\ r c- '■S ' d \ / 1 % V L CATALOGUE OF THE COINS OP THE INDIAN MUSEUM BY CHAS. J. RODaERS, M.R.A.S., M.N.S., HONORARY NUMISMATIST TO THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA, FELLOW OF THE UNVERSITY OP THE PANJAB, AND ASSOCIATE MEMBER OP THE ASIATIC SOCIETY OP BENGAL. PART IV. MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN, GHAZNIH, DURRANI AND AUTONOMOUS, { CALCUTTA: PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES OF THE INDIAN MUSEUM. 1896. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/catalogueofcoinsOOindi MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. Page. Eastern Khalifas ... 85 Khalifas of Spain ... 88 Bani Tuliin of Egypt ... ... 89 Tahiri ... 90 Samani Kings ... ib. Bawiyah ... ... ib. Hamdani ... ... 91 Governors of Sijistan ... ... ib. Great Saljiiqs ... 94 Saljuqs of Bum ... ib. Amir of Nisahur (Keshapur) ... 95 LTrtaqis of Amid ... 96 do. Maridin ... 98 Bani Zangi ... 100 do. in Halah ... ... 103 do. in Sin jar ... ... ib. do. in Jazira ... ... 104 Baktagini of Arhil ... ib. Fatimi Khalifas of Egypt ... ib. Aiyubis Page ... 106 Burji Mamluks ... 108 Mirabitin ... ... ... 109 Muwahidin . . . ib. Fileli Sharifs of Morocco ... ib. Mongols of Persia ... 110 Khans of the Golden Horde ... 118 Jalairs ... 121 House of Taimur ... ib. Governors of Provinces ... 123 Shebani ... 124 Mangit Dynasty ... 125 Khans of Khoqand ... 126 Othmanli Sultans ... ib. §afavi Dynasty of Persia ... 141 Affghan do. ... 143 Af shari do. ... 144 Zand do. ... 146 Qajar do. ... 147 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. EASTERN KHALI'EAHS. AMAWr KHALI'FAHS. 7888 S. 5)1 *J| 5) ^:ljf alj| 46-0 J t>.lj ^ 1-08 Al 5/ Margin : — t<^ Margin &i^j\ aJJ( .1j ^ (X«./iaJ{ 0-79 J AXvojUjt>,lf A1)( ^4«0 (JSTo mint, 97 H.) 7889 s. As on 7888. As on 7888. ^ 41-0 i 1-05 1 (Sabiir, 98 H.) * As these margins are the same, with the exceptions of the mints and years, only these ar ' given. Pt. it 11 86 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. ’ABBASr KHALfFAHS. 7894 1 s. As on 7888. 44’4 1-05 (Basrali, 145 H.) /o ^X4vLbs.4.-^t Margin as on 7888. 9342 s. As on 7888. As on 7897, witb^^>.)t below all. 37-34 djl/O J dXwi (M’adin-nsli Sliasli, 190 H.) (This coin lias a loop for suspension.) 9343 s. As on 7888. aB 45-72 aUf (Balkh, J95 H.) 1 aBf (jAalf 7891 G. As on 7887. 64-3 0-71 Jj'^J ^^Bf o-w> (216 H. ) 9344 s. A fragment only. aii 29-5 As on 7888. j Jj-W) (Mint and unit word gone 24- H.) aJLt| 7896 s. As on 7888. Half deleted. 44-0 J ci/Jj 0-12 i Outer margin destroyed. ^ (Samarqand, 353 H.) 88 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. 9345 G. 5(1 JJiS/ aJJ 54-38 cSHt aPf a) aJL) ^^kJf Inner margin 2yoLo ^ ji j ■ aP Outer margin : — ( ^ J J (Madinat-ns-Salam, 607 H.) Outer margin injured. Margin as on 7887. 7893 G. aP 97-0 ^ _ iVj i)f aif 11 ^ 4 ^ 1-05 -3: vlr - ♦<3 *ti '. C~ ®'‘ ^ *5;. Vj, aPf (Jj-^j ^ ^ a^ aJL/| ^^L£> &y}\ Margin as on 7888, with the additional • ■ • o**"*'^ ai-vo ^•^‘^.,, (Madinat-us-5Salam, (64)5 H.) parts in tlie field of coin. lajALfFAHS OF SPAIN. 7901 42-0 lit ^i\ 11 aJd| aP| 1-15 aPt j 6.fj aJ 11 ^ j J a abw . . • \jsS ai (Andalus, 161 H.) Margin, &c. al^^f aU| 7902 38-0 As on 790J, but year. (164 H.) do. 1*1 BANI T15h5n of EGYPT. 89 7903 &V\ aJJt 41-0 As on 7901, but year. 1-05 (195 H.) j J «3o.i Margin, &c., 7904 42-5 1-1 As on 7901, but year. (200 H.) do. 7905 42-0 11 As on 7901, but year. C.VV0 (206 H.) do. 7906 40-5 1-0 As on 7901, but year. j (259 H.) do. 7907 43-0 As on 7901, but below it, and A flower. 0-9 in margin : — (Zabra, 340 H.) lo <^s> aJLlf (J.W Margin, as above. 7908 56-0 As on 7901, but, above, two uncer- 0*95 tain characters, and below, In margin : — djU , . . (Andalus, 400 H.) BAN!' TU'LU'N ( ^iJJb Margin, as above. OF EGYPT. 7909 1 G. As on 7901. In inner margin. 67-5 0-83 J J (Misr, 291 H.) ! There is an outer margin : — ^ j j cbii Ajj &}J\ 1 AJJIj Margin, as on 7888. 90 MISCELLANEOOS MUHAMMADAN COINS. 10012 c. 27-0 0-7 TA'HIRr. A coin of “ Talhah ” exactly like, No. 240, B. M. Cat., Vol. II, p. 72. SAMANr KINGS. 7910 s. 40-0 1-06 7911 s. 43-8 II 111 ^ ^:0t (Usk-Sliasli, ^ ^ 287 H.) Inner margin : — Outer margin, &c. ^ do. do. but year. (299 H.) 7912 s. 49-3 117 As on 7910. (Samarqand, 313 H.) 7913 s. 62-8 1-10 As on 7912, but (Samarqand, 341 H.) aJJ Ailf (J_yMj dJLlb Margin, &c. aUi iUJ adJlj Jf *JJ ^1 Jj-^j *^■^1 Name of Kbalifali and sovereign'deleted. 7915 c. 35-0 0-82 As on 7912, but margin (Bukhara, 3-7.) BAWl'YAH. 7914 s. 59-5 1-0 As on 7912, but an additional line : — Cidj j j ^ C«^^l AXwa .. " (Shiraz, 221 H.) d^J AjJf hamdani. 91 HAMDANI. 7917 s. &U 41*0 a) V 1-1 i«Xw9J AdJf / aV AjUAN COINS. GREAT SALJITQS. TUOTRIL BEG. 7918 G. Ornament. Ornament. 0-87 A/| AJJ) (JyMiJ 63-7 SlJj J J ... (Al-Ahwaz 448 H.) Outer margin, &c. ^11 j . Margin, &. AL«)f *Jil| Jj^j* MUHAMMAD. 9674 c. 48-36 3)1 3) ( {Jy^j ) Rest illegible. Similar to No. 67, p. 34 of B. M. Cat,, Vol. Ill, Oriental Coins, SALJITQS OF RGM. KAI MUSRAU I. 7919 c. 53*5 0-8 King on horseback to r., with drawn sword in r. hand. Star on each side of head. In dotted circle. SULI'MAN II. 7920 c. lOO-O 1-3 X 1-05 King nimbate, on horseback to. r., behind him a six-rayed star : below an ornament. An ornament. AMIR OF NfSABUR. 95 7921 s. 45-0 09 7922 s. 43-3 0-85 9675 s. 42-58 9671 G. 31-24 9672 G. 26 15 KAI MUSRAU IL Cj'liUl h. (Mint. Sawas.) Maned lion, surmounted by sun : a star beneath right uplifted paw and under stomach. Above - Over head of lion As on 7922, but name of Khalifa 4 i * [ lb nr (635 H.) j UitiJ| d-lji £vvQ (Qunija, (64)9 H.) As on 7922, but below ji| t\ ^^(?) and to right (Quniya, 6 — H.) AMFR OF KrSA'BirK TUMAN SHAH. SiVi ^b ’ aJJt Alargiii j j ( As on 9671, but mint and date lost. Sll t-^U| Margin, &c., &V\ 4>^-U-l| ... Margin as on 9671. .. ALi| 57- H.) 96 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. 