Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/selectedtempleacOOchie_O TO THE MEMORY OF Professor Rudolph E. Bruknow WHOSE CONTRIBUTIONS TO AsSYRIOLOGY HAVE SO GREATLY HELPED ALL SCHOLARS, THIS VOLUME IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED PREFACE In the spring of 1917 the late Professor Morris Jastrow, Jr., of the University of Pennsylvania, called my attention to a large collection of cuneiform tablets which are kept in the Library of Princeton Univer- sity. The bulk of the documents had been presented by the late Professor Rudolph E. Brunnow, this being augmented by gifts from other alumni and friends of the University, viz., Messrs. Sheldon Franklin, Robert Garrett, Kenneth Campbell Kirtland, Cyrus Hall McCormick, John Leverett Moore, Russell Wellman Moore, Charles Allen Munn, Richard Wayne Parker, Moses Taylor Pyne, Simeon H. Rollinson, Martin Dasher Wylly, and Miss Edith Ward. As a result of a correspondence between Professor Jastrow and Pro- fessor Richardson, the Librarian of Princeton University, I was asked to prepare a catalogue of the entire collection. This was soon completed, but its appearance has been greatly delayed on account of the war. As a quick perusal of the catalogue will show, the Princeton Library Collection is chiefly composed of documents of the Ur Dynasty. The three chief sources of tablets of that period, Telloh, Yokha and Drehem, are almost equally represented. Some of the specimens, and especially those from Telloh, are of a remarkably large size and find their counter- part in those from the same site now preserved in the Berlin Museum. Very remarkable also is a collection of unopened case tablets from Umma, which are perfectly preserved and covered with splendid seal impressions. Lastly, the Princeton Library is fortunate in possessing a group of about sixty seal cylinders gathered by the late Dr. W. H. Ward, the eminent authority in this field. The Library authorities felt that at least a portion of such material should be placed at the disposal of scholars. Accordingly, I have gath- ered in this volume all of the largest Telloh documents and some of the v VI PREFACE best Yokha texts. If conditions permit, this volume will be followed by others, until all the texts of any importance shall have been published. I am very much indebted to Professors E. C. Richardson, J. T. Ger- ould and H. B. Van Hoesen, of the Princeton Library, for having done so much to facilitate the preparation of this volume. To my beloved teacher, Professor Morris Jastrow, Jr., whose sudden death has caused such a great loss to science, 1 shall never be able to fully express my \ thanks both for the active interest he took in this special work, and for his constant help and encouragement. EDWARD CHI ERA. Dec. 15, 1921 University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pa. INTRODUCTION The documents here published belong to that class of temple accounts which have enabled us to form a very clear knowledge of the life and conditions of a very distant past. In the 23rd and 24th centuries B. C. a great civilization had already developed in Southern Babylonia. This flourished especially under the shadow of the great temples, which had become the centers of both civil and religious life. Enormous quantities of offerings of the most varied character were daily brought to the temples. These gifts were not all voluntary offerings and some were more or less disguised imposts. A strong force of scribes kept strict account of all that was brought in and of all the expenses in- curred. Ledgers were kept in which, at the close of the month or of the year, the scribes carefully noted what was received and paid out. An account was also kept of the wages paid to a large army of laborers, weavers, flour-grinders, etc., men, women and children. The large tab- lets published in this volume are specimens of these old Babylonian ledgers. But the scribes, in their endeavour to keep account of all receipts and expenses, were confronted by the impossibility of using a tablet for a continuous record of all transactions as soon as completed. As is well known, the old Babylonians used to write on soft clay,, on which they impressed their characters by means of a wooden stylus. A clay tablet could not be kept moist for an indefinite period and the scribes, thus limited to using a tablet while it was soft, had to use separate tablets for marking down all their entries and expenses as they occurred They also had to prepare separate receipts for all expenses incurred. All these memoranda and receipts were carefully stored away, into specially con- structed baskets, to which clay labels were attached. At the end of the month or of the year, a “ledger” was prepared, in which all the individual transactions were carefully noted, and general totals added. In some instances, in spite of the great care exercised by the scribes, some receipts were lost or mislaid. In such a case the ledger had an entry ( e.g . Text 17, Col. II) : “One talent, 25 manas of wool: there is no receipt”. It has already been stated that many of the gifts which the temples received were more or less of the nature of imposts : it was therefore 1 2 SELECTED TEMPLE ACCOUNTS FROM in the interest of the giver to obtain a regular receipt. These receipts were carefully drawn and, while the tablet was still soft, were enclosed in clay envelopes and duly sealed. It is to this last class of receipts and small accounts that the majority of the tablets found in the temple archives of Telloh, Yokha and Drehem belong. The latest and most complete discussion of the documents from Drehem has been given by L. Legrain : Les Temps des Rois d’Ur (Paris, 1912). The tablets from Yokha (ancient Urnma) have been studied by G. Conteneau : Contribution a l’Histoire Economique d’Umma (Paris, 1915). A very important collection of Telloh tablets, now in the Berlin Museum has been published by G. Reisner : Tempelurkunden aus Telloh (Berlin, 1901). The character of the large tablets from Telloh in the Princeton Li- brary and of those now in the Berlin Museum is identical. Since in both collections the large tablets are fragmentary, it is quite likely that some fragments in the Princeton collection will turn out to be portions of tablets in the Berlin Museum. TRANSLATION OF SPECIMEN TEXTS In selecting special texts for translation, I have endeavored to offer a representative group of the different types of documents. Since it would have been manifestly impossible to give the large tablets in their entirety, only the first column has been translated together with the last column, which furnishes a general summary of the whole document. 30 Assignment of laborers 1. 41 kal nu-banda ur- d nin-gir-su 34 mi-band a ur-sag-ga 34 PA lu- d dumu-zi 5. 30-lal-i PA na-ba-sag nu-banda Ur- d utu 23 PA d nin-mar ki -ka nu-banda igi-zu-bar-ra 41 laborers (their) chief is Ur- d Ningirsu 34, chief Ur-shagga 34, superintendent Lu- d Dumuzi 29, superintendent Nabashag (and their) chief is Lu- d Utu. 27 , (under) the superintendent of d Ninmar (their) chief is Igizubarra. sunigin /20+40+5 kal 10. sa-bi-ta 20 gi-il e-uz-ga 10 e-gud-gaz 10 e-mu 30 lugal-ra-us-sa 15. 13 gii-pes-esir 5 nig-gu-na-gis-kin-ti 10 mar-sa da-da 2 ka e-gal ki ur- d ba-u 1 id ka-lum 20. 1 zid-gar-ra as -an 1 ga-sar Total: 165 laborers. From these (have been assigned) : 20 to carry reeds in the geese-house. 10 to the slaughter house of the oxen. 10 to the bakery. 30 to the making of the beverage called lugal-ra-ussa. 15 to the border of the asphalt well. 5 to the property of the workshop. 10 to the order of Dada. 2 to the beverages of the palace, under ur- d Bau. I to (the manufacture of) date-oil. r to grinding of ash-an into flour. 1 to fish-grass. 3 4 SELECTED TEMPLE ACCOUNTS FROM I git-pii i in-sar-sar i ki d utu-usmngal i ki d nina-usumgal 25. 1 ki za-na-a 5 ki a-kal-la 5 e gal-bi lugal 5 e snkal-mag 5 nig-ma-a nibru ki -ta 30. 