THE GETTY CENTER LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. BY (SIDNEY T. WHITEFORD. WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY THE AUTHOR. ComS. o S LONDON : GEORGE ROWNEY AND COMPANY, MANUFACTURING ARTISTS’ COLOURMEN, 52, RATHBONE PLACE, AND 29, OXFORD STREET, W. GETTY CENTER U u ,,,.„; PREFACE. -a-ESSA*- Whilst nearly every branch of Pictorial and Decorative art has been made the subject of numerous hand-books, it is believed that no manual of instructions in the art of paint- ing on Pottery and Porcelain has hitherto appeared. Under its present facilitated conditions, the art, whether cultivated for pleasure or profit, will be found to afford a highly interesting occupation. The practice of Ceramic painting does not include the varied manipulative processes employed by artists who work upon canvas or paper. There is comparatively little to be taught, some acquaint- ance with drawing and colouring being presupposed in the learner. Painting in enamel colour is more particularly recommended. The surface of the glazed ware is always practically identical in texture, and colours of every hue are available. Painting in under-glaze colours is attended by greater difficulties and much more uncertainty ; but it was felt that many persons might wish to decide by actual experi- ence what results can be obtained by each process. Instructions for under-glaze work are therefore given. The superior value of personal teaching or supervision is not contested ; but, to those who cannot obtain such aid, this little work is offered, with confidence that atten- tion to its directions will prevent serious mistakes, and A 2 4 PREFACE. greatly advance the attainment of success. The difficul- ties of any art are only overcome by practice, and some failures must be expected ; but, to use a homely proverb, “Well begun is half done.” The learner may obtain from a book, as well as from a teacher, information,, without which first attempts may be hopelessly mis- directed. The thanks of the writer are due to several professional painters for assistance freely and cour- teously given; little, however, is advanced that has not been tested by actual experience. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS. — — Fainting on Pottery or Porcelain has occasionally been practised with considerable success by amateurs, but obstacles to the cultivation of the art have hitherto been very numerous. Except for those who resided in the neighbourhood of some factory, it was seldom possible to obtain any instruction in the special technical processes, and even the purchase of materials and the necessary transmission of the painted pieces to the kilns were accompanied by vexatious difficulties and delays. Cul- tivated taste and intelligent interest in the subject of Pottery Decoration being now very widely spread, so many persons have expressed a desire to attempt the practice of the art, that Messrs. Rowney have been induced, with a view to facilitate such endeavours, to prepare complete sets of colours and all requisite materials. They have made arrangements enabling them to supply glazed and unglazed ware, and to have the painted pieces entrusted to them by their customers carefully glazed and fired. Their ivory tinted ware meets a Want that has been felt by many painters on Porcelain, to whom the cold whiteness of ordinary china is disagreeable, and a source of difficulty when quiet harmony of tone is desired. A Guide to Porcelain Painting. CHAPTER I. Of those persons who observe with admiration the de- licate colours or skilfully executed paintings by which the beauty and value of specimens of the potter’s art are so greatly enhanced, very few are accurately, if at all informed as to the nature of the materials employed or the methods by which colours are applied and fixed on the ware. Some remarks on the subject and brief notice of the progress of Ceramic decorative art in this country will not be out of place by way of introduction to the formal directions which are the chief objects of these pages. It must first be observed that the many varieties of ware upon which at different periods the potter’s skill has been exercised, are broadly divided into two classes — Pottery and Porcelain. All the early productions of the factories of Europe were varieties of earthenware or pottery. Porcelain was obtained only from the East, and especially from the country which has given to the ware its familiar name — China. Much confusion arises from 8 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. misapplication of these distinctive terms. Dr. Lardner, for example, in his interesting sketch of the History of Pottery, referring to the works of Della Robbia (15th century), after rightly describing them as Faience, or earthenware, immediately speaks of the opaque glaze as “covering the ill-coloured ground of the porcelain;” and again in his notice of Bernard Palissy, he describes a “ Bouteille de chasse” of that artist as “a Porcelain flask.” It is true that early in the 15th century Conti- nental makers and vendors of earthenware gave to their choicest articles the term “porcelain,” probably as being the best substitute they could offer for the coveted Orien- tal ware. But in these days, when true porcelain is manufactured in all parts of Europe, no such excuse can be offered for the misuse of the name. For earthenware a great variety of clays has at different times been em- ployed, but true “china” or porcelain always consists mainly of a fine white earth, called by the Chinese “ka- olin,” and obtained in this country chiefly from Cornwall and Devon under the name “ China-clay.” Earthenware is always opaque, china transparent in proportion to the fineness of its quality. “The transparency of porcelain arises from the clay body becoming saturated with a mass of glassy flux. Under the microscope the two ingredients can be clearly distinguished from each other, the milky mass appearing as a transparent ground mixed with an opaque substance composed of minute globules, arranged in a lineal direction one on the other as articulated threads or little rods, which are interwoven and cross each other in all directions; the want of absolute trans- A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. 9 parency in the mass being due to the reflection and refraction of light from these crystals.”* Manufactured ware of all kinds in its unglazed state is termed “biscuit.” Glazes vary in their composition, according to the nature of the body to which they are to be applied. The glaze is applied as an opaque creamy fluid, and becomes glassy and transparent when subjected to the action of heat — technically, “fired” — in the glost, or glazing oven. Occasionally it is laid on with a fiat brush, but almost always the biscuit articles are dipped in the fluid glaze, by which process, skilfully managed, they are very rapidly and uniformly covered. I The colours used in pottery decorations are chiefly metallic oxides, and for enamel painting are combined with substances termed fluxes, which unite them with the glaze. Painting is of two kinds, known as “ under-glaze,” and “enamel” or “over-glaze.” Under-glaze painting is executed on the biscuit with colours specially prepared and known as “ refractory.” The coloured design is covered with glaze, and fired in an oven raised to great heat. Designs executed by this method are incorporated with the surface, and can perish only with the ware itself; but much uncertainty attends the process, and a great source of difficulty is the different appearance of colours when applied, and after undergoing the action of the glaze and fire. Dark blue, for instance, is when * Muspratt’s “Chemistry of Arts and Manufactures.” Article — Pottery, p. 795. IO A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. applied, a light violet, or even a dirty brown. Crimson is, in its first state, a pale pink ; and other colours show differences of the same kind. For enamel painting many colours are available which would not endure the heat, and are employed to vitrify the glaze. For this process the colours are fluxed, and the flux, dissolving under moderate heat, unites the colours more or less intimately with the glaze upon which the painting has been executed. If the glaze is very hard, the paint- ing generally has a dry look, and is readily seen to be only superficial; but, by the use of a soft glaze, much of the appearance of undeuglaze work can be obtained without its objections. The colours must, however, be well “ fired in.” A general tint is imparted to an object by applying coloured glazes to biscuit ware, or by covering glazed ware with colour in powder. The part ^ be coloured is brushed over with a mixture of turpentine and oils, and the powdered colour is dusted on \\uth_ cotton-wool, ad- hering with sufficient firmness to admit of any super- fluous particles being lightly brushed off. This method is termed “ bossing,” and the application of a body of uniform colour is known as “ grounding,” or “ ground-laying.” When it is desired to leave on a coloured ground a white space, for subsequent decoration by painting or gilding, such a space is first covered with a mixture, generally of rose pink with sugar and water. Colour is then “bossed” on, and fixed by firing. Washing in warm water soon removes colour from those parts that have been protected, or, as it is technically termed, “ sten- A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. 1 1 cilled.” For gilding, the gold is prepared with quick- silver and flux, and has the appearance of black dust. It is mixed with oil and turpentine, as colours are, and laid on with a camel hair pencil. After being fired the gold recovers its proper tint, and appears as “ dead gold.” Brilliancy is imparted, when required, by burnishing. Patterns upon ware for general use are, when intricate, almost always printed. Impressions from engraved copper plates are taken upon specially prepared paper and divided into sections. The paper bearing the pat- tern is pressed on the surface of the biscuit ware and rubbed with a boss, or pad of wash-leather, till the coloured design adheres. The absorbent ground retains it, when the paper is afterwards gently rubbed off by means of a soft wet sponge. The history of all the potteries of Great Britain is involved in considerable obscurity ; and, although the manufacture of earthenware was carried on rather ex- tensively in some counties from very early times, such specimens of their productions as still exist show that until the middle of the last century they were rude in form and decoration. It is remarkable for how long a period the arts of design in connection with manufac- tures were neglected in this country. The truth appears to be that almost down to our own day the British nation has had no confidence in itself as a competitor in the fields of art. Foreign painters, sculptors, musicians and singers long held undisputed sway. In productions which required no alliance with taste, in all work for which strength of will and muscle gave especial fitness, some 12 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. degree of pre-eminence was confessedly attained : but whilst popular belief regarded one Briton as a match for many foreign opponents in war, in the peaceful contests of the arts it was assumed that the nations of the Conti- nent alone could hope for laurels. These sentiments, even now far from extinct, were most prevalent until the close of the last century, and did not escape the vigorous :satire of the inimitable Hogarth, notably in his well- known caricature entitled “Taste.” Upon the potteries, this distrust of native ability acted most injuriously. The potters worked chiefly, if not wholly, for the humble classes; their energies were restricted, and talent re- mained undeveloped. It is, perhaps, too flattering to speak of Josiah Wedgwood (born 1730) as “the father of the potter’s art in England” — “ Vix'ere fortes ante Agam- menona and, as he would have been the first to assert that good work was done by many of his predecessors and contemporaries, he will, nevertheless, always be remembered with high honour as the first who boldly followed a path of independent invention, and forced from the public such recognition that the vaunted productions of the French and German factories gave place to his own, thus, to quote from his epitaph, converting an inconsiderable manufac- tory into an important part of the national commerce. For a long period the decoration of earthenware was confined to the enrichment of the surface by ornaments, .sometimes incised, at others applied or produced by form- ing the article in a mould. In the next period colours were imparted by the use of coloured glazes, or by com- bining variously coloured clays. As the preparation A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. 