7923 c. 261-0 1-2 7924 c. 199-0 1-1 7925 c. 174-7 1-05 7926 c. 214-0 1-15 7927 c. 207-0 1-2 U'RTAQrS OF A'MID. FAMR-UD-DlN, QAEA AESLAN. Half figure of a man, to front, in left hand a sceptre, to left,^ ( = 556 H.) Half figure, facing, to r., aw to left, (562 H.) Winged Victory to r., holds in r. hand VOT a tablet inscribed VICTORIA CON. ..mi AUO. Round fjS (jj As on 7923o MUHAMMAD. Angel, nimbate, not very plain to r., j to Z., (571 H.) Diademed head to left. Aw Ajjt (Al-Hisn, 578 H.) AjIw __ ^ Uw ) In dotted circle : — 1^/0^ ( ^.Abo I aJJt tjRTAQlS OF AMID. 97 QUTB-UD-DrN SUKMA'N II. 7928 c. 177-5 1-15 7929 1565 1-15 7930 1190 1-0 7931 c. 207-7 11 Two busts, back, (copied from a coin of Augustus and Agrippa). Above the heads and between them (584 H.) r ■} I l^Ls f/* (jJ ( ) uyi ^jjf ^liJj I* NASIR-UD-DI'N MAHMI/D. Two-headed eagle standing on a pair of horns (?). To r. To left 1 ( a (Al-Hisn, 615 H.) Two-headed eagle in a figure made of four arcs, from the extremities of which, arcs of smaller circles rise and form four enclosures, between which and the edge of the coin are other four geometrical figures. In four inner enclosures 11^^^ II II In outer figures ||*i^3:^ ^||,:i^.^^ ^Uili t- t Two equal equilateral triangles inter- sect. In hexagon thus formed : — In small triangles : — II ^^;A^|| II aIaw II II In outer spaces : — ...||...||^^G||^^t||^^UJt|l(*UVi The whole is in a circle, outside 'which is a dotted circle. (Amid, 617 H.) RUKN-UD-OrN MAUDITD. Double-headed eagle in small circle, in a square, in another outer circle. Between small circle and square : — • ll^i^ll In segments : — jiji Same arrangement as on obverse. In inner circle : — cj:Uf Between small circle and square the legend is illegible. Outer legend legible only in part. 98 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. irUTAQI'S OF MA'RIDm. NAJM-UD-DrN ALPr. 7932 c. 144-0 1*15 x]-05 7933 c. 267*0 1-3 Diademed head to right in circle of dots : on neck of king Two busts, diademed, face to face. Above Below yo (Jj| 1) lS.\jO c* I Two figures standing to front, the one crowning the other. To right Between the figures ^ To left; ctit Below QUTB-UD-DrN. 7934 c. 155*0 1.3 In a dotted square, in a circle, a dia- demed head to right. Above ^ 5^1 (^J to Z. isj^^ Jj| Below cj-j to r., In dotted circle : — (Jj| v^JaJ J^bdj HUSHAM-UD-DlN. 7935 c. Diademed head to front In six foil, in a circle, both of dots : — 2JC-0 To right 1-16 To left. 1 1 1 Legend in spaces not legible. IJRTAQIS OF MARIDIN. 99 7936 c. Two busts, right one with diadem, the 1760 left one smaller and crowned. 1-24 Above : — : 7937 c. Four figures, middle lower one seated In circle — 182-5 and apparently dejected : behind is 1*2 another in profile, and r. hand UJf upraised. To r., figure with both 1) ^ hands upraised. To Z., figure with 1. hand raised. Margin : — (Jj| yA‘^i NASIR-UD-DI'N, 7938 s. In a hexagram ; — In hexagram 42-0 c^yi 0-8 lLo^I cAUlt 6-b Legend in spaces, illegible. dJJb ^^i/O The Kalimah, in the spaces. 7939 c. Bust, facing : hair in disorder. In hexagram : — ■ 197-0 To r., a star and f 1-25 To L, a star and ^AA5f (599 H.) In spaces. dj(/0 7940 c. Crowned centaur, to r., has a bow This side almost entirely obliterated. 186-0 with which he is shooting at a 1-28 creature behind him, around : — ... J ... (Maridin (5)99 H.) 1 100 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. 7941 c. 134*5 1*1 7942 c. 90*5 0*95 Man riding a lion to I, Left hand of rider is raised : — Around : — ... Head, facing ; ronnd it : — •/.o' Margi <5* ^ : Axw ... :in Very indistinct and illegible. 7943 c. 217*5 1*18 Diademed head of a Grecian king to right. uif^j aU| ^/olilf 7944 c. 194*0 1*18 Head with curly hair, facing. To left of head «^, to right jj, making up altogether 7945 c. 150*0 105 Figure seated cross-legged, in a square : star to r. of head which is above the square. To right other legends illegible. (620 H.) (623 H.) ^ G *> ^l/o 1) *^1 j - «3’ (628 H.) BAN! ZANGr. QUTB-UD-DI'N ATABAG. 7946 c. Head, facing; long straight hair. JM ... 177-5 Victory to 1., is crowning the head. \j/0\ cAbo ^t*,(i|) 1*0 A word, obliterated. cJb0| ^jJds BANI ZANGI. 101 7947 c. Head, facing ; two angels cross two In dotted circle : — 190-0 wings over the head. To left : — (J^Wt 1*1 J Two right tyof tjXo (544 H.) J GnKZt II. 7948 c. Helmeted head to Z., round it the In dotted circle : — 252-0 Kalimah, C.^bo 1-15 Ui i (j***-^ j (Al-Jazira, 565 H.) Nim-UD-OrN SHAH BIN MAS’AUD. 7919 c. Head, facing ; in a circle, hut with Aj,i( ^ 213-5 three sides enclosed by dots. In 13 the corners are four stars. j j ... (594 H.) NASIR-UD-DI'N MAHMUD. 7950 c. Head, facing ; hair almost like a hel- 223-5 met. Two victories over it, join _ aJJt ^ 1-15 their wings. To r. : — ^ J jjf (Mint, Mosul.) 7951 c. Crowned figure, seated cross-legged. In a circle of dots : — 128-5 to the front, holding a crescent *H| ^1 Alt ^ 095 before his breast. In crescent : — Ail| Ajdb^/AU-.^| To left: — AjL*.i.vo^ (627 H.) uJ^U-lf ,,, Pi. IV, 13 102 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. 7952 c. As on 7951. To r. to r'^311 118-5 right AL* ; to left ; to left, out- «il| 5I| «i| J| 1-07 side crescent j (Mosul,' 627 H.) dJJlj ... cXUl ... 7956 c. Figure crowned, seated cross-legged, As on 7951. 121-0 0-95 holding crescent in front of him. (Mosul, 627 H.) Margin :— j hj4jl| — - 7955 c. 211-0 Head, with long hair parting. Two lions facing each other; above to As on 7950. 