CON^ j30 1858 - 1888 . rN 1858 we commenced the manufacture of Compo¬ se sitions, Coatings and Paints for roofs and for preserving wood, metals, fabrics, etc., and alter a few years produced our portable Roofing, which in an improved form (the well-known Asbestos Roofing) is now in general use in nearly all parts of the world. In 1868 we first made known the results of our long con¬ tinued experiments with the indestructible, fibrous mineral. Asbestos, then comparatively unknown, and commenced the manufacture of the numerous specialties, composed wholly or in part of Asbestos, which have since become necessities and are recognized as standard articles for mechanical, structural and other purposes. Note. —Nearly all the practical uses of Asbestos were invented by H. W. Johns. In 1874 we commenced the manufacture of LIQUID Paints, and in 1878 completed our new works for their production on a more extended scale. Our success in this branch has beer unparalleled, no other paints for structural decoration having so large a sale or commanding so high a price in this country and abroad. The demand for our products has increased so steadily that we have nearly every year been compelled to extend our manufacturing facilities, until we now have most extensive and complete works in the world for analogous purposes. This year we have commenced additions to our land, build¬ ings and machinery, which will increase the capacity of our works in the various branches from fifty to two hundred per cent. We have always aimed to produce materials of the best quality, and challenge the world to show articles for similar purposes which, in usefulness, durability, and perfection of manufacture, equal ours. Our various kinds of goods are severally adapted for, and are manufactured during each season of the year, and by reason of the production of many specialties under one general system, we are enabled to supply them at lower prices, quality considered, than can be afforded by any manufacturer of only one class of goods for similar purposes ; and we confi¬ dently anticipate the continued and increasing patronage of those who have learned that the purchase ot the best article for practical uses is true economy. INDEX. PAGE H. W. Johns’ Liquid Paints. 2 Roof & Railway Paints. 3 Liquid Priming . 3 Liquid Dryer . 3 Iron-Oxide Paint. 4 Wood Stains and Wood Filler. 4 Fireproof Paints. 5 Colors in Oil . 6 Coach Colors. 7 Liquid Coach Black . 4 Varnishes. 8 Asbestos Roofing. 10 *' Roof Coating. 11 “ Roof Cement. 11 “ Building Felt. 12 “ Sheathings. 12 Asbestos Plastic Stove-Lining . 13 “ Furnace Cement. 13 “ Retort Cement. 22 Asbestos Steam-Pipe & Boiler Coverings .14, 15,16 & 17 “ Steam Packings, Millboard, etc.18 & 19 Vulcabeston.. 20 Asbestos Cloth, Rugs, Rope, Twine, Yarn, etc.22 & 23 H. W. JOHNS’ LIQUID PAINTS. A’S*3“£^S1!0"S'‘' These are in every respect strictly first-class Paints, composed of i pure linseed oil and the highest grade of pigments. They are com¬ bined by processes exclusively our own, and are unequaled by any in richness and permanency of color. As these Paints contain no dele¬ terious or useless adulterations, the great difference in their covering properties in comparison with ordinary paint is at once recognized, and the universal testimony is that from fifteen to twenty-five per cent, of the usual cost of painting can be saved by their use. They are prepared ready for the brush, in fifty-four newest shades and standard colors, and we offer them as the most durable and economical paints ever produced for general structural pur¬ poses. One gallon will cover from 250 to 275 square feet, two coats, without thinning. Send for Circulars containing samples, testimonials, suggestions for painting, &c., free by mail. Price, per U. S. Standard Gallon Measure, for all Shades on Sample Sheets, except those Specially Quoted Below. BBi.8.,per gal. 45 to 30 gals. $ 1,00 Kegs, per gal., 2U, 15, 10 & 6 gals. 1.95 Inside and j Outside White, j Standard Green, No. 62, Dark Green, Vermilion, Indian Eed, Floor Paint, | $ 2.10 3.80 3.25 3.45 2.80 1.55 1.40 Pails & Cans, K gal. Quarts, Pints, per gallon. Cans, each. each. 3, 2 & 1 gal. each. 2.00 1.05 .60 .35 2.15 1.15 .65 .40 3.85 2.00 1.05 .55 3.30 1.70 .90 .50 3.50 1.80 .95 .50 1 2.85 1.50 .80 .45 i 1.60 .85 .50 .30 1.45 .80 .45 .25 MARINE PAINT. Per gallon in bbls. $ 2 . 75 ; in one gallon pails, $ 2 . 85 . Paints for special purposes made to order. ROOF 8i RAILWAY PAINTS. 'A-S’B-ES-IO'S* These Paints are prepared ready for use and possess a more elastic body than any other; they are therefore less liable to injury, and have proven to be the best and most economical Paints ever produced for similar purposes. They are especially adapted for paint¬ ing Tin and other Roofs, Railroad Buildings, Bridges, Freight Cars, Steamboat Decks, Boats, Outbuildings, Fences, Gas Holders and other- iron and rough wood-work. One gallon will cover from 350 to 400 square feet, one coat. Sample Cards furnished on application. Per Gal. tJ. 8. Standard Measure. Red, Gray, Buff, Slate,.... Yellow and Cream-White... Gas-Holder Paint. Hot-Air-Pipe Paint. Dark Red. Brown. Bbus., i5 to 30 gals. [ $1.40 1.25 1.10 1.00 1.00 Kegs, 20, 16, 10 & 6 gals. 1.45 1.30 1.15 1.05 1.05 Pails, 3, 2 & 1 gal. 1.50 1.35 1.20 1.10 1.10 H. W. JOHNS' LIQUID PRIMING. Prepared ready for use for first coating on all wood or brick work. Suitable for use with any shade of our Liquid Paint. Per Gal. U. 8. Standard Measure. Bbls., 46 to 30 gals. $1.25 Kegs, 20,16, 10 & 6 gals. 1.30 Pails, 3, 2 & 1 gals. 1.35 H.W. JOHNS’ LIQUID DRYER. Our Liquid Dryer is warranted superior to any in the market in siccative qualities, lightness of color and uniformity. It possesses double the strength of any other Liquid Dryer, is suitable for all linseed-oil Paints, and will not discolor the most delicate tints. No other Dryer should be used in our Paints. In Nozzle Cans, boxed for shipment. U. S. Stand, Measure. 