CI PES COMPILED FROM THE ^ CENTjt /i /^C-y (<~ /"AT'/^o 7^ cnrx,_ C-V^ /^L^<.VC^ /%e. J/\-r-f ' AS ^ '^" J, '>^ y/ ^ /^^\h^y^ ^^ ^ WRINKLES AND ^'^i'Y tk RECIPES, COMPILED PROM THE Scientific American. A Collection of Practical Suggestions, Processes, and Directions lor THE MECHANIC, THE ENGINEER, THE FARMER, and THE HOUSEKEEPER. I1L.1L, u©tiia.tje:i>. EDITED BT p ^??^ Pi iv B E jsr J A Tvi I ]sr. Revisers and ContriMors : Professor R. H. THURSTON, C.E. Professor P. H. VANDER TTEYDE, M.D. RICHARD H. BUEL, Mechanical Engineer. JOSHUA ROSE, Mechanical Engineer. Xeav-York ; TI. ?^. IVrXJNINr, FXJBLISHER, 3r Park Row. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by H. N. MUNN AND PARK BENJAMIN, in the Office of the T.ihrnrian of Congress, at Washington. THEGEnYCENlER LIBRARY If any worker in five great army of those in, whose intelligent labor lies the surest foundation for the prosperity of us all, finds among the sug- gestions here compiled one tJvought, as it is hoped he may many, ivhich shall lighten his toil or aid him in the production of better work, then the editor sincerely trusts that that worker will deem this little volume as prepared, for his es- pecial benefit, and to him especially dedicated. PREFACE. The aim iu the following pages has been to compile a collec- tion of suggestions for the every-day use of the workiug-man,in his shop, about his dwelling, or in his household. The book is not an encyclopaedia of recipes, nor does it make any pretensions to that title ; on the contrary, a very large number of formulae have purposely been omitted, because they are, for the most part, at- tainable in other and more extensive works. Preference has been given to practical hints, and, while the majority of these have been carefully gathered and condensed from the back files of the Scientific American, and more especially from the letters of cor- respondents of that paper, a goodly proportion are entirely new and fresh, and have been prepared expressly for this book. For the contribution of a large part of the matter in, and for the general supervision of the department of Mechanics, the edi- tor is indebted to that thorough workman, Mr. Joshua Rose. To Mr. Richard H. Buel (whose articles are signed " B.") similar ac- knowledgments are owing for valuable papers on boilers, engines, and other to|)ics in the department of Engineering. The general revision of the last-mentioned department has been the labor of Professor R. H. Thurston, of the Stevens Institute, as has the si- milar overlooking of the department of Technology, that of Pro- fessor P. H. Van der Weyde. To both of these distinguished gentlemen, as well as to Messrs. Munn & Co., the publishers of the Scientific American, who have most kindly afforded the facili- ties for the preparation of this work, the cordial acknowledgments of the editor are due. New-Yokk, 1877. CONTENTS, * * Subjects will he found arranged nlphahetically under the below-indexed subheadings of the various departments. Mechanics: p^ge Master Tools and their Uses 7 Tools 16 Mechanical Shop Wrinkles and Directions . 38 Engineering: Testing Materials 55 The Engine and its Appendages 57 The Boiler and its Attachments 87 Belts, Pulleys, and Sliafting 109 Practical Technology : Cements, Glues, and Moulding Compositions 135 Metal-Working Hints and Kecipes 140 Simple Instrunii'uts and their Uses 150 Recipes for the Preparation of wood 156 The Preservation and Preparation of Natural History Specimens 158 Painting, Ciilding, and Varnishing Recipes 166 Hints about Drawing and Sketching 171 Simi)le (lalvanic Batteries and Electroplating Recipes. . . .178 Useful Chemical Recipes for Detection of Adulterations, etc 181 The Farm : Farm Buildings 189 The Dairy 202 Farm Hints and Reciiies 204 Household Hints 223 MECHANICS. MASTER-TOOLS > THEIR MANUFACTURE AND USE. The master-tools, here illustrated and described, comprise all that are necessary for plain machine- work in every description of metal ; and if they are made of the precise shape, and according to the given instructions, they will perform the full amount of duty here allotted to them, which, though it may appear to be unusually great, may be thoroughly relied upon for metal of any ordinary degree of hardness. Xor can any less amount of duty be obtained from them without evidencing inferior mechanical skill either in making or using the tool. It is true economy to ob- tain from a cutting tool its utmost amount of duty, which, though it may entail a little more drawing out and grinding of the tool in a given time, does not involve anymore as compared to the quantity of work performed. It is well within the mark to say that at least one third more duty, in a given time, may be ob- tained from cutting-tools for metals (used in all machines having variable speeds and feeds, such as the lathe and the shaping- machine), than is obtained in the usual practice of our machine- shops, especially in the larger ones. Boring-tool for Brass. — The boring tool for brass-work, here shown, is a standard tool for either roughing out or finish- BORING-TOOL FOR BRASS. ing, both of which duties it will perform equally well. It is bent further round at the end than is the boring-tool for wrought-iron, to prevent it from jarring or chattering. It is a master-tool in ev^ery sense of the word. It should be hardened right out, and used with a quick speed and light feed, no matter how deep the 8 MECHANICS. cut is. To prevent chattering or jarring when extending far out from the tool-post, or when it is very slight in body, it should have the toi) face depressed toward the cutting edge. When this tool is a stout one, the point may be ground more round, which will make it cut to finer finish. BoHiNG-TOOL KOH Wrought-iron OR Steel. — For turning Out small holes, the tool here represented has no equal, providing it BORING-TOOI, FOR WROl'ClIT-IltON OH STEEL. be made of the precise shape shown, the reasons for which are as follows : The cutting end must not be bent, in forging, any fur- ther round, because, in that case, the strain placed upon the tool by the cut will be in a direction tending to revolve the tool in the tool-post, giving the tool a corresponding tendency to spring away from its cut ; and further, because so stout a tool could not be got into the same size of hole. The degree of bend or angle of the centre-line of the bent end to the centre-line of the length of the body of the tool, causes the strain of the cut to be placed comparatively endwise of the tool, endeavoring to force it back into the tool-post, and thus ])lac('s flic strain in the direction in which the tool is best caiJabU; of withstanding it. The keenness and shape given to the top face of the tool make the cutting edge perform its duty on the front edge, which again tends to place the strain endwise on the tool, operating, by the strain on the top face of the tool (caused by its bending tlie sliaviiig), to keep the tool to its cut by giving it an inclination to fct-d itself forward, thus rclifving tho feed-screw and nut of tlie slide-rest of a part of tlie duty of f.-eding. The cutting edge should not, even when tlie too] is newly forged, stand much, if any, above the horizontal ydane of the top of the body of the tofd, otlierwise so stout a tool can not be got into a given size of hole, a consideration which is f)f the utujost importance ; because boring-tools, from their com- parative slightness, especially in lotii: holes, are a|)t, under the most favorable of conditions, to spring away from the cut as the cutting proceeds toward tlie back end of the hole, thus making the latter a tajier, of Avliich thi^ back end has the smalli'st diame- ter, necessitating neveiiil line finishing cuts in order to mak«^ a parallel hole. If, however, <'very means is taken to use as stout a tool as the size of tlie liole will admit, the boring-tool will bore u very true and smooth hole. MECHANICS. 9 In using these tools, it is best to employ a comparatively quick speed and lio^bt feed, no matter what the depth of the cut may be. They should be tempered to a very light straw if the tool is slight, and otherwise hardened right out ; and the work should be freely supplied with soapy water. For use on copper, the top face should be ground more hollow, so that the cutting edge will be much more keen than is here shown. Whenever there is sutficient room in the hole, a stout bar of iron or steel should be held in the tool-post, and a short tool secured by set-screw in the end of the bar, thus securing greater rigidity than is pos- sessed by a boring-tool, and facilitating the forging and grinding of the cutting-tool Finishing-Tool for Cast-Iron. — Cast-iron may be finished true and smoothly by a tool having a much broader cutting and scraping surface than is applicable to any other metal ; and we are therefore enabled to apply to it, for finishing purposes, the FINISHING-TOOL FOR CAST-ERON. tool above illustrated, setting it so that its square nose is placed quite parallel with the work, and feeding it with a feed almost as coarse as the width of the square nose, say 8 revolutions of the lathe per in. of tool travel on small work, and 3 revolutions per ditto for large work. The tool is held with the cutting edge aa close to the tool-post as can possibly be convenient, and the cutting speed is about 25 to 30 feet per minute on small work, and 18 feet on large work, the tool being hardened right out iu all cases. FiNisHixo-TooL for WRoroHT-lRON, Cast-Iron, or Steel.— This is a finishing-tool for wrought-iron which will cut smoothly, clean, and true, beinir far preferable to the square-nosed tools sometimes used for the purpose of finishing iron, since such tools do not turn wrought-iron true, but follow the texture of the metal, cutting deepest in the softer parts, especially when their edges become in the least dull from use. This tool should be 10 MECHANICS. held with the cutting edge as close in to the tool-post or clamp as it can conveniently be, with a quick speed and fine feed, soapy water being applied to the work. It may be also used for taking light roughing cuts on small work, and is, for such purposes, an excellent tool, especially upon work so slight as to be liable to spring, for which purpose the cutting point should not be much rounded. Ground very keen, it will answer admirably for copper work, the cutting speed being very great ; that is to" say, at least fourfold that given below, which is for finishing cuts on wrought or cast iron. FINISHrNG-TOOL FOR WROUGHT-IRON, CAST-IRON, OR STEEL. Size of work, inches diameter. 1 and less 1 to 3 2 " 5 5 " 12 12 " 30 20 and over (-'lUtiiii; jiijood, feet per minute. 38 30 25 23 20 18 Peed. 30 25 20 20 16 14 This tool should always be hardi-ned right out ; and if used upon cast-iron, it should have less keenness upon tlie toj) face ; that is to say, the i)lane of the top face should be ground more nearly to the same plane as the top face of the body ()f the tool. For use upon steel, the top face must be ground more nearly horizontal — a rule which, we tiuiy hereoljservc, applies to all tools used upon wMuglit-iron. It sliould be placed in the lathe so tliat its cutting edge stands above the horizontal centre-line of the work. FnoNT-Toor- kok Bhass-Wouk.— This is a complete master- tool, filling every necessary <|iialillcati<)ii for all plain outside l)rass work, ami dointr the duty on lliat metal wliicli the front tnol nrid right and left hand side-tools do on wrought iron. As shown in the engraving, it is ground to suit either roughing out MECHANICS. 11 or finishing. For very sliglit work, wbicli is liable to spring, it may be ground a little more keen on the side faces, the top face not' requiring, under any possible circumstances or conditions, to be o-round keener than shown above. When held far out from the^'tool-post, the top face sliould be ground away, sloping down toward the cutting edge, wliich is done to prevent the tool from jarring or chattering. It should be hardened right out, and not FRONT-TOOL FOR BRASS-WORK. lowered or tempered at all, and used for roughing out at the following speed and feeds : Size of work, in inclies. 1 and less 2 to 5 5 to 13 12 to 20 Revolutions of Lathe. 350 250 200 150 Peed. 25 25 35 30 For finishing-cuts, the cutting speed may be increased by about one fifth, which rule will also apply to its use upon yellow brass for roughing out as well as finishing purposes. PARTING-TOOL. Parting or Grooving Tool for Iron or Steel. — The part ing tool is applicable either to cutting grooves or for parting, or, in other words, cutting work aj)art. The cutting point, or end of the tool, is made thicker than the metal, both vertically and horizon- tally, behind it, so that the latter shall clear and not grind against the sides of the groove. This tool, especially if made thin to suit some especial purpose, is excessively liable to spring, in conse- quence of the pressure of the cut ; and if it commences to spring, it is apt to dig into the cut, and then break from the excessive 12 MECHANICS. Strain. It is to prevent this digging in that the top face of the cutting part of the tool is placed so much below the top face of the body of the tool, which may, however, be dispensed with when the cutting edge is held close in to the tool-post, and the groov- ing is not required to be very deep. When, however, these re- quirements do exist, the form illustrated is absolutely indispen- sable to rapid and reliable duty, whether the tool be used in a lathe or a planiug-machine, the cutting edge of the tool being kept at about the horizontal centre of lathe-work, by packing- pieces placed beneath the body of the tool. If the width of the tool is not less than ,^^ inch, and does not require to cut a groove deeper than f inch, it should be hardened right out ; if, however, these conditions are reversed, it should be tempered to a dark straw, and for very weak tools even to a purple color, as lower- ing the temper increases the strength of all tools. If the groove to be cut is sufficiently broad to cause the tool to spring, it is best to use a narrower one and cut it out in two separate cuts, moving the tool. PARTING-TOOL FOU BnA.*S. Parting-Tool for Br.\ss. — The parting-tool for braes is gov- erned by the same principle as that for iron, save that its top face must be ground level, except in cases where the cutting edge stands far out from the tool-post, in which event the toj) face KOl'OIIINO-TOOL FOH WUOIKillT-IUON. must be ground away at an angle of which the cutting edge is flie lowest i)iirt. It is rarely, liowever, necessary for brass-work to grind tlie cutting edge imich below tin- level of tlie to]) face of the bod the cutters, the iMit, II, is sirewed up with a wrenlock of iron, and strike tin- burrs from the under side, and tiny will l)r<'!ik n-adily and easily olT. MECHA^^cs. 21 Chisels, Cold, Use of. — These sliould be kept thin at the cut- ting end, which saves time and entails less labor in using. Cone-Plate for boring in the lathe. — For chucking shafts and other similar work in tbe lathe (to bore holes in the ends of the shafts, etc.), the cone-plate shown in the engraving is the best appliance known to machinists. A is a standard, fitting in the shears of the lathe, at E, and holding the circular plate, C, by means of the bolt, B, which should be made to just clamp the plate, C, tightly when the nut is screwed tight. The plate con- tains a series of conical holes, 1, 2, 3, etc. (shown in section at D). The object of coning the pin, B, where it carries the plate, C, is that the latter shall be made to a good working fit and have no play. The operation is to place the shaft in the lathe, one end being provided with a driver, dog, or carrier, and placed on the running or line centre of the lathe ; and the other end, to be CONE-PLATE FOR BORING Df THE LATHE. operated upon, being placed in such one of the conical holes of the plate, C, as is of suitable size, the distance of the standard, A, from the lathe-centre is to be adjusted so that the work will revolve in the coned hole with about as much friction as it would have were it placed between both the lathe-centres. Thus the conical hole will take the place of the dead-centre of the lathe, leaving the end of the shaft free to be operated on. F F are holes to bolt the standard, A, to the lathe shears or bed ; and G G, etc., are taper-holes to receive the pin, G, shown in the sec- tional view. The object of these holes and pin is to adjust the conical holes so that they will stand dead true with the lathe- centres ; for if they stood otherwise, the holes would not be bored straight in the work. In the engraving, hole No. 7 is shown in position to operate, the pin, G, locking the plate, C, in that position. In setting the work, the nut on the pin, B, should be eased back just sufficiently to allow the plate. C, to revolve by hand ; the work should then be put into position, and the pin, G, put into place ; the standard. A, should then be adjusted to Q2 MECHANICS. its distaiKM' from till- live liillif-centre, and bolted to tlie lathe- bed ; and linally, the nut on the pin, B, should be screwed up tight, when the work will l)e held true, and tlie cone-plate pre- vented from f^pringing. Care must be taken to t^upply the coni- cal holes, in which the work revolves, with a liberal quantity of oil, otherwise they will be apt to abrade. Cutters and Reamers, To prevent, cracking when being hardened. — Drill a small hole from tlie side to meet the large one at its enclosed termination. Cutters for Boiler-Platr and similar Work.— Cutters are steel bits, usually held in either a stock or bar, being fitted and keyed to the same ; by this means, cutters of various shapes and sizes may be made to fit one stock or bar, thus obviating the ne- cessity of having a multiplicity of these tools. Of cutter-stocks, whicli are usually employed to cut out holes of comparatively large diameter, as in the case of tube-plates for boilers, there are two kinds, the simplest and easiest to lie made being tliat shown below. Cl'TTBRt:. A is the stock, through wiiich runs a slot or keyway into which th(! cutter, ii, fits, being locked by tlie key, (". D is a pin to steady tlu; tool while it is in operation. Holes of the size of the pin, f), are first drilled in the work, into which the ])in fits. To obviate the nectissity of drilling these holes, somc^ modern drill- stocks Imve, in place of the pin, D, a conical-ended pin which acts as a centre, and which fits into a centre punch mark made in the eenfre of the hole to be cut in the woi'k Most of these devices are patenteil, and the in'mciple u|)oii which they act will be un- derstoo'i from the second enf-raving, A being the stock to whicli MECHANICS. 23 the cutters, B B, are bolted with one or more screws. (' is a spiral spring working in a hole in the stock to receive it. Into the out- er end of this hole fits, at a working fit, the centre, D, wliich prevented from being forced out (from the pressure of the spring IS CUTTERS. C) by the pin working in the recess, as shown. E is the plate to be cut out, from which it will be observed that the centre, D, is forced into the centre-punch mark in the plate by the spring, C, and thus serves as a guide to steady the cutters and cause them to revolve in a true circle, so that the necessity of first drilling a hole, as required in the employment of the form of stock shown in the first figure, is obviated. Cutting Square Threads, Tools for.— For cutting square threads, the tool here represented is used. The point at C is JicrJ4>. 'T TOOL Foil CUTTING SQUARE THREADS. made thicker than the width at D, so as to give the sides clear- ance from the sides of the thread. At B it is made thinner, to give the tool clearance, and deeper to compensate in some mea- sure for the lack of substance in the thickness. The top face 24 MECHANICS. may, for wrought-iron or steel, be ground hollow, C being the liifihest point, to make it cut cleaner ; while, when held far out from the tool-post for use on brass-work, the face, C D, may be ground at an incline, of which C is the lowest point, which will prevent the tool from springing into the work. If the pitch of the screw to be cut is very coarse, a tool nearly one half of the width of the space between one thread and the next should be employed, so as to avoid the spring which a tool of the full width would undergo. After taking several cuts, the tool must be moved laterally to the amount of its width, and cuts taken ofE as before until the tool has cut somewhat deeper than it did before being moved, when it must be placed back again into its first position, and the process repeated until the re- quired depth of thread is attained. Sr-KEW ni'RINr. ctjttino The abov(> figure represents a thread or screw during the above- described ))n)cess of cutting, a a a\s the groove or space taken out by tilt! cuts liefore the tool was moved ; B B represents tlie first cut taken after it was moved ; c is the point to which the cut, B, is supposed (for the purpose of this illustration) to have traveled. The tool used liaviiig been a little less than one half the proper width of th(! space <>f the tliread, it becomes evident that the thread will be l(!ft with ratluT more than its jiroprr thickne.s.x, wliicli is done to allow finishing-cuts to be taken uj)on its sidi'S. for which purpose the knife-tool already described is brought into requisi- tion, care being taken that it is placed true, so as to cut i)()th sides f)f the tliread of an cfiual angle to the centre-line ot the Kcr(!w. AfljuKtdhle dies, tliat is, those which take nion^ than one cut to make a full tliread, should never be used in cases where a solid die will answer the jturpose, because adjustable dies take every cut at a (lifTerent angle to the ceiitre-liiie of the bolt, as ex]ilaiiied by the following engravings. Tlie first re]>resents an ordinary screw. It is vvident that the ))itcli from (I to B is the same as from (' to D, tlu; one being the to]), the otlier the liottom, of the thread. It is also evident that a piece of cord wound once around tlie top of the thread will be longer than one wound once around tlie bottom of the thread, MECHANICS. 25 and yet, in passing once around tlie thread, the latter advanced as much forward as the former, that is, to the amount of the pitch of the thread. To illustrate this fact, let a b, in the follow- ing diagram, represent the centre-line of the bolt lengthwise, and B a ORDINARY SCREW. c d a, line at right angles to it ; then let from the point e to the point /represent the circumference of the top of the thread, and from e to g the circumference of the bottom of the thread, the lines 7i 7i representing their respective pitches ; and we have the line k as representing the angle of the top of the thread to the centre-line, a b, of the bolt, and the line I as representing the angle of the bottom of the thread to the centre-line, a b, of the bolt, from which it becomes apparent that the top and the bot- tom of the thread are at different angles to the centre-line of the bolt. The tops of the teeth of adjustable dies are themselves at the greatest angle, while they commence to cut the thread on the bolt at its largest diameter, where it possesses the least angle, so Ch that the dies cut a wrong angle at first, and gradually approach the correct angle as they cut the depth of the thread. From what has been already said, it will be perceived that the angle of thread cut by the first cuts taken by adjustable dies, is neither that of the teeth of the dies nor that required by the bolt, so that the dies can not cut clean because the teeth do not fit the grooves they cut, and drag in consequence. 26 MECHANICS. Dies for use in hand-stocks are cut from hubs of a larger dia- meter than the size of bolt the dies are intended to cut : this being done to cause the dies to cut at the cutting edges of the teeth which are at or near the centre of each die, so that the threads on each side of each die act as guides to steady the dies and pre- vent them from wabbling, as they otherwise would do ; the result of this is that the angle of the thread in the dies is not the cor- rect angle for the thread of the bolt, even when the dies are the closest together, and hence taking the finishing-cuts on the thread, although the dies are nearer the correct angle when in that posi- tion than in any other. A very little practice at cutting threads with stocks and dies will demonstrate that the tops of the threads on a bolt cut by them are larger than was the diameter of the bolt before the thread was commenced to be cut, which arises from the pressure placed on the sides of the thread of the bolt by the sides of tlie thread on the dies, in consequence of the difference in their angles ; which pressure compresses the sides of the bolt-thread (the metal being softer than that of the dies), and causes a corresponding increase in its diameter. It is in con- sequence of the variation of angle in adjustable dies that a square thread can not be cut by them, and that they do not cut a good V-thread. In the case of a solid die, the teeth or threads are cut by a hub the correct size, and they therefore stand at the proper angle ; furthermore, each diameter in the depth of the teeth of the die cuts the corresponding diameter on the bolt, so that there is no strain upon the sides of the thread save that due to the force ne- cessary to cut the metal of the bolt-thread. Cutting versus Sckaping Tools. — A tool will either cut or scrape, according to the position in whidi it is held, as. for in- stance, below the line A in the illustration. Line A is in each CUTTING AND SCRAPINO. casi! onf drawn from tlie centre of tlu! work to th(! jjoint of con- tact betwe(!ii tin; tool edge and tlie work, (' being tlie work, and MECHANICS. 27 B the tool. It will be observed that the angle of the top face of the tool varies in each case with the line A. In position 1, the tool is a cutting one ; in 2, it is a scraper ; in 3, it is a tool which is a cutter and scraper combined, since it will actually perform both functions at one and the same time ; and in 4, It is a good cutting tool, the shapes and angles of the tools being the same in each case. Dies, Fitting, to quadrants when either the dies or quadrants, or both, are to be hardened. — -Make them a shade too small, to al- low for their swelling during the process of hardening. Dies, To ease hardened, that fit too tightly. — Supply them with very fine emery and oil, and work them backward and for- ward in their place along the travel. Dies, To renew worn-out. — Slightly close the holes by swaging, fill the clearance-holes with Babbitt-metal, and recut them with the hub. COUNTERSINK-PnSf DRILLS. Drills, Countersink-Pin. — Of these tools there are various forms. The following figure represents a taper countersink such as is employed for holes to receive flush rivets or countersunk head-bolts, this form of tool being mainly employed for holes above 1^ of an inch in diameter. It should be made, tempered, and used as directed for pin-drills. In tempering these tools, or any others having a pin or projection to serve as a guide in a hole, the tool should be hardened right out from the end of the pin to about f of an inch above the cutting edges. Then lower the temper of the metal (most at and near the cutting-edges), leaving the pin of a light straw-color, which may be accomplished by pouring a little 28 MECHANICS. oil upou it during the lowering or tempering process. The object of this is to preserve it as much as possible from the wear due to its friction against tlie sides of the hole. For use on wrought-irou and steel, this countersink (as also the piu-drill) may have the front face hollowed out, after the fashion of the lip-drill, and as shown by the dotted line. Drills, Slot, for key ways. — For drilling out oblong holes, such as key ways, or for cutting out recesses such as are required to re- ceive short feathers in shafts, the drill known as a slotting-drill, here shown, is brought into requisiiion. No. 1 is the form in EDGE VIEW tND VIEW ^J\/Pl. £ END VIEW A A EDGE VIEW SIDE VIEW rifl. 1.— HI.0T-DRI1.L8. which this tool was employed in tlie early days of its introduc- tion ; it is thtr Htrongi^r form of the two, and will tak(^ the heaviest cut. 'J'iie ol)j('ctioti to it, liowevor, is that, in cutting out deep slots, it is !ipt to drill (lut of true, the hoh' gradually running to one side. Tlur iiictlioil (»f u.sing tlicse drills is to move tlu^ work Inick and forth, in a chuck i)rovided for the ])urpose, the drill re- maining .stationary. If these tools were used as common drills, they would cut lioles of the form shown in Fig. 2. FiLKs, TIk? use of. — In draw-liliug, take short, quick strokes, which will prevent the file from iiinning and scratching. Long MECHANICS. 29 strokes, no matter how long the work may be, are useless save to make scratches. Remember that it is less tlie number of strokes you give the tile than the weight you place upon it that is effec- tive ; tlierefore, when using a rough tile, stand suflaciently away from the vise to bring the weight of the body upon the forward stroke. New files should be used at first upon broad surfaces, since narrow edges are apt to break the teeth if they have the fibrous edges unw'orn. For brass- work, use the file on a broad surface FIG. 2.— SLOT-DRILLS. until ts teeth are dulled, then make two or three strokes of the file under a heavy pressure upon the edge of a piece of sheet-iron, which will break off the dulled edges of the teeth, and leave a new fibrous edge for the brass-work. Use bastard-cut files to take off a quantity of metal of ordinary hardness ; second-cut, in fitting, and also to file unusually hard metal ; smoothing, to fin- ish in final adjustment or preparatory to applying emery-cloth ; dead smooth, to finish very fine work ; float-file on lathe-work. FiliES, To prevent scratching by. — To prevent files from pin- ning, and hence from scratching, properly clean them, and then chalk them well. Files, To resharpen. — (1) Carefully clean them with hot water and soda, then place them in connection with the positive pole of a battery in a bath composed of 4 parts of sulphuric acid and 100 parts water. The negative pole is to be formed of a copper spi- ral, surrounding the files but not touching them ; the coil termi- nates in a wire reaching above the surface. Leave the files in the bath ten minutes, then carefully wash them off, dry, and oil. (2) Carefully clean the files in hot water and soda, and dip for 40 minutes in nitric acid of 41^ B. Files, To select. — To choose a flat file, turn it edge upward, and look along it, selecting those that have an even sweep from end to end, and having no flat places or hollows. To choose a half-round file, turn the edge upward, look along it, and select that which has an even sweep, and no flat or hollow places on the half-round side, even though it be hollow in the length of the flat side. Gravers, Grinding. — Gravers should be ground on the end only, and not on the sides of the square, except when applied to brass-work. Half-Round Bits. — For drilling or boring liolesvery true and parallel in the lathe, the half-round bit shown in the engraving 30 MECHANICS. is unsurpassed. The cutting edge. A, is made by backing off the end, as denoted by the space between the lower end of the tool and the dotted line, B, and performing its duty along the radius, as denoted by the dotted line in the end and top views. It is only necessary to start the half-round bit true, to insure its boring a hole of any depth true, })arallel, and very smooth. To start it, the face of the work should, if circumstances permit, be made true ; this is not, however, positively necessary. A recess, true and of the same diameter as the bit, should be turned in the work, the bit then being placed in position, and the dead-centre employed to feed it to its duty, which (if the end of the bit is square, if a flat place be filed upon it, or any other method of holding it sufficiently tight be employed) may be made as heavy as the belt will drive. So simple, positive, and effective is the operation of this bit that (beyond starting it true and using it at a moderate cutting speed, with oil for wrought-iron and steel) no further instructions need be given for its use. KKi. 1.— IIALF-ROUNI) BITS. In Fig. 2 is shown .\, a Imriiig I)ar ; 1? M is the sliding lii-ad ; (.' C is tlie bore of the cylinder, and 1, 2, and ',i are tools in the j)ositionH pliown. D I) 1) are projections in the bore of the cylin- der, causing an exce.saive amount of duty to be ])laced ujion the cutters, as soIM(•tiInc^s occurs wlien a cut of medium depili lias been h-tiirti'd. Siidi a cut incniases on ig So. .'j, 40 lbs. Scotch pig, JJOO lbs. scrap-iron. TuoN, Cast, Mixture for strong and clos(i-grained cast-iron for steam cylinilers, (Me. — Eighty pounds charcoal pig No. T), 100 lbs. Scotcli i)ig, and 100 lbs. 8ru8Hiut will comjiress, denoting the necessary thickness of liner. The latter should be made a sliade thicker than the distance the wire was compress- ed, so that the brasses may fit witliDut binding the; journal. Links, To clos(' a (luadrant or link that has sprung or opened in liardening. — C'lamp it with bolts and plates, placing the die in tlie slot to Hup|)ort any ])art which does not require to be closed. 2'(9 open Old xlol of (I (piiidrant or link tlutl hus closed in being hardened : Take two kej-s having an elace th(!ni togeiiii-r so tlmt their outside edges are j>aral]ei. In- H as to Ix- at right angles to the face of the screw, there would ije no difference in their action. SciiRWH, To prevent, getting tight in their nuts. — Plane a key- way or groove in tin; screw, .< in. wide, the full length of the scresv and down to the bottom of the tlireads ; and it will act like a tap, and scrape all tlie hard gummy grease out of the. nut, and always keej) it clean and working free. ScuKW and Hrad Holes in finisiikd wouk, 'I'o plug. — Ohio tlie edge of tlie plug ; |(Ut, no glut- in the hole. By this means MECHANICS. 61 the surplus glue is left on tlie surface, and if the plug does not hit the screw, it will seldom show. Set the heads of brads well in, then pass a sponge of hot water over them, filling the holes with hot water. This brings tlie wood more to its natural posi- tion, and closes by degrees over the head of the plug. When dry, sandpaper off and paint, and the putty will not hit the head of the brad. Screws, Hints about. — When screws are driven into soft wood and subjected to considerable strain, they are likely to work loose ; in such case, dip tlie screw in thick glue before insertino-. When buying screws, see that the heads are round and well cut ; that there are no flaws in the body or thread part, and that they have gimlet points. A screw of good make will drive into oak as easy as others into pine, and will endure having twice the force brought against it. W^hen there is an article of furniture to be hastily repaired, and no glue is handy, insert a stick a little les.s in size than the hole for the screw and fill the rest of the cavity with powdered resin ; heat the screw sufficiently to meet the resin as it is driven in. Screw, To remove. — An obdurate screw may sometimes be drawn by applying a piece of red-hot iron to the head for a minute or two, and immediately using the screw-driver. Screw-Threads. — English and American proportions : TJie Whitworth Thread. Diameter in inches.... A i A I I'iT * I f I 1 Threads per inch 21 30 18 16 14 12 11 10 9 8 Diameter in inches li IJ If 1* If If 1^ 2 2i 2i Threads per inch 7766554^4^44 Diameter in inches... 2f 3 3i 34^ 3| 4 4^- 4i 4f 5 Threads per inch 3^ 3i 3i 3i 3 3 2f 2| 2f 2f Diameter in inches. .. . 5 J 5^ 5f 6 Threads per inch 2f 2f 2i 2i Angle of threads = 55°. Depth of threads = pitch of screws. (One sixth of the depth is rounded off at top and bottom.) Number of threads to the inch in square threads = 4 number of those in angular threads. Standard American Proportions. Diameter in inches i ^ I tV i iir I f I 1 Threads per inch 20 18 16 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 Diameter in inches If IJ If U If If If 2 2i 2f Threads per inch 7 7 6 6 5f5 5 4f4f4 Diameter in inches 2i 3 3i 3i 3f 4 4f 4f 4f 5 Threads per inch 4 3f 3i 3i 3 3 2f 2f 2f 2f Diameter in inches . . . 5J 5f Sf 6 Threads per inch 2f 2| 2f 2i Angle of threads = 60'. Flat surface at top and bottom = f of the pitch. For rough bolts, the distance between parallel sides 52 MBCHANICS. of bolt-head and nut = 1^ diameters of bolt + ^ of an inch. Thick- ness of head = i distance between parallel sides. Thickness of nut = diameter of bolt. In finished bolts, thickness of head = thickness of nut. Distance between parallel sides of a bolt-head and nut and thickness of nut is -j\- of an inch less for finished work than for rough. Softening Bright Work without damaging the Finish. — Place tlie pieces in an iron box, and fill in the interstices with iron turnings ; close the box, lute the cracks witli fire-clay, and heat to a red, allowing the box to cool as slowly as possible. It is a good plan to let the furnace-fires go out and leave the box in the furnace to cool. Solder, To flow. — Ordinary solder, 2 parts tin and 1 part lead, will flow smoothly on tin when dipped by previously putting sal- ammoniac on the surface to be tinned. Spirit-Leyel, Accuracy of the. — The best length of bubble depends on the length or curvature of the tube, a short bubble being required for u tube with a small radius of curvature, and increasing regularly in proportion with the increase of the radius of curvature. Springs, Steel. — To find elasticity of a given steel-plate spring: Breadth of plate in inches multiplied by cube of the thickness in V,; in., and by number of plates. Divide cube of span in inches by l)roduct so found, and multiply by l.GO. Result, equal elasticity in -^ in. per ton of load. To find span due to a given eladicity and number and size of plate : Multiply elasticity in sixteenths per ton by breadth ol plate in inches, and divide by cube of the thickness in inches, and by number of plates ; divide by 1.G6, and find cube-root of quotient. Result, e(iual span in inches. To find num- ber of plates due to a given elasticiti/, span, and size of jdates : Multii)ly the cube of the span iu inches by 1.G6. Multiply the elasticity in sixteenths by the breadth of the plate in inches, and by the cube of the thickness in sixteenths ; divide the former ])roduct by the latter. The (juotient is tlie number of plates. To find the working xtnngth of k given steel-plate spring : Mul- tiply the breadth of plate in inches by the square of the thick- ness in sixteenths, and by the number of plates. Multiply also the working span in inches by 11.:} ; dividt* the former product by the latter. Result, equal workiug strength in tons burden. To find sptin due to a ginrn. Ktn ngtii and nunibrr and xize of plate : Multiply tlie breadth of ])late in inches by the square of the tiiickness in sixteenths, and liy the nm.iber of ])latea ; multiply also tlie strengtli in tons by 11.3 ; divide the former prcaict by the latter. Result, e(|ual working span in inche.s. To find the numher of pbttes due to a girc/i ntnngtli, sp • and size of plate : M ''iply till' strength in tons by sjjan in h .'S, and (livide l)y 1 • muliiply also the ijrcadlh of jdatt; in iii.-.i'S by tlu; scpiaro of tlie thickiirss in sixteeiitliB ; divide the former product by the latter. |{esult, ecpial nuiiilier of jilates. The span is that due to tlie form of the spring loaded. Extra thick jilates must be re- placed by an equivalent number of plates of the ruling tliickness MECHANICS. 53 before applying the rule. To find this, multiply the number of extra plates by the square of their thickness, and divide by the square of the rulins: thickness ; conversely, tlie number of plates of the ruling thickness to be removed for a given number of extra plates may be found in the same way Springs, To reduce elasticity of. — A well-tempered bar-spring will lose much of its elastic strength by filing off a very thin scale from the surface. Steel, Advantage of holes drilled iu. — The advantage in tensile strength, when holes are drilled in steel rather than punched, is 25.5 per cent. Steel, Cast, To weld. — Apply powdered borax to the weld while heating it in the fire. If the steel is made too hot, it will crack during the hammering process. Steel, Cast, Welding compound for. — Mix i lb. saltpetre aud I lb. oil of vitriol in 2 gallons hard water ; heat the steel to a blood red, and coo! in the mixture before welding. Then reheat, in sand, and weld by hammering as usual. Steel, Fire for tempering. — In hardening and tempering steel, a clean charcoal, anthracite, or coked bituminous coal fire is re- quired ; such as is fit for taking a forging heat on iron is entirely uufit for hardening purposes. The sulphur contained in the coal combines with the steel to form sulphuret of iron, and ruins its texture. Steel, Tempering. — The colors shown at different temperatures Fahr. are as follows: Very pale yellowish, 430" ; pale straw, 450° ; vellow, 470° ; brown, 490° ; mottled brown, 510° ; purple, 530° ; bright blue, 550° ; blue, 560° ; dark blue, 600°. Steel, To demagnetize. — (1) Heat it to a red heat, and allow it to cool slowly. (2) Place the steel on a magnet, with the same poles touching the same poles of the magnet, and repeat tlie operation tili total demagnetization has taken place. Steel, To remove blue color from. — (1) Use 1 part oil of vitriol to 10 parts water. (2) Dip the articles in a strong solution of cyanide of potassium nearly boiling. (3) Dip the article in hy- drochloric acid, and quickly rinse in clean water. Tempering steel for drilling rock.— Be careful not to overheat it in hardening and forging, and quench in salt water, drawing to a brown color. Tempering, The color-tests for.