ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE CELEBBA.TED VOIGTLANDER & SON’S PORTRAIT-LENSES 8 ECRYSCOPES. ALSO, THE WELL-KNOWN HARLOT LENSES. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE UNITED STATES, BENJAMIN FRENCH & CO, HO. 319 WASHMTOH ST., BOSTON, MASS. APRIL, 188 7- INDEX PAGE Choice of Portrait-Lenses '•••••• 2 Voigtlander’s Regular Portrait-Lenses .... 3 Voigtlander’s Portrait-Euryscopes 4-3 Official Report of the Photo. Society of Vienna . . 6 Voigtlander’s Extra Rapid Ecryscope ..... < Voigtlander’s Rapid Euryscope ...... Voigtlander’s Wide-Angle Euryscope ..... 9 Correct Focusing .•••••••• 1^ Darlot Portrait-Lenses . . • • • • • 12 Darlot Rapid Hemisphericals . . . • • • 13 Darlot Wide-Angle Hemisphericals 13 Darlot Gem Lenses 14 Darlot Stereo. Lenses (Imitation Dallmeyer) ... 14 Darlot Single View-Lenses 14 Darlot Condensing-Lenses 13 Central-Stops, Flanges, and Caps ..... 16 Table for Projection. — Care of Lenses . . Inside cover Photographic Shutters ...... Outside cover The Voigtlander Lenses have attained such world -wide fame, and continue to be universally recognized as the very finest lenses ever constructed, that it would be superfluous to dwell on their rapid growth, their unequalled powers, and the numerous high honors bestowed upon the makers — Messrs. Voigtlander & Son. The career of this celebrated firm is marked by an unbroken series of unqualified successes, as illus- trated by their double portrait-objective — the first ever pro- duced — their renowned Euryscope, and, recently, their superb Portrait-Eury scopes. The Voigtlander lenses, in their present improved form, present the greatest perfection yet reached in photographic lenses, and there is no requirement in the wide range of photography to which they are not eminently suited, yielding results of superlative excellence. Much of their phe- nomenal success is due to their uniform excellence, an inferior Voigtlander lens never having been produced. After a lens has been completed, it is subjected to a most thorough optical and practical test by Mr. Voigtlander himself, who permits no instru- ment to leave his establishment unless it is absolutely perfect in every detail, regardless of the time and material consumed in its construction. All Voigtlander lenses are composed of the choicest and most expensive optical glass, and occasional small bubbles, which are impossible to avoid in its production, are quite harm- less, as they do not in the least affect the efficiency of the lens. Every genuine lens has engraved upon the barrel the number indicating its size, its denomination, the manufacturers’ number, and the makers’ name — "Voigtlander & Sohn ” — exactly as represented in the cuts. ON THE CHOICE OF PORTRAIT-LENSES. The selection of a lens for use in the studio depends upon a variety of conditions, chief of which are the size of picture, the working-speed of the lens, and the length of studio. The greater the illuminating power of the instrument, the more quickly it works, but in the same proportion the focal length and size of picture are diminished. In- crease of illuminating power is always attended with a sacrifice of depth of focus, and vice versd. Objectives of longer focus produce pictures excelling in correct physical proportions ; but this result is never at- tained by straining the covering-power of a lens — a practice quite common among photographers. An experienced artist will always pre- fer a large instrument, provided his studio will admit of its use, instead of trying to make large pictures with a small lens, which is accomplished only by the use of small stops, and at the expense of speed. Then, too, a large quick-acting portrait-lens has the added advantage of en- abling the operator to increase the size of field by the use of stops. Every enterprising photographer should possess a set of lenses capa- ble of producing any class of work required of him. He should have a “ quick- worker ” for children and nervous persons ; a regular cabinet lens, and a Euryscope or two for standing figures, groups and large heads, and for occasional out-of-door work. No one lens can be expected to do the work of three lenses. VOIGTLANDER & SON'S LENSES. 