Maw " : : y, , m. IK J\ ir ^ i Ififife- Z^trJm iliNv ■ 1 IF 4i 11 ggp% > ', ^ ^mH \ Sm s<1 THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM LIBRARY From the library of Frank Simpson k. V-" oV it^ L.I SOHC. 33, Old Compton St. J Arrangement of Sale. £u*st Day's Sale, THURSDAY, the 5th of AUGUST, 1897. The Contents of Four Servants' Bed Rooms; Two Best Bed Rooms (8 and 9). Magnificent Antique Marqueterik. Commode Wardrobe ; Grand Staircase ; Louis XV. Bracket Clock ; Early-English Striking Clock ; Ancient Treasure Chest ; Fine Old China ; West Corridor ; Old Japanese, Indian, and Makqueterie Cabinets, Valuable China ; Library Appointments, including Elecant French Bonheur du Jour ; Valuable Louis XIV. Historical Bracket Clock ; Choice Old China. Lots 1 to 224. Seconb Day's Sale, FRIDAY, the 6th of AUGUST, 1897. Two Servants' Bed Rooms ; Three Principal Bed Rooms ; Louis Bracket Clock ; Fine Old Mirror, carved in Figures representing the Four. Continents; Drawing Room, Three Very Valuable Old Florentine Cabinets ; Chippendale and Empire Furniture ; French Writing Tables ; Rare Old China, Historical Relics ; Two Handsome Chairs (formerly the property of Cardinal Wolsey). Lots 227 to 469 Oltrb Pay's Sale, SATURDAY, the 7th of AUGUST, 1897. The Valuable Collection of Oil Paintings, Pastel Drawings, Water Colours, Old Prints and Engravings. Lots 470 to 650. 5ourtfy Pay's Sale, MONDAY, the 9 th of AUGUST, 1897. No. ; Servants' Bed Room ; Three Best Bed and Dressing Rooms (Ncs. 10, n, and 17) ; Two Valuable French Commode Chests ; Fine Old Chippendale Bureau Bookcase; South Corridor ; Rare Antique Inlaid Ivory Italian Cabinets, Maroueterik Cabinet; Old Chippendale Tables; Elizabethan Chairs; Valuable Old China and Historical Relics ; The Appointments of Dining Room and Two Studies ; Choice Old Louis XV. Bracket Clock, Old Blue and White China and Bronzes. Lots 653 to 892. [over. 5tftf? Pay's Sale, TUESDAY, the ioth of AUGUST, 1897. The Contents of No. 15 Blue Bed Room ; Two Fine Old French Commode Chests, Beautiful Old Marqueterie Cabinet, Elegant Buhl and Tortoiseshell Toilet Mirror, F.ast Corridor, Fine Upright Clock, massively mounted in Ormolu ; Marqueterie and Mahogany Cabinets, Rare Worcester and Wedgwood Dessert Services ; Historical Relics, The Ancient Scolds Bridle, Curios, Old China, a Collection of Minerals, Fossils, Coins, and Medals ; Oratory Furniture ; Ancient Armour, Lamps, and a portion of the Offices. Lots 897 to 1 109. Sixtfy Pay's Sale, WEDNESDAY, the nth of AUGUST, 1897. The Well-known Hengrave Library of Books, County Histories, Rare Works, and Manuscripts. Lots 1 1 13 to 1452. SeDontfy Day's Sale, THURSDAY, the 12th of AUGUST, 1897. The Contents of No. 16 Bed Room and Oueen Elizabeth's Room ; Mahogany Tallboy and Oueen Anne Walnut Chests of Drawers ; Chippendale Bookcase, Old China ; Morning Room, Chippendale Suite in Morocco; The Remaining Portion of the Offices and Stables ; A Cellar of Choice Wines (about 130 dozen). Lots 1457 to 1692. (Sig^tfy anb Cast Day's Sale, FRIDAY, the 13th of AUGUST, 1897. The Contents of No. ig Linen Room ; The Cloisters ; Louis XVI. Marqueterie and other Cabinets, Ancient Inlaid and Carved Oak Coffers ; Elizabethan Chairs ; Early-English Bracket Clock ; Old Marqueterie Upright Clock ; Old China ; Beautiful French and Wedgwood Dessert Services ; Electro Plated Articles; China and Glass ; and Furniture of Housekeeper's Room. Lots 1693 to 1914. Brakes will meet every train at Bury Station, on the Vievr and Sale Days : Fares for conveyance to Hengrave and back, two shillings : passengers will receive tickets on the outward journey. Luncheon and Refreshments will be provided in a marquee on the Property. THE SALE OF THE WHOLE OF THE LIVE AND DEAD STOCK WILL TAKE PLACE AT THE END OF SEPTEMBER. Catalogues (when ready) of Hampton & Sons, i, Cockspur Street London, S.W. ; and of Messrs. Salter, Simpson & Sons, Attleborough, ConMftons of ^at'e. I. — The highest bidder shall be the purchaser. If any dispute arise between the bidders, the lot to be put up again at the bidding immediately preceding dispute, or the auctioneer may declare the purchaser. II. — The advance in the biddings to be regulated by the auctioneer, who is to be the sole arbiter in any matter of dispute. He also reserves to himself the right to refuse any bidding. III. — The purchasers to pay (if required) a deposit of five shillings in the pound as part payment, such deposit to be a general deposit on the whole or any of the lots of such buyers. Every purchaser to give his name and place of abode. IV. — Each and every lot shall at the fall of the hammer be considered as delivered, and no lot or lots can be removed until the whole amount of the purchaser's account shall be paid in full, and payment is to be made to the person appointed to deliver. As the whole is on view, no warranty is given, or to be implied by the description in the catalogue. V. — The lots must be cleared away from the premises, with all faults, imperfections and errors of description, before 5 o'clock on Saturday, the 14th of August, 1897, and no allowance whatever shall be made for misdescription or errors of whatsoever nature, Any damage caused by removal, or otherwise, must be made good by the person committing the same ; principals being considered responsible for the acts of their servants. VI. — The auctioneer reserves the right of withdrawal or of dividing or placing two or more lots together, should that course be deemed advisable, also of making an allowance for the whole or any portion of a lot not delivered from any cause whatsoever — at the same rate at which such lot was purchased, and inasmuch as Hampton & Sons act only as agents for the vendors they shall not be considered personally responsible for any default on the part of either purchasers or vendors. VII. — Any lots uncleared by the appointed time, agreeably with the conditions, will be forfeited, and may be resold or warehoused at the expense of the purchaser; any deficiency arising from resale; together with warehouse charges and all attendant expenses, includ- ing sale foreman's charge of 5s. per day, shall be made good by the purchaser. Lastly. — On failure of complying with the above conditions, or non-performance of all or any part of them, the defaulters will lose their deposits, and the auctioneer or clerk of sale shall be at liberty to take such steps as may be deemed necessary to bring the transaction to a close; and if a resale be effected, either by public auction or private contract, all loss and expenses shall devolve upon the defaulter at this sale. Particular attention is called to the 5th Condition. N.B.— No Lots will be transferred. Bengraue Rail, I A catalogue Burp St. Edmunds, | — %m — Three miles from Bury St. Edmunds Station, G.E.R. «tf» *V» «M« 4£m *M* *A* "TV" W W W First T^ay^s Sale, THURSDAY, s th of AUGUST, 1897, At ONE o'Ciock precisely. ftop floor , Xargc Servants' Beo IRoom IRo. I. LOT 1 Four painted frame rail back rush seat chairs, 3 pieces terra cotta Brussels carpet, and a strip of crimson Dutch carpet (about 8 yards) 2 A 3 ft. antique oak chest of 3 long and 2 short drawers with brass drop handles 3 A 3 ft. grained chest of 3 long drawers with turned knobs 4 A 15 in. mahogany square washstand, a painted folding towel airer, a japanned foot bath, an old table, a mahogany frame dressing glass (plate 9 in. by 7 in.), 3 water bottles and 13 pieces toilet ware 5 A 3 ft. oak chest of 4 long drawers with brass drop handles 6 A 3 ft. 9 in. painted dwarf chest of 3 long drawers with brass drop handles and a mahogany antique square frame dressing glass on reeded standards (plate 15i in. by 13i in.) 7 A 15 in. mahogany square washstand fitted drawer, 2 painted folding towel airers, a japanned foot bath, and a mahogany antique square frame dressing glass on reeded supports (plate 15£ in. by 11 in.) 8 A 3 ft. 6 in. japanned iron stump bedstead and a hair mattress in tick 9 A feather bed in calico case, a feather bolster and pillow, 3 blankets and a marcella counterpane 10 A 3 ft. 6 in. japanned iron French bedstead with china knobs, a palliasse, and a feather bed in tick case 10 1 1 A feather bed in tick, feather bolster and pillow, 3 blankets and a marcella counterpane 12 A 3 ft. 6 in. japanned iron stump bedstead, wool mattress, feather bolster and pillow, 3 blankets and a marcella counterpane 13 A 3 ft. 6 in. japanned iron stump bedstead and a hair mattress in tick case 14 A feather bed in tick case, feather bolster and pillow, 3 blankets and a marcella counterpane 15 A 20 in. painted tray top two tier washstand fitted drawer, a similar washstand, a mahogany antique square frame dressing glass on reeded supports (plate 11£ in. by 7J in.), 2 crimson moreen curtains and 5 prints, mounted and glazed $eo IRoom 1Ro. 2 at Eno of passage. 18 A 3 ft. oak Arabian bedstead and figured chintz furniture, and a hair mattress in holland case to fit 1 9 A feather bed in tick case, a feather bolster and pillow, 3 blankets and a knotted counterpane 20 A3 ft. 6 in. beech Arabian bedstead and figured chintz furniture, and a hair mattress in holland case, to fit 2 1 A feather bed in tick, feather bolster and pillow, 3 blankets and a knotted counterpane 22 A 3 ft. 4 in. oak chest of 3 long and 2 short drawers with brass drop handles 23 A 2 ft. 8 in. painted dressing table, fitted drawer, a 19 in. grained tray top washstand with drawer, a painted folding towel airer, 10 pieces toilet ware and an 18 in. Queen's ware foot bath 24 A 2 ft. 6 in. mahogany tray top angle washstand with chamber cupboard and drawer, and a 12 in. square mahogany pedestal cupboard, fitted shelf 25 A3 ft. painted dressing table, fitted drawer, a mahogany frame dressing glass on plateau (plate 13 in. by 9 in.), and a japanned hip bath 26 An old engraving in ebonized and gilt frame glazed, " Lord Camden," 5 pictures various, a blue rep table cover, a crimson serge table cover, an ebonized and brass mounted inkstand with 2 glass inks and a pair of china pillar candlesticks 11 3Seo IRoom aojoinina IRo. 3. 27 A 6 ft. bordered Scinde rug, and 2 painted frame rail back rush seat chairs 28 A3 ft. 6 in. japanned iron French bedstead, a wire spring mattress in pine frame to fit and a wool mattress in striped case 29 A feather bed in tick case, a feather bolster and pillow, 3 blankets and a marcella counterpane 31 A 3 ft. painted dressing table fitted drawer, a birch frame dressing glass (plate 13 in. by 9 in.), and a mahogany bidet with white ware liner and stuffed top in haircloth 32 A3 ft. 6 in. painted chest of 3 long and 2 short drawers with brass drop handles, locks and key 33 A 2 ft. 8 in. painted tray top washstand, fitted shelf, 6 pieces toilet ware, a Queen's ware foot bath, cut water bottle and tumbler, a mahogany three fold towel airer, and a 2 ft. 6 in. painted dressing table with drawer 34 An Early English oak rail back commode chair, with loose seat in hair cloth, and wbite ware liner and lid 35 An oil painting in gilt frame, water colour portrait, framed and glazed, a coloured print, pair of china pillar candlesticks, 2 crimson serge toilet covers and a crimson moreen curtain Ibouscmaio's Beo IRoom, 1Ro, 4. 37 Two painted frame rush seat cbairs, a 2 ft. 6 in. deal dressing table, 3 ft. japanned iron French bedstead on castors, straw palliasse and a flock mattress in tick 38 A wool mattress in tick, feather bolster and pillow, 3 blankets and a marcella counterpane 39 A 4 ft. painted white chest of 4 long drawers, with brass drop handles 40 A 2 ft. 6 in. painted dressing table, mahogany antique oval frame dressing glass, 6 pieces white toilet ware, japanned foot bath, water bottle and tumbler and a painted folding towel airer 41 A 2 ft. 6 in. painted dressing table with drawer, 2 crimson serge toilet covers, a crimson rep curtain, a pair of buff ware pillar candlesticks, a moulded glass ink and lid, and 5 pictures, various 12 Xanotno ano stairs. 44 Six japanned water ewers, 2 tin oil fillers, a white ware two handled night light stand and teapot, a stone ware bed warmer, 4 tin night light stands, a beech wall bracket, and a quantity of chintz, holland and twill loose covers 45 A copper warming pan with long handle and 2 copper kettles 46 A similar lot 47 A Maignen's patent stone ware filter, cover and tap, 2 iron coal scuttles, 3 dust pans, 2 housemaid's boxes and a large tin turtle bed warmer in case with cover 48 Six copper water jugs 49 A similar lot principal Seo IRoom Bo. 8 (off East Gorrtoor). 53 A3 ft. 6 in. capital brass tubular Parisian bedstead, with scroll ends on castors, and a hair stuffed box spring mattress in check case to fit 54 A white wool mattress in holland case 55 A feather bolster in tick, a feather pillow in Turkey twill, 2 blankets, and a marcella counterpane 56 A walnut pole fire screen with brass rod and carved pillar and claw, with needlework and bead banner, trimmed cord and fringe, and a mahogany bidet with liner 57 A 7 ft. 2 in. well made grained breakfront wardrobe with 3 panel doors, enclosing four sliding trays, 3 drawers and dress hooks, locks, and 3 keys 58 A 2 ft. 10 in. mahogany Pembroke table, fitted 2 drawers with brass knobs, on turned legs, and a crimson cloth cover with silk braid border, and an oak frame dressing glass on plateau (plate 16 in. by 10 in.) 59 A 3 ft. 6 in. mahogany tray top dressing table, fitted 2 drawers with turned knobs, on turned legs and castors 60 A 3 ft. 6 in. well made mahogany chest of 3 long and 2 short drawers with turned knobs, locks and key 13 61 A 4 ft. 4 in. capitally made mahogany washstand, fitted 2 drawers and marble top, with deep tray and shelf over, on reeded legs and castors 62 The handsome white embossed Worcester china toilet set, beautifully painted in flowers, of 11 pieces, a white ware foot bath and filler, an engraved glass water bottle and tumbler, and a painted slop pail and liner 63 An 18 in. mahogany tray-top chamber cupboard, fitted drawer and com- mode with white ware liner and lid, on reeded legs and castors 64 A carved walnut frame lady's easy chair with stuffed seat and shaped back, upholstered in blue merino, on carved legs and castors 66 A set of 3 oval walnut plaques, the centres finely carved in white wood with groups of fruit in high relief (in East Corridor) 67 A 9 in. old Staffordshire group " Charity," and a pair of 7 in. similar figures, *' Old Age " 68 A 9 in. Old Lowestoft bowl, with panels painted in Japanese and floral subjects, an 8 in. Faience plate, centre painted with a bird, an 8 in. similar ware openwork bowl, painted flowers, a 10 in. similar dish with openwork border and a pair of 8 in. painted pink and blue scroll pattern china pillar candlesticks 69 An embossed brass writing set, viz., inkstand, pen rack and pair of pillar candlesticks, leather blotter, a 6 in. yellow ware jardiniere and a china brush tray IRc 9 Centre Beo IRoom (off East Corrtoor). 73 A 5 ft. 6 in. handsome Spanish mahogany Arabian bedstead, with shaped panelled footboard and cornice, the chintz furniture complete, and a box spring matttess in blue check 74 A thick hair and wool mattress 75 A feather bolster and 2 feather pillows in Turkey twill 76 Three large blankets and a white marcella counterpane 77 A 3 ft. 6 in. Old English mahogany banded chest of 3 long and 2 short drawers, 1 key 78 A 3 ft. fine old dark mahogany Chippendale secretaire cabinet with shaped pediment, surmounted by an 8 in. well modelled bronze bust of " Dig-by," the interior fitted 2 shelves, pigeon holes and 3 drawers, enclosed by pair of panelled doors, the lower portion with writing slide, 3 long and 2 short drawers, brass furniture and 2 keys 14 79 A mahogany swing frame toilet glass, on turned pillar supports and shaped plinth (plate 24 in. by 19 in.) 81 A set of 6 white and blue enamelled spindle back chairs with cane seats — at per chair 82 A 5 ft. handsome old rosewood and buhl Empire sofa table, mounted in ormolu, fitted 2 drawers, on quadrupular scroll supports and ormolu feet, 1 key 83 A 21 in. mahogany and banded quartette table, striped Indian Dhurrie and a wicker linen basket and cover 84 A 4 ft- 3 in. well made mahogany tray top washstand with shelf and marble top, fitted 2 drawers, on fluted legs and castors 85 The handsome blue ribbon, gilt and painted roses Minton's china double set of ware 18 pieces 86 A mahogany five rail towel airer, a mahogany bed step commode lined carpet, and a mahogany bidet with liner 87 A mahogany scroll end couch, spring and hair stuffed, upholstered in blue rep, on castors, and a cretonne cover for same 88 An old fashioned easy chair with loose cushion, extra cretonne case, on ebonized legs and castors 89 A 6 ft. magnificent old walnut and marqueterie commode wardrobe with shaped and finely carved pediment, dated 1691, the whole profusely and delicately inlaid with floral devices, birds, insects and centre vases, etc., the interior fitted 5 inlaid drawers and 2 shelves, enclosed by pair of elegant shaped carved panelled doors, the lower portion with three finely shaped commode drawers, having a carved base, upheld by claw and ball supports, finely chased old ormolu furniture, and 1 key. (Special attention is drawn to this valu- able and highly important piece of furniture.) (See Illustration) ©mamental 3 terns. 90 A handsome bevelled mirror in richly carved openwork gilt Florentine frame (plate 26 in. by 22 in.) 9 1 A fine old Louis XV. buhl and tortoiseshell bracket clock with chased ormolu mounts and enamelled dial, surmounted by a Cupid figure of " Time " 92 A 9 in. old Leeds jug with Landscapes pencilled in black and white, a 9 in. fluted old Faience jug painted in flowers, 2 pink flowered Lowestoft cups, and a 9 in. Faience plate painted with Landscape and Figures, inscribed " Fait par Moy Gilot, 1773 " 15 93 A 9 in. white and gilt; china inkstand, painted in flowers, with 2 inks and pounce pot, and a pair of 7 in. ironstone Oriental pattern vases 94- A pair of 12 in. Flemish ware ewers, 2 pairs of Queen Anne pillar candle- sticks, 2 china ash trays, leather blotter and a luminous match holder 95 A 1 3 in. fine old Faience group of the " Virgin and Child" (Brant) Staircase- 97 An 8 ft. Persian rug 98 A blue ground and figured Oriental rug, 5 ft. 3 in. by 3 ft. 99 A 3 ft. fine old Florentine ebony and ivory table, with scroll devices, in square and circular panels, on turned supports and cross stretcher rail 1 00 A shaped mahogany Chippendale jardiniere stand on pillar and claw (3 ft. high) 101 A walnut octagonal jardiniere stand finely inlaid with old marqueterie, on shaped pillar and scroll supports 1 02 A fine old Early English striking clock, in shaped upright Spanish mahogany case with brass mounts, by John Pace, Bury 103 A rare old buhl Louis XV. shaped bracket striking clock, richly embellished with chased ormolu with Allegorical subjects in relief, and griffin terminals, surmounted by winged draped figure of " Triumph," by David Hubert, and the oak bracket for same 1 04 A 28 in. old carved wood figure of eagle on oblong base 1 05 A very curious old iron treasure chest (of the Early Sixteenth Period), 30 in. by 16 in by 16 in., lock and key ©rnamental ©bjects. 1 06 A pair of 1 5 in. elegant white richly gilt and fluted Berlin china vases and covers, the latter surmounted by figures of eagles, with medallions delicately pencilled in trophies, the bodies finely painted in flowers 107 A 20 in. beautiful old French china vase, richly decorated with gold on a ground work of pale green and mauve, the handles formed of ram's head masks, and front panel finely painted in flowers, on square base 16 1 08 Three old Oriental plates, with hlue and red decorations, 2 old blue and white Worcester sauce boats and 2 Lowestoft sauce boats 109 An 8 in. white and richly gilt French china bowl, the border painted in flowers, an 8 in. buff and embossed Oriental bowl, with panels decorated in flowers, &c-, and a 7 in. quaint Faience horse with gilt trappings 1 1 Six fine old Oriental plates various, a 10 in. circular Oriental dish, a 6 in. old Oriental vase and cover, a 7 in. white embossed and painted roses Early English jug and a 4 in. cream German ware caddy, pencilled with figure and inscription 1 1 1 Two 8 in. leaf shaped Chelsea dishes painted in insects and flowers, fine old Lowestoft teapot, with gilt and floral decollations and twisted handle, white gilt and figured Crown Derby cup and saucer and an old Oriental bowl, cover and stand, decorated flowers 1 1 2 Five old Oriental plates various and 2 curious old lustre jugs (1 with figure handle and 1 embossed Stag Hunt) 113 A white and gilt old English plate, painted in festoons of pink flowers, an 8 in. old Swansea plate, painted flowers with openwork border f a 4 in. curious Buckingham two handled vase with satyr masks, copper lustre mug, painted flowers, a 5 in. somewhat similar cream jug and a shaped embossed Faience tureen 1 14 Two small blue and white leaf shaped dishes, 2 Lowestoft coffee cups, a 5 in. oval Oriental dish, a 6 in. Lowestoft plate, a china cucumber, an 8 in. blue and white Delft vase with dolphin mask, 2 terra cotta and gilt Dresden saucers with medallions, and 5 old Oriental cups and saucers 1 1 5 Six fine old Oriental plates, various, and a 7 in. quaint old white china Female figure with wheatsheaf, emblematic of "Autumn" 116 An 8 in. very fine old Chelsea figure of Roman warrior, with candle- stick, on a background of green foliage, encrusted flowers and scroll base 117 A 15 in. circular Oriental dish decorated in flowers, a pair of 7 in. fluted Delft dishes painted flowers, and 2 old Lowestoft mugs decorated in flowers and landscape 118 A 12 in. blue and white Oriental plate, a 10 in. old English china plate painted mulberries, butterflies and birds, 2 old Lowestoft sauce boats, a blue and white Worcester jug, a Salopian ware commemoration jug with view and inscription, and a similar ware jug painted in flowers 17 1 1 9 Two 16 in. Vallauris ware vases (yellow and green), a curious old Faience Apostle mug dated 1611, a^nd a 17 in. old Spanish pottery ewer, twisted handle 120 A 6 in. canary ground and richly gilt French china jardiniere and stand with panel finely painted in flowers, and a 9 in. white richly gilt and red ribbon pattern Old Worcester (Flight and Barr) jug 121 A rosewood and carved ivory easel Italian mirror with bevelled plate (10 in. by 6 in.) 122 A pair of richly gilt and white leaf pattern " Housell " china Ecuelel covers and stands and an 8 in. fine old shaped Lowestoft vase with decorated oval medallions 1 23 A pair of 8 in. old Staffordshire male and female figures, a 6 in. Oriental oval dish, 2 quaint embossed old English plates painted in Landscapes, and 2 Delft plates painted red flowers 1 24 A set of 4 large Delft plates painted flowers and 4 similar smaller plates (in lobby) 125 A set of 7 similar plates (4 large and 8 smaller) 1 26 A large shaped circular Delft dish painted in flowers, a similar oval dish, 2 quaint Delft deep circular dishes, and 4 blue Delft plates various 1 27 Ten Delft plates, various, painted in Subjects and Flowers 1 28 Two white Dresden bisque figures of an Angel and Classic Female with anchor, on circular bases with garlands of flowers 1Lot»l?\), anfc Batb IRoom. 1 29 The red ground and figured Brussels carpet as planned to lobby (about 13 yards), a strip of Kidderminster and a strip of Brussels carpet 130 A 2 ft. 6 in. well made mahogany cupboard fitted with 1 shelf, enclosed by panel door and brass drop handle 131 A 21 in. mahogany quartette table, a red bath felt, an iron pedestal stove, an hexagonal lantern with stained glass panels, and 2 carved sycamore chairs with willow seats £be Meet Coulfcor. 135 A 5 ft. 6 in. fine old walnut and Dutch marqueterie shaped show cabinet, choicely inlaid in floral devices of vases, birds, mask heads, etc., fitted 3 gilt edge shelves, enclosed by glazed panel doors, the lower portion fitted 1 shelf, enclosed by pair of fine panel doors, locks and 1 key 18 136 A 3 ft. 3 in. valuable old lac japan Indian cabinet, with interior and exterior decorations in gilt, representing Landscape, with chariot, horses and figures, &c, beautifully mounted in chased brass and fitted 11 drawers, enclosed by pair of doors, lock and key, on an elaborately carved openwork gilt stand, with cherub terminal figures in bold relief, on scroll supports {See Illustration) 137 A3 ft. antique lac japan Chinese cabinet with gilt lac floral decora- tions, mounted in fine old chased brass, the interior fitted 10 drawers, enclosed by pair of panel doors with curious old lock and key, on stand to correspond with shaped supports {See Illustration) 138 A 2 ft. 6 in. beautiful old walnut and marqueterie circular fronted folding top card table profusely and delicately inlaid with various woods, ivory and pearl, in floral devices, birds, mask heads, etc., top lined velvet, fitted 2 drawers, on hexagonal taper supports and shaped stretcher rail 139 A3 ft. antique mahogany specimen table, fitted 4 drawers lined with cedar wood, ivory knobs, on taper legs and castors 140 A 2 ft, 6 in. handsome old shaped lac japan and gilt occasional table with handsome decorations representing a temple and figures, on pillar and claw support 141 A pair of antique openwork high back Elizabethan hall chairs, the seats upholstered in marone Utrecht velvet, finished fringe, on carved scroll supports and stretchers — at per chair 1 42 A pair of somewhat similar chairs with cane panel backs on carved supports and stretchers, with loose cushions, upholstered in green and gold Genoa velvet, finished fringe — at per chair ©rnamental ©bjccts. 