— Says Mr. J. Richards : " Pro- cure eight pieces of cast-steel, about 2 in. long by 1 in. wide, and f of an inch thick ; heat them to a high red heat, and drop them into a salt-bath. Leave one without tempering, to show the white shade of extreme hardness, and grind off and polish one side of each of the remaining seven pieces. Then give them to an experienced tool-maker to be drawn to seven various shades of temper, ranging from the white piece to the dark blue color of soft steel. On'the backs of these pieces paste labels, describing the technical name of the shades and the general uses to which tools of corresponding liardn(>ss are adajited. This will form an 54 MECHANICS. interesting collection of specimens, and accustom the fye to the various tints, whicli will, after some experience, be instantly re- cognized when seen separately." Tinning small castings. — Clean, and boil them with scraps of block-tin in a solution of cream of tartar. Water-wheel, Steps for. — No step or foot-bearing of metal is equal to one of good oak or rock-maple. Zinc, Stamping. — In stam]iing sheet-zinc in dies, much waste occurs from the small difEerence between the melting-point and the temperature at which sheet-zinc should be stamped to get the best effect. To obviate this waste, heat the zinc by dipping in oil at the proper temperature. ENGINEERING. TESTIXG THE STRENGTH OF MATERIALS BY PROF. R. H. THURSTOX. The engraving whicli accompanies this article illustrates a very convenient, yet quite accurate, method of determining the strength of materials, whicli has been devised by the writer. The test-piece is made by catting, from the piece of metal of which the strength is to be determined, a piece about 3 in. TESTING METAXS. long and 1 in. square. At the middle of its length, a part is turned cylindrical in form and 1 in. long, with a diameter of + in. if of iron, or 'i in. if the metal is steel. The test-piece thus made is fastened in the vise, as shown in the engraving, and a long- handled wrench is attached to the projecting head. A spring- OO SC^'GINEEKING. balance is secured to the end of this wrench, and the experimen- ter twists off the head by pulling on this sprinj.r-balauce, as seen in the illustration. The" balance should be capable of indicating weights of fifty pounas or more. By simply painting the scale of the balance with white-lead, or smearing it with tallow, and by springing the pointer so that it will touch the surface, a re- cording apparatus may be improvised which will indicate the maximum strain reached during the test. In testing, the experimenter i)ulls steadily on the balance, gra- dually increasing the force exerted, and watching carefully, and noting the action of, the test-piece and the balance, until fracture occurs. A resistance, which is apparently quite unyielding, is ft'lt at first ; this is suddenly observed to be succeeded by a grad- ually increasing distortion of the test-piece, accompanied by an increasing resistance, up to the point of the commencement of rupture. From the latter point, the resistance becomes less and less, finally ceasing when the test-piece fails apart. By conduct- ing the operation very carefirily, and noting resistances very accu- rately, all of the following important points may be determined : The limit of elasticity is the point at which the yielding first commences. Note the reading of the balance at this point and the angle of distortion. The last quantity is the measure of the stiffness of the metal. The most rigid pieces are, of course, those which yield the least with a given amount of force. After the piece has been twisted so far as to have taken a set, the pull may be relaxed, and the distance which the piece springs back is to be noted. The elaKticity of the metal is measured by this recoil. The ductility of the metal is measured by the extent of yielding which occurs before fracture takes place. The rexiliencc of the metal — which is the name given its power of resisting shock — is very closely proportioned to its strength multiplied by its ductili- ty. Therefore, to ascertain what blow would be resisted by it without its taking a set, it is simidy necessary to multij)ly the re- sistance at the limit of elasticity by the amount of distortion ob- served within the elastic limit. The hom<>(j( neity of the material is indicated by the smoothness and regularity with which the metal changes in its power of resistance as the deformation pro- gresses. In making such a series of experiments, it is usually found to first select a well-known and good brand of the kind of metal which it is i)roposed to test, and, by a set of exi)erinu'iits on test-pieces cut from it, to determine what, with the particular arrangement of aj^paratus chosen, is the resistance registered by the l)alance, and what are the characteristics of the metal as shown by the method here described. By a careful comi)arison of the behavior of tlie metal of which the eT cubic foot at 58 lbs. pressure is 0.17481 lbs., and only 0.132 lbs. at 3i» lbs. pressure, there would be a saving of about 24.5 jier cent in the amount of steam reijuired to run the engine. Instead of re- ducing the steam pressure after attaching a condenser to an en- gine, it might be better to maintain the same pressure in the boiler, and cut off the steam at an earlier ])art of the stroke. In the case under consideration, tlie increase in 12 lbs. of the effec- tive pressure would permit of closing tlie steam port a little be- fore the completion of one third of the stroke ; and supposing tliat the clearance space in the cylinder amounts to 5 i>er cent of the capacity of till- (-ylindcr, the (juantifics of steam recpiiri'd ])er stroke, before and after tlie use of tlie condenser, would be in the ratio of 550 to 303, so that there would be a saving of 34 per cent. The example given represents a case in ordinary practice. By varying the data, of a greater or less amount of saving would re.suh ; but with an engine in good condition, it is gene- rally saf(^ to estimate that a saving from 20 to 25 ])er cent of the amount of steam usc-d, and, coiise(iuently, of the consumption of coal, will be realized by tlu^ application of a condenser. Indeed, it is not unusual for manufacturers to guarantt^e this amount of saving in converting a non-condensing into a condensing engine. B. f^OTTON Machinkuy, Power required Id drive. — The following are fair a|)proxi mate rules : Cotton openers, I liorse-power per l(MH) lbs. cotton delivered. Cotton jiickers, 3 liorse-|)ower per 1000 lbs. <:otton delivered. Cotton canis, v'n horse ])ower per lb. ENGIXEERI]S'G. 59 cotton delivered per day, and, at 125 revolutions per minute, 0.13|- liorse-power. Cotton cards, best practice, -^ horse-power per revolution per minute. Railway heads, breakers, 1 horse-power per each 10 yards per miuute. Railway heads, finishers, 0.001 horse-power "per revolution per minnte. Drawiug-frames, 0.003 horse-power per revolution per minute. Spindles, 0.005 horse- power per spindle per 1000 revolutions. Damp weather adds 10 or 13 per cent ; methods of banding may make equally great variations. Looms require from 0.1 to 0.35 horse-power each. Pickers take 4 to 6 horse-power. Cloth shears from 3 to 4 horse- power. Cylinders, Balancing heavy. — The cylinder, being keyed upon its axle as it is intended to run, is lifted by a tackle or crane, and lowered so that each of its journals rests upon a stout steel straight-edge placed so that its upper surface is exactly level and parallel with its fellow. These straight-edges should not only be so rigid as to suffer no sensible deflection from the weight of the cylinder, but they should be very hard and smooth, and great care should be taken to keep them free from indentations. The journals of the cylinder must also be round and polished. The cylinder can now be loaded on its lighter side, or vice versa, until it will remain perfectly motionless when stopped in any part of its revolution. Cylinders, Locomotive, Placing in line. — To test the ac- curacy of the work after the bed-piece has been permanently fixed to the boiler, clamp a cylinder to its seat on the bed-piece, and fit a wooden cross (with a pin-hole through its centre) to the bore of the cylinder at its front end ; then pass a fine strong line through the hole, and extend it back so that it shall occupy a point ex- actly at the intersection of the central line of the driver-axle with the vertical plane of motion of the centre of the crank-pin and connecting-rod ; draw the line taut and fasten it in this posi- tion ; then apply callipers or a gauge at the rear end of the cylin- der, between the surface of the bore and the line, above and be- low and right and left of the line ; and if the cylinder is in line, the four distances will of course be exactly the same. It is essen- tial that the tAvo horizontal distances should coincide exactly, and that the central lines of the two cylinders of a locomotive should be exactly parallel with each other, but for obvious reasons the exact coincidence of the two vertical distances is not essential to the efficiency or correct Avorking of the engine. Instead of a Avooden cross, as aboA'e mentioned, a more conve- nient instrument, made of metal, may be proA^ided, consisting of four bevel gears. A, which serve also as nuts, which work tour sockets, B, with threads cut on their inner ends, all neatly fitted to a light casting, E, haA'ing a fine central hole for the line, as shown. A central gear, C, Avorks the four gears, of course all at the same time. SeA-eral sets of steel rods, D, may be provided if necessary, of different lengths, and thus render the instrument universal in its application, each set of rods serving for cylinders varying tAVO inches, more or less, in the diameters of their bores. To determine whether a cylinder of an old engine is in line : Remove the front head of the cylinder, the piston, the stuffing- LiO KNGINKKKIXG. box gland, and the tro^s-head ; apply the cross and line, as above directed, extendiufj the line through the piston-rod hole in the rear head to a point exactly central with the crank-pin when the crank is at its dead point ; draw tlie line taut, and, it the cylinder rl.ACINO LOCOMOTIVE CVLlNXJEItS IN l.l.NE. is correctly in range, the line will occupy a central position in the stuffing-box, which maybe determined as before directed. If the cross-head guides are parallel with the line, both vertically and laterally, they are also correct. C'VLIXDKUS, Thick. — Thick cylinders are those in which the thickness is considerable in comjjarison with the internal dianu'- ter. To find tlu; bursting ])ressure of a thick cylinder, take the j)ro- ductof (1) tlie trnacityof tin; nuiterial in ixjuihIs per scjuare inch, and (2) tli(! tliickness of the cylinder in indies, and divide the ])ro- duct Ity th<^ sum of (1) the thickness in inches, and (2) the internal radius of the cylinder in inclu-s. Tints u cylinoiler ; and, if tbat is all right, j)roceed to raisi- steam, eifber cleaning and si)rea(ling tlie ENGINEERING. 61 fire, if it has been banked, or making it up, if it has been hauled. A fire is kindled in the boiler in essentially the same manner as in a stove, wood and sliaviugs first being ignited, and then cover- ed with coal. In starting the fire, it is a good plan to cover the back of the grate with coal, to prevent the passage of cold air through the tubes. In getting up steam, the safety-valve should be raised a little, to permit the escape of air from the boiler. Having got the fire under way, the engineer should wipe off the engine, fill the oil-cups, and make any adjustments that may be necessary, such as tightening keys and screwing up joints or glands of stuffing-boxes, and shotild see that the cylinder-cocks are open. When steam is raised, he shotild open the stop-valve and start the engine ; after which, if a part of his duty is to at- tend to the shafting, he should examine and oil it. Then he should get out the ashes, provide a supply of coal, and screen it, if necessary, and proceed to make everything tidy around the en- gine and boiler. Throughout the daj', he should keep a watchful eye on the fire, the water, the steam, and the engine. In manag- ing the fire, care should be taken to have the furnace-door open as little as possible ; and, if steam is formed too rapidly, the fire should be regulated by closing the damper and ash-pit doors. In regulating the height of the water, it is a good plan to keep a steady feed, and maintain the height constant. If it is found that the water is falling, the engineer should discover whether it is caused by a leak, or by the refusal of the pump to work. He can tell whether the pump is working by the sound of the check- valve falling after each stroke, or by feeling the feed-pipe or check-valve. A pump will not feed when the temperature of the water is very high, unless it is specially adapted for pumping hot water ; and if it refuses to work from this cause, the temperature of the water should be reduced. A pump will not deliver water if the proper valves are not opened, if its passages are choked, or if its packing is defective. It would be necessary to examine the pump at once, and endeavor to discover and remedy the difficulty. If the water falls in the boiler on account of a leak, it can some- times be temporarily repaired with a plug, or the pump can be run faster, so as to keep up the water until stopping-time. If this is not possible, the fire should be hauled, and the engine al- lowed to ran as long as there is sufficient steam -pressure. In case the engineer finds that the pump is not feeding, and he has a fair supply of water in the boiler, he should at once examine the pump, and endeavor to remedy the trouble without stopping the engine. If he does not succeed, however, before the water falls below the level of the lowest gauge-cock, he should haul the fire, and let the engine run as long as the steam-pressure is sufficient. If he has been called away from the boiler, and on his return finds that the water is below the level of the lower gauge-cock, he should imme- diately ascertain the steam-pressure, and if it is rising rapidly he should haul the fire at once. If the steam-pressure is about the same as usual, he should examine the pump ; and if it is not de- livering water, he should haul the fire. If the pump is feeding, he may run it faster, watching the steam-gauge carefully. If the pressure does not fall, he should stop the pump and haul the fire. In any case the engine should not be stopped until the steam- 62 ENGINEERING. ]iressiire is considerably reduced. The engineer should ho very l):irticular, on findhig the water low, to examine the steam-gauge at once ; and if the pressure is unusually high, he should haul the fire without delay. A boiler foams or primes either because it has insufficient steam room, or on account of dirt or grease in the boiler or the feed-water. The trouble is often experienced with new boilers, and disappears w'hen they become clean. Priming is dangerous, if much water is carried over with the steam, as it is difficult to maintain the water-level constant, and the engine is liable to be broken by the water in the cylinders. If the trouble is caused by insufficient steam-room, it can sometimes be partially over- come \)y increasing the steam pressure, and throttling it down to the ordinary working pressure in the cylinder ; but the only ef- fectual way is to provide more steam-room. If the priming is due to dirt or grease in the boiler, the engineer should blow off frequently, and clean the boiler every few days. In lilowing off, it is well to raise the water-level in the boiler by putting on a strong feed, and then blow down below the level that is ordi- narily maintained. It is very often the case that the water-level is higher when the engine is running than it is when none of the steam is being used. The engineer should ascertain how much higher the water rises in such a case, so as to have a ])ro- per quantity of water when the engine is stopped. B. Engine for a row-boat. — For an ordinary Wliitiliull row-boat, 18 feet long, to run at a si)eed of 8 miles per hour, the engiiu> should have two cylinders, 2 in. diamt^t(!r and 8 in. stroke ; tubular boiler, 24 to 2S iu'-h(;s iu diameter, 4 feet high ; propeller, 22 to 24 inches in diameter, with ',i feet pitch. Engines and Boii-eus, Small. — By the aid of the accompany- ing table, the effective horse-power (that available^ for useful work) of small engines can b(! approximately determined. The tal)le is designed for non-cond(!nsing engines, with cylinders uj) U) G inches in diiuneter, and for piston-s|)eeds u]) to 400 feet a mi- nute ; the connection of the engine witli tlie boiler being sup- posed to be tolerably direct, tlu^ ]>ortsand pipes heing of siitli<'ient sizes, and tlie steam-valve closing wiien tiie piston has nuide three <|uarter3 of the stroke. As the tabh; is designed for avcrnf/c conditions, it is evident that it wiil give rc^sult.s that are too large in som. Tin^ result is the ]>iston-8]>eed in fret per minute;. (2) Find tin; nuniluT in the table the nearest to the given Hteam-]iressure anil calculatiHl ])iston-s])eeii, and multiidy it by 0.7804 times the sipiaro of the diann'ter of the pis- ton in in(;hes. Krample: An engine has a cylinder 2 inclics in diainetiip, and a lenjrlh of stroke of 2 inclies. It makes 400 revo- lutifins a minute, imd the boiler pressure is 50 pounds jier sfpian; inch. Alls.: 'I'wice 400 is HOO. ,S((0 ilivhled by (lis \:V.',k. t'le piston- Hpeed in feet per minute. (I!) 'I'lie nearest piston-speed iu lablo ENGINEKBING. 63 ts ^ o ^ ,**£ CD a s^ 'f. -tt -4^ •=ri-*l-ccCiJO»-'t-cooiOi-tt-Tj«o:c'«QO-^o;D02£'^ot-co<^*o OOOOi-i^i-'T-«G^C^(?«CCCCCOCO'^'^'WlOir3lt3»ncOCD:OCOt-t- oooooo^--i-T-i.-n-.T-n-«i-!i-<=^'^, (='^o==0 = 000O0000000C0C000 ooooooooooo— oooooo gSoSSSoOCO 000000 0000 00 00=00 "^^'^^-oooooooooooooooooooo^oo OOOOOOOOOOO) ooooo— ~~~^^ ir: d iri d lo o^a d in d lo' d »o d o d lO d iQ d lO o "d o ic o ir; o 1-^ T— ! »-H T^ T— I r^ T—* 1"^ T*^ t*^ "^ to o 64 ENGINEERING. is 130 feet, and the number in table corresponding to speed of 100 and pressure of 50, is 0.074 ; the number for speed of 30 and same pressure is 0.022 ; required number is sum of 0.074 and 0.022, or 0.096, corresponding to speed of 130 and pressure of 50. The pro- duct of 4 and 0.7854 is 3.1416, and the product of 0.096 and 3.1416, or the required horse-power, is 0.3-|-. //. — Dlnineter in inches of cylinder required for a gicoi horse- power, piston-speed, and boiler-pressure. (1) Find in the table the number nearest to the given piston speed and steam-pressure. (2) Multiply the number obtained in (1) by 0.7854. (3) Divide the given horse-power by the quantity obtained iu (2). (4) Take the square root of the quantity obtained in (3). Exdmple. — What should be the diameter of cylinder of an engine developing 2 horse-power, with a piston-speed of 150 feet a minute, and a boiler-pressure of 100 pounds per square inch V (1) The number from the table is the sum of 0.161 and 0.081, or 0.242. (2) Tlie i)roduct of 0.242 and 0.7854 is 0.1900()(iS. (3) The quotient of 2 divided by 0.1900668, is about 10.5226 (4) The square root of 10.5226 is 3.244-, or about 3J inches, the re- quired diameter of cylinder. ' III. — The number of pounds of water required to be ewiporaled per hour for each Jiorse-poiper exerted, and for various boiler-pressures, may be approximately estimated from the accompanying table. Pressure of Pounds of Pressure of Pounds of steam in vattT per steiini ill water per boiler by ett'ective boiler by cftective gauge. horsu-power gauge. horse-power pur hour. per hour, 10 118 60 75 15 Ill 70 71 20 105 80 68 25 100 90 65 30 93 100 63 40 84 120 61 50 79 150 58 It is convenient, in calculations of the amount of water evapo- rated at various i)ressures and from various temperatures of feed, to reduce ihcm to a common standard, namely, the ecjuivaliait amounts that would be chaiigtid into steam of atmospht^ric ])re8- Bure, if the temperature of feed was 212 Fahrenlieit ; or, as it is commonly called, to evaporation " from and at 212°." Two tables are ap])ended, for the i)urpo8(! of facilitating this reduction. The second table is taken from Professor Rankiue'a " Treatise on the Steam J'higine." Pressure and Temperature of Steam. I'rcKKurc by gauge. 10 20 Ten peiiilure ircniicil. ..212" ..239" 250" Pressure by gauge. 60 70 80 90 T. Miperature ilneuheit. . .307° -.316" .324' 30 .274". .287' .298" . 331" 40 100 . 338' 50 110 . .344 EXGINEEKING. 65 Pressure by gauge. 120... 130. . . 140. . . 150. . . 160. . . Temperature Fahrcuheit. .350° .356° 361° .366° .370° Pressure by gauge. 170. . . 180. . . 190. . . 200. . . Temperature Fahrenheit. ..375° ..379° ..384° ..388° Factors of Evaporation. Tempe- rature of the steam. 212°.... 230° 248° 266° 284°. ... 302°.... 320° 338° 356° 374° 392° 410°. . . . Temperature of the feed-water. 1.19 1.20 1.20 1.21 1.21 1.22 1.22 1.23 1.2;3 1.24 1.24 1.251 1.17 1.18 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.20 1.21 1.21 1.22 1.22 1.23 1.23, 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.18 1.19 1.19 1.20 l.£0 1.21 1.22 1.13 1.14 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.16 1,17 1.17 1.18 1.18 1.19; 1.20 104° 122° 140° 158° 176° 1.11 1.10 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.12 1.10 1.08 1.06 1.04 ' 1.13 1.11 1.09 1.07 1.05 . 1.13 1.11 1.09 1.07 1.00 i 1.14 1.12 1.10 1.08 1.06 1.14 1.12 1.11 1.09 1.07 1.15 1.13 1.11 1.09 1.07 1.15 1.14 1.12 1.10 1.08 1.16 1.14 1.12 1.10 1.08 1.17 1.15 • 1.13 1.11 1.09 1.17 1.15 1.13 1.11 1.09 1.18 1.16 l.:4 1.12 1.10 I 194° 212° 1.02 1.02 1.03 T.04 1.04 1.05 1.05 1.06 1.06 1.07 1.07 1.08 1.00 1.01 1.01 1.02 1.02 1.03 1.03 1.04 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.06 To illustrate tlie use of the tables, suppose an engine of G liorse-power is supplied with steam at a .pressure of 50 pounds ]ier square inch, and that the temperature of the feed-water sup- plied to the boiler is 160". It is required to find how much water must be evaporated per hour" from and at 212 " for the engine. The temperature of steam having a pressure of 50 pounds is 298°. In the table of " Factors of Evaporation," the factor correspond- iny the resistance l)y tlu; change in height of the bails in the same time, and multiply the <]Uotient by tlu^ measure of the resistance in ])()unds : dividi' also the vertical distance moved by the attached weight for a iriveii change in the height of tlie balls, and multi- ply tlie (piotient liy this weight. Take tlie sum of these two jiro- ducts and the weight of tlu! governor-balls, and divide liy the weight of tlui governor-l)allH ; multiply t\w (juotiiMit by the lieight ff)r a governor working freely, takc^n from the tabh; above : the (jiiotient is the correctrd lieiij-ht of th(^ governor-balls. h\ri//ii />/<■.■ — Tli(i two l);illsof a governor weigh 20 lbs.; the rcisi.s- tance of the iiicchaiiisni is 10 lbs., and it moves l in. wliile the heiifht of the balls chungeH } inch. The attached weight is M lbs., and it moves 2 inches vertically, while tiie lii-ight of the balls ♦•lianges ^ in. What is the heiglit of Imlls for a speed of !200 revolutions a mimiteV Multijilyini!: the (piotient of 1 divided by ,| (4) l»y 10, tlie product is 10 ; multiplying the v&vf perpendiculars to the atmospheric line, from the extremities of the diagram, thus determining its length, C D ; divide the line, (J D, into 10 equal parts, and midway between each of the divisions erect a perpendicular to C D, drawing it between the upper and lower boundaries of the diagram ; measure the length of each of these lines on the scale of the indicator-spring, add the measurements together, and divide the sum by 10. In the figure, the pressure, or length 76 ENGINEERING. of the line on the scale, is shown at each perpendicular. The sum of these is 363, so that the mean effective pressure is 36.3 lbs. per square inch. b. 2d method. — Draw perpendiculars between the ten divisions of G D, as explained above. Then take a strip of paper, apply it to the first perpendicular, and mark the length ; apply it to the next perpendicular, and mark its length, next to the first ; so continue applying it to each, and when the last perpendicular has been measured, the distance between the first and last marks will be the sum of all the lengths. The strip of paper. A D, is shown in the figure as applied to the third perpendicular. Measure the length of the paper between the extreme marks, in inches, multi- ply it by the scale of the indicator-spring, and divide by 10. Sup- pose, in the present case, that the length of the paper is found to be 13.1 inches, and that each inch represents 30 lbs. on the scale of the indicator-spring ; 30 times 13.1 is 363, so that the mean effective pressure is 36.3 lbs. per square inch, as before. c. Positive ami ntyatice pressure. — Fig. 8. When the steam is cut off very early in the stroke, and the valves and piston are tight, a diagram is sometimes drawn like that in the figure, iu which the back pressure is greater than the forward j)ressure for a ])ortion of llu' stroke, and the pressure determined from the ])f)rtion of the diagram a r b must be sub- tracted from tli(! jiressure due to the portion d e n f. In such a case, the method of determining the mean pressure is as follows : Divide tlie atmosjiheric line into 10 equal parts, as before, and draw i)erpendiculars midway between them ; add togetlier the j)erpendiculars (mea.surc'd in the scale of the indicator-sjtring) in th(i positive |)art of the diagram, also those in the negative jiart ; subtract tln^ latter from the first sum, and divide tin- difft^rence by 10. In the. figure, Ww, pressures at the different ))er|)endiculars are jriven. The sum of tln^ i)ositiv<' jjre.^siires is 179, of the nei^ative pressures 35, and the difference is l.')4 ; ho that tlie mean effective pressure is 15.4 lbs. jxt wpiare inch. W. If "in to find the indicated horse-poiner of a steam-engine. Having dctciniinrd tlic mean effective pressure from » diiigram, l)y one of tlie methods explaiiK-d abovi;, multiply this pressurt; by tlie product of the stroke in feet, the square of the diameter of ENGINEEKING. 77 the cylinder in inches, the number of revolutions per minute, and 0.0000476. Example. — Suppose the mean effective pressure is 50 lbs. per square inch, the diameter of the cylinder 15 inches, the length of stroke 2 feet, and the number of revolutions per minute 80. Then the horse-power is the product of 50,225 (the square of 15), 80, and 0.0000476, or 85.68. VII. How to construct the theoretical diagram. — Fig. 9. J^f'^. ^. This is the diagram that would be taken if the steam acted in the cylinder with the pressure at the beginning of the stroke un- til the point of cut-off, and that then the admission ceased instan- taneously, and the steam expanded, in accordance with Mariotte's law, to the end of the stroke, when the exhaust-valve opened, and the steam was immediately condensed, creating a perfect vacuum in the cylinder for the return stroke. Such a diagram is repre- sented hj A B C D E, this being the theoretical diagram for the actual diagram, a b c d e. The following is the method of laying it down: Draw a line, E D, a.t a distance below the atmospheric line, n d, equal to the pressure of the atmosphere (14.7 lbs. per square inch on an average), on the scale of the diagram ; mark on E D the length, o D, of tlie actual diagram ; then find the to- tal volume of the clearance spaces at the end of the cylinder from which the diagram was taken, and make o E bear the same rela- tion to D as this volume of clearance has to the total volume swept through by the piston per stroke. To make this plaiii, sup- pose that in a cylinder having a diameter of 24 inches and a stroke of 3 feet, it is found that the volume of the clearance spaces at one end of the cylinder is 900 cubic inches. The volume swept through by the piston per stroke is the product of 0.7854, 24 squared, and 36 or 17,286 cubic inches, so that the clearance is about y^-g-jy of tlie piston displacement, and o E must be made toot as long as o D. Thus, if D is 5 inches, o E must be -,"o% oi an inch. Having de- termined the point E, make E A perpendicular to ED, and draw a line, A B, parallel to ED, at such a height that it represents the initial pressure of the steam. Through c, on the actual dia- 78 ENGINEERING. gram, where tlie steam is cut off, draw a perpendicular, B H, to ED. Divide ED into any number of equal parts, and erect per- pendiculars at the points of division that are l)eyond the point of cut-ofF. From E draw any diagonal line, E F, and from E as a centre, with a radius E II, draw an arc cutting E F in the point G. From the same centre, and with radii equal to E A, E 5, etc., draw arcs cutting E F. The arc drawn with a radius E 4, cuts E Fin the point /. Draw the line f A, and from G draw a line, G ff, parallel to /A. From g draw a line, P as a radius, de- scribe an arc, P T Q, noting the points, T and Q, in which it cuts A B, and the circle whose diameter is B 0. Divide the length of T Why the length of B 0. and multiply half the quotient by the travel of the valve : the product is the exhaust-lead. Through the 82 ENGINEERIlSrG. point Q draw the line Z) // : tliis is the position of the crank at the instant the exliaust-valve closes and cushion commences. With h as a centre, and A S, the length of the connecting-rod, as a radius, describe an arc cutting the line A B in the point H ; tlieu G II is the portion of the return stroke completed when the exhaust-valve closes. On account of the angularity of the connecting-rod, the points of cut-off and exhaust closure will vary somewhat on the re- turn stroke. They can be equalized by a slight change in the an- gular advance and length of the eccentric rod. VI. Exiimple. — The following example will serve to illustrate the application of the preceding principles : A valve is to be designed for an engine having a cylinder 20 inches in diameter, and a stroke of 2i feet, making 80 revolutions a minute. The length of the connecting-rod is 6^ feet. The valve is to admit steam when the piston has made 0.997 of the stroke, is to close the steam-port at two thirds of the stroke, and open the exhaust when /'(fn of the stroke has been completed. The area of the i)iston, in stion of water, generally without producing five orten jht cent additional power. Some good wheels give less p)wer when at full than at i)art gates. The rule should be to buy a wIuhO amply sulHcient at not much above half gate, allowance being madi- for overestiiuat.- of power. We think the e\]ierieiu-e of all who have jdaci-d whe«-ls w ith a less liberal allowances will bear BNGIXEERING. 87 out and confirm this rule. Allowing one fourth for the friction of the sliaftint; of a cotton or woolen mill, without addinfj one third more for a reserve when in actual use, will scarcely fail to cal^se a manufacturer to wish that he had bought a larger wheel. Actual tests, accurately conducted, of ol styles of turbines show the comparative range of effective force, under the best possible advantages, to be as follows : At quarter gate, from 13 to .50 per cent ; half gate, from 11 to 71 per cent ; three-quarter gate, from 31 to 82 per cent, and at full gate, from o2 to 84 per cent, the best wheels giving out about all of their power at from five-eighths to three-quarters openings ; while the lower classes give but little power unless flooded with water, and even then fall far short of the amount claimed for them. Another reason why large wheels should be used is that, almost universally, high and low points of the head and tail waters so reduce the force of wheels as to cause partial stopjaages of machinery, unless there is surplus power when the water is at the ordinarv stage. THE STEAM-BOILER AXD ITS ATTACHMENTS. Boiler, Cleaning the. — The flues or tubes of a boiler should be cleaned about once a week, with a brush or scraper. In case incrustation has formed in them, they can be cleaned by a jet of steam from a rubber hose. A boiler should be blown down and cleaned, under ordinary circumstances, about once a month. The fire should first be hauled ; and then, if possible, it is best to let the boiler stand tintil the water becomes tolerably cool, say for 12 hours, after which the water may be allowed to run out. Then remove the man and haudhole plates, enter the boiler, and clean it with scrapers and brushes in every part that can be reached. It should then be washed out with cold water from a hose, and this washing with a hose is the only means of cleaning those parts of a boiler that can not be reached by hand. There are many boilers into which a man can not enter, and of course these can only be washed out. When the fire is hauled, all leaks in the boiler should be repaired. Leaky parts exposed to the fire must have hard patches riveted on ; in other places soft patches secured by bolts can be used, each patch having a lip around it, and the joint being made with a putty composed of red and white lead. Leaky rivets or seams can sometimes be made tight by calking. Small leaks around the ends of tubes can often be stopped in the same way, but as a general thing a leaky tube must either be replaced or plugged. To plug a tube, drive a white-pine plug tightly into each end, and cut it off even with the tube-heads ; then pass a bolt through the tube, with cup washers on each end, and screw it up tightly, putting putty under the washers. B. Boilers, Cylindrical. — Toflndthe necessary tliickness in inches for the shell. — Multiply the pressure of steam in pounds per square inch by the diameter of the boiler in inches, and multiply this product by 0.0002 for a copper boiler with single-riveted shell ; by 0.0001563 for a copper boiler with double-riveted shell ; 88 ENGINEERING. by 0.0001316 for a wrouglit-iron boiler with single-riveted shell ; by 0.0001111 for a wrouo^ht-irou boiler with double-riveted shell ; by 0.0001 for a steel boiler witli single-riveted shell ; and by 0.00008333 for a steel boiler with double-riveted shell. In illustration of the rule, suppose that it is required to find the necessary tiiickuess for the shell of a copper boiler 60 inches in diameter, double riveted, for a pressure of 40 ll)s. per square inch. First take the product of 40 and 60, which is 2400, and multiply this by 0.00()ir)63, which gives 0.375, or 'j of an inch, as the neces- sary thickness. To find the safe pressure in pounds per square inch. — Divide the thickness of the plate in inches by the diameter of the boiler in inches, and multiply the quotient by 5000 for a copper boiler with single-riveted shells ; by 6400 for a copper boiler with double- riveted shell ; by 7600 for a wrought-iron boiler with sini^^le-rivet- ed shell ; by 9000 for a wrought-iron boiler Avith double-riveted shell ; by 10,000 for a steel boiler with single-riveted shell ; and by 13,000 for a steel boiler with double-riveted shell. Thus, to find tlie safe pressure for a boiler 33 inches in diame ter, the shell being made of wrought-iron plates \ of an inch thick, single-riveted : First divide -^ by 33, which gives i^^, and multiply this by 7600, the product, 59g^ lbs. per square inch, being the ])ressure required. Thickness, in inches, of flat heads (not stayed). — Multiply the scjuare root of the pressure in lbs. per square inch by tlie radius of the shell in indies, and by 0.013333 for a head of copper ; by 0.010541 for a head of wrought-iron ; and by 0.0081649 for a head of steel. A steel boiler has a diameter of 24 inches, and the pressure of the steam is 60 lbs. per square inch : The thickness of the head is the product of 7.746 (the square root of 60), 12, and 0.0081649, which is equal to 0.7766, or about ;i| of an incli. Safe pressure, in pounds per scpiare incJi, for flut heads (not stayed). — Divide the square of the tliickness of the plate in inch- es bv the square of the radius of tlie shell in inches, and luulti- plv the (luotient by 5625 for a head of cop])rr ; l)y !)000 for a liead of wrouglit-iron ; and by 15.000 for a head of steel. Suppose the heads of a boiler are of steel, I inch in thickness, and that the diameter of the boiler is 24 inches : .25 (the square of \), divided l)y 141 (the squan^ of the radin.s), is .00174, and the l)roduct of .00174 and 15,000, 26 lbs., is tin; iiressun; required. H. Bf)ri.KKs, Heating surface of. — Note : In lln' following rules all dimensions ar CO CO OJ l- iO Ci iO Ci CO t^ iO CO QO IC CQ i> t-~ — 'OGOGOl^OlC-^COC'JCviOCsr-CO'-^SllOi-i '*icioo£-c»csoT-ic.?cc-TtC0CiO(^JG01Oi-lt-O0tS00'*'S^— ' C>? 00 '^ -^ JO iC O t^ t^ X CS C5 ^ 0> ^ l^ O O^ i-O 000000000000-rH^T-HT-• 1.-5 tH 05 00 CO £-ooira-Tt<'*cocoojcQi-ic;CiOOOco-rtC5i^ ■^iOOl-COOSO-^OlCO^lOOOOC^JOOCOt- ■i-lT-lTHrH-T-li-lT-li-lOJOiCOCOCO Outside surface in square feet, per foot of length. 0}l--0iO-rH10 '^CSCOOCC^i-H QOO'+O'J t-0^'»COCS'* 100»T-Ht-OOCSOCQ^OGO o:? Ci iO C? CO lO IN GO LO 1-H 00 ^ £> O fi CO C; O i-i CO 0^ ^ O O CO t- L- CO C3 C5 O T-H CO iO 00 O CO o OOOOOOOOOOOi-iT-i^^^OJCJOi Internal diameter in feet. Ol 00 £- *7 00 00 1- iC t^ irti GO Oi lO CI T-H O ^ O rH ^ o -^ C» -^ C? 01 o? »o cs o C5 ^ CO lO £^ C5 T^ CO O I- C5 -rt »0 C: t- lO CO CJ C5 Ot-HT-li-iTHTHC^OiWO^OJCOCOCOTitiOOC^t.^ ooooooooooooooooooo Internal diameter in inches. OOOCOt-HCOOOCOOOt— lO-i-HCOCOOl:^i>-f>^GS T-H CO iO GO O SQ O I- O C? lO t- (?} £^ «? O O O iO Thickness in inches. (W CO J-O Lt! iO C5 O CJ -^ -^ CO l--:! IC lo co C-GOClCiOSOOOiNOJCJCOCO-^OCOOOOO OOOOOi-HT--,-l,-l,-ITH,-,,-lrH,-H,-l^rHCJ OOOOOOOOOOOOOCJOOOOO Outside diameter in feet. c^ 00 c- lo CO ffj 00 i> »o CO t~ CO I- CO '^iOlfflCOf^OOO Ot-iWCOIOO coo CO OOJ-^OOOO'MlOt-CS-'-HCOl^— 1 OOOIOCO ,-1 ^ -rt ^ T-H C"* O"? 0> Oi Ol CO CO CO ^ l.t' made u])on liydrogen in the gaseous stat(i, and the steam resulting from the combustion was condensed. Now tiie hydrogen in coal is ordi- narily combined with carbon, and frequently with nitrogen, so that it must b(; separated from the coiul)ination l)efore it can be united with oxygen, and heat is required for this separation. •Vgain, in a boiler thr ])rodu<;ts of combustion usually pass into llu; chimney at such a iiigh ti^mptu'ature tluit the water, wiiich is tlie result of the combustion of the hydrogen, jjasses off in the form of steam, and thus carries off a considerable (luantity of wliat is coinmr)iily known as latent heat. Tiiis subject is one vvhicli liiis been but little considinvd by experimenters, and is worthy of more extcMuhjd inv(^stig;itioii. The volatiit? comljusti- bh; matter of i-oal generally contains oxygen in comliination, and tiiis must b(! ciiangi'd into the gaseous state before being unittid with the hydrogen, an operation that n^quires as much lieat as results from tlie new combination, llciiice it is ^ »o «o CO co ■uoqjBO paxf^ iC 05 ^ tH t- 10 -<* 00 CO CQ 00 T-i CO 00 00 i> t- »o 10 10 (N ^ 0? CQ 05 1—1 iO 1— < OQ CO =0 OJ •anqd[tis t- J> OJ £- CO 1-1 'd s > c3 a oS' t a cS oS t-> k cS a ^^ !^ a 03 a a Ph 02 a c 1 — 1 3 fin ;-< -3 8 oj 1^ 03 a a 03 n g .i-H CO a a a 2 a g a 1 i cc 50 IK ^ 1 ri a 3 a a a a s a a r* a o3 ,^9 ^ a a g a +j ^ p a 3 a a ^ a a> ■tj •tj -IJ -*j < 02 O} M CQ CQ m Q 96 KNGINEEEING. pounds of carbonic oxide, and only 4400 units of heat. In a fur- nace where the combustion is imperfect, tlie action is iisually as follows : A pound of carbon is at first completely burned, fori-iung 3| pounds of carbonic dioxide, and then takes up another pountl of carbon, producing 4^ pounds of carbonic oxide and 8800 units of heat. This carbonic oxide, however, if supplied with a suffi- cient amount of air, will burn and again form carbonic dioxide, so that the full effect of the combustion of the carbon will be realized. A practical application of this principle is seen in the combustion-chambers in boilers, which are designed to complete the combustion of the gases after they leave the furnace. Having disposed of the materials of the coal which escape into the chimney of a boiler, the ashes and cliulier that remain should be considered. The effect of these substances is injurious in se- veral ways : they choke up the furnace, preventing free access of the air to the combustible materials, and instead of entering into combinations and producing heat, they require to be heated to the temperature of the furnace, and are then removed, without hav- ing produced an equivalent for the heat expended ujion them. In ordinary boiler-furnaces, the amount of air required for the combustion of 1 pound of coal is about 24 pounds, or between 280 and 300 cubic feet. For a table of the qualities of American coal from various loca- lities, compiled from Prof. Johnson's Report, see page 95. B. Feed-Wateu Heaters, Gain from the use of. — A unit of heat is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a pound of water one degree, the water being at th(^ temi)erature of maxi- mum density, about 39.1° Fahrenheit. The table below shows the number of units of heat required to convert one pound of wa- ter, at the temperature of 32", into steam of various pressures. Pressure of steam Pressure of steam ill 11)9. per sq. in., Uoitsof hetit. in 11)8. per 8()iler for tin- night, the fire may either be hauled or banked. If it is to be l)anked, it should first be cleaned and then puslied back and covered with coal, the b(»iler being left with the furnace-door open and the damper closed. B. Joints, Rivktkd, Proportions of. — {a) Diameter of riret in inehes : Multiply the thickness of plate in inches l)y 3 for plates up to f of an inch thick, by 1.5 for plates from f to J of an inch thick, by 1.25 for jilatr-s from § to J of an inch thick, and l)y 1.125 for plates from J to 1 inch thick. {h) Lemjth hite in ini'hcs by 4.5. {c) Distance between ricets, fnnn centre to centre, in inches : (1) Sinf/lc-rire.led joi/its : Multii)ly the thickness of jilate in inches by (! for ])lates up to J of an inch thick, l)y 5 for plates from ^ to 8 of an incli thick, by 4 for ])Iates from | to | of an imh lliick, and by :{ for platfs from i, to 1 inch thick. (2) /'Jach line of rirets, (fmtldi -rirefed Juiiits : -Multiply the tliicl;- uoss of the plate in inches by 7 for plates up to i of an inch thick, ENGINEERING. 