3 FIRST SERIES. VOIGTLANDER & SON’S REGULAR Exclusively PORTRAIT-LENS, For Portraits. “ QUICK-WORKERS.” These are double-combination lenses ; possess the greatest illumi- nating power consistent with fine definition, and work in less time than any other regular portrait-lens. They are, therefore, very desirable for photographing children and nervous persons, but specially adapted to bust-portraits on cards and cabinets, yielding pictures which excel in roundness (stereoscopic effect) and extreme brilliancy. All are pro- vided with rack and pinion movement (except No. 6 B and No. 7 B, which are mounted in rigid settings) and central stops. Ratio of aper- ture to focus 1 to 3^ or -yy-g-. Number. Diameter of Lens. Equivalent Focus. Size of Plate. Price. 3B 2 in. 6|- in. 3 IX 4^ $57 00 4B 91 a *2 GO iHm 78 00 5B 3 “ q i u 5X7 90 00 GB H “ 11 “ G4X81 130 00 7B 4 “ 14 “ 8 X 10 165 00 4 VOIGTLANDER & SON’S LENSES. The Latest Achievement in Portrait-Lenses. VOIGTLANDER & SON’S USTETsfiT THE IDEAL LENS FOR PORTRAITS, GROUPS AND FIGURES. Unlike the regular Portrait-Lenses, the front combination of which consists of one compound lens and the rear combination of two separate lenses of quite dissimilar shape, these new lenses are composed of two perfectly symmetrical and cemented combinations, similar to the Eury- scopes, and offer several important advantages. By sealing the two separate lenses of the rear combination, the number of reflecting sur- faces is reduced, thus saving a considerable amount of light formerly lost, and as, moreover, all diffusion of light is obviated, these new Portrait-Euryscopes produce more brilliant pictures and improved definition, with absolute freedom from distortion. The front and back combinations being perfectly symmetrical, supe- rior marginal definition and perfectly even illumination of the plate can be obtained, and, with the same length of focus as heretofore, a larger field is covered and the size of the image increased, the resulting picture being absolutely free from distortion. The Portrait-Euryscopes are made in two series as l'egards working- speed. The first are short focus, and take the place of Voigtlander’s Portrait-Lenses of normal speed — having the same ratio of aperture to focal length — but excel them in covering-capacity, depth of focus, and powers of definition. The other series (Third Series of this catalogue) — and these will be found more useful — are longer focus, and, conse- quently, less rapid, but sufficiently quick-working for all ordinary portrait-work in the studio. Possessing, too, greater covering-power and more depth of focus, they are especially adapted to taking groups and standing-figures in short studios, where the regular Euryscopes, on account of their longer focus, may not be available. They are also ex- cellent for instantaneous work, inasmuch as the flare, characterizing portrait-lenses when used out of doors, does not exist. This construc- tion of the Portrait-Euryscopes virtually fills a gap in the series of existing portrait-lenses, and, as they are lighter and shapelier than the old long-focus portrait-objectives, besides being perfectly rectilinear, they will become great favorites. Each instrument is provided with central stops. SHORT FOCUS. RATIO, I to 4, or J. Specially adapted to general portrait-work in very short or dimly-lighted studios. Number. Diameter. Equivalent Focus. Size of Plate. Price. 