1 3 of metallic colours became better understood, paintings in a bold style were occasionally executed. The well- known Faience, or earthenware of Italy, frequently dis- plays fine design and colours, but does not appear to have been imitated, or to have influenced pottery decora- tion in this country. The factories which produced a kind of delft — that is, earthenware covered with a soft enamel — and, perhaps, stoneware, at Lambeth and Ful- ham, in the 17th century, were probably under Dutch direction. The decorations employed were Dutch or German in character, and sometimes copies, with Euro- pean feeling infused, from Chinese patterns and designs. It is with the establishment of the manufacture of porce- lain in Europe that the era of improved pottery decora- tion in colours began. Chinese porcelain was first introduced in considerable quantities among the Western nations by the Portuguese, about the year 1518. Its fine qualities excited general admiration; and in the course of time a natural desire arose in the countries of Europe to include among the productions of their fac- tories the highly-prized Oriental ware. The attention of chemists and manufacturers was constantly directed to the subject without leading to the discovery of the true nature of the material. In 1695 a composition of sand r alum, saltpetre, &c., was employed at St. Cloud, near Paris. To the paste thus formed the name Pate tendre , or soft paste porcelain, was given; and in its manufac- tured state it had much the appearance of true porcelain, though destitute of all the real constituents — being, in fact, not a clay but a kind of glass. In England the so 14 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. called porcelain factories at Bow and Chelsea, established at the close of the 17th or beginning of the 18th century, fabricated a similar paste, of which the chief components were — sand from Alum Bay, in the Isle of Wight, a fine clay, and powdered flint glass. Finally, chance gave to Europe what the efforts of learned men had failed to obtain. About 1709, a fine white earth, found in great quantities near Aue, in Saxony, was brought under the notice of an iron-master named Schnorr, by the simple circumstance of its clogging his horse’s feet as he rode through the district. He conceived and successfully accomplished a plan to employ this earth as a substitute for the hair powder made from wheat flour, then exten- sively used. The powdered clay was soon in great de- mand, being sold under the name of “ Schnorr’s White Earth.” John Bottger, the director of the royal potteries at Dresden, happened one day, whilst his valet was dressing his hair, to take up a packet of the new hair powder, and, struck by its great weight, inquired its name and how it was obtained. Being told that it was “ Schnorr’s White Earth,” he at once conjectured that it might prove a valuable material in the fabrication of fine pottery. Experiment soon proved that he was right, the substance being, in fact, the long-sought “kaolin,” or true china-clay. The royal porcelain manufactory established at Meissen, near Dresden, was placed under the direction of Bottger; and thus commenced, in 1715, the manufacture of true porcelain in Europe. In 1765, kaolin was accidentally discovered in France. Madame Darnet, wife of a surgeon at St. Yreix, near A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. 15 Limoges, observed in a ravine, not far from the town a j white earth which she thought might prove of use as a \ substitute for soap. A specimen of the earth was for- ( warded by her husband to a chemist at Bordeaux. He \ probably suspecting, though uncertain as to its true character, transmitted it to the celebrated Macquer, who / at once recognised the true china-cfay. After many ex- periments, and having ascertained that the clay could be procured in abundance at St. Yreix, Macquer established, in 1769, the factory of “hard,” or true porcelain, at / Sevres. China-clay appears to have been occasionally ( used in English factories early in the 18th century, but | how it was obtained is uncertain. Probably, small j quantities were from time to time imported from China ; / but, in spite of the doubtful tradition that native kaolin j was obtained from Bovey Tracey, in Devon, as early as 1730, the credit of its discovery in this country may be safely given to William Cookworthy, of Plymouth. In 1755, having found near Helstone, in Cornwall, the earth to which he gave the name “caulin,” now so well known as china-clay, he commenced investigations, and estab- lished at Plymouth, about 1760, the first English factory of true or hard porcelain, taking out a patent for the manufacture in 1768. Four years later, having failed to make the works profitable, Cookworthy sold his patent- right to a merchant named Champion, who transferred the manufactory to Bristol. The Bristol factory proved equally unprofitable, and was closed in 1783, when the patent passed into the hands of the Worcester manu- facturers, Messrs. Flight and Barr. 1 6 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. In the course of a few years china-clay came into general use, and porcelain factories were established in various parts of Great Britain. It is unnecessary to pursue their history, as information can be obtained from many sources by those who desire it. ( See Appendix). On the character of the decorations painted upon both useful and ornamental ware in the last century a few words may be said. The early productions of the fac- tories of this country, and of the continent, display in their ornamentation remarkable paucity of invention, and, in general, a slavish spirit of imitation. As regards style, the paintings alternated between boldness that was really coarseness, and such extreme finish and petty minuteness as were even more misplaced. The influence of Oriental porcelain was great and constant. At Dresden copies of Chinese forms, designs, colours and gilding,, were produced so exactly as to deceive even experienced persons. More often Chinese designs were imitated without any perception of their decorative principles. The motif - — to borrow a French art term — was followed,, but more correct drawing was added, with a loss of all spirit and character. It seems to have been hardly suspected that good decoration was subject to any prin- ciples, or vras the result of a direct gift, like the highest forms of every art. As long as the painting was well executed and agreeable in itself, it was accepted as a decoration, without regard to its appropriateness or re- lation to a general result. As might be expected, progress was most rapid in France. Artists of repute found employment at Sevres; A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. 1 7 and, whatever may be thought of the style of decoration cultivated, it must be admitted that the paintings were executed with much ability. It was better that flowers, &c., should be rendered with too much fidelity to nature, than that nondescript inventions should be accepted as superior in beauty, and the paintings from subjects by Watteau or Boucher must be preferred to bad imitations of misunderstood Chinese art. With these admissions, and adding that gilding was often introduced with much taste, and the skill of the French chemists supplied colours of extreme beauty, the assertion must yet be hazarded that the art of pottery decoration has been almost as little comprehended in France as by other European nations. The attempt to justify this position must be reserved — in the form of general remarks on the principles of decorative art — for the conclusion of this chapter. It is difficult to select any description of ornament or painted subjects as typical of the pro- ductions of each European factory. Early pieces from Dresden and Chelsea are so much alike as to be often undistinguishable, except by the nature of the paste. Groups of Cupids, bouquets, and “ conversation pieces,” as they are termed, were equally popular everywhere. German paintings were as highly finished as those by French artists, but less spirited, and, perhaps, inferior in colouring. In England, as the factories were un- assisted by the State, a more mercantile spirit prevailed. Each manufacturer was content to imitate others, or pursue, ad nauseam , some decorative theme, however tasteless, that had taken the fancy of the public. The n i8 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. attention of Wedgwood was chiefly bestowed on the composition of coloured bodies, which he named Basalt, jasper, &c. These were fine clays combined with other chemical substances, and stained by the addition of coloured oxides. His factory did not produce porcelain, and the paintings upon the fine earthenware used as a substitute were of the usual character. The border patterns were occasionally tasteful — in what degree may be estimated by the examples figured in Miss Meteyard’s “Life of Wedgwood.” The refined forms and moulded decorations which distinguish the celebrated “Wedgwood ware,” though truly elegant and perfect in execution, are yet without originality, being, when not direct copies, always strongly influenced by early Etruscan pottery . The attempt, under the altered conditions everywhere accompanying the course of Time, to reproduce in fac- simile the creations of another epoch, or differently con- stituted race, is generally to be regretted, even when made without any intention of fraud. Good art-work is the offspring of national character, and bears the impress of contemporary modes of life and thought. It is scarcely possible that the imitation shall possess the distinctive merits of the original; and it is probably with a feeling that much of Wedgwood’s labour was thus misapplied that the eminent author of “ The History of Ancient Pottery” classes him among producers o f forged Etru s- canjj^e. That he had no intention to deceive is self- evident, for his direct object was to establish the conviction that England could furnish both materials and men for the art of pottery worthy to rank with the best of any A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. 19 period and every country.