Humphrey Bourghchier of Cromwell, knight, William Hastynges of ' Hastynges, knight, Henry Grey of Codnore, knight, Walter Blount of Mountjoy, knight, Thomas Burgh, knight, William Babyn0. Grant for life to the king's kinsman .John carl of Worcester, constable Suuihauipton. of England, of the oihce of one of the chamberlains of the exchequer, which Richard, earl of Warwick, and Anne his wife lately had in her right, with the accustomed fees. ]iy p.g. April 17. Grant to Nicholas Leventhorpe, one of the yeomen of the king's chamber, of Exctcr. the office of receiver of all lordships, manors, lands, rents, services and otlicr possessions in the county of York and other counties within the realm of England lute of George Neville, knight, lord Latymer, deceased, tenant in chief, during the minority of Richard his kinsman and heir, viz. son of his sou Henry, receiving the accustomed fees from the issues of the same. By P.S 208 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1470. Membrane 10 — cotit. May 1. Grant for life to John Porter of an annuity of 201. from the issues of the Southampton. lordship and lands of Cristchirclie, co. Southampton. By p.s. The like to .John Eawlyn of an annuity of lOO*. By p s. The like to Robert of Grave of an annuity of 100^. By p.s. The like to Clement Hille of an annuity of lOO^. By p.s. The like to John Skynner of an annuity of 100s. By p.s. Gi-ant for life to Giles Curtays of an annuity of 10 marks from the issues of the lordships of Canford and Pole. By p.s. Tlie like to Ralph Crysale alias Castelion of an annuity of 10 marks. By p.s. Tlie like to Walter Light of an annuity of 10 marks. By p.s. The like to William Combe of an annuity of 10^. By p.s. The like to Nicholas Blowe of an annuity of 10 marks. By p.s. The like to Thomas More of an annuity of 10 marks. By p.s. The like to Simon I/aweles of an annuity of 5 marks. By p.s. The like to Robert Morice of an annuity of 5 marks. By p.s. April 16. Pardon to Thomas Flemmyng, escjuire, late eschealor in the counties Exeter. of Surrey and Sussex, of all offences committed by him and all fines, issues, debts, accounts and arrears due to tlie king ; because owing to the rebellions and insurrections in divers parts of England he dared not duly execute his office and not only lost the profits pertaining to himself but could not levy the issues which should accrue to tlie king, and nevertheless paid 10 marks for his proffer on the morrow of the Close of Easter, 9 Edward IV. at the receipt of the Exchequer, and because of his expenses in attending personally on the king in the nortli and elsewhere. By p.s. May .5. Appointment, until 6 November next, of Christopher Furueys, servant of Southampto7i tli« carriage of the household, to take horses and carriage for the stuff of the household. By K. by word of mouth, May G. General [jardon to Reginald Stourtou, knight, of all offences committed Southamptou. by him before 1 May. By K. The like to Master John Derman, chaplain, By K. The like to Master George Hardgyll, chaphiin. By Iv. The like to Richard Seintgeorgc, esquire. By K. The like to John Pury, esquire. By K. The like to John Leventhorpe, esquire. liy K. Tlic like to John Penue, esquire. By Iv. The like to Roger Draycott, esquire. By K. The like to .John Brokman, escjuire. By K. The like to John Rysshe, ' gentihnan.' By K. The like to John Notte, ' gentilman.' By K. The like to William Molyneux, ' gentihnan.' By K. The like to John Eyerby, ' yoman.' By K. May 5. Pardon to John Hudleston of JMyllum, co. Cumberland, knight, late Southampton, sheriff of Cumberland, of all offences committed by him before 3 May and all fines, issues, debts, accounts and arrears due to the king. By p.s. Mav fi. Pardon to John R.oger, late sheriff of the county of Southampton, of all Southamptou. escapes of felons and all fines, debts, accounts and arrears due to the king. By p.s. 10 EDWARD IV. 209 1470. MembrnHc 10 — cont. May 6. Grant, for life to David White of the town of Southampton of an annuity Southampton, of 10 marks from the issues of the lordship of Cristchirchc. By p.s. May 7. Appointment, during pleasure, of William Parre, knight, as lieutenant Southampton, of the castle of the city of Carlisle and the west marches towards Scotland. ByK. Membrane 9. May 1. Southampton, May 9. Salisbury. May 10. Salisbury. May 25. Westminster. May 28. Westminster. May 27. Westminster. May 19. Westminster. General pardon to Thomas Litley alias Litteley a/j'as Lytiey alias Lytte- ley alias- Lyttelce late of Loudon, ' grocer,' alias ' marchaunt,' of all ofiFences committed l)y him before 29 April. By p.s. Grant for life to Richard Asshe, merchant of the town of Suthampton, of an annuity of 20/. from the issues of the lordship of Ryngwode. By p.s. Grant for life to the king's kinsman William, earl of Arundel, of the office of constable of the king's castle of Dover and warden of the Cinque Ports, receiving the accustomed fees. By K. General pardon to John, lord Scrope of Boltou, knight, of all offences committed by him before 17 May last. By p.s. The like to Geoffrey Gale, knight, of all offences committed by him before 23 May. By p.s. Pardon to Fulk Bourghchiere, esquire, son and heir of William Bourgh- chier, late lord FitzWaryn, knight, of all intrusions and entries into his inheritance or any parcel thereof on tiie death of his father or any ancestor of his without due suit and all offences committed l)y him in this part, and grant to him of all issues of the same from the death of the .said William. By p.s. Grant to the king's kinsman Thomas, cardinal archbishop of Canterbury, and his assigns of the custody during minority of Richaid, kinsman and heir of George Neville, knight, late lord of Latymcr, deceased, tenant in chief, viz. son of Henry Neville, knight, deceased, son of tiie said George, and his marriage without disparagement and 100/. yearly for his sustenance from the issues of his castles, lor(lshii)s, manors, lands, rents, services and other hereditaments, and so from heir to heir. By [).s. Vacated by .iitrrcudtr and cancelled, because the king fjranted the custody and marriage to him by ether letters patent on 10 December, 11 Edicard IV. General pardon to Richard Brakynburgh of Strode, co. Kent, clerk, alias master of the hospital of St. Mary, Strode, co. Kent, alias jwrson of the parish church of Sutton in Ardern, co. A\'arwick, of all offences committed by him before May last. Hy p.s. Grant, during pleasure, to Antlion)' Grey, knight, of 100 marks yearly from Michaelmns l«.'^t, viz. 50 marks from the customs and subsidies in the ports of Exeter and Dertemouth and ports and places adjacent and 60 marks from the customs and subsidies in the ports of Plymmouth and Fowy and ports and i)laecs adjacent. By p.s. Licence for William Marshall of Neuton and Richard Clarell, executors of the will of Thomas Clarell, late vicar of the church of Lcdes by Rothc- well, CO. York, to found a perpetual chantry of one cha[)lain to celebrate divine service daily at the nltar of St. Katharine in the ^aid elnucli lor the good estate of the king and his tonsort Elizabeth, (lucen ot England, and the said Willi;ini and Richard and for their souls after death, and the souls of the said Thomas and his parents and all for whom he was bound to pray, to be called the chantry of Thomas Clarell ; and for the chaplains of y 96186. June 1 . Westminster. June 3. Westminster. June 13. Westminster. 210 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. \4J(), Membrane 9 — cont. the chautry to acquire ia frank almoin lauds, rents and aunuties, not held in chief, to the value of 7 marks yearly. By p.s. and for 20 marks paid in the hanaper. March 7. Wall ham. ( Walton Abbatis.) April 11. Wells. April 26. Salisbury. May 25. Westminster. May 24. Westminster. June 2. Westminster. June 1 1. Westminster. June 12. ^^'estmin^^ter. May. 5. Westminster. .June 15. Westmnister. May 10. AVesl minster. Juno 27. Westminster. Membrane 8. Pardon to the king's servitor Nicholas Gayncsford, esquire, late sheriff of Surrey and Sussex, of all offences committed by hira, all escapes of felons and all fines, issues, debts, accounts and arrears due to the king. By K. Grant to the king's chaplain Master Benedict Burgh of the prebend of Walton in the king's chapel of St. Mary Magdalen within the castle of Briggeuorth, void by the death of Master Walter Peytewyn, last prebendary. By K. Mandate in pursuance to the deau and chapter. General pardon to the king's kinsman John, earl of Shrewsbury, of all offences committed by him before 24 April. By p.s. Revocation of the protection with clause vohimus, for one year, lately granted by letters patent to William Balam late of Wcstbury, co. South- ampton, ' husbondman,' alias of Bisshoppes Welde, co. Southampton, staying on the king's service in the company of Richard, late earl of Warwick and Salisbury, then captain of the town and castle of Calais, on the safe-custody, defence and victualling of the same and the marches there, because he delays at London, as appears by certificate of the sheriffs. General pardon to John Tapton, rector of the parish church of Bryng- hurste, co. Leicester, of all offences committed by him'before 19 May. By p.s. The like to William Bothe, son of Richard Bothe, of all offences com- mitted by him before 8 May. By p.s. Appointment for life of the king's servant Richard Aprice as one of the yeomen of the crown, and grant to him of 6d. daily for his fee from the issues of two messuages situated by the hithe called ' le Towrewharff ' by the city of London and a messuage on the wharf of the Tower in which John Elj ngham, deceased, lately dwelt and a garden adjacent and all other messuages gituated on the said wharf and gardens and vacant plots of land on cither side of the way leading between the gate at the east end of the said wharf and the bridge beyond ' le Flodgate ' of the wharf. By p.s. Grant for life to the king's servitor Nicholas liarbour alias Smyth of an annuity of 10/. from the customs, subsidies, profits and issues in the port of Lastichiall, co. Cornwall. By p.s. General pardon to Jevan Vaghan ap Jevan ap Jolly n ap David of Rudorddwy, co. Flint, ' gentilman.' By p.s. Grant for life to the king's servitor John Barkeley of an annuity of 10 marks from the customs, subsidici, profits aud issues in the port of Lastithiall, co. Cornwall. By p.s. Presentation of John Colvile, chaplain, to the parish church of St. Thomas Martyr, Wynchelse, in the diocese of Chichester. Grant for life to the king's servitor William Logge of ihe office of porter of the king's castle of Wallyngford, co. Berks, with fees as in the times of Edward 111. antl Richard 11. fioni the issues of the castle, lordship and manor of Wallyngford ; in lieu of a like grant to Thomas Nesse by letters patent dated 1 3 March, 9 Edward IV, surrendei-ed. By p.e. 10 EDWAED IV. 211 1470. June 14. Westminster. .Tune 2. AVestmiuster. June 1. Westminster. June 22. Wcstiniuster. July 2. Westmiuster, July 3. Westminster. June 30. Westmiuster. July 10. Westmiuster. July 20. Wcstuiiiisler. July 18. Wcslmiustcr. Membrane 7. Appointment, during good behaviour, of John lugoldesby as one of the barons of the Exchequer in the place of Ralph Wolseley, receiving the accu.stomed fees, vesture and profits. By p.s. General pardon to Thomas Stanley, lord Stanley, knight, of all offences committed by him before 1 1 May last. By p.s. The like to John Farley alias John Mille of the town of Gloucestre, ' yoman,' of all offences committed by him before 23 May last. By p.s. Appointment of John Blount, esquire, as lieutenant of the king's castle of ilanq)nes in the parts of J^icardy for twenty years from G April last, with a number of soldiei s under him specified in certain indentures made between the king and himself, receiving for himself and these soldiers at the hands of the treasurer of Calais such wages as are specified in the said indentures with all accustomed profits, with power to appoint nucli officers as may be recjuired lor tlie safo-tustody of tlic castle and to grant safe-conduct to the king's adversaries coming to the castle for the victualling of the same or the deliverance of prisoners. By p.s. Grant for life to William Hobbys, principal surgeon of the body, of 40 marks yearly from Cliristmas last, viz. 16/. 2s. 3d. from minute particles of serjeanty in the counties of Bedford and Buckingham and 10/. ll*. Id. from the issues of those counties. By p.s. Pardon to John Appylby, ' gentilnian,' lately appointed to collect all farms, debts and other tilings due to the king in the county of Cumberland from Michaelmas, 7 Edwarcl IV, until Michaelmas following and contained iu the summons of the Exche(jucr annexerebendary. By p.s. Aug. 25. General pardon to William Cawode alias Kaywode late of Boston, Westminster, merchant, merchant of the staple of Calais, of all offences committed by him before 16 August. By p.s. The like to the follov/ing merchants of the staple of Calais : — William Glynton of Peterburgh, merchant. By p.s. Thomas Gilbert of Harburgh, merchant. By p.s-. John a Wode of Melton Moubray, merchant. By p.s. John Croke of London, merchant. By p.s. John Haryngton, merchant. By p.s. John Reynold of Leyccstre, merchant. By p.s. Thomas Burton of Loughtburgh, merchant. By p.s. Thomas Adam of Langham, merchant. By p.s. Philip Hardebene of London, merchant. By p.s. Thomas Wygeston of Leycestre, merchant. By p.s. William Trafford of Wokeham, merchant. By p.s. John Lemyngton of Leycestre, merchant. By p.s. Robert Tate of London, merchant. By p.s. John Saundres of London, merchant. By p.s 10 EDWARD IV. 213 X470. Membrane 5 — cont. John Tate of London, merchant. Bj p.s. Roger Wyggeston of Leycestre, merchant. By p.s. John Kyrton of Wokeham, merchant. By p.s. Richard Salesbury of Broke. By p.s. Thomas Dymmok of Hornecastell, merchant. By p.s. William Brearly of Calais, merchant. By p.s. William Wareyn of Wokeham, merchant. By p.s. William Broun of Staunford, merchant. By p.s. John Lynde of Boston, merchant. By p.s. John Broun of Staunford, merchant. By p.s. William Rose late of Wokeham, merchant. By p.s. William Colome of Staunford, merchant. By p.s. Richard Helperby of Calais, merchant. By p.s. Aug. .30. Presentation of Richard Trotman, chaplain, to the pari.sh church of Westniiustcr. Bladou, in the dPocesc of Lincoln, void by the death of Philip INIorgan, last parson. Aug. 30. Presentation of Richard Wodeward to the parish church of Teyngton Westminster. Drue, in the diocese of Exeter, void by the death of Thomas Copleston, last parson. Sept. 10. Grant to Anthony Justiniano and Jerome Canterin, merchants of Venice, Westminster, in repayment of tlie sum of 200/. due to them from the king, as appears in the receipt of the E.\chequei", that they or their executors after their decease or their factors or attorneys may siiip sacks and bales of wool, woollen cloths, pieces of tin and fodders of lead in the ports of London, Sandwich and Southampton and take the wools by the straits of Marruk and the woollen clotiis, tin ami loiul to any foreign parts and l)ring back other merchandise of any growth from foreign parts to the said ports quit of customs and subsidies until they shall thus be satisfied ol the said sum of 200/. By p.s. Membrane 4. June 22. Exemi)lification, at the request of Robert Achier, of the tenour of the Westmiuster. enrolment of letters patent dated 12 February, 9 Edward IV. granting safe-conduct for one year from 15 February to Peter Morisso, Guillerin knight, John Atherton, esquire, William Westminster. Blesdale, William Nandyke and William Stable to seize a certain ship of Robert Ros of Calais and to arrest all persons guilty of the capture of 63 bales of woad of Ralph de Vyvaldes, merchant of Genoa, in the river Thames, contrary to the form of letters of safe-conduct of the king, as the king understands that the bales were taken by certain pirates in the said ship. Aug. 8. Commission to John W.?do, esquire, Richard Forde, Robert Basset, Westminster, Eichard Tnrnaunt, Richard Restwold, Humphrey For.ster, Richard Barnet, Thomas Luyt, Tliomas Babham and John Upton to enquire by oath of good men of the counties of Kent, Hertford, Essf.x, Surrey, Middlesex, Berks, Buckingham, Oxford and Gloucester into the capture of swans and cygnets on the river Thames and its tributaries from Cirencestre to its mouth by hooks, nets, ' lyme stryngz ' and other engines, the alteration or deletion of the marks of swans and the taking of swans' eggs, and to arrest and imprison the offenders. 223 49 HENRY VI. 1470. Oct. 20. Westmiuster. Oct. 10. Westininstcr. Oct. 21. Westminster. Oct. 22, Westminster. Nov. 5. ^\ estmiuster. Nov. 3. WeKtininster. Nov. 13. AVestminKter. Nov. 17. Westminster. Nov. 23. Westminster. Nov. 24. Westminster. Nov. 28. Westminster. Membrane 27. Pardons of outlawry to the following : — George Wyllerdby late of London, ' gold.smyth,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, justices of the Bench of Edward IV. late de facto king of England, to answer William Melsenby, citizen and goldsraitii of London, touching a debt of 27/- he having surrendered to the Flete prison, as Robert Danby, chief justice of the Bench, has certified. London. John Bai'on late of Westansty, co. Devon, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer a plea that he render 40 sheep worth 40.v. antl a purse containing 13^. ^d. to Thomas Gybbe. Devon, Robert Chols late of Kentbury, co, Berks, ' liusbondman,' for not iippearing to answer John, abbot of Glastonbury, touching a debt of 40/. Middlesex. John Curteys of Dorchestre, co, Oxford, ' bocher,' for not appearing to answer John Togood touching a debt of 40s. Oxford. William Horn late of Crake, co. York, ' yoman,' ttlias AVilliara Ilorn-se, 'wodebeycr,' for not appearing to answer a plea that he render 7 marks to Conand Barton, executor of the will of Richard Barton late of Whenby, co. York, esquire. Middlesex. Henry Anneson late of Clyderowo, co, Lancaster, ' youian,' for not appearing to answer William Harbaur touching a trespass. Norfolk. Edward Everard late of Fordyngbryggc, co. Southampton, ' dyer,' for not appearing to answerj John Ileynes, 'cite/en' and ' draper ' of London, and William Shukburgh, citizen and draper of London, touching a debt of 50*'. Middlesex. John Lychefeld late of Coryrevell, co. Somerset, * scryvener,' for not appearing to answer John Adams touching a debt of 405. Middlesex. John Cresbien of Stour Westcvere, co. Dorset, ' fraukeleyn,' for not appearing to answer Geoffrey Eeldyng, ♦ mercer,' and Edmund llcdekuape, 'mercer,' touching a debt of 140/. Middlesex. Richard Shirburn late of Cambridge, cliaplain, for not appearing to answer a plea that he render chattels to the value of 2(^/: to John Derby, clerk. Cambridge. Stephen Debenham of Hoxcn, co. Suffolk, ' yoman,' for not appearing to answer Waller Lyhert, bishop of Norwich, touching a debt of 4 marks. Nov. 3. Westminster. Oct. 30. Westminster. Membiiane 2G. Robert Boucher late of llilder.-;hani, co, Cambridge, ' liusbondman,' for not api)earing to answer the prior of rentcncy toucliiug a debt of 20/, Norlblk. John Thurgcr late of Little Abytoa, co. Cambridge, the elder, ' liusbondman,' for the like. Norfolk. 224 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. ] 470. Membrane 26 — cont. Nov. 24. Robert Ryle late of Cheshain, co. Buckingham, 'yoman,' for not "Westminster. appearing to answer Edmund Burdenell the elder touching a trespass and Henry Axstell and Henry Couper, wardens of the goods and chattels of the parish church of Clieshamboys, touching a trespass. Buckingham. Nov. 28. Thomas Beny alias Benne late of York, clerk, for not appearing to Westminster. answer Thomas Bramley, chaplain, touching a debt of 40*. and William Broun, clerk, and William Mounley, citizen and 'lynen- draper ' of London, touching a debt of 10 marks. London. 1471. Jan. 26. Westminster. Jan. 26. Westminster. Jan. 27. Westminster. Jan. 25. Westminster. Jan. 25. Westminster. 1470. Nov. 28. Westminster. 1471. Jan. 20. Westmiusttr. Membrane 24. John Marke of Hereford, co. Devon, 'mylward,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Thomas Drewe touching a trespass committed by him and Nicholas Worford of Plympton Earle, co. Devon, ' baker,' William Cornyssh of Plympton Earle, ' baker,' and Robert Parker of Colbroke, co. Devon, ' barker.' Devon. John Hawkyns late of Eston, co. Gloucester, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer James Clyfford, esquire, touching a debt of 40/. Gloucester. Thomas Hesount late of London, 'mercer,' for not appearing to render his account to William Traas of London, ' mercer,' for the time Avhen he was his receiver. London. Robert Wylde late of Woxbrigge, co. Middlesex, clerk, for not appearing before the late king to answer John Dorham, Edmund Westby, esquire, Philip Skydmore, esquire, Thomas Eyre, RichartJ Rysley, John Ploufeld and Roger Couper touching a trespass. Middlesex. Michael Moundevile late of Arnndell, co. Sussex, ' chapman,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and liis fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Isabel Ryche, widow, touching a debt of 6/. 9*. *ld. London. William Paixlon of Hertwell, co. Buckingham, 'yoman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer John, abbot of the monastery of St, Mary, Oseneye, and William Raa toucliing debts of 40s. and 20/. respectively. Oxford, Richard Roberts alias Richard Poort of Bristol, * fysshemonger,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench of the late king to answer Nicholas Warynges touching a debt of 20 marks. Surrey. Jan. 23. Wcstuunster. Feb. 5. Westminster. Membrane 22. Thomas Trebulcok late of Trebellam by Trelaste, co. Cornwall, ' ) oman,' for not appearing before Robert Daiihy and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, when sued with Thomas Edwardis late of Landue in the parish of Lassant, co. Cornwall, * yoman,' and Peter Beke late of Landue, 'husbondman,' to answer John Roberd touching a trespass. Middlesex. John Hoo late of Ilketeleshale, co. Suffolk, * gentilman,' for not appearing to answer Richard Sowthewell, esquire, touchinj?- a debt of 20/. Norfolk. 49 HENRY VI. 225 1471. Feb. 3, Westminster. Feb. 6. Westminster. Jan. 30, AV'^estminster. Feb. G. Westminster. Feb. 9. Westminster. Feb. 7. Westminster. Feb. 8. Westminster. Feb. 9. Westminster. y 9618f., Membrane 22 — cont. ■ John Careles of Great Todj'ngton, co. Hereford, the younger, ' hiisbond- man,' for not ajipearing before the late king when sued with William Page of Great Codyngtou, co. Hereford, ' husbondman,' to answer Thomas Spaklyug touching a trespass. Wilts. John Wylly of Bristol, ' mai'yncr,' and Margaret his wife, late the wife of William Phelpot, executrix of the will of William Phelpot alias Philpot late of Bristol, * maryner,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer a plea that they render 8 marks Zs. Ad. to John Phelpot late of Bristol, ' draper,' alias John Phelippes, ' hosyer.' Middlesex. John Clerk late of Great Everdon, co. Northampton, ' yoman,' for not appearing to answer Richard ILotoft, ' esfjuire,' touching a debt of 10/. Leicester. William Caurape of Stonhara by Aspalo, co. Suffolk, ' husbondman,' alias William Campc late of Aspatonam, co. Suffolk, alias late of Mykelfckle, co. SulFolk, for not appearing before Richard Neuton and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, (o answer John Bradwey touching a debt of 100s. before John Prysot and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to auswcr Thomas Hunt, prior of tiio church of St. Mary, Walsynghatn, touching a debt of 20/. and before Robert Dani)y and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the lato king, to answer Bartholomew Damyon touching a debt of 40«. and Thomas Moleyns, 'gentilman,' of Stoke touching a debt of lO*-. Suffolk & Norfolk. John Stodhowe alias Stodhawe late of Hatfeld Pererell, co. Essex, esquire, for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, justices of tlio Bench of the late king, to answer John Speny, citizen and skinner of London, touching a debt of 40s. London. William Iloigges late of Wodeford, co. Devon, 'gcnlihnan,' alias Denpryour, for not appearing before Jolin Prysot and liis fellows, late ju.sticos of the Bench, to answer John Bocher of Bishop's Lynno and Thomas Edmond of London, ' fysshomonger,' touching a debt of 20/. London. William Parson late of Swepcston, co. Leicester, chaplain, executor of the will of William Scgrave late of Ibstoko, C(\. Leicester, chaplain, for not appearing to answer a plea that ho rentier 5:0/. to Richard Cronkesagh. Leicester. William Burges of Bridport, co. Dorset, the yoongor, chapman, for not appearing to answer John Lambard, citizen and mercer of London, and Philip Howell, citizen and mercer of London, touching a debt of II/. 2s. 8r/. London. Henry FitzJohn late of Hamerton, co. Huntingdon, 'husbondman,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late kiug, when sued with John FitzJohn late of Hiimerton, ' husbondman,' to auswcr John Upsalo touching a trespass. London. Richard Walet alias Waloys lato of Bexhill, co. Kent, ' bocher,' for not appciuing to answer Robert Bystrete touching a debt of 40s. Sussex. William Whyppe of Norwich, ' husbondman,' alias William Whippe, 'yonian,' for not appearing to answer John Pynchamore touching a debt of 100s. and to answer a plea that he render a purse containing 12/. to James Catte. Norfolk. 226 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS, 1471. Jan. 10. Westminster. 1470. Nov. 28. Westminster. 1471. Feb. 8. Westminster. Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 8. Westminster. Membrane 22 — cont. William Norton of Lyng, co. Norfolk, 'fuller,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer Nicholas Gatesheude touching a debt of 405. Norfolk. Richard Mathewe late of Craweley, co. Sussex, ' chapman,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Thomas Brewes, citizen and tailor of London, touching a debt of 20 marks. Sussex. John Sherlok of Bourhenton in the parish of Mertok, co Somerset, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer John Roggers alias Rogger touching a debt of IOO5. London. John Rede of Becclys, co. Suffolk, 'yoman,' alias John Rede the elder, ' marchaunt,' for not appearing to answer William Norwich, citizen and alderman of Norwich, and William Ilkston alias Ilston, * haber- das.sher ' of London, touching debts of 6/. and 44*. respectively. London. Thomas Waspus late of Croydon, co. Surrey, ' otemonger,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer Thomas Brygge, clerk, touching a debt of 40*. Middlesex. John Holt late of Aston by Bermycham, co. Warwick, esquire, for not appearing before the said justices to ansvver John Melbourne, citizen and grocer of London, John Sturgeon, citizen and mercer of London, Henry Fylongley, esquire, Henry Lokke, citizen and tailor of London, Thomas Gay the elder, citizen and tailor of London, and Robert Osberne, esquire, touching debts of 16/. 18s. 1\d. AOs. iOOs. 40s. 41. 16s. 8d. and 40s. respectively, and before Robert Danby and his fellows, justices of tlie Bench of the late king, to answer William Latoner, citizen and tailor of Loudon, Richard Warwyk, citizen and • skinner of London, and John Broun touching debts of 40s. 40s. and 10 marks respectively. Loudon & Warwick. John Nowera of Tackeley, co. Oxford, esquire, for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Thomas Wilcotes of Deene, co, Oxford, esquire, John Yerde, citizen and draper of London, and Richard Quatremayns, esquire, touching debts of 20 marks, 10/. and 40.f. respectively. Surrey & London. l^fjQ Membrane 21. Oct. 9. Grant, during office, to Richard Illyngworth, knight, chief baron of the Westminster. Exchequer, of 1 10 marks yearly at the Exchequer and two robes yearly, one with skin at Christmas, and the other with lining at Whitsuntide, beyond the accustomed fee. Oct. 9. Grant to Thomas Billyng, chief justice of the King's Bench, of 180 "Westminster, marks yearly at the hands of the clerk or keeper of the hanaper or the customers in the ports of London, Bristol and Kyngeston on Hull according to the form of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 18 Henry VI, and 10t)s. l\\d. and the sixth part of \d. yearly at Christmas for a robe with fur and 66«. Qd. yearly at Whitsuntide for a robe with lining. The like to Robert Danby, knight, chief justice of the Bench. Oct. 9. Grant as above to William Yelverton, knight, one of the justices of the Westminster. King's Bench, of 110 marks yearly and 106s. U\d. and the sixth part of 49 HENRY VI. 227 14.70. Membrane 21 — cont. \d. yearly at Christmas for a robe with fur and 6Gs, 6d. yearly at Wiiitsuntide for a robe with lining. The like to the following justices :— William Laken, ono of the justices of the King's Bench. John Nedeham, knight, one of the justices of the Bench. Richard Byngham, knight, one of the justices of the King's Bench. Richard Neeli, one of the justices of the King's Bench. Walter Moyle, knight, one of the justices of the Bench. Thomas Lyttelton, one of the justices of the Bench. Richard Chokke, knight, one of the justices of the Bench. Thomas Yonge, one of the justices of the Bench. Nov. 23. Pardon to John Laurence alias Laurens of Wyboldeston in the parish of AVestmiiistcr. Eton, co. Bedford, 'gentilman,' late escheator of the late king in the counties of Cambridge and Huntingdon, of his outlawries in Middlesex and Loudon for not appearing before Robert Danljy and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to satisfy John Manyngham, esquire, of 17/. 6^. 8(7. which tlie latter recovered against him before the said justices and 6 marks damages and to satisfy tlie said late king of his ransom for denying a writing obligatory of 17/. 6s. Sd. before John Prysot and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer Ralph, baron of Graystok and Wem, knight, touching a debt of 16 marks '.is. Ad. and before the said justices of the late king to answer Henry Silver, citizen and vintner of London, touching a debt of 10/. and to answer a plea that ho render 40/. to Joan Clay, widow, late the wife of John Clay, knight, John Clay, son and heir of the said knight, and Robert Grene, e.squire, executors of the will of the said knight; he having surrendered to the Flete pri.son and satisfied the said John Manyngham, as Robert Dauby, chief justice of the Bench, has certified. Membrane 20. Oct, 29. Grant, during pleasure, to Thomas V'ynter of the offices of coroner and Wcstmiuster. attorney of the king in the King's Bench, receiving yearly the nccustomed fees at the Exchequer and all other accustomed i)rofits and emoluments. By K. by word of mouth. Nov. 26. Mandate to the escheator in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk for (ho Wcstniiuster. restitution of the temporalities of the abbey of St. Benet, Hulmo, of the Benedictine order, to Thomas Pakcfcld, prol'e.-^sor of theology and monk of tlie monastery, whose election as abbot VV. bishop of Norwich has confirmed and whose fealty the king has taken. By p.s. Writ dc inteJidcndo in pursuance to the tenants. Nov. 27. Ratification of the estate which John Byckeley, chaplain, has as warden AVcstrainstcr. of tlie hospital of St. John Baptist, Shrew.sbury. By K. by word of mouth. Membrane 19. Oct. 23. Grant, during pleasure, to the king's knight Richard Tunstall, king's Westminslir. chamberlain, of the office of master and worker of the king's mints within the Tower of London, the realm of England and the town of Calais, with all fees and profits belonging to the oflico according to the form of certain indentures to be made, with ])Owcr to hohl an exchange, common and open, in the city of Loudon. By K. by word of nioutii. Oct. 31. Presentation of John Smyth to the parish church of Shenfeld, in the Westminster, diocese of London. P 2 228 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1470. Membrane 19 — cont. Oct. 12. Grant, during pleasure, to the king's servitor John Bagot, one of the Westminster, clerks of Chancery, of the office of one of the clerks of the crown in Chancery which William Rous, deceased, lately had of the king's grant, with all pi-ofits, and 201. yearly from Easter last from the issues of the hanaper, as the said William had, and a livery of vesture and fur, as Richard Sturgeon, late one of the clerks of the crown, had, yearly at Christmas and Whitsuntide at the hands of the keeper of the hanaper. Oct. 30. Revocation of the protection with clause volmniis, for one year, granted Westminster, on 25 October by letters patent to John Lee, draper and citizen of London, alius of Teyrlynge, co. Essex, ' gentilman,' executor of the will of Thomas Umfrey of London, ' gentilman,' staying on the king's service in the company of the king's kinsman Richard, earl of Warwick and Salisbury, captain of the town of Calais, on the safe-custody and defence of the town, because he delays in London, as appears by certificate of the sheriffs. Nov. 7. Appointment, during pleasure, of William Lyllebourno as receiver or Westminster, collector of the rents, farms, issues and profits of the town and lordship of Niewbiggynge, co. Northumberland, in the king's hands by the forfeiture of John Balliall, late king of Scots, and all lands late of Thomas Soules in the . Hough in Stanfordham, co. Northumberland, and forfeited by him and 31s. yearly rent in Ulleston by Hawkewell and a tenement in Ingowe called ' le pasture felde ' in the same county, in the king's hands on the decease of John Felton, knight, receiving fees at the discretion of the treasurer of England at his own hands, so that he render his account yearly at the Exchequer. By bill of the treasurer. Nov. 8. Appointment for life of the king's clerk and secretary Master Peter Westminster. Courteney as master of the king's free chapel or hospital of St. Anthony, London. By K. by word of mouth. Vacated because otherwise below. Nov, 16. Signification to W. bishop of Norwich of the royal assent to the election Westminster, of Thomas Pakefeld, professor of theology and monk of the monastery of St. Benet, Hulme, as abbot of that place. By p.s. Nov. 12. Grant to John Pemberton, one of the clerks of Chancery, of the custody Westminster, of the hospital of St. Mary, Osprenge, void by the death of Robert Darell, clerk. Nov. 20. Pardon to Richard Franke late of Kyngesbrygge, co. Devon, merchant, Westminster, alias ' yoman,' of his outlawries in the town of Southampton and the county of Middlesex for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer John AVyllyam, burgess and merchant of Southampton, touching a debt of lo/. and before Robert Danby and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to satisfy John Lowende alias Lounde, citizen and ' letherseller ' of London, of a debt of 7/. which the latter recovered against him and 26s. 8f?. damages, he having surrendered to the Flete prison and the said John Lowende having appeared afterwards on o February, 9 Edward IV, by John Smale his attorney and acknowledged himself satisfied, as Robert Danby, knight, chief justice of the Bench, has certified. Nov. 27. General pardon to Richard Wydevyle alias Wodeville alias Wideville, Westminster, knight, of all offences committed by him before 29 October last. By p.s. Nov. 28. Grant, during pleasure, to the king's servant John Plummer, knight, of Westminster, the office of keeper of the great wardrobe,^with the accustomed fees. By p.s. Dec. 5. Appointment for life of the king's clerk and secretary Master Peter Westminster. Courteney as master of the king's free chapel or hospital of St. Anthony, London. By K. by word of mouth. Mandate in pursuance to the mayor of London. 49 HENRY VI. 229 1470. Membrane 19 — cont, Dec. 16. Grant to brother Thomas Hemyngforth, clerk, of the custody, of the AVestmiustcr. king's chapel of St. George within the king's tower at the town of Suth- anipton and \0l. yearly for life from the customs and subsidies in tlie port of the town for his salary, to celebrate divine service in the chapel for the good estate of the king and his consort Margaret, queen of England. By K. by word of mouth. Membrane 18. Oct. 20, Grant, during pleasure, to John Langstrothcr, prior of the Hospital of "Westminster. St. John of Jerusalem in England, of the of&ce of treasurer of the Exchequer, iu the same manner as Walter Hungcrford, kuight, late treasurer, or anyone else had the office. [Fcedera,'\ By K. by word of mouth. Mandate in pursuance to the barons of the Exchequer and the chamber- lain. Oct. 9. Appointment, during pleasure, of llichard lilyngworth, knight, as chief Westminster, baron of the Exchequer, receiving the accustomed fee. [ivcrfcra.] The like of the following : — John Clerk as second baron of the Exchequer. Brian Rouclyf as third baron. John Durem as one of the barons. Appointment, during pleasure, of Thomas Billyng as chief ju.sticc of the King's Bench, receiving the accustomed fee. [fWem.] The like of Richard Byngham, knight, as one of the justices of the King's Bench. \_Fcedera.'] The like of the following : — William Laken. Richard Neell.' William Yelverton, knight. Richard Byngham, knight. Appointment, during pleasure, of Robert Dauby, knight, as chief justice of the Bencii, receiving the accustomed fee. \F(c(lira.\ Tlie like of the following as justices of the Bench : — Walter Moyle, knight.] John Nedeham, kuight. Richard Chokkc, knight. Thomas Littelton. Thomas Yonge. Oct. 23. Grant, during pleasure, to Edward Gower of tlie ofllci- of (ron.age and WestmiDstcr. pesage in the port of London and ports and places adjacent, receiving the accustomed fees. By" bill of the treasurer. The like to the following in the ports named and ports and places adjacent : — Oct. 25. John Abbotte iu the port of Ipswich. By bill of the treasurer. Westminster. Nov. 22, Richard Dauuce in the port of SutliamDlon. By bill of the treasurer. WcBtminster. Nov. 25. Richard Sheldon in the port of Boston. By bill of the treasurer. AVestniinntur. Oct. 28. John Blanerhassct in the port of Kyngcston on Hull. Westmiustcr. bill of the treasurer. 230 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1470. Oct. 23. Westminster. Oct. 25. AVestminster. Oct, 27. Westminster. Oct. 9. Westminster. Oct. 25. Westminster. Oct. 27. Westminster. Nov. 8. Westminster. Oct. 27. Westminster. Oct. 22. Westminster. Oct. 24. Westminster. Oct. 25. AVestmiuster. Oct. 23. Westminster. Oct. 23. Westminster. Oct. 30. Westminster. Membrane 18 — cont. Appointment, during pleasure, of John Foveste as ganger in the port of Southampton and ports and places adjacent, receiving the accustomed fees. By bill of the treasurer. The like of the following in the ports named and ports and places adjacent : — Edward Ireland in the port of Bristol. By bill of the treasurer. Richard Baron in the port of Sandwich By bill of the treasurer. Grant, during pleasure, to Master Henry Sharp, doctor of laws, of the office of notary or prothonotary of the Chancery, receiving 50 marks yearly from Michaelmas last from the issues of the hanaper, with all other profits belonging to the ofSce. By K. by word of mouth. Licence for the prior and convent of the monastery of St. Benet, Hulme, in the diocese of Norwich, to elect an abbot in the place of John Kevyng, last abbot, resigned. By p.s. Presentation of Hugh Cleye, chaplain, to the perpetual vicarage of the parish church of Chepyng Wycombe, in the diocese of Lincoln, void by the death of Robert Wareyn, last vicar, and in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the abbey of Goddestowe being in his hands. Presentation of David Miles, chaplain, to the parish church of Padworth, in the diocese of Salisbury, void by the resignation of William Bocher, last parson. Appointment, during pleasure, of James Lyllebourne as controller of the scrutiny in the port of ]3ristol and ports and places adjacent, receiving the accustomed fees. By bill of the treasurer. Membrane 17. Appointment, during pleasure, of Philip Lowes as controller of the great and petty custom, the subsidy of wools, hides and woolfells and the subsidy of the 35. in the tun and the \2d. in the pound in the port of Southampton and ports and places adjacent, receiving the accustomed fees, provided that he execute the office in person, with the custody of one part of the coket seal. By bill of the treasurer. The like of the following in the poits named and ports and places adjacent : — Christopher Wylkynson in the port of Bishop's Lynne. By bill of the treasurer. Daniel Sheldon in the port of Bristol. By bill of the treasurer. Richard Houton in the ports of Piymmouth and Fowey. By bill of the treasurer. Richard Hyde in the port of Boston. By bill of the treasurer. John Mompesson in the port of Pole. By bill of the treasurer. Alexander Dykes in the port of Ipswich. By bill of the treasurer. Matthew Crofte in the port of Newcastle-on-Tyne. By bill of the treasurer. John Lambe in the port of Briggewater. By bill of the treasurer. Robert Knyght in the port of Kyngeston on Hull. By bill of the treasurer. 49 HENRY VI. 231 1470. Not. 8. Westminster. Oct. 30. Westminster. Oct. 26. Westminster. Oct. 24. Westminster. Nov. 9. Westminster. Dec. 11. Westminster. Dec. 13. Westminster. 1471. Jan. 14. Westminster. 1470. Dec. 3. Westminster. Dec. 10. Westminster. Dec. 13. Westminster. Membrane 17 — cont. J ohn Nest in the port of Sandwich. By bill of the treasurer. Dec. 20. Westminster. Edmund Wydewell in the port of Yermouth. By bill of the treasurer. Hugh Warde in the ports of Exeter and Dertmouth. By bill of the treasurer. Tiie like of Ricbard Passemer as controller of the petty custom and the subsidy of the 3^. in the tun and the 12J. in the pound in the port of London and ports and places adjacent. By bill of the treasurer. The like of John Delves as controller of the great custom and the subsidy of wools, hides and wood-fells in the same. By bill of the treasurer. Licence for the prioress and convent of Wilton to elect an abbess in the place of Edith Borgh, late abbess, deceased. By p.s. Appointment, until 13 June next, of William Stoughton, clerk and purveyor of the oCBcc of the eatery of the household, to purvey sea fish and other necessaries for the expenses of the household. By bill of the treasurer of the household. Signification to R. bishop of Salisbury of the royal assent to the eleclion of Dame Alice Comelande, late sacristan and uun of the monastery of Wilton, as abbess of that place. By p.s. Membrane 16. General pardon to Thomas Pyncheon of Little Wakeryng, co. Essex, esquire, and Elizabeth his wife of all offences committed by them before 17 November. By p.s. Grant to the king's clerk William Townc, the king's almoner, of all goods and chattels of felons dc se and dcodauds in augmentation of the king's alms, [i'tt't/em.] By K. by word of mouth. Licence for Robert CliflHton, knight, Richard AVillughby, esquire, Thomas Alestre of Notyngham, John Fitzherbert, Geoffrey Staunton, Thom.is Tu, clerk, and William Luc and the heins, assigns, executors of the will and admiuistrators of the goods of the .said Richard to found a perpetual chantry of one chaplain to celebrate divine service daily at the high altar in the parish church of St. Leonard, Wollaton, co. Nottingham, for the good estate of the said Richard and for his soul after death, to l)e called ' Wilhighby Chauntcry,' and for them to grant in mortmain to the 5aid chaplain two houses lately built by the said Richard in the town of Wollaton by the rectory, one for his own dwelling and the other for the dwelling of three poor persons, and a close containing an acre of laud by the said rectory and other lands, rents, services, reversion.s, annuities and possessions, not held in chief, to the value of 10/. yearly, for his sustenance and the performance of certain works of piety. By p.s. and for 30/. paid in the banaper. Exemplification, at the request of John Langstrothcr, prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, of the tenors of the enrolments of the following :— 1. Memorandum that on 18 November, 9 Edward IV. Miles Skayff and Marniadukc Lomelcy, brethren and i)receptors of the hosi)ilal, Robert Bally, sub-prior of the lio'^pital, and .John Gicne and Thomas Erlyche, brethren and chaplains of the hospital, presented the ■said John Langstrothcr, bailiff of Eagle (Arjuilc) and steward of the 232 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1470. Membrane \ Q—cont. grand master of Rhodes, to the king in a chamber within his palace at Westminster as their prior unanimously elected on the death of Robert Botill, last prior, and the king admitted him as prior and he made fealty to the king. Vacated by command of the king cn 16 November, 49 Henry VI. 2. Memorandum that on 20 October, 49 Henry VI. Miles SkayfE and Marmaduke Lomley, brethren and preceptors, and Robert Bayly, sub-prior, presented the said John as prior to the king in a chamber within the palace of Thomas, bishop of London, at London, asserting that no prior made fealty until Leonard de Tybertys, late pi'ior, made fealty to Edward III. under protest that it should be without prejudice, and the king admitted the said John as prior and he made fealty to the king. [Fcedera.l Membrane 15. Dec. 18. Grant, during office, to John Plummer, knight, to whom the king lately Westminster, granted the office of keeper of the great wardrobe by letters patent, of the sum of 1,353/. 16s. yearly from Michaelmas last for the expenses of the wardrobe, viz. 100/. from the issues of the counties of Bedford and Buckingham, 40Z. from the issues of the counties of Cambridge and Hunt- ingdon, 50 marks from the issues of the counties of Essex and Hertford, 4t7. from the issues of the county of Kent, 300/. from the farm and other issues of the counties of London and Middlesex, 201. from the issues of the county of Northampton, 200 marks from the issues of the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk, 40 marks from the issues of the counties of Oxford and Berks, 40 marks from the issues of the counties of Surrey and Sussex, 40/. from the issues of the county of Southampton, 40/. from the issues of the county of Wilts, 40/. from the farm of the town of Cambridge, 60/. from the farm of the manor of Berton Bristol and the hundred of Berton Bristol, co. Gloucester, at the hands of Henry, duke of Warwick, and his heirs or the sheriff of the county, 24/, from the custody of the manor of Gedyngton, co. Northampton, 50 marks from the farm, of the town of Northampton, 8/. 12c?. from the farm of the seven hundreds of Cokeham and Bray, co. Berks, lOU/. from the farm of the king's manors and lordships of Cokeham and Bray, co. Berk.s, 40/. from the farm of the manor of Hedyngton with the hundred of Bolyngden witliout the north gate of Oxford, at the hands of William Wilcotes, esquire, and his heirs or the sheriff of the county, 30/. from tlie farm of the town of Shrewsbury, co. Salop, 12/. from the fee farm of the manor of Forde, co. Salop, at the hands of Nicholas de Audeley, brother and heir of Thomas, son and heir of James de Audeley, or the sheriff of llic county, 30/. from the fee farm of the town of Worcester, 20/. from the farm of the manor of Malmcsbury at the hands of the abbot and convent of Malmesbury, 12/. 8.5. 4d. from the custody of the manor of Merston Meysy, co. Wilts, 116 maiks from the farm of the king's lordship or manor of Coshnm, co. Wihs, 50 marks from the extent or farm of the manor of Wyrardesbury, co. Buckingham, and 50 marks at the hands of the abbot, prior and convent of St. Albans for the voidance of that abbey and its temporalities, with priority of payment. By p.s. Nov. 25. Grant, during pleasure, to Baldwin Hyde, one of the clerks of Chancery, Westminster, of the otiice of clerk of Parliament with the accustomed fees. By p.s. Dec. 18. Grant to the said Bahhviii of 40/. yearly from Michaelmas last from the Westmiuster. issues of tlie hauaper so long as he remain in the said office of clerk of Parliament. By p.s. 49 HENRY VI. 233 1470. Membrane 15 — cont. Dec. 18. Ratification of the estate of the said Baldwin as canon and prebendary Westmiuster. of the king's free chapel or college of St. Mary and SS. George the Martyr and Edward the Confessor within the castle of Wyndcsorc. By p.s. 3IEMBRANE 14. Dec. 18. Grant to John Smeethe, clerk, of the custody of the house or hospital of Westminster. St. Mary of Betheleni without Bisshopisgatc, London, By K. by word of mouth. Vacated because otherwise below, Dec. 7. Grant to the king's uterine brother Jasper, earl of Pembroke, of the free Westminster, disposition of the advowsoii. of the parish church of Meyvode in the lordship of Powys, in the diocese of St. Asaph, at its next voidance. By K. by word of mouth. Dee. 18. Grant for life to John Smeethe, clerk, of the custody of the house or Westminster, hospital of St. Mary of Bethelem without Bisshopisgatc, London. By K. by word of mouth. Dec. 20. Grant, during pleasure, to the king's .servant John Swynarton of the Westminster, office of ranger of the king's forest of Cank alias the office of ranger and bow-bearer of the hays of Aller-.vas and Teddeley Iley, Chisteleyn Hayc and Gavley and the custody of the forest of Cannock, co. Stafford, receiving the accustomed fees from the issues of the county of Stafford, in the same manner as Richard de Hampton had in the time of Edward IH. or Thomas Bate of the gift of the present king. By K. by word of mouth. Dec. 19. Grant, during office, to John, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, who has AVestminster. been keeper of the i)rivy seal from 24 October last, of 205. daily from that date, viz. 98/. Us. 8(1, yearly from the issues 'of thc_county of Lincoln, 40/. yearly from the issues of the counties of Nottingham and Derby, .S3/. 6*. 8c?. yearly from the issues of the counti(,'s of Bedford and Buckingham, 50/. yearly from the farm or issuetj, subsidies and ulnagcs of cloth in town and suburbs of Bristol and ii moiety of the forfeitui es of (he same, 46/. 13s. 4f/. yearly from the farm or issues of the subsidy and ulnage of cloth in the county of Wilts and the city of Sali.sbury and a moiety of the forfeiture of the same, 6G/. l'3s. Ad. yearly from tiie farm oC the city of Winchester, and 30/. yearly from the farm and increment of the town of Cambridge, payable at Easter and Michaelnuis, with provision for payment at that date up till tiie day of his departure from oiUce, By i).s. Grant, during pleasure, (o (he king's kinsman Richard, earl of AVarwick and Salisbury, of the office of admiral of England, Ireland and Aquitaine, with the accustomed fees, with divers specilicd powers. {^Fccdcra.^ IMandato to (he escheator in tlie counties of Southampton and AVilts for the restitution of the temporalides of the abljcy of Wilton, of the order of St. Benedict, to Dame Alice Comcland, nun of the monastery, whose election as abbess E. bishop of Salisbury has confirmed, and whose fealty (he king has ordered to be taken by William Ive, clerk. By i).s. The like to the cscheators in the following counties : — Somerset and Dorset. Devon and Cornwall. Writ de intcndendo in pursuuncc to the tenants. Jan. 25. Grant, duiiug pleasure, to John Walter, clerk, of the custody or olllcc Westmiuster. of keeper of the hauapcr of Chancery, receiving the accustomed fees. By p.s. 1471. fJan. 2. Westmiuster Jan. 17. Westminster. 234 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1471. IIembrane 13. Jan. 11. Grant to Master Edward Underwode, scholar in theology, of the prebend Westminster, of Underdoun in the collegiate church of St. Mary Magdalen, Bruggenorth, CO. Salop, By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the dean of the said church. Jan. 11. Appointment, during pleasure, of William Water as bailiff of the king's Westmiustor. lordships of Cokeham and Bray, receiving the accustomed fees at his own hands. By K. by word of mouth. Jan. 25. General pardon to Master Robert Stillyngton, bishop of Bath and Wells, Westminster, dean of the king's free chapel of St. Martin le Grand, London, late keeper of the privy seal, of all offences committed by him before 18 January. By p.s. • Jan. 27. Pardon to Edmund Warter, late of the household of Edward Avho lately Westminster, called himself king of England, esquire, and Thomas Scarlet of the town of Westminster, co. Middlesex, ' yoman,' pledges of William Pancok late of Westminster, ' yoman,' late of the said household, of certain sums required from the said William amounting to 71. 6s. Sd. viz. 100s. for certain trespasses of which he was indicted, 40.?. for certain trespasses of which he was impeached by return of Simon Smyth and William Heriot, late sheriffs of Middlesex, and 6s. 8d. for certain trespasses of which he was indicted, as appears in the Exchequer. By K. by word of mouth. Jan. 27. Ratification of the estate which John Faukes, king's clerk, has as Westminster, warden or dean of the king's free chapel or college of St. Mary and SS. George the Martyr and Edward the Confessor within the ^castle of Wyndesore. By K. by word of mouth. Jan. 28. Grant, during pleasure, to the king's servitor John Lowas, one of the Westminster, yeoman of the crown, of the office of parker or keeper of the new park below the king's castle of Wyndesore, with wages of id. daily from the fee-farm of the town of New Wyndesore and all other profits. By K. by word of mouth. Jan. 29. Protection with clause volunms, for one year, for Robert Richard of the Westminster, city of London, ' mercer,' alias merchant, going to Ireland on the king's service in the company of the king's kinsman George, duke of Clarence, lieutenant of Ireland, on the safe-custody, defence and victualliag of that land. By bill of p.s. 1470. Dec. 10. Grant, during office, to Thomas Billyng, chief justice of the King's Westminster. Bench, of 40 marks yearly from 9 October last from the issues of the hanaper and a tun of wine yearly at ChriMtmas in the port of London at the hands of the chief butler of England or his deputy there. 13y K. by word of mouth. 1471. Jan. 30. Presentation of Master John Courteys, curate of the parish church' of Westminster. Cattestoke, in the diocese of Salisbury, to the parish church of High Ongre, in the diocese of Loudon, on an exchange of benefices with Richard Lake. By p.s. Feb 1. Grant, during pleasure, to the king's servitor William Fyler of the oflSce Westminster, of water-bailiff of the town of Bristol, with the accustomed fees. By K. by word of mouth. Jan. 18. Ratification of the estate which John Spence, clerk, has as chaplain of Westminster, the chapel or chantry of Holy Cross within the king's castle of Old Sarum, CO. Wilts. Feb, 4. Grant for life to the king's kinsman George, duke of Clarence, that he Westminster, shall have all charters, letters patent and writs in chancery and other courts of the king quit of fee or fine. By p.s. 49 HENRY VI. 235 1471. Membrane 13 — cont. Feb. 5. Grant to the king's clerk William Towne, the king's almoner, of all Westminster, goods and chattels of felons de se and deodands in augmentation of the king's alms. By K. by word of mouth. Feb. 1 . Grant, during good behaviour, to Thomas Hunt of the offices of clerk and Westminster, surveyor of the king's works within the realm, with all fees, liveries of vestures, furs and linings of * tertren,' houses, ' storehouses,' plots and reasonable expenses, in the same manner as William Clyve or anyone else Avho had the offices. By p.s. 1470. Dec. 22. Westminster. Dec. 28. Westminster. 1471. Jan. 3. Westminster. 1470. Dec. 17. Westminster. 1471. Jan. 3. Westminster. 1470. Dec. 21. Westminster. 1471. Feb. 4. Westminster. Feb. 11. Westminster. Feb. 13. Westminster. Membuane 12. Grant, during pleasure, to Richard George, esquire, of the office of keeper of all swans in the Thames from the town of Graveshende to Cicestre with all members and creeks of that river, with fees as in the last year of Edward III. and the first of Richard II. By K. by word of mouth. Grant to Richard de Veer, son of John de Veer, earl of Oxford, deceased, of the free chapels of Eytou and Tiiornebury, co. Bedford, in the king's gift by the death of William de la Zouche, knight, and the minority of John his son and heir. By K. by word of mouth. Grant to the king's clerk Master Ralph IMakerell, chancellor of the king's consort, of the prebend in the king's free chapel of St. Stephen within the palace of Westminster void by the death of John Wylly. By p.s. Vacated because elsewhere below. Writ de intcndendo for the king's kinsman Richard, carl of Warwick and Salisbury, appointed admiral of England. Ratification of the estate which William Broun, clerk, has as master or warden of the hospital or house of St. John Baptist, Dorchestre, and master of the house or chapel called ' le priory liermitago ' by Dorcestre, CO. Dorset. By K. by word of mouth. Grant to the king's clerk Master Ralph MakereH, chancellor of the king's consort, of the prebend in the king's free chapel of St. Stephen within the palace of Westminster, void by the death of John Wylly. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the dean and chapter. Grant, during pleasure, to Alan Stery of the office of constable of the king's castle of Shrewsbury and the custody of the castle and the gaol of the castle and the prisoners therein, and 7^d. daily for his wages as in the great roll of 34 Edward III. and the great roll of 12 Richard II. from the fee farm of the town of Shrewsbury, with all other profits. By K. by word ofjmoulh. Ratification of the estate which William Forden has as chaplain, master or warden of the hospital of St. James by Cicestre, co. Sussex, and grant to him of the hospital for life. By K. by word of mouth. Licence for the prior and convent of Cerne to elect an abbot in the place of John, last abbot, deceased. By p.s. Pardon to John Dynham, lord Dynham, alias John Dyneham of Dyneham, alias John Dyuuni of Caerdynan, alias John Dynham late of Nuttewyll, CO. Devon, esquire, late sheriff of Devon, of all offences committed by him before 12 February last, all alienations and perquisitions of lands without 23a CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1471. Feb. 13. Westminster. Feb. 14. Westminster. Feb. 15. Westminster. 31embrane 12 — cont. licence, all entries into his inheritance without clue livery, and all fines, issues, debts, accounts and arrears due to the king before that date- By p.s. Grant to J ohn Crecy, canon and prebendary of St. Jolin in the collegiate church of St. Maiy, Warwick, of a canonry and prebend in the king's free chapel or college of St. George within the castle of Wyndesore, on an exchange of benefices with Clement Smyth. By K. by word of mouth. Mandate in pursuance to the warden or dean and president of the said free chapel or college. Grant to Damiauus de Peyso^ born in Genoa, and the heirs of his body of letters of denization. By p.s. and for 40*. paid in the hunaper. Grant for life to the king's uterine brother Jasper, earl of Pembroke, of the office of constable of the king's castle of Gloucestre with a meadow called ' Kyngesmede ' by the castle and a profit called ' Castelcoule ' pertaining to the office, with all fees and other emoluments. By p.s. Grant for life to William Lylbourne of all lands and tenements late of Thomas Soules in the Hough in Stanfordam, co. Northumberland, forfeited by the latter, of the yearly value of 30s. as appears in the Exchequer, 31*. free rent in UUeston by Haukwell, co. Northumberland, and a tenement in Ligowe called 'the pasturesfeld ' in the same county, of the yearly value of Is. in the king's hands after the decease of John Felton, knight, and the farm and rent of the town or lordship of Newebygging by Wodehorne, CO. Northumberland, of the yearly value of 10/. 6^. in the king's hands by the forfeiture of John Balliall, late king of Scots, in the same manner as William Erington, esquire, deceased, held them. By p.s. Membrane 1L Feb. 16. Licence for Thomas Banyell, William Elmet, Henry Raynold, John We»tiuiuster. Beale, John Haydon, Thomas Reed, Thomas Warwild, Thomas Greue, John Lowes, William Micliell, William Hoode and Nicholas Sewall, freemen of the mistery of dyers of the city of London, to found a fraternity or perpetual gild of two guardians and the commonalty of freemen of the mistery of dyers dwelling within the city and suburbs of London from the said freemen and others who may wish to be of the said fraternity. The said guardians and commonalty shall form a body corporate with power of acquiring in perpetuity lands, rents, services and other possessions and shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and the said commonalty, viz. the freemen of the mistery, whenever they please shall elect two guardians to support tiie business and matters touching the said mistery or fraternity and to rule the said commonalty and mistery and all men practising the same and their servants, works and merchandise within the said city and suburbs, and the guardians and commonalty shall make reasonable ordinances for the governance of the mistery. And the said guardians aud commonalty shall have scrutiny and supervision of all works and merchandise pertaining to the mistery in the city and suburbs and within 20 miles of the city, with power of forfeiture, and of every such forfeiture within the city and suburbs one moiety shall be to the use of the citizens and the other to the use of the guardians and commonalty, and of every such forfeiture without the city and suburbs one moiety shall be to the use of the king and the other to the use of the guardians and commonalty. And grant to the guardians and commonalty of licence to acquire in mortmain, after inquisition, lands, tenements and rents to the value of 10/. yearly. By p.s. and for 40/. paid in the hanaper. 49 HENRY VI. 237 14*7 Membrane 11 — cont. Feb. 21. Grant to Judoc de Pudenbrook, chaplain, born in the diocese of Westminster. Touruay, of letters of denization. By p.s. and for Qs. 8d. paid in the hauaper. Feb. 22. Exemplification, at the request of John Convers, esquire, of llie tenour of Westminster, the enrolment of letters patent dated 17 October, 39 Henry VI, appointing him one of the king's Serjeants at arms in the place of Thomas Pope, deceased. These letters have been lost by accident, as he has taken oath in Chancery, and they will be surrendered if found. Feb. 22. Grant for life to John Hyde, esquire, of the office of one of the king's Westi&iiiuter. Serjeants at arras and I2d. daily for his wages from the issues of the county of Gloucester from 8 December last, from which time he has occupied the office, and a vesture of livery of the household as other esquires of the household have yearly at Christmas at the great wardrobe. By p.s. Feb. 22. Grant for life to the king's servitor John Bagot, one of the clerks of Westmiuster. Chancery, of the office of one of the clerks of the crown in Chancery which William Rous, decea.^ed, had of the king's grant, with all profits, and 20/. yearly from Easter last from the issues of the hauaper and a livery of vesture and fur as the said William or Richard Sturgeon, late one of the clerks of the crown aforesaid, had, yearly at Christmas and Whitsuntide at the hands of the keeper of the hanaper or the keeper of the great wardrobe. By p.s. MEMBnANEH 10 ami 9. Feb. 13. Inspexiinus of letters patent dated 1 October, 9 Henry VI, inspecting Westminster, and confirming to the merchants of Almain a charter dated at Westminster, 25 November, 1 Henry V, inspecting and confirming Icttgrs patent dated 24 October, 1 Henry iV, inspecting and confirming letters patent dated G November, 1 Richard II, inspecting and confirming the following : — 1. A charter dated at Windsor, 1 February, 31 Edward I. [Charter Boll, 31 Edward I. No. 44], 2. A charter dated at Westminster, 14 March, 1 Edward III. [Charter Roll, Henry III. No 75], inspecting and confirming a charter dated at Windsor, 7 December, 11 Edward II. and grant to the merchants of the city of Cologne in Almain, who have and in times past have had among other merchants of Almain the house in the city of London commonly called, ' Guyhllialla Thcutonicorum,' that from 10 October last for five years throughout the realm of England and other places subject to the king they may use and enjoy all the privileges, immuni- ties, quittances and customs and other things .specified in the said charters. And grant to them that during that time they and their factors, attorneys and servants shall be tpiit of all subsidies granted to the king for their persons or for all goods and merchandise brought by them into or out of the realm, .saving to the king his ancient rights and customs. By p.s. Membrane 9 — cont. Feb. 16. Grant, during office, to John Plummcr, knight, to whom the kinf Westiiiiuster. lately granted the office of keeper of tlie great wardrobe by letters patent, of the sum of 220/. 6*. Qd. yearly from Michaelmas last for tlic expenses of the wardrobe, viz. 50 marks at the hands of the abbot, prior and convent of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, for a release made to them of a certain sum which they used to render at each voidanco of the abbey, 45/. from the custody of the manors of Benstcde and Walton alias Wanton with the park and warren, and all lands in Charlwode, co. Surrey, 16/. from the custody of the manor of Polstcdchall in Brounham, co, Norfolk, 238 1471. Membrane 9 — cont, which Louis Robessard, lord of Bourgehier, deceased, held for life of the grant of Henry V, 36/. from a rent pertaining to the castle of Rochester payable at the feast of St. Andrew and certain other issues pertaining to the castle, 30/. from the fiirm of the king's manors and lordships of Cokeham and Uray, co. Berks, 30/. from the farm and issues of the subsidy and ulnage of cloth in the counties of Oxford and Berks and a moiety of the forfeiture of the same, and 30/. yearly from the like in the counties of Somerset aud Dorset, with preference of payment. By p.s. Membrane 8. Feb, 22. Ordinance, on account of the dissensions between the citizens of York, Westminster, for the election of a mayor of the city in the following manner. On the vigil of St. Gregory next the sheriffs of the city shall summon all the searchers of every mistery within tlie city and liberty to cause all the workers of their misteries to appear personally in the Guildhall of the city on the following day for the election of a mayor for the year following 1 April next ; and the workers thus assembled shall nominate two aldermen of the city, neither of whom shall have been twice mayor or mayor for four years previously, and the names of these shall be presented in writing to he aldermen and council by the recorder, the senior sheriff and the common clerk. Each alderman aud councillor shall then secretly declare his choice of the two to the said recorder, sheriff and clerk, and the one of the two with most votes shall be declared elected mayor for the year aforesaid, the senior clerk chosing in case of equality ; and if he shall die or quit office within the year the other shall be mayor for the remainder of the year or another alderman shall be elected as above at the discretion of the aldermen and councillors. A nd on 1 April at the tenth hour before noon the mayor elect shall take the accustomed oath before the citizens in the Guildhall and the aldermen and citizens shall swear to assist him. And in future years the election shall be made in the same manner, except that the existing mayor shall summon the searchers and shall choose' in case of equality, and each successive mayor shall remain in office until 1 April, and anyone who siiall take upon himself or occupy the office of mayoralty without such election shall forfeit the sum of 100/., one moiety to the king and the other moiety to the use of the city. [Rolls of Parliament, v. 455.] By pet. in Parliament. Feb. 21. Exemplification, at the request of the abbess and convent of the monastery Westminster, of St. Saviour aud SS. Mary and Bi'idget, Syon, co. Middlesex, of the order of St. Augustine, of the tenours of the following : — 1. A petition (English) of the said abbess and convent in Parliament at Westminster, 26 November last, that no statute or act of resumption made in that Parliament should be in any way prejudicial to them in respect of any grants and confirmations made to them, and that all grants to the provost and scholars of the royal college of St. Mary aud St. Nicholas, Cambridge, of the priory of St. Michael's Mount, CO. Cornwall, the manor of Tileshide, sometime parcel of tlie abbey of Caen, the parsonage of Felstede and a soil aud ground of wood called ' Blakeley,' or ' BlakehoUey,' co. Essex, also parcel of the said abbey of Caen, all the lands and possessions sometime of the abbey of St. Nicholas of Angers in the county of Buckingham and in Spaldyng, co. Lincoln, and the fruits of the church of Cosham, CO. Wilts, should be void aud of no effect and that the said beseechers should have the same. 2. The assent to the same : — A cest bille lez communes soni assentuz. 3. The response of the king : — Le Roy le voet. [Rolls of Parliament, v. 456.] 49 HENRY VI. 239 1471. Membrane 8^'cont. March 21. Licence for the prior and convent of the monastery of Mocheluey, of the Westminster, order of St. Benedict, to elect an abbot in the place of William Crukerne, last abbot, deceased. March 22. Whereas by an act in Parliament, 26 November last, it was ordained that Westminster, the election of a mayor of the city of York should take place annually on the feast of St. Gregory, but on account of certain dissensions between the citizens no election has been made, tlie king hereby appoints William Holbek, citizen and aldermen of the city, mayor for one year. [FasJera.] By K. and C. March 21. Grant to the king's kinsman John Neville, marquis of Mountague, and Westminster, the heirs male of his body, of the king's castle, manor and lordship of Wresill, co. York, with knights' fees, stanks, mills and all appurtenances. [Fcedera,'] By p.s. March 21. Presentation of Oliver Blande, chaplain, parson of the parisli church of Westminster. Richemond, of the jurisdiction of John Shirwood, archdeacon of Richemond, to the parish church of Gosforth, of the same jurisdiction, on an exchange of benefices with William Egremond, bishop of Dromore. March 22. Grant, during pleasure, to William Tyler of the office of clerk" of the Westminster, market of the household, with the accustomed fees. By K. by word of mouth. Presentation of John Perret chaplain, to the parish church of Lasseham, in the diocese of Winchester, void by the death of Tliomas Hewo. March 28. Grant, during ple&sure, to the king's servant John Rypon, esquire, of the Westminster, custody of the king's manor or lordship of Eitliam, co. Kent, with wages of Gd. daiJy from the issues of the manor from 9 October last. By K. by word of mouth. April 1. Signification to J. bishop of Lincoln of the royal assent to the election of Westminster. Dame Margaret More, nun, as abbess of the monastery of Godstowe, of the order of St. Benedict. Membrane 7. Feb. 22. ! Westiuinster. Feb. 24. Westminster. Grant to the merchants of Genoa for six years from Easter, 10 Edward IV, that all merchants of Genoa called ' Jauuays ' and all other merchants and brokers of Genoa, denizen and alien, and factors, clerks, attorneys, subjects and vassals shall be quit of certain subsidies granted in Parliament at Redyng, 31 Henry VI, and that in respect of certain subsidies granted in Parliament at Westminster, 29 April 3 Edward I V, they shall not pay more than 43*'. id. for the subsidy of each sack of wool and every 240 wool-fells and 105. for the custody of the same and 12d'. for the subsidy of tin of the value of 20*. and 3d. for the custom of the .same. [Fadcra.] By p.s. Like grant to John de Bardes of Florence, being in the realm of England, and three clerks and four servants of his. By p.s. Grant for life to John Langstrotlicr, prior ol' the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, and John Delves, esquire, of the office of warden of the exchange and mint within the Tower of London and tlie custody of the coinages of gold and silver within the realm of England and the town of Calais, receiving fees as in the last year of Edward III. and the first of Richard II. from the issues of the same, with all accustomed profits. iFosdera.} By p.s. 240 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1471. Feb. 24. Westminster. Feb. 24. Westuiiastor. Feb. 27. Westminster. Feb. 24. Westminster. March 2. Westminster, March 4. Westminster. Membrane 6. Grant, during pleasure, to John Peyutour of IdO*. yearly which the abbot and convent of St. Augustine's, Canterbury, render to the king for the farm of the hundreds of Eyngeslowe, Dunhampford and Blengate, The king's lieges John Marchall, Thomas Desford and John Wendy, merchants of the city of London, have shown the king that in October, 1467, each of them sent a ship to the city of Bordeaux in the company of other ships of the I'ealm and on the voyage they took a ship of the Spaniards laden with divers goods and merchandise opposite the Isle of Wight and took it to the port of Sutliampton, and in this ship were certain persons calling themselves subjects of the duke of Burgundy who claimed the ownership of divers goods and merchandise in the ship, and although they raised war against the king's said lieges and aided the Spaniards, nevertheless after the capture they complained to Edward, lately earl of March, occupying the crown, as subjects of the duke of Burgundy and sought restitution, and the king's said lieges made answer to them and the complaint was dismissed, and afterwards the said duke of Burgundy at the instance of one Matice Tele of Bruges and otliers granted to the said Matice and his society letters of marque and reprisal against John Cok, John Esyngton, Nicholas Faunt, John Marchall, John Cole, John Wendy, Tliomas Desford and Thomas Roger, subjects of the king, for tlie sum of 747/. of money of Flanders, and by virtue of these letters the said Tliomas Desford was lately arrested at Midelbourgh and imprisoned there for the space of 18 weeks, and certain goods of one Thomas Wareyn of London, 'mercer,' were seized as goods of the said John Marchall and never restored to him, and the said John Wendy having letters of safe-conduct of the duke believed himself safe but means were devised to arrest him in Brabant and Flanders and he was compelled to quit those countries. The king accordingly grants to tlie said John Marchall, Thomas Desford and John Wendy counter-marque and reprisal against any subjects of the said duke to the value of 1,000/. By p.s. Signification to R. bishop of Salisbury of the royal assent to the election of Roger Bemyster, monk of the monastery of Cerne, of the oixler of St. Benedict, as abbot of that place in the place of John Vanne, last abbot, deceased. By p.s. Grant in frank almoin from Michaelmas last to Robert Wodclarke, the provost, and the' scholars of the royal college of St, Mary and St. Nicholas, Cambridge, of the manor, lordship or jjriory of Seint MargTct Stratton alias Stratton Margrct, co. Wilts, the reversion of the lordship or manor of Paunfeld alias the alien priory of Paunfeld with all lands and appurtenances in the county of Essex and tlie city of London on the death or cession of Gresilda Hende, a farm or rent of G marks yearly which the prior of Folkestone is bound to render to the king for an impost to the chief house of the priory beyond seas, at the hands of the prior or the sheriff of Kent, the manor of Huntyngfeld, co. Kent, and the advowson of the church of Haddescogh or Haddescough, co. Norfolk, to hold with advowsons, rents, farms, lands, liberties, courts leet, views of frank-pledge and other profits. By p.s. Ratification of the estate which Master John Shirwode has as master or warden of the hospital of St. Nicholas in the suburbs of York. By K. by word of mouth , Grant to the prior and convent of St. Andrew's, Hexham, co. North- umberland, of two tuns of red wine yearly in the port of Newcastle on Tyne at the hands of the chief butler of England or his deputy there. By p.s. 49 HENRY VI. 241 1471. Miircli 6. Westminster. Marcli .5. Westminster. April 4. Westminster. April 7. Wcstmiustcr, April 8. Westminster. Membrane 6 — cont. Mandate in pursuance to the chief butler or his lieutenant in the port. Appointment of William Staveley, William Spencer and John Austyn to take stone-cutters, carpenters, plumbers, masons, tilers, smiths and other workmen for the works of the king's manors of Wodestok, ITangburgh, Wotton and Stanesfeld and the mill of Wodestok and the enclosure of the park of Wodestok and the meadows within it, and stone, timber, tiles, shingles, glass, iron, lead, lime and other necesjaries and carriage for the same. By K. Mandate to the eschcator in the county of Dorset for the restitution of the temporalities of the abbey of Cerne, of the order of St. Benedict, to Eoger Bemyster, monk of the house, whoso election as abbot li. bisliop of Salisbury has confirmed and whose fealty the king has taken. By p.s. Writ de intendendo in pursuance to the tenants. Appointment of Thomas INIaynwaryng, esquire, Thomas Corewen, Thomas Aghton, Thomas Colbrond and Edmund Sclonge to lake carriage for the transport of a cannon called ' Mile Ende ' from Bristol to the castle of Horncby for delivery to Tliomas Stanley of Stanley, knight, for the siege of the castle. \_Fiedera.'] By K. & C. Mandate to the escheator in the counties of Oxford and Berks for the 2'estitution of the temporalities of the abbey of Godstowe to Dame Margaret More, nun of the house, whose election as abbess J. bishop of Lincoln has confirmed and whoso fealty the king has ordered to bo taken by the abbot of Osncy. The like to the cschcators in the following counties : — Southampton and Wilts. Buckingham. Warwick. Gloucester. Sussex. Dorset. Northampton. The like to John Stokton, mayor of London, escheator in that city. Writ de intendendo in pursuance to the tenants. Signification to R. bisIiop of Bath and Wells of the royal assent to the election of John Bracy, monk of the monastery of Mochelney, of the order of St. Benedict, as abbot of that place. General pardon to William Noroys of Yatlcnden, co. Berks, knight. By K. by word of mouth. Membranes 5 and 4. March 2.3. Grant for life to the king's kinsman George, duke of Clarence, from Westminster. Micliaclmas last, of (he manors of Merston Mesey and Cosham, co. Wilt.s, the manor of Swaloweleld with appurtenances in the same connty, the manors of Boncstede and Waulton on the Ilill, co. Siu-rey, and liie manor of Great Wrattyng, co. Suffolk, with knights' fees, advowsons, courts Icct, views of frank-pkdgo and all other liberties and franchises, 20/. yearly from tlio farm of the borough of Bedfoid, 10/. yearly from the custody of the assize of bread and ale in the University of Cambridge, oO marks yearly which the abbot, prior and convent of St. Albans pay to the king lor the voidancc of the abbey and its toniporalilics, 10 niark.s yeiirly from the farm of two parts of the manor of Bodyngton, cos. Oxford and Herks, and 5 marks yearly from the limn of the third part which Richard Damory and his heirs pay, 40/. yearly which the abbot and convent of Bury St. Edmunds y 96186. Q 242 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1471. Membranes 5 and 4 — cont. pay to IIiG king for the custody of the abbey and its temporalities, 9/. 165. Qd. from the surplusage of the manor of Lowistoftnnd the hundred of Ludyng- land, CO. Suffolk, at the hands of the heirs male of'Michael de la Pole, earl of Suffolk, or other castles, manors, lands and rents specified in the seventh roll of Henry V. assigned to the said Michael and his heirs and assigns to the value of 500/. yearly at the hands of the said heirs male or the sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, 40/. yearly for the manor of Hedyngton with the hundred of Bolyngdon without the north gate of Oxford at the hands of William Wilcotes, esquire, and his heirs or the men of the town or the sheriff of Oxford and Berks, 20/. yearly from the farm of the town of Dorchester at the hands of the burgesses or the gherifE of Somerset and Dorset, 12/. yearly which tlie abbess and convent of Shaftesbury pay for the custody of the town of Shaftesbury, 18/. and a pair of gilded spurs yearly for the farm of the manor of Peurestoke, co. Dorset, which John Wroxhale and his heirs pay, 35/. yearly which the burgesses of Oxford pay for the farm of the town, 13/, yearly which John Norres, esquire, and William his son pay for the custody of the manor of Beuham Lovell, co. Berks, and two messuages, two carucates of land, 40 acres of meadow and 20 acres of wood in Helbenham and Westbroke in the same county which Richard Ilerefeld, deceased, held for life of the grant of Richard II. and from the custody of 200 acres of wood in Hurst, co. Wilts, and the hundred of Assherigge which Richard Mountagu, knight, held iu chief in his demesne as of fee tail, committed to the said John and William for a term of twenty years beginning at Michaelmas, 34 Henry VI, and the same manor, land and wood with knights' fees and advowsons after the said term, 20/. yearly Avhich the abbot and convent of Mahnesbury pay for the farm of the town of Mahnesbury with three hundreds pertaining to the town, 15/. yearly which William la Zouche of Totneys, knight, and his heirs pay for the hundred of Calne and a water-mill in Calne, co. Wilts, 12/. yearly from the farm of Kyngton and IOO5. yearly from the farm of the wapentake of Goscote which Nicholas Segrave pays, 1 16s. yearly from the farm of a moiety of the town of Tamworth, co. Warwick, and the increment of the same, 12/. 18s. ^\d. from the fee farm of the hundred of Framilond, co. Leicester, which Roger Beller pays, 20/. from the fee farm of the town of Slirovesbury and 10 mai'ks from the old increment and 5 marks from the new increment, 12/. yearly which Nicholas de Audeley brother and heir of Thomas, son and heir of James de Audeley, pays for the farm of the manor of Ford at the hands of the farmers of the manor or the sheriff of Salop, 10/. 6s. Sd. yearly which the abbot and convent of Halesowen pay for tlie fee fnrm of the manor of Roweley, co. Stafford, and 9/. yearly which Hugh Tyrell, brother and heir of John Tyrell, and his heirs pay for the custody of the manors of Keneftxre and Storton and the forest of Kenefare, co. Staubrd; in part recompcnce of certain possessions which he has surrendered as lately belonging to the king's consort Margaret, queen of England, the king's son Edward, prince of Wales, duke of Cornwall and earl of Chester, and certain lands attainted in the time of the late king, notwithstanding agreements made between the said queen and prince and himself and Richard, earl of Warwick and Salisbury, that he should retain all his possessions until duly recompensed, the honour and lordship of Tuttebury excepted, which he should hold to himself and the heirs of his body. And grant to him also as above of the county, honour and lordship of Richemond with all castles, towns, lordships, manors, lauds, possessions, members, reversions, farms, rents, services, sokes, balliages and courts in the counties of Lincoln, York, Westmoreland, Gloucester, Buckingham, Cambridge, Essex, Kent, Dorset and Norfolk and in London and elsewhere, the manor and lordship of (Jhesthuut, co. Hertford, the castle, lordship and manor of Somerton, co. Lincoln, the manors of Bonby and Helwell and 49 HENRY VI. 243 1471. Membranes 5 and 4 — cont. two parts of the lordship and manor of Burvvell, co. Lincoln, and the lordship and manor of Ludgarsale, co. Wilts, with knights' fees, advowsons, wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, views of frank-pledge, courts leet, hundreds, wapentakes, return of writs and execution of the same, and all other liberties, and 31/. IO5. yearly from the fee farm of Wexcombe and Bedwyn, co. Wilts. [Fcedera.'] • By p.s. Membrane 3. Feb. 18. Appointment of the king's kinsman George, duke of Clarence, as his Westminster, lieutenant in Ireland for twenty years from Michaelmas last, with power to appoint a deputy under him to keep and govern the land in his absence, to keep the king's peace and laws and punish offenders, to receive rebels into the king's peace, to pardon for treasons and other offences, to receive fines and ransoms, to do justice, to punish rebels, to grant forfeited lands to suitable persons and also lands of Englishmen which have been deserted, provided that due proclamation be made, to grant licences for alienation in mortmain, appropriation of churches and foundation of charities and fraternities, to present to benefices in the king's gift, to receive fealties and renunciations of archbishops and bishops and homages of tenants and to restore temporalities, to appoint and remove all officers and ministers, to make purveyance for his household and for the soldiers, to lake accounts of officers and ministers and to do all other things pertaining to his office. \_Fceu'cra.'] By p.s. Membrane 2. Feb. 15. Westminster. Fob. 14. Westminster. Feb. 14. WcBtiniuster. Jan. 26. Westminster. Feb. IS. Westminster. General pardon to John Alfrilhc late of Plesshc, co. Essex, the younger, * lailour,' alias ' hosycr,' of all oli'enccs committed by him before 14 February. By p.s. Grant to the king's uterine brother Jasper, earl of Pembroke, of the custody of all castles, towns, lordships, manors, lands and other possessions with knights' fees and advowsons late of Richard Grey, knight, late lord of Powys, tenant in chief, during the minority of John his son and heir and the custody and marriage of the latter without disparagement, and so from heir to heir, finding a competent sustenance for the heir. [/a?(/em.] By p.s. Grant to the king's servitor Henry Abyndon of 40 marks yearly from Michaelmas last from the isstics of the county of Wilts for the provision of clothing for the boys of the chapel of the king's household and for their instruction and governance, so long as he shall have the said provision, instruction and governancs. By p.s. Grant, during pleasure, to Edward Gower, esquire, of tlie office of clerk of the Avorks within the king's manor and park of Claryngdon, co. Wilts, receiving 12d. daily from the issues of the county, with all other profits. By K. by word of mouth. Grant for life to James, earl of Douglas, in lieu of a like grant to him by letters patent dated 23 November, 86 Henry VI. which are invalid, of 200/. yearly from Michaelmas last, viz. 14/. from the farm of the town or manors of Diirlynglon and Ragcnhull, co. Nottingham, 10/. froiik the fee farm of the town of Retford, 10/. from the farm of ArnaL at the hands of Hugh Nevylle, son iuid heir oi^ .Tohn Ncvylio, or his licirs or the sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, 12/. 16s. Hd. from the is.^ues or custody of the manor and lordship of Edyngstowe, co. Nottingham, 14 marks from the bailiwick of the honour of Pevcrel in the counties of Nottingham and Q 2 244 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1471. Membrane 2 — cont. Derby at the hands of William Eland and his heirs oi' the said sheriff, 201. from the issues or custody of a moiety of the church of Rotherham, co. York, at the hands of the abbot of RoufFord or the said sheriff, 71. from the issues of a rent of 71. yearly in Bulwell, co. Nottingham, 40/. from the fee farm of the borough of Gloucester, 32/. 16*. Sd, from the farm of the hundreds of Kyftesgate, Holford and Greston with fairs and markets in the town of Wynchecombe at the hands of the abbot and convent of Wynchecombe or the sheriff of Gloucester, 10/. from the fee farm and increment of the town of Kyngeston, co. Surrey, 10/. from a moiety of two water-mills below the castle of Oxford and all the meadow by Oseney called ' Kyngesmede ' and a moiety of the fishery of the river called ' Temese ' from the bridge called ' Hydebrigge ' to the same mills, at the hands of the abbot and convent of Oseney or the sheriff of Oxford and Berks, 14/. from the farm, increment and profits of the town of Nottingham, and 10/. from the fee farm of Queenhithe, London. By p.s. Feb. 18. Grant, during pleasure, to the king's servitor John Besynbe of the Westminster, bailiwick of the water of Wygenhale, co. Norfolk, and the office of ganger of the town of Lenne, co. Norfolk, with the accustomed fees. By K. by word of mouth. Feb. 24, Exemplification, at the request of John Say, esquire, yeoman of the Westminster, crown, of the tenour of the enrolment of letters patent dated 19 September, 31 Henry VL being a grant to him and John Rede, yeoman of the pantry, for life of the custody of the king's private palace at Westminster. These letters have been lost by accident, as the said John Say has taken oath in Chancery, and will be surrendered if found. 1470. Membrane 1. Dec. 11. Ratification of the estate which William Morland, king's clerk, has as Westminster, prebendary in the king's free chapel of St. Stephen within the palace of Westminster. By K. by word of mouth. The like of the estate which John Davyson, king's clerk, has as prebendary in the said chapel and parson of the church of Old Romeney, in the diocese of Canterbuiy. By K. by word of mouth. The like of the estate which John Burgh has as warden of the hospital of St. John Baptist, Occleve, co. Bedford, and 60 acres of arable land, 3 acres of meadow and 3 acres of pasture pertaining to it. By K. by word of mouth. Grant to the king's kinsman Richard, earl of Warwick and Salisbury, of the presentation to the next vacant canonry and prebend in the king's free chapel of St. Stephen within the palace of Westminster, By K. by word of mouth. Grant for life to the king's kinsman George, archbishop of York, of the king's manors of Wodesioke, Hangburgh, Wotton and Stonesfeld with their members and hamlets and other profits and the hundred of Wotton, CO. Oxford, and all chattels of felons, fugitives and outlaws therein, rendei ing to the king 127/. \Gs. Qd. yearly, with allowance for the stipends of tlie chaplains of the manor of Wodcstoke, 100s. yearly for the lieutenant or steward of the said manors and hundred, 6(7. daily for two parkers of the pai'k of Wodestoke, 2d. daily for the porter of the park and certain other charges. [Fcedera.] By p.s. Dec. 14. Grant to Philip Hardraan, denizen merchant, and Alan Mounttane, alien Westminsier. merchant, that they or their factors or attorneys may ship sacks and bales of wool, woollen cloths, tin and barrels of vessels of pewter and tin in the 49 HENRY VI. 245 1470. Dec. 14. Westminster. Oct. 9. Westminster. 1471. Feb. 15. Westminster. Feb. 15. Westminster. Ftrince of Waks, duke of Cornwall Westminster, and earl of Chester, that he .■-hall have lliese present loiters and all chartcr.«, letters patent and writs in Char.cery and other courts of the king quit of fee of the seal and fine. By K. Sept. 11. Grant for life to the king's servant Thomas Stele, yeoman of the king's Westminster, chamber, of the office of ' bowberer ' (arcubajufi) of seven hays about ' Ic Cankewode,' co. Stafford, which John Somerton lately had, with the accustomed fees and other profits. By p.s. [3225.] y 96186. S 2?4 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. ][471. Membrane 11 — cont. Sept. 11. fieneral p.irdou to Johu Sliipward alias Shepard alias Sbeppard the Westminster, elder of Bristol, 'merchant,' of all offences committed by him before 7 September. By p.s. Aug. 7. Grant to the king's servant Thomas Vaughan, treasurer of the king's Westminster, chamber, and his heirs of a mansion or habitation which he formerly had of the king's grant, in the king's hands by the forfeiture of Jaspar, late earl of Pembroke, situated on the ground called ' Garlek ' in Brokestrete on the north and east of the parish church of Stepinhith, co. Middlesex, with gardens and closes appertaining. ByK. Sept. 18. General pardon to Henry Spencer, ' yoman,' of all offences committed by Westminster, him before 2 August last. By p.s. Sept. 21. Presentation of John Strete, chaplain, to the parish church of St. Blaise, Westminster, in the diocese of Terouanne, void by the death of William Aide, last parson. The letters are directed to Th. cardinal archbishop of Canterbury. Membrane 10. July 13. Westminster. July 15. Westminster J uly 6. Westminster. July 16. Westminster. July 9. Westminster. Aug. 1. Westminster. July 30. Westmiu.stcr. Aug. 12. Westminster. Aug. 12. Westminster. Aug. 28. Westminster. General pardon to John Stephen late of Chircliehill in the parish of Whitstaple, co, Kent, ' yoman,' son of William Stephen late of Whitstaple, ' shipman,' John Stevyn, of all offences committed by him be/ore 31 May last. By p.s. Ratification of the estate which John Pemberton, king's clerk, has as master or warden of the hospital of St. Mary, Osprenge, By p.s. General pardon to John Fogge of Rypton in the parish of Asshetesford, CO. Kent, knight, alias late of London. By K. Revocation of the protection granted on 12 July by letters patent {see p. 272) to William Barly, ' marchaunt,' going to Ireland on the king's service, because he delays in the county of Middlesex, as appears by certificate of the sheriffs. Restitution of the temporalities of the priory of Wenlok, in the dioce.=e of Hereford, to Dan John Sliorewesbury, of the Cluniac order, whom Louis de Swilleyo, prior of the monastery of St. Mary, la Charite sur Loire, of the same order, in the diocese of Auxerre, has appointed prior in the place of Roger Wenlok, last prior, deceased, and whose fealty the king has ordered to be taken by Henry, abbot of Bildewas. By p.?. Grant for life to Richard Tarleton of the office of marshal and crier before the justice of North Wales, void by the death of John Donne, with the accustomed fees. By p.s. [3262.] Grant to the king's clerk Master William Dudley, (dean) of the king's chapel, of the prebend or canonry of the king's free chapel or college within the castle of Wyndesore void by the death of John Cressy, last incumbent. By p.s. [3254 ] Mandate in pursuance to the dean or warden of the college. General pardon to John Rugge late of Rugge, co. Salop, esquire, alias late of le Wyche, co. Worcester, esquire. ]3y p.s. General pardon to Roger Evirdon of Kethirmynstre, co. Worcester, ' gentilman,' of all offences committed by him before August. By p.s. Presentation of John Philip, chaplain, to the parish church of Shelton, in the diocese of Lincoln, void by the resignation of John Ham, last parson, and in tiie king's gift by reason of the minority of Robert son and heir of Thomas Malory, tenant in chief. 11 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 27.') Sept. 11. Westminster. Aug. 26. VVestmiuster. 1471. Membrane 10 — cont. Sept. .3. Presentation of Thomas Iloland, chaplain, to the parish church of AVestminster. Marke, in the diocese of Terouanne, void by the death of William Liche last parsou. The letters are directed to Th. cardinal archbishop of Cautei- bury. Presentation of John dc Villario, chaplain, to the parish churcli of Campe, in the diocese of Terouanne, void by the death of Alexander Brownyng, last parson. The letters are directed to Th. cardinal archbishop of Canterbury. Membrane 9. Exemplification, at the request of Richard, duke of Gloucester, of the lenour of the enrolment of letters patent dated 7 February, 9 Edward IV. {see p. 185), appointing him chief justice of Soulh Wales, chamberlain of South Wales and steward of the commote of Cantremaure and all lord- ships, manors and commotes of the king in the counties of Kardicau and Kermerdyn during the minority of William Herbert, knight, earl of Pembroke. These letters have been lost by accident, as Morgan Kidwelly his attorney-general has taken oath in Chancery, and will be surrendered if found. Vacated by surrender and cancelled, because the king r/ranted the offices to f j'illiam, earl of Peinbrohe, by other letters patent. Licence for the king's kinsman William, earl of Pembroke, son and heir of William, late earl of Pembroke, tenant in. chief, to enter ireely without proof of age into the offices of chief justice of South Wales and chamberlain of Soulh Wales and all other offices in Wales and the marches of which the said late earl was seised in his demesne as of fee and which should descend to the present earl. By p.s. Exemplification, at the request of the king's brother Richard, duke of Gloucester, of the tenour of the enrolment of letters patent dated 7 November, 9 Edward IV. {sec p. 179), granting to him for life the office of chief justice of North Wales. These letters have been lost by accident, as Morgan Kidwelly his attorney general has taken oath in Chancery, and will be surrendered if found. Grant to Margaret late the wife of Richard Herbert, knight, tenant in chief, of the custody of all lordships, manors, lands, services and other possessions with knights' lees and advowsons late of the said Richard during the minority of William his son and heir, rendering to the king 40/. yearly. By p.s. Vacated by surrender and cancelled, because the hiny granted the custody to John Herle and the said Margaret his u i/e by other letters patent on 26 May, 15 Edward IV. Grant for eight years to Christopher, the abl)of, and the convent of the house or abbey of St. INIary, Tryni, of 10/. yearly from all lands of the king's manor or lordship of Kyklalk, co. Mcalli, for (he celebration of a special mass daily in the abbey for the souls of the king's father and progenitors. By p.s. General pardon to Thomas Cotton of Landwade, co. Cambridge, esquire, of all offences committed by him before 22 April last. By p.s. General pardon to Richard West, lord Ic Warre, of all offences com- mitted by him before 7 October. By p.s. Grant for life to the king's servant Richard Robynson, one of the yeomen of the household, of the ollice of one of the four foresters of Ingeliswodc, CO. Cumberland, with the accustomed fees, in tho same manner as Thomas Boon, l ebel, had. By p.?. Aug. 29. Westminster, Aug. 26. Westminster. Oct. 3. Westminster. Oct. 13. Westminster. Oct. 15. Westminster. Oct. 15. Westminster. Oct. 24. Westminster. 276 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 2471. Membrane 9 — cont. Vacated by surrender and cancelled on 5 November, 12 Edicard IV, by J. bishop of Rochester, keeper of the great seal, on which day the king granted the office to Richard Hoton by other letters patent. Membrane 8. June 17. General pardon to Robert Cok, ' gentilman.' By p.s. Westminster. The like to the following : — Thomas Boden. John Neest. John Stnrston. Nicholas Grewell. John WestclyfF. Richard Challesworth. John Philip. July 10. Grant for life to the king's servitor Thomas Asshe from Michaelmas Westmiuster. last of 6 marks yearly which the priors of Folkestone are bound to pay to the king from an ancient apport due to the chief house of the priory beyond seas. By p.s. July 9. Appointment, during pleasure, of Robert Cok as keeper of the town of Westminster. Sandwich and its members, the liberties and franchises of which have been taken into the king's hands, with full power of governance. By K. The like of the following in the following towns and their members : — Thomas Hexstall in the town of Dover. Henry Fysshe in the town of Wynchelsey. John Sutton in the town of Rye. John Goldyng in the town of Hastyug. July 12. Grant to Thomas Gray, esquire, and Richard Jones, yeoman, of the Westminster, household, of the profits of all lands, rents and services and all the goods of Thomas Hunt of the town of Westminster, co. Middlesex, ' gentilman,' outlawed at the suit of William Barton, ' yoman,' on a plea of debt in London on Monday before St. F'aitli, 7 Edward IV. By p.s. July 10. Grant to Laurence, bishop of Durham, and his heirs and assigns, for Westminster. 700/. paid at the receipt of tlie Exchequer, of the manor of Milton, co. Cambridge, with the advowson of the parish church of Milton and all lands, rents, and services in Milton late of Richard Lowe, e-quire, forfeited to the king, and six messuages, 100 acres of land, 30 acres of meadow and 20 acres of pasture and all other land, rents, services, common of pasture and other possessions in Batrichesey, Wannesworth and Wassyngham late of John Stanley, esquire, son of John Stnnley late of Batrichesey, forfeited to the king, to hold from 13 April last by the accustomed seryices. By K. July 10. Grant for life to the king's clerk Master William Dudley, dean of the king's Westminster, chapel, of the deanery of the king's college or free chapel of Briggenorth, void by the death of Master Henry Sever, last incumbent. By p.s. [3210.] July 12. Grant to John Jonys of all the goods late of Nicholas Jonys, late of Westminster. Tetbury, CO. Gloucester, 'gentilman,' indicted of certain felony and murder for the death of John Lewes being against Thomas, lord of Lyslo, at the time of his death, for which he made flight. By p.s. Aug, 5. Grant for life to the king's servant Master John Blakeweyn, the king's Westminster, under almoner, of tlie deanery of the college of St. Mary, Shrewsbury, void by the death of John Cressy .last incumbent. By p.s. [3265.] 11 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 277 1471. July 22. Wcsnniuster. Aug. 21. Westminster. Sept. 11. Westminster. Aug. 21, Westminster. Sept. 23. Westminster. Membrane 7. General pardon to Richard Salkeld late of Corkby, co. Cumberland, esquire, late constable of the castle of Carlisle, William Salkeld late of Wygtoii, CO. Cumberland, ' geutilman,' Nicholas Skelton late of Quytrigge, CO. Cumberhmd, ' geutilman,' Clemeut Skelton the cider late of Aynthome, CO. Cumberland, ' gentilman,' John Bovvyer late of Carlile, co. Cumberland, * geutilman,' «/m5 John Bower, steward, Alexander Appulby of the same, ' gentilman,' John Symson of the same, ' gentilman,' Thomas Salkeld the younger of the same, 'gentilman,' Alan Blanerhasset of the same, ' gentilman,' John Salkeld of the same, 'gentilmau,' Alexander Benett of the same, 'gentilman,' Henry Brotherwyke of the same, 'gentilman,' William Salkeld the younger of the same, * gentilman,' Thomas Nicholson of the same, ' yoman,' Thomas Calv.ard of the same, ' yoman,' Hugh Hodson of the same, * yoman,'Alexander Lamble of the same, ' yoman,' John Thomson of the same, 'yoman,' Edward Nicholson of Ihe same, 'yoman,' Henry Crakall of the same, ' yoman,' John Lamble of the same, 'yoman,' ^Villi;lm Wryght late of Corkby, 'yoman,' John Grame of the same, 'yoman,' William Gyllysland of the same, ' yoman,' Richard Robson of the same, ' yoman,' Rubert Fyssher of the same, 'yoman,' Laurence Jamys of the same, 'yoman,' John Jakson of the same, ' yoman,' John Bullok of the same, ' yoman,' Richard Ferrour of the same, ' yoman,' William Johnson of the same, * yoman,' John Symson the younger of tlie same, ' yoman,' Richard Hunter of the same, 'yoman,' John Skollok of the same, 'yoman,' Thomas Raylton of the same, 'yoman,' Richard Wilson of the same, ' yoman,' Robert Leche of the same, ' yoman,' Willi.am Lynge of the same, yoman,' Robert Stele of the same, ' yoman,' Roland Sharpharowe of the same, ' yoman,' Thomas Newynson of the same, 'yoman,' Richard Rychardby of the same, ' yoman,' Thomas Beelle of the same, ' yoman,' Miles Swynbourne of the same, ' yoman,' Thomas Grame the elder of KcUowe, co. Cumberland, 'yoman,' John Robynson alias Prestman of Oughterby, co. Cumberland, 'yoman,' Thomas Jamys of Stanwyke, co. Cumberland, ' yoman,' John Ewalde late of Tredyrmayn, CO. Cumberland, ' yoman,' Adam Eddryngton of Nawby, co. Cumberland, 'yoman,' William Rychardson ofNewby aforesaid, 'yoman,' Robert Stahyll of the same, ' yom.an,' Richard Shapharowe of Little Corkby, co. Cumberland, 'yoman,' John Newynson of Langthwaite, co. Cumberland, 'yoman,' John Vaux of Carlile, ' j'omau,' Bartholomew Salkeld of the same, ' yoman,' Robert Gybson of the same, ' yoman,' Henry Sharp of the same, 'yoman,' Thomas Milner of the same, ' yoman/ John Cokson of the same, ' yoman,' Gilbert Loksmyth of the same, 'yoman,' William Lamble of the same, 'yoman,' John Conner of the same, ' yoman,' Richard Yonger of the same, 'yoman,' John Lystir of the same, ' yoman,' Alexander Don of the same, * yoman,' John Bendell of the same, ' yoman,' John Twedc of the same, ' yoman,' John Watson of the same, ' yoman,' Thomas Croft of the same, 'yoman,' Richard Gunner of the same, ' yoman,' Richard Rabanks of tho same, 'yoman,' and John Mason of tho same, 'yoman.' By p.s. General pardon to Thomas Ormoud, esquire, of all offences committed by him before 13 August. By p.s. Appointment for life of the king's kinsman John, earl of Shrewsbury, as chief justice of North Wales, receiving the accustomed fees at the hands of tlie chamberlain of North Wales. By p.s. Grant for life to the king's servant Baltizar Buckyng, for his good service beyond seas and in all the king's conflicts and journeyings in England, of an annuity of 10 marks at the receipt of the Exchequer. By p.s. [3275.] Presentation of Master Thomas Danct to the prebend within the cimich of Pousbury, co. Salop, in tho diocese of Hereford, void by the death of 278 CALENDAE OF PATENT EOLLS. X471. Membrane 7 — cont. John Gomon, last prebendary, and in the king's gift by reason of his custody of the land and heir of John, earl of Worcester, deceased, tenant in chief. By p.s. [3332.] Sept. 20. Licence for the prior and convent of the monastery of St. James by Westmiuster. Norhampton, of the order of St. Augustine, to elect an abbot in the place of William Yon, last abbot, deceased. Aug. 28. General pardon to Johu Wroughton late of the county of Wilts, esquire, "VVestmiuster, of all offences committed by him before 26 July. By p.s. Sept. 30. Grant for life to John Hewyk of the office of auditor of all castles, Westminster, manors and lands late of the king's father Richard, duke of York, within the counties of York, Essex and Dorset, receiving the accustomed fees at the hands of the receivers, bailiffs, farmers and other officers of the same. By p.s. Sept. 27. Grant for life to William Goodyer, doctor of laws, and his assigns of an Westmiaster. annuity of 40/. at the receipt of tlie Exchequer. By p.s. Membrane 6. April 19. Grant to John Davyson of the wardenship or deanery of the king's free Westminster, chapel of St. George within the castle of Wyndesore. By p.s. Mandate to R. bishop of Salisbury to admit him to the cure of souls of the said chapel. Mandate to Thomas Passhe, one of the canons residentiary of the said chapel, to put him in corporal possession of the deanery. Oct. 24. Grant for life to the king's servant Nicholas Carre, esquire, of the office Westminster, of one of the king's Serjeants at arms in attendance on the king's person, as Clement Thomas, deceased, had, with wages of 12d. daily from the fee farm of the city of London and the issues of the county of Middlesex and a livery of the suit of esquires of the household yearly at Christmas at the great wardrobe. By p.s. Oct. 20. Whereas at the last voidance of the abbey of Godestowe, co. Oxford, Westminster, which is of the foundation of the king's progenitors and of tiie king's patronage, by the death of Alice Henley, last abbess, one Alice Nuuny, one of the nuns of the monastery, was duly elected abbess by licence of the king but was confirmed as abbess by authority of letters of pope Paul II. without the royal assent to that confirmation having been obtained, the king hereby pardons the trespasses committed in this and grants that the abbess shall have full restitution of the temporalities. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the escheator in the counties of Oxford and Berks. The like to the escheators in the following counties : — Southampton and Wilts. Buckingham. Warwick. Gloucester. Sussex. Dorset. Northampton. The like to John Stokton, mayor of London, escheator in that city. Writ de intendendo in pursuance to the tenants. 11 EDWARD IV.— Part I, 279 1471. Oct. 25. Westminster. Oct. 23. Westminster. Oct. 30. Westminster. Membrane 6 — cont. Grant for life to the king's servant John Gwynne of the office of one of tlie king's Serjeants at arms, receiving wages of \2d, daily from the fee-farm of the city of Chicliester, as James Damport had in the same office, and a livery of the suit of the king's esquires yearly at the great wardrohe. By p.s. Licence for Robert Poynlz, esquire, son and heir of John Poyntz, esquire, deceased, tenant in chief, to enter freely into all lordships, manors, land.s, farms, annuities, reversions, rents, services, hundreds, views of frank-pledge, courts leet, sheriff's turns, liberties, franchises, fairs, markets, jurisdictions, knights' fees, advowsons, woods, agistments, pannages, mills, waters, fisheries and other possessions of which his father was seised in his detnense as of fee and which should descend to him. By p.s. General pardon to John Colshill of Bynamy, co. Cornwall, knight, of all offences committed by him before 24 October, By p.s, Membrane 5. Aug. 18. Whereas lately in the absence of the king without the realm on the part Westminster, of the prior and convent of the abbey of Cerne, co. Dor.sct, it was shown to Henry VI that the abbey was void by the death of John Vanne, late abbot, and tlie said late king granted licence to them to elect an abbot and tliey accordingly elected Roger Bemystcr and the said late king gave his assent and Richard, bishop of Salisbury, confirmed the election and the said lato king restored the temporalities to the abbot, who entered unjustly upon the abbey and the temporalities without the licence of the king that now is, the latter nevertheless pardons the trespasses committed in this and confirms the estate of the abbot and restores the temporalities to him. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the escheator in the county of Dorset. Writ dc intendendo in pursuance to the tenants. Aug. 26. Grant to the king's knight John Pylkyngton and the heirs male of his Westminster, body of the manors of Turvy, Balstadan and Russho, co. Dublin, with the advowsons of the churches belonging to them and all lands, rents, reversions, services, courts and profits in Turvy, Balst.adan and Russhe late parcel of the inheritance of James Botiiler, lute earl of Wiltshire, convicted of high treason by virtue of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, I Edward IV, to hold by the services of as many knights' fees and as many other rents and services as they were held by before 4 November, 1 Edward IV, with all issues from that date. By p.s, Aug. 28. Grant to the king's brother George, duke of Clarence, and the heirs of Westminster, his body, in lieu of a grant to him of the manor and lordship of Ilelagh with its members, in the county of the city of York, 20 messuages, 300 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 100 acres of moor, three corn mills and a fulling mill in Tadcastre, 16 messuages in York, the manors and lordships of Siwfford, Lynton, Semer, Trustenby and Poklyngton with the suit of Poklington, 20 messuages, 300 acres of laud, 80 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture and 100 acres of moor in Tadcastre and the manor and lordship of Tadcastre with its members, co. York, the manor and lordship of Calsby with its members and 30 acres of land in Malberthorpe called ' Moynes landcs,' co. Lincoln, and the manors and lordships of Foston, co. Leicester, Iselham, co. Cambridge, and Gratefeld, co. Suffolk, with their members, late of Henry Percy, late earl of Northumberland, by letters patent, surrendered, of the manor and borough of Tyverton, the honour and hundred of Tyverton with the advowsons of three portions with cures in tho church of Tyverton, the 280 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1471. Sept. 27. Westminster. Aug. 28. Westminster. Aug. 28. Westminster. Oct. 9. Westminster. Oct. 5. Westminster. Oct. 30. Westminster. Oct. 24. Westminster. Oct. 30. Westminster. Nov. 6. Westminster. Nov. 7. Westininster. Membrane 5 — cont. castles, manors, lordships, boroughs and hundreds of Plyraton and Oke- hampton, the manor and borough of Chalvelegh, the manors of Colcombe, Clayton, Musbury, Colfard, the borough of Coliford, the manors of Opsame and Exyland alias Westiate, the hundreds of Estbudlegb, Westbudlegh, Wouford and Harige with the fishery of the water of Exe and the manors and lordships of Whitford, Sapford Courteney, Culmo John and Fareway, CO. Devon, the manor of Trolugan and a moiety of the manors of Trevervyn and Tregameur, co. Cornwall, the honours of Plymton and Okehampton and all lands, knights' fees, advowsons, rents and services in Tyverton, Okehampton, Chalvelegh, Colcombe, Colyton, Musbury, Coliford, Opsame, Exiland alias Westyate, Whitford, Sampford Courteney, Colmo John, Fareway and Tregulam and a moiety of the manors of Trevervyn and Tregamare late of Thomas, late earl of Devon, and in the king's hands by reason of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV, and all issues of the same from Easter last, to hold with knight's fees, advowsons, parks, fisheries, warrens, chaces, fairs, markets, rents, services of free tenants and bondmen, courts leet, views of frank pledge and other liberties by the accustomed services. By p.s. General pardon to John Borlas of Borlasfrank, co. Cornwall, ' gentil- man,' of all offences committed by him before 21 September last. By p.s. The like to the following : — William Carnsyvyowe late of Bokelly, co. Cornwall, ' geutilman.' Henry CavcU late of Lanherne, co. Cornwall, ' gentilman.* John Rosogan late of Rosogan, co. Cornwall, 'gentilman.' John Wroughton late of the county of Wilts, esquire. Vacated because otherwise in this year. John Neuton of Wyke in the parish of Yatton, co. Somerset, knight, alias late esquire. By K. Vacated because otherwise in this year. General pardon to John Merer late of London, clerk, alias Master John Morer, parson of the parish church of Aysshbury, co. Berks. Grant for life to John Wellys, for his good service to the king and his consort, of the office of porter of the king's castle of Exeter, co. Devon, which Richard Duke, rebel, lately had, with fees as in the times of Edward III and Richard II. By p,s. Membrane 4. General pardon to Thomas, bishop of St. Asaph, of all offences committed by him before 24 October. [Fcedera.'] By p.s. Grant for life to Robert Boost of the office of one of the king's foresters within the forest of Ingeliswode, co. Cumberland, with the accustomed fees, as John a Coldeale, i-ebel, lately had. By p.s. Confirmation of the estate which Master John Russell, doctor of decrees, has as second in the office of the privy seal, and grant to him for life of 40/. yearly from 21 March, 9 Edward IV, from the issues of the counti(is of London and Middlesex and all other farms and debts in the charge of the sheriffs, in lieu of a like grant to him by letters patent of that date, surrendered. By K. Grant to Roger Payn, chaplain, of the perpetual chantry in the parish church of Neuton Popelford, co. Devon, void by the resignation of Henry Bremercombe, last chaplain. General pardon to Henry Chaterton late of Clipisham, co. Rutland, knight, of all offences committed by him before 4 November. By p.s. 11 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 281 1471, Membrane 4 — cont. Pardon to Walter Courtenay of Exeter, co. Devon, esquire, of all fines, amercements and forfeited issues due from him to the king before 28 October last. • By p.s. Oct. 24. Licence for John Broke, son and heir of Edward Broke, knight, Westminster, deceased, tenant in chief, to enter freely into all castles, lordships, manors, lands, reversions, rents, services, fees, views of frank-pledge, courts leet, knights' fees, advowsony and other possessions in England and Calais of which his father was seised in demesne and which should descend to him. By p.s. Membrane 3. Sept. 7. Westminster. Sept. 6. Westminster. Sept. 10. Westminster, Aug. 8. AVestminster. Sept.. 11. Westmiustcr. Aug. 28. Westminster. Oct. 2. Westminster. Oct. 7. Westminster. Oct. 10. Westminster. July 29. Westminster. General pardon to WilUam Druelle late of London, 'gentilman,' of all offences committed by him before 1 July last. By p.s. General pardon to John Maynesforth late of Bukkyngham, co. Bucking- ham, 'gcntilraan,' a/m5 John Maynesford lato of London, of all offences committed by him before 21 August last. By p.s. Protection for one year for Peter Sans of Benesse, who is indebted to the king in no small sums of money, and his men, servants, ships, goods and merchandise. By p.s. Grant to the king's servant Tiiomas Vaghan, treasurer of the king's chamber, and his heirs of a mansion or habitation which he formerly liad of the king's grant, in the king's hands by the forfeiture of Jaspar, late earl of Pembroke, situated on the ground called ' Garlek ' in Brokestrete on the north and west of the parish church of Stepinhith, co. Middlesex, Avith gardens and closes appertaining. By K. Vacated because othcrivise in this year. Commission to the king's kinsman John, earl of Shrewsbury, to array the king's subjects of the counties of Salop and Stafford and tlie marches of North Wales and the adjacent parts to resist the rebels in North Wales and the marches. General pardon to John Newton, knight, of Wyke ^atton, CO. Somerset, alias John Ncweton, late esquire. Grant for life to the king's servant Richard Robynson, yeoman of the saddles, of the oiBcc of one of the foresters in the forest of Ingelwode, CO. Cumberland, with the accustomed fees, in the same manner as Thomas Moreland, By p.s. Grant for life to the king's servant William Trussell, one of the yeomen of the crown, of the office of keeper of the king's privy palace of Westminster, receiving the accustomed fees in the same manner as Richard Wylly, deceased, did from the issues of the fee-farm of the city of Winchester. By p.s. [.-^340.] Mandate in pursuance to the citizens, bailiffs or other occupiers of the city of Winchester. Grant for life to the king's servant Richard Siddalo of the office of one of the king's Serjeants at arms in attendance on the .speaker of Parliament, as John Bury was, with wages of V2.d. daily i'rom the issues of the county of Southampton and a livery of the suit of esquires of the household yearly at Christmas at the great wardrobe. By p.s. Grant to John Roggcr, who for the more speedy repayment of the sum of 339/. 15*. ^d. which was due from the king to (ho merchants of Venice, as appears by six tallies levied at the receipt of tlie Exchequer, has become bound to them in that sum, and because he has surrendered By p.s. in the parisli of By K. 282 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1471. Nov. 9. Westminster. July 10, Westminster. Nov. 7. Westminster. July 14. Westminster. Nov. 10. Westminster. Nov. 9. Westmin.ster. Nov. 5. Westminster. Nov. 10. Westminster. Nov. 9. Westminster. Nov, 11. Westminster. Oct. 11. Westminster. Membrane 3 — cont. the tallies at the said receipt, that he or his executors after his decease shall receive 20/. yearly from Michaelmas next from the issues of the town of Sandwich, co. Kent, or the port there, until he shall thus be fully satisfied of the said sum. By p.s. Membrane 2. General pardon to Henry Swayne late of Salisbury, co. Wilts, esquire, alias ' raerchaunt,' of all offences committed by him before 2 November. By p.s. The like to William Swayne late of Salisbury, esquire, alias * merchant.' By p.s. Grant for life to the king's servant Robert Brent, one of the yeomen of the crown, of 6cl. daily from the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula last, on which day the king appointed him to the office, from the issues of the subsidy and ulnage of cloth and a moiety of the forfeifnre of the same in the county of Kent. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the farmers of the subsidy. General pardon to John Forde of Romene, co. Kent, ' draper,' alias merchant, and Clement Forde of Romene, merchant, alias * taverner,' alias masters and owners of a ship called The Christopher of Romene. By p.s. Pardon to Robert Maners late of Et.de, co. Northumberland, knight, late sheriff of Northumberland from Michaelmas, 3 Edward IV, until Michaelmas following, of all offences committed by him before 6 November and all fines, issues, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king by reason of his office. By K. General pardon to John Webber, vicar of Columpton, co, Devon, of all ofiences committed by him before 2 November. By p.s. Pardon to Richard Clerk of Brodclyst, co. Devon, ' husbondman,' alias Richard Lake late of the parish of All Saints within the hundred of Brodclyst, of his outlawry with others in the county of Middlesex for not appearing before the king to answer for divers trespasses, he having surrendered to the Marshalsea prison, as Thomas Billyng, chief justice of the King's Bench, has certified. Grant for life to Edmund Hastyuges, knight, of the office of the constable- ship of the king's castle of Scarburgh with ail fees, as Thomas Lumley or George Lumley or anyone else had in the same office. By p.s. Grant, at the intercession of the king's brother Charles, duke of Burgundy, to Peter Bladelyn, knight, temporal lord of the town of Middelburgh in Flanders, that all merchants dwelling in that town shall henceforth be exempt throughout the realm of England from all toll and other dues as were those of Dynant, notwithstanding that the said town of Middelburgh is not comprehended in the German or Teutonic Hanse. [Fwdera.'\ By p.s. Pardon to Elizabeth Burgh, daughter of William Burgh late of Burgh, CO. York, esquire, and administratrix of his goods, and her heirs and executors and the tenants of her lands of all debts, accounts and arrears due to the king by William by reason of the occupation of the alien priory called ' le priorie ' of Begger, co. York, before 31 October last. By p.s. Membrane 1. General pardon to John Colyus the elder of the city of London. By K. 11 EDWARD rv.— Part I. 283 1471. Membrane 1 — cont. July 8. Appointment of the king's consort Elizabeth, queen of England, the Westminster, king's kinsman Th. archbishop of Canterbury and cardinal, the king's brothers George, duke of Clarence, and Richard, duke of Gloucester, R. bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor, L. bishop of Duriiam, the king's kinsman Anthony, earl of llyvers, Thomas, abbot of Westminster, chancellor of the king's eldest son Edward, prince of Wales, William Hastynges of Hastynges, knight, the king's chamberlain, Richard Fenys of Dacre, knight, steward of the said prince, John Fog, knight, John Scot, knight, Thomas Vaghau, chamberlain of the said prince. Master John Alcok and Ricliard Fowelcr as administrators of the principahty of Wales, the duchy of Cornwall and the county of Chester for the said prince until he shall be of the age of 14 years, provided tbat they shall grant no office for life or for a term of years but only during the pleasure of the prince. By K. Sept. 10. Grant to Richard Fowler, Hugh Fcnne, John Forster and Morgan Westminster. Kedwelly and their heirs and assigns at the supplication of the king's servitor William Kcrver, in satisfaction of the sum of 2,000/. in wliich the king is indebted to the latter, of five messuages and 580 acres of land in Wallond with appurtenances in the parishes of Brokland, Ivecliirch, Oldromcne, Mydle, Lyde, Pounteiie and Promehelle, a messuage at Engeham, 400 acres of pasture, 62 acres of meadow and 10 acres of wood in the parishes of Wodechirch and Betherisdeu, ,300 acres of salt marsh in the parishes of Pountene, Mydle, Lyde, Promehelle and Brokland aforesaid by Walland, 100 acres of pasture and 36 acres of meadow in the marsh of Romeney in the parishes of liokynge, Snave, Orlaston, Newcherch, Ivecherche and Saintmarychercli, and three messuages, two mills, 217 acres of land, 70 acres of meadow, 140 acres of wood and 4/. 65. 8(/. of rent in the parishes of Tenterden and Rolvenden, co. Kent, with all ways, paths, feedings, stanks, fleets, fisheries, stews, houses, rigiits and profits, lute of John Engeham alius Edyngham alias Ederyngliam and in the king's hands by reason of his forfeiture, and all issues of the same from 13 April last, to hold by the accustomed services, and also the reversion on the death of Agnes hite the wife of Alan Engeham of a messuage and 128 acres of land in the parishes of Wodechcrche and Ilalden, co. Kent, which she holds for life of the inheritance of the said John. And if the above shall 1)0 taken from them in any way they sliull receive 100/. yearly at the receipt of the Exchequer until recompensed with other lands to the same value. By p.s. Oct. IG. Signification to .7. bishop of Lincoln of the royal assent to the election Westminster, of John Grauntwell, canon of the monastery of St. James by Norhamptou, of the order of St. Augustine, as .ibbot thereof Aug. 27. Grant to the king's kinsman William, earl of Pembroke, and Walter Westminster. Devereux of Ferrers, knight, of power to receive into the king's allegiance all rebels of South Wales and the marches, provided that this shall not extend to Henry, duke of Exeter, Jasper Owen, earl of Pembroke, John Owen, gentleman, Thomas FitzHarry or Hugh Mulle. [^Fa;dcra.^ By p.s. Membranes 29d — 26d. Commissions of the peace in various counties. (See Appendix.) Membrane 25d. April 18. Commission of array to John Cobham of Cobham, knight, John Fogg, Westminster, knight, John Scot, knight, William Haute, knight, WilUiaui Pecche, knight. 284 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1471. Membrane 25d — cont, John Culpepyr, knight, Henry Ferres, John Barame, James Crowemer, Alexander ClyfFord and Roger Apulton, in the county of Kent. The like to the following in the counties named : — April 23. Humphrey Stafford and Thomas Stafford, in the county of Worcester. Wesitmioster. April 26„ George, duke of Clarence, Richard, duko of Gloucester, Thomas Westmiuster. Ariindell of Matravers, kuight, Richard Beauchamp, Maurice Berkeley, Humphrey Stafford and the sheriff, in the county of Gloucester. George, duke of Clarence, William Burghchier of FitzWaren, knight, William Courteney, knight, Alvred Corneburgh and the sheriff, in the county of Cornwall. George, duke of Clarence, Humphrey (sic), duke of Buckingham, John, earl of Wiltshire, Henry Stafford of Buckingham, knight, Henry Grey of Codnor, knight, William Hastynges of Hastynges, knight, Walter Blount of Mountjoy, knight, Nicholas Fitzherberd and the sheriff, in the county of Derby. George, duke of Clarence, Henry Grey of Codnor, knight, William Hastyngos of Hastynges, knight, Walter Blount of Mountjoy, knight, Henry Perpoynt and the sheriff, in the county of Netting ham. George, duke of Clarence, Richard, duke of Gloucester, John Sutton of Dudley, knight, Walter Devereux of Ferrers, knight, Humphrey Blount, Roger Kynaston, Roger Eyton, Richard Corbet and the sheriff, in the county of Salop. George, duke of Clarence, John, earl of Wiltshire, William Hastynges of Hastynges, knight, Thomas Ferre.«, knight, Thomas Berkeley, kuight, Richard Hastynges, Ralph Hastynges and the sheriff, in the county of Leicester. George, duke of Clarence, William Burghchier of FitzWaren, knight, William Courteney, knight, Philip Courteney, knight, John Crokker, Philip Beaumont and the sheriff, in the county of Devon. George, duke of Clarence, Humphrey (sic), duke of Buckingham, John, earl of Wiltshke, Henry Stafford of Buckingham, knight, Henry Beaumont, John Acton and the sheriff, in the county of Stafford. George, duke of Clarence, John Audeley of Audelej', knight, John Stourton of Stourton, knight, Nicholas Latymer, knight, John Mone, John Bi ownyng and the sheriff, in the county of Dorset. George, duke of Clarence, Humphrey (s/c), duke of Buckingham, John, eaid of Wiltshire, Henry Stafford of Buckingham, knight, William Hastynges of Hastynges, knight, and the sheriff, in the county of Warwick. George, duke of Clarence, John Audeley of Audeley, knight, William Stourton of Stourton, knight, Roger Tocotys, knight, George Darcll, knight, and the sheriff, in the county of Wilts. George, duke of Clarence, William Stourton of Stourton, knight, Nicholas Latjmer, knight, Henry Hull, Richard Artour, Robert Stovver and the sheriff, in the county of Somerset. George, duke of Clarence, Richard, duke of Gloucester, Waller Devereux of Ferrers, knight, John Audeley of Audeley, knight, James Baskervile, knight, Richard Crofte the elder, Thomas Monyngton and the sheriff, in the county of Hereford. 11 EDWARD IV.