Illustrated Catalogue of an Exhibition of Portrait Engravings The Exhibition will be in two groups: I, French Masters: MellaHy Morin, Nanteuily Masson^ Edelinck, etc. IL Dutch and German Master s\ GoltziuSy Kiliany Delffl Falck, Cornelis Visscher^ etc. The Nanteuil Engravings will be displayed in the adjoining galUry of the XVIIth Century of Mr, George S, Hellman The Exhibition will open on Saturday the 27th of March and last until Saturday the 24th of April inclusive R. Ederheimer Print Cabinet 366 Fifth Avenue (near 35th St.) New York INTRODUCTORY NOTES HE present exhibition, which tries to illustrate in a representative array the development of portrait engraving from the beginning to the end of the XVI Ith Century, has been made possible through the feircumstance of my now having in hand a most remarkable private collection of about 200 examples of the works of that period. The owner has kindly permitted the selection of whatever might be considered most illustrative and of very special interest, and accordingly, 35 items have been chosen. These, together with 40 from my own collections, represent, however, only about one-fourth of the portraits of this period now here available for display. Naturally, such a selection is dominated by Nanteuil, who is repre- sented by 34 pieces, marking the climax of that art in his country. The French and most important branch of the exhibition has been arranged so as to show especially characteristic work of the teachers and precursors of this central figure, as well as of his pupils and followers. The develop- ment of Nanteuil himself reveals the early influence of the works of Mellan and Morin, before the master had formed his own characteristic style, which he in turn communicated to various pupils and followers. Of the earlier French masters there are (besides Mellan and Morin) rare and interesting works by Vouillemont, Daret, Lombart, Regnesson, etc. Of Nanteuil's contemporaries and pupils, Masson and Edelinck rank foremost, and we find, likewise, portraits by Van Schuppen, Simon, Pitau and Pierre Drevet. The last two examples of the French group, the prints by Chereau and Pierre Imbert Drevet, do not actually belong to the XVI Ith Century, but these two works of the early XVIIth Century (both "Reception Works** for the Academy) are included, as they illustrate most interestingly the transition to a new artistic period. The technical qualities still betray S the brilliancy of the old style, while the arrangement and effect show the strong influence of that new taste which has discarded classical simplicity for a more pompous decorative effect. The development of portraiture in Holland is illustrated by only a dozen engravings. We start with the father of the school, Goltzius, the magician of technique. Then we find the Delffs, who likev^se betray a strong influence of the XVIth Century work of the Wierix brothers. In Suyderhoef we find the master of the "maniere mixte" and the wonderful interpreter of Frans Hals; and then we arrive at the Dutch genius of portrait-engraving — Cornelis Visscher. Visscher died young (some main- tain at the age of thirty, other authorities grant him ten years more) . Had he lived longer and produced a larger number of works, I think there would be little doubt that he would be generally recognized as greater than Nan- teuil. And indeed important authorities consider the Dutch engraver far superior to the French Master, his work representing the highest perfec- tion in the art of portrait engraving. We have further specimens of the work of two clever followers of Visscher — Cornelis van Dalen and Abraham Blootelingh; while Pieter van Gunst shows interestingly how the taste of the XVIIIth Century took hold in Holland. German art of the XVIIth Century suffered badly under the influence of the Thirty Years War. We find only in the Killian family and in Jeremias Falck engravers worthy of note. These artists are represented by characteristic and brilliant examples. Indeed, the fact should be empha- sized that all the engravings in this Exhibition are of perfect quality of preservation and of almost uniform brilliancy of impression. Richard Ederheimer. NOTE: All items marked with an asterisk belong to the above ttientioned Collection and cannot be sold individually. The other engrav- ^gs belonging to this Collection will be on view in portfolios. 