10 & 6 gals, per gal. $1.65 1 gal. M gal- Quarts Pints per gal. each. each. each. 1.85 1.00 55c. 30c. Pts. each. 20 c. H.W. JOHNS’ IRON-OXIDE PAINT. This Paint is ground very fine, mixes readily with Raw or Boiled Oil, and is superior in color (a rich maroon) to any Metallic Paint in the market. DRY, in kegs, half-bbls. and bbls. from lOO to 300 lbs. ea.; per lb., 2J cts. IN OIL, in 25 , 50 and lOO lb. Pails and Kegs; per lb.7 “ 3 H. W, JOHNS’ LIQUID COACH BLACK. This article is prepared ready for use of the best and most durable materials, especially for re-painting old Carriages, Wagons, Carts, Sleighs, Buggies, etc. It can be easily applied, dries rapidly with a firm, hard gloss, and does not require to be either rubbed or varnished. One can will usually be found sufficient for an ordinary size wagon. Per can.$1.00 H. W. JOHNS’ WOOD STAINS. Prepared in pure Gold - Size from the best pigments only. They are put up in form of a stiff paste, to be thinned with turpentine only, and taking into consideration their covering capacity, are the most economical Stains in the market. One lb. will produce over one quart of strong Stain, which will cover about 8 co square feet. Full directions for using on every package. In I, 5 and 25 lb. cans. Walnut, Mahogany and Cherry per lb.25 cts. Ebony.. . “ .45 “ ASBESTOS WOOD-FILLER. Is composed of Asbestos ground in best gold-size, and is offered as the best Wood-filler in the market. The mineral of which it is composed being indestructible, its value as an unchangeable Wood- filler is apparent. In i, 5 and 25 lb. Cans. Dark, Light and Mahogany; per lb.20 cts. STRICTLY PURE RAW LINSEED OIL. Adulterated and inferior grades of Oil are now sold to such an extent that, to insure the use of good oil in thinning our Paints and Colors, we will supply our customers only, with strictly pure raw Linseed-Oil (as used in our Paints,) at New York Market prices, in Barrels, making the following additional charges for packages for smaller lots. Empty packages are not returnable at any price. Two 6 gal. Cans 6 gallon I 3 gallon 2 gallon 1 gallon in Case. Boxed Can. Boxed Can. Boxed Can. Boxed Can Nozzle Cans.. $1.00 65c. 1 60c. 65c. 45 c. 4 ASBESTOS FIRE-PROOF PAINTS. For Inside Work. These Paints are composed of strictly fire¬ proof ingredients, prepared ready for use in white and light tints, exclusively for Inside rough woodwork of Factories, Ware¬ houses, Railroad Bridges, Boiler-Rooms, Cotton-Gin Houses, Theatres, Cellars, Attics, Stables, etc., for which purposes they are as durable as the ordinary oil paints, and afford a valuable protection against sparks, cinders or light flames. One gallon will cover about 150 square feet, two heavy coats. Can be easily applied by any one. Per G-al. TT. S. Standard Measure. Eels., 50 to 30 gals. 75 cts. 20,16,^0 &% gals. 80 cts. Pails,' 3, 2 & 1 gals. 85 cts. ASBESTOS FIRE & WATER-PROOF PAINTS. For Outside Work. These are the result of more than twenty years’ exhaustive experiments, and are the only Paints ever produced which form a reliable protection against burning sparks and cinders and will also withstand the action of the weather. They are especially valuable for Wooden Factories, Warehouses, R. R. Fences, Station and Freight Houses, Bridges, Roofs etc. Per Gal. U. S. Standard Measura. Eels., 45 to 30 gals. $1.80 Kegs, 20, 15, 10 & 6 gals. $1.85 Patls, 3, 2 & 1 gals. $1.90 Railroad Fence Paint, Red. 1.10 1.15 j 1.20 ' ASBESTOS CONCRETE COATING. Is strictly fire-proof, and made of proper consistency to be applied with a trowel. This Coating has proven an effective protection for beams, posts, partitions, roof boards, and other inside rough woodwork exposed to flames or intense heat. 100 lbs. will cover about 200 sq. ft. i-i6th of an inch thick. Casks of from 600 to 400 lbs., per lb. 5h cts. Kegs of from 300 to 100 lbs., per lb. 6 cts. S H. W. JOHNS' FINE COLORS, IN OIL. YELLOWS, These Colors are prepared from carefully selected pigments ground in pure linseed oil, for the use of Painters and Decorators, and are unequaled in strength and fineness. Per lb. in 1 and 6 lb UMBER, Best Turkey, Raw and Burnt.$ SIENNA, Best Italian, Raw and Burnt. .... BROWN, Vandyke.. . r Chrome, L., M., O. & D. O. Roman Ochre. Golden Ochre. Yellow Ochre.(in kegs nc.) Stone Ochre.( “ nc.) French Ochre.( “ IOC.) ' Sign Writers’. Drop. Ivory. Coach. Lettering. Refined Lamp-Black. . Chinese ft cans 2 SC. ea., X ft cans iSC. ea.). Azure. Prussian (14 ft cans 2 SC. ea., ft cans, 15 c. ea.) Ultramarine ()^ “ 15 c. “ x " loc. " ) French Verdigris. Permanent. Paris. Chrome, L., M. & D. Window Blind, L., M. & D. Olive Green L. M. & D. VERMILIONS, ] ^Scan^L ^ ' Rose Pink. Tuscan Red. Indian. Venetian. .