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Edited by E. WYNDHAM TARN, M.A.,' Architect
- ' fpR ^IrCE ArjCriIlECt,,ENGINEIiR, >1:^TC ,
(Cf* The ATLAS of thirfy-fivf J^ngraving-s to acccm^f xny
and illustratf} ihis Volume, price 6s, , or strongly
lound, 7*.
The former edition of this Treatise, forming one of
Weale's Rudimentary series, gave a brief outline of
the Carpentry of floors and roofs, together with a
popular account of the action of forces in the several
pieces which compose a truss. The present edition,
whilst it retains a considerable portion of the former
one, is also greatly enlarged, and is in the main an
abridgment of Tredgold's folio w^ork on Carpentry.
Alterations, additions, and corrections have been made
wherever the advanced knowledge of the strength of
materials and the science of Carpentry proved such to
be necessary. The mode of calculating the strains on
the parts of a truss by geometrical diagrams is ex-
plained, and an example given ; the tables of scant-
lings for the timbers of roofs being calculated by the
help of this process. The subject of Joinery, which
was altogether omitted in the former edition, has a
considerable space allotted to it, and is made an im-
portant feature in the present work ; the various
technical terms and modes of operation adopted by
A 2
? 1^
the Joiner being explained as far as tlie limits of the
work would permit.
The book is illustrated with numerous engravings,
so as to render it, as far as possible, complete in itself ;
but frequent reference is made in its pages to an Atlas
of Plates, published, as formerly, in a separate volume,
in which will be found a large number of examples of
the various works which come under the denominations
of Carpentry and J oinery .
E. W. T.
11, Beaufort Buil-dings, Strand.
Janua^'i/f 1873.
Section I.— On the Nature and Fropcriies of Timber,
1. Timber 11
2. Growth of trees . 12
3. The life of trees . 15
4. Felling timber 15
5. Season for felling 17
6. Barking trees . 18
Section 2. — Scr- zoning Timber.
7. Treatment of timber 19.
8. \Yater seasoning 21
9. Steaming or boiling timber 22
10. Smoke-drjdng timber — scorching and charring . . . 23
11. Weight of timber in different states, and times of seasoning 24
Section 3. — Decay and Fresei'vation of Timber,
12. Effects of drjTiess and moisture 27
13. Effects of continued moisture with heat .... 28
14. Fungus on rotten wood . . . . . . .31
15. Timbers most Liable to rot 31
16. Warmth and moisture assist decay 32
17. Building timber into new walls a cause of decay . . 33
18. Effect of painting unseasoned wood 33
19. Prevention of decay ........ 34
20. Drying new buildings before they are finished ... 35
21. Prevention of rising damp 35
22. Impregnation with salt or seawater ..... 36
23. Impregnation with sulphate of iron and quicklime . . 37
24. Kyanizing 37
25. Repairs of buildings affected with rot .... 39
26. Protection of the surface of timber 40
27. Ravages of worms and insects . . . . . .42
28. Teredo navalis, tholas, and lepisma 42
29. The worm in timber ........ 44
30. White ant 45
31. Durability of timber in a wet state ..... 45
32. Do. do. buried in the earth . r . . 46
33. Do. do. fi^amed in buildings . , o . 47
34. Relative durability of different woods . . . .47
Section 4. — The Structure a)id Classijicatioi} of Woods.
35. Characters of woods . . . . . . . .49
36. Properties of wood: cohesive force, modulus of elasticity,
permanent alteration, stiffness, hardnCiS, and toughness . 51
37. Description of woods. Class 1. 53
38. Division I.— Oak 53
39. Di^dsion II. of Class 1 58
40. Beech 58
41. Alder - . 60
42. Plane 60
43. Sycamore . . . . . . . . . .61
44. Class 2. Division 1 62
45. Chestnut 63
46. Ash 64
47. Elm 65
48. Common acacia ......... 67
49. Division II. of the second class 68
50. Mahogany .......... 69
51. Walnut 70
52. Teak 71
53. Poena 72
54. Turtosa or African teak 73
55. Poplar 73
56. Division III. of the second class 74
57. Cedar of Lebanon or great cedar 74
58. Red or yellow fir 75
59. White fir or deal 77
60. W^eymouth pine . . . 79
61. Yellow pine 80
62. Pitch pine 80
63. Silver fir 80
64. Cluster pine or pinaster 80
65. Larch 81
66. Cedar or juniper 83
67. Cowrie 84
Section 1. — Strains On l^eams and Frames.
63. Application of the laws of mechanics 85
69. Theory of carpentry 85
70. Composition and resolution of forces ..... 86
71. Combination of pressures 88
72. Direction of strain 94
73. Relation between the angles wLicb timbers make with each
other and the strains ....... 95
74. Strains represented by lines 96
75. Proportion of pressures in framings is not affected by the
form of the joints ........ 98
76. Application to a common roof 99
77. A frame of carpentry may be considered as a solid body . 101
78. Strains propagated through a piece of framing . . . 103
79. Maxwell's diagram of stress applied to a king-post roof . 108
80. To find the scantlings of the timbers in a trussed roof . Ill
Section 2. — Resistance of Timber.
81. Laws of the resistance of timber. 112
82. Eesistance to tension 113
83. Tables of the cohesive force of woods 114
84. Stiffness of beams subject to cross strains . . . . Ii5
85. Experimental data for deflexion of beams . . . .117
86. Table of experiments on the stiffness of oak . . .118
87. Do. do. do. fir ... . 118
88. Do. do. do. various woods . 119
89. Do. do. do. oak from the royal
forests 119
90. Formula for stiffness 120
91. liules for the stiffness of beams 120
92. Rules for bearas supported at one end . . . . .122
93. Strength of beams to resist cross strains, and tables of ex-
periments on various woods . . . . . .122
94. Resistance to detrusion or crushing across close to a fixed
point 127
95. Strength of bent timber 127
96. Resistance to compression, and strength of pillars . .129
Section 1. — Floors.
97. Naked flooring, description of various kinds . . .131
98. Single-joisted floor, scantling of timbers .... 133
99. Framed floors, scantling of timbers ..... 134
100. Binding joists and bridging joists ..... 139
101. Ceiling-joists, scantlings for different lengths . . . 139
102. General remarks respecting floors . . . . ,140
Section 2. — Roofs.
103. The object of a roof; various forms of roofs, and modes of
framing Ill
104. Domical or cylindrical roofs ...... 149
lOo. Gothic roofs 150
106. Examples of modern tie-beam roofs of large span . .155
107. Roofs witli curved ribs 161
108. Proportions of the parts of roofs, scantlings of timbers for
various spans . . . . . . . . .164
109. Construction of timber domes and cupolas . . . .168
110. Conical roo'^s and spires . , . . . . .171
Section 3. — Construction of Partitions and Frame Houses,
111. Construction of timber partitions , . . . ,172
112. Frame Houses .176
Section 1. — Centerings,
113. Centerings for stone bridges . ♦ . ♦ » ,178
114. Designing frames for centres . . . , , ,182
115. Construction of centres . . . . , , .185
116. Computing strength of centres 188
Section 2. — Wooden Bridges.
117. Examples of wooden bridges 190
118. Design of wooden bridges 196
119. Piers for bridges T 200
120. Timber frames for bridges 202
121. Roadways of bridges 211
122. Scantlings of the timbers 212
Section 3. — Joints, Scarfing^ and Straps.
123. Joints of timber frames 213
124. Scarfing pieces of timber 223
125. Straps for strengthening joints 227
Section 4. — Scaffolding^ Shoring, Coffer-dams^ Bressummers.
126. Gantries, staging, scaffolding 230
127. Shorinj^, needling, strutting ...... 232
128. Coffer-dams 234
129. Bressummers, story-posts, lintels 235
Section 1. — Technical Terms.
130. Operations of Joinery , 237
131. Grooving or ploughing 238
CONTEXTS. f '^^^^
132. Rebating or rabbeting . . . • \v • x • 2SV^>
133. Mortising \23S'^
134. Tongueing Vy<>- '^^^^
135. Mitres . 73^
136. Shooting
137. Dovetailing
138. Arris 240
139. Clamping . . . . . . , . . .240
140. Blockings 241
141. Housing 241
142. Bracketing . . . .241
143. Angle-statls 241
144. Battening 241
145. Matched-boarding 242
146. Feather-edged boards 242
147. Fnrrings 242
148. Fillets 242
149. Heading-joints 242
150. Veneers 243
151. Halving 243
152. Plugs 243
153. Scribing 243
154. Bevilling and splaying 243
155. Wedges 244
156. Throating 244
157. Raking 244
158. Framing 244
Section 2. — Floors and Shirtings.
159. Floors 245
160. Folding-floors 246
161. Straight-joint do 246
162. Tongued do 246
163. Dowelled do 246
164. Parquetry do 247
165. Skirtings 247
106. Dado 248
Section 3. — Doors, Framing, SJmtters, Gates*
167. Doors, led2:ed-doors . 249
108. Door-frames 250
169. Framed doors ... 250
170. Folding do 251
171. Door-linings 252
172. Swing-doors ......... 252
173. Sash-doors 252
174. Sliding do 252
175. Panels 253
170. Locks 253
177. Framing 253
178. Folding-shutters 254
179. Lifting-shutters 255
180. Movable do 255
181. Kevolving-shutters 255
182. Gates 256
183. Lock-gates 257
Section 4.^ — JVindows.
184. Sashes 258
185. Sash frames .258
186. Fixed sashes 258
187. Casements 258
188. Hung sashes 260
189. Swing sashes 262
190. Sash-bars 262
191. Venetian frames 262
192. Skylights 263
193. Fanlights 263
Section 5. — Mouldings, Columns^ Staircases.
194. Mouldings 263
195. Cornices , . 266
196. Columns , . 266
197. PHasters 267
198. Staircases 267
199. Handrails . . .271
200. Ballusters 273
Seotion 6. — L'onrnongery,
201. Ironmongery 273
202. Nails 273
203. Screws. . . . , 277
204. Hinges 278
205. Locks , .... 280
206. Bolts 284
207. Window-fittings 284
208. Miscellaneous 286
Carpentry is the art of adapting timber to structural
purposes generally. It is to be distinguished, how-
ever, from two closely-allied arts — those of the joiner
and of the cabinet-maker ; though all these arts are
conversant with timber as their objective material.
Joinery, though often popularly confounded with
carpentry, is properly confined to the art of working
in woods, and adapting these in the interior, or some-
times exterior, fitments of dwelling-houses or other
buildings. Doors, panelling, sashes, shelving, and
numberless like things are within its scope, which
occasionally also, but with specialities added, ramifies
into other crafts, such as pattern-making for foundry
purposes, &c.
Cabinet-making, as all know, though uniting at cer-
tain points with joinery, is properly confined to the
production in wood, united with other materials, of the
furniture and movables, internal or external, of dwell-
ings or other buildings. It, too, has its goings forth
into closely-joined arts, as, for example, that of the
pianoforte-maker, w^hose instrument-cases are cabinet-
makers' work of a very high class.
The practical methods and manipulations, and even
the tools, of all these relatives of the joinery family
have much in common. The nail and screw, glued
joints, the tenon, the dovetail, the rabbet, are common
to all. Less directly conjoint are other arts which,
work in wood, and become auxiliary or ministrant to
the joiner or cabinet-maker, the pattern-maker, or the
pianoforte-maker alike — such are wood-turners and
Carpentry, though in general to be defined as the
art of working and adapting timber to structural pur-
poses, whateyer these may be, is commonly and use-
fully limited to that which refers to the structures of
architecture and of engineering, while the carpentry of
floating structures, or ship-carpentry, is commonly
called nayal architecture ; though more properly this
term should express much more — yiz., all that refers
to the theory and practice of the shape, capabilities,
motions, construction, &c., of all sorts of ships, whether
of wood or other material, while ship-carpentry is pro-
perly limited to the adaptation and working of wood
into the structure of timber-built ships.
Besides this distinction, which the yast modern pro-
gress of ship-building and the adaptation of iron to it
haye rendered necessary, a separation would probably
be found adyantageous of carpentry proper into three
classes of structural art, yiz. : — •
1. The carpentry of architecture.
2. The carpentry of ciyil engineering, or of struc-
tures in timber, partly or wholly designed for utility,
and not for ornament.
3. The carpentry of mechanical engineering, or that
of heayy machines or engines.
Within the two latter of course are comprised the
special forms which belong to the military art — such
as palisades, military bridges (not floating), to the
second; and gun-carriages, &c., as also common cart
or waggon-building, and agricultural implement-mak-
ing (so far as wooden), to the third.
As we remarked of joinery, so we may say of car-
pentry throughout this wide triple range, embracing
along with ship-carpentry so vast an extent of objects,
that the constructive principles, the practical methods,
and even the majority of the tools, are common to
them all.
The cathedral roof, the roof or floors of the house or
villa, the timber viaduct or bridge, the centering that
enables the stone arch to be erected, the wind-mill, the
water-wheel, the timber-crane, the tall admiral and
her smallest cockboat, rest, for their union of parts, for
the means by which these are united rib by rib, or bit
by bit, for the tools mainly by which these are effected,
and for the principles upon which they all depend,
upon almost common ground.
Underlying all these, and ministering to all alike in
the crude supply of their great staple, timber, and in
the first gross fashioning of the natural vegetable
trunk into regular forms, such as balks or planks, are
the lumberer and the felling-axe, the sawyer and pit-
saw, and in modern days the saw-mill.
Machinery and tools also for working in wood, of
the utmost ingenuity and beauty, have within the last
quarter-century been adapted, with special variations
suited to each, to every one of the entire range of sub-
jects which we have above classified.
Block-making, once a mere tedious handicraft, as
part of ship- carpentry, has, since the days of Maudslay
and the elder Brunei, been almost entirely performed
by machinery. Joseph Bramah (the inventor of the
lock and hydraulic press which bear his name), before
this century, produced a machine for planing wood,
still effective and at work in our arsenals.
Since that, many eminent houses of manufacturing
mechanical engineers have devoted themselves, in
B 2
America, England, and France, to the production of
machines by which every form and fashioning that
timber requires, to be put together for structural use,
can be performed.
Rabbeting, grooving, tonguing, morticing, tenon
forming, boring, moulding making, feather-edging, all
are performed by machines that have abridged time
and cost, and the hard muscular labour before demanded
from the skilled workman, to an amazing extent ; —
thus at once improving his condition and that of
society together, by leaving the workman's skill to be
applied, as it should ever be, mainly through his brain,
as a thinking and specially educated being, and not by
the wrenching toil of his muscles alone, like a mere
As an adjunct, too, to carpentry in connection with
architecture, machinery has been adapted to the wood-
carver's art, and to that of the fret-cutter, or sawyer
of perforated wood ornaments, by which the beautiful
creations of the artist's mind, whether the wood-carver,
the modeller, or the sculptor, may be copied with
fidelity, and indefinitely. All these are as applicable
to joinery and cabinet-making as to architecture.
These, and many other directions, in which the
working in wood of one class or of another has con-
nected itself with other arts, and derived immense help
from them, we can but barely notice in the opening
pages of a work so elementary as this.
Carpentry, in its largest sense, is one of the most
ancient pedigree amongst the family of human arts.
Five thousand years ago a state had grown old upon
the banks of the Nile, and had then nurtured a high
and artificial civilization and a complicated system of
religion and priesthood, which ordained, at that remote
epoch, the burial of the embalmed Egyptians in coffins,
hollowed by the hand of the carpenter from blocks of
sycamore, carved and ornamented in a way (to say
nothing of the embalmments they contained) ' which
proves that probably ages before that time, the use
of these wood-wrought coffins had become an estab-
lished rite.
In a still more eastern and more ancient land, ship-
carpentry was practised upon the Tigris and Euphrates,
and carpentry proper in the huge trabeation of the
roofs of the palaces of Assyrian kings. The pri-
mary tools even of the carpenter's art, the saw, the axe,
the auger, are so old, that the most archaic Greek
mythology attributed their invention, at a remote and
unknown epoch, to the demigods and heroes of its
traditional history. In Isaiah's day, the measure
(rule), the chalk line, or its equivalent, the plane, the
compass, and unquestionably many cutting tools, were
such old and common things as to serve to point an
Some of the habits of taste or of hand, of the car-
penters of these old worlds, so much lost to history or
even to tradition in the lapse of ages, have even come
down to our own daj^, though often strangely changed,
so that none but the patient archaeologist can trace
back and recognise their originals. Thus the trighjphs
that at intervals adorn the frieze of every Greek Doric
portico are but the semblance in stone of the three
V-shaped cuts or indentations that a rude art of work-
ing in wood produced on the ends of the flat roof (tye)
beams, where these appeared through upon the outside
of the breast- summer ; and the guttcn beneath are the
representatives of the dovetails by which the former
were secured to the latter at their seats.
Joinery, as we have before remarked, is the name
given to the art of joining pieces of wood together to
form the internal finishings of buildings, and requires
more accurate and careful workmanship than carpentry.
Being used chiefly for decorative purposes, the joints
have to be fitted and the surfaces finished with the
utmost care. Whilst, therefore, carpentry may be
considered as a highly scientific branch of building,
joinery. ought to be looked upon rather as a branch of
the fine arts, combining the useful with the orna-
mental. The use of machinery is also more frequent
in executing joiners^ work than carpenters^ work ; in
fact, nearly the whole of the joinery in large workshops
is prepared in that way, and requires very little skilled
manual labour ; there are, however, some processes
which can only be done by hand, such as fixing hinges,
locks, bolts, or other fastenings, getting out the curved
portions of handrails, the framing of staircases, &c.,
all of which require the hand of the skilled artizan.
For the more extended study of the subject, those
larger and more important works, of which a list,
which might be greatly extended, is subjoined, may be
consulted :— —
Airy. — On the Strains in the Interior of Beams. By G. B. Airy.
With Plates. 4to. London, 1862.
Ardent (Colonel). — Sur la Charpente a Grand Portees. Folio.
Fans, 1853.
AsHPiTEL. — The Carpenter's Xew Guide ; or, Book of Lines for
Carpenters ; comprising all the Elementary Principles essential
for acquiring a knowledge of Carpentry. Founded on Peter
Kicholson's standard work. A New Edition, revised by Arthur
Ashpitel, together with Practical Rules on Drawing, hy George
Pyne. With 74 plates. 4to. Zockwood, London.
Ashpitel. — Treatise on Handrails and Staircases. By A. Ashpitel.
4to. London, 1852.
Banks. — Instructions in Staircasing and Handrailing. By L. Banks.
3 vols. 4to. London, 1849-63.
Barlow. — Treatise on the Strength of Timber, Cast Iron, Malleable
Iron, and other Materials. New Edition. Edited by WiUiam
Humber. 8vo. London, 1867.
Belidor. — Sciences des Ingenieurs.
Bell. — Carpentry made Easy. By AY. E. Bell.
delphia, 1860.
Biddle's Young Carpenter's Assistant ; being a
Architecture. By J. HaYiland. 4to.
Brandon.— Open Timber Eoofs of the Middle Ages. By E. and J.
A. Brandon. 4to. London, 1860.
Burn (R. Scott). — New Guide to Carpentry,
Bury. — Eemains of Ecclesiastical "Woodwork. By T. Talbot Bury.
4to. London, 1847.
Chapman. — On the Preservation of Timber.
Cupper. — The Universal Stair-Builder : a New Treatise on the Con-
struction of Staircases and Handrails, Plans of the various Forms
of Stairs, &c. &c. By R. A. Cupper. With 29 plates. 4to. pp.
30. New York, 1841.
De l'Oiime (Philibert). — Nouvelles Inventions pour bicn batir et a
petits frais. Folio. Faris, 1561, 1568, 1576.
Degen. — Les Constructions Ornamentales en Bois. Par L. Dogcn.
4to. Munich, 1858.
De Graff. — Modern Stair-Builder's Guide. By S. De Graff. Imp.
8vo. New York, 1846.
Douglas. — Principles and Construction of Military Bridges. By Col.
Sir Howard Douglas, Bart.
Emy. — Traite de TArt de la Charpenterie. Par A. R. Emy. 2 vols.
4to., and folio Atlas of Plates. Tar is, 1836-41.
Emy. — Description d'un nouveau Systeme d'Arcs pour les grandes
Charpentes. Par A. R. Emy. Folio. I'aris, 1828.
Esterbrook and MoncivTon. — The American Stair-Builder. The
Planning and Constructing Staircases and Handrails. By W.
P. Esterbrook and J. H. Monckton. Oblong 4 to. Kexo York,
FiNCHAM. — Outlines of Shipbuilding. Royal 8vo. Folding Plates.
Whittaker, London, 1853.
FouRNEAu. — L'Art du Trait de Charpenterie. Four Parts, folio.
Faris, 1802-26.
Gastrin. — Joiner's Instructor for Staircasing and Handrailing upon
entirely new Principles. By J. Gastjjin. 4to.
Gauthey. — Construction des Fonts.
GiRARD. — Traite Analytique de la Resistance des Solidcs.
Graffenreid et Stuerler. — Architecture Suisse. Folio. B€r)ie
H A ssenfratz.— Traite de I'Art du Charpenticr. 4to. Paris, 1804.
Hall. — Concise ]\Ietliod of Handrailing. By John Hall. 4to.
HATriELD. — The American House- Carpenter ; a Treatise on the Art
of Building and the Strength of Materials. By R. G. Hatfield,
Seventh Edition, revised and enlarged, with additional Illustra-
tions and Appendix. 8vo.. pp. 408, 36. Keiv York, 1858.
Haupt' s Theory of Bridge Construction. 8vo. New Yorky 1851.
Holly. — The Carpenter and Joiner's Handhook, containiriga Treatise
on Framing Roofs, kc. By H. W. Holly. 18mo. New York,
IsABELLE. — Les Edificos Circulaires et les Domes. 20 li"\Taisons, folio.
Paris, 1841-54.
J BAYS. — Orthogonal Sj'stem of Handrailing, with practical Illustrations
of the Construction of Stairs. By J. Jeays. 8vo. 1850.
JoussE' (M.) — L'Art de Scrrurerie et de Chai-penterie, corrige et aug-
mente par De la Hire. Folio. Faris, 1751.
Krafft. — Traite de I'Art de la Charpente, theorique et pratique,
public par J. Ch. Krafft. Redige par M. A. F. Lomet. 6 parts,
foHo. Faris, 1819-22.
Krafft. — Traite des Echaffaudages, ou Choix des Meilleurs Modeles
de Charpente executees tant en France qu'a I'etranger. Ouvragc
posthume. Folio. Faris, 1856.
Leduc, Yiollet. — Dictionnaire Raisonne de rArchitocturc.
MiLWAiN' and Young. — The Geometrical Angular Staii'-Buildcr.
Small 4to.
MoRix. — Resistance de Materiaux.
Muschenbroek. — Introduction to Natural Philosophy.
Newlands. — The Carpenter's and Joiner's Assistant: a Comprehensive
Treatise on the {^election, Preparation, and Strength of Materials,
and the Mechanical Principles of Framing. By James Newlands.
4to. 1860.
Nicholson's New Carpenter's Guide: a Complete Book of Lines for
Carpenters, Joiners, Cahinet-Makers, and Workmen in General.
An enlarged and improved Edition. By John Hay, Architect.
With more than 120 Illustrations. 4to. London^ Yirtae.
Nicholson. — A Treatise on the Construction of Staircases and Hand-
rails, showing Plans and Elevations of the various forms of Stairs,
&c. 39 Plates. 4to. London, 1847.
Nicholson. — Architectural Dictionary".
O'Neill. — Carpenter's Guide in Stair-Building. By Patrick O'Neill.
Folio. Fichmond, U.S., 1860.
Pain. — The Practical House-Carpenter, with Specifications, Quantities,
and Contracts ; the whole amply described for the use of the
Operative Carpenter and Builder. First written and published
by W. Pain. New Edition, with modern Designs and Improve-
ments by S. H. Brooks. With 100 Plates. 4to. 1860.
Papworth. — Essay on the Causes of Dry Rot. 1803.
Perry. — The Art of Stair-Building. By J. Perry. 4 to.
Philosophical Transactions, 1842. Strength of Pillars.
Price's British Carpenter.
PuGiN. — Details of Ancient Timher Houses of the Fifteenth and Six-
teenth Centuries. By A. W. Pugin. 4to. London^ 1836.
Keynolds. — A Treatise on Handrailing. By L. E. Reynolds. Illus-
trated with 20 Plates. 8vo.
Khind. — History of the Vegetable Kingdom. Poyal 8yo. Blackie,
KiDDELL. — The Modem Carpenter and Builder. New and Original
Methods for every Cut in Carpentry, Joinery, and Handrailing.
By Robert Riddell. 4to. mUadelpUa, 1867.
Riddell. — Handrailing Simplified. By Robert Riddell. With 12
Plates and descriptive letterpress. Large folio. Fhiladelphia,
Riddell. — The Scientific Stair-Builder, upon entirely New Principles.
By R. Riddell. The whole Art of Staircases and Handrailing
illustrated and simplified by 22 large folio Plates and 52 pages of
descriptive letterpress. In 4 parts. Philadelphia, 1856.
RoBisox. — Treatise on ^Rlasonry, Joinery, and Carpentry. Reprinted
from the Encyclopaedia Britannica (loy Professor Robison). 4to.
Rondelet. — L'Art de Batir.
Roux.— Charpente de la Cathedralc dc ]\Icssine. Folio. Paris,
Semple. — On Building in Water.
SiLLOwAY. — Text-book of Modern Carpentry. With 20 Plates. By
T. W. Silloway. 12mo. Boston, U.S., 1858.
Smeaton's Reports.
Smith. — Specimens of Ancient Carpentry. 4to. Zo)idon, 17SG.
Tarbtj OK. —Encyclopaedia of Practical Carpentry and Joinery, com-
prising the Choice, Preservation, and Strength of Materials, &c.
A Complete System of Lines for the Carpenter, Joiner, and Stair-
case-Builder. By E. L. Tarbuck. 77 Plates. 4to. 1862.
Tarn. — Practical Geometrj^ for the Architect, Engineer, Surveyor,
and Mechanic. Numerous Diagrams. 8vo. Lock wood ^' Co.,
London, 1871.
Tarn. — The Science of Building: an Elementary Treatise on the
Principles of Construction. Especially adapted to the require-
ments of Architectural Students. By E. Wyndham Tarn, M.A.,
Architect. Demy 8vo., with 47 Wood Engravings. Lockivood
% Co., London, 1870.
Telford. -Article "Bridge," in "Edinburgh Encyclopa3dia."
TiiOROLD. — Our Workshop : being a Practical Guide to the Amateur
in the Art of Carpentry and Joinery. 16mo,
B 3
Transactions of the Institute of Civil Engineers, Vol. II. Strength,
&c., of American "Woods, by Lieut. Denison.
Tkedgold. — The Elementary Principles of Carpentry. By Thomas
Tredgold, C.E. Edited by Peter Barlow, F.R.S. With an
Appendix, containing specimens of various Ancient and Modern
Poofs. Fifth and Cheaper Edition, corrected and enlarged. — In
one large quarto volume, with 64 Plates (11 of which now first
appear in this edition). Portrait of the Author, and numerous
Woodcuts. Lockwood Co., London.
TuRNBULL. — Practical Treatise on the Strength and Stiffness of
Timber. By W. TurnbuU. 8vo.
Waddington. — Papers on Carpentry. By Colonel Waddington. 4to.
London, 1848.
WiEBEKiNG. —Construction of Bridges.
. — Natural Philosophy.
By Dr. Thomas Young.
Section I. — On the Nature and Properties of Timber,
1. Timber bcmg the material out of which all the
works of the carpenter and joiner are executed, it
becomes of great importance to those artizans that
they should have some acquaintance with the mode of
growth, nature, causes of decay, and other peculiarities
of the various kinds of wood on which they have to
employ their skill, in order that they may be able to
turn their materials to the best account.
Wood is that substance which forms the principal
part of the roots, trunks, and branches of trees and
shrubs. The woods of different trees differ much in
strength, hardness, durability, and beauty ; and, con-
sequently, in their fitness for the various purposes to
which they are applied. The wood which is felled and
seasoned for the purpose of building is called timber,
from the Saxon word timbriany signifying to build ;
and in stating the properties of woods, we shall con-
sider those only which are fit for timber, or for build-
ing purposes generally.
2. Growth of Trees. — Most of the timbers are
derived from the class of trees which botanists de-
nominate Exogens, a term signifying outward growers,
from the fact of the new wood being added each year
to the outside of that previously formed. All the
timber trees which grow in temperate and cold climates,
as well as many found in the tropics, belong to the
class of Exogens. The mode of growth may be briefly
described as follows : — The first year's growth of the
plant consists of a stem, of which the centre is a soft
substance called the pith, and is surrounded by a thin
coating of wood, over which is the hark. In the second
year the inner part of the bark separates from the
wood, and sap forms between the wood and the bark,
the new sap-wood being connected with the pith by
means of the medullary rays, which are cross passages
extending from the pith to the outside, and by which
the secretions pass horizontally from outside to the
centre. The chief use of the root is to absorb juices
from the soil and convey them to the woody fibres im-
mediately surrounding the pith, by which they are
carried upwards and dispersed through all the branches
to the remotest leaves, by means of which much of the
water contained in the fluid is evaporated, and a com-
plete change therein efiected. The fluid descends from
the leaves through a series of tubes in the inner part
of the bark, and is deposited so as to form the new
wood, bark, &c. The pith connects the root with the
leaf-buds, to which it conveys nourishment ; it is at first
green, and filled with fluid, but loses its colour as it
dries up and the tree gets old. This is the first part
that decays in the live tree ; and many trees which
appear sound on the outside will be found when cut up
to have decayed at the centre or pith ; it also shows
itself in the dead knots frequently met with in certain
kmds of wood. The cellular mass\ the/'-^te
pressed into plates of various thicl^^^es ' tl^|
wedges of wood which are formed witn^^^o^'l^.t^'
when a transverse section is made of the sb&aj. ^ th ^g^
plates appear as a number of lines radiating from the
centre, which have received the name of medullary rays.
The medullary sheath consists of spiral vessels sur-
rounding the pith, projections of which pass through it
into the medullary rays, and by means of this sheath
oxygen is conveyed to the leaves, being obtained by
the decomposition of water or of carbonic acid. Sur-
rounding this medullary sheath is the tvood, properly
so called, and consists of concentric layers formed by
successive deposits, year after year, of the nutriment
which descends from the leaves. In countries which
have a winter and summer, each layer of wood is the
produce of a single year's growth ; the secretions are
found most abundant in the oldest layers, and when
these become filled up they cease to perform any vital
function, and form what is termed licart-wood. The
bark which covers and protects the newly formed wood
is composed of several concentric layers, and is in-
creased by additions to its inner layers, so as to allow
for the gradual distension of the wood beneath : the
outer bark does not increase, but splits ofi", and a new
one takes its place. The bark serves the double pur-
pose of being a protection to the new wood and also
a filter through which the descending juices pass.
The circulation of the sap will continue after the outer
bark has been removed ; but if the stem is cut entirely
through the inner bark, the descent of the sap will be
stopped, and the tree will soon die.
If the stem or trunk of a tree is cut across, the wood
is found to be made up of numerous concentric layers
or rings, very dibtinct in some trees, but less so in
others. One of tliese layers is commonly formed every
year in temperate or cold climates, consequently their
number corresponds nearly with the age of the tree.
In tropical climates, however, the growth is more
rapid, and more than one ring may be formed in each
year. Each layer consists, in general, of two parts —
the one solid, hard, heavy, and dark-coloured ; the
other of a lighter colour, porous and soft, which ren-
ders the lines of separation betw^een the annual layers
distinct. Scarcely any two layers of the same tree are
precisely alike, either in the proportion of the hard
part, or in the thickness of the layers, as the layers
vary in thickness according to the degree of vegetation
which took place in the years of their formation ; and
also in the same tree they vary in thickness, either
according to the situation of the principal roots, or the
aspect ; the annual layers being always thicker on that
side of the tree which has been favourable to the
growth of the roots, or that which has had the advan-
tage of a good asjoect.
The sap-wood is softer, and generally lighter
coloured, than the heart-wood, and contains a con-
siderable portion of vegetable matter, which partakes
of the nature of the sap, and which descends through
it. It is found to decay rapidly, and is also very
subject to worms. The reason is obvious, for it con-
tains the food which they live upon, the most of
which is absorbed or evaporated from the heart-
The proportion of sap-wood in different trees varies
very much : Spanish chestnut has a very small pro-
portion of sap-wood, oak has more, and fir a still larger
proportion than oak ; but the proportions vary accord-
ing to the situation and soil. Three specimens of a
medium quality gave the following
Chestnut, whole age 58 years, inches diameter, 7 years' sap-wood,
J inch thick.
Oak, whole age 65 years, 17 inches diameter, 17 years' sap-wood, IJ
inch thick.
Scotch fir, 24 inches diameter, sap-wood 2^ inches thick.
Therefore, if the diameter be unity, or 1, that part
of it which is sap-wood will be, in the chestnut, 0*1 ;
in the oak, 0-294 ; and in the Scotch fir, 0-416. The
Scotch fir was the produce of the Mar Forest.
3. The Life of Trees, like that of men, has been
commonly divided into three stages — infancy, maturity,
and old age. In the first, the tree increases from day
to day ; in the second, it maintains itself without
sensible gain or loss ; but in the third, it declines.
These stages vary in every species, according to the
soil, the aspect, the climate, or the nature of the indi-
vidual plant ; oak and chestnut trees decay sooner in
a moist soil than in a dry and sandy one, and their
timber is less firm ; the sap vessels being expanded
with moisture without the necessary quantity of nourish-
ing matter, the general texture becomes necessarily
less firm. Such wood splits easily, and is very liable
to shrink and swell with the changes of the weather.
Trees of the same kind arrive at the greatest age in
that climate which is best adapted to their nature.
The common oak, the fir, and the birch thrive best
towards the northern, the ash and the olive tree thrive
best towards the southern, parts of Europe.
The decline of trees appears to be caused by the
decay of the heart-wood. In trees that have not
arrived at maturity, the hardness and solidity of the
wood are greatest at the heart, and decrease tow^ards the
sap-wood ; but in the mature or perfect tree the heart-
wood is nearly uniform ; while that of a tree on the de-
cline is softer at the centre than it is next the sap-wood.
4. Felling Timbek should take place in the vigour
and perfectioii-'of the trees. When a tree is felled too
soon, the greater part of it is sap-wood, and in a young
tree eten- the heart-wood has not acquired its proper
degree of hardness ; indeed the whole tree must par-
take so much of the nature of sap-wood, that it cannot
be expected to be durable. And when a tree is not
felled till it be on the decline, the wood is brittle and
devoid of elasticity, tainted, discoloured, and soon
decays. But in trees that have arrived at a mature
age, the proportion of sap-wood is small, and the
heart-wood is nearly uniform, and is hard, compact,
and durable. It is true the proper age for each
species has not been satisfactorily determined ; but it
is a point where great accuracy is not necessary ; for
half a dozen years in the age of a tree will not make
much difference, provided it be not cut too soon. It is
cutting trees before they have arrived at maturity that
should be guarded against; and as it is most likely
to happen from interested motives, it is the more
necessary to caution the carpenter in this respect.
Trees increase slowly in size after they arrive at a
certain age, therefore it is the interest of the timber
grower to fell them before they arrive at maturity :
because it is his object to obtain the greatest possible
quantity of timber, without regard to the quality. But
when the carpenter is sensible of the inferior quality
of young timber in respect to duration, it is his pro-
vince to check this growing evil, by giving a better
price for timber that has acquired its proper degree of
density and hardness.
The period generally allowed for an oak tree to
arrive at maturity is 100 years, and the average
quantity of timber produced by a tree of that age is
about 1| loads, or 75 cubic feet. In some instances oak
trees arrive at maturity in a less time than 100 years,
and in others not till after tliat perioofe^s a v^Iq. it^
age should never exceed 200 years, noiS^^iild i^>be
felled at a less age than 60. It is much to b^^j^f^tti^^
that in districts where the oak flourishes it issSdl9m
suffered to attain a mature age ; being often cut before
the trees will produce 50 feet of timber each. The
ash, larch, and elm should be cut when the trees are
between 60 and 100 j^ears old ; and between 30 and 50
is a proper age for poplars. The Norway spruce and
Scotch pine are generally cut when between 70 and
100 years old in Norway.
5. Season for Felling. — In order that timber
may be durable, it is also necessary to attend to the
proper season of the year for felling. But on this
point there is much difiercnce of opinion, and the
question is only to be decided by attending to the
state of trees at different seasons of the year. The
best period for felling timber is undoubtedly that in
which it is most free from extraneous vegetable matter ;
or such matter as is intended to be expended in form-
ing leaves and buds, w^iich is in a more fluid state,
and of a more saccharine and fermentable nature
than the proper juices, or such as form the wood. A
tree deposits in the sap-w^ood a portion of matter to be
dissolved by the descending sap, and at the period
when the leaves arc putting forth, the wood must be
filled with matter in a state ready for germination ;
consequently the timber cut at that period must be
easily ac^ed upon by heat and moisture, and subject to
rapid decay, or to be destroyed by worms. Of all
periods of the year the spring must be the w^orst,
because the tree then contains the greatest quantity of
matter in a state fit for germination.
On the other hand, the best time for felling timber
is in midwinter ; as at that time the vegetative powei s
are at rest, altliougli in some kinds of trees a little
after midsummer appears to be decidedly the best
time for felling. Alder felled at that time is found to
be mucb more durable ; and beech, when cut in the
middle of summer, is better and less liable to be worm-
eaten ; particularly if a gash be cut to let out the sap
some time before felling. About Naples, and in other
parts of Italj% oaks have been felled in summer, and
are said to have been very durable. And as summer
felling is an advantage in some species, it seems reason-
able to conclude that it will be so in all.
6. Barking Trees. — In oak trees the bark is too
valuable to be lost ; and as the best period for the
timber is the worst for the bark, an ingenious method
has been long partially practised, which not only
secures the bark at the best season, but also materially
improves the timber. This method consists in taking
the bark off the standing tree early in the spring, and
not felling it till after the new foliage has put forth
and died. For by the production of new buds the
fermentable matter is expended, and the sap-wood
becomes nearly as hard and durable as the heart- wood,
both being less liable to decay and to be destroyed by
worms. The wood is materially improved by this
method of barking the trees standing in the spring,
and felling them about the end of October. "Where it is
essential to give durability to the sap-wood of oak, the
trees should be barked in the spring, and felled in the en-
suing winter ; also winter-felled heart- wood is less affected
by moisture, and likely to be the best and most durable.