1-2 right ; to left ... itJuo (Mosul, 62- H.) BADE-UD-DlN LU'LlT. 9673 G. In circle of dots : — 87-0 V, AJl^f lit alt n 0-23 ? AaI^ ^i 11| p LWtjiij ^ J al lS-* 1/ AjLIb 4j| j ^.Wi4.rw aLm , (Mosul, 650 H.) 7953 c. Diademed head to left, within dotted ^Co Ilf 119-0 square. In segments : — 0-95 ......... AXvg 5 aJilb Margin: — Hf 7954 c. Diademed curly head to left, within As on 7953, but margin : — 114-0 dotted square, a star in front of cU'^f y y } bi^lt 1-0 chin. In segments : — . . . ^ ([6]31 H.) 111 ijujf BAN I ZANGI IN HALAB. 103 BANI' ZANar IN HALAB. Nl/R-UD-DlN, MAHMl/D. 7957 c. Two figures standing, facing each 5P5 other, between them a labarum. 095 on the sides of which is to right AP> to left Figure of Christ, to front. Arabic legend deleted. To left, imitations of three Greek letters. BANF ZANOr IN SIN JAR. QUTB-UD-DlN MUHAMMAD, 7958 c. 230-0 1*1 Helmeted head of Pallas to r., with armour on neck ; around it : — - J ‘>■6^ iJj In inner line : — ^ Axjvd ^IBt (*(aj ^ ^ oJf iS 4^1 (Sin jar, 600 H.) 7959 c. 129-5 0*8 In square, in double circle :— iMJt Margins gone. In a square, in a circle : — ■ VydaJ Margins illegible. 7960 c. 166-0 1-0 Bust to left, with mace over left shoulder. To right . . . ; to left, legend deleted. In a circle : — ^ aUt % 104 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. BANr ZANar in jazi'ra. MAHMl/D BIN SINJAR SHAH. 7961 c. 230-5 1-1 Crowned bust of a king, within a crescent, with the hands holding the horns iJSj\ In dotted circle : — 1 ^. ^Jf iJSJ\ 6. (Al-Jazira, 607 H.) BAKTACrNr OF ARBIL. MUZAFFAR-UD-DrN KU^KBURI. 7962 c. 158-0 0-88 Man riding, lion to left. Legend deleted. Alif FATIMr IQIALrFAS OF EGYPT. AL-MUTZZ. 7963 G. Obv. and rev., one divided into four Outer circle &Uf 63-6 concentric circles. Outer circle 0-85 as on obv. of 7888. Next circle Next circle, an Arabic legend. another Arabic sentence. Third Third circle J*-^f circle, the Kalimah. Innermost circle, a pellet. Innermost circle, a pellet. (Mi^r, 364 H.) 7964 G. Kalimah, and some additional words 16-7 occupy outer circle. In second cir- 0-49 cle nothing. In middle a pellet. FATIMI KHALIFAS OF EGYPT. 105 7966 s. Three circles of inscriptions as in Three circles of inscriptions. Outer 22-5 7963. Outer circle, &c., as in 7963. one hopelessly injured. 0-66 2nd circle : — 3rd circle : — AL-’AZrZ. 7965 S. As on 7963. Outer circle in frag- 20*7 ments. 0-76 Inner circle : — Outer circle hopelessly damaged. AL-HAKIM. 7967 a. In circle : — 14-7 j*U^f yiji 0-5 AJJ| aOi ycii Aflf i ^largin gone. Margin gone. AL-MUSTANSIR. 7968 G. Three concentric circles, hut inscrip- In middle circle : — 63-0 tions in middle and outer circles (XftX) 0-9 only. In middle : — yj (*hoi/i Ailt ^ aOIj Outer circle : — Ahf| J^j Jj j J ALw* In outer : — &c., aL/( j (Misr, 438 H.) 106 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. AIYI/Brs. SAMH-UD-DlN. 7969 c. 157 3 1-2 Figure seated cross-legged on throne, left hand on breast : — a In a circle : — IJJt Margin: — ... Au» 7970 c. 177 o' 115 Lion crouching to left : — Jt Margin: — ... Aw ... AL-’AZrz ’OTHMAN. 7971 G. 60 0 0-78 Concentric circles. Outer circle, legend cut and useless. Middle circle : — ^Ujf ^j) ^]j^\ AUf Central circle :-r 1^5/1 «>4^t Outer circle :— &c. Allf Middle circle cJWf Jltf Central circle : — A^-^AHIR GHAZr. 7972 s. In hexagram formed of double lines, In hexagram, (fee. 46-0 with dots between : — (J:U| 079 (*1X3^1 J^I^f •JOJf j 1 O.WI ^ j ... 1 I The Kali mail in the spaces. (Halb, [Aleppo] 601 H.) AIYdBlS. 107 7973 G. 45-7 0-8 7974 s. 42-6 0-73 7975 c. 114-0 0-9 7976 c. 124-0 1-06 AL-’ADIL. Outer circle : — (Iskandariya.) Middle circle : — AJJ| Central circle : — (*00^1 In highly ornamented area : — yC lii Outer circle. Kalimah, &c. Middle circle : — Central circle In ornamented area : — iJUt AL-ASHRAF MlTSA. In lined square, with one of dots : — t h.XUl| In margin, the Kalima, &c. In square : — cXUJf Margin gone. AL-AWHAD. lalf figure of a man with a hat like a cardinal’s. To right :— To left : — , Margin: — |<^ j Axa« (Mafarqin, 601 H.) &JJ( &)t II ^ 108 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. 7977 0. Figure, as on 7976, perforated. In a circle, with dotted circle outside 156-5 Legends on the sides illegible. it : — 1-1 ^ (Mafarqin, ... H.) *JJi 5ll ^ ^ J>-u %- ^UJ/i *JU| ^ BURjr MAMLU'KS, BARSABi^r. 7978 G. 53-0 0-7 The Kalimah, separated into four lines, by twisted lines. Divided by twisted lines : — (Cairo mint). JAQMAQ. 7979 G. 53-0 0-6 As on 7978. ^jk(ia)| ujUJt ej'hJLJt . . . (Cairo mint). QANSGH AL GHAURI'. 7980 G. 530 073 The Kalimah, divided by a wavy line and marks. Divided by wavy line and dots : — i/f uXUl) iSJ^\ FILELI SHAEIFS OP MOROCCO. 109 MURABIT TKSmFtN. 7981 G. 64-0 1-05 In central circle .p ^i-lf Margin : — ^ ^ Aa.vo (Mariya, 539 H.) In circle : — ^1 ^ Jj^j In margin, Quran III. 79. MUWAHID, ABir Y’AKl/B YITSUF. 7982 G. 35-8 0-85 In double-lined square : — (SJJt Vt ^ Ml( {J^^j ^U)| Margins : — | (jJ | >?f In double-lined square r — 5 JJ( ^/oO |♦J(A)f In segments ? | (jjJ | 7983 G. 52-8 0-86 7984 s. 438-0 1-5 EILELI SHAEIFS OF MOROCCO. ISMAEL. In circle of dots : — Knot MJf aiJ air Margin : — Awli^xj (Miknasa mint, no year). In dotted circle :• c3^ ail I ••_!. -I*. <^f Knot. f Margii —....» MUHAMMAD, a^lij aiJ|cbA>wi .3 U3.j Margin lost. 9728 s. As above ; but, below ; — As above. 46-15 (Isfarain mint.) MONGOLS OP PERSIA. Ill 9729 s. 42-6 9730 s. 41-41 9731 M. 62-74 7990 s. 38*5 0-8 9732 M. 63-55 9733 M. 66-84 9734 M. 63-29 ABKQK. The sun, over a lion to right, and the Kalimah. In square area aJ9i aJLit In sections: — ••• liiOD - - In hexagram : — - In a circle, surrounded by ara- besques : — JM In Mongol characters giving the name AbdgJidin. Mongol legend. Jrv There are four minute crude letters in the space between *1-^1 and which may possibly be Ahaglia in Mongol characters. In square, in ornamental Kufic : — Ilf *Jf % &Uf Margin lost. In circle : — (Herat mint.) aJJf U2 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. 