\ & *" t*" V-« <^i . '< :■ S :< s> - c ^x„. , - -«/—e^y ~ 55 ‘ l. <£-*„ • W ^ -*£>■ y-‘ ■ <;ri - y *- -»- t.-<'y r r 6 > -" ZJ ip —-^ au^p * „ c>"^ -A' o :** r\ *r~? . --\y *•»#£>»*<*#. vef,. — - y . ^. * -t .. ~~Z> -j-'V-'l, - ;'-*• o _■'■ -*r_ C- y-' .--•••> ii ’-'*' <^r. •♦JHagEUffl 7IND nm GALLERY* CATALOGUE (WITH NOTES) OF THE Oil and &5atei^ (soloui^s, BY LIVING AND DECEASED ARTISTS. BIRMINGHAM ; OSBORNE AND SON “BOROUGH” WORKS, 84, NEW STREET. 1888 Borough of Birmingham MUSEUM 5 ART GALLERY /Iftuseunt anh School of Bit Committee— THE MAYOR, Councillor POLLACK. Alderman Kenrick, Alderman Baker, J.P. ,, Sir Thomas Martineau, J.P. Councillor Beale, ,, Hardman. ,, Martineau. ,, OsLER. ,, Wallis. M.P,, J.P. Chairman. Mr. John Bragg. ,, J. Thackray Bunce, J.P. ,, W. Buncher. ,, C. J. Hart. ,, Jonathan Pratt. y n t s ,, Edwin Smith. ,, Edmund Tonks, B.C.L. IReeper of tbe /iftuseum an£> Brt (Bailers— Mr. Whitworth Wallis, F.R.G.S. HOURS OF OPENING. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday— Throughout the year . . . . 10 till 9. Wednesday and Friday— Winter Season (Oct. 1 to Mar. 15) . 10 till 4. Summer Season (Mar. 16 to Sept. 30) . 10 till 6. Sunday— Throughout the year .... 2 till 5 «*f ADMISSION * FREE.Jf* STAIRCASE AND VESTIBULE “the pencil speaks the tongue of every land.”— Dryden . AFTER MURILLO. 1. Virgin and Child. Presented by Mr. A. Dixon. Murillo (Bartolome Esteban) was born at Seville, January 1. 1618, where be also died, in consequence of a fall from a scaffold at Cadiz, April 3rd 1682. He was the pupil of Juan del Castillo. Spanish school. CHARLES LE-BRUN. 2. Hortensia. Presented by Mr. B. Johnson. Charles Le-Brun was born at Paris in 1619. He was the son of a sculptor who instructed him in drawing. He died in 1690. JONATHAN PRATT. 3. Portrait of J. Skirrow Wright, M.P. Presented by the Subscribers. H. T. MUNNS. 4. Portrait of the late George Dawson. Bequeathed by Mr. E. D. Wihnot. JONATHAN PRATT. Portrait of the Rev. Arthur G. O’Neill, O. 4 ELIJAH WALTON. 6. Monte Tofana, in Tyrol. Presented by the Artist. Elijah Walton, F.G.S., was born in 1832, and passed his boyhood in the neighbourhood of Birmingham. He exhibited at the Royal Academy at the age of 15, and sold his work. He studied afterwards in London. The works he will best be remembered by are his pictures of the Alps. He ultimately settled near'Bromsgrove, where he died in 1880. GEORGE JONES, R.A. 7. The Battle of Hyderabad. Presented by Mrs. Jones. George Jones, R.A., was born in London in 1786 ; his father, John Jones, was a mezzotint engraver. He early turned his attention to art, having oecome a student of the Royal Academy when a boy, but for a while his art studies were varied by the duties of a military career. He served as an officer of militia in the Peninsular war, and was in Paris in 1815 during the occupation of the allies. At the conclusion of the peace Jones returned to his art, painting chiefly views of towns or battle pieces. In 1820 he received the premium of 200 guineas from the Directors of the British Institution for a picture of the Battle of Waterloo ; and two years afterwards a similar premium for another picture of the same subject, exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1822. He was elected an Associate of the Academy in this year, and a Member in 1824, and was a contributor to its exhibitions for more than 60 years, from 1803 to 1869 inclusive ; but in later years his contributions consisted mainly of water¬ colour sketches in light and shade, chiefly of Scripture subjects. He was Keeper of the Royal Academy from 1840 to 1850 ; and had previously held the office of librarian. In 1849 he published a memoir of his friend Chan trey—“Sir Francis Chantrey, R.A., Recollections of his life, practice, and opinions.” Dedicated to Lady Chantrey. The Vernon collection, which contains several examples of Jones’s works, was formed chiefly on his advice. He died in London, on the 19th of September, 1869. W. HALL. A Birmingham Painter. Author of a “ Life of David Cox.” Born 1805. Died 1880. 8. A Peep out of Church. Bettws-y-Coed. Presented by Mr. W. E. Everitt. GEORGE JONES, R.A. Born 1786. Died 1869. 9. Geneva, from a sketch made in 1825. Presented by Mrs. Jones. 5 GEORGE JONES, R.A. Born 1786. Died 1869. 10. The Conflict at the Guns, Balaclava. Presented by Mrs. Jones. HENRY WYATT. 11. Naughty Pet. Presented by Mr. It. W. Thrupp. Henry Wyatt was born near Lichfield in 1794, and was apprenticed to Francis Eginton, the well-known glass-painter of this town. He acquired a fondness for art, and went to London in 1811 to study at the Royal Academy. For some time he worked under Sir Thomas Lawrence, and in 1817 he returned to Birmingham, and devoted himself more particularly to portrait painting. He was a constant exhibitor at the Royal Academy. In 1837 he hoped to return to London, but his health failing he went to reside near Leamington. He died near Manchester in 1840. F. W. HULME. 12. Mill water, Ockham. Presented by Mr. John Wand. ALFRED BAKER. Birmingham Painter. Born 1850. Died 1872. 13. Harvest Time in South Stoke. Presented by Mr. S. H. Baker. HENRY O’NEIL, R.A. 14. The Trial of Queen Catherine. Presented by Colonel Ratcliff. Henry O’Neil was born at St. Petersburg in 1817, but was brought to England at the age of five. In 1837 he became a Student at the Royal Academy, of which body he was chosen an Associate in 1860. F. W. HULME. 15. English Lane Scene. Presented by Mr. J. Coppock. 6 ROUND GALLERY. DAVID COX. 16. The Skirts of the Forest. Nettlefold Bequest. This collection of the works of David Cox was formed by the late Mr. Joseph H. Nettlefold , and ivas by him bequeathed to the Museum and Art Gallery. David Cox was a native of Birmingham. He was the son of a black¬ smith, and was horn April 29th, 1783. Having inherited a delicate constitution from his mother, he was unable to follow his father’s business, and was apprenticed to a miniature-painter for lockets. After only 18 months’ service he lost his master, and then found employment in preparing the colours for the scene-painters at the Birmingham Theatre Royal, where he ultimately became a scene-painter himself. In 1803 he went to London, and was employed at Astley’s Theatre. Having practised water-colour painting he visited Wales in 1805, and on his return exhibited drawings of Welsh scenery. Settling at Dulwich he devoted his attention to teaching drawing. By a close and loving study of nature, added to his great powers of observation, he gradually became recognised as a leader in water-colour art. In 1813 he was elected a Member of the Water-colour Society, and was a constant exhibitor to the year of his death, a period of 46 years. In 1815 he went to Hereford, where he lived until 1829, when he returned to London, residing at Kensington. He visited the Continent on two or three occasions, and painted some able drawings from the sketches obtained during those journeys. In 1840 he gave up teaching, and retired to his native place, Birmingham, residing at the village of Harborne. Here he commenced painting in oil with great success, though he rarely exhibited the results. He died June 7tli, 1859, and was buried at Harborne. 17. A Farmstead. DAVID cox. Nettlefold Bequest. DAVID cox. 18. A Herefordshire Lane. Nettlefold Bequest. DAVID COX. 19. Welsh Shepherds. Nettlefold Bequest. 7 DAVID COX. 20. Flint Castle. DAVID COX. 21. Crossing the Sands. DAVID COX. 22. Changing Pasture. DAVID cox. 23. On the Thames. Battersea. DAVID cox. 24. Cottage Interior. DAVID COX. 25. Evening. DAVID COX. 26. Rhyl Sands. DAVID COX. 27. Market Garden. Early Morninj DAVID cox. 28. The Peat Gatherers. Nettlefold Bequest. Nettlefold Bequest. Nettlefold Bequest. Nettlefold Bequest. Nettlefold Bequest. Nettlefold Bequest. Nettlefold Bequest. Nettlefold Bequest. Nettlefold Bequest. 8 DAVID COX. 29. The Shrimpers. 30. Stepping-stones. 31. Bettws Church. DAVID COX. DAVID COX. Nettlefold Bequest Nettlefold Bequest. Nettlefold Bequest. DAVID COX. 32. Waiting for the Ferry. Morning. Nettlefold Bequest. DAVID COX. 33. Windermere. Nettlefold Bequest. SIR JOHN WATSON GORDON, R.A. 34. Portrait of the late David Cox. Lent by the Council of the Midland Institute. Sir John Watson Gordon, R.A., P.R.S.A., the son of Captain Watson R.N., was born at Edinburgh in 1790. He was placed at the Trustees’ Academy, Edinburgh, under John Graham, to improve himself in painting, which art he subsequently adopted as a profession. In 1826 he became a Member of the Royal Scottish Academy, then recently founded. In 1827 he exhibited at the Royal Academy, London, was elected an Associate of that body in 1841, and full Member in 1850, and the same year succeeded to the Presidency of the Scottish Academy, was appointed Limner to the Queen for Scotland, and knighted. He died rather suddenly on June 1st, 1864. DAVID COX. 35. Lane Scene, Herefordshire. Nettlefold Bequest DAVID cox. 36. A Herefordshire Village. Nettlefold Bequest 9 DAVID COX. 37. The Cross Roads. DAVID cox. 38. The Ferry. DAVID COX. 39. Kilgarran Castle. DAVID cox. 40. Tintern Abbey. DAVID cox. 42. In the Hay-field. DAVID cox. 43. Sheep-sliearing. 44. Driving Cattle. DAVID cox. Nettlefold Bequest Nettlefold Bequest. Nettlefold Bequest. DAVID cox. 41. Tending Sheep, Bettws-y-Coed. Nettlefold Bequest. Nettlefold Bequest. Nettlefold Bequest. Nettlefold Bequest. Nettlefold Bequest. DAVID COX. 45. On the Sands. Nettle fold. Bequest. 10 DAVID COX. 46. Going to the Hay-field. DAVID COX. 47. Driving Sheep. 48. Mill on the Trent. Nettlefold Bequest. Nettlefold Bequest. DAVID COX. 49. A Welsh Funeral. Lent by Mrs. Nettlefold. DAVID COX. Lent by Mrs. Nettlefold. DAVID COX. 50. Fishing Boats at Hastings. DAVID cox 51. A Herefordshire Village Church. Nettlefold Bequest. Nettlefold Bequest. DANIEL SEGERS. 52. Flower Piece. Bequeathed by Mr. A. E. Everitt. Daniel Segers was born at Antwerp in 1590, where, after a long life devoted to Art, he died in 1660. F. H. HENSHAW. 53. Worcestershire Scenery, 1843. Presented by Mr. J. H. Chance. DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. Born 1828. Died 1882. 54. Our Lady of Pity (unfinished work). 11 W. T RODEN. 55. The late John Henry Chamberlain. Presented by Mrs. Chamberlain. DAVID COX. 56. Asking the way. Presented by Mr. Alderman G. J. Johnson. P. M. FEENEY. 