1 43 A set of antique carved ivory relics, representing Cherubs, The Madonna, Shrine, and other decorations inscribed, " Je vous salue Marie Pleine de Grace," in ebonized and gilt frame glazed 1 44 A 13 in. fine old shaped Luneville jardiniere, with panels painted in flowers, on scroll terminals 1 45 A pair of 8 in. white Dresden bisque pedestals with embossed laurel leaf band and a pair of rich blue and gilt openwork fruit baskets on claw feet 19 1 46 A wax figure of a man in glazed case, old Faience mask head, and a pair of 11 in. mottled majolica ware vases with ivy leaves and mask heads in relief 147 A 1 5 in. fine old painted Faience figure of Britannia, with lion and shield, on oblong base 148 A 7 in. white and gold shaped two handled loving cup with 2 satyr mask lips and painted medallion portrait, a 9 in. octagon Wedgwood plate with green centre medallion (Cupids), a 7 in. green openwork Wedgwood jardiniere and an old English jug, inscribed " William Jankins, Bristol, 1804" 149 A 19 in. fine old Faience figure of Venus seated in a Nautilus Chariot with Dolphin at foot forming a fountain, with bronze tap, standing 21 in. high, and a shell shaped basin to correspond with mask head on feet 150 A 9 in handsome Dresden group of " Satyr and Goat " 1 5 1 Four old Lowestoft mugs (3 with twisted handles) and a 12 in. old Staffordshire figure of Elijah 152 A pair of 19 in. fine old Oriental cylinder vases decorated in flowers, &c, and a 10 in. somewhat similar bowl 1 53 A pair of 11 in. octagonal old blue Delft bowls and a pair of ebonized stands with carved festoons in relief 1 54 A 12 in. old Faience dish and cover in the shape of an ox head with horns 1 55 A pair of 13 in. white and richly gilt French china two handled vases, aDd a pair of 6 in. gros bleu and gilt shaped ironstone china vases decorated in flowers 156 A 7 in. white embossed leaf pattern and gilt Derby jug with mask spout painted in mauve coloured roses and the Gage monogram, a similar spirally fluted coffee pot and cover with cornflower decorations, a miniature Lowestoft coffee pot and cover painted flowers, a small tea pot and cover of the same manufacture, and a curious old Leeds tea pot and cover painted in fruit and flowers 157 A 16 in. very fine old white china figure of Cupid holding a flaming heart and encrusted flowers, on oval base with trophy in relief 1 58 An 18 in. old white china urn shaped vase and cover, of a similar manu- facture, with 2 handles, and festoons and medallions in relief, and an 11 in. old Faience equestrian group of " St. George and the Dragon " 20 1 59 A pair of 10 in. old Faience figures, inscribed, " Eric and Velle," and a pair of 8 in. gros bleu and richly gilt two handled ironstone china vases 160 A 1 3 in. old white Worcester (Granger Lee) vase, the neck embossed in festoons and 4 medallions finely painted in flowers, on pale blue and gilt stem and pedestal 161 A 10 in. old Staffordshire figure jug, a similar Bacchanalian jug, and 2 very old Faience tankards painted equestrian figures with metal mounts and figures 162 A 10 in. white Dresden bisque dancing Faun, a 12 in. alabaster Classic female figure, and an old Dresden group of 2 figures 163 A 12 in. old Leeds embossed and openwork shaped circular dish, a 9 in. old Dresden plate, with openwork basket border and medallions painted in Cupid and birds, a 9 in. old Oriental plate, decorated in Japanese figures, and an 8 in. old Oriental jar and cover, with Kylin handle, decorated in flowers 1 64 A pair of 10 in. old white china Female figures with pedestals, having medallions and festoons in relief, on square bases 1 65 A fine old Lowestoft coffee with twisted handle, decorated with crest, 2 small Eockingham tea pots, a 5 in. old English cream ware figure of Woman smoking, an old Staffordshire ware picture of John Wesley, 3 small ornaments, various, and 3 small saucers 1 66 A pair of Kronenberg cruets, painted in flowers, with 2 spoons, Lowe- stoft cup and saucer, a Toby satyr head mug, 2 boat shaped Wedg- wood sauce tureens, with vine pattern decorations, and a 5 in. old blue Delft figure of Lion 1 67 A 7 in. white Derby bisque group of Cupids, and a pair of similar Classic figures on circular bases 168 A Chelsea china rose pattern box and cover, an old English dog's head goblet, a similar ware fox head goblet, 3 Oriental vases, various, about 7 in., and a 6 in. Oriental Boy figure with dish 1 69 Two old Faience tankards, painted in figures and flowers, with metal mounts and covers, 2 old Lowestoft mugs, 1 decorated flowers and the other in Japanese subjects £be Xlbrarw. 171 An 8 ft. marone and figured thick Axminster rug 1 72 A blue ground bordered and figured Indian rug (6 ft. 6 in. by 4 ft.) 21 175 A 4 ft. 6 in. superior and well made tall shaped carved oak and gilt Show cabinet, with bent glass panelled front, lined red cloth, fitted 2 shelves, lock and key 176 A brilliant lofty plate chimney glass in broad ornamental gilt frame with flowers and fruit in bold relief (plate 72 in. by 44 in.) 177 A 4 ft. 9 in. fine old shaped Kingwood and tulipwood writing table of Louis XV. character, the top lined marone morocco, massively mounted in chased ormolu with mask heads and scroll ornamentations in relief 178 A 2 ft. 6 in. walnut and inlaid octagonal top table on turned supports and gallery cross stretcher 1 79 A 4 ft. japanned as rosewood circular loo table, top covered green baize on pillar and claw and a floral tapestry cover for same 180 Two ebonized and inlaid occasional chairs with willow seats 181 A 19 in. octagonal ebonized two tier table with railed panels, and an ebonized ball frame angle chair with rush seat 182 A 6 ft. 6 in. shaped stuffed over settee with loose cretonne cover on rosewood legs and castors 183 A stuffed over easy chair upholstered in blue rep, on turned legs and castors with extra cretonne case 184 A3 ft. very elegant Kingwood and tulipwood bonheur de jour of Louis XV. character, embellished with chased ormolu mounts, having a Sicilian marble top decorated with 2 large exquisitely painted Sevres china medallions painted in Figure Subjects after Watteau, with 16 other plaques and medallions painted in Birds and Flowers, fitted with a centre cabinet, 4 side drawers and 1 long drawer under, on cabriole supports, lock and key 185 Four black and carved gilt frame Louis XVI. chairs with shaped seats and panelled backs upholstered in black silk tabaret embroidered flowers, finished silk cord — at per chair 186 A feather pillow in needlework and another in yellow Pongee silk ©rnamental ©bjccts. 187 An 11 inch shaped Old French china flower holder and cover with 5 necks, richly gilt, the panels exquisitely painted in flowers, on leaf terminals 22 188 A pair of high quality gros bleu and richly gilt urn shaped Worcester china vases and perforated covers, with entwined snake handles, on square bases 189 A pair of 19 in. fine bronze and ormolu Empire two light candelabra, supported by draped Classical female figures on pedestals 190 A 14 in. old blue and white Oriental plaque, a 10 in. Lowestoft bowl, 2 Oriental plates, painted flowers, and a pair of 10 in. Parian female figures 191 A set of 3 dark blue and richly gilt old ironstone china pot pourri vases with perforated covers, the medallions finely painted in flowers 1 92 A pair of small turquoise blue and gilt trellis pattern Sevres jardinieres, painted flowers 193 An 1 1 in. fine old Frankenthal group, " The Youthful Bacchus, Nymph and Cupid," mounted on a rock with dog and birds at foot 1 94 A 10 in. elegant old Chelsea octagonal shaped two handled deep dish, on scroll feet, with apple green ground and rich gilt decorations, having an openwork cover with tulip handle 195 A pair of 6 in. handsome old Sevres jardinieres, with turquoise blue and gilt decorations, finely painted in Cupids and garlands of flowers 196 A 13 in. rare old Sienna and gilt old Wedgwood urn shaped vase and cover, with scroll handles, festoons and medallions in relief, and another 9 in. fine old Wedgwood marble pattern vase of a some- what similar shape 1 97 A pair of 8 in. handsome ormolu and blue enamel candlesticks, sup- ported by Cupid jugglers, on circular bases 198 A 9 in. antique tortoiseshell, buhl and ormolu Empire inkstand with drawer, 2 cut bottles and covers, mask head mounts, claw terminals, lock and key 1 99 A set of 5 very old shaped Dutch Delft vases with 3 covers, the panels painted in birds, etc. 200 A highly important historical bracket clock of Louis XIV. period, with striking movement, in a beautifully shaped case of tortoiseshell and buhl, superbly mounted in chased ormolu, with masks, busts, and claw terminals, surmounted by a finely modelled draped, winged figure of " Triumph," having a finely chased and embossed dial, by Joyce Hoeologiabius {See Illustration) N.B. — Included with this lot is the loose brass plate bearing the following inscription : " This clock belonged to King James II., and w > i<5 pa OS < ^ U S UJ si w :- w H Uh w a h a O PS H *H U <; C/J uS M O o t^ t^ j_. O ■, J ■nags* ^ u o -J U V) m H w W < ^ > O <1 c/> OS Ul pq OS > ►j u < W u OS o o H « -- ffi ~ o t-l o o N N 23 was given by Mary d'Este the Queen to her maid of honour Basilea Gage, the youngest daughter of Sir Edward Gage, Baronet, of Hengrave, and his wife Lady Elizabeth Gage, daughter of George Feilding, Earl of Desmond, K.B., brother of Basil Feilding, second Earl of Denbigh. Basilea Gage by her will bequeathed to her brother Sir William Gage, the second Baronet, her dear mistress the Queen's clock." 201 A pair of superb old Sevres oviform vases, turquoise blue, witb gilt decorations of rare quality, witb panels exquisitely painted in Garden Scenes and Figures after tbe style of Watteau, on tbe reverse groups of Flowers, beautifully mounted in cbased ormolu witb handles formed of Boy figures emblematic of "Music," tbe stems having festoons and ribbon bows in relief on scroll terminals (See Illustration) 202 A 6 in. antique shaped two handled silver tray embossed witb fruit and flowers, and a small antique "quiver" needlecase 203 A pair of 9 in. handsome white and gilt shaped old Dresden plates with fine openwork borders beautifully painted in birds and flowers 204 A set of five 9 in. beautiful old Dresden soup plates, tbe centres finely painted in birds and tbe borders in insects 205 A pair of 6 in. Dresden saucers painted in flowers, and a pair of hand- some egg shell French china cups and saucers painted in trophies and figures, after Watteau 206 A handsome Berlin china cup and saucer painted in " Cornflowers," and a rare Marcolini Dresden cup and saucer with medallions in imitation of Porphyry, with Cupid centre 207 A 5 in. carved ivory figure of Joan d'Arc on circular pedestal, a miniature Battersea enamel box with inscription, and a black Wedgwood oval medallion of Fenelon 208 A miniature gros bleu and gilt Dresden cup and saucer finely painted in Landscapes and Figures, a 3 in. Dresden Cupid with telescope, a 5 in. Dresden Female seated figure in blue and white dress, and a pair of Dresden spoons painted in flowers 209 An 11 in. beautiful old French china group, "a Huntsman with reclining Female figure, surrounded by the Hounds and Dead Stag " 210 A pair of 9 in. fine old Berlin Male and Female figures with baskets and fruit, on scroll bases 24 211 A pair of 9 in. choice old Dresden draped Boy figures, seated on richly gilt shaped pedestals 2 1 2 Two old Lowestoft soup ladles painted flowers, 2 shaped old Worcester cups and saucers with pink and gilt decorations (square mark), and a handsome old Dresden cup and saucer with blue scale border finely painted in flowers and Watteau subjects 213 A handsome and richly gilt French china cup and saucer decorated with flowers and coat of arms, and a Sevres cup and saucer painted in festoons of mauve coloured flowers 214 A pair of 7 in. old Dresden Male and Female figures in Chinese costume playing musical instruments, on scroll bases 215 A 10 in. fine old Frankenthal group of "Venus and Cupid on a base forming the clouds with birds in relief " 216 A 7 in. Dresden figure of " Boy with hammer and anvil " 217 A 10 in. old Hochst group of " Venus and Cupid on a rockwork base " 218 An 8 in. elegant Dresden group of male and female figures with Cupid reclining on a couch " The interrupted tete a tete" (one of the figures being detached) 219 A pair of old Marcolini Dresden cups and saucers painted in flowers, and a handsome Rose du Barry and gilt Berlin china cup and saucer with an exquisitely painted medallion portrait of Officer 220 A pair of 11 in. rare old Oriental circular dishes, the borders painted in Japanese figure subjects, the centres in coats of arms, under which is written " Ae-toys " 22 1 A set of 3 beautiful old Marcolini Dresden cups and saucers with pink scale borders, exquisitely painted in birds and insects 222 A 9 in. very fine old Frankenthal group of male and female figures witb sheep at foot, " The Dead Bird " 223 A pair of 12 in. old Sheffield plated pillar candlesticks with gadroon edges, on ebonized bases aDd fitted for electric light 224 A pair of 12 in. similar candlesticks with embossed edges End of First Day's Sale. fiengraue Rail, Burp St. Edmunds, Three miles from Bury St. Edmunds Station, G.E.R. M* M* M* Aim M. w w *]r "Sv* "TV* Second Days Safe, FRIDAY, the 6th of AUGUST, 1897, At ONE o'Clock precisely. Servants' Wir\Q . Ibousc Keeper's Bet> IRoom IRo 6. 227 A gentleman's 4 ft. well made mahogany wardrobe with brass astrigal and knobs, fitted with 5 sliding trays, enclosed by pair of panel doors, and 4 drawers under, locks and 2 keys 228 A 3 ft. 6 in. mahogany well made chest of 3 long and 2 short drawers with turned knobs 230 A 3 ft. 9 in. mahogany oval Pembroke table on square legs, and a green and bordered velvet pile table cover 231 A3 ft. deal dressing table with muslin and chintz flounce, and a 13 in. mahogany tray top chamber pedestal fitted shelf 232 An antique mahogany and inlaid dressing glass on box plateau and turned supports, fitted 2 drawers and chased brass knobs (plate 16|in. by 14} in.) 233 A 3 ft. japanned iron French bedstead on castors, a straw palliasse and a flock mattress 234 A flock mattress in tick, a feather bolster and pillow, 3 blankets and a marcella counterpane 235 A 2 ft. 4 in. birch tray top washstand on turned legs, the painted rose pattern and gilt toilet set of 8 pieces, engraved water bottle and tumbler, a pair blue and gilt china pillar candlesticks and a mahogany three rail towel airer 26 236 A 21 in. rosewood work table fitted draw out silk well, on tapered legs and cross stretcher, a walnut and ebonized inkstand fitted drawer, and a mahogany bidet and liner with stuffed top in hair cloth 237 An oil painting on panel in gilt frame, " Portrait of a Gentleman with Newspaper," and an engraving in gilt frame, " Un Vendredi " Dalet'e IRoom 1Ro. 7- 239 Four stained frame rail back rush seat chairs, a 2 ft. 6 in. painted dressing table, painted three rail towel airer and a galvanized oval bath 240 A 3 ft. 6 in. japanned iron half tester bedstead on castors, and a wool mattress in tick case 241 A feather bed in tick, feather bolster and pillow and 3 blankets 242 A 3 ft. 6 in. japanned iron half tester bedstead on castors, and a wool mattress in tick case 243 A feather bed in tick, feather bolster and pillow and 3 blankets 244 A gentleman's 4 ft. capital mahogany wardrobe with brass astrigal and knobs, fitted 5 sliding trays, enclosed by pair of panel doors, and 5 drawers under, locks and key 245 A 4 ft. 8 in. painted wardrobe with 2 panel doors enclosing 2 shelves and 4 drawers under, brass drop handles, locks and key 246 A 2 ft. mahogany enclosed commode as chest of drawers with rising top and brass knobs, fitted white ware liner and cover, and a birch pedestal cupboard with tray top and fitted shelf 247 A 4 ft. 6 in. deal table fitted 2 drawers, and a marone and gold figured tapestry table cover 248 A 2 ft. 8 in. painted dressing table, fitted drawer, a mahogany frame dressing glass on plateau (plate 14 in. by 8 in.), a 3ft. painted tray top washstand, fitted drawer, and 9 pieces of toilet ware 249 A 21 in. oak triangular table with hinged flap, on turned legs and stretcher rail, and a mahogany bidet with liner, and stuffed loose top in hair cloth 250 A 2 ft. 6 in. painted dressing table fitted drawer, mahogany frame swing glass on plateau (plate 14 in. by 10 in.), a 2 ft. 6 in. painted washtable, 6 pieces toilet ware, 2 water bottles and tumblers, painted three rail towel airer and a japanned oval foot bath 251 An engraving in gilt frame, glazed, "Boadicea," 5 pictures various, an apple pattern ware inkstand, pair of marbled ware pillar candlesticks and a pair of flowered cretonne curtains 27 1Ro. 12, porcb IRoom. 256 The pink cable pattern toilet ware of 14 pieces 257 A 3 ft. 4 in. well made mahogany tray top washstand, fitted 2 drawers, on turned supports and castors 258 A 3 ft. 6 in. mahogany Parisian bedstead, on turned supports and castors, and a hair mattress in tick 259 A feather bed in tick, and a white wool mattress in holland case 260 A feather bolster, pillow in Turkey twill, 3 blankets and a marcella counterpane 261 A 2 ft. 9 in. mahogany Pembroke table fitted 1 drawer, on turned supports and castors 262 A 3 ft. well made mahogany kneehole dressing table fitted 5 drawers, on turned legs and castors 263 A mahogany swing frame toilet glass, on turned supports and shaped plinth (plate 24 in. by 19 in.) 264 A gentlemans 4 ft. 6 in. superior Spanish mahogany wardrobe with nulled mouldings, fitted 4 sliding trays, enclosed by pair of panel doors with brass astrigal, 2 long and 2 short drawers under (1 key) 265 A 23 in. walnut Davenport with brass gallery top and interior fittings lined with satinwood and enclosed by hinged leather lined writing slope, 4 drawers at side (1 key) 266 A square back old fashioned easy chair with loose hair cushion, on mahogany legs and castors, with extra cretonne case 267 A lady's rosewood and inlaid occasional easy chair the seat upholstered in terra silk tapestry 268 A pair of brass pole fire screens on ebonized and brass mounted stands with triangular bases and crimson silk panels ©rnaments. 269 A very elegant carved gilt Empire circular convex mirror with ebony beading, surmounted by the figure of an Eagle with handsome floral branches for 4 lights (plate 18 in.) 270 A set of 3 triple painted and gilt French china vases encrusted with flowers (about 8 in. high), and a pair of richly gilt red French china spill vases 28 27 1 A 6£ in. blue and richly gilt Belleville tazza (Jacob Petit) with medallions painted in flowers and butterfly centre, and a mauve and gilt shell shaped French china inkstand with medallions painted in flowers IWo 13, Gbe IRose IRoom. 275 A 5 ft. mahogany four post bedstead with moulded cornice and massive turned pillars, the lined flowered chintz furniture for same and a thick wool mattress in striped case 276 A feather bed in tick 277 A hair and wool mattress in striped case 278 A feather bolster and 2 feather pillows in Turkey twill 279 Four blankets and a marcella counterpane 280 An extra pair of flowered chintz curtains 281 A 5 ft- 6 in- well made mahogany wardrobe, the centre fitted 5 sliding trays and 1 drawer, the ends with hanging closets lined chintz, enclosed by 3 panelled doors, the centre one fitted with a silvered reflecting plate glass robing mirror, knobs, locks and 3 keys 282 A 3 ft. 6 in. capital Early English mahogany chest of 3 long and 2 short drawers with brass drop handles, 1 key 283 A 20 in. mahogany occasional table on turned supports and a 4 feet shaped deal dressing table 284 A 21 in. antique mahogany tray top chamber cupboard with drawer, panelled door and commode under with white ware pan, brass knobs and castors 285 A 4 ft. 10 in, antique rosewood sofa table with 2 flaps, with nulled mouldings, fitted 2 drawers, on carved column with quadrupular claw supports 286 A capital mahogany swing frame dressing glass on turned supports and shaped plinth (plate 24 in. by 19 in.) 287 A 3 ft. 6 in. well made mahogany tray top washstand, with shelf and marble top, fitted 1 drawer, on turned supports and castors 288 The white, gilt and rose pattern Minton toilet ware (12 pieces), cut water bottle and tumbler 289 A mahogany five rail towel airer and an antique mahogany bidet with stuffed top in horsehair cloth, on fluted supports with white ware liner 29 290 A stained as rosewood frame couch with loose squab, bolster and pillow in flowered chintz cases 29 1 A stuffed over easy chair in printed cotton, on turned mahogany legs and castors, with extra chintz case 292 Four birch frame cane seat chairs ©rnamental 3tems. 293 A handsome buhl and tortoiseshell Louis XV. bracket clock with striking movement, enamelled dial and chased ormolu enrichments, surmounted by a Cupid figure of " Time," tortoiseshell stand and glass shade 294 A pair of 11 in. turquoise blue and richly gilt Sevres china (gold mark) Male and Female figures, emblematic of "Music," standing on openwork pedestals studded with imitation gems 295 A pair of 9 in. white and richly gilt French china vases with ring handles, finely painted in violets 296 A pair of 7 in. oxydized and brass pillar candlesticks, a walnut inkstand with 2 inks, a leather blotter, a small carved gilt bracket with carved figure of " owl," and a chased brass taper stick with snake handle, and extinguisher 297 A 10 in. carved figure of " owl," a 10 in. blue lined openwork dish, an 8 in. white, gilt, embossed Spode pen tray, painted flowers, and n Queen Anne pattern pillar candlestick 298 A beautiful old Venetian mirror in shaped carved gilt frame with fine bevelled centre plate, reflecting borders, and shaped top panel (outside measurement 5 ft. 9 in. by 3 ft. 3 in.) IHo. 14, Xittle Cbint3 IRoom- 302 A 3 ft. 6 in. mahogany Parisian bedstead, and a wool mattress in hol- land case 303 A hair mattress in tick, and a wool mattress 304 A feather bed, feather bolster and pillow in Turkey twill 305 Three blankets and a frilled cretonne coverlet 306 A gentleman's 4 ft well made mahogany wardrobe fitted 5 sliding trays, enclosed by panelled door with brass astrigal, 2 long and 2 short drawers under (lined oak), brass knobs and 1 key 30 307 A 4 ft. fine old mahogany washstand, having Sicilian marble tray top with reeded edges, fitted 1 drawer, on fluted legs and castors 308 The green line stone china toilet ware, painted in water lilies, 18 pieces (1 odd), cut water bottle and moulded tumbler 309 A mahogany three rail towel airer, a wicker linen basket and cover, and a japanned slop vase 310 A 3 ft. 6 in. well made mahogany tray top dressing table, fitted 5 drawers with brass knobs, and castors 311 A mahogany swing frame toilet glass on turned scroll supports and shaped plinth (plate 20 in. by 16 in.) 312 A 19 in. antique mahogany tray top chamber cupboard with cylindrical front and commode under with white ware pan 3 1 3 Three carved sycamore occasional chairs with willow seats 314 A stuffed over spoon back easy chair, upholstered in flowered cretonne, on ebonized legs and castors, and extra blue cretonne case ©rnamental ©bjects. 315 A 10 in. rare old white Ludwigsburg china recumbent figure of Venus 316 A pair of 8 in. green Wedgwood tureens, in the shape of pigeons, with nests and oval stands 317 A pair of 10 in. rose pattern china pillar candlesticks, 2 glass sconces, an openwork yellow ware jardiniere, cornflower pattern spill vase, a pink Wedgwood shell shaped dish, a gros bleu and gilt Wedgwood inkstand and cover, a butterfly pattern extinguisher stand and a leather blotter 318 A valuable and unusually fine carved Florentine gilt mirror, with numerous figures in high relief, representing " Europe, Asia, Africa, and America," with brilliant bevelled plate (30 in. by 23 in.) £foe 2>rawino IRoom. 