5 ki i-za-ri-ik 1 ini-il ki lul-a-mu 1 im-il ki ur-°ba-u 4 tu-ra 1 to the bank of the cistern. 1 to (the carrying of) the in-sar-sar- cereal. 1 under dUtu-ushumgal. 1 under d Nina-ushumgal. 1 under Zana. 5 under Akalla. 5 to the house of the halbi- officer of the king. 5 to the house of the grand-vizier. 5 to the merchandise which came by ship from Nippur. 5 under Izarik. 1 to carry clay under Lulaniu. 1 to carry clay under Ur J1 Bau. 4 are ill. sunigin 60X2+21 35. zig-ga 24 uru-ta nu-e ud-24-kam itu-ezen- d ne-gun Total: 161 workmen have been sent out ; 24 have not left the city. 24th day of the month Ezen- d N egnn. ANNOTATIONS This document from Telloh is strikingly similar to VA Th 2422, pub- lished by Reisner, Tcmpclurkundcn, No. 173. To this same kind belong also In II ( Inventaire dcs Tablcttcs dc Telloh, Vol. II) 970 and 3503; HLC (Barton, Haverford Library Collection) pi. 92, No. 96; pi. 104, No. 175; pi. 124, No. 268; Nies (Ur Dynasty Tablets) No. 41; CT VII, 47, 17775. It is noteworthy that most of the special expressions and names of objects occurring in this document are found only in other tablets of the same special kind. In the annotations below I have given only the most important variants, leaving out such instances in which the docu- ments agree. For other accurrences of id-ka-lum, in-sar-sar, etc., I simply refer to the tablets above quoted. 1. 11. In II, 970 and 3503 omit gi-il and have e-se-pa(g)-ga XX-a-bi, i.e., “one man for every twenty animals.” The il is a porter. In documents of this same period we find this designation in connection with a number of different things such as TELLOH, YOKHA AND DREHEM 5 plants, li-il, In II, 790; RT 11 ( Reisner , Tempelurkunden ) 146, II, 15, pass.; straw, im-nu-il, RT 11 2, III, 7, pass.; fishes, ga-il, VS XIV, 24, V ; wood, gis-il, present volume, 11, III, 26, etc.; era- wood, gis-ma-nu-ll, In II, 970; Nies, 41; clay, im-il, Thureau-Dangin, Recueil, 173, Obv. ; milk, ga-il, HLC pi. 52, 2,11; flour, zid-il, kal zid-il, HLC pi. 49, No. 19, IV; RT 11 149, Rev.; finally the unknown cereal often mentioned in this group of tablets, in-sar-sar-il, HLC pi. 104, No. 175 Rev. 1 . 12. HLC pi. 92, No. 96, reads: e-gud-gaz e-KA-\-S>U-sd-sahar- d da- gan and e-gud-gaz nibru ki . 1. 14. Lugal-ra-us-sa “second to the king’’, very probably “next to the best quality”, i.e., “second quality”. It must refer to some kind of beverage, because HLC p. 124, No. 268, has the variant has lugal-ra-us- sa. This is also mentioned in 3, III, 14 of the present volume. 1 . 15. HLC pi. 124, No. 268 reads gu-pes esir-ra; In II, 970 and 3593 omit esir. HLC pi. 104, No. 175 reads gu-pes gub-ba. I.16. Phonetic writing. Nig-gu-na = unutu (Br. 12029) ■ G is -kin = kiskattu (SAI 4033). VA Th 2422 adds to this line: gir-su u -ta. 1 . 18. In II, 970 reads: nig-ka-de c-gal “for the beverages in the palace”. In II, 3503 and HLC pi. 104, No. 175 read: nig-ka-de e-gal gub-ba. 1 . 19. Oil was mixed with dates, thus forming a nutricious paste (Cf. Conteneau, Ummd, p. xxxvi). In Reisner s Tempelurkunden (Index! we find the gi-pat id-ka-lum, which is a reed basket used to hold this product. 1 . 20. Zid-gar-ra occurs again in this volume, 2, I, 12. In II, 970 and others omit this line and substitute zid-a-tir. 1. 21. Ga-sar is of difficult interpretation. In III, 5338, not belonging to this group, reads: I kal ud-VIII-su ma-ga-sar gid-da “One laborer, for eight days, assigned to the long ga-Sar- ship”. Since it is not very probable that a “long ship” could be used in a fish-pond, it would appear as if the ga-sar would be something denoting the cargo of the ship. The sar is probably the determinative for “herb, grass” and ga-sar appears to be some vegetation called “fish-grass”. I.22. Reisner’ s Tempelurkunden 121, III, 17; VI, 13, pass, has in-sar, a product which is measured in gurs, probably some kind of cereal. In a list of articles of food (CBS 11082, found in Nippur) in-sar is mentioned, and is immediately followed by in-sar-sar. HLC pi. 104, No. 175 has the variant in-sar-sar-il. 1 . 23. VA Th 2422 after ki adds a-ka-a. 1 . 27. VA Th 2422 omits lugal. 6 SELECTED TEMPLE ACCOUNTS FROM 21 Account of flocks I. 2 udu I Sil 4 uz I mas i mds-ga 5. e ur- d nun-gal 80-lal-i uz e ur- d ba-u-ta 5 udu e ur-mes-ta 31 udu 1 mas 10. e lu- d nin-gir-su-ta sunigin bo+50+7 udu smidgin 1 sil sunigin 6 mas sunigin 1 mds-ga 15. 60 X 2+5 e-udu-bil ba-an-tur 38 udu 6 sil 1 mas e-udu us-gid-da-ta 20. e udu e-gal-ka ba-an-tur 8 mas 6oo-\-6oX g-lal-2 udu 60 +50+7 mas 6oo-\-6oX9-{-40~\~5 e-udu-bil ii e-udu-e-gal 2 sheep, 1 lamb, 4 goats, one kid, 1 sucking-kid from the house of Ur- d Nungal. 79 goats from the house of Ur- d Bau. 5 sheep from the house of Ur-mes. 31 sheep 1 kid from the house of Lu- d Ningirsu. T otal : 1 1 7 udu Total: I lamb Total : 6 kids. Total: 1 sucking-kid (Grand total) 125, which have been brought into the new sheepfold. 38 sheep, 6 lambs 1 kid (which) from the sheepfold of Ush- gidda to the sheep fold of the palace have been brought in. (Grand total) 162 sheep, 8 goats. (In the stables already were) 898 sheep and 1 1 7 kids (Which, with the totals of 1. 21, make) 1 t 85 , (now in) the new sheepfold and in the sheepfold of the palace. ANNOTATIONS L. 5. After ur- d nun-gal we should have expected the postposition ta. This is a scribal error. 1. ir. In this total of 127 udu are also included the 79 uz of 1. 6. Cf. following note. TELLOH, YOKHA AND DREHEM 7 1 . 13. In this total of 6 mas are also included the 4 nz of 1 . 3. This shows the terms employed are not used with a very precise meaning. 1 . 21. The eight mas correspond to the 6 on 1 . 13, plus one mds-ga (1. 14), plus one in 1. 18. 36 1. 5 - 10. 15 - 20. List of offerings for the gods 1 sil d en-[lil ] mu-tum ik-su-. . . . 1 sil d nil-\Ul \ mu-tum na-ah-bi-ir mu 1 sil d utu 1 sil d nin-gar-sag mu-tum KA-\-$U -sa- d IM is 1 sil d ninni mu-tum lii-bal-sag-ga nil- band a 1 sil d na-na-a mu-tum ki-ma-lu nu- banda 1 lamb for d Enlil brought in by Ikshu - .... 1 lamb for d Ninlil brought in by Nahbir, the baker. 1 lamb for the god Shamash, 1 lamb for d N inliarsag , brought in by KA-\-SHU-slia- d IM, the sword carrier. I lamb for d Ninni, brought in by Lu-bal-shagga, the chief. 1 lamb for d Nana, brought in by Kimalu, the chief. 1 sil d nin-gul mu-tum ib-ni-anu nu- banda 1 sil lugal-banda mu-tum nu-ur- d is-tar zabar-ku maskim 16 udu 24 ganam su-gid e-mu mu ukus-e-ne-su arad-mu maskim 1 gud-ba-til e-dub-ba-sii 1 lamb for d Ninhul, brought in by Ibni-Anu, the chief. 1 lamb for Lugal-banda, brought in by Nur-Ishtar. zabar-ku of the messengers. 16 muttons, 24 sheep, have been taken for the kitchen of the delegates. Arad-mu, the messenger. 1 dead ox for the house of the scribes. zig-ga ud-6-kam itu-ki-sig- d nin-a-zu mu ki-mds ki u hu-mur-ti ki ba-gul Expenses of the 6th day of the month Kisig- d N inazu in the year in which Kimash and Hu- murti were devastated. 8 SELECTED TEMPLE ACCOUNTS FROM I. 5 - io. 12 Account of oxen and donkeys ij gud gir pisan-dub-a i? oxen, from the commissary of the ar- chives. 7 gud 1 ansu gir lii-kal-la 7 oxen, 1 donkey from the commissary kii-ta-se-a 27 gud 7 ansu ki dam-gar-ne-ne-ta 2 gud 1 ansu ki 50+5 gud 10-lal-i ansu sa-bi-ta 50 gud 10-lal-i ansu apin-na ba-an-si 1 gud kii-c- d nin-su lal-li 2 gud kit -ad -da sag- tun e d ditmu-zi Lu-kalla. have been bought. 26 oxen, 7 donkeys from the merchants. 2 oxen, 1 donkey from (left in blank). (Total) : 53 oxen and 9 donkeys. F rom these : 50 oxen and 9 donkeys have been given for works of irrigation. 1 ox, to Ku-e- d Ninsu. Surplus, 2 oxen, (with) Ku-adda, the sag-tun officer. (Account of) the temple of d Dumuzi. 15 - 20. 2 5 - 5 gud ki dam-gar-ne-ne-ta 11 gud 10 ansu 1 amar- ansu gir pisan-dub-ba 5 gud gir lii-kal-la kii-ta-se-a 7 gud e-tiir-ta 1 gud kii-e- d dumu-zi-ta 24 gud 10 ansu 1 amar- ansu sa-bi-ta 24 gud 10 gir 1 amar-ansu apin-na ba-an-si c d nin-su 5 oxen from the merchants; ] 1 oxen, 1 donkey, 1 colt of a donkey from the commissary of the archives; 5 oxen, from the commissary Ln-Kalla; have been bought. 