10413 y /fro IHM f > fo Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from Getty Research Institute /1 / https://archive.org/details/alphabeticalcataOOjohn AN ALPHABETICAL V; CATALOGUE OF PLATES, ENGRAVED BY THE MOST ESTEEMED ARTISTS, 1 5 * ■ ^ ^ ^ AFTER THE FINEST PICTURES AND DRAWINGS OF THE ITALIAN, FLEMISH, GERMAN, FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND OTHER SCHOOLS, WHICH COMPOSE THE STOCK OF JOHN AND JOSIAH JK)YDELL, ENGRAVERS AND PRINTSELLERS, No. 90, CHEAPSIDE, AND AT THE SHAKSPEARE GALLERt, PALL MALL; PRECEDED BY AN ACCOUNT OF VARIOUS WORKS, SETS OF PRINTS, GALLERIES, &c. FORMING PART OF THE SAME STOCK, Prick Art Rzfwt&m LONDON: PRINTED BY W. BCLMER AND CO. CLEVELAND-ROW, st. james’s. % CATALOGUE OF PLATES, &c. WORKS, SETS OF PRINTS, GALLERIES, &c. GtEMS. A Collection of Fifty Prints, from Antique Gems, in the Collection of Earl Percy, the Honourable C. T, Greville, and T. M. Slade* Esq. Engraved by Mr. John JT. s. d Spilsbury, i Vol. Quarto. Price, sheets - - - -330 IMITATIONS OF DRAWINGS. Engraved by Messrs. Pond and Knapton, after the originals of Raphael, Andrew Mantegna, Parmigiano, Guido, Augustine, andAnnibal Caracci, Guercino, N. Poussin, Claude, Rembrandt, Bolognese, Salvator Rosa, Carlo Maratti, Panini, &c. &c Folio. In boards - - 440 POND’S CARACATURAS, being a Collection of Twenty Five Prints engraved by Arthur Pond, after the Drawings of Annibal Caracci, Carlo Maratti, Watteau, A. Ghezzi Guercino, F. Mola, Le Fage, &c. Folio, In boards - - o 15 o EARL OF DERBY’S COL LECTION. Twenty Historical Prints after the most capital Pictures in his Lordship’s Collection, by Guido, Titian, Paul Veronese, Tintoret, Bassano, Castiglione, Spagnoletti, Carlo Maratti, Rubens, Van Dyke, Rembrandt, &c. Engraved by Hamlet Winstanley. Folio. Sheets - - 220 TWENTY ANTIQUE STATUES, drawn after the Originals by Mr. Dalton, and engraved by Messrs Ravenet, Grignion, Wagner, Baron, &c. Folio. Sheets 1 11 6 IMPOSTURES INNOCENTES, or, a Collection of Seventy Nine Prints. Engraved by Bernard Picart, after Drawings and Original Pictures of the greatest Masters; with the Life of the Author ; and a Discourse upon the Prejudices and the different Opinions of the curious in regard to Engraving. Folio. Sewed - - - 2 2 0 CANALE’S ETCHINGS A Collection of 119 Etchings, after the original Designs of Raphael, Guido, Parmigiano, and o her great Masters. Selected from various Cabinets by the late Charles Richard Gaven, Esq. Collector for the King of Poland, &c. Folio. Sewed - - - - - - -1116 ANGELICA KAUFFMAN’S ETCHINGS comprised in Fifteen Prints by this celebrated Artist, after her Designs and other Masters. Sewed - - - o 15 o NINE PRINTS, published to perpetuate the Actions of great Men, Engraved by the best French Artists, after Pictures in the Duke of Richmond’s Collection, painted at Rome. 16J Inches by 25! high. Price - - - - - -110 SIX LARGE PRINTS OF ORNAMENTS, proper for Frontispieces to Books of Prints, with blank spaces to write the Titles ; the Ornaments are enriched with-emblematical Figures, representing the Mathematics, Astionomy, Mechanics, Philosophy, Theology, &c. &c. Engraved by Dougny, &c. i6J- Inches by 25! high. Price - 0120 THE SCPIOOL OF RAPHAEL; or, STUDENT’S GUIDE TO EXPRESSION IN HISTORICAL PAINTING, illustrated by examples. Engraved by Duchange and b t iv 3 others, under the inspection of Sir Nicholas Dorigny, from his own Drawings, after the most celebrated Heads in the Cartons of Raphael at Windsor. To which are added several Plates of the most celebrated Antique Statues, Skeletons, and Anatomical Figures ; with instructions for young Students in the Art of designing and expressing the Passions as characterised by Raphael in the Cartons. Described and explained £. s. d . by Benjamin Ralph. One Volume. Price, half-bound - - - in 6 THE PRINCIPLES OF BEAUTY, RELATIVE TO THE HUMAN HEAD, drawn by Alexander Cozens, engraved by Bartolozzi. This Book contains Thirty-six Plates, Printed on half a Sheet of Imperial. Price, sewed - - - I 11 6 HABITS OF ALL NATIONS. A Collection of Four Hundred and Eighty Prints of Figures in the Dresses of-different Nations, ancient and modern, particularly old English Dresses; after the designs of Holbein, Van Dyke, Hollar and others; with an account of the authorities from which the Figures are taken, and some short Historical remarks on the Subjects. To which are added the Habits of the principal Characters on the English Stage. In Four Volumes, Quarto, boards - -440 Ditto very neatly coloured - - - - - 10100 TWENTY PLATES OF DESIGNS OF ARCHITECTURE, for Arches or Gateways, with several Plans and Elevations. By John C. Borlach, Architect. Stitched 036 THOMAS’S DESIGNS. A Collection of Twenty-seven Original Designs in Architecture, in the most approved taste, containing Plans, Elevations, Sections, Ceilings, and Chimney Pieces for Villas and Town Houses; Designs for Temples, Grottos, Sepul chres, Bridges, Sec. to which are prefixed a suitable Introduction, and a Description, explaining the several Designs. Folio. Sewed - - - 1 11 6 THE YOUNG PAINTER’S ASSISTANT IN THE ART OF DRAWING, containing a great variety of Examples in every Branch of that noble Art, as Parts of the Face, Heads, Hands, Feet, Academy Figures, Landscapes, Flowers, See. collected from the Works of the greatest Masters. In Quarto. Half bound - - o 15 o METZ’S STUDIES FOR DRAWING. Sewed - - - 1 10 A COLLECTION OF FIFTY ETCHINGS after the the most famous ancient Masters, by Huck, Seleki, and Bislinger. Taken from the Collection of the Academy de Beaux Arts of the Elector Palatine and Duke of Bavaria, at Dusseldorff. Folio. Sewed 0150 LIBER VERITATIS. A Collection of Two Hundred Prints after the original designs of Claude Lorrain. In the Collection of the Duke of Devonshire. Executed by Richard Earlom in the manner and taste of the Drawings. To which is added, a descriptive Catalogue of each Print, together with the Names of those for whom, and of the Places for which, the original Pictures were first painted; taken from the handwriting of Claude himseif on the back of each Drawing; and of the present possessors of many of the original Pictures. In Two Volumes, Folio. Boards - - 12 12 o Vol. III. and last, is now in hand by Mr. Rich. Earlom, which will contain 100 more fac similes of Claude’s Drawings, equal in beauty and interest to the two former Vols. From the Collections of His Majesty, R. P. Knight. Esq. &c. RUBENS’LANDSCAPES. A Collection of Twenty fine Landscapes after Rubens, en¬ graved under his direction by Bolswert, the most noted of his Engravers. These Landscapes consist of various Picturesque Views on the Rhine and Flanders, Moon¬ light, insides of Woods, Sec. Sec . Size of each Plate 13 Inches by 19 long. Folio. Sewed 3 3 SMITH’S ETCHINGS. A Collection of Fifty-three Landscapes, &c. by those ingenious Artists Messrs. George and John Smith, of Chichester, after their own Paintings, Rembrant, Sec. Sec. Half Sheet Imperial. Sewed - - 1 1 o A COLLECTION OF FIFTY-FOUR LANDSCAPES, after original Pictures by Claude le Lorrain, and Gasper Poussin, including Four after Rembrandt, Salvator Rosa, Filippo Lauri, and Borgognone. Engraved in the most spirited style by Vivares, Mason, Chatelain, Browne, Sec. Most of the Prints 12 by 16 long. Folio. Sewed 4 40 S ANBY (PAUL.) A set of Seventy-four Etchings by this Master, after his own Drawings, consisting of Landscapes, Views, and Figures, of various sizes. 1 50 WATTS’S VIEWS OF SEATS OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY. A Collection of Eighty Four of the most interesting and pleasing Views. Engraved by W. Watts from Drawings by the most eminent Masters, with Descriptions of each View. N. B This Volume is universally allowed to be the best Collection of Seats ever £. s. d. published. Size of each Print 6 \ Inches by 8 long Price in boards - 660 1. Westcombe, in Kent, the Seat of the Marchioness of - Lothian. 2. Picton Castle, in Pembrokeshire, the Seat of the Right Honourable Lord Milford. 3. Sheffield Place, in Sussex, the Seat of John Baker Holroyd, Esq. 4. New Hall, in Essex, the Seat of the Right Honourable Lord Waltham. 5 Wentworth House, in Yorkshire, the Seat of the Marquis of Rockingham. 6. Claremont, in Surry, the Seat of the Right Honourable Lord Clive. 7. Harewood House, in Yorkshire, the Seat of Edwin Lascelles, Esq. 8 . Ranston, in Dorsetshire, the Seat of Thomas Ryves, Esq. 9. The Duke of Queensberry’s Palace, at Drumlanrig, in Scotland. 10. Sandbec , in Yorkshire, the Seat of the Earl of Scarborough. 11. Baron Hill, in the Isle of Anglesey, the Seat of the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Bulkely. 12. Burton Constable, in Holderness, in the County of York. The Seat of William Constable, Esq. 13. Worksop Manor House, in Nottinghamshire. The Seat of the Duke of Norfolk. 14. Appuldurcombe Park, in the Isle of Wight. The Seat of the Right Honourable Sir Richard Worsley, Bart. 15. Halwell, in Somersetshire, the Seat of Sir Charles Kemeys Tynte, Bart. 16. The Lodge, in Richmond Park, the residence of Philip Meadows, Esq. 17. Thorndon Hall, in Essex, the Seat of the Right Honourable Lord Petre, 18. Hill Hall, in Essex, the Seat of Sir W. Smith, Bart. 19. Addington Place, in Surry, the Seat of James Ivers Trecothick, Esq. 20. Hatfield Hall, in Yorkshire, the Seat of John Hatfield Kaye, Esq. 21. Burleigh House in Northamptonshire, the Seat of the Right Honourable the Earl of Exeter. 22. Kedleston House, in Derbyshire, the Seat of the Right Honourable Lord Scarsdale. 23. Hooton, in Cheshire, the Seat of Sir William Stanley, Bart, 24. Cadland Park, in Hampshire, the Seat of Robert Drummond, Esq. 25. Chuksands Priory, in Bedfordshire, the Seat of Sir George Osborn, Bart. 26. Audley House, in Essex, the Seat of General Sir John Griffin Griffin, Knight of the Bath. 27 Copped Hall. in Essex, the Seat of John Conyers, Esq. 28. Wrotham Park, in Middlesex, the Seat of George Byng, Esq. 29. Clumber P~rk, in Nottinghamshire, the Seat of His Grace the Duke of Newcastle. 30. Chiswick House, in Middlesex, a Seat of His Grace the Duke of Devonshire. 31. Trentham Hall, in Staffordshire, the Seat of the Right Honourable Earl Gower. 32. Corsham House, in Wiltshire, the Seat of Paul Methuen, Esq. 33. Milton Abbey, in Dorsetshsre, the Seat of the Right Honourable Lord Milton. 34. Tehidy Park, in the County of Cornwall, the Seat of Sir Francis Bassett, Bart. 35. The Seat of Sir Charles Asgill, Bart, near Richmond in Surry. 36. Beeston Hall, in Norfolk, the Seat of Jacob Preston, Esq. 37. Southill, in Bedfordshire, the Seat of the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Torrington. 38. Milton Constable, in Norfolk, the Seat of Sir Edward Astley, Bart. 39. Holkham House, in Norfolk, the Seat of Thomas Wenman Coke, Esq. 40. Cannons, in Middlesex, the Seat of William Hallett, Esq. 41. West Front of Burleigh House, in Northamptonshire, the Seat of the Right Honourable the Earl of Exeter. 42. Glames Castle, in Scotland, the Seat of the Earl of Strathmore. 43. Heveningham Hall, in Suffolk, the Seat of Sir Gerard Vanneck, Bart. 44. Westwnk, in Norfolk, the Seat of John Berney Petre, Esq. 45. Charlron House, in Wiltshire, the Seat of the Right Honourable the Earl of Suffolk. 46. Houghton, in Norfolk, the Seat of the Right Honourable the Earl of Orford. 47. The Seat of Sir Gregory Page Turner, Bart, at Blackheath, in Kent. 48. The Seat of the Right Honourable Welbore Ellis, at Twickenham, in Middlesex. 49. Sion House, in Middlesex, a Seat of His Grace the Duke of Northumberland. 50. Chiswick House, in Middlesex, a Seat of His Grace the Duke of Devonshire. 51. Wentworth Castle, in Yorkshire, the Seat of the Right Honourable the Earl of Strafford, 52. Rai'nham, in Norfolk, the Seat of the Right Honourable Lord Viscount Townshend. 53. Hatfield House, in Hertfordshire, the Seat of the Right Honourable the Earl of Salisbury, 54. Enmore Castle, in Somersetshire, the Seat of the Right Honourable John James Perceval, Earl of Egmont, Low Lovel and Holland, of Enmore. 55. The Moat, in Kent, the Seat of the Right Honourable Lord Romney, 56. Wansted House, in Essex, the Seat of the Earl of Tylney. 57. Alnwick Castle, in Northumberland, the Seat of His Grace the Duke of Northumberland. 58. Keelder Castle, in Northumberland, a Seat of the Right Honourable Earl Percy. 59. Walterton, in Norfolk, the Seat of the Right Honourable Lord Walpole. 60. Carshalton House, in Surry, the Seat of Theodore Henry Broadhead, Esq. 61. Ashburnham Park, in Sussex, the Seat of the Right Honourable the Earl of Ashburnham. 62. Mount Clare, near Roehampton, in Surry ; a Villa belonging to Sir John Dick, Bart. 63. Arno’s Grove, in Middlesex, the Seat of Isaac Walker, Esq. 64. High Legh, in Cheshire, the Seat of Sir Henry Cornwal-Legh, Bart. 65. High Cliff, in Hampshire, a Seat of the Right Honourable the Earl of Bute. 66. The Seat of Sir John Elvill, Bart, at Englefield Green, in Surry. 67. Godmersham Park, in Kent, the Seat of Thomas Knight, Esq. 68. The Seat of Mrs. Garrick, at Hampton, in Middlesex. 69. Luton House, in Bedfordshire, a Seat of the Right Honourable the Earl of Bute. 70. Osterle.y House, in Middlesex, the Seat of Mrs. Child. 71. Lulworth Castle, in Dorsetshire, the Seat of Humphrey Weld, Esq. 72. The South-west View of Chilham Castle, in Kent, the Seat of Thomas Heron, Esq. 73. Mountstuart House, in the Isle of Bute, a Seat of the Right Honourable the Earl of Bute. 74. Castle Hill, in Devonshire, the Seat of the Right Honourable Lord Fortescue. 75. Prior Park, in Somersetshire, the Seat of Mrs. Smith. 76. Woolton Hall, in Lancashire, the Seat of Nicholas Ashton, Esq. 77. Axwell i ark, in the County of Durham, the Seat of Sir Thomas ClaveFing, Bart. 78. Olantigh, in Rent, the Seat of John Sawbridge, Esq. 79. Lyme Hall, in Cheshire, the Seat of Peter Leigh, Esq. 80. Broughton Tower, in Lancashire, the Seat of John Gilpin Sawrey, Esq. 81. Chatsworth, in Derbyshire, the Seat of His Grace the Duke of Devonshire. 82. Wilton House, in Wiltshire, the Seat of the Right Honourable the Earl of Pembroke, 83. Bryanston, in Dorsetshire, the Seat of Henry-William Berkley Portman, Esq. 84. Heath, in Yorkshire, the Seat of John Smyth, Esq. SANDBY’S VIEWS. A Collection of One Hundred and Fifty Select Views in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland, drawn by Paul Sandby, Esq. R.A. and engraved by Watts, Rooker, Fittler, &c. &c. In Two Volumes. Volume the First contains Seventy- three Views in England. Volume the Second contains Seventy-seven Views, viz. Seventeen in Wales, Twenty-seven in Scotland, Thirty-three in Ireland. With a De¬ scription of each View in French and English, Size of No. 1. Price, Boards - 550 VOL. I. Bedfordshire . 1. A View of the Remains of the Tower of Luton. Berks . 2. South-east View of Windsor Castle. 3. North-west View of St. George’s Chapel at Windsor. 4. View of St. George’s Chapel and the Town Gate of Windsor Castle. 5. The new Lodge built by the late Duke of Cumberland, on Shrub’s Hill, Windsor Forest. 6. A South Prospect of the Abbey Gate at Reading. 7. View of the Gateway of the old Abbey at Reading. 8. Datchet Bridge, near Windsor. 9. South-east View of Eton College. Cumber land. 10. View of Carlisle. Derbyshire . 11. Chatsworth, the Seat of His Grace the Duke of Devonshire t2. Beauchief Abbey. Devonshire, 13. Ivy Bridge, near Plymouth. Durham. 14. Durham. r Gloucestershire. 15. Barrington, near Barfo d, the Se a t of the Countess of Talbot. Hampshire. 16. Carisbrook Castle, in the Isle of Wight. 17. Cowes Castle, Isle of Wight. 18. Calshot Castle. 19. Hackwood, the Seat of His Grace the Duke of Bolton, near Basingstoke. 20. Brokenhurst, the Seat of Edward Morant, Esq. Kent. 21. The Royal Foundry at Woolwich. 22. The Royal Military Academy at Woolwich. 23. Knole Park, the Seat of His Grace the Duke of Dorset, 24. Duchess of Athol’s Seat near Charlton. 25. The Seat of Sir Thomas Wilson at Charlton. 26. A View of Charlton, near Woolwich. 27. Montreal, the Seat of Lord Amherst. 28. Jennings, near Maidstone, the Seat of Her Grace the Duchess of St. Alban’s. Lincolnshire. 29. Burleigh, the Seat of the Earl of Exeter. Middlesex. 30. View of the Encampment in St. James’s Park, August, 1780. 31. View of the Encampment in Hyde Park, from Marshal Saxe’s Tent. 32. View of the Encampment in the Museum Garden, August 5, 1780. 33. Strawberry Hill, near Twickenham, the Seat of the Honourable Mr. Walpole. 34. South View of Strawberry Hill. Monmouthshire. 35. Chepstow Castle. 36. Inside View of Chepstow Castle. 37. West View of Chepstow Bridge. Northamptonshire. 38. Wakefield Lodge, in Whittlebury Forest, the Seat of His Grace the Duke of Grafton, 39. North-west View of Wakefield Lodge, the Seat of His Grace the Duke of Grafton. Northumberland. 40. Alnwick, looking up the River. Nottinghamshire. 41. West View of Nottingham Castle. 42. East View of Nottingham Castle. 43. Newstead, the Seat of Lord Byron. 44. Newstead Priory. Oxfordshire. 45. Seat of the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Harcourt, at Nuneham, with a distant View of Oxford. 46. View of the Flower Garden at Nuneham, from the Temple of Flora to the Statue of Hebe. 47. V iew of the Flower Garden at Nuneham, from the Statue of Hebe to the Temple of Flora. 48. View of the new Church at Nuneham. 49. Ruins of Stanton Court. Salop. 50. View of Shrewsbury Castle. 51. South View of Shrewsbury Castle. 52. The Welch Bridge at Shrewsbury. 53. Wenlock Abbey. 54. Part of Wenlock Abbey, 55. Buildwas Abbey. C viU 3 56. St. Kenelm's Chapel, * 57. A View in Virgil's Grove, at the Leasows, the Seat of William Shenstone, Esq. Somersetshire. 58. The Hot Wells at Bristol, from a Meadow near Bownham Passage. 59. View of the Rock House at Bristol Wells, taken from the Foot of St, Vincent's Rock. Surry . 60. A View of the Prince’s House at Kew. 61. North-east View of Sir John Elvill’s House on Englefield Green, near Egharo. 62. Pendhill Court, near Blechingly, the Seat of George Scullard, Esq. 63. Ember Court, the Seat of the Right Honourable Lord Cranley. 64. Thames Ditton, the Seat of Sir Thomas Heathcote, Bart. 65. Colonel Onslow’s Lodge at Try Hill, near Chertsey, 66. Bagshot Park, the Seat of the Honourable Augustus Keppel. Sussex . 67. Battel Abbey, from Mr. Wyndham’s. 68. Mayfield Abbey. Warwickshire . 69. Warwick Castle. Worcestershire . 70. Bewdley. Yorkshire . 71. Bolton, North Riding, the Seat of His Grace the Duke of Bolton. 72. Part of Middleham Castle, North-west Riding. 73. Roche Abbey. VOL. II. Seventeen Views in Wales . 1. Queen’s Gate, at Caernarvon. 2. Caernarvon Castle. 3. The Eagle Tower, Caernarvon. 4. Snowden, in Caernarvonshire. 5. Conway. 6. Edwinsford, the Seat of R. Banks Hodgkinson, Esq. 7. Wynnstay, in Denbighshire, the Seat of Sir Watkin Williams Wynne, Bdrt, 8. The new Bridge over the River Dee, near Chirk Castle. 9. Abbey of Llanegwerst. % 10. Harlich Castle, in Merionethshire. 11. East View of the Inside of Cardiff Castle. 12. Llandaff Cathedral. 13. View of the Copper Works at Neath. 14. North-east View of Pembroke. 15. Benton Castle, Milford Haven. 16. Hubberston Priory, Pembrokeshire. 17. Benton Castle. Twenty Seven Views in Scotland. u Edinburgh Castle. 2. South View of Stirling Castle. 3. View of Fort George and Town of Inverness, as it was in the Year 1744. 4. Dunstaffage Castle. 5. North-west View of Dunstaffage Castle. 6. Glasgow Cathedral. 7. A View down tne River Clyde, from the top of Cory Lin. 8. View of Cory Lin, on the River Clyde, near Lanerk. 9. View of Boniton Lin. 10. Stone Ber Lin, on the River Clyde. 11. Drumlanrig, with a distant View of the Mountains of Galway, in Scotland, 12. South-east Prospect of the Duke of Queensberry’s Seat at Drumlanrig. 13. Duff House, the Seat of the Earl of Fife, in Barnffshire^ 14. Mar Lodge, in Bamffshire. 15. View of Ben Lomond, near Dumbarton. 16. View of Ben Lomond, near Cameron Wood. 17. Kirk of Luss, by Loch Lomond. 18. View of the King’s Road and Loch Lomond. 19. Earl of Bredalbane’s Seat at Killing. 20. South west Vi«w of Kilcairn Castle in Lock-aw. 21. Letter Shuna, the Seat of the Laird of Appin Island'. 22. Bothwell Castle, in Clydesdale. 23. Inside of Bothwell Castle. 24. View of Strath Tay, the Seat of Sir Robert Menzies. 25. View of the Royal Palace and Abbey of Dunfermling. 26. A View of Loch Leven, near Fort William. 27. View of Craig Toraphen, and the Lin of Tumell. Thirty Three Fiezvs in Ireland. 1. View of the Lower and Middle Lake, and entrance into the Upper Lake of Killarney, from Mr. Hussey’s Mausoleum. 2. Ross Castle, on the Lake of Killarney. 3. Ross Island, in the Lake of Killarney, from Innisfallen. 4. Fall of the Polufuca, on the River Liffy. 5. Trim Castle, in the County of Antrim. 6. Ruins of an Abbey near Trim Castle. 7. Castle of Dunamace, in the Queen’s County. 8. Shaen Castle, Queen’s County. 9. Lea Castle, in the Queen’s County. 10. Duntuice Castle, in the County of Antrim. 11. Chance Castle, in Lough Neagh. 12. The Cave Hills, near the Lough of Belfast. 13. The Tinnichinch Road, with a View of Bray Town and Head, in the County of Wicklow. 14. Old Castle and John’s Bridge at Limerick. 15. Dawson Grove, the Seat of the Right Honourable Lord Darnley, in the County of Monaghan. 16. Carrick Ferry, near Wexford. 17. Enniscorthy, in the County of Wexford. 18. South-east Prospect of the Cathedral Church of Londonderry. 19. Cataract of the Bantry River. 20. Waterford. 21. View of St. Kelly Castle, on the Blackwater. 22. Dunbroady Abbey, in the County of Wexford. 23. Carrick-ne-Sure. 24. Town and Castle of Askeyton, taken from the Ruins of the Abbey. 25. Askeyton Abbey, in the County of Limerick. 26. A View of Two Abbies and a Castle of the Earl of Desmond, at Addair, County of Limerick. 27. Enniskillen. 28. North View of the Cathedral Church of Kildare. 29. Castle and Town of Carrick, and Abbey of Carrick-bey. 30. Obelisk in Memory of the Battle of the Boyne. 31. Dromana, the Seat of Lord Grandison, on the River Blackwater. 32. North East View of Cashel, in the County of Tipperary. 33. The Seven Churches in the County of Wicklow. MIDDIMAN’S VIEWS. A Collection of Sixty-nine select Picturesque Views in Great Britain. Engraved by S. Middiman from Pictures and Drawings by the most eminent Artists, with descriptions of each View in English and French. In One Volume. Size of the Two preceding Works. Boards. - - - 440 1. Winandermere Lake. 2. Keswick Lake. 3. View at Wick. 4« View in the Isle of Anglesea. 5. Keswick Lake. 6. Ulleswater. 7. View in the Isle of Wight. 8. View at Malton. 9. Matlock High-Tor. 10. Coniston Lake. 11. Skelweth Cascade. 12. View near Bath. 13. View in Matlock Vale. 14. Coniston Lake. 15. View near Dalton. 16. Cliefden Spring. 37. View near Ambleside. 18. View of a Water-fall at RydaL 19. Barn Elms. 20. View near Skiddau. 21. Winandermere Lake. 22. View at Ambleside. 23. View near Canterbury. 24. View near Caernarvon. 25. View near Keswick. 26. View of Oakhampton Castle. 27. View of Llangollen Vale. 28. View of Folkstone. 29. Winandermere Lake. 30. View near Lancaster Sands. 31. View near LlandafF. 32. View of Lewes, 33. View on the River Tamar. 34. View on Shanklin Chine. 35. View on the River Wye. 36. View of Trematon Castle. 37. View near Plymouth. 38 View of Western Mills. 39. South-west View of West Gate* Canterbury. 40. Creswell Craig. 41. View of Matlock Bath, Derbyshire. 42. View of the Prating Rock, Somersetshire. 43. View near Neath, Glamorganshire. 44. V iew near Hastings, Sussex. 45. View of Oystermouth, in Swansea Bay. 46. View on the River Tamar. 47. View of Loch Leven Castle. 48. View on Loch Lomond Lake. 49. Ditto. 50. Mountainous View. 51. View of Beeston Castle. 52. View of Ludlow Castle. 53. View of Monk’s Rock, Tinby. 54. Mostyn Hall, the Seat of Sir Roger Mostyn, Bart. Flintshire. 55. Downing, the Seat of Thomas Pennant, Esq. Flintshire. 56. Greenfield Brass Mills, near Holywell, Flintshire. 57. Copper Works near Holy well, belonging to the Mona Company, 58. Cotton Works near Holywell, belonging to Messrs. Douglass and 59. Cotton Works near Holywell, Flintshire. 60. Llewenni Hall, the Seat of the Honourable Thomas Fitzmaurice, 6). Llewenm Hall, the Seat of the Honourable Thomas Fitzmaurice, Flintshire. Co. Flintshire. Denbighshire. 1 Denbighshire. [ xi ] 62. Bleach Works, at Llewenni, as at first intended to be built for the Honourable Thomas Fitzmaurice, Denbighshire. 63. Dyffiyn Ailed, the Seat of Philip York, Esq. Denbighshire. 64. Wrexham Church, Denbighshire. 65- Gloeldaerh, the Seat of Sir Roger Mostyn, Bart. Caernarvonshire, 66. Distant View of Rudland Castle, Church, Bridge, and Harbour. 67. L'anerk, the Seat of David Lee, Esq. Denbighshire. 68 . Diganny, near Conway, Caernarvonshire. 69. Greenfield Hally near Holywell, Flintshire. KIT-KAT CLUB. A Set of Forty-eight Portraits. Painted by Sir Godfrey Kneller. £. s. d. Engraved in Mezzotinto by j. Faber. 