EMORIAL, ILLUSTRATED BY 29 PHOTOGRAPHS. 1. A General View of the Monument; Architect , Sir Gilbert Scott. 2. Europe —A group of Sculpture, by Patrick Macdowell. 3. Asia —A group of Sculpture, by John Henry Foley. 4. Africa —A group of Sculpture, by Wm. Theed. 5. America —A group of Sculpture, by John Bell. 6 . Agriculture —A group of Sculpture, by W. Calder Marshall. 7. Manufactures —A group of Sculpture, by Henry Weeks. 8. Commerce— A group of Sculpture, by Thomas Thorny croft. 9. Engineering —A group of Sculpture, by John Lawlor. Sculptures of the Podium. SOUTH FRONT. THE POETS AND MUSICIANS, by H. H. Armstead. 10. Auber, Mehul, Rameau, Gretry, Lulli, Josquin des Pres, Rossini, Monteverde, Carissimi, Palestrina. 11. Palestrina, Guido D’Arezzo, St. Ambrose, Corneille, Moliere, Cervantes, Virgil, Dante, Pythagoras, Homer. 12. Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Goethe, Schiller, Bach, Gluck, Handel. 13. Mozart, Mendelssohn, Haydn, Weber, Beethoven, Tallis, Gibbons, Lawes, Purcell. 14. Purcell, Arne, Boyce, Bishop, Turner, Wilkie, Reynolds. EAST FRONT. THE PAINTERS, by H. H. Armstead. 15. Reynolds, Gainsborough, Hogarth, Rembrandt, Rubens, Holbein, Durer, Hubert, and John Van Eyck, Stephen of Cologne. 16. Stephen of Cologne, Cimabue, Orcagna, Giotto, Fra Angelico, Ghirlandajo, Masaccio, L. Da Vinci, Raphael. ij. Raphael, Michael Angelo, Bellini, Titian, Mantegna, P. Veronese, Tintoretto, Coreggio, A. Caracci, L. Caracci. iS. L. Caracci, Velasquez, Murillo, Poussin, Claude, David, Gerard, Gericault, Delacroix. 19. Delacroix, Vernet, Delaroche, Ingres, Decamps, Pugin. NORTH FRONT. THE ARCHITECTS, by J. B. Philip. 20. Pugin, Scott, Cockerell, Barry, Chambers, Vanbrugh, Wren, Inigo Jones, Mansart, Thorpe, Palladio. 21. Vignola, Delorne, Sansovino, San Gallo, Peruzzi, Bramante, William of Wykeham, Alberti, Brunelleschi, Giotto, Arnolfo di Lapo. 22. Giotto, Arnolfo di Lapo, Erwin Von Steinbach, Jehan de Chelles, Robert de Coucy, William of Sens, William the Englishman, Abbe Suger, Anthemius, Hermodorus. 23. Apollodorus, Callimachus, Libon, Callicrates, Ictinus, Mnesikles, Chersiphron, and Metagenes, Rhoecus, Theodoras, Hiram. 24. Hiram, Bezaleel, Sennacherib, Nitocris, Cheops. WEST FRONT. THE SCULPTORS, by J. B. Philip. 25. Egyptian, Assyrian, Rhcecus, Dibutades, Bupalus, Phidias, Scopas, Bryaxis, Leochares, Praxiteles, Lysippus. 26. Leochares, Lysippus, Chares, Guiliano di Ravenna, Niccola Pisano, Ghiberti, Luca della Robbia, W. Torel, William of Ireland, Verrocchio, Donatello, Michael Angelo. 27. Michael Angelo, Torrigiano, Gian di Bologna, Vischer, Bandinelli, Cellini, Baccio, D’Agnolo, Goujon, Palissy, Bontemps. 28. Pilon, Cano, Stone, Bernini, Cibber, Puget, Gibbons, Bird, Bushnell, Roubiliac. 29. Roubiliac, Canova, Flaxman, David D’Angers, Thorwaldsen, Auber. p. ^ Jot. J' AYLOR, 2 , Crown Buildings, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C., & Forest Lodge, London Road, Forest Hill. 11 ■ :: ' ■I V . — :i,RND TOREtiL JIrttvenna. "nicc^ MICHAEL KK6BLO 'BtA VERROCCHl-O DONATELLO LUCA DELL/K ROl HHHtt . _ _ ' v 1 "* - * l ir "• • * ♦ .• > • • . N T -f ■ - •* % ' . ■ : > . ■ > 1 i