99 by 6 for plates from J to -j^- of an inch tliick, by 5 for plates from uf to Tb' of an inch thick, and by 4 for plates from t^^ to 1 inch thick. (d) Lap to be given to joint, in, inches: (1) Single-riveted joints : Multiply the thickness of plates in inches by 6 for plates up to f of an inch thick, by 4.5 for plates from |- to f of an inch thick, and by 4 for plates from f to 1 inch tliick. (2) Double-riveted joints : Multiply the thickness of plate in in- ches by 10 for joints up to f of an inch thick, by 7.5 for joints from I to f of an inch thick, and by 6.7 for joints from f to 1 inch thick. A table is appended, giving the thickness of plate in decimals of an inch, varying by sixteenths : Halves. Fourths. Eighths. Sixteenths. Decimals. 1 1 3 1 0.0625 3 0.125 3 0.1875 4 ...:..:.. 0.25 2 3 5 0.3125 6 0.375 4 7 0.4375 1 8 0.5 3 4 5 9 0.5625 10 0.625 6 7 11 0.6875 12 :.. . 0.75 13 0.8125 14 15 0.875 8 0.9375 3 16 1 The following example will serve to illustrate the rules : What should be the proportions of a single-riveted joint for a boiler made of plates -| of an inch thick V Diameter of rivets is twice 0.125, or J of an inch. Length of rivets under head is 4.5 times 0.125, or -,\- of an inch. Distance between centres of rivets is 6 times 0.125, or f of an incb. Lap of joint is 6 times 0.125, or f of an inch. B. Lead, Effect of steam on. — Lead iu contact with steam under pressure of over 10 lbs. per square inch very soon loses its strength, and it is therefore good neither for packing joints nor for conveying steam. Pipes, Steam, Burst. — Steam-pipes which have cracks in them from having burst, may be repaired by heating and then soldering them. Pipes, Ste.\m, Condensation in subterranean. — To prevent this, inclose the pipe in another larger pipe, and fill the space between the two with plaster-of-Paris or charcoal. The outside pipe should be water- tight. Pipes, Steam, Isolating material for. — Take 182 lbs. limestone, 385 lbs. coal, 275 lbs. clay, and 330 lbs. sifted coal-ashes. This is finely pulverized, and mixed with 660 lbs. water, 11 lbs. sul- 100 ENGINEERING. phuric acid at 50" B., and about 160 lbs. calves' hair or liog- bristles. Tlie compound is applied to the pipes in coats of 0.4 inch thickness, repeated until a thickness of an inch and a half is obtained, when a light covering of oil is given. Pipes, Steam, To prevent cracking, from freezing. — Steam-pipes apt to fill with condensed water and burst from freezing should have small holes with plugs to them, the plugs to be taken out at night. Sawdust as Fuel, To burn. — A saw-mill owner solves the problem of using saw-dust as fuel as follows. His boiler was a return tubular, 14 feet inches long and 54 inches in diameter, with 04 three-inch tubes, and brick firebox 48 x 56 x 27 inches high ; bridge- wall was 7 inches at centre, rounded to the sides of boiler. He states : "I lowered the bridge-wall 13 inches (keeping the same circle as before), lowered the paving in rear of firebox to a level with the grate-bars, and obtained a barrel of furnace-slag from 3 to 7 or 8 inches in size and 1 or li inches tliick, which I placed on the grate-bars, about half covering them. I fired with wood ; and when the slag got heated, I threw in the sawdust, which burned very well but smoked fear- fully (clouds would arise from the smoke-stack). I then intro- duced a 21nch pipe, with about fifty ^-inch holes, directly behind the bridge-wall, leaving l)oth ends of pipe open ; after which, I never had a particle of trouble either in keeping up steam or in burning up the smoke. Not even in firing up did I ever see any smoke come out of the stack, which was 30 feet high and 32 inches square, enlarged near top and to the top to 30 inches in- side measurement. I forgot to state that I covered the top of boiler with sheet-iron, tlien laid brick on it, covering the inter- stices with sand. The sheet-iron was to prevent the sand from wedging off the wall when tlie boiler expanded." A system of alternate firing, and with grates so arranged as to peimit some charred fuel to fall througli and burn in the ashpit, gives the best results. Scale in Stkam-Boflers, Prevention of. — (1) Use as pure water as your locality affords. (3) Clean and scrape your boiler as often as you possibly can. (3) Blow off without excess. (4) In case of salt or brackish waters, never use steam of over OO lbs. i)ri'.ssiir(^ to tlie sij. in. (5) In case of suli)hateof lime waters, ncn'cr use steam of over 70 lbs. pressure. (6) In case of water holding carbonate of lime in solution, pass it through a feed- water heati'P made liot by exhaust steam or waste heat. (7) In case; of muddy waters use large feed-water cisterns or reservoirs, Oh tin- l)ottom of which the suspended earthy matters will soon form a soft deposit, when tlu; surface water can be drawn ofi' for use. Winm using hard water, save the drippings of the exhaust- j)ipe, and tin; condensation of tlio safety-valve blow-oiT, and from the cylinder, and use the water thus obtained to fill tlio boiler after blowing off. The result will be surprising in its ef. feet in loosening scale. Slack, To burn as fuel. — A correspondent, who has practical- ly inv(;Htigated this subject extensivc-ly, says : Slack nMpiires the grate bars to be very open. I have used bars with open- ENGINEERING. 101 Ings of li inches. The only secret in using slack with any kind of a furnace is to have the grate-bars open enougli so that the fire can be l^ept open from the under side of the grates with the poker. Some coal, of course, will go through at first ; but coarse coal and wood can be used to start with, and what falls through the grate must be raked out and put in again. The coal will soon cake so that it will not waste. Make the furnace wider than usual, in building it, with doors in the side of the front, similar to furnaces for burning sawdust. For some varieties of coal, it will be found beneficial to wet the coal before throwing it into the furnace ; this helps to run the coal together. Then put in the coal at the side doors, and let it alone till it cakes ; then with the poker roll it into the centre of the fire. It will be in large lumps and will not waste, and there will always be a good fire in the centre. Never smother it with fresh coal. A system of introducing comminuted fuel with the air required for its combustion, by means of a fan-blower, has been introduced by a Boston firm. Specific Heat. — Table showing the number of units of heat re- quired to raise the temperature of one pound of a substance one de- gree Fahrenheit. Copper. 0.09515 Corrosive sublimate. . . . 0.06889 Corundum 0.19762 Diamond 0.14687 Ether (liquid) 0.50342 " (vapor) 0.48100 Fusel Oil 0.56400 Galena 0.05086 Glass 0.19768 Glucinum 0.23080 Gold 0.03244 Graphite 0.20083 Hydrochloric acid 0.18450 Hydrogen 3.40900 Ice 0.47400 Iceland spar 0.20858 Indium 0.05700 Iodide of mercury 0.04197 " potassium 0.08191 " silver 0.06159 Iodine (solid) 0.05412 (liquid) 0.10822 Iridium 0.03259 Iron 0.11380 Iron pyrites 0.13001 Lead (solid) 0.03065 " (liquid) 0.04020 Lithium 0.94080 Magnesium 0.24990 Manganese 0.12170 Marble 0.20989 Mercury (liquid) 0.03332 Air 0.23740 Alcohol (liquid) 0.61500 " (vapor) 0.45340 Aluminum 0.21430 Ammonia (vapor) 0.50830 Anthracite coal 0.20100 Antimony 0.05077 Aragonite 0.20850 Arsenic 0.08140 Benzine 0.45000 Bismuth (solid) 0.03084 (liquid) 0.03630 Bituminous coal 0.20085 Boron 0.25000 Brass 0.09391 Bromine (liquid) 0.10700 " (gas) 0.05550 Cadmium 0.05669 Carbonic acid 0.21630 " oxide 0.24500 Chalk 0.21485 Charcoal 0.24150 Chloride of barium 0.89570 " " calcium. .. . 0.16420 "lead 0.06641 " " magnesium 0.19460 " " manganese. 0.14250 Chloride of strontium. . 0.11990 "zinc 013618 Chlorine (gas) 0.12100 Chromium 12000 Cobalt 0.10730 102 ENGINEERING. Mercury (solid) 0.03192 Molybdenum 0.07218 Nickel 0.11080 Niobium 0.06820 Nitrate of sodium 0.27821 " silver 0.14:r)'j Nitre 0.2:!s:,j Nitric oxide 0.28150 Nitrogen 0.24380 Nitrous oxide 022380 Oil of turpentine (liq'd) 0.4G727 " " " (vapor). O.oOGlO Olefiant gas 0.40400 Olive oil 0.31000 Osmium 0.03113 Oxygen 0.21750 Palladium 0.05928 Petroleum 0.46840 Phosphorus 0.18870 Platinum 0.03243 Potas.sium 0.10956 Rhodium 0.05803 Ruthenium 006110 Salt 0.17295 Sapphire 0.21737 Selenium 0. Silica 0. Silicon 0. Silver 0, Sodium 0. Steam. ... 0. Steel 0. Sulphide of carbon 0. " zinc Sulphur (native) 0. (purified) (liquid) O Sulphuric acil Tantalum 0, Tellurium Thallium Thorhium Tin (solid) " (liquid) Tungsten Uranium Vanadium Water 1. Wood spirit Zinc 07446 19132 ,17740 ,05701 29340 48050 11750 ,15700 .12813 ,17760 ,20259 ,23400 34300 .04840 .04737 .03355 .05800 05623 06370 .03342 06190 .08140 00000 64500 09555 B. Staved Sukface, Safe pressure, in lbs. per square inch, for a. — Divide the scjuare of the thickness of the jdate in inches, by the square of the distance between stays, in inches, and multiply the (juotient by 16,875 for a cojjper plate, by 27,000 for a wrought-iron plate, and by 45,000 for a steel i)late JSxanqjle. — What is the safe jiressure for a plate of wrought iron, i of an inch thick, secured by stays G inches from centre to centre ? The quotient arising from dividing 0.0625 (the square of i) by 36, is 0.00174. Multii)lying 0.00174 by 27,000, the product is the required pressun;, about 47 lbs. per scjuare iucli. B. Stayed Suuface, Thickness of, in inches. — Multiply the square root of the pressure, in lbs. i)er scjuare inch, by the dis- tance between centres of stays in inches, and nuiltii)ly this ])ro- ducl by 0.007698 for a (•<)i)|M'r pint.-, by 0.()()6()S5S for a wroiight- injn jjlate, l)y 0. 00171 II for a stci'l ))latc. For a cop])ir lire box, in which the stays are 10 inches apart from centre to centre, and the pnissure f)f steam is 60 lbs. : The thickness of plate is th(! product of 7.7 Ki (the scjuare root of 60), of an B. wliicli is e(|iial to 0.596, or about \'i 10. and 0007698 inch St.\y, Proper diameter for a, in inches.— Multiply tlie distance between stays, in inclies, by tlir- winare root of the ])ressure, in pounds per sipiure inch, and nniltiply this prodiu-t by 0.0206 for a c |)per stay, by ().OI7«4 lor a wrought iron stay. Era mplc.—Wi' hat is tlie proi)er diameter loi wrought-iron ENGHSTEERIIfG. 1 03 stays, 6 inches between centres, tlie pressure of steam being 75 i:)ounds per square inch ? This is the in-oduct of 6, 8.66 (the square root of 75), and 0.01784 ; which is equal to 0.92697, or about |f of an inch. B. Stats, Distance between, in inches. — Divide the thickness of tlie plate, in inclies, by the square root of the pressure, in lbs. per square iucli, and multiply the quotient by 180, if the stayed surface is copper ; by 164, if the stayed surface is wrought iron ; by 212, if the stayed surface is steel. Suppose the fire-box of a boiler is to be made of steel plates, f of an inch thick, and the pressure of steam is to be 100 lbs. per square inch. Divide 0.375 by 10, and multiply the quotient, 0.0375, by 212 ; which gives 7.95, say 8 inches, as the proper distance between stays. B. Note. — The rules for stayed siirfaces and flat boiler-heads are adapted from methods explained bv Dr. Grashof in " Die Festig- keitslehre," Berlin, 1866. VaXiVE, Safety, A simple test for determining the accuracy of. — Secure the valve-stem of the safety-valv^e to the lever with wire or string, and attach a loop to the lever, into which pass the hook of an accurate spring-balance, arranging the loop so that it is directly over the centre of the valve-stem. Then take hold of the iipper part of the spring-balance, and lift the valve slightly, noting the reading of the balance. Measure the lower diameter of the safety-valve, and find its area ; divide the read- ing of the spring-balance by the area of the valve, and the result will be the pi-essure, in pounds per square inch, at which the steam will raise the safety-valve. Suppose, for instance, that the diameter of the safety-valve is 1 inch ; its area will be about fuWo of an inch. Xow, if the tension of the spring-balance in raising the valve is 130 lbs., the pressure at which the valve will rise is the quotient arising from dividing 120 by -/tAnnj) or 153 lbs. per square inch. A table is appended, gi^^ng the areas of valves for the ma- jority of cases that occur in practice : Table of Areas of Valves of Different Diameters. Diameter of valve in inches. Area of valve in square inclies. i or 0.5 13-64 or 0.19635 f or 0.625 5-16 or 0.30G80 for 0.75 7-16 or 0.44179 i or 0.875 19-32 or 0.60132 1 25-32 or 0.7854 li or 1.25 1 15-64 or 1.2272 H or 1.5 1 49-64 or 1.7671 li or 1.75 2 13-32 or 2.4053 2 3 9-64 or 3.1416 2i or 2.5 4 29-32 or 4.9087 3 7 1-16 or 7.0686 3ior3.5 9 5 8 or 9.6211 4 13 9-16 or 12.5664 • , 4| or 4.5 15 29-33 or 15.9043 104 ENGIXEERING. Diameter of valve in inches. Area of valve in square inches. 5 19 41-64 or 19.635 5i or 5.5 28 49-64 or 23.7583 6 28 9-82 or 28.2744 B. Vi LVE, Safety, Hints concerning the. — Some convenient ar rangi nieut, such as a cord or lever, should be fitted to a safety- valve, so that it can readily be opened by hand ; and the valve should be moved at least once a day, to keep it in good workiuj; order. A simple experiment to determine whetlier or not the valve is in truth a safety valve can readily b(=i made by everv steam-user. It will only be necessary to shut off tlie steam from the engine, or wlierever else it is used, and making up a good fire in the boiler, observe whether the pressure increases materi- ally beyond the point for which the valve is set. This experiment can be made without the slightest danger, since, if the valve will not relieve the boiler automatically, it can be opened to anv desired extent by hand. Any one can readily perceive the ini- portance of making this test, for with a good safety-valve in working order, the chances of a disastrous boiler explosion are greatly diminished. B. Valve, Safety, Proper diameter, in inches, for a. — This de- pends upon (1) the steam-pressure to which the valve is ex- posed ; (2) the lift of the valve ; (3) tlie (luautity of steam that must be discharged in a given time, in order to prevent an in- crease of pressure. These quantities having been determined, it is necessary to calculate (1) the area of opening required in order to discharge tlie given quantity of steam ; (2) tlie diameter of a valve tliat will afford the required area of opening with the given lift. The method of making these calculations is explained below. A. IJie area of apening, in squ|iciiiiii,', in S(|iiiur iiiciii'.s, of a, due to a given lift. — ('/) VViicn ilir lift <>f tin' vulve is equal ENGINEERING. 109 or to less than the depth of seat : Find the product of (1) the diameter of the valve, in inches ; (3) the lift, in inches ; (3) the sine of the angle of bevel of the valve, and (4) 3.1416. Add this to the product of (1) the square of the lift, in inches ; (2) the square of the sine of angle of bevel of the valve ; (3) the cosine of the angle of bevel of the valve, and (4) 3.1416. (6) When the lift of the valve is greater than the depth of seat : Find the product of (1) the diameter of the valve, in inches ; (2) the depth of seat, in inches ; (3) the sine of the angle of bevel of the valve, and (4) 3.1416. Find the product of (1) the square of the depth of seat, in inches ; (2) the square of the sine of the angle of bevel of valve ; (3) the cosine of the angle of bevel of valve, and (4) 3.1416. Find the product of (1) the diameter of the valve, in inches ; (2) the difference between the lift and the depth of seat, in inches, and (3) 3.1416. Take the sum of these three products. Example. — The diameter of a valve is 4 inches, the bevel is 35°, and the depth of seat ^ of an inch. What is the area of open- ing for a lift of f of an inch ? The product of 4, 0.25, 0.574 (the sine of 35=), and 31416 is 1.8. The product of the square of 0.25, the square of 0.574, 0.819, (the cosine of 35°), and 3.1416 is 1.85. The product of 4, 0.125 (the diflference between the lift and depth of seat), and 3.1416 is 1.57. The sum of 1.8, 1.85, aad 1.57 is 3.42 square inches, the area of opening required, B. BELTS, PULLEYS, AND SHAFTING. Belt-Holes, Laying out, through floors.— If a belt is to be carried from a pulley on an overhead shaft to one on any floor above, tlie distance from centre of lower shaft to ceiling— under side of floor — should be measured and noted ; then the thickness of floor ; next the distance between top of floor and centre of upper shaft. If one pulley or shaft is directly over the other, the size of pulleys and width of belt being known, you have all the data necessary if you measure the distance of one shaft from the wall of building, which is done by dropping a plummet from centre of shaft or diameter of pulley, and measuring to the wall from that point. From these data, whether the two shafts are in the same vertical plane, whether the diameters of the pul- leys are equal, and whether the belt is to be carried through one, two, three, or even four floors or not, the intelligent mechanic can lay out a diagram that will enable him to cut his belt-holes ac- curately. The diagram may be laid out full-size on a swept floor, or, on a reduced scale, on a board or sheet of paper. ]SIea- sures thus made can easily be transferred to the floor through which the holes are to be made. 110 ENGINEERING. BELT-LACixa, Eel-pkin. — A mill-owner says : " Eel-skins make the best possible strings for lacing belts. One lace will outlast any belt, and will stand wear and liard usage wliere hooks or any other fastenings fail. Our mill being on the bank of the river, we keep a net set for eels, which, when wanted, are taken out in the morning and skinned, and the skins are stuck on a smooth board. When dry, we cut them in two strings, making the eel-skin, in three hours from the time the fish is taken from the water, travel in a belt." Belt-Lacings, Holes for. — The strain on belts is always in the direction of their length, and therefore holes cut for the reception of lacing slioiild be oval (the long diameter in line with the belt). In ])utting or meeting belts, the crossings of the lacings should be on the outside. Belt passinc; over t'wo Pui^leys, To find the length of a. — Measure the distance between the centres of the pulleys, the diameters of the pulleys, and the thickness of the belt. Add the thickness of the belt to the diameter of a pulley, and this gives the effective diameter. Half this is the effective radius, and it is to be noted that the effective radius, or tlu' effective diameter, of a pulley should generally be used in all calculations relating to belts and pulleys. In making such calculations, care must be taken, also, to liave all the dimensions in the same unit, feet or inches. In general, it is well to reduce all dimensions to feet. To illustrate the ])receding remarks, suppose that the diame- ter of a pulley is 10 inches, and that the thickness of the belt passing over it is f of an incli. What is the effective radius, in feet? Ati.s. The effective diameter is lOg inches ; hence the effec- tive radius is o.^*,; inches. 5 inches is 0.417 ft. ,'',, of an inch is 0.010 ft. Hence 5,=^,; inches is 0.433 ft. There are two cases to be considered, one in which the belt ia crossed, and the other in which it is open. To find the length of a cronxed belt pnssiDf/ orrr tiro judlci/s : (1) Divide the sum of the radii of the two pulleys by the dis- tance between their centres, and lind from the table of factors the factor corres|)onding to this quotient. (2) Multii)ly the factor so found by the sum of the radii. (3) Multiply the sum of the radii by the number 3.141G. (4) Siil)tiart tins sijuare of the sum of the radii from tlu; 8(juare of the distance Ix-twcen centres, and take the s(|uare root of the remainder. Multiply tlie (juantity so obtaiiu'd liy 2. (5) Take tlie sum of the quantities obtained by (2), (3), and (4). Krampfr. — Tlu; radius of one pulley is 42 inches, of the other 3(» ; tlie distance between centres of pulleys is 12 feet, and the tliickness of tlie lielt is \ of an imli ; rei|iiiir(l, the length of tlu^ belt. 'I'iie efff'ctive radii an; 3.51 fi^rt and 3.01 feet. (1) Sum of radii, 0.520. Distaiwe betwi-en centn^s, 12. Quo- tient of first (|uantity divided by second, 0.51. Factor in talih: I'orrespnnding lo this quotient, 1.141. (2) innitii)iied hy i\.r,':>, 7.430 t . (3) 0.541 multipli.-d by 3. 1.41(..20.4H3 + . ENGINEERING. Ill (4) Square of distance between centres 144. Square of sum of radii. . 42.51 Difference 101.49 Square root of difference, 10.074 + . 10.074 multiplied by 2, 30.148. ^ (5) Sum of 7.439, 20.483. and 20.148, 48.07 feet, or 48 feet and U of an inch, length of belt required. Table of Factors for Determining the Length of Belts. Quotient. ! Factor. ' Quotient. Factor. 0.01 0.020 0.35 0.716 0.02 0.040 1 0.36 0.737 0.03 0.060 i 0.37 0.758 0.04 0.080 ' 0.38 0.780 0.05 0.100 0.39 0.802 0.06 0.120 0.40 0.823 0.07 0.140 0.41 0.845 0.08 0.161 0.42 0.867 0.09 180 0.43 0.890 0.10 0.201 0.44 0.912 0.11 0.220 0.45 0.934 0.12 0.241 ! 0.46 0.956 0.13 0.261 0.47 0.979 0.14 0.281 0.48 1.002 0.15 0.301 0.49 1.025 0.16 322 i 0.50 1047 0.17 0.342 ; 0.51 1.070 0.18 0.362 0.52 1.094 0.19 0.383 0.53 1.118 0.20 0.403 0.54 1.141 0.21 0.424 0.55 1.165 0.22 0.444 0.56 1.189 0.23 0.464 i 0.57 1.214 0.24 0.485 1 0.58 1.238 0.25 0.506 ' 0.59 1.262 0.26 0.527 0.60 1.287 0.27 0.547 0.61 1.312 0.28 0.568 0.62 1.338 0.29 0.589 . 0.63 1.364 0.30 0.610 0.64 1.389 0.31 0.631 0.65 1.415 0.32 0.652 ' 0.66 1.443 0.33 0.673 i 0.67 1.469 0.34 0.694 0.68 1.496 Quotient. Factor. 0.69 1.533 0.70 1.551 0.71 1.580 0.72 1.608 0.78 1.637 0.74 1.666 0.75 1.696 0.76 1.727 0.77 1.758 0.78 1.790 0.79 1.822 0.80 1.855 ! 0.81 1.888 ; 0.82 1.923 ' 0.83 1.958 I 0.84 1.995 0.85 2.033 0.86 2.071 0.87 2.111 0.88 2.152 0.89 2.195 0.90 2.240 0.91 3.387 0.92 2.336 0.93 3.389 0.94 2.446 0.95 2.507 0.96 2.574 0.97 2.651 0.98 2.743 0.99 2.859 1.00 3.143 - To find the length of an open belt passing orer tiro pullei/s : (1) Divide the difference of the radii by the distance between 112 ENGINEERING. centres, and find fro-.u the table of factors the factor correspond- iiig to this quotient. {2) Multiply the factor so found by the difference of the radii. (3) Multiply the sum of the radii by the number 3.1410. (4) Subtract the square of the difference of the radii from the square of the distance between centres, and take the square root of the remainder. Multiply the quantity so (obtained by 2. (5) Take the sum of the quantities obtained by (3), (3), and (4). It will be observed that these rules require only simple arith- metical operations. Example. — Given, diameter of driving-wheel, 36 inches; of driven wheel, 9 inches ; distance between centres, 5 feet ; thick- ness of belt, \ of an inch ; what is the length of tlie bellV Effective radii, 1.505 and 0.3S0 feet. (1) Difference of radii, 1.125. Distance between centres, 5. Quotient, 0.33. Factor in table corresponding to this quotient, 0.404. (3) 0.404 multiplied bv 1.135, 0.533. (3) Sum of radii, 1.885. 1.885 multiplied by 3.1416, 5.933. (4) Square of distance between centres 35. Square of difference of radii 1.366 Difference 33.734 Square root of difference, 4.873. 4.873 multiplied by 3, 9.744. (5) Sum of 0.533, 5.933, and 9.744, 16.188 feet, or 16 feet 2^ inches, length of belt. B. Belts, Power transmitted by leatlier. — By the aid of the ac- companying tables, now ])ubli8h(;d for the first time, it will be easy for any one to ascertain the amount of power that can be safely transmitted by good leather belts under ordinary circum- stances. It is scarcely necessary to add that the power trans- mitted by a belt in any special case can only be ascertained by experiment. All that can b(! done by the most elaborate rules is to show what power ought io be transmitted if a belt is properly arranged. The tables and accompanying rules will be useful, therefore, in calculations of the widih of belt retjuired to do a definite amount of work under given circumstanc^^s. With these preliminary explanations, the use of the tables will be illustrated. I. Other tMiifjs heiiuj cfiuid, the power trnnstnitted hi/ a belt de- pends upon the arc of raittwt and the xpeed <>f the belt. II. To find the arc of contact between a belt and a pulley, by the aid, of the neeonipanyliKj table. Firnt \fethod. — .Measure the liMigth of tin- portion of th(^ cir- ciiiiifcri'iicc of tin; ])ii]lcy that is in contact with the belt, and tbe diamclcr of the pulh^y. Divide; the first measurement by the radius of the ])ulley, which gives the length of the arc of contact for a circle wliose radius is I. Mud tlic nuinbi-r nearest to this in the column of t!ie talile liiMdrd " i>c'iii:tli of arc for a radius of 1," and till- rc(juirrd imglc will i)r found in tlii; same liori- zo.ital lint' of tin; next column, to the UdV, Invaded " Arc of con- tact. " ENGINEERING. 113 lule for Finding the Are of Contact of a Belt loith a Pulley. El Both pulleys, crossed belt, and large pulley, open belt. Small pulley, open belt. < z O Arc of contact. Length of arc for a radius of 1. Arc of contact. Length of arc for a radius of 1. 0.00 180° 3.142 180° 3.142 .01 181" 3.162 179° 3.122 .02 182° 3.182 178° 3.102 .03 183° 3.202 177° 3.082 .04 185° 3.222 175° 3.062 .05 186° 3.242 174° 3.042 .06 187° 3.262 173° 3.022 .07 188° 3.282 172° 3.002 .08 189° 3.303 171° 2.981 .09 190° 3.322 170° 2.962 .10 192° 3.343 168° 2.941 .11 193° 3.362 167° 2.922 .12 194° 3.383 166° 2.901 .13 195° 3.403 165° 2.881 .14 196° 3.423 164° 2.861 .15 197° 3.443 163° 2.841 .16 198° 3.464 162° 2.820 .17 200° 3.484 160° 2.800 .18 201° 3.504 159° 2.780 .19 202° 3.525 158° 2.759 .20 203° 3.545 157° 2.739 .21 204° 3.566 156° 2.718 .22 205° 3.586 155° 2.698 .23 207° 3.606 153° 2.678 .24 208° 3.627 152° 2.657 .25 209° 3.648 151° 2.636 .26 210° 3.669 150° 2.615 .27 211° 3.689 149° 2.595 .28 213° 3.710 147° 2.574 .29 214° 3.731 146° 2.553 .30 215° 3.752 145° 2.532 .31 216° 3.773 144° 2.511 .32 217° 3.794 143° 2.490 .33 219° 3.S15 141° 2.469 .34 220° 3.836 140° 2.448 .35 221° 3.858 139° 2.426 .36 222° 3.879 138° 2.405 .37 223° 3.900 137° 2.384 .38 225° 3.922 135° 2.362 .39 226° 3.944 134° 2.340 .40 227° 3.965 133° 2.319 .41 228° 3.987 132° 2.297 .43 230° 4.009 130° 2.275 .43 231° 4.032 129° 2.252 .44 232° 4.054 128° 2.230 .45 234° 4.076 126° 2.208 .46 235° 4.098 125° 2.186 .47 2:^6° 4.121 124° 2.163 .48 237° 4.144 12:}° 2.140 .49 239° 4 167 121° 2.117 .50 240° 4.189 120° 2.095 114 ENGINEEKING. Table for Finding the Arc of Contact of a Belt tcitJi a Pulley. (Continued.) ^ Both pulleys, crossed belt, and large pulley, open belt. Small pullej% open belt. 1 CONSTAK Arc of contact. Length of arc for a radius of 1 . Arc of contact. Length of arc tt a radius of 1. .51 241° 4.212 119° 2.072 .52 243° 4.236 117° 2.048 .53 244° 4.260 116° 2.0^ .54 245° 4.283 115° 2.001 .55 247° 4.307 113° 1.977 .56 248° 4.331 112° 1.953 .57 250° 4.356 110° 1.928 .58 251° 4.380 109° 1.904 .59 252° 4.404 108° 1.880 .60 254° 4.429 106° 1.855 .61 255° 4.454 105° 1.830 .62 257° 4.480 103° 1.804 .63 258° 4.506 102° 1.778 .64 260° 4.531 100° 1.753 .65 261° 4.557 99° 1.727 .66 263° 4.585 97° 1.699 .67 264° 4.611 %° 1.673 .68 266° 4.638 94° l.WO .69 267° 4. 065 93° 1.G19 .70 269° 4.693 91° 1.5'Jl .71 271° 4.722 89° 1.562 .72 273° 4. 750 88° l.o:i4 .73 27'1° 4.779 86° 1..505 .74 275° 4.808 85° 1.476 .75 277° 4.8:^8 83° 1.446 .76 270° 4.86«J 81° 1.415 .77 281° 4.900 79° 1.384 .78 283° 4.932 77° 1.3.->2 .79 284° 4.9&1 76° 1.320 .80 286° 4.9!>7 74° 1.387 .81 288° B.CCiO 72° 1.2.54 .82 290° 5.(Hi5 70° 1.319 83 292° 5.KX) 68° I.IM .84 294° 5.137 63 59° 1 ();il .88 808° 6.294 57° (1 '.190 .89 306° 5..S:}7 54° 0.9-17 .90 308° 5.382 .'J2° 0.902 91 311° 5.429 49° 0.8.-)5 .92 314° 5.478 46° 0.8(16 .98 817° 5.581 48° o.7.'>:i .94 820° 5.588 40° 0.(i9C> .95 824° 5.(M9 :«i° (t.(kJ5 .96 888° 5.716 32° ()..")C)8 .97 832° 5.793 28° 0.491 .98 837° 5.885 iSl" 0:VM< .99 844° li.OOl 1(1" (l.-JKJ 1.00 aio° 6.284 (I" (KM) ENGLXEERIXG. 115 Example. — Suppose the length of tlie circumference of a pul- ley in contact with a belt is 8A feet, and the diameter of the pulley is 4 feet. The quotient arising from dividing 8^ by 2 (the radius of the pulley) is 4.25, and the number in the table nearest to this is 4.26, showing that the required arc of contact is about 244°. [It is to be noted that, in calculations of this kind, the effective radius of the pulley should be used (see page 110), and all dimen- sions must be referred to the same unit of measurement.] Second Method. — Measure the effective diameters of both pul- leys, and the distance between their centres. There are two cases to be considered : (a) To find the arc of contact for a crossed belt. Divide the sum of the radii of the two pulleys by the distance tween their centres ; find in the column of constants the nearest number to the quotient, and pick out the corresponding angle. Example. — Diameter of driven pulley, 20 inches ; of driving pulley, 24 ; distance between centres, 8 feet. What is the arc of contact on each pulley of a crossed belt passing over them ? Sum of radii, 1.8333 feet. 1.8333 divided by 8 is 0.23, nearly. From the table, it appears that the angle required is 207\ (b) To find the arc of contact for an open belt. Divide the difference of the radii of the two pulleys by the distance between their centres, and find the angles corresponding to the constant nearest to the quotient, in the table. Example. — In the case of an open belt passing over two pul- leys, the following dimensions are given : Diameter of driving pulley is 5.25 feet; diameter of driven pulley is 3.5 feet; dis- tance between centres is 9 feet. The difference of radii (0.875) di- vided by 9 is 0.097-]-. constant in table, 0.1, correspond- ing to an angle of contact of 192' on the driving, and 168° on the driven pulley. [These rules are founded on the assumption that the belt is drawn perfectly tight between the pulleys. Where there is much deviation from this, in practice, it is better to emjjloy the first method.] III. To find the speed of a helt, infect, per minute. Multiply the diameter of either imlley, in feet, by 3.1416 times the number of revolutions that it makes per minute. Example.— \ belt passes over a pulley that is 3 feet in diame- ter, and makes 200 revolutions a minute". The speed of the belt is the product of 3, 3.1416, and 200, or about 1885 feet per minute. ly. To find the potcer that can he safely transmitted by a good leather belt of given width, passing over smooth iron jniUeys, and running at a given speed, the arc of contact beinq als', given. This IS determined by means of the second table Find the horse-power for a belt one inch in width, for the nearest arc of contact in the table, and the nearest speed of belt, and multinlv this by the width of the belt. If the belt is open, and the pul- leys have different diameters, take the angle of contact made by the belt with the smaller pulley. 116 ENGINEERING. o cq T-l C? ^ "* O t~ 00 C5 O i-J CO iO t-_ C5 tH OOOOOOOOTHT-icJCO-^'»OJ> T-HCJOtl-fOt^XlCS'-ICJ-^t^O'r-l"* T-H OJ CO -* ir^ O i~; CO O tH C<< CO -tJ* o j> oooooooOT-!i-ic Oi-HOO^t-MOO-^SSlCOSTtiOOCOC- Ot-h-th ejo)cO'*»0«D oiaot-oo-n^coo^-i-coooooo O r-l C7 CO ^ O O i> 00 C5 O) 1-- » I.O -^ ooooooooocJTHojcd'i'io o OCOLOSOOOOSi-KN-^lOOO-.-ltO'-' Goo-^cjoooi^LOco^eo-^ot-os OOOOOOOOOOi- CO -* o LO o 1-- ^_ 1-; 00 ?q CO o O c'>i.'or-C50}-tC010t^Q0O'-ie0"5«0C0C5'-'5^H(X) 1.-7 O l.O O '-O >-( O ,-1 CO 1-1 CO -t 5S 00 C5 o 1-1 ^ o} o> CO CO -t -* lo o i.o o i.o o ooooo'oc>ooOi-OOOOOOOOOOi-<'-<'-i a^ '■xnNiH 11:1.1 NI 'XIHtl .4-< T-( (?»•*. W l- 00 00000000000 o'ocJo ISSP^' So<5St-OIC-^COO"»C7CO-*Ot-C5 lO T-H i^ CO CI lO T-H £^ CO CI CO i> O »» -* T--*»0-T-lt-COC5iO OOOOOOi-ht-h 1-^ 1-i CO -* O i> C5 C0C5I>«51OC0(M »OT-HOC"Jt-COC5^0lO-.-lt-COC5iO •i-iC0^OJ>C:O(?>-*'i0T— iOC7t-CO ooooooi-(TH^'T-ico-^'cdi>C5 o C<>»Ot^C;C9-^OC5i-HCOJ>OCOOO i-o o o o « -^ — '-I £~ <^"* "* t^ Ci i-H '^ ■rHCi0'*cct^C2OC:fC0L-fO»OO»i-l oooooo-i-H-rHi-ii-ico^ot-^eJ C5r^o^cOi-HOcoi>»r?ocOT-io-i-i ■*C5^C5'*Cl'*QOOOaDt^iO^O?-r-l thCQ^OI^QOOi-hOO-^O-^CJ-^CS OOOOOOi-HT-J-pHT-ioi-^idC-^QO -*C5coaO(y?t-T-iL'^0'*cocot^-»-iio M^ 00 CO t^ C3 O -^ O O -^ 00 CO I- « » ■rHCQ-^OJ>OOOT-0?0 ooooooT-HTHi-Hi-HCQ-^'idc-^oo OOOOOOOOOOOOOOtH ■^GOOJOO-<*o6 lCOlOOiOOlOO»COCJOOOOt-i> C0i>O^£^i-IC0Q0i-liCO-rJ o ooooooorHi-irHc^i'^idood OOOi-ii-i,-i,-i,_ii-ii-iC0-«*iOi>05 COOCSOllCoOi-i-^t^OOoOOO i-i'NcoLOOi^csoi-'co5ociCT»qoq OOOOOOOi-Ii-ii-ioicO»C«Ot- o 1-1 OCi'*C5COOOCOt^O'J«OCOCiCSC?00 ciTtCiC>^-<* oooooooOi-ii-H(rico-*oi> 0C0:^000O:S000000 OO OOOOOOOOOOOOO T-ie :c « '-H o o 1-- « CO T-i C5 1- 1-^ :c lo t- ciT- Of o o 00 i^ » !-■; lo CJ OOOOOt— (T— <1— IT— (T-HCOOt^Ci'— * t- -^ O f-- ^ T-H t~ •* -rH 00 Iff CO ^ x :2 Q0j>o-^coojoc50o»cooi-cco T-ccL'rt-C5T-(eo-*ooot><»'*:cO'i oo o o o I ccnoe>o -H Oi-it-WOO-^OSlOOOCIOO-^OO 00 C- lO '^ 0>J -r-i C: 30 l^ L'^ T-i » O? Xi ?0 ■^ CO O £> S: '-' CI -* iS 00 t- L-5 -^^ CJ i-H CSOOOOi-HT-iT-ii-iT-icOOl-CJr-J •^cjcot-oooi-ocicor-o-^t-o CO O i.O CO 0> O C5 «> l.O Tt* 30 CO t^ 1-1 o 1-1 CO Lo t- c; T-i o? ^ to 00 o o CO oi o T-; T-H rH CO O t-' Oi r-i o o o o o c CO o ?i co^s; c; x> :c -f CT o c; ^ -* *-^ ■M CO i.o i.^ s; c o? -^ :r X' o "* CO r- rs OOOOOi r so O t~ 05 O ci CO i-o " X s; 1— I 07 'T w i-H CO T-H o c? 00 o -^ oj o X i- i.o CO 1-1 CO ■* :s I- C5 ^ c? i.o t^ c; c: oj -^ o X «o ^ O^i o X OOOOOi—r-iT-i,-!,— iCOiOt-ClO OOOOOOOOOOOSC5XXX XO'JO'jOGpOjJOJOCiSlCiClO '{-- CI O CJ ■ X i.o CO 1-1 c; t- I eoio t- 00 o XCSLOCO-r-CiXtT'^Ol'+OCiT-iCO I- 1.0 CO r-H s; O -1< 0» O X O ■* Ol >-l S5 — CO 1-0 I- X o cj -* ;s i~ i-o CO i-i C5 :r o c o oo 1 ' IC C- X o CO ci «o o> C5 »o cj X i.o o eo X c>> t- 1 - lo o> o X i.o CO r-i X o Oi s; <.o oi x -"■ CO I.O I- X o o» ^ i.O I- i.O OJ O X '-0 il OOOOOi If o -i< X c>i t- T- :r * - -f 07 C5 f~ -f OJ ^ — < C? i-O O X O 0} cc o o o oo ■ I CO 00 o O 10 O O O -^ C5 * - -f C5 CO X OJ ?o i.o I- -r o> o I- -* T-^ t-h' CO lO O X) o 'VXnNIH IIH.I 07 ip r- o OI -f r^ c: ^ -f X r-< o o CO i--f — c:trr:o*-i.ooj-t'*-'*^'* ^ Ct lO :0 X O 01 CO 10 ( - -t ^ c» O CO O O O O O i-i T-* T-i 1-i T-J CO iO l> 00 o T-l oooo-H'^^'^'-'-ojco-tiioo < r-HXioO»c;lSCOOoOOOO T-" CO I.O — X o 1-1 CO lo ♦ — (< 1-1 X i-o CI o' o" o o o T-; — ; r-^ 1-; ,-; CO lo ;d 30 o Sooopoooooooooo iooooooooccrooc- ^OJCO-tLOOt-XC; oo=;c;cc- 1— 0> CC -T I-O w ENGINEERING. 119 Example. — What horse-power can be transmitted by a leather belt 10 inches wide, making an angle of contact of 80' with the smaller of the two pulleys over which it passes, and having a speed of 2400 feet per minute? Ans. — Horse-power for a belt 1 inch wide and 2000 feet speed is 1.802 ; horse-power for a belt 1 inch wide and 400 feet speed is 0.3G0 ; therefore, by addition, horse- power of 1 inch belt for 2400 feet speed is 2.162;" and for 10 horse- power, 10 times 2.162, or 21.62. V. 2'f find the icidth of belt necessary to transmit a ffiven, amount of poicer for a given are of contact and given speed in feet per minute. Find the power transmitted by a belt 1 inch wide, and divide the given power by this amount. Example. — An open belt passes over two pulleys having dia- meters of 4 and 6 feet respectively, and the former makes 300 revolutions a minute. The distance between the centres of the pulleys is 15 feet. What should be the width of a belt to trans- mit 50 horse-power under these circumstances ? Speed of belt in feet per minute, 3770 ; arc of contact of belt Avith smaller pulley, 172^ ; horse-iX)wer transmitted by a belt 1 inch wide, under conditions in table nearest to those determined above {i.e. , for arc of contact of 170", and speed of 3800), 5.488. Required width of belt, 50 divided by 5.488, or a little over 9 inches. VI. In the use of a leather belt, it is best to run it with the grain side next to the pulleys, or in exactly the opposite way from that in which the hide was worn by the animal that was the original proprietor of the leather. VII. Lace-leather is better than hooks for fastening the ends of a belt togetlier ; and a still better method, after a belt has be- come sufficiently stretched by use, is to rivet the ends together with long laps. In lacing a belt of any considerable size, make two rows of holes in each belt end, and" put in double lacing. VIII. A belt that is made of good material, and is of ample size, will last for many years, if kept clean, and prevented from becoming dry and hard by the use of neat's-foot oil. It is poor economy to buy a belt whose chief recommendation is its small first cost. It is also a bad plan to use a belt that is just suflicient to transmit the power when Very tightly strained. B. CORNER-TURNED BELT. Belts, Corner-turned, Device for.— The two shafts placed at right angles, as shown in the engraving, carry the belt from A or 120 ENGINEERING. B, passing around two flanged pulleys or guides, C, turning loose- ly on a fixed upright shaft, and sustained in position bj^ a collar under the hub of each. It is possible to run pulleys by this de- vice which not only have varying diameters, but the shafts of which are on different levels ; but the results are not so good, owing to unequal strain on the belt. It is better to confine this method to shafts on the same level, and to pulleys of equal dia- meter, and the useful limit of angle of shafts is that of 45°, or less. A greater or more obtuse angle is better run by means of guides on two uprights. Belts, Coupling. — In Fig. 1, A, B, C, and D are pieces of No. 16 sheet-iron, riveted to the ends of the belt ; E E are hooks, shown in the natural size in Fig. 2 , riveted to B. After the belt ■lUI'I.lNC r.Kl.TS. is laid over tin; pulleys, tin; hooks, F and (J, of the lever, sliown in Fig. 8, are placed in the holes at C and D. Now the two ends of the belt are drawn together by the lever, H, and the hooks. E, are i)ut in their places at A. Then the lever is taken out, leaving the joint finished. By this nietliod, two men can set and couple a belt in the least possible time, obtaining an eff«;ctual joint, which will never allow the belt to run out of true, or to re- verse. Belts, Increasing the conveying fore*- of. — Adding to the width of a l) and of the faces of the jiiilleys increases immensely the ])ower of conveying force. A wide belt is always better than a narrow one, strained to its utmost ca|)acity. Bklts, Mending. — Lay llii' two I'nds of the l^(;lt exactly even, witli tlie insi(h'S together, and piincli one straiglit row of holes across tlie end, driving the piincli through both i)leceH so that the ENGINEERING. 121 holes may correspond. Now take your lace, pointed at both ends, and pass the points in opposite directions through the first hole, still keeping the two ends of the belt together as when punched, and draw the loop tight, observing to keep the ends of equal length. Pass the points through the second hole, and so proceed to the last ; then tie the ends over the edge of the belt, and the job is done. A belt can thus be mended in half the time and with half the length of lacing required in the usual way ; and wlien the belt is subjected to heavy strains or slipping, it will wear ten times as long, as the lace never touches the pulley- faces. Of course the plan is not applicable when both sides of a belt run over pulleys, nor when the projecting ends would strike any thing in their track. Belts, Oiling. — The best mode of oiling a belt is to take it from the pulleys, and immerse it in a warm solution of tallow and oil ; after allowing it to remain a few moments, the belt should be immersed in water heated to 100° Fahr., and instantly removed. This will drive the oil and tallow all in, and at the same time properly temper the leather. Belts, Rubber, To prevent, slipping on pulleys. — Chalk the pulley when slipping occurs. The presumption is, however, that the belt is either too narrow or too loose. Belts, Splicing large. — Cut your belt perfectly square on the ends and to the proper length ; then cut a piece of belt of the same width and thickness, about 3 feet long. Bring the ends of the belt together, and put the short piece on the back of the joint, or outside, and bolt the belt and piece together with what are known as elevator- bolts, used for fastening the buckets to elevator-bands_. The tools required are a brace and bit to bore the holes, and a small pair of blacksmith's tongs to tighten up the nuts with. Belts, Testing leather for. — A. cutting of the material about 0.03 of an inch in thickness is placed in strong vinegar. If the leather has been thoroughly acted upon by the tanning, and is lience of good quality, it will remain, for months even, immersed without alteration, simply becoming a little darker in color. But, on the contrary, if not well impregnated by the tannin, the fibres will quickly swell, and, after a short period, become trans- formed into a gelatinous mass. Belts, To lay out quarter-twist. — To make holes through floors for the belts, lay out on a floor with chalk-line and train two views of the pulley, or by scale on paper as shown in the an- nexed diagram. B is the belt running in the direction of the arrow on the lower pulley, and C is the belt running in the opposite direction. Therefore, drop a plumb-line, representing the perpendiculars, B and C, and draw the diagonals governed by the diameters of the pulleys, marking the distances a b and c d on the floor. Now, drop a plumb-line from each side of the cen- tre of face of upper pulley to the floor, and from one point, c, 122 EXGIXEERIXG. thus found, lay off the distance a h, in a line parallel with the upper shaft, and from the point n in the distance, f d, parallel T.AYIMi OIT l^lAltTKI!