if ill f a * wi %vw osw i ■ * Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Getty Research Institute https://archive.org/details/carpenterscompleOOswan THE Carpenters CompletelNsTRucTOR, I N Several Hundred DESIGNS, CONSISTING OF DOMES, TRUSSED ROOFS, and various CUPOLAS: WITH The Methods of fecuring them on the Roofs, for Churches, Chapels, Houses, and other Buildings. shewing The mod approved Manner of Lighting Stair-Cases, With various Sorts of LANTHORNS, In a New and elegant Tade, explaining The Manner of Piecing BEAMS, or PLATING, or any Sort of BANDAGE, FOR TimberSpires for Churches, &c. Truss Partitions, Framing of Flooring, Trussing of Beams, Angle Brackets, Cornices, Coving, Form of Groins, Hips, &c. To which is annexed, a great Variety of TIMBER BRIDGES, Of various Dimensions. By ABRAHAM SWAN, Archited. LONDON: for R O B E R T S A Y E R, at No. 53, in Fleet-Street. m DCC LX VIII. Printed % X . •> ■ ■ / ■ A N Explanation of the PLATES. PLATE I. SECTION of the Dome of St. Paul's Church , which is defigned only to fhew the Carpentry Work by which it is fupported. P L A T E II. Two different Sections of Roofs, with the Manner of light- ing the Staircafes : The Lower fhews how to fecure a Half PLATE III. Two other Sections of Roofs, with the Manner of a Square Lantern and Coving to crown the Staircafe. ' PLATE IV. Two other Sections of Roofs. The Upper has no Garrets : The Staircafe is lighted by a circular L intern. In the Lower is {hewn, on the Left-hand, how to light the Garrets from the In fide of the Roof, without any Win- dows appearing on the Outfide: A Method which 1 have often us’d with good Succefs. PLATE V. A Se&ion of a Roof, and the End of a large coved Room. PLATE' VI. A Se&ion of a Dome at Lord Wejlmoreland ' s Houfe in Kent. The Flues of the Chimnies go up betwixt the Timbers. PLATE [ 4 ] PLATE VII. A Sedion of the fame Dome the other Way ; under it is a Plan of the Form of the Rafters. PLATE VIII. Four different Manners of forming Domes. To the Left-hand of the Lower is fhew’d how to fhape the Purlin. PLATE IX. A Sedion of the Roof of a Church. PLATE X. Another Sedion of the Roof of a Church. The Lead that covers this lies in Drips. P L A T E XI. Another Sedion of the Roof of a Church. PLATE XII. Two Sedions of Roofs ; the Upper is an Ogee , the Lower is curved-, both are fuppofed to ftand on a circular Plan. PLATE XIII. A Sedion of a Roof, with a Cupola. PLATE XIV. Another Sedion of a Roof, with a different Cupola. PLATE XV. A Sedion of a Roof, with a circular Cupola. PLATE XVI. A Sedion of a Roof, with an Odagon Cupola. PLATE XVII. The upper Defign in this Plate is a Trufs Partition, which will admit of s Door in any Part of it, even tho’ it fhould be neceffary to take one of the Foils away. PLATE XVIII. Two different Defigns for Roofs of large Extent. The upper Defign ad- mits ©f Paffages without being interrupted by the Braces. PLATE [ s ] PLATE XIX. Two Defigns for Roofs. PLATE XX. Two Defigns for Roofs. PLATE XXI. A Defign for a Roof, fo contrived as to hold up the lower Beam over a Room 36 Feet wide, the Wall being taken away, in order tc build a Portico, which breaks out forward. N. B. This Defign has been executed with good Succefs. PLATE XXII. Five different Defigns for Roofs. PLATE XXIII. Three different Defigns for Roofs. PLATE XXIV. Two Defigns for Roofs of a large