9735 s. 42*52 9736 s. 41*19 9737 s. 41*49 In hexagram : — y 9738 s. ■42*43 9739 s. 42*87 In a square the Kalimah in three lines, with an arabesque between the 1st and 2nd line. The segments con- tain arabesques, except one which has the name of the mint ^(Marv.) 9740 s. 41-97 As on 9735. As on 9735, but mint (Isfarain). 9741 s. 42*61 do. &)\ In the segments there was an inscrip- tion in Mongol characters. Only the top segment is legible Kha- glianu (the Great Khan’s). 9742 s. 49 37 In scolloped circular area J^Uj| Margin was in Mongol characters : only traces of last word are left. In circular area: — as on 9741. Margin entirely deleted. 9743 s. 42*56 In circular area : — (^ 1 ) Margin: — Axw As on 9742. MONGOLS OF PERSIA. 113 9744 s. In circular area ; — In circular area : — 8914 Jb 0*65 VI • <5:xu» (Mlint, Gulistan, 7G0 H.) QU'LNA KHAN. 8008 s. , As on 8007. 25*0 i^lA. Ix^i 065 1 ! (AxLo Xo ti.JA In segments : — | — | — | (Ba gh dad mint.) In eight-foil : — the Kalimah, and names of the Four Companions. AHMAD. 8013 s. 33-5 0-75 In a hexagon : — <5:>Xo (^lA (Tabriz mint). As on 8012, in a circle. 8014 s. 27-0 0-45 In a square : — ... j>iA ^J'A (Ba gh dad mint.) The Kalimah. HOUSE OF TAIMUR. TAIMU'R. 8015 s. The Kalimah, and 24 0 VA« AIw 0-69 (785 H.) 8016 s. The Kalimah, and some illegible words 230 additional. 0-66 122 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. 8017 s. In square, outside which is one of dots : — 30-5 the Kalimah, and 0-66 (looped) (Samarqand mint, 791 H.) 13384 s. In quatrefoil : — As on 8017, but year v^r 23-0 (Samarqand, 793 H.) 0-66 y-^\)^ SHAH RUKH. 8018 s. In a square : — 79-0 the Kalimah. 0-85 (>LL 1 I ^ In segments, the names of the Four \/ ^i) ISilgy# ^ ArA (Yazd, 838 H.) Companions. 9773 s. As on 8018, but no mint and year aTa. As on 8018. 78-07 (828 H.) 9774 s. As on 8018, but mint (Sabza- do. 79-06 war,) under third line. No year. 9775 s. 74-4 8019 G. 196-0 1-1.5 As on 8018, but a rosette between ^ and mint and date (a)j^v. (Sultamyab, [8] 47 H.) In quatrefoil : — ASUaj Conn ter struck with In a square : — j]j^ ( Shiraz.) GOVERNORS OF PROVINCES. 123 9776 The Kalimah in three rectangular com- s. Counterstruck coin.* Original date 77-98 ApA still legible. The counter struck legend is partments. Segments, illegible. 8777 s. 70-7 Counter struck with a^a cylA. Original legends illegible. Illegible. GOVERNORS OF PROVINCES. MUHAMMAD (IN ’IRAQ.) 13467 s. 77-0 0-68 A>JIa 5 aijf AiilU. j This side is counterstruck in the centre with The Kalimah in old Kufic going round a square, in which is the mint name, illegible. In one margin HUSAIN BAIKARA, (OF KHURASAN). 8020 iJkpyf eilkhJt s. In ornamental square, the Kalimah. 78-0 The margins, names and titles of the 0-95 diXe ^1*3 aJjj d.)U2l.vO ^ In quatrefoil, in centre (Herat.) Four Companions. 9778 s. As on 8020, but counterstruck The Kalimah, but counterstruck witli 76’66 cl> (Astrabad.) djJ ( Herat.) * The original coin was one of Shah Ruhh as is proved by the date 818. The mint is gone. 124 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. LINE OF SHBBA'NF. MUHAMMAD SHEBANl. 8012 s. 76‘0 1-02 aLl In counterfoil in centre of coin : — ^ I P (914 H. ) In a circle the Kalimah. Margins : — Names and titles Four Companions. of the ’ABD-UL-LATlF. 13382 I s. 71-5 115 In area : — A.^ In margin : — (Bal]A mint). Kalimah in area, and in margins, names and titles of the Four Companions. PlR MUHAMMAD KHAN. 13381 s. 68-5 1*05 In area : — In lower part of margin : — (Balkh mint). The Kalimah in ornamented pentagon. ’ABDULLAH II. 8022 s. In eight-foil the Kalimah. 76-0 Mlf aIA. In margin Ot gvAL^.Jf 1-2 looped In ornamented area: — ’ABD-UL-MOMI'N. 8023 s. 74-0 1-29 In ornamented area ; — Outside legend illegible. In mihrabi area, the Kalimah. In margin ... . MANGIT DYNASTY. 125 UNCEETAIN. 9779 S. The name in the area is deleted, as 69’54 is the outside legend. The Kalimah. MANGIT DYNASTY. HAIDAR. 10973 G. In inverted pear-shaped lozenge, In double circle, with ornaments out- 70-5 •with ornaments outside : — side : — 0*9 jsti 1 r ( V ( r 1 V (Bukhara, 1217 H.) 10974 G. In similar lozenge to that on 10973, In octagonal area, with stars outside, 70-5 but with different outer ornaments. and arabesques outside them : — 0-9 1 rn 1 rn (BuMiara, 1226 H.) 8024 G. In double circle, outside of which In circle, as on obv. : — 70-0 are ornaments : — 1 rri 0-76 1 rri ji ib Clusters of dots. Clusters of dots for ornaments. (Bukhara, 1236 H.) MUZAFFAR-UD-DIN. 8783 s. I rvA 48-25 (Bukhara, 1278 H.) 8784 s. do. irAr do. 48*2 (Bukbir^, 1283 H.) 8792 G. is}'^ ir<^v do. 70'5 (Bukhara, 1297 H ) Pt. IV. 16 126 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS, KHANS OF KHOQAND. KHUDAYAR. 8025 G. 70-0 0-86 10964 G. 70-0 0-9 10965 G. 70-0 0-9 13S83 s. 72-0 1-0 In double circle, outside of which is a highly ornamented margin : — As on 8025, but date f rvr and orna- ments varied. As an obv. : — Sprays for ornaments. (Khoqand, 1264 H.) As on 8025, but date missing. (Khoqand, 1273 H.)' SAYYAD MUHAMMAD SULTAN. In double circle, outside of which are arabesques : — In double circle, outside which are four and six-rayed stars : — As on 10964, but date | r a | (Khoqand, 1281 H.) SULAIMAN OF BADAKHSHAN (Son of a cousin of Babar’s.) In area In lower margin : — SVp (Kabul, 974 H.^> The Kalimah, in a pentagon. In margins the names and titles of the Four Companions. OTHMA'NLI SULTANS W irRKHAIN. '1‘m N§ 13383. s. 20-0 ^U| t>lA. 11 ^ ^ 0-68 C^kLci ^JJf ’ i TLe date should be perhaps 947 H. Unique with this mint and date. OTHMANLI SULTANS. 127 8027 S. o o o Tne Kalimah, cramped. 14*0 ejtiaJLJf Both sides are in ornamented areas. 0 68 ? aJU t^X/0 MURAD, BIN U'RKHAN. 