When the bark of a tree is not of sufficient value to
defray the expense of stripping, the timber should be
felled during the months of December, January, or
February, in the winter, or during the month of July
in the summer. AVinter felling is better, chiefly ii]
consequence of the timber being less liable to split or
twist in seasoning, from the drying being more gradual
wben it is cut at that time of the year. The advantage
of slow drying may, however, be easily given at any
season ; and it certainly is a great advantage in this
early stage of seasoning. According to Vitruvius, the
proper time for felling is between October and Feb-
ruary ; and he directs that the trees should be cut to
the pith, and then suffered to remain till the sap be
drained out. The effusion of the sap prevents the
decay of the timber ; and when it is all drained out,
and the wood becomes dry, the trees are to be cut
down, when the wood will be excellent for use. A
similar effect might be produced by placing the timber
on its end as soon as it is felled, and it would no doubt
compensate for the extra expense by its durability
in use.
Section II, — Seasoning Timber.
7. Treatment of Timber. — "When timber is felled,
the sooner it is removed from the forest the better : it
should be removed to a dry situation, and placed so
that the air may circulate freely round each piece, but
it should not be exposed to the sun and wind. Squared
timber does not rift or split so much as that which is
round ; and where the size of the trees will allow of it,
it is better to quarter them, after a period of very slow
drying in the whole tree. When beams are to be used
the full size of the tree, it would be a good preservative
against splitting to bore them through from end to
end, as is done in a water-pipe. It is irregular
drying which causes timber to split ; and this method
would assist in drying the internal part of the beam,
without losing much of its strength ; at the same time
it would lighten it considerably. It is a great advan-
tage to set the timber iiprlglit, witli the lower end
raised a little from the ground ; but as this cannot
always be done, the timber-yards should be well
drained, and kept as dry as possible. Paved yards
are to be preferred, and the paving should have a con-
siderable fall, to prevent water standing. If the paving
were laid with ashes it would be better ; those from
a forge or foundry would be excellent : even an un-
paved yard would be improved by a coat of ashes, to
prevent anything growing among the timber.
If timber can be kept some time in a dry situation
before it is cut into scantlings, it is less subject to
warp and twist in drying ; but during the time it is
kept in the tree or log it should be carefully piled, so
as to leave space for a free circulation of air between
each piece, and also between the timbers and paving
or ground. In some yards the timber has been laid
upon cast-iron bearers, instead of being laid uj)on
refuse pieces of wood, as the refuse wood is often half
rotten, and must in some degree contribute to infect
the sound timber. Timber is too often suffered to lie
half buried in the ground, or grown over with weeds,
till it is covered with fungus, and impregnated with
the seeds of decay before it is brought into use.
When it is necessary to convert the timber into
smaller scantlings, it still requires attention ; as the
better it is seasoned, when brought into work, the
better the work will stand : it will also be more
durable. Such scantlings will dry soonest in an up-
right position, and the upper end dries more rapidly
than the lower one. But whether the pieces of timber
be piled on the end, or laid horizontally, a free space
should be left round each piece, and the situation
should be dry and airy ; yet not exposed to the direct
rays of the sun, nor to a strong current of air. If the
scantlings be laid horizontallj^, short blocks should he
put between them, which will preserve them from
becoming mouldy, and will contribute much towards
rendering the sappy parts more durable.
Gradual drying, where the time can be allowed for
it in the natural process, is the most certain means of
giving durability to timber, by fixing those parts of it
which are most liable to be acted upon by heat and
moisture. It is well known to chemists that slow
drying will render many bodies less easy to dissolve ;
while rapid drying, on the contrary, renders the same
bodies more soluble : besides, all wood in drying loses
a portion of its carbon, and the more in proportion as
the temperature is higher. There is in wood that has
been properly seasoned a toughness and elasticity
which is not to be found in rapidly dried wood. This
is an evident proof that firm cohesion does not take
place when the moisture is dissipated in a high heat.
Also, seasoning by heat alone produces a hard crust
on the surface, which will scarcely permit the moisture
to evaporate from the internal part, and is very in-
jurious to the wood.
For the general purposes of carpentry, timber should
not be used in less than two years after it is felled ;
and this is the least time that ought to be allowed for
seasoning. For joiners' work it requires four years,
unless other methods be used; but for carpentry natural
seasoning should have the preference, unless the pressure
of the air be removed. The quantity of mj^tter which
ought to be evaporated from green oak is about one-
third or two-fifths of its weight ; the proportion, how-
ever, will vary according to the age and quality of the
timber and the nature of the soil that produced it.
ATEii Seasoning. — On account of the time
required to season timber in the natural way, various
metliods have been tried to effect the same purpose in
a shorter time. Perhaps the best of these is to immerse
the timber in water as soon as it is cut down ; and
after it has remained about a fortnight in water,
but not more, to take it out, and dry it in an airy
situation. Timber for the joiner's use is best put in
water for some time, and afterwards dried, as it renders
the timber less liable to warp and crack in drying ; but
where strength is required it ought not to be put in
water. Timber which has remained some time in
fresh water loses more of its weight in drying than
that which is dried under cover.
Timber that has been cut when the tree was full of
sap, and particularly when that sap is of a saccharine
nature, must be materially benefited by steeping in
water ; because it will undoubtedly remove the greater
part of the fermentable matter : the sap-wood of oak is
materially improved by it, being much less subject to
worm-eat ; and also the tender woods, such as alder
and the like, are less subject to the worm when water-
seasoned. Beech is said to be much benefited by
immersion ; and green elm, if plunged four or five days
in water (especially salt water), obtains an admirable
When timber is put in water it must be sunk so as to
be completely under water, as nothing is more destruc-
tive than partial immersion. Salt water is considered
best for ship- timber ; but for timber to be employed in
the construction of dwelling-houses fresh water is better.
9. Steaming or Boiling timber impairs its strength
and elasticity, but it gives another property, which for
some purposes is still more desirable than strength ;
for boiled or steamed timber shrinks less and stands
better than that which is naturally seasoned. There-
fore it may often be useful to season timber in this
manner where joiners' work is to be executegl in oak of ;
British growth, as without this precaution i%^tequiv^'^ *2l
long time to season it so as to be fit for such pii^^^s..^ j
The timber should not remain long in water or steeiiac^^^
four hours will in general be quite suflBcient ; and after
boiling or steaming the drying goes on very rapidly, but .
it is well not to hasten the drying too much. Steamed
wood dries sooner than that which is boiled.
How far steaming or boiling afiects the dura-
bility of timber has not been satisfactorily ascer-
tained : but it is said that the planks of a ship, near
the bows, which are bent by steaming, have never been
observed to be affected with the dry rot. The changes
produced by boiling are not very favourable to the
opinion that it adds to the durability of timber. For
when a piece of dry wood was immersed in boiling
water, and afterwards dried in a stove, it not only lost
the water it had imbibed, but also a part of its sub-
stance; and when the experiment was repeated with
the same piece of wood, it lost more of its substance
the second time than it did the first. The same thing
takes place in green wood ; and tender woods, or those
of a middling quality, are more altered by these opera-
tions than hard woods, or those of a good quality.
Steeping long in cold water produces similar effects ;
but box, oak, and ash lose more weight by this process
than mahogany, walnut, or deal. Both cold and hot
water have therefore to a certain extent the power of
dissolving the woody fibre.
10. Smoke-drying has from very ancient times been
found to contribute much to the hardness and durability
of wood. But this method can only be effectually
applied on a very small scale ; yet sometimes^ for par-
ticular purposes, it may be useful to season in the smoke.
As a substitute for the smoke of an open chimney, fern.
furze, straw, or shavings can be burnt under tlie timber,
wbicb would destroy any seeds of fungi, or worms, and
so embitter the external surface as to prevent any
further ill effect from either. It would be easy to
contrive the means of smoke-drying for the use of a
manufactory where much seasoned wood was used.
Scorching must do timber much harm when it is
done hastily, so as to cause rents and cracks in it; as
these become receptacles for moisture, and consequently
must be the cause of rapid decay.
Charring the surface is only useful in as far as
it destroys and prevents infection; and it should be
applied only to timber already seasoned : for when it
is applied to green timber, it only closes up the pores
at the surface, so that the internal sap and moisture
cannot evaporate. In that kind of decay which arises
from the constant evaporation of moisture, charring the
surface produces no effect, but as a preventive of infec-
tion by the dry rot, and of the worm in timber, it
appears to be very beneficial, and will no doubt be
assisted by impregnating the timber with the bitter
particles of smoke.
11. "Weight of Timber in Different States. — As
a suitable introduction to some remarks on seasoning,
we subjoin the following table of the weight of timber
in different states, from experiments made by Duhamel
on woods of French growth : —
Kind of Wood.
Weight of a cubic 1 Weight of a cub . foot
foot green. jone year afterwards.
Oak ... .
Elm ....
Poplar ....
Walnut ....
Lfime ....
Beech ....
AVhite pine .
Norway pine, dry .
36' i 0
The weiglit of a cubic foot of green oak varies from
62-5 to 66 pounds ; of a cubic foot of seasoned oak,
from 53*5 to 58 pounds; and a cubic foot of very dry
oak, from 44-6 to 47*3 pounds. The timber of very old
trees is often much lighter than this ; some specimens
from old trees did not exceed 38*5 pounds per cubic
foot when dry. The loss of weight in oak has been
found to amount to 40 per cent, in some cases. When
the specific gravity is very low it may be safely con-
cluded that it is the wood of an old tree, and that it
will be brittle and deficient both in strength and
The following tables are compiled from experiments
made by Mr. Crouch at Plymouth Dockyard :™
Kind of Wood.
Weight when
felled of a cub.
seasoned of a
cubic foot.
Shrinkage in
bulk by
Oak (butt-cncl)
Elm . . • .
Riga masts
Pitch pine, American
Yellow pine, ditto .
Spruce pine, ditto .
Weight of a
cubic foot when
first imported.
7 2
~4 0
1 ii
1 12
Kind of Wood.
Weight of a
cubic foot
when green.
Weight of a
cubic foot dry.
Loss per cent. ;
Oak sap-wood
Spanish chestnut .
Larch ....
AValnut ....
Acacia ....
37- 91
38- 5
29- 8
30- 6
The following table gives the results obtained by
Wiebeking's experiments : —
Kind of Wood.
"Weight of a
cul)ic foot fifteen
days after tlie
Yv ood was felled.
Weight of a
cuhic foot after
three months'
exposure to the
Weight of a
cubic foot
when dry.
(Jak ....
Ob io
dy*z7 to od'oo
Pine (pinus sylvestris).
Fir (pinns picea)
1. - . .
25-22 to 25-54
Wood, when it is cut into small pieces, very soon
acquires its utmost degree of dryness. The sap-wood
of oak loses more weight in drying than the heart-
wood, in the proportion of 10 to 7 ; and the sap-wood
of larch loses two- fifths of its weight in drying.
Timber is used in two states ; that is, when it is dri/,
and when it is only seasoned. The term seasoned, how-
ever, is not very accurately defined ; timber has under-
gone what is termed a proper seasoning for common
uses when it has lost about one-fifth of the weight that
it had when felled.
Timber loses about one-third of its weight in be-
coming dry ; and such a degree of dryness being
sufficient for the joiner's purpose, timber may be con-
sidered dry when it has lost one-third of its weight.
Thus the terms dri/ and seasoned will have a more
ijertain meaning : and when drying is carried to its
r^eatest degree, the timber may be called perfectly dry,
JO distinguish it from that degree of dryness which
renders it fit for framing and joiners' work.
The long time which large pieces require to season
should render their use less frequent, without a proper
time can be allowed. In the following table is given
the times of drying and seasoning pieces of different
sizes in the open air, which shows at once the time
necessary to bring different scantlings to the same
degree of dryness ; the time under cover is shorter in
the proportion of 5 to 7 : —
Length in ft.
Breadth in ins.
Thickness in
Time of season-
ing in months.
Time of drying
in months.
Section III, — Dccai/ and Preservation of Timber.
12. Effects of Dryness and Moisture. — Timber,
when properly seasoned, is strong, tough, and elastic ;
but it does not long retain those properties in any state
or situation. Timber is often employed in situations
where it is continually dry, where it is constantly wet,
where it is alternately wet and dry, or where it is
exposed to heat and continued moisture. The effect of
each of these states is the next object of attention.
Timber that is constantly/ drtj^ or affected only by the
small quantity of moisture it absorbs from the air in
damp weather, has been known to last for seven or
eight hundred years; but even in this state, time pro-
duces a sensible alteration in its properties ; for it is
found to lose its elastic and coherent powers gradually,
and to become brittle. Hence it is unfit to sustain the
action of variable loads, though in a state of rest it may
endure for an immense length of time.
"Wood in its natural state is a very compound sub-
stance; a certain portion of its constituents is soluble
inwat:^r; another part maybe extracted by alcohol;
and the part remaining, after being treated with alcohol,
is the pure woody fibre, or Hgnin of chemists. After
c 2
water has extracted all that is soluble by it from timber,
it is obvious that while the timber continues immersed
in water it may remain unchanged for an indefinite
period ; but if it be taken out and dried, it is found
to be brittle and effete ; or, to use the workman's
expression, ^^its nature is gone;'' and it dries, splits,
becomes light, and soon impairs. But though oak
timber taken from bogs is always found to be brittle
and in a state of decay, fir from the same bog is often,
if not always, in a much sounder state.
When timber is exposed to the action of alternate
dryness and moisture it soon decays. It has been
already noticed, that repeated steeping and drying
removes a sensible portion of the wood at each operation
(8, 9) ; and it is evident that at each drying a new
portion of soluble matter is formed, which either did
not before exist, or which is rendered soluble by a
change in its principles. This effect may be observed
in weather-boarding, fencing, and in any situation
where wood is constantly exposed to the vicissitudes of
the weather. When the timber has been thoroughly
seasoned, painting or any other kind of coating that is
capable of resisting moisture is the best means of pre-
serving it from this kind of decay (26).
13. Effects OF Continued Moisture with Heat. —
Wood, in common with other vegetable products, when
exposed to a certain degree of moisture, and at a
temperature not much under 45° Fahr., nor too high
to evaporate suddenly all the moisture, gradually
decomposes. This decomposition is called putrefaction
by chemical writers, but is called the 7'ot in common
language. It proceeds with most rapidity in the open
air, but the contact of air is not absolutely necessary.
Water is in all cases essential to the process ; indeed it
is a principal agent in all processes of dL^mposition.
As the rot goes on, certain gaseous matters are given
out ; chiefly carbonic acid gas and hydrogen gas. Pure
woody fibre alone undergoes this change slowly, but its
texture is soon broken down, and it is easily resolved
into new elements when mixed with substances more
liable to change. Any process that tends to abstract
carbonaceous matter from it must bring it nearer in
composition to the soluble principles, and this is done
by fermentation. Hence it is that the sap-wood is of a
more perishable nature than the heart-wood, for the
sap-wood abounds more in saccharine and fermentable
principles, and consequently sooner decomposes.
Quicklime, when assisted by moisture, has a powerful
effect in hastening the decomposition of w^ood, in con-
sequence of its abstracting carbon. Mild lime (car-
bonate of lime) has not this effect. But mortar
requires a considerable time to bring it to the state of
mild lime ; therefore, bedding timber in mortar, or
building it in walls where it will long remain in a
damp state in contact with mortar, is very injurious,
and often the cause of rapid decay. Wood in a per-
fectly dry state does not appear to be injured by dry
lime : of this we have examples in plastering-laths,
which are generally found sound and good in places
where they have been dry. Lime also protects wood
from worms.
Volatile and fixed oils, resins, and wax, are equally
as susceptible of decay as woody fibre under the same
circumstances ; hence we see the impropriety of
attempting to protect wood in any situation where the
coat of paint, &c., cannot be renewed from time to time :
and also, that woods abounding in resinous matter
cannot be more durable than others.
Decay sometimes commences in the growing tree;
for when it has stood beyond a certain age, decay at
the heart has generally made some progress (3).
This has often been observed in large girders of yellow
fir, which have appeared sound on the outside, but by
removing some of the binding joists have been found
completely rotten at the heart. It is on this account
that the practice of sawing and bolting girders is
It is usual to divide the rot into two kinds, the li'ct
rot and the dry rot ; the main distinction between them
being, that in the one the gaseous products are evapo-
rated, and in the other the greater part of them form
into a new combination which is a species of fungus.
Both, in a chemical sense, are produced by precisely
the same causes, with this exception, that a free evapo-
ration determines it to be the wet rot ; a confined
place, or imperfect evaporation, renders it the dry rot,
as timber must be decomposed in becoming the food of
a plant ; it is evidently the same with the putrefaction ^
of chemists vrith different products. It is said that the
decay of a post placed in the ground, or in water, is an
example of the wet rot; and it is assumed that the
parts undergoing the process of decay are alternately
wet and dry; but the fact is, they are constantly
supplied with that degree of dampness which is
essential to putrefaction. For timber being composed
longitudinally of an assemblage of pipes or tubes, it is
only necessary that one end of a log of wood should be
placed in a damp or wet situation, to occasion the
moisture to be conveyed to the opposite end by capillary
attraction. Prevent a free change of atmospheric air,
and a post so circumstanced, it is well known, would
be affected with the dry rot.
When only the external part of a beam has been
seasoned, and the sap has never been evaporated from
the internal part, the rot will be an internal disease ;
and where an internal decay of this kind is found, it
proves that the timber has never been properly seasoned.
14. Fungus on Eotten AVood. — In the first stages
of rottenness the timber swells and changes colour, is
often covered with mucor or mouldiness, and emits a
musty smell. Where the rottenness is internal, or the
timber is in a confined place, a ne.w substance is formed*
between the fibres, of a spongy consistency, resembling
the external coat of a mushroom: and the substance
itself has been ascertained to belong to the order Fungi
of the Cryptogamia class of plants. When the fungus
first appears on the sides and ends of timbers, it covers
the surface with a fine white and delicate vegetation,
called by shipwrights a mildew. These fine shoots after-
wards collect together, and the appearance then may be
compared to hoar-frost, and increases rapidly, assuming
gradually a more compact form, like the external coat
of a mushroom, but spreads alike over wood, brick-
work, stone, and plastering, in the form of leaves, being
larger or smaller most probably in proportion to the
nutriment the wood afibrds. The colours of the fungus
are various : sometimes white, greyish white, with
violet ; often yellowish brown, or a deep shade of fine
rich brown. In the more advanced stages of rotten-
ness the woody fibres contract lengthwise, and show
many deep fissures across the fibres, similar to a piece
of wood scorched by the fire. The woody fibres appear
to retain their natural form, but easily crumble into a
fine powder. In oak this powder is of a fine snufi*-
brown colour. The fungus, when it spreads upon the
surface of the wood, often becomes of a considerable
size, sometimes spreading over the adjoining walls, and
ascending to a considerable height.
15. Timbers most liable to Rot. — In timber of the
same kind, that of the most sappy and rapidly grown
trees is tlie most subject to decay. The wood of trees
from the close forests of Germany or America is more
subject to it than that of trees grown in more open
situations ; and it is remarked that the timber brought
from America in the heated hold of a ship is inyariably
covered over, on being landed, with a complete coating
of fungus. Consequently, the timber must be infected
with the seeds of decay before it is brought into use.
Also the custom of floating timber in docks and rivers
injures it very much : it would be better to sink it
completely under water, as to half immerse in water is
the worst situation it can be placed in. Though
moisture be essential to the progress of decay, absolute
wetness will prevent it, especially at a low temperature.
In ships this has been particularly remarked, for that
part of the hold of a ship which is constantly washed
by the bilge- water is never aftected by dry rot.
I^'either is that side of the planking of a ship's bottom
which is next the water found in a state of decay, even
when the inside is quite rotten, unless the rot has
penetrated quite through from the inside.
16. Warmth and Moisture are the most active
causes of decay ; and provided the necessary degree
of moisture be present, the higher the heat the more
rapid is its progress. In warm cellars, or in any close
confined situations where the air is filled with vaj)our
without a current to change it, the rot proceeds with
astonishing rapidity, and the timber-work is destroyed
in a very short time. The bread-rooms of ships,
behind the skirtings and under the wooden floors or
the basement stories of houses, particularly in kitchens
or other rooms where there are constant fires, and in
general in every place where wood is exposed to warmth
and damp air, the dry rot will soon make its appear-
ance. All kinds of stoves are sure to increase the
disease, if moisture be present. The effect of heat is
also evident from the rapid decay of ships in hot
climates. And the warm moisture given out by par-
ticular cargoes is also very destructive, such as cargoes
of hemp, pepper, and cotton.
17. Building Timber into New Walls is often a
cause of decay, as the lime and damp brickwork are
active agents in producing putrefaction, particularly
where the scrapings of roads are used instead of sand
for mortar. Hence it is that bond-timbers, wall-plates,
and the ends of girders, joists, and lintels are so fre-
quently found in a state of decay. The old builders
used to bed the ends of girders and joists in loam, in-
stead of mortar. In this place it may not be amiss to
point out the dangerous consequences of building walls
so that their principal support depends on timber. The
usual method of putting bond-timber in walls is to lay
it next the inside ; this bond often decays, and of course
leaves the wall resting only upon the external course or
courses of bricks ; and fractures, bulges, or absolute
failures are the natural consequences. This evil is in
some degree avoided by placing the bond in the middle
of the wall, so that there is brick-work on each side,
and by not putting continued bond for nailing the bat-
tens to.
18. Effect of Painting. — There is another cause
that affects all wood most materially, which is the
application of paint, tar, or pitch before the wood has
been thoroughly dried. The nature of these bodies
prevents all evaporation, and confines the internal mois-
ture, which is the cause of sudden decay ; both oak and
fir posts maybe brought into a premature state of decay
by their having been painted prior to a due evaporation
of their moisture ; and painting affords no protection to
timber against dry rot. On the other hand, the doors,
c 3
pews, and carved work of many old cliurclies have
never been painted, and yet they are often found to be
perfectly sound, after having existed for centuries.
Painted floor-cloths are very injurious to wooden
floors, and soon produce rottenness in the floors that
are covered with them ; as the painted cloth prevents
the access of atmospheric air, and retains whatever
dampness the boards may absorb, and therefore soon
causes decay. Carpets are not so injurious, but still
assist in retarding free evaporation.
19. Prevention oe Decay is best obtained by
a proper seasoning of timber, whatever the cause of
decay may be, and the time required for a complete
seasoning depends on the size of the pieces. But
however well timber may be seasoned, if it be em-
ployed in a damp situation, decay is the certain con-
sequence ; therefore it is most desirable that the neigh-
bourhood of buildings should be well drained, which
would not only prevent the rot, but also increase
materially the comfort of those who reside within them.
The drains should be made water-tight wherever they
come near to the walls ; as walls, particularly brick
walls, readily draw up moisture to a very considerable
height. Earth should never be suffered to rest against
walls, and the sunk stories of buildings should always
be surrounded by an open area, so that the walls may
not absorb moisture from the earth. To prevent mois-
ture rising from the foundation, some substance that
will not allow it to pass should be used at a course or
two above the footings of the walls ; sheets of lead or
coiDper have been used for that purpose ; to lay a few
courses of slates or slaty stones, that do not absorb
much moisture, would be useful ; but a better method
is to build a few courses in height with Portland cement,
instead of common mortar, and upon the upper course
to lay a bed of about an incli in thickness of cement.
As moisture does not penetrate this cement, it is an
excellent material for keeping out wet ; and it is also a
great improvement to a brick building to stucco it
on the outside with, any cement which keeps out mois-
ture, as brick absorbs quickly all the moisture which
comes in contact with it, and retains it for a length of
20. Drying New Buildings. — The walls and prin-
cipal timbers of a building should always be left for
some time to dry after it is covered in. This drying is
01 the greatest benefit to the work, particularly the
drying of the walls ; and it also allows time for the
timbers to get settled to their proper bearings, which
prevents after-settlements and cracks in the finished
plastering. It is sometimes said, that it is useful be-
cause it allows the timber more time to season ; but
when the carpenter considers that it is from the ends
of the timber that much of its moisture evaporates, he
will see the impropriety of leaving it to season after it
is framed, and also the cause of framed timbers of un-
seasoned wood failing in the joints sooner than in any
other place. No parts of timbers require the perfect
extraction of the sap so much as those that are to be
joined. Also, when the plastering is finished, a con-
siderable time should be allowed for the work to get
dry again, before the skirtings, and floors, and other
joiner's works be fixed. Drying wdll be much accele-
rated by a free admission of air, particularly in favour-
able weather.
21. Prevention oe Rising Damp.- — When a build-
ing is thoroughly dried at first, openings for the admis-
sion of fresh air are not necessary where the precautions
against any new accessions of moisture have been
efiectual. Indeed such openings only afford harbour
for vermm, as the current of air throiigli them is very
seldom capable of carrying off any considerable degree
of moisture ; for it is well known that air will not move
in a horizontal direction without a more considerable
change of density than can be obtained in such situations.
In floors next the ground we cannot easily prevent
the access of damp, but this should be done as far as
possible. All vegetable mould should be carefully re-
moved, and if the situation admits of it, a consider-
able thickness of dry materials, such as brickbats, dry
ashes, &c., but not lime, should be laid under the floor,
and over these a coat of smiths' ashes, or of pyrites,
where they can be procured. The timber for the joists
should be well seasoned ; and it is advisable to cut off
all connection between wooden ground-floors and the
rest of the wood-work of the building.
22. Impregnation of Timber. — It was long a
general opinion that timber might be secured against
the dry rot by impregnating it with some substance
that would resist putrefaction : this opinion produced
many schemes, and led finally to that recommended and
patented by Mr. Kyan.
Common Salt (chloride of sodium) is found to protect
the timber impregnated with it, when the proportion of
salt is considerable. The large wooden props which
support the roofs of the salt mines in Hungary, and
are perpetually moistened with salt-water trickling
down them, are said to have suffered no decay for many
centuries ; and the incrustations of salt upon the tim-
bers of vessels employed in carrying salt-fish, preserve
them a great number of years. There are, however,
strong objections to using solutions of salt, unless it be
where it is of no importance whether the wood be
drj^ or wet; for the attraction of salt for moisture
would keep the wood continually wet if moisture
should be present. Sea- water has bV^ foi^^ eff^&Jii^l
in clearing timber of fungus, by HSg^ersii^^ it
several months. But unless a solution oi^^lt, so^^olig
as to be objectionable from its attraction of^^mjer, c^hjl
be used, there appears to be no well- grounded
its being useful ; as it is well known that common salt
in small quantities assists the decomposition of vegetable
23. Impregnation with Sulphate of Iron appears
to be more likely to answer the purpose of resisting
putrefaction ; wood boiled for three or four hours in a
solution of sulphate of iron, and then kept some daj^s
in a warm place to dry, becomes so hard and compact
that moisture cannot penetrate it.
Quicklime, it has been already stated, assists putre-
faction when aided by moisture. But where a great
quantity of quicklime is present, often in contact with
the wood, so as to preserve it in a perfectly dry state,
by the rapid absorption of water, this hardens the sap,
and renders the wood very durable. Of this effect of
lime we have proofs in the vessels formerly employed
in the Sunderland lime trade, some of which were very
sound when forty years old.
24. Kyanizing. — From the preceding articles it
will be seen that the idea of preserving timber from rot
by impregnating it with certain substances, is not of
itself new ; nor is even the employment of the substance
itself recommended by Kyan, a^z., corrosive sublimate
(chloride of mercury), a novel application ; for Sir II.
Davy had before recommended a wash of a weak solu-
tion of this substance to check the progress of the rot
in places where it had commenced, and which were
under repair. Indeed corrosive sublimate had been long
known as possessing great antiseptic virtues, and has
been, as such, long employed by anatomists to prevent
the decay of the most delicate organic tissues and other
pa^ts liable, to putrescence; and by the application of
this metallic preparation they have been prevented
from going to decay, and have been preserved for very
long periods.
Kyan's process consists in applying this substance to
timber for the prevention of rot ; that is, cases of decay,
arising either from the action of the seed of crypto-
gamous plants vegetating in the wood, or from the
presence of the albuminous parts of the tree. In order
to carry it into practice, large trunks of wood are pre-
pared with cross beams, in order to wedge down the
timbers placed therein for immersion ; that is, the tim-
ber which is to undergo the process is first placed
therein, under those beams, and wedged down so as to
prevent it from rising whem the fluid, impregnated with
the corrosive sublimate, is introduced. In this state it
remains for about a week. The fluid is then pumped
off", the timber taken out and dried, and is thus con-
sidered to be secure against the action of the destructive
vegetation and decomposition which have been found
so injurious to every kind of timber structure, from the
smallest closet to the largest man-of-war.
There could be no doubt, from experiments that were
made, that the process which the difterent articles had
undergone acted as a preservative from the rot, under
the circumstances in which they had been placed ; and
the only doubt which seemed to hang over the inquiry
was, whether the eff'ect was permanent or temporary :
if the efi*ect were due to a simple impregnation, it might,
under difi'erent circumstances, be removed, whereby the
timber would be left in its original state, while a noxious
atmosphere might be generated, which would be ex-
tremely injurious to health in many cases, and particu-
larly in ships of war. It is therefore highly satisfactory
to state that Dr. Faraday decided frorn^
the effect is not that of a mere mechanical "3
but that a chemical combination takes pla
the corrosive sublimate and the albuminous matter of
the wood, forming thereby a new compound. This
question being thus settled, we may next inquire to
what depth the ejffect has taken place ; and it appears
that hitherto it has not been traced to more than about
half an inch from the surface : and it remains, therefore,
perhaps still doubtful whether it will be found fully
effective in large timbers. These indeed will be pro-
tected from contagion from other decayed wood ; but,
for anything at present shown, the rot may commence
in them internally ; still, however, if even this should
be the case, much has undoubtedly been effected.
Some question having arisen as to the effect of
Kyan^s process upon the strength of timber, experiments
were made on two pieces of ash, parted only by the saw,
two inches square and three feet long, and two pieces
of Christiana deal of the same dimensions ; one of each
was prepared, the other two unprepared, and they were
submitted to a trial of traverse strength and stiffness,
at a clear bearing distance of 34 inches, when it
appeared that the process diminished both the specific
gravity and the strength of the timber, but that it in-
creased its rigidity.
25. The Cure of Eot is very difficult, and would
be nearly, if not quite, as expensive a process as to put
in anew the timbers affected with it ; but when new
timber is put in, the old parts and the walls should
have every particle of fungus removed from them, or
killed by some wash for that purpose. External washes
perhaps are not much further useful than so far as they
hinder infection; but to produce that effect they are
perhaps the best application, because they can be applied
with safety. A tiigli degree of heat, that is, about
300^, would destroy all power of reproduction, but it
cannot so well be applied : nevertheless, where pieces of
wood are not materially injured by the rot, an oven
might be contrived to expose them to a strong heat,
which would destroy all vegetable life in the fungus,
and they might then be washed with some of the solutions
mentioned below, and used again with perfect safety.
A solution of COREOSIVE SUBLIMATE {clilovide of mer-
cunj) would answer very effectually as awash. Avery
weak solution does not produce the desired effect ; there
should be an ounce of corrosive sublimate to a gallon of
water, and it should be laid on hot. No other metallic
solution should be mixed with it.
A solution of sulpliate of copper^ in the proportion of
about half a pound of sulphate to one gallon of water,
used hot, makes an excellent wash, and is cheaper than
the preceding one.
A strong solution of mlpliate of iron is sometimes used,
but is not so effectual as that of copper ; and sometimes
a mixture of the two solutions has been used.
Coal tar is said to have been found beneficial; but
its strong smell is a great objection to its use ; where
the smell is not of importance, it would assist in secur-
ing new timber which had been previously well dried.
Charring new wood can only be expected to prevent
infection ; decay may begin at the centre, and proceed
without ever appearing at the surface of the beam ;
and therefore if timber be not well seasoned, no per-
manent good can be obtained from charring.
26. Protectio]n of the Sueface of Timber. — When
timber is exposed to the alternate action of dryness
and moisture, the best means of securing it from decay
is the protection of the surface by a coat of some sub-
stance that moisture will not penetrate.
The Dutch, for the preservation of their gates,
drawbridges, sluices, and other large works of timber,
which are exposed to the sun and perpetual injuries of
the weather, coat them with a mixture of pitch and
tar, upon which they strew small piecv'^s of cockle and
other shells, beaten almost to powder, and mingled with
sea-sand, or the scales of iron beaten small and sifted,
which protects them in a most excellent manner.
Upon common painting, sanding is an excellent prac-
tice, where it is exposed to the weather, being much
more durable than common painting.
It has been proposed to apply a paint made of
sub- sulphate of iron (the refuse of the copperas pans),
ground up with any cheap oil, and rendered thin with
coal-tar oil, in which a little pitch had been dissolved.
In the nciglibourhoods of Newcastle and Glasgow the
refuse of the copperas pans may be easily procured.
Another method of protecting timber appears to be so
well calculated for the purpose, that in cases where it
can be applied a better cannot be employed. After the
work is tried up, or even put together, lay it on the
ground with stones or bricks under it to about a foot
high, and burn wood (which is the best firing for that
purpose) under it till you thoroughly heat, and even
scorch it all over ; then, whilst the wood is hot, rub it
over plentifully with Unseed oil and tar, in equal parts,
well boiled together, and let it be kept boiling whilst
you are using it ; and this will immediately strike and
sink (if the wood be tolerably seasoned) one inch or
more into the wood, close all the pores, and make it
become exceedingly hard and durable, either under or
over water. No composition should, however, be ap-
plied till the timber has been well seasoned : for to
inclose the natural juices of the wood is to render its
rapid decay certain.
27. The Ravages oe Worms axd Insects are
among the principal causes of the destruction of timber ;
some woods are more subject to be destroyed by them
than others, such as alder, beech, birch, and, in general,
all soft woods, of which the juices are of a saccharine
nature. Against the common worm, oil of spike is said
to be an excellent remedy, and the oil of juniper^ or of
turpentine^ will prevent them in some degree. A free
use of linseed oil is a good preventive, and so is a
covering of copal varnish ; but these can be applied to
small articles onlj^ Another application is sulphur
which has been immersed in nitric acid, and distilled to
dryness, which, being exposed to the air, dissolves into
an oil : the parts to be secured from the worm are to
be anointed with this oil, which does not gi^^e an un-
pleasant odour to the wood. Lime is an excellent pre-
servative against the worm, and sap-wood should always
be impregnated with it when used in a dry situation.
As worms do not attack bitter woods, soaking wood in
an infusion of quassia has been tried, and is said to
have the desired effect.
28. Teredo, Tholas, axd Lepisma. — The bottoms of
ships, and timbers exposed to the action of the sea, are
often destroyed hy the pipe-worm, or Teredo navalis of
naturalists. This creature is very small when first
produced from the egg, but soon acquires a considerable
size, being often three or four inches in length, and
sometimes increases to a foot or more in length. Its
head is provided with a hard calcareous substance,
which performs the office of an auger, and enables it to
penetrate the hardest wood. When a piece of wood,
constantly under water, is occupied by these worms,
there is no sign of damage to be seen on the surface,
nor are the worms visible till the outer part of the
wood is broken or cut away ; yet they lie so near the
surface as to have an easy communicatioD. with the
water by a multitude of minute perforations. They
were originally brought from India to Europe. "Wood
is eaten by them till it becomes like a honeycomb, yet
there is an evident care in these creatures never to
injure one another's habitations, for the divisions be-
tween the worm-holes are entire, though often ex-
tremely thin. Fir and alder are the two kinds of wood
they seem to destroy with the greatest ease, and in
these they grow to the greatest size. In oak they
make slower progress, appear smaller and not so well
nourished. They never touch bitter woods, and in
solid or hard woods they make slow progress. Charring
the surface of wood is not found to be of any use.
A mixture of lime, mlpliiir, and colocynth, iciih pitch ,
is found to be a protection to boards and the like. And
rubbing the wood imsonous ointments is a means of
destroying them. A mixture of tar, pitch, and the
animal hair separated in tanning was formerly applied,
with a sheathing of wood to keep it on, and lately the
hair has been felted to apply under copper. A cover-
ing of thin copper, with felting tarred between it and
the wood, is the best protection for the bottoms of ships
from all marine animals.
A species of tholas {Tholas striata) is another animal
which is very destructive, not to timber only, but to
stones, clay, &c., in water. They make their attack in a
similar manner to the pipe-worm, by burrowing when
young, the entrances of the holes only about one-fourth
of an inch in diameter ; and the animal, increasing in
growth as it advances, forms a larger hole, till it arrives
at maturity, when it ceases to bore. It derives its
sustenance from the water, and never bores so far that
it cannot reach the water with its proboscis.
The lepisma is also a destructive little animal, which
begins to prey on wood in tlie East Indies as soon as
it is immersed in sea-water. The unprotected bottom
of a boat has been known to be eaten through by it
in three or four weeks : sheathing with copper or cover-
ing with felt are the most certain means of protection
against all these marine animals. Coal tar is also a
good protection against their depredations ; the pores
of the wood should be saturated as far as possible with
it ; and perhaps corrosive sublimate might be used with
advantage, by saturating the wood with a solution of it,
and letting it dry before the tar be laid on. Whale oil
is stated to be an efl'ectual remedy, and has been suc-
cessfully employed.
29. The Worm. — There is another kind of worm
very destructive to timber, which Mr. Smeaton ob-
served in Bridlington piers. The wood of these piers,
he says, is destroyed by a certain species of worm, dif-
fering from the common worm, whereby ships are de-
strojT-ed. This worm appears as a small, white, soft sub-
stance, much like a maggot ; so small as not to be seen
distinctly without a magnifying glass, and even then a
distinction of its parts is not easily made out. It does
not attempt to make its way through the wood longi-
tudinally, or along the grain, as is the case with the
common ship worm ; but directly, or rather a little
obliquely, inward. They do not appear to make their
way by means of any hard tools or instruments, but
rather by some species of dissolvent liquor, furnished by
the juices of the animal itself. The rate of progression
is such that a three-inch oak plank will be destroyed in
eight years by their action from the outside only. Fir
is more subject to be destroyed by this worm than oak.
To prevent the destructive effects of these worms, Mr.
Smeaton recommended that the timbers of the piers
should be squared, and made to fit as close together
as possible ; to fill all the openings left with;^^ar £^
oakum, and level the face, and cover it with sn^^kjng,^
as ships are covered. These worms do not live ex^pt
where they have the action of the water almost every
tide ; nor do they live in the parts covered with
sand. The wooden piles of embankments and sea-locks
suffer much from these worms ; and in the sea-dykes of
Holland they cause very expensive annual repairs.
The remedies that resist the ship worm would no doubt
be effectual against these.