-TWI>T BEIT-" Tllltorull FI.OOIIS. with the lower shaft. ThoHc points are tin- places at which the hok'H should be cut. FuKTioN ANi") LrnurcANTs. — Whenever one surface moves uj)on anotlirr, tlic roii^h and iiri)jccfinjf ])oints of tlic f wo sur- face's (wliich always exist, even in tin- siiioofhcst surfaces) op- pose resistiuice to the motion, and tliis resistance is called fric- tion. ENGINEERING. " 123 The coefficient of friction is a quantity expressing the ratio of the friction to the pressure. For instance, if the resistance to moving one piece of metal on another is one fifth of the weight of the moving body, the coefficient of friction in this case is one fiftli, or 0.2. Hence, knowing the coefficient of friction, in any given instance, and the weight of the body causing the resist- ance, the amount of friction is foiind by multiplying these two quantities together. The work due to or lost on account of friction, in any given time, is found by multiplying the amount of friction of the moving body by the space passed through in the given time. It is cus- tomary to estimate the amount of friction in pounds, to niake the given time one minute, and to measure the distance passed through in that time in feet. The result obtained will then ex- press the number of foot-pounds of work performed per minute in overcoming friction, and this can readily be reduced to horse- power, or any other desired unit of work. It is important to maintain the distinction between the amount of friction and the work of friction. The experiments of Coulomb and Morin have demonstrated the following facts in regard to friction : That it is proportional to the pressure. With some limitations, that it is independent of the area of the surface pressed, and independent of the velocity of motion. The limitations are, that the pressure should not be so great as to abrade or wear away the surface rapidly, in which case the friction does not follow the laws enunciated above ; also, that the velocity of motion shall not be so great as to expel the lubri- cant. It is found, for instance, in the case of the journals of car- axles, that they require to be enlarged as the speed increases, in order to prevent the expulsion of the lubricant. The actual bear- ing surface of a journal is usually considered to be the projected area of that journal, or the product of the length multiplied by the diameter. For instance, if a journal is 4 inches in cliameter and 7 inches long, the bearing surface is 28 square inches. The pressure per square inch on the bearing surface should not exceed the folloAving limits : Velocity of periphery Limiting pressure per sq. in. of journal. of Dearing surface. 1 foot per second 382 lbs. 2i feet per second 224 " 5 feet per second 140 " It is well known that one of the most common expedients for re- ducing the friction between two rubbing surfaces is to interpose some lubricant, which seems to form a coating to the projecting points, making the whole surface more continuous, and thus les- sening the resistance. At very low pressures and velocities the viscosity of the lubricant occasionally causes the resistance to be increased instead of lessened, but in general the effect of an un- guent is to decrease the friction in quite a large ratio. Careful experiments have Ifeen made with regard to the friction between two surfaces when they were perfectly dry and clean, and when 124 ENGINEERING. different liTbricants were used. In this manner it has been found tliat good oil, such as olive-oil, is one of the best lubricants ; that lard is better than tallow, and that the use of water, instead of lessening the friction, generally increases it. Experiments upon the manner of applying the lubricant show that there is a great advantage in a continual application, so as to keep a film con- stantly interposed between the rubbing surfaces, over the case in which the surfaces are merely kept slightly greasy. Below are given mean values for the coefficient of friction, in cases arising from the sliding of one plane surface upon another, the surfaces being supposed to be true, and, in common language, smooth : NATrrEE OP THE SLIDING 8UKFACE. Wood on wood. Wood on metal Metal on metal 3 o 0.38 0.41 0.18 Well lubricated with ^ p 0.811 CO o p •a 0.144 0.20 0.197 0.0G4 O.OTl p, «— • o p 0.0710.066 0.079 0.092 0.076 0.075 P Q, O P : 3 : ^ : w • 5" : 3 0.070 Tn the case of journals, the coefficient of friction is generally much less than for iihine surfaces. Mean values of this coeffi- cient, both for wood and metals, vary from 0. l.>, when the jour- nal is only slightly unctuous, to 0.05, when there is a continual 8U[ pl.V '^f the lubricant. In regard to journal-friction, the amount is independent of the diameter of the journal, but the work re- quired to ovi-rcomo frictiou will of course; be greater with a largo tlian with a small journal, because the distance passed through by the periplu^ry of the journal in a given time will be greater in the former cnse. ^• liKi/rs, Testing vulcanized rubber for.— These trials consist in examining the comparative degrees of elasticity and tenacity. Tlie manner in whlcli they are conducted in the French navy ap- pears i)ractical and easily followed. Tiie first test consists in cut- ting from the sheets saTn])les, which are left in a steam-boiler under a pressure of 5 atmospheres for 48 hours. At the end of this time, the pieces shoulil not have lost thisir elasticity. The s])eciineiis may theu be i)la<-ed cm the grating of a valve box, un- d(!r a pressure from above of 85.5 ihs. per .s(|uiire inch, and should witlistand 9100 strokes at the rate of 1(»0 jier minute. Specimens not l)oiled should withstand 17.10;) strokes. Thongs of rubber boiled, and having a section O.ti inch sipuire and a length of 8 inches, (ixed between sujjports an or less. Some use short cylinders of iron turned to fit the box, and liaving a central hole drilled longitudinally through them. Tliis is an excellent l)lan, as tlie eye nuiy sight through, ora string be ])assed through to determine the level. Where holes are to be bored through the floor to a wall, post, or other vertical obstruction, a handy tool, similar to tliat shown in the cut, conu»s into ])lay. It is easi- ly forgi^d, and need not be finished with tli<^ elegance of contour shown. A is one of the yokes, and B the cross ; they art^ seisn united at C. 'i'he shaidv of out' yoke has a tapering s<|uar(! hole to receive a bit or auger, and tin; other is a ta])ering stjuare shank to fit a stock of the bit-l)race. Tlie device is " a universal joint," and can be readily worked at an anglt! of 4/)^. IIo'P liKAUiNc; ;\i,AiiM. — A cylindrical box, A, is jji-ovidrd with a jjerforated bottom, H, and i)laced directly over the journal. 'i'he box is filled wilh a pre])ared grease which nudts at a certain trmperatnre, to which it must be raised by the shaft becoming hot. As till- coiriiiciiinil iii|Mi(it'M iind c■^;(•ll|les through tln' |p('rforii ENGINEERING. 127 tions, a disk, (", which rests thereon, descends, thereby tilting the lever, D, and so making contact between the plates, E and F. The latter are connected by an electric circuit with a bell which HOT-BEARING ALARM, sounds when the current is established. The pipe, G, serves for the ordinary lubrication of the journal. It is suggested that this device might be profitably used upon journals not readily acces- sible. Pulleys, Balancing.— Swing the pulley on arbors between lathe-centres, and note the position as determined by gravity. On CONE XtTLLEYS, FIG. 1. the top side, drill and tap two holes, in which seat machine screws with flat heads, the shanks projecting through from the face or 128 ENGINEERING. outer side. Then, by pecurinj^ pieces of iron as weights to this point until the pulley is balanced, the amount necessary to balance the pulley is found. This amount of lead is then melted and cast in a mould formed by clay. The screws serve to hold the lead in place. Pulleys, To design cone. — The following rules will enable any one who understands arithmetical operations to make the calcu- lations necessary for designing a set of cone pulleys in such a manner that the belt can be shifted from one pair to another, and be equally tight in every position. There are six cases to be con- sidered CONE PULI.EY.1, Fid. 2. Case 1. — Crossed belt jxissing over two continuotis cones. (Fig. 1 .) — In this case, it is only necessary to use two similar conical drums, with their large and snuill ends turniHl ojjposite way.s. Cask 2. — Crossid belt pasHiittj over tiro stepped eones that are equal and opposite. (Fig. 2.) Draw vertical lines, A B, CD, etc., to tlie axes of tlie pulleys, at a distance apart e(]ual to the face of a pulley. Lay off, on each si(l(M)f tlie axis, distances, ab, ac, e(jual to tlie radius of Ihc largest piilii-y, and d r, d f, e(|ual to tlic radius of tli'i smaJlrst pulley. Draw a siraiglit line, li .M, llnDUtrli i)an(l e, and !S () lliiMugli c and f. 'I'lu- points in which llu-se lines rut the verticals detennini' the radii of tlie intermediate ])ulleys. Cask ;{. — (Jros.sed heft pussiiuj orer ain/ tien .ntepped cones. — As- Bume values for the radii of one dri\ ing-pulh-v and the corre- sponding driven pulley. 'I'lieii, for any asHuiiied radius of a ENGINEERING. 129 second driving-pulley, the radius of the driven pulley must have such a value that the sum of these two radii is equal to the sum of the first two. The same must be true for every pair of pulleys in the two stepped cones. Example. — Suppose the radius of the first driving-pulley is 15 inches, and of the first driven pulley 5 inches. Now, if there are five steps in the driving-cone, having radii of 15, 12, 9, 6, and 3 inches respectively, the corresponding steps of the driven cone will have radii of 5, 8, 11, 14, and 17 inches, since the sum of the radii of each pair of pulleys must be equal to the sum of the radii of the first pair, or 20 inches. It will be evident from the foregoing that, in the case of crossed belts, the construction of cone-pulleys is very simple, since it is only necessary to observe the directions given above, no matter what the distance between the centres of driving and driven pulley may be. CONE PTTLI/EYS, FIG. 3. Case 4. — Open belt passing over two continuous pulleys. (Fig. 3.) For this case equal and similar conoids must be used. Assume the largest radius, AF, and the smallest, B D, and calculate, by the rule on page 111, the length of belt required for pulleys with the given radit, the distance, K L, between their centres being given. Then the middle radius, C H, is found by the following rule : Subtract twice the distance between centres from the length of the belt, and divide the difference by the number 6.2832. Having found the middle radius, draw circular arcs through the points F H D and G I E, thus determining the section of the conoid. Example. — Suppose that the largest radius is 24 inches, the 130 ENGINEERING. smallest 6 inches, and the distance between centres of conoids 3 feet. What should be the middle radius ? First find the length of belt : 3 diminished by 0.5 equals 1.5. This divided by 3 equals 0.5, and the corresponding number in table of factors, page 111, is 1.047— (1). 1.047 multiplied by 1.5 equals 1.571 — (2). 2 added to 0.5 equals 2.5, which multiplied by 3.1416 equals 7.854 — (3). 3 multiplied by 3 equals 9, which less 2.25 equals 6.75. 1.5 multiplied by 1.5 equals 2.25. The square root of 6.75 is 2.6, which multiplied by 2 equals 5.2— (4). The sum of 5.2 and 1.571 and 7.854 equals 14.625, wliich is the length of belt. Then find the middle radius by the preceding rule : 3 multiplied by 2 equals 6. 14.625 less 6 equals 8.625, which divid- ed by 6.2832 equals 1.373 feet, or about 16i inches middle radius required. co.NK inn.i.KYs, pio. 4. Case 5. — Opni hrlt passinr/ over two stepped roncx that are equal and oppositf. — (Fig. 4.) — The construction will be evidtMit from the figure, it only being nece.s.sary to form two continuous conoids, UH explained above, and divide tliciu into the rctjuiri'd number of Ht(!p«. ("ahkO. — (^)pni, Ixit pasHiiHj iirrr an// tiro >r huther, Htrojis, etc. : (Jut- ta-pcrcha dissolved in bi.siiiphidi; of carl)on. Kec]) tightly cork«'d and cool. It sliouid be of tlie consistenct'of molasses. For mar- ble, or for attaching glass to metal: Plasler of Paris soakinl in a Hafiirated solution of alum and baked hard, (iiiud to powdi-r and mix witii wat(U' for use. Can be colonul to imitate! any marble, and takes a fine p<»Iish. hnp(rrire|)are(l chalk with glue 1 ])art, dissolved in water 10. {'<)) Uil-vainish thickened with equal PKACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. 137 parts of litharge, clialk, and white and red lead. For wood and glass or metals : (1) Resin and calcined plaster, the former melted, made into a paste. Add boiled oil to consistence of honey. (2) Dissolved glue and wood-ashes to consistence of varnish. Fire- proof and irater -proof : Pulverized zinc- white, sifted peroxide of manganese, equal parts. Make into a paste with soluble glass. To mend iron pots and pans : Partially melt 2 parts sul- phur, and add 1 part fine black-lead. Mix well, pour on stone, cool, and break in pieces. Use like solder with an iron. London cement, for glass, wood, china, etc.: Boil a piece of cheese three times in water, each time allowing the water to evaporate. Mix the paste left with quicklime. For aquaria : (1) For fresh water aquaria : Take \ gill gold-size, 2 gills red-lead, 1^ gills litharge, and sufficient silver sand for a thick paste. This sets in about 2 days. (2). For fresh or salt water : Take ^ gill powdered resin, 1 gill dry white sand, 1 gill litharge, 1 gill plaster of Paris. Sift ; and for use mix with boiled linseed-oil to which a little dryer has been added. Mix 15 hours before using, and allow 2 or 3 hours to dry. For petroleum lamps, impervious to the oil : Re- sin 3 parts, boiled with water 5 and caustic soda 1. Then mix with half its weight of plaster of Paris. This sets in f hour. Roman : Green copperas 3^ lbs., slaked lime 1 bushel, fine gravel sand 1 bushel. Dissolve the copperas in hot water, and mix all to proper consistence. Keep stirred. Glass to glass, for sign- letters, etc. : Melt in a water-bath liquefied glue 5 parts, copal varnish 15, drying-oil 5, oil of turpentine 2, turpentine 3. Add slaked lime 10. Hydraulic : Oxide of iron 1 part, powdered clay 3, and boiled oil to a stiff paste. Stone : Sand 20 parts, litharge 2, quicklime 1, mixed with linseed-oil. Leather and cloth, for uniting parts of boots and shoes, seams, etc. : Gutta- percha 16 parts, india-rubber 4, pitch 2, shellac 1, oil 2. Mix and use hot. Mahogany : Shellac melted and colored. Colorless, for paper : Add cold water to rice-flour, mix, bring to proper con- sistence with boiling water, and boil one minute. Water-proof, for cistern stones : (i) Whiting 100 parts, resin 68, sulphur 18+^ tar 9. Melt together. (2) Sand 100 parts, quicklime 28, bone ashes 14, mixed with water. Transimrent : India-rubber 75 parts, chloroform 60. Mix, and add mastic 15. Cloth to iron : Soak the cloth in a dilute solution of galls, squeezing out the superfluous moisture, and applying the cloth, still damp, to the surface of the iron, which has been previously heated and coated with strong glue. The cloth should be kept firmly pressed upon the iron until the glue has dried. For cracks in stoves: Finely- pulverized iron (procured at a druggist's) made into a thick paste with water-glass. The hotter the fire, the more the cement melts and combines, and the more completely does the crack be- come closed. For china, glass, etc. : Diamond cement, for glass or china, is nothing more than isinglass boiled in water to the consistence of cream, with a small portion of rectified spirit added. It must be warmed when used. 2. White-lead rubbed up with oil. Articles mended with this must stand for a month. For corks of benzine-bottles : A paste of concentrated glycerine (commonest kind) and litharge. This soon hardens, and is'insolu- ble in benzine or any of the light hydro-carbon oils. For eaustie 138 PKACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. lye tanks • The tanks may be formed of plates of heavy-spar, the joints being cemented together by a mixture of 1 part finely divided india-rubber dissolved in 2 parts turpentine oil, with 4 parts powdered heavy-spar added. Colored : Soluble glass of 33** B. is to be thoroughly stirred and mixed with fine chalk and the coloring matter well incorporated. In the course of six or eight hours a hard cement will set. The following are the coloring materials : 1. Black : Well-sifted sulphide of antimony. This can be polished with agate to a metallic lustre. 2. Gray-black : Fine iron-dust. 3. Gray : Zinc-dust. This has a brilliant lus tre, and may be used for mending zinc castings. 4. Bright green : Carbonate of copper. 5. Dark green : Sescjuioxide of chromium. 6. Blue: Thenard's blue. 7. Yellow: Cadmium. 8. Bright red : Cinnabar. 9. Violet red : Carmine. 10. Pure white : Fine chalk as above. Cement, Portland, To test. — Three tests are used : (1) Resist- ance to tensile force. (2) Specific gravity. (3) Water test. The first is by making a specimen briquette in a mould with a trans- verse section of 2.25 square inches, the specimen being held ver- tically in clips, which is placed under the .-^hort arm of a steel- balance, and broken. A test of 500 lbs. has been used on an area of 2.25 square inches after 7 days' immersion in water. The sec- ond method is by finding the weight in ])ounds of the struck bushel. The water test is useful when the others can not be ap- plied. It consists of gauging a small quantity of the dry powder with water, and immediately immersing it in water. If the shari)er edges crack or break away after a short time, the cement is too hot or fresh, or is inferior in quality. The weight of good Portland fement ranges from 100 lbs. to 130 lbs. per bushel, equal to from 80 lbs. to 102 lbs. per cubic foot. The lighter kinds set more rapidly than the heavier, but are weaker. The specific gra- vity should be of 110 lbs. to a bushel. Glued Joints, Strength of. — Tlu; absolute strength of a well- glued joint is given as follows in pounds per square inch : Across the grain. With the grain Beech, 2133 1095 Elm, 1436 1134 Oak, 1735 568 Whitewood, 1493 841 Maple, 1422 896 It is customary to use from ^ to -^ of the above values to cal- culate the resistances wliich surfaces joined with glu(* can perma- nently be submitted to with safely. CJlue, Fire-i)n)of. — A handful of s or jnints, and the moulded figures will soon become dry and hard, and will retain their shape and form permanently. Frames of either material are well suited for gild- ing. Plaster Casts, To toughen. — Immerse in a hot solution of glue long'enough for the mass to be well saturated. They will bear a nail driven in witliout cracking. Plaster Models, Mending. — Sandarac varnish is the best ma- terial. Saturate the broken surfaces thoroughly, press them well together, and allow them to dry. Plaster Moulds. — Glycerine is said to be a good coating for the interior, but ])ractical plaster moulders still use, as of old, a mixture of lard and oil. METAL- WC)RKING HINTS A^)KE('irES. Ai.iiOV for filling defects in small castings. — Lead !) parts, antiniuny 2, bi.-^nnith 1. Tliis expiinds on cooling. Alloy ok Cori'Elt, which will attach itsilf to glass, metal, or ]K>rcelaiii. — 20 to 30 parts finely ijleiidcd cnppi'r (made by n-duc- lion of oxide of ro])per witli hydrogen or ))recipitation from solu- tion of its suljjhate with ziiw) are made intn a paste with oil of vitriol. To tills add 70 parts mercury ami triturate well ; then wash out the acid with Itoiling waiter and allow llie conii)ound to cool. In 10 or 12 hours, it Ijecoines sullicieiitly hard to receive a brilliant indish and to scratch the surface of tin or gold. When heated it becomes plastic, but does not cf)ntracton cooling. Alloy, " Ohdikk." — This is made of pure copper 100 parts, tin 17 partH, mugnesia (i parts, Bal-aminoniac 3J parts, fpiicklinie 1^ PRACTICAL TECHJfOLOGY. 141 parts, tartar of commerce 9 parts. The copper is first melted, then th ' magnesia, sal-ammoniac, lime, and tartar in powder are added Litle by little and briskly stirred for half an hour. The tin is lastly mixed in grains until all is fused. The crucible is covered, and the fusion maintained for 3o minutes, when the dross is skimmed oif and the alloy is ready for use. Alloys, To extract silver from old. — Dissolve in nitric acid and precipitate the chloride of silver with a solution of common salt. The silver is reduced to a pure state by mixing the chloride with an equal weight of bicarbonate of soda and sij^elting in a common sand crucible. ALLTbiiNUM Silver. — The following alloy is distinguished by its beautiful color, and takes a high polish : Copper 70, nickel 23, aluminum 7, total 100. Babbitt Metal. — There are a large number of recipes for this alloy, but the following gives an excellent composition for gene- ral use : Tin 50 parts, antimony 5 parts, copper 1 part. Bell, Cracked, To repair. — A cracked bell which gives a jar- ring sound may be improved by sawing or filing the ruptured edges so that they are not brought together by the vibration of the blow. Boiler-tubes, Iron, To preserve. — A coating of red-lead and boiled linseed-oil, applied to iron boiler-tubes, acts as a great preservative. Brass, Black stain for. — Arsenious acid 2 parts, hydrochloric acid 4, sulphuric acid 1, water 80. Brass Scrap, To utilize.— The best way is to melt it in with new brass, putting it in with the zinc after the copper is melted. Brass, To blacken. — ISIix 4 parts hydrochloric acid and 1 part arsenic (by weight) ; put on bright, dry, and lacquer. Brass, To clean. — Rub bichromate of potash fine, pour over it about twice the bulk of sulphuric acid, and mix this with an equal quantity of water. The dirtiest brass is cleaned by this in a trice, ^^'ash the metal immediately after in plenty water ; wipe, rub dry, and polish with powdered rottenstone. Brass, Vert de Bronze on. To produce. — Dissolve 2 ozs. ni- trate of iron and 2 ozs. hyposulphite of soda in 1 pint water. Immerse the articles till they are of the required tint, as almost any shade from brown to red can be obtained ; then wash well with water, dry, and brush. One part perchloride of iron and 2 parts water mixed together, and the brass immersed in the liquid, gives a pale or deep olive-green, according to the time of immersion. If nitric acid is saturated with copper, and the brass dipped in the liquid and then heated, the article assumes a dark- green color. Bronze for gongs and cymbals. — This is made with 20 per cent of tin, and is hammered into shape while at a red heat ; it is then tough and malleable, but is very brittle when cold. Bronze for small castings. — Fuse together 95 part of copper and 36 parts of tin. 142 PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. Bronze, Green. — Tlie bluish-green bronze used for ornamental articles is made of any metal, first covered with a varnish made of ground tin or bronze powder rubbed up with honey in gam- water. Then wash with a mixture composed of sal-ammoniac ^ oz., common salt ^ oz., and 1 oz. spirit of hartshorn in 1 pint vinegar. After applying tlie mixture, leave for a day or two in tne sun, and then, if necessary, add a second coat. This is a good way to renovate old gas-fixtures. Bronze, Japanese. — A curious bronze is produced in Japan, which, when mad#in thin plates, resembles slate, and is covered with designs in silver. It contains, in addition to copper, from 4 to 5 per cent of tin, and on an average 10 per cent of lead. The combination is easily moulded into thin plates. Tiiese are var- nished, and through the covering the designs are scratched with a burin. The plate is then plunged in a silver-bath, when the silver is deposited on the unprotected portions. Lastly, it is placed in a muffle-furnace, when the copper blackens and the silver remains bright. Bronzing Hardware. — Brown bronze dip, for coating liat- hooks and similar small hardwaie articles, is made of iron scales 1 lb., arsenic 1 oz., muriatic acid 1 lb., zinc, solid, 10 ozs. The zinc should be kept in only when the bath is used. The castings must be perfectly free from sand and grease. Case-hardening, to be quickly performed, is done by the use of prussiate of potash. This is powdered and spread upon the surface of the iron to be hardened, after the iron is heated to a bright red. It almost instantly fluxes and flows over the surface ; and when the iron is cooled to a dull red, it is plunged in cold water. Some prefer a mixture of ])russiatt' of potash 3 parts, sal-ammoniac 1 part ; or prussiate 1 part, sal-amnnmiac 2 parts, and iincly-powdered bone-dust (unburned) 2 parts. The appli- catiim is the same in each case. Proper case-hardening, when a deep coating of steel is desired, is done by ])acklng the article in an iron box with horn, hoof, bone-ilust, shreds of leather or raw liide, or either of these, and heating to a red lieat for from 1 to 3 hours, then plunging the box into water. Chain, Strength of. — To ascertain the strength of short-linked chains: (1) Multiply the scjuare of the diameter (reckoned in six- teentlis of an incli) by .035 ; the ])roduct will be the weight the chain will support in tons. ('^) The square of the diameter in eighths of an inch = weight of chain in lbs. ])er fathom. The s(|iiare of the diameter in eighths ■*■ 2 = breaking weight in tons. Thus for a chain nnido of f iron, the weight = 3'' = 9 lbs. i)er fathom, and its breaking weight would be -2-1 = A\ tons. The ut most loud i)ut upon it should not exceed 1\ tons, the safe con- stant load heing IH to 20 cwt. Coloring .Mktai.s. — Take liyposulphito of soda 4 ozs., dis- Bolved in 1\ jiiiits of watcir ; add a solution of 1 oz. acetate of lead in sann! (piantity of water. Articles to be colon-dare placed in th(! mixtur<', which is then gradually heated to boiling. Tin- effect of the solution is to make iron ri-srinhle l)lu(^ steel; zinc beconii'S brfuize, and cop|)er or brass beconii's successively y(;l- lowish-red, scarlet, deep blue, bluish-white, and finally white PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. 143 with a tinge of rose. The solution has no effect on lead or tin. By replacing the acetate of lead in the solution with sulphate of copper, brass becomes of a fine rosy tint, then green, and finally of an iridescent brown color. Zinc does not cover in this solution"; but if boiled iu a solution containing both lead and copper, it be comes covered with a black crust, which may be improved by a thin coating ot wax. Columns, Strength of hollow. — The hollow cylinder is the strongest form of section under compressive force. The experi- ments by which this was proved were conducted upon hollow tapering columns of cast-iron, upon cross-sections, as used in the connecting-rods of steam-engines, and upon forms in which the metal was cast in the shape of the letter H. All these forms proved considerably weaker than the hollow cylinder of equal weight of metal. As the relative merits of these forms of cast- ing metal are of constant use, we append their proportionate strengths: Hollow cylindrical pillar, 100; H -shaped pillar, 75 ; + -shaped pillar, 44. The examples w-ere all of the same weight and length, with rounded ends. General Morin's rule for the thickness of cast-iron pillars may be relied upon, as it is based upon the founder's experience of the minimum thickness. Height, feet, 7 to 10, 10 to 13, 13 to 20, 20 to 27.; minimum thickness, inch, 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0 Another rule is to make the thickness in no case less than ^ of the diameter. Cellular or tubular girders exemplify to a still greater degree the value of hollow construction. Copper and Brass, Coating, with zinc. — Dip the articles into a boiling concentrated solution of sal-ammoniac containing finely- divided zinc. Copper-welding. — A good welding mixture is composed of phosphate of soda 358 parts, boracic acid 124 parts. Crucibles. — The best crucibles are composed of the following compositions, which are of two kinds — namely, with and without plumbago. 3 parts by measure of the Stourbridge best crucible clay, 2 parts cement, consisting of old used-up fire-bricks, and 1 part hard coke. These ingredients must be ground and sifted through a ^ in. mesh sieve ; the sieve must not be finer, other- wise the pot will crack. This composition must be mixed with sufficient clean cold water, trodden with the bare foot to the con- sistency of stiff dough and allowed to stand for 3 or 4 days, well covered with damp cloths, to admit of its sweating and the parti- cles of clay becoming thoroughly matured. It is then ready for use, and must be blocked by hand on a machine. Owing to the coarseness of this composition, the pot can not w^ell be thrown on the potter's wheel ; and in no instance can it be made by press- ing. The cruciljle must not be burnt in a kiln, but merely highly and thoroughly dried before being placed iu the furnace for use. For brass and copper melting, it will stand one good hard day's work ; but care must be taken to replace the pot again in the furnace after the metal has been poured. If the pot be not al- lowed to go cold, it will last for several days. It will, with the greatest safety, stand one melting of wrought-iron. The cost, when made on the steel manufacturer's own premises, is about 144 PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. forty cents per pot, each pot holding from 100 to 120 pounds of metal. Good Hessian crucibles are composed of 2 parts of the best German crucible clay and 5 parts pure fine quartz sand. Tliis composition must be sifted through a ^ in. mesh sieve ; it is then tempered and trodden with the bare foot, as before de- scribed. When ready for use, it is pressed into different sizes of crucibles, which, when thoroughly dry, are placed in the kiln or furnace and burnt hard. Another cvrnpoKition : 2 parts best Stourbridge crucible clay, 3 parts cement ; sift through a i-iu. sieve ; temper as before de- scribed and block by hand on the machine. When thoroughly dry, it is placed in the kiln and burnt hard. These crucibles are principally used for melting gold and silver, and also for dry analysis. The best and most perfect fire-clay for crucible mak- ing is nearly always found in the pavement of coal. Some of the Pittsburg fire-clays, and those found to exist in the pavements of some of the Pennsylvania coal-mines, are excellent fire-clays. But the various compositions can not be described, as they are as numerous as the different kinds of clay. The Birmingham soft tough ])ot consists of 2 parts of the best Stourbridge crucible clay, 3 jiarts plumbago, and 1 part cement, consisting of old used- up crucibles ground and sifted through a \ in. mesh sieve. Another componilion : 4 parts of the best Stourl)ridge crucible clay, 3 parts plumbago, 2 parts hard coke, and 1 part cement, consisting of old pots ground and sifted as before. Where old pots can not be had, the above comi)osition must be burnt hard, gn)und, and sifted. The scales or chippings of the insides of gas-retorts are far superior to the best common hard coke. But where scales and chipiiings can not bo had, hard coke is the best substitute. All the ingredients of this composition must be sifted through a \ in. sieve (but not finer), temi)ered, and made as be- fore described. Wlicn thoroughly dry, it is placed in the kiln and annealed, but not burnt hard. This composition makes a pf)t (for melting the hardest metal) which can not be melted at any ))itch of heat, nor can it be crjicked with the most sudden heat- ing and cooling. It is regularly known to stand 14 and IG melt- ings of iron — even wrought-iron. Any steel manufacturer can make tlie pot on his own premises at a cost of !j;1.20 or there- abouts, the pot holding from 100 to 120 lbs. of metal. Etching upon Stkioi,. — \N'arm the steel, and rub on a coating of white-wax or hard tallow. When hard, nnirk the device through the wax with a shari)-point('d tool ; apply nitric acid, and allow it to stand for a few minutes ; then wash off the acid ihorouglily with water, heat the steel, and rub off the wax with a rag. Tlie device will be found etched on the steel. (ioi,D .\Ni) Stia'KU, Test for. — A good test for gold or silver is a jiieci) of lunar caustic, fix(!d with a ])ointiMl stick of wood. Slightly Wet the nu'tal to Ix- teste(l, and rub it gently with tin; caustic. If gold r)r silver, the mark will be faint ; l)\it if an in- ferior metal, it will be quite black. Gi'N-Bakuiii.s, To bronze. — Clean thoroughly, and ai)ply (\^y iiieans of a rag) nitric or sulphuric acid dilutecl with its volume of water. PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. 145 Hardening Pickle. — Spring-water made into a brine strong enough to float an egg, tiien boiled to precipitate the lime, and allowed to cool. Iron Articles, Brightening. — When taken from the forge or rolls, the articles are placed in dilute sulphuric acid (1 to 20) for an hour ; they are then washed clean in water, dried with saw- dust, dipped for a second or so in nitrous acid, washed and dried as before, and finally rubbed clean. Iron Rings, Welding, without scaling. — Take iron filings 1000 parts, borax 500 parts, resinous oil of any kind 50 parts, sal-ammoniac 75 parts. Pulverize completely and mix ; heat the rings to a cherry red, powder the parts with the mixture, and join them together. Iron, Simple fire-plating for. — By rubbing the surface of iron or other metals with soda amalgam, and then pouring over it a concentrated solution of chloride of gold, the gold is taken up by the amalgamated surface, and it is only necessary to drive off the mercury with the heat of a large lamp to obtain a fine gilded sur- face that will bear polishing. By writing or drawing a design on the iron, the drawing will be re-produced in pure gold. Silver and platinum salts are said to act in a similar manner to the gold. Iron, To gild cast. — The cheapest way is to use bronze or mosaic gold. The castings are first to be heated hotter than the hand can bear, but not so hot as to burn the varnish, and coated with mosaic gold mixed with a small quantity of alcohol varnisli. If the iron is polished, it must be heated previously and rubbed over with a rag dipped in vinegar. Lead, Determining presence of, in tiu vessels. — The metal to be tested is first touched with nitric acid and then heated, when the acid evaporates. If lead be contained, stannic acid and nitrate of lead remain. Iodide of potassium is then applied, forming yel- low iodide of lead ; while the stannic acid is white. The yellow stain, therefore, indicates lead, the white, tin. . Jewelry, To restore the lustre of. — Take 1 oz. cyanide potas- sium and dissolve in 3 gills water. Attach the article to be cleansed to a wire hook, immerse and shake in the solution for a second or two, and remove and wash in clean water, then in warm water and soap. Rinse again, dip in spirits of wine, and dry in boxwood sawdust. If the solution is kept, put it in a tightly- corked bottle, and label POISON conspicuously. One caution is necessary : Do not bend over the solution so as to inhale the odor, nor dip the fingers in it ; if one of the articles drops from the hook, better empty the solution into another vessel. Metal Surfaces, To protect, from moisture. — Inclose them in tight compartments containing lumps of (luicklime. Minerals and Metals, Hardness and tenacity of. — In mine- ralogy, in which science the hardness is an important characte- ristic, ten bodies are usually taken as points of comparison — the softest being termed 1 and the hardest 10. These are : 1 , talc ; 2, gypsum ; 3, carbonate of lime ; 4, fluor-spar ; 5, phosphate of lime ; 6, felspar ; 7, quartz ; 8, topaz ; 9, corundum ; 10, dia 146 PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. niond. Hence, when scientific works speak of the hardness of a body being 6, 8, 4, etc., reference is made to the relative hard- ness expressed by the list above given. The tenacity of metals is estimated by the resistance which wires of the same diameter experience when passed at etjual tem- perature through the same hole of a draw-bench. The following table gives the relative tenacity of various metals and alloys : Steel already drawn, 100 ; iron already drawn, 88 ; brass already drawn, 77 ; gold at 0.875, annealed, 73 ; steel annealed, 65 ; cop- per already drawn, 68; silver at 0.750, annealed, 58; silver at 0.875, 54 ; brass annealed, 46 ; iron annealed, 43 ; platinum an- nealed, 38 ; copper annealed, 38 ; fine gold annealed, 37 ; fine silver annealed, 37 ; zinc, 34 ; tin, 11 ; lead, 4. Plathstum-Bronze. — This is made of nickel 100 parts, tin 10, platinum 1. It is entirely unoxidizable, and especially adapted for cooking-utensils. Quicksilver, Coating iron with. — Clean the iron first with hy- drochloric acid, then immerse it in a dilute solution of sulphate of copper mixed with a little hydrochloric acid, by means of which it becomes covered with a slightly-adherent layer of cop- ])er. It is then to be brought into a very diluted solution of mer- curial sublimate mixed with a few drops of hydrochloric acid. The article will become covered with a layer of mercury, which can not be removed even by rubl)ing. This is good as a protec- tion from rust. S.VDIKONS, Finishing. — See that your bufF-wlieels are well- balanced after they an; covered. Let the wheel be covered with tliicli leather before covering with emery. Get as good a surface ttle in a warm place, shaking it orcuHionaliy. When dissolved and set- tled, decant tlie clear licjuid and keep it for line work. Strain tlie residue tlirough a fine cloth. Take i lb. powdered bronze gre(>n, varying to suit the taste with lanii)bla('k, red ochre, or yellow ochre. Take as mucli varnish and bronze-ixiwder as required, and lay it on the article, wliich must be tlioroughly clean and PRACTICAL TECHl^OLOGY. 149 slightly warm. Add another coat if necessary. Touch up with gold-powder according to taste, and varnish over all. Steel, Protecting, from rust. — ParafEne is the best material for polished steel or iron. Steel Rails, Cutting. — Remarkable results have been obtain- ed with a disk made from a rail-saw and rotated at 3000 revolu- tions per minute. As the disk was 9.6 feet in diameter, the velo- city of its circumference was in the neighborhood of 86,400 feet per minute. Steel rails were cut with astonishing rapidity, and even melted. Millions of sparks were thrown off, but no heating of the disk could be detected after the cutting. Tin, Crystallization of. — A platinum capsule is covered with an outer coating of parafRne or wax, leaving the bottom only unco- vered. This capsule is set upon a plate of amalgamated zinc in a porcelain capsule. The platinum is then filled completely full of a dilute and not too acid solution of chloride of tin, while the porcelain is filled with water acidulated with ^ of hydrochloric acid, so that its surface comes in contact with the surface of the liquid in the platinum. A feeble electric current is set up, which reduces the salt of tin. The crystals formed after a few days are well developed. They are washed with water and dried quickly. Tin, Removing, from copper vessels. — Immerse the articles in a solution of blue vitriol. Tin, Removing, from plates without acid. — Boil the scrap-tin with soda lye in presence of litharge. Welding Powders for iron and steel. — (1) Iron filings 1000 parts, borax 500, balsam copaiva, or other resinous oil, 50, sal- ammoniac 75. Mix together, heat, and pulverize. Weld at cher- ry-red. (3) Borax 15 parts, sal-ammoniac 2, cyanide of potas- sium 3. These constituents are dissolved in water, and the wa- ter itself afterward evaporated at a low temperature. Zinc, Black color for. — Clean the surface with sand and sul- phuric acid, and immerse for an instant in a solution of sulphate of nickel and ammonia 4 parts, in water 40 parts, acidulated with sulphuric acid 1 part. Wash and dry. This takes a bronze color on burnishing. Zinc Labels, Ink for writing on. — (1) Verdigris 1 oz., sal-am- moniac 1 oz., lampblack i oz. , water I pint ; mix well in a mor- tar, and shake before using. Write with a quill. (3) One drachm chloride of platinum dissolved in } pint water. Zinc, Painting. — Use a mordant of chloride of copper 1 part, nitrate of copper 1, sal-ammoniac 1, dissolved in water 64. Add hydrochloric acid (comrnercial) 1. This brushed over the zinc sheets gives them a deep black color, turning grayish after dry- ing, in from 13 to 34 hours. A coat of oil-color will adhere to this surface and withstand weather excellently. Zinc-White, To restore. — This may be done by ignition in ai; earthen crucible. 150 PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. SIMPLE IXSTRrMENTS AND THEIR USES. Balance, Simple spring. — A is a deal stand 13 by 3 inches ; B is a bard-wood block firmly attached to A ; C is a spring; D is an index-pillar ; E is a scale-holder ; F is a small bent piu to hold the spring steady while changing the scale-pan. The >1M1'LK )1AI..\N<.E. spring C should be very fine steel wire, bent over so as to form a loop near the index for E to hook into. The index is a slip of card sot out with a fine pen. The scale-pan is of thin letter- paper, circular, and folded like a filter-paper, as indicated by tlie dotted line. With this minute fractions of a grain can be re- cognized. B.VKO.METER, To make a cheap. — Obtain a straight fine glass tube, about 33 inches long, and with as clean an interior as possi- ble, sealed at one end, and having an even uniform bore of about 2j lines diameter. The mercury to be used irhould be perfectly pure and free from all air and moisture. This latter requisite may be assured by heating the mercury in a ])orcelain dish to nearly tli*; boiling-i)oint, previous to using it. The tube is then held securely, with the ojjen end up])ermost, and carefully filled with the ru|uid metal. The open end of the tube is then securely covered with the linger, the tube inverted, and the end covered hy tht! finger ])luMge(l below the surface of a little mercury placed in a small vessel to receive it. The finger is then removed, when the nuircury in the tube will immediately fall to a h'vel of about 30 ini'hes above the surfac«^ of that in the small reservoir below. In order to attach the scale correctly, it will he necessary to com- pare the indications with those of some good instrument. BAKOscorK, To make a. — Take any bottle ; pour colored wafer into it, about ', of the (juantity the bottle will lK)ld ; insert in it a glass tub<\ from 3 to 4 feet long, and passing air-tight through the stop]>er, which must also Ix? airtight. Let a paper index, divided according to any scale of division, say into inches and fractions of uu incli, be glued to the glass lube, lilow inio the PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. 