10 Inches by 14 high. Sewed - 33a Being the Portraits of an Association of Noblemen and Gentlemen of distinguished merit, formed (in 1703), purely to unite their zeal in favour of the Protestant Succes- cession in the House of Hanover. The Name of their Society was derived from Christopher Kat, a Pastry Cook, near the Tavern where they met in King Street, Westminster, who often supplied them with Pastry. Old Jacob Tonson was their Bookseller ; and that Family is in possession of the Portraits of the original Members of this famous Club. The design of these Gentlemen was to recommend and en¬ courage true loyalty by the powerful influence of wit and humour. Sir Samuel Garth distinguished himself by the extempore Epigrams he made on their Toasts, which were inscribed on their drinking Glasses. GUERCINO, &c. A Collection of One Hundred and Fifty-six Prints engraved by Barto- lozzi. Sec. from original Pictures and Drawings by Guercino, See. in the Collection of his Majesty, &c. Vol. I. contains Eighty-two Prints, all after Guercino, and chiefly engraved by Bartolozzi, from his Majesty’s Collection. Vol. II. contains Seventy-four Prints engraved by Bartolozzi,&c. from original Pictures and Drawingsin the Collection of his Majesty, Sec. after M.Angelo, the Caraccis, C. Maratti,Guercino, P. Cortona, &c. to 10 N. B. The Prints contained in these Two Volumes are the first productions of Mr. Bartolozzi on his coming into this Country, and are universally esteemed by connois¬ seurs to be in the best style of this celebrated Artist; they have also the peculiar merit of possessing all the spirit and character of the exquisite Works of Guercino, &c. after which they were engraved. Separate Prints may be had. See article Guercino, Sec . BAILLIE’S (CAPTAIN) WORKS. A Collection of One Hundred and Thirteen En¬ gravings after Pictures and Drawings, by the greatest Masters, in the Earl of Bute’s and various other Collections, in Two Volumes. Vol. I. contains Sixty Prints. Vol. II. contains Fifty-three Prints. An impression from the celebrated original Plate known by the name of the Hundred Guelder Print, restored by Captain Baillie, is inserted in these Volumes. The Plate being now cut into Four Pieces, impressions have become very scarce, and will not be sold separate from this Work. The original Plate of the Gold Weighers, engraved by Rembrant, (frequently sold for more than Eighteen Guineas,) is added to these Volumes, gratis ; fine impressions of which will be sold singly for Two Guineas. Likewise the original, by Rembrant, of Rennius Hansloe will be given to the purchasers of these Volumes. Price singly Ten Shillings and Sixpence (often soldfo^nore than Three Guineas.) These are put in Vol. I. after No. 9. Folio. JHBHV' UfLt&OJ 13 15 o Separate Prints at the Prices marked in the Alphabetical Catalogue. Painters. Subjects. PRINTS CONTAINED IN VOL. I. Baillie. 1 Frontispiece (Amusements of Captain Baillie), Portraits. Hone. 2 Captain William Baillie. Terburg, 3 Prince of Orange, Father to William IIL Netcher. 4 Duke of Monmouth. c E xii -] Painters. Subjects.- ’ Rubens. C The Siamese Ambassador. Ditto. 6 Siamese Priest. Van Dyke. 7 George Villiers, Duke of Buckingham. 1 Rembrant. 3 The Gold Weigher. Ditto. 9 Ditto. Proof. Van Dyke. IO Gasper Gevartius, 11 Cornelius De Wit. G. Dou. I 2 Mother of Gerard Dou. Ditto. l 3 Ditto. In Colours. Seipse. 14 Sofonisbs Angusciola Pittrice. Ditto. x 5 Franciscus Mieris. Ditto. 16 Franciscus Hals. Rembrant. l 7 Old Man with a long Beard. Terburg. 18 A Geographer. G. Dou. l 9 A young Woman reading. 20 A young Woman in an Octagon. Hone. 21 Lord Mount Stuart. Bailiie. 22 Colonel William Keilett. Hone. 2 3 The Piping Boy. Bailiie. 24 Captain Baillie’s Adjutant. Ditto. 2 5 James Turner. Ditto. 26 A Soldier presenting his Firelock. Fancy Pieces . G. Dou. 2 7 \ Woman by Lamplight. Guido. 28 A Sybil. Zuccharo. 29 A Peasant. | Rembrant. 3 ° A small Head. j Bailiie. 31 Ditto, with a Beard. | Ditto. 32 Ditto. Ditto. 33 Ditto, with Variations. J Ostade. 34 A Head. I Ditto. 35 Companion to above. S. Rosa*, 36 Old Man with a long Beard and Stick/ 37 Ditto. Dusart. 38 The Smoaker. ; Ditto. 39 The Toper. I Ostade. 40 Five Figures drinking and smoakmg j Ditto. 4 1 The Gazette Reader. Ditto. 42 The Merry Family. ! Ditto. 43 The Happy Family. : Ditto. 44 Two Boors, with a Pipe and Jug. j Ditto. 45 The Toper. 1 Ditto. 46 The Dutch School. [Gevaart. 47 Playing at Backgammon. • i Teniers. 48 The Chemist. ! Ditto. 49 The Card "Players. | Valentini. 50 ■■ Soldiers quarrelling at Dice. 5 1 A Battle. G. Dou. 5 2 A Pen Cutter,. |Le Nain. 53 Parish Orphans. !G. Dou. 54 Four Figures, by Candlelight. I Ditto. SSi The Lacemaker. j Molenaer. 56 Musical Entertainments. 1 N. Poussin. 57 Quarrel of Cupid and Pysche. (Ditto. q8 ICupid’s Hunting. t xiii ] Painters. Milani. 59 Rubens. 60 Hone. i Rembrant. 2 Ditto.. 3 Ditto. 4 Ditto. 5 6 Ditto. Domer. 7 Vandevelde. 8 Ditto. 9 Ditto. IO Baillie. 11 Ruisdale. 12 Vangoien. l 3 Ditto. 14 Molyn. 15 Ditto. 16 Vandermeer. 1 7 Berghem.. 18 Molyn. 19 Cuyp. 2° Rembrant. 21 Ditto. 22 Guido. 23 Franceschino. 2 4 Ditto. 25 Domineehino. 26 Coreggio. 27 Parmigiano. ■28 Sabbadini. 29 Luti. 3 ° Schidone. 3 1 Parmigiano. 3 2 Romanelli. 33 Guercino. 34 Seyers. 35 Cipriani. 3 6 37 Rotenhammer. 38 Ekhout. 39 Ditto. 40 Rubens. 4 1 Baillie. 42 Rembrant. 43 Ditto. 44 Ditto. 45 46 Ditto. Ditto. 47 Dittos 48 Subject*. Young Bacchus and Satyr, with a Cask. A Boy blowing Bubbles. PRINTS CONTAINED IN VOL. IL Portrait of Captain Baillie. Landscapes, The Three Trees. Ditto, with Lightning. A View in Holland. Companion to the above. A small Landscape, with a Dutch Barn, three Variations. A View of the Bridge and Entrance of the Town of Amboise, on the Loire. A Sea Piece, Ditto. A long Sea Piece. A View of a Fleet. A Landscape. A View of an Old Building. A Companion to Ditto. A View in Holland, with Cattle. Companion to the above, with two Waggons, oheep and Goats. A Landscape, with Cattle. Ditto, with Figures. A Moonlight. History . . L’Histoire touchante. The entombing a Body. Aurora. Apollo and the Muses. Bacchus and Ariadne. The Anxious Mother and Sick Child. A Glory of Angels. Virgin, and Jesus with an Apple. Virgin and Infant standing. Virgin and Child. A Holy Family. Virgin, infant, and Joseph. The Marriage of St. Catherine. Joseph and Child. Disciples at Emmaus. Cupid burning Hercules’s Club. Cupid and Zephyrus. Virgin, and Infant Jesus. Daniel detecting the Elders. Ditto, more finished. St. Peter. Abraham’s Offering. Beggars at a Door. Group of Figures, with a Dog. Part of the Hundred Guilder. Two smaller Ditto. Middle Part of the Hundred Guilder. Painters, I Subjects. Rembrant. [49 : 5 ° The Hundred Guilder, original Plate. Not to be sold separate. Rubens. Our Saviour washing his Disciples’ Feet. Rembrant. Ji An Elephant. Baillie. Is* A Shell. Ditto. r A Butterfly. N. B. A few Sets of this curious Work remain, composed of Variations of many of the Plates. THE WORKS OF BARTOLOZZI; a Collection of One Hundred and Fifty Six Prints •of the most choice Works of this eminent Engraver, after the most celebrated Pictures, £. s. d. ancient and modern. Two Volumes. Folio. Sewed - - 21 o o A COLLECTION OF FIFTY-ONE PRINTS, in Imitation of the Original Drawings of the late G. B. Cipriani, R. A. Engraved by Mr. Richard Earlom. FoL Sewed 33® N. B. This Work is peculiarly calculated for Students to draw from. HOGARTH ILLUSTRATED, in Two Volumes, Royal Octavo, Price £2. 12s. 6d. in Boards, embellished with upwards of Ninety Engravings from the Original Designs, with an Explanation of each Print, and Anecdotes of the great Artist and the Times in which he lived, by John Ireland. Also, Price £1. 16s. in Boards, and containing upwards of Forty new Prints, carefully copied from the Original Designs, Volume the Third and last, being an Illustration of Hogarth from his own Manuscripts, compiled by the same Author. Note . It may be proper to state, that these Volumes have not any connection with the Graphic Illustrations, which being written by Mr. Samuel Ireland , Proprietor of the Shakspeare Papers, have given rise to many strange Mistakes, and been erroneously ascribed to John Ireland . ,(£f- These Volumes are a very proper Accompaniment to the Volume of the Original Works of Hogarth. THE ORIGINA L WOR KS ,OF WILLIAM HOGARTH, in One Volume Imperial Folio, Price, JHHt - 2100 Separate Prints may be had at the prices marked in the Alphabetical Catalogue. See article Hogarth. From the time of the first publication of his Works until the present day, the name of this great and inimitable Artist has been dishonoured by servile and weak Copies of his Works. But these cold and spiritless imitations are sunk to mere shadows by a comparison with the Originals, which are in a style peculiar to the great Master who conceived and executed them, and cannot be pro¬ perly transferred to the Copper by any other Artist. It having been supposed that the Original Plates were either destroyed or repaired by other Artists, it becomes necessary to state the following facts :—On Mr. Hogarth’s death, his Plates became the property of his Widow, and during the twenty-five years she survived him, the printing them was necessarily intrusted to the management of others. From this circumstance they were sometimes negligently and imperfectly taken off; and a report was spread, that some of them had been retouched. To refute this Mrs. Hogarth requested three eminent Engravers to inspect the Plates and give their opinion, which they did in the following testimony which is copied from a daily paper of 27 January 1783. «« We whose names are underwritten having carefully examined the Plates published by the late Mr. Hogarth, are fully convinced that they have not been retouched since his death. Francis BartoLozzi. W. Wynne Ryland. W. Woollett.” Soon after Mrs. Hogarth’s death, Messrs. Boydell purchased all his Plates, and since they have been in their possession they have not been retouched or repaired ; Hogarth’s forcible style of Etching and Engraving, so superior to that of his feeble imitators and copiers, renders it unnecessary. Messrs. Boydell presume further to add, that as the Printing Presses now in use are on an improved principle, the Paper superior, and the Art of Printing better understood, impressions are now printed more clearly and accurately than they have been at any preceding period. A COLLECTION OF ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY TWO PRINTS. Views in England and Wales, Landscapes, Sec. Drawn and Engraved by John Boydell. In One Volume, folio. Price, sewed - - * 55 ° Separate Prints may be had at the Prices marked in the Alphabetical Catalogue. See article BoydeTl. £ *v ] The Prints that form this Volume were never before published all together. The Engraver now collected them, more to shew the improvement of the Art in this Country, since the period of their publication, than from any idea of their own merits. He is very sensible, that lie began to learn the Art of Engraving too late in life to arrive at great perfection, being within a tew months of twenty one years of age, when he put himself apprentice to the Art, and that too to a master * who had himself never arisen to any great degree of perfection. Indeed at that period (about fifty years ago) there were no Engravers of any eminence in this country. To the lovers of the Fine Arts, this Volume may be an object of some curiosity, as it was from the profits of these Prints, that the Engraver of them was first enabled to bold out encouragement to young Artists in this line, and thereby, he flatters himself, has somewhat contributed to bring the Art of Engraving to that wonderful state of perfection in England, which at present gives its Artists so decided a superiority over all the rest of Europe. Few men have had the happiness of seeing, in a single life-time, such a revolution : and the Publisher of this Volume will always be proud, if, in the future history of the Art, his very extensive undertakings shall be thought to have contributed to it. When the smallness of this work is compared with subsequent undertakings, he hopes it will impress all young Artists with the truth of what he has always held out to them, that industry, patience, and perseverance, united to talents, are certain to surmount all difficulties; and that a generous public will never fail to reward merit. It is the truth of this that has induced him , at a late period of life, to embark in an undertaking, f which has for its object, to do that for Paint¬ ing, which has been so happily effected for Engraving. It would be too flattering for him to expect to live to see Painting brought to that perfection in England, that he has seen Engraving; but he thinks the present undertaking, great and magnificent beyond that of any former example in Europe, will infallibly lay the foundation of it; especially as he has the consolation to know, that his younger coadjutors possess that spirit of perseverance, so essentially necessary in the conducting of great works to a happy conclusion. As the Engraver of this Collection may never again have occasion to address the Public, he cannot omit this opportunity of returning his most sincere thanks to the lovers and promoters of the Fine Arts. He confesses, as an Englishman, it has been the first pride of his heart, to see his country shine in arts, as well as it has done in arms. If he durst flatter himself that he has been, but in the smallest degree, instrumental in bringing about so desirable an end, he must ever declare, that it was entirely owing to the liberal encouragement given by a generous Public to his poor endeavours. RUSSIAN GALLERY. A Collection of Prints after the most capital Pictures in the possession of the Emperor of Russia, formerly belonging to the Earl of Orford, at Houghton. Vol. I. contains Sixty-two Prints. Vol. II. contains Seventy-one Prints. Which are Engraved by the most celebrated Artists of the present day; viz. Earlom, Browne, Bartolozzi, Sharpe, Green, &c. after the most esteemed Pictures of Caracci, Rosa, Snyders, Poussin, Rubens, Van Dyke, Vanderwerf, Guido, Titian, Claude, Rembrandt, &c. &c. £. In Two Volumes Imperial Folio. Price, sheets - - - 29 Plans of Houghton - - - . - t N. B. This Collection has always passed among Connoisseurs for one of the first in Europe. BOYDELL’S COLLECTION. In Nine Volumes Imperial Folio, being a Selection of the most interesting Prints from those enumerated in the Alphabetical Catalogue, after the finest Pictures in England. Price Twelve Guineas each Volume, Sheets, if the whole Work be taken. Separate Volumes at the prices marked below Vol. I. contains 53 Prints. Price, separately - - - 13 13 - 13 13 13 13 13 15 15 11. — — 66 ditto . HI. -80 ditto _ IV. — -- 90 ditto V. — -60 ditto _ VI. -60 ditto _ VII. - 52 ditto _ . s* VIII. - -60 ditto . . - M IX. - —— 50 ditto - 571 total ' 1 * Mr, Toms. 5 . d. 1 o 13 *3 l 3 *3 *3 J 3 13 l S 1 •: + The Shakspeare Galler v , [ KVl ] The following Preface was published by Alderman Boy dell, in his first Volume of Prints, which was begun in the year 1762. It was printed on a large paper of the size of the volume to which it was prefixed, and was read but by those only who purchased the Work at that time. He has now republished' it, that the Public may be better acquainted with the motives that impelled him to undertake a work which, he trusts, will be considered as a monument of his ardent zeal to encourage, and, if he may use the expression, to establish the Art of Engraving in this kingdom.—That his views were originally well founded, and that his in¬ creasing expectations have been proportionately answered, the present state of Engraving is an incontrovertible proof: nor will he hesitate to express his opinion, that the works which are now in hand, will not only prove his unabating solicitude to advance this branch of the Arts to the utmost perfection it is capable of attaining, but that they will afford such specimens as to give a very near prospect of that attainment. PREFACE. WHEN the Editor of this Work undertook to publish a Collection of Prints after such capital Paintings in this kingdom, as could convey an adequate idea of those masterly performances, we had in England but a small number of eminent Engravers, and most of them were foreigners. To remove this defect, it was requisite to bestow upon those, who seemed capable of improvement, a proper cultivation, together with such rewards as seemed absolutely necessary to stimulate men of ge¬ nius, and prompt them to proceed with resolution and spirit. This was the end proposed by the Editor. Ever since he has entered upon so precarious and arduous a task, he has been at a considerable expence, attended with incessant labour. How far he has succeeded, he leaves entirely to the judg¬ ment of the candid and ingenuous. He may, however, venture to say, in his own behalf, that several young Artists, who had certainly merit in their profession, but were not versed in the practice of Historical Engraving, and were quite unknown, have, by means of this undertaking, been introduced to the notice of the Public, and met with no small degree of approbation It cannot be denied, in general, that the Polite Arts among us have been, during a long time, in a kind of infant state: they are now ripening apace ; but to rear them up,, requires assiduous culture and tender usage. It may therefore be hoped, without being too sanguine in our expectations, that those of a refined taste for these arts, who know their value, and the difficulties which lie in their way to full maturity, will look upon this enterprize of the Editor with that indulgence, which, in this light at least, it certainly deserves ; will applaud his ardour, and, by their generous encourage¬ ment, enable him to complete a plan, from its nature so well calculated to be both useful and ho¬ nourable to his native country. To such as might look upon this last position as somewhat strange, he begs leave to observe, that a degree of excellence in any of the Polite Arts has constantly been considered as greatly contributing to the glory of a civilized people ; that the Art of Engraving employs many persons, exclusive of the Engravers themselves; that it not only brings money into, but prevents money from going out of, this kingdom. For, in the same degree that we admire here whatever is finely per¬ formed by foreigners, in the same degree foreigners will admire whatever is as well executed by us, and be as desirous of becoming the possessors of the Works of British Engravers, as we are desirous of the possession of the Works of Foreign Artists.—And why should not Great Britain, which, with regard to the conduct of reason, to literature, eloquence, and poetry, as well as to all branches of science, is doubtless not inferior to any other nation, endeavour no less to excel in these elegant amusements, so fit to soften and adorn life, and to relax the mind from severer studies ? The Society of Arts, whose merits are so well known both at home and abroad, have they not, by the prizes they distribute, and the commendations they bestow, raised the emulation of our Artists, and excited them to exert to the utmost all their faculties ? of this the Public requires no proof; but, were any wanted, several Prints might be shown in this Volume, which have been honoured with the premiums of that useful body of men. Supported by so respectable an authority, why should a disingenuous modesty prevent us from saying, that in this Work there are specimens evidently shewing that the natives ©f this island, when duly encouraged, may be expected to carry the Art of Engraving to its utmost perfection. One who to the love of the polite arts, joins that of his country, cannot but see with pleasure that in this Volume (the first attempt of the kind) all the Prints have been entirely Engraved in England. It is needless, surely, to observe that in point of execution, it is next to an impossibility that all these Prints should be equal. The reason indeed is obvious. The powers and faculties of both Painters and Engravers being widely different, their respective performances cannot but be in [ xv ^ 3 proportion to their respective talents; not to mention that some subjects allow much more scope than others for an Artist to display his skill. It had been thought by many, and by some invidiously suggested, that we had neither Designers nor Engravers equal to such an undertaking. What success both have met with must be wholly left to the determination of the Public. Sure it is, that the Editor may aver, with a sate conscience, that he has left no means untried in order to encourage them; and, in carrying on so beneficial a scheme he is resolved to suffer no intermission of his honest labours. But while he is sparing no endeavours for that purpose, is it presumption to hope that those, who have a taste for Painting and its sister-arts, and, from their station m life, can effectually promote them, will not refuse such marks of their approbation as are absolutely necessary to give life to this attempt; but rather, by their countenance and assistance, will add to it new vigour, exciting thereby not only the Editor himself, but every person concerned in it, to the utmost exertion of their best abilities. Were it necessary to urge any thing further in behalf of this Work, a peculiarity might be alleged, which, if duly attended to, must necessarily recommend it. We venture to call it a peculiarity, be¬ cause not to be found (that we know of) in any other collection of prints. For here, tfi^re is not only an exact and particular account of every picture, not only its beauties and defects are distinctly and critically pointed out; but the colours of each part are so minutely described, that any, who are used to colouring, will be enabled, by keeping close to this description, to imitate the picture, and, though they have never seen the original, to exhibit tolerable copies. Besides, it puts it in the power of connoisseurs, who want time or opportunities to inspect the picture itself, to judge with greater certainty of its intrinsic merit. As the Editor does not intend to abate his zeal, or slacken his industry, in whatever may conduce to the further improvement of the Artists, and to the satisfaction of those who have such improve¬ ments at heart, he begs of the latter the continuance of their favour in relation to a second volume of this Work, which is already very far advanced. Ke originally designed it for a Collection of Etchings. Having afterwards been induced to believe that this manner was not altogether so agreeable to the public, he is determined to have the plates highly finished, several capital pictures being allotted for that purpose, and the most skilful Engravers actually employed, or engaged. But while he is thus, though fairly yet strenuously, endeavouring to set off his undertaking to the best advantage, and earnestly soliciting the Public to support him in it, can he, without rurining the risk of being tasked as ungrateful, neglect so seasonable an opportunity of returning his thanks to his friends and well-wishers? More especially does he think himself bound to testify, in this open manner, his respectful acknowledgments to his worthy Patrons among the nobility and gentry, several of whom have honoured him with their names to his subscription, whilst others have added to that favour an uncommon condescension: they have unlocked, in his behalf, their treasures of painting,'and procured to the artists all manner of helps and conveniences, that the master-pieces they possess might be carefully designed and accurately described. His warmest wishes are, that the profit and honour, which may accrue to his country from these instances of their protection, may give ample satisfaction to his Patrons in particular, and to the Promoters of the Polite Arts in general. Many of the foregoing observations on the advancing improvement of Engraving, may be applied with equal propriety to the highest branch of the Arts— Historic Painting ; which has already attained a degree of excellence, that, within the space only of a few years, was not supposed to be attainable by the Artists of this kingdom. To confirm this opinion, the Shakspe ar £ Gallery offers a Collection of Pictures, which will convince every unprejudiced person, that British ' Artists are not deficient in genius or talents : nor will it, surely, be thought a presumptuous opinion, that they only require a proportionate degree of encouragement, that nurse of excellence, to rival, in time, and, as it may be hoped, apno very distant time, the celebrated schools of other countries. THE PRINTS ENUMERATED IN THIS ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE ARE NOW FOR THE FIRST TIME COLLECTED TOGETHER, DIVIDED, AND ARRANGED ACCORDING TO THE DIFFERENT SCHOOLS, AND FORM A COLLECTION OF FORTY-EIGHT VOLUMES, AS FOLLOWS: The Italian School forms The German and Dutch Schools form The French School forms The English School forms 14 Volumes, containing 1269 Prints. - 6 Ditto, - 512 Ditto. - 2 Ditto, - - 358 Ditto. 26 Ditto, - - 2293 Ditto. 48 Volumes. Total 4432 Prints. [ xviii ] OXFORD WINDOW; A Set of Prints from the West Window of the Chapel, New College, Oxford. Painted by Sir Joshua Reynolds, engraved by Facius. Price, JT. s. d . Imperial Folio, half bound - - - 5 50 Separate Prints at the Prices marked in the Catalogue. See article Reynolds. 1. A general View of the entire Window, with the Disposition of the different Subjects in the several Divisions. 18 Inches by 25 high. 2. The Subject of the two Divisions on the right Hand of the centre Piece, of which they are a Part, representing the Portraits of Sir Joshua Reynolds and Mr. Jervaise, habited as Shepherds, one of them looking up with Admiration at the Angel in the Clouds. A Shepherd’s Boy and Lamb are introduced to enrich the Design. These two Divisions are put together in order to prevent unnecessary Joinings. 15 Inches by 25 high. 3. The Nativity, in the Centre of the Window.—A fine Figure of the Virgin kneeling by the Infant Jesus, who lies in the Manger, surrounded by four beautiful infant Angels on their Knees ; Joseph pointing out our Saviour to the Shepherds, whose Eagerness to view him is strongly characterised: one of the Shepherds appears to hold his Hand before his Eyes, as if unable to bear the Glory proceeding from the Child, while another behind him, with great Earnestness, moves his Head on one Side, that he may have the Satisfaction of beholding the promised Saviour. 