Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/catalogueofmagniOOgree CATALOGUE OF A MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION O F PICTURES. ‘fl -— — 0- , 8 ‘ a-8^^8-G==X).-3= / -./z -if A V’ CATALOGUE OF THE MAGNIFICENT COLLECTION PICTURE OF THE LATE Sir LAWRENCE DUNDAS, Bart. WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By Mefrs. G R E E N IF O 0 D, AT THEIR ROOM IN LEICESTER SQUARE, 0,, 'Thttrfday, 29 th May, i794> and Two following Days , AT TWELVE O’CLOCK. LonBon : PRINTED BY C. CLARKE, NORTHUMBERLAND COURT, STRAND- M. DEC. XCIV. ( 1 ) FIRST DAY’S SALE, Thurfday , May 29, 1794- Lot 1. / /* D EATH of Abel High. Wide. Ft. In. Ft. In. 6 Lot 2. St. John and a Coble r at Work / £ Lot 3. MURILLO. Two Beggar Boys at Play 5 by 1 4 n '/i m Lot 4. JAN MIEL. Italian Peafants marketing, in a Landfcape A 2, i 2 A*? / ( 2 ) Wide. Ft. In. Lot 5. it- & PIETRO MONALDL ^ Italian Peafants regaling High. Ft. In. I 7 by 2 O Lot 6. / // c TINTORETT. The firft Sketch for the Great Pi6ture at Venice 2 8 — 3 3 Lot 7. CUIL. i $ & Hebe Lot 8. /rtf * CUYP. Interior of a Stable Lot 9. DE HEEM. $ g, Fruit and hill Life, fine Lot 10. W. VANDEVELDE. 1 o — 1 6 1 4 A Frefli Breeze with Shipping 1 6 — , 1 - ? *n (JW-- S^V(^' 1 A^ (at). 1 H)-, \n V ^ A A cX 4*- I y lb" / UJs 0*1 Mm, t*7^V ( i o') i y- ^ ) s . Ws y~ i* ' ' b'- A. 4 f I'J'jW M- ^ l^l'. w* AV A iV«^ J . 6 . “. V • . .... • 1 ? < t > » . > >£, r r 'i” ’ > ’■ r-, " '• ( !\) !o (f^.) JO. 1 • < » i , :. f; " y ; > ' ' f 'io r^-- n-'\' Hv'" . *,<6 «/' * a*" f {r 4 . HMm V^W- ! £-j I'u-r;- 4 v cwvi- r -7^' *c 3 c' ( JrJ.t , V) ^ W Ivj '^r' -U. \/JM- /'V ,f yc 1 b 1 ' ! Jr*t\ i-\ 17/w UT> 0 '.' ,v > 9 • T , ,-w ,c ° u jr 1 \L*Jk 4 -^- =■'•' " VrV.^: , - ' '■ ” • i c UM. . -c !•" a "TV-' i> 7 / " K" i (. I \ tVi C-5v, i.- ' - .. y jF'i-y'- * ,k < 3 ) High. Ft. In. Wide. Ft. In. Lot II. W. VANDEVELDE. A ditto ditto, the Companion /O — - ^ - i 6 by i 4 Lot 12. LINGLEBACH. Boats and Figures - - - - i 2 — i <;J X 0 Lot 13. ZATCHLEVEN. View upon the Rhine, with a great Variety of Boats and Figures ^ - - 0 8 — 0 IOf Lot 14. ZATCHLEVEN. A View upon the Rhine, with a great Variety of Boats and Figures ~/$ ~ ~ 0 8 — - 0 IOi Lot 1 5. M. DE VOS. One of the Sacraments of the Church of Rome v L3 0 - — -3 0 A 2 c ( 4 ) Lot 1 6. M. DE VOS. One of the Sacraments of the Church of Rome High. Ft. In. Wide. Ft. In. 3 g by 3 -Lot 17. CUYP. TLView in Holland, with a Boy tending Sheep M 1 4 1 8 Lot 1 8. Girl with a Stove ^ ^ ^ S — o 6 %f~f6 Lot 19. TENIERS. An Old Woman paring Onions, with Vegetables and Kitchen Utenfils dilperfed upon the Fore Ground ; in the Back Ground is a Figure Hand- ing at the Fire 1 10 Lot 20. BROMPTON. A delicate and accurate Copy of the celebrated Picture of St. Jerome, by Corregio, at Parma - 2 10 2 o If ') * // 0 & z ir* A/' ^ /l -IK ( 5 ) . ■ High. Wide. Ft. In, Ft. In. -Lot 21. CUYP. Infide of a Farm Houfe, with Sheep, Goats, and Figures, highly finijhed - - i 3 by 1 10 -Lot 22. CUYP. Ditto, with Figures, Cattle, Vegetables, and Farm- ing Implements - - - 13 — 110 Lot 23. RUBENS. Portrait of a Lady with a Ruff - - 20 — 14 Lot 24. RAPHAEL. Triumph of Venus, after - - - IS ' — 5 10 Lot 25. DIEPENBECK. ADORATION of the VIRGIN, fine as Ru- bens 6 6 5 4 4 4 //' // ( 6 ) Lot 26. ELIZ. SIRANI. Fainting and Poetry, finely coloured High. Wide. Ft. Tn, Ft. In, 3 0 by 3 Lot 27. PAOLO VERONESE. Jofeph and St. Ann prefenting a Gentleman, Lady, and