57. Llyn Iclwal. The Cradle of the Mists. Presented by Mr. John J affray. T. PHILLIPS, R.A. 58. Sir John Franklin, R.N. Presented by the Society of Arts. Thomas Phillips, R.A., a very eminent portrait painter, was born at Dudley in 1770, and was at an early age placed with a glass-painter in Birmingham. In 1790 he went to London with an introduction to Benjamin West, who employed him on the glass-paintings in St. George’s Chapel, Windsor. In 1792 he began to exhibit, and afterwards devoted himself chiefly to portrait painting. In 1824 he was elected an It.A., and in the same year succeeded Henry Fuseli in the professorship of painting, which he held until 1832. He died in 1845, at the age of 75. DAVID COX. 59. Penmaen Bach. Presented by Mr. Martyn Smith. F. H. HEN SHAW. 60. An Old Oak, Forest of Arden. Presented by the Trustees of the Public'PictureGalter y Fund. Frederick Henry Henshaw was born in Birmingham, on the 11th of December, 1807. At an early age he evinced great ability for drawing, and at fourteen was articled to Mr. J. V. Barber. In 1826 Mr. Henshaw went to London, and studied, as far as they were accessible, the works of the chief masters of English Landscape, especially those of Turner, which impressed him with a life-long feeling of admiration and emulation. In 1837 Mr. Henshaw visited the Continent, remaining there until 1840, sketching in France, Switzerland, and Italy. In 1841, after spending some time in London, he returned to Birmingham, and since then, excepting for the purpose of his annual sketching tours, he has never left the town. In all varieties of mountain, river, and woodland scenery Mr. Henshaw will be recognised as a master, but it will be felt that his great strength lies in the painting of our English woodlands and in the faithful portraiture, so to speak, of individual monarchs of the forest. 12 E. A. PETTITT. 61. The Matterhorn. Presented by Mr Henry Wilmott. JOHN SYER. Died 1885. 62. On the Coast of North Devon. Lent by the Executors of the late Mr. J. Birtles. H. HARRIS. Bora 1805. Died 1865. 63. The Burning of York Minster. Lent by the Council of the Midland Institute. S. H. BAKER. 64. In the Lledr Valley, North Wales. Bequeathed by the late Mr. C. Cartwright. JOHN S. NOBLE. 65. Beady for Work. Presented by Mr. G. H. Johnstone. HENRY MOORE, A.R.A. 66. Setting Night-nets, North Wales. Lent by Mr. W. Holliday. SIR FREDERICK LEIGHTON, BART., P.R.A. 67. A Condottiere. Presented by the Trustees of the Public Picture Gallery Fund. SIR JOHN GILBERT, R.A. 68. The Taming of the Shrew. Presented by Mr. R. L. Chance. H. P. BRIGGS, R.A. 69. The Challenge of Bodomont to Bogero. Presented by Mr. Henry Wiggin, M.P. 13 C. T. BURT. 70. The Skylark. Bequeathed by the late Mr. G. Cartwright J. BRETT, A.R.A. 71. North-West Gale off the Longships Lighthouse. Presented by the Trustees of the Public Picture Gallery Fund. w. J. MULLER. Born 1812. Died 1845. 72. A Street Scene in Cairo. Presented by the Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, M.P. J. Y. BARBER. 73. Gipsies, Herefordshire. Lent by the Council of the Midland Institute. John Vincent Barber, a landscape painter, was the son of Joseph Barber, who taught drawing in Birmingham, towards the end of the 18tli century and died there in 1811. He exhibited at the Academy in 1812, “ Cattle and Landscape ” ; in 1828, “Lake Lugano ” and “ The Golden Age ” ; in 1829, “Morning”; and in 1830, “Evening’’and “Gipsies,” his latest exhibited works. He died at Rome in 1838, He made drawings, in conjunction with some of our emmsut water colour painters, for the “ Graphic Illustrations of Warwickshire,” published in 1829. He was the teacher of several men who became celebrated. W. ETTY, R.A. 74. Pandora. Presented by the Society of Arts. William Etty, R.A., was the son of a miller and spice maker of York, where he was born March 10, 1787. He was apprenticed to a printer, and served a long and weary period to that trade ; but at the age of 19, by the help of his relatives, he was enabled to leave it, and to study art in London. In 1807 he entered as a student of the Royal Academy, and continued to study there during the rest of his life. He visited Italy in 1816 and 1822, and on his return in 1824 he was elected an Associate of the Royal Academy, and in 1828 an Academician. He died in his beloved city of York, November 13, 1849, and was buried there in the Churchyard of St. Olave’s. 14 W. B. KICHMOND, A.R.A. 75. An Audience in Athens during the Representation . of the Agamemnon. Presented by the Trustees of the Public Picture GcdleryFund. This picture represents an Athenian audience watching the performance of the Agamemnon, the first play of the Oresteia—a series af three dramas, written by iEschylus, who died b.c. 456. The principal characters of the first play are Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. Agamemnon, king of Mycenae and Argos, was brother to Menelaus, and son of Plistlienes, the son of Atreus. Agamemnon married Clytemnestra, and his brother Menelaus Helen, both daughters of Tyndarus, king of Sparta, who assisted them to recover their father’s kingdom. After the banishment of the usurper to Cythera, Agamemnon established himself at Mycenae, whilst Menelaus succeeded his father-indaw at Sparta. When Helen was stolen by Paris, Agamemnon was elected commander-in-chief of the Greek forces going against Troy ; and he showed his zeal in the cause by furnishing 100 ships, and lending 60 more to the people of Arcadia. Their fleet was detained at Aulis, where Agamemnon sacrificed his daughter Iphigenia to appease Diana. After the ruin of Troy, Cassandra foretold Agamemnon that his wife would put him to death. He gave no credit to this, and returned to Argos with Cassandra. When Agamemnon went to the Trojan war, he left his cousin iEgysthus to take care of his wife, of his family and all his domestic affairs. In the absence of Agamemnon, iEgysthus made his court to Clytemnestra and publicly lived with her. Her infidelity reached the ears of her husband before the walls of Troy, and he resolved to take full revenge upon her and her lover upon his return. He was prevented from putting his schemes into execution ; Clytemnestra, with her lover, murdered him on his arrival, as he came out of the bath, or according to other accounts, as he sat down to a feast, prepared to celebrate his happy return. Cassandra shared his fate ; and Orestes, the son of Agamemnon, would also have been deprived of his life, like his father, had not his sister Electra removed him from the reach of Clytemnestra. After this murder, Clytemnestra publicly married iEgysthus, who ascended the throne of Argos. Orestes, after an absence of seven years, returned to Mycenae, resolved to avenge his father’s murder. He concealed himself in the house of his sister Electra, who had been married to a person of mean extraction and indigent circumstances. His death was publicly announced, and when iEgysthus and Clytemnestra repaired to the Temple of Apollo, to return thanks to the god for the death of the surviving son of Agamemnon, Orestes, who, with his faithful friend, Pylades, had concealed himself in the Temple, rushed upon them and killed them with his own hand. They were buried without the walls of the city, as their remains "were deemed unworthy to be laid in the sepulchre of Agamemnon. Professor Richmond gives us the aspect of the Athenian audience at the moment that Clytemnestra describes the slaying of Agamemnon, exclaiming : “ Him twice I smote—twice groaning prone he fell With limbs relaxed ; then, prostrate where he lay, Him with third blow I dowered, votive gift To Hades, guardian of the dead below.” HENRY MOORE, A.R.A. 70. The Newhaven Packet, 15 G. PATTEN, A.R.A. 77. A Nymph and Cupid. Presented by the Society of Arts. George Patten, A.R.A., the son of a miniature painter, was born in 1801. He entered as a student of the Royal Academy in 1816, and followed the profession of a miniature painter until 1830, but afterwards practised oil- painting. In 1837 he went to Italy for the purpose of study, and in the same year was elected an Associate of the Royal Academy. In 1840 he went to Germany, and painted a portrait of Prince Albert, who subsequently appointed him painter-in-ordinary. He died in March, 1865. SAMUEL LINES. 78. Llyn Idwal. Lent by the Council of the Midland Institute. Samuel Lines, a landscape painter and designer, was born near Coventry in 1778, and was brought up on the farm of an uncle. When fourteen years of age he showed a taste for art, which led to his being placed, in 1794, with a clock dial enameller in Birmingham, and on the completion of his apprentice¬ ship he found employment here as a designer for the manufacturers. In 1809 he established a life academy, in which several young men, afterwards known in art, were students, and during forty years he was always active in promoting the interests and advancement of art in Birmingham, where he died in 1863. JOHN DOCHARTY. Born 1828. Died 1878. 79. Glen Linn, Braemar. Presented by Mr. Frederick Ellcington. C. NAPIER HEMY, R.I. 80. Homeward. FRANK HOLL, R.A. 81. Alderman Sir Thomas Martineau, J.P., Mayor of Birmingham, 1885-6-7. Presented by the Subscribers. Frank Holl, R.A., son of the late Francis Holl, A.R.A., the eminent engraver, was born July 4th, 1845, at Kentish Town, and educated at University College, London. At the age of fifteen he became a student at the Academy, receiving their silver medal for the “antique,” in 1862. In 1863 he took the gold medal and a scholarship ; 1864 first exhibited at the R.A. The subjects of his earlier pictures were usually of a melancholy nature. Elected A.R.A. in 1878. In his later years he confined himself altogether to portraiture, and painted most of the eminent men of the day. Elected R.A. 1883. He died very suddenly, July 31st, 1888 ; aged 43, 16 H. STACY MARKS, R.A. 82. Intellect and Instinct. Presented by Mr. Richard Chamberlain, M.P. SIR JOHN GILBERT. . R.A. 83. The Ragged Regiment uq O Lent by Mrs. Nettlefold. Sir John Ealstaff examines the “ half-a-dozen sufficient men ” provided for him by Robert Shallow, Esq. Shakespeare, 2nd part of Henry IV., iii., 2. W. A. BREAKSPEARE. 84. The Daughter of the House. Presented by a Gentleman. HENRY WYATT. Born 1794. Died 1840. 85. Juliet. J. P. PETTITT. 86. The Ruins of an Old Mill, Cumberland. Bequeathed by Dr. Scofield. DANTE GABRIEL ROSSETTI. Born 1828. Died 1882. 87. The Boat of Love. HENRY MOORE, A.R.A. 88. Driven into Harbour. Lent by Mr. W. Holliday. JOHN SYER. Died 1885. 89. A Wreck on the Welsh Coast. Presented by Mr. Richard Peyton. J. c. MORRIS. 90. Sheep. Presented by Mr. E. Everitt. 17 C. T. BURT. 91. Near Llanbedr, Barmouth. Presented by Mr. W. E. Everitt FRANK HOLL, R.A. Born 1845. Died 1888. 92. The Rt. Hon. John Bright, M.P. Lent by the Birmingham Liberal Association. EDWARD R. TAYLOR. 93. The Birmingham Reference Library (destroyed by Fire in January 1879). Presented by Mr. Alderman William Kenrick, M.P. ALBERT MOORE. 94. The Dreamers. Presented by Messrs. Richard and George Tangye. F. H. HENSHAW. 95. The Appenines from Tivoli, Italy, 1847. Presented by Mr. J. Padmore. 96. SAMUEL LINES. Born 1778. Died 1863. Birmingham from the Dome of St. Philip’s Church, in the year 1821. Lent by Mr. F. T. Lines. B. W. LEADER, A.R.A. 97. A Spate in the Welsh Hills. Lent by Mr. Thomas Shakespeare. 98. Landscape. B. W. LEADER, A.R.A. Lent by Mr. Thomas Shakespeare. DAVID COX. 99. The Missing Lamb. Nettlefold Bequest, 18 W. J. MULLER. Born 1812. Died 1845. 