24 Inches by 25 high. 4. This Print, which joins to the upper Part of the Nativity, contains only a single Angel contem¬ plating the Cross, surrounded with Glory. Upon a Scroll, proceeding from the Angel, is written in Greek: “ Which Things the Angels desire to look into.” I. St. Peter i. 12. 24 Inches by 19^ high. 5. The Subject of the two Divisions on the left Hand of the center Piece, representing young Shepherds and Shepherdesses ; a Shepherd’s Boy holds in his Hand a Torch, from which that Part of the Picture is enlightened; the Scene enriched with Ruins, Sec. These Divisions are likewise put together in the same Manner as Plate 2. 15 Inches by 25 high. 6 and 7. In order to render the Publication more complete, two Prints entirly of Sky are added, to join on each Side the Print, Plate 4, which will make the whole a large Square, proper for Altar Pieces in Chapels. 3 Feet 5^ Inches by 4 Feet 5| Indies long, When we consider the immediate and^siriking Effect of\fie w^cdeTansTng from the Sublimity of the Composition, and examine the particular and characteristic Beauties of the Infant Jesus, the Virgin, Joseph, the Angels, and Shepherds, with the Propriety of every subordinate Part, it may, perhaps, without Exaggeration, be affirmed, that this admirable Picture will stand in Competition with any Productions of the ancient Masters. Seven other Prints represent Faith, Hope, and Charity, with the Four Cardinal Virtues. These seven emblematical Figures are placed under the Nativity, being very properly connected with the great Subject; as the several Virtues which they represent must be considered as the Basis the Christian Religion. 1. Temperance, on the right hand. 2. Fortitude, next to Temperance. 3. Faith, on the right hand of Charity. 4. Charity, in the Middle of the Window. 5. Hope, left hand of Charity. 6. Justice, left hand of Hope. 7. Prudence, left hand of Justice.—13 Inches by 20 inches high each. Without entering upon the several Beauties of these seven emblematical Figures, it is sufficient to say, that they are worthy to be ranked with the Picture already described. THE RUINS OF PiESTUM, otherwise Posidonia, in Magna Grecia, By Thomas Major. One Volume, Folio. Price, Sewed - - - - 2126 [ xix '] THE POETICAL WORKS OF JOHN MILTON, with a Life of the Author by William Hayley. A most magnificent Edition, printed by Bulmer, in Three Volumes, Folio, ornamented with Thirty-three beautiful Prints, engraved by Earlom, S:mon, &c. after Drawings by Westall. Uniform in Size with the Shakspeare. Price, in £. s. d. Boards - - - - - - -15150 THE HISTORY OF THE RIVER THAMES, in Two Volumes, Folio, ornamented and illustrated with Picturesque Views, coloured in Imitation of the Original Draw¬ ings made by Mr. Joseph Farington, R. A. of the most beautiful and interesting Part of the River they record, commencing at its Source and continued to the Sea. To which is added a Map, describing the Course of the River, with a certain Breadth of the Country through which it flows. Printed by Bulmer; and uniform in Size with the Shakspeare and Milton. Price, Boards - - - 10 10 o The same Work, with the Plates printed in bistre - - - 10 10 o THE DRAMATIC WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKSPEARE. In Nine Volumes, Folio, ornamented with Ninety-five Plates, of a proper size to bind with the Work - - - - - - -42 00 Two Volumes, Imperial Folio, consisting of One Hundred large Plates, exclusive of the Text - - - - - - - - 63 00 The above Work, including large and small Plates, - - - - 105 o o The Typographical Part of this national and magnificent Work is executed by Mr. Bulmer, the Text regulated by George Steevens, Esq.; the Plates which adorn it, engraved by the very first Artists, from Pictures painted on purpose for it, by Sir Joshua Reynolds, late P. R. A.; B. West, Esq. President of the Royal Academy, Messrs. Wright, Barry, Romney, Peters, Rigaud, Fuseli, G. and W: Hamilton, Opie, Northcote, Wheatley, Stothard, Hodges, Smirke, Hoppner, Tresham, Westall, Ibbetson, Boydell, Angelica Kauffman, &c. &c. which are now collected and exhibited in the Shakspeare Gallery. Of this magnificent Publication, for the Honour of our Nation, it may be truly said, that no Country, nor Age, has yet produced an Edition of any Author’s Works o£ such exquisite Taste and Beauty. It surpasses in Splendour all former Publications, as far as the Genius of Shakspeare surpasses that of all other Dramatic Poets. THE SHAKSPEARE GALLERY. A List of the Subjects which compose the two Volumes Imperial Folio, from the Pictures, &c. Painted to embellish the Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare. Painters. Subjects, Size. Engravers. Price. VOL. I. Sir W. Beechy, PORTRAIT OF HIS MAJESTY KING JT. s. d. R. A. GEORGE III. B. Smith 1 1 0 Hon. Anne S. TITLE, with the Vignette of Coriolanus. Act II Darner. Scene I. Basso Relievo. Menenius, Sicinius, ' Volum?iia, Virgilia, - - IX 8 W. Leney 050 J. Banks, I ALTO RELIEVO in the front of the Gallery. R. A. SHAKSPEARE between Poetry and Painting l6£ 22f B. Smith 1 1 0 G. Romney. 2 INFANT SHAKSPEARE attended by Nature Ditto. and the Passions - - - 25 20 Ditto 1 1 0 3 TEMPEST. Act I. Scene 2. The Inchanted Island : before the Cell of Prospero. Prospero and Miranda - 25 20 Ditto 1 1 c H. Fuseli, 4 TEMPEST. Act I. Scene 2. The Inchanted - R. A. Island : before the Cell of Prospero. Prospero, . Miranda , Calihan, and Ariel - 25 20 P. Simon I X 0 Joseph Wright, 5 TEMPEST. Act IV. Scene 1. Prospero’s Cell: of Derby. Prospero, Ferdinand, Miranda ; a Masque ex¬ hibiting Iris , Ceres, Juno , Nymphs; Caliban, -—— y.J Trinculo , and Stephano, at a distance 25 20 R. Thew i i d d Painters. F. Wheatley, . K.A. A. Kauffman, R. A. rR. Smirke, R. A. Rev. Mr. Peters R. A. Ditto. j. Durno. R. Smirke, R. A, Ditto. T. Kirk. I. F. Rigaud, R. A. Rev.Mr.Peters, ! R. A. W. Hamilton, R. A. R, Smirke, j R. A. W. Hamilton, I R. A. H. Fuseli, R. A. Ditto. 6 Subjects. TEMPEST. Act V. 'Scene*. The entrance of the Cell opens, and discovers Ferdinand and' Miranda playing at Chess - - TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA. Act V.; Scene 3. A Forest. Valentine , Protheus, Silvia Size. 'Engravers. Price. £. s. d. 1 ‘ 7 22 i; -16|- C. Watson 1 1 0 . 8 and Julia - MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. ActI. Scene 1. 25 20 : L. Schiavonetti. 1 1 © 9 Anne Page, Slender, and Simple MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. Act. II. Scene 1. Before Pagers House. Mrs. Page) 18 2 5 £ P. Simon 1 1 0 10 with a letter - MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. Act III. ,Sce;\e 3. Mrs. Page,, Mrs. Ford, and Falstaff. Falstaff goes into the basket 5 they cover him 18 2 5 | ! R. Thew 1 1 1 0 11 with foul linen - - _ - MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. Act IV. Scene 2. Ford, Shallow , Page, Caius, Sir Hugh Evans, Falstaff as the old waman of IB .25I P. Simon 1 I 0 12 Brentford, Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Page MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. Act V. Scene 5. Windsor Park. Falstaff ( disguised with a buck's head on), Fairies, Mrs Ford, Mrs. Page , Quickly, Pistol , Sir Hugh Evans, 25 20 T. Ryder i 1 0 *3 Fenton, and Anne Page f MEASURE FOR MEASURE. Act II. Scene 1. Angelo’s House. Escalus, a Justice, Elbow, 25 20 J. Taylor 1 10 *4 Froth, Clown, Officers, &c. MEASURE FOR MEASURE. Act V. Scene 1. Duke in a Friar's habit, Varrius, Lords, Angelo, Escalus, Lucio, and Citizens. Isabella, Peter, 25 20 T. Ryder 1 1 0 *5 Mariana, Provost, &c. COMEDY OF ERRORS. Act V. Scene 1. A Street before the Priory. Merchant, Angela, Lady Abbess, Adriana, Courtezan,. Duke, AEgeon, Antiphdlus and Dromio of Syracuse, Antipboius and Dromio of Ephesus, Headsman, 25 20 P. Simon 1 1 0 16 &c. - - - - MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. Act III. Scene 1. An Orchard. Hero, Ursula, and 25 20 C. G. PJayter I 10 17 Beatrice - - ~ , MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. Act IV.^ Scene 1. A Church. Don Pedro, Don John, Leonato, Friar, Claudio, Benedick, Piero, and 18 2 5 f P. Simon 1 u 6 18 Beatrice - - - MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING. Act IV. Scene 2. A Prison. Dogberry, Verges, Bo- 25 20 Ditto 1 1 0 l 9 rachio, Conrade, the Town-Clerk, and Sexton LOVE’S LABOUR’S LOST. Act IV. Scene 1. A Pavilion in the Park near the Palace. Prin¬ cess, Rosaline, Maria, Katharine, Lords, Atten¬ 2 5 2p J. Ogborne 1 To 20 dants, and a Forester MIDSUMMER-NIGHT’S DREAM. Act IV. Scene 1. A Wood Titania, Queen of the 25 20 T. Ryder 1 1 0 21 Fairies, Bottom, Fairies attending, &c> &c. MIDSUMMER-NIGHT’S DREAM. Act if.. Scene 1. Oberon Queen of the Fairies, Puck, A 5 20 P. Simon 1 1 0 w. Bottom, and Fairies attending, &c . 25. 20 T. Ryder 1 10 [ xxi ] Painters. Subjects. Size. Bngitivers.- Price. R. Smirke, R. A. 22 MERCHANT OF VENICE. Act II. Scene 5 Shylock’s House. Shylock, Jessica, anc Launcelot • 1 / 2 si 18 P. Simon £ s.d. 1 i* 0 W. Hodges, R. A. 23 'MERCHANT OF VENICE. Act V. Scene i Beimont. A Grove, and Lawn, before Portia’* House. Jessica , Lorenzo , and r »tepbano 25 20 j. Brown 1 1 0 J. Downman, R. A. 54 AS YOU LIRE IT. Act i Scene 2. Before the Duke’s Palace. Rosalind , Celia, Orlando, Duke , and Attendants, &c. Charles carried off 23 20 W» Leney I 1 of W. Hodges, 12 R. A. 5 AS YOU LIRE IT. Act II. Scene 1 . Forest of Arden. Jaques , Amiens, &c. 25 20 S. Middiman I I oil R. West. 2 6 AS YOU LIKE IT. Act IV. Scene 3. A Forest Orlando and Oliver - 25 20 W. C. Wilson I I 0 W. Hamilton, 2 : R. A. 7 AS YOU LIRE IT. Act V. Scene 4. Forest. Duke Senior, Amiens, Jaques, Orlando, Oliver, Celia, Rosalind, Audrey, Clown, Silvius, Phebe, and Hymen - - 25 20 P. Simon I I 0 R. Smirke, 2 R. A. S TAMING OF THE SHREW. Induction. Scene 2. A Room in the Lord’s House. Sly , with Lord and Attendants ; some with apparel, bason and ewer, and other appurtenances 25 -20 R. Thew I I 0 F. Wheatley, 2 R. A. Ditto. 3 < 9 TAMING OF THE SHREW. Act IH. Scene 2. Baptista’s House. Petruchio , Katharine, Bianca, Hortensio, Babtista, Grumio, and train 3 ALL’S WELL THAT ENDS WELL. Act V. Scene 3. King , Countess, Laf&u, Lords, At¬ tendants, &c. Bertram guarded, Diana, and Widow - - 25 20 P Simon I I 0 25 20 G, S.and J. G. Facius I I 0 H. Ramberg. 3 [TWELFTH NIGHT. Act Hi. Scene 4. Olivia’s House. Olivia, Maria, and Malvolio 25 20 T. Ryder I I 0 W. Hamilton, 3 : R. A. 1 TWELFTH NIGHT. Act V. Scene 1. The Street. Duke, Viola, Antonio, Officers, Olivia, Priest, and Attendants - 25 20 F. Bartolozzi I I 0 j. Opie, R. A. 3 ; ] WINTER’S TALE. Act II. Scene 3. A Palace. Leontes, Antigonus, Lords, and other Attend¬ ants - - 25 20 R. A. R. Thew I 10, J. Wright. 34 I- WINTER’S TALE. Act ILL Scene 3. A desert place near the Sea. Antigonus torn by a bear ; Old Shepherd, Clown, and the infant Perdita , at a distance - - 25 20 ; S. Middiman I I 0 F. Wheatley, 35 R. A. WINTER’S TALE. Act IV. Scene 3. A Shep¬ herd’s Cot. Florizel, Perdita , Shepherd,' Clown, Mopsa, Dorcas, Servants, Polixenes and Camillo disguised - 25 20 J. Fittlep I I 0 W. Hamilton, 3 ^ R. A. -WINTER’S TALE. Act. V. Scene 3. Paulina’s House. Leontes , Polixenes, Florizel, Perdita, Camillo, Paulina, Lords, and Attendants 1 25 -20 J R. Thew I I 0 H. Fuseli, R.A. 37 MACBETH. Act I. Scene 3. A Heath. Mac¬ beth, Banquo, and three Witches 25 20 J. Caldwell I 10 ■ft. Westall, 38 R.A. MACBETH. Act. I. Scene 5, Inverness. A Room in Macbeth’s Castle. Enter Lady Mac¬ beth, reading a letter - l6 f 22 f. f. Parker I I 0 Sir J. Reynolds, 39 late P. ft. A. --- - 1 MACBETH. Act IV. Scene I. A dark Cave. In the middle, a Cauldron boiling. Three , Witches , Macbeth, Hecate, &c. 25 20 J R. Thew i 11 6 [ xxii ] Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. - AS YOU LIKE IT. Act II. Scene 7. T p 1 R. Smirke,R. A. The Seven Ages . A,' s ‘ a - 550 4 ° The Infant - - 21 l 7 i P. Tomkins. ! 4 1 The School Boy ------ 21 17-j P. Simon. 42 Lover - - 21 ui R. Thew. 43 Soldier ------- 21 171 T. Ogborne. 44 The Justice 21 I7J P. Simon. 45 Slipper'd Pantaloon ----- 21 l 7 i W. Leney. 1 46 Last scene of all, sans teeth, &c. - 21 i 7 | P. Simon. VOL. II. Sir W. Beechey, PORTRAIT OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN R. A. CHARLOTTE - - T. Ryder I 1 o' Hon. Anne TITLE, with the Vignette of Antony and Cleo- S. Darner. patra. Act V. Scene 2. Basso Relievo. The Monument ; Cleopatra, Charmian , and Iras 11 8 J. Hillyer I I 0 J, Northcote, 1 KING JOHN. Act IV. Scene 1. Northampton. R. A. Hubert, Executioners, and Arthur 2 si 18 R. Thew I 10 M. Brown. 2 KING RICHARD II. Act IV. Scene 1. Par liament House. K. Richard , Bolingbroke, York, Aumerle , Northumberland, Percy, Fitz- water, Surrey , Bishop of Carlisle, Abbot nf Westminster, Herald, &c* and Bagot 25 20 B. Smith I I 0 T. North cote. 3 KING RICHARD 11 . Act V. Scene 2. Richard, R. A. Bolingbroke, £2 >c. 25 20 R. Thew I I 0 R. Smirke and 4 FIRST PART OF KING HENRY IV. Act II. J. Faring ton. Scene 2. The Road by Gadshill. Prince Henry, R. A’s. Poins, Peto, Falstaff, Gadshill, and Bardolph 25 20 S. Middiman I I 0 R. Smirke, 5 FIRST PART OF KING HENRY IV. Act II. R. A. Scene 4. The Boar’s Head Tavern, Eastcheap. Prince Henry, Falstaff, Poins , &c. 25 20 R. Thew I I 0 R. Westall, 6 FIRST PART OF KING HENRY IV. Act III R. A. Scene 1. The Archdeacon of Bangor’s House, in Wales. Hotspur, Worcester, Mortimer, and Owen Glendower - - - - 18 P. Simon I I 0 J. F. Rigaud, 7 FIRST PART OF KING HENRY IV. Act V. R. A. Scene 4. Plain near Shrewsbury. Prince Henry, Hotspur, and Falstaff - 22f l6f T. Ryder I 10. H. Fuseli, 8 SECOND PART OF KING HENRY IV. Act IT. R. A. Scene 4. Doll Tearsheet, Falstaff, Henry, and Poins - - - 22j I6 \ W. Leney 1 1 b J. Durno. 9 SECOND PART OF K. HENRY IV. Act III. Scene 2. Justice Shallow’s Seat in Gloucestershire. Shallow, Silence, Falstaff, Bardolph, Boy, Mouldy, Shadow, Wart, Feeble, and Bull-calf 25 20 T. Ryder 1 1 0 Josiah Boydell. 10 SECOND PART OF KING HENRY IV. Act IV. Scene 4. The Palace at Westminster. King Henry asleep ; Prince of Wales 22 -| l 6 | R. Thew 1 1 0 Ditto. 11 SECOND PART OF KING HENRY IV. Act IV. Scene 4. King Henry, and the Prince of Wales 2 Z \ l 6 l Ditto 1 1 0 H. F u.seli. 12 KING HENRY V. Act II. Scene 2. Southamp¬ 1 R. A. ton. The King, Scroop , Cambridge, Grey, and Attendants 25 20 Ditto 1 1 c J. Opie, 13 FIRST PART OF KING HENRY VI. Act II. R. A. Scene 3. The Countess of Auvergne’s Castle. i- . Countess, Porter, Talbot, &c. 25 20 Ditto 1 1 9 [ xxiii ] Painters, J. Boy dell. J. Northcote, R. A. I. Opie, R. A. Sir J. Reynolds, late P. R. A. J. Northcote, R. A. J. Boydell. W. Miller. * J. Northcote, R. A. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. T. Stothard, R. A. |Rev. Mr. Peters, { R. A. I R. Westall, R. A. Rev. Mr. Peters, R. A. Subjects. Sire. Engravers. Price. FIRST PART OF KING HENRY VI. Act II. Scene 4. London. The Temple Garden. Earls of Somerset, Suffolk, and Warwick ; Richard £. s. d. l 5 Plantagenet , Vernon, and another Lawyer FIRST PART OF KING HENRY VI. Act II. Scene 5. A Room in the Tower. Mortimer in 25 20 J. Ogborne l I o, j 1 16 a chair. Jailor, and Richard Plantagenet SECOND PART OF KING HENRY VI. Actl. Scene 4. Mother Jourdain, Hume, Southwell, 2 si 18 R. Thew I I o| I *7 Bolingbroke, and Eleanor SECOND PART OF KING HENRY VI. Actlll. Scene 3. Cardinal Beaufort’s Bed Chamber. 25 20 R, Thew I I of 1 18 King Henry, Salisbury, and Warwick THIRD PART OF KING HENRY VI. Act I. Scene 3. A Field of Battle, betwixt Sandal Castle and Wakefield. Rutland and his Tutor, Z2\ i6£ C. Watson I I o’, l 9 Clifford and Soldiers - - THIRD PART OF KING HENRY VI. Act II. Scene 5. A Field of Battle, near Towton in Yorkshire. King Henry. Son that bad killed his Father—Father that had killed his Son. Queen, Prince of Wales, and Exeter, in the 22f l6 T. Ryder I 10 j 20 Distance - - - THIRD PART OF KING HENRY VI. Act IV. Scene 5. A Park near Middleham Castle, in Yorkshire. Gloster, Hastings, Sir William 25 20 J. Ogborne I I 0 21 Stanley, King Edward, and Huntsman THIRD PART OF KING HENRY VI. Act V. Scene 7. The Palace in London. King Edward, the Queen, with the young Prince , Clarence, 25 20 W. Leney I I 0 22 Gloucester, and Hastings KING RICHARD III. Act III. Scene 1. Lon¬ don. Prince of Wales, Duke of Tork his brother, Dukes of Gloucester and Buckingham, Cardinal Bourchier, Lord Hastings, Lord Mayor, and 22f l6| J. B. Michel I I 0 23 2 4 his train - - - KING RICHARD III. Act IV. Scene 3. The Royal Children; Dighton and Forest, the Murderers - - - KING RICHARD III. Act IV. Scene 3. Tower 25 20 22f l6{ R. Thew F. Legat I I 0 I I 0 2 5 of London - - - KING HENRY VIII. Act I. Scene 4. York Place. Cardinal Wolsey, Lord Sands, Anne 221 16} W. Skelton I I 0 26 Bullen , King Henry, &c. KING HENRY VIII. Act III. Scene 1. A Room in the Queen’s Apartment. The Queen, and some of her Women, at work. Cardinals 25 20 J. Taylor i 11 6 27 Wolsey and Campeius - KING HENRY VIII. Act IV. Scene 2. Abbey of Leicester. Wolsey, Northumberland, and 25 20 R. Thew 1 1 0 28 Attendants, Abbot of Leicester, &c. KING HENRY VIII. Act V. Scene 4. The Palace. Enter trumpets sounding; then two Aldermen , Lord Mayor , Garter, Cranmer, Duke of Norfolk with his marshall’s staff, Duke of Suffolk, two noblemen bearing great standing bowls for the christening gifts ; then four noble- 25 20 Ditto 1 1 0 [ ] Painters , Subjects. Size. fi ’"' ■ Engravers. ( Price. bearing a canopy, under which the Duchess of Norfolk, godmother , bearing the child richly habited in a mantle , C2?c. Tram ftorwe fry a lady, then follows ike Marchioness of Dorset , the other godmother , and ladies. The troop pass once about the stage , and Garter speaks £ , 5 . d. 25 20 J. Collyer l s 0 G. Hamilton j 2 9 CGRIOLANUS, Act V. Scene 3. Corwlamis, Aufidius, Virgilia , Volumnia , Toung Marcius, Valeria , Attendants - - 25 20 J. Caldwell .£ 1 0 R. Westjall, 3 ° JULIUS- CiESAR. Act IV. Scene 3. Brutus’ R. A. Tent, in the Camp near Sardis. Brutus, the Ghost of Ccesar - - * 5 f 18 - E. Scriven I * l 0 H. Tresham, 3 3 ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA, Act III. R. A, Scene 9. The Palace in Alexandria. Antony , Cleopatra, Eros , Charmian, Iras, &c. 25 20 G. Si. and J. Opie, 3 2 TJMON OF ATHENS. Act IV. Scene 3. A J. G. Facius I 1 0 R. A. Wood. Timon , Alcibiades, Phrynia , awd Ty- mandra ------- <25 20 R. Thew r. r 0 T. Kirk. 33 TITUS ANDRONICUS. Act IV. Scene I. Titus’s House. Ti£ws Andronicus , Marcus An - dronicus , and young Lucius, pursued by Lavinia 22| i6| T. Kirk 1 1 0 G. Romney. 34 TROILUS AND CRESSIDA. Act II. Scene 2 Scene Troy. Cassandra raving 22f l6J F. Legat 1 1 0 A. Kauffman, 35 TROILUS AND CRESSIDA. ActV. Scene 2 R. A. Diomed , Cressida , Troilus, and Ulysses 25 20 L. Scniavonelti 1 1 0 W. Hamilton, 3 6 CYMBELINE. Act I. Scenes. Imogen Post- R. A, humous, Queen, Cymbeline, &c. 25 20 T. Burke 1 1 0 J. Hoppner, 37 CYMBELINE. Act III. Scene 4. Near Milford ! R. A, Haven. Pisanio and Imogen - 25 20 R. Thew 1 1 0 H. Fuseli, 38 KING LEAR. Act I. Scene 1. Lear’s Palace. R. A. Cornwall, Albany , Goneril , Regan, Cordelia, King of France, Kent , Attendants, &c. 25 20 R. Earlom 1 1 0 B. West, 39 KING LEAR. Act III. Scene 4. Part of aHeath, P. R. A. with a Hovel. Lear, Kent, Fool; Edgar dis¬ guised as a Madman, and Gloster, with a Torch ' 25 20 W. Sharpe 1 11 6 J. Barry, 40 KING LEAR. ActV. Scene 3. A Camp near R. A. Dover. Lear, Cordelia dead ; Edgar, Albany, and Kent . Regan, Goneril, and Ed¬ mund, dead ------ 25 20 F. Legat; W. Miller. 41 ROMEO AND JULIET. Act I. Scene 5. A Hall in Capulet’s House. Romeo, Juliet, Nurse, i 1 0 Capulet, &c. with the Guests and the Maskers 25 20 G. S. and J. Opie, 4 2 ROMEO AND JULIET. Act IV. Scene 5. Ju¬ J. G. Facius 1 to R. A. liet on her Bed. Capulet, Lady Capulet , Paris, Friar, Nurse, Musicians , 25 20 Ditto r 1 0 j. North cote. 43 ROMEO AND JULIET. ActV. Scene 3. Mo¬ R. A. numentbelonging to the Capulets. Romeo and Paris dead ; Juliet and Friar Lawrence 25 20 P. Simon 1 1 0 H. Fuseli, 44 HAMLET, PRINCE OF DENMARK. Act I. R. A. Scene 4. The Platform before the Palace at El- sineur, Hamlet, Horatio, Marcellus, and the Ghost - - - 25 20 R. Thew 1 1 0 ■ B. West, 45 HAMLET. Act IV, Scene 3. Elsineur. King, P R. A. Queen, Laertes, Ophelia, &c - 25 20 F. Legat T. Stothard, 46 OTHELLO. Act II, Scene 1. A Platform. Des- 1 : 11 6 R. A. demona , Othello, Iago, Cassio , Roderigo, Emilia , &c. ----- - 25 20 T. Ryder ] [ 1 °i [ XXV ] Painters. ■ Subjects. Size. ■p--,. . «•«- r—fr- Engravers. j Price. {.Graham. \ 7 \ OTHELLO. Act V. Scene 2. A Bedchamber. Desdemona in Bed, asleep - , 22f I6 \ W. Leney. I I Q G. Romney. SHAKSPEARE nursed by Tragedy and Comedy l Si 13 B. Smith. 0 15 Q R. Westall, \9 CYMBEL 1 NE. Act HI. Scene 6. Imogen in 1 R. A. Boy’s Clothes - 5 25 20 Gaugain. I I C J. Boydell. 5 ° OTHELLO. Act V. Scene 2. Desdemona asleep 25 20 W. Leney. i i q The above Three Plates were not Engraved from the large Pictures, but may be added to Vol. II, The First Volume including tbie Portrait of the King, the Vignette, and Seven Ages, will consist of Forty Eight subjects. The Second Volume including the Portrait of the Queen, Vignette, and the above Three sub¬ jects, will consist of Fifty Two,in all One Hundred. A List of the Subjects which have been Engraved from Pictures painted to embellish the. Nine following Folio Volumes, 1 ' t ' VOL. I. 1 THE MONUMENT OF SHAKSPEARE, in Stratford Church. From a Drawing made by Josiah Boydell - J. Neagle. J. Banks. 2 ALTO RELIEVO. Shakspeare between Poetry and Painting - - J. Stow, W. Hamilton. 3 TEMPEST. Act I. Scene II. Prospe.ro, Mi¬ - randa, and Ariel - - f J. Parker. R. Smirke. 4 TEMPEST. Act II. Scene II. Trinculo, Ste- pbano, and Caliban W. C. Wilson. W. Hamilton. 5 TEMPEST. Act III. Scene 1. Ferdinand, and Miranda A. Smith. T. Stothard. , i 6 TWO GENTLEMEN OF VERONA. Act V. . Scene 3. Valentine , Proiheus, Silvia , and Julia. J. Ogborne. < C .. t R. Smirke. j MERRY WIVES OF -WINDSOR. Act I. 1 N Ditto. ; j Scene 4. Cuius, Quickly * Simple, and Rugby 81 ’MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR. Act IV. A. Smith. ; Scene i. Evans, Mrs. Page , Quickly, and • : 1 j Size. 9 t H 6f 8 6j- cl 5 i 4 i Si 4 f 14 10 10 8| 10L 61 Engravers. C. Baillie Ditto J. Smith Aid. Boydell Ditto J. Smith Knapton Hi 81 0 20 1 2 t 9 0 20 12J; 9 \ 020 Hi 2 °z Haed 076 izf i 8 j Earlom 0 76 25 19! Vivares, &c. 0 10 6 lI i 9 Pond 0 2 0 16 1 z\ Chatelain 030 Hi 8f C. Baillie 050 Hi 1 3 Noble 050 Browne 0 10 6 36 26 Ditto 2 20 11 16 Floding 026 11 16 Ditto 0 26 8 Aliamet 020 10 12 Aveline Aid. Boydell Major Ditto 076 0 26 0 60 036 20i 1/ Earlom .Ditto 026 050 i> .*31 Chambers. 030 circle Picot 0 20 6 Si Picart 0 20 io| 6| Aid. Boydell 026 026 H? I0 1 0 40 17 1 0 10 ■ 7 t I0 i 0 1 0 171 I °4 0 1 0 17-I 010 I7l io| 0 1 0 17I io| ■ 0 1 0 17I 0 10 17I *°i -- 0 1 0 1 7 t I0 i ■ 0 1 0 Price. 036 B 2 I OvQnQ O Painters* Subjects. Siz e. Engravers. Pi ■ice. Aid. Boydell. 26 Near the Storehouse at Deptford, 1750 roi Aid. Boydell 0 1 0 27 Blackwail, looking towards Greenwich Hi l °{ O r 0 28 A View of Woolwich, 1750 - Hf 1 of O 1 0 2 9 London Bridge, taken near St. Olave’s Stairs, 1751 17 \ loi O 1 0 . 3 C Near Liinehoiise Bridge, looking down the Thames l 7 i ioj O .IQ 1 3 1 The Tower, taken upon the Thames, 1751 Hi I0 i 0 I O 32 A Side View of Greenwich Hospital, 1751 1 7 i io| 0 l 0 33 A Front View of Greenwich Hospital, 1753 Hi IOj 0 3 O 34 Purfleet, drawn on the Thames - Hi I0 i 0 I O 35 Lord Duncannon’s, Greenhithe in the distance Hi I0 i 0 I O 36 Northfleet in the County of Kent Hi I0 i 0 1 C 37 Gravesend, in the County of Kent, 1752 Hi 1 of 0 s 0 38 A View of London, taken near York Buildings - Hi iof 0 1 0 39 A View of Westminster Bridge, 1753 Hi 10J 0 1 0 40 London, taken off Lambeth Church H i io| 0 i 0 4 i A View of Mortlake, up the Thames Hi ioi 0 I O - 42 Taken off Wandsworth Hill, towards Fulham 7-1 I°J 0 I 0 43 Sion House, looking towards Kew Hi IOI 0 I 0 44 A View near Twickenham - Hi lof 0 I 0 45 Governor Pitt’s House, near Twickenham « 7 i ,0 i 0 1 0 46 The Earl of Radnor’s House, at Twickenham Hi ioJ 0 1 0 47 A View on Twickenham Common Hi 10J 0 I Q • Views in London . 48 New Palace Yard, Westminster 17! 10I 0 I 0 49 Privy Gardens, Westminster - Hi io| • 0 I 0 50 A View of the Parade in St- James’s Park Hi 10 f 0 1 O 5 1 The Treasury and Canal in ditto, 1755 Hi ,oi 0 I O Tho. Boydell. 52 The Inside of - s t. Stephen Walbrook *4 0 I O 53 The Inside of the Temple Church *4 11 0 I O 54 The Inside of St. Martin’s in the Fields 16 j 12 0 I O 55 The Inside of St. Clements Danes - 1 6\ 12 0 I O Four Views of Oxford . Aid. Boydell. 5 6 A View of RadclifF’s Library Hi io\ 0 1 O 57 A West Prospect of the City of Oxford Hi IO1 0 1 0 58 An East Prospect of the City of Oxford Hi iof 0 1 0 59 A South View of ditto Hi iof 0 1 0 Four Views of Blenheim. 60 Blenheim House and Park, Duke of Marlborough’s Hi iof V 1 61 View of Ditto, Woodstock in the distance North East View of Ditto, from the Porter’s Hi lof 1 y 0 4 0 62 Lodge ------- Hi I°f 1 63 The High Ledge - T- I 4 7 2 IO| J Four Views in Dove Dale , near Ashbourn . 64 The Streights in Dove Dale, 1749 18 121 1 6 5 Reynard’s Hall in Dove Dale, 1749 18 I2f 1 66 Matlock Bath, 1749 - 18 \2\ f 0 6 0 67 A View in Crumford, near Matlock Bath 18 121 J Old drawing. 68 Beeston Castle in Cheshire _ Hi Hi 0 1 6 Painter*. Aid. Boydell. J. Bramer. V. Breugel. Drawn by Lieu tenant Jahleel Brenton. Brooking Subjects. Six Views of Chester, and in Wales. The Castle and City of Chester North West View of Caernarvon Castle Another View of Ditto, on the East Side West View of Ditto, Conway Castle N. W. View of Rhuddlan Castle, Flintshire N. View of Denbigh Castle •* Four Mountainous Views in North Wales . Snowden, in the Vale of Llan Beriis - Gaunant Mawr, a great Waterfall, ditto Penmaen Mawr, in Caernarvonshire Rhaidder Fawr, a Cataract near ditto Wrexham Church, in Denbighshire Pyramus and Thisbe - Adam and Eve in Paradise - The Sea Fight off Cape St . Vincent . 