— Part I 2471^ Membrane 25d — cont. May 11. Edmund, earl of Kent, Anthony Grey of Ruthyn, kuiglit, John Horvy, Westmiustcr. knight, John Broughton, William Hertishoin, Roljcrt Bothe, John Cokeyn, Richard Godfray, Thomas Waweton and the sheriff, in the county of Bedford. George, duke of Clarence, Edmund, earl of Kent, John, earl of Wiltshire, Anthony Grey of Ruthyn, knight, William Hastyngcs of Hastynges, knight, Ralph Hastynges, knight, Richard Hastynges, knight, and the sheriff, in the county of Northampton. As above in the county of Derby. As above in the county of Nottingham. As above in the county of Leicester, As above in the county of Stafford. As above in the county of Warwick. John le Scrope of Bolton, knight, Thomas Grey, knight, Jolin Cheyny, knight, William Alyngton, Thomas Lokton and the sheriff, in the county of Cambridge. John, carl of Wiltshire, Anthony Grey of Ruthyn, knight, John Foster, esquire, William Alyngton, Henry Torkyngton and the sheriff, in the county of Huntingdon. Anthony Grey of Ruthyn, knight, John Sturgeon, Thomas Broket, John Pulter, Henry Barley, Thomas Edward and the sheriff, in the county of Hertford. Humphrey (sic), duke of Buckingham, Anthony Grey of Ruthyn, knight, Edmund Rede, knight, John Langston, John Gyfford, Robert Rufford, Thomas Hampden of Kymlett, Thomas Fowler and the sheriff, in the county of Buckingham. — - John, duke of Suffolk, Richard Hnrecourt, knight, Richard Quatcr- maynes, Thomas Stonour, Richard Danvers, Humphrey Forstcr the cldei-, John Langston, John Ilarecourte and the sheriff, in the county of Oxford. Membrane 24c?. May 3. Commission to the king's^ kinsman Anthony, earl Ryvers, Edward Westmiustcr. Novylle of Bergevenny, knight, Galiard de Duras, knight, John Scot, knight, William Haut, knight, John Culpcpyr, knight, and the MicritF of Kent to array the king's liegos of that county and to arrest and imprison certain persons stirring up insurrection. April 27. Commission to the constables of Toltynglrowe to arrest Jolm Byssetler Wtstiiiiustcr. of Gnwcscnde, CO. Kent, ' peutcrere,' who with others has wounded and threatened divers of the king's lieges and especially Robert Okcy and Maurice Smyth, and bring him before the king and council to find security for good behaviour. May 26. Commission to William Husy, Brian Talbot, Thomas Wynibyssh, Simon '\Ve^tIllinstcr. Hareby, Thomas Kyme, Leonard Thornebnrgh, John Bollcs, William Payiiell, William Strode, Tiiomas Boyse, John Leek, John Tamwortii, John Kyme, William Bolan and the sheriff of Lincoln to arrest Thomas Toccth, John Kyrton, Thomas Mcers, John Seynfon, Humphrey Lytlyll)y, Simon Roper, Henry Wryght, John Pykeryng, Alan Roper, John Baxstar the elder and Thomas Godl'ray and bring them before the king and council in the octave of Holy Trinity next. By C The like to William Skypwith, knight, William Husy, Brian Talbot, Thomas Kyme, Thomas Moigne, John Copuldykc, John I3urgh, Richard Spert, ^86 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1 47 1 . Membrane 24(f — cont. Thomas Kyme of Langton, Richard Braytoft, John Kyme and the sheriff of Lincoln to arrest Margaret Diminok, Alice Bocher, Richard GryfRth, Roger, abbot of Kyrkstede, Richard Themulby, Humphrey Littelbnry, John Trudale, William Yerburgh, Thomas Eitzwilliam the younger, Simon Gybthorpe, John Newport, Robert Dymmok, Charles Aungesyn, John Saynton, William Bavowe of Menkthorpe, William Halle, John Revell, William Wormyngham, Robert Pelsou, Simon Godeknappe, William Warde, Nicholas Walter, John Gote, Thomas Hobson, John Taylour of Connesby, John Lekke, Richard Clerk of Belcheford, clerk, and William Dowghty and bring them as above. May 30. Commission to Henry Beaumont, knight, John Acton, esquii'e, Nicholas Westminster. Leventhorpe and John Saiibroke, one of the king's serjeants-at-arms, to arrest Robert Loder, chaplain, and bring him before the king and council. June 3. The like to Roger Ree, knight^ to arrest William Pyrton, knight. Westminster. June 4. The like to Richard Quatermayns, esquire, and John Gifford, esquire, Westminster, to arrest Peter Marmyon, ' gentilman,' Richard Doily, ' gentilman,' John Benet the elder, John Walkclyn, ' chaundeler,' Thomas Tanner, ' yoman,' Walter Draper, ' yoman,' John Cotteswold, ' smyth,' Oliver Taillour, * yoman,' and John Howeden, ' glover.' The like to John GyfFord, esquire, Robert Breknok, esquire, and Thomas Foweler, esquire, to arrest Thomas Wellesborne, Thomas Codbury, ' yoman,' Robert Power the elder, ' yoman,' Robert Power the younger, ' yoman,' Richard Spereman, ' somner,' William Wedon, ' yoman,' and John Batyn, ' husbondman.' .Tune 7. The like to John Gyiford, Robert Brekenoke, Thomas Foweler and Westminster. Robert Rufford to arrest Thomas Wellesburne, Thomas Codbury, * yoman,' Robert Power the elder, ' yoman,' Robert Power the younger, ' yoman,' Thomas Power, ' yoman,' Richard Spereman the elder, William Wedon, ' yoman,' John Baten, * husbondman,' Richard Awelde, ' yoman,' Thomas Batys', ' dier,' Thomas Bere, ' wever,' and John Alclyn, ' yoman.' June 20. The like to Edmund Hastynges, knight, Ralph Assheton, knight, John Westminster. Athirton and John Nesseffeld to arrest Thomas Gower, Robert Gower, George GoAver, John Robynsou of Scarburgh, Thomas Saige of Scarburgh, Richard Robynson of Scarburgh, John Robynson of Scarburgh the younger, John Hybson, John Taillour of Beverley and Thomas Basworth. .Tune 20. Commission to Nicholas Elderbek, John Felde the younger, John Westminster. Reyner and William Besteney, serjeant-ut-arms, to arrest Philip Asteley and bring him before the king in Chancery. .June 30. The like to John Martyn, one of the king's serjeants-at-arms, and the Westminster, sheriff of Hertford to arrest John JMudde of Flampstede and Joan his Avife, John Kellum of Busshey, Richard Lepar of Flampsted, Walter Payn of Flampsted, John Middelham of Dunstaplc, John Baron of Flampsted, William Baron of Flampstede, John Massam, William Spenser of Red- burnbury, Thomas Danyell of St. Albans and John Austyn. Juno 30. Commission to the same to arrest the same and bring them before the Westminster, king and council. July 13. Commission to John Assheby, Robert Fynderne and John Thrylby Westminster, to arrest Thomas Floure of Okeham, esquire, and Robert Edmoud of Empyngham and bring them before the king and council. 11 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 287 1471. Membrane 2ld. July 4. Commission to Ralph Assheton, knight, and John Nesfeld to arrest Westminster. L.ancelot Tliykekl, knight, TJiomas Gower, Thomas Dounyng, John Tayler of Yarsthorpe, Thomas Barswortli, Thomas Saghe of Scardburgh, John Robynson of Scardbnrgh, Richard Robynson of Scardburgh, John Robyuson the younger, Richard Fletham, Edward Thornburgh and Thomas Danell and bring tliem before the king in Chancery and seize their goods and lands into the king's hands. 3IE3IBRANE 20(1. July 4. Coramis.sion to Richard Foweler, William ^'larmyon, Richard Ilall and Westmiuster. the sheriff of Oxford and Berks to enquire what lands Robert Ilarocourt, knight, tenant iu chief, decea.sed, held in those counties, how much they are worth, on what day ho died and who is his heir, and to take the lauds into the king's hands. The like to William Motton, knight, Robert Staunton and the sheriff in the counties of Warwick and Leicester. The like to Hugh Egertou, Humphrey Persall, John Wode of Kele and the sheriff in the county of Stafford. July 8. Commission to John Bottesforde, e.'jquire, one of the king's serjeants-at- Westmiustcr. arms, and Henry Benet and William Barnard, constables of the town of Nubury, to arrest John Bedford of Nubery, Avho with other persons in various parts of the county of Berk.-s has threatened Tliomas Love of Nubery, and bring him before the king and council to find security for keeping the peace. Membrane ]9d, July 27. Commission to Masters Richard Marty n, clerk, Louis Byford, clerk, and Westminster. William .Tohn.s, canons of the cathedral church of Landaf, on account of the forfeiture of John, bishop of Llandaff, to seize the temporalities of tho bishopric and apply the issues to tlie sustenance of divine service in the church and the new fabric of the same and the repair of the manors of the bishopric. By K. Membrane 18d. July 12. Commission to John Gyfford, esquire, Robert Brekenok, e.squirc, and WeitmiiiBter. Thomas Fow(!ler, esquire, to arrest Thomas Wellcsbornc, Thomas Codbiwy, ' yoman,' Robert Rower tijc elder, ' yoman,' Robert Rower the younger, 'yomau,' Richard Si)crcman, 'somner,' William Wedon, 'yoman,' John Batyn, ' husbondman,' Thomas Clarence of Eton, John Lewcn of Burnhani the younger, 'yoman,' Walter Knyght of Dorney, 'husbondman,' and John Water of Eten, 'yoman,' and bring them before the king and council. July 16. The like to the maj-or and bailiffs of Oxford to arrest John Carpenter, Westminster. ' taverner/ John Belle, * taillour,' Rohiiid Melen, ' taverner,' Robert York, ' conlcner,' Richard Kent, 'grocer,' Thomas Luffenham, * bocher,' John Parro, ' spicer,' Robert Crane, ' fuller,' John Nasshe, ' cobeler,' John Ryley, ' skyuncr,' and George Sadyller. .Tuiy 15. Commission to the king's kinsman Henry, earl of Efscx, William Westminster, Bourghchier of Bourghchiei', knight. Waiter Mountjoye of Mountjoyo, knight, Thomas Mongomcry, knight, John Wingefeld, knight, William Alyngton and John Iiigaldesby to encpiirc into divers insurrections in the county of I'^ssex and to arrest the offenders and punish them or deliver them for punishment to the coustable of England and seize their goods and lands to the king's use. By p.s. The like to the king's kinsman William, earl of Arundell, John Aiideloy of Audeley, kniglit, John Dynham of Dynham, knight, Thomas ^88 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. July 20. Westminster. 1471. Membrane \ %d — cont. Bourglichier, knight, John Fogge, knight, John Scotte, knight, Thomas Ichjngham, knight, John Ferres, knight, William Notyngham, Nicholas Stathoni, John Digges, William Bolney, Richard Forster, Thomas Combes, Thomas Leukenore and Roger Brent within the Cinque Ports and their members. By p.s. Commission to William Parre, knight, John Parre, knight, Thomas Slrykiand, knight, and Christopher Moresby, knight, to arrest Lancelot Thirkeld, knight, Joan Musgrave, widow, Thomas Sandeford, esquire, William Musgrave, Nicholas Musgrave, John Musgrave, Henry Belyngeham, knight, Roger Belyngeham, Christopher Belyngeham, James Belyugeham, Alexander Belyngeham, Thomas Skelton son and heir of John Skelton of Brauncethwayte, and William Lancastre son and heir of Roger Lancastre, esquire, who have made forfeiture to the king, and bring them before the king and council and seize their goods and lands to the king's use. July 23. Commission to John Gilford, Robert Brekenok, Thomas Foweler and Westminster. Robert Leggam to arrest Robert Ryseburgh, canon, late abbot of the monastery of St. Mary, Mussenden, co. Buckingham, and bring him before the king and council. Sept. 11. Commission to Robert Cosyn and Johu Cole to seize the goods of Thomas Westminster. Faucomberge, traitor. Membrane \\d. Oct. 15. Commission to Geoffrey Warton, one of the king's Serjeants at arms, to Westminster, arrest John Mudde and Joan his wife, William Spenser, Walter Payne and Richard Leper and bring them before the king and council. Membrane \0d. July 18. Commission de walliis et fossatis to the king's kinsman Henry, earl of Westminster. Essex, John Grene, John Watno, Robert Martyn, Morgan Botiller, Thomas Lute, John Gronerst, William Cook, Robert Hotoft and Richard Wroxham on the shore of the Thames from the town and parish of Esthamme to Hornedon and from thence to Hokley and from thence to Tollesbury and Wyggebergh in the county of Essex. Membrane 9d. July 28. Commission to John Devercux and John Lynghan, knights, and John Westminfeter. Herbert, esquire, Thomas Brayntcn and the sheriff of Hereford to enquire what lands Richard Herbert, knight, deceased, tenant in chief, hold in that county, what they are worth and who is his heir, and to take the lands into the king's hands. Membrane 8d. July 15. Commission to William Courteney, knight, John Crokker, knight, Oto Westminster. Gilbert, John Gybbcs, William Huddesfeld, Thomas Gale, William Morys and the sheriff of Devon to enquire into the complaint of John Ochoa, merchBnt and owner of a ship called le Michell of Bilbawe in Spain of the portage of 100 tuns, that certain pirates in a ship called le Marye Colder of Dertemouth, of which William Forster of Dertemouth and John Caldy were owners and victuallers and John Rede master, seized a ship laden with 72 tuns of wine, two bales of rabbit skins and other goods of his to the value of 6,477 crowns when sailing towards England on 17 March last under confidence in the peace between the king and his kinsman the king of Castile and Leon and took it to the port of Dertemouth, co, Devon, and spoiled it of the goods. 11 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 289 147 !• 3Iemhrane 8d — cont. Oct. 16. Commission to Henry Spylman, Ricliard Southill, Simon Blake, Eicliard Westminster. Mounleyn and Jolin Bulman to enquire what lands George Nevylle, knight, late lord of Latynier, Henry Nevylle, knight, and Joan his Avil'e, tenants in chief, held in the county of Norfolk, and what the same are worth and at what times they died and who are their heirs. The like to John Broughton, Thomas Hampden of Kymbcll, William Goldyngton, Henry Petyt, William Pekke, llichard More, Robert Pygot, John Bulman and Simon Burton in the counties of Bedford and Buckingham. The like to William Coote, William Everton, Leonard Thornburgh, Simon Burton and John Bulmaain the county of Lincolu. Membrane 7d. Sept. 15. Commission to Robert RatcIyfT, knight, William Husce, Robert Sheffeld, Wcstmiustur. William Coote and the sheriff of Lincolu to enquire what lands John, late earl of Worcester, deceased, tenant in chief, held in lhat county, what they are worth, when lie died and who is his heir, and to take them into the king'a hands. 31 EM BRA NE 3(1. Sept. 10. Commission to William Laken, Thomas Walron, John Hyde and the Westiniuster. sheriff of Oxford and Berks to enquire what lands Nicholas Carrewe, esquire, deceased, tenant in chief, held in those counties, what they are worth, when he died and who is his heir, and to take the lands into the king's hands. Sept. 11, The like to Thomas Ferres, knight, William Lucy, Henry Botillcr, John Westmiuster. West and the sheriff of Warwick to enquiie what lands John Burgh, knight, deceased, tenant in chief, hold iu lhat county, what they arc worth, when he died and who is his heir, and to take the lands into the king's hands. Aug. 3. Commission to Richard Eoteler, Ralph Moreton, John Chaunlrell, Thomas Wtstminster. Dene the younger, John Carre, Geoffrey Nicholson, Richard Bury, John Croweherst and the sheriff of Surrey and his bailiff' itinerant to arrest William Burton, John Burlon, Thonius Fuller, Jolin Courtmyll the younger, Henry Courtmyll, John Gadilesdeu, ^^ illiam Gamlyu, Nicholas Broke and Richard Paweley who with other evil-doers Mander about the country threatening the lung's lieges, and bring them before the king iu Chancery to find security for keeping the peace. Membrane Id. Aug. 27. Commission to the king's kinsman William, carl of Pembroke, and Wcstuiiiisfcr. Walter Devereux of Ferrers, knight, to array the king's lieges of South Wales, the counties of AVorcester, Gloucester, Hereford and hidop and the marches of Wales and the adjacent pjiits to resist Jasper Owen, calling himself earl of Pembroke, and other rebels there. By p.s. Aug. 27. Connnisf-ion cf oyer and terminer to the said eail and Waltir and WcsimiiiBicr. William Laken, Richard (.'liokkc, knight, Thomas I^iltelton, .Tohn Devcreu.\, Knight, James Baskervylc, knight, 'iValter Skullc, knight, Thomas I'errole, John Herbert, '1 lionias Brnggcs, Kenelm Dygas, Hugh Hnnteley, John Welford, Thomas Brayuton and John Wynne iu the parts of South Wale.s- and the marches. By p.s. y 96186. T 2do 11 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 1471. Membrane 30. Aug. 0. General pardon to Walter Wrattyslay of the town of Calais, knight, Westminster, mercliant of the staple of Calais, alias Walter Wrattisley late of Wrattislay, CO. Stafford, alias Walter Wrottisley late of Loudon ; and grant that he may hold all lands, possessions and offices -which he had of the king's grant by letters patent of which he was seised on 3 March, 8 Edward IV, and all his goods, saving to the king all offices within the towns and castles of Calais and Guysnes and the tower of Ruysbanque, the grants of which belonged to the cajjtains of the same. By p.s. The like to the following : — Geoffrey Gate, marshal of the town of Calais, knight, merchant of tho staple of Calais, alias late of Highester, co. Essex, alias late of Garnettes, co. Essex, alias late of Haltou, co. Oxford, alias late lieutenant of the king's castle of Caresbroke in the Isle of Wight, CO. Southampton, alias late of Beauchamp Redyng alias Longberus, CO. Essex, alias late of Loudon. By p.s. John Clynton of the town of Calais, lord of Clyuton and Say, alias lord of Clynton of Folkestou, co. Kent. By p.s. John Broralay of the town of Calais, knight, alias late of Badyngton, CO. Chester, alias John Bromeley late of London. George Neville of the town of Calais, ' soldcour,' alias esquire, alias late of Carlyll, co. Cumberland, 'geutilman, alias late of London. By p.s. Koland V7orsley of tho town of Calais, ' souldeour,' alias late lieutenant of the tower of Ruysbanque by Calais, ' gentilman.' By p.s. Robert Warmyngton of the town of Calais, soldier, alias esquire, alias burgess of the town, alias clerk of the war treasury within tiie town, alias late of Warwick. By p.s. William Boyvyle of Calais, esquire, alias ' gentilman,' alias ' soldeour,' alias late of the county of Rutland. By p.s. Anthouy de la Toure of the town of Calais, ' soldeour,' alias ' burgeis,' alias clerk, alias ' gentilman.' By p.s. John Joseph late of the town of Calais, ' soldeur,' alias of Deale, co. Kent, ' gcutilmau,' alias late of Romeue, co. Kent. By p.s. William Worsley, one of the aldermen of the town of Calais, alias burgess of the town, alias mayor of the town, alias late of the county of Lancaster, ' gentilman.' By p.s. Ralph Gerald, merchant of the staple of Calais, alias Ralph Jerrald late of Howeby, co. Leiceslci', ' merchaunt.' By p.s. John Colte of the town of Calais, ' soldeour,' alias of the county of Noi'thuniberland, 'yoman,' alias late of Newcastle on Tyne, co. Norlhurabcrland, ' marcliaunt,' alias late of Londou, * gentilman,' alias late of the county of Essex. By p.s. William Rosse of the staple of Calais, merchant, alias burgess of Calais, alias late of Bumbouigh, co. Northumberland, alias late of Okham, co. Rutland, alias William Ross. By p.s. John Davy, soldier of Calais, alias of Horytid Keynys, co. Sussex, ' yoman.' By p.s. 11 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 291 1471. Membrane 2iO — cont. Robert Osclyffe of Ccalais, ' soldeour,' alias ' yoman,* son of Johu Osclyffe late of Guysnes. By p.s. Richard Ronebed of the staple of Calais, ' marcbauntc,' alias alderman of Calais, alias burgess of Calais, alias Richard Rounhed late of Carlile, co. Cumberland. By p.s. John Wodclious of the town of Calais, esquire, alias late soldier of the town, alias merchant of the staple of Calais, alias burgess of the town, alias late of London, 'gentilmau.' By p.s. George Bisipato, knight, soldier of the town of Calais, alias late of the city of Constantinople, alias George Bissipatle, * Greke.' By p.s. Henry Chainbre, soldier of Calais, alias Henry Person late of Bourne, CO. Lincoln, alias late of Roppesley, co. Lincoln, alias late soldier of the castle of Guysnes, alias burgess of Calais, By p.s. William Wolf, soldier of Calais, alias late of Thrule, esquire, alias late of Stalisfeld, co. Kent, 'geutilman.' By p.s. John Otour alias Ottyr alias Otter of Calais, soldier, alias late of Warwick, 'yoman,' alias late of Ufkelf, co. York, ' gcntilnian,' a//o.? late of London, alias late of Ilainme, co. Essex, alias late of Walcomstowe, co. f]ssex, alias late of Wci^tminster, co. Middlesex, alias late of Sandwich, co. Kent. By p.s. Johu Parker of the staple of Calais, ' marchaunt,' alias of Faryngdon, CO. Berks, ' gentilman.' By p.s. Membrane 29. William Muston late of Stokebardalf, co. Nottingham, 'gentilman,' alias soldier of Calais, alias burgess of Calais. V>y p.s. William Burtofte, burgess of the town of Calais, alias soldier of Calais, alias late collector and receiver of the king's rents and farms within the town, alias late of London. By p.s. Richard Stoke, merchant of the staj)lc of Calais, alias of Tuttcbury, CO. Slafibrd, alias Richard Slokys. By \>.h. William Brighara of the town of Calais, soldier, alias of Brigham, co. York, cs(iuire. By p.s. John Curtenay alias Courtenay, esquire, master receiver (portitoi) of the town of Calais, alias soldier of Calais, alias merchant of the staple of Calais, o/icrs burgess of the town, late of Powdram, CO. Devon, alias son of Philip Courtenay, knight, late of Powdram. By p.s. Richard Whetohlll, esquire, lieutenant of the casllc of Guysnes, alias late mayor of Calais, alias late soldier of Calais, alias controller of the town and the marches there, alias late of Barton Pyncanye, CO. Northampton, alias of Sywell, co. Northampton, alias merchant of the staple of Calais, alias late of London. By p.s. Thomas Waldcn of the town of Calais, ' gentilman,' alias late of London, alias of Guysnes, alias late of Walden, co. Essex, alias late of Dcpford, co. Kent, alias merchant of the stajde of Calais, alias burgess of Calais. By p.s. John Poley of Guysnes,* gentilman,' alias soldier of the castle of Guysnes, alias late of Boxstede, co. Sulfiplk, 'gentilman,' alias lato of Staunton, co. Suffolk, alias late of Woruiyngford, co. Essex, alias late of Colchestre, co. Essex. By p.s. T 2 1 292 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1471. Membrane 2^ — cont. John Bowdon, burgess of the town of Calais, alias clerk of the great hall of the town, alias late soldier of the town, alias late of Hauerbergh, co. Leicester. By p.s. Adrian Whetehill of the town of Calais, esquire, alias controller of the town and marches, alias late soldier of the castle of Guysnes, alias late soldier of Colais, alias son of Richard Whetehill, esquire. By p.s. Robert Otour alias Ottyr alias Oter of Calais, ' souldeour,' alias of Ulleskyll, co. York, ' gentilman,' alias of Alspath, co. Warwick. By p.s. Doc. 12. William Rede of the tOAvn of Calais, burgess, alias William Reed WestmiuKter. late of Wrangle, CO. Lincoln, ' gentylman.' By p.s. Oct. 2L Westminster. Got. 12. London. Oct. 30. Wcstmiuster. Nov. 7. Westminster. Nov. 8. Westminster. Nov. 22. Westminster. Nov. 20. Westminster. Nov. 20. Westminster. June IG. Westminster. Membrane 28. General pardon to William Carewe alias Carrowe of Bury St. Edmunds, CO. Suffolk, esquire, of all offences committed by him before 15 October and all debts and accounts due from him by reason of his late office of escheator of the counties of Devon and Cornwall. By p.s. General request for a safe-conduct for the king's kinsman Anthony Widevill, earl of Rivers, lord of Scales of Nucclles and the Isle of Wight, knight of the Garter and brother of the king's consort Elizabeth, queeu of England, who is going to fight the infidels. \_Fcedera.'] By K. Mandate to the escheator iu the county of Northampton for the resti- tution of the temporalities of the abbey of St. James by Norliampton, of the order of St. Augustine, to John Grauntwell, canon of the monastery, whose election as abbot John, bishop of Lincoln, has confirmed and whose fealty the king has taken. The like to the escheators in the following counties : — Warwick and Leicester. Bedford and Buckingham. The like to the mayor of Norhampton, the escheator iu that town. Writ de intendendo in pursuance to the tenants. General pardon to John Crugge, rector or portionor of the second portion of the parish church of 'i'yverton, co. Devon, aliai late of Tyverton, clerk, alias one of the rectors of Tyverton called Clare. By p.s. General pardon to Richard Dryucll late of Exeter, co. Devon, esquire, alias Richard Drowell, merchant, alias Richard Druell of Halberton, co. Devon, ' gentilman.' By p.s. Grant to William Moton, esquire, of 160/. from the issues of the counties of Warwick and licicestcr. By p.s. General pardon to William, abbot of Peterborough, co. Northampton. By p.s. The like to Richard Assheton, monk, late abbot. By p.s. Appointment, during good beliuviour, of William Ilusce as the king's general attorney iu all courts of record in England, receiving the accustomed fees. By K. Schedule. These letters were vacated becavse surrendered hy the said William and cancelled hy Laurence, hishop of Durham, the chancellor, on 18 October, 13 Edward IV. on ivhich day the king granted the office to William by other letters patmt. 11 EDWARD IV.— Part 11. 203 1472. Membrane 28 — cont. Feb, 4. General pardon to Richard Welby, esquire, late sheriff of Lincoln, of all Westminster, offences committed by liim and all issues, fines, amercements, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king by reason of his office. By p.s. Jan. 15. Release to John Moone, esquire, in consideration of Lis title to the manors "Westminster, and for 100/. paid by him to the king, of all the king's title and claim to the manors of Fifeld Quintyn and Godraanston, co. Dorset, with their members, to hold to the said .John and his heirs and assigns by the services of as many knights' fees and as many olher rents and services as they were held by before 4 March, 1 Edward IV. By p.s. 1471. June 2.3. Grant for life to the king's servant Richard Lceder, one of the yeomen Westminster, of the king's chamber, for his good service to tiie king beyond the seas and in his conflicts in England, of the office of keeper of the keys of the new work in the upper bailiwick of the castle of Wyndcsore, co. Berks, with fees at the hands of the constable from the issues of the castle as John Austyn lately had in the office. l>y p.s. Membrane 27. Sept. 11. Grant to the king's kinsman John, earl of Shrewsbury, chief justice of Westminster. Nortii Wales, of power to receive into tlie king's grace and pardon any persons in the parts of North Wales and the marches of the same and within the king's castle of Ilardelagh. By p.s. Oct. 12. Pardon to Wilham Gogh of London, ' tnillour,' of his outlawry in the Westminster, county of Warwick for not appearing before the king to satisfy him of his ransom because he and others did not hold Thomas Wyscman alias Frende late of Stratford on Aven, co. Warwick, ' yoman,' before the late king at a certain day to answer for divers felonies and trespasses ; he having surrendered to the Marshalsca prison, as Thomas Billyng, chief justice, has certified. Oct. 15. Grant for life to the king's servant John Barret, one of the clerks of tho Westmiustcr. king's kitchen, of the office of constable of the king's castle of Old Sarum with the accustomed fees from the issues of tiie county of Wilts and all other profits pertaining to the office. By p.s. Oct. 18. General pardon to Robert Spirway alias Sperweye alias Spurwey alias Westminster. Sporwcye alias Sjiaiweye alias Sperweys of Tyvcrtoii, co. Devon, * jentilman,' of all offences committed hy him before 16 October. By p.s. Oct. 16'. Pardon to Thomas, cardinal archbishop of Canterbury, late bishop of Westminster. Ely, William, bishop of Winohe.ster, John Tymperley, esquire, Edmund FitzWilliam, esquire, Ilonry Bradfcld, clerk, and Tiiomas Danycll of all alienations, donations and percpiisitions of manors, hundreds, lands, rents and services late of John, late duke of Norfolk, held in chief, and also to Eleanor, duchess of Norfolk, late the wife of the said duke, and John Straunge, esquire ; and grant to the said duchess of all issues of the above. By p.s. May 20. Grant, during office, to Thomas Urswyk, knight, chief baron of the Westminster. Exchequer, for the better maintenance of his estate and his expenses in office, of 110 marks yearly at the Exchc(iuer and two robes yearly, one witli skin at Christmas and one with lining at "Wlutsuntide, beyond the accustomed fee. Oct. 2.'}. Grant for life to the king's servant .Tohu Puncho, one of tlie yeomen of Westminster, the crown, of the office of constablo of the king's castle of Shrowesbury, 294 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1471. May 29. ■Westiuinstei'. June 17. Westminster. Dec. 27. Westminster. Membrane 27 — cont. receiving the accustomed fees in the same manner as Roger Eton, deceased, from the issues of the fee farm of the town of Shrowesbury. By p.s. Grant to Thomas Bryan, chief justice of the Bench, for the better maintenance of his estate and his expenses in office, of 140 marks yearly at the hands of the clerk or keeper of the hanaper or the customers in the ports of London, Bristol and Kyngeston on Hull according to the form of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 18 Henry VI, and 106^. \l\d. and the sixth part of \d. yearly at Christmas for a robe and fur and 6Gs. Qd, yearly at Whitsuntide for a robe and lining. Vacated because below. Like grant to Richard Chokke, knight, one of the justices of the Beach, of 110 marks yeai'ly and sums for robes as above. Presentation of Thomas Wakeford, chaplain, to the chantry called 'Mortymers Chauntery' within the cathedral church of Chichester, void by the death of Nicholas Serle, chaplain. Dec. 2. Westminster. Sept. 24. Westminster. Dec. 10. Westminster. Dec. 15. Westminster. Dec. 22. Westminster. Dec. 4. Westminster. Sept. 11. Westminster. Membrane 26. General pardon to the king's kinswoman Margaret, duchess of Somerset, of Maxsey or Makesey, co. Northampton, of all offences committed by her before this date, and all fines, amercements, debts, accounts and arrears due from her to the king before 29 September, 9 Edward IV. By p.s. General pardon to John Arundell, bishop of Chichester. By p.s. The like to Thomas Fitz William the younger late of Cokerjngton, By p.s. The like to John, abbot of the monastery of St. Martin, Battle. By p.s. Grant to John Leighton, esquire, in consideration of his great charges in the king's service, of the custody of all lordships, manors, lands, rents and services in the counties of Salop, Gloucester, Worcester and W^arwick and the march of Wales adjoining the county of Salop and ■within the principality of Wales in the king's hands by the death of John Burgh, knight, and Joan his wife and by reason of the minority of Thomas Leighton son of the said John Leighton and Ankaret his wife, deceased, one of the four daughters and heiresses of the said John Bui'gh and Joan, to hold during minority. By p.s. Grant to Angelo Catane late of Genoa, merchant, born in Genoa, of letters of denization. By K. Grant to the king's kinsman John, earl of Shrewsbury, and the heirs male of his body of the reversion of the manors of Addcrley, co. Salop, and Orston, CO. Nottingham, lately belonging to the lord of Roos and forfeited to the king by reason of his treason. By p.s. Membrane 25. Oct. 26. General pardon to John Stanbery alias Stonbery, bishop of Hereford, of Westminster, all otfcnces committed by him I'ofore 23 October. {Feedera.] Byps. Nov. 12. Presentation of Griffith ap Howell, chaplain, to the parish church of Westminster. ]a More, in the diocese of Hereford, void by the demise of David ap Howell, last parson, Nov. 13. General pardon to Reginald Stourton of West Bowre, co. Somerset, Westminster, knight, of all offences committed by liim before 5 November. By p.s. 11 EDWAED IV.— Part 11. 295 1471, Membrane 25 — cont. Nov. 18. Licence, for 33*. 4(/. paid ia the hanai^er, for Thomas Wyndesore, Westminster, esquire, and Thomas Waldieff to enfeoff Edmund Rede, knight, and Katharine his wife of their manor of Hampton Poyle, co. Oxford, heUl in chief, to hohl for her life witliont impeachment of waste, with succes.sive remainders to George Gaynesford and Isabel his wife and the heirs of his body, the heirs of the bodies of John Gaynesford, esquire, now deceased, and the said Katharine, late his wife, and the right heirs of the said John. Nov. 18. Presentation of Richard Wodward to the parish church of Duddynghcrst, Westminster, in the diocese of London, void by the death of William Dyk, last parson. Nov. 20. Exemplification, at the request of Arnold Trussell, of letters patent dated Westminster. 12 July, 11 Edward IV, granting safe-conduct, at the supplication of James de la Pendile, for a ship called Ic Kateri/ne of France or Brittany of the portage of 100 tuns of Avhich Peter le Breton, John do Bretayna, Bertomyo de Haoas or Monholet de Ilaoas is master. These letters have been accidentally lost, as the said Arnold has taken oath in Chancery, and will be surrendered if found. [French Roll, II Edward IV. m. 23.] Oct. 3. General pardon to John Starkey, chaplain, of all offences committed by Westmiustev. him before 4 September. By p.s. Dec. 2. Grant to William Clayton, parson of the parish chutch of St. Mary, Westminster. Stanhope, in the diocese of Durham, of the canonry and jirebend of Welton Ryvall in the cathedral church of Lincoln, on an exchange of benefices with Stephen Clos. By K. Mandate in pursuance to the dean and chapter of the said church of Lincoln. dean and chapter of the cathedral church of St. Mary, I bishop in the place of John Chedworth, deceased. By p.s. Dec. 7. Westminster. 1472. Jan. 17. Wcstmiuster. Jan. 27. Westminster. Licence for the Lincoln, to elect [Fadera.'] Grant for life to the king's servitor Peter Curteys from Michaelmas lost of the olRce and custody of the king's wardrobe within the palace of Westminster which Richard Willy, deceased, lately had, receiving the accustomed fees as in the times of Edward III and Richard II from tho farm of the city of Winchester. By p.s. Revocation of the protection with clause volinnus, for one year, lately granted by letters patent to Thomas Thorndon alias Thoryndon of London, ' draper,' going on the king's service in the company of William, lord of Hastynges, lieutenant of tlic town of Calais, on the safe-custody, defence and victualling of the town and marches, because ho delays at Westminster, as the sheriff of IMiddlesex has certified. 1471, Membrane 21. Sept. 23. Grant for life to John Gylos, William Gull, one of the clerks of tlie Westminster, chapel of the king's household, and John Niccoll of the scrutiny and super- vision of all ' bercbrewcrs ' within the realm in the same manner as the same was granted to Richard Bclc, Robert Oldum and John Gyles by letters patent dated 29 June, 5 Edward IV, surrendered. By K. Dec. 10. Grant to the king's kinsman Thonia.s, cardinal archbishop of Canterbury, Westminster, in lieu of a grant to him by letters patent dated 10 May, 10 Edward IV. {ace p. 209), surrendered, and a grant to him of the custody of all Icirdshij)s, manors, lands, rents and other hercdilaments late of George Neville, knight, late lord Latymcr, and Henry Neville, knight, his .son and Joau "tho wife of the latter, tenants in chief, deceased, during the nn'nority of Richard, son (f the said Henry and kinsman and heir of the said 296 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1471. Membrane 24 — cont. George, by letters patent dated 4 July last, surrendered, and because in time past at the king's request he supported the king's brothers the dukes of Clarence and Gloucester for a long time at great charges, and for tlie sum of 1,000 marks paid to the king, of the custody of all honours, castles, lordships, hundreds, manors, lands, rents, services and other possessions with knight's fee?, advowsons and appointments of officers late of the said George, Henry and Joan, and the custody during minority and marriage of the said Richard without disparagement and so from heir to heir, finding a reasonable sustenance for the heir. By p.s. Dec. 29. Grant to the king's clerk Edmund Audeley of the prebend of Farendon Westminster, with Balderton in the cathedral church of St. Mary, Lincoln, void by the resignation of Master Richard Skyllyngton and in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the bishopric being in his hands. By K. Mandate in pursuance to the dean and chapter. 1472. Jan. 2. Presentation of Robert Gest to the chantry called ' Mortymers Chauntry ' Westminster, within the cathedral church of Chichester, void by the death of Nicholas Sorell, chaplain. .Jan. 1. Grant for life to the king's servant Richard Apslee of the office of one Westminster, of the king's Serjeants at arms with wages of \2d. daily as Thomas Osberne had from 21 December last, on which day the said Thomas died and Richard occupied the office, from the subsidy and ulnage of cloth and a moiety of the forfeiture of the same in the town of Bristol, and a livery of the suit of esquires of the household yearly at Christmas at the great wardrobe. By p.s. Id71. Nov. 21. Westminster. Oct. 13. Westminster. July 9. Westminster. Nov. 29. AVestminster. Membrane 23. Whereas lately in the absence of the king without the realm on the part of the prioress and convent of the monastery of Wilton, co. Wilts, it was shown to Henry VI. that the monastery was void by the death of Edith Bcrgh, late abbess, and the said late king granted licence to them to elect an abbess and they accordingly elected Alice Comeland, sacristan of the place, and the said late king gave his assent and Richard, bishop of Salis- bury, confiimed the election and the said late king restored the temporalities to the abbess, the king nevertheless pardons the trespasses committed in this and confirms ihe estate of the abbess and restores the temporalities to her. By p.s. Mandate to Richard Hide, late e-cheator in the county of Wilts, to permit the said abbess, Avhose fealty the king has ordered to be taken by William Ivo, clerk, to hold the tempoi'alities of the abbey. The like to the escheators in the following counties : — Devon and Cornwall. Somei'set and Dorset. Writ de intendendo in pursuance to the tenants. General pardon to John Fortescu, knight, of all ofTences committed by him before 9 July last. By p.s. Appointment, during pleasure, of John Brumston, esquire, as keeper of the city and suburbs of Canterbury, the liberties and franchises of which have been taken into the king's hands. By K. General pardon to Walter Pauncefote of Compton Pauncefote, co. Somerset, knight, of all offences committed by him before 24 November. By p.s. 11 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 297 1471. Membrane 23 — cont. Nov. 20. Grant to James Blundell, esquire, born in the duchy of Normandy, of Westminster, letters of denization. By p.s. Dec. 7. Grant to William Stanley, knight, and Elizabeth his wife, late the ■\Vestmiu.stcr. wife of .John, eail of Worcester, tenant in chief, of the custody of all castles, lordships, manors, lands, vents, services and other possessions with knij^hts' fees and advowsons late of the said John during the minority of Edward iiis son and heir and the custody and marriage of the latter without disparagement, and so from heir to heir, By p.s. Dec. 4. Westminster. Nov. 21. Westmiuster, Nov. 29. Westminster. Membrane 22. Grant to the king's brother RlTihard, duke of Gloucester, and the lieirs male of his body of the castles, honours, manors or lordships of Hethiugham Castle, Hethingham Sibill, Langdou Hall, Dodynghyrst, Fyngryth in Blakmore, Crustwych, Beniond, Bcnteley, Yeldliam Hall, Bumsted Helyon, Steple Bumsted, Eston Hail, Colne, Crii)pyngha11, Stantede Mounfichet and Canefeld, co. Essex, the custody and stewardship of the forest of Essex and the power of appointing and removing a lieutenant, a riding forester and three foresters on foot called ' yomen forsters,' the castles, honours, lordships and manors of Habendon, Dnllyngiiam, Saxton, Camps, Swaveham and Flengston, co. Cambridge, the manor or lordship of Horuemcde, co. Hertford, the manors or lordsiiips of Lavenham, Mendham, Tadyngston, Cokefeld, Aldenham and Preston, co. Suffolk, the manor cr lordship of Flete, co. Kent, the manor or lordship of Chesham Aston Staunford, co. Buckingham, the manor or lordship of Chepyngnorton, co. Oxford, and the manors or lordships of Poldeve, Roseneython, Etheron, Prodannek and Ponhale, co. Cornwall, late of Joiin, late earl of Oxford, and forfeited to the king by his rebeUion, the manors or lordsiiips of Westhordon, Purters in Stebbyng, Gymgrauf, Shenfeld, Cravenham, Estilbury, Westilbury and Ame.s, co. Essex, late of Lewis Fitz John and forfeited to the king by his rebellion, tlic manors or lordships of Chardeacre, llerthurst, Gilford, Boxstedo and Siielloy, co. Suffolk, and the manor of Enbalc, co. Cambridge, late of Robert Ilarleston, esquire, and forfeited to the king by his rebellion, the manors or lordships of Skreveiby, Ilornccastell, Maryng, Overtyngton, Marom, Screvelby, Ulfrire, Thornoton, Connesby and Donyngton, co. Lincoln, late of Tiiomas Dymmok, knight, and forfeited to the king by his rebellion, the manors or lordships of Sutton, Tid St. Mary, Tid St. Giles, Gosberkyrke, Moreton, Surflete, Withaui, Northwittam, Neuton and Walcote, co, Lincoln, and the manors of Upton, co. Nottingham, late of Thomas de la Laund, knight, and forfeited to the king by his rebellion, the manors or lordships of Loughton, Ingolsby, Colston Basset, Caworth, Cortlyngstok and Remston, co. Nottingham, late of John Trulhale and forfeited to the king by ids rebellion, and the manor or lordsbip of Colsond Darey, co. Essex, late of John Darcy and forfeited to the king by his rebellion, with all knights' fees, advowson.'^, courts lect, views of frank-pledge, rights, members, liamlots, meadows, feedings, pastures, fisheries, moors, marshc^, turbaries, forests, chaces, parks, woods, warrens, hundreds, fairs, markets, liberties, franchises, free customg, wards, marriages, escheats and services of tenants. By p.g. Grant to John Fogge, esquire, and his heirs of the manors of Dane in the hundred of Bocton and Toneford in the hundred of Weslgate, co. Kent, to hold from 1 December, 1 Edward IV, by as many knights' fees and as many other rents and services as tlicy were hekl by before 4 March, 1 Edward IV. with all issues from the said 1 Decembei'. By p.s. Grant for life to Thomas Sayntlegor, esquire of the body, of the custody of the king's castlo of ilouccstre, co. Kent, and all issues of tho castle 298 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1471. Membrane 22 — cont. payable by divers free tenants there at the feast of St. Andrew and plots, gardens, herbage, fruits and other commodities within the castle, in lieu of a grant of the custody to John Fogge, kuight, then esquire, by letters patent dated 14 April, 1 Edward TV. surrendered. By p.s. Oct. 20. General pardon to Michael Skylling of the county of Southampton of all Westmiuster. offences committed by him before 6 September last. By p.s. Oct. 7. Licence for the king's kinsman Henry, duke of Buckingham, to enter Westminster, freely into all manors, lordships, lands, rents and services which should descend to him by reason of the death of his uncle Sir Henry Stafford of Bokyngham, without rendering anything to the king save homage, fealty and other due services. By p.s. 1472. Jan. 18. Appointment, until 16 July next, of Robert Gregory, yeoman of the Westminster, avenary of the household, to take hay, oats, horse bread and litter and other things pertaining to the office of the avenary and carriage for the same. By bill of the steward of the household. The like of the following : — John Russell. John Jenyus. Thomas Rosse. Jan. 20. The like of Thomas Markham, esquire, to take salt and fresh-water fish Westminster, for the expenses of the household and carriage for the same. By bill of the steward of the household. 1471. Membrane 21. Dec. 4. Whereas lately in the absence of the king without the realm on the part of Westminster, the prior and convent of the monastery of St. Benet, Hulme, co. Norfolk, it was shown to Henry VI. that the monastery was void by the resignation of John Keving, late abbot, and the said late king granted licence to them to elect an abbot and they accordingly elected Thomas Pakefeld, professor of theology, cellarer of the monastery, and the said late king gave his assent and Walter, bishop of Norwich, confirmed the election and the said late king restored the temporalities to the abbot, the king nevertheless pardons the trespasses committed in this and confirms the estate of the abbot and restores the temporalities to him, By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the escheator in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk. Writ de intendendo in pursuance to the tenants. Dec. 5. Grant to the king's kinsman Thomas, cai'dinal archbishop of Canterbury, Westminster, for a certain sum of money paid by him to the king, of the custody of all manors, lands, rents, services and other hereditaments late of Robert Watton, tenant in chief, in the county of Kent during the minority of Katharine his daughter and heir and the custody and marriage of t],e latter without disparagement and so from heir to heir. By p.s. Dec. 20. Grant to Walter Blount, knight, lord Montjoye, for the relief of the ^Westminster, children of William Blount his sou and heir apparent, who persevered in the king's service beyond the sea and lately at Barnet under the king's standard manfully exposed himself to battle for the king's right and there was grievously wounded so that he died, of the custody of all castles, lordsiiips, manors, lands, rent.d of Longbregge, co. Kent, 'gentilman,' late one of the inhabitants of that hundred. John Godueston of Godneslon by Wyngliam in the hundred of Wyngham, co. Kent, ' gentilman.' late one of the inhabitants of that hundred. 302 1471. CALENDAR OF PATENT EOLLS. Membrane 18 — cont. Thomas Lovelas, ' gentilmau,' late one of the inhabitants of the hundred of Dowuhamford, co. Kent. John Isaak, esquire, late one of the inhabitants of the hundred of Bregge, co. Kent. Thomas Looneryk of Heme in the Imndred of Bleugate, co. Kent, esquire, late one of the inhabitants of that hundred. William Appoldrefeld, ' gentilman,' late one of the inhabitants of the hundred of Teueham, co. Kent. Richard Dygges, < gentilman,' late one of the inhabitants of the Imndred of Middelton alias Mylton, co. Kent. Simon Goderd late of Feyrefeld in the hundred of Alowesbregge, CO. Kent, 'yoman,' late one of the inhabitants of that hundred. John Swayn late of Westgatestrete by Canterbury in the hundred of Westgate, co. Kent, * yoman,' late one of the inhabitants of that hundred. John Roper late of Swaleehyne in the hundred of Whitstaple, co. Kent, esquire, late one of the inhabitants of that hundred. Thomas Seynt Nicholas of the parish of Mynster in the Isle of Thanet in the hundred of Ryngeslowe, co. Kent, esquire, late one of the inhabitants of that hundred. John Holneherst late of Betherisden in the hundred of Charte, CO. Kent, ' yoman,' late one of the inhabitants of that hundred. Richard Norton, 'yoman,' late one of the inhabitants of the hundred of Caleb ill, co. Kent. John Turke, * yoman,' late one of the inhabitants of the hundred of Lytelfeld, co. Kent. John Gybbes, ' gentilman,' late one of the inhabitants of the hundred of Folkestone, co. Kent. Thomas Wombewell, ' gentilman,' late one of the inhabitants of the hundred of Toltyngtrowe, co. Kent. William Pellicau, ' gentilman,' late one of the inhabitants of the township of Westmallyng, co. Kent. John Baldewyn, ' yoman,' late one of the inhabitants of the hundred of Twyford, co. Kent. William Swan of Suthflete, co. Kent, the elder, ' gentilman,' late one of the inhabitants of the hundred of Axstan, co. Kent. William Brokhill, ' gentilman,' late one of the inhabitants of the hundred of Ayhorne, co. Kent. John Hadde, ' gentilman,' late one of the inhabitants of the hundred and city of Rouchestre, co. Kent. Thomas Hextall, ' gentilman,' late one of the inhabitants of the town of Dover, co. Kent, within the Cinque Ports in the counties of Kent and Sussex, and all other persons now or lately inhabiting the same town who appeared before Thomas Bourghchier, knight, John Dynham of Dynham, knight, John Fogge, knight, Thomas Echyngham, knight, William Notynghara, Nicholas Stathum and Roger Brent, justices appointed as above within the said Cinque Ports and their members. By K. John Harwardyng, late one of the inhabitants of the town of Ten- derden, co. Kent, within the Cinque Ports. Vacated because below. Richard Martyn, ' gentilman,' late one of the inhabitants of the town of Feversham, co. Kent. Thomas Stace, late one of the inhabitants of the town of Hethe, CO. Kent, within the Cinque Ports. J 1 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 303 1471. Membrane 18 — cont. Christopher Beverley, ' gentilman,' late one of the inhabitants of the town of Fordwich, co. Kent, -within the Cinque Ports. Thomas Caxton, late one of the inhabitants of the town of Lydde, CO. Kent, witliin the Cinque Ports. Thomas Kenett, late one of the inhabitants of the town of Folston, CO. Kent, within the Cinque Ports. Robert Scarce, late one of the inhabitants of the town of Rumney, CO. Kent, within the Cinque Ports. Dec. 10. Thomas Pette, late one of the inhabitants of the town and hundred of Westminster. Tcntcrden, within the Cinque Ports. Nov. .3. Ralph Rycher, late one of the inhabitanis of tlie towns and parish Wcstmmstcr. of Walmer and Dele, co. Kent, within the Cinque Ports. William Durant, late one of the inhabitanis of the town and parish of Bekisbournc, co. Kent, within the Cinque Ports. John Sutton, late one of the inhabitants of the town of Rye, co. Sussex, within the Cinque Ports. John Goldyng, late one of the inhabitants of the town of Hastyngcs, CO. Sussex, within the Cinque Ports. Henry Newcrk, late one of the inhabitants of the hundred of lilakhcth, CO. Kent. By K. Membrane 17. Nov. 13. General pardon to William Cheney alias Cheynee of the Isle of Westminster. Shepey, esquire, of all offences committed by him before 5 October last. By p.s, Nov. 15. Grant to the king's clerk Master John Seymour of the prebend or Westminster, canonry within the king's free chapel of St. George and St. Mary witliin the castle of Wyndesore, void by the resignation of Master William Duddeley. By K. Mandate in pursuance to the dean or warden of the said chapel. Nov. 22. Grant for life to Mark Symondson, master of a ship called Ic Antomj of Westminster. Camfeer in Zeland, in which the king was brought from those parts to England, of 20/. yearly at the receipt of the Exche{iuer. By p.s. Doc. 4. General pardon to Thomas Fulford of Fulford, co. Devon, knight, of all Westminster, olfences committed by him before 1 December. By p.s. Nov. 1.5. Gi'ant for life to the king's servant Roger Horsley, one of the ycomon Westminster, of the king's chamber, for his good service beyond the seas and within the realm, of tlio olRce of one of the four foresters of lugleswode, co. Cumberland, with the accustomed fees, in the same manner as William Lother, rebel, had. By p.s. rluly 12. The like to Richard Wagotte, servant of the duchess of Exeter, of the Wcsiminster. office of bailiff of Opposham, co. Devon, with the accustomed fees. By p.s. Nov. 20. Pi'otection with clause volumus, for one year, for John Roller, citizen Wc.-itininsier. jind grocer of London, alias of Southpetherton, co. Somerset, ' gentilman,' staying on the king's service in the company of John Thriske, treasurer and victualler of the town of Calais and the marches there, on the safe-custody, defence and victualling of the same. By bill of p.s. Due. 13. General pardon to William Berkeley of Weley, co. Worcester, alias Westminster. William Barkeley late of Stoke, co. Gloucester, esquire, of all olienccs committed by him before 25 November last. By p.s. 1472. Jan. 20. General pardon to William, lord of Berkeley, co. Gloucester, knight, of Westminster, all ofTeuces committed by him before 14 January. By p.s. 304 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1472. Feb. 19. Westminster. Feb 25. Wcstmiustcr. Membrane 17 — cont. Licence for the abbot of the church of St. Mary, Fourneis, co. Lancaster, of the next ten years and to buy 200 quarters of wheat in Ireland in each ship them to England after due payment of the customs and subsidies. By p.s. Grant for life to John Lloydy of Ludlowe, in recompense of his expenses iu the king's service, of all lands in Leton, co. Salop, late of Roger Burlctou with the reversion of the part of tlie said lands which Alice late Iho wife of William Burleton holds for life, not exceeding the yearly value of 33*. 4c?. and forfeited to the king by reason of divers felonies. By p.s. 1471. Membrane 16. Nov. 16. General pardon to James Lee late of Aston by Stone, co. Stafford, Westminster, knight, late esquire, of all offences committed by him before 13 November. By p.s. Nov. 22. General pardon to John Bonevile alias Bonvill of Shute, co. Devon, Westminster, esquire. By p.s. Nov. 18. General pardon to Thomas Neville, king's clerk, parson of the churcli of Westminster. Braunspath in the bishopric of Durham, of all offences committed by him before 27 August, 10 Edward IV. By p.s. Nov. 5. General pardon to George Bothe, esquire, alias of Dunham Mascy, Westminster, co. Chester, ' gentilman,' a/iffs of Altryngham, co. Chester, of all offences committed by him before 23 {sic) November. By p.s. Nov. 23. Grant in frank almoin to Robert, the prior, and the convent of the house Westminster, of the Assumption of St. Mary, Mountgrace, of the Carthusian ordei', in the diocese of York, of the manor or alien priory of Begger, co. York, with all lands, rents, pensions, portions, possessions, emoluments, spiritualities and temporalities, that they may pray for the good estate of the king and for his soul after death and for the souls of the king's father Richard, late duke of York, and the king's brothers and sisters, and because they undertake to celebrate three masses daily within their house, to wit of St. Mary, the Holy Trinity and St. Erasnuis the Bishop. By p.s. Oct. 20. Presentation of John Clidro to the parish church of Llarnaber by Ebormo Westminster, iu North Wales, in the diocese of Bangor, void by the resignation of Hugh Morgan. Nov. 5. General pardon to Richard Jouetes late of Feckyngham, co. Woi ccster, Westminster. ' gentilman,' alias late of Northgrove, co. Worcester, of all offences committed by him before 3 October last. By p.s. Nov. 28. Release, at the supplication of the king's kinsman John, earl of Westminster. Shrewsbury, kinsman and heir of Ralph Straunge, original founder of the priory or hospital of St. John Baptist, Bruggenorth, co. Salop, to Robert, abbot of the monastery of St. Mary, Lilleshill, co. Salop, and tlie convent of that place, and their successors, of all right and chum of the king to the said hosjjital and tlie lands pertaining to it, and grant to them of those lands, and pardon to them of all alienations and perquisitions in mortmain of the said hospital and lands without licence, notwiilistanding that the hospital is of the king's gift and the appointment of the prior, master or warden belongs to the king, that they may pray for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, and for their souls after death and the souls of the said founder and his relatives and heirs, and do other works of piety according to the intention of the founder. By jj.s. Sept. 3. General pardon to Thomas Trigot late of Kirkeby, co. York, ' gentilman,' Westminster, of all offences committed by him before 11 August last. By p.s. 11 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 305 1471. Dec. 14. Westminster. Dec. !7. \\'estmiiister. Dee. 18. Wcstmiustcr. Dec. 3. M'csfminster. Membrane 16 — cont. Grant for life to the king's servant John Biggc, esquire, for bis good service beyond the seas and in divers conflicts within the realm, of the office of verger {virgebajiili) in the town of Sandwich witli the custody of the castle there and the meadows belonging to it, which office needs actual exercise and is in the king's hands by the rebellion of Thomas Bodyn, with the accustomed fees. By p.s. [3377.] General pardon to William Joseph late of London, esquire, alias ' gentilman,' of all offences committed by him before 9 July last. By p.s. Presentation of William Trowe, chaplain, to the parish church of CiiyltoD Cantelope, in the diocese of Batii and Wells, void by the rc.'iig- nation of John Buron. Grant for life to the king's servant John Baret, clerk of the king's lutclien, of the custody of tlie king'o castle of Salisbury, co. Wilts, witli tlie accustomed wages and fees as allowed in the time of Edward 111. and all other profits belonging to the custody. By p.s. Membrane 15. Oct. 24. Although by an inquisition taken at Kyngeslon on Hull on 27 Sep- Wcstininstcr. tembcr before .John Typlot, then one of the coroners within the town and precinet of Kyngeston on Hull, on tlu; body of John Byrkyu late of Kyngeston, ' yonian,' it was found that Williaiu Carter of York, ' merchant,' on 25 September at Kyngeston on Hull about the tenth hour after noon assaulted tlie said John and struck liim in the belly with a dagger of liie value of \Gd. and killed him, the king nevertheless jjardons to the said William the said felony and all consequent forfeitures of his goods. By p.s. Nov. 2. General pardon to John Batyn of Frome in Selwodo, co. Somer.set, Westminster. * yoman,' alias John Osbarnc, ' clothmakcr,' of all offences committed by him before 24 October kst. By p.s. July 17. Grant for life to Richard Forde, one of the yeomon of tlie crown, of Gd, "Westminster, daily for bis fee from the issues of the county of Southampton. By p.s. Nov. 4. Grant for life to Margaret late the "wife of Thomas Talbot, Westminster, viscount Lisle, of the lordship and manor of Payncswyk, co. Gloucester, and the manors of Norton Beauchamp and Lympy.sliam with their members in the counties of Somerset and Dorset, parcel of the manors :nnl lands of the said viscount, to hold in dower with knights' fees, advow- sons, courts leet, views of frank-pledge and other liberties. By p.s. Nov. 5. Appointment, during pleasure, of Wiiliam Pokeryng as ganger in the Westminster, port of Kyngeston on Hull and ports and places adjacint, receiving the accustomed fees. By bill of the treasurer. 1472. Jan. 24. Commission to Jolin Cheyne, esquire of the body, of full power of Wcstminbter. governance of an armed force which the king is sending to sea against his enemies. 1471. July 15. Appointment for life of the king's servitor John Profoot as tlic king's Wcbiiiuii&ler. f^ccretary in the French tongue and one of the king's notaries and secretaries of France, and grant to him for life of 20/. yearly froni 20 August, 7 I'-dward IV. from the customs and subsidies in the port of Suthampton with all other accustomed profit.^, in the .';anie manner as Master Gcrvase, deceased ; in lieu of a like appointment and grant hy letters patent dated the said 20 August (see p. 48), surrendered. By p.s. y 96186. U 30G CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1472. Membi'ane 15 — cont. Feb. 20. Jyiceuce for Margaret late the wife of Robert, lord Hungerford, Westminster, knight, John Cheyne of Pynne, esquire, and John Mcrvyn, esquire, to found an almshouse of one chaplain, twelve poor men and one woman, whereof the chaplain shall be warden, at Heightesbury, co. Wilts, to celebrate divine service and other prayers daily in the parish church of Heightesbury for the good estate of the king, his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, Kichivrd Beauchamp, bishop of Salisbury, the saicl iMargaret, John and John and Master James Goldwell, prothonotary apostolic, dean of the cathedral church of St. Mary, Salisbury, and for their souls after death and the souls of the said Robert and his parents Walter Hungerford, late lord Hunger- lord, and Katharine his wife, and William, lato lord of Botreaux, and Elizabeth his wife, parents of the said Margaret, and Gregory Westby, esquire, and do other things according to their ordinance, and for them to grant in frank almoin to the eaid warden, poor men and women the manors of Cheverell Burnell and Cheverell Hales alias Great Cheverell, co. Wilts, and two messuages in Heightesbury which Walter Hungerford, late lord Hungerford, acquired fi'om John at Borgh, esquire, and 20 cartloads of wood for fuel in the wood of Southlegh, co. Wilts, the advowson of the church of Great Cheverell excepted. [Monasticon, vol. vii., p. 725.] By p.s. and for 120 marks paid in the hanaper. Feb. 15. Gr.ant to the king's clerk Master John Gunthorp, the king's almoner, Westmiuster. of the prebend and canonry within the king's ft'ee chapel of St. Stephen within the palace of Westminster void by the death of Thomas Boleyn. ■By K. Mandate in pursuance to the dean and chapter. 147X, Membrane 14. Nov. 23. Grant to Cornelius Henrykson, born in the town of Audewarp in Westminster. Brabant, and his children of letters of denization. By p.s. Tli(! like to Mathew Weyer, born in the town of Audewarp, and his children. By p.s. Nov. 20. Licence for William Trnssell, knight, .son and heir of Thomas Trussell, Westn)iuster. knight, to enter I'reely into all castles, lordships, manors, lands, I'ents, reversions, services, views of frank-pledge, courts leet, knights' fees, warrens, parks, tisheries, fairs, markets, advowsons and other possessions which should descend to him on the death of his father. By p.s. U72. Jan. 13. General pardon to Master John Walter of St. Albans, co. Hertford, clerk, Westmiuster. of all offences committed by him before 23 December last. By p.s. Membrane 13. Feb. 18. General pardon to William Tournay, prior of the Hospital of St. John Vi'estmiuster. of Jerusalem iu England. By K. The like to the following : — Richard Passemer late of London, ' gentilman,' alias late of the street of St. John without the bar of Westsmythfeld in the suburbs of Loudon, CO. Middlesex, alius late of Gerbevyl, co. Essex. John Formour late of Loudon, alias John Furmer late of the street of St. John aforesaid. By K. Feb. 12. Licence for the king's sister Margaret, duchess of Burgundy, or lier Wcstmiustcr. executors or administrators after her decease or their factors or attorneys to ship 50 sacks of wool in any ports of the realm and take them to foreign parts by the straits of Marrok quit of customs and subsidies. \_Fa'dcra.'] By p.s. 11 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 307 1472. Membrane 12.- Fcb. 29. Commission to Hemy Sharp, doctor of laws, Tiiomas Candore and Jolm W<'!>tuiiaiiter. ISeucourt, doctors of decrees, Tliomas Ursewyk, knight, chief baron of the Exchequer, William Stokker .rnd William Taylard, knights, Richard Leyty, bachelor of cither law, Robert Basset, citizen and alderman of London, and Philip Hardbene, ' merchaunt,' to hear and determine an appeal by John Zeboll alias Seboll, merchant of Spain, against a decision of Master William Goodyer, doctor of laws, lieutenant or commissary of the king's brother Richard, duke of Gloucester, great constable of England, in a case before him in the White Hall at Westminster, touching the non-delivery by the said John to Thomas Wattys, citizen and draper of London, of a certain quantity of white soap according to a contract between the latter and Didacus de Coriasrnbias and John de Vermco, merchants of Spain, made in Jjiugys in Flanders, for which the said Thomas claimed ceituin other goods of the said Didacus and John do Vcrmeo in the possession of the said John Zeboll. Feb. 25. Innpeximus and confirmation to the weavers and fullers of the town of "Wcstmiuster. Oxford of letters patent dated 13 July, 17 Henry VI, granting licence for their incorporation. For 2 marks paid in the hanaper. Membrane 11. Feb. 7. AVcstmiueter. Jan. 13. Westminster. Feb. 18. Wcstmiuster. Feb. 14. Westuiiuiler, Feb. 26. Westminster. Grant to Gilbert Desydwyn alias Gysbert Desydewyn of the town of Calais, ' berebrewer,' and the heirs of his body of letters of denization. By p s. Grant to John Pilkyngton, one of the knights of the body, and the heirs male of his body of the manor of Evesgrano Avith its members, two messuages, three cottages and 55 acres of hind in Goacnor, one messuage, two cottages and 73 acres of land in Whityngham, a tenement and 20 acres of land in Ilacunsawe and 4 acres of land in Dilworthc, co. Lancaster, and the manors of Rotheniell and Rrayton, 100 acres of land and pasture in Barley by Selby, three enclosures of land called ' Mikilhirst,' ' Euelland ' and 'Berkerland' and three acres of laud in the simie, a toncnicnl and 12 a«res of land in Hawton in Craven, four cottages in Selby and a tenement and 8 acres of land in Nowsom in Craven, co. i'ork, lato of John Cateral! late of Selby, esquire, and in the king's hands by rea.son of an net in Parliament at Westmini;ter, 4 November, 1 Edward IV, by pretext of which he was convicted of high treason, to hold with all their members wilh knights' fees, advowsons, wardships, marriages, warrens and other profils by the services of as many knights' fees and as many other rents and services as they were held by before 4 March, 1 Edward IV, and all issues from that date. By p.s. Grant to the merchants of the city of Cologne in Almain, who have and in times past have had among other merchants of Almain the how^G in the city uf Loudon commonly called Guildelialla Theulonicoruin that for one year from Easter next they shall enjoy their ancient privileges throughcut the realm of England and other places subject to the king and they and llu-ir factors, attorneys and servants shall be (piit of all sul)si(lics granted to the king for their persons or for all goods and merchandise brought by them into or cut of the realm, savins to the kins his ancient rights and customs. By p.s. Presentation of Robert Blakwall to the jiarish church of Gcsylham, in the diocete of Norwich. General pardon to Henry Roos, knight, of all oircuccs committed by him before 14 February. By p.s. U 2 308 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1472. Jan. 28. Westminster. Feb. 2. Westminster. 14.71. Sept. 28, Westminster. 1472. Jan. 7. Westminster. Jan 17. Westminster. 1471. Dec. 5. AVestminster. 1472. Feb. 12. Westminster. Feb. 2.3. Westminster. Membrane 10. Grant to William Toures, chaplain, of the canonry and prebend which John Hury lately had within the king's free chapel of St. Mary, St. George and St. Edward the Confessor within the castle of Wyndesore, void by his resignation. By K. Mandate in pursuance to the dean and chapter of the chapel. Grant to Master Edmund Lichefeld of the prebend of SowthkaiU in tiie cathedral church of Lincoln, void by the death of the last incumbent and in the king's gift by reason of the temporalities of the bishopric being in his hands. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the dean and chapter. General pardon to John Stanley late of Baterssey, co. Surrey, esquire. ByK. Grant^to the king's aunt Anne, duchess of Buckingham, the wife of Waller Blount, knight, lord Mountjoy, and herdieirs of eight messuages, eighteen tofts, 100 acres of arable kud and 30 acres of meadow in Batersey and Waiinesworth, co. Surrey, and pasture in gross for 8 oxen, G cows, 10 bullocks, 150 sheep, 2 sows, a bull and 2 boars in the common called Westlieth, viz. from Wassyngham, Eydon and Waudesworth to Totyng, and in the common called Esthetli, viz. from Wassyngham and Rydon to Balam and Clopham, and in the common called Fyngewode at all times of the year, late of John Stanley, esquire, and forfeited to the king because he granted them to John Hunt, steward of the lands of the abbot and convent of St. Peter, Westminster, Richard Newedyke and William Parker for the use of the said abbot and convent, without licence, contrary to the statute of mortmain, to hold the same of the chief lords of the fee by the old rents and services. By K. Grant to William Baldry, whom the king appointed searcher in the port of London and ports and places adjacent by letters patent dated 4 No- vember, 9 Edward IV, of a moiety of the forfeitui-es of goods in the same from that date. By p.s. Licence, at the supplication of the king's knight Robert Wyngefelde, for the acquisition in mortmain by the master or warden and bretiiren of the college of St. John Evangelist, Rushworth, of lands, tenements and rents, not held in chief, to the value of 40 marks yearly. By p.s. and for 40 marks paid in the hanaper. Presentation of John Pelitott, chaplain of the chantry at the altar of St. Mary in the cathedral church of Chichester, of the jurisdiction of the dean of Chichester, to the parish church of St. Peter by Gyldynhall, Cliichester, of the same jurisdiction, on an exchange of benefices with William Cole. Pardon to Joan Dynham, widow, Roger Keys, clerk, Thomas Couderowe, clerk, and John Mcrifeld, tenants of the lands of Nicholas Carewe, esquire, late sheriff of Devon, deceased, of all accounts, debts, fines, issues and amercements due to the king from the said Nicholas orfi om them as tenants of his lands. By p.s. Whereas by letiers patent dated 29 January, G Edward IV, the king granted to William Wade the manor of PolstCLlhall in Burneham, co. Norfolk, with the advowson of the church and 3 acres of land in Burneham for life, subject to a charge of 10 marks yearly to John Grey and David Chambley, 11 EDWAED IV.— Part II. 309 1472. Membrane 10 — cont, and the said William has been distrained upon for the said 10 marks yearly from 8 December, 4 Edward IV, and John Hcvenyngham, knight, late sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, has been charged with the same at the Exchequer, the king hereby pardons to them the said sums and all arrears and grants that the said William shall hold the premises for life quit of the said charge. By p.s. Feb. 15. Grant for life to the king's knight Maurice Berkley of the office of Westminster, constable of the king's castle by the town of Soutiiampton, void by the death of Humphrey Audeley, with all profits, receiving 10/. yearly for the accustomed fee of the office from the customs and subsidies in the port of the town. By p.s. Vacated by surrender and cancelled so far as concerns the said lOl. yearly, because the king granted the like to him by other letters patent on 1 December, 12 Edward IV. Membrane 9. Feb. 14. Grant to Ralph Verney, knight, and Richard Fowelcr and their heirs, for Westminster, the use of the said Ralph and his heirs, for certain sums of money paid by him to the king, of the reversion of the manor or lordship of Saldon or Saldeyn with its members, the manor of Donyngton or Donton, the manor of Stone called ' Seyntclerc Maner ' alias ' Bracy Maner,' a messuage, two tofts and 12 virgates in Morton in tlie parish of Donton, a messuage, 7 virgates of land, 'M acres of mead'iw and 20 acres of pasture in Parmer and two tofts and 5 virgates of land in Waldcruge, co. Buckingliam, a tenement which James Welles, ' dr;ii)cr,' iicld in Bradstrete in the p;u'ish of St. Chrislopher by le Stokkes, London, a messuage with two tenements annexed in the parish of St. Peter le Poor, Loiul\ grains fine ; of which pound weight the v/arden shall take for the king Is. Qd. whereof the master shall have for the working of the coins and olher expeases 2s, Gd. and the warden, controller, clipper of the irons, clerk and usher of the coins shall have their fees at the hands of the warden, and there shall remain to the merchant 22/. 2s. Gd. The master shall be allowed at the assay a variation of weiglat, or alloy of the eighth part of a carat in the pound, which is called ' remedie,' but otherwise shall melt and reforge defective money at his own cost. He liath undertaken also to make five kinds of silver money, a pound of which shall be worth 37s. Gd. viz. a piece of Ad. which shall be called a ' grote,' of which there shall be 112^ in the pound aforesaid, and pieces called ' a half grote,' a ' peny ' or a ' sterling,' n ' halfpeny ' and a ' ferthyng ' in like manner ; and every pound of silver money shall weigh 11 ounces and 2 pennyweights of fine silver and 18 pennyweights of alloy, every pennyweight containing 24 grains ; of which moneys the warden shall take for the king 18J. whereof the master shall have \2d. and the warden, controller, clipper of the irons, clez'k and usher of the coins shall have their wages, and there shall remain to the merchant 36s. The ' remedye ' shall be 2d. weight in every pound. Before issue 10s. value in every 10 pounds of gold and 2s. value in every 100 pounds of silver shall be put in a box sealed with the seals of the warden, master, and controller and shut with three keys of which they each shall have one, and the said box shall be opened every three months upon reasonable warning before certain lords of the council, and assay made by fire or touch in the presence of the warden, master and controller. The master shall make a privy mark upon all moneys made by him, and the warden, master and controller shall take gravers to grave the irons, and smiths and other workmen, and the irons when graven shall be delivered by indenture to the clerk of the mint and the graver shall not grave elsewhere but only in one house within the Tower. The master shall receive gold and silver brought to the Tower at its true value, and in case of doubt the king's assayers shall determine the truth, for which two good stones called ' towches ' and good ' nedeles ' shall bo pro- vided, and the balances and weights shall be amended from time to time. The master and his deputies, officers rnd servants and all persons bringing gold or silver to tiie Tower shall have free entry and issue. : The delivery of gold and silver shall take place once or more in the week and the master shall take count of the sum coined and the number of persons to whom delivery shall be made. No money or bullion shall be taken out of the realm, except by special leave of the king, and no false or counterfeit money brought in. The king confirms to the said warden, master and controller and all other ministers of the mints and exchanges the charters and franchises granted aforetime, and the moneyers and workmen shall be ready to do their work at all time and the gold and silver to be coined shall be delivered to them in clean ingots. The master shall bring all the gold and silver that he shall receive in the exchanges or by colour of his office to 11 EDWARD IV.—PaetII. 315 ]^4'72. Membranes ^ and 2 — cont. the mints to be made into money, and no person shall hold common excliange, privy or apert, on pain of the forfeiture contained in the statute of 2o Edward III, of which forfeiture the said master shall have 12(7. of the pound. And for the performance of the covenants aforesaid the said master has made oath in Chancery and has found borrows in 100/. each, viz. Sir Richard Hastinges, knight, Sir Ralph Hastinges, knight, William Stephens of London, ' gcutilman,' Hugh Brice, ' goldsmyth,' Hugh Broun, ' mercer,' Christopher Elyot, ' goldsmytii,' and Henry Wodecok, ' scryvanar.' English. By p.s. Feb. 16. Westniiuster. Feb. 26. Westminster. Feb. lo. Westiiiinster. 1471. •June 17. Westminster. July 12. AVestiuinsler. Membrane 2 — cont. Appointmcnl of Tliomas Bryan as chief justice of the Bench during good behaviour, receiving the accustomed fees, in lieu of a like appointment of him during pleasure by letters patent dated 29 May last, surrendered. By K. Grant to the said Thomas, for the better maintenance of his estate and his expenses iu oilice, of 140 marks yearly at the hands of the clerk or keeper of the hanaper or the customers in the ports of London, Bristol and Kyngeston on Hull, according to the form of an act in Parliament at AVest- minstcr, 18 Henry VI. ami lOG*. 1 l^r/. and the sixth jiart of ^r/. yearly at Chiistmas for a robe witli fur and GGs-. (jd. at Wiiitsuutido lor a robe with lining. Grant for life to Hugh Brice of Loudon, ' goldsmyth,' and James Brico his son of the ofiices of clerk of the king's mint, money and change within the Tower of London and usher of the said excliange, with fees as in the last year of Edward III. and the fir.st of Richard Jl. at the hands of the warden of tlic said exchange, in lieu of like grants of the .'^iud ollices t!) the said Ilu^h and John Sandes by letters patent dated 24 March, C Edward IV. snrrenderod, and Hugli Amory by letters patent dated 4 June, 2 Edward IV. surrendered. By p.s. Grant to Richard Neel, one of the justices of the Bench, for the better maintenance of his estate and his expenses in ofllce, of 110 marks yearly at the hands of the clerk or keeper of the hanaper or the customers in the jjorta of London, Bristol and Kyngeston on Hull, according to tlie form of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 18 Henry VI. and 106*. \\\d. and the sixth i)art of \d. yearly at Christmas for a robe with fur and G6s. (jil. at Whitsuntide for a robe with lining. Grant for life to Richard Beauchamp, knigiit, constable of the castle of Gloucester, of 40 marks yearly frotn the fee farm of the town from Easter, 10 Edward IV. By p.s. 2472. Membrane 1. Jan. 18. General pardon to the m.iyor, const.ablcs and society of merchants of tiie Wcstiniiistci-. staple of Calais of all offences committed by them before 13 Jsnnary, 11 Edward IV. and all amercements, reliefs, scutages, debts, accounts ami arrears due from them to tlic king before 29 September, 9 Edward IV. ; provided that this pardon shall not extend to any capture of goods of tlie king since 4 Marcli last. By K. The like to the following persons, merchants of the staple of Calais : — John Marshall, citizen and merchant of York. By K. Thomas Beseby lato of Stowc by Lincoln, co. Lincoln, * mnrchaunt,' alias late mayor of Lincoln and cscheator iu that city, alias of 316 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1472. Membrane 1 — cont. Stowe St. Mary, late one of the collectors of the first of the two fifteenths and tenths granted to the king by the laity in the eighth year in the parts of Lyndesey. By K, Robert Onley of Coventre, ' merchant,' alias Robert Woneley, * gentilman,' ' wolmarchaunt,' alias ' felmnrcliaunt,' f/Zms late one of the sheriffs of the city of Coventre. By K. John Croke, citizen of Loudon, ' gentilman.' By K, Thomas Sharpe of London, ' grocer.' By K. William Browne of Staunford, co. Lincoln, ' merchant.' By K. John Tate of Loudon the younger, ' mercer.' By K. Robert Tate of London, ' mercer.' Thomas Wymark of London, ' grocer.' By K. William Bracebrygge alias Brasebrygge, citizen and draper of London. By K. John Thryske, mayor of the staple of Calais, alias John Thersk, late mayor of York, alias of Burton by Lincoln, co. Lincoln, ' marchaunt.' By K. William Copley of London, 'gentilman,' o/^as late of Barnbowe, co, York, alias of Doncastre, co. York. By K. Thomas Parys of Skirbck, co. Lincoln, ' marchaunt,' alias Thomas Parysshe late of Boston, co. Lincoln. By K. Robert Sutton of Boston, co. Lincoln, ' marchaunt.' By K. William Horne alias Horn, citizen and ' Salter ' of London. By K. Richard Yorke, merchant of York, alias 'gentilman,' alias late mayor of York. By K. John Barton of Holme in the parish of Northmoscham, co. Notting- ham, ' merchaunt,' alias late farmer of the manor of Egyll by Lincoln, co. Lincoln. By K. Thomas Massyngberd late of London, * gentilman,' abas late citizen and mercer of London, alias ' marchaunt.' By K. John Massyngberd late of London,! ' mercer,' alias late of Boston. CO. Lincoln, ' wolmarchaunt,' alias late of Burgh, co. Lincoln, ' gentilman.' By K. John Tate, citizen, mercer and alderman of London, alias ' mar- chaunt.' By K. John Fenne alias AfTenne late of London, < stokfysshmonger,' alias citizen and merchant of London, alias ' marchaunt.' By K. Richard Lema+on alias Lemyngton alias Lemangton, late mayor of York, alias merchant of York, alias 'gentilman,' alias late one of the customers in the port of Kyngestoa on Hull. By K. William Brompton of Kyngeston ou Hull, co. York, ' marchaunt.' By K. John Swan of Kyngeston on Hull, co. York, ' marchaunt.' By K. Membrane 2M. Feb. 3. Commission to Ralph Ayssheton, knight, sheriff of York, and Edmund Westminster. Hastyngcs, knight, to arrest Martin atte See, esquire, and bring him before the king and council. 11 EDWA.RD IV.— Part II. 317 1471. ■ Membrane 21 d. Oct. 23. Commission to IMasler Thomas Candor, master of decrees, Philip Husko Westminster, and Master Roger Rotheram, doctors of laws, and JMichael Carvanell, bachelor in either law, to hear and determine an appeal by Robert Dropc, citizen and alderman of London, against a decision of Dan Robert Essex, archdeacon of the monastery of St. Peter, Westminster by Loudon, and judge of civil causes of dwellers within the precinct aud jurisdiction of the niouastery, not jjertaining to the court of Ro:ne, in a cause before him in \rliich the said Robert sued Richard Joynour, staying within the sanctuary of the monastery, for 133/. Gs. 8d. which the latter had failed to pay according to promise. Dec. 15. Commission to the king's kinsman William, earl of Arundel, lieutenant Westraiuster. of Dover castle and governor of the Cinque Ports, Robert Cok, guardian of t!ie town of Sandwich, Edward Skelton, one the king's Serjeants at arms, William Fcnnell, John Colle, John WaskefF, .John Saman and the bailiff of Sandwich to enquire into the complaint of Domynggo Demascata, John Demascata and John Garce, merchants of Spain, that when relying on the truces between the king and his kinsman the king of Castile and Leon on 18 October, 10 Edward IV. they were sailing to Sandwich in a carvel of Spain called la 3lari/c de Keijte of (he burthen of G4 tuns, laden with wines and other goods and merchandise, they were taken by certi-.in pirates lieges of the king in a ship of England called la Marye Welfare of which Robert Tcygo was then master, victualled by Richard Robyns, Henry Stede and Thomas Cokke, and despoiled of the said ship and its gear and the said goods to the value of 420/., and to cause restitution to be made and to aii'cst the offenders and bring them before the king in Chancery. Membrane 2Ad. Nov. 20. Commission of oyer and terminer to the king's kinsman William, carl of Wcstmiuster. Pembroke, Kichard Cliokk, knight, Thomas Litelton, Thomas Vaghan, Thomas Rriggo, John Herbert, Hugh Hunteley and Thomas Morgau in South Wales. By K. 1472. Membrane 2\d. Feb. 5. Commission to Ralph do Graystok, knight, William Pudscy, knight, Westminster. William Cla.xton, esquire, Robert Rodcs and John Herbotell to eiKjuiro what lands Roger Thornton, esquire, deceased, tenant in chief, held in the county of Northuinl)eihaul and what they are worth and who is his heir and to take them into the king's hands. 1471. Membrane 20d. Nov. 14. Commission to John Cheyny, Thomas Prut, Thomas Dahimare, Thomas Westuiiuster. Kyngston and Robert Quy(lhanq)ton, mayor of Redyng, to arrest John Alisuunder of Redyng aud Nicholas Evesham of Redyng aud bring them before the king and council. 1472. Membrane \8d. Feb. 20. Commission of oyer aud terminer to the king's brothers George, duke Westmiuster. of Clarence, and Richard, duke of Gloucester, the king's kinsmen John, duke of Norfolk, John, duke of Suilblk, and Henry, earl of Essex, and William Burgheliier, kni;^lit, John Dynliam of Dynham, knight, Walter Blount of Mount joy, knight, Thomas Bryan, William Lakcn, Thomas Mongomcry, knight, Thomas Tyrell, knight, Walter Writtell, John Greue and John Ingoldesby touching certain treasons, insurrections, rebellions, felonies, riols and other onVnces committed by Thomas Veer laic of 318 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1472. Membrane 18c? — cont. rieii^^ham Castell, co. Essex, knight, John Darcy late of Tolshuut Darcy, CO. Essex, esquire, Nicholas Gascoign late of Sundrysshe, co. Kent, esquire, William Eenbury of Takeley, co. Essex, ' gentilman,' John Cumberland late of Donuham, eo. Essex, ' yomau,' John Quyxley late of Wyvenhoo, CO. Essex, the elder, 'yoman,' John Melbourn of Wyvenhoo, 'shypmau,' Thomas Melbouni of Wyvenho, 'shipman,' Giles Porter of Wyvenhoo, 'yoman,' John Welde of Wyvenhoo, 'yoman,' Simon Weye of Wyvenho, 'yoraan,* Peter Coo of Wyvenho, 'yoman,' John Aiyche of Wyvenhoo the younger, 'yoman,' John Sterlyng of Coksale, co. Essex, ' wever,' John Yardeley of Thakstede, co. Essex, 'yoman,' William Hall of Ipswich, CO. Suffolk, ' yoman,' John Best of Colchestre, co. Essex, 'yoman,' John Barker of Colchestre, 'yoman,' Thomas Clerk of Colchestre, 'yoman,' John Segrym of Estdonylaud, co. Essex, ' yoman,' Robert Porter of Estdouiland, ' yoman,' Stephen Meye of Earl's Colne, co. Essex, 'yomau,' Thomas Meyre of Earl's Colne, ' yoman,' Thomas Boweman of Branktre, co. Essex, ' yoman,' John Drewe of Earl's Colne, ' yoman,' and Andrew Frenshman of Hengham at the Castle, 'yoman.' By K. Membrasb Ibd. 'Jan. 24. Commission to the king's kinsman William, earl of Arundel, Thomas Westminster. Arundell of Matravers, knight, Maurice Berkeley, knight, Edward Berkeley, John Dudley, Thomas Pouude and John Sorell to take the muster of the men at arms and archers of an armed force with which the king has ordered John Cheyne, esquire of the body, to go to sea for the safe custody of the same and the resistance of the king's enemies, and also of the master mariners of the ships for their conduct. Membrane \\d. Commission to William Wyngfeld, esquire, William Cliarlessey, esquire, and Alan Forster, on complaint by Stephen Dryver that -when he was at anchor in the port of Orwell in a carvel laden with goods and merchandise to the value of 247/., the customs having been duly paid, one Robert Baldry, master of a carvel of war of which John Est of Sandwich was owner and victualler, and tlic soldiers in the same, hired by the inhabitants of the sea coast there for the safety of the fishermen at sea for the season, came upon him about the tenth hour on 10 Seplembcr last at night and assaulted him and divers of his society and carried away the said carvel and goods, to arrest the said John and Robert and Edmund Porter alias Morys, William Halle and William Cartour, soldiers of the carvel, and imprison them until they make due restitution. Membrane lOd. Feb. 5. Commission to John Nesfeld, esquire, Robert Nesfeld and William Wcstiiiinsttr. Willcsthorpe to arrest Richard Couche of Godestre, co. Essex, ' lius- bondman,' John Grawe of Godestre, ' husbondman,' John Marion of Godestre,' husbondman,' Richard Cousyn of Godestre, 'husbondman,' John Chalk of Godestre, ' husbondman,' John Pole of Godestre, ' husbondman,' John Panyote of Aythorpe Rodyng, co. Essex, 'husbondman,' Thomas Eylmyn of Godestre, 'laborer,' and John Typpeswayne of Godestre, ' husbondman,' and bring them before the king in Chancery. Feb. 10. The king lately by letters patent (see p. 317) appointed William, carl of Westminster. Arundel, lieutenant of Dover castle and governor of the Cinque Ports, Robert Cok, mayor of Sandwich, Edward Skelton, serjearit at arms, William Fundi, John Colic, John Waskeff, John Saman and the bailiff of Sandwich to enquire into the capture of a carvel of Domyugo Demascata, John Feb. 18. ■\Vtstniiiister. 11 EDWARD iV.— Part II. 319 14,72. Membrane \0d — cont. Dciuascata and Jolin Garco, merchants of Spain, and tho said Edward lias returned that llicliard Gyll'ord, Tiiomas Cok, and John Stercson, victuaUers of the ship called la Mari/e Welfare, wero the captors of the carvel, and confessed to tlio capture and the said Thomas and Jolm and one John Chillesworth offered satisfaction to the sum of G/. ai)icce and tiie gear of the carvel was in the lious,; of one Fetherston of Sandwich, whose wife promised restitution, and that he has put tho said Domynggo in full possession of the carvel in the jiort of Sandwich. Tlie king accordingly hereby appoints tho abovo and Richard Cheldesworth, John Westciitf", John Swan and Pety John to restore the said 18/. and gear to the said Domynggo, John and John and to enquire into whoso hands the residue of tho wines, goods and merchandise came and to cause restitution of the same or their true value and to arrest and imprison the offenders until due restitution be made. Membrane 9d. Commission to William Lakeu, John Willoughby, knight, Robert Willoughby, knight, Thomas Gray, Jolm Barctt, John Whittokcsmedo, Philip ftlorgan and Roland Banaster to enquire into certain trespasses, riots and olTences committed bj Edward llungerfold and John Blake against John Criklade in the county of Wilts. Feb. 12. Westminster. 147 1. Membrane 8d. Nov. IG. Commi.ssion to the bailiffs and constables of the towns of Fulkstonc, Ryo Westminster, and Hit!), co. Kent, and William Batemau to enquire into tho complaint of Martin do Autiaga of Bilbowe in Spain tliat when relying on the truces between the king aiid his kinsman the king of Castile and Leon on 2G December last, he was sailing to Loudon in a ship of Spain called Saynt Barthelineicc laden with wines and other merchandise he was seized by Robert Frenche and Tlionias Strete and other pirates in a sliip of England called the bote of Folkston, of which the said Robert and Thomas were masters, and despoiled of the ship and gear and wines to the value of 533/., and to seize the .ihip and wines and put tliem in safe custody and arrest the said Robert and Thomas and bring them before the king in Chancery. Nov. 22. Commission to Edward Skelton, king's Serjeant at arm.'J, William Fenncll, Westminster. John Colle, John Waskoff and Jolm Savan to cnciuire into the complaint of Domyngo Dam.ascata, John D;iniascata and John Ga/ce, merchants of Spain, tliat when relying on the truces between the king and his kinsman the king of Castile and Leon on 18 October, 10 Edward IV. they were sailing to Sandwich in a carvel of Spain called la Marie Ic Kcyte of the burthen of 04 tuns, laden with wines and other goods and merchandise, they wore taken by certain pirate lieges of tho king in a ship of England called h Marye JVelfare of which Robert Teyge was then master, victualled by Richard Robyns, Henry Stcdo and Thomas Cokke, and despoiled of the said ship and its gear and tho said wines, goods and merchandise to the value of 420/., and to seize the .said sliip, wines, goods and merchandise and put tliem in safe-custody and arrest tho offenders and bring them before the king in Chancery. 320 12 EDWARD IV.— Part I. IIembrane 29. Pardons of outlawry to the following : — Richai'd Eobertes alias Poort of Bristol, ' fysshemonger,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, late justices of (he Bench, to answer Nicholas Warynges touching a debt of 20 marks, he having surrendered to the Flete prison, as Thomas Bryan, chief justice of the Bench, has certified. Surrey. John Frend late of Rolleston, co. Lincoln, ' yoman,' for not appearing to answer John Elryngton, ' gentilman,' touching a debt of 40^. Middlesex. Thomas Staynfeld of BuUyngbroke, co. Lincoln, ' yoman,' for not appearing to answer John Elryngton, ' gentilman,' touching a debt of iOl. Middlesex. William Gardyner of Bryggewater, co. Somerset, ' chapman,' for not appearing to answer Robert Barley, citizen and mercer of London, touching a debt of 13^. 13s. 4f7. • London. John Felson late of Great Bourton, co. Oxford, ' husbondm.an,' for not appearing to answer Richard Calcote touching a trespass. Oxford. Margaret Lee late of York, widow, alias Margaret Bedford late of London, widow, late the wife of John Lee and formerly the wife of Richard Bedford, for not appearing to answer John CroAvclierd of London, ' blaksmyth,' Thomas Gill, 'gentilman,' William Grene, ' gentilman,' and George Scalby, touching a debt of 40 marks. Middlesex. John Fynauuce late of Sutton in the Isle of Ely, co. Cambridge, 'gentilman,' for not appearing to answer John Candeler touching a debt of 40s. Cambridge. John Mylys late of Stoke by Neylond, co. Suffolk, * plomer,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer a plea that he render 4 marks to William Thweytes, William Rodelond, chaplain, Richard Herward and Walter Smalbergh, executors of the will of Henry Sethyng, master of the college of Sudbury, co. Suffolk. Suffolk. John Walsshe late of Olvestou, co. Gloucester, esquire, alias late of Bristol, 'marchaunt,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer Richard Fluwet of Pensford, co. Somerset, ' touker/ touching a debt of 65*, Bristol. IIembrane 28. William Neweman, citizen and mercer of London, for not appearing to answer John Catesby, ' gentilman,' and John Senycle, citizen and ' liaberdassher ' of London, touching a debt of 8/. and John Byl- lyngton, citizen and grocer of London, John Wendy, citizen and mercer of London, William Hill and Edmund Bettys, citizen and mercer of London, touching debts of 40/., 9/., 18/. 12*. 4d. and 22/. respectively. Middlesex. London. Roger Waleyslate of Preston, co. Hertford, ' yoman,' for not appearing to answer Nicholas Morley, esquire, touching a debt of 10/. Hertford. 12 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 321 1472. Membrane 28 — cont. June 17. Alan Gayler late of Rokynge, co. Keut, * husbondman,' for not Westminster. appearing to answer a plea that he render 5 marks to William Gace, chaplain, executor of the will of Stephen Slegge, esiiuire. London. June 17. John Peraunt late of Stanford Mounfychet, co. Essex, ' yoman,' for Westminster. not appearing to answer Henry, earl of Essex, touching a debt of 405. Essex. Robert Mason late of White Notley, co. Essex, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer a plea that he render .33/. Ov. ^d. to John Yong the younger, citizen and mercer of London, and Agnes his wife, executrix of tlie will of Philip Howell, late citizen and mercer of London. Essex. J une 4. Thomas Hyrne of Alyngton, co. Lincoln, ' husbondman,' for not appear- Westminster. ing to answer Richard Willughby, esquire, touching a debt of 60.v. Nottingham. June If). John atte Brigge alias John Briggc of Northtauton, co. Devon, Westminster. ' husbondman,' alias 'yoman,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Walter Prewe touching a trespass and Robert Cambon toucliing a trespass. Devon. June 20. Stephen Pylbergh, parson of the parisli church of Mcsedeu, co. Hert- Westmiuster. ford, for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Thomas Grauuger of London, clerk, touching a debt of 71. London. June 23. .John Parmenter of Herksted, co. Suffolk, ' chapman,' for not appear- Westmiuster. ing before Ro1)crt Dauby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer William Lok, citizen and mercer of London, touching a debt of 8/. 12*. 8«/. " London. June 2(1. John Algorc late of Haveryng, co. Essex, * husbondman,' for not vVestmiiister. appearing to answer Simon Eriggemau, citizen and 'fuller' of London, touching a debt of 40y. London. .June 30. George Keell late of Mayryng, oo. Lincoln, ' cliai)iain,' for not appear- Westmiuster. ing to answer John Eiryngton touching a debt of lUO*. Middlesex. July 1. Peter Bcrwykc of Colcbostre, co. Essex, 'yoman,' for not appearing fo Westminster. answer Richard Cok, grocer of London, alias of lladlcgli, c(). Suffolk, ' clotliemakcr,' toucliing a debt of At. lOs. Sulfolk. June 12. Thomas Daunscr of Hclay Parke, co. York, 'yoman,' for not appcar- Westmiuster. ing to answer a plea of Katharine late the wife of Ricliaid Percy, knight, that he Avilli Chri8toi)her Lofthous, prior of the house of St. John the Evangcli.st, Helay Parke, and AVillium Lofthous of llelay Parke, chaplain, carried off a horse, four cows and KM) sheep of hers, Avorth 20 marks, found at Walton, co. York, and chattels there. City of York. William Lofthous for the same. City of York. July 6. Edith Clerk late of Salisbury, co. Wilt?, widoAV, for not ajipearing Westminster. before the justices of the Bench to answer a plea that siie render chattels to the value of 30/. and a coffer containing cliaitei's, writings and other muniments to Thomas Gay the younger and Katharine his wife. London. June 20. John Snoryng lo.te of London, ' fy.sshmonger,' for not appearing before Westminster. Rol)ort Danby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer Thomas Stoughton, citizen and ' fysshmcngtr ' of Loudon, touching tt debt of 50/. London. y 96186. 322 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1472. Membrane 28 — cont. July 6. Thomas Williamson alias Willyamson, citizen and mercer of London, Westminster. for not appearing to answer Bartliolomew Schiatis, merchant of Lucaj and Thomas Bledlowe, citizen and grocer of London, touching debts of 2Qd. and 26/. respectively. London. July 10. Henry Malverno late of Asshehill, co. Norfolk, ' bocher,' administrator AVestraiuster. of the goods of John Oldeman, who died intestate, for not appearing to answer a plea that he render 11. 16*. 4rf. to William Maryner. Middlesex. June 26. William Hoo late of Aspeden, co. Hertford, * husbondman,' for not Westminster. appearing to answer a plea of Nicholas Morley, esquire, that he render an account for the time when he was his I'eceiver. Sussex. July 10. Richard Thelnetham, late of London, ' gentilman,' for not appearing Westminster. befor« John Frisot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer William Knot touching a debt of 60*. London. July 11. William Geyton, late of Shuldbam, co. Norfolk, ' husbondman,' for not Westminster. appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer Thomas Greneley, clerk, touching a debt of 15/. Norfolk. Jidy 11. John Stanley of Dodyngton Pygot, co. Lincoln, esquire, and EUzabeth Westminster. his wife, for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Thomas Hayton touching a debt of 8 marks. London. Membrane 27. July 8. Henry Bedyll of Bromley, co. Kent, ' husbondman,' and Margaret his Westminster. wife, for not appearing before Robert Dauby and his fellows, late juistices of the Bench, to answer Isabel Cokefeld touching a debt of of 40s. Surrey. Oct, 13. John Barette late of Outwell, co. Norfolk, ' bruer,' for not appearing Westminster. before the justices of the Bench to answer William Sparowe of Northwolde, co. Norfolk, touching a debt of 20/. Noi folk. Oct. 16. William Curteys late of lOhiey, co. Buckingham, ' yoman,' for not Westmiustcr. appearing to answer John Hayll the elder of Stonystratford, co. Buckingham, touching a debt of 11. Middlesex. John Smyth late of Olney, ' yoman,' for the same. Middlesex. Oct. 17. Thomas Palmer late of Abrigge, co. Essex, * chapman,' for not appearing Westminster. before Robert Danby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer Isabel Lyon, widow, touching a debt of 40a'. London. Oct. 22. John Gysyll of Waynflete, co. Lincoln, mariner, alias John Gysell, Westminster. ' shipman,' for not appearing before Richard Neuton and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer William Dryng, burgess and merchant of Scardeburgh, touching a debt of 10 marks, and before John Prisot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer John Dymmok and Thomas Brese touching debts of 20/. and -lO*. respectively. Lincoln and York. Walter Hcrvy of Huchyn, co. Hertford, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Robert Drake touching a debt of 54*. 9d. Hertford. Simon Laurens of Pakenham, co. Bedford, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer John Teryngliam the younger, esquire, touching a debt of 20 marks. Bedford. 12 EDWARD IV.— Fart I. 323 Membrane 27 — cont. John Mole late of Hembury by Westbury, co. Gloucester, 'husbond- mau,' for not appearing to answer a plea that he render chattels to the value of 4 marks to Thomas Everard. Gloucester. Eobert Bayley of Grynleton, co. York, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Peter Benet touching a debt of 20/. York. William Bylmyn late of London, merchant, alias citizen and * ire- monger ' of London, for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Edward, eldest son of the late king, prince of Wales, duke of Ciornwall and earl of Chester, touching a debt of 4/. and Thomas Barker of Bishop's Lynn, ' mercer,' and Robert Flynton alias Flynt of Snetes- ham, ' mercer,' touching a debt of 30/. Norfolk. John Fedyon of Horham, co. Suffolk, ' skynner,* for not appearing before Richard Neuton and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Thomas Faukoner, citizen of Norwich, * skynner,' alias ' polter,' touching a debt of 60*. Norwich. John Balached late of Chepyngtoryton, co. Devon, 'cordener,' executor of the will of Richard White, ' geutilman,' for not appearing bclore the justices of the Bench to answer a plea that he render GO*, to Thomas Gay, citizen and tailor of London, alias 'citysayn of London.* London. Richard Tctford of Spaldyng, co. Lincoln, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before Robert Danby, knight, and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer John Wculok, knight, alius lord of Wenlok, touching two debts of 40/. Bedford. John Slonys late of London, 'skynner,' for not ajipearing before the king to answer Richard Scarburgb, clerk, touching a trespjiss, Surrey. John Monnyng late of Iladlcgh, co. Suffolk, ' clothemaker,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, lato justices of the Bench, to answer a jjlca that he render his account to Robert Hull, merchant of London, for the time when he was liis baililf in London and receiver. London. Robert Shepherd of Barton in Hcnnicrssli, co. Warwick, ' liusl)ond- man,' lor not appearing to answer William I5ory and IMargaret his wife touching a trespass counnittud l)y him and Phili|) Cainiyng of Chcpyngnorton, co. Oxford, ' husbondman,' Thomas Ker.seman lale of Scresden, co. Warwick, cha|)lain, and Robert Grynder of Seresden, 'husbondman,' with John Shepherd of Barton in Henmerssb, * Imsbondman,' and Robert Stokes of Chcpyngnorton, ' chajjuiiin.' Warwick. Stephen Williamson of Lellcy, co. York, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer a plea that be n-nder 7/. Cy. 8 * gentilman,' of the custody of all manors and lands late of Margaret late the wife of Richard Hatfeld, esquire, and late the wife of William Hyde, esquire, tenant in chief, during the minority of Edward, son and heir of the said Richard and Margaret, and so from heir to heir, rendering yearly to tlie king 11/. 18^. 4d. as the said manors and lands were extended before William Hamond, late escheator in the county of Cambridge, and 285. 4d. more of increment and supporting the houses, enclosures, buildings and other charges ; in lieu of a like grant to them at a rent of 11/. 18s. 4ilgrimage, with three per,sons in his company and as many iiorses and gold and silver in money 342 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1472. Membrane 7 — cont. to the sum of 60/. tapers {bogeis), caskets, wallets, fardels, letters, papers, rolls, memoranda, writings and other things. By p.s. July 28. Grant to the king's knight Galiard de Dureford, lord of Duras and Westminster. Blanquefort, and his heirs male of the lordship, castle and town of la Sparre in the duchy of Aquitaine and all castles, manors, hundreds, lands, meadows, feedings, pastures, rents, services, wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, waters, fisheries, warrens, courts leet, views of frank-pledge advowsons and other profits within or pertaining to the same. \_Foederaj\ By p.s. Aug. 4. Appointment of GaUiard de Dureford, lord of Duras, to the command of Westminster, an armed power which the king is sending beyond the seas to resist his enemies. \_FcederaJ] By K. Aug. ] . Grant for life to John Strelley and Margaret his wife, for their good Westminster, service to the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, of a yearly rent of 10/. from Easter last from a farm of 20/. paid yearly to the king from the lands of Eustace Burneby in Watford, co. Northampton. By p.s. Aug. 4. Ratification of the estate which Lewis ap Jankyn, king's clerk, has as Westminster, parson of the church of Manavon, in the diocese of St. Asaph. Aug. G. Pardon to John Brampton, citizen and ' stokfyssemonger ' of London, Westminster, late one of the customers of the great custom and collector of the 3s. in the tun and the \2d. in the pound in the port of London, of all offences committed by him before 4 August and all debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the King. By p.s. The like to Thomas Pynde, citizen and draper of London, late one of the customers of the great custom and coliector of the 3*. in the tun and the \2d. in the pound in the port of London. By p.s. Aug. 5. Grant to Master John Haddon, chaplain, of the prebend of St. Mary Westminster. Magdalene, Alveley, in the free chapel or collegiate church within the king's castle of Brugenorth, co. Salop, void by the resignation of John Freraan. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the dean of the chapel. Aug. 18. Presentation of Thomas Gerard, chaplain, to the parish church of Westminster. SS. Simon and Jude, Norwich, with the parish churches of St. Swithun in the same and Crostwhite annexed, in the diocese of Norwich, void by the resignation of the last incumbent. Aug. 27. Licence for the prior and convent of the monastery of St. Mary, Westminster. Oseney, of the order of St. Augustine, in the diocese of Lincoln, to elect an abl)ot in the place of .John, last abbot, consecrated archbishop of Dublin. Sept. 9. Signification to Th. bishop of Lincoln of the royal assent to the election Westminster, of Richard Loycetur, canon of the monastery of St. Mai-y, Osenay, as abbot thereof. Sept. 9. Grant foi- life to John Alestre of the king's free chapel within the castle Westminster, of Notyngham and the custody of the same, void by the demise of John Fowler, chaplain. By p.s. Membrane 6. Aug. 5. Licence for the king's brother George, duke of Clarence, to enter freely Westminster, into all castles, lordships, lands, rents, services, possessions and here- ditaments with knights' fees, advowsons, franchises, liberties, reliefs, reversions and other profits, parcel of the earldom, honour and lordship of 12 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 343 14i72. Membrane 6 — cont. Richmond, which Richard Widevyll, knight, and Jaquetta his wife, late duchess of Bedford, now deceased, held for her life, the reversion of which was granted to him by letters patent dated 20 September, 2 Edward IV. By p.s. July 4. Whereas Henry IV. by letters patent dated 16 November, 3 Henry IV. Westminster, granted to his brother John, earl of Somerset, and his heirs the manors of Sampford Peverell and AUerpeveroll with all lands, rents, services and other profits late of William Asthorpe, knight, in the county of Devon with appurtenances in Sampford Peverell, Aller Peverell, Buliull, Lyner- more, Prattesland, Swyndon, Colyford, Pecliecroft, Halswod, the hundred of Halberton, Asshe Thomas, Prestonlond, Yernescombe, Shutlake, Bolealler, Yee, Shafteshaies, Howingliam and Westcote and all knights' fees, advowsons, wards, marriages, escheat-^, reliefs, courts leet, hundreds, rents, services, meadows, pastures, parks, chaces, warrens, woods, com- mons, fisheries, mills, stanks, moors, marshes, waters, stews, passages, views of frank-pledge, infangthef, outfangthcf, waif, stray, chattels of felons and fugitives and other profits in the said county, in the hands of the said king because the said William was a bastard and died without heir, and the above have descended to the king's kinswoman Margaret, countess of Richmond, as kinswoman and heir of tiie said carl, viz. d. rent in Exton, Vexford, Rixen and Slocumber, co. Somerset, and all lands now in the hands of William Brandon, knight, excepted, to hold from Christmas last during the minority of William, son and heir of the said late earl, rendering nothing until Easter next and from thence 90Z. yearly and maintaining the parks, houses, stews and other edifices. By p.s. 12 EDWARD IV.— Part II, 365 1472. Dec. 6. Westminster. Dec. 10. Westminster. Membrane 23 — cont. Signification to W. bishop o£ Winchester of the royal assent to the election of Thomas Wirscetur, monk of the monastery of Hyde by Winchester, as abbot thereof. By p.s. [3625.] Grant to the king's firstborn son Edward, prince of Wales, duke of Cornwall and earl of Chester, of all issues of all castles, honours, lordships, manors, lands and other possessions belonging to the duchy of Cornwall from Michaelmas, 10 Edward IV. until 2 November then following, on which day he was born, and grant that he may levy and collect all issues, fines, amercements, forfeitures, arrears and other things pertaining to the king by reason of the principality of Wales, the counties of Chester and Flynt and the duchy of Cornwall before this present date. By K. Dec. 9. Appointment of John Moklowe to take carpenters called ' wherlers ' and Westminster. * cartwrightes* and other carpenters, stone-cutters, smiths, plumbers and other workmen for the works of the king's ordnance and bombards, cannons, ' colverynes,' ' fowelers,' ' serpentynes,' and other cannons and poAvder, sulphur, saltpetre, stone, iron, lead, crossbows and bolts for them, bows, arrows, * bowestaves,' ' bowestrengys,' ' langdebeves,' lances, ' gley ves ' and hammers and other necessaries and carriage for the same by land and water. Dec, 14. Grant for life to the king's servant Roger Horseley, one of tho yeomen Westminster, of the king's chamber, for his good service in battle and beyond the seas, of two parts of the manor of Bree, co. Cornwall, which Joceus Breo lately had of the grant of Henry V. and the manor of Southorp, co. Gloucester, which William Herevy and Mary his Avife formerly had of the grant of Edward III. together not exceeding the value of 10 marks yearly, to hold by the accustomed services. By p.s. Appointment of John Sturgeon, esquire, one of the gentlemen ushers of the king's chamber, to take carpenters and others as above for the works of the king's ordnance. By K. General pardon to Thomas Grene, vicar of the parish church of Leke, CO. York, alias late of Lanmote, co. York, chaplain, of all offences committed by him before 12 February. Membrane 22. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by John, bishop of Hereford, to Richard Gardener, the warden, and the vicars of the college of vicars in the choir of the church of Hereford, of the foundation of Richard II. because their dweUing is so distant from the church that through fear of evildoers and the inclemency of the wcatiicr many of them cannot go to the church at midnight to celebrate divine service, of a messuage or canonical mansion in which John Grene, late canon of the said church, dwelt and a vacant plot in which Reginald Wolston, late canon of the same church, dwelt, lying between tho palace of the Ijishop on tho west and tho lane leading from the street of the castle to tlio well of St. Ethelbert on the east and between the cemetery of the said church on the north and the river Wye on the south, for their habitation and for the sustenance of two choristers in the choir beyond the accustomed number and that they may pray for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, and the said bishop and for their souls after death. By p.s. Nov. 20, Licence, for 26s. Sd. paid in the hanaper, for John Butler, esquire, to Westmiustcr. grant the manors of Castell Pullerbache and Chirche Pullerbachc alias Castell Pulverbache and Chirche Pulverbache, with the advowsou of the 1473. Jan. 21. Westminster, Feb. 12. Westminster. 1472. Oct. 18. Westminster. 366 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1472. Nov. 26. Westminster. July 12. Westminster. July 4. Westminster. Membrane 22 — cont. free chapel of Pullerbache, co. Salop, held in chief, to John Say, knight, John Broughton the elder, esquire, John Broughton the younger, esquire, Drugo Brittonell, esquire, John Appulyerd, esquire, William Broughton, John Baker and Thomas Frankessh and their heirs. General pardon to John Whittyngham late of London, ' gentilman,' aliat of Westunturvild, co. Buckingham, alias esquire, of all offences committed by him before 21 November. By p.s. Notification that James Goldwell, dean of the cathedral church of St„ Mary, Salisbury, and elect of Norwich, has before the king in Chancery appointed John Morton, doctor of laws, keeper of the rolls of Chancery, John Gunthorp, clerk, John Fogge, knight, John Clerk, one of the barons of the Exchequer, and Nicholas Goldwell his attorneys to administer his possessions and after the confirmation of his election and his consecration to treat with the executors of the will . of Walter Lyhert, late bishop of Norwich, concerning the temporalities and spiritualities of the bishopric of Norwich and other matters. Grant, during office, to the king's clerk John Morton, keeper of the rolls of Chancery, of one tun or two pipes of Gascon wine yearly at Christmas in the port of London at the hands of the chief butler of England or his deputy there. By K. ^^(^g Membrane 21. Feb. 20. Appointment of the king's consort Elizabeth, queen of England, the Westminster, king's kinsman Thomas, cardinal archbishop of Canterbury, the king's brothers George, duke of Clarence, and Richard, duke of Gloucester, Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells and chancellor, L. bishop of Durham, E. bishop of Carlisle, J. bishop of Rochester, the king's kinsmen John, earl of Shrewsbury, and Anthony, earl of Ryrers, Thomas, abbot of West- minster, chancellor of the king's firstborn son Edward, prince of Wales, William Hastynges of Hastynges, knight, the king's chamberlain, Richard Fenys of Dacre, knight, Walter Devei'eux of Ferrers, knight, John Fog, knight, John Scot, knight, Thomas Vaghan, chamberlain of the said prince, John Nedeham, knight, Richard Chokke, knight, Richard Fowler, Master Richard Martyn, clerk, William Alyngton, Richard Haute, John Sulyard and Geoffrey Coytemore as tutors and councillors of the said prince until he shall be of the age of fourteen years, with full power to administer his possessions within the principality of Wales, the duchy of Cornwall, the counties of Chester and Flint and elsewhere, to grant licences for ecclesiastical elections, to receive fealties, to present to churches and other benefices, to dispose of custodies of lands and marriages of heirs, to grant pardons, to appoint and remove stewards, sheriffs, bailiffs, reeves, chamberlains, escheators and other ministers and officers and to grant letters patent, provided that no office shall be granted for life or for a term of years but during pleasure of the said prince only. By K. and C. Feb. 26. Exemplification, at the request of Gilbert Laughton, of the tenour of the Westminster, enrolment of letters patent dated 18 August, 12 Edward IV. \_French Roll, 12 Edioard IV. m. 16], granting safe conduct at his request for a ship called la Marie of the parts of France, Brittany or Spain, of the portage of 80 tuns or under, of which Pelyngto de Raparaff, Martin de Seint Jolianne de Luso, Martin de Spayne, John de Bretayn, Bartholomew de Gascoign, William de Fraunce or John Ote of Gasconyis master. These letters have been lost by accident, as Ivo Mychell has taken oath iu Chancery, and they will be surrendered if found. 12 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 367 1472. Dec. 15. Westminster. Dec. 13. Westminster. Dec. 5. Westminster. 1473. Jan. 4. Westminster. Jan. 15. Westminster. Jan. 23. Westminster. Jan. 28. Westminster. Feb. 6. Wostminstor. Starch 1. Westminster. 1472. Dec. 11. Westminster. 1473. Jan. 4. Westminster! Membrane 20. Grant for life to William Brecher of the office of one of the king's foresters of the forest of Purbik, co. Doi-set, which Henry Fenne lately had, receiving the accustomed fees from the customs and subsidies in the port of Poole and ports and places adjacent, as Gilbert Martyn had in the time of Edward III. By p.s. Grant for life to the king's servitor John Forster, esquire, one of the ushers of the king's chamber, of all fines, amercements, issues, forfeitures and profits in the court of the marshalsea of the household from Michaelmas last, without rendering any account. By p.8. General pardon to John Colyn late of London, ' cordener,' alias John Colyns, * yoman,' of all offences committed by him before 10 November last. By p.s. Licence for the king's kinsman Henry, duke of Buckingham, kinsman and heir of Humphrey, late duke of Buckingham, tenant in chief, viz. son of his son Humphrey, to enter freely after Michaelmas last, without proof of age or other formality, into all castles, towns, lordships, cantreds, commotes, manors, lands, fee farms, annuities, reversions, rents, services, hundreds, offices, fees, views of frank pledge, courts leet, sheriffs' turns, liberties, franchises, fairs, markets, jurisdictions, knights' fees, advowsons and other possessions in England, Wales, the marches of Wales and the town of Calais of which the said late duke was seised and which should descend to him. By K. General pardon to John Smyth late of Thakstede, co. Essex, ' gentilman,' of all offences committed by him before 8 January. By p.s. Presentation of John Smyth to the parish church of Stanford Rivers, in the diocese of London, void by the resignation of John Neweport, last rector. By p.s. Appointment for life of the king's clerk Master Roger Rotherham, doctor of laws, as warden of the college called the King's Hall in the University of Cambridge, in the king's gift by the surrender of letters patent by Master John Gunthorpe, secretary of the queen, last warden, with 8 marks yearly from Christmas last from the issues of the counties of Cambridge and Huntingdon for two robes, one with fur and the other with lining, as the wardens of the college had in the time of Edward III. By p.s. Pardon to John Draper late of Asshewell, co. Hertford, ' husbondman,' of his outlawry iu the county of Middlesex for not appearing before the king at Westminster to answer for divers trespasses, ho having surrendered to the Marshalsea prison, as Thomas Byilyug, chief justice of the King's Bench, has certified. General pardon to Thomas Seintmauro of Bekyntou, co. Somerset, knight, of all offences committed by him before 26 February last. By p.s. Membrane 19. Parrc, knight, laic sheriff of Cumberland, of all issues. Pardon to William offences committed by him and all linos, amercements, issues, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king before 20 November last. By p.s. Grant to the king's servitor Thomas Thwaytca, chancellor of the Exchequer, of the custody of all lands late of Henry Elys late of Berewyc, CO. York, tenant in chief, during the minority of Thomas his son and heir with the marriage of the latter without disparagement, and ao from heir to 368 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. J473. Membrane 19 — cont. heir, finding a competent sustenance for the heir and supporting the houses, enclosures, buildings and other charges. By K. Feb. 4. Exemplification, at the request of John Soper, of the tenour of the Westminster, enrolment of letters patent dated 14 November, 7 Etlward IV. [^French Roll, 7 Edivard IV. m. 11,] granting licence for John Speke, esquire, to go to the court of Rome, the Holy Land and other parts beyond the seas on pilgrimage with six persons in his company. These letters have been lost by accident, as the said John Soper has taken oath in Chancery, and they will be surrendered if found. 1472. Dec. 21. Pardon to John Brumston alias Bromston, esquire, of Netlisted, co. Westminster. Kent, late sheriff of Kent, late keeper of the gaol of the castle of Canter- bury, of all offences committed by him, all issues, fines, amercements, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king and all escapes of felons. By p.s. Dec. 1. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by John Kelyng, clerk, to Westminster. Edmund Teyser, the chaplain of the chantry which he lately had licence by letters patent^ to found, of nine messuages, a wind-mill, 100 acres of land, 8 acres of meadow and 12 acres of pasture in Great Boudon and Hauer- bergh, co. Leicester, extended at 6/. 15(Z. yearly, as appears by an inquisition before Thomas Warde, late escheator in the county, to the value of 6/. 7*. l\d. yearly, in part satisfaction of a licence by the said letters patent for the acquisition by the chaplain of land and rent to the yearly value of 10 marks. 1473. Feb. 19. Appointment of the king's kinsman R. bishop of Salisbury as master and Westminster, surveyor of the king's works at the chapel of St. Mary and St. George within the castle of Wyndesore and other new works there, with power to take stone-cutters, plumbers, carpenters, masons and other workmen and stone, timber, tiles, shingles, glass, iron, lead and other necessaries. By K. Feb. 13. Grant to Robert Michelson, master of a ship called le James of Hull, of Westminster. 60Z. from the first moneys from the customs and subsidies in the port of Kyngeston on Hull for the part payment of the ransoms of himself and certain other merchants and mariners in his company, who when sailing in the said ship were captured in a fierce conflict with the king's adversaries of France and taken to France, others of them being killed. By K. T[472. Membrane 18. Oct. 28. General pardon to Oliver Manyngham of London, knight, and Eleanor Westminster, his wife, lady of Hungerford and Molyns, late the wife of Robert Hunger- ford, knight, lord of Hungerford, and daughter and heiress of William Molyns, knight, lord Molyns, of all offences committed by them before 23 October. Licence also for Oliver to hold all the lands which he has in his own right, and for him and Eleanor to hold all the lands, rents, reversions and services, knights' fees, advowsons, fairs, markets, views of frank-pledge, courts, leets, paries, warrens, liberties and franchises which they have in her right, the manors of Dytton and Dachet, co. Buckingham, excepted. By p.s. Nov. 21. Grant for life to John Wellys, for his good service to the king and his Westminster, consort, of the offices of constable and porter of the castle of Exeter, co. Devon, receiving the accustomed fees from the issues of the county of Devon with all other profits, in the same manner as John Sevington had the office of porter, in lieu of a like grant to him of the said office of porter of the castle by letters patent dated .5 October, 11 Edward IV. surrendered. By p.s. 12 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 369 1472. Nov. 20. Westminster. Nov. 24. Westminster. Nov. 27. Westminster. Dec. 1. Westminster. Membrane 18 — cont. General pardon to Henry Elveden alias Elvesden late of Mounteynys Ynge, CO. Essex, the elder, * gentilman,' alias late of Bmgliyng, co. Hertford, the elder, esquire, alias late of Westminster, co. Middlesex, the elder, ' gentilman.' By K. Exemplification, at the request of the king's kinsman Ralph, lord of Graystok, knight, of the tenour of the enrolment of letters patent dated 30 November, 8 Edward IV. {see p. 115,) being a grant to him for life of certain possessions. These letters have been lost by accident, as he has testified in Chancery, and they will be surrendered if found. Presentation of Ambrose Repyndon to the chantry in the chapel of St. John Baptist by the church of St. Mary Aldemarychirch, London, void by the resignation of Master Thomas Duffeld. The letters are directed to Til. cardinal archbishop of Canterbury. Presentation of Thomas Barow to the parish church of Cotyngham, in the diocese of York, void by the resignation of Master Robert Dobbes, last incumbent. By p.s. 1473 _ Mehbrane 17. Feb. ly. Inspeximus and confirmation to the burgesses of Lanbadar of a charter Westminster, dated at Westminster, 12 June, 3 Richard II. [Charter Roll, 3 Richard II. No. 8], inspecting and confirming with additions the following : — 1. A charter dated at Ellham, 28 March, 5 Edward III. [Charter Roll, 5 Edward III, No. G5,J inspecting and confirming a charter dated at Westminster, 28 December, 6 Edward I. [Charter Roll, 6 Edward I. No. 24.] 2. A charter of Edward, prince of Wales, dated at Caerniarthen, 4 August, 33 Edward I. For IOO5. paid in the hanapcr. Feb. 24. Appointment of John Michell, * mason,' to take stone-cutters and other Westminster, workmen for the works of stones for cannons for the king's ordnance, and stones and other necessaries and carriage for the same. By K. The like of Walter Ryvers of Wodestok to take artificers called ' flecchers ' for the works of arrows for the king's ordnance, and timber, wax, silk, feathers and other necessaries and carriage for the same. By K. The like of John Smyth, ' wheler,' to take carpenters called ' whelors ' and ' cartwrightes ' and other carpenters and workmen for the works of carts and wheels for the king's ordnance, and timber and iron and other necessaries and carriage for the same. By K. Feb. 25. General pardon to Thomas Bendyssh late of Bompstede, co. E.ssex, the Westminster, younger, 'gentilman,' alias of Stepulbumpsted, co. Essex, esquire, alias of Hadle, co. Suffolk, of all offences committed by him before 22 February. By p.s- Membranes 16 and 15. Feb. 1. Inspeximus and confirmation to the abbot and convent of St. Augustine's, Westminster. Bristol, of the following : — 1. A charter dated at Westminster, 6 March, 11 Edward II. [Charter Roll, 11 Edward II. No. 17,] inspecting and confirming the following : — (1.) A charter of Henry II. (2.) Another charter of the same, dated at Winchester. (3.) A charter of Stephen, dated at Dunstable. y 96186. A A 370 CALENDAR OF PATENT EOLLS. 5473. 31embranes 16 and \^ — cont. 2. Letters patent dated 6 March, 11 Edward II. inspecting and confirming the following : — (1.) A charter of Henry, duke of Normandy. [Monasticon VI. 36iG.] (2.) A charter of Robert son of Harding. [7Z»ic?.] (3.) A charter of John, count of Mortain. \^Ibid.'] 3. A charter dated at Bristol, 2 January, 13 Edward 1. [Charter Roll 13 Edioard I. No. 139.] For 7 marks paid in the hauaper. 14:72. Membranes 14-9. Nov. 12. Inspeximus and confirmation to the prior and convent of the cathedral Westmiusler. church of St. Andrew, Rochester, of the following : — 1. Letters patent dated 11 November, 44 Henry III., releasing to Simon, then prior, and the convent all right in the advowson of the church of Ho, which they obtained by exchange with the abbess and nuns of St. Sulpice, Brittany. 2. A charter dated at Westminster. 10 November, 3 Edward I. [Charter Roll, 3 Edward 1. No. 2,] being an exemplification of the following : — (1.) A charter of William I. \1 rectiiis II.] dated at Winchester. [Monasticon, Vol. I. No. XII.] (2.) A charter of William I. \rectius II.] dated at Brigstock. \Rid. No. XLIV.] (3.) A charter of William I. (4.) A charter of William II. (5.) A charter of William II. [Ibid. ' No. X.] (6.) A charter of William II. dated at Winchester. [Ibid. No. XI.] (7.) A charter of Henry I. dated at London. (8.) A charter of Henry 1. dated at London. [Ibid. iVo. LVL] (9.) A charter of Henry I. (10.) A charter of Henry I. dated at Winchester. [Ibid. No. XVIIL] (11.) A charter of Henry I. dated at London. (12.) A charter of Henry L dated at Westminster. [Ibid. No. XV.] (13.) A charter of Henry I. dated at Rochester. [Ibid. iVo. XIIL] (14.) A charter of Henry I. dated at Rochester, on the feast of St. Gregory. [Ibid. No. XIV.] 3. A charter dated at Westminster, 10 November, 3 Edward I. [Charter Roll, 3 Edioard 1. No. 1,] being an exemplification of the following : — (1.) A charter of Stephen. (2.) A charter of the same, dated at Rochester. (3.) A charter of the same, dated at Wallingford. (4.) A charter of Henry II. dated at Westminster. (5.) A charter of Henry II. dated at Nottingham. [Monasticon, No. LL] (6.) A charter dated at Worms, 30 August, [4] Richard I. (7.) A charter dated at Spires, 16 August, [4] Richard I. 4. A charter dated at Newcastle on Tyne, 2 July, 9 Edward III. [Charter Roll, 9 Edward III. No. 36,] inspecting and confirming a charter dated at Westminster, 3 December, 50 Henry III. inspecting and confirming the following : — (I.) A charter of William II. [No. 2 (4) above.] (2.) A charter of William I. dated at Winchester. [No. 2 (1) above.] 12 EDWAEU IV.— Part II. 371 1472, Memhranes 14-9 — cont. (3.) A charter of Henry I. dated at London. [No. 2 (?) aiore.] (4.) A charter of Henry I. dated at Winchester. [No. 2 (10) al/ove.] (5.) A charter of Henry II. dated at Nottingham. [No. 3 (5) above.] (6.) A charter of Henry II. dated at Westminster. [No. 3 (4) above.] (7.) A charter of Richard I. dated at Worms. [No. 3 (6) above.] (8.) A charter of Richard I. dated at Spires. [No. 3 (7) above.] (9.) A charter dated at Andelys by the hand of E. dean of Salisbury, vice-chancellor, 7 April, 7 Richard I. 5. A charter dated at Westminster, 16 March, 10 Edward III. [Charter lioll, 10 Edtvard III. No. 51,] inspecting and confirming the said charter of 50 Henry III. 6. A charter dated at Renham, 10 September, 23 Edward III. [rectiusl.] [ Charter Roll, 23 Edward I. No. 7.] 7. Letters patent dated 23 April, 18 Edward III. granting to them the king's ditch without the wall of the city of Rochester. 8. Letters patent dated 5 August, 19 Edward III. granting licence for them to crenellate a wall. 9. Letters patent dated 20 July, 43 Edward III. granting certain tenements and rents to them. 10. Letters patent dated 28 December, 48 Edward HI. granting licence for the alienation in mortmain to them by Robert Beleknappe, knight, of the manor of Sharstede by Roucestrc, 23 acres of land, 80 acres of pasture and one acre of wood in Clietham and Woldeham, and a moiety of the manor of Lydesynge at a rent of 22 marks yearly to find a monk to celebrate divine service. 11. Letters patent 29 May, 16 Richard II. concerning the said rent. 12. Letters patent dated 1 December, G Richard II. confirming the grant of the said Robert Belcknap at a reduced rent of 20 marks. 13. Letters patent dated 5 August, 12 Richard II. granting to John de Scarle the said rent of £0 marks, forfeited by the said Robert Bealknap. 14. Letters patent dated 10 September, 18 Richard II. granting licence for the acquisition in mortmain by them of possessions to the value of 100 marks yearly. For 6 marks paid in the hanaper. Membrane 8. Dec. 5. Whereas Henry III. by charter granted that the city of Salisbury should Westminster, be a free city of the bishop of Salisbury, who should hold it as his own demesne, and Edward III. by charter granted to Roger, then bishop, that he and his successors should have return of writs and attachments within the same, which charters the king has confirmed, and the citizens of the city have yearly elected a mayor and other officers from among themselves and presented them to the steward of the bishop to take the accustomed oaths, but nevertheless on account of certain dissensions they have now elected a mayor and other officers who have refused to take these oaths ; the king hereby confirms to Richard, now bishop, and his successors all their rights and privileges in this, and grants that the election of mayor shall take place on All Souls Day in each year at a place within the city to be appointed by the bishop, and the mayor elect shall take oath before the steward or other minister of the bishop for the office of mayor during the ensuing year, and if he die or be removed from office by the bishop for reasonable cause within the year another shall be elected for the A A 2 372 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 14:72. Membrane 8 — cont. residue of the year, and the other officers shall be elected in like manner, and failing such election the bishop shall nominate the major or officers after eight days, and the bishop with the advice and assent of the dean and chapter of the church of St. Mary, Salisbury, shall make ordinances for the good governance of the city, and the bishop shall have Serjeants at mace, but not more than four, with maces silver or gilt and adorned with the king's arms to execute their office at his command, and he shall also have a gaol within the city. By p.s. Nov. 10. Licence for William, lord of Hastynges, and Ralph Hastynges, knights, Westminster, to found a fratei'nity or gild of themselves and other men and women in honour of the Holy Cross called 'the Holy Rode in the Wall' within the parish church of St. Gregory the Pope, Norhampton, and for the brethren and sisters of the gild to elect yearly from themselves an alderman and two wardens for the governance of the gild and its possessions and to remove them and appoint others. They shall form one body with a common seal, with power to plead and be impleaded, to meet for the good rule of the gild and to acquire lands and rents, not held in chief, to the value of 20/. yearly within the said town or elsewhere to support chaplains to celebrate divine service there for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, and their descendants and the founders and other brethren and sisters of the gild and for their souls after death and the souls of the king's father Richard, late duke of York, and the king's progenitors according to the ordinance of the alderman and wardens. By K. Membrane 7. Aug. 17. Westminster. Oct. 12. Westminster. Oct. 12. Westminster. Dec. 1. Westminster. Dec. 3. Westminster. 