100. Prayer in the Desert. Presented by the Rt. Hon. Joseph Chamberlain, M.P. B. W. LEADER, A.R.A. 101. Tintern Abbey. Presented by Alfred J. Elkiagton. c. T. BURT. 102. The Edge Hills, from Burton Dasset. Presented by Mr. R. L. Chance. JOHN OPIE, R.A. 103. Detected Correspondence. Presented by the Society of Arts. BRITON RIVIERE, R.A. 104. The Poacher’s Widow. Presented by the Trustees of the Public Picture Gallery Fund. “ She thought of the dark plantation, And the hares, and her husband’s blood ; And the voice of her indignation Rose up to the Throne of God.” Charles Kingsley.—“ Yeast.” • • W. J. MULLER Born 1812. Died 1845. 105. The Arab Shepherds. Presented by the Trustees of the Public Picture Gallery Fund. W. J. MUlliTR was born of a German father at Bristol, in 1812 ; his father was curator of the Bristol Museum. Miiller became the pupil of his towns¬ man, J. B. Pyne, the landscape painter, and displayed his own ability for that department of the art at an early age ; he found a generous patron in Mr. Acraman, of Bristol. In 1833 and 1834, he made a first tour upon the continent of Europe, and in 1838 started upon a long and arduous journey through Greece and Egypt, ascending the Nile beyond the Cataracts ; he settled in London after his return in 1839. In 1843, he accompanied Sir Charles Fellows on his expedition to Lycia ; he returned to London in the following year. Many sketches and pictures of Oriental manners and scenery were the result of these journeys ■ five were exhibited at the Royal Academy, and two at the British Institution, in 1845 ; but Muller did not long survive to enjoy his growing reputation. He died at Bristol, of disease of the heart, on the 8th of September of that year, at the early age of thirty-three. 19 106. Snowdon. C. T. BURT. Lent by Mr. W. Holliday. 107. Morning. J. V. BARBER. Died 1838. Lent by the Council of the Midland Institute. DAVID COX, JUN. 108. Greenfield, Harborne, the residence of David Cox. Presented by Mr. H. J. Jennings. 109. Coast Scene. DAVID cox. Presented by Mr. H. Buckley. G. E. HERING. Born 1806. Died 1880. 110. Sunset in the Gulf of Salerno. Presented by Mr. W. Sharp. ON SCREEN. W. HOLMAN HUNT, R.W.S. 111. Two Gentlemen of Yerona. Valentine rescuing Sylvia from Proteus. Painted 1851. William Holman Hunt, one of the most prominent of the three working members of the pre-Raphaelite movement, was born in London in 1827, and exhibited his first picture at the Academy in 1846. ‘ ‘ To the patient labour of the artist, as displayed in the cunning handi¬ craft, the marvellous exactness of finish, and above all the purity and brilliancy of colour in every part, it is impossible to pay too high a tribute of admiration.” ALFRED W. HUNT. 112. A Norwegian Midnight. Presented by the Trustees of the Public Picture Gallery Fund, 20 ITALIAN GALLERY. J. AUMONIER, R.I. 113. A Nook in Nature’s Garden. Presented by the Trustees of the Public Picture Gallery Fund. JOHN SYER. Died 1885. 114. Near Aber, North Wales. Lent by Mr. J. G. Tildesley. INDUSTRIAL HALL. GUSTAVE DORE. Bom 1832. Died 1883. 115. “ La Marseillaise.” Presented by Mr. J. G. Holder. L. TESSON. 116. Market Place, Rouen. Presented by Mr. K. L. Chance. A. E. EVERITT. Born 1831. Died 1882. 117. View of Aston Hall. Presented by Mr. CJcarles Cartwriyht. W. R. BEVERLEY. 118. Newliaven Pier. Presented by Mr. E. G. Osborne. 21 AFTER DE LOUTHERBOURG. Born 1734. Died 1812. 119. Sun Picture—Hamstead Heath. Executed at Soho, by a process invented by Francis Eginton in 1778. Presented by Mr. Joslma Williams. Francis Eginton (born 1727, died 1805). Birthplace not known. Buried in Handsworth Churchyard. Engaged at Soho as japanner, modeller, and figure-caster. From 1777 to 1780 invented and executed many “poly¬ graphic” pictures, or mechanical copies of oil-paintings in colour, it is supposed by some stencilling process, but details are not known, and the pro¬ duction ceased in 1780, probably because not profitable. In 1784 he lived at Prospect House, Soho Hill, as a glass-painter of windows in rectangular panes, and not with leaded outlines. In 1789 he executed a copy of West’s “Conversion of Saint Paul,” for St. Paul’s Church, Birmingham. In 1786 he executed a window for St. George’s Chapel, Windsor; in 1791 one for St. Paul’s Cathedral ; in 1793 one for Aston Church ; in 1800 one for Great Barr ; and others for Salisbury Cathedral, the Chapel of Magdalene College, Oxford, Arundel Castle, &c., &c. AFTER DE LOUTHERBOURG. 120. Sun Picture—Hamstead Heath. Executed at Soho by a process invented by Francis Eginton in 1778. Presented by Mr. Joshua Williams. AFTER DE LOUTHERBOURG. 121. Sun Picture—Winter Scene. Executed at Soho by a process invented by Francis Eginton in 1778. Presented by Mr. Joshua Williams. 122 . Etching—The Swallow’s Full wood. Haunt. Etched by John Presented by the Artist. 123. Etching—The Gipsy Camp. Etched by John Fullwood. Presented by the Artist WALTER LANGLEY, R.I. 124. “ But men must work and women must weep, Though storms be sudden and waters deep, And the harbour bar be moaning.” Lent by Mr. H G. Brunning. 22 WALTER LANGLEY, R.I. 125. Memories. Presented by Mr. Councillor M. Davis. T. SIDNEY COOPER, R.A. 126. Cows. Lent by the Executors of the late Mr. J. Birtles. WEDGWOOD GALLERY. HENRY DAWSON. 127. On the Trent. Presented by Mr. Frederick Elkington. Henry Dawson, Sem\, born in Hull in 1811, was taken to Nottingham, where his parents had previously resided, in the following year. He began life as what is technically named a “ twist hand,” in a lace factory. While thus occupied he painted pictures, for which he obtained prices from 2/6 to 20/-. In 1844 he removed to Liverpool, and in 1849 to London. He exhibited most of his largest and finest works at the Royal Academy, notably “Greenwich Hospital,” “London, from Greenwich,” “The Rain¬ bow,” etc. He died 1878. HENRY MOORE, A.R.A. 128. Summer Time off Cornwall. Presented by the Trustees of the Public Picture Gallery Fund F. H. HENSHAW. 129. A distant view of Kenilworth Castle, 1844. Presented by Mrs. James Marigold. S. H. BAKER. 130. Nant Gwylt—Radnorshire. Presented by a Gentleman. HENRY MOORE, A.R.A. 131. In the Moray Firth. Presented by Mr. Richard Chamberlain , M.P. 23 F. H. HENSHAW. 132. Derwent water, 1832. Presented by Mr. John Palmer Phillips. F. H. HENSHAW. 133. The Queen’s Bridge, Shugborough, 1871. Presented by Mr. Felix Hadley. W. T. RODEN. 134. Portrait of His Eminence Cardinal Newman, D.D. Presented by the Subscribers. W. B. RICHMOND, A.R.A. 135. Prometheus. Presented by the Artist. Prometheus surpassed all mankind in cunning and fraud. He ridiculed the gods, and deceived Jupiter himself. That god, to punish Prometheus and the rest of mankind, took away fire from earth ; but Prometheus, with the assistance of Minerva, climbed the heavens, and stole fire from the chariot of the sun. Therefore Jupiter caused him to be carried to the top of Mount Caucasus, where he was chained to a rock, and for 30,000 years a vulture was to feed upon his liver, which was never diminished, though continually devoured. After thirty years of torture he was delivered by Hercules, who killed the bird of prey. SIR JOHN WATSON GORDON, R.A. Born 1790. Died 1864. 136. Portrait of the late Mr. Arthur Hyland. Lent by the Council of the Midland Institute. W. T. RODEN. 137. Portrait of the late Samuel Lines. Lent by the Council of the Midland Institute. JOHN GRAHAM. 138. William Murdock. Presented by Mr. W. M. Murdoch John Graham was born in 1754, and was apprenticed to a coaclx-painter in Edinburgh. He afterwards went to London, where he practised the same trade, but, aiming at higher things, he gained admission to the schools of the Royal Academy, and about that time arranged to visit Italy. He first exhibited in 1780. In 1788 he was appointed Joint-Master, and soon after Master of the Trustees’ Academy, Edinburgh, which he held until his death. He died in Edinburgh in 1817. 24 W. T RODEN. 139. Portrait of the late Peter Hollins. Presented by the Subscribers. 140. Pigs. GEORGE MORLAND. Presented by Mrs. Luckcock. George Morland, the son of Henry R. Morland, a painter, was born in the Hay mark t, 26 th June, 1763. He was a student of the Royal Academy. He first produced landscapes, hut afterwards, for the most part, subjects with domestic animals. He died in Eyre Street Hill, Coldbath Fields, 29tli October, 1804, and was buried in the graveyard attached to St. James’s Chapel, Hampstead Road. LONG GALLERY. The collect ion of pictures belonging to Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart., of Belhus, Essex, has been continually in the possession of his family, and the names of the persons and artists handed down from generation to generation; several of the portraits, notably those of the Duchess of Cleveland and her family, came to the Lennards from, the marriage of Lady Ann Fitzroy (her daughter), icith the Earl of Sussex. Some few years ago, the present Lady Barrett Lennard, turning over some old family papers, which had been untouched and forgotten for many years, came upon a lock of brown hair, one end of which was held together by a small gold crown, inlaid with stones, attached to which was the following inscription:—“A lock of Charles I.’s hair, given to the Duchess of Cleveland by diaries II.” The notes relating to the Belhus portraits in the Catalogue ivere taken from a Catalogue prepared in 1876 by Mr. Thomas Barrett Lennard. His information was chiefly obtained from Lord Dacrc’s “ History of the Families of Barrett and Lennard,” (two large M.S. volumes in the Library at Belhus); the Lennard Papers, a collection of over JflJO letters and documents, extending from the 16th to the close of the 18th century, chronologically arranged and illustrated by historical references, by the antiquarian of the family, Henry Barrett Lennard. 25 HENRY ROBERT MORLAND. Born 1712. Died 1797. 141. Sir Samuel Lennard. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. Sir Samuel settled himself at West Wickham, Kent, towards the end of Elizabeth’s reign. He was the ancestor of the Lennards, baronets of that place, the last of whom was Groom of the Bed Chamber to George II. This picture was copied by Morland, from an original, painted in the reign of Elizabeth. Henry Robert Morland, portrait painter, was son and pupil of George Henry Morland. He painted portraits in oils, but mostly in crayons. He was also a picture dealer and cleaner. He was of unsettled habits and became bankrupt. From 1771-93 exhibited at the Academy. He painted George III. There are some fine mezzo-tints after him. Died 1797, aged 85. He was father of George Morland, the animal painter. UNKNOWN ARTIST. Date about 1580. 142. Sampson Lennard. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. Eldest son of John Lennard, of Chevening, Kent. He married Margaret Fynes, daughter of Thomas Fynes, Lord Dacre, and in her name, on the death of her brother, Gregory, laid claim to the titles and estate of that family, which, in the reign of James I., were awarded to her, after a long commission on the subject. He was High Sheriff of Kent. 1591, and member of most of the Parliaments in Elizabeth’s reign. He died at the age of 71, and is buried in Chevening Church, with Lady Dacre, his wife. JONATHAN RICHARDSON. Born 1665. Died 1745. 