(in kegs loc.) Flake .. aKAININO COLORS, j AsL ' DXSTEIVIRER 1 Vandyke Brown, Umbers and ) /-v*Dcj \ Siennas. ........ .in I lb. bottles, eacb j uuL.Uiis>, I Chrome Yellow, L. M. & O. “ BLACKS, BLUES, GREENS, REDS, WHITE, . cans. .17 .18 .18 .20 .25 .18 .13 .13 .12 .25 .20 .20 .20 .20 .18 .45 .30 .40 .28 .40 .35 .28 .18 .18 .18 .50 .20 .25 .25 .18 .12 .25 .16 .18 .30 H. W. JOHNS’ FINE COACH COLORS. These colors are Ground in best Coach Japan, are warranted uniform in quality and color, and will dry flat and evenly at once. Blacks. Blues. Green. Reds. Browns. Yellows. Price per lb. In 1 lb. Patent Cans, & in 5 lb. Press Cans. ’ Best Ivory Black.$ .45 Drop Black.35 Coach Black.30 Coach Painters’ Lamp Black.28 Prussian Blue.80 Ultramarine Blue.80 I Coach Painters’ Green (L. M. & D.) .45 1 I English Vermilion (L. & D.) Subject to change. American Vermilion (L. &D.). Bose Pink... Tuscan Red. Indian Red. 1.50 .40 .40 .35 .25 ' Amber Brown (L. & D.).40 Vandyke Brown.40 Raw and Burnt Italian Sienna.35 Raw and Burnt Turkey Umber.30 In Tubes. (1x3,‘-4 in.) each. . $ .25 ... .20 .. .20 ... .18 .35 .35 .30 .75 .30 .25 .25 .15 .30 .25 .20 .20 r Perfect Yellow. 2.50 85 j Chrome Yellow (L. M. O. & D. O.) .40 25 Yellow Ochre.35 25 Golden Ochre.35 26 Whites. J Flake White. j Silver White .45 .30 .40 .25 ■ No. 40 Carmine (L. & D.) .7.00 English Scarlet Lake, A .4.00 Munich Lake, A .3.25 Red Lake, A . . 1.50 Green Lake. 1.50 Lakes. \ English Rose Lake, A .1.00 “ “ “ B.75 Chatemuc Lake. 1.00 Carriage Part Lake, L. & D . 70 Wine Color, Best, L. L., L. & D. ,. .70 “ “ Ordinary, L. & D .40 1.50 1.20 .75 .45 .45 .30 .25 .30 .25 .30 .26 7 H. W. JOHNS’ VARNISHES. Outside Finishing Varnish.—This is made of the best materials, and is intended for the best outside work where a good surface has been prepared for it, and where the most durable finish is desired; such as outside doors, window-frames, signs, etc. also a superior Finishing Varnish for coach bodies. Inside Finishing Varnish.—Prepared expressly for inside work of houses finishe.l in hard woods, and the best cabinet work. The wood shoukl be first filled with our Wood-filler. The first and second coats of varnish should be rubbed down with hair, or, on fine work, with pumice stone; the last coat may be left bright or rubbed down to a dead finish, as desired Extra Coach Varnish.—Is used for the same purposes as our Outside Finishing Varnish, but dries harder. It is adapted for all ordinary outside work, and will be found unsurpassed for Wagons and Gears. It is also used for inside work, over grained woods, etc., with the best results when two or three days can be given it to harden. No. 1 Coach Varnish. - Is in every respect equal to our Extra Coach Varnish, but not so pale in color. Wagon Varnish.—For ordinary wagon and agricultural implement work. Extra Furniture Varnish.—This is a superior light-colored varnish suitable for ordinary cabinet work, and is especially adapted for painted furniture, light woods, etc. No. I Furniture Varnish.—This Varnish is offered at the lowest price at which a really serviceable varnish can be produced, and is suitable for ordinary furniture. Hard Oil Finish.—A superior article for interior hard wood¬ work. Can be finished either “gloss” or “polished,” as desired, and is not affected by moisture. In ordering, mention whether required for light or dark woods. Floor Varnish.—For varnishing either painted or hard-wood floors, etc. The wood should be first “filled” with our Asbestos Wood Filler brushed on freely and wiped carefully. 8 Coach Japan.—Is a very strong dryer, and will not curdle when mixed with oil. Asphalt Varnish.—This is a quick-drying jet-black Varnish in pure Spirits Turpentine, especially adapted for coating new and old iron, such as Fences, Railings, large and small Castings, Tin, Zinc, etc. In Cbls. and Nozzle Cans, boxed for sbipment.- -TJ. S. Standard Measure. j Bbls. m&SOal 1 Gal. H’lf Gal. Quarts, Pints, Hf rts per gal* per gal. per gal. each. each. each. eacn. I Outside Finishing. $3.75 $3.95 $4.15 $2.20 $1.15 .65 .... Inside “ . 3.00 3.20 3.40 1.80 .95 .55 .30 Spar Varnish. 4.00 4.20 4.40 2.30 1.25 .75 Ro. 1 Preservative 2.20 2.40 2.60 1.40 .75 .45 .... No. 2 3.10 3.30 3.50 1.85 1.00 .60 • • • • Extra Coach. 2.25 2.45 2.65 1.45 .80 .45 .... No. 1 “ . 2.00 2.20 2.40 1.30 .70 .40 Wagon Varnish. 1.50 1.70 1.90 1.00 .55 .35 Extra Furniture.. 1.75 1.95 2.15 1.20 .65 .40 .25 No. 1 “ . 1.40 1.60 1.80 1.00 .55 .35 . • ♦ • Hard Oil Finish, Lt.&Dk. 2.10 2.30 2.50 1.35 .75 .45 Floor Varnish. 2.00 2.20 2.40 1.30 .70 .40 • • • . Black Rubbing Varnish. 4.00 4.20 4.40 2.30 1.20 .65 .... j Asphalt Varnish (Turps.) 1.20 1.40 1.60 .90 .50 .30 .... Orange Shellac grain alcohol) . 4.40 4.60 4.80 2.50 1.30 .70 .... Coach Japan . 1.50 1.70 1.90 1.05 .60 .35 .... Brown Japan. 1 30 1.50 1.70 .95 .55 .35 Turpentine Japan. 1.00 1.20 1.40 .80 .45 .25 — Black Lustre Varnish.—This is a quick-drying Varnish made from extra-distilled Coal Tar. It is adapted for coating heated iron-work, such as Smoke Stacks, Steam Pipes, etc., and for the use facturers of Steam Boilers, Iron Castings, etc. of manu- 1 j In bbls. and half bbls., 40 cts; in kegs, 55 cts. cans, 70 cts. per gallon. 