3 2 in. 7f in. 44 X 64 $62 00 4 24 “ n “ 64 X 84 86 00 5 3 “ 114 “ 8 X 10 116 50 6 3£“ 14 “ 10 X 12 145 00 7 4 “ 174 “ 12 X 15 175 00 Nos. 3, 4 and 5 have Rack and Pinion. Nos. 6 and 7 mounted in rigid settings. THIRD SERIES. PORTRAIT-EURYSCOPE. LONGER FOCUS. RATIO, I to 4|, or JL. Unrivalled for general portrait-work. Excellent for groups in short studios. Number. Diameter. Equivalent Focus. Size of Plate. Price. 1 A H in - 6,1 in. 34 X 44 $45 00 2A If “ 71 n 44 x 6 55 00 3A 2 “ 8f “ 5X8 70 00 4A 24 “ 104 “ 64 X 84 95 00 5A 3 “ 13 “ 10 X 12 • 130 00 6A 34 “ 154 “ 11 X 14 186 50 7A 4 “ 191 “ 14 X 17 226 50 8A 5 “ 25 “ 17 X 20 426 50 All these are mounted in rigid settings. JRS r Note. —In removing the lenses from the tubes for the purpose of cleaning or inspection, it is essential that they be replaced in their proper original position, otherwise the diaphragms will not, as they ought, pass through the optical centre of the instrument. The best plan is to remove, clean, and return one combination at a time, thus ensuring the correct adjustment of the objective. 6 VOIGTLANDER & SON’S LENSES. OFFICIAL REPORT COMMITTEE APPOINTED BY THE PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF VIENNA TO TEST Yoigtlander’s New Portrait-Euryscope. [Translated from the Photograpbischc Correspondenz.] The undersigned liave been requested to test the new Portrait-Euryscope of Mr. Eriedrich von Voigtliinder, with the view to ascertain its fitness for photographing Portraits and Groups, in comparison with the Portrait-Combination (Petzval sys- tem) with separated back-lens heretofore used. The experiments were made with two new Portrait-Euryscopes, of three and four inch diameter, in comparison with the corresponding ordinary Portrait-Objec- tives (back-lens separated), single Portraits and Groups being selected for the purpose. The Portrait-Euryscope consists of two symmetrical combinations, the lenses of which are sealed together. Diameter, focal length, and illuminating power of the lenses tested are explained in the following table : — Portrait-Euryscopes. Diameter of Lenses. Equivalent Focal Length. Ratio of Aperture to Focus. No. 5A 78 Mill. =3 in. 340 Mill. = 13 in. 1 to 4-^ No. 7 A 104 Mill. =4 “ 500 Mill. = 191“ 1 to 4£ The angle of the Portrait-Euryscope is over fifty degrees, whilst in the ordinary four-inch Portrait-Objective it does not exceed forty degrees. The experiments made by the undersigned showed, that in general the work of the Portrait-Eury- scopes is equal to that of the best Portrait-Objectives. The illuminating power of the Portrait-Euryscopes, No. 5A arid No. 7A, proved to be, in practical photographic experiments under the skylight, just as great as that of Voigt- lander’s Portrait-Objective of normal focus (i. e., 4-inch diameter and 18£-inch focus, or, a ratio of 1 to 4£), although the latter possesses a shorter focus than the former. The reason for this is that light passes more readily through sealed back-lenses than through separated back-lenses. The depth of focus is greater in the Portrait-Euryscopes than in the regular Portrait-Objectives, the definition of the picture much improved, the field more uniformly illuminated, and the angle of view larger. The Portrait-Euryscope is rectilinear, and defines straight lines correctly. The size of plate for groups, as obtained with the Portrait-Eury- scope, was as follows : The 4-inch Portrait-Euryscope yielded a plate 18£ inches in diameter, whereas the 4-inch regular Portrait-Objective with separated back-lenses produced a plate of only 14£-inch diameter. The Portrait-Euryscope is equal to all demands that may be made upon it in the studio, and, for the