Adi’ertisements. DR. D . V . MONCKHOVES’S Trade Mark. Trade Mark pupi^ DAILY PRODUCTION, 3500 DOZENS. REGISTERED. REGISTERED- Sole Agents, MEGRETTI & ZAMBRA, Opticians and Scientific Instrument Makers to the Queen, HOLKORKT VIADUCT, liOSTDOSI, E.C. Telegraphic Address— “ Negretti, London.” Telephone No, 6583. N.B. — A Sample of these Plates for Trial may be had on Application. Price 4i x 34 5 X 4 65X4! n\ x 5 85X6^ 10X8 12X10 13X12 Per Dozen. 1/8 2/5 3/6 5/- 6/6 10 7 15/6 25 6 Other Sizes at proportionate Prices. 10 per cent. Discount for Cash with Order. Estimates given for complete Sets of Photographic Apparatus. Agents for Steinheil s Lenses and Formstecher's Albumenized Paper, • • rgl i FROM HULMES- PHOTc BUHDINQ 8 , NEW ST, jti.iMlNgH The Most Important Recent Improvement in Photography. EVERY AMATEUR SHOULD TRY Mix H|M «!<# t'kc CttX «|Hl ec|«f H|« H|M rH Hf* rH rH H|m H|n ' 1— 1 t— i rn : September. i'". / ••• ■- ■ 1 ] Sun shining 30 Times Plates. Average Exposure in Seconds at day. XI XII I XII V. Jn H)oo H|«5 h|-*> «fX W|f» Ml# r i« ■ h >o|w ~l# ml* rW rw 05 CO -t< CO 00 Mid X II J# .In H|!8 «|» w|rt #|ffl ee|« t-loo l« H h|« w|x m|# win rW 05 CM r* CO C". IX on. Ill Jo _lo • w|w w|# «|* w|n ec|«H I «|oo hoc m|# rt|w win win r-i ".w H |w 1 H rW 05 05 -gi ,10 00 H ning. VIII terno IV |ss w|ao w|# m|cc w|n cc|# I ‘‘'-loo w|ao w|w w|# win win CO l'-* |H I *H rW 05 CO Tt< CO CO rW r-i |j M < U w|oc w|t}t Win Ml# u5|oo w|oo w|# w|# win Win CO t - — CO *-'f-lO5CO''nCOa0r-lrHO5C0 tn Cu c ■4W m •anpjA pjoo^ .io oi' 4 'bjj Pq|^“^|cO EmIO ft I2 5 ft IS ft l§ ft Iff ft 3 ft Ico ft :$ ft Iff ft l£ ft 1^ *X}ipidc.i «0 m|h> "ftloo Hies nice rH rH Ot ?0 ,C I- m % a h’2 J® rt |oo . H|.e h|« «!* H|es celt 1 oi hN -* «|oc 00 | r ~ t W SO AI •g IIIA • s h’;? h!° h I 1 ® '"'I'* ct t'° H l«* «M> ■-'Iso «|hi «|rn hIcs h|cs rH la0r-HrH ° M > HH 3 p w £ H|co h)* H|CS •*!*> H|oo h|h< hIh- Hies Hie, CO r- to h rH rH 01 CO -51 . 00 rH rH •Xppidn.1 OAi'xeiojx «D T rH rH - CO • «o . Cl : *o s | . -,t -• ;,,W, flfta^ ant> 3nl\>. . ■ - r ' ; ?-v • -m " Y K V 'rv,;: \- > T V- V Sun shining 30 Times Plates. Average Exposure in Seconds at) & R R | M M « W o H o ! -= je i ) * _ :yx MjP) K|-+ H|P) H|X -ll-ti M ^ ‘2 >» - OJ ^ _|(S h|oo eyx h|n cr.\*< t^co I cefx «h# «W h|p» hIp> .-h M h H |MM(MCO»Ob-Mr-l Js ■ h|« h|* «| « hipi «!■+ I -i|oo -i!^ hM h|pi w|p) cO t"* H |r« 1 M M O) CO tO CO rH 1-1 Mo V Ev VII rt|x h|-* h|n M X5|® *-i|00 *!•<* h|* H|« CO t- tD M i-l His* «1« ^ ^ ^ o7 W O 3 ^ S “ k 1 « •5 * 5 ~ •HJQC H|Tjl rt|« WM» Ifliao nK» -iHji h|^* i-t|eq hIm r-t M -■> 20 „ 11 15 11 11 O T w 1 ,, 11 20 11 11 11 “"■* 11 11 26 11 23 » 11 34 11 11: 11 24 „ 11 45 ,? 11 11 25 » „ 60 11 11 11 ( 24 ) In using the Practical Index (or any other guide on Exposure) the above con- siderations must be borne in mind, and as far as possible care must be taken that the plate in use with the tables is of the “ number of times ” it is represented to be. This may to some extent be gauged by ascertaining the sensitometer number ol the plate in use, and comparing it with the “ number of times” in the above scale ; or it may be estimated by comparison with the quickest plates in the market, that are admitted to be of “ 60 times ” rapidity. Finally, the Tables themselves will form a test of rapidity : thus, a 30 times plate may be proved to be so by its being found to work satisfactorily with the Index Tables, and similarly any other rapidity may be approximately tested. The Author is indebted to Mr. Warnerke for a