321 A 7 ft. 6 in. crimson ground and figured Persian rug 322 An 8 ft. 6 in. similar Persian rug 324 A mahogany rising top music stool in red morocco 325 A carved walnut and gilt incised music stool with rising top, upholstered in crimson figured silk rep 326 One large Moorish square, 3 smaller squares, and 2 silk squares 31 327 Fifteen Moorish covers 328 A fine quality antique Persian rug* (9 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 10 in.) 329 A similar rug, camel ground (11 ft. by 3 ft.) 330 A similar rug, key border (5 ft. 10 in. by 3 ft. 9 in.) 33 1 Two light ground and figured Turkey mats 332 A white and red silk square, a ditto in red silk, 2 mats and 2 Moorish squares 334 A 3 ft. 6 in. magnificent and valuable antique ebony, tortoiseshell and inlaid ivory Florentine shaped cabinet, embellished in finely chased ormolu, the centre representing " The Interior of a Temple," with beautifully tesselated floor, surrouDded by elliptic shaped mirrors with gilt column supports, enclosed by a pair of elegant doors with 4 Corinthian columns, the insides of which are inlaid with rosewood and ivory this fine centrepiece is surrounded by 12 drawers, the lower portion fitted with writing slide inlaid ivory and various woods, on stand with spirally twisted pillar supports and inlaid stretcher rails, locks and 1 key 335 A 21 in. elegant and costly tulipwood and inlaid oval shaped Louis XVI. two tier etagere, the top lined crimson velvet, with chased ormolu galleries and enrichments, on shaped supports 336 A 24 in. circular deal top table, on ebonized folding frame, a pale blue brocaded silk cover, and an 18 in. ebonized octagonal top two tier occasional table 337 An 11 in. shaped mahogany Chippendale jardiniere stand, on pillar and claw 338 A 9 in. similar square shaped stand, on pillar and claw 339 A 5 ft. 9 in. handsome four fold Japanese screen, panelled in pale blue silk, beautifully embroidered in birds and flowers 340 A carved walnut pole fire screen, with fine old silk tapestry panel, having an oval centrepiece, representing a landscape with historical figures, surrounded by animals, birds and floral designs 341 A 4 ft. 6 in. elegant ebony Florentine writing table, profusely inlaid with ivory in stars, panels and medallions of scroll work, fitted with 2 drawers, on spirally twisted supports and stretcher rail, locks and 1 key 342 A 3 ft. rare old Italian table of fine tortoiseshell choicely inlaid in scroll devices of mother o'pearl, fitted 1 drawer, on spiral supports and stretcher rails 32 343 An 18 in. octagonal ebonized two tier table, and a Japanese dwarf three fold fire screen 344 A 3 ft. 3 in. fine old shaped mahogany and banded with satinwood and rosewood Sheraton Pembroke table, fitted 1 drawer, on fluted taper supports and castors, 1 key 345 A 4 ft. 6 in superb and very valuable old Italian cabinet in the form of a Temple, of fine old tortoiseshell with ebony mounts, embellished with chased ormolu, brass gallery top surmounted by urn shaped ornamentations, fitted numerous drawers, the fronts of which repre- sent niches, with shaped pediments over supported by Corinthian columns, on stand to correspond with square taper legs and shaped stretcher rails (4 ft. 6 in. wide). (A remarkably fine object of decoration.) (See Illustration) 346 A 4 ft. antique walnut and inlaid circular loo table with mahogany top 347 A handsome Aubusson tapestry table cover with centre panel in trophies and side panels of flowers 348 A blue ground and old gold floral pattern tapestry cover 349 A 2 ft. 6 in. elegant shaped Louis XV. tulipwood writing table with 6 exquisitely painted Sevres china plaques in birds and flowers, massively mounted in chased ormolu, the top lined blue velvet, on cabriole supports 350 A 13 in. fine old marqueterie circular two tier etagere of Louis XVI. character, fitted 1 drawer, embellished with chased ormolu mountings and galleries, having 2 exquisitely painted floral Sevres china centre pieces, the sides with 9 similar plaques and medallions, on triple shaped supports 351 A 3 ft. 6 in. antique rosewood circular loo table on pillar and angular plinth with brass claw terminals 352 A 2 ft 6 in. handsome tulipwood and inlaid rosewood shaped show case table of Louis the XV. design with glazed top, lined velvet, richly mounted in chased ormolu, on cabriole supports, lock and key 353 A 20 in. shaped rosewood three tier whatnot on spirally twisted supports and castors 354 A 24 in. walnut ebonized and gilt Canterbury whatnot, with divisions and panelled sides, fitted 1 drawer, on fluted supports and castors 355 A 2 ft. 9 in. valuable old mahogany Chippendale shaped folding top card table, lined green cloth, on beautifully carved shell shaped supports with claw and ball feet Lot 345. Italian Cabinet. „ 377. Tudor Chair. a o o z X o C/J z < III J OS O x o - O IE < u S c : A H < »j a I •s * H u a a pj < < o U N H a w a o t- t H o o c£ Bj 0! u T. < < W *-\ - 6 M N vO vO >o CO ro C> j_i o „ ., J * 33 356 A set of 6 similar fine old mahogany Chippendale chairs with carved backs, on claw and ball supports, the seats upholstered in crimson figured silk damask — at per chair 357 A somewhat similar finely carved old mahogany Chippendale scroll open arm chair, the seat upholstered to correspond 358 A 4 ft. 6 in. choice old tulipwood and inlaid shaped writing 1 table of Louis XV. design, the top lined marone morocco, fitted 3 drawers, embellished iu finely chased ormolu with mask heads and foliage in relief, on shaped supports, locks and 1 key 359 A 4 ft. antique rosewood open bookcase of Empire design with gilt Sphinx head mounts and brass headings, shaped grey marble top, fitted 6 shelves with centre cupboard enclosed by silk panelled door, lock and key 360 An exceedingly beautiful and rare old Florentine shaped escritoire enclosed cabinet of ebony with silvered mounts, the upper portion surmounted by one drawer, the centre representing " The interior of a Temple," with tesselated floor, surrounded by elliptic shaped mirrors with silver mounted column supports, having a drawer over, enclosed by a panelled door with silver mounted columns and gallery pediment, surrounded by numerous drawers — the whole of which together with the panels of the doors are exquisitely painted in flower subjects, birds and insects, by Madelina V. D. Erken, the whole enclosed by 2 outer doors with 2 drawers under, on stand to correspond, (36 in. wide). (Special attention is drawn to this fine object of decoration . ) (See Illustration) 361 A pair of elaborately carved old oak Elizabethan high back chairs, the seats upholstered in handsome crimson and gold Genoa velvet, finished with fringe and brass studs, on carved supports and stretcher rails (See Illustration} 362 A pair of historical and very valuable old ebony and ivory chairs, exquisitely carved, with railed and panelled backs, surmounted by figures of mermaids, with coats of arms in centre, the seats upholstered in velvet worked in ancient embroidery. (Formerly the property of Cardinal Wolsey.) (See Illustration) 363 A pair of japanned and gilt scroll frame open arm fauteuils, of the Empire period, with cane seats and hair cushions and extra chintz cases, at per chair 364 A similar lot 365 A similar lot 34 366 A similar lot 367 A similar lot 368 A settee to correspond with hair squab, 3 back cushions and 2 bolsters with extra chintz cases 369 A set of 6 enamelled and gilt frame fauteuils of the Empire period with cushions, upholstered in fine quality cream silk with trimmings, at per chair 370 The fine quality cream silk with lace trimmings, sufficient to cover six chairs as last lot The Rosewood frame Drawing room Suite, spring and hair stuffed and covered canvas, with loose chintz cover to each, comprising 371 A gentleman's shaped back easy chair 372 A similar lot 373 A lady's easy chair, with horse shoe shaped back 374 A similar lot 375 A 7 ft. stuffed over settee 376 A 6 ft. similar settee 377 A very fine old carved walnut open arm high back Tudor chair, the seat and back beautifully upholstered in crimson figured Genoa velvet, trimmed silk fringe, on carved scroll supports and stretcher rails {See Illustration) 378 A costly carved openwork and shaped Cairo three fold screen, finely inlaid with devices in mother o' pearl, the panels fitted with an oriel and 2 doors, standing 7 ft. high 379 A 6 ft. somewhat similar screen 380 A 16 in. tulipwood and inlaid marqueterie shaped French three tier etagere with ormolu gallery and mountings, on shaped supports 381 An 18 in. shaped Amboyna wood and inlaid buhl French three tier etagere on shaped supports, with ormolu mask and trophy mounts and claw terminals 382 Three oblong down cushions in ancient tapestry and terra cotta striped tabaret bound cords, and a similar larger cushion 383 A down cushion in silk embroidery with red back, and 2 similar frilled cushion in figured silk tapestry 384 Two down cushions in tapestry with Pongee silk frills and backs 35 385 A pale blue silk and silver thread tapestry down cushion with velvet back, and another with handsome old embroidery and marone Pongee silk frill and back 386 Two down cushions in ancient Aubusson tapestry and velvet 387 A frilled down cushion in yellow silk tapestry and 2 similar cushions in Pongee frilled silk 388 A pair of handsome dark blue and old gold silk broeatelle curtains with velvet borders, lined amber silk, trimmed gimp and tassels, with valance en suite and loops 389 A similar lot Ornamental ©tyects ano Curios. 390 A pair of 11 in. fine old Oriental vases and covers with decorated borders, painted in Japanese figure subjects 39 1 An 1 1 in. old Dresden figure of " Monk holding a bottle and carrying a sack of fruit" (a fine specimen) 392 A 13 in. choice old grey Oriental enamel vase 393 A 19 in. elegant timepiece with striking movement, of Louis XV. design, in finely chased ormolu case, surmounted by figures of Cupids, with enamelled dial, and Sevres plaque exquisitely painted, representing a Garden Scene and figures, after the style of Watteau, with oval medallion portraits of Court Beauties, and floral plaques 394 A pair ot 1 9 in. beautiful old French chased ormolu candelabra, formed of boy figures on scroll bases, supporting Cornucopias with rustic branches for eight lights each 395 A pair of 11 in. rare old Lowestoft vases with raised flowers and gilt decorations, the panels painted in Japanese figure subjects 396 A pair of 8 in. Dresden male and female figures 397 A pair of 9 in . similar figures (one with musical instrument) 398 Eleven old Worcester china cups with blue, red and gilt decorations {square mark) 399 A pair of 1 2 in. fine old Chelsea draped African figures on scroll bases encrusted with flowers 400 A 7 in. old Chelsea figure of " Eoman Warrior " with shield at side and two 5 in. old Dresden figures of " Soldiers " 401 A burnished brass portable electric standard with fancy yellow silk shade, cord and plug 36 402 A 5 in. handsome onyx casket with chased gilt mountings 403 An old Dresden cup and saucer painted in flowers, a similar shaped cup without handle, 2 white and gilt Worcester coffee cups with the Kenmare monogram, and a two handled Capo di Monte cup and saucer with Cupid and trophy medallions in relief 404 A well executed miniature of the " Madonna," in handsome Florentine ehony and gilt metal frame studded with choice pebbles, and an oak easel for same 405 A pair of 4^ in. bleu de roi and richly gilt Sevres china jardinieres with medallions finely painted in Watteau subjects, encircled with imitation gems, on the reverse groups of flowers 406 A 1 2 in. white embossed and gilt circular shaped dish of old Dresden china with medallions painted in fruit and the centre in a Watteau subject, and a handsome small Dresden teapot and cover with long scroll handle encrusted with flowers 407 A 16 in. superb old Dresden figure of " Parrot on rustic stump " 408 A 13 in. fine old Royal Dresden figure of "Jay bird on stump" ( A ugustus Rex period) 409 Another valuable Dresden figure of " Jay bird on tree stump, with Squirrel running down the side," standing 15 in. high 410 A pair of finely carved and curious old ivory figures, "Musicians and Dogs," after the style of Tenier's subjects, mounted on carved oak pedestals 41 1 An 18 in. old Oriental vase with Kylin cover, with panels painted in figures, and an 11 in. circular Oriental deep dish, painted flowers, birds and insects 412 A 17 in. handsomely inlaid ivory Indian sandalwood work casket, fitted with mirror and interior fittings of ivory, with writing slide and silver plated handles 413 A pair of 1 1 in. fine old Hochst china wine coolers and covers with twisted handles, beautifully painted in groups of flowers {blue mark) 414 A 12 in. handsome old white and gilt Hochst china liqueur stand, containing a pair of 8 in. ewers and covers, finely painted in flowers (gold mark) 415 A 10 in. fine shaped Capo di Monte dish with painted swans and storks in relief 416 A very handsome old Lille (1767) china shaped wall panel, exquisitely painted, with a Dutch interior and Boors drinking, after the style of Teniers 37 + 17 A pair of 7 in. fine old white china jardinieres with gilt scroll handles and basket pattern border painted in insects, with landscapes and figures, on the reverse musical tropbies 418 A Capo di Monte ecuelle, cover and stand with painted swans, storks, etc, in relief 419 A 10 in. old Tournay spirally fluted plate with green border, the centre painted in figures, {bearing the mark in gold of two swords, saltire, and small crosses) 420 An 11 in. beautiful white and richly gilt oviform shaped Sevres china jardiniere exquisitely painted in panels of fruit and flowers 421 A similar jardiniere with turquoise ground and gilt decoration, painted in groups of flowers 422 A 13 in- rare old Dresden china octagonal basin and ewer of the Marcolini period with pink scale border, beautifully painted in land- scapes and figures 423 A 10 in. fine old Furstenburg china group of "Oriental Potentate with Negro Attendant," on scroll base 424 A choice old Dresden equestrian group representing Europe on a White Horse with trophies emblematic of the Arts and Sciences, on oval base encrusted with flowers, standing 7 in. high 425 The chased ormolu and malachite writing set, viz. — taper stick and extinguisher, pen tray, letter clip, ring stand and paper weight 426 A 4 in. chased ormolu and blue enamel French spill vase, a blue and gilt china spill vase witb medallion painted flowers and a pair of 6 in. square white, gilt and embossed Dresden jardinieres 427 An 8 in. finely carved ivory drinking cup, representing a Group of Stags in a Forest on buckhorn base, and a carved ivory paper knife 428 A cut glass and gilt Venetian scent bottle and stopper, a brown and richly gilt Roman lamp shaped inkstand, a quaint opaque French mug painted Figures and Euins, and a shaped Wedgwood plate pencilled in black and white, " Dutch Canal Scene." 429 A very handsome Royal Dresden dejeuner services of the Augustus Rex period, elegantly painted in exotic Birds, comprising : a 9 in. dish with openwork border, teapot and cover, cream ewer and cover, sugar vase and cover, cup and saucer 480 A 12 in. rare old Sevres revolving urn shaped jardiniere of turquoise blue with gilt decoration, having an oval medallion finely painted in an Allegorical subject, on the reverse a Seaport and figures, mounted in beautifully chased ormolu with swan handles, openwork border and fluted base 38 431 A pair of 24 in. elegant old Mareolini Dresden vases and covers, surmounted by groups of Birds, encrusted with May blossoms having flowers and foliage in bold relief, on circular bases with mask head mounts and festoons 432 A 9 in. finely chased ormolu circular inkstand of the Empire period, with cut ink and cover, surmounted by a well modelled group of " Two Arab Steeds," on winged lion supports 433 A 15 in. unusually fine green and richly gilt old Minton vase and cover, with cable pattern decorations in relief, painted in garlands of roses, on square base 434 A 12 in. beautiful old Dresden oviform soup tureen, with scroll handles and covers, surmounted by Boy figure with Cornucopia, finely painted in groups of flowers 435 A pair of 13 in. old Oriental vases, decorated with flowers, the panels painted in Japanese figure subjects 436 A superb Sevres china oviform clock of turquoise blue, with striking movement, beautifully mounted in chased ormolu forming an urn shaped vase, with handles and cover, surmounted by well modelled Cupids and 'recumbent Boy figures at base, the shaped plinth decorated with festoons and trophy, by Boyer, Paris, standing 24 in. high 437 A pair of valuable and massively chased ormolu French cande- labra, formed of beautifully modelled Cupid figures, supporting floral branches for five lights each, standing 32 in. high, on shaped plinths. (Important objects of decoration.) 438 A pair of 10 in. choice old Oriental cylindrical vases, with decorated borders, painted in Japanese figure subjects 439 A pair of 8 in. handsome white and richly gilt crescent shaped Housel china flower holders and covers, with three necks each, finely painted in flowers 440 A pair of 9 in. valuable white and gilt shaped Chelsea Derby two handled vases and covers, beautifully encrusted with flowers 441 A 6 in. white and gilt oval old Lowestoft Ecuelle, cover and stand, with openwork border, painted flowers and fruit, and an 11 in. old Oriental circular deep dish, painted flowers 442 A 10 in. antique walnut and inlaid box, with oval medallion " nest of Cupids," after the style of Bartolozzi, quantity of pearl counters and a set of carved ivory chessmen in box 39 443 A richly gilt and red ground old French china Ecuelle, cover and stand with a medallion pencilled in black and white Allegorical subject, and a pair of similar white and gilt coffee cups and saucers decorated in Etruscan figures 444 A 9 in. valuable old Frankenthal china oval bowl, with scroll handles and crimped edge having a border of trellis work beautifully painted in birds and flowers (date between 1478 and 1778). This is the second period bearing the initials of Charles Theodore wider the Electral Crmvn. 445 An 1 1 in. oval Sevres china dish, turquoise blue and gilt decorations, the medallions finely painted with birds and floral centre piece (qold mark), and a 13 in. boat shaped dish of the same manufacture painted in flowers, the centre in figures after the style of Watteau 446 A pair of 12 in. finely chased ormolu pillar candlesticks of Louis XVI. design with festoons in relief 447 An 11 in. very handsome gold plated tray inkstand with shaped openwork border, on scroll feet, with taper stick, extinguisher, 2 cut inks and covers 448 A pair of 7 in. fine old red ground and richly gilt French china jardinieres and stands 449 A pair of 9 in. old Dresden china plates painted in flowers and a painted bisque china group of 2 Dachshund dogs 450 A morocco leather blotter, a large pair of scissors in repousse brass sheath, a blue and flowered Worcester china pin tray, a tortoiseshell paper knife with chamois horn handle, a rosewood and brass mounted book slide and an oak book slide 45 1 A pair of 5 in. very handsome and richly gilt French china jardinieres and stands, beautifully painted in flowers 452 An 11 in. old Worcester embossed and fluted two handled vase and cover with elegant gilt and gros bleu decorations 453 A 6 in. old Lowestoft jug and cover painted in flowers, and a pair of very fine cups and saucers, of the same manufacture, decorated in Japanese subjects and small landscapes 454 An 1 1 in. rare old Chelsea figure of " Falstaff," on scroll base encrusted with flowers 455 A pair of 6 in. Crown Derby male and female figures on octagonal em- bossed bases 40 456 A pare old Crown Derby cup, forming a Bacchanalian head {purple mark) 457 A set of 5 valuable old Lowestoft vases (three with Kylin covers), the panels painted in flower subjects, with beautifully embossed borders and rats in relief, in the Oriental style, standing about 12 in. high 458 A set of 6 white, gilt and buff striped Chamberlain Worcester cups and saucers, the panels painted in flowers 459 A pair of 11 in. Dresden china vases encrusted with blossoms, having raised fruit and birds in bold relief 460 A 16 in. fine old Marseilles Faience oval basin and ewer with cover, of basket pattern exquisitely painted in landscapes, figures, insects, &c. 461 An old circular engraving, after Bartolozzi, "Group of Cupids," and another by Cypriani, after Bartolozzi, in gilt frames, glazed 462 An historical relic, viz. : an embroidered shirt, formerly belonging' to King Henry VII. [Presented by one of the Bostock family, who was Lord of the Bedchamber to His Majesty). A crimson velvet em- broidered shoe of Pope Pius the VII. (Presented in 1817 to Sir Thus. Gage, seventh Baronet of Hengrave) ; and a small case, containing hair, &c, of some of the Royal Family of Stuart 463 A miniature bronze bust of Madame La Comtesse du Barry, a finely carved ivory and crystal seal, and a circular snuff box, made from the Royal George 464 A large and quaint ancient watch, of the Seventeenth Century, with striking movement, in beautifully chased and openwork case, by Grazl, in curious outer leather case with brass key 465 A quaint old embossed brass and enamelled relic, believed to be the centre panel of an early Russian tryptich 466 Two panels of ancient Limoges enamel decorated with Saints, and mounted in old oak, signed T. P. (Believed to be two panels of a tryptich.) 467 A pair of 7 in. elegant silver Corinthian column candlesticks with rams' heads and festoons in relief, of Queen Anne pattern, on ebonized bases, fitted for electric light with silk cord 468 A similar lot 469 A similar lot End of Second Day's Sale. ftengraoe Rail, Burp St. Edmunds. Three miles from Bury St. Edmunds Station, G.E. R. -3F ^f w w 'a* Third Day's Sa/e, SATURDAY, 7th AUGUST, 1897, At ONE o'Clock. W~4fu_ ?i^ Cl)e Collection of pictures. ©il paintings. Bed Eoom No. 5. 470 "Landscape, Eiver Scene, etc." 47 1 " Mountainous Landscape with Lake " Bed Boom No. 6. 472 A pair of " Interiors, Figures, etc.," on panels 473 " Carrickfergus Castle, Antrim " signed P. G. W. English School Dutch School Richard Candy Bed Room No. 8. 474 A portrait of girl carrying tray, " The Chocolate Waitress" 475 A pair of figure subjects on panels, after Meissonier No. 10 South Boom. 476 A landscape and figures on horseback, " The Gage Family " J. N. Sar tonus, 1740 - 477 " Saint Catherine" Italian School 478 A pair of Scriptural subjects John de Bischop 479 " The Ascension " Early Italian School - 42 480 An oil painting " Old Chapel," and another on copper 481 " Dorothy, Countess of Sutherland " on panel after Sir Peter Lely 482 Portrait of " James II." Wisstng j4 483 "A Madonna " (white and blue dress) Italian School Bed Eoom No. 14. (Little Chintz Room.) 484 " The Saviour, St. John and The Lamb " French School 485 " Temple of Sybil at Tivoli " on panel, by John Morgan, a painting on glass, portrait of a " Gentleman in wig and robes," and 2 small similar paintings, portraits "William Duke of Cumberland" and " George II." Bed Room No. 15. (Blue Room.) 486 A pair of portraits, " Mary Josephine, Dauphine of France " and " Sophie Phillippi Elizabeth, Justane of France, 1782, and Daughter of Louis XV." Van Loo 487 A portrait of a " Lady holding- corn " Mignard 488 A portrait of " Louis XV. of France and Navarre " (from the collection of The Marquis de Talarue) 489 " Marie Leckzenska, Queen of France and Navarre " Van Loo 490 A portrait of a " Lady in red dress " Knellcr 491 A portrait, " Madame Adelaide de France " Van Loo 492 A portrait of " An Old Lady seated in an Armchair " Unknown Bed Room No. 16. 493 A painting on glass, " Lord Herbert of Cherburg," and a small portrait of a "Girl" Bed Room No. 17. 494 A portrait of " Sir Thos. Gage, fifth Baronet, of Heugrave " Linen Room No. 19. 495 A Gallery painting of " Dogs, Dead Game, etc." Italian School 496 ■• Fruit, Grapes, Peaches, etc.," on pedestal, and a water colour drawing " Mountainous Landscape and Figures " Sir Thos. Gage H 43 497 An oil painting of " A Horse and Groom," another of " Terriers," and a portrait of " A Child holding a Book " (unframed) 498 A portrait of " A Gentleman," on panel, after Zucchero, another, " Grey Horse in Landscape," E. Cooper, and 2 chalk drawings, " Portraits " Grand Staircase. 499 A three-quarter length portrait of "Henrietta Maria" {Queen of Charles 7.) Van Dyek 500 A three-quarter length poitrait of " A Man " on panel Holbein 501 A three-quarter length portrait of " Benjamin Kudyerd " {Speaker of (he House of Commons, 1640) 502 A three quarter length portrait of " Sir Roger Martin, Bart.," {Uncle of Elizabeth Rokewood Gage) Sir P. Lcly 503 A three-quarter length portrait of " Edward Gage " {Third son of Thomas Gagt) Sir Godfrey Kneller 504 A pair of portraits of " Sir Thomas Rokewood Gage, ' and " Lucy, Lady Gage " He ins, 1748 h ~U3 505 A portrait of " Mary, Lady Hervey " Drouais, 1750 h 506 A portrait of " Bichard Knight," brother of Lucy, Lady Gage Sir Godfrey Kneller ^ c pi A ( 507 A portrait of "Sir Robert Rokewood, of Coldham Hall, Suffolk" -pw^ J s^s* 553 * Ritus, 1660 It 508 A portrait of " Sir William Gage," fourth Baronet 509 A portrait of " Sir William Gage, of Hengrave " m Sir Godfrey Kneller, 1709 510 A portrait of " John Gage./second Baronet, of Hengrave " 511 A portrait of "Elizabeth, Wife of John Gage" Heins, 1748 512 A portrait of " Thomas Rokewood, of Coldham Hall ~ H. G., 1713 -tr Corridor, commencing near Grand Staircase. 513 A portrait of "A Cardinal," on panel, and a coloured print of " Hengrave Hall " 514 A portrait of "A Pope," on panel 515 A gallery painting, Allegorical Subject, " Triumph of Peace over War " Unknown 44 \\ 516 "A Spaniel, Kabbit and Woodcock in Landscape " Brown 517 An upright Landscape, " Horsemen, &c, Crossing Bridge" Aglio, 1811 518 A portrait of " Lady Penelope Gage (the last of the Kytson family) " English School 519 A gallery painting, " Stag Hunting " Wootton 520 A portrait of " Sir Anthony Browne," on panel Holbein (Of Battle Abbey and Cowdray, Master of the Horse to Henry VIII., married Alice, daughter of Sir John Gage, K.G. This picture is ^t mentioned in Vol. Ill, of the Vetusta Monumcnta, as amongst those stolen from Cowdray Castle at the time of its destruction by fire in 1793 ; Sir Anthony is here represented in the dress he wore when he married oy proxy Princess Anna of Cleeves, wife of Henry VIII, 1538.) 52 1 A portrait of " Elizabeth, Countess Eivers " 522 A gallery painting-, "Vase of Flowers," signed J. Baptiste 523 A portrait on panel of " A Divine " 524 A portrait of " Isabel Clara Eug-ener, Governess of the Low Countries " 525 A portrait of " A Man in red costume " English School 526 A portrait of " A Man in brown dress and wig " Sir Godfrey Kneller 521 " View of Hengrave Hall and Stag Hunting " Sartorius 528 An oval portrait, " Prince de la Maison de Bourbon " Mignard 529 A similar portrait, " Philippe Due d Orleans, Brother of Louis XIV. " Mignard Mignard 530 A similar portrait, " Duchess of Montayon " 53 1 A portrait of " A Gentleman in armour and wig: " 532 A portrait of " a Lady," with lace frill, on panel 533 A gallery painting, Allegorical Subject 534 A similar painting- " vase and flowers " 535 "A Coast scene, boats, figures, &c," on panel 536 A gallery painting, " View of Windsor Castle " 537 " Dead Game, Hare and Pheasant" 538 " The Crucifixion " 539 A pair of full length portraits "The Kev. Mother 1 descendant of Sir Thomas More, and " A Sister " 540 " The Virgin and Child " French School School of Jansens School of Rubens signed, 7. Baptiste Scott Dutch School Italian School (Mary More) last Italian School 45 Dining Eoom. 541 A three-quarter length portrait of" Sir William Gag-e " (second Baronet, of Hengrave) A. R. de Charas, 1688 542 A three-quarter length portrait of " Charles II." (as Prince of Wales) ,^"CT Gerard Honthurst 543 Another similar portrait of " Sir Henry Gage " same artist (Governor of Oxford tinder Charles I., killed at the Battle of Culhani Bridge, 1644, Grandson of Sir John Gage, K.G) 544 A portrait of " Charles I. and Henrietta Maria,'' after Van Dyck Outeb Study. 545 A half length portrait of " Lady Mary Anne Gage " {daughter of Valen- tine, first Earl of Kcnmare) Mrs. Carpenter 546 Another of " Major Gage " Airs. Carpenter 547 A similar portrait of " Sir Thomas Gage, Bart." Mrs. Carpenter 548 Another of " Sir Thos. Bokewood Gage " R. Buckner 549 Another of " John Gage Bokewood, of Coldham Hall, Suffolk " Mrs. Carpenter 550 Another of " Major William Gage " Mrs. Carpenter 551 A pair of miniature paintings in carved ornamental openwork frame Inner Study. 552 " Beatrice Cenci " Painted in Rome, 1833 553 A pair of paintings on panel, " Skating Scenes " Dutch School 554 " The Italian Piper " Dated 1841 555 A pair — "Interior of Stable with Horses," and "White Horse in Landscape " signed R. and R. 556 Small portrait on Copper of "Thomas Hobbs" Keyser, 1660 557 " A Landscape, Lake Scene, etc." Arthur Gilbert 558 A small portrait on panel of " John Gage, Esq." Linnell, 1817 559 A similar portrait on panel of " A Man Beading Newspaper," and a small painting on panel of " A Cat " French School 560 " Boors Drinking*," panel David Teniers 56 1 " The Hurdy Gurdy Player " Brawer 562 An oval portrait on copper of "Gentleman in wig and red dress" ', Jp 46 563 " Landscape with Horse, Groom and Spaniel " English School 564 Portrait of " Duke of Pentwezel," and a crayon portrait of " Eichard, Lord Braybrooke" 565 An oval portrait of " Sir Thomas Eokewood Gage" R. Buckner 565 A portrait of " John Dalton, Esq.," of Thurnham Hall, Lancaster E?iglish School Dbawing Eoom (commencing over door to cloisters and continuing round room to the right). 