30. The Termite, or White Ant, is the greatest
calamity of both Indies, because of the havoc they make
in all buildings of wood, in utensils, and in furniture ;
nothing but metal or stone can escape their destructive
jaws. They frequently construct nests within the roofs
and other parts of houses, which they destroy if not
speedily extirpated. The larger species enter under
the foundations of houses, making their way through
the floors, and up the posts of buildings, destroying
all before them. And so little is seen of their opera-
tions, that a well-painted building is sometimes found
to be a mere shell. Corrosive mhlimate is highly
poisonous to these ants ; therefore, to impregnate the
timber with a solution of it would prevent their ravages.
Arsenic is also very destructive to them, and they do
not destroy wood impregnated with oil^ particularly
essential oils ; cajeput oil was found effectual in de-
stroying the red ants of Batavia.
31. The Durability of Timbers which the car-
penter employs is a subject to which he cannot be
insensible ; nor can he be uninterested in any inquiry
into the probable extent of their duration. Of the
durability of timber in a wet state, the piles of the
bridge built by the Emperor Trajan across the Danube
are an example. One of these piles was taken up, and
found to be petrified to tlie dej)t]i of three-fourtlis of
an incli ; but the rest of tbe wood was little different
from its ordinary state, tbougli it bad been driven
more tban sixteen centuries. The piles under the
piers of old London Bridge had been driven about six
hundred years, and were found to the last sufficiently
sound to support the superstructure. They were chiefly
of elm.
32. Buried Timber. — We have also some re-
markable instances of the durability of timber when
buried in the groimd. Several ancient canoes have
been found in cutting drains through the fens in Lin-
colnshire, which must have lain there for many ages.
Also, in digging away the foundation of old Savoy
Palace, London, which Vv'as built six hundred and fifty
years ago, the whole of the piles, consisting of oak^ elm,
beech, and chestnut, were found in a state of perfect
soundness ; as also was the planking which covered the
pile-heads. Some of the beech, however, after being
exposed to the air a few weeks, though under cover, had
a coating of fungus spread over its surface. A con-
tinued range or curb of timber was discovered in pulling
down a part of the Keep of Tunbridge Castle, in Kent,
which was built about seven hundred years ago. This
curb had been built into the middle of the thickness of
the wall, and was no doubt intended to prevent the
settlements likely to happen in such heavy piles of
building ; and therefore is an interesting fact in the
history of constructive architecture, as well as an
instance of the durability of timber. In digging for
the foundations of the present house at Litton Park,
near Windsor, the timbers of a drawbridge were dis-
covered about ten feet below the surface of the ground;
these timbers were sound, but had become black ; the
timber had been there about four hundred years.
33. The Durability of the Framed Timbers of
Buildings is very considerable. The fir trusses of the
old part of the roof of the Basilica of St. Paul, at Rome,
vv^ere framed in 816, and were sound and good in 1814.
The timber- work of the external domes of the Church of
St. Mark, at Venice, is more than eight hundred years
old, and is still said to be in a good state ; and the gates
of cypress to the Church of St. Peter, at Rome, were
whole and sound after being up five hundred and fifty
years. The inner roof of the chapel of St. Nicholas,
King's Lynn, Norfolk, is of oak, and was constructed
about four hundred and fifty years ago ; the large
dormitory of the Jacobins' Convent at Paris, executed
in fir, lasted four hundred years. The timber roof of
Crosby Hall, in London, was executed about three
hundred and sixty years ago ; and the roof of West-
minster Hall, which is of oak, is now above four hundred
and fifty years old.
34. The Relative Durability of Different
Woods. — The most odoriferous kinds of woods are gene-
rally esteemed the most durable ; also woods of a close
and compact texture are generally more durable than
those that are open and porous ; but there are ex-
ceptions, as the wood of the evergreen oak is more
compact than that of the common oak, but not nearly so
durable. In general, the quantity of charcoal afibrded
by woods ofiers a tolerably accurate indication of their
durability : those most abundant in charcoal and earthy
matter are most permanent ; and those which contain
the largest proportion of gaseous elements are the most
destructible. The chestnut and the oak are pre-emi-
nent as to durability, and the chestnut afibrds rather
more carbonaceous matter than the oak. But this is
not always the case, as we know from experience that
red or yellow fir is as durable as oak in most situations,
Chestnut, perfectly sound.
Abele, sound.
Beech, sound.
Walnut, in decay.
Sycamore, much decayed.
Birch, quite rotten.
though it produces less charcoal by the ordinary process.
An 'experiment to determine the comparative dura-
bility of different woods is related in Young's Annals ol
Agriculture/' which will be more satisfactory than any
speculative opinion ; and it is much to be regretted
that such experiments have not been oftener made.
Inch-and-half planks of trees from thirty to forty-five
years' growth, after ten years' standing in the weather,
were examined and found to be in the following state : —
Cedar, perfectly sound.
Larch, the heart sound, but sap
quite decayed.
Spruce fir, sound.
Silver fir, in decay.
Scotch fir, much decayed.
Pinaster, quite rotten.
This shows at once the kinds that are best adapted to
resist the weather ; but even in the same kind of wood
there is much difference in the durability ; and it is
observed that the timber of those trees which grow in
moist and shady places is not so good as that which
comes from a more exposed situation, nor is it so close,
substantial, and durable. Also split timber is more
durable than sawn timber, for in splitting, the fissure
follows the grain, and leaves it whole, whereas the saw
divides the fibres, and moisture finds more ready access
to the internal parts of the wood. Split timber is also
stronger than sawn timber, because the fibres being
continuous, they resist by means of their longitudinal
strength ; but when divided by the saw, the resistance
often depends upon the lateral cohesion of the fibres,
which is in some woods only one-twentieth of the
direct cohesion of the same fibres. For the same reason
whole trees are stronger than specimens, unless the
specimens be selected of a straight grain ; but the dif-
ference in large scantlings is so small as not to be
deserving of notice in practice.
Section IV,— The Structure and ClasslJicatidi^^fFoM^
35. Characters of Woods. — To the cxperienNi^v;
of a workman the general appearance of each variety
of wood has become so familiar, and its most obvious
characters are so strongly impressed on his memory,
that he readily knows them one from another ; but,
nevertheless, the notice of some characters that arc
peculiar to certain kinds of woods may be of use even to
the initiated. In a section of a tree it clearly appears
that the wood is composed of separate layers, or rings,
regularly disposed round the pith, which is in general
nearly in the centre of the tree ; but the thickness of
these layers is seldom, if ever, perfectly regular. When
examined by a magnifier, the wood appears to consist of
fine divisions, like rays, spreading from the pith to the
bark, with pores between them, often empty, but
sometimes filled with some kind of vegetable matter.
In the resinous woods most of the pores are filled.
Besides the fine divisions, which are often scarcelj:^ to bo
distinguished by the naked eye, there are, in some
woods, other divisions that are larger, passing from
the pith to the bark ; these are generally of a light sil-
very colour, and are called the silver grain, or larger
transverse septa. AVhen a piece of wood is cut so as
to pass obliquely through the larger septa or silver
grain, it produces that fine flowered appearance so
well known in the oak. The fine divisions, or lesser
transverse septa, are common to all woods except the
palm, though in some way they are not very distinct.
But there are only some kinds that have the larger
septa, or silver grain ; therefore this forms a natural
character for distinguishing the kinds of Avood. And
they may be divided into two classes — one that has, and
the other that has not, the larger septa or silver grain.
Again, in some woods each annual layer or ring
seems to be nearly uniform in its texture, and the line
of separation between the layers is not very distinct.
Mahogany is an example of this structure. But in
other woods one part of the layer is nearly compact,
and the rest of it presents the appearance of a circle of
empty pores ; of which we have an example in the ash.
There is a third kind, in which nearly all the pores
appear to be filled with resinous or gummy matter;
and one part of the layer consists of a compact, hard,
and dark-coloured substance, the other part is lighter
coloured and softer. All the resinous woods are of
this kind.
According to these distinctions, the arrangement of
the following table is made : —
Class I.— With
larger trans-
verse Septa.
Division 1. — Very dis- 1
tinct annual rings, I
one side porous, the i
other compact. J
Class II,— Ko
larger trans-
verse sepia.
Division 2. — Annual 1
rings not very dis- !
riLi^s xiuu \ ery uis- y Alder.
tinct, and their tex- f Plane,
ture nearly uniform. J Sycamore.
Division 1. — Annual Chestnut,
rings very distinct, I Ash.
one side pcrous, the | Elm.
other compact. J False acacia.
Division 2. — Annual
rings not very dis-
tinct, and their tex-
ture nearly uniform.
Division 3. — Annual
rings very distinct,
pores filled with re-
sinous matter ; one
part of the ring hard
and heavy, the other
soft and lighter co-
f Mahogany.
African teak.
Cedar of Lebanon.
Yellow fir.
White fir.
American pine.
36. The Properties of Wood which seem to re-
quire explanation are the cohesive force, the modulus
of elasticity, permanent alteration, the stiffness, the
hardness, and the toughness. The cohesive force of a
bar or beam is equal to the power or weight that would
pull it asunder in the direction of its length. The
weight that would pull asunder a bar of an inch
square of different kinds of wood has been ascertained
by experiments. Of these experiments we have taken
the highest and lowest result for each kind of wood.
The modulus of elasticity is the measure of the elastic
force of any substance. As it is the measure of the
elastic force, its use must be evident when it is con-
sidered that it is only the elastic force of timber that is
employed in resisting the usual strains in carpentry ;
and the constant numbers employed in the rules for
the stiffness of timber have for one of their elements
the modulus of elasticity. By means of the modulus
of elasticity the comparative stiffness of bodies can be
ascertained. For instance, its weight for cast-iron is
18,240,000 pounds, and its weight for oak is 1,714,500
pounds. Hence it appears that the modulus for cast-
iron is 10*6 times that of oak, and therefore a piece of
cast-iron is 10*6 times as stiff as a piece of oak of the
same dimensions and bearing.
Permanent alteration of structure takes place when a
certain degree of strain continues for above a certain
time ; and as this alteration is a partial fracture, or at
least failure of the material, it is of the greatest im-
portance that the strain should never be more than
that producing such alteration, and in timber this
appears to be about one-fifth of the cohesive force.
A hard body is that which yields least to any stroke
or impressive force ; and it may be shown, by the prin-
ciples of mechanics, that in uniform bodies the degree
D 2
of yielding is always proportional to the weight of the
modulus of elasticity ; therefore a table containing the
weights of the modulus of elasticity of such bodies
shows also their relative hardness and stiffness. The
relative hardness is determined with considerable ac-
curacy by means of the modulus of elasticity. As the
hardness follows the same laws as the stiffness, cast-
iron is 10*6 times as hard as oak; but when the sub-
stance is not uniform, the hardness thus found is that
of the hardest part. Thus, in fir, it is the darker part
of the annual ring that is the hardest, and which de-
termines the extent to which a beam will bend without
fracture. Dry wood is harder than green ; conse-
quently it is more difficult to work. The labour of
sawing dry oak is to that of sawing green as 4 is to 3,
In respect to the toughness of woods, that wood is the
toughest which combines the greatest degree of streugth
and flexibility; hence that wood which bears the
greatest load, and bends the most at the time of frac-
ture, is the toughest.
The opposite to hardness is softness, the opposite to
toughness is brittleness, and the opposite to stiffness is
flexibility ; therefore, when the hardness, toughness, or
stiffness of a wood is ex23ressed by a low number, it
may be considered to have the opposite quality.
Oak in the following articles has been made the
standard of comparison ; its strength, toughness, and
stiffness each having been assumed to be 100 ; and in
so doing, the mean strength of oak is taken at 11,880
pounds per square inch, and its modulus of elasticity at
1,714,500 pounds for a square inch.
The above-mentioned properties determine the fit-
ness of woods for the different purposes of carpentry.
In some cases stiff woods are required, as in the joists
and rafters of a buildmg ; in otlier cases tough wood
should be employed, as for the shafts of carriages ; and
in other cases strength is necessary, as in ties and other
timbers strained in the direction of their length.
Tough woods, which are also hard, are the most
difficult to work, especially if cross-grained ; on the
contrary, brittle woods work easily ; and hard woods
preserve the best surface.
In general, where straightness is desirable, stiff
woods should be preferred ; where sudden shocks are
to be sustained, tough woods are the best ; where little
strength is required, but much labour is to be put upon
it, a soft brittle wood should be preferred ; and where
a fine surface is to be preserved, a hard wood should be
chosen ; so that it is not in carpentry alone that these
researches will be useful, for they are equally applicable
to any art where timber is employed ; and particularly
in that most important application of carpentry, Naval
37. Description of Woods. Class I. — The woods
of this class are compact, hard, and heavy ; never very
deep-coloured, the oak being the darkest-coloured of
the class. They are nearly free from smell, and never
This class is formed into two divisions : one containing
those woods in which the annual rings are distinctly
porous on one side, and compact, or nearly compact,
on the other ; the other division contains those in
which the annual rings are sensibly uniform, and only
to be distinguished by a difference of colour.
38. Division I. — The Oak (Quercus) is a tree of
which there are several species, that produce valuable
Common British oak (Quercus rohur) is found
throughout the temperate parts of Europe, and is that
whicli IS most commonly met with in the woods and
hedges of the south of England ; it grows to a very
large size. The wood of this species has often a reddish
tinge ; the larger septa are always very numerous, pro-
ducing large flowers ; the grain is tolerably straight
and fine, and it is generally free from knots ; some-
times closely resembling foreign wainscot. It splits
freely, and makes good laths for plasterers and slaters ;
and it is decidedly the best kind of oak for joists,
rafters, and for any other purposes where stiff and
straight-grained wood is desirable.
The sessile-fruited oak {Qiierciis sessiliflora) is a native
of the woods and hedges of the temperate parts of
Europe, and it aj)pears to be the common oak of the
neighbourhood of Durham, and perhaps generally of
the north of England. The wood is of a darker colour
than that of the robur, and the larger septa are not so
abundant ; sometimes there are very few septa. The
smoothness and gloss of the grain makes it resemble
that of chestnut. It is heavier, harder, and more
elastic than the wood of the robur, and is very subject
to Avarp and split in seasoning. It is very tough and
difficult to split, therefore not fit for laths. This is
most probably the reason that oak laths are so seldom
used in the north of England. In respect to the com-
parative durability of the woods of the two species, it
is a question that requires to be investigated. It ap-
pears, as far as can be determined from the structure
of the wood, that the fine oak found in old Gothic
roofs is of the sessile-fruited kind. At the same time
it must be owned that our means of judging are not so
satisfactory as to enable us to decide on this point
with certainty ; but we know that the old oak is very
The strength, elasticity, toughness, and hardness of
the sessUe-fruited oak render it superior for ship-
building ; but it is both beavier and more difficult to
work than the robur ; bow far tbey may differ in
durability remains to be determined.
The following table shows the results of trials on
two pieces, each piece an inch square, and sustained
by supports 24 inches apart, the weight being applied
in the middle of the length : —
Species of oak.
Weight of a
cubic foot
in lbs.
stiffness or wt.
that bent the
piece seven-
twentieths of
an inch.
streng'th or
vcight that
broke the
Quercus sessiliflora .
Qaercns robur
3 30
Both these specimens broke short without splitting;
therefore these experiments offer a very fair view of
the properties of the two species. The sessiliflora bent
considerably more at the time of fracture than the
robur, but it could not be measured with that correct-
ness which is necessary to render such data useful.
The following table contains the values of the co-
hesive force, and modulus of elasticity, calculated fi^om
the above experiments : —
Species of oak.
Cohesive force
of a sq. in. in lbs.
Wt. of modulus of
elasticity in lbs. for
a sq. in.
Quercus robur .
1 Quercus sessiliflora .
CO o
These pieces were hastily, and therefore imperfectly,
seasoned ; but as tliey were treated exactly alike, this
would not affect the comparison.
There is another species, called the Durmast oak,
which is a native of France and the south of England ;
its wood is not so strong nor of so firm a texture as the
English oak, and it retains its foliage much later. The
Austrian oak is a taller tree than the English oak ; but
the wood is whiter, softer, and less valuable. Of the
American species the chestnut-leaved oak is a tall tree,
remarkable for the beauty of its form : the wood is
cross-grained, but is very serviceable, and is much used
for wheel carriages.
The mountain red oak (Quercus rubra) is a native of
Canada and the country west of the Alleghany moun-
tains. It is called the red oak, from the leaves chang-
ing to a red or purple colour before they fall off. It
is a large and fine tree, of 90 or 100 feet in height,
and of rapid growth ; the wood is useful for many pur-
poses, but it is light, spongy, and not very durable.
The white oak (Quercus alhci), so called from the white-
ness of its bark, is a native of the woods from New
England to Carolina, and acquires an immense size in
some of the middle States. Its wood is tough and
pliable, and it is preferred to all others in America
both for house and ship carpentry, being much more
durable than most other species. It is lees durable
than British oak, but it is of quicker growth. The
blunt-lobed iron oak {Quercus ohtusiloha) is another of
the American species that produces very valuable ship
timber. The wood is hard, and not liable to decay, and
is preferred for fencing. It is found in most of the
upland forests from Canada to Florida, and is a tree of
60 or 70 feet in height. But the live oak {Quercus
rirens) is esteemed the best of the American kinds for
ship timber. It grows to the height of 40 or 50 feet,
with wide-spreading branches, and the wood is very
Oak of a good quality is more durable than any
other wood that attains a like size. The more compact
it is, and the smaller the pores are, the longer it will
last ; but the open, porous, and foxy- coloured oak,
which grows in some parts of Lincolnshire, and in
some other places, is not nearly so durable. It is use-
ful for most of the purposes of the carpenter, and par-
ticularly in situations where it is exposed to the
weather. It makes the best wall-plates, ties, templets,
king posts, and indeed it is best suited for every pur-
pose where its warping in drying and its flexibility do
not render it objectionable ; but it is very subject
to twist and occasion cracks in the work it is em-
ployed in.
The colour of the oak is a fine brown, and is familiar
to every one. It is of different shades; that inclined to
red is the most inferior kind of wood. The larger
transverse septa are in general very distinct, producing
beautiful flowers when cut obliquely. Where the
septa are small and not very distinct the wood is much
the strongest. The texture is alternately compact and
porous ; the compact part of the annual ring being of
the darkest colour, and in irregular dots, surrounded
by open pores, producing beautiful dark veins in some
kinds, particularly in pollard oaks.
The young wood of English oak is very tough, often
cross-grained, and difficult to work, and does not com-
bine well with glue. Foreign wood, and that of old
trees, is more brittle and workable. Oak warps and
twists much in drying, and shrinks about one thirty-
second part of its width in seasoning.
The weight of a cubic foot of difiierent kinds, when
seasoned, is as follows : —
D 3
English oalr, from • . . • . 45 to 58 lbs.
Riga oak 43 to 54 „ -
Red American oak . . • • .37to47„
White American oak , . • . 50 to 56 „
Adriatic oak 58 to 68
Representing the strength, stiffness, and toughness
of the common English oak {Qiierciis rohiir) each by
100, it may be compared with the other kinds as
under : —
Cora. Eng.
Strength .
Stiffness . •
The specimens of Riga and Dantzic oak were of the
best quality.
39. Division II. — In this division there are several
si3ecies ; but only four are here described — namely,
beech, alder, plane, and sycamore. The woods of this
division are very uniform in their texture, and very
durable in water : they are useful for piles and planking
in wet situations, but not aj)plicable to other kinds of
carpenters' work. Woods of this division do not warp
so much as those of the first division.
40. The Beech Tree {Fagus s^jlvatica) has but one
species, the common beech, the difference in the wood
proceeding from the difference of soil and situation ;
but owing to this difference the wood is distinguished
by the names brown or black, and white beech. It is
common in Europe, especially on a rich chalky soil.
The best beeches grow on a good soil, more dry than
moist J and the w^ood is whiter than that of those
grown in damp valleys, wliicli loses its strength in
drying, and becomes brittle. The mean size of the
trunk of the beech tree is about 44 feet in length and
22 inches in diameter.
Beech is durable when constantly immersed in
water, but damp soon destroys it. In a dry state it
is more durable, but is soon injured by worms, whether
it be in a damp or in a dry state. Water-seasoned
beech is much less subject to worms than that seasoned
in the common way ; and to preserve it from worms,
it ought to be cut about a fortnight after midsummer,
and planked immediately ; then the planks should be
put in water about ten days, and afterw^ards dried.
Beech is not useful in building, because it rots so
soon in damp places, but it is useful for piles in situa-
tions where it will be constantly wet ; and it is very
useful for various tools, for which its uniform texture
and hardness render it superior to any other wood. It
is also much used for furniture.
The colour of beech is a whitish brown, of dififerent
shades ; the darker kind is called brown, and some-
times black beech ; the lighter kind is called white
beech. The texture is very uniform ; the large septa
are finer, and do not extend so far in the length of the
wood as in oak ; therefore the flowers are smaller. The
annual rings are rendered visible by being a little
darker on one side than the other. It is very uni-
formly porous, and might be easily made to imbibe
some ingredient that would prevent the worms destroy-
ing it. It has no sensible taste or smell ; it is not
very difficult to work, and may be brought to a very
smooth surface. The white kind is the hardest, but
the black is tougher, and more durable than the white.
The mean cohesive force of a square inch of beech is
12,000 pounds ; the w^eight of its modulus of elasticity
IS about 1,316,000 joounds ; tlie weiglit of a cubic foot
dry varies from 43 to 63 pounds.
Eepresenting the strength of oak by 100, that of Leech mil be . 103
„ stifFneys of oak by 100, . 77
„ „ toughness of oak by 100, „ „ . 138
Hence it appears that oak is superior in stiffness,
but neither so strong nor so tough.
41. The Alder Tree [Behda alnns) is a native of
Europe and Asia, that grows in wet grounds and by
the banks of rivers. The tree seldom exceeds 40 feet
in height. The wood is extremely durable in water
or wet ground, but it soon rots when exposed to the
weather, or to damp ; and in a dry state it is much
subject to worms. On account of the durability of
alder in water, it is esteemed valuable for piles, plank-
ing, sluices, pumps, and, in general, for any purpose
where it is constantly wet. And for such purposes it
has been much cultivated in Holland and Flanders. It
is also used for turners' wares and other light purposes.
The colour of alder is a reddish yellow, of different
shades, and nearly uniform. The texture is very uni-
form, with large septa of the same colour as the wood,
therefore not very distinct, nor producing sensible
flowers. It is soft, and works very easily ; would cut
well in carving, and make very good models for casting
from. The cohesive force of a square inch of alder
varies from 5,000 to 13,900 pounds : its modulus of
elasticity is 1,086,750 pounds for a square inch ; and a
cubic foot weighs from 34 to 60 pounds in a dry state.
Eepresenting the strength of oak by 100, that of alder will be . 80
„ „ stiffness of oak by 100, . 63
„ toughness of oak by 100, . 101
42. The Plane Thee has several species ; the most
common are the oriental plane and the occidental
plane. The oriental plane (Platanus
native of the Levant and other eastern
is considered one of the finest of trees,
about 60 feet in height, and has been known to
eight feet in diameter. Its wood is much like beech,
but more figured, and is used for furniture and
things of a like nature. The Persians employ it for
their furniture, doors, and windows. The occidental
plane (Platanus occidcntalis) is a native of North
America, and is perhaps one of the largest of the
American trees ; on the fertile banks of the Ohio and
Mississippi some of the trees exceed 12 feet in
diameter. The wood of the occidental plane is harder
than that of the oriental kind, but the occidental is
the most common in Britain, and to it only the rest
of this article applies.
The colour of the wood of the plane tree is nearly
the same as that of beech, and it also closely resembles
it in structure ; it difi^c^rs in the larger septa, as in the
plane the septa are more numerous, producing very
beautiful flowers when properly cut. It works easily,
and stands very well.
The cohesive force of a square inch is about 11,000
pounds ; its modulus of elasticity is 1,343,000 pounds
per square inch ; and it weighs from 40 to 46 pounds
per cubic foot when dry.
Kcprescniing the strength of oak by 100, that of plane tree will be 92
„ „ stiffness of oak by 100, " . 78
„ „ toughness of oak by 100, „ „ . 108
The wood of the occidental plane is very durable in
water, and on that account the Americans use it for
wooden quays in preference to any other kind.
43. The Sycamore, or Giieat Maple {Acer pseudo-
platanus)^ generally called the plane tree in the north
of England, is a native of the mountains of Germany,
and is very common in Britain. It is a large tree, of
quick growth, and thrives well near the sea ; the
mean size of its trunk is about 32 feet in length, and
29 inches in diameter. The wood is durable in a dry
state, w^hen it can be protected from worms ; but it is
equally as subject to be destroyed by them as beech.
It is used chiefly for furniture, and the white wood of
this tree is valuable for many ornamental articles.
The colour of sycamore is generally of a brownish
white ; sometimes of a yellowish white, or nearly
white in young wood, with a silky lustre. Its texture
is nearly uniform, and the annual rings not very
distinct. Its larger septa are small and close, and
perhaps it might be more correctly described as having
distinct smaller septa, and no larger septa. It is
in general easy to work, being less hard than beech.
The cohesive force of a square inch varies from 5,000
to 10,000 pounds ; its modulus of elasticity is 1,036,000
pounds for a square inch. A cubic foot of sycamore
weighs from 34 to 42 pounds when dry.
Representirig the strength of oak by 100^ that of sycamore is . 81
„ „ stiffness of oak by 100, » • . 59
„ „ toughness of oak by 100, „ „ . .111
44. Class II. contains all woods that have no
larger transverse septa. To this class many woods
belong, and of various colours and qualities. There
are three divisions : the first and second formed on the
same distinctions as the first and second in the first
class (37) ; the third division includes all the woods
of which the pores are filled with resinous matter.
Division I. — In the first division of the second
class the annual ring is nearly compact towards one
side, and porous towards the other ; and from this in-
equality the wood is very subject to w^arp in drying.
Four varieties are here described — the chestnut, ash,
elm, and false acacia.
45. The Chestnut (Fagics castanea) is commonly
called the sweet or Spanish chestnut. This tree is a
native of the warmer mountainous parts of Europe,
and was once very common in this country ; indeed it
appears to have been one of the chief timbers used in
earlier times. It is one of the largest and most long-
lived of European trees, sometimes enduring more
than a thousand years. The mean size of its trunk
is about 44 feet in length and 37 inches in diameter ;
and it is of a rapid growth. The chestnut contains
only a very small proportion of sap-wood, and there-
fore the wood of young trees is found to be superior
even to oak in durability. The roof of King's College,
Cambridge, may be cited as an example of its dura-
bility in a dry state ; also the roof of the Church of
Notre Dame at Paris.
Chestnut is useful for the same purposes as oak, when
the timber is not from old trees ; but the wood of old
trees is unfit for any situation where an uncertain load
is to be borne, as it is brittle, and often makes a fair
show outwardly when it is decayed and rotten within ;
it is also liable to rot when built in a wall, and there-
fore the ends of joists of this wood should have a free
space left round them.
The wood of the chestnut is nearly of the same
colour as that of the oak. In old wood the sap-wood
of chestnut is whiter and the heart- wood browner ; but
it is so much like oak that in old buildings they have
been sometimes mistaken the one for the other. Chest-
nut has no large transverse septa, which is its chief
distinction, and renders it easy to know it from oak,
whether the wood be old or not. The wood is hard
and compact ; young wood is tough and flexible ; old
wood is brittle, and often shaky. It does not shrink
and swell so mucli as other woods, and is easier to
work than British oak.
The cohesive force of a square inch of chestnut varies
from 9,570 to 12,000 pounds when dry. The weight
of a cubic foot dry is from 43 to 54'8 pounds. The
properties as determined from a piece of young wood in
a green state are as under. The cohesive force of a
square inch of green chestnut is 8,100 pounds; the
weight of the modulus of elasticity per square inch
of ditto is 924,750 pounds ; the weight of a cubic foot
of ditto, 54'68 pounds.
Representing the —
strength of dry oak by 100, that of green chestnut is . 68
stiffness of dry oak by 100, „ „ .54:
toughness of dry oak by 100, „ „ . 85
It bends more than oak at the time of fracture, and
therefore is tougher. Its toughness seems to permit it
to yield insensibly till every particle exerts its utmost
force, and then it gives way at once, more in the
manner of metals than in that of woods.
46. The Common Ash {Fraximis excelsior) is a
native of Europe and the north of Asia, and is the
most valuable of the genus. There are other species
both in America and other places ; but we know
nothing worthy of notice respecting their wood. The
ash is a very rapid growing tree, and, like the chestnut,
the young wood is much more valuable than that of
old trees. No timber differs more from a difference of
soil and situation than the ash. The mean size of the
trunk is 38 feet in length and 23 inches in diameter ;
but sometimes this tree attains an immense size. Ash
soon rots when exposed to either damp or alternate
dryness and moisture; but is tolerably durable in a
dry situation.
Ash is superior to any otlier Britisli timber for its
tougtiness and elasticity ; and in consequencee of these
properties, it is useful wherever sudden shocks are to be
sustained ; as in various parts of machines, wheel car-
riages, implements of husbandry, ship blocks, tools, and
the like. It is too flexible for the timbers of buildings,
and not sufiiciently durable.
The colour of the wood of old trees is oak-brown,
with a more veined appearance, the veins darker than
in oak ; sometimes the wood is very beautifully figured.
The wood of young trees is brownish white, with a
shade of green. Its texture is alternately compact and
porous, the compact side of the annual ring being the
darker coloured, which renders the annual rings very
distinct. It has no larger septa, and consequently it
has no flowers. It has neither taste nor smell, and is
difEcult to work, except the wood of old trees, w^hich
is of a more brittle nature.
The cohesive force of a square inch varies from 6,300
to 17,000 pounds ; and the weight of its modulus of
elasticity is about 1,525/500 pounds per square inch.
The weight of a cubic foot dry varies from 34 to 52
pounds ; when the weight of a cubic foot is lower than
45 pounds, the wood is that of an old tree, and will be
found deficient both in strength and toughness.
Representing the strength of oak by 100, that of ash is . ,119
„ „ stiffness of oak by 100, „ j, • . 89
„ „ toughness of oak by 100, ?, ,> . • 160
It exceeds oak both in strength and toughness,
and in young wood the diflerence is still more con-
47. The Elm Tree {Ulmus) has five species now
common in Britain, viz., the common rough-leaved elm,
the cork-barked elm, the broad-leaved elm or wych
hazel, the smooth-leaved or wych elm, and the Dutch
elm. The common rough-leayed elm ( Uhmts ccimpestris)
is common in scattered woods and hedges in the southern
parts of England ; it is harder and more durable wood
than the other species ; it resists moisture well, and is
therefore preferred for coffins. The cork-barked elm
(Ulmifs suherosa) is very common in Sussex ; the wood
is of an inferior kind, A^ery much resembling Dutch
elm. The broad-leaved elm or wj^ch hazel {Ulmus
montana) appears to be the most common species
throughout Europe ; it is frequent in the woods and
hedges of England, particularly in the northern coun-
ties. The smooth-leaved or wych elm (Ulmus glabra)
is common in England and Scotland. It grows to a
large size, and is much esteemed ; it is readily distin-
guished by its smooth, dark, lead-coloured bark, and
by its leaves being nearly smooth on the upper surface.
The wood is tough and flexible, and is stated to be pre-
ferred for naves of wheels. The Dutch elm {Ulmus
major) is a native of Holland, and its wood is very
inferior to the other species. The wych elm is the
largest tree, and the Dutch elm the smallest. The
mean size of the trunk of the elm tree is 44 feet in
length and 32 inches in diameter. The trunk of the
common rough-leaved elm is often rugged and crooked,
and the tree is of slow growth.
Elm has always been much esteemed for its durability
in situations where it is constantly wet ; and it is also
said to be very durable in a perfectly dry state, but not
when exposed to the weather. The piles upon which
old London Bridge stood were chiefly of elm, and
remained six centuries without material decay; and
several other instances of its durability in water have
been noticed.
Elm is not useful for the general purposes of build-
ing, but from its durability in water it makes excellent
piles and planking for wet foundations. It is also used
for water- works, sucli as pipes, pumps, and the like,
and it is mucli used for cofBns. The naves of wheels,
the shells of blocks for tackle, the keels of ships, and
sometimes the gunwales, are made of elm.
The colour of the heart-wood of elm is generally
darker than that of oak, and of a redder brown. The
sap-wood is of a yellowish or brownish white, with
pores inclined to red. Elm is in general porous and
cross-grained, sometimes very coarse-grained, and has
no large septa. It has a peculiar odour. It twists
and warps much in drying, and shrinks very much both
in length and breadth. It is difficult to work, but is
not liable to split, and bears the driving of bolts and
nails better than any other timber. The timber of the
English elm is generally esteemed the best ; that of the
wych elm is equally as good, but the Dutch elm is very
inferior. Elm shrinks about -Ath of its width in sea-
The cohesive force of a square inch of elm varies
from 6,070 to 13,200 pounds ; and the weight of its
modulus of elasticity for a square inch is about 1,343,000
pounds. The weight of a cubic foot dry is from 34 to
47 pounds ; seasoned, from 36 to 50 pounds.
Kepresenting the mean strength of oak by 100, that of elm is 82
„ stiffness of oak by 100, 78
„ „ toughness of oak by 100, „ 86
48. The Common Acacia, or American Locust Tree
(liobinia pseudo-acacia) y is a native of the mountains of
America from Canada to Carolina. It is a beautiful
tree, attains a considerable size, and is of very quick
growth. The mean size of its trunk is 32 feet in
length and 23 inches in diameter. The wood is much
valued for its durability : some of the houses built by
the first settlers in New England of this wood still con-
tiniie firm and sound ; and in posts, stakes, and pales,
it is found to be one of the most durable kinds. - It is
adapted for any purpose to which oak is applied : it
makes excellent tree-nails for ships, and is valuable for
The colour of the wood of the acacia is of a greenish
yellow, with a slight tinge of red in the pores. Its
structure is alternately nearly compact and very porous,
which marks distinctly the annual rings. It has no
large septa, and therefore no flowers. It has no sen-
sible taste or odour in a dry state. It will require
about the same degree of labour to work it as ash
The cohesive force of a square inch varies from
10,000 to 13,000 pounds ; and the weight of a cubic
foot, seasoned, is from 49 to 56 pounds. Its other pro-
perties, determined from young wood in an unseasoned
state, are as under : —
"Weight of the Modulus of Elasticity for a Squahe Inch,
1,687,500 POUNDS.
Eepresenting the mean —
strength of oak by 100, that of unseasoned acacia is 95
stiffness of oak by 100, ,, „ 98
toughness of oak by 100, „ 92
Hence in a dry state it will be superior to oak in
these properties.
49. Division II. — In the second division of the
second class, the wood is uniformly porous ; the distinc-
tion of the rings is chiefly owing to a difierence between
the colours of the sides of each ring. To this uniformity
of texture may be referred the superiority of the woods
in this division in retaining their original form ; or, in
other words, it is the reason they stand so well in work.
The woods of this division are very numerous, but
many of them have little durability : only six are here
described; those are mahogany, walnut, t^^^ P^o^%
African teak, and poplar. ^ ^%
50. Mahogany (Swietonia mahocjoni) is a nl^^gf "
the West Indies, and the country round the Bay^-^E.^^."^
Honduras in America. The tree is stated to be of very
rapid growth, and its trunk often exceeds 40 feet in
length, and 6 feet in diameter.
In a dry state mahogany is very durable, and not
subject to worms. It does not last long when exposed
to the weather. It is a kind of wood that would make
excellent timbers for floors, roofs, &c. ; but, on account
of its price, its use is chiefly confined to furniture and
doors for rooms ; for which purposes it is the best
material in use. It is sometimes used for some parts
of window-frames and for sashes ; but from its not
standing the weather well, it is not so fit for these pur-
poses. It has also been extensively used in the framing
of machinery for cotton mills, &c.
The colour of mahogany is a red brown, of different
shades, and various degrees of brightness ; sometimes
yellowish brown ; often very much veined and mottled
with darker shades of the same colour. The texture is
uniform, and the annual rings are not very distinct.
It has no large septa, but the smaller septa are often very
visible, with pores between them ; these pores are often
filled with a white substance in the Jamaica wood, but
generally empty in the Honduras kind. It has neither
taste nor smell, shrinks very little, and warps or twists
less than any other kind of wood. The variety called
Spanish mahogany is imported from Cuba, and some
other of the West Indian Islands, and in smaller logs
than the Honduras. The size of the logs is in general
about from 20 to 2G inches square, and about 10 feet
in length. The Spanish mahogany is close-grained
and hard, generally of a darker colour, and more beau-
tifuUy figured, than Honduras. It is mucli used for
veneers and other works of the cabinet-maker, as well
as for hand-rails of stairs.
The Honduras mahogany (sometimes called bay-
wood) is imported in logs of a larger size, that is, from
2 to 4 feet square, and 12 or 14 feet in length ; some
planks have been got 6 or 7 feet wide. The grain o/
the Honduras kind is generally very open, and oftea
irregular, with black or grey spots. It holds with glue
better than any other wood.
The cohesive force of a square inch of Spanish
mahogany is 7,660 pounds, and of Honduras mahogany
11,475 pounds. The weight of the modulus of elasticity
of mahogany is 1,255,500 pounds for a square inch for
Spanish, and 1,593,000 for Honduras. The weight of
a cubic foot of mahogany is from 35 to 53 pounds.
Kepresenting the —
strength of oak by 100, that of Span, mahog. is 67, of Hondr. 96
stiffness of oak by ]00, „ „ 73, „ 93
toughness of oak by 100, „ „ 61, „ 99
51. The Walnut Tree {Juglans regia) is a native
of Persia and the northern parts of China. The wood
is very beautiful, and its colour superior to the red
brown of mahogany. Walnut, on account of its
scarcity, is hardly ever used for the purposes of build-
ing ; indeed it is of too flexible a nature for beams,
though it appears to have been used for that purpose
by the ancients. The wood is durable, and not liable
to be destroyed by worms ; and it is much used for
gun-stocks, from having the advantage of not produc-
ing sensible chemical action on iron or steel.
The hickory, or white walnut {Juglans alba), is a
native of North America. It is a large tree, the trunk
sometimes exceeding 3 feet in diameter. The wood of
young trees is extremely tongh and flexible, making
excellent handspikes.
The black Virginia walnut {Jiiglans nigra) is also a
native of America, and is found from Pennsylvania to
Florida. It is a large tree, and for furniture the wood
is the most valuable of the walnut tree kind. It is of
a fine grain, and beautifully veined, receiving an excel-
lent polish. It is also durable, and not affected by
worms. The heart- wood of walnut tree is of a greyish
brown, with blackish brown pores, often much veined,
with darker shades of the same colour ; the sap-wood
is greyish white. The colours are much brightened,
and the veins rendered more distinct, by oiling. Its
texture is not so uniform as that of mahogany, the
pores being somewhat more thickly set on one side of
the annual ring. It has no large septa or flowers. It
has a slightly bitter taste when green, and a per-
ceptible odour. It does not work so easily as ma-
hogany, but may in general be brought to a smoother
surface. It shrinks very little.