9 in pr, ils and • This Roofing is suitable for Factories, Foundries, Warehouses, Rail¬ road Buildings, Bridges, Car and Steamboat Decks, etc.; also for lining Cutters, etc.; and consists of strong canvas, combined with an Asbes¬ tos-coated felt and a manila lining or “ backing,” water-proofed and com¬ pressed into a compact, flexible sheet resembling leather. It is supplied ready for use, in rolls 382 and 32 inches wide, containing 200 sq. ft., with allowance for 2-mch laps, and is packed in cases suitable for shipment to all parts of the world. It weighs, with Coatings complete, including packages, only about 85 His. to 100 sq. ft., and, when protected with our Asbestos Roof Coating and white Fire-Proof Coating (made expressly for, and supplied with, this Roofing), forms a light, cool and durable roof, which is proof against burning sparks and cinders. It is adapted for steep and flat roofs in all climates, costs only about half as much as tin, and can be readily applied by any one. It requires occasional re-coating. When ordering, make allowance for extra joints, gutters, etc. Send for special pamphlet containing full description, instructions, testimonials, etc. Per “Square” (100 sq. ft.), with Roof Coating, Fire-Proof Coating and Nails complete.. $4.26 DOUBLE-THICK ROOFING FELT. This article when coated with our Asbestos Roof Coating and sanded, forms an economical roof for temporary structures. It is put up in rolls 32 inches wide, of 100 and 200 square feet each, easily applied by nailing at edges with our Roofing Nails and Tin Caps, and coating thoroughly with our Asbestos Roof Coating, which is prepared ready for use. Per Square (loo square feet), with Asbestos Roof Coating for two Coats, Nails and Caps complete. $2.60 * 10 ASBESTOS ROOF OOATING. Tliis is a Fibrous Coating, composed of ground Asbestos and Silica, combined with partially distilled coal tar and an acid and water¬ proof composition, and is prepared ready for use, to be applied with a brush. It is used for coating the Asbestos Roofing, and forms the most durable and economical Coating ever produced for Felt and Can¬ vas Roofs. One gallon will cover about lOO sq. ft. Extra Heavy Coating, for repairing old roofs, will be made to order. Bbls, Kegs, Pails, 1 Per Gal. U. S. 1 60 to 30 gals. 1 1 20,15, 10 & 6 gals. 1 3, 2 & 1 gals. ! standard Measure. i 40 cts. 1 45 cts. 1 50 cts. ASBESTOS ROOF CEMENT. This Cement is prepared ready for use, and forms an elastic, adhesive compound, of a consistency to be easily applied with a trowel. It is used for repairing leaks around chimneys, dormer-windows, sky-lights, scuttles, etc., on all kinds of Roofs, and for broken joints, nail and rust holes in Tin Roofs, etc. Old leaky tin and iron roofs can be restored and rendered service¬ able for many years with the Brown Cement and our Asbestos Roof Paints. The Black Cement is used with our Asbestos Roof Coating, for repairing old Canvas, Felt and other Roofs. Full instructions on every package. 60 & 25 lb. Paili. Black. 6 cts. per lb. Brown.9 “ “ 10 lb. Cans. 75 cts. each. $ 1.00 6 lb. Cans. 50 cts. each. 75 “ “ ROOFING BRUSHES. Our Roofing Brushes are manufactured expressly for us, and are the best brushes made for the purpose. 2 -Knot, each. .$1.00 3 -Knot, each. .$1.25 4 -Knot, each. .$1.50 ROOFING NAILS. Our Barbed Roofing Nails are made with extra-large heads, and are superior to any others for the purpose. About li lbs. are required for one square (100 square feet) of Asbestos Roofing. Per lb. 7 cts. Best Quality Tarred Felt, in rolls 32 in. wide, of about 45 lbs. each; about 15 lbs. to 100 sq. ft., per lb. 21 cts. Rosin-Sized Sheathing, in rolls 36 in. wide, about 8 lbs. to 100 sq.ft.; per lb.4 cts. ASBESTOS BUILDING FELT. Our Building Felt is composed entirely of Asbestos, and, on account, of its non-conducting and fire-proof qualities, is largely used for lining weather-boards, shingle roofs, floors, wood partitions, etc. It will not disintegrate by age, is odorless and vermin-proof. In rolls of about 70 lbs., 36 in. wide, weighing about 10 lbs. to 100 sq.ft . Extra Heavy Building Felt, about 16 lbs. to 100 sq. ft... -perlb.. .12 cts. ASBESTOS FIRE &. WATER-PROOF SHEATHING. (PATENTED.) This is one of our recent inventions, and is the only durable Fire and Water-Proof Sheathing made from Asbestos. It is composed exclu¬ sively of Asbestos, rendered permanently water-proof by a recently discovered chemical process which gives it greater strength than any other Asbestos Sheathing or Felt of twice its weight and thickness. Its value as a protection against fire and water, for sheathing or lining under weather-boards of wooden structures, shingle and slate roofs, floois, walls, partitions, ceilings, etc., will be readily appreciated. In rolls 36 in. wide, weighing about 4 lbs. to 100 sq. ft. Double-Thick, about 7^ lbs. per 100 sq. ft. I per lb.. 20 cts. ASBESTOS SHEATHING. This is a strong, white Sheathing, composed of pure Asbestos, and is strictly fire-proof. It is used for lining wood partitions and ceilings, fire screens, and other surfaces in danger of ignition by fire. In rolls of from 60 to loo lbs., 42 in. wide, weighing about 6 lbs. to 100 sq. ft. Double-thick Asbestos Sheathing, about io lbs. to 100 sq. ft. ■per lb. .18 cts. 1 12 ASBE8TQS ~pla^ STQVE-LINING. This material is composed of Asbestos and other fire-proof materials, prepared ready for use in the form of a plastic cement easily applied with a ti'owel, form¬ ing a durable and economical Lining for cooking and heating stoves and ranges, hot¬ air and boiler furnaces, furnace doors, etc. It is also useful for repairing broken fire¬ brick, iron linings, etc., exposed to fire heat and is invaluable as a Fire Mortar for laying fire-brick in boiler furnaces, as it will not burn out and clinkers will not attach to it. It is also especially valuable for manufac¬ turers of iron, glass, chemicals, etc. I Casks, 600 to 400 lbs.; per lb. 4 ^ cts. * Kegs, 300 to 100 lbs.; “ “. 