567 A half length portrait of " Sir John Gage " Cornelius Jansens 568 A three-quarter length portrait of " Catherine of Braganza, Queen of Charles II." Mary Beale 569 A half length portrait, " Sir William Gage," fourth Baronet Sir Godfrey Kneller 570 A portrait of " Louis XV. of France seated on the Throne " (a very fine picture) Hyacinthe Rigaud 571 A three-quarter length portrait of " Mary, Queen of William III. " Sir Godfrey Kneller 512 A half length portrait of "Lucy, Lady Gage, Daughter of William Knight " Sir Godfrey KnelUr 573 A half length portrait of " Sir Edward Gage " Sir Peter Lely 574 A three-quarter length portrait of " Mary, wife of Sir Edward Gage " English School 575 A three-quarter length portrait of " Sir Charles Cornwallis," on panel Zucchero 576 A small half length portrait of "Sir Thomas Kitson,'' on panel School of Holbein 577 Another of " Sir Thomas Kitson, Junior," painted 1573 '-" 578 A three-quarter length portrait of "Elizabeth, Lady Monson" daughter of Sir George Eeresby, Bart., in finely carved ornamental ' frame, inscribed as follows : — signed Sir Peter Lily Did not a certain Lady whip Of late her husbands own Lordship ? And though :i Grandee of the House Claw'd hiin with fundamental blows. Ty'd him stark naked to a bed post, And rirk'd his hide as it' she had rid-post, And after in the Sessions Court. Where whippings judg'd had honour for't. 579 A three-quarter length portrait of " Sir Eobert Eokewood," of Coldham Hall, Suffolk, after Eitus V jfuuw 47 580 A three-quarter length portrait of "Lady Penelope Darcy " Van Dyck (Upon Penelope, the third daughter, the Countess of Rivers settled Hengrave and her Suffolk property. It is said that Sir George Trenchard, Sir John Gage and Sir William Hervey each solicited Lady Penelope in marriage at the same time, and thit to keep peace between the rivals, she threatened the first aggressor with her perpetual displeasure, telling them if they would wait she would have them all in their turns — a promise which was actually performed. ) 580* " The Madonna " Francisco Furini 58 1 A half length portrait of " A Gentleman in frill," (Sir John Gage of Firle, created a baronet in 1662) Cornelius Jansens 582 A three-quarter length portrait of " Henrietta, Duchess of Orleans {daughter of Char Is I. and Charlotte Bond, Maid of Honour, afterward wife of Sir William Gagt) Van Dyck 583 A half length portrait of " Nell Gwynne " Sir Peter Lely 584 A similar portrait on panel, ' Lady Kitson " School of Zucchero 585 A half length portrait of "General Monk" Sir Godfrey Kneller 586 A three-quarter length portrait of 'Charles II." Wissing 587 A half length portrait of "Elizabeth, Countess Rivers " 588 An Interior of a " Monastery with Monks and Kneeling Figure,' - on panel 589 Two portraits on panel, "Dorothy, Countess of Berkshire," and *' Lady Elizabeth Thimbleby,'' with Cupid holding Flowers Van Dyck 590 Small portrait of Henry VIII. Holbein 591 A small painting on copper of " The Saviour and an Apostle," copy by Albert Krafft, from the original picture in the Dresden Gallery 592 An original sketch " At Cairo " William Muller (signed and dated, 1843J TUbrarp. 593 A three quarter length portrait of " Mrs. Gage seated, in a Landscape" T. M. Joy (signed) 1843 594- An oval portrait of " a Lady in Spanish dress " School of Velasquez K « H 48 595 An " Interior and the Card Players " Dutch School 596 A small full length portrait of " Sir Henrv Willett. Esq., in the character of Sir John Falstaff " Wilde, 1820 597 A small oval miniature painting on china, portrait of " French Officer," by Sophie Gieuard, and a drawing in ebony frame, " Allegorical Subject " Francois Boitard 598 An " Interior with Figure drinking " Dutch Schcol 599 " Part of the Palace of the Caesars from the Farnese Gardens " C. B. Bassi, Rome, 1818 Cloisters. 600 A full length portrait of "Louis XV.," with crown and sceptre Van Loo 601 A full length portrait in ebonized frame, of " Sir John Gage," of Furle (Privy Councillor to Henry VIII. , Edward VI. and Mary) Early English School 602 A half length portrait of 'Catherine Gage." and another of "Basilea Gage,' - {Maid of Honour to Mary, Queen of James II.) Mary Beale 603 A half length portrait of " Miss Warmestre," (Maid of Honour to Queen Henrietta) Van Dyck 604 A three-quarter length portrait of ' Thomas Gage" (eldest son of Sir William Gage) Sir Godfrey Kneller 605 A three-quarter length portrait " Henry Jermyn " (Lord Dover), in armour Wissing 606 A three - quarter length portrait of " James, Duke of Ormonde, in armour " Sir Godfrey Kneller 607 A full length portrait in black frame, of " Mary, Countess Kivers, at the age of fifty-eight " Early English School, 1617 608 A similar portrait of " Mary, Countess Rivers, at the age of thirty-four," Earty English School, 1593 H 609 A similar portrait of " Sir Thomas Darcy " Ditto, 1554 610 A similar portrait of " Mary, Lady Manors " 611 A similar portrait of " Henry, Lord Manors, Earl of Eutland " 612 A similar portrait of " Lady Kitson " (Daughter to Sir Thomas Corn- wallis) 49 Mater Colours. Bed Eoom No. 8. 613 A pair of water colour drawings, " An Interior " and "Exterior," with figures, etc. L. David Bed Eoom No. 9. 614 A pair, " Coast Scene and Shipping " Fonfche 615 A pair, " Shakespeare's Cliffs, Dover " and " View on the Bhine" G. Earp, 1861 616 A " Study of Trees " Boulanger 617 " Castle of Ferrara," and another, " Biver Scene, Boat, Figures, etc." G. Earp 618 "A Lady seated in Garden," another, "Interior and figure of Courtier," Nutna Static, and another, " Mountainous Lake Scene " H. M. Smith Bed Boom No. 10. (South Boom.) 619 A water colour drawing, " Allegorical Subject, Cupids, etc.," another "Netley Abbey," and 3 profiles on glass Bed Boom No. 11. 620 Four Shipping pictures {Guraying), and 2 others, various Bed Boom No. 16. 621 'A Bocky Landscape, with Mountain Torrent, &c, Killarney," Sir T/ios. Gage, and "Biver Scene and Figures Fishing," by same artist, after Vernet 622 "A Mountainous Landscape" and "Biver Scene," and another "Landscape, Figures, Bocks, &c." Sir Tkos. Gage 623 "A Wooded Landscape, Waterfall, &c," Havell, and another, "Biveaux Abbey " Nicholsoti Corridoes. 624 A set of 11 small water colours — Landscapes, &c. T. Gage, 1808 625 A " Landscape and Windmill," by Nicholson, and another, "View of an Old Inn, with Bridge, Horses, &c." T. Gage ?0 Inner Study. 626 Two miniature portraits, " Sir Thomas Gage, 1809," and another, " Honourable William Browne, 1815 ;" an Etching of " The Courtyard, Hengrave Hall," and a small drawing, portrait of " Countess Maria Macnamara " Coloured lEnoravinos. Bed Room No. 12 (Porch Boom). 627 A coloured engraving", " The Visit to the Nursery," after George Morland 628 A pair of circular coloured engraving's, " Abelard and Eloisa surprised by Fulvert," and "The Parting of Abelard and Eloisa" Bartolozzi, after Angelica Kauffman, and another, "Figures" Burke, after Angelica Kauffman Bed Boom No. 14 (Little Chintz Boom). 629 A pair of "Interiors," with figures, E. Scott, after C. Ansell and a mezzotint engraving of " Marie Antoinette " Corridors. 630 A set of three " Coaching Scenes," after Cooper Henderson 631 " Hengrave Hall " (Sranfc Staircase. 632 A set of 6, " The Life of a Racehorse," Jukes, after the original pictures by Ansell 633 " Interior with Figures," Burke, after Singleton (in lavatory) 634 Two sets, "English Slavery" and "Lumps of Pudding," W. Heath, after H. W. Bunbury, and a water colour drawing of " A Viaduct and Landscape " (in lavatory) 51 Engravings. Bed Eoom No. 8. 635 A pair in rosewood frames, " Spaniel and Pheasant," and " Betriever and Woodcock " after Landseer T/iomas Landseer 636 "A Highland Landscape, Sportsman and Dog," in compo frame, another, " Empress Eugenie," in gilt frame, and another Bed Room No. 9. 637 " A Dog," in gilt frame, another, "Pope Clement the Ninth," another, " Catholic College at Stonyhurst," another, "Admiral Lord Beauclerk," and 2 others 638 A sepia engraving, "Portrait of a Lady," in carved gilt frame, pair of profiles, in gilt frames, with crown surmounts, 2 others, an engraving, portrait of "Lady Cawdor," a photo in gilt frame, and a small oil painting on panel, " Two Spaniels " South Dressing Boom No. 11. 639 " The Immaculate Conception," after Murillo, in gilt frame, " Charles I.," after Van Dyck, and another, the " Duke of Norfolk," in maple frame 640 " Chaucer's Canterbury Pilgrims," after Stothard, another, "Henrietta, Duchess of Orleans," and 2 others 641 "Pope Pie IX.," a pair of mezzotint engravings, "George III." and " Queen Charlotte," 1 other and 3 profiles on glass Bed Boom No. 17. 642 A pair of portraits, " Queen Victoria " and " Prince Albert," A tkinson, after Winterhaltar 643 A pair, " Empress Eugenie " and " Napoleon III.," and two others 644 Five engravings, various Queen Elizabeth's Boom, No. 18. 645 Three engravings, various, and oil painting on panel — Allegorical subject 646 A pair of old engravings, after Van Loo ; portraits of Dukes Corridors. 647 A mezzotint of "Charles I.," after Van Dyck, another of "Louis le Grand," after Bigaud, and another 52 pastel Drawinos No. 9. 648 A portrait of " Girl holding Flowers," French School, and another of "A Boy" Bed Boom No. 14 (Little Chintz Boom). 649 Three portraits of Ladies English School « CORRIDORS. 650 " A Basket of Flowers and Fruit," another, " Boses, etc.," Adelina, 1851, and another, small portrait of " E'iza Bokewood " End of Ihe Third Day s Sale. Renaraue M Burp St. edmunds, Three miles from Bury St. Edmunds Station, G.E. R. •U. -V- J2. Jf. Jf. •VS- Vi" W "TV" ' 61 774 Two fine old Lowestoft mugs painted in Japanese figure subjects, a similar ware tea pot and cover pencilled in black and white Japanese figure subjects, and another similar teapot and cover with red scale ground and pink flower medallions 775 A pair of 13 in. fine old Delft plaques, the centres painted in figures of Adam and Eve and equestrian figure, a 9 in. curious old Delft group of Sea Nymph mounted on dolphin, and a well modelled group of Dutch Boors carousing, in glazed oak case 776 A 13 in. rare Staffordshire jug", forming a dissipated woman smoking and drinking, and 2 similar figure jugs 777 A 6 in. Lowestoft mug decorated Japanese figure subjects in panels, a similar Oriental mug with red, blue and gilt decorations, and 2 curious old English jugs (one with mask heads, the other with figures in relief) 778 A 21 in. old Italian Faience figure of Infant Saviour on the Cross, on oblong base with cherubs heads in relief 779 A set of 3 fine old blue Delft shaped vases and covers, the latter sur- mounted by figures of parrots, the panels decorated garden scenes and figures, and a pair of 6 in similar ware slippers 780 An 11 in. finely modelled old china figure of an owl, on carved and gilt scroll bracket 781 An 8 in. old Dresden figure of a cart horse on oval rustic base 782 A 6 in. choice Dresden figure of grey horse on shaped base 783 A 6 in. old Dresden figure of a liver and white spaniel 784 A 7 in. blue white and gilt Crown Derby nautilus inkstand and a 10 in. openwork blue and white oval Leeds ware basket 785 An 18 in. fine old Oriental upright vase with handsome dragon decora- tions, a 15 in. old Oriental plaque painted flowers, and a 14 in. similar plaque the centre decorated in Japanese figure subjects 786 An 1 1 in. old Faience recumbent figure of " Cleopatra," on marble pattern base 787 An 11 in. handsome black ground and richly gilt china vase decorated in birds and flowers, a pair of 8 in. old Japanese ware grotesque figures on rock bases and a pair of 5 in. French china groups "Lions and Cupids," on oval bases 788 An 11 in. beautiful old Lowestoft bowl with embossed hawthorn decora- tions, painted in flowers and insects, with shell pattern inner border, an 11 in. old Oriental bowl with panels decorated in figure subjects, and a 10 in. similar bowl to match 62 789 A pair of white and richly gilt Ecuelles, covers and stands, the borders painted in strawberries and flowers 790 A very fine old ironstone china vase with cover finely decorated with foliage, flowers and birds, standing 30 in. high 791 A set of 5 handsome old shaped Imari ware vases, 3 with covers, and rich red, blue and green decorations {See Illustration) In IVIarqtjeterie Cabinet. 792 A 10 in. handsome electro plated shaped fluted jug with shaped handle and ribbed base 793 A curious old brown Rockingham coffee pot with mask spout, on 3 feet, a quaint old Rockingham bottle in the shape of a mermaid, and a 9 in. old Staffordshire bust of " Locke " 794 Seven curious old Venetian goblets various, a handsome cut and engraved goblet and cover, with the Louis monogram and armorial bearings, and a striped Venetian flat shaped double cruet bottle 795 An 8 in. old stained glass shield shaped escutcheon, representing coat of anus and the key of the old door of Hengrave Church 796 A very old black Wedgwood Wellington commemoration jug, with lion's head spout and snake handle, a somewhat similar vase and cover, with Classic figures and mask heads in relief, and a similar four cornered jug, with embossed medallions 797 A fine old black Wedgwood teapot, with dancing nymphs in relief, an opaque glass pipe, small Staffordshire bust of Wesley, small blue and white Wedgwood pedestal, a similar Roman lamp, a Turk's head bonbon box and a fine Dresden china pipe bowl (officer's head) 798 A 10 in. very curious old Faience ware jug, in the shape of a muzzled bear holding monkey, with inscription, " I'll hug thee, Boney " 799 A pair of 11 in. quaint old brown Nottingham ware bears, with loose heads and chains forming jugs, one supporting cub 800 A 7 in. old Roman pottery vase, a 4 in. similar bowl, 3 old Roman metal curios, a 4 in. oval brass medallion, Pope's head, 2 terra cotta satyr masks, an old blue glass knotted cone shaped flask, with metal top, and a 10 in. old monastery wine flask, inscribed F.D.', 1790 801 A 10 in. very curious old soapstone figure of an Apostle and an ancient carved Florentine alabaster Font with carved figure of Madonna 802 A pair of 7 in, chased brass Commemoration medallions of Frederick the Great and his Queen, with inscribed acorn borders Lot 8ll. Oak Sideboard. „ 819. Antique Sarcophagus. ,. 830. A Louis XV. Bracket Clock. Lot 905. Commode Chest. ,, 906. Marqueterie Wardrobe. 63 803 A turquoise and gilt Sevres china medallion, painted with portrait of the Duke of Bordeaux in chased ormolu frame, small blue and white Wedgwood medallion embossed Cupid in frame and an old plaster medallion of St. George and the Dragon 804 A brown French ware ring and pin stand, with monogram and coronet on gilt metal triple supports, an Empire brass and mother o' pearl ring stand with negro figure, antique gilt bladed knife with ivory handle, a white bisque bust brooch, a lion mask head antique silver brooch, a marble knife handle, an oxydized dog's head brooch, a small plaster medallion, small ivory netsukie with mice, a 3 in. metal boy figure, a Japanese clay frog, a miniature ivory figure of Napoleon, a crystal paper weight and an ormolu Pope's head 805 Four curious rosaries (from the Santa Cosa Loretto), a rosary with inlaid pearl cross from the Holy Land, and 3 other curious old rosaries 806 A badge of the Prussian Eagle taken from the battle of Magenta, and an oval ormolu medallion of Louis XV., his Queen and Dauphin ©initio IRoom. 810 A pair of carved pole fire screens with gilt fleur-de-lis ornaments, on claw supports, and the 2 crimson and gold flowered silk broche banners, lined silk and trimmed cord and fringe with tassels 811 A 9 ft. 6 in. massive solid oak sideboard, with elaborately carved frieze and panels of birds and flowers in darker oak, surmounted by back with grooved shelf, on 4 massive supports (See Illustration) 812 A 5 ft. 9 in. side table en suite 813 A similar lot 814 A 4 ft. 9 in. well made Old English mahogany oval extending dining table, on 8 reeded legs and castors, and 6 extra leaves 815 A set of 6 Old English mahogany reeded frame dining chairs with scroll shaped stuffed panel backs, bordered brass bead, and cane seats, on incurved legs, loose hair stuffed cushions covered crimson morocco — at fer chair 816 A set of 4 similar chairs, en suite — at per chair 817 A set of 6 similar chairs, newly covered in morocco — at per chair 818 A pair of carving chairs with scroll arms to match 819 A 2 ft. 8 in. antique oak sarcophagus, beautifully carved in scrolls, etc., with 4 Classical figures at angles and lion head mask handles, on rollers (See Illustration) 84 820 An 18 in. handsome Italian walnut teapoy with hinged lid and carved border, enclosing 2 finely cut glass sugar basins and 2 tea caddies, on turned and carved pillar and claw 821 A 2 ft. walnut two tier circular dumb waiter with rising top, on sex- agonal pillar and plinth 822 A very fine old embossed leather four fold screen, beautifully painted panels with flowers, vases and scrolls (6 ft. high) 824 A 15 in. fine old mahogany shaped Sheraton stationery case, with shell pattern and other inlay, and plated mounts 825 A 10 in. oak spirit case, lined blue velvet and fitted with 2 amber glass bottles with plated mounts, labels and stoppers, and a 6 in. similar spirit case with bottle 826 A very large brown skin rug 1 with stuffed head, mounted on cloth. (An unusually fine specimen) Ornamental Objects. 827 A set of 3 fine old Imari octagonal vases and covers, the latter surmounted with gilt Kylin handles, beautifully decorated flowers, etc., in blue, red and gilt, and standing 18 in. high 828 A pair of 6 in. old blue and white Oriental china fluted mugs with shaped tops and decorated landscapes, a pair of 13 in. similar plates, decorated figures in landscapes, and a 15 in. similar circular dish decorated flowers 829 An 18 in. fine old blue and white Oriental china circular dish, the centre decorated with river scene, houses, etc., and an 18 in. similar dish decorated with landscape and figures 830 A magnificent old Louis XV. buhl and tortoiseshell bracket clock with striking movement, massively mounted in richly chased ormolu with figures of females representing Literature and Industry, mask head and scroll ornaments at angles, on winged dragon supports, and surmounted by vase ornaments, and centre draped winged angel figure, beautifully embossed gilt dial with enamelled numerals, and standing 30 in. high {See Illustration) 831 A fine old Nankin vase and cover, with Kylin surmount, decorated with mountainous landscapes, houses and figures, in blue and white, 25 in. high 832 A 21 in. similar vase and cover, with floral and bird decorations, and a 17 in. similar vase, with floral and bird decorations, on scale pattern ground 833 A pair of very handsome richly gilt Sevres china jardinieres, the panels beautifully painted in flowers on a groundwork of Bleu de Eoi and massively mounted in ormolu, with border of embossed vine leaves and berries, on ormolu stands, supported by 4 boy figures, emblematic of music, and festoons of flowers, on shaped bases, 12 in. high 834 A 12 in. old blue and white embossed leaf pattern Worcester china jug, with mask lip and floral decorations, and an 11 in. similar embossed jug, with mask lip and decorated in flowers 835 A 22 in. valuable old Oriental china octagonal shaped vase and cover, with gilt decorations, and painted with flowers, birds, butter flies and scrolls, in blue, red, &c, on a groundwork of pale green 836 A 15 in. choice old blue and white dragon bowl, decorated in gilt 837 A pair of 1 1 in. old Sheffield plated pillar candlesticks, with gadroon edges, on ebonized bases, fitted for electric light 838 A similar lot Serving IRoom. 839 The striped fibre matting (about 10 yards), a strip of figured linoleum, and a deal leaf stand on trestles 841 A 2 ft. 6 in. well made mahogany table, with 1 flap and fall down hinged panel, with spring catches enclosing recess, on turned legs and castors 842 A 2 ft. 6 in. wire and brass mounted high fender, 4 wicker chair back screens, a deal lamp tray, and a wicker and rush fancy scroll pattern arm chair 845 A pair of 10 in. green Newstone china shaped jardinieres on feet, em- bossed with flowers and leaves in white, and stands for same, and a pair of 8 in. similar jardinieres and 3 stands Outer 5tufc\>. 848 A oamel ground and bordered antique Persian rug (5 ft. 3 in. by 4 ft.), and a similar rug (4 ft. 6 in. by 2 ft. 6 in.) 849 A carved oak pole fire screen with gilt Fleur de Lis ornaments, on claw supports, the crimson figure silk banner bound cord and trimmed fringe and tassels, and a 17 in. carved dark oak triangular table with flap, on carved supports 850 A set of 6 ebonized frame chairs with rail backs and ball supports, cane seats, and loose hair cushions covered in marone morocco — at per chair 851 A 6 ft. well made oak open dwarf bookcase with carved capitals and fitted 5 shelves, enclosed by 3 hinged doors with brass trellis panels, locks and key 852 A 7 ft. 6 in. grained open break front bookcase, fitted 6 shelves 853 A 6 ft. 9 in. similar bookcase fitted 6 shelves 854 A 3 ft. 8 in. excellent old English mahogany escritoire cabinet, the upper part fitted with divisions for books, enclosed by pair of panel doors, the centre fitted draw out writing slope, lined morocco, and compartments for inks, &c, and cupboard under, fitted shelf, enclosed by pair of panel doors, brass astrigals and 4 columns at sides, locks and key 855 A 4 ft. handsome Italian walnut circular loo table on tapered pillar and plinth with claw feet, and a crimson Utrecht velvet table cover with figured silk border 856 A 4 ft. 3 in. excellent walnut frame couch with railed and stuffed scroll back and arms upholstered in crimson arras, on fluted legs with ormolu mounts and castors 859 A large damask crumb cloth Ornamental 3tem0. 860 A pair of 12 in. fine old English diamond cut lustres, with pear shaped prism drops and sconce for candle, on circular bases 861 A pair of Verde antique bronze Classic busts of males, on fluted Sienna marble pedestals and square marble bases (7 in. high) 862 A very fine French bronze figure of Cupid seated on rock mending his bow (10 in. high), and a pair of similar youthful Satyr figures with musical instruments, on black marble bases (7 in. high) 863 A finely modelled bronze statuette of Napoleon, on Sienna marble pedestal and bronze base (13 in. high) 864 A 7 in. bronze figure of Italian fisher boy on black marble oval base, and a 6 in. similar boy figure with book, seated on cushion and black marble base 865 A pair of 1 1 in. old Sheffield plated pillar candlesticks with embossed mounts, on ebonized bases and fitted for electric light 67 866 A pair of 9£ in. beautifully chased ormolu Empire candlesticks with 3 oxydized boy figures on circular bases and a 5^ in. similar chased circular inkstand and cover with 2 receivers and pounce pot supported by 3 dolphins on circular base 867 A 7 in. bronze group of 2 greyhounds on oval base, by P. J. Mene, a 7 in. similar group of Greek and Turk fighting, and a 4 in. old bronze model of temple inkstand and cover on black marble base 868 A pair of 13 in. handsome ormolu and crystal Empire candelabra with cut glass chains and ornaments, supported by glass pillars on circular bases with beaded edges 869 A chased ormolu and rich blue and gilt Sevres china reading candelabrum fitted for 2 lights with sliding shade frame, on shaped oval base 870 A 9 in. well modelled Parian bust of " Wellington " on carved wood stand, and a 22 in. finely modelled alabaster Classic female figure with cup and ewer, on pedestal and glass shade 87 1 An IS in. plaster figure of seated female figure on adjustable black stand, a pair of 9 in. well modelled terra cotta figures of fisherman and fishermaiden, by E. Blot, a 7^ in. similar bust of male, another similar bust of a French girl, and a wax bust of John Gage Rokewood on marble pedestal and stand with glass shade 872 A carved red soapstone figure of Minerva with shield, on onyx pedestal and square base, 7^ in. high, a 6 in. Verde antique bronze figure on square onyx pedestal and marble base, a 6 in. antique plated Cupid figure on 3 dolphin supports, and a pair of 8 in. circular alabaster two handled tazzas 873 A pair of 10 in. old Indian embossed copper jugs, and a pair of 13 in. chased white metal Persian beakers Jnner stu&vi. 879 A 21 in. mahogany oblong coffee table on turned pillar and claw, and a 9 in. Chippendale mahogany jardiniere stand with shaped top, on pillar and claw 880 A 3 ft. fine old rosewood and inlaid Sheraton card table with folding top lined green baize, on diamond shaped taper legs 88 1 A 3 ft. 8 in. capital old mahogany oblong writing table, top lined crimson cloth, fitted 2 drawers with brass drop handles, on tapered legs and castors 68 882 A large walnut frame stuffed over lounge chair with open arms upholstered in blue rep, on castors 883 A carved walnut frame lady's arm chair with spoon back upholstered in blue rep and trimmed cord, on shaped legs and castors, and a red figured cretonne loose case 884 A large spoon back arm chair, spring and hair stuffed, and covered in pink flowered cretonne, on rosewood turned legs and castors 885 A 4 ft. 6 in. superior old English mahogany writing table, top lined green morocco and fitted 2 drawers, on massive carved and reeded supports and brass castors, locks and key 886 A 24 in. ebonized circular folding table, a brass figure door porter, a wicker paper basket, a carved oak book slide, a letter rack and a pair of 12 in. brass pillar candlesticks Ornamental 3tems. 887 A 9 in. Worcester china pen tray, with blue ribbon border and painted and gilt flowers, an 11 in. Sienna marble bath on claw feet and marble base, a carved wood shoe match stand, a small embossed bronze bell, 2 small Oriental china trays, a blue and white fish ash tray, a wood and metal mounted match stand, an 8 in. carved gilt leaf tray with rabbit and an ebony and ivory thermometer 888 An 11 in. handsome mahogany and inlaid plated inkstand, with beaded edge and lion mask heads, fitted pin box with taper stick and extinguisher, 2 cut glass inks and lids and drawer under, on ball feet 889 A 17 in. fine old black Oriental china vase, decorated in gilt Japanese characters and landscapes, and a 13 in. old blue and white Oriental circular dish, decorated in flowers and landscape 890 A 24 in. beautiful old Oriental china sexagonal vase and cover, richly decorated flowers in red, blue and gilt 891 A pair of 1G in. similar octagonal vases and covers, with gilt decorations and floral handles, beautifully painted in panels of flowers in red and blue 892 A pair of 12 in. old Sheffield plated pillar candlesticks on ebonized bases, and fitted for electric light End of Fourth Day's Sale. H 03 O X a < H H a D a 04 < oo © -J O X u Id a o s s o u w H _ o h i 3 s a o ftetiaraiK Rail, Burp St. Edmunds. Three miles from Bury St. Edmunds Station, G.E.R. M. J£, «A£. O/* *Si. W TP TP TP "7? Fifth Day^s Sa/e, TUESDAY, ioth AUGUST, 1897, At ONE o'Clock. mo. t5, 3Bluc IRoom. 