* For the selection of classic models for imitation, Wedgwood’s partner, Bentley, was probably chiefly responsible, and the choice at least dis- played a higher taste than was possessed by other manu- facturers. It is remarkable that, whilst a long list may be made of known artists who worked at Sevres, of English painters on pottery or porcelain, scarcely a name is remembered but that of the eminent enameller, Bone, who served his apprenticeship in Cookworthy’s factory, at Plymouth. Intimate acquaintance only can give the powers of distinguishing the decorated ware of each factory with- out the assistance of the recognised factory marks. The painters were generally men of humble origin, whose occupation was looked upon rather as a trade than an art. They not unfrequently went from one factory to another; and their methods and style were transmitted from one generation to another. Thus, such uniformity of resemblance was secured as was certainly striking, though neither interesting nor agreeable. The method of transferring to biscuit ware designs printed from copper plates is attribute d to D r. Wall, who established the Worcester porcelain factory in 1751. The discovery was of great value, and capable of more extended and jucidious application than has yet been attempted. In almost all cases the engraved outlines * The petition of the Staffordshire potters, supported by Wedgwood, declares that in and around Burslem ‘ ‘ not one foreigner is employed in, or any material imported from abroad for, any branch of” their trade. Jewitt’s “Life of Wedgwood,” p. 163. 20 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. are too fine and rigid, but perfect identity of pattern is not objectionable for ware which is intended to please by general effect, without attracting close attention. At the same time protest must be made against the prevalent and most unartistic practice of adding to engraved pat- terns shading, which is objectionable in any form, but especially when rendered by the net-work of harsh lines termed “ cross-hatching.” Printing, of which several kinds are now in use, should be confined to its right purpose — such rapid repetition as is necessary for cheap- ness of broadly-outlined conventional patterns for colour printing, or clearly-outlined designs to which colours may be afterwards quickly added by hand. To what has been said respecting the English pottery decorators should be added that, in spite of Wedgwood’s patriotic example, a large number of foreign painters and modellers found employment in this country A Finally, as showing that the best efforts were not always rewarded by success, reference must be made to the factory on the estate of the Marquis of Rockingham, at Swinton, near Rotherham, in Yorkshire, which produced the ware known as_ “Jiockingham.” After a struggling existence under various owners, the works ceased in 1842; yet, both in fabrication and decoration, a position appears to have been attained equal, if not superior, to that of rival establishments. “ Two magnificent speci- * The petition of Mr. Champion, of Bristol, for the extension of his patent-right for the manufacture of porcelain, states that “he has spared no expense in encouraging foreign artificers.” Jewitt’s “Life of Wedgwood,” p. 241. See also Marryatt’s “History of Pottery and Porcelain,” pp. 281 — 288. To face page . 21. From a design by StotharcL A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. 2 l mens exist in Wentworth House, which are deserving of more than common attention, as denoting the degree of advancement of the art in England. One of these pieces is a copy in enamel colours, made on a porcelain tablet, of a painting by Vandyke. . . . The other . . . is believed to be the largest piece of porcelain that has hitherto (1857) been made in this country. It is a scent jar, forty-four inches high, made and fired in one entire piece. The three compartments are painted in enamel colours, from designs by Stothard ; the subjects taken from Cervantes.” * This employment of designs by an English artist deserves particular notice, and for such a purpose Stothard’s art was singularly suitable, his draw- ings having marked individuality, whilst the subjects are often in character, and nearly always in treatment and feeling extremely decorative. These remarks do not apply in an equal degree to his paintings ; of colour he does not appear to have obtained complete mastery. If this impartial but necessarily brief survey of Ceramic decorative art in the last century compels the conclusion that little praise can be justly bestowed, an equally un- favourable view must be taken of what was done from its close almost to the date of the first “ Great Exhibition of the Works of all Nations,” which gave such a stimulus to manufacturers allied with the arts. Since that day the general spread of information and art education has created a demand for superior ornamentation, which has been energetically met by the eminent firms whose pro- * Marryatt’s “ History of Pottery and Porcelain,” 2nd ed., p. 292. 22 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. ductions give to this country its present high position in Ceramic art. The writings and influence of intelligent lovers of true decoration have borne good fruit. The schools of art have done much, and the establishment of the South Kensington Museum has been of incalculable benefit, giving to all classes what was before possessed by so few — the power of developing their critical faculties by actual observation and comparison of the art-work of different generations and races. That much may yet be done will scarcely be disputed; more especially to popu- larise artistic work ; but this cannot be hoped for until the national taste becomes more cultivated. Our manu- facturers will not produce what the public will not readily buy; and their experience too often justifies their com- plaint that objects in the best taste are not sufficiently appreciated to be remunerative to the producer, pre- ference being still general for what is merely pretty or eccentric, rather than for what is beautiful. On the relations between producers and buyers nothing can be more just and accurate than what was said by Wedg- wood. As a manfacturer and a man of taste, he spoke with knowledge, and his words cannot be too often re- peated or too attentively considered. The quotation is from his catalogue, published in 1775. “A competition for cheapness, and not for excellence of workmanship, is the most frequent and certain cause of the rapid decay and entire destruction of arts and manufactures. The desire of selling much in little time, without respect to the taste or quality of the goods, leads manufacturers and merchants to ruin the reputation of the articles A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. 2 3 which they manufacture or deal in; and, whilst those who buy for the sake of a fallacious saving prefer medio- crity to excellence, it will be impossible for manufacturers either to improve or keep up the quality of their works. This observation is equally applicable to manufactures and the productions of the fine arts, but the degradation is more fatal to the latter than the former, for, though an ordinary piece of goods for common use is always dearer than the best of the kind, yet an ordinary and tasteless piece of ornament is not only dear at any price, but absolutely useless and ridiculous. All works of art must bear a price in proportion to the skill, the taste, the time, the expense and the risk attending the invention and execution. Those pieces that for these reasons bear the highest price, and which those who are not accustomed to consider the real difficulty and expense of making fine things are apt to call dear, are, when justly estimated, the cheapest articles that can be purchased, and such as are generally attended with much less profit to the artist than those that everybody calls cheap The most successful artists know that they can turn out ten ugly and defective things for one that is beautiful and perfect of its kind. Even suppose the artist has the true idea of the kind of beauty at which he aims, how many lame and unsuccessful efforts does he make in his design, and every part of it, before he can please himself? and suppose one piece is well composed and tolerably finished, as in vases and encaustic paintings, for instance, where every succeeding vase and every picture is made, not in a mould, or by a stamp, but separately by the hand, with 24 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. the same attention and diligence as the first, how diffi- cult must it be to preserve the beauty of the first model ? It is so difficult that, without the constant attention of the master’s eye, such variations are frequently made in the form and taste of the work, even while the model is before the workman, as totally to change and degrade the character of the piece. Beautiful forms and com- position are not to be made by chance ; and they were never made, and never can be made in any kind, at a small expense.”* The peculiar difficulties attending every effort to obtain a wide circulation for articles displaying the best taste in design or decoration can only be fully understood by those who have given much attention to the subject. A recent writer does not hesitate to say, “ Europe is too much hampered by its industrial code and prosaic notions to invent purely aesthetic designs and forms. Her taste is either distorted by trade calculations, chilled by the public indifference to beauty, or coolly set aside by the one-sided common sense theory of political economy. Each workman is made the life-long slave of a single fraction of a mechanical whole, the perfection of which consists in its cheap production and exact resem- blance to numberless similar wholes, a system of labour which deadens the mental faculties, power of enjoyment and manual capacity of the worker, and effectually hinders any wholesome development of taste in the buyer. ”+ * Je witt’s “ Life of Wedgwood,” pp. 218 and 219. + “Art Journal” (1871), p. 262. — “A genuine artistic race.’"' A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. 2 5 In the face of recent progress these views may seem too despondent ; but it cannot be denied that the tide of im- provement has as yet scarcely reached such articles as are moderate in price, and, from their wide diffusion, afford the best indication of the state of national taste, as well as the most powerful means for its instruction and refinement. On the subject of Ceramic decoration great diversity of opinion exists, and views directly opposed to the judg- ment of the best authorities are so tenaciously held as to be with difficulty combatted. Many persons who will yield ready assent to certain propositions if applied to other artistic manufactures, refuse to admit that they are of equal force when directed to the fabrication and orna- mentation of pottery. Their reasoning, though perhaps, unsuspected, or only half recognised by themselves, appears to be this : The materials at the disposal of the potter and pottery decorator are the same as, or closely resemble, those employed by sculptors and painters, and may, therefore, be used in the same manner and for similar ends. To this the first answer is that, to give durability to the fabricated ware, as to the paintings or other ornaments upon its surface, the action of fire is indispensable — an element always, in some measure, un- manageable and uncertain in its effects. Let it be con- sidered, also, that the forms present constantly varying degrees of convexity and concavity, that the glaze is highly reflective and the material extremely brittle. These are the conditions which regulate the labours of the Ceramic artist, and which render any attempted 26 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. rivalry with other forms of pictorial or plastic art a mis- taken effort and occasional comparative success only mischievous in result. The characteristics to be sought in good pottery decoration are, first, appropriateness of subject, an agreeable flow of lines and disposition of masses, effective arrangement with fine quality of colour; and lastly, economy of labour, by which is meant, not stint, but wise direction and limitation. Not many years ago pictorial art became too dignified to condescend to subjects suggested merely by a fanciful and sportive imagination. A picture that did not teach something was a vanity, and the Horatian maxim was quoted : “ Segnius irritant animos quae sunt demissa per aurem, quam quae sunt oculis subjecta fidelibus” — *>., “ Sight is a more effectual teacher than hearing.” At the present day many of our best artists maintain that every picture ought to be a decoration ; that the lesson it con- veys, and ability with which its story is told — by mastery of expression, light and shade, drawing and arrangement — are matters of secondary importance, the question of real importance being whether it is finely coloured, and has a decorative effect when hung upon the walls of such an apartment as the painter would have selected for its reception. The truth lies, probably, between the two extremes. Neither gravely truthful nor brightly fanciful art can be surrendered ; and' painting on pottery — quite unsuited to the former — is peculiarly well adapted for the latter, requiring both taste and invention in colour- ing and design, in the place of fidelity to nature. Ex- cluding serious and painful or repulsive subjects, every A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. 