1473. Jan. 21. Westminster. Pardon to Robert Strelley alias Streuley of Strelley, co. Nottingham, knight, late sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, of all offences committed by him before 6 August and all fines, amercements and issues due from him to the king before that date and all debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king before 29 September, 9 Edward IV. By p.s. Grant for life to William Sturton of Sturton, knight, and John his son and heir, esquire, of the office of keeper of the king's forest, hay, or park of Petherton by Briggewator, co. Somerset, with all fees, rents, courts, amercements, forfeitures', herbage, pannage, agistments and other profits in the same manner as John Risshe or anyone else had the same, in lieu of a like grant to the said John Risshe by letters patent dated 3 June, 11 Edward IV. surrendered. By p.s. General pardon to John Whighton of London, ' bruer.' By p.s. Grant to John Godyer and John Wayte of the custody of the manor of Little Reynes and the advowson of the church of Little Reynes, co. Essex, late of Eleanor the daughter and heiress of William de Roschebrook and Joan his wife, deceased, tenant in chief, and in the king's hands on her death though Henry Lestraunge her kinsman and heir is alive and of full age, to hold from Michaelmas last so long as they remain in the king's hands, rendering to the king yearly 10/. and 6*. 8d. of increment and supporting the houses, enclosures, buildings and other charges. By p.s. Appointment during pleasure of John Langton as controller of the scrutiny in the port of Kyngeston on Hull and ports and places adjacent, receiving the accustomed fees. By bill of the treasurer. Appointment of Thomas Blanchard to take workmen called ' bowyers ' and ' flechers ' and other workmen for the works of the king's ordnance, and 12 EDWARD IV.— Part 11. 373 1473. Membrane 1 — cont. arrows, * bowestaves,' ' bowestringes,' ' laugedebeves,' lauces, * gleyves,' hammers and otiier necessaries for the ordnance. By K. 1472. April 28. "Westminster. 1473. Feb. 24. Westmiuster. Feb. 25. Westminster. Feb. 25. Westminster, March 1. Westminster. Jan. 4. Westminster. 3IEMBRANB 6. Grant to Gilbert Debenham, knight, one of the king's carvers, and Gill>ert Debenham, esquire, of the custody of the manors of Hampton Mesy and Clifton, co. Gloucester, and Castelleton and Imnier, co. Wilts, and a messuage and 100 acres of meadow and land in Maydeneuton, co. Dorset, which Katharine late the Avife of the said Gilbert and sometime the wife of William Zouche, knight, held for life of tlie grant of William Zouche, knight, late lord of Zouche and Seymor, to her and the said William her husband and his heirs, and the custody of the manor of Wenfride Egle, CO. Dorset, the manor of Cornworthi with the advowson of the nunnery of Cornworthi, co. Devon, and the manor of Chapecombe, co. Somerset, which the said Katharine lately held in dower on the death of the said William her husband, all of wliich premises she held in chief by knight-service, during the minoricy of John Zouche, son and heir of the said William, and so from heir to heir, without rendering any account. By p.s. Grant in frank almoin to William Pole, sometime one of the yeomen of the crown, smitten with leprosy, of a parcel of land lying io tho highway between Highgate and Holwcy, co. Middlesex, containing GO feet in length and 24 feet in l^rcadth, to tho intent that he may build a hospital with a chapel in honour of St. Anthony, for the relief of divers persons smitten with this sickness and destitute and walking at large within tlie realm. By p.s. [3663.] Grant for life to the king's servant William Grove, ' carpenter,' of the ofRce of master carpenter of the king's works within the castle of Wyndcsore with the accustomed fees from the issues of tlic castle. By p.s. Mandate to the escheator in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk for the restitution of the temporalities of the bishopric of Nortvich to ]\Iaster James Gokhvell, whom the pope has appointed bishop in the place of Walter, last bishop, deceased, and who has renounced everything prejudicial to the crown in the bull of the j)ope by John Foggc, hi.s attorney, and whose fealty the king has respited until his retiu'n from the court of Home where he has gone on the king's service. \_F(i'ilcra.'] By p.s. The like to the escheators in the following counties : — Essex. Middlesex. The like to Philip Best, mayor of Norwich, escheator in that city. Writ de intendcndo to the tenants of the see. Grant to the king's kinsman Thomas, cardinal arclibishop of Canterbury, for a certain sum of money paid by him to the king, of the custody of all manors, lands, rents, services, and other hereditaments late of Robert Watton, deceased, tenant in chief, in the county of Kent during the minority of Katharine his daughter and heiress and the custody and marriage of the latter without disparagement, and so from heir to heir. \_Fcvdcra.'\ By p.s. Licence for the king's kinsman Thomas, cardinal archbishop of Canter- bury, Robert, bishop of Bath and Wells and chancellor, the king's kinsmen John, duke of Norfolk, John, duke of Suffolk, William, earl of Arundel, Henry, earl of Essex, and Anthony, earl of liyvers and lord of Scales and Nucelles, John Say, knight, and Robert Isham, esquire, to grant the manors of Racheford alias Rocheford, Lye, Pakelesham and Folnesse, 874 CALENDAR OP PATENT ROLLS. 1473. Membrane 6 — cont. CO. Essex, with all lands, rents, reversions and services of tenants, held in chief, to Thomas Grey, son of the king's consort Elizabeth, queen of England, and Anne his wife, daughter of the king's sister Anne, duchess of Exeter, and the heirs of their bodies with successive remainders to the said duchess and the heirs of her body and the queen and her heirs and assigns. And this without fine or fee. By p.s. Feb. 27. Licence, for 4 marks paid in the hanaper, for the king's kinsman Thomas, Westminster, cardinal archbishop of Canterbury, and Thomas Delamare, esquire, to grant the manor of Aldermanston, co. Berks, held in chief, to Richard, bishop of Salisbury, John Morton, clerk, keeper of the rolls of Chancery, Thomas Chauudeler, clerk, Richard Chokke, knight, Maurice Berkeley, knight, William Norres, knight, John Baker, clerk, William Bocher, clerk, Richard Fouler, John Pury, esquire, William Danvers, Bernard Delamare, esquire, Robert Baynard, esquire, James Vyell, esquire, Christopher Hanyngton and Richard Kyngesmyll and their heirs and assigns. Feb. 12. Exemplification, at the request of the undermentioned prior and convent, Westmiuster. of the tenour of the enrolment of letters patent dated 11 Api'il, 1 Edward IV. committing to Robert, the prior, and the convent of Ledes by mainprise of William Welden of London, ' gentilman,' and John Rogger of London, 'gentilman,' the custody of the manor and lordship of Ledes and the agistment of the park there for 20 years from Easter then last past, rendering to the king yearly 24/. and \2d. of increment and supporting all charges. These letters have been lost by accident, as John Roggers has taken oath in Chancery, and Avill be surrendered if found. 1472. Sept. 29. Westmiiister. June 15. Westminster. Aug. 27. Westminster. Oct. 17. Westminster. Nov. 6. Westminster. Membrane 5. Pardon to Thomas Pynde, citizen and draper of London, late one of the customers of the petty custom and collector of the 35. in the tun and the 12d. in the pound in the port of London, of all ofiences committed by him and all debts, accounts, issues and arrears due from him to the king before 27 September. By K. The like to John Brampton, citizen and ' stokfisshemonger ' of London, late one of the customers of the petty custom and collector of the 3s. in the tun and the I2d. in the pound in the said port. By K. Grant for life to the king's servitor William Parker, yeoman of the scullery, of two tenements and three closes of pasture in the parish of St. Maurice without Munkebarre, York, of the yearly value of 5 marks, of which Gilbert Smerthwayte of York, ' yoman,' was seised and which were taken into the hands of the late king because he murdered a man of that city. By p.s. Whereas Hugh Courtenay, knight, deceased, long ago made his testament and last will and appointed Master Robert Ascu, canon of the cathedral church of St. Peter, Exeter, Margaret Denys and Michael Denys his executors to fulfil the same, and afterwards fought against the king in the battle of Tewkesbury, and accordingly his goods, chattels and debts belonged to the king by reason of his rebellion, the king nevertheless grants these to the said executors to pay the debts of the said Hugh for the safety of his soul and to fulfil his will. By p.s. Li^tters of denization, without fine or fee, for Bartholomew Deux, horn in the duchy of Gueldres, and the heirs of his body. By p.s. Pardon to Richard Now ers of Old Wodestoke, co. Oxford, ' gentilman,' of his outlawry in the county of Surrey for not appearing before the king at Westminster to answer Edward Hunte of Spellisbury, co. Oxford, 'laborer,' for having with John Nowers of Takley, co. Oxford, esquire, 12 EDWARD IV Pakt II. 375 1472. Membrane 5 — cont. Thomas Lydeard of Glymton, co. Oxford, esquire, Hugh Bramburgh late of Bristol, ' marchaunt,' Walter Duke of Hampton Gave, co. Oxford, ' yoman,' and John Mery of Salford, co. Oxford, ' husbondman,' conspired at Guldeford to cause the said Edward to be charged with having lain armed in ambush on the highway at Spellysbury with Walter Tylmyngton of Spellisbury, ' wever,' on Trinity Sunday, 38 Henry VI. and assaulted John Noweis and Thomas Lydiard and robbed them of a casket worth 16«/., 5 marks in money and a sword worth 5.?., and so to be detained in prison at Oxford until he was acquitted before Richard Quatermayns and Bichard Danvers and their fellows, justices of oyer and terminer in the county of Oxford ; the said Richard having surrendered to the Marshalsea prison, as Thomas Byllyng, chief justice of tlie King's Bench, has certified. 1473. Membrane 4. Jan 23. Grant for life to the king's kinsman Anthony, earl of Riviers, of Westminster. ]33/. 6s. Sd. yearly from Michaelmas last from the subsidy of the 3*. in the tun and the \2(l. in tlie pound in tlie port of London, in lieu of a like grant to him of the same sum, parcel of a like grant of 200/. from the customs and subsidies in tlie ports of Bishop's Leun and Great Jermouthe by letters patent dated 4 Ajjril, 10 Edward IV. surrendered. By p.s. Grant also to him as above of 33/. 6*. 8ench, to answer Hugh Wyche, citizen and mercer of London, touching a debt of 1 10s. Middlesex. Robert Byworth of Raundes, co. Northampton, * husbondman,' for not appearing when sued with Henry Sprete of Raundes, ' husbondman,' to answer William Drewell touching a trespass. Northampton. Nov. 16. Thomas Warley of Netherheyford, co. Northampton, * husbondman,' Westminster. for not appearing to answer Simon Mounceaux touching a debt of 4/. Northampton. Membrane 17. March 10. Westminster. March 16. Westminster. March 19. Westminster. March 27. Westminster. March 29. Westminster. March 31. Westminster. April 1. Westminster. April 5. Westminster, Pardon to William, the prior, and the convent of Christ Church, Canterbury, of all offences committed by them against the statutes of liveries of cloths and caps and all alienations and perquisitions in mortmain by them of lands without licence before 8 March. By p.s. Licence, for 6s. 8cf. paid in the hanaper, for John Elmham of Norwich to grant all lands, rents and services with homages, fealties, wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, suits of court, warrens, stews, rivers, meadows, feedings, ways, paths and the liberty of one fold and all profits in Caaston, Brandeston, Swenyngton, Ingworth and Hevyngham or elsewhere in the hundred of South Erpyngham, held in chief, which he lately held with John Asshefeld of Bursliamwelle the younger of the demise of John Grymesby, clerk, to Philip Curson, 'draper' and citizen of Norwich, Thomas Curson his son, Roger Bresyngham, clerk, William Jeimey, learnerd Pelwail and the slierifF, in the count}' of Stafford. Philip Beaumond, Charles Denham, Henry Pomerey, John Champer- noun, William Huddesfeld, John Uoweryssh, John Denys, John Orchard, 'I'homas Calwodeley, John Halwell, Christopher Coke, John Bonevyle, Richard Wyteslade, Richard Clerk and the sheriff, in the county of Devon. Thomas Urswik, knight, Thomas Mountgoincry, knight, Roger Ree, knight, Thomas Tyrell, knight, John Say, knight, Laurence Reynford, knight, Henry Lewys, knight, John Forster, John Sturgeon, Walter Writell, William Grene, John Sulyard, Robert Plummer, John Drax, John Nunny, John Santon, John Knighton, Henry Stompe, John Ingoldesby and the sheriff, in the county of Essex. John Say, knight, John Forster, John Sturgeon, "Walter Wrytell, John Leventhorpe the elder, William Grene, Thomas Broket, Henry Barley, Thomas Lereuthorpe the younger, John Pulter, Johu Fortescu, William Druell, John Couper, Robert Plommer, Johu Drax, John Nunny, John Santon, John Knighton, Henry Stamp and the sheriff, in the county of Hertford. John Dcvercux, knight, Richard Croft, knight, Jolin Lyngen, knight, Thomas Cornewaill, knight, tlanips Ihiskorvyle, knight, Eustace Whytcnoy, Thomas Brugge, John Welford, John Wyn, Simon Milborne, Thomas Monyngton and the sheriff, in the county of Hereford. Richard Byngham, knight, Robert Markhani, knight, Robert Clyfton, knight, Robert Sutton of Arom, William Babyngton, Gervase Clyfton, knight, Thomas Molyneux, William Wentworth, Thomas Nevyll of Sutlileverton, Thomas Orston, William Waryn, Thomas Byngham, John Stanop, John Metheley and tlie sheriff, in the county of Nottingham. John Botiller, kuight, John Grovyle, knight, Richard Beauohamp, knight, Maurice Barkeley of Beverslon, knight, William Notyngham, John Cassy, Roger Kemys, Thomas J>ymeryk, Thomas Baynham, John Twynyho of Cirencestre, Kenelm Dycas, John Trye, Simou Adams, Thomas Bukland, Thomas Morgan and the sheriff, in the county of Gloucester. Robert Constable, knight, AValter Griffyth, knight, Robert Hylyard, William Elp.nd, John Vavasour, Edward Saltmersb, Henry Thwayfes, Edmund Serne, Stephen Copyndale and the sheriff, in the East Riding of the county of York. 408 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. X473, Membrane Id — cont. « John Pylkyngton, knight, John Say vyle, kniofht, Richard FitzWilliam, knight, Hugh Hastynges, knight, William Plompton, knight, William Gascoign, William Sayvyle, William Hoptou of Swyllyng- ton, Brian Rouclyff, Guy Fairefax, Henry Sotehill, Robert Gascoign, John Woderoue, William Bredford and the sheriff, in the West Riding of the county of York. Robert Dauby, knight, Richard Pygot, James Strangways, knight, John Conyers, knight, John Pikeryng, knight, Edmund Hastynges, knight, Ralph Asslieton, knight, William Evre, knight, Thomas Wytham, Henry Evre and the sherift", in the North Riding of the county of York. Nicholas Langford, knight, Henry Vernon, Nicholas Knyveton, Ralph FitzHerbert, Henry Stathum, John Cursum, Thomas Fraunceys, Thomas Poutrell, Robert Eyre, John Fitzbyrd the elder, Thomas Hunt, Ralph Saclieverell, John Bradshawe, Laurence Lowe and the sheriff, in the county of Derby. Membrane 6d. Nov. 22. Commission to William Courteney, knight, Philip Courteney, knight, Westminster. Robert Willoughby, knight, Thomas Fulfbrd, knight, Thomas Seyntleger, John Crokker, knight, William Huddesfeld, John Denys, John Tanner, Robert Spaldyng, one of the king's Serjeants at arms, and the sheriff of Devon to arrest William Breton, abbot of the monastery of St. Mary, Bokelond, and Thomas Olyver, Thomas Lee and Edward Edwardes, monks of the monastery, and bring them before the king in Chancery. Membrane 5d. July 27. Stamford. Aug. 24. Lichfield. Sept. 1. Lichfield. Sept. 2. Lichfield. Sept. 10. Kottiugharu. Sept. 17. Nottingham. Commission of oyer and terminer to the king's kinsmen John, duke of Norfolk, and John, duke of Suffolk, Thomas Byllyng, Thomas Bryan, Richard Chok, knight, John Nedeham, knight, William Laken, Thomas Lytylton, Richard Nele, John Wyngfeld, knight, John Heyenjngham, knight, William Jenney, John Sulyard, William Flarleston, Thomas Plater, John Jermy and James Hobard in the counlies of Norfolk and Suffolk. By K. Commission to Humphrey Blount, knight, and Nicholas Leveson to enquire what lands Walter Wraltesley, knight, tenant in chief, held in the county of Worcester, how much they are worth, on what day he died and who is heir, and to take the lauds into the king's hands. Commission to John Elryngton, esquire, and Thomas Stydolff to enquire what lands John, earl of Shrewsbury, tenant in chief, held in the county of Stafford, what Ihey are worth, on what day he died, and who is his heir, and to take the lands into the king's hands. The like to John Elryngton, Thomas Stydolff and the sheriff of Stafford touching the lands held by Walter Wrattesley, knight, tenant in chief, in the said county. Commission to the king's brother Richard, duke of Gloucester, to array the king's lieges of the county of York and bring them to the king's presence with all speed when required. By K. Commission to Roger Tocotes, knight, John Cheyne of Fallesedon Cheyne, John Mompesson, Henry Longe, John Whittokesmede, Robert lilaynard and the sheriff of Wilts to enquire about all wards, marriages, reliefs and escheats pertaining to the king and concealed from him, all 13 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 409 1473. ■ Membrane Cid — cont. escapes of felons from prison and all alienations of lands in mortmain without licence in the said county. Membrane 4d. Oct. 29. Commission to all sheriffs, mayors, bailiffs, constables and other officers Westminster, and ministers of the king and to Kobert Spaldyng, one of the king's Serjeants at arms, on complaint by Thomas Yare of Edynburgh in Scotland, Scot, and Arrhibald Tadryk his attorney that Robert Wellys of Whitby, master of a ship whose name is unknown, of which Robert Constable, knight, and Thomas Chapman are owners and victuallers, and Thomas Benet with other accomplices in the same ship on 8 October within two miles of ' la peere ' of Flamburgh, co. York, entered a ship of his called le Marye sailing to England with salmon and other fish to the value of 200Z. under confidence of a safe-conduct of the king and seized the ship and mariners contrary to the form of the truces between the king and his kinsman James, king of Scots, to arrest and imprison the said Robert Wellys, Thomas Benet, Robert Cunstablc, Thomas Chapman and others and to cause restitution to be made of the said mariners, ship and fish. Membrane 3d. Nov. 10, Westminster. Nov. 13. Westminster. Nov. 16. Westminster. Commission to the mayor of Rochester and John Sarabroke, one of the king's Serjeants at arni.s, to arrest Eobeit Cook, John Wadell, Robert Lokear, John May and Robert Pecok and bring them before the king and council in the quinzaine of Martinmas next. Commission to Edward Brampton and Thomas Philip, master of a ship called le Garce, to fake mariners for the eaid ship, which the king lias ordered to go to sea with other ships to resist his enemies. Commission to Edward Brampton, Thomas Philip and William Ungle to take mariners for a ship called Ic Garce, which the king has ordered to go to sea with other ships to resist his enemies. The like to Thomas Batson, master of a ship called le Cristojer. The like to the following : — William Fetherston, master of a ship called le Curayon. Ralph Castilion, master of a ship called le Mai ie Sliirborn. 41Q 13 EDWARD IV.— Part ir. ]^4'73^ Membrane 21. July 5. Appointment, during pleasure, of Edmund Geddynge, esquire, as deputy Westminster, of Anthony, earl Rivieres, chief butler of England, in the port of Lynne and ports and places adjacent. By bill of the chief butler. The like of the following in the ports named and ports and places adjacent : — William Alyngton, esquire, and John Sowliardo, ' gentilman,' in the port of Ipswich. William Kuoyle in the port of Poole. July 1. John Tremaile in the port of Bryge water. Westminster. By bill of the chief butler. Sept. 11. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by John, bishop of Coventry and No'ttingham. Lichfield, William, lord Hastyngez, knight, Thomas, lord Stanley, knight, William, abbot of Bufford, Thomas Burgh, knight, William Stanley, knight, James Stanley, clerk, William Babyngton, esquire, Ralph Sauchevcrell, esquire, Henry Stathom, esquire, John Staunton, esquire, Richartl Malory, esquire, and William Orel), clerk, to the abbot and convent of Dale of the advowson or patronage of the church of Henour, not held in chief, in aid of their sustenance and for the celebration of divine service for the good estate of the king ; and for the appropriation in mortmain by the said abbot and convent of the said church, provided that a perpetual vicarage be sufficiently endowed and a competent sum from the profits of the church be yearly distributed among the poor and parishioners of the same by the diocesan of the place. By K. Oct. 14. Presentation of Robert Broundyssh to the parish church of Karleton Westminster. Colvilde, in the diocese of Norwich, void by the death of Robert Cade, last parson. Oct. 20. General pardon to Thomas Frevile late of Henyngham, co. Essex, alias Westminster, late of Little Shelford, co. Cambridge, ' gientillman,' of all offences com- mitted by him before 14 October. By p.s. Oct. 8. Grant to the king's esquire Gilbert Talbot, one of the bearers of the Westminster, king's cups, of the office of steward of the towns and lordships of Blakmer and Whitchurch, co. Salop, during the minority of the king's kinsman George, earl of ShrcAvsbury, with the accustomed fees from the issues of the lordships. By p.s. Sept. 16. Gi'ant for life to the king's servant Ralph Asshetou, one of the esquires Nottingham, of the household, of the manors or lordships of Landhilpe alias Landilik and Lydurant, co. Cornwall, in the king's hands by the forfeiture of John, late earl of Devon, which John Yong, now deceased, lately had for life of the king's grant, to hold with all wards, marriages, reliefs, courts leet, views of frank-pledge, knights' fees, advowsons, rents, services and other rights by the accustomed services. By K. Oct. 21. Pardon to John Whatlon of Herborogh, co. Leicester, ' taillour,' of his Westminster, outlavv'ry in the county of Middlesex for not appearing before the king to answer for divers trespasses, he having surrendered to the Marshalsea prison, as Thomas certified. Billyng, chief justice of the King's Bench, has Oct. 29. Licence for the alienation in mortmain to William, the abbot, and the Westminster convent of St. Mary's, Stonley, by John Hugford, esquire, and Thomas 13 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 411 1473. Membrane 21 — cont. Waldyeve of ten messuages, two carucates and 20 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 12 acres of wood, 12s. of rent, a rent of a pound of pepper and a red rose and a moiety of a fishery in the river Aven in Assho, Nuneton and Radway, and by John Spary, clerk, of five messuages, 80 acres of land, 8 acrei5 of meadow and 4 acres of pasture in Cobinton, 5s. rent in Knyghtcote and Northend and 3 acres of land and 2 acres of meadow in Napton on the Hill, not held in chief, extended at 4 marks 6s. yearly, as appears by an inquisition taken before Edmund Verney, escheator in the county of Warwick, to the value of 10 marks yearly, in part satisfaction of a licence by letters patent dated 20 February, 7 Edward IV. Membrane 20. April &. Westminster. July 9. Westminster. May 28. Westminster. Oct. 7. Westminster. Oct. 1. Westminster. Oct. 16. Westminster. Oct. 19. Westminster. Oct. 8. Westminster. Oct. 30, Westminster. Dec. 16. Westminster. General pardon to the mayor and society of the merchants of the staple of Calais ; provided that this shall not extend to them in respect of the retontiou of customs and subsidies by virtue of any act of Parliament, or to the treasurer and the victualler of the town in respect of their oflices. By K. Pardon to Thomas Burgh, knight, constable of the castle of Lincoln, of all offences committed by him, all escapes of felons and all fines, amerce- ments, issues, debts, accounts and arrears. By p.s. Pardon to William Norburgh late of London, ' scoler,' son of Henry Norburgh of London, 'baker,' for the death of David Afton late of London, * baker,' for which he was detained in the ^^a^sllalsea prison, as it appears by certificate of Tiiomas Billyng, chief justice of the King's Bench, that he killed him by mishap. Presentation of Geoffrey jVIaliard, chaplain, to the parish church of Borle, in the diocese of London, void by the death of Thomas Fenne, last I^arson. Grant to the king's knight Richard Croft of the office of receiver of the lordships of Goderych, Urchinfeldc, Corsara and Blakmer and all other lordships, rents and tenements within the counties of Hereford and Salop in the king's hands by reason of the minority of George Talbot, earl of Shrewsbury, sou and heir of John Talbot, late carl of Shrewsbury, to hold during the said minority, with all fees. By K. General pardon to Nicholas Strelley, knight, of all offences committed by him before 13 October. By p.s. Appointment, during pleasure, of Thomas Stydolff as steward and receiver of the manors of Slirevenham, co. Berks, Sweyndon and Broughton, CO. Wilts, and Lydney, co. Gloucester, in the king's hands by reason of the minority of George, son and heir of John, late earl of Shrewsbury, receiving the accustomed fees. By K. Grant to the king's esquire Gilbert Talbot, one of the bearer-s of the king's cups, of an annuity of 100 marks from the issues of the lordships of Blakmere and Whitchurch during the minority of the king's kinsman George, earl of Shrewsbury, and so long as the lordships remain in the king's hands. By p.s. Gcnenil pardon to John Pynne late of Shiryngtou, co. Buckingham, ' husbondman,' of all offences committed by him btiforo 20 June last. By p.s. Grant to Laurence, bishop of Durham, and John Audeley, knight, lord Audulcy, and their assigns of the collation to the next vacant prebend within the king's free collegiate chapel of St. Mary and St. George within the castle of Wyndesore. By K. 412 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. J 473. Membrane 20 — cont. Dec. 5. Grant during the minority of George, earl of Shrewsbury, to Thomas Westminster. Elrington of the oliice of bailiff of the lordships of Whiston, Treton and Hansworth, co. York, with fees of 60*. 8c?. yearly from the issues of the lordships, as he had of the grant of Elizabeth, countess of Shrewsbury, deceased. By p.s. Membrane 19. Nov. 27. Grant for life to the king's servitor Edmund Rodeney of the office of the Westminster, custody of the king's forests of Kingeswode, co. Gloucester, and Filwode, CO. Somerset, with power to nominate all foresters, rangers and officers within the same, with all accustomed fees and profits, receiving from Easter, 11 Edward IV. from which date he has held the office, T\d. daily for the wages of the foresters of the said forest of Kyngeswode as in the times of Edward III. and Richard II. from the fee farm and issues of the town of Bristol in the same manner as Humphrey Stafford, late earl of Devon, or anyone else who had the office. By p.s. Nov. 29. Grant for life to Richard Fenys, knight, lord Dacre, for his good service Westminster, to the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, of the reversion of the oflice of constable of the Tower of Loudon with all fees and profits on the death of John, lord of Duddeley, to whom and to John, earl of Worcester, now deceased, tbe same was granted for life by letters patent on 13 February, 7 Edward IV. By K. Nov. 29. Grant to the king's chaplain Master William Dudley, dean of the king's Westminster, chapel and prebendary of the prebend of Brovvneswode in the cathedral church of St. Paul, London, of tbe custody or deanery of the king's free chapel of St. Mary and SS. George and Edward within the castle of Wyndesore, on an exchange of benefices with Master John Davyson. By K. Mandate to R. bishop of Salisbury to admit him to the cure of souls of the said chapel. Mandate to Master Alexander Lee, one of the canons residentiary of the said chapel, to institute him. Nov. 15. General pardon to John Ottir of Fenton, co. York, ' gentilman,' a/»as Westminster. John Otter of IJskelf, co. York, alias John Ottre of London, ' yoman,' alias of Howell, co. Lincoln, alias of Walkehamstowe, co. Essex, of all olfences committed by him before 7 November. By p.s?. Aug. 1. Appointment, during pleasure, of John Broun as deputy of the king's Westminster, kinsman Anthony, earl Ryvers, chief butler of England, in the port of Newcastle on Tvne and ports and places adjacent. By bill of the chief butler. Nov. 24. Pardon to Brian Sandford late of Maltby in le Marssh, esquire, late Westminster, escheator of the late king in the county of Lincoln, of all offences com- mitted by him and all fines, amercements, issues, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king before 19 June last. By p.s. Dec. 10. General pardon to William Lullam alias Lulham of Rype, co. Sussex, Westminster. ' husbondmau,' of all offences committed by him before 6 December. By p.s. Dec. 13. Appointment of Richard Patyn to take carriage by land and sea and Westminster, fresh water for divers ordnance which the king has ordered to be taken to St. Michael's JNIount against the rebels there and timber and iron and other necessaries for the same and carpenters called ' whelewrightes ' and ' cartwrightes ' and other carpenters. The like of Richard Veron. 13 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 413 1473. Membrane 19 — cont. Dec. 14. Appointment, until 14 June, of Joiin Gardyner, yeoman of the office of Westmiuster. the poultry (pulline) of the household, to take ducks, capons, hens, pullets and other birds. By bill of the steward of the household. The like of John Botull. Membrane 18. Nov. 14. Westminster. 1474. Jan. 3. Westminster. Jan. 21. W estrainstcr. Jan. 30. Westminster. Jan. 12. Westminster. Feb. 2. Westminster. Feb. 3. Westminster. Exemplification, at the request of John Bourgchier, knight, and Elizabeth his wife, kinswoman and heiress of Roger Quyncy, earl of Winchester, of the tenour of tiie enrolment of letters patent dated 24 January, 20 Henry III. [Charter lioll, 20 Henrtj HI. m. 8.] inspecting and confirming to the said earl a charter dated 19 July, 1 John. Tliese letters have been lost by accident, as the said John has taken oath in Chancery, and will be surrendered if found. Grant (o John Blount, one of the esquires of the body, and the heirs male of his body, for his good service to the king against the rebels and in business, of the manor or lordship of Haloughton, co. Leicester, worth 16/. 8 v. yearly, and all other lands, rents, services and reversions in Haloughton with kniglits' fees, advowsous, courts leet, liberties, franchises and other commodities late of William, late viscount Beaumont, and in the king's hands by virtue of an act of forfeiture in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. to hold by the services of as many knights' fees and as many other rents and services as they were hehl by before 4 March, 1 Edward IV. with all issues from Easter, 11 Edward IV. By p.s. Grant for hfe to the king's servitor Peter Wraton, one of the yeoman of the crown, of 6pointment of .Jolm J5(!aufitz to the olfice of receiver of the castles, lordships, manors and lands lale of Alesia, dame Lo\ell, Deyncourt and Gray, deceased, during tlie minority of Francis, lord Lovell, her kinsman and heir, receiving the accustomed fees. By bill of the treasurer. Appointment of Thomas Aletkaltf to the office of auditor of the acc(mnts of all receivers, bailiffs, reeves, collectors and other ministers of the said castles, lordships, manors and lands during the the said minority, receiving the accustomed fees. By bill of the treasurer. Membrane 1 1 . Feb. 17. Licence for William Plompton, knight, and liis heirs to construct walls Westminster, and towers around and witiiin iiis manor of Plomjiton, co. York, and to crenellato the same, and to enclose and impark all his lands, meadows, feedings, pastures, woods and other tenements in Plompton, and grant to them of free warren and free chase in the above, so tiuit no one shall enter therein to hunt without licence uuder forfeiture of lO/.j although the above are within the metes of the king's forest or chace of Kuaresburgli, co. Y'ork. By p.s. Feb. 11. Grant to Anthony Widevile, earl Ryver.s, and his heirs male of the body Westminster, of Richard Widevile, late earl Ryvers, his father, of all manors, lauds, rents, reversions, services, possessions, hereditaments and emoluments in the counties of Cornwall, Worcesier, Northampton. Bedford, lissex, Hereford and Kent belonging to the king by reason of the forfeiture of AVilliam Vawes alias Vaux, attainted of divers treasons in Parliament at Westminster, 1 Edward IV. with knights' fees, advowsons, fiuis, markets, courts leet, views of frank pledge, liberties, warrens and commodities ; and the reversion of the manors of Pcnpeli, Denardake and Lanyheyrou, co. Coruwall, and all lands, rents, services, knights' fees, advowsons, courts leet, views of frank-pledge, warrens and other liberties belonging to the same, late of the said William Faux alias Vaux, on the death of Alured Coruborough, usher 422 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1474. Membrane 11 — cont. of the king's chamber, to whom the same were granted by letters patent dated 28 Janiiary, 2 Edward IV. ; and grant to him of all issues of the premises from the death of Margaret Luce. By p.s. Grant to the king's knight Anthony Widevile, earl Riviers, and the heirs male of his body of the manors or lordships of Wyrmyngey and Scroweteby, co. Norfolk, and the manor of Welbey, co. Suffolk, with knights' fees, advowsons, markets, fairs, leets, views of frank-pledge, liberties, franchises and other commodities, in the king's hands by reason of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 4 March (sic), 1 Edward IV. to hold by the services of as many knights' fees and as many other rents and services as they were held by before 4 March, 1 Edward IV. By p.s. Feb. 16. Grant to Thomas, bishop of Lincoln, that he and his successors may have Westminster, two fairs yearly within the town and territory of Louth, co. Lincoln, one on the third Sunday after Easter and for eight days following and the other on the feast of St. Martin in the Winter and the vigil of the feast and the eight days following, and hold a court of pie-powder, and have all liberties, free customs, fines, issues and amercements, provided that it be not to the barm of neighbouring fairs. By p.s. Feb. 26. Grant to Peter Sans ofVenesse and John Sans of Venesse of an annuity Westminster, of 20/. from 26 August, 11 Edward IV. from the customs and subsidies of wools, hides and wool-feJls, the petty custom and the subsidy of tonnage and poundage in the port of London and ports and places adjacent so long as the peace between the king and the five provinces of Spain on the sea shall continue, and also a sum of 20/. from the same ; in lieu of a like grant to them by letters patent of that date, surrendered, of which they have received no benefit. By p.s. Grant to Domon John Dandia, esquire of the realm of Spain, of an annuity of 20/. from the said 26 August from the customs and sul)sidies in the port of Bristol so long as the said peace shall continue ; in lieu of a like grant to him by letters patent of that date, surrendered, of which he has received no benefit. By p.s. Membrane 10. Jan. 29. Exemplification, at the request of Anthony Wydevill, lord of Scales and Westminster. Nucellis, of the tenour of the enrolment of letters patent dated 10 {sic) November, 7 Edward IV. {see p. 41), granting to him for life the custody to the king's castle and town of Porchestre and forest and warren there and the supervision and governance of the king's town of Portesmouthe and his place there. These letters have been casually lost, as Andrew Dymmok has taken oath in Chancery, and will be surrendered if found. Feb. 13. Exemplification, at the request of John Eldyrgate, ' gentilman,' of the Westminster, tenour of the enrolment of letters patent dated 14 September, 5 Edward IV. {^French Roll, 5 Edward IV. in. 17,] granting licence for him to ship 812 pieces of tin called ' blokkes ' in the ports of London and Suthampton and take them to any parts without the realm quit of customs and subsidies. These letters have been casually lost, as Richard Baker has taken oath in Chancery, and will be surrendered if found. Feb. 17. General pardon to Agnes LovcU late of Westminster, co. Middlesex, Westminster. ' gentilwoman,' alias late of London, alias late of Suthwerk, co. Surrey. By p.s. Feb. 16. Appointment for life of the king's councillors Richard Quatermayns, Westminster, esquire, and Richard Fowler, chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, as stewards or lieutenants of the king's lordships and manors of Wodestok, Hamburgh, Stonfeld and Wotton with the hundred of Wotton and all 13 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 423 1474. Feb. 10. Westminster. Feb. 20. Westminster. Membrane 10 — cont. members of the same, co. Oxford, receiving the accustomed fees from the issues of the premises. By p.s. Grant to William Parre and John Parre, knights, and the heirs male of their bodies of the castles, manors and lordships of Pendragon, Burgh, Appilby, Burghara, Mallarstrange and Whynfell, the manor and lordship of Kerknbystephen, and the town of Wynton with their members, co. West- moreland, with knights' fees, advowsons and services of free tenants, to hold by the services of as many knights' fees and as many other rents and services as they were held by before 4 March, 1 Edward IV. By p.s. Grant for life to Christopher Moresby, knight, of the custody of the passage of the water of Sulwath in the march of Scotland with the accustomed fees. By p.s. Membrane 9. Feb. 23. Grant to Elizabeth Barney, widow, born in the parts of Anjoii, and the Westminster, heirs of her body of letters of denization ; and pardon to her of all entries by her into lands without licence, and all offences committed by her. By p.s. and for 40*. paid in the hanaper. 1473. Membrane 8. June 5. Grant to the king's kinsman Anthony, earl Rivers, lord of Scales and Westminster. Nucelles, and the heirs male of his body of the reversion of the manors of Uriyngton, Wragby and Estryngton, co. Lincoln, the manors of Marsop (sic) and Ekeryng with the advowsons of the churches of Warsop and Ekeryng, CO. Nottingham, the manor of Seton, co. York, an annuity, fee- farm or yearly rent of 20/. from the priory of Wartre from lands in Wartre, co. York, and the manor of Estbourne, co. Sus.scx, with knights' fees, advowsons, courts leet, views of frank-pledge, liberties, franchises, warrens and all other profits, on the death of Philippa late the wife of Tiiomas Wyngefelde, esquire, to whom the same were granted by letters patent dated 23 January, 8 Edward IV. By p.s. Membrane 7. July 7. Inspeximns and confirmation to the prior and convent of Royston cf Westminster, letters patent dated 10 April, 1 Richard II. inspecting and confirming a charter dated at Westminster, 15 October, IS Edward 111. [Charter Roll, 18 Edivard III. No. 7,] inspecting and confirming a cliarter dated at Westminster, 14 February, 5G Henry III. [Charter Roll, 5G Henry III. m. 5,] inspecting and confirming a charter dated 18 November, 1 Richard I. For 2 marks paid in the hanaper. Nov. 24. Licence for John Harocourte, son and heir of Robert Harecourte, knight, Westminster, deceased, tenant in chief, to enter freely into all towns, lordships, manors, lands and other possessions in England of which his father oi- Joan his mother was seised and which should descend to him as their heir, with all issues from the times of their death. By K. Membrane 6. Dec. 21. Inspexivius and confirmation to John Bourgcliier, knight, and Elizabeth Westminster. Ids Avife, kinswoman and heiress of Roger de Quency, earl of Winchester, and their heirs of the following : — 1. A charter dated at Morton, 24 January, 20 Henry III. [Charter Roll, 20 Henry III. m. 8,] inspecting and confirming to the said earl and his heirs a charter dated 19 July, 1 John. 424 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1474. Jan. 29. Westmiuster. 1473. Membrane 6 — cont. 2. Letters patent dated 6 August, 36 Heury III. granting to the said earl and his heirs the liberties named in the said charter. 3. A charter dated at the Tower of London, 12 March, 12 Edward III. granting to Henry de Ferariis and his heirs markets and fairs at Groby, co. Leicester, and Slebbyngge and Wodeham Ferers, co. Essex. [Charter Roll, 12 Edward III. No. 36.] For 4 marks paid in the hanaper. Grant in frank almoin to William Dudley, the dean or warden, and the canons of the king's free chapel of St. Mary the Virgin, St. George the Martyr and St. Edward the Confessor within the king's castle of Wyndesore of the manor or alien priory of Monkelane, co. Hereford, with all lands, rents, services, knights' fees, advowsons, views of frank-pledge, courts, leets, liberties, privileges, franchises, pensions, portions, annuities, fee-farms, apports and other appurtenances, which Roland Lenthale, knight, and Margaret his wife and others lately had of the grant of Henry V. and which Thomas Monyngton, esquire, late sheriff of the county, took into the king's hands. By p.s. Jan. 29. Exemplification, at the request of the king's kinsman Anthony Wydevile, Westminster, knight, lord of Scales and Nusels, of the fenour of the enrolment of letters patent dated 10 November, 6 Edward IV. granting to him the Isle of Wyght and divers possessions Avithin the same. These letters have been lost by accident, as Andrew Dynimok has taken oath in Chancery, and will be surrendered if found. Membrane 5. March 3. General pardon to Richard Roos late of Holt, co. Norfolk, esquire. By K. Westminster. Jan. 20. Licence for Peter Busshoji, William Large and Thomas Langtofte, free Westminster, men of the mistery of ' peauterers ' of the city of London, to found a fraternity or perpetual gild of a master,, two Avardens and the commonalty of the free men of the said mistery within the city and suburbs of London and brethren and sisters, free men of the mistery or others, who may wish to be of the gild within the city. The master, Avardens and commonalty shall form one corporate body Avith poAver of acquiring lands, rents, services and other possessions, and shall have psrpetual succession and a common seal and power of pleading and being impleaded, and the free men of the mistery Avhensoever they wish shall elect a master and two guardians from among themselves. The master and Avardeus shall have full authority to govern the commonalty and mistery and all men occupying the same and their servants, stufi's, Avorks and merchandise Avithin the city and suburbs and to make ordinances for the governance of the mistery; and they shall have scrutiny and governance of all Avorks and merchandise per- taining to the mistery exposed for sale within the city and suburbs and in other places throughout the realm, with poAver to seize such as may be defective, one moiety of the forfeiture belonging to the king and the other moiety to the said master, guardians and commonalty. By p.s. Feb. 2G. Grant for life to Roland Thornburgh of all messuages, houses, shops, Westminster, lands and tenements in the town and lordship of Penreth, co. Cumberland, late of John Clyfford, knight, late lord of Clifford, attainted of high treason by authority of Parliament in the first year of the reign, and in the king's hands hy his forfeiture, to hold by the services of as many knights' fees and as many other rents and services as they were held by before 4 March, 1 Edward LV. " By p.s. 13 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 425 1474. Membrane 5 — cont. Feb. 15. Licence for Jolm Barre, knight, or his heirs and executors to found ti Westminster, a perpetual chantry of one chaplain to celebrate divine service daily at the altar of St. Anne in the parish church of St. Mary, Clehungre, co. Hereford, in the diocese of Hereford, for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, and the said John Barre and Joan his wife lute the wife of Robert Greyndoure, esquire, Thomas Bourchier, knight, and Isabel his wife, countess of Devon, daughter of the said John Barre and Edouia his wife, Ankaret the wife of .lolm Ilanmere, esquire, and sister of the said John Barre, and Richard Delabere, esquire, nephew of the said John Barre, and for their souls after death and the souls of Richard Pcnibrigge, knight, and Petronilla his wife, Thomas Ban e the elder, knight, and Elizabeth his wife, Thomas Barre the younger, knight, their son and Alice his wife, parents of the said John Barre, Edonia late the wife of the said John Barro and daughter and heiress of .Jolin Hotofte, escjuire, Edmund Cornewaile, knight, and Elizabeth his wife the elder sister of the said John Barre, Joan late the wife of Kynard Delabcro, another of the sisters of the said John Barre, Thomas Delamare son of Richard Delamaro and the said Alice his wife, mother of the said John Barre, and ^largaret and Anne daughters of the said Richard Delamare and Alice, and all who may lay hands to the sustenance of the chantry, to be called the chantiy of John Barre, knight, in the said church ; and to grant in mortmain to the said chaplain, after inquisition, lands, tenomenis and rents, not held in chief, to the value of 81. yearly. By K. and for 11/. ll.s. paid in the hanaper. Membranes 4-2. Inspeximus and confirmation to John, bishop of Coventry and Lichrield, of a charter dated at Worcester, 12 August, 11 Richard II. [^Charter Roll, 11-13 Richard II. No. 27,] inspecting and confirming to Richard, then bishop, the following : — 1. A charter of Stephen dated at Westminster to Roger, bishop of Chester. "^Monmticon, Vol. VIII, p. 12o2, No. XL.] 2. A charter dated at Woodstock, 2 June, 43 Henry III. [C/i(/r'cr Roll, 43 Ilenri/ III. m. 4.] 3. A charter dated at AVcstminster, 28 May, 18 l.dward I. to Roger in his name during the king's absence from the reahn, to hold witii the accustomed fees and other profits. By p. s. [3887.] Ajiril 2.3. Grant for life to Joiin Hunter of Ilatfeld of the office of bailiff of the Nottingham, town of Dancastre with the appurtenances and appendages of the same with the accustomed fees from the issues of the king's lordship of Dancastre and all other profits. By p.s. April 22. Nottingham. April 23. Nottingham. April 22. Nottingham. 442 CALENDAR OP PATENT ROLLS. 1474. March 7. Westmiuster. July 9. Westmiuster. Membrane 20 — cont. Grant for life to William riecchei-, one of the. yeomen of the crown, and Richard Besege, keepers of the king's park of Beskewode, co. Nottingham, in part recompence of the losses which they have sustained in the king's service, of Ad. daily from Michaelmas last from the serjeanty or rent of serjeanty of the counties of Nottingham and Derby. By p.s. General pardon to Tliomas Shippeman late of Roigate, co. Surrey, ' pedelcr,' alias Thomas Sheppeman, ' yoman,' alias Thomas Baret, ' whilewright,' alias Thomas Shipman late of Woxbrigge, co. Middlesex, ' mercer.' By Membrane 19. June 2. General pardon to John Richardson son of Richard Robynson of Nuby Westminster, of the Stones, co. AYestmorelaud, ' yoman,' of all offences committed by him before 3 1 May last. By p.s. May 22. Mandate to the escheator in the county of Oxford for the restitution of Westminster, the temporalities of the abbey of St. Kenelm, "Wynchecombe, of the order of St. Benedict, to Thomas Twynnyng, monk of the house, whose election as abbot John, bishop of Worcester, has confirmed, and whose fealty the king has taken. By p.s. The like to the escheators in the following counties : — Gloucester and the march of Wales adjacent. Warwick. The like to John Tate, mayor of London, escheator in that city. Writ de intcndendo in pursuance to the tenants. June 1 . General pardon to Robert ap Guillim ap Thomas late of Wilton, co. Westminster. Hereford, ' gentilman,' of all offences committed by him before the feast of St. George last. By p.s. June 2. Grant to John Swyfte of the office of receiver of Halomshire iiud Westminster. Wirksop in the counties of York and Nottingham during the minority of .George, earl of Shrewsbury, with the accustomed fees and profits. By p.s. June 2. General pardon to John Cornwaill of Totcnham, co. Middlesex, Westminster. ' laborer,' of all offences committed by him before 28 May last. By p.s. May 14. Grant to John Andrewe of the office of warrener of Broodheth in the Westminster, lordship of Biakmer and Whitechurche, co. Salop, in the king's gift by reason of the minority of George, earl of Shrewsbury, during the minority of any of the lieirs of John, late earl of Shrewsbury, with the accustomed fees from the issues of the lordship. By p.s. June 3. Grant to William Downton of the office of bailiff of the manor and Westminster, lordship of Biakmer, CO. Salop, in the king's hands by reason of llie minority of George, earl of Shrewsbury, which office the king's kinsman John, late earl of Shrewsbury, giranted to bim for life by a writing sealed Avitli his seal of arms, to hold so long as the manor and lordshii) remain in the king's hands by reason of tlie minority of any heir of the said late earl with the accustomed fees from the issues of the same. By p.s. June 4. Grant for life to tlie king's servant Thomas Aldersey, one of the yeoman Westminster, of the crown, of the oilices of bailiff of the borough or town of Ciiestrefeid and the king's lordship of Skaresdale, co. Derby, with the office Ciillcd ' Kyngesbaylywyk ' of the same borough and lordship, with all com- modities, liberties and demises of farms, receiving the accustomed fees. By p.s May 20. Pardon to Thomas Salle for the death of John Estcote, for which he is Westminster, detained in the gaol of Launceueton castle, as it appears by the record of 14 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 443 1474. Membrane 19 — eont. John Penfoun, one of the coroners in the county of Cornwall, that he killed him in self-defence. .Tunc 3. Grant for life to the king's servant John Stanbrige, one of the yeoman Wcstmiuster. of the king's chamber, of the cffice of tlie custody of the king's lodge of Immcslowe in the north bailiwick within the forest of Shyrwode and of being one of the king's foresters there, to hold by himself or a deputy agreeable to the master of the king's game, with wages of 4rf. daily from the issues of the king's lordship of Maunsfeld in Shyrwode and the soke of the same and all other accustomed profits, provided that this grant of Ad daily shall not be taken as a precedent. By p.s. [3886]. May 20. Pardon to John Quans of Bernestaple, co. Devon, ' yoman,' of his ^N'citiriinster. outlaAvry in the county of Somerset for not appearing before llobert Danby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to satisfy Richard Burton of 40/. which the latter recovered against him and 10 marks damages, he having surrendered to the Flete pri.son and satisfied the said Richard, as Thomas Bryan, chief justice of the Bench, has certified, ]\Tay 20. Prosontation of Richard Geffereys, chaplain of the chapel of Tunnervs- Wcsimiiister. piilil], in the diocese of Salisbury, to the parish church of (^odford St. Peter, in the .same diocese, in the king's gift l.'y icason of the minority of George Talbot, .son and heir of John, late earl of Shrewsbury, tenant in chief, on an exchange of benefices with Thomas Prowte. By p.s. July 5. General pardon to Henry Belle alias Bilde late of Basyngstoke, co. Westminster. Southampton, ' glover.' July 13. Appointment of Thomas Gale as deputy of the king'.s kinsman Anthonj', WestmiiLster. carl Ryvcrs, chief butler of England, in the port of Dertmuthe and ports and places adjacent. By bill of the chief butler. Membrane 18. May 2f). Exemption for life of the king's kinsman Fulk, lord Fitz Warcyn, from Wcstiiiiiister. attending in ])ers()n on the king by any writ under the groat or privy seal or signet letter or other mandate of the king for any council or Parliament and from being made justice of the jjcace, of sewers, of oyer and terminer of gaol delivery or of the forest or other commissioner of the king against his will. By K Mn)' 26. Licence for Nicholas Coveley, 'gentilman,' Hugh Lewes, clerk, William Westminster. Harpour, 'gentilman,' Richard Uarpour, ' gentilman,' .fohn Mervyn, 'yoman,' and John Coveley to found a perpetual chantry of one chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the parish church of Swynford or any other church or consecrated place that may please them for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, and his first born son Edward, prince of Wales, duke of Cornwall and earl of Chester, and the said founders and for their souls afler death and the souls of Matilda late the wife of the said Nicholas, Thomas Coveley and Alice his wife, William Coveley and Margaret his wil'e, John JIarpour and Eleanor his wife, Thomas Thurston, clerk, Thomas Davy and Joan his wife, Richard Smyth and Alice his wife and John Wcnte and JNIargaret his wife and to do other things according to their ordinance, to be called the chaj)lain of the chantry of Nicholas Coveley of Swyndford, co, Leicester, and for the S.I id chaplain and his successors to ac<[uire in mortmain, af ter inquisition lands, rents and services, not held in chief, to the value of 10 marks yearly.' By p.s, and for 10 marks paid in the hanaper. May 21. Pardon to Richard Vayle of Idelstre, co. Hertford, 'laborer,' alias of Westmiiisicr. Idelstrc, CO, Middlesex, of his outlawries in the counties of Hertford and Middlesex for not appearing with others before the king to satisfy him of 444 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1474. Membrane 18 — cont. their ransom for a trespass against William Barton, he having surrendered to the Marshalsea prison, as Thomas Billyng, chief justice of the King's Bench, has certified. .Tune 13. General pardon to Humphrey Cotes the elder late of Wodecote, co. Westminster. Salop, ' gentilman,' of all offences committed by him before 25 May last. By p.s. June 15. Exemplification, at the request of Walter Devereux, lord Ferrers, of the Westminster, tenour of the enrolment of letters patent dated 30 May, 8 Edward IV. {see p. f)5), granting to him the custody of the possessions of Roger Corbet, knight, and the custody and marriage of Richard Corbet his sou and heir. These letters have been lost by accident, as Richard Moton has taken oath in Chancery, and will be surrendered if found. June 25. Grant for life to John Audley of Audley, knight, in lieu of a like grant Westminster, to John Wroth, esquire, by letters patent dated 17 July, 1 Edward IV. surrendered, of the office of master of the king's hounds called * herers ' and wages of \2d. daily from the issues of the counties of Bedford and Buck- ingham, and also other wages, viz. Ad. daily for a yeoman ' barners ' and 3jr7. daily for his horse, 2d. daily for eacii of two yeomen ' barners ' and two yeoman ' veautrers,' \\d. daily for each of two grooms of the latter office and \d. daily for the puture of each of 36 running hounds {camim currentiiDii) and 9 greyhounds {leporuriorum) from the issues of the subsidy and ulnage of cloth in the counties of Somerset and Dorset and a moiety of the forfeiture of the same, Avith all other profits pertaining to the office. By p.s. Membrane 17. July 1. Exemplification, at the request of William Shctford, of the tenours of the Westminster, following : — 1. A petition (English) of the said William, cousin and heir to Joan one of the sisters and heirs of William Bruyen, knight, in the Par- liament summoned at Westminster, 6 October, 12 Edward IV. and continued by divers prorogations to 6 October, 13 Edward IV. that whereas Edward Shetford, ' ayel ' to the said William, who is his heir as son of Piers his son, was seised in his demesne as of fee of the half'endell of the manors of Trecorn, Hamet, Douenant, Deliowe, Deliowboll, Dcliowboleyn, Deliowcarboleyn and Lamelyn with their appurtenances, co. Cornwall, and died seised of the same, and on his death the same descended to the said Piers as his son and heir, who entered into and was seised of the same until he was disseisecl by Thomas Bodulgate, cousin and heir to Alice the other of the sisters and heirs to the said William Bruyen, knight, who, because he had title to one half of the manors and was of great might in the shire and understood well that the said Piers was) poor and had no might or friendship in the said shire, entered into the said whole manors and made feoffment of them to certain persons who made estate again to him and Elizabeth bis wife and his heirs, and after- wards the said petitioner entered into the said halfendell as son and heir to the said Piers, and the said Thomas died at the field of Ilarnet and the said Elizabeth took to husband John Welles, and these wrongfully claiming the whole manors to be her jointure have entered into the said halfendell and they and Isabel Rescarek, widow, and Joan Coryngtou, widow, have wrongfully disseised the petitioner, the commons should pray the king to ordain that the chancellor calling to him the justices of either Bench should examine the title and right to the said halfendell and make award accordingly. 14 EDWARD IV.— Pabt I. 445 14)74). Membrane 17 — cont. 2, The response of the king at the request of the commons by authority of Parliament : — Soit fait come il est desire. [Rolls of Parliament, VI. 70.] July 2. Grant to Anfrionus de Spynellis and Louis de Grymoldys, merchants of Westminster. Genoa, in repayment of tlie sum of 1,500^. due to them from the king for moneys lent, as appears in the receipt of the Exchequer, that they or their executors after their decease or their factors or attorneys may ship sacks and bales of wool, woollen cloths, pieces of tin and fodders of lead of their own goods or the goods of other merchants of Genoa in the ports of London, Sandwich and Southampton and take the wools by the straits of Marrok and the woollen cloths, tin and lead to any foreign parts and bring back other merchandise of their own or other merchants of Genoa to the said ports quit of customs and subsidies (on the wools to the amount of 4 marks on each sack) until they shall thus be fully satisfied of the said sum of 1,500/. By p.s. June 29. Grant to John Boteler, for 405. paid to the king, of the custody of all Westmin.ster. lands late of Robert Thenise, tenant in chief by knight service, and in the king's hands on his death or the death of Agnes his niotlicr, durin"- the minority of William Themse his son and heir witli the marriage of the latter without disparagement, and so from heir to heir. By p.s. j\[embuane 16. June 28. Whereas by letters patent dated 8 April last the king granted to tlie Westminster, merchants of the city of Cologne in Alraain, who have and in times past have had among other merchants of Almain the house in the city of London commonly called Gildehalla Thcutonicorum, that from Easter last until 31 July next throughout the whole realm of England and other places subject to the king they should enjoy their ancient privileges, liberties and free customs and they and their factors, attorneys and servants should be quit of all subsidies, saving to the king his ancient prises and cu.-^tonis, and no merchant of the said city should be arrested (or any debt for which he was not a pledge or a principal, provided that tliey should depart from the said house and the house of their habitation called ' h; Styleyerd ' in the said city before 1 July ; the king nevertheless grants licence for them or their factors, attorneys or servants to occupy the said houses until 31 .July unless in the meantime they shall receive any mandate to the contrary from him. By K. June IG. Commission to John Clerk, second baron of the FLxche(|uer, John Isnak Westmiuster. John Bamme, Thomas Nicholas, Roger Brent and Jolm Nedvrsole to eiKiuire into the conqjlaint of Jolm Davy, esquire, and Robert Dro])c tiiat wiiereas .John Davy, esquire, on 4 March, 1 Edward IV. and afterwards was seised in liis demesne as of fee of a messuage, a garden and 40 acres of land in tl}e parish of Birchyngton in the Isle of Thanct, co. Kent, and enfeoffed Hugh Egerley, chaplain, Richard Cranune of Canterbury, co. Kent, ' wex- chaundeler,' Thomas Smyth of Garlyng in the said Isle and William Iloi'e clerk, of the same and these were seised of the same in their demesne as of fe same in time of peace and received the esplees thereof, by an inquisition taken at Strode, co. Kent, on 25 October, 5 Edward IV. before Robert Shordich, then eschcator in the county, by virtue of his office it was found that Henry Beauford, late duke of Somerset, attjiinted by virtue of an act of Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. was sei.sed of a messuage, a dovecote and 450 acres of land in Birchyngton and 446 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1474. Membrane 16 — cont. Monketoii in the Isle of Thauet, co. Kent, worth 100^'. yearly and held of the prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, in his demesne as of fee, and the said messuage, garden and 40 acres of land were taken into the king's hands by tlie said escheator as parcel of the above, i'orfeited to the king, and the said abbot, Thomas, John and Robert removed from possession, and by letters patent dated 18 July^ 8 Edward IV, (see p. 108), the king granted the said messuage, dovecote and 450 acres of land to John Broke- man, esquire, who is still seised of the same in his demesne as of fee tail, but that the said Henry Beauford never had any right in the said messuage, garden and 40 acres of land, Avhereforc they pray that justice may be done. By p.H. June 25. Whereas on 10 August, 11 Edward IV. by letters patent the king Westminster, granted his free chapel v/ithin his castle of Tikliill, parcel of the duchy of Lancaster, to Leonard Say, son of John Say, knight, for life with all profits, commodities and emoluments ; and afterwards on 14 June, 14 Edward IV. by other letters patent he granted the said free chapel and the custody thereof, whenever it should become void by the death of the said Leonard, or otherwise, to Thomas, now prior, and the convent of the monastery of Holy Trinity, Lenton by Notynygliam, of the Cluniac order, in the diocese of York, in frank almoin with all lands, rents, services, advowsons, rights, profits, commodities, liberties, franchises and other appurtenances, in recompence for their chapel of St. Mary called ' le Roche ' and all lands belonging to them within the pale of the king's new park there and for two closes called 'le Roche closes' on the .south side of tlie water of Leene opposite the chapel and two little parcels of meadow adjoining, lately granted by them to the king, and for the release of three cartloads of wood daily in Beskewode and within the king's forest of Shirwode which their predecessors had in their original foundation ; the king hereby grants licence for them to appropriate and unite the said chapel with all its lands and other appurtenances to their monastery and hold it in frank almoin to their own uses without fine or fee. By p.s. June 30. Grant for life to the king's servant Roger Wylkyuson, one of the yeomen Westminster, of the king's chamber, of the office of bailiff of Shelford, co. Nottingham, with the accustomed fees, in the same maimer as John Galon or any other occupant of the office. By p.s. Membuane 15. May 12. Licence for Thomas, bishop of Lincoln, keeper of the privy seal, Jolm Westminster. Rotheram and John Acworth, esquires, John Lammer, clerk, Thomas Kyppyng, Richard Stoppusley, .lohn Thralc tlic elder, Thomas Perot the el(l(!r, William Bradweye, .lohn Well, Richartl Prat, Tliomas Smyth and William Kyrwyn, parishioners of the parish cliurcli of St. Marj'-, Luyton, CO. Bedford, to found a fraternity or gild of a master, two wardens and the brethren and sisters of the parishioners of the said parish and others who may wish to be of the same fraternity in the said churcli. The master, wardens and brethren and sisters shall have power to augment the said fraternity or gild whenever they may think fit, and each year on Sunday after Holy 'L'rinity they shall elect a master and two wardens for the business and governance of the gild, and they shall form a corporate body and shall have perpetual succession and a common seal and power of acquiring lands and other possessions and of impleading and being impleaded by the name of the fraternity or gild of Holy Trinity, Luyton, and of making ordinances for the governance of the gild. Grant also of licence for the master, wardens, brethren and sisters to found a chantry of two chaplains to celebrate divine service for the good estate of the king 14 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 447 1474. June 21. \Vc.stminstc'r. Juno 10. Westinin.'itcr. .Tnnc IG. WoSlIllillStlT. Juno 22. Wfstiniiistcr. .rune 28. W'ustuiiiistcr. .Tune 27. >V ostmiiistor. June 2S. VVestiniiistcr. July 13. Weitminster. Membrane 15 — cont, and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, and the said brethren and sisters and for their souls after death and the soul of the king's father llichard, late duke of York, and the king's progenitors at the altar of the Holy Trinit}' iu the south part of the said church according to the ordinance of the said bishop and others, and to acquire in mortmain lands, tenements, rents and possessions, not held iu chief, to the value of 20/. yearly for the sustenance of the said chaplains and in augmentation of the sustenance of five clerks chanting matins, mass and vespers in the said church. By p.s. and for 72/. paid in the hanaper. Mandate to all bailiffs and others to permit John Nicoll, chaplain, born at All)erisliop of Durham, John, bishop of Exeter, and John Nnyler, one of the clerks of Chancery, and the executors and assigns of the aid .John Nayler to found a perpetual chantry of one chaplain to 14 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 469 1474, Membrane 21 — coiit. celebrate divine service daily in the parish church of St. Petroc, Bodmin, or in tlie conventual church of the priory of St. Petroc, Bodmin, co. Cornwall, or in any other consecrated place that may please them for the good estate of the kin" and his consort Elizabeth, (pioon of England, and the said bishops and John and for their souls after death and the souls of Stephen Nayler and Matilda his wife, parents of the said .John, Katharine late the wife of the said John, Tlioinaa Nayler and Ilichard Nayler, clerks, sons of the said Stephen and Matilda, and all other sons, daughters, parents, brothers, sisters and friends of the said Stephen and Matilda and all who may lend hand to the support of the chantry, to be call(;d the chaplain of the chantry of Stephen Nayler of Bodmyn, and for the said chaplain and his successors to acquire in mortmain lands, tenements, rents and annuities, not held in chief, to the value of G/. yearly for their sustenance. By p.s. Oct. 25. Grant to Ilichard Fynes, lord Dakers, Walter Devereux, lord Ferrers, Westminster, and Master William Dudley, king's cliaplain, and their assigns of the collation to the next vacant prebend in the king's college of St. George within the castle of Wyndesore. By p.s. Nov. 17. Exemplification, at the request of John Keme, of the tenour of the Westminster, enrolment of a charter dated at Westminster, 14 October. 33 Edward I. [Charter Jioll, '33 Edward I. No. 12] granting to Henry de Lacy, earl of Lincoln, and his heirs a market and fair at their manor of Waynefletc, CO. Lincoln. This charter has been lost by accident, as the said John has taken oath in Chancery, and will be surrendered if found. Membrane 20. Aug. 5. Writ de intendcndo directed to the knights, free men and other tenants Westminster, of the monastery of Waltham Holy Cross, of the order of St. Augustine, in the diocese of Loudon, for Thomas Edward, whom the prior and convent have elected abbot on the resignation of John Lucas, last abbot, the king liaving given his assent to the election and taken his fealty and restored the temporalities to him, as all abbots of the monastery are true abbots on election without any coniirmation. By p.s. and by K. Aug. 2. Appointment, during pleasure, of Vincent F'ynche as controller of the Westminster, great and petty custom, (he subsidy of wools, hides aiul wool-fells and (he subsidy of the 3.9. in the tun and the Vld. in the pound in tlic j)ort of Chichester and ports and places adjacent, receiving the accustomed fees, provided that he execute tiic ollice in person, with tiic custody of one part of the cokut seal. J5y bill of liie treasurer, Aug. 2. John Pyg^e, bishop of Ardfert {Ilarljorlcn ') and par.son of the parish Westminster, church of St. Christopher, London, going beyond the seas, lias letters nominating Christopher Ilanyugton, ' gcntihnan,' and John Cristcde of Loudon, 'gentilman,' his attorneys for one year. Oct. 13. General pardon to INIilcs ap Herry of Coblyngton, co. Hereford, esquire, Westminster, alias ' gentilman,' of all offences committed by him bcfor 8 October. By p.s. Oct. 14. Mandate to all bailiffs and others to permit John (iaunt, moid<, born at Westminster. Perth in Scotland, dwelling at Warden, co. Bedford, who has taken an oath of fealty, to inhabit the realm i)eaccably and enjoy his goods. By K. Oct. 25. Presentation of Hugh Harflot, chaplain, to the parish church of Westminster. Mylkestede, in the diocese of Canterbury. CALENDA.R OF PATENT ROLLS. 1474, Membrane 20 — cont. Oct. 29. Grant for life to the king's servant Peter Courteys of the office of the Westminster, custody of the king's plot within the palace of Westminster which William Trussell, deceased, lately had of the king's grant, with the accustomed fees. By p.s. Oct. 31. Grant for life to Richard Patyn of Ad. daily from the issues of the Westminster, meadow called ' the kinges medow ' and the king's mill by the castle of Nottingham. By p.s. Nov. 8. Grant for life to Thomas Asshe, for his good service to the king in his Westminster, journeys {viagiis) at Barnet and Tewkesbury against the rebels, of the manor of Burneham Sutton and three tenements in Southlynne, co. Norfolk, late of Giles Sayntlowe late of Watford, co. Hertford, esquire, and in the king's hands by virtue of an act of forfeiture in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. against the said Giles by the name of Giles Sayntlowe late of London, esquire, to hold by the accustomed services with knights' fees, advowsons, fairs, markets, rents and services. By p.s. Nov. 10. Licence, for 6s. 8c?., paid in the hanaper, for John Clogh to enfeoff Westminster. Oliver Woderofe of two bovates of land in Hope, held in chief. Nov. 11. General pardon to the king's kinsman George, archbishop of York, of all Westminster, offences committed by him and all lines, amercements, issues, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king before 1 August, 14 Edward IV. By p.s. Membrane 19. Sept. 30. Mandate to the escheator in the county of Norfolk for the restitution of Woburn. the temporalities of the monastery of St. Edmund Bury, of the order of St. Benedict, in the diocese of Norwich, immediately subject to the Roman church, to Richard Hengham, bachelor in decrees, elected abbot by the prior and convent on the death of Robert Ixworth, last abbot, the king having given his assent to the election and taken his fealty, as in accordance with an indult of the apostolic see no confirmation is required. By K. The like to the escheators in the following counties : — Suifolk. Cambridge. The like to John Tate, mayor of London and escheator in that city. Writ de intendendo in pursuance to the tenants. Oct. 5. Grant to the king's .servants William Trussell, knight of the body, and Wycombe. John Cheyne, esquire, of the collation to the next vacant canonry and prebend in the king's free chapel or collegiate church of St. Mary and St. George within the castle of Wyndcsore. By p.s. Oct. 14. General pardon to William Pouche late of Shrewardyn, co. Salop, Westminster. ' yoman,' of all offences committed by him before 17 March last. By p.s. Oct. 10. Grant to Humphrey Stafford of Grafton, esquire, and the heirs male of Westminstei-. his body of the lordships and manors of Clent, Honnesworth and Meere, CO. Statibrd, with advowsons, knights' fees, courts baron, views of frank- pledge and all appurtenances, late of James Ormonde, late earl of Wiltshire, attainted of high treason by authority of Parliament, and in the king's hands by his forfeiture, and the lordships and manors of Severne Stoke and Ekynton, co. Worcester. Avith advowsons, knights' fees, courts baron, views of frank-pledge and all appurtenances, late of John Clyfford, late lord of Clyfford, attainted of high treason by authority of Parliament, 14 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 471 1474, Membrane 19 — cont. and in the king's hands by his forfeiture, not exceeding the yearly value of 85/., to hold by the services of as many knights' fees and as many ether rents and services as they were held by before 4 March, 1 Edward IV. By p.s. Nov. 1. Gi-ant, for the continuation and increase of the shipping in the port of Westminster. Bristol, to Thomas Hexton, John Peuke and John Hemmyng, merchants of Bristol, owners of a ship called la Marie Redecli/ff, Louis Johns, John Fuyster and John Wythepoll, merchants of the same town, owners of a ship called la Marye Grace, William Wodyngton, John Jay and William Brid, merchants of the said town, owners of a ship called le Tryiiijte, and the said William Bryd and John Skryven, merchant of the said town, owners of a ship called le James, that they may load the said ships in the said port with any goods and merchandise not of the staple of Calais before Christmas next and take the same to the parts of Seville, Portugal and Spain and load the ships with other goods and merchandise and bring the same back to the said port quit of customs and subsidies. By p.s. Nov. 6. Grant in frank almoin to Richard Wode, the prior, and the convent of Westminster. St. Mary, Stodeley, co. Warwick, of the king's free chapel of St. Mary Magdalen at Spon by Coventre and all lands, tenements, meadows, feedings, pastures, woods, offerings, commodities, rights, profits, liiiortics, francliises and other emoluments belonging to it, to pray for the good estate of the king and his consort Eliziibeth, qiieon of England, and his firstborn son Edward, prince of Wales, duke of Cornwall anil carl of Chester, and for their souls alter death and the soul of the king's lather Richard, late duke of York, and the king's progenitors. By p.s. and for 12/. paid in the hanaper. Nov. 8. Appointment of Thomas Asshe, John Ilaster and John Robyns to Westmiuster. repair the king's ship called le Antony, and to lake smiths, carpenters and other workmen and timber, iron, boards, canvas, j)itch and other necessaries for the same. By K. Nov. 9. Appointment of the king's servant Edward Burton as one of the yeomen Westminster, of the crown, and grant to him of 6c/. daily for life for his fee from the fee farm of the town of Gloucester. By p.s, Membrane 18. Nov. 25. Grant during pleasure to the guardian and convent of the Friars Minor Westminster, in the University of Cambridge of 25 marks yearly at the reccijjt of the Exchequer from Easter last of the king's alms, as Henry III. and Edward I. and other progenitors of the king have granted to them by letters patent. By p.s. Nov. 22. Pardon to George Luraley, knight, late sheriff of Northumberland, alias Westminster, late under-sherilf of Northumberland, alias constable of the castle of Scardeburgh, of all offences committed by him and all tines, amercements, issues, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the kiug by reason of his said offices. By p.s, Nov. 28. Jnspeximus of the following : — Grant by William Tybcrt and John Westminster. Wyldc, clerks, to John Leynham alius Plomcr, citizen and grocer of London, and Margaret his wife and their heirs and assigns of the manor of Horsyngdon and the advowson of the church of the nnuior, the manor ofSaunturdon called ' Cheynesmaner,' the manor of Saunterdon and the advowson of the parish church of St. Mary, Saunterdon, and the advowson of the church of Saundirdon, the manor of Bromes and the whole quit rent in Saundirdon aforesaid, the manor of IMcselo alias Druels, all the lands called * Fastyngdyches ' and 'Botillers' and all other lands, tenements, 472 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS 1474. Nov. 27. Westminster. Dec. 7. Westminster. Dec. 10. "\^ cstminster. Nov. 29. Westminster. Membrane 18 — cont. rents, reversions and services with woods, meadows, feedings, pastures, mills, ways, paths, hedges, ditches, commons, fisheries, rivers, stews, warrens, escheats, reliefs, heriots, suits, courts, views of frank-pledge, wards, marriages, homages, bondmen with their issue.s, liberties, franchises, rights commodities and appurtenances which they had of the demise of the said John, John Stokker, citizen and alderman of London, and William Danvers, as is contained in a charter dated 5 August, 2 Edward IV. and which the latter together with John Fray, knight, and AVilliam Broun, now deceased, had of the demise of John Brekenoke late of Horsyngdon, CO. Buckingham, esquire, Edmund Hampeden, knight, John Cheyne, knight, William Baron, William Cleve, Edmund Brndeuell, John Hampeden of Kymbell, and William Davy in Plorsyngdon, Saundirdon, Resiburgh, West Wycombe, Sauntuvdon, Prince's Risburgh, Kynggesey, Saunterdon, Astonstanford and in the parishes of Hadenham and Ilmer, as is contained in a charter dated 14 March, 37 Henry VI. with a provision that if the said Margaret marry again after the death of her husband she shall have estate in the premises for her life only, the reversion belonging to the heirs and assigns of her husband. Witnesses : — Edmund Rede, Richard Hare- court, Robert Fitzelys, esquires, Edmund Brudenell, Richard Bedford, John Broke and others. Horsyngdon, 18 August, 2 Edward IV. Grant to the king's servant George Louekyn, one of the yeomen of the wardrobe, in repayment of the sum of 107/. 2*. 4c?. in which the king is indebted to him for divers bombazines and other linen and woollen cloths delivered by him into the wardrobe for the king's use and for the expenses of the making and working of the same, that he or his executors after his decease or their factors or attorneys may ship woollen cloths in the ports of London and Southampton and take them to any foreign parts and bring back other merchandise to the said ports quit of customs and subsidies until he shall thus be fully satisfied of the said sura. By p.s. Presentation of William Ardern, chaplain, to the parish church of Little Stanbrigge, in the diocese of London, void by the resignation of Thomas Ardern, last parson. General pardon to Nicholas Prat of the town of Haydor, co. Lincoln, ' gentilman,' alias merchant, alias Nicholas Cbamberleyn, John Westland late of Honyngton, co. Lincoln, 'yoman,' alias John Westlawe late of Haydor, ' laborer,' Bartholomew Johnson of Haydor and John Panne late of Aseby, co. Lincoln, ' laborers,' of all offences committed by them before 7 December. By p.s. Mandate to the escheator in the county of Middlesex for the restitution of the temporalities of the abbey of Westminster, immediately subject to the Roman church, of the order of St. Benedict, in the diocese of London, to John Esteney, whom the pope has appointed abbot by bull in the place of Thomas Millyng, bishop of Hereford, last abbot, and who has renounced all words prejudicial to the king and his crown in the said bull before Thomas, bisliop of Lincoln, the chancellor, appointed together with John Morton, doctor of laws, keeper of the rolls of Chancery, and John Broun, clerk, to receive the renunciation, and whose fealty the king has ordered to be taken by the said bishop, John and John. The like to the escheators in the following counties : — Worcester. Surrey. Oxford. Gloucester. Buckingham. Writ de intendcndo in pursuance to the tenants. 14 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 473 14'74^ Membrane 17. Nov. 29. General pardon to Richard Palmer of Wykewan, co. Gloucester, Westminster. ' husbondman.' By p.s. Dec. 1. Protection, for one year, for William Frankeleyn of Chester, alias Westminster. William Temple, yeoman of the king's ordnance, and his servants, lands and possessions. By K, Nov. 30. Exeniplification, at the request of the king's servant John Gogh, of the Westminster, tenour of the enrolment of letters patent dated 2 June, 12 Edward IV. (see p. 344) granting to him the office of bailiff of Dunster and the custody of the park of Mersshewode, co. Somerset. These letters have been lost by accident, as he has taken oath in Chancery, and will be surrendered if found. Nov. 29. Protection with clause volwmis, for one year, for William Wcste late of Westminster, Sudbury, co. Suffolk, esquire, alias ' marchant,' going to Ireland on the king's service in the company of the king's brother George, duke of Clarence, lieutenant of Ireland, on the i^afe custody, defence and victualling of that land. By bill of p.s. Dec. 5. Grant to the king's servant John Fortescu, esquire, and the heirs male Westminster, of his body of the manors of Halwell, Highaunton by Shcpeswasshe, Northlow and Holway, co. Devon, in the king's Jiands by the forfeiture of William Cary, knight, to hold by knight-service with knights' fees, advowsons, courts leet, views of frank-pledge, ])arks, Avarrens, chases, wastes, markets, fairs, liberties, franchises, wards, marriages, escheats, reliefs and services of tenants, in lieu of a like grant to him for life l)y letters patent dated 28 July, 7 Edward IV. surrendered. And this without any fee of the seal. By K. Dec. IG. Appointment, until 16 June, of Thomas Lynche, yeoman purveyor of Westminster, the buyer of the household, to take beeves, muttons, calves, pigs, salt- and fresh-water fish and other necessaries for the expenses of the household. By bill of the treasurer of the household. Nov. 29. Licence, for 13s. 4J. paid in the hanaper, for JohnRobcrd, John Clerk, Westminster. John Palmer, chaplains, and John Clerk of Norhampton, ' baker,' to grant a messuage in Norhampton called ' Coyfrowe,' held in chief, to Thomas Derby of Norhampton flie ehler, 'mercer,' and Agnes his wife, John Grenborough, chaplain, Henry Colman of Norhampton, ' deyster,' John Artilburgh of the same, ' potycary,' and John Welles of the same the younger, ' mercer,' and their heirs. General pardon to Richard Palmer of Wykewan, co. Gloucester, 'husbondman.' By p.s. July 2. Pardon to John Taylour of the parish of Bishop's Lydeyerd, co. Westminster. Somerset, ' husbondman,' of iiis outlawry in the county of Somerset for not appearing before Ricliard Chokke, knight, and liis fellows, ju.stices of the peace and of oyer and terminer in the said county, to answer Thomas Taylour for having on 30 Marcii, 12 Edward IV. broken and entered liis house at the said parish and assaulted him ; the said J ohn liaving surrendered to the king's prison of Ivelchestre, as the said llicliard has certified. Membrane 16. Dec. 14. Grant to the merchants of the Teutonic ITause, who have the Teutonic Westminster. Guildhall in London, in satisfaction and rccompencc of the los.ses which they have sustained from the subjects of the crown of England, that they may bring all kinds of merchandise from any foreign parts to the realm of England and ship any merchandise not of the staple in any port of the 474 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. J474. Membrane 16 — cont. realm in any ships or vessels and take the same to foreign parts quit of customs and subsidies, at the rate at which they paid before the fifth year of the reign, to the sum of 10,000/. By p.s. Dec. 18. Appointment, during pleasure, of Richard Copcote to take carpenters Westminster, called ' whelers ' and ' cartvvrightes ' and other carpenters, stone-cutters, smiths, plumbers, and other workmen for the works of the king's ordnance and bombards, cannons, ' culverynes,' ' fowelers,' * serpentines,' powder, 'sulphir,' 'saltpetyr,' stone, iron, lead, crossbows and I)olts for them, bows, arrows, * bowestaves,' ' bowestryngos,' ' langedeves,' lances, ' gley ves,' and hammers and other necessaries. [FcederaJ] The like of John Scotte. Dec. 5. Grant to Peter Neto, merchant, subject of the king's kinsman Henry, Westminster, king of Castile and Leon, of 200/. from a moiety of the customs and subsidies of all goods and merchandise of merchants of Spain in the ports of Sandwich, Suthampton and Bristol, in recompense of the losses sustained by him when coming to England with a ship laden with wines, goods and other merchandise, of which he was despoiled on the high seas by certain pirates of Fowey contrary to the form of the truces between the king and his said kinsman. By K. and C. Aug. 20. Licence, at the instance of the king's kinsman, Francis, duke of Brittany, Westminster, and the inhabitants of the asylum or ' mynychy ' of St. Pol, in the diocese of Leon, and the ports and havens of Penpoull, Arnorica, Eousgo and Pouldu and the islands of Bazanisula, HensaufP, Moalones, Quemenes, Trielen, Bamnench and Balaznench, in the same diocese, for the publication throughout the realm of England and other places under the king's obedience, saving always the rights and privileges of the crown, of apostolic letters which pope Sixtus has issued at their request against the pirates and sea robbers who plunder in the above-mentioned places and the neighbouring seas, and also duly authenticated copies of the same. By K. Nov. 28. General pardon to Joan Ungle the wife of John Ungle late of London, Westminster. ' laborer.' By K. Membrane 15. Aug. 16. General pardon to Marcellus de Roma, doctor of either law, late of Windsor. Ireland, of all offences committed by him in Ireland, all exile of him from Ireland by authority of the Parliament there and all forfeitures of any fees, annuities, pensions or goods of his in Ireland by authority of the said ParHament. By p.s. Aug. 15. Protection for John, archbishop of Dublin, primate of Ireland, who has Westminster, come from Ireland for certain causes concerning the king's person and that land and proposes to return thither, and his lauds and possessions ; grant that he may enter freely into all the temporalities of his archbishopric ; and pardon to him of all ofiences committed by him and all issues and forfeitures due from him to the king. By K. Aug. 27. Signification to pope Sixtus of the royal assent to the election of Dan Westminster. .John Estcney as abbot of the monastery of Westminster by London, immediately subject to the Roman church, void by the consecration of Thomas, last abbot, as bishop of Hereford. June 13. Inspexhnus and confirmation to the vicars of the cathedral church of Westminster. St. Mary, Lincoln, of letters patent dated 9 November, 9 Henry VI. granting that they shall form a corporate body. For ^ mark paid in the banaper. 14 EDWARD IV.— Paet II. 475 Sept. 14. liuckden. Sept. 19. Kcuilworth. X474. Membrane 15 — cont. Aug. 26. Signification to Th. bishop of Lincoln of the royal assent to the election Buckden. of John Sepysliede, canon of the house of St. Mary de Pratis, Leycestre, of the order of St. Augustine, as abbot of that place. Sept. 2. Mandate to the escheator in the counties of Warwick and Leicester for Liddington. the restitution of the temporalities of the abbey of St. Mary do Pratis, Leycestre, of the order of St. Augustine, to John Sepyshede, canon of the house, whose election as abbot Th. bishop of Lincoln has confirmed and whose fealty the king lias taken. The like to the escheators in the following counties : Bedford and Buckingham. Lincoln. Nottingham and Derby. Northampton and Rutland. The like to John Tate, mayor of London and escheator in that city. Writ de intendendo in pursuance to the tenants. Licence for the prior and convent of the monastery of St. Edmund, of the order of St. Benedict, in the diocese of Norwich, to elect an abbot in the place of Robert, last abbot, deceased. By p.s. Grant for life to the king's servant Thomas Gilbert, page of the wardrobe for the king's robes, of the office of tlic portage or porter of the king's liveries of the great wardrobe within the city of London, receiving the accustomed fees with all profits as John Houghton or any other occupant of the office had. By I£. Mem BR Am 14. Nov. 21. Grant for life to the king's servant Peter Courtoys, yeoman of the Westminster, king's wardrobe, of tlic office of the custody of the king's privy palace of Westminster, receiving the accustomed fees as William 'lYussell, deceased, had in the same olfico from the issues of the fee farm of the city of Winchester. By p.s. Oct. 10. Grant to the king's kinsman Anthony, earl Ryvieros, of the custody of Westminster, all castles, manors, lordships, lands and tenements late of Jolm Throgmarton, esquire, tenant in chief, during the minority of Christopher Throgmarton his son and heir, with the marriage of the latter without disparagement, and so from heir to heir. By p.s. Nov. 23. Pardon to Walter Teny late of Morvell, co. Cornwall, ' marchand,' alias Wcstmiuster. of Somerton, co. Somerset, 'yoman,' of his outlawry in the county of Wilts for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to satisfy the king of his ransom for having denied two writings obligatory of liis which Robert Eston of Salisbury, ' marchand,' produced against him in court before th(i said justices, of which he was convicted ; lie having surrendered to the Flete prison and appeared in court in his own person and sought to be admitted to fine, and the said Robert Eston having acknowledged him.self satisfied of the debt and damages, and the saitl Walter having been admitted to fine by pledges of John Baker of London, 'gentilnian,' and Thomas Martyn of Loudon, 'shermau,' as Thomas Bryan, chief justice of the Bench, has certified. Nov. 24. Grant for life to the king's servant John Tremaile of the office of Westminster, searcher of the port and town of Calais, Avith the accustomed fees, in the same manner as William Sherbouru, esquire, deceased, had of the kind's grant. By p.s. [4022.] Nov. 28. General pardon to Julian Bailly late of Evesham, co. Worcester, Westminster. ' widowe,' of all offences committed by her before 6 October last. By p.s. 476 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1474, Membrane 14 — cont. Sept. 20. Grant for life to the king's servant John de Lee, one of the yeomen of Kilworth the kin<;;'s chamber, of all the lands late of Hugh Helton, rebel, within the iKi/llt/iiffworth). ^^Q^y^^ Gildeford and without, in the king's hands by his rebellion and afterwards granted by the king to John Houghton, one of the yeomen of the crown, now deceased, not exceeding the yearly value of 4 marks. By p.s. Sept. 20. Grant for life to the king's servitor Thomas Twysday, one of the Kilworth. grooms of the king's chamber, of all the lands which the king has or ought to have in the town of Blencogo, co. Cumberland, and which Richard Redman, knight, lately had of the grant of Henry IV. to the value of 5 marks yearly. By p.s. Sept. 20. General pardon to William Hoge of Exmouthe, co. Devon, 'yoman.' Westminster. By p.S. Dec. 4. Exemplification, at the request of "William Hastynges, knight, lord Westminster. Hastynges, the king's chamberlain, of the tenour of the enrolment of a charter dated at Westminster, 14 November, 13 Edward IV. \_Charter Roll, 11-14 Edward IV. No. 4], granting to him and his heirs and assigns two fairs yearly at Assheby de la Zouche, co. Leicester. This charter has been lost by accident, as he has taken oath in Chancery, and will be surrendered if found. Dec. 1. Pardon to the abbot, prior and convent of Westminster of all debts and Westminster, accounts due from them to the king for the custody of the temporalities of the abbey and the liberties and franchises of the abbot or for all issues, fines and amercements belonging to the king by reason of the voidance of the abbey by the consecration of Thomas Myllyng, late abbot, as bishop of Hereford. By p.s. Dec. 7. Commission to Geoffrey Kent of the office of ti'onage and pesage in the Westminster, port of Ipswich and ports and places adjacent receiving the accustomed fees. By bill of the treasurer. Membrane 13. Nov. 11. Licence for the sub-prior and convent of Bcrnewell to elect a prior in the Westminster, place of John Whaddon, resigned. July 10. Licence for Christopher Cook, Thomas Tremayll and Thomas Larder Westminster, to found a perpetual chantry at the altar in the chapel of St. Mary in the parish church of St. Dubricius, Porlok, co. Somerset, in the diocese of Bath and Wells, of two chaplains to celebrate divine service for the good estate of the king and for his soul after death and the souls of John, late lord Haryngton, and Elizabeth his wife, Robert, sometime lord Haryngton, knight, and Isabel his wife, William Bonevile, late lord Bonevile, knight, and William Bonevile, late lord Haryngton, and their parent'), ancestors, kinsmen, friends and benefactors and all who may lend hand to the support of the chantry, according to their ordinance, to be called the chantry of John, late lord Haryngton, and Elizabeth his wife, and to grant in mortmain to the said chaplains the manor of Uggeburgh, co. Devon, and two messuages, 40 acres of land and 3 acres of meadow in Porlok and Luccombo, CO. Somerset, not held in chief, for theii' sustenance and the support of certain charges. By p.s. and for 91/. lis. paid in the hanaper. Nov. 14. Pardon to William Hervy of Asshwell, co. Hertford,' ' husbondman, of Westminster, his outlawry in the said county for not appearing before ihe king to satisfy him of his ransom for not holding John Yonge late of Asshewell, ' laborer,' before him on a certain day to answer Richard Touker on a plea of trespass ; he having surrendered to the Marshalsea prison, as Thomas Billyng, chief justice of the King's Bench, has certified. 14 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 477 1474. Nov. 17. Westminster. Nov. 4. Wcstmiiister. Nov. 22. Westminster. Nov. 24. Westiiiiuster. Nov. 22. Westmiuster. Nov. Westminster, Membrane 13 — cont. General pardon to Thomas Edy late of the town of Westminster, co. Middlesex, ' yoman,' alias clerk, alias chaplain, of all offences committed by him before 4 November. By p.s. Pardon to the king's servant John Isley, esquire, sheriff of Kent, of all ofFences committed by him and all fines, amercements, issues, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king by reason of his otBce. By K. Pardon to Auerus Dawe of Wilton, co. Wilts, ' lynnenwever,' of his outlawry in the said county for not appciaring l)efore Kichard Neuton and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to satisfy John Catore of Coventre, merchant, of 5 marks 3*. Ad. -which the latter recovered against him before the said justices and 4 marks damages; he having surrendered to the Flete prison before the justices of the Bench on 9 October last saying that ai'ter the delivery of the said judgment the sivid Jolm at Wilton by a writing released to him all actions for tlie said debt and damages, whereupon tlie sheriff of the county was ordered to summon the said John to appear before the said justices at a certain day to acknowledge or deny the said writing, and tlie sheriff said that the said John was dead, and Elizabeth Catour, executrix of the will of the said John, being summoned in like manner appeared by John Fulbroke, lier attorney, and did not deny the writing, as appears by certificate of Thomas Bryan, chief justice of the Bench. Pardon, for 205. paid in the hanaper, to Thomas Bryan, chief justice of the Common Bench, and I.-^abol late the wife of Thomas Blount, osi[uirc, deceased, tenant in chief, of their trespass in intermarrying without licence. Pardon to llobert Marshall of Bole, co. Nottingham, • husbondman,' of his outlawry in the county of York for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer the king and Hobert Rayne of iliddelwode, co. York, ' husboiulman,' for having at Doncaster, co. York, contrary to the form of the statute of 8 Henry VI. caused the latter to be charged before Robert Clyfton, knight, and AVilliam AVcntworth, justices of the peace and of oyer and terminer in the county of Nottingham, Avith having with William Rayne of Wollcy, co. York, ' laborer,' and Thomas Rayne of Shaftholine, CO. York, ' husbondman,' on 20 JSeptcmber, 10 Edward IV. at a hill called ' Brakeholeshill,' co. Nottingham, assaulted him and robbed him of 2G.9. 8^/., the said Robert Rayne dwelling at Worsop, co. Nottingham, before and at the time of the indictment, whereby the latter was put to great labour and expense until he was ac((nitted at Notyngham before Robert Sutton, escpiire, .ind Thomas Nevyll, justices of the peace and of oyer and terminer in the said county ; lie having surrendered to the Flete prison, as Thomas Bryan, chief justice of the Bench, has certified. Signification to W. bishop of Ely of the royal assent to the election of William Tcbald, canon of the house or priory of Beruewell, of the order of St. Augustine, as prior thereof. Membrane 12. Dec. 8. Grant to John Elryngton, treasurer of the king's household, of the sum Westmiuster. of 4,9()G/. 6s. Sd. yearly for ten years from the feast of St. Thomas Ajiosllo last for the expenses of the liousehohl, viz. 1,000 marks from the great and petty customs in the port of London, 1,000 marks from the subsidy of the 3s. in the tun and the I2d. in the pound in the said port and ports and places adjacent, 2001. from the customs and subsidies in the nort of Bristol 478 CALENDAB OF PATENT ROLLS. 1474. Membrane 12 — cont. and ports and places adjacent, 200/. from the like in the port of Sandwich and ports and places adjacent, 1,000 marks from the like in the port of Suthampton and ports and places adjacent, 1,000 marks from the issues of the hanaper of Chancery after payment of their fees to the chancellor and other officers and ministers of Chancery, 33*. Ad. from the subsidy and ulnage of cloth and a moiety of the forfeiture of the same in the counties of Bedford and Buckingham, 33/. 6s. 8c?. from the like in the town of Bristol, 20s. from the like in the counties of Cambridge and Huntingdon, 15/. from the like in the counties of Devon and Cornwall, 100 marks from the like in the county of York, the city of York and the town of Kyngeston on Hull, 20/. from the like in the county of Gloucester, 40*. from the like in the county of Hereford, 20/. from the like in the counties of Kent, Surrey and Sussex, 20/. from the like in the city of London, 100s. from the like in the county of Lincoln, 20s. from the like in the county of Leicester, 50 marks from the like in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk and Essex, 40s. from the like in the county of Nottingham, 14/. from the like in the county of Northampton, 20/. from the like in the counties of Oxford and Berks, 4/. from the like in the county of Suthampton, 20/. from the like in the counties of Somerset and Dorset, 20s. from the like in the county of Stafford, 20s. from the like in the county of Salop, 6/. from the like in the county of Worcester, 20/. from the like in the county of "Warwick and the city of Coventry, 40/. from the like in the county of Wilts, 1,4.S3/. 6s. 8c/. from all sums and profits arising from the custody of the land and heir of John, late earl of Shrewsbury, tenant in chief, and the marriage of the heir, the custody of the land and heir of Thomas Tresham, knight, tenant in chief, and (he marriage of the heir and all other wards of all castles, manors and lands of other heirs of the king's tenants, the marriages, reliefs and forfeitures of marriage of the said heirs, the custodies of archbishoprics and other ecclesiastical benefices and other escheats and forfeitures belonging to the king after this date, and 200 marks from the issues in the office of the chief butler of England, the above being charges on the first moneys in each case. By K. 1475. Feb. 9. Pardon to the king's servitor John Acton late of Whityngton, co. Westminster. Stafford, esquire, late sheriff of Stafford, alias John Acton of Beaudeley, alias John Acton, ' gentilman huissher' of the king's chamber, of all offences committed by him and all debts, accounts and arrears, fines, issues and amercements due from him to the king. By p.B. 2474. Membranes^ 11 aiid 10. July 4. InspecL'iimis and confirmation to Alexander Whitley, the abbot, and the Westuiiuster. convent of St, Mary, Combe, of letters patent dated 20 January, 20 Richard II. inspecting and confirming to William de Bretford, then abbot, and the convent the following : — 1. A charter of Stephen dated at London. 2. A charter of Henry II. dated at Northampton to Martin, then abbot, and the monks. 3. A charter of Richard I. 4. A charter dated at Reading, 20 July, 4* Henry III. inspecting and confirming the above charter of Henry II. 5. A chiirter daled at Westmin.ster, 18 February, 18 Edward I. {Charier Roll, 18 Edward I. JVo. 89.] * The correct date of this charter is 24 January, 35 Henry III. See Charter Roll 36 Henry III. m. 12. 14 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 479 3Iembranes W and \0 — cont. 6. Lottei'g patent dated 20 May, 14 Edward III. 7. Letters patent dated 10 July, 18 Edward III. 8. Letters patent dated 4 December, 20 Edward III. 9. Letters patent dated 6 February, 24 Edward TIL and confirming a grant to them by Kobert sou of Odo. For 4/. paid iu the hanaper. 1475. Membrane 10— con/. Jan. 26. Exemplification, at the request of Robert Bollyng in the shire of York, Westminster. < gentilmau,' of the tenours of the following : — 1. A petition (English) of the said Robert in Parliament at Westminster, October, 12 Edward IV. that whereas in the Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. he was attainted of high treason and it was ordained that lie should forfeit all the possessions which he had on 4 March then last past, and afterwards the king being informed that he was never against him in any field or journey except on Palm Sunday in the first year of the reign on compulsion of John, then lord Clyfford, granted letters of pardon to him on 17 June, 3 Edward IV. whereby he was enabled to the laws but Avas not restored to his livelihood, although by the king's grace he enjoys the same to the great relief of himself and his wife and their ten children, the king should now ordain that he be restored to his said livelihood and the said attainder be void. 2. The assent to the same by the commons : — A cest bille Ics communes sont assentuz. 3. The answer of the king : — Soit fait come il est desire. Uiolls of Fiirlianicnt, VI. 20.] Jan. 25. Letters of denization for Godfrey Speryng, ' bierbrucr,' born in the Westmiuster. duchy of Holland. By p.s. and lor 5 marks paid iu the hanaper. Feb. 6. Appointment, during pleasure, of William Crowe, ' smyth,' and John Westminster. Eton, ' wheler,' to take carpenters called ' whelors ' and * cartu rightes ' and other carpenters and workmen for the works of waggons and wheels for the king's ordnance and smiths and timber and irou and other necessaries and carriage for the same. Feb. 13. Presentation of George Dawne to the church or chapel of Lamana, iu Westminster, the diocese of Exeter, void by the resignation of Thomas Ousteby. Feb. 10. Licence in fulfilment of a licence by letters patent dated 11 September, Westminster. 13 Edward IV. (sfc p. 410) and in roconipense of the lands of the abbot and convent of St. INIary, Dale, in Larkc Dale lately enclosed by the king within the new ))ark by his castle of Notlyngham, which lands John Stanley, now abbot, and the convent granted to the king and his heirs and assigns and Gervase Clyfton, esquire, for the alienation in mortinaiu by John, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, AViliiam, lord Hastyngcs, knight, Thomas, lord Stanley, knight, William, abbot of Rufl^ord, Thomas Burgh, knight, William Stanley, knight, James Stanley, clerk, William Babyngton, esquire, Ralph Saucheverell, esquire, Henry Stathom, oscjuire, John Staunton, esquire, Richard Malery, esquire, and William Orell, clei-k, to the abbot and convent of the advowson or ])atronage of the church of Ilcnour, not held in chief, extended at 14 marks yearly, as appears by au inquisition taken before Richard Malory, eschcator in the county of Derby, in aid of their sustenance and for the celebration of divine service for the good estate of the king, and for the appropriation in mortmain by the abbot and convent o£ the said church, provided that a perpetual vicarage 480 CALENDAR OP PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Membrane 10 — cont. be sulBeiently endowed and a competent sum from the pr ofits of the church be yearly distributed among the poor parishioners of the same by the diocesan of the place. By K. 1474. Dec. 19. Westminster. Dec. 26. Westmiuster. 1475. Jan. 14. Liucolu. Jan. 23. Westminster, Membuane 9. Whereas in satisfaction of the attempts of the king's subjects of England against the men of the maritime provinces of the king's brother the king of Castile and Leon, to the prejudice of the peace between the latter and the king, the king is bound to the men of the province of Guipuscoa iu ."^jOOO crowns for losses sustained by them before Christmas, 1472, and in 6,000 crowns for losses thus sustained by them from thea until 28 May last, each crown being valued at Zs. Ad. of English money ; for this and for their promised services against the king's adversary of France the king grants licence for the mei'chants and men of the said provinces of Spain or their factors or attorneys to retain a moiety of all customs on their merchandise in any port of the realm until they shall thus be satisfied of the said sums, 600 crowns already paid to John Martinus of Berastegni excepted. {^Fcedera.'] By K. Grant to the king's uncle Henry, earl of Esses, and the king's aunt I?al)cl his wife and the heirs of their bodies of the lordship or manor of Aylsbury, co. Buckingham, and ten messuages, 200 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, 40 acres of pasture and lOO*. of rent from divers lands in Aylsbury and Beerton, co. Buckingham, the manors of Great Holaud and Foxherd with the advowson of the church of Holand, co. Essex, the manors of Acton and Moreves in Waldyngfeld, co. Suffolk, the manor of Chellesfeld and the advowson of the church of Chellesfeld, the manor of Esthalle by Chellesfeld and the manor of Asshe by Frcnyngham, co. Kent, late of James, late earl of Wiltshire, and in the king's hands by reason of his forfeiture and by force of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. the lordship or manor of (^hyngford with the advowson of the church of Chyngford and all lauds, rents and services in Chyngford, co. Essex, late of Thomas, late lord Roos, and in the king's hands by reason of his forfeiture and by force of the act aforesaid, the manor of Woddesdon with the advowson of the parish church of Woddesdon and six messuages, 100 acres of land, 10 acres of meadow, 20 acres of pasture, 20 acres of wood and 40s. rent from divers lands in Woddesdon and Westcote, co. Buckingham, late of Thomas Courtenay, late earl of Devon, and in the king's hands by reason of his forfeiture and by force of the act aforesaid, and the manors of Colvyles, Zouches Maners and Sherdlowes in Fulburn and 2 acres of land in Fulburn called ' le Chirche Glebe ' with the advowson of the church of St. Vigor, Fulburn, co. Cambridge, late of John Ormond alias Botiller, knight, and in the king's hands by reason of his forfeiture and by foi"ce of the act aforesaid, to hold with knights' fees, advowsons, courts leet, views of frank-pledge, fairs, markets, liberties, franchises, warrens, profits and commodities by fealty only, and all issues of the above from 4 March, 1 Edward IV. And this without fine or fee. By K. General pardon to Thomas Musgrave of Eoyall, co. Northumberland, esquire, alias ' gentilman.' By K. Exemplification, at the request of the king's servant John Sidborough of the tcnour of the enrolment of letters patent dated 24 July, 1 Edv/ardlV. granting to him for life the ofhce of keeper of the king's privy wardrobe within the Tower of London. These letters have been lost by accident, as he has taken oath in Chancery, and will be surrendered if found. 14 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 481 1474. Dec. 14. Westminster. Membrane Q~~cont. Mandate to the escheator in the county of Norfolk for the restitution of the temporalities of the house or priory of Bernwell to William 'I'ebald, canon of th(! same, whose election as prior W. bishop of Ely has confirmed and whose fealty the king has ordered to be taken by Robert Wodelarke, provost of the king's college of the University of Cambridge, and William Malster, licentiate in decrees, clerks. The like to the following : — The escheator in the counties of Cambridge and Huntingdon. Robert Drope, mayor of London and escheator in that city. Writ de intendendo in pursuance to the tenants. Nov. 18. Westminster. 1475. .Tan. 25. AVestminster. Feb. 4. Westminster. Jan. 31. Westminster. Feb. 1.5. Westminster. Feb. 6. Westminster. Feb. 13. Westminster. Membrane 8. Exemplification, at the request of William Briscowe, of the enrolments of an indenture dated 3 July, 13 Edward IV. of arbitration between the mayor and commonalty of the city of Coventry on the one part and the said William on the other part, in a dispute concerning certain lands and common of pasture, and the memoranda of the acknowledgments of the same in Chancery by the arbitrators. {^Close Roll, 13 Edward IV. in. 4d.] General pardon to John Faryndon the younger of Exeter, co. Devon, 'gcntilman,' alias John Furyngdon of Faryngdon, of all offences committed by him before 24 January. By p.s. General pardon to Thomas Millewar late of Mekulton, co. Gloucester, 'yoman,' alias Thomas Bassewell late of ISIikkulton, alias Thomas Millewardd, alias Thomas Miller, of all olfences committed by him before 31 January last. By p.s. General pardon to Thomas Begard late of Nortligate by Newcrk, co. Nottingham, 'gentilman,' «/«a« Thomas Bekart late ofWilluby, ' gentilman.' By p.s. Grant for life to John Haukens, one of the king's minstrels, of 10 marks yearly, from Michaelmas, 13 Edward IV. from the fee-farm of the manor of la Berton by Gloucester and the king's Aveirs in the manor of Minstreworth and a moiety of the weir of Denne at the liands of the abbot and convent of St. Peter's, Gloucester. By p.s. Appointment, until 15 August, of Thomas Markham, esquire, to take salt and fresh water fish for tlu; expenses of the household and carriage for the same. By bill of the treasurer [of the household]. Grant to William Lucy, esquire, of 160/. from the issues of the counties of Warwick and Leicester. By K. Grant for life to the king's servant Peter Wruton, one of the yeomen of the crown, of the office of bailiff of the king's town and lordship of Fodringhey and the custody of the king's wanlrobc within the castle of Fodringhey from Easter last, from which time he has had the said oilice and custody, receiving the accustomed fees for the said office and Id. daily for the said custody from the issues of the said lordship. By p.s. Membrane 7. Jan. 13. Protection, for five years, for Gerard Caniziani of London, merchant, Lincoln. and his servants, factors, deputies, lands, goods and possessions, as the king understands that Christopher Spyno of Florence, merchant, and other Florentine merchants of the society of the Medici on account of his .services y 96186. II If 482 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Jan. 14. L'idcdIh. Feb. 6. Westminster. Jan. 28. Westmiaster. Fc h. 5. Westminster. Feb. 15. AVc'Sirainster. 1474. Nov. 15. Westminster. 1475. Fob. 23. Westminster. Membrane 7 — cont. to the king and his marriage solemnized in this realm are greatly indignant with him and intend to annoy him without cause. By K. Grant, during pleasure, to the king's servant John Durant of the office of auditor of the king's castle and lordship of Bollessore, Horston, Horsley and Chesterfeld, co Derby, and fee-farms and rents in the tovpns of Maunsfeld, Lymby, Hedenstowe, Kyngisclypston, Bulwell, Arnold, Darleton, Ragenhulle, Retford, Baseford and Notingham, co, Nottingham, and all other rents arising from agistments, pannage and cheminage of the parks of Beskewood and Kingesclypston and the forest of Shirwood, co. Nottingham, with other fees pertaining to the said office, to audit the accounts of all receivers, bailiffs, I'eeves, bedels, woodwards, collectors, farmers, or other ministers of the king in the said counties, receiving yearly 3/. 6s. 8c/. at their hands with all accustomed profits. By p.s. Pardon to Thomas Kyme of Frysnay, late sheriff of Lincoln, of all offences committed by him and all fines, issues, amercements, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king by reason of his office. By K. Pardon to Edward Tyrell late of VVesthorpe, co. Suffolk, esquire, alias late of Wyngfeld, co. Sutfolk, for the murder of John Serene, knight. By p.s. Pardon to John Vyllers of Fulnetby, esquire, late sheriflp of Lincoln, of all offences committed by him and ail issues, fines, amercements, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king by reason of his office. ByK. Grant for life to Robert Grene, king's minstrel, of 10 marks yearly from Michaelmas, 13 Edward IV. from which date he has been one of the king's minstrels though he has as yet had no fees, from the issues of the subsidy and ulnage of cloth and a moiety of the forfeiture of the same in the counties of Oxford and Berks. By p.s. Pardon to Richard Gille of Wokyngdon Bishop's, co. Essex, ' husbond- man,' of his outlawry in the county of Middlesex for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to satisfy WiUiam Parchemener, citizen and draper of London, of 100s. Avhich the latter recovered against him before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of tlie Bench of the late king, at Westminster and W^s. damages, he having surrendered to the Flete prison and satisfied the said William, as Tliomas Bryan, chief justice of the Bench, has certified. Pardon to John, abbot of the monastery of St. Peter, Westminster, ordinary of that place, for the escapes of Alan Greneside, Thomas Wykes and Richard Hoddilston, convicted prisoners committed to his custody, from his prison before 23 January last. By p.s. General pardon to Ralph Castell, late of Thacham, co. Berks, ' wever,' alias ' yoman,' of all offences committed by him before "IZ December last. By p.s. Presentation of William Crosse, parson of the parish church of St. Michael, Norhampton, to the parish church of Harwey in the marches of Calais, in the diocese of Terouanue, on an exchange of benefices with William Midnyght. The letters are directed to Th. cardinal archbishop of Canterbury. INIandate to all bailiffs and otliers to permit Henry Dolas, born at Arbrodyt in Scotland, dwelling :it Kenelvvorth, co. V/arwick, who has taken an oath of fealty, to inhabit the realm peaceably and enjoy his goods. ByK. 14 EDWARD IV,— Part IL 483 1475. Membrane 7 — cont. Feb. 27. Mandate to all bailiffs and others to permit 'William Oughtre, 'taillom-,' Westminster, alias William Parker, born at Dundye in Scotland, dwelling within the realm of England, who has taken an oath of fealty, to inhabit the realm peaceably and enjoy his goods. By K. Membrane 6. Feb. 20. Grant to the king's brother Richard, duke of Gloucester, and the heirs Westminster, male of his body of the castles, honours, lordships and manors of Midelham and Shirefhoton with their members, the lordships and manors of Estlyllyng, Elvyngton, Skirpenbek, Yaresthorp, Raskell, Houkc, Scoreby, Wilberfosse, Stanfordbrig, Hundburton, Knapton, Rise in Holdernesse, Sutton on Derwent, Shirborn in Herfordlith, Appilton in Ridale, Sutton in Galtresse and Thorlesthorpe, Carleton with Coverdale in Coverdale, Westwitton, Wodhall, Ketilwelle in Craven, Newebiggyng, Thoralby with Bisshoppes- dale, Burton, Biiynbrig with the vale of Wynsladale, Braithwait, Aykes- carth, Crakehall, Busby, Faceby, Carleton in Clevelond, Little Crakehali, Bowes, New Forest, Arkelgarthdale, Hopes alias Esthope, Westhope, Multon, Forset, Gillyng, Salkeld, Soureby, Langwathby, Scotby and Carlaton, the barony of Worton, free chace in Wynsladale, 10/. of rent from the castle and manor of Wilton, tolls from Bowes, Leamyng, Difford and Smeton, the wapentakes or bailiwicks of Laiigbergh, Hang, Ilalikeld and Gillyng, the advowsons of the churches cd' Moremonkton, Walkyngton and the chantry in the church of Appilton, a mill in Richcmond, the issues of a farm called ' le Litferme,' a moiety of the soil and wood of Snape called le AVestwode, all homages of rent called ' Castellwarde,' the knights' fees, rents and services of free tenants belonging to the castle, lordship or honour of Richcmond and all other lands, rents, reversions, services and hereditaments ■ late of Richard Neviln, late carl of Warwick, in Shireflioton, Estlillyng, Elvyngton, Skirpenbek, Yaresthorp, Raskell, Houke, Scoreby, Wilber- fosse, Stanfordbrig, Hundburton, Knapton, Rise in Holdernesse, Sutton late of {sic) Derwent, Shirbui'n in Herfordlith, Appilton in Ridale, Sutton in Galtresse, Moremonkton, Walkyngton, Elvyngton, Catton, Towthorpe, Brian Askam, Wedirby, Tetieryngton, Westlillyng, Riton, Bugthorpe, Towthorpe on the Wold, Wynsladalc, Worton, Carleton, Westwitton, Wodhall, Ketilwell in Craven, Newebiggyng, Thoralby, Bisshoppesdale, Burton, ]kynbrig, Braithwayt, Aykescarth, Crakehall, Busby, Fuceby, Carleton in Cleveland, Little Crakeliall, Bowys, New Forest, Arkelgarth- dale, Hopes, IMulton, Forset, CJilljng, Wilton, Walden, Kerparby, Lirtington, Bernyngham, Stanhowkeld, Bolron, Fegherby, Southcowton, Coldconyngston, Hilderwell, Rande, Newton, Ilarllcsey, Salkild, Penreth, Soureby, Langwathby, Scotby and Carlaton with knights' fees, advowsons, chaces, warrens, franchises, liberties, privileges, fairs, markets, hundreds and other emoluments to hold by knight service and the accustomed rents and services. By K. Feb. 26. General pardon to John Nesfeld late of London, esquire, alias Westminster. ' gentilmun.' By K. Feb. G. Exemplification, at the request of John Au^leley, lord Audelcy, of the Westminster, tenours of the following : 1, A petition (English) of the said John in the Parliament held at Westminster, 6 October, 12 Edward IV. and continued by divers prorogations to 23 January last that whereas Humphrey Audelcy, knight, brother to the said suppliant, committed divers offences against the king and accordingly all his manors, lands and tenements would have been forfeited and his heirs disabled without the king's H u 2 484 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Membrane 6 — cont. especial grace, and the king had intended to have rewarded certain persons with the same manoi's, lands and tenements, to which persons the said beseecher has paid 600 marks and has nothing of the said Humphrey whereby he may be repaid, and the said Humphrey has issue John and Jane, the king should grant to the said .John Audeley, knight, the ward, keeping and marriage of the said John the son during his nonage with the keeping of the manors of Karleton, Midilton, Clopton, Cokefeld, Fennehalle and Whelle- weteliam, co. Suffolk, late of the 'said Humphrey, and if the said John die within the age of 21 years, the said Jane then being within the age of 14 years, her keeping and marriage with the premises during her nonage, and that if during their nonages he shall not receive of the premises the said sum above all charges that he shall bear he shall possess the said manors, lands and tenements until he shall have received the said sum out of their issues. 2. The assent of the commons : — A cest bille lez commimez sont assentuz. 3. The answer of the king : — Soit fait cum ill est desire. [Bolls of Parliament, VI. 127.] Feb. 28. General pardon to John Walter late of Westminster, co. Middlesex, alias Westminster, late of More, co. Hertford, clerk, of all offences committed by him before 26 February. By p.s. March 2. Appointment, during pleasure, of Thomas Stokton as controller of the Westminster, petty custom in the port of London and ports and places adjacent, receiving the accustomed fees, provided that he execute the office in person, with the custody of one part of the coket seal. By bill of the treasurer. Feb. 27. WestmiEster. Feb. 24. WcstiEiuster. March 1, Westminster. Membrane 5. Grant in frank almoin to the warden or dean and chapter of the college of St. Mary, St. George the Martyr and St. Edward the Confessor ^within the castle of Wyndesore, co. Berks, of the house, hospital or free chapel of St. Anthony, London, and the custody and auvowson of the same with all liberties, franchises, jjrivileges, immunities, lands, rents, services, froits, oblations, profits, emoluments, advowsons, knights' fees, rights and appurtenances at its next voidance; and this without fine or fee. [3Io7iasticon, vol. VI. p. 1359.] By K. Grant for life to James Hyet, esquire, and Roger Hyet his son of the office of constable of the king's castle of St. Briavels in the forest of Dene, CO. Gloucester, receiving the accustomed fees at the hands of the receivers or other occupiers of the king's lordship of Newcloud in the said forest ; in lieu of a grant of the office to the said James by letters patent dated 10 March, 1 Edward IV. surrendered. By p.s. Licence for John Howard, knight, and John Broughton the younger, esquire, or their heirs, executors and assigns to found a perpetual chantry of a warden and society of chaplains to celebrate divine service daily in the town of Denardcston, co. Suffolk, for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of Englaml, and his firstborn son Edward, prince of Wales, duke of Cornwall and carl of Chester, and the said John Howard and John Broughton and Anne his consort and their heirs and for their souls after death and the souls of John Denston and Katharine his wife, William Denston and Margaret his wife, Robert Clerk, clerk, John Marshall and Aiesiahis wife and the ancestors of the said John Denston and do other 14 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 485 1475. Nov. 28. Weitminster. 14.75. March 2. Westminster. Membrane 5 — cont. works of piety according to their ordinance, to be called ' Denstons Chaun- tery,' and to grant in mortmain to the said warden and society lands, tenements, rents and other possessions, not held in chief, to the value of 40/. yearly. By K. Grant to the king's kinsman Anthony Gray, knight, lord of Gray Ruthin, and his heirs and assigns of the manors of Wrastlyngworth, Dnnton and Goyes, two messuages, 10 acres of land and an acre of meadow in Eyworth, a messuage and 10 acres of land in Milnho, a messuage and a moiety of an acre of land called ' Scryvcmers ' in Dunton and a messuage, 20 acres of land called ' Taillardes,' a messuage, 80 acres of land and two acres of meadow called ' Bexwelles ' and 20 acres of land called ' Bakers ' in AVrastlyngworth, CO. Bedford, and the manors of Puttokeshardwik and Little Paxton and 40 acres of land in le Welde in the parish of Eynesbury, co. Huntingdon, with knights' fees, advowsons, wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, parks, woods, meadows, feedings, pastures, lislieries, stews, warrens, courts leet, views of frank-pledge, liberties, franchises, profits and other commodities late of John Manyngham late of Oldeforde, co. Middlesex, knight, and in the king's hands because he was indicted of divers offences against the crown and afterwards outlawed at the king's suit at Hertford on 8 April, 13 Edward IV. to hold from the time of the outlawry by the services of as many knights' fees 'and as many other rents and services as they were held by before 4 March, 1 Edward IV. and this without fine or fee. By p.s. Grant for life to Alice Hulcot, for her good service to the king and Ins consort Elizabeth, queen of England, of an annuity of 10/. from Michaelmas last from the fee-farm of the town of Kyngcsthorpe, co. Northanijiton. J$y K. Membrane 4. Feb. 8. Westminster. Feb. 18. Westminster. Feb. 23. Westininster. Feb. 12. Westminster. Grant for life to the king's servant John Bigge, esquire, of the office of the custody of the king's castle of the town of Sandwich with tlie meadows called ' Castclniedeus ' adjacent and the otHce of verger of the town, to hold from 14 December, II Edward IV. from which time he has had the same, with wages of \d. daily from the issues of the said meadows ; in lieu of a like grant to Thomas Bodyn l»y letters jiatcnt dated 20 July, 1 Edward IV. surrendered, and a grant to the said .John of the office of verger {virgeliaiulns) in the said town with the custody of the castle there and the meadows belonging to it and all fees by letters patent dated the said 14 December, surrendered. By K. Appointment of tlie king's brother Richard, duke of Gloucester, as sheriff of Cumberland and grant to him of the office of slieriil' for life, rendering to the king 100/. yearly at the Exchccpier Avithout any other account. By p.s. Exemption for life of Richard Sapcotes, knight, from being put on assizes, juries or recognizances and from being made trier of the same, justice, sheriff, coroner, mayor, bailifl', constable, collector, controller, r.ssessor or taxer of tenth, fifteenth, tax or subsidy, trier, leader or provider of men at arms or any other officer or minister cl the king against his will. By p.s. Licencs for Thomas, bishop of Lincoln, the chancellor, John Bourgehier, parson of the church of St. Andrew, Bykelyswade, co. Bedford, John Rudynge, clerk^ archdeacon of Northampton, William Saycok, clerk. Waiter 486 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Membrane 4 — cont. Cokerell, chaplain, Richard Endreby, esquire, Robert Bothe, esquire, John Nanby, Thomas Eston and Richard Grodfrey to found a fraternity or gild of four guardians, ecclesiastics or laymen, and other lieges of the king of either sex within the said church according to their ordinance, to be ealled the fraternity or gild of Holy Trinity in the said church. The said guardians and the brethren and sisters of the gild shall form one body and commonalty incori^orate, with power to acquire lands, rents, services, rights and possessions and to plead and be impleaded, and shall have a common seal and shall when they please elect guardians for the governance of the gild and admit other persons to the gild and remove the guardians and make ordinances for the government of the gild. And grant to them of licence to acquire in mortmain, after inquisition, lands, tenements, rents, annuities and possessions, not held in chief, to the value of 10^. yearly for the sustenance of a chaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the said church ~for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, the said bishop and the other brethren and sisters of the gild and for their souls after death and the soul of Richard, late duke of fork, the king's father, and the support of other works. By p.s. and for 31/. lis. paid in the hanaper. March 1. General pardon to William Kaylewey late of Callegh, co. Devon, esquire, Westminster, alias of Challegh, CO. Devon, ' gentilman.' By p.s. March 3. General pardon to William Bright late of Edysleght, co. Devon, ' yoman,' Westmiuster. alias William Mayer late of Edyslegh, co. Devon, of all offences committed by him before 1 March. By p.s. IIembrane 3. Feb. 26. Exemplification, at the request of the king's brother Richard, duke of Westminster. Gloucester, of the tenour of an act (English) in the Parliament held at Westminster, 6 October, 12 Edward IF. and continued by divers prorogations to 23 January, 14 Edward IV. ordaining on 23 February that, whereas considering the treasons done by John Nevile, late marquis Montague, the king intended by authority of this present Parliament to have attainted and disabled him and his heirs but at the request of the said duke and other lords will proceed no further in this, nevertheless the said duke shall have and enjoy to himself and the heirs of his body, so long as there be any male heir of the body of the said marquis, the honours, castles, lordships and manors of Midelham and Shirefhoton with their members, the lordships and manors of Estlillyng, Elvyngton, Skirpenbek, Yaresthorpe, Raskell, Houke, Scoreby, Wiiberfosse, Stanfordbrig, Hundburton, Knapton, Rise in Holdernesse, Sutton on Derwent, Shirborn in Herford Lithe, Appilton in Ridale, Sutton in Galtresse and Thorlesthorpe, Carleton with Coverdale in Coverdale, Westwitton, Wodhall, Ketilwell in Craven, Newbig- gyng, Thoralby with Bisshoppesdale, Burton, Baynbrig with the vale of Wynsladale, Braithwayte, Aykescarth, Crakehall, Busby, Faceby, Carleton in Clevelond, Little Crakehall, Bowes, Newforest, Arkelgarthdale, Hopes otherwise called Esthope, Westhope, Multon, Forset, Gillyng, Salkeld, Soureby, Langwathby, Scotby and Carlaton, the barony of Worton, free chace in Wynsladale, ten pounds of rent out of the castle and manor of Wilton, the toll of Bowes, Leamyng, Difford and Snieton, the wapentakes of Langbergh, Hang, Halikeld and Gillyng, the advowsous of the churches of Moremonkton, Walkyngtou and Elvyngton and a chantry in the church of Appilton, a mill in Richmond and the issues of a farm called ' Litferrae,' the half of the soil and wood of Snape called ' the Westwode,' all homages rents called ' castell ward,' and knights' fees, rents and service of tenants belonging to the castle, honour and lordship of Richmond, all of which 14 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 487 1475. Feb. 13. Westminster. Feb. 27. Westminster. 