letter kindly confirming the ratios of the above-quoted sensitometer indications, as well as to the many firms who have been good enough to contribute the details in the following Table : — ( ?5 ) Maker or Vendor. Name of Plate. Description. Rapidity as quoted. No. of times, j American Brand Co. American Brand Ordinary 40 18 ,, Instantaneous 6o 24 American Camera Co. . . . Edgware Ordinary 30 16 9 Extra Rapid 6o 19 Britannia Works Co. . . . Ilford Ordinary 30 18-19 New Rapid 40 19-20 Special Rapid 6o 23-25 Cadett Cadett Very Rapid — 20 5> Manchester i Lightning . . , 25 Chapman )> Slow | Rapid r Extra Rapid ... J No information. Dale 1 Ludgate — No information. Derby Plate Abney Bromo-Iodide bo 23-25 Derby Rapid 20 20 Extra Rapid 40 22-24 J* Eastman Co Neg. Paper — No information. Eastman Co Stripping Films — _ No information. Edwards & Co 1 XL ..." Extra Sensitive 30 15-10 - — — ’ * ' ( 26 ) Rapidity as quoted. Maker or Vendor. Name of Plate. 1 Description. No. of times. | Edwards & Co XL Special Instantaneous 50 20-22 XL Isochromatic SO-! OO Elliott Advance Extra Special ... ') - Albert - Clarke’s No. 48 1 _ i No information. , , ... . . Dragon Ordinary Studio | Elliot & Fry % Extra Rapid ... J Studio No information. England | England’s ... Slow Landscape 4 15 >> Rapid ,, 1 5 20 >) >> • • Ordinary Studio 15 20 ji Extra Rapid Studio... 60 25 Fallowfield Miall Ordinary ... Tailfer Extra Rapid ... > No information. Isochromatic ... ) Freeman ! Freeman Rapid No information. Freeman Process No information. Fry & Co Kingston Landscape 6 12-15 5 » 1 1 ?? Special 30 20-22 . ■ ( 27 ) Maker or Vendor. Name of Plate. Fry & Co. Gotz Hardcaslle Hinton ... Home & Thornthwaite. Kingston Flexible Films . . Obemetter Dr. Vogel’s Brightonian Hinton’s . Trafalgar . Houghton & Son ... Lancaster & Son ... Leather, Sadler,& Holmes Levi & Co. Marion . . Diamond Imperial . Lancaster Alliance Leviathan Academy Britannia Description. Rapidity as quoted Mo. of times. Sensr. No. 6 o times Gel. Bromide Azaline Ordinary . . . Extra Rapid Ground Glass Landscape Instantaneous Ordinary Extra Rapid ... Landscape Special 30 times 60 times Rapid Landscape Ordinary 60 20-25 60 15 4 1 2h 25 i5-i7 24 & 20 20 19 24 20 15 20 No information. 10 30 60 60 10 15 22 I £ , . V No information. . . - — — — - — . ( 2 *> ) Maker or Vendor. Name of Plate. Description. Rapidity as quoted. No. of times. No. Marion >? Britannia 1 Globe ■Extra Rapid J ! I 5 ) 5? ?9 ». •. » ••• ••• Isochromatic Jerome | Soho i Medium Rapid.. . t f 1 1 No information. 5) ?> ■ 1 Extra Rapid ... J Mawson & Swan Mawson Instantaneous ... ) 6o — ;> )J Castle Photo-Mechanical ...j — I No information. Mayfield, Cobb & Co. ... Woolwich | Ordinary 20 55 Extra Rapid 40 -- 5 5 Special Favorite . . , ! Slow IO — ,, ,, Rapid 20 . — 5 5 • • • 55 Extra rapid 50 — • Morgan & Kidd Richmond Ultra Rapid . . . 6o 24-25 j> j 55 Special Instantaneous 15 18-20 ’> Neg. Paper Landscape 15 18-20 Mothersill Beernaert Extra Rapid . . . 6o 25 Negretti & Zambra . Monkhoven — j - 25 ( 29 ) Maker or Vendor. Name of Plate. Newton Newton ... » ••• Paget Prize Co. . . • • Photo. Artists’ Assn. ... XXX... ... ... xxxxx Charterhouse ... 5 J **/ ? J > J Pollard Graham & Co. Pumphrey Albion Derwent Pumphrey 5 i Robinson Rouch 55 Regent Rouch 5 5 Rudowsky ... ••• 5 5 Dr. Schleussner 5 » Sands & Hunter . >> , Premier ... Description. Rapidity as quoted. . T r s Se'nsr. No. of times. Extra Rapid ... ) Lightning \ No information. As 30 \ to 50 Special, 30 times ... 