1. 14th of February, 1797* by Admiral Jervis 2. Another View of ditto 3. Another View of Ditto - The Bristol Privateers. 1. The taking the Marquese de Antin and Louis Erasme, two rich Prizes from the South Seas, by the Prince Frederick and Duke Privateers; with a View of the third Ship, which escaped, 10th July, 1745. Lat. 13 50. 2. The Boscawen and Sheerness Privateers enga¬ ging a fleet of French ships from Martinico, Five of which were taken. One sunk, and Two escaped, 1745 •' 3. The raking the Nuestra Senora de los Reme dios (alias la Ninfa) a Spanish Ship of pcoTons, 32 Guns, and 309 Men, very richly Laden, by the Royal Family Privateers, 5th of February, 1746, off Cape St. Mary’s - 4. The Wreck of the Neustra Senora de los Re¬ medies, (alias la Ninfa,) a Prize to the Royal Family Privateers, taken the 5th February 1746, and lost in November following, near Beachey H ad, on the Coast of Sussex - 5. A View of the Prince Frederick Privateer, with the King George, engaging the Gloriosd, Oct. 8, 1748, which Ship was next Day taken by his Majesty’s Ship the Russell, in Company with the Privateers, off Cape St. Vincent 6. The King George disabled, and the other Pri¬ vateers in chase, with the Appearance of his Majesty’s Ship the Russell, at the Time the Dartmouth was blown up, engaging the Glo- riosa, Oct. 9, 1748 - Morning, h NoonI’fnd [ Fol,rSeaHeccs * ’ -*> Night - J Size. ,81 I2f i8± izL 1 iSi 1 i8£ 1 18I- 124 19 t H i 9 i 14 19! 14 19 -1 H 22 17 22 2 7 i .81 H .81 .81 .81 -.81 > 7 -! 27 20 27 20 2 7 20 H *4 i H Engravers. Aid. Bovdell Lanot Middiman Fittler Ravenet Aid. Boydell Price. O 60 or I 6 separate o 60 026 076 1 11 6 3 3 0 17 12 / Ravenet Aid. Boydell o 15 0 the set. 4 0 [6] Painters, Subjects. Size. Brooking. u The Greenland Fishery - 17 12 12 A small Breeze - - - - - - *7 12 *3 A Calm ------- *7 12 Brooks. Ditto. H A Shipwreck ------ Sion House and the Parts adjacent, near Richmonc The Earl of Burlington’s House at Chiswick ] Breda. Paul Brill. Hagia Yousuph Effendi, Turkish Ambassador Europa ------- ' I2| Hi 20| Hi Ditto. Africa ------- Hi Ill M. Le Brun. 1 Monsieur, Portrait of, 1778 - - - 1 si 2 Madame ------- 11 Hi 3 Dedalus and Icarus JlOf Hi 4 The Nuntials of Tobit - ni 9 5 League of Germany, Spain, and Holland - - 16-J *i 6 Holland accepting Peace - 8 7 20, The Passions, Copies - _ 6 c. Calze. Mrs. Lemaistre - -12 161 Mrs. Clarke ------ 12 16I Miss Jones ------ 12 164 Cantarini. The Virgin and Child, oval - 8 10 Ditto. Apollo - - - - si 7 i Cangiagio. Sketch of a Battle ----- Ht 81 Ditto. Ditto, Companion - Hi 81 Campadoglio. A Fruit Piece ------ . 144 121 Ditto. Callot. Canaletti. 1 Companion to ditto - - - - - 18. The Miseries of War _ - - - 1 . The Doge’s Palace at Venice - - St. Mark’s Place - 7 i 3l 2 3 Little St. Mark’s Place - 4 The Great Canal - 5 The Custom House - 6 Ponte Rialto - 7 The Great Clock in St. Mark’s Place - } * l 7i 13-1 8 The Rialto Buildings - 9 The River de Schiavone, from the Bottom of the Canal ------ 10 The Church of St. Maria dello Salute 11 Another View of Ponte Rialto 12 A View of the Continent from the Great Canal^ 10. Arch-Bishops of Canterbury. 1 Wm. Laud, beheaded for High Treason, 1645." In Charles I. - 2 Gilbert Sheldon, eminent for Piety, &c. Born 1598, died 1647 - 3 George Abbot, one of the Eight Divines who translated the Bible 4 Richard Bancroft, bom 1544, died 1610 - l Vertue, &c. 5 Edmund Grindall, born 1519, died 1583 - f • 0 9 . 6 John Whitgift, born 1503, died 1604 7 Matthew Parker, born 1504, died 1575 8 Wm. Sancroft, born 1616, died 1693 9 Thomas Tenison, born 1636, died 1715 10 Wm. Juxton, attended Charles I. at his Execu¬ - - ■ tion - - Engravers. Aid. Boy dell Benezeck Fougeron Reynolds Browne Ditto Pether Ditto Facius Picart Roberts V. Green Earlom Picot Picart* Ditto Earlom J. Boydell Boitard Fletcher * Vertue, &c. r ?] Carter* Ditto. Castiglione, Fainter^, Subjects. Canaletti* i The Pillar of St. Theodore to the Entrance - 2 The Place and Church of St. John and St. Paul 3 The Church and Place of die Minor Convential Monks i- Cangiagjo. Sr, Anthony and the Demons Campagniola. Landscape with a great Tree Cavedone. A Holy Family - « - Caracci, Louis, i r Portrait of Annibale Caracci Augustin,Anni 2 Olim Deus, Virgin, and Jesus on her Knee bale. I 3 The Silence. In his Majesty’s Collection 4iThe Woman taken in Adultery ^Clytie. A circle 6‘Ditto, a copy, small • * * 7jTobit anointing his Father’s Eyes S Susanna and the Elders - j- 9;The Adoration of the Shepherds ■* 1 o Placing Christ in the Sepulchre r * 11'Dead Christ - jajVenus sleeping - « - - 13 Orlando rescues Olympia from Qrca i^jCupid and Satyrs * i5jOur Saviour healing the Blind i 6 Fortune leaning on a Globe 17 Night - 18 Hercules in the Paluzza Gr^ssi at Bologna 19! he Triumph of Venus, etching - - 20 Vocation of St. Matthew \2i Woman in a pensive attitude 22 Virgin, Elizabeth, Joseph, Jesus, and St. John 23 Hagar and Ishmael - 24 Placing Christ in the Sepulchre 25 Exaltation of the Holy Cross 26 St. John in the Desert - 27 Diana and her Nymphs bathing 28 A large Landscape . 29 The Woodcutter - 30II Gobbo - 31 Two Monks, one with a Hoe 32 Virgin and Child - 33 Magdalen with a Scull * 34 Wise Mens’Offering - 35 Religious at Prayers - 36 Shepherds dancing under a great Tree 37 Landscape, with two Figures talking - 38 Ditto, three Figures, one reading 39 Two Caricature Heads - 40 Two Philosophers standing 41 Musical Entertainment 42 Ballad Singers - Nampont. Yorick’s Sentimental Journal Maria. Companion to the above 1 The Exposition of Cyrus 2 The Finding of Cyrus • 3 Ditto, smaller - 4 Orpheus, Companion to Ditto 5 Sheep - - 6 Jacob travelling into Egypt Size* Engrayers, Price. w ni Bowles 030 n| 18 Pond 050 H Hi Ditto 0 26 7 \ 10 Dusseldorff O 2 0 7 H Bartolozzi 0 y 0 13 Ro ul let 0 50 zo 16J Bartolozzi 0 10 6 Hi 0 10 6 18 I 9 | 0 15 0 10 10J Michel 050 20| I7 Ravenet 076 i6| 14J Du Bose 026 1 5 20 Aliamet 0 10 6 isi 20i V. Green 0 10 6 13 16; J. Smith 050 Hr ni Bartolozzi 0 10 6 17 1 6j Ditto P76 14 12 Vital ba 050 Earlom 0 10 6 H 18 Bartolozzi 050 Ditto 050 Hi Dalton 040 12 9 Picart 026 6 i 9 k 026 H H 0 1 6 11k 9 026 6| 8 0 1 6 4 f 6| 016 io| 15 (S 1 r 1 \ Dusseldorff 0 2 6 T r\ l °i 6 * j Collection U I U 016 18 13 030 ni H Torond 020 81 12 Pond 020 i°l Hi 026 H » 026 11 l8 040 io 9 026 026 I2| I6$ 040 Ilf 8| 020 4 7 0 1 6 I0i 8 \ 020 8 ,3 020 II IO Goupy 0 2 0 II IO Ditto 0 2 0 24 18 V. Green 076 Z4 18 J. R. Smith 076 20 17 A. Boy dell 076 21 17 Ditto 076 Hi uf Earlom 05O Ditto 0 5 0 u| 8| Winstanley 0 3 6 18 13 Ditto 0 5 oj t 8 3 Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. Eight , engraved by Bariolozzi . Castlglione. i Ancient Sacrifice 2 Noah sacrificing - 3! Tobit burying his Brother at Nineveh - 4 j 5 Jacob’s Departure - Wise Mens’ Offering - * 17 12 Bartolozzi I 8 0 4 6 Shepherds’ Offering - - 7 The Flight - 8 The Resurrection of Lazarus - - , Chev. Ca2ali. Gunhilda Empress of Germany, Daughter ot Can ufe - I? 20 Ravenet O 7 6 Edward the Martyr, stabbed by order of Elfrida 12 $ I 7 i Cazali O 5 0 Lucretia deploring her Misfortune *5 20 Ravenet O 7 6 Jupiter and Antiope - 10 H Chambers O 3 6 Chamberlain. Rev. Dr. Chandler - Hi 204 Peth^r O 7 6 , Dr. Franklin - Hi Hi Fisher O 5 0 12 . Labours of Hercules. Cheron. 1 The Cleonsean Lion - 10 I2 i - 2 The Lernean Hydra ----- 10 I2 i 3 The Erymanthean Boar - - - - 10 I2 i 4 The Maenalsean Stag - ' - 10 I2 i 5 The Stymphalides. Birds so called - 10 * 4 6 The Stable of Augeas - - - - - 10 i2 i j O 10 6 7 The Cretan Bull - - 10 1 2 i Vandergucht )> 1 the set 8 Diomedes and his Horses - 10 12 i 9 Geryon ------- 10 I2 i . ; 10 The Amazon Hippolyte - - - 10 1 2 i 11 Cerberus ------ - 10 I2 i 12 The Golden Fruit, and Serpent of the Hesperides 10 i 2 i Choffard. The Arms of the Empress of Russia, embellished I0 i 7 i Choffard 0 5 0 Carlo Cignani. Charity ------- 20 H Ravenet 0 7 6 A Nymph and Shepherd - 14 12 Michel 0 4 0 The Nativity ------ 7 i 11 Ditto 0 4 0 The Holy Virgin, and St. Philippi Neri 9 i i 2 i iDusseldorff 0 2 0 G. B, Ciprian. The Portrait of G. B. Cipriani 6 1 Earlom 0 2 0 1 The Title ------ ill H 0 1 6 2 Art studying Nature - 7 i 9 i 0 2 0 3 Cephalus and Procris - 9 l 8 0 2 0 4 . Diana and her Nymphs bathing - - - I T 3 1 1 4 0 2 0 c Moses striking the Rock. A Study 8f 8" 0 1 0 6 Boys asleep. Two Subjects on one Plate - 7 \ H 0 1 6 7 A Philosopher studying * I0 I 9 \ 0 1 6 8 The Death of Dido - 9 i 8 0 1 6 9 Two Figures representing Religion H 8 0 1 6 10 > Boys playing - - I0 i 81 0 2 0 'A 11 Boys at Harvest - - - - - 10 1 H 0 2 0 12 , Urania - - - - 11 H 0 5 0 13 ; Women bathing - - - - - H 9 0 1 6 H . The Apotheosis of Hercules - H 11 0 2 6 15 ; Woman with a Bird - 9 i 93 0 2 0 id > Esculapius ------ - 9 \ 12 0 2 6 G ? A Study for Moses and Joshua Hi 11 0 2 0 U 5 The Element of Fire - * 9 8 0 2 6 it ) Fame, Music, and Drawing - 7 6 0 2 0 } 2o|Neptuiie and Sea Nymphs - 11 9 0 1 6 [9] Painters. Subjects. Size. Engraver s. Price. Cipriani. 21 Time ----- IO 15 Earlom 0 2 6 22 Innocence ----- 8 9 i 0 2 6 2 3 Boreas carrying avtfay Orythia H 1 if 0 40 2 4 Our Saviour at the Well - II 19 i 0 5 0 2 5 The Salutation - 201 0 7 6 26 A Design for a Regatta Ticket - H 7 k 0 2 6 27 A Study of Female Heads - *3 9 k 0 4 0 28 Perseus and Andromeda - 6i H 0 2 6 . 29 Portrait of a Girl - 8 11 0 5 0 30 A Design for a Monument H nk 0 2 6 31 A Figure of an old Man, a Study 7 9 k 0 1 6 3 2 A Study for an Ecce Homo * 3 | i°£ 0 2 0 33 Orlando rescues Olympia from the Sea Monster Si 7 i 0 2 6 34 The happy Family - H 7 k 0 2 6 35 The Death of Orpheus - 11 9 i 0 2 0 36 Diana and her Nymphs - l 3 z 1 of 0 2 0 37 Boys at Blind-Man’s Buff 18 13 0 7 6 38 Coriolanus ----- 9 k -1 /2 .0 2 0 39 Theseus and the Minotaur - nf 101 0 2 6 40 Aurora ----- 10 H 0 2 6 4 i A Magdalen - - _ - lok 0 2 6 4 2 Spring ----- 12 15 0 5 0 43 Summer - 12 15 0 5 0 44 Apollo ----- 9 I 2 0 5 0 45 Geography - IO 7 t 0 5 0 46 Cupid and Psyche - 9 11 0 5 0 47 Angelica and Medora - 12 10 0 5 0 48 The Shepherds in Arcadia - *4 11 0 5 0 49 Hercules - - - n 15 0 4 0 50 Minerva - H *5 0 4 0 1 Minerva and the Nine Muses I0 i 6 k Bartolozzi 0 5 0 2 Bacchus presented to Jupiter and Juno by Minerva l °k 6 k 0 5 0 3 The Death of Dido - 184 i 5 k 0 10 6 4 Jupiter and Semele - io| *5 Heath 0 5 0 5 Diana and Endymion - - - io| 15 Ditto 0 5 0 6 Virgin Mary - 4 i 7 Bartolozzi 0 3 0 7 An Angel - - - - - 4 1 7 0 3 0 8 St. Cecilia - 10 nf 0 5 0 9 Mother and Child - 6 9 0 5 0 10 A Sibyl. Circle ■ IO 12 : ■ I • H 0 5 0 11 Head of Niobe. Ditto - - - IO 12 0 5 0 12 Britannia directing Painting & Architecture. Ditto 9 k IO Ryland 0 5 0 J '3 Cupid and Psyche - H *1 C. Baillie 0 2 6 T4 The Ball Ticket for the Mansion House H Bartolozzi 0 5 0 *5 Triumph of Venus - 9 3 i 0 2 6 16 Tritons, &c. - 9 34 0 2 b !i; Venus attired by the Graces. Oval 9 7 f| 0 4 c is Judgment of Paris. Ditto - 9 /z\ 0 4 0 l 9 The Muse Clio. Oval Upright 6 k 9 ! 0 2 6 2C The Muse Erato. Ditto - 6 k 9 ; 0 2 6 2 ] Nymphs bathing - l 9 15 . 0 5 0 22 The Storm - ] 9 15 0 5 c 2j The Tempest. Act. I. Ferdinand and Miranda 19 *5 .. 0 5 0 : 2 4 As You Like it. Act. IV. Orlando and Oliver ‘9 is 0 c 0 1 Cl. le Lorraine IOC Vol. I. Containing 100 Prints after the original Earlom 6 A 4 C O Painters. Claude le Lor¬ raine. r ° i 6>ii i !Le Clerc. ■ iClosterman. Subjects. Sketches, called Liber Veritatis. tiqn of the Duke of Devonshire Vol. II. Ditto, Ditto In the Collec- 35 Jacob and Laban - The Molten Calf. Companion to Ditto Roman Edifices in Ruins - The Landing of Eneas in Italy. Companion to Do The Embarkation of St. Ursula St. George and the Dragon - Morning - - - - - Evening - - - - The Temple of Apollo - Morning - Mercury and Battus A View on the River Po - - > Cephalus and Procris - Constantine’s Arch The Musical Shepherdess - The Dancing Shepherds - Apollo and Marsias - The Waders - In the Pamphili Palace at Rome In the Collection of Henry Hoare, Esq. Sun setting. Oval - Sun rising. Ditto - The Flight. Octagon - A View of the Ponte Mole neaF Rome A' Sea View, with Ruins A Sea Port. In the Gallery at Houghton - Landscape and Cattle. Oval In the Collection of Dr. Mead - Ditto Thomas Walker, Esq. Ditto Lord James Cavendish - Ditto the Duke of Kingston Ditto Sir William Morice, Bart. Ditto Peter Delme, Esq. - Ditto the Duke of Kent Ditto Major General Guise Ditto Humphrey Edwin, Esq. After Drawings in various Collections. The Angel instructing Tobit to open the Fish A Sea Port - Abraham sending away Hagar Landscape with Deer - View of Caput de Bovi - - I Watering Cattle - A Repose. Flight into Egypt Tower on the Walls of Rome Eneas shooting a Stag - The Miracles of our Saviour Le Joueur de Musette - La Veilleus.e. Companion to Ditto Mr. Grinlin Gibbons - Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons - Thomas Maxwell, Esq. . - Size. Engravers* Price, HH 1-4 O O 00 00 N|HN|w Earlom 6 6 q 3 °i 22 Woollett I 11 6 3 °i 22 Lerpiniere I I 0 2 3 y 1 9 Woollett 0 15 0 2 3i 19 Mason 0 10 6 2 3i l 9 Fittler 0 15 0 2 3i l 9 Lerpiniere 0 10 6 2 3 i l 9 Peake 0 10 6 2 3i 19 Byrne 0 10 6 2 3z 18 Woollett 0 10 6 2 3 f l 9 Vivares 0 10 6 2 3 f '9 Peake 0 10 6 2 3 i 19 Mason 0 10 6 2 3z 1 9 Browne 0 10 6 2 3z l 9 Fittler 0 10 6 2 3i 19 Lowry 0 10 $ 2 3 .f 19 Ditto 0 10 6 2 <3k 19 Muller 0 7 6 2 I z uf Pye 0 7 6 21 16* Mason 0 5 0 21 l6 f: 0 5 0 l 9 0 5 0 l 9 15 Canot 0 5 0 l 9 15 Lerpiniere 0 5 0 J 9 J 5f Major 0 5 0 19 Ditto 0 5 0 12 Canot 0 5 0 *5? iif Newton 0 2 6 16 I2 f Vivares 0 5 0 16 I2 f 0 5 0 16 I2 f 0 5 0 16 I2 f Do. & Chatelain 0 5 0 16 Vivares 0 5 0 16 I2 f Ditto 0 5 0 16 12* Canot 0 5 0 16 12 i Mason 0 5 0 16 Uf Wood 0 5 0 9l 7i Pond and Knap- 0 2 c H ton 0 2 6 9 9i 0 2. 0 11J H 0 2 6 11 9 0 2 0 12 9 0 2 6 9i 7 0 2 0 8 0 2 0 l 3 i°f 0 5 0 3i 2 \ Le Clerc 0 5 0 11 i Gaillard 0 2 0 *i 11 i Ditto 0 2 0 10 i 14 J. Smith 0 5 0 Hi I2f 0 7 . 6 10 i J 4 0 5 0 [ 11 ] Painters. Collett. Collins, Sebast. Conca. Copley. Ditto. Cosway. Ditto. Cuyp. Correggio, Coypel. Pietro da Cor¬ tona, Cotes. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Modern Love. Courtship - - - - "J The Elopement - - [ 18 16 Goldnr < The Honey Moon ... VJ viUUl \ Discordant Matrimony - - J 6. Tasso's Jerusalem delivered. A Moonlight Scene of a Forest where Iman is sa- • crificing - - - 21 18 Wood The Magicians marching off, after their Incanta- tions ----- 21 18 Sandby A Turkish Mosque lighted, where Aladine is seated 21 18 Walker The Forest, as enchanted, a fiery Castle defended by Demons - 21 IS Sandby The Christian Army before the Walls of Jeru- salem ----- 21 l8 Canot A Scene on the Bank of the enchanted River 21 l8 Rooker Virgin and Infant asleep - 00 uo Michel < The Death of Major Pierson at St. Hilliers in Jersey ----- 31 25 Heath Portrait of the Marquis Cornwallis - 14 20 B. Smith Jupiter and Europa - IS II J. R. Smith Lord Barrymore, when a Child, playing upon a Harp - iof 14I Ichner The young Herdsman. Octagon 19 15 Lerpiniere Morning - Ditto View on the Maeze near Maestricht 24 i5f Elliott A Moonlight Scene - 13 12 C. Baillie An octagon Landscape and Cattle - lx 7 Pye A Choir of Angels - S| 8 C. Baillie A Reposa at Parma, called La Zingana m 25 Earlom Venus drawn on a Shell by Doves 10 17 J, Smith Diana on a Bed 20f l8f Surrugue Diana at her Toilet - 2 °t Ditto Saloon of St. Cloud - 22§ 27 Surrugue M. Curius Dentatus rejecting Bribes 21 l6 A. Walker Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar l6 20 Michel The Birth of the Virgin ' 3 z l 9i Faucii The Shepherds’ Offering. Companion to Ditto The Angel, Hagar, and Ishmael 21 l6f- Michel Christ appearing to Mary in the Garden 15 20± Murphy Ditto, small - 9 12 i Walker Antiochus and Stratonice - 21 i6\ Ryland 1 A Bacchanalian 26 20 Winstanley • The Laocoon - 16 iif Bartolozzi Ceres - I0 f 1 Si Zocchi The Judgment of Hercules. Companion to Ditto Ditto Laban seeking for his Images l Sf ni Bartolozzi - Finding of Moses - M i 11 Dusseldorff Erminia - 15 i°l • St. Charles Borroma - - - »if Mi A Landscape - - - - - 14 iof Bartolozzi 1 Ditto, large - 21 i m Vivares & Cha- telain Lady Broughton - Finlayson Mrs. York - V. Green A Lady unknown - Ditto 11 Price. O 12 O 0 18 0 the set 2 6 4 4 o 10 0 5 2 5 5 c 5 0 10 6 2 6 2 6 1 o 5 10 6 10 6 1 7 7 5 5 7 7 3 10 10 7 4 4 7 4 4 4 5 10 076 076 076 C 2 9 9 \ 9 .- 2 . , 2 . C « 3 Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. D. M. Dahll. Frederick Duke of Schomberg Q 13 Faithorne 050 W. Bromley, Speaker to the House of Commons I of 14 J. Smith 0 CO Admiral Rooke - J 0 CO Mr. Greville Verney - J 0 CO Thomas, Lord Bishop of Rochester, and T. Spratt, 15 I2f J 076 Gilbert, Lord Bishop of Sarum 8 9 t 026 The Seven Bishops - IO ill Oliver 0 .5 0 D’Agar. Bessey Countess of Rochford IO Hi J. Smith 050 Nath. Dance. Timon of Athens - 24 21 Hall I I 0 Virginia, the unfortunate Roman Maid T 25 20-1 Haid 0 150 Garrick, in Richard III. - 15 24 Dixon 0 10(2 Omai - 1 2'f 21 Bartolozzi 0 50 Dandridge. Georgius Edwards, 1 Published a Treatise on 7 i IO Miller 0 2 0 Ditto. Ditto - - / Birds, &c. 4 f 6 Gosset 010 Deitreicy. The Tribute Money - 24 20 Facius I I 0 Woman accused of Adultery. Companion to Ditto Ditto I I 0 The Strolling Musician - H 14I Cook 050 Decker. A View in Flanders - - - J 3 i 16i Mazell 050 Dobson. Nat. Lee, the Mad Poet - 1 °f Hi Watts 050 Ditto. Dobson’s Father - 4 f 6f V. Green 0 2 0 R. Dodd. i A View of the Dock-Yard at Deptford 27 17 R. Dodd O 76 2 The Dock Yard at Blackwall 27 l 7 O76 3 The Dock Yard at Woolwich 076 4 The Dock Yard at Chatham 076 5 The Dock Yard at Portsmouth 076 6 The Dock Yard at Plymouth 076 7 The Greenland Whale Fishery 076 8 The N. W. or Davis’s Streights Whale Fishery - 076 9 Part of the Crew of His Majesty’s Ship the Guar¬ dian, endeavouring to escape in the Boats 23* 18 076 C. Dolce. l Salvator Mundi - - - 14I 2 of Earlom 0 10 6 2 Madona and Child. Oval. - - 7 9 f Bartolozzi 026 7 Head of a Madona. Circle. - - 4 i 7 Ditto 0 26 ; 4 St. John - - - 4! 7 Ravenet 030 St. Cecilia - - - 15 20 Baron 050 6 Crucifixion of St. Andrew - 13 17 C. Faucii 050 Domer. The Bridge of Amboise, on the Loire - l 7 12 C. Baillie 050 Domenichino. j i Circe, an Oval - - - - ' 1 of H Sharpe 050 2 The Infant Jesus I2f 11 Earlom o 30 3 Diana and her Nymphs. Etching 7 9 t Picart 0 1 6 4 The anxious Mother and Sick Child l2 i 9 C. Baillie 0 30 i 5 The Virgin and Child ... 7 t 1 of V. Green 0 40 6 Ditto - 7 f I Of Sailliar 050 7 The Flight ... - • - 21 16 f Byrne 076 8 Lucretia. Oval - 18 i6f Sharp 0 10 6 Gerard Dou. i The Miracle de Naim - uf 9 f Dusseldorff 026 ! 2 Gerard Dou’s Mother - 9 12 C, Baillie 040 1 3 Ditto, in Colours - - 9 12 0 10 6 4 A Young Woman - 7 \ 10 050 5 A Candle Light - % 9 i 050 6 The Pen-cutter - 1 of 14 050 I 7 A Candle-light, four Figures I Of Hi 076 t 8 The Lace Maker ^ 1*4 l 7 ■ 076 [ >3 ] Painters. Gerard Dou. Downman. Ditto. V. Drever. Drouais. S. Drury. Ditto. Albert Durer. Dusart. Edwards. Eckhout. Elsheimer. Ditto. Joseph Faring- ton. Maria Di Fiori. Fountain. Ditto. Marc Antonio Franceschine. / Subjects. The Toper - The Philosopher Square discovered by Tom Jones The Interview of Tom Jones and Sophia Winter, Men skaiting - - Madame de Barre - The Giants Causeway in Ireland, most noted na¬ tural Curiosity - - Companion to Ditto - Une Sainte - Un Saint - La Sainte Trinite - Adam and Eve. Copy The Cottagers - The Jocund Peasants - The Toper - The Smoaker * - - * - A Print addressed to the British Nation, with the Portraits of W. Hicks, Esq. J. Thornton, Esq &c. presenting Boys to Britannia for the Sea Service, tending to shew the Utility of the Marine Society - Winter - Daniel examining the Two Elders Hiram, King of Tyre, sends Presents to Solomon The Triumph of Mordecai - - Ceres - The Angel, Tobit, and the Fish London Bridge, the Church of St. Magnus, the Monument, &c. In Colours - Black Friars Bridge, St. Paul’s Cathedral Ditto Somerset Place, the Adelphi, &c. Ditto Westminster Bridge, the Abbey, See. Ditto - North View of the City of Rochester. Ditto South View of the Town of Bridgenorth. Ditto N. East View of Lancaster. Ditto N. East View of the City of Carlisle. Ditto - View of Shrewsbury. Ditto S. View of Windsor, from the Park, by Hodges. Do. N. E.View of the City of Durham, by Herne. Do. East View of the City of Bath, by Herne. Ditto 2 Landscapes, upright in Colours i Ditto - - i Ditto - - i Ditto - i Ditto - A Concert of Birds, the Owl beating time Portrait of Frederick, Prince of Wales, Father to King George III. - Ditto, small - - - Boys at Play - - - Size. Engravers. Price. 9 i 13 Sailliar O S 0 19 17 Simon O 10 6 19 17 Ditto 0 10 6 17 12 A. Boy dell 0 2 6 12 16 Watson 0 5 0 z 7 i 17 Vivares I 1 0 4 f 5 i 1 0 1 0 4 i Si >Dusseldorff 0 1 0 9 i 13 j 0 4 0 0 4 0 15 20 Woollett *1 15 20 Ditto j I 1 0 3 i 5 C. Bailiie 0 1 6 3 s 5 Ditto 0 1 6 16 * 15 i6f 21 202 Hr > 9 s Hr 20 IO 13 19 15 ! 2 5 | 18 - I9 I4 9 17 Hi 1 3 16 2 3 io| 6| 17 *3 2 3 Hi 12 Ilf 17 14 Hall Greenwood Bailiie Murphy Earlom Holler Angus Stadler Pouncy Byrne Landseer Medland Middiman Stadler Earlom J. Smith Ditto !5 15 !5 15 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 1 o 10 6 050 020 o 10 6 C 14 ] Painters. Subjects, 1 Size. Engravers. Place. Franceschine. Boys, Bacchanalians. Companion to Ditto Bartolozzi < D 10 6 Apollo and the Muses in the Clouds 10J 11 Baillie < J 3 0 Bacchus and Ariadne, Companion to Ditto Ditto < D 3 0 Crowning St. Catherine of Siene IO 7i Dusseldorff « D 2 0 G. Gainsborough. John Duke of Argyle, a whole Length l6 2li J. Watson 0 15 0 Duke of Buccleugh - - - ,,1 18 f Dixon ) 0 10 6 David Garrick, Esq. a whole Length l 6 25“ V. Green 0 H 0 A Shepherd’s Boy - - - - 11 16 Earlom 0 5 0 Girl and Pigs - Hi J 8i Ditto 0 7 6 The Woodman - 16 2 4 i Simon I 1 cf The Gipsies - - ■ - >7! ! 9 i Gainsborough 0 5 0 A Landscape after Nature A. Boy dell A ditto - 1 - “ - 14 10 A ditto - 0 6 0 A ditto Gainsborough Forest - 2 6 i 2I i Cath. Prestel. I 1 0 Landguard Fort - - - 24 16 Major 0 5 0 Garafola. The Wise Mens Offering - H' I0 i Pond, 1735 0 5 0 Geraart. Playing at Back-gammon - _ 1 i Or 10 C. Baillie 0 4 0 Les Caricatures apres les Desseins du Cavalier Pietro Leoni.Ghezzi, &c. Cava!. Ghezzi. j H P. Seb. Resta, Celebre Amateur du Dessein, mort a Rome, P Ann. 1714 7 nf A. Pond 0 1 6 2 11 Famoso Cav. delle Caricature 8| i8f M. T. 0 1 6 3 Un Pizzicaruolo - H I 2 i Pond 0 1 6 4 11 Signor Cav. Tomaso - - 8J Hi Ditto 0 1 6 5 Le Docteur Bragg - 9 Hi 0 1 6 6 Dr. Tom Bentley - 9 Hi 0 1 6 7 Due famosi Antiquari, Stoch e Sebatini 1Q i Hi Pond 0 1 6 8 Le Governour voyageant avec son Pupile 10 Hi 0 1 6 0 Madame Petit et son Cuisinier * 3 H 0 1 6 y IC Un Homme avec son Chapeau dessous le Bras 9 z Hi 0 1 6 11 Carnacci, Acteur du Theatre de Vallon H Hi 0 1 6 12 Polichinelle attaque de la Goutte Hi i'i 0 2 6 H Le Meme, qui enseigne a lire a ses Enfa-ns Hi ui 0 2 6 14 Figure Assise - si 12 0 1 6 15 Tetede Profit - - - Si 6 0 1 0 C. Maratti. 16 Tete de Profit, avec des Lunettes sur le Nez 7 10 0 1 6 17 Tete de Profil, in Crayon rouge 7 9 i 0 1 6 18 : Ditto un Singe, en Crayon rouge 7 9 \ 0 1 6 A. Caracci. H i Deux Philosophes - - 8 10 0 2 0 2C i Les Musiciennes Comique - ”i 9 i Goupy 0 1 6 21 Les Memes en Masquerade - - ni 9 \ Ditto 0 1 6 Guerchin. 22 : Le Cordonnier - 9 Hi ; A. Pond 0 2 0 F.Mola. 23 ; Une Figure avec des Lunettes 6 H 0 2 c Watteau. 24 . Le Docteur Misaubin, “ Prenez des Pilules” • H 0 2 0 Le Fage. 2 ; Le Caricature de le Fage - 7 ioi - Pond 0 1 6 Tescher. 2 1 j Veillard qui n’est pas trop rechauffe, & c. 9 i 9 \ : Tescher 0 2 0 A. Pond. 2/ > Vinum non facies bonum bibendo. Mart. Lib. 5 7 11 0 1 6 Ditto. 28 i Thou tuneful Scarecrow, and thou warbling Bird. No shelter for your Notes these Lands afford H Hi 0 1 6 i | Luca Giordano. , 1 The Flight into Egypt - 2 S J 9 Winstanley 0 5 0 | 2 - The Cyclops at their Forge - - ■ H 20 Murphy 0 10 6 [ 15 ] Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. Luca Giordano. 3 Sophonisba receiving the Nuptial Present l 7 21 Ravenet 0 7 6 4 The Death of Seneca - 19 24 Ditto I 1 0 5 Venus, Cupid, and Satyr - ! 5 20 Bartolozzi 0 1.5 0 6 A Sleeping Bacchus - 1 sf 18 Earlom 0 10 6 7 The Judgment of Paris. Companion to Ditto - Hi 18 Ditto 0 10 6 Goupy. Mutius holding his Arm over a Fire 1 7 Goupy 0 5 0 i The Port and Entrance of Malta 194 13 Benoist 2 A View of Ditto on the Side of the Colonere igi 13 Ditto on the Side of the Lazaretto, or Pest House l 9 i 13 0 10 6 4 Ditto on the Side of the Jesuits’ Garden 19 i 13 Grace. Portrait of Christopher Rawlinson 9 ? l 3 i J. Smith 0 2 6 C. Grignion. Portrait of Captain George Farmer, Commander of the Quebec - 14! Murphy 0 5 0 Ditto. The Portrait of Sir Richard Pearson, Captain of the Serapis - 1 of Hi J. Watson 0 5 0 Jean Franqois Barbieri, called Guercino. Vol. I. Guercino. i Portrait of Guercino - 10 14 Bartolozzi &c. 0 2 6 2 Flora with, Bovs - l2 i 11 0 2 6 3 Four Women with a Boy - - 11 8 £ 0 2 0 4 Three Women, with a Boy lying down 12 9 \ 0 2 0 5 Virgin, Joseph, and Jesus with a Globe 12 10 0 2 6 6 Three Women, with a Sketch of a Design 16 ji 4 0 2 6 7 Holy Family,, with an Angel playing on a Violin 1 7 12 0 2 6 8 ^Banditti quarrelling - - - - 12 f 9 0 2 0 9 Companion to Ditto 9 0 2 0 < ,• ! C Two Boys - 8} nf 0 2 6 i 1 I Infant Bacchus 1 of 13 0 2 6 12 St. John with a Cross - I2f 11 0 2 6 l 13 Flora, with aiBoy - ni 94 0 2 6 14 Virgin and Child holding a Book n / 11 0 2 0 p : 15 Old Man, Woman, and a Boy, with a Model 11 8 0 1 6 l 6 St. John in the Wilderness - - 8 J 11 0 2 0 17 Sophonisba, with a Bowl - - 84 iof 0 2 0 18 Warrior withj a Trunchion - - icf i2 f 0 2 0 P '■ 19 A Sibyl with a Book. - - 1 fc§ 17 0 2 6 l 20 A Turkish Woman reading - 7 ll k 0 2 0 < 21 A Concert - i2f 84 0 2 6 l 22 Queen Esther and Ahasuerus - 12? IQj 0 2 6 i i. C 23 A Vocal Concert - - • 6f l 4 0 2 6 < 2 4 A Sacrifice - i6f I2 4 0 2 6 25 St. Matthew with an Angel and Book 16f I 2 f 0 2 6 V 2& Virgin, Infant, and St. John - 9 11 4 0 2 6 c . 