The cohesive force of a square inch of walnut varies
from 5,3G0 to 8,130 pounds ; its modulus of elasticity
for a square inch is 837,000 pounds in a green state ;
the weight of a cubic foot varies from 40 to 48 pounds
in a dry state.
Eopresenting the —
strength of oak by 100, that of common Tvalnut is 74
stiffness of oak by 100, ,, „ 49
toughness of oak by 100, „ „ „ 111
These properties were ascertained from a green speci-
men ; the strength and stiffness would be greater in a
dry state.
52. Teak Wood {Tectona grandis) is obtained from a
tree which is a native of the mountainous parts of the
Malabar and Coromandel coasts, as well as of Java,
Cej^lon, and oilier parts of the East Indies. -This tree
is of rapid growth, and the trunk grows erect, to a
vast height, with copious spreading branches. The
wood is by far the most useful timber in India ; it is
light, easily worked, and though porous, it is strong and
durable ; it requires little seasoning, and shrinks very
little ; it affords tar of good quality, and is rather of
an oily nature, therefore does not injure iron ; and is
the best w^ood in that country for ship timber, house
carpentry, or any other work where strong and durable
wood is required. Malabar teak is esteemed superior
to any other in India, and is extensively used for ship-
building at Bombay.
The cohesive force of teak wood varies from 13,000
to 15,000 pounds per square inch ; the weight of its
modulus of elasticity is 2,167,000 pounds per square
inch, according to Mr. Barlow^s experiments ; and the
weight of a cubic foot, seasoned, varies from 41 to 63
Representing the strength of oak "by 100, thatof teak will be 109
„ stiiffiess of oak by 100, „ 126
„ „ toughness of oak by 100, „ „ 94
From which it appears that it is much superior to
oak in these properties, except in toughness ; but it is
to be remembered, that these proportions are drawn
from two or three experiments on select specimens of
teak ; whereas those for oak are from a mean specimen,
selected from pieces of oak of various qualities.
53. PooNA Wood is brought from the East Indies.
It very nearly resembles a dull-coloured and greyish
specimen of mahogany ; and would be useful for any
purpose to which such kind of mahogany is ap-
plicable ; besides having a greater degree of strength
and stiffness compared with its weight. Poena is used
for the decks, yards, and masts of ships, and it appears
well adapted for these purposes, both by its strength
and lightness. Its texture is porous, but uniform ; and
the mean weight of a cubic foot in the dry state is
40*5 pounds.
The cohesive force of poena is from 10,000 to 14,700
pounds per square inch ; the mean weight of the
modulus of elasticity for a base of an inch square is
1,689,800 pounds.
54. TuRTosA, or African Teak, is imported from
Sierra Leone. It is adaj^ted to the same purposes as
oak, and has been rather extensively used in ship-build-
ing for the navy. The colour is a moderately deep
greyish brown. The texture is uniform, the annual
rings not distinct, but the smaller septa are strong and
numerous. It is dense, hard, and brittle. The taste is
bitter, but the seasoned wood has no sensible smell.
The cohesive force of a square inch of turtosa is
17,200 pounds ; and the weight of a cubic foot dry is
59*4 pounds; but it is variable from 58 to 61 pounds.
The weight of the modulus of elasticity of turtosa is
1,728,000 pounds for a square inch A bar one foot
long, and one inch square, supported at the ends,
breaks with 954 pounds applied in the middle ; and
bends tJo of its length, or one-fortieth of an inch, by a
w^eight of 100 pounds.
65. The Porlar Tree (Populus) has five species
common in England : the common white poplar, the
black poplar, the aspen or trembling poplar, the abele
or great white poplar, and the Lombardy poplar. The
wood of the aspen lasts long when exposed to the w^eather,
and most of the poplars prove very durable in a dry
The wood of most of the species makes very good
flooring for bedrooms and places where there is not
much wear, and it has the advantage of not catching
fire readily. The poplars produce woods sufficiently
strong for Hglit purposes, being soft, white, and easy to
work, and well adapted for carving ; but none of the
species are fit for large timbers. There is not much
difference in the wood of these species. The colour is
of a yellowish or brownish white, one side of the
annual rings being a little darker than the other, which
renders the growth of each year visible. They are of
an uniform texture, and are without the larger septa.
The Lombardy, the black, and the common white
poplar are the most esteemed. The Lombardy poplar
is sometimes recommended for cheese-rooms and farm-
houses in general, because neither mice nor mites will
attack it. The cohesive force of a square inch of
common white poplar is from 4,496 to 6,641 pounds,
and the others will not diflfer much from it ; the weight
of the modulus of elasticity for a square inch is, for
abele 1,134,000 pounds, and for Lombardy poplar
763,000 pounds ; the weight of a cubic foot dry is, for
abele 32 pounds, for common white poplar 33 pounds,
for Lombardy poplar 24 pounds, for aspen and for
black poplar 26 pounds.
Representing the —
strength of oak by 100, that of ahele is 86, that of Lorn. pop. is 50
stiffness of oak by 100, „ „ 66, „ 44
toughness of oak by 100, „ 112, ,, „ 57
56. Division III. — Li the third division of the
second class, the woods are distinguished by the pores
containing resinous matter. Some of the most useful
and the most durable kinds oi wood belong to this
division. The cedars and the different species of pine
belong to this division.
57. Cedar of Lebanon, or the Great Cedar. —
(^Pinus cedriis), is a cone-bearing tree, and an ever-
green. It grows to a considerable size ; the mean size
of the trunk is about 39 inclies in diameter, and 50
feet in length. The wood is said to be very durable ;
the timber-work of the most celebrated temples of an-
tiquity was in general executed in cedar, on account of
its extreme durability.
It has no perceptible larger transverse septa ; but
when it is planed where it has been cut across the
annual rings, the smaller septa present a very minute
and beautiful dappled appearance. The general colour
of cedar is a rich light yellowish brown ; the annual
rings distinct, each ring consisting of two parts, the
one part harder, darker coloured, and more compact
than the other. It is a resinous wood, and has a pecu-
liar and powerful odour, with a slightly bittef taste,
and is not subject to the worm. It is straight-grained,
and easily worked, but readily splits.
The cohesive force of a square inch of cedar is 7,400
pounds ; the weight of its modulus of elasticity for a
square inch is 486,000 pounds ; and the weight of a
cubic foot seasoned is from 30*5 to 38 pounds.
Representing the strength of oak by 100, that of cedar is 62
„ stiffness of oak by 100, „ ,, 28
„ „ toughness of oak by 100, „ „ 137
From these proportions it appears that it exceeds the
oak in toughness, but is vastly inferior in stiffness and
58. Red or Yellow Fir is the produce of the
Scotch fir tree (Pinus sijlvestris). It is a native of the
hills of Scotland and other northern parts of Europe,
and common in Russia, Denmark, Norway, Lapland,
and Sweden. The great forests of Norway and Sweden
consist almost entirely of Scotch fir and spruce fir. The
Scotch fir is exported from thence in logs and deals,
under the name of red- wood. Norway exports no trees
E 2
above 18 inches diameter, consequently there is much
sap-wood ; but the heart- wood is both stronger and
more durable than that of larger trees from other situa-
tions. Riga exports a considerable quantity under
the name of masts and spars ; those pieces from 18 to
25 inches diameter are called masts, and are usually 70
or 80 feet in length ; those of less than 18 inches dia-
meter are called sjjars. Yellow deals and planks are
imported from Stockholm, Gefle, Frederickshall, Chris-
tiana, and various other parts of Norway, Sweden,
Prussia, and Russia.
Tar, pitch, and turpentine are obtained from the
Scotch fir; and the tree is not injured by extracting
these products when it has acquired a certain age ;
indeed some suppose the wood to be improved by
it. It is the most durable of the pine species : and
it Was the opinion of Mr. Brindley that red Riga
deal, or pine wood, would endure as long as oak in all
Its lightness and stiffness render it superior to any
other material for beams, girders, joists, rafters, and
framing in general. It is also much used for masts
and other parts of vessels. For joiners' work it is also
much used, both for external and internal work, as it
is more easily wrought, stands better, is nearly if not
quite as durable, and is much cheaper than oak. The
colour of the wood of the different varieties of Scotch
fir differs considerably ; it is generally of a reddish
yellow, or a honey yellow, of various degrees of bright-
ness. It consists in the section of alternate hard and
soft circles ; the one part of each annual ring being
soft and light coloured, the other harder and dark
coloured. It has no larger transverse septa, and it has
a strong resinous odour and taste. It works easily
when it does not abound in resin ; and the foreign wood
shrinks about one-tliirtletli part of its width in season-
ing from the log.
The cohesive force of a square inch of—
Foreign timber varies from . . 7,000 to 14, 000 lbs.
Mar Forest varies from . . . 7,000 to 10,000
English growth varies from . . 5,000 to 7,000 „
The weight of a cubic foot of —
F'oroign fir, seasoned, varies from . . 29 to 40 lbs.
English growth, seasoned, varies from . 28 to 33 „
Mar Forest, seasoned, varies from . .38 „
The mean weight of the modulus of elasticity for a square inch of—
The foreign varieties of Scotch fir of a good quality is 1,687,000 lbs.
Mar Forest 845,000 „
English 951,000 „
The mean strength, stiffness, and toughness of oak
being each represented by 100, those of the different
varieties of Scotch fir will be represented by the num-
bers below : —
Strength of foreign timber 80, of Mar Forest ditto 61, of English
grown ditto 60.
Stifihess of foreign timber 114, of Mar F^orest ditto 49, of English
grown ditto 55.
Toughness of foreign timber 56, of Liar Forest ditto 76, of English
grown ditto 65.
69. White Fm, or Deal, is the produce of different
species of spruce fir ; that from the north of Europe is
produced by the Norway spruce {Pimis abies) ; but that
from America is produced either by the white spruce
(Pimis alba), or black spruce (Plnus nigra). It is
imported in deals or planks. The Norway spruce
is a native of mountains in various parts of Europe
and the north of Asia. The forests of Norway afford
it abundantly. A considerable quantity is imported
from Christiana in deals and planks, which are esteemed
the best white deals of any ; not so much, from the
superior quality of the tree, as the regular thickness of
the deals. The trees are usually cut into three lengths^
generally of about twelve feet each, and are afterwards
cut into deals and planks by saw mills, each length yield-
ing three deals or planks. A tree requires seventy or
eighty years' growth before it arrives at perfection.
White deals are also imported from Frederickstadt,
Drontheim, and other ports in Norway ; and from
Gottenburg, Riga, and other of the Baltic ports.
White deal is very durable in a dry state, and is
much used for internal joiners' work, and for furniture.
It unites well with glue.
The American white spruce fir is a native of the
high mountainous tracts in the colder parts of North
America. The wood is not so resinous as that of the
Norway spruce, and it is tougher, less heavy, and
generally more liable to twist in drying. It is imported
in deals and planks. The American black spruce fir is
a native of the high mountainous tracts from the
northern parts of Canada to Carolina. The black and
white spruce are so named from the colour of the bark,
the wood of both kinds being of the same colour. The
black spruce is said to produce the best wood. The
colour of spruce fir, or white deal, is yellowish or
brownish white ; the hard part of the annual ring a
darker shade of the same colour ; often has a silky
lustre, especially in the American and British grown
kinds. Each annual ring consists of two parts, the
one hard, the other softer. The knots are generally
very hard. The clear and straight-grained kinds are
often tough, but not very difiicult to work, and stand
extremely well when properly seasoned : and they are
often used for topmasts.
The coliesive force of—
A square inch of Chi'istiana deal is from 8,000 to 12,000 lbs.
American white spruce . . . 8,000 to 10,000 „
British grown Korway spruce is about 8,000 „
The modulus of elasticity is 1,500,000 pounds for a
square inch, taking the mean of the three kinds.
A cubic foot of —
Christiana deal weighs from . 28 to 32 pounds when dry.
American white spruce . . .29 „ „
Norway spruce (British grown) . .34 „ „
Representing the strength, stiffness, and hardness of
oak, each by 100,
white spruce.
British grown
Norway spruce.
The strength, will be
The stiffness .
The toughness
CO. Weymouth Pine, or White Pi!>e {Finns sfrohiis),
is a native of North America, and is imported in large
logs, often more than 2 feet square and 30 feet in
length. It is one of the largest and most useful of the
American pines, and makes excellent masts. The wood
is light and soft, but is said to stand the weather
tolerably well. In joiners' work the wood is much
used for mouldings, and other work where clean
straight-grained wood is desirable ; but it is not durable,
nor fit for large timbers, being very liable to take the
dry rot. It has a peculiar odour.
The colour of the wood is a brownish yellow, the
texture is more nearly uniform than that of any other
of the pine species, and the annual rings not very dis-
tinct. It stands very well when seasoned, and is a very
good kind of wood for moulds for casting from, and for
some kinds of furniture ; but its softness renders it un-
fit for many purposes. Its strength and other proper-
ties are given in a table on page 81.
61. Yellow Pixe (Pinus variahilis) is a native of
the pine forests from ISew England to Georgia, and the
wood is much used for many of the carpenter's purposes,
and for shij^-building.
62. Pitch Pine (Pinus resiuGsa) is a native of
Canada, and is remarkable for the abundance and fra-
grance of its resin, and for the beauty of its grain-
ing. It is a very heavy wood, and not very durable :
it is also brittle when very dry. It is of a redder
colour than the Scotch pine, feels sticky, and is difficult
to plane. It has recently come largely into use for
joinery and cabinet work.
63. Silver Fir (Pinus picea) is a native of the
mountains of Siberia, Germany, and Switzerland, and is
common in British plantations. It is a large tree, and
produces the Strasburg turj^entine of commerce. The
wood is of a good quality, and much used on the Con-
tinent both for carpentry and shij)-building. The
harder fibres are of a yellow colour, compact, and
resinous ; the softer nearly white. Like the other
kinds of fir, it is light and stiff, and does not bend
much under a considerable load ; consequently floors
constructed of it remain permanently level. It is
subject to the worm. It lasts longer in the air than in
water, and it is therefore more fit for the upper parts
of bridges than for piles and piers.
64. Cll'ster Pixe {Pimis pinaster) is a native of
the rocky mountainous parts of Europe, and is some-
times cultivated in British plantations. It is a larger
tree than the Scotch pine, and produces both pitch
and turpentine ; and its wood is not of so red a colour.
The wood of the pinaster is more durable in water than
in air, is of a finer grain than either the pine or silver
fir, and contains less resin than either.
Table or Propehties or the Piieceding SrECiE«.
of a cubic
Wt. of mod.
of elasticity
for a sq. in.
force of a
sq. in.
Weymo-ath. pine
Yellow pine
Pitch pine
Silver fir .
Pinaster .
25 J
111 the fifth, sixth, and seventh columns, the stiff-
ness, strength, and toughness of oak are each suj)posed
to be represented by 100.
65. The Larch Tree has three species — one Euro-
pean and two American. The European larch tree
{Pinus larix) is a native of the Alps of Switzerland,
Italy, Germany, and Siberia. The variety from the
Italian Alps is the most esteemed, and has been intro-
duced to a considerable extent in the plantations of
Britain. The mean size of the trunk is 45 feet
in length and 33 inches in diameter. It is ex-
tremely durable in all situations, failing only where
any other kind would fail. In posts, and other situa-
tions w^here it is exposed to damp and the weather, it is
found to be very durable. In countries where larch
abounds it is often used to cover buildings, which
when first done are the natural colour of the wood, but
in two or three years they become covered with resin,
and as black as charcoal ; the resin forms a kind of im-
penetrable varnish which effectually resists the weather.
Larch is not attacked by common worms, and does
not inflame readily. The larch is preferable to the
pine, the pinaster, or the fir, for the construction of the
arches of wooden bridges ; and is useful for every pur-
pose of building, w^hether external or internal ; it
makes excellent ship-timber, masts, boats, posts, rails,
and furniture. It is peculiarly adapted for flooring-
boards in situations where there is much wear, and
for staircases ; in the latter, its fine colour, when
rubbed with oil, is much preferable to that of the black
oaken staircases to be seen in some old mansions. It
is well adapted for doors^ shutters, and the like ; and
from the beautiful colour of its wood when varnished,
painting is not necessary.
The wood of the American black larch or Tamarack
(Ptniis 2)endi{Ia) is said to be nearly equal to that of the
European larch ; and that of the American red larch
{Pinus microcarjxi) is also of a very good quality ; but
they do not produce turpentine as the European kind.
The wood of the European larch is generally of a
honey-yellow colour, the hard part of the annual rings
of a redder cast ; sometimes it is brownish white. In
common with the other species of pine, each annual
ring consists of a hard and soft part. It generally has
a silky lustre, and its colour is browner than that of
the Scotch pine, and it is much tougher. It is more
difficult to work than Eiga or Memel timber ; but the
surface is better when once it is obtained. It bears
driving bolts and nails better than any other kind of
the resinous w^oods. When it has become perfectly dry
it stands well, but warps much in seasoning.
The cohesive force of a square inch is from 6,000 to
13,000 pounds ; the modulus of elasticity for a square
inch is 1,363,500 pounds ; and the w^eight of a cubic
foot of larch varies from 29 to 40 jpounds when dry.
Eepresenting the mean strength of oak Ly 100, tliat of larch is 103
„ „ stiffness of oak by 100, 79
„ „ toughness of oak by 100, „ „ 134
Of the larch wood there are two very distinct kinds,
differing much both in colour and quality; the one
being of a redder colour, harder, of a straigliter grain,
and more free from knots than the other, which is of a
white colour and coarse grain. The white kind is the
most common.
66. The Cedar Tree (Jtmiperus) has several species
that produce valuable wood. There are also several
other kinds of timber that are often called cedar.
Thus a species of cypress is called white cedar in
America ; and the cedar used by the Japanese for
building bridges, ships, houses, &c., is also a kind of
cypress, which is a beautiful wood, and lasts long with-
out decay. The Jiini2oenis oxyccdnis is a native of
Spain, the South of France, and the Levant ; it is
usually called the brown-berried cedar. The wood of
this species is supposed to have been the famous cedar
of the ancients, so much celebrated for its durability.
The Bermudian cedar (Jumperiis JBermiidiana), a native
of Bermuda and the Bahama Islands, is another species
that produces valuable timber for many purposes, such
as internal joiners' work, furniture, and the like,
The red cedar, so well known from its being used in
making black-lead pencils, is produced by the Vir-
ginian cedar (Jumperus Virginiana), a native of North
America, the West India Islands, and Japan. The
tree seldom exceeds 46 feet in height.
The wood of the red cedar is very durable, and is not
attacked by worms or insects. It is used for drawers,
wardrobes, and various kinds of furniture, for ship-
building, and for pencils. Its colour is a brownish red,
the sap-wood nearly white, texture nearly uniform : it
is brittle, very light, and has a strong and peculiar
odour, which renders it unfit to be employed in con-
siderable quantities for internal work. Its specific
gravity is -650. The cohesive force is 4,875 pounds
for a square inch.
67. Cov/RiE Wood is brouglit from Kew Zealand,
and possesses many of the most esteemed qualities of
the pine species ; it is from a coniferous tree (the
Bammara AustraUs), and contains a considerable quan-
tity of resin. It appears to shrink very little, and
bears exposure to the effects of the weather very well ;
the mean diameter of the trunk of the tree is said to be
from 3 to 6 feet, and it is from 90 to 100 feet in height.
It is a close, even, and fine-grained wood, of a verj^ uniform
texture ; its colour is a light yellowish brown, the lustre
silky, the annual rings marked by a line of a deeper
tint of the same colour. It unites w^ell with glue, and
seems admirably adapted for internal joiners' work; it
is used for masts and yards of ships. The cohesive
force is from 9,600 to 10,960 pounds per square inch ;
the weight of the modulus of elasticity for a base an
inch square is 1,982,400 pounds; and the weight of a
cubic foot dry varies from 35 to 40^ pounds.
Section I. — Strains on Beams and Frames.
68. Application of the Laws of Mecpianics. —
In tlie present chapter our main aim will be to deduce
from the principles and laws of mechanics, and the
knowledge which experience and judicious inferences
from it have given us concerning the strength of
timber in relation to the strain laid on it, such maxims
of construction as will unite economy with strength
and efficacy.
This object is to be attained by a knowledge, 1st, of
the strength of our materials, and of the absolute strain
that is to be laid on them ; 2ndly, of the modifications
of this strain, by the place and direction in which it is
exerted, and the changes that can be made by a proper
disposition of the parts of our structure ; and, 3rdly,
having disposed every piece in such a manner as to
derive the utmost advantage from its relative strength,
we must know how to form the joints and other con-
nections, in such a manner as to secure the advantages
derived from this disposition.
69. The Theory of Carpentry is founded on two
distinct portions of mechanical science — namely, a
knowledge of the strains to which framings of timber
are exposed, and a knowledge of their relative strength.
"We shall therefore attemjDt to bring into one point
of view the propositions of mechanical science that are
more immediately applicable to the art of carpentry.
From these propositions we hope to deduce such prin-
ciples as shall enable an attentive reader to comprehend
distinctly what is to be aimed at in framing timber,
and how to attain this object with certainty : and we
shall illustrate and confirm our principles by examples
of pieces of carpentry which are acknowledged to be
excellent in their kind.
70. The Composition and Eesolutiox of Forces is
the most imjDortant proposition of general mechanics to
the carpenter ; and we beg our practical readers to en-
deavour to form very distinct conceptions of it^ and to
make it very familiar to their miLd. "When accommo-
dated to their chief purposes, it may be thus ex-
pressed :
1st. If any body, or any part of a body, be at once
pressed in the two directions AB, AC (Fig. 1), and if
the intensity or force
of those pressures
be in the proportion
of these two lines,
the body is affected
in the same manner
as if it were pres-
sed by a single force
acting in the direction AD, which is the diagonal of
the parallelogram ABDC formed upon the two lines, and
whose intensity has the same proportion to the intensity
of each of the other two that AD has to AB or AC.
Such of our readers as have studied the laws of
motion, know that this is fully demonstrated. We
refer them to Paidimentary Statics and Dynamics,'^
by Baker, vol. 97 of the series, where it is treated at
some length. The practitioner in carpentry will get
more useful confidence in the doctrine, if he will shut
his book, and verify the theoretical demonstrations by
actual experiments. They are remarkably easy and
convincing. Therefore it is our request that the stu-
dent, who is not so habitually acquainted with the sub-
ject, do not proceed further till he has made it quite
familiar to his thoughts. Nothing is so conducive to
this as the actual experiment ; and since this only
requires the trifling expense of two small pulleys and a
few yards of whipcord, we hope that none of our prac-
tical readers wdll omit it.
2nd. Let the threads A cl, AF h, and AE c (Fig. 2),
have the weights h, and c, appended to them, and let
two of the threads be laid
over the pulleys F and E.
By this apparatus the knot
A will be drawn in the direc-
tions AB, AC, and AK. If
the sum of the w^eights h and
c be greater than the single
weight d, the assemblage
will of itself settle in a cer-
tain determined form ; if you
pull the knot A out of its
place, it will always return
to it again, and will rest in
no other position. For example, if the three weights
are equal, the threads wall always make equal angles,
of 120 degrees each, round the knot. If one of the
w*eights be 3 pounds, another 4, and the third 5,
the angle opposite to the thread stretched by 5
pounds will always be square, &c. When the knot A
is thus in equilibrio, we must infer that the action
of the weight d, in the direction A rf, is in direct
Fig. 2.
opposition to the combined action of b, in the direc-
tion AB, and of c, in the direction AC. Therefore,
if we produce d A to any point D, and take AD to
represent the magnitude of the force, or pressure
exerted by the weight d, the pressures exerted on A by
the weights h and Cy in the directions AB, AC, are in
fact equivalent to a pressure acting in the direction AD,
whose intensity we have represented by AD. If we
nov/ measure off by a scale on AF and AE the lines
AB and AC, having the same proportion to AD that
the weights h and c have to the weight d, and if v/e
draw DB and DC, we shall find DC to be equal and
parallel to AB, and DB equal and parallel to AC ; so
that AD is the diagonal of a parallelogram ABDC.
We shall find this always to be the case, whatever are
the weights made use of ; only we must take care that
the weight which we cause to act without the interven-
tion of a pulley be less than the sum of the other two :
if any one of the weights exceeds the sum of the other
two, it will prevail, and drag them along with it.
Now, since we know that the weight d would just
balance an equal weight g, pulling directly upwards
by the intervention of the pulley Gr ; and since we see
that it just balances the weights h and c, acting in the
directions AB, AC, we must infer that the knot A is
affected in the same manner by those two weights, or
by the single weight g ; and therefore, that tivo pressures,
acting in the dircctionSy and icith the intensities, AB, AC,
are equivalent to a single pressure having the direction and
projjortion of AD. In like manner, the pressures AB,
AK, are equivalent to AH, which is equal and opposite
to AC. Also AK and AC are equivalent to AI, which
is equal and opposite to AB.
71. Combination of Pressukes. — Suppose an up-
right beam BA (Fig, 3), pushed in the direction of its
lengtli by a load B, and abutting on the ends of two
beams AO, AD, which, are firmly resisted at their
extreme points 0 and D, which rest on two blocks, but
are nowise joined to them : these two beams can resist
Tig. 3.
no way but in the directions CA, DA ; and therefore
the pressures which they sustain from the beam BA
are in the directions AO, AD. "We wish to know hov/
much each sustains? Produce BA to E, taking AE
from a scale of equal parts, to represent the number of
tons or pounds by which BA is pressed. Draw EF and
EGr parallel to AD and AO ; then AF, measured on the
same scale, will give us the number of pounds by which
AO is strained or crushed, and AG- will give the strain
on AD.
It deserves particular remark here, that the length
of AO or AD has no influence on the strain, arising
from the thrust of BA, while the directions remain the
same. The eflects, however, of this strain are modified
by the length of the piece on v/hich it is exerted. This
strain compresses the beam, and will therefore compress
a beam of double leno^th twice as much. This may
change the form of the assemblage. If AC, for example,
be very much shorter than AD, it will be much less
compressed : the line CA will turn about the centre C,
while DA will hardly change its position ; and the
angle CAD will grow more open, the point A sinking
down. The student will find it of great consequence
to pay very minute attention to this circumstance, and
to be able to see clearly the change of shape which
necessarily results from these mutual strains. He will
see in this the cause of failure in many yery great
works. By thus changing shape, strains are often pro-
duced in places where there were none before, and fre-
quently of the very worst kind, tending to break the
beams across.
The dotted lines of this figure show another position
of the beam AD. This makes a prodigious cha-nge,
not only in the strain on AD', but also in that on AC.
Both of them are much increased ; AGf is almost
doubled, and AF is four times greater than before.
This addition was made to the figure, to show what
enormous strains may be produced by a very moderate
force AE, when it is exerted on a very obtuse angle.
The 4th and 5th Figures will assist the most unin-
Fig. 4.
Fig. 5.
structed reader in conceiving how the very same strains
AF, AG, are laid on these beams, by a weight simply
hanging from a billet resting on A, pressing hard on
AD, and also leaning a little on AC ; or by an upright
piece AE, joggled on the two beams AO, AD, and
performing the office of an ordinary king-post. The
student will thus learn to call off his attention from the
means by which the strains are produced, and learn to
consider them abstractedly, merely as strains, in what-
ever situation he finds them, and from whatever cause
they arise.
We presume that every reader
will perceive, that the proportions
of these strains will be precisely
the same if everything be inverted,
and each beam be drawn or pulled
in the opjDOsite direction. In the
same way that we have substituted
a rope and weight in Fig. 4, or a
king-post in Fig. 5, for the loaded
beam BA of Fig. 3, we might have
substituted the framing of Fig. 6,
which is a very usual practice. In
this framing, the batten DA is
stretched by a force AGr, and the piece AC is com-
pressed by a force AF. It is evident, that we may
employ a rope, or an iron
rod hooked on at D, in
place of the batten DA, and
the strains will be the same
as before.
This seemingly simple
matter is still full of in-
struction ; and we hope
that the well - informed
reader will pardon us, though we dwell a little longer
on it for the sake of the student in this art.
rig. c.
Fig. 7.
By changing the form of this framing, as in Fig. 7,
we produce the same strains as in the disposition repre-
sented by the dotted
lines in Fig. 3. The
strains on both the bat-
tens AD, AC, are now
greatly increased.
The same conse-
quences result from an
improper change of the
position of AC. If it is
placed as in Fig. 8, the strains
on both are vastly increased. In \
short, the rule is general ; that \^
the more open we make the
angle against which the push \J
is exerted, the greater are the
strains which are brought on Fi^^-s.
the strutts or ties which form the sides of the angle.
The reader may not readily conceive the piece AC of
Fig. 8 as sustaining a compression ; for the weight B
appears to hang from AC as much as from AD. But
his doubts will be removed by considering whether he
could employ a rope in place of AC. He cannot : but
AD may be exchanged for a rope. AC is therefore a
strutt, and not a tie.
In Fig. 9, AD is again a strutt, butting on the block
D, and AC is a tie : and tlie batten AC may be re-
placed by a rope. AYliile AD is compressed by the
force AGr, AC is stretched by the force AF.
If we give AC the position represented by the
dotted line A.by the compression of AD is now AGr',
and the force stretching Ab is now AF' ; both much
J) c
I'ig. 0. rig. 10.
greater than they were before. This disposition is
analogous to Fig. 8, and to the dotted lines in Fig. 3.
Nor w^ill the student have any doubts of Ab being on
the stretch, if he consider w^hether AD can be replaced
by a rope. It cannot, but Ab may ; and it is there-
fore not compressed, but stretched.
In Fig. 10, all the three pieces, AC, AD, and AB,
are ties, on the stretch. This is the complete inversion
of Fig 3 ; and the dotted position of Ab induces the
same changes in the forces AF', AGr', as in Fig 3.
Thus have w^e gone over all the varieties which can
happen in the bearings of three pieces on one point.
All calculations about the strength of carpentry are
reduced to this case : for when more ties or braces meet
in a point (a thing that rarely happens), we reduce
them to three, by substituting for any tv/o the force
w^hich results from their combination, and then com-
bining this with another ; and so on.
The tyro must be particularly careful not to mistake
the kind of strain that is exerted on any piece of the
framing, and suppose a piece to be a brace which is
really a tie. It is very easy to avoid all mistakes in this
matter by the following rule, which has no exception.
72. The Direction of the Strain in which the
piece acts is now to be noticed. Draw a line in that
direction frvm the point on which the strain is exerted ;
and let its length (measured on some scale of equal
parts) express the magnitude of this action in pounds,
hundreds, or tons. From its remote extremity draw
lines parallel to the pieces on which the strain is
exerted. The line parallel to one piece w411 necessarily
cut the other, or its direction produced : if it cut the
piece itself, that piece is compressed by the strain, and
it is performing the office of a strutt or brace : if it cut
its direction produced, the piece is stretched, and it is a
tie. In short, the strains on the pieces AC, AD, are to
be estimated in the direction of the points P and G
from the strained point A. Thus, in Fig 3, the up-
right piece BA, loaded with the weight B, presses the
point A in the direction AE : so does the rope AB in
the other figures, or the batten AB in Fig 5.
In general, if the straining piece is v/ithin the angle
formed by the pieces which are strained, the strains
which they sustain are of the oj)posite kind to that
which it exerts. If it be pushing, they are drawing ;
but if it be within the angle formed by their directions
produced, the strains which they sustain are of the same
kind. All the three are either drawing or pressing.
If the straining piece lie within the angle formed by
one piece and the produced direction of the other, its
own strain, whether compression or extension, is of the
same kind with that of the most remote of the other
two, and opposite to that of the nearest. Thus, in Fig. 9,
where AB is drawing, the remote piece
ing, while AD is pushing or resisting com^
In all that has been said on this subject, we^
spoken of any joints. In the calculations with which
we are occupied at present, the resistance of joints has
no share ; and we must not suppose that they exert any
force which tends to prevent the angles from changing.
The joints are supposed perfectly flexible, or to be like
compass joints ; the pin of which only keeps the pieces
together when one or more of the pieces draws or pulls.
The carpenter must always suppose them all compass
joints, when he calculates the thrusts and draughts of
the diflerent pieces of his frames. The strains on joints,
and their power to produce or balance them, are of a
difierent kind, and require a very different examination.
73. Eelation Between Angles and Strains. —
Seeing that the angles which the pieces make with
each other are of such importance to the magnitude
and the proportion of the excited strains, it is proper to
find out some way of readily and compendiously con-
ceiving and expressing this analogy.
In general, the strain on any piece is proportional to
the straining force. This is evident.
Secondly, the strain on any piece AC is proportional
to the sine of the angle which the straining force makes
with the other piece directly, and to the sine of the
angle which the pieces make with each other inversely.
For it is plain, that the three pressures AE, AF, and
AG, which are exerted at the point A, are in the pro-
portion of the lines AE, AF, and FE (because FE is
equal to AG). But because the sides of a triangle are
proportional to the sines of the opposite angles, the
strains are proportional to the sines of the angles AFE,
AEF, and FAE. But the sine of AFE is the same
with the sine of the angle CAD, which the two pieces
AC and AD make with each other ; and the sine of
AEF is the same with the siDO of EAD, which the
straining piece DA makes with the piece AO. There-
fore w^e have this analogy, Sin. CAD : Sin. EAD = AE :
AF, and
AF = AE X fj^^-^n" sines of angles are most con-
veniently conceived as decimal fractions of the radius,
which is considered as unity. Thus, Sin. 30^ is the
same thing with 0*6, or |- ; and so of others. There-
fore, to find the strain on AC, arising from any load
AE acting in the direction AE, multiply AE by the sine
of EAD, and divide the product by the sine of CAD.
This rule shows how great the strains must be when
the angle CAD becomes very open, approaching to 180
degrees. But when the angle CAD becomes very
small, its sine (which is our divisor) is also very small ;
and we should exjDect a very great quotient in this case
also. But we must observe, that in this case the sine
of EAD is also very small ; and this is our multiplier.
In such a case, the quotient cannot exceed unity.
But it is unnecessary to consider the calculation by the
tables of sines more particularly. The angles are seldom
known any otherwise but by drawing the figure of the
frame of carpentry. In this case we can always obtain
the measures of the strains from the same scale, with
equal accuracy, by drawing the parallelogram AFCGr.
74. Stiiains Represented by Lines. — Hitherto we
have considered the strains excited at A only as they
aflect the pieces on which they are exerted. But the
pieces, in order to sustain, or be subject to any strain,
must be supported at their ends C and D ; and we may
consider them as mere intermediums, by which these
strains are made to act on these points of support:
therefore AF and AGr are also measures of the forces
which press or pull at C and D. Thus we learn the
supports which must be found for these points. These
may be infinitely various. We shall attend only to
such as somehow depend on the framing itself.
Such a structure as Fig. 11 very frequently occurs,
where a beam BA is strongly pressed to the end of
another beam AD, which is prevented from yielding,
both because it lies on another beam HD, and because
its end D is hindered from sliding backwards. It is
indifferent from what this pressure arises ; we have
represented it as owing to a weight hung on at B,
^hile B is withheld from yielding by a rod or rope
aooked to the wall. The beam AD may be supposed at
full liberty to exert all its pressure on D, as if it were sup-
ported on rollers lodged in the beam HD ; but the loaded
beam BA presses both on the beam AD and on HD.
We wish only to know what strain is borne by AD ?
All bodies act on each other in the direction perpen-
dicular to their touching surfaces ; therefore the sup-
port given by HD is in a direction perpendicular to it.
Piff. 11.
We may therefore supply its place at A by a beam AC,
perpendicular to HD, and firmly supported at C. In
this case, therefore, we may take AE as before, to repre-
sent the pressure exerted by tlie loaded beam, and draw
EG perpendicular to AD, and EF parallel to it, meeting
the perpendicular AO in F. Then AGr is the strain com-
pressing AD, and AF is the pressure on the beam HD.
75. FoEM or Joints. — It may be thought that,
since we assume as a principle that the mutual pressures
of solid bodies are exerted perpendicular to their touch-
ing surfaces, this balance of pressures, in framings of
timbers, depends on the directions of their butting
joints; but it does not, as will readily appear by con-
sidering the present case. Let the joint or abutment
of the two pieces BA, AD, be mitred, in the usual
manner, in the direction / A Therefore, if A 6 be
drawn perpendicular to A /, it will be the direction of
the actual pressure exerted by the loaded beam BA on
the beam AD. But the reaction of AD, in the opposite
direction A t, will not balance the pressure of BA ;
because it is not in the direction precisely opposite.
BA will therefore slide along the joint, and press on the
beam HD. AE represents the load on the mitre joint
A. Draw E e perpendicular to A e, and E / parallel to
it. The pressure AE will be balanced by the reactions
e A and /A; or, the pressure AE produces the pres-
sures A e and A / ; of which A / must be resisted by
the beam HD, and A e by the beam AD. The pressure
A/ not being perpendicular to HD, cannot be fully
resisted by it; because (by our assumed principle) it
reacts only in a direction perj)endicular to its surface.
Therefore draw fp, fi parallel to HD, and perpen-
dicular to it. The pressure A /will be resisted by HD
with the force 7; A ; but there is required another force
i A, to prevent the beam BA from slipping outwards.
This must be furnished by the reaction of the beam
DA. In like manner, the other force A e cannot be
frilly resisted by the beam AD, or rather by the jDrop
D, acting by the intervention of tlie beam: fot the
action of that prop is exerted throngli tlie beam in tlie
direction DA. The beam AD, therefore, is premised to
the beam HD by the force A as well as by A /. To
find what this pressure on HD is, draw e g perpen-
dicular to HD, and e o parallel to it, cutting EGr in r.
The forces g A and o A will resist and balance A e.
Thus we see, that the two forces A e and A /, which
are equivalent to AE, are equivalent also to A ^, A i,
A 0, and A g. But because A / and e E are equal and
parallel, and E r and /^ are also parallel, as also e r
and fp, it is evident that if is equal to r E, or to o F,
and i A is equal r e, or to G g. Therefore the four
forces A g, A o, A A. ^, are equal to AG and AF.
Consequently AG is the compression of the beam AD,
or the force pressing it on D, and AF is the force press-
ing it on the beam HD. The proportion of these pres-
sures, therefore, is not affected by the form of the joint.