897 A set of 6 painted spindle back chairs with cane seats, at per chair 899 A 6 ft. mahogany 4 post bedstead with moulded cornice and carved fluted Chippendale columns, the lined flowered chintz furniture, and a wool mattress in holland case 900 A hair mattress in tick 901 A feather bed in tick 902 A feather bolster and 2 large pillows in Turkey twill 903 Three blankets and a marcella quilt 904 A 4 ft. 3 in. elegant old shaped tulipwood, rosewood and inlaid Louis XV. commode, of 4 drawers, with choice black and white veined marble slab, the shaped angles inlaid with buhl, chased ormolu handles, escutcheons and ornamentations, locks and 1 key [See Illustration) 905 Another fine old valuable French tulipwood and marqueterie shaped commode of 3 drawers, the front and sides delicately inlaid in floral devices, with fine slab of grey marble, embellished with chased ormolu mounts (3 ft. 9 in. wide) {See Illustration) 906 A 5 ft. 6 in. remarkably fine old marqueterie cabinet wardrobe, the whole profusely and delicately inlaid with devices in flowers, vases, birds, etc., fitted with 5 oak lined sliding trays, enclosed by pair of handsome panelled doors, the insides of which are inlaid with stars in various woods, on stand to match, fitted with drawer, on square taper supports and shaped cross stretcher, standing 6 ft. 6 in. high, {A valuable piece of furniture of rare "workmanship.) {See Illustration) 70 907 A 4 ft. handsome shaped walnut and inlaid tulipwood writing table, of Louis XV. character, the top lined green and gilt morocco, stamped with the monogram and coronet, mounted in ormolu, fitted 3 drawers, on cabriole supports, locks and key 908 A 2 ft. 8 in. fine old shaped mahogany Chippendale folding top card table lined green cloth, with sunk money receptacles, fitted 1 drawer and brass drop handle, on beautifully carved supports with claw and ball feet 909 A 3 ft. old gilt lac circular table decorated with a Japanese landscape, having a border of coiled dragons, on support with angular base and carved claw feet 9 1 Three cedarwood quartette tables, the tops inlaid with views of castles and floral marqueterie, on turned supports and stretchers 911 A 4 ft. 8 in. shaped deal dressing table with muslin cover, flounce and a pale blue quilted satin cover 912 A 5 ft. 6 in. four fold Japanese screen painted in birds 913 A 3 ft. 6 in. handsome shaped ebonized frame five fold screen with blue panels, painted in Japanese male and female figures 914 A beautiful old buhl and tortoiseshell French shaped swing frame toilet mirror with bevelled plate inlaid with Allegorical and other subjects, on shaped box plateau fitted with one drawer and mounted in chased ormolu (See Illustration) 915 A 23 in. fine old tulipwood and marqueterie Louix XV. commode, choicely inlaid with floral devices, mounted in chased ormolu, with Sienna marble top, fitted one drawer and cupboard, on shaped supports and ormolu mounted feet, locks and 1 key 916 A 4 ft. 3 in. massive mahogany tray top washstand with shelf and Sicilian marble top, fitted 2 drawers, on fluted supports and castors 917 The handsome white and turquoise blue embossed " Nautilus," pattern Minton's double toilet set, 19 pieces, a cut water bottle and tumbler 918 A mahogany bidet with cover and white liner and a mahogany five rail towel airer 919 A handsome Spanish mahogany frame cheval robing mirror on massive turned supports and stretcher (plate 43 in. by 23 in.) 920 A stuffed hair couch with loose squab and pillow, covered in blue striped cretonne, on mahogany legs and castors 71 921 A grandfather's comfortable easy chair with shaped side wings and loose cushion covered en suite with couch 922 A. mahogany frame open arm easy chair, spring and hair stuffed and covered en suite, on castors 923 A 15 in. chased ormolu portable electric standard with cord and plug ©rnamental ©bjects. 924 An elegant brilliant bevelled plate chimney glass in richly carved gilt frame of rustic design with acorn foliage in relief, 4 reflecting border panels, the centre plate measuring 50 in. by 33 in. 925 An 11 in. white Sevres bisque bust of Louis XV. on pedestal with festoons in relief, and a pair of 11 in. old white china figures of Apostles 926 A 10 in. old fluted Delft bowl painted with a chanticleer and basket of flowers, and a 10 in. white gilt and rose pattern old English coffee pot and coffee, and a pair of violet pattern spill vases 927 A pair of 11 in. handsome chased ormolu Louis XV. scroll pattern pillar candlesticks on shaped plinths 928 A pair of 15 in. white and gilt Coalbrooke Dale vases with convolvulus and other flowers in bold relief 929 A pair of 9 in. finely chased ormolu Empire candlesticks with ram's head masks, on triple supports with hoof terminals 930 A 10 in. turquoise blue and white basket pattern china inkstand, with 2 receivers and pen well, and 2 finely decorated Oriental coffee pots, the panels painted in figures 931 A pair of 14 in. fine old French china shaped white and richly gilt vases painted in figures and flowers 932 A chased silver gilt taper stick, supported by a well modelled Cupid, with extinguisher 933 A rustic ware match holder, letter file, a bronze leaf pen tray with Cupid mount, and a pair of Japanese hand screens. East Corvibor. 936 A valuable old upright clock in black case, with finely chased French ormolu enrichments of Louis XV. character with Caryatide, and Cupid terminals, masks, &c, surmounted by a crouching winged monster, with embossed brass dial and striking movement, by William Joubdain, of London, lock and key 72 937 A 5 ft. elegant old Dutch marqueterie shaped show cabinet with scroll pediment, beautifully inlaid with floral devices, birds, vases and scrolls, the interior fitted 3 shelves, enclosed by glazed panel doors and sides, the lower portion fitted 1 shelf, enclosed by 2 panelled doors embossed brass escutcheons, locks and 2 keys 938 A pair of old shaped high back walnut and marqueterie Queen Anne chairs, finely inlaid with groups of Cupids, floral devices, vases, etc., on carved supports with claw and ball feet, loose cushions upholstered in crimson Utrecht velvet, at per chair 939 An 11 ft. 6 in. splendidly made Early English mahogany three division cabinet, with 4 fluted pilasters, enclosed by 6 glazed panel doors, fitted 3 shelves and 6 drawers under, locks and key 940 A 4 ft. very rare antique walnut and inlaid shaped Italian cabinet escritoire, the upper part having a centre cupboard enclosed by handsome sunk panelled door surrounded by 13 drawers, the lower portion fitted with 3 drawers enclosed by fall flap lined green cloth, on shaped stand with 1 long drawer, on carved Caryatide supports and shaped stretcher rails, chased brass furniture, locks and 2 keys 941 A 3 ft. 6 in. fine old mahogany and banded satinwood Empire specimen cabinet, with chased brass mounts and headings and fluted columns at angles, fitted 5 shelves enclosed by 2 pairs of glazed panel doors, locks and 2 keys 942 A pair of carved black oak Elizabethan high back chairs with cane panels and rush seats, on carved scroll supports and loose cushions in crimson velvet, at per chair 943 A 2 ft. 6 in. black and white painted oblong occasional table, fitted 1 drawer, on ball supports and stretcher, and an old fashioned mahogany shaped stool 944 A 14 in. fine old Italian ebony chessboard, profusely inlaid with etched ivory and borders representing the Chase and other subjects Ornamental ©bjects, Curios, IRelics, &c, 945 An 8 in. brown Japanese ware figure of monkey, 2 Japanese Kylins with glass eyes, a pair of German ware boots with inscriptions, a pair of 8 in. hexagonal green and red Oriental vases and covers with gilt decorations, a 9 in. Wedgwood plate, the centre painted in Watteau figures, and a 9 in. Delft plate with green, red and blue decorations 73 946 A 13 in. old German ware rustic pattern jug with metal mounted cover, 2 terra cotta heads of nondescripts, a pair of 8 in. yellow Minton ware Kylins on pedestals, a pair of old willow pattern ironstone china plates, a 9 in. Delft bowl painted in flowers, a curious old brown toby jug, with 3 lips forming a head, hat, and a 6 in. carved Swiss mountaineer under glass shade on stand, 2 plaster casts of hands and a plaster figure of nude female 947 A carved ivory model of a man o' war in inlaid glazed case, a Parian figure of Una and the lioness, stand and shade, 2 stuffed birds, shade and stand, a pair of wooden sabots, a pair of 6 in. Oriental escallop shape dishes and a 6 in. red ware jardiniere 948 A 21 in. very fine old vase shaped Faience fountain and cover, painted in Landscapes, with embossed festoons, mask head and metal tap, and the 16 in. circular fronted basin for same 949 A large oval terra cotta bas relief of the bust of Queen Elizabeth, in ebonized and gilt frame 950 A 12 in. white and gilt Coalbrooke Dale two handled vase, encrusted with flowers and foliage, 3 small baskets of coloured marble fruits, and 2 clay hanging monkey match holders In Marqtjeterie Cabinet. 951 A rare old Battersea enamel globular teapot, with gilt metal and wicker handle, the panels decorated in Japanese subjects 952 A 7 in. Parian figure of Cupid, a 6 in. Worcester Parian hand vase, a 4 in. similar vase, encrusted ivy leaves, and a 4 in. similar triple vase, with snake handle 953 A 9 in. old blue and white Oriental bottle shaped vase, decorated with a landscape, an 8 in. similar vase, with blue, green and yellow decora- tions, two 4 in. old Staffordshire cream jugs, painted flowers, blue and gilt globular scent bottle and stopper, and a 5 in. brown mottled Vallauris vase 954 Six 7 in. green openwork border Wedgwood plates, decorated in acorns, a copper lustre and white embossed jug, and a Lowestoft jug, painted in Japanese subjects 955 A pair of 6 in. old Lowestoft circular tureens and covers, emblazoned with coats of arms and fruit handles, and an 8 in. old blue and white Delft two handled tureen and cover 74 956 A pair of 7 in. rare old Chelsea china figure candlesticks, with back- grounds of green foliage, encrusted flowers, on scroll bases 957 A 6 in. fine old Chelsea figure of Scotch Piper with dog, on scroll base 958 A 6 in. choice old Dresden group of Huntsman and Hounds, on rustic base, with a margin of laurel leaves 959 A 9 in. exceedingly fine old white Belleek fluted tazza, with snake handles, on a pedestal, with rams' heads and festoons of flowers in relief 960 An 11 in. oval shaped curious old Delft shaving dish, with receptacle for soap, an 8 in. Minton's china shell shaped dish, painted and embossed in strawberries and flowers, a similar dish, with brown ground and 2 Oriental saucers painted in figures 961 A curious old white Wedgwood openwork cruet frame, with 5 cruets, 2 old Delft cows, a Faience figure of wolf, a similar figure of lion, a pink mottled lustre ware cruet, a similar blue Spode cruet and an eye cup 962 A painted mottled Faience plate with view of " Niederviller," an 8 in. blue deep Spode circular dish decorated Temple and figures, an 8 in. old Oriental plate the centre painted in Japanese figure subject, a white and gilt French china cup and cover with twisted handle, a pink flowered Lowestoft cup, a pair of 5 in. mottled ware two handled vases, a curious and embossed Delft Pilgrim bottle and a 5 in. leaf shaped Leeds ware dish 963 A fluted silver lustre ware mustard pot and cover, 2 boat shaped salts to match, a green and white striped Venetian glass jug, a small Oriental flowered cream ewer, an old Lowestoft milk jug and cover pencilled with figures in black and white, an old lustre ware jug embossed with sporting dogs and an Early English jug in the shape of a cottage with rustic handle 964 A 7 in. handsome white and richly gilt French china shaped pot pourri vase with perforated cover and dolphin handles finely painted in flowers, and a 6 in. dark blue lily shaped Crown Derby vase encrusted with flowers, on rustic gilt supports In laege Specimen Cabinet 965 The very old shaped cream coloured Wedgwood dessert service, finely painted flowers and insects, with marone border, consisting of 8 oval dishes, 3 centre dishes with handles and 8 plates (19 pieces) 75 066 A 15 in. old blue and white Oriental circular dish, an 11 in. Oriental plate, decorated with pink hawthorn border and floral centre, and a pair of 9 in. old Lowestoft plates, with red scale border and painted centres, representing stag hunts 967 An oval Delft plaque with fruit in relief, a Delft plate with green and gilt decorations, a Lowestoft plate with flower centre and festoon border, and a 9 in. old powder blue Oriental bowl with medallions decorated in flowers 968 An 8 in. green German glass vase, a pair of similar clear goblets painted in coats of arms, a pair of green studded goblets, a 12 in. white and gilt china boat shaped dish with crest, and a curious white embossed teapot, cover and stand 969 A very valuable and rare old Worcester dessert service, richly painted and gilt in the Oriental style, with dragon and other decora- tions on gros bleu ground, consisting of a pair of wine coolers, liners and covers, an oval centre dish, 4 oval flat dishes, 4 square dishes, 4 escallop shape dishes, 2 tureens, covers and stands, and 21 plates (46 pieces) 970 A tree stump containing a collection of stuffed owls, jays, hawks and other British birds 971 A similar stump with stuffed silver pheasant and other British birds 972 Nine stuffed birds various, a stuffed weasel and 2 moles 973 Twelve stuffed birds various 974- A large coral specimen under glazed case 975 A quantity of curious remains, copper caps, charred paper, etc., taken from the fire at the Tower of London in 1841, a 5 inch long shaped Boman bottle, small metal cow bell, a curious ancient coiled wire bracelet, and 4 rings from King Duncan's armour 976 A fine old horn from a rhinoceros killed by Major William Gage in 1891, an ancient knife and fork in embossed leather sheath, 2 wild boar tusks from India, a pair of chamois horns, and 4 sections of fossilized tooth of elephant found in a gravel pit near Finborough, Suffolk, 1827 977 A curious old brass Indian idol [taken out of a small temple in the town at the siege of Bhurtpoor by Major William Gage when that place was besieged by Lord Combermere, 1825) 76 978 A valuable New Zealand idol with charm attached, curiously carved in beautiful green jade (this was the largest and finest that was in the collection of the Liver tan Afuseum) 979 A miniature carved ivory scent bottle with squirrel stopper, a curious old padlock with a stone, an old flint spear head, 2 iron spear heads, a piece of rock crystal (from the Mer de Glace, Chamounix), a piece of whale bone, an ancient brass fork, an antique brass spear (worn in the hair by the girls of Coblenz), 3 bullets (found on the field of Waterloo), a carved Indian wood mask relic, and an ancient powder flask 980 A Malay paddle, a curious Indian straw hat, a pair of Indian embroidered slippers, and a very old decorated Indian vase with handle, on ebonized stand and shade 981 An ancient Scold's bridle, of the Sixteenth Century (one of the few examples now remaining in England), together with the history of the famous Walton bridle 982 A 6 in. bronze model of ruins of the Forum on marble base, a 6 in. bronze figure of stork and tortoise on serpentine marble base, and a 5 in. Verde antique figure of boar 983 A quantity of blue and red British beads (found at John's Hill, Farnham, All Saints, given by the Duke of Norfolk to J. Gage), an ancient brass ring (found on a small earthen vessel within the walls of the Grey Friars at Dunwich, on one side is "Ave Maria Gracia Plena "), a gilt seal of Napoleon with marble handle, and a small plaster statuette of Eichard III. 984 A handsome and delicately carved Indian ivory fan (formerly the property of Countess Kenmare, with her monogram) 985 A very handsome cameo bracelet, the medallions representing Kaffaelle, Tasso, Arioste, Machiavelli, Dante and Michael Angelo (this belonged to Charlotte, Lady Gage, second wife of T. K. Gage, and came from Rome) 986 An ancient brass lamp, a curious glass goblet with silver rim and inserted finely chased silver filigree work and a fine specimen of a marble mug 987 A curious panel of Lava from Mount Etna, got from Catanea 1834, inlaid and representing landscape with borders in various marbles (size 10 in. by 8 in.) 77 988 Six specimens of marble, 4 old Eoman pottery lamps, 2 pieces of coal money, 4 plaster medallions, a wood block, 2 small antique mask medallions, ancient bronze head of Minerva, 3 Eoman heads, a marble Eoman lamp with mask head, an ancient oblong panel with inscrip- tion, a specimen of wood in the shape of a book from Killarney, a marble knife handle and a carved marble paper knife 989 An ancient Verde bronze Eoman lamp found near Naples 1819, 2 other ancient bronze Eoman lamps, a Verde bronze group of Eomulus and Eemus on marble base, a small bronze tray with 3 Cupids on marble base and a curious stone panel representing the Crucifixion 990 A very curious old Eoman mortar {found near the Church at Wardwcli) , a portion of a frieze found at Tusculum 1818, portion of a fresco painting {from the house of Diomcde at Pompeii), 2 portions of Norman tiles {from the Abbaye de Jumieges near Rouen), a portion of a stone Eoman panel with 2 Apostle figures in relief and 11 curious pieces of Eoman remains and marbles 99 1 An ancient plaster panel representing Etruscan battle pieces, medallions, etc., in black frame, by " C. Lestonie," Eoma, size 18 in. by 8 in., 4 paper weights, various, a red marble medallion of Pope, a 3 in similar tray, a small marble mummy, a Verde antique bronze warrior with lion on marble base, an alabaster wolf dog and an 11 in. Parian figure 992 A carved ivory seal with warrior figure, another carved ivory figure, a small marble paper weight, a plaster medallion of Henry IX., a shark's tooth, 3 sea horses, a small cornelian bowl with 10 pebbles various, a piece of moss agate, a piece of coral, and a small oval marble font 993 A very fine collection of minerals, fossils, and marbles, (comprising the whole contents of the cabinet where shewn) flDeoals an& Coins. 994- Two silver presentation medals of Stonyhurst College in cases 995 A bronze medallion of the Paris Exhibition, 1867, a bronze Balaclava medal with busts of Napoleon and Victoria, a bronze commemoration medal with Louis Philippe I. and his Queen (very fine) and 2 others 996 A guinea piece of James II., 1680 997 A silver coin of Philip and Mary, a Queen Anne threepenny piece, a silver Chinese coin (Hziboo), 23 Eoman and other copper coins and a small antique brass box containing 11 copper coins 998 A fine silver commemoration medal {struck on the occasion of the birth of the Dauphin, Louis XVII., presented by Lady Hales, who received it from the Cardinal Lafille, Archbishop of Rheims, to whom it was given by Charles X.J in green lizard skin case 999 A silver commemoration medal of Pope Pius VII. {given to John Gage by Prince Massinus in 1827) 1 000 A gold Austrian coin, dated 1620 1001 Five gold coins, viz., 4 Continental and 1 Oriental 1002 Twenty- five silver coins, 2 shillings, George II. and III., 3 sixpences, George II., and 20 various 1 003 Fifteen silver coins, viz., 12 Early English, a Manchester shilling token, and 2 engraved jetons 1 004 Thirty-five silver coins various, mostly Continental 1 005 Five silver coins, viz., 1 Spanish dollar, a French five franc piece, 1803, and 3 others 1006 Seventeen silver Greek and Eoman coins, various 1 007 Seventy-two bronze Greek and Eoman coins, various 1008 Ninety- seven bronze, similar coins 1009 One hundred old bronze and other coins, various 1010 A gold commemoration medal of Innocentius XL, dated 1676 1011 Seven silver commemoration medals of Gregorius XVI., Clement X, Leo XII., Pius VII. and 3 others 1012 Fifteen bronze similar medals, a series of Leo XII. 1013 Twenty bronze similar medals of Clement XII., XIII. and XIV., Pius VII. and others 1014 Thirteen bronze commemoration French medals of Napoleon I., II. and III., and others 1015 Six bronze medals of Queen and Prince Consort, William Shakespeare, Isaac Newton, and 3 others 1016 Twenty-seven bronze and other medals various 1017 Seventy bronze and other medals and coins various 1018 A 13 in. well made mahogany and inlaid coin cabinet, fitted with 16 baize lined trays with brass knobs, enclosed by a pair of panel doors, lock and key 79 Cbapel passage anb Stairs. 1 020 A 3 ft. 6 in. old English mahogany chest of 3 long and 2 short drawers, with brass knobs 1 022 A 3 ft. 6 in. antique mahog-any and inlaid chest of 3 long and 2 short drawers, with brass drop handles ©raton>. 1 024 A 5 ft. 6 in. red ground and bordered Scinde rug, a 6 ft. similar rug and a large crimson baize portiere curtain 1025 A 6 ft. 6 in. blue and red bordered pile rug and a (5 ft. red bordered Indian rug 1026 A 3 ft. mahogany Pembroke table, fitted drawer, on turned legs and castors 1 027 A 3 ft. well made mahogany oblong table, fitted drawer, on reeded legs and castors 1 028 A 4 ft. 8 in. capital old mahogany and inlaid sofa table, fitted 2 drawers, on end supports, stretcher and feet with brass castors 1029 A 4 ft. b" in. well made rosewood cabinet with shaped pilaster, fitted ends and 2 drawers with cupboard under, with 2 doors panelled in crimson silk and enclosing 5 sliding shelves 1030 A 4 ft. 6 in. mahogany oblong table, with folding hinged top, forming library steps, on tapered legs and castors 1 03 1 A 3 ft. 6 in. fine old mahogany Sheraton bureau bookcase inlaid in oval panels and borders with brass astrigals and knobs, the upper part fitted with 4 shelves, enclosed by a pair of glazed panel doors and green silk curtains, the lower portion fitted bureau drawer with fall front lined green baize and enclosing 9 drawers and recesses, and cupboard under, with 2 baize lined sliding trays and 2 drawers enclosed by pair of panel doors, on shaped feet, locks and keys 1 032 A 19 in. old English mahogany and inlaid three tier whatnot with railed sides and fitted 2 drawers with brass knobs, on turned legs and castors 1 033 A similar whatnot, the companion 1034 A 4 ft. mahogany open bookcase with nulled headings and reeded edges fitted shelf, on shaped feet 80 1035 A capital Chippendale mahogany music stand, fitted 2 brass folding candle branches on adjustable pillar and fluted column, on shaped claw supports, and a mahogany artist's easel with sliding frame, fitted shelf 1 036 A terra cotta gold and flowered tapestry table cover and a brown and gold similar cover with fringe border 1 037 A 19 in. mahogany and inlaid cabinet fitted 10 drawers, enclosed by a pair of panel doors and brass drop handles, lock and key, and containing a collection of early English wax seals 1038 A 12 in. mahogany cabinet fitted with 20 drawers, and containing a large collection of seals and plaster casts of coins from the XlVth to the XVIIIth Century 1039 A fine collection of plaster casts of old Eoman coins, in 3 cases comprising 17 trays 1 040 The game of Shimmel in box with lock and key, an Ecarte box with German pack of cards and counters, a box containing 11 plaster medallions of statuary, a 12 in. inlaid straw box with landscapes, etc., a 20 in. mahogany baize lined case with lid and brass handle, a plaster phrenological head, a profile in ebonized frame, a small ivory crucifix, a glass oval seal, 2 iron seals, a Baronet's insignia of office, a green silk banneret in rosewood case with roller, 2 blue silk and painted bannerets, and a painted crest in frame 1041 A small oil painting on copper " Our Saviour bearing the Cross," a small painting on panel " Study of Woman's Head," a similar " Study of Man's Head," another of a " Jew Eabbi " and another of " Interior and Figures " 1042 A small water colour portrait of " Robert Gage Rookwood, Esq.," by W. Heath, 1817, in gilt frame ; a water colour in maple frame, " Thurnham Hall, near Lancaster," another in ebonized and gilt frame " Representation of the Painted Window at Hengrave Hall, Suffolk," and a photo of "The Lord's Supper" 1 043 A full dress uniform of a Major of the Scots Fusiliers with accoutre- ments, comprising tunic and trousers, pantaloons, cocked hat and plume, gold laced sword belt and sash, leather sword belt and sword in gilt plated scabbard and 3 japanned tin cases for same 81 Hrmour. 1044 A very fine Cap a Pie suit of armour, representing a Knight holding a partizan, on carved Gothic oak pedestal {See Illustration) 1 045 Another fine Cap a Pie suit of armour, representing a Knight holding a sword, on wood base [See Illustration) Xamps. 1 067 A pair of white china moderator table lamps embossed with figures of Cupids, &c. (17 in. high), and a brass pillar paraffin lamp with opal container, on square slate base (19 in. high) 1068 A green japanned reading lamp with opal shade, a brass similar lamp, and 4 cut glass socket lamps with Hinks' patent burners 1 069 A very handsome white opal pillar candle lamp, massively mounted in chased ormolu with griffin figures (24 in. high), and a similar lamp fitted with oil burner to match, and 2 green baize covers 1070 A handsome green opal pillar oil lamp massively mounted chased ormolu, with griffin figures (27 in. high), and a blue opal pillar candle lamp, painted flowers, and mounted ormolu on shaped base (18 in. high), and 1 green baize cover 1 072 A pair of Doulton's china oviform tabic lamps, mounted in ormolu, on triangular bases and fitted Hinks' patent duplex burners (16 in. high) 1073 A set of 4 handsome plated Queen Anne vase shaped table lamps with Messenger's patent burners and blue spiral fluted Venetian glass shades and chimneys (9 in. high) 1 074 A plated reading lamp with green opal shade, an embossed metal vase shaped lamp, 2 opal socket lamps with Hinks' burners, a similar glass lamp and 8 japanued wall lamps 1075 Two tin oil cans, 2 lamp fillers, 2 large opal lamp shades and quantity of globes and chimneys Butler's pantry 1 076 A 3 ft. 9 in. pierced iron and steel mounted curb fender, a set of steel implements, japanned coal scuttle, a stained frame wood seat chair, and a Lipscombe's stone filter with cover and tap, and a deal stool for same 82 1078 A 4 ft. deal Pembroke table, fitted 2 drawers with turned knobs 1080 A 3 ft. 4 in. similar cupboard, partly lined green baize, and fitted 3 shelves, enclosed by 2 panel doors, locks and 1 key 1081 A 2 ft. similar cupboard, fitted 2 shelves and 2 panel doors 1082 A 3 ft. 4 in. grained dwarf press bedstead, fitted drawer 1083 A feather bed in tick, feather bolster, pillow, 2 blankets and a coloured counterpane 1 084 A 3 ft. 3 in. capital oak linen press with screw, and fitted 5 drawers with brass drop handles 1 085 A mahogany oval luncheon tray, 2 butler's mahogany trays, a plate tray lined baize, and a set of 4 shaped papier mache trays with gilt and painted borders 1086 A wicker plate basket, lined baize, a stained two division knife tray, a tin lined wicker knife tray, a wicker bottle cradle, a carved wood bread trencher, a small hanging glass, 5 japanned oval waiters, 24 porcelain wine labels, 2 corkscrews, pair champagne nippers and 2 brass beer taps 1087 Two solid leather soiled plate carriers, a deal draining board, 2 japanned knife trays, 3 tinned and copper hot water jugs with hinged lids, 2 wood bowls, a galvanized water can, a galvanized pail, a metal inkstand, and sundry plate and black lead brushes Butler's Beb IRoom. 