reason that it yields a greater angle of view and larger size of plate, it is particularly adapted to the photography of groups in short studios. In conclusion it should be stated that Voigtliinder’s new Portrait-Euryscope marks the first great and important improve- ment in Portrait-Objectives since the introduction, in 1840, of the Portrait-Com- bination with separated baclc-lenses, which is in use up to the present day. VICTOR ANGERER, Prof. J. M. EDER, J. LOWY, FRITZ LUCKHARDT, Dr. JOS. SZEKELY, CH. SCOLIIv, VICTOR TOTH, CARL WRABETZ, O. VOLKMER. Viefna, May 28, 1886. VOIGTLANDER & SON’S LENSES. 7 FOURTH SERIES. VOIGTLANDER & SON’S Known heretofore as the “ Improved” Euryscope. FOR GROUPS, STANDING FIGURES, LARGE HEADS, BUILDINGS, LANDSCAPES, INSTANTANEOUS WORK, AND COPYING. Extra Rapid Euryscope, This most wonderful lens consists of two achromatic and symmetrical combina- tions, between which the diaphragms are placed. It is absolutely free from distor- tion, chemical focus, and central flare (“ghosts”), the picture produced with it being mathematically correct and clearly and evenly illuminated. The “ Extra Rapid Euryscope ” is universally conceded to be the quickest lens of its class yet produced, and, yielding as it does, pictures of remarkable depth of focus, perfect definition, rare brilliancy, and uniform illumination, it is indispensable for studio work. Its success has been simply phenomenal, and its popularity continues as strong as ever. A very careful choice of optical glass composing this lens renders it possible to secure a ratio of aperture and focus of about 1 to 6, or |. The width of angle em- braced is from 65 to 85 degrees, according to the size of plate and diaphragm used. All genuine Euryscopes are marked “Voigtlander & Solin,” by whom they are made exclusively. Size. Diameter of Lens. Equivalent Focal Length. Size Portrait Group. or Size Landscape. Price. 0 1 1-16 in. in. 4 X 5 in. 5 X 6 in. $27 00 00 1 1-4 4 4 4 4 OX6 4 4 6 X 8 4 4 37 50 1 1 1-2 4 4 8* . 4 5x7 4 4 7 X 9 4 % 45 00 2 1 3-4 4 4 10 4 4 7x9 8 X 10 4 4 52 00 3 2 1-6 4 4 11* 11 8x10 4 w 10 X 12 4 . 65 00 4 2 1-2 4 4 14* 4 . 10x12 4 4 11 X 14 87 00 5 3 1-8 4 4 17* 4 4 13x16 17 X 20 k 4 130 00 6 3 1-2 4 4 215 k 4 17x20 4 . 18 X 22 4 4 170 00 7 4 1-8 4 4 21i 4 4 18x22 4 . 20 X 24 44 210 00 *8 5 1-8 k 4 32 44 27 X 32 4 4 30 X 36 k 4 390 00 Nos. 0 and 00 can be had in matched pairs of equal focus for Stereoscopic work. *It is No. 8 Euryscope of this series which was used in the production of the 36 X 60 inch dry- plate negative of a life-size, three-quarter-length portrait of lady from life , a direct contact print of which was exhibited at the St. Louis Convention in 18S6, and obtained for the artist, Mr. T. It. Burnham, of Boston, a special silver medal. 8 VOIGTLANDER & SON’S LENSES. FIFTH SERIES. VOIGTLANDER & SON’S For Landscapes, Buildings, Instantaneous Work; also, Standing Figures, Groups and Large Heads in the Studio. Among the lenses most frequently in demand is one that shall combine extreme depth of focus, a very flat field, a large image of distant objects, and increased covering-power with great speed. These qualities are possessed in the most eminent degree by the “ Rapid Euryscopes,” which have proved invaluable for Landscape and Instantaneous Photog- raphy. When used for Standing Figures and Large Heads in the Studio, these Euryscopes, though not quite equal in working-rapidity to the Extra Rapid Euryscopes (Fourth Series), produce superior effects of proportion and perspective, for the reason that they are not used so near the sitter. In very short studios the “ Rapid Euryscopes ” are not available, ex- cept, of course, for making large heads. On account of their wonderful definition with full aperture, aud their great