This remark is important ; for many carpenters think
the form and direction of the butting joint of great im-
portance ; and even the theorist, by not prosecuting the
general principle through all its consequences, may be
led into an error. The form of the joint is of no im-
portance, in as far as it affects the strains in the direction
of the beams ; but it is often of great consequence, in
respect to its own firmness, and the effect it may have in
bruising the piece on which it acts, or being crippled by it.
76. Application to a Roof. — The same compres-
sion of AB, and the same thrust on the point D by the
intervention of AD, will obtain, in whatever way the
original pressure on the end A is produced. Thus,
supposing that a cord is made fast at A, and pulled in
the direction AE, and with the same force, the beam
AD will be equally compressed, and the prop D must
react with the same force.
r 2
But it ofeh happens that the obliquity of the pres-
sure oii^A,D, instead of compressing it, stretches it ; and
V^we d'esif e to know what tension it sustains. Of this we
have a familiar example in a common roof. Let the
two rafters AC, AD (Fig. 12), press on the tie-beam
DO. We may suppose the whole weight to press
vertically on the ridge A, as if a weight B were hung
on there. ^ We may represent this weight by the
Hg-. 12.
portion A 5 of the vertical or plumb line, intercepted
between the ridge and the beam. Then drawing
and b g parallel to AD and AO, A g and A / will
represent the pressures on AO and AD. Produce AO
till OH be equal to A /. The j)oint 0 is forced out in
this direction, and with a force represented by this
line. As this force is not perpendicularly across the
beam, it evidently stretches it; and this extending
force must be withstood by an equal force pulling it in
the opposite direction. This must arise from a similar
oblique thrust of the opposite rafter on the other end D.
We concern ourselves only with this extension at pre-
sent ; but we see that the cohesion of the beam does
nothing but supply the balance to the extending forces.
It must still be supported externally, that it may resist,
and, by resisting obliquely, be stretched. The points
0 and D are supported on the walls, which they press
in the directions OK and DO, parallel to A b. If we
draw HK parallel to DO, and HI paralle^^CK'^^at'^
is, to A i), meeting DC produced in I, it
the composition of forces, that the point C
supported by the two forces KG and IC.
manner, making DNzn: A ^, and completing the paral-
lelogram DMNO, the point D would be supported by
the forces OD and MD. If we draw g o and fk parallel
to DO, it is plain that they are equal to NO and OK,
while A 0 and A k are equal to DO and OK, and A 6 is
equal to the sum of DO and OK (because it is equal to
Ao + A/c). The weight of the roof is equal to its
vertical pressure on the walls.
Thus we see, that while a pressure on A, in the
direction A produces the strains A / and A g, on the
pieces AO and AD, it also excites a strain 01 or DM
in the piece DO. And this comj)letes the mechanism
of a frame ; for all derive their efficacy from the tri-
angles of which they arc composed, as will appear more
clearly as we proceed.
77. Frame of Carpentry. — But there is more to bo
learned from this. The consideration of the strains on
the two pieces AD and AO, by the action of a force at
A, only showed them as the means of propagating the
same strains in their own direction to the points of
support. But, by adding the strains exerted in DO,
we see that the frame becomes an intermedium, by
which exertions may be made on other bodies, in
certain directions and proportions ; so that this frame
may become part of a more complicated one, and, as it
were, an element of its constitution. It is worth while
to ascertain the proportion of the pressures OK and
DO, which are thus exerted on the walls. The simi-
larity of triangles gives the following analogies :
DO : DM = A^»: ^ D.
C I, or D ]M : C K = C ^ : A ^
Therefore DO:CK = C^:^D
Or, the pressures on the points G and D, in the direction
of the straining force, A 6, are reciprocally proportional
to the portions o/DO intercepted hy A b.
Also, since A is =. DO + CK, we have
: CK = C^ + ^iD (or CD) : ^D, and
A3 : DO = CD : Z/C.
In general, any two of the three parallel forces A h,
DO, OK, are to each other in the reciprocal proportion
of the parts of CD, intercepted between their directions
and the direction of the third.
And this explains a still more important oiEce of the
frame ADC. If one of the points, such as D, be sup-
ported, an external power acting at A, in the direction
A hy with an intensity which may be measured by A b,
may be set in equilibrio, with another acting at C, in
the direction CL, opposite to CK, or A 5, and with an
intensity represented by CK : for since the pressure
CH is partly withstood by the force IC, or the firmness
of the beam DC supported at D, the force KC will
complete the balance. When we do not attend to the
support at D, we conceive the force A 6 to be balanced
by KC, or KC to be balanced by A b. And, in like
manner, we may neglect the support or force acting at
A, and consider the force DO as balanced by CK.
Thus our frame becomes a lever, and we are able to
trace the interior mechanical procedure which gives it
its efficacy : it is by the intervention of the forces of
cohesion, which connect the points to which the
external forces are applied with the supported point or
fulcrum, and with each other.
These strains or pressures A h, DO, and CK, not
being in the directions of the beams, may be called
transverse. We see that by their means a frame of
carpentry may be considered as a solid body : but the
example whieli brought this to our view is too limited
for explaining the efficacy which may be given to such
constructions. We shall therefore give a general pro-
position, which will more distinctly explain the pro-
cedure of nature, and enable us to trace the strains as
they are propagated through all the parts of the most
complicated framing, finally producing the exertion of
its most distant points.
78. St]iains in Framing. — We presume that the
learner is now pretty well habituated to the conception
of the strains as they are propagated along the lines
joining the points of a frame, and we shall therefore
employ a very simple figure.
Let the strong lines ACBD (Fig. 13) represent a
frame of carpentry. Suppose that it is pulled at the
Fig. 13.
point A by a force acting in the direction AE, but that
it rests on a fixed point C, and that the other extreme
point B is held back by a power which resists in the
direction BF : it is required to determine the proportion
of the strains excited in its different parts, the propor-
tion of the external pressures at A and B, and the
pressure which is produced on the obstacle or fulcrum
It is evident that each of the external forces at A
and B tend one way, or to one side of the frame, and
that each would cause it to turn round C if the other
did not prevent it ; and that if, notwithstanding their
action, it is turned neither way, the forces in actual
exertion are in equilibrio by the intervention of the
frame. It is no less evident that these forces concur
in pressing the frame on the prop 0. Therefore, if the
piece CD were away, and if the joints 0 and D be
perfectly flexible, the pieces OA, CB would be turned
round the prop 0, and the pieces AD, DB would also
turn with them, and the whole frame change its form.
This shows, by the way, and we desire it to be carefully
kept in mind, that the firmness or stiffness of framing
depends entirely on the triangles bounded by beams
which are contained in it. An open quadrilateral may
always change its shape, the sides revolving round the
angles. A quadrilateral may have an infinity of forms,
without any change of its sides, by merely pushing two
opposite angles towards each other, or drawing them
asunder. But when the three sides of a triangle are
determined, its shape is also invariably determined;
and if two angles be held fast, the third cannot be
moved. It is thus that, by inserting the bar CD, the
figure becomes unchangeable ; and any attempt to
change it by applying a force to an angle A, imme-
diately excites forces of attraction or repulsion between
the particles of the stuff which forms its sides. Thus
it happens, in the present instance, that a change of
shape is prevented by the bar CD. The power at A
j)resses its end against the prop ; and in doing this it
puts the bar AD on the stretch, and also the bar DB.
Their places might therefore be supplied by cords or
metal wires. Hence it is evident that DC is compressed,
as is also AC ; and for the same reason, CB is also in a
state of compression ; for either A or B may be con-
sidered as the point that is impelled or withheld.
Therefore DA and DB are stretched, and are resisting
with attractive forces. AC and CB are compressed,
and are resisting with repulsive forces. DO is also
acting with repulsive forces, being compressed in like
manner : and thus the support of the proj), combined
with the firmness of DO, puts the frame ADBO into
the condition of the two frames in Fior. 8 and Fio:. 9.
Therefore the external force at A is really in equilibrio
with an attracting force acting in the direction AD,
and a repulsive force acting in the direction AK. And
since all the connecting forces are mutual and equal,
the point D is pulled or drawn in the direction DA.
The condition of the point B is similar to that of A,
and D is also drawn in the direction DB. Thus the
point D, being urged by the forces in the directions
DA and DB, presses the beam DO on the prop, and
the prop resists in the opposite direction. Therefore
the line DO is the diagonal of the parallelogram, whose
sides have the proportion of the forces which connect
D with A and B. This is the principle on which the
rest of our investigation proceeds. "We may take DO
as the representation and measure of their joint effect.
Therefore draw OH, 0G-, parallel to DA, DB, and HL, GO,
cutting AE, BF in L and 0, and DA, DB in I and M.
Oomplete the parallelograms ILKA, MO^TB. Then
DGr and AI are the equal and opposite forces which
connect A and D ; for GD =: OH, = AI. In like manner
DH and BM a,re the forces which connect D and B.
The external force at A is in immediate equilibrio
with the combined forces, connecting A with D and
with 0. AI is one of them : therefore AK is the other ;
and AL is the compound force with which the ex-
ternal force at A is in immediate equilibrium. This
external force is therefore equal and opposite to BO ;
and AL is to BO as the external force at A to the
external force at B. The prop 0 resists with forces
F 3
-- equal ib those which are propagated to it from the
points D, A, and B. Therefore it resists with forces
^ OH^ CG:,: equal and opposite to DGr, DH ; and it resists
th% compressions KA, NB, with equal and oj)posite
forces C Z:^ 0 n. Draw k I, n o parallel to AD, BD, and
draw C / C 0 P : it is plain that k CH lis a paral-
lelogram equal to KAIL, and that C / is equal to AL.
In like manner C o is equal to BO. Now the forces
C k, CH, exerted by the prop, compose the force 0 / ;
and 0 n, CGr compose the force C o. These two forces
C ly C 0 are equal and parallel to AL and BO ; and
therefore they are equal and opposite to the external
forces acting at A and B. But they are (primitively)
equal and opposite to the pressures (or at least the
compounds of the pressures) exerted on the prop, by
the forces propagated to C from A, D, and B. There-
fore the pressures exerted on the prop are the same as
if the external forces were applied there in the same
directions as they are apj)lied to A and B. Now, if we
make CV, CZ equal to C / and C o, and complete the
parallelogram CVYZ, it is plain that the force YC is
in equilibrio with / 0 and o C. Therefore the pressures
at A, C, and B are such as would balance if applied to
one point.
Lastly, in order to determine their proportions, draw
CS and OR perpendicular to DA and DB. Also draw
Ad, B / perpendicular to CQ and CP ; and draw
C /7, C i perpendicular to AE, BF.
The triangles CPR and BP / are similar, having a
common angle P, and a right angle at II and/.
In like manner the triangles CQS and AQ d are
similar. Also the triangles CHR, CGS are similar, by
reason of the equal angles at H and G, and the right
angles at R and S. Hence we obtain the following
analogies ;
Therefore, by equality,
AdifB, or
C ^ : C i.
That is, the external forces are reciprocally proportional
to the perpendiculars drawn from the prop on the lines
of their direction.
This proposition (sufficiently general for our purpose)
is fertile in consequences, and furnishes many useful
instructions to the student. The strains LA, OB, OY,
that are excited, occur in many, we may say in all,
framings of carpentry, whether for edifices or engines,
and are the sources of their efficacy. It is also evident,
that the doctrine of the transverse strength of timber
is contained in this proposition ; for every piece of
timber may be considered as an assemblage of parts,
connected by forces which act in the direction of the
lines which join the strained points on the matter that
lies between those points, and also act on the rest of
the matter, exciting those lateral forces y/hich produce
the inflexibility of the whole.
Thus it appears that this proposition contains the
principles which direct the carpenter to frame the most
powerful levers ; to secure uprights by shores or braces,
or by ties and ropes ; to secure scaffoldings for the
erection of spires, and many other most delicate pro-
blems of his art. He also learns, from this proposition,
how to ascertain the strains that are produced, without
his intention, by pieces which he intended for other
offices, and which, by their transverse action, put his
work in hazard. In short, this proposition is the key
to the science of his art.
79. Maxwell's Diagram of Stress. — This method
enables any one who has had practice in ruling parallel
lines, and the use of scales and compasses, to measure
oflf accurately all the various strains to which each part
of a truss or assemblage of beams is subject; so as to
be able to determine what strength ought to be given
to each part of the framework. The principle itself is
explained in Tarn's Science of Building '' (page 3),
and an example of its application is also worked out
(page 104) ; we shall, however, give an example of its
application to a king-post roof truss in which the wind is
supposed to act as a strain upon one side only at a time,
an hypothesis which is more nearly correct than if sup-
Fig. 14.
posed to act as a vertical strain. Let Figure 14 repre-
sent the truss having a span of 20 feet, the rafters
inclined to the tie-beam at 30^, and the trusses supposed
10 feet from centre to centre ; the purlins will throw
the weight on the points A, H, C, E, and B. Assume
that 20 lbs. per square foot, measured on the slope, is the
weight of the roof timbers (except tie-beam and ceiling)
together with the covering and snow, then 4,600 lbs. is
the weight borne by each truss ; the weight of tie-beam
and ceiling 2,400 lbs. Let the force of the wind be 40 lbs.
per foot acting perpendicularly to the slope of the
rafters on one side only ; this will amount to 4,600 lbs.
uniformly distributed over one side of the roof and at
right angles thereto. Now when a continuous beam is
uniformly loaded and supported at the centre and two
ends, Aths of tlie load is borne at each, end and fths
at the middle. Hence the loads at A and B are
I X 4,600 = 430 lbs. ; at C, |. x 4,600 = 860 lbs. ; at
E and H, x 4,600 = 1,440 lbs. Also tlie weight of
tie-beam and ceiling produces a load of X 2,400 =
460 lbs. at A and B, and of f x 2400 = 1,500 lbs. at D.
The force of the wind on the right hand side produces
at B and C a pressure of x 4,600 = 860 lbs., and at E
4,600 = 2,880 lbs.
We have now to draw two stress diagrams, one
showing the stresses arising from the vertical forces,
and the other those produced by the pressure of the
wind acting at right angles to one side of the roof
Half the total weight of the roof is of course borne at
each end A and B, and amounts to 3,500 lbs., which is
the reaction at A and B.
To construct the diagram (Fig. 15) for vertical forces,
draw a vertical line c h, and measure a b representing on
any scale 480 lbs., the pressure at A or B ; take h c
equal to 3,500 on the same scale ; draw cd parallel to
AB, and ad parallel to AO. Measure ae equal to
1,440 lbs., the vertical pressure at E or H, draw ef
parallel to AC, and d f parallel to DH. Take e g equal
to 860 lbs., the load at 0, and draw g h parallel to DH.
Then cd, da represent in direction and magnitude the
stresses in AD, AH respectively, the former in tension
and the latter in compression ; df and/^?, those in HD,
HO, both in compression ; ///, the tension in the king-
post. Measuring these lines by the scale, we find
cd=. 4,500 lbs. the tension in AB ) da=. 5,250 lbs. the
comiDression in AH or BE ; (lf=. 1,400 lbs. tlie com-
pression in HD or ED ; fe =z 3,800 lbs. the compression
Fig. 15.
in EEC or EC ; fh =z 2,900 lbs., the tension in the king-
post CD.
We have now to find tlie stresses arising from tlie
wind acting in the direction of the arrows at B, E, and
0, at right angles to BC. The pressure at C is 860 lbs.,
and produces a reaction at B equal to 860 x or
290 lbs. ; also a reaction at A of 860 x ?f , or 570 lbs.
The pressure at E is 2,880 lbs. and produces a reaction
at B of 2,880 lbs. x or 1,900 lbs. ; and a reaction at
A of 2,880 X or 970 lbs. Therefore the total reac-
tion at B is 860 + 290 + 1,900, or 3,050 lbs ; and at A it
is 570 + 970, or 1,540 lbs. Draw a line q I (Fig. 16)
parallel to CK, and take k I to represent 860 lbs., / m to
represent, on the same scale, 3,050 lbs. ; draw m n
parallel to AB, and Tx n to BC ; then m n represents the
tensile strain in AB, n k the compressive strain in BE.
Take k o equal to 2,880 lbs., and draw o p pa
J) n parallel to ED ; then 02^ represents the
produced by the force of the wind in EC, ai
in ED. Draw the vertical r, which is the sr
the king.post ; and draw r q parallel to AC,
the compression jproduce in that rafter. Measuring by
scale, we find rn n is 4,400 lbs., the tension in the tie-
beam ; n h is 3,800 lbs., the compression in BE ; ojy is
2,150 lbs., the compression in EC ; 2) n is 3,3301bs., the
T\^. IG.
compression in ED ; r is l,G501bs., the tension in the
king-post CD ; rj) is 2,660 lbs., the compression in AO.
Collecting the strains obtained by the two diagrams,
we have.
Tension in tie-beam = 4,500 + 4,400 =^ 8,900 ILs.
„ „ kiug-post r= 2,900 + 1,650 z= 4,550 „
Compression in rafter — 5,250 + 3,800 z= 9,050 „
„ „ strut = 1,400 + 3,330 = 4,730 „
80. Scantlings of Eoof Timbers. — We can now,
by applying the rules given elsewhere for the strength
of timber, find the scantlings required in the case
before us.
Suppose the framing to be of Memcl fir, the safe
tensile strain ofwliicli is 1/200 lbs. per square incb,
then the tie-beam need only have a transverse section
of 7i square inches, and the king-post of 3f square
inches ; as, however, each half of the tie-beam has to
carry a distributed load of 1,200 lbs., the tie-beam, if
made 7 inches deep, must be 2 inches thick. To find
the strength of the rafters and struts, we must consider
them as long pillars, and use the formula (page 129) —
= 2,.500 X
which is the safe load when d is the diameter in inches
and / the length in feet. Putting / = 6 feet, we find
the rafters must have a scantling of 3f inches square,
and the struts about 3J inches square. In these dimen-
sions, however, no allowance is made for cutting away
portions of the timber for mortises or for defective
portions of the wood ; and Tredgold's scantlings for
such a roof are as follows : — Tie-beam 9^ x 4, king-
post 4 X 3, rafters 4x4, braces 3| x 2 ; in which
the strength of the tie-beam is excessive, whilst that of
the braces is rather deficient ; a better arrangement
would be, tie-beam 7x3, king-post 2J x 3, rafters
4J X 3, braces 3J x 3.
Some examples of the application of this method of
calculating strains are given in a paper read at the
Eoyal Institute of British Architects (April 22, 1872),
by Capt. Seddon, R.E. ; and also in Eanken's Strains
in Trusses.'^
Sectiox II. — Picsistance of Timber.
81. The Laavs of the Eesistaxce of Timber depend
on the manner in which the pieces are strained, and
may be divided into three kinds ;
First, When the force tends to pull the piece
asunder in the direction of its length, or the resistance
to tension.
Secondly, When the force tends to break the piece
across, or the resistance to cross strains.
Thirdly, When the force tends to compress the body
in the direction of its length, or the resistance to com-
Stiffness is that property of bodies by which they
resist flexure or bending. Strength is that by which
they resist fracture or breaking. This distinction must
be carefully attended to, because the laws of strength
and stifihess are not the same. For instance, the stifi*-
ness of a cylinder, exposed to a cross strain, increases
as the fourth power of the diameter, but the strength
increases only as the cube of the diameter. If the
diameter of a cylinder be doubled, its stifihess will be
sixteen times as great, but its strength will only be in-
creased eight times.
In those members of carpentry that arc unavoidably
subject to cross strain, the comparative stifihess is of
much greater importance than the comparative strength,
as timbers are seldom exposed to strains that break
All bodies may be extended or compressed ; and
within the limits useful in practice, the extension or
compression is directly as the force producing it : that
is, if a force of 100 pounds produce an extension of
one-tenth of an inch, 200 pounds will produce an ex-
tension of two-tenths of an inch, and so on. It is on
the truth of this principle that the greater part of the
following inquiry depends ; and it has been found by
experiment to be perfectly regular to an extent which
embraces all useful cases.
82. Resistance to Tension. — It is apparently the
most Simple case of extension when a piece is pulled in
the direction of its length ; but this simplicity is con-
fined to the case when the line of strain corresponds
exactly with the centre of the section, otherwise it is
the most complicated, or at least the most difficult to
manage in a theoretical point of yiew. Yrhen a beam
is strained in the direction of its length, the extension
will obviously be directly proportional to the straining
weight, and to the length of the piece ; and inversely
proportional to its area, or to the product of its breadth
and depth when the piece is rectangular.
The strength to resist a weight that will produce
fracture in the direction of its length is as the area of
the section. Consequently, if we multiply the area of
the section in inches, by the weight that will tear
asunder a bar an inch square of the same kind of wood,
the product will be the weight in pounds the piece will
just support ; but the greatest constant load any piece
should be allowed to sustain ought not to exceed one-
fourth of this. The same rule applies to the cohesion
of timber when it is pulled asunder at right angles to
the direction of the fibres.
83. Tables of Cohesive Force. — The following
tables contain the results of the chief experiments that
have been made on the direct strength : —
Kind of wood, and
spec. gray.
Cohesion of a
sq. in. in lbs.
Kind of wood, and
spec. gray.
Cohesion of a
sq. in. in lbs.
Ocak, English -7
Oak . . .
Ditto .
Ditto, dry ) from .
English j to
Ditto, black )
bog. .r^7
Beech . •
Ditto .
^ Alder .
1 Sycamore . '69
! Chestnut, Spanish
i Ditto . . -61
Beech . . -72
Kind of wood, and
spec. grav.
Cohesion of a
sq. in. in lbs.
Kind of wood, and
spec. gray.
Cohesion of a
sq. in. in lbs.
( to .
Ditto . . 'o-i
Ditto .
Poplar. . -36
Ditto . 1!'^°^
(to .
Norway pine -66
Petersburg do. -49
Fir .
Ditto .
Pitch pino .
Norv/ay pine
Elm . . "GO
Ditto .
Ditto . . 'So
JMahogaii y . "87
Ditto .
z 1 , o U J
j Larch . • ,
1 Ditto . . -57
VV clllitlli • •
Ditto . . -59
8 130
1 Cedar . . '54
Ditto .
Teak .
Ditto, old . -53
Lance wood 101
The following table refers to wood pulled asunder in
a direction perpendicular to that of the fibres : —
Kind of AVood.
Cohesion of a sq. in. perpen-
dicular to fibres, in lbs.
Poplar .....
Larch .....
from 970 to 1,700
Mcincl fir .
510 to 840
Scotch fir .
84. Stiffness of Beams. — When a weight is laid
upon the middle of a piece of timber which is suppoiiied
only at the ends, it always bends more or less. When
the weight bends the piece in a very small degree, the
wood is said to be stifi" ; when the bending is consider-
able, it is called flexible. The stiffness of beams is
proportional to the space they are bent through by a
given weight, when the lengths are the same : but that
two pieces of different lengths may be equally stiff, the
deflexion or bending should be proportional to tbeir
lengths. For a deflexion of one-fourth of an inch in a
joist 20 feet long would not be attended with any bad
eff'ect ; but if a joist 4 feet long were to bend one- fourth
of an inch, it would be totally unfit for its purpose.
When a beam is supported at the ends only, in a
horizontal position, and the weight rests upon the
middle between the poiuts of support, the law of de-
flexion is as follows : — Making L =1 the length of
bearing in feet, W =: the weight in pounds, B = the
breadth in inches, and D =: the depth in inches, "^^^j
is as the deflexion.
But in order that a beam may be equally stiff",
according to the definition of stiffness previously given
(Art. 81), the deflexion should be inversely as the
length ; consequently, the weight that a beam will
sustain, so that the deflexion shall be proportional to
the length, is as the breadth and cube of the depth
directly, and as the square of the length inversely ; or
^ ^ - -^2 = W. That is, denoting the deflexion in inches
B X D'^ X ^ ^ constant number for the same
The quality of timber being the same, a beam will
be stronger in proportion as its depth is greater ; but
there is a certain proportion between the depth and
breadth, which, if it be exceeded, the beam will be
liable to overturn, and break sideways. To avoid
which, the breadth should never be less than that given
by the following rule, unless the beam be held in its
position by some other means : Divide the length in
feet by the square root of the depth in inches, and the
quotient multiplied by the decimal 0*6 will give the
least breadth that should be given to the beam. When
the depth is not determined by other circur^§i^nce^,jH^^^ "^-^
nearer its form approaches to that determiii%> by tli^>
rule, the stronger it will be ; and, from the sam^.^:^,
another is easily obtained which will show the adv^B===^
tage of making beams thin and deep.
To find the strongest form for a beam, so as to use
only a given quantity of timber, multiply the length
in feet by the decimal 0*6, and divide the given area in
inches by the product ; and the square of the quotient
will give the depth in inches.
The stiffest beam that can be cut out of a round tree
is that of which the breadth is half the tree's diameter,
or is to the depth as 1 is to the square root of 3, or as
1 is to 1*732, nearly ; or as *d8 is to 1.
85. Experimental Data. — Before these rules can
be applied, the value of a must be obtained from expe-
riments. It has been seen that the deflexion is as the
weight and cube of the length directly, and as the
breadth and cube of the depth inversely ; and conse-
quently, that the stiffness is as the latter directly, and
as the former inversely ; that is, the stiffness is as
-j^^-^-^ . Supposing, therefore, the deflexion d to have
been obtained experimentally in any material, we should
li^ve ^ ^ =z a constant quantity, which being
given, the deflexion in any other case might be found.
The constant a is found as follows : the length is
measured in feet, the other dimensions in inches ; and
the result is taken 40 times what the above formula
gives, viz.,
40 X B X X ^ _ ^
And by this formula, the numbers or values of a, in
the following tables, have been computed.
86. Experiments on the Stiffness of Oak.
Kind of Oak.
in ft.
m ms.
m ms.
m ms.
W in
of a.
WIU. !5111|J LilliUci « •
•00998 .
Odlr ■fTnm ^7•A^TnD' 'frpp 1
XV-ilig b J-jcii-igicj') J_LCi la )
Ocilr ■pi^nm "Rpmilipn H mi f
WCtiV U-Ulli _L)CcXLlJ,lC U.J XJ.tLJJ.LO
Ditto anotliGr speciinon •
Oak from Riga .
J-jJ-LwXXoli (Jctiv • • •
vyctHilLLJ-cULL Uttix • • •
XyctHLZiiO VJctii. • • •
J2jJLJ.^Xioi-l \Jcil\ • • •
J^XLLUj giC/v^iJ. • • •
Dantzic oak, seasoned
Oak, 6ea oned .
\ 1*06
Oak, green
Oak, green
Oak (bois du brin) .
Oak (qnercLis sessiliflora .
Oak (quercus robur)
87. Experiments
ON THE Stiffness of Fir.
Kind of Fir.
in ft.
in ins.
in ins
in ins.
of a.
Riga yellow fir, medium .
Yellow fir, from Long )
Sound, Norway . . )
Yellow fir, Riga
Ditto, Memel, medium . |
American* pine, sup-"l
posed to be the Wey- >
mouth pine . . .j
. -407
White spruce, Christiana
White spruce, Quebec
Pitch pine ....
New England fir
Riga fir ... .
Scotch fir, Mar Forest .
Larch, Blair, Scotland, dry
Ditto, seasoned, medium -|
Ditto, very young wood .
Scotch fir .
Spruce fir, British .
Fir (bois du brin) .
Fir (bois du brin) .
Cowrie ....
Red pine ....
* The reader will find an extensive table, containing the strength,
^Lc, of various American woods, in vol. ii., Trans. Inst. Civ. Eugineers,
by Lieut. Dennison, R.E,
88. Experiments ox the Stiffness of vAiiiors Woods.
Kind of "Wood.
V ames
in ft.
in ms.
in ins.
in ins.
in lbs.
of a. ,
Ash from young tree,)
white coloured . J
Ash from old tree, red)
coloured . . .i
Ash, medium quality
Beech ....
roona (top)
Ditto (butt)
Elm . . . . j
Cedar of Lebanon .
Maple, common
Abele ....
Willow ....
Horse chestnut
Lime tree ....
Walnut, green .
Spanish chestnut, green .
Acacia, ditto
Plane, dry ....
Alder, ditto
Birch, ditto
Beech, ditto
Wych elm, green
Lombardy i^oplar, dry
Honduras mahogany
Spanish ditto .
Sycamore ....
Pear tree, green
Cherry tree, ditto
89. Experiments ox Oak from the Royal Forests.
Xame of Forest.
with time
when loaded
to this
At the first
lues of a.
lues of c.
in ins.
in ins.
D 1 W
in ins.'in lbs.
in ins.
in lbs.
in ins.
High Meadow Forest
Parkhurst Forest \
(sawed) . . )
Dean Forest .
New Forest (cleft) .
Ditto (sawedj .
Ijcre Forest (sawed)
90. Formula for Stiffness. — It has been stated
(85) that W ^ = ^ J therefore when it amounts
to iVth inch per foot, or 4:0 X d =. L, the formula
becomes =. a; and the following rules are con-
structed accordingly. When the deflexion is required
to be less than is here assumed, then multiply the con-
stant number a by some number that will reduce the
deflexion to the proposed degree ; for instance, if the
deflexion should be only half of one-fortieth, multiply
by 2 ; if one-third of one-fortieth, multiply a by 3, &c,
Also, if the deflexion may be greater than one-fortietK
per foot, divide a by 2, 3, or any number of times that
the proposed deflexion may exceed one-fortieth of an
inch per foot.
91. Rules for the Stiffness of Beams. — To find
the scantling of a piece of timber that will sustain a
given weight at the middle, when supported at the
ends in a horizontal position.
"Whex the Breadth is given, multiply the square
of the length in feet by the weight in pounds, and this
product by the value of a opposite the kind of wood in
the preceding tables ; divide the product by the breadth
in inches, and the cube root of the quotient will be the
T , T • 1 • • -u f\ T\ 3 L2 X X tab. No.
depth required m inches. Ur iJ zzz ^ ^
Example, — A beam of Norway fir is wanted for a
24-feet bearing to support 900 pounds, and the
breadth to be 6 inches ; required the depth ? Here
2. X 2. X 900 X -009.57 ^ g^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ g,^
is 9*38, the depth required in inches.
When the Depth is given, multiply the square
of the length in feet by the weight in pounds, and
multiply this product by the value of a opposite the
name of the kind of wood in the preceding tables.
Divide the last product by the cube of the depth in
inches, and the quotient will be the breadth in inches
• 1 f\ 1 X w X tab. No.
required. Ur 6 zzz
Example. — The space for a beam of oak does
not allow it to be deeper than 12 inches ; to find
the breadth so that it may support a weight of
4,000 pounds, the bearing being 16 feet. Here
^ 12 X 12^X 12 ^^^^ — inches nearly, the breadth
The scantling of inclined beams will be found by the
following rule : —
Multiply together the weight in pounds, the length
of the beam in feet, the horizontal distance between the
supports in feet, and the constant number a for the
kind of wood ; divide this product by 0*6, and the
fourth root of the quotient will give the depth in
inches. The breadth is assumed to be equal to the
depth multiplied by the decimal 0*6.
Example, — Let the length of the beam be 20 feet,
and the horizontal distance between the points of sup-
port 16 feet, and the weight to be supported one ton,
or 2,240 pounds, by a beam of Elga fir. Then
l^i2J<^i^ XjOLi ^ 13,141 ; the fourth root of
13141 is lOf nearly, and 10| x -6 = 6| nearly ;
therefore the beam should be lOf inches by 6^ inches.
When the deflexion is caused by a weight that is
uniformly distributed over a beam supported at both
ends, it is shown by writers on the strength of mate-
rials that the deflexion produced by this weight
uniformly distributed would be to the deflexion pro-
duced by the same weiglit collected in tlie middle of
tlie length as 5 : 8, or as 0-625 : 1. Therefore, in the
rules given above, it is only necessary to employ the
weight in pounds multiplied by 0*625 instead of the
whole weight, and the rest of the operation is the same
as in those rules ; therefore it will not be necessary to
repeat them.
92. A BEAM FIXED AT ONE END and loaded at the
other has the deflexion 16 times that produced by the
same weight at the middle of the same beam when sup-
ported at the two ends ; and if the load is uniformly
distributed the deflexion is three-eighths of that pro-
duced when the load is all at one end,*
Experiments on the Stiffness of Beams supported at one end.
Kind of Wood.
in ft.
in ins.
in ins.
in ins.
Wt. producing
in lbs.
Dantzic oak
English oak
11 '2
Ditto, another specimen .
Riga fir .
Pitch pine ....
Beech ....
Riga fir ... .
Red pine ....
American sprnco
Adriatic fir . . .
Cowrie ....
Poona ....
93. Strength of Beams to Resist Cross Strains.
—As it may sometimes be desirable to know the
greatest weight a beam will bear without fracture, the
following rules afford the means of obtaining it suffi-
ciently near for practical purposes. The effect of
deflexion is neglected, because it does not produce any
material difference, unless the depth be very small and
the length be considerable ; a case which can rarely
^ Barlow's Strength of Timber." Lockwood & Co.
happen in the construction of buildings : it is further
of importance to remark, that one-fifth of the breaking
weight causes the deflexion to increase with time, and
finally produces a permanent set.
It is shown by writers on the strength of materials,
that the strength of rectangular beams supported at
both ends is directly as the breadth and square of
the depth, and inversely as the length ; therefore,
= W, where c is a constant number to be
ascertained by experiment.
When a square beam is strained in the direction of
its diagonal, its strength is less in the proportion of
0-7071 to 1.
The strength of a solid cylinder is as the cube of its
diameter, therefore —
L X 1-
A hollow cylinder is both stronger and stiffer than a
solid one containing the same quantity of matter ;
therefore, when it is desirable to combine strength and
lightness, cylinders may be made hollow. In timber
this is rather too expensive an operation to be often
employed, but there are cases where it is useful. The
strength of a tube, or hollow cylinder, is to the strength
of a solid one as the difference between the fourth
powers of the exterior and interior diameters of the
tube, divided by the exterior diameter, is to the cube of
the diameter of a solid cylinder, the quantity of matter
in each being the same.
The strongest beam that can be cut out of a round
tree, is that of which the depth is to the breadth as the
square root of 2 is to 1, or nearly as 7 is to 5. And
the strength of a square beam cut from the same
cylinder, or round tree, is to the strength of the
G 2
strongest beam nearly as 101 is to 110 ; but the square
beam would contain more timber, nearly in the ratio of
6 to 4-714.
Experiments on the Strength and Stiffness of Woods.
flf flip
time 01
Wt. that
of the
in ft.
in ins.
in ins.
m ms.
the piece
in lbs.
stant c.
urk, iLiig"iisii, young |
tree . . . f
DittOj old. sliip timber
Ditto, from old tree .
Ditto, medium quality
Ditto, gfreeii .
Ditto, from Rig-a
Beecli, medium quality
2-5 1 1
1 ^
2-5 1 1
X iciiit; Liuu • • ,
2-5 1 1
Sycamore • • .
2-5 i 1
f^'li ocf nn "f" fyTOATi
^llL.oLJ_lLl.l', gXcLH .
2-5 1 1
4c 0
A.s}i, from, young" tree
2-5 i 1
Ditto, medium ciualiiv
2-5 1 1
Ash . . . .
Jj^Xilly \jUliLxLL\Jil. • «
Ditto, wych, green .
Acacia, green . .
]\Xaliogany, Spanish }
seasoned . . (
Ditto, Honduras, )
seasoned . . )
'\^ alnut, green . ,
2^5 1 1
I'oplar, Loml)ardy ,
Ditto, abelc
71 7
AVillow *. '. !
(yCdar of Lihanus, dry
'S -3
Acacia, Enn-lisli aroTx th .
„ ditto
Oak, fast grown
slow grown
fast grown
slow grown
superior quality,
in store .
2 "yi's-i
. i
„ ditto, 16 ditto .
Tonqiiin Tjcan . .
Locust . > . •
Bullet tree
Cabacally .
African oak . . <;
American black ^
bii ch, very dry
, outside
Common birch .
Ash, dry .
Elm, ditto .
Christiana deal, ditto
Memel deal, ditto .
Kote. — ^In these experiments the bearing distance was 50 inches, and the bars
2 inches square.
To find the weight that would break a rectangular
beam when applied at the middle of its length, the
beam being supported at the ends ; multiply the
breadth in inches by the square of the depth in inches ;
divide this product by the length in feet ; then the
quotient multiplied by the value of c in the table corre-
spending to the kind of Avocd, will give the weight in
Example. — The length of a girder of Riga fir
between the supports is 21 feet, its depth is 14
inches, and breadth 12 inches. Find the weight that
would break it when applied in the middle. Opposite
Riga fir in the table we find c = 530 ; and
1- X 44 x^i4 x^30 _ gg^ggQ pQ^^ids, or aboYC 26 tons.
If a beam of the same scantling and length had been
supported at one end only, one-fourth of the weight
would have broken it if applied at the imsupported end.
To find the weight that would break a solid cylinder
when applied at the middle of its length, the cylinder
being supported at the ends ; find the yalue of c for
the kind of wood in the table, and diyide it by 1*7;
multiply the quotient by the cube of the diameter in
inches, and diyide the product by the length in feet ; the
quotient will be the weight in pounds that would break
the cylinder.
Example. — AVhat weight would break a solid cylinder
of ash, 12 feet long and 8 inches in diameter. For
ash the yalue of c is 635 in the table, therefcTO
1-y x~T2 — l'^j937 pounds.
If the weight be uniformly diffused oyer the length
of a beam, it will require to break it twice the weigh t
that would break it when applied at the middle of its
When the beam is fixed at one end and loaded at the
other, the breaking weight is one-fourth that where it
is supported at each end and loaded in the middle, or
the constant for beams supported at both ends must be
diyided by 4. And when the weight is uniformly
difi'used oyer the length, the beam will bear double
the weight that would break it when all applied at the
The strength of a beam fixed firmly at the ends is to
that of one merely supported, in the ratio of 3 to 2.
94. Resistance to Detrusion. — There is another
kind of cross strain which requires particular atten-
tion, as the strength of framing often depends upon it ;
that is, when a body is crushed across close to the
points of support. Dr. Young has called the resistance
to this kind of strain the resistance to detnisionJ'
This resistance appears to be exactly proportional to
the area of the section, and quite independent of its
figure or position, and when the force is parallel to the
fibres, the strength of fir to resist detrusion is from
556 to 634 pounds per square inch, or about one-
twentieth of its cohesive power in the direction of the
fibres. The resistance to being crushed across is, in all
cases, equal, or very nearly equal, to the cohesive force
of the body : and as in construction it is the lateral
cohesion of timber that is usually exposed to a detrud-
ing force, we may conclude that the numbers already
given will be sufficient, v/ith those above stated, to
assist the carpenter in proportioning the parts which
have to support this strain.