7 oxen from the stables, 1 ox from Ku-e- d Dwmizi, (Total) 24 oxen, 10 donkeys, 1 colt of a donkey From these: 25 oxen, 10 donkeys, 1 colt of a donkey have been set apart for the irrigating machine. Temple of d Ninsu. nig-sid-ag gud na-da-tmn c d nin-su ii c d dnmu-zi mn en d ninni mds-e i-pad Account of operations concerning oxen for the temples of d Ninsu and of d Da- mn zi. The year in which the priest of d Ninni was selected through the omens. TELLOH, YOKHA AND DREHEM 9 ANNOTATIONS L. 6. The scribe left in blank the name of the sender. He had prob- ably mislaid his invoice. 1 . 21. One group of five oxen has been omitted in the total. Probably a scribal error. 3i Account of sheep i. i udu-se d mes-lam-ta-e 1 udu Hugal-ni-ra d mna-nsumgal maskim 5. sa unug kl -ga 2 udu-se na-ap-la-lum mar-tu i udu-se ra-si lu zi-da-mt-ki kl io. glr litgal-ka-gi-na arad-mn maskim itu ud-ig basal ki lu- d ra-ta ba-zig 15. itu ses-da-ku mu d gu-za a en-lil-ld ba- dim 1 grain-fed sheep, for d Meslamtae, 1 sheep for d Lugal-nira, d Nina-ushumgal, the messenger from the city of Uruk. 2 grain-fed sheep from Naplalun, the Amorite. 1 grain-fed sheep from Rashi, the man of Zidanu. Lugal-kagina is the commissary, (and) Arad-mn, the messenger. For the month, up to the 15th day, in- clusive. From Lu- d Ra have been given out. In the month Slieshdaku, In the year in which the altar of d Enlil was made. ANNOTATIONS L. 9. Rasi, the man of zi-da-num ki , occurs twice in the tablets from Drehen. Cf. Le grain, Les Temps des Rois d’ Ur, Nos. 305, 6 and 325, 5.6. Zi-da-nu- 1 ' 1 must be a variant of zi-da-num hi . 1. i? Account of the shepherds’ revenues Col. 1 <50+50+2 udu 102 sheep, su-su-tag-ga revenues for the subsistence of the per- sonnel, 10 SELECTED TEMPLE ACCOUNTS FROM mu iir-bil-htm kl ba-gul 60X5+40+5 ganam 5. doXp-djo-Ial-i udu-nita 20+7 stl 1 mas sib-udu-gi-me 6o-\-20-lal-i as 10. 60X4+7 mas-nita 22 mds-sd-dug 5 ganam 5 udu-nita sib uz-me mu ki-mds lci ba-gul 15. su-su sib-ne-ne during the year in which Urbillum was devastated. 345 female sheep, 589 male sheep, 27 lambs, 1 kid, for the shepherds of sheep. 79 goats, 239 male kids, 22 kids for offerings, 5 sheep, 5 rams, for the shepherds of goats, in the year in which Kimash was devas- tated. Revenue of the shepherds. sunigin 600X2+60X5+ 40+2 udu-mds sd-bi-ta 2 1/2 ma-na 5 gin igi-6- gdl 5 1/2 se kn-[babbar ] 20. dub lu- d nin-gir-su damn ni-kal-la 50+7 1/2 ma-na sig dub tu(ku) 1 gun 20+5 ma-na sig Total: 1422 sheep and goats Expenses : 2 1/2 manas, 51/6 shekel and 51/2 she of silver, Receipt of Lu- d Ningirsu , the son of Ni- le alia. 37 1/2 manas of wool, There is a receipt. One talent, 25 manas of wool, 1. dub nu-tu(ku) lu- d nin-gir-su damn arad- mu 50 udu-nita dub-bi-2-dm 5. dub ab-ba-sag-ga 60+4 udu-nita dub-bi-4-dm dub ur- d ka-di damn e-ki- gal-la 4 ganam 5 sal-sil 10. / udu-gal 21 udu-nita Col. 2 There is no receipt. Lu- d Ningirsu, the son of Arad-mu, 30 rams There are two receipts, receipts of Abba-shagga. 64 rams, there are four receipts, receipts of Ur- d Kadi, the son of E-ki- galla, 4 sheep, 5 she-lambs, 1 ram, 21 male sheep. TELLOH, YOKHA AND DREHEM I I dub-bi-2-dm dub lugal-u-sim-e duwm na-ni-mu 15 - io. There are two receipts, receipts of Lugal-ushime , the son of Nanimu. 10 udu dub ur-nies gir-gir kl 20 udu dub ur-bad-dur-ra sib-ne sag-a a-ka-a ga-ga 10 sheep, receipt of Ur-mes from Girgir. 20 sheep, receipt of Ur-bad-durra; for the hog raisers are placed at disposal. Col. 6 nig-sid-ag Account of operations sti-sii sib-udu-gi concerning the revenues of the shepherds of sheep, u sib-us-[ne]-ne and of the shepherds of goats, gir-su lcl -ta (going) from the city of Girsu GU-AB-BA ki -su to the city of Cutha, ur- d lama> Ur- lama pa-te-si is the ruler. mu ki-mds u ba-gul In the year in which Kimash was devas- tatecl. ANNOTATIONS Col. I, 1 . 2. Cf. Legrain, ibid., pp. 26-27. Col. 1 , 1 . 19. Instead of ku-babbar the tablet has only ku. Rather than an abbreviation, this must be considered a scribal error. 28 Account of the seed required for different fields 1 +1/3X 1/8X3+ 1 / 7 2 gun 1 ( gur) -f- 2 ( pi) -j- 10 (ka) se-gur-lugal-ta 1/3+1/18X3 g an gig i(gur)-ta 10+2+1/3+1/18X2+1/32 gan bal-a 1 (gur)+2(pi)+3o(ka)-ia 1+1/3+1/18X4 gan bal-e i(gur)-ta 30+2 gur a lu-gun-ga a-sd NAG-DUL 5. 10X3+1 gan 1 (gur) +2 ( pi) +30 ( ka) -ta. 2+1/18X3 9 & n bal-a i(gur)+2(pi)+3o(ka)-ta a-sa sal-li 10. 3+1/3X2+1/18X4 gan i(gur)+2(pi)+3o(ka)-ta 1/13X4 gan ZIZ 1 (gur) +2 (pi) +3o(ka)-ta SELECTED TEMPLE ACCOUNTS FROM 12 r/ 18X2 gan gig 1 (gur)-ta / / j-f- 1 /8X2 gan bat-a 1 ( gnr )+!) -fjo ( lea ) -ta a-sa e-ad-da Col. 4 (bottom) ntg-sid-ag se-numnn gar-gad 10. a lu-gun-ga u se-amar PA sangu a nin-gis -si-da nr A lama pa-te-si 15. mu gan-gaP' a-ra III-kam-ma ba-gnl X gan, plus 1/3, plus 3/18, plus 1/72 of a gan (of field) the seed for which amounts to 1 gnr, 2 pi. and 30 /^-measures of barley of the first quality for every gan of field: 1/8 plus 3/18 of a gan of field, (the seed for which) is one gnr of wheat for every gan;, . . . Account of operations concerning the barley used for seed, for the farmers, for the hired men, and feeding the young oxen. Overseer is tlie priest of the goddess Nin-gisJi-sida. Ur-'Lama ■ is the ruler. Dated in the year in which Ganhar was devastated for the third time. ANNOTATIONS Col. IV, 1 . 9. Cf. Legrain, Lcs Temps, p. 18. 29 Account of expenses Col. 1 si-ni-i b n ig-sid -ag 24 gnr lei ad -da-mu damn sangu- ta 3. 2(gur)-\-i(pi)-gur lei lu-dug-ga nu-banda- gnd-ta / ? ( gnr) A~ 2 ( pi ) -gnr a-ra- r -lea in 52 {gnr ) + T2(ka)-gur to. 1 ( pi) A- T$(fea) gu-gal Report from the preceding year. 24 gnr from Addamn, the son of the priest. 2 gnr and 1 pi from Lu-dugga. the chief of cultivation. 13 gnr and 2 pi for once : 52 gnr and 12 lea t pi and 15 lea of large millet TELJLOH, YOKHA AND DREHEM 13 a-rd-2-kam ki gir- d ba-u i-ku-ta 6o+54(gur) +2 {pi) +30 (ka)-gur a-rd-i-kam 15. 23{gur)+2{pi)+io{ka) -gur a-rd-2-kam ki ur- d nind gu-za-ld-ta twice from Gir- d Bau, the officer who takes in charge. 1 14 gur, 2 pi and 30 ka for once ; 23 gur, 2 pi and 10 ka twice ; from Ur- d Nina , the guzalu- officer. sunigin i(pi)-\-22 1/2 ka gu-gal sunigin 600+60X8+28 1/2 geme-ud-i-su zig-ga-am 5. sunigin 60+ 40+6 (gur) + 17 1/2 (ka)-se-gur sunigin 60X7+30 g eme- nd- i-su a-ka-a gd-gd zig-ga dirig 71/2 ka gu-gal 10. lal-li 60X2+ 3+8 {ka) + 10 gin se-gur nig-sid-ag lu-URU+GAN kl dumu mi-na-ar-ni itn gdn-mds mu bad ma-da ba-du-ta 15. itu se-gur-kud mu us-sa c-KA+SU-sa- sagar- d da-gau ba-dii-su itu 11 i-gal mu 8-karn Col. 6 Total : 1 pi and 22 1/2 ka of large mil- let. Total: 1108 1/2 days of work of the women, have been paid. Total: 106 gur, 17 1/2 ka of barley Total : 450 days of work of the women have been reclaimed. (and) paid out. Deficit: 7 1/2 ka of large millet For pay: 123 gur, 8 ka and 10 shekels of barley Account of operations of Lu-URU+GAN, the son of Minarni. From the month of Gan-mash of the year in which the wall of the land was built to the month She-gur-kud of the year in which the temple E-ba-sha- sahar- d da-gan was built that is 1 1 months and eight years. ANNOTATIONS Col. I, 1 . 17. The gusalu is generally supposed to be a throne bearer. Often translated “leader”. LIST OF PERSONAL NAMES a-ab-ba-mu i. 8, VII, 12. a-ba-da-dif-a i. f. of ama-kilulla, io, X, 14. a-ba-uru 1. f. of gudea, 7, VII, 19. *a-ba-zu 8. 14. HI. 6; 16, II, 1 7. ab-ba-azag-zu 1. 25. II, 16. ab-ba-gi-na 1. 11, III, 24; 23, IV, 13. ab-ba-gu-la 1. 6, XV, 7; XVII, 2. ab-ba-kal-la 1. s. of ku- d nina, 19, I, 12. 2. 27, II, 18. ab-ba-mu 1. *ngrar, 33, 12. 2. PA, 19, IV, 6. ab-ba-na 1. 15, II, 13; 25, II, 19. ab-ba-sag-ga 1. 13, 11 ; 17, II, 5; 19. 2 - *a- d ba-u-ta 1. d. of nin-melam, 4. Ill, 6. a-zvi-lmn 1. 29, II, 13. *a-bi-nin-seg 1. 10, VII, 19. a-bu-ni 1 . 3, V, 8. ab-za - .... 