1474. July 14. Membrane 3 — cont. were late of Richard Nevile, late carl of Warwick, and all other lands, tenements, rents, reversions, services and hereditaments late of the said earl in Shirefhoton, Midelliam, Estlillyng, Elvyngton, Skirpenbek, Mares- thorpe, liaskell, Houke, Scoreby, Wilberfo.sse, Stanfordbrig, Hiindbin toii, Kiiapton, Rise in Holderiiesse, Sutton on Derweut, Shirburn in Herfbrdlith, Appilton in Ridale, Sutton in Galtresse, Aloremonkton, Walkyngton, Elvyngton, Catton, Thothorpe, Brian Askam, Wedirbe, Teueryngton, Westlyllyiig, Riton, Bugthorpe, Towthorpe uppon the Wolde, AVynsladalo, Wortou, Carleton, Westwitton, Wodliall, Ketilwell in Craven, Newbiggyng, Thoralby, Bisshoppesdale, Burton, Baynbrig, Braithwayt, Aykescarth, Crakehall, Busby, Faceby, Carleton in Clevelond, Little Crakehall, Bovvys, Newe Forest, Arkelgarthdale, Hopes, Multon, Forset, Gillyng, Wilton, Walden, Kerpcrby, Lirtyngton, Barnyngham, Stanhowkeld, Bolron, Fegherby, Southcowton, Coldconyngstone, Hildcrwell, Rande, Newton, Herlesey, Salkild, Penreth, Soureby, Langwathby, Scotby and Carlaton with knights' fees, advowsons, chaces, warrens, franchises, liberties, privileges, fiairs, markets and all other profits, saving their right, title autl interest to all the king's lieges and tlieir heirs not attainted other than the said heirs male of the said marquis and Isabel late his wife, the king and his heirs, the lords of whom any of the premises were held for any ward by reason of the nonage of the said iieirs male, the heirs of Richard, late carl of Salisbury, and the feoffees of the latter or tlie earl of Warwick, with the provision that if the male issue of the said marquis fail the said duke shall enjoy the premises for term of his life. [Rolls of Parliament, VI. 124.] Licence, for 20s. paid in the hanaper, for .John Aleyn the elder, * gentilnian,' to grant the manor of Erlhiim, held in chief, to Thomas Bettis, clerk, and John Bagby, clerk, and for these to rc-grant the same to the said John and Joan his wife, Ilcnry Spelman, ' gentilnian,' Robert Brampton the elder, 'gentilnian,' Henry Marlond, 'gentilman.' Thomas Brampton, ' sentilman,' John Brampton, ' gentilman,' John Spelman, 'gentilman,' William Spelman, 'gentilman,' Henry Cantelowe of London, 'mercer,' Robert Norwichc, 'gentilman,' and Thomas Mason, ' yoman,' to liold to themselves and their heirs by the accustomecl services. Pardon to Thomas, abbot of the monastery of St. Peter, Westminster, ordinary of that place, of all escapes of Richard Jolinson late of 'I'ourehill, CO. Middlesex, ' shipman,' late of the parts of Flanders, 'marioner,' from his prison before 25 Jidy last. By p.s. General pardon to William Benlmry late of Tacley, co. Essex, 'gentil- Westminster. man,' of all offences committed by him before 21 February last. By K. 1475. Membrane 2. Feb. 26. Exemplification, at the request of the king's brotlicr George, dnkc of Westminster. Clarence, of the tenour of an act (English) iu the Parliament held at Westminster, G October, 12 Edward IV. and continued by divers proro- gations to 23 January, 14 Edward IV. ordaining on 24 February that, whereas considering tlie treasons done by John Nevile, late manjiiis Mountagewe, the king intended by autlioi ity of this present Parliament to have attainted and disabled him and liis heirs but at the request of the said duke and othei- lords will proceed no further in this, nevertheless the said duke shall have and enjoy to himself and the Iieirs of his body, so long a.s there be any male heir of the body of tho said marquis, the lordsiiip and manor of Claver) ng, co. Essex, with its members and the mansion or nies^. 488 CALENDAE OF PATENT ROLLS. ] 475. Membrane 2 — cont. called ' the Herber ' and two meses thereto annexed in the city of London, late of Richard Nevile, late earl of Warwick, saving their right, title and interest to all the king's lieges and their heirs not attainted other than the said heirs male of the said marquis and Isabel his wife, the king and his heirs, the lords of whom any of the premises were held for any ward by reason of the nonage of the said heirs male, the heirs of Richard, late earl of Salisbiu-y, and the feoffees of the latter or the earl of Warwick, with the provision that if the male issue of the said marquis fail the said duke shall enjoy the premises for term of his life. [Rolls of Parliament, VI. 125,] March 2. Grant for life to William Hastynges, knight, lord Hastynges, of the Westminster, offices of constable of the king's castle of Notyngham, porter or keeper of tiie gate of the same castle, steward and keeper of the king's forest of Shirwode and keeper of the parks of Beskewode and Clypston and the king's woods of Billowe, Birkeland, Rumwode, Ouselond and Fulwode, CO. Nottingham, receiving 40 marks yearly for the said offices from the king's manor or lordship of Bollesover, co. Derby, and a yearly rent of 9/. for the wages of nine foresters appointed by him to keep the said forest, viz. 20*. yearly for each of them, from the king's meadows by the said castle called ' Kyngesmedowes ' and the profits of pannage and herbage of the said parks and all rents or other profits from the said forest. And this without fine or fee. By K. Feb. 15. Licence for Thomas Adam son and heir of William Adam, tenant Westminster, in chief, and kinsman and heir of Eleanor, deceased, tenant in chief, late tiie wife of John Adam of Romney and one of the daughters and heirs of William Norwode, viz. son of William Adam her son, to enter freely into all lordships, manors, lands and other possessions in England of which the said William or Eleanor were seised and which should descend to him, saving to the king homage and fealty. By p.s. 1474. July 27. Grant for life to the king's servant William Norrfiys, one of the knights Westminster, of the body, of the office of keeper of the manor and park of the king called ' Foly John ' with fees of 4izc all ships of the portage of 16 tuns and over in any ports, creeks and places of the counties of Devon and Cornwall and the town of Bristol and take them to the Thames and elsewhere at the king's command for the coniluct of the king's army to France, and to take masters and mariners for tlieir governance and to arrest and imprison the disobedient. [^Fa'dcra.^ By K. Writ of aid, directed to all admirals and others, for the said Alvred. By K. Commission to Thomas Markeham to examine all ships and vessels of the portage of J 6 tons and over in the ports of London and Sandwich and from thence by the sea coast to the port of Bristol and to certify thereon to the king and council with all speed and to take and impress them at his discretion for the conduct of the king's army and ordnance to P>ance. By K. Commission to Richard Exton to examine ail ships and vessels of the portage of 16 tons and over in the water of Lye to Orwell and from thence by the sea coast to the port of Newcastle on Tync; and to certify thereon to the king and council with all S2)eed and to take and impress them at his discretion for the conduct of the king's army and ordnance to France. By K. Feb. 24. Commission to James llyet to take 80 diggers or workmen called Westminster. ' myners ' for the king, who is going in person to the realm of France for the recovery of the same and his right there. By K 1475. Feb. 16. Westminster, CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS, 1475. Membrane 4d. Feb. 27. Commission to Thomas Bateson, master of a ship called le Marrjarete of Westminster. Calais, to take mariners for the governance of the said ship for the conduct of an armed force which the king has ordered to go to sea. The like to the following : — Feb. 22. John Worsle, captain of a ship called Ic Kateriiie Revers, and Garard Baker, master of the same. John Ferrer, master of a ship called le Trynyte, and Richard Alder, purser of the same. William Fetherston, master of a ship called le Car eg an. Commission to Thomas Vaghan, esquire of the body, and Richard Laurence and Roland Forster, clerks of the king's jewels, to take gold- smiths and other workmen of that mistery for attendance on the king's person, {Fcedera^ March 3. Commission to John Keriell, captain of certain ships called le Marie Westminster. Cole, le Swan and le Packer, and John Cole, owner of the same, to take mariners for the governance of the said ships for the conduct of an armed force which the king has ordered to go to sea. ■j^^y^ Membrane 3d. Nov. 28. Commission to Thomas Bulkeley to receive the tenth in the counties of Westminster. Kent, Surrey, Sussex and Southampton, the cities of Canterbury and Rochester, the town of Suthamptou, the borough of Suthwerk, and the ports of Dover, Sandwich, Romeucy, Rye, Hastynges, and Wynchelsey and their members, which the commons of the realm in the present Parliament at Westminster, 6 October, 12 Edward IV. liave granted to the king for the defence of his realm and subjects in part payment of the wages of 13,000 bowmen, each receiving Gd. daily for one year, and to examine and super- vise the collection of the same and make delivery of the sums at the receipt of the Exchequer. By K. The like to the following: — Richard Page in the counties of Dorset, Somerset, Devon and Corn- wall, the city of Bath and the town of Bristol. Richard Harper in the counties of Wilts, Gloucester, Hereford, Salop and Worcester, the cities of Salisbury and Worcester and the towns of Gloucester and Shrewsbury. John FitzHerberd in the counties of Warwick, Stafford, Derby, Nottingham and Leicester, the city of Coventry and the town of Notyngham. Robert Caldecote in the counties of Berks, Oxford, Buckingham, Bedford, Northampton and Rutland and the town of Oxford. John Sorell in the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge and Huntingdon and the city of Norwich. Robert Plomer, in the counties of Essex, Hertford and Middlesex and the city of London. Roger Hopton in the West Riding, East Riding, and North Riding of the county of York, the city of York and the town of Kyngeston on Hull. Richard Spert in the parts of Holand, Lyndesey and Kesteven of the county of Lincoln. Hugh Gartsyde in the county of Lancaster. 1475. April 19. Westminster. Membrane Id, Commission to Thomas Lygon, Humphrey Salw(!y, Roger Harewcll, William Lygon and the sheriff of Worcester to enquire what lands John 14 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 497 1475. Membrane \d — cont. Beauchamp of Beaucliamp, knight, tenant-in-chief, held in the saitl county, what they are worth, on what day lie died and who is his heir, and to take the lands into the king's hands. Vacated because enrolled in the fifteenth year. April 23. Commission to William Stanley, knight, John Savage, knight, Thomas Westminster. Mauley, knight, Thomas Uanyell, Roger Button of Button, Peter Baucton of Hacton, esquire, and John Suthworth, esquire, to arrest John Rutter, * gentilman,' and John Obryth and others who have received the king's wages from Gilbert Bebenham to serve the king in Ireland in his company but have not yet come to the king's service, and to imprison them until they shall restore the said wages or find security that they will serve the king in the company of the said Thomas Banyell, and to certify thereon to the king and council. Vacated because enrolled in the fifteenth year. April 23. Like commission to Thomas Stanley of Stanley, knight, William Stanley, Wcstmiuster. knight, John Savage, knight, Thomas Mauley, knight, .lames Stucle, knight, Peter Liegh, knight, John Stanley, Thomas Molyneux, Thomas Uaiiy*.]), Roger Button of Button, Peter Baucton of- Hatton, esquire, John Suth- worth, esquire, and the mayor of Hartylpole. Vacated because enrolled in the fifteenth year. y 96186. 498 15 EDWAED IV.— Part I. 1475. April 12, Westminster. April 15. Westminster. April 19. 'Westminster. April 22. Westminster. April 13. Westminster, April 12. Westminster. April 12. Westminster, May 8. Westminster. May 8, Westminster, Membrane 31. Pardons of outlawry to the following : — William Batell, late parson of the parish church of St. John, Staundon, CO. Oxford, for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer George Irlond, knight, citizen and alderman of London, touching a delDt of he having surrendered to the Flete prison, as Thomas Bryan, chief justice of the Bench, has certified, London. Clement Carter late of Yoxford, co. Suffolk, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer Eoger Bee, knight, late esquire, late sheriff of Norfolk, touching a debt of 201. Suffolk. Thomas Boteler late of Gloucestre, esquire, for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer John Kyrton, citizen and mercer of Loudon, touching a debt of 14/, London, William Dauyell of Pokerych, co. Hertford, ' chapman,' for not ap- pearing to answer Thomas Rightwyse of Sallo touching a debt of 40*, Norfolk. Robert Huchons of Lychcfeld, co. Stafford, ' dyer,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer John Batyn touching a debt of 30/. Bristol. Robert Ilayton of Hayton, co. York, ' gentilman,' for not appearing before the king to answer Robert Rudston, 'goutihnan,' touching a trespass. Norfolk. Richard Joynour, citizen and grocer of London, for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer John Coventre of Levyse, co. Wilts, merchant, touching a debt of 120/. \3s. 8d. and before Robert Danby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer a plea that he render 8/. Gd. to Walter Stokker and Agnes his wife, late the wife of William Gregory medins late of the parish of St. John, Walbroke, citizen and skinner of London, and executrix of his will. Middlesex. John Trotte of Taunton, co. Somerset, ' milward,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer William Bokette, ' marchaunt,' touching a debt of 40*. Wilts. John Bolton, late of Athcrton, co. Lancaster, ' yoman,' for not appear- ing to answer Robert Ilarecourt, knight, toucliing a trespass committed by him and John Atherton, late of Atherton, 'gentilman,' Roger Bolton late of Bolton, co. Lancaster, ' gentilman,' Nicholas Kilchith late of Atherton, chiiplain, and Ralph Yns late of Atherton, * gentilman.' Oxford. John Strelley of Lyndeby, co. Nottingham, esquire, for not appearing before the justices of tiic Bench to answer Roger Doket, chaplain, touching a debt of 40s. Middlesex. John Bawcde late of London, • gentylman,'«/«as late of Great Chester- ford, CO. Essex, for not appearing to answer John Hawekyns, citizen and draper of London, touching a debt of 14/. Middlesex. 15 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 499 Membrane 30. Edward Assheley, parson of the church of Wernesford, co. Southampton, for not appearing to answer Thomas Twygg of London, ' tayllour,' touching a debt of 110 {sic). London. Thomas Eery of Salwho in the parish of Ronhale, co. Bedford, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer John, prior of Newenharo, co. Bedford, touching a debt of 40 marks. Bedford. WaUcr Couper late of Melles, co. Suffolk, ' taillour,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer a plea that he render his account to John Aleyn, chaplain, son of Richard Aleyn late of Bury St. Edmunds, and Master John Nicole the younger, chaplain, executors of the will of the said Richard, for the time when he was receiver of the said Richard. Suffolk. John Gybbes of Westlydyard, co. Somerset, ' hu.sbondman,' for not appearing to answer Henry INIaschall touching a debt of 40f. Somerset. John Wilcokson late of Lee, co. Derby, * yoman,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer John More of Worcester, ' plomer,' touching a debt of 8 marks 6s. 8^/- Worcester. John Tynbery alias Tynburc of Polyngton in the parish of Snayth, CO. York, 'yoman,' and Agnes his wife, late the wife of John Skypwith, late citizen and merchant of York, and executrix of his will, for not appearing to answer u plea tliat they render 8/. to Thomas Hemelsey, citizen and merchant of York. York. John Benet late of Camley, co. Somerset, * husbondman,' alias ' zemaii,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer John Fysshc, chaplain, of Henton Prior touching a debt of 6 marks. Somerset. John Idewyn of Lcsyngham, co. Norfolk, clerk, for not appearing to answer the warden or dean and the canons of the king's free chapel of St. George within the castle of Wyndesorc touching a debt of 40/. Middlesex. [From 7 Jiili/ to 22 September inclusive tht entries are attested by Edward, prince of Wales, keeper of the realm of England. '\ William Waterfall late of Leghton Busard, co. Bedford, ' tanner,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer a pica that he render Al. to Joan lludgicy of London, ' wydowe,' and William Tango, citizen and girdler of London, executors of the will of Jolm lludgrey, late citizen and girdler of London. London. William Adam late of Great Everysdon, co. Cambridge, ' husbondman,' for not appcfiring before the justices of tlio Bench to answer John Styuecle touching a debt of 10/. Cambridge. Philippa Banaslrc late of London, uiilow, executrix of the will of Thomas Charles, esquire, for not appearing to answer a plea that she render 503/. to Edmund Clere of Stokesby, co. Norfolk, cs(piirc. London. William Cokkys, citizen and skinner of London, for not appearing to answer Edmund Rygon, citizen and draper of London, toueliing a debt of 10/. Ad. London. I I 2 600 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Oct. 17. Westminster. Oct. 20. Westminster. Oct. 24. Westminster. Oct. 14. Westminster. Oct. 10. Westminster. Oct. 9. Westminster. Oct. 27. Westminster. Oct. 31. Westminster. Oct. 31. Westminster. Oct. 9. Westminster. Nov. 4. Westminster. Nov. 6. Westminster, Membrane 30 — cont. Edmund Caccheare late of Wymbotesham, co. Norfolk, * husbondman, for not appearing to answer Walter Cony, alderman of the gild merchant of Holy Trinity, Bishop's Lenn, and burgess and merchant of Bishop's Lenn, touching a debt of 12^. 13s. 4d. Norfolk. William Haldenby of Iseham, co. Northampton, ' gentilman,' for not appearing to answer a plea that he render 17^. to Thomas Poraerey, prior of Holy Trinity, London, executor of the will of William Lemyng, late citizen and grocer of London. Middlesex. William Plowryght of Thynden, co. Northampton, ' husbondman,' alias ' chapman,' alias William Ploughwryght late of Thyndon, ' yoman,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer John Stoktou, citizen and mercer of London, and John Clerk touching debts of 5is. and 13/. 6*. 8d. respectively. London. Bristol. Robert Bell late of Brentwode, co. Essex, ' yoman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Thomas Kesyng, citizen and mercer of London, touching a debt of 70^. London. John Wyght late of Oxford, clerk, alias late rector of Neunton, co. Oxford, for not appearing to answer Thomas Malward alias Colyer of the county of Oxford, ' yoman,' touching a debt of 20/. Oxford. Henry Scylby of Iseham, co. Northampton, 'husbondman,' for not appearing to answer a plea that he render 17/. to Thomas Pomerey, prior of Holy Trinity, London, executor of the will of William Lemyng, late citizen and grocer of Loudon. Middlesex. John Coke of Iseham, ' husbondman,' for the same. Middlesex. William Pole of Iseham, clerk, for the same. Middlesex. John Farmar of Iseham, ' husbondman,' for the same. Middlesex. John Sheryngham of Geysthweyte, co. Norfolk, 'husbondman,' for not appearing bel'ore Robert Dauby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer John Curson, knight, touching a debt of 40s. Norfolk. Richard Bulkeley late of Neuport, co. Salop, ' yoman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer John Audeley, knight, toucliiug a debt of 70s. 4d. Surrey. Robert George late of Boston, co. Lincoln, ' baker,' for not appearing before Robert Dauby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer Henry Norbury, citizen and baker of London, touching a debt of 8/. 12s. Loudon. Nicholas Sadde late of Norwich, ' skryvener,' for not appearing before Thomas Bryan and his fellows, justices of the Bench, to answer Edward Andrewe, clerk, touching a trespass. Loudon. William Beaushyn late of Attewarde, co. Wilts, ' gentilman,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer Jolm Crowton, citizen and mercer of London, alias ' gyrdeler,' touching a debt of 40s. London. Thomas Purcell of Neweton Purceil, co. Oxford, ' geutilman,' for not appearing to answer John Samwell touching a debt of 5 marks. Oxford, 15 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 501 1475. Membrane 30 — cont. Oct. 9. Robert Mynet late of Estdrayton, co. Nottingham, * husbondman,' for Westminster. not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Thomas Thurhmd of Notyngham, merchant, touching a debt of 10 marks. Town of Nottiugliam. Nov. 6. Robert Baker late of Feversham, co. Kent, ' yoman,' for not appearing Westminster. to answer William Colyngbornc, esquire, touching a trespass com- mitted by himself and Richard Wolff late of Feversham, ' grocer.' Middlesex. Nov. 9. John Skirbek late of Stepill Mordon, co. Cambridge, 'yoman,' for not Westminster. appearing to answer a plea tliat he render 4 marks to William Scot and Joan his wife, executrix of the will of Robert Rothur. Bedford, Membrane 29. Nov. 10. John Hede late of Huntyngdon, co. Huntingdon, 'notary,' for not Westminster. appearing to answer John Yonge touching a debt of 6/. Gs. 8r/. Norfolk. John Leverun late of Ardeley, co. Essex, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer Robert Wyngfeld alias Wynkefeld of Estliarlyng, co. Norfolk, knight, touching a debt of 5 marks. Norfolk, Nov. 11. John Slcper late of Dunstable, co. Bedford, ' ostcler,' for not appearing Westminster. to answer a plea that he render chattels to the value of 40.v. to Richard Walter, citizen and 'iremonger' of Loudon. London. Oct. 9. Thomas Leek of Skreton, co. Noltingiiam, ' gentilnian,' for not Westminster. appearing to answer William Sutton, kniglit, master of Burton St, Lazarus of Jerusalem in England, and Jolin Dowenes touching debts debts of 60^, Sc/, and 8/. respectively. Leicester. Town of Nottingham, Nov, 4. William Osteler alias Sharpe late of Chepsted, co. Kent, ' husbondman,' Westminster. alias \N'illiam Ostyller late of the jiarish of Chedyngston, co. Kent, for not appearing to answer John Palmer the elder and John Palmer the younger touching a debt of 40/. Kent, Oct. 9. Richard Barbour late of London, ' lethersellcr,' for not appearing before Westminster. John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Thomas Ludford loncliing a trespass committed by him and John Bclamy late of London, ' pynner,' Ricliard Water late of London, 'goldsmy til,' John Stylcr late of London, ' coryonr,' and Richard Pratte late of London, ' lethersellcr.' Middlesex, Nov. 10. John Carpenter late of Lurgursale, co. Essex, clerk, for not appearing Westminster. before the justices of the Bench to render his account to Thomas Poutrell, executor of the will of John Crecy, clerk, lalo canon of the free chapel of St. Stephen within the palace of Westminster, for the time when he was the receiver of the said John. Essex, Nov. 15, Geofl'rey More late of Broinley, co. Soutliampton, esquire, for not Westminster. appearing to answer tlie tlcan and cl!a[)ter of the cathedral church of Hereford touching a debt of 1 1 /. Hereford, Edmund Assheley late of Upwymborn, co. Dorset, esquire, for not appearing to answer a plea that he render 20/. to Blanclie Juye late the wife of Roger Juye, executrix of the will of Roger Juye late of Pole, CO. Dorset, esquire. Londoc, 502 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Oct. 16. Westminster. Nov. 7. Westmiuster. Nov. 10. Westminster. Oct. 30. Westminster. Nov. 6. Westminster. Oct. 9. Westminster. Oct. SO. Westminster. Nov. 7. Westminster. Nov. 25. Westminster. Nov. 13. Westminster. Nov. 1. Westminster. Membrane 29 — cont. Richard Ap.adam of Portbury, co. Somerset, ' yoman,' for not appearing to answer Walter Bonain touching a trespass. Somerset. Henry Lover late of Leyton Stone, co. Essex, * yoman,' and Joan his wife, executrix of the will of Richard Baldewya late of Leyton, co. Essex, ' yoman,' for not appearing to answer a plea that tlioy render 6/. to William Cardmaker, citizen and grocer of London. London. Robert Shapley late of Yetton in the parish of South Tauton, co. Devon, ' husbondman,' for not appearing before the king to answer John Devon. Bowelond touching a trespass. Thomas Catchemay of Axebrigge, co. Somerset, appearing before the justices of the Bench to Brandeley touching a debt of 100*. ' fuller,' answer for not William London. William Colette late of Becclys, co. Suffolk, 'grocer,' for not appearing to answer William Lok touching a debt of 6O5. London. Thomas Lokton alias Locton, vicar of the parish church of Lond on le Wald, CO. York, for not appearing before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, to answer Richard Prankleyu and Henry Cattal, chaplain, touching debts of AOs. each. City of York. Richard Cosyngton late of Reynham, co. Kent, 'gentilman,' for not a|)pearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Robert Page, citizen and fishmonger of London, touching a debt of 100/. London. Walter Gedyng late of Loghton Brommyswolde, co. Huntingdon, ' husbondmau,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer Thomas Hundyrpound, citizen and draper of London, touching a debt of 8/. Middlesex. John Marchesey of Axbrigge, co. Somerset, ' laborer,' and Joan his wife for not appearing before the king to answer William Ruyton touching a trespass. Somerset. John Larom of York, ' cardmaker,' for not appearing before Rol)crt Danby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer William Stanes, citizen and * litster ' of York, touching a debt of 40*. York. William Mollyng, vicar of Bradwell, co. Oxford, for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer Gerard Dodyngfels, esquire, touching a debt of GO*. Warwick. Robert Borden of Hadecron, co. Kent, ' yoman,' for not appearing to answer William Higham touching a tresp.iss committed by him and Tiiomas Byrcher of Goutherst, co. Kent, the elder, * husbondman,' Thomas Bircher of Goutherst the younger, 'husbondmau,' and Walter Turnour of Hadecron, ' laborer.' Kent. Roger Chapman late of Blechynglye, co. Surrey, 'yoman,' for not iippeai'ing before Thomas Bryan and his fellows, justices of the Bench, to answer John, duke of Norfolk, touching a debt of 20/. Suffolk. John Wyllyems late of Strode, co. Kent, ' cordewaner,' and Margaret his wife, executrix of the Avill of Thomas Elyse, 'yoman' and servant of the bishop of Rocliester, for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer a plea that they reader 40#. to John Stonys, citizen and skinner of London. Kent. 15 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 503 1475. Nov. 28. Westminster 147G. Feb. 6. Westminster. Jan. 23. Westminster. Feb. 6. Westminster. Feb. 3. Westminster. 1475. Nov. 8. Westminster. Oct. 9. Westminster. Nov. 7. Westminster. 1476. Jan. 25. Westminster. Jan. 2G. Westminster, Jan. 2.3. Weslmin.strr. Feb. 10. Westminster. Membrane 29 — cont. John Sherlok of Bourhenton in the parish of Mertok, co. Somerset, ' liusbondman,' for not ajjpeaiing before Robert Danby and his fellows, late justices of the Beach, to answer John Roggiirs alias Rogger touching a debt of IQOs. London, Membrane 28. John Wade late of Stavcrton, co. Devon, the elder, * husbondinan,' fur not appearing to answer Thomas llayle touching a debt of 20/. Devon. Richard Pynchcbek late of Swynyshed, co. Lincoln, ' gentylinan,' and Joan his wife, executrix of the will of Thomas Fry the late of Swynyshed, 'gentylman,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer a plea that they render 10/, to Dame Katharine Withom. Middlesex. John Pcverell late of Great Catworth, co. Huntingdon, ' husbondman,' for not appearing to answer Henry Stokker of Wyboldeston, ' wolman,' touching a debt of 40/. Bedford. Richard Wryght of Little O.tsnden, co. Northampton, * husbondman,' for not appearing bcfon; Rob.rt Danby and liis fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer John Langton, esquire, touching a trespass, Northampton, Membrane 26. John Ams of Bcdcnhnm, co. Bedford, clerk, for not appearing before the king to answer William Wele, clerk, touching a trespass. London. John Grene late of Banbury, co. Oxford, ' dyer,' for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer a plea that he render 41. 18s. to Emma Lambe and William C'ardemaker, executors of the will of John Lambe, late grocer of London. London. M.'itthew Grace late of Frome in Selwodo, co. Somerset, * clothmaker,' for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, late justices of the Bench, to answer John Maunche of London, ' drainer,' touching a debt of ill. 8s. London. William Kirkeliam late of Fcnyngley, co. Nottingham, clerk, for not appearing before the justices of the Bench to answer George Cley, esquire, touching a trespass. Nottingham. Robert Overton kite of Westbury, co. Salop, clerk, for not appearing before Robert Danby and his fellows, late ju:tate thereof to Jahue late the wife of Richard Ilastynges, knight, and heii's in fee and after the said Richard and Jahne sold the same manors to the said William and of the same levied a fine to the use of him and his heirs. [Bolls of Parliament, VI. 144.] Licence for 100s. paid in the hanaper, for John Doreward of the county of Essex, knight, to grant the manor of Rawereth, co. Essex, held in chief, to Clemence Wahlyngfeld, widow, Walter Devereux, knight, lord Ferrers, John Gunthorpe, clerk, Henry Sharpc, clerk, Thomas Tyrell, esquire, William Stokker, knight, Richard Doreward, esquire, Thomas Bledlowc, alderman of London, John Sulyard, Thomas Wyudesore, Thomas Rygby, John Eoteler, Robert Broun, John Stodawe, Henry Colet, William Capell and William Sybson to hold for the life of the said Clemence by the accustomed services. Marcli 20. Letters of denization for Jacome Rollara, born in the realm of Portugal, Westmiuster. and the heirs of his body. By p.s. and for 40*. paid in the hanaper. March 16. Grant to the king's brother Richard, duke of Gloucester, and Robert Westminster. Cresset, esquire, of the disposition of the next vacant prebend within the college of the king's castle of Birgenorth. By K. Membrane 17. March 23. Exempliflcation, for the notice of all whom it int<;rcsts, of the tcnour of Westminster, an act (English) in the Parliament summoned at Westminster on 6 October, 12 Edward IV. and continued by divers prorogations to 23 January, 14 Edward IV. ordaining that whereas it has been agreed between the king .'uid the people of the Dutch Ilanze that t'nc merchants of the Hanze shall lijive in perpeiuity a place within the city of London called the Stilchof or Stileyerd, and the mayor and commonalty of the city of London are seised of the said place lately appertaining to John Kcynwell, late alderman of the said city, lying in the parish of Aliialowen the More in Thamystrete in the ward of Dowgate, to the intent that the issues shall be disposed of in deeds of charity according lo the last will of the said John declared by the last will of William Stafford, and are also possessed of cci'tain messuages, lands and tenements adjoining the same place in the same parish for a term of years of v/hich thirty-two years are to come after Easter, 1475, tlie reversion belonging to the prior and convent of the hospital of our lady of Elsyngspitell within Crepulgate, London, and the bishop of Winchester is seised of a yearly rent of 4.s. 6d, from the said place called Stileyerd as in the right of his church of St. Swithun and the prioress of the house of our lady of Clcrkenwell beside London of a yearly rent of Zos. as in the right of her house in like manner, the said merchants of Almain being of the company of the said Dutch Ilanzc having the house in London called Gildhald Teutonicorum shall hold for evermore the said place called the Stilchof e and also the said messuages, lands and tenements ior the said term of thirty-two years and afterwards, paying to the said mayor and commonalty a quit rent of 70s. 3*. Ad. for evermore and 13/. l(5s. 8(/. for the said term ol' thirty-two years and also the abovemeutioned rents to the said bishop and prioress and convent, the first of all the said payments to begin at the Nativity of St. John the Baptist, and the said prior and convent shall have out of the fee-farm of the city of London and the county of Middlesex 7/. yearly during the said term ot thirty-two years and afterwards 13/. Gs. 8d. yearly, and this act shall take effect from 27 March 1475, and whereas the abbot of the monastery of St. Saviour, Barmoudcsey, co. Surrey, is seised in 610 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Membrane 17 — cont. the right of his monastery of a yearly rent of 18s. out of the said place called the Slyleliof the said place shall be discharged of the said rent and in recompence the abbot shall be discharged of all cori'odies granted at the king's prayer from henceforth. \^Kolls of Parliament, VI. 123.] Membrane 16. March 23. Exemplification, at the request of the mayor and commonalty of the city Westminster, of London, of the tenour of the same act. Membrane 15. March 20. Exemplification, at the request of Robert Radclyff, esquire, son of John Westminster. Radclyff", knight, of the tenours of the following : — 1. An article {see m. 18) in an act (English) of attaint in the Parliament summoned at Westminster on 6 October, 12 Edward IV. and continued by divers prorogations to 23 January, 14 Edward IV. {Rolls of Parliame?it, VL 144,] 2. A provision that the act shall not extend to any manors, lands, tenements, rents, services and hereditaments -which were of Robert Waterton, esquire, or Robert Waterton, knight, his son and heir. [Ibid. 145.] 3. An article in the same act ordaining that all manors, lands and other possessions of which any persons by this present act attainted were seised or had any estate in any manner of mortgage or in surety of sums of money to be paid by any feoffment, grant or estate made by any persons not attainted be not forfeited in any way to the king, and that it be lawful to any persons not attainted who hare made such feoffments, grants or estate to enter into such possessions according to their right, saving their right to any persons other than persons attainted or the late earl of Oxford, George Veer and Thomas Veer, and provided that any person who shall have occupied any of the premises before 6 March, 15 Edward IV. shall not be prejudiced. [Ibid. 147.] March 16. General pardon to Ralph Cok of Newmarket, co. Cambridge, * yoman,' Westminster, alias ' husbondman.' By p.s. Membrane 14. March 14. Letters of denization for Antony Spyuell of Genoa, born in Italy, and Westminster, the heirs of his body. By p.s. and for 13^. 4c?. paid in the hanaper. March 14. Letters of denization for John de Gerona, doctor of decrees, born in the Westminster, realm of Aragon. By K. March 8. Grant for life to Richard Harecourt, knight, and William Harecourt his Westminster, son of the office of parker of the king's park of Cornbuiy, co. Oxford, and the custody of the park and 3d. daily for the said office and custody from the issues of the king's manor or lordship of Wodstoke and hamlets of Wotton, Hamburgh and Stonesfeld and other members of the said manor or lordship and hundred of Wotton, with arrears from Michaelmas, 10 Edward IV. ; in lieu of a like grant to the said Richard by letters patent dated 10 November, 4 Edward IV. surrendered. By p.s. March 11. Grant to the king's kinswoman Anne, duchess of Buckingham, late the Westminster, wife of Walter Blount, knight, late lord of Mouutjoy, of the manor of 15 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 611 1475. Membrane 14 — cont. Chulnieylegb, the borough of Chulmeylegh, the lordship and manor of Holdeham and the borough of Twybearc with their members, co. Devon, and 6 marks 6*. Sd. of rent of those 8 marks of yearly rent from a moiety of the town of Thurveston, co. Derby, parcel of an annuity of 20 marks which the king by letters patent lately granted to the said Walter and the heirs male of his body, to hold for her life in dower as parcel of the possessions of the said Walter with knight's fees, advowsons, courts, leets, views of frank-pledge, liberties, franchises and all other profits, and all issues of the above from the time of the death of the said Walter. By p.s. March 20. General pardon to William Radclyff, esquire, son of William RadclyfF, AVestminstcr. of all offences committed by him before 15 February. By p.s. March 14. Pardon to Laurence, bishop of Durham, for the manufacture by his Westmiuster. moneyers of money not of true alloy or weight, as he has declared that this was done without his knowledge. By K. Membrane 13. March 25. Grant to Galiard do Durford, lord of Duras, and the heirs male of his Westminster, body, for his good services to the king in England and beyond the seas, of the manors of Shelford, Stokebardolf and Gcdiyng and all lands, rents, reversions and services pertaining to them in the counties of Nottingham, Derby and Lincoln witii advowsons, knights' fees, courts, markets, fairs, leets, views of frank-pledge and other cominoditie;-, in the king's hands by reason of an act of forfeiture in Parliament, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. to hold by the services of as many knights' fees and as many otiier rents and seivices as they were held by before 4 March, 1 Edward IV. with all issues from INIichaelmas, 10 Eilward IV. By p.s. March 29. Grant to William John, subject of the duke of Brittany and lieutenant of Westminster. Croysik in Brittany, of 80/. from the first moneys arising from tiie customs and subsidies in the ports of Exeter and Dertmontli, in addition to 100/. granted to him in August last from the said customs and subsidies, in full recompense of a ship of his called la Marie of Garrande nnd certain goods and merchandise reaching tlie sum of 500 crowns, captured when coming to the realm by divers persons of Fowcy contrary to tbo friendship between the king and the Siid duke. By K. March 28. Commission to Thomas Candour, doctor of decrees, Michael CarTancU, Westminster, bachelor in either law, Robert Basset and Edmund Shaa, citizens and aldermen of London, to hear and determine an appenl by Robert Parker, citizen and draper of London, who states that whereas he and John Kirkcby, citizen and late draper of London, made an account of and came to an agreement about certain mereiiandise and the matter was ended never- theless the said John afterwards brought him before Master John Aleyn, doctor of laws, lieutenant or commissary of the king's brother Kichard, duke of Gloucester, constable of I^ngland, in tlio court of the con- sl-!ibl(!ship, concerning the pretended detention of 200/. due to the said John Kirkeby on this account, and the said Jolni Aleyn, being cliosen as arbiter by them both, condemned the said Robert to the said John Kirkeby without proof in the sum of 85/. by his award and refu.sod to liear tlie said Robert and publicly said that he wi.shcd to condemn him in the sum of 330/. and Michael Denyse, gentleman, and John Deyhis pledges in 200/. and that ho had received them in tribunal in the White Hail within the palace of Westminster on 20 May, 14 Edward IV. allhougli he had not dono so nor had they pledged themselves for the said Robert. 512 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Membrane 13 — cont. April 14. General pardon to Hugh Mulle late of London, ' gentilmau,' alias Hugh Westminster. Mille late of Harescombe, co. Gloucester, alias late of Bristol, of all offences committed by him before 4 April. By p.s. April 19. Whereas William, the abbot, and the convent of the exempt monastery of Westminster. St. Albans by a charter dated the Annunciation last granted to Master William Dudley, dean of the chapel of the household, Master John Gunthorpe, dean of the cathedral church of Wells, and Master William Hatclif, the king's secretary, and their heirs and assigns all their tenement %vith a quayadjoiningwith all commodities, easements and other appurtenances and rights which they had of the grant of Ralph Boteler, knight, late lord of Sudeley, and John Hende the younger, esquire, situated in the lane callcil ' Wyndegoselane ' in the parish of All Hallows at the Hay {ad Fenum), London, between the tenement late of Bartholomew Frj stlyng on the cast, the quay called ' Esterlyngeshalle' on the west, the river Thames'on the south and the tenement late of Ralph Blakeneye on the north, and afterwards the said William, John and William by a charter enrolled in Chancery dated 17 April last granted the same to the king ; the king hereby grants to the said abbot and convent in recom pence a yearly rent of 20 marks from his manor of Busshey, co. Hertford, from 1 October last until other lands to that value shall be granted to them. By K. Membrane 12. March 7. Exemplification, at the request of Thomas Dauyell, esquire, of the tenours Westminster, of the following : — 1. A petition (English) of the said Thomas in the Parliament summoned at Westminster on 6 October, 12 Edward IV. and continued by divers prorogations to 6 June, 14 Edward IV. that whereas by an act in the Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. it was ordained that he by the name of Thomas Danyell late of Risyng, CO. Norfolk, esquire, should be attainted of high treason and forfeit all liis possessions, the king should ordain that this act shall be void and of no force against him and he shall have his possessions again, saving to the king's liege people their rights, and all letters patent made by reason of this act of any of the premises should be void, and no person who shall have taken any issues of the premises before 12 July, 14 Edward IV. and after 4 March, 1 Edward IV. shall be chargeable to the said Thomas, provided that no persons attainted take any benefit by this present act but the said Thomas and his heirs and feoffees, and that this shall not be prejudicial to the dean and canons of St. Stephen's, Westminster. 2. The assent to the same by the commons : — A cest bille les communez sont assentuz. 3. The answer of the king : — Soil fait come il est desire. [Rolls of Parliament, VI. 101.] April 26. Pardon to John, abbot of the monastery of St. Peter, Westminster, Westminster, ordinary of that place, for the escape of Richard Johnson late of Tourehill, CO. Middlesex, ' shipmau, alias late of the parts of Flanders, ' marioner,' from his custody. By p.s. April 25. Grant to the king's servant Master Dominic de Serego, physician to Westminster, the king and his consort, of the sum of 66/, 13a\ 4c?. from the customs and subsidies of all merchandise coming in galleys of Venice to the port of London, as 100/. remain unpaid to him, the arrears for 2\ years of the annuity of 40/. which the king granted to him during pleasure at the hands of the treasurer and chamberlains of the Exchequer by letters patent dated 12 December, 7 Edward IV. By p.s. 15 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 513 1475. Membrane 12 — cont. April 14. Appointment of Walter Barsonhowson as master finer, purger and divider Westmingter, of 'les evvres ' and the metals of four mines of the king in the north, viz., the mine of Blauncheland, co. Northumberland, the mine of Fleccheroos in Alston More, the mine of Keswyk, co. Cumberland, and the mine of copper by Richemond, co. York, so long as he shall occupy himself in the mines, with such fees as may be agreed upon between him and the king's brother Richard, duke of Gloucester, the king's kinsman Henry, earl of North- umberland, William Goderswyk, merchant, and John Marshal, mercer, to whom the king by letters patent granted the said mines, from the issues of the mines, provided that he take and instruct as many apprentices as may seem fit to the said duke, earl, William and John. May 1. Licence for the king's brother George, duke of Clarence, who is going to Westminster, cross the sea with the king on his voyage and service, to enfeoff Thomas Lymeryk, Thomas Lygon, Daniel Sheldon, and John Jakeraan of the manors of Kynfare and Stourton, co. Stafford, held in chief, without fine or fee, according to the form of an act in the Parliament at Westminster, 6 October, 12 Edward IV. Membrane 11. April 12. Grant for life to John Hennawde of the office of keeper of the gaol of the Westminster, king's cnstle of Gildeford, co. Surrey, receiving the accu.stomed foes from the issues of the counties of Cambridge and Huntingdon, in lieu of a grant to the king's servant Richard Patyne by letters patent dated 16 October, 2 Edward IV. surrendered. By p.s. March 13. Exemplification, at the request of James, earl of Douglas, of the tenours Westminster, of the following : — ^ 1. An Act (English) in the Parliament summoned at Westmin.<=ter on (> October, 12 Edward IV. and continued by divers prorogations to 23 January, 14 Edward IV. ordaining that whereas tiie king by letters patent dated 14 February, 1 Edward IV. granted for liie to the snid earl divers sums yearly from the counties of Nottingham, Derby, Lincoln, Norfolk, Suffolk, Stafford, Warwick, Leicester, and Devon and by other letters patent dated 27 March, 5 Edward IV. granted to him for life divers sums from customs and subsidies in the ports of London, Sntlianipton, Boston and Ipjieswiclie, and the said carl intends to pass with tlie king to the parts of France and (he duchy cf Normandy there to do him service of war, if the said earl die within three years of his departing out of the realm his executors and administrators shall receive 200/. from the above in each of the three years following his death, with preferment of payment, and that this t^hall not be projudicial to the captain or lieutenant ol' the town and castle of Culais and the marches there, the captains of the tower of liysbank and the c.istles of Guysnes and Hamnies, the soldiers of the above, the judges of cither Bench, the justices of assize, the serjcants at law, the king's attorney or the mayor and fellowship of merchants of the staple of Calais or to any grant to Henry, duke of Buckingham. 2. The assent of the commons: — A cesl bille lez communez son asscnluz. 3. The answer of the king: — Lc Boy levoet. {Rolls of Parliament, VI. 132.] April IG. Grant to Robert Michelson of 80/. from the first mono^ys arising from Westniiuster. the customs and subsidies in the port of Suthampton in p:irt payment of his ransom from the French, in lieu of a grant to him of 60/. from tiio y 96186. CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. April 13. Westminster. May 18. Westminster. Membrane lid — conf. customs and subsidies in the port of Kyngeston on Hull by letters patent dated 13 February, 12 Edward IV. surrendered because on account of prior grants ho can obtain no payment. By p.s. Grant for life to the king's servitor William Evyngton, esquii'e, Thomas Walker of the city of London, ' grocer,' and William Harlot t of the same * draper,' of a toft or vacant plot of land in the parish of St. Benet Shorhogge, London, between the tenement late of Robert Sewall, ' grocer,' on the east and the tenement pertaining to the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of St. Paul, London, on the west and extending from the highway there towards the north to the church of St. Benet aforesaid and a plot of land pertaining to the same church towards the south, on which two ruinous messuages were lately built, which have been taken away, and a garden in Martelane in the parish of All Hallows Berkyng, London, between the rectory and cemetery of the church of All Hallows, Stanynges, and the tenement of the abbot and convent of St. Mary Graces by the Tower on the north and the tenement of William Jenkynson on the south and extending from the highway of Martlane aforesaid towards the east to the tenement of the said William Heriott towards the west, on which two ruinous cottages were lately built, which have been taken away, which toft and garden John Rypon, late yeoman harbinger of the household of the late king, had of the grant of the said late king by letters patent and which the king lately granted for life to Thomas Cornysshe, esquire, and which are now in his hands by reason of an act of resumption in the Parliament at Westminster. By p.s. JNlandate to all bailiffs and others to permit John Wynshelys, born at Nesbit in Scotland, dwelling at Hicchyn, co. Hertford, who has taken an oath of fealty, to inhabit the realm peaceably and enjoy his goods. 3lEi\IBRANE 10. April 28. Grant for life to John Clerk of the office of chafe-wax in the Chancery Westminster, from Michaelmas, 13 Edward IV. from which time he has occupied the office, receiving wages of 2^d. daily from the issues of the hanaper with all other profits. By K. April 23. Licence for Thomas Gray, son of the king's consort Elizabeth, queen of Westminster, E ngland, and Cicely his wife, daughter and heiress of William, late lord of Ilarington, tenant in chief, and kinswoman and heiress of William Bonevile, knight, late lord Bonevile, tenant in chief, viz. daughter of his son William, to enter freely into all castles, lordships, manors, lands and other possessions within the realm of which the said lords Harington and Bonevile were seised and which should descend to the said Cicely on their deaths, with all issues received in the mean time. By p.s. May 3. Pardon to William Colyngbourne, esquire, late sheriff of Wilts, of all Westminster, offences committed by him and all issues forfeit, fines, amercements, debts, and arrears due from him to the king by reason of his office. By p.s. May 12, Appointment of Thomas Thomson, ' aresmaker,' to take workmen v\''estminster. called ' tapestre wevers ' for the king's Avorks of cloth called ' tapettis ' to be made for horses called ' somerhors' and ' cliariott hors.' May 3. Grant during minority to Katharine late the wife of Waller Wretill, Westminster, deceased, Thomas Ursewyk, knight, chief baron of the Exchequer, Humphrey Starky and William Essex of the custody of John Wretill son and heir of the said Walter and kinsman and heir of Elizabeth late the wife of Ralpli Botiller, knight, deceased, tenant in chief, viz. son of Joan daughter of her son John, and the marriage of the said heir without 15 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 515 1475. Membrane 10 — cont. disparagement from the death of the said Elizabeth, and so from heir to heir. By p.s. May 14. Appointment of Robert Chattok, citizen and fishmonger of London, and Westminster. Robert Talbott of London, ' mercer,' to take wheat, wine, ale, beeves, muttons, sea-fish and fresh-water fish and other victuals for the king's army soon to be sent to France for the recovery of that realm, and carriage for the same. Appointment of William Brambyll and John Kyryell to take mariners for a ship called la FaweJion for the conduct of an armed force which the king has ordered to go with him to France for the recovery of that realm. Licence for John Harecourt, esquire, son and heir of Robert Harecourt, knight, deceased, who is going to cross the sea with the king on his voyage and service, to enfeoff William Moton, John Athertou, Richard Brydde, clerk, Thomas Bette and Robert Secole of the manor of Stanton Harecourt, CO. Oxford, held in chief by kuight-service, without fine or fee, according to the form of an act in the Parliament at Westminster, 6 October, 12 Edward IV. May 15. Westminster. May 12. Westminster. Membrane 9. May 1. Grant to Thomas Stanley of Stanley, knight, of full power and authority Westminster, by liimself or sufficient deputies to admit to the king's grace and i)romise pardon under the great seal to all persons who have stirred up insurrections in divers parts of the county of Lancaster and now are willing to submit and take oath that they will not offend again, with the exception of John Shanke, Richard Merston, John Barret, John Jakson and Peter de Soreby of the parish of Kyrkhara, co. Lancaster, Richard Shingleton, Williiim Wilkokson, Robert Whetsyd, William Whetsyd and Robert Croonc of tl)e parish of Pulton, John Hoggekynson and John Johnson of the parish of St. Michael, John Clerkson of Corney, John Apolc, ' yoman ' alius ' hus- bondman,' Roger Edwardson and John Hoggekynson of Craven, co. York, Nicholas Filzakelly, ' gcntilman,' Nicholas Drury, 'yoman,' Jobn Fluwode, * husbondrnan,' John Torrcbak, ' husbondman,' James Rossisson, 'husbond- man,' John Thomelynson, ' husbondnian,' Thomas Riland, ' luisbondin.'in,' Robert Amoore, ' husbondman,' John Layland, 'husbondrnan,' .L-imes Norrys and William Rcdgate, ' yomen.' By K. March 17. Grant for life to the king's servitor Ralph Asshcton, esquire, of the Westminster, office of the custody of the king's jjurk of Okie Wyndosore, co. Berks, and the manor and stank within the same, with ' le wyndefall ' and ' brusyng' within the park, from 6 March, 14 Edward IV. with the accustomed fees from the issues of the castle of Wyndesore and all other profits. By p.s. May 3. Grant to Robert Chambcrleyn, knight, who is .shortly going witli the Westminster, king to France, and Elizabeth his wife that they may obtain writs of covenant in Chancery concerning the manors of Pebmersshc, Dngwortli, Poley, Peytonhall, Great Hony, Pontys, Bonettys and Chcveryshail alius Passefcld Chc\ ers and the advowsons of the churches of Pebnicrsshe iind Heney, co. Essex, the manors of Little Elyngham, ]\Ioneux and Kirkhall in Rokelond and Rokclond Toftcs and the advowsons of the ciiurciios of Little Elyngham and All Saints, Kirkhall in Rokelond, co. Norfolk, the manors of Netherhall in Little Waldyngfeid and Ciiirchofordhall in Capell and the advowson of the church of Capell, co. Suffolk, and the manor of Kyngeston and the advowson of the church of Kyngcston, co. Cambiidge, without fine or fee for the fulfilment of their last will. By K. April. 29. Appointment, during pleasure, of Thomas Yong as ouc of the justices of Westminster, the King's Bench, receiving the accustomed fees. V>y K. K K 2 5i6 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Membrane 9 — cont. May 2. Graut for life to the king's clerk Master John Morton of the office of Westminster, keeper of the rolls, books and records of Chancery and the custody of the House or hospital of Converts, appointed of old by the king's progenitors for the habitation of the said keeper, witli all rights pertaining to tile office and house, receiving the accustomed fees ; in lieu of a like grant to him by letters patent dated 16 March, 12 Edward IV. surrendered. By K. April 20. Grant for life to the king's servant William Adam, one of the yeomen of Westmiuster. the chamber, of all the tenements within the city of York -which lately pertained to Edmund Fysshe, rebel and traitor, and were afterwards granted to a servant of the marquess Mountague and are now in the king's hands by reason of an act of resumption in the last Parliament at Westminster and do not exceed the yearly value of 10 marks. By p.s. £May 8. Appointment of Stephen Frynde to take wheat, beeves, muttons, sea- fish Westminster, and fresh-Avater fish and all victuals for the king's army soon to be sent to France for the recovery of that I'ealm, and carriage for the same. By bill of the treasurer of the king's wars. May C. General pardon to John Parker of Colcestre, co. Essex, ' yoman,' of all Westminster. ofFences committed by him before 29 April last. By p.s. May 8. Protection with clause volumus, for one year, for Richard Penketh of Westioinster. the city of London, ' merchante,' going on the king's service to Ireland in the company of the king's brother George, duke of Clarence, lieutenant of Ireland, on the safe custody, defence and victualling of that land. By bill of p.s. May 9. Grant to Henry Grey, knight, for his good service to the king in dirers Westminster, battles and because he is going with the king to France on his service, of 80/. forfeited to the king, viz. 40/. by John Stevenson of Freton, co. Norfolk, 'gentilman,' who for finding security of the peace towards the king and his people and especially towards Joan the wile of Henry Grey was bound over to appear before the king in the octave of Michaelmas last and being called on the fourth day of the plea did not appear, and 20/. each from John Glove of Bukkenham Castell, co. Norfolk, 'gentilman,' and John Wetherby of the same, ' gentilman,' to whom the said John Stevenson was delivered to bail. By p.s. Membrane 8. May 19. General pardon to John Petyr late of Strode, co. Kent, * gentilman,' alias Westminster. John Peter, ' notarie.' By K. May 20. Appointment, during pleasure, of Edmund Countes and William Felsted Westminster, to take wheat, malt, beeves, muttons, pigs, soa-fish and fresh-water fish and all necessaries for the king's army scon to be sent to France for the recovery of that realm, and carriage for the same. May 20. Pardon to John Howard, knight, lord of Howard, late of Stoke by VVeEtmimter. Neloud, CO. Suifolk, late treasurer of the household, of all offences committed by him and all fines, amercements, issues forfeit, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king by reason of his office. By K. May 21. General pardon to Thomas Jenkyns of the town of Oxford, tailor, of all Westminster, offences committed by him before 20 May. By p.s. May 25. General pardon to Richard Agodde alias Agotte alias Acotte of Bradley, Westminster, co. Warv/ick, ' yoman.' By K. May 12. Licence for William Hastynges, knight, lord Hastyngcs, who is going to Westminster, cross the sea Avith the king on his voyage and service, to grant the castle, honour, manor and lordship of Folkynghara with their members and the manors and lordships of Lavyngton and Aslakby, co. Lincoln, the manors 15 EDWARD IV.~Paet I. 617 1475. Membrane 8 — co7it. and lordships of Loughborough and Shepeshed, co. Leicester, the manor and lordship of Welburn, a moiety of the manor of Bycar and the manor and lordship of Arthorpe, co. Lincoln, the manor of Edelmeton alias Edmondton called 'Wylbyes' with the appurtenances in Tottenham, co. Middlesex, all his pourparty of the honour called ' Wynchestre fee ' ia the counties of Leicester and Warwick, the manor and lordship of Bolton Percy, co. York, the manors of Birthorpe, Repynghale, Sapirton alian Sapurton and Ropesley, co. Lincoln, the advowsons of the churches of Walton on le Wold and Cosyngton, co. Leicester, all his lands, rents, reversions, services and possessions in Folkyngham, Lavyngton, Aslakby, Lougheburgh, Shepeshed, Wolburn, Bycar, Arthorpe, Edehneton, Bolton Percy, Byrthorpe, Repynghale, Sapyrton and Ropesley aforesaid and inBarowe and Quarndon CO. Leicester, the manors and lordships of Stokedawbcney and Sutton with the advowson of the church of Stokedawbcney, co. Northampton, the honour, castle, manor and lordship of Beauvoir alias Bealvoir alias Bellover with the park there and members in Wolsthorpe, co. Lincoln, and Barkeston, Pluingartli, Redmylde and Hardeby, co. Leicester, with the advowoon of the priory of Bevour and the advowsons of the churches of Hardeby, Wolsthorpe and Redmylde and a rent called * castelward ' pertaining to the castle in certain counties and all rights, the manor of Bottesford alias Bottelesford with the hamlets of Normanton and Esthorpe and the advowson of the chiu'ch of J?ottesford, co. Leicester, the manor of lladyngton, co. Lincoln, all his lands, rents, services, reversions and possessions in Stoke- dawbcney, Sutton, Wilbaston, Assheley, Bevour, Wolsthorpe, Barkeston, Pluugarth, Redmylde, Hardby, Bottesford, Normanton, Esthorpe and Hadyngton aforesaid, a tenement called ' le Newe Lino ' in the pari.sh of St. Benet, Tamystrete, London, alias ' Beaumont Inne ' in the parish of St. Benet in the ward of IJayuardescastell, London, the manor of Arnall, CO. Nottingham, the manor of Lyghfeld, co. Rutland, the loi'dship, honou'-, manor or ra])c of Hastynges, co. Sussex, the manor of Neuton llarecourt, CO. Leicester, and the reversions of the manor and lordship of Bcaumaner, the manors of Barowe and Quarndon, the manor and lordship of Whitwyk with their members, the manors and lordships of Roteby, Bocliaston, Ncucote, llokclscote, Donyngton and Merkefeld and the manor of WhytyngtOD, co. Leicester, and the manor and lordship of Ilckyngton, CO. Lincoln, which Katharine, duchess of Norfolk, holds for life in dower or otherwise, with knights' fees, advowsons, wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, courts, Icet!«, views of frank-pledge, parks, woods, warrens, chaces, fairs, marshes, waters, fisheries and all profits, commodities, liberties, franchises and riglits, held in chief, to the king's kinsmen Thomas, cardinal archbishop of Canterbury and legate of the apostolic see, and George, archbishop of York, and Thomas Rotheram, bishop of Lincoln, the chan- cellor, John Morton, king's clerk, keeper of the rolls of Chancery, Thomas Burgli, knight, Thomas Billyng, chief justice of tlie King's Bench, Thomas Bryan, chief justice of the Common Bench, Richard Ncell, one of the justices of the same Bench, John Gunthorpe, the king's almoner, John Donne, knight, Richard Pygot, scrjeaiit at law, Richard Fouler, chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, William PLisc, the king's attorney, William Moton, esquire, William Grymmesby, esquire, William Chauntry, archdeacon of Derby, William Eland, John Eltonhed, Robert Staunton and Thomas Kebecll and their heirs without fine or fee according to the form of an act in the Parliament at Westminster, 6 October, i2 Edward IV. Membrane 7. May 1. Licence for the king's brother George, duke of Clarence, who is going to Westmiuster. cross the sea with the king on his voyage and service, to enfeoft" Roger 518 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Membrane 7 — cont. Tocotes, knight, Thomas Hawkyns, clerk, John Barneby, clerk, Robert Sheffeld and Thomas Lygon of the manors and lordships of Sampford Courteney, Torbrian and Slappeton, co. Devon, Hasilbere and Iwarne Courteney alias Yewarne Courteney, co. Dorset, and Kyngeston by Ilchestre, co. Somerset, with knight fees, advowsons, leets, courts, views of frank-pledge, fairs, markets, warrens, fisheries, free customs, rights, waifs, strays, chattels of felons and fugitives, escheats, liberties, franchises, profits and commodities, held in chief by knight service, without fine or fee according to the form of an act in the Parliament of Westminster, 6 October, 12 Edward IV. May 27. General pardon to Richard Tomma of Bodmyn, co. Cornwall, ' carier, Westminster, alias Richard Chepman, ' laborer. By p.s. May 23. Grant to Thomas Burgh, knight and the heirs male of his body of the Westmiuster. reversion on the death of Katharine, duchess of Norfolk, of the manors of Lynwode, Thureswey, Grymesthorpe, Edenham, Aylesthorpe and South- orpe with their members, all the lands and hereditaments called ' Beaumont rent ' alias ' Beaumont fee ' in the city of Lincoln, and all the lands, i-ents, reversions and services in Lynwode, Thureswey, Grymesthorpe, Edenham, Aylesthorpe and Southorpe, co. Lincoln, which she holds for life, to hold with knights' fees, advowsons, wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, courts, views of frank-pledge, parks, warrens, fairs, markets, liberties, franchises, profits and commodities by the services of as many knight's fees and as many other rents and services as they were held by before 4 March, 1 Edward IV. By K. May 5. Licence for the abbess and convent of the monastery of St. Edith, Wilton, Westminster, co. Wilts, which is of the foundation of the king's progenitors and of the kings' patronage, to grant the advowson or patronage of the prebend of Chalk, CO. Wilts, to the provost and scholars of the royal college of St. Mary and St. Nicholas, Cambridge, in frank almoin, and for the latter to appropriate the prebend in mortmain in augmentation of their sustenance, provided that the vicarage of the church of the prebend be ;sufficiently endowed and a competent sum of money be distributed yearly among the poor parishoners of the church according to the ordinance of the diocesan of the place. By K, May 22. Grant for life to Thomas Yotton of York of the office of clerk for Westmiuster. receiving recognizances of debts at York according to the form of the statute of merchants at Acton Burnell and the custody of the lesser piece of the seal for the same, void by the deaths of John Shirwode, with the accustomed fees. By K. May 20. Letters of denization for Ciprian de Furnariis, esquire of the household, Westminster, born in Genoa. By K. May 31. Grant for life to Nicholas Fitzherbert, esquire, in consideration of his Westminster, expenses in the king's service, of a tun of red wine yearly from Midsummer last from the king's prises of Avines in the port of London at the hands of the chief butler of England or his deputy. By p.s. Membrane 6. May 5. Licence for William, bishop of Ely, John Warkwortli, clerk, William Westminster. Townesende, clerk, Geolfrey Spryng, esquire, and John Brewode to found a fraternity or perpetual gild of an alderman and two deans and persons ecclesiastical or secular and other persons of either sex wishing to be of the fraternity in the parish church of St. Leonard the Abbot, Dounham,|in the Isle of Ely, co. Cambridge, to be called the fraternity or gild of St. Mary de la 15 EDWA.RD IV.— Part I. 519 1475. Membrane 6 — cont. Porclie and St. Leonard, of the cliurcli of Dounham. The alderman, deans, brethren and sisters shall augment the fraternity whenever they think lit and every year at the Assumption they shall elect from themselves an alderman and two deans for the business and governance of the fraternity, and they shall form a corporate body and shall have perpetual succession and a common seal and power of pleading and being impleaded and of making ordinances for the governance of the fraternity. And grant to them of licence to acquire in mortmain lands, rents, annuities and possessions, not held in chief, to the value of 10 marks yearly, for the sustenance of a ciiaplain to celebrate divine service daily in the said church for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, and tho said founders and the brethren and sisters of the gild and for their souls after death and for the performance of other works. By p.s. and for 201. paid in the hanapcv. May 10. Presentation of Robert Wright, chaplain, to the'parish church of Chepstede, Westminster, in the diocese of Winchester. May 6. General pardon to John Wotton late of Plyinmoutli, co. Devon, Westminster, cordewaner,' alias late of Tavestoke, co. Devon, alias late of London, esquire, of all offences committed by him before 8 April last. By p.s. April 29. Grant to the merchants of Almain of the confederation of the Teutonic Wcstiuinster. Hanze, who have the house in the city of London called Gildehalle TheutonicoTum, and their successors of all that plot and tenements with a quay and garden adjoining and houses, cellars, soUars and otiier appur- tenances in the town of Bishop's Leim which formerly were of Philip Wytli, burgess of the same town of Lenn, opposite the church of St. Margaret between the highway there on the east, the common water of the said town of Lenn on the west, a tenement sometime of John Lakynghithe aiul afterwards of John Thorysby on the north and a tenement lute of liobert att Lathe on the south, whicli the king lately had of the demise of John Tate and Thomas Bledlowe, aldermen of London. By K. May 8. Grant to the king's servant Edward Hardgill, one of the yeomen of the Westminster, crown, of the custody of all lordships, lands, rents, services and other possessions late of John Horwode, deceased, tenant in chief, during the minority of John his son and heir and the custody and marriage of tho latter Avithout disparagement, and so from heir to heir, finding a competent sustenance for tho heir and supporting the houses, enclosures and other charges. By p.s. May 14. Licence for the appropriation in mortmain by Thomas, bishop of Lincoln, AVestminstcr. the chancellor, of the parish church of St. Mary, Twyford, co. Buckingham, of his own collation and in his own diocese, to the rector or warden and scholars or fellows of the college of St. Mary and All Saints of Lincoln in Oxford, provided that the church bo endowed with a sufficient vicarage and a competent sum of money be distributed yearly among the poor parishioners there. By K. Licence for the appropriation in mortmain by William, the abbot, and the convent of the monastery of Eynesham, of the order of St. Benedict, of the parish church of Longecombe, co. Oxford, in the diocese of Lincoln, of their own collation, to the said rector and scholars, provided that the church be endowed with a suflicicnt vicarage and a competent sum of money be distributed yearly among the poor parishioners there. By K. March 14. Grant for life to John Ilawdeles of the office of the custody of the Westminster, king's park called 'le More pjirko,' co. Hertford, with wages of 2d. daily from the issues of the king's manor and lordship of More and all otlier profits from Michaelmas last. By p.s. 520 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 2^475, 3IEMBRANE 5. March 13. Licence for Edward Grey, knight, lord of Lisle, and Elizabeth his wife, Westminster, sister and heiress of Margaret Veer, late wife of George Veer, knight, to enter freely into all castles, manors, lands and other possessions in England, Wales, the marches of Wales and the lordship of Ireland which should descend to the said Elizabeth on tlie deaths of the said Margaret her sister or Thomas Talbot, kniglit, late viscount Lisle, her brother, whose heir she is, saving to the king homage and fealty. By p.s. March 11. Whereas Hugh le Despencer, knight, was seised in his demesne as of "Westminster, fee of the manor of Bondeby, co. Lincoln, and held it of Henry IV. in chief by the service of petty serjeauty and died without issue and on his death the manor descended to Anne the wife of Edward Botiller, knight, as his sister and heir, and by reason of her nonage it was taken into the hands of the said late king, and she died in her nonage and on her death the manor descended to Edmund Skern as her kinsman and heir, viz. son of Henry son of Margaret daughter of Alice daughter of Thomas son of Matilda daughter of Peter brother of John father of Alice mother of the said Anne, and by an inquioition taken at Glamfordbrig, co. Lincoln, on 4 January, 36 Henry VI. before John Gibthorpe, then escheator in the said county, it was found that the said Hugh held the manor in his demesne as of fee of Henry IV. in chief by the service of petty serjeanty vie. by the service of carrying a white rod before the said late king at Christmas whenever he should be in the said county, and Henry IV. took the manor into his own hands on the death of the said Hugh and it was in the hands of Henry VI. at the time of the inquisition and the said Edmund was then of the age of 30 years and more, and the manor is still in the hands of the present king ; the king hereby grants licence for the said Edmund to enter into the said manor as kinsman and heir of the said Anne and to hold it to himself and his heirs, saving to the king fealty and other services. ByK. March 16. Appointment of the king's servant Ralph Hastynges, one of the knights Westminster, of the body, as steward of all manors, lordships, lands, hereditaments and possessions late of Constance Stafford late the wife of John Stafford, carl of Wilts, tenant in chief, during the minority of Edward their son and heir, receiving the accustomed fees with all other profits. By p.s. March 18. Grant to the prior and convent of Lanthony by Gloucester, who hold Westminster, appropriated to their own uses divers churches within the diocese of Worcester and elsewhere, that they shall not be appointed collectors of any tenths, subsidies or quota granted to the king in any diocese or place within England oi' Wales or the marches except in the said diocese of Worcester, where they dwell. By p.s. April 10. General pardon, at the instance of the lord of Awdeley, to Edward Westminster. Esemanger late of Stourmyster Marchall, co. Dorset, of all offences committed by him before 20 February last. By p.s. April 18. General pardon to Robert Burgham of London, 'gentilman.' By p.s. Westminster. 3IEMBRANE 4, May 23. Inspeximus and confirmation to the men and burgesses of the town of Westminster. Cameleford in Cornwall of letters patent dated 20 April, 21 Richard II. inspecting and confiiming a charter dated at Westminster, 12 June, 44 Henry III. ICharter Boll, 44 Ilennj III.^ May 25. Licence for Richard Corbet, knight, avIio is going to cross the sea with Westiuiuster. the king on his voyage and service, to enfeolf Thomas Monyngton, Thomas 15 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 521 Membrane 4 — cont. Thornys, Hugh Stepulton, Johu Plowdea and Thomas (!:!owlley of the manor of Morton Sawbery, a third part of the manor of Sipton, the manor or reversion of Hopton, Fyttys, Eton Constantyne, co. Salop, a moiety or reversion of a moiety of tlie manor of Rycardiscastell, the manor or reversion of Staunton, the manor of Beverley and Hurtesley, co. Hereford, a moiety or reversion of a moiety of tlie manor of Goderyche and Homcastell, co. Worcester, a moiety or reversion [of a moiety] of the manor of Dalyntou, Wapnam and Slapton, co. Northampton, a moiety or reversion of a moiety of Gledley and Pottyi5grave, co. Bedford, a moiety or reversion of a moiety of tlie manor of Lenclielade and Southcote, Cublynton, Stutley and Chetmyscote, co. Buckingham, a moiety or reversion of a moiety of Wodam Mortymer and Howbregge, co. Essex, and a moiety or reversion of a moiety of Newton, co. Kent, with knights' fees, advowsons, leets, courts, views of frank-pledge, fairs, markets, warrens, fisheries, free customs, rights, waifs, strays, chattels of felons and fugitives, escheats, liberties, franchises, profits and commodities, held in chief by knight-service, without fine or fee according to the form of an act in the Parliament at Westminster, 6 October, 12 Edward IV. Whereas lately in part satisfaction of certain attempts by subjects of the king against subjects of the king's kinsman the duke of Brittany, to the prejudice of free intercourse of merchandise, by the advice of the council the king granted the sum of 200/. to be distributed among certain subjects of his said kinsman and promised satisfaction to others, as is more fully contained in a writing indented made in the city of London on 12 December, 1474, between Master Richard Langcporte, clerk of the council, on the part of the king and Master James de la Villeeon, proctor of Rennes, on the part of the duke ; the king hereby in fulfilment of the indenture grants licence for the merchants and men of Brittany whose names follow or their factors or attorneys to retain a moiety of all customs and subsidies on all their merchandise and goods, whether corn, wine of Gascony or other thing.s, merchandise of the staple excepted, brought into or out of the ports of London, Sandwich, Cicestre, Hampton, Poll, Exccstre, Dcrthcmouthe, Plemoutli, Fowy, Brislo, Houll and Boston until they shall thus bo fully safisficd of the undermentioned sums, amoimting in all to G823 crowns {scuta), each crown being valued at 3^. id., viz. William BiUoiiard and Yvo Enzennat Depenmarch 1364 | crowns, John Serron of Odierne 310.', crowns, William Ledorngnon of Odierne 1140 crowns, William le CunlTaud John le lloux of Gucrrande 97^ crowns, John Raoul of Guerrande 77^ crowns, John Legallois of Guerrande 133 crowns, Yvo Lebarnour of Guerrande 1200 crowns, John le Coz of Blawet, William Carmer and INlatthew Lego Dauray 1800 crowns and Peter le Mezec of Ilenebond 700 crowns. By p.s. Grant for life to Walter Radclyf of the office of parker of Colne, co. Essex, with the accustomed fees from the issues of the lordship of Colne and all other profits. By p.s Grant for life to Ralph Thursby of a soil of the king within his palace of Westminster, viz. from ' le Watergate ' of the palace by the embattled wall on the Thames to the steps within the palace at the Star Chamber iv. length and from the said wall for the space of 20 feet into the 2)alace n breadth, with leave to build on the same and receive the profit. By K. Membrane 3. Tmpeximus and confirmation to Thomas, the abbot, and the convent of Tilty, of the Cistercian order, of letters patent dated 28 January, 35 Edward III. inspecting and conlirniing a charter dated at St. Edmunds, 13 March, 35 Henry III. [Charter Roll, 35 Henry III. m. 7] and confirming divers private grants to them. For 40*. paid iu the hanaper. 522 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Membranes 2 and 1. May 24. Commission to William Stourton of Stourton, knight, John Cheyne of Westminster, pynne, esquire, Robert Stowell, esquire, John Trevylyan, esquire, William Huddesfeld, Thomas Tremayle and William Stenyng to inquire into the complaint of Elizabeth Loterell, widow, that whereas John Loty was lately seised of the manors of Mynhed, Culveton, Yveton and Estcontok, co. Somerset, in his demesne as of fee and enfeoffed James Loterell, esquire, and the said Elizabeth, then his wife, of them to hold to themselves and the heirs of James and they were accordingly seised of them, viz. the said tfames in his demesne as of fee and the said Elizabeth in her demesne as of frank tenement, and also a fine was levied at Westminster in fifteen days from Easter, 31 Henry VI. before John Prysot and his fellows, justices of the Bench of the late king, between Nicholas Radford, William Dodesham and John Loty, complainants, and the said James and Elizabeth, deforciants, concerning five messuages, three carucates of land, 6 acres of meadow and \Zd. of rent in Exton, Vexford, Ryxen and Stokegommer, co. Somerset, by which the said James and Elizabeth acknowledged these to be the right of the said Nicholas as those which the said Nicholas, William and John had of their grant and released the same to the latter, and the latter granted the same to the said James and Elizabeth to hold to themselves and the heirs of the body of James, and they entered into and were seised of the same, viz. the said James in his demesne as of fee tail and the said Elizabeth in her demesne as of frank tenement, and continued their estate in the premises through the whole life of James, who died after 29 December, 39 Henry VI. and before 4 March, 1 Edward IV. and the said Elizabeth survived and Avas seised of the premises and received the esplees thereof until at the Parliament held at Westminster on 4 November, 1 Edward IV. it \vas ordained that the said James for his murder of the king's father Richard, late duke of York, be attainted of high treason and foi'fcit to the king all his possessions which he had on 30 December, 39 Henry VI. in England, Ireland, Wales, Calais or the marches of the same without the liberty of the bishopric of Durham, saving all rights to any person not attainted by the said act, and that the wives of any persons attainted if they were born under the obedience of the crown should enjoy their own hereditaments after the death of their husbands, afterwards by an inquisition taken at Dunster, co. Somerset, on 20 September, 4 Edward IV. before Thomas Mauncell, esquire, then escheator in the county, by virtue of his office and returned before the barons of the Exchequer at Westminster it was found that Edward Stradlyng, knight, John Sydynham the younger and Richard Popham were seised of the said manors of Mynhed and Culveton in their demesne as of fee and granted them to John, late archbishop of Canterbury, Humplirey, late duke of Buckingham, Walter Rodney, knight, John Seymor, knight, James Lutterell, Thomas Wake, esquire, Robert Warre, esquire, Richard Loterell, esquire, John Cheyne, esquire, Richard Arthur, esquire, William Arthur and Alexander Hody to hold to the use of the said James and the heirs of his body, and they were accordingly seised of the same as above, and the said archbishop, duke, Thomas, Richard Loterell and Alexander died before the said 30 December and the others survived and continued their estate until that date, and that the said James was seised on the said 30 December in his demesne as of fee of the said manors of Estcantok and Yveton and nine messuages, three carucates of land, 50 acres of meadow and 20c/. of rent in Exton, Vexford, Ryxen, Stokegommer, Huyshe by Heybrigge, Cotheleston, Little Carhampton and Radlot, co. Somerset, of which the premises claimed are parcel, and died seised thereof, and by pretext of the above act and inquisition the said manors and tenements were taken into the king's hands on the s.iid 20 September by the said escheator and the said Elizabt:th was removed from possession and the king was seised thereof in his demesne as of fee until by letters patent he granted them to William Herbert, late lord Herbert, and the heirs of his body and 15 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 523 1475. Membranes 2 and 1 — cont. on his death they descended to William Herbert, earl o£ Pembroke, who still survives, but she was boru within the realm, viz. at Exeter, co. Devon, and on the said 29 December was the wife of the said James Lotterell and claims the premises as above notwithstanding the said inquisition, wherefore she prays that justice may be done. Membrane 1 — cont. June 1. Westminster. May 30. WestmlDster, June 24. Westminster. Licence for Thomas Burgh, knight, who is going to cross the sea with the king on his voyage and service, to grant a moiety of the barony of Midforde, the castle or lordship of Midfordc and all his lands, rents, reversions, knights' fees, advowsons, views of frank-pledge, courts, leets and warrens in Pount Eland, Little Eland, Mersfyn, Ilygh Calverton, Calverton Valens and Mellcsden, co. Northumberland, a moiety of ali his lands and tenements in Neuburgh, Thornton, Henshagb, Lowes, Walwyk, Quarnle and Tresethall, co. Northumberland, all his lands and tenements in Kyrkby Kendall, co. Westmoreland, the manor of Drayton, co. Middlesex, all his lands and tenements in the town and marches of Calais, the reversion of the manors of Lynwode, Thurswey, Grymesthorpe, Edenham, Aylesthorpe and Southorpe, co. Lincoln, and all those lands and tenements called ' Beamount Fee ' in the county of Lincoln which Katharine, duchess of Norfolk, holds for her life, the reversion of the manor or lordship of Thorphall by Louth, co. Lincoln, and the reversion of the manors of Riskyngton and Dygby with their members, co. Lincoln, held in chief, to Thomas, bishop of Lincoln, the chancellor, Edward, bishop of Carlisle, the king's kinsman Henry, earl of Northumberland, William Hastyngcs, knight, lord Hastynges, the king's chamberlain, Thomas Mountgomery, knight, John Gunthorpo, clerk, VVilliam Skipwith, knight, Brian Rouclytf, one of the barons of the Exchequer, Guy Fairefax, one of the king's Serjeants at law, William Husy, the king's attorney, William Paston, esquire, Robert Sheffeld, John Dawney, John Topclyf, Richard Page, WiUiam Paynell and Richard Ripley and their heirs without fine or fee according to the form of an act in the Parliament at Westminster, G October, 12 Edward IV. [Fcedcra.] General pardon to John Appillisdon of all offences committed by him before 28 May. liy K. The like to the following:— William Assh. Thomas Margery. Henry Clyfton. Thomas Yong. Richard Conyston. Robert Jackson. Thomas Caldwell. Simon Rawlyn. John Wcllis. Licence for William Yorke, esquire, or his executors^after his decease to found a pcri)etu;d chantry of one chaplain to celebrate divine service daily at tiic altar of St. Mary the Virgin in the church of St. Cross in the town and parish of Remcsbury, in the diocese of Salisbury, for the souls of Nicholas Wotlon, John Yorke the liuher of the said WiUiam and Agnes sometime the wife oi' the said William and for the good estate of the king and the said William and all who have granted lands and possessions for the sustenance of the chantry or chajjlain cr [have otherwise laid helping hands to the same, and to instruct cort:iin poor scholars coming to the town from all parts of the realm and to do other works of piety and charity according to the ordinance of the said^William or his l^execu tors, to be called the chantry of Wotton and Yorke, 'and for the chaplain to acquire in mortmain, after inquisition, lands, tenements, rents and other possessions, not held in chief, to the value of 10/. yearly for his siistonance. By p.s. and for 31/. Us. paid in the banaper. 524 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475, Membranes 31d — 25c?. Commissions of the peace in various counties {see Appendix). Membrane 24rf. March 13. Commission to Giles Dawebeney, John Whitehede, William Sandes, Westminster. Jolin Harecourte the elder, Thomas Stanshawe and the sheriffs of Somerset, Dorset, Wilts, Southampton, Oxford and Gloucester to inquire concerning all honours, castles, lordships, manors, lauds, rents, reversions, annuities, offices, fees, advowsous, fee-farms and other possessions which Robert Baynton late of Farleston, co, Wilts, knight, attainted of high treason by authority of an act in the Parliament lately held at Westminster, Iield in those counties on 4 May, 11 Edward IV. or afterwards. Membrane 2ld. March 30. Commission to Thomas Asshe and Nicholas Longe to take workmen Westmiuster. called ' brygandynemakers ' and all stuffs necessary for making ' brygaa- dynes.' Membrane 19d. Afarch 16. Commission to John Sulyard, William Colchestre and Thomas Westminster. Crjstem.as to inquire into all treasons and other offences committed by Thomas Lorde and James Boteswayn, ' Doucheman,' within the county of Essex. Membrane 18d. March 30. Commission to John Jakes, the king's saddler, to take s.addles, ' traisis,' Westminster, hide and other necessaries for the oflice of saddler for the king's voyage to France. By bill of the treasurer of war. Membrane lid. March 17. Commission to Robert Oxonbryggc and Henry Auger lo examine into Westminster, certain discords between Joan the wife of Thomas Inglefeld and Robert Baseley on account of the entries into the lands and the carrying off of the goods of the said Joan and to bring about an agreement between the parties if possible and to certify thereon to the king and council. Membrane IZd. April 23. Commission to John Suthworth, esquire, mayor of Chester, Thomas Gleg, Westminster, esquire, Peter Danyell, Thomas Olyegh, Richard Lancastre, William Bold of Cunwey and William Bulcley of Beaumarryse to take ships and other vessels for the conduct of Thomas Danyell, esquire, and his retinue, Avhich the king has ordered to go to Ireland for the resistance of his enemies, and masters and mariners for the same in the ports of Chester, Conwny and Beawraarres and ' bowyers ' and ' flecchers ' and other workmen for the artillery, April 23. Commission to William Stanley, knight, John Savage, knight, Thomas Westminster. Mauley, knight, Roger Dutton of Dutton, Peter Daucton of Hatton, eequire, and John Southworth, esquire, to take muster of Thomas Danyell and 100 archers at the king's wages and 120 archers at the wages of the inhabitants of Ireland, going to Ireland in the company of the said Thomas for the resistance of the king's enemies, at any suitable place near the city of Chester on 11 May next and to certify thereon to the king and council. 15 EDWARD IV.— Part 525 Membrane 12d. Commission to Richard Haute, esquire, John Hulcote, esquire, Thomas Stydolf, Richard Mounteyn and the sheriffs of London, York, Cumberland, Norfolk, Essex, Northampton, Nottingham and Derby to enquire touching all castles, manors, lordships, towns, townships, honours, lands, rents, services, fee farms, knights' fees, advowsons and possessions which Richard Welles late of Helowe, co. Lincoln, knight, and Robert Welles late of Hclowe, knight, attainted of higli treason by force of an act in the Parliament held at Westminster on G October, 12 Edward IV. and continued by divers prdrogatious to 23 January last, held on 12 March, 10 Edward IV. in England, Ireland, Wales or Calais or the marches of the same. Memurane lid. Commission to John Asteley, knight, Master William Godeyorc, doctor of laws, Jolin Fortescu, esquire, and Alvred Corneburgh, escpiire, to enquire into divers spoliations, robberies, and infractions of safe-conducts of the king and truces between the king and foreign princes by certain pirates at sea and to punish the delincjucnts according to the law and custom of the sea and the court of Admiralty. Commission of oyer and terminer to Thomas Stanley of Stanley, knight, Thomas Byllyng, Thomas Bryan, John Nedeham, knight, Richard Chokke, knight, Thomas Littclton, William Laken, Richard Ncelo, George Stanley, William Stanley, knight, and John Stanley concfrning certain treasons, insurrections, rebellions and unlawful conventicles within the county of Lancaster. By bill of p.s. Membrane 9<7. April 29. Commission to John Shoute, yeoman of the crown, Richard Exon and Westminster. Richard Tillc to take any ships along the sea coast from Lyght and Wakeryng in the hundred of Rochefonl by the Avholc county of Essex and the counties of Norfolk, Suffolk and Lincoln to the town of Kyngeston on Hull and masters and mariners for their governance and sufficient gear and to bring the ships to the port of Suthanipton with all haste and certify thereon to the king and council. The like to John Kempe, Thomas Grayson and William Talbot along the sea coast by the counties of Devon and Cornwall. The like to Thomas Markham, John Granford and W^illiam Galberd in the river Thames from the city of London to Gravesende and thence to Sandewich and thence by the sea coast to Mynehede. May 7. Commission to \\'illiam Parker, master of a ship called la Maryarctc AVe.stniinster. Howard, to take mariners for the said ship for the conduct of an armed force which the king has ordered to go with him to France lor tlie recovery of that realm. The like to the following :— John Bawdcwyn, master of a ship called le George Tlotoard. John Rede, master of a ship called la 3I:jrye of Dertmouth. John Cappe, master of a ship called la Barbara. Robert Sergeaunt, master of a ship called le T/iomas Iloxcard. John Wodecok, master of a ship called le I\I(irfi/n of London. John Gravile, master of a ship called la Marie Calday. George Stanyngburgh, master of a ship called le Gabricll, and Johu Bussheby, purser of the same. Johu Wade, master of a ship called la Kateryn of Thorpe. 1475. May 6. Westminster. April 18. Westminster. April 7. Westminster. 62& CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Membrane 9d — cont. May 11. The like to John Armyn, master of a ship called la Trinite of Medewey. Westminster. The like to the following : — Thomas Payn, master of a ship called la Jenett of Pyrwyn. Stephen Wey, master of a ship of Neuhithe. John Blome, master of a ship called la Petyr of Orford. Membrane 8d. May 23. Commission to the king's kinsman Henry, earl of Essex, Robert Multon, Westminster, prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, Robert Wyngfeld, knight, and Thomas Tyryngham to take muster of all soldiers and others belonging to the king's ordnance to be sent to France at a field called ' Seynt Kateryns Mede ' and to certify thereon to the king with all haste. Membrane 7d. May 24. Appointment, during pleasure, of John Squyer and WilHam Bekley to Westminster, fake carpenters called • kervers ' and other carpenters for the works of the king's new work within the castle of Wyndesore. May 27. Commission to WilHam Philpotte, master of a ship called la Petyr of Westminster. London, to take mariners for the said ship for the conduct of an armed force which the king has ordered to go with him to France for the recovery of that realm. \_Fcedera.'] The like to the following : — William Rowland, master of a ship called le John of London. Richard Tood, master of a ship called la Trinite of London. Thomas Longge, master of a ship called la Marie of London. John Lokyngton, master of a ship called la Clement of London. John Monde, master of a ship called le Lytyll Trinite of London. Membrane Gd. May 11. Commission to Robert Michelson to take ships and vessels for the car- Westminster, riage of 4,000 quarters of wheat for the victualling of the king's army to be sent to France for the recovery of that realm, and masters and mariners for them and carriage by land if necessary. May 12. Commission to Thomas Brewer, * bogemaker,' to take hides and other Westminster, necessaries for making leather bags (bogeis), ' berehides ' and ' cloth- sackes,' and workmen for the same. April 19. Commission to Thomas Lygon, Humphrey Sal wey, Roger Harewell, Westminster. William Lygon and the sheriff of Worcester to enquire what lands John Beauchampe of Beauchampe, knight, tenant in chief, held in the said county, what they are worth, on what day he died, and who is his heir, and to take the lands into the king's hands. April 23. Commission to William Stanley, knight, John Savage, knight, Thomas Westminster. Mauley, knight, Thomas Danyell, Roger Duttou of Dutton, Peter Daucton of Hacton, esquire, and John Snthworth, esquire, to arrest John Rutter, 'gentilman,' and John Obryth and others who have received the king's wages from Gilbert Debenham to serve the king in Ireland in his company but have not yet come to the king's service, and to imprison them until they shall restore the said wages or find security that they will serve the king in the company of the said Thomas Danyell and to certify thereon to the king and council. 15 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 527 1475. Membrane 6d — cont. May 24. Commission to John Cauthoin to take ships ani vessels in the ports of Westminster, Boston and Grymmesby and elsewhere if necessary for the carriage of 2,000 quarters of wlieat flour for the victualling of the king's army to be sent to France for the recovery of that realm, and masters and mariners for them and carriage by land if necessary. Membrane 5d. April 15. Appointment of John Dynham of Dynham, knight, to the command of Westminster, an armed force which the king has ordered to go to sea to resist liis enemies. [Foedera.] By K. 528 15 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 1475. Membrane 24. May 26. General pardon to Walter Iloton late of Calais, ' marjner,' of all offences Westiniuster, committed by him before 23 May. By p.s. May 26. General pardon to John Kyng late of Bansted, co. Surrey, ' yoman,' Westminster, alias ' husbondman,' alias late of Thad forth, co. Surrey, ' laborer,' of all offences committed by him before 15 May. By p.s. May 26. Licence for the acquisition in mortmain, after inquisition, by the Westminster, alderman and brethi'en and sisters of the fraternity or gild of Holy Trinity in the parish church of Louth of lands, tenements and rents to the value of 60*. yearly ■\vithin the town of Louth or elsewhere, not held in chief, to find certain chaplains or one chaplain to celebrate divine service in the said church for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, and the brethren and sisters of the fraternity and for their souls after death, and to do other works of piety according to the ordinance of the said alderman, brethren and sisters. By K. May 26. Licence for the acquisition in mortmain, after inquisition, by the alder- Westminster, man and brethren and sisters of the fraternity or gild of St. Mary in Louth of lands, tenements and rents to the value of 8 marks yearly within the town of Louth or elsewhere, not held in chief, to find divers chaplains to celebrate divine service at the altar of St. Mary in the church of Louth for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, and the brethren and sisters of the fraternity and for their souls after death and to other works of piety according to the ordinance of the said alderman, brethren and sisters. By K. Memorandum. On 4 July, 16 Edward IV. they acquired from John Sudbury, clerk, and others divers lands in Louthy Thedilfhorpe and Hoggesthorpe, co. Lincoln, extended at 5 mar/cs 3s. yearly, as of the value of 6 marks yearly in part satisfaction. May 3. Grant for life to Thomas Mountgomerey, knight of the body, of the Westminster, custody and stewardship of the whole forest of Essex, with the usual fees and other emoluments. By p.s. May 29. Grant to the king's kinsman Henry, earl of Essex, treasurer of England, Westminster, of 950/. [yearly during pleasure] in part of the expenses of the household in the king's absence for the sustenance of the king's consort the queen and the king's sons and daughters and other persons in the household to be appointed by the king, viz. 346/. 13s. 4fZ. in the form of 10 marks Aveekly from 1 June next during pleasure from the first moneys arising from the svibsidy of the 3s. on the tun and the \2d. on the pound in the port of London, 346/. 13s. 4c?. in the form of 10 marks weekly from 1 June next during pleasure from the first moneys arising from the petty custom in the same port, 156/. 13s. Ad. yearly during pleasure from the first moneys arising from the customs and subsidies in the port of Suthanipton and 100/. yearly during pleasure from the issues of the hanapcr. By K. May 26. Grant for life to Eobert Kokley, who is going to cross the sea in the Westminster, king's company to France for the recovery of that realm and the king's right there, and William Bokley his son of the office of ranger of the forest of Lee, CO. Rutland, alias the forest of Rutland, with fees of 2d. daily from the issues of the county of Butland and all other profits; in lieu of a grant of the said office with fees of 1^ daily to the said Robert by letters patent dated 8 June, 14 Edward IV. surrendered. By Iv. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff of Rutland. 15 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 529 1475. Membrane 2 A — cont. June 1. Appointment of Eoberfc Waryngton to take wheat, flour, beeves, muttons, Westminster, sea fish and fresh-water fish and all other victuals for the king's army soon to be sent to France for the recovery of that realm, and carriage for the same. May 1. Inspeximus of letters (English) of the king under his sign manual, Westminster, inspected by the knights of the Garter, ordaining that John, lord Scrope, shall abstain from the use and wearing of the arms of the Isle of Man, which he claims and which Thomas, lord Stanley, steward of the household, now bears, so long as the said lords shall continue in the king's service in his realm of Fr.ance, duchy of Normandy and elsewhere beyond the seas until his return to the realm of England. [Fcedera.] Membrane 23. May 2. Licence for the king's brother George, duke of Clarence, who is going to Westminster, cross the sea with the king on his voyage and service?, to grant the manor and borough of Tyverton, the honour and hundred of Tyverton and the advowsons of three portions with cures in the church of Tyverton, the castle, manors, lordships, boroughs and hundreds of Plympton and Okehampton, the manor and borough of Chalvelegh, the manors of Colconibe, Colyton alias Cl.iyton, ^lusbury and CoUbrd, the borough of Colyford, the manors of Opsamc and Exilond alias Westyatc, the hundreds of Estbudlegh, Westbudlegh, Wonford and Harige, a fishery of the water of Exe and the manors and lordships of Whitford, Culme Jon, Farcwey, Aylcsbeare, Wymple, Norton Uavno, Dertmouth alias Dertmouth Clyftou Hardenesse, Northam, Londey and Daunde by Dertmouth, co. Devon, a moiety of the manors of Trcvcrvyn and Tregameur and the manors of Trelugan, Shevyok Amton, Trelowia, Portlo, Oldlawitha, Fcnpoll, Elerky, Poripighan, Croftehall, Norfhill, Landrene alias Landryan and Lanyidioin, CO. Cornwall, the castle and lordship of Queneburgh in the Isle of Shepey, the manors and lordships of Middelton and Marden and the hundred of Middelton, co. Kent, a tenement in the city of London called ' le Ilerber,' the lordship and manor of Bavelingham in the parts of Picardy, a soil called ' le Pounde' alias ' Eaunsam ' and a tenement called ' The Wall ' and a mill pertaining to the s;ime in the county of Guysncsse, the manor of Claverynge, co. Essex, the castle and lordship of Morehende, co. North- ampton, the manor of SolyhuU and the park of Fulbroke, co. Warwick, the earldom, castle, town and honour of Richcmond and the fee farm of the same town, all manors, lands, rents, services and possessions parcel of the same in the counties of Nottingham, Derby, Stafford, Leicester and the city of Coventre excepted, the castle, lordships and manors of Ilarom, Nuthili, lliston, Sutton and two parts of the manor of Rosse, co. York, the manors and lordships of Whitle and Warpcsden alias War[)elesden, the manor and lordship of Asshehurst and the park of Asshchurst pertaining to the same, CO. Surrey, the castle, lordship and manor of Wardar, the manor and lordship of Ludgarsale, the manors and lordships of Valet, Clyvecombe alias Wydocombe, IMaperton, Chiddcforme alias Chiltfrome, Tolro Porcorum, Swerc, Ebberton, Ramsam, Ponteknoll, Keutecombe and Wroxale, co. Dor.set, the manors and lordships of Jjitlle Lyndford, Wavynden, Ncnportpaynt^ll and the park of Tikeford, co. Buckingham, the lordship and manor called ' Percy Fre ' in Ludford, the castle of Somcrton, the manor, lordship and town of Boston on the east side of the water there and two parts of the same on the west side, and the manor.s, lordships and towns of Freston, Frampton, Donnyngton, Quadryng, Wykes, Skirbek and the soke of Skirbek, Kirkcton and the soke of Kirkctou, Gaytou and the soke of Gayton, JMounby and the soke of 7 96186. 530 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Membrane 23 — cont. Mounby, Goddesford in Freston, Ledenharn, FuUebek, Wasingburgh, Boujideby and Wrageby, co. Lincoln, tbe lordship of Westle, co. Suffolk, the manor and lordship of Chesthunte, co. Hertford, the manor and lordship of Swafham, co. Norfolk, the manors and lordships of Exton, Brene, Somerton Erliche, Shokerwik, Batheneston, Hunspille Maris, Bellewton, Pensford and Horsey, Charleton Makerell, Dunhede, Stoke Michell, the castle and lordship of Wodford, the lordship and manor of Wroxall, Cruklierne and Misterton, co. Somerset, all knights' fees, advowsons, leets, courts, views of frank-pledge, hundreds, wapentakes, fairs, markets, parks, chases, warrens, fisheries, free customs, rights, waifs, strays, chattels of felons and fugitives, escheats, returns of writs and executions of the same, wreck of sea, liberties, franchises, forfeitures, profits and commodities pertaining to the above, 31Z. 10s. of rent from the fee farm of Wexcombe and Bedewynde, co. Wilts, 40 marks of rent from the fee » farm of the city of York, the reversion of the manors and lordships of Barton on Humbre and Stewton and all other lands, rents and services in Barton on Humbre and Stewton, co. Lincoln, which Katharine, duchess of Norfolk, holds for life, the reversion of eight messuages, twenty bovates of land and 16 acres of pasture in Carleton by Hemesley with the agistment of the moor of Carleton, co. York, and an enclosure or tenement called * le Cowehous in le Grane ' there which Gruy Fairfax holds for life, and the reversion of the castle and manor of Hamelak alias Helmesley, a third part of the manor of Roos, a third part of the manor, lordship and town of Boston on the west side of the water there and 78/. 6s. 8<7. yearly rent, parcel of the fee farm of the city of York, which Marjory late the wife of Thomas Roos, knight, holds for life in dower, held in chief by knight- service, to the king's kinsman Thomas, cai'dinal archbishop of Canterbury and legate of the apostolic see, bishop Thomas Rotheram the chancellor, John Halse, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, Robert Stillyugton, bishop of Bath and Wells, John Alcok, bishop of Rochester, the king's brother Richard, duke of Gloucester, the king's kinsmen William, earl of Arundell, and Henry, earl of Essex, William Hastyuges of Hastynges, knight, the king's chamberlain, Thomas Billyng, chief justice of the King's Bench, Roger Tocotes, knight, William Catesby, knight, Thomas Hawekyns, clerk, John Barnaby, clerk, Guy Fairfax and John Catesby, Serjeants at law, Henry Sotehill, Humphrey Starky, Robert Sheffeld, William Huddesfeld, William Eland and Thomas Lygon and their heirs without fine or fee according to the form of an act in the Parliament at Westminstei', 6 October, 12 Edward IV. May 23. Licence for the said duke of Clarence to enfeoff John, abbot of the Westminster, monastery of St. Mary, Tewkisbnry, and his successors of the manors of liynfare and Stourtou, co. Stafibrd, held in chief, without fine or fee, as above. May 21. Licence at the supplication of the king's brother George, duke of Westminster, Clarence, for the acquisition in mortmain, after inquisition, by John, the abbot, and the convent of the monastery of St. Mary, Tewkisbury, which is of the patronage of the said duke, of manors, lands, rents and services to tlie value of 100 marks yearly. By K, Membrane 22. May 31. Grant to Roger Ree, knight, and his heirs and assigns, for his good Westminster, service to the king and bis father Richard, late duke of York, in England, France and Ireland, and for 200 marks paid to the king, of the manor of Erpyngham and Jerbrygge, co. Norfolk, and the manor of Whatton atte J 5 EDWARD IV.— Part II. £31 1475. Membrane 22 — cont. Stone alias Bardolfes, co. Hertford, and all lands, rents and services in Erpyngh im, Jerbrygge and Whatton atte Stone with knight's fees and advowsons late of William, late viscount Beamont, and the hundred of Berstaple, co. P'ssex, with all rights, fines, amercements, wreck of sea and other emoluments and commodities, to hold by fealty only ; in lieu of grants to him by letters patent dated 24 July, 7 Edward IV. surrendered, and to him and his sons Roger, now deceased, and William by letters patent dated 14 February, 7 Edward IV. surrendered. By K. Grant to the said Roger, for his good service for the space of fifty years to the king and his father Richard, late duke of York, and on account of his old age and infirmity, that during his life he shall not be compelled to accept any office or occupation or obey any mandate of the king against his will. By K. Pardon to the king's uncle Henry Bourgchier, earl of Essex, treasurer of England, alias treasurer of the Exchequer, and Richard Fowler, esquire his clerk, of all offences committed by them and all amercements, issues, debts and accounts due from them to the king. By K. Whereas Henry VI. by letters patent granted to the men and tenants of the town of Kyngsthorpe alias Thorpe, co. Northampton, who held the town at farm for 60/. yearly, that for 40 years from the death of Joan, late queen of England, they should hold the town at a rent of 50/. yearly, and the king by letters patent dated 7 July, 7 Edward IV. granted to his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, 40/. yearly for life from the farm of the town, and now the tenants have come to great poverty ; the king hereljy grants that they shall hold the town with all its members and appurtenances for 40 years from Easter, 14 Edward IV. at a rent of 50/. yearly, viz, rendering 40/. yearly to the king's consort for her life and the residue to the king. By K. June 17. Licence, for 10/. paid in the hanaper, for Richard Knyglitley, son and Westmiustcr. heir of Richard Knyghtlcy and Elizabeth his wife late of Fallesloy, both deceased, (o grant the manors of Fallcsley and Upton and the hundred of Neubotelgravc, co. Northampton, held in chief, to Thomas Byllyng, knight, chief justice of the King's Bench, William Catesby, knight, Richard Middelton, e.=quirc, William Catesby, esquire, son and heir of William Catesby, knight, Robert Throkmerton, esquire, Nicholas Russell, clerk, Robert Russell, esquire, Simon Burton, Robei't Handy and William Lowe and their heirs and assigns. May 31. Westminster. June 20. Canterbury. June 1. Westminster. Membrane 21. June 3. Licence for William Parre, knight, who is going to cross the sea with Westminster, the king on his voyage and service, to grant tlie castle of Kendale, the manor of Grencrigge, the manor of Grcnehede, the manor of Striklond Ketill and the hamlets of Hutton, Hay and Scalthwayterig, co. West- moreland, the manor of Laghogh, co. Lancaster, the town of Cargoo, co. Cumberland, a third part of the township of Gresmer, the lordship or manor of Loghrig, the lordship or township of Longden, tlie lordship or township of Casterton, the lordships or townships of Ambleset and Troutbek, the hamlets of Appulthwaytc and Under Miluebek and the water of Kent, co. Westmoreland, a third part of the manors, lord- ships or townships of Helsynton, Crosthwayte, Hutton, Frosthwayte and Wliittyngton, co. Westmoreland, a third part of the manors of Worton, Carnolbrd, Asshetou and Morcholme, co. Lancastei', a third part of the manors of Thorneton, Kneton and Middilton with their members, co. York, a third part of all his lands and tcnemeuts in Scotford, co. Lancaster, L L 2 532 CALENDA.R OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. June 1. Westminster. June 1. Westminster. Jnne 30. Westminster. July 1. Westminster. 3fembrane 21 — cont. fi third part of the borough of Kirkeby in Kendall, the bailiff of the same borough, the office of serjeanty and the bailiff of Londesdale, co. West- moreland, a third part of the close or park of Calgarth, the herbage and pannage of the same, the fishery of or in the water of Wynandremere, the herbage of le Dale Hede, the toll, fair and market with ' les wyndels ' and ' lepes ' of ' le weele,' ' lez bothes, ' shoppes,' ' shamles,' bakehouses, ' lez banks ' with ' courte houses ' of the town of Kirkeby in Kendall, Burgh and Lethous in Kirkeby in Kendall, with their farms, profits and appur- tenances, CO. "Westmoreland, a third part of the free farm of free tenants in Kendall, the orchard and park of Moreholme and the mill of Appul- thwayte, co. Westmoreland, a third part of the manor or lordship of Nether Wyresdale, co. Lancaster, the manor of BurnoUeshede, the hamlets of Creke, Lamberyg, Whitwell and Selshede and the manor of Castertou, CO. Westmoreland, and the castles, manors and lordships of Pendragon, Burgh, Appulby, Burgham, Mallerstange and Whynfell, the manor and lordship of Kirkeby Stephen and the town of Wynton, co. Westmoreland, held in chief, to the king's kinsman George, archbishop of York, John Conyers, knight, John Whelpedale, clerk, and Richard Glebra, chaplain, and their heirs without tine or fee according to the form of an act in the Parliament at Westminster, 6 October, 12 Edward IV. Appointment for life of William Parre, knight, as sheriff of the county of Westmoreland, with all issues, profits and commodities, with power to appoint an under-sheriff yearly on the morrow of All Souls and to certify thereon to the barons of the Exchequer. By p.s. Grant to Alice late the wife of Henry, lord of FitzHugh, knight, of the custody of all lordships, manors, lands, rents, services, knights' fees, advowsons and other hereditaments late of the said Henry during the minority of Richard his son and heir and the custody and marriage of the latter without disparagement, and so from heir to heir. By p.s. Grant for life to the king's counsellor Thomas Moungomery, knight of the body, of the office of keeper of the king's park of Mykyll Bentley, CO. Essex, receiving the accustomed fees at the hands of the receivers, bailiffs, tenants, farmers or other occupiers. By p.s. Appointment of George Greuefeld, gentleman to take wheat, beeves, muttons, sea fish and fresh-water fish and other victuals for the king's army soon to be sent to France for the recovery of that realm, and carriage for the same. By bill of the treasurer of war. Membrane 20. June 21. Grant to the king's servant Richard Fowler, chancellor of the duchy of Westminster. Lancaster, in repayment of the sum of 2,207/. 17d, due to him from the king, that ho or his executors after his decease or their factors or attorneys may ship sacks and cloves of wool, woollen cloths, pieces of tin and fodders of load and other merchandise in the ports of London, Sandwich and Southampton and take the wools by the straits of Marrok and the woollen cloths, tin and lead and other merchandise, not being merchandise of the staple, to any foreign parts and bring back other merchandise to the said ports quit of customs and subsidies (those on the sacks and bales of wool at the rate of 4 marks only) un(,il he shall thus be satisfied of the said sum. By p.s. June 25. Grant to the king's uncle Henry Bourghcliier, earl of Essex, treasurer Westminster, of England, and John Say, knight, that they or their executors after their decease or their factors or attorneys may ship sacks and bales of wool, TTOol-fells, woollen cloths, pieces of tin, hides and fodders of load and other 15 EDWARD IV.— Paet II. 533 1475. Membrane 20 — cont. merchandise in any ports of the realm and take the wools and wool-fells by the straits of Marrok and the woollen cloths, tin hides and lead and other merchandise, not being merchandise of the staple of Calais, to any foreign parts and bring back other merchandise to the said ports (juit of customs and subsidies (those on the wool and wool-fells at the rata of 4 marks only on each sack of wool or 240 wool-fells) to the sum of 4,000/, By K. June 1. Grant to the king's servitor Ralph Hastynges, knight of the body, of Westminster, the office of the stewardship of all lordships and lands late of John Stafford, earl of Wiltshire, and Constance his wife, during the minority of Edward, earl of Wiltshire, their son and heir, receiving 100s. yearly at the hands of the bailiffs, farmers or occupiers. By p.s. Membrane 19. June 7. Licence for Giles Daubeney, esquire, who is going to cross the sea Westminster, with the king on his voyage and service, to enfeoff John Henton, prior of Bruton, William Paulet, knight, John Cheynye of Pynho, esquire, Robert Stowell, esquire, John Snyffamore, clerk, John Byconyll, John Hugyn, esquire, John Heyron, John Rede and Thomas Hyllyng of the manors of Baryngton, Petterton, Souththorpe, Chellyngton and Kempston in the counties of Somerset and Bedford, held in chief, without fine or fee according to the form of an act in the Parliament at Westminster, 6 October, 12 Edward IV. May 29. Exemplification, at the request of Edward Ellesmer late of London, Westminster, esquire, of the tenours of the following : — 1. A petition (English) of the said Edward in the Parliament summoned at Westminster on 6 October, 12 Edward IV. and continued by divers prorogations to 23 January, 14 Edward IV. that whereas in the Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. it was ordained that he shouhl be attainted of high treason and forfeit all the possessions which he had on 4 March, 1 Edward IV. the king should enact that tliis act should be void. 2. A schedule (English) annexed to the petition providing that this shall not be to the prejudice of any persons who may have taken any issues of the premises from the said 4 March to Ih? said 23 January. 3. The assent of the commons: — A cest billc ct a la cedule a ycelle annexe Ics coininunez sont assentuz, 4. The answer of the king : — Soil fait come il est desire. [liolls of Parliament, VI. 130.] June 12. Grant to John Cheyne, one of the esquires of the body, and the Canterbury, heirs male of his body of the manors of Fallerdcston, Shawc, Bassctcs Courte in Shawe, Qnarles Courtc in Horton, Overwroghton, Nether- wroghton and Tollard with the advowson of the church of St. Peter, Tollard, and 1,800 acres of arable land, 300 acres of meadow, 1,500 acres of pasture, 300 acres of wood and 160 acres of heath in Fallerdcston, Shawe, Horton, Overwroghton, Netherwrogiiton and Tollard, the manors of Compton Chamberlain and Combo Biset called ' Red isplace,' a moiety of the manor of Wynlreslowc alias Rithiscourt with the exception of 350 acres of wood parcel of the same manor called ' Richiswoode,' the advowson of the church of St. Michael belonging to the said manor of Compton Chambcrlayn, 1,000 acres of arable land, 40 acres of me.Klow, 2,000 acres of pasture and the said 350 acres of wood called ' Richewode ' and six messuages in Wilton, a messuage in Long- 534 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Membrane 19 — cont. compton alias Compton Basset, 50 acres of arable land, 12 acres of meadow, 30 acres of pasture, 10 acres of arable land in Wynterslowe called ' Hardinges ' alias ' Biduelles,' a messuage and 8 acres of land in Berford St. Martin, a messuage and 20 acres of land in Tydelesehede and a moiety of the manor of Compton Chamberleyn called ' Strekelondys Moyte ' with the advowson of the church of St. Martin in Berford, co. Wilts, the manors of Chilton Candever and Daundesleywyk alias "Wyk with the advowson of the church of St. Mary the Virgin pertaining to the said manor of Chilton Candever and (300 acres of arable land, 25 acres of feeding, 300 acres of pasture, 300 acres of wood and 100 acres of heath in Chilton Candever, Daundislewik alias Wyk and Swaumpton and a messuage and IO5. rent yearly in Seinet Mary Born, co. Southampton, the manors of Hampreston, Longkirchill and Tarane Gunvile, the advow- sons of the churches of All Saints, Hampreston, and St. Mary the Virgin, Longkirchill, a messuage in Gissegge, 1,000 acres of arable land, 50 acres of meadow, 800 acres of pasture, 100 acres of wood in Hampreston' and Longkirchill, the manor of Osmondes in Pernnam and the advowson of the church of St. Laurence, Fernnam, two water-mills called ' Trigges Milles,' 4 acres of land and 3 acres of meadow by Wymbourne Mynster, and seven- teen messuages in Fernnam, co. Dorset, parcel of the manor of Tollard, the manor of Delamers alias Lamberdes by the spring of Mynchinhampton and a water-mill in Mynchinhampton, co. Gloucester, the manor of Merssh- baldyngton and 800 acres of arable land, 50 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture and 4 acres of wood in Mersshbaldynton, co. Oxford, and ten messuages, 300 acres of arable land, 100 acres of meadow, 160 acres of pasture and 30 acres of wood in Asshecamys alias Camysasshe, co. Somerset, with knights' fees, advowsons, wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, courts, leets, views of frank-pledge, parks, woods, warrens, fisheries, waters, stews, liberties, franchises, profits and commodities late of Robert Baynton late of Farleston, co. Wilts, knight, and in the king's hands by reason of his forfeiture and by force of an act in the last Parliament at Westminster, to hold by the accustomed services. By K. July 8. Grant for life to John Rysley, esquire, of the oflSces of bailiff of the Westminster, king's town and lordship of Lavenham and keeper of the manor, park and warren of Lavenham, receiving the accustomed fees at the hands of the king's receiver there. By p.s. Appointment of Richard Fcnis, lord of Dacre, as one of the king's councillors, and grant to him of 100 marks yearly from the issues of the customs and subsidies of [the port of] the city of London. By p.s. Membrane 18. June 20. Grant to the king's firstborn son Edward, prince of Wales, duke of SaDdwich. Cornwall and earl of Chester, keeper of the realm and lieutenant of the king while he is beyond the seas, of full power to grant licences for election to chapters of cathedral and conventual churches when void, to give assent to the elections of minor prelates and receive their fealties and restore their temporalities to them, and to present to all churches in the king's gift exceeding the taxation of 20 marks and not exceeding the taxation of 40 marks, reserving to the king the collations of all otlier churches and ecclesiastical dignities and benefices except churches of the taxation of 20 marks and under to which the chancellor will present as^ usual. [Faidera.'] By K. Appointment of the king's firstborn son Edward, prince of Wales,' duke of Cornwall and earl of Chester, as keeper of the realm of England and 15 EDWARD IV.— Part U. May 26. Westminster. 1475. Membrane 18 — cont. lieutenant of the king while he is beyond the seas on the expedition of war against rrauce. [Fcedera.'] By K. Grant to the same of power to appoint a suitable person to hold tho pleas of the Marshalsea and to make all ordinances concerning that office. [Fcedera.] By K. Grant to the same of power to receive the fealties of the elect of minor churches of the realm and to restore the temporalities to them and to grant to deserving persons the pensions which they are bound to grant to the king's clerks. [Fcedera.] By K. Grant to John Herle, esquire, and Margaret his wife, late the wife of Richard Herbert, knight, tenant-in-chief, of the custody of all lordships, manors, lands, services and other possessions with knight's fees and advowsons late of the said Richard, the lands late of John Skydmore, knight, excepted, during the minority of William the son and heir ot the said Richard and so from heir to heir, finding a competent sustenance for the heir and supporting the houses, enclosures and buildings ; in lieu of a grant to the said Margaret by letters patent dated 3 October, 11 Edward IV. surrendered. By p.s. June 12. Grant to Richard, bishop of Salisbury, whom by other letters patent the Canterbury, king has appointed master and surveyor of a new chapel which ho is pro- posing to build to the honour of St. Mary and St. George the Martyr within the castle of Wyndesore and divers otlier works there, of full power and authority to demolish certain buildings, walls, and houses from tlic west of tlie old chapel there to the walls of the castle on the north and west where the towers called ' Cluer ys Towre ' and ' le Amener is Towre ' and ' Barner is Towre ' are situated and from the south to the bell tower there and to remove the materials and use tliem for other buildings within the castle at his discretion without rendering any account to tho king. By p.s. June 12. Appointment of Richard Hastyngcs of Wellys, knight, as surveyor of Canterbury, the office of constable of tiie king's castle of Notyngliam, the offices of magistrate of divers forests, chaces, parks, woods, and game, the offices of divers stewardships and constableships and divers other offices which William Hastyngcs of Hastynges, knight, the king's chamborhiin, has of the king's grant within the counties of Nottingham, Derby, Leicester, and Stafford, while the latter is beyond the seas with the king in his expedition to France. By K. July 26. Letters of denization for John Ilughson, spicer, born in the town of Westminster. Bruggis in Flanders. By p.s. Membrane 17. June 18. Grant to the king's kinswoman Anne, duchess of Buckingham, of tho Canterbury, custody of all castles, lordships, manors, lands, rents, services, reversions, and possessions with knights' fees and advowsons late of Tliomas Cobham, knight, deceased, or of Anno his wife, deceased, tenant in chief during the minority of Anne thi'ir daugiitcr and heir and the custody and marriage of the latter without disparagement, with the reversions of all lands, rents and services which may descend to her during minority, and so from hoir to heir, provided that tiiis shall not extend to the custody of any castles, manors lands or hereditaments which may descend to any such heir on the death of Ralph, earl of Westmoreland. By K, June 12. Grant to James Blount, esquire, and the heirs male of his body of the Canterbury, manor of Apedale alias Apdale, not exceeding the value of 12/. yearly, and all lands, rents and services in Uttekcestre alias Uttexhater and tho parisli 536 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 3^475. Membrane 17 — cont. of Marcliyngton under Nedewode, co. Stafford, not exceeding the value of 10 marks yearly, with knights' fees, advowsons, courts, leets, liberties, franchises, parks, warrens, fisheries, stews and other commodities late of John Delvys, esquire, and in the king's hands by reason of an act of for- feiture in the last Parliament at Westminster. By p.s. June 18. General pardon to John Edyngham late of Wodchirche, co. Kent, Canterbury. ' gentilman,' alias John Engeham late of Tenterden, co. Kent, esquire. By K. May 29. Grant for life to the king's servant Walter Mathewe of a croft containing Westminster, half an acre of land, 80 acres of arable land, 60 acres of pasture, 10 acres of meadow and 10*. of rent in Kyngesnorton called ' Fermons,' co. Worcester, in the king's hands by the forfeiture of James, late earl of Wiltshire; in lieu of a grant to him by letters patent dated 20 April, 14 Edward IV. surrendered. By p.s. June 10. Grant to the king's servant Robert Chamberleyn, knight of the body, and Westminster, the heirs male of his body of the manors of Chambres in Eppyng, co. Essex, and Great Fynbergh and Cantelowes, co. Suffolk, to hold from St. Nicholas last with advowsons, liberties, escheats, wards, marriages, reliefs, suits of courts and other appurtenances by fealty only. By K. June 18. Pardon to John Penpons late of Trevaswhethan, co. Cornwall, esquire, Canterbury, late escheator in the counties of Devon and Cornwall, of all debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king by reason of his said offices. By p.s. June 18. Grant for life to the king's servant Richard Page of 201. yearly from Canterbury. Easter last from the customs and subsidies in the ports of Plymmouth and Fowy and ports and places adjacent. By K. Membrane 16. June 16. Grant to John, lord of Audeley, and Galiard de Dureford, lord of Duras, Canterbury, knights, whom the king has appointed captains of the army of armed men and archers which he has determined to send to Brittany and the neigh- bouring parts against his adversary Louis of France, of power to treat in the king's name with commonalties and persons willing to come to the king's obedience, as the king desires to i-ecover his rights in the realm of France and the duchies of Normandy and Aquitaiuo if possible without shedding of Christian blood. By K. June 13. Grant to Robert, lord of Boyde, of the parts of Scotland, whom the Canterbury, king has retained to serve him, and his executors and assigns of 200 marks yearly for his sustenance for seven years from Michaelmas next, viz. 10/. from the farm or issues of a messuage, sixteen virgates of land, 16 acres of meadow and 19s. rent in Watford, co. Northampton, at the hands of the hands of Eustace de Burueby and Matilda his wife or the farmers, occu- piers or receivers of the same, 25/. from the farms and revenues of the manor of Gretton, co. Northampton, 40/. from the farm of all assarts, wastes, and purpestures within the forest between tlie bridges of Staunford and Oxford, 10/. from the fee farm of the town of Worcester and the issues of the same, 16/. from the fee farm of the city of Hereford and the issues of the same, 16/. from the fee farm of Pynnokshire, co. Glouccstei', at the hands of the abbot and monks of Hayles or the receivers, farmers or other occupiers of the same, 10/. from tlie fee farm or issues of the city of Norwich, and 6/. 6s. 8r7. from the ftirm of the hundreds of Kyftesgiits, HoHbrd and Greston with the fairs and markets held in the town of WyucLecombe, co. Gloucester, By K. 15 EDWARD IV.— Part 11. 637 1475. Membrane 16 — cont. June 18. Grant to Jerome Coutryne, merchant of Venice, in payment for a great Canterbury, rope called ' a cable ' provided by him for the king's ship called le Grace- dyeu, that he may retain the customs and subsidies of certain merchandise of his in a carrack of which George Dragane is patron, at present in the port of Sandwich, to the sum of 50 marks. By K. June 7. Grant to John Gunthorpe, the king's almoner, in augmentation of the Canterbury, king's alms, of all goods and chattels of felons de se and all deodands within the realm, in lieu of a like grant to him by letters patent dated 9 December, 8 Edward IV. surrendered. By K. June 19. Pardon to the king's brother George, duke of Clarence, of all trespasses Canterbury, committed by him against the statutes of signs, liveries and retinues, all alienations and perquisitions by him of lands held in chief without licence and all fines, amercements, issues, reliefs, scutages, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king. By K. Pardon to Richard Boughton, esquire, late escheator in the counties of Warwick and Leicester, of all offences committed by him and all fines, amercements, issues, reliefs, scutages, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king by reason of his office. By K. June 14. Appointment of John Lynford to take beeves, muttons, sea fish and fresh- Canterbury, water fish and other victuals for the army which the king has ordered to be sent to France for the recovery of that realm, and carriage for the same. By bill of the treasurer of war. June 18. The like of Thomas Desford to take wheat, wine, beeves, muttons, Canterbury, fish etc. By bill of the treasurer of the household. The like of Druett Gosselyn to take wheat, oats, beeves, muttons, sea fish and fresh-water fish etc. By bill of the treasurer of war. July 14. Presentation of John Thornton, vicar of the church of Westhurrock, in Westminster, the diocese of London, to the church of Northcove, in the diocese of Norwich, on an exchange of benefices with John Malton. Membrane 15. .Tune 7. Whereas John Elryngton, treasurer of the household, rendered a true Canterbury, account before Hugh Fenne and Nicholas Lathell, auditors, of all sums received and spent by him for the expenses of the household from 10 May, 11 Edward IV. to 30 September, 14 Edward IV. as was declared by the auditors before the king and the lords of the council, and from the said 30 September to 31 March last the sum of 3,729/. \Gd. remains unpaid to divers creditors, the king hereby grants to the said John the sum of 600/. yearly from Michaelmas last foi- the payment of the said creditors, viz. 400/. from the issues of the hanapcr, 100 marks from tiie subsidy and ulnagc of cloths in the county of York, the city of York and tlie town of Kyngeston on Hull, 20/. from the like in the counties of Somerset and Dorset, 20/. from the like in the county of Warwick and the city of Coventry, 40/. from the like in the county of Wilts, 33/. 