95. Strength of Bent Timber. — In naval archi-
tecture it is always necessary to make use of a great
quantity of bent timber. This, as far as can be done,
is selected out of natural grown pieces, as nearly as
possible of the required form, and is commonly known
in the dockyards by the term compass timber. The
great difficulty in obtaining compass timber led Mr.
Hookey to extend a method which he had long prac-
tised for bending boat timbers, to the bending of the
largest ship timbers, which was found to answer every
possible expectation that could be formed of it ; the
largest timbers, \iz., pieces 18 inches square, being
brougbt to any required curve in about fifteen minutes
after being placed upon the machine.
The method of preparing the timber is as follows : —
A fine saw-cut is made from one end, or both, according
to the form into which the timber is to be bent ; the
length of it being also different, according to the
length of the piece and the degree of curvature ; but
commonly, in a curve the height of which is about one-
sixth or one-eighth of the whole length, the saw-cut
from each end is about one-third of the length. Tlie
piece is then boiled for some hours, depending upon
its lateral dimensions, and placed upon the machine,
w^hen the screws, &c., being applied, the required curva-
ture is obtained, as above stated, in about twelve or
fifteen minutes ; after which it is screw-bolted, and
is then ready for use.
The advantages attending this method of bending
timber for the purposes of ship-building, are — 1. That
it dispenses with the use of compass timber, should it
again become very scarce ; and therefore no impedi-
ment would arise to the service if the necessary quan-
tity of timber of this kind could not be in any way
procured. 2. It saves a deal of the time and labour
necessary for unstacking and restacking piles of timber,
to procure pieces of requisite compass ; any piece of
the proper length and squarage being at once available
with the application of the machine. 3. It saves a
great quantity of timber, which is necessarily cut to
waste in bringing compass timber to its required
dimensions ; the conversion, in some cases, taking away
a considerable part of the original contents ; while, in
bending timber, the original and converted contents
are nearly the same. From the experiments of Mr.
Barlow, it appears that, taking the medium between the
Tiatural grown pieces and those which are\:
partly grain-cut, no defect in point of stren^
found on the side of those bent upon the above^
and it also appears that, although there is an obvious
falling off in the strength of pieces boiled for a long
time, the defect is very small while the boiling or
steaming is not continued beyond the proportion of an
hour to an inch in thickness.*
96. Resistance to Compression. — "When timber is
subjected to a compressing force in the direction of its
length, it will break either by bending, or by the
crushing of the fibres, or by a combination of bending
and crushing. This will depend upon the relation
between the length and the diameter. If the length is
less than eight times the diameter, it will break by
crushing, expanding in the middle, and splitting into
several pieces. If the length is more than eight times
the diameter the force applied will cause it to bend
before it crushes. The most reliable experiments are
those made by Eaton Hodgkinson, and recorded in the
^^Philosophical Transactions'' (1840), from which it
appears that the strength of pillars having the
length more than twenty-five times the diameter,
and which only break by flexure, is directly as the
fourth power of the diameter, and inversely as the
square of the length ; or W = ax y-, where W is the
breaking weight in pounds, d the diameter in inches,
I the length in feet, and a a constant, whose value is
24,500 for Dantzic oak, and 17,500 for red deal. The
safe permanent load should not exceed one-tenth of the
breaking weight. If the load does not act in the
direction of the axis of the timber, the resistance is
♦ Barlow's "Strength of Materials."
G 3
much dimmislied, and is only one-third if the force
acts down the diagonal instead of the axis.
For pillars less than twenty-five diameters in length
the resistance to crushing must be taken into account.
To find the strength in such cases first calculate the
strength by the above formula and call it and let c
be the crushing strength per square inch of the
material as given in the table below. Then the true
breaking weight is
The following table gives the resistance to crushing
per square inch of section in pounds of various kinds
of wood, the figures in the first column being for
specimens moderately dry, and those in the second for
specimens kept in a w^arm place two months longer
than the others after being turned. "Wet wood is
found to be, as a rule, much weaker than dry : —
Kind of "Word.
Crushing streng-lh per sq. in.
in lbs.
Bhxh, English ....
Deal, red
Ditto, white ....
Fir, spruce ....
Hornbeam ....
Larch .....
Maho,2:any ....
Oak, Quebc ^ ....
Ditto, English ....
Ditto, Dantzic ....
Pine, pitch ....
Ditto, yellow ....
Ditto, red ....
Walnut . . .
Section /. — Floors,
97. Naked Flooring is the term applied in Car-
pentry to the timbers which support the flooring
boards and ceiling of a room. There are different
kinds of naked flooring, but they may be all comprised
under the three following denominations, viz. : — singlc-
joisted floors, double floors, and framed floors.
A sinrjle-joisted floor consists of only one series of
joists. Plate I., Fig. 1,* shows a section across the
joists of a single-joisted floor. Sometimes every third
or fourth joist is made deeper, and the ceiling joists
fixed to the deep joists, and crossing them at right
angles. This is an improvement in a situation where
there is not space for a double floor. Fig. 2 shows a
section of a floor of this kind. It increases the depth
of the floor very little, and will not allow sounds to
pass so freely as a single-joisted floor, and the ceilings
will stand better. The ceiling joists, a, a, are notched
to the deep joists h, h, by and nailed.
A double floor consists of three tiers of joists ; that
is, binding joists, bridging joists, and ceiling joists :
the binding joists are the chief support of the floor,
* See Atlas of Plates.
and tlie bridging joists are notched upon the upper
side of them ; the ceiling joists are either notched to
rig. ir.
the under side, or framed between with chased mortises;
the best method is to notch them. A section of such a
floor is shown in Fi^^:. 17,
^1 :
t| — :r
l ig. IS.
in which a is the floor-
ing, h the bridging joists,
c the binders, d the ceil-
ing joists. Fig. 18 shows
a transverse section of the same floor.
Framed floors differ from double fl.oors only in having
the binding joists framed into large pieces of timber,
called girders. In Fig. 19 is shown a section of a
Hg. 19.
II ^ ■ ^^J
floor of this description, r/, a being the girders, h the
binders, c the bridging or floor joists, d the ceiling
Single joisting makes a much stronger floor, with
the same quantity of timber, than a double or framed
floor, and may be constructed with equal ease to the
same extent of bearing; but the ceilings are more
subject to cracks and irregularities; consequently,
single-joisted floors of long bearings ca!
in inferior buildings.
When it is desirable to exhibit a perfe^
ceiling of plaster, a double floor is used ; and
bearing is long, a framed floor becomes the most
98. SixGLE-joisTED Floors. — In order to make a
strong floor with a small quantity of timber, the joists
should be thin and deep ; but a certain degree of thick-
ness is necessary, for the purpose of nailing the boards,
and two inches is perhaps quite as thin as the joists
ought to be made ; though sometimes they are made
On account of flues, fire-places, and other causes, it
often happens that the joists cannot have a bearing on
the wall. In such cases a piece of timber, called a
trimmer, is framed between two of the nearest joists
that have a bearing on the wall. Into this trimmer the
ends of the joists to be supported are mortised. This
operation is called trimmuicj.
The two joists which support the trimmer are called
trimming joistSy and they should be stronger than the
common joists. In general it will be sufficient to add
one-eighth of an inch to the thickness of a trimming
joist for each joist supported by the trimmer. Thus,
if the thickness of the common joists be 2 inches, and
a trimmer supports four joists, then add four-eighths,
or half an inch ; that is, make the trimming joists each
2J inches in thickness.
When the bearing exceeds 8 feet, single joisting
should have herring-bone strutting, or slips of wood,
nailed across each other diagonally between the joists
to prevent them turning or twisting sideways, and also
to stiffen the floor ; when the bearing exceeds 12 feet,
two rows of struts will be necessary, and so on, adding
anotlier row of struts for eacli increase of four feet
bearing ; these struts should be in a continued line
across the floor.
The relation between the breadth and depth of joists
must depend upon the length, and the following table
of scantlings is made on the supposition that the load
on each joist is 100 pounds per lineal foot, the calcula-
tions being based on the formula preyiously explained
(90 and 91) ; the scantlings are for fir joists : —
Leng-th of
joist in ft.
4 ins.
5 ins.
C ins.
8 ins.
10 ins.
12 ins.
in ins.
in ins.
in ins.
in ins.
in ins.
in ins.
For common purposes single joisting may be used to
any extent that timber can be got deep enough for ;
but where it is desirable to have a perfect ceiling, the
bearing should not exceed about 10 feet, on account of
the partial strains produced by heavy furniture, such
as bedsteads and the like, of which the greater part
may rest upon only two or three of the joists, and of
course bend these below the rest so as to break the
ceiling. Also, where it is desirable to prevent the
passage of sound, a framed floor is necessary. The
passage of sound may be reduced in a single-joisted
floor by putting rough boarding, nailed to slips, half
way down the joists, and laying a coat of rough
plaster called pugging thereon;
99. Framed Floors consist of girders, binding joists,
bridging joists, and ceiling joists.
Girders are the chief supporters of a framed floor,
being placed across the room from wall to wall ; on
these the binders are framed, the distance apart of the
binders being about 6 feet, and that of the girders
10 feet. The weight of flooring sustained by the
girders depends to some extent on the number of
binders — thus in girders of 10 or 12 feet span there
will be only one binder, consequently half the weight
of the floor is borne directly by the walls, and half by
the girder ; in girders of 15 to 20 feet, having two
binders resting on them, they will carry two-thirds the
weight of the floor ; and in those of 24 feet three-
fourths of the weight ; and so on. The load upon the
girder will also increase with its length ; if we take
100 pounds as the load per square foot, the weight on
the floor will be 1,000 pounds for every foot length of
girder. Hence it will be manifest that the fixed rule
for calculating the scantlings of girders given by
Tredgold must be incorrect. The scantlings given in
the following table are calculated from the formula
previously given (90 and 91), allowing a load of 100
pounds per square foot of flooring, and the deflexion
not to exceed one-fortieth of an inch for every foot of
length. A slight additional thickness is given to allow
for framing the binders.
Length of
girder in ft.
10 ins.
12 ins.
15 ins.
18 ins.
in ins.
in ins.
in ins.
in ins.
When the breadth of a girder is considerable, it is
often sawn down the middle and bolted together with
the sawn sides outwards ; the girders in the section,
Fig. 4,* are suj)posed to be done in this manner. This
is an excellent method, as it not only gives an opportu-
nity of examining the centre of the tree, which in
large trees is often in a state of decay, but also reduces
the timber to a smaller scantling, by which means it
dries sooner, and is less liable to rot. The slips put
between the halves, or flitches, should be thick enough
to allow the air to circulate freely between them.
When the bearing exceeds about 22 feet, it is very
difficult to obtain timber large enough for girders ; and
it is usual in such cases to truss them. The methods
in general adopted for that purpose have the appear-
ance of much ingenuity ; but, in reality, they are of
very little use. If a girder be trussed with oak, all the
strength that can possibly be gained by such a truss
consists merely in the difference between the compres-
sibility of oak and fir, which is very small indeed ; and
unless the truss be extremely well fitted at the abut-
ments, it would be much stronger without trussing.
All the apparent stiffness obtained by trussing a beam
is procured by forcing the abutments, or, in other
words, by cambering the beam. This forcing cripples
and injures the natural elasticity of the timber : and
the continual spring, from the motion of the floor, uj)on
parts already crippled, it maj" easily be conceived, will
soon so far destroy them as to render the truss a useless
burden upon the beam. This is a fact that has been
long known to many of our best carpenters, and w^hich
has caused them to seek for a remedy in iron trusses ;
but this inethod is quite as bad as the former, unless
there be an iron tie as an abutment to the truss ; for
* See Atlas.
the failure of a truss is occasioned by the enormous
compression applied upon a small surface of timber at
the abutments. The defects of ordinary trussed girders
are very apparent in old ones, as it is not simply strength
that is required, but the power of resisting the unceasing
concussions of a straining force capable of producing
a permanent derangement in a small surface at every
The principle of constructing girders of any depth is
the same as that of building beams, and when properly
conducted is as strong as any truss can be made of the
same depth. The most simple method consists in bolt-
ing two pieces together, with kej^s between, to prevent
the parts sliding upon each other ; the upper one of
hard compact wood, the lower of tough straight-grained.
The joints should be at or near the middle of the depth.
Fig. 5, Plate I.,* shows a beam put together in this
manner. The thickness of all the keys added together
should be somewhat greater than one-third more than
the whole depth of the girder ; and if they be made of
hard wood, the breadth should be about twice the
Fig. 6 is another girder of the same construction,
excepting that it is held together by hoops instead of
bolts. The girder being cut so as to be smaller towards
the ends, would admit of these hoops being driven on
till they would be perfectly tight, and would make a
very firm and simple connection.
In Fig. 7 the parts are tabled or indented together,
instead of being keyed, and a king-bolt is added to
tighten the joints; the upper part of the girder being
in two pieces. The depth of all the indents added
together should not be less than two-thirds of the
whole depth of the girder.
* See Atlas.
An6t|ter metliod of constructing a girder consists in
^bje'tixiirig a piece into a curve, and securing it from
■'^ringing back by bolts or straps. A girder constructed
in this manner is shown by Fig. 8. The pieces should
be well bolted, or strapped, and keys or tables inserted
to prevent any sliding of the parts. In this manner a
beam might be built of any depth that is necessary in
the erection of buildings, and, by breaking the joints,
of any length that is likely to be needed in the con-
struction of floors.
The following rule may be used for finding the
proper scantling or dimensions of these girders, viz. : —
Multiply times the area of floor the girder supports
in feet, by the length of bearing in feet ; divide this
product by the square of the depth in inches, and the
quotient will be the breadth of the girder in inches.
The thickness of the bent pieces may be about one-
fiftieth part of the bearing, and as many of them should
be added as will increase the depth to that proposed,
unless the whole depth of the curved pieces exceeds
half the depth of the girder ; and in that case straight
pieces should be added to the under side, so as to make
the whole depth of the straight parts exceed the depth
of the curved parts. When pieces cannot be got sufii-
ciently long for the girder, care should be taken to
have no joints near the middle of the length in the
lower half of the girder.
Fig. 8 shows a girder for a 40-feet bearing with the
lower half scarfed at a, with a plain butting joint in the
curved part at ft.
As the strain is always greatest at the middle of the
length of a girder, it would be well to avoid making
mortises there, if possible, either for binding joists or
for any other purpose ; and the most straight- grained
part of the beam should be put to the under side.
Also, timber girders should not be built intc
but an open space should be left round
either by laying a flat stone over them, or by turr
an arch to carry the wall above.
Girders should be laid from 9 to 12 inches into the
wall, according to the bearing.
100. Binding Joists are framed into the girders as
shown by Fig. 9 (Atlas, Plate I.). Great care should be
taken that both the bearing parts and 5, fit to the
corresponding parts of the mortise. This is the most
important part to be attended to ; the tenon should be
one-sixth of the depth, and at one-third of the depth
from the lower side. The scantlings will depend upon
the bearing and distance apart. In the following table
the binders are supposed G feet apart, and the weight
of floor 100 pounds per square foot ; the timber being
Length of
binder in ft.
6 ins.
8 ins.
10 ins.
12 ins.
15 ins.
in ins.
in ins.
in ins.
in ine.
in ins.
Bridging Joists will have the same scantlings as
those for single-jointed floors (98), allowance being
made for the notching on the binders.
101. Ceiling Joists which have no load to carry but
that of the lath and plaster need not be more than 1 \
to 2 inches thick ; the scantlings for fir joists in the
table below are the smallest that should be given to
ceiling joists, and are calculated on the supposition
that the weight of the ceiling is about 12 pounds on
every lineal foot of each, joist, wliicli should never bo
more than 11 inches apart, nor have more than 15 feet
bearing: —
Length of
ceiling- joist.
3 ins.
4 ins.
5 ins.
0 ins.
Bread ih
in ins.
in ins.
in ins.
in ins.
z ^
102. General Remarks Respecting Floors. —
Girders should never be laid over openings, such as
doors or windows, if it be possible to avoid it ; and
when it is absolutely necessary to lay them so, the wall-
plates, or templets, must be made strong, and long
enough to throw the weight upon the piers. It is,
however, a bad practice to lay girders obliquely across
the rooms ; it is much better to put a strong piece as a
Wall-plates and templets should be made stronger as
the span becomes longer : the following proportions
may serve for brick walls : —
Ins. Ins.
Por a 20-feet bearing, Tvall-plates 4j by 3
„ 30 „ „ oi 4
„ 40 „ „ 6J 5
Floors should always be kept about three-fourths of
an inch, higher in the middle than at the sides of a
room when first framed ; and also the ceiling joists
should be fixed about three-fourths of an inch in 20 feet
higher in the middle than at the sides of the room ; as
all floors, however well constructed, will settle in some
In laving the floorino^, the boards should alwavs bo
made to rise a little under tlie doorways, in order that
tlie doors may shut close without dragging ; and at the
same time it assists in making them clear the carpet.
Section II. — Roofs.
103. The Object of a Eoof is to cover and protect
a building from the effects of the weather, and also to
bind and give strength and firmness to the fabric. To
effect these purposes it should neither be too heavy nor
too light, but of a just proportion in all its parts to the
magnitude of the building.
In carpentry, the term Eoof is applied to the framing
of timber which supports the covering of a building.
The Fitch of a roof, or the angle which its inclined
side forms with the horizon, is varied according to the
climate and the nature of the covering. The inhabitants
of cold countries make their roofs very high, while
those of warm countries, where it seldom rains or
snows, make their roofs nearly flat. But even in the
same climate the pitch of the roof has been subject to
many variations. Formerly roofs were made very high,
to prevent snow drifting between the slates, and per-
haps with the notion that the snow would slide off
easier : but where there are parapets, a high roof is
attended with bad effects, as the snow slips down and
stops the gutters, and an overflow of water is the con-
sequence : besides, the water in heavy rains descends
with such velocity that the pipes cannot convey it away
soon enough to prevent the gutters being overflown ;
and the drift of snow is prevented by the greater care
taken to render the joints close, and by boarding under
the slates instead of using laths. In high roofs the
action of the wind is one of the most considerable forces
they have to sustain, and it appears to have been with
a view of lessening their height that the Mansard or
curb roof was invented (Fig. 27, page 148).
The height of a roof at the present time is rarely
above one -third of the span or distance between the
walls which support it, and it should never be less than
one-sixth. The most usual pitch for slates is when
the height is one-fourth of the span, or when the angle
with the horizon is 26J degrees.
The kinds of covering used for timber roofs are copper,
lead, galvanized iron, zinc, slates of difierent kinds,
tiles, shingles, reeds, straw, and heath. Taking the
angle for slates to be 26J degrees, the following table
will show the degree of inclination that may be given
for other materials : —
Kind of Covering
Inclination | Height of |
to the roof in parts
horizon. of span.
Copper, lead, or zinc
Slates, large .
Ditto, ordinary
Stone slate
Plain tiles
Pantiles .
Thatch of stra^, reeds,
or heath
Force of wind docs not
generally exceed
Deg. Min.
4 8
Wt. upon a sq. ft.
of roofing.
( copper I'OO lbs.
{ lead " - -
I from
5- 00
6- 50
straw 6- 50
The simplest kind of roof is that called a lean-to or
shed-roof, in which a number of timbers called rafters
rest upon wall plates laid on two walls, one of which is
higher than the other, as shown in Fig. 20, and con-
sequently the rafters have a slop)e or fall towards the
lower wall.
A very common form of roof in town liouses built in
rows is the V-roo/] or double lean-to, as shown in
Fig. 21.
Fig-. 20.
In this roof the rafters (r) rest at their feet upon
two bearers (b) carried from back to front of the house,
Fiff. 21.
and forming a trough-gutter (g) along the middle.
The upper ends of the rafters are supported by the
When the walls are both of one height the rafters
are generally put together in pairs, sloping upwards
from each wall to a ridge-piece (marked r) in the centre,
as shown in Fig. 22. The feet are spiked to the ends
of the ceiling joists (x), which act as ties to prevent the
rafters from spreading outwards.
Fig. 22.
A Ilip-roof is one whose ends rise immediately from
the wall, having the same inclination to the horizon as
the sides have ; a hipped-roof is of a pyramidal form,
and the angles made by the meeting of the planes
which form the pyramid are called the hijJSj the timbers
which follow the line of the hips being called hip-rafters,
Jaclx-rafters are the short rafters rising from the walls
and framing into the hip-rafters. The length of the
hip-rafter is found by dropping a plumb-line from its
vertex to meet a horizontal line from its foot, then,
adding together the squares of the lengths of those two
lines, and taking the square-root of* their sum.
The wall plate on which the feet of the rafters rest
is laid all round the wall in a hip-roof, and is braced at
the angles by a diagonaUtie cocked down on each plate ;
framed at right angles into this is a short piece, called
a dragon-tie, which bisects the angle made by the wall
plates, and on which the heel of the hip-rafter rests.
A Valley is the opposite of a hip, being the internal
angle formed by the two planes of a roof. Valley-
hoards are boards laid on each side of the angle to
receive the lead, and are feather- edged.
Glitters are channels formed between the inclined side
of a roof and the adjoining parapet wall (C. Plate II.),
or between the two inclined sides of a double roof
(D. Plate II.). They are formed of longitudinal planks
laid upon transverse bearers nailed to the feet of the
rafters, having steps or drips of 2 or 3 inches every 10
or 12 feet length ; they are laid with a fall from end to
end, and consequently are wider at the upper than the
lower end, except in parallel or trough gutters (Fig. 21,
page 143) ; feather-edged boarding is laid up the sides
of the gutter on the feet of the rafters, about 9 inches
wide, to receive the lead lining, which turns up under
the slating.
In order to prevent the rafters of a roof from thrust-
ing out at the feet, a horizontal piece of timber called a
collar (marked 0, Fig.
22) is nailed across
each pair of rafters, at
any convenient height,
and halved on to them,
as shown on Fig. 23.
When this piece is
placed at the feet of the rafters it is called a tie-heam
(marked T), and in that case the roof has no outward
thrust on the wall. When the span of the roof is above
20 feet, the tie-beam will have a tendency to bend in
the middle ; to obviate which a piece of timber called a
hing-post (marked K, Fig. 24)* is introduced between the
heads of the rafters and the centre of the tie-beam ; into
the head of this post the rafters are framed, and thus hold
up the post, shoulders being formed in it for that pur-
pose, the king-post holding up the centre of the tie-
beam by means of a strap which is passed under it.
Such a combination of timbers is called a truss or
* See also Atlas, Plate II.
principal^ and is suitable for a roof of 20 to 30 feet span.
When two upright pieces (Fig. 25) are introduced to
hold up the tie-beam, they are called queen-posts
Fig. 24.
(marked Q), and the horizontal piece between their
heads is called the straining-beam (marked B) ; by this
a Q
1 //
Fig. 25.
beam the reactions of the heads of the rafters (D) are
made to balance each other.
In order to stiffen the main rafters, pieces of wood
called struts (marked S) are framed into the feet of the
king or queen-posts and also into the centre of the
rafters. In the king-post roof the opposite thrusts of
the struts counterbalance each other on the foot of the
king-post ; but in the queen-post roof their thrusts have
to be conveyed along a straining sill (A) placed be-
tween the feet of the queen-
posts upon the top of the tie-
beam. This kind of truss is
suitable for roofs over 30 feet
span. When the span exceeds
45 feet, a truss, of the form
shown in Plate III.,* Fig. 1,
will best answer the purpose.
The mode of framing the
feet of the rafters into the tie-beam is shown in
Fig. 26.
When a roof is framed in either of the foregoing
methods, the trusses do not themselves directly carry
the slates or other covering, but are placed about 10 feet
apart, and receive longitudinal beams, called purlins
(marked P), notched down upon the principal rafters (D)
of each truss, about 5 feet apart ; upon these purlins are
notched the common rafters (marked C), about 11 inches
apart, on which the boarding or battening to receive
the covering of slates, &c., is nailed. The feet of the
common rafters are spiked upon a piece of timber laid
upon the wall or upon the ends of the tie-beam, which
is called the pole-plate (marked E).
When the covering for the roof is to be lead or zinc,
the rafters must be laid over with close-boarding, on
which the metal is secured by means of rolls of wood
placed every 2 feet or 3 feet apart, and fixed from bottom
to top, and over which the metal is dressed. If slate
or tile is the material of the covering, battens or laths
are nailed horizontally along the rafters, at distances
* See Atlas.
H 2
apart regulated by tlie gauge of the slates or tiles. At
the eaves of a slated roof, an' eaves-board is generally
laid, to give solidity to the slating at that part ; and in
order to check the rush of water into the gutter at the
eaves, the slates are tilted up there by means of a strip
of wood called a tiltin g -fillet ; similar fillets are also laid
along the edges of valleys, and wherever the slating
abuts against a wall.
When the ridge or hips are to be covered with lead
or zinc, a rounded roll of wood is spiked to the w^hole
length of hip-rafter or ridge piece, and is called a
ridge-rolL When there is a parapet wall at the eaves
of the roof, a gutter has to be formed by means of
horizontal pieces called hearers, spiked to the feet of the
rafters, and on which the gutter-hoards are laid to receive
the lead.
A CuRB-ROOF, or Mansarde, is one in w^hich the
rafters on each side are in two separate lengths, and
Eig. 27.
form an external angle (A) at their junction, as in
Fig. 27. A collar-beam (C) is introduced at the junction
of the two sets of rafters. The feet of the lower rafters
are secured to the ends of the ceiling-joists of the floor
below. The object of this form of roof is to obtain
space for rooms, of wbicb the collars (C) forms the ceil-
ing joists.
Roofs may have the feet of their rafters prevented
from thrusting outwards without employing horizontal
tie-beam, as shown in Figs. 28, 29, 30.
rig". 28. Fig. 29. Fig. 30.
104. Domical or Cylindrical roofs may be con-
structed of timber, on the jDrinciple suggested by
Philibert de Lorme, as shown in Fig. 31. In this
Fig. 31.
method a series of curved ribs are placed so that their
lower ends stand upon a curb at the base, and the upper
ends meet at the top, diagonal struts being introduced
between them. These ribs are formed of planks put
together in thicknesses, with the joints crossed, and well
bolted together ; there should be at least three thick-
nesses in eacli rib, not bent, but applied flat together in
a vertical plane, and tbeir edges cut to tbe proper
curvature ; the layers of the ribs may be held together
without bolts, by merely the horizontal rings or purlins,
which pass through a mortise hole in the middle and
have themselves a slit into which a wooden key is
driven on each side of the rib, as shown in the figure.
Examples of this form of roof can be seen in the Town
Hall and Corn Exchange at Farnham, Surrey, built by
Fig. 32.
Mr, Tarn. Sometimes the main ribs are formed of
planks bent to the sweep, and bolted one on the other,
as in the roof of the Great Northern Station, King's
Cross, which has a span of 105 feet ; part of this roof,
however, has been replaced by iron ribs
105. CoLLAR-KOOFS are frequently used over Gothic
buildings of moderate span, as shown in Fig. 32. In
this form of roof the collar is placed high up, tenoned
into the rafters, and secured thereto with oak pins.
Diagonal pieces, called braces^ are also tenoned into
both the collar and the rafters, and secured with pins.
The foot of each rafter is framed into a horizontal toall-
piece, which lies across the whole thickness of the wall,
and is notched down on the wall-plate ; into the inner
end of this wall-piece a vertical strut is framed, and
also into the rafter itself. By this arrangement the
Fig-. S3.
outward thrust on the wall is greatly counteracted, and
the weight thrown nearly vertically upon it.
Hammer-beam roofs are sometimes found over
old Gothic buildings, and their form is shown in
Fig. 33.
In this kind of roof we may suppose that the feet
of the rafters are first prevented from spreading by
being framed into a tie-beam ; the middle part of the
tie-beam is afterwards cut away, and tlie remaining
parts (marked H) are called hamincr-heams. To pre-
vent these beams from tlirusting outwards, a diagonal
strut (marked S) is framed into its inner end, and also
into a vertical wall-piece (W), wbicb is itself framed
Og. 34.
into the under side of the bammer-beam. A vertical
strut (marked S') is also placed between the rafter and
the end of the hammer-beam. By this means a con-
siderable amount of the thrust of the rafters is thrown
vertically down the walls. There will, however, always
remain sufficient horizontal thrust to push out the
walls, if they are not built very strong, or supported
by external buttresses.
One of tbe lightest and best combined specimens of
timber framing for an open roof is in the chief apart-
ment of the episcopal palace of Auxerre, which is now
changed into the Prefecture for the department. In
the engraving on page 152 (Fig. 34) will be re-
marked between the tie-beam B and the stay D, a
series of curves CCO intended to receive oak planking
or shingles, to form a circular vaulting slightly de-
pressed in the centre. The king-post I passes down
the centre of the half section of a circle, as it were,
and suspends the tie-beam. The purlins, rafters, and
main couples are tied together, and the former to the
ridge-tree by cross pieces. The planking is nailed to
the circles and the joints hidden by mouldings, which
also serve to give strength and stability to the framing.
The whole of the wood- work is as light as it is solid,
and no particle of material has been allowed to remain
that was not necessary. Several examples remain of a
modification of this system, but with interior vaulting
preserved. In some cases, the use of the tie-beam
is dispensed with, and the rafters in each pair tied
together by cross pieces as described above. In
others, where the tie-beam is retained, the top stay
is deflected from the horizontal, and made to form a
portion of the circle to support the planking of the
The most remarkable specimen of hammer beam
roof, as well as the largest and most magnificent, is
that of Westminster Hall (Fig. 35).
The angle of the roof is formed in what workmen
still term common pitch, the length of the rafters being
about three-fourths of the entire span. The cutting of
the girders, or the beams, which, crossing from wall to
n 3
wall in common roofs, restrain all lateral expansion,
was the first circumstance peculiar to this construction.
To provide against lateral pressure, we find trusses, or
principals, as they are technically called, raised at the
distances of about eighteen feet throughout the whole
Fig. 33
length of the building. The trusses abut against the
solid parts of the walls between the windows, which
are strengthened in those parts by arch buttresses on
the outside. Every truss comprehends one large arch,
springing from corbels of stone, which project from
the walls at twenty -one feet below tlie base line of the
roof, and at nearly the same height from the floor.
The ribs forming this arch are framed at its crown into
a beam which connects the rafters in the middle of
their length. A small arch is turned within this largG
one, sj)riuging from the base line of the roof, and sup-
ported by two brackets or half arches issuing from the
springers of the main arch. By this construction of
the trusses, each one acts like an arch ; and by placing
their springers so far below the top of the walls, a more
firm abutment is obtained ; subordinate timbers co-
operate to transfer the weight and pressure of inter-
mediate parts upon the principals ; and thus the whole
structure reposes in perfect security, after more tban
four centuries from its first erection.*
106. Examples of Tie-Be am Eoofs of Large
Span. — Fig. 36 is the roof of the chapel of the
Royal Hospital at Greenwich, constructed by Mr.
S. Wyatt.
The trusses are seven feet apart, and the whole is
covered with lead, the boarding being supported by
horizontal ledgers, A, of six by four inches.
This is a beautiful roof, and contains less timber
than most others of the same dimensions. The parts
are all disposed with great judgment. Perhaps the
iron rod is unnecessary ; but it adds great stifihess to
the whole.
The iron straps at the rafter feet would have had
* The principle of the construction of these kinds of roofs is founded
on that property of the triangle, that whilst the lengths of the sides
remain the same, the angles are unchangeable ; and, in this case, all
the pieces (of timber) are arranged to form the sides of triangles, and
thus all the joints are rendered fixed and immoyablo. Thus what
would at first sight have the appearance of being a weight upon the
roof, is, in fact, its strength and safety. Our ancestors did not attempt
to conceal these roofs with a ceiling ; but justly proud of their in-
genuitj^ in construction, exposed the whole to view, carved and orna-
mented on all the more prominent parts.
more effect if not so oblique. Those at the head of
the post are very effective.
We may observe, ho'vever, that the joints between
i X X X X X X
^ O O O CD O
3 r"
• M P
P ^ CD ^
O ^ pj
a o 03 a
O O »5 ^
!5 2 ^ ?
<^ o p pii^ ci^ K w
the straining beam and its braces are not of the best
kind, and tend to bruise both the straining beam and
the truss beam above it.
Fig. 37 IS the roof of St. PauFs, Covent Garden,
constructed by Mr. Wapshot in 1796.
Inch, scantling.
AA, Tie-beam, spanning oO feet 2 inches . . . IGxl^
B, Queen-post 9X8
C, Tmss-Leam 10x8
D, King-post (14 at the joggle) X 8
E, Brace 8 X 7J
FF. Principal brace (at bottom) 10X8^
HH, Principal rafter (at bottom) 10x8}
g Studs supporting the rafter 8x3
This roof far excels the original one put up by Inigc
Jones. One of its trusses contains 198 feet of timberc
One of the old roof had 273, but had many inactive
timbers, and others ill-disposed. The internal truss
FOP is admirably contrived for supporting the exterior
rafters, without any pressure on the far projecting ends
of the tie-beam. The former roof had bent them
greatly, so as to appear ungraceful.
We think that the camber (six inches) of the tie-
beam is rather hurtful ; because, by settling, the beam
lengthens ; and this must be accompanied by a con
siderahle sinking of the roof. This will appear by
Fig. 38 is the roof of the Birmingham Theatre, con-
structed by Mr. George Saunders. The span is 80 feet
clear, and the trusses are 10 feet apart.*
* See also Atlas, Plate II.
Fig". 38.
Inch, scantling.
A, is an oak cor"bel 9 x ^
B, Inner plate 9x9
C, Wall plate 8xo|
D, Pole plate 7 X '5
E, Tie-beam .15x15
F, Straining beam .12x9
G, Oak king-post (in the shaft) . , . . .9x9
H, Oak queen-post (in the shaft . . . . .7X9
I, Principal rafters 9x9
K, Common ditto 4X^J
L, Principal braces . . .... 9 and 6 X 9
M, Common ditto . c . , . . . .6X9
N, Purlins , . . .7X5
Q, Straining sill 5J X 9
The roof is a fine specimen of English, carpentrj^,
and is one of the boldest and lightest roofs in Europe.
The straining sill Q gives a firm abutment to the
principal braces, and the space between the posts is
19^ feet wide, afibrding roomy workshops for the car-
penters and other workmen connected with a theatre.
The contriyance for taking double hold of the wall,
which is very thin, is excellent. There is also added a
beam (marked E), bolted down to the tie-beams. The
intention of this was to prevent the total failure of so
bold a trussing, if any of the tie-beams should fail at
the end by rot.
Akin to this is Fig. 39,* the roof ^^^^ry ^^a^e^^
theatre, 80 feet 3 inches in the clear, and ^I^O^^sses ^
15 feet apart, constructed by Mr. Edwaro^^^jg
Inch, scantling.
A, Tie-beams 10x7
B, Rafters 7x7
C, King-posts 12X7
D, Struts , .5x7
E, Purlins 9x5
Gr, Pole plates 5x5
I, Common rafters . . . . . . . .5X4
K, Tie-beam to the main truss 15 X 12
L, Posts to ditto 15X12
M, Principal braces to ditto . . . .14 and 12 X 12
N, Struts. 8X12
P, Straining beams 12x12
The main beams are trussed in the middle space with
oak trusses 5 inches square. This was necessary for its
width of 32 feet, occupied by the carpenters, painters,
&c. The great space between the trusses affords good
store-rooms, dressing-rooms, &c.
It is probable that this roof has not its equal in the
world for lightness, stiffness, and strength. The main
trusses are so judiciously framed, that each of them will
safely bear a load of near 300 tons ; so it is not likely
that they will ever be quarter loaded. The division of
the whole into three parts makes the exterior roofings
very light. The strains are admirably kept from the
walls, and the walls are even firmly bound together by
the roof. They also take off the dead weight from the
main truss one-third.
The intelligent reader will perceive that all these
roofs are on one principle, depending on a truss of
three pieces and a straight tie-beam. This is indeed
the great principle of a truss, and is a step beyond the
roof with two rafters and a king-post. It admits of
* See also Atlas, Plate IV.
much greater variety of forms, and of greater extent.
We may see that even the middle part may be carried
to any space, and yet be flat at top ; for the truss beam
may be supported in the middle by an inverted king-
post (of timber, not iron), carried by iron or wooden
ties from its extremities : and the same ties may carry
the horizontal tie-beam K ; for till K be torn asunder,
or M, M, and P be crippled, nothing can fail.
The roof of St. Martin's church in the Fields is
constructed on good principles, and every piece pro-
perly disposed. But although its span does not exceed
40 feet from column to column, it contains more timber
in a truss than there is in one of Drury Lane Theatre.
The roof of the chapel at Greenwich, that of St. PauPs,
Oovent Garden, that of Birmingham and that of
Drury Lane Theatres, form a series gradually more
To avoid a large expanse of roof, the truss shown in
Plate IV., Fig. 1 (Atlas), may be used for a span of 55
to 65 feet.
107. Roofs with Curved Eibs. — There is a con-
siderable degree of difficulty in executing a roof when
there are a great number of joints, and the timbers of
large dimensions ; and the shrinkage of the king or
queen-posts often produces considerable derangements
in the truss. It is obvious, that to make principal
rafters in a continued series of pieces abutting end to
end against one another would remedy these defects.
These pieces would then form a kind of curve, and,
according to the degree of neatness required, might be
made regular, or left with projecting angles, as is
shown by Fig. 1, Plate V.* These pieces might either
be bolted, or mortised and put together with wooden
keys, as represented in Fig. 2. The length of the
* See Atlas.
pieces would be determined by the form of the curve ;
..Grooked timber would be preferable for the ribs where
it could be procured, as the joints should be as few as
possible, and they should be crossed, like the joints in
stone work.
Plate v.. Fig. 3, shows a roof constructed in this
manner. Each of the supports for the tie-beam marked
S, S, &c., consists of two pieces, one put on each side of
the rib, and notched both to the rib and to the tie-
beam. The pieces are bolted together, as is shown by
a section to a larger scale, through one of these pairs
of suspending pieces, in Fig. 4. This plan of con-
struction admits of a much firmer connection with the
tie-beam than is procured by the ordinary mode, and
the number of suspending pieces may be increased at
pleasure. The best situation for the suspending pieces
is at the joints of the curved rib.
The weight of the roof being very nearly uniformly
distributed, the form of the curved rib should be a
parabola ; and as this curve is easily described with
sufficient accuracy for this purpose, it is best to adopt
it ; because in that case, the strain from the weight of
the roof and ceiling will have no tendency whatever to
derange the form of the rib ; and its depth will always
be sufficient to withstand any partial force to which a
roof is ever likely to be exposed. Consequently, when
the rib is of a parabolic form, diagonal braces will be
unnecessary as regards the constant strain ; neverthe-
less, if they be added, they will increase the strength to
resist any partial strain in a very considerable degree.