27 field is open to the painter on pottery. All that is de- manded is a conventionalised treatment, varied according to his purpose, either to produce a decorative picture on a flat surface, such as panels of vases, or plaques — i.e. r slabs of soft porcelain or earthenware — or to decorate an object having a concave or convex surface. Mr. Ruskin justifies certain eccentricities of the figures in Turners pictures, observing that when composing a grand land- scape we may twist about the forms and proportions of human beings as we do hills, trees, buildings, and other components of the scene. To the decorator, accurate perspective, strict observance of the relative sizes of objects, truth of colour and exactness of form, are con- siderations of minor importance. His first care is to secure a good general effect, by skilful disposition of light and dark, or by balanced spaces of beautiful colour. At one time he may arrest attention by some startling con- trast, at others he will affect the eye with pleasurable sensations by means which cannot be discriminated without attentive examination. For strictly decorative treatment a clear outline should mark out each important component of the picture, and strong light and shade, as well as all attempts to convey an impression of distance by effects of aerial perspective, should be avoided. Shadows are entirely out of place in pure ornament ; but, for decorative pictures, some indul- gence may be claimed for their use — not so much to assist in expressive form as to give agreeable varia- tions of colour. Their absence is, perhaps, less felt when the colouring is rich and strong than when the 28 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. painting is in a light key; but they must never be so introduced as to break up the general appearance of flatness. It may be added that slight defects in paint- ings on pottery frequently result from some accident conected with glazing or firing, and can only be expe- ditiously and effectually concealed by the addition of a little colour introduced as shading. Archaic forms, or such conventionalised representa- tions of natural objects as are popularly termed Gothic, fail to obtain general acceptance, though delightful when carved in stone and combined with architecture. So, too, the less rude, but quaintly precise treatment known as Mediaeval, satisfies only certain minds trained to severe taste. Ornament constructed on mathematical 2^rinciples — by analysis of the construction of natural forms — though admirable for other purposes, such as work in wood or metal, has only a limited number of admirers when used for Ceramic decoration. It is felt to be monotonous ; both eye and mind grow quickly weary of its repetitions ; and it ceases to excite interest or even attract notice when its ingenious composition has been traced out. There is a craving for more easily recognised resemblance to nature that will not be gain- said, and it is possible to meet this want without any sacrifice of the principles of true decoration. From the Greeks we may learn appropriate treatment of the human form and drapery ; from early Chinese, and more recent Japanese art, we gain in the best form illus- trations of right adaptation of familiar natural beauties to the purposes of ornamentation. To face page_28 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. 29 The Greeks, working with only red, black, yellow and white, relied on their accurate knowledge of the human figure which they display in perfect beauty, and in every variety of graceful or vigorous action. In their draperies we see grace of line, balanced arrangement of masses, and charming ornamental patterns ; whilst the conven- tionalised folds are beautifully disposed so as to assist or harmonise with the figures as they are in movement or repose. The Chinese and Japanese decorators, revelling in the delights of bright, yet tender, colour, press earth and air, fire and water, into their service. Nothing is too high or too humble for them ; from sea and sky, mountain and forest, they turned with equal affection to wild creatures, furred or feathered, to plants and flowers, and the tiny insects to which they afford food and shelter. The occupations of civil and military life, and even the dwellings of dif- ferent ranks, with their useful and ornamental contents, are also depicted ; but their representations of the human face and form are too grotesque and distinctly national to be instructive examples for Europeans, though intro- duced with extreme skill, and showing in the draperies finely varied patterns and beautiful harmonies of colour. These remarks apply only to fine examples of early Chi- nese art, for the artistic spirit departed long since from the nation — perhaps banished by the same destructive influence of European commerce which is already con- tributing to the evident and rapid deterioration of Japanese art work. It is a strange and disastrous con- sequence of intercourse between the Eastern and Western 3 ° A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. nations, observable in all cases, that the former quickly substitute for artistic enthusiasm the trader’s love of gain, and the glory of their national art departs. It is, therefore, only to the best decorated work of China and Japan, produced when extensive commerce with other nations was not thought of, and the genuine art instincts of each race had full play, that attention can safely be given by those who would learn how to unite decorative treatment with fidelity to nature. What is wanted is not a laboured imitation, but the expression in its simplest form of the essential characteristics of each object repre- sented. The construction, grace, and colour of plants and flowers ; the strength or lissomness of trees ; the form, in action or repose, of beasts, birds and fishes; the set and texture of fur, feathers, and scales ; the play of limbs, wings, and fins ; — in a word, all distinctive proper- ties are shown by the Japanese artists by a few spirited strokes, of which not one is without purpose. A volume would not suffice to illustrate the high art qualities of their commonest productions ; and the study and appli- cation of their principles — which must not be confounded with direct imitation of their work — may be confidently recommended to those who love nature, and cannot accept realistic art as decorative. A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. CHAPTER II. PAINTING ON POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. — MATERIALS. Under-glaze Colours. — Of these it is only necessary to name such as are in general use. Most of the large factories possess specialities in colours for biscuit paint- ing, adapted to particular glazes and degrees of furnace heat. The same colours are also frequently known by various names. All that are really necessary are — pink, dark blue, light blue, dark green, light green, deep yellow, violet, dark brown, light brown, black. Light green must be used pure ; it is very vivid, and, therefore, only agreeable in small quantities, or in its paler tints. All the other colours may be intermixed for composite hues. Pink is a powerful colour. If applied thickly it becomes a deep crimson after bring, and the thinnest wash will impart a pink tint. As it is subject to less waste than other colours under the action of the fire, it is often added to give stability to dark composite hues. Thus* for outlines, a good mixture is dark brown with a little pink and dark yellow. Orange is obtained by striking pink, moderately thick over deep yellow. The result is a better colour than can be produced by mixing. For purple, mix dark blue and pink. 3 2 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. All the other colours lose much substance when fired and the most frequent source of disappointment to inex- perienced persons is the discovery that they have used too much pink and too little of all other colours. Much, however, depends on the degree of heat that is necessary to vitrify the glaze. For composite greens, russets, and olives, yellow, black and light brown are mixed in varying proportions with dark green. Only sober greens can be obtained by mix- ture. Such colouring as is seen in enamel paintings is unattainable with under-glaze colours. Enamel Colours. — Of these a great number are pre- pared that are very seldom of use. The list here given includes all that are necessary for subjects of any kind. Others can be obtained if desired; but a larger selection is a source of perplexity rather than an advantage : — * Red. Coral Red. Carmine. Rose. Deep Blue. Light Blue. Yellow. Orange. Dark Brown. Light Brown. Purple Brown, Light Green. Dark Green. Purple. Turquoise. Black. White Enamel. On the use of these a few remarks are necessary. Neither red nor coral red must be mixed with other colours ; and, as they are subject to some change, their use should be deferred, if possible, till the painting has reached such a stage as to require only a final firing. Carmine and rose. These are varieties of the same pigment, and are used as test colours. In the process of firing they pass through various conditions of tint till they become a fine crimson or clear rose, when the action A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. OO of the fire must be at once checked. If over-fired they pass to a dull purple, and are spoilt beyond remedy. If not fired enough (technically, “ short-fired ”) their hue is dull red, and may be brought to the proper tint by re- newed firing. It is ordinarily considered that when rose colour has been sufficiently fired all other colours used in the painting are properly burnt in. The development of the carmine or rose tint, therefore, serves as a test by which to regulate the action of heat on the painting. As the other colours do not change — though they lose substance, and, consequently, depth of tint — they are often subjected to great heat (technically, they are said to be very “ hard-firecj ” or “ full-fired ”), so as to unite them thoroughly with the glaze. It is often advantageous, when carmine and rose are used pure and in any quantity, to apply them when the piece is to be fired for the last time. Rose or carmine must not be used for flesh tint at all. The general tint of flesh is best given by red No. i or light brown used very pale, and should be fixed by a first firing before shadows are added. For shading touches of blue, orange, and light brown — may be hatched or stippled on — but shadows should be very delicate. For the lips, & c., carmine or