8028 s. 17-0 0-5 In circle : — Knot Knot. 8029 C. jji :>]yo 61*5 iaU] (Xla. 0-86 In circle, the middle of which is cross- ed by three lines : — ■ (Mint Halb, [Aleppo]). In ornamented area : — Fleuron aljf AxJLo ^JL)| juia.. BAYAZID, BIN MURAD. 8030 I s. ! 18-0 j 0-55 I VIP (792 H.) SULAIMAN BIN BAYAZI'D. 8031 S. In tnglu’a : — 17*0 6«j_yjb (^UjJ-va 0-57 pierced 8032 s. 170 0*65 In square : — AO (806 H.) Duplicate of 8031, but broader. 12S MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. MUHAMMAD BIN BAYAZI'D. 8033 s. 17-0 051 In circle : — + )«-y^( + Arr (Brusa mint, 822 H.) MURAD IT, BIN MUHAMMAD. 8034 s. 130 0-5 In a circle : — Ar r® (834 H.) In a circle (Azurbijan mint.) 8035 s. 16-5 0-55 As on 8034. As on 8034, but mint Jj^ ? 8036 s. 17-5 0*5 Duplicate of 8034. MUHAMMAD II, BIN MURAD. 8037 s. 15-0 0-4 In small area ijJ Letters in small enclosures all round this, illegible. (XlA BA'YAZfD II, BIN MUHAMMAD. OTHMANLI SULTjCnS. 129 SULAIMM BIN SALfM. 8039 G. 53-5 0-73 In a circle ■ 1 j^\ As on 8051. AHMAD BIN MUHAMMAD. 8053 G. 54-5 0-9 In tughra, &c. As on 8051. I I I « 132 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. 8054 G. 540 0*9 pierced 8055 s. 306-6 1-5 8056 s. 9-0 0-6 8057 s. 4-5 0-45 10145 G. 21-0 0-5 As on 8053, but mint (Misr.) I I Id (Constantinople, 1115 H.) In tughra, &c. Knots and ornaments. In tu gh ra, &c. As on 8051. do. J Mld (Constantinople, 1115 H.) iixx}as!a^9 ILif I 1 1 d (Islambul, 1115 H.) MAHMGD I, BIN MUSTAFA II. 8058 G. In tughra, &c., 54 0 Knots and flowers. 0-75 pierced. ILif (Islambul, 1143 H.) Her c = 4. Flowers, &c. 8059 G. 40-0 0-85 In tughra, &c., I ur As on 8051. But above word is another word — (?) othmanli sultans. 133 10166 G. 40-0 0-74 10167 G. 39*5 0-75 pierced. 8060 s. 7-8 0-6J As on 8059, but thus I It r (Islambul, 1143 H,) Rubbed, duplicate of 10166. In tughra, &c., i>j^~ As on 8051. Star I ftr (Constantinople, 1143 H.) OTHMAN III. 8061 G. 79-7 1-32 Concavo-convex. In tughra, &c., iSm I I1A (Misr, 1168 H.) As on 8051, but above the word is the letter Mustafa: hi. 8062 G. In tughra, &c,, As on 8051, 40-3 ^ imJyO 0'8 1 iv| (Islambul, 1171 H.) 8063 G. As on 8062, but mint As on 8051. 73-0 dXw y^.fO 1-25 llvl (Misr, 1171 H.) Pt. IV. 17 134 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. 8064 S. In a lined circle, ontside wbich is a As on 8051, but over is the figure 100-0 circle of large dots : — r* 11 ejliaLJl Jj>/o (Islambul, ffvl 1171 H.) 8065 s. In tughra, &c., 2-8 0-45 I|V( (Islambul, 1171 H.) ’ABD-UL-HAMFD. 8066 G. In tugbra, &c. As on 8064. 20-0 0-7 (Isltobnl, MAV 10168 G. As on 8051. 34-2 0-76 pierced. IMV (Misr, H.) 8067 In tnghra. &o. s. As on 8051, but over is the figure f . 303-0 1*42 (Constantinople, IIAV IIS^H.) 8068 s. li;fial^f As on 8067. 223-0 (j;(A 1-38 ^ (Constantinople, (^(hLJ irrr 1223 H.) Over ( 9 Two borders. Two borders. 138 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. 8087 s. As on 8085. As on 8085, hut above uj of 21'0 0-8 9003 c. In tughra, the Sultan’s name. r^ \rrr (Baghdad, 28th year. ) ’ABD-UL-MAJlD. 10158 G. In double wreath of leaves, — bound 110*5 together with two quivers ; — in 0*87 tughra. &c. below which r 1 10162 G. As on 10158, but 1 *1^ 56-0 0-7 10163 G. do but V 55-2 0-7 8088 s. In tughra : — 3712 below, *1 Stars and crescents 1-45 ^ all round the border. Milled in- side and on the edge. 8089 s. Similar to 8088. 183-0 1-08 8090 s. do. 93-0 0-93 In wreath : — Seven five-rayed stars. (Constantinople, \r&6* 1255 H.) As on 10158. do. As on 10158, but stars and crescents and milling as on obverse. Similar to 8088. do. OTHMANLI SULTANS, 139 8091 c. 250-0 In tughra as on 8088, to r. a flower ; below, 1 1 In centre r*, round it 1-23 8092 c. As on 8091, but r | ^ As on 8091. 161-5 1-2 ’ABD-UL-’AZlZ. 10146 G. 558-0 1-36 Two olive brandies bound together with two quivers : in the field, aac & c. in tnghra, below which ( r above 7 five-rayed stars ; below t**. A 500 piastre piece. Straight milled. 10147 G. 555-5 1-36 As on 10146, but v 10150 G. do. bnt S and fd* in- 276‘7 stead of 1-075 In double wreath of leaves (Constantinople, \rvv 1277 H.) As on 10146. do. 10151 G. 277-5 1-075 do. but year A • 10159 G. 111-0 0-87 As on 10146, but I below, is a 100 piastre piece. This 10160 G. 111-0 0-87 do. do. do. Like 10159, but S 140 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. 10161 G. 1120 0-87 10164 G. 28-5 0-57 10165 G. 28-3 0- 59 10791 s. 370-0 1- 45 10792 s. 371-5 1*45 10793 s. 369-5 1-45 8093 c. 464-5 1-32 8508 s. 5-0 0-55 Like 10159, but 9 Like 10146, but f r A 25 piastre piece. do. but 1 1 In a circle composed of 12 crescents turned inwards, in each of which is a star, and between each couple of which is a five-leaved flower, in tughra, beneath which is r do. A circle of crescents, inside circle of dots : rest as on 10791, but I As on 10146. do. do. In circle similar to that on obv. :■ irvv do. (Constantinople, 1277 H.) As on 10791. TITNIS MINT. In wreath : — cjlkUt In circle A (PAI (Tdnis, 1281 H.) ABD-UL-HAMID II. In tughra, &c.; To right a flower, under it ir^ir (Misr, 3rd year). SAFAYI DYNASTY OF PERSIA. 141 , ^r... MISCELLANEOUS. 9004 c. 7257 B. 20-0 0-77 rrvs (Makallah,* 1279 H.) Imitation of modern gold Turkish, coin, perforated. $AFAVr DYNASTY OF PERSIA. ISMA’EL SHAH, 9786 8. 40*01 jJt jjlA dXJOo^ui aJDt In hexagon in centre (Mint Nimroz, 929 H. ) In a circle : — the Kalimah and In margins, parts of ^ •• M About Jrd of the coin is broken off^ It ought to weigh nearly 70 grains. SULAIMAN. 7883 s. tc>X} (jjUA.v» Kalimah and *Pt 110-5 1 • 1 V Alargin deleted. 1-0 (Nakhchawan, 1097 H.) Pierced. HUSAIN. 8096 1 s. Tlie Kalimah and &U| u^j 1325 1-22 xM 1 1 • V oval. (Tiflis mint, 1107 H.) 1 * Makallah is a to%vn on the S. coast of Arabia. t This inscription is part of tills' c3'^''’ 3' Pt, IV, 18 142 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. 