their Seven Children to the Virgin and Child, being the Portraits of the Family for whom the Picture was painted 5 a rare and va- luable Specimen - - - o — 2 5 ^ * \\ Lot 28. PAOLO VERONESE. Christ and his Disciples, the Companion to the laft Lot, and painted for the fame Family o 7 4- ~ Lot 29.. TITIAN. Marriage of St. Catharine, Carnations delicate and appropriate - 2 10 — .3 ( 7 ) Lot 30. TENIERS. An interefting Groupe of three Boors regaling. In his finest Manner by o 11 A * \ Lot 31. TENIERS. i/*' \ ( ' , , ... t , u Interior of a Shop, with a Country Surgeon re- O moving an Application from off a Boor’s Foot, a Woman at the fame Time warming a Plaifter over a Chaffing Difh, singularly fine - 1 2 — o 11 Lot 32. ARIA DEL FIORI and C. MARRATT, Elegant Feftoons of Flowers, fupported by Cupids, the Execution, Colouring, and Design of this Pifture are truly admirable A'A9 ' Lot 33. MARIA DEL FIORI and C. MARRATT. Ditto, the Companion ; thele Pictures formerly belonged to the Cardinal Valenti, and came from his Villa near Rome 40 — 50 4 o 5 c A /S af-/ 73 2 24 3 ( 8 ) Lot 34. High. Wide. Ft. In. Ft. In. G. LAIRESSE, 1675. Liberating a Captive, an excellent Compofition of four Figures - - - 60 by 4 3 Lot 35. P. BATONI. A Holy Family, confilting of St. Jofeph, John, Ann, Virgin and Child - - 710 — 4 10 Lot 36. TITIAN. The Portrait of Count Nicola Ursini de Petigliano, very fine. This Pifture was for- merly in the PofTeffion of Sir Robert Strange, fee his Catalogue, Page 136 - - 36 — 24 Lot 37. L. GIORDANO. The Laft Supper, painted with great Force, well compofed, and finely coloured - 4 END OF THE FIRS T DAT' S^S. ALE, * 0/0 Landfcape and Figures B High. Wide. Ft. In. Ft. In. I 2 by I 9 I 4 — 20 I 2—10 \ ( 10 ) High. Ft. In. Wide. Ft. In. 4 4 Lot 4. SIMON DA PESARO Jofeph, Virgin, and our Saviour 4 by 3 o Z /a Lot 5. TEMPESTA. Landfcape with Hiftorical Figures Lot 6. 4 S 6 MICHAEL ANGELO CARAVAGIO. A Study of Dogs and AiTes 27—40 1 o — 1 j Lot 7. P. DE NEEF. Infide of a Church with many Figures o 10 — o 8 Lot 8. P. DE HOOGE. The ancient Family of the Williamfdorps of Hol- land, one of the belt Piftures of this Mailer * \ t 3 o 3 6 ( II ) .jLot 9. 1/kC P. DE HOOGE. Convention— the Companion High. Wide. Ft. In. Ft. In. 3 o by 3 6 Lot 10. ELIZ. SERAM. $ I S ^° ur ^ av * our w * tfi a ^ roi " s o — o 8 Lot 11. CUYP. Servants with Horfes and Children o 10 — 1 o -Lot 12. CUYP. Servants with Horfes and Children o 10 «— 1 o Lot 13. TINTORET. A Sacrifice ; an exceeding well compofed and fine coloured Pi&ure - _ B 2 8 — /5V/4 High. Ft. In. Wide. Ft. In. Lot 14. TINTORET. A The Railing of Lazarus, the Companion, equally fine 2 by 4 of Lot 15. MURILLO. Sleeping Child Lot 16. SCOTT. A View through one of the Arches of W eft minfbei Bridge, looking towards Blackfriars, with Boats, and Figures bathing Let 17. VANDERMEULEN. Louis XIV. palling the Rhine at Duffeldorp 1 1 — ■ 2 7 Lot 18. GRIFFIER. A romantic and beaut 5 fill View upon the Rhine, with Boats and figures, highly finiihed o I I 7 ( ’3 ) High. Ft. In. Wide. Ft. In. Lot 19. TENIERS. Interior of a Cave, with (15 Figures) Gypfies walh- ing Linen, and convtrfmg with a Countryman, VERY FINE - i 8 by 2 9 Lot 20. VANDYKE. An Angel weeping over the Body of a dead Child. A fipirited and fine coloured Sketch 1 6 — 2 4 Lot 21. ITALIAN. Dead Game, Filh, &c. very fine Lot 22. CARRAVAGIO. St. Sebaltian attended, fine 6 o — 4 10 4 6 — 6 5 P Lot 23. RUBENS. Two Portraits