27 Woman and Two Boys - 6 ik 0 1 6 L 28 St. Paul reading 34 I2f 0 2 c 29 Eight Heads, Men and Women nf 9 0 2 6 3 ° Five Boys playing - Hi 8| 0 1 6 31 Two Men playing on a Guitar, and Singing 124 10 0 2 6 c 3 2 Boy with a Lamb - - - 10 9 0 2 6 c 33 Woman on Iter Knees with a Child 9 11 0 2 0 34 Guercino’s Daughters - - - 84 134 0 2 6 c. 35 Saint Jerome - 10 4 l2 l 0 2 6 3 6 Young Man with a Boy, and a Boy in the Clouds 8 12 0 2 b 37 Young Woman in a pensive Attitude. 7 ? ioi 0 1 6 3 8 Woman with a Book - 8 10 0 1 6 [ 16 3 Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers, Guercino. 39 Woman studying - 9 11 Eartolozzi. 4 ° Portrait of a Woman - - 8{ i8f I 4 1 Old Man weeping - 9 i 12 4 2 Portrait with a long Beard - - iof !3 1+3 Ditto, with naked Shoulders - - 9 f 7 f 44 Woman with a Turban - - 1 11 1 4 r Naked Woman lying down with a Child uf 9 f + e Virgin teaching the Infant Jesus 11 10 47 The Almighty in the Clouds ioj 9 48 Circumcision - 9 13 49 Lady, Boy, and two Old Men - - 6 9 5 ° St. John writing % 11 5 1 Cupid with a Dart, in Flames - 7? 8 f 52 Salvator Mundi, with a Globe and Cross 9 i nf 53 Portrait of a Young Man - H 9 f 54 Sc. John - - - 8 Ic f 55 The Cornaro Family - - i6f nf ■ 56 Old Man sleeping, &c. - l 7 i I2 f 57 One Old, and Three Young, Men singing Psalms 1 Si 1 of 58 Portrait of a Lady - 10 8 R. Dalton 59 Two Young Women, One with her Back 9 10 60 Portrait of an Old Man with a long Beard 10 iSf 61 Portrait of an Old Man - 7 z nf 62 Portrait of a Young Man reading 7 10 6 3 A Pope with a Book - 7 k nf 64 Portrait, v/ith Drapery over his shoulders 7 \ iof 6 5 Old Man in Armour - H 10 Bartolozzi 66 A Death Bed - 9 iof 67 Janus _____ 7 8f 68 Joseph and infant Jesus - 8 9 69 Death of a Saint - io| 7 f Basire 70 Angel and Boy - 6f 10 Vitalba 7 1 A Woman leaning on her Hand 7 } 9 f 72 Young Angel holding a Book to the Virgin 9 k 13 Landscapes. 73 Figures, and Church in the Distance 17 k 10 74 Two Figures talking - l6 f 8f 75 Ruins, with a Waggon drawn by Two Oxen 9 7 f 76 Landscape, with a high Hill in the Distance 7 f 77 Ditto, with Two large Trees on the Sides iif 9 78 Ditto, with a Building, and Two Figures talking nf 8f i 79 Ditto, with a Tower in the Distance i 5 f 11 80 Hill in the fore ground, and a Water-fall * 5 f nf 81 Man drawing a Ruin - nf 7 f 82 Long Landscape with a Bridge 2 3 f 8 f Vol.II. 1 Portrait of Leonard da Vinci - - 6 f 10 Bartolozzi 2 Portrait of an Artist - 5 f 9 3 Guercino’s Daughters. Oval nf i 3 f 4 The Circumcision - 14 22 | 5 The Return of the Prodigal Son Hf 20 ^ Ravenet 6 St. Matthew - I0 f I 3 f Bartolozzi i 7 St. Peter and Paul * - 10 !3 Ditto Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. Guercino. 8 Virgin, and Jesus on her Knee - 8 i M Bartolozzi O 5 0 9 Flora ------- 9 y 10 i O 5 0 IO Boys dancing ------ Ml 9 i O 5 0 11 Boys pressing Grapes - I2 i 8 i O 5 0 12 Boys with a Garland of Flowers ... I2 i 7 i O 5 0 *3 Cupid and Psyche with a Dart - 10 7! O 4 0 H The Holy Family. An Oval - 8 10 Earlom 0 4 0 15 A Man leaning on his Elbow - 7 i 5 i Vitalba O 2 0 16 A Sketch of an old Man - 9 i 7 i Torond O 2 0 17 A Saint with a Crucifix - 7 i 10 G. Zocchi O 2 0 18 Man with a Turban and Book - 7 t > 4 - 10 O 2 0 l 9 A Man weeping - - - 7 t 9 i O 2 0 20 An old Man with a Turban, and front Face - 7 i 9 i O 2 0 21 A young Man with his Hand on his Breast 7 t 10 O 2 0 22 A Man with a front Face and high Forehead Si 8| 0 2 0 23 Ditto with a Feather in his Cap - 7 l 9 z 0 2 0 24 Landscape, a Man with a Wheelbarrow 9 - 1 / 2 Knapton 0 2 0 25 Ditto with four Men in a Boat - 8 0 2 0 26 Ditto a Man seated with a Gun - 11 H 0 2 0 27 Ditto two Men sitting, one with a Parrot uf 8 0 2 0 28 Ditto two old Men talking (with Scimeters) 8 0 2 0 29 Ditto with a wooden Bridge, and round Tower 12 8 0 2 0 3 ° Ditto with a fallen Tree on the fore Ground - ll i 84 0 2 0 3 1 Ditto Boys bathing, a Bridge in the Distance 8 0 2 0 3 2 Ditto a Man and Boy seated on an Eminence - I 2 -\ 9 0 2 0 33 A large Ditto, with a Horse galloping H! ni 0 4 0 34 An Eagle on a Branch of a Tree - 7 11 Pond 0 2 0 35 Two Women and two Children lighting a Fire 7 z 0 2 6 3 6 An old Man with a Boy and Bird io| 8i 0 2 6 37 A Woman and Child plucking Herbs Ml 9 i 0 3 0 38 The Shoemaker. A Caricature 9 Mi 0 2 0 From original Drawings in the Elector Palatine's Collection at Dusseldorff. Etched by Messrs Huck, Seleki, and Billmger. 39 St. Jerome ------ 6 7 i Dusseldorff b i 6 4 ° An old Woman ------ 54 84 0 1 6 4 1 Virgin and Child - 7 t 6 0 1 6 4 2 Portrait of a young Man - 7 i 0 2 0 43 St. Domenique - - - - - 7 \ io| 0 2 6 44 St. Domenique ------ H i*i 0 2 6 45 Un Saint Eveque - H 11 0 2 6 46 St. Joseph with the infant Jesus - Hi 10 0 4 0 47 St. Nicolas ------ 12 10 0 2 6 48 Susanna and the Elders - Hi 10| 0 5 0 In Chiaro Oscura . 49 Studio per un frutto - 8i Mariette 0 2 0 5 ° Cephalus and Procris - 11! 8f 0 3 0 , 5 1 S. Rocco incarcerato - Ml Mi 0 4 0 5 2 Crucifixion of St. Peter ii| 164 0 4 0 53 11 pentimentobis. Guglielmo - n| M 0 4 0 54 A Battle ------- 6f 7! 0 2 0 55 The prodigal Son returned - 8 H 0 2 6 56 A Collection of Heads - 6 4 i Picart 0 1 6 57 A Man with a Fur Cap, and Hand on his Breast H 9 G. Zocchi 0 2 0 D Painters Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. 1 Supposed to be A young Man with a high Turban 7 9 G. Zocchi 0 2 0 l after Guercino. 59 A Nun ------- 7 9 i 0 2 0 bo Man with a Cap, Hands not seen l\ 9 i 0 2 0 j 5 i A Caricatura Head 7 9 ? 0 2 0 | 52 A Monk - - - 7 10 0 2 0 j 6 3 Ditto, front Face - 7 10 0 2 ,0 64 A young Woman with a Turban Si 9 i D 2 0 6 S Old Man, long Beard, side Face - 3 i 6 0 2 0 66 Young Nun with a Veil and Beads 7 9 t • 0 2 0 67 Constantia. Oval - 12 9 Sentrenich 0 5 0 68 St. Cecilia. Oval - 12 9 Delatre 0 5 0 69 Virgin, Jesus asleep, teaching St. John. Etching ill 10 Mortimer 0 2 6 70 Ditto - finished Ditto. 0 4 0 7 i St. Joseph with the infant Jesus - 10 C. Baillie 0 4 0 The Life of Joseph, very scarce. 7 * Joseph sold to the Ishmaelites by his Brethren - Joseph’s bloody Garment brought to his Father 25 2 '\ Dunkarton I 1 0 73 2 5 Zlj Murphy I 1 0 74 Joseph interpreting the Dreams of Pharoah Joseph’s Brethren bringing him Presents 2 5 2I i Dunkarton I 1 0 75 2 5 2i i I 1 0 7 6 Joseph’s Cup found in Benjamin’s Sack - 25 2 \\ I 1 0 77 The Disciples at Emaus, scarce - 22 18 0 15 0 Gwyn. The King (George III.) crowned by Apollo, as Promoter and Protector of the Arts The Graces instructing Painting to represent his *3 9 \ T. Taylor 0 5 0 Majesty ------ *3 9 i 0 5 0 H. Hac-kett. Harriers ------- 2 4 t 19! Leney 0 10 6 Hals. Portrait of Franciscus Hals - 9 n| C. Baillie 0 5 0 Ditto, more finished - 9 n| Ditto 0 5 0 Ditto, Ditto - - - - - b 8 Michel 0 5 0 The musical Boy ----- 15 Watson 0 5 ° Gaven Hamil¬ Mary Queen of Scots resigning her Crown 24 1 9 i Legat 0 10 6 ton. j The Anger of Achilles for the Loss of Briseis 2 5 'll Cunego 0 10 6 2 , Achilles laments the Death of Patrocles 0 10 6 3 Achilles vents his Rage on Hector 0 10 6 4 . Priam redeems the dead Body of Hector - 0 10 6 5 Andromache bewailing the Death of Hector 0 10 6 6 1 Apollo (the chief Cherisher and Promoter of the 0 2 0 Polite Arts) washing his Locks in the Castalian Fountain - l 7 r 2 3 \ Facius 0 *5 0 Companion to Minerva by Westall, now engraving Hugh Hamilton Portrait of Hugh Kelly, Barrister at Law 5 ? 7 William Hamil¬ 1 Spring 'j ton. 2 3 AiUunin rCircles - - Diametei ■ 0 ii| Facius Michel 050 each 4 . Winter J 1 Henry VIII. reproving Lord Chan. Wryothesely 15 13 Playter 0 5 0 2 Lady Godiva pleading in behalf of the Citizens of Coventry ------ i 3 Ditto 0 5 0 1 2 Sr) ■ ■ • l 3 i Hi Facius 0 10 0 12 Months, historically treated - Lady Mayoress’ Ticket for 1790 10 1 x 4 i 3 3 0 5 Bartolozzi 0 5 0 Painters. F. Hayman. Hemskirk. T. Hearne. Hodges. Highmore. Hobima. Ditto Holbein. Ditto Honthust. T. Hill. Hans Holbein. Ancient Picture Will- Hogarth. Phe original ’lates never touched on since iogarth’s death C 1 9 ] Subjects. The good Man at the Hour of Death The bad Man at the Hour of Death - . The Triumph of Britannia - Sir John Falstaff raising Recruits The Singers - The Story Tellers - _ Man at Confession - O Raree Show - The Two Smokers - Man and Women with a Bottle and Glass - Summer. The Haymakers. Oval Autumn, The Reapers. Ditto Vicar of Wakefield, ist Plate Ditto, 2d Plate - N. E. View of the City of Bath N. E. View of the City of Durham - S. E. View of Windsor from the Great Park - Wm. Baxter, an eminent Gramma Con Phillips - Pamela. Pamela writing in her late Lady’s i Mr. B. expostulating with Pamela Pamela swooning, &c. 4 Pamela having divided her Clothes, &c. - 5 Pamela cut-t-in/v I.. ^_M- * . 6 „ *T* me ^usroay or Mrs. ewk Pamela undressing herself - Pamela on her Knees before her Father The Marriage Ceremony by Mr. B’s. Chaplain Pamela dressed in order to meet Mr. B. Pamela asking the Blessing, of Sir J. Sw’inford, la Pamela with her Children and Miss Goodwin Hobima’s Village - The Cottage. Oval - The Great Harry built at Woolwich in Hen. VIIJ Henry Howard Earl of Surry ° ince of Orange, Father to William III. Origins at Windsor - _ _ 6 The Rev. Thomas Byse _ ortrait of Lady Jane Gray, proclaimed Queen o England, and beheaded Anno mdliv. Circle small Circle under relative to the Above - osamund Clifford, poysoned in the Bower of th< Palace at Woodstock, Anno mclxxiii A small Circle, the Subject relative to the Above Portrait of Mr. Hogarth with his Dog Ditto, painting - „ 3 i 42 Harlot's Progress. _ i -f D 2 Size. Engravers. Price, j *3 1 7 ' Charnbars O30 Ditto O30 - 2I| i7 | Ravenet 0 10 6 2 1 17 | Ditto 050 050 •15 I 2 -J Earlom 15 12 | Ditto 0 50 8 11 Becket 050 050 - 8| 12 \ J . Smith 7 9 • 050 050 6} 8: 1 2 H 14 W. Ellis 050 -15 14 050 15 14 050 H H 050 19 14 Byrne 076 - l 9 14 Ditto 0 76 19 14 Schuman 076 '3 4 7 Vertue 0 26 l °i Hi Faber 050 m 15 12 T ruchy -> 15 12 Ditto 15 12 - 15 12 . 15 12 et 15 12 Benoist >15 0 15 12 Truchy i$ 12 Ditto 15 12 Benoist 15 12 Truchy 15 12 Ditto 15 12 Benoist j 26 20 Prestall 1 10 20 16 Browne < 376 26 20 Canot < 3 10 6 9 i IS J Vertue ( 3 5 0 23 Sailliar j [ 1 0 f 4 i 61 J. Smith c 5 2 0 7fDiam. 1 G. Noble c *-ri O O 3 Diam. c 7jDiam. 0 » C O 3 Diam. 0 J > C O II| ! 5 f ] 3 . Smith 0 J ’ 5 0 5 0 Hi 16 1 V. H. 1764 0 12 |I logarth i ! 1 0 C *>] Painters. Will. Hogarth. Subjects. Rake's Progress. 2 3 4 " ~ " 5 - - • 6 7 . 8 Southwark Fair - Modern Midnight Conversation Before — After - - 1. Morning 2. Noon I 2. Evening | 4 . Night J Strolling Actresses in a Barn The distressed Poet - The enraged Musician 6. Marriage a-la-mode. 2 - 3 4 * 5 6 - Mr. Garrick in Richard III, Simon Lord Lovat - Martin Folkes, Esq. B. Hoadley Bishop of Winchester -l Size. Engravers. Price. «6J Hi W. H. 1735 i ii 6 i*i Hi 1733 0 76 i8i i6| 050 I2| 16} I 73 6 020 I2| l6| 026 '54 1 73 8 1 10 224 18 076 l6 14 1740 030 164 141 1741 030 Scotin Baron i8i 151 Ravenet 1 11 6 Ap. 1745 20-} l6J W. H. 1746 076 i The idle and industrious Apprentices . io Prints 2 Ditto Twelve Prints The sleeping Congregation The Country Inn Yard The roast Beef of Old England The March to Finchley Beer Street Gin Lane - } The Four Stages of Cruelty. Four Prints No. i—5. Groupes of various Characters Paul before Felix, in the Manner of Rembrandt St. Paul preaching before Felix - Companion to Ditto - Moses brought to Pharoah’s Daughter - The Bench Columbus breaking the Egg - 9 t Hi 9 t !3 •If l6f l 3i io4 l6 I 8} 10! 12 i 9 15 22f I 7 I Hi 12 i Hi 12 i [6 124 Various 14 11 ZOi 17 20i 17 ZOi 17 124 8- 7i 6| 1746 Baron 1743 W. H. 1747 1736 1747 1749 Sullivan 1750 W. H. 1751 1751 1752 Sullivan W. H. 1758 J 753 o 18 0 1 1 5 10 3 3 60 Painters# Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. W. Hogarth. 7 i 1 to }> Four Election Prints ----- 22 Hi W. H. 1755 2 2 0 74 J 75 France ----- Hi 1 759 0 2 0 76 England ----- 15 i I H 1761 O 2 0 77 Cock Match - - - Hz 13 H 59 o 36 78 Five Orders of Perriwigs - - - 9 1 2 i 1761 O 2 0 79 The Medley - Hi Hi 1762 O50 80 The Times. Plate I. 12? 1 of 1790 O3O 81 The Times. Plate II. Published after his death I2 i iof 1763 O5O 82 John Wilkes - 9 z Hi O 2 0 83 Charles Churchill - ! °-i- H 0 2 6 84 Q» Ditto, with variations - IO ! H 0 2 6 "5 to >Six from Don Quixotte - - - 7 z 10 0 10 6 90 J 9 1 Receipt. March to Finchley - 9 l 7 i 0 I 0 9 2 Ditto for Moses and St. Paul - 5 6f 0 I 0 93 The Battle of the Pictures - H 0 i 6 94 Receipt for four Election Prints ' - 7 \ 9 i 1 754 0 1 6 1 95 Time smoking Pictures - 7 \ 10 0 20 96 Heads of the Cartons ----- Hi 9 0 20 97 View near Chiswick ----- H 4 i H. House 0 1 6 98 Hymen and Cupid ----- H 6f 0 1 6 99 Pisces, one of the Signs of the Zodiac 9 i 7 i W. H. 1730 050 100 Finis - -- -- -- - l 3 l H H 6 4 050 101 The Shrimp Girl - 1 *of H. Pinxit 0 40 102 The Politician ------ 11 Hi H. Inv. 026 103 The good Samaritan - 22| »9 Ravenet 0 10 6j 104 The Pool of Bethesda. Companion to Ditto - 22} l 9 0 10 6 104 The Beggar’s Opera - 22 18 Blake 0 10 6 _ 106 The Siege of Mexico. Companion to Ditto - 22 18 Dodd 0 10 6 ic8 Analysis of Beauty. Plate I. - - - *1 076 io 7 Ditto. Plate II. - - -/ 076 109 Third and Fourth Stage of Cruelty, on Wood 110 Plates; done under the direction of Mr. Hogarth 1 9 Hi 050 111 Sigismonda - - - - - Hi Hi B. Smith 0 10 6 6 Marriage-la-mode, large - 26 20 Earlom 6 60 Hone. 1 Portrait of Lord Mountstuart. Oval 8 11 C. Baillie 050 2 Ditto of Capt. William Baillie - uf Io f 0 50 3 Ditto Signora Zamperini, in Cecchina Hi Hi Finlay son. 0 50 4 The Piping Boy - 9 i Hi C. Baillie 050 5 James Turner, a noted Beggar - 3 3 i Ditto O 2 0 6 Miss Metcalfe - - Hi 2 of Finlayson O 50 Howard. Bononiensis ------ 1 of H J. Smith O50 Hudson. Sir Watkin Williams Wynne, Bart. i©f Hi Aberry O5O John Earl of Egmont - Hi H Mac Ardell 050 Lady Egmont ------ Hi H O50 Alderman Behn - - - - 10 i Hi Faber O 50 The Hon. William Blakeney, Lieutenant Gover¬ nor of Minorca - Hi O5O Cor. Johnson. J. Gulielmus Drummond a Scotch Poet Hi Hi Fin lay so O U-| O T. Jones. The Bard, from Mr. Gray’s Ode. Edw. I. when he completed the conquest of Wales, ordered all the Bards that fell into his hands to be put to death 2 3 i i8f J. R. Smith 0 10 6 Inigo Jones. Portrait of Inigo Jones - - 1 >7 7 \ IV. Green 1 o 5 oj [ 22 ] Painters. Inigo Jones, Architect. Angelica Kauff¬ man. || 0 | i 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 «3 H *5 16 17 1 1 9 20 2 22 2 3 H 2 5 26 27 28 29 30 3 1 32 33 34 35 36 37 3 * 39 4 ° 4 1 4 2 43 144 145 [46 Subjects. A general View of the Palace at Whitehall, Char¬ ing Cross Side - - Ditto, the Westminster Side - Ditto, the Water Side - Ditto, the Park Side - • K. Portrait of Angelica. Oval - Industry, Patience, and Perseverance. Oval up¬ right Patience. Oval upright - Perseverance. Oval ditto - Meditation. Ditto. Landscape Duchess of Richmond. Oval upright 1. Design. Oval. Landscape - 2. Invention. Ditto. Ditto - 3. Composition. Ditto. Ditto - 4. Colouring. Ditto. Ditto - Tragedy. Ditto upright - Comedy. Ditto ditto - The Flower Girl. Oval upright Brotherly Affection. Ditto ditto General Stanwix’s Daughter. Ditto ditto Sophonisba. Oval upright. - Phcenissa. Ditto ditto - Hermione. Ditto ditto Cupid’s Pastime. Plate I. Oval. Landscape Ditto. Plate II. Ditto. Ditto. Ariadne abandoned by Theseus. Oval upright Sappho writing an Ode to Venus. Ditto ditto Sappho. Ditto ditto Morning Amusement. Ditto 1. An Offering to Love. Circle. 2. Cupid no more shall Hearts betray. Circle 3. Aglaia bound by Cupid. Ditto 4. Cupid struggling with the Graces for his Ar¬ rows. Circle - 5. Cupid’s Revenge. Ditto - 6. The Triumph of Love. Ditto - Venus Regina. Ditto The Flight of Paris and Helen. Ditto Venus presenting Helen to Paris. Ditto The Judgment of Paris. Ditto Papierus Prastextatus. Ditto Ulysses discovering Achilles - Achilles lamenting the Death of Patrocles Penelope awakened by Euryclea Ditto ditto. Large - Telemachus at the Court of Sparta. Large - Henry and Emma. Large circle Angelica and Sacriponte, Companion to ditto The parting of Calypso and Ulysses Urania ------- Simplicity - - Peter and Paul ------ 37 2 5 37 2 5 25 z 5 12 12 I°Y ioi 12 I I H? "I n? “? 7 i 7 i 9 ? 9 ? 10J 10 10 84 16| 16| jo 4 io| 10 II 12? I 2? I2jr I 2| 12 £ I2| 124 I2 r 12-4 124 Hi 1 3 i 1 3 i 22 25 Hi Hi I0 i 84 84 10 Engravers. Muller Beiioist Rooker Muller Bartolozzi Facius Ryland Michel Ryland Bartolozzi Sintzenech Spilsbury Sedgwick Ryland Facius Bartolozzi Facius Pye Ryland Scoroodomoff Price. 2 2 0 the set. Ryland Burke Scoroodomott Ryland Burke Ang.andZocch 10 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 4 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 5 5 H H 7 7 4 2 2 2 6 [ 23 ] J Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. Kauffman. 47 St. Peter and Paul - - 9i Ang. & Zocchi. 0 2 6 57 10 Various subjects and sizes - O IO 0 58 Eleanora sucking the Venom out of the Wound of her Husband Edward - 13 Ryland O 7 6 59 Lady Elizabeth Grey imploring Edward IV. for her Husband’s Lands Hi 1 3 0 7 6 60 Achilles discovered by Ulysses - Hi 1 9 Facius 0 15 0 61 Hector reproaching Paris - Hi l 9 0 15 0 62 Shakspeare. Two Gentlemen of Verona. Act V. Scene III. - Hi l 9i Schiavonetti I 11 6 6 3 Ditto. Troilus and Cressida. Act V. Scene III. Hi l 9i I 1 0 Tilly, Kettle. Richard Kempenfelt, Esq. Rear Admiral of the Blue Squadron, who unfortunately was drowned V in the Royal George - l 'i 16 Earlom 0 5 0 Kettle. Mrs. Barry, the Actress - lo i Hi S. Paul 0 5 0 William Keeble. Sir Crisp Gascoigne, Knt. Lord Mayor of the City of London, 1753. Whole Length Hi 2Qi Mac Ardell 0 10 6 N. B. The first Lord Mayor that inhabited the Mansion House. Sir G. Kneller. 1 Sir Godfrey Kneller, when young I°2 H 0 S 0 2 Ditto .... I0 2 14 J. Smith 0 5 0 3 John Smith, a most noted Engraver inMezzotinto, Painted by Sir G. Kneller, 1696, engraved 1616 lOj- H 0 5 0 Kings and Queens of the Stuart Family. Van Dyke, 4 King James I. - - I of H 1721. 0 5 0 1617. 5 Ditto. Small - 6 i H 0 2 0 6 King Charles I. in his Robes i°l 14 0 5 0 7 Ditto, in Armour - i°i 14 Becket 0 5 0 8 Ditto, in his Robes. Small - 8-1 J. Smith 0 2 0 9 Ditto, at Prayers Of whom the world was not 10 H 0 5 0 10 Ditto. Small J worthy -«* 5 7 0 2 0 Kneller. 11 King Charles II. - - - 1°| H 0 5 0 - 12 Queen Catherine - JO i H 0 5 0 *3 Charles II. Small - 6| H 0 2 0 H Katherine Queen Dowager - 4 0 2 0 15 James II. - IOl. H 0 5 0 16 Maria, Queen of ditto - loi H 0 5 0 17 James II. Small - 6 | H 0 2 0 18 Maria, Queen of ditto - H H 0 2 0 Largelliere. , 9 James II. when old - - - 1° T H 0 5 0 20 Maria, Queen of ditto - io! H 0 5 0 21 The Pr. of Wales and his Sister. Whole Lengths i2 i 1 *1 0 7 6 Kneller. 22 King William III. iof 14 I: - / 0 5 0 2 3 Queen Mary - I°T H 0 5 0 24 King William. Small • Qt H 0 2 0 Queen Mary. Ditto - 6J 8 -i 0 2 c 2 5 King William, Queen Mary, Prince and Princess of Denmark, on one Plate - 7 B| 0 3 0 ,26 King William. A whole Length li 9 ? 0 3 0 2 7 Monument of Queen Mary ioJ H 0 5 0 28 George Prince of Denmark. In Armour !0| H 0 5 0 2 9 Princess Ann of Denmark ... ioi H 0 5 0 30 Queen Anne - IOJ H 0 5 0 3 1 George Prince of Denmark, in his Robes ioi H 0 5 0 3 2 Queen Anne. Small - H H 0 2 0 33 Ditto with a Crown. Ditto - H 0 2 0 [ *4 ] Painters, Subjects. Size. Engravers, Price. Kneller. 34 Prince of Denmark. Small - H H J. Smith 0 2 0 35 William Duke of Glocester - IO? H O 5 0 3 6 Ditto, small - H H O 2 0 Unknown. 37 Time holding a Crown over the Prince of Wales H H O 2 0 3 » The Prince of Great Britain - I0 f *4 O 5 0 39 The Duke of Glocester, a whole Length, when a / Child ----- 10J O 5 0 4 ° Ditto, and Mr. Benjamin Bathurst. Ditto 11 i 6 f O 7 6 The Brunswick Family, Unknown. 4 i Princess Sophia Elector Dowager I of 14 0 5 0 Ditto 42 Ditto. Small - O 2 0 Kneller. 43 George I. King of Great Britain io| 14 0 5 0 Ditto 44 Ditto. Small, 20th Oct. 1714 - H O 2 0 Murrey. 4 ? Georgius, Landgrave of Hesse ioi H O 5 0 Weideman, 46 Fredericus Gulielmus D. G. Borussorum Rex I0 | H O 5 0 ■ 7 H- 47 Sophia Dorothea Borussorum Regina, only Daugh-^ ( ter to George I. 1 of H O 5 0 48 King of Prussia. Small - - - H *i O 2 0 49 Queen of Prussia. Ditto - H H O 2 0 Kneller. 50 George Prince of Wales, 1716 10J H 1717 O 5 0 Charlotta Princess of Wales, 1716 10? 1717 0 5 0 ►52 Princess Ann, eldest Daughter of Ditto ioi *4 1720 O 5 0 53 George II. Inauguration, Oct. nth, 1727 ioi 14 0 5 0 54 Queen Caroline, 1727 - 10? *4 O 5 0 55 George Prince of Wales. Small 6 I O 2 0 56 King George II. Small 6* H 0 2 0 57 Queen Caroline. Ditto - H 0 2 0 Painted at 58 Prince Frederick, Father to George III. - ioj H 0 5 0 Hanover by 59 Ditto. Small ------ 6* H 0 2 0 Fountain. 60 Princess Ann - 6£ H 0 2 0 Highmore. 61 William Augustus Duke of Cumberland io? H 0 5 0 j j Kneller. 62 Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia, 1697 11 1 114. 17 0 7 6 6 3 Charles III. King of Spain - l 7 0 5 0 Ladies. Whole Lengths . 64 Duchess of Ormond - 11 1 7 0 7 ^ 65 Duchess of Monmouth, Lord Doncaster, and Lord 66 Henry - i°i l 7 0 7 6 67 Duchess of Bolton - 11 17 0 7 6 68 Lady Elizabeth Cromwell - 11 1 7 0 7 6 69 Lord Churchill’s two Daughters 11 Hi 0 7 6 70 Lady Howard - 11 1 7 0 7 6 7 1 Ditto sitting on the Ground - 13 io| 0 5 0 72 Madam Constantia Hare - I0 ? H 0 5 0 73 Mrs. Conway Hackett - H 0 5 0 Gentlemen. Whole Lengths, 74 The Duke of Schomberg on Horseback - «<* I 5 f 0 7 6 75 J ames Earl of Salisbury _ 10J 14 0 5 0 I 76 John Marquiss of Blan'dford - io| l6 i 0 5 0 ( i 77 Lord Villers and Lady Mary his Sister 10 1 7 0 7 6 i 78 Lord Buckhurst and lus Sister 10 1 7 0 7 ^ i 79 Rich. Lord Clifford and Lady Jane his Sister 10 1 7 0 7 6 i 80 Sir John Percival, Bart. - I of 17 0 7 6 i 1 Nat. Lee, or the Spanish Friar l °i 17I 0 5 0 [ ^5 ] Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price Ladies . Half Lengths. j O 5 0 Kneller. 81 The Duchess of Grafton ■- ioi H J. Smith O 5 0 82 The Duchess of Ormond - iof 14 0 5 0 83 The Duchess of St. Albans - m iof 14 O $ 0 84 The Duchess of Marlborough iof 14 O 5 0 8 5 The Countess of Ranelaghi - io| 14 O 5 0 86 The Countess of Essex - - io£ 14 O 5 0 87 The Countess of Rutland - 1 of 14 O 5 0 88 The Countess of Salisbury - iof 14 O 5 0 89 Lady Torrington - - I of 14 O 5 0 9 ° Lady Copley - iof 14 O 5 0 9 1 Lady Elizabeth Cromwell - I of 14 O 5 0 9 2 Lady Essex Mostyn - - iof 14 O 5 0 93 Mrs. Sherard - I of 14 O 5 0 94 Mrs. Sarah Chicheley - iof 14 O 5 0 95 Madam d’Avenant - iof 14 O 5 0 96 Mrs. Carter - I of 14 O 5 0 97 Mrs. Arabella Hunt ... iof 14 O 5 0 98 Mrs Rachael Howe - - I of 14 O 5 0 99 Madam Soams - iof 14 O 5 0 110 Mrs Turner - iof 14 O 5 0 101 Mrs. Elinor Copley - - IOJ 14 O 5 0 102 Madam Loftus - I of H O 5 0 103 Mrs. Yarborough ... - iof 14 O 5 0 104 Madam Knatchbull - _ iof 14 O 5 0 Kersseboom. lOs Mrs. Mariamne Herbert . 7 i I of Fairthorne O 2 6 Kneller. 106 Madam Knatchbull - . 6 f H J. Smith O 2 6 Wissing. 107 Madam Sibley 7 f 10 Williams 0 2 6 Gentlemen. Half Lengths. • Kneller. 108 Lord Chancellor Cowper - 12 i 6 f J. Smith 0 5 0 ICO The Duke and Duchess of Lauderdale 16 14 0 7 6 I 10 Thomas Holies Duke of Newcastle . 1 of H 0 5 c 111 Henry Duke of Grafton 7 i Becket 0 5 0 I 12 James Duke of Ormond - 1 of H Smith 0 5 0 IJ 3 Ditto in Armour - • iof 14 0 5 0 114 John Duke of Marlborough - iof 14 * A 0 5 0 11 5 Ditto. Small - 6 f 8 0 2 0 116 Duchess of Marlborough - - - - 6 f 8 0 2 0 117 Maynard Duke of Leinster iof 14 0 5 0 Dahl. 118 Frederick Duke of Schornberg 9 z 13 Fairthorne 0 5 0 Kneller. ll 9 Marquis of Wharton - - i°f H Smith 0 5 0 I 20 Robert Earl of Oxford - I of 14 0 5 0 I 2 I John Earl of Exeter - - I of •4 0 5 0 122 Arnold Joost Earl of Albemarle iof H 0 5 0 123 Henry Count of Nassau I of 14 0 5 0 . I24 John Egerton Earl of Bridgwater - •of H 0 5 0 ,2 5 Don Carlos Earl of Plymouth iof •4 0 S 0 126 Sidney Earl of Godolphin - iof 14 0 5 0 I27 Godart Baron Ginkel Earl of Athlone iof H 0 5 0 Wissing. 128 Thomas Lord Herbert Count Pembroke _ iof H 0 5 0 Kneller. I29 Thomas Lord Torrington - I Of 14 0 5 0 I30 Edward Lord Hinchinbrooke iof 14 0 5 0 Dahl. *31 W Bromley, Esq. Speaker of the H. of Commons I of 14 0 5 0 Kneller. l 3 2 Sir Robert Southwell - I of 14 0 5 0 C. Maratt. Andre le Notre, Chevalier de St. Michel . I of 14 0 5 0 Dahl. 1 34 Sir George Rooke, Vice Admiral, 1704 - . I of *4 0 0 J Riley. 1 3 , Sir Robert Clayton, Lord Mayor of London, 1680 iof i 6 f 0 5 c E [ 26 ] Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. Poets, Authors , Artists . Kneller. 136 Isaac Newton Esq. 1712 ■of- 14 J. Smith ■ 050 137 John Lock. Ob. 1704. Etat. 72 - ■°f 14 050 ■38 Sir Christopher Wren. 1713. Etat. 81 10 f H 050 * 3 ^ Sir Samuel Garth - ■0f *4 050 140 Mr. William Congreve - ■°f ■+ O 50 141 Mr. Alex. Pope. Painted 1716. Engraved 1717 ■°f 14 050 142 Joseph Addison, Esq. - ■of 14 050 Richardsoni?! 2 x 43 Mr. Richard Steele - - ■of 14 o 5 0 Kneller. 144 Dr. Gul. Stukeley - ■Of 14 1721 0 50 Wissing. *45 Gul. Wissing. Ob. Sept. 10. Et. 31. 1687. Oval ■Of 14 050 Kersseboon. 146 The Hon. Robert Boyle, Ditto Q I . T I 84 IJ 4 050 Murrey. *4 7 Thomas Gill, M. Ditto - *of- 14 050 Kneller. 148 Cosymus Musicien - lof *4 1706 , 050 149 Thomas Tompion, Watchmaker *of *4 050 150 Mr. Grinlin Gibbons ... *o§ 14 0 5 “O CJosterman. IS* Mr. and Mrs. Gibbons * 14. i2f 076 Ipse.■ 152 Abraham Hondius - 7 l 10 050 Ditto. *53 Michael de Molinos the Quietest 6f 7i 026 Grace. *54 Christopher Rawlinson, Esq. Oval 9 i * 3 * 050 Murrey. <55 Mitford Crowe, Esq. Ditto - - iof 14 0 5 Q Closterman. 156 Thomas Maxwell, Esq. - 1 of 14 050 Howard. l S 7 Bononiensis - - iof 14 050 Dahll. 158 Mr. Grevil Verney - iof 14 0 50 Kneller. l S 9 Gulielmus Dolbein - iof 14 050 Ditto. 