4 Catalogue I. FRENCH ENGRAVERS a. Precursors and Teachers of Nanteuil Claude Mellan, 1598-1688 Pupil of Villamena at Rome. 1 Anna Maria Vajani, paintress Montaiglon 256. Second state, with the address of Odieuvre. 2 Madalena Corvina, paintress Dated Rome, 1636. 3 Henry, Due de Montmorency Jean Morin, born about 1600, died 1666 4* Corneille Jansenius, Bishop of Ypres R. D. 61 First state. 5 Michel de Marillac, Keeper of Seals R. D. 66 Only state. 6 Dom. Jean Gregoire Tarisse, Superior General of the Congregation de Saint Maur R. D. 75 Only state. 5 Sebastien Vouillemont, born about 1610 Pupil of Daniel Rabel. 7* Julia Victoria a Robore (Rovere), Duchess of Tuscany R. D. 62 Engraved 1637. Pierre Daret, 1604-1678 Pupil of Simon Vouet. 8* Charles d'Aubespine, Keeper of Seals of France D. 311 Dated 1650. Jean Boulanger, born 1607 Pupil of Guido Reni 9* Daniel de Cosnac, Bishop and Count Le Bl. 78 Dated 1666. Pierre Lombart, 1613-1682 Pupil of Simon Vouet. 10* Paul Petau, Councillor of France D. 1400 After J. Questel Jean Lenfant, 1615-1674 Pupil of Claude Mellan. 11* Pierre du Cambout de Coislin Dated 1661. After Nanteuil (No. 22 of this exhibition). 6 Edelinck PH. DE CHAMPAIGNE Cat. No. 54 Nicolas Regnesson, 1620-1676 12* Daniel Voisin, Master of Requisitions D. 2028 Nicolas Platte-Montagne, 1631-1706 Pupil of Morin. 13* Frangois I, King of France R. D. 23 After Janet (F. Clouet). b. Robert Nanteuil, 1630-1678 Pupil of Mellan, Morin, and Regnesson. 14 Anne of Austria, Queen of France R. D. 23 Second state. Engraved 1666. 15 Antoine Barrillon de Morangis, Councillor of State R. D. 31 Only state. Engraved 1661. 16 Etienne Jehannot de Bartillat, Royal Treasurer R. D. 32 First state. Dated 1666. 17 Bochart de Saron, Chanoine de I'Eglise de Paris R. D. 42 Only state. 18* Frederic Maurice de la Tour d'Auvergne, Due de Bouillon, Brother of Turenne R. D. 49 Second state of five. 19* Victor le Bouthillier, Archbishop of Tours R. D. 56 Only state. Dated 1662. 20 Jacques, Marquis de Castelnau, Marechal de France R. D. 58 Dated 1658. 21 Charles de Lorraine Dated 1660. 22 Pierre du Cambout, Cardinal de Coislin First state. With the date 1658. 23* Jean Baptiste Colbert, Minister of Finances Third state of four. Dated 1660. 24 Alexander de Seve, Councillor of State Only state. Dated 1662. R. D. 63 R. D. 69 R. D. 71 R. D. 82 25 Bernard de Foix de la Valette, Due d'Espernon R. D. 91 First state (tres rare). Before the date 1650. 26 Hippolyte Feret, Cure de Saint Nicolas du Chardonnet R. D. 95 First state. Dated 1669. 27 Jean Fronteau, Chanoine de St. Genevieve R. D. 99 First state. After F. Cabouret. Dated 1663. 28 Frangois Guenault, Physician of the Queen Only state. Dated 1664. 29 Louis Hesselin, Councillor of State First state. Dated 1658. 30* Charles de la Porte, Due de la Meilleraye Only state. Dated 1662. 31 Michel le Masle, Prieur des Roches First state. With the date 1658. 32* Antoine le Pautre, Architect and Engineer Second state (first complete). R. D. 105 R. D. 110 R. D. 118 R. D. 126 R. D. 127 33* Michel le Tellier, Minister and Chancellor of France R. D. 135 First state. Dated 1661. 9 34 Charles Maurice le Tellier, Archbishop of Reims R. D. 138 Only state. Dated 1663. 35 The Same ; R. D. 139 Fourth state. With the date 1664. 36 Dominique de Ligny, Bishop of Meaux R. D. 145 Dated 1661. 37 Jean Loret, Poet R. D. 150 Third state. Dated 1658. 38 Frangois Mallier du Houssay, Bishop of Troyes R. D. 167 Second state. 39 Michel de Marolles, Abbe de Villeloing R. D. 171 Prince of Print Collectors (Metcalfe). First state. Dated 1657. With the signature of P. Mariette, 1664. 40"^ Cardined Mazarin R. D. 186 Second state. Dated 1660. After Mignard. 41 Frangois Theodore de Nesmond, President a Mortier au Parlement de Paris R. D. 202 Second state of four. With the date 1663. 10 p. I. Drevet ROBERT DE COTTE Cat. No. 60 42 Nicolas Potier de Novion, First President of the Parliament of Paris R. D. 206 Second state of four. Dated 1657. 