To construct the parabola, let AB, Fig. 5, be drawn
for the upper side of the tie-beam, and AC, CB, for
the under side of the common or small rafters. Then
divide AC and CB each into the same number of equal
parts (an even number is to be preferred) ; and join
the points 1 and 1, 2 and 2, &c. ; flL
formed by these intersecting lines will h
But it will be found that this curve scarcelyrBsiQSi-
from a circular arc that rises half the height of the
roof: therefore either may be used.
If a lantern or any other structure is to be raised on
the top, a hyperbolic curve should be adopted ; whicli
admits of a considerable increase of pressure at the
crown. For an easy mode of drawing a hyperbola, see
Tarn's Practical Geometry."
Smaller roofs might be constructed in a similar
manner, at a comparatively small expense. But in
these, instead of forming the rib of short pieces, it
might be bent by a method somew^hat similar to that
used for bending ship timber. If the depth of a piece
of timber does not exceed a hundred and twentieth part
of its length, it may be bent into a curve that will rise
about one-eighth of the span without impairing its
elastic force. And if two such pieces be laid one upon
the other, and then bent together by means of a rope
fixed at the ends, they may be easily brought to the
form of the required curve, by twisting the rope as a
stone sawyer tightens his saw, or as a common bow saw
is tightened. The pieces may then be bolted together ;
and if this operation be performed in a workmanlike
manner, the pieces will spring very little when the rope
is gently slacked ; and it is advisable to do it gradually,
that the parts may take their proper bearing without
crippling. Otherwise, a piece of about one-sixtieth part
of the span in thickness may be sawn along the
middle of its depth, with, a thin saw, from each end
towards the middle of the length, leaving a part of
about 8 feet in the middle of the length uncut. The
pieces may then be bent to the proper curve, and bolted
as before. In either ease the rise of the ribs should be
half the height of the roof ; and they should be bent
about one-fourth more, to allow for the springing back
when the rope is taken off. A roof of this kind for a
30 feet span is shown by Plate V., Fig. 6.* The sus-
pending pieces are notched on each side, in pairs, and
bolted or strapped together, as shown by Fig. 4.
The advantages of this roof consist in the small
number of joints in the truss, in being able to support
the tie-beam at any number of points, in admitting of
a firm and simple connection with the tie-beam, and in
avoiding the ill effects attending the shrinking of king
or queen-posts.
108. The Proportions of the Timbers of a
PooF depend so much on the design of the framing,
that it would be impossible to furnish rules which
should apply directly to all cases. Nevertheless, by
considering a few combinations, the method that may
be adopted will be seen, and consequently may be
applied to designs made on other principles than those
already shown.
The King-post is intended to support the ceiling,
and by means of the braces to support part of the
weight of the roof. The weight suspended by the king-
post will be proportioned to the span of the roof, and
will be half the weight of the tie, the other half being
carried by the walls.
in a similar manner to king-posts, but the load upon
them is only proportional to that part of the length
of the tie-beam held up by each suspending piece
or queen-post ; in queen-posts the part suspended by
each is generally one-third the span, as one-third of
the weight of the tie is borne directly by the walls.
* See Atlas.
A Tie-Beam is affected by two strains — the one in
the direction of the length from the thrust of the
principal rafters ; the other is a cross strain from its
own weight and that of the ceiling below. In esti-
mating the strength, the thrust of the rafters need not
be considered when there is a ceiling to carry, because
the beam must in that case be abundantly strong to
resist this strain ; and when a beam is strained in the
direction of the length, it rather increases the strength
to resist a cross strain. Therefore the pressure, or the
weight supported by the tie-beam, will be proportional
to the length of the longest part of it that is unsup-
ported. But there are two cases — one where the weight
is merely the weight of the ceiling ; the other where
there are rooms in the roof, in which case the scantling
of the tie-beam must be that of a girder or binder of
the same span (99).
In estimating the strength of Principal Eafters,
we may suppose them to be supported by struts, either
at or very near all the points which the purlins rest
upon. The pressure on a principal rafter is in the
direction of its length, and is in proportion to the
magnitude of the roof ; but the effect of this pressure
does not bear the same proportion to the weight when
there is a king-post, as when there are queen-posts.
A Stuaining Beam is the horizontal piece between
the heads of the queen-posts, and the pressure is in the
direction of its length, and is the same as that sustained
by the rafters. In order that this beam may be
the strongest possible, its depth should be to its thick-
ness as 10 is to 7.
That part of a roof which is supported by a Strut or
Brace is easily ascertained from the design, but the
effect of the load must depend on the position of the
brace. When it is square from the back of the rafter,
the strain upon it will be the least ; and when it has
the same inclination as the roof, the same strain will
be thrown on the lower part of the principal rafter as
is borne by the strut. If a piece intended for a brace,
a principal rafter, or a straining beam, be curved, the
convex side should be placed upwards.
The stress upon 2^^^^^^^^^ is proportional to the dis-
tance they are apart ; and the weight being uniformly
diffused, the stiffness is reciprocally as the cube of the
length, and the scantling may be found by the rules for
binders (99).
Purlins should always be notched down upon the
principal rafters, and should be put on in as long
lengths as they can be conveniently got, as the strength
is nearly doubled by this means. The old method of
framing the purlins into the principal rafters, not only
renders the purlins weaker, but also wounds the j)rin-
cipal rafter, and consequently renders it necessary to
make the rafters stronger.
There is no part of a roof so liable to fail as the
purlins ; indeed there are few cases where they have
not sunk considerably ; and in some instances so much
as to deform the external appearance of the roof.
Weak purlins might be much strengthened by bracing
them — a practice which was once very common among
the builders in this country. Blocks should be spiked
to the upper face of the rafter, against which the side of
the purlin can rest so as to be prevented from twisting.
Common Rafters are uniformly loaded, and the
breadth need not be more than from 2 inches to 2J
inches. The strength may be ascertained from the
rules for the stiffness of beams, as in the case of single-
jointed floors (98).
Foreign fir of straight grain makes the best common
rafters and purlins, because it is not so subject to warp
and twist witli the heat of roofs m summer as oak ;
much, however, depends on the quality of the timber ;
oak from old trees often stands very well.
No general rules can be given for the scantlings of
the timbers of framed roofs, but they must be calculated
in each particular case by the method previously
explained (79, 80). The following tables give the
scantlings obtained by that method in roofs of various
spans having a pitch of about 30"^ : —
Scantlings of Fie, Timbers foe. King-post Roofs.
1 20
i 28
8X 3J
2iX 3
3JX 3
5 X3
4^X 3
H X 44
4iX 3
8 X 3
31 X 2
5 X2i
The scantlings of the common rafters here given are
on the supposition that there is only one purlin on the
centre of the principal rafter ; but if there are more
purlins the scantling of the common rafters can be
reduced. If there is no ceiling to be carried by the
tie-beam, its depth may be reduced to one-half that
given in the tables.
Scantlings of Fir Timbers for Queen-post Roofs.
4 X 3
44 X 4
7 X 3
31 X 2
8 X 41
H X 3
5 X 44
7 X 41
41 X 3
8 X 3
4"^ X 2
5 X 34
54 X 5
8 X 5
5^ X 4
9 X 4
44 X 2
9 X 54
54 X 4
6 X 54
9 X 54
54 X 44
5 X24
11 X 6
7 X 6
10 X 6
6 X5
These \goantlings for common rafters are given on
the supposition that there are only two intermediate
gUfifiis on each side of the roof, at equal distances
-apart ; if there are more purlins, the scantlings of the
common rafters can be reduced.
The strength of common rafters, whether attached to
a truss or used alone and merely fixed at top and
bottom, should be about one-half that given for the
bridging joists of a floor, varying with the length of
bearing without intermediate support ; if a very heavy
covering has to be borne, the strength must be propor-
tionately increased, but as the pressure of the wind is
the chief load to be sustained, the kind of covering
makes but little difference in the strain.
109. A Dome or Cupola is a roof, the base of which
is a circle, an ellipsis, or a polygon ; and its vertical
section a curved line, concave towards the interior.
Hence, domes are called circular, elliptical, or poly-
gonal, according to the figure of the base. The most
usual form for a dome is the spherical, in which case its
plan is a circle, the section a segment of a circle. The
top of a large dome is often finished with a lantern^
which is supported by the framing of the dome.
The interior and exterior forms of a dome are not
often alike, and in the space between, a staircase to the
lantern is generally made. According to the space left
between the external and internal domes, the framing
must be designed. Sometimes the framing may be
trussed with ties across the opening ; but often the
interior dome rises so high that ties cannot be in-
Accordingly, the construction of domes may be
divided into two cases, viz., domes with horizontal ties,
and those not having such ties.
A truss for a dome where horizontal ties can be
inserted is shown by Fig. 1, Plate VII.* In'
AA is the tie ; BB posts, which may be con
form the lantern; 0, 0 are continued curbs i
thicknesses, with the joints crossed and bolted together
DD, a curved rib to support the rafters. This design
is calculated for a span of about 60 feet, and may be
extended to 120 feet. Two principal trusses may be
placed across the opening, parallel to each other, and at
a distance equal to the diameter of the lantern apart, as
AB, CD, Fig. 2,t with a sufficient number of half-
fcrusses to reduce the bearing of the rafters to a conve-
nient length. Or, the two principal trusses may cross
each other at right angles in the centre of the dome,
the one being placed so much higher than the other as
to prevent the ties interfering. This disposition is
represented in Fig. 3 ; and is the same that is adopted
for the Dome des Invalids, at Paris, of which the
external diameter is nearly 90 English feet.
The construction of domes without horizontal cross-
ties is not difficult, where there is sufficient tie round
the base. The most simple method, and one which is
particularly useful in small domes, is to place a series
of curved ribs so that the lower ends of those ribs stand
upon the curb at the base, and the upper ends meet at
the top, with diagonal struts between the ribs.
When the pieces are so long, and so much curved
that they cannot be cut out of timber without being cut
across the grain so much as to w^eaken them, they
should be put together in thicknesses, with the joints
crossed and well nailed together ; or, in very large
domes, they should be bolted or keyed together. The
manner of forming these ribs has been already described
as applied to roofs (105). This method of making
curved ribs in thicknesses has been used in the con-
* See Atlas.
t Ibid.
struction of centres for arches from the earliest period
of arch building ; and it was first applied to the con-
struction of domes by Philibert de Lorme, who gives
the follo\ying scantlings for different sized domes : —
For domes of 2-4 feet diameter, 8 inclies by 1 inch.
5? )> J> JJ 1^ » if
5> 5> 60 )> )> 13 )> 2 „
5, „ 108 J, 13 „ 3 „
These ribs are formed of two thicknesses, of the
scantlings given above, and are placed about two feet
^Dart at the base. The rafters are notched upon them
for receiving the boarding, and also horizontal ribs are
notched on the inside, which gives a great degree of
stiffness to the whole. Fig. 4* is a section of a dome
constructed in this manner ; and Fig. Sf a projection
of a part of the dome, with the rafters and inside ribs.
If the dome be of considerable magnitude, the curve
of equilibrium should pass through the middle of the
depth of the ribs, particularly if a heavy lantern rests
upon them. Otherwise the curve must fall within the
curve of equilibrium, and struts must be placed between
the ribs, to prevent them bending in. Or, if it be
necessary for the external appearance of the dome that
the curvature of the ribs should be without the curve of
equilibrium, then an iron hoop may be put round about
one-fourth of the height to prevent the dome bursting
outwards. This latter method was adopted in the
external dome of the Church della Salute, at Venice, the
outside dimensions of which are 80 feet diameter,
40-5 feet high, and the lantern 39 -5 feet high ; but the
lantern is supported by a brick dome, which is con-
siderably below the wooden one. The ribs of this dome
are ninety-six in number, and each rib is in four thick-
* See Atlas, Plate YII.
t Ibid.
nesses ; the four together making 5*5 inches, so that each
rib is 8*5 inches by 5'5 inches. The iron hoop is 4*5
inches wide, and half an inch in thickness, and is
placed at one- third of the heighi of the dome.
When a dome is intended to support a heavy lantern,
it may require the principal ribs to be stronger than
can be obtained out of a piece of timber ; but the
framing may always be made sufficiently strong by
using two ribs, with braces between, and tied together
with radial pieces across from rib to rib. A truss of
this form is shown by Fig. 6, which would sustain a
very heavy lantern, if the curve of equilibrium were to
pass in the middle between the ribs, as
the dotted line does in the figure.
Where a light dome is wanted, with-
out occupying much space, the ribs may
be placed so near to each other that the
boards may be fixed to them without
rafters, or short struts may be put be-
tween the ribs, as shown by Fig. 7.
110. Conical Eoofs and Spires are
framed in a somewhat similar manner to
cupolas, a curb being securely fixed on
the top of the wall from which the spire
is to spring, and into this are framed the
main ribs following the slope of the
spire ; if it is octagonal on plan, there are
eight main ribs, one at each angle ; these
ribs are all framed at their upper ends
into a vertical mast, which goes down the
centre of the structure, and is secured
by horizontal ties at the base, which are
framed into the curb ; horizontal ribs or
purlins are introduced at several places up the spire,
according to the height, and framed into the sides of
I 2
the mam ribs (Fig. 40). In very lofty spires there will
also be cross strutting, to prevent the framework from
bending by the force of the wind. Intermediate ribs
or rafters are framed into the purlins, and on these the
boarding is nailed to receive the covering. When pro-
perly framed, and of well-seasoned timber, these spires
will last for centuries.
Numerous examples of ancient wooden sj)ires, or
flechesj are to be found on the Continent, especially in
Germany. In England the most remarkable is that of
Chesterfield Church, which is covered with lead, and
has become warped and twisted by the action of the
sun, which is more powerful on the south than on the
other sides. In modern times several timber spires
have been built, as that of All Saints' Church,
Margaret Street, London, which stands on a brick
tower, and the top is 220 feet from the ground.
Section III, — The Construction of Partitions and
Frame Houses,
111. Partitioxs, in carpentry, are frames of timber
for dividing the internal parts of a house into rooms ;
they are usually lathed and plastered, and sometimes
the spaces between the timbers are filled with brick-
work, which is termed brick-nogging.
In modern carpentry there is no part of a building
so much neglected as the partitions. A square of
partitioning is of considerable weight, seldom less than
half a ton, and often much more ; therefore a parti-
tion should have an adequate support : instead of which
it is often sufiered to rest on the floor, which, of
course, settles under a weight it was never intended
to bear, and the partition breaks from the ceiling
If it be necessary to support a partition by means of
tbe floors or roof, it should rather be strapped to the
floor or roof above it, than be suffered to bear upon the
floor below ; because in that case the cracks along the
cornice Avould be avoided ; and in such cases the
timbers of the floor or roof must be made stronger.
A partition ought, however, to be capable of support-
ing its own weight ; for even when doorways are so
placed that a truss cannot be got the whole depth, it
is almost always possible to truss over the heads of the
Partitions that have a solid bearing throughout their
length do not require any braces ; indeed they are
better without them, as it is easy to stiffen them by
means of struts between the uprights, and thus the
shrinking and cross strains occasioned by braces are
avoided. When braces are introduced in a partition
they should be disposed so as to throw the weight upon
points which are sufficiently supported below, other-
wise they do more harm than good.
But though it be often practicable to give a parti-
tion a solid bearing throughout, it is better not to do
so, because all walls settle ; therefore the partition
should always be supported only by the w^alls it is con-
nected with, in order that it may settle with them. If
the partition have a solid bearing, and the walls settle,
fractures must necessarily take place.
Also, when a partition is supported at one end by
the wall of a high part of the building, and by the
wall of a lower part at the other end, it will always
crack, either close by the walls, or diagonally across.
In a trussed partition the truss should have good
supports, either at the ends or other convenient places,
and the framing should be designed accordingly ; that
is, so that the weight may not act on any other points
than those originally intended to bear it. The best
points of support are the walls to which the plastering
of the partition joins.
Partitions are made of different thicknesses, according
to the extent of bearing ; for common purposes, where
the bearing does not exceed 20 feet, 4 inches is suffi-
cient ; or generally the principal timbers may be
made of the following scantlings : —
4 inches by 3 inches for a bearing not exceeding 26 feet.
5 )) 3J 30
^ }) ^ 9) >J »5 ^0 J>
And partitions should be filled in with as thin stuff
as possible, provided it be sufficient to nail the laths to.
Two inches is quite a sufficient thickness. When these
fiUing-in pieces are in long lengths — that is, when they
exceed 3 or 4 feet — they should be stiffened by short
struts between them; or, which is much better, w^e
may notch a continued rail across the uprights, nailing
it to each.
The thicknesses above-mentioned apply only to par-
titions that have no other than their own weight to
bear. When a floor is to be supported by a partition,
it must be prepared for that purpose. It would, how-
ever, be impossible to give any rules for such partitions,
as the design must be varied according to circum-
stances, which differ so materially in almost every case
as to render particular rules useless.
When partitions of considerable strength are required,
another simple method of constructing them may be
employed with advantage, particularly where it is
desirable to prevent the passage of sound.
Let the truss be formed of such strong timbers as
may be necessary, nearly as in the usual method ; but
instead of filling in the pieces for nailing the laths to
betw^^ii the timbers, let them be nailed, in the manner
of battens, upon eacli side of the truss. A partition
done in this manner occupies a little more space, but to
compensate for this, it has the advantage of strength
and lightness, besides preventing the passage of sound
better than the common mode of construction.
The following data will assist in forming an estimate
of the pressure on the framing of partitions : —
The weiglit of a square of]
partitioning may be taken > from 1,480 pounds to 2,000 pounds per
at ) square.
The weight of a square of]
single-joisted flooring, with- > 1,260 2,000
out counter-flooring . . )
The weight of a square of]
framed flooring, with coun- [• 2,500 „ 4,000
ter-flooring . . . )
As great nicety is not required in calculating the
scantlings, the highest numbers may be taken for long
bearings, and the lowest for short ones ; as the one
gives the weight in large mansions, the other that in
ordinary houses.
The shrinkage of timbers, and still more often im-
perfect joints, cause considerable settlements to take place
in partitions, and consequently cracks in the plastering ;
therefore it is essential that the timber should be well
seasoned, and also that the work should be well framed,
as a slight degree of settlement in a partition is attended
with worse consequences than those produced by a like
degree of settlement in any other piece of framing.
Fig. 1* shows a design for a trussed partition with a
doorway in the middle ; the tie or sill is intended to
pass between the joisting under the flooring boards.
The strongest positions for the inclined pieces of the
truss is shown by the figure, as the truss would have
been much weaker with the same quantity of materials,
* See Atlas, Plate YIII.
if they had been placed in the position shown by the
dotted lines. The inclination of the trussing pieces
should never greatly differ from an angle of 40 degrees
with the horizon. The horizontal pieces, a a, are in-
tended to be notched into the uprights, and nailed : in
partitions for principal rooms, one on each side might
be used.
When a doorway is near to the side of a room,
which is often necessary, in order to render the room
either convenient or comfortable, the partition should be
trussed over the top of the door, as shown in Fig. 2.
The posts, A, B, should be strapped to the truss, and
braces may be put in the lower part of the truss in the
common way ; but it would be better to halve those
braces into the uprights, which would bind the whole
In order to save straps, the posts. A, B, are often
halved into the tie CD ; in that case, the tie should be
a little deeper; and as the tie may be always made
strong enough to admit of halving, perhaps this is the
l)est method.
112. Frame Houses are rectangular structures formed
entirely of timber framing, very much on the same
principle as quarter partitions, except that they have to
carry the weight of the roof, while their own weight
is borne by the ground on which they are placed.
These houses are made so that they can be readily taken
to pieces and removed to another locality, and the mode
of framing is arranged especially with this in view.
The framing consists of four strong upright posts, which
form the angles of the structures, and are framed into
horizontal heads and sills ; the heads are further
strengthened by intermediate uprights on each side;
these help to support the rafters of the roof, which are
notched and spiked on the heads as upon a w^all-plate.
Intermediate horizontal rails are framed into the up-
rights to prevent bending, and the spaces are filled
with quartering, as in a framed partition. The walls
are usually covered on the outside with weather-
boarding, and on the inside with lath and plaster or
matched-boarding. The roof is formed in the usual
manner with rafters and collars or tie-beams, and
covered with weather-boarding, slate, or zinc. The
sills should not be allowed to rest on the earth, but
upon a few courses of bricks or stones, so as to prevent
them from rotting. The internal divisions are made
by means of ordinary quarter partitions.
The ancient timber houses found in some parts of
England and the Continent are constructed in a some-
what similar manner, but with very strong timbers, as
they consist of several stories of rooms. The upper
stories generally overhang the lower ones, the framing
being corbelled out by means of the joists or girders of
the floor, which are carried the required distance
beyond the wall of the lower storey, and on these the
sill of the framing for the upper storey is laid. The
main timbers were usually left exposed on the outside,
and the spaces between filled with lath and plaster upon
intermediate quarterings.
Section L — Centerings.
113. A Centre is a timber frame, or set of frames,
for supporting the arch-stones of a bridge during the
construction of the arch. The qualities of a good centre
consists in its being a sufficient support for the weight
or pressure of the arch- stones, without any sensible
change of form throughout the whole progress of the
work, from the springing of the arch to the fixing of
the key-stone. It should be capable of being easily
and safely removed, and designed so that it may be
erected at a comparatively small expense.
In navigable rivers, where a certain space must be
left for the passage of vessels, and in deep and rapid
rivers, where it is difficult to establish intermediate
supports, and where much is to be apprehended from
sudden floods, the frames should span the whole width
of the archway, or be framed so as to leave a consider-
able portion of the archway unoccupied. In such cases
a considerable degree of art is required to make the
centre an efiectual support for the arch- stones, particu-
larly when the arch is large. But in narrow rivers,
and in those where the above-mentioned inconveniences
do not interfere with the work, the framing may be
constructed upon horizontal tie-beams, supported in
several places by piles, or frames fixed in the bed of the
river ; and the construction is comparatively easy.
In large arches, when the arch-stones are laid to a
considerable height, they often force the centre out of
form, by causing it to rise at the crown; and it is
sometimes necessary to load the centre at the crown to
prevent such rising ; but this is a very imperfect
Centres are composed of several separate vertical
frames or trusses, connected together by horizontal
ties, and stiffened by braces. When the frames have
to span the whole width of the archway, the offsets of
the stonework afford a most substantial abutment for
the support of the centre. The frames or trusses of
centres are generally placed from four to six feet apart,
according to their strength, and the pressure they have
to support. In general there is one frame under each
of the external rings of arch-stones, and the space be-
tween is equally divided by the intermediate frames.
A bridge of three arches will require two centres,
one of five arches requires three centres, &c.
Before proceeding to investigate the disposition and
stiffness of centres, the point must be determined
at which the arch-stones first begin to press upon the
centre ; and also the pressure upon it at different
periods of the formation of the arch. It has been
found by exj)eriment, that a stone placed upon an in-
clined plane does not begin to slide till that plane has
an inclination of about 30 degrees from the horizontal
plane ; and till a stone would slide upon its joint, or
bed, it is obvious that it would not press upon the
centre. Also, when a hard stone is laid with a bed of
mortar it will not slide till the angle becomes from 34
to 36 degrees. A soft stone bedded in mortar will
stand when the angle which the joint makes with the
horizon is 45 degrees, if it absorb water quickly ;
because in that case the mortar becomes partially set.
Similar results have been obtained by other experimen-
talists ; therefore we may consider the pressure in
general to commence at the joint which makes an angle
of about 32 degrees with the horizon.
This angle is called the angle of repose, and if we
suppose the pressure to be represented by the radius,
the tangent of this angle will represent the friction ;
hence, considering the pressure as unity, the friction
will be 0-625.
The next course above the angle of repose will press
upon the centre, but only in a small degree ; and the
pressure will increase with each succeeding course.
The relation between the weight of an arch-stone, and
its pressure upon the centre, in a direction perpen-
dicular to the curve of the centre, may be determined
from the following equation : W (sin. a — /cos a) =P.
Where W is the weight of the arch-stone, P = the
pressure upon the centre, /= the friction, and a= the
angle which the plane of the lower joint of the arch-
stone makes with the horizon.
When the angle ^^hich the joint \ 3, (j.^,,.., P - -04 W
P = -08 W
P = '12W
P = -17W
P = -21W
P = -25 W
P = -29 W
P = -37W
P = -40 W
P = -41 W
P = -48 W
P z= 02 W
P = -54 W
But when the plane of the joint becomes so much
inclined that a vertical line passing through the centre
« >
> »
>> >
> >>
> it
» »
f »
» »
» >
'** >
> »
» ?
)J 5
> 5>
?> 5
> 5>
>> >
of gravity of tlie arch-stone does not fall within the
lower bed of the stone, the whole weight of the arch-
stone may be considered as resting upon the centre, with-
out material error. We have thus an easy method of
estimating the weight upon a centre, at any period of
the construction, or when any portion of the arch-stone
is laid, as well as when the whole weight it has to sus-
tain is upon it.
It is evident from an inspection of the table, that
the pressure increases very slowly till the joint begins
to make a considerable angle with the horizon ; and it
is of importance to bear this in mind in designing
centres, because the strength should be directed to the
parts where the strain is greatest. For instance, at
the point where the joint makes an angle of 44 degrees
with the horizon, the arch-stone only exerts a pressure
of one-fourth of its weight upon the centre ; where
the angle of the joint is 58 degrees, the pressure
exceeds half the weight ; but near to the crown the
stones rest wholly upon the centre. Now it would be
absurd to make the centre equally strong at each of
these points; besides, by such a method there would
not be the means of applying the strength where it is
really required, without interfering with ties and braces,
which are only an incumbrance to the framing.
When the depth of the arch-stone is nearly double
its thickness, the whole of its weight may be considered
to rest upon the centre at the joint which makes an
angle of about 60 degrees with the horizon. If the
length be less than twice the thickness, it may be con-
sidered to rest wholly upon the centre when the angle
is below 60 degrees ; and if the length exceed twice the
thickness, the angle will be considerably above 60 degrees
before the whole weight will press upon the centre.
When the arch-stones are small, the pressure upon
the centre is greater tlian when tliey are large ; and
as an arch-stone will seldom be smaller than would
extend one degree of the arch, the pressure in that
case may be assumed as sufficiently accurate : the error
being always in excess till the arch-stones are less
than one degree each.
114. The Design of Frames eor Centres.—
There are two things which require particular atten-
tion ; the centre should be sufficiently strong to sup-
port any part, or the whole of the pressure ; and it
should be capable of supporting any part without a
sensible change of form. To accomplish, the first ob-
ject, the strains must not act very obliquely upon the
supporting pieces ; and the magnitude of the parts
must be proportional to the strain upon them. The
second object will be obtained by disposing the parts so
that the stress may prevent any part rising, instead of
causing it to rise, as is too commonly the case in centres.
Centering for arches of small span is easily managed ;
and when it is possible to obtain intermediate supports
at a comparatively small expense, even large centres
are not difficult. The centering of Conon Bridge, of
which the span is 65 feet, and rise 21 '8 feet, is a good
example of this kind of construction. See Atlas, Fig. 1,
Plate IX.
Smeaton designed the centre. Fig. 3, Plate VIIL
(Atlas), for Coldstream Bridge, which was of stone,
25 feet wide from outside to outside ; the centering con-
sisted of five frames, or ribs, framed in the manner
represented in Fig. 3. The span of the centre arch
was 60 feet 8 inches, and the dimensions of the prin-
cipal timbers are figured upon the design.
But where intermediate supports cannot be obtained,
centres require to be constructed with more care ; more
attention is also necessary in forming the design. It
is obvious that laying a load upon the haunches must
have a tendency to raise the centre at the crown, unless
the frame be so contrived that it cannot rise there
under the effect of any force that it may have to sus-
tain at the haunches. This principle has not been
properly understood by some engineers, and some of
their centres have, in conseq[uence, undergone a change
of form with every course of stones that was laid upon
them. We cannot perhaps show better the importance
of the principle of preventing any change of form by
the disposition of the framing, than by pointing out the
defects of the centre designed by Perronet for the
Bridge of Neuilly, and comparing it with some others
that have been employed. Fig. 2, Plate IX. (Atlas),
represents the centre of the Bridge at Neuilly. It is
obvious that such a centre, loaded at A and B, must
rise at C ; and the timbers being nearly parallel, the
strains produced by a weight resting on any point
must have been prodigious ; consequently, the yielding
at the joints was very considerable. It is a kind of
framing well enough adapted to support an equilibrated
load, distributed over its whole length ; but is one of
the worst that can be adopted for a centre, or for sup-
porting any variable load. It must have consumed an
immense quantity of timber without possessing the
advantage of connection. The quantity is crowded
into so small a space that it has a light appearance,
and consequently has obtained the approbation of those
who are incapable of penetrating further than the
apparent surface of the things they pretend to examine.
The centres for the bridges of Nogent, Cravant, St.
Maxence, and Nemours, were designed on similar
principles, and were found to be equally defective.
Fig. 3 represents the centre of Waterloo Bridge.
In this centre, by a better disposition of its timbers, a
load at A could not cause the centre to rise at C, without
reducing the length of the beam DE, and the one
opposite to it. There is an excess of strength in some
of its parts, and it is complicated in the extreme ; but
on the whole it is a very judicious combination. The
centre of the late Blackfriars Bridge appears to have
been taken as the ground- work ; and there are some
improvements, both in form and construction, which
do much credit to the able engineer who made them.
Let the line ACA', Fig. 1, Plate X., represent the
curve of an arch ; and let us suppose the arch-stones to
begin to press upon the centre at B, B', where the
joints make an angle of 32 degrees with the horizontal
plane; and that the laying of the arch-stones proceeds
alike on each side. Now if two trussed frames, EDH,
E'D'H, abut against each other at C, the point C
cannot rise in a sensible degree from the pressures at
D, D', and much additional security may be obtained
by adding the piece FF', with the pieces FI, F'l'.
The framing of this centre commences on each side,
nearly at the point where the arch-stones first begin to
press upon the centre ; the curved rib must be strong
enough to bear the parts between BD and DC, but the
bearings may be shortened by making the abutting
blocks at D, D' longer. The beams EC, E'C will act
as ties till the arch-stones are laid beyond the points
D, ; they will then begin to act as struts, and will
continue to act as struts after that, till the whole is laid.
This disposition cannot be employed where the span
is large, because it then requires very long pieces of
timber ; and the points of support for the curved rib
become too far apart to be supported by timbers of the
usual dimensions.
Let the built beams EF, FF', and F'E^ Fig. 85,
Plate X., be each trussed, and abut against each
other at F and ; then it is obvious, that when the
loads press equally at D, J)\ they will have no ten-
dency to raise the beam FF' in the middle, unless it be
not sufficiently strong to resist the pressure in the
direction of its length ; and as it is easy to give it
any degree of strength that may be required, a centre
of this form may, with a little variation in the trusses,
be applied with advantage to any span which will
admit of a stone bridge. When timber is not to be
had of sufficient length, the beams EF, FF', and F'E',
may be built in the manner directed for building beams.
In the new London Bridge the arches are of very
considerable span, the centre one being 150 feet, with
a rise of only 29*5 feet ; but by supporting the centre
from the bed of the river, the skill required to span a
large opening was avoided. The ribs consisted of
trussed frames, and were supported by well-driven
piles, so as to leave the central part of the arch open
for the navigation.
115. Construction of Centres. — The principal
beams of a centre should always abut end to end when
it is possible. It is a very good method, where timbers
meet at an angle, to let them abut into a socket of cast
iron, as has been done in the centre of Waterloo Bridge.
(See Fig. 3, Plate IX. Atlas.) The timbers should in-
tersect one another as little as possible, as every joining
causes some degree of settlement, and halving the tim-
bers together always destroys nearly half their strength.
The pieces which tend towards the centre, and which
perform a similar office to the king-post of a roof, should
be notched upon the framing ; and they should be in
pairs, that is, one on each side of the frame, and well
bolted together. Most of the braces may also be applied
in the same manner with much advantage. Ties should
be continued across the frames in different parts, par-
ticularly at any point where many timbers meet.; and
diagonal braces across the frames are also necessary, to
secure them from lateral motion.
The frames or principal supports of a centre should
be placed upon double wedges, or sometimes they may
be placed upon blocks with wedge-formed steps cut in
them ; and when the centre is to be eased, the wedges,
or wedge-formed pieces, are driven back so far as to
suffer the centre to descend regularly. This operation
should be very leisurely performed, in order that the
arch, in taking its proper bearing, may not acquire any
sensible degree of velocity, as it would be a dangerous
experiment to let it settle too rapidly.
The centre should always be eased a little, as soon as
the arch is completed, in order that the arch-stones
may take their proper bearings before the mortar
becomes hard. If the mortar be suffered to dry before
the centre be lowered, the arch will break at the joints
in settling, and the connection of the arch will be
In small centres the wedges are driven back with
mauls, men being stationed at each pair of wedges for
that purpose. But in larger Avorks a beam is mounted,
as a battering ram, to drive the wedge- formed blocks
back. Before driving back the wedges, it is a good
precaution to mark them, so that it may be easy to
ascertain when they are regularly driven.
The centres of the late Blackfriars Bridge and of
Waterloo Bridge were placed upon blocks, with wedge-
formed steps cut in them, as is shown in Fig. 3, Plate IX.
Another method consists in forming the steps on beams
that reach across the whole width of the bridge, passing
between the feet of the trussed frames and the posts
that support them. In Fig. 1, Plate X., the centres are
supposed to be done in this manner. The frames being
thus placed upon continued wedges, the centre may be
struck without its being necessary to have workmen
beneath : it is therefore less dangerous, and can be
done with a less number of men.
In the erection of the Chester Bridge, finished in
1832, an entirely different principle was adopted in the
construction and the mode of relieving the centre.
This arch is the segment of a circle of 140 feet radius ;
the span is 200 feet, and the rise 42 feet. The centre
consisted of six ribs in width, and the span of the arch
was divided into four spaces, by means of three nearly
equidistant piers of stone built in the river, from which
timbers spread like a fan towards the soffit, so as to
take their load endwise. The lower extremity of these
radiating beams rested on cast-iron shoe-plates on the
tops of the piers, and their upper ends were bound
together by two thicknesses of 4-inch planking, bend-
ing round as nearly as they could be made in the true
curve of the arch. On the rim thus formed, the
lodging or covering, which was 4J inches thick, was
supported over each rib by a pair of folding wedges
15 or 16 inches long by 10 or 12 inches in breadth,
and tapering about IJ inch : for every course of arch-
stones in the bridge, therefore, there were six pairs of
striking wedges. The horizontal timber in the centre
was only 13 inches deep, and the six ribs were tied
together transversely near the top by bolts of inch iron
which passed through.
This centre thus differs essentially from any other
hitherto employed ; each rib, instead of forming one
connected piece of frame-work, consists here of four
independent parts, and little or no transverse strain
has to be resisted. Moreover, as the wedges are in
this construction borne by the centre, instead of the
centre being borne by them, it is obvious that the
bearings may thus be gradually relieved or tigbtened
at one place and slackened at another, according to the
symptoms shown by the arch, as its support is remoyed,
and the stone-work comes to its bearing. (For further
information relative to this erection, see Vol. i. Trans.
Inst. Civ. Eng. p. 207.)
116. Computing the Strength of Centres. — It
fortunately happens that simple designs are best cal-
culated for centres ; for it would be very difficult to
form anything like an accurate estimate of the strength
of a complicated one. We will here show some ap-
proximate methods of fixing upon the proper scantlings
for the timbers for the designs which have been given ;
and add to one of them some examples in numbers,
which will serve to illustrate the subject.
In the centre. Fig. 1, Plate X., the stress may be
considered, in as far as it tends to strain the frame
EDH ; also the stress upon the pieces EH, H'E', when
the whole load is upon them ; and, lastly, the strain
upon the posts GK, Q'K\
First, let the pressure of the arch-stones between
B and C be calculated. Consider half this weight as
collected at D, and acting in the direction DF, which
will be sufficiently accurate for our present purpose.
Then the strains in the directions of each of the beams
composing the frame EDH can be found; and the
dimensions of the pieces which would resist them are
to be determined by the rules for the stifihess of beams.
Secondly, compute the pressure of the arch between
D and C, and consider it as acting at C in a vertical
direction ; then the strain on the beams EH, H'E',
will be found by the rules above referred to.
Lastly, let the whole pressure of the arch-stones
between B and C, together with half the weight of the
centre itself, be considered as acting at the point E
in a vertical direction, and find the dinie\
supports KG, K'G', that would resist the
But in these calculations it must be observe?
the length of any of the pieces in feet be not gr^
than 1*25 times the breadth, or least dimension in
inches, it will cripple at the joint rather than bend.
Thus, if a piece be 8 inches in breadth, then its length
must be l*2o x 8, or 10 feet; otherwise it will sink at
the joint rather than bend.
Therefore, when the length between the points where
it is braced is less than in this proportion, instead of
finding the scantlings by the rules for the stiflfness
of beams, they must be determined by the following
rule : —
Rule. The pressure upon the beam in pounds
divided by 1,000 gives the area of the piece in inches,
or that of the least abutting joint, if that joint should
not be equal to the section of the piece.
As all long pieces in a centre may be rendered
secure against bending by cross braces or radial pieces
notched on and bolted to them, this rule may, in nearly
all cases, be applied for centres, instead of the rules in
Chap. II.
In the centre. Fig. 2,* the beams EF, FF^ and F'E',
constitute the chief support; the arch is an ellipsis,
and consequently a considerable part of it will bear
almost wholly upon the centre. But from what has
been shown respecting the pressure of the arch-stones,
it will appear that if we take the whole weight of the
ring between D and 0, and consider it to act in the
direction HF at the joining F, it will be the greatest
strain that can possibly occur at that point from the
weight of the arch-stones. Produce the line HF toy;
and make h f to represent the pressure. Draw h e
* Atlas, PJato X.
parallel to the beam EP. Then, as li / represents the
pressure of the arch between D and 0, h e will repre-
sent the pressure in the direction of the beam FE ;
and e f the pressure in the direction of the beam FF' ;
and these beams must be of such scantlings as would
sustain these pressures.
Let the weight of the arch from H to H' be estimated,
and if two-thirds of this weight be considered to act
at C in a vertical direction, it will be the greatest load
that is likely to be laid at that point, and the dimen-
sions for the parts of the truss FCF' must be found so
as to sustain that pressure.
The frame, EDF, may be calculated to resist half
the pressure of the arch-stones between B and H.
The whole weight of the arch-stones from D to 0,
together with the weight of the centre itself, may be
considered as acting in a vertical direction at E, and
the supports at GE should be sufficient to sustain the
action of this pressure.