5 “ ' Pails, 50 and 25 lbs.; “ “. 6 “ j lo-lb. Cans; each. . 75 “ i e « (( . 50 “ ASBESTOS FURNACE CEMENT. This Cement is the best article in the market for mounting and repairing broken joints, etc., in Furnaces, Ranges, Heaters, Stoves, Flues, Gas and Oil Stoves, etc. It is prepared ready for use, adheres readily and firmly to castings, tin, etc., and “sets” in a few hours. When subjected to heat it vitrifies without shrinking or becoming porous, or shaking loose, is inodorous, and effectually prevents escape of smoke, gases, dust, etc., thus insuring per bet draught. It is also invaluable for cementing and lining Furnace Doors of Steam-Boilers, etc., or as a protection for any work exposed to direct heat, flames, etc. Its color is a grey, like castings, and in the unopened package will keep an indefinite length of time without deterioration. Casks, 600 to 400 lbs.; per lb. 6 cts. Kegs, 300 to 100 “ “ . 6^ “ Pails, 50 and 25 “ “ . 7 ^ “ lo-lb. Cans; each. $ 1.00 5-lb. “ “ . 60 cts. 2-lb. « . . 35 “ nlril' H. W. JOHNS' ASBESTOS CEMENT FELTING. (PATENTED.; A Non-Conducting Covering for Steam Pipes, Boilers, Stills, and Other Steam-Heated Surfaces. A genuine Asoestos Cement Felting is composed of fibrous Asbestos and a cementing compound, forming a light, porous Cover mg partaking of the nature of a felt and a cement, to be used as a mortar and applied with a trowel to Steam Pipes, Boilers Stills etc while heated. > It is a strictly first-class article, and forms a more effectual non¬ conductor than any other cement, mortar, or so-called “ feltine ” of equal, or even greater thickness, the saving of heat being real as well as apparent; this is not the case with the common cement or spurious Asbestos coverings; which, being usually applied twice as thick furnish a larger radiating surface, by which many are deceived.’ It IS put up in barrels, dry, to be mixed with water to the consistency of mortar, and can be easily applied by any ordinary mason or plas¬ terer. One barrel covers a flat surface of about 42 sq. ft one inch thick, and weighs about 160 lbs. Per bbl.. _ >f;4 00 covS'^ special circular containing full description of non-conducting ASBESTOS HOT-BLAST CEMENT FELTING. This covering for Hot-Blast Pipes, Smoke Pipes, and other fi^'e-heated surfaces, being strictly fire-proof, is also valuable as a fire¬ proof lining under slate and other roofs, and for formiim fire-proof roofs; also “deadening ’’ for floors, etc. & P and xveighs about 2CO lbs. Per bbl. $5 50 14 H. W. JOHNS’ ASBESTOS LINING FELT. (PATENTED.) This material consists of pure Asbestos Sheathing, to one side of which is attached a layer of “ flocked” or felted Asbestos, forming a strictly fire-proof, non-conducting lining for Hair Felt, protecting it from the injurious effects of heat when applied to Steam Pipes, Boilers, etc. In rolls 50 ft. long, and 12, 18, 24 & 36 in. wide; per sq. ft., 6 cts. ASBESTOS CORDED SHEATHING. This consists of pure Asbestos Sheathing, to the surface of which are attached loosely-twisted rolls of Asbestos, forming a material about 4 of an inch thick. It is particularly valuable as a strictly fire-proof, non-conducting covering for Hot-Air and Smoke Pipes, for lining under Hair Felts on Steam Boilers, etc., and as a fire-proof lining under carpets, etc. In rolls, containing 100 & 150 sq. ft., 36 in. wide; per sq. ft. 15 cts. ASBESTOS LOCOMOTIVE LAGGING. Composed of large strands or twisted rolls of pure Asbestos, woven with a fine Asbestos warp, and lined with a pure Asbestos Sheathing, forming a strong, matted, felt-like material of great non-conducting power. It is fire and acid proof, and forms the most effective and durable “Lagging” or Covering known for locomotive boilers and all heated surfaces. This is the only substantial non-conducting Covering for Boilers and Pipes on steamships which is absolutely fire-proof. It can be cut in any desired shape without waste. About ^ inch thick, in rolls 36 in. wide; per sq. ft. 35 cts. ASBESTOS AND HAIR WOVEN FELT. This is similar to our Asbestos Locomotive Lagging, but contains 25 per cent, best hair ; it is equally desirable for covering Steam Pipes, Boilers, etc. It is very elastic and, owing to the large proportion of Asbestos, is practically fire-proof. About ^ inch thick, in rolls 36 in. wide; per sq. ft. 20 cts. HAIR FELT. This Felt is made from the best selected hair, and is the cleanest, lightest and most economical Hair Felt in use for covering boilers, steam and water pipes, sheathing ice-houses, deadening floors, etc. In bales of 300 square feet. Best quality; per sq. ft., i inch, 6 cts.; f inch, 7 cts.; i inch, Sets. 15 H. W. JOHNS’ PATENTED Asbestos Air-Chamber Covering. A Ifon-Conductiiig Covering