7- 2v- .3&. 37. p $9- v- ^ 5 , S ' S S ftlclcS otuA , c*S^ Cx ,CL&-. 2 \ 39. ■ 9-3. 9- P~. 19. 3 9 fa/a. /irns3 97^n^> /3 £ G^C^-cSc, , fz ■ ? s . ;• / &/. 30.33 Sf 7 , //V - (2£^y^lC //*+ / / 33 , Af-. /o . /3 . 3 2 - 6' 6 . (u, i Cc U^. ¥- -• * y ~-~' O' 6 H^UCScti^Oi (xJ’&^ch-L c^cL jL>. /Ol/~ . /2 2, /*&. /2.S-. /30 /3z ■ /3b / U-* yPt^ri^^ ^'9. 6 3.C&- /O ' /4- /. /4 c2. . * * /fo. ^ /^V- /£~&- V f. /3LwT- tfn /(St+zA 2 3 . 2 7. y. & ft 2 . 96 ' /2/f. /33. C3i2fr_^-c^C / 3 . 33333- .Cie-c-Zc. /3 /. 'U-O. /frfr. /$ 3 7 3 O t /7 * 2 / - 2 3 o - 3 - 37 * ^ ^3- * *3- ^ (s>. 6 3 ^ 5.6 C . (j>7 ' o . Y£/~ *7 3 ' C ^ L °' 3? / ' 'fat2e/tc<^> / / / 7-t4A^/ ir /, / g £ 3^> • i 92, ^"6, Q& /oZ. /OS'- /07 . /of. /so ■ / 2 a / j v- ^v^t 7 S 4 /Z2 . / S3 . /i/-o. / 4 t-f"- /SS- / '57. 3+.Sorv-7S-'«" A / 33 . /$& ■ /Of- //o ■ 't/Vi. O -A- T -A. Xj O (3- XJ IE3 OF A COLLECTION OF JAPANESE WORKS OF ART, Jflrtal Wiaxk, Urnn^s, NETSUKES, LACQUER; ALSO OLD CHINESE BRONZES, PORCELAIN, CLOISONNE ENAMEL, AND CARVINGS IN JADE AND OTHER HARD STONES, PROM VARIOUS SOURCES: "(3,uTL-efi ~, w-b.'j WHICH Mill be Solb bp Auction bp Messes. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AIT VHBia <£K®AT E©@MS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed the Saturday and Monday preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. Jamess Square, S.W. 2 (oM 4 -Stolr CONDITIONS OF SALE. - 0 - I. THE highest Bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold. H. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IY. The Purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required ; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot, and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase-Money must absolutely be paid on the delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the Defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. ■O On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 o JAPANESE BRONZES. A koro, shaped as a lotos flower, with leaves in russet iron —by Miochin A pair of bronze vases, chased with chrysanthemums and grass— 7 in. high A barrel-shaped vase, with figure of a carp in relief Ji- - A circular bronze jardiniere, on cloud feet, chased with a dragon in relief —signed A pair of hexagonal vases, chased with dragons, clouds and yZ/ flames —by Toun —24 in. high ** An oviform bronze jar, chased with dragon, clouds and flames— - 10 in. high ; and an oviform jar, with iris in relief—13^ in. high A pair of vases, with ducks and aquatic grass in relief—11 in. highjtty,#/ A bronze vase, with wild geese and lotos—20 in. high A bronze vase, with four-clawed dragon in relief—16 J in. high ; and a barrel-shaped vase, chased with herons- -141 i n , high y CARVINGS IN IVORY. 9, 0 . /, /* , 7, /*. LJ ' 0 , V J > /& ■ ' ^ / 17 A Picnic Box, fitted with a box in four divisions, tray, red lacquer sake cup, a deep tray, five small oblong trays, two pewter sake bottles, on opening stand, the whole decorated with /// branches of trees, bamboo and prunus foliage in raised gold on a black ground, gold nashiji interior 18 A silver lacquer cabinet, with tray above and two drawers beneath, decorated with a tiger and palm leaves in flat gold 19 A bucket, of silver laequer, decorated with prunus flowers in red and white lacquer 5 CARVINGS IN ROCK-CRYSTAL, JADE, Etc. f 20 A flat-shaped rock-crystal cup, shaped as a tree trunk —carved , wood stand '”%***' 21 A rock-crystal figure of a kylin —carved and pierced ivood stand / 22 A Rock-Crystal Vase, shaped