65. 8r7. from the like in the town of Bristol and 20/. from the like in the county of Gloucester, until full satisfaction shall be made. By p.s. June 6. General pardon to John Elryngton, esquire, treasurer of the household, Canterbury, alias late cofferer of the king, alias keeper or clerk of the hanaper, alias John Ellerton, esquire, cf all offences committed by him before this time and all issues, fines, amercements, reliefs, scutages, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king before 3 October last. By K. 538 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. June 7. Canterbury. June 3. Westminster. June 7. Canterbury. June 10. Canterbury. June 15. Canterbury. June 17. Canterbury. June 16. Canterbury. Membrane 15 — cont. Grant to the king's knight John Howard, lord of Howard, and the heirs male of his body of the manors of Preston, Cokefeld, Aldam and Mendam, CO. Suffolk, and Poljngham and Michelhall alias Earl's Swafham, co. Cambridge, with knights' fees, advowsous, courts, leets, views of frank- pledge, liberties, fairs, markets, warrens and profits, belonging to the king by reason of an act in the ParUament held at Westminster on 6 October, 12 Edward IV. and continued by divers prorogations to 23 January, 14 Edward IV. against John Veer, earl of Oxford, to hold by the accustomed services with all issues due to the king. By K. Grant to Thomas Mongomeri, knight, of the custody of all manors, lands, rents, services and other possessions and advowsons and knights' fees late of Alice, deceased, tenant in chief by knight service, late the wife of John Henyngham, knight, during the minority of John her son and heir and the custody and marriage of the latter without disparagement, and so from heir to heir. By K. Presentation of William Sutton to the parish church of Gresforde, in the diocese of St. Asaph, void by the resignation of Richard Andrewe, last rector. Inspeximus and confirmation to John Serle and Thomas Serle his son of letters patent (English) of the king's mother Cecily, duchess of York, late wife to Richard, rightful king of England and France and lord of Ireland, dated at her manor of Kenyngton, 20 May, 8 Edward IV. granting to them for life the office of keeping her great park of Bardefeld, co. Essex, taking the accustomed fees from the issues of her manor of Bardefeld ; and grant to them of the same for their lives, with all profits. By p.s. and for \ mark paid in the hanaper. Presentation of Adam Rydshefe to the parish church of St. Martin, Camp, in the diocese of Terouanne, void by the resignation of John de Villario, last parson. The letters are directed to Th. cardinal archbishop of Canterbury. Grant to Thomas, bishop of Lincoln, chancellor of England, and his heirs and assigns of the tenement sometime of John Wokyng and after- wards of John Wenlok, lord of Wenlok, knight, situated in le Ryall and in the parish of St. Michael called ' Pater Noster Churche,' London, in the king's hands on the death of the said John Wenlok, who died without heir. By K. Licence for the acquisition in mortmain by the master and fellows of the king's college of Clarehall in the University of Cambridge of lands, rents, reversions and other possessions and advowsons of churches to the yearly value of 201. for the augmentation of divine worship and that they may pray for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England. By K. Membranes 14 and 13. June 21. Impexhnus and confirmation to James, bishop of Norwich, of the Westminster, following : — 1. A charter dated at Rouen, 10 July, 5 John, to John, then bishop. \_Botuli Carlarim, p. 108.] 2. Letters patent dated 8 October, 2 Richard II. inspecting and con- firming to Henry, then bishop, a charter dated at Westminster, 21 February, 12 Edward III. [Charter Boll, 12 Edward III. 15 EDWAED IV.— Part II. 539 J475. Membranes 14 and 13 — cont. No. 41,] inspecting and confirming to Anthony, then bishop, the following : — (1.) A charter of Henry [I.] dated at Norwich. (2.) A charter of Henry I. dated at Winchester. (3.) A charter dated at Acton Burnell, 4 October, 1 1 Edward I. ICharter Boll, 11 Edward I. No. 3], to William, then bishop. (4.) A charter dated at Lincoln, 30 August, 9 Edward II. [Charter Roll, 9 Edward II. No. 3], to John, then bishop. 3, Letters patent dated 28 June, 10 Eichard II. inspecting and confirming letters patent dated 16 May, 24 Edward III. For 10/. paid in the hanaper. Membrane 13 — cant. June 3. Licence for the king's kinsman John, duke of Norfolk, who is going to Westmiustcr, cross the sea with the king on his voyage and service, to enfeoff Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, William, bishop of Winchester, the king's kinsman Henry, earl of Essex, Eichard Suthwell, Eichard Derby, clerk, James Hobart and John Yorko of the manors or lordships of Fornesset, Halveryate, South walsham, Dechyngham, Han worth, Southfeld and Eresham and half the hundred of Eresham, co. Norfolk, and the manors or lordships of Ketylbcrc, co. Suffolk, Cliesterford, co. Essex, Eppeworth, co. Lincoln, and Britghelmeston and Dorkyng in the counties of Sussex and Surrey, with knights' fees, advowsons, wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, courts, leets, views of frank-pledge, parks, woods warrens, fisheries, waters, stews, liberties, franchises, profits and commodities, held in chief, without fine or fee according to the form of an act in the Parliament at Westminster, 6 October, 12 Edward IV. July 8. General pardon to Eichard Beynton late of London, 'draper,' alias Westminster, 'yoman,' of all offences committed by him before 22 June last. By p.s. June 24. Grant to the king's consort Elizabeth, queen of England, Eichard, bishop Westminster, of Salisbury, and Master William Dudley, dean of the chapel of the house- hold, of the custody of all castles, lordships, manors, lands, rents, pos- sessions and hereditaments in England, Ireland, Wales and the marclies of the same late of John, late earl of Shrewsbury, tenant in chief, with the exception of the castle, lordship and manor of Goderych and Irchynfeld alias Urchynfeld and the hundred of Wormelowe with members, profits, leets, views of frank-f ledge, forfeitures, fines, woods and pastures and all lands, possessions and hereditaments in Goderych, Urchynfeld and the hundred aforesaid and all castles, lordships, manors, lands, possessions and hereditaments which the king granted to his counsellor William Hastynges, knight, lord Hastynges, his cliamberlain, for the sustenance of George, son and heir of the said late carl, by other letters patent, with knights' fees, advowsons, wards, marriages, reliefs, fairs, markets, courts, loots, views of frank-pledge, liberties, franchises, jurisdictions, profits, commodities and emoluments, to hold from Easter last during the minority of the said George, and so from heir to heir; and grant to them also of the custody of the said castle, lordship and manor of Goderych and Irchynfeld and hundred of Wormelowe and all lands, rents, possessions and hereditaments in Goderyche, Urchynfeld and the hundred of Wormelowe aforesaid, with knights' fees, advowsons, wards, marriages, reliefs, fairs, markets, courts, leets, views of frank-pledge, liberties, franchises, jurisdictions, profits, commodities and emoluments to hold from Easter last during the minority of the said George rendering to the king 50/. 13s. id. yearly. By K. 540 Calendar of patent rolls. 1475. June 24. Westmiuster. July 17. Westminster. June 19. Canterbury. Membrane 13 — cont. Grant to the same of the custody of all castles, lordships, manors, lands, rents, possessions and hereditaments late of John, late earl of Wiltshire, tenant in chief, with knight's fees, advowsons, wards, marriages, reliefs, fairs, markets, courts, ieets, views of frank-pledge, liberties, franchises, jurisdictions, profits, commodities and emoluments to hold from Easter last during the minority of John, son and heir of the said earl, with his marriage without disparagement, and so from heir to heir ; and also the cus- tody of all lordships, manors, lands, rents, reversions, services, possessions and hereditaments in the counties of Northampton, Rutland, Leicester, Bedford, Buckingham, and Middlesex and the town of Norhampton or elsewhere within the realm of England late of Thomas Tresham, knight, and in the king's hands by his forfeiture and by virtue of an act in the last Parliament at Westminster, with knights' fees, advowsons, wards, marriages, reliefs, fairs, markets, courts, leets, views of frank-pledge, liberties, fran- chises, jurisdictions, profits, commodities and emoluments to hold from Easter last during the minority of the said John by the accustomed rents and services. By K. Licence for the alienation in mortmain, after inquisition, by Thomas, bishop of Lincoln, of lands to the value of 20/. yearly, not held in chief, to Richard Flemmyng, the dean and the chapter of the church of St. Mary, Lincoln. By p.s. Pardon to William Sergeaunt of Colcestre, * harbour,' of all treasons and felonies committed by him in the counterfeiting, clipping, sweating, and other falsification of the money of the land. liy K. Membrane 12. April 28. Grant to the merchants of Almain of the confederacy of the Teutonic Westminster. Hanse, who have the house in the city of London called Gildhalla Thentonicorum, and their successors of five messuages situated in Wend- goselane in the parish of All Hallows at the Hay, London, viz. between the said house and a garden belonging to it on the west and the said lane called Wendoselane on the east with one head abutting on the street of Thamisestrete towards the north and the other head abutting on the tenement late of the abbot and convent of St. Albans towards the south, late of Margaret late the wife of Robert Fitz Robert son of Robert Fitz Robert, late citizen and grocer of London, which the king had of her grant, and also a tenement and quay adjoining with all commodities, easements and other ap])urtenances and rights in the said lane in the said parish between the tenement late of Bartholomew Frestlyng on the east, the quay called Esterlyngeshalle on the west, the river Thames on the south and the tenement late of Ralph Blakeuey on the north, late of the said abbot and convent and which the king had of the grant of Master William Dudley, dean of the chapel of the household. Master John Gunthorpe, dean of the cathedral church of Wells, and Master William HatclyfE, the king's secretary. ByK. May 6. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Hugh Brice, citizen and Westminster, goldsmith of London, of a messuage, 88 acres of land and IGrf. rent in Reynham, co. Kent, late of Guy Elys, 3 acres and fifteen daywerks of arable land in the parish of Reynham aforesaid viz. the acres in a place called ' Bernevales ' in le borough of Mekelond and the daywerks at Conrsediche, 2 acres and 5 virgates of arable laud in Reynham by the street called ' Mochemannestrete,' 2 acres of arable land called 'Redynges' and a garden adjacent in Reynham in le borough of Mekelond by the way called * Ameneway' leading from le Svvyll to Kaystrete, an acre and a halt of arable land iu Reynham in a place called ' Sharuold ' in le borough 15 EDWARD IV.— Part II. £41 1475. March 12. Westminster. May 3. AVestmiustcr. Membrane 12 — cont. of Mekelond and all other messuages, lands, rents and services in the parishes of Reynham and Upchirch, co. Kent, late of John Richyngwode at the time of his death, not held in chief, to Lionel Wydeville, the master or warden, and the brethren and sisters of the hospital of St. Katharine by the Tower of London, in exchange for a tenement in Lombardstrete in the parish of St. Mary VVolnoth, London, held in burgage, to hold to liimself and his heirs and assigns. By K. and for 10/. paid in the hanaper. Grant to the king's kinswoman Katharine, countess of Shrewsbury, late the wife of John, late earl of Shrewsbury, of the manors and lordships of Wrokewardyn, Sutton Maddok and Tasseley, co. Salop, the manors and lordships of Longhope, Huntley, Lydney and Cropettis and a. messuage called Hunth(-us in Groat Shiryngton and within the parish of Baggeworth, parcel of the said manor of Croppettis, and a moiety of the manor of Baggeworth, co. Gloucester, Monyassh and Childerston alias Chilmerdon, lordships of Stoke Verdoa and Willeford, a Swyndon alias Evon Swyndon and a third part of the manor of Assheton, CO. Wilts, the lordship and manor of Furnham lliall alias Farnham Verdon, CO. Buckingham, two parts of tl)e manor of Ley alias Ligli and a mill and a pasture in Werscbury, parcel of the said manor, co. Gloucester, the third part of the manor and hundred of Shrivenham alias Schryvcnham, co. Berks, and a third part of the manor and hundred of Brampton, co. Oxford, with all towns, lands, annuities, knights' fees, advowsons and other members and appurtenances, of which her husband was seised and which are in the king's hands by reason of the minority of George his son and heir, to hold for life in full allowance of her dower, witii all issues from the death of the said late earl. By p.s. Licence for the king's kinsman Henry, earl of Norlhumbcrland, who is going to cross the sea with the king on his voyage and service, to enfeoff Thomas Forsset and John Scutt, clerks, of the manors of I'oklyngton, Hundmanby, Scymcr, Thurstanby, Kaynclyff and Naffrcton, co. York, held in chief, without fine or fee according to the form of an act in the Parliament at Westminster, G October, 12 Edward IV". the manors and lordships of CO. Derby, the manors and third part of the manor of Membrane 11. June 12. Confirnuvtion to William Essex of the oflice of remembrancer in the Caiitcibury. Exchequer which tiic king granted to him for life by letters patent dated 18 July, 1 Edward IV. receiving the accustomed Vrages, regards and other profits from Michaelmas last from the customs and subsidies in the port of Suthamptou. By K. Juno 19. Licence for William, the prior, and the convent of Christchurch, Cauterbury. C.intcrbury, to acquire in mortmain, without incpiisition, lands, tenements or rents to the value of 2U/. yearly, not held in chief. By K. June 10". Pardon to John Walssh, late escheator in the county of Gloucester, of all Ciiiitcibiiry. iiucs, it sues, amercements, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king by reason of his office. By K. June 20. Pardon to the king's uncle Henry Bourgchier, carl of Essex, treasurer Cantcibury. of England, alias treasurer of the Exchequer, and Richard Fowler, esciuire, his clerk, of all offences committed by them and all amercements, issues, debts and accounts due from them to the king. By K. Juno 19. Pardon to Tliomas Wodell, esquire, late escheator in the county of Canterbury. Stafford, of all oftences committed liy him and all fines, amercements, issues, reliefs, scutages, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king by reason of his office. By K, 642 CALENDAR OP PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Membrane 11 — cont. June 12. Appointment of John, lord Audeley, and Galliard Dureford, lord Duras, Westminster, to the rule and governance of an armed force which the king has ordered to be sent to the parts of Brittany. {Fo'.dera.'] By K. June 20. Pardon to Richard Hide, esquire, late escheator in the counties of Canterbury. Southampton and Wilts, of all offences committed by him and all fines, amercements, issues, reliefs, scutages, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king by reason of his office. By K. June 17. Pardon to William Parre, knight, and Elizabeth his wife of all alienations Canterbury, and provisions by them of lands held in chief without licence and all fines, amercements, issues, reliefs, scutages, debts, accounts and arrears due from them to the king. By p.s3 May .30. General pardon to Robert Catesby late of Newenham, co. Northampton, Westminster, chaplain, alias late parson of the parish church of All Saints, Lodbroke, CO. Warwick, alias late of Redford, co. Bedford, alias late of Hereford. By p.s. • Membrane 10. June 7. Licence for Thomas, bishop of Lincoln, chancellor of England, John Canterbury. Sturgeon, John Pulter, John Audemer, esquire?, John Beell, John Edward, Thomas Abbot, Thomas Blaunchard, John Wiseberd, Richard Drake, Ralph Paton and John Cook to found a fraternity, or perpetual gild, of themselves and other persons who may wish to be of it of one master and two guardians and brethren and sisters in the church of St. Andrew, Hicchyr, co. Hertford. The master, guardians, brethren and sisters shall have power to augment the fraternity whenever they shall see fit, and every year on tlie Nativity of St. Mary to elect a master and two guardians for the business and governance of the gild and to lemove them from office and appoint others, and to make ordinances for the governance of the fraternity, which shall be called the fraternity or gild of St. Mary, Hicchyn. They shall form one body and shall have perpetual succession and a common seal and power of acquiring lands, rents and other possessions and of pleading and being impleaded. Grant to them of licence to acquire in mortmain lands and rents, not held in chief, to the value of 24 marks yearly for the support of the charges of the fraternity and for the main- tenance of two chaplains to celebrate divine service daily in the said church for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, and the brethren and sisters of the fraternity and for their souls after death. And grant to them that they may have two fairs yearly of three days at the .said town of Hicchyn, viz. one on the Wednesday in Easter week and the days preceding and following and the other on the feast of the Translation of St. Edward King and Confessor and the days preceding and following, with a court of pie-powder and all profits. By K. Oct. 28. Foundation of a fraternity or perpetual gild of a master and two wardens Westminster, and the brethren and sisters who may wish to be of the same in the chapel of St. Mary, Rounsidevall, by Charyngcrosoc in the suburbs of Loudon. They shall have power to augment the fraternity whenever they shall see fit and every year at the Assumption of St. Mary to elect a master and two wardens for the business and governance of the gild, and they shall form one body and shall have perpetual succession and a common seal and power of acquiring lands, rents and other possessions and of pleading and being impleaded. And grant to them of licence to found a perpetual chantry of one chaplain to celebrate divine service daily at the high altar in the said chapel for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, queen of England, and his firstborn son Edward and the brethren and sisters of the fraternity and for their souls after death. By p.s. 15 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 543 1475. Membrane 10 — cont. June 24. Grant to the king's consort Elizabeth, queen of England, Richard Westminster, bishop of Salisbury, and William Dudley, dean of the chapel of the house- hold, and their assigns of the castle, lordship and manor of Hedyngham and the lordships and manors of Earl's Colne, Benteley, Canfeld and Stanstede Monfichet with their members, co. Essex, and tlie lordship and manor of Lavenhara with its members, co. Suffolk, late of John, late earl of Oxford, and in the king's hands by his forfeiture and by virtue of an act in the last Parliament at Westminster, the lordships and manors of Sutton and Tydde, co. Lincoln, late of Thomas de la Launde, knight, and in the king's hands by his forfeiture and by virtue of the said act, and the lordships and manors of Busshy and Eggeware with their members in the counties of Middlesex and Hertford, witli knights' fees, advowsons, courts, leets, views of frank-pledge, fairs, markets, parks, warrens, fisheries, wreck of sea and all other rights, liberties, franchises and profits, to hold by the accustomed rents and services, with all issues from Easter last ; and also the lordships and manors of Wodestok, Hamborugh, Stonfeld, Bladon and Wotton and the hundred of VYotton with their members, co. Oxford, with knights' fees, advowsons, courts, leets, views of frank-pledge, fairs, markets, parks, warrens and all other rights, liberties, franchises and profits to hold for seven years from Easter last. By K. July 1. Grant in frank almoin to Henry, the prior, and the convent of the house Westminster, and church of St. Mary Overcy iu Suthwark, in the diocese of Winchester, who have promised to celebrate daily within their church a mass of St. Herasmus the Martyr, in which the priest shall pray for the soul of the king's father Richard, duke of York, and for the good estate of the king and his consort Elizabeth, (luccn of England, and the king's ^ir.■^tborn sou Edward, prince of Wales, duke of Cornwall and earl of Chester, aud the king's other children and for their souls after death, as appears in a writing under tlioir common seal, of the advowson of the parish church of West Tylbury, co. Essex, in the diocese of London, which is of the king's patronage ; and licence for them to appropriate the said church in morlniaiu after inquisition, paying to the king Hi. 9*. for fee of the seal. By p.s. and for 20*. paid in the hanaper. Aug. 4. Presentation of John Longeman, chaplain, to the parish church of Westmiuster. Culmynton in Ic Corvcdalc, iu the diocese of Hereford, void by the rcsigiuition of John Billingesborowe, last parson, and in the king's gift by reason of the minority of his kinsman George, carl of Shrewsbury. Membranes 9. Aug. 12. Grant to the king's servant Thomas Gale of Dertheraouth, who at the AVestminster. king's command prepared two ships of his with mariners to resist the king's enemies at sea and continued on the king's service at sea with the said ships aud mariners from 10 Fel)ruary last until 10 July at his owu expense, whereby the king is indebted to him in the sum of 35/. 1 Is. 2d., that he or his factors or attorneys may sliif) woollen cloths, pieces of tin aud fodders of lead and other mereliaudise not of the staple of Calais in the ports of Exeter and Dertemouth and take them to any foreign parts and bring back other merchandise to the said ports quit of customs aud subsidies to the said sum. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the customers or collectors of the customs and subsidies iu the port of Dertmouth. Aug. 27. Presentation of Robert Ripplyiigham to the parish ciiurch of Chcpsted, Westmiuster. in the diooesc of Winchester, void by the death of the last incumbent and in the king's gift by reason of the minority of Edward, earl of Wiltshire. 544 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Membrane 9 — cont. Aug. 9. Presentation of Tristram More, chaplain, to the parish church of All Westminster. Saints, Dorchestre, in the diocese of Salisbury, void by the resignation of William Brydde. Aug. 30. General pardon to Edward Tewson late of Oxford, clerk, of all offences Westminster, committed by him before 24 July last. By p.s. Aug. 16. Confirmation of the foundation by the king's clerk Robert Wodelarke, Westminster, professor of theology, of a mansion in the town of Cambridge in a street called * Millestrete ' within the University of Cambridge for a master and three or more fellows studying philosophy and theology, to be called the hall of St. Katharine the Virgin, and grant that the said hall shall be a perpetual college and fellowship of a master and three or more fellows within the University. The master and fellows shall have perpetual succession with power to acquire in mortmain lands, rents, reversions, possessions and services, and a chest or tower and other statutes, ordinance and insignia according to the disposition of the said Robert and his executors, and a common seal and power of impleading and being impleaded. And grant to them of licence to acquire in mortmain without inquisition lands, rents, reversions, possessions and services, not held in chief, to the value of 40 marks yearly, that they may pray for the good estate of the king and for his soul after death. By K. and for 1 8^. 4s. 4.cl. paid in the hanaper. July 8. Grant for life to the king's servant Richard Page of the office of steward Westminster, of the king's manor of Eltham, co. Kent, receiving fees of 40s. yearly from the issues of the manor with all other profits. By p.s. Sept. 7. General pardon to German Fynue of Fowey, co. Cornwall, ' mariner,' Westminster, alias German Scalard, ' yoman.' By K. & C. Sept. 13. Licence for the "prior and convent of the monastery of Whitby, of the Westminster, order of St. Benedict, in the diocese of Yoi'k, to elect an abbot in the place of Dan Thomas Pykering, last abbot, resigned. Membrane 8. July 10. Grant to John Couper and Stephen Ponde, the masters or governors, Westminster, and the brethren and sisters of the poor fraternity or gild of principal and chief clerks of collegiate and parish churches of the city of London, founded by the late king by letters patent dated 8 February, 27 Henry VI. that on account of their poverty they shall be discharged from finding one of the two chaplains mentioned in the said letters patent. Grant to them also of authority over all the principal and chief clerks of the said city and ■%» the suburbs of the same. And grant to them of licence to acquire in mortmain lands, rents and services within the said city and elsewhere within the realm, not held in chief, to the value of 20/. yearly. By p.s. and for 31s. paid in the hanaper. Aug. 6. Grant for life to John Kendale, esquire, who spent the days of his youth Westminster, in the service of the king's father and the king and now has come to old age and debility, of the office of controller of the king's works within the realm and \2d. daily for himself and G(Z. daily for a clerk under him, as were allowed to John Straunge, late clerk of the works, for the wages of John Harteshorn, lately holding the office of controller, viz. \2d. daily from the issues of the counties of Cambridge and Huntingdon and dd. daily from the issues of the county of Lincoln, with a robe of the suit of the king's esquires yearly at the great wardrobe and all other profits, houses, gardens and commodities pertaining to the office ; in lieu of a grant to him by letters patent dated 12 February, 1 Edward IV. surrendered. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff of Cambridge and Huntingdon. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriff of Lincoln. 15 EDWARD IV.— Paut II. 545 1475. Aug. 26. Westminster. Sept. 16. Wegtminster. Membrane 8 — cont. Graut for life to the king's counsellor John, lord Howarde, of the office of steward of the king's castle and Iord.sliip of Henyngham, town and lordship of Lavenham and all other castles, lordships, manors and lands within the counties of Suffolk and Essex late of John Vere, late earl of Oxford, with the accustomed fees from the issues of the same and all other profits. By p.s. Grant for life to the king's servant William Aleyn, one of the yeomen of the crown, of 6d. daily for the fee of the crown from 1 March last, from which day he has been in office, from the rent of serjeaaty in the county of Wilts and the revenues of the county. By p.s July 22. Westminster. July 23. Westminster. July 12. Westminster. July 27. Westminster. July 28. Westminster, July 29. Westminster. July 25. Westminster. y 96186. Membrane 7. Grant to tlie king's kinsman Henry Percy, earl of Northumberland, and Robert Multon, prior of St. John of Jerusalem in England, whom the king lately retained as wardens of the east march and middle march of England towards Scoihmd for seven years from 24 June last, and who are to receive for the safe custody of the said marches 6,000 marks yearly in time of war and 2,000 marks yearly in time of peace or truce, of the sum of 2,000 marks yearly as above during the said term, viz. 400/. from the issues of the customs and subsidies in the port of Kyngeston on Hull, 400/. from the like in the port of Newcastle on Tyne, 53/. G*. 8f/. from the issues of the county of Northumberland, 280/. at the receipt of tlie Excliecjuer at the hands of tlie treasurer and chamberlains and 200/. from the issues of all lands late of Gerard Witheryngton, kniglit, deceased, tenant in chief, in the county of Northumberland and in the king's hands by reason of tlie minority of Roger his son and lieir ; provided that whenever the said carl shall return home from the king's service beyond the seas and wish to stay on the custody of the marches the said prior sliall relinquish the custody within fourteen days of the said earl's certifying his return. By p.s. General pardon to Elias Riley, *yoman,' late of the county of Stafford, of all offences committed by him l)cfore 25 June last. By p.s. Revocation of the protection with clause volumiis, for one year, granted on 25 March last by letters patent to William Ferry alias Fcrys, citizen and mercer of London, going beyond the seas on tlie king's service in the company of Laurence Reynford, knight, because the sheriff's of London have certified that he delays in that city. Pardon to William Dudley alias Duddeley, dean of the cliapel of the household, of all debts, accounts and arrears due from him to tiic king and all demands which the king may have against him before 20 June last. By p.s. Grant to John Wcthepoll and John Ja)'e of Bristol, who at the king's command prepared live ships of theirs with mariners to resist the king's enemies of France at sea and continued in tlic king's service at sea from 3 February to 10 July at their own expense, whereby the king is indebted to them in tiio sum of 190/. 15*. that they or their factors or attorneys may ship woollen cloths and other mercliandise not of the staple of Calais in the ports of Bristol and Hampton and take them to any foreign parts and bring back otlicr merchandise to the said ports quit of customs and subsidies to the said sum. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the customers or collectors of llio customs and subsidies in the port of Bristol. Revocation of (he protection with clause volumiis, for one year, granted on 15 June last by letters patent to William Maluery, citizen and ' saltcr ' of Loudon staying on the king's service witliin tiio realm on the victualling M M 546 CALENDAR OF PATENT KOLLS. 1475. Membrane 7 — cont. of the king's army bejond the seas, because he delays in London on his own business, as Thomas Hill and Edmund Shaa, sheriffs, have certified. Oct. 6. Revocation of the protection with clause volumus, for one year, granted Westminster, on 15 April last by letters patent to Henry Whiche, citizen and ' iremonger ' of London, going beyond the seas on the king's service in the company of John Elryngton, treasurer of the king's war, because he delays in the city and suburbs of London, as Robert Colwyche^and Hugh Brice, sheriffs, have certified. Membranes 6 and 5. Oct. 2. Westminster. Oct. 3. Westminster. Oct. 6. Westminster. Sept. 11. Westminster. General pardon to Thomas Saundres alias Saundre of Horecrosse, co. Stafford^ 'yoman,' of all offences committed by him before 11 September last. By p.s. General pardon to John Tomson alias Thomsone of the county of Middlesex, ' bruer ' alias ' yoman,' of all offences committed by him before 6 September last. By p.s. Pardon to William Marty n, whom by letters patent the king lately appointed one of the controllers of the subsidy of tonnage and poundage in the port of London and ports and places adjacent, of all forfeitures by him to the king and grant that he may buy and sell any merchandise and take it to any foreign j^arts or bring back mercliandise from foreign parts to the realm without penalty or forfeiture, notwithstanding the act in the late Parliament at Westminster that no customer, searcher, controller or surveyor of the scrutiny, or their clerk, shall buy or sell by way of merchandise, saving to the king the customs and subsidies, and provided that he do not take wools or wool-fells to any foreign parts except to the staple of Calais or by the straits of Marroke. By p.s. Grant to William Kerver, Richard Fowler, Hugh Fennc, John Forster and Morgan Kedwelly and their heirs and assigns, in lieu of a grant to the said Richard, Hugh, John and Morgan and their heirs and assigns by letters patent dated 10 September, 1 1 Edward IV. surrendered, of five messuages and 580 acres of land in Wallond with appurtenances in the parishes of Broklond, Ivecliirche, Oldrommene, Midle, Lydc, Pountene and Promehelle, co. Kent, of which 40 acres are in the hands of lleniy atte Stone at Aghenesbrokke, 6 acres in the hands of John Legh, a moiety of 9 acres in two pieces in the hands of Adam Gilbert and a moiety of 4 acres in the hands of John Champion, 149 acres of pasture and meadow in the marsh of Romney in the pari.shes of Rokynge, Stane, Orleston, Newe- chirchc, Ivechirche and Seyntmarichirche, co. Kent, 300 acres of salt marsh in tiic parishes of Pountene, Midle, Lyde, Promeh(dle and Broklond afore- said by iValloud and a messuage at Engeham and 400 acres of pasture, 62 acres of meadow and 10 acres of wood in the parishes of Wodechirche and Betherysdeu, co. Kent, late of John Engeham late of Wodecliirch, 'gentil- man,' and in the king's hands by reason oi' his forfeiture and outlawry for high treason, the reversion on the death of Agnes late the wife of Alan Engeham of a messuage and 128 acres of land in the parishes of Wode- chirche and Halden, co. Kent, which she holds for life of the inheritance of the said John Engeham, and the reversion on the death of Agnes Robard, late the wife of John Robard of Cranebroke and mother of the said John Engeham, of certain parcels of land in Wodechirche called 'Morys- landes ' and ' Pocheldredys ' containing 60 acres, certain parcels of land in Wodechirche containing 50 acres called ' Inwoklcn,' 33 acres of land in Wodcchurche called ' Bedynden,' 30 acres of land in Wodechurche called 15 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 547 1 475. Membranes 6 and 5 — cont. ' Forelandys ' and 12 acres of land in Romenemersh in the parishes of Seyntmarichurche and Newechurche, which she holds for life of the in- heritance of the said John Engeham, to hold bj the accustomed services. And if ihe above shall be taken from them in any way tlicy shall receive 100/. yearly at the receipt of the Exchequer until recompensed with other lands to the same value. By K. Membrane 5 — cont. Oct. 9. General pardon to Richard Redeworth alias Redesworth of Sowerby, co. WestmiDster. York, ' yoman,' of all offences committed by him before 4 October. By p.s. Oct. 8. Grant for life to the king's servant .John Shorter, one of the yeomen of Westminster, the king's chamber, of the office of ranger in the king's forest of Melchuyt, CO. Wilts, with wages of 6d. daily, as John Boston had for the same office, from Michaelmas last from the rent of serjeanty which the sheriff' of the county renders yearly at the Exchequer and from the issues of the county. By p.s. Sept. 18. Grant to Gerard Caniziani, citizen and mercer of London, in repayment Westminster, of the sum of 1,000 marks due to him from the king, as appears in the receipt of the Exchequer, that he or his executors after his decease or their factors or attorneys may ship sacks and cloves of wool, woollen cloths, pieces of tin and fodders of lead in the port of Suthampton and take the wools by the straits of Marrok and the woollen cloths, tin and lead to any ibrcigu parts and bring back other merchandise from foreign parts to the said port quit of customs and subsidies, those on the wool at the rate of 4 marks for each sack, until he shall thus be fully satisfied of the said sum. By p.s. Oct. 4. Appointmentracnt, until 4 April, of Thomas Markham, esquire, to take Westminster, sea fish and fresh-water fish for the expenses of the household and carrii\ge for the same. By bill of the treasurer of the household. Oct. 18. Revocation of the protection with clause volumus, for one year, granted Westminster, on 14 March last by letters patent to Richard Marchall, ' haberdassher,' citizen of London, going on the king's service beyond the seas in the com- pany of Thomas Bowes, clci k of the king's ordnance, because he delays iu London, as Hugh Brice and Robert Colwyche, sherifis, have certified. June 30. Letters of denization for Christian Colborne, born in the parts of Alniain. Westminster. By p.s. and for 40*. paid in the hanaper. Membrane 4. Nov. 12. Confirmation of the estate of George Dauue, chaplain, in the canonry and Westminster, prebend which John Walbronde, clerk, deceased, hist had in the king's royal chapol of St. Stephen within the palace of Westminster and to which the said George was presented by the king's consort Elizabeth, queen of England, during the king's absence without the realm. By p.s. Nov. 8. Grant for life to Marjory Cobbe, widow, midwife of the king's consort Westminster. Elizabeth, queen of England, of 10/. yearly from the issues of the county of Devon. By p.s. Nov. 9. Grant for life to the king's counsellor John Howard, lord Howard, knight, Westminster, of the office of steward of the manors of liethingham at the Castle, Bentley, Earl's Cohie, Stanstedo Mounfiehet and Canfeld, co. Essex, and Lavcnham, co. Suffolk, and all courts of these manors, and 10/. yearly for the said office from the said manor of Lavenliam from Michaelmas last; iu lieu of a grant to him by letters patent dated 2(i August {see p. 515), surrendered. By K, M M 2 648 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Membrane 4 — cont. Oct. 27. Pardon to William Haute, knight, sheriff of Kent, of all offences corn- Westminster, mitted by him and all issues, fines, amercements, debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king by reason of his office and all escapes of felons and other prisoners. By p.s. Nov. 10. Pardon to the king's servant Walter Hungerford, esquire, to whom by Westminster, letters under the privy seal dated 17 January, 14 Edward IV. tlie king granted a coppice of wood and underwood called ' Shortyngrovt' within the forest of Groveley, co. Wilts, with the gi-oves adjoining, provided that he answer to the king for the value of the same reserving to himself the sum of 26/. 135. 4c/. of all accounts due from him to the king for this. By p.s. Oct. 16. Grant for life to Thomas Seyntleger, one of the esquires of the body, to Westminster, whom by letters patent dated 4 {sic) January, 2 Edward IV. the king granted the custody of the park of Guldford, co. Surrey, and the herbage and pannage in the park for wages, of the custody of divers great parcels of land newly enclosed and imparked and annexed to the park, as he has had since the time of their annexation without regard or wages, and the custody of the deer in the same and the herbage and pannage in the same for the sustenance of the deer with the issues and profits thereof; and grant to him also of the king's manor of Cleygate, co. Surrey, with all members and profits in the parish of Assh, co. Surrey, and all lands, rents and services belonging to the manor and the fee farm which the men and tenants of the town of Guldford pay yearly to the king, to hold so long as he shall have the said custody, in recompence of his costs and charges for the sustenance of the deer. By p.s. Nov. 1 5. Pardon to Thomas, bishop of Lincoln, ordinary of the diocese of Lincoln , Westminster, for the escapes of all felons and prisoners committed to his custody or the custody of his predecessors. By K. Nov. 16. Appointment of Thomas Elryngton to execute the office of chief butler Westminster, of England in the port of Newcastle upon Tyne and all ports, places and creeks pertaining to the same in the place of A nthony, earl of Ry vers, chief butler, who is occupied on certain business of the king. By bill of the chief butler. Nov. 22. Appointment of Thomas Crofte as deputy of the king's kinsman Anthony, Westminster, earl of Riviers, chief butler of England, who is otherwise occupied on the king's service, in the ports of Exmuthe and Topesliam and ports and places adjacent, receiving the accustomed fees. By bill of the chief butler. Membrane 3. May 4. General pardon to John Gwynne late of London, ' yoman.' By p.s. ^Westminster. Oct. 14. Revocation of the protection with clause volumus, for one year, granted Westminster, on 22 June last by letters patent to Thomas Sayer late of Suthwerk, co. Surrey, going beyond the seas on the king's service in the company of John Audeley, lord of Audeley, because he delays in the county of Surrey, as Thomas Echyngham, knight, sheriff of Surrey, has certified. Oct. 22. General pardon to Matthew Petit late of Fowey, co. Cornwall, ' maryuer,' Westminster, alias ' shipraan,' of all offences committed by him before 21 October. By p.s. Oct. 25. Eevocation of the protection with clause volumus, for one year, granted Westminster, on 4 May last by letters patent to Robert Mortcmer, esquire, alias Robert Mortymer of the county of Essex, ' gcntylman,' poing to France on the king's service in the company of John Howard, knight, lord of Howard, 16 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 549 1475. Membrane 3 — cont. because he delays in the city and suburbs of London, as appears by certificate of the sheriflFs. Oct. 24. Pardon to Thomas Dryffelde late of New Wyndesore, co. Middlesex, Westminster. « yoman,' alias Thomas DrufFeld late of New Wyndesore, co. Berks, of his double outlawry in the county of Middlesex for not appearing before the king to satisfy him for certain trespasses, he having surrendered to the Marshalsea prison, as Thomas Billyng, chief justice of the King's Bench, has certified. Oct. 25. Grant for life to the king's clerk Oliver Kyng of the alien priories of Westminster. St. Helier, Lay and St. Peter in the island of Gersey or Jerze, and all lordships, manors, lands, rents, services, advowsons, wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, courts, leets, markets, wreck of sea, liberties, franchises, commodities and emoluments belonging to them. By K. Oct. 30. Pardon to Thomas Wymbissh, esquire, late sheriff of Lincoln, of all Westminster. ofPences committed by him by reason of his office, and all issues, fines, amercements, debts, accounts and_arrears due from him to the king. By p.s. April 29. Grant to Thomas Yong, one of the justices of the King's Bench, for the Westminster, better maintenance of his estate and expenses in office, of 110 marks yearly at the hands of the clerk or keeper of the hanaper or the customers in the ports of London, Bristol and Kyngeston on Hull according to the form of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 18 Henry VI. and 106s. ll^r/. and the sixth part of \d. yearly at Christmas for a robe with fur and 06*. 6J. yearly at Whitsuntide for a robe with lining. Oct. 28. Grant for life to Robert Grene, king's minstrel, of 10 marks yearly from Westminster. Michaelmas, 13 Edward IV. from the fee farm of the city of Norwich and the augmentation of the rent of the same, in lieu of another grant to him of 10 marks yearly by letters patent dated 6 February, 14 Edward IV. surrendered because invalid. By p.s. Mandate in pursuance to the sheriffs and bailiffs of the city of Norwich. Membrane 2. June 12. Canterbury. Sept. 14. Westminster. Sept. 25. Westminster. Grant to the king's brother Richard, duke of Gloucester, and the heirs of his body of the honour, castle, manor and lordship of Skipton in Craven and the manor of Marton in Craven, co. York, and all towns, townships, hamlets, lands, rents, services, reversions, knights' fees, advow.sons, fees, foe farms, offices, franchises, liberties, mines of coal and lead and other pos- ses.sions and hereditaments belonging to the .same, or in Craven, co. York, lixtcly belonging to John Cliffoni, knight, late lord Clifford, on 29 March, 1 Edward IV, and in the king's hands by virtue of an act in Parliament at Westminster, 4 November, 1 Edward IV. and also all waifs, strays, goods and chattels of felons, fugitives and outlaws, doodands and treasure trove, free warren and free chacc, and returns of writs and executions of them within the same. By p.s. Grant to the king's kinsman Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, and the king's uncle Henry, earl of Essex, of the collation to the next vacant prebend in the king's collegiate chapel of St. Mary and St. George the Martyr within the castle of Windsor. By K. Pardon to John Wode, esquire, master of the king's ordnance, of all actions which the king may have against him for the said ordnance or any stuff, habiliments or tiling's provided for them or for the detention, breakage or loss of the same, and all debts, accounts and arrears due from him to the king iu this. By K. 550 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Membrane 2 — cont. July 8. Appointment of Richard Fenys, lord of Dacre, as one of the king's Westminster, councillors, and grant to him of 100 marks yearly during pleasure from the customs and subsidies in the port of London. By p.s. Sept. 29. General pardon to Robert Russelle late of Holme, co. Cumberland, Westminster. < yoman.' By p.s. Sept. 27. Grant to the king's servant Thomas Fouler, esquire, usher of the king's Westminster, chamber, of the custody of the lands and goods of Richard Preston, ' gentilman,' who is an idiot, as appears by an inquisition returned into the Exchequer, so long as they remain in the king's hands, finding a competent sustenance for the said Richard and keeping up the houses, enclosures and buildings and all other charges. By K. Grant for life to George Lovekyn of London, ' taillour,' of the office of Serjeant tailor in the great wardrobe, receiving \2d. daily from the issues of the counties of Somerset and Dorset, and also IOO5. yearly from the same issues for a house within the city of London, with liveries of winter and summer vesture at the hands of the keeper of the great wardrobe and all other profits. By p.s. Membrane 1. Nov. 10. Westminster. Nov. 12. Westminster. Nov. 17. Westminster. Nov. 16. Westminster. Nov. 27. Westminster. Mandate to the escheator in the county of York for the restitution of the temporalities of the abbey of SS. Peter and Hilda, Whitby, to Dan William Colsone, monk of the monastery, whose election as abbot George, archbishop of York, has confirmed and whose fealty the king has ordered to be taken by the prior of Gysburn. By p.s. The like to the following : — The escheator in the county of Lincoln. The mayor and escheator in the city of York. Writ de ivtendendo in pursuance to the tenants. Mandate to the escheator in the counties of Somerset and Dorset for the restitution of the temporalities of the abbey of Shirborn to Dan Peter Rampsham, monk of the monastery, whose election as abbot Richard, bishop of Salisbury, has confirmed and whose fealty the king has taken. By p.s. The like to the escheator in the county of Devon. Writ de intendendo in pursuance to the tenants. Licence for the king's brothers George, duke of Clarence, and Richard, duke of Gloucester, and their wives Isabel and Anne, kinswomen and heiresses of Thomas, late earl of Salisbury, to enter freely into all castles, lordships, honours, alien priories, lands, rents, reversions, services, fisheries, mills, rights, pensions, portions, forests, offices, courts, leets, views of frank-pledge, returns of writs, chaces, advovvsous, knights' fees, j^ossessions and hereditaments which should descend to the said Isabel and Anne on the death of the said Tliomas or Alice, late countess of Salisbury, his daughter and heiress, or Alice, late duchess of Suffolk, his wife, with all issues from the death of the said duchess of Suffolk or any of their ancestors. By p.s. Presentation of Thomas Barker, parson of the parish church of Petworth, in the diocese of Chichester, to one of the chantries called ' Mortymers Chauntryes ' within the cathedral church of Chichester, on an exchange of benefices with William Baker. Whereas the abbot and convent of the monastery of St. Mary, Teukcsbi:; }-, CO. Gloucester, were seised in their demesne as of fee of the priory of 15 EDWARD IV.— Part II. 551 1475. Nov. 27. Westminster. Nov. 28. Westminster. Dec. 2. Westminster. Dec. 3. Westminster. Nov. 19. Westminster. Dec. 6. Westminster. Membrane 1 — cont. Goldclyff in North Wales aud the manor of GoldclyflP and Goldre there and relinquished them to the king, who afterwards granted them to the provost and brethren of the college of St. Mary, Eton by Windsor, and in recom- pence for this the king by letters patent dated 25 July 7 Edward IV. granted to the said abbot and convent the priorj' of Derhurst, co. Gloucester, with all its appurtenances ; and now the said abbot and convent being seised of the manors of Membury, co. Devon, and Preston and Monkeselver, CO. Somerset, and the rectories of Puryton and WoUaviuton, co. Somerset, parcel of tlie said priory of Goldclyff, have relinqui.shed them to the king, who has granted them to the dean and canons of his free chapel of St. George within the castle of Wyndesore; the king hereby promises that the said abbot and convent shajl hold the said priory of Derhurst with its lordships, manors and members without any vexation, interruption or disturbance, and grants licence for them to sue the abbot and convent of St. Denis in France for the release to them of the priory and to sue the pope and all others whom it may concern for the annexation of the priory to their monastery. By K. Grant for life to the king's servant Peter Wraton, yeoman of the crown, of a house under the Exchequer at Westminster with a door towards the king's palace there and near a house called ' Helle.' By p.s. Grant for life to Gilbert Husc of the reversion of the office of bailiff of the skiviuage and island of Colne without the town of Calais on the death of the king's servant William Worsley, to whom the same was granted by letters patent dated 15 April 1 Edward IV. [French Roll, 1 Edward IV. m. 35.] By p.s. Vacated because surrendered and cancelled. Grant for life to Robert Fletcher of all the lands in the town and field.i of Teversham, co. Cambridge, forfeited to the king and in his hands by the rebellion of John Ball late of that county. By i).s. Grant to John Bedalc, canon and prebendary of Sutton in the cathedral church of Chichester, of a canonry and prebend in the king's free cliapel of St. Stephen within the palace of Westminster, on an exchange of prebends with George Dawne. Mandate in pursuance to the dean of the chapel. Pardon to John Conyers of Hornby, co. York, knight, alias of Whorlton, CO. York, late sheriff of York, of all offences committed by him and all debts, accounts, fines and amercements due from him to the king by reason of his office. By p.s. Revocation of the protection with clause voltimus, for one year, lately granted by letters patent to William Sturmy late of Knoll, co. Wilts, ' gentihuan,' going beyond (he seas in the king's company, because he delays at Westminster, as Robert Colwych and Hugh Brycc, sherifis of ^Middlesex, have certified. Membrane 15d. June 8. Commission to John Scotte, knight, John Donne, knight, and Tiiomas Canterbury. Thwaytes to take muster of 104 archers of the retinue of William Ilastynges of Hastyngcs, knight, in any convenient place near Calais and to certify thereon to the king. June 12. Commission to the king's kinsman William, earl of Arundel, William Canterbury. Stouvion of Stourton, kni^^ht, Henry Ros, knight, and J]dward Barkeley to take muster of .John Audelcy of Audeley, knight, and Galliard Dureford, lord of Duras, knight, and 2,000 men at arms, armed men and archers of 552 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Membrane 15(? — cont. their retinue going to Brittany at any convenient place near Falmouth and to certify thereon to the king with ail haste. June 23. The like to "William Stourton of Stourton, knight, Edward Berkeley* Westminster. John Bygonell, John Mone, William Brounyng, Thomas Martyn, John Russell, William Erneley, Richard Harper and Robert Lytton, at any convenient place near Weymouth. Membrane 9d. Aug. 25. Commission to Thomas Breux, knight, William Joce, esquire, Benedict Westminster, Caldewell, Robert a Wode and the sheriff of Suffolk to enquire about all castles, honours, lordships, manors, lands, rents, reversions and services in the said county belonging to the king by reason of the forfeiture of John, late earl of Oxford, attainted of high treason by an act in Parliament at Westminster, 6 November, 12 Edward IV. what they are worth and of whom they are held and by what services and who has received the issues from that date. Aug. 29. Commission to Thomas Ussher and Geoffrey Kent to take certain ships Westminster, in certain ports and creeks of the counties of Essex and Suffolk and masters and mariners and gear for them and to take them to the port of Calais with all haste and certify thereon to the king and council. Membrane Id. Nov. 29. Commission to Robert Wylughby, knight, Henry Bodrugan, knight, Westminster. John Carmynewe, Thomas Tregarthen and tlie sheriff of Cornwall to arrest Thomas Flete and Thomas Kuyght, convicted of certain riots and offences by authority of the last Parliament at Westminster, and Thomas Clemens and bring them before the king and council and to release Joan late the wife of Thomas Q-lyn, imprisoned by the said Thomas Clemens, and set her at liberty. Sept. 3. The like to Thomas Delamare, knight, and Thomas Langford, esquire, to Westminster, arrest Robert TuguU late of Hungerford, co. Berks, merchant, alias Robert TuguU the younger, ' clothier,' alias late of Hungerford, co. Wilts, and bring him before the king and council. Dec. 8. The like to William Courtenay, knight, John Crokker, knight, Charles Westminster. Dynham, esquire, Bartholomew Seyntlegcr, esquire, Richard Pomeray, esquire, Nicholas Sancle, esquire, John Gybbys, esquire, William Cotfyn, esquire, John Giffard of Hallisbyn, esquire, and the slieriff of Devon to arrest Ricliard AUer, Richard Wode, William Pitteford, Laurence Yonge, Hugh Broun, Walter Whitelok, Nicholas Michell, Simon Whiddon and Richard Gunner and bring them before the king and council to answer for certain riots and offences. Nov. 24. Appointment, during pleasure, of William Bekley and William Wolcey Westminster, to take carpenters called ' kervers' and other carpenters for the king's works within the castle of Wyndesorc. fi63 15 EDWARD IV.— Part III. 1475. Membrane 19. May 26. Licence for Richard, bishop of Salisbury, Walter Devereaux, knight, Westminster, lord Ferrers, Master Alexander Legb, parson of the parish church of St. Bride, Fletestrete, London, William Notyngham, Thomas Tremayll, Thomas Bayen, John Pyrules, chaplain, Thomas Gay, Thomas Robyn.s, John Cotman, Robert Pigraer, John Martyn, William Hayford, William Trevistan, William Vale, John Olyver, Robert Bradmer, Robert Bowier, John Carter, William Hampton and Thomas Wiseman to found a fraternity or perpetual gild in the said church of St. Bride and to receive any men and women who may wish to be brethren and sisters of the gild with any goods and chattels granted to it. The brethren and sisters shall each year elect from among themselves a master and two wardens for the governance of the gild and the custody of its goods and lands, with power to remove them and appoint others, and they shall form one body by the name of the fraternity or gild of St. Mary in the church of St. Bride and shall have a common seal and perpetual succession and power of acquiring lands, rents and other possessions and of impleading and being impleaded. And they shall have power to meet together to make ordinances for the fraternity and to dress themselves in clotli of one suit and to meet to eat and drink together in a suitable place within the parish and to support one or two chaplains to celebrate divine service at the altar of St. Mary in the north part of the said church and do other works of piety there for the good estate of the king and the said founders and the brethren and sisters of the gild and for their souls after death. By p.s. June 29. Pardon to Anthony Widvylle, earl of Ryverz, lord of Scalerz of Nucellez, Westminsfer. and of the Isle of Wight, chief butler of England, of all offences committed by him against the statutes of liveries and retinues and all entries by him into any lordships, lands, advovvsons, knights' fees, franchises and other possessions belonging to the king before 24 May. By p.s. May 24. Grant to .fames, bishop of Norwich, Hugh Hunt, John Freman and their Westminster, assigns of the collation to the next vacant cononry and prebend in the king's college of Tamworth, co. Warwick. Jiy p.s. July 2. General pardon to Robert Foster late of Bynbroke, co. Lincoln, Westminster. ' husbondman,' alias ' yoman,' alias * laborer.' By p.s. March 11. Grant in frank almoin to William Westbury, the provost, and the college Westminster, of St. Mary, Eton by Windsor, of two parts of a place, wharf, crane, houses, and tenement with all appurtenances, profits and commodities in the parish of St. Martin in le Vyntyre, London, saving the right of Anthony Wydevile, earl Riviers, lord of Scales, Nusels and the Isle of Wight, and his heirs in the third part. By p.s. July 21. Appointment, during pleasure, of John Sylkton as controller of the great Westminster, and petty custom, the subsidy of wools, hides and wool-fells and the subsidy of the 3s. in the tun and the I2d. in the pound in the port of Chichester and ports and places adjacent, receiving the accustomed fees, provided that he execute the office in person, with the custody of one part of the coket seal. By bill of the treasurer. 554 CALENDAE OF PATENT ROLLS. 1475. Oct. 17. Westminster. Nov. 10. Westminster. 1476. March 1. Westminster. Feb. 27. Westminster. 1475. Sept. 29. Westminster. Oct. 11. Westminster. Nov. 4. Westminster. Membrane 19 — cont. The like of the following in the ports named and ports and places adjacent : — Richard Heryson in the ports of Exeter and Dertmouth. By bill of the treasurer. Nicholas Warynges in the port of Bristol. By bill of the treasurer. Thomas Asshe in the port of Bristol. By bill of the treasurer Thomas Bere in the port of Newcastle upon Tyne. By bill of the treasurer. The like of Richard Danvers as controller of the subsidy of the 3s. in the tun and the 12c?. in the pound in the port of London and ports and places adjacent. By bill of the treasurer. Signification to G. archbishop of York of the royal assent to the election of Dan William Colson, monk of the monastery of SS. Peter and Hilda, Whitby, as abbot of the monastery. By p.s. Signification to R. bishop of Salisbury of the royal assent to the election of Peter Rampsham, monk of the monastery of Shirborne, as abbot of the monastery. By p.s. Membrane 18. Oct. 29. Grant to the king's kinsv^oman Anne, duchess of Buckingham, who is Westminster, willing to undertake the governance and tuition and support the expenses of the king's kinsman Edward, earl of Wiltshire, son and heir of John, late earl of Wiltshire, tenant in chief, and has done so from the time of the death of the said late earl, of 50/. yearly from Michaelmas, 14 Edward IV. from the issues of the manors of Stanford Ryvers, Tracies, Suttons and Brigges and two messuages called * Pyggeslond ' and ' Bolleis ' and four other messuages, four tofts, 1,000 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow and 200 acres of wood in Stanford Ryvers and High Ongre, CO. Essex, in the king's custody by reason of the minority of the said earl, so long as she shall have his governance. By K. Oct. 30. Grant for life to the king's counsellor Master John Coke, doctor of laws, Westminster, of the office of secondary in the office of the privy seal, with wages of 40/. yearly from 11 August last at I the hands of the collectors of the subsidy of tonnage and poundage in the port of London, and a livery of vesture yearly at Christmas at tlie great wardrobe viz. 8 long yards of cloth of colour with a fur [hood] of ' bys ' of seven tires {ti/mbris), as Master Thomas Kent, late secondary in the said office, had. By p.s. [4251.] Oct. 10. Ordinance that henceforth among the offices of the order of the Garter Westminster, there shall be an office of chancellor, and appointment for life of the king's kinsman, Richard Beauchamp, bishop of Salisbury, as chancellor of the order, with provision that after his death his successors the bishojis of Salisbury shall be chancellors, .is the chapel of St. George in the royal castle of Windsor in which the order is founded is within the diocese of Salisbury, provided that this bo not to the prejudice of the bishop of Winchester. French. By p.s. Nov. 5. Grant for life to Humphrey Grahame, chaplain, born in Scotland, that Westminster, he may freely dwell within the realm of England, the town of Calais and the limits of the same and other places subject to the king and accept 15 EDWAED IV.— Part III. 6b6 1475. Oct. 26. Westminster. Nov. 5. Westminster. Nov. 6. Westminster. Oct. 28. Westminster. Nov. 6. Westminster. Nov. 8. Westminster. Nov. 12. Westminster. Membrane 18 — cont. benefices below the dignity of the deanery of a cathedral church and enjoy his goods and possessions. By K. Appointment, until 26 April, of William Mathews, yeoman purveyor of the carriage of the household, to take two-wheeled carts, long carts, horses and oxen and other necessaries for his office. By bill of the treasurer of the household. Grant for life to Geoffrey Gate, knight, of the offices of receiver of the revenues of the king's lordships of Marke and Oye with the seven parishes annexed, searcher within the town of Calais and the water of Gravelyng within and without the skivinage in the marsh, and high bailiff of the said lordships with the parishes, receiving the accustomed fees from the issues of the lordships with all other profits. By p.s. Vacated because on the French Boll. Pardon to Thomas Phelip alias Philipp alias Phylypp late of Lucton, CO. Somerset, esquire, late escheator in the counties of Somerset and Dorset, of all debts, fines, amercements, accounts and arrears due from him to the king by reason of his office. By K. Grant to the king's servant Master Dominic de Serego, physician to the king and his consort, to whom for his good service to the king and his consort and daughters the king on 12 December, 7 Edward IV. granted an annuity of 40/. during pleasure from Michaelmas then last past at the hands of the treasurer and chamberlains of the Exchequer, of the sum of 53/. ijs. 8d. from the customs and subsidies on certain merchandise coming in any galleys of Venice or carracks to the ports of London and Suthampton, in payment of arrears of such annuity. By p.g. Mandate to all bailiffs and others to permit John Kyd, chaplain, born in Scotland, at present dwelling in England, who has taken an oath of fealty, to inhabit the realm and enjoy his goods. Inspeximus and confirmation to the men and burgesses of the town of Bureford of letters patent dated 3 July, 24 Edward III. inspecting and confirming two charters of Henry II. For 265. 8ipt of the Exchequer, of the manor and town of Dounton Wayiat, co. Essex, with the advowson of the church of Dounton aforesaid, the manor of Preston and Hoo, CO. Sussex, lately pertaining to the priory of Okebourne, and a yearly pension of 100s. which the prior of Lewes is bound to render to the king from an apport lately due to the abbey of Cluny, to pray for the good estate of the king and the souls of his progenitors and the souls of Henry and Henry in the church of Asshetteford and for the souls of all who were killed on either side in the conflicts at Northampton, St. Albans, Sherbourne, Barnet and Tewkesbury. By p.s General pardon to Walter Thomas alias Thomson late of Canterbury, ' inhoklcr,' alias 'yoman,' for a'l forging, sweating, clipping or falsification of money or other ofTeuccs committed by him before 15 April. By p.s. Grant of the hospital of St. Leonard, Stoke, co. Nottingham, in the diocese of York, in the king's gift by reason of his custody of the lands of Francis, lord of Lovell, to Robert Sharpuls, prebendary of Aluetham in the cathedral church of St. Asaph in Wales, on an exchange of benefices with Edmund Chaterton, master of the said hospital. Membrane 22. May 5. Grant to the king's servant William Huse, the king's attorney general, Westminster, of the custody of all manors and lands late of Edmund Blount, tenant in chief, or Simon Blount, esquire, his son and heir, tenant in chief, during the minority of Agnes the daugiiter and heiress of the said Simon with her marriage without disparagement, to hold with knights' fees and advowsons, and so from heir to heir. By p.s. May 5. Licence for the alienation in mortmain by Brian Roclyif, baron of the Westminster. Exchequer, Robert Neweport, esquire, Peter Bakster, clerk, and Henry Johnson, chaplain, to the prior and convent of the house of the Visitation of St. Mary, of the Cartimsian order, in the Isle of Axholme, of their manor of Outethorn and all their messuages, lands, rents, services, meadows, feedings, pastures, turbaries, reversions, commodities and commons in Outethorn and Wythornse, held of Anne, duchess of Buckingham, as of her manor of Brustwyk in Holdernesse by the service of fealty and 6d. rent yearly and extended at 60s. yearly, as appears by an inquisition taken at Rotheram before Roger Coton, esquire, escheator in the county of York, 586 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1476. Membrane 22 — cont. to hold to the value of 5 marks yearly, in part satisfaction of a licence by letters patent dated 3 December, 1 Edward IV. May 6. Grant to the king's councillors Master John Ruscell, keeper of the Westminster, privy seal, Master John Gunthorpe, the king's high almoner, and Thomas Mountgomery, one of the knights of the body, and their assigns of the collation to the next vacant canonry and prebend in the king's free chapel of St. Stephen within the palace of Westminster. By p.s. May 2. General pardon to Cecily Grymston late of Suthwerk, co. Surrey, Westminster, 'huswyfe,' alias Cecily Mauncell, alias Cecily Bunten of the town of Westminster, co. Middlesex, ' sole woman,' of all offences committed by her before 29 March. By p.s. May 8. General pardon to John Harwell of Gravesend, co. Kent, ' taillour.' Westminster. By p.s. Presentation of Richard Bisshop to the parish church of Gysslam, in the diocese of Norwich, void by the resignation of Thomas Wele. May 10. Revocation of the protection, with clause voliimus, for one year by Westminster, letters patent to Bartholomew Speneawe alias de Spynewe, merchant of Bordeaux, staying on the king's service in the company of John Youg, knight, mayor of the staple of Calais, merchant, and the society of the staple treasurers and victuallers of the said town and the marches there, on the safe custody and victualling of the town and castle of Calais and the marches, because he delays in the city and suburbs of London, as Robert Colwyche and Hugh Bryce, sheriffs, have certified. May 6. Grant for life to John Wood, esquire, and Thomas Bowes, * gentilman,' of Westminster, the office of the custody of the exchange and mint and the custody of the coinages of gold and silver within the Tower of London and elsewhere within the realm, receiving the accustomed wages as in the last year of Edward 111. and the first of Richard II. from the issues of the same with all other profits; in lieu of a like grant to the said John by letters patent dated 26 October, 8 Edward IV. {see p. 113) surrendered. May 10. Grant for life to the king's servant Edward Hardgill, esquire, one of the Westminster, ushers of the king's chamber, of an annuity of 9/. 2s. 6d, from the fee farm of the city of Norwich. By p.s. May 11. Presentation of William Spenser, chaplain, to the perpetual chantry Westminster, founded by king Richard in the church of St. Antoninus, London, in tlie diocese of London, according to the ordinance and will of Nicholas Bole, sometime citizen and skinner of London. May 15. General pardon to Nicholas Sylverton of Westminster, co. Middlesex, Westminster. * stacioner.' By p.s. May 10. Grant for life to Alice Rippas of Westminster, 'recluse,' of 6 marks Westminster, yearly from the issues of the town of Notyngham. By p.s. May 7. Grant for life to Thomas Thorpe of the office of forester of the king's Westminster, forest called ' Kyngeswodeheth ' with the bailiwick of the same in the county of Essex, which he had before of the grant of the king's brother the duke of Gloucester and which has now come into the king's hands, to hold with the due fees and other profits. By p.s. Membrane 21. April 11. Whereas the king was indebted to Prosper Camilio de Medicis, apostolic Sleaford. collector in England, in the sum of 100 marks for certain dispensations obtained by him, and in repayment thereof on 30 May last by letters patent granted licence for Nicholas de Brygnali, Genoese mei'cbant, or his factors, 16 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 587 1476. May 2. Westmiuster. May 4. Westminster. May G. Westminster. May 17. Westminster. May 22. Westminster. Membrane 2\—cont. attorneys or servants to ship merchandise not pertaining to the staple of Calais in the port of Southampton and take the same to foreign parts quit of customs and subsidies to the said sum, and the said Prosper has thus received 25 marks but cannot obtain payment of the residue and has surrendered the said letters ; the king hereby grants licence for the said Nicholas to ship merchandise as above in the ports of London, Southampton and Sandwich quit of customs and subsidies to the sum of 75 marks. By p.s. Grant for life to the king's servant Oliver Kyng, master of arts and licentiate in laws, of the office of the king's first .secretary in the French tongue, with the liberties and profits pertaining to the office, and 50 marks yearly for the exercise of his office from the custom.? and subsidies in the port of Southampton ; and grant that he shall be able to receive bills signed or to be signed with the king's hand and make out warrants under the signet and otherwise to the chancellor of England and the keeper of the privy seal with the king's letters in Latin and English. By p.s. Vacated by surrender and cancelled so far as concerns the said 50 marks, because the king granted the same to him from the customs and subsidies in the ports of Exeter and Dertmouth by other letters patent on 20 July, 1 7 Edward IV. General pardon to William Ridgate late of Eyntrec, co. Lancaster, ' yoman,' alias William Ridegate late of Aynetre, ' husbondman,' of all offences committed by him before 21 April. By p.s. General pardon to John Myndrym alias Myndreni alias Mendrym late of Loudon, ' gentleman,' of all offences committed by him before 1 February. By K. Grant to Richard Cokrell of Beverle, ' gentilmaii,' and his heirs, in lieu of another grant to him by letters patent dated 2 May {see p. 583), surrendered, of all the lands, rents and services in Beverley and elsewhere in the county of York which lately were his and which came into the king's hands by reason of his attaint and which the king lately by letters patent granted for life to John Feryby, now deceased, aud all issues of the same from the time of the death of the said John. By K. Pardon to the king's servitor William Wade, esquire, late escheator in the counties of Bedford and Buckingham, of all oftonccs committed by him and all fines, amercements, issues, debts, accounts aud arrears due from liim to the king by reason of his office. By p.s. General pardon to Thomas Hill of Bristol, * brewer,' of all offences committed by him before 18 May. By p.s. Membrane 20. May 12. Grant to the abbess and convent of St. Mary's, Winchester, in furtherance Westmiuitor. of a graut to them by letters patent dated 1 {sic) October, 8 Edward IV". {sec p. 138) which are not as valid as they hoped, that they shall have all sums of money and rents due to the king from themselves or their tenants or other residents in the towns and hamlets of Erchefount and Canyngus, CO. Wilts, for any rent of ' tytliyng peny ' or other rent payable at any sheriff's turn within the hundred of Swannebergh alias Stodfold alias Rughbergh, and pardon to them of all sums of money due from them to the king as parcel of the farm for the profit of the county of Wilts. By K. 588 CALENDAR OF PATENT ROLLS. 1476. May 9. Westminitsr. May 9. Westminster. June 15. Westminster, June 18. Westminster. June 15. Westminster. June 18. Westminster. June 9. Westminster. Membrane 20 — cont. Pardon to John, abbot of the monastery of St. Peter's, Westminster, ordinary of that place, for the escape of Thomas Porter late of Stretley, CO. Berks, ' gentilman,' from his prison before 11 February last. By p.s. Vacated because otherwise below. Pardon to the said abbot for the escape of the said Thomas, com- mitted to his custody or the custody of anyone having power from him to receive clerks convicted or attainted, from his prison before 11 February last. By p.s. Grant for life to John Crowland, one of the king's trumpeters, of 10 marks yearly from Michaelmas, 6 Edward IV. viz. 5 marks from the fee farm of the hundred of Dudeston and 5 marks from the fee farm of the manor of la Berton by Gloucestre and the king's weir in the manor of Minsterworth and a moiety of the weir of Denne, at the hands of the abbot and convent of St. Peter's, Gloucester, or the sheriff of the county ; in lieu of another grant to him by letters patent dated 14 October, 7 Edward IV. {see p. 44) surrendered because invalid. By p.s. Grant to Laurence Bothe, bishop of Durham, of the custody of the temporalities of the archbisliopric of York and all issues of the same and any portions and pensions due to the king by the death of his kinsman George, late archbishop, to hold from the time of tlie death of the latter so long as the temporalities remain in the king's hands, with knights' fees and advowsons, and grant to him of power to present to any vacant benefices which should belong to the king by reason of the voidance and to appoint to offices in the archbishopric. [Foedera.'] By K. Exemption for life of Robert Levelord, 'gentilman,' from being put on assizes, juries, inquisitions, certifications, attaints or recognitions, and from being made sheriff, escheator, coroner, assessor, taxer or collector of tenths or other tallages or subsidies or aid for marrying or knighting the king's eldest son, constable, crier, arrayer or leader of men at arms or others or any other bailiff, officer or minister and from taking up knighthood against his will. By p.s. Grant for four years to the king's servant David Beaupe and John Marchauut that they may practise the faculty and science of philosophy and the turning of mercury into gold and silver. \_Fcedera.'\ By K. Grant for life to Ellen Nevylle late the wife of the king's servant Robert Nevylle, for the good service of the latter, of a tenement called Hyde in the county of Hertford with all lands, woods, pastures and other appurtenances for the sustenance of herself and her seven children. By p.s. Membrane 19. May 24. Grant for life to the king's esquire Thomas Fenys of the offices of Westminster, constable of the king's castle of Henyngham and parker of the park there from Michaelmas last, from which time he has occupied the said offices, receiving the accustomed fees from the issues of the lordship of Henyngham. By p.s. Pardon to Robert Menwynnek late of Trevosburgh, co. Cornwall, ' gentylman,' of his outlawry in the said county for not appearing before the king to answer for certain trespasses, he having surrendered to the Marshalsea prison, as Thomas Byllyng, chief justice of the King's Bench, has certified. May 23. Grant for life to William Neve of the office of chief glazier of the king's Westminster, works with wages of 12c?. daily from the fee farm of the city or town of Norwich and other issues of the same, with all other accustomed profits and 16 EDWARD IV.— Part I. 589 14)76. Membrane 19 — cont. a robe of the suit of the servants of the household yearly at Christmas at the hands of the keeper of the great wardrobe. By p.s. May 25. General pardon to Thomas Philip alias Phelip, citizen and grocer of Westminster. London, alias late of the parish of Heron, co. Kent, 'yoman.' By p.s. Licence for the appropriation in mortmain, without inquisition, by the master and fellows of the Hall of St. Katharine the Virgin in the University of Cambridge of the parish church of Cotou alias Cotes, co. Cambridge, of which they are patrons, provided that the sacred offices of the church be administered by a suitable chaplain and a certain portion to be fixed by the bishop, the ordinary of the church, be distributed yearly among the poor parishioners. By K. May 28. Grant to Master Alexander Lye, king's chaplain, prebendary of Cobeham- Westminster. bery, in the diocese of Rochester, and chaplain of the chapel or chantry of St. Mary, Frekenliam, in the diocese of Norwich, of a canoury and prebend in the king's free chapel of St. Stephen within the palace of Westminster, on an exchange of benefices with the king's councillor Master John Russell. This grant shall not be hindered by any letters patent of the king concerning the next voidance of prebends in the said free chapel. By p.s. March 4. Ai)pointment, during pleasure, of the king's servant John Fortescu, Westmiustcr. esquire, as one of the esquires of the body, receiving 50 marks yearly from the issues of the county of Devon. By p.s. June 7. Grant for life to John Priour, one of the king's trumpeters, of 10 marks Westmiuster. yearly from Miehaelma.s, G Edward IV. viz. 4 A from the farm of the city of Winchester and 53*. Ad. from the rent and manor of Lokerle, co. Southampton, at the hands of John le Botiller and his heirs or the sheriff of the county ; in lieu of another grant to him by letters patent dated 14 October, 7 Edward IV. (.see p. 44) surrendered because invalid. By p.s. June 6. Goner 12 June, 147). 3. 30 May, 1473. 4. » 8 December, 1473. 5. 7 December, 1474. 6. 10 November, 1475 7. 20 May, 1476. 49 Henry VI. m. 26d. 11 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 29d. 13 » 2 Id. >> >> 20rf. » >> 26rf. 15 » 25> 29d. 608 Berkshire — cont. W. bishop of Winchester, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. R. bishop of Salisbury, 1, 2,* 3, 4, 5,6,7. George, duke of Clarence, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. John, duke of Suffolk, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Richard, earl of Warwick and Salis- bury, 1. John Bourghchier of Earners, knight, 1, 2, 4. John Wenlok of Wenlok, knight, 1. l^ichard Chok, knight, 1. William Laken, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Thomas Bryan, 1. Thomas de Lamere, 1 . Thomas Restwold, 1, 6, 7. John Lawely, Lawelee, 1, 6, 7. Thomas Say, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Humphrey Forster, 1. William Danrers, 1. Richard, duke of Gloucester, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. J ohn Howard of Howard, knight, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. Thomas Urswyk, knight, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Guy Fairfax, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. William Norreys, knight, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Thomas Prut, 2. Edward Langford, 2, 8, 4. John Cheyny, Cbeyne, 2, 3, 4. Thomas Roggers, 2. Thomas Walron, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. William Trussell, knight, 3, 4. Ralph Staverton, 3, 4, 5. John Isbury, 4, 6, 7. J ohn Colyngrygge, 4, 5, G, 7. R. bishop of Bath and Wells, 5, 6, 7. John Bourghchier, 5. Thomas Langford, 5. B UCKINGHAMSHIRE. 1 . Westminster, 23 May, 1468. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 8 December, 1468. 13 July, 1470. 28 December, 1470. 4 January, 1471. 12 June, 1471. 8 August, 1471. 1 June, 1473. 10 November, 1475. G. archbishop of York, 1, 2, 4, 5. W. bishop of Winchester, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. George, duke of Clarence, i , 2, 4, 6, 6, 7, 8, 9. Richard, earl of Warwick and Salis- bury, 1, 2, 4, 5. Edmund, earl of Kent, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9. John Wenlok of Wenlok, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Thomas Billyng, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9. Richard Pygot, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Thomas Mongomery, knight, 1, 2, 6, 7, 8. Edmund Rede, Ree, knight, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. John Dyrham, Dirham, 1, 2, 4, 5. Robert Jngleton, 1, 2, 4, 5. John Boteler of Badmynton, 1, 2. Edmund Brutenell, I, 2. Richard LoveU, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. 8 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 27c?. „ ,, ,, 2(ic?. 10 „ „ „ 14c?. 49 Henry VI. m. 2ld. 11 Edward IV. Part 1. ra. 29rf. 28c?. 21d 28c?. 13 15 53 J) John Brekenok of Hampden, 1, 2, 4, 5. Thomas Hampden of Hampden, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9. William Fowler, 1, 2. Richard Fowler, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9. John Scotte, 1, 2. Thomas Hampden of Kembell, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8. Thomas Rokes, 1, 2, 3, 8. Edmund Molyneux, 2, 4, 5, 8. Richard, duke of Gloucester, 3, 6, 7, 8,9. Thomas Bryan, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9. John Langston, 3. John Giftbrd, 6, 7, 8, 9. Robert Rufford, 6, 7. Richard Maryotte, Mariott, 6, 7, 8, 9. Ralph Verney, knight, 7, 8. Thomas Vaghan, 8. Richard Bulstrode, 8. Thomas Fowler, 8, 9. Drugo Brudenell, 8. * " Exeter " in error. 609 CA MB rid GE shire. 1. Westminster, 18 November, 1468. 2. „ 14 December, 1470. 3. „ 10 December, 1473. 4. „ 10 November, 1475. 8 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 26rf. 49 Henry VI. m. 2od. 13 Edward IV. Fart 1. m. \9d. 15 „ „ „ 21 d. W. bi.sliop of Ely, 1, 3, 4. l?icliard, earl of Warwick and Salis- bury, 1,2. John, earl of Oxford, 1, 2. John, earl of Worcester, 1. John, earl of Northumberland, marquis of Montagu, 1, 2. John Lescrope, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4. Thomas Billyng, 1, 2, 3, 4. Richard Bygott, Pygott, 1,2,3, 4. John Cheyne, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4. William Soyntgeorge, knight, 1, 2. Thomas Gray, 1. „ „ knight, 3, 4. John Alyngton, 1, 3, 4. Thomas Peyton, 1. William Frevyle, 1, 2, 3. Henry Chichelee, Chycheley, 1, 3. Thomas Burgoyn, 1. William Alyngton, 1, 3, 4. John Ansty, 1, 3. William Hasylden, 1 . John Brewode, 1 , 2. Thomas Lokton, 1, 3. Richard Kneseworth, 1. John Gyrton, 1, 2,3. J. bishop of Lincoln, 2. George, duke of Clarence, 2, 3, 4. Thomas Cotton, 2. Th. bishop of Lincoln, 3, 4. E. bishop of Carlisle, 3, 4. Richard, duke of Gloucester, 3, 4. Antony, earl of Hyvcrs, 3, 4. John Aspelon, Asplon, 3, 4. Alexander Wode, 3, 4. Henry Langlee, 4. Town of Cambridge. 1. Westminster, 26 January, 1471. 49 Henry VI. m. 2\d. 2. „ 4 November, 1471. 11 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 2Gd. 3. „ 28 October, 1473. 13 „ „ „ I3d. 4. „ 20 November, 1475. 15 „ „ „ 29rf. E. bishop of Carlisle, chancellor of the University, 1. Robert Wodelark, provost of the royal college of St. Mury and St. Nicholas, 1,4. Edmund Cunnesburgh, clerk, 1. John Croft, 3, 4. „ „ mayor of the town, 1, 2. John Belton, 1, 2, 3, 4. John Burgoyn, 1, John Gyrton, 1. Ralph Ilothum, 1. Thomas Lacy, 1. Robert Damay, 1. „ ,, mayor of the town, 4. Robert Coope, Cope, 1, 4. Thomas Ilayreman, Ileyrcman, 1,2,3. Th. bishop of Rochester, 2. Tliomas Style, Stoyle, clerk, 2, 3, 4. Thomas Lane, clerk, 2. William Alyngton, 2, 3, 4. John Asplon, 2, 3. Alexander Wode, 2, 3, 4. Th. bishop of Lincoln, chancellor of the University, 3, 4. Thomas Byllyng, 3. Edmund Shrove, clerk, 3. John Coke, mayor of the (own, 3, Jol)n Ansty, 3. Master Roger Kotheraro, 4. CORNTFALL. 1. Westminster, 18 December, 14(i9. 9 Edward TV. Part 1. m. 2ld. 2. „ 8 November, 1470. 49 Henry VI. m. 27d. 3. „ 20 December, 1471. „ „ 24d. 4. „ 17 January, 1471. „ „ 24d. „ 23 February, 1471. „ „ 25d. 6. „ 18 February, 1471. „ „ 22d. 7. „ 5 June, 1472. 12 Edward IV, Part 1, m. 23d. y 06186. Q 610 Cornwall — cont. 8. Westminster, 3 December, 1473. y. „ 9 December, 1474. 10. „ 10 November, 1475. 11. Sleaford, 11 April, 1476 12. Westminster, 28 November, 1476. J. bisbop of Exeter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11. George, duke of Clarence, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Richard, earl of Warwick and Salisbury, I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Walter Moyle, Moile, knigbt, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Tbomr.s Yonge, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Jobu Arundell of Lanberu, knight, 1. John Colshull, knigbt, 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, II, 12. Thomas Whalisburgh, Wallesburgh, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Alured Corneburgh, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9. John Champernoun, 1. Edward Ayssheton, 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Thomas Nymbery, 1. Thomas Lucombe, 1, 8, 9. Thomas Clemens, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Thomas Bere, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12. William Mennwynnek, I, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. 13 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 20d. 14 „ „ ,, 26^/. 15 „ „ „ 28J. 16 „ „ „ 29rf. „ „ „ 21(3,. John, earl of Oxford, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Hugh Courtenay, knight, 2, 3. Thomas Lymbery, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Richard Joce, 4, 5, 6, 8. Richard, duke of Gloucester, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. John, earl of Wiltshire, 7. Richard Chokke, knight, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. John Catesby, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. John Arundel], knight, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Robert Willougbby, knight, 7, 8, 9. John Peijpouns, 7, 8, 9. Henry Bodrugan, 7, 8. Thomas Trefry, 7, 8. John Glynnc, 7. Thomas Rowell, 8, 9. John Carmynowe, 9, 10, 11, 12. Richard Eggecombe, 9. John Moyle, 9. John Page, 10, 11, 12. Richard Vyvyau, 12. Thomas Tresawell, 12. Cumberland. 1. Westminster, 6 February, 1471. 49 Henry VI., m. 22c?. 2. Coventry, 20 June, 1473. 13 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 21<7. 3. Westminster, 10 November, 1475. 15 „ „ „ 2Sd. G. archbishop of York, 1. George, duke of Clarence, 1, 2, 3. Jolm, marquis of Montagu, 1. Richard, earl of Warwick and Salis- bury, 1. Henry Fitz Hugh of Fitz Hugb, knight, 1. John Ncdeham, knight, 1. Thomas Littelton, knight, 1. John Hudilston, Hudleston, knight, 1,2. Lancelot Tbrykked, knight, 1. Hugb Louther, 1. Richard Musgrave, 1. Roland Vaux, 1. Richard Salkeld, 1. Richard Bewle, 1. Thomas Bate, 1, E. bishop of Carlisle, 2, 3. Richardj duke of Gloucester, 2, 3. Henry, earl of Northumberland, 2, 3. Iliimplirey Dacre of Dacre, kniglit, 2, 3. Richard Nele, 2, 3. William Jenney, 2, 3. William Parre, knight, 2, 3. Christopher Moresby, knight, 2, 3. William Legh, Lygh, knight, 2, 3. Thomas Curwen, knight, 2, 3. Thomas Broughton, knight, 2. Thomas Laraplewe, knight, 2. John Crakenthorpe, esquire, 2, 3. Roland Thornburgh, 2, 3. John Appulby, 2. William Beweley, Beaule, 2, 3. John Crakenthorpe, knight, 2, Richard Hudelston. 2, 611 DERBYSHIRE. 1. l")ogmersfield, 29 March, 1469. 9 2. Westminster, 30 November, 14V0 49 2i January, 1471. 26 June, 1471. 11 24 February, 1472. 12 December, 1473. 13 10 November, 1475. 15 18 January, 1476. G. arclibisliop of York, 1, 2, 3. Geoi-ge, duke of Clarence, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8. Eichard, earl of Warwick and Salis- bury, 1, 2, 3. Jolui, carl of Shrewsbury, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Henry Grey of Codnore, knight, 1, 4, 6, 7, 8. Humphrey Bourghchicr of Cromwell, knight, 1. Wilham Hastyugcs of Hastynges, knight, 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Walter Blount of Mountjoyc, knight, 1, 4, 5, G. Robert Danby, knight, 1, 2. 3, 4. John NedeJiam, knight, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. William Blount, 1. John Grcseley, knight, 1. Thomas Stathom, knight, 1. Henry Vernon, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8- Edward IV. Part 1. m. 22d. Henry VI. m. 26 J. „ 24rf. Edward IV. Part 1. m. 26r/. „ „ „ 2Grf. „ „ >, 26f7. „ „ ,> 26f/. John Bolhe, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Nicholas Fitzherbert, I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Nicholas Stathom, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Thomas Fraunceys, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (3, 7, 8. Thomas Poutrell, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Henry Folgeham, 3. Richard, duke of Gloucester, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8. Nicholas Langford, knight, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Thomas Littleton, 5, 6, 7, 8. Robert Eyre, 5, 6. Laurence Lowe, 5, 6. James Blount, G. Ralph Fitzherbcrt, G. John Fitzlierbert, 6. Thomas Eyre, 7, 8. John Cursotie, 7, 8. Henry Stathome, 7, 8. John Blount of Mount Joye, 8. Devonshire. 1. Coventry, IB February, 1468. 2. AVcstniinster, 12 July, 1468. 3. „ 10 November, 1469. 4. „ 16 Fcl)ruary, 1470. 5. Exeter, 1(5 April, 1470. 6. Westminster, 30 November, 1470. 7. „ 25 December, 1470. 8. „ 20 jMarch, 1471. 9. „ 5 PY'bruary, 1471. 10. „ 20 February, 1471. 11. „ 20 June, 1471. 12. „ 10 May, 1472. \:',. „ 2,'5 November, 1472. 14. „ 1 F(-l>ruary, 1474. J 5. Banbury, 21 September,' 1474. 16. Westminster, 10 November, 1475. 17. Buckden, 2 August, 1476. 18. Westminster, 24 February, 1477. 19. „ 1 March, 1477. 7 Edward IV. Part 1 9 10 49 Henry VI. m. 26(/. „ 23d. „ 23d. „ 22^?. 22d. ' 11 Edward I v'.' Part 1. 12 ,) )> >' 13 „ „ 11 „ 15 ,, ,, 16 „ „ m. 21ef. „ 21V/. „ 23./. „ 21 d „ I5d. m. 2Qd. „ 29d. „ 24rf. „ 19./. „ 24rf. „ 28f/. „ 21d. ., 26d. „ 2Cvf. J. bishop of Exeter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19. George, d'ake of Clarence, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, J 8, 19. QQ 2 612 Devonshire — cont. Richard, earl of Warwick and Salis- bury, ] , 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. William Bourghchier of Fitz Wareyn, knight, 1, 2, 3. rinmplirey Stafford of Southwyko, kuight, 1, 2. John Dynham, Dynam, Denam, of Uynham, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. John, abbot of Stavystoke, Tavestok, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19. Henry Webber, dean of Exeter cathe- dral, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Walter Moyle, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Thomas Yonge, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. William Courtenay, knight, 1,2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Philip Beaumont, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14. Henry Pomeray, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16. John ChamDeruoun, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, li, 12, 13, 14'. John Gyfford, Gefford, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Thomss Doweryssh, Dowrissh, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, r^, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19. John Orchard, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19. Philip Copleston, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. John Denys, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, Id. William Shyllyngford, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19. John Byconell, Byconyll, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Thomas Calwodeley, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14. William Huddesfelde, Huddelfeld, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19. Hugh Courtenay, knight, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10. Richard, duke of Gloucester, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. John, earl of Wiltshire, 5, 11, 12, 13. Fulk Bourghchier of Fitz Wareyn, knight, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19. Walter Blount of Mountjoy, knight, 5. Halnath Maulyverer, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Richard Wydeslade, Whittyslade, Wy- tyslade, 6, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19. John, earl of Devon, 8. John Halwell, Hawell, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Richard Choke, knight, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19. John Catesby, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19. Philip Courteuey, knight, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19. John Crokker, knight, 11, 12, 13, 14. Ciiarles Dynham, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17. Christopher Cooke, Coke, 11, 12, 13. 14. John Arundel], knight, 13. Richard Clerk, 13, 14. Thomas Seintleger, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19. John Bonne vyle, 14. William Hastynges of Ha&tynges, knight, 15. Thomas Stanley of Stanley, knight, 15. John Audeley of Audeley, knight, 15. John Sutton of Dudley, knight, 15. VValter Devereux of Ferrers, knight, 15. Richard Hastynges, knight, 15. Thomas Lytelton, 15. William Notyngham, IS. Henry Boteler, 15. Edward Lysle of Lysle, kuight, 16, 17, 18, 19. Robert Palmer, 18, 19. DORSETSHIRE. 1. Westminster, 24 October, 1467. 2. „ 28 October, 1468. 8. Dogmersfield, 4 January, 1469. 4. Westminster, 7 December, 1470. 6. it b December, 1471. 6. >5 31 October, 1472. 7. )> 30 May, 1473. 8. ■ >f 11 February, 1474, 9. >» 15 July, 1474. 10. t> 10 November, 1475. 7 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 20d. 8 ?> 5) 28f/. J) j» )> 25(1. 49 Henry VI. m. 25d. 1 1 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 27d. 12 )) )) 27d. 13 )) i> 2ld. 9> 19d. 5' » 27d. 15 » 29d. 613 Dorsetshire — cont. Eichard, bishop of Salisbury, 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, G, 7, 8, 9, 10. George, duke of Clarence, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Richard, earl of Warwick and Salis- bury, 1, 2, 3, 4. John, carl of Worcester, 1, 2, 3. John Audeley of Audeley, knight, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. William Stourton of Stonrton, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Humphrey Stafford of Suthwyk, knight, 1, 2, 3. Walter Moyle, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4. Thomas Yonge, 1, 2, 3, 4. William Carant, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8, 9, 10. John Neuburgh, Neweburgh, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10. William Brounyng, 1, 2, 3, 5. William Kayleway, Caylewey, I, 2, 3. Robert Gray, Grey, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Thomas Husee, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Henry Hull, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8. John Carant the younger, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. William Neweburgh, 4. John Mone, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Walter Chevcrell, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10. Richard, duke of Gloucester, 5, G, 7, 8, 9, 10. Richard Chokke, knight, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. John Catesby, 5, G, 7, 8, 9, 10, Nicholas Latymer, knight, 5, 6, 7, 8. Thomas Martyn, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. William Framptoi), G, 7, 8, 9. William Twynylio, 8, 9. William, earl of Arundel, 10. Thomas Matravers of Matravcrs, knight, 10. Thomas Stanley of Stanley, knight, 10. Richard Tunstall, knight, 10. William Notyiigham, 10. Morgan Kydwelly, 10. Essex. 1. Westminster, 23 June, 1467. 2. „ 28 .January, 1468. 3. „ 23 July, 14G8. 4. „ 13 December, 1468. 5. „ 21 December, 1469. 6. „ 1 December, 1470, 7. „ 14 July, 1472. 8. „ 18 November, 1473. 9. „ 13 February, 1474. 10. „ 8 May, 1475. 11. „ 10 November, 1475. 12. „ 19 May, 1476. 13. „ 28 November, 147G. Til. bishop of London, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. W. bishop of Ely, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. George, duke of Clarence, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Richard, earl of Warwick and Salis- bury, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. John, carl of Oxford, 1, 2, .3, 6. Henry, earl of Essex, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. William Bourghchicr, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. William Yelverton, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. William Laken, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 7 Edward IV. Part I. m. 23f7. M 22r/. 8 „ 29r/, » 25c/. 9 „ „ 2\d. 49 Henry VT. ni. 2Gd. 12 Edward IV. Tart 1. m. 28t7. 13 „ „ „ 20J. 15 „ „ „ Z\d. „ 27d. IG „ „ „ 29./. ft ft tt 27c/, John Haward, Howard, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Tliomas Tyrcll, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Thomas Mongomerv, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Laurence Rayni'ord, Reynford, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9. William Tyrlon, knight, 1, 2, 3, 1, 5, 6. Robert Darcy, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Thomas Coke, knight, 1, 2. John Ingolde.sby, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11. Thomas Colt, 1. John Greuc, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 614 Essex — cont. Roger Ree, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. , knight, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Louis John, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Nicholas Sharpe, 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6. Waher Writlell, VVritell, Wrytell, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9. William Grene, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Matthew Hay, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. John Herlyng, Harlyug, 2, 3, 4, 5. Alured Corneburgh, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Thomas Garnet, 4, 5. Geoffrey Gate, knight, 5. William Tyrell of Beche, knight, 6. Thomas Urswyk, 6. , knight, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Richard, duke of Gloucester, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Anthony, earl of Ryvers, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Walter Blount of Mountjoye, knight, 7, 8, 9. Thomas Bryan, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Richard Haute, Hawte, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. John Daynham, Deuham, of Dynham, knight, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Heniy Lewys, Lewes, knight, 8, 9, 12, 13. John Sulyard, 8, 9, 10. Roger Pbilpott, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Edward Makwiliam, 9. John Brewode, 10, 11, 13. William Ingoldesby, 12, 13. William Husee, 13. Gloucestershire. 1. Westminster, 8 February, 1468. ■2. „ 27 November, 1469. 3. „ 11 December, 1470. 4. „ 20 December, 1470. 5. „ 30 June, 1471. 6. „ 24 February, 1473. 7. „ 12 May, 1474. 8. „ 24 November, 1474. 9. Banbury, 24 September, 1474. 10. Westminster, 5 May, 1475. 11. „ 6 March, 1475. 12. „ 10 November, 1475. 13. „ 24 February, 1477. J. bishop of Worcester, 1, 2, 3, 4, 13. Richard, earl of Warwick and Salisbury, 1, 2, 3, 4. William, earl of Arundell, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. William Berkeley of Berkeley, knight, 1, 2, 4, 10, 11, 12. Ralph Boteler of Sudeley, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4. John Beauchamp of Powyk, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. WaUer Devereux of Ferrers, knight, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. William Herbert of Herbert, knight, 1. Richard Byngham, knight, 1. Richard Choke, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9. John Boteler, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12. John Greviie, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11. 7 Edward IV. Part 1. ra. 21(1. 9 „ „ „ 21./. 49 Henry VI. m. 2od. „ 24c/. 11 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 29d. 12 „ „ „ 23d. 14 „ „ „ 27f/. ,, ,, 25r7. ,, 24(/. 15 ,, „ ,, 31(/. ,, ,, ,, 3ld. „ „ ,, 28./. 16 „ „ „ 26d. Thomas Yongo, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13. Richard Beauchamp, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11. Thomas Herbert, 1, 2. Maurice Berkeley of Beverston, knight, 1, 2, 5, 6. William Notyngham, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. , knight, 4. Giles Brigge, 1. William Whityngdon, 1, 2. John Gassy, 1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13. Walter Langley, 1, 2. Roger Kemys, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. John Gyse, 1, 2. John Huggeford, 1, 2, 3, 4. Thomas Lymeryk, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. 615 Oloucestershire — cont. Richai'd, duke of Gloucester, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Thomas, viscount Lisle, 2. Thomas Bryan, 2, 3, 4. G. archbishop of York, 3, 4. George, duke of Clarence, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. John, earl of Shrewsbury, 3, 4. John, abbot of Cirencester, 3, 4. Jasper, earl of Pembroke, 4 . William Abrigge, 4. Thomas Ursewyk, knight, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. Guy Fairfax, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. Thomas Baynham, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. John Twynehoo, Twyuyho, of Ciren- cestrc, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. J. bishop of Hereford, 6. E. bishop of Carlisle, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. J. bishop of Rochester, G, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12. Henry, duke of Buckingham, 6. Antony, earl By vers, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. Thomas Arundel 1 (Matravers) of Ma- travers, knight, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. Thomas Grey of Grey, son of the queen, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12. , marquis of Dorset, 10, 13. Reginald Grey of Wilton, knight, 6. Richard Fenes of Dacre, knight, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. Thomas, abbot of Westminster, 6, 7. John Nedeham, knight, 6. Master William Dudley, 6. Thomas Vaghan, 7, 8. , treasurer of the king's chamber, 6. John Devereux, knight, 6. Richard Croft, knight, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11. John Ligon, knight, G. Thomas Cornewayle, knight, G. John Baskervile, knight, 6. Master Richard INIartyn, G, 7. William Alyngton, G, 7. John Sulyard, G, 7. Keiielm Dycas, Dicas, Dygas, G, 7, 8, 10, II, 12, 13. Geoffrey Coitesmore, 6. Euslace Whiteney, 6. Thomas Brugge, G. John Welford, 6. John Wynne, 6. Simon Milburn, 6. Thomas Monyngton, 6. Edward Berkeley of Berkeley, knight, 7,8. Thomas Lyttelton, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Richard Haule the elder, 7. William Nayngham, 7. Th. bishop of Hereford, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. Thomas, abbot of Wynchecombe, 8, 10, 11. John Wyke-s 8, 10, 11, 12, 13. William Hastynges of Ha.=tyngcs, knight, 9. Thomas Stanley of Stanley, knight, 9. John Audclcy of Audeley, knight, 9. John Sutton of Dudley, knight, 9. John Dynham of Dynham, 9. Richard Hastynges, knight, 9. Henry Boteler, 9. Edward Lysle [Grey] of Lysle, knight, 12, 13. John, abbot of Wynchecombe, 12, 13. William Berkeley of Barkelcy, knight, 13. John Boteler, knight, 13. Heuefordsiiire. 1. Westminster, 6 December, 1470. 49 Henry VI. m. 26rf. 2. » 20 December, 1470. 24 February, 1473. )) „ 24c?. 3. >> 12 Edward IV. Tart 1. ni. 2Zd. 4. » 18 March, 1473. 13 >> 5> )> 22d. 5. 5 December, 1473. j» >> )> 2Qd. 6. )> 12 May, 1474. 14 )j ;> )) 27d. 7. » 4 July, 1475. 15 >» >» )> 30d. 8. » 19 August, 1475. » )» )» 30d. 9. 10 November, 1475. >> »> ?> 26d. 10. >' 7 June, 1476. IG >> » >' kdd. 610 Herefordshire —cont. J. bishop of Hereford, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, George, duke of Clarence, 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Richard, earl of Warwick and Salisbury, 1,2. John, earl of Shrewsbury, 1, 2. Richard Chok, knight, 1, 2. Thomas Bryan, 1, 2, John Barre, knight, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. John Skydmore, knight, 1, 2. Thomas Fitz Harry, 1, 2. Thomas Brugge of Rosse, 1, 2. Thomas Braynton, 1, 2, 4, 8, 9, 10. John Wynne, 1, 2. Richard Dalabere, 1, 2. Jasper, earl of Pembroke, 2. Reginald Grey of Wylton, knight, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. E. bishop of Carlisle, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9,10. J. bishop of Rochester, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Richard, duke of Gloucester, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Henry, duke of Buckingham, 3, 4. Antony, carl Ryvers, 3, 4, G, 7, 8, 9, 10. Thomas Arundel), or Matravers, of Mautravers, knight, 3, 4, 6, 7. Thomas Grey of Grey, son of Elizabeth the queen, 3, 4, 0. , marquis of Dorset, 7, 8, 9, 10. Walter Devereux of Ferrers, knight, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Richard Fenys of Dacre, knight, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10. Thomas, abbot of Westminster, 3, 4, 6. Thomas Urswyk, knight, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. John Nedeham, knight, 3, 4. Guy Fairfax, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Master William Dudley, 3, 4. Thomas Vaghan, 6, 7. Thomas Vaughan, treasurer of the king's chamber, 3, 4. John Devereux, 6. , knight, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8. Richard Croft, knight, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. John Lygen, Lyngen, knight, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10. Thomas Cornewaile, knight, 3, 4, 5, 6,7. James Baskervile, knight, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Master Richard Martyn, doctor of laws, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10. William Alyngton, 3, 4, 6, 7. John Sulyard, 3, 4, 6, 7. Geoffrey Coitesmore, 3, 4. Eustace Whiteney, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Thomas Brugge, Brigges, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. John Welford, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9. John Wynne, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10. Simon Milburn, Mylborn, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Thomas Monyngton, 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 10. Thomas Littelton, 6, 7, 10. Richard Haute, 7. Richard Haute the elder, 6. William Notyngham, G, 7. Th. bishop of Hereford, 7, 8, 9, 10. Richard Gray, son of the ([ueen, 7, 9, 10. , knight, 8. Edward Hopton, 8. Sertfordshire. 1 . Westminster, 4 December, 1470. 2. „ 10 July, 1471. 3. „ 12 July, 1473. 4. „ 10 November, 1475. G. bishop of York, 1 . Th. bishop of London, 1. George, duke of Clarence, 1, 2, 3, 4. John, marquis of Montagu, 1. Richard, earl of Warwick and Salis bury, 1. John Wenlok of Wenlok, knight, 1. William Yelverton, knight, 1. William Laken, 1, 2, 3. John Walter, clerk, 1. 49 Henry VI. m. 26c?. 11 Edward IV. Part 1. in. 28af. 13 „ „ „ 2\d. 15 „ „ ,, 28> )> >> 5J 5> >> 14 15 ,, J. bishop of Lincoln, 1, 2. George, duke of Clarence, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. John, marquis of Montagu, 1, 2. Richard, carl of Warwick and Salis- buiy, 1, 2. John, earl of Oxford, 1,2. Thomas Billyng, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Richard Pygot, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. John Broughton the younger, 1, 2. John Stucle, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. William Drucll, 1, 2. William Tayliard, Taillard, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. John Collan, Golan, 1, 2, 3. Henry, duke of Exeter, 2. J. bishop of Ely, 3. Richard, duke of Gloucester, 3, 4, 5, 6,7. 2M. 19 » j» 18f/. 1-1 „ „ „ 27c/. 15 „ „ „ 30c/. Richard, earl of Warwick and Salis- bury, 1. 2, 3,4. Richard, earl of Ryvers, 1, 2. Edward Neville of Bergevcnny, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 618 Kent- William Fenys of Say of Seel, knight, 1,2. Walter Blounte of Mountjoye, knight, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. William Yelvcrton, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4. Walter Moile, Moyle, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4. William Laken, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. John Fogge, knight, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. John Scotte, knight, 1, 2, 5,6, 8, 9, 10. William Pecche, knight, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. John Colpepyr, knight, 1,2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. William Haute, knight, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. John Clerk, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Thomas Waghan, Vaughan, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7,8. , treasurer of the king's chamber, 9. John Rowe, a Rowe, Eewe, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. John Bromston, Brompston, Brymston, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Robert Martyn, 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11. William Crofton, 1, 2. Th. bishop of Rochester, 2, 5, 6. George Nevylle, 2, 4, 9. knight, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11. John Guldeford, knight, 3, 4. Richard Frognall, knight, 3, 4. John Dygges, 3. ■COnt. John Bamme, 3, 4. John Alfey, Alfeygh, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. William, abbot of St. Augustine's by Canterbury, 4, 8, 9. George Broun, 4. Richard Bruyn, 4. Richard, duke of Gloucester, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. William, earl of Arundell, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Henry, earl of Northumberland, 6, G, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Henry, earl of Essex, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1 0, 11. Antony, earl of Rivers, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Thomas Cobhara of Cobham, knight, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, II. Thomas Brian, Bryan, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. , knight, 11. Thomas Bourghchier, knight, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Henry Ferrers, knight, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Humphrey Starky, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Roger Appylton, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Edmund Chertesey, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Robert Symson, 6, 7. John Greneford, 6. J. bishop of Rochester, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. John Sapcote, knight, 7. John Grene, 7, 8, 9, 10. Richard Lee, 10. John Fynyeux, 11. Leices ter shire. 1 . Westminster, 8 May, 1467 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 26 April, 1469. 13 December, 1470. 14 December, 1470, 24 October, 1474. 12 March, 1475. 10 November, 1476. 7 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 24rf. 9 ,, „ „ 23rf. 49 Henry VI. m. 25d. „ 25d. 14 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 26£?. 15 „ „ „ 3ld. ■,, » 26d. J. bishop of Lincoln, 1, 2, 3, 4. George, duke of Clarence, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7. Richard, earl of Warwick and Salisbury, 1,2,3,4. William Hastynges of Ilastynges, knight, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7. John Bourghchier, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4. William Sutton, knight, master of Burton St. Lazarus of Jerusalem, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7. Robert Danby, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4. John Nedeham, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Thomas Trussell, knight, 1, 2. Richard Neel, Nele, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 619 Leices tershwe — cont. Richard Hastynges, 1, 2. Thomas Palmer, 1, 2, 5, 6. John Boyvyle, 1. John Pulteney of Mystcrton, 1, Robert Staunton, 1, 2, 4, 5, G, 7. John Markham, knight, 2. William Moton, 2, 6. „ „ , knight, 5, 7. Edward Grey, knight, 3, 4. John Bellers, 3, 4. William Fyldyng, Fcldyng, 3, 4, Ralph Wodford, 3, 4. Richard Perwiche, 3, 4. Richard, duke of Gloucester, 5, 6, 7. Thomas Littelton, 5, 6, 7. Thomas Barkeley, knight, 5, G, 7- William Asslieby, 5, 6. Geoffrey Sherard, 5, 6, 7. Thomas Kebyll, 5, 6, 7. William Grymmesby, 6, 7. Henry Sotehyll, 7. Lincolnshire. The Parts of Holland. 1. Westminster, 18 July, 1468. 2. Southampton, 3 May, 1470. 3. Westminster, 2G November, 1470. 4. „ 21 August, 1471. 5. „ 20 November, 1472. 6. „ 8 November, 147 1 . 7. „ 10 November, 1475. J. bishop of Lincoln, 1, 2, 3, 4. George, duke of Clarence, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Richard, carl of Warwick and Salisbury, 1,3. J ohn, earl of Northumberland, marquis of Montacue, 1, 2. Richard Welles of Welles, knight, 1. Richard Fencs, Fenys, of Ducre, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Humphrey Bourghchier, Burglichier, of Cromwell, knight, 1, 2. John Markham, kniglit, 1, 2. Robert Danby, knight, 1, 2, 3. John Nedeham, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7. Thomas Burgh, knight, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. Richard Pynchebek, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Richard Welby, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. Thomas Meers, 1. John Bolles, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Leonard Tliorneburgh, 1, 2, 4, 5, G, 7. William Payuell, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 8 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 29rf. 10 \5d. 49 Henry VI. m. 25 >» 2 id. J) )> >> 22d. 10 „ » 14 rf. 49 Henry VI. m. 2Gd. „ „ 25tZ. ,, ,, 2Zd. 12 Edward IV. Part 1. ni. 28 r/. 13 15 16 22(7. 28(/. 29(7. 27f/. 26(/. 2Grf. Ralph Hastynges, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. knight, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. John Catesby, 1,6, 7, 8. „ „ Serjeant at law, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Henry Grenc, 1. Guy Wolston, 1, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. John IJyne,'Dyvc, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, .9, 10. Robert Tanfeld, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10. „ „ the elder, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Robert Isham, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10. John Kltonhede, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15. Roger Salysbury, Salesbury, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Heury Iluddilston, Huddclston, 1, 2, 3, 4. ^ Henry Skynarton, 1, 2, 3, 4. John Stafford, kuiglit, earl of Wiltshire, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10. 624 Northamptonshire — cont. Antony Grey of Rutliyn, knight, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Thomas Wake, 4, 10. Eichard Middelton, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. John Barnard, Bernard, 7, 8. Henry, duke of Exeter, 8. Richard, duke of Gloucester, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Antony, ear] of Ryvers, 9, 10. Thomas Littelton, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. William Newenham, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. John Hvdcotes, Holcotes, 9, 10. William Chamber, Chaumbre, 9, 10. Nicholas Gryffyn, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Richard Emson, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Simou Burton, 11, 12, 13, 14. Richard Pemberton, 12. Robert Pemberton, 13, 14, 15. Richard Wodevyle, Wydevyle, knight, 14, 15. Roger Wake, 15. William Tanfeld, 15. Nor thumberla nd. 1. Westminster, 8 December, 1471. 2. „ 10 November, 1475. George, duke of Clarence, 1, 2. Richard, duke of Gloucester, 1, 2. Henry, earl of Northumberland, 1, 2. Ralph Greystoke of Greystoke, knight, 1, 2. Thomas Lomley of Lomley, knight, 1,2. Robert Ogle of Ogle, knight, 1, 2. Richard Nele, 1, 2. 11 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 21d. 15 ,, „ „ 2%d. William Jenney, 1, 2. John Wydryngton, Wytheryngton, 1,2. John Lylborne, Lybourn, the elder, 1,2. Roger Herne, 1, 2. Thomas Moresley, 1. John Cartyngton, 1, 2. John Agyrston, 2. No TTINGHAMSHIRE. 1. Westminster, 19 November, 1468. 2. „ 20 November, 1468. 3. Southampton, 3 jVTay, 1470. 4. Westminster, 7 September, 1470. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. 12. 13. 14. 15. 9 November, 1470. 16 November, 1470. 11 July, 1471. 8 December, 1471. 16 Eebruary, 1472. 24 June, 1473. 18 November, 1473. 12 August, 1474. 26 August, 1475. 10 November, 1475. 11 June, 1476. 8 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 26^/. „ „ ,, 26d. 10 „ „ „ Ud. „ „ „ 14«?- 49 Henry VI. m. 27d. „ 26d. 11 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 28d. „ 27d. „ 26d. „ 21d. „ „ 18d. „ „ 2Gd. „ 30d. „ „ 28d. „ 28d. 13 14 15 16 G. archbishop of York, 1, 2, 5, 6. George, duke of Clarence, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Richard, earl of Warwick and Salis- bury, 1, 2, 5, 6. John, earl of Shrewsbury, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9. Henry Gray of Codnor, knight. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8,9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, Humphrey Bourghchier of Cromwell, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4. William Hustynges of Hastynges, knight, 1,2,3, 4,7, 8, 9, 10,11,12, 13, 14, 15. Robert Danby, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Richard Byngham, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. 625 Nottinghamshire — cont. John Nedeliam, knif^ht, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Eobert Clyfton, kuight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Thomas Burgh, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Robert Markham, knight, 1, 2, G, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Robert Strelley, knight, 1, 2, 5, G. John Stanhope, 1, 2, 9, 14, 15. William Babyngton, 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11. Richard Willughby, Wilughby, 1, 2, 3, 4,' 5, 6, 7, 11. Gervase Clyfton, esquire, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, C, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Richard Sutton, 1. Thomas Neville of Rolleston, 1. William Meryngez, 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 15. Thomas Molyneux, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. John Mcthclay, 1, 2, 11, 12, 13, 14. John Nevyll, 1, 2, 3, 8, 9. Thomas Neville of Suthlevcrton, 1, 2, 6, 9, 11, 12, 13. William Wentworth, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Henry Perpoynt, 3, 4. . . . , knight, 7, 8, 9. Robert Sutton, 3, 4, 7. . . ., of Arom, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. John Saynton, 3, 4. John, marquis of Montagu, 5, 6. Richard Byngham, 5, G. Richard, duke of Gloucester, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Thomas Littelton, knight, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. William Notyngham, 9. Th. bishop of Lincoln, 10, 11, 12. 13. 14, 15. Thomas Nevyll, 10, 14, 15. John Babyngton, 12, 13, 11, 15. Richard Hastynges of AVclles, knight. 13, 14, 15. OXFORDSriIRE. 1. Coventry, 17 February, 14G8. 2. Westminster, 21 Oclober, 1468. 3. „ 14 November, 14G8. 4. „ 3 December, 14G8. 5. „ 8 May, 1169. 6. „ 12 July, 1470. 7. „ 14 November, 1470. 8. „ 12 June, 1471. 9. „ 3 December, 1473. 10. „ 28 February, 1474. 11. „ 10 November, 1475. 12. „ 31 December, 1475. 13. „ 4 July, 1476. G. archbishop of York, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. J. bishop of Lincoln, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. John, duko of Suffolk, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13. Richard, earl of Warwick and Salis- bury, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. Ralph Boteler of Sudeley, knight, 1, 2, 3, 5, G, 7. Richard Byngham, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Richard Chok, Chokke, knight, 1, 2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7. Robert Harecourt, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Walter Mauntell, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13. 7 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 22(1. 8 „ „ „ 29./. „ „ „ 2(hl. „ „ ,, 25f/. 9 „ „ „ 2-Ml. 10 „ „ „ Ud. 49 Henry VI. m. 27^/. 11 Edward IV. Tart 1. m. 29^?. 13 „ „ „ 2U.7. „ „ „ 18f/. 15 „ „ „ 28f/. „ 27r/. IG 2M. Richard Quartcrmayns, 1, 2, 3, 1, 5, G, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. William Marmyon, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 8, 9. Richard Dan vers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. John Stokes, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. V/'illiani Huggeford, Higgofeid, 1, 2, 3, ■J, 5. Thomas Stoner, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8,9 10. Henry Raynford, 1, 2, 3, 4 John Anne, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Peter ]\Iarmyon, 2, 3, 7. Richard Harecourt, knight, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. y 96186. B R 626 Oxfordshire — cont. John Barantyne, Barentyne, 3, 4, 5. Kichard Fowler, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 1], 12, 13. John, duke of JSIorfolk, 5. John Langeston, Langstone, f>, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Eichard, duke of Gloucester, 6, 8, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13. Thomas Bryan, Brian, 6, 7. Humphrey Forster, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Richard Halle, 6, 8, 9, 10, 13. George, duke of Clarence, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. John, abbot of Osney, 7. Thamas Urswyk, knight, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Guy Fairfax, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Richard Crofte, 12, 13. . . ., . . ., the younger, 8, 9, 10. John Straunge of Straunge, knight, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Thomas Croft, 9, 10. Th. bishop of Lincoln, 10, 11, 12, 13. Thomas Danvers, 10. William Danvers, 10, 11, 12, 13. ToPFN OF Oxford. 1, Westminster, 21 February, 1471. 49 Henry VI. m. 22d. 2. „ 30 November, 1472. 12 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 24rf. 2. „ 4 December, 1474. 14 „ „ „ 24J. 4.* Oxford, 5 April, 1475. 15 „ „ „ 31c?. G. archbishop of York, chancellor of the University, 1. George, duke of Clarence, 1. John, duke of Suffolk, 1. Richard, earl of Warwick and Salis- bury, 1. Thomas Chaundeler, clerk, 1. Thomas Stevens, clerk, 1. Richard Cliok, knight, 1. Tliomas Brian, 1 . John Dobbus, Dobbys, Dolbus, 2, 3, 4. . . ., mayor of the town, 1. William Marmyon, 1,2. Peter Marmyon, 1. Thomas Walrond, 1. John Denton, 1, 2. Richard Spragot, 1, 2, 3, 4, John Clerk, 1,2,3, 4. William Dag vile, 1. . . . , maj'or of the town, 2, 3, 4. John Seman, 1, 2, 3, 4. Master Thomas Chaundeler, chancellor of the University, 2, 3, 4. Thomas Ursev/yke, knight, 2, 3, 4. Guy Fayrefax, 2, 3, 4. Richard Quartermayns, Quatermayns, 2, 3, 4. Richard Fowler, 2, 3, 4. William Danvers, 3, 4. Th. bishop of Lincoln, 4. Thomas Danvers, 4. Richard Halle, 4. Thomas Denton, 4. John Goylyn, 4. BUTLANDSHIRE. 1. Salisbury, 23 April, 1470. 2. Westminster, 30 November, 1470. 8, „ 28 November, 1473. 4. „ 5 December, 1473. 5. „ 10 November, 1475. 6. „ 25 November, 1476. J. bishop of Lincoln, 1, 2. William Ilastynges of Hastynges, knight, 1, 3, 4, 5, 6. Robert Danby, knight, 1, 2, 10 Edward TV. Part 1. m. i5> 49 Henry VI. m. 2od. 11 Edward IV. Part 1 m. 12 ,, ), 13 «, *, 15 22(1. 2M. 28(1. 2ld. I9d. 2Qd. Thomas Asteley, 1,2. Nicholas Warynges, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. Thomas Wolsoley, 1, 2. Roger Bayle, Bailly, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. John Wode, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7. Henry Vernon, 2. Thomas Bryan, 3. William Milton, 3. Robert Hill, Hylle, 3, 6, 7, 8. Richard, duke of Gloucester, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Humphrey, duke of Buckingham, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. John, earl of Wiltshire, 4, 5, 6. William Hastynges of Hastynges, knight, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Thomas Urswyk, knight, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Guy Fayrefax, Fairfax, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. Hugh Egerton, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. John Acton, 4, 5, 6, 7. Richard Baycott, Bagott, 4, 5, 6, 7. William Bassat, Basset, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. William Harpour, Harper, 7, 8. Suffolk. 1. Westminster, 20 November, 1467. 2. „ 18 November, 1468. 3. Dogmersfield, 22 December, 1468. 4. Westminster, 13 June, 1470. 5. „ 16 July, 1470. 6. „ 4 December, 1470. 7. „ 4 July, 1471. 8. „ 13 December, 1473. 9. Nottingham, 11 September, 1473. 10. Westminster, 10 November, 1475. 11. „ 13 December, 1476. W. bishop of Norwich, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. W. bishop of Ely, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. George, duke of Clarence, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jl. John, duke of Norfolk, 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. John, duke of Suffolk, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. 7 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 23d. 8 ^, „ „ 26d. ,, „ „ 25d. 10 14rf. 14t/. 49 Henry VI. m. 25d. 11 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 29d. 13 „ „ „ 19d. „ ,, ,, 18c/. 15 16 25d. 26d. Richard, earl of IWarwick and Salis-' bury, 1, 2, 3, 6, John, earl of Oxford, 1, 2, 6. Henry, earl of Esses, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. John, earl of Northumberland, marquis of Montagu, 1, 2, 3, G. William Yelverton, knight, 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6. 631 Suffolk — cont. Thomas Billyng, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Richard Pygot, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, John Howard, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4-, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10. Thomas Walgrave, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. John Henyngham, Hevenyngham, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Thomas Brewes, knight, I, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11. William Jenney, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. John Hopton, 1, 2, 3. John Clopton, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11. Gilbert Debenham, esquire, 1, 5, 7, 8,9. „ „ knight, 7, 8, 9. Thomas Higham, Heysham, the younger, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 'l0, 11. John Suiyard, Suylyerd, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. William Mekelfeld, Mekifeld 1, 2, 3, 8, 9. James Hubbard, Hoberd, Hobard, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Ricliard Yaxley, 1, 2, 3. William Geddyng, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9. Thomas Wyngfeld, kniglit, 3, 4, 5, 7. William Brandon, knight, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11. Anthony, earl of Ryvers, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, John Wyngfeld. knight, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, II. Richard Bothe the elder, 4, 5. Henry Wentworth the elder, 4, 5. Robert Fcny.s, Fynes, knight, 6, 8, 9. Robert Harleston, 6. William Harleston, 6. Richard, duke of Gloucester, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. Robert AYyngfeld, knight, 7, 8, 9. J. bishop of Norwich, 8, 10, 11. William Alyngton, 8. William Hopton, 8, 9. John Broughton the younger, 10, 11. Surrey. 1. Coventry, 15 February, 1468. 2. Dognicrsfield, 30 March, 1469» 3. Westminster, 5 May, 14G9. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9, 10. 11. 12. 13, 14. 15. 16. 10 July, 1469. 15 December, 1470. 12 May, 1472. 27 May 1472. 28 October, 1472. 2G November, 1472. 26 February, 1473. 13 April, 1473. 14 July, 1474. 3 December, 1474. 16 October, 1475. 10 November, 1475. 15 January, 1477. 7 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 21^7^ 9 „ „ „ 2id. „ 23./. ,, „ 22d. 49 Henry VI. m. 25(1. 12 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 28(1. Th. archbishop of Cantcr])ury, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16. W. bishop of Winchester, I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 1.3, 15, 16. J. bishop of Exeter, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, G, 7, 8, 9, 10,* 11, 12, 13, 15, 16. George, duke of Clarence, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16. n 55 28rf, » 27 » ») 2ld. 14 5> J» 27d. J> 5» )> 26d. 15 JJ 55 » 30d. )) >J 27d. 16 >» J> JJ 26d. Richard, carl of Warwick and Salisburv, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Richard, carl of Ryvers, 1, 2, 3, 4. Edward Ncvyll of Bergcvennv, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,12, 13, 14, 15, 16. John Bourghchier of Berncr?, knight, 1,2,3, 4, 5,6, 7,8, 0, 10, 11. * ' Lincoln ' in error. 