working-speed, these lenses have become special favorites with amateurs. The ratio of opening to focus is 1 to 7f, or T .f a' while the angle of view embraced ranges from 60 to 75 degrees. None are gen- uine unless marked “ Voigtlander and Sohn.” Size. Diameter of Lens. Equivalent Focal Length. Size of Portrait or Group. Size of Land- scape. Price. No. 0A 1 in. 6 in. 4 x 5 in. 5x7 in. $30 00 “ 00 A ii “ 84 “ 5£x7£ “ 7x9 “ 40 00 “ 1A H “ 10| “ 64X8J “ 8X 10 “ 52 00 “ 2 A l if “ 13 “ 8x10 “ 10 X 12 “ 64 00 “ 3A 2 “ 16 “ 10x12 “ 11X14“ 80 00 “ 4A 2 i “ 20 “ 12x15 “ 14x17 “ 110 00 “ 5 A 3 “ 24 “ 16X18 “ 17x20 “ 157 00 “ 6 A 3i “• 28 “ 18x22 “ 20x24 “ 208 00 “ 7 A 4 ~ “ 32 “ 20X24 “ 24x30 “ 240 00 No 0A can be bad in matched pairs of equal focus for Stereoscopic work. VOIGTLANDER & SON’S LENSES. 9 SIXTH SERIES. VOIGTLANDER & SON’S WIDE ANGLE EURYSCOPE, FOE INTERIORS, BUILDINGS, LANDSCAPES, AND COPYING. There are cases, particularly in photographing Interiors and Archi- tectural Subjects, when, on account of limited distance, it is impos- sible to take a picture, unless provided with a suitable wide-angle lens. This want is filled by the Wide-Angle Eurvscope, which possesses a very large angle of view, and embraces objects in the picture which cannot be secured with the regular Euryscopes. It is pronounced by leading experts the best and quickest wide-angle lens made, and pro- duces results marked by superb definition, absolute freedom from dis- tortion, a perfectly flat field, and a delicacy of effect adding a peculiar charm to the picture. Being short focus, it. is admirably adapted to copying maps, engravings, etc. The'small sizes, from No. 00 to No. 4 inclusive, are provided with rotating diaphragms, and are so mounted as to fit into one and the same flange — a feature which has obvious advantages. They are, moreover, so compact as to be easily carried in one’s pocket. The larger sizes, No. 5 and upwards, have Waterhouse diaphragms, a set of which, in a neat leather-case, accompanies each lens. The first six sizes are excellent for Instantaneous Views. Size. Diameter of Lens. Equivalent Focal Length. Size Plate with Pull Aperture. Size Plate with Smallest Stop. Price. 00 7-16 in. 3£ in. 3x4 in. 4x5 in. $27 00 0 8-16 “ H “ 4x5 “ 5x6 “ 29 00 1 10-16 “ 5 3 “ 5x6 “ 5x7 “ 34 00 2 11-16 “ 6^ “ 5x7 “ 6^x8i “ 39 00 3 14-16 “ U “ 6X8 “ 8x10 “ 48 00 4 1 1-16 “ 9 “ 8x10 “ 11 X 14 “ 65 00 5 1 5-16 “ 16 “ 11 X 14 “ 14x18 “ 82 00 G 1 9-16 “ 20 “ 14x18 “ 17x20 “ 100 00 7 1 13-16 “ 25 “ 17x20 “ 20x24 “ 130 00 s 2 1-16 “ 32 “ 20x24 “ 24x36 “ 225 00 Nos. 00 and 0 may be had in matched pairs of equal focus for Stereo- scopic work. 10 VOIGTLANDER & SON’S LENSES. CORRECT FOCUSING. Complaints often reach us that the Euryscope Lenses ao not cut sharp to the edges even with the smallest stop. This is due to incorrect focusing, and is not the fault of the Lens. To get the best definition and finest depth of focus proceed as follows : — Focus, without a stop, on any object midway between the nearest and farthest points of the picture, which usually falls between the centre and the right or left of the ground-glass. Now insert a small diaphragm, and the picture will be sharply focused from edge to edge. For upright pict- ures focus above or below the centre of the plate. Adopt .this method of focusing also in making groups and in copying, and even with a medium stop finer results will be obtained than when focusing in the centre and using the smallest stop. For large heads it is important that the focus should be well divided to ensure clear and uniform defi- nition, fine depth of focus, and a round, soft effect. The smaller the stop used, the greater the resulting definition and depth of focus. In making groups or single figures it is not well to strain the covering capacity of a lens, as thereby the marginal portions of the picture are liable to be out of proportion. For near views focus well on the foreground ; but in all cases where the camera is tilted, see that the ground-glass is plumb before focusing. Insert the diaphragm last. DARLOT LENSES. 