1. s. of nuhilv.m, 10, IV, 3. *a-da-ga 1. m. of nin-alla, 6, I, 2. a-da-si-in 1. f. of am , 10, VIII, 18. ad-da 1. sag-tun , 12, 12; 24, I, 18; 24, III, 19. 2. PA, 35, 25. 3. 24, 1, 8; 28, 1, 14. ad-da-mu 1. 29, I. 4. aga-sd-azag-gi 1. 25, III, 4 - a-gu 1. 3, IV, 20; 23, IV, 8; V, 3. *a-gub-ba 1. 14, I, 1 1 ; 15, II, 5 ; 16, I, 8. a-gu-du 1. 11, II, 15- a-gu-gal-ni 1. 10, VII, 22. *a-ha-ti 1. 16, III, 13. a-hu-a 1. s. of lu-dugga, 7, II, 10. 2. gir, 7, VIII, 7. a-hu-um-anum 1. nu-banda, 4, VIII, 3. a-kal-la 1. s. of lu-sig, 5, V, 9. 2. askap, 23, V, 8. 3. nut; 3, IV, 5 ; 30, 26. 4. nu-banda, 5, V, 12; 8, X, II. 14 TELLOH, YOKHA AND DREHEM 15 5. PA, 35, II. 6. ro, IV, 21 ; 19, II, 3. al-ba-i-dug 1, gvr, 3, I, 9. al-la 1. 19, II, 7; 25, II, 4.11. * al-la-sar-ru-um, " al-la-sa-ru-um 1. 15, IV, 3; 16, III, 14. al-su-ga 1. gir, 27, I, 9. *ama-gi-na 1. 15, IV, 4; 16, IV, 15. *ama-kalam-ma 1. 14. Ill, 5 ; 16, II, 16. *ama-kal-la 1. d. of nin-seg, 10, I, 5. 2. 4, III, 9; 14, I, 13; II, 13.14; 15, III, 7; IV, 8; 16, I, 10; II, 3.4; HI. 10; IV, 19. * ama-ki-lul-la 1. d. of aba-dadia, 10, X, 13. *ama-mu 1. 6, IV, 7. *ama-nin-AN 1. 29, IV, 5. *ama-sub-e (wr. ama-U DA- GUN U-e) 1. 16, IV, 6. *ama~sa-ra 1. 10, II, 7. *ama-su-gal-bi 1. ro, II, 7. *ama-tu 1. 4, III, 28; ro, I, 7. * ama-tii-da-a-ni 1. 6, XV, 2. *ama-zi-mu r. ro, IX, 25. d amar- d sin r. lugal, 4, VIII, 6; 5, I, 3.8; V, 3 r ; VIII, 7; rr, IV, 4; r8, IV, 22; 27, VIII, ro. a mar -iub a r. nu-banda, 7, III, ro. an-a-dag r. 25, IV, 8. *an-sig r. r6, III, r8. an-sub-zi r. 23, IV, 22. an- sag- g a r. dub-sar, 7, VI, r5_ a-ni-i' r. s. of adasin, ro, VIII, r7 *an-dul-da r. r6, IV, r2. an-dul-lt r. 32, II, 6. an-na-ge-li-bi r. 3, V, 2r. an-ni-si r. ro, I, 22; XI, 2r. an-ni-zu r. 25, V, 5. anu-ma-ba-[li-it ] r. 32, II, 4. arad-gu-la r. 3, III, 2. arad-me-me r. 25, I, 10. arad-mu r. f. of lu- d ningirsu, r 7, II, 2. 2. P/I maskim. 3r, t2; 36, 21. arad-zu r. raw, ro, IX, rr. ar-si-ihf-lum r. gir, ro, III, 22. *a-si-si r. ro, I, 8. (6 SELECTED TEMPLE ACCOUNTS FROM asnan-zi-nm i. 14. HI, 3; 16, II, 14 a-tu 1. f. of ur- d kal, 7, III, 20. 2. f. of urri-badu and lu-bal- sagga, 20, II, 19. 3. s. of itr-gar-dug , J, I, 24. 4. dub-sar, 7, I, 9. 5. 20, II. 15:24. I, 12.15.22. azag-ga-ni 1. 1 , HI. 32; 3. I, 20; IV, 29. azag-sig t. f. of lu- d ra, 2, V, 3 * b a- DUL- T A - D U -NE 1. d. of nin-dim-aba-dim, 4, IIT, 22. *ba-a-ldg 1. 16. IV, 17. ba-a-sig 1. ( 5. II. 3 1 . *ba-ba 1. 15. IV, 13. ba-ba-ti 3. 3, V. I2.TN. bad-bdd-da T. 30 , III, 4. bar -an (cf. bar-ra-an ) 1. gir, 7. VIII. 20; LX. 35 ba-ra-c-ne (cf. bar-ra-e-e ) 1. 25. I. 6. bar-ra-an 1. f. of ur-giqir , 2, IV, 8; 5. IV, 15. ' * bar-ra-e-e 3. 34, II, 19; 16, II, 9. * d ba-ii-ama 3. 30, I, 15. * d ba-u-azag-zu 1 . m. of geme- d nin-banda and ur-minmn-dugga, 4, II, 26. z. 113. of nin-ezen, 10, VI, 10. 3. d. of geme-aga, io, IX, 3 0. * d ba-u-a-zu i. d. of geme-nun-sabar, 4, I, 16^ * d ba-u-da-nu-nie-a i. s. of gala- d bau, 4, II, 22. * d ba-u-di-kud 3. d. of siuidd. 4, III, 12. d ba-u-ge-gal 3. 19, III, 35. * d ba-u-ib-gu 1. m. of nigga- d sin, 4, I, 20. 2. d. of nin-naungani , 4, III, 17 - * d ba-ii-ib-gu-UL 1. m. of dugga-izi , 4, III, 5. 2. ni. of nin-d-md, sara- d bau and geme-ki. ... 4, 1, 9. a ba-u-i-zu 3. IO, VII, 23. * d ba-u-usum-gal 3. d. of nana. 3 0. VI, 3 2. * d ba-u-ta-lu 3. 30, XII, 23. * d ba-u-zi-mu 3. 30, XI, 28. ba-zi-gi 1. 25. III. 7; 32. II, 8. da-a-ga 3 . 3. V, 4. da-da t. gir, 30, XII, 9. 2. 8, X, 2; 30, V, 5; 25, I, 9. TELLOH, YOKHA AND DREHEM da-da-ga I. 2 , IV, 19. da- din (= tad in) I- gir, 3, III, 28. dam-dim i. 15, I, 13. * da-mu-gi-na 1. 20, I, 7. *da-mu-ge-gal 1 mu. of lu-ekarriandgeme- gestardu, 6, II, 8. * da-mu-ma-an-gi 1. d. of mn-ra-mugi, 6, XI, 6 . du-azag-ga (wr. DU L-azag-ga) 1. 22, II, 10. du-du 1 25, I, 17. dug-ga-lal-bi 1. 10, XII, 6. *dng-ga-i-zi 1. d. of d bau-ibgul, 4, III, 4 dug-ga-zi-da t. 24, I, 5 ; III, 17. d dumu-zi-da 1. nu-banda, 8, IX, 25. U dun-gi-a( sic ! ) -zi-da 1. gir-nita, 8, V, 28. aun-ka-gi-du 1. 25, i. 23; II, 3. e-dur-diig 1 10, V, 14. e-gal-e-si r. s. of en-e-a-na-kit, 10, II. 13 - e-gis-ge 1. f. of uru-i-tus, 4, II, ^ e-id-Ut-sa 1. 25, IV, 15. l 7 e-ki-gcd-la 1. f. of ur- d kadi , 17, II, 8 in-e-a-na-kit 1. f. of egal-esi, 10, II, 12. engar-zi 1. 25, I, 4. en-U M-i-li [. 32, II, 5. *en-zi 1. 14, II, 18; 1 5, III. 13 ; id, II, 8. *e-ta-nni-zu 1. 14, II, id ; 16, 1 1 . h. e-zi- mu 1. 29, II, 12. “gdl-alim-. . . . i. 20, II, 21. *gai-gi [. 15, III, 1. *gal-za-gin 1. 6, II, 16. gar-gestin 1. f. of nin-a-kani, ro, X.I, VS *gnne-ab-ba 1. 6, X, 6. *gnne-d~. . . . 1. m of nin-urrani, 10, XI, 20. * geme-aga r. m. of d bau-azagga. 10, IX, 9 - '*gevu’- d a-hi 1. nu-gis-sar, 14, I, 14; id, I, 11 * qeme- d aniar- d sin 1. d. X, 4. *gnne-an 1. id. Ill, 28 SELECTED TEMPLE ACCOUNTS FROM *geme-an-dul i. io, IV, 24. *geme-a-su 1. 14, II, 20; 16, II, 10. *ge'me-ba-bi r. d. of lugal-sala, 10, VIII, ! 3 - * geme-bar 1. m. of geme- d kal, 10, V, 17. *geine-bar-si-ga 1. m. of geme-narua, 6, XIII, 2. 2. d. of geme- d kal, 6, II, 3.6. 3. d. of lu-udunna, 6, IV, 5. 4. d. of nin-kagina, 6, XIV, 5 - 5. d. of sara-mubalit , 10, X, 21. *ge'me- d ba-u 1. m. of nin-dikud, 4, II, 28. 2. m. of nin-pae, 4, II, 20. 3. d. of ku- 4 bau, 4, I, 22. 4. d. of sunamugi, 10, II, [9. 5. 6, VI, 16. * genie -bur-sag r. d. of kudda, 10, II, 9. *geme-dim-azag-ga 1. 111. of igidub-zilul, ro, X, 24. 2. d. of nin-gegal, 6, V, 15. *gehie-d nmu-ni-su 1. m. of sara-tngu, 4, III, 15. *geme jl dumu-zi-da, " ge'me-dn- mu-zi 1. d. of geme- a nin-su, "10, I, 17 - 2. 15, IV, 11 ; 16, III, 11. *geme- d dun-gi 1. ni. of geme- d kal, 6, V, 6. *geme- d dun-pa-e 1. 10, XI, 9 ;VIII, 6; 14, H, 4; 16, I, 17. * genie -du b-p is an 1. 111. of gudubi, ninmusu- igimu, and geme- d narua, 6, V, 7. *geme-e-kar-ri 1. 6, IV, 9. * genie-' 1 en-ki 1. 14, II, 10; 15, II, 2; III, 14; 16, I, 21. *geme-gd-ni 1. 6, III, 8. * geme-gan-mas 1. d. of une, 6, IV, 1. *geme-ges-tar-du 1. m. of nin-kalla, 10, XII, 2. 2. m. of geme-’kal and sara- d bau, 4, I, 32. 3. d. of damu-gegal, 6, I, 15 ; II, 10. 4. d. of geme- d nanna, 6 , XIII, 6. 5. d. of nin-azagzu, 6, XII, 8 . 6. 6, I, 14; IV, 16. * q emerges tin -an-ka f 6, V, 5. * genie- ges t it i-a n-nn 1. 10, V, 13. * geme-gis-gigir 1. 15, I, 4. *geme- d IM 1. m. of geme- d negnn, 5, V, 32 . 2. 10, XI, 24. *geme-i-li-su 1,. 6, XI, 7. TELLOH, YOKHA AND DREHEM *geme- d KA-DI i. 19, i, 24. *geine- d KAL 1. m, of geme-barsiga, 6, II, 2. 2. m. of ga- d bau and nin- sag-e, 4, II, 12. 3. m. of nin-ezen, 6, XII, 5. 4. m. of nin-sagab, 6, XII, 12. 5. d. of geme-bar, 10, V, 19. 6. d. of geme- d dungi, 6, V, 7. 7. d. of geme-gigir, 4, I, 30. 8. d. of geme-sadug, 10, X, 31- 9. d.of nin-enizu, 4, III, 24; 6, VII, 10. ^ 10. 4, I, 21 ; 10, VII, 5.17. *geme-ki-azag-ga 1. 15, IV, 10. * ge'me-ki-guf-la 1. d. of d bau-ibgnl, 4, I, 8. *ge'me-kisal-gdl 1. 16, III, 15. *geme-lugal , i- 6, I, 4.8; 14, II, 6. * geme-ma-ma 1. m. of nin-urunisu, 4, II, 3 2 - * ge'me- d ma-mi 1. 14, I, 5; 15, I, 12; 16, I, 3- *geme- d nanna 1. m. of geme-gestardu , 6, XIII, 5. 2. 15, IV, 17. *geme- d na -ru-a 1. m. of ur-dub-pisan, and igi-su-su, 6, VI, ir, E9 2. d. of geme-dub-pisan, 6, VI, 6. 3. d. of nin-barsiga, 6, XIII, 3- 4. d. of nin-kagina, 6, II, 13. 5. 6, I, 1 1 ; XI, 3 ; XV , 5. *geme- d ne-gnn 1. d. of geme- d IM , 5, V, 32. 2. 6, III, 12; IV, 11 ; XI, 2; 15, I, 8; IV, 1. *geine- d nin-a-ga-de ? 1. m. of nin-enizu , 10, I, 21. 2. 6, VI, 10. *ge'me- d nin-ban-da 1. d. of d bau-azagzu, 4, II, 24. * genie -'n in-n 1 ar lct 1. d. of inim- d bau-ibgul, 4, II, 17. *geme- d nin-su (wr, genie-' nin- D AR-A ) 1. m. of geme- d dumuzi, 10, I, 18. *geme- d nin-ur-ra 1. 14, I, 4; II, 8 ; III, 10; 1 5, I, 3.5; III, 12.17; if>, II, 20; III, 23. *geme- d nin-zodim 1. 6, VII, 12; 10, III, 1 ^ genie -nun -s a -bar 1. m. of nin-us-sud, d bau-azu and nin-kaba-nutugu, 4, I, 18. *geme-pu-sag 1. m. of kur-girnisu, 6, XII, 10. 2. 6, I, ro( ?) . *geme- d ra 1. 6, III, 15. 