as a fingered lemon —on dark f A ’/vy wood stand of similar design ' ^ 23 A flat-shaped vase, cover and stand, carved in rock-crystal, decorated in low relief with a lake scene—8 in. high / ° 24 A bowl, on foot, of pale green jade, carved in low relief with emblematical ornaments —4£ in. diam. 0 25 Three belt clasps, of pale green jade, decorated in high relief with ... - a coiled dragon * 26 A figure of a cat and kitten, in pale green jade; and another, smaller, nearly similar 0 27 A Circular Bowl and Cover, of pale green jade, the top finely pierced with rosette and flower ornament- -4j in. diam. O 28 An oblong plaque, of pale green jade, carved with a dragon on a groundwork of scrolls— 6 in. by 2^ in. V 29 A cup, formed as a leaf, of carved orange amber —brocade stand 30 A cornelian box and cover, shaped as a persimmon fruit 0 31 A carving in realgar, formed as a trunk of the prunus * 32 A small tray, formed as a leaf, carved of moss agate . f 83 An agate box and cover, formed as a figure of a carp * '*■ Y £ 34 A striated agate cup, supported on branches of prunus blossom , & 35 A flat-shaped bottle and cover, with double handles, carved with - - . . a fir tree in low relief, slightly tinted green—5^ in. high ^ 36 A Dark Green Jade Ewer and Cover, attached by a chain, . engraved with dragons, asters, &c.—7£ in. high * 37 A flat-shaped vase, of pale green jade, scroll handles, pierced on either side with conventional asters—5 in. high—on dark wood /L* 2 : stand 38 A pale green jade vase, shaped as a trunk of a tree, with sacred fungus —on carved wood stand —4^ in. high 6 /f~* 0 £0 /J-> ~V , /r. o >/, 0- rz> qJ ., 0—, 'O inlaid in silver y/~ 49 A silver figure of a stork, on bronze stand formed as rocks and/ stream from which emerge the tortoise of longevity —on dark wood stand 50 A silver bowl and cover, chased in relief with quail and millet seed— signed 51 Another, chased with a cock, hen and chickens— signed ^ 52 A 0 53 A ^ 54 A ✓ 55 A , O 56 A ^ 57 A c 58 A 59 A 60 A 61 A , 0 koro, shaped as a golden pheasant, the head and tail enamclle in translucent colours— carved wood sta/nd pair of figures of carp, in russet iron, on a stand carved stream and logs Russet Iron Cabinet, with opening doors enclosing seven drawers, minutely inlaid with wisteria, iris, chrysanthemums and swallows in gold, the exterior decorated with shaped panels of a rocky landscape, cock, hen and chickens, storks and bamboo, tigers, dragons, Ho-Ho birds and turtle on a ground¬ work of floral design, with hydrangea, chrysanthemums and foliage— signed Komai Dagger, the mounts of silver, finely chiselled with stalks, eagles, cranes and branches of cherry blossom, the scabbard of lacquer representing bamboo, twisted horn grip Dagger, composed entirely of silver, chased in relief with the three-clawed dragon, Ho-Ho bird, turtle of longevity, tiger, partly inlaid with gold, engraved blade Dagger, shaped as the sacred sword, shakudo hilt, the menuki formed as the Tokugawa crest, russet iron sheath, around which is coiled the three-clawed dragon in chased silver, the blade double-edged and engraved with a deity sword blade, with strongly grooved back edge, below is a small panel chiselled with a figure of Fukurokujiu dagger blade, by Kunihiro— time of Hideyoshi Tailco —1377* century dagger blade, by Norishige, of Yetchini, disciple of Goro Masamune— 13th century ; and a dagger blade, by Samouji, of Shikuzen, disciple of Masamune—13 tli century short sword, mounted with yellow bronze, the blade