11 DARLOT LENSES, FOB Portraits and Views. SOLE AGENTS IN THE UNITED STATES BENJAMIN FRENCH & CO., BOSTON. These well-known and popular lenses are universally conceded to be superior to those made by any other French optician, Mr. Dario t having received the highest awards over all native competitors whenever he has exhibited. The extremely low price at which the Darlot Lenses are sold is not the only reason why they are in such great demand ; for, in point of speed and general excellence, they are fully equal to the best lenses in the market — excepting, of course, Voigtlander & Son’s Euryscope lenses — of which fact a fair and intelligent trial will convince any one. Unfortunately there are many spurious Darlot lenses and worthless imitations in the market; and, in order to protect our customers against impositions, we have our initials, “ B. F. & Co.”, engraved on all Darlot Lenses of our importation. BENJ. FRENCH & CO. 12 DARLOT LENSES FOR PORTRAITS. Having seen a great many spurious Harlot lenses, and against which we warn the profession, we have “B. E. & Co.” engraved on the tubes of all sizes. See that this mark is on them, if you want the genuine Darlot. DARLOT PORTRAIT-LENSES, WITH RACK AND PINION, PLAIN. We have these Lenses made expressly for Magic Lanterns and Stereopticons. Can be had in matched pairs of equal focus. Size. Diameter. Focus. Price. 1-4 1^ inch. 41 inch. $7 00 1-3 H “ 0-L “ 2 12 00 1-2 n “ 7 14 50 2-3 0 1 8-1- * t °2 21 00 4-4 3 “ 101 “ 32 00 See table of sizes and distances for projection on inside cover. DARLOT PORTRAIT-LENSES, WITH RACK AND PINION, AND CENTRAL STOPS. Size. Diameter. Focus. Size of Plate. Price. 1-4 1-3 1-2 4-4 8-4 1-| inch. 1 7 ‘ k 21 “ 3 4 “ 41 inch. 51 - 7 101 “ 15 “ 3^ X inch. 41 X 5i “ 5X7 8X10 “ 11 X 14 “ $8 75 14 50 17 50 35 50 105 00 The 1-4, 1-3 and 1-2 can be had in matched pairs of equal focus. DARLOT QUICK-WORKING PORTRAIT-LENSES, WITH RACK AND PINION, AND CENTRAL STOPS. Size. Diameter. Focus. Size of Plate. Price. 1-2 21 inch. 5i inch. 3£X 4i inch. $22 00 2-3 Ol u 7 “ 5X7 32 00 4-4 3 8 “ 6iX 8i “ 43 00 Extra 4-4 4 “ 11 8 X10 “ 85 00 DARLOT LENSES. 13 Darlot’s Rapid FOR PORTRAITS Hemisphericals, AND VIEWS. These Lenses embrace an angle of from 60° to 75° ; are quick-acting, perfectly rectilinear, and for rapidity are surpassed only by the Eury- scopes. Most excellent for portraits and general gallery-work ; also buildings, landscapes, instantaneous work, and copying purposes. No. Diameter. Back Focus. Portrait. View. Price. 1 1 in. 5* in. 4X5 in. 5X7 in. $15 00 2 u n 1 4 9 “ 5X7 “ 6X8 “ 25 00 3 1 JL tt 1 2 10* “ 6X8 “ 8 X 10 “ 35 00 4 1 3 tt 1 4 14 “ 8 X 10 “ 11 X 14 “ 50 00 5 91 tt % 18 “ 11 X 14 “ 14 X 17 “ 76 00 6 3 “ 21 “ 14 X 17 “ 17 X 20 “ 90 00 Nos. 1 and 2 can be had in matched pairs of equal focus for Stereoscopic work. DARLOT’S Wide-Angle Hemisphericals. These Lenses embrace an angle of 90°, and, being rectilinear, they are valuable for Interiors, Buildings, Landscapes, etc., and in confined localities, where lenses of longer focus cannot be used. Provided with three lever diaphragms. No. Diameter. Back Focus. Size View. Each. 1 f in. 2L in. Stereoscopic $12 50 2 1 “ 3 4 4 4X5 15 00 3 ii 1 1 A 4 5 4 4 6 2 x 8 2 20 00 4 15 U *8 8 4 4 10 x 12 25 00 5 91 u 12 4 4 14 X 17 35 00 6 3 “ 16 4 4 17 X 20 50 00 Nos. 1 and 2 furnished in matched pairs for Stereoscopic work. 14 DARLOT LENSES. DARLOT’S Gem 1-9 size 1-6 “ 1-4 “ Lenses. $2 50 3 50 4 00 These