20 SELECTED TEMPLE ACCOUNTS FROM *gevie-sd-dug 1. m. of gcme- d kal, 10, X, 32. 2. d. of nin-kagina, 10, X, 25. *geme- d sig i. 15, III, 6. * qeme-si-qar 1. 6, III, 4. *ge'me- d sin 1. m. of nin-ezen, 6, VII, 13. 2. m, of nin-kagina, 6 , XI, ro. 3. 6. I. 9; 10. IX, 19 ;X, 15; 15, IV, 16; IV, 8.13. ‘ *geme- d sara 1. ni-du, 15, II, 3 ; 16, IV, T. 2. 14, I, IO; l6, I, 7. *ge nie- d sa- us-sd , i- io, X, 34. *ge'me-su-zti 1. i6,III,8. *ge'me-tar-lug 1. 16, III, 2. *ge'me-titr-ga r. 16, II, ii. ge'me-uku-U I. TO, II, TO. *gcme-uru ki 1. d. of nin-usim, 4, II, 5. 2. d. of ug-dm, 4. II, 15. *ge'me-ii-sam f i- 6. XIII. 4; XIV, 6. *gc'me-its-sud-da, "gcme-us-gid-da 1. m. of nin-me-abta, 10, VI, T 7- 2. "4, III. 29; 6, III, 5. * gemc^utu 1. m. of Iu- d nartia, 6, IV, 3. 2. d. of sag- d bau-tugu, 4, III, 2 7 - 3. d. of zdnbi, 6, V, 13. 4. 16, III, 6. gir- d ba-ii-i-tus 1. f. of lu-um ki . 4, I, 25. 2. 29, I, 12 ;V, 19. *gir- d nina-i-tus 1 . m. of nam-geme- d bau-idug , 4, n, 4. gub-ba-l-dug 1. 25, IV, 6. gii-de 1. darn-gar, 10, V, 20. gu-de-a, " d gu-de-a 1. s. of aba-iiru , 7. VI, 19. 2. s. of nin- 7, IV, 12. 3. gir, io, XI. 17. 4 . patcsi, "8, XI. 5; XII, 8. 5. 17, III. 5. *gu-du-bi 1. d. ol gcnie-dub-pisan, 6, VI. 4. gu-lul 1. 4, I, 10. *gu-za-na 1. 6. VI. 8. gu-za-ni 1. PA, 4. Ill, 19 ; V III, 2. hu-tm-wa 1. dam-gar, 10. V, 4. 2. gir, 2, I. 19; 10, V, 7; 11, I, 22. 3. ka-hi-dii, 8. IX, 3. 4- 3 , II, 6. ga-ba-gi-zi 1. 20, I, 10. ga-ba-lul-lil 1. 25, IV, 22. *ga- d ba-u 1. d. of geme- d kal, 4, II, 10. TELL OH, YOKHA AND DREHEM 21 *ga-la- d ba-u 1. m. of ur- d bau and d bau- danumea, 4, II, 23, 2. d. of nin- d kal, 10, X, 28. ib-da-ka 1. M-dit , 7, VII, 1. d i-ibi- d sin 1. htgal, 14, IV, 7; 16, IV, 25- ib-ni-anum I. nu-ban da. 36, 13. igi-ba-bi-su 1. 25, III. 18. *igi- d ba-u-su 1. m. of nin-enizu, 4, III, 3. IGl-DUP-zi-lnl 1. d. of genie -dim-amgga . 10, X, 23, IGI -f KAR-ge'me 1 . s. of sabala, 3,- IV, 1 1. igi-la 1. 23, III. 25. *igi-sag-sag 1. 15, IV. 12 ; 16, IV, 18 *igi-su-am 1. 16, II, 22. Hgi-TUR-TUR 1. m. of nig-sd-te, 4, II, 30. igi-zu-bar-ra \ . nu-banda, 30, 8. il-ki-ib-ri 1. 10, V, 11, ilu-ma 1. f. of nin-dm, 10, I, t;. ' 2. 5, IV, 21 *im-marsi 1. 6, II, 4; 10, IX, 26 *inim- d ba-u-ib-gu • U L 1. m. of geme- d nin-mar ki , 4, 11, 18. *inim- d sara 1. 3, II, 7. in-sag-sag 1. 5, V, 6. id-pa-e i. 2, IV, 23. *is-tdr-iim-mi 1. m. of nin-IGI -f DUP-zi, 14, I, 3; 16, I, 2. i-ta-e-a 1. 18, III. 19. i-za-n-ik 1. 30. 30. kab-da 1. 10, XIV, 2. ka-gi-du 1. 25, IV, 14. ka-gu 1. 10. IV, 10. ka-ka 1. nu-banda , 7, HI, 12. d KA L-si-du I- 4- n, 33, d VH L-ri-silim-mu 1. f. of sara- d bau and s. of d KA L -ri-silim-nm ( sic ! ) , 4, I, 11. 2. f. of d KAL-ri-silimmu, 4, T, 12. ka-tar 1. 22, I, 8. KA+$ 0 -sd- d IM i- 36, 7 - ki-dug-ma-an-gi i. 1,111.37. ki-dur-lu 1 . nu-banda, 36, 1 1 *ki-el 1. iq, IV. 6. 22 SELECTED TEMPLE ACCOUNTS FROM *ki-tut-la I. 2 5> IV, 17. *ki-sa-ra 1. 10, XII, 19. *ku- d ba-u 1. m. of geme- d bau, 4, I, 23. 2. d of ses-e-magi, 4, IV, 3. ku- d nina 1. f. of abba-kalla, 19, I, 12. * kit - d n in -itr-ra i- 3, I. 3i- k ltd -da 1. sii-ga, f. of geme-bursag, 10, II, 8. ku-li 1. s. of lu- d utu, 24, II, x; III, 22. 2. gir, 3, II, 23. 3- 25, IV, 24. * kur-gir-ni-su 1. d. of geme-pu-sag , 6, XII, 11. la-a-mu 1. gir, 11, I, 18. *la-ba-an-si 1. 16, II, 23. *lal-la 1. 6, IV, 8; XIV, 2; 10, V. 23 - *la-ni I. 15, II, 1 ; 16, IV, 3. lu- d . ... 1. s. of bata-sagga, 4, IV, 9. lu-aga 1. 10, II, 15 ; 25, I, 14; IV, 1 1. lu-asncm 1. sag-tun, 8, VI, 27. lu-bal-sag-ga 1. s. of atu, 29, II, 18. 2. nu-banda, 8, X, 13; 36, 9. lu-ba-u 1. f. of ses-kalla, 20, II, 11. 2. PA, 20, IV, 5. 3. 8, XI, 15.25; 19, I, 8; 20, II, 5; 25, IV, 16. lu-dug-ga 1. f. of ahua, 7, II, 10. 2. nu-banda-gud, 29, I, 6, lu- d dumu-zi 1. PA, 30, 4. 2. 10, III, 2. / u- d dun-gi-ra, "lu- d dun-gi 1. s. of higal-me, " 8 , V, 4. 2- 3 - I. 13 - lu-e-kar-ri 1. s. of damu-gegal, 6, II, 9. lu- d en-Ul-la 1. 1, I, 17; 3, IV, 28; 22, III, 20. lu-'gdl-alim 1. s. of nin-enizu, 4, III, 25. lu-gi-na 1. s. of ur- d nintu, 24, II, 18. 2. 25, II, 18. lu- d gis-gigir 1. s. of ur- d kal, 19, II, 10. I u-hu-uh-nu-ri kl 1 • 3, V, 6. lu- d ga-zal 1. 1, III, 27. lu-ge-gal 1. gir, 5, I, 23. 2. 5, VI, 3. lu-igi-ma-dim-ma 1. f. of geme-barsiga, 6, IV, 6 . / u- d igi-zi-bar-ra 1. P. 4 , 24, III, 18. lu-kal-la 1. gir, ir, IV, 3; 12, 2. 2. su-ga, 10, X, 16 TELLOH, YOKHA AND DREHEM 23 3. i, IV, 7; 2, III, 21; 3, IV, 12.35; 5> IV > 8; 9, I, 6; II, 9; 12, 17; 22, III, 23-25; 23, III, 20; V, 15; 25, II, 7. lu-ka-ni 1. 10, IV, 7;XII, 20. lu-lug-an-ka i- 3. V, 7. In -me -lam 1. nu-banda ma-gal-gal, 10, IV, 16. 2. 10, X, 2. lu- d nanna 1. PA, 33, 9. lu- d na-ru-a 1. s. of geme- d utu, 6, IV, 4. 2. 10, XI, 10. 3. su-ga, 10, IV, 13. lu- d ne-gun 1. s. of nin-sagab, 6, I, 16. lii- d nina 1. f. of lu- d ningirsu, 7, VII, 18. 2. 19, II, 9. lu- d nin-gir-su, 1. f. of ur- d bau, 7, VII, 12. 2. s. of arad-mu, 17, II, 2. 3. s. of lu- d nina, 7, VII, 17. 4. s. of lugal-melam, 19, III, 6. 5. s. of lul-a, 7, III, 5. 6. s. of nikalla, 17, I, 19 ;V, 19. 7. s. of nin-ganagam, 4, II, 8 . 8. dam-gar, 10, XII, 24. 9. PA, 25, III, 2. 10. pisan-dub-ba, 7, III, 28. 11. 10, XII, 25; 19, I, 18; III 20; 20, I, 3 ; 21, 10. lu- d ninni 1. 22, I, 8. lu- d nin-subur 1. glr, 7, VII, 8. 2. 2, II, 13; 6, XV, 6; 7, I, 17; 19, I, 16; 20, I, 12.16; 25, II, 17; 26, I, 17; HI, 6; IV, 3; 34, III, 11. Ui-pdd-da 1. 24, III, 9. lu- d ra, "lu-ra 1. f. of nin-usime, 10, IX, 14. 2. s. of azag-sig, 2, V, 1. 3. s. of higal-barabe, 8, IX, 9- 4. sabra, 3, I, 16, "IV, 33. 5. dub-sar zi-da, 2, VI, 5. 6. 2, II, 23; III, 16; 13, 6; 2 5> n, 9; 31, 13. lu~ d sag 1. 25, III, j6. lii-sig 1. f. of akalla, 5, V, 9. 2. f. of ses-kalla, 20, II, 9. 3- 3. HI, 5. lii - d sin 1. f. of ndrnu, 10, X, 6. lu-sag-ga 1. dub-sar, 8, IX, 11. 2. gu-za-la, 10, IV, 23. lu-sag-i-zu 1. 3, I, 25; 5, IV, 24. lu- d sara 1. dub-sar, 8, IX, 6. 2..engar, 33, 6. SELECTED TEMPLE ACCOUNTS FROM 24 3. gir, 3, 111, 12. 4- 5> V, 3. lu - d sub nr (sic!) 1. 3, IV, 1 7. lu- d diir-an-ka 1. 3, in, 17. lu-uras 1. 25, IV, 19. lu-uras-gal r- 3- IV, 34- lu-anug kl 1. PA, 35, 9. lu-uru' cl [. s. of gir- d bau-itus, 4. I, 24. 2. s. of minarni, 29, VI, 12. 3. to, XI, 29; 25, III, 15. lu- d utu 1. f. of knli, 24, II, 1 ; III, 22 . 2. nu-banda, 30, 6. 3. P/I, 24, II, 6; III, 6.25. 4. 25, IV, 5; 32, I, 84. lu-zi-da 1. nu-ki-ki, 31, 9. Ingal (sic!) 1. f. of nabiAdnngi, 8, V, 15. lugal-ab-ba [.24, I, 20; III, 20. lugal-amar-asag 1. 19, I, 14; 20, II, 7. lugal-azag-zu [. gir, 2, II, 5. lugal-d-zi-da, "lugal-d-zi-da-e 1. "8, VII, 1; 20, I, 1 9. litgal-ba-ra-ab-e r. f. of lu- d ra, 8, IX, 10. lugal-da-da [. gala-mag, 8, XII, 15. tugal-diir-dug r. 25, IV, 13. lugal-e-mag-e 1. 2, IV, 26; 5, IV, 12. lugal-engar-zi 1. 25, I, 7. Ingal-erim 1. 9, II, 22. lugal-ezcn 1 . s. of c-gis-gc, 4, I, 33. 2. 5, I, 1 7. lugal-EZEN + .4 r. 6, XIV, 3. lugal-gis-DU 1. 20, II, 3. lugal-gis-gigir 1. 14, III, 8; 16, II. 18. lugal-gu-gal 1. 26, VI, 12. lugal-gc-gdl 1. s. of nin-bargisi, 6, III, 7. liigal-im-gig-{gn ) r. 10, VT, 9. lugal-itu-da 1. 11, III, 24. htgal-ka l 3. HI, 19. lugal-ka-gi-na 1. s. of nin-kagina , 6, II, 14. 2. gir, 2, I, 16. 3. lug, 31. 10. 4. 25, IIT, 17. lugal-kas 1. sil-ga, 10, X, 10. lugal-ki-ag 1. PA, 10, XI, 5. lugal-kisal 1. lid-KU, 7, I, 21. lugal-lii-dug 1. 20, I, 17. TELLOH, YOKHA AND DREHEM 25 In gal -l it - sag -sag 1. gir, 10, V, 1.22; X, 4; XI, 27. Ingal-ma-gur-ri 1. 16. IV, 19. lugal-md-ni-gi 1. 25, II, 1. lugal-me 1. f. of lu- d dungi, 8, V, 5. lugal-mc-ldm 1. f. of nr- d ningirsn, 19, III, 7- 2. 9, I, 19; 19, III, 4. lugal-nig-si-c 1. 2, III, 24; 5, V, 15; 22, II, 16. lugal-nir-gbl 1. engar, 33, 2. lugal- d sag 1. us-bar, 10, I, 14. lugal-sag-bi-gid-da 1. 2, II, 12. lugal-sag-tun 1. f. of uadi, 10, X, 8. lugal-sa-ld 1. engar, f. of geme-babi, 10, VIII, 14. lugal-su-numun 1. 1, XI, 24. lugal-til-la-e 1. 25, I, 13.22. htgal-its-. . . . 1'. 32. II, 9. lugal- d utn 1. 25. I, 5. lugal-nru-da 1. 