for Boilers, Steam and Hot-Water Pipes. This improved Covering is formed with our fire-proof Asbestos Lining Felt, Hair Felt, and our Asbestos Sheathing and Canvas. Additional layers of Hair Felt and Sheathing form our Double Air- Chamber, the lightest and most effective non-conducting Covering known for Steam Pipes, Boilers, etc. Can be easily removed for repairs to pipes and boilers, and replaced without injury. Send for special pamphlet contaiiring full description, testimonials, etc. Price for Materials Complete, including Canvas: Single Air-Chamber Covering, per square foot, flat measure... .21 cts. Double Air-Chamber Covering, “ “ “ “ “ ....26 “ Price per Lineal Foot, Eegular Sizes of Pipe; Asbestos Single h ht- if in. I in. iHn. 2 in. 2 Jin. 3 in. 4 in. 5 in. 6 in. Air-Chamber, ilc. 12 c. 14c. 17 c. 20 c. 23 c. 27c. 33c 40c 46c. Double do. 17c. 19c. 20 c. 25 c. 28c. 32 c 36c. 44c. o3c. 61c. We are the inventors and patentees of non-conducting coverings composed of a layer or lining of Asbestos, surrounded by hair. Asbestos, or other porous or fibrous material, and covered^ or enclosed with a practically air-tight jacket of Asbestos, or material containing Asbestos. Also of the same divided into practically air-tight chambers or com¬ partments by an Asbestos sheet or other air-tight jacket or sheathing; also of a layer or cushion of Asbestos surrounded or covered by a layer or mass of binding material. Infringers will be prosecuted.”^^ i6 H. W. JOHNS' PATENT IMPROVED Asbestos Sectional Covering, OP Improved Air-Chamber Covering. A Non-Conducting Covering for Steam and Water Pipes, etc. This Covering is composed of a fire-proof non-conducting lining of Asbestos, surrounded by alternate layers of Asbestos and Non-Con ducting Felt, and is the lightest, strongest and most perfect form of Portable or Sectional Non-Conducting Pipe Covering ever produced, is practically indestructible and can be readily attached or removed by any one. Send for special circular containing full description. We also make special forms ol this covering, suitable for super¬ heated Steam-Pipes, etc. PRICE LIST FOR COVERING AND FITTINGS. iNSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE. COVERING Per Foot.* ELBOWS, Each TEES, Each. VALVES, Each. From ] i inch. 1 to [ 30 ets. 30 ets. 40 ets. 30 ets. 1^ inch, j 2 33 “ 33 “ 43 “ 33 “ “ 37 “ 37 “ 49 “ 49 “ 3 43 “ 43 “ 58 “ 58 “ “ 48 “ 48 “ 64 “ 64 “ 4 “ 53 “ 53 “ 72 “ 72 “ 4J “ 56 “ 56 “ 76 “ 76 “ 6 “ 60 “ 60 “ 80 “ 80 “ 6 69 “ 69 “ 92 “ 92 “ • In sections 3 feet long. Send for special pamphlet containing full description and testi¬ monials, samples, etc. 17 H. W. JOHNS’ ASBESTOS STEAM PACKINGS. Our improved elastic Asbestos Piston - Rod Packing is com¬ posed exclusively of the best quality long-fibre Asbestos spun into strands and combined, by a new process, into packing of any desired i size. It is applied in the same manner as ordinary Hemp Packing, forming the most perfect, compact and durable Packing ever pro- I duced for locomotives, marine and other engines, valve-stems, oil j pumps, expansion joints, etc. It requires less oil than any other, being i to a great extent self-lubricating, and will wear ten times as long as ordinary packings. I This Packing is superior to any heretofore produced in point of j durability and ease of application, and is indestructible by acids, long [ exposure to dampness, or any degree of heat. The cheaper kinds of oil made from petroleum work equally well with it as lard or sperm. i This Packing is finished with a smooth surface, and is covered with ; fine man ilia tissue paper (to be removed) to prevent the adhesion of dust or gritty substances. In regular sizes from ^ to 2 inches in diameter; per lb.35 cts. | ASBESTOS WICK PACKING. ! This article is composed of the purest and finest Asbestos fibre made into the form of a soft, strong “lamp-wick,” which can be wound or i packed in any desired shape around small steam and other valve-stems, j pumps, etc.; and, being strictly acid and fire-proof, is valuable for use in chemical works, etc. ^ In I-lb. balls and on 5 and lo-lb. spools; per lb.40 cts. NOTE. —The cotton with which other Packings are adulterated can be easily distinguished by applying a lighted match. I ASBESTOS FIBRE. Especially prepared for packing journal boxes, filtering chem- i icals and wiping galvanized wire, etc. FINE CARDED FIBRE, per lb.30 cts- No. I Extra “ “ 25 “ No. I “ “ 20 “ No. 3 Fine Ground “ “ 10 “ No. 3 Ground “ “ 10 “ 18 ASBESTOS MILL-BOARD OR FLAT PACKING. This is composed wholly of pure Asbestos, and weighs about twenty per cent, less than adulterated Mill-Board. It is strictly fire and acid-proof, and forms an economical and durable Flat or Sheet Packing for flange-joints, steam-pumps, cylinder heads, man-hole plates of steam boilers, oil stills, etc., and can be removed and replaced with¬ out injury. It is also used for covering locomotive boilers, and for fire¬ screens, partitions, linings under stoves, grates etc. In sheets of 40x40 in. from I-32 to 1-2 in. thick, weighing from to 28 lbs.; per lb.. . 18 cts. ASBESTOS GASKETS. All sizes not exceeding 40 inches outside diameter, from 1-32 to 1-4 of an inch thick, cut to order from our Asbestos Mill-Board—- weight less than one-half as much as India-Rubber Gaskets. Regular shapes, round or square; per lb. 60 cts. Rings and Washers, 3 inches or less in diameter; per lb.