1088 Three pieces red and blue Turkey carpet, 3 painted frame rush seat chairs, a birch frame folding chair with cane seat and back, and a square feather cushion in crimson rep 1089 A 3 ft. deal dressing table, fitted 2 drawers, a 22 in. mahogany tray top washstand, fitted drawer and cross stretcher, 6 pieces toilet ware, a block tin oval foot bath, a 3 ft. painted hanging three tier bamboo pattern book shelf, and a mahogany antique frame dressing glass on reeded supports (plate 12 in. by 8 in.) 1090 A 3 ft. 6 in. japanned iron stump bedstead, a straw palliasse, and a flock mattress in tick case 1091 A feather bed in tick case, a feather bolster and pillow, 4 blankets, and a coloured counterpane 83 1 092 A 2 ft. 10 in. grained double cupboard, fitted 3 shelves and nest of pigeon holes, enclosed by 2 panel doors, locks and 2 keys 1093 A 3 ft. 3 in. stained chest of 3 long and 2 short drawers with brass drop handles 1 094 A 3 ft. antique walnut and banded bureau, with chased brass drop handles and fall front, enclosing well, small cupboard, 2 secret drawers, 4 small drawers and recesses, 4 drawers and 2 slides under 1095 A capital painted iron safe, enclosing divison and 2 drawers, with lock and 2 keys, by Cyprus, Price & Co. (size 36 in. by 26 in. by 22 in.) 1096 A similar iron safe, fitted 2 shelves, with lock and 2 keys, by C. Price and Co. (size 34 in. by 24 in. by 18 in.) 1 097 An 18 in. pierced iron and brass mounted antique fender, a set of steel im- plements, a painted three rail towel airer, an old print in ebonized frame, and 5 pictures various Servants' iball. 1098 A 3 ft. 6 in. iron curb fender, a wire fire guard, 9 painted frame rush seat chairs and a birch frame folding Derby chair with cane seat and back 1 099 A 16 ft. capital stout deal table bound iron on 3 supports, and two 16 ft. deal forms 1 1 00 A 3 ft. 6 in. deal Pembroke table fitted 2 drawers, a crimson and black cloth table cover, an ash carving stool and 2 painted frame rush seat chairs 1101 A3 ft. capital old English mahogany gun cupboard fitted 3 shelves and gun rack enclosed by pair of panel doors and drawer under, lock and key 1 1 02 Five copper beer jacks, an old English embossed stone ware jug with metal mounts, a tin teapot, a japanned oblong tea tray and a 20 in. oak oblong tray on rollers 1103 Twelve plated table forks, 10 table spoons, 20 dessert spoons, 8 tea spoons, a mahogany two division knife tray, a japanned oval knife tray, 4 metal cruets, 3 drinking horns and about 30 pieces odd crockery 84 1 1 04 A French hanging dial with striking movement, in ehonized sexagonal glazed case 1 105 Two stags' heads and antlers, a skull and antlers, a fawn's head and a ram's head with twisted horns Still IRoom. 1106 A set of large steel implements, 2 iron coal hods, a galvanized pail, 2 zinc ewers, an iron hand howl, an enamelled wash up howl, a deal three rail towel airer, a galvanized oval hath, and a painted frame rush seat chair 1109 A circular dial in mahogany case End of Fifth Day's Sale. ftengraoe Rail, Burp St. Edmunds, Three miles from Bury St. Edmunds Station, G.E.R. ^/* «V- «Y* «3g» JJ* IP IP If W If Sixth Day's Sa/e, WEDNESDAY, i ith AUGUST, 1897, At ONE o'Clock precisely. OCTAVO ET INFRA. VOLS. 1113 Blomefield (Francis), History of Norfolk, plates, cloth gilt 1805-10 11 1114 Leland (J.), Itinerary, 9, calf, Oxford, 1744-45, and Leland, Col- lectanea, 6, calf, London • 1774 15 1115 Collectanea Topographica et G-enealogica, half russia, royal octavo 1834-41 7 1116 Hall (Mrs. S. E.), Book of the Thames, numerous illustrations, cloth gilt, 1, 1859 ; Ritchie's Windsor Castle and its Environs, plates, ]848, 1, and various 2 4 1117 Kirby (John), The Suffolk Traveller, extra illustrated, morocco, 1, 1764 ; Clarke (G. R.), History of Ipswich, plates, a few extra inserted, half morocco, and Glyde (J)., Suffolk in the Nineteenth Century, cloth 3 1118 Addison (C. G.), History of the Knights Templars, etc., cloth, 1842 ; Murray's Handbook to the Cathedrals, 3, 1861, and 5 various 9 1119 Lower's Chronicle of Battle Abbey, 1851, 1 ; Erredge's History of Brighthelmston, 1862, 1 ; Forbes' Ireland, 1853, 2, and various 6 1 1 20 Beasley's History of Banbury, Autograph letter of Author inserted, cloth 1 ; Bowie's and Nichols' Antiquities of Lacock Abbey, presentation copy, with Autograph letter inserted, 1835, 1, and 3 various 5 VOLS. 1121 Tierney (Eev. M.), History of Arundel, 2, 1834; Betham's Antiquarian Eesearches, vol. 1, 1827 ; Brayley and Britton's Westminster Abbey, 1836, 1, and various 2 6 1 1 22 Bury St. Edmunds (Concise Description of) plates, calf, 1827, 1 ; Ancient and Present State of Bury St. Edmunds, interleaved, with numerous manuscript notes, half bound, 1782, 1, and another 3 1123 Bury St. Edmunds (Description of), inlaid throughout, and illustrated with portraits, engravings, etc. , half russia, Bury, 1771 1 1 1 24 Tracts relating to Norfolk and Suffolk, in a volume ; Wallen's Bound Church at Little Maplestead, 1836, 1, and various 4 6 1125 Waagen (Dr.), Art Treasures in Great Britain, with Supplement, cloth 1854-7 4 1 126 Akerman (J. Y.), Roman Coins, 2, plates, 1834, and ditto, Numis- matic Manual, cloth 1840 3 1127 Howitt (W.), Visits to Remarkable Places, first edition, half bound, 1840, 1, and Vasari's Lives of the Painters, 5, half calf, gilt 1850 6 1 128 Jameson (Mrs.), Sacred and Legendary Art, and Legends of the Madonna, plates, first editions, cloth 1848-52 3 1 129 Laforge (E.), Peinture et des Peintres des Duches Italiens, 1857, and Laforge, Art et Artistes en Espagne, together, russia, gilt edges 1859 2 1 1 30 Worlidge's Antique Gems, plates, boards, uncut, 1 ; Catalogue of Miniatures at South Kensington, half ?norocco, 1, 1865, and Harford's Life of Michael Angelo, 2, cloth 1857 4 1131 Fine Art, Lanzi's History of Painting, 3, 1854 ; Guizot's Fine Arts, plates, 1853, 1 ; Jameson's Early Italian Painters, calf, 1859, 1, and various 4 9 1 132 Stirling (William), Velazquez and his Works, first edition, cloth, 1855, 1 ; Selections from Ruskin's Writings, cloth, 1863, 1 ; Recollections of Samuel Rogers, 1865, 1 3 1 1 33 Smith (A.), Month at Constantinople, coloured front, cloth, 1856, 1 ; Moens' English Travellers and Italian Brigands, 2, 1866, and various 9 12 1 1 34 Fairholt (F. W.), Up the Nile and Home Again, illustrated, 1862, 1 ; Knights' Tour in Normandy, 1836, 1, and various 11 13 87 YOLS. 1 135 Stephens (L. C), Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan, 2, 1842; Du Chaillu's Adventures in Equatorial Africa, 1, 1861, and various 3 6 1 1 36 Beauties of Wiltshire, 3, plates, calf, 1801 ; Miller's Ely Cathedral, 1, plates, 1808, and various 2 6 1137 Lower (M.A.), Curiosities of Heraldry, 1, illustrated, 1845; Humphreys' Origin and Progress of Writing, 1, 1853 ; Kempe's Loseley Manuscripts, 1, 1835, and various, 3 6 1 1 38 Hall's Week at Killarney, 1, 1843 ; Eyre's History of St. Cuthbert, 1, 1849, and various, 7 9 1 139 Ellis (Sir H.), General Introduction to Domesday, 2, 1833; Tour in Normandy, 2, plates, 1820, and various, 15 19 1140 Description des Maisons de Rouen, 1, plates, calf, 1821; Delices des Pays-Bas, 5, plates, 1786 ; Vasi, Itinerario di Roma, 2, interleaved, numerous MS. notes and plates, vellum, 1716, and various, 8 16 1141 Morell (Sir Charles), Tales of the Genii, 2, plates, 1781; Smollett's Peregrine Pickle, 4, 1773, and various, 21 27 1 142 Cervantes' Don Quixote, vlates, 4, calf, 1792, and various, 32 36 1 1 43 Inchbald's British Theatre, 33 {wanting volume 27) ; Ditto, Farces, 7, plates, calf 1806-9 39 1 144 Edgeworth's Tales of Fashionable Life and Leonora, 6, 1806-9; and various, 28 34 1145 Lafontaine (J. de la), Fables Choisies, 3, plates, calf, A. Leiden, 1786 3 1 1 46 Wordsworth's Poetical Works, 6, 1841 ; Whyte-Melville's Holmby House, 2, 1860 ; Tennyson's Poems and Enoch Arden, 1855 ; and various 6 15 1147 Ainsworth (W. H.), Jack Sheppard, first edition, plates by G. Cruikshank, cloth 1839 3 1 1 48 Burns (R.) ,Poetical Works,3, calf, gilt, Pickering, 1839 ; Macaulay's Essays, 2, tree calf, gilt, 1857, and various 5 10 1 149 True and Faithfull Hystorie of there doubtable PrynceRadapanthus (owe of 75 copies privately printed), 1, 1820 ; Bloomfield's Poems, 1, Farmer's Boy, Wild Flowers, etc., 3, illustrated by Bewick, and various 43 47 1 1 50 Beaumont and Fletcher's Works 7, plates, calf, 1711, and various 4 11 88 VOLS. 1151 Moliere CEuvres, avec des rernarques par M. Bret, engraved titles, portrait and plates, by Moreau, etc., crimson morocco extra, gilt edges, by Cape, fine copy, Paris, 1773 6 1152 Suffolk Garland (The), 1, morocco, Ipswich, 1818; Rogers (S.), Italy, 1, plates by Turner & Stothard, morocco gilt, 1842 2 1 1 53 Puffendorf, Histoire de l'Europe, 4 ; portraits and maps, calf, 1710 ; Contes Moraux, 3, and various 46 50 1 1 54 Dibdin (Eev. T. F.), Bibliographical Decameron, russia gilt, 1817 3 1 155 Grace (Sheffield), Memoirs of the Family of Grace, portraits and plates, morocco, gilt edges 1823 1 1156 Jesse (Captain), Life of Beau Brummel, 2, plates, cloth, 1886 ; "Wilson's James the Second and the Duke of Berwick, 1876, and various, 3 6 1157 Lane (E. W.), Arabian Nights' Entertainments, illustrated, 3, boards, 1850 ; Warburton's Darien, 3, 1852, and various 10 16 1158 Moore's Irish Melodies, 1, illustrated, 1856; Bardsley's Our English Surnames, 1 ; Woods' Curiosities of Watches and Clocks, illustrated, 1, 1866, and various 8 11 1159 Dickens (C), Dombey and Son and David Copperfield, first editions, 2, 1848-50 ; Lee's Canterbury Tales, 3, 1797, various, 7 12 1160 Scott (Sir Walter), Waverley Novels, Library Edition, illustrated, doth, Edinburgh, 1852-3 25 1161 Shakespeare (W.), Plays, with notes by Johnson, Steevens and Keed, Seymour's Remarks and Douce's Illustrations, together, calf 1803-7 25 I 162 Scott (Sir W.), Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border, 3, calf, 1803; Gay's Fables, 2, calf, 1746, and various 12 17 1 1 63 Dezobry et Bachelet, Dictionnaire Biographique et d'Histoire, 2, half morocco, Parts, 1869, and Lowndes' Bibliographer's Manual, 2, crimson morocco, Pickering, 1834 4 1164 Collins (Arther), Peerage of England, 8, calf, 1779; Lodge's Peerage of Ireland, 7, half calf, Dublin, 1789 ; Kimber's Baronetage of England, 3 1771 18 1165 Blackie's Popular Encyclopedia, calf 1862 7 1 1 66 Milleville (H. G. de), Armorial Historique de la Noblesse de FraDce, numerous illustrations half morocco, gilt edges, Paris, n.d. 1 89 VOLS. 1 1 67 Lower (M. A.), Patronymica Britannica, 1, cloth, 1860 ; Moule's Heraldry of Fish, 1, tooodcuts, 1842, and various 6 8 1 1 68 Burke's Dictionary of Landed Gentry, 2, cloth, 1850 ; another edition, 2, half morocco, 1863, and various 2 6 1 1 69 Annuaire de la Noblesse de France, 12, calf gilt, 1843-66 ; Dubiusson, Armorial de France, 2, 1757, and various 21 35 1 1 70 Bacine (J.), (Euvres, 3, plates, half morocco, Paris, 1816 ; Spier's Dictionnaire Frangais-Anglais, 2, half morocco, 1865, and various 23 28 1171 Beckford's Vathek, 1, boards, uncut, 1815; Pope's Works, 10, 1806, and various 15 26 1 1 72 Fine Art Catalogues, South Kensington and others 17 1 1 73 Montalerubert (Comte de), Les Moines D'Occident, 2, Paris, 1860 ; Bosquet, La Normandie Bomanesque, Traditions, Legendes, etc., 1, Paris, 1845, and various, 22 25 1174 Miscellaneous Books a parcel 1175 Guide Books, etc. a parcel 1 1 76 Forby's Vocabulary of East Anglia, 2, 1830 ; Badham's History of All Saints', Sudbury, 1, 1852, and various, 15 18 1177 Moore (T.), Irish Melodies, morocco, 1, 1850; Barr's Anglican Church Architecture, 1 ; Song of Lady Bessy, with notes by Heywood, 1, and various, 31 34 1178 Shakespeare (W-), Dramatic Works, 1, calf gilt, 1853; Nicolas' Battle of Agincourt, 1, 1827, and various, 16 18 1179 Bhymes and Boundelays, illustrated, 1, 1858 ; Willmott's Poets of the Nineteenth Century, 1, illustrated, 1857, and Howitt's Euined Abbeys and Castles, 1, illustrated, all cloth, gilt 1862 3 1180 Olivier (J.), Les Chansons Lointaines, 1, illustrated, morocco, 1858 ; Hozier on the Invasions of England, 2, 1876, and various 3 6 1181 Chalmers' Biographical Dictionary, 13, calf, 1812, and Curtis' Botanical Magazine, vols. 38-42, coloured plates, etc. 2 parcels 1 1 82 Fergusson's Ancient and Modern Architecture, 3, plates and woodcuts, 1873-4; Holland House, 2, 1874, and Hamilton Palace Catalogue, plates, 1882 6 90 VOLS. 1 1 83 Forsfcer's Letters of Charles Dickens, 1833-70, 3, cloth 1880-2, ditto Life, 3, half calf 1872 6 1184 Greville (H.), Leaves from the Diary, 1, cloth, 1883; Surrey's Poems, Aldine edition, 1, 1853; Shelley Memorials, 1859, 1, and various 8 11 1 1 85 Birch (T.), Life of Henry, Prince of Wales, 1, calf, 1760 ; Lyre of Love, fine front, by Cosioay, 2 calf, 1806, and various 32 35 1 186 Wheatley's Round About Piccadilly and Pall Mall, 1, illustrated, 1870; Holme's Tom in Ireland, 1, plates, 1801; Glyde's Ipswich, 1, morocco, 1850, and various 7 10 1187 Dublin Eeview, 7, half calf , and 23 numbers, v.y. 2 parcels 1 188 1189 Choice Examples of Art Workmanship, selected from the exhibition of Ancient and Mediaeval Art, coloured plates, morocco, royal 8vo, 1851 1 1 1 90 Naunton's Court of Queen Elizabeth, large paper, portraits, cloth, royal 8vo, 1814 1 1191 Deville (A.), Tombeaux de la Cathedrale de Rouen, 1, plates, half russia, 1833 ; Gell's Pompeiana, 2, plates, cloth, 1832 ; and Cassell's Old and New Edinburgh, 1, plates 4 1192 Anquetil, Histoire de France, portraits and plates, half morocco, Paris, 1853 4 1193 Paris et les Parisiens au XLX si^cle, numerous illustrations, 1, half morocco, Paris, 1856 ; Les Environs de Paris, illustrated, 1, half morocco, ib., n.d. ; Lavergne, Chateaux et Ruines Historiques de France, 1, illustrated, half morocco Paris, 1845 3 1 1 94 Challamel et Tenint, Les Frangais sous la Revolution, plates, 1, cloth, n.d. ; Versailles, Palais, Musee, Jardins, portraits and plates, 1, n.d., and La Terre Sainte, plates, 1 Paris, 1836 3 1195 Bellanger (S. ', La Touraine Ancienne et Moderne, portraits and plates, some coloured, half morocco, 1, Paris, 1845; Janin, La Normandie, plates, 1, some coloured, half morocco, ib., n.d., and Pitre-Chevalier, La Bretagne, plates, some coloured, 1, half morocco 3 1 1 96 Wace, Le Roman de Brut, Poete du XIX° siecle, facsimiles on vellum, in two states, plain and coloured, boards Rouen, 1836 2 1197 Lavallee (T.), Histoire des Franlates, 1, 1838, and various, 3 5 1 358 Turnbull on Ancient Painting, plates, 1, calf, 1740, and Le Temple des Muses, copperplates, 1, calf, 1733 2 1 359 Bible (Holy), Douay Version, 1, calf, Manchester, 1813 ; Caussin's Holy Court, 1, calf, 1650, and various, 2 4 1360 Lafontaine, Fables, plates by Oudry, fine impressions , calf (all with Ex-Libris by Bartolozzi), Paris, 1755-9 4 1361 Newspapers, viz. : British Press, Globe, The Times and the New Times, and Morning Post, half calf , 1809-51 20 102 VOLS. 1362 Drawings. A large collection of Wateb Colour Drawings and Pencil Sketches, to illustrate the following Counties, etc., viz. : The Lakes, Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Suffolk, Wales, Ireland, etc., etc., neatly mounted in 15 scrap books, with 13 Ex-Libris by Bartolozzi 15 1 363 Ireland. A collection of 31 water colour drawings, by Sir T. Gage, illustrating the Lakes of Killarney, etc., in the years 1810-11, •with JlfS. notes, neatly mounted, with Ex-Libris by Bartolozzi 1 1364 Portugal and Italy. A collection of water colour drawings of views in Portugal and Italy, with descriptions in AfS., half bound 2 1365 Dugdale (W.), Baronage of England, pedigrees, with Ex Libris of Horatio Walpole, calf 1695-6 2 1 366 Morant (P.), History and Antiquities of Essex, copper plates, 1768 2 1 367 Costumes. A collection of 104 coloured plates of costume, including some drawings, neatly mounted in a scrap book, with fine Ex-Libris by Bartolozzi 1 1368 Stowe (J.), Annales, by E. Howes, black letter woodcut title, with 2 fine Ex-Libris 1615 1 1 369 A Collection of Portraits, Topographical Views, etc., mostly proof impressions in a volume 1 1370 Martene (E.), De Antiquis Ecclesise Eitibus, half russia 1788 4 1371 Cotman (J. S.), Etchings illustrating the Architectural Antiquities of Norfolk, plates, half russia, royal folio, 1818 1 1372 Hoare (Sir E. C), Ancient History of South Wiltshire, numerous plates, half russia, royal folio, 1812 1 1373 Hoare, History of Modern Wiltshire, portraits and plates, half russia, Autograph Letkr of the Author inserted 1822 4 1374 Hoare, Description of Abury, in South Wiltshire, plates, boards, uncut 1819 1 1375 Histories of Noble British Families, with biographical notes of the most distinguished Individuals in each, 2 in one, numerous coloured portraits, plates of arms, etc. half russia, atlas folio Pickering, 1846 1 1376 Guillim (J.), Display of Heraldrie, interleaved with numerous contemporary M.S. notes 1638 1 103 VOLS. 1377 Bocque (Sieur de la), Les Blasons des Amies de la Eoyale Maison de Bourbon, plalcs, 1 ; Barlande, Chroniques des Dues de Brabant et Genealogies des Forestiers et Contes de Flandres, copper plates, 1, vellum Anvers, 1612 2 1378 Histoire de Loys XI., Boy de France, 1460-1483, frontispiece, 1, 1620 ; Le Vite de Pontifici Platina Cremonese, portraits, 1, 1685, and various 3 5 1 379 Biblica das ist die gantze Heilige Scbrift des Alten und Neuen Testaments, black letter, old oaken boards covered with pigskin, Nurnberg, 1725 1 1380 Famiglie Celebri di Italia, containing portraits, pedigrees, coats of arms, many in colours, royal folio Milan, 1819 6 1381 Meyrick's Ancient Armour, by Skelton, plates, half morocco, with fine Ex-Libris by Bariolozzi Oxford, n.d. 2 1382 Gage (Jobn), The Benedictional of St. ^Ethelwold, Bishop of "Winchester, communicated to the Society of Antiquaries, plates, some illuminated in gold and colours author's own copy, containing tracings and original drawings, morocco, with extra case 1832 1 1383 Braybrooke (Lord), History of Audley End, portraits and plates, russia 1836 1 1384 Great Seals of England from Edward the Confessor to William TV ., plates, 1, 1837, and Tresor de Numismatique et de Glyptique, plates, 1, both uniformly bound in crimson morocco Paris, 1834 2 1 385 Knight's Old England, numerous illuslrtions, cloth gilt n.d. 2 1386 Collins (A.), Historical Collections of Noble Families, 1, 1752, and Monumenti Sepolcrati, outline plates, 1, and various 2 4 1387 H. B., Political Sketches, a Collection of 110, some coloured, half morocco 1 1388 Paris et ses Environs, lithographs, 1, half bound, oblong, 1855; Pinelli Costumi Pittorescbi, plates, 1, half bound oblong 2 1389 Bayeux Tapestry, Collection of 17 coloured plates, half bound oblong 1 1390 Kitchin's Universal Atlas, maps of America, etc, and 1 other 2 * 104 MANUSCBIPTS. VOLS. 1 39 1 Gipps (Sir Eichard), Antiquitates Suffolciences, or an Essay towards recovering some account of the Ancient Families of Suffolk, neatly ■written transcript by Lady Gage, half russia quarto and folio 2 1392 Gage (Sir Thomas), Eemains of Antiquity in the County of Suffolk, consisting of Drawings of Old Buildings, Chinches, etc., in the Hundred of Thingoe, with an account of their present appear- ance, etc., numerous fine water colour drawings, coats of arms, etc., bound half russia f oho, 1813 3 1 393 Heraldry. Coats of Arms of the Suffolk Families, painted and described by Sir Thomas Gage, in a volume folio, 1813 1 1394 Le Neve (P.), Abbreviatis Pedum Fiuium Comitatus Suffolciences, etc., neatly written, half russia folio, 1700 1 1395 Transactions of the Eeligious of the late English Convent of the Conception, at Paris folio, ssec XVII. 1 1396 Hervye (W.), Visitation of the Countie of Suffolk, taken 1561, neatly written ssec. XVIII., folio 1 1397 Vetustissima Prosapia, Eookewodorum de Stanningefilde in Comitatu Suffolcias, neatly written, of the XV. and XVIII. centuries, tricks of arms, some coloured, russia folio 1 1398 Armes of the Gentry of Shropshire, as entered in the Visitation, made by W. Dugdale, 1663-4, pen and ink drawings of arms, half russia ; Norfolk and Suffolk Evidences, neatly written, M.S., ssec XVI., and various 2 4 1399 Kytson. Household Book of Eeceipts and Expenditure, from 1584 to 1597, in a volume, half russia folio 1 1400 Poems. Collection of Poems, viz., Sir Walter Eawley, his farewell, Amor, a Hymn to the Victory in Scotland, Death Speaketh, Story of Simon, 1572, Experience, etc., etc., original M.S. of the XVI. century, in a volume, half russia folio 1 1 40 1 A large and interesting Collection of Original Papers and Letters from the time of Henry VIII. to 1673, connected with the Parishes of Hengrave, Fornham, Flempton, Lackford, Eisby, Westowe, Saxham, Chevington, and Hargrave, comprising Extents, Court Eolls, Eent Bolls, Deeds, Minutes and other Documents, relating to the Families of Kytson, Hengrave, Hethe, Stafford, Clare, Poynings, Percy, Long, Lucas, Darcy, Gage, etc.; several of them relate to property of the Abbey of St. Edmund, etc., etc. 3 105 VOLS. 1402 Bennett (Father William), Lives of Saints, and Nicodernus his Gospel, 1619-60 1 *,* The above manuscript was written while the author was a prisoner for religion at the Gatehouse, Westminster, and at Norwich. 1403 Gage (Sir T.), Monograph of the Genus Cenomyce, illustrated with coloured drawings of each species and variety, l,half bound, tmcut; History of British Lichens, 2, half russia, and various, 5 8 1404 Curzon (EL), Chronological Account of the Families of the Names of Gage and Cassar, 1, 1720, and a Collection of Songs with Music, sasc XVIII. , 1 12 1405 Notes relating to the Dalton Pedigree, Manor of Thurnham and Abbey of Cockersand, 1 ; Abridgement of Joscelin's Chronicle, 1 ; Conduit la Confession et Testament de TAme Christienne, 2, morocco, and various, 3 7 1 406 Collection of Documents, in the hand-writing of Edmund Lodge, etc., 1 ; Admonition to the Nobility and People of England and Ireland, 1, 1588, transcript, and various, 4 6 1407 Cambridge, Littleport, Churchwarden's Account, 1577-1613, in a volume, half bound, and 1 other 2 1408 Candian Manuscript, on 100 palm leaves between ivory covers 1 1409 Harvey ( William \ Visitation of Suffolk, 1561, with Heraldic Notes made in various Mansions and Churches in the County, from the original in the Collection of Sir Thomas Phillipps, russia 1 1410 Suffolk Church Notes, by T. Martin and F. Blomfield, illustrated with pencil drawings, etc., half russia 4 141 1 Suffolk, History of the Liberty of St. Edmund, 1 ; Transcripts of Old Deeds, 1, and Pencil Notes, etc., etc., relating to Suffolk 7 1412 Suffolk, a Curious Old Manuscript relating to the Parish of Foenham, 1, [1455] ; and Valor of the Diocese of Norwich, 1, half bound ssec XVI. 2 1413 Catalogue of ye Arms of ye Nobility and Gentry , neatly written transcript, 1 ; Diary of Events which happened in Bury St. Edmunds 1731 to 1743, 1 ; Norfolk and Suffolk Pipe Boll, 1, etc., and various, 2 5 1414 Vitse et Miracula S. Edmund, 1 ; Cronica de Electione Hugonis Abb. S. Edmund, 1, and various, 2 4 106 VOLS. 1415 Bury St. Edmunds, Manuscripts relating to the Ye Customs, etc., of Bury Abbey, 1 ; Album Registrum Vestiarii sive registrum, W. Pyncbebeck, 1 ; Nigrum Registrum de Vestiario, Abbatise S. Edmundi, 1 ; Registrum Sacristas, etc., together, 7, neatly written transcripts from the original MS., half russia, saec XVIII. 7 1416 Calendarium Iuquisitionum Post Mortem sive Escaetarum, Henry VII. to James I., 2, half russia, circa XIX. 2 1417 Autograph Letters (A Collection of), Newspaper Cuttings, etc., in scrap-books 2 1418 Literary Correspondence, 1815-42. A large and important Collection of Autograph Letters of eminent Literary Personages, principally addressed to John Gage, Esq., half morocco 14 1419 Suffolk. — An Extensive Collection of Documents, etc., relating to the Hundreds of Stow, Carlford, and Colneis, Wanford, Loes, Ipswich, Samford, Willford, Blithing and Mutford, Thingoe (3 volumes), Bosmere and Claydon, Thredling, Risbridge, Lothing, Cosford, Plomesgate and Hoxne, Hartismer, Baberg, Lackford and Blackbourn, Thedwastre (3 volumes), comprising grants of Land, etc., etc., of the times of Edward I., III., and IV., Richard II., Henry III., V., VI., and VII., 2 Elizabeth, James I., Charles I. and II., George II., etc., etc., the whole neatly mounted, half russia royal folio 22 1420 Library catalogues, one bound in whole morocco extra, enclosed in oak case a parcel 1421 Grant of Arms to Thomas Kitson, of Hengrave, Anno Domini, 1527, tempo Henry VIII. , illuminated in gold and colours, with two seals attached, framed and glazed 1 1422 Alteration of Arms for Thomas Kitson, of Hengrave, Anno Domini 1568, tempo Elizabeth, illuminated in gold ant colours, with three seals attached, framed and glazed 1 1423 Relics found on the Field of Waterloo, June, 1815, the Sunday after the Battle, by John Gage, F.R.S., comprising two letters, one coin, three metal decorations, and a rosette, in a frame 1424 Envelope addressed to Madame Gage, with signature, " L'Empereur," 1860; a ditto signed " Henri," with relics at back, and 2 others 4 1425 Pedigree of Hugh Fitz Richard, Lord of Bostoe, in the County of Chester, tricks of arms in colours, on vellum a roll 1 107 VOLS. 1 426 Licence granted to Sir Edward Gage to use the name of Eokewode, with autograph signature of Queen Victoria, in 3 cases ; Patent of Baronetcy granted in 1662 6 1427 Old Parchment Deeds, 51, 2 Elizabeth, Oliver Cromwell, Charles II., &c, many with seals, in good preservation, in a box 1428 Eental of Henry, Earl of Northumberland, 1523; The Boke of Bemebrannce, belonging unto me Thomas Kyston of London, Mercier, 1529 ; Kytson Eental, 1523 ; Ditto, 1524 ; Book of Expenses of Building Hengrave Hall, 1529 5 1429 Hengrave Household Book, 1571-5 ; Ditto, 1604 ; Ditto, 1012-19 ; Inventory, 1617, and various 2 6 1 430 Various Account Books relative to Hengrave, etc, from 1529 a parcel 1 43 1 Music Book belonging to the Eokewood Family, neatly written with notes, 1600, and other manuscripts a parcel 1432 Collection of Parchment and other Papers, Wills, Grants of Land, etc., of the time of Edward II., IV., Henry V., VI., VII., Bichard II., relating to the Families of Sir E. Long, Bourchier, Coddenham, Cornwallis, Sir J. Spencer, Sir Thomas Maples, Mary Darcy, and many others in a large box 1433 Ditto relating to the Kytson Estates in Somerst, Dorset and Devonshire, and the Gage Family Papers, various in a large box 1434 Parchment and other Deeds of the time of Charles I., etc. in a box 1435 Miscellaneous Parchment Deeds, some with seals in a box 1435a A similar lot in a box 1436 Miscellaneous Manuscripts and Printed Matter relating to Bury St. Edmunds a parcel Enoravinos. 