red may be used pure, but the two colours must never be mixed. Dark green combined with yellow gives such useful hues that it is not necessary to use the light green for mixed tints. It is of value pure, having its own peculiar character. Purple_J)rown, also, should not be mixed with other colours. For composite tints, rose colour, dark brown, and others suffice. c 34 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. Clear red orange is best obtained by passing carmine over orange. The hue obtained by mixing is very different. White enamel may be mixed with any of the colours, except the two reds and purple brown. The best course, however, is to apply the enamel first and pass other colours over it. When white enamel has been fixed by firing, reds and all other colours may be passed over it. Brushes. — The best are the red sable; but, as these are very expensive, they may be used only for outlines, delicate work, and finishing touches. For general pur- poses, good camel hair brushes in quills will suffice. Vehicles. — Mixtures of honey, glycerine, &c., have been tried ; but refined turpentine and the preparation termed fat-oil are considered by professional painters on pottery indispensable for work upon the glaze. For under- glaze, or biscuit painting, the colours may be mixed with gum-water or water colour McGuilp. A drop of oil of spike, cloves, or aniseed, added to colour mixed with turpentine and fat-oil, prevents it from drying too quickly. For those who find the difficulties of work on the porous biscuit too great, a “ dressing ” has been provided which, brushed thinly over the surface, renders it much less absorbent. A table-easel, adapted for flat and hollow pieces, is very useful, and a rest of some kind is indispensable to preserve the hand or sleeve from contact with the paint- ing. Both easels and rests have been prepared, similar to those approved by the experience of professional painters. It will be found convenient to have two palette knives, one more tapering and narrow at the point than the other. The colours are so finely ground that they will 35 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. require only rubbing down to smoothness by means of the broad palette knife. The laborious use of the glass dab and muller is unnecessary. Palettes. — The palette in general use comprises a number of wells to hold prepared colour, a flat space upon which small quantities of tint can be mixed, and slants for oil and turpentine. Some rim-tiles, or other earthenware slabs, are required. Those who prefer to do so will mix each colour with oil and turpentine when it is wanted; but a great deal of time and trouble will be ultimately saved by rubbing down, at the first, a sufficient quantity of each colour to fill the wells. The one difficulty is, that the right proportion of fat-oil and turpentine must be added, or the contents of the wells will soon become unfit for use. The safest course is to put upon a glazed tile a little fat-oil, then add colour with the palette knife, so as to form a stiff paste. Let the colour and oil be well worked together until the oil will take up no more. Turpentine must be then added, so as to bring the pasty colour to a state resembling syrup or refined treacle. It is then fit to be transferred to the wells, and, if kept covered, will remain fit for use for a long time. The contents of the wells must be examined from time to time, and, if necessary, mixed up again with turpentine. For this purpose an ivory knitting-needle is well suited, as it is easily cleaned. Other requisites are — a tin brush washer for turpentine (which should stand, when in use, in a plate or saucer), tracing and transfer paper, charcoal, hard black lead pencils, a pair of dividers, plenty of soft rag free from lint, a lacing point, gilt or bone pens, gum water and Indian ink. c 2 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. CHAPTER III. PAINTING IN UNDER-GLAZE COLOURS. For work upon unglazed ware [bisque, or biscuit) the pigments may be used either with water and some me- dium to fix them, or with fat-oil and turpentine, like enamel colours. Each method has its advantages. In the first case they flow readily from the brush, and may be used like ordinary water colours. When dry upon the palette a little water soon softens them ; and, if “ dressed 5r with a suitable preparation, the surface of the biscuit is not unlike drawing paper. The difficulties are — (i) the colours dry “dead 57 — that is, without any gloss, and, consequently, are quite unlike what they become after glazing and firing; (2) they are apt to run, and, when floated on, settle unequally. A mottled appearance results, more colour having been deposited on one part than another. (3) It is not easy to lay on a sufficient body of colour to produce tints of full depth, with allow- ance for waste produced by the action of the fire. With practice, however, all these obstacles are overcome, and complete work may be executed with one firing only. Some painters begin with water colour and finish with oil. The second painting will not disturb the first ; and afterwork in enamel colour upon the glaze is unneces- sary, unless to repair very slight defects. A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. 37 If the painting is executed entirely in colour mixed with oil and turpentine the touches are more precise, a greater body of pigment is deposited, and the glossy nature of the medium gives the colours something of the hue and transparency they will have after being fired. It must be remembered that the depth of tints after firing depends on the quantity of the colour deposited. A painting executed in colours used with water has a dead surface. The different tints appear nearly uniform in depth or force,, but the pigment is much thicker upon some parts than on others. Experience is therefore necessary to decide how thickly the pigment must be ap- plied to produce colours in varying degrees of strength. Pink and dark blue excepted, all other colours should, as a rule, be applied so thickly as to conceal the surface of the ware, and present, when dry, the appearance of a painting in tempera , as seen in good specimens of the art of illuminating. Pink applied thus thickly will become, when fired, a fine crimson. For pink tints, and especially in flesh painting, it can scarcely be used too delicately. The thinnest possible layer of colour will suffice. Under-glaze colours may be mixed at pleasure to pro- duce any variety of compound tints. For general direc- tions as to their use it will be sufficient to explain the method of executing a painting in one colour on the biscuit ; and for decorative work on a white surface, none can be selected so suitable as the dark blue known also as “ flowing blue.” A practised draughtsman frequently sketches his sub- ject directly on the biscuit, using either charcoal or 3 § A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. common water colours. Those who have less experience will find it preferable to make a design on paper and draw the outlines firmly and clearly. An exact tracing from these can be transferred to the biscuit with ordinary red or blue transfer paper. Very light pressure with the tracing point will convey a sufficiently clear impression ; and it is generally advisable to remove some of the colouring matter from the transfer paper by laying it face downwards on a sheet of rather rough paper and rubbing the back with some smooth implement, such as an ivory knife-handle. Slight corrections may be made in the transferred design with a very hard lead pencil, and rub- bing out or cleaning effected with stale bread. Some of the powder colours must be rubbed down with gum and water or water colour McGuilp, using enough water to make it flow easily from the pen or brush. The outlines may be drawn with a medium-pointed bone or gilt pen, or with a small brush. If a pen is used it must be filled with colour from a brush and the colour stirred frequently. The blue is a powerful colour, and it is impossible to wash out any mark made with it so that no stain shall ultimately appear. The thinnest wash will give a tint when the glazing and firing are com- pleted, and such a thickness of pigment as quite conceals- the surface will give a deep blue. Beginners generally apply it too thickly, and it afterwards appears almost black, or shows a sort of filmy irridescence, technically termed “ ironing,” or becoming “ ironed.” For painting, the brush must be fully charged, and the colours, if possible, should be run or floated on, or laid A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. 39 with broad rapid touches. It is desirable to paint light parts with one wash of thin colour, and dark parts with one wash of thick colour, instead of trying to gain depth by several washes one over the other. Still, colours may be added by small broad touches lightly applied, and the glaze will cause them to flow partially together. A cer- tain amount of irregularity in the depth of the tints, and a blotty look, is not objectionable, and always preferable to a dotted, feeble effect, produced by hatching or stip- pling. Some skill is required to wash on a ground tint of dark blue over a space of any considerable extent. It may be “ bossed” or dabbed on with brushes sold for the purpose. This is best done if the colour is mixed with fat-oil and turpentine ; it will not sink or dry so quickly, and can be more easily and deliberately worked. If the design includes small forms in white on a blue ground, they can be added in white enamel when the piece has been glazed and fired. It is very difficult to leave them untouched when rapidly laying on colour. Designs combining the under-glaze blue and over-glaze or enamel red are effective. The parts to be coloured red must be left quite white, and the red afterwards applied on the glaze and fixed by the enameling kiln. Under-glaze paintings, before they are glazed, undergo a process termed “hardening on.” They are subjected to moderate heat, which expels all the oil and turpentine and attaches the colour to the ware. This is necessary, because the oil would repel the glaze which is mixed with water. It is important to observe that if under-glaze colours 40 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. are used with oil and turpentine it is not of much conse- quence how much turpentine is added, so long as the colours can be effectively worked. If, however, too much fat-oil is used, and the colour when dry looks very glossy, thickly applied colour will almost certainly be spoilt by the boiling of the oil in the hardening kiln. It will have a blistered, lumpy look, and can scarcely be repaired, the only remedy being to chip it off, and, having rubbed down remaining roughnesses with pumice-stone, touch on some enamel colour and fire the painting again. Thin colour is most easily laid on the biscuit if mixed with a good deal of fat-oil, as it will not sink so quickly into the porous surface, and effects of the fire need not be feared. To regulate the quality of the mixed colour for different portions of the work, the brush is dipped in the fat-oil or turpentine contained in the slants of the palette. All things considered, the use of under-glaze colours with water is most simple, and, with a little experience, perfectly effective. A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. 