30 ,, 60 times ...j 60 — Extra rapid ! 50 . — j No information. Instantaneous ... 60 25 Lifting Films 60 25 Rapid <9 Instantaneous 50 2T-23 Extra rapid 30 18-19 Slow landscape iS >5 Extra rapid ... I Orthochromatic V No information. Stripping Films J Ordinary ... . | — 20 Extra rapid — 25 Maker or Vendor. ( Name of Plate. Amy Scott Scott Shew Eclipse Spicer Bros Perfect Stereoscopic Co Black -band Thomas & Co Pall Mall ... !!. » ? United Kingdom Co. .. )» United Kingdom Verel 60 times j ? Matchless 30 times Vergara Film Co Froedman’s Film j> # Wratten & Wain wright... 5 » London > J • • • 5 5 »» • • 5 J Description. Instantaneous Rapid Landscape Ordy. Special Instantaneous Extra rapid » Thickly coated Instantaneous Extra rapid Ordinary Instantaneous Drop shutter, special Rapidity as quoted. No. of times. No information. 60 25 No information. 30 21 60 25 60 25 15 15-18 20 21 60 20-22 60 20-22 30 15-17 — 1 7 — 23 5 15 15 19 60 24 Advertisements. <$W e OtW c^ ( v yarded by the Photographic Society 0 f 6 ■jded a ' e '' 8 in 1884 to Bi 'it a Ul 2 ]V[c DOUBLE-PINION, TREBLE-PATENT 4 **"% CAMERA, fe 7)k firmest, lightest , most compact, and handiest Camera in the world. Mess^'ToE Eastman DRV Plate & Film Co., 1.5, Oxford t ^- ‘ position to supply from their stock any required size without delay, at McKellen s List l,uce. 1 . . , ...u.-n.ii olK.;, 0 c„p^irt1ot(» f.A. -rix c f.zA £6. 10X8^7 xsition to supply from their stock any required size witnout ueiay, a, , McKellen’s Automatic Roller Slide all sizes up to \ plate A, 7* x 5 £s, t &>> IO x 8 dj -X 10 18 , 15 x 12 do, is the only really Automatic Roller Slide in the market. - t~\ 1 Tfc* _ l r n • lororpr A TOAL I A IO X,Oj 15 A 12 ^ UIC Uiny ' # r MnK'pllpn’q Automatic Rocker, Polished Pine, 1 plate size, £2 10s . ; larger, £3 toa. , Mahogany, by which a table receives a steady side-to-side rocking movement for about an hour with once winding up, and an even flow of the liquid is ensured. McKellen’s T Level, 4 s. 6 d. The Photo erar) tier’s Watch. A superior Silver Lever Chronograph, with hour, minute, and seconds hands, and on the other side chronograph fly-back seconds and minutes. McKellen’s guarantee. Price £s 10 s. McKellen s guarantee. Price £3 ™s. Send for Lists and Illustrated Sheets to— S. D. McKELLEK, Photographic Engineer, Spring Gardens and Marriott s Court, Manchester. Works: 3, Chapman Street, Hulme. t ' ■ - ' - - - " ■■ A dvertise mcnts. J) 44 Aptus 55 View Finder, 7/6. ^ perfect instrument. 44 Aptus ” Rubber Roller Squegees. Superseding all others. 3 in. I/O, 4 in. 1/4, 5 in. 1/8, 6 in. 2/0. 44 Aptus ” Mountant, i/o. Always ready, pure , clean, and sweet. 44 Aptus ” Bromide Pencils. For working up enlargements. White and 3 grades black. The set , 1/3. “Aptus” Double Blind Shutter. The 44 Paul Lange ” 21/0. Catalogues , Cfc., from — SHARP & HITCHMOUGH, Photographic Instrument Makers, 103 , DALE ST., LIVERPOOL. Advertisements. CINCE the introduction of rapid Dry Plates and the growing popularity of Photography as a pastime for Amateurs, their one great difficulty hfis been to correctly estimate the exact exposure required by a certain object. This is more especially the case in England, where the light is seldom, if ever, of quite the same actinic power for five consecutive minutes, hence the desirability of some infallible guide in estima- ting the quantity of light and the exact exposure necessary. The Stereo- scopic Company has long sought a really reliable tM i ii 1 1 1 1 1 » 1 1 1 1 mn i i n i m Hi iiii Hi iiiniiim