151 glass tube so as to cause the water to ascend tlie tube a few inches, say 10 inches, and the instrument is constructed. The bottle must be placed in another vessel, and protected by sawdust, or some other material, from the influence of changes in the tempe- rature of the atmosphere. This very sensitive instrument records faithfully any change in the density of the external air, and the approach of a storm will infallibly be indicated by a sudden rise of the water in the glass tube. Camera, Wonder, How to make a. — A wonder camera is a sort of magic lantern, so contrived as to enable one to use opaque objects for projection upon the screen instead of glass transparen- cies. For example, if a photograher wishes to show his customer how an enlargement from a carte will look, he simply has to put the carte in the wonder camera, and " throw it up." Many en- largement-scales may be made in this way. It consists of a wooden box, with a top made of tin or sheet-iron ; the chimney is made of the same material. The lens is the same as used upon a camera for making photographs. At the back of the box (as will be seen by reference to the elevation and plan, Figs. 2 and 3) are two doors placed upon hinges. When the box is in use, the door e is kept closed. The other door consists of two parts placed at right angles to one another ; Fig. 1. Fig. 2. A ■WO'TTDEB CAMERA. the object of this is to fill the opening in the door e while the pictures are being attached to c ; w^hen c is swung into position opposite, the lens, placed at h d, is carried to one side. If stereo- scopic views are to be shown, a slit may be cut at e, through which they may be inserted with- out opening the box. The door e should be cut off a little at the bottom, so as to admit air. The light is placed at 7^ as nearly oppo- site the picture as possible. It should be a strong light ; an ar- gand burner is the best. At the back of the light is a piece of tin, bent into the form of a reflector. Fig- 3. The light coming from h strikes c, and is reflected through the lens upon the screen. The plan of the box is represent- ed with the top removed. No dimensions are given, as they will depend upon the focal distance of the lens and height of 152 PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. the light. Care must be used to have the distance from the lens to c when closed equal to the focal distance. Electrical Machine, A simple. — A B, in the annexed en- S A SIMPLE ELECTRICAL MACHINE. graving, is a glass tube fixed at one end in a wooden handle. The rubber, with its flap, D, carries a little Leyden jar, the end of which is visible at F. This jar is coated inside and out with a resinous insulating compound, and the metallic lining of the inside of the jar is in contact with the brass collecting- ring, E. The handle being held in one hand and the rubber in the other, when the tube is rubbed the little ring and jar rapidly- collect electricity. A i inch spark and smart shock may be readily obtiiined from this apparatus, the length of the spark depending upon the amount of rubbing each time before the jar is dis- charged. When it is not desired to take the shock through the human body, the jar may be discliarged by means of the metallic cord, H. Electuical Orrery, to accompany the above machine. — This is represented below. It is balanced on a pivot at F. The ELECTRICAL ORRERY, light hollow brass ball. A, represents the sun, and pith balls, B and D, the earth and moon, rotating about the pivot E. The metallic i)oints jn'ojecting troni H and 1) (in opposite directions, of course) cause thfse to rotati- round each other ; but the lever- age of the ])oint I) b(!ing, from its position, greater than the leverage of B, it sets the long arm of the orrery in rotation uj)on tlu' pivot F. (J.m.vanometku, To make a 8imi)le. — Take an ordinary pocket- coMipasB and wind 100 feet of No. 18 insulated copper wire iiroimd it. Kai.kidoscopk, To make a. — Take two strips of glass, 8 or 10 in. long, 1 to \\ in. l)road at one end and nbout \ as l)r<)ad at the oth(!r. Hhu-ken one side; of each witli black varnish. Put two HMiootli straight edges together, and form a hinge by gluing a strip of clotli over tlir two edges. Make the angle between the PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. 153 Strips of glass an aliquot part of 180% as 20°, SO*', or 45°. Cover the open side of the triangular prism with black velvet. Place in a tin or pasteboard tube so that the angle of the smaller end of prism is nearly in the centre. Cover top of tube with clear glass, and cover this with paper, except a small hole in centre. In bot- tom of tube, form a cell by placing two pieces of glass i in. apart (the lower one of ground glass). In this cell place fragments of broken colored glass, beads, etc. They must be capable of free movement in the cell when the tube is turned in the hand. Leyden Jar, To make a cheap.— Line a thin glass candy-jar inside and outside with tin-foil, such as is used to wrap chew- ing-tobacco in. Stick the foil, on with mucilage, varnish, or flour paste. A still cheaper plan is simply to fill a glass jar nearly full of water, and place it within another vessel of water, so that the water, both outside and inside, shall be on the same level. Magic-Lantern Slides, Painting. Four methods. — (1) Use transparent colors, like Prussian blue, gamboge, and carmine. These will give the three primary colors, and by their mixture, the other tints. Apply witli a brush, and a transparent drying varnish, like dammar varnish. Allow one coat to dry before ap- plying a second. Considerable aid can be derived from stippling, the color being strengthened, where necessary, by applying it with the point of a fine brush. The colors must not be used too thin. (2) Flow the glass plate with albumen, after the manner of photographers, and paint with aniline colors. This process gives great softness and brilliancy to the pictures, but they are apt to fade. (;J) Paint with water-colors, and then flow the entire surface with Canada balsam, covering the painted side with a glass plate. (4) Use water- colors, but mix them with turpentine instead of water, and work rapidly. Meridian, To find the.— Mr. George W. Blunt says : _" Take a piece of board, or any similar material, and describe on it a num- ber of concentric circles. Place this in the sun ; over the centre hang a plummet. Observe the shortest shadow from the plum- met ; the sun will then be on the meridian ; draw a line to the centre of the circle, and that will be the true meridian-line. This will do to mark the apparent time, or to correct the compass for variation." Mirrors, Globe, To make. — Melt together 1 oz. clean lead and 1 oz. of fine tin in a clean iron ladle ; then immediately add 1 oz. Insmuth. Skim off the dross, remove the ladle from the -fire, and before it sets add 10 ozs. quicksilver ; now stir the whole care- fully together, taking care not to breathe over it, as the fumes of mercury are very pernicious. Pour this through an earthen pipe into the glass globe, which turn repeatedly around. Pipes, Determining proportions of. — The instrument consists simply of a piece of wood shaped like a set- square, as shown in Fig. 1, or a diagram of the same form drawn on paper, and di- vided out along the two edges, which are at right angles to each other, the divisions being taken to represent inches, feet, or yards, etc., according to the kind of work for which the instrument is used. Suppose that two pipes, A and B, Fig. 2, respectively 5 iu. 154 PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. and U in. in diameter, deliver into a third pipe, D, and it be re- quired to find the proper diameter fortlie latter pipe. Then from 5 on the scale of one of the divided edges to 4^ on the other. FIG.I APPARATUS FOR DETERMINING THE DLAMETER OP PIPE8. draw a line, as shown dotted in Fig. 1, and the length of this line measured with tlif^ saiiu^ scale as that to which the edges are divided, will be the diameter of pipe re(iuin'(l ; in this case, 6 J in. On the other hand, if a pipe, D, GJ in. in diameter, be deliver- ed into a pipe. A, 5 in. in diameter, and it was required to know what other size of pipe, B, could also be 8up])lie(l, all that would bo necessary woiilil l)e to take the division ])oiMt 5 on one edge as a centre, and, with (Ji{ in. as a radius, describe an arc cutting the other divided edge. The point at which tlm latter edg(( was cut by this arc would show the diameter of ])ipe required. Hifi-k-Tki,ks('OPK, To make a. — Object-glass should belialf an in. in diameter, focus 24 in., or as long as convenient. Kye-])iece may be a single lens of low ])()\ver with cross spider lines fixed in its focus. The target will then appear invc^rted. The lenses are inch)S(;d in a l>rass tube with a hiiigoor ball joint at the breech or eye-piece end, and slides at tlie muzzle, to depress tln^ ol)ject glass for increased elevation. 'i"he two ]>(iints of attachment to the bar- rel are the same as for ordinary fore-and-leaf sights. TELKHCorE, To make a cheap. — A correspondent says: " 1 ee- PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. 155 lected a meniscus 1 in. in diameter and of 48-iu. focus. This was for my object-glass. I bad already in my possession a two-lensed double-convex jeweler's eye-glass ; one of tbese lenses was used for the eye-piece, its focal leugtb being a trifle over 1 in. The tube was made of pine-wood. A piece of straight, evenly-grained one-in. pine board, 2 in. wide and 8 feet long, was cut in the mid- dle, and the two pieces, after making a tapering semicircular groove in eacli, well glued together. This done, the next thing was to give it a round, tapering form, 2 in. in diameter at one end, and a trifle over an iucli at the other. This was done with a com- mon carpenter's plane. I now had a tube 4 feet long, with a ta- pering bole througb its length, and 1^ in. in diameter at its larg- est end. Two wooden cells for the lenses were then turned in a lathe, and were made to go on to tbe tube, as does the cover of a wooden pill-box. A round bole, the size of the lens, was made in each, the meniscus being contracted to f in., and the e_ye-glas3 to ^ in. diameter. The piece carrying the eye-glass Avas made so as to slide some distance on the tube, for adjustment to distinct vision. The tube was painted and varnished, and mounted equa- torially ; and it proved to be a good instrument, showing Jupiter's moons, their movements and eclipses, handsomely, the ring of Saturn, the horned appearance of Venus, the mountains and cra- ters on the moon, the spots on the sun, etc. Several of the nebu- lae were also visible, especially those in Andromeda, Orion, Her- cidea, and Sagittarins. The whole need not cost over two dollars, beside the time in making, provided one is a mechanic. " The meniscus (concave on one side and convex on the other) is the proper form for a single-lens object-glass, and a plano-con- vex lens makes the best form for the eye-piece. Care must be taken to so set the lenses in their cells that their foci will meet centrally. When this is the case, the lenses are said to be well centred, and in that way we get rid of most of the prismatic color. Another point that wants attention is the mounting. Ab- solute steadiness is required for close observation. I used to put mine upon a post set firmly in the ground. The equatorial ar- rangement for mounting is described in nearly every work on telescopes." Thermometers, Hard-rubber. — This instrument has been made by riveting the rubber to a thin strip of steel, about a foot in length and J in. in width. The bottom of this was held fast, while the top was free to move, and so to indicate the temperature on a graduated arc. This one, now in use, has a range from zero to 90° Fahr., and is as sensitive as the common mercurial thermo- meter. It is well adapted for the ordinary range of the atmo- sphere, but is not suitable for indicating high degrees of heat, as the rubber softens at about 200° Fahr. Another thermometer was made by perforating a thin strip of steel, at intervals of an inch, and placing upon it a strip of rubber compound when in a plastic state. This was coiled, with an intermediate strip of me- tal, which forced the rubber through the holes It was then vul- canized in the usual manner ; and when cold, the intermediate strip was withdrawn, leaving an open space between the coils. Tills saved the trouble of riveting, and gave to the rubber an un- broken and smooth surface. The coil is held last at the centre, 156 PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. and the outer end is left free to move. Another thermometer was made of glass and hard rubber, the latter in the form of an arc, being riveted at both of its ends to a glass plate, which formed the chord. Thermometers. — To change Fahrenheit degrees into Centi- _, ^ 5 (F.-33) ^, . ^ . .^ , , . „ 9 C. . „„ grade: C.= . Centigrade mto Fahrenheit: F.=—- — ^ 32. y 5 9R. Reaumur into Fahrenheit : F.= '-I- 32. Fahrenheit into 4 ' Keaumur : K. = • Keaumur into Centigrade : C. = — — • 4C. Centigrade into Reaumur : R.=-r- RECIPES FOR THE PREPARATION OF WOOD. Dyeing Woods. — All light woods may be died by immersion. A fine crimson is made as follows : Take 1 lb. ground Brazil, boil in 3 quarts of water, add ^ oz. cochineal, and boil another half hour ; may be improved l)y washing the wood previously with ^ oz. saffron to 1 quart water. The wood should be pear wood or sycamore. Purple satin : 1 lb. logwood chips, soak in 3 quarts of water, boil well an hour ; add 4 ozs. pearlash, 2 ozs. powdered indigo. Black may be produced by copperas and nutgalls, or by japanning with two coats of black japan, after which varnish or polish, or use size and lanii)l)l!ick j)rd alum 2, j)ow(len'(l resin 5, and iieat tlic! mixture to 300' Fahr. This when hard will take a pol- isli equal to ebony, and is the same in color and liardnesa. Oak, To color orange-ycdlow. — Wuh thv. wood with a mixture of tallow 3 ozs., wax !j oz., and turpfnlinc 1 pint, mixed by heat- ing together and stirring. A])i)ly in a warm room until n dull polish is aci|uin(|. Thi-n coat, after an lK)ur, with thin polish, and repeat until the dcsiicd depth and brilliancy of tone is obtained. ScKKWs, WoitiiK.N, To season. — Bore a liole longitudinally through tlm centre of the scniw ; it will not In- ii\>i to crMck so badly in seasoning, l)ecause then the air can g«it to tlie centre of the wood, tiie sap t scapes therefrom, the centre of the wood con- PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. 157 tracts, and tlie strain on the outside is lessened. Of course, the larger the hole.the better for the seasoning process ; but it should not, and need not, be large enough to materially weaken the screw. If, in addition, you can boil the screw in water, the job will be bettered ; if boiled in oil, it will be complete. Veneers, Artificial, To make. — Soak the wood for 24 hours, »and boil for ^ liour in a 10 per cent solution of caustic soda. Then wash out the alkali, when the wood will be elastic, leather-like, and ready to absorb the desired color. After immersion in the color-bath, dry between sheets of papex under sufficient pressure to preserve the shape. Veneers, Steaming. — Blocks of wood intended for veneers may be steamed in a solution of borax and ammonia. They will then become soft and easy to cut, and, beside, will retain their flexibility for a long time. Wood, A liquid. — Sawdust can be converted into a liquid wood, and afterward into a solid, flexible, and almost indestruc- tible mass, which, when incorporated with animal matter, rolled, and dried, can be used for the most delicate impressions, as well as for the formation of solid and durable articles, in the following manner : Immerse the dust of any kind of wood in diluted sul- phuric acid, sufficiently strong to affect the fibres, for some days ; the finer parts are then passed through a sieve, well stirred, and allowed to settle. Drain the liquid from the sediment, and mix the latter with a proportionate quantity of animal offal, similar to that used for glue. Roll the mass, pack it in moulds, and al- low it'to dry. Wooden Labels, Preservation of. — Thoroughly soak the pieces of wood in a strong solution of sulphate of iron ; then lay them, after they are dry, in lime-water. This causes the formation of sulphate of lime, a very insoluble salt, in the wood. The rapid destruction of the labels by the weather is thus prevented. Bast, mats, twine, and other substances used in tying or covering up trees and plants, when treated in the same manner are similarly preserved. Wooden labels, thus treated, have been constantly ex- posed to the weather during two years without being affected thereby. Wooden Taps, Preserving, for Casks. — The articles should be plunged in paraffine, heated to about 248° Fahr. until no air-bub- bles rise to the surface of the melted material. They are then al- lowed to cool, and the paraffine is removed from the surface, when nearly congealed, by thorough rubbing. Ta[)S thus treated will never split or become impregnated with the liquid, and may be used in casks containing alcoholic liquors. Wood, Brown stain for. — Paint the wood over with a solution made by boiliug 1 pint catechu (cutch or gambler) with 30 pints water and a little soda. Dry, and then paint over with a solution of bichromate of potash 1 pint, water 30 pints. By a little dif ference in the mode of treatment, and by varying the strength of the solutions, various shades of color may be given to these materials. The colors will be permanent, and will tend to pre- serve the wood. 158 PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. Wood, Preserving. — This process is valuable for rail way-slei.p- ers. Steam the timber, and inject a solution of silicate of soda for 8 hours. Then soak the wood for the same period in lime- water. (Dr. Feuchtwauger's process.) Wood, Preservative ])reparation for. — Mix 40 parts chalk, 50 resin, 4 linseed-oil, melting them tt)gether in an iron pot ; then add 1 part of native oxide of copper, and afterward 1 part of sulphuric acid. Apply with a brush. When dry, this varnish* is as hard as stone. Wood, To ebonize. — Collect lampblack from a lamp or candle on a piece of slate. Scrape off the deposit, mix with French polish, and apply to the object in the ordinary way. Wood, To fire-proof. — Paint twice over with a hot saturated solution of 1 part green vitriol and 3 parts alum. After drying, paint again with a weak solution of green vitriol in which pipe- clay has been mixed to the consistence of paint. THE PREPARATION AND PRESERVATION OF NATURAL-HISTORY SPECIMENS. Anatomical Specimens, Preserving. — Glycerine will preserve the natural colors of marine animals kept immer.r of medium size ; also two or three spring forceps of various dimensions. A small pair of pliers for clip])ing wire is required, some 8])ools of cotton (Xos. 10, ;}0, and 100), a quantity of excelsior and tow, some cot- ton batting, a little i)re]>iire(l glue, a number of jjieces of wire about fifteen inclies long, and straight (.size No. 20 or there- abouts), a box of dry oatmeal, and some ar.senical soap. This last can generally l)e obtained of druggists, or, if not, can be mad, down, and through the skin of tlu' second joint (Fig. 4). The wings are tliiis held, and tln' wires, as Wfll as tliat tliiougli the tail, are left protruiling for an inch or more. A tnuchof glue within the eycv lidH ])rej)areH the latter for the eyes. These must hi? purchased from taxidermists, but for small birds <'ommon bla<'k beads will aiis\v<;r. If plain glass beads can lie nhtaincid, by the aid of a little piiint the student can easily imitate the ey(' of a diickeii. .After tli(! eyes ai'e insertcMl, a sliai|) needle is used to pull the lids around them and into pliKe. '{"he <)|i(?rator must now, with a line pair of f(»rceps, carefully PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. 163 adjust the feathers, smoothing them down with a large camel's- hair brush. This done, thread must be wound over the body very loosely, beginning at the head, and continuing until all the feathers are securely bound. The bird is then left to dry for a day or two, when the thread is removed, the ends of wire cut oif close to the body, and the work is complete. Entomological Specimens, To preserve, from insect ravages. — Place crystals of carbolic acid throughout the cabinets, and the evaporation of the crystals will keep them thoroughly saturated with carbolic acid vapors, which will kill all living insects therein. Fish, To mount and preserve. — It is impossible to preserve the iridescent tints ot the living specimens ; but before proceed- ing to the operation of skinning, it may be stated that the scales, as well as their color, may be preserved to a certain de- gree by applying tissue-paper to them, which, from the natural glutinous matter which covers the scales, will adhere firmly ; this being allowed to remain until the skin has dried, may easily l)e removed by moistening with a damp cloth. All small fish should be mounted in section, while the larger varieties may be preserved entire. Supposing the fish to be of such a size as to be mounted in section, first it is necessary that it be as fresh as possible, as the scales will become detached if decay set in. Place the fish on one side, and cover the side uppermost with tissue-paper, as above stated ; also extend the fins by means of the same, and allow them to remain a few moments until fixed and dry. Haviug provided yourself with a damp cloth, spread it smoothly upon tlie table, and place the fish upon it, papered side down. With the dissecting scissors, cut the skin along an oval line, following the contour of the body, but a little below the ex- treme dorsal edge and a little above the ventral one, and remove the skin included within this line. The remaining skin must now be detached from the flesh, beginning at the head and separating it downward toward the tail. The spine must be severed close to the head, and also at the tail, and the entire body removed. All the flesh having been taken from the skin, and the eyes removed, the inside must be wiped out and the preservative (arsenical soap) applied. The skin should now be filled with tow, very evenly placed. When filled, it should be laid, with the open side down, upon a board of proper dimensions, and fastened to it by small tacks, beginning at the head and fastening the edges downward toward the tail. It should then be set aside to dry. The paper is, after drying, removed, and eyes of wood (painted to the proper colors, and not varnished) are inserted with a little putty. Finally the skin should receive a coat of colorless varnish, when the specimen is ready for the cabinet. Sea-Weed, Preserving specimens of. — The best time to col- lect is when the tide has just commenced to flow, after the low- est ebb, as the sea weeds are then floated in, in good condition. All specimens should be either red, green, purple, black, or olive ; no others are worth preservation. Mounting is done by immersing a piece of paper just below the surface of the water, and supporting it by the left hand ; the weed is then placed on the paper and kept in its place by the 164 PRACTICAL TECHIVOLOGY. left tliumb, while the right hand is employed in spreading out the branches with a bone knitting-needle or a camel's-hair pen- cil. If the branches are too numerous, which will be readily ascertained by lifting the specimen out of the water for a mo- ment, pruning should be freely resorted to, by cutting off erect and alternate branches, by means of a sharp-pointed pair of scis- sors, close to their junction with the main stem. When the specimen is laid out, the paper should be raised gradually in a slightly sloping direction, care being taken to prevent the branches from running together. The delicate species are much improved in appearance by reimmersing their extremities before entirely withdrawing them from the water. The papers should then be laid Hat upon coarse bibulous paper, only long enough to absorb superfluous moisture. If placed in an oblique direction, the branches are liable to run together. They should be then removed and placed upon a sheet of thick white blotting-paper, and a piece of washed and j^ressed calico placed over each speci- men, and then another layer of thin blotting-paper above the calico. Several of these layers are pressed in the ordinary way, light pressure only being used at first. The papers, but not the calico, may be removed in six hours, and afterward changed every 24 hours until dry. If the calico be not washed, it fre- quently adheres to the algiP, and if the calico be wrinkled it pro- duces corresponding marks on the paper. The most convenient sizes of paper to use are those made by cutting a sheet of paper, of demy size, into 16, 13, or 4 equal pieces. Ordinary drawing- paper answers the pur]iose very well. For the herbarium, each species should be mounted on a separate sheet of demy or cart- ridge size. Toned paper shows off the specimens well, a neutral tint answering best for the olive, pink for the red, and green for the green series. Skins of Small Animals, Dyeing. — The green hull of the European walnut is turned to account in Euro])e for dyeing furs black, and the hull of (lur black walnut could probably be simi- larly emi)loyed. The walnut hull is crushed and the juice squeezed out from the ])ulp, with the addition of a little water. A small (juantity of lime is added, and the dye is ready for use. The color is extremely difficult of extraction, and attaches itself very readily to any kind of hair, and it is used extensively as a hair-dye. Sti'FFIN*; small Quadtutpeds. — Begin by making a longi- tudinal incision between the hind legs, extending (juite back to tlie vent, the hair having been carefully i)artcd so that it may not be cut. Do not cut into the abdominal cavity. The skin can now be separated from the flesh and turned back as far as the tliigli, whicli is sfvircd at the joint. When this is done on botli sides, tliir gut should bo drawn out and severed at a short (lisiance from tlie vent. The tail should also l)e disjointed at the root. Tills being done, the skin can be loosened around the body until the fore-legs are reached, when they also should be dissevered. Tlie skinning now proceeds along the neck until t!ie skull is reiiched. Here <-nnsiderable care is necessary to re- move the skin without damage to the ears, eyelids, and lii)H. PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. 165 The skin is left attached to tlie skull ; when the operation has proceeded far enough to expose the muscles of the jaws, the skin must be separated from the body at the first joint of the neck. The tongue, eyes, and muscles, remaining attaclied to the head, are now to be carefully removed, and the brain taken out from an opening in the back of the skull cut through for that purpose. To make this opening, amateurs can use a small gimlet or bit with very small animals, and a large one as cir- cumstances may demand. The legs are now to be skinned out quite down to the claws, which completes the o^jeration of skin- ning. During tlie entire process, all fluids escaping must be im- mediately soaked up with cotton. As soon as the skin is re- moved, it should be thoroughly rubbed with arsenical soap, not omitting the inside of the skull and mouth cavities. The following explanation of stuffing relates to a small ani- mal such as the squirrel. Provide yourself with cotton, tliread, and twine, also stuffing-forceps, a pair of pincers, a file, and •wire-cutters. With the aid of the forceps (a pair of slender- jawed pliers), supply the various muscles of the face and head by inserting cotton both through the mouth and eyelids. Take annealed iron wire and cut off 6 pieces : No. 1, two or three inches longer than the total length of the body ; Xos. 2 and 3 for the fore-legs ; Kos. 4 and 5 for the hind-legs ; each of these should be three inches longer than the limbs they are to support ; No. 6, for a support for the tail, of the same propor- tionate length as the others. With a large pair of scissors, cut fine a c[uannty of tow, and with this, by the use of the long forceps, stuff the neck to its natural dimensions. Taking wire No. 1, bend it in four small rings, the distance between the two outer representing the length of the body taken from the skin, a, leaving one long end for a support to the head and neck, b (see STUFFING ANIMALS. figure). Mould tow about that part containing the rings, and, by winding it down with thread, form an artificial body. Sharpen the projecting end of the wire to a fine point with the file, and insert it up through the tow in the neck, and thence through the skull ; the skin should then be pulled over the body. Wires No. 2 and 3 are placed next in position by insert- ing them through the soles of the feet, up within the skin of the leg, and through the body of tow, until they appear upon the opposite side. With the pincers, bend over the end of each, forming a hook ; the wires must then be pulled backward, thus fastening the hooks firmly into the body. The loose skin of the limbs should then be stuffed with cut tow, taking care to imitate the muscles of the living subject. Nos. 4 and 5 can be fixed in position after the same manner, unless the animal is to rest en- loG PRACTICAL TKCUNOLOGY. tirely upon its rear (as in tlie case with the squirrel feeding) ; then the wire must be inserted at the tarsal joint instead of at the sole of tlie foot. If any depressions appear in the skin, they must be stuffed out witli cut tow. Wire No. C should now be inserted at the tip of tlie tail, and forced down within the skin, hooking it into the body in the same manner as the leg-wires. Stuff the tail to its proper dimensions with cut tow, and care- fully sew up the incision along the abdomen. Having i)repared a board about f inch thick, pierce in it two holes at the proper distance apart for the reception of the wires (four holes will be needed if the animal is to stand on all extremities) ; these must be drawn through upon the under side until the feet rest close upon the upper surface, when they should be clinched. The different joints of the limbs can now be imitated by bending the wire at the jiroijor i)oints. The eyes should next be placed in position, and cemented in the orbits by a little putty. Care should be taken in arranging the eyelid, for the expression de- pends altogether upon this point. Clip off any superfluous wire which may extend above the head with the wire-cutters. The specimen should be placi^d In some locality free from moisture, and allowed to dry thoroughly, when it is complete for the cabi- net. PAINTING, GILDING, AND VARNISHING RE- CIPES. Baij-OON Varnishes. — Mr. John Wise, the well-known aero- naut, says : " There are two ways of preparing linseed-oil for bal- loon varnish : llu; (juick and the slow process. The first is by heating the oil up to a temju'rature at which it will ignite spon- taneously. In order to secure it from burning up, it must be lieated in an iron or copper vessel, witli a lid that can be closed when it begins to omit dense white vapcir. If it is desired to have it fast drying, from 4 to G ozs. litharge per gallon should be boiled in it. Tliis process takes about one hour, ami renilers the oil thick and tougli, giving a good body and glossy surface to theclolh. The slow jjtoccss is to bi)il tlu- oil from 12to 20 hours, keeping it at a temperature of alxiut 200 Fahr., incorporating witli it, while boiling, i oz. suljdiate of manganese to each gal- lon of oil. These varnishes should l)e api)H(d to the cloth tole- rably hot. Tln're are other formulas, sucli as the incorporation with the oil of snine birdlime. (Jum-elastic is also used to give lli(! oil body and ehistlcity. NVlien I desirt! to make a balloon extraordinarily close, I give it a (irst coating of c( nipound varnish made ii]i of ('(pial parts whitis glue and glyc(;rine." JiKONZK, (Joi.i), for furniture. — (fold bronze for furniture is a mixture of copal varnish mixi,'d with gold-colon^d bronze-powder. The last is bisulphatc of tin. BiUHiiKs, Care of varni.shing. — A good way to keep brushes PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. 167 is to suspend them by the handles in a covered can, keeping the points at least half an inch from the bottom, and apart from each other. The can should be filled with slowly-drying varnish up to a line about i\ inch above the bristles or liair. The can should I hen be kept in a close cupboard, or in a box fitted for the pur- pose. As wiping a brush on a sharp edge will gradually split the bristles and cause them to curl backward, and eventually ruin the brush, the top of the can should have a wire soldered along the edge of the tin, turned over, in order to prevent injury. Finishing brushes should not be cleansed in turpentine, except in V'xtreme cases. When taken from the can, prepare them for use by working them out in varnish ; and before replacing them, eleanse the handles and binding in turpentine. Colors, Naturally transparent. — These are terra de sienna, asphaltum, dragon's blood, carmine, rose-pink, chemical brown, all the lakes, gamboge, and all the gums. Semi-transparent : um- ber, Vandyke brown, chrome red, emerald green, Brunswick green, ultramarine, indigo, and verdigris. Transparent colors purer if ground in water ; allow them to settle, pour off the top part of the settlings : mix that with more water ; let it settle, and take the top half of that, which will be free from all sand and grit. Turpentine makes transparent colors work crumbly. Bleached boiled oil or white varnish is the best vehicle for flow- ing evenly. Gilding without a Battery. — Dissolve 20 grains chloride of gold in a solution of cyanide of potassium, 1 oz. to 1 pint pure water. Put the solution of cyanide of gold in a glass or porce lain jar ; place in it the articles to be gilded in contact with a piece of bright zinc, in the solution near them ; the process will he hastened by a gentle warmth. If the gold is deposited on the zinc, rub a little shellac-varnish on it. The chloride of gold may Ije prepared by dissolving gold in aqua regia in the propor- tions of 16 grains gold to 1 oz. acid, and evaporating to dryness. Gilding on Glass. — Mix powdered gold with thick gum- arabic and powdered borax ; with this trace the design on the glass, and then bake it in a hot oven. The gum is thus burned and the borax vitrified, and at the same time the gold is fixed on the glass. To make powdered gold, rub down gold-leaf with pure honey on a marble slab. Wash the mixture, and the pre- cipitate is the gold used. Japan, Black and flexible. — Take burnt umber 4 ozs. , asphal- tum 2 ozs., boiled oil 2 qts. ; dissolve the asphaltum first in a little oil, using moderate heat; then add the umber (ground in oil), and lastly the rest of the oil, and incorporate thoroughly. Thin with turpentine. Loom-Harness, Varnish for. — Mix linseed-oil 2 gals., gum- shellac 2i lbs., litharge 2 lbs., red-lead 1 lb., umber 1-| lbs., sugar of lead 1^ lbs. Machinery, Painting. — The following colors contrast hand- somely : 1. Black and warm brown. 2. Violet and pale green. 3. Violet and light rose-color. 4. Deep blue and golden brown. 5. Chocolate and bright blue. 6. Deep red and gray. 7. Maroon 168 PBA.CTICAL TECHNOLOGY. and warm green. 8. Deep blue and pink. 9. Chocolate and pea- green. 10. Maroon and deep blue. 11. Claret and buflf. 13. Black and warm green. M.AJiBLE, To stain. — Blue, solution of litmus ; green, wax col- ored with verdigris ; yellow, tincture of gamboge or turmeric ; red, tincture of alkanet or dragon's blood ; crimson, alkantjt in turpentine ; flesh, wax tinged with turpentine ; brown, tincture of logwood ; gold, equal parts of verdigris, sal-ammoniac, and sulphate of zinc in fine powder. Paint without oil. — Break an egg into a dish and beat slight- ly. Use the white only, if for white paint ; then stir in coloring matter to suit. Red-lead makes a good red paint. To thin it, use a little skimmed milk. Eggs that are a little too old to eat will do for this very well. Paint, Reddish-brown, for wood. — The wood is first washed with a solution of 1 lb. cupric sulphate in 1 gallon water, and then with 4 lb. potassium ferrocyanide dissolved in 1 gallon wa- ter. The resulting brown cupric ferrocyanide withstands the weather, and is not attacked by insects. It may be covered, if desired, with a coat of linseed-oil varnish. Paint to stand the action of hot water. — Clean the metal with turpentine or benzine. Then mix white-lead, carriage-var- nish, and spirits of turpentine, and give the metal two thin coats, and then a thick coat of white-lead and carriage-varnish, applied as quickly as possible. PcTTY, Inde.structible. — Boil 4 lbs. brown umber in 7 lbs. linseed-oil for 2 hours ; stir in 2 ozs. wax ; take from the fire, and mix in Hi lbs. chalk and 11 lbs. white-lead, and incor- porate thoroughly. Iron Sukfaces, Painting. — In mixing paints for iron surfaces, it is of the first importance that the best materials only be used. Linseed-oil is the best medium, when free from admixture with turpentine. A volatile oil, like turpentine, can not be used with advantage on a non-absorbent surface like that of iron, for the rea.sf)n tliat it leaves the j»aint a dry scale on the outside, which, having no cohesion, can be readily crumbled or washed away. Linseed-oil, on the other liand, is peculiarly well adapted for this purpose. It df)es not evaporate in any perceptible dejfree, but the large percentage of linolein which it contains combines with the oxygen of the air, and forms a solid, translucent substance, of resi- nous appearance, which possc.-^sj's much toughness and elasticity, and will not crack or blister by reason of the expansion and contraction of the iron witli variations of temperature. It is, moreover, remarkably adhesive, is impervious to water, and is very difficult of solution in essential fiils, spirits, or naphtha, and even in bisulphide of carl>on. Another important advantage of linolein la that it expands in dryinfr. which ]M'(Miliarly adapts it to iron surfaces ; since cracks, however minute, resulting from shrinkage, exjKise enough of the met«l to afford a chance ifor cor- rosion, which will spread in all directions, undermining the paint and causing it to scale off, beside discolorinjr it. In selectiufi' a paint for iron, meclianical adhesion is a consideration of the first PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. 169 importance. Pitchy or bitumiuous films are especially effective as regards their adhesion to iron ; for example, solutions ot as- phalt or pitch in petroleum or turpentine. These are also very ef- fective as regards continuity, owing to the fact that, in drying, they form plastic films, which yield with the expansion and con- traction of the iron, and manifest no tendency to crack. If the surface is rusty, they penetrate the oxide scale, and envelop the particles very effectually, making them a portion of the paint. The solubility of such a film in water may be counteracted by mixinor it with linseed-oil. The experiment may easily be tried by mixing about 3 parts of Brunswick black with one of white, red, or stone colored paint, the body of which is composed of red or white lead or litharge. Red-lead is the best, for many reasons, if finely ground and thoroughly mixed with linseed-oil. Any one of several kinds of bitumen may be used, either natural mineral asphalt, pine pitch, or artificial asphalt, such as gas-tar or the re- siduum of petroleum distillation, in cases where the crude oil has been distilled before being treated with acid. This gives a very hard, bright pitcli, which is soluble in "once run" parafiine spirit, and which makes the base of an excellent, cheap, and durable paint for iron-work in exposed positions. Paraffine can be recom- mended for all classes of iron-work which can be treated hot. The most effective method of applying it is to heat the iron in vacuo, in order to expand it and open its pores, when paraffine, raised to the proper temperature, is run upon it. By this means the iron is penetrated to a sufficient depth to afford a very effectual pro- tection against oxidation, especially when a suitable paint is sub- sequently applied. Lacquer, Deep golden. — Seed-lac 3 oz., turmeric 1 oz., dragon's blood i oz. , alcohol 1 pt. Digest for a week, frequently shaking. Decant and filter. Golden : Ground turmeric 1 lb., gamboge 1| ozs., ^um-sandarac 3ilbs., shellac f lb. (all in powder), recti- fied spirits of wine, 2 gals. Dissolve, strain, and add 1 pt. of tur- pentine varnish. Red: Spanish anatto 3 lbs., dragon's blood 1 lb., gum-sandarac Si lbs., rectified spirits 2 gals., turpen- tine varnish 1 c^t. Dissolve, strain, and mix, as last. Pale brass : Gamboge, cut small, 1 oz.. Cape aloes, ditto, 3 ozs., pale shellac 1 lb., rectified spirits 2 gals. Dissolve and mis as with the golden. Lacquers, Cliancjing : I^acquers of this description are called changing, because when applied to metals such as copper, brass, or hammered tin, they give them a lustre approaching that of the precious metals. Mix 4 ozs. of the best gamboge in 32 ozs. of spirits of turpentine ; in another vessel, mix 4 ozs. of dragon's blood witli same quantity of turpentine, and in a third vessel, 1 oz. of annotto with like amount of spirits. Keep the vessels exposed to the sun, in a warm place, for a fortnight, when the contents will be fit for use. By mixing these, any desired tint can be obtained. Another deep golden : Strongest alcohol 4 ozs., Spanish anatto 8 grains., powdered turmeric 2 drachms, red-saunders 12 grains. Infuse this mixture in the cold for forty-eight hours, pour off the clear, and strain the rest; then add powdered shellac A oz., sandarac 1 drachm, mastic 1 drachm, Canada balsam 1 drachm. Dis- solve in the cold by frequent agitation, laying the bottle on its side to present a greater surface to the alcohol. When dissolved. 