160 Anthony Henley, Esq. - I of 14 050 Murrey. 161 George Petty - I of 14 Williams 050 Kneller. 162 Dudley Woodbridge, Esq. iof 14 Smith, 1718 0 50 Ditto. 163 Walters Stockdale. Oval - I of 1,4 0 5 0 Murrey. 164 Henry Worster. Ditto - 9 i 1 3 f 050 Ditto. *65 Thomas Gill - ■ - - - 8 1 of 026 Kneller. 166 William Richards - 8 iof 0 26 167 Charles Montague - iof 14 050 168 Cecil. Oval - - - - iof 14 o 50 169 Mrs. Knight. A celebrated Singer, Favourite of Charles II. - - - iof 14 Fabfcr 050 170 Joseph Carrerai 5 z 7 z V. Green 026 Clergy . 171 Johannes Tillotson, Archbishop of Canterbury 10 z 14 J. Smith 05c 172 Ditto, Ditto - iof 14 Vertue 050 Rily. . 173 Henry, Bishop of London - iof 14 Becket 050 Dahll. . *74 Thomas, Ld.< Bishop of Rochester, and T. Spratt, Archdeacon - - - - 12f 15 T. Smith 076 Kneller. 1 75 Edward Fowler, Lord Bishop of Gloucester - i of 14 ! *5 050 Murrey. 176 Richard Cumberland, Bishop of Peterborough iof 14 050 Ditto. 1 77 Gilbert, Bishop of Sarum. Oval 8 9 f 030 Russell; 178 Dr. Sachverelj iof 14 050 Kneller. 179 Henricus Aldrich - * of 14 050 180 The Seven Bishops - - 1 - 10 I3i Oliver 050 181 Ditto. Small - - - Si « 026 . Ditto. Small. The Bishops* Council Si 8 To - - 0 C 2 7 ] Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. ( i Price. The Kit Cat Club, done from the original Paintings of Sir God f reyKneller, by Mr, Faber. H. Gravelot. Frontispiece - - - - M Hi Faber 050! Dedication. Kneller. i Portrait of Sir Godfrey Kneller 14 0 5 o 1 2 Charles Seymour, Duke of Somerset io| 14 050 3 Charles Lenox, Duke of Richmond io| 14 050 4 Charles Fitzroy, Duke of Grafton 14 0 5 ^ 5 William Cavendish, Duke of Devonshire I0| 14 0 50 John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough I0 I 14 ° 50 1 6 John Montagu, Duke of Montagu 10? 14 050 7 Evelyn Pierpoint, Duke of Kingston io| 14 050 Q f Thomas Holies Pelham, Duke of Newcastle "1 l and Henry Clinton, Earl of Lincoln - - J 20 I 4y 0 10 0 9 Charles Montagu, Duke of Manchester I0 i H - 050 IO Lionel Cranfield Sackville, Duke of Dorset 10! 14 050 11 Thomas Wharton, Marquis of Wharton 10 i 14 050 12 Theophilus Hastings, Earl of Huntingdon lof 14 050 l 3 Charles Sackville, Earl of Dorset io| 14 050 *4 Algernoon Capel, Earl of Essex ioi 14 050 *5 Charles Howard, Earl of Carlise ioi 14 050 16 Richard Boyle, Earl of Burlington 10J 14 050 lames Berkeley, Earl of Berkeley - ioi 14 050 17 Richard Lumley, Earl of Scarborough i°i H 0 5 0 18 Francis Godolphin, Earl of Godolphin I0j 14 050 ! 9 Charles Montagu, Earl of Halifax io| 14 050 20 James Stanhope, Earl Stanhope 10 I 14 050 21 Spencer Compton, Earl of Wilmington 10J 14 050 22 Richard Temple, Viscount Cobham I0 i H 050 23 Charles Mohun, Lord Mohun - I0 4 A 4 050 24 Charles Cornwallis, Lord Cornwallis IO| 14 0 50 25 John Vaughan, Earl of Carberry I 0 | 14 ^ . fs 050 26 John Somers, Baron of Evesham - - io| 14 0 5 . 0 27 Richard Boyle, Viscount Shannon 10J 14 0 50 28 Sir Robert Walpole - IO| 14 0 5 c 29 Sir John Vanbrugh - - — I0| 14 050 3 ° Sir Samuel Garth - IO ? H 050 3 1 Sir Richard Steele - ioi 14 050 3 2 John Tidcomb, Esq. I0 i H 05c 33 William Pulteney, Esq. - i°? H /' 050 34 Joseph Addison, Esq. - io| 14 050 35 George Stepney, Esq. - 10 1 14 05c 3 6 Abraham Hannyan, Esq. IO ? H 0 50 37 John Dormer, Esq. - 10 i H 050 38 Edmund Dunch, Esq. ... io| 14 0 50 39 William Walsh, Esq. - io| 14 o 5 c 40 William Congreve, Esq. - 10| 14 050 4 1 Charles Dartiquenave, Esq. Between 40 and 41 I0| 14 050 and Thomas Hopkins, Esq. - 10 ? H 050 4 2 Edward Hopkins, Esq. Between 41 and 42 10? H 050 Arthur Maynwaring, Esq. 'io | 14 05c 43 Mr. Jacob Tonson - - - 10? i4 0 co J Closterman. 4. Between Numbers 1. Two on one Plate 48 Total C 28 ] Painters. G. Lambert. G. Lambert and Scott. Sir Peter Lelij. Ben. Luti. Carlo Maratti. Beretoni. C. Maratti. Subjects. L. 1 A Landscape - 2 Companion to Ditto - 3 From a Picure presented to the Foundling Hospital 4 A Companion to Ditto - i>2 Mount Edgcumbe. A general View, 2 Sheets 3 A View of St. Nicholas’s Island 1 Portrait of Sir Peter Lelij - 2 Ditto, Ditto - 2 Barbara Duchess of Cleveland 4 Frances Duchess of Richmond - 5 Elizabeth Countess of Northumberland 6 Henrietta Countess of Rochester 7 Amelia Countess of Ossory - 8 Lady Whitmore - - - - 9 10 i 1 12 *3 H 16 17 18 *9 20 1 1 Marchioness of Wharton - - Miss Jenny Deering - - - Elizabeth Countess of Northumberland The Right Ho,n. Mary Fielding Madam Philadelphia Saunders - The Countess of Stamford - Abraham Cowley - Sir John Lowther, Bart. - Mr. Wycherley - Henry Sidney, Son to Robert Earl of Leicester Whole Length - Eleanor Gwynn - Pamela and Phyloclea - Angelico and Medora - Mercury instructing Cupid Virgin and Infant Jesus with a Cross. Oval Boy and Lute ..... M. I 4 z. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 - Pope Clement IX. - Holy Family, Angel presenting a Crown of Thorns Virgin and Child with Cherubs The Presentation in the Temple -/ Joseph presenting Flowers to the Infant Jesus Assumption of the Virgin. Companion to Ditto The Holy Family - The Virgin teaching the Infant Jesus A Monk presenting a Palm to the Virgin and Infant, &c. - St. John with a Book and Pen Two Saints kneeling. Companion to Ditto A Monument. Time with a Bust treading on Envy Companion to the Above - - - The Angel and Tobias - Size. Engravers. Price. 20 l6{ Mason 036 20 l6{ 036 > 6 f 197 036 « 9 i 0 36 0 fr -4 V-r» O 10* 14 J. Smith, ex. 0 5 0 Mf H A- de Jode 050 m 18 James 0 50 135 18- Watson 050 13 * 18 050 > 3 * 18 050 i 3 f 18 050 * 3 * 18 050 13 i6f Earlom 050 * 2 13* Townley 050 io| 14 Browne 050 lo i H Becket 050 io| 14 Browne 050 7 9 Thompson 050 9 Ml Vertue 05c 15 Browne, ex. 050 8 11 J. Smith 050 IS Browne, ex. 0 50 7 i I0 i V. Green 0 26 7* JoJ Ditto 026 i3* 17* Bartolozzi 0 50 12 J 7 i Ditto 0 5 0 8 74 C, Baillie 026 4 f 7 Picot 0 M O 15 20 Hall 0 10 6 iif i6± J. Smith 0 10 6 *0* 14 * Jocelina 050 9 z 14 Edwards 0 30 7 * io I Dunkarton 040 0 40 18 26 J. Boy dell 0 15 0 16 25 Tassaert 0 15 0 10 14 Winstanley 030 6 8J Riott 020 Ditto 020 I2 I » 7 § Bartolozzi 0 10 6 O IO 6; 16 III 0 7 6 ' r 29] Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. | C. Maratti. *5 Minerva visiting Apollo and the Nine Muses - 24 *9 Facius O 15 Oi 16 The Judgment of Midas. Companion to Ditto 0 15 ol 17 Diana and Acteon - l 9 26 Scorodooneff 0 15 0 18 Cupid taking a Thorn from Venus's Foot 10X 9 Michel 0 4 °j H Diana and her Nymphs. Oval 11 i°i Baldry 040! 20 Rebecca. Upright Oval - - - 8* 12 Delattre 030 21 The Pope and his Cardinals - Hi 8 Pond 030 22 The Three Marys at the Tomb 7 k IQ DusseldorfF 030 2 3 The Three Marys, Ditto - 7 9 \ 030 24 The Recompense of the Sciences 7 } 10 030 25! A Caricature - - - - - 7 9 Pond 0 20. 1 26 Ditto ----- 7 9 0 20 27 Ditto, with Spectacles - 7 9 0 20 28 Portrait of Andre le Nostre - - - io| Hi J. Smith 05° Quintin Matsis. The Misers, from a most capital Picture at Windsor Hi 21 Earlom 0 10 6 (commorly called the Blacksmith of Antwerp) Maucourt. 1 The Expulsion of the Jesuits from Spain 2 6| 20 Marcourt 076 2 Mirth and Friendship - - - Hi Hi 0 26 3 Night Amusements - Hi Hi 026 Metzu. A Dutch School - 2 4 z Hi V. Green 0 15 0 Se ipse. Portrait of Francis Mieris - n iii C. Baillie 050 Milani. Infant Bacchus - H 6k 030 William Miller. 1 The Cerempny of administering the Oaths of Al- legiance to Alderman Newnham, on Nov. 8th, 1782, Lord Mayor, in Guildhall, wherein are the Portraits of all the Aldermen, City Officers, many Common Council, &c. to the Amount of more than 120 Portraits 3*1 24 Ben. Smith 3 3 0 2 Apelies painting Campaspe in the Presence of Alexander the Great - Hi H Michel 0 u-l 0 3 Charlotte and Werter’s Visit to the Vicar of — ; Circle - Hi Sedgwick 050 4 A View of Walheim. Companion to Ditto 050 J. S. Miller. Morning Amusement - - - i8| Hi J. S. Miller * 050 Evening. Companion to Ditto • 1 Hi Michel 050 Si: r Dock Yards. Thomas Milton 1 Portsmouth. A Plan of the Dock, with a View of , ! the Town and Shipping. In the Border various i Views of Ships from the beginning to the finish¬ ing Men of War 26f Hi 2 Plymouth. Ornamented as Above 26£ Hi 3 Chatham. Ditto w - - - 26| Hi I I 0 4 Sheerness. Ditto - 26 \ Hi the set 5 Woolwich. Ditto - 26{ Hi 6 Deptford. Ditto - 261 Hi Mings. The Interview of Augustus and Cleopatra l 9 2 5 z Earlom 0 15 0 F. Moku 1 The Hermit - Hi 20 i V. Green 0 76 2 The Boy and Pigeon - - “ Hi 201 Phillips 076 3 A Reposo, in Egypt - - - - 8| 11 DusseldorfF 020 Molenaer. A Dutch Entertainment «*• - - Hi l 7 C. Baillie 076 Molyn. A Landscape w^th two Waggons H 9 \ 036 Ditto, with Cattle - - - - H 9 'i 0 3 6 Ditto • Montanini. A Landscape with Cattle and Ruins 11 9 . G. Zocchi' 0 1 6 Ant. More* Sir Thomas Gresham Si Michel 0 26 Morellie. The enraptured Youth. Circle *8| 2 °\ J. Watson 0 10 6 Ditto, small - „ - • 7 8 White-. 0 20 1 [ 3° J Painters. Morland. Morland, Sen. Mortimer. Moucheron. Le Moyne. Murillio. Northcote. Opie. W. Oram, Inv. Isaac Ostade. Subjects. Credulous Innocence - _ - Seduction. Companion to Ditto The Fair Nun unmasked - An Academy. Students drawing from the Life Sextus, Son of Pompey, applying to Eryctho to know the Fate of the Battle of Pharsalia Origin of Drawing - - Banditti ----- The Herdsman. Oval - A View of Tivoli - - - Diana and Calisto - - - Abraham entertaining the Three Angels The Holy Family. Whole Length Figures The Adoration of the Shepherds The Assumption of the Virgin. Comp, to Ditto Joseph’s Dream - The Flight into Egypt - - - The Crucifixion. Companion to Ditto The young Gipsey - Boy and Bird’s Nest Boy and Pigeon. Companion to Ditto N. Jael and Sisera - - Elijah raising the Widow’s Son - Lioness and Whelps - - - Tiger - - - Sir William Walworth, Lord Mayor of London killing Wat Tyler in Smithfield o. The sleeping Nymph - The Murder of James I. King o.f Scotland The Murder of David Rizzio Triumphal Arch, with the Entrance of the Cham¬ pion, attended by the Lord High Chancellor and Earl Marshal. Erected in Westminster Hall for the Coronation of George III. and Queen Charlotte, Sept. 22, 1761 A Country Wake - Boors Drinking - - The Toper with a Jug and Pipe Boor sitting leaning on a Chair Saying Grace - - - Le Paysan sans souci - Companion to Ditto - The Gazette Reader - The Merry Companions ^ The Dutch School - - Five Men and Women drinking and smoking Man and Woman with a Bottle and Glass Size. Engravers. Price. 20 141 J. Young 076 076 1 of 14 O 26 2of 17 Ravenet 076 20 25 Dunkarton 0 IO 6 l2 i 9 \ Ravenet 050 I0f J. B. Smith 040 20 I5 | Mason 050 14 18 Angier 050 zo \ i 7§ W. Walker 050 25 2 J y Facius 0 15 0 i5f *0 Chambers 076 15 20 V. Green 076 076 13 l6 f J. Miller 050 7 i 13 Spilsbury 0 50 050 11 16 Ravenet 050 7 9 \ C. Watson 030 030 2 4 f 19 Murphy 0 15 0 Hi >9 Ditto 0 15 0 24I 20 \ Earlom 0 15 0 24I 20j Murphy 0 15 0 24 I 9 i A. Smith I I 0 ioJ 13J Simon 076 24 20f Ryder I 1 0 2 4 20 f Taylor 1 I 0 * 3 i 2 4 10 9 i 7 H 4 f H 10J I of 61 iBf 19 H 12 9 i »f * 9 , 9 \ 12! A. Walker Canot Michel C. Baillie M. Liart Baillie J. Smith 5 10 5 5 2 5 1 1 5 5 5 5 1 OnCAQ 00 C 3 ‘ J Painters. Subjects. I Size. Engravers. Price. F. - Six Views in Switzerland . ( Wm. Ed. Pars. i A Roman Monument at Jgel in the Duchy of Luxemburg 201 * 5 ? Rooker 2 The Valley of Luterbrun in the Canton of Berne 20| 1 Si Woolleti t The Devil’s Bridge in the Canton of Uri 20$ l s\ 4 The Valley of Glacieres of Grindelwald in the V I 11 6 Canton of Berne - ~ 20| 1 5 i r 5 The Great Frozen Valley near Chamouny in Savoy 20j 1 si 6 The lower Part of the Valley and Glacieres of Chamouny - 2°i 1 5 i Palma. The Presentation in the Temple T Circles Jesus in the midst of the Doctors J jfDiam. Dusseldorif O 2 0 Parocel. 25 Les Misteres de la Vie de Jesus Christ 7l Parocel I I 0 Pasinelli. John the Baptist’s Head brought in a Charger Hi 12 Vitalba O 5 0 St. Magdalen Penitent - H 9z Dusseldorff O 2 0 Panini. A View of Rome and the Tiber by Occhiali - 26{ Benezec k O 5 0 i The Inside of the Pantheon - l 9 2li Miller O 5 0 2 The Ruins of the Pantheon, &c. &c. 24 19 O 5 0 3 The Ruins of the Temple of Concord, &c. &c. 24 19 O 5 0 4 The Ruins of the Basilica, See. Sec. - 24 1 9 O 6 0 5 The Nile and the Garden of the Vatican, Sec. &c. 24 *9 O 5 0 6 Ruins, Sec. - 16 21 Vivares O 5 0 7 Companion of the Above - 16 21 Ditto O s 0 8 Inside of the Pantheon, small 6| IO Knap ton O 2 0 9 Statue upon a Pedestal, Ruins, Sec. small 4 i 7 f O 1 6 IO Ruins, a Figure with a Lance. Companion to Do. O 1 6 11 Ruins, a Vase with Flowers and Figures 6f «i O 2 0 12 A Gateway in Ruins - 9 i O 1 6 13 Paul preaching at Athens - 1 of O 2 0 Parmigiano. M Virgin and Child - Hi i 7 l J. Boydell O 5 0 ] Virgin Jesus, St. John, and Two Angels Hi 20j Phillips O IO 6 2 Virgin and Infant Jesus with a Bird H I I Baillie O 4 0 3 Venus drawn by Swans with Cupids 7 9z Pond O 3 0 4 Virgin, Infant, and Joseph - H 8 Baillie O 2 6 5 Three Figures - 4 i 6 I Pond O 2 6 6 Two Figures lying down - - - 8 6 J O 2 6 7 Sibyl at Prayers - 4 i 6 i O 1 6 8 Circumcision - - 9l 13# Dusseldorff O 3 0 9 Archimides reading - 7\ 8 Pond O 1 6 * 10 School of Athens - 8 7i Ditto O 1 6 11 Christ laid in the Sepulchre - - 10 i Hi Hodges O 5 0 Passeri.- 12 The Judgment of Solomon - 12 9 i Ditto O 2 6 1. St. Catherine of Sienne. Oval 9 12 Dusseldorff O 2 6 2 Reposo in Egypt - 7 i i°i Ditto O 2 0 S. de Pesaro. 3 St. Luke painting the Virgin H io| Bartolozzi 0 5 0 Pasquilini. 4 A Boys’ School i6{ 1 3 i Keating 0 5 0 1 A Girls’ School. Companion to Ditto 0 5 0 R. Paton. 2 Louisbourg Harbour, July 26th, 1758 24 Canot 0 5 0 1 The distressed Situation of the Qiiebec and the Surveillante, a French Man of War on the 6th of Oct. 1779 24 1 9i Lerpeniere 0 IO 6 The Engagement of the Serapis, Captain Pearson, 1 with Paul Jones of the Bon Homme Richard anc I i ' ' » ■ his Squadron, Sept. 23, 1779 r Ditto Se Fittler 0 IO 6 [ 3 2 ] Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. R. Paton. i Sir G. B. Rodney’s, Bart. Engagement with the Fleet commanded by Don Juan de Langara, on the i6th Jan. 1780. - 24 19J Lerpiniere 0 10 6 i Lord Rodney and Lord Hood’s Engagement with the Counte de Grasse, on April 12th, 1782 27 20 Fittler 0 10 6 2 Lord Rodney and Lord Hood breaking.the Line of the French Fleet, on April 12th, 1782 - 27 20 Lerpiniere 0 10 6 I The Engagement between the Squadron com- manded by Admiral Parker, and the Dutch commanded by Adm. Zoutman, Aug. 5, 1781 24 195 Ditto 0 10 6 Four Views of Gibraltar. I The Defence of Gibraltar by Sir George Elliott against the combined Fleets of Spain and France on the 13th Sept. 1782 - 27 20 Fittler 0 10 6 2 The brave and gallant Defence on the Night be- tween the 13th and 14th of Sept. 1782 27 20 0 10 6 3 The Defence of Gibraltar on the 14th Sept. 1782 27 20 0 10 6 4 The Relief of Gibraltar on the 11th of October, 1782, by Lord Howe - 27 20 Lerpiniere 0 10 6 Pembrooke. Hagar and Ishmael ----- 9 % 13 J. Smith 026 Penny. i Apparent Dissolution - 11 14J Segdwick 050 2 Returning Animation. Companion to Ditto - 050 3 The benevolent Physician - 11 i 4 f Baldrey 0 50 4 The rapacious Quack. Companion to Ditto - 050 5 Widow Costard’s Cows and Goods distrained for Rent, redeemed by Johnny Pearmain n 14I Sedgwick 050 The Rev. Wm. i The Resurrection of a pious Family from their Peters. Tomb at the last Day - 19 28 Bartolozzi 1 11 6 2 An Angel carrying the Spirit of a Child to Paradise *s\ 22 Dickenson 0 15 0 3 The Spirit of a Child arrived in the Presence of the Almighty - > 5 t 22 Bartolozzi 0 15 0 4 Ditto, the above three in Colours 5 15^ 6 5 The three Holy Children - 16J 22 Simon 0 10 6 6 Peasants with Fruits and Flowers. Oval I2J II Michel 050 7 St. John ------- IO 10 Picot 026 Edward Wortley Montague, Esq. in the Character of a Turk \ Hi 2 °l J. R. Smith 076 8 Portrait of William Addington, Esq. - Hi I 5 050 Portrait of a Lady. Temptation - 16 14I 050 Ditto, small - 0 1 6 Picart 20 Academy Figures, various Sizes - Picart 0 12 0 Pietro da Petri. Jacob removing the Stone from the Well Hi 2 °! Finlayson 0 76 Pinas. Tobit and the Angel - 13 10-1 B. Lens 020 Pine. 1 Canute the Great reproving his Courtiers 23* 20 Aliamet 0 10 6 2 The Surrender of Calais to King Edward III. 1347 23A 20 Ditto 0 10 6 3 Garrick’s Ode to Shakspeare - .81 25 C. Watson 0 10 6 4 Scene in the Tempest. Miranda, &c. lOj; l6 076 5 Ophelia in Hamlet. Companion to Ditto 076 .6 Mrs. Siddons in the Grecian Daughter - 15A 20I 076 7 Reddish in the Part of Posthumus ibj- 25 V. Green 076 8 ' Jason and Medea - 18 25 J. Lomax 076 12 . Poets and Authors, Scc. Unknown. i Joannes Gower ------ 9 i J 5 Vertue 1 1 0 2 C. Chaucer ------ - 9 \ 1 S the set William Shakspeare - - - 9 i l 5 or 5 0 Honthurst. 4 Ben Johnson - - - - 9 i *5 separate Painters. —-—.. r -.1— ---———-*— Subjects. Size. Engravers. i Price. Honthust. 5 Joannes Milton - 9 l l S Vertue [ Unknown. 6 Edmund Spenser - - - - - 9 z l S Ditto. 7 Francis Beaumont * 9 i l S 1 I O Lelij. 8 Abraham Cowley - f 9 z l 5 the set G. Soest. 9 Samuel Butler ------ 9f 15 , 01 • 5 O Kneller. 10 John Dry den - 9 k x 5 separate 11 Edmund Waller ----- 9 k 1 S Unknown. 12 Joannes Fletcher ------ tk *5 Geoffrey Chaucer, a celebrated English Poet, born 1328, died 1409, small - 4 * 7 f O 2 O Poggi. Lieut. Col. Biddulph - *3 * 7 f T. Watson 0 5 0 Paul Potter. i The Swineherd ----- i 3 i l6 k Major 0 5 0 2 The Cowherd, a most capital Picture, taken by the French from the Prince of Orange’s Collection at the Hague ----- Hi l 9 i Facius 0 10 6 Pond. I William Duke of Cumberland - nf 16 Ravenet 0 5 0 2 Mrs. Woffington ----- 9 t l 3 i M f Ardell 0 5 0 3 David Garrick, Esq. - _ - 9 k l 3 k Ditto 0 5 0 4 Ben. Bradley ------ iof i 4 f Faber 0 5 0 Nicol. Poussin. l Jonah. A Storm. Capital Landscape 2 5 x 9 k Vivares 0 7 6 2 Pyramus and Thisbe. Ditto - 2 5 19k Ditto 0 7 6 3 The Holy Family ----- 13 18 Poilly 0 5 0 4 The Triumph of David - 15 20f Ravenet 0 10 6 5 The Shepherds in Arcadia - - - _ 15 20 f 0 7 6 6 The Continence of Scipio - 24 l 9 Legat 0 10 6 7 Nymphs and Satyrs. Proof - i6| 25 Tassaert 0 10 6 8 Venus and Adonis. Aquafortis - 21 i6f Earlom 0 5 0 9 Ditto, finished ------ 21 16-f Ditto 0 10 6 10 Cupid’s Hunting. Oval - H l2 i C. Baillie 0 5 0 ii The Quarrel of Cupid and Psyche 9 ioJ Ditto 0 5 0 12 A Sketch 1 S 7 Picart 0 1 6 J 3 Orpheus slain by Bacchanalians - 13I 8,f 0 2 6 14 Pan and Syrinx 0 2 0 15 Cupid and Psyche - nf 9 k Dusseldorff 0 2 0 16 Boas and Ruth ------ 11 1 of 0 2 0 17 The Shepherds Offering - 11 8 f Pond 0 2 0. 18 River Gods ------ 9 i l 3 k Green 0 2 0 Landscapes. Caspar Poussin 1 In the Collection of Sir Robert Walpole 16 I2f Vivares 0 2 6 2 Ditto Dr. Mead - 16 1 2~ Chaplain Q 2 6 3 Ditto Peter Delme, Esq. - l6 I2f Vivares O 2 6 4 Ditto the Earl of Suffolk l6 I2f O 2 6 5 Ditto- Thomas Walker, Esq. l6 I2f ( 0 2 6 6 Ditto Dr. Mead l6 I2f Chatelain O 2 6 7 Ditto William Locke, Esq. Circle H 15 Glanville O 2 6 8 Ditto Dr. Bragge. Ditto 14 15 Ditto O 2 6 9 Ditto Lord Hervey 16 1 2~ Chatelain O 2 6 10 Ditto the Earl of Burlington l6 I2f O 2 6 11 Ditto Dr. Bragge. A Storm - l6 I2f O 2 6 12 Ditto the Earl of Cholmondeley. Do. l6 I2f Wood O 2 6 *3 Ditto Mr. Dahl - l6 I2f Chatelain O 2 6 H Ditto John Hadley, Esq. l6 I2f Wood O 2 6 15 Ditto the Duchess of Kent l6 I2f Vivares O 2 6 . 16 Ditto the Earl of Cholmondeley l6 I2f Chatelain O 2 6 *7 Ditto J. Blackwood, Esq, l6 I2f Wood O 2 6 : ib Ditto Col. Campbell l6 12~ Chatelain O 2 6 *9 Ditto J. Blackford, Esq. l6 12 f Wood 0 2 6 20 Ditto Robert Price, Esq. l6 12 j Ditto 0 2 6 [ 34 ] Painters. Subjects. Size, Engravers. Price. Caspar Poussin. 21 In the Collection of Lord James Cavendish 16 Vivares O 2 6 22 Ditto Theodore Jacobson 16 iz| Mason O 2 6 2 3 Ditto Ditto 16 I 2-| Wood O 2 6 2 4 Ditto William Kent, Esq. 16 tzj Mason O 2 6 2 C Ditto the Duke of Portland 16 I2j Chatelain O 2 6 26 Ditto Horace Walpole, Esq. - 16 I2| Canot O 2 6 27 Ditto Earl of Wald eg rave. Upright 161 Mason 0 2 6 28 Ditto Ditto, Ditto I2f 164 O 2 6 29 , Ditto Lord Montford l6 124 O 2 6 p Ditto William Fauquier l6 O 2 6 3 * Ditto Ditto l6 I2i Major 0 2 6 3 2 Ditto Mr. Langton Hi Hi 0 S 0 33 Ditto B. Cleeve, Esq. Hi Hi Ditto 0 5 0 34 Ditto Houghton. The Sportsman l 9 Hi Browne 0 5 0 33 Ditto Ditto. The Fisherman ‘9 Hi Mason 0 5 0 36 37 Ditto Ditto 1 Ditto Ditto j I0 i 9 Ditto 0 4 0 38 Ditto his Majesty. The Cascade 24 Browne 0 IO 6; 39 Ditto Ditto. Solitude ~ 24 19 Ditto 0 10 6 Battles of the King of Prussia in the Year 1756, &c. with References of the Particulars in all the Actions. 1 The Battle of Lowoschutz in Bohemia where Mar- shal Brown was defeated, Oct. 1, 1756 2 The Battle of Reichenberg in Bohemia, April 21, - 1 757 - - 3 The Battle of Prague on the 6th of May, 1757 4 The Bombardment of Prague in the Night be¬ i8f H I I 0 tween the 29th and 30th of May, 1757 5 The Battle of Rosback in Saxony, Nov. 5, 1757 6 The Battle of Neumark in Silesia, Dec. 5, 1757 . 7 The Siege of Schweidnitz in 1758 8 The Battle of Minden in Thornhausen in West¬ phalia, Aug. 1, 1759 - - - R. - Ramsay. 1 Philip Lord Hardwicke, Lord Chancellor I2f I2f 2l| Baron 0 10 6 2 Dr. Richard Mead - 2l| Ditto 0 10 6 3 Sir John Barnard, Alderman of London IO H M‘ Ardell 0 2 6 4 Master John Basset - IG 14 Faber 0 2 0 Raphael Virginia Matri. Oval - Hi 19 Poilly ^ 0 7 6 2 The Death of St. Anne - 12 Hi- Gregorij 0 5 0 3 Raphael’s Mistress - 12 161 Chambers 0 4 0 4 Virgin, Infant Jesus, and St. John 7 z 9 ! Picarfc 0 2 0 5 The Incredulity of St. Thomas H 9 f 0 2 0 6 Venus and Cupid 7 \ u| 0 2 0 7 A Bacchanalian • 7 n| 0 2 0 ■- 8 Galatea - - - - - - 9 9 0 2 0 9 Rape of the Sabines - 9 9 0 1 0 IC A Head ------ H 9 0 2 0 i I Companion to Ditto - 0 2 0 12 Naked Figure, with an Urn on her Head and hei Hand - • - 18 Pond 0 5 0 H Six Boys playing - 9 7 i Ditto 0 1 6 . ,. 14 L’Enlevement d’Helene - *5 11I Dusseldorff 0 2 6 [ 35 3 Paiftters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. Raphael. ‘5 16 6i j>A long Frise in two Plates 45 All the principal Heads in the Cartoons, with 5 ? Dusseldorff O O - the Descriptions - 12 8£ N. Dupuis, &c. I I O Catherine Read. i Duchess of Argyle Hi 20| Finlayson 0 7 6' 2 Maria Countess of Coventry - ! 4 i 20± Ditto 076 3 Joseph Sidney York with a Dog - 13! * 7 i V. Green 050 Rembrandt. i Portrait of Rembrandt ----- * 4 t 21 Earlom 0 76 2 Ditto, Rembrandt’s Wife - 13 18I, Ditto 076 3 Ditto, in the Character of a Jew Bride 16 1 Pether 050 4 Rembrandt’s Father ----- Hi H lof Greenwood O 2 Q 5 The Gold Weigher. Original - Rembrandt 2 2 0 6- Rennius Hansloe. Original - 6| 8£ Ditto 0 10 6 7 Rennius Hansloe and his Wife - 22 ]8 Jos- Boydeli 0 10 6 8 The Gold Weigher. Copy - 8f ioi C. Baillie 0 10 6 9 Rembrandt’s Mother * Hi 20 i Haid 076 io Rembrandt’s Mistress ----- Hi 2 °i Ditto 076 i i A Jew Rabbi ------ Hi 21 Pether 0 10 6 I 2 Companion to Ditto - - 4 Hi 2 * Ditto 1 10 6 13 A Minister of Justice - Hi 21 Haid 076 H A Philosopher ------ Hi 21 Phillips 076 15 A Warrior ------- Hi 21 Pether 076 16 Achilles ------- Hi 21 Haid 076 17 Abraham’s Offering ----- Hi 21 Ditto 0 10 6 18 Haman’s Condemnation - Hi 21 Houston, 076 19 Susannah and the Elders - 22 19 0 15 0 20 The Presentation in the Temple - Hi Earlom 0 10 6 21 ■ he Angel departing from Tobit and his Family Hi 21 An. Walker 076 ' 22 The Lord of the Vineyard paying his Labourers 17 20 j Ravenet 076 23 Ditto in Mezzotinto - 17 201 Pether 076 24 z 5 Ditto. Smaller ------ Our Saviour healing the Sick. Part of the Hun¬ I0 i Hi Picot Repaired by C. 026 26 27 28 29 dred Guilder Print. Original Plate - 8| 12J Baillie 0 10 6 . Part of Ditto ------ 0 10 6 . ' \ The entombing a Body. In Colours - I2 i 10 C. Baillie 076 3 ° The Sick Bed 9 H Pond 0 26 3 * Histoire touchante - iof 9 C. Baillie. 050 3 2 Dilator spe lentils, &c. - 4 i 6 020 33 Old Man with a long Beard - 8 11 050 34 Old Man with a Skull - 7 9 Winstanley 020 36 Beggars at a Door ----■* A small Head - Si 7 Baillie 026 020 37 A Man holding a Stick behind him 4 i 0 26 3 ^ 39 4 ° Landscape. Tacet est loquitur - Evening. Companion to Ditto - The Three Trees. Copy of Rembrandt I2 i 7 i nf 7 11J 9 050 050 0 § 0 4 1 Ditto with Thunder and Lightning 9 076 42 View of a City. A River and Boats - 16 12J - Chatelain 026 43 A 1 Firelight - i 9 i Hi Wood 0 36 » 44 An old Man with two Women - 4 i H : Ficart 0 1 0 45 Boas and R.uth ------ Si 4 i 0 10 , 46 A Woman taken in Adultery - 4i 3 i 0 16 47 Mary ^nd^VXartha - 5 5 0 1 6 " ^ i 48 Pilgrims at Emaus - si 45 0 1 6 no n ; 49 Christ talking with his Disciples - H 43 0 20 5 ^ A Roman Charity - . - 5 i' 53 026 F 2. [ 35 ] Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. Rembrandt. 51 A Roman Charity . - 4? 5 f C. Baillie O 2* 6 52 Marcus Curius refusing the Bribes of the Samnites 7 \ 6 O 2 6 53 Judas receiving the Price of his Treason 9 6 O 5 0 54 Jesus Christ -taken from the Cross 7 z 9 \ O 5 0 55 A small Landscape - 7 i 4 O 1 6 56 An Elephant - 12 9 2, O 5 0 N. B. The original Plate of the Hundred Guil- der Print (quite worn out) restored by Capt. Baillit to its original State (very few of this Print are to be sold) the Plate being cut into small Pieces - 5 5 0 Portraits. Gabriel Stuart. 1 Portrait of Sir Joshua Reynolds - si 8f Facius 0 5 0 Sir Joshua Rey- 2 Angelica Kauffman - io i 13 Bartolozzi 0 7 6 nolds* 3 A Sacrifice to Hymen, or the Three Sisters * 2 7! 23 T. Watson 0 15 0 4 Miss Monckton 16 26 Jacobi 0 10 6 5 Lady Caroline Montagu - Hi 20f J. R. Smith 0 10 6 6 Miss Horneck Hi 2of Dunkarton 0 10 6 7 Duchess of Gloucester Hi 20f Finlayson 0 10 6 8 Caroline Duch. of Marlborough with her Daughter Hi i8f J. Watson 0 10 6 9 Mrs. Montague - Hi 20f J. R. Smith 0 10 6 10 Lady Melbourne - Hi 20f Finlayson 0 10 6 11 A Lady unknown - Hi 2of J. Spilsbury 0 10 6 12 Miss Wynyard - Hi 2of Finlayson 0 10 6 13 The two Miss Crews ■> Hi 2 of Dixon 0 10 6 ' H Mrs. Bunbury - - 1 Hi 20f J. Watson 0 10 6 IS The Schindierin - ll i 151 J. R. Smith 0 7 6 16 Miss Palmer, Sir Joshua’s Niece, now Lady In- chiquin ------ nf 15 i Ditto 0 7 6 17 Lady Charles Spenser » 12 15! Finlayson 0 7 6 18 Mrs. Morris ----- 12 Hi J. R. Smith 0 7 6 *9 Mrs. Mordaunt - 12 i 5 f Ditto 0 7 6 20 Miss Bosville - 12 Hi J. Watson 0 7 6 21 Mrs. Williams Hope - 12 Hi Hodges 0 7 6 Gentlemen. Whole Lengths . 