143. Dacre Barrett. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart, He was a staunch Protestant, High Sheriff of Essex, 1706, and sometime M.P. for Co. Monaghan. He was buried in Aveley Church. Died 1723. Jonathan Richardson was born 1665. He was articled against his will to a scrivener, his mother’s second husband. He was a pupil of John Riley, and married his niece. On the death of Kneller and David he ranked with Jervas at the head of the profession. He was also distinguished as a writer. Died suddenly at Queen’s Square, Bloomsbury, 1745. 26 BENJAMIN VANDERGUCHT. Born-. Died 1794. 144. Jane Carey. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. Benjamin Yandergucht, portrait painter, was the son and grandson of an engraver. He studied at St. Martin’s Lane Academy, and was one of the first students at the Royal Academy. Exhibited there in 1774, and following years. He painted David Garrick and other actors, and scenes from popular plays. He turned dealer and picture cleaner. Drowned near Mortlake, in crossing the Thames from Chiswiok, September 21, 1794. UNKNOWN ARTIST. Date about 1580. 145. Christian Mildmay. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. Daughter of Sir W. Mildmay, Chancellor of the Exchequer, temp. Elizabeth, wife of Charles Barrett, and mother of Lord Newburgh. ANTONY MOR. Born 1512. Died 1576. 146. Princess Elizabeth. Lent by Dr. Johnston. Antony Mor or Moro, commonly called in this country Sir Antonio More, was born at Utrecht in 1512, and was scholar of Jan Schoorel; he studied also in Italy. He painted portraits in England and in Spain, but settled finally at Brussels, under the patronage of the Duke of Alva. He died at Antwerp about 1576-8. Flemish School. JOHN RILEY. Born 1646. Died 1691. 147. Richard Barrett, Son of Richard Lennard, Lord Dacre, by his second Wife, Dorothy North. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. On inheriting from his kinsman, Sir Edward Barrett, Lord Newburgh, he took the name of Barrett. He was a man of great Earning, and travelled much in his youth. High Sheriff of Essex 1679, and M.P. for the County. Died 1696. John Riley was born in Bishopsgate, London. 1646. He was a son of the Lancaster Herald, and a pupil of Soest and Fuller. He rose in public estimation on the death of Lely. He painted Charles II., and James II. appointed him state painter. He also painted William and Mary several times. Died of gout, 1691, aged 45. UNKNOWN ARTIST. Date about 1580. 148. Margaret Fynes, Baroness Dacre, Wife of Sampson Lennard. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennarcl, Bart. FRANCESCO ALBANO. Born 1578. Died 1666. 149. Landscape, with Figures. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. Albano was born at Bologna, 1578. Fellow Student with Guido in the school of Denis Calvart, and after under Caracci. Settled in Rome and married there. On returning to Bologna, he married his second wife, whom he took as a model for his nymphs and other female forms ; his sons he introduced as Cupids. Died 1666, aged 80. CORNELIUS JANSSEN. Born 1590. Died 1665. 150. Sir Edward Barrett, Lord Newburgh, Son of Charles Barrett. Died 1644. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. Cornelius Van Ceulen Janssen was born in Amsterdam, 1590. Some say, however, that he was born in England of Flemish parents. In 1618 he was living at Blackfriars ; between 1630-40 he lived in Kent. He painted several fine portraits of James I. and the Royal Family. During his 30 years’ residence in England, many eminent people sat to him, but his reputation faded on Van Dyck’s arrival. He left England in 1648, and died at Amster¬ dam, 1665. SIR PETER LELY. Born 1617. Died 1680. 151. Francis Lennard, Lord Dacre. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. Sir Peter Lely, Bart, was born at Soest, in Westphalia, in 1617, being a son of a captain of infantry. He changed the name of Van der Vaas to Lely, and studied under Peter de Grebber, at Haarlem. He came to England when 24, and soon gained a name as a portrait painter. He painted Charles I. and Cromwell, and Charles II. made him court painter and a baronet. For more than 30 years he stood alone as a popular portrait painter, and amassed a large fortune. He married a lady of fortune, and had a town house and a house at Kew. He died of apoplexy, November 30, 1680, and was buried in St. Paul’s. 28 SIR PETER LELY. Born 1617. Died 1680. 152. Mary Bayning, Daughter of Paul, Viscount Bayning, and Wife of William, Viscount Grandison; after¬ wards Countess of Anglesey. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK. Born 1599. Died 1641. 153. Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel and Surrey, Earl Marshal, Lord Steward of the Household, K.G., and one of his Grandsons. Lent by the Duke of Norfolk, K.G. Son of Philip, Earl of Arundel; born 1586 ; married Aletheia, daughter of the 7th Earl of Shrewsbury ; was the first collector of works of art in England ; the famous collection of inscriptions known as the Arundel marbles was brought by him to England ; died 1646. His grandson, Thomas, after¬ wards 5th Duke of Norfolk, was the child of his second son, Henry Frederick, Earl of Arundel. Three-quarter figures, life size ; Lord Arundel, bare headed, in armour, holding a baton in his right hand, his left on the shoulder of the child, who is clad in a red frock, and holds a paper in his right hand ; brown drapery and rocks in back-ground ; cloudy sky. Sir Anthony Van Dyck was born at Antwerp, March 22nd, 1599, being the only son of a wealthy merchant. Entered Rubens’ studio in 1615, re maining with him four years, and helping him with many of his pictures. Visited Italy, 1621-26, returning to Amsterdam at the latter date. He was at once overwhelmed with commissions for churches and public edifices. In 1629 he was induced to visit England by reason of the encouragement Charles I. gave to the fine arts. In 1632 he was invited to England again by the command of the King, who immediately employed him, made him his principal painter, knighted him, and gave him an annuity of £200. The King, Queen, and the nobility sat to him repeatedly. He married Maria, daughter of Dr. Ruthven, and grand-daughter of the unfortunate Earl Gowrie. His luxurious habits and sedentary pursuits brought on gout. He died in London, Decem¬ ber 9th, 1641, aged 43, and was buried in the Old Church of St. Paul, near the tomb of John of Gaunt. ANTONIO CANALETTO. Born 1697. Died 1768. 154. On the Grand Canal, Venice. Lent by the South Kensington Museum. Antonio Canale, commonly called Canaletto, was born in 1697 in Venice. He w r as a pupil of Bernardo da Canal, his father. He died in the same city, August 20tli, 1768. 29 SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE, P.R.A. Born 1769. Died 1830. 155. Lord Chancellor Eldon. Lent by H. Whatley, Esq. Sir Thomas Lawrence, P.R.A., was born at Bristol, May 4, 1769. His father was landlord of the White Lion Inn in that city, and afterwards of the Black Bear, Devizes. He was noted as a child for his talent for drawing likenesses ; instructed by W. Hoare, R.A., of Bath ; at an early age received from the Society of Arts their silver palette ; was student of the Royal Academy in 1787 ; elected A.R.A, 1791, and R A., 1794 ; succeeded Reynolds as painter to the King. At the Peace of 1814 he painted the portraits of illustrious persons, now at Windsor. He went in a professional capacity to the Congress at Aix-la-Chapelle, to Vienna, and Rome ; knighted, 1815 ; succeeded West as President of the Royal Academy, 1820. He died 7th January, 1830, and was buried in St. Paul’s. NICHOLAS BERGHEM. Born 1624. Died 1683. 156. Landscape, with Waggon and Horses, and Figures at an Inn Door. Lent by the South Kensington Museum. Nicolas Berghem or Berchem, painter and engraver, was born in Haarlem in 1620 or 1624, and died in the same city the 18th of February, 1683. He was a pupil of Van Goyen, of N. Mojaert, of P. Grebber, of J. Wils, and of J. B. Weenix. RICHARD WILSON, R.A. Born 1714. Died 1783. 157. The Vatican and St. Peters, Rome. Lent by the Earl of Dartmouth. Taken from the Villa Dorio Pamfili ; St. Peter’s and the Vatican in the middle distance; Monte Mario beyond, and Monte Soracte in the distance ; dark foliage on right; figures of a man and woman in foreground. Richard Wilson, R.A., born at Pinegas, Montgomeryshire, 1st August, 1714, was the son of a clergyman. He lived by portrait painting until he was 35, when he went to Italy, and remained there six years ; Zuccarelli and Vernet both saw his talent for landscape painting. He returned to London, and exhibited “ Niobe ” in 1760 ; an original member of the Royal Academy, 1768 ; appointed its librarian in 1776. His great works did not sell well in his lifetime, and he was often in poverty until he inherited some property in Wales, near Llanberis, Died, in Denbighshire, May, 1783 ; was buried at Mold. 30 CORNELIUS DE VOS. Born 1585. Died 1651. 158. Sir Henry Lennard, Lord Dacre. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart § He was in Spain with the Earl of Essex in 1596, and present at the taking of Cadiz, where he was knighted. In 1612 he was one of the Lords who assisted at Prince Henry’s funeral. Died 1616. Cornelius de Vos was born at Hulst about the year 1585. He painted history and portraits with considerable success. He was a friend of "Van Dyck, who painted his portrait. Died 1651. At least three generations of painters named De Yos existed, and it is almost impossible to classify or identify their work. CORNELIUS DE VOS. Born 1585. Died 1651. 159. Chrysogona Baker, Daughter of Sir Richard Baker, and Wife of Sir Henry Lennard, Lord Dacre. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart Sir Richard Baker, Author of the “ Chronicles of the Kings of England,” was knighted by James I. His father, Sir John Baker, married the widow of George Barrett, Esq., of Belhus ; hence the connection between the families of Barrett and Lennard. This picture was in Sir Peter Lely’s collection. RICHARD WILSON, R.A. Born 1714. Died 1783. 160. View of Rome ; the Alban Hills in the distance. Lent by the Earl of Dartmouth. Taken from Monte Mario ; the river in the middle distance ; dark foliage on right and left ; figures in foreground. KAREL DU JARDIN. Born 1625. Died 1678. 161. Landscape, with Cattle. Lent by the South Kensington Museum. Karel du Jardin was born at Amsterdam about 1625, and was a pupil of Nicolas Berghem, or, according to others, of Paul Potter. He also studied in Italy, where he died, at Venice, November 20th, 1678. He is the author of many admirable etchings of landscapes and animals. MURILLO. Born 1618. Died 1682. 