$ 1.00 Send pattern or drawing with orders for irregular shapes. ASBESTOS & RUBBER CLOTH. This material is composed of Asbestos Cloth covered with our im¬ proved composition of Asbestos and India-Rubber, and forms the most durable Flat or Sheet Packing made. Being very elastic, it will adapt itself to all uneven surfaces, forming a perfect joint, steam, acid, and air-tight. It weighs about 6 oz. per sq. ft., and is made in sheets and rolls 40 in. wide. It will be made two or more ply to order. Per lb. 80 cts. ASBESTOS & RUBBER TAPE. A braided Asbestos Band, or Tape, covered with our improved Asbestos and India-Rubber composition, forming the most durable Gaskets, Washers and Rings for Steam Joints, Cylinder Heads, Man¬ hole and Hand-hole Plates, etc. It can be easily bent into the re¬ quired shape, and removed and replaced without injury. We make all widths from 5-16 to 2 1-4 inches. Per lb.$ 1.00 Asbestos & Rubber Rings, with cemented lap joints, made to order from our Asbestos and Rubber Tape, on receipt of memo¬ randum of sizes, widths and thicknesses required; per lb.$ 1.25 Asbestos Gasket Cement, acid and water-proof, for forming air-tight joints between layers of our Asbestos Mill-Board where very thick Gaskets are required. In I, 2 and 5-lb. cans; per lb. 20 cts. 19 IS (PATENTED.) Vulcabeston (manufacturedby the Johns-Pratt Co., Hartford, Conn.) is composed of Asbestos, combined with water-and-acid-proof materials, vulcanized and compressed; is superior to any other known material on account of its permanent resistance to heat and immunity from injury by acids, gases, etc., and is therefore in¬ valuable for a variety of purposes. It can be made in any desired form, is practically indestructible, fire-proof, and will not shrink. At present we make two distinct kinds of Vulcabeston; the first is acid and water-proof, and will withstand any degree of dry heat. I'his forms the most perfect and durable acid chambers, electric ac¬ cumulator cells, etc., ever produced. The fire and water-proof Vulcabeston is a non-conductor of electricity, and possesses all the valuable qualities of the first, except that it is not acid-proof. For Electrical Purposes, we make to order Electrical Insulating Rings and Washers. Electric-Accumulator Cells, etc., etc., Vulcabeston Sheet Packing. In sheets 24 x 30 in. and 36 x 36 in. Hard, Medium, Soft, and Extra-Flexible, 1-16 in. thick and upward; per lb. .$ 1.00 Less than 1-16 inch thick, per lb. 1.25 Hard, for Electrical purposes, 1-16 in. and upward, per lb... 1.25 Less than 1-16 in., per lb.. 1.50 Vulcabeston Moulded Gaskets. ' Hand-hole, and round, under 6 in. diameter, 1-8 in. Medium thick and upward; per lb.$3.00 and , Less than 1-8 in. thick; per lb... 3.60 Soft. 1 Man-hole, round, square, and elliptical, 6 in. diameter [ and upward; per lb. 2.50 Vulcabeston Moulded Piston-Rod Packing Rings. Hard and Medium; per lb. $2.50 Vulcabeston Moulded Faucet Washers. Large, medium, and small, per 100 .$2.50 Vulcabeston Moulded Union Washers. For 3-8 inch Pipe. 1-16 in. thick, per 100. .$ 2 . 10 ... 1-8 in. thick, per 100. .$2.45 “ 1-2 “ . 2.45... . 2.75 “ 3-4 “ << . 3.00... . 3.65 (( j (( . 3.65... . 4.25 “ I i-qin. <( . 4.90... . 6.00 Vulcabeston Moulded Carriage-Axle Washers. Large, per lb.$3.90 Medium “ 4.25 Small, “ 4.90 Vulcabeston Shoes, Fire Proof, for use in Smelting Furnaces, Acid and Chemical Works, etc. All sizes, per pair.$5.50 We also make to order Vulcabeston Pump Valve?. “ Expansion joint Washers. “ Fire and Acid-Proof Tubing. “ Railway Dust Guards, and similar articles. Prices according to special requirements. VULCANIZED ASBESTOS PISTON-ROD PACKING. This is a flexible rope packing composed of strong, twisted strands of pure Asbestos, combined with India Rubber and vulcanized. It is an improvement upon our Pure Asbestos Packings, and is superior to all others for piston rods, valve-stems, pump-valves, etc., where high- pressure steam, hot water, oils, acids, ammonia, etc., are used, and for locomotives, stationary and marine engines. The advantages possessed by this Packing are that, in consequence of its wonderful strength and durability, it can be used wherever metallic packings have been heretofore necessary. It is self-lubri¬ cating to a greater extent than any other material, and will not shrink or blow out. Round and Square, all sizes, from ^ in. to 2 in. diam.; on ^ lb. and I lb. spools ; also on reels from lo to 50 lbs.; per lb. $1.00 SI ASBESTOS RETORT OEM ENT. This is used for repairing broken clay and iron Gas Retorts, Pipes, etc., and for cementing fittings, connecting pipes, flange-joints, etc. It is composed of Asbestos and other fire and acid-proof materials, is prepared ready for use, can be easily applied with a trowel, and hardens rapidly. When subjected to intense heat it vitrifies without shrinking, and is not injured by nitric or sulphuric acids, petroleum oils, etc., and effectually prevents the escape of vapors. Casks, 600 to 400 lbs; per lb.6 cts. Kegs, 300 to 100 “ “ . “ Pails, 50 and 25 “ “ . 7 ^ “ lo-lb. Cans, each. .$1.00 5 “ “ “ . 