6, XVII. 4: 25. IV, 20; v, 3; 35. 6.15. lugal-u-sim-e , "lugal-d-sim 1. s. of nanimu, 17, II, 12. 2. s. of nin-mu, "4, II, 13. 3. 13, 12; 19, III, 21. lugal-usuni-gal 1. f. of d utu-sagga, 20, I, 1. iugal-zag-gi-si 1. 25, III, 3.12. lug-sa-. . . . 1. 20, II, 20. ltd -a t. f. of lu- d ningirsu, 7, III, 6. hd-a-mu 1. nu-gis-sar, 11, I, 11. 2. 30, 31. * Inl-la 1. cl. of alia, 6 , I, 3. In-mu 1. ( lu) -mb- gal-gal , ro, IV, ii. lu-sa-lim 1. 8, IX, 22. ma-a-du 1. m. of nin-lagani, 10, VII, 16. ma-an-gu-du 1. 10, III, 3. md-gur-ri 1. f. of nisagga, 10, III, 19. mas-gu-la 1. 25, II, 15. *mas-tur 1. 16, IV, 4. mc-sag 1. 10, VI, 21. mi-na-ar-ni 1. f. of lu-urb k \ 29, VI, 12. mir-ra-kam 1. 25, III, 10. mu-kal-la 1. 10, XI, 8. 26 SELECTED TEMPLE ACCOUNTS FROM na-ah-bi-ir i. 36,4. *na-a-mu 1. 6 , XV, 3; 10, X, 5. ■na-an-na 1. 14, II, 9; 15, 1, 2 ; II, 1 2 ; 1 6, I, 20. na-ap-la-lnm 1. amurru, 31, 7, na-ba-say 1. f. of ur-'bau, 7, I, 23. .2. f. of ur-'nina, 18. Ill, 11. 3. PA, 30, 5. 4. 7, I, 3; 25, IV, 25. na-bi- d dun-gi 1. s. of Iiigal, 8, V, 15. na-di 1. yyir, s. of lugal-sagtun, 10, X, 8. * na-di-is-tum 1. 3, IIL25. *nam-gcme- d ba-ii-i-dug 1. d. of glr- d nina-itus , 4, II, 3- nam-ga-ni 1. 8, VII, 7; 24, II, 5.9. nam-mog ?-ni 1. 6, I, 5. nam-nin- . . . . 1. 10. VIII, 1. *nam-ses 1. 16, III, 25. nam-ses-a 1. 6, III, 2. nam-uru- . . . . 1. 32, II, 7. * nam-zi-tar-ra 1. 6, X, 7. na-mu 1. 10, XI, 1 2. *na-na 1. m. of d bau-usumgal, 10, VI, 13. *na-na-. . . . (same as following?) 1. m. of ur- d Nc.... and niggciA , 4, IV, 14. *na-na-a 1. 14, I, 1 7; 15, II, 16; 16, III, 4- na-ni-mu 1. f. of lugal-usime, 17, II, 12. ne-dug-ga 1. 3, V, 19. mg- d ba-u 1. 20, II, 23. *nig-ga - d . , . . 1. d. of nin- d lama-mu, 4, III, 30. 2. d. of nin-zi. . . 4, IV, 10. 3. d. of nan a. . . 4, IV, 13. *nig-ga-su 1. 6, XII, 15. *n\g-ga- d sin 1. d. of d bau-ibgu, 4, I, 19. nig-si-e 1. 22, III, 12. nig-sci-te 1. d. of igi-turtur, 4, II, 29. ni-kal-la 1. f. of lu- d ningirsu , 17, I, 1 9 ; v, 19. 2. s. of ur-zu, 7, I, 29. 3. 1, III, 34; 2, IV, 15; 5, III, 14; 7, I, 26; 22, III, 15 - nim-mu 1. gir, 9, II, 23; 10, VIII, 8; IX, 16. TELLOH, YOKHA AND DREHEM 27 *ni-pad-da 1. m. of geme-gestardu, 6, IV, 15. *nin~. . . . 1. m. of gudea, 7, IV, 12. * d nina-ama-mu 1. m. of sag- d bau-tugu, 10, VI, 19. d nina-kam 1. pisan-dub-ba, 24, II, 8. 2. PA, 24, III, 23. d nina-usum-gal 1. PA-maskim , 31, 4. 2. 30, 24. *nin-ab-ba-na "SAL-\-KU-ab-ba- na 1. d. of nin-sigar, " 6 , III, 9. 2. 14, III, 7; 15, I, 11 ; 16, II, 18. *nin-a-KA-ni 1. d. of gar-gestin, 10, XI, 14. *nin-al-la (wr. SAL-\-KU-al-la ) 1. d. of adaga, 6, I, 2. *nin-d-ma 1. d. of d bau-ibgul, 4, I, 6. *nin-ama 1. 6, XII, 9. *nin-ama-mu 1. 15, I, 15 ; III, 5; IV, 5. * nin-a-mi-l'i-su 1. 16, III, 21. * nin-a-l-sag 1. 16, IV, 16. *nin-an-ni-si 1. 6, IV, 13. *nin-asag-ga-ni 1. m. of nin-ramugi, 10, I, 11. 2. 10, I, 2; 14, I, 7; 15, III, 2; 16, I, 5. *mn-azag-zu, "SA L -\-K U -azag-zu 1. m. of geme-gestardu, 6, XII, 7. 2. m. of ningirsu-ebadu, 4, I, 29. 3. m. of ninmusu-igimu, 6, V, 3- 4. m. of ur-nmnun-dugga, 4, IV, 5. 5. su-i, 15, II, 15. 6. "6, III, 1. *nin-a-zu 1. 15, IV, 6. *nin-bar-gi-si 1. m. of lugal-gegal, 6, III, 6. *nin-da-da, "SAL-pKU -da-da 1. "14, III, 1; 15, I, 6; III, 15; 16, II, 12. * nin-da-nir-gdl 1. 10, II, 21. *nin-dl m -a-ba-di n 1 1. m. of b adult ad-une , 4, III, 2 3- *nin-di-kud 1. d. of geme- d bau, 4, II, 27. * nin-du-azag-ga 1. 16, III, 17. *nin-dub-pisdn 1. d. of saga-dugga , 6, V, 10. *nin-dub-sar 1. 14, III, 9; 16, II, 19. *nin-du-du 1. 10, V, 2. *nin-dug-ga-ni 1. 10, II, 3. *nin-dumu-ab-zu 1. d. of nin-sisa, 4, I, 26. 28 SELECTED temple ACCOUNTS from *nin- a dun-gi i. 6, IV, io. *nin-c-ba-zi-gi ' i. io, VII, 23. *nin-e-gal-e 1. 15, IV, 7; 16, III, 7. *nin-e-i-zu (cf. nin-e-zn ) 1. m. of lu- d gal-alim and geme- d kal, 4, III, 26. 2. m. of nin-ezen and gcmc- d kal, 6, VII, 8. 3. d. of geme- d nina-agade, 10, I, 20. 4. d. of igi- d bau-su, 4, III, 2. *nin-c-ma-an-gi 1. m. of sara-nmbalit , 10, X, 20. *nin-c-su 1. d. of nin-sa, 6, A ll, 7. * nin -ezen 1. d. of d bau-azagzu, 10, VI, 11. 2. d. of gcmc- d kal, 6, XII, 6. 3. d. of geme- d sin, 6, VII, 14. 4. d. of nin-e-izu, 6, VII, 9. 5. 6, VV 15; 14, I, 12; II, 7; 15, III, 9.18; IV, 15; 16, I, 9; III, 22. *nin-c-zu 1. 16, II, 2. * nin-gaba-ri-nu-tu(gu ) (Cf. nin- ka-ba-nn-tn(gu ) ) 1. d. of nin-geli, 4, III, 20. *nin-gal-kus 1. 14, II, 3; 15, I, 7; 16, I, 16. * d nin-galf-i-sag 1. 20, I, 11. *nin-gi-na 1. 14, II, 11 ; 15, II, 14; 16, II, 1.; IV, 14. * nin-gir-sn-e-ba-du 1. d. of nin-azagzu, 4, I, 28. * d n in-gi r-su -inim-ne-di ig 1. 25, IV, 4. *nin-ge-gal 1. m. of geme-diin-azagga, 6, V, 16. 2. 6, I, 17; 14, I, 9.16; 15, I, 9; 16, I, 6; IV, 11. *nin-gc-li 1. m. of nin-gabari-nntugu, 4, III, 21. *nin-ib-gu-ul 1. m. of nin-kinunir lcl -e, 10, II, 17. *nin-IGI -. . . . 1. d. of ubartum, 14, II, 1. nin-IGI + DUB-zi 1. d. of istar-mnmi, 14, I, 2; 16, I, 2. 2. d. of ubartum, 16, I, 15. 3. 14, III, 2; 15, III, 19; 16, H. 13. *nin-ib-ta-c 1. 4, III, 16. *nin-i-ti 1. 14, II, 5; 16, I, 18. *nin-ka-ba-nu-tu ( gn ) 1. d. of geme-nun-sabar , 4, I, 1 7 - * nin-ka-gi-na , "SA L -\-K U -ka-gi- na 1. m. of geme-barsiga , 6, XIV, 4. 2. m. of geme- d narua, and lugal-kagina, " 6 , II, 12. TEL,LOH, YOKHA AND DREHEM 29 3. m. of geme-sadug, 10, X, 26. 4. d. of geme- d $in, 6, XI,. 11. 5. "6. I, 18; 10, II, 14; 14, III, 11 ; 16, II, 21. *nin- d KAL 1. m. of gala- d bcm, 10, X, 29. 2. 16, III, 26. *nin~kal4a, "SA f.--K U-kal-la 1. d. of geme-gestardu, "10, XII, 1. 2. "14, I, 18; 16, I, 14. *nin-ki-gdr-ra 1. 6, IX, 9. *nin-ki-ni f 1. 6, X, 8. *nin~ki-nu-nir !ct -e 1. d. of nin-ihgul, 10, II, 16. *nin-lag- a ni 1. d. of mddu, 10, VII, 15. *nin-Hama-mu 1. rn. of nigga- d . . . . , 4, IV, 1. *nin-Iu-mag 1. 6. VI, 3. *nin-lu-sag-sag, "nin-lu-sag-sag 1. d. of ur-te-na, 10, IX, 22. 2. 4, HI, 1, "15, IV, 9 ;"i6, III, 19. 1. 10, X, 18. *nin-md-gur-ri 1. 6, XI, 8; 16, III, 9; IV, 9. *nin-ma-na-ga-am 1. m. of lu- a ningirsu, 4, II, 9. * d nin-mar (sic-!.) 1. d. of immasi, 10, IX, 27. *nin-mar u -imm 1. 30, 7. 2. 25, I, 16. ^nin-mar* 1 2 -i-scig !■ 13. 7- *nin-me-ab-ta 1. d. of geme-us-sudda, 10, VI, 16. 2. d. of nr- d utu, 10, XII, 26. *nin-me-ldm 1. m. of a- d bau-ta and sag- d bau-tugii, 4, III, 8. 2. 14, I, 15 ; III, 4; 15, II, 5; III, 8; 16, I, 12; II, i5;III, 16. *nin-me-ma- . . . . 1. 6, VI, 17. *nin-mu 1. m. of lugal-tisim, 4, II, 14. *nin-mu-ddg 1. 4, III, 11. *nin-nm-ma-kal 1. 10, I, 13. *nin-mu-silim-mu 1. 19, III, 13. *n in -mu-su-igi-mu 1. d. of geme-dub-pisan, 6, VI, 5. 2. d. of nin-azagzu, 6, V, 2. 3. PA-URU, 10, I, 23. *nin-mu-su-na 1. d. of ama-kaila, 10, I, 6. *nin-nam-ga-ni 1. m. of d bau-ibgu, 4, III, 18. 2 - 4* 4 - * nin-nani-mag-zu 1. 16, III, 3.12. * nin-nanga 1. m. of sag- d bau-tugu , 4, 1, 3- d ninni-ur 1. 16, IV, 5. 30 SELECTED TEMPLE ACCOUNTS FROM *nin-NE-mu (wr. SAL + KU- NE -mu) I. IO, IX, 21. *uin- d nin-iir-ra i. 16, I, 19. *nin-nu-mii-ru-e 1. 6, XIV, 7. *nin-pa-e 1. d. of geme- d bau, 4, II, 19. *nin- d ra 1. 29, III, 10; V, 21. *nin-ra-mu-gi, "SAL-LKU-ra- rnu-gi 1. m. of damu-mangi, 6, XI, 5 - 2. d. of nin-azaggani, 10, I, 10. 3. "6, III, 1 1 ; 10, II, 11. *nin-sa 1. m. of nin-e-sit, 6, VII, 6. *nin-sa-gab 1. m. of lu- d negun, 6, I, 15. 2. d. of geme- d kal, 6, XII, 13. 3. 6, V, 12; X, 9. *nin-sag-e 1. d. of geme- d kal, 4, II, 11. 2. d. of UD -mu-sit, 10, VI, 14. *nin-sal-dug-ga 1. 10, I, 25. *nin-si-gar (wr. SAL + KU -si- gar) 1. m. of nin-abbana, 6, III, 10. *nin-si-sa 1. m. of nin-dumuabzu, 4, I, 27. *nin-sa-ra-tu(gu) 1. d. of nin-usim, 4, II, 6. *nin-seg 1. d. of iluma , 10, I, 3. *nin-ses-a-na (wr. SAL + KU- ses-a-na ) 1. 6, VI, 9. * d nin-subnr-ama-mu 1. 10, III, 7. *nin-tar-na 1. 16, III, 24. *nin-tar-a-ba (wr. .SV/L + fft/- tur-a-ba ) 1. d. of a-a-a, 6, III, 13. *nin-tiir-ga 1. 14, II, 21 ; 15, I, 14. *nin-TUR-TUR 1. 16, IV, 10. * uin-ur-ra-ni 1. d. of geme-d-. . . 10, XI, 18. *nin-uru-ni-su 1. d. geme-mama, 4, II, 31. 2. 