22 Prince W. Frederick, Son to the D. of Gloucester 8f 1 2J- C. Watson 0 5 0 I s f '^42 23 The Duke of Cumberland, Brother to George III. 16 26 T. Watson 0 15 0 24 Sir John Cust, Speaker to the House of Commons Hi Hi J. Watson 0 15 0 2 5 Lord Camden Hi 20 J Ravenet 0 15 0 26 Ditto Hi 2Z)\ Basire 0 15 0 27 Ditto, seated on a Chair - Hi 20f Haid 0 15 0 28 Omai - l Si 25 Jacobi 0 15 0 29 Jacob, Son of the Hon. William Bouverie i°f 15 Mac Ardell 0 7 6 Half Lengths. 3° Duke of Devonshire - uf IS* J. R. Smith 0 7 6 31 Marquis of Tavistock, 1767 13-f i8f J. Watson 0 10 6 3 2 Sir George Bridges Rodney, Admiral of the White nf 16J Ditto 0 7 6 33 William Markham, Archbishop of York Hi 20J J. R. Smith 0 10 6 34 Sir Jeffery Amherst, Commander of the British Forces in America’ - Hi 1 81 J. Watson 0 10 6 35 C. Tcwnshend, Esq. Chancellor of the Exchequer 11 f i6| Dixon 0 7 6 36 Lord Camden - 1 of Hf Ravenet 0 2 6 37 Ditto in Mezzotinto - rof Hi Haid 0 2 6 38 Dr. Robinson, Archbishop of Armagh Hi 20j J. R. Smith 0 10 6 39 Dr. Beattie ~ - i6f I 4 f J. Watson 0 10 6 40 Hely Hutchinson, Secretary of State for Ireland i 3 f i8f Ditto 0 10 6 \ C 37 ] Painters. Sir Joshua Rey¬ nolds. Seb. Ricci. Marco Ricci. Subjects. Henry Hope, Esq. of Amsterdam John Lee, Esq. Barrister at Law - Samuel Foote, Esq. Comedian - Joseph Baretti, Esq. Sec. to the Royal Academy Paine, Architect ----- Portrait of a young Man - History . The exact Model of the Window at New College, Oxford - - - The lower Part of the Window joined in Three Divisions ------ 1 The upper Part of the Window in Three Divi > sions joined together, with the Angel contem- J plating the Cross - Faith - - - - Hope - Charity - Temperance "j Justice^ 6 [ The Four Cardinal Virtues Prudence J The infant Hercules, painted for the Empress of Russia ------ Ugolino ------- The Birth of Bacchus - Bacchus. Young - - Hebe - - - - - - Collection of Heads - Contemplation ------ Reflections on Clarissa Harlowe Infancy ------ King Lear ------ Garrick between Comedy and Tragedy Master Crew in the Character of Henry VIII. Shakspeare. Cardinal Beaufort’s Death Bed. Aqua fortis, scarce Ditto, finished - Small Ditto - Puck --- - Macbeth ------ Hiero King of Syracuse, and Archimedes Ruina di Memphio - Monte Poleiano - Via del Popoli - L’Invemo ------ Giardino - - - - La Racolta ------ Vendemmia - - - - Tempesta - - Banditti ------ Richmond Ferry as it was - A Prospect of the Royal House at Richmond A Landscape - - Size. Engravers. Price. | 12 l6j Hodges 0 7 6; 14! 20 Ditto 0 IO 6; i 3 f i8j Blackmore O 76; •3 £ isi W atts 0 7 6' > 3 i 18 0 7 6, 9 z 13Z Sprlsbury 0 26 j 19 26 Earlorn 0 10 6 53 25 i Facius 1 ! i 11 6 j 53 zo i . J l 2~ 20 0 7 6! 1 2 j- 20 0 7 6j I2f 20 076 t 'j i . r \ 0 7 6 k 6 U : each 2 5 i H Hodges 2 20 2 Si 21 1 1 0 11 Hi Sail liar 0 76 Hi J. R. Sjmith 0 IQ 6 l6 25 Jacobi 0 10 6 IO I4! Simon 076 9 Ht C. Watson 0 5 0 13 I2f S corood omoff 050 si H Thew 0 26 6 81 Sharp ° 5 0 2pf l8 Fisher 0 15 0 Hi 20 J. R. Smith 0 to 6 ! 5 z 22 C. Watsorl 1116 l 5 i 22 Ditto 1 1 0 7 n Gray 0 10 6 li Schiavonetti 0 10 6 2 5 1 9 i Thew 1 1 0 13 1 8 Goupv ;° 3 6 17 13 Chatelain 020 17 13 0 20 17 13 020 17 13 0 20 17 13 0 20 i 7 13 t 020 17 13 0 2 0 17 13 jo 2 0 17 13 0. 2 0 22 17! f 340 22 i7i j< 340 J 5 12 ll Newton |< 340 [3»] Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. I Providence - *7 23 B. Smith 3 3 0 2 Innocence - - - - - l 7 23 or 3 Wisdom - - - - 17 23 I 1 0 4 Happiness -1 1 7 23 Burke each i Portraits of Bartolozzi, Carlini, and Cipriani - 20 f I 8 i J. R. Smith ,0 10 6 C. von Linnaeus born May 1707; died Jan. 10,1778 8* Facius 0 5 0 Six Views of Gentlemens' Seats near London. i A View of Wanstead, the Seat of the E. of Tylney 2C| 16 Fittler 2 Another of Ditto ao| 16 Lowry 3 Sir Gregory Page Turner’s Seat on Blackheath 2 of; 16 Morris 4 The Ranger’s House in the Park at Greenwich 20J 16 Ditto )> ■ 1 1 0 5 The Earl of Mansfield’s, between Hampstead and High gate - 20| 16 Lowry 6 The Archbishop’s Palace at Lambeth - 20| 16 - Six Views in Colebrook Dale . i The Iron Bridge from the Madely Side of the River 2lf 16 Fittler 'J 2 Ditto taken from the Bottom of Lincoln Hill - 2 I 4 16 Chesham ! 3 A View of Lincoln Hill. Iron Bridge in the Dis- tance - 2J I 16 Fittler * v 4 Inside of the Smelting House at Broseley, Shrop- c • 1 1 0 shire ----- 2l| 16 Lowry 5 The Mouth of a Coal Pit near Broseley 21 i 16 Chesham 6 An Iron Work for casting of Cannon, &c. 16 Lowry J j A South View of London and Wesminster 24 19 Lerpiniere 0 7 6 2 North View of Lonaon and Westminster - 24 l 9 Ditto 0 7 6 3 N. W. View of Windsor Castle 24 19 Fittler 0 7 6 4 The Terrace and Queen’s Lodge at Windsor 24 19 Ditt 0 0 7 6 Six Views in the Island of Jamaica. i Part of the River Cober near Spanish Town 2li 16 Lerpiniere 2 Roaring River Estate, belonging to Wm. Beck- ford, Esq. - - - - 21 i 16 T. Vivares -, £ 3 Fort William with part of Roaring River, Ditto 2l| 16 Ditto ) 1 II O 4 The Bridge crossing the Cabaritta River, Ditto 2lf 16 Lerpiniere 5 The Spring Head of Roaring River, Ditto 2lf 16 Mason 6 Bridge crossing the River Cober near Spanish Town 2l i 16 Lerpiniere i A View of the Ruins of the Temple of Jupiter -j Olympus at Athens - H 10 J. Boy dell, ex. 2 A View of the Temple of Pola in Istria 14 10 3 A View of the Ruins of the Pantheon built by V. 0 10 6 Adrian - 14 IC ? > 4 A View of the Temple of Theseus at Athens 14 10 5 A View of the Temple of Minerva, Ditto 14 10 6 A View of the Temple of Eryctheus, Ditto H 10 • i Jael and Sisera - . - j 3t n| Pond 0 2 6 2 Hercules and Omphale - 1 0~r 9 Michel 0 2 6 1 Diana - - - - Si 7 s C. West 0 2 0 2 Apollo - - Michel 0 2 0 The Combat of the Ancient Romans 1 si 5 DusseldorfF 0 2 6 1 Virgin, Infant Jesus, and S-t. John with Fruit, and St. Joseph. Companion to Sebastien Conca in Letter G - ; Si 8 Michel 9 2 6 tl Apollo and the Sibyl. A capital Landscape 3 1 , 22 \ Browne 1 n 6 Painters. G. F. Rigaud. Roslin. Drawn by Geo Robertson. Spot. lA/' $ Le Roy* Romanelli, Rosalba. Ditto G. Romano. Rotenhamer. Salvator Rosa. [ 39 ] Painters, Subjects. Size. £ng|raver$. Price. Salvator Rosa. 2 An Italian Sea Port - 31 22 Micjdiman I m 6 3 St. John preaching in the Wilderness 2 3 f Hi Browne O 10 6 4 The prodigal Son - 1 S 204 Ravenet O 10 6 5 Ditto, small 7 i 1 °4 Michel O 5 0 6 Democritus and Protagoras * - •• IS 204 Taylor O 10 6 7 Ditto ----- *4 20" Pether O 10 6 8 Head of the prodigal Son - !°Y Hi Earlom O 2 6 9 Phryne tempting Xenocrates *4 i 2 °4 Ravenet O 10 6 IO Jason ----- Ht 201 Aid. Bovdell O 10 6 i ] Tohit and the Fish - - - . 9} 13I G. Smith O 3 0 12 Finding of Moses - 15 2o| Baldrey O 10 6 13 Jacob wrestling with the Angel. Aqua fortis 9 i H Earlom - O 2 6 H Ditto, finished - 9 z 14 O 5 ° *5 David and Goliah. Aqua fortis 9 i H O 2 6 16 Ditto, finished - 9 \ 14 O 5 0 *7 Hagar and Ishmael. . Landscape i8i l S Win Stanley O 5 0 18 The Travellers - 84 12I Earlom O 2 6 l 9 Soldiers. Companion to Ditto - H i*|: Ditto O 2 6 2 0 Three Soldiers, highly finished - • 9 j I2f Heath 0 5 0 21 Latrones - - - - - 1 3 2 Hi Winstanley O 5 0 22 Romantic Scene - - - - 164 13 Wood O 5 0 2 3 Ego sum Vox - l Si 2 1 Goupy O 5 0 24 Ecce Aqua. Companion to Ditto 13 2 211 Ditto O 5 0 2 5 Glaucus and Scilla ~ ~ ‘ 5 i IZ\ Winstanley O 5 c Eight Landscapes. 26 Augures - - - - l 7 Goupy O 4 0 27 Latrones - 18 13 O 4 0 28 Jacobi Somnium. (Jacob’s Ladder) 17 13 O 4 0 29 Tobit. 18 13 O 4 0 30 Glaucus and Scilla - 8 . uf O 2 0 31 Sea Monster - 12 12 O 4 0 ! « 3 2 Hagar. Upright Landscape - - - 7 i 12 i O 2 0 33 Companion to Ditto - - . 7 i 124 O 2 0 34 Captain of Banditti - 6 8 Michel O 2 6 35 Old Man with a long Beard and Sword si H C. Baillie f\- The Three Marys - 4 Si Picart rO 1 6 Philip Roost, 1 The Shepherd - !5 12 Canot O 4 0 called Rosa of 2 The Goatherd - - 15 12 Ditto O 4 0 Tivoli. 3 A View of Tivoli - 24 16 Elliott O 5 0 Sir Peter Paul 1 Portrait of Rubens - 5 74 Facius O 4 0 Rubens. 2 Rubens’ Wife - - - - 5 7 i Ditto. 0 4 0 3 Ditto - - - Si 7 | Michel 0 4 0 4 Ditto, a whole Length, attended by her Page - Hi 21 Earlom 0 10 6 Rubens, his Wife, and dead Game, commonly 5 called the Fig 24 21 I 1 0 6 Rubens’ Son and Nurse with Fruits 2 4 204 I 1 0 7 The Three Graces, or Rubens’ Three Wives i6f 204 Michel 0 15 0 8 Rubens’ Family - 204 164 Tassaert 0 10 6 9 The Siamese Ambassador - 12 l 9 l C. Baillie 0 7 6 IO A Siamese Priest - 12 19I Ditto 0 7 6 11 Lady sitting in a Chair - l2 l iH J. Watson 0 10 6 1 12 The Infanta Donna Isabella with a Parrot, Basso I Relievo and Flowers - Hf 16 Miller 0 7 6 1 >3 A Friar’s Head - 4 z H V. Green 0 2 6 3 H A Boy blowing Bubbles * 4 i 61 C. Baillie 0 2 6 i *5 A Family Piece - 18 19 Mac Ardell 0 10 6 , r 4o] Painters* Subjects. , Size. Engraver*. Price. The Ceiling of Whitehall. Sir Peter Paul 16 1. Represents the glorious Prospect of Great Bri- 1 Rubens. tain in the Time of James I. 19 * 3 i Simon 1 i 7 2. The middle Part of Ditto, various Emblems, : 1 and the Portrait of James I. See. See. l 9 13 1 1 18 3. The upper Part of Ditto, with the Portrait of Gribelin j r 1 O x 5 0 James I. l 9 13 I 1 The whole ornamented with the various amusing Bassos Relievos ] 1 9 Diana with her Nymyhs hunting the Stag 21 Goupy O 5 0 20 Hunting the Wild Boar - 14? Winstanley O 5 0 21 Meleagar and Atalanta hunting the Boar - 34 i 21 Earlom 2 2 0 22 Lions at Play - 21 1 7 W. Walker 0 5 c_ 2 3 Diana and her Nymphs asleep, with Satyrs and Dead Game - - - 2 4 1 9 Earlom I 1 0 2 4 Bacchanalians and Satyrs - i8f l 7 i Ditto I 1 c | 2 5 Silenus and Bacchanalians, with various Boys 24 19 Hodges I 1 0 [ 26 A Bacchanalian with Grapes and two Attendants 13 16 C. Faucii O 5 0 f 2 7 Faith, Hope, and Charity, in a Circle 17 Michel O to 6 * 28 The Roman Charity - 9 i 8 J. Smith O 2 6 29 Daniel in the Lions* Den - 7 8£ Ditto O 2 6 3 ° St. Martin dividing his Cloak among the Pilgrims 17 20 \ Chambers. O 10 6 3 i St. Peter ----- 6| 9 i C. Baillie Q 3 0 3 2 A Holy Family - 16 25 Earlom I 0 33 Mary Magdalen washing Christ’s Feet - 24 j 9 t Ditto I 1 0 34 Our Saviour washing his Disciples Feet 21 iS C Baillie I 1 Q 35 Our Saviour carrying the Cross - r 181 1 3 Lauwers O 5 Q 36 The Crucifixion - i 5 f 24 Sompelin O 5 O 37 The Descent from the Cross, from a noted and capital Picture formerly in the Cathedral at Antwerp - - - - 24 36 Earlom 2 2 0 38 The Visitation - I2 2 36 V. Green I 1 O 39 The Presentation in the Temple I 2 J 3 6 I 1 Q Landscapes. 40 Going to Market. A capital Landscape 3 °i 22 Browne I 1 O 4 1 The Watering Place - 24 1 9 0 10 6 4 2 The Waggoner, from the Original at Houghton 2 4 l 9 O to. 6 Twenty Original Landscapes. 43 The Waggoner - 18I H Bolswert 3 3 0 44 Shepherds and Shepherdesses tending their Flocks i8f *4 the set. 45 Ruins, &c. - i8f 14 46 Storm and Lightning - i8 t 14 47 A Cottage, Pump, and Bridge t8| H 48 Shepherd piping to his Flock - - 1 H 49 Woodcock Nett, Windmill, Sec . - i8i H 5 ° The Rainbow 1 81 14 5 1 A wooden Bridge, Shepherd, and his Flock 181 14 5 2 Shepherds and Shepherdesses dancing iH H 53 The Dairy Maids milking their Cows - 181 14 54 A Castle, Shepherds and Shepherdesses playing i8i 14 55 A Rock with Arches - - . - 181 H 56 Hunting in a Wood - i8£ 14 57 A Man watering his Horse - - - 181 14 58 A Moon Light - 18I 14 59 The Reapers - 181 *4 Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price, Sir Peter Paul 60 A Church in-the Distance - 14 Bolswert Rubens. 61 The Fountain - - T 62 A Fortification ' - - Salza Farata. S. Lady and Child ~ 6 9 Barfolozzi 050 Ditto by - 6 9 Earlom 030 Six Views in VondGn. Paul Sandby. 1 A View of St. James’s Gate from Cleveland-row 22 16J Rooker Rooker. 2 The Bridge at Black Friars, as it was in July 1766 22 i6f Sandby. 3 A View of the Horse Guards 22 16J I I O 4 Scotland Yard with Part of the Banqueting House 22 i6£ the set 5 West Front of St. Paul’s Covent Garden 22 i6| 6 Covent Garden Piazza - 22 i6| Ditto. 6 Ditto, small - - - - i 9 f 7 z Ditto 0 10 6 Eight Views in Windsor Park . Thomas and 1 The Lodge and Stables - 22 i Hi Mason Paul Sandby. 2 The Lodge, and Garden from the Great Lake z2 i * 3 i Vivares . 3 The Moat Island - 22 f 13! Ditto 4 The North Side of the Virginia River 22 f Hi P. Sandby 1 11 6 5 The Cascade and Grotto Z2 i 13 i Ditto & Rooker the set 6 The Great Bridge near the Virginia River Z2 i Hi P. Sandby 7 The Great Lake near the Lodge 22 i l 3 i Austin 8 The new Buildings on Shrubs Hill 22 f Hi Canot 7 1 Various Landscapes and Figures of different Sizes - P. Sandby 1 11 6 Andre del Sarto Old Man sitting - 4 i 7 \ Picart 0 1 6 Scalcken. 1 The singing Master, at Windsor - i6f- 20| Earlom 0 10 6 2 The young Musicians - ll i Hi Haide 050 3 Lady reading by Candlelight iof- 14 J. Watson 050 C. Schut. 64 Small Scripture Prints, &c. Etched by himself Various Sizes - - C. Schut 1 1 0 Scidone. 1 Virgin, Joseph, and St. John I Of Hi C. Baillie 050 Segers. 2 The Disciples at Emaus - 8| 10 0 40 Sam. Scott. 1 A View of London Bridge before the late altera¬ tion, as in the Year 1757 - 22 f Hi Canot 0 26 2 A View of Westminster Bridge, with Parts adja¬ cent, as in the Year 1760 - 22 f Hi Ditto 0 26 Segers. 21 Peter’s Denial 9 l ll i A. Poults 026 Serres, &c. 6 Round Sea Views - - 6Diam. Picot 076 Six Views in Halifax , in Nova Scotia . Serres. 1 Town and Harbour of Halifax 21 15 Mason 2 Ditto from George Island 3 Ditto looking down Prince Street 1 1 0 4 Ditto looking down George Street the set 5 The Governor’s House, &c. - - Aveline 6 Church of St. Paul, &c, - Fougeron Seven Views of Belleisle, and the City ofSauzon. Ditto 1 The Citadel, &c. on Belleisle . 20J 15 Mason 1 1 0 2 Citadel and Town of Palais on Belleisle 20| 15 Benoist the set 3 Land View of Belleisle 20| 15 Canot [ 42 3 Painters, Serres. S. Shelley. R. Short, 10 11 12 Subjects. 4 First Attack of Belieisle, April 8, 1761 5 The Fleet before Belieisle - Second Attack on Belieisle, April 22, 1763 - The Town and Harbour of Sauzon Portrait of Mrs. George Hay Drummond and Children. Circle - Viola from Shakspeare - French and Spanish Men of War taken on the 3d of May, 1747, and 14 tb of October , 1747. The Stern Views of the Invincible of 74 Guns, of the Ruby of 50 Guns, of the Isis of 40 Guns (late the Dimant), Three of Six Men of War (French), fakkr. May 3, 1747, b 7 Lord Anson The Invincible of 74 Guns, One of the Six French Men of War taken May 3, 1747, by Sir Peter Warren, Rear Admiral of the White The Stern Views of the Intrepid of 70 Guns (late the Serieux) and the Gloire of 50 Guns, Two of the Six French Ships of War taken May 3, 1747 The Stern Views of the Glorioso, a Spanish Man of War taken by the Russel. In the Middle i the Head View of the Jason, and that on the left is that of the Gloire, Two of the Six French Ships of War taken May 3, 1747, by Ld. Anson The Gloire, a French Man of War taken by Lord Anson and Sir P. Warren - On One Side the exact Stern View of the Jason, on the other the Head View of the Ruby, in the Middle is that of the Diamond, Three of the Six French Men of War taken May 3, 1747, by Ld. Anson and Sir P. Warren. Astern of them is re¬ presented making Signals to speak to the Cap tains, the Boats represent their going on Board accordingly An exact View of the Intrepid, late the Serieux, One of the Six French Men of War taken May 3, as manned.. King George II. going on Board his A atch Carolina, attended by Lord Anson as Commander in Chief of the Squadron that con voyed him to Holland - The Terrible of 74 Guns, taken Oct. 14, 1747, by Sir Edward Hawke, Admiral The Stern Views of the Terrible and Neptune of 74 Guns each, and of the Severn of 50 Guns, Three of the Six French Men of War taken by Sir Edward Hawke, Oct. 14, 1747 A View of the Monarqueof 74 Guns, One of the Six French Men of War taken by Sir Edward Hawke, Oct. 14, 1747 The Stern Views of the Monarque of 74 Guns\, Fogeaux, and Trident of 70 Guns each. Three of fbe Six French Men of War taken by Sir Edward Hawke, Oct. 14, 1747 A View of the Glorioso, a Spanish Man of War of 74 Guns taken by the Russel, commanded by Capt. Matthew Buckle. Pub. Sept. 24, 1748 Size. 2 °i 15 20i 15 20 i >5 20| 15 4I Diam 4 si 23120 2 3 i 2 ° 23I 20 23+ 20 235 20 Engravers, Canot Elliott C. Watson Price 23J 20 3? 20 53? 20 23! 20 23! 20 23? 20 23! 20 2 2 the set [43 ] Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. Singleton. i Camilla fainting. From David Simple 16 >3 f Keating 0 5 c 2 Camilla recovering. Companion to Ditto Ditto O50 3 The industrious Mother ■ 4 ? 2 ° Murphy O 76 4 The good Children. Companion to Ditto Ditto O 76 Elizabeth Sirani i Child asleep - 12 IO Bartolozzi 0 76 2 Cupid burning Armour 6J 6J White O 40 George and I A capital Landscape, which got the 1st Premium, Thomas Smith I76O - 24 19 Woollett 0 10 6 of Chicester. 2 Comp, to Ditto, which got the 2d Premium, 1760 24 19 0 10 6 3 The rural Cot. A Frost Piece Zl i l 7i 0 10 6 4 The Cot ----- 2I l J 7i Peake 076 5 Landscape, which got the 1st Premium, 1761 20 17 Elliott. 050 11 6 Landscapes (the 2d engraved by Woollet, Price separate 5s.) 2 of them after Brinkman 12 9l Woollett, &c. 0 10 6 *3 2 Ditto ----- H 9 T. Smith 050 2 5 12 Very neat Landscapes, small 6 5 G. Smith 076 f 10 Ditto ----- 8 ci 4 1 \ 6 Ditto ----- 1 * 4 z 4 076 47 6 Ditto ----- 6 5 050 6 Ditto of Cattle, Sheep, and Goats 6 4 i 020 5 s 11 Various Subjects after Rembrandt, various Sizes OHO J. del Sole. 1 Orithva taken by Boreas - - - 9 H DusseldorfF 0 i 6 2 Tigranes at the Feet of Lucellus l2 i 9 i Ditto 026 3 The Rape of the Sabines - 20 \ 1 6\ Winstanley 050 Solemeni. Zeuxis painting a Picture for the Temple of Juno 1 6 Hi Goupy 050 Jan Steyn. 1 The Dutch Chymist - - - 2!f 16 Aid. Boydell 050 2 A Dutch School - 2 A\ l 9 V. Green 0 10 6 B.Strozza call’d Prefer Genoise. The Tribute Money - 22 18 Hodges 0 10 6 Stodhart. 1 Young Thornhill in Vicar of Wakefield. Circle l2 i Hi Simon 050 2 Olivia’s return to her Father. Companion to Do. Playter. 050 3 Fair Emmeline - i2 i Hi: Simon 050 Gabriel Stuart. 1 Mr. Kemble in King Richard III. H H Keating 050 2 Portrait of Sir Joshua Reynolds, President of the Royal Academy - - - Si «} Facius 050 3 Benjamin West, President of Ditto - si H C. Watson 050 4 William Woollett, Ehgr^ver Ditto 050 5 Alderman Boydell - si H Facius 0 5 ,0 Le Sueur. Moses in,the Bullrushes - 11 16 R. Read °, 4 0 2 The Same as above - 16 2 Si Baron 050 3 The Queen of Sheba’s Visit to King Solomon i 5 ? 13 i G. Smith 0 40 4 Tobias’s Nuptial Night - 2 'i 1 7i Ravenet 076 5 St. Stephen stoned - 2 3 i 2 12' Aliaipet 0 10 6 6 Nero depositing the Ashes of Britannicus 15 20 Muller 07b ij 7 j'acob watering the Flocks of Rachael. Circle - 6 } Picart 020 8 Parnassus - 8{ 6| 016 10 2 Juno lancing Thunder * 5 4 016 Six Views drawn and engraved by Luke Sullivan. Sullivan* 1 A View of Oatlands in Surry, the Seat of the Earl of Lincoln * 21 14! Sullivan 2 A View of Wilton in Wiltshire, the Seat of the \ Earl of Pembroke - 21 14! 3 A View of Ditchley in Oxfordshire, the Seat of the Earl of Litchfield - 21 14 4 A View of Clifden in Buckinghamshire, the Seat of the Earl of Inchiquin - - - 21 14 G a C 44 ] Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravei-s, Price, Sullivan. 5 A View of Esher in Surry, the Seat of the late Henry Pelham, Esq. - 21 14 Sullivan i i 0 6 A View of Wooburn in Surry, the Seat of Philip che set Southcote, Esq. - 21 14 Swanevelt. i Hagar directed by an Angel to a Spring 22f l6§ Pye 076 2 The Happy Peasants - Hi n Mason 0 40 3 Adonis carried off by Venus. Capital Landscape 24 19 Browne 0 10 6 4 Diana deceived by Venus. Companion to Ditto 0 10 6 Views in the Peak. Thomas Smith, i In Dove Dale near Ashborne, Derbyshire 'ili Hi Benoist of Derby. 2 Upper Part of Dove Dale - Roberts 3 Near Witton Mill - Scotin, &c. 4 Matlock Bath - Vivares 5 Cascade near Matlock Bath - 1 11 6 6 View on the River Wye - 7 Chee Torr on the River Wye Scotin 8 The Peak Hole in D—Ps Arse Granville i A View of Chatsworth, Duke of Devonshire’s 21 4 15! Vivares 0 40 2 A View of Haddon, Duke of Rutland’s 1 040 I New Water Works at Belton 2if Hi 1 2 View in Hagley Park - 3 Ditto in Newstead Park - 0 10 6 4 Ditto in Exton Park - i A View of the River Trent - 2I i l 5 i 2 Ditto of Anchor Church 3 Ditto of Hopping Mill Ware 0 10 6 4 Ditto of Lyme Park - ! High Force on the River Teese 2I| I5f Mason 2 Thorp Cloud on the River Dove 3 Godall in Yorkshire - 0 10 6 4 Matlock High Torr ... The Lakes in Cumberland . i Derwentwater - 21 i Hi Tho. Smith 2 Thirlmeer - 3 Ennerdale Broadwater - 0 10 6 4 Windermeer Abbeys and Castles . i Kirkstall Abbey - 2i| Hi Vivares 2 Fountain’s Abbey - 3 Kenilworth Castle ... 0 10 6 4 Tynemouth Castle - i View of Colebrook Dale - 2 i| Hi Elliott 036 Six Views of Training of Horses. i The Cullen Arabian - 2lf I5f 2 Brood Mares with their Foals 3 Catching the Colts - 4 Shoeing, &c. the Gavison, and Villar 1 1 0 5 Bridling, Saddling, Breaking, and Training - 6 Matchem & Trajan running a Race at Newmarket | [45 ] Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. T. Taverner. i Morning - Hi H Pelt re 0 5 0 2 Evening ----- Hi 14 Ditto 0 5 0 Taylor. l Italian Ruins - 2 3 i Hi Lerpinierc 0 10 6 2 Companion to Ditto - - - - 2 3 z Hi Ditto 0 10 6 Teniers. I Tenier’s Witch - 2 7 Hi Eariom l 1 1 6 i 2 Dutch Pastime - - - .. - 3 ° 21 Co liver I 1 0 3 Tenier’s Kitchen - 24 H Michel 0 10 6 4 - The miraculous Draught of Fishes 2 4 i 20 Major 0 10 6 5 The Country Surgeon - Hi Hi 0 7 6 6 Spring. A View on the Rhine i 8 f- Hi 0 5 0 7 Autumn. Men fishing. Companion to Ditto 0 5 0 8 Shooting at Birds. View in Flanders 1 81 Hi 0 ^ 0 g Playing at Bowls 15 12 0 5 0 io The Card Players - ;20 i 6 | Baron 0 5 0 ii Temptation of St. Antony. Companion to Ditto Ditto 0 5 0 12 The Dutch Cottage - Hi 12 jFittler 0 5 0 l 3 Boors at Cards - IO Hi, Michel 0 4 0 14 The Smoker - 6 | 9 1 Eariom 0 3 0 H The Toper - - 9 ! Ditto 0 3 0 16 Playing at Bowls . 1 9 13 I Truchy 0 3 o| 17 The Sand Hill - - - - 11 9 , Major 0 2 6 } i8The Gravel Pits. Companion to Ditto ! Ditto 2 2 6 19 The Gamesters - Hi 12 V. Green 0 3 6 ' 20 The Amusement of Dutchmen '5 12 ! Ditto O 3 6 21 The Card Players - H is ! C. Baillie O 7 6 22 The Chymist - 9 ? 7 k O 2 6 2 3 Ditto, Copy after Le Bas - Hi “>} O 2 0 24 The Flemish Alehouse. Copy Hi I0 i O 2 0 2$\A Dutch Family. Original - - Hi iof 0 2 6 26iA Flemish Feast. Ditto - Hi loj O 2 6 Terburgh. ijPrince of Orange on Horseback I0 i 12 Jc. Baillie 0 10 6 i2iA Geographer - Mi 9? O 3 6 Thiery. ii La Gloire des Princes. Statues 7 i ni Cochin O 1 6 2! La Pocme Pastoral. Ditto - 7 i ni 1 each,or 3'lPEurope. Ditto - 7 \ nf 0 6 0 4'Flore - 7 i Hi the set ciL’Hyver ----- 7 i Mi¬ 6 Bacchus - - - - - 7 k ni Painted in the Cupola of St. Paul's Church . Sir J . 1 Thornhill. 1 Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me. Acts IX. v. 4. - ioj 18 Du Bose 2 And he went about seeking some to lead him by ! the Hand, Acts XIII. v. 11 - - j 18 Beauvais 3 Why do you do these things, &c. Acts XIV. v. 15’iof 18 Baron 4 And said, sirs, what must I do to be saved. Acts XVI v. 30 10J 18 G. Vandergutch 1 1 0 c l found, an Altar with this Inscription, To the the 8 i unknown God, whom you ignorantly worship, Prints Acts XVII. v. 23 - iof 18 6; And thev brought their Books together and burnt N 1 them. Acts XIX. v. ig icf 18 7!Agrippa said unto Paul, almost thou persuadesf \ J j ! me to be a Christian, Acts XXVI. v. 28 - I T 3 . |I °4 18 Simmoneau 1 46 3 Painters. / Subjects. Size. gngraverg. Price, Sir J. Thornhill. 8 And when they saw no Harm come to him, they changed their Minds, and said h e was a God, Acts XXVIII. v. 6 Bartolozzi P. Tibaldj. 1 My Son attend unto my Wisdom, Prov. V. v. 18 is i 3 i 0 10 6 Tin tore t. t Tineas carrying his Father. Aqua fortis 9 i * 5 f 94 ‘Si Earlom 026 2- Ditto, finished * - - * Ditto Q 4 O The Blind leading the Blind 14 Hi G, Smith 026 Our Saviour and Nicodemus »8' Winstanley Q 3 Q Magdalen washing our Saviour’s feet u 6 i Picart 0 .2 O Titian, J The Cornaro Family - 33 s- 19 Baron 0 jc 6 Z The Holy Family. » 4 » li i Winstanley 026 3 Danas - - 22 1 8 Facins 0 10 6 4 Venus asleep. Companion to Ditto * Titian’s Son and Nurse - 22 l 8 Ditto 0 10 f 5 Ht %°i Murphy 0 7 6; Trevisanl. 1 Jacob watering Rachael’s Flocks H 9 i W. Walker 0 3 6 z Isaac blessing Jacob. Companion, to pitto « *4 9 i 036 V. j Van Dyke. 1 Portrait of Van Dyke in the Character of learns J 5 l 9 i Watts 0 5 °| z Amor Scientiarum * 17 15 Winstanley 0 5 oj 3 King James I. - 1 of 15 J. Smith 050 u 4 King Charles I. - • * - iof 15 Ditto O J O ; 5 Ditto in Armour * icf 14 Ditto 0 5 Of 6 Ditto on Horseback - - . l6 i 2 3 Baron 0 10 61 7 Ditto and Family * » ibf 23 1 Ditto 0 10 61 S The Nassau Family » l 9 { 2 3 f Ditto Q 50 6 9 Duke of Arenberg on Horseback *9 2 3 | Earlom I 5 O 10 Sir Balthazar Gerbier and Family - W. Walker 0 10 6 10. Whole Lengths , 11 Charles I. King of Great Britain 13 20| P.Van Gunst 12 Henrietta Maria Queen of Ditto - 13 2o| 13 William Villiers Viscount Grandison 13 20f 13 *oJ 13 *o| *3 2o| 1 10 0 the ten Prints 14 Arthur Goodwin - *5 Jane Daughter of Arthur Goodwin 16 Lord Viscount Chaworth - Lucy Countess of Carlisle » • 13 20f 18 Anne Countess of Chesterfield 13 sof 13 20 f 13 20 f 19 Margel Smith* married Sir John Carey - 1 20 Philadelphia and Elizabeth Wharton 21 King Charles I. - * 15 zi j.Boyddl 076 2 Z James Stuart Duke of Richmond 15 %\\ Earlom 076 23 24 25 Henry Danvers Earl of Darnly 15 %i\ V, Green 076 George Gordon, second Marquis of Huntley • Sir Thomas Wharton ° - • 15 15 076 076 26 Helena Forman, Ruben’s second Wife • i 5 si Chambers 076 Z? Ditto - * IS si J SaUiar 076 1*2. Half Lengths, 28 Henry Count of Arundel - n i 4 f n Hi Lombart 29 Margaret Countess of Carlisle 30 Anne Countess of Bedford - 11 Hi 31 Dorothy Countess of Sunderland * u 14J 1 1 0 P 33 Elizabeth Countess of Devon II 14 the 12 Anne Countess of Morton - II 14 Prints 34 Anne Sophia Countess of Caernarvon II 14 35 Elizabeth Countess of Castlehaven 11 14 Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers, Price, Van Dyke. 3 6 Rachael Countess of Middlesex II H Lombart 37 Lucie Countess of Carlisle - - I I H 3 * Philip Count of Pembroke - I I 14 39 Madam Penelope Herbert II H Half Lengths. 