A C-A-T^A-LOO-XTE OF A CHOICE COLLECTION OF Old Chinese Nankin & Famille Yerte f e.b. H LoCiA M PORCELAIN AND A FEW DECORATIVE OBJECTS, THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN; OLD ITALIAN AND FRENCH BRONZES, AND 01: FRENCH AND OTHER DECORATIVE FURNITURE, FROM VARIOUS SOURCES, INCLUDING A SMALL COLLECTION OF porcelain anh Drronittk jfuntitun.', THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE LEXANDEB MARSHALL, ESQ. (By Order of the Executors): WHICH SEUl be Solb bg Auction bu Messrs. CHRISTIE, MANSON & WOODS, AT THEIR (SREAT ROOMS, 8 KING STREET, ST. JAMES’S SQUARE, On WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. May be viewed Two Days preceding, and Catalogues had, at Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods’ Offices, 8 King Street, St. James's Square, S. W. I 20 - 15 -TOD So CONDITIONS OF SALE. I. THE highest bidder to be the Buyer; and if any dispute arise between two or more Bidders, the Lot so in dispute shall be immediately put up again and re-sold II. No person to advance less than Is.; above Five Pounds, 5s.; and so on in proportion. III. In the case of Lots upon which there is a reserve, the Auctioneer shall have the right to bid on behalf of the Seller. IV. The purchasers to give in their Names and Places of Abode, and to pay down 5s. in the Pound, or more, in part of payment, or the whole of the Purchase-Money, if required; in default of which, the Lot or Lots so purchased to be immediately put up again and re-sold. V. The Lots to be taken away and paid for, whether genuine and authentic or not, with all faults and errors of description, at the Buyer’s expense and risk, within Two days from the Sale; Messrs. Christie, Manson and Woods not being responsible for the correct description, genuineness, or authenticity of, or any fault or defect in, any Lot; and making no warranty whatever. VI. To prevent inaccuracy in delivery, and inconvenience in the settlement of the Purchases, no Lot can on any account be removed during the time of Sale; and the remainder of the Purchase Money must absolutely be paid on delivery. VII. Upon failure of complying with the above Conditions, the Money deposited in part of payment shall be forfeited; all Lots un¬ cleared within the time aforesaid shall be re-sold by public or private Sale, and the deficiency (if any) attending such re-sale shall be made good by the defaulter at this Sale. CATALOGUE. On WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1897, AT ONE O’CLOCK PRECISELY. *o*- THE PROPERTY OF A GENTLEMAN. OLD NANKIN PORCELAIN. 77 1 Two pairs of very small bottles ; and one other ■^2 Three pairs of ditto T&i ^3 Five small bottles, of various patterns ^ 4 A bottle, with long neck and figures ; and two others A pair of small cylindrical bottles, with utensils . ^5 A sprinkler, with chrysanthemums; and two smaller bojiles, will* ornaments in white on blue ground / £ 6 A pair of two-handled bowls, covers and stands, painted with flowers/ and fruits 9 7 A pair of long-necked pear-shaped bottles, with scroll decoration in white on blue ground—5| in. high / C&gA/A'* ^ 8 A tea-pot, formed as a barrel, painted with utensils o 9 A paii’of vases and covers, with Lange Lysen—8^ in. high ; and one^ y - nearly similar—8 in. high / Y/Eo* 7 10 A pair of cylindrical vases, with Lange Lysen—8 in. high 4 11 12 /ef/t 13 S' •/ . O 14 if z/«/r o 15 S^'/S £ 16 ft/ - ^ 17 S~> »/ - -r 2, 22 23 ° 24 , # 25 ^ 27 ' 7 . / 7. /28 /0, o 2 !) £. 34 :> 35 ? 