finely chiselled on either side with a sacred sword, around which is, coiled the three-clawed dragon 8 ANOTHER PROPERTY. OLD CHINESE AND JAPANESE BRONZES. £ , 62 2. J. . O 03 /, o 66 67 /< o£ , O' 68 oh , £ , O 09 £, JL , 70 O A cylindrical spill-vase, with emblematical and jewel ornaments in relief, slightly inlaid with jade and cornelian ; and a small /y jardiniere, on elephant feet— carved and pierced wood stand Lyfa&i A small vessel and cover, the handles terminating in rams’ heads, inlaid with symbolical ornaments in silver and gold— carved and pierced wood stand ; and a small tripod koro, inlaid with asters and silver— carved wood cover and stand A cylindrical flower-vase, green patena—10 in. high. ; a cylin¬ drical vase, with fish handles—9^ in. high; and a bottle, with ridged neck—9 in. high A square-shaped beaker, with leaf-shaped panels of key pattern— 9 in. high; and a vase, with double band of dragon oro^ment in low relief— 1 H in. high A vase, with elephant handles, emblematical and diaper ornaments in low relief —10 in. high ; a bottle, with swelling neck, coiled with a dragon—9 in. high; and a smaller bottle, of similar/ / form— in. high A small beaker, with ornament in low relief—6 in. high; a fiat¬ shaped vase, with double monster handles, diaper ornament on the neck—5^ in. high — carved wood stand; and an incensq burner, shaped as a lotos flower A koro and cover— on pierced wave-pattern stand; a group of an ox and driver ; a small group of a sage riding an ox; and a small figure of a Shi Shi A koro, shaped as a stork standing on a rock—15 in. high ; another, with Jirojin on a stag ; and a koro and cover, formed, / / as a wild goose A bowl, the handles formed as Ho-Ho birds— bronze stand; a brush-rest, shaped as rocks— on carved ivood stand; and a small figure of the temple Nio 9 y 71 A koro and cover, formed as a pack ox; a water-bottle, shaped as a monster; a small vase, with branch of prunus, a deity, and an ox bearing the Satsuma crest 72 A tripod bowl, with monster heads in low relief— carved and pierced wood cover and stand; a gilt figure of Jirojin; and a small koro, with tripod elephant’s-head feet— carved wood standY // 0 73 A figure of a pilgrim ; a boy riding a pack ox; and a Shojo, partly damascened in gold / 0 74 A koro, shaped as a quail; a figure of Hotei; a small pewter incense burner ; a figure of a crab ; and three other pieces f # 75 A large bronze vase, entirely covered with granulated ornament —16 in. high ^ 76 A Curious Sacrificial Vessel, suspended by a chain, inlaid with emblematical and key ornament in gold, silver and red g * A. , copper— pierced open wood stand / O 77 A jardiniere, with mirror-shaped panels of dragons on a roughened ground ; and a double gourd-shape bottle, with ring handles—11 in. high 78 A bottle, with band of emblematical ornament in low relief- 11 in. high; and a vase, with monster handles and open lip CLOISONNE ENAMEL. 79 An old cloisonne enamel dish, with shaped borders, decorated with the flowering aster in brillant colours on a turquoise- blue ground— carved and pierced wood stand —8 in. diam. . ^80 A shallow bowl, of old Chinese cloisonne enamel, with asters in colours on a blue ground— carved ivood stand ; and a slen bottle—5 in. high —of similar decoration A faceted bottle, of Japanese cloisonne enamel, with iris on a black ground— carved wood stand ; a bowl, with asters on a J$zr white ammonite scroll ground ; and a small vase 10 /./«t /'/ / * C>~ /' ^ A s NANKIN BLUE AND WHITE. . 