1 70 PRACTICAL TECHNOLOGY. add 30 drops of spirits of turpentine. Pale tin : Strongest alcohol 4 ozs. , powdered turmeric 2 drachms, hay saJEfrou 1 scruple, dragon's blood, in powder, 2 scruples, red saunders i scruple. Infuse, and add shellac, etc. , as to the last-described deep golden. When dissolved, add 40 drops of spirits of turpentine. Lacquer should always stand till it is quite fine before it is used. Letteking, Sign-painter's scale for. — The following is a con- venient table for sign-painters or others who have occasion to make lettering. Supposing the height of the capital letters to be ten, the widths are as follows : B, F, P, ten ; A, C, D, E, G, H, K, N, 0, Q, R, T, V, X, and Y, eleven ; I, five ; J, eight ; S and L, nine ; M and W, seventeen ; Z and &, twelve. Numerals : 1 equals five ; 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, nine ; 4, eleven ; 6, 9, 0, ten. Lower- case letters (height six and a half) : Width : a, b, d, k, p, q, x and z, seven and a half ; c, e, o, s, seven ; f, i, j, 1, t, three ; g, h, n, u, eight ; m, thirteen ; r, v, y, six ; w, ten. Putty, Old, in sashes, To soften. — Run a red-hot iron over it : it will peel off easily. Varnish, Black. — Alcohol 1 qt., aniline blue 184.8 grs., fuchsin 46.2 grs., naphthaline yellow 123.2. Dissolve by agita- tion in less than 12 hours. One application is sufficient. The mixture should be filtered when it will not deposit. Varnish, Cheap gold. — The following is a cheap substitute for the ex])en8ive gold varnish used on ornamental tin-ware. Tur- pentine + gallon, asphaltum I gill, yellow aniline 2 ozs. , um- ber 4 ozs., turpentine varnish 1 gal., and gamboge -k lb. Mix and boil for ten hours. Varnish, Copal, To make. — Dissolve 1 pt. camphor, by weight, in 12 pts. ether, then add best copal resin (pulverized) 4 pts., and place in a well-stoppered bottle. When the copal has partly dis- solved and has become swollen, add strong alcohol 4 pts., oil of turpentine i pt. Shake, and allow to stand for a tew hours. This makes an excellent varnish. Varnish for Maps. — Take equal parts genuine Canada balsam and oil of turpentine ; mix. Set the bottle in warm water, and agitate until the solution is perfect ; then set in u warm place a week to settle, when pour off the clear varnish for use. Before using, cover the map with a thin solution of pure glue. V.XRNisn, Parisian. — Dissolve 1 part of .shellac in 3 to 4 parts o| alcohol of 92 per cent in a water-bath, and add cautiously-distill- ed water, until a curdy mass separates out, which is collected and i)reHse(l between linen. 'Vho liquid is lilt<;red through paper, all the alcohol reinoveur])le made by mixing crimson lake and Prussian blui-. uiveri/.ed kaolin, and a very conceut rated solution of aniline blue, soluble in water. The mixture is pressed into cylinders of suitable size and dried, when it is ready for use. (Slum arable may be substituted for the kaolin. St:N DuAWiNf;. — Draw with a ])eMcil on a piece of tracing- paper the desired design ; go over the lines with very blaek ink, turn tlie paper over, and ffjjlow the lines also witli ink on the reverse side ; fasten tli«' paper by the corners to a pane of clear glass. Make a solution f)f .J oz. bichroniati^ of potash in 2 ozs. hot water, strain \\hen eold, aiul with this bi'usli over the ])a])er or silk on whiih the design is to l)e printed. Placared under the ])!i])er on the glass, and roper ty of becoming concrete on exposure to thi' air. ('aout<^ho\ic melts at a heat of about 2m' or 2(50 aft.-r it has been nudted ; it does not solidity on cooling, but forms a sticky mass which does not l)ecome solid even when exposed to the air for months. Owing to this ])roj)erty, it furnishes a valuable material for the lubrication of stop-cocks and joints intended to n-niain air tight and yet be movable. RlTHiiKU, To cut. — Dip the knife-blade in a ftolulion of caustic potash. ViNK(i.\K, Making, from alcohol (.Xrtiis's process). — Dissolve^ oz. dry bichlorid.- of i)lalinuni in 5 lbs. of alcohol With this moisten li lbs. of charcoal broken to the size id a hazel-nut. ll<-at the charcoal in a covered criu-ible, and place it in the bottom of a vinegar vat. This (anses the rai)id oxiiiation of tin; a'^oh'd. Reheat the charcoal onc.t in 5 wiM-ks. THE FARM. FARM BITILDINGS. Beams, Fastening in walls. — The usual custom of building the ends of floor-timbers into brick and stone walls is apt, in case of fire, to throw over the walls ; and resting the timbers on cor- bels interferes with the cornice-line below. By cutting the ends of the timbers on a bevel and laying in the wall, as in the annex- SETTING BEAMS IN WAllS. ed diagram, the cornice-line will not be broken ; and, in case of fire, the timbers will fall with little injury to the wall. Blasting. — In small blasts, 1 lb. of powder will loosen about 4i tons of rock. In large blasts, 1 lb. of powder will loosen 2.} tons. 50 or GO lbs. of powder inclosed in a bag and hung against a barrier will demolish any ordinary structure. One man can bore with a bit 1 in. in diameter, fnjm 50 to 60 in. per day of 10 hours in granite, or 300 to 400 in. per day in limestone. Two strikers and a holder can bore with a bit 3 in. in diameter 10 ft. per day in rock of medium hardness. Bricks from Gas-Coal Ashes.— These are of remarkable lightness, porosity, and dryness. Tlie ashes, after being taken from the retorts, are spread on the surface of a clean floor ; they are then finely pulverized, and 10 per cent of slaked lime, togeth- er with a small proportion of water, is intimately stirred and in- corporated with them. After a rest of 24 hours, the mixture is made into bricks by the ordinary process. The bricks are imme- 190 THE FARM. diately transferred to the drying slit^ds, wliere a few days' expo- sure renders them fit for use. Brickwouk, Preserving. — To exclude dampness, use the fol- lowing : f lb. mottled soap is dissolved in 1 gall, boiling water, and the hot solution spread steadily with a flat brush over the outer surface of the brickwork, care being taken that it does not lather ; this is allowed to dry for twenty-four hours, when a solution, formed of J lb. alum dissolved in 2 galls, water, is applied in a similar manner over the coating of soap. The soap and alum form an insoluble varnish, which the rain is unable to penetrate, and this cause of dampness is thus said to be effectually removed. The operation should be performed in dry, settled weather. Another method is to use 8 parts linseed oil and 1 part sulphur, heated together to 278^, in an iron vessel. Chimneys, Smoky, Causes of. — Want of sufficient height in the flue. The outlet of the chimney being jihiced in an exposed and cold situation, while the air with which the fire is supplied is drawn from a warmer and more sheltered re- gion. Excessive width in the flue, by which a large volume of cold air is drawn in and allowed to lower the temperature of the ascending column. Low temperature of the interior of the flue, in comparison with that of the external air. Humidity of the air. Too accurate fitting of the windows and door.s, and joints in the flooring. Tlie draft of one Are injuring that of others in the same house. A current caused by the heat of the fire circulating in the room. A flue of insufficient size. A foul flue. Displace- ment of masonry, or accumulation of mortar within the flue. The sudden obstruction of the draft, by gusts of wind entering the chimney-top. Increase of density of the air at the chimney- top, duo to the eff(M-t of wind in chimneys rising from the eav(?s of roofs. Drafts within the room which throw the smoke out of the influence of the ascending chimney current. Chimneys, Smoky, Preventing efl'ects of. — A screen or blower of wire gauze, from ;j6 to 40 wires to tins inch, placed in front of range or stove lires, will prevent, it is said, smoke coming into the room when tlu^ cliimney fails to draw well. CisTEHN, Building a. — One thing is essential, and is very ge- nerally neglected. It is to have tlui water as it comes into tiie cist(!rM conducted to tlie liottom. In this way, the water is en- tirely changed when it rains. When the fresli water simply pours in at tin; top, it immediatidy runs olT, and all tiu! nuiss of stagnant water remains undisturb(Hl, and soon becx)mea impure. ClsTKKN Fii-TER. — .\ wall of Soft luirned bricks is well adapt- ed for tills i)urpos(!, wlien built up within the cistof the road and thr- gravity of the vehi<;les. Next, adze off" the centre ridges of thest; logs to a face of about 5 inches, for a width of 9 feet in the (■(!ntre of the roadway, and cover this 9 f«'et with gravel, to fill in between the; logs, and giv(; a smooth surface. A good plan is to lay on the top of the road thus formed poles of 5 or inches in diameter, si)ilied down on each sidt^ of the track, every 10 f(;et, with oak i>ins, to jireveiit, in frosty weaiher, the lateral sliding of wagons. RuoKiNil)e, 11 ; besides, being oj)en to the air, it tends to prevent tlie ac<-uinulatinn of such foul air in the trunk. In order to kei-p the outer oritices of the i)ii)es, F and H, al- ways o|)en, it is a good plan to solder on one or two i)ieces of copper wire across tlieni. J is the water-closet basin, and the two small circles shown, underutatli K K.are the india-rubber i)ipeB. A li-inch zinc ventilating pipe may be carried up tlirough the roof to vr-niilate the space or inclosure in which the water-closet is situated. A gas-l)racket placed right below if will help, when lighted, to cautfc an upward current. The enqjly space at N is TUE FAKM. 199 BUILDING ■WATER-CLOSETS. supposed to be the water-closet window. O is the surface of the floor of the upper flat. No gas can accumulate in the soil-pipe, for the pressure of the atmosphere on the surface of the open grating, C, tends to send a current of fresh air through the soil- pipe and out at the ventilating pipe, F. Water-Gate, a good. — This is an excell-nt device for fencing purposes over small streams. A gate, sliding in upright ways at the ends, like an old turnpike gate, has attached to the bottom board (a scantling is better, as not so likely to be broken in hisfh water) crutches which rest upon empty b irrels or casks. The up- rights at the ends of the gate are provided with friction-rollers, so that the jjate slides up and down easily in th * ways. Two or three casks will generally support the weioht of the gate, so that it descends nearly to the surface of, but does not enter, the water. A gate thus constructed will rise and fall with the stream, and is not liable to be washed away at high water. Whiteavash, for outside work. — Take quicklime, i bushel ; slake, and add coiiinion salt, 1 pound : sulphate of zinc, i pound ; sweet milk. 1 ii:allon. Dissolve salt and zinc before add- ing, and mix tin- wlmli' to [iroper consistence with water. 2QQ THE FAUAt. Wooden Buildings, To frame. — Particular attention should be paid to biiuliug the top of the walls well together. This is accomplished by framing the wall-plate all around the house, and spiking the ceiling joists down on the same ; then heriing- bone, bridging these joists in as many rows as are necessary to make a thoroughly stifE brace for the whole. The roof (no mat- ter whL^her Gothic or Mansard) can not exercise any bad influ- ence in pushing out the walls, when this system is adopted. Wood To season and prevent warping.— Strip off bark, and bury about one foot deep in the spring, leaving in the ground for six months, and you will find no difficulty. This was the only wav by which the sapadillo or mountain mahogany in the Sierra NeVada could be seasoned, it being one of the hardest and most brittle kinds of wood known. Windmill, To build a. — Windmills can be either horizontal or vertical, but the latter are almost exclusively employed. In the vertical windmill, the shaft is inclined to the horizon at an an"-le of from 5' to 15% when the wheel is placed at the top of a tower ; so that the wheel will clear the sides of the building, and allow space for the action of the wind. If the wheel is supported by a post, the shaft may be horizontal. The connec tion of the "shaft with the pump or other mechanism maybe made either with gearing or by means of a crank and connecting rod. The shaft must be free to swing around in any direction, BO that the wheel can always face the wind. It is moved, in the case of small windmills, by tlie use of a weather-van.: on tlie end of the shaft ojjposite to the wheel. With large windmills supported on towers, the top of the tower is generally arranged so that it can be rotated, and a small auxiliary wind-wheel, con- nected by gearing, moves it into the proper position as the direc- tion of the wind changes. The wheel of a windmill may be covered with cloth, or with slats of wood or metal, the cover in either case; being technically known as the sail. Make the sail of a series of joined slats, that present a close surface to wind of tlui ordinary velocity, and open, thereby de- creasing the surface, as the velocity of the wind increases. The best velocity for a windmill is such that its i)friphiry moves about 2? tinies as fast as the wind. Thus, if the wind is moving at the rate of 20 feet a second, the tips of tlie sails sliould move at the rate of rti fe<'t a second, so that, if the wheel were 13 feet in diameter, it should make about 8:5 revolutions a minute. Of course, if the velocity of the wind varies greatly, it will be impossible to keej) the speed constant, so that windmills are not ordinarily well suited for work nHpiiring steady motion ; altlmngh they answer very well for nioviuij jiumps, if an intermittent supply of p(»wer is not a serious obstach-. in some sections, liowever, tlic i.revailing winds are (|uit.- steady, and in such nisi'S windmills ran Ix- iipplifd with advantage to grist-mills and f)th<'r useful work. The force and veicicity of tin- wind can only be determined by experiment, but the results of previous experimenters may be useful : THE FARM. 201 Velocity of wind. Perpendicular force, in pounds In feet per In miles Common expressions of second. per hour. per square foot. the force of the wind. 10 6.82 0.33 Gentle pleasant wind. 20 13.64 0.91 Brisk gale. 30 20.56 2.04 Very brisk. 40 27.27 3.92 High wind. 50 34.09 6.25 Very liigli. 60 40.91 9.25 Very high. 70 47.73 12.75 A storm. 80 54.55 16.34 A storm. 90 61.36 20.74) 25.28 1 100 68.18 A great storm. 110 75.02 30.89) 120 81.84 36.75 A hurricane. 130 88.65 43.26 A hurricane. 140 95.47 50.32 A violent hurricane. 150 102.29 57.56 A violent hurricane. In the accompanying figure is shown one of the four sails of a windmill, it having been found that four sails of proper propor- tion produce the best effect. The piece P B is called the whip of the sail ; C D, E F, G H, etc., the bars of the sail. The bars are inclined to the plane of revolution at differ- ent angles, the angle made by any part of the sail with this plane be- ing called the weather of the sail. Making the distances A O, N L, L I, etc., •each equal to -^ of the diame- ter of the wheel, the best values for the angle of weather are as follows: For N 0-18° For L M— 19° For J K— 18° For G H— 16° For E F— 12i° For C D— 7° The sail stretched over these bars will be a warped surface, some- what resembling the blade of a screw-propeller. The part B D 0, called the leading sail, is triangular, and B D is T5 of the diameter of the wheel, B C being tV. ^^^^ ^ ^' "i^ o^ the diameter. The main body of the sail, B C N O, is commonly rect- angular. A windmill of the best proportions, running under the most favorable circumstances, utilizes about -fi^^ of the energy of the wind that acts on an area equal to a circle having the same diameter as the wheel. It would not be -advisable to count on realizing more than half this power in general practice ; and on this assumption, we have the following empirical rule for BtlTLDINO A WINUMELL. 202 THE FARM. determining the diameter of a wheel to give a certain amount of power with an assiuneJ velocity of the wind : Divide the required horse-power by the cube of the velocity of the wind in feet per second ; take the square root of the quotient and multiply it by the number 2024.8. The product will be the required diameter in feet. Example : A windmill is to be erected in a locality where the general velocity of the wind is about 20 feet per second. It is to be attached to a pump, the work re()uired of it being to raise 1000 gallons of water per hour through a height of 20 feet 1000 United States gallons of water weigh about 8320 pounds, and, taking into effect the re- sistance of ihe pump, the power required will be about f, of a horse-power, or 0.167 horse-power. Dividing this by 8000, the cube of tlie velocity of the wind, extracting the square root, and multiplying by 2024.8, we obtain S)^ ft. as the required diameter of the wheel, deferring to the figure, we find that, in this case, C N is 3 feet 10|- inches, B D, 7| inches, and B C, ll;,^^ inches. The velocity of the tips of the sales should be 52 feet per second, or the wheel should make about 108 revolutions a minute. THE DAIRY. Btttru, Philadelphia. — The pans containing milk to the depth of ;5 inches are set in flowing water, so as to be maintained at a temperature of about 58° Fahr. After siaudmg 34 liours, the milk is skimmed, and the cream ])ut in deep vessels of a capacity of about 12 gallons. It is kept at a temperature of 58' to 59' until it ac(|uiri's a slightly acid taste, wlien it goes to the diurn. The churn is a barrel rtivolving on a journal in each head, and is driven by horse-power. The churning occupies about an hour ; atid after tlie butti^rmilk is drawn off, cold water is added and a few turns given to the churn. The wiiter is then drawn off. This is rep(nited until the water as it is drawn otf is nearly free from milkiness. TIk; butter is worked with butter-workt^rs, a damp- ened cloth mcianwliile being pressed upon it to absorb the moisture and free it of buttermilk. Tlie cloth is frequently di])ped in cold water, and wrung dry during the jjrocess of wi))ing the butler. It is next salted at the rate of 1 ounce salt to ;{ pounds butter, thoroughly and evenly ineorp )rated by means of a butter- worker. It is then removed to ;i table, where it is weighi'd out and put into pound prints. After this, it goes into large tin trays, and is set in the water to harden, remaining until next niorniiig, when it is wra|)j)ed in damp cloths ancl placed upon shi'lves, oui- abovtMinother, iu tin lined cedar tubs, with ice in the compartments at the ends; and thiui it go(^B immi'diately to market. A I'liiladelphia Itutler di^aler says that, for tlm l»eHt butter, 'tlie cows ure fi'd on wliite clover and early mown meadow hay, cut fine; and mixed in with corn meal and wiieaten sliorts. No roots are fed, except carrots. THE FARM. 203 Chttrning Milk, Temperature for. — 60° Fahr. Cream-Gauge. — In a can 20 in. deep and 8 in. in diameter, cut a slot a few inches long. In this slot, insert a strip of glass, in grooves, and cement with white lead. Graduate the tin next to the glass. Set the milk in the can, and allow the cream to rise. The percentage may be seen on the glass and noted by the scale. Cream, White specks in. — These are caused by too much acid in the cream. Cream should never stand in a room where the milk is set, but should be put into a cool place if you would avoid specks. Cows, Care of. — Milk coming from ill-nourished, half- fed cows, having no surplus of food beyond minimum requirements of na- ture, is injurious, and may be a source of disease. Cows deprived of an abundance of good water, ventilation, and exercise, secrete impure and dangerous milk, which may be loaded with gases, animalculse and fever-germs. The milk from old, debilitated cows fed on grains or overstimulating food, is also imperfect and unhealthy to a variable degree. The nervous condition of thb cow at the time of milking determines the purity of the milk. If this is neglected, the milk is an active source of disease, and is positively dangerous and fatal. Cow-Stables, Ventilation of. — Lay the floor of the stable upon a solid bed of earth and yravel, with a fall of 6 in. in 13 ft. from the stanchions, with the same ratio of descent, to a point for outlet of liquids. Make a platform raised 6 in. for the cows to stand or lie upon. The floor and platform plank should be bedded in water-lime mortar, so that there shall be no soaking down nor hiding-place for stale urine to deposit and generate venomous odors. Milk, Poisonous sour. — Sour milk, after protracted exposure to the sun, develops a poisonous quality, sufficient to cause dis- ease and death to pigs fed thereon. Milk, Setting. — Place the pans in cold water, which will pro- tect the milk from the acid until the cream has time to rise. For cream to rise readily on milk, set in cold water ; the atmo- • sphere in the room should be warmer than the water. There will as much cream rise on milk set in cold water in one hour as there will on milk not set in water in 24 hours. Milk, Tainted. — Never allow dead animals to decay about a pasture, or any where near a barn or other localities inhabited by the milch-cows. The carrion odor is sure to affect the milk. Milk, Testing for cream. — A simple method of determining the quantity of cream in any sample of milk consists in agitating the milk ina graduated glass tube with its bulk of ether for 4 or 5 minutes. Add alcohol in volume equal to that of the milk, and shake for 5 minutes. Place the tube vertically and allow it to rest lor a brief period, when the oily matter will rise to the surface so that its amount may be read off on the scale and the percentage easily computed. Milk, To insure good. — The following questions Mr. X. A. 204 THE FARM. Willard, a well-known dairy authority, recommends to be writ- ten out and posted about the dairy : " Do your cows feed in 8wam}3s and on boggy lands '? Have you good, sweet running water convenient for stock, and is it abundant and permanent in hot, dry weather? Have you shade-trees in your pasture, or do you think that cows make better milk while lying down to rest in discomfort in the hoi sun? Do you use dogs and stones to hurry the cows from pasture at milking time, thus overheat- ing their blood and bruising their udders ? Do you cleanse the udders of cows before milking by washing their teats with their own milk, and practice further economy by allowing their drip- pings to go into the milk-pail ? Do you enjoin your milkers to wash their hands thoroughly before silting down to milk ? When a cow makes a misstej) while being milked, do you allow your milkers to kick her with heavy boots, or to pound her over the back and sides with a heavy stool ? Is the air about your ' milk- barn' or milk-house reeking with the foul emanations of the pig-sty, the manure-heap, or other pestiferous odors ?" Milk, To prevent souring by tluinder-storms. — A fire started in the dairy is an excellent preventive. This should be done even in the hottest weather. The object is to remove the damp, moist, heavy air, which is injurious to the milk. Milk, To remove taste of turni])S in. — Give the cow no turnips for two or three hours before milking. It is better to feed only the centre of the turnip, cutting ofE the top and bottom. A tablespoonfiil of nitn^ dissolved in as much water as it will take to a gallon of milk, placed in the pail before milking, is said to remove the taste of the vegetable. FARM ITTNTS AND RECIPES, Bee Moths, To kill. — Bee moths can easily be killed in large numbers l)y setting a pan of grease, in which is a floating ignited wick,n(^arth(! hives after dark. The moths will fly into the light and fall into the grease. Bones, Reducing. — Place them in a larg(! kettle tilled with ashes, and about one peck of lime to a barrel of bones. Cover with water and Imii. In 24 hours all the hones, with the excep- tion, perhHi)S, of the hard shinlxmes, will heconie so much soft encd as to i)e easily ])uiveri'/ed by hand. They will not be in particles of bone, but in a pasty condition, and in an excellent form to mix with muck, loam, or ashi-s. Hy boiling the shin- hones 10 or 12 liours longer, they will also become soft. Hones. Value of. as a (ertili/,lioric acid. Superphosphate of lime, commonly nr^ed liy farmers, is simply THE FARM. 205 bones treated witli ^ their weight sulphuric acid and an equal quantity of water. Carbonic Acid Gas, Removing from wells, cisterns, etc. — (1.) A bellows with a rubber hose reaching near the bottom will soon blow out the gas. (2 ) Let down a large bucket, draw up and empty tlie gas as if it were water. (3.) Pour down water ; do this when a person falls to the bottom from inhaling the gas. (4.) Let down an umbrella spread, and pull up quickly several times in succession. Caterpillars, Exterminating. — Orchard or tent caterpillars leave their rings of eggs on the young twigs. If these are cut off with a clipping pole, it will prevent in every instance a large nest of caterpillars, and be much more easily done than after the latter have grown. Caterpillars, Remedy for. — A solution (1 part in 500) of sul- phide of potassium, sprinkled on the tree by means of a hand-sy- ringe, is extensively used in France. Celery, Propagation of. —A deep trench should first be dug, at the bottom of which a layer of sticks of wood, say 6 in. thick, should be placed a drain-pipe being placed endwise upon one or both ends of the Jayer. The sticks should be then covered with about a foot of ricli mouxd, wherein the plants should be set in a row, and about 5 in. apart. The plants should be well watered, the water being supplied through the drain-pipes, so that, pass- ing through the layer of sticks, which serves as a conduit, the wa- ter is supplied to the roots of the plants. In earthing up, care should be exercised to close the stems of the plant well together with the hand, so that no mould can get between them. The earthing process should be performed sufficiently frequently to keep the mould nearly level with the leaves of the outside stems. If these directions are carefully observed, the plant may be grown at least 4 ft. in length, and this without impairing the flavor. Charcoal, Effect of, on flowers. — All red flowers are greatly benefited by covering the earth in their pots with about an inch of pulverized charcoal. The colors (both i-ed and violet) are rendered extremely brilliant. Yellow flowers are not affected in any way by charcoal. Chickens, To fatten. — The best food for this purpose is Indian meal and milk. Chinch-Bugs, To destroy. — Put old pieces of rag or carpet in the crotches of the trees attacked. When the worms spin, as they will, in the rags, throw the latter in scalding water. The bugs can thus be killed by wholesale. Cider Barrels, To clean. — Pour in lime-water, and then in- sert a trace-chain through the bung-hole, remembering to fasten a strong cord on the chain so as to pull it out again. Shake the barrel until all the mould inside is rubbed off. Rinse with wa- ter, and finally pour in a little whisky. Cider Casks, To prepare.— Cider should never be put into new casks without previously scalding them with water containing salt, or with water in which apple-pomace has been boiled. Beer- 206 THE FARM. casks slioiild never be used for cider, nor cider-casks for beer. Wine and brandy casks will keep cider well, if the tartar adher- ing to their sides is first carefully scraped oft and the casks be well scalded. Burning a little sulphur in a cask will effectually remove must. Cider from apple-parings. — The parings of a bushel of apples will yield 1 qt. of cider by the aid of the hand-press. Cider-Making, Hints for. — 1. No- good cider can be made from unripe fruit. The nearer to perfect ripeness the apples, the bet- ter the cider. 2. No rotten apples, nor bitter leaves, nor stems, nor filth of any kind should be ground for cider. 3. Two presses are really necessary for each mill, so that the pomace can be ex- posed to the air in the one, while it is being pressed in the other, and thus acquire a deeper color. 4. New oak barrels, or those in which whisky or alcohol has been kept, are the best. 5. If more color and richer body are desired, a quart or two of boiled cider to each barrel will impart them. CiDEK, Purifying. — Cider may be purified by isinglass, about 1 oz. of the latter to the gallon. Dissolve in warm water, stir gently into the cider, let it settle, and draw off the liquor. Cider, To preserve sweet for years. — Put it up in air-tight cans, after the manner of fruit. Rack it off the dregs, and can before fermentation sets in. Coal- Ashes as a fertilizer. — Mix them with a small propor- tion of well-rotted horse-manure, sifting the ashes first, and you will have an excellent fertilizer. CoRN-CoBS, Utilization of. — Save the corn-cobs for kindlings, es- pecially if wood is not going to be plentiful next winter. To pre- pare them, melt togetlier 6U parts resin and 40 parts tar. Dip in the cobs, and dry on sheet-metal heated to about the temperature of boiling water. Doos, Bed for. — The best is newly made deal shavings. They will clean the dog as well as water, and will drive away fleas. Dust, Road, Value of. — During a dry season, every country resident should secure several barrels of road-dust. Tliose who keep poultry may secure by its use a valuable fertilizer, nearly as strong as guano, with none of its disagreeable odor. Place an inch or two of roiul-dust in tlu! bottom of a barrel; tiuMi, as the poultry liousc is ri'giilarly cleaned, deposit a layer an inch thick of the cleanings, and so on, alternately layers of each till the bar- rel is full. The thinner each layer is, the more perfect will be the intermixture of the ingredients. If the soil of which the road-dust is made is clayey, tlu^ layers of eacli may be of equal thickuf^SH ; if sandy, th(! dust slioiiM be at least twice as tliick as tli(! layer of drop|)ings. Old Ijarnds of any kind may be used for this |)nrpose, but if previously soaked witli crude; petroleum or coated with gas-tar, tlu^y will last many years. If the contents are |K)iin(ied on a floor into fine powder befont applying, the; fer- tilizer may be sown from a drill. Ifoad-diist is one of the most, perfect deodorizers of vaults — converting their contents also into rich manure. I'lace a l)arrel or b«>x of it in the closet, with a THE FARM. 207 small dipper, and throw down a pint into the vault each time it is occupied, and there will be no offensive odor whatever. This is simpler, cheaper, and better than a water-closet, and never freezes or gets out of order. Mixing the road-dust with equal bulk of coal-ashes is an improvement, making the fertilizer more friable. Fertilizer, A cheap. — This consists of sulphate of ammonia, 60 lbs. ; nitrate of soda, 40 lbs. ; ground bone, 250 lbs. ; plaster, 250 lbs. ; salt, ^ bushel ; wood ashes, 3 bushels ; stable manure, 20 bushels. Apply the above amount to six acres. Labor in pre- paring included, it costs about $15. It is said to give as good results as most of the commercial fertilizers costing $50 per ton. Fish-Net, To preserve from decay. — Steep in melted paraffine. Fowls, Fattening. — It is said that charcoal will fatten fowls, and at the same time give the meat improved tenderness and flavor. Pulverize and mix with the food. A turkey requires about a gill a day. Fruit, To preserve. — Fruit is kept in Russia by beincp packed in creosotized lime. Tlie lime is slaked in water in which a little creosote has been dissolved, and is allowed to fall to powder. The latter is spread over the bottom of a deal box, to about one inch in thickness. A sheet of paper is laid above, and then the fruit. Over the fruit is another sheet of paper, then more lime, and so on, until the box is full, when a little finely powdered charcoal is packed in the corners, and the lid tightly closed. Fruit thus inclosed will, it is said, remain good for a year. Fallen Leaves, To utilize. — These should be carefully gath- ered, as they are excellent to mix with hot-bed material. They do not heat so rapidly as stable-manure, and in this have an ad- vantage, as tempering the violence makes manure last longer and maintain a more regular heat. They are excellent material to put round cold frames to protect half-hardy plants. A board is put up to the height of the frame boards, and about a foot or more from them, and the leaves filled in between. If the plants are somewhat tender, the bottom of the frajnes may be filled in a few feet with the leaves. Fallen leaves, after having been two or three years decaying, make admirable stuff for potting plants and for flowers in general. Grafts, Cutting and storing. — There is no better time to cut grafts, than at the commencement of winter. lu cutting and packing them away, let them be labeled. For this purpose they should be tied up in bunches, not over 2 or 3 inches in diameter, with 3 bands around each bunch — at the ends and middle. The names may be written on a strip of pine-board or lath, ^ in. wide, j-ij in. thick, and nearly as long as the scions. This, if tied up with the bunch, will keep the same secure. For conveni- ence in quickly determining the name, there should be another strip of lath, sharp at one end, and with the name distinctly written on the other, thrnst into the bundle with the name pro- jecting from it. If these bunches or bundles are now placed on end in a box, with plenty of damp pioss between them and over the top, they will keep in a cellar in good condition, and anvsort 208 THE FARM may be selected, and withdrawn without disturbing the rest, by reading the projecting label. It is needful, however, to keep an occasional eye to them, to see that the proper degree of moisture is maintained — which should be just enough to keep them from shriveling, and no more. Gkapes, To ripen. — In the Rhine district, grape-vines are kept low and as near the soil as possible, so that the heat of the sun may be reflected back upon them from the ground ; and the ripening is thus carried on through the night by the heat radiated from the earth. Gr.vsshoppers, To utilize. — The grasshoppers, desiccated and ground, are useful as a fertilizer ; but in this prepared condition, they form an excellent food for all insect-feeding birds. There is no better food for all young domestic fowls. Containing silicic acid in a soluble state, they seem specially adapted for young birds, promoting the growth of feathers. fxRASsiNf; A Sr-OPE. — A steep* slope may be grassed over with- out sodding by first smoothing the surface and then mixing a tough paste or mortar of clay, loam, and horse-manure, with suffi- cient water. The grass seed, which should be a mixture of Ken- tucky blue grass and white clover, should be thickly but evenly scattered upon the moist surface of this plaster as it is spread upon the bank. Tiie plaster should be at least one or two inches thick, and a thin layer should be laid over the seed. The surface should be k(;pt moist, and a light dressing of some active ferti- lizer would help the growth. In a few weeks the growing grass should be cut, and should be kept short at ail times until a tliick sod is formed. (jiliAN'O, Handling. — Many cases of iioisoiiiug hiive occurred by contact of guano with wounds. It should be handled with gloved hands. Gr.wo, Home-made. — Make a compound of 1 bushel ashes, 2 l)U8he8 fowl-tnanure, 1^- bushels jjlastcr, and 4 bushels muck. Spread the muck on the barn-Hoor and dump tlie fowl-manure on top of it. Pulverize the latter with the spade, and mix in the otlicr ingredients. Moisten the heap with water, or, better, with urine, l)ffore planting. Deposit alxtut a handful in each hill of corn, potatoi's, or beans, mixing it with tin; soil before putting in the seed. IIakness, Cleaning. — Unbuckle all the i)arts and wash clean with soft water, .soap, and a brush. A little tur])entine or benzine will take off imy gummy substance which the soaj) fails to re- move 'I'heu warm tiie leather, and, as soon as dry on the sur- face, apply the oil with a paint-brush or a swab. Neat's-foot oil is the bi;8t.. Hang up thi! harness in a wiirm place to dry, but do not let it burn. H MfNK-^-;, Oiliu!,''. — (live on« .)r two coats of lampblack and castor-oil warmed sulIiciiMitly to make it peiietiate the stock reao not allow a liorse to have warm water to drink, since, if he lias to drink cold water after becoming accustomed to THE FARM. 211 warm, it will give him colic. (15) Do not work a horse when he refuses food after drinking ; he is thoroughly fagged out. Horses, Dead, To utilize. — Drag the body to some out-of-the- way part of the farm and sprinkle quicklime over it. Then cover with about twenty-five wagon-loads of muck or sods. In a year an excellent manure-heap will be at your disposal. Smaller ani- mals may be similarly utilized. Horses, Scratches on. — These may be cured by washing the legs in warm, strong soap-suds, and then in beef brine. Horses, To keep flies from. — Make an infusion of 3 hand- fuls of walnut leaves in 3 qts. of cold water. Let this stand over night and boil for a quarter of an hour in the morning. When cold, rub it over the ears, neck, and other irritable parts of the animal, with a moist sponge. Horses, Wounds on. — If suppuration is inevitable, use car- bolic acid combined with glycerine or linseed-oil in the propor- tion of 1 to 20. It may be applied night and morning with a feather. The wound must be kept clean, and, in the case of backs and shoulders, all pressure removed by small pads of curled horse-hair, sewed on the harness above and below the sore. Ice, Compressed. — Thin ice from ponds, or small pieces left after cutting blocks from larger bodies of water, may be stored in a profitable manner, and at the same time its preservation in- sured, by compressing it into solid blocks by means of any simple press. In localities where ice is not attainable, snow might easily be treated in the same way. Ice, To keep. — Select a shady spot, on the north side, if possible, of a clump of trees. Throw up a circular mound, some 12 in. in height and at least 15 ft. in diameter, flattening the summit care- fully, and leaving a trench around the eminence, 2 ft. in width and 18 in. in depth. In gathering the ice, there is no necessity of cutting into uniform shape or of seeking large pieces. Fill up the carts with any kind of fragments, transport them to the mound, and dump them on a platform made of a few planks. Ram the surface of the mound hard and firm, cover with sawdust, and then place the first layer of ice, which should previously be cracked into small pieces, for which purpose the men should be provided with wooden mallets. As each layer is put on the stack, the ice should be thoroughly pounded, both above and at the sides, so as to form a huge block of ice, the shape of which will be slightly conical. When the stack is completed, it will require two coverings of straw, one lying upon the ice and the other supported on a wooden framework about 18 in. outside the first covering. The layer of straw next the ice must be well beaten and flat- tened down upon it, and when this is done, be 12 in. in thickness. The framework, upon which a similar thickness of straw is placed, may be formed by inserting stout larch or other poles of a suitable length round the base in a slanting direction, so that they can be readily brought together at the top, and securely fastened with stout cord. From six to eight of these will, when joined together by means of strips of wood fixed about 13 in. apart, aflEord ample 212 THE FARM. support for tlie second covering of the straw. Tliis must be put on nicelj, so as to prevent the possibility of the rain's penetrating to the inner covering. By this arrangement there will be a body of air, which is one of the most effectual non-conductors known, between the two coverings of straw. To effect a change of the inclosed air, when rendered needful by its becoming charged with the moisture arising from the melted ice, a piece of iron or earth- enware piping a few inches in diameter should be fixed near the apex, one end being just above the straw, and the other end reaching into the inclosed space. The pipe can be readily opened or stopped up, as may appear necessary, but as a rule it will suf- fice to open the pipe once a week, and allow it to remain open for about two hours. This should be done early in the morning, as the air is then much cooler than during the day or in the even- ing. In removing ice from the stack, the early morning should be taken advantage of, because of the waste which must naturally ensue from a rush of warm air at midday. That removed can be placed in a cellar, or even an outhouse, and be enveloped in saw- dust until required. The ice must be taken from the top ; and when tlie supply is obtained, a good (juantity of dry sawdust should be placed over the crown. Insect-Catching Device, A simple. — Cover the inside of an old tub with liquid tar, and at twilight put a lighted lantern with- in, leaving the whole out over night. The bugs, attracted by the light, try to reach the lantern, and are caught and held fast by the tar. Insects on Plants, To discover. — If the leaves of the ])lant seem reddish or yellow, or if they curl up, a close inspection will generally disclose that the plants are infested by a very small green insect, or else with red spider, either of which must be de- stroyed. For this purpose, scald some common tobacco with wa- ter until the latter is colored yellow, and when cold, sprinkle the leaves of the ])lants with it. It is a gootl plan to pass tiie stems and leaves of the plants between the fingers, and to then shake the ])lant and well water the bed iinnKnliately afterward ; the lat- ter operation destroys a large proportion of the insects shaken from the plant. Insects, To i)rotect cattle from. — Hub a very weak solution of carbolic acid through the hair. MANtiKi:, Salt as. — Salt should never l)e applied other than in a ]>ulveroiis state, and never employed on impervious, cold, and hu- mid soils. Tlie best manner to use it is to combine it with other manures, a dose of 2 cwt. to the acre being sutRcieUt. When selected to destroy insects, it should bo applied before sunrisi!. In the casc! of cerr-als, suit strengthens tlie stems, and causes the ears to fill iietter, and favors the dissolution and aesimilation of the ])lios]>hates and silicates. It acts vigorously on potatoes, and can be cwt. j)er acre acts without fjiil on beet, injuring its value for sugar ])nrposi-s hut enhancing