9789 s. 74*15 13397 s. 141-0 0-9 X"65 9787 s. 79-48 9788 s. 76*96 8097 s. 82*0 0-95 9790 s. 82-16 9791 s. 80-4 8094 s. 86-0 1*0 looped iir- (Mint Isfahan, 1120 H.) I ( rr (Erivan, 1123 H.) As on 9789, year fir* (Isfahan, 1130 H.) As on 9789, but mint and year I in (Tabriz, 1131 H.) As on 9789, but mint and year I in (Tiflis, 1131 H.) As on 8097, but mint (Qazwin, 1131 H. As on 8097, but year | frr (Tiflis, 1132 H.) As on 8096. Kalimah and i|N.13397, do. As on 9790, but no year do. do. do. do. do. Margin, parts of that on 9786. AFFGHAN kings of PERSIA. 143 8095 s. 84-0 0*89 (Mashhad minty no year) Kalimah and AUf TAHMi^SP II. 8098 s. 76*5 1*06 In double dotted circle : — ^0 f ir* (Tabriz mint, 1135 H.) Persian Kalimah. Margin : — 9794 s. 85*05 In dotted circle : — couplet, as on 8098, but mint and year | (K'l (Isfahan, 1141 H.) Persian Kalimah in a circle dots- 9795 s. 76*37 Duplicate of 8098. do; 9796 s. 82-44 Similar to 8098, but mint and year 1 f rv (Mashhad i Muqaddas, 1137 H.) do. 7884 s. 84-0 1*0 Like 9796, but year f (1140 H.) do; AFFGHA'N KINGS OF PERSIA. MAHMU'D. 9792 s. 76-9 AJlJ| Only partly legible.* The Persian Kalimab» * The assignment of this coin to TMahmud is Dr. Hoernle’s. I think it belongs to someono else> r«?rhnps to Ibrahim. 144 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. ASHHAF, ^9793 s. 75'29 ^ ^ dj o I (p* ^j^\\ jf’ii aiki-Jf lirv AFSHARrS. NADIR. 7885 j s. In a circle a^bc aJijf 350-0 ‘ (Qandabar mint.) 1-06 (A double rupee.) 7888 s. In a small circle ; — 178-5 f ( * 0-93 (Tabriz, 1150 H*.) 13395 s. doo. *y.gAwo 175-0' , (Masbhad i Muqaddas.) 0-9 12349 s. do.. 175-5 0-92 (Sliabjahanabad [Debli], 1152 H.) 10024 s. doi. iSibi .ybk 174-0 1 ( *j • Axws 0-8 jy«-AAj (Pesliawur, 1160 He) 8101 s. do. ( ( dA 178-3 (Isfahan, 1158 H.) 0-83 This is a poor coin, and only portions of the legends are on it. The year is on one side 1140 H.^ on the other 1137 IT. The mint is Isfahan. AFSHARIS. 145 8100 s. 105-3 0-75 As on 7885, As on 7885, but mint year I |d| (Tabriz, 1151 H.) 8102 s. 107*3 0*71 do. As on 7885, but mint and no year. (Isfahan.) 8079 s. 80-0 1*0 (Masliliad.) In the form of a monogram :-“ 1IM (1149 H.) 9797 s. 78-48 9798 s. 77-94 -V 9 As on 8079, but date ((d- (Mashhad, 1150 H.) 9799 s. 61-24 do. mncli rubbed. In small circle 7243 S. 175-0 0-85 i 4^J:! ^r!l) j*lij oikJUo t ( 1 1 e>fyk (Herat, 116J). In dotted circle :— = ^-^f L5^ In margin, the Kalimah. IBRAHtM. 11212 s. 70-5 0‘85 ^ A L^j j^Ut Axvo jy> (j ^fjj ,«.... • In circle, Kalimah and Margin, &c., ““'If AirH 'rir^ (Tabriz, 1161 A. H.) * The couplet is (^JO 146 MISCELLANEOUS MUHAMMADAN COINS. SHAH RUim, 8103 s. 357-0 1-0 In small circle : — 11^1 (JiXI/o tyhk (Mashhad i Muqaddas, 1161 H.) ZANDS. KARI'M MAN. 8104 G. 170*0 0-9 1 |1V (Isfahan, 1167 H.) 8105 s. 90-7 1-15 (jbo^jt (*^1 Jt In small circle :— 1 1 Ar ‘rir" (Nakhchawan, 1183 H.) 11213 s. 70-5 0-95 As on 8105, and year I ( va, and mint A (Rasht, 1178 H.) In circle, th.e Kalimah and 9800 s. 74-51 (looped) As on 8104. (Kashan mint). 8106 s. 46*5 0*7 (SJJ VJ This is similar to No. 366, p. 119, of B. M. Cat., “ Shahs of Persia.” In ornamented area : — f M (Tiflis, 119 - H.) 'ALl MURAD KHAN. 8107 s. 176-5 0-85 jj3 J In a circle : — f M ^ ^rty^ (Shiraz, 1198 H.) In a small loop attached to the circle : — Q A JARS. 147 QA'JA'RS. AQA MUHAMMAD KHAN. 11247 s. 176*0 In circle, with, small leaves on the edge, in which were invocations and date, obliterated all except date I r • 9 ; — (Shiraz, 1209 H.) 8108 G. 95*5 0*85 8109 G. 35-5 0-73 8110 G. 355 0-7 8111 G. 35-5 0-72 FATH ’ALI' SHAH. jU3 irir (1213 H.) aJLjf (Isfahan.) jUs »L^ ILUJ lUJ| I I (Tabriz, 1224 H.) This coin is milled. do. do. do. do. MUHAMMAD SHAH. 8112 s. 108*0 0*8 In dotted circle : — Scrolls and flowers. (Mashhad i Muqaddas, 1251 H.) Scrolls and flowers. * This couplet is : — dxv* - 0-6 8118 s. Duplicate of 8117, but year ( Mr 17-5 0-6 10966 G. In double circle, with one of dots In double circle, outside which, ara- 620 outside : — besques in a circle of dots : — 0-73 frvr 10709 (Rasht, 1273 H.) s. In circle : — In circle, with ornaments outside it : — 76-0 1 ri ♦ 0-7 (Tabriz, 1290 H.) 10710 s. do. As on 10709, but no ornaments. 76-0 0-7 QAJARS. 149 10711 s. 76-0 0*65 Duplicate of 10709. 8116 s. 7P0 0-9 As on 8115, but date (Ml As on 8115. (Teheran, 1296 H.) 7162 s. 71-0 0-9 As on 8115, but date 1 (1297 H.) As on 8115. 10801 s. 143-0 107 As on 9114, but date ( P'IA and below (1298 H.) In circle of dots, in a wreath : — ■ Below wreath 10802 s. 140-5 1-07 As on 10801, but year f r d As on 7846, j below. 154 SULTANS OF OTAZNIH. IV. ISMA’EL. 7850 s. aJJ 38-0 aJJf 065 dJJ| edJ 5,lkjf (Ja*4vw1 V. MAHMITD. 7851 s. Ali 47-8 ill All il 0-75 *JJ| «J 51 7853 s. 420 0-76 do. do. A star on each side of &0 7854 s. 40-0 0-7 do. do. do. 7855 s. do. do. do. 44-0 0*7 Stars incuse and five-rayed 7852 s. 45-0 111 1) 0-8 *JJ| *JJu j^il^t a) ^ A flower on each side of VIII. mas’ai 5 d. 156 7856 s. jjS/l Ail 52-0 111 Jc)( SI 0-73 Aiif ^J 51 f^U u>> O Trefoil on each side of d^4^. 7857 s. As on 7852. • 0 • 52-0 ^t <>4S^ ^ 0-7 ^ AjJljj^lalf T 1^4 10013 c. A copper coin similar to tlie silver one, No. 473, British Museum Catalogue, 45-0 0-68 Vol. II, p. 137. YII. MAS’AU'D I. 7858 s. 62*8 0-75 SJ aJL/f b Margins missing. ° Qaatrefoil. ° 7916 G. 52-5 0-95 1/t aj| II 55(X=>.j aJJ| aJ II Margin : — j (^f . . • J (Nishapur, 422 H.) aJL/i j AJJbj^lAlf AJJf j.k\j ^jtiUf Abf Margin, &c., Ajj| J^j 6^ssr^ AJJ|^/ob ^jl^l 9631 s. 58-63 aJJl lit aJ| II dj II 156 SULTANS OF OTAZNIH. VIII. MAUDITD. 7859 s. 47-5 ill 51 s))\ 0-76 (A rose here) .Jjjf yol) 13158 M. Jd^ Bull, over which S 45*0 c-jf.gA in Hindi. 0-6 ^OJf ^ksj ^^J/O XI. ’ABD-UB-RASHID. Rare. 8951 M. In a circle : — Bull, seated to left. 47*5 Inscription deleted. 