0 82 , 0 83 0 84 t 4 2 . /' 6 r O 85 0 86 O A • .90 A pair of oviform primus-pattern jars and covers—16 in. high isc^'L^/ A square-shaped vase, with figures of Chinese ladies on a balcony i —19 in. high—carved and pierced wood stand A howl, the centre painted with a hawk, waves and clouds ; and a howl, the centre painted with a persimmon plant, diaper- Ocy pattern borders—8 in. diam. A jar, painted with a flowering prunus—10 in. high ; and a pair_ 7 of oviform jars, with court personages—6 in. high A cylindrical jar, with marbled and star ornament in the centre— ^ 9 in. high —and a fluted bowl, decorated with floral emblemqfy^^ 10^ in. diam.—carved wood stand f sy Ajar, painted with utensils—8 in. high — carved and pierced wood cover and stand ; and a cylindrical jar, with rocks, flowers and birds A small beaker, with rocks and peonies— carved wood stand ; a leaf¬ shaped tray, with Chinese sages; and two other trays A circular rouge-pot and cover, covered entirely with the flower¬ ing aster; another, with dragons and flames; and a smaller one, with a landscape ( soft paste ) A beaker vase, painted with ladies and children on a terrace— 17 in. high ENAMELLED AND WHOLE-COLOURED PORCELAIN. o 91 A fluted oval dish, with branches of peonies and ammonite scrolls j?/ on the border —on open wood stand —30 in. long 92 A circular box and cover, with magicians on a wave-pattorir ground in fleur-de-peche, mounted with silver—7 in. diam. 93 A bowl, of splashed yellow, brown and green—5 in. diam; and - j a small fleur-de-peche bowl —open wood stand 94 A celadon incense burner, shaped as a duck sitting on waves; an incense-box and cover, formed as a duck ; and a small tripod koro and stand, of splashed green, brown and buff 11 o r * , * Y o 98 / 0 99 100 101 102 A small water vessel, with lotos in relief on blue ground ; a small doubled-handled bottle, with lotos-pattern base; a small fleur-de-peche water vessel— carved wood stand ; and flat-shaped pilgrim bottle, of celadon A Splashed Crackle Sang-de-Bceuf Bottle— 16 in. high A shallow bowl, of splashed blue and buff— on open wood stand ; and another, of fleur-de-peche and brown splash— carved open r^A / wood stand A beaker, of creamy white glaze, engraved with leaf ornaments— 10£ in. high ; and a celedon vase, engraved with the sacred stag—9 in. high A turquoise crackle vase— 7 in. high ; and a bottle, of purple, brown and red splash, storks under the glaze— in. carved ivood stand A large square-shaped lavender bottle— 24 in. high—carved stand A curious splashed sage-green, red and black bottle— 22 in. high —carved wood stand A Cylindrical Bottle, of famille verte porcelain, with shaped panels of utensils in brilliant colours on a groundwork of butterflies and flowers, hexafoil-shaped panels of flowerson the A) neck on a diaper-pattern gronnd—181, in. high ^ t CARVINGS IN JADE, Etc. 6 tf// O 103 A rock-crystal vase, shaped as a fir tree trunk; a striated pale jade group, carved as a seated ox —carved wood stand 104 A vase, shaped as a tree trunk, of dark green jade, branches ° f prunus and fir —carved and pierced ivood stand 105 A small water holder, of crystal, shaped as a persimmon fruit, carved wood stand ; and a shallow bowl, of striated jade, with / t A characters in low relief 106 An agate snuff-box —carved wood stand ; and a piece of malachite ^ , —darlc wood stand A // 12 /* *9 ■ /■? • ° c/jl * {*£ y iJ * 0 /'/ 4 ‘ * l3 > /# > ° £ b ’ ° o5* 0-ro /'/^ , O LACQUER. 