632 Surrey — cont. Ricliard Fenys of Dacre, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Humphrey Bourghchier of Cromwell, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4. . Humphrey Bourghchier, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4. Eicharcl lllyngworth, Elyngworth, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. William Yelverton, knight, I, 2, 3, 4,5. William Laken, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Thomas Cobham, knight, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. William Catesby, 1. Thomas Vaghan, Vaughan, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6,7,9,10,11. . . ,, treasurer of the king's chamber, 8. Thomas Selanger, Sentlnger, Senilegir, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14, 15, 16. Nicholas Gaynesfortl, 1,2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. John Elinbrigge, Elinebrigge, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. Arthur Ormesby, 1. Thomas Slyfeld, 1, 2, 3, 4. EobertWyntershyll, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. John Audeley of Audeley, knight, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Jl, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. John Catesby, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16. . . ., serjeant-at-law, 10, 11, 12. John Wode, 3, 4, 5, 9, 13. „ „ the elder, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16. John Gaynesford, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Richard Bourghchier of Berners, knight, 4. George Nevylle, 4, 13. „ knight, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, IG. , Henry Stafford, knight, 5. William Cornu, 5. L. bishop of Durham, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15. Richard, duke of Gloucester, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16. Henry, earl of Northumberland, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16. Walter Blount of Mount] oye, knight, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. Thomas Bryan, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16. . . ., knight, 14, 15. John Hoigrave, Holgreve, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Thomas Wyntershill the younger, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. Thomas Stauley of Stanley, knight, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. Thomas Basset, 10, 11, 12, 13. William, Merston, Marston, 11, 15, 16. William, earl of Arundell, 12, 13, Thomas Bourghchier, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. George Broun, knight, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. John Marston, 12, 13. Thomas Ive, 12, 13. William Dunnyngton, Dummyugton, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. William Hatteclyff, 13. Henry, earl of Essex, 14. Robert Wyngfeld, knight, 14. Thomas Stydalfe, 14. John Stedolf, 15. L. archbishop of York, 16. William Huse, 16. Sussex. 1. Coventry, 16 February, 1468. 7 Edward IV. Part 1. m. 21 49 Henry VI. ni. 26./. 11 Edward IV. Part 1. 13 ,) ,5 IS 16 m. 24 561, 590. Arde, in Ireland, 395. Ardern Hall [in Horndon], co. Essex, 345. Ardern, Peter, 74. , , justice of the Bench, 23. , , Katharine his wife, 23. , Thomas, parson of Hadham, 23. , , parson of Little Stambridge, 472. .., , William, parson of Little Stambridge, 472. Ardescote, William, prior of Penmou and Prestholme, 122. Ardfert, bishop of. See Pygge. Ardglass, in Ireland, 162. Ardingley, Hardynglegh, co. Sussex, 256. Ardington, co. Berks, 2, 582. Ardleigh, Ardeley, co. Essex, 501. Ardmulchan, Ardemulgham [co. Meath], 162, 458, 598. Argaston, John, 576. Arkengarthdale, co. York, 483, 486, 487. Arksey, co. York, 207. Arlesey, Arlichesey, co. Bedford, 191. Armagh, archbishopric of, 259. , archbishop of. See Bole. Armathwaite, co. Cumberland, priory of, 392. , prioress and convent of, 393. Armerer, John, 603. Armestou. See Araerton. Arms, grant of, 338. Armyn, John, 526. Arnall. See Arnold. Arnemuideu, Ermewe, Haremuth, in Zeeland, 29, 57, 129. Arnold, Arnall, co. Nottingham, 243, 386, 441, 448, 482, 517. Arnold, Kichard, 52. , William, 31. Arnoldesson, Talk, 1 13. Arnorica, in Brittany, 474. Arsses, Richard, 8. Arsy manor in Stallingborough, co. Lincoln, 85. Arthorpe. See Authorpe. Arthur, Richard, 162. 196, 522. , William, 522, Arthuret, Artruth, co. Cumberland, 21. Arthyngton, John, 378. Artilburgh. See Irthlingborough. Artilburgh, John, 473. Artour, John, 254. , Richard, 220, 284. Artruth. See Arthuret. Arundel, co. Sussex, 224. , earl of. See FitzAlan. Arundell, John, 57, 169, 197, 200, 220, 246, 399, 427, 610, 612. , , bishop of Chichester [1459- 1477], 294, 633. , , of Lanherne, 102, 267, 610. , , of Talverne, 101, 104, 491. , of Trerys, 58. , , Joan his wife, 58. , Nicholas, 58. , Thomas, 354, 491. , of Mautravers, 181, 219, 247, 249, 284, 318, 351, 356, 495, 573, 613, 615, 616, 627, 629, 633, 635, 636. Aschtone. See Assheton. Ascot [co. Berks], 573. Ascough, John, 85, , Richard, 85. , Robert, 85. Ascu, John, 352. , Master Robert, canon of Exeter, 374. Aseby. See Aisby. Ash, Asshe, co. Kent, 42. Eyssh, CO. Suffolk, 110. CO. Surrey, 548. by Farningham, Asshe by Frenyug- ham, CO. Keot, 480. Thomas, co. Devon, 343. Ashbourne, Assheburn in le Peek, co. Derby, 504. Ashburton, Ayssheperton, co. Davon, 171. Ashbury, Aysshbury, co. Berks, 280, 578, 589. , Asshebury, co. Devon, 24, 45, 46. Ashby, CO. Norfolk, 82. de la Zouch, co. Leicester, 97, 98, 476. Ashdou, Asshedon, co. Essex, 12. Ashdown Park, Aysshedonpark, co. Berks, 578, 589. Ashelworth, co. Gloucester, 7. Ashen, Asshyn, co. Essex, 75. Ashford, Asshettesford, Esshettisford, co. Kent, 42, 119, 274, 301, 414, 585. , hundred of, 301. Ashill, Asshehill, co. Norfolk, 322. , AysshehuU, co. Somerset, 9. Ashley, Assheley, co. Northampton, 9, 27, 517. by Tiverton, co. Devon, 179. Ashover, co. Derby, 76. Ashow, Asshe, co. Warwick, 64, 411. Ashprington, Ayspryngton, eo. Devon, 171. GENERAL INDEX. 645 Asliridge, Aysserygge, co. Devon, 36. , hundred of, 242. AshtOD, Asshyn, co. Northampton, 10. , Assheton [co. Lancaster], 334. , CO. Wilts, 397, 541, 562. , Aston, Long, co. Somerset, 577. A.sharst, Asshehurst, co. Surrey, 457, 529. Ashwcll, Asshewell, co. Hertford, 144, 367, 433, 436, 452, 476, 597. Askam, Ralph, 22. Aske, Roger, 215. Askham Bryan, Brian Askam, co. York, 483, 487. Askrigg, CO. York, 21, 119. Aslackby, Aslakby, co, Lincohi, 26, 385, 510, 517. Aspall, Aspales, co. Suffolk, 49. Aspatonam, co. Suffolk, 225, 326. Aspatria, co. Cumborlaod, 137. Aspendeu, Aspden, co. Hertford, 203, 322. Asper, Aspar, Thomas, 572, 637. Asplon, John, 245, 248, 609. Assh, Asshe, John, 60, 400. , Richard, 154, 209. Thomas, 166, 175, 276,470, 471, 524, 554. , , parson of Westou, 164. , William, 523. Asshby, Thomas, 53. .., , warden of the hospital of Ospringe, 418. Asshe. See Ashow. Assheburn, Henry, 130. Assheby, Isabel, 80. , John, 286. , William, 405, 619. Asshecamys, co. Somerset, 534. Asshefeld, John, the younger, 387. Assheforde, John, 165. , William, 165, 377. Assheley, Edmund, 501. Edward, parson of Warnford, 499. Asshenden, William, abbot of Abingdon, 51, 119. Asshetesford. See Ashford. Asuheton, co. Lancaster, 531. And see Ashton. Assheton, Aschtone, Asshton, Edward, 399. , John, 426. , Ralph, 102, 103, 166, 200,222,264, 286, 287, 377, 408, 410, 426, 51.5, 593. , Richard, abbot of Peterborough, 266, 292, 418. Thomas, 16. And see Ayssheton. Asshettesford. See Ashford. Asshfeld, John, 405. Asshton, Edward, parson of St. Matthew, Ipswich, 597. I Asshwell, Robert, 334. , Wilham, 562. Assyheford, William, 253. Asteley, John, 341, 525. , Philip, 286. , Thomas, 630. Asthorpe, William, 343. Astley, Asteley, co. Warwick, 348, 577. Aston, CO. Buckingham, 135. by Birmingham, co. Warwick, 226. Cautlow, CO. Warwick, 175. Sandford, A stoustanford, co. Bucking- ham, 472. by Stone, co. Salop, 304. And see Ashton. Astun, Astyn, Thomas, 346, 581. Atcombe, Ralph, 404. Athebowe, John, 578. Athelek, John, 578. Atheliiey, co. Somerset, abbot of, 266. Athelstan, king of England, charter of, 267. Atherton, Athirton, co. Lancaster, 23, 382, 498. Atherton, Athirton, John, 222, 286, 382, 498, 515. , sheriff of Durham and Sad- berg, 23. Attewarde. See Atworth. Attleborough, Attilburgh, co. Norfolk, 149. Attorney-General. See Huddesfeld; II use ; Sotehill. Atworth, Attewarde, co. Wilts, 500. Aubry, John, mayor of Nonvich, 197. Audeley, Edmund, parson of Llanbedr, 447. , canon of Hereford, 448. , , preben(lar_v of Lincoln, 296. , Humphrey, 309, 483, 484. Jane, 484. John, 484. lord of, 22, 55, 56, 68, 69, 126, 128, 162, 170, 195, 196, 199, 219, 220, 266, 284, 287, 350, 351, 353, 411, 440, 444, 483, 484, 490, 500, 520, 536, 542, 548, 551, 573, 612, 613, 615, 627-630, 632, 634-636. , James dc, 232, 242. , Nicholas de, 232, 242. Thomas de, 232, 242. Audemer, John, 542. Audierue, Odierne, in Brittany, 521. Auerey, John, 344. , Thomas, 158. Aufrey, Yvo, 53. Auger, Henry, 463, 491, .524. Aughentons. See Alkingtou. Aukebargh. See Alkborough. Aulescombe. See Awliscorabe. Aulton. See Alton. Aumenerc, Walter, 37. Auugesyu. See Augevyn. Aunsell, William, 29. 646 GENERAL INDEX. Auray, Dawrey, in Brittany, 521, 605. Austell, John, 254. Austhorpe, co. Lincoln, 56(i. Austyn, Austen, Auston, Agnes, 435. , John, 45, 160, 241, 266, 286, 293, 435. Authorpe, Arthorpe, Awethorpe, co. Lincoln, 26, 517. Auxerre, diocese of, 374. Avelghien, lord of. See Brugges. Avelyn, Robert, 148. Avenel, John, 343. Avenell, Thomas, 60. , , parson of Feuplingue, 125. Averey, Henry, 493. Avon river, co. Warwick, 64, 411. Av^'usbury, co. Hereford, 110. Awdeley. See Audeley. Awebrey, John, 251. Awelde, Richard, 286. Awethorp. See Authorpe. Awliscombe, Aulescombe, co. Devon, 61, 99. Axebridge, co. Somerset, 502. Axholme, Isle of, co. Lincoln, 157, 428. , , Carthusian house of the Visi- tation of St. Mary in. See Ep-worth. Axstell, Henry, 224. Axton, Axstan, co. Kent, hundred of, 299, 302. Ayhorne. See Eyhorne. Aykescarth. See Aysgarth. Aykroyd, William, 343, 349. Aylemer, Robert, 387. Aylesbeare, Aillesbeare, co. Devon, 358, 376, 457, 529. Aylesbury, Alesbury, co. Buckingham, 33, 38, 55, 56, 480. Aylesby, co. Lincoln, 142. Aylesford [co. Kent], 106. Aylesthorpe, co. Lincoln, 200, 310, 420, 518, 523. Ayley, William, 577. Ayleward, Edward, 245. Ayle worth, John, 7. Aylmestborpe. See Elmesthorpe. Aylsham, co. Norfolk, 387. Ayuderby. See Ainderby. Aynesford. See Eynsford. Aynetre. See Aiutree. Aynthorne. See Anthorn. Ay Scheie, Edward, 5. Aj-scogh, Aysscogh, John, 258, 621. Aysgarth, Aykescarth, co. York, 483, 486, 487. Aysly, William, 350. Ayspryngton See Ashprington. Aysscogh. See Ayscogh. Aysserygge. See Ashridge. Aysshbury. See Ashbury. Aysshe, Robert, 575. AysshehuU. See Ashill. Ayssheperton. See Ashburton. Ayssheton, Edward, 610. , John, 493. .., Ralph, 55, 637 . , , sheriff of York, 316. And see Assheton ; i\.yston. Aysshfeld, John, the younger, 93. Aysshowe, Laurence, 141. .., Marjory, 142. , Nicholas, 141. , Richard, 141 . , Robert, 141. Ayston, Edward, 351. , Ralph, 349. , Richard, 594. Aythorp, Thomas, 406. Aythorpe Roding, Aytroppe Rodyng, co. Esssx, 115, 116, 318. B. Baas, Base, Boxe, co. Hertford, 123, 262 Babbe, John, 78. Babbecombe, co. Devon, II. Babbecombe, William, 11. Babford. See Bayford. Babham, Thomas, 222, Babthorpe, co. York, 313. Babthorpe, Ralph, 313. Babyn, Raulet, 333. Babyngtou, John, 625. , William, 199, 407, 410, 479, 625. , , chief justice of the Common Bench, 131. Baceford. See Basford. Bache, de la, Ralph, 357. Bacon, John, 102, 569. Baconsthorpe, co. Norfolk, 191. Bacster, John, 43.'). Badby, Henry, G06. , John, 568. , William, 345, Badcok, John, the elder, 579, , , the younger, 579. , Richard, 579. Baddeleston. See Battlesden. Baddesley, co. Southampton, William Tour- nay, preceptor of, 217. Badelmere, B. de, 561. Badgeworth, Baggeworth, co. Gloucester, 397, 541, 562. Badlesmere, Batillesmere, co. Kent, 560. Badmyuton, John, 13. Badyngham, Robert, 576. GENERAL INDKX. 647 Bafyn, William, parson of St. John, Madder- market, Norwich, 21. Bagby, John, 487. Eager, John, 452. Bagge, Richard, 260. Baggeworth. See Badgewoith. Baginton, Bathekjngton, co. Warwick, 153. Bagot, John, 228, 237. , Richard, 351, 407, 630. Bagshotes Baillye, in Windsor forest, 452. Baguley, Nicholas, 400. , , Joan his wife, 400. Bagworth, Robert, 80. Bailly, John, 147. , Julian, 475. , Robert, 417. .Roger, 351, 630. Baily, Bayly, Robert, sub-prior of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, 231, 232. Bainbridge, Baynbrig, co. York, 483, 486, 487. Bainton, Bayntou, co. York, 102, 354. Baker, Edmund, 151. , Garard, 496. , Henry, 325. , John, 39, 144, 329, 366, 374, 406, 475, 504, 569. Nicholas, 142. , Richard, 128, 422. Robert, 6, 501. Thomas, 168. , , parson of Bramfield, 132. , , parson of King's Ripton, 132. , William, 53, 324, 430, 435. , , chaplain of Mortimer's chantry in Chichester cathedral, 550. , parson of Petworth, 550. Bakster, Peter, 585. Balached, John, 323. Balara. See Balhani. Balam, Thomas, 325. , William, 210. Balance, Balaznench (in Finistere), in Brit- tany, 474. Balard. See Ballard. Balateston. See Balsdon. Balaznench. See Balance. Balderton, co. Nottingham, 576. Baldewyn, John, 152, 302, 357. , Richard, 502. Baldock, co. Hertford, 77, 325, 440. Baldon Marsh, Mersshbaldyugton, co. Oxford, 534, 584. Baldry, Baldre, Robert, 318, 355. William, 171, 184, 308. Baldyswell. See Bawdeswell. Balham, Balam, co. Surrey, 308. Ball, Balle, John, 255, 395, 551. Ballard, Robert, 462, 463. Balliall, John, king of Scots, 228, 236. Balnebek, co. York, 179. Balscadan, co. Du )lin, 20, 279, 419. Balsdon, Balatesti-a (in Kentbury), co. Berks, 419. Balston. See Balsdon, Baly, John, 406. Bamburgh, co. Northumberland, 90, 114, 181, 258, 290, 328, 335. , burgesses of, 114. Bamme, John, 101, 284, 391, 445, 463, 618. Bamnench. See Bannec. Bampton, Brampton, co. Oxford, 397, 400, 421, 541, 562. , hundred of, 541. Banastre, Banaster, John, parson of Papworth Everard, 174, 332. , Giles, 257. , Philippa, 499. llalph, escheator of Southampton and Wilts, 402. , Roland, 319. , Thomas, 252. , Thurstan, 257. Banathelek. See Bonallack. Banbury, Bannebury, co. Oxford, 9, 79, 80, 503. letters patent dated at, 207, 611, 614, 628, 635. Banbury, John, 576. , William, 416. Baneston, John, 257. Banford. See Bayford. Bangolf, Thomas, 74. Bangor, bishop of. See Edenham ; Swafham- , dean of. See Morgan. , diocese of, 122, 304, 335. Banham, Master Richard, 5. Bank, Christopher, par8on of Chelmsfotd, 504. , parson of Scrayingham, 504. , Joan, 397. Banke, Richard, 580. Thomas, 166, 491. Bankhous, Thomas, 5. Banne river, in Ireland, 395. Bannec, Bamnench (in Finistere), in Brittany, 474. Banstead, Benstede, co. Surrey, 237, 241, 528. Banwell, co. Somerset, 72. Banyard, John, 249. Banyngham, Robert, 576. Barantyne. See Barentyne. Barbaur, William, 223. Barbour, Barboure, John, 144, 432. , , master of the hospital of St. Mary, Dover, 16. , Nicholas, 210, 378. , Ralph, 4. , Richard, 501. 648 GENERAL INDEX. Barbour, Thomas, 4, 573. , Walter, parson of Alvescott, 333. Barby, Berneghby, co. Northampton, 327. Earcombe, Bercompe, Barkham, co. Sussex, 18, 192. Bardes, Adrian de, 12. , Bernard de, 12. John de, 239. Bardesey, Eobert, 179. Bardestaple. See Barnstaple. Bardfield, co. Essex, 538. Bardoce, Laurence, 1 60. Bardolfes, co. Hertford, 531. Bardsea, Berdeshey, co. Lancaster, 456. Barefoote, John, 41. Barell, Robert, 53. Barentyne, Barantyne, John, 248, 249, 626. Baret, Barette, John, 48, 102, 203, 305, 319, 322, 389. , , Thomas, 141, 442. Barford, Bereford, co. Wilts, 220. , St. Martin, 534, 582. Barham, Berham, co. Kent, 433. Barkeley. See Berkeley. Barker, John, 139, 318. Thomas, 143, 323. , parson of Petworth, 550. , , chaplain of Mortimer's chantry in Chichester cathedral, 550. , William, 2, 378. Barkeswell. See Berkeswell. Barkham. See Earcombe. Barking, Eerkyng, co. Essex, 360. , abbey of, 388, 391. , convent of, 388. , Katharine de la Pole, abbess of, 388. , Dame Elizabeth Laxham, abbess of, 388, 391. , .abbess and convent of, 119, Barkley. See Beckley. Barkston, Barkeston, co. Leicester, 27, 517. Barley, co. York, 179, 307, 419. Barley, Henry, 182, 199, 250, 285, 350, 407, 617. , Eobert, 147, 320. Barling, co. Essex, 154. Barlo-we, Eobert, 385. Early, William, 272, 274. Barming, Bermyng, co. Kent, 93. Barnaby on Don, Barnby on Dun, co. York, 148. Barnaby, Barueby, John, 218, 346, 518, 530. Barnack, co. Northampton, 203. Barnard, Eustace, prior of Eavenstone, 343. John, 406, 624. , Eobert, 490. , William, 287. Barnardiston, co. Suffolk, 89. Barnbow, co. York, 316. Barneby. See Barnaby. Barnes, Thomas, 36, 332. Barnet, battle of, 298, 336, 444, 470, 585. Barnet, Eichard, 222. Barnewell, John, 325. Barney, Elizabeth, 423. Barnfield, Bernefylde, co. Kent, hundred of, 301. Bamham Broom, Bernham Brome, co. Nor- folk, 562. Barningham, Branyngljam, co. Norfolk, 191. , Eernyngham [co. York.], 483, 487. Barnstaple, Bernestaple, co. Devon, 7, 32, 77, 137, 141, 168, 169, 443. , port of, 113, 393. Earnston, Barnyston, co. Nottingham, 434. Barnwell, Bernewell [co. Cambridge] , priory of, 477, 481. , , convent of, 476. , , John Whaddon, prior of, 476. , , William Tebald, prior of, 477, 481. Baron, John, 185, 223, 286. , , chaplain of Farleigh Hunger ford, 151. , , parson of Chilton, 151. , Philip, 359. , Eichard, 230. , William, 149, 286, 472. Barough. See Barowe. Barowe. -See Barrow. Earow, Thomas, parson of Cottingham, 369. Barowe, Barough, Eichard, 605. Walter, 57, 196, 219, 220. , William, 286. Barowes, Eichard, 490. Earras, Brenger, 333. Barre, Great, co. Stafford, 143. Barre, Ankaret, 425. , Elizabeth, 425. , Isabel, 425. , Joan, 425. , John, 219, 220, 425, 429, 430, 450, 453, 463, 464, 505, 616. , , Joan his wife, 425. , Edouia his wife, 425. Thomas, the elder, 425. , , Elizabeth his wife, 425. , Thomas, the younger, 425. , , Alice his wife, 425. Barret, John, 293, 515. Barrington, Baryngton, co. Somerset, 533. Barrow, Barowe, co. Leicester, 26, 27, 517. , CO. Lincoln, 382. Barwe, co. Suffolk, 14. Barrus, John, parson of Pertenhall, 142. Barry, John, 104. Barsham, Burshamwelle, co. Norfolk, 93, 387. Barisonhowson, Walter, 513. GEN'ERAL INDEX, 649 Barstable, Berstaple, co. Essex, hundred of, 62, 531, 556. Barsworth, Thomas, 287. Bartelot, Thomas, 431. Bartillesden. See Basildon. Barton, Berton, co. Buckingham, 33. , CO. Lincoln, 596. , CO. Westmoreland, 96. in the Clay, co. Bedford, 507. on Humber, co. Lincoln, 458, 530. by Gloucester, 341. Pyncanye. See Earl's Barton. in Henmerssh, co. Warwick, 323. Barton, Conand, 223. , John, 316. , , mayor of Hereford, 148. , , the elder, 112. , , the younger, 112, 390. , , Isabel his wife, 112, 390. , Richard, 223. , Thomas, 606. , William, 256, 272, 276, 444, 575. Barvyle, Master John, penitentiary in St. Paul's cathedral, London, 460. Barwe. See Barrow. Barwick, Berewyc, co. York, 367. Bascarvile. See Baskervile. Base. See Baas. Baseley, Robert, 491, 524. Basford, Baceford, co. Nottingham, 441, 482. Basildon, Bartillesden, co. Essex, 344. Basing, co. Southampton, 130, 558. Basingle, co. Huntingdon, 141. Basingstoke, co. Southampton, 443. Baskervile, Bascarvile, Baskefyld, James, 3, 54, 58, 198, 219, 220, 284, 289, 350, 407, 429, 580, 616. , John, 615. Basse, John, 6. Basset, John, 104, 203, 433. , Ralph, 357. Robert, 222, 307, 511. , , mayor of London, 597. , Thomas, 246, 248, 632. , William, 219, 351, 407, 630. , proctor, master or warden of Goddeshous, Cambridge, 130. Bassetes Courte in Shawe, co. Wilts, 533. Bassewell, Thomas, 481. Bassiugbourn, Basyngbourn [co. Cambridge], 73. Bastard of Bretaigne, Edward the, 185. Bastard, Thomas, 60. Bastou, CO. Lincoln, 41. Bastyngdcn, co. Berks, 93. Basworth, Thomas, 286. Basyng, Edward, 115. Basyngburn. See Bassingbourn. Basyngham. Set Besiingham. Bataill, Edmund, 254. , John, 393. Bate, Baty, Christopher, 635. , John, dean of the collegiate church of Tamworth, 48. , Margaret, 108. , Richard 3. , Robert, 76, 598. , Thomas, 233, 350, 610, 635. Batell, John, 301. , William, parson of Stanton St. John, 498, 578. Bateman, Thomas, parson of Ivinghoe, 394, , Williara, 319. Baten, Richard, 6. And see Batyn. Baterssey. See Battersea. Bates, .John, 159. Bateson, Batson, Thomas, 409, 496, Bath, 496. prior and convent of, 65. , Thomas, prior of, 10. , John, prior of, 65, 628. Bath and Wells, diocese of, 14, 15, 96, 151, 260, 305, 347, 476. bishop of. Sec Stillington. Bathe, Thomas, lord of Louth, 193. Batheaston, Uutheneston, co. Somerset, 211. 457, 530. Bathekyngton. See Baginton. Batillesden. See Battlesden. Batrichesey. See Battersea. Batson. Sec Bateson. Batte, John, 340, 393, 453, 592. Batter, Thomas, 146. Battersea, Batrichesey [co. Surrey], 276, 308. Battle, CO. Sussex, John, abbot of, 294. Battlesden, Batillesden, Baddelestou [co. Bedford], 56, 205. Baty. See Bate. Batyn, Baten, John, 286, 287, 305, 498. Batys, Thomas, 286. Bauelingham, in Picardy, 457, 529. Baunton, 94. Bawde, Bawede, John, 498. , Ralph, 182, 199, 250, 616. , Robert, 250. Bawdcswell, lialdyswell, co. Norfolk, 80, IJawdewyn, John, 525. Bawdrip, Bawderyppe. co. Somerset, 187. Bawtry, Bautrc, co. York, 77. Baxter, Henry, rector of St. Ewin within Newgate, Loudon, 38(>. , Robert, 380. William, 504. Baxster, John, 435. , , the elder, 285. , Simon, 381. , Thomas, 84. 650 GENERAL INDEX. Bay, William, 202, Baycliff, Belclyfe, co. Lancaster, 456. Bayen, Thomas, 553. Bayford, Babford, Banford, co. Kent, 198. Bayly, Baylly, John, 255. , Richard, 606. , Robert, 323, 581. , Roger, 407. , Thomas, 118. , William, rector of Mathon, 3. Baylyford, co. Devon, 24, 51. Baynard, Robert, 374, 408, 428, 463. Baynbrig. See Baiubridge. Baynham, Thomas, 220, 349, 407, 615. Baynton, John, 584. Robert, 524, 534, 584, 585. , Elizabeth his wife, 584, 585. And see Beynton. Baynton. See Bainton. Bayonne, in Aquitaine, 559. ship called le Martyn of, 559. Bayte, Richard, 581. Bay worth, John, 2. Bazainsula. See Isle de Batz. Beachampton, Bechampton, co. Buckingham, 254. Beale, John, 236. Bealfeld, Alexander, 143. Bealknap, Beleknap, Robert, 371. Beam, Beme, co. Devon, 36. Beare, Ralph, 81. Beauchamp Roding, co. Essex, 290. Beauchamp, Elizabeth, countess of Warwick, 207. , Henry, duke of Warwick, 232. , Isabel, countess of Warwick, 67. , , John, 247, 429, 465. , , of Beauchamp, 497, 526. , , of Powyk, 349, 350, 614, 636. , , Richard, 101, 183, 219, 220, 284, 315, 349, 350, 406, 407, 429, 448, 454, 465, 614, 636. , , earl of Warwick, 207. , , bishop of Salisbury [1450- 1481], 15, 16, 31, 91, 115, 116, 123, 125, 179, 220, 231, 283, 240, 241, 245, 278, 279, 296, 306, 311, 368, 371, 374, 404, 412, 535, 539, 540, 543, 550, 553, 554, 561-563, 566, 573, 596, 608, 613, 628, 635. , chancellor of the Order of the Garter, 554. Beaudeley. See Bewdley. Beaufeys, John, 218. Beaufitz, John, 348, 405, 421, 606, 634. , William, 144, 178, 376. Beaufo, Humphrey, 211. ... , Richard, 211. Beaufort, Edmund, 139. duke of Somerset, 94, 179. Beaufort, Eleanor, duchess ot Somerset, 86, 94, 100, 139, 169. , Henry, duke of Somerset, 31, 36, 66, 95, 108, 121, 139, 179, 445, 446. , John, earl of Somerset, 343. , duke of Somerset, 339, 343. , Margaret, duchess of Somerset, 294, 508. Beaule. See Bewle. Beaumaner, co. Leicester, 27, 517. Beaumaris, co. Anglesea, 54, 165, 524, , burgesses of, 115. , port of, 524. , letters patent dated at, 134. Beaumont, Bemond, co. Essex, 297, 560. Beaumont, Henry, 284, 286, 347. , Eleanor his wife, 347. , Henry, sheriff of Stafford, 347. , escheator of Worcester, 347. , John, 403, 404, 576. , , lord, 200, 310. , , Katharine his wife, 200. , Philip, 105, 169, 171, 204, 219, 220, 284, 351, 407, 427, 612. , , sheriff of Devon, 168. , Thomas, 491. , William, 418. , , lord Bardolf, 418. , , lord, 18, 19, 22, 26, 34, 36, 40, 117, 132, 200, 310, 413, 531. , Joan his wife, 34, 117, 132, 310. Beaumont Fee, co. Lincoln, 518, 523. Beaupe, David, 588. Beaupie, Reginald, parion of Llanddowyn, 335. Beauripper, co. Cornwall, 603. Beaushyn, William, 500. Beauvoir. See Belvoir. Beccle», co. Suffolk, 226, 384, 502. Bechampton. See Beachampton. a Becket, Thomas, archbishop of Canterbury, 131. Beckham, Bekham, co. Norfolk, 2. , East, 2. Beckington, Bekynton, co. Somerset, 367. Beckley, Barkley, co. Oxford, 56. Bedale, John, prebendary of Chichester, 551. , prebendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 551. , Master William, prebendary of Bridg- north, 332. Bedall, John, 571. Beddington, Bedyngton, co. Surrey, 38, 357. Bedebay. See Bude Bay. Bedefeld, Henry, 597. Bedell, Richard, 148. Beddenham. See Biddenham. Bedewynde. See Bedwin. Bedfont, East, Estbedfount, co. Middleeex, 42. GENERAL INDEX. 651 Bedford, Redford, CO. Bedford, 79, 1 18,241, 542, 570. , St. John Baptist, prior and canons of, 13. , CO. Lincoln, 12. Bedford, county of, 25, 37, 40,52,168,170, !91, 195, 211, 218, 232, 233, 266, 285, 289, 329, 346, 348, 349, 421, 428, 444, 462, 492, 496, 508, 540, 562, 565. , sheriff of, 168,285, 349, 492. And see Molyueux. , , escheator in, 98, 123, 191, 271, 292, 330, 332, 391, 400, 475, 597. And see Oxbrigge ; Holcote ; Gate ; Fowler; Wade. , , outlawry in, 6, 8-11, 81, 142, 143, 204, 254, 322, 323, 326, 380, 381, 437, 499, 501, 503, 564, 576. , , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 329, 348, 478. , , commissions of the peace in, 607. Bedford, John, 251, 287. , Richard, 146, 320, 472. , Margaret his wife, 320. Bedham. See Dedham. Bedhampton, co. Southampton, 5. Bedminster [co. Somerset], 139. Bedon, Bedown, Bedun, Master John, 11. Bedwell, Bedewell, co. Hertford, 114. Bedwin, Bedewynde, co. Wilts, 243, 458, 530. Bedyll, Henry, 322. , , Margaret his wife, 322. , Richard, 578. , Thomas, 301. Bedyngfeld, Edmund, 595. , Anne, 595. , Margaret, 595. Thomas, 595. Beeleigh by Maiden, co. Essex, St. Nicholas, abbot and convent of, 364. , William, abbot of, 364. Beell, John, 542. Beelle, Thomas, 277. Beer, 295. Beerton. See Bierton ; Bourtou. Beeston. See Boston. Begard, Bekart, Thomas, 481. Begger, co. York, alien priory of, 282, 304, 328. Beggeworth. See Hadgcworth. Beghton. See Beighton. Begonell, Thomas, 350. Begynhill. See Buckuell. Beighton, Beghton, co. Derby 435. Bekart. See Begard. Bek, Anthony, bishop of Norwich [1337- 1343], 459, 539. Beke, P«ter, 224. Bekele. See Bexley. Bekesbourn*, co. Kent, 303. Bekeswell. See Bexwell. Beket, .John, 200. Bekham. S«e Beckham. Bekley, Roger, 163. ... , William, 526, 552. Bekynton. See Beckington. Bekyrton, .John, 432. Belamy, John, 501. Belchalwell, Belle, co. Dorset, 92. Belchamp, John, 467. Belchford [co, Lincoln], 286, 508. Belclyfe. See Bayclitt'. Bele, Hamo, 407. John, 75, 826. , Richard, 295, 415. Beleknap. See Bealknap. Belgard, in Ireland, 592, 598. Belknap, William, 97, 46S. Bell, Ingelram, 201. , Robert, 500. , John, 565. , Thomas, 214. Matthew, 215. , William, 215. Bellars, John, 89. Belle. See Belchalwell. Belle, Henry, 443. John, 287. Belleau, Hallowe, co. Lincoln, 508, 525. Belle Isle, in France, 198. Beller, Roger, 242. Bellers, John, 199, 619. Belletour, Thomas, 415. Belloc[ampo], Hugh de, 13. Bellover. See Belvoir. Belluton, Belton, Bellewton, co. Somerset, 83, 457, 530. Bellingham, Simon, 73. Bellyngham, Thomas, rector of Sutton on Derwent, 299. Belowed, Thomas, 356. Belsy, William, 79. Belton, CO. Leicester, 580. And see Belluton. Belton, John, 609. Belvoir, Beauvor, Bellover, Bevour, co. Leicester, 27, 517. , priory of, 27, 517. Belwode, Thomas, 428. Belyngeham, Alexander, 288. , Christopher, 288. , Henry, 45, 98, 288. , James, 288. Roger, 288. Beme. See Beam. Bemond. See Beaumont. Bemyster, Roger, abbot of Cerne, 240 241 372, 279. 652 GENERAL INDEX. Benam. See Binhamy. Benbury, William, 318, 453, 487. Bench, Common, justices of, 1-11, 16, 20,21, 37, 38, 51, 52, 72-82, 93, 94, 99, 119, 122, 141-149, 154, 157, 163, 164, 173, 178, 202-204, 224, 320-327, 364, 380-386, 413, 431-437, 444, 477, 482, 498-504, 513, 564, 574-582. , , chief justice of. See Babyngton ; Bryan ; Danby ; Pry sot ; Neuton. , , justices of. See Ardern ; Bereford ; Choke ; Juyn ; Littelton ; Moyle ; Nedeham ; Neel ; Norton ; Scrope ; Stanton ; Thirnyng ; Triking- ham ; Yonge. , , office of chirography in, 376. , , keeper of the -writs and rolls of. See Fogge. Bench, King's, 11. , , justices of, 11, 444, 513, 574. , chief justice of. See Markham ; Billyng. , , justices of. See Byngham ; Laken ; Nedeham ; Neel ; Yelverton ; Yonge ; , , crier in. Se« Stathom ; Prinket ; Tankard. , , coroner and attorney in. See Croxton ; West ; Vynter. Bendell, John. 277. Bendyssh, Thomas, 369. Benesse. See Venasque. Benestede. See Banstead. Benesworth. See Binswood. Benet, Benett, Beunet, Alexander, 214, 277. , Edmund, 581. , Henry, 251, 287. , John, 4, 18, 40, 61, 11.5, 399, 499. , the elder, 286. Nicholas, 53. .......... Peter, 323. , Richard, 336, 434. ,Eobert, 254, 591. , Thomas, 6, 355, 409. , William, parson of Etton, 21. Benger, John, 635. Benham Hoe, Helbenham, co. Berks, 242. -.. Lovell, CO. Berks, 242. Benne, Thomas, 224. Bennet. See Benet. Bennington, Benyngdon, co. Hertford, 575. Bensted, John, 270. Benstede. See Banstead. Bentele, William, 384. Benteley, Christopher, 355, 356, 378. Bentley, Benteley, co. Essex, 297, 543, 547, 563, 567. , Great, 532. , Little, 345. , CO. York, 207. Benwick, co. Cambridge, 169, I'O. Beny, Thomas, 224. Benyll, Richard, 144. Berastegni [in Spain], 480. Bercompe. See Barcombe. Berdefeld, John, 157. Berdeshey. See Bardsea. Berdwell, William, the younger, 343. , , Elizabeth, his wife, 343. Bere, co. Devon, 149. Kingesbere, Westbere, co. South- ampton, forest of, 97. Bere, George, 568. , Ralph, 337. , Thomas, 51, 246, 263, 286, 554, 610. , William, 102, 169, 355. , de la, Delabere, Richard, 430, 450 > 463. Bereford. See Barford. , William de, 601. , , justice of the Bench, 100, 465. Berell, Robert, 569. ... ...... Walter, 76. Berestaple. See Barstaple. Berewe, John, 433. Bereworth, Alice, 215. Berewyc. See Barwick. Berford. See Barford. Bergevenny, 557. Bergeveuy, Philip, 7. Bergli, Edith, abbess of Wilton, 231, 296. Bergholt, co. Suffolk, 590. Berham. See Barham ; Burham. Berkeley, co. Gloucester, 303, 328. , Berkelaiharnesse, 328. Berkeley, Barkeley, Edward, 52, 88, 196, 220. 318, 351. 356, 405, 429, 495, 551, 552, 569, 615, 629. , John, 210, 354, 378. , Maurice, 56, 100, 128, 196, 220, 284, 309, 318, 351, 356, 361, 374, 391, 404, 405, 417, 429, 635. , , of Beverston, 219, 349, 351, 407, 614, 629. , , of Wetley, 5. , Thomas, 126, 199, 284, 313, 350, 405, 619, 626. William, 54, 303, 429, 447, 490, 495, 669, 571, 578, 629, 636. , , of Berkeley, 195, 219, 251, 303, 614, 615,629. , Maurice de, 328. , Robert de, 328. , Thomas de, 328. , William, lord of, 328. Berkeswell, Barkeswell, co. Warwick, 49, 331. Berkeswell, William, 77. Berkham. See Barcombe. Berkhampstead, co. Hertford, 151, 439, 447, 563, 599. Little, 114. GENERAL INDEX. 653 Berks, county of, 25, 36, 85, 90, 91, 159, 196, 218, 222, 232, 287, 289, 329, 347, 349, 406, 430, 452, 462, 492, 496, 562, 599. sheriff of, 29, 93, 118, 242, 244, 287, 289, 349, 406, 492, 565. And see Elmerugge ; Wykehani. , escheator in, 123, 241, 278, 359, 391. 597. And see Hyde ; Fowler. , outlawries iu, 2, 7, 75, 77, 80, 142, 147, 256, 382-384. , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 238, 329, 347, 478, 482. , commissions of the peace in, 607. Berlyng. See Birling. Bermondsey, co. Surrey, abbey of St. Saviour, 390, 415, 418. , , conveut of 387. , abbot of, 509. , ..... . Dan John Say alias Bromley, abbot of, 387, 390. , Dan John Marlow, abbot of, 388, 390. , , John, abbot of, 10, 462, 463. Bermyng. See Barraing. Bermyngeham. See Birmingham. Bernard, John, 157, 267, 624. , Thomas, 8. , , Joan his wife, 8. Bernefylde. See Barnfield. Berueghby. See Barby. Bernestaple. See Banistaple. Bernestowne. See Burneston. Bernet. See Barnet. Bernewell. See Barnwell. Bernewell, John, 325, 383. Bernewode, co. Buckingham, forest of, 159. Berney, John, 197. Bernham. See Barnham. Bernyngham. See Baruingham. Berstaple. See Barstable. Bersted, co. Kent, 147, 438. Berteiot, John, 251. Berton [co. Gloucester], 112, 163, 481, 588. And see Barton. Berton Bristol, co. Gloucester, 232. hundred of, 232. Bertram, James, 168. William, 36, 116, 122. Berumond. See Beaumont. Berwick, in Scotland, 556. Berwick on Tweed, charter dated at, 1 1 5. Berwyke, Peter, 321. Bery, John, 76. , Thomas, 499. William, 323. , , Margaret his wife, 323. Beryn, Beron, John, 575. Bcryton, Simon, parson of Peuplingue, 125. BeBeby, Tiiomas, mayor of Liucohi, 315. Besege, Richard, 442. Beskewode. See Bestwoo . Bessingham, Basyngham, co. Norfolk, 191. Best, John, 318, 602. , Philip, mayor of Norwich, 373. , Thomas, 14. Besteney, Bestney, Thomas, 251, 313, 389, 395, 462, 492. , William, 41, 183, 286. Beston, Beeston, John, 14. Bestwood, Beskewode, co. Nottingham, 310, 442, 446, 482, 488. Besyube, Johu, 244. Betchworth, West, co. Surrey, 596. Bethersdcn, co. Kent., 283, 302, 546. Bethom, Edward, 456, 635. , Richard, 456. , Roger, 456. William, 29. Beton, William, 381. Betriche, Edward, parson of Drayton Parslow, 263, 344. , William, 8. Bette, Thomas, 515. Bettescombe, John, 490. Bettis, Thomas, 487. Betty, Johu, 250. Bettys, Edmund, 320. Beucher, John, 573. Beverich, William, 142. Beverley, co. Hereford, 521. , CO. York, 15, 114, 143,268, 286, 577, 583. , collegiate church of St. John, 309. , , John Mansell, provost of, 123. Beverley, Christopher, 303. Bevour. See Belvoir. Bevyn, John, 38. , Richard, 55. Bevyngden, co. Sussex, 192. Bevyshyll, co. Devon, 36. Bewdley, Beaudeley [co. Worcester], 361, 478. burgesses of, 361. Bewle, Bewelewe, Beaule, Richard, 29, 610. , William, 610. Beworthy, co. Devon, 24, 45. Bewsborough, Bewesbarowe, Bewysbergh, co. Kent, hundred of, 299, 300. Bexley, Bekele, co. Sussex, 205. Bexhill, CO. Kent, 225, 325. Bexwell, Bekeswell, co. Norfolk, 582. Beynton, John, 11.3. , Katharine his wife, 113. , Richard, 539. And see Baynton. Beywyke, Thomas, 356. Bicker, Bycar, co. Lincoln, 26, 517. Bickcrstoue, Bokerstou, co. Norfolk, 562. 654 GENERAL INDEX. Bickerton, Bykerton, co. York, 593. Biekton, Buketon, co. Devon, 74. Biddenham, Bedenham, co. Bedford., 503. Bideford, Bydeford, co. DeTon, 36. , port of, 393. Bidfield, Budefeld, co. Gloucester, 828. Bierton, Beerton, co. Buckingham, 480. Bierton, Nicholas, mayor of Sandwich, 853. Bigge, Bygge, John, 305, 352, 485. Richard, 494. William, 163, 259. Biggleswade, Bykylyswade, co. Bedford, 75, 485, 486. Biker, Patrick, 64. Bikley, Roger, 401. Bilbao, Bilbowe, in Spain, 319. , ship called le Michell of, 288. . . ., ship called le Seint John Baptiste of, 249. Bilde, Henry, 443. Bildeston, Bylston, co. Suffolk, 382. Bildawas. See Buildwas. Bilebawe. See Bilbao. Bilhagh, Billowe, co. Nottingham, 309, 310, 451, 488. Billesden, William, 93. Billesdon, Robert, sheriff of London, 437, 439, 408. , , sheriff of Middlesex, 450. Billing, Byllyng, Great, co. Northampton, 3, 581. Billingesborowe, John, parson of Culmington in le Corvedale, 543, 557. Billonard, William, 591. Billop, Robert, 215. Billowe. See Bilhagh. Billyng, Thomas, 55, 70, 102, 103, 127, 128, 170, 171, 221, 245-249, 251, 353, 376, 403, 405, 408, 490, 525, 576, 607-609, 617, 622, 623, 631, 634. , , chief justice of the King's Bench, 120, 130, 142, 159, 178, 188, 190, 226, 229, 234, 25.3, 258, 282, 293, 331, 357, 367, 375, 383, 395, 397, 401, 410, 411, 420, 431, 444, 448, 452, 476, 517, 530, 531, 549, 560, 688, 599, 600, 602-604. , , the younger, escheator in the county of Buckingham, 152. Billyngdon, Byllyugdon, William, 146. Billy ngey, Simon, parson of Chilton, 96, 151. , chaplain of Farleigh Hunger- ford, 151. Binbrook, Bynbroke, co. Lincoln, 553. Bingham, Byngham, co. Nottingham, 462. Binhamy, Benam, Bynamy, co. Cornwall, 58, 279. Binswood, Beneswortb, co. Southampton, 66. Birch, Brich, Little, co. Essex, 180. Bivchanger, co. Essex, 577. Birche, Thomas, 46. Bircher, Byrcher, Thomas, the elder, 602. , , the younger, 502. Birchingtoii, co. Kent, 108, 445. Bircholt, Byrcheholt, co. Kent, hundred of, 301. Birde, Richard, 84. And see Byrd. Birgenorth. See Bridgnorth. Birger, Edward, 3. Birkin, Byrkyri, co. York, 145, 361. Birkland, Brikland, co. Nottingham, 309, 310, 451, 488. Birling, Berlyng, Byrlyng, co. Sussex, 18. , CO. Kent, 10. Birmingham, Bermyngeham, Byrmyngeham, CO. Warwick, 7, 10, 49, 331, 606. Birthorpe, co. Lincoln, 26, 517. Birts Morton, Morton Brutes, co. Worcester, 102. Biscay, in Spain, 602. Bishop Auckland, co. Durham, collegiate church of, Bartholomew Radclyf, dean of, 382. Bishopdale, Bisshoppesdale, co. York, 483, 486, 487. Bishop's Lynn, co. Norfolk, 73, 79, 149, 169, ' 170, 201, 217, 221, 225, 323, 381, 435, 600, 519, 576, 677. , port of, 206, 230, 268, 375, 462. Bishop's Tauton. See Tawton. Bishopstone, Bysshoppyston, co. Wilts, 141. , hundred of, 466. Bisipate, George, 291. Bisley, Bysseley, co. Gloucester, 453. , Bisseley, co. Surrey, 19. Bisshop, Richard, parson of Gisleham, 586. Robert, 436. And see Bysshop. Bisshoppes Welde, co. Southampton, 210. Bissipate, George, 270, 291. Bithestrond, co. Cornwall, 58. Bitterley, co. Salop, 134. Bitteswell, Bytteswell, co. Leicester, 81. Bixley, Byskley, co. Norfolk, 257. Bizien, John, 3 98. Blackborough Bolhay, Blakebourneboty, co. Devon, 32, 137. Blackbourne, BUikborne, co. Kent, hundred of, 300. Blaekdown, Blakedon, co. Dorset, 602. Blackheath, Blakheth, co. Kent, hundred of, 303. Blackmere, Blakemere, co. Salop, 402, 410, 411, 439, 440, 442. Blackmore, co. Essex, 397, 560, Blackoe, Blakaugh, co. Salop, 402. Blacktoft, CO. York, 10. Bladelyn, Peter, 282. Bladen, co. Oxford, 17, 213, 543, 567, 573. Blagdon, co. Somerset, 137. GENERAL INDEX. 656 Blaithwaite, Blaketwhayte, co. Cumberland, 13. Blakaugh. See Blackoe. Blakboumc, Blakbuine, John, 6, 80, 216. Joan, 215. Thomas, 38 i. Blake, John, 79, 197, 246, 319, 406. , Matthew, 494. , Robert, 427, 569. , Simon, 221, 289. , Thomas, 52, 214. , William, 75. Blakebourneboty. See Blackborough Bolhay. Blakedon, co. Somerset, 32. BlakehoUey, Blakeley, co. Essex, 238. Blakemaii, Robert, 16. Blakemere. See Hlackmere. Blakemore, William, 60. Blakenell, John, 256. Blakeney, co. Norfolk, 5, 451. Blakeney, John, 91. , Ralph, 512, 540. Blakenham, co. Sufl'olk, 63,461. Blakeshale. See Blaxhall. Blakesley, co. Northampton, 827. Blaket, Dame Isabel, 112. , William, 74. Blaketwhayte. See Blaithwaite. Blakeweyn, Master John, dean of St. Mary's, Shrewsbm'y, 276, 357. , the king's sub-almoner, 357. Blakewode [co. Cornwall], 119. Blaklawe, Thomas, chaplain of Thornton, 390. Blakmore, co. Dorset, forest of, 173. Blakwall, Robert, parson of Gislehara, 807, 467. , , parson of Weston, 164. Blanchard, Blauuchard, Thomas, 372, 379, 462, 499, 542. Blanchland, Blauncheland, co. Northumber- land, 506, 513. Blancombe, John, 75. Blande, Oliver, parson of Richmond, 239. , parson of Gosforth, 239. Thomas, 433. Blandtord Forum, co. Dorstt, 109. Blanerhasset, Al.an, 277. , ,Tohn, 229. Blankynson, Thomas, 10. Blanquefort, lord of. See Dureford. Blasell, John, 5" I. Thomas, 571. Blauuchard. See Blanchard. Blauncheland. See Blanchland. Blawet. See Plouay. Blaxhall, Blakeshale, co. Suffolk, 110. Bleangate, Bleugate, co. Kent, hundred of, 240, 302. BUchelee. See Bletchley. Bledlow, CO. Buckingham, 79. Bledlowe, Thomas, 120, 12), 322, 509, 519. Blencogo, co. Cumberland, 13, 476. Blengate. See Bleangate. Blesdale, William, 206, 222. Bletchingley, Blechynglye, co. Surrey, 502. Bletchley, Blechclee, co. Buckingham, 399. Blewet, John, 456. Blieut, John, 201. Bliton. See BIyton. Blodewell, Geoffrey, 218. Blofeld, John, 28, 53. Blofield, CO Norfolk, 434. , hundred of, 82, 159. Blome, John, 526. , Richard, parson of Scrayingham, 89. , parson of Sigglestborne, 89. Blontisden. Sec Blunsdon. Blount, Agnes, 585, 599. , Edmund, 54, 124, 585, 599, 601. , Edward, 566. , , lord Mount joy, 489. Hugh, 68. , Humphrey, 219, 257, 284, 407, 408, 429, 590, 627. , James, 299, 428, 535, 611. , , lieutenant of Hammes by Calais, 591. , John, 211, 299, 41.J. , , lord Mouutjoy, 566-568, 591, 611, 629. , Margaret, 601. , Robert, 61, 111. , Simon, 124, 585, 599, COl. , Thomas, 61, 111, 477, 621. , , treasurer of Calais, 270. , Isabel his wifs, 477. Walter, 350, 386. , , lord Mountjoy, 24, 27, 34, 55, 61, 69, 70, 72, 102, 103, 105, 111, 117, 156, 171, 190, 195, 199, 207, 219, 221, 284, 287, 298, 299, 308, 310, 317, 339, 351, 3.^.3, 379, 388, 403, 414, 489, 510, 511, 566, 568, 611, 612, 614, 617, 618, 630, 632, 633. , treasurer of England, 53, 85. , Anne, duchess of Buckingham, his wife, 69, 72, 308, 510. William, 175, 265, 298,489, 566, 611. Blowe, Nicholas, 208. Blower, Thomas, 114. Bloxham, co. Oxford, 9. Blundell, James, 297. Blundeville, Thomas de, bishop of Norwich [1226-1236], 460. Blunsdon, Blontisdon [co. Wilts], 197. Blynslaugh, John, 203. Blytou, Bliton, co. Lincoln, 183. Bocarn, Little, co. Cornwall, 51. Bocche, William, 431. Boohaston. See Botch«ston. 656 GENERAL INDEX. Bocher, Alice, 286. ,., John, 225. , William, 374. , , parson of Padwoi'th, 230. Bocherdby. See Botcherby. Boclond, Eleanor, 100. , Henry, 100. Alice Lis wife, 100. , Reginald, 100. , Eichard, 100. Boconnoc, Bokenok, Bokynnowe, co. Corn- wall, 76, 341, 579. Bode, John, 436. Bodelwyddan, Aluetham [co. Flint], prebend of, 585. Boden, Thomas, 276. Bodennek. See Bodinnoc. Bodesden, John, 430. Bodinnock, Bodennek, Podennek, co. Corn- wall, 145, 492. , port of, 492. Bodmin, co. Cornwall, 354, 469, 518. priory of, 469. Bodrugan, co. Cornwall, 362, 491, 576. Bodrugan, Henry, 53, 54, 57, 101, 104, 171, 197, 219, 220, 351, 354, 362, 377, 378, 399, 403, 404, 418, 491, 552, 576, 610. Bodulgate, co. Cornwall, 389. Bodulgate, Stephen, 389, 390. , Thomas, 390, 444. , Elizabeth his wife, 444. Body, Andrew, 182. Bodyll, John, 313. Bodyn, Thomas, 80, 305, 362, 485. Bodyngton. See Godington. Bohun, Humphrey, 118. , John, 23, 118. , Anne his Tfife, 23. Boiton. See Boy ton. Bokelly, co. Cornwall, 280. Bokelond. See Buckland. Bokelond, William, prior of Deerhurst, 66. Bokenham, John, 567. , , Margaret his wife, 567. , Thomas, 197. Bokenok. See Boconnoc. Bokerston. See Bickerstone. Boket, Bokett, John, 81, 571. , Thomas, 130. , William, 84, 143, 498. Bokkyng, Edmund, 257. , Eobert, 127, 352. Bokonnok. See Boconnoc. Bokton. See Boughton. Bokynnowe. See Boconnoc. Bolan, William, 285. Bold, Henry, 54, 113. William, 524. Boldron, Bolrou, co. York, 483, 487. Bole, CO. ]?ottingham, 477. Bole, John, 39. , , archbishop of Armagh [1457- 1470], primate of Ireland, 193, 259. , Nicholas, 586. , Richard, 32, 33. , Thomas, 200. , Alice his wife, 200. Bole Aller [in CoUumpton], co. Devon, 345. Boley, John, 407. Boleyn, Alan, 405. , Geofirey, 579. , Thomas, 5. , , prebendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 306. Bolingbroke, Bullyngbroke, co. Lincoln, 320, 506. Boiler, John, 220. Bolles, John, 285, 352, 354, 355, 619. Boiling. See Bowling. Bollyng, Robert, 31, 46, 50, 479. Bolney, co. Sussex, 344. Bolney, Bartholomew, 130, 196, 199, 247, 249, 288, 351, 406, 463, 633. Bolsover, Boll«souere, co. Derby, 441,482, 488. Bolsterstone, co. York, 439, 460. Boltby, CO. York, 115, 461. Bolte, John, 300. Bolton, CO. Lancaster, 382, 498. in Fuzness, co. Lancaster, 14. Percy, co. York, 26, 517. on Derne, co. York, 9. Bolton, Joan, 114. , John, 382, 498. Richard, 36, 167. Roger, 382, 498. Bolyngdon. See Bullingdon. Bolyngiope. See BuUinghope. Bomlet, John, 35. Bompstede. See Bumpstead. Bonallack, Banathelek by Merthyn, co. Corn- wall, 149. Bonam, Walter, 502. Bonamy, Peter, 197. Bonby in Scotland, 106. , Boundeby, co. Lincoln, 242, 457,520, 530. Bond, Thomas, 598. Bonda, Thomas, 434. Bondage in Couderton, co. Cumberland, 438. Bonde, William, 428. Bondeby. See Bonby. Bone, Thomas, 43. Boneautre, Richard, 4. Bonegay. See Bungay. Boner, Bonyr, William, 393. Bonethan, Richard, 363. Bonettys (in Bulmcr), co. Essex, 515. Bonevilc. See L'o.nvile. GENERAL INDEX. 657 Bonifa nt. See Bonyf ant. Bonvile, Bonevyle, Cecily, 311, 456, 457,514. , John, 304, 407, 612. , William, 148, 193, 194, 311. , , lord Bonvile, 456, 476, 614. , , lord Harrington, 456, 476, 514. , Katharine his •wife, 456. Bonyfant, Bonifant, William, 163, 192. Bonyfaunt, Edmund, 46. , , rector of Little Birch, 180. , prehendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 180. Thomas, prebendary of St. Paul's, London, 111. , , prebendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 111, 180. , ... . , rector of Little Birch, 180. Bonyndon, Ricliard, 73. Bookette, William, 80. Boolde, Eobert, 467. Boole, Richard, 505. Booll, William, 142. And see Bole. Boon, Angelus, of la Monte, 154. , John, abbot of Bury St. Edmunds, 73, 183, 186. , Thomas, 275. Boost, Robert, 280, 341. Booths, Bothis [co. Chester], 449. Bordeaux, 37, 240, 450, 559, 586, 595. Borden, Robert, 502. Bordyt. See Burdet. Borecote, co. Cemwall, 58. Boreman, William, 581. , , Joan his wife, 581. Borgh, Edith, abbess of Wilton, 231, 296. , , John at, 306. Borham, John, 381. Borlas, John, 280. Borlasfrank, co. Cornwall, 280. Borley, co. Essex, 92, 398, 410. Borman, Henry, master of the almshouse of SS. John Baptist and John Evangelist, Sherborne, 123. Borne, Stephen, 301. , Thomas, 386. , William, 118. Bornell, William, 427. Boroe, Anthony, 154. Borougli. See Burgh. Boroughbridge, Burghbrigge, co. York, 6. Borowgh, CO. Norfolk, 191. Borugh, Thomas, 428. Bosard, Philip, 577. Bosbury, co. Hereford, 102. Boscombc, CO. Wilts, 177. Bose worth, John, 1. Bossu by Trcgean, co. Coriiwiill, 11(». Bostc, Hugh, 216. y 96186. Boston, Botulfeston, co. Lincoln, 12, 316, 435, 457, 458, 500, 508, 529, 530, 579, 596. , port of, 15, 166, 167, 212, 213, 216, 229, 230, 259, 263, 268, 269, 340, 393, 513, 521, 527. Boston, John, 166, 379, 419, 547. Roger, 346. Botcherby, Bocherdby, co. Cumberland, 13. Botcheston, Bochaston, co. Leicester, 27, 517. Bote, Robert, 164. Botekysham. .See Bottishaui. Boteler. Botelier, Botiller, liutteler, Alexan- der, 2. , Edward, 520. , , Anne his wife, 520. Henry, 96, 218, 289, 348, 403, 405, 490, 606, 612, 615, 629, 634, 636. , Joan, 157, 514. John, 39, 49, 157, 199, 201, 219, 331, 349, 407, 426, 445, 509, 514, 579. 589, 614, 615. , escheator in Kent and Middle- sex, 48. , , of Badmynton, 608. , of Barmyngton, 220. , Morgan, 169, 252, 288. , Ralph, 514. Elizabeth his wife, 514, 515. , lord of Sudeley, 7, 50, 133, 247-249, 40.3, 512. 614, 625. , chief butler, 262. Alesia his wife, 133. , Richard, 256, 289, 328. , , Matilda his wife, 328. Thomas, 29, 133, 332, 498. , Anne his wife, 29. , Eleanor his wife, 133. Botellerie, Alexander de la, 92. Boteswayn, .Tames, 524. Bothe, George, 304. , John, 350, 611. bishop of Exeter [1465-1478], 148, 339, 468, 469, 610, 611, 621, 629, 631. , Laurence, bishop of Durham [1457- 1476], and chancellor, 12-1, 132, 157, 190, 273, 276, 283, 292, 366, 375, 392, 411, 437, 439, 468, 469, 511, 588, 604, 632, 637. 638. , , archbishop of York [1476- 1480], 604, 632, 637, 638. , Richard, 86, 210, 246, 248, 577, 031. ... Robert, 254, 285, 400, 401, 428, 486, 607. , , Matilda his wife, 400. , parson of St. Matthew, Ipswich, 418, 597. Thomas, parson of Wolstanton, 416. William, 210. , William, archbishop of York [1452- 1464], 577, 600. T 'L 658 GENERAL INDEX. Bothebroke, John, 256. Bothis. See Booths. Botill, Robert, prior of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, 189, 232. Botiller, Margaret, prioress of Higbam, 564. And see Boteler. Boton, John, 257. Botreaux, William, lord, 306, 311. .., Elizabeth his wife, 306, 311. Bottesford, Botellesford, co. Leicester, 27, 245, 517. Bottesforde, John, 287. Bottisham, Botekysham, co. Cambridge, 74, 507. Botulfeston. See Boston. Botull, John, 413, 459. Botyrfeld, WiUiam, 75. Boucher, Robert, 223. Boudeler, John, 589. , , Julian his wife, 589. Boudon. See Bowden. Boughlagh, co. Sussex, 143. Boughton, CO. Kent, hundred of, 301. , CO. Northampton, 392. Monchelsea, Bokton Monchynce, co. Kent, 433. Boughton, Richard, 403. , escheator of Warwick and Leicester, 537. , Robert, 45. Bouk, John, 577. Boulogne, honour of, 61, 87. Boundeby. See Bonby. Bounten, Richard, 569. Bourbonio, Sir John de, abbot of Cluny, 415. Bourchier, Burghchier, , 195. , Fulk, 181, 195, 209. , , of FitzWareyn, 217, 219, 220, 351, 376, 443, 464, 612. , Henry, viscount Bourchier, 144. , , earl of Essex, 25, 34, 38, 92, 102, 103, 107, 117, 127, 132, 170, 190, 195, 196, 199, 217, 221, 248, 249, 287, 288, 310, 317, 321, 351-353, 373, 406, 451, 480, 494, 526, 530, 539, 549, 582, 613, 618, 622, 630, 632. , , steward of the household, 170. , , treasurer of the Exchequer, 258, 466, 528, 531, 532, 541. , , Isabel his wife, the king's aunt, 38, 162, 451, 480. .Humphrey, 196, 311,593, 621, 622, 632. , ,lord of Cromwell, 16, 28, 47, 55, 70, 85, 170, 171, 190, 195, 199, 221, 252, 611, 619-622, 624, 632, 633. , John, 24, 51, 245-248, 403, 413, 423, 593, 608, 618, 634. , , Elizabeth his wife, 413, 423. ., , , of Berners, 70, 102, 103, 127, 171, 196, 217, 246, 248, 349, 351, 353, 593, 608, 631. Bourchier, John, constable of Windsor Castle, 331. , , Marjory his wife, 593. , John, parson of Biggleswade, 485. , Richard, of Berners, 632. , Thomas, 24, 45, 127, 182, 195, 199, 217, 288, 300-302, 352, 407, 425, 428, 462, 593, 618, 632. , , constable of Windsor Castle, 331. , , Isabel his wife, 425. , , bishop of Ely [1444-1454], 293. ... , , archbishop of Canterbury [1454-1486], 16, 34, 36, 42, 45, 89, 117, 125, 132, 177, 185, 190, 209, 211, 256, 260, 261, 266, 272, 274, 275, 283, 293, 295, 298, 309, 310, 313, 332, 339, 358, 366, 369, 373-376, 388, 395, 414, 419, 468, 482, 517, 530, 538, 539, 549, 568, 582, 593, 597, 617, 621, 631, 633. , William, 25, 127, 217, 317, 351, 613. , Anne his wife, 25. , , of Bourchier, 287. , , lord FitzWareyn, 36, 85, 101, 168, 181, 195, 196, 209, 284, 332, 612, 627. lord of. See Robessard. Boureman, Thomas, 56. Bourgh, William, 347. Bourhenton. See Bower Heaton. Bourn, Burn, co. Cambridge, 402. Bourne, Born, co. Lincoln, 291, 560. , CO. Southampton, 327. Bourne, John, 76, 126. Bourton, Beerton, co. Buckingham, 38. , Great, co. Oxford, 320. Bourton, William, 431. , , Isabel his wife, 431. Bouryng, Thomas, 558, 567. Bovy Tracy, co. Devon, 32, 137. Bowbanke, William, 17, 215. Bowde, John, 489. Bowden, Boudon, co. Leicester, 98. , Great, 358, 368. Bowdon, John, 292. Bowe, John, 78. Boweblast, Richard, 141. Bowedon, John, 200. Bowelast, Thomas, 141. Bowelond, John, 502. Bowemau, Peter, clerk of the king's ships, 105. , Thomas, 318. , William, 381. Bower, Alan, 128. , John, 214, 215, 277. , Thomas, parson of Scrayingham, 504. .., parson of Chelmsford, 504. , William, 215. GENERAL INDEX. 659 Bower Heaton, Bourhentou, co. Somerset, 226, .503. Bowes, CO. York, 483, 486. Bowes, Thomas, 462, 492, .586. , , clerk of tlie ordnance, 547. Bowet, Nicholas, 352, 620, 621. Bowey, Thomas, 198. Bowhill, Buhull [in Collumptou], co. Devon, 34.S. Bowier, Robert, 553. Bowland, William, 526. Bowlee, John, 800. Bowling, Boiling;, co. York, 4'i, SO. Bowne, Bartholomew, 439. Bowode, Robert, 581. Bowswell, George, 216. , John, 215. Bowton. See Boyton. Bowton, John, 168. Bowyer, Hugh, 80. , John, 277. , Patrick, 169. , William, 168. Boxe. See Baas. Boxe, Richard de, 123. Boxgrove, co. Sussex, 41. Boxley, co. Kent, abbot and convent of, 376, Boxted, CO. Suffolk, 89, 291, 297, 556. Boyd, Robert, lord of, 4G6, 536. Boys, Boyse, Thomas, 285, 620. Boyton, Bowton, co. Cornwall, 58. , CO. Suffolk, 110. Boyvile, Boyvyle, John, 619, 627. , the elder, 113. , , the younger, 113. William, 271, 290. Brabant, 12, 240. Brabourne, co. Kent, 180. Brace, William, 6 1 . Bracebrigge, Richard, 40.>, 564. Bracabrygge, Brasabrygge, William, 316. Brackenbm'y, Ralph, 215. Bracy Maner, co. Buckingham, 309. Bracy, John, abbot of Muchelney, 241,268, 266. Bradbury, Robert, 86. Bradderige. See Bradrige. Braddou, William, 205. Bradeford. See Bradford. Bradfeld, lienry, 293. Bradfield, Menkes Bradfeld, co. Suffolk, 36. Combust, Brentbradfeld, 36. Bradford by Yeovil, co. Dorset, 13. , CO. York, 46, 386. Bradford, Bradeford, Bredford, Isabel, 81. , John, 148, 638. William, 355, 378, 408, 638. Bradley, co. Devon, 37. Bradley, co. Durham, 143. , CO. Lincoln, 508. , CO. Warwick, 516. Bradlegh, Little, co. Suffolk, 431. Bradley, William, 39. Bradman, James, 100. Bradmer, Benedict, 79. , Robert, 553. Bradninch, Bradenynche, co. Devon, 173. Bradridge, Bradderige, co. Cornwall, 58. Bradshawe, John, 326, 408. , , Robert, 257. Bradstede by Tonbridge, co. Kent, 300. Bradwell, Brutewell, co, Buckingham, 390. , CO. Oxford, ,502. Bradwey, John, 225, 326. Bradweye, William, 446. Braghyng. See Braughing. IJraham, co. York, 601. Brailes, Brayles, co. Warwick, 49,331, 604. Braintree, Brankotre, co. Essex, 74, 318. Braithwaite, co. York, 483, 486, 487. Braithwell, Brathewell, co. York, 179. Braitthwayte, John, 216. Brakanthwayt [co. York], (>0l. Brake, Richard, 251. Brakeholeshill, co. Nottingham, 477. Brakstede. See Braxted. Brakynburgh, Richard, parson of Sutton in Ardern, 209. , , master of the hospital of St. Mary, Strood, 209. Brambarowe, co. Sussex, 42. Bramble, William, the younger, 420. , the elder, 420. Helen his wife, 420. Bramburgh, Hugh, 375. Brambyll, William, 515. Brarafield, Brantfeld, co. Hertford, 132.375, 388. Bramley, Bremley, co. Southampton, 149. Bramley, Thomas, 224. Brampton, co. Derby, 400. , Great, co. Northampton, 60. And sec Bamplon. Brampton, Edward, 340, 357, 401, 409. , John, 109, 115, 342, 374,487. , Robert, 4b7. , , parson of High Ongar, 263. , Thomas, 487. Bramshaw, Bremulshawe, co. Wilts, 467. Branccpeth, Braunccpath, Braunspath, co. Durham, 40. 304. Brandbradfeld. See Bradfield Combust. Brandeley, William, 502. Brandeston, co. Norfolk, 93, 387, Brandon, co. Wilts, forest of, 152. Brandon, William, 85, 167, 352, 353, 364, 406, 556, 560, 623, 631. T T 2 660 GENERAL INDEX. Branketre. See Braintree. Brauscombe, Braunscomb, co. Devon, 61. Branston, Braunston, co. Leicester, 336. , Bronston, co. Suffolk, 95. Brantfeld. See Bramfield. Brantham, co. Suffolk, 590. Branthwaite, Brauncethwayte [co. Cumber- land], 288. Branwell, Edward, 4 34. Branyngham. See Baruingham. Brasebrygge. See Bracebrygge. Brasingburgb, Richard, 218. Brasyer, Stephen, 4. Brasyngton, Thomas, 127. Brathen, co. Salop, 84, 354. Braton. See Bray ton. Bratton, co. Devon, 60, 466. Braughing, Braghyng, co. Hertford, 369. Braughyng, Thomas, escheator in Essex and Hertford, 192. , , the elder, 182. , , the younger, 182. Brauncepath. See Brancepeth. Brauncethwayte. See Branthwaite. Braunfeld. See Brayfield. Braunspath. See Brancepeth. Braunston, Braunceston, co. Northampton, 441. And see Branston. Braxted, Brakstede, co. Essex, 34. Bray, co. Berks, 203, 232, 234, 238. , hundred of, 232. , High, CO. Devon, 466. Bray, Reginald, 339. , Richard, 580. , Robert, 6. , Thomas, 155. , William, 146. Braybroke, Robert, 268. Brayfield, Braunfeld, co. Northampton, 327. Brayles. See Brailes. Brayn (in Church Minshull), co. Chester, 575. Brayne, William, 616. Braynford. See Brentford. Braynton, Breynton, Thomas, 55, 288, 289, 433, 450, 459, 463, 505, 616. Braytoft, Richard, 286. Brayton, Braton, co. York, 1, 307, 419. Brea, Bree, co. Cornwall, 365. Brean, Brene, co. Somerset, 457, 530. Brearly, William, 213. Brecher, William, 367. Brecknock, co. Brecon, 175. Bredell, John, parson of St. Nicholas, Calais, 260. Bredford. See Bradford. Bree. See Brea. r>ree, Joceus, 365. IJrei doji, CO, Leicester, 113. Bregge. See Bridge. Brekenok, David, 568. , , Margaret his wife, 568. , John, 246, 247, 472, 608. , Robert, 286-288. , Dan William, prior of Ste Marie , Charite, 390. Brekyn, John, prebendary of Bridgnorth, 184. Bremercorabe, Bremelcombe, Henry, 86, 171. , , chaplain of Newton Popple - ford, 280. Bremley. See Bramley, Bromley. Bremulshawe. See Bramshaw. Brenchley, Brenchesle, co. Kent, hundred of, 300. Brende, Henry, 149. Brendesworthy. See Brynsworthy. Brent, co. Devon, 60. Brent, Andrew, 31. Hugh, 407. , Robert, 249, 282, 391. Roger, 288, 302, 389, 428, 445, 463, 571, 573. , William, 329, 348, 389, 428, 433, 489, 571. Brentbradfeld. See Bradfield Combust. Brentford, Braynford, co. Middlesex, 178, 324. , Old, 324. New. 324. , East, 324. Brent Marsh, Brentmersshe, co. Somerset, 39. Brentwood, co. Essex, 500. Brereley. See BrierJy. Brereton, co. Chester, 450. Brereton, Ralph, 429, 491. , Ranulph, sheriff of Stafford, 604. , William, 450. Brese, Thomas, 322. Bresyngham, Roger, 387. Bretaigne, Edward the Bastard of, 185. Bretayn, William, 269. , John de, 295, 366. Bretford, William de, abbot of Combe, 478. Breton, John, 265, 433. , Thomas, 433. , William, abbot of Buckland, 171, 172, 251, 403, 404, 408. , Peter le, 295. Brette, William, 116, 122. Breuster. See Brewster. Breux, Thomas, 552. Brewer, Richard, 505. , Thomas, 626. , WiUiam, 494. Brewerne, Thomas, 196. Brewes, Thomas, 226, 249, 352, 353, 40,5 lOii, 606, 631. GENERAL INDEX. 661 Brewode, John, 216, 518, GOO, G14. BrewKter, Breuster, John, 386, 451. William, 386. Breynton. See Brajnton. Brian Askam. See Askham Bryan. Brice, Bryce, Hugh, 139, 315, 395, 540. , , sheriff of London, 546, 547, 586. , , sheriff of Middlesex, 551, 556. , , deputy master of the mint, 149, 150. , James 315. , John, 78. , Thomas, -JSS. Brich. See Birch. Brickhill, Brikhull, Brykhyll, co. Bucking- ham, 72. , Great, 384, , Little, 72. Brid, Bryd, William, 471. Bridford, Robert, 420. Bridge, Bregge, co. Kent, hundred of, 302. Bridgewater, co. Somerset, 45, 144, 320, 343. , mayor of. See Kendale. port of, 167, 183, 216, 230, 262, 410, 452, 603. Bridgnorth, co. Salop, cliapel or collegiate church of, dean of, 234, 260, 265, 338, 342. And see Martyn. , , dean and chapter of, 184, 210, 332, 590. , prebends in, 332, 509, 590. , , prebend of Alveley in, 342. , , prebend of Kardington in, 184. , , prebend of Morville in, 338. , , jirebend of Undcrdown in, 234, 260, 265. , , prebend of Walton in, 210, 590. priory or hospital of St. John Baptist, 304. Bridlington, co. York, 76, 354. , prior and convent of, 111. , Peter Hellard, prior of. 111. , St. John, prior of, 1 1 1. Bridport, co. Dor.set, 44, 225, 565. Brierly, Brereley, co. York, 600. Brigge, Brygge, Giles, 614. , John, 30, 321. , Thomas, 30, 54, 60, 73, 140, 220, 226,254, 317. Thomas a, 449 Briggeman, Simon, 321. Brigges [in Stanford Uivers], co. Essex, 554. Brigges, Bryggys, .loan, abbess of Romsey, 337. John, 79, 386. , Thomas, 203, 450, 463, 505. Brigham, co. York, 291. Brigham, William, 291. Bright, William 486. Brighton, Britghelmeston, co. Sussex, 539. Brightwell, Bryghtwell, Nicholas, 123, 152. , Walter, 123, 152. , , Alice his wife, 123. Brigstock, go. Northampton, 599. , charter dated at, 370, Briker, Thomas, 53. Brikland. .See Birkland. Brill, Bryhylle, co. Buckingham, 60ti. Brimpsfield, Br3 inmcsfeld, co. Gloucester, 10, 439. alien priory of, 62, 461. Brimpton, Brympton, co. Berks, 142. Bringhurst, Brynghurste, co. Leicester, 210. Briscowe, Bristowe, Bryscowe, William, 167, 174, 246, 247, 403, 481, 634. Bristol, 3, 6, 8, 21, 62, 65, 81, 83, 92, 101, 109, 118, 129, 133, 142, 146, 168, 171- 173, 175, 180, 203, 218, 224, 225, 234, 241, 265, 274, 320, 324, 347, 354, 375, 380, 412, 435, 4.50, 465, 471, 495, 496, 512, 545, 580, 587, 603. , mayor of. See Canynges ; Jakes; Mede ; Spencer. , outlawry in, 77, 146, 149, 203, 320, 380, 498, SCO. , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 233, 265, 296, 347, 478, 537. , mint at, 149, 150. , charter dated at 370. , St. Augustine, abbey of, 399. , abbot and convent of 369, 397. , , abbot of, 118. , , Walter Nubery, abbot of 397. , , William llunte, abbot of, 399. , St. James, prior and convent of, 13. , , William, prior of, 13. port of, 11, 17, 34 43, 59, 106, 107, 130, 166, 167, 108, 176, ISO, 206, 226, 230, 262, 264, 268, 269, 273, 294, 315, 338, 363, 422, 450, 451, 465, 471, 474, 477, 489, 493, 495, 521, 545, 549, 554, 566, 600. , ship called Raphaell of, 101, 168. Britford. co. Wilts, 467. Britghelmeston. .See Brighton. Brittany, 53-55, 58, 101, 156,197, 249, 339. 354, 468, 493, 521, 536, 542, 552, 605. , duke of, 54, 101, 156, 197, 198, 351, 468, 493, 511, 521, 605. , Francis, duke of, 474. , ship called le Katerync of, 295, 333. ship called le Saint Gonstain of 354. ship called la Marie of, 366. Brittouell. See Brudenell. Brixham, co. Devon, 567. Broad, Clist, Brodclyst, co. Devon, ?82. , hundred of, 282. Broadherabury, co. Devon, 81. Brobury, Brokebury, co. Hereford, 4. Brocas, Brokas, William, 34, 56, 196, 220, 246, 404. 662 GENERAL INDEX. Brocbury, See Brobury. Brockdish, Brokedich, co. Norfolk, 191. Brockdiish Hall, Brokedishalle, in Burston, co. Norfolk, 448. Brodclj-st. See Broad Clist. Erode, John, 301, 407. Brodehauton. See Hinton. Brodeherst, Thomas, 141. Broghton, Edmund, succentor of York cathedral, 268. , , parson of Gosforth, 268. Brokas. See Brocas. Broke, Edward, 281. , , lord of Cobham, 47. , Elizabeth, abbess of Romsey, 339, 344. , John, 47, 65, 197, 281, 472, 573. , , parson of St. Leonard, Foster Lane, Loudon, 42. , Nicholas, 289. , Ralph, 76. , Robert, 255. , William, 72. And see Brooke. Brokebury. See Broburj. Brokedich. See Brockdish. Brokeman, Brokman, John, 78, 108, 208, 218, 446. , William, 301. Broker, Geoffrey, 437. Reginald, 437. Brokeshaw, Brokshawe, John, 346. , , William, 346. Broket, Thomas, 199, 285, 407, 610. Brokhampton, John, ll.j. , Walter, 152, 344, 345. Brokhill, William, 302. Broklond. Sec Brookland. Brokman. See Brokeman. Brokwode, Robert, 10. Bromer, Roger, 203. Bromes, co. Buckingham, 471. Bromeswell, co. Suffolk, 110. Bromflete, Brounflete, Henry de, lord of Vesci, 170, 327. Bromley, Bremley, Bronleght, co. Kent, 21, 105, 322, 576. and Beckenham, hundred of, 301. , CO. Middlesex. 28. , Little, CO. Essex, 569. And see Brumley. Bromley, Bromeley, John, 173, 270, 290. , abbot of Bermondsey, 387, 390. Brommeley, Richard, 10. Brommore, co. Southampton, 24, 25. Brompton, Brumpton by Alverton, co. York, 119, 575. , Brumpton on Swale, 119. , hospital of St. Giles, 90. Brompton, William, 316. Bromsberrow, Bromesbarewe, co. Gloucester, 102. Bromston, Brumston, John, 199, 296, 37.^, 407, 463, 618. .., , sheriff of Kent, 368. Bromyard, co. Hereford, 102. Brondesbury, Bronnesbury, prebend of. 111. Bronleght. See Bromley. Bronston. See Branston. Bronston, William, abbot of Burton on Trent, 95, 395. Broodheth, co. Salop, 442. Brook, Broke [co. Rutland], 213. Brooke, Hugh, 8. , Richard, parson of Horsford, 267. Brookland, Brokland, co. Kent, 283, 383, 546. Broomfield, Bromefeld, co. Cumberland, 13. Broomhill, Bromehelle, co. Kent, 283, 546. Brotherwyke, Henry, 277. Brough, Burgh, co. Westmoreland, 532. Broughall, Broughalwode, co. Salop, 402. Brougham, Burgbam, co. Westmoreland, 264, 423, 532. Broughton, Broghton, co. Wilts, 397, 411, 562. , Upper, Broughton Sulney, co. Not- tingham, 462. Broughton, John, 168, 186, 285, 289, 405 417, 428, 564, 570, 607. , , the elder, 366, 607. , the younger, 246, 248, 366, 484, 617, 631. , , Anne his wife, 484. , Thomas, 349, 61 ). , William, 366. BrouQ. See Brown. Brounbrom, James, 377. Broundyssh, Robert, parson of Carlton Col- ville, 410. Brounflete. See Bromflete. Brounham. See Burnham. Brouns, Master Thomas, clerk of the con- stableship cf England, 1 10. Brounyng. See Brownyng. Browe, John, 350. Brown, Broun, Alexander, 164. , George, 218, 351, 352, 632. , Hugh, 315, 552. , John, 53, 79, 120, 149, 166, 213, 226, 412,472, 507, 618, 619. , Richard, 575. , , prior of Pontefract, 564. , Robert, 509. Stephen, 147. , , Rose his wife, 147. , Thomas, 9, 128, 432, 495. , , sheriff of Kent, 87. , William, 10, 60, 79, 85, 167, 174, 197, 213, 216, 224, 316, 472, 508, 509. , , Alice his ivife, 167, 174. GENERAL INDEX. 663 Brown, William, master of ' le priory her- mitage ' by Dorchester, 235. , warden of the hospital of St. Johu Baptist, Dorchester, 235. , , master of ' 1« Hermitage ' in Blakmore forest, 173. , , parsou of Little Laver, 50. , Wistan, 82. , , 197. Brownboyte, Robert, 434. Brownehill, John, 439. Browenewell, Edward, 434. Brownfeld, William, 214. Brownswood, prebend of, 412. Brownyng, Brounyng, Alexander, parion of Campe, 275. , John, 284, 406. , William, 79, 126, 196, 220, 351, 552, 613. , sherifiF of Somerset and Dorset, 95. , , the elder, 55, !i7. , , the younger, 55, 57. Brudenell, Brittonell, Brutenell, Drugo, 366, 568, 608. , Edmund, 56, 126, 472, 608. Bruges, in Flanders, 101, 240, 307, 535. Bruges, Baldwin de, 57. Brugge, James, 101. , John, 589. , Richard, 94. , Thomas, 407, 453, 575, 615, 616. , , of Rosse, 198, 616. Brugges, Thomas, 289, 449. , de la Gruthuse, Sir Louis de, prince of Steenhuse, lord of Avelghien, Spiers, Aemstede and Oestampe, earl of Winchester, 338. Brughill, Master Payn, prebendary of Windsor, 440. Brumley, Bromley, co. Southampton, 501. Brumpton. See Bromptou. Brumston. See Bromston. Brundish, co. SuflFolk, 34, 98, 132. Brune, Alice, 404. , Henry, 404. , Robert, 377. Thomas, 490. Brunham Depdale. See Burnham Deepdale. Bruns, Robert, 253. Brussels, in Brabant, 488. Bruston. See Burstou. Brustwyk. See Burstwick. Brutenell. See Brudenell. Brutewell. See Biadwell. Bruton, co. Somerset, John Hentou, prior of, 533. Brnyen, Alice, 444. , Joan, 444. William, 444. Bruyn, John, 377. Bruyn, Richard, 618. Bryan, Thomas, 246, 247, 248, 317, 353, 376, 403, 405, 408, 525, 608, 614-616, 618, 626, 1^7, 630, 632, 633, 636. , , chief justice of the King's Bench, 253, 258, 263, 294, 31.5, 320, 326, 363, 364, 380-382, 386, 389, 400, 431, 434, 443, 475, 477, 482, 498, 500, 502, 517, 564, 575, 576, 579, 589. , Isabel his wife, 477. Bryant, Robert, 200. Bryce. See Brice. Brydde, Richard, 515. William, parsou of Dorchester, 544. Brydwode, Walter, 145. Brygewater. See Bridgewater. Brygge. See Brigge. Brygges. See Brigges. Brygger, Walter, under-sheriff of Surrey, 434. Brygham, John, 187. Bryghtwell. See Brightwell. Brygnali, Nicholas de, 586, 587. Bryhylle. See Brill. Brykhyll. See Brickhill. Brymmesfeld. See Brinipsfield. Brjmmore. See Brommore. Brymston, Johu, 195, 259, 352. , 127. Bryne, John, 8. Bryuket, Johu, 563, 567. Brynsworthy, Brendesworthy, co. Devon, 36. Bryscowe. See Briscowe. Brysley, John, 494. Brystowe. See Bristol. Brytte, Nicholas, 452. Bubney, co. Salop, 402. Buchelde. See Buckholt. Buckden [co. Huutiugdon], letters patent dated at, 468, 475, 582, 583, 595, 597- 599, 605, 600, 611, 623. Bucke, Bukke, Johu, 495. , Thomas, 254. Buckeuham, Bukkenham Castell, co. Norfolk, 516. , Bokeuham, Old, co. Norfolk, 562. , New, 562. Little, 562. Buckfastleigh, Bukfastlegh, co. Devon, 171, 331. Buckholt, Buchelde, co. Nottingham, 439. Bukholt [co. Southampton], 348. Buckingham, 96, 281, 583. county of, 25, 37, 40, 52, 101, 112, 126, 191, 195, 196, 211, 218, 222, 232, 233, 238, 242, 246, 247, 266, 285, 289, 329, 344, 346, 348, 349, 394, 444, 462, 492, 496, 508, 540, 562, 565, 601. , , shcriti of, 285, 349, 492, 606. And see Molyneux. , , escheator in, 98, 123, 200, 241, 265, 271, 278, 292, 330, 332, 359, 391, 400, 472, 475, 597. 664 GENERAL INDEX.' Buckingham. And see Holcote ; Billyng ; Oxbrigge ; Gate ; Fowler ; Wade. , , outlawries in, 144, 202, 224, 254, 326. , , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 329, 348, 478. , , justices of the peace in, 267. , , commissions of the peace in, 608. Buckish, Buckyssh, co. Devon, 36. Buckland, Bokelond, Bukland, co. Hertford, 86, 100. Mary, BokeloiidSt. Mary.co. Somerset, 75. Brewer, Bukelond Bruer, co. Devon, 76. Monachorum, co. Devon, 171, 404. , abbey of, 171, 251, 403,404, 408. , William Breton, abbot of, 171, 172, 251, 403, 404, 408. , Thomas Oliver, abbot of, 171, 251, 403, 404, 408. Bucknell, Begynhill, co. Oxford, 88. Buckworth, Bukworth, co. Huntingdon, 158. Buckyng, Baltizar, 277. Bude Bay, Bedebay, co. Cornwall, 101, 168. Budefeld. See Bidfield. Budleigh, co. Devon, 60, 187. , East, hundred of, 280, 457, 529. , West, hundred of, 280, 457, 529. Bugge, Richard, 578. Bugthorpe, co. York, 483, 487. BuhuU. See Bowhill. Buildwas, Bildewas, co. Salop, Henry, abbot of, 274. Buketon. See Bickton. Bukholt. See Buckholt. Bukhurst, Geoffrey, 90. Bukland, Thomas, 407. Bukley, Geoffrey, 143. , Eichard, 143. , Thomas, 143. Buknell, John, 89. Bukton, Dominic, 353. , Peter, 378. , William, 200, 206. Bulcley, William, 524. Bulfau. See Bulphan. Bulfynche, Nicholas, parson of Hovekerk, 177, 272. , , parson of Hareway, 178. Bulkelcy. Charles, 495, 571. , Richard, 500. , Thomas, 496. Bulkyn, William, 2. Bull, John, 557, 571. , Judoc de, 19. , , Katharine his wife, 19. Bullesdon, John, 149. BuUeswell. See Bulwell. BuUingdon, Bolyngden, co. Oxford, hundred of, 232, 242. Bullinghope, Bolyngiope, co. Hereford, 8, Bullok, John, 214, 277. Bully ugbroke. See Bolingbroke. Bulman, John, 289. , William, 95. Bulphau, Bulfan, co. Essex, 73. Bulstone, co. Somerset, hundred of, 339. Bulstrete, Richard, 146. Bulstrode, Richard, 349, 608. , Robert, 55. Bulwell, BuUeswell, co. Nottingham, 244,441, 482. Bumpstead, Bompstede, co. Essex, 369. Helion, 297, 560. , Steeple, 297, 369, 386, 560. Bungay, Bonegay, co. Suffolk, 431. Bunten, Cecily, 586. Buntingford, co. Hertford, 73. Buntyug, Henry, 76. , , William, parson of Arthuret, 21. , , parson of St. Andrew Hubbard, Loudon, 22. Burcott, CO. Buckingham, 33. Burdenell, Edmund, 55. , , the elder, 224. And see Brudenell. Burdet, Bordyt, Thomas, 3, 81, 142, 143, 145, 218, 324, 346, 384, 405, 634. Burdeux, Jenicot de, 355. , Oliver de, 394. Burdon, Henry, 386. Burell, John, 84. Bures [co. Essex], 25. Giffard, co. Essex, 560. St. Mary, co. Suffolk, ^5, 38. Burford, co. Oxford, 435. ; , Bureford [co. Oxford], burgesses of, 555. Burford, Thomas, 257. Burges, Burgeys, John, 353, 378, 580. , Robert, 149. , Thomas, 391. , William, 225. Burget (Burdet), Thomas, 348. Burggeuorth. See Bridgnorth. Burgh, CO. Lincoln, 316, 508. , CO. Westmoreland, 264, 422, , CO. York, 282, 579. , Seyntuaryburgh, co. Norfolk, 576. in Flegg, co. Norfolk, 191. by Sands, co. Cumberland, 13. And see Brough. Burgh, Ankaret, 294. , Master ISeuedict, prebendary of Bridgnorth, 210, 590. , , prebendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 590. GENERAL INDEX. 665 Burgh, Master Benedict, canon of St. Paul's, London, 590. Christopher, parson of Sigglesthorne, 89. , , parson of Scrayingham, 89, 173. , Edward, 131. , Elizabeth, 282. , Elizabeth de, 507. , John, 79, 183, 219, 255, 285, 289, 294, 394, 621, 627. , , Joan his wife, 294, 394. , John, warden of the hospital of St. John Baptist, Occleve, 244, 375. , , escheator of Lincoln, 200. Eichard, 454, 593. , Robert, 383, 384. Roger, 579. , , Joan his wife, 579. , Thomas, 28, S."), 70, 128, 131, 162, 171, 195, 199, 200, 221, 310, 350, 352, 354, 356, 410, 411, 479, 490, 517, 518, 523, 583, 619-621, 625, 634. , William, 215, 282, 325, 637. Burgham. See Brougham. Burgham, Robert, 520. Burghbrigge. See Boroughbridge. Burgony, John, 579. Burgoyn, John, 577, 609. , Thomas, 28, 609. Burgundy, 83. , duke of, 57, 101, 240, 270, 429. , Charles, duke of, 97, 104, 282, 440. , Philip, duke of, 57, 129. , Margaret, duchess of, 39, 300. Burham, Berham, co. Kent, 257. Burhampton, co. Wilts, 177. Burleton, Roger, 304. William, 304. , Alice his wife, 304. Burley, in the New Forest, co. Southampton, 52, 88. Burn. See Bourn. Burnaldeshode. See Burneside. Burnard, Walter, 145. Burno St. Mary. See St. Mary Bourne. Burneby, Eustace, 342. , Eustace de, 536. , Matilda his wife, 536. Burnell, Henry, 221, 628. , Simon, 10. Burneside, Burnaldeshede, co. Westmoreland, 45, 532. Burnestoii, Beruestowne, co. York, 556. Burnet, John, 324. Bumham, co, Buckingham, 147, 287. , CO. Essex, 12. , Brounham, co. Norfolk, 237, 308. Deepdale, co. Norfolk, 255. Market, co. Norfolk, 255. Buruham Sutton, co. Norfolk, 470. , Upper. Upperburneham, co. Liu- coln, 157. , Nether, Netherburneham, co. Liu- coln, 157. Burnolleshede. See Burneside. Buron, John, 426. , , parson of Chilton Canteloe, 305. Burshamwelle. See Barsham. Burston, Bruston, co. Norfolk, 448. Burston, Thomas, 164. Burstwick, Brustwyk, in Holdernesse, co. York, 585. Burtofte, William, 291. Burton [co. Wilts], 197. , CO. York, 483, 486, 487. by Lincoln, co. Lincoln, 316. , No.'th, Northburton, co. York, 75. on Trent, co. StalFord, 95. , letters patent dated at, 396, 397. , abbey of S.S. Mary and Modwenua, 391. , convent of, 95, 395. , , Dan William Bronstoo, abbot of, 95, 395. , , Thomas Feld, abbot of, 387, 391. Burton St. Lazarus of Jerusalem, hospital of, William Sutton, master of, 405, 501. Burton, Edward, 471. , John, 99, 204, 289. , , parson of Drayton Parslow, 263. , Richard, 443. , Robert, 580. , Simon, 127, 158, 263, 289, 352, 405, 024, 027, 414, 531, 570, 624, 027. Thomas, 179, 212, 402, G17. , , parson of Little Laver, 398. , William, 99, 289, 357. Burwell, co. Lincoln, 243. Bury St. Edmunds, co. Suffolk, 3, 143, 149, 151, 202, 203, 292, 385, 401, 431, 434, 439, 499, 579. , Parliament at, 06. abbey of, 186, 242, 470. , abbot and convent of, 241. , prior and convent of, 183, 180, 475. , John lloou, abbot of, 183, 186. , Richard llengham, abbot of, 470. , Robert Ixworth, abbot of, 180, 470, 475. Bury Maner in Wiugrave, co. Buckingham, 56. Bury, John, 265, 281. , prebendary of St. George's, Windsor, 308. , Ralph, 155. , Richard, 289. , Thomas, 405. 666 GENERAL INDEX. Busby, CO. York, 483, 486, 487. Bushey, co. Hertford, 286, 512, 543, 567. Bushy [co. Middlesex], 574. Bussh, Busche, Kichard, 72. Busshawe, Keginald, 98. Busshe, John, 620, 621. , Thomas, 591. Bussheby, John, 525. Busshell, John, 16, 76. Busshop, Peter, 424. Bussy, John, 576. Butleigh, CO. Somerset, 256. Butler, chief. See Wenlok ; Boteler; Stafford ; Wydeville. Butler, or Ormonde, .Tames, earl of Wiltshire, 18, 20, 22, 25, 26, 32, 36, 38, 44, 59, 64, 65, 68, 83, 126, 211, 279, 419, 426, 428, 441, 466, 470, 480, 536. , , Eleanor, his wife, 211. , John, 141, 365, 480. , Thomas, 36. , , Anne his wife, 36. Butley, Butleigh, co. Suffolk, 110. , prior of, 449. Butte, John, 579. Butteler. See Boteler ; Butler. Buxhale, Thomas, master of the college of Fotheriughay, 414. Buxhall, Thomas, 261. Buxton, John, 581. Bycar. See Bicker. Byckeley, John, warden of the hospital of St. John Baptist, Shrewsbury, 227. Byconell, Bygonell, John, 220, 427, 464, 490, 533, 5.52, 612. Byde, Robert, 118. Bydeford. See Bideford. Byeston, Richard, 141. Byford, Louis, 287. Bygge. See Bigge. Byggynges, Thomas, 334, 383. Bygnower, William, 53. Bygonell. See Byconell. Bykelyswade. See Biggleswade. Bykenhill, John, 406, 628. Bykerton. See Bickerton. Bykylyswade. See Biggleswade. Bylby. See Bylsby. Bylley, John, 383. Byllyng. See Billyng. Byllyngdon. See Billyngdon. Byllyngton, John, 320. Bylmyne, William, 221, 323. Bylsby, Bylby, Thomas, 299. Bylston. See Bildestou. Bylsyngton, Robert, 101. Bylton, Nicholas, 87. Bynamy. See Binhamy. Bynbroke. See Binbrook. Bynde, John, 72. Byngham. See Bingham. Byngham, Richard, 28, 70, 75, 102, 103, 117, 127, 128, 170, 171, 200, 221, 247-249, 251, 407, 614, 624, 625, 627, 630, 634, 636. , , justice of the King's Bench, 227, 229. , , the younger, 247. , Robert, 385. , Thomas, 407, 441. William, 131. Byrcheholt. See Bircholt. Byrcher. See Bircher. Byrd, Byrde, John, 147, 218, 576. , Ralph, 433. , Robert, rector of Farnham, 390. , William, 110. And see Birde. Byrkbek, Thomas, parson of Papworth Everard, 332. Byrkyn. See Birkin. Byrkyn, John, 305. Byrley, Richard, 421. , Thomas a, 362. Byrlyng. See Birliug. Byrmyngham. See Birmingham. Byrmyngeham, Fulk, 78. Byrmyngham, William, 7. Byrnand, Ralph, 10, Bysseley. See Bisley. Byssetter, John, 285. Bysshop, John, 300, 381. Thomas, 49, 331. , William, 576. And see Bisshop. Bysshopesthewe, co. Somerset, 10. Bysshoppyston. See Bishopstone, Byskley. See Bixley. Bystrete, Robert, 225, 325. Bythewater, William, 582. Bytteswell. See Bitteswell. Byworth, Robert, 387. c. Cabowe, Thomas, 144. Caccheare, Edmund, 500. Caddington, Cadyngton, co. Bedford, 204. Cade, Robert, parson of Carlton Colville, 410. , , parson of Aylesby, 142. Caen, in Normandy, church and monks of St. Stephen, 163. , abbey of Holy Trinity, 238. Caerdynan. See Cardinham. GENERAL INDEX. 667 Caermarthen, Kermerdyn, 60, 165, 180. , charter dated at, 369. , county of, 116, 166, 185, 275. Calais, 14, 19, 20, 22, 26, 64, 83, 86, 96, 109, 155, 165, 204, 205, 210, 213, 214, 217, 222, 228, 270, 271, 281, 290-292, 295, 303, 307, 313, 335, 338, 367, 388, 392, 393, 397, 420, 421, 431, 437, 448, 459, 468, 475, 494, 522, 523, 525, 528, 551, 554, 555, 559, 567, 570, 586. , charter dated at, 343. , marches of, 20, 125, 177, 178, 204, 270, 295, 303, 313, 335, 392, 397, 437, 455, 469, 468, 475, 494, 522, 523, 525, 570. , captain of, 270, 290, 513. , lieutenant of. See Hasty nges ; Whetehill ; Wydeville. , treasurer of, 211, 270, 271, 411, 459, 591. And see Thrj ske ; Clifton ; Blount. , controller of, 26. And see Whetehill. , mint, coinage at, 26, 138, 1 19, 227, 239, 314. , victualler of, 411. And see Husee ; 'I'hryske ; Wolseley. , port of, 475, 489, 552. ; St. Mary, 568. , St. Nicholas, 260. , ' Goddeshouse ' hy, 273. , staple of, 87, 126, 160, 415, 471, 489, 533, 543, 545, 546, .555, 571, 573, 587. , , merchants of, 5, 11, 96, 212, 213, 270, 290, 291, 315, 316, .347, 388, 411, 489, 495, 513, 596. , mayor of. See Thryske ; Whetehill ; Wor=ley ; (irantham ; Yong. , ship called le Barye of, 201. , Ic Old Barge, 355. le Neivebarge, 355. , le Marynrcte, 496. , le Trinitr, 489, 495. Calceby, Calsby, co. Lincoln, 279. Calcombe. See Colcombe. Calcote, Richard, 320, 627. Caldbeck, co. Cumberland, 13, 25, 137. Caldbek, Caldebek, John, 323, 581. , Ralph, 581. Caldecote, co. Northampton, 582. Caldecote, Robert, 496. Calder river, co. Cumberland, 25. Caldon, John, 78, 82. Caldwell, co. Derby, 389. Caldwell, Caldewell, Uenediut, 552. Thomas, 523. Caldy, John, 288. Ir Cale, in Ireland, 395. Cftlehill, CO. Kent, hundred of, 302. Calewey, John, 32, 33. William, 118. Calf, Maurice, 493. Calgarth, co. Westmoreland, 334, 532. Callegh. See Chawleigh. Callerton, Calverton, High, co. Northumber- land, 523. Valens, 523. Callewodelegh. See Calwodeley. Calmady, John, 104. Caiman, William, 331. Calne, CO. Wilts, 242. , hundred of, 242. Calowe, John, 36. , William, 127, 352. Calrowe, co. Salop, 436 . Calsby. See Calceby. Calthorn, Thomas, 153. Calthorpe, William, 197, 245, 247, 249, 250, 254, 353, 406, 606„622. Calveley, Hugh, 193, 200. Calvard. Thomas, 214, 277. Calverd, Richard, 146. Calver Hill, Kalverhill, co. Hereford, 41. Calverhull, Wiiliiun, 146. Calverley, Richard, 580. , Marjory his wife, 580. Calverton, co. Buckingham, 560. And see Callerton. Calwodeley, Callewodelegh, Thomas, 187, 351, 407, 464, 612. , mayor of Exeter, 127. Calyngewode, Richard, 389. Cambon, Robert, 321. Cambridge, 8, '22, 83, 147, 223, 232, 233. 325, 346, 451. , ma3or of. Sec Coke ; Croft ; Damay. , statute of, 28. , University of, 241. , Friars Minor of, 471. , commissions of the peace in, 609. Cambridge colleges : Clarehall, masters and fellows of, 538. St. Catharine's, 544. master and fellows of, 589. Goddeshous, proctor, master or warden and scholars of, 130. , William Basset, proctor of, 130. , William Fallan, proctor of, 130. King's, provost and scholars of, 238, 240, 518. Robert Wodelarke, provost of, 240, 481. King's Hall, 358. , Master Thomas Seintjuste, master of, 32. , Master John Gunthorpe, master of, 32, 114, 358, 367. Master Roger Rotherham, warden of, 367. 668 GENERAL INDEX. Cambridge colleges — covt. Queen's, president and fellows of, 394. , Master Andrew Doket, president of, 394. St. Mary and St. Nicholas. See King's. St. Margaret and St. Bernard. See Queen's. Cambridge, county of, 33, 61, 87, 88, 100, 101, 114, 127, 138, 169, 170, 196, 206, 218, 232, 242, 245, 248, 285, 329, 348, 349, 352, 367, 406, 430, 462, 492, 494, 496, 504, 513, 544, 551, 594, , , sherifif of, 22, 114, 252, 285, 349, 406, 462, 492, 494, 544. , , escheator in, 98, 186, 205, 271, 332, 391, 400, 470, 481. And see Pilkington ; Laurence ; Hamond. , , outlawry iu, 4, 73, 74, 141, 223, 320, 325, 380, 432, 4S6, 499, 581. , , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 329, 348, 478. , , commissions of the peace in, 609. Cameley, Camley, co. Somerset, 499. Camelford, co. Cornwall, burgesses of, 520. Camell, Hugh, 81. Camerton, Camlerton, co. Somerset, 431. Camfeer in Zeeland, ship called le Antony of, 303. Camilio de Medicis, Prosper, 586, 587. Camlerton. See Camerton. Campe, in the diocese of Terouanne, 275, 538. Campe, William, 225, 326. Camps, CO. Cambridge, 297, 560. Campyon, John, 142. Camynges, Thomas, mayor of London, 120. Camysasshe, co. Somerset, 534. Canceller, Thomas, 563. Candaver, Henry, 183. Candeler, John, 320. Candour, Candor, Thomas, 307, 317, 390, 511. Candy, William, 256. Canerell, Peter, master of the hospital of Sanctingfeld by Wissant, 398. (IJanesho, co. Bedford, 191. Canewdon, Cauwedon, co. Essex, 32, 137. Canfield, Canefeld, co. Essex, 297, 543, 547, 563, 567. , Little, 192. Canford [co. Dorset], 208. Caniziani, Gerard, 11, 132, 160, 273, 401, 466, 468, 481, 547. , , Ehzabeth his wife, 466. Canne, Richard, 8. Cannings, co. Wilts, 587. Cannock, Cank, Cankewode, co. Stafford, 273. , forest of, 12, 15, 82, 233. Cannyng, Philip, 323. Cauone, John, abbot of St. John's, Colchester, 108. Canons, David, 108. Cantele in Berneo, in Spain, 602. Cantelowe, Henry, 487. Cantelowes, co. Suffolk, 536. Canterin, Jerome, 213. Canterbury, co. Kent, 94, 97, 204, 296, 301, 348, 368, 445, 462, 492, 496, 556, 585, 590. , charters dated at, 425, 426, 601. , letters patent dated at, 531, 533, 535- 538, 540-542, 549, 551. , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 348. , Westgatestrete by, 302. , province of, 99, 125. , diocese of, 42, 93, 244, 469. , archbishopric of, 125, 126. , archbishop of. See Bourchier ; Becket. , Christ Church, le Croft in, 388, 415. , prior and convent of, 375, 387, 541. , , prior of, 92, 446. , , William, prior of, 375, 387, 541. , St. Augustine's abbey, 237. , abbot and convent of, 237, 240. , abbot of, 143. , William, abbot of, 463, 618. Cantley, co. Norfolk, 34, 132. Cantokkeshed. See Quantockshead. Cantref Mawr [co. Caermarthen] , 165, 184, 275. Canwedon. See Canewdon. Canynges. See All Cannings. Canynges, William, 62, 118, 347. , , mayor of Bristol, 29, 92. , , Joan, his wife, 62. Cape, the, co. Cornwall, 354. Capel, CO. Suffolk, 515. Capell, CO. Kent, 70, 71. Capell [co. Kent], 116. Capell, William, 509. Cappe, John, 525. Cappis, Robert, 406. CapuU, George, 101. Carant, Carent, John, 55, 57. , the elder, 39, 196, 219, 220. , , the younger, 39, 196, 219, 220, 351, 573, 613. , William, 39, 5.5, 57, 113, 220, 247, 406, 573, 613. , , Katharine his wife, 113. Carberton, John, 76. Carclew, Crokelue, co. Cornwall, 363. Cardemaker, John, 182. , William, 73, 164, 502, 503. Cardewe, Stephen, 581. Cardiff, co. Glamorgan, 28. Cardigan, 166, 180, 185, 260. county of, 116, 166, 185, 275. GENERAL INDEX. 669 Cardington, co. Bedford, 191. Cardinham, Cardinan, Caerdynan, co. Corn- wall, 58, 235. Cardwell, Alexander, 571. Careles, John, 225. Carell, Ralph, 146. Carethorp, John, parson of Bisley, 19. Carew, Carrewe, Carue, John, 189, 205. , Nicholas, 189, 205, 220, 289. , , sheriff of Devon, 308. , William, 101. Carewe, Carrowe, William, escheator of Devon and Cornwall, 292. Cargo, CO. Cumberland, 531. Carhampton, Little, co. Somerset, 194, 522. Carisbrook, Casebroke, Isle of Wight, co. Southampton, 61, 290. Carlele, John, mayor of Newcastle on Tyne, 605. Carles, William, 251. Carleton, Robert, 407. William, 353. Carlhill, Jolm, 490. Carlile, John, 562. Carlingford, in Ireland, 165. Carlion [co. Cumberland], 215. Carlisle, co. Cumberland, 13, 25, 73, 147, 209, 214, 264, 277, 290, 291, 333, 347, 386, 413, 556. , citizens of, 556. , charter dated at, 14. subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 333, 347. , bishop of. See Scrope ; Story ; Ire- ton ; Mauclerk. ,„ , prior and canons of, 17, 83. , diocese of 21. , bishopric of, 84, 134. Carlton, co. Lincoln, 508. , Great, 202. , Karleton, co. Suffolk, 484. Colville, Karleton Colvilde, co. SuflFolk, 410. , Carleton [co. York], 483, 486, 487. in Cleveland, 483, 48(5, 487. , by Coverdale, 483, 486, 487. ., by Snnith, co. York, 179. , by Ilclmsley, co. York, 458, .530. Carlylle, Richard, 103, 607. Carmelites. See Mount Carmel. Carnier, William, 521. Curmynowe, John, 200, 246, 399, 552, 573, 010. Carnarvon, 107, 108. , burgesses of 121. , exchequer of, 165. , charter dated at, 134. county of, 107, 108, 165. , ^he^fl:' of. Sec Devercux ; Herbert. ('arne. See Cerne, Carnebole, Henry, 14. Carnforth, Carnford, Kerneford [co. Lan- caster], 334, 531. Carnsuyowe, Camsyvyowe, William, 280, 491. Carpenter, John, 7, 102, 287, 501. , , bishop of Worcester [1444- 1476], 328, 333, 399, 442, 598, 614, 634, 636. , Peter, 153. , William, 203, 255. Carre, John, 22, 289. Nicholas, 278. Carrewe. See Carew. Carrickfergus, Cragfergus, Knokvergous, in Ireland, 123, 161, 162, 583, 596. Carrowe. .See Carewe. Carryk, Richard, mayor of Woodstock, 352. Carter, Curtour Clement, 498. , John, 203, 4 J3, 553. , Richard, 116. , William, 305, 318. Carthusian order, l:ij, 157, 304, 436, 585. Cartmell, John, 185, 340. Cartour. See Carter. Cartwryght, Edward, 141. Cartyngton, John, 350, 490, 605, 624. Carvanell, Michael, 52, 169, 184, 201, 317, 488, 495, 511. Carvergh by St. Austell, co. Cornwall, 581. Carvyle, Ralph, parson of Chilton, 96. Carwynnek, John, 109. Cary, co. Devon, 24, 45. Cary, Philip, 46. , Cristina his wife, 46. William, 24, 27, 40, 473. Cascombe, William, 39. Case, John, 84, 80. Thomas 6. Casebroke. See Carisbrook. Cassy, John, 349, 407, 453, 614. Castelcoule, profit called, 236. Castelford, Richard, 432. Castelfur, llamo, 198. Castelion, Castilion, Ralph, 208, 409. Castell, Isabel, 8. John, 8, 384. , Ralph, 482. , William, 8. Castertou [co. Westmoreland], 334,531, 532. Casthurpe (in Barrowby), co. Lincoln, 398. Castile, 450, 000. and Leon, the king of, 288, 317, 319, 354, 480, 600, 602, 603. , Henry, king of, 474. Castilion. See Castelion. Castle Acre, co. Norfolk, 144. Castle Eaton, Castcleton, co. Wilts, 327, 373, Castle Hediiigliaui, Ilcngliani at the CiiMlc, CO. Essex, 207, 318, 547. 670 GENERAL INDEX. Castle Pulverbatch, co. Salop, 365. Castlerickard, Castell Rickard, co. Meath, 598. Castle Eising, Risyngcastcll, co. Norfolk, 107. Castre Bardolf, co. Norfolk, 34, 132. Castro, in Spain, ship called le Katerine of, 378. Casun, Peter, 359. Catane, Angelo, 294. Catchemay, Thomas, 502. Caterall, John, 307, 419. Catesby, John, 30, 55, 70, 170, 179, 193, 320, 339, 377, 405, 530, 570, 573, 574, 610, 612, 613, 623, 628, 629, 632, 635. , Robert, parson of Ladbroke, 542. , William, 158, 218, 403, 405, 530, 531, 557, 570, 571, 597, 623, 632, 634. , , sheriff of Hereford, 4. Cathorp, co. Lincoln, 34, 132. Catmere, Edmund, 250. Catore, Catour, Elizabeth, 477. , John, 477. Catryngton, John, 407. Catsash, Cattesasshe, co. Somerset, hundred of, 32, 137. Cattal, Henry, 502. Catte, James, 225. , Richard, 128. , William, 123. Cattesasshe. See Catsash. Cattistock, Cattestoke, co. Dorset, 234. Catton, CO. Norfolk, 93. , CO. York, 483, 487. Cattys, John, 110. Catur, Alice, 200. , Joan, 194. , John, 194, 200. Robert, 193, 194, 200. Catworth, Great, co. Huntingdon, 503. Caudray, Richard, dean of St. Martin le Grand, London, 99. Caumpe, William, 225, 326. Caunton, David, parson of Llangoedmore, 333. Cans, Caurs, co. Salop, 432. Causeway, Canswey [in Uadipole] , co. Dorset, 326. Causton. See Cawston. Causy, Roger, 149. , Agnes his wife, 149. Cauthorn, John, 527. Caux, Anne do, the king's nurse, 439. Cavell, Henry, 280. Cavendish, Caundyssh, co. Suffolk, 89, 432. Caversbam, co. Oxford, 382. Cawase, John, 3. Cawedon. See Canewdon. Cawethorn, John, 377. Cawod, John, 384, 431. Cawode, Kaywode, William, 212. Caworth. See Keyworth. Cawaton, Causton, co. Norfolk, 93, 387. Caxton, German de, 561. , Thomas, 303, 489. , William, 332. Cayleway. See Kayleway. Cayre, in Brittany, ship called le Marye of, 605. Cayso, CO. Bedford, 191. Cayton, Richard, 193, 200. Cecily, duchess of York, the king's mother, 184, 361, 439, 447, 538, 563, .584, 599. , grants to, 89, 108, 151. Cedewain, Kedewyn, in North Wales, 22. Cely, Alexander, 565. Cerne, Carne, co. Dorset, abbey of, 240, 241, 279. , convent of, 235, 279. , abbot of 93. , John Vanne, abbot of, 235, 240, 279. , Roger Bemyster, abbot of, 240, 241, 272, 279. Cervyngton, Nicholas, 17, 107. Cery, Kery, in North Wales, 22. Chacombe, John, 10. Chadacre, Chardeacre, in Shimpling, co. Suffolk, 297, 556. Chaderton. See Chaterton. Chadgrave. See Chedgrave. Chadwall, William, 53. Chadworth, William, 28, 145, 248, 463, 622. And see Chedworth. Chafee, John, 406. Chagford, co. Devon, 27. Chalk, CO. Wilts, prebend of, 518. Chalk, John, 318. Chaldebourne. See Shalbourn. Chaldrington. See Cholderton. Chalford, co. Gloucester, 453. Challerton, Richard, 268. Challesworth, Richard, 276. Challey, Geoffrey, 204. Chalons, Thomas, 331. Chalvelegh. See Chawleigh. Chamberleyn, Chambrelaine, John, 143. , Nicholas, 472. , Richard, 312, 568. , Robert, 492, 51 .5, 536, 569, 606. , , Elizabeth his wife, 515. , Robert, sheriff of Merioneth, 193. , Walter, 84. William, 312, 383. Charaberuon. See Champernon. Chambers, in Epping, co. Essex, 536. Chamblcy, David, 308. Chanibre, Chaumbre, Henry, 291. , John, 44,271. , , escheator of Northampton and Rutland, 48. , Richard, 405. Thomas, 40, 352, 421, 565. GENERAL INDEX. 671 Chambre, William, 144, 405, 624. , Elizabeth his wife, 144. Champe, William, rector of Lasham, 106. Champernoun, Elizabeth, 116. , Joan, 116, 564. , John, 102, 251, 327, 407, 564, 610, 612. , Margaret, 116. , Marjory, 116. Mary, 116. , Kichard, 116. Koger, 327. Champfloure, John, 417. Champion, John, 546. Champneys, Nicholas, 147, 433. , William, 5. Chancery, 28-.'iO, 49, 53-55, 57,71, 81, 85, 96, 102, 104, 120, 131, 134. 153, 182, 195, 197, 199, 213, 234, 237, 244, 248, 250- 252, 267, 273, 275, 286, 287, 289, 295, 299, 315, 317-319, 333, 339, 341, 352- 354, 356, 357, 359, 360, 362, 366-369, 374, 377, 402-404, 408, 413, 422, 424, 427, 428, 444, 450, 464, 469, 473, 476, 478, 480, 481, 512, 515, 565, 568, 593, 594, 600, 601, 604. , clerks of, 48, i49, 228, 232, 337, 426, 468. , prothonotary of. See Sharp. chafewax in, 115, 514. , rolls of, keeper of, 491. And see Kirkeham ; Morland ; Al- cok ; Morton. Chandeler. See Chaundeler. Chantries, foundation of, 14, 21, 46, 62, 88, 90, 112, 113, 185, 192,209,231,311, 340. 3,08, 361, 400, 417, 420, 425, 443, 449, 460, 468, 476, 484, 523, 542, 563, 564, 566, 568, 569, 596, 600. Changton, Walter, 84. , William, 84. , , Matilda his wife, 84, Chapecombe, co. Somerset, 373. Chapeloyn, Kichard, 419. Chapelizod [co. Dublin], 458, 598. Chapman, Alice, 123. , Henry, 17. , John, 141, 217, 575. , Richard, 73. , Roger, 502. Stephen, mayor of Plymouth, 109. , Thoma.s, 409, 575. , William, 88, 144. Chard, Philip, 177. Chardeacre. See Chadacre. Charito sur Loire, Ste Marie, Louis de Swilleyo, prior of, 274. , Dan William Hrekenok, prior of, 390. Charles, Thomas, 110, 499. , , Elizabeth his wife, 110. And sec Ubarlys. Charleton, Richard, 349. , Robert, 247, 249, 627. Charlton, co. Dorset, 63. , CO. Wilts, priory of, 461. Mackrell, co. Somerset, 457, 530. Charlwood, co. Surrey, 237. Charlys, Richard, 432. Gharnock, Chernok Gogard, co. Lancaster, 141, 142. Chart, CO. Kent, hundred of, 302. , Great, 568. Charter printed at length, 13. Chartessey, William, 318. Chartley. See Devereu.x. Chate, Peter, 495. Chaterton, Chaderton, Edmund, inast«r of the hospital of St. Leonard, Stoke, 585. prebendary of St. Asaph, 585. , prebendary of Southwell, 559. , , prebendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 559. , Henry, 280, 360, 580. Chatham, Chetham, co. Kent, 188, 371. , hospital of St. Bartholomew, 561. and Gillingham, hundred of, 301. Chattok, Robert, 515. William, 16.0, 192. Chaucer, Thomas, 65, 66. Chaundeler, Chandeler, Thomas, 374, 626. , chancellor of the University of Oxford, 626. , prebendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 560. , , prebendary of Southwell, 560. , Walter, 432. Chaundre, Richard, 43. Chauntrell, John, 289, 357. William, 268. Chauntry, WilUam, parsou of Scrayingham, 173. , , parson of Papworth Everard, 174. archdeacon of Derby, 517. Chaureth, Chawrey (iu Broxted), co. Essex, 416. Cbawleigh, Chalvclegh, Callngh, co. Devon, 23, 174, 176, 189, 280, 457, 486, 529. Chawrey. See Chaureth. Chearsley, Chordesle, co. Ruckiugham, 152. Chechestre. See Chichester. Cbeddington, Thetyngdon, co. Buckingham, 135. Chedgrave, Chadgrave, co. Norfolk, 508. Chedworth, John, bishop of Lincoln [1452- 71], 23, 39, 98, 107, 181, 205, 239, 241, 252, 255, 261, 283, 292, 295, 332, 432, 607, 6ua, 617-621, 623, 625, 626. , archdeacon of Lincoln, 580. , prebendary of King's Sutton, 580. 672 GENERAL INDEX. Chedworth, William, 147, 432, 580. , , Joan his wife, 580. And see Chadworth. Chedyngston. See Chlddingstone. Chekes, William, 168. Cheldesworth, Eichard, 319. Cheles, Thomas, 204. Chellescombe, Thomas, 41. Chellesfeld. See Chelsfield. Chellyngton. See Chillington. Chelmerton, Childerstou, Chilmerdon, co. Derby, 397, 460, 541, 562. Chelmscote, co. Buckingham, 521. Chelmsford, co. Essex, 504, 576, 577. Chelsfield, Chellesfeld, co. Kent, 480. Chelston, Chilston, Chylston, co. Devon, 24, 45. Chelsyn (in Stevenage), co. Hertford, 182. Chelton. See Chilton. Chelveston, co. Northampton, 582. Chemery, Eichard, 490. Cheney. See Cheyne. Chepman, Eichard, 518. Chepstede. See Chipstead ; Chipsted. Chepstow, Chipstowe, co. Monmouth, 29, 112, 163. Chepyngnorton. See Chipping Norton. Chepyngtoryton. See Torrington. Cherchar, Walter, 595. Cherdesle. See Chearsley. Cheriton, Chiriton Fitz Payn, co. Devon, 52. Chernok. See Charnock. Cherry Burton, co. York, 10. Chertesey, Edmund, 407, 618. Cherubeer, Churebere (in Dolton), co. Devon, 187. Cherystiiunton. See Church Staunton. Chese, Henry, 386. Chesehull. See Chishall. Cbesewyke. See Chiswick. Chesham, co. Buckingham, 224. Aston Sandford, co. Buckingham, 297, 560. Bois, CO. Buckingham, 224. Cheshunt, co. Hertford, 436, 457, 530, , prioress and nuns of, 188. , Isabel Forest, prioress of, 188. , CO. Lincoln, 242. Chesilherst. See Chislehurst. Cheslyn Hay, Chisteleyn Haye, co. Stafford, 233. Chester, 127, 346, 473, 491, 524. , mayor of. See Suthworth. , port of, 524. , bishop of. See Clinton. J earl of. See Meschines ; Scot. letters patent dated at, 35. .county of, 153, 219, 283, 361, 365, 366, 490. , , sherill of, 490. Chester herald of arms, 261. Chester, Eichard, 347. , William, 347. Chesterfield, co. Derby, 441, 442, 455, 482, 507. Chesterford, co. Essex, 532. , Great, 142, 498. Chesulden. See Chisledon. Cheswardine, CO. Salop, 133, 401, 402, 420, 489. Chetham. See Chatham. Cheveley, co. Cambridge, 380. Cheverell Burnell, co. Wilts, 306. Hales, 306. , Great, 306. Cheverell, John, 356, 428. , Walter, 247,406, 573, 613. Cheveryshall. See Chivers. Chevir, John, chief justice of the King's Bench in Ireland, 193. Chewton, Chuton, co. Somerset, 456. Cheyne, Cheyun, Cheney, Alexander, 449. , Humphrey, 449. , James, 44. , John, 55, 101, 193, 196, 200, 220, 245, 248, 285, 305, 317, 318, 349, 404, 406, 427, 449, 470, 472, 522, 533, 558, 573, 585, 608, 609, 635. , EHzabeth his wife, 449. , John, of Fallesdon Cheyne, 408, 428. ,of Pyune, 306, 311, 350, 406, 532, 533, 628. Eobert, 197, 449. Eoger, 449, 558. William, 196. 247, 249, 308, 351,393, 394, 406, 449, 461, 633. Cheynesmaner, co. Buckingham, 471. Chichelee, Henry, 609. Chichester, Cicestre, co. Sussex, 2, 37, 52, 72, 147, 169, 279, 308, 357. , port of, 15, 216, 268, 453, 469, 521, 553, 592. diocese of, 65, 155, 210, 265, 415, 418, 550. bishop of. See Arundell. , cathedral of, 14, 413. , , dean of, 52, 308. , , dean and chapter of, 359. , , vicars of, 35, 111. , , chantry of St. Mary in, 308. Mortimer's chantry in, 294, 296, 359, 550. , , prebend of Sutton in, 551. hospital of St. James by, William Fordeu, warden of, 235. Chichester, Chechestre, Eichard, 246, 247, 427, 490. Chicksand, Chikesand, co. Bedford, 191. , Stephen, prior of, 576. Cliiddeformc. See Childfroinc. C'liiddii.gBldDc, C'li(d_\i)p.'-toi;, co. Keuf, 501. GENERAL INDEX. 073 Chigwell, CO. Essex, 192. Child, Chylde, JoliD, 3.')G. , Peter, 251, 401, 4.'j8. , Philip, 156, 251. Childerhous, Edmund, G4. Childerstoii. See Chelmeitoii. Cliildfrome, Chiddeforme, co. Dorset, 457, 527. Chillesford, Chisilford, co. Suffolk, 110. Chillesworth, John, 319. Chillington, Chellyngton, co. Somerset, 533. Chillington, Chilyn^ton, co. Stafford, 145. Chilmerdon. See Chelmerton. Chilston. See Chelston. Chiltein Laiigley, co. Hertford, 130, 151, 1C3, 348. Chilton, Chylton, co. Somerset, 9C, 151. , Chelton, co. Suffolk, 581. Condover, co. Soutliampton, 534. Canteloe, Chylton Cantelope, co. SomePBet, 305, 347. Chingford, Chyiigford, co. Essex, 38, 480. Chippenham, co. Wilts, 466. luuidred of, 4G6. Chipping Norton, Chepyng Norton, co. Oxford, 151, 297, 323, 345, 432, 560. Chipping Wycombe, Chepyngwycombe, co. Buckingham, 382, 435. Chip^tead, Chepstede, co. Surrey, 519, 543. Chipsted, Chepsted, co. Kent, 164, 501. Cliipstowe. See Chepstow. Chirch, Robert, 432. Chirchefordhall in Cupel, co. Suffolk, 515. Chirchcliill in Whitstable, co. Kent, 274. Chirchestaunton. .SVe Church Staunton. Chircheyerd, Thomas, 94. , , Alice his wife, 94. Chiritou. See Cheriton. Chirk [co. Denbigh], 505, 557. Chirkeland, 505, 557. Chishall, Chesehull, Great, co. Essex, 203. Chisilford. See Chillesford. Chisledon, Chesuldon, co. Wilts, 255. Chislehurst, Chcsilherst, co. Kent, 578. Chislet, Chistlet, Chystlctte, co. Kent, 143, 436. Chisteleyu Haye. See Cheslyn Hay. Chiswick, Chesewyke, co. Middlesex, 155. prebend of, 176. Chivers, Cheveryshall (in Ongar), co. Essex, 515. Choke, Chokke, Richard, 55, 70, 92, 101- 103, 127-129, 140, 168, 170, 171, 221, 247-249, 251, 289, 317, 353, 366, 374, 377, 403, 405, 406, 108, 473, .V25, 573, 574, S93, 608, 610, 612-614, 616, 625- 629, 630, 635, 636. , justice of the Bench, 227, 229, 258, 294, 344, 403. Cholderton, Chaldrington, to. Wilts, 359. Chols, Robert, 223. J 96186, Chowne, John, 301. Christchurch, Cristchircho, co. Southampton, 208, 209, 574. Chuluileigh, Chilmelav, Chylmelegb, co, Devon, 24, 25, 27, 128, 511. Church, John, 101. Church Pulverbatch, co. Salop, 365. t Staunton, Chorystaunton, co. Devon, I 12. i Churcheyerd, Walter, 595. Churebere. Sec Cherubeer. ' Chuton. See Cbewton. I Chuvve, Thomas, parson of Cliilton Cantelow, 347. ' Chylde. See Child. Cliylmelegh. See Chulmleigh, Chylston. See Chelston. Chylton. See Chilton. Chyngford. See Chingford. ChypstOD, John, 573. ! Chyrehcward, Hugh, 577. Chyiitleltc. .SVe Chiilet. Chywarton in Perran Uthnoe, co. Cornwall, 324. Chywarton, William, 324. Cicestre. See Chichester ; Cirencester. Cinque I'orts, 110, 250, 288, 302, 303, 573. , warden of, 206. And see FitzAlan. lieutenant of. See Eitz.Vlan ; Scott. Cirche, Edward, 599. Cirencester, Cicestre, co." Gloucester, 222, 235, 271, 361, 577. , letters patent dated at, 200. , John, abbot of, 386, 615. Cistercian order, 171, 376, 403, 404, 521. , chapter general of, 171, 403, 404. reformer of, 404. Claie, Walter, 394. Clampard, Thomas, 335. Clandauer, Henry, 93. Claufield, Clanefeld, co. Oxford, 9. Clapham, Clopham, co. .Surrey, 308. Claphani, Clapam, Clapeham, Richard, 49, 80, 218, 331. , Thomas, 572. , William, 49, 331. Clare, co. SufTolk, 89, 257, 432. I , portion of, in the church of Tiverton, I 292. I Clare, John, 218. t Clarell, Richard, 209. 1 , Thomas, 7, 73. ' , vicar of Leeds by Rothncll, 209. Clarence, Thomas, 287. Clarendon, Claringdou, co. Wilts, 243, 310, 348. Claud, William, 381. Claveleshay, Richard, 84, 86. U U 674 GENERAL INDEX. ClaveDfifer, Robert, 61. Claveriug, eo. Essex, 345, 457, 487, 529. Claxton, Robert, 219. , William, 317, 4C4. Clay, John, knight, 227, 253. , , Joan, his wife, 227, 253. , John, the younger, 327, 253. Claybrok. Richard, 377. Claybroke, William, 34, 4S, 92. Claydon, co. Buckinghatn, 145. Claygate, Cleygate, co. Surrey, 548. Claymond, Thomas, 20, 419. Clayoure, co. Oxford, 431. Clayton, co. Devon, 280, 457, 529. Cleyton, co. Lancaster, 575. , CO. Sussex, 192. , CO. York, 46. Clayton, Thomas, 3. , William, 3, 84. 326. , , parson of Stanhope, 295. , , prebendary of Lincoln, 295. Cleeve, Clive, co. Somerset, abbot and monks of, 112. Clefton. See Clifton. Clehonger, Clehungre, co. Hereford, 20, 425, 450, 463, 505. Clemens, Thomas, 53, 54, 57, 65, 102, 169, 218, 246, 550, 573. 610. , , the elder, 220. Clement, John, 101, 128, 574. , William, 128, 467. Clements, William, 328. Clemowe, William, 104. Clent, CO. Stafford, 470. Clere, Edmund, 250, 499. , , escheator in Norfolk and Suffolk, 191. Cleres, co. Sussex, forest of, 192. Clerionet, William, 215. , , Katharine his wife, 215. Clerk, Edith, 321. , Joan, 164. , John, 2, 5, 70, 71, 76, 83, 148, 225, 253, 352, 358, 407, 473, 500, 514, 573, 618, 626. , , second baron of the Exchequer, 38, 51, 222, 258, 445. , , one of the barons of the Exchequer, 366, 375. , , parson (jf St. Mary Moises in Frydaystrete, London, 109. , , the younger, 164. Richard, 269, 282, 286, 403, 407, 612. Robert, 78, 215, 251, 484. , Thomas, 2, 5, 253, 318. , Walter, 164. William, 251, 407. Clerkenwell, Agnes, prioress of, 395. Clerkson, John, 515. Cleve, William, 472. Cleveley, Nicholas, 45. Clewer, Cleware, co. Berks., 568. Cle3' by the Sea, co. Norfolk, 434. Cley, George, 503. , William, 3. Cle3'e, Hugh, vicar of Chipping Wycombe, 230. Cleygate. See Claygate. Cleyton. See Clayton. Cliderhowe, Hugh, 76. Clidro, John, parson of Llanaber, 304. Cliff, John, 153. William, 153. Clifife, CO. Northampton, 599. Clifford, Clyfford, Alexander, 199, 284, 389. , Henry, 327. , James, 224. , John, 333. , lord, 20, 40, 93, 327, 420, 424, 470, 479, 549. , Roger, 355. , Thomas, lord, 40. .William, 53, 219, 567. , escheator in Kent and Middlesex, 333. Clifton, CO. Devon, 60. , CO. Gloucester, 327, 373. , CO. Nottingham, 180, 600. Clifton, Clefton, Clyf ton, Gervase, 161, 180, 252, 407, 462, 479, 600, 621, 625. , , treasurer of Calais, 161. , the younger, 199. , Henry, 523. John, 598. Robert, 10, 86, 231, 350, 407, 477, 577, 600, 625. , , Alice, his wife, 600. Clinton, Roger de, bishop of Chester [1129- 1148], 425. Clipsham, Clipisham, co. Rutland, 280, 360. Clipstone, Clypstone, co. Nottingham, 130, 310, 488. Clitheroe, Clyderowc, co, Lancaster, 223. Clive. See CleeTe. Cliveton, Richard, 426. Clodj', John, 60. Clogh, John, 470. Clogyn, CO. Caermarthen, 60. Clopham. See Clapham. Clopton, CO. Suffolk, 18, 484. Clopton, John, 246, 248, 490, 631. Close, Cloos, John, 418. Stephen, 363, 413. , warden of the hospital of Ospringe, 418. , , prebendary of Lincoln, 295. , parson of Stanhope, 295. Clotte, Bartholomew, 249. Cloughston, Patrick, 13. Clowecrosse [co. Cambridge], 170, GENERAL INDEX. 675 Cloyton. See Colylou. Cludde, William, 376. Clugniaco, Feriicus de, archdeacon of Faverney, 83. Cluniac order, 14, 15, 65, 274, 358, 387, 388, 390, 402, 415, 418. CluDy, abbey of, 42, 585. , abbot of, 418. , Sir John de Bniirl).inio, abbot of, 415. Clyderowe. Sco Clitlierue. a Clyf, Peter, 357. ClyfF, John, 12, 60, 256. Matthew, 8. William, 108. Clyfford. See Clifford, Clyfton. See Clifton. Clynton, Jolio, lord of Clynton and Say, 270, 290. Clypstone. See Clipstone. Clystsomson, co. Devon, 00. Clyve, William, 235. ClyvecoDibe, co. Dorset, 457, 529. Clyvele, Nicholas, 84. Cobbe, John, 70, 71, 154, 407. , Marjory, 154, 547. Cobbell, Eichard, 256, Cobbelyngton, Henry de, parson of liattlesden, 56. Cobbes, John, 300. Cobcote, Thomas, 573. Cobham, John, of Cobham, 283. Thomas, 5, 118, 246, 248, 298, 352, 535, 618. 632. , Anne his wife, 118, 535. , , his daughter, 298, 535. Cobhambury, co, Kent, 589. Cobinton. See Cubbington. Coblyngton. See Cublington. Coliolle, Robert, 201. Cockerington, Cokeryngton [co. Lincoln], 294, 508. Cockermouth, Cokermouth, co. Cumberland, 312. Cockes, Thomas, 577. Cockfield, Cokefeld, co. SuflFolk, 36, 89, 297, 484, 538. Cockington, Cokyngton, co. Devon, 24, 46. (^odbury, Thomas, 286, 287. Codde, John, 325. Coddesheth. See Codsheath. Coddington, Codyngton, Todyngton, co. Here- ford, Great, 225. Code, John, 78, 189. .., Walter, 189. Codecombe. See Cutcombe. Coder, William, 118. Codford, CO. Wilts, 434, , St. Peter, 443. Codgrave. See Cotgrave. Codryngton, Humphr«y, 427. Codsheath, Coddeshetii, CO. Kent, hundred of, 300. Coetelem, Nicholas, 198. Coffiham, Richard, 352. ColTyn, William, 29, 427, 552. CoggjsluiU, Coksale, co. Essex, 76. 144, 318, Coinage, 98, 112, 138, 139, 149, 150, 185, 227, .•il3-315, 392, 4G8, 511, 586. falsification, Kc, of, 53, 54, 57, 58, 117, 168, 511, 606. Coltcsmore. See Coytesmore. ] Coke, Cok, Cokke, Christopher, 351, 407, 427, 612. , Edward, 592, Henry, 128. , Hugh, 190, 382. .Tohn, 142, 201, 220, 240, 500, 501, 629. , , mayor of Cambridge, C09. Master John, second in the office of the privy seal, 554, 569, 596. , Laurence, 581. , Joan his wife, 581, , Philip, 347, , Ralph, 510. Richard, 109, 321, 435. , Robert, 276, 317. , , mayor of Sandwich, 318. , , parson of Oye, 42. Thomas, 101, 143, 187,317-319,347, 354, 397, 488, 495, 504, 013. Walter, 57, 128. William, 439. And fee Cooke. Cokebury. See Cookbury, Cokefeld. See Cockfield, Cokefeld, Isabel, 322. Cokeham. See Cookham. Coken. See Cokeyn. Coker, West, co. Somerset, 187. hundred of, 187. Cokerell, Walter, 486. Cokermouth. See Cockermouth. Cokes, in Hartest, co. Suffolk, 556. Coket, Coket seal. 15, 91, 103, 167, 175, 216, 357, 438, 469, 484. Cokeyn, Coken, Cokyn, John, 285, 504, 570, 607. Cokkowe, William, 42. Cokkys, John, 437. , Thomas, 390. William, 144, 499. Cokrell, Richard, 583, 587. Coksale. See Coggeshall. Cokson, John, 277, Cokyn. See Cokeyn. Cokyngton. See Cockington. Colan, Ralph, 386, And see CoUan, Colard, John, 79. U U 2 676 GENERAL INDEX. Colas, Henry, 505. Colborne, Christian, 547. Colbronf], Thomas, 241. Colby, CO. Norfolk, 191. Colchester, co. Essex, 131, 147, 291, 318, 321, 343, 401, 51C, 540, 594, COS. , St. John's abbey, 107. , , convent of, 108. , , John Canone, abbot of, 108. , , Walter Stanstod, abbot of, 107. , Friars Minor of, 162. , , Eobert Wotton, guardiau of, 162. hospital of Crossechirch at, 89. , John Wilton, prior of, 89. , , William K-\ Iwilnierssh, prior of, 89. Colchestre, William, 524. Colcombe, Colecombe, C'ollycombe, co. Devon, 23, 176, 181, 189, 280, 427, 529. by Minchinhampton, co. Gloucester, 448, 45.'?, 454. Coldale, Coldell, John, 16, 280, 341, 596. Coldanger. See Goldhanger. Coldcote, Robert, 507. Coldkenyngton. See Kempton. Cole, John, 71, 240, 359, 269, 288, 340, 354, 355, 496. , Robert, 381. .William, 61. , , parson of St. Martin's, Chichester, 52. , chaplain of the chantry at the altar of St. Mary in Chichester Ca- thedral, 308. , parson of St. Peter by Gyldyn- hall, Chichester, 308. Colebrook, Colbroke, co. Devon, 224. Colepeper, Colpepyr, Culpepyr, John, 127, 195, 199, 219, 284, 285, 352, 357, 407, 618. , Richard, 164, 195, 199, 219, 352. , , sherifi of Kent, 34G. Coles, Nicholas, 494. Coleshill, Colshill, co. Warwick, 50, 331, 604. Colet, Colett, Alan, 76, 433. , Henry, 509. , William, 502, 570, 607. Coleton, CO. Cornwall, 58. Colett. See Colet. Colgyll, John, 218. Coli, in Ireland, 165. Coliford. See Colyford. Collan, John, 199, 406, 617. And see Colan. Colle, John, 317-319, 353. Colles, John, 578, 589. , Richard, 578, 589. CoUesby. See Cowesby. Collewell [co. Nottingham], 130. Colley, Thomas, 74. Collingbourne, Colyngbom-n Abbots, co. Wilts, 177. , Coh ngbourn Kyngeston, 177. , Colyngbourn Southampton, 177. Colynbourn Valaunce, 177. Collumpton, Colunton, co. Devon, 282, 404. Collys, Thomas, 427. Colman, Henry, 473. , John, 147. , Peter, 113. , Thomas, 254. Coin, Culne St. Denis, co. Gloucester, 6G. Colne, CO. Essex, 297, 521. , Earl's, 318, 543, 547, 563, 5G7. And see Coulonge. Cologne, 340. , bishopric of, 52. merchants of, 237, 272, 307, 387, 445, 452. Colome, William, 213. Colpepyr. See Colepeper. Colquite, Culquite, co. Cornwall, 345. Colshill. See Coleshill. Colshull, Colshill. John, 58, 102, 186, 220, 279, 351, 398, 399, 610. , , sheriff of Cornwall, 57. , , Elizabeth his wife, 186. , William, 163. Colsond Darcy. See Tolleshunt D'Arcy. Colsone, Dan William, abbot of Whitby, 550, 554. Colston Basset, co. Nottingham, 297. Colt, Colte, John, 2, 290, 381, 504, 568. , Thomas, 24, 42, 192, 261, 504, 568, 613. , , Joan his wife, 568. , Thomas, keeper of the rolls of Chancery in Ireland, 34. Colthorpe. See Cowthorpe. Columbjohn, Culme John, co. Devon, 156, 174, 189, 280, 457, 529. Columpton. See Collumpton. Colunton. See Collumpton. Colvile, Colwyll, John, 169, 581, 593. parson of W^inchelsea, 210, 265. William, 637. Colvilles, Colvyles, co. Cambridge, 480. Colwall, CO. Hereford, 101, 102. Colwj'che, Robert, 144. , , sheriff of London, 546, 547, 586. , sheriff of Middlesex, 551, 556. Colwyll. See Colvile. Colworth, CO. Sussex, 116. Colyer, Reginald, prior of St. Bartholomew, West Smithfield, London, 260. Thomas, 500. Colyn, John, 367. Colyford, Coliford, CO. Devon, 23, 171, 176, 189, 280, 343, 457, 529. GENERAL INDEX. 67 Colynbourn. See Collingbouine. Colynpbourne, William, 324, 406, 432, 501 573, 635. , , sheriff of Wilts, 514. , , Margaret bis wife, 433. Colyngrigge, John, 406, 4G2, 608. Colyns, John, 31, 142, 406, 558. , , the elder, 282. Richard, 250. , Robert, 324. , William, 4, 215, 253. ~ Joan his wife, 215. Colyton, Coletou, Cloy ton, co. Devon, 23, 176, 181, 189, 2H0, 457, 529. Combe, Come, co. Oxford, 17. , Clyvecombe, Wydecombe, co. Dorset, 457. ,00. Warwick, abbot and convent of, 478. Alexander Whitley, abbot of, 478. , William de Bretford, abbot of, 478. , Martin, abbot of, 478. | Bisset, CO. Wilts, 32, 33, 533. , Long, CO. Oxford, 352, 519, 576. Martin, co. Devon, 32, 137. Combe, Richard, 93, 432. Simon, 93, 183. Thomas, 489, 490. , William, 201, 208. Comber, John, 447. Comberton, co. Cambridge, 1 58. Combes, co. Suffolk, 98. Combes, Thomas, 288, 573. Come. Sec Combe. Comelande, Dame Alice, abbess of Wilton, 231, 233, 296. Commissions of the peace. See Appendix. de wullits el fossatis, 28, 101, 169, 170, 251, 252, 288, 354, 427, 428, 462, 463. Compagni, Victor, 59. Comptou, CO. Gloucester, 67. CO. Sussex, 63, 461. Mordok, co. Warwick, 430. I'auiiccfote, co. Somerset, 296. Basset, CO. Wilts, 534. Chamberlain, co. Wilts, 533, 534. , Long, CO. Wilts, 533. Comptou, John, 133. , Thomas, 4. Conderowe, Thomas, 308. Congerton, Coiigrotoii, William, 336. Coningsby, Connesby, Conyngcsby, co. Lin- coln, 81, 261, 286, 297. Conisborough, Connysburgh [co. York], 310, 361. Couishead, Conyngshed [co. Lancaster], William, prior of, 456. Conisholme, Conyngcsholme, co. Lincoln, 608. Conistou, Cold, Coldconyngstouc, id", 487. Connesby. See Coningsby. Connysburgh. See Conisborough. Constable, Cunstable, Agnes, 385. , John, 102, 199, 349, 437, 463, 493 636. , aiarmaduke, 352, 621. , Robert, 199, 251, 349, 354, 385, 407 409, 418, 464, 572, 621, 636. , , sheriff of Lincoln, 381. , , sheriff of York, 381. Constanciis, AYalter de, 13. Constantinople, 291. Coutrync, .Teromc, 537. Convcrs, John, 237, 273, 33". Conway, Cunwcy, co. Carnarvon, 113, 524. port of, 524. Conway, Thomas, 31. Cony, John, 91. , Walter, 500. Conyerc, John, 575, 570. Conyers, Christopher, 200. , Henry, 215. , John, 215, 349, 353, 408, 532, 637. , , sheriff of York, 185, 551. , , the elder, 218. , the j'ounger, 218. Robert, 112. , Thomas, 112. 637. Conynesburgh, Edmund, 415. Conyngshed. .Sec Couishead. Conyugton, John, 68. Conyston, Richard, 523. Coo, Reter, 318. Cook, Caoke, Christopher, 176, 612. , Edmund, 82. , Helen, 420. , John, 98, 104, 201', 405, 420, 429 434, 542. , , Marjory his wife, 420. , I'hilip, 347. , Richard, 2.i0. Robert, 409. , Thomas, 6, 98, 347. , William, 252, 288, 435, 439. And see Coke. Cookbury, Cokcbury, co. Devon, 36. Cooke. 337, 338. Coutauces, diocese of, 360. , N., bishop of, 360. Couwore. See Coworth. Cove, North, co. SufEolk, 91, 537. Coveley. See Cowley. Covelcy, John, 443. Nicholas, 4 13. , , Matilda his wife, 443. , Thomas, 443. , , Alice his wife, 443. , William, 443. , , Margaret his witV, 443. Covcnt.re, John, 498. , William, ,50, 578, 589. Coventry, 20, 30, 143. 15(1. 167, 174, 316. 348, 457, 462, 477, 4t.J, 529, 581. 680 GENERAL INDEX. Coventiy, major and commonalty of, 481. , mint at, 149. , letters patent dated at, 45, 48, 49, 5.3, 56, 57, 59, 61, 62, G5, 6S, 70, 206, 217, 389, 392, 393, 42G, GIO, Gil, 619, 620, 625, 631, 632, 634. , chapel of St. Mary at Spou by, 471. , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 348, 478, 537. outlawry iu, 3, 7, 79, 143, 167, 174, 386. , archdeacon of. See Kilkenn}'. Coventry and Lichfield, bishop of. Sec Hales ; Noiiant ; Meuland ; Langetou ; Scrope ; Clinton. , diocese of, 130, 206, 393, 416. Coverdale, co. York, 483, 486. Covert, John, 462, 492. , William, 633. Cowche, William, 573. Cowelej-, Roger, 101. Cowell, Thomas, vicar of Tibhcnhfini, 582. Coweton. See Cowton. Cowelyng, Henry, 324. Itobcrt, 32-1. Cowesby, Collcsby, Coosby by Trysk, co. York, 503. " Coivick, Cowyk, co. Devon, priory of, 63. Cowley, Covcley, co. Huckingham, 18. Cowllej', Thomas, 521. Cowlyng, John, 215. Cov.'otth, Couwore [co. Berks], 43, 118. Cowper, Cowcpar, Johu, 75, 113. Cowthorpe, Colthorpe, co. York, 593. Cowton, South, 483, 4 87. Cowton, Couton, Kichard, 1C6, 259, 2G9. Thomas, prebendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 258. , presented to the chapel of St. Jolui, Southbroke, in South Weald, CO. Essex, 437. Coxhill. See Goxhill. Coxwold, Cukewuld, co. York, 569. Coytesmore, Coitesmore, Coytemore, Geoffrey, 366, 615, 616, 628, 636. Coz, John le, 521. Crabbe, John, 354. Crabden, Robert, mayor of Lincoln, 221. Crabhay, co. Cornwall, 58. Cracestre, Richard, 206. , William, 206. xlnd nee Crowcestre. CraHey, Cradelcy, co. Worcester, 419. C.'agfergus. See Canickfergus. Cratord. See Crayford. Crafthole, Cr()Stcliall,'co. Cornwall, 457, 529. Crakhall, Henry, 214, 277. Crake. See Crayke. Crakehall, co. York, 483, 486, 487, , L:tt:c, 483, 4fC, 487. I Crakenthorpe, Krakenthorp, Johu, 349, 606, 610, 635. 1 Crakke, Henry, 141. , Thomas, 141. Cramford. See Cranford. Cramme, Richard, 445. Cramton, Christopher, 600. Cramwell, Henry, 8, 81. , John, 8, 81. Cranborne, Crambourn, co. Dorset, 602. Cranbourn, John, 16. i Cranbrook, Cranebroke, co. Kent, 546. , , hundred of, 301. Crane, Robert, 287, 353. Cranfield, Cranmfeld, co. Bedford, 507. Cranford, Cramford, co. Middlesex, 78. Cranham, Cravenham, Wolyngdonbisshop, Wokindone Bisshop, co. Essex, 107, 297, 465, 482. Cranlcigh, Cracclcj', co. Surrey, 578. Oaninore, E;ist, Estranncmere, co. Somerset, 36. Cransford, co. Suffolk, 110. Crantock, St. Carantock, co. Cornwall, 1. Cranych, Ralph, 405. Cratfield, Gratefeld, co. Suffolk, 10, 279. Craumfeld. See C'rauticld. Crau^y, John, 377. Crauzon. See Crozon. Craven, co. Y'^ork, 515, 549. Cravenham. See Cranham. Crawan, co. Cornwall, 389. Crawford, Richard, 265. Crawhall, John, 215. Crawley, co, Sussex, 226. , North, Northcrauley, co. Bucking- hiim, 254. Cray St. Mnry, co. Kent, 97. Crayford, Craford, co. Kent, 576. Crayke, Crake, co. York, 223. Creake, Crekc, co. Norfolk, 191. , South, Southcreyke, 383. Creche, John, 148. Crecy, Cressy, Johu, 176. , prebendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 267, 501. , deau of St. Mary's, Shrews- bury, 276. , , prebendary of St. Mary's, Warwick, 236. , prebendary of St. George's, I Windsor, 236, 274. I , , warden of the free chapel of Wemstcde, 40. I Crede, John, 491. Credeho, co. Devon, 4CG. Crediton, Criditou, Kyrton, co. Devon, 75, 603. Creed, Sej ntciyde, co, Coiuwal', 2C4, Crcke. See Crook, GENERAL INDEX. 681 Cremer, Matthias, 340, 341. Crendon, co. Buckiughain, 159. Creppyng, co. Suffolk, 560. Cresbien, John, 223, 385. Cresby, Philip, 197. Crescj', Thomas, 266. Cressener, Alexander, 100, 353. Cresset, Robert, 219, 354, 407, 509, 627. Cressill, William, 114. , , Joau his wife, 114. Cressingham, Little, co. Norfolk, 77. Cressy. Sec Crecy. Cressyngham, John, 71. Creston, John, 171. Cretingham, Gretynghara, co. SufiFolk, 34, 132. Crevequer, IT. de, 5G1. Crewe, Crue, co. Chester, 332. Crewkerne, Crokehorn, Crukehcrnc, co. Somer.'iet, 380, 458, 530. Crich, CO. Derby, 562. Criche, Edward, 599. , Dan Robert, prior of Montacute, 14, 15 Cricksea, Cryxethe, co. Essex, 386. Criditoiv Sec Crediton. ' Crien, Ic,' 204. Crigglestono, Crigil.-ton, co. York, 74. Criklade, John, 319. Crikland, Hugh, Ticar of Alton, 417. Cringlcford, Kryngelesford, co. Norfolk, 191. Crioill, Bertram de, 123, 561. Gripping Hall [in Wakes Colne], co. Esse.\, 297, 560. Crittchirche. Sec ( 'hristchurch. Cristean, William, 153. Cristede, John, 468. Cvistian, Robert, 265. Critchell, Long, Longkirchell, co. Dorset, 534. Croesic. See Croi>ic. Croft, Crofte, John, 200, 609. , , mayor of C ambridge, 609. , Matthew, 230. , Uichard, 350, 364, 407, 411,429, 563, 584, 615, 616, 626, 628, 636. , , the elder, 29, .53, 218, 284, 636. , , the younger, 56, 117, 352, 406, 626. , Thomas, 17, 56, 117, 159, 218, 277, 406, 548, 563, 571, 626. (,'roftehall. Sec Crafthcle. Crofton, CO. Lancaster, 17. tlroflon, John, 61, 73. William, 73, 164, 61«. Croisic, Croesic, Croysik, in Brittany, 3S4, 468, 511. Crokby. Sec Corby. Crokc in Bawdrip, co, Somerset, 187. Crokc, John, 53, 108, 212, 316, 575. Crokehoru. See Crewkerne. Crokkcr, .Tohn, 57, 100, 219, 220, 284, 288, 331, 351, 354, 377, 399, 403, 404, 408, 418, 427, 464, 552, 612. Crokelue. -See Carclew. Crolandye. See Croyland. Cromer, Crowmer, co. Norfolk, 2, 245. Cromwell, Ralph, lord, 399. And see Bourchier. Cronkesagh, Richard, 225. Crook, Creke, co. Westmoreland, 532. Crookdake, Crokedake, co. Cumberland, 13. Crooke, John, 192. Croone, Robert, 510. Cropettis, co. Gloucester, 541. Crosby, John, 52, 153, 154, 171. , John de, 214. Crosse, le, co. Chester, 450. Crosse, John, 582, 589. , William, master of the hospital of St. Thomas the Martyr, South wark, 462. , , parson of St. Michael, North- ampton, 482. , , parson of Harwey by Calais, 482. Crostehall. Sec Crafthole. Crosthwaitc, ( orsthuayat, co. Westmoreland, 50, 334, 531. Crostwhite by Norwich, co. Norfolk, 342. Crouchc, William, 7, 577. Croule. See Crowle. Crowcestre, Crowchestre, Richard, 328. , William, 592. And sec Cracestrc. Crowcherd, John, 320. Crowchestre. See Crowcestre. Crowe, William, 9, 479. Crowede, William, 382. Croweherst, John, 289. Crowemer. See Cromer ; Crowmer. Crowland, John, 44, 588. Crowle, Croule, co. Worcester, 110. Crowmer. Sec Cromer. Crowmer, Crowemer, James, 197,284, 571. , William, 389. Crowton, John, 500. Croxton, Thomas, 7. , coroner and attorney in (he King's Bench, 11. Croydon, co. Surrey, 7, 226, 254, 357. Croyland, Crolandye, co. Lincoln, abbey of, 181, 205. , convent of, 183, 604. , John Litlyngton, abbot of, 183. , John Wysbeche, abbot of, 205, 604. , Nicholas Wyscbeche, abbot of, 181. Croysik. Sec Croisic. Crozon, Crauzon, in Brittany, port of, 198. , ship called la Katerync of, 198. 682 GENERAL INDEX. Cruce, Maurice, 197. Cruceman, Richard, 30. Crudwell [CO. Wilts], 53. Crue. See Crewe. Crue, John, 451. Crugge, John, rector of the portion of Clare in the church of Tiverton, 292. Crukeherne. See Crewkerne. Crukerne, William, abbot of Muchelney, 239, 260. Cramwell, John, 309. Crustwich, Curstwyche, co. Essex, 297, 560. Crydyton. See Crediton. Crysale, Ralph, 208. Crystemas, Thomas, 524. Cryxethe. See Cricksea. Cubbington, CobintoQ, co. Warwick, 64, 411. Cublington, co. Buckingham, 52 1 . , Coblyngton, co. Hereford, 469. Cukewald. See Coxwold. Cullyng, Thomas, 4. Culmington in le Corvedale, co. Salop, 543, 557. Culme John. See Columbjohn. Culne. See Coin. Culpepyr. See Colepeper. Culpyn, Nicholas, 254. Culquite. See Colquito. Culton, John, 215. Culveton. See Kilton. Cuhvorth, CO. Northampton, 452. Cumberford, William, 70, 158, 351, 630. Cumberland, county of, 26, 88, 131, 171, 181, 206, 211, 214, 219, 251, 261, 329, 333, 347, 349, 490, 556, 606. , sheriff of, 251, 261, 349, 490, 525. , Anrl nee Lamplogh ; Iludlcs- tou ; I'arr ; Moresby ; Richard. , escheator in, 134, ^nrf see Moresby. , , subsidy and uluage of cloth in, 329, 333, 347. , justices of the peace iu, 347. , commissions of the peace in, 610. Cumberland, John, 318. Cumberworth, co. Lincoln, 508, Cumwell, John, the elder, 324. , , the younger, 324. Cunff, William le, 521. Cunnesburgh, Edmund, 609. Cunstable. See Constable. Cunwey. See Conway. Cupar, Coupyr in Eyffe, in Scotland, 448. Cupper, Thomas, 182. Curborough, co. Stafford, 16. Curry Malet, Corymalet, co. Somerset, 17. Rivel, Coryrevell, co. Somerset, 223, S39. Curson, John, 14, 256, 408, 500, 611. Curson, John, sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, 421. Philip, 387. , Thomas, 387. Curstwj'che. See Crustwich, Curteys, Giles, 201, 208, , John, 4, 54, 223. , Peter, 66, 273, 295, 324. , Richard, 53. , William, 169, 322, 562. , Master William, parson of High Ongar, 263. A7id see Courteys. Curwen, Thomas, 349, 610. Custacius, artiller of Calais, 64, Customs and subsidies, 11, 19, 31, 49, 53, 69, 85, 87, 95, 106, 113, 114, 122, 126, 132, 134, 160-162, 165, 181, 186, 209, 210, 212, 213, 229, 245, 273, 304-307, 309, 336-338, 361, 367, 368, 375, 389, 392, 394, 41], 415, 422, 427, 445, 450, 451, 468, 474, 511-514, 532, 533, 534, 536, 543, 545, 555, 565, 587, 595. Customs, great, 15, 59, 91, 167, 168, 216, 230, 231, 268, 269, 357, 388, 438, 469, 553, 5.'>4, 584, 592. , petty, 15, 59, 91, 115, 167, 168, 175, 186, 216, 230, 231, 268, 337, 357, 374, 452, 469, 484, 528, 553, 554, 558, 559, 584, 592. of wools, &c., 11, 15, 31, 53, 59, 85, 87,96, 108, 109,153-155,160, 161, 165, 186, 212, 213, 216, 230, 231, 245, 270, 273, 306, 337, 341, 357, 388, 389, 422, 445, 452, 532, 533, 543, 558, 559, 561, 565, 584. Cutcombe, Codecombe Mohun, co. Somerset, 115. Cutton (in Poltimorc, co. Devon), prebend of, 212. Cuttyuge, William, 339. D. Daa, William, 214. Dachet. Sec Datchct. Dacre, co. Cumberland, 96. Dacre, Humphrey, 90, 349, 606. , , lord Dacre, 183, 350, 610, 635. , Ranulph, 26, 29, 96. , Eleanor his wife, 26, 96. Dadyngton. See Deddington. Dagdewe, l^aggedewe, John, 362. Dagvile, William, 626. , , mayor of Oxford, 626. Dagwortli (in Pebir.arsh), co. Essex, 515, Dalabere. Sec Delabere. GENERAL INDEX. 683 Dalamare, Alice, 204. , Henry, 203. , John, 203, 204. , Thomas, 317, 349. And see Delamare. Dalbere, co. Derby, 32, 137. Dalberesleis, co. Derby, 32, 137. Dalby, Alice, 144. , Hugh, 8. , John, 144, 191. Dalcote. See Dulcotc. Dale, CO. Derby, abbot and convent of, 410, 479. , John Stanley, abbot of, 479. Dale, Dalle, John, 24, 381, 027. William, 53. Dale Head, le Dalehede [co. Cumberland], 334, 532. Dalham, co. Suffolk, 93. Dalker, Richard, 462, 492. Dalle. See Dale. Dalling, CO. Norfolk, 191. Dallington, Duljntoii, co. Northampton, 521. Dalson, Thomas, 202. Dalton, John, 2. Ralph, 117. , Thomas, 2. Daltport, Robert, 002. Daly, John, 384. Dalyngrigge, Richard, 033. Dalynton. .SVe Dallington. Dam, John, 93. Damascata. See Dcmascata. Damay, Robert, 325, 609. , , mayor of Cambridge, 009. Damlet, Laurence, warden of the college of minor canons of St. Paul's, London, 135. Dammer, Richard, 432. Damory, Richard, 241. Damport, James, 279. Damyon, Bartholomew, 225, 326. Danby, co. York, forest of, 205, 206. Wiske, CO. York, 1, 148. Danby, George, prior of the Friars Minor of Scarborough, 578. , James, 177, 038. Ralph, 503. , Robert, 70, 85, 102, 103, 170, 171, 221, 247, 251, 408, 611, 618-C21, 623, 624, 626, 634, 637. , chief justice of the Ik'nch, 1, 3, 5-10, 12, 16, 20, 21, 38, 44, 51, 52, 72, 73, 77-79, 91, 94, 99, 109, 119, 122, 127, 128, 131, 141. 145, 154, 161, 164, 167, 173, 174, 183, 202, 223-229, 25.3-257, 263, 320-327, 344, 362, 364, 380-387, 389, 400, 431-437, 443, 456, 475, 498-500, 602, 503, 575-582, 589, 593. Dancastre. Sec Doncaster. Dandia, Domou John, 273, 422. Dane, in Boughton, co. Kent, 297. Danell. See Dauyell. Daners, Henry, 438, 488. 495. Danet, Danett, Thomas, the king's almoner* 604. , , parson of St. Mary, Calais, 568. , Master Thomas, prebendary of Pontesbury, 277. , prebendary of St. George's, Windsor, 359. , , parson of Eglestou, 393. Dangore, John, 182. Dannett, Douenant [in Quetbiock], co. Corn- wall, 444. Dannon, Dawnoth [in St. Teath], co. Corn- wall, 467. Dantzig, Dansk, in Prussia, 101, 168, 491, 494. , ship called le George of, 491, 494. Danvers, John, 257, 325, 433, 434. Richard, 28, 248, 249, 285, 350, 375, 406, 452, 554, 625. , Thomas, 568, 625, 629. William, 29, 374, 472, 584, 608, 620. Dauy, Henry, 577. , John, 605. Danyell, Danell, Peter, 524. George, 610. , Thomas, 169, 170, 236, 251,286, 287, 293, 332, 458, 497, 512, 524, 526, 570, 572, 623. , lord of Rathwirc, 598. , William, 332, 498, , , parson of Solihull, 206. Daiiyshampton, co. Devon, 36. Dappemont, Francis, 201, 217, 221. Darcy, .Tohn, 297, 318, 451. , Robert, 613. Darcll, Alexander, 70, 71. Constantine, 70, 71. George, 32, 33, 70, 71, 120, 19G, 219, 220, 284, 419, 635. , keeper of the wardrobe, 186. John, 391. .Richard, 56, 70, 71, 196, 220, 25r., 629. , Robert, 363. , , warden of the hospital of St. Mary, Ospringc, 228. , Thomas, 70, 71, 580. ' William, 70, 71. I Daresbury, co. Chester, 332. ] Darltou, Darlyngton, Derlcton, co. Netting, ham, 243, 441, 482. Daruelon, Thomas, 377, 378. Darryveire, Bartholomew, 49, 159. Darset, Richard, 9. William, 43. j Dartford, Derti'ford, co. Kent, 250, 300, 383. I Dartiugton, Dertynglon, co. Devon, 32, 137. 684 GENERAL INDEX. Dartmoor, Dertmore, co. Devon, forest of, 173. Dartmouth, Dertemuth, co. Devon, 29, .5", 60, 114, 128, 198, 288, 457, 529, 543, 555. , mayor of. See Langmede. , port of, 11, 34, 59, 91, 114, 154, 167, 184, 209, 216, 231, 262, 263, 268, 269, 288, 443, 468, 511, 521, 543, 554, 555, 584, 587, 592, 593, 603. , ship called la Mar ye of, 525. , ship called le Marye Calder of, 288. Darwent. See Derwent. Dasset, Dorset, Great, co. Warwick, 133. Dasshe, John, parson of North Cove, 91. Datchet, Dachet, co. Buckingham, 368, 574. Daubeney, Dawebeuey, Giles, 398, 524, 533, 585, 629. , John, 490. , William, 398. Dauoton, Peter, of Hatton, 497, 524, 526, 572. Dauuce, Kichard, 229. Dauucy, Robert, 218. Daunde by Dartmouth, co. Devon, 457, 529. Daundcsleywyk, co. Southampton, 534. Daunditrue, John, 333. Dauuger, John, 190. Daungevjle, William, 75. Daunser, Thomas, 321. Dauphin, the, of France, 583. Dauson, Laurence, 2. Davers. See Danvers. David, Hugh, 128. David ap Howell, parson of la More, 294. David ap Howel ap GriS ap Tudor, 86. Davies, John, 262. Davy, Elias, 82. , Henry, 30, 384. , James, 13. , John, 40, 118, 130, 197, 290, 324, 445, 446. , Louis, 31. , Thomas, 75, 413. , , Joan his wife, 443. , William, 30, 383, 387, 472. , , mayor of Drogheda, 193. Davyson, David, 452. , John, 125, 325, 32G, 352. , , dean of St. George's, Windsor, 278, 412. , parson of Old Romney, 244. , , prebendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 244. .„ , , keeper of the hanaper, 47, 245, 357, 383, 398. , , dean of Salisbury, 563. , , prebendary of St. Paul's, London, 412. , prebendary of St. Mary's, Norwich, 357. Davyson, Eohert, 74. Dawe, Auerus, 477. , Robert, 203. , William, 143, 378. Dawlish, co. Devon, 82. Dawna, John, 104. Dawne, Daune, George, prebend.iry of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 547, 551. , , prebendary of Chichester, 551. , , chaplain of Lamana, 479. Dawnej', Henry, 573. , John, 334, 523. Dawnoth. See Daunon. Dawrey. See Auray. Daws, William, 80. Daxe, Thomas, 201. Day, Thomas, 2. Daylesford, co. Worcester, 2. Dayowe, Henry, 104. , James, 104. Deal, Dele, co. Kent, 290, 303. Dean, Dene, co. Gloucester, forest of, 220, 484, 601. , Deene, co. Oxford, 226, 382, 436. Dean Prior, Denpryour, co. Devon, 225. Debenham, Gilbert, esquire, 202, 352, 353, 373, 590, 631. , , knight, 152, 352, 353, 373, 384, 406, 467, 468, 491, 497, 526, 560, 572, 631. , , Katharine, his wife, 152, 373. , Gilbert, chancellor of Ireland, 461. , Stephen, 223, 383. Dechyngham. See Ditchingham. Deddington, Dadyngton, co. Oxford, 73. Dedham, Bedham, co. Essex, 434, 581. Deene. See Dean. Deerhurst, Derohurst, co. Gloucester, 66, 67. , alien priory of, 66, 67, 551. , William Bokelond, prior of, 66. Degone, John, 201, 217, 221. Dekelburgh. See Dickleburgh. Delabere, Dalabere, Kynard, 425. , , Joan his wife, 425. , Richard, 425, 429, 616. Delalaunde. Sec Lauude. Delamare, Anne, 425. , Bernard, 374. , Margaret, 425. , Richard, 425.- , , Alice his wife, 425. , Thomas, 374, 425, 552, 558, 608. , , sheriff of Wilts, 178. And see Dalamare. Delamers, co. Gloucester, 534. Dele. Sec Deal. Deliaboll, Deliowboll (in St. Teatli), co. Cornwall, 389, 444. Deliowe, co. Cornwall, 444. GENERAL INDEX. Deliowboleyn, co. Cornwall, 444. Deliowcarboleyn, co. Cornwall, 444. Delves, Delvys, John, 231, 239, 536, C30. Delvyn, baron of. See Nugent. Delvys. See Delves. Demascata, Damascata, Domyngo, 317-319, 354. John, 317-319, 354. Demoyne, John, 57. Denardake, co. Cornwall, 421. Denardeston. See Dcnston. Denbigh, Dynbigh, 22, 183. Denby Grange, co. York, 3. Dendron, Deuron, co. Lancaster, 456. Dene. See Dean. Dene, Henry, 164. , Thomas, the younger, 289. William, 263. Denham, co. Buckingham, 80. CO. Suffolk, 93. Denham, Charles, 407. Denis, Maurice, 386. Denissh, John, 84. Denization, letters of, 12, 52, 65, 86, 87, 113, 159, 184, 207, 214, 236, 237, 297, 299, 306, 307, 313, 357, 359, 361, 362, 374, 393, 396, 401, 402, 423, 448, 479, 488, 509, 510, 518, 535, 547, 557, 565, 594, 604. Denman, Thomas, 577. Denmark, king of, 245. Denney, co. Gloucester, 481, .SSS. Dennington, Denyngton, co. Suffolk, 34, 332. Denpryour. See Dean Prior. Denron. See Dendron. Denston, Denardeston, co. Suffolk, 484. Denston, John, 484. , , Katharine his wife, 484. William, 484. Margaret his wife, 484. Dent, William, 145. Denton, Alice, 77. , John, 29, 626. , Thomas, 626. Denyngton. See Dennington. Denys, Hugh, 221. John, 29, 58, 100, 101, 105, 168, 219, 246, 247, 351, 403, 407, 408, 427, 435, 612. , Margaret, 374. , Michael, 216, 374, 403, 429, 511. , Richard, 75. Depe. See Dieppe. Deptford, Dcpford, co. Kent, 291, 385. Derby, 8, 202, 218. archdeacon of. See Chauntry. county of, 55, 70, 130, 195, 218, 233, 244, 248, 284, 285, 329. 