162. The Miraculous Visitation of St. Ursula to St. Catherine of Siena. For Life of Murillo, see No. 195, Lent by Lord Windsor. 31 A. VAN OSTADE. Born 1610. Died 1685 163. Peasants Drinking;. O Lent by the South Kensington Museum. Adrian Jans van Ostade was born at Haarlem in 1610, and studied under Frank Hals, at Haarlem. In 1672 he settled at Amsterdam, where he died in 1685 ; his body was removed to Haarlem for burial. He etched many plates. Dutch School. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. Born 1727. Died 1788, 164. Girl with Pitcher. Lent by the Earl of Coventry. Thomas Gainsborough was born at Sudbury, on the banks of the Stour, Suffolk, in 1727. His father was a clothier with a moderate amount of property. He began to paint and draw in his earliest boyhood. He was imperfectlj’ educated at the Sudbury Grammar School, but was sent to London in 1741, and placed under Gravelot, the engraver. He remained in the metropolis four years, studying under F. Hayman. He returned home in 1744 or ’5, and practised portraiture at Ipswich. In 1745 he married Margaret Burr. He removed to Bath in 1760, and rapidly succeeded, securing his position in London by exhibiting at the Gallery of the Society of Artists. In 1768 he was nominated a foundation member of the Royal Academy. In 1769 he exhibited his famous “Blue Boy,” and in 1778 his still more famous “ Duchess of Devonshire.” In 1788 he caught cold at the trial of Warren Hastings in Westminster Hall, and developed what the doctors called cancer in the neck. He died August 2nd, the same year, at Schomberg House, Pall Mall, and was buried at Kew. FRANCESCO ALBANO. Born 1578. Died 1666. 165. Landscape with Figures Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard , Bart. G. MURPHY. Born-. Died-. 166. Lady Jane Chichester Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard , Bart. She was daughter of the Earl of Donegal and wife of Dacre Barrett There is unfortunately no picture of Richard, their only son, which makes the only break in the otherwise uninterrupted series of portraits of the heads of Lennard family. G. Murphy was a portrait painter. There is in the National Portrait Gallery a portrait by him of Plunket, Archbishop of Armagh, which was executed in 1681. Bromley catalogues pictures painted by him about that time. 32 DAVID TENIERS. Born 1610. Died 1690. 167. An Interior, with Figures Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. For life of Teniers see No. 200. SALVATOR ROSA. Born 1615. Died 1673. 168. A Group of Sheep Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. Salvator Rosa, painter, engraver, poet and musician, was born in the village of Renella, in the neighbourhood of Naples, July 21st, 1615. He died March 15th, 1673, at Rome, where he had chiefly resided from the year 1638 ; but he lived also some years at Florence, Viterbo, and Volterra. He was a pupil of his uncle, Paolo Greco, and of Francesco Fracanzano. CORNELIUS JANSSEN. Born 1590. Died 1665. 169. Charles I. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. FLEMISH SCHOOL. 179. Portrait of a Lady, 1582. Lent by the South Kensington Museum. JAN WYNANTS. Born-. Died-. 171. Landscape. Herdsman seated on a log. Lent by the South Kensington Museum. Jan Wynants was born at Haarlem, in the beginning of the 17th century; the date of his birth and death are alike unknown. The latest date on his pictures is 1679. The figures of his pictures were generally inserted by other painters. Dutch School. FLEMISH SCHOOL. 172. Portrait of a Lady, 16th century. Lent by the South Kensington Museum, 33 RICHARD WILSON, R A. Born 1714. Died 1783. 173. Landscape. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. ATTRIBUTED TO VAN DYCK. 174. Barbara Villiers. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. See note to Nos. 191 and 192. J. BREUGHEL. Born 1565. Died 1642. 175. Landscape. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart, John Breughel, called “Velvet Breughel,” was born at Brussels, 1565. Son of Peter Breughel, the elder. Studied under Peter Goekint. Visited Italy. Painted-in landscapes in Rubens’ easel pictures, and the figures in landscapes of Momper. Died 1642. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. Born 1727. Died 1788. 176. Frances Catherine, Second Countess of Dartmouth. Lent by the Earl of Dartmouth. ALBERT CUYP. Born 1605. Died 1691 (?) 177. Portrait of a Lady. Lent by Henry Pfungst, Esq. Albert Cuyp or Kuyp, was born in Dordrecht in 1605. The date of his death is uncertain, but it is known by his name being inscribed in the city register, that he was still living in 1672. He was a pupil of Jakob Gerritz Cuyp. BERKHEYDEN. Born 1628. Died 1698. 178. A Dutch Town Hall. Lent by the South Kensington Museum. 34 POMPEIO BATTONI. Born 1708. Died 1787. 179. Thomas Barrett Leonard, with Lady Dacre and their only child, Barbara. Lent by Sir Thomos Barrett Lennard, Bart. On the death of his mother, he became Lord Dacre. He was a great antiquarian and herald. He had no legitimate child to inherit his estates, and was succeeded by his natural son, Thomas (created a Baronet 1801), who in accordance with his will and by Royal License, assumed the names and arms of Barrett and Lennard. This picture was painted in Rome, after the death of Barbara, whither they had gone to try in some measure to distract themselves forom the great grief her premature eud had caused them. The face of the child was copied by Battoni from an original picture of her by Hudson, which they took with them to Rome. Pompeio Girolamo Battoni was born at Lucca, 1708, and died at Rome in 1787. He was the pupil of Gio, Dominico Brugieri and Gio. Dom. Lombardi. HOOD. Born-. Died-. 180. Sir Henry Lennard, Lord Dacre. Lent by Sir Henry Barrett Lennard, Bart, (See note to No. 158.) PHILIP DE KONING. Born 1619. Died 1689. 181. Landscape. Lent by the Duke of Westminster, K.G. View over a flat open country ; Cleves in the distance. In the foreground are cattle and a stream. Philip de Koning or Koninck, was a distinguished landscape painter, born at Amsterdam in 1619, and was the scholar of Rembrandt. He painted landscapes, historical subjects, and portraits. He died at Amsterdam in 1689. SCHOOL OF HOLBEIN. 182. Flemish Portrait—Johnn Reyes. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart, This picture, and the companion, No. 184, were given to Thomas, Lord Dacre, by his friend Lord Cremorne. They are very curiously painted, having on the back of each coats of arms, with inscriptions. Dated 1533. Oil the back is the inscription—“John Reyes, aged 30, 1533. 35 LEONARDO DA VINCI. (?) Born 1452. Died 1519. 183. The Virgin and Child, with St. John and an Angel. O 7 Lent by the South Kensington Museum. Leonardo da Vinci was born at Vinci, in the Val d’Arno, below Florence, in 1452. He resided chiefly in Milan ; spent some years also in Florence, and in 1514 visited Rome. He accompanied Francis I. to France in January 1517, but his health was now much enfeebled by age. and he died at Cloux, near Amboise, Touraine, on the 2nd of May, 1519, in his 67th year.—Tuscan School. SCHOOL OF HOLBEIN. 184. Flemish Portrait—Ann Vestenderi. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. Inscription at back—“Ann Vestenderi, aged 32, 1533.” See Note to No. 182. CLAUDE LORRAINE. Born 1600. Died 1682. 185. Landscape, Evening. Lent by the Duke of Westminster, K.G. A river flowing through a landscape. On the margin in the foreground four figures are seated, and close to them is a man in a boat. Figures and cattle are fording the stream at the opposite side, and are winding up a road which leads through the Arch of Constantine, in the background. Signed and dated 1651. This and its companion, No. 193, are probably the pictures which were sold in the collection of Blondel de Gagny in 1776, for 24,000 francs (£1000). When in the Agar Collection, they were celebrated throughout Europe, and a foreign collector offered £8000 for them. Claude Gellee or Gillde, called Claude de Lorraine or le Lorrain, and also Claude Lorrain, was born in Lorraine, at Chateau de Chamagne, near Charmes, on the banks of the Moselle, in the district of Toul, departement des Vosges, in the year 1600. He was brought up as a pastry cook, and began his Roman career as the servant of Agostino Tassi, the landscape painter. He died at Rome in 1682, and was buried in the Church of La Trinita de’Monti. He was pupil of Geoffroy Walls and of Agostino Tassi. UNKNOWN ARTIST. 186. Lady Ann Fitzroy, as a child. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. She was a daughter of Charles II. and the Duchess of Cleveland, and wife of the Earl of Sussex. Died 1721. 36 SIR PETER LELY. Bom 1617. Died 1680. 187. Thomas Lennard, Lord Dacre, Earl of Sussex. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. He was eldest son of Francis, Lord Dacre, and Lord of the Bedchamber to Charles II., whose illegitimate daughter by the Duchess of Cleveland he married. He gave a challenge whip to be run for at Newmarket, which is still in existence. He much reduced his large estates, selling the mansion of Hurstmonceaux, long the residence of the Dacres, with the rest of his lands in Sussex. SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK. Born 1599. Died 1641. 188. Charles I. Lent by the Duke of Norfolk, K.G. Second son of James I.; born 1600 ; executed 1649. Half-figure, life-size, full face ; in armour; right hand holding a baton, left on a helmet which rests near a crown on a table ; brown background. FRANZ SNYDERS. Born 1597. Died 1657. 189. Dead Game. Lent by the Earl of Dartmouth. Franz Snyders, or Sneyders, was born in Antwerp, in 1579, and died in 1657. He was pupil of Peter Breughel and Henrik Van Balen. 'SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK. Born 1599. Died 1641. 190. Henry Frederick Howard, Baron Mowbray and Maltravers, afterwards Earl of Arundel. Lent by the Duke of Norfolk, K.G. Son of Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel (see No. 153); summoned to Parliament as Baron Mowbray and Maltravers, 1639 ; succeeded his father as Earl of Arundel, 1646 ; died 1652. Half-figure, half-size, standing in front, nearly full face ; black dress with slashed sleeves ; the right hand in the mantle which covers left shoulder ; brownish background. SIR PETER LELY. Born 1617. Died 1680. 191. Barbara Villi ers. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. She was Lady Castlemain, Duchess of Cleveland, and mother of the Countess of Essex. Died 1709. 37 HENRY GASCAR. Born-. Died-. 192. Barbara Villiers, with her youngest child. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. This daughter Barbara became a nun, and entered a convent at Pontoise in 1691. Henry Gascar was a portrait painter who also engraved indifferently in mezzotint. He was born in Prance, but came to this country in the reign of Charles II., and was patronised by the Duchess of Portsmouth. He left England about 1680, having made £10,000. At the beginning of the 18th century he was living at Rome, where he is believed to have died. CLAUDE LORRAINE. Born 1600. Died 1682. 