4 ' Archbishop Laud - M Watson O 5 0 4 2 Lord Wandesforth - 13 M Ditto 0 5 0 43 Sir Thomas Chaloner - '3 J 7 Earlom O 5 0 44 George Villiers Duke of Buckingham H 12 C. Baillie O 5 0 45 Caspar Gevartius. - J0 i Ml O 3 6 46 Inigo Jones - 5 i 7 ? V. Green O 4 0 47 Lady Jane Daughter of Lord Wenman 12 16 Jos. Boy dell Q 5 0 48 Lady Philadelphia Wharton - 12 16 Dunkarton to 5 0 49 Robert Earl of Caernarvon Mi M Baron 0 4 0 5 ° Anne Sophia Marchioness of Caernarvon I 3 i 17 Ditto 0 4 0 S' Van Dyke’s Wife and Child 9 Bartolozzi 0 5 0 5 2 Sir John Suckling * 9 z M Vertue 0 4 0 History . 5? Belisarius - 2 4 22 Scotin 0 10 6 54 Pembroke Family 2 7 19 Baron 0 15 0 55 Continence of Scipio - 24 ! 9 l Miller 0 10 6 5^ Calisto in her Retirement - 22f l 7 Earlom 0 10 6 57 Dance of Adgels, Virgin, and infant Jesus Mi M Facius 0 7 6 5 * Christ delivering the Keys to St. Peter 9 12 Winstanley 0 2 6 59 Ecce Homo. (Copy, his first Attempt at History) 10 k Hi Aid. Boydell 0 3 0 60 Crucifixion ------ l2 i Mi J. Smith 0 5 c 1 Portrait of William Trumbil, Esq. Envoy to the Othonis Venii. Court of Brussels from King James and King Charles I. - / 4. 12 Vertue 0 4 0 Van-somer. Sir Charles Blount Mountjoy. Whole Length I2 i 22 V. Green 0 7 6 Udina. The Holy Virgin in the Clouds 5 6f- Dusseldorff 0 1 6 H. Verelst. 1 Madam Constantia Hare. Whole Length io| 14 J. Smith 0 5 0 P. Veronese. Venus and Adonis - 7 z iof Dusseldorff 0 1 6 Vertue. Petrus Newcome, an English Divine, Poet, and Translator, of the last Century 41 7 Vertue 0 1 6 Vanloo. 1 Frederick Lewis prince of Wales, Father to King George III. - 16— 2 3 Baron 0 10 6 2 Augusta Princess Dowager of Wales, Mother of George III. - - i6| 2 3 Ditto 0 10 6 3 Sir Robert Walpole - M 20f Watson 0 7 6 ■ 4 St. Geneveve - - 9 i M Finlayson 0 2 6 V. Leyden. The Crucifixion on Mount Calvary Mi 12 i L. V. Leyden 0 5 0 Vandervelde, 1 A Calm - io| 9 \ Canot 0 2 0 » 2 A Gale - 1 of 9 i 0 2 0 3 A light Air of Wind - - 1 of 9 i 0 2 0 .4 A Fresh Gale - lOf 9 i 0 2 0 5 A Brisk Gale - - 21 Mi 0 5 0 6 Le Cal me - - I 5 l * -z Major 0 5 0 7 Vent Frais - Mi 12 f Canot 0 5 0 , 8 'After Drawings - I2f 9 " C. Baillie 0 4 0 9 Ditto - - 9 l Ditto 0 3 0 10 Ditto ------ I of 8 Pond 0 3 6 Vleip-er. * o 1 The Tempest - a 4 18 Canot 0 7 6 Van dern eer. 1 A Moon light - - - - 21 i *7 Miller 0 5 0 j Ditto - 20-f i6| Vivares 0 5 0 1 Sheep - C. Baillie 0 2 6 Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers* Price. Vernet. i A Calm H Hi Lerpiniere 0 10 6 2 A Storm - 24 Hr I Ditto 0 10 6 3 A Shipwreck. Oval - 6 J-Pye 0 2 0 4 The Anglers. Ditto - 6 8f Ditto 0 2 0 Van-goien. 2 From Drawings - *3 1 of C. Bailiie . 0 6 0 3 Spring i 6 f 12 Eiliott 0 3 0 4 Summer • i6| 12 Ditto 0 3 0 Van-harp. i A Flemish Entertainment - Hi H W. W'alker 0 7 6 2 A Flemish Collation - Hr 19 Isaac Taylor 0 7 6 3 The Happy Family - 1 5 i 21 0 7 6 Van Huysun. i Flower Piece, very fine and scarce 22 17 Earlom I 1 0 2 Fruit Piece, Ditto. Companion to Ditto 22 17 [ 1 0 Velasques. 1 Don Balthazar Carlos on Horseback H I 7 i Earlom 0 10 6 2 The Death of St. Joseph - Hr I if Bannerman 0 3 6 3 Ditto, small - 6| 5 ? Michel 0 2 6 4 Pope Innocent X. 4 -f- 6 V. Green 0 2 6 M. de Vos. i The Larder - 2 3 r iBf Earlom I 1 0 Vanderwart, i Venus and Adonis - 1 of Hr Lens 0 5 0 Aiex. Veronese. i Ditto - 13! Hi J. Smith 0 2 6 2 Virgin and Child - - - 5 r 7 Picot 0 2 6 P. Veronese. The Wife of Pilate interceding for Christ 26 1 7 i Winstanley 0 5 0 Vanderwerff. Bathsheba presenting Abishag to David, very fine H 25 r Earlom I 11 6 V aientini. Soldiers quarrelling at Dice - Hi 12 C. Bailiie 0 7 6 P. van Avont. 12 Prints of Boys - 5 r Hollar 0 5 0 w. j H. Walton. The Silver Age. Oval - 33 Hi J. R. Smith 0 10 6 Ditto, small - 13 12 0 5 0 Watteau. I A Village plundered by the Enemy - 17 H Baron 0 3 0 2 The Country People’s Revenge *7 16 Ditto 0 3 0 *3 Various humourous and comic Subjects Hi 1 9 P. M. sculp. I 11 6 H Bathing - « - - - 9 z si Aliamet 0 2 0 is The Bathers - 9 r Si Ditto 0 2 0 f 6 The Lute Player - ni H Du Bose 0 2 0 17 The comical Concert - u| H Ditto 0 2 0 Rich. Wilson. i Niobe - 25 19 Woollett 0 10 6 2 Phaeton. Companion to Ditto 25 H 0 10 6 3 Ceyx and Alcione - 2l| Hi 0 10 6 4 Celadon and Amelia - 2lf i 7 f 0 10 6 i Temple of Peace - I0 i ?l Rooker 2 Circus of Caracalla - iof 7 i Ditto 3 Baths of Dioclesian - !o| 7 l Gandon 4 Temple of Romulus - I0| 7 i Ditto 5 Bridge of Augustus at Rimini I Of 7 l J. Farington 0 1 0 6 Banks of the Tyber - I of 7! Gandon each or • 7 In the Strada Romentana - I Of 7 i J. Farington 0 10 6 8 Castle of Ischia - iof 7 l Gandon the set 9 Villa of Maecenas at Tivoli - lof 7 i Rooker IO Torre delle Grotte near Naples iof 7i W. Hodges 11 In the Villa Adriano - iof 7 l Rooker 12 Pompey’s Bridge at Terny. Upright - iof 7 i Gandon x Villa Madama at Rome - 17 i 3 r W. Byrne 0 10 6 2 A View in Italy - 17 Hr Roberts the set 3 From the original Picture - 17 10 Byrne 4 Ditto, Ditto 17 IO Roberts r 49 j Painter** Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. Richard Wilson ! A Landscape - ''i 2 Ditto, by G. Smith - - - - [ T . 1 Morris and 3 Ditto, by Baret - - - f * 42 *3 Hearne 0 IO 6 4 Ditto, by J. Richards - - * J Six Views in Wales. i View of Snowden Hill 21 16 Woollett 2 Carnaervon Castle - 21 16 Byrne 3 View of the Top of Cader Idris Mountain 21 \6 Ditto 4 Pembroke Town and Castle - 21 16 Mason 1 I 0 5 Great Bridge over the Taffe 21 16 Ditto 6 Kilgarren Castle - 21 16 Elliott i The Lake of Nemi, or Speculum Diana 1 7 z 20 Wood 0 4 0 B. Wilson. i Mr. Garrick and Miss Bellamy in the Character of Romeo and Juliet - 21 l 7 Ravenet 0 7 6 Westall. i A Girl gathering Mushrooms x 3 t Hi Meadows 0 7 6 2 A Fern Cutter’s Child - Ditto 0 7 6 3 A Boy angling - Nutter 0 7 6 4 The little Domestic - Hyllier 0 7 6 5 A Boy mending his Net - Gaugain 0 7 6 6 Girl and Pigs - Ogborne 0 7 6 . 7 1 Rural Music - *5 20f Gaugain 0 12 0 8 2 Rural Contemplation ... *5 20^ 0 12 0 9 3 An old Female opening a Gate *5 20j 0 12 0 IO 4 A Lady and Children in a Garden 15 20^- 0 12 0 11 The Boar that killed Adonis brought before Venus l 9i 26 Wm. Holl 1 1 0 Four rural Subjects . 12 1 Spring, or the Water Mill - 26 2I| Leney 1 1 0 13 2 Summer, or the Woodman 26 Ogborne 1 1 0 , H 3 Autumn, or the Woodman and his Family - 26 2 I 2 Ditto 1 1 0 *5 4 Winter, or the Cowherd and Cattle 26 2I± Leney 1 1 0 G. Stuart. i Portrait of Benjamin West, Esq. President of the Royal Academy - 5 t H C. Watson 0 5 0 B. West, Presi 2 Queen Charlotte and Princess Royal 2 3 l 2 <>i V. Green 1 1 0 sident of the 3 Prince Ernest Augustus, Prince Augustus Frede¬ Royal Acade¬ rick, Princess Augusta Sophia, Princess Eliza¬ my. beth, and Princess Mary - 2 3 ? 20J 1 1 0 4 George Prince of Wales and Prince Frederick 1 7 k 265- 0 15 0 5 Prince William Henry, when a Midshipman on - Board the Prince George 'll 2 3 * Bartolozzi 0 15 0 6 Prince Octavius - i6i Facius 0 5 0 7 Dr. Newton Bishop of Bristol 15 21 fiarlom 0 7 6 8 Lady Beauchamp Proctor - 11 1 Sz J. Watson 0 5 0 9 The Last Supper - » 9 t 2 4 i Ryder 1 1 0 IO Fidelia and Spiranza - 18 Hi V. Green 0 15 0 11 The Golden Age. Oval, large 2 3 l 9 Ditto 0 10 6 12 Ditto, Ditto, small - ! 3 12 Facius 0 5 0 13 Mr. West and Family - 26- 22 Ditto 1 1 0 H Allred, the Third King of Mercia 24 l 9\ Michel 1 1 0 ! 5 Alfred the Great dividing his Loaf with the Pilgrim 24 ' 9 i Sharpe \ 1 0 16 Agrippina lands at Brundusium with the Ashes of Germanicus - 29 22| Earlom 'll 6 ■ - 17 Agrippina surrounded by her Children, and weep¬ \ ing over the Ashes of Germanicus « 7 i 2 4 i V. Green 0 I$~C~ 81 The Death of the Chevalier Bayard - 20| 26 1 1 0 19 The Death of Epaminondas - - - 20 | 26 1 1 0 H 150 ] \ Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers, Price. B. West, Presi- 20 Regulus returning to Carthage 35 i 26 V. Green 2 2 dent of the 21 Hannibal swearing Enmity against the Romans 35 a 26 2 2 0 Royal Acade- 22 Marc Antony making the Funeral Oration over my. the Body of Julius Caesar ... 35 a 26 Murphy 2 2 0 2 3 Daniel interpreting to Belshazzar the Handwriting on the Wall - 2 7 21 V. Green l 1 0 24 Ditto, small - Hi I ^i Graham 0 5 0 t 2 5 Erasistratus, the Physician, discovers the Love of Antiochus for Stratonice ~ 2 7 21 V. Green I 1 0 j 26 Ditto, small - * 5 ? '*i Graham 0 5 0 I 2 7 Jacob blessing Joseph’s two Sons 2 i£ 18 V. Green 0 10 6 i 28 Elisha restores to Life the Shunamite’s Son - 2l i 18 Ditto 0 10 6 \ 29 Una, from Spencer’s Fairy Queen 24 Hi Earlom 0 10 6 3 ° The Cave of Despair. Ditto 22 i8£ V. Green 0 10 6 3 i The Treaty of William Penn with the Indians 2 4 z l 9 Hall I 1 0 32 The Death of General Wolfe 2 4 i H Woollett I 1 0 33 Paetus and Arria - Hi 21 Dunkarton 0 7 6 34 Venus and Europa - - - 7 Sharp 0 2 6 33 Romeo and Juliet - 7 Ditto 0 2 6 36 Cephalus and Procris - Hi i 7 i Liart 0 5 0 . 37 Venus lamenting the Death of Adonis Hi 1 7 i Ditto 0 5 0 j 3 S Venus relating to Adonis the Story of Hippomanes and Atalanta 20 \ 17 Hall 0 10 6 39 Alexander and Philip his Physician • 2I i 18 V Green 0 7 6 40 Leonidas King of Sparta 24 20 Hodges 0 10 6 4 i Pylades and Orestes z 3 i 20 Basire 0 10 6 4 2 Pyrrhus when a Child brought to Glaucus King A of Illyria for Protection 2 3 t 20 Hall 0 10 6 43 Angelica and Medoro - 16 2 \i Earlom 0 10 6 44 Ditto, small - 11 Hi Facius 0 5 0 45 The Distress of Tigranes before Cyrus 24 1 9 Fittler 0 10 6 46 Cupid stung by a Bee. Circle l 7 i 20 V. Green 0 10 6 1 47 Ditto, small - 12 Michel 0 5 0 48 Jupiter and Semele - 21 i l 7 i Cook 0 10 6 1 1 49 Chryses, Priest of Apollo invoking his God, &c. Hi 20J R Smith 0 5 0 5 ° St. Stephen stoned - - Hi 37 Dunkarton 2 2 0 i 5 1 Moses receiving the Commandments on Mount Sinai - 3 *f Hi Earlom 2 2 0 5 2 Our Saviour healing the Lame and the Blind 18 2 5 B. Smith I 1 0 53 St. Paul preaching at Athens 18 2 5 Ditto I 1 0 54 The Ascension - - Hi 33 Facius I 1 0 55 The Witch of Endor - 24 l 9 Sharp I 1 0 Shakspeare. 5 6 The Hovel Scene in King Lear 2 5 l 9 i Sharp I 11 6 57 The King, Queen, Laertes, in Hamlet 2 5 l 9 i Legat I 1 0 Wheatley. The Riot in Broad Street, London. Capital Print Hi H Heath I 1 0 Winstanley A View of Rushton in Northamptonshire Hi 17 Toms O 5 0 Willibert. A Holy Family - H 1 3 V. Green O 5 0 Six Views of Gentlemens' Seats. Woollett. 1 A View of the Seat of Charles Hamilton, Esq. at Painshill, Surry - 21 Hi Woollett I 1 0 2 Coombank near Seven Oaks in Kent, the Seat of the set General Campbell - 21 Hi 3 Foot’s Cray Place in Kent, the Seat of Bouchier Cleave, Esq. - - 21 Hi t t' 5 ‘ ] Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. Woollett. 4 A View of the Garden at Carlton House, Pall-Mall 21 Hi Woollett 5 A View of the Great Room at Hall Barn, Buck- inghamshire, the Seat of Edmund Muller, Esq. 21 Hi 6 A View of Part of the Garden at Ditto 21 Hi Woollett, &c. Six Views of Sir F. Dashwood’s Seat at West Wycomb in Buckinghamshire, and the House and Part of the Gardens of the Duke of Argyle, 1 1 0 at Whitton - 21 Hi the set Wootton. i William Duke of Cumberland, with a View of the routed Rebel Army near Culloden 1 7 2 3 i Baron 0 10 6 2 Hounds and Magpye - 8 ioi Byrne 0 3 0 3 Portraits of favourite Dogs - I°T «i Earlom 0 2 6 4 A Hunting Piece - 2 4 H Lerpeniere 0 10 6 Fox Hunting. 5 i The Going out - 16 20 Canot 6 2 The Hunters - 16 20 7 3 The Whipper-in-thrown out 16 20 1 1 0 8 4 The Earthing of the Fox 16 20 the set 9 5 Coming at the Death - 16 20 lO 6 The Death of the Fox ... 18 20 11 7 Returning from the Chase 18 20 12 A neat Landscape - ioi 7 ? Lerpiniere 0 2 6 H Companion to Ditto - i°i 7 i Ditto 0 2 6 H A fine Landscape - 20| Hi Vivares 0 5 0 Wouverman. i The Harvest - Hi H Laurent 0 5 0 2 The Death of the Stag - 26 20 Ditto 0 10 6 3 A Landscape - ‘1-2- Aliamet 0 2 6 Worlidge. The Instalment of the Earl of Westmorland at Oxford - 2 5 i8i Worlidge 0 10 6 Sir Chr. Wren i A Plan of Sir C. Wren’s first Design of St. Paul’s Cathedral in London. A large Model of which is deposited at the present Church, over the North Chapel - 22f Hi B. Cole 2 Orthography of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London, to the South, according to the first Intention of the Architect, Sir C. Wren, Knt. 22 i Hi Hulsberg 1 1 0 3 Section of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, ac¬ cording to the first Design of Sir C. Wren, Knt. 22-| Hi Ditto 4 View of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Lon¬ don, according to the first Design of the Archi¬ tect, Sir C. Wren, Knt. - 22\ Hi J. Schynvoct 5 The Inside of St. Stephen Walbrook, drawn by Thomas Boydell, Brother to Aid. Boydell Hi 11 Aid. Boydell 0 2 0 6 One of the Wings of Greenwich Hospital, drawn by Tho. Lawranson. Original Plate 2 7 \ 20! W. H. Toms 0 7 6 7 The other Wing - 2l\ 2 °i 0 7 6 8 Perspective View of the Colonnades of G. Hospital z8i 20 0 7 6 Wright of Der¬ i A Philosopher giving a Lecture on the Orrery 2 3 f Hi Pether 0 15 0 by. 2 A Philosopher shewing an Experiment on the Air Pump - 2 3 f Hi V. Green 0 15 0 3 An Iron Forge - - 2 4 i Hi 0 15 0 4 A Blacksmith’s Shop - 2 4 i Hi Earlom 0 15 0 5 Miravan, a young Nobleman of Ingria breaking V. Green open the Tomb of his Ancestors in search of Wealth, &c. - Hi 20| 0 7 6 JH Painters, Wright of Der- by. _ Win. Wright* Wycfc. jo. £k> 11 6 Mrs. Scroop - - Countess of Peterborough _ Lady Middleton - - _ Duchess of St. Albans Countess of Clarendon Commonly called by the Hampton Court Beauties L. F. Lauri Jacob’s departure - _ 19 24 Major 0 10 6 Diana and Acteon ... _ 15 20 Woollett 0 10 6 Apollo Shepherd to King Admetus - 15 20 Byrne 0 7 6 The Power of Beauty - 16 20 W. Walker 0 7 6 Spring - . 10 13 Vitalba 0 2 0 Summer. Companion to Ditto _ 1° 13 Ditto 0 2 0 < Alexander visiting the Tomb of Achilles _ IC 20 Ravenet 0 7 6 1 Our Saviour in the Garden - _Zi-J r Simon 0 2 6 Painters. Subjects. !Size, Engravers. Price, F. Lauri. St. John preaching - - 17 20 Wright 0 7 6 Fishermen - - i6\ 124 Mason 0 2 6 Peter de Lair A Farm Yarm - - i 9 ~ 24" Oanot 0 10 6 An Inn-Yard. Companion to Ditto - l 9 24 Ditto 0 10 6 Le Nain. Parish Orphans ... - Buiilie 0 4 0 Ditto. Children Dancing ... - *4 16 Ban nermann 0 3 6 Ditto. Flemish Farm - . 16 19 Vlicheil 0 5 0 Le Noire. Madona and Infant. Circle - 91 Clark 0 2 6 F, U. Lusitanus The nvmph Egeria, lamenting the death of Numa, is converted by Diana into a Fountain - 17 15 Faucij ! O 2 6 Loutherbourg. African Lady. Oval, - 5 f 6f vie' ager O 2 0 Lambert. A View of Dover Castle - Mason 0 2 6 A View of Saltwood Castle - Ditto O 2 6 Lawrenson. A View of Greenwich Hospital In two Sheets 20 53 Toms O 5 0 A View of the Colonnades of Ditto H 28 Ditto O , 2 6 Lawrence. Portrait of Mr. Kemble in the Character of Rolla 22 34 Reynolds I 1 0 Lempriere. Nine Men of War, &c. in different positions, with Views of Places on the English Coast . 1 °f 7 § Toms O 3 0 Tho. Leitch A View of Charles Town, in South Carolina - l 9 3 ° S. Smith O 7 6 M. Martin. A Drawing Master and his Pupil . 9 12 Paroset O 1 0 Marlow. A View of Part of the City of London, including Black Friars Bridge. Oval - 1 5 19 i Green & Jukes O 7 6 A View of Westminster Abbey and Bridge. Com panion to the above - Ditto O n 6 Metzu. Vertumnus and Pomona - ! 4 20 J. Watson O 7 6 Ditto. The Female Correspondent - H 20 Ditto O 7 6 Ditto. A Musical Lady - - 13 18 Ditto O 7 6 Mirevelde. Sir Ralph Winwood, Knt. one of the Secretaries of State, and Privy Counsellor to King James the First - - 74 12 Vertue O 2 0 Menageot. Innocence. Circle - - - 7 diam. Menagiot O 2 6 Milton. English Setter - - i 7 f 22 Cook O 7 6 Miel. An Italian Fair - - - 12 15 Fitrler O 4 0 Murillo. The Holy Family - - 12 16 Miller O 2 6 N. Netscher. Young Bird Catchers - 8\ 9 W. Walker O 2 6 Nicholls. View of the Fountain in the Temple - 18 ' 12 Fletcher 0 1 0 Ditto of Stocks Market - 18 12 Ditto 0 1 0 Ditto of Bethlem - “ *5 12 Ditto 0 1 0 0. Ad. Ostade. Law - - 12 16 A. Walker D 3 6 Physic - - Ditto O 3 6 Merry Companions - H i8f Liart O 2 6 jj. Oliver. Sir Philip Sidney - - 9 Hi Virtue a 2 0 p. Patel, A fine Landscape - 19 15 Vivares 0 5 c •W. Peters. Love. Circle - - 6 diam. C. White 0 2 0 Ditto. :Sclavonian Lady - - J. R. Smith 0 2 6 Ditto. Cremonese Ditto - - Ditto 0 2 6 Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. W. Peters. Parmesan Ditto - _ 6 diam. J. R. Smith O 2 6 Ditto. Venetian Ditto _ Ditto 0 2 6 Ditto. Miss Powell - - Ditto 0 2 6 A. Pynaker. Europa Point, a View near Gibraltar - l 7 20j Pye 0 7 6 Ditto. Evening - - - - l S l 9 Lerpiniere 0 5 0 Polemberg. The Holy Family - - - 7 8 Pye b 1 0 Ponzoni. 1'he Holy Family - - - - iif H V. Green 0 5 0 Nicolo Poussin. Moses striking the Rock - >9 24 Michell 0 10 6 Procacini. The Marriage of St. Catharine 10 V. Green 0 2 6 F. Parson-s. James Brindley, Engineer - H 20 Dunkarton 0 7 6 J. Pantoja. Writing the Billet - 11 9 J. Miller 0 1 c Delivering the Billet - 11 9 Ditto 0 1 c Piranesi. Fourteen Views in and about Rome - l 7 11 0 H c R. M. Read. Miss Bursby - - _ I A. 20 V. Green 0 5 •O Rembrant. Abraham’s offering - - - H 20 Murphy 0 10 6 Ditto. Elijah raising the Widow’s Son - 14 20 Eariom 0 10 6 G. Rom.iey. Sisters contemplating - 14 20 Dunkarton 0 7 6 Mrs. Yates in the Tragic Muse - T 5 r 24-J V. Green 0 10 6 Richard Cumberland 14 20 Ditto 0 7 6 A Seamstress - . io£ Hi Tomkins 0 5 0 Sensibility - - IO Y 14! Eariom 0 5 0 Mrs. Jordan in the Country Girl - ,oi H i Ogborne 0 5 0 Lady Hamilton - - ■ IOi 144 Keating 0 5 0 A Spinster - - iof 16 Cheesman 0 5 0 William Markham, Archbishop of York - 14 20 J. Ward 0 10 6 ' fames Adair, Recorder of London - H 20 Hodges 0 10 6 Alope -• - 11 Hi Eariom 0 5 0 Lord George Germaine - *4 20 Jacobi 0 10 6 Sir J. Reynolds Garrick in the Character of Kitely - 11 l 5 Finlayson 0 5 0 James Payne, Architect, and his Son J. Watson 0 7 6 Dr. Markham, Archbishop of York. - J. R. Smith 0 7 6 Lord Heathfield - - 14 20 Eariom 1 1 0 Guido Reni. Painting and Design - 16 l 7 Ravenet 0 7 6 Circumcision - - 15 20 Aliamet 0 7 6 Virgin and Infant Jesus - l 7 21 Ravenet 0 7 6 Cupid in the Island of Cyprus - 10 13 Faucij 0 0 Love in Bondage - - 7 10 Eariom 0 2 6 Jupiter and Europa . 1 2 16 Bartolozzi 0 5 0 Virgin, Infant, and Elizabeth. Oval :o 11 Menagiot 0 3 6 ■ I Nomen Virginis Mariae. Oval — 10 12 Poilly 0 2 6 St. Jerome ... - 9 13 1 Eariom 0 2 0 Simeon and Child - 12 18 Ditto 0 7 6 The Shepherd’s offering - 15 16 Michel 0 7 6 The Doctors of the Church consulting on the im maculation of the Virgin - ‘7 20f Sharp 1 i 0 A Sybil - Baillie 0 4 0 Aurora - Ditto 0 5 0 The Angel driving Adam and Eve from Paradise 1 3 2 ! 3 Winstanley 0 5 0 The Death Bed. Etching _ iaj 1 3 Picart 0 5 0 Infant Jesus asleep - - 7 t 4 l 0 1 6 The Assumption - - - - H >'! 0 2 6 John the Baptist’s Head in a Charger - 5 0 1 6 St. Magdelaine 5 4 Picart 0 2 0 Venus - _ 7 l 0 2 6 Erigone - - 5 f 5 0 2 c I Painters. Subjects. Size, j Engravers, Price. Guido Reni. St. Jerome - - 7 z sk Picart O 2 6 St. Rose - Si 7 i O 2 0 The Salutation - - - - 7 i 12 0 2 6 2 St. Sebastian. Oval - 4 5 O 3 0 Cupid burning Hercules’s Club 9 i Baillie 0 2 6 St. Sebastian i*l J 5 i Gregory 0 5 0 St. Peter and St. Paul - 10 13 Kauffman 0 1 6 Susanna and the Elders. Dussledorff 9 7 i 0 2 0 Cleopatra. Ditto 7 Si 0 2 0 Martyrdom of St. Peter. Ditto 7 io| 0 2 Q Romanelli. Marriage of St. Catharine - Baillie 0 4 0 Rotenhammers. Virgin and Infant - * - Ditto 0 4 0 Sal. Rosa. An Old Man’s Head - Ditto 0 1 6 Ruisdale. A Landscape - Ditto 0 5 0 Rubens. A Landscape View in Flanders 12 Hi Major 0 1 6 Rigaud. 22 Views of Palaces, &c. in France 17 10 1 2 0 R.ysback. Eight Prints, containing upwards of *i 6 o different Sorts of Fowls and Fish ... Q 22 16 Vandergucht 0 1 5 0 Andra Sacchi. b. Noah sacrificing - >9 20 Liart 0 7 6 A Sacrifice to Pan ... - 19 2 4 Aliamet 0 10 6 Death of Abel - - - i 1 !3 Earlom 0 2 0 Venus reposing with Cupids 11 H Mason 0 4 0 Salviati. Venus and Cupid - - 15 19 Phillips 0 7 6 ScorodomofF. Venetian Lady. Oval - si 6 J ScorodomofF 0 2 0 Ditto. Tartarian Lady. Ditto - Si H Ditto 0 2 0 Sabbadini. Virgin and Child standing - Baillie 0 2 0 Segers. Cupid burning Hercules’s Club - Ditto 0 2 6 S-imonini. An Italian Banditti - 16 20 Vivares 0 2 6 Ditto. Dividing the Booty - 16 20 Ditto 0 2 6 George Smith. A Landscape - 16 20 Peak 0 5 0 Ditto. Companion - 16 20 Ditto 0 5 0 Smart. Sir Robert Boyde. Oval - - 2i 3 i C. Wats6n 0 2 6 Snyders. Boar Hunting - - 19 24 G. Smith 0 10 6 Ditto. A Fruit Market - 16 22-1 Earlom I 1 0 Ditto. A Green Market * - - - l6 224 Ditto I 1 0 Ditto. A Fish Market - 16 22f Ditto l 1 0 Ditto. A Game Market - •* r6 22f Ditto I 1 0 Ditto. Lion and Boar - - - - 16 20 Ditto 0 7 6 Stubbs. h Protector, a famous Race-Horse l 9 l6 Hodges 0 7 6 Ditto. ! Mamb<'ino, ditto - 19 16 Ditto 0 7 6 itubbs. i'he; Spanish Pointer . I 7 z 2I| Woollett 0 10 6 Ditto. Four Shooting Pieces - 17 21 Ditto i 11 6 }, Shaqklet'on. Henry Pelham, Esq. and John Roberts liis Se¬ cretary - 16 Houston 0 7 6 R. Smith, Abelard - - 7 i 10 J. R. Smith 0 2 6 Ditto, 7 z 10 Ditto 0 2 6 Ditto. Griseite .... 7 t 10 Ditto 0 2 6 »R. Smirk'e, Conjugal-Affection - ; - - . 19! Hi Thew I 1 0 Com pp nioiv to Ditto - Evans I 1 0 R. Smirks, jun. The Review of the Volunteer. Corps by His Ma¬ jesty,'June 4, 1799, in which is introduced each Member of each Corps who attended on 1 that Occasion - 36 25 Earlom I 11 6 Ditto, beautifully coloured - - 4 4 0 Painters. Tillenion. Teniers. Van Dyke. Vanderhagen. Vandergucht. L. da Vinci. Unknown. Cost. Vischer. “ Van Bosnian. $ Vandreven. ' Unknown. - Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto, i Valentine. Vivares. Watteau. Winex. Willison. Worlidge. R. Wilson. J. Webber. Subjects. T. View of London, taken froi Tree Hill, Greenwich Park A Conversation Piece A Winter Scene Les Hommes en Mignature A Horse’s Head . . A Storm - W. Broomfield, Surgeon Joconda, Mistress to Francis I. _ Sir Nicholas Throgmorton A Rat Catcher _ A Moonlight Winter Piece. Companion to Ditto Prometheus. Oval . Ancient Ruins - Cleopatra. Oval Chaldean Lady. Ditto _ Circassian Lady. Ditto ... Duchess of Devonshire. Oval P elia - Ditto i ulla - , Ditto - . . Isaac blessing Jacob A Battle - . _ * View of an amazing Rock in Craven, Yorkshire View Oi H firip mmonfir* nntiM.nl O__ w. Conversation Piece ... A Tinker - . Lady Fordyce ... arcus Tullius Cicero, after an ancient Statu* White Marble presented to the University Uxrord by the Countess of Pomfret Niobe, from the first Picture on this Subji painted by this justly admired Artist The following 16 beautiful coloured Prints , ln Imitation of Mr. Webber’s Original Drawing are punted onaPaper uniform with the Volume of Prints to Captain Cook’s last Voyage , which they are calculated to illustrate. A Sailing Canoe of Otaheite View in Queen Charlotte Sound, New Zealand View in Oheitepeha Bay Waheiadooa Chief of Oheitepeha, lying in Smte View of the Harbour of Taloo A Toopapaoo of a Chief Boats of the Friendly Islands . View in Macao Balagans, or Summer Habitations, with the Method Size. Engravers. Price. ie- 17 29 Wood 0 U“> O »7 13 Laurent O 26 17 13 Ditto O 2 tx 12-j 16 Chenu 0 1 6 7 f 111 l Earlom 026 17 22 J. Watson J. R. Smith 0 76 050 026 5 7 \ : Michel ‘ 9 Hi \ Vertue 0 2 0 12 i 4 i ; Vischer 026 12 i 16} ; John Boydell 0 261 lz i Ditto 0 26 5 l 8 Bartolozzl » 1 0 7 10 Ditto 0 10 7 Facius Q 2 0 5 C. West 0 2 0 4 , 5 Ditto 0 20 5 z 7 Ditto O Z Oi 4 5 Beale O 2 0 4 5 Legat O 2 0 17 20 Phillips Baillie O 76 ° 3 0 0 26 21 16 Vivares n 2i 16 Ditto 0 36 7 8 Pye 0 J 0 14 20 Finlayson < 376 14 20 f f J. Watson < 0 7 6 J 3 i 19 > Worlidge < 3 2 6 19 24 : 1 ; 5 . Smith, c Figures by W. Sharp > 10 6 » ‘ 7 i «*|J [.Webber c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i 10 6 > 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 6 10 & 10 6 0 10 6 Painters. Subjects. Size. Engravers. Price. f. Webber, View in the Island of Pulo Condore 1 7\ 12J J. Webber 0 10 6 The Fan Palm, in the Island of Cracatoa 0 10 6 View in the Island of Cracatoa - - 0 10 6 The Resolution passing through the Ice, with the Discovery in the most imminent Danger, seen in the Distance - - 0 10 6 • The Plantain Tree, in the Island of Cracatoa o> 10 6 View in Macao, including the Residence of Ca- moens, when he wrote his Lusiad 0 10 6 The Narta, or Sledge for Burdens in Kamtschatka *. 0 10 6 z. Zuccheri. A Peasant - - - Baillie. 026 MAGNA CHART A ; The Charter of Liberties, or the Great Charter granted by King John in the Seventeenth Year of his Reign, with an English Translation. 19 by 27 high. THREE PRINTS; the First representing a First-rate Man of War, witii the Admiral’s Flag; the Names of all Parts of the Ship, the Cordage, &c. &c. &c. in French and English. 13 Inches by 17J long.-The Second representing a First Rate, with the Vice-Admiral’s Flag; with the Names of all the Sails. Size of the above.-——The Third representing a Third-rate Man of War at Anchor, with all the Rigging; the Names of all the different Parts of the Vessel. Upon the same Plate is represented a Section of a First Rate, which shews the Inside of the Vessel; with the Names of all the Parts which are in the Construction of a First Rate. 13 Inches by 14 long. Price 35. the Three Prints. i? Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-Row, St. James’s. f i ■»•; U- ''Y %