41 CHAPTER IV. PAINTING IN ENAMEL COLOURS. The extreme smoothness of the surface is the principal source of difficulty in work upon the glaze, but will soon cease to embarrass if attention is paid to the preparation of the colour. The best method of securing the proper .relative proportion of colour, fat-oil, and turpentine, has been already indicated (p. 35), but one or two observations may be made to assist the judgment on this point, right •consistency of the pigments being the sine qua non of successful over-glaze work. Before any attempt to paint, some experimental touches should be made on a piece of glazed ware. If the colour is in a proper state each touch will be smooth and definite in form. The brush will take hold, so to speak, of the surface. If the brush slips and the colour spreads irre- gularly, too much turpentine has been used, and the remedy is the addition of more colour and a little fat-oil. If, on the other hand, the colour clogs the brush, and is stiff and lumpy, it requires thinning with turpentine. The vehicle must be made to carry as much colouring matter as possible, therefore it must be noticed, in thin touches, if the oil is in excess and its yellowish colour observable, in which case more pigment must be added, thoroughly mixed and thinned with turpentine only. 42 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. A thick body of colour, containing too much oil, will probably be injured by boiling in the kiln. A thin layer of colour cannot be spread evenly if mixed with too much turpentine. The work must be carried on deliberately. Much an- noyance frequently results from a hurried attempt to add a small touch whilst the brush is full of turpentine, and the point only charged with colour. The spirit mingles with and effaces, not only the touch just added, but also adjacent parts of the painting previously executed. To pottery painting the familiar saying is particularly ap- plicable — “ The more haste the less speed.” If the well-palettes are used, as recommended (p. 35). the palette-knife used to convey colours from the wells to the tiles must be scrupulously clean; and, when turpen- tine and oil are added to colour, it is best done, not by pouring from the bottles, but by means of the palette- knife, taking the spirit from the brush-washer and the oil from the slant in the palette. To draw the first outlines of a design on glazed ware a rather dry brush and India ink are generally used. If required, a tracing can be made and the outlines pricked with a needle, so as to mark out the forms by a close succession of fine holes. The glazed surface having been covered with some adhesive substance, such as honey or oil and turpentine (applied as thinly as possible), the tracing must be held steadily upon it, or fixed with wafers. Powdered charcoal, brushed lightly over the back with a soft leather stump or the fingers, will pass through the holes and mark out the design on the ware A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. 4J in tolerably clear dotted lines; these must be at once gone over with colours. Perforated tracings are chiefly useful for patterns, such as borders on which the same forms are several times repeated. A tracing of one section of the design suffices, and does not wear out, as it would if the tracing-point was passed many times over the lines. For pictorial designs the best course is, perhaps, to use a tracing to transfer the principal forms, and sketch in details or slight alterations with India ink. Colours for outlines may be kept separate on a small palette, and used with glycerine or some water colour medium. The colour mixed with oil and turpentine, afterwards used for painting, will not disturb the outlines drawn with pigment thus prepared. Honey and glycerine,, treacle, gum-water and other vehicles, have been used for this purpose. The mixture must not be too thin, lest the fine lines should not have substance enough to allow for waste in firing. No particular method of painting can be suggested ; individual taste will afford the best guide to appropriate execution. Pale flat tints may be produced most easily by “bossing” or dabbing on the colour; and when the picture has been fired a repetition of the process will give any degree of strength desired. Cross-hatching and minute-stippling are laborious and produce a poor effect. As far as possible the work should be carried on by broad touches, laid with a fully-charged flattened brush. Brushes of different sizes are necessary, and whether for large or fine touches should be charged, not by 44 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. dipping, but by drawing them, flattened, through the colour. To prepare the brushes for use dip them in turpen- tine and draw them through a little oil in the slant, so as to soften and unite the hair up to the quill. If a brush becomes hard, dip it in turpentine and hold it near a flame — warmth will soon soften it. Small portions of superfluous colour are easily removed from the painting with the brush-stick, which should be cut to a flat shape at the end. Thin colour, when dry, can be at once softened by breathing on it ; and slight corrections, such as cleaning up the edges of any patch of colour, will be most readily and neatly done if the colour is first allowed to dry, then slightly softened by the breath. After use the brushes must be thoroughly cleansed with turpentine ; and, if not intended to be used for some days, may be laid in a little oil or washed with soap and water. The colours on the palette or painting must be kept free from dust or grit of any kind, for, in spite of the destroying power of the fire, even a hair will draw up the colours in the kiln and cause an annoying disfigurement. All colours will lose some of their strength when fired ; the tints must, therefore, be used darker than they are to appear finally. Colour can, however, be added repeatedly, and the painting fired as often ; but it is desirable, both on the grounds of risk and expense, not to rely on more than two or three firings. It is scarcely possible to finish an enamel painting with one firing. For small touches white enamel may be put on thick at once, but upon large spaces it should be first applied thinly, so as to take a hold on the glaze. When dry, it A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. 45 ; may be covered at once with a thick layer ; but the safest course is to defer the addition of the full thickness- required until the painting has been once fired. Turquoise is used precisely in the same manner as white enamel. Both are applied more solidly than other pig- ments, a considerable body of each being necessary to a proper effect. White enamel may be employed like ordinary white paint. Colours can be mixed with it, or struck lightly over it when nearly dry. A patch of colour applied moderately thick may be made to distribute itself more evenly by br eathing on it. Pottery painters, when preparing a little colour on the palette for delicate and precise work, always breathe upon it. The intimate union and smooth flow of the colours and medium seems to be assisted by the slight warmth thus imparted. The bottles containing the colours must be kept co- vered, and the palette-knife wiped each time it is used to- take out a different colour. The presence of a. very small quantity of another colour will spoil the contents- of a bottle. When colour becomes dry and hard upon the palette- knife or palette, as much as possible should be scraped off, and a rag with turpentine used to clean away the rest. After use all implements should be cleaned before the colour has hardened upon them, if no further use is to be made of them for some time ; but colour on the palette will remain serviceable for a day or two if covered close with a saucer. 46 A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. Circular border lines are generally drawn by means of a “planchet,” or wheel — a small revolving table. For ar- tistic work great precision is not required, but the lines may be traced thus : Find the centre, and fix upon it with bees- wax a bit of thick card. Upon this the point of one joint of the dividers or compasses will rest firmly, whilst the other joint carries a brush in place of the usual lead pencil, In designs for pottery a multitude of small detached details should be avoided, as destroying unity of effect. Straggling forms are not agreeable in border designs, which, however intricate, should have a certain compact- ness, and not draw the eye forcibly from the painting which they enclose. It is generally sufficient to surround a decorative design with one or two lines of varying width and colour. If the border design is broad and elaborate, it requires to be separated from the central subject by a blank space of considerable width. Such a piece as a saucer-shaped plateau, from nine to twelve inches in diameter, is well suited for decoration, of which the border is the principal part, the balance being restored by a small central subject strongly coloured. When nearly the whole available space is filled up by a decora- tive picture, an intricate border is merely wasted labour. Beginners will do well not to attempt large paintings at first, and to defer working on the ware until they have prepared on paper an exact coloured design, the outlines of which may be put in firmly with indelible brown ink. Much assistance will be derived from trials of the colours. A small plaque or a common plate should be covered with patches of gradated colours, both pure and in com- 'fJfJr- 1 /'/ To face page_47. A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. 47 posite tints produced by mixture. This trial-piece, after being fired, should be always at hand for reference, hav- ing below the patches the initial letters of the colours used, or a number to correspond with a written descriptive list. By removing the painting now and then to some dis- tance from the eye, the general effect will be more readily seen. It is especially necessary to do this when bright •colours are used, for the eye quickly becomes fatigued and loses all power of discrimination. Finally, when a painted piece is to be sent to the kiln, it is advisable to dry out the oil by heating it on a stove, or in a common oven. For those who cannot originate decorative subjects there can be no lack of material in these days of photo- graphy. Modern German woodcuts are often very sug- gestive, being generally simple in treatment and firmly outlined. Early engravings and book plates also some- times afford excellent subjects, and there is abundant room for the exercise of taste and ingenuity in the em- ployment of such materials, not by copying, but by adapting them. All the best works on ornament are accessible, in the national libraries, to residents in Lon- don and other large towns ; but those who can obtain it will find a work entitled “ Examples of ^Qxnament ” inex- pensive, and fully illustrative of the styles of ornament characteristic of various periods and nations. A list of works relating to pottery and pottery deco- ration has been added, as an appendix, to these pages, in the hope that some readers may be interested in the .history as well as in the practice of Ceramic art. 4 S A GUIDE TO PORCELAIN PAINTING. CONCLUSION. L^nless condensed and presented in such a form as to be easily mastered, written instructions seldom receive close attention, and make but a faint or confused impression on the reader’s memory. It would be easy to expand the simple directions here comprised within a few pages ; but, although an appearance of more importance might thus be given to the work, it is more than probable that its practical usefulness would be diminished. All the technical processes in general use have been described, briefly, yet, it is hoped, so that they may be easily understood and remembered. All the difficulties gener- ally encountered at first are noticed, and such advice added on the best mode of overcoming them as the writer’s own practice, and familiarity with the experience of others, has suggested. That real assistance may be obtained from his pages, and success speedily attend the efforts of those who accept his guidance, is the sincere wish of THE WRITER. Stanford Road , Kensington , i §73- Henderson, Rait, & Fenton, Printers, 73 & 74, Marylebone Lane, London, W. A LIST OF WORKS RELATING TO THE MANUFACTURE AND DECORATION OF POTTERY AND PORCELAIN. Antoine, P. : CEuvres Completes de B. Palissy. Paris, 1844. Barbet de Jouy : Les Della Robbia. Paris, 1855. Birch, Dr. S. : History of Ancient Pottery. London, 1873. Binns : A Century of Pottery in the city of Worcester. London, 1865. Brongniart : Traite des Arts Ceramiques. Paris, 1854. Chaffers, W. : Marks and Monograms on Pottery and Porcelain 4th Edition. London, 1874. Cleuziot : De La Poterie Gauloise. Paris, 1872. Demmain : Guide de Amateur de Faiences et Porcelaines. Fortnum, E. D. : Maiolica, &c., in the S. K. M. London, 1873. Graesse : Marks and Monograms. Dresden, 1864. Hamilton, Sir. W. : Engraving from Greek Vases. 