193. Landscape, Morning. Lent by the Duke of Westminster, K.G. A shepherdess, seated, plays on a pipe in the foreground, while a shepherd stands by. Their herds are scattered around them. A broad river spanned in the distance by a bridge, flows through the landscape. See note to No. 185. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R A. Born 1723. Died 1792. 194. Dr. Ash. Lent by the Governors of the General Hospital. A celebrated physician. Born 1723. Founded the Birmingham General Hospital. Died 1798. Full-length figure seated to 1. in arm-chair, beside a table, on which his arm rests, three-quarter profile to 1. ; his right hand holds a plan of the hospital, which is seen in the distance ; black velvet suit, lace tie, red robe, wig ; behind him is a statue inscribed “ Benevolentia.” Sir Joshua Reynolds, P.R.A., was born at Plympton Earl, Devonshire, on 16th July, 1723. His father, the Rev. Samuel Reynolds, was Master of the Grammar School at that place. Having early evinced a talent for Art, he was articled to Hudson, the portrait-painter, in 1740, but only served two years, after which he returned to Devonshire, and painted portraits. He visited Spain, Portugal, and Italy in 1749, and returned to England in 1752, and was elected the first President of the Royal Academy in 1768. His Discourses on Art were delivered from 1769 to 1790. D.C.L. of Oxford, and painter to King George III. The friend of Garrick, Burke, Goldsmith, and Dr. Johnson, his career was prosperous and honourable. He died at his residence, 54, Leicester Square, on the 23rd February, 1792, and was publicly buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral, and a monument by Flaxman is erected to his memory. He is said to have painted more than 1,500 portraits of the beautiful women and eminent men of his time, besides various historical and fancy subjects. MURILLO. Born 1618. Died 1682. » 195. Gipsies. Lent by H. Whatley, Esq. Bartolomfi Esteban Murillo was born at Pilas, a small town near Seville, on January 1st, 1618. He studied under Juan del Castillo. His first subjects were beggar boys and girls, painted with faithful truth to nature. The fame of Velasquez induced him to visit Madrid in 1642 ; he entered the great artist’s studio and remained three years. Then he returned to Seville in 1645 and resumed his practice with immense success. From that time his subjects were chiefly religious or scriptural. He died in 1682, it is said, from a fall from a scaffold. His works command enormous prices. The so-called Soult “ Assumption” in the Louvre, cost £24,000. WILLIAM OWEN, R.A. Born 1769. Died 1825. 196. The Cottage Door. Lent by the Earl of Dartmouth. A Girl at a cottage door, with a Cat and Bird. William Owen, RA., son of a bookseller at Ludlow, was born in 1769. He gave early indications of his genius by sketching the scenery around the town. Came to London in 1788, and was admitted as a student of the Royal Academy in 1791. His true art was portraiture, and he had a distinguished list of sitters. He was elected an Associate in 1806, and a full Member in 1810. He was appointed portrait painter to the Prince Regent. He resided in Pimlico, having his studio in Leicester Square, and afterwards removed to Bruton Street, where he died, in 1825, from the effects of laudanum, taken through the mistake of a chemist’s assistant. SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK. Born 1599. Died 1641. 197. Jane Carey. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. She was daughter of Sir Edward Carey, Master of the Jewel Office, and sister to Lord Falkland. She was Lord Newburgh’s first wife. Died 1632, 39 HANS HOLBEIN. Born 1495 (?). Died 1543 (?). 198. Thomas Fynes, Lord Dacre. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard , Bart. Thomas Fynes was descended from Sir Rodger Fynes, who built Hurst- monceaux, temp., Henry VI. The brilliant career which apparently awaited this young man, was cut off by the following untoward circumstance, for which, considering the habits of those days, and his own youth (being but 24), he is more to be pitied than blamed. Going out one night with several com¬ panions for a frolic, to steal deer from a neighbouring park belonging to Sir Nicholas Pelham, a fray ensued between them and Sir Nicholas’s keepers, in which one of the latter was so injured that he died a few days after; for which offence, though it was proved that Lord Dacre was not in that part of the park, he was condemned to death, executed at Tyburn, and buried in St. Sepulchre’s Church, June 21st, 1541. The case is a very remarkable one, and is still quoted in all law books as a precedent. Hans Holbein was born at Augsberg. Authorities differ as to the date, placing it between 1495 and 1498, He was taught by his father and imitated his manner. About 1515 he removed to Basle, where he was invested with the freedom of the city in 1520. He gained the friendship of Erasmus. At Basle he made many of his inimitable designs for wood engravings ; while there he also executed works at Lucerne and Altorf. In 1526 he came to England, and was received by Sir Thomas More at Chelsea. He had come with small means, leaving wife and children at Basle. In 1529 he returned for two years, but then came to England, and painted many fine portraits. In 1538 he entered the King’s service. It is generally stated that he died in England of the Plague in 1554, but the discovery of his will has led to the adoption of 1543 as the year of his death. LUCAS DE HEERE. Born 1534. Died 1584. 199. Mary Nevill Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. Mary Nevill was daughter of Lord Abergavenny, and wife of Thomas Fynes, Lord Dacre. (See note to No. 198.) This portrait is a fine specimen of this rarely met with master’s style, and is mentioned by Horace Walpole in his “Anecdotes of Painting.” For many years it passed as a Holbein. It represents Lady Dacre writing to ask Henry VIII. to pardon her husband, which he refused to do. She afterwards applied to have his possessions restored to her and her children, and this request was granted. Lucas de Heere was born in Ghent, 1534, of a family noted for their skill in art. He was placed under Francis Floris. His first employment was in designing for tapestry and for the glass-painters. From Ghent he went to France, where he was employed as a designer by the Queen and the Queen Mother, and resided some time in Fontainebleau, where he married. He then returned to his native city, and was employed in painting for several churches. His inducement to visit England, or the time of his coming is not known, but it was probably soon after the accession of Elizabeth, whose favour he gained. He painted many portraits in this country, and several of the Queen. He was not only a"clever painter but a poet. He wrote the “Orchard of Poesie,” and translated from the French the “ Temple of Cupid,” and had begun, in verse the “ Lives of the Flemish Painters,” 40 DAVID TENIERS. Born 1610. Died 1690. 200. Figures and Landscape. Lent by Henry Pfangst, Esq. David Teniers the younger, was the son of an eminent Flemish painter. Born at Antwerp, 1610. He was instructed by his father, and most probably frequented the school of Rubens. As a student his facility for imitating and copying the Old Masters was so extraordinary that he was called the Proteus of painting. His talents already excited universal admiration. The Arch¬ duke Leopold, Governor of the Netherlands, appointed him his painter, made him a Gentleman of the Bedchamber, and gave him the direction of his gallery. His favourite subjects were landscapes with small figures, village festivals or sports, fairs, etc. He chiefly resided at his Chateau of Perk, between Antwerp and Mechlin. He died in 1690. His genuine works are very numerous. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. Born 1727. Died 1788. 201. Portrait of William, 2nd Earl of Dartmouth. Lent by the Earl of Dartmouth. J. BREUGHEL. Born 1565. Died 1642. 202. Landscape. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. See the Companion Picture, No. 175. JOHN OP1E, R.A. Born 1761. Died 1807. 203. Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. He was the last of the St. Aubyn Baronets, of Clowance, Cornwall. This picture is said to be a copy by Opie after Sir Joshua Reynolds. John Opie was born near Truro, in May, 1761; his father was a carpenter. He early gave indications of unusual ability, and having attracted the notice of Dr. Wolcot, was brought by him to London, and introduced to Sir Joshua Reynolds. Opie was an exhibitor at the Royal Academy in 1782, and he for sometime created a considerable sensation in London as the “Cornish Genius.” He painted in a broad manner, and was successful both as an historical and a portrait painter. He was made a Member of the Academy in 1787. In 1805 he obtained the professorship of painting at the Royal Academy, but delivered his course of lectures but once, in 1807, and then in an incomplete state;—on design, on invention, on chiaroscuro, and on colouring;— he did not live to write the two intended, on composition and expression. He died in the prime of life, April the 9th, 1807, exactly a month after the delivery of his lectures, and was buried by the side of Sir J oshua Reynolds, in St. Paul’s Cathedral. 41 JOHN OPIE, R.A. Born 1761. Died 1807. 204. Dorothy St. Aubyn. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart, She was daughter of Sir John St. Aubyn, of Clowance, Cornwall, aud first wife of the late Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard. WILLIAM VANDEVELDE. Born 1610. Died 1693. 205. Putting to Sea. Lent by the South Kensington Museum. An eminent Dutch marine painter; born at Leyden, 1610. He drew everything after nature. His teacher is not known. Was invited to England by Charles II., 1675. He came with his son, and they were appointed painters of sea-fights to the king. Died 1693. NICHOLAS BERGHEM. Born 1624. Died 1683. 206. Landscape, with Cattle. Lent by the South Kensington Museum JOHN RILEY. Born 1646. Died 1691. 207. Thomas Lennard, Lord Dacre. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. (See No. 187). ARTIST UNKNOWN. 208. Catherine Manners. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. She was wife of George, Duke of Buckingham, who was assassinated by Felton ; he was cousin-german to William, Viscount Grandison. FRANCOIS DE TROY. Born 1645. Died 1730. 209. James II. Lent by Sir Henry Barrett Lennard, Bart. This picture was painted in Paris. Fangois de Troy was of Toulouse. He painted some excellent portraits. His son, the Chevalier Jean Frangois de Troy, born in Paris, 1676, died 1752, was also a painter of some note. 42 JAN VAN GOYEN. Born 1596. Died 1656. 