1 /Za 107 A set of seven red lac sake cups, with various birds and foliage in raised gold; and five ditto, with fish and flowers 108 A tea-box, of Gouri lac; and one, with a noble by a pine tree, by Soyetsu 109 A tea-box, of black lac, with a cock’s comb in red and gold- signed Kanshat; and another, lacquered as the natura] bamboo, by Hotekio 110 A tea-box, of gold nashiji, crests and diapers in raised gold ; anc another, shaped as a fruit, by Zokoku 111 A tea-box, of silver lac, with plum blossom in gold [112 A flat circular box, of gold lacquer, with autumn plants in rpisedr gold, dew-drops in silver 113 A comb, of gold lac, with a prunus in relief; another, of black r lac, with the emblems of Diakoku in gold; and one, of gold lac, with peonies inlaid in coral 114 An oblong box, of gold lac, with ferry boats landing faggots 115 A sweetmeat box, of basket work ; a panel of black lac, with prunus in gold in the centre; and a tray, with circular panel of persimmon fruit on a coarse nashiji ground ,116 A tea-box, of dead gold, with kiri crest in raised gold 117 A small incense-box, with pigeons in raised gold on a Mokume ground, by Koma; and another, of gold lac, shaped as a lady’s pocket, with waves and birds 118 A shell-shaped box, of gold nashiji, the top decorated with the figure ot Diakoku in coloured gold, by Yoyusai 119 A circular incense-box, of black lac, flowers in gold ; a miniature despatch-box, of carved red lac ; and an incense-box, lacquered as natural wood, with a landscape in raised gold 120 A circular incense-box, of nashiji, inlaid with a branch of camelia in mother-o’-pearl, by Koyetsu —early 1 Mh century ; and a small ivory cabinet, with branches of plum in gold lac 13 ? 121 An inro, of black lac, decorated in the style of Korin ; another, of black lac, with grasses in raised gold, by Shokasai; and an inro, of Mokume lac, with dolls and blossom in gold ft. 0 122 An incense-box, with cranes on a fine nashiji ground; and box, natural wood, with Corean lion and peonies in gold JAPANESE POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. O 123 A Satsuma bowl, painted with sprays of prunus, fir and bamboo, made by Ikan, of Tokyo —early 18 th century —in black lac box 124 An incense burner, shaped as Hotei, of blue Byzan; and a Keuzan water-jar, black lac cover O 125 A blue Byzan bottle; a flower vase, of Tatsushiro ware; a Banko double gourd-shaped tea-pot; an incense-box, shaped as a puppy, of Ninsei ware ; and a Satsuma bowl, wit, chrysanthemums floating on a stream 126 A flat Misina bowl, of early 16th century; a Takatori work dish, shaped as a basket; a crackle bowl, of Oribi ware ; and an oval basket-pattern tray, of the same ware NETSUKES IN WOOD. 14 by Masakatsu 4 C j A >. 132 A cat; monkey and peach ; snake and mushroom ; and snakes* /, //’. 144 0 145 * 146 V 147 ANOTHER PROPERTY. CARVINGS IN JADE. A pale green jade bracelet; and an ornament, shaped as lotos leaf, of pale green jade streaked with emerald A New Zealand jade axe-head; a small implement, of dark green jade ; and an idol, of dark green jade,, pierced with hole for - * 7—~ suspension The grip, ferrule and chape of a scabbard, of dark green jade, A engraved with fern and rosette ornaments A Chinese belt fastening, of pale green jade, carved in relief with the coiled dragon ; and two small cups, of dark green jade A Cup, formed as a flower, of pale green jade, handles carved with sacred fungus, asters and prunus, carved and pierced. FINIS. London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Limited, Stamtord Street and Charing Cross.