1437 Topographical Prints and Antiquities, in a scrap book, atlas folio 1 1438 A large Collection of Views and Plates of Costume, principally Italian ; "Water Colour Drawings, Pencil Sketches, Engravings, etc., mostly- in colour, oblong folio 1 1439 Miscellaneous Engravings, Photographs, etc., in portfolio 1 108 VOLS. 1440 Water Colour Drawings (a collection of 28), by Nicholson, Sir T. Gage, etc., in a scrap book, half morocco, atlas folio 1 1441 Water Colour Drawings (a collection of 25) of English Scenery, signed T. Gage, in a green morocco album quarto 1 1442 Album containing Pencil Sketches in France, Switzerland and Italy, by Sir Thomas Gage, 1816-9, in 2 volumes, half russia, atlas folio 1 1443 Wiltshire, a Collection of Water Colour Drawings and Sketches of the Churches and Abbeys of Wiltshire, including 13 by J. Buckler, and an Original Sketch by Cattermole, in a volume, half russia atlas folio 1 1 444 Pencil Sketches of Views in Italy and Koine, by Sir T. Gage, etc., in scrap books 5 1445 Miscellaneous Engravings, Pencil Sketches, etc., etc. a parcel 1 446 Portraits of Members of the Gage Family, proof impressions on India paper 19 1447 Mrs. Jerningham, after Hoppner by Meyer, and 33 others in portfolio 1 1448 Eev. Henry Hasted, after Strutt by Turner; James Curtis, fine •proof; James Oakes, by Dawe, proof; Eev. W. Plowden, by C. Turner, and 2 others, fine mezzotints 6 1449 Ex-Libris (a collection of), mounted in a scrap book, half bound folio 1 1450 Suffolk. A Collection of Engravings, Portraits, Views, Plans, An- tiquities, Water Colour Drawings, to illustrate the " Hundred Thingoe ' ' a parcel 1451 Pencil and other Sketches, by Sir Thomas Gage, etc. a large parcel 1452 A Collection of 106 steel and copper plates, to illustrate T. Gage's " Hundred of Thingoe," etc. in a box End of Sixth Days Sale. fiengratx Rail, Burp St. Edmunds, Three miles from Bury St. Edmunds Station, G.E.R. ■ife vlfc -V. Ji Ji. •vf" -A* "7? -?p ^J> Seventh 'Day's Sa/e, THURSDAY, 12th of AUGUST, r8 9 7, At ONE o'Clock precisely. 1Ro. 16, IRcfc IRoom. 1457 A 6 ft. mahogany four post bedstead, with moulded cornice and fluted columns, the blue cretonne furniture for same, and a wool mattress in holland case 1458 A thick hair mattress in tick 1459 A feather bed in tick 1460 A feather bolster and 2 down pillows in Turkey twill 1 46 1 Three large blankets and a blue cretonne coverlet 1462 A 4 ft. fine old mahogany Chippendale tallboy chest, of 7 long and 3 short drawers, with handsomely carved cornice and angles, fitted with writing slide and chased brassfurniture, locksand 1 key 1 463 A 4 ft. well made mahogany tray top dressing table, fitted with 2 drawers, on fluted supports and castors 1464 A capital mahogany swing frame dressing glass, on carved scroll standards and shaped plateau (plate 26 in. by 20 in.) 1465 A 17 in. ebonized octagonal two tier table and a 19 in. walnut two tier table with open railed ends 1466 A 3 ft. 3 in. antique shaped walnut and inlaid Queen Anne commode chest of 5 drawers, on stand to match, fitted 3 drawers, on shaped supports, with brass furniture, lock and key 1 467 A 21 in. Old English mahogany tray top chamber cupboard, with door, drawer and commode, fitted with white pan and cover, on turned castored legs f 110 1468 A 14 in. shaped ebony buhl and tortoiseshell three tier etagere with ormolu mounts, and gallery top 1469 A 3 ft. 3 in. well made mahogany Pembroke table with drawer, on fluted legs and castors, 1 key, and a figured tapestry table cover 1470 A 4 ft. superior mahogany tray top washstand with shelf, Sicilian marble top, fitted 2 drawers, on fluted legs and castors 1 47 1 A large coverlet embroidered with silk birds and 2 lace squares 1472 A mahogany five rail towel airer, and a four fold Japanese screen 1473 A couch, spring and hair stuffed, on birch legs and castors, with blue cretonne case 1474 A spoon back easy chair, upholstered in green Coburg, on mahogany legs and castors, with blue cretonne loose cover 1 475 Four well made shaped and carved walnut occasional chairs, upholstered in crimson arras, with 4 blue cretonne loose covers — at per chair 1476 A fine old carved dark oak high back Elizabethan chair, with cane seat and stuffed panelled back in needlework, bearing the Hengrave coat of arms 1477 The companion chair 1478 A 24 in. circular ottoman, covered crimson cloth, the top in handsome needlework and loose blue cretonne cover 1 479 A white enamelled open arm chair with railed back, the seat upholstered in old gold silk tapestry 1480 A handsome carved oak cheval glass, with massive supports and stretcher rails (plate 48 in. by 25 in.) ©maments. « 1481 A handsome brilliant bevelled plate mirror in finely carved gilt Florentine frame (28 in. by 21 in.) 1482 A pair of 13 in. finely chased ormolu two light candelabra with boy figures emblematic of Music, on shell pattern pedestals with triple supports 1483 A 12 in. curious old painted and embossed Faience watch stand, surmounted by a group, " Komulus and Eemus " 1 484 A pair of 5 in. old Oriental sauce boats with bamboo handles, and 2 fine old Oriental shaving dishes Ill 1485 A pair of 10 in. old Oriental bowls, a pair of red and gilt Chamberlain's Worcester dwarf candlesticks, and a china spill vase "Arundel Castle " 1486 A13in.blne French china inkstand with boy figure and 2 inks, china match box, mosaic paper weight, small blue and red china plate, a leather blotter, horn paper knife, and a pair of 10 in. Queen Anne pattern pillar candlesticks IRo. 18, <&ueen i£It3abetb's IRoom. 1487 Three pairs of lace curtains trimmed with silk 1488 Two pairs of similar curtains 1489 A worked wool square, a red and gilt embroidered cover and 2 Moorish dresses 1490 A 6 ft. massive mahogany four post bedstead with moulded cornice and fluted columns, the red cretonne hangings for same, and a stuffed hair box spring mattress in striped case 1 49 1 A thick hair mattress en suite 1492 A feather bolster and 2 down pillows, in Turkey twill 1493 Three large blankets, a marcella counterpane and a red cretonne coverlet 1 494 An extra set of cretonne bed furniture and a pair of curtains en suite 1 495 A gentleman's well made Old English wardrobe, fitted 3 slidingt rays, enclosed by panelled doors, with 4 drawers under, brass knobs, locks and key 1496 A 3 ft. 3 in. fine old mahogany Chippendale bureau bookcase, with finely carved shaped pediment, fitted 2 shelves, enclosed by pair of glazed panel doors, the lower portion fitted with pigeon holes, secret and other drawers, enclosed by fall flaps and 4 drawers under, chased ormolu furniture, locks and 2 keys 1497 A 19 in. mahogany tray top chamber cupboard, with pair of folding doors, and commode under, fitted with white ware pan 1498 A 3 ft. 3 in. antique cedarwood and inlaid chest of 3 long and 2 short drawers, with brass drop handles and escutcheons, locks and key 1 499 A handsomely carved mahogany swing frame toilet glass, on shaped supports and box plateau, with hinged lid, lock and key (plate 25 in. by 17 in.) 112 1 500 A 4 ft. well made tray top dressing table, fitted 2 drawers, on reeded legs and castors 15 01 A 4 ft. 3 in. superior mahogany tray top washstand with shelf, Sicilian marble top, fitted 2 drawers, on reeded legs and castors 1502 A handsome turquoise lined embossed and finely painted in flowers double set of toilet ware of 25 pieces, an engraved water bottle, tumbler, wine glass and a mahogany five rail towel airer 1504 A 4 ft. 6 in. massive mahogany writing table with fine nulled mouldings, top lined morocco leather fitted 2 drawers, on carved column supports 1 505 A 20 iu. walnut occasional table with railed sides and under tier and 3 carved sycamore chairs with willow seats 1 506 A white enamelled and gilt ball frame angle rush seat chair and 2 birch frame chairs with willow seats 1507 A 5 ft. 6 in. Japanese four fold screen 1508 A 6 ft. 6 in. Chesterfield settee, spring and hair stuffed and upholstered in figured tapestry cretonne, on ebonized legs and castors, extra red cretonne case to same, and 2 feather pillows covered en suite 1 509 A square frame easy chair, spring stuffed and covered in cretonne, on walnut legs and castors and extra red cretonne case 1510 A 3 ft. 9 in. rosewood frame wall settee with loose hair squab and stuffed back covered in red cretonne 1511 A large stuffed over easy chair in flowered tapestry cretonne on walnut legs and castors with extra red cretonne cover ©rnamental 3tems. 1512 A 16 in. fine old blue and white cylindrical vase with festooned trellis stripes 1513 A set of three 10 in. Urbino majolica vases with medallions painted in figures on gros bleu ground, a 6 in. terra cotta group " Love Birds," 2 small Belleek china birds, a carved shoe match holder, a 10 in. old Delft plate painted in flowers, a 5 in. blue octagonal engraved German blue glass pen tray and a plaster figure of the Holy Virgin in glass case 1514 A finely modelled clay group of Italian peasants, by Pinelli of Borna, 1832, under glass shade on ebonized stand 1515 The companion group 113 15 16 A pair of 8 in. brass pillar candlesticks, studded with imitation gems, a match box en suite, a 4 in. Persian brass tazza, a 12 in. Etruscan pattern china pen tray, a white china griffin candlestick, an olive- wood and inlaid blotter, and a marble paper weight from the Runics des Tuileries, and 5 plaster plaques various 1517 A pair of 9 in. old Oriental vases and covers decorated in flowers, 3 Delft plates painted in flowers, and a similar tureen and cover painted flowers 1518 A 9 in. blue and white Oriental deep plate, the centre decorated in figures and horses, and an 8 in. painted Delft plate, a copper lustre jug, painted flowers, 2 similar goblets, a similar mug, embossed white figures, and a drab ware similar jug, embossed with stag hunt 1519 A pair of 12 in- old Sheffield plated pillar candlesticks, with embossed edges, on ebonized bases and fitted for electric light flDoniing IRoom- 1521 A yellow ground and bordered antique Persian rug (6 ft. by 4 ft. 9 in.) 1 523 A 3 ft. 9 in. antique mahogany writing table, top lined morocco leather, fitted 2 drawers on lyre shaped supports, with chased brass feet and castors 1 524 A 4 ft. antique walnut and inlaid circular loo table, with mahogany top, on shaped pillar and claw, and a figured velvet pile cover to same 1525 A 26 in. antique walnut and inlaid semi circular folding top card table, lined green clotb, fitted 1 drawer, on turned supports and sbaped stretcher rail 1526 A 14 in. octagonal shaped antique lac Chinese cabinet with floral decorations and centre pane"l painted in figure subjects, the interior fitted with numerous drawers, on shaped plinth, lock and key 1527 A 15 in. buhl and tortoiseshell shaped three tier etagere with ormolu gallery top and moimts, on shaped supports 1558 An ebonized frame open arm easy chair, spring and hair stuffed and upholstered in black flowered cretonne 1529 A shaped stuffed over easy chair, upholstered in green morocco, on rose- wood legs and castors, and a loose cretonne cover 1 530 An antique carved mahogany frame easy chair, upholstered in morocco, with adjustable reading easel 114 1 53 1 A massive carved oak Glastonbury chair with panelled back and arms, upholstered in black tabaret with floral embroidery, a feather cushion en suite, and extra cretonne case I 532 The companion chair The beautifully carved dark Mahogany Chippendale Suite, with openwork ribbon backs, on carved taper legs, finely upholstered in marone morocco, comprising — 1533 Two elbow chairs 1 534 Six chairs — en suite at per chair 1 535 A pair of 14 in. ebonized octagonal stools on spiral supports, a mahogany folding easel and a wicker paper basket ©rnamental 3tems. 1536 A pair of magnificent and valuable old Oriental vases, beautifully decorated in flowers, witb panels representing Japanese Battle pieces and Interiors, having gilt TCylin handles and lizards in bold relief, standing 54 in. high, and a pair of finely carved blackwood stands for same: {Special attention is drawn to these highly important objects of decoration?) 1 537 A 14 in. old Chinese crackle vase with embossed dark borders and lion ring handles 1 538 A pair of silver plated serving forks, tbe handles formed of Ibex horns 1 539 A pair of 12 in. antique Persian chased brass vases, a pair of 13 in. similar vases, 2 Swiss cow bells and neck chain, 2 quaint old wood bowls with inscriptions, a copper flower holder on hammered iron stand, and a curious old Indian bowl 1540 A set of 3 Chelsea figures of 'the Poets leaning on pedestals, and having scrolls with inscriptions, standing about 12 in. high 1541 A pair of 12 in. fluted alabaster vases and covers, 3 china drum ash trays, 2 oak book slides and 5 ornaments various 1 542 A pair of 14 in. handsome chased ormolu and spirally fluted French column candlesticks 1 543 An 11 in. bronze inkstand with figure centre supporting tazza and cover, with 2 inks and covers, a tulipwood pen rack, a 10 in. Chamberlain Worcester'china pen tray painted with a landscape, a 4 in. blue and richly gilt French china spill vase, and a 9 in. old Lowestoft plate with pink border painted flowers, 115 1 544 A rare curio, being the horn of the narwhal (bequeathed in 1561 by the Countess of B nth to her dmghfcr), measuring 7 ft. 4 in. long, in a painted wood case 1545 A pair of 12 in. old Sheffield plated pillar candlesticks, with reeded edges, on ebonized bases and fitted for electric light passages, &c. 1 548 A capital striking bracket clock, in ebonized and brass mounted case, with openwork side panels, and indicating days of the month, by Holmes, of London, 15 in. high 1 549 A large buffalo skin rug 1550 A circular hammered brass gong and beater 1551 A Kent's patent knife machine for 4 knives and carver 1 552 A Coswells & Harrison's patent clay pigeon trap, wood seat chair, cocoa fibre door mat, and 2 wood wall brackets 1 553 A fine old pedestal clock in antique lac japan and gilt case, with striking movement and date indicator, by Peter Birkhead of London Zbc Copper Batterie oe Cuisine. 1 566 A 14 in. stockpot with cover and brass tap 1 567 A 13 in. similar stockpot 1568 A 12£ in. similar lot 1 569 Two 12 in. stewpans and lids 1 570 One 12 in. stewpan and another 11 in. 1 57 1 One 11 in. stewpan and 2 others 10 in. 1572 Three 9 in. similar stewpans and lids 1 573 Three 8 in. similar stewpans and lids 1 574 Four 7 in. similar stewpans and lids 1575 Six smaller stewpans and lids 1 576 A 6 in. stockpot and lid, 3 small stewpans and lids, and a 14 in. circular preserving pan 1577 An oval brazing kettle with lid, an oval mackerel kettle, drainer and cover, and an omelette pan 1 578 Four saute pans, circular two handled saute pan, and 2 copper kettles and lids 116 1 579 An 11 in. brass preserving pan with iron handle, 2 copper oblong baking sheets, a circular baking sheet, and 2 kettles and lids 1 580 An 18 in bain marie pan with liner, and 12 pots and lids 1581 An egg bowl, a sugar boiler, with wood handle, 2 charlotte moulds, 5 plain circular and 2 plain oval and 2 circular border moulds 1532 Seven fancy jelly moulds, an oviform ice mould and cover, and 2 fancy border moulds 1583 Two oval jelly moulds, a plain circular border mould, 18 small cup moulds and covers, 6 small four tier jelly moulds, 12 wheat ear moulds, 6 small oval fluted moulds and 6 quinelles 1 584- A 3 ft. 6 in. grained refrigerator by Fuller Store IRoom- 1 60 1 Two copper coal scuttles, a set of deal two tread steps, a sugar cutter on stained block, a deal three rail towel airer, a Turk's head broom, a carpet broom, a flue brush, and 2 wicker baskets 1602 Two japanned square flour tins with hinged lids, 2 tea canisters and lids, 3 circular canisters and lids, two 30 in. papier mache oblong trays, and a 30 in. japanned tin ditto 1 603 A circular wicker jardiniere stand with zinc liner, 3 japanned circular flower trays, four 18 in. moulded oblong glass flower troughs, seven 9 in. similar troughs, 2 semi circular and 4 triangular troughs * Stables. Coacbman's Cottage, Bcb IRooms, &c. 1 604 A 3 ft. sliding bar fender, poker and shovel, galvanized coal hod, coal shovel, a wire fire guard and 4 Windsor chairs 1 605 A 3 ft. 6 in. solid oak Pembroke table 1606 A 7 feet painted frame settee, with stuffed sides and back and loose squab covered crimson moreen, and feather pillow in Turkey twill 1607 A 3 ft. 6 in. painted deal table, 3 pieces of crimson Dutch carpet, a galvanized iron pail, a japanned water can and a galvanized hand bowl 1608 An iron kettle and lid, 3 iron saucepans, a frypan, a tin teapot, » Sunderland ware pan and 32 pieces of odd crockery ware 117 1610 Two pieces of red and blue figured Turkey carpet, a 3 ft. 9 in. sliding bar fender, tongs and sbovel 1611 A 4 ft. 6 in. japanned iron French bedstead, bair mattress in tick and a feather bed 1612 A feather bed in holland, 3 blankets and a coloured counterpane 1613 A flock mattress in tick, feather bolster and 2 feather pillows in Turkey twill 1614 Three stained frame rush seat chairs, 2 Windsor chairs, pair of striped canvas curtains, flowered chintz curtain, and a mahogany frame dressing glass (plate 13 in. by 9 in.) 1615 3 ft. painted dressing table, fitted drawer, a 3 ft. similar table and 6 pieces toilet ware 1616 A 3 ft. well made mahogany chest of 3 long and 2 short drawers, with brass knobs 1617 A 3 ft. 6 in. sliding bar fender, a wire fire guard, 3 strips of figured felt carpet, a piece of Turkey carpet, a mahogany square washstand, and a mahogany and inlaid antique oval mirror, on skeleton frame 1618 A 4 ft. oak tent bedstead, hair mattress in holland case, a feather bed and a feather bolster 1619 A 3 ft. 6 in. oak bedstead, a hair mattress in holland case and a small flock mattress in tick 1620 A feather bed in holland case, a feather bolster, a pillow in Turkey twill and 2 pairs striped canvas curtains 1621 8 grey blankets and 2 coloured counterpanes 1622 A 3 ft. painted deal table, 4 chairs, and a hanging French timepiece with striking movements, in ebonized and glazed case 1623 A 3 ft. oak chest of 3 long and 2 short drawers with brass drop handles TKDlincs — at per dozen. Bin. No. 1 624 Two dozen Ayala's Champagne, extra dry, 1887 vintage 35 1625 Two dozen ditto 35 1626 Two dozen ditto 35 1627 Two dozen ditto {more or less) 35 1628 Two and a half dozen half bottles of the same Wine 35 1629 Two dozen and 10 bottles Chateau Lafite Claret 28 118 Bin No. 1630 Two dozen Chateau Lafite 29 1631 Two dozen ditto 29 1632 Two dozen ditto 29 1633 One dozen and 5 bottles ditto 29 1 634 One dozen and 8 bottles Fine Chateau Lafite, 1874 Vintage 30 1635 One bottle Ayala's 1889 Champagne, 1 bottle Jules Monte Champagne, 3 bottles Pommard Burgundy, 3 bottles Sherry, 3 bottles Chambertin, and 1 dozen of old dry Port — all at 1 and 4 1636 Two dozen fine Port 2 1637 Two dozen ditto 2 1638 Two dozen ditto 2 1639 Two dozen ditto 2 1 640 Two dozen ditto 2 1 64 1 One dozen and 4 bottles ditto 2 1642 One dozen and 8 bottles fine old light Port (W. Peck, Bristol) 3 1 643 One dozen and 2 bottles fine old Port, 1847 vintage (W. Peck Bristol), and 2 bottles of old Sherry (Harvey & Co.) — all al 5 1 644 One dozen and 9 bottles light Port 6 1 645 One dozen and 2 bottles Sherry 7 1 646 One dozen and 3 bottles fine old Madeira, 1 bottle of pale dry Sherry— all at 8 1 647 Seven bottles of very fine old Port, 16 bottles very fine old Amontillado Sherry and 6 bottles of pale dry Sherry — all at 9 & 10 1648 Eleven bottles very old light dry Sherry and 1 bottle of Madeira — all at 11 1 649 Two dozen and 8 bottles very old pale dry Sherry 12 1 650 Two dozen very light dry Sherry, old in bottle 14 1651 Two dozen ditto 14 1 652 Two dozen and 10 ditto 14 1 653 Two dozen light pale dry Sherry 15 1654 Two dozen ditto 15 1655 Two dozen ditto 15 1 656 Two dozen and 8 bottles ditto 15 119 Bin No. 1657 Two dozen pale dry Sherry 16' 1 658 Two dozen ditto 16 1659 One dozen and 11 bottles very fine Port, sealed (W. & J. Graham) 17 1 660 One dozen and 2 half bottles of Champagne 17 1661 Two dozen fine Port, 1881 vintage, bottled February, 1884 (Holmes) 18 1 662 Two dozen ditto 18 1663 Two dozen ditto 18 1664 Two dozen and 7 bottles ditto 18 1665 Three dozen half bottles Chateau Lafite Claret 1882 19 1666 Three dozen ditto 19 1667 Three dozen half bottles Mouton 20 1668 Three dozen ditto 20 1669 Three dozen and 6 bottles ditto 20 1670 One dozen and 7 bottles Burgundy 21 1671 Four dozen half bottles Montrose Claret 22 I 672 Three dozen and 6 bottles ditto 22 1673 One dozen and 8 bottles Claret, and 2 half bottles of Claret — all at 23 1 674 Two dozen and 3 bottles Pauillac Claret 24 1 675 Two dozen and 10 half bottles of ditto 24 1676 Five bottles Vermouth Noilly Pratt, 3 bottles very old Sauterne, 2 bottles Kauzan 1874 Claret, 1 bottle very old Curacoa, 1 bottle Dutch Bitters, 1 bottle Sauterne (half bottle) and 3 Benedictine — all at 25 1677 Two half bottles Pol Boger Champagne, 1884 vintage, 5 bottles very old sparkling Moselle, 1 bottle old Brandy, 1 bottle Gin and 7 bottles Heering's Cherry Brandy — all at 25 1 678 One dozen and 3 Chateau D'Arsac, 1865 Vintage 27 1679 Two dozen Krugs Champagne, 1887 Vintage 32 1680 Two dozen and 8 bottles ditto 32 1681 Nine bottles Avalon 32 1 682 One dozen and 3 bottles Ducroix Champagne 33 120 Bin No. 1 683 One dozen and 9 bottles Champagne (W. Shields, Leith) 34 1 684 Two dozen and 4 half bottles ditto 34 In Back Cellar. 1685 Ten bottles Port, bottled at Hengrave, 1850, bought of Walinesley — all at 1686 Twenty half bottles Muscatel, brought to Hengrave 1807, recorked 1858 1 687 Twenty half bottles Calcavellos, brought to Hengrave 1807, recorked 1866 1688 Seven bottles Calcavellos, 3 bottles Chateau Wine, 4 bottles Port, 1878 vintage, and 10 half bottles of Constantia— all at 1689 Six bottles Chambertin, 1 bottle very old green Chartreuse, 1 bottle Champagne, "Brut," 7 bottles Chateau de Pierry Champagne, 4 bottles very old Sherry and 3 half bottles dry Lisbon 1 690 Four bottles very old Claret, 9 bottles very old Hock, 2 bottles old Madeira, 2 bottles Sherry, 2 bottles old Port, 3 bottles ditto, 7 bottles old Champagne, 4 bottles Burgundy, 1884, and 2 bottles Kirschenwasser — all at 1691 One dozen and 9 bottles very dry pale Sherry (Cockburn and Campbell's) 1 692 Two dozen and 6 bottles Hock End of Seventh Day's Sale. ^3» ilto'iii fiengraoe Ball, Burp St. edmunds, Three miles from Bury St. Edmunds Station, G.E.R. M. JJ. M. M. M. T W *ff W W Eighth Day's Sa/e, FRIDAY, the 13th of AUGUST, 1897, At ONE o'Clock precisely. linen IRoom IRo. 19. 1 693 Two 21 in. deal top circular tables, on ebonized and gilt tripods, 2 beech frame cane seat chairs and a willow seat chair 1 697 A nearly new crimson and yellow flowered bordered Kidderminster square carpet (size 8 ft. 9 in.) and a piece of light ground and flowered Brussels carpet 1698 A strip of new crimson and figured Brussels carpet (about 10 yards) and 2 stout linoleum tile pattern square mats (size 4 ft. 6 in.) 1699 A 3 ft. 6 in. mahogany Parisian bedstead, with deep shaped sides, on castors, a flock mattress in tick, and a hair mattress in check case 1 700 A 6 ft. white wool mattress in holland case 1 701 A 6 ft. thick feather bed in tick case 1702 A 3 ft. 6 in. well-made mahogany extending dining table on turned supports and castors, and 3 extra leaves 1703 A piece of figured linoleum, a strip of Chinese matting, 22 brass stair rods 46 in. long, a green painted pinoleum blind, and 5 large wicker baskets with cross handles 1 704 A pair of six tread folding library steps, a mahogany easel, a four fold Japanese dwarf screen, and a two fold similar screen 1705 A mahogany miniature bagatelle board with 9 ivory balls and cue, and a large mahogany glazed case 122 1706 A painted oil cloth screen with circular glazed centre panel in gilt frame, 5 ebonized tray stands, three 8 in. square painted tiles, 3 small wood easels, a plaster escutcheon with two boy figures, a 2 ft. 6 in. plaster group of 2 dogs on oval base, an iron and brass two light candle bracket, a wicker bird cage, 4 painted and gilt crests, 3 plush covered stands, and a 24 in. plaster nondescript (igure with escutcheon 1 707 A 3 ft. 3 in. deal chest with hinged lid and a 3 ft. 2 in. similar chest 1 708 Two 3 ft. deal chests with locks and keys and a 2 ft. 6 in similar chest 1 709 A twenty round ladder, a set of deal three tread steps with support and a 3 ft. 6 in. pierced and steel mounted fender 1710 A bordered crimson felt carpet (size 14 ft. by 10 ft.), 3 green felt table covers and a large white knotted counterpane 1711 A crimson serge lined curtain, 3 large dust sheets and a quantity of flowered chintz and holland loose covers 1712 Two pairs of handsome Swiss lace curtains and a pair of muslin curtains with frilled edges 1713 Three pairs of similar curtains 1714 A handsome light ground and flowered velvet pile table cover (size 5 ft. 4 in. square), and 2 muslin coverlets lined Turkey twill 1715 A very handsome quilted down coverlet in white satin and blue silk 1716 Two damask crumb cloths and 4 rolls of similar stair cloth 1717 Two large white Marseilles counterpanes 1718 The turquoise lined, embossed and painted blue flowers and leaves part toilet set of 11 pieces, red flowered similar pattern part service of 9 pieces, 3 odd pieces and a cut water bottle 1720 Twelve engravings, photos, etc., various 1721 Twenty engravings, etc., various Gbe Gtoistere. 