it for tlie fi'eding of cattle. <'td/,a has as marked a predilection for sail THE FARM. 213 as asparagus ; and in Holland, where the culture of peas is so ex- tensive, salt is something like a necessity. Mixed with hay in the proportion of 4 ozs. to 1 cwt., the fodder is more appetizing ; but the best way to feed it to animals is to allow them to enjoy it in the form of rock salt. Manure, Soot. — Save the soot that falls from the chimneys, when the latter are cleaned. Twelve quarts of soot to a hogshead of water makes a good liquid manure, to be applied to the roots of plants. Manure. — The bodies of king crabs, often found along the sea- shore, when decayed and mixed with sawdust, straw, muck, or similar material, make an excellent manure. Land so poor that no wheat could be grown on it, has been so enriched by the appli- cation of this compost, that from 25 to 30 bushels to the acre have been raised. Moss ON Trees, To destroy. — Use a whitewash of quicklime and wood-ashes. Mowing Machines, Draft of. — The power required to drive a mowing machine at work may be resolved into direct draft and side draft. A good mowing machine should be so balanced be- tween the driving wheels and the cutter bar, by placing the line of draft nearer or further from the heel of the bar, that ordinarily there will be little or no side draft. If so placed, the end of the tongue will sometimes, when at work, be drawn toward the stand- ing grass, and sometimes thrown away from it by the side draft. Practically, side draft is of small account in a good machine. The direct drait depends upon three causes, and may be resolved into three parts : 1, The draft of the machine itself, on its own wheels, on the ground ; 2, The power required to give motion to the gear- ing and the knife ; 3, The resistance offered by the grass or other substance cut. The power required to draw the machine on its own wheels depends upon the size of the wheels, the perfection of the axles, and the smoothness of the ground, and, other things being equal, upon the weight of the machine ; and in a machine weigh- ing 600 lbs., should not, on a smooth firm turf and level field, be more than 75 to 100 lbs Adding to the weight of the machine would add to the draft just in proportion, whether that added weight be in the machine or in a driver on it. Suppose the ma- chine to weigh 600 lbs. and the draft to be 80 lbs., put a driver of 150 lbs. on the seat, and you have increased the draft 25 per cent, or to 100 lbs., while the power required to drive the knife and to cut the grass remains unchanged, and you have only increased the draft 20 lbs. The power to drive the knife and gearing de- pends upon the perfection of the gearing and the weight and velocity of the knife. A machine that in proper order may not require more than 10 or 20 lbs. of power, may require ten or twenty times that amount from deficiency of oil, collection of dirt in the gearing, gum on the knife, or loosening of the connections of the pitman by wearing or otherwise. The resistance of the grass to be cut will vary with every change of condition, kind, and thickness of grass, and every variation in the condition of the knife and rapidity of stroke. The greater the velocity of a cut- ting edge, after the velocity is once obtained, the less power is 214 THE FARM. required to do a given amount of work. The direct draft of a good marhine, working under the most favorable circiuusiances, has been determined by experiment to be less than 300 lbs. ; but tliose favorable conditions are not always to be obtained, so that tlie draft must many times be much heavier. The jiower of a machine to cut, other things being equal, depends upon the hold the wheels have upon the ground ; when the second and third causes combined are sufficient to overcome the hold the wheels have, the latter t^lide, the knife stops, the machine is clogged. The heavier the machine, the less likely this is to occur ; putting a heavy driver on the seat will sometimes carry a macliinc through when with a lighter one it would clog. When the knife readies the end of the stroke, its momentum is considerable, and it re- quires nearly as much power to stop it as it did to start it to ii.ake the stroke ; it would require quite as much if it were not for the loss of some power by the friction of the knife in the guards. Now if the joints of the pitman and connections are all perfect, this stopping occurs when the crank passes the centre of the shaft driving it, and the remainder of the momentum of the knife is expended upon the crank in the direction of its length and at right angles to the driving power, so that none of that is used up in stopping the knife. But if these joints of the pitman are loose, so that there is a little play, and the crank can pass the centre be- fore the knife reaches the end of the stroke, this momentum will be expended in opposition to the driving power, and will of course increase the power necessary to work the machine by so much as is necessary to overcome the momentum of the knife ; again, the crank beginning to act upon the knife after it has passed the cen- tre to make the return stroke, the knife must start with a greater velocity, causing another loss. Xow, put the same machine into the grass, and the grass operates to stop the knife as soon as the crank allows it to stop, thus saving the momentum that was ex- pended upon the crank in ojiposition to the driving jiower. and also shortening the stroke and saving power that way. Supj)i)8- ing, to illustrate, that there is a play of ^ inch in the joints, tlien the knife running out of the grass will be thrown to the extreme length each way, and will add 1 inch to the length of the stroke, increasing the i)owcr necessary to make it. If it re(|uires a cer- tain number of pounds power to make a stroke ot 3 inches in length, it will require 33^ per cent more power to make a stroke of 4 inches in length in the same time. ^Vhenever these amounts of power lost in this way equal the power required to cut the grass, tlien the machine will draw just as heavily out of the grass as in it. From these premises many deductions nuiy be made as to tlie care and practical use of mowing machines. Nkst Kfu;s, To make. — Take an f)rdinary hen's cfXiS, break a small hole in tlie small end, about ji of an incli in diameter, ex- tract the <-ontents, and, after it is thoroughly dear inside, till it with i)o\vdered slaked lime, tamping it in ordiT to inaki^ it con- tain as much as possible. After it is full, seal it up witii jilasti-r o' Paris, and you have a nest egg which can not he distinguisiied by tile hen from tlu; other eggs, and one which will not crack (like otlier aggB) by being frozen. THE FARM. 215 Onions, To transplant.— Plant them tightly in the soil, with the leaves pointing to the north. When thus placed, after the vegetables take root, the sun will draw the stalks vertical. Oxen, Food consumed by. — An ox will consume 2 per cent of his weight of hay per day to maintain his condition. If put to moderate labor, an increase of this quantity to 3 per cent will en- able him to perform his work and still maintain his flesh. If he is to be fatted, he requires about 4^ per cent of his weight daily in nutritious food. Painting Boats. — Boats should be painted with raw oil. Boiled oil used in the paint is very apt to blister and peel from the wood. Paris Green, To use. — In using Paris green to exterminate the potato bugs, the poison should be mixed with the cheapest grade of flour, 1 lb. green to 10 lbs. flour. A good way of applying it to the plants is to take an old 2 quart tin fruit-can, melt off the top, and put in a wooden head in which insert a broom-handle. Bore a hole in the head, also, to pour the powder in, and then punch the bottom full of holes about the size of No. 6 shot. Walk alongside the rows, when the vines are wet with dew or rain, and make one shoot at each hill. Pastures, Seeding. — Select varieties of seeds that spring up in succession, so that a good fresh bite may be had from spring to fall. Pear Culture. — Pears have a tendency to crack when the trees stand in soil which is deficient in lime and potash. Com- mon wood-ashes contain these salts nearly in the proportions that pear-trees on such soil require — 40 per cent of potash and 80 per cent of lime. By applying wood-ashes at the rate of four hun- dred bushels to the acre, after the fruit had formed and cracked, the disease was totally eradicated by the next season. Peat, Estimating quantity of. — Peat, as ordinarily in the bed, will weigh from 2100 to 2400 lbs. per cubic yard ; and if drained in the bed, 1340 to 1490 lbs.; and air-dried, 320 to 380 lbs., when it will be found to be reduced to about i or ^ its original bulk. Peat, Facts concerning. — When saturated with salt water, peat is generally unfit for heating purposes. The fine, clay-like pow- der found underlying peat-beds, of a yellowish white color, is composed of shields of infusorial animalculjB, and forms a supe- rior powder for polishing metals. In working a bed of peat, the first step will be to ascertain if drainage is necessary ; and, se- condly, how it can be effected and at the least cost. If the bed can not be economically drained, resort must be had to mechani- cal excavation. It is best not to drain a bed below the level to which you can effectually work out in a season, unless you can close the outlet drain to allow it to fill again with water for the winter, for the reason that drained peat that has been frozen is apt to disintegrate after thawing, and become impoverished for a solid homogeneous fuel. Peat that has been well manipulated and dried for fuel rarely holds more than 10 per cent of moisture, and it will not afterwards become saturated with water, even by immersion for an entire winter. A cubic yard of closely-packed 216 THE FARM. peat fuel will weigh from 1630 to 2180 lbs., and the heating value of 1 lb. of such peat is equal to even 1^ lbs. wood ; one cord of f/ood wood will weigh almost 4200 lbs. , and 1 cord of peat fuel will weigh about 3750 lbs., showing a gain in space as well as in greater heating power. Plants, Creeping, Pegging down. — To propagate lobelias and verbenas, the first bloom should-be picked off, and the branches, as they extend, should be pegged down closely to the surface of the mould. The branches will then take root as they lengthen, and by thus drawing a large amount of sustenance from the soil, they will bloom very freely and cover a large space. A verbena may thus be made to cover a square yard, and a lobelia a square foot of ground. Plants, Iron and ashes for. — Wliite flowers, or roses, that have petals nearly white, will be greatly improved in brilliancy by providing iron sand and unleached ashes for the roots of growing plants. Ferruginous material may be applied to the soil where flowers are growing, or where they are to grow, by procuring a supply of oxide of iron, in the form of the dark-colored scales that fall from the heated bars of iron when the metal is hammer- ed by tlie blacksmiths. Iron turnings and iron tilings, which may be obtained for a trifle at most machine-shops, should be worked into the soil near flowers, and in a few years it will be perceived that all the minute fragments will have been dissolv- ed, thus furnishing the choicest material for jiaintiiig flie gayest colors of tlie flower-garden. If wood-ashes can be obtained readi- ly, let a dressing be spread over the surface of the ground, about lialf an inch deep, ami be raked in. A dressing of quicklime will be found excellent for flowers of every description. It is also of eminent importance to imj)rove the fertility of the soil where flowers are growing, in order to have mature, plump, ripe seed. Let the foregoing materials be spread around the flowers, and raked in at any convenient period of the year. Plants, Potting. — Tlie mould for potting should be light and loamy, tlie fertilizing material used being well decayed. If the soil is rich of itself, it is belter to be eitlier very sparing with the fertilizer or to dispense with it altogether. In tlu; bottom of tlie put )»lace sfveral small broken pi(!ces of crockery or similar ma- terial to assist tli(^ drainage ; and in setting the i)liint, be canfiil to kee]) it well down in the pot, and to press the mould moderately around the roots. Tlie surface of the mould should be about half !Ui inch billow the level of the top of the flower-pot. Slijis should lie planted close to the sides i)f the ]wi, and in small i)ots. When a ]ilaiil becomes ])ot-l)oun(l, that is, when the roots have become nialted around the sides and bottom of the ])ot, tlie ])lant, so soon as it has ceased blooming, should be re-iiotted in a larger ]iot. It is not neressfiry to remove any of th»> mould from the roots, but siiii])ly to All in tlie space in the larf^er pot with new and rich mould. I'la.\T-1'i<()I1.( Toit, A newspaper.— A convenient number of newHpajw'rs may be; jiasted together, and the edges folded over strings, thus making a screen whidi, susi)endod ovisr tlie newspa- THE FARM. 217 pers spread loosely over the plants, would give the young shoots an excellent protection in the severest cold weather, and from the sun's rays in summer. Plants, Selecting. — Choose those whose leaves are of a deep green, and in all cases those which are short and bushy, and have no bloom upon them. If, however, they are in bloom, cut off thti flowers before pUmting, which will only delay the bloom- ing a -tew days, and wiU greatly strengtheu the plant. If the plants have been reared in a greenhouse or under frames, keep them a few days before setting them in beds, placing them out of doors in the daytime, and taking them in at night, in order to make them hardy and prevent them suffering from the cool night air. If the plants ar^' placed in a cold-frame, either before or after being planted in the beds, be careful to lift the frame during a great part of the daytime, otherwise the moisture which gathers on the inside of the glass will fall upon the plants and infallibly kill them by what is called dampness. Plants, Treating unhealthy. — Mr. Peter Henderson, the cele- brated horticulturist, says : Whenever plants begin to drop their leaves, it is certain that their health has been injured either by over-potting, over-watering, over-heating, by too much cold, or by applying such stimulants as guano, or by some other means having destroyel the fine rootlets by which the plant feeds, and induced disease that may lead to death. If the roots of the plant have been injured from any of the above-named causes, let the soil in which it is potted become nearly dry ; then remove the plant from the pot, take the ball of soil in which the roots have been enveloped, and crush it between the hands just enough to allow all the sour outer crust of the ball of earth to be shaken off ; thi'U re-pot in rather dry soil (composed of any fresh soil mixed with equal bulk of leaf-mould or street-sweepings), using a new flower-pot, or having thoroughly washed the old one, so that the moisture can freely evaporate through the pores. Be careful not to over-feed the sick plant. Let the pot be only large enough to admit of not more than an inch of soil between the pot and ball of roots. After re-potting, give it water enough to settle the soil, and do not apply any more until the plant has begun to grow, unless, indeed, the atmosphere is so dry that the moisture has entirely evaporated from the soil ; then, of course, water must be given, or the patient may die from the opposite cause — starva- tion. The danger to be avoided is in all probability that which brought on the sickness, namely, saturation of the soil by too much water. Potatoes, Hoeing. — By drawing up the earth over the pota- to in sloping ridges, the plant is deprived of its due supply of moisture by rains, for when they fall the water is cast into the ditf'hes. Further, in regard to the idea that, by thus earthing up, the number of tubers is increased, the effect is quite the re- verse ; for experience proves that a potato, placed an inch only under the surface of the earth, will produce more tubers than one planted at the depth of a foot. Potato Sprouts, Poisonous. — The sprouts of the potato con- tain an alkaloid, termed by chemists solanine, which is very poi- 21?! THE FARAr. sonous if taki'u into the system. Tl does not exist in the tubers unless they are exposed to light and air, which sometimes occurs from the accidental removal of tlie cartli in cultivation. Potatoes, Stoi-incr. — A plan, tested successfully for eight years, is to si)rinkle the floor with fine unslaked lime, over which a layer of potatoes 4 or 5 inches in depth is spread. Then sprin- kle again witli lime, and add another layer of potatoes the same depth as before, and thus continue till the whole are disposed of. The lime used is about one fortieth part by measure of the pota- toes. Potatoes thus treated have never become infected with disease, and when disease was already existing it has not spread ; besides which, tlie quality of the potatoes has been rather improved than otherwise by the treatment, especially where they were watery or waxy. PorLTKV-lIousES, Purifying. — Lime is an excellent purifier, and, when carljolic acid is added to the whitewash, willeflectually keep away vermin from the walls. After every cleaning of the floor it should be sprinkled Avith carbolic acid ; dilution, twenty of water to one of acid. This is one of the best disinfectants and antiseptics known, and is not used as much as it deserves. The roosts should be sprinkled with it every week. This whitewash- ing should be done twice at least, better three times a year. The nests of sitting hens should be s])rinkled with carbolic acid to keep off vermin ; and the; coops also, where young broods are kept for a time, should l>e purified in this way. If a hen gets lousy, the dilute acid will destroy the lice, if put under the wings, and on the head and neck. Wood-ashi'S are excellent to be kept in fowl-houses for hens to dust themselves with. They are much more effectual than sand, but sand should also be kept for a bath. Phopagating Plants. — To ])ropagate geraniums and calceo- larias, do not let the plants flower too soon, but pinch off the first appt^aring l)loom, and pinch out the eyes of all straggling branches, which will immediately thr.>w out side-shoots, thus forming very healthy and strong as well as good sha]>ed plants. Givfi l)referenour in Ijisnlphide of carbon. This should only be usckI out of doors, nev(!r in buildings. An ounce and a half of tlie li(|nid is sullicient to pour in at a tiin<\ Where there are several holes near together, slop all but tlie Olio in wliich the bisMlphide is ])oui('(l, with bricks. THE FARM, 219 Red Si'iDEKS, To extermiuate. — Syringe the plants freely with water once or twice a day, taking care to wet the under side of the leaves. Keep the air of the room moist, by setting pans of Avater on the flues, heating-pipes, or register ; give all the light possible, and ventilate freely whenever tlie weather will permit. When the soil is dry, give sufficient water to moisten «all the soil in the pot, and water no more until the surface is dry again. If plants seem stunted or sickly, repot them in fresh, rich soil, or use some other means to induce a healthy growth. The red spi- der is any thing but an aquatic insect, and will yield to the hy- dropathic treatment if it is persisted in. Sand is the best substance in which to preserve carrots through the winter. It should be perfectly dry. It will keep the roots crisp and prevent softening. Spawn-Carrying Device. — The apparatus represented here- FISH-SPAWN CARRYING APPARATUS. with is a new invention of Mr. Seth Green. It consists of a sim- ple wooden box, of a convenient size to be carried in the hand by means of tlie handle above. Its joints are covered with tin. Inside are numerous small trays made of wood, covered below with can- ton flannel. The upper tray, shown in the foreground, is pro- vided with a hinged cover of the same materials. The spawn is 220 THE FARM. placed upon tlie bottom of the trays, together with moss or sea- weed, and kept moist. The temperature of the room may be so regulated that the spawn can be hatched in from 50 to 150 daya. Bnidk-troiit, salmon trout, white-fish, and sahnon-eggs have beei) irausported with success, over long journeys, by this means. Skeds, Germination of. — The germination of seeds can be watclied at every stage of its progress by laying tlie seeds between moist towels and placing the latter between plates. The towels can be lifted without damage to the tender sprouts. Seeds, Vitality of. — Seed Vvili not germinate if they are too old, and disappointment and delay often result. Experience of seedsmen indicat< s that, if properly gathered and i)reserved, beans will retain vitality 2 years , beet, 7 ; cabbage, 4 ; carrot, 2 ; sweet corn, 2 ; cucumber, 10 ; lettuce, 3 ; mebjn, 10 ; onion, 1 ; parsnip, 1 ; peas, 2 ; radish, 3 ; squash, 10 ; tomato, 7 ; turnip, 4. Sheep, To protect from dogs. — An old sheep-raiser says that the most efhcacious ])l;in is to ])rovide 15 <»r 20 sheep, in a flock of 100, each with a globular bell about the size of a teacup. Sleigh. — The length of the double whiffletree and the neck- yoke for a sleigh should be just as long as the sleigh is wide from the centn; (^i one runner to the other. Slugs, Rose, To destroy. — Wood-ashes must be sifted on early in the morning while the leaves are damp, the branches being turned over carefully, so that the under sides of the leaves, to which the young slugs cling, may get their share of the siftings. If the night has hwn dew less, in order to make the work tho- rough, first sprinkle the l)ushcs, and the ashes will then cling to the slugs, to their utter destruction. Stu.mps, Clearing oflE. — In the autumn, bore a hole 1 to 2 inch- es in diameter, aceording to the girth of the stump, vertically in the centre of the latter, and about 18 inches deep. Put into it from 1 to 2 ozs. saltpetre ; fill the hole with water, and plug up close. In the ensuing spring, take out tlie plug, pour in about | gill kerosene oil and ignite it. The stuni]) will smoulder away, without blazing, to the very extremity of the roots, leaving no- thing but ashes. Stables, To remove rank snu-ll of. — Sawdust, wetteil with sul- |)huric acid, diluted with 40 ])!irts of wafer, and distributed about horsc! stables, will remove; the disagre.ahle aninioniacal smell. Suii-SoiL Dii.MN, A simple. — An exctdlent subsoil drain may be made by digging a trench, ami fillinu^ in the bottom with sticks of wood, compressing them together with tlie feet, and then covering them with the mould. The effect! vene^s of .such a drain will endure for several years, and the final decay of the wood will serve to euriili the soil. Si'MAc, ('ulti vatir)n and jireparation of. — Sunuic is largel\' used in tanning the liner kinds of leather, esjx'cially in the manufac- ture of the hard-grained nioniccf».s and similar goods. It is also einploycid as th<; base of many (X)lorH in calico and (hhilni print- ing. 'I'Ik! only trouble is in curing it ]>roperl\ . This must be doiu! with all the care that is bi'sfowed upon tobacco or hop.s. Exposure, aftiT cutting, to a heavy dew injures it, and a rain- THE FARM. 221 Storm detracts materially from its value. It is cut wlien in full leaf ; and when properly dried is ground, leaves and sticks toge- ther. An acre in lull bearing will produce not less than three tons ; and when fit for market, it is worth from eiglity to one hundred dollars a ton. The manufacturers, as the curers are called, pay one cent a pound for it in a green state. The Com- missioner of Agriculture advises to plant in rows, in order to cul- tivate between, either by seed or cutting of the roots. We should advise cuttings by all means, as sumac is as tenacious of life as the blackberry or horse-radish. It will never need but one planting, and the crop can be gathered any time from July to the time of frost. If it is cut later in the season, and annually, the leaves and the stocks can be ground together. If the cutting is delayed until the stock has formed into solid wood, the leaves must be stripped from the stock, and the stock is thus wasted. It is doubtful if any thing is gained in the weight of leaves after the middle of July, at which time almost every tree has completed what is called first growth for the season. Sumac, Mordants for dyeing with. — The mordants used for dyeing with sumac are either tin, acetate of iron, or sulphate of zinc. The first gives yellow, the second gray or black, according to strength, and the third greenish-yellow. Tools, Paint for. — White lead ground in oil, mingled with Prussian blue, similarly prepared, to give the proper shade, and finally mixed with a little carriage-varnish, is an excellent and durable paint for farm-machinery and agricultural tools. Trees, Felling. — To find the height at which a tree must be cut, so that its top will strike a given point on the ground : Square the height of tree, and the given distance from tree to point. Divide the difference of these squares by twice the height of tree, and the quotient will be the height from the ground Avhere the tree has to be cut. Example : Height of tree =60 feet, distance of point to the tree 20 feet ; then 60^=3600, 30-==400, difEerence=3200. 3200^(2x60)=26.6 feet. Trees, Fruit, To protect against mice. — Apply to the bark a mixture of tallow, 3 parts, tar, 1 part, hot. Trees, Girdled, To save. — If possible, bank up earth about the trunk to above the level of the girdle. If the wounded parts are too high, bind on clay with a bandage. The sooner the sur- face is protected after injury the better. The death of the tree is caused by the seasoning of the sap-wood. Trees, Young, in hot weather. — If the trunk is fully exposed to the sun, it should be protected from intense heat. A couple of boards, tacked together like a trough and set up against the trunk, will furnish the required shade ; or the trunk may be bound with a hay-rope, or be loosely strawed up as for winter protection. Trichina in Pork, A cause of. — It has lately been found that swine may become infested with trichinse through eating carrion, or even decayed vegetable substances. This is a point worth consideration by farmers who incline to the belief that dead 222 THE FAKM. chickens, putrid swill, or any otlier filth, about the place, is legi- mate food for the pig. TuRNiBS, To protect from fly. — Use lime, slaked just before application. Sow it by hand over the plants ; or sow brimstone with the seed. A simple way of removing the insects from the plants is to mount a board two feet square on wheels, cover the under side of the board with tar, and straddle it over the rows, drawing it from end to end of the latter. The insects will jump oil on the pitch and be caught. Watekkall, To determine the height of, in a running stream. — A small temporary dam, unless one exists, must be made, so as to secure a still surface. Take two poles, sufficiently long to reach from the bottom of the water to the required line-level. Make a plain mark or notch on both sticks, at a distance from the upper end equal to the distance of the intended line- level above the water, marking that distance in feet and inches. Push the poles down through the water into the earth at the bottom until the notches are both at the level surface of the water, care being taken to have the poles plumb and at a convenient distance apart. Sight across the tops of these two, and set as many more as may be desired to run the line of level to the desired jjoint, and the tops being ranged accurately by the first two, will show a water- level so many feet above that of the water. It is estimated that this is a more accurate way than the use of the ordinary spirit- level. Water for Fisii-Ponds — Lead-pipe will not do to conduct water to fish-ponds. It is likely to poison tlie fish. Weeds, Destroying. — Some weeds can be killed and prevented from growing in garden-patlis, by watering the ground with a weak solution of carbolic acid, 1 part pure crystallized acid to 2000 parts water. Sprinkle from a watering-pot. Worms, C'irrant and Goosereruy, liemedy for. — The best is powdered white hellebore, obtainal)le at any druggist's. Put the powder in a common tin cup, tying a juece of very fine muslin over the mouth. Fasten the apparatus to the end of a short stick, and dust the powder througii tht; musliu lightly upon the bushes. Do not work on a windy day, and ."^tand to windward during the operation, as, if taken into the nfj.'^trils, the hellebore excites violent sneezing. The Bame material is a good remedy for cucumber-beetles. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Ants, Red, To drive away. — Sprigs of wiutergreen or ground ivy will drive away red ants ; branches of wormwood will serve the same purpose for black ants. The insects may be kept out of sugar-barrels by drawing a wide chalk mark around the top, near the edge. Aquarium, To make and stock an. — One of tlie first principles, in constructing a tank for an aquarium, is to give the water tlie greatest possible exposure to the air. The simple rectangular form is the best. This is generally constructed of iron and glass ; the iron should he japanned, and the glass be Freucli plate, to insure brilliauey and strength. The breadth and height of the tank should be about one half of the length. Cheap tanks can be made of wood and glass, the frame and bottom being of wood, and tlie sides of glass. In order to make the joints watertight, care must be taken to" get a proper aquarium putty or cement. The following is a good retipe : Put an eggcupf ul oil and 4 ozs. tar to 1 lb. resin ; melt over a gentle fire. Test it to see if it has the proper consistency when cooled ; if it has not, heat longer or add more resin and tar. Pour the cement into the angles in a heated state, but not boiling hot, as it would crack the glass. The cement will be firm in a few minutes. Then tip the aqua- rium in a different position, and treat a second angle likewise, and so on. The cement does not poison the water. It is not ad- visable to make the aquarium of great depth ; about eight inches of water is sufficient. In regard to the light, great care must be taken. Too much often causes blindness, and is a common source of disease. The light fish receive in rivers comes from above, and an aquarium should be constructed so as to form no exception to this rule. All cross-lights should be carefully avoided, at least if the light is very strong. Never place the aquarium in front of a window so that the light passes through it ; for, when viewing an aquarium, the source of light should come from behind us. Not enough light is as injurious as too much, and causes decay of the vegetation. Having constructed a watertight aquarium, the bottom is strewn over with clean sand to the depth of 1 to 3 inches ; on this a little gravel is spread ; then a few stones or rock-work. Heavy large rocks should be avoided ; they displace a large amount of water, and in- crease the danger of breaking the glass sides. Pumice-stone, well washed, is the best kind, being light and with a rough surface suitable for the rooting of plants, etc. ; and if fancy forms are desired (bridge- work, etc.). the pumice-stone can be cut quite easily to the desired shapes. The plants are rooted in the sand and the vessel left at rest for a week for the plants to vegetate. The fol- lowing plants will be found useful : Utricutaria inflata, utricu- 224 HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Inria vulgaris, myyiopJiyUum spicat r. The great difiiculty in keeping an aciuarium is to secure enough oxygen for the fish. To a slight degree, it is the duty of the plants to su))])ly this ; but if too much vegetation be present, decomposition takes place and ruin follows. It has been demonstrated that only a small amount is necessary to absorb the carboni<' aciil given off by the fish and anii)liibians ; conseiiuently, if tlni water be daily ai'-rated with a syringe, it will absorb an abundant hupply of oxygen for the animal life, and the trouble arising from the decay'of much vegetable matter will be lessened or altogether avoided, AciUAUlU.M, To mend broken glass of an. — Fasten a strip of glass over the crack, inside the aquarium, using for a cement white sludlac dissolved in ^ its wipes, and furnaces and stoves. Sticking candles against coffins in vaults. Christ- mas and other decorations around or too near gas-fittings, fires, or lights. Sparks falling upon birds' nests in spires andbellries. Curriers and workers in leather. — Lime slaked by rain. Sparks from foul fines and furnaces jjassing through opening and ] ro- jecting eaves of drying-rooms. Friction of niacliinery in bark- mills. Timb(n-, coals, shavings of wood, and leather too nearfiue.^. Drying stoves and furnaces. Spontaneous ignition. Smoking in bark and other rooms. Drapers, tailors, makers up and vendors of male and female iit- tire. — \N'orking late, being tired and falling aslecj), or becoming careless too way iires and lights. Unprotected and swinging gas- brackets. Crinolines coming in contact witli fire in op:,'n fire- places. Light, ])endent goods being l)lown, by tlie o])ening and shutting of d(K)rs or Ijy concussions or drafts, into unprotected liglits. (ioods hung on lines increase the risk in various ways, Hucli as conveying the fiame from one end of a room to tlie other, and, wiien tin; line lireaks down, making three sej)arate fires, one ut eacli end and one in the middle at the same time, thus originating three distinct fires for CHch line. Cuttings left carelessly a])out. Using lights while intoxicated, esp(;cially by tailors' work-])eo])l(!. Ironing-stoves, liot jilates, smoothing-irons, etc., loo near and sometimes on timber and goods. Smoking-to- bacco, and niatdn-s for lighting it. Engineering irarks, and irorkern in metal if all descriptions. — Sparks from striking liot metal, liot metal castings, etc., left too near timber. Heat from furnaces, forges, and smitlis' hearths and flues. Friction of nnichinery. .lapunners' stoves overln^ated or dt;- fective. Accidents with inelti'd or hot metal. lOxjjIosions of lilast furnaces. Sifontaneous ignition of oily waste, moulders' lamp, and HOUSEHOLD HINTS. . 235 Other blacks ; sawdust or sweepings and oil ; spontaneous heating of iron turnings, etc., when mixed with water and oil. Farming -stock, stables, My, yrain, or flour stores of^ all descnp- tions. — Stacking hay while green. Sparks from passing locomo- tives, etc. Sparks "from steam thrashing machines. Sticking candles against walls and timber in barns and stables. Vagrants smoking in stables. Vagrants being refused alms. Fire-arms used near farming-stock, such as haystacks, etc. Makers of gunpowder, firetcorks, lucifer matches, and explosive compounds. — Overheating of drying-stoves and explosive mix- tures. Dropping lucifers. Unprotected lights. Smoking. Leav- ing phosphorus uncovered with water. Friction and percussion from nails in boots. Sparks passing through broken windows. The sun's rays being concentrated through bull's-eyes, knots, etc., in glass.' Defective casks containing gunpowder or other explosive materials. Spontaneous ignition of red fire and such- like compositions. Carelessness in the supervision of young children employed. Shavings and chips too near fires and lights. Gas-works. — Hot coke near timber, etc. Seeking for an escape with unprotected lights. Timber too near furnaces, retorts, etc. Lime slaked by raiu. Defective fittings and appliances. Spon- taneous ignition of coals. Hat manufactories. — Boiling shellac. Hot irons left on timber and other inflammable things. Defective drying and other stoves. Smoking tobacco. Fishing, Comfortable. — A plan practiced on the Western lakes in winter consists in having a small house, built on run- ners like those of a sled, in which is placed a small stove, while in the floor a small aperture is left through which to drop the lines. Holes are cut in the ice, the houses are moved over them, and the fishermen sit by a warm stove while drawing in the fish. Fish, Gold, Treatment of. — Seth Green says this as to the proper care and treatment of gold-fish : " Never take the fish in your hand. If the aquarium needs cleaning, make a net of mosquito-netting and take the fish out in it. There are many gold-fish killed by handling. Keep your aquarium clean, so that the water looks as clear as crystal. Watch the fish a little, and you will find out when they are all right. Feed them all they will eat and any thing they will eat — worms, meat, fish- wafer, or fish-spawn. Take great care that you take all that they do not eat out of the aquarium ; any decayed meat or vegetable in water has the same smell to fish that it has to you in air. If your gold-fish die, it is attributable, as a rule, to one of three causes — handling, starvation, or bad water." Fishing-Lines, To water- proof. —Apply a mixture of 2 parts boiled linseed-oil and 1 part gold size ; expose to the air, and dry. Flannels, To wash. — Take soft water, as warm as you can bear your hands in. Make a strong suds, well blued. In wash- ing fine flannels, wet but one piece at a time ; soap the dirty spots and rub witli the hands, as washboards full the flannels. When half clean, add three times as much blue as for cotton clothes. Use plenty of soap. When clean, have ready a rinse of 236 HOUSEHOLD HINTS. the same temperature as the suds, rinse well, wruig tight, shake briskly for a few minutes, hang out in a gentle breeze. When nearly dry, roll smooth and tight for an hour or two. Press with a moderately hot iron. If embroidered, press on the wrong side. Flaimels washed in this way will look white and clean when worn out, and the quality will look better than when new. Garbage, To dispose of. — When not fed to pigs, the best way to get rid of kitchen refuse is to burn it in the range or stove. Gas Escaping, To detect. — To find the leak, first see that no burners have been left accidentally turned on. This is often the case where the cock has no stop, and is caused by the cock being partially turned around again so as to open the vent. Imperfect stop-cocks for this reason are dangerous, and should be promptly repaired. Try all the joints of the gas-fittings, by bringing a lighted match near them, to ignite the escaping gas if any there be. In case it is found by the sense of smell that the gas is escaping either within the floor or walls, do not on any account apply a match near a crevice. Turn off the gas at the metre, and send for a gas-fitter at once. In ordinary leaks, the burner or joint should be unscrewed, and white lead or common bar- soap rubbed in the threads before screwing home again. (jrAS-LiGHT, Average prices of, in the United States. — Maine, $3.87. New- Hampshire, $3.9(). Vermont, $-1.80. Massachusetts, $3.86. Rhode-Island, $3.35. Connecticut, $-4.03. New- York, $3.88. New Jersey, $3.80. Pennsylvania, $3.46. Delaware, $3.95. Mary- land, $3.59. Dist. of Columbia, $3.16. Virginia, $3.89. West- Virginia, $3.11. North-Carolina, $6.67. So'uth-Carolina, $3.80. Georgia, $5.07. Fl(n-ida, $S.O0. Alaliama, $4.83. Mississippi, $5.25. Michigan, $3.43. W^isconsin, $3.87. Ohio, $3.33. Indiana, $8.54. Illinois, $3.87. Kentucky, $3.92. Tennessee, $4.06. Min- nesota. $4.31. Iowa, $4.52. Missouri, $3.95. Arkansas, $5.00. Louisiana, $4.50. Texas, $5.75. Kansas, $4.55. Colorado, $5.00. Utah, $4.00. California, $6.11. Total average net price of gas in the United States, $4.32*. Gilt Frames, To restore. — Rub with a sponge moistened in turpentine. Gl.\ss, To break in any required form. — Make a small notch, by means of a file, on the edge of a piece of glass ; then make the end (if a tiihacco ])i])(', or a rod of iron about the same size, red-hot in the fire, a])])ly the hot iron to the notch, and draw it slowly along the surface of the glass in any direction you please ; a rrack will Ix; made in the glass and will follow the di- rection of the iron. Round glass bottles and flasks may be cut in tiic middle by wrap])ing round them a worsted thread dipped in spirits of turpentine, and setting it on lirt' wlien fastened on the glass. (iLAHS Jars, To cut. — Fill the jar with lard-oil to where you want to cut the jar ; then heat, an iron rod or l)ar to red heat, im- merse it in the oil ; the unefpiiil exi)ansion will rlieck the jar all round at the surface! of the oil, and you can liftoff the top part. (ii.Ass, To cut without a diamond. — Hold it level under water, and, with a pair of scissors, dip it away by small bits from the edges. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 23*7 Grease-Spots on Clothing, To remove. — In using benzole or turpentine, people make the mistake of wetting the cloth with the turpentine and then rubbing it with a sponge or piece of cloth. The only way to radically remove grease-spots is to place soit blotting-paper beneath and on top of the grease-spot, which spot has first been thoroughly saturated with the benzole, and then well pressed. The fat gets now dissolved and absorbed by the paper, and entirely removed from the clothing. Hams, Pickle for curing. — An excellent, well-recommended pickle for curing hams is made of 1^ lbs. of salt, i lb. of sugar, I oz. of saltpetre, and i oz. of potash. Boil all together till the dirt from the sugar has risen to the top and is skimmed. Pour it over the meat, and leave the latter in the solution for 4 or 5 weeks. Heaeths, Soapstone, To wash. — Use pure water, and then rub with powdered marble or soapstone put on with a piece of the same stone. Hearths, To clean gray marble. — Kub with linseed-oil, and no spots will show. Ice-Water, To preserve. — Make a hat-shaped cover of two thicknesses of paper, with cotton batting ^ inch thick between. Place over the entire pitcher Incubator, A cheap. — One of the easiest constructed forms of incubator for the artificial hatching of eggs consists simply of a cask well buried in a manure-heap. In the bottom of the cask place one or two sieves to hold the eggs, and make a door in the side for the removal of chickens, etc. A pane of glass may also be inserted either in the doid water, and the liair tho- rouglily wasiied evtTy (!V(uiing afttsr work. Tlie food should con- tain a large proportion of fatty substances, and milk should be taken in largt? (]uaiitilies. liEAK AM) Flowkk Imi'KEHSIONS, To make. — Take a small quantity of printer'n ink, thinly put it on glass, evenly distribut- HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 239 ed. The end nf the index-finger will serve as the printer's ball, to cover one side of the leaf uniformly ; then lay it to the exact place where you wish the print to be ; lay over it a piece of thin, soft paper large enough to cover it ; then, without moving the leaf, press all parts of it with the end of the thumb firmly, and you will have a perfect impression, that no engraver can excel ; and by adjusting the leaves at the proper points, accurate prints can be taken, and, aided with the brush or pen, the stem and whole plant can be shown. Excellent specimens of impressions of barks of trees can be made by slicing the bark ; and with a little care, the stems can also be taken, as well as flowers. When colored with the aniline colors, they are very like colored en- gravings. Leather, To water-proof. — Saturate with castor-oil. This is excellent for winter boots. Life Preserver, A simple.