3 18, 350, 40.1, 408, 428, 430, 441, 412, 457, 462, 482, 492, 496, 511, 513, 529, 535. Derby, county of, sheriff of, 130, 243, 244, 284, 350, 408, 492, 525. , And see Leek ; Monte Gomeri ; Strellty ; Curson. , , eschcator in, 35, 135, 391, 475. A7id see Malory. , outlawries in, 1, 8, 10, 76, 146, 400, 435. , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 329, 348. commissions of the peace in, 611. Derby, John, 223. , Nicholas, 257. , llichard, 539. , Robert, 381. , Thomas, the elder, 473. , Agnes his wife, 473. William, 203. Dere, Thomas, 77. , William, 120, 121. Dereham, Thomas, 65. And sec Derham. Dereman, Thomas, 72. Derham. See Durham, Derham, John, 246, 247. Thomas, 169, 170. , the elder, 416, 417. , Joan his wife, 416. , Thomas, the younger, 417. Derleton. See Darltoii. Dernian, Master John, 208. Derneford, James, 23. Dertmore. See Dartmoor. Dertenmth. See Dartmouth. Dertyngton. See Dartington. Derwent, Darwent, river, co. Cumberland, 25. , Went, river, co. York, 251, 428, 572. Desford, Thomas, 240, 537. Desmond, James, carl of, 595. Despencer, Hugh le, 520. Dcsydwyn, Gilbert, 307. Deue, David, 55, 57. Deueleke. Sec Duleek. Deulacrcsse. See Dieulacresse. Deux, Rartholomew, 374. , Edward, 604. Devare, William, 50. Develyn, Philip, 15. Devenysb, John, 247, 249, 351, 405, 633. Devercux, John, 220, 288, 289, 350, 390, 407, 429, 615, 616. , Robert, of Ferrers, 627. , lord Ferrers, 454. , Walter, lord Ferrers, 51, 55, 57, 58, 70, 95, 103, 127, 140, 171, 172, 175, 195, 198, 219, 220, 283, 28 I, 289, 349, 350, 366, 429, 444, 469, 509, 553, 565, 583,612, 614, 616, 627, 629, 636. , , sheriff of Carnarvon, 212. 686 GENERAL INDEX. Devizea, DevyRe, Levyae, co. Wilts, 362, 402, 498. Devon, county of, 4, 33, 36, 44, 55-57, 65, 100, 112, 114, 127, 128, 138, 139, 173, 195, 197, 204, 218-220, 246, 247, 284, 329, 347, 351, 368, 407, 427, 430, 462, 464-466, 490-493, 495, 496, 513, 525, 547, 574, 589, 598. , , sheriff of, 24, 29, 44, 56, 101, 171, 198, 217, 219, 251, 284, 288, 351, 356, 403, 404, 407, 408, 429, 466, 490, 492, 552. • , And see ForteBcu ; Beaumont ; Dynham ; Carew. , escheator in, 15, 24, 233, 296, 550. And see Gill; Carew; Cour- tenay ; Penpons ; Halwell. , , outlawries in, 5, 8, 12, 51, 52, 72, 74-76, 78-81, 94, 99, 109, 143, 145, 148, 149, 154, 203, 223, 224, 257, 321, 324, 326, 327, 331, 383, 384, 431, 502, 503, 576-578, 580. , , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 329, 347, 478. , , tin and lead in, 36. , , stannaries in, 173. , mines in, 420. , justices of the peace in, 171, 403, 404. , commissions of the peace in, 611. Devon river, co. Nottingham, 462. Devyok, John, 378, 399. Dexter, Kobert, 145. Dey, John, 78, 264, 357, 511, 573. , , Alice his wife, 264. John, mayor of Kingston Hull, 29. , Richard, 77. Deynes, Eobert, 250. Dickleburgh, Dekilbourgh, co. Norfolk, 191, 382. Dieppe, Depe, in Normandy, 201, 217 221. Dieulacresse, Deulacresse, co. Stafford, abbot and convent of, 34. , William, abbot of, 34. Diflford. See Dishforth. Digby, Dygby, co. Lincoln, 34, 310, 523. Digby, Dygby, Edward, G6, 350. , Kverard, 627. Digges. See Dygges. Dike, John, 459. And see Dyke. Diksou, John, 251. , Nicholas, prebendary of Chiswick, 176. ^nd see Dixson ; Dyksou. Dil worth [in liibchester], co. Lancaster, 307, 419. Dlmmok. See Dymmok. Dinant, Dynant, in Almain, 282. Dinton, Donton, Donyngtou, co. Buckingham, 309. Dirham, John, 608. Dishforth, Difford, Dysforth in Topcliffe, co. York, 326, 483, 486. Disney, John, 352. Diss, Dysse, co. Norfolk, 12, 581. Disserthe, co. Flint, 153, Ditchingham, Dechyngham, co. Norfolk, 191, 539, 577. Ditton, Dytton, co. Buckingham, 368, 574. Dixson, Thomas, 108. Dobbe, John, 39. Dobbes, Master Kobert, parson of Cottingham, 369. Dobbesson, Robert, 77. Dobbus, Dolbus, John, 626. , mayor of Oxford, 026. Dobley, Christopher, 323. Dobson, Stephen, 202. , William, 299. Dobyn, Joan, 78. Eobert, 203. Dockyng. See Dokkyng. Dodde, William, 436. Doddinghurst, Duddynghurst, co. Essex, 295, 297, 560. " Doddington, Dodyngton, co. Lincoln, 354. Pygot, 28, 322. Dodecote, John, 169. Dodesham, William, 115, 194, 522. Dodmor, Henry, 2. Dodson, JohD, 327. Dodyngfels, Gerard, 502. Dodyngton. See Doddington ; Duddington. Dodyngton, Robert, 9. Dogeson, John, 327. Doget, John, 434. Dogmersfield, letters patent dated at, 11, 17, 31-34, 42, 44-46, 49, 50, 53, 55, 57-59, 61, 82, 86, 87, 91, 100, 101, 107, 116, 124, 151, 152, 155, 157, 159, 160, 162, 163, 168, 170, 171, 607, 611, 612, 623, 629-632, 634. Doily, Richard, 286. Doket, Master Andrew, president of Queen's College, Cambridge, 394. , Roger, 498. Dokkyng, Dockyng, Robert, 170, 354, 619, , Richard, 355, Dokray, James, 161, 162. , mayor of Drogheda, 193. Dokylby, Thomas, parson of Gedling, 591. Dolas, Henry, 482. Dolbus. See Dobbus. Don river, 572. Don, Alexander, 277, , John, 59, 60, 167, 198. , , Elizabeth his wife, 59, 60. , Robert, 260. , Thomas, 168. And see Donne. Doncalf, Thomas, 103, GENERAL INDEX. 687 Doncaster, Dancastre, co. York, 72, 102, 103, 316, 441, 477. Carmelite friars of, 375. , John Sutton, prior of, 375. Donerdale. See Dunnerdale. Douingtou, Donyiigtoii, co. Licccstcr, 27, 517. CO. Lincoln, 297, 457. Donlowe, CO. Wilts, hundred of, 4GG. Donne, Bartholomew, 434, 581. , John, 86, 274, 517, 551. And see Don. Donnyng, William, 360. Donnyngton, co. Lincoln, 529. Donsland, Dunueslond, co. Devon, 24, 45. Donstar. See Dunster. Dontesburn. See Diintisborne. Donton, See Dintou. Donton, Henr^', 214. Donyland, Kast, Estdoniland, co. Essex, 318. Donyngton. See Donlugtou ; Dinton. Donyngton, John, 573. llobert, 9. Thomas, 10. Doo, John, 21. Doraude, Roger, 113. Dorchester, co. Dorset, 55, 57, 85, 242, 396, 4^8, 544, 575. , ' le priory hermitage ' by, William Broun, master of, 235. , , Robert JJothe, master of, 401. hospital of St. John IJaptist, b2, 394. , Willi«m Broun, warden of, 235. , Master OliTer Kyng, warden of, 401. , CO. Oxford, JOl, 223. Dorchestre, Dorchestyr, Hugh, abbot of Abbotsbury, 116, 125. .Dordrecht, Vandordrygh in Holland, 428. ship called Ic Playte of, 429. Dore, John, prior of ilontacuto, 15. Doreward, Dorward, John, ?4, 492, 509. , Richard, 509. Dorham, John, 224. , , prior of Newsteadin Slienvood, 35. Dorking, co. Surre.y, 153, 539, 596. Dorman, John, 218. Dorney [co. Buckingham], 287. Dorset, county of, 20, 25, 5G, 65, 126, 139, 159, 162, 182, 188, 195, 196, 218-220, 242, 247, 263, 278, 284, 305, 329, 335, 347, 351. 406, 427, 430, 462, 490, 492, 496, 524, 550, 573. , , sheriff of, 20, 56, 95, 126, 159, 173, 182, 188, 219, 242, 284, 351, 406, 428, 490, 492, 524, 590. , .(4 nif see Stafford ; lirownyng ; Herbert; Sidenham : Worselej'. , , escheator in, 15, 125, 233, 241, 278, 279, 296, 339, 399, 550. Dorset, county of. And see Gill ; Twynyho ; Phelip ; Vowell ; Say ; Hugyn. , , outlawries in, 1, 3, 38, 79, 109, 326, 579. , , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in 238, 266, 329, 335, 347, 444, 478, 537. , commission of the peace in, 612. CO. Cornwall, 389. And see Dasset. Dorward. See Doreward, Douenant. See Dannett. Doughty, Richard, 353. Douglas, the earl of, 583. James, earl of, 243, 513. Doune, John, 175. Dounham. See Downhain. Dounyng, Thomas, 287. Dounton. See DuntoD. Dounton, John, 107. Dousyng, Stephen, 580. Douve, Dowve, John, 453, 454. Dover, co. Kent, 271, 276, 302, 393, 573. , mayor of, 393. , port of, 496. , charters dated at, 364, 376. , hospital of St. Mary, John Barbourc, master of, 16. Dover castle, constable of, 206. And see L'itzAlan. , lieutenant of. See Scott. Doverdale, co. Worcester, 110. Dowdeswell. Over, Overdoudeswcll, co, Gloucester, 119. Dowell, John, 102. Dowencs, John, 501. Dowerissh, John, 57, 407. , Thomas, 101, 127, 168, 377, 612. Dowes, John, 491, 578, 589. Dowghty, William, 286. Down End, co. Somerset, 187. Downc, Sir Thomas, prebendary of Bridg- north, 265. Downham, Dounham, co. Cambridge, 518, 519. , eo. Essex, 318. Downhamford. Dunhampford, co. Kent, hundred of, 240, 302. Downlicad, Dunhede, co. Somerset, 458, 530. Downs, the. 340. Downton, William, 442. Dowsdalc [eo. Lincoln], 170. Dowve. See Douve. Dragane, George, 537. Drake, Richard, 542. , Robert, 322. , William, 377. Draper, Henry, 251. , Hu;,rh, , John, 166, 221, 259, 269, 301, 367. , Richard, 384. 688 GENERAL INDEX. Draper, Robert, parson of Aldrington, 396. , Walter, 28 G. , Wniiara, 406. Drax, CO. York, John Ufflete, prior of, 179. Drax, Alexander, 131. , John, 407. Draycott, Koger, 208, 218. Drayton, co. Middlesex, 523. , CO. Northampton, 158. , West, CO. Berks, 147. , East, Estdrayton, co. Nottingham, 501. Basset fco. Stafford], 357. , Feu, Fyndrayton, co. Cambridge, 131. Parslow, Drayton Passelewe, co. Buckingham, 263, 344. Drewe, John, 318, 494. , Thomas, 224. Drewell, John, 9. Aiid see Druell. Drewes, John, 593. Drewsteignton, Druestayton, Druys Taynton, Teyngton Drue,'co. Devon, 203, 213, 603. Driffeld, Ralph, 76. Driffield, Little, co. York, 148. Drogheda, Drodath, in Ireland, 193, 391, 390, 468. , mayor and commonalty of, 193, 391. , mayor of. See Dokray ; Davy. , letters patent dated at, 161. Droitwicb, Wyche, co. AVorcester, 67, 110, 274. Dromore, bishop of. See Egremond. Drope, Robert, 317, 445, 446. , sheriff of London, 205. , , mayor of London, 481. Droup, Joan, 592. .r. , Robert, 592. Walter, 692. William, 592. Drowell. See Druell. Druell, Drewell, Drowell, Dryuell, Richard, 250, 292. , William, 281, 387, 407, 428, 617. Druels, co. Buckingham, 471. Druestayton. See Drewsteiguton. Druett, William, 571. Druffeld. See Dryffelde. Drure, William, 571. Drur}-, Nicholas, 515. Druys Tayuton. See Drewsteignton. Dryffelde, Druffeld, Thomas, 549. Dryland, John, 383, 575. , Robert, 301. Dryng, John, 82. , Richard, 82. , William, 322. Dryuell. See Druell. Dryver, Stephen, 318. William, 324. Duardyng [co. Devon], 36. Dubber, Joan, 141. Dublin, in Ireland, 466, 468, 592. , exchequer of, 466. , Parliament at, 193. , archbishopric of, 335, 474. , archbishop of. See Tregury ; Walton. , port of 598. Dubrossay, John, 54, 58, 101, 104. Duddington, Dudyngton by Wakerley, co. Northampton, 557. Duddyngherst. See Doddinghurst. Dudley. Edmund, 193, 402. , John, 318, 351, 406, 590, 629, 633. , Master William, 469, 615, 616, 627, 636. , , dean of the king's chapel, 274, 276, 363, 412, 512, 539, 540, 543, 545, 561, 562, 566, 583. , prebendary of St. Paul's, London, 412. , , prebendary of St. George's, Windsor, 274, 303. , dean of the college of Bridg- north, 276. , , dean of St. George's, Windsor, 412, 424, 461, 596. A7id see Sutton. Dudstone. Dudeston, co. Gloucester, hundred of,.588. Dudyngton. See Duddington. Duffeld, Master Thomas, chaplain of the chantry of St. John Baptist by St. Mary, Aldermarychirch, London, 369, 395. Duke, Richard, 12, 60, 280. , Walter, 375. William, 101, 114, 154, 168, 250, 268. Dukkesworth. See Duxford. Dulcote, Dalcote, co. Somerset, 39. Dulcotes, CO. Nottingham, 62. Dulee, John, 357. Duleek, Deueleke [co. Meath], 504. Dullingham, co. Cambridge, 297, 434. Dundalk, in Ireland, 162. Dundee, in Scotland, 452, 483, 505. Dunham Massy, co. Chester, 304. Dunhampford. See Downhamford. Duuhede. See Downhead. Dunkeswell, co. Devon, John Otery, abbot of, 81. Dunmow, Little, co. Essex, 12. Dunne, John. 2S6, 579. Duniierdale, Donerdale, co. Lancaster, 40, Dunneslond. See Donsland. Dunnington, William, 632. Dunnyng, William, 360. Dunrygge, Richard, the elder, 171. DuDshall, CO. Buckingham, 191. GENERAL INDEX. 689 Dunstable, co. Bedford, 286, 327, 380, 501 , 503. , charter dated at, 369. , priory of St. Peter, 330. , convent of, 309,388. John, prior of, 326. , John Koxton, prior of, 309. , Thomas Gylys, prior of, 329, 330. Dunster, Donstar, co. Somerset, 65, 174, 194, 204, 344, 364, 473, 522. , lord of. See Herbert. Dunstone, co. Devon, 331. Duntisborne, Dontesburn, co. Gloucester, 448, 453, 454. Abbots, 453. Hotot, 453. Rouse, 448, 453. Dunton, co. Bedford, 485. Dunton Waylett, Dounton Weylate, co. Essex, 42, 585. Dunwich, co. Suffolk, Edmund Wale, dean of, 362. Duppa, John, 440. Durant, Duraunt, John, 482. , William, 303, 375. Duras, lord of See Dureford. Duraunt. Sec Durant. Dureford, Galiard CO. Somerset, 151. , Monktou, Monkenfarlegh, co. Wilts, priory of, 97, 313. , prior of, 63, 328. , Dau John Stratton, prior of, 97. , Dan John Shrouesbury, prior of, 97. , Dau Thomas Grove, prior of, 313. Farleston. See Fallstou. Farley, John, 211, 254. , Dan William, abbot of St. Peter's, Gloucester, 328, 333. Farmar, John, 500. Farmborough, Frauburgh, Frembourgh, co. Somerset, 39. Farnham, Fernuam, co. Dorset, 390, 534. , CO. Surrey, 73, 125. Farnham Royal, Farnham Verdou, co. Buck- ingham, 397, 541, 562. Farnham, John, 383. Faroe, Farrey, island of, 245. Farrendon with Balderton, prebend of, 296. Farrey. See Faroe. Farringdon, Faryngdon [co. Devon], 61, 481. Farsetbrigge. See Farcet. Farway, Fayreway, co. Devon, 156, 174, 189, 280, 457, 52D. Faryngdon, Christopher, 61. , John, 481. , Robert, abbot of Eynsham, 74. Faryngton, William, 426. Faseley. See Fazeley. Fastem, co. Wilts, 152. Fastolf, John, 5. Faucomberge, Thomas, 262, 288. And see Neville. Fauconbrige, Thomas the Bastard of, 379. Faukes, John, dean of the free chapel of St. George, Windsor, U, 234. , Thomas, 80. Faukoner, Thomas, 323. Faulkbourne, Faukeburn, co. Essex, 466. Faunt, Nicholas, 240. Faux, Henry, 75, 187. And see Vaux. Faverney, in Franche Comto, Ferricus de Clugniaco, archdeacon of, 83, Faversham, Feversham, co. Kent, 83, 101, 302, 501, 581, 601. , hundred of, 301. Fawckeswell, co. Bedford, 74. Fawsley, FaUesley, Falwesley, co. North- ampton, 531. , hundred of, 92. Faxton, co. Northampton, 508. Faynte, Feynt, William, 106, 177. Fay ranter, WilUam, 10. Fayrechild, John, 200. Fayreclough, Laurence, 599, Fayrefax. See Fairfax. Fayreford, Alexander, 5. Fayrewey. See Farway. Fayrom, John, 130, Fay tour, Thomas, 51. Fazeley, Faresley, Faseley, co. Stafford, 117. Featherstoue, Fedirstaynhagh, co. North- umberland, 2)4. Fcccheroos, Fleccheroos, co. Cumberland, 506, 513. Feckcnham, Feckyugham, co. Worcester, 304. Fedirstaynhagh. See Featherstone. Fedirstaynhagh, Richard, 214. Fedyon, John, 323. Fegherby, 483, 487. Fclborough, Kelhergh, co. Keut, hundred of, 300. Felbrigge, .John, 197. Feld, Felde, John, 4, 250, 35o, 599. . , , the youuger, 286. Richard, 75, 97. 696 GENERAL INDEX. Feld, Thomas, abbot of Burton on Trent 387, 391. Felder, John, 8. Feldyke in Bingham, co. Nottingham, 462. Feldyng, Geoffrey, 149, 204, 223, 257, 385. , William, 246, 248, 619. Fellawe, Robert, 428. Felmingham, Fylmyngham, co. Norfolk, 78. Felowe, Richard, 167, 202. , William, 381. Felstead, co. Essex, 46, 238. Felsted, William, 516. Felson, John, 320. Felton, John, 228, 236. , Thomas de, 14. Feltwell [co. Norfolk], 452. Feltwell, Stephen, 389. Felwode. See Filwood. Fen, John, 191. Fencote, co. York, 119. Fendyk, Richard, 28, 354, 619. Fenhall, Fennehalle, co. Suffolk, 48-J. Feniton, Fyneton, co. Devon, 589. Fenne, co. Devon, 61. Fenne, Henry, 263, 367. , Hugh, 7, 53, 98, 250, 283, 546, 573. , John, 316, 406. , Micholas, 537. , Robert, 626. , Thomas, parson of Borley, 411. Fennell, Funell, William, 317-319. Fen Stanton, Fenystanton, co. Huntingdon, 147, 599. Fenton, co. Lincoln, 508. , CO. York, 412. Fenton. See Venton. Fenyngley. See Finningley. Fenys, Fynes, James, 116. , , lord of Say, 116. , Emelina, lady of Say, 116. , John, 196, 247, 249, 405, 505, 633. , Richard, 633. , , lord Dacre, 196, 199, 247, 249, 283, 351, 366, 462, 469, 490, 534, 550, 606, 615, 616, 619-621, 627, 632- 634, 636, , , constable of the Tower of London, 412. , Robert, 606, 631. , Thomas, 588. , William, of Say of Sele, 102, 116, 505, 618, 629. , , lord Say, 190. Ferariis, Henry de, 424. Fercus, Elias, 1. Ferdell, Walter, 4. , , Joan, his wife, 4. Ferstield, Feishfeld, co. Norfolk, 191. Feryby. See Fereby. Ferys. See Ferry s. Fereby, Feriby, Feryby, John, 40, 74, 167 , 199, 359, 583, 587, 638. , escheator in the county of York, 103. Ferelowe, Laurence, 218. Feriby. See Fereby. Ferlard, John, 76. Fermons, in King's Norton, co. Worcester, 536. Fernnam. See Farnham. Ferrer, John, 496. Ferrers, Henry, 18, 19, 123, 352, 407, 602, 618. , , Margaret his wife, 19, 123. , Henry, sheriff of Kent, 187. , John, 6, 7, 463. , Thomas, 117, 218,348, 606, 634. And see Devereux ; Grey. Ferres, Henry, 284. , John, 288. , Thomas, 284, 289, 405. Ferrour, David, 491. , Geoffrey, 437. , Richard, 214, 277. Ferrys, Ferry, Ferys, William, 313, 341, 545. Fetherston, William, 29, 340, 355, 404, 409, 496. , — , 319. Feversham. See Faversham. Feynt. See Faynte. Feyrefeld. See Fairfield. Fifehead St. Quintin, Fifeld Quintyn, co. Dorset, 293. Fifhide. See Fyfield. Fillingham, Filyngham, co. Lincoln, 164. Fillyng, George, 576. FiloU, John, 39. , William, 39. Filton, Fylton, co. Gloucester, 578. Filwood, Felwode, co. Gloucester. 264. , forest of, 175. , CO. Somerset, forests of, 412. Filyngham. See Fillingham. Filzakelly, Nicholas, 515. Finance, John, 344. Finborough, Fynbergh, Great, co. Suffolk, 536. Fincham, Fyncheham, co. Norfolk, 191. Fincham. See Fj'ncheham. Finchley, Fyncheley, co. Middlesex, 50, 82, 96, 331. Fiudon, Thyndeu, co. Northampton, 500. Fingrith, Fyngryth in Blackmore, co. Essex 297, 560. Fiukeley [co. Southampton], 348. Finningley, Fenyngley, co. Nottingham, 503. Fissher, David, 40. Fishwick, Fysshwyk, co. Lancaster, 26. Fittleton, Fiteltou, Fytilton, co. Wilts, 41, 93, 183, 419. Fitz, Fyttys, co. Salop, 521. GENERAL INDEX. 697 Fiti, John, the elder, 377. , , the'jouDger, 377. FitzAlaD, William, earl of Arundel, 56, 128, 170, 196, 199, 219, 220, 247, 249, 287, 318, 351, 352, 356, 373, 495, 530, 551, 5C9, 573, 582, 613, 614, 618, 627, 629, 632, 633, 635. , , constable of Dover Castle and warden of the Cinque Ports, 209, 260, 310, 317, 318, 353, 573. Fitzbyrd, John, the elder, 408. Fitzelys, Robert, 472. Fitz Harry, Thomas, 251, 283, 616. Fitz Henry, Ralph, 123. Fitzherbert, John, 231, 428, 458, 491, 496, 611. , Nicholas, 284, 350, 518, 611. , Ralph, 408, 611. , Robert, 576. Fitz Howell, Hugh, 25. , , Alice his wife, 25. Fitz Hugh, Edward, 215. , Elizabeth, 215. , George, 215. , Henry, 349. , , lord of, 90, 170, 215, 532, 610, 634, 637. , , Alice his wife, 90, 215, 532. , John, 215. , Richard, 215, 532, 637. , Thomas, 215. Fitz,Tames, John, 29, 350, 406, 628. , the younger, 193, 200. , James, 193, 200. FitzJohn, Henry, 225, 255. .. John, 225, 255. Louis, 297. Fitzlowes, Louis, 151, 344, 345. FitzRichard, John, 11. FitzRobert, Robert, the cider, 540. , the younger, 540. , Margaret his wife, 540. FilzSimoud, FitzSymond, Robert, 154, 248. FitzWaryn, Fulk, 427. And see Bourchier. Fitzwater, John, 247. , William, 82. FitzWauter. See Ratclyff. FitzWilliam, Edmund, 293. , John, 638. , escheator in the county of York, 119. , Richard, 199, 349, 408, 638. , , sheriff of Lincoln, 185. Thomas, 200, 428. , the elder,'252, 5t9, 621. , ,[th(i younger,.252, 286,294, 354, 509, 563, 621. Flamborough, co. York, 409, 418. Flamstead, Flampstede [co. Hertford], 286. Flanders, 42, 57, 104, 128, 240, 249, 313, 451, 487, 512, 565, 605. Flanesford, Flaunsworde, co. Hereford, priory of, 414. Flatewyk. See Flitwick. Flaunsworde. See Flanesford. Flaxale, Nicholas, 253. Fleccher, John, 9. , Robert, 255. , William, 363, 442. Fleet, Flete, co. Kent, 297, 556. , CO. Lincoln, 203. Damarell, Fleet Damarle[iaHolbeton], CO. Devon, 32, 137. , Marston, Fletemerstou, co. Bucking- bam, 326. , prison, 12, 16, 20, 21, 38, 44, 51, 52, 72, 91, 93, 94, 99, 109, 119, 122, 141, 154, 164, 173, 183, 202, 223, 227, 228, 253, 263, 320, 362, 364, 380, 389, 400, 434. 443, 475, 477, 482, 498, 564, 573, 575, 589. , keeper of, 50. Flegg, East, Estflegge, co. Norfolk, hundred of, 82, 159. , West, Westflegge, hundred of, 82, 159. Flegham Brigge, co. Sussex, 116. Flemmyng, David, 466. , John, 91, 167, 635. , Robert or Richard, dean of Lincoln, 384, 540. Thomas, 16, 148. , , Margaret, his wife, 148. , Thomas, escheator in Surrey and Sussex, 208. , William, 16, 334. Flemmyngys, co. Gloucester, 453. Flessheyr, Thomas, 60. Fletcher, John, 102. , Robert, 551. Flete, Thomas, 200, 201, 552. Flete Damarle. See Fleet Damarell. Fletham, Richard, 287. , Thomas, 41. Flcysco, I'eter, 74. Flint, charter dated at, 122. , county of, 361, 365, 366. Flitwick, Flatewyk, co. Bedford, 507. Floore, Flore, co. Northampton, 571. Flordon, co. Norfolk, 191. Flore. See Floure. Florence, 11, 12, 59, 132, 160, 239, 273. 359, 401, 481. Flotman Newton, co. Norfolk, 191. Floure, Flore, Thomas, 286, 350, 627. Fluwct, liichard, 320, 380. Fluwode, John, 515. Flynt, Robert, 323. Flyute, Edward, 1 7 . Flynton, Robert, 323. 698 GENERAL INDEX. Fodrynghay. See Fotheringhay. Fogge, John, 42, 43, 55, 70, 127, 199, 219, 272, 274, 283, 288, 297-302, 344, 352, 363, 366, 373, 407, 428, 463, 563, 571, 618. , , Alice his wife, 42, 36.3. , , treasurer of the household, 165. , , keeper of the writs and rolls of the Common Bench, 339. ' , the elder, 339, 340, 403, 404, 420. , the younger, 339, 340, 403, 404, 420. Folbury, Robert, 197. Folgeham, Fulgeham, Henry, 248, 611. Folifayt. See Follifoot. Foljambe, Godfrey, 602. , , Margaret his wife, 602. Thomas, 400. , William, escheator of Lincoln, 122. Folke, CO. Dorset, 311. Folkestone, Folston, co. Kent, 1, 6, 290, 303, 319. , hundred of, 302. , ship called the bote of, 319. , priory of, 62, 240, 276. , prior of, 240, 276. Folkingham, Folkyngham, co. Lincoln, 26, 516, 517. Folkys, William, 431. Follifoot, Folifayt, co. York, 601. Folly John [co. Berks], 488, 573. Folnesse. See Foulness. Folowe. See Foxlow. Folsham. See Foulsham. Folsham, John, 579. Fonterell, Roger, 201, 213, 217. Forcett, Forset, co. York, 483, 486, 487. Ford, Old, Oldeforde, co, Middlesex, 570. Forde, in Ida, co. Devon, 187. , CO. Salop, 232, 242. Forde, Ford, Clement, 282. , John, 184, 282. , Richard, 222, 305, 570. , Roger, 76. , Walter, 489, 490. , William, 60, 582. , atte, 60. Fordeman, Robert, 74. Forden, William, warden of the hospital of St. James by Chichester, 235. Fordingbridge, Fordyngbrygge, Forthing- brige, co. Southampton, 223, 596. Fordington [co. Dorset], 173, 185. Fordwich, co. Kent, 303. Fore, Fowre, co. Meath, 592, 598. Foreman, Gilbert, 395. Forest, Isabel, prioress of Cheshuut, 188. , John, 166, 230. Forests. See Bere ; Bernewode ; Blakmore ; Brandon ; Cannock ; Cleres ; Com- bury ; Dauby ; Dartmoor ; Dean ; Essex ; Exmoor ; Filwood ; Galtres ; Glincoth ; Groveley ; Inglewood ; Kingswood ; Kinver ; Knaresborough ; Lee ; Melchuyt ; Neroche ; New Forest ; Petherton ; I'orchester ; Purbeck ; Red- bridge ; Rockingham ; Rutland ; Sher- wood ; Shotover ; Sno wdon ; Stow Wood ; Trent.'; Waltham ; Windsor ; Wolmer ; Worth ; Wychwood. Foretier, John le, 201, 213, 217, 221. Formour, John, 306. Forncett, Fornesete, co. Norfolk, 191, 539. Fornfyld, Walter, 256. Forser, William, 216. Forset. See Forcett. Forsset, Thomas, 541. Forstall, Peter, 168. Forster, Alan, 318. .Humphrey, 101,222, 248, 350, 406, 584, 608, 626. , ,the elder, 285. John, 9, 85, 199, 283, 348-350, 367j 377, 406, 407, 462, 494, 546, 591, 603, 605, 617. , Richard, 54, 60, 109, 127, 199, 254, 288, 336, 352, 453. , , Joan his wife, 254. , Robert, 145, 356, 622. , Roland, 87, 496. , William, 60, 288, 506. Fortescu, Henry, sheriif of Cornwall, 327. , , sheriff of Devon, 109. , John, 27, 74, 99, 199, 219, 220, 296, 351, 354, 399, 403, 404, 407, 464, 473, 490, 493, 525, 589, 598, 617. , sherifif of Cornwall, 418, 605. , Richard, 60, 403. Fortin, Paul, 198. Fortey, John, 147. Forth, Forthe, Henry, 35, 89. , Roger, 76. William, 404. Forthampton, co. Gloucester, 7. Fortune, John, 456. Fosse, CO. York, 454. Foster, John, 285, 603. , , parson of Arthuret, 21. , Robert, 52, 254, 553. , William, 75. Foston, CO. Leicester, 279. Foston, John, 146. Fotheringhay, Fodringhay, co. Northampton, 151, 184, 481, 504, 562, 563, 595. , letters patent dated at, 396, 399, 599. college of, Thomas Buxhale, master of, 414. Foukes, Thomas, 80. Foulescroft, Alexander, 384. GENERAL INDEX. 699 Fouleshurst, Foulherst, Robert, 332, 491. Foulness, Folnesse, co. Essex, 873. Foulsham, Folsham, co. Norfolk, 256. Fountains, abbot aud convent of, 602. , Thomas Swynton, abbot of, 602. Fourde, Rogrer, 76. Fourneis. See Furness. Fourneys, Christopher, 15. Foweler. See Fowler. Fowell, William, 351, 427, 464. Fowey, CO, Cornwall, 54, 83, 249, 327, 377, 468, 474, 492, 494, 511, 544, 548, 602, 605. , port of, II, 34, 59, 209, 216,230, 249, 268, 492, .121, 536, 555. , ship called Ze Barbara of, 197, 378. .., ship called le Parker of, 605. Fowkes, Thomas, 80. Fowler, John, 1, 342. .Richard, 18, 40, 56, 101, 123, 132, 152, 196, 264, 283, 287, 309, 349, 350, 352, 366, 374, 399, 406, 531, 541, 546, 557, 568, 573, 584, 608, 626. , , solicitor-general, 180, 182. , , chancellor of the Exchequer, 151, 272, 273. , chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, 417, 422, 458, 466, 517, 532. , Thomas, 18, 96, 251, 28.5-2S8, 550, 568, 592, 608. , , escheator of Oxford and Berks, 583. , escheator of Bedford and Buckingham, 583. , William, 18, 101, 112,608. Fowre. See Fore. Fox, John, 591. , Robert, 593. , Thomas, 431. Foxearth, Foxherd, co. Essex, 480. Foxill, CO. Devon, 456. Foxley, co. Norfolk, 149. Foxlow, Folowe, co. Derby, 146. Foxton, CO. Leicester, 77. Framland, co. Leicester, hundred of, 242. Framlingham, Frammyngham, co. Suffolk, 14, 110, 397. Frampton, co. Lincoln, 457, 529. Frampton, John, 453. , William, 406, 613. Framsden, Framysden, co. Suffolk, 154. Franburgh. See Farmborough. France, French, 59, 62, 114, 201, 213, 217, 221, 305, 336, 341, 351, 353, 368, 450, 513, 529, 530. king of. See Louis. , war with, 163. , expedition against, 462, 480, 492-490, 515, 516, 624-529, 532, 535-537, 545, 548. France, truce with, 583. ship called le Kateryne of, 295, 333. , ship called la Marie of, 366. Frank, Franke, Edward, 215. , Richard, 228. , Thomas, 71, 197, 215. Frankcheyne, Richard, 76. Frankeleyn, Frankleyne, John, 359, 558. , , Emmota his wife, 359. , Richard, 502. , Stephen, 68. William, 473. Frankessh, Thomas, 366. Frausoys, John, 201, 217, 221. Fraternities, foundation of, 153, 175, 236, 372, 417, 424, 446, 486, 518, 542, 553, 584, 597. Fraunce, William de, 366. FraunceTS, Thomas, J43, 248, 382,408, 576, 611. Fray, John, 472. Frebury, John, 80. Frecok, John, 1. Freckenham, Frekenham [co. Suffolk], 589. Freeby, Fretheby, co. Leicester, 24, 43. Freemantell, John, 505. Freland, John, 406. Freman, John, 364, 553, 580, 600. , , Matilda his wife, 600. , John, prebendary of Bridgnorth, 342. Frembaud, Thomas, 56. , , Alice his wife, 56. , Thomas the ."second, 56. , Thomas the third, 56. , Isabel, 56. , Joan, 56. Frerabourgh. See Farmborough. Fremington, co. Devon, 137. , hundred of, 137. Frempton. See Frinton. Fremyngham. See Frinninghani. Fremyngham, Henry, 212. John, 94. Fremyngton, co. Devon, 33. , hundred of, 32. Frenche, Robert, 319. Freud, John, 320. Frende, Thomas, 293. Frennesbury. See Friudsbiiry. Frenshe, Nicholas, 82. WiUiam, 80. Frenship, Jo^u, 61. Frcnshuiau, nilrew, 318. Frensshe, F. use, John, 94, 382. , Giles, 266. , Thomas, 30. Freuyugham, John, 94. Frequet, .lohu, 201, 217, 221. Frestlyng, Bartholomew, 640. 700 GENERAL INDEX. Freston, eo. Suffolk, 590. And see Frieston. Freston, John, 506. Fretheby. See Freeby. Frethenden. See Frittenden. Freton. See Fritton. Frevile, Frevyle, Stephen, 300. , Thomas, 410. , William, 101, 245, 248, 349, 609. Frewen, Richard, 447. Friars Minor. See Cambridge ; Colchester ; Scarborough. Friesland, 396. Frieston, Freston, co. Lincoln, 457, 529, 530. Friis, Master James, 50. , , the king's physician, 396. Frindsbury, Frennesbury, co. Kent, 202. Frinningham, Fremyngham, co. Kent, 385. Frinton, Frempton, co. Essex, 569. Friskney, Fryskeney, co. Lincoln, 508. And see Dymmok ; Kyme. Friteswell. See Fritwell. Frith, South, Suthfrith [co. Kent], 563. Frittenden, Frethenden, co. Kent, 383. Fritton, Freton, co. Norfolk, 516. Fritwell, Friteswell, co. Oxford, 36. Frode, Clement, 380. , Gilbert, 380. , John, 380. , Simon, 380. Frognall, Richard, 618. , Thomas, 301. Froidevall, James, 53. Frome in Selwood, co. Somerset, 10, 78, 305, 361, 503, 603. , hundred of, 603. Frost, John, 561. , William, 200, 606. Froswick, Frostwayt [co. Westmoreland], 334, 531. Frowyk, Henry, 248, 622. , Thomas, 28, 53, 182, 248, 463, 622. Fryday, John, 152. , Robert, 576. Frye, Richard, 99. , William, 80. Frynde, Stephen, 516. Frysby, William, 155. Fryse, John, 267. Frystlyng, Bartholomew, 512. Frythe, Thomas, 503. Frytheby. See Freeby. Fulbarn, Thomas, 353. Fulbeck, FuUebek, co. Lincoln, 457, 530. Fulbourn, Fulburu, co. Cambridge, 433, 480. Fulbrook, Fulbroke [co. Warwick], 345, 457, 529. Fulbroke, John, 477. Fulfen, CO. Stafford, 16. Fulford, CO. Devon, 92, 303. Fulford, Baldwin, 58, 92, 179, 181. , Thomas, 58, 92, 171, 219, 246, 247, 251, 303, 330, 356, 403, 404, 408, 491, 604. , William, 49, 331. Fulgeham See Folgeham. Fulkstone. See Folkstone. Fulkus, Thomas, 203. Fuller, John, 251, 581. , Richard, 251. , Thomas, 289. Fullerton, co. Southampton, 81. Fulletby, co. Lincoln, 508. Fulnetby, co. Lincoln, 482. Fulstowe Arsik, co. Lincoln, 508. Fulstowebeek, co. Lincoln, 508. Fulthorp, Isabel, 124. , Philippa, 124. , Thomas, 124. Fulthorpe, Alan, 215. Fulwode, CO. Nottingham, 310, 488. Fundenhall, Funnale, co. Norfolk, 191. Funell. See Fenuell. Funnale. See Fundenhall. Fuoggesasshe, co. Hereford, 41. Furmer, John, 306. Furnariis, Ciprian de, 518, Furbusshour, John, 387. Furness, Fourneis, co. Lancaster, abbot of» 304. Furneys, Christopher, 50, 208. , Peter, 40. Fust, John, 199, 633. , , escheator in Surrey and Sussex, 192. Fuster, Fuyster, John, 450, 471. Fyfield, Fifhide, co. Essex, 582. Fylding. See Feldyng. Fyler, William, 234. Fylmyngham. See Felmingham. FyloU, John, 28. Fylongley, Henry, 226. Fyn, Margaret, 567. Fynaunce, John, 320, 344. Fyubergh. See Finborough. Fynch, Fynche, James, 335. , John, 199. , Vincent, 351, 376, 406, 463, 469, 489, 490, 571, 59 >, 633. , William, 101. Fyncham, John, 169, 245, 247, 249, 406, 606, 622. Fyncheley. See Finchley. Fyncheley, John, 577. Fynchman, John, 490. Fynciance, John, 344. Fyndern, Thomas, 336. , , Katharine his wife, 336. , William, 336. GENERAL INDEX. 701 Fynderne, Robert, 286. Fyndrayton. See Draytou. Fynes. See Fenys. Fyneton. See Feniton. Fyneux, Fynyeux, John, 428, 463, 571, 618. Fyngryth. See Fingrith. Fynne, German, 544. Fynyeux. See Fyneux. Fysshe, Edmund, 516. , ... . ., parson of Cranham, 107. , , parson of Castle Rising, 107. , Henry, 276. , John, 69, 499. Fyssher, John, 141, 375, 489, 495, 607. , Louis, 343. , Richard, 2, 494. , Robert, 214, 277. , Thomas, 45, 53, 80. , William, 574, 581. Fysshwyk. See Fishwick. Fylton. See Filton. Fytelton. See Fittleton.^ Fytiltou. See Fittleton. Fyton, Thomas, 379. Fyttys. See Fitz. G. Gace, William, 321. Gaddesby, Riohard, 81, 142. Gaddesden, Great, co. Hertford, 32, 137. Gaddesden, John, 289. Gager, Thomas, 405, 406. Gailey, Gavley, co. Staiford, 233. Gairstang, John, 3, 79, 142. Gaiton. See Gayton. Galberd, William, 525. Gale, Thomas, 114, 198, 262, 288, 443, 543, 555. Galeys, John, abbot of Tewkesbury, 66. Galloway, in Scotland, 13. Galon, John, 446. Galtres, forest of, co. York, 5, 263. Galway, Galewey, in Ireland, 15. Gamage, Ralph, 390. Gamblesby, Gammelsby, co. Cumberland, 13. Gamelton, co. Bedford, 191. Gamelyn, John, 394. Gamlyn, William, 289. Ganelle, George, 577. Gannull, William, parson of Lasham, 337. Gannowe, co. Worcester, 18. Garce, John, 317, 319, 354. Gardegrave, Edmund, 65, Gardener, Gardner, Gardyner, John, 128, 313, 377, 413, 453, 459. , Richard, sheriff of London, 205. , , warden of the college of vicars in the cathedral of Hereford, 365. , William, 320, 463, 494. Gardyn, William, 201, 217, 221. Gargrave, John, marshal of the Marshalsea, 2. , Robert, 339. Garlcke, John, 255. Garlinge, in the Isle of Thanet, co. Kent, 445. Garlond, John, 355, 378. Garnet, Edmund, 216. , Richard, escheator in Kent, 394. , Thomas, 614. , William, 50. Garnett, Robert, parson of Sigglesthorne, 267. , , parson of Gosforth, 267, 268. succentor in York cathedral, 268. Garnettes [in High Easter], co. Essex, 290. Garneys, Edmund, 249. Garnon, William, 9, 149. Garrant. See Guerande. Garter, order of, 554. , , office of chancellor of, 554. knights of the, 292, 529. Garth, Garthe, Thomas, 43, 262, 453. Garton, CO. York, 115. Gartsyde, Hugh, 496. Garvays, Thomas, 364. Garwell, Thomas, 200. Garyugton, Richard, 81. Gascoigne, Agnes, 74. Bartholomew de, 366. , John, 74. , Nicholas, 318. , Robert, 408, 638. , Thomas, 74. William, 74, 144, 199, 349, 408, 638. Gascony, Gascons, 49, 366, 493, 521, 595. , wine of, 14, 198, 264, 358, 366. Gaskyn, John, 326. Gastangre, John, 3. Gate, Geoffrey, 186, 209, 218, 248, 249, 270, 290, 55.5, 6)4, 629. John, 362. , Thomas, escheator of Bedford and Buckingham, 390. , , rector of Barford, 220. Gatescales. See Scales. Gateshead, co. Durham, hospital of St. Edmund, John Shirwode, master of, 142. Gateshende, Nicholas^ 226, Gatton, John, 147. 702 GENERAL INDEX. Ganger, appointment of, 17, 83, 107, 155, 166, 206, 230, 269, 305, 313, 363, 489 566, 593. Gaufifrid, John, 198. Gaunt, John, 469. , Nicholas, 4. Gavley. See Galley. Ga)', John, 197, 354. , Thomas, 145, 186, 323, 553. , , the elder, 10, 76, 143, 149, 226, 386. , , the younger, 76, 79, 184, 183, 321, 558. , , Katharine his wife, 321. Gayhurst, Gotehirst, co. Buckingham, 77. Gayler, Alan, 321. Gayncot, Geyncot, Walter, 101, 168. Gaynes Park, co. Essex, 508. Gaynesford, George, 295. , , Isabel his wife, 295. , John, 295, 389, 405, 571, 632. , , Katbariiie his wife, 295. .Nicholas, 10-!, 157, 158, 182, 351, 389, 462, 567, 571, 629, 632. , , sheriff of Surrey and Sussex, 210. , , Margaret his wife, 157. Gayton, Geyton in le Merssh, co. Lincoln, 202, 457, 529. , Gaiton, CO. Norfolk, 163. Gayton, Reginald, 619. .Richard, 427. , Robert, SO. Gaywodo, John, 149, 169. Gazeiee, Gaysle, co. Suffolk, 93. Gebon, Thomas, 1. Gebons, Thomas, 102. Gedding, co. Suffolk, 603. Gedding, John, 152. , Robert, 152. Geddington, co. Northampton, 232. , charter dated at, 459. Geddyug, William, 406, 631. Geddynge, Edmund, 410. Gertling, Gedlyng, co. Nottingham, 511, 591. Gedney, co. Lincoln, 203. Gedyng, Walter, 502. Geffrey, Gefferey, John, 158, 414. , Leysau, dean of Walliugford, 160. , Richard, 39, 101, 168. Geffereys, Richard, chaplain of Turners Piddle, 443. , , parson of Codford St. Peter, 443. Gefferon, GeffiOD; John, 8, 194. Gefford. See Gifford. Gcgyll, William, 578, 589. Gelot, Thomas, 38.j. Gelybronde, Gilibroiid, Robert, 570, 607. Gelyngham. See Giliingham. Geneus, John, 44. Genffrey, John, 605. Genney. See Jenney. Gennowe, William, 573. Genoa, Genoese, 28, 217, 222, 236, 239, 294, 361, 445, 510, 518, 586. , merchants of, 239. Gent, William, 251. Gentili, Humphrey, 312. Geutill, William, 573. Gentyll, Philip, 68. George, duke of Clarence, earl of Warwick, and Salisbury, lord of Richmond, the king's brother, 55, 69, 102-104, 107, 114, 126-128, 169, 170, 177, 192, 206, 217-220, 234, 245-249, 252, 279, 283- 285, 296, 317, 342, 348-353, 360, 366, 428, 455, 487, 490, 491, 513, 517, 529, 530, 537, 550, 557, 573, 583, 597, 607- 611, 613, 613-624, 626-631, 633-638. , , lieutenant of Ireland, 16, 21, 54, 110, 122, 133, 157, 161, 193, 205, 234, 243, 272, 335, 343, 344, 391, 414, 438, 458, 461, 466, 468, 473, 516, 583, 592, 598. , great chamberlain of England, 262, 344, 414, 438. , , grants to, 88, 241,330, 457, 594. 1 , ... . , secretary of, 218. , , Isabel his wife, 455, 550. Geerge, John, 10. , Richard, 235. , Robert, 500. , William, 72, 102. Gerald, Ralph, 290. Gerard, Gerrard, Thomas, 103, 401, 426, 575. , , parson of S.S. Simon and Jude, Norwich, with St. Swithun, Norwich, and Crostwhite annexed, 342. Gerardson, Gummer, 421. Gerbevyl. See Gerpins. du Gerdin, Guillerin, 213. Gerraansweek, Germaneswyk, co. Devon, 76. Germyu, John, 5. Gernun, William, 123. Gerona, Verundo, in Spain, 54. Gerona, John de, 510. Gerpins, Gerbevyl [in Rainham], co. Essex, 306. Gerrard. See Gerard. Gersey. See Jersey. Gervas, Gerves, Gerveys, John, 184. , Peter, 104, 149. , Thomas, 364. , , Joan his wife, 364. Gervase [le VulreJ, Master, the king's secre- tary, 48, 303, 582. Geryng, Robert, 82. Gest, Robert, chaplain of Mortimer's Chantry in Chichester cathedral, 236, 359. , parson of Headley, 359. Gesjlham. See Gisleham. Gethyn, Maurice, 265. GENERAL INDEX. 703 Geyncot. See Gayncot. Geysthweyte. See Guestwick. Geyton. See Gayton. Geyton, William, 322. Ghendbrigg, lord of. See Adourins. Gibthorpe, John, escheator in Lincoln, 520. Gientillman, Richard, 400. GifFord, co. Suffolk, 297. Gifford's in Shimpling, co. Suffolk, .556. Gififord, Gift'ard, GyflFord, John, 58, 101, 168, 285-288, 349, 456, 552, 608, 612. , Richard, 319. , Robert, 145. Gilbert, Adam, 546. , John, 262, 347, 406. , Oto, 58, 198, 220, 288, 490. , Robert, bishop of London [1436- 1448], 176. „ Thomas, 48, 212, 328, 475. , William, 381. Gilby, Gylby, Thomas, 122, 490. Gilbys, John, 198. Gildeford. See Guildford. Gildon, Richard, 141. Giles, Gyles, John, 295. Master John, tutor of the king's sons, 592. , Laurence, 488. , William, 178. Gilford, Gylford, John, 259, 391, 463. , , sheriff of Kent, 1. Giliam, Da^id, 28. Gilibronde. See Gelybronde. Gill, Gille, Gylle, John, 505. ., , Richard, 482. , Thomas, 58, 167, 320. , escheator of Devon and Corn- wall, 58, 128. , , escheator of Somerset and Dorset, 65, 194. , Walter, 377. , William, 381, 578. Gillesland, Gyllyslaud, William, 214, 277. Gilling, CO. York, 483, 486, 487. in Rydall, 40. Gillingham, co. Dorset, 344. , CO. Kent, hundred of. See Chatham. Gillott, Richard, prebendary of liridgcoith, 332, 338. Gillowe, Thomas, 251. Gilmet, Gervase, parson of Scales, 313. Gilmyn, Gylmyn, John, 144, 563. , Richard, 462, 563. , Thomas, 146, 147, 406, 462. Gilnot, Thomas, 601. Gilson, William, 386. Girlyngton, Nicholas, 74. Girmethwayte, co. Cumberland, 557. Girton, Gyrton, John, 245, 248, 609. Gise, Gyse, John, 89, 614. Gisleham, Gesylham, Gvsslam [co. Suffolk], 307, 467, 586. Gisors, charter dated at, 136. Gissegge. See Gussage. Gittisham, Gydsham, co. Devon, 60. Glace, Edmund, 124. Gladley, Gledley, co. Bedford, 521. Glamford Brigg, co. Lincoln, 520. Glamvyle, Richard, 384. Glanvilla, Ranulph de, 13. Glapthorne, co. Northampton, 82. Glasmondfall, co. Salop, 402. Glastonbury, co. Somerset, 45, 53. John, abbot of 93, 223. Glave, Robert, rector of Cranford, 78. Gleaston, Gleston, co. Lancaster, 456. Glebra, Richard, 532. Gledesey, Master Simon de, 100. Gledley. See Gladley. Glemeham, John, 418. Glemham, co. Suffolk, 110. Glentworth, co. Lincoln, 164. Gleston. See Gleaston. Gleve, John, 447. Glincoth [co. Caermarthcn] , forest of, 165. Gloucester, 30, 77, 183, 211, 236,244, 315, 453, 465, 471, 496, 498, 505. , Barton by, 341, 481. , duke of. See Humphrey ; Richard. , abbey of St. Peter, 328, 330, 333. , convent of, 328, 481, 588. , abbot of, 341. , Dan Richard Hanley, abbot of, 328. , Dan William Farley, abbot of, 328, 333. , county of, 57, 65, 82, 103, 106, 127, 139, 163, 172, 195, 218-220, 222, 237, 242, 247, 251, 284, 289, 294, 329, 347, 349, 407, 427, 429, 430, 439, 462, 490-492, 496, 524, 562, 574, 605. , , sheriff of, 163, 219, 220, 232, 244, 284, 349, 407, 429, 490, 492, 524, 588. , escheator in, 15, 35, 123, 206, 241, 278, 333, 339, 359, 399, 442, 467, 472. , A7id see Walssh. , outlawries in, 2, 4, 7, 10, 44, 77, 147, 149, 224,254,257, 323,386, 575-577. , subsidj' and ulnage of cloth in, 329, 335, 347, 478, 537, 570. , , commissions of the peace in 614. Gloucet', John, 3. Glove, John, 516. Glover, John, 268, 339. , Stephen, 568. Glowcestre, Thomas, prebendary of Bridg- north, 260. Glympton, Glymton, co. Oxford, 375. 704 GENERAL INDEX. Glyn, Glynne, John, 362, 610. , , the elder, 575. ..J , , the younger, 575. , Thomas, 552. , , Joan his wife, 552. Glynton, William, 212. Gocche, Thomas, 380. Godale. See Godeale. Godard, James, 383. Godbed, Bartholomew, 147. Goddesfelde in Frieston, co. Lincoln, 457. Goddesford in Frieston, co. Lincoln, 530. Goddyere. See Goodyer. Godeale, Goodeale, Adam, 50, 92, 105, 460. Godehall, William, 6. Godeknappe, Simon, 286. Godelakescrosse. See St. Guthlac's Cross. Godeman, John, 68, 69. , , Alice, his wife, 68. Goderd, Simon, 302. Goderswyk, Goderyswyke, William, 464, 506, 513. Godestre. See Good Easter. Godewyn, Richard, 577. Godeyere. See Goodyer. Godfelawe, Gilbert, 5. Godfrey, Godfraj', Eichard, 157, 285, 428, 486, 607. , Thomas, 285, 301. Godington, Bodyngton, co. Oxford, 241. Godman, Philip, 204. GodmanstOD, co. Dorset, 293. GodmanstoD, Simon, 43. , William, 569. Godneston. See Goodnestone. Godneston, John, 301. Godstone, co. Surrey, 580. Godstow, Goddestowe, co. Oxford, abbey of, 212, 230, 241, 278. , convent of, 212. , Dame Margaret More, abbess of, 239, 241. , Alice Henley, abbess of, 212, 278. , Alice Nunny, abbess of, 278. Godyer, John, 372. And see Goodyer. Godyng, Henry, 574. , John, 38. , William, 391. Godyngton, William, 577. Goes, Vangoos, in Zeeland, 104. Gogh, John, 29, 109, 344, 473. , William, 293. Gogney, Roger, 50. Golchyll, Richard, 102. Goldcliff [CO. Monmouth], 66, 551. , priory of, 48, 62, 66, 461, 551. , prior of, 62. Goldesburgh, Guldesburgh, Edward, 378, 638. Goldhanger, Coldanger, co. Essex, 146. Goldington, co. Bedford, 191. Goldre [co. Monmouth], 66, 551. Goldryng, John, 596. Goldsmyth, Christopher, parson of Enville, 130. , Joan, 215. , John, 53, 145. , Thomas, 53, 130. , William, 324. Goldston, John, 261. Goldwell, James, 344. , , the king's proctor in the court of Rome, 125, 126. , , bishop of Norwich [1472-1499], 366, 373, 459, 538, 553, 568, 623, 631. , , prebendary of St. George's, Windsor, 359. , , dean of Salisbury, 160, 306, 366. , John, 9. , Nicholas, 344, 366. Goldwyn, Roger, 144. Goldyng, John, 276, 303. Goldyngton, William, 289, 381, 607. Gomme, William, 157. Gomon, John, prebendary of Pontesbury, 278. Gonner, John, 277. Gontun. See Gunton. Gonville, Gonneviles in Wymondham, co. Norfolk, 562. Good, Benedict, 257. Gooday, Thomas, 76. Good Easter, Godestre, co. Essex, 318. Goodhand, Thomas, 385. Goodnestone, Godneston, by Wyngham, co. Kent, 301. Goodrich, Goderige, Godrych, co. Hereford, 397, 411, 414, 415, 521, 539, 561. Goodwyn, Walter, 383. Goodyer, Goddyere, Godeyere, William, 52, 61, 171, 184, 201, 278, 307, 489, 495, 525, 591. Goold, Ralph, 440. Goolde, Hugh, 331. Gooshays, Goseys, in Hornchurch, co. Essex, 375, 388. Goosnargh, Gosenor, co. Lancaster, 307, 419. Gore, John, 141. Gorfyn, Thomas, 558. Gorges, Richard, 270. , Theobald, 628. Goring, co. Oxford, 63. Gormaneston, lord of. See Preston. Gorthonbree, co. Flint, 152. Goryng, John, 14, 104, 199, 405, 406, 489, 490, 571, 633. , the younger, 247, 249, 633. Gosberkirk, co. Lincoln, 9, 297, 560. GENERAL INDEX. 705 Goscote, CO. Leicester, wapentake of, 242. Gose, John, 50. Gosenor. See Goosnargh. Gosenyll, John, 4. Goseys. See Gooshays. Gosforth, CO. Cumberland, 239, 267, 268. Gosse, John, 356. .....William, 356. Gosselyn, Druett, 537. , Peter, 80. Gote, John, 286. Gotehirst. See Gayhurst. Gotelee, Richard, 66, 94. Gotholhan, co. Cornwall, 578. Gotholhau, .John, 578. Gough, Adam, 2. David, 273, 337. And see Gogh. Goudhurst, Goutherst, co. Kent, 502. Gounthorpe, Thomas, prior of Newstead in Sherwood, 35. Gour, Roger, 9. Gourll, John, 568. Gourney, Thomas, 152. Gourton, co. Lincoln, 560. Goussell. See Goxhill. Goutherst. Sec Goudhurst. Govan, Richard, 14. Gowelys, John, 592. , William, 592. Gower, co. Glamorgan, 163, 191. , West, 163, 191. Gower, Edward, 229, 243, 310. George, 286. , Robert, 286. , Thomas, 103, 286, 287. Gowyn, John, 10. Goxhill, Coxhill, Goussell, co. Lincoln, 40, 508. Goyes (in Duuton), co. Bedford, 415. Goylyn, John, 62G. Gra, John, 43. , , Thomasia his wif«, 43. Grace, Matthew, 503. Graffyn, Tliomas, parson of St. John's, Jersey, 360. Grafton by Gcddington, co. Northampton, 158, 159. Grafton, John, 606. Grafton, lord of. See Wydeville. Gragvergos. See Carrickfergus. Graham, Humphrey, 551. Grainsby, Graynysby, co. Lincoln, 508. Gramary, William, 593. Grame, John, 214, 277. , Thomas, the elder, 214, 277. , , the younger, 214. Grandorch, Roger, 328. Granford, John, 525. Gransacrc, co. Buckingham, 191. y 96186. Grantham, Andrew, one of the vicars of Wells, 36. , Thomas, mayor of the staple of Calais, 392. Grapefige, Cristina, 68. , Walter, 68, 69. , William, 68. Grarigge, John, 214. Grasmere, Gresmere [co. Westmoreland], 334, 531. Gratefeld. See Cratfield. Graunger, John, 79, 384. , Thomas, 321. , Master William, 420. Graunt, Grawnt, John, 75, 436. Thomas, 171. Grauntford, Babilo, 448. , John, 448. Grauntpount by Oxford, co. Berks, 599. Grauntwell, John, abbot of St. James by Northampton, 283, 292, 590. Grave, Robert, 201, 250. , Robert of, 208. atte Grave. Walter, 465. Sabina his wife, 465. Gravelines, Gravelyng, in France, 555. Gravenhurst, co. Bedford, 507. Gravesend, co. Kent, 105, 127, 235, 285, 434, 463, 525, 686. Gravile. See Grevile. Grawe, John, 318. Gray. See Grey. Grayson, Arthur, 504. , Thomas, 525, 595. Greeks, 65. Greencastle, Grenecastell, in Ireland, 165. Greenhead, Greuehede, co. Westmoreland, 531. Greenhoe, South, co. Norfolk, hundred of, 191. Greenrigg, co. Westmoreland, 531. Greenwich, Grenewych, co. Kent 64. , East, 462. , West, 463. Grcfyngk, Barnard, 605. GrcfFey, AVilliam, 148. Gregory, John, 8, 168. , Robert, 298, 377, 459. Gregory, William, the younger, 435, 498. Agnes his wife, 435, 498. Grenborough, John, 473. Grene, Henry, 147, 153, 203, 623. , Margaret his wife, 158, 159, , Constance, 158, 159. , John, 74, 148, 231, 248, 249, 252, 288, 317, 345, 351, 463, 493, 503, 613. 618. canon of Hcrelord calludral, 365, , Matthew, 13. Y Y 706 GENERAL INDEX. Greue, Richard, 4, 31, 256. , Robert, 28, 227, 253, 349, 358, 363, 482, 549, 622. ... , Thomas, 100, 144, 153,236, 313,330, 439. , , vicar of Leek, 142, 365. , , the elder, 272, 346. , the younger, 272, 346. , , Matilda his wife, 345. , William, 141, 145, 248, 249, 320, 407, 415, 428, 614. Grenefeld, George, 532. Greneford, John, 618. Greneley, Thomas, 322. Greneoke, Richard, 202. Greneside, Alan, 482. Grenested, John, 301. Grenewathelyn, co. Cumberland, 557. Greneway, Grenewey, Richard, 8, 397. Grenham, Grenam, William, 504. Greseley, Gresley, Gresseley, John, 12, 219, 248, 611, 630. Gresford, cos. Denbigh and Flint, 538. Gresmere. See Grasmere. Greston, co. Gloucester, hundred of, 44, 162, 244, 536, 592. Greswold, Robert, 49, 331, 604. , Roger, 331. Gretecrosse [co. Cambridge], 169. Gretlove, Peter, 402. Gretton, co. Gloucester, 5. , CO. Northampton, 327, 390, 536. Gretyngham. See Cretingham. Greve. See Griff. Grevile, Gravile, Greyville, John, 30, 99, 152, 218, 246, 247, 348, 349, 401, 405, 407, 430, 454, 504, 525, 606, 614, 634. , , Jocosa, his wife, 99. Grewell, Nicholas, 276. Grey, Gray, Agnes, 400. , Anne, 374. , Anthony, 209, 348, 570, 607. , , of Ruthyn, 195, 196, 199, 285, 485, 624. , Edmund, 250, of Ruthyn, earl of Kent, 168, 190, 195, 196, 199, 217, 219, 285, 577, 583, 607, 608, 617, 623. , , treasurer, 558. , Edward, 218, 245-248, 348, 619. .,, , , Elizabeth his wife, 348. , , lord Ferrers of Groby, 348. , , lord Lisle, 520, 583, 612, 615, 629. , , Elizabeth, his wife, 520. , Henry, 218, 349, 406, 516, 620, 623. , ... ,, Joan, his wife, 516. , , esclieator of Norfolk and Sufifolk, 391. , the eld«r, 93. Grey, Henry, lord Grey, 395. , , of Codnore, 195, 199, 221, 284, 611, 624, 630. , , of Groby, 218. John, 11, 166, 204, 216, 308, 353. , , lord of Powys, 25, 62, 243. , , bishop of Norwich [1200- 1214J, 538. , , rector of Somerleyton, 176. , John de, 123. , Ralph, 100, 174, 199, 250, 401. , Reginald, 348. , , lord of Wilton, 399, 615, 616. , Richard, 180, 456, 457, 616. , , lord of Powys, 25, 62, 243, Robert, 220, 406, 613. , Roger, of Wilton, 350. . , , Thomas, 38, 115, 116, 120, 167, 169, 17», 174, 176, 196, 271, 276, 285, 319, 349, 374, 401, 406, 569, 591, 609. , , escheator of Norfolk and Suffolk, 180. , , warden of the free chapel of Wemstede, 40. , , lord of Richemond Gray, 32. , , of Groby, marquess of Dorset, son of the queen, 218,456,457,514, 582, 583, 606, 615, 616, 627, 636. , Cecily his wife, 514. , William, bishop of Ely [1454-1478], 169, 170, 337, 338, 477, 481, 518, 609, 613, 617, 622, 630. , , treasurer of the Exchequer, 176, 190, 211, 337. , de, 123. Greyndoure, Robert, 425. , , Joan his wife, 425. Greys in Ca7endish, co. Suffolk, 89. Greyson, William, 203. Greystoke, Graystoke, Ralph, lord of Grey- stoke and Wem, 29, 102, 115, 171, 197, 199, 200, 221, 227, 253, 317, 349, 350, 369, 624, 636-638. Griff, Greve [in Chilvers Coton], co. War- wick, 133. Griffith, Gryffethe, Gryffyth, Henry, 54. , John, 383. , Richard, 252, 286, 621. , Walter, 354, 407, 637. , William, ;->4, 490. ap Howell, parson of la More, 294. Griffuthe ap Rees, 39. Griffyn, GryfCyn, Nicholas, 570, 624. Grimsby, Grymesby, Grysby, co. Lincoln, 152, 161, 168. , port of, 527. ,. , Great, 178. , North, 596. Grimsthorpe, Grymsthorpe, co. Lincoln, 19, 200, 310, 420, 518, 523. Grindleton, Grynleton, cc York, 323. GENERAL INDEX. 707 Grinstead, West, Westgrynsted, co. Sussex, 312. Grisaker. See Grysacre. Grobury [co. Bedford], 6.5, 362. Groby. .See Grooby. Grome, John, parson of Drayton Parslow, 344. Gronerst, John, 288. And see Groveherst. Grooby, Groby, co. Leicester, 348, 424. Grosmont, Grosseniont, co. Monmouth, 140. Grotou, Andrew, 82. Grove, Thomas, 194. , , prior of Monkton Farleigh, 313. , William, 378. , parson of Kisington Wick, 438. atte Grove, John, 400. Groyeher»t, John, 364. And see Gronerst. Groveley [co. Wilts], 348. , forest of, 32, 48, 137, 548. Grubbe, John, 10. Grue, John le, 213. Gruest, Thomas, 79. , Alice, his wife, 79. Gruthuse. See Unigges. GryfiFyn. See Griffyu. Gryflfyth. See Griffith. Grymer, John, 577. Grymesby. See Grimsby. Grymesby, John, 93, 387. And see Grymmesby. Grymesthorpe. See Grimsthorpe. Grymeston, Edward, 246, 248. And sec Gryniston. Grymmesby, William, 142, 246, 248, 359. 517, 619. And see GryTiiesby. Grymoldys, Louis de, 445. Grymstede, Walter, 118. Grymston, Cecily, 586. , Walter, 199. And see Grymeston. Grynder, Robert, 323. Gryng, Robert, 201, 217, 221. Gryuleton. See Grindleton. Grysacre, Grisaker, Ambrose, 168, 638. , Percival, 638. Grysby. See Grimsby. Gualt, Guillerin, 213. Guatle, John, 381. , Thomas, 380. Guddesbere by Tiverton, co. Devon, 179. Gueldres, duchy of, 374, 604. Gueraude, Garrant, in Brittany, 521. , ship called le Jiilynn of, 493. ship called ta Marie of, 511. Guestwick, Geysthweyte, co. Norfolk, 500. Guianne, duchy of, 506. Guilden Morden, Gyldenmorden, co. Cam- bridge, 74. Guildford, Guldeford, Gildeford, co. Surrey, 93, 375, 476, 505, 513, 548. Guillebot, John, 198. Guillim ap Thomas, 442. Guillo, Ivo, 198. Guiole, Ivo, 198. Guipuzcoa, in Spain, 480- , men of, 599. Guisbrough, Gysbum, co. York, 578. , prior of, 550. Guisiies. See Guysnes. Guldeford. See Guildford. Guldeford, Guldford, John, 259, 618. Guldesburgh. See Goldesburgh. Gull, William, 295. Guunas, William, 23. Gunne, Roger, 146. Gunner, Richard, 277, 552. Gunny, John, 72. Thomas, 72. ' Gunpowdre,' 25. Gunter, William, 53, 381. Gunthorpe, John, 366, 509, 523. , , the king's almoner, 120, 306, 517, 537, 586, 597. , secretary of the queen, 32, 367. ... , , clerk of Parliament, 260, 413. , prebendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 306. , , dean of Wells, 512, 540. master or warden of the king's Hall, Cambridge, 32, 114, 358, 367. Gunton, Gontuu, Robert, 392. Gurdon, William, 331. Gussage, Gissegge, co. Dorset, 534. Guynge Margaret*. See Margaretting. Guysnes, in Picardy, 20, 108, 109, 204, 205, 270, 271, 290-292, 313, 358, 388, 392, 460, 455, 457, 513, 529. Gwylym, John ap, 29. Gwyune, John, 279, 343, 548. Gybbe, Thomas, 223. Gybbes, Gybbys, John, 104, 346, 247, 288, 302, 429, 499, 552. , Thoiwas, 558. Gybson, Robert, 277. Gybthorpe, Simon, 286. Gydsham. See Gittisham. Gye, John, 404. GyflFord. See Gifford. Gyges, William, 148. Gylby. See Gilby. Gyles. See Giles. Gyldenmorden. See Guilden Morden. Gylford. See Gilford. Gylle. See Gill. Gyllyot, Henry, 149. Y y 2 708 GENERAL INDEX. Gyllysland. See Gillesland. Gylmyn. See Gilmyn. Gylot, Thomas, 1. Gylpyu, VVilliam 257, 635. Gylys, Thomas, prior of Dunstable, 329, 330. , William, 203. And see Giles. Gymgrauf. See Ingrave. Gynes. See Guysnes. Gynner, Eichard, 147. Gyppecrake. See Jepcracks. Gyrton. See Girton. Gysburgh, John, 569. Gysburn. See Guisbrough. Gyse. See Gise. Gysle, Gysell, John, 247, 322. Gysslam. See Gisleham. H. Habeudon. See Abington. Hache, John, 44. Hackensall, Hacunsawe [in Lancaster], co. Lancaster, 307, 419. Hackney, Hakeney, co. Middlesex, 329, 386. Hacton. See Daucton. Hacunsawe. See Hackensall. Hadde, John, 302. Haddeuham, Hadenham, co. Buckingham, 472. Haddington, Hadyngton, co. Lincoln, 27, 517. Haddiscoe, Haddescogh, co. Norfolk, 240. Haddon, West, co. Northampton, 327. Haddon, Master John, prebendary of Bridg- north, 342. , Richard, 3. William, 144, Hadecron. See Headcorn. Hadham [co. Hertford], 23. Hadleigh, Hadley, co. Sufiolk, 144, 183, 203, 321, 323, 369, 582. Hadley, Thomas, prior of the new hospital of St. Mary without Bysshoppysgate, London, 254. Hagerston, Henry, 197. Haghton, Roger, 354. Hagley, co. Worcester, 419. Hagnet, honour of, 61, 87. Haidon. See Haydou. Haightesbury. See Heytesbury. Haile, John, 584. Hailes, Hayles, co. Gloucester, abbot and monks of, 466, 536. William, abbot of, 576. Hainwoith, llcyucworth, uo. York, 46. Hakeney. See Hackney. Haket, William, 7. Hakker, William, 417. Hakwell. See Hawkwell. Halberton, Holberton, Alberton, co. Devon, 32, 137, 292. , hundred of, 339, 343. Halcote. See Holcote. Halden, co. Kent, 283, 546. Haldenby, John, 428. , Robert, 428. , William, 500. Hale, CO. Lincoln, 419. Great, 20, 419. , West, 20, 419. Hale, John, 41. Halele, John, 145. ... , Robert, 14S. Hales, Halys, co. Norfolk, 191. Hales, John, bishop of Coventry and Lich- field [1459-1490], 114, 267, 387, 391, 410, 425, 479, 530, 627, 630, 634. , keeper of the privy seal, 233. Halesowen, co, Salop, monastery of St. Mary, 16. abbot and convent of, 16, 242, 396. , John, abbot of, 16. Halewell. See Halwell. Haliday, Walter, marshal of the king's minstrels, 153. Hall, Halle, Henry, 199, 380. , , parson of Alvescott, 52. , John, 2, 53, 76, 145, 221, 324, 353. , Peter, 145. , Richard, 28, 145, 287, 350, 406, 626. , Robert, 215. Thomas, 145, 324, 564. , William, 28, 286, 318. Henry atte, 81, 145. Hallamshire, Halamshyre, co. York, 418, 419, 439,442. Hallaton, Haloughton, co. Leicester, 202, 254, 413. Halle. See Hall. Hallerigge, co. Devon, 187. Hallfeld in Sheffield, co. York, 421. Hallikeld, co. York, 483, 486. Hallingbury, Halyngbery Morley, co. Essex, 603. Ilallisbyn. See Halsbury. Halmau, Thomas, 143. Halmer, Richard, 79, 414. , , escheator of Lincoln, 414. Haloughton. See Hallaton. Haloughton, Halowton, William, 167, 174. Hals, CO. Devon, 36. Hals, Michael, 1 14. , Halse, Richard, 127, 246, 247, 427. Halsall, Uenry, 103. GENERAL INDEX. 709 Halsbury, Hallisbyn [co. Devon], 552. Halse. See Hals ; Hales. Hal.sewood, Halswod [in CollumDton], co. Devon, 343. Halsted, Peter, 86. Halstow, CO. Kent, 575. Haltmoiul, John, 406. Halton [co. Buckingham], 152. , CO. Oxford, 40, 20O, 399. Halvergate, co. Norfolk, 539. Halwell, CO. Devon, 27, 473. Halwell, Halewell. Alwell, John, 240, 247, 251, 351, 377, 407, 427, 612. 1 , escheator of Devon and Cornwall, 559. Halytreholme, Thomas, 309. Halywell. See Halwell. Ham, CO. Essex, 291. East, Esthamme, co. Essex, 169, 252, 288. , West, 580. , CO. Kent, hundred of, 300. , CO. Surrey, 64. Hambergh. See Handborough. Hamble, Hamuli in le Eycc, co. South- ampton, 6. Hambletou, Hamyldon, co. Rutland, 18, 40, 123, Hamborough. See Handborough. Hamburg, in Almaiii, ship called le George of, 30. Hamby, co. Lincoln, 508. Hamcastle, Homcastell, co. Worcester, 521. Hamelak. See Helmsley. Ilamelsett. See Ambleside. Hamerton. See Hammerton. Hamerton, John, 194. , Richard, 55. Hamet. See Hammett. Hametethy [in St. Breward], co. Cornwall, 467. Hamiburg. See Heraingbrough. Hamleyn, John, 250. Hamme, John, 16. Hammerton, Hamerton, co. Huntingdon, 144, 225, 255. Hammes, co. Bedford, 191. And see Hamsey. .. , Hiimpues, by Calais, 201, 211,270, 388, 45.% 513, 591. Hammes. Henry, 375. , , the younger, 388. Hammett, Hamet (in Quethiock), co. Corn- wall, 389, 444. HamoD, John, 202. , , Katharine, his wife, 202. Hamond, John, 57, 404, 405, 429, 629. , parson of Headley, 359. , chaplain of Mortimer's chantry in Chichester cathedral, 359. Hamond, Wiuiam, 187, 565. , , escheator in the county of Cambridge, 340. , prior of St. Andrew's, Northampton, 194, 402. , , parson of Castle Rising, 107. , parson of Cranham, 107. Hampden, Edmund, 56, 472. , John, of Kymbell, 472. , Thomas, of Kymbell, 5.5, 56, 196, 246, 247, 285, 289, 608. , Thomas, of Hampden, 126, 196, 246-248, 608. Ham Preston, co. Dorset, 534. Hampole, co. York, 582. Hamsey, Hammes, co. Sussex, 192. Hampstead, co. Middlesex, 601. Hampsterly, John, 413. Hampton. See Southampton. , High, Highaunton by Shepeswasshe, CO. Devon, 473. , Nun's See Miuchinhamptoo. Meysey, co. Gloucester, 327, 373. Gaye, co. Oxford, 375. Poyle, CO. Oxford, 295. Hampton, Beno, 16. , John, 24, 177, 406, 427, 603. , Richard de, 233. William, 18, 40, 113, 169,185,345, 399, 553. , , mayor of London, 390, 391, 415. Hamuli. See Hamble. Hamyldon. See Hambletou. Hanaper, the, 12-14, 17, 22, 23, 34,3,5, 37, 41, 43, 47, 49, 59, 61, 62, 64, 65, 68, 69, 84-88, 90, 93. 95, 99, 106, 110- 115, 117-119, 122, 123, 130, 131, 134-130, 152, 157-159, 163, 164, 176, 177, 182, 184, 185, 188, 193, 207, 210, 228, 230-232, 234, 236, 237, 245, 260, 261, 271, 295, 306-308, 311-313, 328, 343, 346, 358, 359, 361, 364, 365, 369-371, 374, 376, 387, 389, 391, 395-400, 402, 413, 417, 420, 423-426, 439, 441, 443, 447-449, 460, 465, 470, 471, 474,476-479, 486-488, 509, 510, 514, 519, 521. 523, 528, 531, 537-539, 541, 543, 544, 547, 555, 558, 563, 565- 569, 584, 592, 596, 597, 600-604. keeper of, 59, 125, 130, 176, 226, 228, 237, 264, 294, 315, 549. And see Davyson ; Walter; EU ringtou. , surveyor of, 125. Hanburgh. See Hamburg. Handborough, Hangburgh, Hanbourgh, Hambergh, co. O.N^lord, 17, 117, 241, 244, 364, 422, 510, 543, 567, 573. Handsworth, Honnesworth, co. StatFord, 470, , CO. York, 412, 460. Handy, Robert, 53 1 . 710 GENERAL INDEX. Hang, CO. York, 483, 486. Hang, John, 256. Hangburgh. See Handborough. Hanging Laugford, co. Wilts, priory of, 6 2. Hankefot, Thomas, 118. Hankford, co. Devon, 36. Hankyn, William, 579. Hanley, Dan Richard, abbot of St. Peter's, Gloucester, 328. Hanincre, John, 42.5. , Ankaret, his wife, 425. Hannes, Kichard, 42. Hauney, East, Esthanney, co. Berks, 434. Hanningfield, East, Esthauyfeld, co. Essex, 149. Hannyes, William, 102. Hansard, Henrj', escheator of Lincoln, 401. Hanse Almain, 282, 340, 493, 509, 605. Hanserd, Elizabeth, 215. Hansworth. See Handsworth. Hanweli, William, 448. Hanworth, co. Norfolk, 539. Hanyes, Robert, 102. Hanyugton, Christopher, 374, 469, 558. Haoas, Bertomyo de, 295. , Monholet de, 295. Happing, co. Norfolk, hundred of, 82, 159. Harbert. See Herbert. Harberton, Herberton, co. Devon, 567. Harborough, Harburgh, Hauerbergh, Havere- bergh, co. Leicester, 98, 212, 292, 368, 410. , Hardeborugh, Little, co. Warwick, 135. Harbridge, Hardebrygge, co. Southampton, 3. Harby-, Hardeby, co. Leicester, 27, 517. Harcombe, eo. Devon, 187. Harcourt, John, 515. , Richard, 197. , Robert, 515. , Walter, 196. , William, 195. A7id see Harecourt. Hardbeae, Hardebene, Philip, 134, 212, 307. Hardby. See Hareby. Hardeborugh. See Harborough. Hardebrygge. See Harbridge. Hardeby. See Harby. Hardegill. See Hardgill. Harden, Robert, 18. Hardewyk by Awnsley. See Eyuesbury Hardwick. Hardewyke, William, 68. Hardgill, Hardegill, Hargill, Edward, 24, 43, 90, 218, 519, 586. Hardgyll, Master George, 208. Harding, Robert son of, 328, 370. , Robert, 87. And see HardyBg. Hardlegh. See Harlech. Hardman, Henry, 431. Philip, 244. Hardwick, Hardewyk, Herdwyk, co. Leicester, 336. , CO. Norfolk, 504. , CO. Northampton, 158, 159. Hardyng, John, 299, 343, 359. , Robert, 18. , Thomas, 6. , William, 60. And see Harding. Hardyngham, William, 353. Hardynglegh. See Ardingley. Hare, John, 10. Harebottell, John, 463. Hareby, Ilardbv, Simon, 16, 28, 85, 170, 285, 620, 62 1", 623. Harecourt, Christopher, 352, 576. , John, 285, 407, 423, 585. , , the elder, 524. , Richard, 8.5, 101, 285, 352, 353, 400, 406, 472, 510, 584, 622. , Robert, 28, 287, 382, 423, 498, 625. , , Joan his wife, 423. , William, 510. , ,sheri£P of Warwick and Leicester, 12, 383. A7id see Harcourt. Haremuth. See Aruemuiden. Harescombe, Harscombe, co. Gloucester, 2 1, 448, 453, 512. Haresfield, Harsfelil, co. Gloucester, 262, 448. Hare Street, Harestre, in Uomford, co. Essex, 78. Haretre, Richard, 193, 194. Hareway by Calais, 178, 482. Harewell, Roger, 496, 526, 636. , William, 430, 634. Hareweston, co. Huntingdon, 141. Harewode, John, 148. Harewood, Harwod, co. York, 378. Hai-flet, Hugh, parson of Milstead, 469. Harford, Hereford, co. Devon, 224. Harige. See Hayridge. Harington, William, 334. Hariott. See Heriott. Harkstead, Herksted, co. Suffolk, 321. Harlakendeu, William, 300. Harlech, Hardlegh, co. Merioneth, 41, 193, 293. Harlee. See Harley. Harleston, Richard, 57. , Robert, 246, 297, 631. , William, 246, 248, 408, 606, 631. Harley, Harlee, John, 269, 429. Harling, East, Estharlyng, co. Norfolk, 501, 562. Harlsey, Herlesey [co. York], 483, 487. , West, 177. GENERAL INDEX. 711 Harlyng. See Herlyng. Harmaleyn, Florence, 396. Harmanson, Henry, 428. Harmer, Master William, prebendary of Windsor, 096. Harmerthorpe, co. Lincoln, 560. Harnage, Hernage, Hugh, 116, 1.55, 327. , , escheator in Salop, 133, 191. Barneys, Philip, 607. Harowdon. See Harrowdon. Harowedon, Richard, 271. Harome, co. York, 457, 529. Harper, John, 80, 351. , , escheator of Hereford 60, 191 , Richard, 496, 552. , Thomas, 216. , William, 407, 494, 630. And sec Uarpour. Harpesfeld, Nicholas, 363. Harpford, Herpford, co. Devon, 51, 79. Harpham, Michael, 433. , , Anne his wife, 433. Harpoll, William, 2. Harpour, John, 443, , Eleanor his wife, 443. , Richard, 443. William, 443. And see Harper. Harre, Robert, 1. Harres. See Harrys. Harrington, William, lord, 456. Harrowdon, Harwedon, co. Northampton, 271. , Great, 466. Harry, John, 200, 575. , Thomas, 60. Harrys, Harres, Harryes, John, 77, 453. , , Thomas, 73. , William, 115, 141, 450. Harryson, Richard, 113. , William, 450. And see Haryson. Harscombe. See Harescombe. Harsfeld. See Haresfield. Harteshorne, John, 544. Hartest, Herthurst, Hertest, co. Suffolk, 297, 556. HarthiU, Herthill, co. York, wapentake of, 251. Harting, Hertyng, co. Sussex, 20, 104. South, Suthertyng, 38. Hartland, Hertilond, co. Devon, 2 1 . , hundred of, 21. , abbe}' of, 21. Hartlebury, Hertilbury, co. Worcester, 110. Hartlepool, Hartylpole [co. Durham], mayor of, 497, 572. Hartley, Hertelegh, co. Kent, 114. Hartwell, Hertwell, co. Buckingham, 224. Harum, Robert, 578. Harvy. See I Icrvy. Harwardyng, John, 302. Harwedon. See Harrowdon. Harwell, John, 686. , William, 246, 247. Harwey by Calais, 178, 482. Harwich, Harewyche, co. Essex, 432, 605. , ship called le Peti/r of, 201, 355. Harwod. See Harewood. Harwode, William, 505. Haryngtou, Anne, 427. Elizabeth, 427. , James, 198, 349, 427, 535, 638. , , sheriff of Vork, 600. , John, 103, 212, 311, 427. , Elizabeth his wife, 311. , John, lord, 476. , , Elizabeth his wife, 4 76. , Robert, 427. , lord, 476. , Isabel his wife, 476. , Thomas, 103, 427. , William, 144. Haryson, John, 573. , Richard, 576, 577. And see Harryson. Hasard, John, vicar of Northfleet, 435. Haselbury, Haselbere, llasilbeare, co. Dor»et, 457, 518, 557, CO. Somerset, 32, 137. Haseldeu, Hasylden, William, 406, 609. Haselore. See llazeler. Hasilbeare. See Haselbury. Hasilden, Elizabeth, abbess of Elstow, 381. Haster, John, 467, 471. Hastings, co. Sussex, 5, 276, 303, 517. port of, 496. , free chapel of, prebend of Hollingtou in, 155. Hastynges, Edmund, 40, 205, 282,286,316, 349, 408, 637. Edward, 2. Hugh, 131, 349, 378, 408, 638. , John, 245, 247, 249, 353, 491, 623, 638. , Ralph, 139, 175, 199, 284, 285, 315, 349, 372, 405, 440, 452, 520, 533, 571, 623. sheriff of the county of North- ampton, 272, 309. , , Anne his wife, 452. , Richard, 104, 196, 199, 207, 221, 284, 285, 315, 352, 354, 405, 508, 509, 535, 563, 612, 615, 619-621, 625, 629, 634, 636. , , Joan his wife, 207, 509. .., Thomas, 216. GENERAL INDEX. Hastynges, William, 65, 563. , , lord Hastynges, 55, 70, 85, 92, 102, 103, 106, 127, 154, 17l>, 171, 176, 190, 195-197, 199, 219, 221, 284, 285, 310, 311, 341, 348-351, 372, 405, 410, 426, 449, 462, 479, 488, 516, 551, 583, 611, 612, 615, 617-621, 623, 624, 628, 630, 633, 634, 636, 637. , , the king's chamberlain, 26, 39, 138, 165, 207, 283, 313, 363, 366, 403, 439, 456, 460, 476, 506, 523, 530, 535, 539, 561, 562. , , master of the mint, 138, 139, 149, 150, 313-315. , lieutenant of Calais, 295, 397, 437, 440, 468. , , chamberlain of North Wales, 154, 165. , , receiver-general of the duchy of Cornwall, 337. , , Katharine his wife, 26, 449, 456. Hasylden. See Haselden. Hatch, West, co. Wilts, 566. Ilatclifife, Hatteclyfife, John, 621, , Master William, 462, 463, 631. , , the king's secretary, 36, 39, 416, 512, 540. Hatfeld, Hattefeld, Edward, 340, 416. , Kichard, 340,416. , , Margaret his wife, 340, 416. Stephen, 399, 490. , John, 199. , Thomas, 416. Hatfield, co. York, 310, 441. Peverel, co. Essex, 225. Bishop's, CO. Hertford, 325, 581. Hathcrleigh, co. Devon, 94. Hatley, c6. Bedford, 191. , East, CO. Cambridge, 581. , Hungry, 581. Haton, Thomas, 579. Hattar, Richard, 146. Hatteclyfib. See Hatcliffe. Hattefeld. See Hatfeld. Hatton. See Daucton. Hatton, llicbard, 261. Hauchet, Thomas, 72. Hauerbergh. See Harborough. " Haugh ton, Richard, 431. Hauke, John, 146. Haukes, Richard, 122. Haukyns. See Hawkyns. Haulte, Jaques, 86. Hauntemont, Robert, 599. Hausert, Richard, of Ouresby, 621. Hautbray. See High Bray. Haute, Hawte, Edmund, 124, 591. , James, 463. , Richard, 340, 351, 366, 419, 490, 525, 614, 616. Haute, Richard, the elder,32, 33, 53, 615, 616, 628, 636. , , the younger, 460. , , Eleanor his wife, 460. , William, 127, 195, 199, 219, 283, 285, 340, 352, 389, 407, 428, 463, 489, 571, 618. , , sheriff of Kent, 548. Haverebargh. See Harborough. Haverfordwest, co. Pembroke, 175. Havering, co. Essex, 119, 321, 580. Haveriugland, Haverlond, co. Norfolk, 256. Haward. See Howard. Hawart, William, parson of St. Martin's, Chichester, 52. Hawcok, John, 1. Hawdeles, John, 519. Hawe, CO. Gloucester, 66. Hawebrygge. See Abridge. Hawkesbury, Richard, abbot of Evesham, 35. Hawkyn, Thomas, 146. , , Margaret his wife, 146. Hawkyns, Haukyns, Hawekyns, John, 224, 386, 481, 498. , Thomas, 347, 518, 530. , William, 1. Hawkwell, Hakwell, co. Essex, 32, 137. Hawme, John, 414. Hawnes, CO. Bedford, 14. Hawte. See Haute. Hawton. See Horton. Haxey, co. Lincoln, 157. Hay [co. Brecon], 175. , CO. Westmoreland, 531. Hay, Matthew, 614. Haydock, co. Lancaster, 32, 137. Haydok, William, 184, 384. Haydon, Haidou, Henry, 197, 250, 490, 491. , John, 236. Haydor, co. Lincoln, 472. Haydych, co. Essex, 131. Hayford, Humphrey, 87, 107. , , sheriff of London, 96. , William, 553. Hayle, Thomas, 503. Hayles. See Hailes. Hayling, co. Southampton, 94. Hayll, John, the elder, 322. Hayne, Hean, co. Kent, hundred of, 300. Hayne, James, 605. Haynes, Richard, 389. , Robert, 147. Hayno. See Heyno. Hayreman, Thomas, 609. Hayridge, Harige, co. Devon, hundred of, 280, 457, 529. Hayssheford, Walter, 115, Haytfeld, Heytfeld, John, 637. Hayton, co. York, 498. (lENERAL INDEX. 713 Hayton, Robert, 493. , Thomas, 322, 324. Hayward, Tliomas, vicar of Cheshunt, 436. Hazeler, Haselore, co. Warwick, 386. Headcorn, Hadecron, co. Kent, 502. HeadicgtoD, Hedyngton, co. Oxford, 232, 242. Heailey, Hedley, co. Southampton, 359. Healaugh, Helagh, Helay Parke, co. York, 279, 321. , Christopher Lofthous, prior of, 321. Hean. See Hayne. Heanor, Henore, Henour, co. Derby, 1, 410, 479. Heaton, Hetou, co. York, 3, Heckington, Ilekyngtou, co. Lincoln, 27, 517. Heddon, Heddyug (in Tamerton), co. Ccru- wall, 432. Hede, John, 60, 501. Hedeustowe. See Edwinstowe. Iledinghain, Henyngham, Hengham, Hething- ham, Hithiugham, co. Essex, 410, 439, 543, 545, 56.^, 567, 588. Castle, 297, 318, 547. , Sible, 297, 560. Iledhim, John, 200. Hedley. See Headlcy. Hedon in Holdernesse, co. York, 353, 431. Hedon, Henry, 352, 353. Hedyngton. See Headington. Heed, Henry, 6, 7. Hegham. See Higham. Heige, John, 453. Heightesbury. See Heyte.sbury. Hekelesfeld. See Ecclesfield. Hekyngton. See Heckington. Helagh. See Healaugh. Helbeck, co. Westmoreland, 10. Helbenham. See Benliam Hoe. Hele, Geoffrey, 94. , Nicholas, parson of St. George, Exeter, 599. Heleder, Thomas, 255. Heler, Laurence, 80. Helhoughton, Hellcweton, co. Norfolk, 191. Helland, co. Cornwall, 389. Hellard, Peter, prior of Bridlington, 111. Hellesden, Heylesdeu, co. Norfolk, 191. Hellcweton. See Helhoughton. Hello, Godfrey, 207. Hellowe (? Heulow), co. Bedford, 327. Hello we. Sec Beileau. Helmedon, Helmynden, co. Norhampton, 4. Helmsley, Hamelak, co. York, 458, 530. Helowe. See Beileau. Helperby, Richard, 213. Helpesthope [in Drayton Beauchamp], co. Buckingham, 135. Helpringham, co. Lincoln, 560. Helsington, Helsinton [co. Westmoreland], 334, 531. Helton, Hugh, 476. Helwcll. See Ilolywuli. Helyard, Robert, the elder, 349, 637. Hem [in Shifnal], co. Salop, 192. Hembury. See Honbury. Hemelsey, Thomas, 143, 432, 499. Hemingbrough, Hamiburg, co. York, 600. Hemington, Hemyngton, co. Somerset, 24, 51. Hemmesby. See Hemsby. Hemniyng, John, 471. , William, 16. Hempnall, Hemnale, co. Norfolk, 12. Hempstede, Thomas, 579. Hemsby, Hemmesby, co. Norfolk, 353. Hemyngforth, Thomas, 229. Hemyngton. See Hemington. Henbury, Hembury, co. Gloucester, 30, .323. Hende, Gresilda, 240. , John, the younger, 512. , William, 253. Hendon, co. Middlesex, 601. Hendred, Henrede, co. Berks, 433. , East, Esthenreth, 433. Henebond. See Heunebont. Heney. See Henny. Hengham. See Hedingham; Hinghaiu. Hengham, Richard, abbot of Bury St. Ed- munds, 470. Hengston. See Hiuxton. Henham, co. hlssex, 12. Henley on Thames, co. Oxford, 12, 249 585. Henley, Alice, abbess of Godstow, 212, 278. , John, 301. , Nichola.s, 251. Henlow. See Hellowe. Henuawde, John, 513. Heunebont, Henebond, in Brittany, 521. Henuold, in Waltham forest, co. Essex. 561. Henny, Heney, co. Essex, 515. , Great, 515. Henour. See Henor. Henry L, king of England, 13. , charters of, 67, 370, 371, 460, 465 539. Henry IL, 131. , charters of, 13, 14, 117, 164, 328, 369-371, 398, 425, 460, 478, 555. letters patent of, 398. Henry IIL, 131, 371, 471. charters of, 17, 34, 63, 67, 68, 95 99, 112, 123, 136, 164, 188, 358, 370, 371, 376, 398, 413, 423, 425, 426, 460 478, 520, 521, 561. , letters patent of, 370, 424. Heurj- IV., 70, 94, 150, 329, 336, 339, 357 378, 476, 520. , letters patent of, 94, 237, 343. , charters of, 114, 267. 714 GENERAL INDEX. Henry v., 65, 71, 150, 238, 242, 365, 378, 424. , charter of, 237. , when prince of Wales, letters patent of, 115, 121. Henry VI., 8, 12, 20, 24, 26, 36, 59, 65, 66, 69, 72, 76, 99, 120, 133, 150, 161, 279, 293, 296, 298, 378, 419, 441, 459, 520, 531. , letters patent of, 41, 49, 63, 64, 99, 115, 121, 237, 307, 397, 399, 474, 544, 551, 600, 601. , charters of, 99, 122, 508. , household of, 514. , secretary of. See Courtenay. .. almoner of . See Towne. , chamberlain of. See Tunstall. , wardrobe of, 87, 232. , , keeper of. See Plummer. Henry VII., 338. Henry, duke of Normandy (Henry II)., charter of, 370, Henry, king of Castile and Leon, 474. Henry ap Griffith, 60. Henry ap Thomas ap Griffith, ISl. Henry the butcher, 561. Henrykson, Cornelius, 306. HensaufiP, in Brittany, 474. Henscote, Heuyscote, Nicholas, 584. Henshagh. See Humshaugh. Henstede, Thomas, 579. Henster, Humphrey, 14. Henton. See Hinton. Henton, John, prior of Bruton, 533. Henxgrove [co. Oxford], 603. Henxsell. See Hinxhill. Heny. See Henuy. Henyngham. See Hedingham ; Hevenyng- ham. Henyngham, Alice, 404, 538. , John, 490, 606. , , the elder, 538. , , the younger, 538. Hepworth, co. Suffolk, 78, 254. Herbert, Harbert, Anne, countess of Pem- broke, 174, 204, 364. , John, 54, 57, 102, 132, 198, 288, 289, 317, 429. , Richard, 54, 57, 58, 102, 275, 288, 335, 535. , , Margaret his wife, 275, 335, 535. , Thomas, 23, 54, 262, 429, 445, 446, 448, 454, 614. , sheriff of Somerset and Dorset, 95. , , the elder, 24, 183. 454. , , the younger, 109, 454. , William, 185, 260, 275, 335, 429, 535. , , lord, 22, 25, 29, 49, 51, 54, 57, 58, 62, 102, 103, 12?, 194, 522, 614. Herbert, William, earl of Pembroke, 111-113, 132, 163, 166, 170, 174, 175, 183, 185, 188, 193, 204, 275, 330, 364, 454. , , sheriff of Carnarvon, 212. , chief justice of North Wales, 41, lo(i. , , chief justice of South Wales, 165. , chamberlain of North Wales, 1.54, 165. , , chamberlain of South Wales, 165. , , lord of Dunster, 132. , , second earl of Pembroke, 174, 175, 185, 204, 275, 283, 289, 317, 330, 344, 364, 523, 566, 583. , , chief justice of North Wales, 275. , , chief justice of South Wales, 275. , , chamberlain of South Wales, 275. Herberton. See Harberton. Herborogh. See Harborough. Herbotell, John, 317. Herdwyk. See Hardwick. Harefeld, Richard, 242. Hereford. See Harford. Hereford, 4, 55, 92, 108, 140, 148, 460, 466, 536, 542. ... , mayor and bailiffs of, 54. , mayor of. See Barton. cathedral of, 365, 448. , , dean and chapter of, 448, 501. , college of vicars in, 365. , , , Richard Gardener, warden of, 365. , diocese of, 109, 274, 277, 294, 425, 464, 505, 543, 557. , bishopric of, 447, 467. , bishop of. See Stanbery ; Millyng. , charter dated at, 112. , county of, 55, 57, 58, 70, 93, 103, 108, 163, 172, 191, 219, 220, 252, 284, 288, 289, 329, 347, 350, 388, 390, 407, 411, 421, 429, 430, 462, 492, 496, 574, 605, 606. , , sheriff of, 101, 163, 219, 220, 284, 288, 350, 407, 429, 450, 463, 492. , .<4nrf see Catesby ; Monyugton. , escheator in, 35, 333, 467, 598. And see Harper; Walwyn ; Shirley. , outlawries in, 4, 164, 501. subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 329, 347,478. , commissions of the peace in, 615. Herell, David, 597. Herevy, William, 365. , Mary his wife, 365. Heriott, Hariott, William, 514. GENERAL INDEX. 715 Heriot, William, sheriff of Middlesex, 234. Herfrey, Peter, 384. Herksted. See Harkstead. Herle, Jcihn, 275, 535. , , Margaret his wife, 535. Herlesey. ^ee Harlsey. Herlyng, Harlyng, John, 614. Herman, John, 2. , William, 78. Agnes his wife, 78. Hermesthorp, John de, warden of the hospital of St. Kathariue by the Tower of London, 135. Hermona, co. Cornwall, 467. Hernage. See Harnage. Heme, Heron, co. Kent, 80, 302, 589. Heme, Hern, Roger, 350, 407, 490, 624. William, 76. Heron. See Heme. Heron, John, 406, 463. , Richard, 468, 583, 596. , William, 141. , , Joan his wife, 141. Herpford. See Harpford. Herringthorpe, Heryugthorpe, co. York, 73. Herryson, Henry, 119. , William, 257. Hersyng, James, 80. Hert, John, 389, 428, 463. , Nicholas, 82. , le, Lyhert, Walter, bishop of Norwich [1446-1472], 223, 227, 228, 298, 344, 366, 373, 383, 622, 630. Hertelegh. See Hartley. Hertford, 485. county of, 61, 87, 88, 99, 106, 126, 192, 195, 199, 218, 222, 232, 273, 285, 329, 337, 348, 350, 353, 363, 407, 430, 462, 492, 494, 49G, 594. , sheriff of, 250. 252, 285, 286, 350, 407, 492, 494. , And see Ruynford ; Writull ; Ree. , , eschcator in, 98, 107, 186, 205; 265, 330, 332, 391, 400, 416, 597. , And see Appulton; Braugh- yng ; Ree. outlawries in, 6-8, 36, 72-74, 80. 144, 255, 320, 322, 325, 381, 384, 431, 436, 443, 476, 577. , , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 329, 348. , , commissions of the peace in, 616. Herthill. See Harthill. Herthill, John, 218. Herthurst. See Hartest. Hertilbury. See Hartlcbury. Hertillingborogh. See Irthlingborough. Hertilond. See Hartland. Hertishorn, William, 285, 349, 607. Hertwell. See Hartwell. Hertwell, John, 68. Hertyng. See Harting. Hervy, George, 559. , John, 285, 348, 349, 559, C07. , , Agnes his wife, 559. , Nicholas, 129, 172, 182. , Simon, 352. , Thomas, 104, 405, 504. .., Walter, 322. , William, 476. Herward, Richard, 320. Heryng, William, 578, 589. Heryson, Richard, 554. William, 55. Hese, CO. Middlesex, 53. Hesell. See Hessle. Hesilwod. See Hesslewood. Hesketh, Robert, 426. Hesount, Thomas, 224. Hessle, Hesell, Hesyll , [co. York] , 47, 3153, 354. Hesslewood, Hesilwod [co. York], 323. Hesyll. See Hessle. Hete, John, 436. Heth, John, prebendary of Bishopstoue, 141. Hethe. See Hythe. Hethe, Thomas, 253. Hether, Thomas, 256. Hethingham, See Hediugham. Heton. See Hcaton. Heton, John, 72, 142. Richard, 158. Heveningham, co. Suffolk, 397. Hevenyngham. See Hevingliam. Hevenyngham, Hcnyngham, John, 197, 246, 248, 352, 353, 405, 406, 408, 623, 631. , , sheriff of Norfolk and Suffolk, 309. Hever, John, 383. Heverlond. See Uaveringland. Hevinghani, Hevenyngham, co. Norfolk, 93, 387, 504. Hewat, Robert, 326. Hewe, Thomas, parson of Lashani. 106, 239. Hewet, William, 383. , , Agnes his wife, 383. Hewke, Andrew, 579. Hewyk, John, 278. Hewys, Thomas, parson of Blofield, 434. Hexham, co. Northumberland, St. Andrew's, prior and convent of, 240. Hextall, Hexstall, Thomas, 276, 302, 324. Hexte, Thomas, 351. Hextou, Thomas, 471. Heydon, Henry, 387, 434, 623. , John, 245, 247, 249. And see Haydon. Heyer, John, 324. Heyford, Nether, co. Northampton, 387. 716 GENERAL INDEX. Heygham. See Higham. Heyland, co. Essex, 131. Heylesden. See Hellesden. Heyn, John, 192. Heynes, John, 20, 223, 432. , Eichard, 102. , Thomas, 75. , William, 75. Heynescote, Nicholas, 584. Heyneworth. See Hainworth. Heyno, Hayno, Thomas, 629. Heyreman. See Hayreman. Heyron, John, 533. Heytesbury, Haightesbury, Heightesbury, co. Wilts, 139, 306. Heytfeld, John, 349. i , And see Haytfeld. Hey ward, John, 171. Heywod, Thoinas, dean of Lichfield, 391. HiceheQ. See Hitchin. Hichecok, Hychecoke, Thomas, 566. Hide. See Hyde. Higford, William, 441, 625. And see Hugford. Higham, Hygham, co. Devon, 36. , Hegham, co. Kent, convent of, 564. , Margaret Botiller, prioress of, 564. , Margaret Squyer, sub-prioress of, 564. And see Iham. Higham, Heygham, Thomas, the younger, 246, 248, 631. , William, 502. Highanger. See Ongar, High. High Bray, Hautbray, co. Devon, 466. Highester. See Easter, High. Highgate, co. Middlesex, 373. High Hampton, Highaunton by Sbepeswasshe, CO. Devon, 27. Highonger. See Ongar. High Roding, co. Essex, 1 92. High Week, Highweke, co. Devon, 37. Hiham. See Iham. Hilborough, Hilberworth, co. Norfolk, 163. Hildersham, co. Cambridge, 223. Hilderwell [co. York], 483, 487. Hill, CO. Southampton, 81. Hill, Ilille, Hyll, Hylle, Clement, 168, 201, 208. Genevieve, 594. , John, 75, 93, 103, 146, 147, 182,327, 594. , Marjory, 254. , Nicholas, 146. Richard, 97, 98, 403. , Robert, 139, 407, 630. , Thomas, 581, 587. , , sheriff of London, 546. , William, 7, 74, 320, 386. Hillard, Robert, the elder, 354. Hill Crome, co. Worcester, 7, 211. Hillersdon, Andrew, 60. Hilles, John, 44. , Richard, 44. Hilleton, co. Cornwall, 467. Hillyard, Robert, the elder, 199. Hilton, Hylton, co. Huntingdon, 599. Hilton, Hylton, Thomas, vicar of Aslackby, 385. And see Hylton. Hingham, Hengham, Hyngham, co. Norfolk, 212, 591. Hinton, Henton Dawebedeney, co. South- ampton, 436. Prior, [co. Somerset], 499. , Broad, Brodehanton, co. Wilts., 146. , Little, Littlehenton, co. Wilts., 578, 589. Hinxhill, Henxsell, co. Kent, 448. Hinxton, Hengston, co. Cambridge, 297, 560. Hirdon, co. Devon, 61. Hirstcourtnay. See Hurst Courtney. Hitchin, Hicchen, Huchj-n, co. Hertford, 77, 322, 514, 542. Hithe. See Hythe. Hithe, Hythe, William, 406. Hithingham. See Hedingham. Ho. See Hoo. Hoar Cross, Horecrosse (in Yoxall), co. Stafford, 546. Hobard, Hobert, James, 352, 353, 406, 408, 539, 575, 605, 631. And see Hubard. Hobbes, John, 31. Hobbys, Ralph, 564. , William, the king's surgeon, 211. Hoberd, Richard, 250. Hobson, Thomas, 286. Hoby, Howeby, co. Leicester, 290. Hoby, Robert, 377. Hockley, Hokkley, co. Essex, 169, 252, 288. Hockwold, Hoke wold, co. Norfolk, 146, 191. Hocryng, John, 6. Hoddesdon, Hodesdon, co. Hertford, 123. Hoddilstou, Richard, 482. Hodelston, John, 40, 312. A7id see Hudleston. Hodges, Thomas, 144. Hodgeson, John, 258, 328. Hodson, Hugh, 277. Hody, Alexander, 65, 193, 194, 522. , John, 193, 194. , William, 339, 406, 427, 464, 490, 628. Hogat, Hoget, James, 336. Hoge, William, 476. Hogekyns, Thomas, 82. Hogeson, Robert, 214. Hoggekynson, John, 515. Hoggeston, co. Buckingham, 380. GENERAL INDEX. 717 Hoggys, John, 381. Hogstborpe, Hoggesthorpe, co. Lincoln, 508, 528, 595. Hoigges, William, 225. Hokehawes, co. Middlesex, 111. Hokelscote. See Hugglescote. Hokeson, John, 385. Hokewold. See Hockwold. Hokregge, John, 6. Hokyngton. See Oakington. Holand, Christopher, 606. , John, 580, 581. , Ralph, 144. , Robert, 380. , Thomas, 431. , , parson of Marke, 275. , William, vicar of Abkettleby, 580, 581. Holbache, Thomas, 157. Holbeach, co. Lincoln, 96. Holbeam, Holbame, co. Devon, 60. Holbek, William, mayor of York, 239, 355, 377. Holbeme, John, the younger, 60. Holberton. See Halberton. Holbroke, Thomas, 10. Holbrook, Holbroke, co. Devon, 156. , CO. Suffolk, 564, 590. Holcombe Rogus, co. Devon, 78. Holcote, John, 268. Holcote, Halcote, John, escheatorin Bedford, and Buckingham, 56, 191. And see Hulcote. Holdeham, co. Devon, 24, 25, 511. Holder, Walter, 172. Holdernesse, co. York, 168, 354, 490. Holdesworthy. See Ilolsworthy. Holdford, Holford, co. Somerset, 256. Holdwill, CO. Devon, 36. Hole. See Hale. Holegill, Holgyll [co. Cumberland], 606. Holewell, Philip, 74. Holewey, John, 385. Holford, CO. Gloucester, hundred of, 44, 162, 244, 536, 592. Arid sec Holdford. Holgrave, John, 405, 462, 632. Holgyll. See Holegill. Holgylles Were, 111, 188. Holland, 113, 353, 479. Holand, co. Essex, 480. , Great, 480. , CO. Lincoln, 508. And see Lincoln. Holland, Anne, first duchess of Exeter, 36. , , duchess of Exeter, the king's sister, 32, 137, 303, 360, 374, 413. , Anne, her daughter, 33, 137. Henry, duke of Exeter, 32,65, 121, 283, 607, 617, 624. Holland, Edmund, earl of Kent, 23. HoUingbourns, Holyngbourne, co. Kent, 312. Hollington, Holyngton, co. Susisex, prebend of, 155. HoUoway, Holway, co. Devon, 27, 473. , CO. Middlesex, 373. Holme, in North Muskham, co. Nottingham, 316. Holme Archiepiscopi, prebend of, 323. Holme, CO. Cumberland, 550. Holmecultrani, co. Cumberland, abbot and convent of, 600, 601. Holme, Alan, 215. , Hugh, 216. , John, 199, 666, 569. , Thomai, Norroy king of arras, 37. , William, chaplain of ' Kavenser- chauntry ' in Lincoln cathedral, 48. Holmenden, John, 435. Holmer, Richard, 51. Holmes, Thomas, 146. Holneherst, John, 302. Holond, Thomas, 60. Holowes, Robert, 377. Holston. See Holverston. Holsworthy, Holdesworthy, co. Devon, 32, 137. Holt, CO. Norfolk, 424. Holt, Alexander, 441. , Edmund, 341, 421. , Hugh, 204. , Alice his wife, 20 John, 226. , prior of Ravenstone, 332. , William, 327. Holton Beckeriug, Howton by Bekoring, co. Lincoln, 183. Holverston, Holston, co. Norfolk, 76. Holway. See Holloway. Holyer, John, 437. , Ralph, 331. Richard, 437. Holy Land, 189. pilgrimage to, 341, 368. Holymiiu, John, 380. Holyu, John, 216. Holynden, John, 300. Holyngbourne. See Ilollingbourne. Holyngworth, James, 176. Holy Sepulchre, the, 97. Holywell, Helwell, co. Lincoln, 93, 242. Homcastell. See Hamcastle. Homer. See Hummer. Homynglowe. See Horninglow. Honitou, CO. Devon, 61, 99, 589. Honing, co. Norfolk, 144. Honingtou, co. Lincoln, 472. Honnesworth. See Handsworth. Honshawe. See Iluiitsliaw. I Houydcu. See Huuduu. 718 GENERAL INDEX. Hoo, Ho CO. Kent, 370. hundred of, 300. , CO. Sussex, 42, 437, 585. Hoo, John, 224. , Thomas, 130, 199, 351, 405, 638. William, 322. Hoode, John, 436. , William, 236. Hook, Houke, co. York, 483, 486, 487. Hoorne, Robert, 42. Hooton, Ralph, 464. Hope, CO. York, 470, 483, 486, 487. , East, 483, 486. , West, 483, 486. Hope, CO. Flint, 32, 137. Hopedale, co. Flint, 32, 137. Hope Mansel, Hopemeleysell, co. Hereford, 140. Hoperton, John, 490. Hopkyn, John, 110. Hopkyns, John, 176. , William, 153. , , parson of South LufEenham, 113. Hoppyng, John, 154. Hopton, CO. Salop, 521. Hopton, David, prebendary of St. George's, Windsor, 348, 596. , , parson of Bletchley, 399. , Edward, 616, 628. , Joan, 453, , John, 249, 631. Robert, 249, 353. , Roger, 162, 490, 496, 592. William, 199, 353, 490, 631, 638. , , of Swillingtou, 408, 572, 638. Hopwaswode, in Cannock forest, co. Stafford, 12, 15. Horbling, co. Lincoln, 508, 560. Horde, John, 9, 80. , Thomas, 247, 249, 407, 429, 627. , William, 400. Hordle, Hordyll, co. Southampton, 580. Hordley, co. Oxford, 436. Hore, William, 38, 445. Horebridge. See Horrabridge. Horecrosse. See Hoar Cross. Horethorne, co. Somerset, hundred of, 339. Horewode, Eleanor, 572. , John, the first, 571, 572. , , Katharine his wife, 571, 572. , John, the second, 572. , Elizabeth his wife, 572. John, the third, 572. .., William, 571. Horham, co. Suffolk, 323. Horley, co. Surrey, 326. Horlock, Richard, 168. Hormead, Horuemede, co. Hertford, 297, 556. Horn, Home, Gervase, 218. , John, 100, 254. , Thomas, 100, 249. , William, 100, 223, 254, 316. , , parson of Bisley, 19. Hornby, co. Lancaster, 600. , CO. York, 185, 241, 551. Horncastle, Hornecastell, co. Lincoln, 213, 297. Hornchurch, co. Essex, 375, 388. Horndon, co. Essex, 169, 252, 288, 465. West, VVesthordon, co. Essex, 297. House, CO. Essex, 345. Hornefeld, in Empingham, co. Rutland, 508. Hornemede. See Hormead. Horninglow, Homynglowe, co, Stafford, 95. Hornington, co. York, 47. Hornse, William, 223. Hornsea, Hornsebek, co. York, 381. Horrabridge, Horebridge, co. Devon, 61. Horseley, Horsley, Roger, 303, 365. Thomas, 356. , William, 335. Horseudon, Horsyngdon, co. Buckingham, 55, 96, 471, 472. Horsey, co. Somerset, 457, 530. Horsey, Thomas, 32, 33. Horsford, co. Norfolk, 267. Horsford, John, 380. Horsham St. Faith, co. Norfolk, 504. Horsington, co. Somerset, 270. Horsley, co. Derby, 482. See Horseley. Horsted Keynes, co. Sussex, 290. Horston, Horestou, co. Dei-by, 441, 482. Horsyngdon. See Horsenden. Horton [co. Devon], 36. , CO. Southampton, 504. , CO. Surrey, 253. , CO. Wilts., 533. , HawtOD, CO. York, 46, 307. Horton Ke}' in Southwark, co. Surrey, 52, 184, 201. Horton, Richard, 77. , , Millicent his wife, 77. Horwich, co. Lancaster, 142. Horwode, John, the elder, 519. the younger, 519. And see Horewode. Hosley, co. Salop, 192. Hosteler, John, 571. Hosyer, John, 384. , Ralph, 256. Hothum, Ralph, 490, 609. Hotoft, Richard, 225, 246, 248. Robert, 288. Hotofte, Edonia, 425. , John 425. Hoton. See Hutton. GENERAL INDEX. 719 HotoD, John, 30. , Richard, 276, 360. Walter, 528. Hotot, CO. Gloucester, 453. Hotot, John, 578. , Robert, 578. Houchons, Robert, 216. Houe, John, 73. Houidenshire. See Howdenshire. Hough in Stamfordham, co. Northumberland, 228, 236. Houghton, CO. Bedford, 191. , Howton, CO. Norfolk, 191. , Great, co. Northampton, 60. , Little, 327. , Hanging, 256. Houghton, Alexander, 426, 572. , Henry, 426. , John, 475, 476. , Thomas, 52. , William, 80. Houke. See Hook. HouU. See Kingston on Hull. Houndbeare, Huntebeare [in Aylesbeare], CO. Devon, 24, 25. Hounds, 34, 266, 444. Hounslow, CO. Middlesex, Holy Trinity, friars of, 67. , Richard, prior of, 67. Hourd, Hourde, William, 83, 197. Hous, Peter, 263, 439. House, George, 87. , Joan his wife, 87. Household, the, 21, 40, 86, 98, 116, 155, 156, 178, 200, 231, 234, 237, 298, 359, 396, 398, 401, 477, 481, 528, 537, 547, 589. treasurer of, 21, 35, 40, 86, 89, 515, 2'04, 231, 473, 481, 506, 537, 547, 555, And sec Howard; Fogge ; Elringtou. steward of, 298, 313, 359, 377, 388, 396, 398, 399, 401, 402, 413, 418, 437, 458, 459. And see Tiptoft ; Bourchier ; Stanley. , esquires of, 40, 92, 98, 100, 237, 261, 265, 278, 281, 296, 394, 410, 453, 480, 461, 518. cofferer of, 93, 441. , chapel of, 243, 295. , , dean of. See Dudley. , confessor of, 440. , buyer of, 35, 89, 98, 377, 388, 418, 473. , clerk of the market of, 239. , purveyors of, 109, 437, 458, 506, 602. , eatery of, 86, 231, 389. marshalsea of, 367. , , coroner of, 158, 263. , caterer of, 156. , carriage of, 208, 260, 409, 458, 555. , stuff of, 20«. Household, the, ferreter of, 40l, 458. , avenary of, 289, 377, 399, 401, 459. , bakery of, 89, 156. poultry of, 313, 377, 413, 459. Housham Hall, Ovisham Hall (in Matching), CO. Essex, 192. Houton, Richard, 104, 230. Hovekirke, in Picardy, 89, 177, 272. Hoveman, Henry, 605. Hovingham in Rydale, co. York, 74. How, William atte, 44. Howard, Agnes, 9. , John, 9, 132, 171, 203, 484, 494. lord, 199, 204, 5.38, 545, 547, 648, 583, 60.5, 608, 613, 622, 631. , treasurer of the household, 98, 387, 516. > , sheriff of Oxford, 382, 383. , Margaret, 203. , Thomas, 564, 605, 623. Howbrake, John, 64. , Thomas, 214. Howbridge, Howbregge [in Witham], co. Essex, 521. Howden, co. York, 143. Howdenshire, Houedoushire, co. York, 251. Howeby. See Hoby. Howeden, John, 286. Howell, CO. Lincoln, 412. How«ll, Philip, 225, 321 ap Jevan Vazhan, 40. Howet, Robert, 461. Howingham, co. Devon, 343. Howpe, George, 216. Howren, Thomas, prebendary of York, 323. Howsham, Howsom, co. York, 418. Howsome, John, 216. Howth, Houth, lord of. .See Sancto Laurencio. Howthorpe, Ouchethorpe, co. York, 257. Howton. See Holton ; Houghton. Howton, ['eter, 6. Hoxhill, William, 5. Hoxue, CO. Suffolk, 223, 383. Hubard, James, 100, 631. And see Hobard. Huberdby, co. Cumberland, !3. Huby, Robert, prior of Holy Trinity, York, 355. Huchesou, Henry, 438. Huchons, Robert, 498. Huchonson, Henry, 438. Huchyu. .See Hitchiu. Huddesfeld, Huddelcsfeld, Huttysfeld, Wil- liam, 127, 246, 247, 288, 403,406-408, 428, 522, 530, 567, 612. aftorucy-general, 399. Huddesson, William, 341. Hudgrey, Joan, 499. .John, 499. 720 GENERAL INDEX. Hudleston, Huddelston, Hudilston, Henry 623. .John, 218, 42G, 610. , , sheriff of Cumberland, 208. , Eichard, 610. , Thomas, 218. , William, 218. Hudson, Hugh, 214. , John, 78, 81. Richard, 81. Huet, Richard, 604. Hugford, Huggeford, Hygford, Hyggeford, John, 64, 218, 246, 247, 331, 348, 359, 405, 410, 614, 634. , , sheriff of Warwick and Lei- cester, 136. , Thomas 77, 218, 634. And see Higford. Hugglescote, Hokelscote, co. Leicester, 27, 517. Hughryde, Robert, 568. Hughson, John, 535. Hughterby. See Oughterby. Hugyn, John, 533. , , escheator of Somerset and Dorset, 596. Huish, Huyssh by Heybrygge, co. Somerset, 194, 522. Huknall, Thomas, 309. Hulcot, Ahce, 485. Hulcote, John, 327, 363, 525. Hulcotes, John, 405, 624. Hull. See Kingston on Hull. -water, co. York, 428. Hull, Henry, 9, 196, 220, 284, 350, 351, 406, 613, 628. John, 140. , Robert, 323. William, 140. Hulme, CO. Norfolk, abbey of St. Benet, 227, 228, 298. , convent of, 230, 298. John Kevyng, abbot of, 230, 298. Thomas Pakefeld, abbot of, 227, 228, 298. , Thomas, abbot of, 504. Huls, Master Andrew, keeper of the privy seal, 146. Humbleyard, Humlyerd, co. Norfolk, hundred of, 82, 159. Humber river, 572. Humfrey, Richard, 460. , Thomas, 169. Humlyerd. See Humbleyard. Hummer, Homer, co. Somerset, 32, 33. Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, 64, 310. Humshaugh, Henshagh, co. Westmoreland, 523. Hundburton, co. York, 483, 486, 487. Hunden, John, bishop of Llaudiiff [1458- 1476], 287,299, o98. Hundmanby. See Huumanby. Hundon, Houyden, co. Suffolk, 89. Hundyrpoimd, Thomas, 502. Hungerford, co. Berks, 45, 53, 381, 552, 583. Farlegh. See Farleigh Hungerford. Hungerford, Edmund, 50, 218, 247. , Edward, 218, 319. , John, 247, 257. , Robert, lord, 306, 311, 467. , ,Margarethis wife, 306, 311,467. , Robert, lord Hungerford and Moleyns, 65, 139, 152, 346, 368, 467. , , Eleanor his wife, 152, 368. , Walter, 340, 393, 548. , lord, 306, 311. , treasurer of England, 229. , , Katharine his wife, 306, 311. Hungerston, co. Hereford, 450, 463, 505. Huumanby, Hundmanby, co. York, 541. Hunsdon, Hundesdon, co. Hertford, 596. Hunston, Henry, 144. Hunt, Hunte, Edward, 374, 375. , Hugh, 7,214, 553. , John, 2, 143, 180, 308, 578, 597. , Robert, 155. , Thomas, 128, 235, 248, 255, 256, 276, 329, 348, 408. , , clerk of the works, 337, 348. , Thomas, prior of Walsingham, 225, -326. , William, 7. , , abbot of St. Augustine's by Bristol, 399. Hunt Court, Hunthous in Sburdington, co. Gloucester, 541. Huntebeare. See Houndbeare. Hunteley. See Huntley. Hunter, Christopher, 216. , John, 215, 441. , Richard, 214, 277. Huntingdon, co. Huntingdon, 28, 336, 501. , county of, 33, 88, 100, 114, 127, 138, 195, 199, 218, 232, 285, 329, 348, 350, 352, 367, 406, 430, 462, 492, 493, 496, 504, 513, 644, 601. , , sheriff of, 114, 252, 285, 350, 406, 462, 492, 493, 544. , , escheator in, 205, 271, 332, 400, 481. And see Pilkington ; Laurence. , , outlawry in, 6. , , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 329, 348, 476. , , commissions of the peace in, 617. Huntingfield, co. Kent, 240. Huntley, co. Gloucester, 397, 541, 562. Huntley, Hunteley, Hugh, 64, 57, 58, 60, 198, 219, 289, 317. , John, 33. , Thomas, 33. , , Isabel his wife, 33. GENERAL INDEX. 721 Hunton, Richard, 249. Iluntshaw, Honshawe, co. Devon, 5. Hunstpill Marsh, Hunspille Maris, co. Somer- set, 437, 530. Huntyngton [co. Hereford], 175. Hurde, Thomas, 54. , William, 378. Hurdewyke, Nicholas, 119. Hurley, Rose, 7. Hurst, CO. Berks, 136. , CO. Wilts, 242. Courtney, Hirstcourtnay, co. York, 1. Hurstley, Hurtesley, co. Hereford, 521. Hurtesley. See Hurstley. Hurtre, Baldwin de, 100. Hushan, .laket, 493. Hushorne Crawley, Hu»hondcrowley, co. Bedford, 344. Huse, Husee, Husse, Husy, Gilbert, 580,581. , Mark, 249. , Nicholas, 104. victualler of Calais, 20. , sheriff of Surrey and Sussex, 20. , Peter, prebendary of Lincoln, 313. , Thomas, 247, 249, 351, 406, 565, 573, 613. William, 28, 170, 285,289, 350, 352, 3.55, 418, 490, 614, 620, 621, 627, 632, 633. , , attorney general, 292, 299,399, 517, 523, 585, 599, 601. Huske, Philip, 317. Huswyfe, Elizabeth, 436. , Thomas, 436. Huswyff, Roger, 200. Husy. See Huse. Hutton, Hoton [co. Westmoreland], 334, 531. CO. York, 20, 419. Huttysfeld. See Huddesfeld. Huyshille [co. Devon], 36. Huyste, John, 115. , Lucy his wife, 115. Hybson, John, 2»6. Hychecoke. See Hichecok. Hyde, co. Hertford, 588. by Winchester, co. Southampton, abbey of, 360, 365. , convent of, 359. , Henry, abbot of, 359. , Thomas Wirscetur, abbot of, 360, 365. Hyde, Hide, Baldwin, prebendary of Has- tings, 155. , , prebendary of St. George's, Windsor, 155, 233, 348. , , clerk of Parliament, 232. Christopher, 386. .John, 142, 237, 289. y 96180. Hyde, Margaret, 340, 416. , Richard, 230. , , esoheator in Southampton and Wilts, 296, 542. William, 202, 340. , , escheator of Oxford and Berks, 174. Hyet, James, 484, 490, 495. , Roger, 484. Hygans, John, 406. Hygford, Hyggeford. .See Hujford. Hyklyn, John, 202. Hyll, Hylle. See Hill. Hyllyng, Thomas, 533. Hylton. See Hilton. Hylton, Hugh, 505. Hylyard, Robert, 407, 637. Hynde, .lohn, 92, 145. Hyndeley, William, 386. , Joan his wife, 386. Hyote, Richard, 20. Hyremore [co. Berks], 573. Hyrne, Thomas, 321. HjTst, John, 3. Hythe, Hithe, Hethe, co. Kent, 265, 302, 319. L Ibberton, Ebberton, co. Dorset, 457, 529. Ibstock, CO. Leicester, 143, 225. Ichyngham, Thomas, 288. Ickham, Ikham, co. Kent, 42. Iddesleigh, Edysleght, co. Devon, 486. Ide, Yde, co. Devon, 187. Idelstre. See Elstree. Idewyn, .John, 499. Iffley, Yefteley, co. Oxford, U. Ifield, CO. Sussex, 575. Iford, CO. Sussex, 192. Iham, Iliham, Highaiu, co. Sussex, 441. Iken, Ikne, co. Suffolk, 14. Ikham. See Ickham. Ham, John, parson of Shelton, 274. llchester, Ivclcestre, Yevelchestre, Ylcestre, CO. Somerset, 39, 84, 86, 93, 194, 335, 473, 590. Udergate, Thomas, 300. Ileshamstede. See Isenhampstead. Ilfracombe. Ilforcombe, co. Devon, port of, 393. Ilketeshall, co. Suffolk, 34, 132, 224. Ilkston, listen, William, 226, 384, 386. lUehershe, co. Devon, 36. Illeigh. See Eleigh. lUyngworth, Elingworth, Richard, 12, 141, 170, 171. 246, 248, 399, 632, 636- 638, Z Z 722 GENERAL INDEX. Illyngworth, Richard, chief baron of the Ex- chequer, 226, 229. Ilmer, co. Buckingham, 472. Imber, Immer, Inmer, co. Wilts, 311, 327, 373, 381, 400. Immeslowe in Sherwood, co. Nottingham, 443. Ingarsby, Inguerdby, co. Leicester, 123. Ingham, Ingam, John, 447. Ingleby, John, 417. , William, 417. Inglefield, Thomas, 524. , , Joan his wife, 524. Ingleton, Ingilton, Robert, 106, 112, 126, 177, 246, 247, 267, 608. Inglewood, Englewode, Ingeliswode, co. Cum- berland, forest of, 16, 43, 183, 275, 280, 281, 303, 341, 360, 556, 557, 567, 596. Inglose, Robert, 353. Inglot, Henry, 383. Ingoldesby, John, 118, 387, 317, 407,490, 613. , , baron of the Exchequer, 31, 211. , Thomas, 339. , William, 614. Ingoldmells, co. Lincoln, 204, 508. , East, 580. Ingolmelserysby, co. Lincoln, 508. Ingolsby, co. Nottingham, 297. Ingowe, CO. Northumberland, 228, 236. Ingram, John, prior of Penmon and Prest- holme, 122. Ingrave, Gymgrauf, co. Essex, 297. Ingworth, co. Norfolk, 387. ,00. Suffolk, 93. Inmer. See Imber. Innocent, Thomas, 144. Inse, Edmund, 249. Instow, Yendestow, co. Devon, 36. Ippecras, John, 81. Ipplepen, co. Devon, 384, 577. Ipswich, Epyswych, Yepiswiche, co. Suffolk, 14, 142, 202, 257, 318, 382, 418, 435, 597. , port of, 15, 159, 160, 166, 167, 180, 216, 229, 230, 259, 262, 263, 268, 269, 313, 330, 410, 476, 513. , ship called le Margarete of, 87. Irchenfield, Urchonfeld, co. Hereford, 397, 411, 451, 539, 561, 590. Ireland, Irish, 15, 16, 21, 28, 29, 59, 62, 110, 122, 127, 133, 157, 159, 162, 167, 193, 207, 213, 214, 234, 243, 259, 272, 274, 304, 343, -.iU, 395, 402, 414, 420, 438, 459, 467, 468, 473, 474, 491, 497, 516, 520, 522, 524-526, 530, 539, 561, 570, 572. , Parliament of, 193, 474, 598. chancellor of, 466. And see Debenham. Ireland, chancery of, keeper of the rolls of. See Colt ; Norreys. , great seal of, 466. , , letters patent under, 161, 193, 592. , lieutenant of. See George ; Tiptoft. , , deputy of. See Tiptoft; Sher- wood. , treasurer of, 31, 205. , admiral of. See Richard; Neville. , primate of. See Bole ; Walton. , exchequer of, chief baron of. See Cornwalshe. , King's Bench in, chief ju»tice of. See Chevir. , Serjeant at arms in, 31. Ireland, Edward, 230. Irelond, Irlond, George, 146, 171, 498, 578. , , Margaret his wife, 146. Ireton, Ralph de, bishop of Carlisle [1280- 1292], 17. Irthlingborough, Artilburgh, Hertillingborogh, CO. Northampton, 142, 344. Isabella, queen of Edward II., 559. Isaak, Isak, John, 75, 302, 445, 571. , William, 494. Isam, Richard, 383. Isbury, John, 608. Iseham. See Isham. Iselham. See Isleham. Isenhampstead Latimers, co. Buckingham, 94. Isham, Iseham, co. Northampton, 500. Isham, Iseham, Robert, 170, 373, 405, 562, 623. Isle de Batz, Bazainsula (in Finistere), in Brittany, 474. Isleham, Iselham, co. Cambridge, 279. Isleworth, Istilworth, co. Middlesex, 117. Isley, John, 219, 352. , , sheriff of Kent, 477. Istilworth. See Isleworth. Italy, 134, 510, 557. Itteringham, Itryngham, co. Norfolk, 146. Ive, John, 3. , , Agues his wife, 3, Ralph, 380. ... , Richard, 426. , Thomas, 49, 426, 435, 622, 632. , William, 233, 296. Ivelcestre. See Ilchester. Iver, CO. Buckingham, 45. Ivers, William, 464. Iveton. See Ivyton. Ivinghoe, Ivyngho, co. Buckingham, 135, 394. Ivington, Yvington, co. Hereford, 449. Ivychurch, Ivechirch, co. Kent, 283, 546. , CO. Wilts, prior}' of, 15, 16. , canons of, 1 5. , Robert Stokys, prior of, 15. , Dan Edward Thacham, prior of, 15, 16. GENERAL INDEX. 723 Ivyton, Iveton, Yeveton [in Broomfield], co. Somerset, 194, 200, 330 364, 522. Iwade, Iwode, co. Kent, 333. Iwerne Courtney, Yewern Courteney, co. Dorset, 4.')7, 518, 557. Ixning, CO. Suffolk, 380. Ixnynge. See Exning. Ixworth, Robert, abbot of Bury St. Edmunds, 186, 470. J. Jachery. See Jakharry. Jacke Hykke, William, 327. Jackson, Robert, 523. Jacob, William, 29, 115, 193, 200. Jacobe, John, 326. Jakharry, Jacherry, Peter, 54, 104, 354. Jakeraan, John, 513. Jakes, John, 524. Robert, mayor of Bristol, 119. Jakson, Alan, 435. , John, 73, 214, 277, 515, 571. , Richard, 131. Jakys, Thomas, y85. James, king of Scotland, 409. James, Andrew, 393. , John, 489. , Laurence, 214, 277. , Robert, 214. , Thomas, 214, 277. Jamys, Bartholomew, 169. Jannys, Richard, 4. Janyn, John, 395. Janyns, John, 459. Janyver, William, 9. Jaquetta, duchess of IJedford, 190, 327, 334, 343, 584. Jardyn, William, 363. Jarse, Thomas de, 197. Jay, Jaye, John, 471, 545. Richard, 246, 404, 405, 429,558, 571, 572, 629. Jenkyns, Thomas, 616. Jenkynson, Richard, 85. Jenney, Genuey, Edmund, 387. , John, 245, 247, 623. , Richard, 493. Thomas, 387. , William, 170, 250, 387, 406, 408, 610, 624, 6:)1, 635-638. Jenyn, Geoffrey, 94. Jenyns, John, 298, 377. Jepcracks, Gyppecrake [in Totham], co. Essex, 345. Jerbrygge, CO. Norfolk, 22, 530, 531, Jenny, John, 408. Jermyn, Hugh, mayor of Exeter, 250. Jernemuth. See Yarmouth. Jerrald, Ralph, 290. Jer.sey, Jerze, 549. , people of, 124. Jervaux, Jorvall, co. York, abbot and convent of, 346. , William, abbot of, 346. Jevan Vaghan ap Jevan ap JoUyn ap David, 210. Jewels, 120, 121. Joan, queen of England, 531. Joce, Richard, 378, 610. William, 7, 118, 203, 353, 552. Johans, John, 69. John, king of England, charters of, 34, 131, 328, 413, 423, 459, 538. , cDunt of Mortain, charter of, 370. John, David, 436. , Hugh, 119. Louis, 129, 248, 249, 614. , Pety, 319. , William, 468, 511. , , parson of Llaubadarn Vawr, 106, John ap Griffith, 191. ap Herry, 78. ap Price, 447. ap Richard, 102, 142. ap Roger Vanghan, 429. ap Thomas, 40. Johns, Louis, 450, 471. William, 287. Johnson, Bartholomew, 472. Christopher, 438. Cornelius, 104. , Geoffrey, 34. Griffith, 34. Henry, 585. , James, 106. John, 515. , , incumbent of the chapel of St. John, Southbroke, in South Weald, co. Essex, 437. Nicholas, 2S. Peter, 393. , Richard, 487, 512. Robert, 389. , Agnes his wife, 389. , Thomas, 49, 331. , William, 214, 277, 503. Vanmelom, Henry, 42. Joliffe, Martin, 583. Jones, Jonys, John, 276. , Nicholas, 276. , Richard, 276. , William, 357. Joones, John, 109. z z 2 724 GENERAL INDEX. Jordan, Henry, 383. , John, 148, 580. And see Jurdan. Jordayn, Edmund, 251. Jorvall. See Jervaux. • Joseph, John, 104, 290. , Richard, 325. , William, 305, 567. Josselyn, Ralph, 617. Jouetes, Richard, 304. Joye, Godfrey, 197. , John, 450. , Richard, 29. Joyner, Gummer, 421. Joynour, Richard, 317, 498. , Thomas, 405, 406. Jue, John, 81. Julie, Thomas, 325. , William, 257. Jurdan, Henry, 579. , John, 122. , William, 256. And see Jordan. Justinian, Dardus, 435. , Humphrey, 435. Justiuiano, Anthony, 213. Juye, Roger, 501. , , Blanche his wife, 501. Juyu, Thomas, justice of the Bench, 434. K. Kalverhill. See Galver Hill. Kampen, iu the hishopric of Utrecht, 184. Karleton. See Carlton. Katrike, John, 177. Kayleway, Cayleway, Robert, 435. , William, 55, 57,486,613. Kayme, William, 184. Kaynell, Richard, 428. , William, 428. Kayser, Thomas, 168. Kayton, Richard, 54. Kaywode. See Cawode. Keal, East, Estcrkele, co. Lincoln, 580. , West, Westerkele, 508. Kebeell, Kebyll, Thomas, 517, 619. Kebell, Walter, 4, 81. Kechon, Richard, 215. , Robert, 215. Kedewyn. See Cedewain. Kedwelly. See Kidwelly. Kedyrmynster. See Kidderminster. Keel, Kclc [co. Stafford], 287. Kccll, George, 321. Keerc, John, 115. Keftesgate. See Kiftsgate. Keggyll, John, 382. Kele. See Keel. Kelenyke, 36. Kelet, Kelot, William, 325, 326. Kelk, Kelque, John, 38. , Roger, 427. Kellam, John, 286. Kelley, William, 467. Kelling, co. Norfolk, 343. Kellowe, co. Cumberland, 214, 277. Kellowe, William, 216. Kelly, John, 250. Kellygrewe, Thomas, 104. Kelmestowe [in Romsley, co. Worcester], 396. Kelsale, Kelshale, Roger, 338, 490, 571. Kelvedon, Kelledon, co. Essex, 324, 580. Kelyng, John, 358, 868. , Robert, 580. Kelyngworth, Henry, 214. Kerne, John, 469. Kemell, Richard, 453. Kemer, Kymer, Adam, 149. , , Agnes his mfc, 149. , Master Gilbert, dean of Salisbury, 160, 565, 566. , Nicholas, 565. Kemp, Kerape, John, 169, 525. , , archbishop of Canterbury, [1452-1454], 522. , Thomas, bishop of London [1450 — 1489], 107, 190, 232,265, 267, 272, 339, 388, 391, 460, 613, 616, 617, 621. Kempston, co. Bedford, 533. , Hardwick, co. Bedford, 576. Kempton, Kenyton, Koldekennyngton, co. Middlesex, 269, 437, 538. , charter dated at 376. Kemsey, John, 407. Kemsing, co. Kent, 578. Kemys, Kemmys, Roger, 407, 427, 454, 490, 614. Ken, Robert, 162. Kendal, co. Westmoreland, 106, 177, 334, 531, 532. Kendale, John, 68, 93, 171, 490, 506, 544. Kendall, John, mayor of Bridgewater, 356. Ralph, 440. William, 8, 49, 331. Kene, Robert, 171. Thomas, presented to the chantry of Newton Poppleford, 358. Kenefare. See Kinfare. Kenegy, Thomas, 380. Kenet, Henry, 249. Kenett, Thomas, 303. Kenette, Robert, 590. Kenford, by Ken, co. Devon, 595. Kenilworth, co. Warwick, 4f 50, 331, 482, 604. GENEKAL INDEX. 725 Kenilworth, letters patent dated at, 475, 490, 634. Kenne, co. Devon, 24, 51. Kensington, co. Middlesex, 560. Kenston, Kenstan, Edmund, 37. , Thomas, 37, 255. Kent, county of, 37, 43, 56, 71, 87, 88, 101, 182, 195, 199, 218, 219, 222, 232, 242, 284, 285, 298-302. 329,348, 352, 373, 376, 407, 421, 428, 430, 455, 462, 489, 492, 494, 496, 558, 571. , .sherifiFof, 37, 56, 71, 92, 127, 183, 198, 219, 240, 285, 352, 407, 489, 492, 493. And see Gilford ; Brown ; St. Leger ; Ferrers; Culpeper; I'ekliam ; Broms- ton ; Isley ; Ilauto. , , escheator iu, 391, 597. Aiid see Boteler ; Willy ; Towe ; Seyntler; CliflFord; Garnet; Sliordich. , , outlawries in, 1, 5, 79, 80, 143, 148, 202, 254, 255, 325, 380, 383, 385, 432, 435, 436, 501, 502, 575-577, 579, 580. , , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 282, 329, 348, 478, 505. (Commissions of the peace in, 617. , earl of . See Grey; Holland. river [co. Westmoreland], 334, 531. Kent, Geoffrey, 216, 476, 552. John, 575. , Marion, 575. Matthew, 80. , Nicholas, 326. , Richard, 287. Master Thomas, 53, 132. , secondary iu the office of the privj' seal, 554, 570. Kentbury, co. Berks, 93, 223. Kentcombe, co. Dorset, 457, 529. Kentford, co. Suffolk, 93. Kentisbeare, Kcntesbeare, co. Devon, 76. Kenulf, king of the Mercians, charter of, 136. Kenyton. See Kemptoii. Kerby. See Kirby ; Kirkby. Keriell, John, 496. Kerkebystephen. iSec Kirkby Stephen. Kermerdyn. See Caermarthcn. Kerneford. Sec Carnforth. Kerparby [co. York], 483, 487. Kerseman, Thomas, 323. Kervcr, William, 3;?, 59, 85, 88,161, 165, 283, 337, 540. , Eobert, 60. Kery. See Cery. Kesteu, Richard, 394, 461. Keswick, Keswyk, co. Cumberland, 506, 513. Kesycg, Thomas, 500. Kethirmynstre. See Kidderminster. Ketill, John, 381. , , Margaret his wife, 381. Ketleigh, Ketelegh, co. Cornwall, 58. Kettering, Ketcryng, co. Northampton, 203, 435. Ketteringham, Keteryngham, co. Norfolk, 191. Kettlebarston, Ketilbarston [co. Suffolk], 65. Kettleburgh, Ketelbergh, Ketylbere, co. Suf- folk, 110, 539. Kettlewell, Ketilwell, in Craven, co. York, 483 486, 487. Ketton, CO. Rutland, 504. Ketylbere. .See Kettleburgh. Kevell, John, 220. Kevyng, John, abbot of St. Benet, Hulme, 230, 298. Kexby, co. York, 133. Keye, Nicholas, 267. Key ford, co. Somerset, 361. Keynes, John, 58. Keys, Roger, 308. Keyworth, Caworth, co. Nottingham, 297. Kidderminster, Kedyruiyiistcr, Ketliirmyn- sire, CO. Worcester, 80, 274. Kidwelly, Kedwelley, Kydwelly, Geoffrey, 65, 75, 197, 329, 347. , Maurice, 218, 329, 347. Morgan, 275, 283", 415, 546, 573, 613. Kiftsgafe, Keftesgate, Kyftesgate, eo. Glou- cester, hundred of, 44, 162, 244, 536, 592. Kilbyngton. .See Kilvington. Kilchith, Nicholas, 382, 498. Kildalkey, Kyldalk, co. Meath, 275. Kildare, bishop of. See Lang. Kilgerran, Kilgarren, co. Pembroke, 175. Kilkhampton, co. Cornwall, 168. Kilkenny, Master William de, archdeacon of Coventry, 123. Kiliingliolme, Kyllyngham, co. Lincoln, 326. Kilton, Culveton, co. Somerset, 330,364, 522. Kilvey, Kylvey, co. Glamorgan, 163. Kilvington, Kilbyngton, co. Nottingham, 462. Kilworth, co. Leicester, letters patent dated at, 476. Kimbolton, Kymbaltou, co. Huntingdon, 141. Kineton, Kyngtou, Quintone [co. Warwick], 565. Kinfare. See Kinver. King, the, passim. King's consort. See Elizabeth. brother. See Edmund ; George Richard. sister. See Margaret ; Holland. son. See Edward ; Richard. daughter. See Elizabeth ; Mary. aunt. See Bourchier. alms, 231, 235. almoner. See Gunthorpe. under almoner, 277, 357. chapel, 330. cofferer, 398 726 GENERAL INDEX, King's debts, 11, 43, 53, 59, 82, 85, 88, 97> 106, 126, 132, 134, 154, 155, 160, 161, 165, 178, 186, 187, 213, 270, 273, 281, 283, 337, 388, 389, 394, 466, 468, 472, 480, 632, 537, 543, 545, 547, 558, 586. hounds, 34, 266, 444. jewels, 496. minstrels, 44, 153, 260, 482, 549. painter, 421. physician. See Serego ; Friis. secretary. See Gervase ; Profoote ; HatclifFe ; Kjng. ships, 29, 57, 87, 105, 201, 204, 250, 299, 355, 356, 399, 401, 404, 409, 467, 471, 494-496, 537. , clerk of. See Bo-weman. surgeon. See Hobbys. trumpeters, 42, 44, 61, 565, 588, 589. Kingesbere. See Bere. Kinghamford, Kynghamford, co. Kent, hun- dred of, 300. Kingsbridge, co. Devon, 228. Kingsbury Regis, co. Somerset, 339. Kingsclere, co. Southampton, 571. King's Clipslone, co. Nottingham, 441, 482. , charter dated at, 46.'i. Kingsdon, Kyngesdon by Ylchestre, co. Somerset, 211, 457, 518, 557. Kingsey, Kyngesey, co. Buckingham, 151, 345, 472. King's Langley, co. Hertford, 151. King's Norton, Kyngesnorton, co. Warwick, 10. , CO. Worcester, 26. King's Thorpe, co. Northampton, 485, 531. Kingston, Kyngeston, co. Cambridge, 515. [co. Berks], 197. , CO. Hereford, 440. Seymour, co. Somerset, 435. Kingston on Hull, co. York, 11, 47, 76, 168, 206, 266, 305, 316, 333, 347, 353, 361, 379, 496, 525. mayor of, 252, 353, 571. And see Dey ; Whitfeld. ., , sheriff of, 29. , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 328, 333, 335, 347, 478, 537. , outlawry in, 381. , port of, 59, 108, 130, 166, 167, 176, 226, 229, 230, 259, 262, 264, 266-269, 294, 305, 310, 315, 316, 338, 368, 372, 399, 514, 521, 545, 549, 558, 566. , ship called An7ie of, 264. , ship called le James of, 368. , ship called le Trynyte of, 353. Kingston on Thames, co. Surrey, 67, 93, 124, 244, 261, 385. King's Wood, Kyngeswode. co, Essex, forest of, 162, 586. , CO. Gloucester, forest of, 175, 264, 412. Kington, Kyngton, cos. Warwick and Lei- cester, 242, Kington, West, Westkyngston, co. Wilts 456. Kinoulton, Kynalton, co. Nottingham, 602. Kinver, Kenefare, Kynfare, co. Stafford, 242, 346, 513, 530. , forest of, 242. Kirby, Kerby, co. Leicester, 139. , Kirkeby, co. Norfolk, 191. Bedon, Kyrkebybidon, co. Norfolk, 5V7. Sellers, Kirkeby, co. Leicester, priory of, 23, 39. Kirkbampton, co. Cumberland, 214. Kirkby, co. Lancaster, 40. , Kirkeby, Kerby, co. York, 215, 304, 601. in Kendale, co. Westmoreland, 334, 523, 532. Thore [co. Westmoreland], 606. Misperton, Kirkeby Mysperton, co. York, 2. Moorside, Kirkeby Moresyde, co. York, 2. Stephen, Kerkebvstephen, co. West- moreland, 264, 423", 532. Kirkeby on the Wreke, co. Leicester, 135. Monachorum. See Monk's Kirby. See Kirby ; Kirkby. Kirkeby, Kirkby, Kyrkeby, John, 2, 56, 511. , Richard, 40, 325. , Robert, abbot of Owston, 23, 39. , Roland, 14. , Thomas, 597. , William, prior of Tickford, 376. Kirkeham, Kyrkeham, Robert, keeper of the rolls of Chancery, 87, 111, 188. , , dean of St. Stephen's, West- minster, 1 19, 150, 259. , Walter de, dean of St. Martin le Grand, London, 99. William, 503. Kirketon. See Kirton. Kirkhall in Rockland, co. Norfolk, 515. Kirkham, Kyrkham, co. Lancaster, 515. , CO. York, priory of, ] 15. Kirkley Road, Kyrklod, co. Suffolk, 353, 393, 579, 605. Kirk Oswald, CO. Cumberland, 181. Kirkstall, Thomas, abbot of, 593. Kirkstead, co. Lincoln, Roger, abbot of, 286. , Ralph, abbot of, 621. Kirton, Kirketon, co. Lincoln, 457, 529. in Lindsey, 131, 183. Kittle, Kythull, co. Glamorgan, 163, 192. Knapton, co. York, 483, 486, 487. Knapwell, co. Cambridge, 6. Knaresborough, co. York, 378. , forest of, 421. Knattishall, Knatishale [co. Suffolk], 562. Kneseworth, Richard, 609. Kneton, co. York, 334, 531. GENERAL INDEX. 727 Knightcote, Knyghtcote, co. Warwick, 64, 411. Knighton, Knyghton, co. Somerset, 3. Knighton, John, 407. Knockin, Knokyn, co. Salop, 29. Knokvergous. See Carrickfergus. Kiioldane, George, 300. Knoll [co. Devon], 36, 187. CO. Wilts, 551. KnoUes, John, 199. Robert, 450. , , Elizabeth his wife, 450. , Thomas, 336. Knot, William, 322. Knotte, Giles, 101. Knottyngley, John, 48. Knoyle, William, 218, 262, 410. Knyfton, Robert, C2. Knyght, Leonard, 251. , Richard, 165, 580. , Robert, 146, 230, 301. , Thomas, 252, 354, 552, 573, 621. , Walter, 29, 287. William, 84, 381. Knyghtley, Richard, 571. , , the younger, 531, 594. , the elder, .531, 594. , , Elizabeth his wife, 531. Knyvet, John, 169, 197, 245, 247, 249, 350, 406, 617, 622. .William, 218, 245, 247, 249,250, 406, 622. Knyveton, Nicholas, 408. Koldekennyngton. See Kemptou. Krakenthorp. See Crakenthorp. Kryngelesford. See Cringleford. Kurtenay, Reginald de, 13. Kyd, John, 555. Kyde, Roger, 357. Kydwelly. See Kidwelly. Kyfte.sgate. See Kiftsgate. Kyghley, Henry, 130. , Laurence, 80. Kyldalk. See Kildalkey. Kylegrewe, Thomas, 54, 57. Kyllyngham. See Killingholme. Kylpe.sham, William, abbot of Owston, 23. Kylvey. See Kilvey. Kylwilmerssh, William, prior of Crossechirch, Colchester, 89. Kymbalton. See Kimbolton. Kyrabear, Richard, 145. Kymbell, Thomas, 1 90. Kyme, co. Lincoln, 218. , South, 363. Kyme, John, 285, 286. Thomas, 81, 127, 285, 352, 621. of Langton, 286, 621. , , of Friskeney, 252, 352, 354, 621. , sheriff of Lincoln, 482. Kymer. See Kemer. Kynaltou. See Kinoulton. Kynaston, Roger, 29, 284, 407, 627. Kyng, John, 1 18, 339, 357, 528. , Oliver, 549. , , the king's secretary, 582, 587. , , warden of the hospital of Dor- chester, 40 1 . , Thomas, 493. William, 6, 380. Kyngdou, Edward, 403, 404, 452. Kyngesmyll, Kyngismyll, Richard, 374, 404 429. Kyngeston, Harry, 190. Hugh, 28. , Ralph, 166. Kynggesey. See Kingsej". Kyngston, Thomas, 317. Kyngton. See Kingston ; Kiueton. Kyngyisuttou. See Sutton. Kynnecote, Walter, 576. Kynvare. See Kinver. Kyppyng, Thomas, 446. Kyrisshawe, Ralph, 447. Kyrk, Thomas, 579. Kyrkeby. See Kirkeby. Kyrkeham. See Kirkeham. Kyrkenian, Thomas, 309. Kyrklod. See Kirklcy. Kyrkstede. See Kirkstead. Kyrton. See Crediton. Kyrton, John, 97, 187, 213, 285, 325, 498. Kyrwyn, William, 446. Kyryell, John, 340, 355, 489, 515. , Thomas, 42 5«4. , , Cecily hi< wife, 594. Kyte, Edward, 168. Rythull. See Kittle. L. Laan, Thomas, 575. Lacche, Robert, 116 Lacy, Henry de, earl of Lincoln, 469. John, 452. , Thomas, 609. Ladbroke, Lodbroke, co. Warwick, 542. Ladde, Richard, 256. Lagharn. See Laugharue. Lagher, William, 104. Laghogh, CO. Lancaster, 531. Lago, William, 30. Lake, John, 143. Nicholas, 143. 728 GENERAL INDEX. Lake, Richard, 282. , parson of High Ongar, 33, 234. , , curate of Cattistock, 234. , Eobert atte, 8. Lakeford, Giles, 383. , William, 432. Laken, Nicholas, 355. , Richard, 168. , William, 70, 102, 103, 12V, 128, 170, 171, 221, 246, 248, 251, 289, 317, 319, 353, 403, 405, 406, 408, 525, 608, 613, 616, 618, 622, 632, 633. , , justice of the King's Bench, 163, 227, 229, 258, 264. , , escheator of Salop, 584. Lakenheath, Lakingheth [co. Suffolk], 507. Lakynghithe, John, 519. Lamana [co. Cornwall], 396, 479. Lamanva, John, 1 14. Lambard, Lamberd, John, 161, 18G, 187, 225, 381, 383, 558. , Thomas, 28. Lambe, Alexander, 214. , Emma, 503. , John, 230, 503. , Philip, 60. , Thomas, 141. Lamberd. See Lambard. Lamberdes, co. Gloucester, 534. Lambeth, Lambhith, co. Surrey, 414. Lamble, Alexander, 277. , John, 214, 277. , William, 277. Lamborne, co. Essex, 173. Lambrigg, co. Westmoreland, 532. Lambside, Lammeshede, co. Devon, 60. Lamburn, Nicholas, 251. Lamelleu, Lamelyu [in St. Tudy], co. Corn- wall, 389, 444. Lammer, John, 446. Lamnan, Robert, li6. Lamonoy, Lamunoy, co. Cumberland, 40. Lampeter, Lanbadar, burgesses of, 369. Lampleugh, Robert, 490. Lamplewe, Thomas, 610. Lamplogh, Thomas, sheriff of Cumberland, 181. Lanbadar. See Lampeter. Lancaster, duchy of, 178, 378, 446, 448, 506, 558. , , re:eiver general of. See Sharpe. , county of, 26, 131, 219, 290, 427, 490, 496, 515, 525, 573. , , chancellor in, 35. , , shenfifof, 490. Lancastre, John, parson of Workington, 417. , parson on Sutton on Derwent, 417. Lancastre, Richard, 524. , Roger, 288. , William, 288. Landawarnek. See Landewednack. Landawarnek, Thomas, 327. Landewednack, Landawarnek, co. Cornwall, 327. Landhilp. See Landulph. Landilik. See Landulph. Landimore, Landymour, co. Glamorgan, 163. Landmoth, Lanmote, co. York, 365. Landrene, Landryan, co. Cornwall, 457, 529. Landue in Lezant, co. Cornwall, 224. Landulph, Landhilpe, Landilik, co. Cornwall, 410, 593. LandussuU. See Llandyssil. Landwade, co. Cambridge, 275. Lane, Edward, 580. , John, 88. , Richard, 38. Thomas, 60, 61, 609. Lanercost, charters dated at, 425, 459. Lanforth. See Laugford. Lang, Richard, bishop of Kildare [1464- 1474], 193, 259. Langacre, co. Devon, 32, 1 37. Langbargh, co. York, 483, 486. Langdon, Longdon [co. Westmoreland], 334. Langdon Hall, co. Essex, 297, 560. Langeley, Thomas, 248, 249. Langelode. See Long Load. Langenneth. See Llangenydd. Langeporte, Master Richard, 521. Langeston. See Langston. Langeton. See Longton. Langeton, Walter de, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield [1296-1321], 425. Langford, Langforth, co. Nottingham, 109. Langford, Edward, 406, 608. , John, 398. Nicholas, 248, 349, 408, 611. , Richard, 3. , Thomas, 57, 552, 608. , William, 125. Langham [co. Rutland], 212. Langholme, co. Cumberland, 13. Langholme, John, 363. Langley, co. Hertford, 136. , charter dated at, 465, CO. Kent, 93, 109. CO. Norfolk, 93. Langley, Langlee, Edmund, 271. ,., Henry, 609. , John, 136. , , the elder, 271. , , the younger, 271. , Walter, 271, 614. , , Isabel his wife, 271. GENERAL INDEX. 729 Langley, William, 271. , Ihomas de, 93, 565. Langmede, John, mayor of Dartmouth, 198. Langport, co. Kent, hundred of, 300. Langport Estover, co. Somerset, 339. Westover, 339. Langrake, co. York, 179. Langshawe, Henry, 602. Langstan, Langeston, John, 196, 285, 350, 406, 608, 626. Langstone in Caerleou, co. Monmouth, 561. Langstrother, John, prior of the hospital of St. John of .Jerusalem in England, 165, 177, 189, 217, 229, 231, 232, 239, 248. , , treasurer of England, 165, 176, 177, 229. Richard, parson of High Ongar, 33. Langthorns, Laugtous, in Little Canfield, co. Essex, 192. Langthwaite, Langqwhatc [co. Cumberland] , 215, 277. Langthwayte, Thomas, 72. , William, 72. Langto, Thomas, 323. Langtoft, Thomas, 424. Langton, co. York, 32, 137. Langton Herber, in Sherwood, co. Notting- ham, 447. Langton, John, 372, 428, 439, 503, 558. Laugtree, co. Devon, 36. Langwathby, 483, 486, 487. Lauhargy, Elias, 42. Lanhern, co. Cornwall, 280. And see Arundell. Lanihorne, Lanyheyron, Lavynhorn, co. Corn- wall, 421, 457, 529. Lanmote. See Landmoth. Lannargh, John, 427. Lanoycff. See Llanddowyn. Laupley, Thomas, 349. Lanreath, Lanreythowe, co. Cornwall, 346. Lansallos, Lausalwys, co. Cornwall, 72. Lanthony by Gloucester, co. Gloucester, prior and convent of, 504, 520. Henry, prior of, 504. Lanyheyron. See Lanihorne. Lardener, John, 432, 503. Larder, Thomas, 221, 476. Large, Walter, 10. , William, 424. Larke Dale, 479. Larkfield, Larkefeld, co. Kent, hundred of, 300. Larlingford, Lirlyngford, co. Norfolk, 562. Larom, John, 502. Lartington, Lartyngton, co. York, 483, 487. Lacy, John, 452. Laseilles [in Brittany], 198. Lasenby, John, 215. Lasham, Lasseham, co. Southampton, 106, 239, 337. Lassant. See Lezant. Lassy, Henry, 439. Lastichiall. See Lostwithiel. Lasyngby. See Lazenby. Lasyngby, Kobert, 78. Lathe, Robert att, 519. Lathell, Nicholas, 441, 537. Latimer, lord of, 94. And see Neville. Latin, Philip, 175. Latomer. See Latymer. Laton, Nicholas, 215. , Thomas, 215. Latoner, William, 226. Latton Merk, co. Essex, 23. Laty, Richard, 201. Latymer, Latomer, Nicholas, 90, 218, 247, 284, 346, 351, 406, 613. Laufare. See Laver. Laugharue, Lagharn, co. Caermarthen, 59. Laughton, Gilbert, 366. Launce, John, parson of Weston by Beccles, 347. Launcell, co. Cornwall, 119. Launceston, Launceuetou, Alanceston, co. Cornwall, 27, 58, 116, 442, 598. Laund, Thomas, 77. de la Launde, Thomas, 218, 297, 508, 543, 560, 567. , Katharine liis wife, 560. Launditch, Laundyssh, co. Norfolk, hundred of, 191. Laurence, Laurens, Henr)', 75. , John, 6, 428, 571, 6o7. , , escheator in Cambridge aud Huntingdon, 227, 253. , Richard, 84, 496. Simon, 322. William, 182. Lavaunta, co. Cornwall, 104. Lavenham, co. Suffolk, 297, 534, 543, 545, 547, 563, 507, 579. Laver, Laufare, Little, co. Essex, 50, 398. Laverok, Robert, 353. Lavington, Lavyngton, co, Lincoln, 26, 516, 517. Lavynhorn. See Lanihorne. Lawe, Richard, 58 I. Lawcdy, William, 605. Lawelee, .lohn, 608, 627. Laweles, Simon, 2U8, 217, 571. , Thomas, 168. Lawson, Lauson, William, 463, 605. Laxham, Dame Elizabeth, abbess of Barking 388,391. Laxton, Thomas, 173. Lay. See Lecq. Laycy, Richard, 427. Laydenz, Guy, 198. V30 GENERAL INDEX. Layer Marney, Leyremarney, co. Essex, 1 55, 345. Layham, Leygham, co. Sufifolk, 25. Layland, John, 515. Layton, John, 313. Lazenby, Lasyngby, co, York, 1. del Le, Alice, 16. , William, 16. Lea river, 28. Lea, Lee, co. Derby, 499. Leadenham, Ledenham, co. Lincoln, 457, 530. Leake, Leke, co. Lincoln, 81, 146. , CO. York, 365, 503. Learn, Martin, 313. Leamyng. See Leeming. Leaton, Leton, co. Salop, 304. Lebaill, Guy, 198. Lebarnour, Yvo, 521. Lebihan, John, 198. Lebroier, Rio, 198. Lecche, Thomas, parson of Risington Wick, 461. Leche, Robert, 214, 277. Lechlade, Lecchelade, co. Gloucester, 361. , hospital of St. John Baptist, 361. , , William Lovell, prior of, 361. Leckonfield, Lekynfeld, co. York, 427. Lecq, Lay, in Jersey, alien priory of, 549. Ledenham. See Leadenham. Leder, Richard, 251. Ledes. See Leeds. Ledornguen, William, 521. Ledys. See Leeds. Ledys, William, 70, 71. Lee river, co. Cork, 592. Lee, CO. Rutland, forest of, 451, 528, 555. And see Leighfield. See Lea. Lee, Alexander, parson of St. Nicholas, Calais, 260. , canon of Windsor, 412. , Edmund, 215. , James, 304. , John, 228, 320, 505. , Margaret his wife, 320. , John de, 476. , Nicholas, 576. , Ralph, 627. , Richard, 7, 9, 618. 5 mayor of London, 186. , Thomas, 408. , William, 70, 405. And see Legh. Leece, Lees, co. Lancaster, 456. Leader, Richard, 293. Leeds, Ledes, co. Kent, 109, 182, 374. , prior and convent of, 374. , Robert, prior of, 374. , Ledes by Rothwell, co. York, 209. Leefeld. See Leighfield. Leegh, Ralph, 86. Leek [co. Stafford], 142. Leek, John, 285. , John de, sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, 130. , Thomas, 501. Leeke, William, vicar of St. Stephen's, Col- manstrete, London, 69. Leeming, Leamyng, co. York, 483, 486. Leen, Lene river, co. Nottingham, 310, 311, 446. Lees. See Leece. LegaUois, John, 521. Leget, Helmyng, constable of Windsor Castle, 133. Leggam, Robert, 288. Legge, Bartholomew, 116. , Joau his wife, 116. , William, 355, 386. Legh, Master Alexander, parson of St. Bride's, Fleet Street, London, 553. , Edmund, 214. , John, 546. , the elder, 449. , , the younger, 449. , William, 219, 490, 610. A7id see Lee. Leghton. See Leighton. Lego, Matthew, 531. Leicester, 66, 144, 212, 213, 386. , letters patent dated at, 396, 399, 440. , abbey of St. Mary de Pratis by, 329, 330, 475. , , convent of, 123, 461. , , abbot of, 39. , , John Pomeroy, abbot of, 123, 461. , , John Sepyshede, abbot of, 475. , county of, 88, 91, 93, 104, 106, 196, 199, 206, 218, 246, 248, 284, 284, 287, 292, 329, 348, 350, 359, 401, 405, 428, 430, 457, 462, 466, 481, 492, 496, 513, 529, 535, 540, 562. , , sheriff of, 284, 287, 350, 405, 492. , And see Harecourt ; Higford ; Throgmarton ; Wodford ; Raylegh. , , escheator in, 39, 153, 205, 271, 292, 330, 332, 416, 475. , A7id see Warde ; Boughton. , , outlawries in, 8, 77, 142, 145, 146, 225, 263, 389, 434, 501. , , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 329, 348, 478. , , commissions of the peace in, 618. Leigh, Lye, Lyght, co. Essex, 373, 525. , Ligh, CO. Gloucester, 397, 541, 562. , North, Northlie, co. Oxford, 562. GENERAL INDEX. 7*1 Leigh Durant, Lydurant (in Pillaton), co. Cornwall, 410, 593. Leighfield, Lyghfeld, co. Kutland, 517. , fore.st of, 176. Ayid see Lee. Leighton Bromeswold, co. Huntingdon, 502. Buzzard, CO. Bedford, 65,80, 362, 417, 499. Leighton, Leyghtou, John, 247, 249,294, 407, 429, 627. , , Ankaret his wife, 294. , Richard, 400. , Thomas, 294. Leith, Lete, in Scotland, ship called la Marie of, 605. Leke. See Leake. Lake, Henry, 377. , John, 352, 354. Lekke, John, 286. Lekynfeld. .See Leckonfield. Lelley, co. York, 323. Lelly, Richard, 104. , Thomas, 603. Lematon, Lemangton, Leinyngtou, Richard, mayor of York, 316. Lemeryk. See Lymeryk. Lemyng, William, 130, 500. Lemyngton. See Lymington. , John, 78, 212, 431. , Thomas, 5. And see Lematon. Lenay, Thomas, 441. Lenche, John, 7, 110. Lenchelade. See Linslade. Lenehous, Lenous, William, 579. Lenesdale, Thomas, 577. Lennerton, Lcnerton, co. York, 145. Lenous. Sec Lonehous. Lenthale, Roland, 424. , Margaret his wife, 424. Lenton, co. Nottingham, 600. , prior and convent of, 446, 448, 600. , Thomas, prior of, 446, 448, 600. And see Levington. Lenton, Thomas, 158. Lenwode. See Linwood. Leon, in Spain, 600. And see Castile. , in Brittany, diocese of, 474. Leonard Moor, Ijynermore, co. Devon, 343. Leper, Lepar, Richard, 286, 288. Lepers, 373. Lescrope. See Scropc. Leskerdburgh. See Liskeard. Lesnes, co. Kent, William, abbot of, 463. , hundred of. See Little. Lessiugham, Lesyugham, co. Norfolk, 73, 499. Lessinton, John de, 123. Lestraunge, Henry, 372. Lesyngham. See Lessingham. Lete. See Leith. Letherpoll, Thomas, 73. Leton. See Leaton. Lettley. See Netley. Leukenore, Lewekenore, John, 17 7, 196, 199, 312, 633. , , Joan his wife, 177, 312. , Richard, 130, 406, 633. , sherifE of Surrey and Sussex, 326. , Roger, 196, 199, 247, 249, 351, 405, 603, 633. , Thomas, 255, 288, 351, 495. , the elder, 406, 633. , , the younger, 199. Levelord, Robert, 588. Leventhorpe, John, 23, 208, 250, 350. , the elder, 199, 407, 616. , , the younger, 617. , Nicholas, 207, 218, 268, 286, 329, 333, 333, 347, 353, 379, 490, 571. , Thomas, 100, 173, 182, 199, 350. , the younger, 407. Leverington, co. Cambridge, 560, 576. Levermore, Hugh, 149. , Richard, 21, 51, 75, 79, 149, 256, 385. Leversegge, William, 603. , , Edith his wife, 603. Leversige. See Liversedge. Leverun, John, 501. , Nicholas, 408. William, 7. , , Isabel his wife, 7. Levington, Lenton, co. Suffolk, 73. Levyse. See Devises. Lewen, John, 287. Lewes, co. Sussex, prior of, 42, 585. , prior and convent of, 395. , Thomas, prior of, 65, 395. Thomas att Well, prior of, 415, 418. Lewes, Hugh, 443. John, 276. , Philip, 573. Thomas, 29. William, 79. And see Lewys. Lewesham, Leueshaiii, co. Kent, 432. Leweston, John, 364. Leweton. See Luton. Lewlyn, John, rector of Romaldkirk, 215. Lewys, Geoffrey, 152. , Henry, 248, 249, 258, 407, 614. , John, 60. , Richard, 81. , Thomas, 262. And see Lewes. Lexden, co. Essex, 12. Leybarn, R. de, 561. 732 GENERAL INDEX. Leycestre, Leycetur, John, 564. Richarrl, abbot of Oseney, 342, 359. Leyden, in Holland, 39G. Leygham. See Layham. Leyghton. See Leightou. Leyk. See Leake. Leyman, William, 76. Leynham, John, 96, 106, 117, 418, 471, 47?. , , Margaret his wife, 471, 472. Leynthorpe, John, 218. Leyntou, John, 18, 40, 399. Leyremarney. See Layer Marney. Ley.stoft. See Lowestoft. Leyton, co. Essex, 502. Leytonstone, co. Essex, 502. Leyty, Richard, 307. , , parson of Creed, 264. Lezaut, Lassant, co. Cornwall, 224. Liche, William, parson of Marke, 275. Lichefeld, Master Edmund, prebendary of Lincoln, 308. , Richard, 184. And see Lychefeld. Lichfield, Lychefelde, co. Stafford, 2, 3, 16, 28, 29, 384, 498. , letters patent dated at, 396-399, 405, 408, 429, 430. , cathedral of, dean of. See Heywod. Lichirche. See Litchurch. Liddington, Lydyngton, co. Rutland, 80. , letters patent dated at, 475, 583, 595. Lidney. See Lydney. Lidsing, Lydesynge, co. Kent, 371. Liegh, Peter, 497, 572. Ligh. See Leigh. Light, Walter, 208. Ligon. See Lygon. Libert. See Hert. Lilburn, Henry, 447. Lilborne, John, the elder, 407, 624. , , the younger, 490. ......... ylnrf see Lylbourne. Lilborys, John, the elder, 350. Lilford, Lilleford, co. Northampton, 508. Lilleshull, co. Salop, abbot and convent of, 304. , Robert, abbot of, 304. Lining, East, co. York, 483, 486, 487. , West, 483, 487. Lillingston Lovel, co. Oxford, 7. Lillyug, Richard, 265. Limerick, Limbrike, Lymryk, in Ireland, 468, 595. Limpsfield, Lymmesfeld, co. Surrey, 1, Linby, Lyndeley, Lymby, co. Nottingham, 381, 441, 482, 498. Lincoln, 19, 54, 76, 162, 200, 221, 310, 348, 381, 384, 411, 462, 492, 508, 518. , mayor of, 332. And see Crabdeu ; Beseby. Lincoln, letters patent dated at, 480-482, 495, 583, 590. ... , charter dated ut, 539. , outlawries in, 16, 433. , subsidy and ulnagc of cloth in, 348. , diocese of, 39, 47, 48, 52, 107, 132, 178, 212, 213, 230, 245, 263, 274, 309, 332, 333, 342, 344, 391, 396, 399, 415, 43S, 440, 519, 596. , bishop of. See Chedworth ; Rother- ham. , bishopric of, 125, 296, 308, 312, 313. , archdeacon of. See Chedworth ; Ewen. , cathedral of, 332, 559. , , dean and chapter of, 142, 295, 296, 308, 311, 313, 540, 559. , , dean of. See Flemmyng. , , vicars in, 474. , , ' Ravenserchauntry ' in, 48. , , prebend of Farrendon with Baldeston in, 296. , , prebend of South Scarle in, 308. , , prebend of Stowe in, 313. , , prebend of Walton Rivall in, 295. , earl of. See Lacy ; Meschines ; de la Pole. , county of, 25, 26, 30, 44, 54, 56, 61, 86, 96, 127, 185, 206,218,221,233, 242, 265, 289, 329, 348, 352, 354, 355, 360, 462, 490, 492, 511, 513, 525, 544. , , sheriff of, 30, 44, 56, 61, 157, 285, 286, 289, 352, 355, 490, 492, 544, 573. And see FitzWilHam ; Welby ; Tempest ; Thornburgh ; Constable ; Kyme ; Villers ; Wymbissh. , escheator in, 39, 135, 186, 205, 271. 332, 416, 475, 550, 597. And see Foljambe ; Burgh ; Han- sard ; Sandford ; Maimer ; Gibthorpe ; Saynton. , outlawries in, 9, 76, 79, 81, 142, 204, 254, 322, 324, 504, 580. , , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 329, 348, 478. , , the parts of Holland in, 28, 352, 496. , , , commissions of the peace in, 619. , , the parts of Kesteven in, 28, 352, 496. , , , commissions of the peace in, 619. , , the parts of Lind.say, 252, 316, 352, 354, 496. , , , commissions of the peace in, 620. , , , justices of the peace in, 573. Lincoln, William, 126. Lineham, Lyneham, co. Devon, 331. GENERAL INDEX. 