in one Frame of a Gentleman and his Wife, finely coloured o 1 6 ( 14 ) High. Ft. In. Wide. Ft. In. Lot 24. TENIERS. A Landfcape with Cattle and Figures, fine 1 10 by 1 6 m Lot 25. • /I ■ (Yw l a ; f.v V ” - r ITALIAN. An Hiftoricai Compofition of four Figures - .60 — 43 'Lot 26. TENIERS. On the Fore Ground of this Pi&ure is an animated Groupe of three Figures regaling, while two are in Converfation in a remote Part of the Room, EXTREMELY FINE ” o 9 — 0 11 Lot 27. SASSO FERRATO. Virgin and Sleeping Child. The original Sketch of this fine Picture in one Colour, by Guido, is in the Pamphilli Palace at Rome - — 37 3 o ( >5 ) Hieh. Ft. In. Wide. Ft. In. Lot 28. WOUVERMANS. A Pair — Deer, and a Woman milking Goats, delicately and fweetly painted, very uncommon Pictures, and in the befi Time of this great Mailer. They came out of Count de Solviere's Cabinet, and are engraved by Le Bas / Lot 29. VANDERMEULEN. On the Fore Ground of a noble and rich Land- scape is a Skirmish of Cavalry, confifling of twelve Figures, well coloured, correctly de- figned, full of Character and Expression, and executed in a free and mafterly Manner, poiTelTes great EfFedt, and in perfedt Preferva- tion. Phe Figures for Animation and Pen- ciling are equal to Teniers, and the Land- fcape may vie with the finefi Productions of Rubens - - - - 5 4 by 6 ^ Lot 30. GUIDO. Head of St. Peter. The Dignity of Character, Elegance of the Attitude, and fine Expreftion of this Head claim Admiration, and is coloured with the ufual Superiority and Truth of this ^great Mailer - 2 8 — 2 4 Lot 31. RUBENS. The Duke of Alva on Horseback, poffejfng all the fine Qualities of the befi Pictures of this Mafter * 8 4 — - 6 o ( su ) Lot 32. T ENTERS.. .Corps du Garde, a Man entering with a Cloak, the Fore Ground enriched with a Variety of Armour, Colours, Drums, Arms, &c. in the Back Ground are fix Figures regaling round a Fire, very fine - High. 'Wide. Ft. In. ;Ft. In. 3 hV 4 by 1 9 \ \? -9 Lot 33. TENIERS. A fimilar Subject, with the lame Adv ntages as the preceding Lot - (Thefe Pidtures were formerly in tire Pof- fefTion of the De Nevilles of AnfierdamS) d-nvU t 4 — 1 L ^2 9 > / Lot PHILIP DE CHAMPAGNE. This Picture feme Years fence was brought into Robert Strange, who in h England by Sir I ris Catalogue gives the following Defcription. “ Portrait of the great Colbert. cc Nils Pifiure of the Maecenas of France jufily ‘ c claims a Rank even with the jinefl things “ of Vandyke. It is painted in a great “ Style, and with that Fruth and Freedom “ which we admire in the Works of the “ mcjl celebrated Ivlafers. Fhe Hand is “ particularly fine , and the Folds of the “ Drapery are difpojed with infinite Fafte" 4 — 2 ( 1 7 ) Wide. Ft. In. Let 35. High. Ft. In. /■ i ^ TENIERS. Boors playing at Cards; this interetting Com- pofition of nine Figures unites all the fine Qua- lities of the Matter; too much Praife cannot be given him for the agreeable Mode in which he varies Subjects that fo frequently exercifed his Genius : The Attention and Anxiety in the principal Figures deferve particular Commen- dation. In the Back Ground is a Woman fry- ing Pancakes, furrounded by other Figures. The silver Tone and Harmony of Co- lour, fine Character and Expression, and animated Penciling, juftly rank this Picture as one of his choicest Works 4 by 1 11 Lot 36. TENIERS. "The Companion, known by the Name of the Jour- neymen Carpenters ; on the Fore Ground is a Party employed with