10, X, 9. *n in-u-sim-e , "nin-u-sim 1. m. of geme-uru kl , and nin-sara-tugu, "4, II, 7. 2. d. of lu- d ra, 10, IX, 13. * nin-us-sud (wr. nin-E + SAL- sud) 1. d. of geme-nun-sabar, 4, 1, 15 - 2. 10, VII, 25. * nin-zag-gi-si 1. i 6 ,III, 5 . *nin-zi~. . . . 1. m. of nigga- d . . . 4, IV, 1 1. *nin-zur-e 1. 15, III, 11 ; 16, I, 13. TELLOH, YOKHA AND DREHEM 3 1 ni-su-ma i. glr, io, XII, 22. *ni-sag-ga i. PA-URU, d. of magurri 10, III, 18. nu-hi-lum i. f. of abza. . . io, IV, 4. nu-ra-a 1. 22, III, 27. nu-ur-i-[li] 1. 8, VII, 1 7. nii-tir-is-tar i- 36, IS- pad-da 1. dam-gar, 23, VI, 5. *ru-ba-at 1. 14, I, 1; 16, I, 1. *sag- d ba-ti-tn(gu ) 1. m. of geme- d utu, 4, III, 27. 2. d. of nin-melam, 4, III, 7. 3. d. of nin-nanga, 4, I, 2. 4. d. of d nina-amainu, 10, VI, 20. *sag-e-ki-ag 1. 6, I, 12. *sag-nin-kalam 1. 14, II, 12. * su-dug 1. 16, II, 7. *sa-at-ir-ra 1. 16, III, 20. sa-bal-a 1. f. of igi-kar-geme, 3, IV, 11. sa-da-. . . . 1. s. of gude. . . 10, V, 8. *sa-ga-dug~ga 1. m. of nin-dub-pisan, 6, V, 11. 2. 25, III, 9. sa-ga-URU 1. glr, 18, IV, 9. sag -da 1. s. of ses-kalla, 10, XII, 10. sag-sag 1. 6, II, 1. sam-rmn 1. /VI, 24, II, 10; III, 26; 35. 19- * sd-mu-zu 1. 6, XII, 4. d sara-\-sag 1. dub-sar, 8, X, 6. * sara-mu-ba-U-it 1. m. of geme-barsiga and d. of nin-e-mangi, 10, X, 19. 2. 6, IV, 12. *sa-ra- d ba-u 1. d. of d bau-ibgul, 4, I, 7. 2. d. of geme-gis-gigir, 4, I, 3i- 3. d. of d KAL-ri-silimmu , 4, I, 13- *sa-ra-tu(gu ) 1. d. of geme-ditmunisu, 4, III, 14. sar-ru-. . . . 1. gir-arad , 8, VIII, 7. *sa-si-ir?-rum 1. 16, IV, 7. scs-a-na 1. 14. I, 8. *scs-e-ma-gi 1. m. of ur~ d bau, and ku- d bau, 4. IV, 4. ses-kal-Ia 1. f. of rfarfa, 10, XII, 11. 2. s. of lit- d bau, 20, II, 11. SELECTED TEMPLE ACCOUNTS FROM 3. s. of lii-sig, 20, II, 8. 4. s. of ur-e-min, 10, II, 5. 5. 10, IX, 1 2; 13, 10; 17, IV, 9; 19, I, 1 7; 25, J- 20.24; II, 8. ses-me-na 1. 20, I, 8. scs-sig 1. g\r, 2, I, 22. 2. 5, II, 2. ses-sag-ga 1. cngar, 34, II, 11. *si-ni-da-a 1. 4, III, 13. sir-bur-laP 1 -e 1. 25, I, 19. * sir-sir 1. 14, II, 15; 16, II, 5. *sii-gal-bi 1. 15, IV, 14. *siUul 1. 10, XI, 6. *su-lul-zi 1. 10, XI, 23. sii-na 1. gir, 10, XII, 25. *su-na-rnu-gi 1. m. of geme- d bau , 10, II, 20. 11 SO -' 1 sin 1. litgal, 10, IX, 28. *ta-din-cs-tdr 1. 10, V, 4. *TUR-GAR 1. 15, I, 10. *ii-bar-tum 1. m. of nin-igi-dup-ai, 14, II, 2 ; 16, I, 15. 2. 15, III, 10; r6, III, 27; ^IV, 2. u-da-itr-ra 1. g\r, 10, VIII, 16. ud-da 1. 20, I, 22. *ud-nm-su 1. m. of nin-sag-e, 10, VI, 15 - u-du-lu 1. 9, IV, 13. *itg-dm 1. m. of gcme-uru kl , 4, II, 16. u-ma-ni 1. 8, XV, 5. um-ma-bal 1. s. of vr- d sin, 10, XI, 11. um-ma-nu 1. s. of ur-mcs-dug? . . . 10, XII, 16. * um-mi-ta-bat (wr. mn-mi-DA- BAD) 1. d. of urAnina, 10, VIII, 9. unug ki -dug-da 1. 10, IX, 20. ur-d-dam 1. f. of ur- d bau, 10, XII, 5. ur- d a-hi 1. 11, II, 15. ur-al-la 1. 7, VI, 20. ur-amar-azag-ga 1. f. of ur- d ban, 7, II, 15. ur-azag-zu 1. 27, I, 11. ur-ba-bi 1. nu-es, 7, VI, 8. 2. 19, II, 8. nr -bdd-diir-ra 1. 17, II, 16; 20, I, 6. TELLOH, yOKHA AND DREHEM 33 ur- d ba-u 1. s. of gala- d bau , 4, II, 21. 2. s. of lu- d ningirsu, 7, VII,; 1 1. 3. s. of nabasag, 7, I, 22. 4. s. of ses-e-magi, 4, IV, 2. 5. s. of ur-d-dam, 10, XII, 5. 6. s. of ur-amqr-azagga, 7, II, 14. 7. s. of ur-id-cdifina, 24, II, 20. 8. s. of ur-sagdug, 20, II, 13. 9. lid-KU , 7, I, 7. 10. wm, 8, VI, 15. 11. nu-banda, 24, II, 3; III, 24- 12. PA, 35, 22. 13. sabra, 27, VII, 30. 14. pa-tc-si, 8, XIII, 13. 15. PA-URU, 10, IV, 20. 16. sangu, 21, 7. 17. zag-ga, 11 ,1,8. 18. 3, V, 15; 10, I, 16; 19, I, 2.7.15; 25, I, 2.12; II, 6; IV, 2.7; V, 1 ; 26, II, 5; III, 10; IV, 7; 29, V, 15.16; 30, 18.32. ur - d da-mu 1. guda, 7, VI, 23 2. 25, III, 6. ur-du-azag-ga (wr. ur-DUL-azag- ga) 1. 10, XII, 3. ur-ditb 1. PA, 33, 16. 2. 3, I, 12; 6, XV, 4; 17, II, ^ 14; 19, ni, 5; 21, 8. ur-dub-gu-ru 1. 19, I, 22. ur-dub-lal 1, 8, IX, 2.1. ur-dnb-pisdn 1. s. of gemc- d narug, 6, VI, 12. nr-du-ge-gitb-ba (wr. ur-DUL- ge-gitb-ba ) 1. 25, IV, 21. ur- d diimii-zi-d a, "ur- d di imii-zi 1. dam-gar, 1, IV, n; 22, IV, 6. 2. "10, V, 16; "13, 4; 22, IV, 1. ur-dun r. (lu)ur-ra, 8, VI, 8; XI, x 3- iir- d dun-pa-e , "ur-dun-pa-e 1. glr, 10, VIII, 12; 19, I, 3. 2. ku-dhn, 22, III, 26. 3. 1, I, 5; 2, IV, 5; 5, IV, 29; II, IV, 1; 19, II, 4; 22, III, 9; 23, I, 8; V, 1 1 ; "25, II, 12.20. nr- d dur-nun-ka 1. 5. IV, 27. ur-e' 1. 22, I, 6. nr-e-an-na 1. engar, 33, 4. 2. 25, III, 14. nr-e-dub 1. 19, III, 11. ur-e -mag 1. glr, 3, II, 29. ur-e-mus i- 25, VI, 3. ur-engar 1. f. of ur-kas, 5, V, 33. 34 SELECTED TEMPLE ACCOUNTS FROM ur-en-du ki i. f. of ur-nigin-gcir, io, III, 8 . ur-e-ninnu i. 18, III, 20; 19, II, 5; 27, II, 2; 35, 19. nr- d en-ki 1. gu-za-la, 7, II, 20. ur-e-nun, "iir-e-nun-na 1. f. of ses-kalla, 10, II, 5. 2. s. of nisac/c/a, "10, III, 20. 3. 10, VI, 18. ur-c-sag 1. 25, I, 8. ur-es-LAL+KISAL 1. 13, 14. nr- d gdl-alim, "ur-gal-alim 1. ab-gal, 10, VI, 4. 2. gir, 17, V, 1. 3- PA , "35, 23. 4. 13, 9; 19, II, 1 ; HI, 8; IV, 2; 20, I, 4.9; 24, I. 7 - ur-gan-da 1. 25, III, 5. ar-gar 1. f. of ur- d kal, 8, XV, 4. 2. sag-tun, 10, XI, 7. 3. 13, 13; 19, I, 7; 25, IV, 23- ur-gigir-ma 1. 20, I, 15. ur-gis-gigir, "nr- d gis-gigir 1. s. of barra-ana, "2, IV, 8; 5. IV, 15. 2. gir, 10, X, 12. 3. 20, I, 13. ur- d gis-bil-ga-mes 1. 25, III, 13.21. nr-gu 1. 9. !V, 15. ur-gu-en-na 1. 19, I, 6. ur-gu-la-mu 1. 20, I, 14. ur-id-edin-na 1. f. of ur- d bau, 24, II, 20. ur- igi-zi-bar-ra 1. 7, III, 18; 24, I, 14; 29, II, 10. nr ATM 1. 20, I, 2; 35, 6. ur- d KA-DI 1. s. of e-kigalla, 17, II, 8. ur- d KAL 1. f. of hi-gis-gigir, 19, II, 10. 2. s. of atu, 7, III, 20. 3. s. of kabda, 10, XIV, 1. 4. s. of nr-gar, 8, XV, 3. 5. s. of ur-mes, 35, 7. 6. engar, f. of iig-am, 10, IX, 18. 7. PA, 35, 26. 8. pa-te-si, 17, VI, 10; 28, IV, 13. 9. sib-ansii, 6, XIII, 7. 10. 9, I, 3; II, 6; III, 15; 24, I, 9- ur-kas 1. s. of ur-cngar, 5, V, 33. ur-ki-gu-la 1. 25, IV, 12. ur-ki-lal-la 1. g)r, 4, VIII, 4. ur-li 1. 18, I, 7; II, 8.17, etc. ur-lugal 1. 25, III, 8. TELLGH, YOKHA AND DREHEM 35 ur-lug, "ur-Hug i. "14, I, 6; 15, II, 6; III, 16, I, 4. ur-ma-ma 1. 19, I, 20. ur~ d ma-mi 1. gir, 3, II, 26. 2. nu-banda , 8, X, 15. ur-mes 1. f. of ur- d kal, 3s, 7. 2. PA, 10, IX, 8. 3. - h. of su-lul, 10, XI, 7. ur-mes-dug?-. . . . 1. f. of ummanu, 10, XII, . I? ' ur-gig-kisal 1. lu-sim, 3, I, 11. 2. 2, IV, 11. ur-mu 1. 7, I, 5. ur- d NE - . . . . 1. s. of nana, 4, IV, 12. ur- d ne~gun , 1. 26, I, 12; III, 1. 19. ur-nigin 1. 2, II, 9. ur-nigin-gar 1. s. of ur-m-du- u , 10, III, 8 . ur-nim _ 1. 25, VI, 2. ur- a mna 1. f. of ummi-tabat , 10, VIII, 10. 2. s. of nabasag, 18, III, it. 3. gu-za-ld, 29, I, 17. 4. PA, 10, III, 17. 5. 13, 3; 18, IV, 8; 20, 1 , 20; 24, III, 10. ur- d nina-za~ab- ki 1. 10, IV, 18. ur- d nin-a-su 1. 25, II, 14. ur- d nin-gir-su 1. nu-banda, 30, 2. 2. 19, I, 13. ur- d nin-gis-zi-d a 1. 4, I, 5; 23, III, 19. ur- d ninni 1. 25, I, 18. ur- d nin-su (error for d nin-gir-su?) 1. 25, I, 25. ur- d nin-sar 1. gir, 3, II, 20. nr- d nin-tu 1. f. of lu-gina, 24, II, 18. 2. 5, II, 5; 25, I, 3. ur-nipru kl 1. 8, XII, 30. ur- d nisaba 1. 26, IV, 10. ur-numun-dug-ga, "ur-numun-dug 1. s. of d bau-azagzu, 4, II, 25. 2. s. of nin-azagzu, 4, IV, 5. 3 - "13. 3 - ur- d nun-gal 1. 1, III, 35; 3, HI, 35 ; 21, 5 - ur- d pa-sag 1. gu-za-ld, 7, II, 26; 10, IV, 9. 2. 6. X, 3; 25, IV, 1. 10. ur- d ra 1. sabra, 7, III, 14. ur-sag- 1. s. of bafasag, 4, IV, 7. ur-sag -dug 1. f. of ur- d bau, 20, II, 13. ur-sag-ug- u i. 25, I, 15; 26, II, 12; III, * 3 - SKLKCTKD TEMPLE ACCOUNTS FROM 36. ur-SAL -\-ISIB-kob-gi \ y -w, I. 25, IV, 3,r ,11 f ;r ur- a sin .'OyvnV.^-'ni- 1. enggr, 33, 14. ' ,- £ 2. su-cja, 1 1,. I,; 3. 3. 10, XI, 12. ur-sag-ga 1. lug, 8, V, 16. 2. mu, 7, VI, 21. 3. mt-banda, 30, 3. 4. 7, I, 1; 10, VIII, 7; 20, I, 18. ur- d sara 1. pisan-dub-ba, 2, IV, 29. 2. 3. HI, 34; 5- in, 21. ur-se-il-la i- 25, II, 13. nr-su 1. wu, 3, IV, 3. ur- d su-dam 1. su-ga e-an-na, 10, XII, 7. ur- d su-an-na r. 25, II, 5. ur-te-na 1. lid-KU , f. of nin-lu-sag- sag, 7, I, 15; 10, IX, 23. ur-ti-ra-as 1. s'lb-udu-sig-ga, 7, III, 25. ur-TUR i- 35- 13- ur-TUR-TUR 1. nu-bandap 25, V, 7. 