1723 A 17 in. antique mahogany jardiniere stand and cover on triple pillar and claw supports, fitted zinc liner with perforated cover, and a 14 in. antique mahogany and inlaid tray top chamber cupboard on taper legs 1 724 A 22 in. beech top circular table on black folding frame, a 22 in. deal top similar table and a 3 ft. painted wire flower stand with zinc liner 1 727 Seven brown fleece mats and a similar white mat 123 1 728 A fine quality antique Persian rug (11 ft. 3 in. by 3 ft.) 1 729 A similar rug (14 ft. by 3 ft. 4 in.) 1 730 A similar rug (9 ft. 4 in. by 3 ft. 9 in.) 1731 A similar rug (9 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. 6 in.) 1 732 A similar rug (9 ft. 3 in. by 3 ft. 6 in.) 1 733 A similar rug (9 ft. 9 in. by 3 ft. 3 in.) 1 734 A similar rug (9 ft. 3 in. by 3 ft. 3 in.) 1 735 A similar rug (14 ft. 3 in. by 3 ft.) 1736 A blue ground and pink figured and bordered Turkey rug (6 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. 9 in.) 1 741 A set of 4 well made ebonized chairs with carved panel backs and frieze, on spiral supports 1742 Two 14 in. ebonized octagonal stools on spiral supports and a 25 in. china cylinder umbrella stand painted and embossed Oriental birds and flowers 1 743 A 5 ft. stuffed wall settee with deep back covered in red Turkey twill 1 744 A similar settee 1745 A 3 ft. 3 in. magnificent and valuable circular marble table beautifully inlaid with porphyry and various choice marbles in geometrical design, witb a finely inlaid mosaic medallion of a Fury's head in centre, on a handsome carved gilt stand, with pillar and triangular plinth on claw feet 1 746 A pair of finely carved negro boy figures with gilt plumes, forming stand and supporting oval card baskets, beautifully gilt and painted, on rock bases, and standing 64 in. high 1 747 A 4 ft. 4 in. finely sculptured old oak statue of Sir Walter Raleigh in court dress, on painted wood pedestal, standing about 8 ft. high 1748 A fine old grandfather's clock in mahogany Sheraton case, with shell pattern and other inlay and brass mounts, striking movement and date indicator, and embossed gilt dial, by Jno. Masters, of Bristol 1 749 A 2 ft. circular wicker jardiniere on fluted shaped gilt pillar and carved claw, with zinc liner 1 750 A 3 ft. excellent old rosewood and inlaid Sheraton folding top card table, the centre lined green baize, on taper legs 124 1751 A 10 ft. 9 in. massive oak show cabinet, with shaped cornice and dental frieze, the interior lined red Turkey twill and fitted with 3 shelves, enclosed by 3 glass panel doors, locks and key, on reeded ball feet 1752 A 4 ft. rare antique ebony and walnut Florentine table, beautifully inlaid with 2 panels in centre of finely etched ivory, representing Landscape and Courtyard, with figures of lions, musicians, etc. and bordered with ivory panels of scrollwork, fitted drawer, on shaped taper supports with inlaid ivory terminals 1753 A set of 3 finely carved antique oak Elizabethan chairs, with openwork backs, finely carved in scrolls and flowers, on carved legs and shaped openwork stretchers, the seats stuffed hair and upholstered in crimson stamped Utrecht velvet, finished fringe and brass studs — at per chair 1754 A 2 ft. 9 in. well made pollard oak oval Sutherland table, with inlaid border of tulip and satinwood, on turned legs and stretcher rail, on castors 1755 A 4 ft. valuable and rare old walnut and marqueterie Louis XVI. cabinet, the finely inlaid in floral devices with birds and insects, the sides inlaid with designs of parqueterie, the interior lined with crimson velvet and fitted shelf, enclosed by a pair of panelled doors with inlay representing vases of flowers, etc., carved fluted ends with festoons, on carved feet, lock and key 1756 A choice old English bracket clock with striking movement, in antique mahogany case, finely mounted in chased ormolu with pierced side panels, handle at top, standing 18 in. high, by Kichard Wright of Chelmsford, and the oak bracket for same 1757 An oak Elizabethan chair with finely carved openwork back in leaf and scroll designs, on carved legs and shaped cross stretcher, the seat upholstered in crimson stamped Utrecht velvet, finished brass studs and fringe 1758 A 7 ft. 6 in. fine old massive polished oak hall table with carved frieze, on tinned legs and stretcher rail 1759 A pair of black oak Elizabethan chairs with openwork backs finely carved in scrolls, etc., on turned legs and stretcher with carved shaped footrail, the seats stuffed hair and upholstered in crimson stamped Utrecht velvet finished fringe 1760 A 4 ft. rare antique Italian oak coffer, the front inlaid marqueterie in panels of scrollwork, etc., with pilasters and carved capitals, hinged lid with 2 panels of inlaid scrollwork and fitted with ancient lock and key 125 1 761 A pair of finely carved African boy figures painted red and buff, on rock bases and standing 38 in. higb, and a pair of circular blackwood stands for same witb carved festoons, on cabriole legs 1762 A 6 ft. 9 in. exceedingly rare and unique ancient oak coffer, tbe front panel quaintly carved and painted with Scriptural subjects in bold relief, representing " Adam and Eve," " Tbe Brazen Serpent," " Tbe Crucifixion," " Tbe Prodigal Son," etc., surrounded by a carved inscription and flanked by 2 carved figure pilasters (probably old Italian workmanship) (See Illustration') 1763 A very valuable antique walnut upriglit clock, with striking move- ment and second hand, the case richly inlaid marqueterie in panels of floral devices, embossed gilt dial enclosed by inlaid floral frame with carved fretwork frieze and 2 spiral pilasters, by Joseph Knibb, of London 1764 A 25 in. china cylinder umbrella stand, painted and embossed birds and flowers, a brass dinner bell, a small chased bronze hand bell, and a mahogany post box, lock and key 1765 A barometer and thermometer in fine mahogany Sheraton case, with shell pattern and other inlay, by Torrie & Co., London 1 767 A rush and wicker fancy arm chair, and a cane similar arm chair 1 768 Eight large deal table leaves, and a quantity of loose holland and chintz covers Ornamental ©bjects. 1769 A 15Mn. fine old blue and white Oriental bowl decorated in flowers and scrolls with diapered panels and a centre floral medallion 1770 A 5£ in. Doulton stone ware Toby loving cup with 3 handles and embossed figures, stag and hoimds, a 6 in. old Toby similar cup embossed figures with 2 dog handles and an old English boat shaped sauce tureen and cover painted in flowers 1771 A set of 4 curious antique carved wood emblematic figures of Male and Female, scroll shaped bases 1772 A pair of 10 in. fine old Imari ware octagonal card plates decorated in circular scale panels with floral centres, and a 10 in. old Lowestoft china bowl painted flowers with pink scale border panels 1773 A pair of 8 in. handsome French china jardinieres with scroll handles, richly decorated gilt and beautifully painted flowers 1774 A well executed marble bust of Sir Thomas Gage, seventh Baronet, of Hengrave, by Negroni, Roma, on blackwood stand (21 in. high) 126 1 775 A 12 in. mauve and gilt French opaque china shell shaped font with rustic handle, and an 18 in. dish to match 1776 A stuffed bird of Paradise and 2 other birds on twig and rock base, under glass shade, on stand 1777 A 12 in. old blue and white Delft cylinder vase, decorated in birds and flowers, a 1\ in. quaint Old English blue and white jug, with figures at table, etc., a 7 in. rich blue and gilt old ironstone jug, with green lizard handle and decorated flowers, and a 12 in. old Oriental green figure of winged dragon, embossed white scorpions, etc. 1 778 A pair of 13 in. old white china jardinieres, with two handles, beautifully painted in groups of flowers and decorated gilt, and a pair of carved ebony stands for same, on shaped legs 1 779 A 15 in. old Staffordshire figure of General Washington, a 9 in. similar group of The Vicar asleep and Moses his Clerk, and a 9 in. similar group of Constable and Drunken Beadle 1 780 A 7 in. old Staffordshire group of Man and Woman with Basket, an 8 in. similar figure of Parson in Pulpit, a 6 in. similar jug, forming figure of Man, with green handle, and an 8£ in. green rustic similar ware jug, with embossed male and female figures in bold relief 1781 A very curious and rare old carved oak shaped panel, with figures representing Adam and Eve in Landscape with tree, in high relief, surrounded by border of carved flowers and scrolls with birds, festoon flowers and ram's heads with Cherub's head in centre (size 18 in. by 13 in.), and another carved oak panel with oval medallion carved with monogram "A. C." in centre and surmounted by a coronet (size 20 in. by 9 in.) 1 782 A 6 in. onyx oval tray, a 5£ in. similar tray, a 4 in similar tray, a 3 in. similar blue tray, and a 4 in. cornelian tray 1783 A finely chiselled marble bust of a Gentleman on pedestal, standing 19 in. high 1 784 A 12 in. fine old Faience figure of Lion with ball, painted in yellow and black on oblong base and feet, and a 9 in. similar ware group of Bull and Dog on oblong base 1785 A 5£ in. old Oriental china mug, with panels painted in groups of Japanese figures and bordered blue, a 5 in. similar mug to match, another similar mug with panels painted in flowers with wicker handle, and a 9 in. old blue and white Oriental bowl, decorated figures in panels 127 1786 A 7 in. quaint old English embossed china jug pencilled in Landscapes and Hunting scenes, a 6 in. old English mug, decorated leaves on blue ground, a 6£ in. old Staffordshire ware jug with embossed figures of Lord Wellington and General Hill, a 6 in. brown and white embossed Wedgwood jardiniere and stand, and a gilt china thermometer 1 787 An 18 in. blue Minton majolica figure of Cockatoo on rustic base, and a pair of 8 in. handsome similar ware jardinieres with Lion mask handles and beautifully painted in Sea Coast and Eiver Scenes and figures 1 788 An 8 in. old blue and white Worcester china jug with mask lip and decorated fruit and leaves, an 8 in. similar jug decorated flowers, and another 8 in. similar jug 1 789 An 11 in. fine old Lowestoft bowl beautifully painted in flowers with festoons and pink scale panel border, and an 11 in. similar bowl with centre painted flowers and border painted in scrolls and birds with floral festoons 1 790 A 12 in. rare old Worcester bowl the inside painted groups of flowers, the exterior richly decorated flowers and gilt in red and white striped panels 1791 Anil in. old Oriental bowl decorated gilt and painted in flowers on dark blue and white panels with floral centre and blue diapered inside border, and an old blue and white Delft jug 1 792 A 12 in. old Staffordshire bust of Man with beard in pink blouse on black pedestal and square base 1 793 A 10 in. fine old Lowestoft china bowl beautifully decorated in panels with Landscapes and Japanese figures, and a 10 in. similar bowl decorated with flowers in blue, red and gilt 1 794 A large stuffed bird on tree stump in mahogany glazed case (size 3 ft. by 2 ft.) 1 799 A ship's sextant in mahogany case by Spenceb, Browning & Bust, a 24 in. glass ornament shade and velvet stand, an 18 in. similar shade and stand, a backgammon board and set of draughtsmen, and an ebonized stand in the form of 3 books 128 In Cabinet. 1800 An exceedingly handsome French china blue-de-roi dessert, service, beautifully decorated in heavy gilt and the centres exquisitely painted in flowers and fruit, with panel borders painted flowers, comprising 4 circular three-tier centre compotiers with massive chased ormolu pillars and laurel wreath handles, on ormolu triangular bases, with three winged dragon figures, standing 21 in. high, a pair of 11 in. shaped openwork centre fruit tazzas on openwork bases, and twelve 8 in. compotiers and 24 plates (42 pieces) 1801 Twenty-four handsome French china shaped dessert plates, with rich blue and gilt borders, painted roses and medallions, and centre medallion with monogram in gilt border with ribbon ornamentation 1 802 A set of 9 fine French china cups and saucers, with mauve ribbon and bow ornamentation and gilt monogram, and a set of 3 green similar cups and saucers to match 1 803 A set of 10 beautiful old French cups and 8 saucers, with turquoise shaped band and panels, with gilt handles and decorations, and exquisitely painted with festoons of flowers 1804 An exceedingly fine old Wedgwood dessert service of Crown Derby design, beautifully painted flowers in dark blue, red and green on a gilt diapered ground with dark brown and white border, comprising a 10 in. boat shaped tureen with gilt handles on stem base with oval dish, a pair 10 in. shaped oblong dishes and 12 plates (16 pieces) 1805 A set of 10 handsome French china coffee cups with gilt borders and painted crests with the Gage crest and motto, 3 tea cups to match, 6 saucers, 2 plates and an oval sugar bowl and cover (23 pieces) 1806 A set of 3 old blue and white Oriental octagon shaped cups and saucers decorated river scenes, boats and figures, a circular similar cup and saucer decorated flowers, a similar cup and saucer and an Oriental egg shell china cup painted Garden scene, flowers, etc. 1 807 A 3 in. Dresden china triangular shaped cup, cover and saucer beautifully decorated in gilt, red and blue with shaped panels repre- senting Coast scenes, buildings and figures, the cover surmounted by gilt eagle, and an embossed white shaped Capo di Monte cup and saucer with gilt decorations and painted in figures of birds, etc. 1808 A delicately carved miniature ivory model of a Man o' War on stand, surrounded by fence and pillars with carved ivory statues, under glass shade with ivory knob on stand, a 5 in. pink, white and gilt French china pastile burner with perforated cover on triple supports, and a white and richly gilt Sevres china two handled tazza and stand with the Louis Philippe monogram 129 1 809 A 14 in. fine old Lowestoft plate of Oriental design with gilt border and floral scrolls, the centre beautifully painted fishes and flowers 1810 A pair of 14 in. old Lowestoft china plates, the centres beautifully painted in flowers with scroll floral panel borders 1811 The grey and red flowered "Ninghpo" pattern Wedgwood dinner service of twenty-eight pieces, fourteen pieces blue willow pattern ware, and odd crockery, about ten pieces 1812 The handsome Worcester dinner service, richly gilt and painted red in scrolls, about sixty-eight pieces 1813 A very fine shaped dinner service, by Daniels, of London, beautifully decorated in pale green and gilt, and consisting of soup tureen, liner and cover, salad bowl, four vegetable dishes and covers, entree dish and cover, four sauce tureens, covers and stands, sixteen meat dishes in sizes, and ninety plates (in all about 136 pieces) 1814 A valuable old ironstone Spode dinner service, painted Indian tree and flowers in red and green, with gilt cone handles, comprising two soup tureens, one cover and one stand, two entree dishes and three covers, salad bowl, three vegetable dishes and two covers, two sauce tureens, three covers and three stands, fifteen meat dishes, sixty-two plates and a fish drainer (in all about 101 pieces) 1815 A curious old Mason's ironstone dessert service of Oriental design, embossed and beautifully painted and gilt in figures, etc., in panels, with flowered and diapered borders, consisting of sugar bowl, cover and stand, centre compotier, 3 oval dishes, 4 shell shaped dishes and 12 plates (23 pieces) 1816 An embosed white Minton dessert service, with openwork borders, comprising 2 tall centre compotiers, 4 smaller compotiers, 4 side dishes and 22 plates (32 pieces) 1817 Twenty-four very handsome French china shaped dessert plates, with pale green and richly gilt borders, and beautifully painted flowers in centre 1818 Thirty-one old Minton white dessert plates, with embossed borders of fishes and shells 1819 An unique old blue and white Spode service, decorated with Landscapes and Figures, comprising 4 shaped vegetable dishes and covers, and forming handsome centre piece with circular dish in 3 divisions 130 1 820 A handsome blue and white willow pattern Minton breakfast and coffee service with gilt edges of 64 pieces 1821 A very fine old Crown Derby tea and coffee service, exquisitely painted in roses with gilt edges, consisting of 9 tea cups, 10 saucers, 8 coffee cups, 8 saucers, slop basin and 4 bread and butter plates (marked specimens), 39 pieces 1822 A handsome French china breakfast service with gilt edges and beauti- fully painted forget-me-nots of 32 pieces 1 823 A similar service painted violets 35 pieces 1824 A bleu de roi " and gilt spiral fluted Worcester tea and coffee set of 21 pieces 1825 A handsome Worcester breakfast and tea service embossed blue and gilt scroll border of 70 pieces 1826 A Derby breakfast and tea service beautifully painted cornflowers and gilt, comprising 5 breakfast cups and saucers, 4 tea cups and saucers, 5 plates, 2 muffin dishes and covers, slop basin, milk ewer, and boat shaped two handled sugar basin with cover and stand, 32 pieces 1827 A similar breakfast and tea service painted cornflowers of 70 pieces 1828 A very handsome embossed white Dresden tea and coffee service beautifully painted flowers inside and out, comprising 5 tea cups, 10 coffee cups, 10 saucers, milk ewer, sugar vase and cover and 1 bread and butter plate (suitable for cabinets), 29 pieces 1829 A pretty French tea set painted with Boyal blue and gilt band, pink ribbon and festoons of flowers (15 pieces), a similar set of 14 pieces and 4 other similar cups and 6 saucers (39 pieces) 1 830 A handsome Worcester dejeuner set with turquoise and gilt borders, with painted cornflowers and festoons, comprising shaped tray, teapot and lid, sugar bowl and cover, cream ewer, and a cup and saucer 1831 A green and gilt leaf pattern Worcester broth bowl cover and stand, with canary border, a drab and gilt similar bowl, another painted roses and gilt, nine white shaped coffee mugs, six white circular dessert side dishes, and an embossed oval game pie dish, with liner and cover 1 832 A pair of 14 in. handsome embossed and white Dresden china male and female reclining" figures, supporting shaped oval two handled dishes on oval bases 1833 A very fine white French china centre piece, with female figure supporting circular openwork dish, with glass liner on circular base (18 in. high), and a similar piece with Satyr figure 131 1834 Fourteen white and gilt edge French dessert plates, 6 green embossed Wedgwood plates with openwork borders, a white china coffee pot and lid, with blue and gilt handle and spout, sugar bowl and cover to match, a white teapot and lid embosed ivy leaf, a cream ewer to matcb, and 6 fine old blue and white Wedgwood cake plates decorated water lilies 1835 A handsome specimen stone china fountain and lid of Oriental design, decorated in blue de roi and richly gilt in flowers, etc., on feet, 12 in. high 1836 A Rose du Barri and gilt band Worcester tea service with embossed basket pattern centre painted in ivy leaves, 24 pieces, and a white fluted and gilt edge tea set of 17 pieces (41 pieces) 1 837 Three small white Copeland shaped sugar bowls on feet, 4 cream ewers to match, 4 Limoges chamber candlesticks and extinguishers painted flowers, a white water lily pattern three division luncheon dish, a pink band and gilt broth bowl, cover and stand, a 10 in. white openwork circular flower dish with glass liner, 3 shell shaped butter dishes, an 8 in. Minton's square tile tea pot stand, a Nelson's patent inhaler, and a pair of 8 in. embossed green pillar candlesticks (Blaes. 1 842 A superbly cut diamond massive tankard shaped celery vase with handle 1 843 A pair of antique cut spirit decanters, 2 cut water bottles, a plain claret decanter with stopper and drip rim, 7 plain tumblers, 3 engraved fleur de lis goblets, a ground and engraved ice tazza, 4 cut and engraved gilt liqueurs and 5 old liqueurs 1 844 A handsomely cut celery vase on stem, 3 cut neck water bottles, an engraved lace pattern water jug with silver band, a pair of shaped plain circular fruit dishes, and a 12 in. circular salad bowl on feet 1 845 An 11 in. massively cut oval deep dish, two 5 in- similar oval dishes, three 4 in. circular dishes to match, and an 11 in. cut circular dish 1 846 The German pressed suite of 14 champagnes, 33 clarets, and 16 ports (63 pieces) 1 847 A plain water jug, 10 small plain cream ewers, 7 small similar sugar bowls, 4 small circular dishes, 2 moulded and ground sugar tazzas and cream ewers, 6 cut diamond salts, 2 odd decanters, 2 small blue tumblers, 9 plain violet bowls, a small two tier epergne, and 18 specimen glasses various 132 1853 An engraved flower epergne, with centre vase and 3 branches on circular dish (22 in. high), a 16 in. plain trumpet shaped vase, and a 6 in. red and amber threaded shaped glass bowl on feet 1 854 An engraved goblet shaped flower vase on ball stem, 2 plain similar vases, 2 ruby bowls on feet, 2 small vases with ribbon mounts, 4 blue crackle specimen glasses, 7 small moulded glass baskets and 16 mottled flower vases on feet flDousekeeper's IRoom. 1857 A 4 ft. mahogany oval extending dining table, on stout carved pillar and plinth and 2 extra leaves 1 858 A set of 6 mahogany frame Old English chairs, with reeded rail backs and loose seats, covered in hair cloth 1859 A square arm chair with stuffed sides and back and loose hair seats upholstered in American cloth, on stained turned legs and castors 1 1 60 A similar lot 1861 A 2 ft. 10 in. mahogany Pembroke table, fitted drawer, with brass nobs, on turned legs 1 862 A 3 ft. antique mahogany oblong table with 1 hinged flap and rounded ends, on club leg supports 1865 A square feather cushion in crimson moreen and loose flowered cretonne case, a crimson figured cloth table over, a pollard oak ink- stand with 2 glass inks and covers, a 26 in. lac japan and gilt oblong tray, a pair of 10 in. green mottled Barbotine ware jardinieres, a pair of 7 in. pink, white and gilt two handled vases, and an embossed metal lamp with opal receiver 1 866 A capital magic lantern, by Wood of Cheapside, with 2 lanterns and fittings complete in deal box, and 21 painted slides 1 867 The brilliant plate chimney mirror in ornamental gilt frame (plate 48 in. by 38 in.) 1 868 A rosewood tea caddy with hinged lid and 2 liners, a mahogany three division knife tray, a metal teapot and lid, japanned spoon tray, a crumb brush, and about 40 pieces of white and gilt lined tea ware 1 870 An old English bracket clock, in mahogany and brass mounted elliptical case with lion and ring handles, on feet, by Dent of Bury (12 in. high) 133 1871 A white and green striped opal glass vase on massive chased ormolu stand (13 in. high), a similar blue and white vase, a pair of bronzed mediaeval figure candle holders on circular bases (13 in. high\ an 11 in. alabaster ewer with artificial flowers under glass shade on stand and a small bronze hand bell 1873 A 6 ft. square settee with squab, 2 side cushions, and three pillows in red figured cretonne, on black legs and castors 1 874 A 12 in. alabaster circular tazza with carved border and 4 bird mounts, on square base ; a pair of 11 in. similar vases with leaf pattern border and ornaments, on marble pedestals and square bases, and an 11 in. similar ewer 1875 A pair of crayon portraits in ornamental compo frames glazed, a water colour portrait in shaped maple and gilt frame, an old engraving, " Lullworth Castle," in ebonised frame, a water colour drawing " Alnwick, 1853," in gilt frame, and a pair of miniature portraits in ebonized and brass frames 1 876 An old engraving, " The Princess Charlotte," in gilt frame ; a coloured engraving, " Duchesse d'Agouleme;" a water colour portrait in carved gilt oval frame, a pastel portrait in compo and gilt frame, and an old engraving in gilt bead frame, '' Queen Adelaide " plates articles. 1877 A large handsomely chased two handled salver 1878 An urn shaped coffee pot 1879 A biscuit box with glass receiver 1880 The engraved set, comprising coffee pot, teapot and a sugar basin 1881 A Queen Anne pattern two handled sugar bowl and a cream ewer en suite 1 882 A small teapot, sugar basin and a cream ewer 1 883 A cut and engraved claret jug with plated mounts 1884 The beautifully designed gilt and oxydized centrepiece and 2 side stands en suite 1885 A set of 4 flower holders with glass receivers, 4 engraved napkin rings and a toast rack 1886 An engraved fish slice and fork in case 1 887 A set of 6 tea spoons in case, a pair of grape scissors, 8 table rests and a soup ladle 1888 A cruet with 6 cut glass bottles 134 1 889 An engraved coffee pot I 890 An egg stand with 6 cups and 6 spoons, 4 salt cellars in 2 cases, and a bottle holder 1 891 A china cream ewer and sugar basin in fluted frame, a dish stand, and a pair of extending toast racks 1 892 A small cruet, a pair of extending toast racks, and a pair of large crackers 1 893 A set of 12 napkin rings 1 894 A cut glass dish in plated frame, 6 napkin rings, 6 salt spoons, and 6 tea spoons 1 895 A large engraved kettle 1 896 A pair of sandwich servers, a pair of asparagus tongs, a marrow scoop, and 3 picks 1 897 Eighteen forks various, 2 pairs of sugar tongs, 3 pairs of nut crackers, 3 dessert knives and 3 forks, 10 tea spoons, 5 salt spoons, and 3 small sugar tongs 1 898 An engraved salver 1 899 A similar lot 1 900 A similar lot 1901 A very handsome fluted tea urn 1902 A similar lot 1 903 A soup tureen and cover 1 904 A similar lot (with ladle) 1905 A pair of very handsomely embossed wine coolers with inner receivers 1 906 A massive centrepiece for four lights 1907 A pair of candlesticks with branches for two lights 1 908 A set of 1 2 elegantly engraved fish knives and 1 2 forks in case 1 909 A set of 12 knives and 11 forks with pearl handles in case 1910 A set of 12 fish knives in case 1911 A set of 12 dessert knives and 11 forks with ivory handles in case 1912 A teapot and a coffee pot 1913 A teapot and 2 waiters 1914 A liqueur cruet with 3 cut glass bottles €nb of Sale. Il AD' 1897 Aug.5 BuHaG c.1 Hampton &IHengrave Hall: interest 85-P3195 3 3125 01146 7013