0-55 Margin illegible. XIII. FARRUIQIZA'D. 9632 G. A six-rayed star. 82-7 lit «sit 11 aJJf (Silt &) 11 &U1| j (jj <^13 ^ Inner margin : — j (^Ui AJiisiJ &Uf ajLo j (Struck at Gliaznih, in 448 H.) Outer margin illegible. Outer margin cut. XV. IBRAHIM. 157 7860 s. 41’0 0-65 I id o S:JjSJ\ JU^ <^Wf (J^-^ j <^13 7861 * M. 45-7 0-6 12599 c. 47-0 0-65 vitj Bull, seated to left. Inscription deleted. In circle, with circle of dots outside : — two lower lines of legend of 7861. dOc XIV. IBRAHIM. 7862 s. In a small circle 43-8 ill &Jf ^ 0-75 1*11.0^1 (.ERa) 7863 id)^ in a small circle and idJ ; s. do. as on 7862. 37-5 0’7 7864 M. ej'UJt Bull, seated; over it Sq'i Samanta Deva 47-0 ^311 in Hindi. 0-58 i 8711 : M. do. 41-5 I ^ILU\ 0-575 ; 1 1 i 1 Pt. IV, 20 158 SULTANS OF GHAZNIH. 13169 M. Bull, seated ; over it Sri Samanta Deva 48-5 in Hindi. 0-6 13161 M. Margin Dirham of Lohor (Labor), do. do. 48-5 0-55 13162 M. do. do. 60-5 Margin : — 0-65 Over first line (4 “ “ H.) 8712 M. do. 49-0 ^IkUt 065 9633 c. Margin : — (Lahor dirham.) As on 13159. As on 13159. 45-56 13160 M. do. 48-0 0-6 12598 M. do. do. 49-5 0-55 XV. mas’ai5d III. 169 13163 M. As on 13169. 60-5 0-65 13164 M. do. 49-5 0-55 XV. MAS’AITD III. 7865 s. y.\ 40-0 ijji 111 «ii ii 0-7 ajji A JJ b } |^AaA»./0 7866 s. AJJL) In a square :■ — 42-7 0-65 ^JJ| fJj^J ^*wo Nearly illegible. Mj 13367 c. In a square : — In a square : — 32-0 He 0 68 Aju» i lJ3vO J^Awia/0 13165 M, ^fkUi Bull, over v^bich Srt Samanta Veva 60’0 a}jc>i\ 11c in Hindi. 0’55 *>.Vv/0 13166 M. 1 do. 53'5 i 0*55 111 ! i 160 SULTANS OF ^AZNIH. 12600 c. Bull, seated to left, and over it : — SO-8 0-55 ^}\ 12596 M. Horseman to r., and over it or As on 13165. 49-7 average of 3 coins 0*7 and 0-65 8696 s. do. do. 49-0 0*65 XVII. MALIK ARSLAN. 12597 c. Bull, to Z., over it 50-2 0-55 XVIII. BAHRAM SHAH. 7867 s. &V 56-0 alif ^Jf y 0*7 jjlA ^\j%y 13167 M. Ja.c Bull, over wliicli Sri Samanta Deva 52-0 ill Hindi. 0*5 XIX. lOIUSRAU SHAH. 161 8952 M. 43-7 0-5 As on 13167, but last line Bull, over wliicb Sri Samanta Deva in Hindi. XIX. iniUSRAU SHAH. 12760 M. 42-0 0-62 Deleted. A very rare coin, in poor condition. XX. IQIUSRAU MALIK. 12761 M. 471 0-6 (jAlvJf In double circle, with one of dots be- tween : — cXl/o Over which, a star. Rare. 12762 M. 47-3 0-55 do. do. but, over the name, a crescent. 12763 M. 52*0 0-55 do. do. do. 12764 M. 47-0 0-55 A slar. c;lAUt 12601 M. 46-0 55-0 do. do. AFFGHAN COINS OF THE DURRANI KINGS AND OTHERS. DURRANI KINGS. AHMAD SHAH. 10870 G. 168-0 V * 0-84 ( ( vr IP jt )}j {^y. — >wve (Shahjahanabad, 14th yr., 1173 H.) 10871 G. do. do. 168-0 C-81 7266 s. The couplet, as on 10870, | ni in the 6 ^Gbo 177-0 middle. &C., u-jh^ 0-86 In (j/- of a flower. (Multan, 5th yr., 1166 H.) 12342 s. In 8 foil, IfU. and round 1 1 177-5 this the couplet on 10870. &C., ,^1 12338 f 1 V • oib (1170 H.) OA.4.VO Go s. 177-0 0-8 8913 As on 13157. (1170 H.) In circle of dots : — A trisul over all. (Dera, 1st year.) s. 174-0 0-85 12339 do. but year | ( v f (1171 H.) As on 13157. (Labor, 1st year.) s. 177-0 0-8 do. but year ( f vr (1172 H.) &c., r jijilLo (Multan, 2nd year.) TAIMYR SHAH, AS KING. 167 TAIMI/R SHAH, (As King.) 8915 s. In area : — ; and round it 1 r 176*0 parts of : — (Bhakkai, 12th year.) 0-88 13396 s. ^"fc*^ ^ As on 8915, but no name in area. 174*0 and year | f ^ a (1 1981- H.) (Pashawur,) 0*85 13452 s. As on 13396, but year ( r«p f A tA k* 177*0 (1204 H.) (Kabul, 18th year.) 0*96 12005 s. As on 13396. ( r ( ( aiiakJf 177*5 (Herat, 1211 H.) 0-8 11623 s. do. do. 177*0 0*85 11624 s. do. do. 177*0 0*8 13451 s. do. &Xv» tjCjf u^-»o 176*0 (Attock, no year.) 0*82 7847 c. 266-0 Kashmir, 13th year.) 0*8 7848 c. ir I r ? 122*0 (1212 H.) (Kashmir, — — .) 0*8 (This coin lias Ahmad’s name on it.) 168 DURRANI KINGS. ZAMAN SHAH. 11628 s. 176-7 0-87 11626 s. 176-0 0-72 11629 s. 174-5 0-8 11630 s. 173- 0 0-72 11625 s. 175-0 0-74 11631 s. 174- 0 0-78 11632 s. 175- 0 0-76 13453 s. 179 0 0-9 I r ir (1213 H.) (r do. In double circle, witli lattice -work between, and outside, a dotted circle : — As on 11628. Year — IP (1214 H.) do. (A piece cut off edge.) do. Ho year. do. Year I r I d In double circle, with arabesques outside, as on 11628, year | r f 5 (jjUj jilA Ho year. I r I r (Herat, 1213 H.) do. but (rir. for irrr* (1213 H.) do. Year |r|P (Herat, 1214 H.) do. do. (do.) (Herat, 1215 H.) do. (do.) ( Pashawur. ) mahmi5d shah. 169 13454 s. ^j^f/0 0^1*^ 179-0 vi^Uj j aX^ JS’o year. (Pashawor.) 0*9 8852 c. irir (1212 H.) e;liU (Multan.) 185-0 0-95 MAHMITD SHAH. 11633 s. j3 ^ 1 r 1 V 176-5 (Herat, 1217 H.) 0-77 11634 s. In double circle, as on 11633, but do. (do.) 177-0 yearirfv (1217 H.) 0-78 13456 s. As on 11633. No year. ( r 1 y Jf 178-0 ( Ashraf-ul-Balad, Ahmad Shahi, i.e., 0-78 Noblest of Towns, Qandahar.) 11635 s. do. Year | r — 1 r ( A cijf^ aiKU[jf^ 176-0 (Herat, 1218 H.) 0-73 11636 s. do. but in a lined circle, do. (do.) 177-5 outside wbicb is a dotted circle, 0-73 outside which is a chain circle, outside which a lined circle, with circle of dots outside that. Year in A (1218 H.) 13455 s. do. 6 S.-/' o 175-5 0-74 170 11637 s. 175-0 0-74 11638 s. 178-0 0-76 11639 s. 177-5 0-77 11640 s. 178-5 0-75 11641 s. 177-0 0-74 11642 s. 176-0 0-75 11643 s. 175-5 08 11644 s. 175- 5 0-74 11645 s. 176- 0 0-71 As on 11634, year | r.., As on 11633. do. do. do. do. do. do. In double lined circle, out- side which is a double circle filled with strokes, outside which is a circle of dots : year f r M (1219 H.) In double circle, with dotted circle outside : no year. do. I r I A (Herat, 1218 H.) I r M do. do. irr do. do. do. do. irrr do. do. do. frrr do. (1219 H.) (J220 H.) (do.) (1222 H.) (1223 H.) MAHMCD SHAH. 171 11627 s. 176-5 0-8 12006 s. 176-5 0-76 12007 s. 176 0 0-75 12008 s. 176- 5 0-8 11646 s. 177- 2 0-8 11647 s. 177-2 0-8 11648 s. 176- 0 0-73 11649 s. 177- 5 0-76 As on 1]633. irrr 11653 s. 171-5 0-65 do. irrd do. 11654 s. 173-0 0-76 do. do. do. (1223 H.) (1225 H.) (do.) 172 11655 s. 174- 5 0*73 11656 s. 175- 0 0-7 12010 s. 174- 0 0-7 11657 s. 173-0 071 12011 s. 175- 5 0-73 11658 s. 173-0 0-7 11659 s. 175-0 0-7 As on 11633. do. do. do. and year f r r v do. do. do. and year I rrA do. do. do. (rrv do. do. irrA do. do. do. do. do. 12009 s. 175-0 0-68 do. do. do. do. 12012 s. 174-0 do. do. do. do. (1226 H.) (do.) (do.) (1227 H.) (do.) (do.) (1228 H.) (do.) (do.) MAHMUD SHAH. 173 11663 s. 175-0 0-7 As on 11633. 