4 vols. Naples, 1791. Hoffman : Memoire sur la Porcelaine de Japon. Paris, 1856. Jacquemart : Histoire de la Porcelain. Paris, 1861. Jacquemart, A. : Les Merveilles de la Ceramique. Paris, 1868-70. Jacquemart, A. : History of Ceramic Art. Translated by Mrs. Bury Palliser. London, 1873. Jewitt : Notices of English Potteries. Art Journal. Owen, H. : Two Centuries of Ceramic Art in Bristol. London, 1873. Marryatt, J. : History of Pottery and Porcelain. 3rd Edition. Lon- don, 1868. Mayer : History of the Art of Pottery in Liverpool. Millingen, J. S. : Greek Vases, &c. London, 1822. Qiot : Histoire de la Porcelain. Reboulleau : La Peinturesur Porcelain. Paris, 1843. Ris-Pacquot : Histoire des Faiences de Rouen. Amiens, 1870. Salvetat : Le9ons de Ceramique. Paris, 1857. PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED.” i t Exhibition of all Nations, 1851, Prize Medal. Paris Universal Exhibition, 1855, Two Prize Medals. International Exhibition, 1862, Two Prize Medals. Dublin International Exhibition, 1865, Prize Medal. Paris Universal Exhibition, 1867, Two Silver Medals. Lyons Universal Exhibition, 1872, Silver Mf.dal. . Philadelphia International Exhibition, 1876, Prize Medal. Paris Universal Exhibition, 1878, Prize Medal. MESSRS. GEORGE ROWNEY & CO. HAVE THE PLEASURE TO ANNOUNCE THAT BY THEIR SYSTEM OF GRINDING COLOURS BY MACHINERY, They are enabled to supply Artists’ colours in oil, water, or powder, perfectly fine, at the same prices as hitherto charged for colours less finely ground. Messrs. G. R. & Co. feel assured the OIL COLOURS ground by their improved process will be found to be finer , brighter , less oily , and to dry quicker than any others at present manufactured ; and that their WATER COLOURS prepared by the same process, will prove to be finer , brighter , and to fioat more evenly without granulation than any other colours hitherto produced. They therefore solicit a trial in full confidence of giving satisfaction. RETAIL DEPARTMENTS: 52, RATHBONE PLACE, and 29, OXFORD STREET, W. 2 GEORGE ROWNEY & CO.’S WATER COLOURS, GROUND BY MACHINERY. Whole Cakes, Half LIST OF WATER COLOURS. Moist Cakes or Half Quarter Cakes. Tubes. Pans. Each Each Each s. d. s. d. s. d. Ultramarine - 21 0 10 6 5 3 Deep Rose Purple Madder Extract Madder Car- Smalt (. 5 0 I 2 6 1 3 mine Ultra Ash j Aureolin Green Oxide of ''l Burnt Carmine Chromium Carmine Intense Blue Cadmium, Pale Madder Lake ! Cadmium, Yellow Mars Orange } "1 3 0 1 6 0 9 Cadmium, Orange Pink Madder Cadmium, Orange Deep Pure Scarlet Dahlia Carmine Rose Madder Gallstone ) Azure Blue Lemon Yellow 1 Cobalt V eronese Green ( 2 O 0 6 French Ultramarine Violet Carmine i I O Black Lead Mauve Brown Madder Mars Yellow Chinese Orange Orange Vermilion Coeruleum Purple Lake | Crimson Lake Scarlet Vermilion ! 16 I 0 9 0 5 Indian Lake Scarlet Lake 1 1 Indian Yellow Sepia Italian Ultra Roman Sepia ] Magenta Warm Sepia ; Antwerp Blue King’s Yellow Bistre Lamp Black Blue Black Light Red Blue Verditer Naples Yellow 1 Brown Ochre Neutral Tint Brown Pink Olive Green Burnt Sienna Orange Orpiment Burnt Umber Payne’s Grey 1 Chinese White Permanent Blue Chrome i, Lemon Permanent White 1 Chrome 2, Middle Prussian Blue Chrome 3, Orange Prussian Green Chrome 4, Deep Purple >■ 1 0 0 6 0 3 Cologne Earth Raw Sienna Dragon’s Blood Raw Umber Emerald Green Red Lead Flake White Roman Ochre Gamboge Sap Green Hooker’s Green, 1 Terra Vert Hooker’s Green, 2 Vandyke Brown Indian Red Venetian Red Indigo Verdigris Italian Ochre Vermilion Italian Pink Yellow Lake Ivory Black Yellow Ochre ) 3 GEO. ROWNEY & CO.'S JAPANNED TIN SKETCHING BOXES, FILLED WITH MOIST COLOURS. £ s. d. 1- Cake Box .. .. .. .. .. ..048 Sepia. 2- Cake Box .. .. .. .. ..058 Sepia and Chinese White. 3- Cake Box 070 Raw Sienna, Indigo, and Sepia. 4- Cake Box .. .. .. .083 Raw Sienna, Sepia, Indigo, and Chinese White. LANDSCAPE. 6-Cake Box . . 0109 Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Light Red, Crimson Lake, Van- dyke Brown, and Prussian Blue. LANDSCAPE. 10-Cake Box .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. o 19 o Gamboge, Roman Ochre, ({) Lemon Yellow, (|) Chinese Orange, (^) Indian Red, (£) Vermilion, Brown Pink, Sepia, Cceruleum, French Ultramarine, Prussian Blue, and Veronese Green. LANDSCAPE. 12-Cake Box .. .. .. .. .. I 40 Gamboge, Raw Sienna, (|) Lemon Yellow, (i) Pale Cad- mium, (|) Orange Cadmium, (±) Mars Orange, (i) Indian Red, (i) Vermilion, Crimson Lake, Madder Brown, Sepia, Lamp Black, Cobalt, Prussian Blue, and Olive Green. 4 LANDSCAPE AND FIGURE. 12-Cake Box .. Yellow Ochre, ( 4 ) Lemon Yellow, (^) Orange Cadmium, Mars Yellow, Light Red, (|) Scarlet Vermilion, ( 4 ) Rose Madder, (^) Carmine, (|) Purple Lake, Vandyke Brown, Madder Brown, Coeruleum, French Ultramarine, (^) Indigo, (^) Emerald Green, and Veronese Green. LANDSCAPE AND FIGURE, i6-Cake Box .. .. .. I 15 0 Raw Sienna, Indian Yellow, (|) Lemon Yellow, ( 4 ) Italian Pink, (|) Cadmium Yellow, (f) Orange Cadmium, Brown Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Scarlet Vermilion, Madder Lake, Indian Lake, Raw Umber, Vandyke Brown, Cobalt, French Ultra- marine, Indigo, (|) Ultramarine Ash, (^) Emerald Green, and Green Oxide of Chromium. LANDSCAPE AND FIGURE. 18-Cake Box 1150 Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Roman Ochre, ( 4 ) Aureolin, (|) Italian Pink, Indian Yellow, ( 4 ) Cadmium Yellow, (|) Orange Cadmium, Brown Ochre, Light Red, (^) Indian Red, (^) Scarlet Vermilion, Rose Madder, (^) Indian Lake, (|) Lamp Black, Raw Umber, Sepia, Cobalt, French Ultramarine, Prussian Blue, ( 4 ) Emerald Green, (^) Olive Green, and Vero- nese Green. LANDSCAPE, FIGURE, &c. 20-Cake Box .. .. .. .. ..216 Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Roman Ochre, (|) Lemon Yellow, (^) Aureolin, Indian Yellow, (|) Cadmium Yellow, (^) Orange Cadmium, Light Red, (-|) Indian Red, (•!■) Vermilion, (|) Scarlet Vermilion, ( 4 ) Carmine, Rose Madder, Madder Brown, Brown Ochre, Vandyke Brown, Sepia, Cobalt, French Ultramarine, Indigo, (^) Emerald Green, (^) Olive Green, (^) Coeruleum, (^) Ultramarine Ash, and Veronese Green. LANDSCAPE, FIGURE, &c. 22-Cake Box .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 27 9 Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Raw Sienna, (y) Lemon Yellow, ( 4 ) Aureolin, Indian Yellow, (^) Cadmium Yellow, (|) Orange Cadmium, Light Red, (^) Indian Red, (^) Vermilion, (i) Orange Vermilion, ( 4 ) Carmine, Rose Madder, Madder Brown, Brown Ochre, Burnt Umber, Sepia, Cobalt, French Ultramarine, Prussian Blue, (^) Emerald Green, ( 4 ) Lamp Black, (y) Coeruleum, (^) Ultramarine Ash, (|) Smalt, (|) Purple Madder, Olive Green, and Veronese Green. £ s. d. 1 5 6 5 WATER COLOUR PAINTER’S BOX, id CAKES AND 10 HALF CAKES. E. DUNCAN’S ARRANGEMENT (Sea and Landscape). WHOLE PANS. Gamboge, Indian Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Roman Ochre, Raw Sienna, Burnt Sienna, Venetian Red, Chinese Orange, Madder Brown, Vandyke Brown, Cceruleum, Cobalt, Prussian Blue, Indigo, Lamp Black, and Sepia. HALF PANS. Cadmium Yellow, Cadmium Orange, Scarlet Vermilion, Carmine, Rose Madder, Purple Lake, Extract of Madder Carmine, Violet Carmine, Ultramarine Ash, and Veronese Green. Price per box, £2 5s. 6d. F. TAYLOR’S ARRANGEMENT (Figure, Animal, & Landscape). WHOLE PANS. Gamboge, Lemon Yellow, Indian Yellow, Raw Sienna, Brown Pink, Veronese Green, Indigo, French Ultramarine, Cobalt, Cceruleum, Chinese Orange, Burnt Sienna, Indian Red, Scarlet Vermilion, Madder Brown, and Sepia. HALF PANS. Cadmium Yellow, Orange Cadmium, Yellow Ochre, Olive Green, Vandyke Brown, Purple Madder, Purple Lake, Rose Madder, and Ultramarine Ash. Price per box, £2 6s. 6d. 6 JAPANNED TIN SKETCH BOXES, FILLED WITH HALF-PANS OF MOIST COLOURS. 3-Half-Cake Box Gamboge, Light Red, and Cobalt. 8-Half-Cake Box o io 3 Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Light Red, Rose Madder, Van- dyke Brown, Cobalt, Prussian Blue, and Veronese Green. 12-Half-Cake Box .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 013 9 Gamboge, Roman Ochre, Lemon Yellow, Chinese Orange, Indian Red, Vermilion, Brown Pink, Sepia, Cceruleum, French Ultramarine, Prussian Blue, and Veronese Green. 14-Half-Cake Box .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 016 9 Gamboge, Raw Sienna, Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Yellow, Mars Orange, Indian Red, Vermilion, Crimson Lake, Madder Brown, Sepia, Lamp Black, Cobalt, Indigo, and Olive Green. 16-Half-Cake Box .. ..103 Yellow Ochre, Lemon Yellow, Orange Cadmium, Mars Yellow, Light Red, Scarlet Vermilion, Rose Madder, Carmine, Purple Lake, Vandyke Brown, Madder Brown, Cceruleum, French Ultramarine, Prussian Blue, Emerald Green, and Veronese Green. 18-Half-Cake Box .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1 10 Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Lemon Yellow, Cadmium Pale, Orange Cadmium, Chinese Orange, Light Red, Vermilion, Orange Vermilion, Crimson Lake, Rose Madder, Sepia, Brown Pink, Cobalt, Indigo, Cceruleum, Payne’s Grey, and Terra Vert. 20-Half-Cake Box .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 140 Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Aureolin, Cadmium Pale, Orange Cadmium, Chinese Orange, Light Red, Vermilion, Orange Vermilion, Crimson Lake, Rose Madder, Violet Carmine, Sepia, Brown Pink, Payne’s Grey, Cobalt, Prussian Blue, Cceruleum, Emerald Green, and Veronese Green. o ^ JAPANNED TIN BOXES OF MOIST WATER COLOURS, IN COMPRESSIBLE TUBES WITH FOLDING PALETTE. £ s. d. 12-Moist Tube Box I 5 ° Gamboge, Roman Ochre, Lemon Yellow, Chinese White, Indian Red, Vermilion, Brown Pink, Sepia, Cceruleum, French Ultramarine, Prussian Blue, and Veronese Green. 15-Moist Tube Box .. .. .. .. .. 1 14 3 Gamboge, Raw Sienna, Aureolin, Cadmium Yellow, Mars Orange, Indian Red, Vermilion, Crimson Lake, Madder Brown, Sepia, Lamp Black, Cobalt, Prussian Blue, Olive Green, and Chinese White. 20-Moist Tube Box .. .. .. ..253 Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Aureolin, Cadmium Pale, Orange Cadmium, Chinese Orange, Chinese White, Light Red, Vermilion, Orange Vermilion, Crimson Lake, Rose Madder, Violet Carmine, Sepia, Brown Pink, Cobalt, Prussian Blue, Cceruleum, Emerald Green, and Veronese Green. 24-Moist Tube Box 2 IO 6 Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Roman Ochre, Aureolin, Indian Yellow, Orange Cadmium, Light Red, Indian Red, Vermilion, Scarlet Vermilion, Carmine, Rose Madder, Madder Brown, Brown Ochre, Vandyke Brown, Sepia, Cobalt, French Ultramarine, Prussian Blue, Emerald Green, Olive Green, Cceruleum, Veronese Green, and Chinese White. 30-Moist Tube Box 3 7 % Gamboge, Yellow Ochre, Naples Yellow, Roman Ochre, Lemon Yellow, Indian Yellow, Orange Cadmium, Aureolin, Light Red, Indian Red, Vermilion, Scarlet Vermilion, Carmine, Rose Madder, Madder Brown, Brown Ochre, Vandyke Brown, Warm Sepia, Brown Pink, Cobalt, French Ultramarine, Prussian Blue, Neutral Tint, Ivory Black, Emerald Green, Veronese Green, Olive Green, Chinese White, Cceruleum, and Ultramarine Ash. 8 MINIATURE SIZE JAPANNED SKETCH BOXES, FILLED WITH QUARTER-CAKE QUANTITIES OF MOIST COLOURS. This Illustration shews the Box, with Twelve Colours, two-thirds its size s. d. 4-Quarter-Cake Box . . . . . . . . - - . . . . , . . 