we can supply in sets of four, six, eight, nine, or more — all perfectly matched. In order to work uniformly well, they should all be screwed tightly into position, be kept clean, and replaced correctly if separated for inspection. More than this, the swing-back of camera must be properly adjusted, and ground-glass and plate-holder must agree perfectly. The camera should not be tilted forward too much, otherwise some of the lenses will be thrown out of focus. DARLOT’S Stereoscopic Lenses. (IMITATION DALLMEYER.) These Lenses are made expressly for us, and have our name engraved on tube. Provided with central stops. Suitable for Portraits, Views, and Instantaneous Pictures, and will work in or out of doors. By re- moving the back-lens, and simply using front-lens in its stead, a six-inch focus is obtained. The great and increasing demand for these leuses is a sure proof that they are the best. Back-focus 4 inches. Price, 818.00 pei pair. DARLOT’S Single View-Lenses. These are single-combination Lenses, and intended for purely Land- scape work. With rack and pinion movement. Size. Diameter. Focus. riate. Price. 1-9 1 in. 5 in. Stereo. Per pair $9 00 1-6 H “ 51 “ 4X5 “ 10 00 1-4 1.1 “ 7 5X7 Each . . 6 00 1-3 ]Z “ 91 “ 7X9 7 25 1-2 24 12i « 10 X 12 9 00 2-3 2 i “ 16 “ 11 X 14 13 00 4-4 H “ 20 “ 14 X 18 18 00 DARLOT LENSES, 15 DARLOT’S Condensing-Lenses. Plano-convex, made of White Crown Glass, are short focus, and per- fectly polished. We can safely recommend them as the best lenses ever made for solar work and enlarging on Bromide paper. 10-inch diameter, 14-inch focus 12 4 4 4 4 16 4 4 44 40 00 14 4 4 4 4 18 4 4 44 . 55 00 15 4 4 44 20 4 4 4 * 65 00 16 4 4 44 21 44 44 75 00 18 4 4 44 25 44 44 . 115 00 20 4 4 44 35 44 44 . 160 00 Each. $26 00 SAME QUALITY AS ABOVE, BUT LONGER FOCUS. Each. 6-inch diameter, 15-inch focus . . . . $5 00 8 “ “ 20 “ “ 12 50 10 “ “ 20 “ “ . . . 22 00 DARLOT’S Condensing-Lenses. PLANO-CONVEX FOR MAGIC LANTERNS AND STEREOPTICONS. Per pair. 4|-inch diameter, 6^-ineh focus . . . . $5 00 4| 11 “ 7 \ “ “■ . . . . 6 00 5 ' “ 7^ “ “ . . . .750 These can be mounted in brass for $4.50 to $5 per pair, and in tin for $1.50 to $2 per pair. DARLOT’S Adjustable Focusing Glass. Each . $2 50 16 CENTRAL-STOPS, FLANGES, AND CAPS. PRICES OF CENTRAL-STOPS, FLANGES AND LEATHER-CAPS. FOR THE EURYSCOPES. Sets of Central- Stops, in Mo- rocco Cases. Leather-Caps. Flanges. No. 0 and 00 . $2 00 8 50 8 75 “1 2 50 75 75 “2 2 75 75 1 00 “3 3 00 1 00 1 20 “4 3 50 1 00 1 50 “5 ..... 4 25 1 20 1 75 “6 5 00 2 25 2 00 “7 7 00 2 75 2 50 “8 9 00 3 25 3 00 FOR THE NEW VOIGTLANDER & SON PORTRAIT-LENSES. .Sets of Central- — Stops in Mo- Leather-Caps. Flanges. rocco Cases. No. 1 ..... 81 75 8 75 $ / 5 “2 2 25 1 00 1 00 “3 2 75 1 00 1 20 “4 3 00 1 00 1 25 “ 5B 3 75 1 25 1 50 “5 3 75 1 25 1 50 “ 5 A 3 75 1 25 1 50 “6 4 50 2 00 2 00 FOR THE DARLOT PORTRAIT-LENSES. Central-Stops. Flanges. Leather-Caps. Stereo. Tubes per set 81 50 8 75 8 50 1—4 size, k ‘ “ . 1 50 75 75 1-3 “ “ “ . 1 75 80 80 1-2 “ “ “ 2 00 1 00 1 00 2-3 “ “ “ 2 25 1 25 1 10 4_4 u OPTIMUS RAPID EURYSCOPE.” Working as it does with such a ;i.E (F/6 approx.), it serves as a Portrait and Group Lens, as well as a land- objective. There is no doubt of its proving a most USEFUL LENS.’ — ’aylor, British Journal of Photography. We are pleased to find upon trial that the Lens (“ Optimus” Rapid Rectilinear) sent f.r review is really an EXCELLENT instrument.’ — Photographic News. ‘PORTRAIT LENS.— The ‘‘OPTIMUS LENSES” are MODERATE in PRICE, and yield most EXCELLENT results .’— Amateur Photographer. 99, Hatton Garden, London. Telegraphic Address, ‘OPTIMUS.’ Registered Trade Hark. Enlargements filler 9 lj tet ?f ield ’ 523 U/astyii^toi? $t., (NEHR MEST ST.) Bostoi). Elevator from the Street. ^-4p<^yir~ Our new Studio for copying and enlargeing pictures by solar and electric light will be ready for business October 1st. With long practical experience in all branches of photography, we can assure intelligent attention to the wants of our customers, and it will be our aim to pro- duce the best solar prints in Boston. Our location is central, (opposite the dry goods house of R. H. White & Co.,) and our elevator starts from street door. NOTE: — Mr. R. A. Miller is well known as a pioneer in solar printing, and was located twelve years at 352 Washington Street. Mr. C. M. Litchfield has been ten years in the photo- graph business at the same location. VOIGTLANDER & SON’S New Quick Wide Angle Single Landscape Lens. Thanks to the inventive genius ancl unceasing energy of Messrs. Voigtlander & Son, we take great pleasure in offering to the professionals and amateurs of this country the latest production of this celebrated firm, in the shape of a new landscape-lens. It is a single achromatic lens, made upon original curves calculated by the manufac- turers, and is made from a new and powerful optical glass, which, on account of its great cost, is used by only few opticians. For a single lens it embraces a remarkable width of angle, and is exceedingly rapid in action, being excellent for instantaneous photography. Its defining power is at once sharp, penetrating, delicate and uniform ; and when used in photographing buildings, it produces less marginal distortion than any other single lens now on the market. Each lens is provided with rotating stops. With so many desirable features, and a cost comparatively low, the new lens is destined to become a universal favorite. Number. Diameter of Lens. Equivalent Focus. Size of Plate. Price. I 5^ in- 4X5 $16.50 2 G 7 in. 5X7 18.50 3 1 X in. 7x9 23.OO 4 io in. 8x10 28.00 5 2 12 in. 10x12 33 -°o 6 2 f >n. 12x15 39.00 7 4 16 in. 15x18 4450 8 3 20 in. 17x21 60.50 9 3 ? 2 3t 20x24 79.50 IO 27! in. 22x26 98.00 SOLE IMPORTERS AND AMERICAN AGENTS, BENJ. FRENCH & CO., No. 319 WASHINGTON STREET, BOSTON. VOIGTLANDER & SON’S LATEST AND GREATEST SUCCESS. THE RAPID WIDE ANGLE EURYSCOPE, A NEW GROUP LENS. Ratio of Aperture to Focat Length 1 to 6; Angle 80 Degrees. The success in constructing this lens is very largely due to the extraordinary qualities of the special optical glass made at Jena, Germany. The new lens cor- responds to Extra Rapid Euryscope in size and form, possesses almost as much illuminating power, but has a considerably larger angle of view, thus rendering it ex- tremely valuable for making groups in short studios, where the Euryscopes (fourth series), on account of their longer focus, cannot be used. By comparing the following table with that of the Extra Rapid Euryscopes it will be seen that with but a slightly-increased focal length, a Rapid Wide Angle Euryscope will cover a much larger plate, hence include more objects in the picture. For outside work in confined situations this lens will be found of great service, its great working-speed making it virtually the quickest wide-angle view lens in existence. All the desirable features of the Euryscopes, such as rapidity, depth of focus, mathematical precision, correct- ness of proportion and even illumination, will be found in the new lens. The great cost of the special glass employed, renders it advisable to construct only seven sizes for the present. Number. Diameter of Lens. Equivalent Focal Length. Size of Picture Full Opening. Size of Picture. Smallest Stop. Price. O I inch. 5^ inch. 5x7 inch. 6x8 inch. $36.50 OO “ 8 7x9 “ 8x10 “ 50.00 I ii “ 9 l “ 8x10 “ 10x12 “ 65.50 2 i} “ 1 1 “ 10x12 “ 11x14 “ 85.5° 3 2 12 i “ 11x14 “ 14x17 “ 103 - 5 ° 4 2 \ “ I. Si “ 13x16 “ 17x20 “ 140.00 s 3 19 “ 17x20 “ 20x24 “ 186.50