Span, with the Tops cut off, that they may not be higher than other Parts of the Roof, when the Span is lefs. P T A T E XXV. A Defign for a Roof, with a half Story. PLATE XXVI. A different Defign for a Roof, with a half Story. PLATE XXVII. Anbther Defign for a Roof, with a half Story. PLATE XXVIII. Two Defigns for common Roofs. PLATE XXIX. Two Defigns for Roofs : The Lead that covers the Lower lies in Drips, PLATE [ <5 ] PLATE XXX. Two Defigns for Roofs. There is fomething like the upper one over the great Arch.es of St. Paul's Church ; only the Beam on which the principal Rafters Hand is not joggled into the upper Beam, as in this Deiign ; the But- ments there being exceeding flrong ; neither are there any Iron Straps, as here, PLATE XXXI. Two Defigns for Roofs. PLATE XXXXL Two different Roofs. The Walls under the Lower are not diredfly under the V allies ; therefore each Valley is fupported by a Brace fiom the Wail. PLATE XXXIII. Two other Roofs. The Trufs Part in the Middle of the Lower gives Opportunity to light: the Middle Rooms. PLATE XXXIV. A Trufs Partition. PLATE XXXV. Two Defigns for framing of Floors; in each of them the Girder is pre- vented from bending in the Middle; inafmuch as it cannot bend without bending the Joifte. PLATE XXXVI. Part of the Plan of a Building. The Roof above it fhews, not only how to free the Beam from Oppreffion, but how to hold it up when there is no Wall underneath. PLATE XXXVIL The Plan of a Houfe, with all the Timbers that belong to the Floor. PLATE XXXVIII. The middle Figure in this Plate is a trufs Partition, which carried the Roof in the upper Figure over a Saloon. The two lower Figures fhew the Manner of truffing a Beam ; in the lowed:, the Trudies are let into the Beam. The broad Part of the lion (the Shape of which you fee on the Left-hand) is tinned , to prevent its ruffing, and thereby perifliing the Ends of the Trudes. PLATE XXXIX. A Pell Roof upon an Odfagon Plan. The Semidiamiter of the Plan is divided [ 7 j divided into equal Parts ; from thofe Divifions let Lines be drawn up to the Bell ; let the Line from the Center to the Angle on the Left-hand be divided into the fame Number of equal Parts, from whence alfo, if Lines are drawn up to the Bell, they will give the Shape of the Hip, by transferring the Height of each Line above the Cornice on the right Side to the lejt Side. PLATE XL, Two Defigns for Spires made of Timber. PLATE XLI. Another Timber Spire. To the Left-hand are {hewed the naked Timbers, and two Plans. PLATE XLI1. A trufs’d Timber Bridge. PLATE XLIII. A Bridge of a larger Extent. The two Iron Straps from the top Rail to the fhort King-poft anlwer the fame Purpofe as Braces underneath would do. PLATE XLIV. Two Defigns for Bridges. PLATE XLV. A Defign for a Bridge. PLATE XL VI. A Defign for a Bridge. PLATE XLVIL A Defign for a Bridge with three Arches. PLATE XL VI II. A Defign for a Bridge. PLATE XLIX. A Defign for a Bridge. PLATE L. A level Bridge which may be extended to any Length. The Butments againft which the King-pofls bear are not put on, but left of the folid Beam. ' PLATE [ 8 ] P L A T E LT. Fig. i. Is the Plan or Thicknefs of the Hip; which divide into two equal Parts, then having the Pitch of the Hip, as in Fig. 2. fet half the Thicknefs of the Plip from a to b , this fhews what Wood muft be taken off to back the Hip. Transfer half the Thicknefs of the Hip from d to c in Fig. 3, if the Building be bevel , as is exprtfted by the dotted Line g. Fig. 1. then take the Diftance from f to b , and fet it from d to e t Fig. 3. this will give the Back of the Hip. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. In theuppermoft Figure in this Plate reprefent Pieces to drive into the Holes over them, when the two Sides of the Beam are fcrewed toge- ther. Take care that the Grain of thefe Pieces be lengthwife, agreeable to the Grain of the Beam. PLATE L 1 I. Fig. 3. The Leg of the Trammel fixed to the Triangle a, will produce fuch a Curve as is here defcribed, if fixed to the Triangle b it will produce the Curve at Fig. 1. Fig. 4. is an angle Bracket to a Quarter of a Circle ; Transfer the Diagonal Line 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, even with the Top of the ftrait Bracket, then draw the Line 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and the dotted Lines from thefe Divifions, in the ftrait Bracket to the angle Bracket, give each Part its proper Height. All the Heights upon the ftrait Brackets are equal to thofe upon the angle Bracket, the Divifions are only wider, as given by the Diagonal Line. PLATE LIII. Fig. 1. The Form of a Groin; one Half is boarded, the other Half fhews the naked Ribs. Fig. 2. Two common Ways to find the Center, in order to ftrike a Segment of a Circle. To the Right-hand is fhewed how to find the Center by Figures. Above, in this Plate, two Ways are fhewed o^ forming an angle Bracket. This Plate further contains fome Defigns for Block Cornices. PLATE liv. Two Defigns for Cornices, which are traced from Palladio s wooden Cut?.' I have left out the Subdivifions, but have kept all the principal Lines. The Cornices might, I think, be drawn by adding the Figures of each Architrave together, and dilpofing them as they are figured in the Cornices. PLATE LV. Two other Cornices done in the fame Manner as in the laft Plate. FINIS. P. 2 . ■ % ■ - k \ 1 P-4- I l % — n - P.6. ■ . ' '• : ••• •. •••., ' ‘ ' . r . . •: -- - - , . . ' - ^ ^ylrc/l .^uil tv Gvt: *_JVcrir y ft rj 5 8 J I i / V "■'4 % ' \ \ . I . \ Gccffr^fiuj fo Clr/ t_, j ujv y~ 8 ijs8 \ ■r P.10. . - . : ; \ ■ ' p. ,1. P 12 . / •* ) I k / f ■ \ i . Kjkl ■ O) ( Oct v_y y- 9 t yS & / ;\ I ' \ P.i8. ■Gil/ G-uj an *Gsrcl_ t pujlt lut/vol CGrrGsna to Got / ' J JVo K CtcJ: VOl'^y’ 8 t^S'3 / r - i i A / - P. 21 . P. 2 2 .. ' 9 A i • P. L’4- p . 25. . . *7 -V \ K \ «? */ ■v / 1 p. l't> kJ it-TUb . Kjh/rcJ jxix/r/iKf/i ol CXcqc rcl/yri^ ter Ctet tS V . ■ •- / 'The manner of f>iecinq a hrirster or Team tv any henqt/i , Af'. 0 0 The manner ajTpieatuq hand Timber Diagonal 7. me The Square aftheTave ev tS The Square aT the Teqpendieuhar u- T ' 2 S The Square of'theTTqpoi/ienuve u’ . •uah tv hath , 7/ieTbtaqvnal or tq round Sene oi*er u/AtrA h/ir 7 < 7/}qi jhant/j ST hen/ Ah od'tAe tAovf'qivej t/ie /enqrt/i of'dnqidYyv , thnq/e - /3 mt/tef or tjrm'n. Thaqarud Line e d. , yijj , S^urwn. *-AurcJl. f qUtlrAvAcA (jbeorrLyy to Chu ^JVov y 8tyS I jp.J* ' Chord 48 ' So ft nd de {Centre, tlyuaro the /ah/' i /C/iord. 2+1 24 so 48 t/t'odCi/iinde/y die Ziety/it ofdie dre/i.+4 7 {,*44 tide/ t/ie /lehy/it of ' die t /ir/i /TtdC 4 fl ; Ao/e diameter of die t Vrc/e / 4 8 1 7/a -74 V 9 ' > • . . . -r ' • ' P'-S* 55 , . - - m - ■ > - . • 7 . - ; ■ % •> J r r