210. Dutch River Scene. Lent by William Agnew, Esq. Scene on a river, with fishing boats, and figures on a wooden jetty. Jan Van Goyen, painter and engraver, was born in Leyden in 1596, and died at The Hague in 1656. He was at different times a pupil of Jan Nicolai, of Schilder Poort, of Van Mann, of Henri Klok, and of William Gerritz. GEORGE ROMNEY. Porn 1734. Died 1802. 211. Lady Hamilton. Lent by the Marquis of Lansdowne. George Romney, born at Dalton-le-Furness, Lancashire, December 26th, 1734 ; apprenticed to a cabinet maker ; afterwards placed with Steele, a portrait painter at Kendal. Came to London, 1762 ; gained one of the Society of Arts’ premiums, 1765 ; in Italy and France, 1773-5 ; lived on the south side of Cavendish Square (now No. 32), and divided public patronage with Reynolds and Gainsborough, 1776-97 ; removed to Hampstead, 1797 ; retired to Kendal, 1799 ; died there, 15th November, 1802 ; buried at Dalton. LORENZO DI CREDI. Born 1459. Died 1537. 212. Portrait of Poliziano, the Italian Poet. Lent by Lord Windsor. This picture was purchased from the Gallery in the Palazzo Dufour- Berthe, Florence, in 1884. Lorenzo di Credi, called Sciarpelloni, was born at Florence in 1459, and was the favourite pupil of Andrea Verrocchio. He died at Florence on the 12th of January, 1537. Tuscan School. REMBRANDT VAN RYN. Born 1606. Died 1669. 213. Portrait of Himself. Lent by the Duke of Westminster, K.G. This is a portrait of himself when about twenty, dressed as a soldier. He wears a steel gorget, over which is a gold chain, very beautifully finished. This is the most useful of all the numerous portraits of this master, by himself. From the collection of M. de Calonne, and engraved by J. G. Senten ; also in mezzotint, by Townley. Rembrandt Harmens or Hermanszoon, commonly called Rembrandt Van Ryn, from the circumstance of his having been born on the banks of the Rhine, was born in his father’s home, on the Weddesteeg, at Leyden, July 15, 1607. He studied under Jacob Van Zwaanenberg, Peter Lastmann, and Jacob Pinas. In 1630 he settled in Amsterdam, where he married. His fame soon spread far and wide. He died in that city, October 8th, 1669, leaving two children by his second wife. 43 SIR PETER LELY. Born 1617. Died 1680. 214. Barbara Yilliers. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. (See Notes to Nos. 191 and 192). SIR PETER LELY. Born 1617. Died 1680. 215. Francis Lennard, Lord Dacre, and his wife, Elizabeth Bayning. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. He was the eldest son of Richard Lennard, by his first wife, Elizabeth Throckmorton. He was on the Parliamentary side during the Civil Wars, in the reign of Charles I., and was much considered by that party. His wife was daughter of Paul, Viscount Bayning. She died 1711. SIR PETER LELY. Born 1617. Died 1680. 216. Charles II. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. Eldest son of Charles I. Began to reign 1660. Died 1685. JAN VAN GOYEN. Born 1596. Died 1656. 217. Dutch River Scene, with a Castle. Lent by William Agnew, Esq. View of a Castle on the banks of a river. A river flows through the centre of the picture ; on the near bank figures and cattle, and a ferry boat in which is a coach and four; on the farther bank, washed by the waters of the river, rises a castle in the distance; on the 1. are seen ships and buildings ; blue sky, with clouds. CLAUDE LORRAINE. Born 1600. Died 1682. 218, Tobias and the Angel. Lent by Lord Windsor, 44 SIR PETER LELY. Born 1617. Died 1680. 219. David Walter. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. He was second son of Sir John Walter, married Elizabeth, widow of Francis Lord Dacre, who was afterwards created Countess of Sheppey for life. He was Groom of the Bedchamber to Charles II., and Lieutenant General of Ordnance, which offices the King gave him as rewards for the great valour and loyalty he shewed in the service of his father during the Civil Wars. UNKNOWN ARTIST. 220. Mary Shedden. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart She was daughter of Bartlett Bridger Shedden, of Aldhani Hall, Suffolk, and married Thomas Barrett Lennard, M.P. SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK. Born 1599. Died 1641. 221. William Villiers. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. He was second Viscount Grandison, and father of the Duchess of Cleve¬ land. Lord Clarendon, in his “History of the Rebellion” speaks strongly in his praise for valour, justice and integrity. He received a wound at the, siege of Bristol, July 24th, 1643, of which lie died in a few weeks, at Oxford and was buried at Christchurch Cathedral. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. Born 1723. Died 1792. 222. Lady Frances Gordon. Lent by the Marquis of Hertford. She married Lord William Gordon, and was sister to Isabella, wife of the second Marquis of Hertford. FRANCOIS DE TROY. Born 1645. Died 1730. 223. Lady Barbara Lennard. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. She was daughter of the Earl of Sussex, and co-heir with her sister, Lady Ann. Died 1741. 45 OLD STONE. Born Died 1653. 224. Dorothy North. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. She was second wife of Richard, Lord Dacre, and daughter of Dudley, Lord North, who during the Civil Wars espoused the Parliamentary side. He had four sons, who all became celebrated either in politics or literature. Henry Stone, known as Old Stone, was the eldest son of Nicholas Stone, sculptor and architect. He passed many years in Holland, France, and Italy. Returned to England, 1642, practising first as a sculptor, and carrying on his father’s business after his death. His copies of Van Dyck have fetched large price's as originals. He died in London, 1653, the last survivor of his family. He had two brothers, both excellent artists. UNKNOWN ARTIST. 225. Edward, First Lord North. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. He was an eminent lawyer, and was created Lord North by Queen Mary. Great-grandfather of Dudley, Lord North. SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK. Born 1599. Died 1641. 226. Dorothy North. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. See note to No. 224. FRA BARTOLOMEO. Born 1469. Died 1517. 227. Holy Family. Lent by the Duke of Westminster, K.G. The infant Christ, reclining on the Virgin’s lap, holds the cross, which the little St. John seems desirous to take from Him. The Virgin has her arm round St. John. The head of St. Joseph appears behind the infant Christ. From the Agar Collection. Baccio della Porta, called Fra Bartolomeo di San Marco, or II Frate, was born in the village of Savignano, near Florence, in 1469. He studied under Cosimo Rosselli. He formed an intimate acquaintance with the famous monk, Jerome Savonarola. After the latter’s execution, the artist entered the Convent of St. Mark, in 1500, at the age of 31, and took the name of Fra Bartolomeo. Raffaelle visited him in 1504, taught him perspective, and took lessons in return in colouring. Died at Florence, 1517. 46 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. Born 1723. Died 1792. 228. Lord George Seymour. Lent by the Marquis of Hertford. He was the seventh son of the first Marquis of Hertford. Born 1763. Died 1848. UNKNOWN ARTIST. 229. Sir William Waller. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. He was grandson of Sampson Lennard, and son of his daughter Margaret, who married Sir Thomas Waller, of Groombridge, Suffolk. He was a celebrated Parliamentary General during the reign of Charles I. Born 1597. Died 1668. UNKNOWN ARTIST. 230. Francis Lennard, Lord Dacre. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. He died in 1662. MICHAEL DAHL. Born 1656, Died 1743. 231. Lady Ann Fitzroy. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. See Note to No. 186. This is a very fine picture, and was acknowledged by Dali] to be his masterpiece. Michael Dahl was born at Stockholm in 1656. At the age of 22 he came to England for a year, and then travelled for four years in France and Italy. In 1688 he returned to London, and was the competitor of Kneller. He gained the favour of Queen Anne, and painted her and Prince George. Died October 20tli, 1743, aged 87, and was buried at St. James’, Piccadilly. SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK. Born 1599. Died 1641. 232. Richard Lennard, Lord Dacre. Lent by Sir Thomas' Barrett Lennard, Bart, He was one of the Peers who signed a petition to James I. against the newly-created Scotch and Irish Lords. He rebuilt his house at Ghevening from plans by Inigo Jones. Died 1630. 47 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN. Born 1618. Died 1668. 233. Landscape, with figures. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. Philips Wouwerman was born at Haarlem in 1619, and was taught painting by his father, Paul Wouwermau and Jau Wynants. Though so excellent a painter, his works met with little success in his own time. He is the most eminent of the Dutch painters of horses, battles, and hunting scenes. He died at Haarlem, and was buried on the 19th of May, 1668, in the north transept of the Nieuwe Kerk there. His two brothers, Peter and John, painted similar subjects. His son, Paul, born the year of his father’s death, became a Carthusian monk in Antwerp. PHILIPS WOUWEItMAN. Bom 1619. Died 1668. 234. Landscape, with figures. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. CORNELIUS JANSSEN. Born 1590. Died 1665. 235. Lady Coventry, wife of Lord Coventry, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England in the reign of Charles I. Lent by the Earl of Coventry. JACOB RUYSDAEL. Born about 1620. Died 1681. 236. A Wooded Landscape. Lent by Henry Pfungst, Esq. Jacob Ruysdael or Ruisdael was born at Haarlem, about 1620. His master is not known. There is but little known of his life. He is supposed to have visited Italy with N. Berghem. His pictures are numerous, and he is considered one of the most eminent landscape painters of the Dutch School. Ostade, Vandevelde, and Wouwerman frequently inserted the figures in his works. Died 1681. 48 JOHN WYNANTS AND JOHN LINGELBACH. Born — . Died — . Born 1625. Died 1687. 237. Landscape. Lent by the Rev. H. Nicholson. Grand landscape, mountains on r., from which a river falls in a cascade. A Stag Hunt is admirably introduced by Lingelbach—dogs attacking the stag in the river on r., towards which a horseman and a huntsman with dog are hastening ; two other figures with a dog on a road in front, and a hawk¬ ing party coming through the wood on the left. The figures in Wynants’ pictures were often inserted by Lingelbach, Vandervelde, and other artists. For life of Wynants, see No. 171. John Lingelbach was born at Frankfort-on-the-Maine, 1625. Teacher unknown. He travelled early in France and Italy, returning to Amsterdam in 1650. He soon gained great reputation. He was often employed by Wynants and Buysdael to decorate their landscapes with figures and animals. Died 1687. MURRAY. Born 1666. Died 1724. 