1 rrA (1228 H.) 11664 s. 175-0 0-67 do. do. do. (do.) 11665 s. 175-0 0-7 do. do. do. (do.) 11660 s. 173-5 0-75 do. irn do. (1229 H.) 11661 s. 177-0 0-7 do. do. do. (do.) 11662 s. 174-0 0-69 do. do. do. (do.) 9804 s. 163-61 irr* do. (1230 H.) 11650 s. 177-0 0-75 As on 11633, and year I rrf-® \rr\^ do. (Herat, 1234 H.) 11651 s. 175-0 0-75 do. do. 1 do. do. (1234 H.) Pt. IV. 22 174 11662 8. 177-0 0-72 11666 s. 177-0 0-75 12015 s. 167-0 0-88 12016 s. 168-0 0-8 12017 s. 165-5 0-7 11597 s. 165-0 0-87 11599 s. 177-5 0-84 6805 8 . 41-44 8682 c. 160-5 0-85 As on 11633. do. I rrv (1237 H.) do. do. (jUiLwi In lozenge : — Jit-w In margin, portions of couplet, on 11633...(Jj'Jj^j^Jj3 ejlkUw... ( rri-^ ciif^ A\laLJ| 'rtj^ do. do. (1234 H.) (do.) aJLsJ = Axm ui>Uk do. (Derajat.) (do.) do. but upper word omitted. In tugbra, in a circle : — (Kabul.) (Bakkbar.) irt^l ajJaUlf I V^W5 J A four-anna piece. All of tbe couplet on 11633, except y) In lozenge ; — (Kashmir, 2nd yr.) This is an imitation of a rupee, not a real copper coin. 175 shuja’a-ol-mulk. 12661 c. 281-0 (Kashmir.) 0-8 7464 c. 174-5 (This is mixed with silver.) (Herat.) 0*65 SHUJA’A-UL-MULK. 12014 s. jj!aj j In double circle, with dots between : — 167-5 0-75 (Deraj at.) 11591 s. In scolloped square : — 146-0 »(_Ji . 0-9 e;(kU ( Kabul. ) 11485 s. (vj) (j^. ^j) In scolloped circle : — 140*0 1 r fid « 0-9 Ahmad Shahi (i.e., Qandahar). (1255 H.) 13457 s. Parts of one of above couplets : 177-0 No year. (Pashawur, 4th yi\) 0-8 AIYUB SHAH. 8666 s. ^ y(3^? 170 0 0-85 (Kashmir, Istyr.) 176 DURRANI COINS. ANONYMOUS. 11592 s. 151-5 0-92 In quatrefoil : — Margin : — ...n ( i*pr 11 jf jj i 11 In square : — I r\^r (Kabul, 1242 H.) 11598 S. In quatrefoil :~ 161*5 •.. S ♦ 0-76 In a lozenge, in a circle : — (Kabul.) 11601 s. 147-0 1-0 ^3 11486 S. In a scolloped square : — 141*0 the Kalimali. 0-93 In a circle, with ornamented border ; — ( Pasha wur.) In lozenge : — I f'<5r Ahmad Shahi (i.e., Qandahar). (1253 H.) AFFQSAN COINS.* PAINDA KHAN. 11593 s. In double square, with ornaments on 145-0 each side : — 0-92 A j ^ , j 1 rpl AihlJi i^AO (Kabul, 1246 H.) 11594 s. As on 11593, but year | rpv 145-3 1-0 0;itb 1 (Kabul, 1247 H ) * The inscriptions on these rupees are too fragmentary to give the full Persian couplet. More specimens are required. AFFCtHAN coins. 177 AMI'R DOST MUHAMMAD. 11595 s. 145-8 0-95 11596 s. 146-5 0-93 As on 11595, but top line ji I r^r AjJaJLJf (Kabul, 1252 H.) Jj(^ alkl/Jf i. (Kabul,) AMTH SHER ’ALT. 7483 s. 139-7 0*8 7481 s. 142-0 0-9 7485 s. 70-2 0-61 In tugbra : — I In double circle : — I M d j^t (1286 H.) (1295 H.) I r S S (1299 H.) In a circle: — tJj, and round it A\la)^| jC) I TA1 (Kabul, one rupee, 1286 H.) In a circle : — A>ialvJ| jf^ (Kabul. (Herat.) AMIR MUHAMMAD Y’AQU'B. 7482 , g_ I ( r 1 1 (1296 H.) 140-5 ' 0-85 I r ^ 1 AiiaJUJi (Kabul, 1296 H.) 178 AFFGBAN COINS. AMrR ’ABD-U-R RAHMAN. 7484 s. 342*0 0-75 1 r s y (] 297 H.) Flowers for ornaments. (Kabul.) 9806 s. 141-65 do. but year (rSA (1298) do. 7480 s. 142-0 0*95 (r*r (1303 H.) Flowers for ornaments. (Kabul.) ^13204 s. 69-5 0-67 ^1 )r*« (1305 H.) ir*P (Herat, 1304 H.) 9807 s. 143-1 As on 13204, but year gone. UNDETERMINED. 9808 s. 142-17 9809 s. 141-52 1 1- k 9810 These coins are dated — 97, 4, s. 4. Probably 1297, &c. 141-21 9811 s. 138-41 > * This coin was probably struck with a new die for the obverse, and an old one for the reverse, as the year on one side is 1305, and on the other ISO^, AUTONOMOUS COINS. 179 9812 s. j]d 137-75 t-cjjl = U JbV AxJhJLJt These coins are dated, — 97, - - -4, 4. Probably 1297, &c. 9813 s. Incomplete Persian couplet. It may- As on 9808 but year | r a • 143*18 be a rupee of Dost Muhammad’s. (Kabul, 1250 H.) AUTONOMOUS COPPER COINS. 8786 83-66 1-5 Small circular area, in which, — aCw ( Coin of Bokhara.) Broad margin in which are traces of an inscription. (The coin looks like one of ’Ala-ud- din of IChwarizm. ) Small octagonal area with Chinese legend. Broad margin with traces of Arabic inscription, illegible. HERAT. 9814 46-72 Square area, with arabesques in seg- ments : — (-75 H.) Rourd area, with ornamental margin : — 9815 43-6 In lozenge within ornamental margin : — 9821 34-24 Floral geometric figure. As on 9815 : — Illegible. 180 AUTONOMOUS COINS. 9816 38-57 9817 47-16 9818 36-68 9819 77-26 9820 46-82 8850 145-0 0-85 9780 40-47 8849 54-3 0-6 > AA (Herat.) V (887 or 878 H.) In scolloped area : — In square area : — , . ( Herat. ) In lotus shaped design : — In round area : — On two petals, (Herat.) J (-55 H.) In lozenge, with ornamental Floral geometric figure. margin : — sn (919 H.) Ahw (Herat.) (» do. AiJai«J| jfi ( ? ) (Herat.) 1 (1294 H.) In a circle two cones, as on Kashmir shawls, turned towards each other. BALKH. In scolloped area : — Geometric design. QANDAHAR. Two lines, cutting each other at right angles, have four trefoils on their ends. AUTONOMOUS COINS. 181 SAMAEQAND. 9001 84-5 0-95 and 9002 84-0 0-85 do. but inverted, as in type. do. but inverted, as in type. AHMADNAGAR.* 9298 150-0 07 (^1 j 9299 1120 0-6 9300 137-0 0-65 * The inscriptions on these coins read, when in full, thus : — ‘^■^1 i The year, of course, yaries. S 1 A Pt, IV, 23 1 %bV-JiZn\s> r • ''■1 ‘f • . H / V' 1