43 Claude Regnauldin, Procureur general au grand conseil R. D. 216 First state. Dated 1658. Capital plate; see reproduction. 44* Jean Frangois Paul de Gondi, Cardinal de Retz R. D. 217 Dated 1650. One of the earliest plates of Nanteuil. With the signature P. Mariette, 1690. 45 Charles Paris d'Orleans Longueville, Comte de St. Paul R. D. 219 Only state. Dated 1660. After Ferdinand. 46* Pierre Seguier de Saint-Brisson, Prevot de Paris R. D. 224 Only state. Dated 1659. See reproduction on cover. 47* Henri de la Tour d'Auvergne, Vicomte de Turenne, Marechal de France R. D. 232 After Champaigne. 11 C. CONTEMPORARIES AND FOLLOWERS OF NANTEUIL Antoine Masson, 1636-1700 48* Emmanuel Theodose de la Tour d'Auvergne, Due d*Albret, Cardinal de Bouillon R .D. 14 Second state. Engraved 1665. 49* Olivier le Fevre d*Ormesson, Councillor of the Parliament of Paris R. D. 58 Second state. Engraved 1665. Peter Van Schuppen, born Antwerp, 1623; died Paris, 1702 One of the best pupils of Nanteuil. 50* Louis XIV Engraved 1666. After Ch. le Brun. Pierre Simon, 1640-1710 Follower of Nanteuil. D. 2207 51* Guillaume Bailly Engraved 1667. Le Bl. 4 Nicolas Pitau, born Antwerp, 1634; died Paris, 1671 Pupil of C. Galle, then follower of Nanteuil. 52* Jacques Favier du Boulay D. 1928 Engraved 1668. After Ph. de Champaigne. 12 Gerard Edelinck, born Antwerp, 1640; died Paris, 1707 53 Pierre van Bouc, Painter It D. 157 First state (tres rare). From the collections : Firmin Didot, Gallichon, Gawet, Kalle and Davidsohn. 54* Phillipe de Champaigne, the Painter R. D. 164 First state. Engraved 1676. After his self-portrait. Capital plate, see reproduction. 55* Charles Maurice le Tellier, Archbishop of Rheims R. D. 245 Second state. Engraved 1692. After Mignard. See the earlier portraits by Nanteuil. 56* Jules Hardouin Mansart, Architect R. D. 268 Third state. After H. Rigaud. Pierre Drevet, 1664-1739 Pupil of Audran. 57* Pierre Paillot, Historian Second state. Engraved 1698. 58 Jean Issaly, Councillor of the King (1620-1702) Collection Davidsohn. Frangois Chereau, 1688-1729 Pupil of Audran. 59* Louis de Boullogne, the Painter First state. Engraved 1718. After himself. Reception work for the Academy. D. 103 F. D. 74 IS Pierre Imbert Drevet, pupil of his father, Pierre Drevet, 1697-1737 60* Robert de Cotte, Architect Second state. After Hyac. Rigaud. Reception work for the Academy. Capital plate, see reproduction. II. DUTCH AND GERMAN ENGRAVERS Hendrik Goltzius, 1558-1616 61 Henri IV, King of France and Navarra Bartsch 173 Third state. Lucas Kilian, Augsburg, 1579-1637 62* Christopher von der Lippen, Danish Chancellor Engraved 1632. Nicolas (Claes) Cornelis Delff Pupil of M. Mierevelt, died 1620 (nearer to Wierix in style than W.J- Delff). 63 Henri Frederick, Prince of Orange Signed C. Delff, sculp. From the Pelzer collection. Willem Jacobsz Delff, Delft 1580-1638 64 Ernest, Prince of Mansfeld Fr. 43 Engraved 1624. After Mierevelt. 14 CORNELIS ViSSCHER GELLIUS DE BOUMA Cat. No. 69 65* Florentius, Count of Pallant Engraved 1627. After Mirevelt. Le Bl. 21 Wenzel Hollar, Prague, 1607; London, 1677 66* Diirer's Father Parthey 1389 Engraved 1644. After Diirer. Jonas Suyderhoef, Ley den, 1600-1669 67 Jacob Hollebeek, Theologian of Amsterdam Wussin 39 Second state. With the date 1648. 68 Conrad Vietor van Aken (1588-1657) W. 91 Only state. After Frans Hals. Cornells Visscher, 1618-1658 Pupil of Soutman. 69 Gellius de Bouma (one of the famous Beards) W. 8 Second state of five. Before the date 1656. From the Camberlyn Collection. Capital plate, see reproduction. 70 P. Schrijver (one of the Beards) W. 42 Third state. Engraved 1649. After Soutman. 15 71 Joost van Vondel, the Poet W. 43 Sixth state (of nine). Engraved 1657. Cornells van Dalen, born Antwerp, 1620 Pupil of Corn. Visscher. 72 Rudolf Petri After A. van Nieulandt. Jeremias Falck, Danzig, 1620-1667 Foremost German engraver of the XVIIth Century. 73* Daniel Dilgerus, Theologian Engraved 1648. After S. Wagner. Capital plate. Abraham Blootelingh, Amsterdam, 1634-1685 Pupil of C. van Dalen. 74* Govaert Flinck, the Painter Le Bl. Ii24 After P. Zyll. Pieter van Gunst, Amsterdam, 1667-1724 75* Antoinette Bourignon D 3111 First state. 16