40 Raw Sienna, Light Red, Sepia, and Cobalt. 8 Quarter-Cake Box . . . . ..60 Raw Sienna, Yellow Ochre, Light Red, Rose Madder, Vandyke Brown, Cobalt, Prussian Blue, and Veronese Green. 12-Quarter-Cake Box .. .. .. .. .. .. ..83 Gamboge, Roman Ochre, Lemon Yellow, Chinese Orange, Indian Red, Vermilion, Brown Pink, Sepia, Coeruleum, French Ultramarine, Indigo, and Veronese Green. 16-Quarter-Cake Box 12 o Yellow Ochre, Aureolin, Orange Cadmium, Mars Yellow, Light Red, Scarlet Vermilion, Rose Madder, Carmine, Purple Lake, Vandyke Brown, Madder Brown, Coeruleum, French Ultra- marine, Prussian Blue, Emerald Green, and Veronese Green, PALETTE BOXES. For holding a small supply of Colours for a few days’ use 5 the wells to be filled from the tubes . . . . . . . . . . 5 9 Ditto, ditto, with double row of wells . . . . ..86 9 SOLID SKETCH BLOCKS & TABLETS. The Blocks consist of a number of sheets of paper, compressed so as to form a solid mass, each sheet of which is to be separated by inserting a knife underneath the uppermost one, and passing it round the edge. The Tablet :s a block fixed in a case, with a pocket for carrying the sketches and place for pencil. MADE OF WHATMAN'S OR HODGKINSON'S THICK PAPERS. 32 SURFACES. Imperial 32010 Royal i 6 mo - Imperial i 6 mo Royal 8 vo Imperial 8 vo - Imperial 6 mo Royal 4X0 Imperial 4X0 Imperial 3010 Half Royal Half Imperial SIZE. - 5 inches by 3 ^ - r I 5 2 99 4$ - 7 99 5 - 9 99 - 10 99 7 - 14 99 7 - 1 *2 99 9 - 14 99 10 - 20 „ 9k - l8 „ - 20 99 14 SOLID SOLID BLOCKS. TABLETS. S. d. S. d. Each 1 3 Each 2 6 19 30 26 39 3 0 +3 3 9 5 6 4 9 7 6 4 9 7 6 76 10 6 9 9 J 5 3 10 3 16 3 14 3 20 3 IO SOLID SKETCH BLOCKS AND TABLETS. MADE OF WHATMAN’S OR HODGKINSON'S EXTRA THICK PAPERS. 32 SURFACES. SOLID BLOCKS. S. d. SOLID TABLETS S. d. Imperial i6mo 7 inches by 5 Each 3 0 Each 4 3 Double Elephant i6mo - 9 99 6 4 6 6 0 Imperial 8vo 10 99 7 5 3 6 9 Imperial 6mo 14 99 7 7 0 9 9 Double Elephant 8vo 12 99 9 8 3 1 1 3 Imperial 4to 14 99 10 10 0 !3 0 Imperial 31x10 20 99 9 k *3 0 18 9 Double Elephant 4to 18 99 12 16 6 22 0 Half Imperial 20 99 14 19 9 25 9 SOLID SKETCH BLOCKS AND TABLETS. MADE OF THICK MACHINE MADE TINTED CRAYON PAPERS. 32 SURFACES. SOLID BLOCKS. SOLID FABLETS. Imperial 321x10 5 inches b y 3f S. Each 1 d. O Each 2 d. 3 Royal i6mo - » 42 1 3 2 6 Imperial i6mo 7 5 1 6 2 9 Royal 8vo 9 5* 2 3 3 6 Imperial 8vo - 10 >, 2 6; 4 3 Imperial 6mo 14 >, 7 3 6 6 0 Royal 4to - iif » 9 3 9 6 3 Imperial 4to J 4 55 10 4 6 7 6 Imperial 31x10 2° ,, 9 k 7 3 12 9 Half Royal 18 „ ll k 7 9 *3 6 Half Imperial 2° ,, 14 9 0 15 0 SKETCHING PORTFOLIOS, WITH JAPANNED TIN FRAME FOR SECURING THE PAPER IN USE, AND WITH POCKET TO CONTAIN THE SKETCHES & A SUPPLY OF PAPER. SIZE. Imperial 8vo Royal 4_to Imperial /(.to Half Royal Double Elephant 4to Half Imperial - 1 1 inches by 7 12 „ 9 15 >» 11 19 „ 12 18 „ 12$ 22 „ 1$ - Each 7 0 11 3 12 o 15 0 1 1 SKETCH BOOKS. made of Whatman’s hand-made drawing papers. Half-bound, Cloth Sides, Roan Backs, Gilt. Forty Leaves. TO FASTEN WITH ELASTIC BAND. Imperial 32010 5 i: nches by 3^ Each 1 6 Imperial i6mo 7 5 2 3 Demy 8vo 7 99 4 -i 1 9 Medium 8vo 8 99 5 2 3 Royal 8vo 9 99 2 9 Imperial 8vo 10 99 7 3 9 Demy 4to 9 \ 99 7 3 0 Medium 4to - icf 99 8 3 9 Royal 4to - iif 99 9 4 6 Super-Royal 4to - 13 99 9 5 0 Imperial 4to - 141 99 10 6 6 The above are made of “Hot-pressed” paper, unless “not” is specially ordered. POCKET SKETCH BOOKS. MADE OF HOLLINGWORTH'S fine drawing papers. Quarter-bound, with “Sketches” in gold mediaeval characters on the cover, Cloth sides, Roan Backs, and Elastic Band. Thirty-six Leaves. Royal i6mo Royal 8vo SIZE. inches by 4^ 9 „ Si Each d. o 6 >9 I 2 BLACK LEAD PENCILS. PRIZE MEDAL AWARDED INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, 1862. GEORGE ROWNEY &> CO.’S IMPROVED DRAWING PENCILS. Neatly got up in Polished Cedar, in order to prevent the lead dust adhering to the Pencil, and consequently soiling the fingers. H Hard for Sketching HB HK Harder for Outlines B HHH Very Hard for Architects BB HHHH Extra Hard for Engineers F zs. per Dozen. EXTRA LETTERS, MOST CAREFULLY PREPARED EHB Extra Hard and Black ) DEHB Ditto, ditto, extra Thick Lead FF Very Firm and Double Thick Lead BBB Softer and Very Black, Double Thick Lead BBBB Extra Soft and Black, 6d. each, or 5s. 6d. per dozen. BBBBBBB Very Broad and Black Lead, is. each, or 10s. per dozen. Hard and Black Black for Shading Softer and very Black Firm for Ordinary Drawing 4s. per dozen. THE IMPROVED PENCILS. MAY BE HAD IN SETS. AS FOLLOWS : 3 Pencils in Roan Case 4 Ditto in ditto 7 Ditto in ditto 7 Ditto in ditto, divided and lettered 7 Ditto in Embossed Gilt Morocco Case 12 Pencils, a Full Set, comprising 4 extra letters, in Roan Case, divided and lettered .. .. .. .. each 5 12 Ditto, a Full Set, in Embossed Gilt Morocco Case . . ,, 1 1 each Messrs. Rowney & Co. have every confidence in recommending their IMPROVED DRAWING PENCILS to the notice of the Profession, their moderate price and superior quality being sufficient to give them a decided pre- ference with the public. ROWNEY’S EVER-POINTED DRAWING PENCILS. H, HB, B & BB. Each degree is polished in a different colour, is. each. Leads only, 2s. per dozen. Cases containing Four Pencils, 4s. per Case. The fault of all Pencils of this description has been hitherto their inability to resist the pressure necessary in drawing. The above Pencils are free from this defect, and are exceedingly light in the hand. PENCIL MANUFACTURERS TO HER MAJESTY’S STATIONERY OFFICES AND SCHOOLS OF DESIGN. 13 GEO. ROWNEY & CO.'S PENNY DRAWING PENCILS. With the view of enabling the working classes to avail themselves of the advantages presented by the many Schools of Design and Classes recently opened for the instruction of Drawing in its various branches, and to supply themselves with good materials at a low price, Messrs. R. & Co. have devoted their attention to the production of a Penny Drawing Pencil, of a quality sufficiently good for general purposes. The Pencils are manufactured of Four Degrees — Hard, Middle, Soft, and very Soft, in polished and coloured Cedar. H Hard, in plain Cedar, polished HB Middle, coloured red, ,, B Soft, coloured dark red, ,, BB Very Soft, coloured black ,, Each Pencil is stamped in Silver, thus — “ GEORGE ROWNEY & CP” Cases, containing Three Pencils, 6d. each. is. per doz. G. ROWNEY & CO.’S HALFPENNY PENCIL, In Polished and Stained Cedar, stamped in Silver, thus — “G. ROWNEY & CO.” 6d. per dozen. CUMBERLAND BLACK LEAD DRAWING PENCILS, MANUFACTURED BY GEORGE ROWNEY & COMPANY, OF THE GENUINE PLUMBAGO, OR PATENT COMPRESSED LEAD, OF THE FOLLOWING DEGREES: H Hard HH Harder HHH Very Hard . . HHHH Extra Hard . . HB Hard and Black F Middling Degree B Black for Shading . . BB Very Black for ditto BBB Soft Broad Lead EHB Extra Hard and Black FF Very Fine DEHB BBBB I y 3s. per doz. 6s. per doz. H GEORGE ROWNEY & CO.’S COLOURED CRAYONS, &C., MANUFACTURED OF THE FINEST MATERIALS. POINTED CRAYONS. These are hard Crayons which work with great evenness and freedom. s. Boxes containing 12 _______ per Box 1 „ 18 ----- - „ I „ 24 ----- - ,,2 >» 36 ----- - „ 3 IMPROVED CRAYONS. These are similar to the Swiss, rather harder, but of medium quality and smaller. Boxes containing 36 ------ per Box 4 6 „ 7 2 ----- ,,90 ,, I44 ------ „ 18 o Vermilion, Lake, or Cobalt, separately - per dozen Crayons 4 6 SWISS CRAYONS. These are very soft, and the material most in use for Crayon Drawings. They are sold in glass tubes, which prevent the colours mingling. Boxes containing 12 77 24 „ 36 „ 72 7, 144 each GEORGE ROWNEY & CO.’S BRUSHES FOR WATER-COLOUR DRAWING. SABLE HAIR PENCILS. MINIATURE. CROW. DUCK. LARGE DUCK. DOME-POINTED, TIED WITH GOLD WIRE. Large eagle Small eagle Extra large swan Large swan Middle swan Small swan Extra small swan Extra large goose Large goose Goose Small goose Large duck Duck Crow Miniature each RED. 5. d. BROWN. s. d. 1 8 9 IS o 7 6 6 o 4 6 3 o 2 3 i 6 1 3 i o ° 9 o 8 o 6 o 4 o 4 o i6 BROWN SABLE BRUSHES. IN GERMAN SILVER FERRULES, AND POLISHED HANDLES. VERY FINE QUALITY. No. 1 Round or flat 2 ,, 3 each 55 55 s. d. o 7 o 9 o 1 1 No. 4 Round or flat 5 6 each 55 55 I I i d. 2 3 6 RED SABLE BRUSHES. IN GERMAN SILVER FERRULES, AND POLISHED HANDLES. VERY FINE QUALITY. Round or flat s. d. each o io No. 4 Round or flat each s. d. i 9 55 1 1 5 >> 2 0 „ i 4 6 93 2 3 1 7 CAMEL HAIR BRUSHES Large Swan Quill Camels Small Swan Quill Camels Extra Small Swan Quill Camels - 4d. each. 3d. each. 2d. each. Full Goose Camels A B C D E F G H I J K L FRENCH CAMEL HAIR Small Crow Crow Duck Large Duck Small Goose Goose Large Goose Swan, No. 1 „ 2 - 4 - 5 - BRUSHES. - each 99 99 95 99 S. d. ° ° O 2 O 2 O 2 O 2 0 3 0 8 1 o 1 4 1 8 2 5 No. 1 „ 2 „ 3 FRENCH CAMEL HAIR IN FLAT OR ROUND, s. d. I Each o 3 j No. 4 - ” 0 4 I „ 5 - „ 0 5 I „ 6 - TIN. Each s. d. o 6 o 7 o 8 SKETCHING UMBRELLAS. Cane Ribs. Each. Made of Brown Holland, or Teannette, length of ribs 28^ inches - - _ _ . -140 Ditto, with Fan Joint, length of ribs 28J inches -179 Made of Brown Holland, &c., length of ribs 32 inches 163 Ditto, with Fan Joint, length of ribs 32 inches -193 With Bamboo Sticks, 2s. 3 d. Paragon Frames. Each. £ s. d. I 8 6 III 6 1109 1 r 3 9 1 8 PORTABLE SKETCHING EASEL, IN Ash, 5 feet or 6 feet ------ Mahogany, or Walnut-Wood, 5 feet - French polished, CASE. s. d. - each 9 9 99 12 6 ?? 14 0 5 ? I 7 3 ?? l 9 0 THE GERMAN SKETCHING SEAT & EASEL COMBINED. ADAPTED FOR EITHER OIL OR WATER-COLOUR SKETCHING. Price £1 each. CLOSED. The same principle has been adapted for the use of Ladies, and is equally serviceable and portable. Price ,£1 13s. od. each. With extra strong leather seat, 3s. 9d. additional. KNAPSACK EASEL. Similar to the German Easel, with the addition of a waterproof case and straps. The interior has sufficient space to contain the requisites of a walking tour. Price £2 9s. 6d. each. SQUARE SEAT, SIMILAR TO THE ABOVE ILLUSTRATION, Without the Easel, Price 11s. 9d. each. Extra strong seat 3s. 9d. additional. *9 JAPANNED WATER BOTTLES. FOR CARRYING A SUPPLY OF WATER FOR SKETCHING, WITH CUPS TO FIT ON THE No. t ,, 2 ,, 3 4 5 „ 6 ,, 7 „ 8 PALETTE OR BOX. s. Japanned Water Bottles and Cups .. .. each 2 ,, Middle size ditto .. .. .. .. •• 3 ,, Large size ditto .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 Oval ditto, plated inside .. .. .. ,, 5 Ditto, ditto, larger .. .. .. .. ,, 6 ,, Ditto, DITTO, IMITATION, PLATED INSIDE, SMALL ,, 3 ,, ,, ,, LARGE ,, 4 ,» ,, FLAT ,, 4 d. 9 o 6 3 o 9 o o RIMMED DIPPER, TO PREVENT THE Water spilling, is. gd. TOURISTS’ SKETCHING BAGS. MADE OF SATEEN, AND ARRANGED TO HOLD SKETCHING BLOCK, COLOUR BOX, WATER BOTTLE, SKETCH BOOK, BRUSH POUCH, ETC. Imperial 8vo., ii inches by 8 inches Imperial 6mo., 15 ,, 8 ,, Royal 4to., 12% ,, 10 ,, Imperial 4to., 15 ,, 11 ,, s. d. each 16 6 ,, 18 9 ,, 18 9 >> 20 3 20 GEORGE ROWNEY & CO.’S The advantages of these Tents, consisting of their portability and light weight when packed, and their strength and spaciousness when pitched, are much appreciated by artists. -Size of Smali. Tent when set up ,, ,, ,, PACKED Weight, about 12 lbs. 4 FEET SQUARE, 7 FEET HIGH. 4 INCHES BY 4 INCHES, 4 FEET 4 INCHES LONG. Price, including Case, £3 3s. Size of Large Tent when set up ,, ,, ,, packed Weight, about 20 lbs. 7 FEET BY 4 FEET 6, 7 FEET HIGH. 5 INCHES BY 5 INCHES, 4 FEET 6 INCHES LONG. Price, including Case, ,£3 18s. ✓ \ GETTY CENTER LIBRARY CONS NK 4605 W59 1877 BKS c. 2 Whiteford. Sidney T. A guide to porcelain painting / 3 3125 00358 6449