733 Linford, Lyudford, Lyuford, co. Buckingham, 457. , Great, 44, 466. , Little, 529. Ling, Lyng, co. Norfolit, 226. Lingfield, Lyngefeld, co. Surrey, 253. Linley, Lynley, co. Salop, 134. Linom, Thomas, 354. Linslade, Lenchelade, Lynchelade, co. Buck- ingham, 191, 521. Linton, Lynton, co. York, 20, 279, 419. Linwood, Lyndewode, co. Lincoln, 310, 518, 523. Beaumont, 19. Lirlyngford. See Larlingford. Lirtington. See Lartington. Lisbon, Lusshebourne, in Portugal, 362, 450. Liskeard, Lcskertburgh, co. Cornwall, 434, 575. Lisle, Lysle, George, 63. , John, 53, 56, 100, 220, 246, 629. , the lord, 190. the lady, 118. And see Talbot. Litchurch, Lichirche, co. Derby, 256. Litelbury, John, 100. , Thomas, 100. , William, 100. Litelstoughton. See Staughton. Litelton. See Litteltou. Lithewode. See Lythwood. Litley, Litteley, Thomas, 209. Litlyngton, John, abbot of Croyland, 183. Littelbury, Humphry, 286. Littclton, Litelton, Lytelton, John, 76. , Thomas, 10, 51, 55, 70, 103, 103, 127, 128, 170, 171, 221, 251, 289, 317, 353, 377, 403, 405-408, 490, 625, 593, GlO-612, 615, 619-621, 624, 625, 627, 629, 630, 634-636, 638. , , justice of the iComnion Bench, 112, 163, 227, 229, 258,264, 344. , William, 76. Littclyngton, co. Huntingdon, 141. Little and Lesnes, Lytic and Lysyns, CO. Kent, hundred of, 301. Littlebourn, Litleborne, co. Kent, 42. Littlefield, Lytelfeld, co. Kcut, hundred of, 302. Littleham, Lytelham, co. Devon, 36. Littlemore, More, co. Oxford, 9. Litton, Thomas, 260. Liyersedge, Leversige [co. York], 572. Liyght, Walter, 299. Llanaber, Llannaber by Ebormo [co. Merio- neth] , 304. Llanbadarn Vawr, Llampadarn Vawre, in South Wales, 106. Llanbedv, Llanbederc [co. Brtckuock], 447. Llandaff, bishop of. See Hunden ; Smyth. bishopric of, 287, 598. , cathedral church of, 287. , diocese of, 48. Llanddowyn, Llanddoynwen, LanoyefiF, co. Anglesea, 335. Llandyssil, LandussuU [co. Cardigan], 181, 186. Llangenydd, Langenneth, co. Glamorgan, abbot and convent of, 43. Llangoedmore, co. Cardigan, 333. Llanstephan [co. Caermarthen] , 175. Lloughor. .Sec Loughor. Lloyd, Lloydy, John, 39, 304. , Owen, 339. Lobbe, William, 171, 403, 404. Locabellok, James, 198. Lochard, Thomas, 20. Lochmaben, Lowmaban [co. Dumfries], 268 . Lock, John, 9. Lockerley, Lokerle, co. Southampton, 589. Locton. See Lokton. Lodbrok. See Ladbroke. Loddon, oo. Norfolk, 191. Loder, Robert, 286. Lodewyll, John, 61. Lodus, Robert, 3. Lofthous, Christopher, prior of Healaugh Park, 321. William, 321. Lofthouse, CO. York, 378. Logan, Henry, 433. Logge, William, 152, 210. Loghrigge. See Loughrigg. Lok, William, 144, 321, 435, 502. Lokear, Robert, 409. Lokerle. See Lockerley. Lokesdeu, John, 256. Lokinton, Roger de, 123. Lokke, Henry, 226. Lokkesley. See Loxley. Loksmyth, Gilbert, 277. Lokton, Thomas, 101, 285, 406, 609. , Locton, Thomas, vicar of Luud, 502. Lokwode, Henry, 178. , Joan, 215. , Richard, 605. William, 215. Lokyngton, John, 526. Loldon, CO. Wilts, 466. Lolle, Nicholas, 171. Lombards, 74. Lome, John, 104. Lomeley, Marmaduke, 231, 232. Lomeuer, Reginald, 381. Lomley. See Lumley. Loncastre, Hugh, 214. Loud. Sec Lund. Lonilc, John, 207. 734 GENERAL INDEX. Londe, Richard, 386. Londesdale. See Lonsdale. Londey. See Lundy. London, 2-11, 14, 18-22, 25, 28, .31, 33, 36, 38, 42, 43, 45, 49, 51-53, 68-70, 72- 74, 76-84, 87, 92, 94-98, 101, 103, 104, 106-109, 113-117, 120, 122, 123, 126, 139, 141-153, 155, 157, 158, 160, 161, 164, 165, 167, 169, 171, 174, 175, 177, 178, 180, 182, 184, 185, 188, 190, 201-206,209,210, 212,213,218, 223 -228, 232, 234, 236, 240, 242, 253-258, 260, 262, 267, 270-272, 274, 276, 278, 280-282, 290, 291, 293, 295, 303, 305 -307, 313, 315-317,319-329,331, 332, 335, 339-342, 345-347, 357, 359, 362, 364, 366-368, 372, 374-376, 380-388, 391-395, 397, 400, 4] 1, 412, 414, 416, 417, 420-422, 424, 431-440, 447, 448, 451, 453, 461, 462, 466-472, 474, 475, 481-483, 487, 488, 492, 496, 498-504, 506, 509, 511, 512, 514-516, 519-521, 525, 533, 539, 540, 545-550, .557, 560, 565, 5/5-583, 586, 587, 589, 592, 593, 595, 596, 599, 604. , letters patent dated at, 62, 292. .., charters dated at, 122, 370, 371, 478. mayor and commonalty of, 509, 510. , mayor and aldermen of, 188. , mayor of, 193, 228. And see Yonge ; Eyre ; Owlegreve ; Camynges ; Lee ; Taillour ; Stokton ; Edward ; Hampton ; Tate ; Drope ; Hill; Basset. , sheriffs of, 20, 22, 71, 161,210,228, 280, 341, 379, 392, 488, 525, 545, 549, 557. And see Hayford ; Stalbroke ; Stone ; Tate ; Drope ; Brice ; Col- ■wyche ; Gardiner ; Stokker ; Billesdon ; Shaa. , recorder of. See Ursewyk ; Starkey. , outlawries in, 2-11, 16, 21, 37, 38, 44, 72-82, 109, 122, 142-149, 164, 173, 174, 202-204, 223-227, 253-257, 320 -327, 364, 380-386, 413, 431-436, 498-504, 575-582, 599. subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 478. , , , bishopric of, 460. , , bishop of, 69. And see Kemp ; Gilbert. , , diocese of, 33, 50, 63, 107, 109, 160, 180, 206, 227, 234, 263, 295, 367, 388. 398, 411, 437, 454, 458, 469, 472, 504, 537, 543, 586. , archdeacon of, 193. .4?irf see Martyn. , St. Paul's Cathedral, 153, 506. , , dean and chapter of, 176, 460, 514. dean of, 193. Aud see Wynterborne. , , penitentiary in, 460. , prebend of Brondesbury in, 111. I London, St. Paul's Cathedral, prebend of Brownswood in, 412. , , prebend of Chiswick in, 176. , , prebend of Ealdland in, 590. , , prebend of St. Pancras in, 460. , , minor canon of, 604. , college of canons in, 135. ••, , , Laurence Damlet, warden of, 135. > St. Mary Graces by the Tower, abbot and convent of. 111, 514. , , Thomas, abbot of, 28. hospital of St. Katharine by the Tower, 28, 135. > , warden, brethren, and sisters of, 135, 541. ••> , Henry Trevilian, warden of, 135. > John de Hermesthorp, warden of, 135. > , Lionel Wydeville, warden of, 541. St. Martin le Grand, dean and chapter of, 99. ) , dean of. See Stillington ; Caudray ; Kirkeham ; Melton. > Holy Trinity, Thomas Pomeroy, prior of, 500. , St. Bartholomew in West Smithfield, priory of, 265, 272. , , convent of, 260. , Reginald Colyer, prior of, 260. , Richard Pulter, prior of, 265, S72. Elsiugspital within Cripplegate, prior and convent of, 509. .St. Mary's, Clerkenwell, prioress of, 509. hospital or free chapel of St. Antony 115, 153, 484. > , Master Peter Courtenay, war- den of, 228. piiory or hospital of St. Mary of Bethlehem without Bishopsgate, 436. , Thomas Hadley, prior of, 254. > John Smeethe, warden of, 233. House of Converts, 245, 259, 334. 516. Old Temple, 76. , New Temple, 74, 88, 413, 414. , Charing Cross, 346, 348. ' ' chapel of St. Mary, Ronces- valles, by, 542. , Holbo.n, 415. .St. Katharine's by the Tower, 385. , Old Bailey, 81. , the king's wardrobe in, 475. , Guildhall, 68, 120. Guildehalla Teutonicorum, 157 337 272, 307, 341, .187, 445, 452, 473, 509, 519, 540. , Esterlyngeshalle, 512, 540. ...^ le Styleyerd, 445, 509, 510. GENERAL INDEX. 735 London, Tower Hill, 111, 487, 512. , le TowrewharfE, 210. , Queenhithe, 244. , le Ryall, 538. , East Smithfield, 111. , West Smithfield, 125. , , St. John's street without the bar of, .306. , Ludgate, 565. , le Herber, 34G, 457, 488, 529. , Coldeherburgh, 32, 137. , Coldeherburghlaue, 32, 137. , Beaumont Inne, 517. , Clifford Inne, 93. , Hungerford Inne, 346. , Ormondes lune, 64. , Baynardescastell, ward of, 27, 517. , Bradstrete, ward of, 120. , Candelwykestrete, ward of, 161. , Chepc, ward of, 120. Dowgate, ward of, 509. , Faryugdon Within, ward of, 120. Without, ward of, 9y, 120, 565- , Vintry, ward of, 341. , Colmaiistrete, 68. , Bradstrete, 309. , Fletestrete, 93 , Borchawelane, 336. , Lombardstretc, 541. , Lymestrete, 439. , Nedelerslano, 336. Oldfyschestret, 9. , Paternoster Lane, 111. , Secollane, 135. Sermonerslane, 336. , Soperslane, 336. , Tamystrete, 27, 509, 540. , Martelane, 514. Watlyngstrete, 24, 46. , Wyndegoselane, 512, 540. dyers of, 236. , mercers of, 31, 177. , pewterers of, 424. weavers of, 111. , principal clerks of, 544. London churches : Allhallows, Barking, 192 , at the Hay, 564, 565. , Stiincnchirhe, 112, 514. St. Andrew Hubberd, 22. St. Antoninus, 586. St. Bartholomew the Less, 112. St. Benet Shorhogge, 514. St. Bride, Fleet Street, 553. St. Christopher, 469. St. Denis, 69. St. FiWin within Newgate, 380. St. Leonard, Fastoure Lane, 42. St. Martin in tlie Vintry, 330. London churches — cont. St. Mary, Aldermary, 24, 46, 369, 395. , Barking, 46. , Metfelon, 28. , Moises, in Frydaystrete, 109. Stephen, Coiiaanstrete, 68, 69. London p.arishes: Allhallows, Barking, 514. , the More, 509. , at the Hay, 512, 540. St. Andrew, Hoi born, 76. , without the bars of the Old Temple, 143. St. Antony, 336. St. Augustine, 120. St. Bartholomew the Less, 6. St. Benet, Baynard's Castle, 27. , Shorhogge, 514. Tamystrete, 517. St. Botolph, ,\ldrichgate, 20, 419. , without Bishopsgate, 24. St. Christopher by le Stokkes, 309. St. Clement Danes, 74, 88, 414. St. Dunstan in the West, 120. St. Giles without Cripplegatc, 508, 578, 602. St. John, Walbrook, 435, 498. St. Lawrence, Jewry, 68, 120. St. Margaret, Briggestrete, 214. Patyns, 336. St. Martin, Orgar, 161. without Ludgate, 565. in the Vintry, 553. St. Mary, Colchurch, 336. , Stanyng, 357, 414. le Strand, 413. Wolnoth, 541. St. Michael, 341. Pater Noster, 538. , Wodestrete, 36. St. Peter, Coruhill, 309. , le Poer, 309. St. Sepulchre, 120, 121. without Newgate, 135. St. Stephen, Colmanstrete, 68. Walbrook, 8. London, Tower of, 46, 138, 139, 150, 210, 259, 314, 348, 395, 420, 463, 563, 566. , , constable of. See Tiptoft ; Dudley ; Fenys. , , charter dated at, 424. , , king's privy wardrobe in, 480, 590. , , coinage, mint and exchange in, 98, 112, 138, 13!), 149, 150, 185, 227, 239, 313-315, 586. king's free chapel of St. Peter in, 563. 736 GENERAL INDEX. London, port of, 14, 31, 37, 59, 105-108, 116, 122, 132, 153, 159, 160, 165, 166, 168, 176, 212, 213, 216, 226, 229, 231, 234, 245, 259, 262, 264, 269,273, 294, 308, 315, 341, 358, 366, 388, 389, 394, 445, 472, 477, 484, 493, 495, 512, 513, 518, 521, 528, 532, 534, 546, 549, 550, 554, 559, 560, 569, 587, 592, 595, 600. , , customs and subsidies in, 11, 33, 106, 107, 113, 115, 116, 122, 130, 158, 161, 168, 175, 181, 212, 213, 216, 269, 273, 342, 374, 375, 388, 389, 415, 432, 438, 445, 452, 472, 477, 484, 489, 512, 513, 521, 528, 532, 534, 546, 549, 550, 554, 555, 559, 560, 569, 587, 592, 595. , , searcher in, 116, 122, 308. , tronage and pesage in, 166, 229, 259, 269. , ship called la Clement of, 526. , ,le John of 526. , , le Lytyll Trinite, of 526. , , la Maria of, 526. , , le Martyn of, 525. , ,le Mary Flowre of, 355. , , le Old Elyn of, 355. , ,la Petyr of, 526. , , le Trinite of, 489, 495, 526. Londys, Eoger, 255. Long, Henry, 351. Longbarns, in Beauchamp Roding, co. Essex, 290. Longbridge, co. Kent, hundred of, 301. Longcastre, John, 215. Longden, co. Westmoreland, 531. Longdon. See Langdon. Longe, Henry, 196, 219, 220, 247, 408, 428, 573, 635. John, 83. , , parson of St. George's, Exeter, 599. , Katharine, 158. , Robert, 158. Nicholas, 524. Philip, 434. Thomas, 526. Longecombe. See Combe. Longeman, John, parson of Culmington in le Corvedale, 543, 557. Longfield [co. Kent], 359. Longford, John, 577. Longhope, co. Gloucester, 397, 541, 562. Lougkirchill. See Critchell, Long. Long Load, Langelode, co. Somerset, 148. Longney, co. Gloucester, 448. Longo Campo, William de, bishop of Ely, chancellor of Richard I., 328, 376. Longton, Langeton, co. Lancaster, 17. Longuevile, Longvill, George, 212, 218. Longwyke, co. Buckingham, 35. Lonsdale, Londesdale [co. Westmoreland], 334, .')3 i. Loode, Thomas, 453. Looneryk, Thomas, 302. Lopham, North, co. Norfolk, 257. Lopham, Thomas, 253. Lorde, Thomas, 524. Lorkyn, John, 29. , William, 73. Losinga, Herbert, bishop of Norwich [1091- 1119], 459, 460. Lostwithiel, Lastichiall, co. Cornwall, port of, 210. , exchequer of, 157. , seal called ' le Touehe ' at, 162. Loterell. See Luttrell. Loterigge, co. Cornwall, 58. Lother, William, 303. Lothingland,Ludyngland,co. Suffolk, hundred of, 242. Lotte, William, 433. Loty, John, 194, 522. Louekyn. See Lovekyn. Loughborough, Loughebnrgh, co. Leicester, 26, 212, 517. Loughor, CO. Glamorgan, 163. Loughrigg, Loghrigge [co. Westmoreland], 334, 531. Loughton, CO. Essex, 327. , CO. Nottingham, 297. Loughton, George, 50. , Thomas, 144. Louis XL, king of France, 56, 156, 536, 559, 571, 583. Louis ap Jankyn, parson of Manafon, 342. Louis ap Oweyn, parson of Llandyssil, 186. Lound, CO. Suffolk, 325. Lounde, John, 74, 228. Loure, Nicholas, 162, 218. Louth, lord of. See Bathe. , county of, 193. .......... CO. Lincoln, 122, 254, 422, 528, 595. Louth, Thomas, 617. Love, Robert, 394. , Thomas, 287. Loveday, Richard, 578, 589. Lovekyn, George, 472, 565, 594. , John, 550. Lovelas, Richard, 197, 198. , Thomas, 302. Lovell, Agnes, 422, , Alice, dame Lovell, Deyncourt and Gray, 421, 468. , , dame Lovell, 440. , Eleanor, lady Morley, 603. , Francis, 51, 215, 257, 259, 26J, 312, 421, 438, 440,468, 585. , , Anne his wife, 215. , Frideswide, 215. , Hamo, 54. , Henry, lord Morley, 603. , Juan, 215. GENERAL INDEX. 737 Lovell, John, lord, 51, 215, 257, 2.59, 261, 312, 438. , , Joan his wife, 51, 312. , Richard, 196, 349, 608, , William, 461. , , prior of the hospital of St..Iolin the Baptist, by the bridge of Lochia do, 361. Lover, Henry, 502. , j.Joan his v.ifi', 502. Lowas. Sea Lowes. Lowe, John, 300, 5G3. , Lawrence, 4U8, Gil. , Richard, 276, 393. William, 531. Lowcnde, John, 228. Lowes, CO. Northumberland, 523. Lowes, Lowas, Lowys, Ileury, 218. .John, 234, 236. , Philip, 167, 230. Lowestoft, Leystoft, co. Suffolk, 6, 7, 242, COS. , ship called le Margaret of, 353. Lowniaban. See Lochmaben. Lowther, Louther, Hugh, 29, 610. Lowys. See Lowes. Loxle, Thomas, 505. Lo.\.lGy, Lokkesley, co. York, 439. Loxton, CO. Somerset, 504. Loys, Henry, 258. Lubeck, Lubyke, Luke, 605. , province of, 207. Lucas, Ivo, 198. John, abbot of Waltham, 454, 469. , Robert, 251. Lucca, Luca, Luke, 312, 323. Luccoinbe, co. Somerset, 476. Luce. See Lucy. Lucerne. Sec Luzerne. Luckington, Lucton, co. Somerset, 555. Lucok, William, 33. Lucombe, Lucom, Thomas, 58, 102, 104, 378, 427, 610. Lucton. Sec Luckington. Lucy, Luce, Margaret, 422. , Thomas, 349, 432. , William, 289, 348, 349, 403, 405, 430, 481, 634. Luddcnham, co. Kent, 45. Ludc, AVilliam, 37. Ludford, CO. Lincoln, 457, 529. And see Lydford. Ludford, Thomas, 50L Ludgcrshall, co. Wilts, 243, 457, 529, 594. Ludlow, CO. Salop, 261, 304, 574, 589. Ludlow, Richard, 628. , William, 5, 627. Ludyngland. Sec Lothingland. Luc, William, 231. y 9618G. Lnffenham, South, eo. Rutland, 113, Luffenham, Thomas, 287. Lngwardine, co. Hereford, 459. Luke. See Liibeck, Lucca, Luke, Luky, John, 251, Thomas, 29, CO. Lu!l)ai)i, Lullam, Williiv;;i, 412. Lulworth, East, Estlullev.orth, co. Dorset, 273. Lumnour, William, 622. Lumicy, Loniley, Crcorge, 282. slieiifl' or u:idor-shcriff of Korthuniberkii'.d, 471. , Thomas, 282, 3J9, 350. , , of Lumley, 624, 636, C?.7. Lund, Loud on le V/alJ, co. York, 502. Lundy, Londey, co. Devon, 457, 529. Luce, Galeas de, 299. Lunnon, Lunon, co. Glamorgan, 191. Lundyssh, Roger, 255. Lurirashall, Lurgursale, co. Essex (Sussex), 501. Lusshebourne. Sec Lisbon. Lute, Thomas, 1G9, 252, 288, 439, 4C3. And see Lucy. Luthyngton, John, 259. Luton, Lewetcn, Luyton, co. B('d.''or.l, SO, 203, 446. Lutterford, co. Devon, 24, 45. Lutterworth, letters patent dated at, 505. Luttrcll, Loterell, Luterell, Geoffrey, 191. , .lames, 65, 93, 174, 194, 204, -.iM, 364, 522, 523. , Elizabeth his wife, 191, 622. , Richard, 194, 523. Luyde. See Lyde. Luyt, Thomas, 222. Luyton. See Luton. Luzerne, Lucerne, iu Normandy, abbot of, 63, 4G1. Lychefeld. Sec Lichfield. Lychcfeld, Henry, 433, John, 223. Richard, 143. , Roger, 301. And sec Lichcfeld. Lydd, Lydc, co. Kent, 283, 303, 428, 546. Lyde, John, IDS. Lyde, Luyde, co. Hereford, 450, 4G3, 5ii5. Lydesynge. See Lidsiug. Lydford, co. Devon, 173. , Ludford, CO. Somerset, 32, 137. Lydiard, Bishop's, co. Somerset, 473. , West, 499. Lydiard, Lydeard, Thomas, 375. Lydney, Lidney, co. Gloucester, 397, 411, 541, 562. Lydurant. See Leigh Durant. Lydyngton. See Liddington. 3 A 738 GENERAL INDEX. Lye, Master Alexander, prebendary of Cob- hambury, 589. , , chaplaiu of Freckenliam, 589. ,, prebendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 589. , , prebendary of Dridgiiorth, 338. , John, 400. L^e, water of, 493, 495. .See Leigli. Lygh, William, 349. Lygbfeld. See Leigbfield. Lygbnay, Thomas, 441. Lyght. See Leigh. Ijyghtarnes, Kobert, 355. Lyghton, liicliard, 163. Lyglitwode, William, 77. Lygon, Ligon, Thomas, 29, 70, 218, 345, 350, 406, 496, 526, 513, 518, 530, 03G. , John, 615, 616. , William, 152, 344, 345, 496, 526, 636. Lj'gons, John, 629. Lyhert. iSVe Hert. Lylbourne, Lyllebourne, William, 228, 236. , James, 230, And see Lilborne. Lyle, John, 80. Lyly, llobert, 163. Lynibery, Lymbury, Thomas, 57,427, 610. Lymby, Thomas, 104. Lymeryk, Lemeryk, Lymmeryk, Thomas, 29, 30, 218, 247, 251,407, 490, 513, 614. Lymington, Lemyngton, co. Southampton, 24, 25. Lymmesfeld. See Lirapsfield. Lymon [co. Glamorgan], 163. Lympnour, Thomas, 203. Lympsham, Lympysham, co. Somerset, 305. Lymryk. See Limerick. Lynals, Hugh, 8. Lynay, Thomas, 44 L Lynbrik, Thomas, 54. Lynby. See Linby. Lynche, Thomas, 418, 473. Lynchelade. .See Linslade. Lyudall, John, 75, 385. .." William, 10. Lynde, John, 213. , Thomas, 248. Lyndeley. See Linby. I/j'ndesey. See Lindsay. Lyndesey, John, 437. , Thomas, 577. Lyndewode. See Linwood. Lyndford. See Linford. Lyndhurst, co. South.ampton, 110. Lyndley, Percival, 215. Lyneham. See Lineham. Lynermore. See Leonard Moor. Lyufordc. Sec Linford. Lynford, John, 537. Lyug. See Ling. Lyng, Robert, 73. Lynge, William, 214, 277. Lyngefeld. See Lingfield. Lyngen, John, 350, 407, 610. , William, 143, 432. Lynghan, John, 288. Lynhals, Henry, 102. Lynley. See Linley. Lynn, Lenn, co. Norfolk, 201, 217, 221, 244, 519. , port of, 263, 268, 4!0. , South, 470. , Bishop's, 73, 79, 149, 169, 170, 201, 217, 221, 225, 323, 081, 435, 500, 519, 576, 577. , port of, 206, 230, 268, 375, 452. Lynter, Richard, 300. Lj'nton. See Linton. Lynton, John, 462. Lj'nwode. See Limvood. Lyon, Isabel, 322. , AVilliam. 434. Lyonhill, David, 461. Lyre, co. Hereford, 582. Lysle. See Lisle ; Talbot. Lysour, John, 159. Lystir, John, 277. Lyswell, Roger, 404. Lysyns. See Lesnes. Lyte, John, 10, 256. , , Joan his wife, 256. , Thomas, 33, 84, 86. Lytelfeld. See Llttlefield. Lytelham. See Littleham. Lytelton. See Littelton. Lytescary [in Charlton Mackrell], co. Somerset, 84, 86. Lythwood, Lithewode, co. Salop, 41, 183. Lytle. See Little. Lytley, Lytteley, Thomas, 209. Lytton, Robert, 552. Lyttylby, Humphrey, 285. M. Maasland, Maslond, in Holland, 448. Mable Crosse (Mullacott Cross), co. Devon, 105. Mablethorpe, Malberthorpe, co. Lincoln, 279, 508. Macclesfield, co. Chester, 328. Mackland, ]\Iekclond, in Rainliam, co. Kent, 540, 541. GENERAL INDEX. 739 Madeley, William, 29. , Elleu his wife, 29. Madison, Edward, 3.56. Magdalen Laver, Mauddcyn Lavtr, co. Essex, 303. Blagna Carta, 5G3. Maiden 15iadley, co. Wilts, 141. Maidenhead, MaydcnhcJe, .ship called Kervyll of, 3.V). Maiden Newton, Maydcneuton, c ). Dorset, 327, 373. Maidford, Maydeford [co. NorthaniptonJ, 1. Maid.stoiic, Maydeston, co. Kent, "4. , hundred of, 301. Maior, John, 435. Maister, Thomas, 507. Makclayn, John, 214. Makenham, Gaudebenis, 142. Makerell, Ralph, 175, 488, 495. , , parson of Bottesford, 245. , Master Ralph, chancellor of queen Margaret, 235. , prebendary of St. Stephen'ts, Westminster, 235. Makesey. See Maxey. Makwiliam, Edward, Gi l. Malard, William, 353. Malary, Peter, 271. And see Malory. Malherthorpe. See Mablethorpe. Malboiirgh, John, 462. Maldon, Maudon, co. Essex, abbey of >St. Nicholas by. See Beoleigh. Malegreffe, John, 465. , Thomas, 4G5. , , Joan his wife, 4G5. Malet, Thomas, 115. Malghom, John, 81. Malliam, Mallom, co. York, 81. IMaliard, Geoffrey, parson of Borley, 411. Maliere. See Malory. Mallerstang, co. Westmoreland, 201, 423, 532. Malleryng, Peter, 494. Malleverer, Edmund, 378. .^Iwrf sec Maulevcror. Mailing, East, Estmallyug, co. Kent, 254. , West, 302. Mallom. See Malham. Mallom, John, 81. Malmesbury, co. Wilts, 76, 232, 242, 603. , burgesses of, 267. , charter dated at, 34. , John, abbot of, 419, 635. , , abbot and convent of, 232, 242. Malmesbury, Roger, -warden of tho hospital of St. James by Westminster, 63. Male Lacu, John, de, parson of Bainton, 102. , Peter, 102, 103. , , Margaret his wife, 102. JIalo Lacu, Constance, 103. , Elizabeth, 103. Malory, Malery, Maliere, Richard, 410, 479. , , eschcator of Derby, 479. Robert, 250, 274. , Thomas, 274. y4 /id see Malary ; ^laluery. Ma'p.is, c). Chester, 604. Malpas, David, 25^!, 627. , John, 402. , Piiilip, 1-lG, 147. Maister, William, 481. Maltby, co. York, 20, 419. le Marsh, co. Lincoln, 412. Maltby, John, 215. Malton, Old, co. York, 2. , New, 2. Malton, John, parson of North Cove, Ul, 537. parson of West Thurrock, 537. Maluery, William, 545. And see Malory. Malvern, Great, co. Worcester, 102, 505. Little, 102. Malvcrue, Ifenry, 322. Mahv.ard, Thomas, 500. Malyu, William, 324. Man, Isle of, arms of, 529. Man, John, 396. Manafon, Manavon [co. Monlgoincry], 312. ]\Iaid)j', CO. Lincoln, 508. Manchester, Richard, 2. Maner.s, Robert, 197. , , sheritf of Noithuinberl.ind, 282. Manewden, co. Essex, 393. ilannok, John, 183. Maunyng, Margaret, 581. Thomas, 180. , , dean of St. George's, Windsor, 255. , William, 82. Mannyngham. See Manyngham. Manorbier, jMaynarbyerc, co. Pembroke, 32, 137. Mansell, John, provost of Beverley, 123. Manser, Ralph, 567. Mansfield, Maunsfeld, in Shirwodc, c;;. Not- tingham, 1 11, 43S, 441, 443, 417, 482. Mantliorp, .James, 98. Mauton, co. Rutland, 82. Manweiinek. Sec Menwynnek. Manwcryng. Sec ^laynwaryny. -Manyn^-ham, Maunj ngliani, John, 14C, 227, 485, 570, 607. , Oliver, 152, 3G8, 604. , Eleanor his wife, 152, 368. Manypeny, William, 271. Mapperton, Maporton, co. Dorset, 457, 529. Marazion, Marghaiowe, co. Cornwall, 104. 3 A 2 740 GENERAL INDEX. MaiLury, William, 414. Marcactou, co. Derby, 62. Marcaunte, John, 178. Marcellis, Henry, 42. March, earldom of, 24, 180, 2G2. , , chancellor of. See. Martyn, Marchall, Christopher, mayor of York, 378. , Robert, 878. John, 74, 148, 240, 420, 50G, 513. Marchall, Nicholas, 3. , Richard, 547. , William, 364, 384. And see Marshall. Marchalleslond, co. Cornwall, 58. . Marcham, IVtarkham, co. IJeriis, 18. Marclianf, Marchaunt, John, 109, 588. Marclie, John, 7G. , Laurence, 300. , Ralph, 381. Marchesey, John, 502. , , Joan his wife, 502. Murchington under JSTedewode, co. Stafford, 536. Alarcigny, Martiguy [.Saone et Loire], in France, nuns of, 62, 328. Marden. See Merden. Mardyke, water of, co. York, 428. Mare, William de la, 17. Mareham, Maron, co. Lincoln, 297, 024. Mareschall, William le, 92. Mareys, Thomas, 391. , William, 391. Margaret, queen of Heury VI., 103, 229, 342, 571. , chancellor of. See Makerell. , duchess of Burgundy, sister of Edward IV., 39, 306. Margaretting, Guynge Margarets, co. Essex, 192. Margery, Thomas, 523. Marghaiowe. See Marazion. Marham, William, 380. Marine, in Italy, 74. Marion, John, 318. Mariscis, Cristina de, 93. Mark by Calais, 178, 275,451, 555. Markam. See Markham. Markaunt, John, 14. Marke, John, 224. M;irkedon, Roger, 127. Market, grant of, 17. Market Overton, co. Rutland, 255. Markfield, Merkefeld, co. Leicester, 27, 517. Mark Hall, Merkhalle, in Latton, co. Essex, 23. Markham. See Mareham. Markham, Markam, Markeham, John, 55, 70, 102, 103, 127, 178, 571, 619-621. , chief justice of the King's Bench, 1, 12, 36, 37, 44, 50, 51, 88, 109, 110, 116, 131, 331. Markham, Robert, 247, 350, 352, 407, 462, 619, 625. Thomas, 5, 21, 98, 104, 148, 156, 298, 359, 398, 416, 431, 481, 493, 495, 525, 547, 570. , , parson of Sutton on Derwent, 417. , , parson of Workington, 417. Markwyke, John, 3. Markyate in Caddington, co. Bedford, 204. Marlborough, Marleburgh, co. Wilts., 419. , charter dated at, 63. Marie, Thomas, 251. Marleburgh, Gregory, 553. Marlesford, co. Suffolk, 110. Marlond, Henry, 487. Marlow, Dan John, abbot of Bermoudsf;y, 388, 390. Marmyon, John, 251. , Peter, 243, 249, 251, 286, 625, C26. William, 101, 248, 249, 251,287,350, 406, 625, 626. Marnoy, Marner, Maryner, Henrj', 329. , John, 151, 155, 329, 344, 345. Joan his wife, 15], 244, 345. Marom. See Mareham. !Maron. See ^Mareham. Marowe. See Merrow. jNIarrok. See Morocco. Marsburgh, Thomas, 420. Marshalsea prison, 1, 12, 36, 37, 44, 50, 51, 109, 110, 116, 142, 178, 188, 190, 253, 282, 293, 331, 357, 367, 375, 383, 395, 397, 401, 410, 411, 421, 431, 444, 448, 452, 476, 535, 549, 560, 588, 599, 600, 602-604. marshal of, 41, 85. Afid see Gargrave. Marshall, John, 75, 315, 340, 484, 573. , , Alesia his wife, 484. , Peter, 100. , Robert, 153, 355, 477. , Thomas, 328. , William, 209, 273, 414, 503. And see Marchall. Marshland, Mershlande, CO. Norfolk, 169, 170. , CO. York, 428. Marshwood, Mershewode, co. Dorset, 447. [in Carhampton], co. Somerset, 344, 473. Marsop. See Worksop. Marston, Merston [co. York], 601. Marston Meysey, Merston Meysy, co. Wilts, 232, 241. ^forteyne, co. Bedford, 1, Marston, John, 382, 435, 632. , Thomas, 435. And see Merston. Martigny. See Marcigny. Martin, Julian, 377. Martin, Nicholas, son of, 465. GENERAL INDEX. 711 Martlndale, co. AVeRtmorclaud, 9G. Martiuus, John, 480. Martival, Roger de, bishop of Salisbury [1315-1330], 371. Martock, Mertok, co. Somerset, 226, 339, 503. Marton, Morton, co. AVestniorcland, 32, 137. in Craven, co. York, 505, 549. Martyn, GeoflFrey, 49, 426. , Gilbert, 367. , John, 28, 76, 80, 8:?, 101, 203, 286, 327, 355, 553, 574. , , parson of Littic Waltham, 6. , the elder 203. Peter, 126, 493. Richard, 197, 287, 302, 366, 427, 563, 601, 615, 616, 628, 636. , , dean of Bridgnorth, 600. , chancellor of the earldom of March, 262. , , archdeacon of London, 597. ,, , , prebeadary of St. Stcpheu'i Westminster, 267. , canon of Hereford, 448. , , parson of St. Feter's, Guisaes, 358. , Robert, 101, 151, 197, 288, 389, 437, 618. , Thomas, 60, 220, 267, 405, 428, 475, 552, 573, 592, 613. , parson of Pettam, 266. , William, 60, 211, 216, 269, 546. Mary, the king's daughter, 110. Maryner, William, 322. And see Marney. Maryng, Mayryng, co. Lincoln, 297, 321. Maryngthorpe. See Morningthorpe. Maryot, John, 2. , Richard, 349, 608. Maschall, Henry, 499. Masbam [co. York], 599. Maslond. See Maaslond. Maslond, William, 448. Mason, Alexander, 260. , Christopher, 396. , Edmund, 2, John, 83, 147, 277, 384, 431. , , Margaret his wife, 147. , Richard, 8. , Robert, 215, 321. , Thomas, 487. William, 216. Massam, John, 286. Massy, Alvercd, 83. , Henry, 139. , John, 377. Massyngbord, Masyngberde, John, 316, 596. , Thomas, 316. Mata, Thomas, 427. Mate, Thomas, 77. Mateshall. Sec Matlishall. Mathell, John, the elder, 635. Mathewe, Richard, 226. , Walter, 416, 411, 536. , William, 49, 50, 75, 200, 260, 331, 402, 458, 555. Mathon, Matham, co. Worcester, 3. Matilda the Empress, 13. Matravers, Thomas de, 196, 199. And see Arimdell. Mattishall, Mateshall, co. Norfolk, 31. Mauclerk, Walter, bishop of Carlisle [1223- 1246], 17. JIaudeleyn, Richard, 336. Maudelcyn Laver. See Magdalen Lavcr. Maudou. See Mahlon. Mauleverer, Halnath, 246, 247, 269, 612. Arid see Malleverer. Mauley, Thomas, 497, 524, 526, 572. Mauncell, Cecily, 586. , Richard, 420. , Thomas, 391. , , Theobalda his wife, 391. , , escheator in Souiersct, 194. 522. , William, 193, 200. And see Maiin.«c'll ; Mnuutell. Maunche, John, 10, 503. , Robert, 353. Maundelynes [co. Meatli], 50<. Maunsell, John, 60. Mauntcli, Walter, 349, 405, 557, 584,623, 625. A7id see Mauncell. Maunteyn, Richard, 197. Maurice ap Jevan, 77. , , Juliana hia wife, 77. Mawdeslcy, Moudcsluy, co. Lancaster, 17. Maxey, Makesey, co. Northampton, 151, 294. Mnxstoke, Maysfokc, co. Warwick, 12. May, Edward, 576. , John, 101, 16S. 169, 171, 409. , rector of Allhallows at the Hay, London, 564, 565. Mayde, John, 331. Maydeford. See Maidford. Maye, Robert, 417. Mayer, William, 486. Mayhow, Mayhowe, Richard, 79. , , parson of St. Potir bv Calais, 309. , parson of Winclielsea, 265. Mayland, co. Essex, 14. Majle, Richard, 489, 566. Mr.yleghwyn, John, 77. Maynarbyere. See Manorbicr. Maynesforth, ^layncsford, John, 281. Mayuwaryng, Manweryng, Jc hn, 402, 491. Thomas, 24 1 . , William, 628. J 4.2 GENEEAL INDEX. ^fayrp, Henrj', 119. JIjjT^-ng. See Maryr.g. JIayson, "William, 216. Jleasdeii, Mcsedcn, co. Hertford, 321. Meath, Methe, in Ireland, 273. , county of, 193, 468. , bishop of. See Sherwood. diocese of, 46.5. jSIeaux, Mewes, co. York, ahhot of, 75. William, abbot of, 382. Mecheley, John, 3G2. Mede, I'hilip, mayor of Bristol, 129, 172. , Richard, 6. Medessholl. See Mitchell. Aledici, society of, 481. Medicis, Prosper Camilio dc, o86, .'j57. Medway river, 1S8. Medwaj', ship called la Trinili: of, 526. Jleer?, Thomas, 285, 619. MefCelj'n, John, 76. , "iViilitun, 76. ]\Iegcr, Tiobert, 251. Aleivod, Meyvode [co. Montgomery], 233. Mekelond. Sre Mackland. Mekulton. S.'c ?\Iii:k!eton. Mekylfeld, Mekelfeld, William, 406, 631. Mclborne. Sci- .Milboinc. ^Melbourne, Melhiune, eo. York, 115. Melbourne, iilelbor;), Melhurne, Johu, 226, 318. , Thomas, 1, 148, 318. AVilliam, 120. Melburj-, John, 61. Melchet [in I'laitforJ, co. Wilts], G48. Melchuyt, eo. Wilt.s, forest of, 547. Melen, Koland, 287. Mell, Eoger, £56. Mellesden. See Molesdoii. Meilis, CO. Suffolk, 499. Melros, William, 84. ^lelsenby, William, 223. ]^I<.-lson, John. Sol- Melton Mowbray, co Leicester, 212. Melton. See, Milton. MfltOD, John, 261, 636. , W;i iani, 433. , William de, dean of St. Martin le Grand, Loudon, 99. Afi mbury, co. Devon, 461, 551. Meadham, Mendani, co. Suffolk, 297, 538. Mendliam, Menedam, Mendame, William, 31)7. Jfendlesham, ]\[endelysham, co. Suffolk, 3. Mendryra, John, 587. Mcnerell, Thomas, 253. Jlfcuerere, William de la, prior of Tickford, 376. jrciK'tliorpe, Menkthorpe [co. York], 286. Weugliara, co. Soiithnmptnii, 9t. Menkthorpe. See Mencthorpe. Menwyunek, Manwennek, Robert, 588. , William, 65, 246, 610. Merablc, Simon, 82. Mercer, Ralph, 57, 128. , Robert, 128. , William, 128. Mercians, king of. See Kenulf. Mercier, John le, 354. Merden, Marden, co. Kent, 457, 529. hundred of, 301. Mere, -Meere, co. Stafford, 470. Mereworth, co. Kent, 110. Merford, co. Salop, 192. Meriden, Mcryden, co. Warwick, 145. Merifeld, Meryfeld, John, 55, 308. Merioneth, Merennetb, county of, 113, 165, 193. , , sheriff of. See Chamberlcyn, Mei-iot. See Merriott. MtrkefL-kl. See Markfield. Merkhalle. See Mark Hall. Merland, Henry, 405. Mermyn, John, 419. Merriott, Jleriot, co. Somerset, 456. Merrow, jMarowe, co. Surrey, 578. Mersf^'n, co. Northumberland, 523. Mersham, co. Kent, 301. Mershewode. See Marshwood. Mershlande. See Marshland. Merssh, Edmund, 147. Mersshbaldyngton. See Baldon Marsh. Mersshewode, See Marshwood, Merstou. See Marston. Merslon, John, 253, 382, 632. , , Rose his wife, 253. , Riehard, 515. , AVilliam, 632. ]Mert3k. See Martock. Merton, co. Oxford, 74. , eo. Surrey, prior and convent of, 111, 183. , charter dated at, 423. And see Marton. Merton, Roger, 49, 331. Mervyu, John, 306, 311, 443, 603. , Walter, 603. Mery, Johu, 375. Meryfeld. 5ee Merifeld. Meryman, Thomas, 506. Merynges, AVilliam, 199, S50, 625. ]\Ieryngthorpc. See Morningthorpe. Mescliines, Hugh de, earl of Chester, 35. , Ranulph de, carl of Chester and Lincoln, 34, 35. Mcsedeu. See Measden. Mcsele, co. Buckingham, 471. Mcstcil, Thomas, 68, GENERAL INDEX. 743 Metcalfe, Metkalf, George, 216, James, 21, ll'J. , John, 21. , , Alice bis wife, 21. , Lionel, 215. Miles, 21, 177, 572, G37. , Thomas, 21, 334, 421. Meteham, Thomas, 199. Mctehome, profit called, 13G. Metheley, John, 407, 4C2, G25. , Thomas, 131. Methop, Dan John, 49. Metkalf. See Metcalfe. Metley, Thomas, 627. Mcttou, CO. Norfolk, 191. Metton, Ileury, 353. Metyngliam, Walter, 79. , Alice his wife, 79. Meuland, Roger de, bishop of Coventry and Lichfield [1257-1295], 425. Meur, Hervey, 198. Mcvvcs. See Mcaux. Jlewburne, John, 142. Mewyni, co. Devon, 60. Mey, Thomas, 385, 582. Meye, Stephen, 318. Mey re, llobert, 579. , Thomas, 318. Meyvodc. .See Meivod. Mezcc, Peter le, 521. Michelhall, in Swaffham Ijiilbcck, co. Cam- bridge, 538. Michelhampton. See Minchinhanipton. Michcll, Alan, 203. , Henry, 571. , John, 104, 369. , Nicholas, 552. , William, 104, 236. Aud see Mychell. Michelson, Robert, 266, 368, 513, 526. I\Iickfield, Mykelfeld, co. Suffolk, 225, 326. Mickleton, Mckulton, co. Gloucester, 481. Middelhurg, Midclboiirgh, in Zceland, 240, 282. Middclham, Myddcliiam, John, 286, 336. Middelmorc, John, 10. Middclton. Sec Milton. INIiddeltoD, Midelton, David, 54, 490. .., George, 141, 221. , John, 427. Nicholas, 490. Richard, 346, 531, 571, 624. , , Matilda his wife, 346. , Richard, parson of Siddington, 271. Stephen, 600. , , Emma his ■wife, 600. , Thomas, 4, 106, 355, 426, 572, 635, 638. , , Margaret his wife, 4. Middelton, Adam de, 602. , Peter de, 602. , Thomas do, 602. And see Middletou. Middelwode, co. York, 477. Middilton, AViiliani, 437. Midilton. Sec Middletou. Middleham, co. York, 185, 215, 260, 266, 483, 486, 487. Middlesex, county of, 19, 22, 50, 94,95,99, 102, 151, 178, 218, 222, 232, 248, 252, 263, 274, 278, 280, 349, 353, 405, 462, 463, 492, 496, 509, 540, 546, 556, 557. , , sherifY of, 20, 178, 25?, 274, 280, 295, 379, 492, 557. And r.ce Smyth; Ileriot ; Stokker ; IJillcsdon ; llricc ; Cohvyche. escheator in, 123, 135, 206, 265, 373, 391, 472, 597, 598. And see Dotelcr; Willy; Towc ; Cliflfoid. , , outlawries in, 3, 5-8, 11,20, 37, 49, 72-75, 77-82, 141, 143-1 19, 173, 178, 188, 189, 202-204, 223-228, 253, 254, 256, 257, 282, 320-32-', 324-327, 331, 357, 362, 364, ;;67, 380, 383-387,397, 410, 431-430,413,453, 482, 498-504, 549, 560, 575-577, 579- 582, 602, 604. , , coroner in, 329. justices of the peace in, 252. , , commissions of the peace of, 621. Middlcton, Midilton, co. Suffolk, 484. [co. Stafford], 357. CO. York, 334, 531. CO. Wilts, 63. Hr3'mraesfeld, co. Wilts, 206. And sec Milton. Middleton, John, 100, 161, 197. , Stephen, 161. , William, 161. de, bishop of Norwich [1278- 1288], 539. yl«(/ it'c Middelton. Midforde. See Mitford, Midley, Mydlc, co. Kent, 283, 516. Midnyght, William, parson of Ilarwcy by Calais, 482. , , parson of St. Michael, Nortli- ampton, 482. Mikkulton. See Mickleton. Milbornc, Melborne [co. Somerset], 53. , Mclbornbeke, co. Dorset, 63. , Milburo, Simon, 407, 615, 616. Mildenhall, co. Suffolk, 4, 49. CO. Wilts, 466. Mildrede, William, 5. Mile Iv.ul, CO. Middlesex, 375, 388. Miles, Mylcs, Mylys, David, parson of Pad- worth, 230.' 744 GENERAL INDEX. Miles, John, 125, 320, 435. ap Kerry, 388, 4C9. !Milewater, ^Mjlewater, Eleanor, 390. Thomas, 390. , John, 54, 57, 58, GO, 102, 120, 198. ]\Iilford, Milforth by Shirbouru in Elraet, co. York, 145. Milford. Milleford, William, 20, 95, 248. Mille, Mulle, Mylle, Hugh, 20, 119, 283, 512. Humphrey, 453. , John, 211,381. , Nicholas, 576, 578. Reginald, 453, 454. , Richard, 435. , Thomas, 257. , , the younger, 453. , , the elder, 453, 454. , Marjory his ivife, 453. , William, 110, 448, 453, 454. Miller, Henry, 54. , , John, 164. , Peter, 113. , Thomas, 481. , William, 178. ]\lill()m, Mj'Uum, co. CuiubLi'liUid, 2C8. Millow, Milnho, co. Bedford, 485. Millyng, Master Thomas, abbot of West- minster, 17:), 2'jr,, 408, 472, 474, 476. , bishop of Hereford [1474- 1492], 467, 472, 474, 476, 615, 616, 628, 636. Milne, John, 146. Milnebek. See Milnthorpe. Milner, Thomas, 215, 277. And see Mylncr. Milnho. See Millow. Milnthorpe, Subtusm^ hu'bek [co. West- moreland], 334, 531. Milstcad, Mylkestede, co. Kent, 469. 2>Iiltou, CO. Cambridge, 276. , Melton, Middeltou, co. Kent, 6, 101, 433, 457, 529, 561. , hundred of, 302, 457, 529, 561. Bryan, co. Bedford, 191. Damerell, co. Devon, 36. Milton, Richard, 179, 338. Milward, Milleward, John, 436, 440. , Thomas, 320, 481. ^nt/ see Mylwarde. Mims, Mymmes, North, co. Hertford, 337. , South, CO. Middlesex, 178, 436. Minchinhamptou, Michelharapton, Nun's Hampton, co. Gloucester, 65, 453, 534. Minehead, Mynhed, co. Somerset, 330, 364, 522, 525. Mines, 132, 464, 506, 513. Minster, Mynster, co. Kent, 302, 55C. Minstcrwovth, co. Gloucester, 433, 481, 588. Mints. See Bristol ; Cilais ; Coventry ; Purham ; Loudon; Noi wi«h ; York, Mirfield, Thomas, 144. Missenden, Mussendeu, co. Buckingham, Robert Ryseburgh, abbot of, 288. Missynden, Bernard, 352. Mistertou, co. Nottingham, 157. , CO. Somerset, 458, 530. Mitchell, Medessholl, co. Cormvall, 1. Mitford, Midforde, co. Northumberland, 523. Mittou, CO. Worcester, 110. Milton, William, 347, 628, 630. Moalones. See Molene. Mochelney. See Muchelney. Mockyng. See Mucking. Modbergh, co. Somerset, 93. Modbury, co. Devon, priory of, 63. Mody, John, 182. Moigne, Thomas, 200, 285, 354, 621. Moile. -See Hiloyle. Mokkyng. Sec Mucking. Moklowe, John, 365. , William, 398. Mole, John, 49, 323, 331. Molene, Moalones (in Finisterc), in Britann^', 474. Molesdou, Mellesdeu, co. Northumberland, 523. Molcyns, Thomas, 171, 225, 326. Mollyng, William, vicar of Bradwell, 502. Molyneux, Edmund, 246-248, 608. , , sheriff of Bedford and Buck- ingham, 591. , Robert, 169. , Thomas, 247, 407, 462, 490, 497, 572, 625. , William, 208, 218. Molyus, William, lord of Molyns, 368. Mompespoii, Monpesson, Mounpcsson, John, 2;;0, 3.t6, 406, 408, 427, 428, 463, 635. Monca, William, 44. Monde, John, 526. Mone, Mouue, John, 196, 220, 284, 406, 428, 552, 573, 613. Moueux, in Rockland, co. Norfolk, 515. Moniash. See Monyash. Monk Bretton, Monkverton, cr>. York, 385. , Richard, prior of, 385, 435. Monke, John, 578, 589. Moukenfarlegh. See Monkton Farleigh. Monkered, in Flanders, 57, 129. Monkes Bradfeld, co. Suff'olk, 36. IMoukbnd, Monkelane, co. Hereford, alien priory of, 424. Monk Okehampton, iNlonkehampton, co. Devon, 24, 45. MoukShciborne, Wcstshiibornc Monacliorum, CO. Southampton, priory of, 394. Moiiksilver, co. Somerset, 4C1, 551. Monks' Kirby, Kirkcby Mouachoriirap co. Warwick, 133. GENERAL INDEX. 745 Monks' Kirby, priory of, 136. , prior and convent of, 135. Monkton, co. Kent, 108, 446. Monktou Farleigh, Monkenfarlcgh, co. Wilts, priory of, 97, 313. , prior of, 63, 328. , Dan John Strattou, prior of, 97. , Dan John Shiouesbury, prior of, 97. , Dan Thomas Grove, prior of, 313. Monkton, Moor, Moremonktou, co. York, 483, 486, 487. Monkvertou. Sec Monk lirctton, Monnemoutb, Richard, 453. Monnyng, John, 323. Monpesson. See Mompcsson. de Mont, Eobert, 333. Montacutc, co. Somerset, priory of S.S. Peter and Paul, 14, 15. , convent of, 14, 15. , prior of, 63, 461. ,,, , Dan Robert Criche, prior of, 14, 15. John Dore, prior of, 15. , John Water, sub-prior of, 15. Moutacute, Mountague, Thomas, carl of Salis- bury, 30, 550. , , Alice his wife, 550. Montagu, Mouctaga, Mouutygowc, Richard, 242, 256. , WiUiam, of Ileii'.cy, 406, 428. Monte Ferralo, Ahin de, 154. Montcfort. Sec Moiitfort. Monte Gomeri, Walter dc, shcrilF of Notting- ham and Derby, 130. Montfort, Mountford, Simon, 106, 218, 348, 405, 606, 634. Montgomery, 22. Montgomery, Mougomery, Mouutgomcry, John, parson of Solihull, 206. , Thomas, 112, 151, 173, 195, 199, 287, 309, 317, 329, :!44, 345, 351, 407, 490, 523, 528, 532, 538, 571, 578, 583, 586, 608, 613. Monyash, Moniash, co. Derby, 397, 460, 541, 562. Monyngton, Thomas, 220, 284, 407, 520, 615, 616. , , sheriff of Hereford, 424. Moone, John, 293. Moore, Henry, 351. , Reginald, 561 . Moor, James, 93. Moor End, Morobeiide, co. Northampton, 457. INIcor Park, More [iu Riekiiumswortli] , co. Hertford, 619. ]\Ioortou, Richard, the older, 101. ]\Iorand, Philip, 53. . Morden, Moredon, eo. Surrey, 78. , Steeple, co. Cambridge, 501. ]Morc, 574. , CO. Hereford, 484. More, CO. Oxford, 67. [co. Salop], 294. More. See Littlemore ; Moor. More, Geoffrey, 501. , Henry, 57, 405, 417, 429, 629. John, 61, 89, 192, 210, 219, 268, 456, 499. , , Windsor herald, 20!, 217. 22). Dame Margaret, abbess of Godstow, 239, 241. , Nicholas, 596. , Philip, 404, 405, 429. , Richard, 80, 147, 173, 289, 38.;. , Thomas, 75, 112, 208, 380, 381. Tristram, p.arson of Dorchester, 544. , AVilliam, 19, 24. John at, 08. atte More, Henry, 571. , John, 571. , William, 571. Moreby, John, prior of Epwortli, 136. Moredon. See Morden. Morehende. See Moor End. Moreholme [eo. Lancaster], 334, 531, 532. Moreland, Tliomas, 281. Morell, Ivlward, 00. Moremonktou. .Sec .Monkton. Morend [co. Northampton], 345, 529. Moreqwate [co. Cumberland], 215. Morer, .Afastcr John, parson of Ashbury, 280. Mores, John, 82. Moresby, Chrisfopher, 288, 334, 330,423.490 606, 610, 635. » • escheator of Cumberland and Westmoreland, 345. > sheriff of Cuuibe:laud, 345. , sheriff of Westmoreland, 345. , Elizabeth, 24, 43. , James, 596. , Thomas, 407. Moreslcy. See Moseley. Moresley, Thomas, 350, 624. Moretou, Morton, co. Essex, 1 60. , South, CO. Berks, 147. Moreton. See Corbet. Moreton, Ralph, 289. , Roger, 49, 331. , William, 49, 331, 604. And see Morton. Morevcs iu Waldingfichl, co. Suffolk, 480. Moreys, Thon;as, rector of Belchalwell, 92. Mi)rfell. See Morville. Morgan, David, 375. > Hugh, dean of Rangor, 134. > parson of Llanaber, 304. , John, 29. , Philip, 220, 319, 635. J , parson of Bladon, 213. ' Thomas, 29, 30, 54, 57, 58, 102, 317. 331, 407, 450, 453, 463. 746 GENERAL INDEX. Morgan ap Meredith, 107. ap Jeliaukyn ap Philip, rji, 561. ap Thomas ap Griffith, 180. Morice Perrenot, 201, 217, 221. , Kobert, 208. , William, 198. Morisse, Peter, 213. , Eobert, 213. Morisson, Peter, 309. Morlaix, Mourleis, iu Britanuy, 198. , ship called le Marye of, 198. Mori and, Morloud, John, 75. , William, 325, 583. , , canon of St. Paul's, Loudon, 590. , , prebendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 244, 590. , , keeper of the rolls of Chancery, 245. , , dean of St. George's, AVindsor, 245. Morley, Nicholas, 72, 247, 249, 320, 322, 351, " 406, G33. , Richard, 203. , Robert, 5G0. see Lovell. Moniin/flliorpe, ISIiiryngthorpc, co. Norfolk, :j'J7, 562. Jloroeco, Marrok, the straits of, 11, 53, 59, 85, 87, 108, 126, 132, 134, 153, 155, 160, 161, 105, 212, 213, 270, 273, 30G, 34], 389, 415, 445,532, 533, 546, 547, 559, 5C0. Mortuin, count of. See John. IMorteignc, alien deanery of, 62. Mortimer, Mortemer, Mortymer, David, 491. , John, 431. , Robert, 548. Morton, Moreton, co. Lincoln, 297, 560. , iu Uinton, co. Buckingham, 309. Brutes. See Birts Morton. , Little, Lytelmorton, co. Cornwall, 383. Sawbery, CO. Salop, 521. And see Moreton. Morton, Charles, 77. , John, 261, 363, 380, 582. , , archdeacon of Norwich, 39. , keeper of the rolls of Chancery, 334, 345, 366, 374, 379, 472, 516, 517, 583, 557. , Nicholas, 883. , Richard, the cider, 168. , Eobert, 23. , Thomas, 144. Mortornc, co.' Salop, 192. Mortymer. Sec Mortimer. Morval, Morvcll, co. Cornwall, 1"5, 575. Morvillc, Alorfell [co. Salop], prebend of, 338. Moryngthorpe. Sec Moruiugthorpc. Morys, Edmund, 318. , John, 60. , Richard, 415. , Robert, 299, 333. ; Stephen, 146. , Thomas, 65. William, 288. Moseley, Moresley, co. Worcester, 411. And see Mowsley. Mossdale, co. Cumberland, 96. Mosse, John, 74. !Mote, lord of. See Wydevillc. Mothewey, John, 440. Moton, Motton, Richard, 444. , Robert, 104. , , Elizabeth his -wife, 104. William, 98, 287, 292, 350, 405, 515, 517, 619. , , escheator in the county of Warwick, 133. Mouden, Laurence, 7 1 . IMoudesley. See Mawdesley. Moulton, Multou, in Holand, co. Lincoln, 384, 431. , CO. Norfolk, 191. i , CO. Suffolk, 93. ' , CO. York, 200, 483, 486, 487. • Mounby. See Mumby. j Mounceaux, Simon, 387. i Mounde\ile, jNlichael, 224. Mounley, William, 224. Slouutague. See Moutacutc. Mount Carmel, order of, 333, 375. , prior of, 333. Mouuteyu, Richard, 289, 525. Mounteynys Ynge. See Monntucssing. ?\Iountferant, Bertram, lord, 52. j Petronilla his wife, 52. Mountfort. Sec Monlfort. I Mountgomery. See Montgomery. Mountgracc, co. York, prior and convent of, 304. , Robert, prior of, 304. Mountjoy, lord of. See Blount. Mountnessing, Mounteynys Ynge, co. Essex, 369. Mount Orgueil, in Jersey, 124. Mount's Bav, Montcsbay, co. Cornwall, 54, 101. " Mounttane, Alan, 244. Llountygowe. See Montagu. Mourleix. See Morlaix. Mourne, Mowrne, in Ireland, 1G5. jMourton, Richard, 357. IMonsele, lord of. See Adourins. I\I()uselioIe, IMousoIc, co. Cornwall, 77, 104. Mowbray, Anne, 59'.). .......... Joan, 107. GENERAL INDEX. 747 Mowbray, John, third duke of Norfolk, 2G, 90, 107, 191, 192, 293. ,, , Eleanor, diiclicss of Norfolk, liis -wife, 132, 191, 293, 488. , John, fourth duke, 83,90, lU), 112, 122, 132, 163, 191, 192, 195-197, 199, 245, 247, 317, 351-353, 373, 408, 488, 502, 539, 583, 593, 599, 622, 626, 630, 633. , Elizabeth, duchess of Norfolk, his wife, 83, 112, 122. , Katharine, duchess of Norfolk, 19, 27, 132, 200, 310, 458, 5J7, 518, 523, 530. Mowene, John, 386. Moweton, William, 433. Mowntford, Ediiumd, 33". Mow.slcy, Moseley, co. Leicester, 153. Moyle, Moile, John, 400, 403, 404, 610. , Walter, 70, 71, 84, 102, 103, 127, 128, 170, 171, 221, 246, 247, 251, 593, 610, 612, 613, 618, 628, 629, 635. , , , justice of the Bench, 179, 181, 227, 229, 344. Moyne, .John, 100. IMuchegrossc, co. Herefoid, 4.)0, 403, .'>i)'>. Muchclncy, Mochclncy, co. Somerset, abbey of, 241, 203, 266. , convent of, 239, 260. , abbot of, 15. William Crukernc, abbot of, 239, 260. , John Bracy, abbot of, 241, 263, 266. Mucking, Mockyng, Mukyng, co. Essex, 146, 147. Mudde, John, 286, 288. , , Joan his wife, 286, 288. Mukyng. See Mucking. Mulgrave, co. York, 102. ]\Iullc. See Milb. Mulso, CO. liedford, ,")€ I. Mulso, William, 248, 319, 137, 622. ^lulton. See Moultoii. INIulton, Bartholomew, 2. , John de, 43. Bobort, prior of St. Juhn of Jeru- salem, 526, 5-15. , , warden of the east and middle marches of Scotland, 545. , William, 433. Mumby, Moumby, co. Lincoln, 457, 529, 530. Mundani. See Luzerne. Tilunden, Little, co. Hertford, ."SI. Mundham, North, NorthniuuJam, co. Sussex, 03, 461. Mune, John, GO. Murage, 54, 393. Murton, Margaret, 215. Musbury, co. Devon, 23, 171, 170, 189, 280, 457, 5C9. Muscote [co, Cambridge], 170. Musgrave, Joan, 215, 288. , John, 288. , Nicholas, 215, 288. , Bichard, 610, 633. , , the elder, 035. , lioger, 464. , Thomas, 480. , AViiliam, 215, 288. Muskam, William, 559. Muskham, North, Northmoscham, co. Not- tingham, 316. , South, prebend of, 559. Mussendcu. Sec Missendeu. Muston, Thomas, 218, 634. , William, 291. Mycfelude. See Mickfield. Myche, John, 318. Mychell, Ivo, 366. And see Michell. Myddelham. See Middelham. Mydle. See Midlcy. Mygnol, Edward le, 198. :Mykelfeld. See Mickfield. IVfyles. See Miles. Mylcwater. See Milcwater. Mylkestcde. See Milstcad. filylle. .SVe Jlillo. Mylluni. .S'ce Millom. Mylncr, William, 573. And sec Milucr. Mylsam, John, !51. Mylton. Sec Milton. Mylwarde, William, 39. And sec Mihvard. Mymmcs. Sec Mims. Myudrem, Myudrym, John, 81, 587. Mynet, Bobert, 501. Mynhed. See Minehead. Mynors, Bichard, 451. Mynskyp, Thomas, 427, 577. Mynte, Thomas, 141. iMynteshede, Myntished, co. Westmoreland, 106, 177. Mynyn Knault de la Pappe, 201, 217, 221. Myres, John, 215. , Bobert, 216. N. Naanby. See Navenby. Nabbe, Thomas, 325. Naffcrton, co. York, 541. Nalbenby. See Navenby Nanby. See Navenby. 748 GENERAL INDEX. Nanby, John, 167, 486, 490. Nandj'ke, William, 222, 382. Nanskylly by Eoswaltres, co. Cornwall, 386. Napton on the Hill, co. Warwick, 64, 411. Narburgh, co. Norfolk, 191. Naseby, John, 8, 81. Nasmyowe, co. Devon, 331. Nasshe, John, 126, 144, 287. ,. , , Marjory his wife, 126. Navenby, Naanby, Nanby, Nalbenbv, co- Lincoln, 62, 131, 328. Nawby. See Newby. Nawene, Nicholas, 434. Naworth, Naward, co. Cumberlimcl, 181. Nayler, John, 22, 468, 469. , , Katharine his wife, 469. , Eichard, 469. ^ Stephen, 469. , , Matilda his wife, 469. Thomas, 469. Nayngham, William, 615. Kedeham. See Needham. Ncdeham, John, 70, 102, 103, 127, 128, 170, 171, 221, 247, 251, 353, 366, 377, 403, 408, 525, r^03, 610,611, 615. 616, 618- 621, 623, 625-637, 634-636, 638. , , justice of the Common Bench, 227, 229. , justice of the King's Bench, 258, 264, 344. Kedging, Neddyug [co. Suffolk], 65. Nedyrsole, John, 445. Needham, Nedeham, co. Suffolk, 93. Market, 324. Ncel, Nele, John, 76. , Richard, 55, 104, 170, 171, 221, 245, 248, 251, 353, 403, 405, 408, 525, 606, 610, 618, G21, 635-638. , justice of the Common Bench, 200, 258, 315, 517. , justice of the King's Bench, 176, 227, 229. , Thomas, 271, 576. Neest, John, 276. Neie. See Neel. Neleson, Neylson, Thomas, 9, 355, 377, 431, 572. Nelmc, Thomas, 578. Ncrochc, Eacche, Eaceher, co. Somerset, forest of, 85, 205. Nesbit, in Scotland, 514. Nesfeld, Nessefeld, John, 263, 286, 287, 318, 377, 483. , Eobcrt, 318. Nesse, Thomas, 152, 210. Nest, John, 231. Ncthcrattebcre. Sec Adbcer. Nethevberc [co. Cornwall], 119. Nethcrhalle [in Bures, co. Suffolk], 25. Netherhall in Waldingficld, co. Suffolk, 515, Nethersole, Nethirsole, John, 389, 428, 463. Netherton, John, 217. , Robert, 200. Netherwichenden. See Wincheudon. Nethirsole. See Nethersole. Netilton, William, 37. And see Nettyltou. Netley, Lcttley, co. Southampton, Thomas, abbot of, 6. , John, .ibbot of, 504. Neto, Peter, 474. Nettlested, Netlisted, co. Kent, 368. Nettylton, William, 3. Atid see Netilton. Neubotelgrave. See Nobottle Grove. Neuburgh. See Newbrough ; Nev/eburgh. Neubury, John, 605. Neuby, Eobert de, parson of Marston, 601. Neubyggyug. See Newbiggin. Neucourt, John, 307. Neucote, co. Leicester, 517. Neuhithe, 526. Neuman, Nicholas, 576. Arid see Newman ; Ncwcman. Neunara. See Newuham. Neunan, Geoffrey de, 105. Neunton. See Newingtou. Neuport, Eichard, 246. , Robert, 381. Atid see Newport ; Newcport. Neuss, Nuce, in Germany, 52. Neuton. See Newton. Neuton, Richard, chief justice of the Bench, 3, 8, 72-74,77,79, 81, 82, 144, 145, 147, 202, 225, 322, 323, 326, 477. A}id see Newton. Neve, John, 380. , Roger, 141. , Thomas, 380. , William, 588. Nevell, Charles, 251. Nevendou, Nevyngtou, co. Essex, 258. Neville, Nevile, Nevylle, Anne, lady of, 362. , Edward, 175. lord of Bergcvennj^ 47, 219, 285, 351, 352, 4G3, 606, 617, 631. , George, 215, 271, 290, 313, 327, 335, 351, 405, 618, C32, 633. , , lord Latimer, 94, 205-207, 200, 221, 289, 295, 296. archbishop of York [1465-1476], 15, 18, 21, 34-36, 40, 42, 112, 114, 117, 132, 135, 177, 190, 217, 244, 258, 310, 332, 470, 517, 532, 550, 554, 588, 607, 608, 610, 611, 615, 616, 621, 624, 625, 634, 636-638. ch;!UC(.lloL- of the University of Oxford, 62R. ,Htmry, 94, 14G, 205, 207, 209, 289, 295, 296, 637. GENERAL INDEX. 749 Neville, Henry, Joan his wife, 289, 295, 290. , Hugh, 243. , Humphrey, 40. , John, 243, 572, 575, 625. , , escheator of Nottingham, 70. , , lord of Montagu, earl of North- umberland, marquess of Montagu, 85, 91, 102, 103, 132, 169, 170, 174, 1S9, 190, 199, 200, 221, 239, 245, 2 IS, 251, 258, 313, 335, 480-488, 510, 009, 010, 616, G17, 619-022, 025, 630, 034, 036- 638. , Isabel his wife, 313, 335,487, 488. , Ralph, earl of "Westmoreland, 535. , Richard, 205-207, 209, 21.5, 295,290. , , earl of Salisbury, 21, 20, 42, 07, 09, 185, 340, 450, 487, 488, 557. , , Alice his wife, 30, 185, 340, 450, 507, 550. , earl of Warwick and Salisbury, 26, 3S, 51, 55, 09, 85, 90, 102, i03, 106, 126, 128, 131, 132, 15?, 155, 160. 106, 109, 170, 177, 190, 206,207, 217- 220, 242, 244-250, 252, 201, 260, 330, 332, 455, 483, 487, 488, .107, 556, 557, 007-614, 610-031, 030-038. , , captain of Calais, 205, 210, 228. , , admiral of England, Ireland, and Aquilaine, 233, 235. , , cliief justice of South Wales, 105. , , chamberlain of South Wales, 105. , chamberlain of England, 170, 262, 314. , , chamberlain of the E.xchcquer, 207. , , grants to, 132, 137. , Anne his wife, 153, 207, 330, 455. , , Anno his daughter, 455, 507. , Isabel his daughter, 455. Robert, 77, 199, 262, 588, 638. , , Ellen his wife, 588. , Thomas, 67, 462, 477, 491, 025. , , parson of Brancepeth, 301. , , of Ilolleston, 100, 025. , , of South Levertou, 247, 407, 625. , William, lord of Faucombor{.'p, carl of Kent, 65. Nevland, Robert, 78. Nevyngton. See Ncvendon. Newark, co. Nottingham, 70. , Northgate by, 481. , letters patent dated at, 205, 217. Ncwbiggin, Neubyggyng, Niewbyggyng, co. Cumberland, 90. , CO. Lancaster, -!50. , CO. Northumberland, £28, 230. , CO. Westmoreland, 148. [co. York], 483, 480, 487. Neweburgli, Newborough, Neuburgh, John, 55, 57, 196, 211, 220,247,406, 428, 573, 013. the elder, 273, 505. , William, 247, 013. Newcdyk, Richard, 80, 308. Newehall, co. Suffolk, 89. ! Newchawe, co. Northampton, 184. Newcnian, John, 430, 575. , , the elder, 578. , , the younger, 578. , Nicholas, 149. William, 320. And see ^ewmnn ; Neuman. Newenham, William, 349, 405, 024. Newent, Thomas, 28. Newenton, Geoffrey dc, 92. Neweport, John, rector of Stanford Uiver.s, 307. , Richard, parcon of Ilovekirko, 272. , Robert, 585. Neweport, William, 430. ylwf/ «ee Newport; Ncuport. Ncwerk, Henry, 303. New Forest, co. Southampton, 52, 88. (in Kirkbv Havcnsworth), co. York, 483, 480, 487. Newington, Neunton, co. Oxford, 500. Newkerkyn, Evcr.ird van, 52. Newland, NcM'clond, co. Gloucester, 481. Newlands, co. Cumberland, 13. Newman, ISenedict, 8, 81. And see Neweman ; Neuman. Newmarket, co. Cambridge, 510. Newnam. See Nunchaui. Newnham, Newenham, co. Bedford, John, prior of, 499. CO. Northampton, 542. CO. Southampton, 8. , Neutiam [co. Kent], 105. by Cliittlehamholt, co. Devon, 187. Little, CO. Warwick, 135. Newport, Neuport, co. Essex, 358. , hospital of St. Mary and St. Leonard, 358. , CO. Salop, 133, 500. , Isle of Wight, CO. Southampton, 571. Pngncll, CO. Buckingham, 345, 457, 529, 504. Newport, John, 76, 82, 280. A nd see Neweport ; Ncuport. Newsholme, Nowsom, in Craven, co. York 307. Ncwstead in Sherwood, co. Nottingham, priory of, 35. , John Dorham, prior of, 35. , Thomas Gounthorpe, prior of, 35. Ncwtimber, Nytymbre, co. Sussex, 192. Newton, Xeuton, co. Kent, 521. , CO. Lancaster, 32, 137. 750 GENERAL Newton, co. Leicester, 27. , CO. Lincoln, 297. , CO. York, 82, 209, 483, 487. Abbot, CO. Devon, 8. Bushell, CO. Devon, 37, 60. Feirers, co. Dovon, 33L Poppleford, CO. Devon, 80, 280, 358, 37G. Harecouit, co. Leicester, 517. Flotman, co. Norfolk, 191. Purcell, CO. Oxford, 500. St. Loe, Neuton Seyntlo, co. Somerset, li9. Toney, Newetony, co. Wilts, 10. Newton, Newetou, Neuton, John, 280, 281, 427, 565. , Maurice, 18, 52, 178. Eicliard, 216, 577. And see Neuton. Newynson, Joliu, 215, 277. , Roger, 215. , Thomas, 214, 277. Newbold on Avon, Newbold Paunton, co. Warwick, 1.S5. Newborough. ^ee Ncweburgh, Newbrough, Neuburgh, co. Northumberland, 523. Newbury, Nowebury, co. Berks, 144, 287, 488. Newby, Nuby of the Stones,''co. Westmore- land, 442. , Nawby, co. Cumberland, 214, 215, 277. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 18, 142, 197, 206, 290, 333, 347, 438, 493, 605. , mayor of. See Carlele. , subsidy and ulaage of cloth in, 333, 347. , charters dated at, 370, 398. , port of, 106, 216, 230, 240, 263, 268, 330, 412, 461, 493, 495, 545, 548, 554, 568, 592. Ncwcliirche, Everard, 52. Newchurch, Newchirche, co. Kent, 283, 546, 547. , hundred of, 300. Newdegate, John, 252. Newebald, Master Robert, prebendary of Chiswick, 176. Niccoll, John, 295. And see Nicoll. Niche, Nyche, Thomas, 325, 385, 432. Nicholas, Nycliolas, Thomas, 432, 445. , Ralph, son of, 123. R., son of, 561. Nicholasson, Arnald, 122. ' Nicholson, Edward, 214, 277. , GcoSrey, 289. , Thomas, 214, 277. , William, 148. Nicolasson, William, 37. INDEX. Nicole, Master John, 499. Nicoll, James, 354. , John, 25, 447. And see Niccoll. Nicott, John, 493. Nightez, William, 406. Noble, Vincenot le, 201, 217, 221, , Vincent le, 201, 213, 217, 221 . Nobottle Grove, Neubotelgrave, co. North- hampton, hundred of, 531. Noke, John, 255. Nomansland [co. Cambridge], 170. Nonant, Hugh de, bishop of Coventry [II88- 1198], 426. Nonmonkton. See Nun Monkton. Nonue Eton. See Nuneaton. Nony. See Nunney. Norburgh, Henry, 411. William, 411. Norbury, Henry, 500. , John, 114, 380. Nordon, Richard, 4. Noreys. See Norreys. Norfolk, county of, 19, 30, 37, 54, 56, 61, 87, 88, 90, 98, 151, 159, 169, 170, 184, 191, 195, 197, 199, 218, 221, 232, 242, 245, 247, 249, 250, 289, 329, 332, 348, 352, 353, 389, 406, 408, 430, 462, 490-492, 496, 513, 525, 563. , , sherifif of, 20, 30, 56, 159, 197, 242, 252, 352, 397, 406, 402, 490, 492, 525. ^jid iee Hevenyngham ; Ree. , escheator in, 98, 186, 221, 227, 298, 373, 400, 470, 481. And sec Pelly ; Grey ; Clere; Pestell. , , outlawries in, 3, 8, 10, 16, 73, 78, 143, 144, 146, 149, 223-226, 253, 255, 256, 322, 323, 326, 327, 381-383, 385, 435, 436, 498, 500, 501, 504, 570, 577, 579, 582. , , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 829, 348, 478. , , commissions of the peace in, 622. , duke, duchess of. See Mowbray. Norham, John, 148. , , rector of Luddenham, 45. Norman, John, 334. Normandy, Normans, 297, 404, 513, 529, 536. Normanton, co. Leicester, 27, 517. Normanvile, Thomas, 199. Norreys, Nores, Norys, James, 218, 515. , John, 5, 144, 203, 242, 385. , , Margaret his wife, 203. , Robert, 204. , Robert le, 123. , William, 178, 195, 196, 241, 242, 349, 352, 374, 400, 488, 008. GENERAL INDEX. 751 Norreys, William, keepei- of the rolls of Chancery iu Irelantl, 04. Norroy king of arms, Thomas, 197. A7id see Hohue. Northam, co. Devon, 4.57, 529. Northampton, 2, 5, 71, 84, 2.32, 2.54, 327, 346, 372, 433, 473, 482, 540, 5G2, 577, 590. mayor of, 194, 292, 416. , letters patent dated at, 490, 631. , battle of, 43, 585. , charter dated at, 63, 478. , archdeacon of. See lliidynge. , statute of, 28. , abbey of St. James by, 278, 283, 292, 594. , convent of, 278, 590. , William Yon, abbot of, 278. , John Grauntwell, abbit of, 283, 292, 590. , , John Wykely, abbot of, 594. , priory of St. Andrew, 194, 195, 358, 415. , convent of, 402. , , William Ilamond, prior of, 19 1, 403. , , Dan Thomas Sudbury, prior of, 415, 418. .county of, 106, 127, 148, 170, 195, 196, 199, 218, 232, 267, 285, 329, 318, 349, 352, 381, 405, 421, 430, 441, 462, 492, 493, 496, 540, 562, GOl. , sheriff of, 92, 285, 340, 405, 492, 493, 525, 570, 571. , And see Hastyuges. escheator in, 35, 9S, 153, 186, 205, 241, 271, 278, 292, 330, 332, 3.59, 400, 415, 475, 597. And see Chambre ; rainier ; Pcmberton ; Wake. , outlawries in, 4, 79, 80, 141, 254, 257, 384, 386, 387, 435, 503, 504. subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 329, 348, 478. , commissions of the peace in, 623. Northcourte in Combo Bissct, co. Wilts, 32, 33. North End, co. Warwick, 64, 411. Northewode, co. Southampton, 94. Northfleet, co. Kent, 435, 463. Northgrove, co. Worcester, 304. Northill, CO. Cornwall, 457, 529. Northland, John, 263. North Lew, Nortlilieu, co. Devon, 27, 32, 137, 473. Northlic. See Leigh. Northmoscham. See Muskham, Norlli. Northpcdirton. .See Petbcrton. Northtauton. See Tawton, North. Nortluinil)erlaud, county of, 219, 251, 290, 317, 329, 333, 317, 350, 407, 430, 438, 463, 490, 545, 605. , ,sherilf of, 197, 251, 350, 407, 438, 463, 490. And sec Planers ; Tercy ; Lumlcy. , , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 329, 333, 347. , , commissions of the peace in, 624. , , carl of. See Perc}-; Neville. Northwieh, Norwyche, co. Chester, 32, 137. Northwold, CO. Norfolk, 322. Nortliwude, Stephen de, 561. , Roger his son, 561. Norton, co. Northampton, 92, 272. lioauchamp, co. .Somerset, 305. Daune, co. Devon, 457, 529. King's, Kyngcsnnrton, co. Worcester, 530. Norton, John, 79, 383, 637. , Itichard, 302. , justice of the Conmion Bench, 58. , Thomas, 164, 629. , William, 3, 53, 226, 325, 391. Norwall, co. York, 80. Norwich, 4, 21, 54,92, 93, 113, 144, 149,161, 184, 197, 225, 226, 253, 251, 272, 223, 329, 342, 348, 353, 357, 384, 387, 413, 432, 434, 491, 496, 500, 536, 549, 576, 579, 586, 588, 591, 599. , mayor of. .S'cc Aubr}- ; Best. , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 329, 348. outlawries in, 80, 144, 149, 253, 255, 323, 384, 434, 576, 577, 579. , mint at, 149. , charters dated at, 460, 539. .diocese of, 91, 107, 161, 186, 230, 267, 307, 342, 347, 410, 418, 467, 470, 475, 537, 582, 586, 589. , bishopric of, 126, 344, 357, 362, 366, 373. bii^hop of. Sec le IFcrt; Goldwcll; Losinga ; Ulundeville ; Salmon ; link ; Spencer ; Grey ; Middleton. , Holy Trinity, prior and convent of, 341, 459. , , Thomas, prior of, 459. , , William, prior of, 460. , archdeaconry of, 39. archdeacon of. See Moreton. Norwich, William, 73, 226, 384. Norwiche, Robert, 487. Norwode, William, 488. Norwych. See Northwich. Islorys, Walter 4. And see Norroys. Noryson, John, 326. Notelegli [co. Devon], 171. 752 GENERAL INDEX. Notewill. See Nutwell. Notley, White, co. Essex, 321. Ifotte, Henry, 52. , John, 208. Nottekyn, Richard, 53. , William, the elder, .53. , , the 3-ounger, 53. Nottinfr, Knottyiigberaes, co. Middlesex, 560. Nottin»haui, 11, 231, 244, 310, 342, 348, 441, 462, 463, 470, 477, 479, 482, 488, 492, 496, 501, 535, 578, 586. , charters dated at, 63, 370. , letters patent dated at, 206, 408, 410, 426, 440, 441, 451, 462, 630. , outlawries in, 501, 578. , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 348. , county of, 55, 70, 130, 195, 199, 218, 233, 243, 247, 251, 284, 285, 329, 348, 350, 403, 407, 428, 430, 441, 442, 457, 462, 482, 492, 496, 511, 513, 529, 535. , , sherifif of, 130, 157, 243, 244, 251, 284, 350, 407, 492, 525. And see Leek ; Monte Gomeri ; Strelley ; Curson. , , escheator in, 35, 271, 332, 475. , And see Neville. , outlawries in, 3, 142, 144, 148, 321, 381, 385, 431, 437, 503, 576. , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 329, 348, 478. , , justices of the peace in, 477. , , con.'unssions of the peace in, G24. Notyngham, William, 54, 58, 81, 127, 132, 198, 251, 288, 299-302, 407, 454, 553, 573, 612-614, 616, 625, 629, 635,636. Nowebury. See Newbury. Nowcrs, John, 226, 374, 375. , Richard, 374, 375, 406. NowEom. Sec Newsholme. Nubcry. See Newbury. Nuberv, Walter, abbot of St. Augustine's by "Bristol, 397. Nuburgh, John, 219. Nuby. See Newby. Nuce. See Neuss. Nacelles, lord of. See Wydoville. Nugent, Christopher, 592. , Richard, baron of Delvyn, 193. Niincaton, Nnneton, Nonne Eton, co. War- wick, 61, 411, 440. Nuneham, Newnam, co. Oxford, 584. Nungell, William, 404. Nun Monkton, Nonnionkton, co. York, 146. Nunue, Henry, 143. NuM'.-.oy, Nony, co. Somerset, 401. Nnnnv, Nunncy, Alice, abbess of Godstow, " 278. John, 6, 7, 407. Nun's Hampton. See Miuchiuhampton. Nunswapham. Sec SwafEham Bulbeck. Nuport, George, 199. Nuselles, lord of. See Wydeville. Nutes, CO. Southampton, 66. Nuthill, CO. York, 457, 529. Nuton, Maurice, 60. Nuton Busshell. See Newton Bushell. Nutwell, Notewill, Nuttewyll, co. Devon, 60, 61, 235. Nyanser, Thomas, 456. Nyche. See Niche. Nycholas. See Nicholas. Nykke, William, 299. Nyman, Master John, chaplain of Chichester cathedral, 413. Nymbery, Thomas, 610. Nytymbre. See Ncwtimber. 0. Oakham, Okeham, Wokeham, co. Rutland, 79, 212, 213, 286, 290. Oakingtou, Hokyngton, co. Cambridge, 508. Oakley, Ocle, Okelde, co. Essex, 431, 439. , Great, 91. Obray, William, 57. Obryth, Obrych, John, 497, 526, 572. Occleve, co. Bedford, hospital of St. John Baptist, John Burgh, warden of, 244, 375. , John Seymour, warden of, 375. Ochoa, John, 288. Ookendon, North, Wokindone Setfonteyncs, CO. Essex, 465. , South, Southwokyndon, 345. Bishop. See Cranham. Ocle. See Acle ; Oakley. Ocle Lyre, co. Hereford, 582. Oddyston. See Odstone. Odeham, John, 385. , , Margaret his wife, 384. , William, 431. Odeland, Odeloud, John, 127, 128 187. Odestoke. See Woodstock. Odierno. See Audierne. Odiham, co. Southampton, 343, 567. Odstone, Ordeston, in Ashbury, co. Berks, 578, 589. , Oddyston, co. Leicester, 81, 145. Oestampe, lord of. See Brugges. Offord, CO. Warwick, 49, 331. Ogan, Joan, 327. , John, 327. Ogbourne, Okeburn, co. Wilts, priory of, 42, 46, 63, 461, 585. GENERAL INDEX. 753 Oghtrede. See Ughtred. Ogle, Eichard, 197. , Robert, lord of Ogle and Thursby, 83, 171, 350, 624. , , Isabel his wife, 83. Okeburn. See Ogbourne. Okeham. See Oakham. Okehampton, co. Devon, 8, 22, 23, 176, 181, 189, 280, 457, 529. , hundred of, 22, 189, 280, 457, 529. Okehurst, John, 14. , , Cecily his wife, 14. , William, 14. Okelde. See Oakley. Okeley, co. Somerset, 32, 33. Okeley, Alexander, 251. Oker, Philip, 219. Okey, Robert, 285. Okham. See Oakham. Okynton. See Oxenton. Okys, Thomas, 79. Oldbury, co. Gloucester, 580. Oldebury, Richard, 102. Oldeclymmys, co. Cornwall, 591. Oldefeld, Hugh, 155. Oldemau, John, 322. Old Ford, Okleforde, co. Middlesex, 485. Oldham, Robert, 325. Oldlawitta, co. Cornwall, 457, 529. Oldlond, CO. Cornwall, 389. Oldum, Robert, 295. Olgrave. See Owlegreve. Oliver, Olyver, Thomas, abbot of Buckland, 171, 251, 4U3, 404, 408. , William, 149. And see (3l3'ver. OUerton, Allerton, in Shirwode, co. Notting- ham, 148. Olney, co. Buckingham, 322, 344, 420. Olney, Joan, 73. Olveston, co. Gloucester, 78, 320, 380. Olyegh, Thomas, 524. Olyve, Edmund, 149. , , Margaret his wife, 149. Olyver, John, 171, 55. , the younger, 214, 277. , Robert, 168, 618. SyugletoD, Robert, 197. Synnyngton. See Sinnington. Synyer, William, 143. Syou, Sion, co. Middlesex, abbess and convent of, 238. , fraternity of the Holy Angels by, 21. Sytelyng. See Sydling. Sytyngbouru, John, 69. , , Katharine his wife, 69. , , Margaret his wife, 69. Syward, Robert, 68. Sywell, CO. Northampton, 291, 570. T. Tackbear, Tekebare, co. Cornwall, 3:2, 58, 137. Tacklcy, Takley, co. Oxford, 226, 374, 382. Tacley. See Takeley. Tadcaster, co. York, 279, 378. Taddiport, Tadyporte, co. Devon, 30. Tadryk, Archibald, 409. Tad worth, Tliadforth [in Banstoad], co. Surrey, 528. Tadyngston. See Tattingstone. Tailard. Sec Taylard. 3 D 2 788 GENERAL INDEX. Tailboys, Tayltoys, Robert, 252, 352, 354, 620, 021; , Waltevj 363. , William, esquire, 363. , , knight, 47, 363. Taillour, Henry, 12. , John, 2, 203, 325, 386, 576. , Roger, 578, 589. , Thomas, 128, 170. , William, 2, 202, 212, 576. , , mayor of London, 188. And see Taylour. Tainton, Teynton, co. Oxford, 67. Takebere. See Tackbear. Takeley, Tacley, Taklegh, eo. Essex, 318, 380, 416, 453, 487. Talagharn. See Laugharne. Talbot, Brian, 285, 352, 619, 626. , Christopher, 402. .Edmund, 259, 262, 209, 379, 490, 571. , Elizabeth, 207. , Gilbert, 410, 411. , George, fourth earl of Shrewsbury, 397, 400-402, 410-412, 414, 418, 419, 421, 437, 439-443, 451, 460, 478, 489, 539, 541, 543, 557, 561, 562. , Henry, 218. , Humphrey, 122, 396, 397, 440. , John, 256, 602. , , Joan his wife, 256. , John, viscount Lisle, 49, 51, 79, 167, 207. , , Joan his wife, 49, 51, 167, 207. , John, first earl of Shrewsbury, 99. , Margaret his wife, 49, 51, 79, 133, 167, 207. , John, second earl, 41, 99, 131, 133, 460. , , Elizabeth his wife, 412, 421, 431, 436,460. John, third earl, 29, 99, 133, 170, 210, 247, 249, 281, 294, 304, 349-351, 366, 379, 397, 400-403, 408, 411, 414, 415, 419, 421, 426, 437, 439-443, 460, 478, 489, 539, 541, 561, 562, 611, 615, 610, 624, 627, 630, 634, 038. , , chief justice of North Wales, 277, 293. , , Katharine his wife, 397, 541. , Margaret, 207, 305. , Nicholas, 260. , Robert, 515. , Thomas, 572. , , viscount Lisle, 49, 51, 166, 207, 219, 276, 305, 520, 615, 628. , William, 525. Talffern. See Arundell. Talvargh, Richard, 389, 390. Talvernc. See Arundell. Tamworth, co. Stafford, 117. , CO. Warwick, 9, 74, 242. , collegiate church of, prebend in, 553. , , prebend of Wilmote in, 397. , , dean of. See Bate. Tamworth, John, 285, 619. , John de, 49, 426. Tanfeld, Robert, 28, 30, 70, 158, 161, 617, 623. ... , , the elder, 405. the younger, 6, 8, 9, 81. , William, 624. Tange, William, 499. Tankard, Edmund, crier in the King's Bench, 441. Tankerd, William, 6. Tanner, Thomas, 286, 403, 429. Tansey, Richard, parson of St. Martin in the Vintry, London, 330. Tanworth, Tonworth, co. Warwick, 50, 117, 331. Tapton, Hugh, 158. , John, 346. , , rector of Bringhurst, 210. Tarane Gunvile. See Tarrant Gunville. Tarleton, Richard, 274. Tarporley, Thorpeley, co. Chester, 115. Tarrant Gunville, Tarane Gunvile, co. Dorset, 534. Launceston, TLrant Launceston, co. Dorset, 48. Tarset Hall, Tresethall, co. Northumberland, 523. Tasley, Tasseley, co. Salop, 134, 397, 541. Tate, John, 192, 213, 316, 519. , , sheriff of London, 161. , , mayor of London, 400, 442, 467,470, 475. , , the younger, 316. , Robert, 212, 316. Tatersale, Richard, 73. Tattershall, Tateshall [co. Lincoln], 309. Tattiugstone, Tadyngstou, co. Suffolk, 297, 439, 590. Taunton, co. Somerset, 55, 143, 375, 436, 498. Tauton. See Tawton. Taverham, co. Norfolk, hundred of, 83, 159. Taverham, Thomas, 267. Taverner, Nicholas, 350, 635. , William, 169,252. Tavistock, Stavestok, Towestoke, co. Devon, 141, 253, 377, 519. , .John, abbot of, 94, 612. Taweke, Thomas, 252. Tawton, North, Northtautou, co. Devon, 321. , South, 36, 502. , Bishop's, 149, 169. Taylard, Tailard, William, 199, 307, 406,462, 617. G^ENERAL INDEX. 780 Tuylboys. See Tailboys. Taylour, Tayler, David, 401. , John, 286, 287, 473. Oliver, 286. , Richard, 55, 108. , Thomas, 473, 606. And see Taillour. Taynterel, William, rector of Kirkby, 215. Tayser, Richard, 214. Tebald, William, prior of Barnwell, 477, 481. Tebbe, Thomas, 356. Tebot, Robert, 215. Teddesley Hay, co. Stafford, 233. Teffont, CO. Wilts, 139, 467.1 Teignbridge, Tengbrigge, co. Devon, hundred of, 37. Teign, South, Suthteygue, co. Devon, 173. Teign Week, Tengweke, co. Devon, 37. Teignmouth, Tyngraouth, co. Devon, 263. Teignton, King's, co. Devon, 78. Tekebare. See Tackbear. Tslagharn. See Laugharne. Tele, Matiee, 240. Telisford, Telford, co. Somerset, 434, 466. , hundred of, 466. Temar, Cecily, 8. , William, 8. Tempest, Katharine, 560. , Peter, 179. , Richard, 355. , , sheriff of Lincoln, 360. , Thomas, 361. Temple, master and brethren of the, 189. Temple Newsom, co. York, 153. Temple, William, 163, 473. Temporalities, restitution of, 15, 16, 35, 39, 65, 98, 107, 123, 125, 130, 186, 205, 206, 227, 233, 241, 265, 266, 271, 274, 278, 279, 292, 296, 398, 330, 332, 333, 339, 359, 360, 373, 390, 391, 399, 400, 415, 442, 467, 469, 470, 472, 475, 481, 5.50, 597, 598. Temysdittou. See Thames Dittou. Teneham. See Teyuhara. Tenet. See Thauet. Tang. See Teign. Teneham. See Teynhaui. Tenterdeu, co. Kent, 9, 283, 302, 303, 428, 436, 536. , hundred of, 303. Teny, Walter, 475. Terell. See TjTell. Terling, Teyrlyuge, co. Essex, 228. Terouanne, diocese of, 89, 125, 177, 260,266, 272, 274, 275, 313, 358, 482, 538. Terrington, Teuarington, co. York, 483, 487. Teryngham, John, the younger, 322. Teryngton. See Torrington. Tesdale, Thomas, 216. Test, William, parson of Moreton, 160. Teswell. See Treswell. Tetbury, co. Gloucester, 276. Tetford, Richard, 323. , Robert, 573. Tethsge, John, 102. Tetsworth, Tettesworth, co. Oxford, 77. Teueringtou. See Terrington. Teutonic Ilanse, merchants of, 473, 519, 540. And see Hanse Almain. Teuxbury. See Tewkesbury. Teversham, CO. Cambridge, 551. Towe, David, 55, 57. Henry, 4. Tewerslc, Richard, 578. Tewkesbury, Teuxbury, Theukesbury, co. Gloucester, 4, 143. battle of, 374, 470, 562, 585. , abbot and convent of, 66, 530, 550. , John Galeys, abbot of, 66. John, abbot of, 530. Tewson, Edward, 544. Tey, Robert, 468. , William, 468. Teygc, Robert, 317, 319, 354. Teyugton Drue. Sec Drewsteignton. Teynhaiu, Tenham, co. Kent, 324. , hundred of, 303. Teynton. .See Taintou. Teyrlynge. See Terling. Teyser, Edmund, 308. Tliaccher, Thomas, 433. Thacham. See Thatcham. Thacham, Dau Edward, prior of Ivychurch, 15, 16. Thadfortli. See Tadworth. Thakstede. See Thaxted. Thakster, Robert, 73. Thame, Philip de, prior of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, 189. Thames river, 28, 93, 101, 161, 217,223, 235, 244, 250, 252, 288, 463, 463, 495, 512, 521, 525, 540. weirs across, HI, 188. Thames Ditton, Temysditton, co. Surrey, 339. Thanet, Tenet, Isle of, co. Kent, 38, 108, 143. Thatcham, Thacham, co. Berks, 482. Thaxted, Thakstede, co. Essex, 255, 318, 367, 489. Theddlethorpe, Thedilthorpe, co. Lincoln, 202, 508, 528, 595. Thelbridge, Thelbrygge, co. Devon, 52. Thelnctham, Richard, 322. Themclthorpe, Themylthorp, co. Norfolk, I 49. Themse, Agues, 445. , Robert, 445. William, 445. Themulby, Tliymylby, Richard, 286, 354. 190 GENERAL INDEX. T]ieoia, Eichard, 102. Therlowe. See Thurlow. Thersk. See Thryske. Thester Waver, Thestre Waury, co. Warwick, 135. Thetford, co. Norfolk, 78. , priory of, ] 91. Thetyltborpe, John, 164. Thetyngdon. See Cheddington. Theukesbury. See Tewkesbury. Thewe, David, 55, 57. Thirkeld, Thykeld, Lancelot, 287, 288. Thirkleby, Thorkilby, co. York, 5. Thirnyng, William, justice of the Bench, 37S. Thirsk, Thryske, co. York, 178. Thirske. See Thryske. Thistelden, Robert, 882. Thomas, Clement, 278. , Henry, parson of Cricksea, 386. , John, 149. , Richard, chaplain of the chantry under le Croft in Christ Church, Can- terbury, 388. , Walter, 585. , William, 53, 149. ap Griffith, 360. ap Resser, 54. Thomelynson, John, 515. Thommeson, John, 328. Thomson, Tomson, Gilbert, 344. , Giles, 361. , John, 214, 216, 277, 546, 578. , Thomas, 514. Walter, 585. William, 556. Thoralby, co. York, 483, 486, 487. Thoresway, Thureswey, co. Lincoln, 310, 518, 523. , Thursway Beaumont, 19. Thorkilby. See Thirkleby. Thorlesthorpe, co. York, 483, 486. Thomam, Edward, 245. Thoruburgh, Thorneburgh, Edward, 287, 635. , Leonard, 28, 200, 285, 289, 352, 354, 619, 620. , , sheriff of Lincoln, 362. , Oliver, 334. , Roland, 264, 424, 610. Thornbury, John, 391. Thornby, co. Cumberland, 13. Thorndon, Richard, 52. , Thomas, 2, 161, 295. Thorne, Thourn [co. York], 310. Thorneburgh. See Thornburgh. Thornebury, co. Bedford, 235. Thornewodis, in Sherwood, co. Nottingham, 447. Thorney Millc, co. Cambridge, 170. Thornham, Simon, prebendary of St. Mary's, Norwich, 357. Thornoure, Robert, 81. Thornton, Thorneton, co. Buckingham, 112, 267, 390. , CO. Devon, 32, 137. [co. Lancaster], 334. , CO. Lincoln, 297. , CO. Northumberland, 523. , CO. York, 31, 46, 50, 384, 531. in Craven, co. York, 20, 419, 602. in Pykerynglyth [co. York], 2, 206. Thornton, John, vicar of West Thurrock, 537. , , parson of North Cove, 537. , Roger, 197, 317. , Thomas, 78. Thornys, Thomas, 521. Thorpe, ship called la Kateryn of, 525. , CO. Essex, 91. , CO. Norfolk, 191. , CO. Northampton, 531. Malsor, Thorpe Mallesore, co. North- ampton, 30. Salvin, co. York, 77. Thorpe Hall by Louth, co. Lincoln, 523. Thorpe, John, 216,431. , Robert de, 602. Thomas, 564, 586. Thorpeley. See Tarporley. Thorpwaterfield, co. Northampton, 582. Thoryndon, Thomas, 295. Thorysby, John, 519. Thothorpe. See Towthorpe. Thourn. See Thorne. Thrale, John, the elder, 446. Thrandeston, co. Sufifolk, 384. Threckingham, co. Lincoln, 261. Threlkeld, Thrilkeld, John, 379. , Richard, 215. , William, 31, 100, 377. Thressher, Peter, 355. Thrilkeld. See Threlkeld. Throckmorton, Throkmarton, co. Worcester, 20. Throgmerton, Throkmarton, Christopher, 475. , John, 65, 152, 262, 344, 345, 430, 475. , Robert, 531, 606. , Thomas, 20, 29, 218, 346, 350, 636. , , sheriff of Warwick and Lei- cester, 136. Thrower, William, 251. Throwley, Thrule [co. Kent], 291, Throxenby, Thurstanby, co. York, 541. Thrule. See Throwley. Thrustanby, Trusteuby, co. York, 279. Thrybergh, co. York, 578. Thrykhed, Lancelot, 610. GENJJRAL INDEX. 791 Thrj'llby, John, 280.] Thrypplowe. See Triplowe. Thryske. See Thirsk. Thryske, Tliirske, John, 435. , , mayor of York, 316. , , mayor of the staple of Calais, 22, 270, 316. treasurer and victualler of Calais, 22, 96, 270, 303, 316. Thureswey. See Thoresway. Thurger, John, 223. , Thomas, 253. Thurland, co. Lancaster, 97, 271. Thurland, Thomas, 501. Thurlbeer, Thurlebare, co. Somerset, 456. Thurlby, co. Lincoln, 16, 8.5. Thurlby, William, 125. Thurlewynd, John, 324. Thurlow, Therlowe, Great, co. Suffolk, 152. Tlnirlowe, John, the younger, 37. Thurrock, West, co. Essex, 3, 537. Thursby, Thuresby, co. Cumberland, 83, 81. Thurf.by, Ralph, 521. Thurstauby. See Throxenby. Thurston, Thurstonton, co. Suffolk, 12. Thur.ston, Thomas, 443. Thurstone, William, 575. Thursway. iSee Thoresway. Thurvastou, co. Derby, 511. Thwaytes, Thwaites, Henry, 264, 407, 637. John, 638. , , vicar of Great Wycombe, 212. , Richard, 637. , Thomas, 108, 378, 551, 571. , , chancellor of the Exchequer, 151, 372, 367. William, 320. Thwyer, Roger, 353. Thykeld. See Thiikeld. Thymylby. See Themulb}-. Thynden. See Fiudon. Tibbenhani, Tykenham, co. Norfolk, 582. Tibberton, Tybtou, co. Gloucester, 140. Tibertis, Leonard de, prior of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, 189, 232. Tickford, Tykeford, Tikford, co. Buckingham, 345, 376, 457, 529. , priory of, 62, 376. , , William Kirkby, prior of, 376. , , William de la Menerere, prior of, 376. Tickhill, Tikhill, co. York, 44G, 448. Tid. See Tydd. Tidenham, Tudenham, co. Gloucester, 112, 163. Tilbury, East, co. Essex, 297. , West, 297, 543. , Little, 180. by Clare, 569, 591. Tillam, John, 403. Tille, John, 201, 217. , Richard, 6, 300, 525. Tiln, Tylne, co. Nottingham, 460. Tilney, Hugh, 619. Tilshead, Tilesbide, Tydelesehede, co. Wilts, 238, 534. Tilstock, Tilstoke Parke, co. Salop, 402. Tilty, CO. Essex, abbot and convent of, 521. Thomas, abbot of, 521. Tinmowthe. See Tyuemouth. Tiptoft, John, lord of, 23. , , Joyce his wife, 23. , John, earl of Worcester, 17, 23, 28, 29,41,43,47, 70, 90, 113, 192, 206, 220, 221, 278, 289, 297, 462, 609, 613, 628, 629, 033, 634, 636. , , treasurer of the Exchequer, 23, 176, 211, 258. , , constable of England, 19, 23, 43, 205, 207, 559. , constable of the Tower of London, 23, 45, 412. , steward of the household, 23. , , chamberlain of the Exchequer, 207. , lieutenant of Ireland, 205, 213, 214. deputy lieutenant of Ireland, 16, 21, 54, no, 157, 161, 193. , chief justice of North Wales, 41. 136. , Elizabeth his wife, 1 13, 297. , , Edward his son, 297. Tipton, Tippeton, co. Devon, 01. Tirant. See Tarrant. Tirell. See Tyrell. Titchmarsh, Titmersh, co. Northampton, 440. Tiverton, Tyverton, co. Devon, 22, 176, 179, 189, 279, 230, 292, 293, 457, 529. , hundred of, 22, 189, 457, 529. , portion of Clare in the church of, 292. Toche, Thomas, 407, 433. Tocotes, Towcotes, Roger, 126, 218, 247, 284, 346, 351, 406, 408, 428, 518, 530, 573, 597, 035. Tocoth, Thomas, 285.j Tod, William, 382. Toddington, Todyngton, co. Bedford, 564. Todyngtou. See Coddiugton. Tofte, CO. Lincoln, 503. Tofts, West, Westoftys, co. Norfolk, 579. Togill, Robert, 53. Togood, John, 223. Toko, Thomas, 215. Tokehill, Robert, 583. Toker, John, 377. , Louis, 129. , William. 74. Tele, Richard, 428. 792 GENERAL INDEX, Tollard, co. Dorset, 534. , CO. Wilts, 533. Toller, Tolreporcorum, co. Dorset, 457, 5 29. Toller, Henrj, 5. , Nicholas, 202. Tollesbury, co. Essex, 169, 252, 288. TolleshuntD'Arcy, Colsond Darcy, co. Essex, 297, 318. Toltingtrow, co. Kent, 285. , hundred of, 302. Toly, William, 391. Tomma, Eichard, 518. Tommes, John, 29. Torason. See Thomson. Toniworth, John, 354. Tonbridge, Tuubrigge, co. Kent, lowey of, 300. Touford, Toneford [in Thaningtoa], co, Kent, 297. Tonge, Richard, 572. Tons, Alexander, 55. Tonworth. See Tauvvorth. Tony, John, 102. Tood, Richard, 52G. Tooke, Robert, 6„ 76, 87, 147, 148, 325, 433. Tooting, Totying, co. Surrey, 308. Bee, priory of, 46, 192. Topcliffe, CO. York, 148, 326. Topclyf, John,'523, 621. , Thomas, 621. Tope, John, 60, Topsham, co. Devon, 31, 55, 324. port of, 393, 548. Topshawc, Thomas, 355. Torbryan, Torbriau, co. Devon, 457, 518, 557. Torkyngton, Henry, 285, 350, 406, 617, Torner, Thomas, 5. Torrebak, John, 515. Torringtou, Teryngton, Torjngton, Torryton, CO. Devon, 32, 36, 137. Chepyngtoryton, 323. East, Esteryngton, co. Lincoln, 17, 125, 423. Tostale. See Tunstall. Totay, Robert, 434. Totnes, Tottenes, co. Devon, 45, 60, 171. , Great, 74. Totneys. See Zouche. Totoche, Tototh, Totoft, Thomas, 354, 619. Tottenes. See Totnes. Tottenham, Totenham, co. Middlesex, 26, 442, 517. Totyng. See Tooting. Ton . .See Tow . Touche, seal called, 162. de la Toure, Anthony, 271, 20O. Tourehill. See Tower Hill. Toures, William, prebendary of St. George's, Windsor, 308. Tournay, diocese of, 237. Tournay, William, 607. , , prior of the hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, 306. , , preceptor of Baddesley, 217. Towcester, Toucestre, co. Northampton, 386. Towcotes. See Tocotes. Towe, Thomas, escheator in Kent and Mid- dlesex, 162. Tower Hill, Tourehill, co. Middlesex, 111, 487, 512. Towestoke. See Tavistock. Toweton, co. Suffolk, 110. Towke, Touke, George, 216. , Walter, 299. Towker, Touker, Peter, 40. , Richard, 144, 476. Towne, William, almoner of Henry VI., 231, 235. Towneley, Tounley, Eichard, 426, 572. , Thomas, 386. Townescnde, Tounesende, Roger, 8, 163, 169, 170, 197, 245, 247, 249, 406, 622. William, 518. Towthorpe, co. York, 483, 487. on the Wold, 483, 487. Towton, CO. York, battle of, 110, 558. Toynton, co. Lincoln, 508. , High, Overtyngton, 297. Traas, William, 224. Trace, John, 495. Tracey's, Tracies, in Stanford Rivers, co. Esses, 554. Tracy, William, 453. TrafiFord, John, 103. , William, 212. Traghford, John, 426. Tranas, Laurence, 141. , Nicholas, 141. Ralph, 141. , William, 141. Traseys, co. Kent, 164. Trebellam by Trelaste, co. Cornwall, 224. Trebone, John, 330. Trebulcok, Thomas, 224. Trecorme [in Quethiock], co. Cornwall, 389, 444. Tredirmayn. See Trierraain. Treeton, Treton, co. York, 412. Trefry, Thomas, 83, 351, 378, 399, 427, 610. Trefusis, James, 491. , Oto, 169. Tregamur, Trigameur, co. Cornwall, 156, 189, 280, 457,529. Tregarthen, Thom.'is, 552. Tregemelan. See Trigamplling. Tregose, Amice, 104. Tregulam, co. Cornwall, 280. Tregunnick, Tregwyniiek by Bogga Mille, CO. Cornwall, 579. Tregury, Michael, archbishop of Dublin [1449-1471], 335. GENERAL INDEX. 793 Trehere, Williain, vicar of St. Keverne, 104. Trelawny, John, 246, 57.3. Trelowarren, Treleweren, co. Cornwall, 157. Trelowia, co. Coruwall, 457, 529. Trelugan, co. Cornwall, 156, 280, 457, 529. Tremayle, John, 17, 410, 475. Tremayll, John, the elder, 81. , , the younger, 81. , Thomas, 115, 350, 406, 428, 476, 522, 553, 628. Tremayn, co. Cornwall, 389. Tremayn, John, .399, 403, 404. Trenaffa, co. Cornwall, 16. Trencruke, co. Cornwall, 389. Trenowith, John, 200, 399. Trent, co. Somerset, 84. Trent river, co. Nottingham, 132, 2 51, 310, 311, 462,357. , forests north of, 258. , , keeper of. See Richard. , forests south of, 107. Treuthale, John, 200. Trenthgans, Thomas, 104. Trenuwith, Agnes, 104. Trenwathen, co. Cumberland, 557. Treuythen, Robert, 427. Tresawell, Thomas, 610. Tresell, co. Stafford, 79. Tresethall. See Tarset Hall. Tresham, Thomas, 5, 30, 60, 478, 493, 540, 562, 570, 623. Tresithuy, Nicholas 1. Tresoderon, co. Cornwall, 467. Treswell, TeswcU, co. Nottingham, 396. Treswethen, co. Cornwall, 104. Treswithiau, Trevaswhethan [in Camborne], CO. Cornwall, 536. Trethewy, Thomas, 100, 403, 404. Tretou. See Treeton. Trevarliche, co. Cornwall, 389. Trevaswhethan. See Treswithian. Trevenour, William, 400. Treverbyu, Trcvervyu, co. Cornwall, 156, 189, 280, 457, 529. Treverbyn in St. Austell, co. Cornwall, 581. Trevett, John, parson of Barming, 93. , , parson of Langley, 93. Trevilian, Trevylyan, Henry, warden of the hospital of St. Katharine by the Tower of London, 135. John, 522, 628. Trevistau, William, 553. Trevosburgh, co. Cornwall, 588. Treyry, Katharine, 114. , Thomas, 197. Treweblete, Geoffrey, 3. Trewell, John, 256. Trowemon, Trewnian, John, 357. , Roger, 35,5, 495. Trewydna [co. Glamorgan], 163. y 96186. Trielen (in Finistere), in Brittany, 474. Triermain, Tredirmayn, co. Cumberland, 214, 277. Trigamelling by Penkelly, Tregemclan by Peukehowe, co. Cornwall, 579. Trigameur. See Tregamur. Trigges Milles, co. Dorset, 534. Trigot, Thomas, 304. Trikingham, Lambert de, justice of the Bench, 465. Trim, Trym [co. Meath], 468. , abbot and convent of, 275. Christopher, abbot of, 275. Triploe, Thrypplowe, co. Cambridge, 37. Tripp, John, chaplain of ' Ravenserchauntry,' in Lincoln cathedral, 48. Tristram, Trystram, John, 216. .William, 21G. Trollope, Andrew, 31. Trolugan. See Trelugan. Trompyngtou. See Truraplugton. Trompyngton, Walter, 10. Tronage and pesage, 134, 166, 204, 206, 216, 229, 259, 269, 340, 399, 461, 468, 476, 568. Trope, John, 9. Tropnell, Thomas, 247, 400, 635. Trostou, CO. Suffolk, 451. Trotman, Richard, parson of Bladon, 213. Trotte, John, 498. Trotter, Robert, 215. Trottiscliffe, Trottesclive, co. Kent, 343. Troutbeck, Troutebek [co. Westmoreland], 334, 531. Trouttokyshyll. See Truddoxhill. Trowbridge, Trowebrygge, co. Wilts, 381. Trowe, John, 115. Trowe, AVilliam, parson of Chilton Canteloe, 305. Troys, Thomas, 310. , eschcator in the county of Southampton, 571. Trudale, John, 286. Truddoxhill, Trouttokyshyll, in Nunney, co. Somerset, 401. Trumpington, Trompyngton, co. Cambridge, 10. Truuke, John, 127. , Robert, 336. Truro, co. Cornwall, 104. Trusfelde, in Wolstanton, co. Stafford, 397. Trussell, Arnold, 295, 559. , Edmund, 30. , Thomas, 196, 199, 306, 618. , William, 281, 306, 349, 470, 47 5s 608. Trustenby. See Thrustanby. Truthale, John, 297. Trye, John, 407. Trygge, Robert, 597. Trym. See Trim. 3 E 794 GENERAL INDEX. Tryppe, John, 79. Trystram. See Tristram. Tu, Tbomas, 231. Tubbe, John, 60. Tubman, Richard, 428. Tudeuham. Sec Tidenliani. Tudenham, Margaret, 595. , Thomas, 595. Tuder, John, 266. Tudor, Kdmund, earl of Richmond, 334. , Margaret his wife, 334, 339, 343. Jasper, earl of Pembroke, 26, 59, 87, 103, 233, 236, 243, 251, 252, 274, 281, 283, 289, 615, 616. TuguU, Tughull, Robert, 45, 5.02. Tukhill, Robert, the elder, 45. Tunbrigge. Sec Tonbridge. Tunley, John, 339, 357. , Thomas, 386. Tunneryspidill. See Turners Piddle. Tunstall, Tostale, co. Suffolk, 110. , CO. York, 258. Tunstall, Richard, 97, 177, 271, 573, 583, 613, 629, 635. , , chamberlain of Henry VI., 227. , Thomas, 258. Tunstalle, William, 87. Turbervile, John, rector of Faruham, 390. Turfyn, Richard, 203. Turk, William, 255. Turke, John, 302. Turnaunt, Richard, 147, 222, 349. Turners Piddle, Tuiineryspidill [co. Dorset], 443. Turnham Hall, co. York, 20, 419. Turnour, Henry, 406. , John, 102. , Richard, 437. , Walter, 502. Turpyn, Alice, 1. , John, 141. , Robert, 385. ., William, 1. Turvy, Turby, co. Dublin, 20, 279, 419. Tutbury, Tuttebury, co. Stafford, 219, 242, 291. Tuxford, CO. Nottingham, 70. Twede, John, 277. Twesyll, John, 453. Twigbear, Twykebearc, Twybeare, co. Devon, 24, 25, 511. Twychener, John, 417. Twyer, John, 169, 352, 353, 406, 622. Twyford, co. Buckingham, 519. CO. Kent, hundred of, 302. Twygg, Thomas, 499. Twynyho, Twynowc, John, 54, 361, 407. , , eschealor of Somerset and Dorset, 361. William, 61.3, 615. Twynnyng, Thomas, abbot of Winchcombe, 442. Twysday, Thomas, 336, 476. Tyberd, William, president of Magdalen college, Oxford, 557. Tybert, William, 471. Tybton. See Tibberton. Tycohebourue, John, 629. Tydd, Tid, co. Lincoln, 543, 567. Gote, CO. Lincoln, 170, 354. St. Mary, co. J^incoln, 297. St. Giles, CO. Cambridge, 297, 560. Tydberne, 170. Tydelesehede. See Tilshead. Tydirthay [co. York], 1. Tykeford. See Tickford. Tykenham. See Tibbeuham. Tykhill, William, 70. Tykhull, Ralph, 414. Tyler, Augustine, 203. , John, 383. William, 239, 381. , Agnes his wife, 381. Tylly, John, 221. Tylmyngton, Walter, 375. Tylne. See Tiln. Tylney, John, 433. , Robert, 354. Tymperley, John, 293, 353. Tynbery, Tynbure, John, 499. , , Agnes his wife, 499. Tyndale, co. Northumberland, 451. Tyndale, William, 353. Tynemouth, Tinmowthe [co. Northumber- land], 330. Tyngelden, Richard, 462. Tyngmouth. See Teignmouth. Typlot, John, coroner of Kingston on Hull, 305. Typper, John, 577. Typpeswayne, John, 318. Typtoft. See Tiptoft. Tyrell, co. Westmoreland, 96. Tyrell, Terell, Tirell, Edward, 482. , Hugh, 242. Humphrey, 345. , James, 492, 606. , John, 242, 491. , Robert, 345. , Thomas, 151, 248, 249, 317, 344, 345, 351, 407, 428, 491, 509, 613. Walter, 216. , William, 169, 252, 614. , , the elder, 248, 249. , , the younger, 211, 248. , , Eleanor his wife, 211. Tyrone, monks of, 465. Tyryngham, Thomas, 182, 526. GENERAL INDEX. 795 Tystede, William, 21. Tyverton. See Tiverton. Tywarnaylle Tees (in Perraa Zabuloe), co. Cornwall, 94, 179. u. TJflFculme, Ufcsolme, co. Devon, 76. Uffenham, John, 77, 406. Uffington, CO. Lincoln, 17, 125, 453. Ufflete, John, prior of D rax, 179. Ufford, CO. SulTolk, 98. Ufkelf. See Ulleskelf. Ugborough, Uggeburgb, co. Devon, 476. Ughtred, Oughtrith, Ughtryth, Ralph, 133. Robert, 133, 146. , Joau his wife, 133. , Thomas, 568. Uldale, CO. Cumberland, 25, 137. Ulfrire, co. Lincoln, 297. Ulleskelf, Ufkelf, Uskelf, co. York, 291, 292, 412. Ullestoii by Ilawkwell, co. Northumberland, 228, 236. Ulster, earldora of, 395. Ulterris. See Volterra. Umby, William, 188. Umfiey, Thomas, 228. UndfiUe. See Oundle. Underdowene, Thomas, 364. Underdown, prebend of, 234, 260, 265. Underwode, Master Edward, parson of St. Mary Moises in Frydaystrete, London, 109. , , prebendary of Bridgnorth, 234, 265. , John, 383. Ungerhuudred. .See Ongar. Ungle, John, 474. , Joan his wife, 474. , WilHaiu, 401, 409. Unton, Henry, 376. , Robert, 438, 451. Upchurch, co. Kent, 541. Upcott, Uppecote, co. Devon, 36. Upminster, co. Essex, 579. Uppecote, John, 51. , , Joan his wife, 51. Upsale, John, 225, 255. Upsall [co. York], 200. Upton, CO. Northampton, 531. , CO. Nottingham, 297, 560. , CO. Southampton, 157. Noble, CO. Somerset, 148. Scudamorc, Upton Skidmore, co. Wilts, 466. Upton, Henry, 84. , John, 222. , Robert, 385. Upwell, CO. Norfolk, 169, 170. Upwymborn. See Wimborne. Urchfont, Erchesfont, co. Wilts, 138, 587. Urehinfelde. See Irchenfield. Ure, Yore, river, 572. Urswick, Great, Lancaster, 456. , Little, 456. Urswick, Ursewike, Christopher, 451. , John, 456. , Thomas, 12, 28, 103, 169, 248, 249, 252, 406, 407, 463, 494, 608, 614-616, 626, 627, 630, 636. , , chief baron of the Ex- chequer, 259, 293, 307, 514. , recorder of London, 21, 202. Usburn, Thomas, warden of the hospital of St. Nicholas, York, 15. Usk, CO. Monmouth, 24. Uskelf. See Ulle-skelf. Ussher, Thomas, 552. Utrecht, bishopric of, 184. Uttoxeter, Uttekoestre, Uttexhater, co. Staf- ford, 535. Uvedal£, Ovedale, Thomas, 56, 118, 196, 220, 351, 405, 429, 629. , William, 56, 495. Uxbridge, Wokysbregge, Woxbrigge, co. Middlesex, 9, 224, 35", 436, 442. V. Vache [in Chalfont St. Giles], co. Bucking- ham, 191. Vachery, co. Surrey, 22, 68. Vacy, John, 99. Alice his wife, 99. Vaek, John, 197. Vaghan, Vaughan, Roger, 54, 57, 58, 102, 132, 185, 219. , Thomas, 87, 12+, 132, 179, 274, 281, 283, 317, 351, 366, 414, 455, 496, 608, 615-618, 622, 627, 628, 632, 6S3, 636. , sheriff of Surrey :uid Sussex, 87. Valauntes, in Hartest, co. SufiFoik, 556. Vale, John, parson of Rathwere, 465. , Thomas, 254. , William, 553. Valens, Martin, 72. Valet, CO. Dorset, 457, 529. Vallis, Valeys, in Frome, co. Somerset, 603. Vampage, John, 77. Vandordrygh. See Dordrecht. 796 GENERAL INDEX. Vangoos. See Goes. Vanmelum, Henry, 42. Vaone, John, abbot of Cerne, 240, 279. Vaughan, See Vaghan. Vaus, Robert, 38, 433, 572. VauK [in Belchanip Otten], co. Essex, 560. Vaux, Vawes, John, 277. , Roland, 610. , William, 18, 27, 214, 421. Vavasour, Vavesoure, Henrj', 638. , John, 251, 407, 636. , , the elder, 428, 636. , the younger, 637. Vawes. See Vaux. Vayle, Richard, 443. Veale, Vele, Geofifrey, 7, 580. Veer. See Vere. Vele. See Veale. Venables, Hugh, 450. , Elizabeth his wife, 450. Venasque, Venesse, Benesse [in Spain], 205, 273, 281, 422. Venice, 213, 336, 435, 512, 537, 555. , merchants of, 281. Venour, Elizabeth, 50. , William, 364. Venton, Feuton, co. Devon, 36. • Venutz, John de, 66. Vera Worthy. See Virworthy. Verdour, Thomas, 152. de Vere, Veer, George, 418, 510, 520. , , Margaret his wife, 520. , John, 29, 57, 129. , , twelfth earl of Oxford, 91, 235. , , thirteenth earl, 155, 157, 169, 170, 195, 197, 245-250, 252, 2!)7, 400, 418, 489, 507, 510, 538, 543, 54.5, 552, 560, 563-565, .007, 569, 591, 609, 610, 613, 617, 622, 630. , Margaret his wife, .507. , Nicholas, 491, 494. , Richard, 235, 418. ,. , Robert, 72. , Thomas, 317, 418,510. Vermandois, in France, 583. Vermeo, John de, 307. Vemey, Edmund, escheator of Warwick, 411, 430. , John, 329. , , Margaret his wife, 329. Verney, Ralph, 33, :'.09, 329, 394, 608. , Richard, 218, 348, 405, 430, 634. William, 4S0. Vernon, Henry, 248, 349, 408, 611, 630. Veion, Richard, 412. Versk, Peter, 104. Verundo. See Gcrona. Vessy, lord of. See Bromflete. Vcxford, Wexford, [in Stogumber], co. Somerset, 193, 194, 200, 330, 364, 522. Vibaldes, Vyvaldes, Ralph or Raphael de, 217, 222. Viell. See Vyell. Vielstone, Vyelleston [in Buckland Brewer] , CO. Devon, 187. Villario, John de, parson of Campe, 275, 538. , , parson of Pettam, 266. Villeeon, Master James de la, 521. Villers, Vyllers, John, 621. , , sheriff of Lincoln, 482. Vilmyn, William, 201, 217. Virworthy, Vera Worthy, co. Devon, 36. Visier, Nicholas, 201, 217, 221. Volterra, Ulterris, in Italy, 59. Vorth, Roger, 77. Vowell, Richard, escheator of Somerset and Dorset, 589. , William, 87. Vuton, Robert, 309. Vyell, Viell, James, 374. , Richard, 36, 332. Vyelleston. See Vielstone. Vyllers. See Villers. Vyncent, Guy, 490. John, 382. Vynean, Richard, 157. Vj'nter, Thomas, 1 1 . , , coroner and attorney of the king in the King's Bench, 227. Vyvaldes. See Vibaldes. Vyvyan, Richard, 610. w. Wachelyngstoue. See Washlingstone. Wactou, Wakton, co. Norfolk, 191. Wadde, John, 65. Waddesdou, AVoddesdon, co. Buckingham, 38, 480. Wade, John, 503, 525. , Thomas, 3 89. , William, 308, 309, 428. , , escheator of Bedford and Buckingham, 587. Wadeford, Wodford, co. Somerset, 458. Wadell, John, 409. Wadesworth, co. Cornwall, 386. Wadhum, John, 341. Wadnesberie. See Wednesbury. Wager, John, 102. Wagotte, Wagctte, Richard, 303, 393. Waghen, co. York, 428. Wainfleet, Waynflete, co. Lincoln, 322, 469. Wait, John, 74. GENERAL INDEX. 707 Wake, Anne, 598. • John, 428, 462. , Koger, 598, 624. Thomas, 190, 405, 522, 624, 628. , , sheriff of Northampton, 598. Wakefeld, Jolm, parson of Kisingtou Wick, 438. Richard, 10. Wakefield, co. York, 103, 257, 258, 261, 328, 564. Wakeford, Thomas, presented to Mortymers chauDtry in Chichester cathedral, 294. Wakering, co. Essex, 525. , Great, 32, 137. , Little, 231. Wakerley, John, 28, 170. Wakton. See Wacton. Walbronde, John, prebendary of St. Stephen's, Westminster, 547. Walcomstowe. See Walthamstow. Walcote, CO. Lincoln, 297, 560. Walcote Esthall, co. Norfolk, 508. , Westhall, 508. Walcote, John, 620, 621. Richard, 28, 620, 621. Waldegrave, Walgrave, Whallcsgrave, co. York, 164, 507. Walden, CO. Essex, 147, 202, 291,325. [co. York], 483, 487. Walden, John, 109, 120,257. , , Marjory his wife, 257. , Thomas, 291. Walderuge. See Waldridge. WaldiflF, Thomas, 24G, 247, 295, 634. And see Waldyeve. Waldingfield, Waldyngfeld, co. Suff'olk, 480. , Great, 144. , Little, 515. Waldridge, Walderuge, co. Buckiughaui, 309. Waldyeve, Waldyeue, Thomas, 64, 403, 411, 657. And see Waldiff'. Waldyngfeld, Clemeuce, 509. Wale, Edmund, dean of Duuvvich, 362. Waleborne. See Wellesbourue. Walerand, Robert, 123. Wales, 24, 48, 53, 57, 58, 66, 107, 108, 133, 166, 174, 179, 180, 204, 207, 275, 283, 294, 365-367. 402, 429, 488, 520, 522, 525, 539, 561, 570, 574. , marches of, 57, 58, 103, 107, 108, 133, 163, 180, 181, 191, 207, 252, 275, 281, 283, 289, 293, 294, 3G7, 427, 429, 488, 520, 522, 525, 539, 561, 570, 574, 605, 606. , , escheator in, 15, 3S, 60, 83, 123, 333, 339, 359, 399, 442, 467, 684, 598. North, 41, 54, 102, 154, 198, 281 293, 361,490. y 96186. Wales, North, chief justice of, 274. And see Herbert ; Tiptoft ; Ricliard ; Talbot. , chamberlain of, 179, 277. And see Hastynges : Herbert. South, .54, 57, 110, 136, 172, 198, 219, 252, 283, 289, 317, 361. , , chief ju.stice of. See Herbert ; Neville ; Richard. , , chamberlain of, 116, 185,260. , And see Herbert ; Neville ; Richard. , West, 361. Wales'by, co. Lincoln, 385. Walet, Richard, 225, 325. Waleys, John, vicar of Boluey, 344. , Richard, 225,325. , Roger, 320. Walford, co. Salop, 29. Walford, John, 39, 84, 86, 185. Walgrave, co. Northampton, 74, 420. And see \\'a.\dcgTd\c. Walgrave, Thomas, 100, 246, 218, 338, 353, 631. , William, 338. Walkehamstowe. See Walthamstow. Walkelyn, John, 286. Walker, John, 134, 142, 184. , Robert, 382. , Thomas, 604,514, 577. Walker, Thomas, parson of Great Grimsby, 178. , William, 355,356. Walkcrue, co. Hertford, 603. Wulkhampton, co. Devon, 60. Walkington, co. York, 483. 486, 487. Walklyn, Roger, 254. AVallaud, co. Kent, 283, 546. Walle, John, 603. Waller, Thomas, 89. Wallewen, John, 459. Wallingford, co. Berks, 152, 210, 257. charter dated at, 370. .. , dean of. Sec Gefferey. Walliugton, co. Surrey, 107. Wallop, Nether, co. Southampton, 79. Wallop. See Waloj). Wallyngford, William, abbot of St. Albans, 597. Walmer, co. Kent, 303. Walop, Wallop. John, 56, 105, 196, 220, 351, 405, 429, 433, 495, 629. Walpole, CO. Norfolk, 28, 80. Walpole, Robert, chaplain of the chnntry under le Croft in Christ Church, Canterbury, 388. Walpoll, Martin, 80. Walron, Walrond, Thomas, 289, 406, 608, 626. Walschc, Klias, chaplain of Newton Popple- ford. 376. 3 F 798 GENERAL INDEX. Walshale, Walsale, Walshawe, John, 126. Walsham, co. Norfolk, hundred of, 82, 159. , North, 254. , South, 191,539. Walsingham, co. Norfolk, Thomas Hunt, prior of, 225, 326. , Little, 93. Walssh, Walsshe, John, 1, 320, 3S1, 380, 575. , , escheator in the county of Gloucester, 541. , Thomas, vicar of Mordeu, 78. , , rector of Springfield, 78. , , sheriff of Warwick, 7. Walsshman, Eoger, 141. Walsyngham, John, 251. Walter, John, 6, 261, 306, 325, 484, 616. , , keeper of the hauaper, 233. Nicholas, 286. , Richard, 501. Thomas, 53. Walter ap Guillim, 590. Walterslode. .See Salter's Lode. Waltham [co. Essex], letters patent dated at, 210, 218. forest of, 561. , Little, 6. , CO. Southampton, 65. Holy Cross [co. Essex] , ahbey of, 469. , John Lucas, abbot of, 454, 469. , , Thomas Edward, abbot of, 469. , , convent of, 454, 469. , , charters dated at, 115, 121. Walthamstow, Walkehamstowe, Walcom- stowe, CO. Essex, 291, 412. Walton, prebend of, 210, 590. , CO. Essex, 433. , CO. Norfolk, 562. [co. Suffolk], charter dated at, 119. , Wauton, CO. Surrey, 237. CO. York, 2,321. on le Wold, co. Leicester, 26, 517. on the Hill, co. Surrey, 241. by Wille, co. Warwick, 135. Walton, John, 123, 130, 354. , , abbot of Oseney, 82, 335,342. , archbishop of Dublin, primate of Ireland, 342, 474. Walwayn, Richard, 81. Walweyn, John, 102. , William, 220. Walwick, CO. Northumberland, 523. Walworth, John, 428. Walwyn, Malcolm, escheator of Hereford, 83. Walys, William, 221. Wanhorough, Wamburgh, Wandeborough, co. Wilts, 50, 578, 589. Wandesdon. See Wantesden. Wandesford, William, 33. Wandsworth, Wannesworth, co. Surrey, 276, 308, 462. Wanlip, Onlepe, co. Leicester, 598. Wannesworth. See Wandsworth. Wantage [co. Berks] , 406. Wantesden, Wandesdon, co. Suffolk, 110. Wappenham, Wapnam, co. Northampton. 521. Warbertou, Fhilip, 169. Warblingtou, Warbelyugton, co. Southamp- ton, 432. Warbulton, Richard, 420. , Helen his wife, 420. Warcop, Robert, 13. , Joan his wife , 13. , Thomas, 13. Wardale, John, 52, 86. Warde, Edmund, 577. , Henry, .562, 595. , Hugh, 231, 268. , John, 2, 166, 380, 389, 390. Robert, 74, 145, .S40, 577. , Roger, 49, 331. , Thomas, 122, 402. , , escheator of Leicester, 368. , William, 249, 286, 462, 492. Wardeboys, Dan John, abbot of Ramsey, 392, 400. Warden, co. Bedford, 469, 570. , monastery of, 570. Wardour, Wardar, co. Wilts, 457, 529. Wardrobe, the, 31, 37, 40, 41, 61, 86, 92, 98, 100, 113, 182, 184, 186, 188, 237, 261, 263, 265, 278, 279, 281, 296, 334, 337, 343, 394, 420, 426, 4.53, 460, 461, 472, 475, 504, 544, 550, 554, 557, 565, 570, 590, 597. , keeper of, 188, 237, 589. And see TinreU ; Cousyn ; Say. Ware, co. Hartford, 100, 251, 420. Ware, John, 250. Nicholas, 356, 377. Wareham, Warham, co. Dorset, 434, 579. Waren, Nicholas, 167. , Thomas, 582. Wareyn, Richard, 218. Robert, vicar of Great or Chipping Wycombe, 212, 230. , Thomas, 240. , William, 213. Warfield, co. Berks, 148. Warham. See Wareham. Warinton, Robert, 393. Wark, Werke, co. Northumberland, 451. Warkworth, John, 518. Warldes, William, 201, 217. Warley, John, 259, 493. , Thomas, 387. GENERAL INDEX. 799 Warmborough, North, Northwamburgh, co. Southampton, 43.'i. Warmingtou, co. Northampton, 153. Warminster, Warmcstre, co. Wilts, 77, 1.58, 466. Warmston, co. Huckiugham, 152. Warmyngton, Philip, 169. , Robert, 271, 290. Warner, John, 8 1 . , Philip, 578, 589. , Thomas, 16. , William, 142. Warnford, Wernesford, co. Southampton, 499. Warpesden. See Worplesdon. Warre, John, 406. , Richard, 220, 427. , Robert, 522. ' Warrewyk,' herald of arms, 261. Warrington, Waryngton [iu Olnoy], co. Buckingham, 420. Warsop. iSee AVorksop. Warstlyngworth. See Wrestlingworth. Warter, Wartrc, co. York, 17, 90, 125, 423. , priory of, 17, 90, 125, 423. Warter, Wartyr, Edmund, 142, 234. Warton [co. Lancaster], 334. WartoQ, Geoffrey, 31, 50, 261, 288, 377, 490. Warwick, Warwikkebrig [co. Cumberland], 215. , CO. Warwick, 153, 190, 260, 290, 291, 331, 385, 606. collegiate church of St. Mary, dean and chapter of, 153. , John Southwell, dean of, 386. prebend of St. John in, 236. , charter dated at, 425. , county of, 55, 70, 88, 91, 93, 106, 196, 218, 246, 247, 284, 285, 287, 289, 292, 294, 329, 348, 359, 401, 403, 405, 430, 462, 406, 481, 490, 492, 496, 513, , , sherifiF of, 64, 284, 287, 289, 348, 405, 440, 492. , And see Walssh ; Harecourt ; Higford ; Throgmerton ; Wodford : Raylegh. , escheator iu, 35, 153, 241, 271, 278, 292, 333, 391, 416, 442, 475, 598. , And see Moton ; Verney ; Boughton. , , outlawries iu, 2, 77, 81, 142, 143, 226, 293, 323, 324, 384, 386, 448, 502, 578. , , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 329, 348, 478, 537. , justices of the peace in, 117. , commissions of the peace in, 634. Warwild, Thomas, 236. Warwyke, Richard, 8, 226. , Joan his wife, 8. Waryn, Richard, 12. , William, 407. Waryner, Richard, 192. Waryng, John, 257. Warynges, Nicholas, 224, 320, 554, 630. Waryngton, Robert, 529. Wase, William, rector of Week St. Mary, 580. Washineborough, Wassingburgh, co. Lincoln, 4^57, 530. Washlingstone, Wachelyngstone, co. Kent, hundred of, 300. Wasiugburgh. See Washingborough. Waskeff, .lohn, 317 319. Wasp, Thomas, 254. Waspus, Thomas, 226. Wassingburgh. See Washingborough. Wassyngham, co. Surrey, 276, 308. Watcote. Sec Whatcote. Water, John, 35, 261, 287, 324. , , sub-prior of MontacutC; 15. , Richard, 501. William, 234, 248. Waterfall, William, 499. Waterford, 354, 459, 466, 468. , citizens of, 459, 466. Waterfulford, co. York, 48. Waterhous, John, 573. , Richard, 573. , William, 573. Waterperry, co. Oxford, 101, Waterton, Robert, esquire, 510. , knight, 510. Watford, co. Hertford, 470. , CO. Northampton, 342, 448, 536. Watford, Henry, 255. Wathe, John, 13. Watilsburgh. See Wattlesborough. Watkyns, John, 112. Wallcsburgh, co. Middlesex, 77. Watliugton, co. O.vford, 175. Watno, John, 288. Watson, John, 277. , Thomas, 215. Watte, Wattys, John, 434. Wattlesborough, Watilsburgh, co. Salop, 79. Wattou, CO. Hertford, 176. at Stono, Whatton atte Stone, co. Hertford, 22, 530, 531. CO. Norfolk, 203. Watton, Katharine, 298, 373, 376. Robert, 164, 298, 373, 376. Wattys. Richard, 505. , Thomas. 307. William, 10. Waulton. Sec Walton. Wanton. Sec Walton. Wavenden, co. Buckingham, 116, 155, 327, 529. , Little, 457 3 F 2 800 GENERAL INDEX. Waver, Henry, 85. Wavton, John, 108. Waweton, Thomas, 285. Waynflete. See Waiufleet. Waynflcte, John, 57, 104, 263, 378, 557. , William, bishop of Winchester [1447- 1486], 43, 63, 64, 130, 158, 259, 293, 339, 344, 360, 365, 399, 608, 628, 629, 631, 635. Waynesford, Kichard, 353. , William, 33. Wayte, 36. Wayte, Edward, 490, 493. , John, 74, 372. , Thomas, 108. , William, 493. Weald, South, Southweyld, co. Essex, 437. Weasenham, Wesenham, co. Norfolk, 8. Weberton. See Wyberton. Webbe, liichard, 362. , William, 140, 377, 432. Webber, Henry, dean of Exeter, 612. .......... John, vicar of Collumpton, 283. Webley. See Weobley. Wedewe, Kobert, chaplain of the chantry in le Croft, Christ Church, Canterbuiy, 415. Wedirby [co. York], 483, 487. Wedneshury, Wadnesberie, co. Salop, men of, 402. Wedon. See Weedon. Wedon, William, 286, 287. Weedon, Wedon [co. Northampton], 461. Beck, Wedonbeke, co. Northampton, 63. Week St. Mary, Wyke, co. Cornwall, 58, 580. Wetf, Robert, chaplain of the chantry under le Croft in Christ Church, Canterbury, 388. Weke, John, 80. , Philip. 80. , Ralph atte, 80. , William, 143. Welbeck, abbot of, 466. Welbey. See Wilby. Welbourn, co. Lincoln, 26, 517. Welby, CO. Lincoln, 62, 328. Welby, Richard, 28, 127, 170, 352, 354, 355, 490, 619. , , sheriff of Lincoln, 293. , William, 202. Welde, John, 318. Welden, William, 374. Weldon, Welledown, co. Northampton, 358. Wele, Thomas, parson of Gisleham, 467, 586. , William, 503. Welegh, Wolegh, co. Southampton, 63,461. Weley. See Wyehall. Welford, Welneford, co. Gloucester, 67, 102. Welford, John, 140, 289, 407, 459, 606, 615, 616. Welham, Wellum, co. York, 2. Welham, Thomas, 202. Well, Welles, co. Lincoln, 508, 535. ., CO. Norfolk, alien priory of, 163, 568. Well, Welle, John, 446. , Thomas, 56, 351. , John atte, 403, 404. , Richard atte, 300. , Thomas att, prior of Lewes, 415. , William atte, the younger, 11. , , the elder, 12. Welland, Wenlond, co. Worcester, 102. Welle, CO. Cambridge, 203. Welleby, co. Lincoln, 62, 328. Welledown. See Weldon. Welleford, John, 54. AVelles, Wellys, Avice, 358. , Edward, 69. , Hugh, 81. , James, 72, .309. , Joan, 207. , John, 52, 280, 325, 368, 436, 444, 473, 523. , Elizabeth his wife, 444. John atte, 5. Richard, 218, 313, 508, 525. , , Marjory his wife, 508. , Richard, lord of Welles and Willoughby, 207, 019-621. , Robert, 207, 218, 409, 508, 525, 621. Thomas, 128, 196, 246, 356, 405, 429, 571, 572, 629. , William, 54, 250, 337. Wellesborne, Wellysbourne, Thomas, 286, 287, 603. Wellesbourne, Waleborne [co. Warwick], 565. Wellington, Welyngton Hay, co. Salop, 130. Wellow, CO. Somerset, 466. , hundred of, 466. Wells, CO. Somerset, 11, 39, 53, 87, 205, 325, 589. , cathedral of, 36, 53. , , dean of, 583. And see Gunthorpe, , letters patent dated at, 210. , bishop of. See Stilliugton. Wellys. See Welles. Wellysbourne. See Wellesborne. Welneford. See Welford. Welnetham, Whelleweteham, co. Suffolk, 484. , Great, 36. Welscombe. See Wiveliscombe. Welshe, Elias, presented to the chantry of Newton Poppleford, 358. Weltden, Simon, 216. Welton Rivall, prebend of, 295. Welton, Nicholas, 147. , William, 353. GENERAL INDEX. 801 Welwetham. See Welnetham. Welyngton. See Wellington. Welyworth, Thomas, 187. Wem, lord of. See Greystoke. Wempstead, Wemstede, co. Hertford, 40, 176. Weucelagh, John, 636. Thomas, 309. Wendover, co. Buckingham, 144. Wendy, John, 240, 320. VVenenian, Henry, 7. Wenfride Egle. See Winford Eagle. Wenge. See Wing. Wengrave, Thomas, 56. Matilda his wife, 56. Wenham, Little, co. Suffolk, 384. Wenlock, co. Salop, priory of, 109, 274. , Dan John Stratton, prior of, 109. Roger VN'cnlok, prior of, 274. , Dan John Shorewesbury, prior of, 274. Wenlok, John, lord, 31, 57, 99, 128, 323, 538, 607, 608, 616. , , chief butler of England, 24, 113, 165, 178, 183, 262. , Koger, prior of Wenlock, 274. Wcnlond. See Welland. Wcnsleydale, Wynsladale, co. York, 483. 486, 487. Went. See Derwent. Went, Wentc, John, 387, 443. , Margaret his wife, 443. Wentworth, Henry, the elder, 246, 248, 631. , John, 10. , Kichard, 578. William, 407, 477, 581, 625. , , Margaret his wife, 581. Weobley, Webley, co. Hereford, 142. Were, John, 251. Werkc. .See VVark. Werkeman, Kichard, 39. Werkyngton. .See Workington. Wernesford. .See Warnford. Werre, Richard, 356. Werscbury, co. Gloucester, 541. Wesenham. See Weasenham. Wesprayhele, co. Cornwall, 58.' West, Weste, John, 218, 289, 348, 405, 606, 634. , , coroner and attorney of the king in the King's Bench, 11, 162. Richard, 80. , lord la Warre, 104, 118, 247, 249, 275, 633. , , Katharine his wife, 118. , Thomas, vicar of Lincoln cathedral, 559. , William, 2, 473, 504. Westbere. See Bere. Westbern by Upton Noble, co. Somerset, 148. Westborough, Westburgh, co. Lincoln, 34, 132. West Bowrc. .See Westbury. Westbroke, Peter, 300. Westbrook, co. Berks, 242. Westbury, co. Gloucester, 324, 562. dean of, 393. CO. Salop, 503, West Bowre, co. Somerset, 294. , CO. Southampton, 210. , CO. Wilts, 381. Westbury, William, prebendary of St. Stephen's,; Westminster. 111. , prebendary of .St. Paul's, Lon- don, 111. , provost of Eton, 62, 73, 328, 394, 553. West by, Edmund, 244. , Edward, 196. , Gregory, 306, 311. Westchff, Westclyff, .lohn, 276, 310. Westcot, CO. Buckingham, 480. Westcote, Guy, 268. Westcott [in Collurapton], co. Devon, 343. Westefeld, John, 164. Westerham, Wcstram, co. Kent, hundred of, 300. Westerkelo. .See Keal. Westgate, Westyeate, co. Devon, 17, 280, 457, 529. by Canterbury, co. Kent, 302. , hundred of, 302. Westgate, Robert, prior of St. Swithun'.s, Winchester, 13(;, 436. Westheath, co. Surrey, 308. Westhordon. See Horndon, West. Westhorp, Edmund, 221. Westhorpe, co. Lincoln, 19. CO. Suffolk, 482. Westhouses, in Thorton, co. York, 383, 384. Westhnrrok. .See Tluirrock, West. Westland, John, 472. Westlawe, John, 472. West Leigh, Westley, co. Lancaster, 144. Wcstley, CO. Suffolk, 457, 530. AVestminster, 1, 3, 11, 50, 56, 58, 74, 80, 85, 87, 100, 139, 150, 15", 161, 163, 165, 167, 174, 178, 190, 194, 234, 256, 276, 291, 295, 299, 325, 326, 331, 337, 344, 34S, 362, 364, 367, 369, 374. 376, 378, 405, 422, 427, 429, 440, 450, 460, 465, 468, 477, 482. 484, 522, 551, 558, 573, 577, 583, 586, 593, 596, 601-603. , statute of, 28. , Parliament at, 14, 17-20, 22-27, 31- 34,36, 38-40, 43-48, 50, 51, 56, .58, 59, 66, 67, 70, 87, 90-93, 95, 96, 99, 100, 103, 108, no, 114, 116, 119, 121, 125, 126, 128, 130, 135, 137, 139, 151, 174, 176, 179, 181, 182, 187, 189, 194, 802 GENERAL INDEX. Westminster, Parliament at— con*. 200, 206, 226, 2.38, 239, 264, 270, 279, 280, 294, 307, 315, 329, 360, 388, 398, 413-415, 418, 419, 421, 422, 426, 428, 441, 444, 445, 449, 452-456, 458, 461, 466, 470, 479, 480, 483, 486, 487, 496, 505-510, 512-518, 531-525, 530, 532- 534, 536, 538-541, 543, 546, 549, 552, 557, 560, 562-565, 567-569, 570, 572, 583, 584, 591, -595. ,„ , letters patent dated at, passim. , charters dated at, 14, 17, 63, 67, 99, 112, 114, 122, 131, 136, 164, 188, 237, 328, 358, 369-371, 398, 423, 425, 426, 459, 460, 465, 469, 476, 478, 520, 538, 568, 601. , church of St. Margaret, 460. , St. Peter's abbey, 66, 179, 206, 272, 317, 455, 460, 472, 476, 591. , , abbot and convent of, IS, 52, 17.3, 272, 308, 468, 476, 601. , , abbot of, 332, 460. , Edmund, abbot of, 386. , , George, abbot of, 18, 52, 157, 173. 179, 206, 445, 446. , , Thomas Millyng, abbot of, 179, 206, 259, 28.3, 340, 366, 468, 472, 474, 476, 487, 615, 616, 622, 627, 636. , , John Esteney, abbot of, 472, 474, 482, 512, 588, 597, 601. , hospital of St. James by, 63. , , Roger Malmesbury, warden of, 63. , guild of St. Mary at, 460. , the king's privy palace at, 18, 244, 281, 475. Westminster palace, 232, 324, 348, 376, 470, 521,551, 563, 566. , White Hall in, 307, 511. , Star Chamber in, 131, 521. , ' le Watergate ' of, 521. , ' le Parlment Chambre ' in, 190. , the king's wardrobe in, 295. , the free chapel of St. Stephen in, 501. , ... dean and chapter of, 79, 80, 111, 119, 147, 150, 163, 235, 258, 306, 414, 512, 568, 590. , , dean of, 180, 267, 551, 560, 583. , And see Kirkeham ; Alcok ; Courtenay. , prebends in, 106, 111, 180, 235, 244, 258, 267, 306, 360, 363, 437, 439, 547, 551, 560, 586, 589, 590, 597, 604. , college of vicars, clerks and choristers in, 151. , John Sewhall, warden of, 150. Westmoreland, earl of. 471, 545. Withom, Dame Katharine, 503. Witlesey, William, abbot of Ramsey, 98, 107, 392, 394. Witley, Whitley, co. Surrey, 116, 457, 529. Witnam. See Wittenham. Witney, William, 488. Wittenham, Witnam, Little, co. Berks, 263. , CO. Wilts, 466. Witton [in Great Budworth], co. Chester, 450. , West, CO. York, 346, 483, 486, 487. Wivelcote, co. Oxford, 562. Wiveliscombe, Welscombe, Wyllescomhe, co. Somerset, 144. Wivenhoe, Wyvenhoo, co. Essex, 318, 439, 565. Wiveton, Wyveton, co. Norfolk, 73. Wobourn, John, 604. , William, minor canon of St. Paul's, London, 604. Woburn, co. Bedford, letters patent dated at, 467, 470. Wodam Mortymer. See Woodham Mortimer. Woddesdon. See Waddesdon. Wode. See Wood. Wode, Alexander, 375, 406, 609. , Henry, 2. , John, 2, 196, 199, 222, 246-249, 287, 407, 438, 462, 630, 632, 633. , , master of the ordnance, 25, 112, 163, 549. , the elder, 405, 632. , the younger, 406, 633. John a, 31, 212. , John atte, 570. , Richard, 552, 570. , prior of Studley, 471. , Robert a, 552. ,, Thomas, 79, 325, 331, 557. , , the elder, 406. , Thomas atte, 49. Wodecok, Wodkok, Henry, 315. , John, 525, 579. Wodecote, Thomas 434. Wodeell. See WoodhuU. Wodefeld, Robert, 633. Wodehous, John, 291. GENERAL INDEX. 807 Wodehouse, Thomas, 581. Wodelarke, Kobert, 544. , provost of the college of St. Mary and St. Nicholas, Cambridge, 240, 481, 609. Wodell, Thomas, escheator in the county of Stafford, 541. Woderofe, Woderowe, John, 199, 408, 490, 638. , , escheator in the county of York, 103. , Oliver, 470. . , Thomas, 353. Wodeward, Richard, parson of Drewsteiguton, 213. And see Wodward. Wodford. See Wadeford. Wodford, Ralph, 619. , , sheriff of Warwick and Leices- ter, 136. Wodhous, John, 382. Wodkok. See Wodecok. Wodmanston, Robert, prebendary of St. George's, Windsor, 155. , , prebendary of Hastings, 155. Wodward, Richard, parson, of Alvescott, 52. , , parson of Doddinghurst, 295. William, 384. And see Wodeward. Wodwatyr. See Woodham Walter. Wody, John, 575. Richard, 73. Wodyngton, William, 471. Wokeham. See Oakham. Wokindone. See Ockendon. Bi.sshop. Sec Cranham. Wokyndon. See Ockendon. Wokyng, John, 538. Wokysbregge. See Uxbridge. Wolcelcy. See Wolseley. Wolcey, William, 552. Wolcombe. See Woolacombe. Woldeham. See Wouldhiim. Wolegh. Sec Wclegh. Wolf, Wolfe, Ralph, 73. , Richard, 501. , William, 249, 291. Wolfardesworthy. See Woolfardisworthy. Wolferton. See Woolverton. Wolfhampston. See Woolston. Wolflete, William, 261. Wolford, Great, co. Warwick, 430. Wollaton, CO. Nottingham, 231. WoUavynton. See Woolavington. Wolley. See Wooley. Wolmer forest [co. Southampton], 66. Wolseley, co. Stafford, 184. Wolseley, Ralph, 12, 14, 184, 407, 630. , , baron of the Exchequer, 31, 211, 383, 577. Wolseley, Ralph, victualler of Calais, 161. , Thomas, 630. Wolshawe, John, 9. , , the elder, 74. Wolstanton, co. Stafford, 397, 416. Wolsthorp. .See Woolsthorpe. Wolston, CO. Warwick, 331. And see Woolstone. Wolston, Guy, 184, 199, 349, 564, 623. , Reginald, canon of Hereford, 365. , William, 146. Wolueresford. See Worfield. Wolverdiugton, co. Warwick, 153. Wolverston. See Woolverstone. Wolverton, co. Buckingham, 212. Wolvey, CO. Warwick, 135. Wolyugdonbisshop. See Cranham. Wombewell, Thomas, 302. Wombwell, co. York, 386. Womersley, Wymbersley [co. York], 575. Womwell, John, 131. Woneley, Robert, 316. Wonersh, co. Surrey, 579. Wonford, co. Devon, hundred of, 280, 457, 529. Wood, John, 536. William, 579. A7id see Wode. Woodbury, Wodbury, co. Devon, 60. Woodchurch, Wodchirche, co. Kent, 283, 536, 546. Woodcote, CO. Salop. 444. Woodford, Wodeford, co. Devon, 225. , Wodford, CO. Somerset, 530. Woodhall, Wodhall, co. York, 483, 486, 487. ^Voodham Ferrers, Wodehara Ferers, co. Essex, 424. Mortimer, 73, 521. Walter, Wodwatyr, 12, 116, 272. Woodhouse, Wodehous, co. Warwick, 49, 331. Woodhull, Wodeell, Wodehyll [in Mepper- shall], CO. Bedford, 436. Woodland, Wodelonde, co. Kent, 5. Woodstock, Wodestoke, Odestoke, co. Oxford, 17, 44, 85, 116, 117, 241, 244, 364, 369, 422, 510, 543, 567, 573, 574, 603. , mayor of. See Carryk. , charters dated at, 34, 67, 68, 136, 328, 425. Old, 374. Woodward, Richard, parson of St. John, Maddermarket, Norwich, 21. Woolacombe, Wolcombe, co. Devon, 106. Woolavington, WoUavynton, co. Somerset, 461, 551. Wooley, Wolley, co. York, 477. Woolfardisworthy, Wolfardesworthy, co. Devon, 52. 808 GENERAL INDEX. Wools, 11, 31, 53, 59, 85, 87, 91, 108, 126, 132, 134, 153-155, 160, 161, 212, 213, 244, 273, 306, 337, 341, 357, 388, 489, 532, 533, 543, 56ii, 565, 571, 573. And see Customs ; subsidies. Woolsthorpe, Wolsthorp, co. Lincoln, 27, 517. Woolston, AVolfhampston, in Chigwell, co. Essex, 192. Woolstoue, Wolstone, co. Gloucester, 66. "Woolverstone, Wolverston co. Suffolk, 590. Woolverton, Wolferton, co. Southampton, 182. Woolwich, Wolewiche, co, Kent, 463. Wootton, Wotton, CO. Oxford, 17, 117, 241, 244, 364, 422, 510, 543, 567, 573. , hundred of, 1 7, 85, 117, 244, 364, 422, 510, 543, 567, 573. Worcester, 29,84,211, 232,330, 354,466,496, 499, 536. , charters dated at, G7, 425. , diocese of, 35, 66, 393, 438, 461, 520. , bishopric of, 598. , bishop of. See Carpenter ; Alcok. , ship called le George, of 29. , county of, 55, 61, 70, 172, 195, 218, 284, 289, 294, 329, 347, 350, 406, 408, 421, 430, 462, 492, 496, 497, 526, 574, 606. , sheriff of, 29, 101, 350, 406, 492, 496, 526. , , escheator in, 33, 206, 333, 472, 598. , And see Rugge ; Beaumont. , , outlawries in, 7, 9, 10, 51, 499. , , subsidy and ulnage of cloth in, 329, 347, 478. , justices of the peace in, 51. , commissions of the peace in, 635. Worcestre, William, 200. Worelham. See Worldham. Worewell, John, 2. Worfield, Wolueresford [co. Salop], 594. Worford, Nicholas, 224. Workington, Werkyngton, co. Cumberland, 417. Works, clerk of. See Stratton ; Straunge. Worksop, Warsop, co. Nottingham, 17, 70, 125, 418, 419, 423, 431, 442, 460, 477. Worldham, Worelham, co. Southampton, 66. , East, Estworldham, 66. Worldham, Peter de, 66. Wormegay, W3'rmynge3% co. Norfolk, 422. Wormelow, co. Hereford, hundred of, 539, 561. Wormiugford, co. Essex, 291. Wormington, Little, co. Gloucester, 16. Worms, charter dated at, 370, 371. Wormyngham, William, 286. Worplesdon, Warpisden, co. Surrey, 457, 529. Worsall [co.York], 200. Worseley. .See Worsley. Worshope. See Worksop. Worsley, V/orseley, Christopher, 48, 165, 169, 171, 196, 358, 628. , , sheriff of Somerset and Dorset, 95. , , Joan his wife, 358. , Henry, 142. James, 401, 459. , John, 358, 437, 496. , Otewel, 97, 264. , Ealph, 379. , Richard, 142. , Robert, 430. Roland, 271, 290. , Seth, 86, 577, 600. , William, 83, 86, 551, 567. , , mayor of Calais, 290. Worsop, John, 11. Worstead, co. Norfolk, 16. Worteley. See Wortley. Worth, CO. Kent, hundred of, 300. , Wurthe, co. Sussex, forest of, 192. Wortham, Henry, 431. AVorthington, John, 86. , Robert, 376. Wortley, co. York, 258. Wortley, Nicholas, 402. , Thomas, 258, 418. Worton, CO. Lancaster, 531. , [CO. York], 483, 486, 487. Wotton, John, 519. , Nicholas, 523. Robert, guardian of the Friars Minor of Colchester, 162. , Thomas, 70, 71, 381. And see Wootton. Wouldham, Woldeham, co. Kent, 371. Woxbrigge. See Uxbridge. Wragby, co. Lincoln, 17, 47, 125, 423, 457, 530. Wrangle, co, Lincoln, 292. Wrangwysshe, Thomas, 355. Wrastlyngworth. See Wrestliugworth. Wraton. See Wratton. Wrattesley. See Wrottesley. Wratting, Great, co. Suffolk, 241. Wratton, Wraton, Peter, 265, 413, 551. Wrautham (? Wortham), co. Suffolk, 191. Wraxall, Wroxale, co. Dorset, 457, 529. , CO. Somerset, 270, 458, 465, 530. Wrenne, Edmund, 579. Wressle, Wresill, co. York, 91, 239. Wrestliugworth, Warstlyngworth, co. Bed- ford, 98, 108, 191, 485. Wretill. See Writell. Wrey, Wreycombe, co. Devon, 24, 45, 46. Wright, Wryght, George, 309. , Henry, 285. , John, 148. GENERAL INDEX. Wright, llichard, 30, 327, 503. , Eobert, 148. , , Margaret his wife, 148. , ... ... parson of Chipstead, 519. , Thomas, 384, 431. William, 77, 214, 277. Wrightington, co. Lancaster, 40. Writell, Wretill, Wyrtell, John, 514. , Walter, 317, 351, 407, 428, 514, 614. , , Katharine his wfe, 514. , Walter, sheriff of Essex and Hertford, 180. Writtle, Wrytyll, co. Essex, 436. Wrixworth, Wirksworth, co. Derby, 32. Wrockwardine, co. Salop, 133, 159, 397, 541. Wroghton. See Wroughton. Wroth, Wrothc, .John, 266, 349, 444. Wrotham, co. Kent, hundred of, 301. Wrottesley, Wrattislay, co. Stafford, 290. Wrottesley, Wrattyslay, Henry,',2l8. , Walter, 82, 218, 270, 290, 408, 630. Wroughton, Over, co. Wilts, 533.J Nether, 533. Wroughton, Wroghton, John, 219, 247, 278, 280, 635. Wroxhale. See Wraxall. Wroxhale, John, 242. Wroxham, llichard, 288. Wrutou, Peter, 481. Wryght. See Wright. Wrytyll. See Writtle. Wryxham, Thomas, 127. WuUer, William, abbot of Abbotsbury, 115. Wulston, Guy, 405. ' Wurthe. See Worth. Wyard, Stephen, 144. Wyberton, Weberton, co. Lincoln, 508. Wybostou, Wyboldcston, in Eaton Socon, co. Bedford, 227, 253, 503, 596. Wyche, See Droitwich. Wyche, Henry, 6, 7, 599. , Hugh, 387, 433. Wychecote. See Whichecotes. Wychecote, John, 127. Wychenore. See Wichnor. Wychwood, co. Oxford, forest of, 90. Wychynghani. Sec Witchingham ; Wichyng- ham. Wyclyff, Robert, 177. Wycombe, co. Buckingham, 390. , letters patent dated at, 470. , Great, co. Buckingham, 212. , Chipping, 230. , West, 472. Wydecombe, co. Dorset, 457, 529. Wydeford. See Widford. Wydeslade, Wyteslade, John, 4, 84, 171, 400, 427, 464, 574. Richard, 407, 427, 464, 613. Wydeville, Wodevillc, Wideville, Antony, earl of Ryvers, lord of Scales and Nuselles and the Isle of Wight, 19, 41, 55-57, 69,100,105, 109, 120-128, 152, 155, 169, 170, 195-197, 199, 206, 220, 221, 267, 283, 285, 292, 339,373, 375, 376, 403, 406, 417, 421-424, 429, 475, 553, 582, 583, 606, 609, 614-616, 618, 622, 624, 627, 629, 631, 636. , , chief butler of England, 393, 410, 412, 415, 443, 548, 553, 565. lieutenant of Calais, 450. , , Elizabeth his wife, 152. , Edmund, 167, 231. , John, 19. , Leonard, 39. , Lionel, warden of the hospital of St. Katharine by the Tower of Loudon, 541. , Richard, 228, 257, 607, 624. .......... , earl of IJyvers, lord of Grafton and la Mote, the queen's father, 19, 55, 69, 102,103, 126-128, 158, 170, 183, 343, 376, 421, 584, 617, 623, 631. , constable of England, 19, 59, 97, 178. , treasurer of England, 33, 59, 97, 154, 170. , Jaquetta his wife, 190, 327, 334, 343, 584. Wydower, Nicholas, 420. Wydryngtou. Sec Widdrington. Wye, CO. Kent, hundred of, 300. Wye river, 365. VV^ye, John, 4. Wyehall, Weley (in Northfield), co. Wor- cester, 303. Wygenhale. See Wigsenhall. Wygeston, Wyggeston, Roger, 213. Thomas, 212. Wyggdon, eo. Devon, 27. Wyggebergh. See Wigborough. Wyght, John, 500. Wyghthille. See Whitehill. Wyghthyll, Robert, 420. Wyghton. See Wyton. Wygmore. See Wigmore. Wygmore, John, parson of Scales, 313. Wyk. Sec Wick. Wyke in Yatton, co. Somerset, 280, 281. \\'yke Resynden, Wyke Rusyngdon. See Risington Wick. Wyke. See Week. Wyke, John, 7. Margaret his wife, 7. , Thomas, 434. Wykehum, William of, bishop of Winchester [136G-1404], 539. , , sheriff of Oxford and Berks 116. Wykeley, John, abbot of St. James by North- ampton, 594. 810 GENERAL INDEX. Wykemere. See Wickmere. Wykes, co. Lincoln, 529. Wykes, Wykys, John, 32, 33, 186, 346, 403, 429, 435, 437, 558, 615, 622. , , Isabel his wife, 437. , Thomas, 482. William, 197. Wykewan, co. Gloucester, 473. Wykys. See Wykes. Wylbey. See Wilby. Wylbyes. See Wilbyes. Wylcokys, John, 405. Wylcotes. See Wilcotes. Wylde. See Wilde. Wyldehora, co. Essex, 131. Wyldy. See Wildy. Wyles, Kobert, 73. Wyllies, John, 164. , William, 164, 384. Wylkynson. See Wilkynson. Wyllerdby. See Willerby. Wyllyam. See William. Wyllyams, John, 578. Wyllyems, John, 502. , Margaret his wife, 502. Wyllescombe. See Wiveliscombe. Wylly. See Willy. Wylmot. See Wilmote. Wylowedyke, 170. Wylstre, Henry, 60. , John, 60. Wylteshire, Wylshire, Thomas, 81, 300. Wymark, Thomas, 316. Wymbersley. See Womersley. Wymbissh, Wymbyssh, Thomas, 28, 285, 620, 621. , , sherift of Lincoln, 549. Wymbussh. See Wimbish. Wymondham, Wyndam, co. Nc rfolk, 144, 562. Wymondham, John, the younger, 151. Wymple. See Whimple. Wynandremere. See Windermere. Wynard, Christopher, 128. , John, 57, 100, 128. Wynche, John, 77. Wyuchecombe. See Winchcombe. Wynchecombe, William, abbot of Winch- combe, 440. Wynchelsee. See Winchelsea. Wynchestre fee, cos. Leicester and Warwick, 26, 517. Wynchestre, Ralph, 53. Wyncletracy. See Winkleigh Tracy. Wyndam. See Wymondham. Wyudandymer. See Windermere. Wyude, Nicholas, 12. , Rannlph, 323. ., Thomas, 203. William, 203. Wyndham, John, the younger, 151. Wyndesore, Thomas, 295, 509, 622. , William, 95. Wynell, John, 11, 383. Wyneman, Henry, 7. Wynfeld. See Wyngfeld. Wynfield. See Winefield. Wynford Eagle, Wynfryde Egle (in Toller Fratrum), co. Dorset, 327. Wyng. See Wing. Wynge, Robert, 381. Wyngeaulton. See Wincanton. Wyngfeld, Wynkefeld, Wynfeld, John, 202, 287, 352, 353, 375, 405, 408, 490, 631. Richard, 44. , Robert, 169, 197, 308, 352, 353, 406, 490, 491, 501, 526, 562, 622, 631, 632. , Anne his wife, 562. , Thomas, 125, 423, 623, 631. , , Philippa his wife, 125, 423. , Thomas, escheator in the counties of Surrey and Sussex, 155. William, 318. Wyngham. See Wingham. Wyugrave. See Wingrave. Wynkelekeynes. See Winkleigh Keynes. Wynkefeld. See Wyngfeld. Wynne, John, 289, 407, 615, 616. , Reginald, 433, 452. Wynnyng, William, 162. Wynshelys, .John, 514. WynshuU. See Winshill. Wynsladale. See Wensleydale. Wynslede, Richard, 427. Wynsloo, Richard, 57. Wynter, Edmund, 382. John, 581. , Robert, 30. , Thomas, 433. Wynterborn. See Winterbourne. Wynterborn, Wynterborne, Thomas, 52, 375, 434. Thomas, dean of St. Paul's, London, 460. Wyntershill, Wyntersell, Wyntreshill, Robert, 246, 248, 351, 632. , Thomas, 405, 452, 632. Wynton. See Winton. Wynton, Richard, 9. Wyntreslowe. See Winterslow. Wyrardisbury, co. Buckingham, 232. Wyresdale, Nether [co. Lancaster], 334, 532. Wyrkesworth. See Wirksworth. Wyrmyngey. See Wormegay. Wyrtell. See Writell. Wysbech, Wysebeche. John, abbot of Croy land, 181, 205, 604. Wysberd. See Wiseberd. Wysbych. See Wisbech. Wyse. See Wise. GENERAL INDEX. 811 Wyseberd. See Wiscberd. Wyseman. See Wiseman. Wysewall, John, 130. Eoger, 130. Wysham, Kalph, 29. Wyshard, Thomas, 143. , Alice his wife, 143. Wyssebeche. See Wisbeach. Wyteslade. See Wydeslade. Wyth, Philip, 519. Wytham. See Witham. Wytheford [co. Southampton], 571. Wythepoll. See WithipoU. Wytherygge. See Witheridge. Wythes, John, 600. Wythornse. See Withernsea. Wythome Wyke. See Withernwick. Wythornwyk, William, 264, 269. Wytlesford. Sec Whittlesford. Wytlesmere. See Whitllesea Mere. Wyton, Wyghtoii, co. York, 207. Wytsand. See Wissant. Wyttingham. See Whitingham. Wyvenhoo. See Wivenhoe. Wyverstone, co. SufiFolk, 255. Wyveton. See Wiveton, Wyvyle, Robert, 436. , , Beatrice his wife, 436. Y. Yakesle, Yaxley, Richard, 246, 248, 631. Yalding, Yeldyng, co. Kent, 145, 146. Yarborough, Yerburgh, co. Lincoln, 72. Yard, Gilbert, 37, 100. / , Richard, 37. , , Joan his wife, 37. Yardeley, Yerdeley, 'John, 50, 318, 331, 489, 604. , Oliver, .50, 331, 604. Yare, Thomas, 409. Yareburght, Hobert, rector of Ettou, 21. Yaresthorpe, co. York, 483, 486, 487. Yarmouth, Jernemuth, port of, 167, 231, 268, 592. , Great, 250,393. , burgesses of, 250, 393. , port of, 266, 375, 393. , , ship called le Michell of, 250. Yarsthorpe [co. York], 287. Yarum, Richard, 253. Robert, 382. Yarward, William, 506. Yateley, Yatelby [co. Southampton], 81. Yattendon, co. ISerks, 241. Yatton, CO. Somerset, 280, 281. Ybanus, Peter. 249. Ychyn, Robert, 183. Yde. See Ide. Yealmpton, co. Devon, 60. Yeanston, Endeston, co. Somerset, 63, 394. .., alien priory of, 394. Yedestan, co. Somerset, 187. Yee, CO. Devon, 343. Yefteley. See Iffley. Yeldham Hall, co. Essex, 297, 560. Yeldyng. See Yalding. YelvertOB, William, 70, 102, 103, 127, 128, 169-171, 221, 251, 378, 405, 613, 616, 618, 622, 630, 632, 633. , , justice of the King's Bench, 226, 229. Yendestowe. See Instow. Yen Hall, Enhale [in West Wickhara], co. Cambridge, 297, 556. Yenyn, Geoffrey, 94. Yeo, William, 246, 247. Yeovil. Yevell, co. Somerset, 221, 604. Yepiswiche. See Ipswich. Yerburgh. See Yarborough. Yerburgh, William, 218, 286. Yerde, John, 226. Yerdeley. See Yardeley. Y'ermouth. See Y'armoufh. Yernescombe, co. Devon, 343. Y'etton, in South Tawton, co. Devon, 502. Yevan, John, 39. Yevelchestre. See Ilchester. Yevell. See Yeovil. Ycveton. See Ivytou. Yewarne Courteiiey. See Iwerne Courtenay. Ylcestre. See Ilchester. Yns, Ralph, 382, 498. Yogge, William, 216. Y'olton. See Youlton. Yoly, Henry, 149. Y'on, William, abbot of .St. James by North ampton, 278. Yonge, Y'ong, John, 10, 168, 326, 341, 410, 476, 501. , , mayor of London, 35. , mayor of the staple of Calais, 586. the younger, 321 . , Agnes his wife, 321. , Laurence, 552. , Reginald, 163. Thomas, .5.3, 70, 82, 84, 92, 102, 103, 127, 128, 170-172, 202, 221, 246, 247, 251, 454, 523, 593, 610, 612-614, 628, 629, 635. , justice of the King's Bench, 515, .549. , , justice of the Common Bench, 59, 180, 227, 229, 344. , William, 215, 429, 579, 628. Y'onger, Richiird, 277. 812 GENERAL INDEX. Yore. See Ure. York, 5, 9, 11, 34, 47, 54, 92, 94, 103, 114, 128, 152, 153, 164, 171, 206, 221, 224, 238, 260, 267, 279, 305, 315, 316, 320, 328, 333, 347, 362, 374, 382, 416, 431, 432, 440, 454, 458, 462, 496, 499, 502, 516, 518, 530, 572, 575, 581, 593. , letters patent dated at, 205-207, 219. , mayor of, 239, 550, 572. And see Holhek; Thryske; Lematon; Yorke; Marchall. , ... ,., ordinance for the election of, 238,416. sheriffs of, 378. , outlawry in, 6, 9, 321, 323, 326, 382, 431, 432, 502, 575, 580, 581. , naint at, 149, 150. subsidy and uinage of cloth in, 328, 333, 335, 347, 478, 537. , weavers of, 117. , province of, 99, 131. , diocese of, 21, 89, 173, 207, 267, 299, 304, 369, 396, 417, 446, 504, 544, 585. , archbishopric of, 125, 126, 346, 588, 604. , archbishop of, 131. And see Neville ; Bothe. , St. William, archbishop of, 131. , cathedral of, 268, 340, 569. , , dean of. See Andrewe. , , dean and chapter of, 326, 591. , , prebend of Holme Archiepiscopi in, 323. St. Mary's, abbot of, 131. , hospital of St. Leonard, 15, 421. , , master and brethren of, 131. , , William Eure, warden of, 421. hospital of St. Nicholas, 15. , , Thomas Usburn, warden of, 15. , , Master John Shirmode, warden of, 15, 240. , monastery of Holy Trinity, 355,377. , , Kobert Huby, prior of, 355. , county of, 44, 54, 56, 92, 103, 131, 171, 200, 206, 207, 219, 242, 251, 260, 261, 267, 278, 329, 333, 347, 355, 362, 408, 455, 462, 479, 492, 555, 572, 587. , , , sheriff of, 44, 55, 56, 92, 199, 200, 251, 267, 349, 355, 361, 378, 393. 407, 408, 490, 492, 525, 593. And see Straugways ; Conyers ; Ayssheton ; Constable ; Haryngton. , , escheator in, 550, 597. York. And see Fereby; Woderove; Fitz- william ; Willesthorpe ; Sharp ; Port- yngton ; Coton. subsidy and uinage of cloth in, 328, 329, 333, 335, 347, 478, 537. , , outlawries in, 1-3, 6, 10, 47, 72-77, 80, 142-148, 253, 322, 323, 327, 381-386, 436, 477, 499, 502, 503, 575, 578, 581, 582, 600. , , East Riding of, 199, 349, 354, 407, 428, 430, 496. , , , commissions of the peace in, 636. , , North Riding of, 200, 349, 408, 430, 490, 496. , , , commissions of the peace, in, 637. , , West Riding of, 199, 349, 408, 430, 490, 496. , , , justices of the peace in, 55. , , , commissions of the peace in, 637. York, Yorke, John, 81, 145, 323, 348, 523, 539. , Richard, 572. , , mayor of York, 316. , Robert, 287. , William, 349, 523, 622. , , Agnes his wife, 523. Yotton, Thomas, 518. Youlton, Yolton, co. York, 20, 419. Yoxford, CO. Suffolk, 498. YvGton. See Ivyton. Yworthy. See Eworthy. z. Zeboll, John, 307. Zeeland, Seland, 29, 113, 266, 493. Ziles, Laurence, 488. Zouche, He la Zouche, John, 45, 48, 97, 112, 235, 327, 373, 504. , William, 152, 235, 373, 623. , , Katharine his wife, 152, 373. , William, lord, 45, 327. , Elizabeth his wife, 327. , William, lord Zouche and Seymour, 45, 48, 97, 112,327, 373. , , of Totneys, 242. Zouches Maners, co. Cambridge, 480. GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE 3 3125 01203 0553