36 * 37 38 39 40 41 * 42 o 43 borders— 21-i in. diam. A Pair of Deep Dishes, with equestrian figures— 13^ in. diam A Pair of Ditto— 12^ in. diam. A Pair of Ditto, with Lange Lysen—13 in. diam. A pair of hexagonal vases and covers, with flowers and foliage, —6^ in. high A Beaker, with buildings, figures and flowers—9^ in. high Another, with flowers in borders of blue, with scrolls in white— 5 f in. high A Pair of Oviform Vases and Covers, with flowers, and bands of ornament with arabesques in white on blue ground—8^ in. high A Pair of Ditto, and a Beaker, en suite—8 in. high — ■” A Pair of Smaller Oviform Vases and Covers, with arabesques x in white on blue ground in medallions— 6J in. high e ^ ^ r>t - J A Tall Beaker, with scroll foliage amd flowers in white on blue ground, and other decorations— 21f in. high A Vase, of similar design— 16f in. high ENAMELLED CHINESE PORCELAIN. a 44 A Pair of Jars and Covers, with arabesque foliage in greet), on black ground—26 in. high £ 45 A Famille Verte Vase and Cover, with baskets of flowers, garden scenes and figures in enamelled trellis borders—26 in. highac^yu^ 46 A Pair of Tall Vases and Covers, enamelled with flowers in colours in leaf-shaped medallions on dark blue ground—21£i«y 7 . 7 high 6 //#' /9 ■ ^ A Tall Fluted Yase and Cover, garden scenes and ladies in leaf¬ shaped medallions on richly enamelled ground—17^ in. high — on chased or-molu plinth Pear-Shaped Bottle, with male figures, fruit trees, &c. in medallions on red scroll ground—15^ in. high —mounted with ' metal-gilt Z ,0 49 A Pair op Circular Dishes, with figures and plants in alternate lotos compartments on the borders, and flowers and Dutch shields- of-arms in the centres—12 in. diam. t A Pair, similar — A Pair op Tea-Pots, Covers and Stands, enamelled with river scenes, o 50 /f, r. ^si £, /£, £ ,52 &c. in colours on black ground, with flowers in green and other A colours , & 53 /. A 0 54 £ . , 0 55 £„ 0.0 56 J, CT.O 57 /*/ 58 ' •£, and coloured trellis borders PORCELAIN AND DECORATIVE OBJECTS. & ■ & 50 A pair of Old Worcester fluted cups and saucers, with figures and x landscapes in lake 61 A Battersea Enamel Case, for a telescope, painted with landy^p scapes in gilt scroll borders on pink and gold ground £>,£.. o (a A Paib op Chelsea Porcelain Plates, with gilt scroll borders, painted with bouquets of flowers , A// 7 63 A Pair of Ditto 64 A Pair of Ditto 65 A Set of Four Candelabra, figures of fauns bearing gilt branches for three lights eaph—on oval white marble pedestals and grey marble plinths Pair of Louis XV. Candelabra, with chased or-molu branches for three lights each, surmounted by a caduceus—on white marble and or-molu pedestals with seated figures of winged sphinxes Tall Six-Leaved Screen, with old leather panels painted with 66 A , 0 67 A flowers, &c. in colours on gold ground hV- ' DIFFERENT PROPERTIES. OLD ITALIAN AND FRENCH BRONZES. ) 68 Figure of Amor, partly draped, holding a quiver, by Sansorino—/ ^ Venetian , 1 6th century 69 Nude figure of a warrior, with sword and shield— Florentine, 16s th century 70 Group of Neptune, in car drawn by sea-horses—study for a fountain — Florentine, 1 6th century —19 in. high ,71 Nude figure of a warrior, drawing a sword from its scabbard— Paduan, '? 16 th century —8 in. high '72 Group of Venus and Cupid, on stand with arms— Florentine, 1 Qth century —9 in. high ^ 73 Triangular ink-stand and cover, with ornament in relief— style of sf / Riccio, 15 th century —6 in. high • 74 Triangular vase, supported by three seated figures— Venetian, 1 6th j century — 5^ in. high 75 Gilt figure of Neptune, with hand resting on dolphin— Venetian, - a 16iA century —6 in. high 8 6, 76 Round pkquette, by Etienne Delaulne, The Judgment of Solomon— French, IGth century —5^ in. diam. //(7, 011 Round medal, Louis XII. and Anne of Brittany— French, 15th cen¬ tury —41 