mttt ‘UNCERTAINTY MADE CERTAIN.” THE I London Stereoscopic & Photographic Company's j “Perfect” Photometer. : The London Stereoscopic & Photographic Company, Limited, ■ 110 & 108, REGENT ST„ W.; & 54, CHEAPSiDE, E.C. j i i i i I I I i « l > I i a l « I 8 1 8 M 3 l l 1 1 6 > I I1 . U I « a JI J . A I I l U . I I i M I! ti n t 8 M 1 1 instrument to re- commend their customers, and now offer their “Perfect” Photometer with the greatest confidence, feel- ing sure that it will speedily commend itself to all their Amateur patrons. It is only necessary that the graduation of the Photometer should be compared once for all with the brand of Dry Plate proposed to be used ; but, for the guidance of Amateurs, the Company supply Instructions for \ise, founded on their own series of popular Dry Plates. Price to.?, 6 PkH¥ES To) -J! SLOW FOR LANDSCAPE. of all 30 60 TIMES. TIMES. Dealers. Samuel Fry ' J n S, HERBERT FRY, Managing Director, Kine:ston-on-Thames. A dvertisements. a kgg ph0TOQWi|»e ^ — - ' r ' e * ^88. THE HAS BEEN AWARDED TO THE PAQEtf PRIZE PLfftfE eO]APAJ^y, EALING, W. PRICE LIST, &c„ FREE BY POST ON APPLICATION. Telegraphic Address —BROMIDE, LONDON. 1 ) 2 A dvertisements . TBEOMikS’S “Pall Mall” Plates. ^ or ) None can CHEAPNESS, BRILLIANCY, > approach RICHNESS OF FILM, UNIFORMITY, ^ them. Extra Rapid : Quarter, I /- ; Half, 2/3 ; Whole, 4/3 per doz. Thickly Coated Landscape : Quarter, 1/6; Half, 3/6 ; Whole, 6/6 per doz. Thotographic Outfits from 2 to 20 guineas, and all requisites for Photography at the Depot, 10, Pall Mall, where there is a Studio for free instruction to all purchasers of apparatus. R. W. THOMAS & CO., Limited. 10, PALL MALL, S.W. Factory : THORNTON HEATH. A dvertisem ents. U m TfTfPWARDS of 6,000 dozens of these celebrated ^ te j o ar ^ e ^ 11 petrin% ? ce e with 'the U at the New Factory ln ^ hent ’ k f, e trial will prove these to be in everyway X^^r^^-rapidVonly; 60 times! and of one quality only, the Sample dozens per parcels post at i 1/8, \ 4/-, 1 8/-. All othei sizes kept in st >Cv 1 . to 24 by 18 inches, and some French sizes. NOTICE l 25 per cent . discount for cash orders , and carriage pan on wor Brunck’s Cri Mounts, Studio Extra Brilliant Sensitized Paper. Sk J n ^ e , ’ St dio Cameras made to order. “ Eclipse,” 3/6. Amateurs’ complete outfits from 35/-. ^tiiciio Sole Wholesale Agent— JAMES MOTHERSILL, 60, Holloway Road, London, N. A Advertisements'* PLATINOTYPB PRIKTTIIffG CAREFULLY EXECUTED FROM PHOTOGRAPHERS’ OWN NEGATIVES, BY RICHARD KEENE, DERBY. The Fourth Edition of the OUTDOOR PHOTOGRAPHIC NOTE- BOOK, Post free for 13 Stamps, Prom It. KEENE, Photographic Dealer, Derby. 15 x 12 CAMERA £6 10s. RAPID RECTILINEAR FOR Do.£5 5s. This Camera is of first class workmanship and materials. Front extension, taper bellows, rack to focus, swing back, rising and falling and swinging front. Square and reversible for vertical and horizontal pictures, hinged focussing glass. One double slide, book form with double-hinged shutters and brass clips. The lens is best quality F 8, 2 if in. back focus, excellent for portraits and instantaneous work. James Thomson, 19, Richmond Place, Portgordon. A New and Improved Encaustic Cerate. Produces a brilliant surface on prints, opals, &c. , gives depth and richness, and brings out detail, at the same time pre- serving and rendering more permanent. Send 7 or 14 stamps to BROOKER, Photo-Chemist, Hastings. Advertisements. W. lYLAl^, 57, HIGH ST., ASTON, BIRMINGHAM. Send for a Catalogue of some of the most