To determine the scantlings of the ribs which sup-
port the weight between H and 0, or D and H, &c.,
calculate the weight of that part of the arch which
rests upon them, and consider it as a weight uniformly
diffused over the length. The proper scantlings can
then be found by the previous rules (91). These bear-
ings maybe much shortened by lengthening the blocks
against which the inclined beams of the truss abut.
Section IL— Wooden Bridges.
117. Examples of Bridges. — The oldest wooden
bridge of which we have any account is the Bridge of
Sublicius, which existed at Rome in the reign of Ancus
Marcius, about 600 years before the Christian era.
The next in point of antiquity was that erected by
Julius CoGsar for the passage of his army across the
lihine. The bridge built by Trajan over the Danube
appears also to have been of timber, except the piers,
which were of stone. The roadway of this bridge
appears to have been supported by three concentric
curved ribs of timber, connected by radial pieces, and
is certainly a good specimen of the art of building
timber bridges at that early period. Trajan^s bridge
consisted of twenty or twenty-two stone piers, with
wooden arches, each arch above 100 feet span.
In the middle ages, when bridges began to be esta-
blished at the passages over the principal rivers, they
were almost always constructed with piers, from 15
to 20 feet apart, consisting of one or more rows of
piles. These piers were generally defended by a kind
of jetta to break the ice, which also protected the
piers from the shock of bodies borne down by the cur-
rent ; nevertheless, in process of time, and from the
frequent repairs that were necessary to protect the
piers, the w^ater-way generally became almost wholly
blocked up ; and, consequently, the bridge soon became
incapable of sustaining the pressure of water which
accumulated in high floods.
The whole of the construction of these bridges was
of that kind where abundance of material is made to
supply the skill of the artist ; yet there are cases
where a similar but lighter kind of wooden bridge may
be employed with much advantage ; that is, in places
not subject to floods, or for raising a road across a
valley ; and, generally, for any situation w^here the
piers can be kept light.
A bridge that was built by Palladio over the Brenta,
near Bassano, is a good example of this kind of bridge.
(See Atlas, Plate XI., Fig. 3.) Also, the Bridge of
St. Clair, on the Ehone, built by Morand. In the
latter bridge the piers were not constructed in the
usual manner, but shorter piles were driven, and cut
off a little below low-water mark. On the heads of
these piles horizontal pieces were placed, so as to
receive the posts to sustain the beams of the roadway,
to which these horizontal pieces were secured with
straps. As that part of the pier which is alternately
wet and dry is subject to very rapid decay, this method
renders it easy to repair it without disturbing the
lower piles.
Palladio, in his " Treatise on Architecture, has given
several designs for bridges, which display a consider-
able degree of knowledge of the subject ; indeed, many
of the designs of the present time are merely improve-
ments of the principles exhibited in his valuable work.
Palladio appears to have been the first among the
moderns who attempted a species of construction that
would render numerous piers unnecessary, and so as to
avoid exposing any part of the timber-work to the
shock of bodies carried down by the current. The
bridge he erected over the torrent of Cismone, near
Bassano, was of this kind, and the span 108 English
feet. (See Plate XI., Fig. 1.)
Among the designs for wooden bridges given by
Palladio, the most remarkable is that exhibited by
Fig. 2 ; as it appears to have been the first idea of
constructing a system of what may be termed framed
voussoirSy similar to the arch-stones of a stone bridge ;
a principle that has since been adopted with much
success both in timber and in iron bridges.
Of the modern methods of construction, the best
appears to be that of forming curved ribs for the sup-
port of the road- way ; and this principle seems to have
been first applied to bridges by Mr. Price, in his
Treatise on Carpentry.'' Mr. Price's method may be
stated as follows : He pro^DOses the curved rib to rise
about one-sixth of the opening, and to divide it into a
convenient number of equal parts, according to the
span, or to suit the lengths of the timber. For a
bridge of 36 feet span, he proposes to make the ribs
of pieces of oak in 5 lengths, and 3 inches in thick-
ness ; each rib to consist of two thicknesses, one 12
inches deep, and the other 9 inches deep ; the joints
crossed, and the thicknesses keyed together with wooden
keys. Two of these ribs with joists framed between,
he says, will be sufficient to support the roadway.
The famous wooden arch of 250 feet span, across
Portsmouth River, in North America,* is put together
w^ith wooden keys similar to those proposed by Mr.
Price ; indeed it is precisely his method of construction
applied to a larger span, excepting a little difference in
the form of the keys.
In Switzerland several excellent wooden bridges
have been erected ; one of the most celebrated was
that of Schaffhausen, constructed in 1757. It was
composed of two arches, the one 172 feet, the other
193 feet span, supported by abutments at the ends, and
by a stone pier in the middle, which remained when the
stone bridge was swept away in 1754. The construction
is ingenious, and the principle is shown in Fig. 4,
Plate XIII. (Atlas.)
The construction of bridges with stone ribs has been
much improved by Wiebeking. Instead of forming
the ribs of short lengths, he employs pieces of consi-
derable length, and bends them to the form of the
curve. This method has many advantages over that in
which short pieces are used : it lessens the number of
joints, consequently the ribs are more firm, and less
liable to decay. The Bridge of Freysingen, on the
» See Atlas, Plate XI., Figs. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.
Isar, in Bavaria, is one that was constructed according
to Wiebeking's method, in the years 1807 and J808. It
consisted of two arches of 153 feet span, with a rise of
11*6 feet; and the width of the roadway was 25 feet.
See Plate XII., Figs. 1 and 2 (Atlas).
The ribs which supported the roadway consisted of
two parts, the one more curved than the other ; that
which was most curved was built with three courses of
beams, of from 12*6 to 14*5 inches in thickness, and
about 46 feet in length ; each beam having been bent
to the proper curve by screws or levers, and scarfed
and bolted to the rest. The upper part of the rib
consisted of only two courses of beams of 15*5 inches
Each of the abutments was 21*25 feet in thickness,
and rested on 68 piles. The piles were from 30 to 38
feet long, and 15*5 inches square ; and they were
driven from 17*4 to 19*4 feet into the ground, with a
ram of 1,486 pounds weight. The straighter parts of
the curved ribs abutted against 5 piles, which were
driven within about three feet of the back of the abut-
ment ; these piles were 12*6 inches square, and had
20 feet hold of the ground, and were also further
strengthened by building the abutment round them.
In the elevation of the bridge. Fig. 94, the abutment
to the left of the figure is supposed to be cut through,
to show how the two parts of the rib abut into it.
Each arch consisted of three curved ribs, which
were bonded together at seven places, by cross ties,
each consisting of several pieces of timber laid one
upon another : and these ties supported seven ranges
of beams, laid in the direction of the length of the
bridge, with diagonal braces between them, and the
joisting of the roadway laid across them.
In the spaces between the springing of the arches
and tlie first cross tie, inclined braces were fixed cross-
ing one another, and similar braces were fixed between
the cross ties on each side of the crown of the arch,
serving to strengthen the bridge against any lateral
strain. The upper part of the ribs was continued into
the abutments for the same purpose.
The pier, which sustained the arches in the middle,
consisted of nine vertical piles of 17*5 inches diameter,
driven about 17*5 feet into the bed of the river ; and
two inclined piles about 46 feet long. The base of the
pier was surrounded by a bed of large gravel stones,
with the joints filled with water cement. The ends of
the ribs abutted into vertical posts, which rested upon
horizontal sills, that were secured to the piles by bolts
and straps. A lining of strong oak planking was
placed between the vertical posts and the piles, and the
spaces formed between the planking and the piles were
filled with beton, or concrete. Fig. 3 is a section across
the bridge close to the pier.
In order to preserve the timbers, the mortises and
tenons of the vertical posts were soaked in hot oil ; and
small gutters were made near the lower ends of the
curved ribs and braces to cause the water to run ofi*,
instead of settling into the joints. To all the principal
timbers two coats of pitch and tar were applied.
The exterior of the bridge was covered with boarding,
painted, and dark lines drawn for the joints, so as to
imitate a stone bridge.
The Bridge of Bamberg, on the Regnitz, in Germany,
is another example of Wiebeking's methods of construc-
tion ; the widest span that has been executed according
to his principle. It was built in 1809.
It consists of one arch of 208 feet span, with a rise
of 16*9 feet, and the width of the roadway is 32 feet.
(See Atlas, Plate XII., Figs. 3, 4.) A stone bridge
K 2
liad formerly been erected on the same site ; but its
heavy piers contracted the waterway so much, that the
water in a flood accumulated to such a height as to
overturn the bridge by its pressure. In consequence
of this accident the wooden bridge was made to span
the whole width of the river.
In the middle of the width of the bridge, three ribs
are placed side by side, the middle one being five beams
in depth at the abutments, but only three in depth at
the crown ; but the ones on each side of it are three
beams in depth throughout. On each side of the bridge
there are two ribs placed side by side, and bolted
together ; these each consist of five beams in depth to-
wards the abutment, and three beams in depth at the
crown. The depth of the beams are from 13-5 to 15-5
inches. The three compound ribs are united together
by cross ties, with diagonal stays or braces between, as
in the Freysingen Bridge; also the roadway is con-
structed in the same manner.
In the elevation. Fig. 3, the boarding is supposed to
be removed from one-half of the bridge, and the abut-
ment cut through, to show the manner of framing the
timbers. Fig. 4 is a section across the bridge at A A
on the elevation, to a larger scale.
The joints of all the parts built into the abutments
were well soaked in hot oil, and also covered with sheet
lead. The ribs and joists are of fir, the cross ties and
plates of oak.
118. The Design of Wooden Bridges. — The
principal objects to be attended to in designing a
bridge are, first, the choice of a proper situation ;
secondly, the width of the roadway ; thirdly, the
waterway which ought to be left for the river ; and
fourthly, the span of the arches. Each of these is
chiefly determined by local circumstances.
The cliolce of situation depends mucli upon local
circumstances, and should be that which is most con-
venient to the public, and so that the means of access
are commodious. The bridge should always cross the
stream as nearly as possible at right angles. A correct
section of the river bed must be made, and the depth
of water ascertained at different seasons of the year.
The width of roadway may be from 18 to 45 feet,
where carriages have to pass over, and from 5 to 8 feet
for foot-bridges.
The waterway must be sufficient to give free passage
to the highest floods, which must regulate the height
and width of the arches.
The extent of the span is in some degree determined
by the quantity of waterway. The span of the arch,
however, must also be regulated by the form of the
banks, the height of the highest floods, the depth and
rapidity of the river, and the kind and dimensions of
the timber that can be procured.
In rivers which are tranquil, of little depth, and not
subject to high and rapid floods, the number of piers
may be augmented without inconvenience, provided
they do not interrupt the navigation of the river, nor
contract too much the waterway.
But if the bridge have to cross a torrent, the least
possible number of supports should be placed in the
stream. When the banks are not too low, and the
width of the river does not exceed 300 feet, the
engineer should give the preference to one arch.
When more than one arch is required, much expense
cannot be saved by making the span of the arches
large, because the piers in such cases require to be
carefully constructed, and there wdll be much addi-
tional labour, and consequently expense, both in the
arches and piers. But if the opening be not greater
than can be spanned with one arch, it would certainly
be the best method to do it so, especially if the banks
be high on each side.
The rise of the arch or arches is generally limited
by the form of the roadway and the height of the
highest water-line, as that line should be the springing
of the arch. The roadway should always be of as easy
an ascent as circumstances will admit of ; ascending
from each side to the middle in a rise of about one part
in 36, gives the bridge a slight curvature, v/hich
improves its appearance ; but it ought not to rise at a
quicker rate than one part in 12.
Wiebeking names a rise of one in 24 as that which
may be used without inconvenience; but he observes
that in timber bridges the settlement is generally
about one part in 72 ; that is, if a timber bridge of 144
feet span rise one foot in the middle when first framed,
it will settle so as to become nearly horizontal ; there-
fore, when it is intended that the bridge shall have an
ascent of one in 24 when finished, it must be framed so
as to have a rise of one in 18.
But when the rise of an arch or truss is limited,
whether it be by the form of the roadway or any other
local circumstance, the span is also limited ; for if the
span does not bear a certain proportion to the rise, the
bridge will not support its own weight. This pro-
portion depends on the radius of curvature of the curve
of equilibrium, and from the length of this radius we
may also determine to what extent a single arch may
be constructed. The largest span of which we have
any correct account being executed with timber, is the
bridge over the Limmat, near Wettingen ; this span is
390 feet, the whole rise about 43 feet, and the radius of
curvature of the curve of equilibrium about 600 feet.
It has been found by experiment that the force
required to crush, a square inch of oak is 5,147 pounds ;
and suppose one-fifth of this force to be a sufficient
load to trust upon each square inch in a bridge, this
force would be equivalent to the weight of a column of
the same material 2,950 feet high. And it is shown
by writers on the strength of materials, that in an arch
of the same material, of which the radius of curvature
is equal to the height of this column, the parts of the
arch will be pressed with the same force as the weight
of the column.
Consequently, in a bridge constructed of oak, the
radius of curvature should never exceed 2,950 feet;
and for fir it should not exceed 3,000 feet.
But then the construction is similar to a framed
lever ; the abutments being secured by a horizontal
tie, the radius of curvature of the curve of equilibrium
of the compressed part of the frame, when it is suffi-
ciently loaded with its own weight, will be only half
the height of the column that would produce an equal
pressure on the same base, because in this kind of con-
struction there is at least double the weight of materials.
Therefore, in a bridge with horizontal ties, the radius
of curvature should not exceed for oak 1,475 leet^ for
fir 1,500 feet.
These numbers only give the radius when the frames,
or ribs, are sufficiently loaded with their own weight ;
but there is the roadway and the timbers connected
with it, which add nothing to the strength of the
bridge. But the radius of curvature of a bridge
which will be sufficiently loaded when the whole
weight to be laid upon it is taken into consideration,
niay be found by the following proportion : —
As the whole weight of the bridge
Is to the weight of the supporting frame ;
So is the radius of curvature above determined
To the radius required.
These calculations suppose the parts of the bridge
to be accurately balanced, according to the principles
of equilibrium; and it is obvious that any defect in
this respect must render it necessary to increase the
Wiebeking gives some proportions for the rises for
different spans, but not from principles ; his propor-
tions being founded entirely upon the observations he
had made in practice. As far as regards appearance,
he states one-tenth of the span to be the best propor-
tion for the rise of an arch ; but as it is in general
desirable to keep bridges low, he gives the following
proportions : —
From 100 to 150 feet span make the rise 0%
200 „ „ -A
300 „ „ A
400 „ „
500 „ „ A
600 „ „ A
119. Piers for Slpporting Bridges may, in simple
cases, be constructed by driving a single row of piles
for each pier in a line with the current of the river.
The piles may be from 10 to 14 inches square, and
placed at from 2 to 4 feet distance from one another.
The piles should be strengthened by oblique braces.
Fig. 8, Plate XI., represents a pier of this kind.
In a deep river, or where the height of the roadway
is much above the surface of the water, it is difficult to
get piles of sufficient length. In such a case the piles
may be driven and cut off a little below low-water;
mark, and upon these piles posts may be placed for
supporting the roadway. The joinings should be secured
by means of horizontal pieces well bolted together.
A, B, and C, Fig. 1, Plate XV., show the way in which
the upper and lower parts of the pier should be con-
nected. The piers of the Bridge of St. Clair, at Lyons,
are constructed nearly in this manner, and it has the
advantage of giving good hold to the piles, besides
rendering them much easier to drive ; it also cuts off the
connection between the part of the pier which is con-
stantly wet, and of long duration, and that which is
alternately wet and dry ; consequently, it is much
easier to repair or renew the posts, which will, from
their situation, often require it.
But when the depth of the river is very considerable,
it would not be safe to trust to a single row of piles ;
in that case the lower part should consist of a double
row of piles, BB (Fig. 2, Plate XV.), at about 3 feet
distance from middle to middle, connected by the hori-
zontal beams EE, and the cross pieces DD, for sup-
porting the posts. In order to secure the feet of the
posts, they must be clasped by two horizontal ties,
0, 0, and the whole well bolted together. Fig. 8,
Plate XL, and Fig. 6, Plate XIL, show how the posts
may be braced ; and when their height is considerable,
one or more courses of horizontal ties will be required
besides the inclined braces.
Instead of driving piles for the piers or supports of a
wooden bridge, Telford adopted another method with
perfect success on the river Severn, about eight miles
below Shrewsbury. He made choice of any convenient
situation on the banks of the river for constructing the
pier, which consisted of an upright frame having a
grated frame attached so as to form its base, the base
extending on each side of the upright frame. The
framing was then sunk in its proper situation, the
bottom having been carefully levelled to receive it.
Through the spaces in the grated frame short piles
were driven to keep the whole secure in its place. The
sides of the upright frame were covered with planking,
and in order to add to the stability the lower parts were
K 3
filled with gravel and small stones. To prevent ice, or
other bodies carried down by the current, from injuring
the piers, the edges of the frames which face the stream
may have triangular pieces of cast iron fixed upon
them. Fender piles are also sometimes driven so as to
form a triangle at a little distance above and opposite
to each pier.
When a river is subject to ice floods, the piers should
be protected by ice-breakers, which should be detached,
in order that the bridge may not be injured by the
shock of bodies descending by the current. The ice-
breaker, A, B, Fig. 6, Plate XII., consists of a single
row of piles, connected by two horizontal beams, with
an inclined capping, the edge of which is protected by
a triangular prism of cast iron.
Fig. 3, Plate XV., is a plan and side elevation of an
ice-breaker, consisting of two rows of inclined piles,
the heads of which abut against an inclined capping,
protected with iron as before. The inclined sides to
be covered with planking, which is not shown on the
120. Timber Frames for Bridges. — Before pro-
ceeding to specify the modes of construction adapted to
particular cases, a few observations on the general
principles of construction will perhaps render the
advantages of the methods proposed more evident.
Let AB, Fig. 1, Plate XIII., be a solid beam resting
upon the supports A and B. If we suppose this beam
to be the support of a roadway, it will, besides its own
weight, have to support the planking and road, as well
as that of any heavy body moving over it.
A beam may be made stronger, with the same quan-
tity of timber, by making it deeper in the middle, and
less at the ends, as in Fig. 2 ; for a strain at C will
have less effect \n bending that beam, than one at the
middle of tlie length. And, however the weight may
be distributed, if it be sufficiently great it will cause
the beam to bend ; and when a beam bends, it is ob-
served that the fibres at the upper side d are com-
pressed, and that those on the lower side e are extended.
Also that there may be a line drawn at the middle of
the depth a c h, where the fibres are neither extended
nor compressed, but remain in their natural state. But
all the fibres between c and d are compressed, and all
those between c and 6 are stretched ; though not equally
so, because the nearer a fibre is to the points d or e the
more it is strained. Now, as the middle part of the
depth of the beam is very little strained, in comparison
with the upper and lower sides, it is clear that we can
employ the same quantity of timber in a more effectual
manner, by using a deeper beam, cutting it down the
middle, and framing the parts together, as is shown in
Fig. 3 ; because we have seen that the middle part
exerts very little force, and its weight is a considerable
load on the beam.
If we now attend to the forces exerted by the parts
of the beam, it will be found that the upper part,
a m d n h, is wholly compressed in the direction of its
length, and that the lower part, ares b, is wholly
extended in the direction of its length ; and it is well
known that timber offers the greatest degree of resist-
ance when strained in the direction of its length, pro-
vided the necessary degree of security can be given to
the joints.
From these considerations we are naturally led to
the kind of construction shown by Fig. 4, where it is
obvious that the same pressures obtain as in the perforated
beam above described ; the only diff'erence being, that
here the tie beam is supported, as otherwise it would
fail in large spans. The celebrated bridges of Schaff-
204' " " ../^\ % CARPENTRY.
,iLausen, Zuricli, Landsberg, and AVettingen are con-
structed on'.tliis principle. In the bridge oiP SchafF-
hausen .the disposition of the timbers is nearly the
same -as" is shown by Fig. 4. The continued tie AB
retaining and being an abutment for the compressed
beams, the frame requires only to be supported, and
has no other thrust on the abutments of the bridge
than a solid beam would have. Framed bridges, such
as that designed by Palladio, Fig. 1, Plate XI., may bo
referred to the same principle.
It is easy to conceive that the tie might be entirely
removed, provided the abutments were made capable of
sustaining the thrust. This, without any other change,
leads us to the kind of construction represented in Fig. 5,
which has been adopted by Joseph Eitter for a bridge
across the torrent of Kandel, in the canton of Berne.
But as long pieces of timber require to be of a pro-
portionate depth and breadth, consequently are not
easily procured, and in scarfing much of their strength
is lost, a kind of construction where short timbers only
can be procured is desirable. Fig. 6 represents a
combination which may be used in such cases with
advantage. Such combination has been often em-
ployed ; we have an example in that of Palladio across
the Brenta (see Plate XL, Fig. 3) ; and the Bridge of
St. Clair, over the Rhone at Lyons, is of the same kind.
We cannot, however, derive much benefit from
shortening the beams, by dividing the span into shorter
lengths, because the angles of junction become more
obtuse or open, and of course the strain in the direction
of the pieces is much increased. And, however strong
such a bridge might be, in respect to a constant load
distributed over it, the w^eight of any load moving upon
it would soon derange it ; because the strength of such
a system to resist a variable load must depend wholly
on the strength of the joinings, to wh\
to give much strength. Nevertheless^
been both designed and executed on such
is represented by Figs. 7 and 8. The
Fig. 7, resembles the Bridge of Mulatiere, at Lyons,
over the Saone ; and Fig. 8 is combined nearly in the
same manner as the arches of the bridge at Walton,
which was found in a state of decay in twenty years.
The Bridge of Sault, on the Rhone, was also on the
same principle as Fig. 8, and failed within thirteen years.
From combinations of the kind last noticed, the
continued curved rib naturally succeeds, which possesses
advantages not to be found in a series of beams
merely abutting end to end. For when the rib is
built of short lengths wath the joints crossed, and the
different thicknesses firmly bolted together, it becomes
as one solid beam. If we suppose the straining force
to be applied at D, Fig. 9, then the force must be sufii-
cient to fracture the rib at 0, D, and E ; therefore,
when the strength of the rib is capable of sustaining
the strains of C, D, and E, and the curve is a proper
curve of equilibrium to the constant load, this is at
once a simple and effectual combination. The use of
curved ribs of thiV kind has been extensively
employed in the constructiG::> of bridges, and it has
been further improved by bending xne' pieces w^hich
form the ribs. A rib composed of bent beams is shown
by Fig. 10.
As a bridge with a curved rib, when the span is con-
siderable, yields at D, 0, and E (Fig. 10) when the
load is applied at the middle, the strength must of
course be increased, by increasing the depth of the
rib ; and consequently a framed rib, such as is shown
Fig. 11, is the next step in the progress of improve-
ment. Here, however, it must be observed that the
two curved ribs must be continuous, and put together
so as to resist either extension or compression, as in
Fig. 10. For when a load is placed at D, the lower
rib will be extended at and compressed at C and E ;
while the upper one will be compressed at D, and
extended at c and e. And a weight applied at any
other point would produce a similar effect. When the
span becomes so great that two curved ribs can be
introduced without being made smaller than is required
for the firm connection of the parts of each rib, then
framed ribs would be a vast addition to the stability of
the bridge.
In timber, however, where we have nothing to fear
from expansion, it is losing one of the greatest advan-
tages of the material to interrupt the connection of the
parts ; besides, numerous joints should always be
avoided, both on account of the difficulty of making
them fit, so as to bring every part alike into action,
and the difficulty of preventing decay at such join-
In some instances it is difficult to form abutments,
and also desirable to keep the roadway as low as pos-
sible ; in such cases. Fig. 12 shows a kind of construc-
tion that may be used. It is peculiarly adapted to a
situation where the banks of the river are low, and
where there is no navigation to interrupt. Where the
width of the bridge is considerable, a rib may rise in the
middle of the width, so as to divide the roadway into
two parts. Sometimes a double rib might be placed in
the middle, with a footway between. But where there
is much attention paid to architectural effect, bridges
with framing to rise above the roadway will seldom be
adopted. As cross ties will be necessary at the top, the
middle parts might be covered with a roof to protect
them; also a continued coping, a a, d d, might be put
over each truss, which would improve the appearance,
as well as protect the framing.
When the distance of the abutments, or piers, does
not exceed 16 feet, a bridge may be constructed by
simply laying beams across the opening of about 15
inches deep, by 8 inches in breadth, and about 2 feet
apart. For foot-bridges this kind of construction may
be extended to 18 feet, with the same scantlings.
When the extent of bearing for a bridge for carriages
does not exceed 35 feet, the kind of bridge shown by
Fig. 3, Plate XI. (Atlas), may be adopted. When
there are more openings than one, any of these simple
forms might be much strengthened by continuing the
beams over more than one opening, when the timber is
long enough ; and when it is not, by scarfing the
beams together at the points of support. Also, short
pieces of timber may be placed under each beam,
extending from 5 to 7 feet on each side of the cap
of the pier, as at AA, Fig. 3. The bridge of Bassano is
here given as an example of this kind of construction.
It was erected at a place where the river was 194
English feet wide, which was divided into five equal
spaces by the piers. Each pier consisted of eight piles
30 feet in length and 18 inches square, placed 2 feet
apart. The width of the bridge was 26 feet.
As it has been shown that curved ribs are preferable
to other methods of spanning a wide opening, it will
only be necessary to select two or three cases as
examples. If the span is not more than 50 feet, each
rib may be composed of two or three thicknesses of
planks of a convenient length, bolted together, and the
joints crossed ; one of three thicknesses is preferable.
The ribs should rise as much as an attention to the
form of the roadway and other circumstances will
allow; and they should be about from 6 to 9 feet
apart, with the roadway supported by upright pieces
in pairs, notched and bolted to the ribs. As the weight
of the roadway presses in a vertical direction, and it
may be considered as a general principle, that each
piece (when possible) should be placed in the same
direction as the force that it is intended to sustain
acts in ; therefore the reason for placing them uj)right
is evident. The distance of the upright pieces should
never exceed 15 feet, and horizontal cross ties should
be placed at the same points, with diagonal braces, to
prevent the bridge from vibrating sideways when
heavy loads are moving over it. Diagonal pieces
should also be inserted between the road timbers, as
lateral motion should as far as possible be prevented.
In spans exceeding 60 feet, there will be difficulty in
obtaining timber deep enough for the ribs ; therefore
they should be built the contrary way, and bent to the
required curve, so as to increase the depth. The beams
forming the ribs should be scarfed at the joinings ; the
form of the scarf should be such as would resist either
pressure or tension, and the scarfs should be kept as
distant from one another as possible. The number of
thicknesses in each rib must depend on the size re-
quired for the span, and the dimensions of the timber
that can be procured ; and the whole should be well
bolted together.
Fig. 1, Plate XIV., represents a bridge designed for
a 200 feet span : Fig. 2 is a section across at CD to a
larger scale. This bridge is sustained by four ribs, each
rib 18 inches thick and 4 feet deep ; the ribs to be two
thicknesses in width, and either 3 or 4 feet in depth,
according to the size of the timber ; the lengths of
timber should be disposed so as to cross the joints as
much as possible, and the joints should be scarfed. One
of the most simple scarfs will be the best adapted for
that purpose. The pieces composing a rib must be well
bolted together, and keys, in the joints would be a
further means of preventing any sliding of the parts.
The vertical pieces which support the roadway are
intended to be put on in pairs, notched to the ribs, and
bolted together, and not more than 18 feet apart. And
at each pair a double tie is intended to cross both the
back and the under side of the ribs, notched on to the
ribs, and bolted to the vertical pieces.
Between the timbers which carry the joists of the
roadway diagonal braces should be framed so as to
secure the bridge from lateral motion. A series of
braces for the same purpose might be framed over the
back of the ribs ; but one of these methods, if well
executed, will be sufficient.
The bridge is intended for a gravel or paved road-
way, and is calculated to sustain two loaded waggons
at its weakest point without Injur3^ This kind of
bridge is adapted to any span that is usual in bridge
building. The ribs should not be more than 8 feet
apart. The curvature to be given to the beams will be
sensibly uniform, and the degree of uniform curvature
which may be given to a beam is inversely as its depth,
or the radius of curvature will be as the depth. "Wie-
beking observed, that when several pieces of wood were
placed one upon another, they would curve much more
without fracture than a single piece would do. Wooden
bridges, however well constructed, will always settle a
little immediately after being built, and this settlement
Avill increase in a small degree with time.
As the beed lines in Fig. 5
need be applied only at four or five places in the whole
length of the bridge. The roadway to be formed and
supported as in the preceding examples.
Table of the Least Eise for Differext Spans
Span in feet.
Least rise in feet.
Span in feet.
Least rise in feet.
53 ^
It must be remembered that a small rise should be
avoided if possible, because it requires a much greater
quantity of timber to make the bridge equally
121. The Roadways of bridges are constructed in
various ways ; but the most usual one is to pave upon
gravel ; sometimes gravel only is used, and some prefer
planking only.
The planking in small bridges is often laid imme-
diately upon the principal beams, which in such cases
are placed about 2 feet apart ; but it is better in
resj)ect to durability to lay cross joistings for support-
ing the planking ; these joists should be about 2 feet
apart, and the planking laid upon them, which may be
from 3 to 4 inches thick. The cross joints admit the
air to circulate more freely round the principal tim-
bers, and therefore render them more durable. Figs. 1
and 5, Plate XIV., show the latter of these modes of
Where bridges are intended for wheel carriages,
there should be a separate footpath, which may be
paved with flag-stones. Footpaths are made from 2
feet to 6 feet wide, according to the number of the
passengers. The carriage-way may be paved upon a
bed of gravel of about 12 inches in depth ; the paving
to rise in a curve across the road. The gravel should
contain a considerable portion of tempered clay, so as
to bind it firmly together ; but if there be too much
clay, it will shrink and crack in drying. Belidore
states that paved bridges are the most durable.*
If the roadway should be covered only with gravel
or broken stone, it should be from 12 to 18 inches
deep in the middle, and from 9 to 14 inches deep at
tlie sides, according to the traffic over the bridge.
* Sciences des Ingenieurs, p. 364, edit. 1814.
Whether the roadway be paved or gravelled, means of
conveying off the water should be provided.
As the moisture which passes the gravel or broken
stone soon rots the planking, it is supposed to be better
to lay an additional thickness of planking, and no
gravel or paving. In that case the upper planking
should lay across the bridge to prevent the feet of
horses sliding. It would be easy to renew such a
roadway ; but we do not see any other advantage it
possesses. The planking of the roadway might be
protected very much by a coat of pitch, tar, sand, or
asphalt e.
Parapets or balustrades are made from 3*5 feet to
6 feet in height above the footpath ; 4 feet is enough
for protection. The railing is stayed by braces on the
outside. Iron railing is sometimes used.
122. ScAN'TLiNGS OF THE TiMBERS. — The greatest load
likely to rest uj)on a bridge at one time would be that
produced by its being covered with people. It should
be such that the crowded procession may move along
in perfect safety ; and it is easily proved that this is
about the greatest load a bridge can possibly have to
sustain, as well as that which creates the most ap-
palling horror in the case of failure. Such a load is
about 120 lbs. per foot, and, together with the weight
of the framing and gravelled roadway, would be
about 300 lbs. on a superficial foot, or 0*14 of a ton.
And as this load may be supposed to be uniformly
diffused over the bridge, half the load upon it will be
expressed in tons by 0*14 tc x Sy where s = half the
span, and tv is equal to the width of the bridge.
If the bridge be only planked without gravel, as a
foot bridge, the greatest probable load will be expressed
in tons by 0*09 w x 5.
Now, as the load is sensibly uniform, the curve of
equilibrium will be a common parabola ; w^^^^the
rib is of this form any uniform load woof^^avevjia
tendency to produce any derangement or otS^^ ^strain
in the rib than that which is propagated in tli^^^^^-
tion of the curve. Therefore the first object mustOB^
to determine the size of the ribs^ so that they may be
capable of resisting this pressure without being more
compressed than is consistent with the stability of the
Eiga timber suffers a compression in the direction
of its length of about one fifteen hundredth part of
its length under a load of 64 tons upon a square
foot ; and oak bears about the same load with the
same degree of compression. Under such a pressure
the curved rib of a bridge 200 feet in length would
shorten rather more than 1*6 inches: and as it is a
material that soon decays, this will not appear too
low an estimate of its strength.
Rule for bridges that are gravelled. — Multiply the
width of the bridge by the square of half the span,
both in feet; and divide this product by the rise in
feet multiplied by the number of ribs ; the quotient,
multiplied by the decimal 0 0011, will give the area of
each rib in feet.
Rule for bridges where the roadway is only planked.
— This rule is the same, except multiplying by the
decimal O'OOOT, instead of O'OOll.
Section III.- — Joints, Scarfing, and Straps.
123. The Joints of Timber Frames, having to sup-
port whatever strains the pieces joined are exposed
to, should be formed in such a manner that the bearing-
parts may have the greatest possible quantity of sur-
face ; provided tliat surface be made of the best form
for resisting the strains.
The effect of the shrinkage and expansion of timber
should also be considered in the construction of joints.
On account of the shrinkage of timber, dovetail joints
should never be used in carpentry, as the smallest
degree of shrinking allows the joint to draw out of its
place ; and, consequently, it loses all its effect in hold-
ing the parts in their proper situation. Dovetail joints
can only be used with success when the shrinkage of the
parts counteract each other ; a case which seldom hap-
pens in carpentry, but is common in joinery and cabi-
Joints should also be formed so that the contraction
or expansion may not have a tendency to split any part
of the framing. The force of contraction or expansion
is capable of producing astonishing effects where the
pieces are confined, and may sometimes be observed in
framing which has been wedged too tightly together
in improper directions.
Where the beams stand square with each other, and
the strains are also square with the beams, and in the
plane of the frame, the common mortise and tenon is
the most perfect junction. A pin is generally put
through both, in order to keep the pieces united, in
opposition to any force which tends to part them.
Every carpenter knows how to bore the hole for this
pin, so that it shall draw the tenon tight into the
mortise, and cause the shoulder to butt close, and make
neat work ; and he knows the risk of tearing out the
bit of the tenon beyond the pin, if he draw it too
much. We may just observe, that square holes and
pins are much preferable to round ones for this pur-
pose, bringing more of the wood into action, with less
tendency to split it. The ship carpenters have an in-
genious metliod of making long wooden bolts, which
do not pass completely through, take a very fast hold,
though not nicely fitted to their holes, which they must
not be, lest they should be crippled in driving. They
call it foxtail tcedging. They stick into the point of
the bolt a very thin wedge of hard wood, so as to pro-
ject a proper distance ; when this reaches the bottom of
the hole by driving the bolt, it splits the end of it, and
squeezes it hard to the side. This may be practised
with advantage in carpentry. If the ends of the
mortise are widened inwards, and a thin wedge be put
into the end of the tenon, it will have the same efiect,
and make the joint equal to a dovetail. But this risks
the splitting the piece beyond the shoulder of the
tenon, which would be unsightly. This may be avoided
as follows : — Let the tenon T, Fig. 41, have two very
thin wedges, a and c,
stuck in near its angles, V ^ ' ?
projecting equally ; at a 5 \ IK
very small distance with- ^
in these, put in two
shorter ones, h, d, and
more within these if ne-
cessary. In driving this
tenon, the wedges a and
c will take first, and split
ofi* a thin slice, which
will easily bend without breaking. The wedges 5, d,
will act next, and have a similar efi*ect, and the others
in succession. The thickness of all the wedges taken
together must be equal to the enlargement of the mortise
toward the bottom.
"When the strain is transverse to the plane of the two
beams, the principles laid down will direct the carpenter
in placing his mortise. Thus the mortis© in a
Tig. 41.
girder for receiving the tenon of a binding joist of
a floor should be as near the upper side as possible,
because the girder becomes concave
on that side by the strain. But as
this exposes the tenon of the bind-
ing joist to the risk of being torn
ofij we are obliged to mortise farther
down. The form, Fig. 42, generally
given to this joint is extremely judi-'
cious. The sloping part, a b, gives a
very firm support to the additional
bearing, e d, without much weakening
of the girder. This form should be
copied in every case where the strain has a similar
The joint that most of all demands the careful atten-
tion of the workman is that which connects the ends of
beams, one of which pushes the other very obliquely,
putting it into a state of extension. The most familiar
instance of this is the foot of a rafter pressing on the tie-
beam, and thereby draiving it away from the other wall.
"When the direction is very oblique (in which case the
extending strain is the greatest), it is difficult to give
the foot of the rafter such a hold of the tie-beam as to
bring many of its fibres into the proper action. There
would be little difficulty if we could allow the end of
the tie-beam to project to a small distance beyond the
foot of the rafter ; but, indeed, the dimensions which
are given to tie-beams, for other reasons, are always
sufficient to give enough of abutment when judiciously
employed. Unfortunately this joint is very liable
to failure by the efiects of the weather. It is much
exposed, and frequently perishes by rot, or becomes so
soft and friable that a very small force is sufficient,
either for pulling the filaments out of the tie-beam, or
for crushing them together. We are therefore obliged
to secure it with particular attention, and to avail our-
selves of every circumstance of construction.
One is naturally disposed to give the rafter a deep
hold by a long tenon ; but it has been frequently
observed in old roofs that such tenons break off. Fre-
quently they are observed to tear up the wood that is
above them, and push their way through the end of the
tie-beam. This, in all probability, arises from the first
sagging of the roof, by the compression of the rafters
and of the head of the king-post. The head of the
rafter descends, the angle with the tie-beam is dimi-
nished by the rafter revolving round its step in the
tie-beam. By this motion the heel or inner angle of
the rafter becomes a fulcrum to a very long and power-
ful lever much loaded. The tenon is the other arm,
very short, and being still
fresh, it is therefore very
powerful. It therefore forces
up the wood thai is above
it, tearing it out from be-
tween the cheeks of the
mortise, and then pushes
it along. Carpenters have
therefore given up long Fig..;!>^':. ^ v. '. .: :-/.;*-.**T:*7S) :
Wind, force of : :% ; : :. :ii;q :
Winders . : \ * .* * * ' ' . * *. *269
Winding 245
Window . . t]:;.:::. rj: ;:. /c53
• 'fittings . . : :. :.:^4
Wooden bridgefl 190
Worms in timber .44
Writhe of handrail 271
W'rought-iron rails 274
YELLOW fir 75
pine 80
ZINC nails . . , 277
roofing ! 142
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tion — VI. The Hargreaves' and Jones'
Processes — VII. The Balling Process —
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Crystals — XI. Refined Alkali — XII.
Causiic Soda — XIII. Bi-carbonate of
Soda — XIV. Bleaching Powder— XV.
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