60 cts. ASBESTOS CLOTH. We manufacture strictly pure Asbestos Cloth in three standard thick¬ nesses—Fine, Medium and Heavy. It is strictly fire-proof, unaffected by acids or mineral oils, and is extensively used for filtering acids, etc. and as a filter cloth for domestic purposes, and in sugar works, etc. It is also made into curtains, aprons, mittens, screens etc. for use in theatres, smelting works, iron and steel furnaces, etc., as a protection against fire, heat and red-hot metal. We keep in stock 36-mch only; other widths are made to order. Fine, weight about 3§ oz. to i sq. ft. | Per yd., j JJJ; wide!^l ”.75 Medium, “ “ 4| “ “ “ “ “ “ 2.25 Heavy. “ “ 6^ “ “ “ “ “ “ 2.75 Heavy Twilled “ “ “ 3.50 Fire-Proof Theatre Curtains, Flies, Screens, Shields, Covers, Mittens, etc., made to order. We also manufacture Asbestos Cloth to order for special requirements. Asbestos Rugs. For protecting Carpets in front of grate fires, &c., from ignition from sparks, cinders, &c. In various colors and patterns, about 30 x 48 in., 'Each.. $ 7.00 Other sizes up to 60 inches in width and any desired length, will be made to order. 23 Asbestos Fire-Proof Rope. For fire-escape ladders, etc. All sizes from ^ to 2 in. diameter, per lb. $ 1.00 Asbestos Print-Roller Cloth. A very thick fabric, woven from our Asbestos Cord. It is acid-proof and is used for covering rollers in print works, etc. It is made to order of any desired width. Per square yard.$3.75 Print-Roller Cord; per lb.85 Asbestos Cord. This is a strong, hard-finished, six-strand Cord, about one-eighth of an inch diameter. It is valuable for suspending Metals, Retorts, Crucibles, etc., in contact with fire, and for use in theatres, chemical and acid works, print works, etc. It is fire and acid-proof. In i-lb. balls; per lb.65 cts. Asbestos Twine. This is a strong, hard-finished three-strand Twme, about one-fifteenth of an inch diameter. It is fire and acid-proof, and is used for purposes similar to those described for our Asbestos Cord, and for insulating electric and other wires, etc. In I-lb. balls; per lb.85 cts. Asbestos Sewing Twine. A very fine, strong, hard-finished Cord, used for sewing our Asbestos Cloth and for binding materials exposed to the action of fire or acids; also for philosophical and chemical apparatus, etc. In ^-Ib. balls; per lb.$1.25 Asbestos Paper. In rolls 39 inches wide, weighing about 4 lbs. to 100 sq. ft.; also in sheets 36 x 47 inches, about 5 sheets to i lb. Per lb.$1.75 Asbestos Tubes. For covering “ Carrying-in Forks” in Glass Works, etc. All sizes and lengths to order. ASBESTOS YARN.—TWO AND THREE-PLY. 23 THE CENTENNIAL PRIZE MEDAL DIPLOMA OF MERIT WERE Awarded for our Asbestos Materials. FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED BY American Institute, ’58 to '70, ’71, ’72, '73, ’74, ’75, ’77, ’78, ’79, ’80, and ’81. New Hampshire State Fair, 1871. Louisiana State Fair, 1870. Pennsyivania State Fair, 1872. Texas State Fair, 1871. Rhode Island State Fair, 1872. N. E. Agricultural Society, 1874. Chilian Exposition, 1875. N. C. Agricultural Society, 1877. Atlanta Cotton Exposition, 1881. Inter-Colonial Exposition, Melbourne, Australia, 1880. Cold Medals (2), Matanzas Exposition, 1881. Silver Medal, Amsterdam Exposition, 1883. Crystal Palace Medal, London, 1884. Medal of the First Class, New Orleans, 1885. The Highest Premiums have in every instance been awarded to our Asbestos Materials at all Expositions and Fairs, wherever exhibited. 24 TO DEfiLERS MD GENERAL MERCHANTS. :E ask you to look over our list, which comprises l/ii many well-known articles for Household, Struc¬ tural and Mechanical purposes, which are con¬ stantly wanted everywhere. We believe no other manufacturing house can offer a more desirable line of goods of solid practical value, or one which would form so com¬ plete a basis for a profitable business all the year roiind. Although for seemingly widely different purposes, our goods are all connected in their uses, and are required by everyone for his house, store or factory. We give exclusive sale of such of our goods as dealers will keep in stock, and our confidential terms will be found liberal and satisfactory. To Cos., ok You can save from lo to 25 per cent, of your customary outlays by use of our PAINTS, ROOFING, STEAM PIPE AND BOILER COVERINGS, STEAM PACKINGS, Etc. Our Materials are all Ready for Use and can be easily applied. Samples, Estimates of Cost and any further desired inform- ation will be promptly furyiished. ^LIBERAL DISCOUNTS TO LARGE CONSUMERS.-^ H. W. JOHNS MANUFACTURING CO., 87 Maiden Lane, New York. 170 & 172 North 4th St., Phila. 240 & 242 Randolph St., Chicago. 88 Leadenhall St., London. CAUTION. We find it necessary to caution purchasers against misrepresentations, and advise them to see that all goods represented as ours bear the name H. W. Johns,” our trade mark, or both, on every package. racsimile of our Teade-Maek Label which will be found on every package of our Liquid Paints. 1 When ordering, write the name of the article plainly and state the fj; price to avoid mistakes, as we will receive no goods returned ivithont instruc¬ tions from us. Please give full shipping directions. No goods will be sent C. O. D. 4fj=* TFe have no "agents" and will make no consignments. H. W. JOHNS MANUFACTURING CO., SOLE MANUFACTURERS. 87 MAIDEN LANE, NEW. YORK. CHICAGO, 240 <& 242 Randolph Street. PHILADELPHIA, 170 & 172 North 4t.h St. LONDON. 88 Leadenhall Street.