useful novelties ever introduced to the photo- graphic public . Plate Lifting Frames, save all handling of plates or chemicals, set of 6\ 2/6, 6J 5/°> Folding Developing Trays, invaluable to tourists, sets of 4 J plate i/o, 4 plate l/6, &c. Washing and Drying Racks, folding and rigid, from I /- upwards. INSTANTANEOUS SHUTTERS. CHEAP RELIABLE BURNISHERS, &c SPECIAL AWARD OP MERIT, CRYSTAL PALACE, 1888. . A dvertisements . THe £+/x\p>Ls£T @P ALL J+be^ jq eX>0£Up^e IS THE job. 7\etinometcp ancl Exposure TaBle ComBinecl. Calculations for Subject, Stop, Light, and Plate, reduced to a Simple equation giving result in Seconds. Price 1/-, or Post Free 1/2 from the Maker, ISAAC WATTS, ALTRINCHAM, CHESHIRE. A dver ii sent enis. “AUTOCRAT ” Regd. LEVEL, Post Free. 3 / 9 . G. S. MARTIN, " Eight years with Ross & Co., Retail Dealer in Perken, Son, & Rayment’S “OPTIMUS.” CAMERAS, LENSES, STANDS, ETC. FREE LESSONS. BIRKBECK INSTITUTION, BREAM’S BUILDINGS, LONDON, E.C., Approached from Chancery La7ie and Fetter Lane. AUTOCRAT ” Regd. & FINDER METER, 3 / 9 . THE DEWEY SHUTTER is the Simplest, Lightest, Cheapest, and most Efficient Pneumatic Shutter in the Market ; can be used for Instantaneous or Prolonged Exposures. From 15s. PNEUMATIC DROP SHUTTERS, Prom 5s. ALFRED DEWEY, Sutton, Surrey. Regd. 97728. WYNNE’S NEW LEVEL. Post Free. Can be used in any direction of Swing. Sole Agent— C 3-- S. MARTI IW , Address above. A dvertisements. SHEW’S SPECIALITIES FOR 1888 . Smew’s Eclipse Pocket Apparatus, for Hand Exposures, Fixed Focus. Smew’s Do. Do. fitted with Eastman Roll-holder for Paper and Stripping-films. Smew’s New Detective Case for the above, with Finder. Shew’s Box Detective Camera for Glass or for Paper Negatives. Shew’s Cyclists’ Companion Hand Appa- ratus, fitted with Universal Grip for instantly levelling in any position. Shew’s Combination Camera. Smew’s 1888 Camera. Shew’s Automatic Developing Rocker. Smew’s Folding Wire Plate-washer and Drainer combined. Shew’s Folding Changing Boxes. Shew’s Patent Camera Adapter. Shew’s Camera Extension Fronts. Shew’s Automatic Magnesium Lamp for enlarging. Shew’s Cameras for enlarging. Shew’s Lamps for enlarging. Shew’s Condensers for enlarging. Shew’s Universal Camera Clip. Smew’s Eclipse Dry Plates. See Complete List, free on application to J. F. SHEW & CO.., 88, NEWMAN STREET, 4 DOORS OFF OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W. A dvertisements. # Z& y • ,2-SI K » I S REVOLVER CAMERA For Plates 4! x 3^ or Paper. Best Lenses only. CONSISTS IN SOLID RECTANGULAR BOX 8| X 7 f X 5 . BRICE/ S PATENT, For all information , address WILLIAM A. BRICE, Care of GOY, LIMITED, 54, LIME STREET, LONDON. See Photo Annuals , 1888, This perfect apparatus, with everything always in situ , consists in a solid rectangular box, with handle, lock and key; circular spirit level, view finder or large ground glass window for focussing and watching effects whilst expos- ing, both l^t in on top of box. Shutter instantaneous or slow. No loose parts or anything separate except stand, if de- sired. Will contain and will work 42 plates, films, or paper . &c., in succession, by the simplest means possible. Nothing to get out of order. No slides to draw. No doors to open. No changing bags'. ' No box to be constantly opening. Five plates can be exposed and changed almost mechani- cally in three minutes or less, or as slowly as desired. ^ Pamphlet of instructions with each apparatus, ren- dering its working quite easy to understand. See Photo Annuals , 1888.