238. Lady Ann Lennard. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. She was afterwards Baroness Dacre, on the death of her sister, and inherited all the property of the Leonards that her father had not wasted ; but, being also extravagant and given to play, she was obliged to sell Chevening, in Kent, Dacre in Cumberland, together with estates in Yorkshire and other parts of England. She married her cousin, Richard Barrett, who died soon after the marriage. There were three Murrays, all portrait painters, living about the middle of the 18th century. John Murray,who, accordingto the “Gentleman’s Magazine, died in 1735, worth £40,000 ; R. Murray, who practised in London, and Thomas Murray, born in Scotland, 1666, who came to London, studied under Riley, painted William and Mary, etc., and achieved great success. He died in 1724. It is not know by whom this picture was painted, but it was probably by the last-mentioned artist. SIR PETER LELY. Born 1617. Died 1680. 239. George Fitzroy. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. He was Duke of Northumberland, and brother of the Countess of Sussex. Died 1716.] 49 SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. Born 1723. Died 1792. 240. Horace Walpole. Lent by the Marquis of Lansdowne. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. Born 1727. Died 1788. 241. Coast Scene. Lent by the Duke of Westminster, K.G. A group of persons buying and selling fish. Gainsborough painted only four subjects of this nature. Painted for the first Earl Grosvenor. JOHN GRAHAM. Born 1754. Died 1817. 242. Mary Shedden. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. (See Note to No. 220) John Graham was born 1754, and apprenticed to a coach builder in Edin¬ burgh. He came to London, followed the same trade, and gained admission to the R. Academy Schools. Visited Italy. Appointed teacher of the Trustees’ Academy at Edinburgh. Died there in 1817. CORNELIUS JANSSEN. Born 1590. Died 1665. 243. Thomas, Lord Coventry, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England during the reign of Charles I. Lent by the Earl of Coventry. He was born at Croome, Worcestershire, 1578, and died there in 1639. CLAUDE DE JONGH. Born . Died 244. View of Old London Bridge. Lent by the South Kensington Museum ■„ Painted in 1650. 50 MURILLO. Born 1618. Died 1682. 245. St. John with the Lamb. Lent by the Duke of Westminster, K.G. This was a favourite subject with Murillo, and he frequently repeated it with varia f ions —see that in the National Gallery. Purchased about 1810 by the first Marquis of Westminster, of Andrew Wilson, Esq. JOHN HOPPNER, R.A. Born 1758. Died 1810. 246. Lady Charlotte Buncombe, afterwards Lady Feversham. Lent by the Earl of Dartmouth. She was daughter of William, Second Earl of Dartmouth ; married, 1795, Charles Duncombe, Esq., created, 1826, Baron Feversham ; died 1848. Half-figure, seen in front, three-quarter profile to left ; white dress, and black cloak over her right arm ; landscape background. John Hoppner, R.A. Born in Whitechapel, London, April 4, 1758. He was at first a chorister in the Chapel Royal, but showing a strong inclination for art, King George III. made him a small allowance, and in 1775 he became a student of the Royal Academy, and gained the gold medal for oil painting in 1782. At first he tried landscape, but soon adopted portraiture as his profession, and succeeded in obtaining a large and fashionable practice. He began to exhibit at the Academy in 1780, and became portrait painter to the Prince of Wales about 1789. He was elected an Associate in 1793, and in 1795 a member of the Royal Academy. He died January 23, 1810, and was buried in the cemetery of St. James’s Chapel, Hampstead Road. Hoppner succeeded best in his portraits of ladies and children. His best works are in St. James’s Palace. RICHARD COSWAY, R.A. Born 1740. Died 1821. 247. Mary Shedden, as a Child, with her Mother. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. (See Nos. 220 and 242). Richard Cosway, R.A., was born at Tiverton, Devonshire, in 1740. His ancestors are said to have first established the manufacture of woollen cloths in that neighbourhood, having been driven to emigrate from Flanders during the persecution of the Duke of Alva. Cosway’s ability in art was shown early in life, and he appears to have been patronized to such an extent as to have excited the envy, if not the misrepresentations of his contemporaries. He was elected a Royal Academician in 1771. He married Maria Hadfield, a native of Italy, but of English parentage, whose artistic ability, and great personal attractions, added to the popularity of his establishment; but he became the subject of much satire, and some scandal. His portraits, which possessed admirable characteristics of colour and elegance in drawing, must at one time have been very numerous, as he was a rapid executant. 51 DON DIEGO VELASQUEZ DE SILVA. Born 1599. Died 1660. 248, The Prince of Asturias. Lent by the Duke of Westminster, K.G. The Prince of Asturias, Don Balthazar Carlos, on horseback, attended by Don Gaspar de Guzman, Conde d’Olivarez, and other officers of state. The King and Queen of Spain are on the balcony of the riding school, in the back¬ ground. The life-size picture of this subject is in the Museum at Madrid. Velas¬ quez made several sketches for it; there is one in Mr. Roger’s collection, and another at Dulwich. Don Diego Rodriguez de Silva y Velasquez was born in Seville, 1599 ; being descended from a noble family originally Portuguese. Pupil of Fr. Herrera the elder, and after of Francisco Pacheco, whose daughter he married. In 1622 he went to Madrid, where he received Royal patronage. In 1627 he was appointed Chamberlain to the King. Visited Italy in 1629. Philip IV. of Spain gave him a studio in his palace. In 1648 he went on an embassy to Italy for the King. In 1656 he received the Cross of Santiago, and was raised to the post of Aposentador Mayor. Died at Madrid, August 7th, 1660. REMBRANT VAN RYN. Born 1606. Died 1669. 249. Portrait of Nicholas Berghem, the celebrated Dutch Landscape Painter. Lent by the Duke of Westminster, K.G. He wears a slouched hat and white falling collar. Engraved by Schiavonetti. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. Born 1723. Died 1792. 250. Mrs. Kobinson—“ Perdita.” Lent by the Marquis of Hertford. REMBRANDT VAN RYN. Born 1606. Died 1669. 251. Portrait of the Wife of Nicholas Berghem. Lent by the Duke of Westminster, K.G. She is dressed in a plain white cap, and a dark dress with plaited ruff. She was daughter of the painter, Jan Wills, and is said to have exacted from Berghem the most unremitted attention to his work, to gratify her avaricious temper, which, perhaps accounts for the great number of pictures he left. Signed and dated 1647. Engraved by Schiavonetti. See No. 249. 52 PETER PAUL RUBENS. Born 1577. Died 1640. 252. The Garden of Love. Lent by the Marquis of Hertford. Peter Paul Rubens was born at Siegen or Cologne on the feast-day of St. Peter and St. Paul, 1577. His father was a magistrate of Antwerp. Studied under Tobias Yerhaecht, Adam Van Oort, and Otho Yenius. Went to Italy in 1600, and entered the service of the Duke of Mantua. Sent by him as an envoy to Spain, 1605. Returned to Antwerp in 1608, settled there, married, and built a magnificent house. In 1620 Marie de Medicis commissioned him to paint the famous series in the Luxembourg Gallery. In 1628 he again went on a mission to Spain, and on his return was sent to England. Painted the ceiling of the Banqueting House at Whitehall. Died 1640, aged 63. WILLIAM WISSING. Born 1656. Died 1687. 253. Lady Ann Leonard, afterwards Baroness Dacre. Lent by Sir Thomas Barrett Lennard, Bart. See No. 238. William Wissing was born at Amsterdam, 1656. Studied at the Hague. Went to Paris, and in 1680 came to England. Employed by Lely, and imitated his manner. On the former’s death, he became the fashionable rival of Kneller. Painted the members of the royal family, and was appointed as principal portrait-painter by James II. Went to Holland to paint the Prince and Princess of Orange. Died in 1687, aged 32. Some say he was poisoned. GEORGE MORLAND. Born 1763. Died 1804. 254. The Second Baron Conway. Lent by the Marquis of Hertford. He was afterwards First Marquis of Hertford. Died 1794. THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH, R.A. Born 1727. Died 1788. 255. Landscape. Lent by Lord Windsor. A ruined castle on a wooded bank, in the late evening light. SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS, P.R.A. Born 1723. Died 1792. 256. Kitty Fischer. Lent by the Marquis of Lansdowne. 53 IN CENTRE OF GALLERY. Case No. I. Containing a Collection of Miniatures, by R. Cosway, R.A., Smart, Fischer, A. Kauffinann, J. Meyer, R.A., S. Shelley, Humphreys, Mierveldt, Millett, Essex, Robertson, Plimer, Moira, Arland, and others. Lent by Jeffrey Whitehead, Esq. Case No. II. The State Cap of Gold Thread, richly jewelled, with Aigrette, also jewelled, of the last King of Delhi, together with his Gold Sword-handle ; also jewelled Hand Ornament of diamonds, rubies, emeralds and pearls, worn by the wife of Bahadin Shah. Lent by H. George Mealcin, Esq. Case No. III. Collection of Old Berlin Jewellery, cast in iron. Date about 1810-15. Eisen fur Gold— Iron for gold. Lent by Braxton Hicks, Esq., M.D. Case No. IV. Containing specimens of Italian Bronzes, Limoges and other Enamels, Jewellery, Gold and Silversmiths’ Work, Chiselled Iron and Steel, Carvings in Ivory, etc. Lent by Jeffrey Whiteltead, Esq. Statue of the Rt. Hon. John Bright, M.P. By A. Bruce Joy. Presented by the Subscribers. The Right Hon. John Bright, M.P., Statesman. Born 1811. President of the Board of Trade 1868*70 ; Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster 1873-4. Elected to represent the Borough of Birmingham in Parliament in 1857. and has continued to do so until the present time. Re-appointed to the Duchy of Lancaster in 1880, but resigned in 1882 owing to the policy of the Government in Egypt. Elected Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow, Nov. 15, 1880. jr\ E. 0. OSBORNE AND SON, PRINTERS / 84, NEW STREET, BIRMINGHAM. /—fy dr f etc., may be obtained free on application either to the Secretary of the School) or at the Catalogue Stall in the Art Gallery. E. PRESTON HYTCH, Secretary. Margaret Street, Birmingham, 24th August, 1888. Chaucer’s Head Library is under Christ Church, opposite the site of New Post Office. Missals, Manuscripts, Black Letter Books, always on hand. Books Bought. WILLIAM DOWNING, Im^nt & j|o(lmt looker, DEALER IN SUPERIOR SECOND HAND BOOKS. A LARGE NUMBER OF WORKS ON ART. FINE ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. Catalogues 3ssue£> /iftontblg. CHAUCER'S HEAD LIBRARY, 74, HEW STREET (NEAR TO THE ART GALLERY). IE ST A. 33 LI SHE! ID SIXTY XT ZED .A. 3R S. INSPECTION OF THE LARGE STOCK INVITED. V o . m