2. 25, VI, 1. ur- d uras-gal 1. lu-DU, 10, XI, 25. ur- d utu 1. ma-du-du, f. of nin-meab- ta, 10, XII, 27. ur-zu ■ . T;jV f. ,of- mkalla, 7, I, 29. ur-da-at i- 33- V ur-gar-dug 1. f. of atu, 7, I, 25. ur-ri-ba-du 1. s. of afzr, 20, II, 17. uru-i-tus 1. s. of e-gis-ge 4, II, 1. 11-sam T. 24, I, 13. 17.19.23; II, ”2.4.7. d utu-bar-ra 1. engar, 34, III, 10. 2. 10, VIII, 2; 19, III, 1. d utu-gal-kus 1. 20, I, 5. d utu-mu i- 35, 3i- d utu-sag-ga 1. Pa/, s. of lugal-usumgal, 20, I, 1. d utu-usmn-gal i- 30, 23. *za-an-bi 1. m. of geme- d utu, 6, V, 14. 2. 6, V, 4. za-an-ka-ka 1. 10, IV, 15. za-na-a 1. 30, 25. *zu-dug (cf. su-dug ) 1. 14, II, 17. zun-zun 1. PP ara, 29,. V, 1 1. I DESCRIPTION OF TABLETS [Measurements are- given in millimeters, length (height), width (thickness).] TEXT PLATE ' KING YEAR CATAL. i 1-2 Aniar^S in' 8 66 1 2- 3-4 ■ Amar- d Sin 4 832 3 5-6 Amur- Sin 8 664 4 7-8 Diingi 44 183 5 9-10 Aimer ''Sin 2 663 6 11-14 Ainar- d Sin- 4 179 ■7 15-17 Date destroyed 171 Baked. Meas. : 145:80: 24. Con- tents': Accountof the expenses of Ur-Dumuzi, the merchant. From Umma. Baked. Meas..: 145 : 95 : 24. Con- tents: Account of wages paid to women workerL From Um- ma. Large baked tablet. Weathered. Meas.: 172:112:25. Con- tents : Expenditures of differ- ent kinds of beverages. From Umma ( ?). Left portion of baked tablet. Meas. : 111:50: 29. Contents : Account of wages paid to wo- men workers and to their chil- dren. From Telloh. Baked tablet. Meas.: 154:122: 24. Contents : Account of wages paid to women workers. From Umma. Upper portion of large, baked tab- let. Meas. : 115 :228 :45- Con- tents: Account of wages paid to women workers and to their children. From Telloh. Left lower corner of large, baked tablet. Meas. : 149 : 126 : 44. Contents : Account of cattle and flocks. From Telloh. 37 38 SELECTED TEMPLE 8 18-21 Amar- d Sin 5 864 9 22 Date destroyed 161 10 23-26 Date destroyed 852 11 27-28 A mar -' 1 Sin 1 656 12 29 Ur Dynasty 155 13 29 Dungi 43 160 14 30 Ibi- d Sin 2 835 15 31-32 Ur Dynasty 833 16 33-34 Ibi- d Sin 2 665 1 7 35-36 Dungi 44 15 1 ACCOUNTS FROM Upper portion of very large tab- let. Meas. : 230:224:47. Contents : Account of cereals, flour, beverages, etc., used in paying laborers. From Telloh. Central portion of a baked tablet. Meas.: 111:121:12. Con- tents: Account of cattle. From Telloh. Lower portion of large, baked tab- let. Meas. : 187 : 218 : 35. Con- tents : Account of wages paid to women workers and to their children. From Telloh. Half-baked tablet. Meas.: 160: 82 : 32. Contents : List of different things, constituting the capital of Ur-Dunpae. From Umma( ?). Baked tablet. Meas. : 76 : 47 : 17. Contents : Account of oxen and donkeys. From Drehem. Translated on p. 8. Baked tablet. Meas. : 85:48: 22. Contents: Account of barley. From Telloh. Unbaked tablet. Meas.: 130: 72 : 23. Contents : Account of wages paid to women workers. From Umma. Unbaked tablet. Meas. : 143 : 87 : 22. Contents : Account of wages paid to women workers. From Umma. Baked tablet. Meas. : 142 : 83 : 24. Contents: Account of wages paid to women workers. From Umma. Baked tablet. Meas. : 142 : 95 : 24. Contents : Account of flocks, TELLOH, YOKHA AND DREHEM 39 18 37-38 A mar - d Sin 1 177 19 39 Diingi 46 191 20 4O-4I Dungi 45 197 21 4i Not dated 159 22 42 Amar- d Sin 4 673 23 43M4 A mar - d Sin 6 662 24 45-46 Dungi 4i 200 25 47-48 Dungi 44 189 26 49-5O Amar- d Sin 1 154 representing the revenues of the shepherds. From Telloh. Translated on p. 9. Baked tablet. Meas. : 130:84: 26. Contents: Account of barley, received as offerings. From Telloh. Baked tablet. Meas. : no: 66: 25. Contents : Account of the pro duce derived from various or- chards. From Telloh. Baked tablet. ,Meas. : 96 : 65 : 24. Contents: Account of the pro- duce derived from various or- chards. Baked tablet. Meas. : 89:54: 22. Contents : Account of flocks. From Drehem. Translated on p. 6. Baked tablet. Meas. : 1 1 5 : 75 : 22. Contents : Account of opera- tions in silver, made by Ur- Dumuzi, the merchant. From Umma. Baked tablet. Meas.: 145:90: 21. Contents: Detalied ac- count of the yearly expenses of Padda, the merchant. From Umma. Baked tablet. Meas. : 1 18 : 72 : 27. Contents : Account of opera- tions concerning cereals. From Telloh. Baked tablet. Meas. : 115:84: 26. Contents : Pay-list of laborers. From Telloh. Baked tablet. Meas.: 137: 116: 25. Contents: Account of the barley used in feeding oxen and sheep. From Telloh. 40 .SELECTED TEMPLE ACCOUNTS 27 51-52 Amar-^S in 1 180 28 53 Ur Dynasty 173 29 54-55 Dungi 37 165 30 56 Not dated L57 31 56 Amar- d Sin 3 654 32 57 Date destroyed 148 33 57 Amar- d Sin 7 645 34 58 A mar - d Sin 3 163 35 59 Dungi 4i 147 36 59 Dungi 44 642 Large, unbaked tablet. Meas. : 168:157:30. Contents: Ac- count of oxen and of their fod- der. From Telloh. Baked tablet. Meas. : 122 : 78 : 29. Contents : Measurements of fields and account of the seed used for them. From Telloh, Translated on p. 1 1. Baked tablet. Meas : 127 : 1 17 : 28. Contents : Account of pay- ments. From Telloh. Trans- lated on p. 12. Baked tablet. Meas. 95:50:22. Contents : List of laborers and of their assignments. From Telloh. Translated on p. 3. Baked tablet. Meas.: 37:33:8. Contents : Account of flocks. From Telloh. Translated on p. 9. Left upper corner of baked tablet. Meas.: 115:62:35. Con- tents: Paylist. From Tel- loh( ?). Baked tablet. Meas.: 50:42:15. Contents: Account of fields. From Umma. Lens-shaped tablet. Meas. Diam. : 84, Thickness : 27. Contents : Account of barley used for seed. From Telloh. Baked tablet. Meas. : 198 : 45 : 25. Contents: Account of barley, used for seed. Unbaked tablet. Meas. : 52 : 46 : 16. Contents: Account of flocks, representing offerings to several gods. From Drehen. Translated on p. 7. AUTOGRAPH PLATES 1 OBVERSE 1 REVERSE OBVERSE 2 Col 6 REVERSE Col. 5 Col « 30 3 OBVERSE Cot. 2 Cot. 3 3 40 4 OBVERSE Coi. 1 Mr J&W 4 REVERSE Co*.. 8 Col. 7 OBVERSE Coi. f Col. 2 Col. 3 Col. 4 1 wk ^ trr 5 REVERSE Coi 8 Col 7 Col 6 Col. b 5 n: ei LJ i ^ f &<< tT Ml Tr>^/ I r .M^LLI fra MffFWI 13 >y~0- ^ F~ U^2 * m< rr j& ^ ^£4 OBVERSE .A * « OBVERSE. Continued. \T> 6 o to to O REVERSE o CNJ o O to lO o 7 OBVERSE 7 OBVERSE Continued. Col. 4 REVERSE Col. 6 7 REVERSE Continued. Col. 9 Col. 8 Col. 7 8 OBVERSE Col. 1 Col. 2 Col. 4 8 OBVERSE Continued Col. 5 * Col. 6 Col. 7 Coi. 11 8 REVERSE Col. 13 OBVERSE m o o 10 OBVERSE Coi . 1 Col 2 Col 3 10 OBVERSE Col. 5 5 20 Continued. 10 Col. 10 REVERSE Col. 9 Col. 8 10 Col. 14 REVERSE Continued. Cot. 13 Col. 12 Coi. ii 11 OBVERSE Coi. 1 col. 2 1 1 REVERSE Col. 4 Col. 3 12 OBVERSE REVERSE o 15 OBVERSE Col. 1 Col. 2 15 Col. 4 REVERSE Col. 3 16 Coi. 1 OBVERSE Coi. i 17 REVERSE 20 18 OBVERSE Col. 1 Cot. 2 18 REVERSE 20 20 OBVERSE Col. 1 Col. 2 10 M jM. ^rm~ A f W 11 r yff Ift&f/J Jt V /H “vy - 1 / / YJ / ’ fi-M . - 7>Hf M>- £t M jp^l ] $jjgf R#t L ~ tyf- M$- -ft ^ ff &-, ■ >f Tf /f h Mi i>^ j£% .^x r >^_< >_ > 4 , R >M Rf 4° PRlRRR f=r ' w $*?* m m f — kI>-+- vT“ R' f I 15 7 pf-ff W^5~W ^“gf Fm p pt mimm 4 'm %-!f W R; 20 ]>-< pjt^ff ^ :K Uc 10 R=7C 7RRF 7 1 M 15 7 fpfHT " ^-[Jk 20 REVERSE OBVERSE REVERSE 0} >M to rrw r- J 0k *#* 1 w Iff m N t r/FF 1 ft? toi± rpfjs^Pg \HF- fr^ jrp l rA^t r< ‘fnr^TCf! r f EfjS 23 23 Col. 6 REVERSE Col. 5 Col. 4 ^ 'j * jir rrgg^-^fc . rr^ 24 OBVERSE Col. i Col. 2 24 REVERSE Col. 3 10 25 OBVERSE Col. t 25 REVERSE Cot 6 Cot. 5 Cot. 4 25 26 Col. OBVERSE Col. 2 Coi. 3 t 0 ^: 15 26 REVERSE Col 6 Col. 6 Col. 4 15 27 OBVERSE 27 Ste! [IjX ML- >m~ i ^ 55 F^Ti^I f ^iM^( / ' M jj OBVERSE REVERSE o 29 Col. 1 OBVERSE Col. 2 Col. 3 4 (#= . f 'SSt jM REVERSE Col. 6 Col. 6 Col. 4 30 OBVERSE REVERSE COL. 1 OBVERSE Col. 2 33 REVERSE 34 Col. 1 OBVERSE Col. 2 REVERSE Col. 4 Col. 3 OBVERSE 35 REVERSE REVERSE 'pF t H_ ZM j£Uf m0k : M 'jjj§ fty-M'H M4»£ tirAd J^\A J2 v=r l=L / v^~ frbi 1 i >