in. diam. ' /& 78 Grilt obloug plaque, St. John Preaching in the Desert— Italian, 1 6th century —9f in. by 7 in. — LIMOGES ENAMELS. &19 Plate by Penicaud III., with figures of Jupiter, Mercury, Venup and Cupid, arabesques and bust on the back— 1\ in. diam./jf ^80 Salt-cellar, by Penicaud III., with warrior in car and centaurs in attendance, mask with arabesque border on the top—3f in. high DECORATIVE FURNITURE. Js-, ,/j- ;:> A 81 A Clock, by Padeval, Paris, in Louis XV. case of or-molu and bronze, supported by a bronze figure of an elephant—on chas^M or-molu plinth Pair op Louis XVI. Or-molu Candelabra, the stems formed as spirally fluted vases and three bronze figures of female Satyrs, and with branches lor three lights each, chased with acanthus foliage and flowers—30 in. high /£, /, £ 83 A Pair op Louis XVI. Candelabra, formed as oviform vases of white marble, and altar-shaped stands of or-molu with foliage and flower branches—17 in. high \ J~. ^84 A Tall Regulator Clock, in Louis XVI. case of mahogany mounted with chased or-mulu, and surmounted by a fluted vase *Jrd 85 A •F9f /7. * with ram’s-head handles of or-molu Clock, in Louis XIV. Case op Black Boulle, with engraved metal-gilt dial, and allegorical subject of Time bearing away a female figure, in or-molu, and mounted with terminal figures of sphinxes, masks and borders of chased or-molu, surmounted by an antique lamp—45 in. high 9 4 > 86 Another, with chased and enamelled dial, in Boulle case mounted tr with boldly chased or-molu and surmounted by ayfigure of Cupid holding a thunderbolt— 29 in. high 87 A Louis XY. Marqueterie Upright Commode, with live drawers, ' ° inlaid with a basket of flowers, ribbons and trellis, mounted with chased or-molu and surmounted by a veined marble^lab- 44 in. wide The Companion ,p$9 A Commode, with three drawers, en suite—62 in. wide '^,*90 A Circular Marqueterie Cabinet, en suite—24 in. diam. _ 91 A Small Oblong Writing Table, en suite—82 in. wide - '<7 1 & The following are Sold by Order of the Executors of the late ALEXANDER MARSHALL, of Parhwalls, near Camelford, and formerly of The Esplanade, Plymouth. SEVRES. o 92 A Pair of Seaux, with shaped borders, in gros-bleu, painted with hanging bouquets of flowers c gr 93 A pair of oviform vases and covers, of gros-bleu, with painted necks, ' and covers painted in two oval medallions with lake scenes, gilt borders—12 in. high qPAmPP ^ o 94 A pair of Chelsea candlesticks, formed as figures of boys holding nozzles, on scroll pedestals— in. high 95 A pair of taller ditto, with figures of a boy and girl holding flowe - / 0 bosquets at the back—10£ in high lowers, 10 DECORATIVE OBJECTS. 96 A Clock, and A Pair of Vases, en suite, formed as a lyre, with figures of swans in white metal and chased or-molu- -23 in. high yy 97 A Louis XV. Clock, by C. Mathieu a Paris, in red Vernis-Martin case painted with flowers, mounted with scrolls and flowers in/ chased or-molu—38 in. high 98 A Boulle Bracket Clock, by Landel A Paris, in tortoiseshell yj,/,4 case inlaid with flowers in brass, mounted, with scrolls and flowers in chased or-molu, surmounted by a figure of Time— t 32 in. high 99 A Florentine Cabinet, of ebony, with three cupboards and six , & drawers, larger drawer beneath, inlaid with plaques of lapis lazuli, porphyry, malachite and agate, and further decorated with plaques of ivory engraved with figures, terminal figums and scrolls —58 in. wide, 24 in. deep 100 An Oval Mahogany Table, with folding flaps and two drawers, r./r.y painted with amorini, acanthus scrolls and bands of t^al, ornaments £ & FINIS. London : Printed by Wm. Clowes & Sons, Limited, Stamford Street and Charing Cross.