Cards, while another Par- ty of feven arc in the Back Ground engaged in Converfation round a Fire, very clear and spirited. This Pidlure and the Companion formerly belonged to the Marquis de Granule , of whom they were purchafed 4 — ■ 1 IT. c ( '8 ) High. Ft. In. Wide. Ft. In Lot 37. WEENIX. The Spoils of the Chace, confiding of a dead Stag, Hares hanging from a Tree, a Stork, Staghound, &c. &c. the inhale wonderfully ar- ranged and exceeding highly finifhed, undoubt- edly one of the finest Pictures of this Majlft 6 o by 5 o Lot 38. MURILLO. m Holy Family (whole Lengths large as Life). The Virgin is featecf, receiving our Saviour from Jofeph. * 4 The sweet Serenity and Beauty of Ex- P R E S 3 ion in the Countenances, the Delicacy, Union, and Chastity of Colouring, and Combination of the Whole, entitle it to the Admiration and Praife fo univerlally and lavilhly bellowed. END OF ( 1-9 ) THIRD DAY’S SALE, Saturday , May 3 1 , 1794. High. Wide. Ft. In. Ft. In. Lot I. VANDER MYN. An old Man’s Head - Lot 1. CUYLENBURG. Architectural Ruins and Figures - 3 Q by 3 6 Lot 3. VANDERNEER. A View upon a River, a Vv inter Scene, with a great Variety of Figures fkaiting C 2 4 /i sc y 1 / 2 4 3 ^ ( 20 ) High. Ft. In. Wide. Ft. In. Lot 4. OSTADE. 44 , j Figures at a Cottage Door refrefhing, very fine 1 4 by 1 Lot 5. ALBANO. /m / The Three Marys at the Tomb of our Saviour PuxiL ^ Lot 6. 2 o — 2 4 V S. ROSA. A Soldier in Armour bound to a Tree, doing Pe- nance 2 4 * \ Lot. 7. F. MIERIS. Our Saviour and the Woman of Samaria, a delicate and high finijhed Pit! ure 1 2 ( 21 ) High. Ft. In. Wide. Ft. In. Lot 8. PYNACKER. A beautiful warm Landfcape, with a Ferry Boat and Figures croffing a River i 4 by i * , Lot 9. HCNDIUS. Hunting the wild Boar, a fpirited Picture 2 8 Lot 10. / CARRACCI. Dead Chrilt, a fine Study Lot 1 1 . SALVIUS. An Italian Sea Port, with architedtural Buildings and a Variety of Figures clefigned and executed in a very good Tafte 3 a 4 4 < -'2 ) s' Oc /3~£ High, VVrde. 'Ft. In. Ft. In. Lot 12. SALVIUS, An Italian Sea Port, with Buildings and Figures, Companion to the foregoing Lot Lot 13, CAPELLE. $Z //a Calm, with a great Variety of Ships, Boats and Figures, very clear and tranfparent, and one of the moft pleafing and befi Pictures of this Mailer M_ C-. v f i ■ » (b* H'U ckL AW AoV\ Ct\ t.M. C^vvn ■t'SM 4 10 by 7 Lot 40. TENIERS. FETE DE VILLAGE (engraved by Le Bas). la the Inclofure of a Country Alehoufe are upwards of forty-five Figures (twelve Inches h|gh) converfing, dancing, and regaling in familial eafy, and intereiling Groupes. The F'ore Ground is agreeably broken and varied by a judicious Introduction and Arrangement of Kitchen and Farming Utenfils, &c. In the fecond Pittance is a Groupe of twenty-five Figures, firnilarly engaged : the ANIMATED and VARIED EXPRESSION in the Figures, the SILVER BRILLIANCY and FORCE of COLOURING, and SPIRITED FREE- DOM of the Pencil, obfervable in every Part of this Compofiiion, render it the MOST DESIRABLE of all the Productions of this eminent Master C % *• < 5 S P'7 ' ^ s * / ' C , , * 4 L ' c r t 'Z&rS-iy- fv&KtowiW nj, |>J i^sj-0 f Q$) Nfr ■ r \. t: IF M 4 » 3 8 — 5 8 ( 33 ) High. Ft. In. Wide. Ft. In. /: Lot 41. CORREGIO. MADONA and CHILD, A MOST PURE and PERFECT CABINET JEWEL, all the. Perfections of this great and divine Majler £+4*4$ tr* Asi /i 4 by 1 O X/ V/f. FINIS. 4 . / 4 ; £ f> fZtfad- s* tv V '\r * ''*w ^ / .> -^yv v * V ••* ■ '% •\ rW S, ^ : Y V^