— It is not generally known that, when a person falls into the water, a common felt hat can be made use of as a life-preserver. By placing the hat upon the water, rim down, with the arm around it pressing it slightly to the breast, it will bear a man up for hours. Linen, To bleach. — Javelle water, used for turning white the dirtiest linen and removing stains, is composed of bicarbonate of soda, 4 lbs. ; chloride of lime, 1 lb. Put the soda into a kettle over the fire, add 1 gallon of boiling water, let it boil from ten to fif- teen minutes, then stir in the chloride of lime, avoiding lumps. Use when cool. This is good for removing fruit-stains from white underwear. Marble, To clean. — Common soda, 2 parts ; pumice-stone (pul- verized), 1; finely powdered chalk, 1. Sift through a fine sieve, and mix with water. Rub all over the marble until the stains are removed. Then wash the stone with soap and water. Marble that is yellow wnth age, or covered with green fungoid patches, may be rendered white by first washing it with a solution of per- manganate of potash of moderate strength, and while yet moist with this solution, rubbing with a cloth saturated with oxalic acid. As soon as the portion of the stone operated upon becomes white, it should be thoroughly washed with pure water to re- move all traces of the acid. Match-Scratchers. — The best are pieces of shark-skin, or squares of fine wire gauze. Mice, To kill. — Sprinkle some grain near the holes, and throw near by a few bits of cotton saturated in chloroform. This has been tested, and mice have been found dead, two or three at a time, lying with their noses near the cotton. Mildew, To remove. — Make a very weak solution of chloride of lime in water (about a heaping teaspoonful to a quart of water), strain it carefully, and dip the spot on the garment into it ; and if the mildew does not disappear immediately, lay it in the sun for a few minutes, or dip it again into the lime-water. The work is effectually and speedily done, and the chloride of lime neither rots the cloth nor removes delicate colors, when 240 HOUSEHOLD HIJfTS. sufficiently diluted aud the articles rinsed afterward in clear water. Moss Ornaments. — A beautiful orr anient for tlie sittinjr-room can be made by covering a common glass tumbler with moss, tlie latter fastened in place by sewing-cotton wound around. 'I'hen glue dried moss upon a saucer, into which set the tumbler, filling it and the remaining space in the saucer with loose earth from the woods. Plant tlie former with a variety of ferns, and the latter with wood-violets. On the edge of the grass also plant some of the nameless little evergreen vine, which bears red (scarlet) berries, and whose dark, glossy, ivy-like foliage will trail over the fresh blue and white oi the violets with beautiful effect. Another good plan is to fill a rather deep plate with some ot the nameless but beautiful silvery and light green and delicate pink mosses, which are met with in profusion in all the swamps and marshes. This can be kept fresh and beautiful as long as it is not neglected to water it profusely once a day. It must, of course, be placed in the shade, or the moss will blanch and die. In the centre of this, a cliinip of large azure violets should be placed, adding some curious lichens and pretty fungous growth from the barks of forest-trees, and a few cones, shells, and pebbles. Mosquitoes, To drive off. — Rub the skin with essence of penny- royal, or with a little coal-oil on a bit of cotton. The smell of the oil disappears in a few minutes. Mustard Poultice:, To make a. — In making a mustard plaster use no water, but mix the mustard with white of egg, and the result will be a plaster whicli will draw perfectly, but will not produce a blister, no matter how long it is allowed to remain. Mucilage, Pocket. — Boil 1 lb. best white glue, and strain very clear ; boil also 4 oz. isinglass, and mix the two together ; i)lace them in a water-bath (glue-kettle) with ^ lb. white sugar, and evaporate till the liquid is quite thick, when it is to be poured into moulds, dried, and cut into pieces of convenient size. This immediately dissolves in water, aud fastens paper very firmly. Newspaper Binder, Temporary. — Take two pieces of light wire, strong enough to reach across the paper once, and throe or four ])ieces of stout thread. Place one wire under tlie i)ni)('r as far from the edge as yon choose to bind it. Put the threads around the lower wire up through the paper, and tie them over tlie other wire on toj). 'I'emporary covers of stiff ])asteb<)ard may be added, liaving lioles for the reception of the thread, the wires being placed on the outside of the cover. The successive papers are, of course, to be threaded, one by one, by means of an awl or coarse needle. Oil-Cloths, Cleaning.— These should not bo washed with soap. A coat of good copal varnish at long intervals improves them. Oil-cloths sliould never bn scrubbed. Wipe with a wet cloth, after brusliing with a soft floor- brush. Oir.ED Floors.— Tli(! scrajyings from these should immediately he placed in the open air. They are liable to sjiontaneous com- bustion. HOUSEHOLD HINTS 241 Oil-Paintings, To restore old. — Take the painting out of tbe frame, lay it on a table, face up, and keep a wet cloth on it for two or three days, cliangiug or cleaning the cloth as often as it becomes soiled. When the painting is clean, wash it with a sponge or brush dipped in nut-oil. This is much better than varnishing Painter's Colic. — (1.) One drachm of sulphuric acid in 10 pints of table or spruce beer, or mild ale. Shake well, and allow it to stand for a few hours. Take a tumlilerful twice or three times daily. (2.) Make a beer of molasses, 14 lbs. ; bruised gin- ger, ^ lb.; coriander-seed, i oz.; capsicum and cloves, i oz. each ; water, 12i galls.; yeast, 1 pint. Put the yeast in last, and let it ferment. When the fermentation has nearly ceased, add sul- phuric acid, li OZ3., mixed with 12 ozs. water, and 14 ozs. bicar- bonate of soda dissolved in water. It will be fit to drink in three or four days. Paint, To clean. — Dip a flannel rag into warm water, and wring it out nearly dry. Take up on the rag as much whiting as will adhere, and' rub this on the paint until the dirt or grease disap- pears. Wash the part well with clean water, and rub dry with soft chamois-skin. Paint, To remove, from clothes. — Chloroform will remove paint from a garment or elsewhere, when benzole or bisulphide of carbon fails. Paint, To remove old. — Slake 3 lbs. of stone quicklime in water, and add 1 lb. American pearlash, making the whole into the consistence of paint. Lay over the old work with a brush, and let it remain for from 12 to 14 hours, when the paint is easily scraped off. Paper Comforters. — Two thicknesses of paper are better than a pair of blankets, and much lighter for those who dislike heavy bedclothes. A spread madt- of double layers of paper tacked to- gether, between a covering of chintz or calico, is really a de- sirable household article. Soft paper is the best, but newspapers will answer. Papering Walls. — Papering and painting are best done in cold weather, especially the latter, for the wood absorbs the oil of paii*t much more than in warm weather ; while in cold weather the oil hardens on the outside, making a coat which will protect the wood instead of soaking into it. Never paper a wall over old paper and paste. Always scrape down thoroughly. Old paper can be pot off by damping with saleratus and water. Then go over all the cracks of the wall with plaster of Paris, and, finally, put on a wash of a weak solution of carbolic acid. The best paste is made out of rye-flour, with 2 ozs. glue dissolved in 1 qt. paste ; \ oz. powdered borax improves the mixture. Paste, A superior flour. — Thoroughly mix good clean flour with cold water to a paste, then add boiling water, stirring up well until it is of a consistence capable of being easily spread with a brush. Add to this a little brown sugar, a little corrosive sublimate, and about half a dozen drops of oil of lavender; and keep, if convenient, two days before using. 242 HOUSEHOLD HTXTS. Petkoleum Bakkels. — These sliould not lie used to store food 3r drink in. They are poisonous even after being cleaned. Plant-Case, A housetop or window. — A fernery or plant-case niiorht he arranged to run the whole length of the front windows of a story, and he heated by a small boiler placed behind a fire- RECTIOX OF ri..\.NT-CAJiE. place. From this a 2-inch flow and return ))ipe is taken tlirougli the case, so as to heat it when rctpiired. The space around the ])\\>ci^ can he lillcd with hark, or water if desirable, .so as to ])roducf a moist and genial bottom lieat. The ferns, mosses, and other decorative plants, are arranged in flat s(]uaro pans of zinc or earthenware, as shown in our sectional sketch, and the efTect of the whole, especially when sei-ii from within, is very effective, and afTonls relief to tlie eye, which might otherwise looii out f)n a dismal prospect of blackened roofs and Hoof-begrinuHl cbininey-pots. Pl,ANT8, Window, Cnre of. — Plants kept in the windows should lie turned every ni'iniing, or the light, striking on one side only, will draw the ])lant to thiif side, so that all its branches and leaves will turn toward the wimlow. The water in the saucers should never In- ap))lie(l to the plants. Fn cutting slips HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 243 of any plant, always choose the youngest branches ; and cut ofi the sli)) at the junction of a joint or leaf, since the roots shoot more readily from such joints. If you follow these directions, and put sufficient sulphate of ammonia to just taint the water applied to your plants, you may cultivate with success almost any plant, even though you are an entire novice. Plant-Cases, Wardian, Management of. — The following prin- ciples are those upon which a fern-case should be constructed : 1. Have no apparatus or arrangement for drainage. 2. Make your case as air-tight as possible, allowing for no ventilation. Ferns require, tor their growth, shade and moisture : upon the former, in a great degree, depends the latter. A northern or eastern aspect, where the morning sun reaches the case, we tliink is best. As regards moisture, we have the principle of self-sup- port in an air-tight case ; for if you allow the sun to reach the case for an hour or so in the morning, you will find that the moisture needful for the growth of your ferns is extracted from the earth ; and when evening comes, this same moisture will condense and fall. Each day, this process of extraction and con- densation takes place, and your plants flourish under a necessary and sufficient moisture. Now, this being the kind of air we want, we must not, of course, ventilate our case, and allow it to escape, otherwise the dry air of our rooms would enter, and the watering of the case become a necessity. This at once upsets all the benefits derived from these cases. The temperature, also, must be much more even in an air-tight case than in a ventilated one, where the constant opening and shutting of doors and win- dows would affect it. If we have no watering to do, we have no water to run off", and consequently require no drainage in the hot tom of our case. Now, in this air-tight principle, we get at the secret. In stocking Wardian cases, the amateur will find that almost all ferns and mosses will do well in this case. There ^re few of our greenhouse ferns that will not do well under this treatment ; the gold and silver ferns are perhaps the exception ; they do not always attain their full size and beauty in a Wardian case, but the adiantums, pteris, polypodiums, blechnums, and others do well. In planting a case, do not place the plants too near, nor use too many of a large size, but put in a few plants and of a mode- rate size. Water well after setting the plants out. and shade the case for a day or two ; then give it the morning sun each day for an hour or two, and your ferns will soon start. Nothing can be more interesting than to watch them — the frond pushes its head above the earth, the heat and moisture of the case have their effect, and it gradually rises and uncurls till it reaches its height, then it expands into the most beautiful and giaceful of shapes ; then what can exceed in delicacy and freshness this newly-born part ? The lycopodiums grow finely, and spread very rapidly in the case ; small pieces introduced at regular intervals in the case will, in a marvelously short time, double their original size ; and if the pendent roots of the creeping species are pressed well on to the surface of the earth, the spaces between the plants and ferns will soon be filled up, and a rich and delicate carpet be produced 244 HOUSEHOLD HIXTS. over the whole case. For climbers, nothing can give more satis- faction th.a.njicusstiptdata, which can be obtained at all green- houses. The roots of this plant, which strike out at every joint. THE PltlNCESS OF WALES CASE. have an adhesive power, and will attach themselves firmly to the glass in the case, which renders the growth more rapid and regu- lar. It is a very interesting plant to wutch ; the roots adhering to the glass allow a free use of the nucroscope, and the growtli and circulation can be studied to great advantage from the out- side of the case. TlIK ^VDKMIA.M I A^K. Ah to soil, tlie brst mixture for tin- growth of ferns and lycopodiuinH is the fnllDwiiig: lit-af mould, 2 parts; fresh sanil, 1 ])urt ; gnivcl, about the sizr of a ]»t'a. 1 jiart ; and stal)lc nuinure, clioppcd v«Ty fine, 1 part. Ferns whir-ji grow na- turally in dry plares c-an be arranged on rock-work in the centre HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 245 of the case, if it is large enough to admit of it, and those re- quiring more moisture should be placed nearer the sides of the case, and they will get more moisture from the glass, where it deposits in grer.t quantities. Tlie spores of ferns can be sown on the surface of the earth in the Wardian case, and a constant sup- ply of young plants can in this way be obtained, thus enabling the student to watch them in every stage of development. It happens that not un frequently the larvae of insects are in- troduced in the earth into the case, and hatch out under the in- fluence of the heat. To provide agahist this, it will be found useful and interesting to put in a small-sized toad, and insects will disappear very soon, and give no further trouble. Toads will live through the winter perfectly well in this way, and their habits can be studied ; some may become aware, by trying this experiment, that the toad, although not one of the handsomest of our reptiles, is not the least interesting. Plants, Potting. — Those who find their efEorts to raise house- plants frustrated by worms may be able to win success by boiling the earth before setting the plants. Use little water, and allow it to simmer away after a few minutes of hard boil. Polish, Furniture. — Shave very fine white wax, 3 ozs., cas- tile-soap, 1 oz. ; put the was in 1 gill turpentine, and let it stand 24 hours. Boil the soap in 1 gill water, and add to wax and tur- pentine. Potatoes, Saratoga, Fried. — The following is all there is of the cook's secret for producing those w'orld-renowned potatoes served at Moon's Lake House, Saratoga Spr ngs, every summer : Peel good-sized potatoes, and slice them as evenly as possible ; drop them into ice-water. Have a kettle of lard, as for fried cakes, and veTj hot. Put a few at a time into a towel, shake them about to dry them, and then drop into the hot lard. Stir them occasionally ; and when of a light brown, take them out with a skimmer. If properly done, they will not be at all greasy, but crisp without, and mealy within. Potatoes, Frozen. — These can be cured by soaking in water 3 days before cooking. Rust-Spots, To remove from cloth. — Wet the spots of iron- rust on muslin or white dress-goods thoroughly with lemon-juice, then lay in the hot sun to dry. Repeat the same if the color is not removed by one application. When dry, rinse in clear, cold water. Lemon-juice can notbe used on colored goods, as it will take out printed colors as well as stains. It will rernove all kinds <'f stains from white goods. Ring, To remove, when tight on the finger. — In case a finger- ring becomes too tight to pass the joint of the finger, the finger should first be held in cold water to reduce any swelling or infiam- mation. Then wrap a rag soaked in hot water around the ring to expand the metal, and lastly soap the finger. A needle threaded with strong silk can then be passed between the ring and finger, and a person holding the two ends and pulling the silk, while sliding it around the periphery of the ring, will readily remove the latter. Another method is to pass a piece of sewing-silk un- 246 HOUSEHOLD HINTS. der the ring, and wind the thread iu pretty close spirals aud close- ly around the finger to the end — that below the ring — and begin unwinding. Rice, To boil. — The way they boil rice in India is as follows : Into a saucei)au of 3 quarts water, when boiling, throw a table- spoonful of salt ; then put in 1 pint rice, previously well washed in cold water. Let it boil 20 minutes, throw out in a colander, drain, and put back in tlie saucepan, which should be stood near the fire for several minutes. Rain- Water, To preserve sweet. — A drachm of pounded alum to a gallon of water is sufficient. After 24 hours, the water will be cleansed. All wooden vessels to hold water should be cliarred inside. If a mixture in the proportion of ^ lb. of lime, made into a paste, and added to a spoonful of powdered alum, be put into 200 gallons of water, it will soften the water, and precipitate vegeta- ble and other matter. -- Rats, Bait for. — Put a drop of rhodium oil on a bit of cheese or meat. These animals detest chloride of lime and coal-tar. , Rats, To catch. — Cover a common barrel with stifl' paper, tying the edge around the barrel. Place a board so that the rats can have easy access to the top. Sprinkle cheese or other bait on the paper, and allow the rats to eat there unmolested for several days. Then place in the bottom of the barrel a stone G or 7 inches high, and pour in water until all the stone is covered, except for a space about big enough for one rat to crawl upon. Now replace the paper, first cutting a cross in the middle. The first rat that ilimbs on the barrel-top goes through into the water, and climbs on the stone. The paper comes back to its original posi- tion, ami the second rat follows the first. Then begins a fight for the possession of the dry place on the stone, the noise of whicli attracts the others, who share the same fate. Razors, Paper for sharpening. — By merely wiping the mzor on the paper to remove the lather after shaving, a keen edge is main- tained without further trouble. The razor must be well sharpen- ed at the outset. First, procure oxide of iron (by the addition of carbonate of soda to a solution of persulphate of iron), well wash the j)recii)itate, and finally leave it of the consistence of cream. Spread this over soft paper very thinly with a soft brush. Cut the pa{)er in pieces two inches square, dry, and it is ready for use. RAZOK-STROr, To maki- a. — Select a piece of satin, maple, or wimkI, 12 inches long, IJ inches wide, and findi thick ; allow 'Si inches for length of handle. Half an inch from where the liandle begins, notch out the thickness of tin; leather so as to make it flush toward the end. Taper also the thickness of the leather; this precaulirjn i)revents the case from tearing up tlie leather in putting the strop in. Tlicm round the wckmI very slightly, just enough (say I'j of an inch) to keep from cutting by the ruznr in stniijping and turiiiug over tin- same. Now select a priiptT sizi-d |)ie(C()f fine French bookbinder's tiilfrtkiii, cover with good whfut or ry<- paste, then lay the edge in tin- notch, and se- cur.' it in place with a small vise, proceed to rul) it down firmly HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 247 and as solid as possible witli a tootli-brush handle (always at liand, or should be), and, after the whole is thoroughly dry, trim it neat- ly and make the case. Sleeplessness, Cure for.— Mr. Frank Buckland says : " If I am much pressed with work, and feel I shall not sleep, I eat two or three small onions, and the effect is magical. Onions are also excellent things to eat when much exposed to intense cold. In salmon-fishing, common raw onions enable men to bear the ice and cold of the semi-frozen water much better than spirits, beer, etc. If a person can not sleep, it is because the blood is in his brain, not in his stomach ; the remedy, therefore, is obvious : call the blood down from the brain to the stomach. This is to be done bv eating a biscuit, a hard-boiled egg, a bit of bread and cheese," or something. Follow this up with a glass of wine or milk, or even water, and you will fall asleep." Smoked Meat, To preserve. — The keeping qualities of smoked meat do not depend upon the amount of smoking, but upon the uniform and proper drying of the meat. It is of considerable ad- vantage also to roll the meat on its removal from the salt, before smoki'ng, in sawdust or bran. By this means the crust formed in smoking will not be so thick ; and if moisture condenses upon the meat it remains in the bran, the brown coloring matter of the smoke not penetrating. The best place to keep the meat is in a smoke-house, in which it remains dry without drying out entirely, as it does when hung in a chimney. Spatter- Work Pictures. — These are delicate designs in white appearing upon a softly-shaded ground. Procure a sheet of fine uncalendered drawing-paper, and arrange thereon a bouquet of pressed leaves, trailing vines, letters, or any design which it is de- sired to have appear in white. Fasten the articles by pins stuck into the smooth surface, which should be underneath the paper. Then slightly wet the bristles of a tooth or other brush in rubbed Indian ink, or in common black writing-ink. and draw them across a stick in such a manner that the bristles will be bent and then quickly released. This will cause a fine spatter of ink upon the paper. Continue the spattering over all the leaves, pins, and paper, allowing the centre of the pattern to receive the most ink, the edges shading off. When done, remove the design, and the forms will be found reproduced with accuracy on the tinted ground. With a rustic wooden frame, this forms a very cheap and pretty ornament. Spoons, To remove stains on, caused by boiled eggs. — Rub with common salt. Sponges, Cleaning. — A gelatinous substance frequently forms in sponges after prolonged use in water. A weak solution of permanganate of potassa will remove it. The browm stain caused by the chemical can begot rid of by soaking in very dilute muria- tic acid. An old and dirty sponge may be cleaned by first soak- ing it for some hours in a solution of permanganate of potassa, then squeezing it, and putting it into a weak solution of hydro- chloric acid, 1 part acid to 10 parts water. 248 HOUSEHOLD HINTS. Sponges, To bleach. — \Va;
  • nk of newness when notliing else can risstore them, after they have hft-n washed. Shoes, Bronzing. — Black shoes may be bronzed by a strong solution of aniline red in alcohol. SifoKs, Black varnish for. — Take 10 parts, by weight, of shellac, and ") of turpentine. Dissolve in 40 jiarts alcohol, in which fluid should be previously dissolved 1 part extract of logwood, with some- neutral diromate of potassa and snlphati^ of indigo. This varnish is to be kipt in well-stopjiered bottles. SiDKWALKS, Slii)i)ery. — Put on hot sand instead of ash(!B. Silk, Washing. —Tlie way to wash silk is to spn^ad it Hinootlr ly upon a cleiin lioaid, ml) whili^ soap ujjon it, ami brush it wit'i a clean hand brush. SiLVKIt, To chsan. — A strong solution of hyposulphite of soda is uhhIuI for this puriM)H(;. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. 249 Silk, etc., To clean. — A teaspoouful of powdered borax dis- solved in 1 qt. tepid water is good for cleaning old black dresses of silk, cashmere, or alpaca. Silver-Plate, To keep bright.— Warm the articles, and coat carefully over with thin collodion diluted with alcohol, using a wide soft brush for the purpose. Sink-Spouts, To thaw frozen. — Place one end of a piece of lead pipe against the ice to be thawed, and then through a funnel in the upper end pour boiling water. Keep the pipe constantly against the ice, and a foot or more per minute can be penetrated. In order to thaw out water-pipes that become frozen and are inac- cessible, the plan used by New-York plumbers is to surround small india-rubber tubing with coiled wire so as to stiffen it and admit of its being inserted far into the pipe. Tlu-ough the tube a current of steam from a small boiler over a charcoal furnace is allowed to pass. This acts very quickly, except when the pipe takes a very irregular course, in which case there is no remedy ex- cept to dig down into the earth or break out walls until the pipe can be reached, and thawed by the direct application of heat. Soap, Adulteration of, by starch.— This is detected by dissolv- ing the soap in alcohol, which leaves the starch behind. Soap, Gall, To make. — Gall soap, excellent for washing silks and ribbons, may be made by heating 1 lb. cocoanut-oil to 60° Fahr. , into which | lb. caustic soda is gradually stirred. To this I lb. Venice turpentine, previously warmed in another vessel, is added. The kettle is allowed to stand for four hours, subject to a gentle heat, after which the fire is increased until the contents are perfectly clear. One pound ox-gall, followed by 2 lbs. castile- soap, is then mixed in, and the whole allowed to cool, when it may be cut into cakes. Soap, Habd, To prevent crumbling. — Dip the bars in a mixture of resin-soap, beef-tallow, and wax. Soap, Home-made. — Soap-making is not an easy process ; some- times the ashes are poor, or the right proportions of lye and grease are not used ; at other times the soap appears to be good when put up, but changes entirely after standing a few days. The last trouble usually arises from getting the soap too strong and diluting with water. If very strong, it will be thin and dark ; and by adding cold water and thoroughly stirring, the color is changed many shades lighter and the mass thickened, giving it the appearance of a No. 1 article, while in reality it is very poor. Hickory-ashes are the best for soap-making, but those from sound beach, maple, or almost any kind of hard wood except oak, will answer Avell. A common barrel, set upon an inclined platform, makes a very good leach ; but one made of boards set in a trough in V-shape is better, for the strength of the ashes is better obtained, and it may be taken to pieces when not in use, and put away. First, in the bottom of the leach, put a few sticks ; over them spread a piece of carpet or woolen cloth, which is much better than straw ; put on a few inches of ashes, and then from 4 to 8 qts. lime ; fill with moistened ashes, and pack well down. Pack the finest in the centre. It is difficult to obtain the full strength of ashes in a barrel without removing them after a day's 250 HOUSEHOLD HINTS. leaching, and mixing tliem up and reitlacinii,-. Tlie top should be first thrown (jff and new ashes added to make up the proper quan- tity. Use boiling water for second leaching. Take about 4 gal- lons lye, and boil up thoroughly with 12 lbs. clear grease, then add the lye as it is obtained, keeping a slow tire and stirring often until you have a barrel of soap. After boiling the grease and 4 gallons lye together, it may be put in a barrel and the rest of the lye added there. This will form good soap if frequently stirred ; but the heating process is the best, when weather and time will permit. Tattoo-Marks on the Skin, To remove. — Blister the part with a plaster a little larger than the mark ; then keep the place open for a week with an ointment ; finally, dress it to get well. As the new skin grows, the tattoo-marks will disappear. Tau-Spots, To remove. — Butter will remove tar-spots. Soap and water will afterwaid take out the grease-stain. Tea-Kettle, To prevent rust forming inside a. — Keep an oyster- ' shell in the bottom of the kettle ; and when water is wanted, pour off without agitating the vessel. Be careful also not to let the water stand in the vessel when not in use. Teeth, Extracting, Simple method of, for children. — The ope- ration consists in simply slipping a rubber ring over the tooth and forcing it gently under the edge of the gum. The patient is then dismissed, and told not to remove the a])pendage, which in a few days loosens the tooth, and causes it to fall out. V Tin. Scouring. — Kerosene and powdered lime, whiting, or wood- ashes, w-ill scour tins with the least labor. vToothache — Saturate a bit of cotton wool in a strong solution of ammonia, and apply it immediately to the affected tooth. \^ Tubs and Pails, to prevent shrinking of. — Saturate with gly- cerine. Vegetables, To wash. — Vegetables should never be washed until immediately before prepared for the table. Lettuce is made alnir)st wortlilcss in liavor by (li])i)iiig it in water some hours be- fore it is served, i'otatoes suff'cr even more than other vegetal)les througli the washing [iroceas. They shoukl not be j)ut in water till just ready for boiling. Vkntilation ok Sleei'INO-Rooms, Simple ))lan for. — A ])iece of wood ;{ ill. liigh, and exactly as long as the breadth of the window, is to be ])r(!i)ared. Let the sasli l)e now raised, the slip of wood placetl on the sill, and tlus sash drawn chjsely upon it. If the slip has l)een w(!ll fitted, tliere will be no draft in conse- <|iient'e of tliis displacement of the sash at its lower i)arl. ; but the top of tlie lower sash will overlap the liottoni of tlie ii])per one, and l)etw(;en tlie two bars prr]>en(liciil!ir currents of air, not felt as draft, will enter and leave the room. ViNEfiAH, 'i'o make, from molasHes. — Vinegar may be made by mixing Ki ](arts pun^ water, 1 part syrup <>f molasses, and 1 part baker's yeast at a temperature of al)out HO Kalir. , and k<^epingtlie <-otnpounr, and after it has simmered for a few minutes, remove from the fire, cover, and bottle. Washing-Elite. — Twenty lbs. white potato starch, 20 lbs. wheat starch, 20 lbs. Prussian blue, 2 lbs. indigo carmine, and 2 lbs. finely-ground gum-arabic are mixed in a trough, with the gradual addition of sufficient water to form a half-fluid, homogeneous mass, which is then poured out on a board with strips tacked to the edges. It is then allowed to dry in a heated room until it does not run together again when cut. It is next cat, by a suitable cutter, into little cubes, and allowed to dry perfectly. They are finished by lieing placed in a revolving drum, with a suitable quantity of dry and finely pulverized Paris blue, until they have a handsome appearance. The cost is about 12 cents per pound. V Washing Colored Fabrics. — Before washing almost any colored fabrics, soak them in water, to each gallon of which a spoonful of ox-gall has been added. A teacupful of lye in a pail of water is said to improve the color of black goods. A strong tea of common hay will improve the color of French linens. Vinegar in the rinsing water, for pink and green, will brighten those colors ; and soda answers the same end for both purple and blue. Wall-Paper, Removing stains on.'— Stains on wall-paper can be cut out with a sharp penknife, and a piece of paper so nicely inserted that no one can see tlie mtch. Warts, Cure for. — Rubbing warts, night and morning, with a moistened piece of nauriate of ammonia is said to cause their disappearance without pain or a scar resulting. H Water-Closets, Ventilating pipes for. — Extend pipes from water-closet traps, or one (larger) from the main waste-pipe, into the nearest chimneys. The pestilent gases will thus be carried off instead of being allowed to escape into the house. ^ Water, Hard, To soften. — Boil or add a small quantity of quicklime mixed to a cream with water. Water, To purify, from smoke. — Enough permanganate of pota?sa is added to give the faintest possible tinge to the water. After standing 24 hours, the impurities will all be precipitated. ^^ Wounds, Cut. — A wound made by a knife or other sharp in- strument is best healed by bringing the edges together and put- ting on a bandage which "will not exclude the air. Nature will work the cure, if the person be healthy, much better than anv salve or ointment. Water-Lilies, To raise.— Water-lilies may be raised about one's house by the following method : Sink in the ground the half of an old cask, and cover the bottom with peat and swamp 252 HOUSEHOLP HINTS. mud, and then fill witli water. Dig the lily roots early in the spring, and place them in the earth at the bottom of the tub. > Windows, Washing. — In washing windows, a narrow-bladed wooden knite, sharply pointed, will take out the dust that hardens in the corners of the sash. Dry whiting will polish the glass, which should first be washed with weak black tea mixed with a little alcohol. Save the tea-leaves for the purpose. Wine, Preservation of, by heating. — Wine maj' be kept with- out altering in quality for an indefinite period of time, in all climates, after ha%'ing been first submitted to the action of artifi- cial heat. The temperature to which it must be raised is from 131' to 140" Fahr. If the wine does not contain naturally more than 10 or 12 per cent of alcohol, it is best to add li per cent more before the shipping of it. The wine is to be heated by steam and artificially cooled. Yeast, Compressed. — Previously malted barley and rye are ground up and mixed, next put into water at a temperature of G5° to 75' ; after a few hours the saccharine liquid is decanted from the dregs, and the clear liquid brought into a state of fer- mentation by tlie aid of some yeast. The fermentation becomes very strong ; and by the force of the carbonic acid which is evolved, the yeast globules are carried to the surface of the liquid, and, forming a thick scum, are removed by a skimmer, then placed on cloth filters, drained, washed with a little distilled water, and next pressed into any desired shape by means of hydraulic pressure, and covered with a strong and well-woven canvas. It keeps from 8 to 14 days, according to the season, and is excellent. Yeast for Hot Climates. — Boil 2 ozs. best hops in 4 qte. water for A hour ; strain and cool to new-milk warmth. Put in ^ lb. sugar, 1 tablf 'Spoonful of salt ; beat up 1 lb. of the best flour with some of tht! liquor, and mix all well together. Let it stand for 3 days, and on the third day add 3 lbs. mashed and boiled jjota- toes. On the next day, strain, and it is ready for use. This will keep for 2 or 3 months in a moderately cool place. The yeast is very strong ; half the usuiU quantity necessary for baking is sufficient. Yeast, Vienna. — Vienna bread and Vienna beer are said to be the best in the world. Hoth owe their superiority to the yeast used, which is ])rep»ro(l in the following nuinner : Indian corn, barley, and rye (all sprouting) are powdered and mixed, and then macfrated in water at a temperature of from 149' to Iti? Fahr. Saccharification takes jilace in a few liours, when the liiiuor is racked off and allowed to clear, and fermentation is set uj) by the help of a minute quantity of any ordinary yeast. Carbonic acid is disengaged during the process with so much rapidity that the globules of yeast are thrown up by the gas, and remain floating on the surface, where tiiey form a thick scum. Tlie latter is carefully removed, and constitutes the best and purest yeast, which, when drained and compressed in a liydraiilic press, can be kei)t from H to 1.1 days, according to the season. s •5J AND Mechanical Expert Mxrss MiGM^r FiTTmm a^ys Fi^yismms SPECIAL TOOLS, MACHINES i APPLIANCES IVI^DE TO ORDER, J\^eiv Manufcwtovies vut iiito covivlete worJdng operation under personal supervision. Address, I>. O. Box 5546 NEW-YOIJK CITY RICHARD I BUEL, T 80 BROADWAY, NEW-YORK, OFFERS HIS SERVICES TO THOSE "WHO BUT l^OHnTERT, To enable them to avoid costly mistakes ; THOSE "T^HO SELL HACHUTEHY, To enable them by tests to prove the correctness of their guarantee ; THOSE "WHO TJSE MAOHIITEET, 1st. To enable them to discover defects and mismanagement; 2d. To enable them to intrust the charge of the machinery to suitable persons ; THOSE "WHO HIEE PO'WEH, AND THOSE "WHO LET PO^ER, That they may have the amount accurately determined ; THOSE "WHO HTYENT MAOHINEIIT AM) THOSE "WHO FTTHITISH capital to nrVENTORS, That they may have tho merits of the inventions carefully investigated ; THOSE "WHO NEED THE ASSISTANCE OF A RELI- ABLE AND COMPETENT ENOINEER, In expert rases of any kind. SHELDON'S AUXILIARY NJ IJ i A new Folding Stool, of strong and simple construction, easily attached to the regular seats of street cars. Adds fifty per cent to the seating capacity of the car, and prevents the passage being crowded by passengers standing. When in use, as shown in engraving, does not interfere with people al- ready seated, and when out of use can be folded entirely out of the way. Compact, durable, and cheap. Equally well adapted to omnibuses, or for any locality where temporary seats are needed. Patented Aug. 3d, 1875. Address the inventor, CEVEDRA B. SHEEI>OX, No, 7 State Street, New-York City. T II F. S€IEMTIFM MMEmi€^M The Most Popular Scientific Paper in the World, Only $3.20 a year, including Postage. ^"Send 10 cents for Specimen copy. THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, uow in its aSst year, enjoys the widest Circulation of any weekly newspaper of the kind in the world. A new volume commences January 1st, 1877. Published weekly. Now is the time to sub- scribe and to form ciubs. No person engaged in any of the mechanical pursuits should think of doing without the Scientific American. Every number contains from six to ten engravings of new machines and inventions which can not be found in any other publication. The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is devoted to the interests of Popular Science, the Mechanic Arts. Manufactures, Inventions, Agriculture, Commerce, and the i.idustrial pursuits generally ; and it is valuable and instructive not only in the Workshop and Manufactory, but also in the Household, the Library, and the Reading Room. TIDKMilS. One copy, one year (postage included') $3.20 One copy, six months (postage included) 1 ,(>() One copy, three months (postage included) 1.00 One copy of Scientific American for one year, and one copy of engrav- ing, " Men of Progress " 1 0.00 One copy of Scientific .\nierican for one year, and one copy of " Science Record" for 1875 5.20 Remit by postal order, draft, or express. Address all letters and make all PostOtlice orders and drafts payable to MUNN & CO., 37 Park Eow, New- York. MINX A (O.'S PATENT OFFICKS. Established 1S46. The Oldest Agency for s(diclliiit? Patents in the I'liitcd States. Twenty-eight years' cxperieiice, inOKE PATEIVT.S have been secured through this agency, at home and at)road. than through any other in the world. SIXTY TffOUSAMJ inventors have availed themselves of Munn A C'o.'s services in examining their inventions, and procuring their patents. MUNN & CO., in connection witli the i)iil)lication of the Scientific Amekican, continue to examine inventions, confer with inventors, prepare drawings, specifications, and assignments, attend to filing applications in the Patent Oftlce, i)aying the government fees, and watch each case sleji by step while pending before the examiner. Tills is done through their blanch olllce, corner F and 7tll Streets, Washington. Thi'y also prepare and file caveats, \>rocure design patcntH, tradi'inarks, and re-issues, attend to rejected cases ■prepared by the inventor or other attorneys), procure copyrights, attend to '.nlerfcrences, give written opinions on matters of infringement, furnish copies of patents; in fact, attend to every branch of jiatent business both in this and ill loreign countries. I'at'iils obtained in Ciinada. England, Franc*-, Belirjiiin. Germany, Russia, I'lussia, Spain, Portugal, the British Colonies, and all other countries where patents are granted. A special iioiice- is made in the SriuNTiFio Amkuican of all Invenlions iiateiited through this .\gency, with the name and residence of the patentee. Patents lire often sold, in part or wlioh;, to iiersons atliacted to the invention by such notice. A immpliht of 110 pagen, containing the laws and full directions for obtain- ing United States Palc-iits. also a circular pertaining exclusively to Foreign PuteplM, BLatiiig costs ill each country, time granted, etc., sent free. Address MUNN A CO., Publishers .Scientific American, :J7 Park How, N. Y. I3i(ANCii Opfick, Cor. F niid 71 h S(s., Washington, 1). C. r GETTY CEN 3 3125 00 ER LIBRARY 40 2292